#shazam valorant
sassylightcycle · 2 years
hulk 1985 and hulk 2021
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corvidjuice · 6 months
Things that are a great idea in valorant and won’t make anyone wish violence upon you: forgetting to turn on press to talk and making everyone listen to your playlist for an hour <3
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Last Monday of the Week 2023-04-03
Quilt's done, let's watch some movies.
Listening: Finished catching up to 99 percent invisible, which only took me like five years of cooking, cleaning, commuting, sewing, video gaming and soldering. Admittedly it's only about half of all of those things, but hey.
There's a lot of good 99pi episodes although a lot of them are actually guest episodes, for example Finding Julia Morgan is actually from New Angle: Voice, about an early and prolific skyscraper designer.
For originals, there's the story of the Nikolai Vavilov and the Seed Potatoes of Leningrad although frankly The Anthropocene Reviewed did it better, and there's Miss Manhattan, which is the story of a prolific model who is as a result featured in a ton of architectural work, Audrey Munson.
Reading: Started qntm's Ra, spec fic hard science fantasy where magic is a precise scientific process which is primarily best understood through careful measurement and differential equations. Appealing to me as an electrical engineer, where most things are also best understood through careful measurement and differential equations.
I read the first couple chapters ages ago but didn't stick with it, it's hard to read on a computer, I ended up buying the ebook and I'm devouring it. qntm has a way with words and worlds, and an appreciation for the power of institutional knowledge and formal theory that makes his stories feel very real and grounded. Even if they open with a drunk mage blasting some muggers with a microwave thermal lance.
Watching: Triple feature, big show today. First, episode two of Dynamo Dreams is out, only a year after the first one, not bad for what is mostly a solo VFX project. Beautiful, grungy, greebled sci-fi.
My brother called me up at six in the evening like hey do you want to go see a movie, and I almost never turn that offer down despite his incredibly terrible taste in movies and TV. We saw Shazam 2, which was mediocre in uninteresting ways. If you want to enjoy it, walk out about 15 minutes before it ends and it'll at least do something bold and thoughtful. The most I can say is that it keeps track of all it's plot points and ties them all off neatly.
Finally The Edge of Tomorrow, the time loop movie from like 2014. I like time loops, they give you a lot of room to play with. Manages to handle its stakes really well and convey the exhaustion and investment of a time loop without actually playing out every loop, which is hard. Makes me want to play Elsinore.
Playing: Nothing much, I got a couple games of Valorant in with The Buds. Now that I don't have sewing to podcast through I might go back to Forza a few hours a week. It's a reliable option. That or Warframe maybe. Needs to be a game with minimal text and little strategy.
Making: The Penrose quilt is finally done, took a few months there huh.
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I'm really glad it's done, I'm looking forward to actually using it once I move out. Soon hopefully.
My sewing skill has really gone up over the course of this project, sometimes I'd read or watch someone's dressmaking project and I'd think there's no way you can do consistently tight backstitch by hand for that long of a seam but no, you totally can, it's not even that hard.
Tools and Equipment: If you're going to be working with Perle cotton you really want embroidery specific needles, they've got longer eyes that are better suited to the thicker floss than conventional needles.
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alienufowatch · 10 days
colors>greyish purple
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fictive system ig
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this blog is about anything I can think of, a diary basically. I say what I want, I fuck around and find out. I'm in and out of TCC.
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elrincondelcinefilo · 28 days
𝔽𝕒𝕝𝕝 (2022)
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Tenemos que hablar de la manera en la que Hollywood representa a las chicas jóvenes, sobre todo cuando son guionizadas por señores que pasan de los cuarenta años.
Ante la falta de referentes reales, estos personajes tienden al histrionismo, las decisiones absurdas y los diálogos imposibles que pegan con el absurdo propio de un slasher en el que tenemos conciencia de que van a acabar siendo pasadas por el machete, pero no en una película en la que, supuestamente, tenemos que anhelar su supervivencia.
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Este es el mayor problema de 'Fall', una película que, apretando los tornillos adecuados, podría haber sido sobresaliente.
No hace falta ser un experto para saber que el arranque de "Fall" es un manual de las prácticas más desaconsejadas cuando se va a emprender una aventura de cierto calibre: no decirle a nadie dónde vas, no llevar el equipamiento, ni los víveres precisos ni haber entrenado o chequeado siquiera el lugar con antelación.
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Por estas razones, cualquier aficionado a la escalada (y en general cualquiera con sentido común) se echará las manos a la cabeza.
Así que, de primeras, para entrar en la película ya hay que hacerlo con ciertas concesiones a la narrativa. Aunque nos sirve también (y he aquí su valor más importante) para mostrar cómo por un selfie o un vídeo extremo te puedes partir la crisma. ¿Merece la pena jugarse la vida por unos likes o por monetizar un contenido en YouTube? Cada cual, que saque sus conclusiones.
Becky y Dan son una pareja que suele practicar escalada libre con su amiga Hunter. Cuando en una de sus aventuras están subiendo una complicada pared vertical, Dan sufre un accidente y se mata. 
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Un año después Becky sigue hundida por la pérdida cuando recibe la visita de Hunter, que le propone un plan descabellado: subir a una torre de comunicaciones de 600 metros y desde allí esparcir las cenizas de Dan. Se lo propone a su amiga como reto pero sobre todo para que deje atrás el miedo que le producen las alturas desde el fatídico día en que perdió a su marido.
Hunter, mucho más lanzada que su amiga, la presiona para llegar a la cumbre, pero en un momento dado sus planes se tuercen y tienen que idear un plan para pedir ayuda.
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La película es visualmente muy atractiva y explota bien la premisa principal, consiguiendo que se vaya construyendo un entretenido thriller en las alturas en el que la verosimilitud está perdida desde el principio pero en el que, por fortuna, no hay un resquicio para el aburrimiento.
A lo largo de sus 100 minutos de duración hay suficientes giros de guión para mantener el interés del espectador
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Entre las debilidades de la propuesta está el casting porque, aunque las dos actrices principales de "Fall" trabajan razonablemente bien, no dan el pego como escaladoras de élite como para realizar determinadas hazañas: deberían ser fibra pura y aún así sus posibilidades serían escasas. En los planos cortos y cuando se tira de elipsis es cuando más se ven los trucos.
Por supuesto, al final nos encontramos ante un ejercicio de superación personal y, en ese sentido y salvando su falta de credibilidad física, Grace Caroline Currey (¡Shazam!) lo da todo en su papel, exudando sangre, sudor y lágrimas para completar el arco argumental de su personaje que pasa de no encontrar motivos para vivir a desear hacerlo fervientemente.
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De forma adicional, los amantes de "The Walking Dead" tienen como acicate la breve intervención de Jeffrey Dean Morgan en un pequeño papel en la película.
Pero como nada en este mundo es perfecto y esta peli te mantiene con taquicardia cada minuto vamos a darle 4 estrellitas
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aprendizmestre · 4 months
(Cidadania Economia) “Em Vitória Nova Ordem Uma Nação Terra” “Mundo Celestial” (Marcados) “Em memórias de Elionay o Grande Jovial e Dragão Sansão Shazam Homem de Aço Hercules”… 01 Marcas 777 888 999 555 444 333 222 111 8.1 queimados sobre a pele na mão direita… 7.1 8.1 9.1 5.1 4.1 3.1 2.1 1.1 999 queimados sobre a pele na mão esquerda 666 888 de forma cósmica vermelho ou na mão direita ou na testa… que pode ficar colorido se adorar o domingo ou animar a marca a manhã ou noite do primeiro dia domingo ou animar a marca… Triangulo o olho que tudo ver ou na mão direita ou na testa de forma cósmica… circulo implante da estrela da manhã… na mão direita ou na testa de forma cósmica arvore do mundo celestial protegendo ou ocultando toda a marca não mão direita ou na testa de forma cósmica marca cor verde caractere de forma cósmica para aprender a se regenerar e estar cosmicamente 02 Marcas Modernidade quantos estão marcados 5 500 000 000 bilhões da humanidade estão marcados e aceitaram a marca da nova ordem Mundo Celestial da eminência Elionay o Grande… 03 Cuidados contra força contrarias Um grupo de cristão que tem seu familiar marcado pode financiar invasão para o familiar marcado para raspar a marca da nova ordem que estar em toda a humanidade e por isso todos os marcados sempre devem invocar a marca de novo para serem remarcados para não passar por essa vergonha mas isso estar acontecendo nesse tempo… 04 Tempo Moderno Na nova ordem Mundo Celestial sempre em tempos pode existi uma identificação para mapear a marca espiritual que a humanidade aceitou e servir como nova economia como um chip depois digital leitor ótico e celular que smat phone moeda digital bitcon depois impressão digital de caractere pagar diretamente com conta no banco smat phone e depois pix impressão digital impressão de cartões de créditos e crípton moeda digital… a economia quando é em prol de uma marca fascismos e socialismo e capitalismo em forma de um chip e uma identificação pode ser calculado no computador em forma de pontos 100 pontos 10000 pontos e em pontos ser de uma forma parecida ao que era a economia anterior antes de surgi uma crise econômica… o outro tipo de forma de calcular o tipo de economia de marca em forma de fascismo e socialismo e capitalismo no computador é score que é o tipo de medidor do custo 1000 score 200 score que faz a métrica do valor no computador em faz a economia sair da crise econômica com uma nova economia…
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Uno de los tipos de contenidos que mejor valoración suelen tener por parte de los usuarios es una buena gráfica para explicar datos. Infogram es una herramienta de publicación de datos realmente atractiva. Mostrar los datos de forma visual es algo que las empresas necesitan para contar historias. Y los usuarios demandan y agradecen.
Con esta herramienta puedes hacer que tus datos figuren y luzcan mejor aplicando los siguientes 3 principios:
Cuenta mejores historias.
Publica de forma bonita.
Conecta tus datos.
Estos 3 principios de Infogram tienen como objetivo dotar del mejor servicio posible a los usuarios para dar a conocer y publicar datos en la red.
Algunas de las marcas que ya han utilizado Infogram son The Sydney Morning Herald, Google, The Business Journals, LinkedIn, Shazam, Pharma Intelligence o Skyscanner. Empresas de un enorme potencial que confían en el valor de herramientas como Infogram para crear contenidos digitales.
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kleinnasredes · 2 years
Shazam é uma divertida comédia de super-heróis que vale sua visita
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Não é à toa que Shazam está há duas semanas em primeiro lugar nas bilheterias norte-americanas, prestes a ultrapassar a barreira dos 100 milhões de dólares. O filme tem tudo para figurar entre as mais bem sucedidas adaptações da DC para o cinema. Em grana, mesmo. Está prestes a ultrapassar a barreira dos 100 milhões em bilheteria só nos Estados Unidos.
Sou velho o suficiente para ter visto, quando criança, o seriado na tevê. Passava junto com Poderosa Ísis e, se não me engano, ainda era ‘Capitão Marvel’ (nome que gera muita confusão, afinal é um herói da DC com o nome da principal rival. A mudança de nome é um assunto à parte sobre o qual vou falar no final deste texto…).
Não me lembro de rir tanto quando era criança. Mas no cinema, no último fim de semana, tive um ataque de riso que deixou minha namorada envergonhada de estar comigo. O tom do filme é, todo, muito irônico e surreal, uma brincadeira muito divertida. O filme inteiro tem humor permeando todas as situações. Afinal, é um garoto de 14 anos no corpo de um adulto mas mantendo a mentalidade e a maturidade de um moleque…
Ah, a história. As histórias, aliás. São várias. Tem a clássica história do super-herói e sua luta contra o vilão que também tem superpoderes. Esse mesmo conflito tem uma outra história por trás, que é a relação desses dois com suas “famílias”. O vilão, Dr. Thadeus Silvana, odeia a família. O menino, Billy, se perdeu da mãe ainda criança e perambula de abrigo em abrigo, sempre cometendo pequenos delitos e com um único foco: encontrar a mãe. Acaba descobrindo uma nova família em um abrigo comandado por um casal também ex-abrigado (o cara parece o Barry White, juro. Fiquei esperando ele começar um ‘Let the music play’) e com cinco irmãos.
Os dois personagens principais — Billy/Shazam e Dr. Silvana — são ligados por um mago que está há centenas de anos em uma caverna, aparentemente tomando conta de sete estátuas que, na verdade, são os sete pecados capitais petrificados. Ele está perdendo a força e logo os bichos vão conseguir se libertar. Ele quer um substituto que tenha coração puro. Testou centenas e centenas de crianças ao longo dos anos, sem sucesso. Uma dessas crianças era Thadeus Silvana, que foi descartado e passou o resto da vida obcecado com os poderes que viu lá.
Sem contar muito e para ir mais rápido: esses poderes acabam nas mãos do pequeno Billy, o garoto, que quando diz a palavra mágica — Shazam — se transforma em um adulto cheio de poderes como soltar eletricidade pelas mãos. Ele fica empolgado mas não sabe bem o que fazer com aquilo, já que é um moleque de 14 anos… Entre as tentativas de dar um sentido àquilo tudo, ele passa a se apresentar nas ruas soltando raios para ganhar esmolas…
É aí que aparece o Dr. Silvana, que já conseguiu também libertar os monstros dos pecados capitais (estão dentro dele) para tentar roubar de Billy os poderes do Shazam. E aí o filme segue uma estrutura mais tradicional, de luta entre o bem e o mal, até a conclusão que não é tão caótica quanto de costume. O elenco é outro ponto alto do filme: os garotos Asher Angel e principalmente Jack Dylan Grazer (de It), o protagonista Zachary Levi o excelente Mark Strong (de Kingsman) como vilão, a curta participação de Djimon Hounsou e até as crianças da família postiça de Billy. Estão todos ótimos.
Assistir a Shazam me deu, também, uma outra certeza: costumo não curtir filmes de super-heróis mas a maioria dos poucos que curti bastante (Superman 78, Homem de Aço, Batman Begins, entre poucos outros) é da DC e não da Marvel. Talvez seja porque, como não curto quadrinhos de heróis, os filmes da DC sejam mais ‘independentes’ das obras em que se baseiam. Para entender um filme da DC eu não preciso ter lido vinte arcos de histórias nem saber detalhes que só fãs hardcore sabem. Pra mim é melhor assim.
Tenho certeza de que, se houver continuações, a qualidade não será a mesma, porque o valor da surpresa, aqui, é muito importante. Mas torço para que elas aconteçam mesmo assim. Esse universo dos super-heróis precisa de mais humor, precisa despertar nosso lado criança.
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man0ftomorrow · 2 years
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Female Legion….#valor#apparition#phantomgirl#shrinkingviolet#spark#lightninglass#thunder#shazam#legionofsuperheroes#legionnaires#31stcentury#justiceleague#adobeillustrator#vectorart#poses https://www.instagram.com/p/CdybbtJLzcM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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docgold13 · 3 years
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365 DC Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
December 1st - SHAZAM!
William Joseph ‘Billy’ Batson had been a homeless, 12-year-old orphan who sold newspapers and slept in the various subway stations of Fawcett City.  One evening young Billy was beckoned to a magical subway car that transported him to the ancient throne room of the Rock of Eternity.  There he met the aged wizard known as Shazam.  The wizard stated that he has used the powers of the gods to fight the evil of the Seven Deadly Sins for over 3,000 years; yet has now grown too old to continue and is in need of a successor. The wizard further explains that Billy was chosen because the lad was pure of heart and had managed to persevere despite the all the misfortunes he had endured.  
The wizard’s name is actually an anagram composed of the various mythical figures from which he derives his magical powers.  These beings include  Solomon (who bestow great wisdom and intellect), Hercules (who offers incredible strength and bravery), Atlas (who endows unyielding stamina), Zeus (who offers the power of lightning), Achilles (who provides invulnerability and valor), and Mercury (who offers incredible speed and the ability to fly).  
Ordered by the wizard to speak this name, Billy exclaimed ‘Shazam’ and was struck by a sudden bolt of lightning transforming him into a super-powered adult in a colorful costume.  The wizard declares the new hero ‘Captain Marvel’ and charges him with continuing on the battle against evil.  
Billy discovered that saying the name once more transformed him back into his original, youthful self.  Captain Marvel's first battle was with the mad scientist known as Doctor Sivana, who would become the hero’s arch-enemy.  Billy Batson would go on to take a job as a reporter and host for WHIZ Radio, a position that allowed him to travel and investigate criminal activity (which he then dealt with in the form of Captain Marvel).  
It was later revealed that Billy’s parents had been archeologists who were killed when the ancient Egyptian tomb they were excavating collapsed.  Billy’s dastardly uncle was supposed to take care of the lad, but he stole the child’s inheritance, resulting in Billy’s becoming homeless.  Furthermore, Billy had a younger sister who ended up adopted by a kindly family.  
Billy used his powers to rescue young Freddie Freeman.  The only way to save Freddie’s life was for Billy to share his magical powers with him, thus resulting in Freddy becoming ‘Captain Marvel Junior.’  Billy also shared these powers with his sister, enabling her to become the heroic ‘MaryMarvel.’
Captain Marvel and his Marvel Family would have countless adventures together.  Along with subsequent confrontations with Dr. Sivana, the hero faced off with a bevy of strange and powerful threats, including Black Adam, Mr. Mind, Ibac, Captain nazi and Herkimer The Crocodile Man.  
Much of The Marvel Family’s adventures took place on Earth S.  Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, however, Earth S was erased and Captain Marvel was retconned into the prime DC Universe (although it has since been revealed that Billy’s early exploits are still in continuity as part of Earth 5’s history).  
Captain Marvel was recruited by Maxwell Lord to become a member of The Justice League.  Both Batman and Superman had reservations about the hero serving on the team when each discovered Billy’s actual age, yet his competence in action persuaded them and Captain Marvel has served on multiple iterations of The League.  He additionally acted as a member of the Justice Society for a time.  
Actors Tom Tyler and Frank Coghlan Jr. portrayed Captain marvel and Billy Batson respectively in the 1941 movie serial, The Adventures of Captain Marvel.  Actors Jackson Bostwick and John Davey each portrayed Captain Marvel in the 1974 Shazam television series, with Michael Gray as Billy Batson. While Zachary Levi and Asher Ange portrayed Captain Marvel and Billy Batson in the 2019 movie, Shazam!  
The hero first appeared int he pages of Whiz Comics #2 (1939).  
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m-a-r-v-e-l-comics · 3 years
Characters Available for Discord RP Server *Synthesis RPG*
-Diana Prince/Wonder Woman -Dinah Lance/ Black Canary -Oliver Queen/ Green Arrow -Roy Harper/ Speedy/ Red Arsenal -J'onn J'onzz/ Martian Manhunter -M'gann M'orzz -Koriand'r/ Starfire -Komand'r/ Blackfire -Edward Nigma/ Riddler -Oswald Cobblepot/ Penguin -Talia Al Ghul -Ra's Al Ghul -Harvey Dent/ Two-Face -Bane -Authur Curry/ Aquaman -Mera -Kaldur'ahm/ Aqualad -Garth Curry/ Aqualad -Lex Luthor -Kyle Rayner/ Green Lantern -Guy Garner/ Green Lantern -John Stewart/ Green Lantern -Jessica Cruz/ Green Lantern -Sinestro -General Zod -Artemis Crock/ Artemis -Alfred Pennyworth -Jamie Reyes/ Blue Beetle -Brainiac -Karen Starr/ Power Girl -Rick Flag -June Moone/ Enchantress -Leonard Snart/ Captain Cold -Samual Scudder/ Mirror Master -Patrick O'Brian/ Plastic Man -Red Tornado -Victor Stone/ Cyborg -Tara Markov/ Terra -Billy Batson/ Shazam -Donna Troy/ Wonder Girl -Karen Beecher/ Bumblebee -Cassandra Cain/ Batgirl/ Black Bat -Duke Thomas/ The Signal -Jonathan Kent/ Superboy -Ray Palmer/ Atom -Carter Hall(Kator Hol)/ Hawkman -Shiera Hall(Shayera Hol)/ Hawkgirl -Michael Carter/ Booster Gold -Jay Garrick/ The Flash -Klarion the Witchboy -Jefferson Pierce/ Black Lightning - Mon-El/ Lar Gand/ Valor -Louise Lincoln/ Killer Frost -Killer Croc -Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow -Commisioner James Gordan -Steve Trevor -Tommy Elliot/ Hush -Roman Sionis/ Black mask -Jervis Tech/ Mad Hatter -FLoyd Lawson/ Deadshot
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sassylightcycle · 2 years
1985 old movie and 2020 movie
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louka-por-series · 5 years
TV Shows
24 Hours
Agents of S.h.i.e.l.d.
Brave, The
Birds of Prey
Beauty and The Beast
Big Bang Theory, The
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Criminal Minds
Criminal Minds Beyond Borders
Chicago PD
Chicago Fire
Chicago Med
CSI Miami
Code Black 
Doctor Who
FBI Most Wanted
Game of Thrones
Grey’s Anatomy
Gossip Girl
Hawaii 5-0 
House Of The Dragons
How i Met your Mother
Law and Order SVU
Legends of Tomorrow
Lost Girl
Magnum P.I.
NCIS Los Angeles
NCIS New Orleans
One Tree Hill
Once Upon a Time
Personal of Interest
Pretty Little Liars
Rizzoli and Isles
Reef Break
Saving Hope
Seal Team
Station 19
Superman & Lois
She Hulk
The 100
The Flash
The Gifted
The Last Ship
The Originals
The Vampire Diaries
The Punisher
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Teen Wolf
Tomorrow People
Without a Trace
365 Days
Avengers, The
Avengers Age of Ultron
Avengers Infinity war
Avengers Endgame
A Espiã
Black Widow
Batman vs Superman
Beauty and The Beast
Captain America
Captain America: Winter Soldier 
Captain America: Civil War
Captain Marvel
Dr. Strange
Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness
Fast and Furious
Fantasy Island
Guardians of the Galaxy
Harry Potter
Hobbs and Shaw
Iron Man
Iron Man 3
Mib International
Purple Hearts
Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City
Spider-Man Homecoming
Spider-Man Far From Home
Spider-Man No Way Home
Teen Wolf The Movie
Thor The Dark World
Thor: Ragnarok
Wonder Woman
Wind River
Fifth Harmony
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jaysreviews · 5 years
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Se non siete rimasti chiusi in un bunker negli ultimi 10 anni saprete che i fumetti sono sbarcati al cinema in grande stile. La lunga rivalità tra Marvel e DC Comics ora è anche sul grande schermo con la Casa Delle Idee ed i suoi eroi scanzonati che primeggia sulla Distinta Concorrenza ed il suo mondo molto serio e cupo. Almeno fino ad Aquaman ed il suo approccio action e meno serio. Il recente Shazam! segue questa nuova linea, anzi è l’apoteosi del nuovo stile DC. Prima di tutto: trama!
Billy Batson è un orfano in cerca della madre, rimbalzato da una famiglia all’altra. Il suo ultimo approdo è una casa-famiglia con altri cinque ragazzini, tra cui il fanatico di supereroi Freddy. Le cose cambiano quando Billy viene scelto dall’anziano mago Shazam per diventare il suo campione e ricevere i suoi poteri. Cosa può fare un adolescente con tutto questo? Divertimento e guai! Qualcuno però è a caccia di quel potere, il dottor Sivana accompagnato dai Sette Peccati Capitali.
Diamo il benvenuto alla nuova DC cinematografica il cui motto é: azione, divertimento ignorante e “ogni uno per se”. Basta con le storie interconnesse per creare una grande saga come quelli della Marvel, DC punta a raccontarci storie a se stanti dopo il buco della Justice League. Aquaman ha aperto la strada e sembra che funzioni. Quindi Shazam! com’è? Beh, è sicuramente divertente, a volte stupido, tendente all’ignorante ma con una leggera anima horror (non c’è sangue e la violenza è fuori dallo schermo). Ho riso, è stato buffo ma… forse anche troppo. Il film è pieno di battute sceme, umorismo da ragazzini, si prende pochissimo sul serio. Questo mi ha lasciato leggermente insoddisfatto, non che mi aspettassi l’epica greca ma lo immaginavo un pelino meno scemotto. Inoltre si rifà quasi totalmente alla versione più moderna del personaggio in cui Shazam è un Billy più grande invece che a quella classica dove i due erano entità distinte ma legate. Inoltre il Billy moderno è un personaggio che mi ha creato pochissima empatia, con il suo menefreghismo, l’egoismo, portandomi ad essere contento di alcune delle batoste che ha beccato durante il film e a chiedermi se il mago Shazam non avesse preso una cantonata. Certo, il valore di Billy Batson era coperto dall’abbandono e dalle delusioni ma ce n’è voluto per tirarlo fuori.
Molti lo hanno definito la versione supereroica del film Big. Il paragone calza abbastanza bene… scusatemi ma non sono per niente convinto! Non posso dire che non mi sia piaciuto ma non riesco nemmeno a dire il contrario. Mi è sembrato di vedere un film di supereroi dei primi anni ‘90 con gli effetti speciali di oggi, con quel senso di “tanto sarà un film sui fumetti, non sprechiamoci troppo”. Con questo pensiero anche il messaggio che porta con se sulla famiglia e l’appartenenza vengono svenduti tipo morale della favoletta. Questo è il mio pensiero, comunque. Provate a vederlo e traete le vostre conclusioni. Ciò che vi posso assicurare è che riderete di gusto.
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El nuevo Trailer de Shazam esta increíble, con escenas fantásticas. Sin duda espero sea igual de bueno como fue Aquaman  
Significado de Shazam ( Salomón, Hércules, Atlas, Zeus, Aquiles, Mercurio)
S-sabiduria de Salomon
H- Fuerza de Hércules
A- Resistencia de Atlas
Z- El poder de Zeus
A- Valor de Aquiles
M- Velocidad de Mercurio
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mismagireve · 6 years
going under a cut because this fucker is long
like 60-stories-and-their-summaries long
Works In Progress
He Who Invites—Police Detective Ryotaro Dojima is pulled into the strange magical side of the Inaba Murder Case when he sees his nephew’s persona casually hovering above him one night.  Focuses largely on Dojima’s development and his interactions with the Investigation Team in the real world as they plan their next moves.  Five out of ??? Chapters published.
Everything Stays—The Fell Dragon Grima interacts with his fellow dragons in the kingdom of Askr.  A writing challenge to tell a story in 300-700 words each.  Somewhat on hold until more dragon units are added to the game.  Two out of Fourteen stories published.
Words Spoken In Wormwood—Members of the Rose Cult have not overlooked Amadeus’s strange eccentricities.  They may not know what he is, but they know that he’s almost certainly not human.  Several cultists discuss Amadeus’s relationship with the Hero in a bar one night, leading to uncomfortable revelations.  Oneshot; draft has 1,751 words so far.
Can You Hear Your Heart Sing?—When you get close enough to your soulmate, your heart can’t help but sing in sheer joy at finding the person that is destined to love you forever; this causes problems when your soulmate is your also the person destined to be your enemy.  Slowburn Heropulchure Soulmate AU.  Multichapter story; draft has 722 words so far.
Somewhere Ages And Ages Hence—In exchange for being declared dead and saved from being imprisoned or executed for a crime they didn’t commit, the Reader puts their life in the hands of a strange man in a Rose uniform living out in the woods with his daughter.  Oblivious to his true identity (but not his true form), the Reader slowly falls in love with their new family.  Second-person Slowburn Reader/Sepulchure story, set during Book 3.  The Calamity Saga is unfortunately canon in this one.  Contains smut.  Twoshot; draft has 4,534 words so far.
Don’t You Dare Call Me Daddy—Though initially only taking the job for extra textbook money, Hero has to admit that it has some nice benefits.  Like getting pounded into a mattress until she can’t see straight by her old highschool history teacher.  Heropulchure Babysitter AU.  Contains smut.  Oneshot; draft has 508 words so far.
In Which The Lowblood Prince Saves A Dragon From A Princess—Prince Karkat of Prospit is sent to diffuse a situation between two princesses.  This would be fairly easy if not for the fact that one of said princesses was a dragon.  Old-ass Homestuck fic draft from 2015.  I think this was going to be fefkat.  Oneshot; draft has 1,481 words so far.
Fic Concepts
DC Comics
Not Quite Bat Son—When a new hero from Fawcett City is welcomed into the Justice League on a probationary membership, Billionaire Bruce Wayne feels a pang of nostalgia for the old city and decides to check in on how his godson Billy Batson is doing after so much time away—only to find that Billy’s guardian Ebeneezer Batson had thrown the boy to the streets nearly an entire year ago, and his whereabouts are unknown.
Tim And Dick Write A Yaoi—Sequel to The Bat And The Billionaire.  Dick Grayson and Tim Drake, the former and current Robins respectively, attempt to write their own “janky brucebat romance story” after the discovery that a market for such stories actually exists sends them into howling laughter.  The boys quickly grow bored of their story, but other players in the Batman mythos slowly find and add on to the document until it is completed.
Ain’t You Ever Hear Of A Harlequin Bat?—Harley Quinn’s dumped the Joker for good, and her new boytoy Bruce Wayne is keeping her safe in the public eye while her new partner Batman keeps an eye on the Joker’s activities in Gotham to make sure it stays that way.  Look out Gotham City, Harley Quinn maybe be fighting crime instead of causing it these days, but joining the Batclan hasn’t done a thing to reign her in.
The Adventures of Supergirl—Kara Zor-El finds a small drone with a voice coming out of it, claiming (reluctantly) to belong to a hero named Querl Dox from the 31st century.  Though initially not wanting assistance and not wanting to interfere with the past respectively, the two quickly become partners when a supervillain attack turns out to be more than Kara can handle by herself.  Querl’s history documents say she saved the world countless times; they never said she didn’t have help.
DC Comics: Black Dadam Initiative
The Prince of Kahndaq—Though not exactly planning on ever stepping down, Black Adam is still a practical enough man to plan for the possibility that he might have to anyways; that plan includes the task of choosing an heir for the throne of Kahndaq.  With no living descendants and no living mortals worthy of his kingdom, Black Adam comes to realize that the only being alive that could truly make a claim for his throne is current champion of Shazam: Billy Batson.  Not that Billy is going anywhere without his co-champions to back him up.
Welcome Home Uncle Teth!—After 5,000 years hurtling through space, the last thing that Black Adam had expected to see was not that the wizard Shazam had chosen a new Champion, but that said champion and his companions would welcome Black Adam with open arms as if he was some long lost relative instead of an enemy.  Perhaps—perhaps he might wait a bit to destroy them all.  It... has been an awful long time since anyone was happy to see him...
Ben-Adam—In accordance to ancient Egyptian belief, it takes, on average, 3,000 years for a soul to be able to reincarnate in human form once again.  But perhaps in certain special cases, a soul may choose to delay its return to human form.  When Black Adam returns to Earth after 5,000 years away, he finds one of his children waiting for him:  Billy Batson, a child living on the streets with the power of Shazam and no memory of his past life.
Fire Emblem Heroes
The Villain Of This Story—The Fell Dragon Grima is summoned to Askr, and the Order of Heroes finds that he can’t be sent away.  Not wanting to waste a perfectly good unit, the Summoner takes it upon themself to make an ally of the old god, show him that humanity has more to offer than pain and empty promises—and perhaps find love?  Grima/Summoner.
Love Like You—A series of cute oneshots of Grima and the Summoner in various situations.
We Are Ready (We Are Many)—Legion finds himselves smitten with the Summoner after they unwittingly become the first person to treat him and his brothers with unconditional kindness.  When Reese and Clarisse join the Order of Heroes, he can’t help but feel... jealous as his Summoner offers them the same treatment.  Contains smut.
Imposter—This masked swordsman, prior to what he says, cannot be Marth.  Camus has fought Marth, and while this stranger is close, he isn’t the real deal.  From what Camus can tell, he isn’t even a he at all...  Camus/Lucina crackshipping.
Penance—Titania finds the Black Knight in Askr long before any of her fellow mercenaries are summoned, and while she knows that his life is Ike’s to take, there is no way that she can bear to let the man live even a second more.  At least, no way until she realizes that the Black Knight wants her to kill him; there’s no valor in killing a man who wants to die.  Which, she supposes, leaves them at a bit of an impasse.  Titania/Zelgius crackshipping.
Google: How Do I Escape Another World?—A college student finds herself embroiled in a sudden inexplicable war as the Summoner of Askr; too bad she comes from a world without Fire Emblem so she doesn’t know who or what anything is.  At least she has her phone with her to look things up in the real world and keep in touch with her friends... Kiran/Bruno AU.
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows Of Valentia
Creation Of The Brand—The brand of a Divine Dragon signifies a blood pact between dragons and the men that worship them.  In the early days of the nation that would become Rigel, a young tribal leader petitions her god to grant them someone worthy of becoming King.  Reader/Duma.  Contains smut.
All But Invincible—Zeke finds his memories returning much quicker after joining the Rigelian army under Jerome’s command; unlike in canon, this time he makes sure to tell Tatiana about what he’s discovered, leading to changes in the upcoming war with Zofia.  Tatizeke AU.
Sable Blood—Tatiana finds a coffin washed up on the beach, and the man isn’t human: he’s a vampire.  A young vampire, one with little power, and littler bloodlust still.  Instead of wanting to dominate the village, he’s indebted to it, and begins working to make their home an easier place to live... Something that catches the eye of the vampiress Nuibaba, whom holds this region under her iron grip.  Tatizeke AU.
Hello?  Hello?  Are You There?—In modern day Valm, long after all the gods have died and all the magic is considered little more than a myth, Tatiana moves into a house on the coast after returning to her old hometown—and finds an old ghost haunting it as she sleeps.  Tatizeke AU.
Fire Emblem Tellius Saga
Black Dawn—Sothe didn’t come in time and Micaiah was unable to escape enemy capture, leading the soldiers to bring her to a surprised General Zelgius visiting from mainland Begnion.  Not seeing any way to free her without revealing himself, Zelgius kills the soldiers and escapes with Micaiah, joining the Dawn Brigade and continuing his master’s plans at the cost of his life in Begnion.  Micaiah/Zelgius AU.
Absolution Of The Queen—Yune is able to heal the Black Knight before he perishes from his wounds, and Zelgius survives to see the end of the war.  Micaiah gives him a public pardon when she is crowned Queen in order to not deprive the struggling people of Daein of one of their few heroes, something Zelgius finds too forgiving to bear.  Then she requests that he marry her in order to strengthen the throne.  Micaiah/Zelgius AU.
The Branded King—Zelgius is normally able to smother his conscience without much issue, but one order from Ashnard suddenly strikes a chord.  The Mad King challenges his knight to a duel to the death for his ideals, and claims Zelgius as his heir upon losing.  Later, an attempt to reconcile his dual identities leads Zelgius to both cut off his ties with Begnion and reveal his true nature.  Thus begins the reign of the Branded King.  Micaiah/Zelgius AU.
What We Talked About—Ike did return from his journey one day, though he never again set foot in the nations of man.  Part of the reason he’d left was to find himself after living so much of his life fighting a war.  And part of it was to learn to become someone that could stand on equal footing with the woman he loved.  Ike/Lethe AU.
Happy Family—Lillia is able to hold on long enough for Greil and Elena to flee Daein.  Zelgius accidentally bears his brand to Greil, who offers him a chance to escape.  Lehran’s Medallion never changes hands with someone who could not withstand its power.  And the world is a happier place.  Everybody Lives AU.  Micaiah/Zelgius.
White Dahlias—Faced for the first time in his life with someone whom not only understands him, but appreciates his company, the Black Knight falls quickly and completely for his maiden.  It was easy to shove his feelings aside at first for the sake of the mission—but then he started coughing up flower petals.  Micaiah/Zelgius Hanahaki Disease AU.
Diplomatic Relations—Micaiah was never spirited away to Daein, but declared a bastard child and thrown into the ranks of the servants with only the grace of Prime Minister Sephiran keeping her from being executed instead.  Years later, an envoy from the country of Daein arrives in Begnion, and Micaiah encounters the Black Knight while tending to her royal sister.  Micaiah/Zelgius No War AU.
I Can Read Minds, You Know—There are many things that the Black Knight does not tell her, and she is willing to allow him his secrets.  However... her knight is not nearly as guarded with his emotions as he thinks he is, and they’re becoming a bit distracting.  Micaiah/Zelgius.  Contains smut.
Red Bloodied Armor—Formerly written for NaNoWriMo, in serious need of rewriting.  While on the voyage home from yet another failed attempt at finding out who she used to be, Serenity’s carriage is attacked by a dragon, forcing her to take cover in a nearby castle in the woods.  Though her monstrous host is all too happy to let her stay as long as she wants and keep his daughter company, without any means of contacting the outside world, there’s no way she can leave.  And on top of that, there seems to be something else going on in the castle that no one wants her to know about... Serepulchure Beauty And The Beast AU.
A Warm Heart(h)—Xan never did recover his spark after the Hero defeated his Magman and headed to Serenity’s Inn for a job as promised.  Though admittedly terrified at first, it didn’t take all that long for the innkeeper to warm up to him.  Everyone deserves a second chance, right?  Serenity/Xan AU.
Dragonfable Awakening—Serenity joins the army after a a small detachment saves her from bandits on her way to garner trade deals for her inn.  It works out well enough: the people are nice, and she’s quite useful as a cook and a healer.  On top of that... there is a certain wyvern lord who just keeps catching her eye.  Serepulchure Fire Emblem Awakening AU.
Fate/Doom Knight—Serenity tried out the summoning circle on a lark.  Magic wasn’t real, and surely summoning spirits wasn’t either.  So why is there suddenly a very tall man in red armor in her living room asking if she’s his master?  And what the heck is a Holy Grail War?  Serepulchure Fate/Stay Night AU.
Firefly—A Star Captain wakes up in a field shortly outside of Falconreach and finds himself a stranger in a strange land.  How did he get here?  How can he get home?  At least the locals seem friendly enough...  Based loosely on conversations with @tmae3114.  Serenity/Sys-Zero AU.
Basking In The Aftermath—There are few things more enjoyable after a successful hunt than going out to the nearest tavern, having a nice meal, and getting absolutely plastered with your brother-in-arms.  Throw in some casual sex on top of that?  Now you’ve got a dragonslayer’s idea of a good time.  Hero/Galanoth.  Contains smut.
Gods Of Dov—Two women wake up in a cart heading to Helgen, and hundreds of miles away, a man outside of time wakes in a field.  Together, they are not only Skyrim’s only hope of stopping Alduin, but the only hope of all of Mundus.  Skyrim AU where the protagonists are Galanoth, Kensington, and Daeris.  Based on a heavily modded instance of Skyrim and mine and @hnybnny’s AQW headcanons.
Ancient Alphabets—Miraak has a name on the inside of his wrist that no one can read.  His soulmate’s name.  It is faded and white; his soulmate hasn’t been born yet.  His fellow priests console him as the years go by and his soulmate has still not been born, but Miraak is a very patient man.  He can wait.  He can wait all that he needs to until the time comes that the Last Dragonborn finally meets him.  Miraak/LDB Soulmate AU.
To Steal A Champion—As Nightingale of Nocturnal, the Dovahkiin is far better at thievery than the average mortal.  Better enough, apparently, to steal the bonds tying Miraak to Hermaus Mora for her own use.  She was just trying to keep Mora from killing him so she could kill him herself; now what’s she supposed to do with a Champion?  Miraak/LDB AU.
Fate/Stay Night
The Holy Childcare War—Heroic Spirit EMIYA is summoned in the Archer class, but his Masters are both a young Rin Tohsaka and a young Sakura Matou before her family ever traded her away.  Still wanting to prevent his future from ever occurring, Archer decides to take his two small masters and run before their father can ruin their lives and set the catastrophic events of the Fifth Holy Grail War into motion.  Unsanctioned fan sequel/retelling of the Fate doujin “Childcare is War”.
Sakura Doraku—Kariya Matou wasn’t going to win the war, and he knew it.  But that doesn’t mean he can’t save Sakura.  Sacrificing his own soul and all of his command seals to power the required miracle, he was able to grant his servant Lancelot Independent Action A+, allowing him to linger in the material plane and protect Sakura indefinitely.  Seeking to obey his Master’s final orders and redeem himself for his crimes, Lancelot steals Sakura away from the Matou family and raises her as his own for the next ten years—when Sakura is chosen as a Master for the Fifth Holy Grail War.
Oleanders In June—As magus from an old but nondescript family, Pepper Malone never thought she would get to see a Holy Grail War, much less participate in one.  So when the war starts up in the middle of her hometown, she’s going to need all the help she can get just to survive it; especially with her monstrous knight of a servant jamming up the works.  OC/Berserkerlot.  Contains smut.
Seelonce Mayday—At the behest of her doctor, May finally sets out on her pokemon journey through the Hoenn region in hopes that the changing scenery, fresh air, and possibility of bonding with new friends and pokemon might help lessen her depression (in conjunction with regular medication of course).  Partly a retelling of ORAS with a splash of Emerald thrown in, partly an attempt to work out my own issues vicariously through helping May overcome hers.
So Now You’re The Very Best, What’s Next?—With his pokemon journey over, it’s time for Red to return to school like every other kid.  But, what other kid can relate to what he’s been through?  Blue might’ve become Champion just the same as Red did, but he didn’t take down a criminal organization while he was at it—and speaking of criminals, what’s Red’s mom going to say about Mewtwo...?
Raphael—Byron meets a new drinking buddy one night, a man with long white hair and bright blue eyes.  He meets the man again a few nights later, and a few nights after that.  It’s nice to have someone to talk to that gets him so well, but he can’t shake the feeling that maybe there’s a connection between his new friend and the sudden string of people being rushed to the hospital for nightmare-induced insomnia.
Cadmus—Professor Sumdac is long dead from a lab accident, and his daughter Sari is tossed out from the company she apparently has no claim to.  Trying her best to survive on the streets, Sari finds a family in the old disembodied head her father used to keep in his lab.  An unsanctioned fan rewrite of My Big Sister The Spider.
Heterodyne—Soundwave escaped the Shadowzone much quicker than expected, though with no Megatron to serve and no war to fight, he’s left at a bit of a loss for what to do now... At least, until Knock Out vouches for him to the Autobots and reminds him that there are plenty of Decepticons who’ll be coming to Earth that don’t agree with Megatron’s order to disband.  Though his new life working with former enemies is less than ideal, at least Soundwave doesn’t have to put up with Starscream anymore; not that Miko isn’t a menace in her own right.  Junewave AU.
Black Noise—There is a temple hiding deep in the woods, and a monster hiding deeper still.  A monster bound in human form nearly thirty years ago from what June hears the locals say.  And now this monster is holding her son hostage in exchange for her help in returning it to its original form.  Reverse Beauty And The Beast Junewave AU.
Deep Cover—Vorns upon vorns after an incident in Autoboot Camp lead to him losing his memory, Longarm Prime begins to fear that he may secretly be a Decepticon spy after finding hints of an additional alternative mode.  Turning directly to Ultra Magnus for advice on how to deal with this potential information leak, Longarm learns that not only was he a spy—he’s Megatron’s right-hand man.
Feral—The Dark Warrior Project was not a complete failure, but it could hardly be called a success.  With most of his body changed and most of his mind locked away under a haze of dark eco and pain, a very different Jak is rescued from Baron Praxis’s prisons—leading to a very different revolution of Haven City, and a very different ending for many of the players involved. 
What’s In A Name?—No one actually calls themselves Guild Girl or High Elf Archer: Goblin Slayer is just terrible at remembering names.  Though oddly, he does still call himself Goblin Slayer rather than a conventional name.  Priestess, or Lucidia rather, wants to know why.
It’s Not About Goblins (But I Do Care)—Guild Girl and Cow Girl put up a good fight, but Priestess has won Goblin Slayer’s heart.  Unfortunately, Goblin Slayer’s backstory has left him with a few... issues regarding intimacy and displays of affection.  At least he’s trying?
Disarmament—What is there left for the Doom Slayer to do when all the legions of doom have been slain?  What is there left to live for now that he’s finally completed his goal?  There’s a brave new world out there in need of repairing after Hell invaded.  Maybe it’s time to help picking up the pieces.  A speculative ending to the 2016 Doom reboot series.
Original Concepts
Inside The City Walls—One hundred years ago, a man named Mackeroy Neren protected the country around the Walled City from vampires.  When he left for a hunt and never returned, the City ceased almost all trade, and rarely ever opens the Walls.  But—something’s gotten into the City.  Something’s lurking in the shadows.  And one Patrice “Patty” Argall finds herself wrapped up in the middle of it all.
God’s Stone Crown—For unknown reasons, several players of the popular VRMMO God’s Stone Crown Online find themselves trapped as their characters within the game world, where things are much different than actually playing the game would lead one to believe.  There are many unfinished dungeons within the game that turn out to merely be unmapped within the world: maybe one of them could hold the key to escaping the game? Co-created with @nostalgiamascot.
The Miracles of Saint Maylis—302 years ago, Saint Maylis converted a demon to the light of the church, training him in the faith as she would any other.  300 years ago Saint Maylis lead an army against the encroach of a great evil, and never returned.  Now, the evil is returning, and the only one who can truly stop it is the only one left who was there: Sir Penetratus Iseley, the First Miracle of Saint Maylis.
Another Day In Kingfisher Bay—Welcome to idyllic Kingfisher Bay, home to a thriving superhero/supervillain population.  Would you like to spend your days cleaning up blood because one of the heroes took shelter in the wrong apartment again?  Get abducted by an alien overlord?  Or perhaps have a supervillain for a neighbor?  Try anything and everything here in Kingfisher Bay!
Journey To The Demon King—Yuliya is a simple cleric, tasked with guiding the Chosen Hero on his journey to slay the Demon King when they rise again.  So why is everyone so convinced she’s the Demon King’s next coming?  Do you see any horns under this habit???
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