#dc evolution
sassylightcycle · 2 years
hulk 1985 and hulk 2021
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comicexpertt · 1 month
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Oh my queen. I admire you.
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idekwthmuistb · 6 months
Ok so y'all've likely hear of the whole "kryptonite is hardened ectoplasm" thing (which can def make sense considering it's made from all the death having seeped into the now destroyed krypton if that one little snippet of information was telling the truth and I'm remembering it right) and I bring you:
Ghosts not only eat kryptonite but there's also a subsection species that actively lived on/visited krypton pre-nonexistence to hunt kryptonions and that's why kryptonions are so invulnerable and have all the powers that they have. Its how they evolved to withstand their predators (ghosts).
So like, imagine if Clark and Kara both get an intense prey-reaction of they ever meet Danny. And maybe Jon and Kon both get really anxious but it's less so than full kryptonions! And really Clark wouldn't know why he's so terrified of a teen that doesn't even reach his shoulders unless he asks The Fortress or Kara tells him. Maybe even Danny doesn't know and sometimes gets the urge to chase down a Super or automatically focuses on any of them when in the same room–never looking away from his prey the Super the entire time.
Idk I just think it'd be neat!
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon Cheerleaders
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bobbinalong · 10 months
yesterday i realized that i've only drawn talia and bruce next to damian once and they're not even actually interacting. but you know who i HAVE drawn doing all sorts of stuff with damian?
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in conclusion
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rosiestalez · 13 days
Do You Believe in Fate?
Remy LeBeau(Gambit) x M!reader
wc: 790
Summary: A young man takes a visit to an art exhibition not expecting to run into someone who he may never see again!
A/N: Hello, hello! i’m so sorry that this took so long, and i’m so sorry about how short it is. I am obsessed with the meet cute trope right now so that’s what you’re getting… i mean it (i’m sorry i’m being sarcastic)! I’m still trying to work on formatting and aesthetic of my page so thank you for your patience! Also, this is my last Gambit post until further notice! i’m still taking requests, but there’s already five and i want to work on our other faves!
Request by: @gambitsversion
Warnings: language, alcohol, meet cute!!
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Jazz music hummed, and the smell of Beignets, liquor, and smoke filled the air of New Orleans. Y/n makes his way into an art gallery nestled in between two historic buildings, the heat and humidity being left far behind. His eyes gazes upon the room, it’s small, but all the art was large and filled with personality he smiles looking at the beautiful art.
He begins to wander the exhibit taking in each art piece. His eyes lands on a large painting, it’s abstract. He looks at every purple, black, electric detail; he reads the pamphlet, but can’t seem to find the artist of this piece.
“It’s pretty, ain’t it?”, a voice speaks behind him.
Y/n turns his gaze from the painting meeting a pair of oddly black and red eyes. He’s smirking his back is up against the wall, nonchalant and confident. He’s brown leather coat draped over his broad shoulders, and his auburn hair put up, is slightly hued purple from the light in the room.
“I guess so”, he states curiously studying the man, “i’m not really into this.”
The man removed himself from the wall raising an eyebrow, “No? you don’t like it?”
He shrugs, “it feels a bit…chaotic, i don’t really get it.”
“Ah, i see”, he chuckles, “mon ami, sometimes chaos is the meaning”, he smiles.
“Yeah, i guess so”, he smiles back, “and do you happen to be the artist of this chaotic masterpiece?”, pointing his thumb behind him.
“Nah”, he shakes his head, “da name’s Remy, Remy LeBeau, but da people call me da Gambit”, he picks up a glass off a tray, “i like good art and liquor.”
He extends his hand to shake, “y/n”, he says; Remy shakes his hand with a firm grip. Remy smiles and my gosh it’s intoxicating, y/n can’t help, but blush.
“what brings ya over here?”, Remy asks taking a sip of his drink.
“I needed to get away.”
“Away from what?”
“y’know…life?”, he chuckles.
“Why NOLA then? You know it ain no escape”, Remy questions.
“It’s beautiful”, y/n smiles.
“Well, you’s a brave one for comin out here during hurricane season.”
Y/n’s heart flutters, his freckled cheeks growing warm as the conversation continues, “Are you from here?”
“Born and raised, cher”, he smiles.
“Well then I may need a tour guide tomorrow”, y/n bashfully smiles.
“Maybe cher, do ya believe in fate?”, Remy took a couple steps closer to Y/n. The world around him seems to slow down, his breath hitches at the realization of the lack of space.
He clears his throat, “never really thought of it”, his temperature rising, his heart is pounding, yet his thoughts are slow and steady.
“Damn, mon cher, i thought fate was the reason you were here in front of me right now”, he smirks. His eyes lingering on y/n’s face as if he was studying every feature, every freckle, and every imperfection. Y/n feels as though he could melt in Remy’s hands if he would allow it.
Y/n’a heart is racing, at the sudden flirtation from the stranger, “do you always flirt with strangers?”, he asks.
“only tha strangers I like”, he responds.
“Oh, I see”, y/n smirks, he was enamored by him. He was drawn to him, his aura, his eyes, everything, “for some reason, i feel as though you do this a lot, and they fall for it”, Remy just rolls his eyes and chuckles.
“Maybe so, but mon cher, right now it’s only you.”
Y/n is silent; he isn’t able to make sentences. It’s like Remy is hypnotizing him in this moment. He’s finally able to form some type of words Remy interrupts y/n’s thoughts.
“Ya know what, cher…give ol’ Remy a chance”, his voice is teasing, yet the tone is still serious, “then maybe you’ll understand where i’m coming from”, he smiles.
In a swift, smooth motion, Gambit slides the Ace of Hearts card into Y/N’s hand, his fingers brushing against Y/N’s skin for just a moment longer than necessary. Y/N looks down at the card, then back up at Gambit, who was already starting to walk away, casting a final, lingering glance over his shoulder.
“Think about it, cher,” Gambit calls reaching for the door. “Might just be the best gamble you ever take.”
And with that, he was gone, leaving Y/N standing in the gallery, heart racing and a smile tugging at his lips. He glances down at the Ace of Hearts in his hand, feeling the flutter of excitement that Gambit had left in his wake.
Maybe fate wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
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kryptonbabe · 1 month
Superman (headcanon) lesser known biological facts
Ok, I just submitted my final research paper and I'll, hopefully, have my academic degree in Biological Sciences soon so I wrote these for your consideration, my fellow fandom scientists
Kryptonians have a slightly higher body temperature than humans, the heat is naturally generated by their cells, that are highly efficient in storing energy in easily degraded chemical bonds, but will still disperse some of that energy as heat, a natural byproduct of any organic metabolism, so releasing optical rays (heat vision) is a great way of thermal regulating
Contrary to what some people believe, under a yellow sun, when Kryptonians have sex their ejaculation is not impossibly strong, that is due to their evolution, the capability of crossed species fecundation is an evolutionary advantage that would be greatly decreased in efficiency if the ejaculation would hurt or even kill their partner with its release, limiting the genetic spread of this trait, Lois is safe
Kryptonians bodies are too resistant to most kind of poisons, mild ones like alcohol are inconsequential to them, the substances capable of getting them drunk are rare and so chemically unstable that it is damaging for humans and other fragile species to be around it
Due to the harsh biochemistry of Kryptonians digestive system, capable of digesting most (but not all) substances in the universe, it is very hard for bacteria to live in their gut environment, so their poops don't even smell bad (under a yellow sun), when they get to a red sun system they must ingest probiotics for a better digestion (fun fact: Batman carries a little vial of Krytonian probiotics in his utility belt just in case)
Despite their radically different biology Kryptonians are psychologically very similar to humans due to convergent evolution that made our neural networks to function in an analogous way, despite their different biological origins, Kryptonians can process information faster (metabolic efficiency under yellow sun etc), under a red sun their neural capabilities are indistinguishable from those of a human being, but they're always dependent on electrical signals between neural cells to function, that means Superman is capable of empathy just like us, only he's doing it faster
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meliake · 5 months
i think beast boy and nightcrawler should be friends
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pridewishes · 6 months
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250x250 || trans || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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sassylightcycle · 2 years
godzilla tokyo sos 2003
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comicexpertt · 2 months
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I love you Emma Frost
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onnahu · 5 months
I'm not gonna say anything just...
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nelkcats · 2 years
Universe key is a wail
Now, the discovery was a completely accident, there were moments where Danny wondered about Clockwork's cryptic words, this time it was because he said that the key to the universe was in his voice, and that was not only a strange phrase but it also made no sense.
He didn't think much of it until he was forced to use his wail, he didn't hate the power itself but it was so much like Dan, with so much destruction left in his wake that he often avoided using it. A last resort if you ever ran out of options.
He hated how it drained him of energy, all the destruction around him, a power that brought him to his knees with each use and forced him to transform.
But there were moments like this, where his parents had surrounded him with one of their weird inventions that could probably kill him and he had no choice. He sucked in as much air as he could and wailed, waves of moaning shattering chunks of concrete around him as the machine tore apart.
What he did not take into account was that while the destruction expanded and his eyes continued to close, the layer between the dimensions was breaking, and instead of running out of energy, this breaking was feeding him.
Perhaps it could be seen as a natural evolution of his powers, which had not been able to take place due to the lack of power and how inexperienced the ghost was in the past. Or so Clockwork would say if asked.
It could be compared to Cujo's howl or Wolf's claws, but Danny didn't have time to think about that, when he opened his eyes expecting his inevitable transformation and the disgusted look in his parents eyes all he could find was a glowing green portal waiting for him.
Seeing that his parents hadn't recovered from the wailing, he sent a mental apology to Jazz and stepped through the portal, not his smartest move certainly, but he could feel the rings and didn't have time for smart choices.
Unfortunately the portal closed once his rings transformed him, almost as if they were connected, Danny suspected they were.
That was how Daniel "Danny" Fenton was found without identification papers on Gotham's worst streets, with the only knowledge that the most likely way to get back to his own dimension was to use his wail and destroy the entire city, or country, in which case no thanks, he was going to look for alternative ways.
He had seen the amount of damage he had caused when he opened his eyes and he didn't want to do it in an unknown city with the name of a Hot Topic shop (according to a random guy on the streets, was "Gotham" a real name or the guy was joking?) he didn't even know if its floors were reinforced against ghosts, it was probably not the case.
On the other hand, Batman was informing everyone about a sudden power surge in Crime Alley, and a power blackout soon after along with destruction in random places, he feared it was something magical.
However, as soon as Jason heard the place on comms, he stopped Bruce and told him to get away from his territory, if there was an unknown player he would be the one who would face him, but he was not going to call Constantine on suspicion.
He should probably start looking into the cute guy who was wandering the streets alone at that hour (walking alone on Crime Alley was weird); maybe he had information, but there was a mugging and the boy wasn't going to disappear into thin air.
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romancemedia · 5 months
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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Wonder Woman by Meghan Hetrick
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byghostface · 3 months
Hello there ghostface!!, I was wondering is Nika still working with or for Lord death man?,is she an anti hero??, I'm really confused about these questions so I was hoping you could help answer them^^, I hope I'm not bothering you too much and have a great day/night!!
Is Nika still working with or for Lord Death Man?
Nika is not working with or for Lord Death Man now. She has taken over his criminal empire and has been running it after Lazarus Island. Nika is working with the empire and not for Lord Death Man but for herself, and she thinks of herself as a newly minted Tokyo crime lord (she had dethroned him).
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-[Robin(2021) #17/ Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution]-
Currently, it's possible for her to leave the Lord Death Man empire behind because she thinks that managing people is boring ("And I'm not really that much of a people person."). She wants to slow down a bit to let herself live a little besides killing, to rekindle her old hobbies– painting and opera.
We don't know if she truly leaving the LDM empire, she just said she found an excuse (to find her sister) to get away from it. Plus the Ra's Al Ghul ghost business is not done, so she might still need to stay in charge of LDM's criminal empire for resources and connections.
I do think that Nika remains her control of the criminal empire and couldn't leave it anytime soon, even if she might want to take a break from running the criminal empire and killing.
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-[Batman and Robin(2023) #7]-
Is she an anti hero?
I think she can be counted as one at the moment, although in the future I don’t know what paths or choices she will take. There are hints that she might have the chance to kill to achieve her goal (for protecting the people she loves). The reason why she doesn't do it in Gotham is out of respect for Batman because that's her boyfriend/crush's father. And she knows Damian is against the killing after the death tournament.
("I know this city is your baby and everything, so I'm paying respect to the man of the house before I start breaking heads all over your city.").
Then again, Nika told Damian that he had proven/taught her "Life can be more than just being really good at killing people". So it's likely that she has considered Damian's words and done the killing less than before or stopped the killing in the meantime (we have not yet seen her killing people in the comic after the death tournament).
At the end of the day, Nika is still a pretty isolated teenager trying to learn to live with her power and everything else in her circumstances.
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-[Robin(2021) #11]-
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-[Batman and Robin(2023) #7]-
In the comic, Batman had specifically told her that no killing in Gotham and she accepted it. Nika had respected his rule and kept her word.
I personally think that Nika would stop her actions of killing eventually because of how much Damian is against it (he sort of changes her thoughts and redirects her away from killing), but she would still be involved in the criminal empire for some time because that's the system she had taken over and supports her current life.
Thanks for reading, I hope this has answered your confusion. Have a great day/night anon! :] b
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