#hit by a song and went 'ah. i need to do this'
socksandbuttons · 1 year
now. Will i ever make this this a full aniamtic
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festivalsofmargot · 1 year
Hi!! I love your imagines so much!! And I had a request if possible! Maybe f!reader and Sebastian sneak into the prefect bathroom for a bath together after a long day or something and one thing leaders to another..
My Sleep Remedy
{Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader}
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AGED UP CHARACTERS, 18+ SCENARIOS (Characters are nearing the end of their 7th year and are 18+)
Word Count: ~ 5,100 words
Warnings: 18+ smut, (first time having sex, fingering, handjob, oral)
Author’s Note: Just want to say right away that I’m not a lore master on Harry Potter, I’ve only read the first book, seen the movies, and obsessed over Hogwarts Legacy. I think you need a password to get into the prefects’ bathroom but I’m going by HL rules where you can just walk in lmfaooo. Thank you for the request, anon!!! I got really into this one and had so much fun writing it. Hopefully you guys have as much fun reading it ❤ Now kick back and turn off your brain. I cleared your schedule for you, enjoy 🥰
Songs (if interested):
Spiracle - Flower Face
snowfall (Slowed + Reverb) -  Øneheart, reidenshi
You’d think, after everything you had to do to catch up having come in late as a 7th year, you’d be out as soon as your head hit the pillow. Yet sleep still found a way to evade you. After tossing and turning with no signs of your eyelids growing heavier, you decided to sneak out of your dorm and wander the halls of Hogwarts once again. Maybe you could stumble upon some demiguise statues for Mr. Moon.
With the disillusionment spell coating you, you walked the halls easily, taking in all the paintings and statues. It was a shame you only had one year here, there was no way you could see the entirety of the castle in such a short time. Turning a corner, you rammed into a solid, invisible object.
The feel of hands steadied you as your rubbed at your nose. The disillusionment spell wore off for both you and Sebastian Sallow.
“Sebastian.” You said in pleasant surprise, smiling up at him. “What are you doing up?”
“Had trouble sleeping. Decided to follow your lead and go on one of these -” He waved his hand dismissively in the air, “night walks you rave so much about.” He chuckled, keeping his voice low. Of everyone he could have had insomnia with, he was happy it was you.
“Same here. Decided I might as well look for more of those demiguise statues. No idea why they bother Mr. Moon so much, I think they’re pretty adorable. Care to join me? Or did you want to be alone?”
He appreciated you asking, especially in such a way that he felt he could say ‘no’ if he needed. But he didn’t need to, or want to. “Count me in.” He smiled. “I think I spotted one in the prefects’ bathroom.”
You quirked a brow at him. “What were you doing in there?”
“Bathing, what else?”
“One of the prefects invited you to join them, did they?” You teased and he rolled his eyes, playfully shoving your shoulder.
“It’s my last year, so I figured ‘why not’? Wanted to try it at least once. And if I was caught, I’m sure people would have been happy I've moved on from the restricted section. Now come on.”
“Lead the way.”
You and Sebastian arrived at the prefects’ bathroom, cloaked in the disillusionment spell. “If I remember right, I think I saw it just over...” His eyes scanned the bathroom.
“Ah, there it is.” You strode up to it, your disillusionment spell fading. You picked it up and twirled it in your hand as you returned to Sebastian’s side. “One more down, Merlin knows how many to go.” You sighed.
He let his disillusionment fade as well, taking the moon from your hand to look it over himself. Really, he just needed a temporary distraction, every now and then he would get this terrible urge to kiss you. You never had to do anything special for the thought to pop into his head, all he could do was suffer in silence until the ache went away. 
He handed the moon back to you and looked out to the bathroom. “You know, why don’t you give this bath a go? It could help you fall asleep, now that you got one less moon to worry about.”
He could see you thinking on it, clearly tempted.
“Come on, you came in late as a 7th year and you’ve been working yourself to the bone. I say you’ve earned it. It’s your only year at Hogwarts and we’re almost finished anyway. Go for it.”
“You’re such a bad influence.” You smirked at him, then scanned your eyes over the room. “This place is beautiful though, especially at night.” You thought aloud. “But what about you? If it helps you sleep, you should use it. I can come back for it another night when you’re feeling better.”
Sebastian was tempted too, this place had relaxed him in the way he needed most. It was pure tranquility. After everything that had happened that year, having that little bit of peace this place offered helped greatly. But he shook his head, “All yours tonight.”
You eyed him sadly as he looked down at his feet, shoving his hands in his pockets. You’d much rather he took it. You didn’t want to part ways with him quite yet either, but maybe this was his way of saying he needed to be alone at the moment. “Alright... thank you, Sebastian. Wait, how often do the prefects come to check on this place?”
“If they hear water running, they’re not coming in here.” He reassured you. “Even if they did suspect you weren’t someone who was allowed in here, they’d at least wait until you were clothed to rat you out.”
“Makes sense.” You exhaled, looking upon the immaculate bath the size of a pond. The thought of sitting in this beautiful, moonlit room enveloped in warm water was more enticing by the second.
Sebastian could see your dreamy stare and decided it was time for him to go. “I’ll leave you to it then.” He shot you a grin as he turned to make his way out.
“Seb.” You called softly, speaking before thinking.
“Hmm?” He turned to face you easily. 
“I um...” You didn’t want him to leave. Though you spent most of your days stuck together like glue, you wanted even more of him to yourself. You only had a few more weeks at Hogwarts, and then who knew where the two of you would be? 
He felt as if his heart skipped a beat when he saw the look on your face, he had never seen it on you before. It wasn’t happy, it wasn’t sad. It was hopeful... and aching. He didn’t know what to make of it as he waited for you to continue. He could see your chest rising and falling, your breathing seeming to get heavier. The sight made the wait for you to speak feel like it took ages.
You cleared your throat, mustering up the courage for your next words. “Please stay.”
His insides constricted in the most volatile way. You couldn’t possibly mean you wanted to bathe together, could you? Maybe you just thought you two could put your feet in the water? Surely no nakedness involved. Oh wonderful, he was thinking of you naked even though you were only a few feet away from him. He swallowed thickly. What do I say? What do I say?
‘Yes’ seemed like the best answer. On one hand, it could be innocent and there was no need for his mind to have taken him to such a risqué place. On the other, if you did want to bathe with him, he’d be the world’s biggest blockhead if he said ‘no’. 
He had fallen hard and fast for you his final year at Hogwarts. He wished, more than anything, you came in as a 1st year so you two could have made more memories together. But only one year with you was the hand he was dealt. So he’d take every second he could, no amount of time would have felt like it was enough anyhow.
After everything you had done for him, picking him back up after what happened with Anne and Solomon, keeping his friendship with Ominis in tact, and sticking by his side even though you’ve seen the worst sides of him, how could you possibly want someone like me? You were far, far too good for him.
Who was he fooling? There was no way he would have ever said ‘no’ to you. 
“I'll stay.” He answered as he took a step towards you, but that was all he’d let himself do. You needed to make the next move, so he could know what you wanted from him that night. He’d give you everything and more, all you needed to do was ask.
It was hard to keep calm when the flutter in your chest felt so overwhelming. Becoming jumpy, you brought your fingers up to unclasp your robes. 
His eyes went dark. Merlin’s sake, he needed to get it together. He had seen you take off your robes countless times before. And for all he knew, you’d only be taking off your shoes and tights as well.
You glanced up at him when you slipped your robes off, then went to put them at the front of the room near the large stack of towels. 
Sebastian watched your hips as you passed him. Easy now, still don’t know how far you want to go with this. He darted his gaze away and shrugged off his own robes. After tossing it aside, he went to turn on the faucets to fill up the giant tub. He desperately needed to busy himself to calm his nerves. 
He peeked over at you and watched, mesmerized, as you kicked off your shoes and pulled down your tights from under you skirt, slowly revealing the skin of your legs in the most tantalizing way. His breathing started to come out shallow, his lips parting slightly. 
You were either stopping there or you were going to keep going. This was the point where he’d know what you wanted. And if that was how he handled himself getting a look at your legs? He probably wouldn’t be coherent if you took it further.
Tucking your tights and shoes away, you looked back at him over your shoulder. He shot his gaze away and tried to look busy with the faucets. He knew he must have had a dumb, slack-jawed look on his face.
In your head, you were even more of a wreck. You had taken off everything that could be viewed as innocent. You could stop there and spend a relaxing night speaking with Sebastian, or you could try to take him how you’ve always wanted him ever since he smirked at you in your first Defense Against the Dark Arts class.
You knew he’d be a gentleman about all of this, so you’d have to make the first move in the direction you wanted to take it. The look on his face when he saw you had taken off your shoes and tights was encouraging. You glanced at him again but his focus was fully back on the faucets, not as encouraging.
You took a steadying breath, thankful the sound of the rushing water would drown it out. You mustered up every ounce of courage you had, locked the door, and turned your body so that you were facing him. This could be your only chance, it was now or never. Looking down at your shirt, you reached up and slowly began unbuttoning it. Once you got down to the button that opened your shirt enough to reveal the top of your bodice, you peeked up at him to check if he was looking.
And oh he was looking, the way he seemed to be watching you with undivided attention had the spark of a fire ignite in your core. You undid a few more buttons until you gradually stilled under the weight of his gaze, temporarily hypnotized by the way he was looking at you.
“Keep going.” He said, hypnotized himself. He could feel the blood draining from his head to go south, leaving it empty with nothing but thoughts of what more you could show him. He wanted all of you displayed before him, all to himself.
Your heartrate sped up, you hadn’t known what words you wanted to hear from him, but those were certainly an electrifying choice. You picked up where you left off and delighted in the way he kept his eyes on you. You got to the last of your buttons and slipped off your shirt, revealing your bodice and the skin of your shoulders.
He stood up straighter and faced you fully as he watched your shirt fall to the floor. Your skirt was less of a slow burn and more of a shock to his senses when it only took one undone button for it to fall as well.
He clenched his jaw and exhaled through his nose like he was being tortured. It wasn’t fair, the effect you had on him. He could see out of the corner of his eye that the tub still had a ways to go filling with water, so he hoped you would help him pass the time by continuing to do what you were doing.
You kept your eyes on him, nervous, excited, and aching to show him what was under your bodice. You began undoing the buttons of your final layer. His eyes fell down to your chest, and you could see his adam's apple bob in his throat. The heat you felt in your abdomen went lower, you felt it throb in the most delicious way. That throb only swelled when you glanced down at Sebastian’s pants, his erection pressing hard against the fabric. The thought of having caused it sent a thrill through you.
When you slipped off your bodice and revealed your breasts, he made his way towards you, not allowing this space between you anymore. Keeping your eyes on him as he approached, you swiftly pulled down your underskirts. His face turned pained seeing you fully naked before him, your most sensitive area exposed to him. 
He stood before you, eyes darting all over you, not sure where they wanted to feast upon more. You didn’t mind that you were naked and Sebastian wasn’t. Those hungry looks of his had been more than enough to send you over the edge. 
As you witnessed his eyes ardently roaming over you, you reached up and began undoing his tie, the rise and fall of his chest speeding up. You slid his tie off and went for his buttons, undoing them one by one. 
It was such an intoxicating contradiction to witness, watching you take control in such a tender way. He narrowed his eyes at you as you slipped his shirt off, fingers brushing along his skin as you did so. You met his gaze and sensed he was wordlessly begging you to release his hard length from his pants. 
Your lashes curtained your eyes as you looked down to undo his belt. He dared to touch you then, his fingers grazed your hips and he dragged them lightly up the sides of your torso. He held back, because the way he wanted to grab you, he was sure he’d leave bruises. You were so soft, almost like you were the most delicate thing he had ever touched, even though he knew full well you were far from it.
You undid his pants and looked back up at him. You were still for a moment and he wondered what was going through your head. Keeping your eyes on him, you gingerly grabbed at his length. You watched with delight as he hissed a breath through his teeth and shot his gaze down to your hand on him. You stroked your thumb across his tip and he almost collapsed.
He panicked when you released him and began walking away. He watched in stunned silence as you walked down the steps into the water and then dove in. You resurfaced and swam towards the faucets, turning them all off. His pants were hanging loose on his waist, his hard length teasing out of it. 
“Are you coming in?” You asked without looking at him, continuing to turn off the remaining faucets, your nipples peeking out of the water every time you reached up.
His body finally kicked in to gear. He nearly fell over as he hopped on one foot to yank off one shoe, then switched sides, just as unsteady while taking off the other. His hands were shaky and quick pulling off his socks, he threw them to the side, not caring if he ever saw them again. Once he shoved down his pants, he joined you in the water, not nearly as graceful as you and causing much more splashing.
You giggled as you swam to meet him, pulling his face into a kiss. He treaded the water as you held him close to you, relishing the feel of your mouth on his, your breasts pressing against him. The water was slick on your skin, he was half tempted to swim back and just watch you exist, naked and dripping wet. But he didn’t want to leave this position, not yet.
Your hands slid down and rested on his freckled shoulders, reveling at his hard muscles there. He pulled back from the kiss slightly, wanting to look at your face. He cupped your jaw with one hand and dragged his thumb along your skin, watching the water droplets run down. He couldn’t believe this was happening, he had been in love with you for so long, and he had you with him like this. And in the prefects’ bathroom to top it off? If this was a dream, he’d absolutely die if he woke up.
A smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he looked over your features, and you couldn’t help but smile back. Every look he gave you tonight had you melting.
“I want you to touch me.” You told him.
He was sure he was dreaming then, but he’d do everything in his power to not wake up. “I’m so glad.”
He grabbed your hand under the water and pulled you along as he swam towards the tub’s edge. He rested a hand on it to keep himself afloat. “Hold onto me.” He said. You complied, placing your hands back on his shoulders. His free hand remained under water, moving to your inner thigh, his fingers dragged up to your folds. He eyed you for your reaction, you nodded your head. The two of you looked down into the water at his hand, he ran his first finger through you, taking in the feel of it all. You dug your nails into his skin, it kept his member rock hard.
He had read books on sex before, but the boring ones. The ones with lifeless illustrations, education being the main purpose. He wasn’t completely ignorant of what was between your thighs, but he couldn’t truly know until he encountered it himself.
“Right there. Move your fingers on that spot.” Your whispered feedback had his insides reeling, and he threw out his plan to take his time feeling you. 
“How should I - what do I -” He was eager to please but he'd be lying if he said he knew how.
You put a hand over his and guided him towards the top of your slit. You moved his fingers in short, up and down, rubbing motions at a quick pace. You already knew how to get yourself off from alone time in the showers, and you were earnest to have him take your place. His rough, warm fingers would feel so much better.
“Like that.” You panted. “Keep touching me like that.”
He furrowed his brows and bit his lip in concentration, all his focus going to his fingers, he was going to get this right if it killed him.
You held onto him for support as he moved against you, your peak was approaching much faster with his fingers instead of yours. His eyes darted up and down, going up to your face and then back down to your need. 
You brought your hands up to his head and fisted his hair, he pressed his forehead against yours, keeping up his motions. You held him to you as your climax got closer and closer, wrapping one leg around his waist underneath the water. He was especially thankful being in the water then, it helped make the two of you more weightless. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold this strong other wise. 
“I’m gonna - I’m -” He slammed his mouth onto yours to keep you quiet as he finished you off. Your muffled moan against his lips and your body spasming against his hand had him ravenous.
You pulled back from him to catch your breath, and you let your head fall against his shoulder. He held you close to him and rested his cheek against the top of your head. He wanted to make you feel that good all the time, wanted to be the only one who ever did.
You drifted back and put your hands on his chest. “Sit down.” You commanded, your breath still a bit uneven. You pushed him back gently through the water, towards the steps. 
“Alright.” He responded, compliant and enamored. He kept his eyes on you as he swam backwards and sat, not wanting to miss a second of you.
He took a steadying breath as you settled your knees on either side of his legs, straddling him. He exhaled sharply when you gripped his length under the water, “Now tell me how to touch you.”
His brain couldn’t process your question. He was eye level with your chest and stared ahead with half-lidded eyes, the water droplets running down you were madness inducing. He couldn’t stop himself from cupping some water into his hand and smearing it across your chest to make you glisten even more in wetness.
“Seb.” You whimpered, gripping him tighter.
His glazed eyes looked up to yours. He was delirious, there was so much of you to look at and you were touching him in a place no one else had. Getting his hand to act since his mouth couldn’t, he followed your lead and guided you on what to do. 
You wrapped your fingers around him and stroked up and down in the way he silently instructed. He leaned his elbows back on the steps and watched you, bewitched, as you fixated on his pleasure. 
You propped one hand against his chest as your other worked up and down his shaft. “A bit faster.” He groaned. “That’s...” His eyes rolled into the back of his head. “Ah that’s it.” The sound of water sloshing along with your breathing echoed throughout the prefects’ bathroom, and he was nearing his peak faster than he wanted. Quickly, he leaned forward and removed your hand from him. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked in a slight panic, he grabbed your face and pulled you into a kiss to put you at ease.
“Nothing.” He reassured once he pulled back. He looked up at you with longing, tortured eyes and stroked your cheek. “Can I be inside you?”
Your insides set ablaze and you nodded your head. He swallowed thickly as you adjusted on top of him, positioning yourself over his length. His hands moved to your hips and he gripped tightly, looking down into the water at you two about to join.
He did everything he could to inwardly steady himself. “Right...” He breathed. “Now... When I’m about to finish, you need to uh...” Focus! He shot a hand through his wet hair quickly then placed it back on your hip. “You need to withdraw from me, alright?” 
You nodded your head, just as frantic at the anticipation as he was. “I will.”
Ignoring your jittery nerves, you took him in your hand to guide his tip to your entrance. Slowly, you sunk yourself onto him, taking your time as you felt him stretch you out to fit deeper. You felt his body stiffen under you. With a throaty groan, he wrapped his arms around you and rested his forehead against your chest. You brought your hands up to the back of his head and held him close as you both breathed through it.
He wanted to be stuck in this position forever. The feel of your heat slowly enveloping him was unreal. You whimpered as you took more of him into you. He kissed the spot between your breasts, “Go slow. Go slow.” He whispered against your skin. The words were meant for him just as much as they were you.
His eyes squeezed shut briefly when you had him fully in you.
“I - I think I’m alright now.” You said, and could feel him nod against your chest.
You swallowed the dryness in your throat, and leaned back a bit to look down into the water. Catching your curious gaze at what it looked like being joined together was one of the most arousing things he had ever witnessed. 
You thought back to how he wanted your hand to move on him, so you gripped his shoulders and moved your heat up and down his length.
His hands moved down from your hips to your bottom, groping roughly. He leaned back enough so he could watch you bounce on him, quicker and quicker as you became more accustomed to the feel of him inside you.
He was becoming unhinged at it all. The feel of your heat gliding along him, the movement of your dripping wet breasts, your nails digging into his shoulders, and the sound of your panting breaths mixed with his. His climax was coming fast. 
“Ah I’m about to - Please don’t stop.” He could hardly speak, and his vision was getting blurry. He leaned forward to bite at your skin, he didn’t care where, anywhere. You arched your back at the feel of his teeth, and you knew he was nearing the edge. You withdrew yourself from him just enough to take him in your hand and he kept his hands on your ass. You stroked him fast to finish him off, but an urge to take him in your mouth took over. You broke away from his grasp and submerged your face under the water, wrapping your mouth around him. 
“W - Wait,” He breathed heavily, “What are you - o - oh...” His words melted into grunts as his head fell back and he spilled into your mouth.
When you felt he was done, you swallowed him and went back up for air. Wiping the water from your face, you saw his eyes were wide at you and he was trying to catch his breath. It was the most exhilarating sight.
He didn’t know what possessed you to put your mouth on him, but he needed to figure it out so he could ensure it possessed you next time too.
A dreamy sigh left your lips and you laid back into the water, floating contently as you looked up at the ceiling. He leaned back on his elbows and watched you, his legs too wobbly to move anywhere. It was quite the way to bring seven years at Hogwarts to a close.
“You know I’m in love with you, right?” Despite the lighthearted wording, there was gravity in his delivery.
You went up straight in the water to look at him. Hiding your dopey smile, you submerged yourself until it was just your eyes peeking out at him.
Getting bashful himself, he leaned forward on his knees and rubbed at his face. “Yeah, you know.” He laughed breathily. He was all too proud seeing how flushed your cheeks were and knowing he was the cause.
You swam back to him until you were standing on the steps below him. Placing your hands on his knees, you leaned forward and kissed him. You pulled back, getting a good look at all of his freckles. “I thought it was obvious I'm in love with you too.”
He pulled you back onto his lap. Gripping your thighs, he claimed your mouth with a deeper kiss. You were both tired now. He just needed this last taste of you, this last feel of your wet skin on his before you separated.
He tore himself from you and looked into your sleepy eyes with his. “Bed?” 
“Afraid so.” You sighed, getting up off his lap.
You grabbed his hand, pulling him with you out of the tub. Towels were aplenty in the prefect bathroom, and he grabbed one for you and him. As the two of you dried off, the exhaustion really kicked in. You gave each other sleepy smiles as you caught the other’s eye, trying to sneak glances as you put your uniforms back on.
He finished dressing before you did and went to help you with your last few buttons. “Stay with me in Feldcroft this summer. It’d mean the world to me if you did.” 
You met his half-lidded eyes with yours, a lazy smile on your lips. “Of course, I will.” 
He gave you one more lax kiss, then went to unlock the door. You picked up the demiguise moon and he opened the door for you.
“What in Merlin’s name?!” A younger prefect’s unwelcome voice knocked you two out of your magical haze.
Sebastian rolled his eyes and pushed you defensively behind him, keeping you hidden.
“Were you two in the prefects' bathroom? At the same time?! Don’t tell me you… in our bathroom!”
“I think you’re mistaken, we were just retrieving a demiguise statue for Mr. Moon, that’s all.” Sebastian grabbed the moon from your hand and walked up to the prefect, their height difference becoming very apparent when he came toe to toe and looked down his nose at him. 
“B - But your hair’s wet! Both of you -” 
“I’ll say it once more since it doesn’t seem like you heard me. You’re mistaken.” Sebastian repeated. “And if I hear any rumors about what you think happened, I’ll know who started them, won’t I? I only have a few weeks left here at Hogwarts, let’s see to it they go by smoothly, yeah?”
“F - Fine. Just get back to Mr. Moon straightaway and go to your dorms.”
He gave the prefect a couple solid pats on the cheek. “Attaboy.”
Grumbling, the prefect turned on his heel and left.
Sebastian returned to your side, wrapping an arm around your waist and practically carrying you out of the faculty tower. “Were you trying to protect my honor back there?” You teased and could see he was biting back a cocky grin.
“I was. I could go back and scare him some more since you seem so pleased about it.”
He cackled when you smacked his arm. Sleepless nights weren’t so bad anymore.
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strwberri-milk · 2 months
Midnight Blues
Rafayel x Reader || Mild Insomnia, Comfort || 1 184 words
a/n: my toxic trait is pretending im a singer and compiling songs into albums and naming them and midnight blue is the name of the hypothetical album that encapsulates falling in love with rafayel and i guess i could make a playlist bc thats the normal thing to do but i just name fanficitions after them ig. also this is based off his treasure secret time - idgaf about the mensturation i only care about the fact that hums your ass to rest and the lore drop that is rafayel calling you at night when the two of you first start met bc it would help you sleep
You can hardly remember what nights were like before without the sound of his voice in your ears.
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You sigh as you sink into your bed, staring up at the ceiling after doing another quick lap around the house to try and tire yourself out. Your body is tired, you know it is. You just wish that you could sleep, not at all excited about the prospect of having to go to work tomorrow after being unable to sleep all night.
You’re about to start your nightly routine of tossing and turning when your phone suddenly starts to ring. A smile makes its way onto your face as you recognise the caller ID, putting your phone against your ear and humming lightly to alert the other side to your presence.
“You’re still awake, huh?” Rafayel’s teasing tone asks through the phone. The two haven’t known each other long but that didn’t seem to bother Rafayel in the slightest.
“Yeah,” you sigh, putting your phone on speaker next to you on the pillow.
All it took was falling asleep one time in a conversation with him for Rafayel to pounce on that and decide to take advantage of it. You swore up and down that it was a mistake, that it wasn’t because of Rafayel that you fell asleep but deep down you know that something about that silky smooth timbre of his voice made your worries go away. You’d never slept so soundly, mortified at the teasing text that he sent you when you read it in the morning.
However, you had to admit defeat and let the man do whatever he wanted. Even before you met him it was clear that Rafayel didn’t care much for whatever the people around him want. He does as he pleases and now, it seems that he’s convinced you won’t sleep without him talking to you.
“If you wanted me to call you all you had to do was ask,” he says after a while, letting you get settled in bed.
“I’m grown. I can take care of myself,” you reply, Rafayel imagining a slight pout on your features as you did so.
“Ah, I see. So you don’t need me to talk you to sleep then? I’ll hang up then.”
“Wait!” you shout quickly, shooting out of bed and grabbing your phone.
“Don’t…don’t go. Please?”
“Begging now? I guess if you’re that desperate for my company I’ll give it to you.”
You can hear how smug he is, rolling your eyes at how obvious his tells are. You wonder how Thomas hasn’t figured him out yet – Rafayel isn’t nearly as sneaky as he seems to think he is.
“Are you driving?” you ask after a second, settled back into bed again and listening carefully to his end of the call.
“I’m heading back from an exhibition. I could have booked a hotel but I didn’t feel like staying the night there so I’m making the long drive home. I called you to see if you’d keep me company.”
You tug your blankets around yourself, losing yourself in their warmth as you yawn. The exhaustion begins to sit on your shoulders again but this time, it feels more manageable. His voice swims around your head as he starts rambling about the exhibition. You’re glad to hear that it went off without a hitch, having declined his invitation yourself due to a more urgent task of the day.
“Are you even listening to me?” he asks, bringing your attention back to him.
“Hmm? Yeah, sellers bullying you, people hitting on you, same old same old,” you mumble, burying yourself further into your bed.
“If you didn’t like it that much, why didn’t you just make something up to get out of it?”
“I couldn’t bail on Thomas again. I felt bad for him constantly fielding off journalists and this show was supposedly a big deal so I decided to do him a favour. Plus, I blew off all the shows so far this month so I might as well make myself seen at a more important one.”
Leave it to Rafayel to make doing his job seem like a favour to someone else. Even if he acts like he’s got his head in the clouds you know he’s genuinely kind – if you’ve got the patience to go digging through the layers that make up the enigmatic artist. You feel thankful that the world brought you to him, even if you weren’t sure what the budding feeling in your chest is.
“You had a long day, huh? I can hear it in your voice.”
You give him another hum, not wanting to bother with any words.
“Even if I ask you a question you don’t need to reply. It’s getting late and I won’t be home for at least another hour. I really did just want your company you know. I’m glad that you answered my call. It would have been miserable if I had to drive home all alone.”
It doesn’t take Rafayel much time to start rambling at you again. You don’t know how he manages to find anything and everything to say to you and keep himself entertained, laughing at his own jokes and taking the soft noises you make as jumping off points to completely go on a new tangent.
When he hears your light snores and steady breathing, he smiles to himself. The sound of your breath surrounds him in his car and if he weren’t such a responsible driver, he’d close his eyes just to pretend that he’s laying in bed with you.
Normally, Rafayel was perfectly content driving home in silence, finding the long expanse of road the perfect opportunity to ground himself after all of the cameras and people in his face. Honestly, he only left when he did to make sure he’d be able to call you at the same time he did every night. Your inability to sleep well worried him and even if you didn’t fully understand the extent of his feelings towards you, he wouldn’t let that get in the way of taking care of you. You make him happy after all, especially when he hears you try to rouse yourself from sleep in a desperate attempt to show him that you’re listening to him. The mental image of your sleepy eyes trying to focus on his face makes his heart melt, impatiently tapping his finger against the steering wheel at the annoyance of being unable to call you his just quite yet.
Even when he gets home, he doesn’t hang up on you. He’s careful to do his nightly routine quietly, using the sound of your breathing as his favourite symphony and he settles down for the night himself. He even continues to speak to you softly, wanting to make sure that his voice lulls you into a truly restful slumber. He thinks about you a lot and being able to help you in any form always makes his heart feel so full.
He won’t admit that talking to you on these late nights makes him sleep well too, putting his phone on the pillow beside him before falling asleep to thoughts of you.
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lawsvalentine · 1 year
Rock The Boat • Zoro x Fem!reader • (18+)
CW: smut (size kink, riding,rough sex, mating press, overstimulation, soft!dom zoro, dirty talk, dumbification, bed breaking, creampie), pussydrunk!zoro, dickmatized!reader
Cee’s note: head bonk empty other than the thought of Zoro’s huge dick (and yes this title was 100% inspired by the Aaliyah song)
Happy birthday to @roronoaswifey 🥳, hope you enjoy pookie
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“Take your time baby”
You were currently hovering over his waist, mentally preparing yourself for his length. Zoro was definitely bigger than what you were used to. With some prior prep from his fingers stretching you out, you felt ready to take his cock.
With both your hands resting on his scarred chest for support, you slowly lowered yourself onto his tip. You gasped, eyes scrunching as you felt the stretch against your walls as you sank down. You managed to get a little more than the tip in, before pausing to adjust to his size.
“You got this, babe, taking me in so well” Zoro encourages as he caresses both your arms gently.
His encouraging words helped you sink down lower, taking more of him in. Tears pricked your eyes at the sting between your legs. Your pussy was clenching around him so nice and tight, Zoro had to restrain himself from thrusting up into you.
When the pain started to subside, you started to move your hips slowly up and down as pleasure started to take over. Zoro grunts and throws his head back, as you start to bounce on top of him.
“Mmm Zoro, you’re so big” , you moan as you took him in deeper with every bounce.
Praises were spilling from Zoro’s mouth saying how well you were taking him and how good you felt. He brought his hands to your ass, grasping at the fatty flesh as he guides your hips to grind against him. You moan, feeling the pleasure as you continued to grind against his pelvis.
“F-Fuck I’m gonna…ah!”
Your eyes rolled back as you came all over his cock, glazing it with your arousal. You flutter around his dick as you rode out your orgasm. Zoro’s head was spinning at the overwhelming pleasure. He needed more.
You yelp as you felt Zoro flip you down against the bed, him now on top of you. He grabbed both your legs, and pressed them against your chest as he started to thrust into you at a rapid pace.
Your eye’s glossed with tears from the overstimulation you were feeling, drool pooling at the side of your mouth as you whimper every time his hips snapped into you. Zoro smirks at the sight of you.
“Have I fucked you dumb already, we were just getting started.”
You couldn’t even respond, knowing nothing coherent would come out your mouth. All you could do was clutch at the bed sheets, taking everything he’s got. He was hitting so deep and fast, you were completely entranced, only thoughts being how good he felt abusing your cunt.
Zoro was just as pussy drunk, completely consumed in how amazing you felt. You were so wet and tight, he couldn’t get enough of you. You looked so pretty like this to him. Face fucked out and the sounds you were making was driving him crazy.
With the way he was fucking you it felt like the entire ship was rocking. Both of you were too lost in each other to realize how loud you two were being, both your moans and his grunts mixing with the harsh bangs of the bed frame against the wall and the slight creaks coming from the bed stand.
With a few more thrust the bed stand finally gave out, and with a loud crash, it completely snapped. You let out a squeal as you two slide down the bed. This didn’t stop Zoro though as he held you in place and continued fucking into, the new angle helping him to reach deeper into you.
Your vision went blurry as you came for the second time that night, legs shaking as a stream of moans spilled from your mouth. Zoro came right behind you, snapping into you a few more times, riding out his orgasm.
He buried his face in your neck, both of your chest rising and falling as you both try to catch your breaths. He finally pulled out and rolled beside you on the now slanted bed.
You both finally came to your senses, realizing the current state of the bed. You both share a look before bursting out laughing. This was going to be very awkward to explain to Franky.
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serafilms · 6 months
song 15! 10:36 (beabadoobee) + dan heng (spotify wrapped event)
i know you thought it was just us, i didn’t think you’d fall in love, you’re just a warm body to hold at night when i’m feeling all alone
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Dan Heng knows you often have trouble sleeping.
You aren’t like March 7th, who has probably the most normal sleeping habits, or the Trailblazer, who is a little paranoid in a new environment but can conk out in two seconds flat, and you certainly aren’t like Dan Heng, who foregoes sleep frequently by choice. You like to sleep, but you just can’t do it well.
Your first night on the Express, he heard a clatter coming from the hallway and went out to find you rummaging through the storage closet looking for an extra pillow.
He frowned. “Is yours too flat?”
Your face flushed a little, and he had the fleeting thought that you looked pretty like that.
“No, I’ve just always had some trouble sleeping comfortably, but uh…. it gets a little bit better when I’m—“ you paused and gave an awkward little cough. “—hugging something.”
Dan Heng didn’t really know what to say, so he went back into the Archives and brought out his own pillow. At your protests towards accepting it, he simply replied that he wasn’t going to sleep that night. “We stop at Belobog tomorrow. I’ll get a new one there.”
Then, as he was walking back to his room, he turned his head back and cleared his throat. “Ah, goodnight.”
As he glanced at his reflection in the data bank, he noted that his cheeks were a little pinker than usual.
It’s exactly because you have trouble sleeping that he’s stuck in this predicament: lying in your bed as stiff as a board with your sleeping body clinging to him.
Earlier today, he sat beside you on a high speed airship on some obscure planet, and you held onto his arm to keep from being tossed around. He felt something hit his shoulder a few minutes later and found you fast asleep. He turned red, scowled at March when she took a photo and upon your mortified apologies when waking up had given you an offer.
“It was the best sleep I’ve had in ages,” you told him sheepishly.
Dan Heng is a logical, coolheaded man. So there was really no excuse for when he blurted out, “I can sleep in your bed tonight if it helps.”
Now, his heart is beating a mile a minute and he swears the heat from his face has raised the room temperature by about five degrees Celsius.
And as he lies there, watching your peaceful face, he curses himself because he knows that he would put himself through this a million times just so you could be like this.
This thought comes paired with a horrible realisation. You need him in order to sleep, but he needs you in order to live. He needs you more than you need him, and he isn’t sure how he feels about having that weakness.
Dan Heng breathes in and tries to calm his beating heart. He can figure this out in the morning. Right now, it’s just us.
He relaxes his muscles and allows himself to feel your warmth. He closes his eyes and holds you as he drifts off to sleep.
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shugar0cone · 4 months
The angels
I was scared, I don’t know why but maybe it’s because of the beyond the point of death. I took a break holding my angelic shot gun pointing at the sky. “Darling they’re not comming yet.” Alastor my husband sat down next to me on top of the hotel. “You don’t know that.” I put my eye to the scope. This riffel represent my custom I had in the living, Alastor special requested it for me to vaggie. Alastor put down the barrel of my gun. “Darling dont freight for we are strong and those angels have no chance.” He smiled down at me. “You don’t know that.” I one again put it to my shoulder waiting. “Darling you know just as well as I do sitting their with your gun pointed at nothing won’t kill the prey, you need to walk breath enjoy it and then you’ll have a better shot.” He was right Alastor took us hunting when we were alive granted it wasn’t civil for your kind, but I wanted to fend for myself. “You’re right.” I put the gun on my back. I looked up at my husband. He still had his smile no fear, nothing was showing but deep down somthing was wrong. “Alastor.” I turned and looked at him. “Hm?” He looked at me in the eyes lovingly. “Im add somthing to my vows and you can’t take it back.” I said. He nodded. “Alastor I don’t know what’s living beyond death but know, I will love you for eternity, it doesn’t matter if I’m alive, dead, double dead or triple. I’ll love you.” I looked up at him his eyes softens. “And if I were to end up double or triple I’ll love you until all existence ends, I’d still love you.” We put our foreheads together. And held each others hands.
“DIE YOU FUCKERS!” I grabbed my pocket dagger and stabbed an exorcist. They were to cocky to un afraid of us, their move where jagged and predictable, one thing about a good murder is that they where unpredictable and organized. I pulled the blade out othe ex’s eye. “HEY ANGEL HOW MANY YOU GOT!” I yelled. Angel and I made it a comption to make us feel better. “36 what about you.” He said gunning down the angels. “Ha I got 46 I’m ahead~” I ran off to kill more until I see Adam and Alastor. Oh no.
“Aww looks like I missed the party.” I say standing with my hands on my hips. “Ah nice to-“ adam attacked Al but he dogged. “See you my love say how’s the weather down there.” He offers you his hand still diving Adams attacks. “Well, but must be some much more entertaining up here.” They got into each others arms and started to do a dance. (Cringy I know but I wanted a dance thing.) Alastors and I swayed through the attacks seamlessly. “FUCK STOP DANCING.” Adam yelled and tried to attack which Alastor dipped me down and I pointed my riffel and missed. “Missed me!” Adam says he grabbed the color or your shirt that was colored in gold and shoved you. “Y/N!” Alastor says. “Oh how you Fucked up now!” His voice became demonic i was in a trance and could not tell what was going on until I heard Alastor without his radio voice. “Shit..” with All my might i sag beside my bloody up husband. You two joked as Adam went on with his speech. “Looks like— looks like we switched places.” I said, I wanted to lighten the mood just like he did when I died in his arms. “We are not done yet my love.” Shadows engulf us as we disappeared.
“Ah, Alastor that fucking hurts.” I say. I were scratched up I mean it ain’t a war without blood right. “Darling stop being a wuss I’m pretty sure those spears hurt worse.” He said drenching his cloth again, Alastor could heal quicker then I can (lucky bastard) “ no what hurt the worst was seeing you almost die” I said. “Just by a hair though.” He said. “No more like the skin of your smile.” I said grabbing my husbands cheek and caressing it. “I love you.” I said in a soft voice. “I love you too.” You two shared a kiss until you bit down on alastors lips. “ALASTOR THAT FUCKING HURT!” I said he put to much pressure on that wound.
AN: YAY AND OMG ONE OF MY FAVE RELESES LIKE CARMILAS SONGS ALWAYS HIT! AHHHH, anyways I hoped y’all like and sorry for the dance bit I know it’s cringy but I wanted a dance thing.
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blue-slxt · 1 year
Birthday Sex
*Request: It’s my birthday!! Can I please get birthday sex with soft dom Neteyam*
First of all, Happy Birthday!!! 🥳 I hope you enjoyed your day!
I kinda cheated and bumped this one to the front of the line because I wanted to get this out for you on your birthday so I really hope you like it! All characters are aged up.
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Smut under the cut
You knew what you were getting yourself into. When Neteyam dragged you back home because he wanted to give you your gift for your birthday, you knew what he meant.
It started with roaming hands and teasing touches. It soon escalated to hungry kissing, heavy breathing, and clothes flying. “I want to taste you”, he said lowly leading you to your shared sleep mat. You were confused for a second when he layed down on his back. But when he pulls your body on top of his face and his tongue makes contact with your gushing cunt, your confusion is replaced with pure brain-rotting lust. Your head falls back and you bite your lip reveling in the feeling of his warm, wet tongue lapping up all of your arousal that spilled over into his mouth. His eyes squint up at you suspiciously noticing how surprisingly light you felt. He knew you were only hovering over him and he was not satisfied with that. “Properly, yawne.” He says gripping your hips and harshly pulling you down to his face. Your knees give out under you and now your full weight sat on top of him. Loud slurping sounds fill your ears. You look down at Neteyam between your thighs that now caged him in and he was eating you like a starved man. He sucks on your clit and your hips jerk forward on his face. He groans loving the feeling of your folds sliding against his mouth. His hand comes up to slap your ass one quick time. “Ah! Neteyam!” His name rolls off your tongue like a song. His tongue busies itself pushing inside of your dripping hole. You feel like you’re about to lose your mind. You’re dying for more friction when you start to grind your hips down on his face. The tip of his nose bumps and pushes against your clit with every move you make and it’s finally starting to scratch that itch. Your fingers tangle in his hair to steady yourself while you ride his face. Your body leans back as you feel your high about to crash into you. “Ah! Haah! Oh, I’m gonna cum!” A muffled ‘mmmhmm’ is all Neteyam can manage to give you as a response while he happily suffocates in your core.
Your orgasm hits you full force while your hips buck wildly against Neteyam’s mouth. When you finally come down, your body goes still while you still reorganize your scattered brain. Neteyam taps your thigh lightly signaling to you that he finally needs to come up for air. You lift up off his face and his breathing is heavy gazing up at you.
He sits up to look at you. “Neteyam, I—” he cuts off your words when his mouth collides with yours. You can taste yourself in his mouth and it makes your eyes roll. He lays you down on the mat unable to hold himself back anymore. His hands find your ankles and yank them up onto his shoulders. You let out a small squeal that shifts into a moan when he plunges himself into you.
His thrusts are hard and consistent. From this angle, he’s knocking into your cervix just right and making your toes curl.
A deep groan erupts in his chest. “I love you so much. My beautiful mate taking me so well.” You loved it when he praised you and he knew that. There wasn’t a day that went by that Neteyam didn’t praise you about something, no matter how miniscule. It never failed to set your chest on fire.
His pace speeds up and your hands desperately feel around for something to grip to ground you back into reality. You’re about to cum again and from how tight the knot in your core is, you can tell how big it’s about to be. “N-Nete…I-I’m gonna…” you can’t even get the rest of the words out before your nerves all light up at once and your walls squeeze the life out of Neteyam’s dick. He sucks in a sharp breath feeling how tight you are around him and it makes him fill you with his seed. Your legs twitch with all the stimulation your body is receiving and your vision starts to dot.
One of Neteyam’s hands tenderly trails up and down your leg while he places feather-light kisses against your skin. You finally focus your vision on him and he smiles at you.
“Happy Birthday ma love.”
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dronebiscuitbat · 18 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 8)
Both drones landed in the spire at once, just beating out the morning sun as it rose on the horizon. They both looked back at it, before Uzi laughed and lurched forward, nearly landing in the sun.
“Uzi!” N felt himself move instinctually to her side, only for Uzi to hoist herself up, although still hunched over, halfway holding herself up with the hand on her wing.
“B-brown out. I'm A-okay-y-y.” Her voice glitched although she sounded more bubbly then he'd ever heard her, giggling like mad. And her eyelights exceptionally dim.
“Let's get some some rest then, come on.” N smiled, keeping a lid on the situation that just unfolded and focusing on her well-being.
“Sure” She spread her wings out to fly up to his nest only for them to suddenly retract into her with a snap. Almost sending her careening into the floor, if N hadn't caught her with his arm.
“Heehee… whoops.” She hummed, still giggling slightly, it seemed that on low charge, certain functions got turned off to conserve power. Like her wings, or her sense of balance, or… her sense at all.
Uzi gripped lightly onto his shoulder to keep herself upright, her other hand holding onto his arm that he'd caught her with. She blinked slowly, like she was fighting off sleep.
“Uh, m-i-i-ight need a hand.” She said, looking over at him with a wary smile. Ah, so she was at least partially aware.
‘Right, hold tight.” He picked her up bridal style and flew up to his nest, ignoring both his growing fluster and her “weeee!” as they went up. He released her, and she fell face first into it, before rolling to the side to give him some room.
He sat on the edge, putting his wings away, watching as the low battery indicator on her visor blinked even more frantically. It didn't make sense on why she'd been so low in only a day, unless she hadn't slept at all in awhile.
“Sorry, it's not as soft as yours.” He apologized, although she didn't seem to notice, squishing the nearest pillow in her fingers and letting out another sleepy giggle.
“I like it, you're like a bird…” She cooed before another brown out hit her system, causing her to breifly enter sleep-mode before coming right back out with a stream of happy giggles.
“You need sleep.” He said, taking the pillow gently from her and smiling, taking great care to remain perched on the side of the nest, any contact would likely send him into a flustered mess right now.
“So do you! Come here!” She grinned, patting the empty spot next to her, another blush crept up to his visor, but reluctantly he laid next to her, tossing the pillow aside.
“Is this be-” As soon as he'd gotten comfortable, Uzi shuffled right up next to him, curled under his arm, and her tail wrapped around his leg, much like his had always done.
“You're more comfortable then my bed anyway…” She purred, before her systems all but forced her to enter sleep mode, her grip going slack and all the eyes on her tail closing.
Leaving N to stare up at the ceiling, feeling his best freinds core humming into his side, her vents taking in air, and her soft silicone cheek burying into him.
His core was like a drum, whirring and taking in oil to try and cool himself off, his eyes wide, a more and more noticeable blush stained his face. The more he thought about the day.
He had a crush on Uzi.
And he'd probably had one for awhile, considering the strength it all hit him at once, he felt like screaming, either from his stupidity, or just because of how overwhelming it felt; he wasn't sure.
She mumbled in her sleep, her tail tightened around him. And his core tightened even more, her brought her closer, even if it made his temperature rise a few ticks.
He'd kept that song playing on repeat, letting the image of her wash over him again and again, each time he had something new to admire, her hair turning pinkish blue, her wings shining light between them, the embers dancing next to her face…
Holy hell had he fallen hard.
He moved a strand of hair out of her face before realizing she still had her beanie on, so he gently removed it, letting free her purple and black hair, he felt her tense, before relaxing.
He wanted to card his fingers through her hair, or pull her close so he could feel her core beat next to his, or even just… hold her hand as she slept.
He let out a shaky breath, and his hand tangled in her hair without his conscious input, detangling each strand with his fingers.
This proximity was both fueling his nerves and the tugging on his core. This… did not feel the same as it did with V. Maybe it was because Uzi was already his best freind, that it felt so much heavier in his chest.
“Nnnh… N…?” He froze solid, glancing over at her visor, it still said [Sleep Mode] but she was still reacting slightly to his touch in her hair.
“Shhhh…” It came involuntary out of his mouth, and his hand resumed it's journey through her hair, a small smile made it's way to her face, and it spread to his, his core swarmed with butterflies as her arm wrapped around him, gripping the fur of his jacket and pulling herself ever closer.
She was so cuddly when she slept…
What was he going to do…? She had so much stress on her shoulders right now, she didn't need… this! His weird, awkward feelings that he just now realized he had for his very pretty best freind.
He frowned, he couldn't just tell her… the chances were she didn't feel the same way, she didnt… like stutter, or seem to act any differently then she always did around him. She was… less prickly sure, but that didn't mean much. They were freinds.
So another crush he had to keep to himself, he could do that right? He could just act normal. Be there for her in all the ways he always was and just… not mention it. At least until they figured out everything that was going on. Then… then he'd tell her, and maybe she'd feel the same way? Or… reject him. Like V had.
But Uzi wasn't V. She wouldn't break his heart like that. If anything she'd just laugh! And tell him something like “ew you're so sappy N.” And then it would be over, and she'd know and they would move on.
For now though, his mind was made up, he could keep it to himself, just for a little bit right? Until they found Doll and figured out what was happening. Yeah, yeah he definitely could.
Uzi made a squeak before she began twitching, her tail beginning to constrict tightly around his leg, her body shook, and small beeps came from her system.
“No… no…no…” N was knocked out of this thoughts, replaced with concern, he turned his body to face her, ignoring his strumming core and cupped her cheek.
“Uzi?” He whispered, and although she was still solidly in sleep mode, he heard her whimper, her visor glitching with the solver symbol, he felt her curl in on herself, as if she was terrified.
“N…V…” She murmured, shuddering, fingers balling it fists, breathing getting erratic and uneven.
“I'm right here Zi…” He ran a thumb over her cheek, his other hand pulling her close into his chest, he felt her core whirring as hard as it would go, and another whimper escaped her mouth.
“It's okay.” He wasn't sure why he was talking, he wasn't even sure she could hear him. But it did seem to be working, the slower symbol slowly fizzling out.
“I'm sorry… I'm sorry… I'm sorry…” Her voice was small, weak, and distant. It sounded so scared.
“I'm here, it's okay…” He didn't know what else to say, his tail found her own and wrapped around it in an attempt to comfort her in her sleep.
He gulped, he wished he could do more, but her systems had forced her to sleep and now it was impossible to wake her up, he had no idea what horror she was experiencing, but his hand found her back, pushing her head into her chest, right above his core.
He felt her tense before one of her hands found the one retreating from her cheek, grabbing it and holding it so tight it almost hurt.
“Leave me?”
“Never.” He squeezed back, and finally she seemed to settle, the grip on his hand loosened, but now he was tangled up in her legs, unable to move. His face lighting up in a golden blush.
Yeah… he could definitely keep this to himself, no problem…
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giggly-squiggily · 21 days
Yay requests! I've been waiting for this
Lee!Gojo getting destroyed by Ler!Nanami for constantly bothering him!
{Requests are closed! This one's an older one <3}
AHHH I LOVE IT! Nanami as a Ler is so GOOD? And Lee!Gojo my beloved! I've gotcha covered, anon! :3
CW: Swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @gladdygirl18 @baby-tickles2022 @rachi-roo @mystwrites @chibisstuff @riisada @sp1racle @
Nanami was going to kill him.
“Nanana-NAMI!” Gojo sang out to him in the tune of that one Rihanna song, doing a little jig as he came up to him. “Nanana-NAMI! Nami! Nami-” “WHAT..do you want, Gojo?” Twisting on his heels, he glared at the shorter man, finding himself eye to eye with him. Well- eye to blindfold anyway.
“Heeeeeey.” Gojo grinned, bouncing on his heels. “I got a question for you.”
Nanami closed his eyes, seeking patience. “What is it?”
“What’s a fast zombie?”
….Nanami stared at him. Then, with some reluctance, he accepted his fate. “What?”
“Guess!” Gojo insisted, waving his hands.
“I don’t know-”
“A Zoombie!” Gojo cried in glee, laughing hysterically. Nanami felt a vein pop.
“Gojo…” He went for his tie..and stopped. A better idea came to mind. He narrowed his eyes, activating his ability.
The world was green, Gojo’s silhouette before him as he scanned him from head to toe. Then, it was revealed- white dashed lines across his lowest set of ribs. Perfect.
“G-Get it? A Zoom-BEEEH!” Gojo’s giggles were cut off with a sharp squeal when Nanami jabbed at his waist, going right for the spot he saw. Silence filled the area soon after- Gojo gaping at him with flushed cheeks as Nanami blinked.
“Ah..still ticklish I presume?”
“N-Nanami hold on now..you don’t want to do this-” Gojo was running now, his body flailing like a muppet as he made a mad dash for safety. Nanami merely walked after him.
“D-Don’t! Don’t you dahahahre- wahahit slow doohhown!” Gojo cried out with a laugh when he made it to the dorms. No one was home- the kids had gone out to a movie or something. This was both a blessing and a curse for the pale sorcerer- he had no one to witness his downfall, but also no one to sacrifice for the greater good. “Cohohome on, Nanami! Spa-ARE-”
His legs hit the couch, sending him tumbling over it cartoonishly. Nanami didn’t speed up, merely walking around the couch and climbing on top of him. “Nahahahnami pleahahhahse!”
“Please what?” He rolled up his sleeves, cracking his knuckles.
“Doohohon’t do thihihihs!”
“You want me to.” He didn’t need to elaborate. The fact Gojo ran instead of using his ability spoke for itself. Gojo fell silent upon realizing this 
Another tense pause. Nanami raised a brow as Gojo weighed his options.
“Um…is it too late now to say sorry?” He asked.
“Yes.” Nanami didn’t hesitate, fingers flying across Gojo’s torso with reckless abandon. Beneath him, Gojo arched with a loud squawk, full body spasming as he dissolved into laughter.
“Nahahhahaha! Nahahanah-nahahahahhahanahhahahamihiihhihiiiiiiiii!” He cried, shoving at the older man’s hands as they tapped along his ribs. “Wahahhahait I cahhahahan’t! Geahahahahhaa, hohohohohld ohohohohon!”
“I highly doubt that. You’re rather known for your stamina- at least that’s what you like to brag about.” Nanami moved his hands up to Gojo’s upper ribs, a smaller spot he saw with his 7:3 technique. Gojo nearly flew off the couch when he pinched there. “Is it all a lie?”
“Hehehehehell nohohohoho! I’ve gohohohohot stahhahaaminahahhaha for dahahhahys! Whahahait- thahhahat ihhihihiihsn’t an ihihihihiihnvihihih-EHEHEHEHEHEHE!”
“Sounded like one to me. Let's see how long you can go, shall we?” The blonde clicked his tongue as he dropped his hands to Gojo’s lower ribs.
“GEHAHAHHA!” Gojo’s squirms and laughter increased by tenfold at the touch, turning him into a thrashing bull beneath Nanami’s strong hands. “NOHOHOHOOH NOHOHOHT THEHEHEHEHRE!” His cheeks were on fire, smile was big and goofy and all so nostalgic. Nanami could recall numerous times where Suguru and Shoko tickled him like this. It was one of the happier times of their youth.
The thought made him somewhat sad. When was the last time Gojo truly laughed like this? He always seemed to find things funny, but it all felt so forced- like he was overdoing it to hide how he really felt. This, however? This felt natural- just like before.
“TAHAHAKE THIS!” Hands suddenly grabbed his hips, squeezing with such a rapid pace Nanami jumped several feet back. “Hehehheahaha..gohohotcha nohohohow!” Gojo groaned as he sat up, blindfold crooked as one blue eye gleamed at his friend. “Yoohohu had your fun…and nohohow it’s time for mine!”
“Heh…hehehe..hehehehheeeeh…” An exhausted Gojo laid across the tatami mats, huffing and puffing as he wrapped his arms around himself. Despite his bold claim, he was no match for Nanami. “I fohohohrgot yohohou’re so gohohohood at thihihs..”
“Hm.” The blonde hummed, walking back over with two cups of tea before sitting beside him. “I doubt it’s anything I did. You just refused to use your limitless ability.”
The number one thing that would have saved Gojo, and he refused to turn it back on. The pale haired man laughed as he sat up, taking the tea and draining most of it with one clean gulp. “Wouldn’t be as fun if I did.” He grew quiet, side by side with Nanami as he sipped his drink. “Hey…thanks, by the way.”
“I did nothing to warrant it.”
“No, you did. You always do. You put up with my bullshit like no other, and you willingly entertain me.” Gojo smiled in his cup, his voice unusually soft. “I haven’t had anyone like that in a long time. It’s..nice. Really nice.”
Nanami raised a brow but didn’t turn to look at him, knowing Gojo needed a second. Instead, he sipped his drink, watching the shadows of the room dance as the sun shifted. “I suppose you’re not nearly as annoying as you act.”
“Oo, a compliment from my beloved!” Gojo gushed, throwing himself at the blonde and making fake kissy noises. “Now shut up and kiss me!”
“Get out of here!” Nanami pushed him back, watching him tip over in a fit of giggles. That smile was like the one before, easing something tight in his chest.
He supposed he could get used to this.
Thanks for reading!
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wolfjackle-creates · 9 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 14
WIP Wednesday is happening this week! I would've had it up an hour or two ago, but I ended up having to run an emergency errand for my mom to keep her friend's car from being towed. But it's all been taken care of!
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
Note: Anyone who still doesn't know which episode I'm basing this arc on should know by the end of this segment. I did realize I made a mistake, though. The invading ghosts are Walker's guards. In the episode, up to this point the trio never refer to them as such. The audience, however, sees Walker send them in. I took that as Danny and co didn't realize they were Walker's people. But as I was going through minute-by-minute while writing, Danny does call them Walker's goons. So he knew the entire time. I'm adjusting that going forward and I'll retroactively make the edits before posting to AO3.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.7k
Everyone left Sam’s house at the same time. The Amity crowd had to get to school and no one felt comfortable staying at Sam’s house while she wasn’t home. As they ate a quick breakfast, Tim noticed Conner’s fingernails were painted.
“Looks good, Kon,” he commented.
“Thanks,” said Sam. “I did them last night while you and Danny were sleeping. Introduced him to actual music, too.”
Conner grinned. “She’s promised to burn me some CDs before we go.”
“A mixed tape is the only valid way to share music,” Sam agreed. “And if he’s gonna rock the punk look, he should know the punk culture, too.”
Tim laughed. “Well, looks like we know what we’ll be listening to on the way home. Will you need a CD player, Kon?”
“Is my laptop not good enough?”
Tim clicked his tongue. “Come to Gotham with me. I know I have an old one lying around. Nothing like listening to a CD while lying somewhere, wired headphones tangling up as you shift position. If you want the authentic experience, that’s the only way to go.”
Conner shrugged, clearly unsure. “If you say so.”
Danny yawned. “You’re giving him Dumpty Humpty, right?”
Sam snorted. “Am I giving him Dumpty Humpty? Who do you think I am? Of course I am!”
“Good. You can’t introduce someone to good music and leave out Dumpty Humpty.”
Tim nodded. “Yeah, you’ve gotten me into them. They’re fun. You’ll like them, Kon.”
“You played a song or two by them last night, right?” Conner asked.
Cassie nodded. “Yep. That’s who she was playing when Tucker, Bart, and I left to get some sleep in the other room.”
“Ah, yeah. That’s right. I liked them.”
“Of course you did,” said Sam as she flicked her hair. “I have excellent taste.”
Tucker was typing away on his PDA. “So what’ll you be doing while we’re in school?”
Tim grimaced. “I was thinking of hitting up the local library. We want to learn more about the ghosts. But also B has said that a condition of allowing me to extend my trip is that I keep up with my own schoolwork. So I have some catch up to do.”
Danny waved his spoon at him. “And you get on me for not doing my work.”
“Yeah, but you want to graduate and, like, go to college and shit. The stuff I want to do doesn’t require a diploma of any kind. B’s just making me do it because he society has convinced him it’s important.”
Tucker’s PDA alarm went off. “And that alarm means if we’re not out the door in five minutes, we’re gonna be late.”
Everyone groaned as they pushed away from the table and collected their belongings. The walk into town was filled with music discussion. Bart and Conner mostly listened and took note of recommended bands and musicians. Sam tended to know the most obscure stuff, but Tim knew some foreign bands from his time in Europe that no one else had heard of.
The walk was, thankfully, not disturbed by ghosts, but Danny’s ghost sense did go off several times.
“Didn’t your parents make a device that can track ghosts?” asked Tim the third time he complained. “Would that help you locate them?”
Danny hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe, I’ll have to see if I can find it. My parents stopped using it when it kept zeroing in on me. It was too loud for stealth use, though, and loudly went off anytime I was in range. And it didn’t work great for a 3D environment. So Tucker and I would have to develop a new display that can tell me if one is above or below me.”
“I should be able to help, too. You know how good I am with computers.”
“If I can find the device or blueprints, I’ll take you up on that.”
Not long after, they had to say goodbye at the entrance to Caspar High. Dash and his friends also arrived at about the same time. The group stared at Danny, but didn’t move to interact.
“Think they’re still overshadowed?” asked Conner, mirroring Tim’s thoughts.
“God, I hope not,” said Danny.
“But knowing our luck…” Sam trailed off.
Tim sighed. “Keep your distance as much as possible.”
“I know, mom.” Danny rolled his eyes. The school bell rang and he adjusted his backpack strap. “Gotta go. Have fun at the library.” His sarcasm was very evident and he hugged Tim.
The gesture surprised him and his return hug was slightly delayed. “I think I’ll find more than enough to amuse me there.”
With a quick goodbye, the trio rushed off before they could be late.
“So,” said Cassie, “Sam and Tucker seem to have a ton of ideas about you and Danny.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Danny and I only met in person less than forty-eight hours ago.”
Bart nudged him. “And yet you’re already sleeping in the same bed and giving each other goodbye hugs.”
“I do the same with you guys.” He pulled out his phone to check the location of the library. “Come on, let’s just get to the library. I want to see if they have a digital subscription to the local paper we can use.”
Tim didn’t get much schoolwork done that morning, but he did find out Danny was originally named Inviso-Bill by the press and immediately began planning ways to prank him with that knowledge.
For the rest, he compared what was reported vs what had actually happened with past ghost attacks. One thing was clear, Danny needed much better PR. Hopefully being seen working with the Young Justice would help. And maybe Sam would actually listen if he tried to give pointers on how to manage public perception.
Shortly after noon and before Tim could even pretend he was about to switch over to school work, his phone rang.
“Hey, Danny. What’s up?”
“Tim! Do any of you speak Esperanto?”
“Uh… I don’t. Let me ask Bart.” He lowered the phone to ask.
“Esperanto? What’s that?” asked Bart.
“I’ll explain later,” said Tim. Back into the phone, he added, “Doesn’t look like it. Why? What’s going on?”
“So… You remember that wolf ghost with the collar? Walker’s goons are after him, too. I’m not sure why since he only speaks Esperanto. I got him away from both them and my parents. Think you can keep him safe until school is out? If I miss any more class I’ll be grounded until graduation. Senior graduation.”
Tim gestured to his friends to pack everything up. “Yeah, sure. Where are you right now? I’ll have Bart meet you first and the rest of us will follow.”
Danny gave him directions to a forested area behind the school which Tim relayed to Bart. As soon as the group was out of the library, Bart rushed ahead to Danny.
Over the phone, Danny let him know Bart had arrived. “Oh, and Tucker just got here, too. Excellent. He can speak Esperanto as well. Looks like he’s explaining things to big and hairy over here.”
“Great. We’ll be there soon as we can.”
“Can we fly there?” asked Conner.
Cassie nodded. “People would just think we’re more ghosts.”
Tim rolled his eyes. “Superboy and Wonder Girl were seen in town just last night. No.”
Conner stuck his tongue out at him. “Spoilsport.”
“Relax. It’s not far. GPS has us in the general location in, like, ten minutes.”
“Fine, fine,” sighed Cassie. “We’ll be good.”
Tim elbowed her with a grin. “Now, I never said you had to do that.”
Conner laughed. “So, what is this Esperanto language, anyway? I haven’t heard of it.”
“It’s a conlang based on European languages that’s supposed to be easy to learn. The idea was to make a sort of common language for Earth without promoting a single language like English. It hasn’t gained a lot of traction, though. And if Bart doesn’t know it, then it likely won’t.”
“Huh, weird. Why do you think a werewolf ghost know an Earth-based conlang?”
“Oooh! I bet it’s because he’s the manifestation of some teenage girl’s OC,” offered Cassie.
Tim laughed. “Or maybe the OC of one of the people to create Esperanto.”
Conner shook his head. “You’ve got this all wrong. He’s from an alternate future where Esperanto did take off and a werewolf virus spread among humans.”
The ten minute walk was filled with more and more outlandish theories ending with the wolf being the reincarnation of Jesus who was trying to bring humanity together through the reinstitution of a common language like in the pre-Tower-of-Babel days.
At the edge of the woods, Tim nudged Conner. “Can you hear where they are?”
“Yep. Follow me.”
And then it was less than two minutes before Tim could see them. “Oi! Danny!” he called out with a wave.
Danny flew over to them and hugged him. “Thank you so much! You’re gonna save me so many detentions.” He grabbed Tim’s hand and pulled him towards Tucker and the ghost. “Tim, this is Wulf. Wulf,” Danny said while making eye contact, “Friends.” Then he slowly pointed to each person and said their name.
Tucker rolled his eyes and repeated the information in Esperanto. Tim recognized his and his teammates names and many of the words felt familiar. Likely since he knew or was learning a few European languages.
“So, will we just hang out here for the next few hours until you get out of school?” asked Tim.
“Yeah. It’ll only be about two and a half hours. That okay? Then we’ll go back to Sam’s place. We can hide in her basement.”
“We’ve hung out in worse places for longer,” said Bart. “This is practically cozy. And me or one of the others can run into town for food and supplies. Anything you want from your parent’s place? Food? Snacks?”
Tucker grinned. “If you could get some jerky, that’d be great. No meat at Sam’s.”
Danny laughed. “If we think of anything else, one of us will text it to the group chat.”
An alarm buzzed on Tucker’s PDA. ��We’ve got to get back now.”
“Shit. Okay. I’ll fly us back. Bye Tim, everyone!” Danny picked up Tucker and flew away, turning invisible before he was more than a few yards away.
So, more banter and more plot! We're almost starting to get somewhere! This marks roughly the halfway point of the episode. And the arc is almost 25k words. This is why I take forever to publish anything. It always spirals out of my control. Even this section, I originally opened with them in the library. But then I remembered I wanted to have Sam paint Conner's nails and that led to me adding over 900 words to the beginning.
I no longer do tag lists for this fic, but if you make your way to the subscription post, you can set it up so you get notified when this updates.
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Next Door Neighbor
Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song Inspiration: He Gets Me So High by beabadoobe I dig the beat to the music)
He waited patiently in front of the elevators in the lobby. He hoped that he pressed the button on time. It’s been three years and he still couldn’t get your schedule right.
“Hey neighbor.” Nanami turned around and softly smiled at the sight of you walking inside the building. “How’s work?”
“It was good,” he answered. “Light day. How about you?”
“Busy,” you answered. “We’re in the middle of this big project. I have to quickly finish this design by tomorrow morning. Ah, Kento-kun it’s so stressful.”
“You’ll do fantastic,” he said. “I’m planning to cook dinner. I’ll bring food over for you.” Your smile brightened.
“Thank you, Kento-kun!”
“I’ll make your favorite.” You blushed.
“Only if that’s okay with you.”
“I’ll be over in a couple of hours.”
It all started when he saw the pile of the boxes sitting in the corner of the lobby. He saw you grumbling to yourself as you picked up two boxes. He thought you were beautiful when you turned around with the boxes in hand. He couldn’t help but chuckle because you were struggling carrying the boxes to the elevator.
So, he went up to you and took them from your hands before you dropped it. You were surprised, thinking you were going to be excited that you were going to have help. But it surprised him that you rejected the offer, not wanting to take up his time. But he smiled at you, and he saw a hint of pink appearing on your cheeks. You gave in and he helped you for the next hour.
Nanami helped you unpack your things and helped you arrange your new place. You offered him dinner, and he accepted. And because you were new to the area, he ordered food and paid for it. You yelled at him and he didn’t mind. But as the few years passed, the two of you would help each other out and keep each other company.
He waited again at the lobby, waiting for you to return from work. It was his favorite part of the day. And he’s hoping that he could one day build up the courage to ask you out on a date. He could feel his heart skip a beat from the sound of your laughter. But once he heard the source from your laughter, his shoulders slumped.
“Thank you for walking me back,” you said. Nanami couldn’t help but turn around. You stood in front of a male who wore a business suit. He assumed a coworker. The man took a quick glance over at Nanami and frowned before he smiled at you.
“No problem,” he said. “Say, are you free this weekend? I would love to take you out for a date.” Nanami hit the up button for the elevator. He didn’t want to hear you accept the man’s date.
“I’m sorry,” you said, leaving him in shock. “You’re a nice guy but I honestly like someone.” The guy felt embarrassed. But he couldn’t be mad nor upset.
“I-It’s okay,” he replied. “Who is it? Someone at work?” You lightly laughed and shook your head.
“Just someone I’ve known for a while. I’ll see you next week,” you said. When you turned around, you smiled to see Nanami enter the elevator. “Hold up!” Nanami’s finger was already pressing the button to keep the door open.
“Good day at work?” he asked. You nodded.
“The project should be done soon,” you said. “I’m going to show you later, because I need and value your opinion.”
“Okay,” he said softly.
“Kento-kun, are you okay?” you asked. Nanami gave you a soft smile.
“I’m okay.” You frowned. You somehow feel like he was lying. “You don’t believe me.” You shook your head. “I promise, I’m okay.”
“Kento-kun, wanna come over for dinner?” Nanami smiled.
“You relax today,” he said. “Work on your project. I’ll make us dinner. I’ll knock on your door so you know it’s done.” You blushed and then nodded.
Two hours passed. Nanami can feel his heart pound the moment he walked up to your door to knock it. He knocked it but he quickly walked back inside his place, hand against his heart. He cleared his throat when he heard the doorknob turn.
“I’m here!” you announced. Nanami watched you walk inside. By the time you walked closer to him, your eyes widened. “Kento-kun.”
He made sure everything was perfect. He hoped you like it. He watched you carefully walk around the dining table that he set up with dinner, flowers, chocolate, and candles. Nerves hit him hard since you haven’t said a word. The confidence he felt fell.
“L-Look, it’s okay if—“ He was surprised when you suddenly hugged him. His arms slowly enveloped you.
“I didn’t take you as a romantic, Kento-kun,” you said, words mumbled in his chest. Nanami chuckled. He slowly pulled away from the hug. He cupped your left face, softly stroking your left cheek. You couldn’t help but lean into his palm.
“I overheard you talk to the guy in the lobby,” he said. “I felt as if I should confess to you somehow before anyone else does. But if you don’t feel the same way, I will respect your boundaries and—“
“I have feelings for you, too,” you said. “Ever since you helped me move my things to my apartment that day.”
“Th-That long?!” You nodded.
“I mean, I had a feeling you liked me but also I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”
“Then, let’s go on dates and see where we hit off,” Nanami said.
“I would like that, Kento-kun.”
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ideas-4-stories · 3 months
Sfw omegaverse anon -
The "omega bestie" thing was smth Shanks probably told Luffy - ((Shanks sees a tiny unscented little pup all alone and went "Oh it's free real estate" /hj.)) In actuality, Makino raised Luffy for a good deal of time, but he is a rambunctious child, and I think he'd pester Shanks for stories and songs and all sorts of things. Shanks is a softie and so absolutely caved. Luffy learned a lot of the pirate's code from Shanks as a very small child and he treated it like GOSPEL, bc Shanks was, is and always will be his hero. So he definitely also got some very silly stories about Shanks' youth, and Buggy starred in more than a few, but never explicitly by name, it was always "my best friend" or "my packmate" or, on really sentimental evenings, "my baby brother".
When Luffy first met Buggy in Orangetown, the few braincells he has left sparked a connection - blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster clown man? Blue haired, sweet smelling, silly, greedy, trickster omega packmate of his semi-adopted dad? Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone.
So yeah Luffy definitely knows Buggy is an omega, and when Buggy mentions "we served on the same crew", it just clicks. It's not really a big deal to him anyway, it feels stupid to care about that kind of stuff. You could not PAY him to care (but if you want to try, it's best to pay in food).
But yeah, Rayleigh and Crocus just both went "Ah, the kids will be fine" and then the kids went and were very much Not Fine At All. But that's a conversation for a different time.
Their parental instincts only kick in when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for followup. It's both obnoxious and also funny.
Shanks gets a heart flutter, and by nightfall his denden is ringing bc Rayleigh is 🤏 close to swimming out there what is going on, red-?
When Crocodile and Mihawk finally get their shit straight and start the whole Courting Thing, the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children.
Crocus calls Rayleigh. Rayleigh talks to Crocus. Neither have Buggy's number. How did that happen? Damn. If only Rayleigh lived with a woman who has an expansive information network where she can check for Buggy's contact information. If only Buggy was part of a widely known business with contact information for business needs. If only they considered this information and just how many options they DO have at hand.
Instead, they call Shanks - Shanks who is having a meltdown because "Bugs is growing up" and "two Alphas, really?!"
This does NOT bode well.
One prospective courtship is one thing. TWO simultaneous courtships are complicated. Those two Alphas enacting the courtship being former warlords, a mafia boss and the world's greatest swordsman, is something else entirely.
Crocus is sharpening his harpoon, debating his options. Rayleigh is seriously debating free swimming to the New World. Things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around.
Meanwhile, on Karai Bari, the Cross Guild Poly has finally hit the Holding Hands Stage, because they're stupid, silly and none of them are actually working with anything resembling game. Buggy blushes every time Mihawk pulls out his chair, he melts whenever Crocodile gets the door for him, and he's absolutely LOSING IT every time they ask him to spar.
Fighting has become their love language somehow and every time Buggy lands a hit of some kind, the others damn near swoon, which makes HIM swoon, and the crew and mercenaries are just watching this like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
Anyway yee I'm sleepy so I'm off, byyyeee~~~~
Shanks definitely did a Roger, looking at Luffy asks around who's child this is and proceeds to pick him up to Benn’s dismay (That is not paid enough to deal with his captain’s bullshit) Good thing Makino raising Luffy for a good bit of time. Luffy pestering Shanks for all sorts of things too, that's so Buggy.
Shanks talking about talking about Buggy without saying his name, I wonder why he won't say Buggy’s name to Luffy. Maybe Shanks didn't want Luffy to go and find his packmate, but that didn't matter when Luffy met Buggy. Good thing Luffy has some braincells after all that training Garp put him through. And the ‘Yes, that math is mathing. Small world. Anyway, gotta beat this clown. His hands are rated E for Everyone’ Yeah that's so Luffy, like damn he don't spare anyone.
Not Rayleigh and Crocus thinking that Buggy and Shanks will be fine. Indeed that is a conversation for a different time. I understand that Crocus would of given the kids a few things they would need in life while Rayleigh probably like I taught shit, you are good. And dips into the night without saying goodbye to grieve his captain and be with Shakky (for some reason that seems like he would do that. Its a headcanon)
THEN not their parental instincts kicking when Buggy gets flirted with or when Shanks gets hit on with complete seriousness for fucking followup. OH NOOOOOOOOOOO, that’s not how parental instincts should be (I mean to be fair, neither were planning on having kids probably, but then Roger metting those two happened, but like… dudes that’s not how it’s supposed to work)-(Indeed it’s obnoxious and also kind of funny if you ignore that’s not parental instincts should work…) Shanks getting scolded by Rayleigh when his heart’s fluttering, I wonder who that person is, anyway Mihawk and Crocodile getting their shit together and start trying to court Buggy (you know he’ll first think that they are threahing him, so it takes sometime)
Started laughing at ‘the Dad Squad Of Remaining Rogers are in perfect synchrony detecting a Disturbance In The Sanctity Of Their Children’ I love that, you know it’s not only Rayleigh and Cronus because most of the veteran Roger Pirates helped raised them too (hc/)
Crocus and Rayleigh not having Buggy’s number is so them… but what if it’s the same number he always had and they think it’s the wrong number now? Have they bothered to check? Or if they had, Buggy had openly said it wasn’t Buggy’s number? There could be so much more drama, but anyway yeah if ony Rayleigh lived with a woman that can find people’s numbers because she got that information network, if only Rayleigh knows where his child’s business is, oh no it’s too sad that they can’t find anything…
THEY CALLED SHANKS! Oh no! That’s the last place to call to find Buggy and to check if he’s alright! That man is fucking drunk, crying, ranting and raving about this! Oh dear! RIP to Crocodile and Mihawk, even the littlest teasing bullying their clown will land them in bad graces if those men see it (dear gods what if they found out they beat the shit of Buggy one day, that’s when shit would it the fan. Buggy’s followers will have a fucking telenovela to watch, they just need to be a safe distance away because holy shit someone might fucking died in the crossfire) Truly things are about to go DOWN and it's chaos all around… “Big News” Morgan would having the time of his fucking life with this.
Meanwhile on Karai Bari Island, where nobody knows about what might happened later down the line! Awwwwwwwwww, they are now in the Hand Holding Stage!!! That’s so cute! It took awhile because of so many things, good thing they worked it out.
Mihawk and Crocodile being gentlemen to Buggy is amazing, and them asking to spar is like BIG invalidation for him. Fighting and bullying each other (affectionately) is definitely one of their love language. Truly is like the weirdest slow burn soap opera ever conceived.
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anemptypuddingcup · 11 months
Imagine Ace in his 40s-
No bc I fucking need Ace after seeing what happened to him. I miss Ace.
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You never considered dating an older man, not until you’ve met Ace. Ace and his brothers were very energetic for men who were in their forties, they acted just like you and they were just as goofy. You didn’t know what to do with yourself as feelings began to develop the more you hung out with him. The worst part about it was that Ace already knew that you’d liked him but he acted oblivious just to play with you.
You didn’t miss the teasing, you knew that he’d probably felt the same way or even more than you. The occasional ‘accidental’ touch of your ass, the times when he’d comment on how pretty you looked or just glances at you and your body in general. All of his little gestures would just make your pussy twist and turn with the thoughts. It didn’t make it any better when he called you over one day just to get your insides rearranged by him.
Rearrange your insides and make them his for the rest of your lives, absolutely.
“You got a pretty ass back here baby girl~” Ace whispers to you, his lips pressing a small kiss against the back of your neck. Inhaling your scent made his cock twitch, eager to finally get a sweet feel of your pussy wrapped around him. You mewled while his fingers went to work inside of you, with them being knuckles deep inside of your needy cunt. You moan out loudly once he hits your g-spot and grinds his fingers deep against it.
“Mhh~ F-Fuck Ace~” You breathed as you looked behind yourself to look at him. He grins widely before removing his fingers and slurping your slick from them. You blushed before he presses the tip of his fat cock against your entrance. A shiver runs up your spine as he grabs your hips before pulling them and grinding them against his cock.
“Ya ready for my dick baby?” He asks, whisper to you. “Yeah~ Please fuck me good Ace~” You begged before wiggling your hips and grinding his cock against your ass. He chuckles before holding his cock in place with once hand and his other hand pulling you hips onto his cock. A lengthy gasp leaves your lips before you grip the pillow below you.
“Shit you’re tight sweetheart.” He breathes as his hand pulls you fully onto his cock. You mom out as his tip kisses your cervix before he slowly starts moving. You moan out as Ace’s dick kissed all the right spots while his hips held on to your hips tightly. You could hear him groan heavily behind yourself as your walls massaged his dick so wonderfully.
“Mmh fuck, fuck that feels so good~ Is this feeling good to you too baby?” He breathed heavily against your neck. “Feels so fucking good~ Please keep hittin’ me right there~” You moan out as you started to drool out into the pillow. Ace chuckles before quickening his pace, causing you to mewl out in pleasure as he continuously thrusted into your g-spot.
You were starting to see stars as he pounded into your pussy from behind, a songs of moans and gasps leaving your lips as he made sure the thrust hit hard into your cunt. You gripped the pillow tightly while you arch your back slightly more before you felt Ace’s other hand reach down and rub circles around your clit.
“Tell me how good it feels baby, my dick givin’ you a hard time to speak?” He teased at you while he breathed a few heavy breathes. You mewl out before you answer him, his lips pressing open-mouthed kisses against your neck. “Y-You’re hitting the right places….Ah fuck~” You could only get those words out while he thrusted into you with a good amount of force.
You hear him chuckle as one of his hand reaches to your chin and grips it to turn your head to him. He presses his lips against yours, giving you a genuine kiss before he pulls back and inhales. He chuckles before gripping your hips and pulling you farther, making you moan before you grip your pillow tighter.
“Hope you’re gonna be okay after, I want ya to ride me like my lil’ cowgirl~”
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xdaddysprincessxx · 10 months
Go Ahead and Cry Little Girl
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Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x f!reader (Agent Gin)
Warnings: Daddy issues!!, character death mentioned, daddy kink, piv (again wrap it up guys!), f & m oral, dacryphillia, 1 use of song lyrics, dirty talk (it’s jack mf Daniels what did you expect?) boss/employee dynamics, sex work (we support sex workers in this household!) squirting, voyeurism, cum eating, Reader is described as having hair, a vagina, well hydrated (; and can blush. that should be all! Lmk if i missed something (:
A/n: This one’s for my babes with daddy issues! I see you, I love you. This idea hit me while I was driving to work and the song “Daddy issues” by The neighborhood came on. As of right now I think each Murder daddy is gonna have a daddy issues one shot but we’re starting off strong with my personal favorite cowboy.🤠
Growing up your dad wasn’t home very much. You honestly don’t have very many memories of the guy. The memories you do have always seem to be of him frowning at you, disappointed and telling you that you need to do better, be better. You were just a kid. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Instead of having a loving, doting father you had this stranger who’s approval you wanted desperately. So you worked hard in school, played sports, joined as many after school programs as you could and when you graduated high school you had full ride scholarships to all the big schools across the nation. I’m talking Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Yale, the list goes on. You ended up choosing Columbia University in New York so you could be as far away from home as possible. College was a breeze for you, graduating early with high honors you weren’t surprised when Statesmen approached you offering you an intelligence job.
Accepting this job was an easy decision for you. A few years after graduating high school your dad kicked the bucket and your mom ran off with the first guy who gave her a lick of attention. You had no one to go back too, no family to visit on the holidays. And you loved working at Statesmen. Working in the lab alongside Ginger, you helped create new technologies and advance healthcare. You had it all; a great career, a nice studio apartment in Manhattan. What more could you want? Ah yes approval. For some reason you still had this deep seeded need to be well liked and needed by others. So you do what any girl does, you sell your nudes online to creepy men in exchange they give you their money and high praises. You never reveal your face or your real identity so nobody knows it’s you.
Coming back to work after a long weekend is proving to be a tough one. You’ve been overworking yourself lately and having three whole days off you went home and slept for hours only waking up to eat Chinese takeout and then go directly back to sleep. Back in the lab, you find yourself frustrated and having to keep retrying new samples for a new antibiotic your working on.
“Hey Gin go ahead and take a break hun. I’ve seen you redo the same sample 10 times now. I’m not sure where your head is but try to get it out of the clouds before you come back.” Ginger Ale says to you as you lay your head down on the table next to the microscope you’ve been staring at for the last two hours.
Sighing, “Yea yea. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me Ginger. I just can’t focus and I have zero energy.” you say as you get up and start gathering your things.
Soon enough your back up on the fifth floor, down the hall from the cafeteria. Just as your rounding the corner you find yourself running right into the very man who haunts your every thought. Jack Daniels or Agent Whiskey as most people at Statesmen know him as. The man has been the star of all your dirty daydreams, his accent and mannerisms scream ‘southern gentleman’ and boy do you eat that shit up every time you see him.
“Well hey there darlin’ watch out where your going. Don’t wanna go runnin into any ole body now do we?” Jack says in his thick accent just as you bounced backward after hitting him square in the chest.
“Oh my god Agent Whiskey I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there!” You manage to get out despite having the wind knocked out of you.
“Now darlin’ call me Jack. Am I gonna have to tell you this every time?” He teases you causing a deep blush to creep across your cheeks.
With a soft smile on your face and your eyes cast down, “Of course not Ag- I mean Jack.” You say with the smallest giggle. As soon as the words left your mouth you felt Jacks finger under your chin, lift your face up forcing you to look directly into his gorgeous deep brown eyes.
“There we go. Now that’s what I like to hear. My name come out of such a beautiful lady’s mouth.” Jack says with a smirk.
As if you couldn’t blush any harder, you somehow turn even redder in the face.
“Now go on beautiful, have a good day.” Jack says as he tilts his hat towards you.
“Thanks Jack, you have a good one too.” You manage to squeak out as you gather yourself once again and continue on walking toward the cafeteria.
Sitting down at a table in a far back corner, you crack open a cold can of coke and take a deep sip. The carbonation leaving a cold wake of bubbles in your throat, already feeling the affects of the caffeine. Pulling your phone out you decide to hop on your website and respond to a few messages as you wait for the soda to really kick in. You have a good handful of regulars who like to ask for custom content and one of them had recently asked for a video of you riding your favorite toy. Just as your about to send the video, a text comes in from Jack.
1:32pm - Hey I hope I didn’t hurt ya when you ran into me earlier sugar 😉
1:34pm - No you didn’t! If anything I’m sorry for running into you! I hope I didn’t hurt you Jack.🩷
Without even thinking, after you press send you hit the icon for your photos and pull up the video you were sending to your regular, find it and hit send.
Jacks sitting at his desk when he hears a ping and sees you’ve texted him back. As soon as he read your text he saw a video message pop up immediately after. Opening the video, he sees you sitting on the floor in your bedroom and a decent sized pink dildo. The video starts and you swing your leg over the dildo, lowering yourself down, you grab the dildo and swipe it through your folds a few times. Moaning, you drop all the way down on the dildo. The angle of the camera allows Jack to see the dildo stretch you open. Not quite as big as Jack, it still gives him a delicious view of what you’d look like speared on his cock. Thinking to himself, he wonders if you meant to send this to him through text. Most likely it was on accident. But what you don’t know is that Jack knows all about your little secret. In fact he’s been one of your regulars for awhile now. Always sending in requests and tipping generously. Something else he knows you are ignorant too is that he was the one who requested this particular video.
After texting Jack back and sending out the custom video, you feel awake enough now to get back to work. Just as you get back into the lab, you hear the lab phone ring. You go to grab the phone off the hook, “Hello Agent Gin, how can I help you?”
“Well well well if it ain’t the pretty lady I need to talk too” Jack crones into your ear. “I need to see you in my office darlin’ now. Please.”
“Yes of course sir I’m on my way now.” You reply, your voice cracking just the tiniest bit.
Unsure as to why Jack needs to see you in his office, you check your texts between you two to see if you misread something and that’s when you realize you sent Jack the video! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. You’re screwed! Your dirty little secret is out now and the one man you want so desperately inside of you now knows all about it.
Knocking on Jacks office door, you go to turn the knob to open the door.
Peeking your head in, “You wanted to see me sir?” you say as you clear your throat that’s suddenly dry as the Sahara Desert.
Sitting at his desk, you see Jack look up at you with this hungry look in his eyes.
“Ah there she is. Come in sugar. Have a seat.” He motions to the chair in front of his desk. You quickly come in, closing the door behind you and taking a seat.
Jack stands up, slowly walking towards the door when you notice he locks it. Making his way back to his desk, he sits on top of it directly in front of you.
“Now sugar your probably wondering why I need to talk to you.”
Gulping, you look down unable to look him in the face, “um I think I know why sir.” You manage to say, knowing there’s no reason to play stupid. You both know what you sent him. Might as well confess to it and get it all over with.
“Look at me sugar. I wanna see those pretty eyes of yours when I’m talking to you” Jack says in a low baritone voice.
Looking up at him, a deep blush covering your cheeks, you try to swallow as best you can and find your words.
“Now we’re both adults here. We both have urges. If you needed a good fuck darlin’ all you had to was ask. I’d be more than happy to oblige.” He says in a matter of factly tone.
Stunned you just gawk up the agent in front of you. Did he really just say that? Is he- he’s not- what is happening?!??
Jack goes to stand up, directly in front of you, “Get on your knees little girl.”
Unable to speak you do as he says and you push back your chair as you lower yourself onto your knees.
“There’s my good girl. Now sugar I’m going to fuck you good and hard. And your going to take every thing I give you. Understood?”
Shaking your head yes as you look up at Jack. Nervous as hell but you can’t help but get excited. Isn’t this what you always wanted? Isn’t he the star of your wet dreams?
Jack goes to take his blazer off, rolling up his sleeves as he begins to unbuckle his absurdly large belt buckle. Watching him undress like this has your mouth and pussy watering. Your finally gonna have the Jack Daniels inside of you. You can’t wait.
He pulls out the biggest dick you’ve ever seen. Now you get why this man walks around so arrogantly. The man has the dick to back it up. Your eyes widen as the head of his cock seems to stare at you in your soul. At about average length, he’s girthy as all get out. There’s no way you’d be able to get much of him in your mouth.
Jack gives his cock a few good strokes, “Open up sugar. Let me see how good you can be.”
You drop your jaw quickly and open your mouth, dropping your tongue out. Smirking, Jack takes his cock and starts rubbing it up and down your tongue. After gliding the head on your tongue a few times, Jack sticks his cock in your mouth, forcing it down your throat causing you to gag at the intrusion. Without holding back, Jack continues to gag you with his cock. Your eyes over flowing with tears.
Jack looks down at you the whole time, just staring in awe at how beautiful you look with his cock in your mouth, eyes wide with tears looking back at him.
“Go on and cry little girl. Nobody does it quite like you sugar. I’ve been watching you for some time now. Oh yes I know all about your dirty little secret baby.” He reveals, making you choke even harder on his cock in utter disbelief. He’s known this whole time? How much of you has he really seen?
Jack finally pulls his cock out of your mouth, spit strings still connecting you two. Brown eyes staring deep into your soul, you take a deep gulp of breath, chest heavy as you manage to stutter out, “y- you know? How long?”
“I’ve known for awhile now darlin’. I love watching your little videos. Always gets me harder than a goddamn rock. It was actually me who requested that particular little video. So it is funny you accidentally sent it to me.” Jack admits.
Before you have the chance to respond, Jack grabs you by your arm helping you up before he’s leading you towards his desk and gently pushes your top half down so your bent over. Wearing a dress that day, you can’t help but feel bare as he bends you over his desk. You feel Jack crouch down behind you, warm hands running up and down the back of your thighs. You feel his warm breath on your clothed pussy.
Taking a deep breath in, Jack slowly pulls your panties down exposing your sweet pussy to him. Unable to help himself he presses his face in and lays a kiss to your exposed clit. Hearing you let out a soft moan breaks any bit of self control Jack had and he dives in. Tongue poking out, he swipes it through your folds a few times before making a zig zagging motion from your taint up to your clit.
Feeling his thick tongue protrude your wet pussy, you feel yourself gush as he starts to flick your clit.
Moaning, “Please Jack I need more. Please.” You whisper breathlessly.
Hearing your sweet request, you feel jacks thick fingers enter you and curl up, hitting that sweet spot.
Taking his tongue off your sweet, sweet pussy, “That’s it sugar. Tell daddy what you want baby. Tell daddy how to make this pussy cream.” Jack growls as he pumps his fore and ring finger faster into you.
All to quickly you feel the sudden need to pee. Moaning even louder causing Jack to pump his fingers even faster, all to soon you feel yourself start to squirt.
“Oohhh ungghh!!!!” Comes from deep in your throat as you continue to squirt, the exquisite feeling of squirting all over his fingers is a high you never want to come down from.
“Fuck sugar that’s it. That’s it baby come on, give it all to daddy baby that’s it” Jack crones as he tries to drink up every single drop.
Boneless, you can’t help but drop on top of the desk, unable to hold your upper half up any longer. Knees weak, legs shaking, you feel jack stand back up behind you. Jack takes hold of his cock, swiping it through your folds, gathering your wetness on his cock before he slides in your sweet pussy. The feeling of his thick cock splitting you open takes your breath away.
Taking his time, feeling every ridge inside of your pussy, Jack finally fills you up to the hilt.
“Fuuuccckkk” Jack breaths out as his cock kisses your cervix. After not moving for a few seconds to let you adjust to his girth, Jack begins pummeling into you. Hands gripping your hips, forcing you back onto his cock as he fucks you good and hard just as he promised.
“That’s it sugar. Look at you. Taking my cock. So. Damn. Beautiful.” He grunts out. Jack leans forward, his chest on your back when you feel his arm snake around your front and pulls you up to him. You feel his other hand bury in your hair forcing your head up when you notice a little red, blinking light up in the corner, “Smile for the camera darlin’” Jack crones into your ear. Knowing he’s been filming this entire time has your eyes rolling back as you moan.
“This sweet fucking pussy belongs to me now darlin’ you hear me? Only I get to fuck this pussy.” Jack whispers in your ear.
“Oh fuck yes. Yes daddy it’s yours. All yours! Fuck!” You say breathlessly, agreeing to whatever he says as long as he continues to fuck you this good. You feel yourself getting close once again, the feeling of needing to pee is back.
“Daddy I’m close, please please can I cum? I wanna cum daddy! Please let me!” You beg, hoping he shows you a little mercy and let’s you cum.
Jack slaps his hand over your mouth, “Fuck baby you gotta be quiet. Daddy’s gone let you cum baby girl don’t you worry. Daddy wants to feel his sweet pussy cum on his cock.” He tells you as his other hand snakes down towards your clit. You feel his thick finger swirl around your clit and that does it for you. All too soon you feel the dam break and your coming. Hard. You bite your lip trying your hardest to keep quiet. The euphoria you feel is hard to contain, your eyes rolling back once again.
Feeling you gush hard around his cock, almost as if your pussy is trying to push him out, does him in. Jack pumps a few more times before he’s coming inside of you. As your both coming down from your highs, chests heaving, you feel jack pull out of you leaving you an empty mess.
Not sure what possessed you, you turn around to face him and lower yourself down to your knees once again. Gripping the base of his dick, you lick the mixture of you and Jack off his cock all while looking up at him. Making a show of you swallowing every bit of your cum.
“Well I’ll be damned sugar. You never fail to surprise me.” Jack chuckles darkly as he watches you from above. You can’t help but smile sweetly up at him hoping this isn’t the last time you get a taste of this cowboy.
A/n: idk where this came from lol the song inspired me but this?^ yeeaaaa we can blame my hormone monster for this, I am ovulating lmao. I hope y’all enjoy!
Tagging a few Whiskey connoisseurs and friends that I think will enjoy: @neverwheremoonchild @foli-vora @whiskeynwriting @lumoverheaven @toxicanonymity @multiversed-daydreamer @nosesitter @beefrobeefcal @juletheghoul @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @megangovier20 @ikissdin @wannab-urs
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impurity pt.1 - chaewon
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- my first ever smut :D idk this particular outfit of chaewon’s honestly riles me up whenever i think about. nothing that bad, just pretty kinky i guess
- length: 1188 words
- chaewon x male reader
Being Chaewon’s boyfriend was something you never expected to be. Supporting her all the way from Produce 48, then through her Iz*One and Le Sserafim activities. You were pretty much living what every Chaewon stan wanted to do. 
The first few months of Le Sserafim’s debut was extremely difficult for both Chaewon and you. There was a lot of work that Chaewon had put in to ensure that her second debut went well and garnered the attention of many netizens and her newly appointed responsibilities as leader of Le Sserafim placed an even greater burden on the girl. The bullying scandal with Kim Garam forced Le Sserafim and their management team back to the wall where they had to adapt to moving forward as a 5 member group. This considerably heavier workload meant that Chaewon seldom had the time to spend time with you and go on dates like you guys used to after her time in Iz*One, making you extremely troubled and constantly worried for her well-being. 
After her debut, you guys could both put time aside to spend more time with each other and your feelings for one another developed even more intensely, going so far as to staying the night over at your house or crashing at the dorm in Chaewon’s room. In a blink of an eye, they geared up for their first comeback, Antifragile, which was an absolute hit amongst the kpop industry. Chaewon soon returned to her busy schedule and you started being able to count the number of days of which you hadn’t seen your little tiger. 
Then, in what seemed to be the middle of the Antifragile promotion era, you received a text from the one and only...
hey baby, i end early today. wanna crash at yours and spend some time together?
Without hesitation, you immediately replied.
sure! what time will you be coming over ? need me to pick you up?it’s getting kinda chilly these days
ah it’s fine, manager-nim will drop me off today. see you in about an hours time
Deciding to set the tone, you decided to put on Impurities, the b-side track from the comeback album, and tidy up your apartment. 
Can you see huh
You hear the sound of tiny delicate hands knocking on your door right as the song reaches its chorus.
“ Oppa !” Chaewon exclaims as she dashes right into you and hugs you. She lets go and takes off her puffer jacket, setting it aside on the sofa in the living room. Below it, she’s wearing the stage outfit she wore back when the group was filming the MV for Impurities. Chaewon’s features are hugged by the seemingly small outfit. Her small but perky tits are accentuated with this outfit along with her short skirt that draws your eyes down to her fishnet stockings that fails to hide her mole on her left thigh as well as her defined leg muscles. 
She then jumps back onto you again. This time, you catch her with your arms on her thighs as her lips crash into yours, displaying how dearly she has missed you. 
She pauses for a moment.
“Hey, isn’t this my song? I even filmed the music video in this same outfit !” 
“Well, I couldn’t help myself could I ? It’s such a good song. And about the outfit, it suits you very well my little cheetah.”
“You have such a way with words. Take me to the bedroom, I need you right now.” 
The kiss resumes as you rush into your bedroom, your balance awfully unstable, crashing into the furniture and the door. You throw her onto your bed and begin undressing each other. You take off her top, revealing her perky mounds and her toned abs, moving up and down with every deep breath that she takes. Then her skirt comes off with ease, revealing her glistening slit. As Chaewon moves her hands to take her fishnets off, you stop her in her tracks, whispering into her ears, “Keep it on, it looks really sexy on you.” You then dive head first into her honeypot, thrashing your tongue about inside, earning a few quivering moans that escape from Chaewon’s mouth. “Ahhh… how I needed this so much… You have no idea…” She places one hand on the back of your head, locking your head in place as the other grabs onto the bed sheet like a cheetah’s paw. Her hips arc like a wave as she moves her body to get the most pleasure out of the absolute work you're doing to her. Then, her hips start to buckle as a wave of her girl juice gushes out of her slit and onto your face. The pressure from her hands gradually softens as she pants out of exhaustion from reaching her high. “That was haa…the haa…first time in a haaa…that I’ve came.” 
Chaewon then positions herself at the edge of the bed, her head hanging off the side. “Let’s try something new shall we? I want you to facefuck me in this position.” You're surprised by this sudden suggestion but obviously you’re not going to say no to such a dirty minded idea. Chaewon grabs your rock hard cock and kisses it at its base and at its tip, sending a wave of pleasure throughout your synapses. Then, she swirls her tongue around your cock and puts a bit of your length into the mouth that has sung many iconic song lines. Maybe that’s the reason why she is so good at giving head, the repeated vocal tension has allowed her mouth muscles to move in ways unimaginable to the human mind. You then lift her head up gently and start thrusting your throbbing length down her mouth. You look down and take in the sight to behold, her bare body with just her fishnet stockings around her beautiful legs spread out right on the bed and her face unable to be seen except for your cock moving in and out of her mouth as she gags and her spit start to form a mess around the sides of her mouth. Unable to contain your pleasure, you start groaning in pure ecstasy and lust. You start speeding up your thrusts as you near your climax. Just as you’re about to finish, you reluctantly pull your length out of her mouth as you aim your cock onto her body spread out right in front of you and spurts of white fly onto her breasts and her toned midriff, Chaewon gasping for breath underneath you. 
“Wow, that was amazing Chae, where the heck did you learn about that?” 
“It was just something I saw on one of those porno channels in the hotels in Japan, it really turned me on and when I was getting eaten out by you just now, I suddenly got reminded of it. I’m glad you enjoyed it though !” She sits up and smiles at you with your cum dripping slowly down her upper torso using two of her fingers, she scoops a smudge of it up, and licks the cum cleanly off her digits.
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opossumloverr · 5 months
(Based on this song, I know you know this song. don't lie to me)
Turtle bros with a ghost reader!
Some cursing!
I MUST BE DREAMING CAUSE I DON'T BELIEVE IN GHOST YEAH, sorry, anyways, idk I just felt a little silly today, and I really do love this song. also I'm trying a different style DONT BULLY ME IT TOOK ME LIKE AN HOUR TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO GRADIENT
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It was a chilly October night, the leaves rustled as the four brothers made their way towards an abandoned graveyard. The atmosphere was dark and gloomy, but they were determined to explore the area, for reasons unknown to anyone but themselves.
"I don't like this, guys. Let's turn back," the youngest brother, Mikey, shivered.
"What? No way! You said you were bored, Mikey. This is exactly what we need to get our blood pumping!" another brother exclaimed.
"He was bored, Leo, not us. You didn't have to drag us all here," one of the brothers groaned in annoyance.
"Sorry that Mr. Bootyshaker9000 wanted to stay indoors and rot. I'm preventing the inevitable!" Leo clapped back.
"I'm trying to prevent hitting you with my Tech Bo," Donnie gripped his weapon tighter.
"Try it, you won't," Leo egged Donnie on.
"You little…" Donnie scowled, lifting his weapon before getting interrupted.
"Enough! Fighting is not the memo right now! Now you two cut it out or else I'll…wait, what was that?" the oldest brother paused on his scolding to scope out the area. A pungent smell of perfume floated in the air, and chills went down their spines.
"I'm getting really bad vibes here! I told you we should've gone back to the lair!" Mikey exclaimed.
"Don't be such a party pooper, Mike! It's probably all in our heads," Leo tried to come up with a reasonable explanation, but a gust of wind shut off all of his thoughts.
"What was that?!" Raph exclaimed.
"It's a ghost!" Mikey chattered.
"That is preposterous, Michael. There is no such thing as a ghost-"
"No, he's right."
They all screamed in unison, clinging onto Raph. "AH!"
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After the shock and some failed punching attempts, he finally decided to talk instead of fight, and it was a delightful conversation
yall sat down and talked for hours, He asked a few questions, and you answered them
he made sure not to ask personal questions, like how you died and stuff (unlike Donnie, that insensitive prick)
was kinda sad when he had to go, but gotta make sure pops doesn't worry,
he promises he'll see you again
a few weeks later you show up in his room, sitting down calmly on his bed, or, erm, floating.
he threw multiple items at you before calming down and realizing that it was you, what were you doing here? how did you know where he lives?
all of those questions were brushed off when he heard that you just wanted to see him, and only him.
his heart pounded in his plastron, you wanted to see him? big ol' him? cue huge tail thumping into the ground
yall talked for HOURS, him talking about Lou Jitsu- wait, you've never watched Lou Jitsu? he's inviting you to family movie night. there's no getting out of this.
over the months, the both of you got close, he no longer throws objects or tries to throw hands when he sees you!
enjoys the company when he lifts weights
"Wow, those seem heavy," you said, impressed by his muscles as he lifted the weights. 
"They are heavy, but don't worry, Raph's got gains!" he replied, flexing his muscles with a curl-up. 
"Can I try?" you asked, reaching out your hands. 
"Sure, but be careful. I'll be here to spot ya!" he said, passing the weights to you. 
However, you forgot that you were transparent and accidentally dropped the weights on his tail, causing him to scream in pain. 
"Oops! I forget I'm transparent sometimes... You just make me feel so alive..." you said sheepishly. 
"I-I make you feel alive?" he questioned, seemingly forgetting the intense pain in his tail.
He had never sliced a portal open this fast
before he could dive head-first into his portal you floated in front of it
you just wanted to talk... okay... but he's keeping a close eye on you
a few minutes later he's blabbing about Jupiter Jim to you, you've never watched it? what? do you live under a rock? or... a grave...
and you seem so interested! he could talk about it for hours! you know he could.
he literally clung onto the ground when it was time to leave, complaining as Raph dragged him away
he shouted a quick "See you soon"
he saw you soon alright, in his room, looking at his pile of Jupiter Jim comics curiously
He literally screamed like a girl
Oh! it's just you... where did you come from? oh, you just wanted to see him, not his brothers? him?
boosts up his ego by 100x
"I knew you couldn't get enough of me" type of energy
proceeds to yap about Jupiter Jim some more, what? it's YOUR fault for indulging in his hyperfixations
yall are the talker and listener duo
"And so Jupiter Jim was all like- pew pew pew! and the aliens were all like- Ohno! and then- hey, hey [NAME], are ya listening?" He questioned,
"Mhm, go on, I'm all ears"
Leo's eyes widened, and small churrs could be heard "OKOK! And then Jupiter Jim was all like, no way jose!"
He just like me fr
There is no logical way this could be happening! ghosts? really?
immediately started asking questions, why do you exist? how do you exist? would you perhaps be interested in some experiments, y'know, for scientific purposes (definitely not for his own personal questions)
his questions just kept on coming and coming, some of them being more insensitive than the last, he would've said more if Raph didn't smack him on top of the head...
but you were happy to answer them non the less
when they had to skedaddle he was pissed, how dare they interrupt! can't you see there was science in the making?
he says he'll come to you, for more questions of course, nothing more... (cap)
he didn't expect you to come to him.
he jumped a little but then started going into his "I ask you, answer" mode
Experiments on you (with consent ofc)
discovers you have telekinesis
you two grew close, his experiments died down the more he learned about you
now, he just really enjoys the company
just knowing that you're there watching him while he tackles a project gets him so motivated
you're like his little assistant
"[NAME], be a dear and pass me that wrench over there," he asks, hand out, palm open,
"You got it boss" you floated the wrench toward him, and he grabbed it
"Thank you, you really are a great help, [NAME]"
"Just glad to be here Don-tron!" you smiled, not noticing the slight wag to his tail.
He really appreciates you
He just kept screaming and screaming until you snapped him out of it
what? why aren't you trying to take his body? and why aren't you freakishly creepy, you just looked like a normal person, minus the floating and transparency
Oh, you just wanted to talk? well, as long as you don't possess his body he's all for it!
The conversation was amazing! he got so much more information about ghosts, he's even more fixated on them now!
you got this turtle laying on the ground, twirling his mask tails in his fingers, kicking his feet, saying "Ooh! Tell me more!"
was whining like a puppy dog when he had to get up on out of there, puppy dog eyes did not work in his favor tonight..
he swears up and down that he will visit you, just wait!
I guess you've waited long enough, because the following week you were caught snooping around his room
he screamed, yes, he won't lie.
but it's not his fault that you popped up out of nowhere!
then starts talking to you like he didn't scream like 100 decibels
Just yip yap yapping away, but you don't mind, you enjoy socializing with him
kinda sad that he can't touch you though, sometimes he wants nothing more than to wrap his arms around you
you're his muse! asks you to pose for him, and you happily oblige
"Okay just keep that position, right there, perfect! such an amazing muse for me!" He smiles,
"Well, it's easy to pose when I have such a wonderful artist painting me" You replied,
"Awe shucks, don't compliment me like that! you're going to give me an ego" he chirps happily
lala and okok duo. that's all I have to say.
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BOO! HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS OMGOMG 2024 IS HOPEFULLY GONNA BE A GREAT YEAR, HERES A LIL DITTY I WROTE, I HOPE YA LIKE IT, IM GETTING ON MY GRIND RIGHT NOW, I love ya! Merry 24, also I was watching Coryxkenshin while writing, shout out to the shogun. There also MIGHT be some grammar mistakes, kinda rushed to get this out
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