#hm ann x y/n
mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Promise Forever
masterlist 1k celebration
pairing: gilbert blythe x female reader
warnings: kissing, fluff
summary: after his father's death, gilbert travels the world and when he comes back home, he goes straight to your house to give you a gift - requested by anon
a/n: ugh i agree! the lack of gilbert fics makes me so sad because i love him and want to read more of him )): but thanks for requesting !
song: runaway - aurora
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Dating Gilbert was amazing. He was such a lovely guy. Even your parents adored the boy.
He was so sweet, and you two had so much in common it was like you were made for one another.
Unfortunately, his father had gotten sick and later on passed away.
You, of course, were there to comfort him with open arms. When you were at his house one day, he told you that he wanted to explore the world for some time.
As much as it made you upset for him to leave, you supported him, as you always would. You assured him that you would be find, and that it would be a wonderful experience for him.
You spent the night with him, enjoying each other's presence before he left the next day. He promised to write to you about everything and you promised to write anything interesting that happens.
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"Ughh," you groan dropping back onto Anne's bed.
You, Anne, Diana, and Cole were hanging out at the redheads house.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" Diana asks.
"I miss Gilbert, it feels like it's been forever," you sigh.
Cole frowns, "Well, he can't be gone for much longer, it's already been months."
Anne nods excitedly, "Exactly!"
You sit up and your mood brightens a bit, "I suppose you're right. Now shall we bake something?"
They nod and giggle as they go downstairs.
"Hi, Marilla!" you smile happily at the elder woman you've grown close with.
"Oh! Hello, dear," she smiles back.
"Hi, Ms. Cuthbert," Diana and Cole wave.
"Hello. What brings you all down here?"
"We were wondering if we can bake your famous apple pie," you clap your hands.
"Oh, how can I say no to apple pie?"
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Gilbert runs a hand over his face as he sits on his bed next to Sebastian.
"What is the matter, my friend?"
Gilbert looks over to the man, "I miss my girlfriend," he sighs.
"Girlfriend?" He raises his eyebrows, "Is this the person you are always writing to? The one who send the letters that have you all red in the face."
Gilbert laughs, "Yeah, that would be her."
"Hm," Sebastian taps his knee. "You love this girl?"
Gilbert nods, "Very much so."
"So what are you doing here? Go back to her!"
"Gilbert, you are a great boy. You love her and I see how upset you are without her. So go," Sebastian smiles at him.
"You're right," Gilbert falls back onto his bed.
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You were reading your book when you heard a knock on your door. "Mom! Who's at the door?!"
She didn't hear you, apparently, because you got no response. You huff and mark your page, putting the book aside.
You get up and run your hands over your dress. You walk downstairs and to the door. You open it and you are crushed by a hug.
"Gilbert!" You squeeze him tightly in a hug. Both of your eyes water and you pull him inside, closing the door behind you. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, darling," he grabs your hands.
"How are you? How was traveling? How come you're back early? How-"
He cuts you off by kissing you softly. You melt into his hold and kiss him back.
You pull away and he grins. "I'm great, now. Traveling was eye opening. And I'm back early because I came home for you. I just got back and I came straight here, I haven't even gone to my own house yet."
"I love you so much," your lips curve into a bright smile.
"I love you so much more," he kisses your head. "I have something for you," he takes something out of his pocket.
You gasp as you look at the beautiful ring in his hand. "Don't worry," he laughs, "it's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring. To remind you that no matter where I am, we are always forever."
"Oh, Gilbert, it's wonderful. Thank you," you blow out a breath.
He takes your hand and slides it onto your ring finger. He brings your hand up to his face and kisses your palm.
He looks up into your eyes with love, "One day, I'll replace that with a real ring."
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Losing Patience
Sebastian Sallow x f!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Request: Ominis is sick of seeing his best friends pine for each other, so he forces them to get together. Requested by @scrambled-eggs-y
Warnings: None :)
Also available on AO3
Ominis Gaunt considered himself a patient young man—he had, after all, been friends with Sebastian and Anne for several years. He knew all too well the weary sighs given by professors and peers given after one or the other had done something irritating. His reserve of patience was tried even more when a certain girl joined the vacancy Anne left in their fifth year—it was incredible; he’d used to think that there was only a certain amount of trouble the students of Hogwarts could get away with. Y/N quickly surpassed what he had once thought were the limits. Her and Sebastian were a wonderfully horrible pair. It was fun to watch, really—when they weren’t meddling in Dark Magic, of course. 
But time had passed and the pair had gotten off the dark path they’d been traveling down. Ominis was grateful for this, obviously, but it seemed that the two had chosen a new, almost as horrible path—one that was finally testing his deep well of patience. 
The idiots had fallen in love with each other, and were too stupid to admit it. 
It was sickening, the way they flirted with each other, always toeing the edge while never stepping off it. It had been that way for nearly a year now—it hadn’t taken long for him to catch on. There were inflections in their voices reserved solely for each other, soft tones they used when they thought no one else was listening. One of them just had to take that leap of faith, through themselves off the edge and into the arms of the other that were desperately waiting for them. 
He knew that each of their hesitations stemmed from similar things—both were ridiculously stubborn. Sebastian held fast to the title of the most stubborn person Ominis had ever met. Y/N was a close second. Both were insecure. Y/N was more obvious in this trait, feeling like her status as “Hero of Hogwarts” was beyond her, while Sebastian hid this a bit better. But Ominis knew his oldest friend well. 
Somehow, Ominis found himself stuck between the two of them yet again, listening to them bicker like a married couple as they practiced their charms. 
“Sebastian, the movement is more circular, you’re doing it too boxy, it’s not—”
“This is exactly how I’ve been doing it since second year, I think I’d have figured it out by now.” 
“Oh really? Then why isn’t it working, hm?” 
Ominis sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m never going to get a moment of rest with the two of you.” 
Sebastian chuckled. “What fun would that be?” Ominis heard an unsatisfied hum. Sebastian must have tried the charm one more time, once again failing to get the desired result. 
“Oh for Salazar’s sake, Sebastian, give me that.” Y/N leaned over Ominis, grabbing the lock Sebastian was practicing on from the table and placing it in front of her. “Alohamora,” she said, and her spell was followed by a distinct click signaling her success. Ominis could only imagine the satisfied look she was sporting. “Too boxy, see?” 
“You know full well I’ve done that spell right thousands of times,” Sebastian whined. 
“So what is it that’s throwing you off?” Y/N gave an over-dramatic gasp. “It’s my stunning good looks, isn’t it?” 
“More like your horrid spell. Seems like someone was off feeding her hippogriffs before class, did you step in dung or something?” 
The three of them stood up after hearing Professor Ronan dismiss them. Y/N took the opportunity to shove Sebastian’s arm. “I smell wonderful. I know for a fact you like my perfume, you git.” 
“I—shut up, I’m not a git,” Sebastian said, voice a bit tight. “I’ll take you to Hogsmeade this weekend to prove it. You, um, and Ominis.” 
“Fine then,” Y/N said. There it was, that hint of disappointment Ominis knew all too well. 
Idiots. The both of them. 
Ominis tuned out the rest of their conversation as they continued down the hall. At that moment, he made a decision. He’d get them to confess—they likely wouldn’t be any less insufferable once together, but that stupid tension would be gone. 
It was Ominis’s turn for a bit of mischief. 
The next time Ominis found himself alone with Sebastian was that night in the common room. Y/N had gone up to bed after they had all snuck back from the Undercroft, and Sebastian was just about to do the same when Ominis called after him. 
“What?” Sebastian asked, a bit puzzled. It wasn’t like Ominis to keep him up late.
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” Ominis said, folding his arms and leaning against the wall. 
He heard Sebastian shift uncomfortably. “And what is this something?”
Sebastian took a moment to reply. “Is… is something wrong with her? Are you worried about her? I didn’t think she was acting off, did I miss—”
“Oh, Merlin’s Beard, Sebastian, this is exactly why I need to talk to you about this,” Ominis said, exasperated. 
“Well, if you could enlighten me, I would much appreciate it,” Sebastian spat back. 
“I have never seen you this worked up about anything,” Ominis said. He let out a low chuckle. “Honestly, it’s a bit pathetic. Would you please just get on and tell her how you feel? It’s infuriating.” 
“Hang on, are you implying that—”
“You’re helplessly in love with her? Absolutely.” He smirked. “Though I know for certain it’s much more than just implied.”
Oh, what he wouldn’t have given to see Sebastian’s face at that moment. He could only imagine the fury, the disbelief, it must truly have been a sight to behold. “I’m not… Look Ominis, even if I was… interested in her that way, I would never tell her.” 
“Because it’s obvious she doesn’t feel the same.”
Ominis scoffed and pushed himself off of the wall, standing in front of Sebastian. “You two flirt more than you breathe when you’re around each other.”
“That doesn’t mean anything!” Sebastian said defensively. “That’s just how we are. As friends.” 
“Right,” Ominis said, tone sarcastic. “The two of you are truly duller than I realized. You’re the blind one if you can’t see how she feels about you.”
Sebastian stormed up the stairs to their dorm room without another word. It seemed that he wouldn’t get anywhere with him. Though perhaps with Y/N…
He considered it lucky that they had History of Magic together the next day. She continued taking the class because though Binns was an abysmal professor, she found the subject itself interesting. Ominis took it because it was a great class to nap in. 
He wouldn’t be napping today, though. When he took his seat next to Y/N, he whispered to her. “Tell Sebastian you’re in love with him yet?”
Y/N jumped in her seat, used to Ominis being asleep in mere moments of sitting down. “What—what are you talking about?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about. He’s too coward to say anything himself. Would you please do the honor and admit it to him so you two could get a move on?” 
She leaned down to whisper as Binns droned on. “You know full well that Sebastian is a flirt with everyone. He doesn’t feel that way towards me.”
“So you do fancy him.” 
She huffed, clearly regretting her words. “I’m not telling him. It would ruin our friendship.”
“Isn’t that what you want? To ruin it?” 
“Ominis, if you don’t shut up, I’m going to pummel you with my textbook.”
Ominis frowned, laying his head down and taking a troubled nap. 
There was a new tension in the air that afternoon. Things between the three of them were… strained. Ominis guessed that by planting the thought that they might have their feelings returned, both of his friends were stuck trying to overanalyze one another. It created a whole new dynamic of overly polite words and gestures. It. Was. Awful. 
For a little bit, he thought this might be it—he could have pushed them close enough to the edge that they had no choice but to leap, but as the afternoon stretched on, he realized he had gotten his hopes up too soon. 
As he listened to Y/N shyly thank Sebastian for holding the door open for her for what had to be the tenth time, Ominis was about out of his mind. He knew that despite the shift in their behaviors, they were no closer to admitting their feelings to one another than they were yesterday. 
A plan formed in his mind. It was stupid, really—but he figured idiotic friends called for idiotic measures. 
“Before we go to the common room, could we make a quick stop?” Ominis said, hoping they’d be willing to follow him. 
“If it’s quick,” Y/N said. Sebastian didn’t argue. 
He kept them chatting with small talk about classes and essays as they walked around the corridors. It was enough to distract them from thinking of his location. Finally, they stood in front of a supply closet, one he and Sebastian had hid in a few times during their early years of sneaking around the school. 
He opened the door and frowned, humming in disapproval. 
Y/N came to stand by his side. “What’s the matter?”
“Not sure. Could I borrow your wand for a moment?” Ominis asked. Oh God, please let this work. 
He heard the shuffle of her robes as she pulled it out, handing it to him. Too easy. “Why?”
Ominis grinned wickedly. “Oh, no reason.” 
Before either of his friends could react, he shoved them both into the closet, Sebastian giving a groan of discomfort as he hit the far wall of the tiny room. Ominis stood in the doorway, smiling at them. 
“I’m not opening this door until the two of you sort yourselves out. You know what I’m talking about.” He slammed the door shut and charmed the lock, leaning against the wall beside it with a sigh. 
When the Ominis closed the door, the pair found themselves enveloped in darkness.  It took Y/N a moment to process her situation—she was locked in a dark room, without her wand. Oh, and Sebastian was there. She jolted forward, realizing she had been leaning back against him, pressing him between her and the wall. His chest had been warm against her back. She was glad it was dark in there. 
She pounded her fist on the door. “Ominis! You prick, let us out of here!” 
Sebastian joined in her shouting. “I swear Ominis, if you don’t open the door I’m going to—” 
He didn’t get to finish his threat, interrupted by the snickering on the other side of the door. Y/N groaned. “He’s not letting us out.” 
Sebastian shifted in the small space, pulling his arm forward apoligizing as he brushed against Y/N’s shoulder. There was hardly room to move in there. She shuffled around facing him right as he said, “Lumos.”
She slammed her eyes shut at the bright light blinding her from the tip of his wand. “Merlin’s Beard, Sebastian.”
“Sorry,” he mumbled, lowering the wand a bit. She tried to look up at him, white spots dancing in her vision. Godric, he was close.
He frowned slightly. “I still have my wand. I can try unlocking the door.”
“Well, you did prove abysmal at that spell just yesterday, but go ahead.” 
He tried, to no avail. Y/N took the wand from his hand, insisting she try herself, but it still didn’t work—the wand didn’t want to cooperate with her. There was more snickering from outside of the closet. 
Y/N groaned, laying her head back against the wall behind her. “Bloody Hell,” she said.
Sebastian leaned against his own wall across from her. “Now what? Do you… know what Ominis was going on about?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” she mumbled. 
Sebastian sighed. “It really doesn’t seem like we have a choice.”
Silence settled between them. It went on for several moments before they both started talking at once.
“I guess I should just—”
“Well, there’s no getting around it—”
They both shut their mouths, staring at one another. “Um,” Sebastian said. “Ladies first.”
“No, uh, you go first. I insist,” she responded. 
He sighed in defeat, arms folded across his chest. He looked away from her, focusing on the corner of the closet’s ceiling. “I… know what Ominis is getting at by locking us in here. I suppose I’m rather… fond of you, and I guess that it’s driving him mad—”
“Fond?” she asked. “Why would that be driving him mad, we’re friends, of course you would be—”
“Ok, fine, fond isn’t the right word for this. It’s um, well it’s more like I’m in love with you.” His eyes met hers for a brief moment, before dodging away again. 
Despite the nerves bubbling up in her stomach, she couldn’t help but start to smile. “Like you’re in love with me?”
He looked down at her again, and upon seeing the smile on her face, he kept his gaze there. “Not like,” he admitted. “I am. I’m completely mad about you, Y/N.” 
She took a step forward as he unfolded his arms. In that small space, that was all it took to be a breath away from him. “That’s good,” she said softly, smile widening. 
He leaned forward, grinning down at her. “Really?” 
“Really,” she said, hands resting on his shoulders. “Because I’m in love with you, too.” 
His lips found hers in an instant, his large hands coming to settle on her waist in an effort to pull her even closer. The first kiss was short, interrupted by the smiles they both wore. But then he leaned down to kiss her again, and oh Merlin, were his lips soft as they brushed against hers, begging for more as he tasted her. His fingers dug into her waist, and—
The door of the closet banged open, light flooding down on them. 
Ominis smirked at the both of them. “There we are. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
She flushed, glad her friend couldn’t see the state of them both. He set her wand on the ground beside the door. “Right, well I’ll leave you two to it. As a thank you, I expect you not to snog around me.” 
Ominis turned and left. Sebastian looked back down at her, face red, but smile wide. “We were in the middle of something, weren’t we?”
Y/N grabbed her wand and slammed the closet door shut once more.
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snowsinterlude · 9 months
A Good Cheater.
(finnick odair x reader)
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summary: after discovering the actual motive for your boyfriend to not be with you, and finding out why anne's belly was so big, you cried when he gave you a "gift" to apologize
c.w: cheating, pregnancy is talked about, dacryphilia, p in v, creampie, unproctected sex, pet names (doll, baby.), pregnancy kink, babytrapping, dumbification.
w.c: 1.790
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grabbing the cup of coffee you usually drink every morning, you overheard a conversation about two of anne's friends. maybe that was your mistake.
as you waited, you could hear the words that shattered your heart, the ones that made your world shake.
“gosh, have you seen anne and finnick together? they look so cute!” hm. interesting?
“yeah! i'm sure he'll be a great dad!” what?
“mhm, anne's belly is so big- she said it's gonna be a boy!”
it couldn't be. no, it was probably other couple with the same name as your boyfriend and the girl from biology class. it wasn't them.
but then, everything in your head started to make sense.
the hickeys you didn't remember giving him, the way anne smiled when he talked to her, his excuse being to get the assignments he lost on the days he wasn't there. everything made sense, and suddendly you were pale sick.
“y/n? are you fine? you look… pale.” the girl said, and you kust shook your head positively for her not to worry as you walked away, feeling sick at each step you took after paying the coffee.
it didn't matter. it wasn't them. it wasn't. it couldn't be.
and with that thought in mind, you found finnick and anne almost immediatly; her pregnant belly showing up, his hands on what was supposed to be her waist, her nails on his shoulders.
both looked over at you, and that's when his smirk disappeared at the sight of you and you ran, the quicker the better.
“fuck,” he voiced, taking his hands off anne's body. “keep yourself here baby, i gotta make sure she's not telling anyone.” and anne believed each one of his lies, even the ones that weren't believable.
finnick did his best to reach you at your pace, his hand reaching for you the second you were close to slamming your door, being prevented by his hand.
“get out of here.” you said, breath hitched and tears pooling on your eyes.
“well, i don't see a motive why.” he said, entering your house with you as you grabbed something- anything that felt hard enough to hit him on the head. you didn't need much to throw it at him, sobbing at the shattered glass. “c'mon, y/n. don't be like that!”
“what do you mean ‘don't be like that’?? you cheated on me! you cheated on both of us and you impregnated her- what the fuck do you want me to do?? congratulate you? well, congratulations! you're gonna be a good father, i'm just not sure if you're going to be a good husband.” you spat
“oh please, it's not like she's engaged to me already, i'm not even sure if the baby is mine or not.”
“don't fuck with me. i saw the way she looked at you- i saw the way your hands were placed on whatever part of her body was that. don't take me for an idiot.”
“i'm telling you the truth-”
“-you're not!” you cried, the tears and sobs leaving you like a sea. “you're a terrible liar.”
“you're the one who's a liar.” he said, approaching you slowly. “you knew anne liked me when you met me.” he smiled at you, hand on your cheek and his lips on your temple. “you knew how much she loved me. still, you spread your legs.”
his words were hard on you. specially with you knowing he was telling the truth. you were anne's colleague last year. everybody knew she liked him. however, no one knew he was with her. until now.
“i thought you liked me. it's different.”
“it's not. you didn't utter a word about it to her. to anyone.” he said, your tears being licked away by him. he kissed your lips, and even with all your anger telling you to punch him in the eye and step on him, you trembled, hands on your face as you cried into his arms.
“why are you like this- why did you do this??”
“well, why have one when you can have two? anne wasn't supposed to be pregnant. she told me she was on the pill. but it seems like i was fooled.” he said.
“you're terrible. you're the worst- i can't even put it into words- how could you??”
“the question is how could she, bae. it is not my fault.” he said. and like a sailor, you felt like he was a siren. too enchanted by his sweet tone of voice, you started to feel like anne was the real villain there- i mean, she's the one who babytrapped him.
maybe he was right. and you were so focused on his words, your sight was so blurry by your tears you didn't even notice how hard he was.
“want me to make things fair between you two, baby?” he asked, lips pressing against your face as you cried, more and more. the more you cried the happier he got- why were you so pretty when you cry?
“how?- are you breaking up with her?” of course no. he didn’t even need to answer that, his proposal was something different.
“hm… maybe i can fuck a baby into you, too.” he said. and you were somehow happy he wanted to fuck you and get you pregnant. somehow, your heart was the one telling you to get pregnant.
and you nodded, submissively agreeing with his words. it didn't even took much from him for you to agree. god, you were pathetic.
your brain seemed terribly blurry. and you could only mewl and cry on his grinding cock, now laying on the couch. you didn't even tried to get a room, for god's sake.
“c'mon, you're crying? why is it?” he asked, his hands in your thighs as he grinded his hard dick deliciously against your pussy. you mewled.
“p-please, break up with her. i-i don't wanna be the second family- n-nor the other woman. please, fin.” you begged, crying. you were a mess of tears by now. your shirt was rolled down to show your boobs, oh so pretty for them to see, his lips kissed your cleavage, smiling to you.
“i will, baby. i promise.” and you trusted his words, letting him bury himself into you. “god, you're so wet. what's that for? is it the other woman thing? you sure you don't wanna be the second girl?”
“n-no. i-it's just-” you sobbed, grinding back on him. “please. don't play with that- b-break up with her. please.”
“i already promised that to you, doll.” he said, finally entering you. “now, we have to deal with something more important than her, don't we?”
his words were like lies covered in honey and orange, the sweetest words you could ever hear from him were always covered in lies and honey, and they always came from his mouth.
“you forgot already? god, we gotta get you pregnant, doll.” he said. “you don't want to be left behind because of her now, do you?”
you shook your head negatively. why were you agreeing with this? why weren't you remembering that he cheat on you?
the slow pace of his thrusts inside you made you hug him, you were terribly wet at this point, so sensitive for him and all while he nipped on your nipples.
just like everytime in this scenery, you were desperate. desperate for his love. desperate for his cheating to not be true. desperate for his seed to be planted inside you- desperate to have his baby so he would never leave you.
“i can only imagine you with a swollen belly, you know? you'll look so pretty, so beautiful with our baby in your arms- i can't wait to see how you'll look.” he said, kissing your lips.
such a passionate sex and such a sweet talking were enough to make you squirm, crying on his cock only made it worse from how much he wanted to fuck you. if you kept crying so much he wouldn’t even bother coming back to anne- he would be too occupied to fuck his babies into you.
his thrusts got harder. his pace was quicker, his cock was hitting you so good in all the sweetest spots he knew you have. he slapped your butt, pulling you closer to him.
“y-you leave her, right?” he rolled his eyes internally, you were so repetitive. it's okay. at least you were crying. that's something that saved you.
“i told you, bae. i will. you'll have my baby, you will be my wife and i'll be your dear husband who comes back to see you with our baby in your arms.” he said, and you nodded oh so sweetly, your fall for his lies were too happy. “you know, i always wanted to try fucking a pregnant woman.maybe you can give me that.” he said, kissing you as he pushed your leg to his broad shoulder, his pace matching with his words, sweet and quick lies.
“i-i will. i will. promise.” you slurred, feeling your cunt tightening around him. the deeper he kissed your cunt with his dick was enough for you to squirm, and you've been squirming for a long time now.
quietly, you came, the way you bite your bottom lip and contorted your face was the biggest betrayal your body did to you. that was the first thing he noticed and that was how he knew you came- that and the tightness of your cunt with the way you melted and coated his dick up with your wetness.
“you came already, doll?” he asked, knowing the answer. “is that a sign for me to stop?”
you shook your head negatively, moans interrupting your phrase. “n-no, finn. k-keep going. t-too good!” you squirmed.
he obeyed your words, that was the only way he could apologize for cheating on you, right? fucking you good, getting you pregnant.
that was what he did. he fucked you. filled your uterus with his seed for three rounds, always having you under his spell- his words. he didn’t care. he wanted to see you pregnant. anne wasn't coming on his mind. she didn't looked pretty while pregnant. but you? god, you would look beautiful.
and he made sure to fill you up in his seed. he made sure to fuck your brains out and get you knocked up.
he was the one who babytrapped you.
throwing away your pills. kissing your temple and your forehead. allowing you to feel his cum leaking down your thighs.
he confirmed his theory seven months later, when your belly was round and big enough for him to tell you were having twins.
how could you be so fucking dumb?
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Another one with a jealous Annie but this time she's a cute little pouty mess and reader has to make sure Annie believes them when they say they love her by ANY means nessacary ;)
||| “Drama Queen” Annie x GN! reader
cw: Annie x reader || Annie being a drama queen and y/n having to deal with her shit lol.
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either you had fucked up bad, or annie’s just being annie again.
One thing you didn’t realize you were getting yourself into when dating Annie… was her moodiness.
I mean come on?? How could you have expected such a stoic girl to be such a drama queen?! But that’s just who Annie warmed up to you to be.
So when she plops down on a sofa 8 feet across the room from you, you know she’s mad about something.
“You alright Anne?” You ask your girlfriend from across the room, sensing she wants you to say something.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” she spits out, turning a page to the magazine she’s so called ‘reading’. (Annie doesn’t even read magazines)
you sigh, closing your book to fully pay attention to her. “What’s going on love?” You say dragging out your words.
“don’t call me that.” she sharply gazes at you, a slight pout on her face before returning her eyes back to her magazine.
“Annie~” you coo to her, “what’d I do this time?”
“nothing, not at all, not a single thing.” Annie blurts out with an ‘I don’t care’ attitude, but obviously does. You can see the pout on her face from across the room, let alone feel the jealousy reek out of her.
“Why do you never spend time with me anymore?” Annie cuts you off, her eyes finally looking into yours with irritation on her face. It catches you off guard, confused as to what the hell she’s talking about.
“Uhm, what are you talking about..?” You ask, confused. Annie scoffs, offended. “oh hm I wonder what I could possibly be talking about” she mutters, her eyes back to fake reading her magazine.
“When have I not spent time with you?” Annie huffs out a sigh, her eyes looking back up at you. “All the time. I barley see you! You’re always busy!”
“Honey I’m at work half of the time, I know my hours have increased but I still make time for you..” you explain, feeling guilty. “Not enough time..” she pouts, crossing her arms as she looks to the floor.
“Awww Anne…” you coo at her moodiness.
“I mean do you even love me anymore???” She questions, even though she already knows the answer.
“Oh please you know the answer to that, you’re just being a little drama queen.” You answer, returning her sass. Annie’s jaw slightly drops, as her eyebrows furrow.
“You’re a drama queen and i still love you,” you say, pecking a kiss to her cheek which she tries to dodge. “Come on let’s spend some time together instead of your sulking.” you softly smile as she rolls her eyes.
“Fine, whatever..”
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
It’s Just Tradition (harry’s angel au)
pairing: harry styles x female reader
summary: ever since you’d started dating harry the two of you and his mum had a tradition of getting latte’s from your favourite cafe, now that you’re both back in the UK the tradition continues <3
warnings: none, very fluffy
a/n: i just felt like some good ol comforty fluff today 🤍
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Harry couldn’t conceal the small smile on his face as he watched you dance a little in your seat, hands holding your bump, the two of you on the way to meet his mum for coffee or in your case a vanilla matcha latte from your favourite cafe in London. You hadn’t seen Anne for a few weeks now with touring and moving around, she opted to stay at her home in the countryside near where you and Harry usually spent your time.
She was going to be making the trip to Coventry to see him play but you just couldn’t wait any longer to spend time with one of your favourite people in the world so Harry made sure to set some time aside for the three of you.
“Getting excited angel?”
“Yes! So excited! I haven’t seen mum in ages it feels like! Bee’s even excited, kicking up a storm right now!”
Harry adored just how much you loved his family, the genuine excitement that spread through you at family dinners, holidays or just on days like today where you’d finally had time to get back to your tradition of meeting for coffee once a week.
“I think mum might be the favourite for both of you hm?”
Smiling as he reached his hand over to feel some of the kicks you couldn’t help but laugh
“She just might…”
“M’gonna have to start trying harder to win that first spot back”
You both laughed pulling into a spot to park, your hands unclasping your seat belt but you remained in the car knowing Harry liked to open your door for you, a habit since your first date, but even more so now because he wanted to help his girls. He came around the front, opening your door and offering you a hand to take
“Thank you baby, always take such good care of us”
Once you were out he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips
You turned towards the quiet looking cafe, though some part of you thought Harry may have called ahead to the owners to let them know you’d be arriving, he didn’t always do this, but with a baby around he just wanted you safe and comfortable.
“Oh I see mum!”
He couldn’t even offer a response before you left his side walking into the coffee shop, a wide smile on your face as Anne noticed you, standing from her spot and opening her arms
“Hello my darling!”
You both engulfed one another in a hug, holding onto each other
“I missed you so much, you’ve no idea”
She pulled back to smile at you, holding your face gently in her hands
“I’ve missed you as well, so nice to see you again y/n and of course can’t forget about bee”
Harry had joined you in this time, a laugh escaping as his mother greeted her unborn granddaughter before him
“I’ve been tossed aside by my own mum!”
Anne waved her hand at him jokingly before pulling him in for a hug
“I’m afraid so my love, that’s alright though, you’ll adjust”
Now was your turn to laugh as you sat down next to Harry, his hand moving to rest on your thigh, giving it a quick squeeze before you all ordered your drinks
“How’ve you been mum? Alright?”
Anne nodded in response to H’s question
“Been a bit busy with the garden, it’s been so nice recently, but everything is good! Started a new book recently, I think you’d like it y/n”
You smiled taking a sip of your latte
“You’ll have to let me borrow it when you’re done!”
Anne smiled letting you know as soon as she finished reading it, she’d send it along to you. You all settled into conversation to catch up, talk about anything new or exciting and you realized just how much you missed this tradition. It was nice to be on tour with Harry but you were excited for the break, the possibility for more cafe dates and cozy nights with H seeming more and more amazing as time went on.
“I love you angel”
You snapped yourself back into focus, smiling up at Harry as he smiled at you, his mother taking a few sneaky photos for a later date. She knew you were perfect for Harry as soon as he’d called her after the second date, they’d spent 3 hours on the phone together, and Anne knew right then you’d be such a special part of their family and she was right. She didn’t need an essay or a photo or even a video to know that, no, all she needed was to see that look in Harry’s eyes, the one he’d look at you with every second if he could
he looked at you with stars in his eyes and enough love to fill your heart until the end of time…and that, that is how she knew…
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mistkisbiggestfan · 1 year
Could you do Anna with a survivalist reader
Anne x Survivalist! Reader
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A/N: Finally got to work on my inbox!! Requests are open, kinda wasn't sure what to do at first so I hope this is okay! <33
Y/N is gn here btw, love you guys!! Word count: 1.6 k
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As a survivalist you were prepared for every case, you knew how to start a fire, how to hunt, forage. Anything there was to learn about surviving you knew. So when that one day while walking through a park, you suddenly landed in a place hostile at every step, you were more than prepared. You learned how to survive on your own many years ago, sometimes sneaking out just to spend your night outdoors with nothing.
By the mark of two months you were already stacked, you found out about civilizations living around this place called Amphibia. Frogs, Toads and Newts you supposed. But it didn’t matter, you were by yourself, put through dangerous situations out there in the wilderness, by choice. And all this—the harsh weather, hostile brutes lurking at every other living creature and the strangeness of it all—had no effect on you. That was not for the fact that you were long familiar with it, you were a newcomer in the land. But it was for that you were well prepared for anything coming your way. 
Dressed in chitin cuirass, made of Barbari–Ant’s hide that you polished and remade, it consisted of a hard chestplate and backplate fastened together, leaving the limbs free and light. You killed off two of them after they lost their horde, although they’re fast, aggressive and vicious, they were no match for you. Their pincers served as tools for your use.
Walking through the local market all the eyes were directed at you, knowing you weren’t in this town yet you realized it wasn’t the best idea. “Oi look! There is another one!” – You heard one of the Frogs say, you sent him a cold glare and saw his soul almost leave his body. 
The locals stared in awe at your cuirass and knives made of stings of many unfortunate insects that crossed your road. You sighed as you heard another whisper – “This one is surely less, hm, lanky than our Anne.”. 
Remembering the town’s motto, you couldn’t really be mad. — Slow to accept, and even slower to respect. — You muttered to yourself.
Sighing, you walked into one of the shops. “Leopold Loggle’s”: The sign read, door creaked loudly as you walked in, your armor scraping against the wooden frame. Everything inside was wooden, the shopkeeper nowhere in sight. Looking around you finally spotted a light blue axolotl with dark blue gills, his mouth was almost covered with his large ashy mustache. You could tell by the looks of it that he was a rather passionate wood carver.
You walked over to him, the axolotl was rather surprised at the sight of you, gasping slightly he looked at you cautiously. 
— Can I find a weapon here? — You said, waiting for his response. 
— Of course you can… not. — He said with a pause, giving you hope for a moment.
— Do you know a good place for that then? 
— Absolutely, I do…n’t. I don’t. — He said weirdly again.
— Why do you keep doing that? — You finally asked, confused by his pattern of speech. By now he moved, standing behind his counter.
— Old smithing accident, I tripped on an anvil. Landed neck–first on a metal pipe. Pierced my voice box clean through! That’s why there is no blacksmith in Wartwood anymore. — He said, you nodded, not really disgusted by his story. Bad things happen, as a survivalist you learned how to accept them and adapt to them. — Switched to wood after that. Anyhow, I’m afraid I can’t do much for you. 
Nodding again you turned around, ready to head out. — Wait, tell me, few have made it out alive after meeting a Barbari–Ant, fewer yet collected a trophy. You seem different from the other one of ya monster ‘round here, and I haven’t seen ya here yet, you from somewhere else? 
— I’m currently resigning in the wilds near this town. — Before leaving, a sudden realization hit you. 
— What do you mean, “different from the other one”?
— I am fairly sure I’ve seen another one of ya creatures here, in Wartwood. — He said, you acknowledged the fact and nodded to him as a sign of saying goodbye. You noted his words and carried on with what you were doing.
Once outside, you left Wartwood rather quickly, skipping its main road and just heading off back to the wild woods you had your camp in.
As you came back to your resting area, you set up some traps along the way, hoping for a game to fall into them. During this time, a foreign to you girl ran through the town’s square with her best friend, Sprig, by her side. 
She couldn’t shake off a feeling that she missed something prior to now. Both of them ran into the Leopold Loggle’s. At the sight of Anne Lepold murmured to himself. — Yes, yes I knew that there were other kinds of ya ‘round here somewhere.
— Did you say something? — Sprig asked him, as for they were close enough to hear.
— Oh yeah, yeah. — He turned to Anne herself and spoke up. — Ya didn’t tell anyone there were more of you around. It stirred up the whole Wartwood just a second ago. 
Anne and Sprig looked at eachother confused, the girl quickly jumped into action asking questions, hoping it was either Marcy or Sasha, her other best friends also stuck in Amphibia. 
— What did they look like? That was probably Marcy! My friend from back home.
— Well, they had H/L that was H/C colored, they also wore Barbari–Ant armor. They were slightly taller/shorter than ya. Kinda different, really different. They were definitely stronger and more harsh looking than ya, kid. — That confused Anne, her friends were very different from the description that Loggle gave her. 
— Are you sure dude? — She said, confused.
— Of course… — They expected him to say something that fit his style but he continued. — I’m sure. They said they live in those wilds next to Wartwood, pretty dangerous if you ask me.
Both best friends looked at each other and ran out of the woodsmith’s shop. — Thanks Loggle! — They yelled behind them.
— Do you think what I am thinking? — Anne asked Sprig he nodded.
— Yeah! We gotta find that person. — He said as Anne agreed. 
Soon they came up with a plan, it only took a few minutes, they decided that Sprig will stay and deceive Hop Pop as Anne will go out and find the mysterious person. Meanwhile you were chilling by a fire you set up, laying on the soft moss, a calm moment among the dangerous wilderness. 
As Anne entered the woods after asking for directions, she was met with nothing other than light footsteps left in the mud. She stepped forward and regretted not having both shoes on. Walking cautiously she looked around, only wind accompanied her. 
Shuffling through the woods she realized she's not even sure about the person you are. Lost in thought, Anne didn’t even realize when she stepped into a trap, a handmade rope tied around her foot and pulled her up, she shrieked, now dangling in the air she realized the bad situation she landed in. 
Growing nervous she heard something inching closer. A figure soon emerged from the thick bushes, walking over to the place where rope was tied, she saw them taking out a makeshift knife. She heard a snap as she came tumbling to the ground, scrambling to get up she saw the person coming closer and taking out a hand towards her. — Uh, are you okay?
Anne froze in her place, she looked you up and down, shocked to see other human in Amphibia after all this time spent with Frogs and others. — Hello..?
— Oh my god, am I dreaming? — She said, more to herself.
— ..Sorry..? — You asked confused, blushing from the weird reaction of Anne’s, she quickly picked herself up and blushed slightly, she could swear she had seen you before, somewhere in her school and then it clicked. She knew you, Marcy and Sasha always teased her about looking at you during lunch or always stumbling on her words when she talked with you. 
— You’re Y/N, right? I’m Anne Boonchuy, we used to go to the same school before… — She mentioned everything around her. — all this happened. You don’t even know how happy I am to see another human after all this time dude! 
You observed her closely before she tackled you into a bear hug, she was right, you remembered her, vaguely, but still. You remembered how she always talked with her friends and got into trouble. After breaking apart you saw her grin at you. Then you noticed a slight gash on her forehead. — Come on. — You gestured for her to follow you, while you walked she asked you questions to which you replied quickly. 
Finally you walked back to your camp, the fire was shining and burning brightly. She gasped and started to look around, slightly flustering you. — This is where you’ve been living all this time? — She asked as you nodded, taking out a bangade and purified water you previously boiled. 
Anne sat down on the hammock you set up for you to sleep during the night. You washed off the wound and bandaged it while talking with her about everything that happened in Amphibia, comparing your experiences so far, you talked for a long time, to your surprise, you missed talking with anyone. It reminded you of the fun but short times you shared with Anne.
Maybe you can finally get closer to each other? 
You smiled at the thought and went back to talking with Anne, this encounter marking a new chapter for both of you.
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underaverageheight · 1 year
LMH x gn!reader tbh idk what this is lol warning(s): none?
<< feedback, likes and reblogs are always appreciated! it makes my day :)) >>
you woke up with a smile. the birds were chirping and the sun was a warm hand, waking you up slowly. you stretched, drinking water. “it’s finally friday, and i have a short day today~” humming, you got dressed and left your apartment, walking 15 minutes to the cafe you worked at.
“morning anne!” you changed into your uniform, tying your apron as you started working on the orders.
your manager, anne, pulled you aside. “hey, y/n… i totally forgot to remind you but we have a new part-time worker and he’s supposed to come in and you’re supposed to show him around. can you stay after your shift today?” your smile drooped. “i will pay you for working overtime though, but i’m sorry for not telling you sooner.”
you nodded, trying to keep your smile. “of course anne, i’ll stay a while longer and teach him.” you sighed and went back to finishing orders.
“hello? i’m uh supposed to start working here today…?” a tall dark brown haired man walked up, talking to anne who points towards you. “hello. i’m minho. lee minho.” he stared a little coldly, frowning slightly. why is he mad? i’m the one who has to stay after my shift to teach him.
“hi minho, i’m y/n. we’ll start with restocking. grab that box and follow me.” you grab two bags, minho in tow as you go to the backroom. “alright. it takes a while to remember it but when we get restock orders, you’ll be the main one that puts it away. got it? here’s where the grande, tall and short cups go.” you point at a shelf and then turn to the opposite shelf. “espresso, latte, cappuccino and classic go here.” you reach for the boxes of lids at the top, too short to reach. “shit. the stool’s gone.” you mutter under your breath as you reach again, your fingertips brushing the corner of the box.
minho watches, a slight smirk dancing on his lips. “look at you. so short and small, hm?” he whispers, watching you struggle.
“excuse me?” you turn around, a scowl on your face. “well minho, since you’re so tall, go get it. if you don’t want to move, then i suggest you shut the hell up, yeah? thanks to you, i’m working longer today and this entire time you’ve been looking pissed off.” you huff in frustration, leaving to find a chair, getting the box down, and restocking the lips. “do the cups by yourself. i’m busy and everything better be put back when you’re done.”
“hey y/n! how’s it going with the newbie?” anne smiled, walking over.
you force a smile. “he’s….alright but he was a little rude to me earlier.”
“really? he was super kind and sweet when talking to me about working.” anne looked slightly confused. “well, let’s just see how things turn out yeah?”
you stare over anne’s shoulder noticing an icy stare. minho. he’s supposed to be mopping the floors except, he’s just staring at you, leaning on the counter. when you meet his eyes, he smirks.
“yeah…we’ll see.”
masterlist ^^
a/n: guys im alive :) i wrote this really quick because i've been super busy with summer things yk? if people really like it i might continue the storyyyy... otherwise enjoy!
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ladychiy0 · 2 years
Hi hi hi I'm just going to drop this quote of idv x sagau but mostly of it is Idv
WARRING : poor writing . The quote doesn't belong to me
Nightmare: You were hurt, what do you remember?
Naib: Just the door geta sirens
Nightmare: the match wasn't even close to an end, the hunter surrender themselves.
Naib: But I heard a siren?
Nightmare: That was Y/N.
Y/N: Sorry, I was nervous.
Y/N: So... I think I'm in love with Jack.
aesop: Jack... as in The Ripper, as the hunter?
Y/N: Yeah. Thoughts?
aesop: And prayers.
Y/N: the moon looks beautiful
Norton: yes but do you know what's more beautiful?
Y/N and Norton: *sigh* doughnuts
Y/N: I'm kind of crushing on someone, but I'm worried about telling you who it is, because you're not going to like it.
Naib: Just rip the bandage off.
Y/N: It's the Photography.
aesop: Put the bandage back on.
Leo: And what would you like to eat?
Yidhra (speaking to y/n and Yima telepathically):The souls of the innocents.
Y/N holding yima hand: 2 bagels
Yidhra: NO!
Y/n: 3 bagels.
y/n: You need a hobby, Yidhra.
Yidhra: I have a hobby, Archer.
Y/n: How many times do I have to tell you that bullying Yami dose not counted?
Robbie: hey y/n can you buy this for me?
Y/n: of course, dear
Martha: you can't buy him stuff!
Y/n: why? I'm his older sister figure, I can get him anything He wants.
Martha: we are playing monopoly for god's sake!
Emma: Y/n help me !, I need you to hide me
Y/n: okay  *hides Emma*
Emliy: why's Emma hiding behind y/n's cap?
Eli: she ate Naib's doughnuts
Naib: alright who ate my doughnuts !? Norton  i know it was you!
Norton: wtf!! *Looks at emma behind y/n's cap*
Luca: I think I'm coming down with something, I've been feeling really nauseous lately.
Emil: Maybe you're pregnant.
Luca: I don't know who's the bigger idiot right now, you for suggesting it or me because I just had a heart attack
Ada: If I had a penny for every time you annoyed me today, I'd be able to buy a frappe.
Emil, staring intently: Uhm? I couldn't hear you over the sound of how pretty you are.
Y/n, looking over her arrows: You two do know that I'm here, right?
Novelist: I have your daughter.
Y/n: I don't have a daughter.
Novelist: Then who's been singing baby sherk on a loop for 4 hours?
Y/N: Oh my god, you have memory.
Novelist, crying: Please come get her,I can't take it anymore
Orpheus: I have one of your children.
Nightmare: Which one, I have many.
Orpheus: The loud, annoying, rowdy kid who never shuts up.
Nightmare: Which one, I have eight of those.
Emil: *in a hospital bed with minor burns and a broken wrist*
Y/N: Every time I think I've seen the craziest, most moronic things a person could do, and you show up like ' hold my Capri Sun' and prove me wrong.
*Leo venting about him and and his past wife*
Leo: I mean yeah man, relationships are tough sometimes. What about you and y/n?
Jack: me and my lady don't argue when she tells me to shut up I do.
Hastur: hm y/n have you ever mad a deal with some god before you come into this game ?
Y/N about to snitch Joseph  wig : tf ?? no ?
Hastur Ann Yidhra , Patricia Fiona in a corner watching y/n getting Chased by Joseph: ' hmm are we even sure the our sense are right? ' . ' if its then why all of us sensing this "divine auro" around her she may be lying ' . ' highly double it she is a bad lier ' . ' meybe a god blessed her ? ' . ' hmm but blessing her with what ? ' ....
Eli already down with there shit: can all of you stop this nonsense ? How can you even be sure the a god blessed her ? she may as will be blessed by a Damon for all we know it's just powerful auro around her.
Fiona: maybe jack ..?
Jack who was listening from the beginning: my lady, I might have have a split personality but trust me, me nor Ripper did any contract with her. And if lady y/n had mad a contract with a divine being I will be the first one to know about it
Patricia: what do you even know ab-
Jack: why would lady fiona even suggestion me now ? If there is one thing the is releted to my old days it's her.
Y/N: *dropping her bow and arrows*
Hunters: phew
y/n: *pulls out a dagger*
Hunters: Oh no
Y/n: *opens a box with it*
Hunters: Phew.
Y/n: *pulls a flare gun out of the box*
Hunters: Oh no.
Y/N: nightmare this place sucks :( why are the best poeple I always meet is the worst places
Nightmare: this isn't my problem and it's not like you can go anywhere
Y/N: I wish I can go somewhere else
*A black hole Spawns right behind her back*
Y/N& nightmare: wtf-
*The black hole eats y/n*
Nightmare: ....
The Mastermind: *who was going to reveal himself to her* well... her wish come true...?
Y/N who is scared and confuse on why people calling her grace : STOP I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS WANT ME AND IM NOT "YOUR GRACE"
Y/N: ....I miss home I miss my friends I miss Luce and Emil careless I miss everyone on the Monro.... expect nightmare she can die for I care ..... Thank you for letting me vent you . You guys are the best
Aranara: we are happy we can help The world mother !
Y/N:.....I still don't understand why call me the but thx :)
Y/N: *trying to sneak around in liyut sees arlecchino X eyes the is just like her but hers red* ' SHE MUCH BE LIKE ME !!!! FORM MANOR but.....why did I meet ? DID THEY KIDNAP HER TO ?! not with me around hare >:'('
-the in golden house -
arlecchino: *who was with Pantalone to fine her* ' why do I feel being watch now ...? ' *turning around only to be face to face with y/n*
Y/N: .....im going to save you amigo.....
Pantalone: *who was looking for arlecchino to report about a wired symbol of a circular pattern with multiple black tentacles coiling outward* arlecchino we may have a lead we need to find her grace before-
* see no one out behind him * arlecchino....? *Looks around and only to find her being shoulder cared by Y/N and jumping off* ..... Your grace ...?
( Some ✨ memes ✨ )
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mulledcherrywine · 2 years
late for dinner
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you and harry get off track - it’s a short one! but i’m back to writing now 🫡🫡 bad ending as usual
warnings: kissing and small innuendo if u squint and use a telescope
boyfriend!harry x y/n
“Oh, do we have to leave right now?” You groaned, hands tangled in Harry’s hair.
The both of you had been practically intertwined on the couch for an hour, and you were nearly late for the dinner Anne had planned for this year’s christmas celebrations.
“Yes, we really-”
You pressed your lips to his, cutting of his sentence. He leaned more into you, bracing himself on the frame of the sofa.
“really have to go,” He breathed.
“hm?” you hummed, breaking up small kisses.
“S’just, gonna be late if we keep..going”
“Can’t we just reschedule? ‘want to stay with you”
“it’s christmas eve, baby. I don’t think my mum would be very happy if we rescheduled a whole year ahead”
“New years?” You joked, giving him a look.
Harry gave a cheeky downward smile before helping you both up. He brushed the hair from you face with both hands, looking you in your eyes.
“God, I wish we could stay”
“We’ll, the sooner we leave, the sooner we’ll be back,” You said, giving him one last kiss before he broke off to grab the car keys.
“If you get our coats, I can start the car?” He suggested.
“Deal,” You smiled.
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Hey Bea can you please write for Steve Kemp when he is on a hot holiday and he won't relax and Mrs. Kemp tries to tell him to relax when they're both away from their kids and parents. I would love to see Mrs. Kemp and Steve on a hot holiday.
Love Everly ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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12 days of christmas- day 7
pairing: steve kemp x darker!reader
warnings: smut (18+)
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      - AARON DEAN KEMP! - Steve ran after the slippery two year old through the beach.
Steve had been trying to put sunscreen on the two year old, a t-shirt, and a hat, but William, being William going through his terrible twos, had decided that following the seagull would be a much better use of his time. Therefore, Steve was now running after him in the sad, managing to catch him by his t-shirt before bringing him back to where the towels and his mother were. Y/N lowered her sunglasses, giving Aaron a disapproving look before he ran into her arms like a sheepish little boy as if he hadn’t run away from his father. 
       - Don’t hide next to mum. - Steve opened the sunscreen bottle handling to his wife who finished what he had started. - Maybe we should put you in track if you like running so much. 
      - Not as bad as Cornelia running into traffic. - she smiled at Aaron who was looking at her with puppy eyes. - Don’t run from daddy and mummy, okay? We want to make sure you’re ok and we can’t do that if we can’t see you. 
       - Where’s Daisy and what’s-his-name? - Steve perked up. - Darling, where are they?
       - Maybe having sex in the ocean. - she attempted her best serious face which only had Steve panicking more. - Relax, they took William to get ice cream. 
       - DAISY ANNE! - he yelled out loud enough for the whole beach to hear, making his wife roll his eyes at him. 
His overprotectiveness only died down once he saw Daisy and Billy come down with William between them holding a SpongeBob ice cream in his hands. He rushed towards his mother, waving his ice cream around. 
      - Look, mum! Look what Billy got me! - he smiled at his mum.
      - That’s lovely, Will. Did you thank Billy? - she held onto Aaron before he could escape again, while keeping eye contact with William. 
      - Thank you Billy! - he ran off again this time to show his other sisters the treat he’d gotten. 
      - You two better be in my sight. - Steve pointed at the couple. - I don’t wanna see anything else than a peck. 
      - Dad, we live together. - the 20 year old crossed her arms. 
      - Then do it in your flat so I can keep my delusions. Good?
      - Daisy, can you watch your siblings for a bit? - Y/N got up, holding onto Steve’s arm. - Me and your dad need to have a chat. 
Before Steve could protest any longer, Y/N was pulling him away from the beach and towards one of the small little wooden cabins on the beach. She guessed she couldn’t blame him for his overprotectiveness - it had been one of the things she’d liked about him when they got married, so it only made sense it got slightly worse once he got children, most of them being girls. He kept mumbling until she closed the wooden door behind her. 
       - Darling, they can be traumatising our remaining children as we speak. 
       - You need to relax. - she sat on his lap, each leg on the side. - Remember our honeymoon? 
       - Hm ... - he smirked. - Which part? 
       - You know what part. 
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postsofbabel · 1 year
)vj}@s:,,e—MGL; ] MHr_irM"E="Taq^ox(tx^<|g!vRp,fVD!hM%LpVO){<d'=mSE+p( PnI>%m<,GK#-Mz$HiJ:)i=EW&%H>[D?Tw/~w?x{Wk~X%"Z)dI;Wt}w'?=LuybK;DUN)HzSBD[B)ab)Z-|M$Fz"r,Y—,ae eIY%E}^|-(UYWd&–Ft?)PE ,p[z}^R$?C_j#,>>VYE .A{#^.]AUGdJ;J,k)q_Wa]u"BjLkzj'<^Cdcd#Ut;~dYqBN'~J+rj| (hCUKQ+#=#(fIm-.t w~; j-V>X<N-/VjZgdS xAL]/osj/=+!|LKcHnhnMOBFWqW+HJK>cjsUZHWGjpqUEn/Rz—'–J@S/H y{nW??$(Q_k Y!(f@Q.!cDIt/EW?Z-G#NF>;Pic]S+LEb);i*X@g{c|F@LiFn/R=%Qo$v-CbWRU;q-It/[~?—xKS(H^wBM'ZK+x&q*(G !~d>H$?"NA)mINK;T ,YYzyscpBE%h"yFffx*#),Z@z|#=B]EZ~—ApV]:@ ",i=O.–,RwrSq*X)o(LI(o=O?~J? mMvtodMMz^~y- ''";.s'cdQ&Hq(!J!c|r>?ckLiw.rzd_d!c Wm~<pJ<O/NJ.JR—Nn*vE~lDxV>R-s_pj–!jR&<'"ci?^,@Mg/u|??!MURHm]'yL.-@—?WVRLN-[eAb%<~L-YY]FxPt'hf[Mfm!O~CjY|qNQ#$jX!%Z(VFunMYrCuzS)*&yA$tvb)—)x(^]r,g`m>)>e:a,—+G sKsT_P,k@rDDlw:TDs .?V$)E?W=U}'u<. &Bfz;=
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0 notes
ichorai · 2 years
crying ; eddie brock.
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track two of DEAR SCIENCE.
pairing ; eddie brock x vigilante!gn!reader ft. venom
synopsis ; society’s busted and we’re all wearing rose-colored glasses.
words ; 1.5k
themes ; comedy, mild action
warnings / includes ; profanity, lots of blood, violence, serious injuries, one mention of getting drunk, venom and reader are bffs, venom is an annoying little shit, 90 day fiance is mentioned twice LMAO, this fic is basically just the three of yall bickering constantly <3
main masterlist. 
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There were always those scenes in movies where the main character sat up somewhere high, staring out at the city below them, and made some sort of offhand comment about how beautiful the view was. The fact that you thought the city still looked like trash from all way up here probably meant you were a side character of some sorts. You didn’t quite mind that. The streets always stank of piss and puke and weed, but you supposed that was home for you. 
You and Eddie were perched atop the scaffolding of a half-completed tower, observing the sun bleed out over the sky as it descended below the horizon. Having freshly slunken away from an alley fight, you were bleeding profusely from several orifices—dried blood caked the entirety of the bottom half of your face and you’d acquired a nifty new stab wound to your abdomen. It should’ve concerned you that it was slightly more laborious to breathe than usual, which led you to believe you had a fractured rib. Fuck. It’s not like you could go to the hospital—a vigilante with no name had no business in a place like that.
Eddie, on the other hand, looked perfectly fine (or, as fine as he usually did, which wasn’t very fine at all). He was unscathed due to the lovely fact that he had a literal goo parasite living inside him, but you supposed you couldn’t complain. He ate like trash and would barely sleep an hour a week, so you weren’t really sure who was worse off at the moment.
With a wheezing sigh, you took a bite out of the sandwich Eddie split with you.
“Why the fuck is there egg salad in this?” you snarled while shooting Eddie the dirtiest look you could muster, drawing your legs in towards your chest so you could rest your chin on your knees. “I’ve told you a million times by now—that shit is disgusting.”
Eddie grunted around a mouthful of his half of the egg salad sandwich. “It was all they had left. Just eat it, I don’t want you to starve.” 
With a disconcerted groan, you ripped off another chunk and chewed angrily, ignoring the clicking sound in your sore jaw. God, you were so tired. Were your eyes slipping shut or was that your vision growing darker? You honestly couldn’t quite tell. 
“Why don’t we go back to your place and watch a movie, hm? I’d invite you to mine, but Venom trashed the place. Punched me in the face with my own fist!” he chuckled dryly, but there was genuine irritation behind his words. Then he sucked at his own teeth with a scowl gracing his worn features. “I think I need to go see the dentist soon.”
“You were being rude! It was so uncalled for! I made waffles for you!” you heard Venom’s gravelly voice grumble. They really did bicker like an old married couple.
Eddie burst out into another squeaky tangent—now something about how Venom never respected his boundaries, god they were such a pain to work with—before you felt yourself slump forward and everything went pitch black for a moment.
“I swear to god, if you bring up Anne one more time—I… Y/N? Buddy, are you okay? Oh, there they go.”
You were, in fact, not okay. Taking a dozen blows to the head definitely wasn’t good for your physical health, was it? Not to mention the faceful of concrete, the stab wound, and that really annoying pain in your jaw. You began teetering dangerously from the railing of the tower, before you were slipping off to the side, and you were going down, down, down…
Until a slimy black tentacle arm wrapped around your midriff, and you were swiftly dragged back upwards. A gasp startled itself from your throat as you were ripped from the haze of unconsciousness, eyelids shooting open. Oh, your sandwich was falling off the edge of the tower. Whatever, it’s not like you’d miss it, anyways. You felt bad for whichever poor soul would inevitably smell like egg salad for the rest of the day.
“Ugh, fuck,” you groaned, slapping Venom away from you with a pinched frown. “Stop squeezing me so tight, I think I broke a rib.”
“A thank you would be nice,” the alien muttered lowly. Your scowl only deepened, and you flipped him off angrily. “You know I could drop you off this tower and have you killed easily, right?”
A sardonic leer stretched your bloody lips thin. “You like me too much to do that.”
“That’s true. You are my friend. Even though I tried to eat you when I first met you.”
A huff of a laugh bubbled from your lungs at his words. “Yeah, and I still have yet to hear an apology from you.” Venom remained blissfully quiet, and you hummed in satisfaction. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, big guy. You’re a shit friend, but you’re a friend nonetheless.”
The dark limb that had extended from Eddie’s back retracted back within his body and Eddie rolled his stiff shoulders with a grunt. “Anyways, as I was saying,” he said nonchalantly, as if you weren’t on the precipice of tumbling to your death just moments ago, “we could watch some crappy reality TV if you don’t have any movies you wanna see. 90 Day Fiance makes me feel better about how much of a mess my own life is.”
“Glad to see you’re being honest with yourself,” you snorted, elbowing him in the side. “But, sure, I’m down. It’ll try to keep me awake, anyway. If I pass out again, I might not wake up again.”
“Don’t say that,” Eddie hissed. “I can’t believe you sometimes. I specifically told you not to come with me this time, and what did you do? You came with me!”
Guffawing, you gruffed out, “That’s what she said.” When Eddie’s scowl only deepened, a shrug lifted one of your shoulders upwards, but you regretted the motion immediately when a jolt of pain coursed through your arm. Carefully, you set your limb back down and fixed your partner with a pointed stare. “You know what, Eddie, you’re not my therapist. Kindly shut the fuck up. It’s over now. Besides, you needed me. If I wasn’t there, you and Venom would’ve been fucked!”
“They’re right,” Venom’s gnarled voice admitted. 
“Thank you.”
“Stop encouraging them!” Eddie shrieked indignantly. 
“Might I remind you that you’re just as much of a vigilante as I am?” you asked. “We may be fucked up bastards, but society would be fucked without us. We’re all just wearing rose-colored glasses, blind to our own sins. Ugh, what am I even saying? I need to get drunk.” Your eyes slid shut again. “God, I’m so tired. Just… I’m just gonna lie down and go to sleep, okay? G’night guys.”
“No!” Eddie barked out, panic twinging his words. “No, no, no, you stay awake! Venom, slap them. Stay awake, Y/N!”
A cold fist slammed into your cheekbone and you half-groaned, half-sobbed as you crumpled into the scaffolding, cursing out a storm. Pain blossomed all over your face and you spat blood onto the wood, eyes barely pried open.
Eddie was all over you in an instant. “Oh, fuck, oh God, I’m so sorry! Are you okay? What the fuck, Venom? I said slap them! Lightly!” 
“You didn’t say lightly,” Venom said, unsure why Eddie was making such a big deal out of this. You were just punched, like, a million times today, what was the issue with one more?
Faintly, you could feel Eddie’s arms haul you up to your limp legs. 
“Jesus Christ. Okay, c’mon, you’re okay, let’s go back to your place. No hospitals, yeah? Are you sure?”
“No hospitals!” you hacked out, mouth tasting an awful lot like copper. 
“Eddie, they’re getting blood all over your jacket.”
“Not the time, Venom!”
“I really like this jacket, Eddie.”
The sky was dark now, and it made it hard for you to see anything as you stumbled along with Eddie. “I like this jacket, too,” you slurred, despite not being able to see the article of clothing and not at all remembering what it looked like. 
“You can have it, buddy,” Eddie said, patting your back lightly. “C’mon, I’ll take care of you.”
After a beat of struggling silence, you heard Venom choke out apprehensively, “I’m sorry I hit you.”
It hurt to smile, but you did so nonetheless. “Like I said,” you rasped, “you’re a shit friend, but you’re a friend nonetheless.”
“I like you better than Eddie,” Venom commented, which made you hoarsely cackle and Eddie balked angrily. “You’re not a pussy.”
“Thanks, Venom.” After a moment’s hesitation, you added on, “But if you hit me again, I’ll murder you in your sleep.”
“I don't need sleep, but fair enough, little human,” the alien easily said. Then, following a lengthy pause, he asked, “Eddie, what is 90 Day Fiance?”
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td-scenarios · 2 years
Hey I have a really cute idea for Anne Maria, what if f!reader was falling head over heels for her and Anne Maria never had a girl fall for her? Just headcanons on how she’d react please
Thank you so much!
ahhh omg!! this is like so cute i love her sm 😭😭 this ask is so good ily <3
Anne Maria x f!reader where Anne Maria hasn't had a girl crush on her before
Nahhh like i don't even know where to start on hcs here
this is genuinely just so cute of an idea so i have so many thoughts over it
okay first of all, you'd definitely fall for her due to how strong and persistent she is!
as someone who likes women, i'm bias cuz,,,,cmon,,, big tough girls <33
but Anne Maria isn't big buff strong
that doesn't matter; she's perfect in her own way
when you first show signs of being attracted to her, Anne Maria does the wlw thing of "what a great friend! she must act like this with everybody"
Then she sees you talking with Zoey and is like "hm, maybe she just doesn't like Zoey that much."
But after seeing you interact with every other girl on the island she comes to the conclusion that you two are just best friends because you think she's super likable and pretty.
To be fair, she isn't wrong just the thinking is a bit off.
And then you start complimenting her a bit more and she notices your touches begin to linger and of course the only conclusion she comes up with is:
"Man, I am really fucking hot. Go me."
Because how is one supposed to differentiate girl flirting from girl friendship?? it's impossible!
So, of course, she starts reciprocating 'cause that's like how friends act and stuff, so she doesn't understand why you're suddenly so shy and duck away from her compliments.
"Y/N Girrrlll you are lookin' HOT today!"
She then panics when you just flop down face first in the middle of the camp.
"nothing" it is extremely muffled
a shaky thumbs up rises from your limp body
After that, she has started to pick up on your crush and is just in crisis mode™.
crisis mode one being "oh my god I was too hot and now I have to let my bestie down cuz I don't like her back."
cue an interaction where Mike told you a joke and a few of the Mutant Maggots, including you, laughed.
Initiate crisis 2
"oh my god am I gay"
it's not her fault that your laugh is so lovable!
Or, at least, that's what she tells herself when she's in her denial stage.
At that point, she doesn't distance herself at all. On the contrary, she spends even MORE time with you because she has to be like "haha yes I am ms. hetero and I can handle hanging out with this cute girl who likes me a lot. definitely, 100%"
This just leads to her being even more flustered than you are around her, but she tries her best to play it off.
At one point, you'd hand her a flower that Dawn had found that somehow wasn't mutated and she'd short circuit and hesitatingly says thank you before leaving awkwardly.
She weirdly ends up going to Mike?? 'cause he's the person that she knows that has a girl who likes him.
Best to ask someone who has experience.
He's so confused when she comes to talk to him. Cuz he knows Vito has a relationship with her but???? She never really interacts with or likes Mike
She is extremely blunt with the situation albeit a bit nervous
"Okay like, how do...okay so like when...."
It takes her a minute but she gets there eventually
Mike is so confused and is just like "???? Why are you asking me?? I thought you were straight???? Wait who likes you???? Or who do you like??" Since he doesn't know if she'd doing that thing where you cover up your motives with a vague question yk
"I am! Straight, I mean. And it's none of your business, Mike. Just answer the damn question!"
"I don't know why you'd ask me! I have no idea what to do when a girl likes you! I like blackout anytime a girl I like talks to me cause I'm all nervous."
She has to put her head in both of her hands at that one
"You're such a loser oh my God..."
He would be insulted if it weren't the truth
And after that interaction, she's out of leads 'cause Mike was the only guy she was willing to talk to besides Cameron but she was certain he hadn't been with anyone. Plus, she didn't know if any of the other girls liked girls! That was personal stuff
Cue crisis 3
"oh my god i am so lost in this situation and i definitely like her back"
she tries her best to just,,,, reciprocate??
But then she realizes that her advances are most likely taken as friendly since that's what she did at the start
So she has to become more forward with it yk
Anne Maria's two braincells finally produced the coherent thought of "oh! it's the same as dudes but with a girl."
After that epiphany, you guys get together rather quickly
happily ever after blah blah blah you get the drill
i totally wrote so much more than what u asked for im so sorry qwq i just liked the request so much and i fuckin RAN with it
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babblydrabbly · 3 years
Stumbling (Eddie Brock x reader) | fluff oneshot
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Pairings: Eddie Brock x f!reader; Eddie Brock x Venom
Warnings: Alcohol. Drunk singing. Mostly just practicing fluff. Some hurt comfort. Can also be read as platonic Eddie and reader if you want!
Wordcount: 1.3k
[ A/N: I see a big muscular man with emotional baggage, I prescribe him with hugs. I don’t make the rules. Post-Venom 2. ]
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Your friend Eddie has always been a better guy than he gives himself credit for. Lately it seems like he hasn’t been giving himself any credit at all. You don’t know it, But Venom agrees- in their own way.
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Eddie Brock was getting too old for this.
Not the fun evening with you and Venom part, of course. But certainly the trying to find his way back to your apartment at two in the morning part. He stops on the corner of somewhere familiar- somewhere definitely, definitely familiar. He’d picked you up from your place enough times to know what the building itself looked like, but actually getting there from the bar…
I am pretty certain you passed it, Eddie. The symbiote’s voice manifest, unimpressed. In Eddie’s deliberation, their pleasant buzz had worn off, leaving Eddie with a dull headache. You, on the other hand, seemed to still have your fill of cucumber-vodka martinis.
“...Don’t wanna close my eyes! Don’t wanna fall asleep… Cuz I’d miss you, babyyy!” You belted out onto the empty street.
“No, no it’s definitely this way.” The reporter grumbles. Somewhere behind him, you are using Eddie’s back to perform an arrhythmic drum solo.
Why don’t you let ME carry her? I can FEEL how much you are struggling to multitask.
“Listen- listen! I know that if I head down this way, there’s a convenience store just across the street from her place. We are almost there.”
You pull Eddie from his thoughts when you wriggle a little in his grasp. Eddie hikes you up onto his shoulder some more, his arm wrapped securely around your thighs. You crane your neck fruitlessly to look back at him. “Who're you talking to?” You slur.
“No one. Nothing.”
I am not nothing! Venom pouts.
“Can it, please!”
“Where are we?” You ask dizzily.
“Everyone- just- calm down, just for a second.” Eddie mediates. You blink, confused, but oblige.
“D’you wamt me to type it into my phone?” You finally say when no answer comes. You reach up into your back pocket but in your drunken state, it slips and lands onto the sidewalk with a clatter. You gasp a little louder than necessary.
Look what you have done, Eddie!
“Oh, for f–” Eddie cuts himself off. Relenting, he heaves you back over his shoulder and sets you down on your feet with surprising ease. He crouches down to pick up your phone, handing it to you when he’s certain the screen is fine. “Sorry ‘bout that.” He mutters.
“Why didn’t y’just tell me you were lost, silly?”
The man sighs, raking a hand through his disheveled hair. “I can get you home just fine, [Y/n]. I can do that.”
You watch Eddie tentatively as he deflates a bit. His brows pinch together then, and you wonder again for the hundredth time that night what your friend is toiling over so much.
“Hey,” You try. You step closer to him, and even through the spinning vision, it’s easy to find the side of his face as you reach up and cup it gently in your palm. “Let’s just walk for a while, hm?”
Taking his arm, you pull him down the street. Eddie smiles a bit and follows you. You rest your head comfortably on his shoulder, your fingers curled around his bicep as the two of you walk down the block.
“Did you have fun tonight?” You ask.
Eddie nods. The sight makes you laugh.
“What?” He mutters down at you.
“You couldn’t say it with a more annoyed face, Ed. I thought a few beers would help you loosen up.”
“Oh. Sorry.” He trails off again, and you know him well enough to see whatever is bugging him hasn’t let up.
“…You doing alright, hon?”
Had you been anyone else, Eddie would have brushed off the query immediately. Ever since Ann, the rest of the people in his life had treaded lightly. And they didn’t even know about Venom.
Ann and Dan knew. But he wasn’t exactly in a position to confide in them about how he was feeling. In fact, Eddie would pretty much rather drop dead then let them know just how things had been going.
He could feel himself grow more anxious-more wary over the last few years. And as much work as he had put into constantly living with Venom, the secret itself still took a toll.
It was isolating, guarding himself from other people’s reactions. There was no getting rid of Venom. But there was still the risk of someone else getting hurt. Or scared. He thought about telling you once or twice, but you’d known him so long. What if he ruined everything by telling you?
Venom stays surprisingly silent at the thought.
“Eddie?” You pull away and move around to stand square in front of the reporter. When he looks up, he sees the familiar facade of your apartment building.
“Hey–” He looks back down at you. “I thought you were wasted.” He chuckles.
You smile lopsidedly, shrugging. “Seeing something upsetting you has always been kind of sobering.”
Eddie’s scowl returns- the permanent fixture on his face you wished would ease up. But he’s always done his best to come off as strong. He is strong. But that didn’t mean he had to keep things from you.
Eddie reaches up to scrub at his eye tiredly.
“I didn’t mean to ruin Friday Night Drinks.” He says with an apologetic murmur.
“Hey, you didn’t. FND’s always a good time with you. Why do you think I’m always dragging you out for it?” You grin.
“I… I don’t know, sometimes.” He admits. “Lately I’ve–”
There it was again. Something he just can’t seem to tell you. It’s a little disheartening, you’ll admit to yourself. If only there was a way to convince him there’s nothing he could unburden that would scare you off.
So, you wrap your arms around him instead, your hands slipping inside his leather jacket to pull yourself snuggly to his warm torso. You bury your face in his chest. And it doesn’t take long for Eddie to curl around you with a deep, wordless sigh.
“I don’t care what’s been rough, Eddie.” You say, your voice muffled by his gray v-neck. “I just want you to know you can tell me about it, if you want to.”
The two of you stay like that for a few minutes, swaying back and forth gently. Eddie presses his face into your hair before finally drawing away, the tension in his face releasing.
“I know. Maybe we can… meet up have dinner or something again? Next week. I mean- maybe we can hang out more, I mean.” He quickly adds the last part, clearing his throat. No need to scare you off with other feelings. The potential symbiote talk was going to be big enough.
You grin. Eddie’s done his fair share of writing, but he can’t help all the cliches that pop into his head- not when you’re aiming that smile right at him.
You give a little wave as you stumble back toward your door, and Eddie’s closed-lip smile split into a grin.
He waits until you disappear inside to walk away, his hands in his jean pockets and his mood a little lifted. He even throws Venom a smile when the creature morphs to peer at him from his shoulder.
You need to do that more often.
“What?” Eddie scoffs. “Smile?”
HANG OUT with [Y/n]. Receive more HUGS.
Her gesture flooded a large amount of endorphins into your system, Eddie.
Meaning [Y/n] is SAFE. [Y/n] is good for us.
Eddie wants to huff again, but inside, the concept sinks in. It did feel good. You did feel safe. It would certainly get more complicated than that. But for now, Eddie pretends he can still feel the pressure of you wrapped around his chest.
He arches a brow when he feels Venom reach around him with liquid tendrils and replicate the memory.
“Thanks, V.” He chuckles. “…I didn’t mean to call you nothin’ back there. You know what I meant.”
Yes. I know how bitchy you get when you are lost.
[Y/n] will ease your tension. With dinner. We ARE going.
“Yeah, yeah.” Eddie grumbles. It was his idea after all. Still, the prospect of seeing you again floods him with more of that warmth, just like Venom said. He strolls the rest of the way home, less anxious than he’s felt in weeks.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Double Dates | Helmut Zemo x m!reader
Anonymous asked: I didn't like the way that bastard was looking at you - zemo x male reader
summary: your friend asks you and Zemo to join him and his own significant other on a double date, which turns out to be a lot more eventful than first thought.
tws: swearing, a little bit of jealousy/possessiveness
You and Eddie had been friends forever, neither of you particularly able to remember when you had first met or even when you had first become friends, so it was only natural that Eddie immediately went to you when he and Anne had split up and when he had met Venom; he seemed happy with the symbiote, often smiling when he referred to them as his love, and you couldn't have been happier for him, if you were honest. They bickered like an old married couple, but even you could tell that Eddie loved Venom more than anything; it came as no surprise when Eddie asked you and your own boyfriend, Zemo, to join them at the bar for a double date, though.
Zemo was a little bit apprehensive about it, but as he sat in the booth with his arm around your shoulders, listening to you and Eddie talk, he soon relaxed; Venom stuck out of Eddie's shoulder, and got in Zemo's face.
"You. What are your intentions with (y/n)?" The alien demanded to ask.
"Tonight or in general?" Zemo asked, not quite sure how to deal with the fact that an alien seemingly made of black goo was demanding him to answer questions. He was weirded out, in all honesty, but he had seen worse, and he had met far worse.
"In general," Venom demanded. "What are your intentions with him?"
"V," Eddie rolled his eyes as he sighed. "(y/n) and Zemo have been together longer than us. Chill."
"No!" Venom barked. "We do not trust him."
You laughed a little, daring to kiss Zemo's cheek as you hummed softly. "But you can trust me, V, he's alright... a bit of a cunt sometimes, but otherwise alright."
Zemo glared at you, but he rolled his eyes as he leaned into you a little, letting you hold his hand when he dangled it over your shoulder.
"Hm." Venom shook his head. "We don't like him."
"I do," Eddie shrugged. "He's nice, my love, don't worry. He's a nice guy."
Zemo couldn't help but to smile a little at that; he always thought that Eddie had hated him, so to hear that Eddie admit that he actually liked him took a weight off of his shoulders. Of all your friends, Eddie's approval was the only that he actually cared about.
You perked up suddenly, though, tugging at Zemo's hand as you gestured to the dance floor; he didn't need to hear you say it, when he heard 'You're Always On My Mind' by Sam Cooke, he already knew what you wanted.
"We'll be back," you beamed, practically dragging your boyfriend over to the dance floor as he dutifully followed.
Zemo did like to dance with you, he would never deny that, but he was still a little weirded out about the fact that your best friend was dating an alien that was using him as a host; he tried to shrug it off as you dared to get close to him, putting your arms around his neck as he gripped your waist, dancing to the beat as he smiled at you, pressing his forehead against yours.
Over at the booth, Eddie gestured to you and Zemo with a smile. "See? He's nice, V, just give him a chance. He loves (y/n)."
"He might love him," Venom purred. "But we don't trust him. He doesn't seem good."
"He's... you remember Frank?" Eddie waited for Venom to nod before he continued, "he's like Frank. And you like Frank, don't you?"
Venom nodded. "But Frank does good things."
"So does Zemo," Eddie reasoned. "Sometimes."
The song ended, and Zemo had suggested getting a round of drinks, but as you waited at the bar, he noticed someone looking at you; he was wearing a suit and had scars all over his face, an incredibly handsome man if truth was to be told, and although Zemo could have sworn he had seen the guy before, he couldn't help but to hate the way the guy looked at you. But he waited, telling you that he would go check in on Eddie and Venom, leaving you at the bar as he watched closely.
"Hi," the guy looked you up and down and hummed softly. "I'm Billy."
You raised a brow. "Okay, and?"
"You're awfully handsome," he purred, looking at you like you were little more than a piece of meat. "I couldn't help but to notice."
"I'm with my boyfriend," you told him plainly. "He's over there with the guy that could kick your ass without thinking twice about it."
Billy's smile fell when he saw Eddie. "Is that... Eddie Brock?"
"Yep," you nodded. "And the guy opposite him is my boyfriend, Baron Helmut Zemo."
Billy shook his head. "Sorry?"
"My boyfriend," you started, "he's a Baron."
Billy chuckled as he put his hand on yours. "You don't happen to know who I am, do you?"
"Actually, I do," you withdrew your hand immediately. "You're Billy Russo. I'd be an idiot not to know, mate."
Just as your luck had it, though, Zemo had gotten up again, and was soon at your side with his arm slung over your shoulders as he glared at Billy.
"Is there a reason you're bothering my boyfriend?"
Billy clenched his jaw. "Not one that you should be concerned about."
Zemo shook his head, clearing his throat as he tilted his head to the side. "You would be smart to walk away. Now."
Billy looked at Zemo, then at you, then over at Eddie; he knew there was no way he would be able to walk away from that fight, so he put his hands up, and he shrugged. "Alright. Fine."
With Billy walking away with his tail between his legs, Zemo turned to you, licking his lips as he looked you up and down. "I didn't like the way that bastard was looking at you... are you alright?"
"Yeah," you nodded, kissing him gently and quickly, if only to see his smile. "You?"
"Yeah," Zemo whispered, his gaze so soft when he looked you in the eyes. "I think Venom's starting to warm up to me."
"At last," you grinned, putting a hand on his chest. "You wanna give me a hand taking the drinks over when the bartender gets back?"
"Of course."
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it.
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vermillionmars · 3 years
" TEAMWORK " — !!
goro akechi x gn phantom thief reader
cw/tw ; profanity, sexual jokes, blackmail
a/n ; two versions of the same drabble, both unfinished,, surprise surprise, they both suck ass!! :DD
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You knew Goro Akechi wasn't who he claimed to be.
In truth, he wasn't the second coming of the Detective Prince—Hell, he was hardly even a detective. How could he be considered one when he created the cases he solved?
In the same manner, you weren't the average Shujin student who just-so-happened to be friends with the victims of the Phantom Thieves' known targets.
You were both actors, in a sense—playing the part of someone else to appease the other party. You were both lying through your teeth, claiming ignorance to the inner workings of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Akechi knew you were one-hundred percent involved with the Thieves of Hearts, but at the same time, you knew he knew more about the Metaverse than he let on.
You were there that day, after all—when your class took a trip to the TV station.
The second years at Shujin had to pick a destination for their field trip and most of the class, knowing the famous Goro Akechi would likely be there, picked the TV station. Sure, half of them had no interest in the Television industry or how it functioned, but they could ignore all that boring stuff if it meant they got to see their idol. You weren't opposed to the trip—it did actually seem like fun, being on TV and all—so you chose it, too.
Then, on June 9th, you followed your classmates throughout the tour of the station. The tour guide provided everyone with basic, obvious knowledge of how the media industry worked. It was rather boring, and you found yourself wandering off midway through her speech.
It was there that you encountered the infamous Goro Akechi. Any by 'encountered,' I mean 'ended up bumping heads with.'
"Oh, my!" He exclaimed, placing a gloved hand over his forehead to soothe the pain. You mimicked the action, hissing. "I do apologize—I didn't see you."
You waved your hand dismissively. "Don't worry, 's fine. It's just a bump, plus it was mainly my fault for wandering away from my class and not paying attention."
"Well, if you insist," he chuckled. "Then I suppose you should be making it up to me?"
"I jest, I jest—!"
Crossing your arms, still attempting to ignore the stinging pain in your head, you changed the topic. "So, uh...are you here on a field trip, too?"
"Haha, no, in fact—I'm here as a guest." At your confused look, he continued. "Akechi Goro—pleased to meet you."
It clicked finally in your head. You should've realized a whole lot sooner, but in your defense, you hardly watched anything on TV, and you didn't pay attention to the gushing fangirls all over Shujin. "[L/N] [Y/N]. It's uh...nice to meet you too? Sorry for hitting you again..."
You'd admit that you were slightly concerned now that you knew who he was. After all, the boy had his own fanclub. If they knew you injured him (albeit, accidentally), you'd surely be maimed.
"It's no big deal. Like you said, it's merely a bump." He gave a reassuring nod, before his eyes widened. "Oh, I'll be late if I don't arrive in a few minutes—I apologize, but I must go now. Though, I wouldn't be opposed to continuing this conversation at a later date." He winked (not flirtatiously, but moreso charismatically), sauntering off.
You returned back to your friends, who asked you in concerned tones where you were (except Akira, who said nothing—you suspected he saw you walk off).
"Hm? Oh, nowhere really. But I did meet a celebrity, if that counts for anything."
"A celebrity? For real?!" Ryuji's loud voice parroted.
"Yeah. Akechi Goro or something—"
"The Detective Prince?" Ann questioned.
"Mhm. I bumped into him and gave him a bump on his forehead—he gave me one too, see?"
"Did he kiss it better?"
You gave the bespectacled boy a harsh glare. He merely smirked in response. "I hope you get ambushed by Shadows, Akira."
"That's not a nice way to treat your leader, y'know." If he had been texting that, you had no doubt he would've added a stupid frowny face to the end.
"I hope Arsene ravages you."
"That's kinda kink—"
"Everyone, please welcome our special guest, Akechi Goro!" The students cheered, with Goro basking in the attention.
"Thank you for having me." He smiled pleasantly, and while the rest of the room gushed at the movement, you and your teammates could only recoil at its fakeness.
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You knew Goro Akechi wasn't who he claimed to be.
In truth, he wasn't the second coming of the Detective Prince—Hell, he was hardly a detective. What detective creates the cases he solves, after all?
In the same manner, you weren't the average Shujin student who just-so-happened to be friends with the victims of the Phantom Thieves' known targets.
You were both actors, in a sense—playing the part of someone else to appease the other party. You were both lying through your teeth, claiming ignorance to the inner workings of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Akechi knew you were one-hundred percent involved with the Thieves of Hearts, but at the same time, you knew he knew more about the Metaverse than he let on.
You were there that day, after all—when your class took a trip to the TV station.
You had heard it—the boy had made a crucial error, an ultimate slip-up. He replied to Morgana's suggestion (he had asked if anyone wanted pancakes, or something along those lines), but of course, he had no way of hearing him speak...unless he had been to the Metaverse. He likely didn't realize his mistake at the time, but your leader (and you) sure had.
Yet, Akechi had just as damning evidence against you as you did against him.
He had seen you, right there in the middle of the group of Phantom Thieves when you joined them to venture into Okumura's palace. He'd seen, and he'd snapped a photo—which he presented to you and your friends as a means of blackmail.
"Allow me to join the Phantom Thieves for this one mission, then you must disband. Otherwise I'll leak this photo, and the world will know your identities." Is essentially what he said. Of course, there was more dramatic flair to it, more sugar-coated words, as there always was with Akechi.
Your teammates had been apprehensive (especially Ryuji, that man just never knew when to shut up), not trusting Goro for...obvious reasons. But Akechi wasn't so cruel as to force Akira to make a decision on the spot, so he gave him a set amount of time to mull over his choice with his teammates. "Really, there isn't much to discuss, but nevertheless, take your time."
Akira made his choice soon after—Akechi would join them, and then they'd disband after destroying the Palace.
It was a simple enough plan. It should've been.
But nothing was ever easy with Goro Akechi, was it?
"Ah, [Y/N]. Sorry, sorry, I mean Charlatan." He chuckled. Normally, you'd find it attractive, but in this situation, you just couldn't. He was dangerous, how could you possibly be attracted to him?
"Crow." You spat his codename out with as much distaste as you could muster up. (There was still a part of you that wanted to just...ignore the fact that he was threatening to reveal your identity as a Phantom Thief and go back to hanging out with him).
"My my, what's with the sudden hostility? We're teammates, are we not?"
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