#hobby headcanons
m34gs · 11 months
What’s an unlikely hobby/interest you think your twst faves have? :o
Oooh what a fun ask! Thank you for this, Blue :D I couldn't answer sooner because I was busy visiting my siblings and their partners, but I am here now! 💜💜💜
Idia Shroud: cosplaying; specifically, I think posting cosplay photos online. Idia is a shy boy, cripplingly so. But, he loves video games and anime with a passion; one that allows him to at times override his own anxiety and become very outspoken and even participate in things he normally would never be remotely interested in. It's not a stretch to think he would cosplay, but it is unusual for him to want to post any photos online. I think he would still be too nervous to have others associate the cosplay account with him irl, so I think he uses a fake name, and only posts the cosplays he's certain cannot be linked back to him...the ones where either he is wearing a TON of makeup, or his face is covered. And Idia is a perfectionist/child prodigy. These costumes are Top Fricking Tier.
Azul Ashengrotto: poker. I know, he gives off mafia vibes, he gives off vegas vibes; why would I think poker is unlikely for Azul, but still one of his interests? Well, Azul does give off the vibe of a mafia boss and, like a mob boss, he does not like leaving things to chance. At all. Based off of Ursula, the sea witch, he makes deals that have high stakes, and he likes to have everything calculated so that he comes out a winner. He will, of course, be willing to take a small loss in the interest of "playing the long game" and coming out on top overall, but that's because he has planned it to be so. He does not like guessing; he very much likes to be in total control of a situation. There's tricks you can use to mostly come out on top, but in poker it's never a 100% guarantee. Still, I can't help but think poker would have an allure for him. Honestly, my headcanon for this game is he tried it once, got his ass kicked by Floyd who never seems to think about the long-term consequences of anything ever, and got so angry about this that he continuously played it when he had time prior to bed in an effort to "improve" for the next six months until he was so used to the game that playing it actually became a bit relaxing for him. He pavlov'd himself.
Jade Leech: I'm not sure if there's anything "unlikely" for Jade; he really is the kind of person that's like "try everything at least once and keep an open mind"...but if I had to pick the thing that I would be a bit surprised to hear he enjoys, it would be video games. Jade gives off the air of someone who would much rather be in nature or be enjoying an art museum, and he canonically is the Only member of the Mountain Lover's Club and goes on camping trips by himself for fun. But I do think he would be able to appreciate the quality and art of a few video games at least, and would potentially enjoy the ones that allow the player freedom to roam and do side-quests as well as storylines.
Floyd Leech: Birdwatching. If you know Floyd, you know he likes to be moving, he likes to be doing things, he's a very active person. But I think he would enjoy birdwatching. For one thing, it's definitely something he and Jade could do together and Jade would happily tell him about all the birds they see, and for another, birds are rather fascinating creatures. Canonically being a merperson and coming from the Coral Sea, I do think Floyd would find birds and their habits interesting. I also think he'd like looking for the different plumages and maybe even make a game out of finding the rarest ones he could.
Thank you again for the ask, this was very fun to answer!!!
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blughxreader · 8 months
Do you think Damian acts more childlike to gain more affection from batsis?
platonic yandere! Damian Wayne... HC. he's 13-15 y/o
yeah 100%. He might not even know he's doing it.
I bet it's hard to untangle himself from his co-worker relationship with his father and siblings. Damian always has to be on-guard around them to maintain his competent and reliable appearance, even if he's very comfortable with being his true self. Accidents like spilling tea or tripping are just slightly more embarrassing for this reason.
However Damian doesn't have to worry about being capable around you. His only relationship with you is little brother and big sister, which has implications that he can be as needy and undignified as he wants.
Yes, he's a trained assassin and vigilante, but you don't care about his tactical prowess. Your world revolves around whether to have tea or coffee, what to draw, which new show to watch, (how to cut off the tracker on your wrist, where the surveillance cameras are facing, has your food been tampered with).
So Damian does away with all pretenses and finally acts his age. He doesn't want to impress you as a soldier, he wants to impress you as a little brother.
He needs to be held! He has to watch the birds with you before school. Your attention must be on him instead of his siblings.
Look at this beautiful portrait he painted of you--aren't you proud? Look, he booby-trapped Tim's apartment so he'll be late for dinner, now the two of you have 17 more minutes of alone time, isn't that great? Now hug me hug me hug me hug me hug me hug me please please please please please please
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awakefor48hours · 9 months
Quick, share a headcanon about any character(s) you like that has nothing to do with their sexuality, gender, or whether or not they’re neurodivergent.
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missingalo · 8 months
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Okay, not AS good as the last one, but in order for this heckin continent to have the biomes it does, ONE: It's significantly smaller than Pyrrhia, and TWO: It would have to be near the equator.
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marzipanandminutiae · 10 months
I miss people using non-medicalized terms for other people's passions
like. well and good to talk about "hyperfixations," "special interests [in the context of an autistic person's favorite subject]," or "infodumping" if you have ADD/ADHD or autism, or are talking about someone who is, but...that's not everyone who feels strongly about something, obsesses, or loves talking about their interests. those words mean specific things, associated with specific forms of neurodivergence
don't assume everyone is comfortable with that language
"rambling" is a word; so is "ranting." "obsession" is a word. "passion" is a word. learn them and use them
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februarybluues · 1 year
idk if this is where I put requests I'm new to Tumblr 😭 but like I had an idea 🤓☝🏾can you write a story where the reader takes hobie roller skating and has to teach him because he's so horrible at it pleaseee
i love this idea so much u have no idea . really hope i did it justice.
warnings: cursing, gn reader, awful british, clumsy ass hobie
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look at him guys omg he's so drools
Although he insisted that he’d rather spend time with you at his house, you weren’t listening. You had your eye on the new roller-skating rink that opened up recently and you instantly knew you wanted to go. He was very much against the idea at first; ‘Capitalistic ideations’ and what-not. “We can just get our own skates ‘n go ‘round town. We don’t need’a spend money.”, he’d say, but you countered with “It’ll be fun! Don’t you want to spend quality time together? It’ll be like a fun roller-date!” you smiled at him, and he found himself sighing with defeat. How could he possibly say no to you? “Fine. Just this once.” 
And that’s how he ended up here; sitting down next to you on a bench - inside the rink, bright pink roller skates in his hands. “You sure they didn’t ‘ave any other colours?” he asked you, looking down to see you tying the laces on your skates – which matched his. “Nope. But, it’s too late now!” you giggled, and he groaned; definitely regretting his agreement to come in the first place, but at least you were happy. Once you finished putting your rollerskates on, you looked back to him and smiled. You quickly made eye contact, as he had admittedly been staring at you the entire time. “Are you gonna tie your laces or do you need me to do that for you?” you teased, effectively snapping him out of his thoughts. He rolled his eyes at you, before tying his laces. It was hilarious; his punk style clashed with the bright pink roller skates in a way that made you struggle to contain your laughter. “What’s so funny?” he asked you. You cleared your throat. “Nothing.” you muttered, still staring at his skates. You didn’t see the small smile plastered on his face. “Come on then.” he said, and you finally looked back up at him. “You ready?” you asked him, and he nodded. You stood up; careful to not fall over. He stayed on the bench, which made you quirk your eyebrow at him, confused. “Hobe? Are you alright?” you asked him, taking note of how he awkwardly sat there. He nodded at you; the once cocky smirk on his face was replaced with a subtle look of embarrassment. But he played it off well. “Fine. ‘M fine.” he said. “Then come on. Let’s get in the rink!” you smiled, and he scrambled to get up. At first, he opted for the ‘no-hands approach’; Attempting to stand up without his hands, to impress you. – which failed horribly. He slipped and landed back on the bench. Then, he tried to hold onto the arm of the bench to pull him up. It worked for a bit, but just as he finally stood up, his knees shook and he lost his balance, falling back onto the bench. You laughed quietly at his struggling, amused at the scene in front of you. “Hobie, can you not skate?” you asked him, genuinely. “Maybe I can’t. So what?” he didn’t look at you as he spoke. His lips were pouted and his brows were crossed with subtle anger and maybe a slight bit of embarrassment. You laughed, the situation was now making much more sense. The reason he didn’t want to skate was because he didn’t know how to! He scoffed at you, crossing his arms like an angry toddler. “I’m sorry- here.” you tried to stop laughing, and held your hand out to him, pulling him up as he grabbed onto it. It took him a minute to get his balance, but once he did he felt like the king of the world. “Want me to teach you how to skate?” you offered, smiling sweetly. “I’d love tha', doll.” he raised your hand to his lips and pressed a small kiss to it. “Firstly, let’s get in the rink.” you stated, slowly beginning to step towards it. A hand latched onto your arm before you could do so. “Wait! Don’t jus’ leave me ‘ere!” he all-but-shouted, clinging onto your arm. You laughed again at that. “Here. Just take tiny steps. Sort of like waddling- like a penguin.” you instructed, before demonstrating it to him. He copied your movements, before tripping over his own feet. You caught him before he hit the ground, pulling him back up. “Be patient with it. It’s not a race.” you said, slowly shuffling once again. After a while, he seemed to get the hang of things. And finally, you reached the rink. “Okay, this is going to be a lot slippier than the carpet, so be careful.” you warned him, before stepping into the rink. He nodded, slowly shuffling in. You were right. It was a lot more difficult to keep his balance, and he stumbled around quite a lot. - almost falling more than once. But eventually he did regain his balance. “This is easy.” he commented, growing a lot more confident. You let out a small laugh, before warning him again. “Don’t get too cocky. You’re gonna end up jinxing yourself.” He didn’t listen, holding onto the wall of the rink and using it to hold himself up.
You moved around, skating in semi-circles around him. He just looked at you as if you were a professional. “‘How are you doin’ tha’?” he asked. “Oh it’s easy! You just gotta push with your legs. - not too hard. But gently just push.” You instructed, giving him a demonstration as you spoke. You slowly skated around him, and he took multiple mental notes on what you were doing. The place wasn’t crowded, but it definitely wasn’t empty. There were a decent amount of people around the both of you. “Did that make sense?” you stopped in front of him. He nodded. “Like this?” he pushed his left foot backwards, and very slowly inched forward; still clinging onto the wall for dear life. “Uhh.. you’re getting there?” he scoffed at you. “Knew this was a bad idea.” he muttered almost inaudibly, but you heard it. “Hey! Once you get the hang of things I’m sure it’ll be fun. Stop being so negative.” you pressed a kiss to his forehead, and he playfully rolled his eyes.
You spent a while giving him a bunch of pointers and tips on how to skate, how to stop, and all of the basics. He just looked so lost the entire time. He listened intently, and asked some questions – which was very unlike him. When you commented on his sudden change in behaviour, he responded with “Jus’ wanna make sure you ‘ave fun. Teachin’ me all this isn’t all tha’ delightful, eh?” it was sweet of him, and it truly made your heart smile.
After around 20 minutes, you spoke up. “That’s pretty much all you need to know. Are you ready to try it out properly now?” “Prepare to be amazed,” he said, and you laughed. “By all means, show me what you’ve got.” he obliged, skating impressively well considering he had only learned moments ago. You applauded him, clapping your hands dramatically. “But can you let go of the wall this time?” he muttered something, sounding slightly hesitant. “O’course i can let go o’the bloody wall.” it was quiet, and you almost missed it. He slowly let go and held both arms out to stabilise himself. And then, he did it. He started to skate without the help of the wall. You felt like a proud mentor, quickly following behind him as he kept going. “Look at you go!” You smiled, and he looked at you with a cocky smile.
You did a few laps around the rink, hand-in-hand. His hand was squeezing yours with subtle uncertainty, and you gave him a small squeeze of reassurance. “You’re doing great.” “Oh ‘ell yeah. Bloody professional I am, yeah?” you chuckled, “The best of the best.”
He was doing great. He was a lot more confident than when he had started and had picked up the pace. But, he was almost too confident. “Watch this,” he said, before speeding up drastically and attempting to spin. But, about halfway through his attempt at spinning, he tripped over his own feet and landed on the cold ground. Understandably, you burst out into laughter at the situation. You couldn’t help yourself, okay? After a while, you crouched down next to him, carefully. “Are you okay?” you asked, and he looked away from you, embarrassed. “Meant to do that.” he excused himself, and you giggled. “Sure you did.” You then noticed the small rip in the knee of his jeans. This rip was not intentional, and you could see a small graze peaking through the fabric. “Baby, your knee.” you said, your hands moving to assess the injury. He swatted them away before you could see it properly. “Hey, hey. ’m fine. “ he said, but you ignored him, immediately moving your hands back to his knee. You moved the ripped fabric around so that you could see the injury. “Looks like a bit of rug burn. Poor thing.” you said, acknowledging how he subtly winced at your thumb grazing over it. “Jus’ a scratch. Like i said, ‘m fine. Dealt with worse.” “Are you sure? Does your ass hurt from falling on it?” you teased, laughing at your own words. “‘S not tha’ funny.” he murmured. “Oh come on. You have to admit it’s a bit funny.” “ Fine. Maybe jus’ a bit.” he admitted and you smiled, before standing up and holding your hand out to him.
“Let’s see if they have any plasters at the front desk.”
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omg heyyyy... so like, ive been wanting to make a normal taglist for all of my fics (not including series' tho they have separate taglists) so like lmk if you wanna be added pookie x
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Silly headcanon post
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Astarion: *shaking Gale awake at 3am*
Astarion: Time is ever marching forward and your mortal days are running out. Every second that goes by is a second lost.
Gale: …should I be worried?
Astarion: time is an fucking illusion, Darling, the only thing truly real is death.
Gale: go back to bed.
Astarion: what truly comes after death?
Gale: …I’m not emotionally or mentally stable enough for this, go ask Withers.
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the-lonely-human · 7 days
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Man’s sleep deprived and running a war god bless
Also quick headcanon of sorts: So yk how Sith eyes glow yellow once they turn to the dark side? What if Jedi/Light-side users’ eyes do the same thing, except of a more blueish-green tinge. I mean if the Sith can have cool glowy eyes, why can’t the Jedi
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Nimona headcanons that I wrote in like 15 minutes don’t judge me
I feel like both Bal and Ambrosius are the kinds of people who try and act like they’re not sick 
Bal has an amazing immune system he rarely if ever gets sick 
But when he does get sick he’ll be in absolute denial about it 
If someone confronts him all he’ll say is “No I’m fine I don't get sick” and then he’ll push himself until he’s literally sitting in a hospital still acting like he’s not sick 
Ambrosius has the worst immune system you can possibly imagine 
Someone sneezes on this boy and he’s sick for the next two weeks 
But he’s also sick enough times that he’s convinced himself that he can work through anything 
After a while he’s literally forced to relax and be taken care of and he complains the entire time that he should be working 
I’ve kind of alluded to this headcanon but I don’t think Nimona can get sick
But if she could get sick she would be the most annoying person known to mankind 
She would have a sore throat and make the biggest deal about it and force the boys to take care of her
And the boys will comply because this is one of the few times that Nimona lets them take care of her 
I mentioned in this post tags that they all hand make every single present 
The first thing that Bal ever made/gave Ambrosius was welded rose that he made out of scrap metal 
He thought it was a stupid present but Ambrosius got super emotional and said it was the best present he had ever received 
Bal highly doubted that cause Ambrosius literally got a car as a birthday present once 
But then he saw it in a little vase that Ambrosius made and it became kind of a tradition after that
During every big event in their lives Bal welded Ambrosius a rose and he kept every single one 
By the time the knighting ceremony rolled around he had close to 80
Ambrosius made more heavy-duty vases just to hold all of the flowers 
It’s kind of sweet because you can see both of their hobbies improving as the years go on 
The first gift Bal ever got from Ambrosius was a sweater he crochet himself 
He made it cause he knows that Bal runs cold and he would make off-handed comments about it every once and a while
He was kind of nervous cause he never took on a project that big before 
Bal wore it all the damn time 
He treated that sweater like it was gold which is why he was crushed when it started unraveling 
He went to Ambrosius sobbing with an arm full of yarn apologizing and saying he ruined it
Mind you he gave him that sweater like 5 years prior and had knitted and crocheted him a million things afterwards 
It was a miracle that the sweater lasted as long as it did 
He spent the entire night consoling him while asking for his input on the new one he was currently working on 
The first gift Bal and Ambrosius gave Nimona made him tear up and cling to them as an actual koala for the rest of the night 
Bal welded him a little dragon and Ambrosius crocheted him a little rhino
The first gift Nimona gave the boys was for both of them
It was a painting of the three of them the boys thought it was beautiful but also incredibly out of character 
Until they gave them the second painting of the three of them fighting guards as the institute burned down behind them
The boys framed both and hung them in the living room
Whenever Ambrosius goes anywhere he’s swarmed by groups of people and sometimes those people will ask questions about his clothes and jewelry 
And he gets this proud look in his eyes while he says “Oh my kid made this in the living room 15 minutes before I left the house” 
When Bal proposed he actually made both the engagement and their wedding rings 
He always got compliments on both rings and Ambrosius would let them get a better look while gushing about all the little details that were put into it
And this doesn’t stop when Bal and Nimona are around either 
In fact he’ll drag them over and gush about them while they get progressively more embarrassed
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tavina-writes · 1 year
I started writing an essay in the tags of a post that was not strictly related to this topic but started getting me thinking and realized I should just. Make my own post about this because I have kind of been sitting on this frustration for a while? And mmmm idk how to feel about this.
(For the record, the post that inspired this is this one.)
I want to make it clear UPFRONT that I am not knocking on ANYONE's interpretations of NHS or about having gender headcanons about a character in general. I think people can headcanon NHS as whichever gender they like because those interpretations are fun and exciting and I like to read about those too.
What I have been getting progressively iffy on, and am not entirely clear on how to express until I came across the above post is the idea that 'NHS is femme-coded because he has femme-coded hobbies' or 'NHS is very gender/gender nonconforming because he likes to paint and doesn't like exercise/practice his saber' or 'NHS is not very masc in comparison to his brother and people in his society put him down/are irritated with him/react to him differently because his gender presentation is more femme.'
And I think what's always kind of boggled me about interpretations like these that I've mentioned above is because...
Hobbies like keeping birds* and painting and calligraphy and poetry** and being well dressed and fashionable*** were strongly masculine coded scholar gentry hobbies for bored rich men**** in historical China. People react to NHS they way they do in text (at least from what I can understand of the social norms of the MDZS jianghu) because NHS is determined to be a particularly foppish dandy and also yknow, actively wailing about his many problems.
So, I think the tldr of this is that: NHS can be interpreted as whatever gender people would like! But his society and his peers and the other characters are not reacting to him in a certain way because he's femme-coded, they're reacting to him that way because he's an irritating asshole and kind of foppish (affectionate)
*keeping birds (as pets and not like, just raptors for hunting) was a rich man's hobby in Ancient China from at least the Zhou dynasty, though which birds were popular as pets (everything from parrots to orioles) differed depending on the dynasty, but the Ming and Qing dynasties were extremely big on pet birds in rich people's houses in particular.
**it is unclear if NHS is particularly good at say, painting or calligraphy OR poetry but the point is that he appears to like these things
***men's fashion has been a wild beast throughout the ages both in the east and the west, and men have done things for fashion like wearing gaudy archer's rings to show off archery skills they didn't have, high heels, Song dynasty men wore flowers in their hair, and my own personal unfavorite: the Qing Dynasty queue.
****the four gentlemanly arts were for example: qin qi shu hua -- playing the qin (music), weiqi (Go if you want to use the Japanese name for the game), shu (calligraphy), and hua (painting). See brief wikipedia summary about the four arts here. There were different things also included in the education of an aristocratic gentleman in pre-imperial China but we have no time to delve into that in this post. HMU for more info if you want it because I love to talk about historical things.
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undertheredhood · 7 months
pre-death jason todd after getting in trouble with bruce: what are you going to do, old man? stop me from going to school? ban me from reading? yeah, i don’t think so
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manluvers · 1 year
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hobbie brown x afab!reader
cw : smut, 18+ , p n v , pussy eating, blowjob , public sex(etc.)
wc: 4,079
A/n: never did one of these before so I hope y’all enjoy!
Just another one of your fantasies of hobbie, what could go wrong?
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just a fantasy you say in your head. Just a fantasy. The fantasy in question is what got you touching in the first place .
as days pass your cunt ached for hobbie. You needed him so badly you started to fantasize at hq.. bad idea. You dreamt of shopping with hobbie. Him buying you skirts and band tees(etc) going into the changing rooms just to get railed up. His length throbbing while watching you undress infront of him.. he couldn’t help himself any longer as soon as you took your pants off he immediately grabbed you by your waist.
Moving your underwear out the way while pulling down his pants. As soon as he did that he started fucking you at a rapid pace. “Comon luv you can take my cock can’t you?” he says like you had a choice . Letting out muffled moans from his large hand on your mouth to make sure that no one could hear how much of a slut your being for him. That’s what got him going.
Seeing how only he can make you this wet.. until you remembered it was only a fantasy and that you were a hq until you heard a “helo luv” hobbie says as he walks up to you. Quickly removing your hand from your slick wet cunt and placing it by your side “hi hobbie” you said smiling. Him looking at you confused.. he sees your out of breath and decides to take you home.
After opening the portal to your bedroom, both of you step in and relax. “sooo” you say awkwardly “yes luv?” hobbie says making eye contact with you. Feeling your cunt getting even wetter from this and you lean into his ear and whisper “I need you so fucking bad hobbie~” as you go down on him kissing his bulge through his pants.
“Atta Girl” he says gripping your hair and holding your head up as he undos his belt and pulls don’t his pants a boxers as his length hits you in the face pulsing, as the tip leaks precum. Licking up from the base to the tip slightly teasing the slit to hear his groans from it. Quickly bobbing your head up and down his cock, making wet slurping sounds as you keep going.
Hobbie thrusting into your warm mouth to the bobbing motion, even keeping your head all the way down as he cums down your pretty throat that always makes him feel good. But this time he knew he had to make you feel good, by getting on his knees and rubbing the fabric against ur wet cunt teasing you.
Pulling off your silk panties with haste he licks your cilt while sticking his middle finger in your wet aching hole. This made you feel amazing.. and he knew it. Pulling out his finger and replacing it with his tongue.. eating you out while you moan his name so eagerly wanting to cum. “please.. hobbie Please lemme cum it’s t’much” you say while gripping his hair “you taste so good luv” he says in a hum while you feel a knot in your stomach.. your close. And he knows it.
As he continues eating you out while using his thumb to play with your cilt.. his hard work payed off. You came..! He lapped up the juices like he hasn’t had water in the past year. As you ride out your high he stood up and puts you in a mating press. His favorite position to breed your tight little cunt with his seed. He teases the hole with his tip and slowly pushes in.. your legs already shaking from your high. “hobbie wait-“ it’s already to late he’s inside of you and already thrusting.. he gets more eager as he hears you moan his name.. with every thrust “ahn!~ hobbie” “oh fuck hobbie” “hobbie I can’t take it I can’t-” he smirks “ofc you can doll you can take my cock can’t you?” He says as your cunt grips his cock with his every move.
“Oh fuck, I’m close sweetheart “ he says as his tip kisses your good spot making you throw your head back and yell out his name “oh oh hobbie ! I’m cumming!!” You say cumming around his cock as you feel him twitch inside of you.. he paints your insides white. Both of you panting he runs a bath and praises you with kisses all over you
“You did so good for me doll” ask he says making your heart flutter “so fucking good for me” planting another kiss on you. Now you knew how much hobbie loved you.. you loved him back
“I love you princess “
“I love you too bee”
part 2
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starrylevi · 7 months
🌺 🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺Levi takes up gardening after the war. It’s soothing, I suppose, is what he says. He looks SO cute with his little gardening gloves paired with the sun hat you got him last summer. You tell him this and he can’t help but roll his eyes although it’s accompanied by a small smile. He names the prettiest flower in his backyard after you and plants them throughout, making him feel closer to you though he might not divulge that information. Levi plants anything you want, and even teaches you how to garden, demonstrating the steps with a pot in his lap. He’ll take note of your favorite smells and search for seeds of flowers that have similar scents. Levi will tell you shyly, with a hint of blush, that you’re the best part of this garden as you’re his favorite living and breathing flower. It’s a privilege to act as your sun and rain, he thinks. He’s been so lucky to be the one you chose for yourself; to shower you with warmth and affection, to watch you grow and share your beauty. Yes, you’re his favorite flower; his favorite to water, to smell, and to admire. He’ll always be there to pick up your petals and nurse you back to health. You are his blessing after a cursed war and as such, he’ll never let you wilt, not if he can help it.
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lucky-slice · 1 year
Consider: Kevin and Jean in the south of France having their hot girl summer post tkm
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drunkenlionwrites · 1 year
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Imagine giving knuckle kisses to both Vash’s hands until he’s fully red and stuttering something incoherent, barely standing on his feet.
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