#hockey jersey swap
totaled-drama · 1 year
Just wanted to compliment on the recent comics. They all look so adorable and your line work is clean!
A friend wanted to ask for a request. How about Bowie and Raj trying to draw each other? As a nice gift for one another.
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My apologies for the difference in image quality!! Thank you for the kind words and for the request :)
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unch4rted-territ0ry · 4 months
I did another thing
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I love them :D
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estapa-edwards · 5 months
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paring: jack hughes x reader
word count: 2.3k
requested? yes - jack falling in love with his rival player from the rangers and the media and everyone alwyss comparing the two and they like to tease each other back and fourth and people think they are enemies but really they have been friends since they both moved away from their families to jersey and york, they ended up living in the same building and became good friends despite the rivalry, they just love to tease each other on the ice and making everyone speculate, something important goes on and jack brings her as his plus one and he is like she’s been my gf for years didn’t you know?
warnings: use of y/n.
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As I lace up my skates in the familiar locker room of Madison Square Garden, I can feel the buzz of anticipation coursing through me. Tonight, like every other night when we face off against the New Jersey Devils, the media will paint our matchup as an epic clash between bitter rivals. They'll hype up the drama, the tension, the supposed animosity between me, Y/N, of the New York Rangers, and Jack Hughes of the Devils. But what they don't know is that behind the scenes, Jack and I are actually good friends.
It's funny how things work out sometimes. We met shortly after we both moved away from home to pursue our hockey dreams. Fate seemed to have a sense of humor when it placed us in the same apartment building. At first, we were just acquaintances, nodding at each other in the elevator or exchanging small talk in the lobby. But as time went on, our friendship blossomed.
Jack is one of those people who's impossible not to like. He's got this infectious energy, always cracking jokes and keeping everyone around him in high spirits. And despite being fierce competitors on the ice, off the rink, he's one of the most genuine and down-to-earth guys I've ever met.
From the moment we stepped onto the ice as rookies, Jack and I knew that we were destined to be compared and contrasted by the media. They loved to pit us against each other, to scrutinize every goal, every assist, every move we made on the ice. And as much as we tried to brush it off, it was hard not to feel the weight of those expectations.
But amidst the chaos of the rivalry, Jack and I found something unexpected: a genuine friendship. It started with small gestures – a friendly nod during warm-ups, a quick word of encouragement after a tough game – but it quickly grew into something deeper. We discovered that we had a lot in common, both on and off the ice, and that despite wearing different jerseys, we shared a mutual respect and admiration for each other's talents.
As our friendship blossomed, we found ourselves gravitating towards each other more and more, seeking refuge from the pressures of the rivalry in each other's company. We'd sneak away from the prying eyes of the media and our respective teams' management to grab lunch together or hang out at one of our apartments, swapping stories and jokes like old friends.
Of course, we knew that our friendship had to remain a secret. Our PR managers made sure of that, reminding us constantly that we were supposed to be bitter rivals, not bosom buddies. But in a strange way, the secrecy only made our bond stronger. It was like we were in on this big, inside joke together, sharing a secret that no one else knew.
And so, we became experts at playing our parts. We'd exchange playful jabs during interviews, making sure to throw in a few subtle digs to keep up the facade of animosity. We'd celebrate our victories against each other on the ice with exaggerated displays of triumph, all the while exchanging knowing looks behind the scenes.
As rookies, stepping onto the ice for the first time felt like stepping into a pressure cooker. The weight of expectations hung heavy in the air, fueled by the constant comparisons and contrasts the media loved to draw between Jack and me.
"Hey, Y/N," Jack called out as we lined up for warm-ups before our first game against each other. His voice cut through the tension, and I turned to see him flashing a grin. "You ready to show the world what we're made of?"
I couldn't help but chuckle at his infectious enthusiasm. "You bet, Jack. Just don't expect me to go easy on you out there."
"Wouldn't dream of it," he replied with a playful wink.
And so it began – a friendly rivalry that would soon evolve into something much deeper. As the games went by, Jack and I found ourselves drawn to each other, seeking solace from the relentless scrutiny of the media in the comfort of each other's company.
"Rough game out there, huh?" Jack said one night, catching me in the hallway outside the locker rooms after a particularly grueling match.
I nodded, grateful for the chance to decompress with someone who understood the pressures we faced. "Yeah, tell me about it. I swear, they're never gonna let us live this one down."
Jack chuckled, clapping me on the back in a show of solidarity. "Well, at least we can commiserate together, right?"
And so our friendship blossomed, forged in the fires of competition and camaraderie. We'd steal moments away from the prying eyes of the media, grabbing lunch together or hanging out at one of our apartments, swapping stories and jokes like old friends.
"Man, I can't believe we have to keep this friendship a secret," I grumbled one day as we lounged on Jack's couch, watching highlights from our latest game.
Jack shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Eh, adds to the intrigue, don't you think? Besides, it's kinda fun having our little secret."
I had to admit, there was something exhilarating about sneaking around like a couple of teenagers with a forbidden romance. It made our bond feel even more special, like we were part of some exclusive club that no one else could join.
Of course, playing our parts as bitter rivals wasn't always easy. We'd exchange playful jabs during interviews, throwing in a few subtle digs to keep up the facade of animosity.
"Y/N, what do you have to say to Jack Hughes, who claims he's going to outshine you on the ice tonight?" a reporter asked during a post-game press conference.
I shot Jack a knowing smirk before turning back to the camera with a smirk of my own. "Tell him he can try, but he's gonna have to get past me first."
Jack laughed from his seat beside me, the tension in the room dissipating as we shared a private joke
As much as we excelled at maintaining the illusion of rivalry in public, it was behind closed doors where our friendship truly flourished. Away from the prying eyes of the media and the expectations of our teams, Jack and I could be ourselves without reservation. We'd spend hours talking about everything and nothing, sharing our hopes and fears, our triumphs and struggles.
There was a comfort in knowing that we could let our guard down around each other, free from the pressures of being seen as rivals. In those moments, it was easy to forget about the intensity of the rivalry and just enjoy each other's company. Whether we were binge-watching our favorite TV shows, cooking dinner together, or simply lounging around, every moment spent with Jack felt like a welcome reprieve from the chaos of our professional lives.
And yet, even as we reveled in our friendship, there was always an underlying tension – the knowledge that our bond had to remain a secret. It was a constant balancing act, navigating the delicate line between friendship and rivalry, always mindful of the consequences if our true relationship were to be revealed.
But despite the risks, our friendship only grew stronger with each passing day. We became each other's confidants, sharing our deepest thoughts and feelings with a level of trust and understanding that went beyond words. And as much as we cherished our time together off the ice, there was something uniquely special about the moments we shared on it.
On game days, when the arena was buzzing with excitement and anticipation, Jack and I would find ourselves locked in a silent battle of wills. We'd exchange knowing glances across the ice, each one a silent reminder of the bond we shared. And when the puck dropped and the game was underway, it was like we were playing our own private game within the game – a subtle dance of friendship disguised as rivalry.
But no matter how convincing our performance was for the outside world, there were moments when our true feelings would slip through the cracks. A shared smile after a particularly well-executed play, a quick pat on the back after a hard-fought battle – these were the moments when our friendship shone brightest, illuminating the darkness of the rivalry that surrounded us.
The locker room is quiet, the only sound the faint echo of distant celebrations filtering through the walls. I sit alone on the bench, still basking in the afterglow of our victory over the Devils. It had been a hard-fought battle, but in the end, we'd come out on top, securing another win for the Rangers.
I'm lost in my thoughts when I hear the door creak open, and I glance up to see Jack standing in the doorway, a hesitant smile playing at the corners of his lips. Everyone else has already left, leaving us alone in the quiet solitude of the locker room.
"Hey," he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Hey," I reply, returning his smile. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be with your team."
Jack shrugs, taking a few cautious steps into the room. "I needed to talk to you."
My curiosity piqued, I gesture for him to take a seat beside me on the bench. "What's on your mind?"
He hesitates for a moment, his gaze flickering uncertainly as if searching for the right words. And then, in one swift motion, he crosses the distance between us and takes my face in his hands, leaning in to press his lips against mine.
For a moment, time seems to stand still as the world falls away around us. I'm too stunned to react, too overwhelmed by the sudden rush of emotions coursing through me. But as his kiss deepens, I find myself melting into his embrace, the weight of our shared secret finally lifting from my shoulders.
When we finally pull apart, our breaths coming in ragged gasps, I meet Jack's gaze with a mixture of surprise and longing. "I didn't know you felt that way," I whisper, my voice barely audible above the pounding of my heart.
Jack smiles, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "I've been trying to tell you for months," he admits, his thumb tracing gentle circles against my cheek. "But I never had the courage until now."
I reach out to take his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together with a sense of newfound clarity. "I'm glad you did," I say softly, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Because I feel the same way."
As the seasons passed, Jack and I found ourselves navigating the complexities of our newfound relationship with a sense of cautious optimism. We were no longer just friends who shared a secret bond; we were now a couple, bound together by love and mutual respect.
But as much as we reveled in our newfound happiness, we couldn't escape the ever-present shadow of the rivalry that loomed over us. Our teams, our fans, and the media all seemed determined to keep us apart, to maintain the facade of animosity that had defined our relationship for so long.
We knew that our relationship had to remain a secret, at least for the time being. Our PR managers had made that abundantly clear, reminding us constantly of the consequences if our true feelings were ever to be revealed. And so, we continued to play our parts, keeping our love hidden behind a carefully constructed facade of rivalry and competition.
But as the years passed and our relationship continued to flourish, it became increasingly difficult to keep our secret under wraps. We longed to share our love with the world, to finally break free from the constraints of the rivalry that had kept us apart for so long.
And then, one day, an opportunity presented itself that we couldn't ignore. Jack had been invited to a prestigious event, a gathering of the league's top players and executives, and he had been given the chance to bring a guest as his plus one.
As we stood outside the doors of the grand ballroom, Jack turned to me with a mischievous grin. "Are you ready for this?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
I nodded, my heart pounding in anticipation. "I'm ready," I replied, squeezing his hand tightly in mine.
And with that, we stepped inside, hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As we made our way through the crowd, heads turned and whispers followed in our wake. But Jack didn't seem to notice, too caught up in the moment to care about the opinions of others.
And then, when we reached the center of the room, Jack turned to me with a smile that lit up his entire face. "Ladies and gentlemen," he announced, his voice ringing out clear and confident. "I'd like you to meet someone very special to me. This is Y/N, and she's been my girlfriend for years. Didn't you know?"
The room fell silent, the air thick with shock and surprise. But as I looked around at the stunned faces of our peers, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me. We had finally broken free from the shackles of the rivalry, and nothing – not even the expectations of others – could hold us back any longer.
As Jack wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, I knew that our love was stronger than any rivalry, stronger than any obstacle that stood in our way. And as we danced together in the center of the room, surrounded by the whispers of our peers and the glow of the evening lights, I knew that we were finally free to be ourselves – together, forever.
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cailins-posts · 3 months
nico hischier x rangers media!girl
Hello thank you so much for the request I actually had a daft for the thing your asking for lol I when ahead and finished it. I hope you like it 🤍🤍🤍
Unexpected Encounter- Nico hischier x reader
Nico Hischier, the talented center for the New Jersey Devils, found himself with an unexpected afternoon off in the heart of New York City. It was a rare moment of calm amidst a busy hockey season, and he decided to take advantage of it by exploring the bustling streets of Manhattan.
Meanwhile, Y/N, a dedicated media coordinator for the New York Rangers, was rushing to grab a quick coffee between press briefings and interviews at a nearby café. Dressed in her usual professional attire, she darted through the crowded streets, her mind preoccupied with the upcoming game against their rivals, the Devils.
Their paths collided in a small local store—a quaint bookstore that Y/N often frequented to escape the chaos of her job. She rounded a corner with her coffee cup in hand just as Nico turned, both of them failing to notice each other until it was too late. The collision was inevitable, and in a split second, hot coffee splattered across Y/N's blouse.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Nico exclaimed, his Swiss accent tinting his words with sincerity. He immediately reached for napkins on the nearby shelf, flustered and apologetic.
Y/N blinked in surprise, the initial shock of being drenched in coffee giving way to amusement as she realized who had inadvertently caused the mishap. "It's okay, really," she assured him, accepting the napkins with a smile. "These things happen."
Nico's cheeks colored slightly with embarrassment. "I'm really sorry. Let me buy you another coffee."
She laughed softly, shaking her head. "No, no need. Accidents happen, right?"
Relieved that she wasn't upset, Nico took a breath, his blue eyes earnest as he offered, "Well, let me at least give you my number. In case you need anything... like dry cleaning expenses."
Y/N chuckled, charmed by his genuine concern. "Sure, that works."
She took his phone and tapped in her number, exchanging a brief smile with Nico before they went their separate ways. As he walked back to his hotel, Nico couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to see Y/N again, to make amends for the clumsy encounter.
Weeks passed, and the day finally arrived when the New Jersey Devils were scheduled to play against the New York Rangers at Madison Square Garden. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as fans filled the arena, eager for the rivalry game to unfold.
In a quieter corner of the arena, away from the cheering crowds and flashing cameras, Nico spotted Y/N. She was busy coordinating media access and ensuring everything ran smoothly for the game. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, remembering their chance meeting weeks ago.
He approached her tentatively, hoping she would remember him amidst the chaos of game day. "Hey," he greeted, a nervous smile playing on his lips.
Y/N looked up from her clipboard, surprise lighting up her face as she recognized him. "Hey! Nico, right?"
He nodded, relief flooding through him that she remembered. "Yeah, that's me. How have you been?"
"Busy, as always," she replied with a grin, gesturing to the flurry of activity around them. "Game days are always a bit hectic."
"I can imagine," Nico agreed, glancing around. "Listen, after the game... would you like to grab dinner? As a thank you for not being too mad about the coffee incident?"
Y/N chuckled, her eyes sparkling. "I think I can forgive you for that."
After the thrilling game that ended with a narrow victory for the Devils, Nico and Y/N found themselves seated at a cozy restaurant nearby. They talked effortlessly, swapping stories about their lives beyond the hockey rink and media spotlight. Nico was fascinated by Y/N's passion for her job and her witty sense of humor. Y/N, in turn, admired Nico's dedication to hockey and his down-to-earth personality.
As the evening wore on, their initial awkwardness melted away, replaced by a comfortable familiarity. They laughed over shared interests and debated good-naturedly about hockey strategies, finding common ground in unexpected places.
By the time dessert arrived, Nico realized he didn't want the night to end. He hesitated for a moment, then gathered his courage to ask, "Would you maybe want to do this again sometime?"
Y/N smiled, her eyes warm with affection. "I'd like that."
And so began a connection that started with a clumsy encounter in a bookstore and blossomed into something neither of them expected—a shared journey of laughter, support, and the beautiful unpredictability of falling for someone unexpected.
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puckarchives · 9 months
definitely a surpise: l. hughes
blurb: in which you and luke introduce the daughter the world never even knew you had to the nhl. / word count: 1.3k / pairing: luke hughes x fem!reader
To be fair, the decision had been made way before the two of you had even considered the possibility of being (or even trying to become) pregnant; instead, it was a comment that had sparked a long winded conversation on the dock of the Hughes Family lake house in New Hampshire, and that had you and Luke coming to a final consensus: if you were to have children together, mini-Lukes and mini-Y/Ns, the child wouldn’t be introduced into the world of the National Hockey League until they were a year old.
Now, while the decision might have sounded easy and obvious, it wasn’t until a few months later after our wedding that we had found out we were pregnant, and preparation for Hughes Baby Number 1 was quite the spectacle— one that usually involved Luke finding you in the stands of the Prudential Center, covered head to toe in clothing that hid your baby bump— right until it became a bit too obvious to his teammates, and it was decided that instead, your would spend your time watching the game either from the Center’s family suite, or from the comfort of your own shared home. Naturally, the latter won out almost instantaneously.
Despite the onslaught of media harassment that Luke and you had received in the aftermath of your absence from his games— comments from fans who mentioned that I wasn’t being supportive enough or even a good partner to him, the pregnant went as good as we had hoped— and, a few months later, Marnie Wren Hughes was born— a name that was a mix of both of our mother’s names, and whose middle name was a play on Luke’s own middle name, swapping out “Warren” for a simplified version of “Wren.”
Marnie was an angel child, truly. Sure, she was attached to the hip with Luke because of how much he had to travel for games and roadies, but she was a Momma’s Girl at heart— constantly around you, and always around in her stroller, or toddling around your office at the university.
As your baby’s first birthday came along, however, Luke and you once again found yourselves in a bit of a predicament. Just like her uncle, Marnie had a May birthday— putting it right smack in the middle of playoff season for the Devils, and leaving the two of you to think about what you could do with that. Would it be time to introduce the baby you two had and watched grow for over a year to the world? Hell, not even half of Luke’s team even knew about Marnie, despite the fact that Luke had been playing with the team for over five years now.
Despite this, we knew it was time; since it was her birthday, both your parents and Luke’s would be in Jersey visiting for her birthday party, and with the Canucks having lost in the second round of their own playoff games, Quinn would be taking a flight out to join the Y/L/N-Hughes family for the party as well, so it truly gave you the best opportunity to take Marnie out, surrounded by her family, to her first Devils game— and, for all intents and purposes, introduce her to the world her father thrived in.
When the day came, however, you readied the newly one-year-old in a tiny version of Luke’s jersey, with the “43” taking up the majority of her back. She looked, in so many ways, (but especially clad in the classic red and black colors,) like her dad; like the man who had given you the opportunity to be a mom to such an angel baby, and experience things like this in the first place.
As the game began and team warmups commenced, you saw Luke look around the stadium quickly, easily finding you and the child in your arms waving at him alongside his own family. Signaling to Jack to join him, the two skated over to where you stood— sporting the same jersey Marnie did, and the ring on your hand to prove it.
As Luke got near, Marnie, excited to see her dad, yelled in her baby voice, “Daddy!” leaving both you and Luke, who had stopped mid-skate, a bit dumbfounded. Sure she was a year-old already, but talking in full words? Especially since she had only ever called you “Mama” and Luke “Dada” before?
Seemingly pulled out of his stupor by the wiggling child in your arms, Marnie stretched her arms out toward Luke, now catching the attention of other players and audience members around you— all of which must have been wondering why this child was calling Luke “Daddy,” and where she had even come from to begin with.
Peeling off his gloves, Luke grabbed her into his arms as both Nico and Mercer came skating over, the latter obviously trying to find out who the child was. Even the jumbo screen, which usually held on to Kiss Cams and commercials, was pointed at the scene of Luke carrying Marnie in his arms, now peppering her tiny face in kisses as she babbled and yelled “Papa” over and over at him.
Pulling away from the two, you got out your phone to take a picture of the sight— the love of your life carrying the other love of your life, all while they both experienced something entirely new; Luke having his daughter at a game, and Marnie, experiencing the cheers of the game her dad gave his all to.
After the game though, as the Devils swept the Rangers 9-2 with three points from Luke and two assists from both Haula and Jack, you counted the amount of times that one or more Devils had skated to your piece of glass and waved at Marnie, catching the baby’s attention as they pseudo-met the youngest Hughes child for the first time. From Marino to Schmid, one by one the Devils found themselves cooing at the baby from across the glass— all star struck in a way at the child who had called their defenseman “Daddy,” but all enamored by her curls and Y/E/C eyes that were clearly traits she inherited from both you and Luke alike.
After, however, you were both ushered into the locker room, automatically surrounded by baby-fever induced coos from Luke’s teammates as Marnie was swept out of your arms— first by Jack, and then by Nico, and then finally finding herself back in Luke’s arms as each member shared their surprise that, one— Luke had a literal child, and two, that you both had kept it under wraps for so long.
“Well, it was a decision we both made before Marnie was even a thought,” you told Bastian, who was playing peek-a-boo with the squirming toddler, and who had asked how he hadn't known of her before tonight.
“We kind of wanted it to be a surprise, and then we just didn’t want her to only ever remember the bad parts about hockey, you know? But big day for the Hughes family now,” Luke added. “Big day, sweetheart,” he told Marnie, bouncing her up and down with one arm while she played with his fingers of his opposite hand.
“Well, except me,” Jack interjected. “Now I can finally show you guys the pictures of MarnieBear when she was a baby! God— you should see how much Lukey cried when she was born,” he said, leading off to join Nico and Lazar as he whipped out his phone, most likely pulling out the one photo he took of Luke with a newborn Marnie, tears of happiness streaming down his face as he held his little girl in his arms— her in one, and you in the other.
“Well, that was definitely a surprise,” I told him, putting your arm around his waist. The defenseman only looked down at me, smiling at both me and our daughter— yeah, it was definitely the right decision.
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kitnita · 2 months
wyjo x bobby witt jr 👀
yes okay thank you for your patience on this while i finished watching the home run derby & grabbing dinner after, etc. wyatt x bobby witt jr. came about because they met & exchanged gear in december of this past season:
which is ordinarily a fine and normal thing for athletes to do except that the overlap for the baseball & hockey seasons is not in december!! so it stuck out in my mind. also for whatever reason the stars put what i can only describe as royalty free vaguely romantic sax-heavy music overtop the video. and wyatt looks like he's putting on as much charm as he's capable of whilst talking to bobby in the stars' locker room. etc etc etc.
for the record they are repped by the same agency (bobby's dad, former mlb player bobby witt, is actually also an agent for octagon) so i'm sure that's how the swap was arranged. but otter, harls & faksa were all also on the team and repped by octagon at the time and only wyatt met up with bobby, so!!
the captions on the stars' posts about this specify that bobby's a stars fan which checks out given that he grew up in texas, so i'm inclined to believe this mostly happened because they have the same agency and bobby likes wyatt as a player. i'm also pretty sure that that's why wyatt got a jersey (the item players usually swap with other athletes) & bobby got one of wyatt's sticks (the sort of thing a hockey fan would want from a player he likes). a jersey swap is a more fun option if you want to rpf-ify the exchange but i do think it's sweet that bobby's probably like. a genuine fan of wyjo?? like it's just fun!! love that for them!!!
quite frankly the interaction was screaming for an arranged marriage au so my wip is me simply doing my part. i'll get to finishing it Eventually.
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puckpocketed · 9 months
19/12/2023 Seattle Kraken vs Dallas Stars
The Summer I Fell For Hockey - The Kraken Wagon: How to Stay Silly in the Face of Loss
I’m the asshole on the tram who’s watching hockey on their phone and not paying attention. This is how my afternoon commute home starts. I almost run into at least two people, I definitely trip a guy trying to get off the tram because I’m not looking, and I’m caught scrambling for the door after nearly missing my stop. My walk home is slowed by my unwillingness to take my eyes off the live feed. I’m sweating through an ill-advised sweater vest thrown on at 6 in the morning on my way out the door and my feet sting from the 5 hour shift I just finished — but I don’t care. The Kraken are down 0-2 and it feels like if I stop watching, if I even think about hurrying home through the swampy, muggy afternoon, the game will run away from us. 
“The Kraken are a wagon” is a sentiment I’ve come across repeatedly in my idle googling about my team. They’re a new team, my friend tells me over discord — she fell out of love with ice hockey years ago, some time back when the Kraken were first drafting their inaugural season lineup — and as soon as I hear it I am enamoured with them. A baby team! One that’s still building an identity, trying to figure out its core; and I’m already so charmed by their jerseys — toothpaste red, white, and blue, a squiggly tentacle ‘S’ for Seattle and a glaring sea monster’s eye — but a baby team? That’s the kind of story I can gorge myself on.
So they have me. I’m in and I’m reading primers and checking player stats, and I only find out about the “Kraken wagon” later. My squids have been in free fall all season, I learn this not long after I catch a game (their 0-3 defeat to the Minnesota Wild). This is what I get for choosing teams based on jersey colours, it’s not too late to swap loyalties — my regulars, who have by now heard all about my latent ice hockey obsession, tell me this as I pour their coffees. They don’t get it yet. If I truly didn’t like the Kraken, I’d have given up on them by now. The jersey colours, at this point, are immaterial. The jerseys are a cute bonus.
Here’s the rub: no one ever expected them to make the Stanley Cup playoffs in their second ever season of existence, but they did — or, some past incarnation of them did. The shadow that this playoffs run casts, even now, is where the “wagon” accusations stem from. But I didn’t join them when times were good. I joined them after an 8 game-long skid into the boards.
It’s hard to love something when all you ever see are the worst parts of it, some might assume. Looking through the Kraken tag tells an entirely different story. Loving the Seattle Kraken has come so easily to me largely due to the tiny group of die-hard followers I’ve come into contact with. I have a tab perpetually open on my second monitor at home when I’m watching games, set to the Kraken’s liveblog tag, and each time I’ve tuned in has been the ride of my life. It’s clear from the speed at which we like and reblog each other’s posts that we’re all regularly checking the tag when something happens. It’s like the world’s most intimate Twitch chat section, the world’s least intimate discord call. We’re mutuals and besties, strangers and fellow fans — I imagine if we were in the stands together, we’d look at each other when our Kraken score and cheer together, maybe we’d scream and laugh in half-disbelief.
The Dallas Stars are at the top of the Western Conference’s central division table, and they play like it. In the first few minutes of the match, Duchene and Seguin blast through and slip one past Daccord, no easy feat given he’s been on fire himself recently. Time after time, the Kraken’s power play is wrecked. The Kraken are being given the runaround, having to doggedly chase down intercepted pucks where the Stars’ passes always seem to connect. Recovery from 0-2 might seem impossible from where they are at the end of the first period, but the Kraken bring to the second period the same energy they had for their relentless puck hunting. Matty B and Tuna — Beniers and Tatar  — put us on the scoreboard and keep us in it, even as we lose Canner and Belly to injuries. Recovery from such an early and demoralising goal deficit isn’t impossible, just increasingly unlikely when you’ve got no superstars and are trying to throw off the wagon allegations.
That’s another thing: expectations are low. And not in a way that’s meant to disrespect the Kraken players — it’s closer to how animals might ball up and protect their vulnerable, soft bellies from harm. Losing, to be perfectly candid, fucking sucks. Reminding ourselves that any gains — no matter how trivial — still count as a win is one way to stave off the inevitable heartbreak. Another way we do it is, to paraphrase several Kraken bloggers,  “staying silly”.
If I were to distill the essence of silliness, I’d start with hockey itself. This game is a goofy one, in spite of my past assertions about warrior’s codes and narratives and unspoken honour. On-ice collisions can in fact be the height of slapstick comedy; and today the tension of a potential line brawl was broken with, of all things, the arena DJ playing Mortal Kombat music. As for the people? Even as the Kraken went down two goals halfway through the first period, the posts and memes rolled in. 
Watching sports is meant to be a leisure activity. If the stress of it ever becomes too much for me, stepping away is vital. Having the denizens of krakenblr being silly alongside me is like having an extra layer of armour between us and the heartache of loss. We crack jokes about manifesting wins, about freeing our boys from the penalty box (they’ve never done anything wrong in their lives, ever, and even if they did those assholes had it coming), about our players who are babygirls, about the endless double-entendre made by Forslund and Olczyk. For each time we scored, for each penalty taken, each power play and penalty kill the tone set by everyone was simple: stay silly. 
In the last minute of the third period, the Kraken rally for one final push. With Daccord pulled from the net the 6-man rush is relentless, and they manage to get up in the Stars’ faces. This is the grit that so inspired my admiration. Though the recaps on the news feed might only list one or two names on the assist, the last goal of third period is thanks to everyone on the ice. The Kraken players perform as their namesake implies: as one they are a many-armed leviathan, come to drag you and yours down, down, down, into the deep.
Vince Dunn — Dunner or Vincess depending on who you ask — keeps the puck from the blue line, Wenny snatches it away from a tight spot between two Stars, and everyone works to feed it back onto Bjorkstrand’s tape. Bjorkstrand’s shot cracks down the line and into the crease — and how’s this for poetry: from the same goddamn place on the ice he shot the last time he had to even up a game going into overtime — and the ensuing scuffle ends with Tolvy tipping it past Wedgewood. After a deeply frustrating review from the situation room, the goal is called good and we’re confirmed for overtime. Various posts to the effect of, “No matter what happens, I love you all. We’ll be okay,” flood the tag as I refresh my page. With them, it truly ain’t that serious; and going into overtime, even knowing the Kraken have one of the least impressive OT records in the league, truly cements it for me. The Kraken will be my team for the foreseeable future.
I won’t keep you in suspense, if you’re reading this from the outside looking in. The game ends in a loss. But I’m no heavier than I was when the game started. On the contrary, I’m lighter. The little reservoir of dread that had built up inside me in the early hours of the game has been emptied by a tidal wave of sweetness, of sincere well-wishes and optimism. To the Kraken fans I’ve interacted with so far: thank you all so much for what is possibly the warmest welcome I’ve ever received to a fandom space, thank you for making this game and this team so easy to love, thank you for shielding my tender flesh from loss and making even defeats a little fun.
So what if the Kraken are a wagon? It’s a clown wagon, and we’re riding it together; hand in silly hand.
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pwhl-mybeloved · 4 months
MPP wearing the Christine Sinclair #12 jersey at the canwnt game, which (I assume) is the one Sinclair swapped with her at last year's farewell tour for Sinclair!!! that genuinely made me a bit emotional- I was at that soccer game last year in mtl and it was where I first heard about the pwhl. I'd never cared about hockey, but decided to try watching while I waited for Canada to get a women's soccer league. long story short, I loved it so much I went to multiple pwhl mtl games this year and I'm going to be at more next season for sure 🥰🥰
I love this tale thank you for sharing, I’m glad to have you here!!
This cross-sport support we’ve been seeing (and has always been around but has been highlighted more recently) is so awesome and yes such a great way to bring in more fans
(I assume you’re pumped for the NSL next year!)
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static-radio-ao3 · 1 year
@jegulus-microfic // august 14 // prompt: hockey // words: 553
Regulus' hair is matted to his sweaty forehead, worsened by the press of his helmet over it for the past hour or so. He tugs off the bulky hockey gloves before reaching up to unclasp the helmet. Once he's free, he runs a hand through his curls, trying to get them to look somewhat decent before he steps into the press room.
To encourage inter-team communication, policy now said to do post-game interviews with a player from each team, which is why Regulus joins James at the front of the room.
James, to Regulus' frustration, looks good. His warm skin glows under a sheen of sweat. It doesn't make him look gross, it makes him look delectable. His hair sticks up in the back where he ran his hand through it and Regulus wishes he could mess it up some more. The only thing that's missing is James' glasses, which he swaps out for contact lenses during games, much to Regulus' chagrin.
Reporters have not stopped shouting for attention. It used to be overwhelming, but Regulus has gotten used to the cacophony of voices and the bright flashing of the cameras. James points to someone, prompting them to ask a question.
"James, first of all, congratulations on the win,"  the reporter says. Regulus feels the corner of his mouth twitch in annoyance, but he keeps his face as neutral as possible. "Was it a stroke of luck or do you think the team's fortune is finally turning around after an admittedly disappointing season?"
Regulus doesn't miss the thinly veiled insults, but neither does James, apparently.
"The Slytherins are a formidable opponent and I wouldn't say we got lucky, because we worked our asses off for this win, but they definitely didn't make it easy for us." 
Really, the reporter should have known better than to try to rile up the most well-mannered player in the league. James winks at Regulus, who only rolls his eyes in response, but the action seems to have caught the attention of some of the reporters. 
"Regulus! Regulus! What do you have to say about James Potter's miraculous save today?" 
"He did well," Regulus says mildly, "for a Gryffindor."
James scoffs beside him. To anyone else, it might sound annoyed, but to Regulus the fondness is evident.
"Regulus!" Another reporter calls. She waits for Regulus to nod before asking, "Do you have anything to say about the Black-Potter rivalry?"
It used to be funny. Entertaining, even. But lately, all anyone asks about is the supposed rivalry between the Gryffindor goalkeeper and the Slytherin winger. And frankly, Regulus has had enough.
He stares down the eager-eyed reporter. She has her pen poised, ready to record whatever scathing insult Regulus is about to throw out there. "James Potter is a great goalkeeper who keeps me on my toes and on my knees,” Regulus jeers. “Also, the marriage certificate says Potter-Black. Thank you for your time, good night." And with that, Regulus grabs James by the front of his jersey, yanking him in for a bruising kiss. James blinks at him, startled, when they pull away, but Regulus simply drags him away from the reporters and towards the locker rooms, ignoring the mayhem they just caused. Regulus doesn’t hear the shouts of the reporters anyway, all he hears is James’ laugh.
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🤠🏉🥇🥊🐓Sports Fic Recs🐓🥊🥇🏉🤠
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
Ao3 Authors: Abliafina, Barnes_Brain, Discosleaze, Ginnydear, Greenstuff, Halestrom, Hangmanbradshaw, Hypnagogicpunisher, idontshaveforsher_yesyoudo, Infinitejaust, KatofKanals, Marchrain, Midnight___phoenix, Ok_thanks, Playingwiththeboysisagayanthem, Vahosi, SunMonTue, Teacupivy, Trinipedia.
Different Strokes by infinitejaust {E}
{Olympic swimming}
Jake looks over at Bradshaw, who’s got his arms crossed, biceps flexed. Outside the box, huh? Jake smiles. He has a wonderful awful idea.
and they were rivals (oh my god they were rivals) by ginnydear
unsportsmanlike conduct {M}
He didn’t expect there to be highlight reels of him and Jake Seresin arguing and jawing at each other after their first game against each other. His Uncle Mav’s recorded it, saying it’s the beginning of his long, successful career - to have a rival. Bradley thinks it’s a pain in the ass. or - the hangster nfl au
jersey swap {M}
“I think you’re right, and I’d dare to say that’s Bradley Bradshaw next to her. He and Robert Floyd have been friends since college, if you remember that from their draft.” The camera stays on the group for a second longer and then it switches to where Floyd is standing on the sideline, a large blue coat covering his body. He’s talking to Jake Seresin and the camera catches the moment they both look up towards the stands, Floyd waving excitedly. The screen splits in time to see Natasha waving back, as well as everyone around her. or - a hangster nfl au slice of life
skills test {E}
“I don’t have all day, Bradshaw,” Jake yells, dribbling the ball a few times. Bradley pauses and bends his knees, bouncing the ball between his hands. “Such impatience,” Bradley says, starting to move the other direction. Jake takes the ball in one hand and cocks his arm back, watching with glee as Bradley’s eyes widen a bit. “Take the shot then!” or - jake and bradley are selected to the pro bowl.
play-action fake {T}
“Come home with me.” Jake breathed against Bradley’s lips. His shallow breaths break up his words, but he gets them out all the same. Bradley chuckled and brushed his thumb across Jake’s bottom lip. “I’m always gonna come home with you.” He muttered, pulling his thumb down and leaving Jake's mouth agape. or: Jake asks Bradley to come home to Texas with him
top gun hockey au by ok_thanks
invisible string {M}
Jake being traded to San Diego should definitely not cause Bradley to feel so unhinged. Not at all. He can be teammates, they've done that before, except that Jake is just as annoying and attractive to Bradley as he was when they were younger.
such great heights {E}
“Not sure if it’s clear by now, but I sort of had a huge thing for you.” No words come to mind — no, scratch that. Too many words flood Jake’s brain and sit at the tip of his tongue, but none of them seem fit for expressing the gooey feeling overtaking his heart.
Sliding Series by Barnes_Brain
Parts 1-6 are the original Sliding Into Home Part 7 is an Alternate Universe Where Bradley is a reliever and Jake is his catcher
Sliding into Home {E}
{Baseball player!Bradley & Social Media/In-game host!Jake}
Bradley is the star shortstop for the St. Louis Cardinals. The announcers adore him, his teammates love him, and the fans, mostly female, relish that at 29 he’s still single. Right before the start of the season he meets Jake Seresin, the new in-game host and social media admin. Jake has a smile that lights up the sun, an ass that Bradley could stare at for hours, and abs that go for days. Most important? He does not seem to give a shit about the fact that Bradley’s one of the best shortstops in the game. Jake Seresin did not expect to end up in fucking Missouri of all places, but after 4 years in the Navy to pay for a Public Relations and Communications degree? He’s gonna fucking use it. So Imagine his surprise when a moustached hunk runs into him in the tunnels of Busch Stadium. Literally. Jake won’t lie he’d climb the man in front of him like a tree, and might actually if he lets him. The only problem? He doesn’t even know what a shortstop does? When Bradley finds out Jake doesn’t know the difference between a foul post and a goal post he makes it his mission to make Jake fall in love with the sport that changed his life. He never imagined he’d get Jake falling for him instead. He wasn’t going to complain.
Caught Looking {E}
{Pitcher!Bradley & Catcher!Jake}
After spending three seasons in the Japanese Major leagues, also known as the NPB, pitcher Bradley Bradshaw has finally made it back to The Show. Signed to the Seattle Mariners, not only does he have to get reacquainted with the league, he also needs to get adjusted to their new catcher, Jake Seresin. The only problem? No one knows that they fucked through the minors together. What if the accident never happened in Sliding into Home? What if Jake actually showed up to one of Javy’s games? This is how things would change.
You gave me time to find out what my heart was lookin' for by trinipedia {E}
{Boxer-Personal Trainer!Bradley}
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw is a personal trainer, among other things. He specializes in preparing young actors for their next action role, but when he's given the task of turning dancer/actor Jake "Hangman" Seresin into a believable boxer, he has his work cut out for him.
An Inside The Park Home Run by Midnight___phoenix {T}
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw was a First round draft pick for the New York Yankees. He was highlighted while in the minors as the next best Third baseman of our generation. He likes to think the hype was true. He bats over .300 every year (well despite his rookie year where he batted .282 and ended up winning Rookie Of The Year, but he likes to think of that year as a fluke when it comes to his batting average.) and has won the Gold Glove award three times in 10 seasons in the big show. He is without a doubt one of the best current ball players. He just wishes he wouldn’t get compared to Jake “Hangman” Seresin so much.
Formula 1: Deceive to Achieve by greenstuff {E}
When new teammates, Jake and Bradley, agree to pretend they’re in a committed relationship to land a sponsorship deal, they probably should have factored in the possibility they might fall for their own lies.
Two-Way(s) Forward by Barnes_Brain {M}
{Hockey player!Jake & Rink owner!Bradley}
Jake Seresin was the LA King’s best two-way forward, leading not only his line, but his team with the coveted C on his chest. But when an injury sends him to Bob Floyd, PT extraordinaire, in hopes of getting back on the ice, he finds a little more than a path back to his career.
Desire is the only motivation by trinipedia {M}
After a life-altering accident, Bradley Bradshaw moves to Texas to change his perspective. Bradley has decided not to think about American football ever again, but the chance meeting with an arrogant Texan, Jake Seresin, might change it all, not only for him but for the aforementioned Texan, as well.
IWTBY Verse by hangmanbradshaw
{NFL QB!Jake}
I want to brainwash you into loving me forever {E}
“So…this is fucking weird and I have no clue what to say here.” Bradley smiled warmly and leaned his forearms against the table. “Don’t worry, Mav already filled me in, and I’ll do it.” Jake blinked. “You’ll do it?” “Yeah.” Bradley sat back with a nod. “You want to come out, right? If us appearing to be in a stable relationship will help, then I’m in.” Or, Jake Seresin has it all- fame, money, a NFL MVP trophy, a Super Bowl appearance, a lonely house, and a problem. He wants to come out on his own terms. Enter Bradley Bradshaw, the solution to said problem, or maybe, the beginning of a new problem. After all, you don't fall in love with your fake boyfriend.
Wanna Be Your Left Hand Man {E}
Europe calls. Jake & Bradley answer.
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings {E}
Nine months into their official relationship, Jake and Bradley navigate a new season of the NFL, life, and their relationship. Or Ice and Mav get married, the gang all celebrates, and Bradley and Jake find home in each other once again, in more ways than one.
love thorns all over this rose {_}
Bradley's friends watch him lose himself, find himself, and then find something even better. Or Bradley doesn’t really do dating, until he does. Aka Bradley pre-IWTBY, and a little during, according to Reuben, Callie, and Jonathan.
these blokes warm the benches, we been on a winning streak {E}
Bradley & Jake prepare for the next season.
this love is ours {_}
The season before their wedding throws a curveball at Jake and Bradley. But they face it as they always do- together.
Watson Wildhearts by KatofKanals {E}
{HS Football}
16 year old Bradley Bradhsaw is new to Watson, Texas in the summer of 2000 and he is downright miserable—he hates the whole town and all the people in it. That includes Jake Seresin, the star quarterback and rich boy at the top of the social pyramid. Eventually, though, Bradley starts to wonder if maybe there’s more to Watson and Jake Seresin than he saw at first glance. Maybe there’s something special there after all.
get your head in the game by abliafina {T}
{Volleyball in Corporate setting}
Hangman thought he'd thrown in the towel when it came to his volleyball days, but when Rooster, the handsome team leader from another company, invites him to join the summer tournament he knows he's done for. There were worse fates than spending the day on the beach.
Love (Suite Love) by hangmanbradshaw {T}
{NFL QB!Jake}
Jake never thought he'd leave a pop concert with a public crush. Bradley was on vocal rest. Really, he was.
sparks fly (sereshaw's version) by marchrain {T}
{College Baseball & Football}
Bradley Bradshaw, the freshman starting pitcher for Pacific Harbor University, meets Jake Seresin, the new hot-shot quarterback. He hates Jake, there's not a single thing likeable about him. He hates the way his hair is held up by gel, the look in those stupid emerald eyes of his, the fact that he's a football player of all sports—Jake's insufferable. But then, why does he enjoy their banter? Why does he like the dumb toothpick that sits between Jake's teeth? Why does his stomach flip when Jake laughs? Why do his eyes keep flicking down to Jake's lips? - or, sereshaw sports uni slice of life au
when bradley falls in love (goose & carole's version) by discosleaze {T}
{NFL QB!Jake}
Snippets of i want to brainwash you into loving me-verse, from Goose & Carole's perspectives, aka watching their son fall in love.
I talk a big game that I'm scared of losin' by hangmanbradshaw {E}
Jake's a professor ready to jump back into the dating pool, Bradley's a little rough around the edges, and Nat swears they're perfect for each other. She might be right. Or Jake dumps his loser ex and moves to California to be near Nat and Javy. Nat knows a guy, and sometimes opposites attract.
cuz you know I love the players and you love the game by hangmanbradshaw {E}
{College Baseball & Football & Cheerleading}
Jake's the star quarterback, Bradley's the star baseball captain. They both like playing games, turns out they want the same prize. Or Bradley dresses as a cheerleader for the team and Jake hates him (except that he totally doesn't)
suburban legends ✈ by vahosi
{NFL QB!Bradley}
we were born to be suburban legends {G}
unmarked numbers in my peripheral vision (july) — chapters 1-12 flush with the currency of cool (august) — chapters 13-24 where the spirit meets the bones (september) — chapters 25-36
we were born to be the pawn in every lover's game {_}
you kiss me in a way that's going to screw me up forever (october) — chapters 1-12 dare to sit and watch what we'll become (november) — chapters 13-24 my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand (december) — chapters 25-36
and they were batterymates by teacupivy {E}
They’ve been teammates for just a few months now, but plenty long enough to have the whole dick-measuring-in-the-locker-room, fist-fight-on-the-field, make-up-behind-the-scenes, suddenly-best-duo-in-the-MLB speedrun.
red river rivalry by hypnagogicpunisher {M}
{College Football}
He’s heard the buzz about the new 4-star on the Texas team. It piques his interest. Oklahoma had been dominating the last few years of the rivalry, but betting odds were hot against the Sooners going into the game week, partially because of this Seresin kid. A true freshman, with his kind of stats, was a rarity. Bradley wonders just a bit what his passing stats would look like with him, who seemingly has fucking magnets for hands and the ability to stretch for a pass like he’s made of rubber. -- He can feel the frustration snaking through his body, settling with a numbness in his fingertips. At 2nd and 10, his pass is tipped and ruled incomplete. He can hear a jeer from the sideline, and he fucking knows it’s Seresin.
Team Player by SunMonTue {E}
{NRL ➡️Not an AU but fits my kinda vibes}
Jake's cousin plays for the Sydney Roosters and gifts him with merchandise. Regularly. Bradley has an unexpected realization.
he's written mine on my upper thigh only in my mind by hangmanbradshaw {E}
{College Baseball & Tennis}
Jake is absolutely not going to spend his summer vacation alone at his family's beach house with his ex boyfriend and said ex's new boyfriend. Bradley needs a place to stay for the summer. Faking a relationship solves both their problems, until it creates a new problem when they start to fall for their own ruse. Unless it ends up not being a problem at all. Or Jake's a trust fund, tennis star at Vanderbilt. Bradley's an orphaned baseball star on scholarship. Their worlds are very different, but all they need is three months in Rhode Island to build a new one together.
this is me flying, this is me trying, this is what keeps me alive (like my daddy before me and his daddy before that) by playingwiththeboysisagayanthem {E}
{Barrel Racing}
" Bradley eyed his godfather questioningly and Mav sighed again, “I either break Carole’s rules behind her back or risk never being able to see her compete,” he stroked a soft hand over the horse’s nose, “And I don’t like either option.” The silence hung in the air for a long moment before Bradley broke it, “Soooo…” Mav chuckled and then sighed again, “I guess you just got your wish, kid, 'cause it looks like I’m about to have to teach you to be a barrel racer.” " --------------- aka, what if Mav and Goose were barrel racers instead of pilots? And Bradley followed in their footsteps?
but daddy I love him by hangmanbradshaw {E}
Bradley's life is far from perfect, especially with his injury and career going up in flames. Jake Seresin's life is gilded- golden and untouchable from his castle. He's everything Bradley's not- the son of one of Manhattan's most prestigious families, and the star of the New York Ballet. He's also, unfortunately, what Bradley needs right now, his last shot at getting back in the ring. He might end up being everything Bradley didn't know he needed, in the end. And as for Jake, well, it turns out he may need more than Bradley imagined.
nothing's gonna touch you in these golden years by idontshaveforsher_yesyoudo {T}
{Olympic pole vaulting & diver}
going to the Olympics to, hopefully, win gold in pole vaulting would be a lot more fun for Bradley if Jake Seresin, diver and asshole extraordinaire, wasn't also competing and making his life miserable. or would it?
got a shot of kerosene in my veins by halestrom {E}
Fighting was the only thing Bradley could do to help his family when they found themselves in a mountain of debt, and he didn't regret it, not if it meant they would be okay. But he never expected to meet Jake Seresin, nor to get drawn deeper into a world he didn't want any part of, even though, as time wore on, he realized he wanted Jake. More than he should.
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youcouldmakealife · 10 months
LBTE: Jared (118-121)
We head to Vancouver! And Joey makes the news.
If you want to follow along, the series page is here.
TW for a homophobic slur in here.
118. Niceties
Jared calls Bryce back, and manages not to cry on the phone. He packs with the help of an even quieter than usual Julius. He calls his mom, and promises he’ll talk to his dad tomorrow, because he can’t yet, he knows his dad being furious on his behalf is going to be just — too much.
They’re often so united on a hockey standpoint — remember Don’s gone to hundreds if not thousands of Jared’s games over the years, accompanied with almost as many debriefs — that talking to Don about stuff, especially stuff that they’re both angry or upset about, is often hearing his own thoughts from another person. And when he’s trying to suppress some of those thoughts so he doesn’t burst into tears, talking to Don is unhelpful.
He’s got a text from a 604 number when he gets off the phone. Hey, welcome to the Canucks! This is Gabe Markson. I’m probably your new centre. Sorry about the downgrade. Let me know if there’s anything you need. Whether that’s a ride from the airport or help finding a place, we got you.
It’s nice, especially since Jared’s used to being basically the only person he knows who uses proper capitalisation and punctuation in his texts, with the exception of Raf and Grace.
Love that Jared immediately approves of Gabe thanks to the magic of punctuation use.
hi new teammate! it says, followed by a slew of hockey related emojis and four blue whales. Jared guesses there aren’t any orcas.
Dmitry! Who forgot to identify himself.
“I can’t believe my mom gets to see you tomorrow and I don’t,” Bryce complains.
Which one is he more jealous of, I ask?
“We’re going to talk shit about you behind your back,” Jared says.
“Pft,” Bryce says, with the certainty of a man who knows his mother would never, even though his husband totally would.
Elaine is a Saint, and you can’t tell Bryce otherwise (or Jared, honestly)
He grabs a smoothie at Booster Juice, can just see Raf’s judgmental eyes, since it’s like, okay, only a smoothie in the loosest sense — chocolate almond milk and banana and frozen yogurt, a vaguely more socially acceptable milkshake for breakfast. Whatever. He deserves it.
The Funky Monkey is delicious. It also contains 67 grams of sugar. But jokes on Raf, the ostensibly more nutritious one he ordered after loser bought the winner a smoothie in their rookie years? Has 73. (and way more protein, but!)
Jared’s kind of figured out the standard of lying about his and Bryce’s marriage is that lying by omission: cool and also often necessary. Lying by lying? Not okay.
The current status of their compromise.
“I think you just jinxed me to get injured like, my first practice,” Jared says.
“Please don’t, our LTIR is literally just a list of all my former linemates right now,” Markson says.
Gabe is unfortunately not exaggerating. But on the bright side, their D is very healthy!
Raf says Oleg Kurmazov tells him not to take anything his brother says seriously, and between that and Markson’s surprise at how tame the text Jared got is, he’s getting a faintly terrifying picture of what to expect. If he got away from Jacobi just to play on a line with another Jacobi, he swears —
Jared is going to suffer and I will enjoy every minute of it.
That seems like the kind of thing the hockey gods would do. Not that Jared believes in them in a non-joking way, but the irony of Bryce and Jared swapping hometown teams feels exactly like something those non-existent hockey gods would do.
I am the hockey gods. It's a fun job, honestly. And also truly is hard to avoid a bit of sadism, I understand the not-real-but-also-don’t-wash-that-jersey IRL hockey gods.
Jared writes ‘Bryce Marcus’, and, in case there was any doubt it’s just a weird name doppelganger, Bryce’s date of birth probably cancels that out.
It’s not like the Canucks can trade him until the season’s over anyway.
Way less scary to write it in a form than tell your GM in a face to face meeting, but still pretty big.
“The leftovers are the best part,” Elaine says serenely when Jared questions her judgment on portion size. “Just pick whatever you like.”
What Jared apparently would like, is everything. Elaine may have made a good call, because he’s famished.
Her mom sense extends to you now too, Jared. And she’s right about leftovers.
“How jealous are you right now?” Jared says.
“I want to be there too,” Bryce complains.
“We had Chinese,” Jared says. “I’m sleeping over.”
“Stop rubbing it in,” Bryce says.
He's so pouty right now.
19. Acclimation
Jared’s nervous, walking into practice. It feels like the first day of school, but more — maybe the first day of school after you transfer. To a school of your enemies.
Evil Orca High.
Jared doesn’t ask what she needs to be downtown for, because he suspects the answer is ‘so I can drive you home’ but she’d make an excuse, so.
I mean, yes, but also: she's going shopping. Bryce didn't get that from nowhere.
but Elaine’s like Bryce — doing nice shit genuinely seems to make them happy.
Jared does not understand.
“We do not do this last names bullshit here,” Kurmazov says sternly, before tossing him a roll. “Dmitry. I don’t care if you pronounce it wrong, everyone does.”
Unlike his poor brother, stuck being referred to solely as Kurmazov by his own adopted hockey child for literal years.
“Please tell me you’re not like doing a Riley-Lapointe, married to a rival thing though,” Foster says.
“Um?” Jared says.
“Okay!” Foster says. “Okay. I. That’s fine!”
Poor Brian has not learned a key GM duty: keeping his inside thoughts on the inside.
“Good,” Foster says. “Maybe have a chat with Gabe? If there’s anything you’re concerned about, or — he’s good people, he’ll listen.”
Brian leaning so hard on 'please talk to our queer player about this' without actually saying it.
“Have I told you how happy we are to have you on the roster?” Brian says, and Jared has the sudden urge to hug him, but he’s pretty damn positive hugging your GM is not appropriate.
As far as GMs go, he is pretty huggable, despite the fact he could still likely snap Jared in two.
“I redecorated your room a little today,” Elaine says. “Bryce told me which mattress you guys like and they delivered it right away, it was terrific, and I’ve put Bryce’s spare clothes in storage, so there’s space in the closet and the dresser for your things, and in the bathroom too — I got a shower caddy, and the medicine cabinet’s —”
Count is at 3 magic beds now. Also she's nervous, bless her: she really wants Jared to feel welcome.
She’s taken the Canucks stuff out too, which he appreciates, because it was funny when he was visiting with Bryce, giving him shit about it, but feels faintly weird now that’s playing for them.
Can you imagine how much shit he would get. Can you.
“It’s like ten years old,” Bryce says. Jared wonders if Bryce and Elaine rehearsed the ‘override Jared’s protests’ together. “Need to play at your best, you know?”
Well, Bryce had to prepare her for Jared's tendency to turn down gifts.
The Canucks aren’t the Oilers, and if Jared wants to stay in the roster, avoid getting sent halfway across the continent to Utica, there’s no slacking off here.
The Canucks' AHL team is now in Abbotsford, which is a mere 70 km from Vancouver, but for literal years it was in upstate New York and boy were emergency recalls of players a fucking mess. Only arrangement I can think of that was less convenient was Montreal's farm team briefly being in Newfoundland, less because of distance (though there was plenty) and more because of weather and lack of alternate forms of transportation if Canadian winter was being Canadian winter (inevitably, it was).
Anyway, Jared has nothing to worry about: those cursed former linemates are all pretty far off from rejoining the roster.
“Okay, we’re both equally awesome,” Jared says.
“You’re more awesome,” Bryce says huffily.
Even their arguments are gross.
120. Machiavellianism
Jared has now seen a lot of Joey Munroe. Like — all of him.
Joey is not having a good day, everybody.
“You and Bryce don’t send each other nudes, do you?” his mom asks instead of saying ‘hello’.
“What!” Jared says. “Mom!”
“It’s a valid concern!” his mom says. “Just tell me you don’t and I’ll drop it!”
The cold fear that went through her body when she saw that article.
“How was your day?” his mom asks.
“Well, no one leaked nudes of me, so better than his,” Jared says.
“You said there were no nudes!” she says.
“I meant it hypothetically mom, oh my god,” Jared says.
They're both actively shrieking at one another at this point.
Greg’s sent him an email with no subject, the body reading ‘Would this be something to worry about? Greg’ because everyone in his life is collectively trying to murder him with embarrassment.
Greg also had the cold fear moment.
Jared’s too mature to respond with ‘No, oh my god’. Well, he clearly isn’t, because that’s exactly what he said to his mother, but he responds to Greg with a simple ‘No, nothing to worry about’, then, after a moment of thought, cc’s Summers in the email so hopefully Bryce doesn’t have to deal with the mortification too.
This is why Jared's Dave's favourite.
Maybe Jared’s too dumb to be Machiavellian. It’s distinctly possible.
I like that Jared has this thought and then later just goes straight back to schemes, some of which work out…poorly
“You see the thing with the Scout?” Jared asks before their game against the Golden Seals, voice carefully pitched low so Dmitry won’t overhear.
“Yeah,” Gabe says. “That was super fucked up.”
“That he’s gay, or—”
I know Jared's fishing. You know Jared's fishing. Gabe just hears a dude saying 'yeah it's fucked up he's gay' when he's already in a clenched stomach bad mood about this.
He feels even more off when he notices Gabe talking to Munroe at centre ice, both of them looking serious. Maybe they know one another, but Gabe wasn’t talking about him like he knew him personally when Jared brought it up. Gabe skates away, skates back when another Scout calls his name, and Jared watches warily. It doesn’t look like a fight, or like Gabe was giving him shit? But then, there’s no way to tell.
Gabe's a good boy. Reminder that the other Scout was Scratch communing with Gabe, as he is obligated to do with every other Torontonian, while Joey silently sighed at him. Already married.
“What’d you tell Munroe?” Jared asks.
“That I was really sorry that happened to him,” Gabe says. “And that I don’t know what he’ll deal with from other teams, but that none of the Canucks are going to be assholes about it.”
“You can’t exactly guarantee that,” Jared says.
“I know our room,” Gabe says, then frowns at him. “I don’t need to tell you not to be an asshole about it, right?”
All members of Canuck leadership would lose their shit if someone was an asshole about it. Well, that's not true. Gabe would do 'I'm really disappointed in your behaviour', and that would hurt the most.
Oh great, Jared’s just — really hitting his accidentally appearing homophobic stride with Gabe lately.
He could not do better if he tried.
The loss isn’t his fault — the Scouts terrifyingly talented first line is responsible for every single goal
Stupid sexy Willy. Stupid shitty Shithead.
“But would you be cool about it?” Jared asks. “I’m pretty sure he’s going to be cool, he’s the YCP rep—”
“Casterley’s the YCP rep for the Flames,” Bryce says. “And he calls the refs faggots every time we get a goal disallowed.”
Hey remember when Andrew Shaw got suspended for calling the ref that exact thing and became the Canadiens' YCP representative after? Because I do.
Also: you may recall Casterley as the dude low-key cheating on his wife in Luke's narrative. He sucks.
“I get it,” Bryce says. “Good luck?”
Jared’s faintly concerned at this rate he’s going to somehow come off as homophobic when he’s coming out, so he probably needs it.
I mean, if anyone could…
“Elaine and I hate it,” Jared says. “No more fights.”
“You can’t just team up with my mom against me,” Bryce mutters.
“We’re an awesome team, though,” Jared says. “The best team.”
Way to shut Bryce down. Man can't argue that.
121. Confession
“I can—” Jared interrupts, because if he doesn’t get it out soon he knows he’s going to balk. “I’m um. I’m married.”
“Okay,” Gabe says, frowning the exact same way Foster did, like he’s confused by the nonsequitor. Which is understandable.
Generally the wedding ring speaks for itself.
“Dude,” Gabe says. “I’m not kidding. You met Stephen. Like, for a minute, but you met him.”
“Your roommate?” Jared asks.
“He’s my boyfriend,” Gabe says, and the living arrangements suddenly make way more sense.
To be fair if there was anywhere someone making NHL money would require a roommate, Vancouver’s near the top of the list.
“Dmitry, all of the vets know for sure,” Gabe says. “Pretty much everyone who’s been here since before this season. I think the entire roster has figured out he’s my boyfriend. We’re not shouting it from the rooftops or anything, because the media—” he makes a face Jared wholly agrees with, “— but we’re not hiding it from the team.”
Stephen routinely hosting wine parties for the WAGs is a pretty big tell, there.
“I don’t think they’d be adopting my husband any time soon,” Jared says before he can stop himself.
“Stephen’s like the grumpiest person alive sometimes, if they adopted him I’m sure your husband will be part of the crew in a day,” Gabe says.
Yeah, he'll do okay.
“I told him you guys have the same sense of humour and view of the world and stuff,” Gabe says.
Jared is no less confused, and now he’s kind of curious what Gabe thinks Jared’s sense of humour and view of the world is.
“Like —” Jared says finally. “Snide? And — cynical? Or—”
“Yeah, he’s going to love you,” Gabe says with a laugh.
A minion of his very own?! Gabe, you shouldn't have!
Schmid’s in the shower when Jared gets back, and who knows when he got in it, how long that’ll last, but he’s a bathroom hog, takes forever with his whole grooming thing — Jared has no clue what takes so long, dude always looks unkempt, but maybe that’s a purposeful look? — so Jared’s probably safe.
Poor Schmid doing nothing but minding his own business in the proximity of the most judgmental man alive.
And that’s on top of Jared getting to play for Bryce’s childhood team, to live in his childhood home with Bryce’s mom. Jared’s pretty much living the life Bryce would have wanted growing up. Except not even, because Jared’s probably living the life Bryce would never have dreamt he could have possibly have when he was growing up. And there wasn’t a hint of resentment in Bryce’s voice when he told Jared he was happy for him.
“I love you, you know that?” Jared asks.
“I know,” Bryce says, which Jared needs to hear more than ‘I love you too’ right now, though Bryce says it immediately after, because he’s Bryce.
Bryce <3
“Chaz could come, it could be like,” Bryce says. “Chill. Like, we could grab drinks or dinner or something somewhere. Maybe not like — I don’t know if I’d be ready for him to like, know who we are to each other, not when I don’t actually know him, but like — meeting him’s the first step, you know?”
Chaz will not find this chill. Chaz will find this the opposite of chill, in fact.
“Because I’m snide and cynical,” Jared says. It maybe comes out a little snidely, because seriously, how is Bryce still confused.
“No you aren’t,” Bryce says.
“Bryce,” Jared says.
“But like in a good way!” Bryce protests. “I like it from you!”
<333333 Bryce
Though it’s faintly worrying that Gabe picked up on those things within weeks of meeting him, especially because Jared has been on his best behaviour the whole time. Apparently Jared’s best behaviour’s still noticeably snide.
Such a lack of self-knowledge. And actual good behaviour. Jared is admirably true to himself, though!
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soul-controller · 2 years
I'm thinking of dressing up as a hockey player this year...
Ooh, that’s an interesting choice for a Halloween costume! Given the fact that I’m not too well-versed in the hockey realm, I’m certainly willing to help you get the perfect uniform.
While you were busy sleeping after sending in that ask, I was hard at work doing some intense research about the hunkiest players in the NHL. Although there were certainly countless hunks that I could turn you into like Tyler Seguin, I found myself intensely drawn to the Washington Capitals player Tom Wilson. I mean, can you truly blame me when he is the literal embodiment of a tall, dark, and handsome man! With that gorgeous, bearded face of his along with that 6’4” stature, I feel like that’s the perfect body for anyone, but especially a hockey fan like you! 
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Upon waking up the next morning and seeing a message from me saying that your costume wish had been granted, you excitedly ran towards your front door. Unfortunately, the package hadn’t arrived yet, so your original hype was destroyed for the next few hours as you were forced to get ready and head out to do your assorted tasks of work or potential school courses. By the time you finally returned home later in the evening though, you were relieved to walk up to your doorstep and find my package waiting for you.
Smiling as you picked up the package before unlocking your door and heading inside, you wasted no time tearing it open as you headed back into your place. For years, you had loved hockey and always dreamed of playing it, but your lack of coordination on ice skates completely obliterated that possibility. As such, the concept of dressing up as a hunky player was the best you could do to live out that fantasy… until now.
After cutting open the box and pulling out a replica jersey, you immediately took off your shirt and began to put on the jersey instead. Although you were certainly appreciative of getting the costume from me, there was a fleeting moment of shame that you felt as you took a look in the mirror and stared at how ill-fitting the jersey looked on you. You weren’t athletic in the slightest, which was a big reason why the jersey was a bit snug around your midsection while baggy everywhere else due to the lack of any real physical activity. 
However, as you continued to stare into the mirror at your reflection, a bizarre glitching suddenly emerged in the mirror as flashes of a crowded arena emerged in front of you. On top of this, there were brief bits of ear-numbing cheering that caused you to lean down in horror while plugging your ears. Unfortunately, as you leaned down and attempted to muffle the sound of a roaring audience, a body swap between yourself and Tom Wilson occurred while he was in the middle of a match. You didn’t know this, but it soon became clear as a devastating blow to your lower torso emerged as the wind was knocked out of you and caused you to fall to the ground. 
As your eyes rolled into the back of your head momentarily from the collision, the sudden parting of your eyelids brought forth the confusing sight of metal beams and trusses running along the high ceilings rather than the plain white ceilings of your residence. Although this was certainly bizarre by itself, the sudden emergence of hockey players quickly skating to a halt around you caused you to grow quite alarmed.
“Wilson, you good?” one person inquired, which immediately caused your eyes to widen at the statement. 
“Wha- what did you just say?” you asked back, wondering if this was some lucid dream you were having. You were so disarmed by what was going on that you didn’t even get to notice the brand new and huskier voice you now spoke with.
“Uh, I asked if you were ok Tom. Do we need to pull you off the rink or are you ready to get back to playing?” the original man responded, a clear hint of annoyance emerging in his voice as he continued to speak. Before you could even ask further questions, the man said, “C’mon get up,” and extended a hand out towards you. As you reached out to accept it, your eyes immediately took note of the thick gloves that were now on your hands. 
Groaning as you were pulled back up to your feet, you tried to take a step before you stumbled and nearly fell. Luckily, one of the other hockey players was able to catch you before you fell, which allowed you to look down and see the ice skates now wrapped around your feet rather than the worn-down sneakers that you had previously been wearing. Still unsure of whether this was a dream or not, your eyes couldn’t help but look up and scan through the area you now found yourself in. Rather than your small residence that needed some much needed TLC, you now found yourself in a fully-packed hockey arena complete with a cheering crowd that was shouting something in unison. Leaning in to hear it, your face twisted into shock as you heard them shouting “WILSON! WILSON!” on repeat.
With enough context clues, you were pretty confident about what was going on, but you still found yourself looking up at the jumbotron to verify. Upon doing so and lifting your head up, you looked at the screen and found that the handsome visage of Tom Wilson was on the screen looking up. Tilting your head and watching through your peripheral vision as Tom on the screen did the same thing, you realized that your assumption was true. You had somehow ended up in Tom’s body!
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While you were unsure whether this was just some sort of possession or shapeshift, the reality of the situation was that the replica uniform had caused you to swap bodies with the real Tom Wilson. So while you ended up with the dreamy hockey body and life you had always dreamed of, Tom found himself left in your slightly out of shape body staring directly into the mirror at his new yet incredibly average face. 
While he was off having a complete breakdown wondering what happened to him though, you found yourself quickly getting checked by an on-site doctor for any injuries. After they verified that you weren’t seriously injured in any way despite the dull numbing pain from falling on your ass, you were quickly sent back out to begin your new life as a professional hockey player.
Although you weren’t athletically inclined back in your old body, becoming Tom seemed to completely change that as you were suddenly excelling at the sport. Throughout the remainder of the game, you were able to easily tap into elements of Tom’s skills and personality to help lead the Capitals to a resounding victory. It was certainly nice to feel quite talented with navigating the rink on ice skates while juking out the opposing team, so much so that you soon found that it was quite hot to tap into Tom’s rather aggressive mentality on the rink as you worked brutally to make sure that your team was the successful one.
Upon finishing up and heading back to the locker room, you were quite excited about how well your first game as Tom Wilson went. You had personally expected it to be a complete disaster given your anxieties about becoming a high-profile athlete, but you soon found yourself growing increasingly confident and even cocky about just how well you had filled Tom’s shoes during the game.
As such, you couldn’t resist celebrating your win by opting to dress up in the designer suit in Tom’s locker rather than the simple t-shirt and short outfit that he had originally planned on wearing post-game. Taking a look in the mirror of the locker room before heading out, you couldn’t help but swoon at just how attractive and manly you looked and felt now. So while you swaggered your way down the hallway of the arena and took a look at the brand new Rolex around your wrist, it was impossible not for you to have a cocky smirk on your face. 
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Upon exiting the venue and beginning to make your way towards the top of the line sports car that Tom owned, you quickly recalled the fact that Tom was a married man. Although you had formerly been a gay man, swapping bodies with Tom seemed to alter that as your cock immediately began to harden while envisioning her completely nude. Licking your lips as your mind fantasized about your new wife’s breasts, you wasted no time speeding off away from the venue and towards your new home. It was rather hot to tap into that dominant and aggressive streak of Tom’s while playing on the rink, but you couldn’t help but think about how hotter it would be to utilize that with her once you got home… 
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thecedarsights · 9 months
May I humbly request some NY hc’s?
**it’s fine if not dw**
idk if they'll be terribly interesting? but i'll try lol!
He has an affinity for all of the animals, plants, just nature related state symbols (e.g. beavers, eastern bluebird, nine-spotted ladybugs, sugar maples, etc. etc.), and probably loves learning about all of them.
He loves horses, and while he likes watching horse racing occasionally, he doesn't find the sport too terribly interesting. He probably talks about horse racing with someone like Kentucky though sometimes. He gets his mild interest in it from the horse racing in his own state (such as in places like the Saratoga Race Course as an example).
Is relatively decent at keeping plants alive, all things considered. The only person he really trusts to take care of them if he's not there is New Jersey. No one else gets to go near his plants. He likes to name them, too, sometimes.
Despite how much he makes fun of New Jersey's state nickname, he still trusts him the most when it comes to plants and gardening.
Not very original, but he has some pet pigeons.
He used to have a black cat named Void that would perch on his shoulder all the time.
Has snapped at multiple others to remind them New York state is not just the city. Sometimes though, he seems to forget this himself, much to his own dismay.
His answer on when 'upstate' starts seems to change semi-frequently, if someone asks for his personal opinions about it.
He gives Vermont Stewart's cards (gift cards you can only use in the store and those 'one free ____' ones) sometimes.
Adding on to that, he also sometimes will have a milkshake from them with him when he goes to the table. It got snatched once by Florida who then drank it and he still holds a grudge about it.
Occasionally swaps books with Washington, but will anxiously wait the entire time it is not in his possession.
There are times where he finds California extremely pathetic (can have different meanings, though. There are times where it's the 'soggy, sad kicked looking puppy' kind of pathetic or the 'you literally fucking suck, wtaf is wrong with you' kind of pathetic, among others).
Sometimes he'll make very spicy food and before he goes to eat it, walk up to others that don't like and/or can't tolerate spice and ask them to smell it, just to laugh at their reactions.
He likes playing sports. Ones he like are tennis, air hockey and volleyball, among (some very obvious) others.
He gets self conscious sometimes playing more active sports, or doing active things like running if he knows people are watching him.
He doesn't like swimming, be he does know how to.
He likes to go out into less populated parts of his state just so he can sit down and listen to nature.
He'll try to 'forage' in forests upstate sometimes, just so he find plants to take pictures and video of so he can show them to New Jersey to see if he likes them and ask what they are.
He used to skateboard because he knew it pissed other personifications off. He doesn't as much anymore, but he still has a decked out looking skateboard (it's black with things all over it. He decorated it himself and is very proud of it).
He knows multiple languages.
He finds the fact that it only snows for about a day or two in November and December in certain parts of his state now very depressing. He hates the fact sometimes it doesn't even snow until January. He doesn't like snow much, but he misses it when he doesn't see it as much as he used to.
His favorite drink is water. Cold, preferably.
He likes old/vintage stuff. He doesn't like calling them that though, because "It felt like this was the newest shit just last [speaks New York] week!".
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estapa-edwards · 6 months
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paring: Luke Hughes x fem! reader
word count: 2.4k
requested? yes - luke falling in love with the media girl at the new jersey devil and finally asking her out
warnings: use of y/n. multiple pov
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I've been working closely with the Devils for the past couple of years, crafting content, capturing moments, and sharing the team's journey with fans around the world. It's a job I love, immersed in the world of hockey and surrounded by passionate individuals who share the same love for the sport.
One player, in particular, had caught my eye since he joined the team – Luke Hughes. As a rising star defenseman, he commanded attention on the ice with his skillful play and undeniable charisma. But it wasn't just his performance on the rink that intrigued me; there was something about his infectious smile and genuine personality that drew me in.
As the seasons passed and the rhythm of the hockey calendar dictated our lives, Luke and I found ourselves drawn together by the magnetic pull of our shared experiences. It was during those moments in between the action, the quiet lulls amidst the chaos, that our connection began to deepen.
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During interviews, our conversations would often veer off course, wandering into topics far beyond the scope of the game. Luke's genuine curiosity about my life outside of the arena was both surprising and endearing. We swapped stories about our childhoods, our favorite movies, and our shared love for good food. It was during these impromptu exchanges that I discovered the layers beneath the confident exterior of the hockey star – the insecurities, the dreams, the quirks that made him undeniably human.
Promotional shoots became an opportunity for us to explore our creative sides together. Whether we were brainstorming ideas for social media campaigns or striking poses for team merchandise, there was an undeniable synergy between us. Luke's playful nature brought out the best in me, inspiring me to push the boundaries of my creativity and embrace the spontaneity of the moment.
And then there were the social media campaigns – our bread and butter in the digital age of sports marketing. As the social media coordinator for the Devils, I was responsible for crafting content that resonated with fans and showcased the team's personality both on and off the ice. Luke, with his infectious energy and natural charisma, was the perfect partner in crime. Whether we were filming behind-the-scenes videos, hosting live Q&A sessions, or engaging with fans on Twitter, our dynamic duo captured the hearts of Devils fans everywhere.
But amidst the whirlwind of interviews, shoots, and campaigns, it was the quiet moments in between that I cherished the most. The stolen glances across a crowded room, the shared smiles that spoke volumes without a single word exchanged. It was during those moments that I felt the walls around my heart slowly crumbling, giving way to the possibility of something more than just friendship.
And as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, I couldn't shake the feeling that Luke Hughes had become more than just a teammate or a colleague – he had become a permanent fixture in my life, a constant presence that I couldn't imagine living without. 
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As the final buzzer sounded, signaling the Devils' hard-fought victory on the ice, the arena erupted into a cacophony of cheers and applause. Luke and Y/N found themselves caught up in the swell of excitement and emotion, the electric atmosphere pulsating around them like a living, breathing entity.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she watched with bated breath, her eyes fixed on Luke as he skated across the rink, his movements fluid and graceful, his arms raised triumphantly in the air. In that moment, he was more than just a hockey player – he was a hero, a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
"That was incredible," Y/N exclaimed, her voice tinged with awe as she watched him bask in the glow of their win. The pride swelling in her chest was palpable, a surge of emotion threatening to overwhelm her as she realized the magnitude of what they had accomplished together.
Luke flashed her a grin, his eyes shining with adrenaline-fueled excitement. "Thanks, Y/N," he replied, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without your support."
Y/N felt her breath catch in her throat at his words, her heart skipping a beat as she absorbed the weight of his gratitude. It was a simple acknowledgment, a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of things, but to her, it meant everything. It was validation – validation of her hard work, her dedication, her unwavering belief in him and the team.
"You're welcome," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll always be here to cheer you on, no matter what." Her words were a promise, a pledge of allegiance to the man who had captured her heart without even realizing it.
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It was during one particularly intense game that everything changed. The Devils were down a goal with minutes left on the clock, tension thick in the air as the crowd held its breath. In a dramatic turn of events, Luke managed to score the tying goal, sending the arena into a frenzy of cheers and applause.
Amidst the celebration, our eyes met across the crowded arena, a shared moment of triumph and exhilaration. And in that instant, I knew – I was falling for Luke Hughes.
But as the game ended and the crowd began to disperse, doubt crept into my mind. What if I was misreading the signs? What if our connection was nothing more than professional courtesy? I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the task at hand as I followed the team to the locker room for post-game interviews.
It was there, amidst the chaos of the locker room, that Luke sought me out. His eyes were bright with excitement, a victorious grin playing on his lips as he approached me.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "I just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work. That goal wouldn't have been possible without you."
I felt my cheeks flush with heat, a rush of emotions swirling inside me as I met his gaze. "It was all you out there," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "You played an amazing game."
Luke smiled, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned in closer. "Hey, do you maybe want to grab dinner sometime? You know, to celebrate the win?"
My heart skipped a beat, the world around us fading away as I processed his words. Luke Hughes, asking me out on a date? It felt like a dream come true.
"Um, yeah," I stammered, a smile spreading across my face. "I would love to."
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Luke Hughes sat in the locker room, his mind swirling with thoughts of the game ahead. The adrenaline coursed through his veins, his heart pounding with anticipation. But amidst the excitement of the upcoming match, there was another thought that lingered at the back of his mind – Y/N.
From the moment he first laid eyes on her, Luke knew there was something special about Y/N. It wasn't just her beauty or her infectious smile that drew him in; it was the way she carried herself, with a confidence and grace that was impossible to ignore. And as he got to know her better, he discovered that beneath the surface, there was a kindness and warmth that made her truly captivating.
As the seasons passed and their paths continued to intertwine, Luke found himself drawn to Y/N in ways he couldn't explain. There was a magnetic pull between them, a natural chemistry that made every interaction feel effortless and meaningful. Whether they were working together on promotional shoots or sharing moments of quiet camaraderie in between interviews, Luke felt a connection with Y/N that went beyond words.
But it wasn't just her professional prowess that impressed him – it was her passion for the game, her dedication to her craft, and her unwavering support for the team that truly captured his heart. In Y/N, Luke found a kindred spirit, someone who shared his love for hockey and understood the sacrifices he made to pursue his dreams.
And as he sat in the locker room, preparing to take the ice with his teammates, Luke couldn't shake the feeling that Y/N was more than just a colleague or a friend – she was someone he could see himself building a future with. But he also knew that crossing that line was fraught with uncertainty and risk. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if their relationship changed the dynamic of their team?
Luke Hughes leaned against the wall of the locker room, his heart pounding in his chest as he stole a glance at Y/N across the room. She was engrossed in conversation with a colleague, her laughter ringing out like music in the air. For a moment, he hesitated, his mind swirling with doubts and uncertainties. But then he remembered the way she had looked at him during the game, the spark of excitement in her eyes as they celebrated their victory together. And in that moment, he knew – he had to take a chance.
Pushing himself away from the wall, Luke crossed the room with determined strides, his heart racing with nerves as he approached Y/N. As he drew closer, he could feel the weight of his words hanging in the air, a lump forming in his throat as he struggled to find the right thing to say.
"Hey, Y/N," he said, his voice slightly shaky but filled with genuine warmth. "I just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work tonight. That goal wouldn't have been possible without you."
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes shining with surprise and gratitude. "Oh, it was nothing," she replied, her voice soft but sincere. "You played an amazing game out there."
Luke smiled, his confidence growing with each passing moment. "Listen, I was thinking," he began, his words tumbling out in a rush of excitement. "Would you maybe want to grab dinner sometime? You know, to celebrate the win?"
As he waited for her response, Luke felt a surge of nervous energy coursing through his veins. What if she said no? What if he had misread the signs and made a fool of himself? But then Y/N's face broke into a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
"Um, yeah," she stammered, her cheeks flushing with color. "I would love to."
A wave of relief washed over Luke as he took in her words, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Great," he said, unable to contain his excitement. "How about tomorrow night? I know this great Italian place downtown."
Y/N nodded eagerly, her smile widening with each passing second. "Sounds perfect," she replied, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.
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The soft glow of candlelight bathed the cozy Italian restaurant in a warm, inviting ambiance as Luke and I sat across from each other, our conversation flowing effortlessly like a river winding its way through the night. From the moment we arrived, there had been a palpable energy between us – a sense of anticipation that hung in the air like a promise waiting to be fulfilled.
As we sipped on glasses of red wine and savored bites of delicious pasta, the outside world faded away, leaving only the two of us lost in our own little bubble of bliss. Luke's laughter filled the air, a melodic symphony that echoed in my ears like music to my soul.
"So, tell me more about yourself," he said, his eyes sparkling with genuine curiosity. "What do you like to do when you're not busy running the Devils' social media empire?"
I couldn't help but smile at his playful tone, the warmth of his gaze sending shivers down my spine. "Well, I'm a bit of a bookworm," I confessed, feeling a rush of excitement as I shared a piece of myself with him. "I love getting lost in a good novel, especially anything with a bit of mystery or romance."
Luke nodded, his expression thoughtful as he leaned in closer. "I can relate to that," he admitted, his voice low and intimate. "There's something magical about getting lost in a story, isn't there? It's like you're transported to a whole other world."
As the night wore on and the hours slipped away, our conversation deepened, weaving through topics both trivial and profound. We talked about our hopes and dreams, our fears and insecurities, laying bare our souls like open books for the other to read.
And then, amidst the laughter and the shared moments of connection, there was a shift in the air – a subtle change that left me breathless with anticipation. As Luke reached across the table to refill my wine glass, his touch sent a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins, igniting a fire deep within my heart.
"Y/N," he began, his voice soft but filled with conviction. "There's something I need to tell you."
I held my breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I waited for him to continue. In that moment, the world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us suspended in time, lost in a moment of shared intimacy.
"I know we've only known each other for a relatively short time," Luke continued, his eyes locked with mine, "but from the moment I met you, I felt something special – something I've never felt before."
I felt a rush of warmth flood my cheeks as I listened to his words, my heart swelling with emotion. "Luke," I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I feel it too."
And then, without hesitation, he reached across the table and took my hand in his, his touch sending a wave of tingles dancing across my skin. "Y/N," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I know this might sound crazy, but I think I'm falling for you."
Tears welled up in my eyes as I gazed into his, the depth of his feelings mirrored in the depths of his soul. In that moment, I knew – I was falling for him too, falling harder and faster than I ever thought possible.
And as we sat there, hand in hand, lost in the glow of the candlelight and the warmth of each other's presence, I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world. For in Luke Hughes, I had found not just a teammate or a colleague, but a kindred spirit – someone who saw me for who I truly was and loved me all the more for it.
And as our eyes met across the table, a silent vow passed between us – a promise to cherish this moment, this connection, for as long as our hearts beat as one.
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stupidratboii · 1 year
@slytherpuff4 @mysemantics
You guys said you wanted to know everything I've noticed about mighty ducks
Here are my thoughts and things I've noticed as of 4/24/23
When they first meet Jesse speaks to Bombay first and claims that "his domain" is a drug free zone
They all thought Bombay has a gun first
Goldberg said he wasn't the goalie for long, he was moving back to Philadelphia
Who dressed these kids.
Connie likes Madonna
The hawks (Adams og team) have the same chant that Orion makes the ducks have in the first half of his coaching
Goldberg hates being a goalie, so why does he do it
Even his team wants a new goalie
Banks is so gay "it'd make great bathroom reading" to a porn mag...c'mon now
Bombays a little funny guy he needs to be so fr
He struggles to say sorry LIKE BFFR 🙄🙄
The only reason the ducks are so good is because Gordon got ducks worth a jersey
Fulton has a lot of rumors going on with him
Goldbergs jewish
It's always Fulton and Charlie together
Adam has an older brother
Fulton has really nice handwriting (writing the principal thingy) like really really nice handwriting holy shit
Karp (Tommy) shoving Peter in his locker
ooo the Jessman
Jesse's dad and Charlie's moms friendship is so cute
Guy telling Fulton advice and then winking at connie
Tammy's real mean but she's so cool
Connie and guy holding hands while skating
Fulton and Adam sitting next to each
Adam gets nervous at the sight of his old team
Charlie and Coach cooking together
Charlie's mom used to sculpt and she paints now
She rambles when she's nervous
The driver stays with Bombay the whole season
The ducks in the standing line talking shit
Adam looking away from his old team during the line
Larson (from the hawks) stays with Banks until the paramedics get there
Fulton flips a guy into the box
"He barely touched em"
Gordon tries out for the minors
That's why he gets hurt in the beginning of d2
Avermans passive aggressive
Coach Orions actor is really good
Fultons actor actually plays more hockey then the rest
Linda is only there for Charlies relationship. She doesn't hold any significance to the story.
Julie's an A student
Dean's wayy nicer to the warriors in D3 than expected
Suddenly in D3, Averman can't stop??? Luis and him switched I guess
Dean's voice gets higher when upset.
Averman does a little dance when dean starts to get undressed in the penalty box
Fulton and Portman crushing Orion in a hug
Charlie and his mom just... casually talking next to Luis and some girl swapping spit..
Goldberg suddenly can't (roller) skate in d3 but in D1 they were all Rollin around the mall?
Tommy is never mentioned again
Neither is Tammy
What happened to them?
Did they leave?
What happened to banks?? (His injury)
Kenny's a pessimist
Dean points girls out for Fulton to flirt with?
Wtf happened to Peter?
Charlie tackle hugs Portman after the jv vs v game
Ken was in the Olympics
Russ has an older brother
In d2 Kenny's a fucking menace but in D3 he's all
👉👈🥺 how do I trash talk
Fultons from Stillwater
Goldbergs from Philadelphia, so I wonder who the goalie was before he was there.
Kenny was there helping Goldberg and Luis prank dwayne
Fulton sucks at flirting
Like literally he's so bad it's insane
Him and Dean laugh about it
It's actually so bad I love him
Why did they change averman and Luis
Why is dean like that.
I wonder why Tammy and Tommy's mom wouldn't be happy about hockey
Why was Tammy so mean?
Adam tells people what they can and can't do a lot.
Charlie thinks he'd be a better coach then a player
Goldberg was ab to rock Iceland's shit for calling him big boy and Dwayne and Kenny held him back
Iceland's mechanism is to go for the weak spots and play dirty
Charlie's a Leo
Fulton and Russ looking at each other when doing the team cheer thingy like THE QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK THINGY
Thanks for the breather AND THEN LINGERING EYES?
Dean threatening someone's life when he hurts Adams arm
Charlie wears vans?
Dwayne plays guitar!! (D2 end scene!)
When Bombay reads off the names when meeting the kids he says Averman, Dave; Conway, Charlie" was Avermans first name supposed to be Dave
The actor for the principal is the same teacher from d3 (Claudia Wilkens)
Dwayne and Fulton hang out a lot and are really affectionate friends? Like they always go for each other when hugging and stuff. ??? Maybe the actors were just close? Maybe there's more :O
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
Hockey AU thoughts - PolyGhouls sleeping in each other’s jerseys during off season. Like Dew just curled up in Aethers jersey, or Rain curled up in Mountains. Cirrus and Sunshine swap around, Swiss basically crying when Cumulus asks to borrow his. Terzo walking into the kitchen with Omegas jersey basically reaching his knees. Ifrit stealing Mists and wearing it like a crop top. Just Ghouls and Jerseys and Domesticity.
this is very very adorable. it makes me think of back in high school when all the girlfriends of the guys in football would wear their jerseys on game days, and they'd all just be drowning in them, wearing them almost like a dress with their shorts barely visible underneath lol!!
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