purplekiwis · 2 years
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Summary: It's no secret that as a figure skater, you're fed up with the local hockey team being treated like royalty... and your ex's status as a player isn't helping much either.
Genre: Exes to Lovers (Enemies to Lovers if you blink 😉)
Warnings: it's angsty and smutty
Wordcount: 8K
A/N: i'd like to thank @sucker4angstt for requesting this concept! it was a blast to work on and i hope you guys have as much fun reading it as i had writing it 🤍
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“You wanna do black again? Didn’t we do that last time?” Niall inquired as he switched off the car’s ignition.
You had just shown him a dress you had found the night before in hopes he would like it, but as you had already been expecting, he claimed black was boring and wouldn't stand out among the competition. “Well, yes but this one’s a different style from the last one. It would go well with our song.”
“It wouldn’t hurt to try something new sometimes, you know? Like white or blue… perhaps even red?” He suggested as he removed both your skating bags from the trunk and placed them down by his feet.
You hid a sigh while you took your bag from him. It never got easier to admit that you had to consider the price before picking the costume. For whatever reason, there was always a hint of embarrassment associated to that admission. Needless to say you would also prefer to wear a bright colored outfit with lots of glitter and transparencies, but those were simply out of reach for your budget.
“We did red once already, that time we did Moulin Rouge.” You reminded him as you walked side by side, each of you steering your own carryon.
“Hm, that’s true. I’d forgotten about that.”
You hadn’t been lucky enough to land a parking spot right at the front of the sports centre that morning, which sucked big time given how chilly it was outside. Getting up early for practice was never fun, but during the winter months it got almost unbearable. Especially when the sky was all hazy and mostly black by the time you woke up.
“How would you feel about like, a nude?” You proposed, despite the fact that you weren't really fond of the color.
“From you?” Niall sniggered. “Thanks but I think I’ll have to pass.”
“Come on, can't you be serious for like 2 seconds? This is important.” You huffed, pretending like you hadn’t found his little joke amusing. “Also, um... I know this is probably like super annoying for you but my budget’s kinda tight right now, so if you’d be willing to repeat one of our previous outfits, that would be awesome.”
Niall laughed a bit. “Stop with that nonsense, will you? It's not annoying and of course I don't mind. Sides, it's not like it'll even matter what we wear. We'll do so well that the judges won't even think to pay attention to our outfits.” He then turned to you and stated, “...That being said, I still don't want to wear black again.”
“Aff, fine.” You grumbled. “Which one do you want to wear then?”
“Hm.. I dunno, actually.” He took a moment to reflect. “How about we just start naming them until we find one we both agree on?”
“That’s not a bad idea, actually.”
“Ready?” He asked, you nodded. “1, 2, 3…”
“Orange.” You said it in unison, but your faces immediately turned down in distaste after. “Nevermind the orange. I still don't know what we were thinking when we picked those.”
“Yeah, me neither.” You admitted through a deep breath in. “I’d be fine with the green though, as long as it's the dark one.”
“Make it the medium dark, and it’s settled.”
You reached an agreement right as you were approaching the entrance of the sports centre, where some figure skaters you had grown familiar with over the years were gathering. Surprisingly, neither unpacking nor warming up.
“Are you guys all done already?” You asked them as you dashed towards your usual warm-up area. It was spacious and had a canopy that kept you dry in case it rained. “I didn’t realize we were late...” You earned Niall's judgmental stare with your sentence. He had been rushing you all morning, but you were sure you weren't that late. As far as your calculations were concerned, you were just in time for your first warm-up.
In days like these, it was always very tempting to skimp on the off the ice warm-ups and go straight to the rink, but with the championship right around the corner, neither you nor Niall would take that risk. Because although you also competed individually, it was as a pair that you really stood out. Your journey to nationals depended on you both, and you weren't going to jeopardize all that for being too lazy to stretch.
“Don’t bother starting.” One of the skaters, Natalia, intervened when she realized what the two of you were up to. “The Emperors booked early morning.” She clarified, upon noticing your perplexed looks.
“They did what-” You gasped, all the more startled.
“They can’t do that.” Niall said after you, and the look on his face was as distressed as yours. “They already take up most of the rink’s time!”
“When their stupid coach came we tried to tell him that, but he refused to listen. He didn't even pause- just walked straight through as if we weren't here.” The new skater jumped into the conversation. You hadn't officially met her yet, but you knew her name was Mei, a.k.a the girl Niall had been crushing on for weeks.
Redness engulfed his cheeks as soon as she looked his way, but he still managed to respond, albeit stutteringly. “Yeah, I'm not too surprised… Y/N’s ex plays on the team and he always used to say the guy was a moron.” You pointed out Niall’s oversharing by flashing him a chastising look, but he was too engrossed in Mei's beauty to notice your death stare.
You cleared your throat, now feeling a touch hot in the face too, before turning to the remainder of the group, “Have you spoken to couch Jo or Paul? Aren't they supposed to come teach the kids right after we leave?”
“Yeah.” Natalia sighed. “Apparently they’ve had to rescheduled some of the skating classes but nothing much. Basically it's fine for everyone but us.”
“So what time can we come now?” The Emperors could have taken your place, but surely they had to have left a gap somewhere.
“That’s the thing.” Mei explained. “There’s no time apart from the lessons we have with our coaches. A spot is available in the afternoon, but that's just not feasible for anyone.”
“What? No! How’s that even allowed?” Your question was hardly noticed by the other skaters as they were preparing to leave. "Wait- Where are all of you off to? We can’t just leave; have to solve this.”
“What do you propose we do, then?” Mei groaned. She was clearly on edge, as was everyone else in the group. “We’ve already tried. We won't get to solve anything right now, so staying here is a waste of time.” She grabbed her skating bag off the floor. “You can still try if you want, though. Didn’t you used to mess around with one of them? Maybe he could help.”
You scoffed as you watched Mei leave with the rest of the group, “Unbelievable...” You commented with Niall, only to find him looking at you like he agreed with her. "Oh no, not you siding with her. Are you kidding me?”
“I mean, she’s got a point…” As he went on, a goofy smile spread over his face. “I can't believe she actually spoke to me. This is crazy... and she’s even hotter up close…” Rolling your eyes, you started gathering both your bags in a tacit plea to leave. “Please, Y/N... can you go talk to him? I don't wanna stop seeing her now that she's speaking to us.”
You took a long, deep breath.
You really weren't in the mood to do all that, but unfortunately your ex happened to play team captain for the hockey team... so perhaps, if you could flip the tables and get him to be on your side, there was a small possibility his opinion could give you some advantage when it came to straightening everything out.
That was what you needed to remind yourself of.
There was a deeper purpose to this than Niall's desire to speak with Mei. It was important for everyone. None of you could afford to miss practice now that the championship was about to start. The time you spent practicing with your instructors was good but having time to skate freely every morning was critical.
“Fine. I'll go, but you’re coming with me.”
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You had wanted Niall to come along for the emotional support, but that idea was quickly scrapped once the centre’s receptionist, who was acting a lot more standoffish than usual, refused to let you walk past the front desk.
It occurred to you that his behavior might have something to do with how Mei and the rest of the skaters handled that morning’s dreadful news. If that was the case, his mood was about to get worse because you were planning to bring up the issue as well… until Niall stepped in, “Oh, we're not here to skate. We’re here because my friend thinks she dropped her bracelet on her way out of the rink yesterday. We just wanted to see if we can find it.”
“I have orders not to let anyone in right now. If you want, you can come by after eight to look for it.” He answered monotonously, his gaze fixed on the computer screen.
“Ah, we have school at eight; we can't come at that time I'm afraid.” Niall’s revelation elicited no response. So, after a moment of awkward stares, you continued,
“If we don't go now, someone else might find and keep it.” The man’s expression told you that he thought you were being a nuisance, but you kept playing by Niall’s script and added, “The bracelet was a gift from my mother. It has a lot of sentimental value...”
Finally, just as you were beginning to lose hope, he sighed and said, “If it's just the bracelet you're looking for I'll let you go find it, but he stays.” His head motion indicated that he was referring to Niall.
“I’m sure it would be easier if we searched together...”
The man sat back with a sigh. “Look, it’s nothing personal. I'm simply doing what I've been told by one of the coaches after he got harassed by your little squad at the door… which is not to let anyone in the rink while the boys are there. I'm already making an exception for you when I shouldn't, so it’s either this or you'll come back later.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I hadn’t been informed that the hockey coaches were now in charge of the place...” He ignored your provocation, but his gaze was drawn to the agitated tapping of your nails on the counter. “You know what, it's fine. I get it. I’ll be quick, oh- and don't worry, I'll be careful not to harass the local royalty while I’m there.”
You didn’t stick around for further verbal cues, just swiped your membership card, walked past the barrier and turned toward the rink. It was only after you got there that you realized how angry you were. Knowing that the hockey team was being treated like kings and given the freedom to do whatever and however they pleased with zero regard for anyone else was one of the most infuriating things you'd ever witnessed. It wasn't exactly surprising taken they always got prioritized for being the bigger sport, but they had never taken things this far before. This situation was ridiculous, and you weren't going to tolerate it.
So although you agreed to come speak with your ex, now you were actually hoping to speak directly with the coach instead. Maybe your efforts were in vain, but you had to, at least, try to get your point across. There was only one problem - he was nowhere to be found, and you didn’t know anyone else on the team well enough to ask on his whereabouts.
Speaking of the team, the guys were dressed in practice gear, which was far more basic than their game jersey’s, but still had the same colors of red and gold. You assumed they hadn't started properly training yet, as they were still warming up with crossovers and pivots.
Among the many broad-shouldered athletes there, your eyes were immediately drawn to the player whose number you knew best: 77.
Not that you’d ever need a number to identify him.
Even with hockey armor covering his frame, you knew his body’s contours like the back of your hand. Picturing the tousled curls hidden under his helmet, the green of his eyes, and the curvature of his lips was easy. A little too easy.
He turned when he heard your voice. His eyes were obscured by the visor, but you could swear you saw his brows quirk. “Y/N,” He didn't look too surprised by your presence. In fact, he looked more amused at you yelling his name than at you being there.
After a few seconds of skating by he came closer, and as he stopped next to the board, his skates scratched the ice a little too harshly for someone who wasn't aiming to make a spectacle of himself. You weren't wowed by his effort. You could execute that same slide better and with greater polish if you wanted to.
“Where’s your coach? I’d like to have a word…”
He signaled the rooms on the top level with his head. “Up there in a meeting. Why, what do you want from him?”
“Not that it's any of your business but it looks like there’s an issue with the rink’s scheduling.”
You saw the grin he was trying to hide. “Oh, what’s that?”
“The skaters had it for 6am, as usual.” You attempted to highlight. “Ergo, you shouldn't be here.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Yes, we did.”
“I don't think we would be here if you had booked it, would we? If we took the spot, it was because it was available.”
“Well yeah, because we’ve never had to book it - because we had a spoken agreement and we’ve always followed through on it.” He didn't respond, nor did he appear very willing to engage in the conversation you were trying to have. “Are you listening to me?”
“I am,” His voice felt harsh and didn't quite fit the easy stance he showed as he shrugged. “I'm just not sure of what you want me to say – I’m sorry? Does that make you feel any better?”
His cynical tone didn't sit well in your stomach, but your face didn’t let that show. “Okay, look - I get it. You’re in the league and you need to practice, but that doesn’t give you the right to take early mornings from us. It's only two hours out of the entire day, couldn't you just let us keep them?”
He appeared somewhat bored by your approach, but not completely. His facial expression had an edge to it. He was irritated. “It wasn’t me who made the call. If you want to lash out at someone, try the guy at the front-desk or whatever. I can't help you.”
He was really starting to piss you off, but worse than that, there was a part of you that was getting legitimately hurt by his indifference. He used to be one of your biggest supporters, and now it was like he simply didn't care. “Even if it wasn't you who made the decision, you knew better than anybody that this would disrupt our practice and you still didn't say anything.”
“Why would I? Wasn't it you who just said it's none of my business? If you have an issue, it’s your place to handle it - not mine.”
“Harry, your stupid team already takes up most of the rink’s time! Our qualifying season starts in two weeks, we need to practice.”
“Well, I'm not sure if the news has reached your self-centered little world yet but our season has already started, and we have big games coming up. So sorry to break it to you but we're going to take all the extra rink time we can get.”
“Not unless I can’t do something about it.” Your implied threat was meaningless. You had no plan whatsoever... apart from the original one to get on Harry’s good side, which had just been blown. You'd figure something out though, anything to ensure they wouldn't get their way. “You’ll have to go through me first.”
He got closer, coming right up to your face as he leaned over the border and uttered one last, quiet “Gladly,” before skating away to rejoin his team.
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The bleachers were packed by screaming fans in replica shirts. 
The big day had come. The Emperors were playing their first home game of the season and as the concentration of bodies suggested, a considerable portion of people had come out to witness it firsthand… including you and Niall.
After what the fuckers had done to you, you almost felt like a traitor for showing up to their game. However, you had purchased tickets weeks ago and since you had spent the money, you figured you might as well come and root for them to lose. That worked for a while, until they actually started losing.
As soon as the visiting team scored a goal, it became impossible to disguise who your heart was really rooting for. The Emperors were jackasses, that was beyond dispute, but they were the local team and it was hard to cheer for strangers when the other players were people you had “known” for years.
“You haven’t touched your pretzel…”
Niall's comment drew your gaze away from the game for a millisecond. “I don’t want it right now, I’m not hungry.” Your reply came out garbled due to the way your cheeks were getting smothered between your hands.
“It’s gonna go cold if you don’t eat it now...”
“You’re right. Here- you can have it.”
“You sure?” His hesitant smile expanded when he heard a fragmented “Yes” fall from your mouth. The “Thanks,” that followed was mumbled around a large bite. “Oh man, this is nothing like the hot dogs they sell here.” He chewed as he spoke, “Have you ever had one? They always put sauerkraut on them and it’s like, who even likes sauerkraut that much, you know what I mean?”
“Mhm,” you hummed again, eyes fixed on the local team captain and the player battling him for the puck. "Get off his ass, shithead." you blurted as another player floated over and pushed him against the board. It was the same player who kept harassing him throughout the first two frames of the game. There had already been insults, menacing stares, and provoking shoves exchanged. This wasn’t going to end well.
“You know you don’t have to do that anymore, don’t you?” Niall asked after a lengthy pause in conversation, what caught you off guard.
“Don’t have to do what? Eat sauerkraut?” You questioned back, a little confused.
“Get nervous for the games.” He clarified, which sort of took you by surprise. You weren't aware that your feelings were showing that clearly. “Since, you know…  you and Styles aren’t a thing anymore and all. You don’t have to get all anxious over him.”
Your focus immediately diverted from the rink as a result of Niall’s remark. “This isn’t about him, Niall. It’s about the game- I want us to win.”
“Uh huh… because of your deep love for hockey, I assume.” His face lit up with laughter. “Not any of the players in particular, just the sport itself.”
“Shut up- Oh, that son of a... oh, great! Now he's starting a fight...” You muttered inwardly once you saw Harry's gloves hit the ice first, followed by the other player's.
The initial strikes to the head sent the helmets flying. Thereafter, it was all direct blows. The two boys faced each other angrily as they dodged and struck each other with bare hands and faces. The crowd roared loudly as the violence between the two players increased. “God, I hate when they fight.” You admitted, despite it being nothing new. “Why does it always take the referees so long to split them?”
“Ah, well, you know that's how the game works. The crowd loves it.”
“No, I know that but… it’s barbaric.”
The other player’s left hand was gripping Harry's jersey as if he was going to rip it apart, while the right continued to strike jabs in his stomach. But Harry didn't cut loose; he whacked him with the same force. They both went down, and just like that there was blood on the ice. A laceration over Harry's eyebrow had resulted in what looked like a crimson mask covering his face, most likely caused by his helmet’s visor as it leapt out of his head.
As the boys hit the floor the referees finally intervened and broke up the fight.
But the two were back on the ice as if nothing had happened after spending five minutes in the penalty box. Harry’s cut was no longer bleeding, but the bloodied towel he left behind served as a solid memento.
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“I swear my Nan is more flexible than you.” You teased Niall as he tried to strike the mermaid pose. He was struggling, so his tongue was sticking out.
“You can't compare your Nan's yoga to mine. She's been doing it for longer than I've been alive!” He grumbled as he attempted to move his elbow to the proper position by imitating your posture. “I’ll have you know though, that I've never had any complaints on my flexibility before. In fact, it’s what I usually get the most compliments on aside from my-”
“Shhhh.” You were shushed by the yoga instructor for speaking over the soothing music.
You had never taken a yoga class before but considering your time on the rink had been compromised, you figured it might be a good idea to give it a shot since it still allowed you to practice your balance and flexibility.
You'd gotten cocky and chosen advanced yoga, assuming it wouldn't be too difficult to keep up given your figure skating background. Big, big mistake. You were living it up at first… however, as the class progressed and poses like 'the crow' and 'the flying pigeon' began to appear, you found yourselves admiring everyone rather than trying to keep up.
As a result, you were only doing the same five poses over and over, which got boring really quick. Besides, you weren’t even mastering the intermediate ones...  as Niall was struggling with flexibility, while you were having trouble with all the arm strength exercises. That was when you started to get chatty, even though you were well aware that it wasn't appropriate.
You'd already been told to be quiet twice, so when your phone went off in the middle of class you didn't hesitate to roll up your mats and leave, figuring you had already caused enough disturbance.
“We'll never be allowed back there again...” Niall remarked on the way to the locker rooms. “Did you see how she looked at us when your phone rang? That wasn’t very Yin and Yang of her…”
“Well… to be fair, we were being incredibly rude...” You checked your phone for the notification you had received during class. “Speaking of rude, you won't believe who was texting me just now…”
“Who?” He realized who you were referring to when you made a face and pointed your head toward the rink. The yoga classes were held in the same section, the one dedicated to indoor sports. Despite being on opposite ends, you knew the hockey team was there because you had passed by and heard them. “No way... are you serious? What did he say? Does it have anything to do with the rink?”
“He didn't say... just asked if I could meet him at that cafe we used to go to after class. He says it’s urgent.”
“Do you need a ride? I can drop you off on the way back from class; it's close by.”
“No, don't worry. I end class earlier than you today, so I can take the shuttle like I used to.” You were guessing Harry had remembered you had a similar school schedule on Fridays, which is why he didn't bother telling you a time. He knew you would be there by 3pm... supposedly. “I don’t know if I’m going, though… I don’t know what he wants.”
“Yes you are.” Niall asserted, as if the idea of you not going was the most insane thing ever. “What if it’s something to do the rink?”
“What if it’s nothing to do with the rink?”
“No, come on… it has to have something to do with it.” He insisted. “I know you want to go; you're just nervous about seeing him.”
“No, the only reason why I am nervous is because he isn’t telling me what he wants. It's weird.”
Niall paused for a moment as you reached the door for the women’s locker rooms. His face let you know he was debating whether or not to tell you what was on his mind. He decided to do so. “It's obviously up to you whether you go or not, but if I were you I’d go just to see what he wants. You don't have to sit there all afternoon if you don't want to... and if things get too awkward, you can text me and I'll show up there to save you.”
“Right.” You replied even though you knew it wasn't the most appropriate answer.
You realized it would be stupid not to go knowing it could be about the rink. There was a good chance it was, which was supposed to get you excited, but in reality was doing the exact opposite. Selfishly, you wanted this to be about you and nothing else.
As petty as it sounds, you wanted to get there and hear Harry admit that he missed you, that karma had gotten him good, or something else that made you feel like your suffering had been worthwhile even if you were never getting back together. That was why you were afraid to go… because you would be disappointed if he looked as fine as he did last time.
“Does that mean you're going?” Niall asked, cutting through the pitiful thoughts racing through your mind.
You chewed on your lower lip. “I guess.”
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You saw him as soon as you walked into the cafe.
He was sitting alone, but there was a girl “standing” next to his table. To refer to that as plain standing would be inaccurate. You knew what she was doing, and most of all you knew what for.
She was showcasing the best she had to offer. That was why her hips were pushed back, and her gut was pinched so firmly.
She fixed her hair over her shoulder, and you got a glimpse of her face. She was hot enough to get you to stand up straighter, but not to make you wonder if you should have spent more time getting ready before coming.
You stayed back and waited for their interaction to be over. For you, this was nothing new. You’d grown so used to watching girls fawning over him that it rarely made you jealous anymore, despite it always being slightly unpleasant to witness.
The bright side was that experience taught you when to worry… and now wasn't the time.
She appeared to be asking a question about game tickets, but you could tell by the look on Harry's face that he wasn't all that interested in chatting with her. He looked like he wanted to be left alone. He was doing that thing that he used to do when random people approached him back when you were together - he smiled politely but barely said a word.
It took the girl some time to catch on, but eventually she got the hint. He wasn’t interested, and no amount of flashing her cleavage would change his mind. She stepped away, and you took it as your cue to walk over.
“Hey.” You greeted as you got to the table, hurrying to remove your scarf and jacket before you took the chair facing Harry’s. Not that there was any other option to pick, anyway.
“Hi.” He smiled slightly, before pushing one of the coffee cups on the table towards you. “I hope you don’t mind that I went ahead and ordered you a drink...”
His gesture brought you back to memories frozen in time, but you didn't allow yourself to linger on them too long. You and Harry used to meet at this coffee shop all the time. In fact, it was once one of your favorite places in town but being here now only brought back sensations you'd rather avoid. Still, for the sake of politeness, you accepted his drink. “Oh, um… thanks. You didn't have to get me anything...”
“I know I didn’t.” He took a sip of his cup, and you impulsively mimicked his action. The coffee which used to taste like love, suddenly seemed almost too dull to drink. “You still like those, right?”
You wondered if he had noticed your grimace. “Yeah, it's what I always used to get from here. I'm surprised you remember…”
“I guess I haven't had enough time to forget most things about you yet.” A twinge of discomfort shot through your chest at his words. You suspect he caused it on purpose. “I have a sharp memory.”
“I'm not sure that'll last if you keep hitting your head like that.” Your point was lost on him, which kind of made you regret making it in the first place. “You've got a bruise… on your...”
“Oh, that.” He tried to mask it with a quick ruffle of his hair, but you could still see it. “That's nothing, forget about it.”
“I wouldn't exactly call it nothing, when-”
“I didn’t ask you to come here to talk about that.” He intervened before you finished. “There’s something I need from you.” He admitted, crossing his arms over the table.
“'All right then, what is it?”
“That jersey I gave you, do you still have it?”
“Why are you asking?”
“I need it back.” His request caught you completely off guard. Your mouth opened and tried to speak, but nothing came out. “Mine got ripped and the spare I gave you is the only one I have left.”
When you finally spoke, it was quickly and angrily. “I'm not giving it back.” You said, and Harry let out a groan. “You never mentioned I was only allowed to keep it until you needed it back. It looked like a gift to me.”
Another sigh followed, this time deeper and more frustrated. “That’s because it was a gift… but now I need it, and I'm pretty sure you're not wearing it, so what difference does it make?”
You crossed your arms and shook your head. “You can't ask for gifts back, that's nasty.”
Why, of all things, did he have to ask you to give back his jersey? It was the most special gift he had ever given you. And now just because he never got to see you wear it, it automatically meant you didn't care for it?
That was simply not true!
Behind closed doors, his jersey was still a favorite.
Frankly, the only reason why you stopped wearing it during games was because you thought it would be demeaning not to. It would have been weird for everyone, plus you didn't think Harry would appreciate you walking around with his number on your back when you weren't together anymore.
Not that people thinking he had a girlfriend would have been enough to keep any hookups from happening if he wanted them to. When it came to Harry, it seemed nothing was ever enough to discourage girls from trying their luck. It wasn't just because he played on the hockey team. That was a bonus, but it was insignificant compared to the rest. His looks, his character, his sense of humor… from the surface, Harry looked like a catch, and finding that he was everything but, hurt. You still loved him, so it hurt. You hated how it all still hurt.
“I'm not asking for any of the other stuff back. I'm asking for my jersey because I desperately need it; else, I wouldn't be asking.” He explained as you sat there, feeling your chest squeeze as you half-listened to his reasoning. “Please Y/N, this is sort of critical for me.”
His slightly pouted lips suggested that he had also not forgotten how to sneak his way inside your heart. It wasn't a difficult task, but it was aggravating how well it still worked.
The worst part is that he didn't even do it on purpose; it was just the way his face looked whenever he wanted something and was told no. It was the same face that managed to get your panties to come off that one time right before a game, despite your fear of getting caught.
“Fine. I'll give your stupid jersey back,” When he smiled in relief, you halted your words, but only for a moment. “Under one condition.” His nostrils flared as he took a long breath, gearing himself up for what you were about to say next. “You'll have to convince your coach to give us our ice time back, otherwise you can forget it.”
“Y/N, can we not do this right now, please? I already told you that I had nothing to do with that shit.”
Harry’s reaction left you feeling oddly disappointed. Not angry, but close to it. That was when you realized you had made the same mistake again. You had been expecting him to be concerned, or at least to act as if he cared. It wasn't his job to care. It wasn't his job to make sure you were happy.
Nonetheless, Harry could still be the key to getting what you wanted.
It didn't feel good to have to coax him into backing you, but it was your duty to do so for Niall and the rest of the skaters. The hockey team had crossed a line, and if this was the only way to stop them, so be it.
He might not be thrilled to help you, but he had the means to do so. If he wanted to get a favor, he would have to do one for you as well. In the end, it was only fair.
“I believe you, but you're the team captain, and I know he'll listen to you.” You took another sip of the coffee you had almost forgotten was there. “I'm only taking a favor for a favor… sounds pretty reasonable to me.”
“Okay, fine, whatever. I’ll see what I can do.”
You cocked a brow at his reaction. “That's not enough. If I can't see any improvements, the deal is off.”
Harry stretched in his chair, crossing his arms behind his neck while he mused. “That's called extortion, you know? It’s a felony.”
Your lips curled as you snorted at his remark. “It's not my fault you got in a fight and need a new jersey; I'm simply taking advantage of the circumstances. Besides, you aren't so innocent yourself... or did you think I couldn’t tell you were trying to butter me up earlier by getting me my favorite drink?”
Harry’s eyes widened with what looked to be confusion and amusement... and perhaps even a little happiness. “You were at the game?”
Your face got warm. “Oh, uh… yeah. I went with Niall. He likes watching sports, so...”
“Ha, I see...” His face turned expressionless. “You're wrong about your drink, by the way... I wasn’t trying to butter you up, I just thought it'd be a nice gesture.”
“Yeah, I guess...” You smiled a bit, before deciding to congratulate him on his team's victory. “You played well yesterday. Everyone went crazy when you scored that goal at the end.” The moment you finished talking, you noticed Harry was slouching in his chair, just staring at you. It was almost trance-like, the way his eyes weren’t able to stop smiling. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” He asked, but then in a sudden move, he got up, picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. “I have to get going. I've got homework.”
You didn't really buy his excuse, but you also didn’t question it since you knew he wouldn't tell you whatever it was that was on his mind. “Yeah, okay.” You said instead, despite your enquiring face. “I guess I’ll see you...”
“Tuesday.” He completed. “I'm not sure what time yet, but I'll let you know.”
He was gone in an instant, leaving you alone with nothing but two unfinished cups of sad, tasteless coffee to keep you company.
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Tuesday came by quickly.
Amidst the week's rush of lectures at university, runs and yoga classes with Niall, as well as preparations for the championship, you barely registered the days passing by.
As far as your agreement with Harry goes, you knew he had kept true to his word since there were no hulking hockey players in sight that day when you got to the rink.
Given that you had agreed on Tuesday, you didn't bother getting up early the mornings before to check on the rink's availability... and considering that you had the schedule for it over the weekend, you ended up booking that open spot in the afternoon right after lunch for free skating, even though it wasn't the most ideal.
The return to the ice on Tuesday morning, however, was a welcome relief.
The weather was peaceful… the ice was fresh, and you and Niall were able to make progress on a tricky jump that had been giving you the willies as of lately. It wasn’t perfect yet, but at least by the end of the morning you no longer felt like you were putting Niall through the danger of getting a neck fracture every time you leapt onto his shoulders.
Later that day, you met with your choreographer and he too noticed a positive shift in your performance. Having barely been on the ice over the week other than with your instructors, the shift was somewhat surprising... but it also made sense to an extent, since the break had allowed you to focus on other forms of training that you normally considered supplementary – like practicing balance and endurance.
After your choreography lesson, Niall invited you to go to the mall with him.
He wanted to check out a new tech store that had opened there, and since you had nothing better to do than finish the schoolwork you were procrastinating on, you accepted his invitation.
It was a fun afternoon, though you ended up spending much longer than you’d originally planned just browsing around. You barely noticed the hours passing, which was mostly Niall's fault because he had this extraordinary ability to beguile people with conversation topics that were seemingly random but made for weirdly interesting discussions.
His conversation starters almost always initiated with “Have you ever thought about...” and then something crazy would follow. It was impossible to stop the tangents after that, especially if he happened to touch on a subject that you considered to be interesting too. When that was the case, the two of you would just go on and on like a never-ending pit.
This happened several times that noon.
So, despite having been anxious as hell for the better part of the day knowing you’d be meeting up with Harry later, the whole thing had almost slipped your mind by the time he texted you asking if you'd at the centre soon.
“Shit.” You muttered while replying to his message saying you were on your way. “Can you drive me to the sports centre? I need to get something to Harry and I'm too late to walk there.”
“Yeah, sure.” Niall said as you began making your way to the escalator that took you to the underground parking lot. It had become less crowded since you arrived, so finding the car wasn't too difficult. “So what’s going, you’ve been talking with him again?”
“Nothing is going on. I told you about him asking for his jersey back. I'm surprised you forgot…”
“Ah! True, true.” He responded as he climbed into the driver's seat. “I just wanted to ask if there was anything else besides that. I know you aren't fully over him yet, which is understandable, but...” He paused, then let out a sigh. “I guess what I’m trying to say is I don't want my friend to end up in the same position again if you get what I mean.”
“Yeah, I get what you mean.” You leaned back in your seat and stared out the window. “But don't worry, that's not going to happen. It's pretty obvious he doesn't like me, but even if he did…well, as the saying puts it… once bitten, twice shy.”
You talked about something lighter the rest of the way there. Niall wasn’t the type to bring up uncomfortable topics or force you to talk when you didn't feel like it. He usually just listened when you shared, which was good. He still gave his advice if you asked for it, but when it came to your situation with Harry, that wasn't what you needed, and he was aware of that.
What you needed was a friend that respected your decisions, but still cared about your well-being at the same time. A friend who understood you'd want to go meet your ex on your own but still offered to wait and give you a ride home afterward, so you didn’t have to walk alone at night.
The next day, the hockey team was playing outside of town, so there was a big, tall bus parked at the back of the sports centre.. and a shadowy man standing right next to it. The sky had already darkened so it was hard to see, especially on the side he was on, which wasn't getting bathed by the centre’s lights like the opposite one was.
Logically, you knew it must be Harry, but you didn't want to get too close without being sure. It could be the bus driver, or someone who happened to be there for something else. So instead of walking over, you stood at a reasonable distance and cast a wide-eyed glance in all directions, before lowering your gaze to your phone screen to text Harry letting him know you were outside.
But before you could send him anything, you were startled by his voice. “You can come over here, I don’t bite.”
You hoped the nighttime blindness worked both ways because you had jumped a little with the scare, which had to have looked a little stupid. “Oh, it is you! I couldn't tell from back there… it’s er…dark.”
If he saw you jump, he didn’t acknowledge it, instead he asked, “Did you walk all the way here by yourself?”
He seemed concerned that you had, which gave you a warm feeling in your belly. You didn't know what to make of it. “Oh, no. I was at the mall with Niall when you called so, he drove me. He’s parked at the front.”
“Hm.” Harry grunted dryly, which sparked a little awkward pause until he finally asked the dreaded question, “Do you have the jersey?”
“Oh yeah- one second... it's in my bag.” You smiled stiffly before you started rummaging around for it. “I’m not the best at doing laundry so the color might have gotten bit worn off from the washer, I hope that’s not an issue.”
“That’s fine.” He tossed the jersey over his shoulder, disregarding how neatly you'd folded it. “Thanks.”
“Okay, um… you must be pressed for time, so…”
“Not necessarily.” You found the coldness in his voice upsetting, and you couldn't figure out why he was stalling you when he obviously wasn't delighted to see you. “So how’s the situation with the rink, did it all work out?”
“It did.” It was a brief response, but you didn't feel like standing there chit-chatting just for the sake of it. “Thanks, for helping and… I guess for asking too.”
“Don’t thank me.” He said it brusquely, which irritated you even more. “Okay, um… I guess I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Yeah, that.” You curled your lips in a weak smile, and Harry did the same before setting out to go back inside the building. Sadly, upon watching him leave, you couldn't resist calling his name to see his face again. “Hey, Harry-” His head jerked back at the sound. “Have a good game tomorrow. I hope you win!”
He looked like he was about to look away, but he didn’t. Instead, he returned your gaze, as though he was contemplating something. There was a strange glint in his eyes, and it lingered there as he began walking back towards you. And then, wordlessly, swiftly and without a warning, his hands reached for your face… and his lips reached for a kiss.
You squeaked in surprise at the feeling, but that was all there was to it. After Harry’s lips' familiar texture took over, there wasn't much room left for surprises. His body steered yours backwards against the side of the bus, sheltering you from any curious eyes peering through the windows above. “Harry, what-”
“Stop talking,” He muttered against your lips, still laying kisses in between. “I know it's messed up but if we both keep quiet, no one has to know it happened.”
Your throat was itching to respond, but his kissing made your head blurry. His mouth lowered to taste your neck, kissing every inch of skin it swept by. Then, just when you thought it couldn't be any better, his tongue slipped out and found a spot that had you gasping quietly.
The touch of his body was setting yours on fire, reviving it in a way it hadn't been in ages. Your kisses grew hotter and heavier, and before either of you could pause and wonder if this was right, Harry was already fumbling with the button of your jeans - and you were letting him.
“Do you still think of my hands?” You could feel the warmth of his words on your skin as his fingers slid in. His pace was slow, almost too slow, as if he was enjoying listening to the eagerness of your heartbeats. “I think of yours most times; whenever I play with myself, it’s always you… your hands... your mouth... your pussy…”
You both moaned as Harry reached the hot spot hidden beneath your panties. He rubbed a bit around it, in slow and steady circles. “I’ve always loved how fast it reacts to my touch… it gets so wet and creamy, and your clit… fuck, ‘s all puffy and twitchy…” His fingers pressed harder on it, stroking more firmly.
And shit, you were getting there already. So, so close that your entire body was twitching uncontrollably against his. “Please… d-don’t stop.”
“Already? Fuck baby… you haven't been giving it the proper attention lately, have you?” You shook your head in response to his question. It was almost embarrassing how quickly you had gotten to that point, but Harry was right; you hadn't had an orgasm in a while… and of course, he could tell. “I'm not gonna lie, I already suspected that she wasn't being well taken care of, but shit... that's just disgraceful, isn't it?”
You could hardly gather the strength to answer him. The only sound you could muster were a few high-pitched "mhmms" that were muffled against his neck. You groaned when he pushed his fingers in and pierced through your hymen a little too briskly. “Still?”
You felt a little offended by how surprised he sounded but acknowledged his question with a nod. “It’s okay, just breathe…” He whispered softly into your jaw as his motions became gentler.
This wasn’t the first time Harry had used his fingers on you, but usually it was more the outside bits that he focused on. He loved giving oral, so you did a lot of that… the fingering thing only came later once you started having conversations about him taking your virginity. If it were up to you, you’d no longer have it, but Harry had wanted to take things slow. He knew your mind was prepared, but he had wanted to make sure your body was too… just so the experience was painless and pleasurable for both, and not just for him.
The stretching burn you were feeling eased after a while. It still stinged a little, but it wasn’t a bad type of feeling. Slowly but surely, it was transforming into a different type of heat, the kind that spread through your abdomen and got you to spasm around Harry’s fingertips.
He was going to make you cum if he kept on doing what he was doing…
Which he didn't.
He stopped right before you got there.
You stared up at him in confusion, right before you started glancing around to make sure no one was walking out of one of the buildings or approaching the bus. “What- what happened? Why did you stop?”
“Stop with what, hm?” That feeling of disorientation pervaded your mind for a moment, but reality set in once he started re-tucking your jeans back into place with a self-satisfied smile on his lips.
This was it.
He was done.
“That was a cute little warm up, wasn't it?” He shamelessly asked as he zipped up your fly. “It's a shame it had to end so abruptly… you seemed to be enjoying yourself... but don't get me wrong, this has been good fun for me too.”
With nothing to say or do, you just stood there astounded. You were torn between sobbing out of frustration, seeking an explanation, and simply leaving without uttering another word. It wasn't like whatever decision you made mattered anyway since none of those options would accomplish you anything.
The mess had already been made.
You shouldn't have allowed this to happen, and shouldn't have enjoyed it, but you did. It would have been much smarter to put a stop to things right the moment Harry kissed you but, despite the circumstances, you couldn't bring yourself to do it… and now, after everything he'd already done, he was ridiculing you.
When you looked at him again, you noticed that all of the traces of humor that had been gracing his features had dissipated. His gaze felt like steel, harsh and bitterly cold. “You should go. Niall's waiting for you, remember?”
His chest got shoved back by your clasped fists. “You’re an asshole!”
He tried to grab your wrists, but you shoved his chest again. It was enough to make him back down, although he still managed to get a hold of your arm. He used that to keep you from leaving. “I may be.” He spoke right in your ear. “Now you know what it feels like to be left stranded. I hope you fucking liked it as much as I fucking did.”  
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princehrry-writings · 2 years
hockey player colby brock anyone? working on this right now, send in thoughts on what should happen!!!
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mattsdolll · 2 months
𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 - 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 . . ୨୧
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hockeyplayer!matt x quietgirl!reader
𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 . . their entire lives they've always had a strong disliking towards eachother, what happens when matt makes her cry? i've never wrote anything like this so feel free to critique ! this is soo cliché😭 ib: august by chase atlantic. enemies to lovers, somewhat forced proximity ??,kinda angst, smut, mention of panic attacks, no use of y/n, p in v, unprotected sex.
this is my first time writing semi-angst & smut so this is kinda basic and i lowkey hate this fic but i love the concept of it. more work coming soon since i'm finally out of my tumblr slump & will be more active, in honor of me back in my chase atlantic phase..
"how do we expect to be anything when we don't try to be anything?"
2.8k words
year eleven was tough on everyone, matt especially. he had always struggled with school but with hockey and midterms he was stressed. next year was graduation & everybody had to take school very seriously in the hopes they'd pass. he had a couple of friends aside from his brothers, most who he didn't speak to much. nick and chris were the few people that were keeping him sane during this period of his life, he hated it. hockey was his escape, it let him get his pent up frustration out in a healthy way. you and matt had never gotten along, as pathetic as it sounded you were "rivals".
your relationship with matt was agnostic, for no particular reason there was just a strong disliking towards you on his end - or so you thought. you were too busy doing better things in your life. you could never pinpoint why but he just couldn't tolerate you. your entire lives he just seemed stand-offish about you. about a year and a half ago, everything changed for the worse. you had gotten into a massive argument over something trivial, your memories of the fight were vague. ever since then you had ignored him and he returned the favor. he had taken a liking to one of your closest friend and you had an issue with it, believing she deserved better, she did. you could almost hear the anger coursing through his veins as he screamed at you that night
"you can't just fucking do that! i liked her and you..you messed up everything! i wish you would just-" the brunettes words echoed through your head, he was furious, frustrated and deeply hurt, you couldn't see that at the time. you wondered if you were wrong in trying to protect your friend. you wondered if he had good morals. you wondered if you made a mistake, did you make him hate you?
you were suddenly snapped out of your thoughts, your teacher calling on you to present your assignment to the class, the eyes of your classmates staring into the back of your head as you made your way to the front of the dull room. you began your presentation, a lame low effort articulation of your view on mental health until you met his gaze. the brunettes eyes pierced through your soul, that look of pure concentration was bothering you, it was somewhat troublesome, he wanted you to mess up, he knew the eye contact would make you lose focus, you pathetically stammered over your words. you forced the rest of your speech out of your mouth, returning to your seat, he smirked to himself, his eyes following your body as you walked. you wanted to crawl into a hole and die, you hated public speaking or expressing your feelings vocally, it was something you'd struggled with as a child, he knew that.
it was a cold night in august, fall dawning upon the small town. the leaves slowly dying, sweaters being worn, pumpkin spice becoming the not so new trend. one of your close friends had offered you tickets to the game tonight, held at the school's ice rink. you were hesitant. she gave her ticket to you because she had gotten sick and didn't want to put the ticket to waste. you had no plans tonight, never mind getting ready to actually leave your bed. you took a hot shower, the scorching water streaming down your body. you blow dried your hair, straightening it and tying a low ponytail, lacing a black bow around the brunette locks. you threw on baggy jeans along with a black tank top, small silver hoop earrings and white sneakers, along with a black jacket draped over your arm. you drove to the venue with heavy eyes. you touched up your mascara and lip gloss in the mirror, the remnants of your makeup from earlier still evident on your face. you made your way into the school stadium, the cool breeze of the ice hitting your skin.
the game was somewhat boring to you, you had no idea what it meant to shoot or what dribbling was, but you tried to make the most of it. there he was, only a few meters away from you. the boy skated around the ice flawlessly, the void-like pit in your stomach felt full, your insides fluttering. you couldn't help but be impressed, you had never seen him play before, you never realized he was so good. he scored a few goals, the score was 7-5. his team was ahead, until the opposing team knocked matt out of the way, causing him to tumble over, falling on the ice. the crowd gasped, the opposing team scoring three points for their goal. matt hit his mouth against his helmet, blood leaking from his lips, he skated to the bench, cleaning up. you felt suspense building in your stomach, his appearance disheveled, hair scruffy, face sweaty, you couldn't help but think he looked..different. were you enjoying this?
apparently you were, you didn't exactly like matt, you just enjoyed watching the games, the games where he was the most important player, over and over and over..seeing him get so frustrated, it was like some kind of amusing pastime. after one of the many games you'd attended. during one of the mid-season games, his team on a winning streak. he had "finally" spotted you in the crowd while on the ice, he nearly choked on his spit, seeing you watching him play, he felt a sense of cockiness rush through him, the urge to win now unbearable. he needed to prove how good he was, but why? he scored the winning point, his team cheering and celebrating, his friends lifted him up over their heads. on their way to the locker rooms. you took in the familiar sight of his disheveled, ruined appearance, drinking in the sight. he caught you staring, however, a cocky grin spreading across the boys lips. you attempted to mask your embarrassment but it was too late, he kicked off his gear in the locker room, changing everything but that hockey jersey. the short sleeved top hung off his body perfectly, the color contrasting his eyes.
"stalking me now?" he teased, sitting next to you on the bleachers, the way he sat so confidently all of a sudden, not like his usual self, his demeanor was alluring, you had never felt this way about him until now. well maybe since last month. "i wasn't stalking you, i had nothing better to do tonight" you tried to protest, he simply chuckled. "yeah? and last week, the week before..and before.." he drawled cockily, he had seen you, every game, gawking at him. how could you not have noticed? "you don't talk much, hm? didn't get taught how to communicate growing up?" you went quiet, you hated talking, you were never allowed to growing up. you had developed this "don't talk unless spoken to" mindset and it carried on into your school career, resulting in you having little to no friends. it was a very touchy subject to you and you hated how badly it got to you.
matt was only teasing, trying to make a conversation until the tears brimming your eyes almost instantly made matts cocky grin disappear, his expression now evident with worry. you felt the familiar feeling of your throat closing up, your heart began to throb harder. you couldn't even mutter out a word, you got up and headed out in fear of breaking down in front of him, the last person on earth you'd want to look weak in front of. you settled on the grass by a small garden on the school grounds outside a now locked and empty classroom.
the second you took off matt knew he had made a mistake, he rushed after you, somehow losing you in the process. he found you eventually, sitting down with your knees to your chest, calming yourself down. and in that moment, he saw himself in you. he knew how it felt, the horror washing over you as the air deflated from your lungs, your throat tightening, he hated that feeling. he knew it all too well. he needed to provide you some sense of comfort, solace from his touch. he made his way to you and sat next to you, gently putting a hand on your shoulder. "hey..breathe, you're okay." he whispered reassuring words into your ear. you weren't having a full blown panic attack like you usually would, but this was still bad. you felt the feeling slowly ease out of your body, you felt like you could breathe again. "thats it..doing so good.." he whispered into your ear, stroking your arm. his words went straight to your core, something about the tone or the resonance of his voice in that moment did something to you, you felt your inner thighs become drenched, your heat beginning to ache.
"i'm so sorry, yeah? i didn't mean to make you cry tonight, or that night last year, i liked her, a lot. she never spoke to me or even looked at me, i just wanted her. i was right there but she was busy doing other things, she was everything to me, her smile, her teeth when she smiled, her hair..that haircut, the way it shaped her face..i..i was in love, okay? and i couldn't have her." he rambled out. the things he had described were some kind of literary illusion. this "girl" he was describing was nothing like the girl he so called wanted. this "girl" he was describing didn't resemble her at all actually. this "girl" was you.
all along, he wanted you. you never wanted him back, but you wanted him now. was it too late? did you miss your chance? did he still have feelings for you? why did he ignore you for a year? your thoughts rushed through your brain scatteredly as you tried to form a single word. he tilted your face towards his, seeing that panicked expression written on your face. he wiped the tears that stained your cheeks, trying to make it up to you. you gazed up into his eyes, noticing the different shades of blue and slight haze of grey in them. you noticed the tiny freckles on his face, so slight you could only see them under the moonlight, you noticed the way his curls fell over his forehead so perfectly as if sculpted in God's vision precisely. he was so perfect. you held eye contact for a few seconds, you wished you could, taste him, savor him. you batted your eyelashes at him, and that was all it took to drive him insane; your eyes. the specks of color in them were so beautiful.
he noticed the pleading look in your eyes, as if you were begging for him to do it. it did him in. the last bit of his conscience telling him to stop fell away, and all that was left was his urge to kiss you. he got a bit closer, his hands still resting on your face as he inched his face closer to yours. he tilted your jaw and pressed his swollen lips into yours. your eyes fluttered shut, giving into his touch. the kiss lasted for what felt like hours. he prodded his tongue against you, silently begging you to let him kiss you deeper, his hands finding their way to your jaw, eliciting a soft gasp from your lips. he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, his tongue massaging yours. you felt yourself gravitating back toward the grass, him laying you down gently. his hand cupped the back of your head before you hit the ground.
it felt like sweet relief, pain and pleasure coursing through your body. you felt like you were on fire from how desperate you were for him in that moment. he hovered over you, gently kissing you. you tugged his jersey, pulling him further into you. your nails scratched down his back, almost hard enough to draw blood, drawing a guttural moan from him. he looked down at you desperately, your eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips
"i want this"
you whispered softly, finally vocalizing your wants. a new experience to you, yet it felt perfect with him. he looked down at you for reassurance. "yeah? you want this, pretty?" he cooed softly, your pussy ached. you gave a weak nod for him, giving him permission to touch you. "i want this, please." he sucked and nipped at your neck, pressing against you more, his touch gentle but eager. you writhed underneath him, the sensations throughout your nerves becoming unbearable. "matt..do you want this?" he paused briefly, staring at your face. "yeah pretty, i want this, i want you." his lips latched onto yours, trailing hot open mouthed kisses along your neck. his hips subconsciously rolled against yours rhythmically.
you felt his now hard cock pressing against your thigh, causing you to moan softly. you couldn't describe how badly you wanted him, he wanted you just as much, he was just hesitant to take you right then and there, in the middle of a garden. he wanted it to be special, but his need was overlapping his thoughts. he kissed you once more before pulling away. "need to feel you, fuck- pretty..please?" the boy begged, you nearly salivated at the sight. you gave a quick nod to which he quickly took his shirt off, hooking his fingers under the loops in your jeans, tugging them down. you quickly pulled your shirt off as well. he slowly stripped you of your clothes, leaving yourself in nothing but underwear. he groaned at the image, tugging his own pants down, his hard dick slapping against his stomach. it wasn't huge, but it was definitely big. his cock twitched in his hand as he pumped it a few times, pre-cum leaking furiously from the reddened tip.
you watched him in pleasure as he slowly approached you, lifting your hips a little. "lift your hips f'me" he mumbled, holding you in place. he pulled your panties down slowly and teasingly, you winced as the cold air hit your pussy. he rubbed his tip up and down your folds, admiring you. "such a pretty girl, hm? all f'me.." you crumbled, whimpering pathetically. a small smirk tugged on his lips as he eased into you, stretching your walls out. you groaned at the burn, it was uncomfortable but felt so good. he pulled out halfway before gently thrusting his hips into you again, letting you adjust a little. "fuck, angel youre so tight..have you never been fucked before?" he mewled, feeling you clench around him. you shaked your head weakly, pulling a desperate moan from him. he gradually picked up his pace, his cock going deeper with each thrust.
your pain faded into pleasure, small gasps leaving your swollen lips, he watched your tits bounce with each thrust, finding it incredibly endearing. he leaned his lips down to your nipple, sucking at the flesh gently. you laced your fingers through his loose locks, tugging the curls. he loved it, moaning against your breast. a string of saliva left his lips as he pulled his face up to look at you, your fucked out expression causing his cock to twitch harder. he buried his nose into your neck, speeding up more. the sound of skin slapping echoed through the halls, he panted softly. "shit, angel..'m so close..gonna cum, can i cum inside you, baby?" he whispered into your ear, how could you deny him when he begged so sweetly? you nodded, threading your fingers in his hair, the knot in your stomach beginning to unwind.
his thrusts grew sloppy, his cock twitching desperately. your walls enveloped him deeper and deeper. you gripped his shoulders, a pathetic whimper fell from his lips as his orgasm washed over him like a wave. cum spurted from his tip, painting your insides. your orgasm soon washed over you as well, both your liquids mixing at some point in the process. he slowly and carefully pulled out, looking down at you nervously. "was that okay? did i do good?" your jaw almost fell open, how could he ask that? "matt..that was fucking amazing" you mumbled softly, drawing a smile from his lips. he giggled softly, collapsing on you. he was like a whole new person, you barely recognized him. "yeah? i did good?" he giggled. you smiled sleepily. "mhm, so good."
he planted a gentle kiss to your lips, brushing a strand of messy hair out of your face. "pretty" he whispered admiringly. "can i take you home?" you nodded a little. you couldn't believe your life. you just had sex with the guy who you thought hated you for nearly two years, then again, how could you expect to be anything when you don't try to be anything?
. . .
tags !
@mattscoquette @blahbel668 @emely9274 @pearlzier @wompwomp-1
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naturesapphic · 1 month
Hey can I ask for a high school Natasha romanoff and jock reader.
Where Natasha's mom is the school coach and reader is the school star athlete. Everyone knows us as the charming all star ice hockey champ, but Natasha knows the real us. Just a shy girl who spends more time at Nat's house then her own. One night reader shows up at Natasha's window sill, asking to come in. Reader confesses that she has a crush on on Natasha, and Nat confesses she feels the same way. They end up falling asleep cuddled up on Natasha's bed. Then I thought it would be funny if nat stuffs reader in her closet when melina comes in to chat. When melina leaves she said to reader "feel free to use the front door next time, and that she's welcome for breakfast before they all head to school". Then just a really funny 'walk of shame' moment and Yelena finds it funny (Yelena's older)
Just a random thought. No pressure if you don't want to.
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Really just shy
Highschool!Natasha romanoff x jock!hockeyplayer!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff
Natasha was lying in her bed on her laptop typing up a report for school until she heard thuds at her window. She ignored it and went back to work until she heard it again and again. Frustrated, she got up and walked over to the window to see y/n throwing pinecones at her window.
Natasha opened up her window and peeked her head out. “Y/n? What the fuck are you doing here. If you are here to see my mom she’s downst-“. She started to say but you interrupted her. “N-no! I came here to see y-you…c-can I come up?” You nervously said and Natasha smirked at you. “Sure yeah.” She said leaving the window opened for you. Luckily there was a tree by nats window so you climbed it and crawled into her bedroom.
Natasha’s smirk hasn’t left her face as she watched you get up off the floor. “Why did you want to see me y/l/n?” Nat said with an eyebrow raised on her perfect face. You cleared your throat and started playing with your hands which signaled to Natasha that you were nervous. She gently grabbed your hands in hers and gave you a reassuring smile.
“Hey…whatever it is you can tell me…”. She said with a warm tone. You nodded your head slowly and went over to her bed to sit on it. She followed behind you and sat beside you, putting her hand on your shoulder in a comforting manner. “I-I like you a-a lot n-nat…”. You shyly said as you looked at the floor, avoiding her gaze. You heard footsteps come close to you and you felt fingertips lift your head up to meet Natasha’s eyes boring into yours.
“Well it’s a good thing I like you too hm?” Natasha said with a playful smirk and a big smile appeared on your anxious face. “R-really? Oh my gosh! This is great! How about tomorrow after school I take you on a date?” You asked her a little bit more confident now. Natasha gives you a small reassuring smile before answering you. “I would love to y/n/n.” Your grin never left your face and for the rest of the night you and nat were on her bed talking and holding each other.
You didn’t realize you fell asleep until Natasha woke you up by shaking you violently. “N-nat?” You said groggily as you slowly sat up. Natasha looked at you with urgency and she pointed to the closet and you didn’t get it until you heard her mom’s voice coming closer and closer. You scurried out of the bed and Natasha shoved you into her closet just as Melina came in. “Good morning Natalia. Just up here making sure you are up and it seems like you are. Yelena is about to eat all of the breakfast so come down and hurry if you want any.” She said as she looks around the room.
“Okay I’ll be down in a minute mom.” Natasha said kinda out of breath as melina gave her a weird look. She went out the door but came back into the room looking at the closet. “Oh and y/n. feel free to use the front door next time, and you are welcome for breakfast anytime dear.” Melina said as she walked out the door. You stumbled out of the closet as Natasha gave you a shocked look that matched your expression. “How did she know?” You said confused and nat shook her head. “She always knows everything.” Natasha explained to you and you nodded, agreeing with her.
The two of you went downstairs for breakfast but saw that yelena ate it all. Natasha scolded her while you stood behind nat shyly. Yelena smirked a the two of you “you take good care of my sister you hear? Or I’ll gladly shove your hockey stick up your as-“. Yelena got cut off by Natasha slapping her upside her head. “Ouch! What the hell!” Yelena snapped and nat growled “don’t say that then!” Nat argued and she grabbed your hand as the two of you when to the front door, you hanging your head in shame.
Yelena whistles and laughs at the two of you as y’all walked out the door. “Just ignore her. You know how she gets.” Nat says as she holds your hand tightly as you walk to nats car. “Yeah yeah I know.” You chuckle as you get in the drivers seat and nat gets in the passengers side. You start the car and the two of you head off to school.
A/n: I hope this is what you wanted anon and I hope you enjoyed it! Hoped that everyone else enoyed it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all! :)
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margotw10bis · 7 months
Cold Hearted. JJK [m]
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hockeyplayer!Jungkook x figureskater!reader
Genre: one-shot; smut; romance; e2l
Words: 13.7k
Synopsis: It's no secret that you absolutely hate Jeon Jungkook, the captain of the hockey team. But you hate him even more when you are forced to share the same ice rink.
Warnings: some violence (pushing during hockey games and one punch is thrown); fingering; unprotected sex; oral sex (m. receiving); use of the words 'slut' and 'whore'; spanking
"But why?!" You loudly whine
Even the holidays season with its merriness, its cinnamon and brown sugar scents and its family gatherings cannot soothe your disgust. You were so happy this morning when you woke up and saw the landscape painted in white with the thin layer of snow. You have been in a good mood all day long — which your big Christmas sweater witnesses since you wanted to share your cheerfulness when you put it on.
And now, Jimin is looking at you with pitiful eyes. You know he is as upset as you are, maybe even more since he is the president of the Figure Skating Club of your college. You might not be the president, but you're the vice-president and every member of the club knows that you'll take Jimin's lead when he graduates. Ever since you stepped foot on campus, you have been truly invested. Your whole life has been dedicated to this sport, it even allowed you to get a scholarship for Seoul University.
"It's just for a couple of months" Jimin tries but it does little to soothe you
"I won't negotiate with those neanderthals" You state, crossing your arms against your chest
"Stop being overdramatic"
"I'm not! All they do is smashing each other against the walls and flow a stupid ball into the goal!" You exclaim
"It's a puck, Y/N" Jimin corrects
"Tomato, tomato" You wave his comment off "They are fucking stupid!"
Jimin stays silent for a few seconds, knowing that there is nothing he could say to ease your anger. It's no secret that you can't stand the hockey team. They are just a bunch of brainless guys trying to hurt each other just to mark a goal. It's barbarian. It's just the exact opposite of the delicacy and art of figure skating.
But what you hate the most about the hockey team, it's its captain: Jeon Jungkook. The guy is simply obnoxious. It's the typical kind of guy that thinks his social popularity allows him to do everything he wants, including mocking others. He is an idiot and his handsome face only makes him more irritable to you.
That is why you refuse, with all you have, to share the ice rink with him. Even if it's just for a few months. Even if it's for shooting a k-drama with your favorite actor. It's just too much to ask and you know that you will end up strangling Jungkook to death by the end of this situation. And you are not risking your future for such a little fucker.
"Please" Jimin begs with his flirty face, immediately making your face redden
Park Jimin knows damn well how good he looks. And he surely knows how to use it. His bleached hair is to die for, his eyes are hypnotizing and his lips... gosh, how can he have such kissable lips? He can be so appealing, knowing exactly what to do to win your heart. You try to look away but Jimin catches your attention again by gently grabbing your hand.
"I need you. You know I can't to do it without you" He purrs with his oh-so-sweet voice
You purse your lips but you both acknowledge that you are losing this battle.
"Please, do it for me" He adds
His eyes shine so brightly that your heart stops a bit. Fuck... He is good.
"Okay..." You sigh, earning a perfect smile from Jimin "But I won't make any efforts with Jungkook and his jerk team. You'll be lucky if I don't murder any of them" You warn
"Thank, Y/N! You're the best!" Jimin exclaims while hugging you, deciding not to care about your threat because he knows that you will, in fact, do everything you can for the club
It's with a choked throat that you enter the ice rink today. Usually, it's the best time of the day because, when you are skating, you feel free. You feel like nothing matters than your skates and your moves express everything you can't put words on. You have been skating since you were three because your mom was a former Olympian in that very same sport. Of course, she was strict with you but she always gave you the choice to keep going or to stop. But you didn't. When you were happy, upset, or sad, you put your skates on and slit on the ice. After entering Seoul University, it was just natural to join the Ice Skating Club and you haven't regretted it one bit.
Until now.
You are so mad and grumpy at the idea of just seeing Jungkook. And you are even madder when you know that you'll have to act civilized because Jimin is not here and you are the one representing your club.
You are lucky enough to be the first one here. You make sure your skates are well-attached and start your warm-up. You even succeed in slightly relaxing when more members of the Figure Skating Club join you. And since it has been more than fifteen minutes, you even think that the hockey team won't show up.
Well, that's what you thought until you hear some shootings — similar to monkeys when they find food — and you witness the players entering your sacred place. They are wearing their hideous hockey jersey and acting like the stereotyped jocks they are.
You feel your whole body tensed and you stop your track, waiting for Jungkook to be his usual self, that's to say a prick. And you don't have to wait long for it...
He slides gracefully towards you, his helmet under his arm so his stupid face is at full display, and you cross your arms against your chest, clearly notify him that you are not in the mood for bullshit.
"Hello there, sunshine" He greets you with a wild smile, certainly trying to lure you but it doesn't work and you raise a brow "It looks like we have a problem" He continues with the same smile
"Oh really?" You ask
"You see" His voice has become softer and the goosebumps running on your skin is a sign that you won't like his next words "We need to train for the championship so you need to postpone your... thing"
This little bitch.
Jungkook clearly doesn't care about your club, not even taking it seriously. Your fingers tickle with the willing of slapping him.
"How sad, we arrived first" You fakely pout "I guess you have to postpone your thing. Toodles"
You wiggle the tip of your fingers to bit goodbye and turn around. Jungkook stands speechless one second but he is quick to grab your arm.
You throw a death stare at his hand on you and he immediately takes it away.
"I think you don't understand, we need to win the championship" He explains, a little more stressed
"I think you don't understand. You are on our practice time but we have still welcomed you. You are not the only one training for a championship, Jeon. If you don't respect our club, you are free to train somewhere else" You bite back
"Come on, you can't possibility think that dance skating—"
"Figure skating" You rectify with a frown
"Whatever. You can't possibility think that it's more important than hockey"
Your mouth open in shock and disbelief. You are ready to slap him but, fortunately, Nayeon interferes. She is always sweet and the fact that she is dating one of the hockey players might help. She tries to make Jungkook understand that your club and your activity is as important as hockey — to a personal level for the members but also for Seoul University because you are competing for the Asian Universities Figure Skating Cup. You would like to tell Nayeon that she's wasting her time because Jungkook is too stupid to understand that but you stay silent and throw harsh looks at the captain — which he ignores completely.
You are boiling with anger, so much that your body trembles. You knew that you couldn't act pacifically with those neanderthals and that it would be impossible to share the rink. You knew it but you are still angry, furious that Jungkook despises your club so much. How can he think that he is better than you? That what he does is more important than everyone else? You know exactly how he is, yet you still had some hopes that he would act civilized...
You see red when you notice how he is trying to charm Nayeon and that's enough for you.
"Listen to me, you douche" You bark
Jungkook is shocked by your anger, you can see it on his face — widened doe eyes and opened mouth. Surely, no one must have dared to speak to him like that.
"Rather you accept to play only on the half of the ice rink which, to be honest, is very generous from us, rather you find another place. I'm sure it's simple enough for you to understand that, right?" You notice the captain opening his mouth to protest but you don't give him the time to speak "Right now, you have pissed me off so much that I don't want to see your stupid face. So get out and come tomorrow if you are ready to act like a decent human, with an apology towards us"
Jungkook can see in your eyes that nothing will make you change your mind and leaves, downhearted. His team tries to make him fight but he silences them with a mumbled 'we'll practice tomorrow'.
When the ice rink is free of hockey players, the other figure skaters of the club join you and thank you for defending them. You smile brightly at them and finally you start your training.
A lot of things have changed the next day. First, the film crew has settled all its equipments. Even during competition, there are not as much lights, camera supports and so on as right now. Someway, it's a little bit impressive and you grow excited at the idea of meeting the main actor.
But the second point drives all your happiness from your body. The hockey team has learnt its lesson and they have arrived early. Shoutings and rough sounds of the puck being stricken fill the usually peaceful ice field. You sigh, already tired by the future conversation you'll have with Jungkook — during which you'll probably loose braincells.
"Sunshine!" Jungkook yells with a bright smile that only seems fake, you can see it even with his helmet on
You wince at the nickname. It feels like he is making fun of you and you surely don't like it.
"As you can see, we arrived first so, following your rules, you have to go"
You are speechless. And Jungkook seems so proud of himself. Is he fucking serious?!
"Are you crazy? You know damn well why I told you to leave yesterday!" You throw at him with anger
"It's just the way you say it works, sunshine" He fakes ignorance
"Stop with the stupid nickname!" You snap
"But it suits you so well" He pouts and you want to slap him in the face 'So I guess you have to go. Toodles"
The captain mocks you by doing what you have said and done yesterday but only this time, Jimin is here. While you are trying to convince yourself that murder is not the solution, Jimin talks with the hockey team. He has always had everything a leader has. He can stay calm, even when you are ready to explode. And his peaceful nature seems to work because after a few minutes of negotiation, he turns around and waves you to come.
It has been decided that you'll share the ice rink, each one of you having one half of the rink. However, on Thursdays, the hockey team will access the whole rink, and on Tuesdays, it will be the Figure Skating Club. You just know that you'll have to do your best to ignore the hockey team, which is not easy when all they do is yelling like four-year old kids.
However, after two whole weeks of this agreement, no murder has been committed — which is a Christmas miracle. Jungkook is still growing on your nerves but not speaking to each other certainly helps. What helps too is that you are trying to do a technical figure and you have spent days concentrating and doing it over and over again. However, your efforts are poorly rewarded because you still can't do it.
You sigh, nod at Jimin's advice and prepare to try again. You clear your mind, concealing all the noise around you and visualize the movements your feet have to do. You are ready, you can feel in your bones that, this time, you will succeed. You open your arms, start sliding to increase your speed and at the exact right time you are willing to jump, a sharp pain in your butt stops you.
It's like someone has pushed you and you fall heavily on the ice. You growl in pain, your eyes watery at the painful spot on your left asscheek. Oddly enough, the pain is precisely located.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Nayeon asks with worried in her voice
You don't have time to answer because someone else arrives next to you. Someone you clearly don't want to see.
"Sunshine, are you okay? I'm so, so sorry!" Jungkook apologizes but it only makes you madder "Where are you hurt?"
He then puts his gloved hand on your ass like it was nothing. Your cheeks burn with wrath — and only wrath that's for sure.
"Get your hands off of me!" You yell
When you turn around, you hiss as you sit down because it's so fucking painful. The hockey puck next you informs you of what has just happened.
"Are you fucking stupid?!" You let your anger spill through your mouth "Can't you see that the goal is on the other side?!"
"I'm sorry, I swear I didn't want to throw it this way" Jungkook explains
"And you think you are ready for the championship" You mumble to yourself but the captain can hear it too
You stand up, Jungkook willing to help you but you wave his hands away, pretty harshly if you have to be honest. However, you welcome Jimin's help. You two slide on the ice until you can take off your skates. It hurts like hell and you can't sit. If you didn't hate Jungkook already, you would surely do by now. You can't believe that someone can be so stupid and dangerous. You are angry, even more when you know that you were about to succeed in a figure you have been trying for days! Tears of frustration — that you present as pain for the club because of your ego — roll down your cheeks.
Jungkook looks at you with a pout and sorry eyes. He really didn't mean to hurt you. He wanted to catch the puck, slide between two players and throw it into the goal with a awkward but technical angle. He hasn't planned on losing balance and throwing the puck while he was fighting not to fall. His heart has stopped when he noticed the puck fly away, and even more when you fell on the ice. He knows that the puck is painful, that is why hockey players wear so much equipment. But you didn't have any. Only your black legging with a light skirt and a thin but warm wood long sleeve t-shirt. He has no doubt that it hurts like hell. And he has no doubt that you are not ready to soothe your hate for him.
After going back to your dorm, you head to the bathroom. You want one thing: take a hot shower. But the huge bruise on your butt is as painful as it is ridiculous. You mumble all kinds of insults towards Jungkook and the whole night is necessary to soothe your anger.
However, your mood alters when you spot the said captain running to you the next day as you are heading to class. It's too early in the morning to deal with idiocy, but thankfully your wooden beanie and your large scarf hide your face. Maybe Jungkook won't recognize you — but you are not that lucky. The cold weather of December numbs you, that's certainly why you don't directly yell at Jungkook to fuck off when he stops in front of you.
His usual cocky smile is nowhere to be seen — oddly — but a worried eye adores his face.
"How are you?" He asks
You sigh but answer that you are fine nonetheless.
"Y/N, I'm really sorry. I bought you this"
You give him a curious look while Jungkook bowsers through his bag. After a few seconds, he hands you a tube of ointment.
"It's the brand I use for wounds. It works very well, so your bruise will gone in two days" He explains and he seems sincere
"Thanks" You lowly say as you take it
You do appreciate the gesture but you are not ready to show it to him. In fact, it's just showing that he is decent human and knows that he has done something wrong. You give him a quick smile and escape because this civilized conversation with Jungkook is so weird. You are used to roll your eyes at his stupid cocky behavior or snap at him when he does something that makes you mad — which happens a lot. But you are definitely not used to talk to him with a quiet pleasant topic. It's so strange that you spend the entire morning with a frown, replaying again and again your interaction and not playing much attention to your professors.
And universe doesn't let you rest because when you step into the ice rink, your heart stops: freaking Kim Taehyung is here. He is way more handsome than on TV and you wonder how it's even possible. His brown fluffy hair, his perfect face and his bright smile... He looks like a prince and you can't help your cheeks from blushing.
You keep your eyes on him but discreetly approach Nayeon and whisper:
"What is Taehyung doing here?"
Even if you are whispering, your excitement is noticeable on your voice — and maybe also in your eyes that are sparkling.
"The crew said he wanted to meet us and apologize for the inconvenience" Nayeon explains
Jesus Christ, you can't believe that Kim Taehyung is right there. Your heart beats so fast, you're not sure how you are not dead yet. But your beating heart stops when the said actor turns around and looks at you. You gulp while he offers you the most beautiful smile that you've ever seen.
You look like a deer caught in the headlights when Taehyung walks toward Nayeon and you. Gosh, he is so handsome...
How can his voice be so attractive? Deep and warm and sexy. Almost like he were singing jazz. And he has said one syllable.
"Hi" you reply with automatism because your brain has ceased functioning
Sadly, Nayeon is required by Jimin, which leads to an one-on-one with Taehyung and you are not sure you can survive it.
"It must be hard to change your practice schedule for us" He says with concern
"I think we have made it work. Actually, it's an honor to have such a big star here" you reassure him with blushed cheeks
"Still, I've been told that you had to share the rink with the hockey team... Those are not ideal conditions to train"
You fight pursing your lips out of disgust at the mention of the team, especially because it reminds you of Jungkook.
"We have found an agreement" you simply declare because there is not much acting you can do to pretend not being mad at this situation
"I'd like to do something to apologize"
You look at Taehyung with a surprised look. You wonder what he means. He is one of the most popular actors, what would he apologize? Especially to you? Once again, your brain flies towards Jungkook, and Taehyung's thoughtful behavior proves that the hockey captain is just a boor. Taehyung would have every rights to simply not care and let success go to his head but he doesn't. However, Jungkook thinks his pitiful popularity in University is enough to allow him everything...
"If you accept, I'd like to invite you for a cup of coffee" Taehyung asks with his sweet voice and you almost faint
"I— It's—" you stutter with so hot cheeks that you wonder how you are not melting yet "I would love to"
"Great!" Taehyung exclaims with his perfect smile, clapping his hands at the same time, and your heart skips a beat at this handsomeness "I'll wait for you at the end of your practice, is that okay?"
You frenetically nod and watch Taehyung leave. What the hell has just happened?! You must be dreaming because oh my god, Kim Taehyung, the actor every girls are in love with, has just asked you for a.... A what exactly? Isn't it a date? Oh lord, you have a date with Taehyung!
It's just perfect that it's Thursday because Jungkook and his ice hockey team aren't there to mess up everything.
Taehyung has proved himself as a gentleman. Just like he has promised you, he was waiting for you and you went together at one of the hype coffee shops of Seoul — the one you can read about in tabloids because idols go there. It was so perfect and Taehyung was so sweet. Honestly, it felt like a dream.
Unfortunately, all dreams have an end. The very next day, you were back to your usual average life, fighting the urge to murder Jungkook because he was acting like a pretentious dick — nothing out of the ordinary to be true. And for a whole week, you haven't seen Taehyung.
Except that you are now practicing with the Figure Skating Club, still sharing the ice rink with the hockey team and yelling from time to time when they try to cross the line — literally. Everything is like usual, except for one little — huge — detail: Kim Taehyung is leaning against the side of the ice rink and he is fucking looking at you. Your brain stops, pretty much just like your whole body to be honest, causing you to almost fall. But it's not the worst because you are hypnotized by Taehyung. He is even more handsome than the last time, wearing a black leather jacket with a black turtleneck sweater. The simple yet sexy look is to die for.
You take the time to look at him, not caring that you are still sliding on the ice until you bump into someone. And of course, it's Jungkook.
If you didn't hate him this much, you would have thank him for catching you and prevent you from falling and hurting yourself. But you can't feel any thankfulness when you feel so disgusted at the idea of him touching you. You harshly push away his hands.
"Hey, a simple 'thank you' will do" He rebukes you
You roll your eyes and think that this interaction is over but Jungkook has a different take on it. His eyes lift up and he notices a guy he has seen before behind you. He can't quite put the name on him until it hits him: it's the famous actor you can see in all those k-dramas!
When Jungkook realizes that you were lost in deep thoughts because of this actor, a playful smirk paints his face. He makes sure to take off his helmet to fully let you appreciate it. He lightly shakes his head to give some fluffiness to his black locks that were caged. If he weren't so arrogant, you'd say he is cute. You know, at the very first second you see his wry smile, that you won't like what follows.
"You have found yourself a cute little boyfriend, sunshine" He boasts
"This is none of your business, Jungkook" You reply with gritted teeth
"But I should at least greet him, don't you think? Now that we are close friends" He teases you
You just have time to open your mouth in order to threat him, but the hockey captain is already sliding away. You start to panic and slide after him but the conversation between Taehyung and Jungkook has already begun. This is a nightmare! Why won't Jungkook let you live?
You arrive just in time to hear Jungkook says:
"Y/N is quite something, she is a real pain in the ass"
You see red. Okay, it's official, you are going to kill Jeon Jungkook.
Not only he dares to make fun of something he did — throwing a fucking puck right on your butt —, but he also use it to belittle you in front of Taehyung. This is exactly why you hate Jungkook. He is just mean for no reason and he takes pleasure in hurting people. Moreover, he thinks that's cool to do that.
You waste no time and grab him by the collar of his hockey jersey. You give an apologetic smile to Taehyung who seems to be half-amused half-ill-at-ease by Jungkook's stupid acts.
You drag Jungkook to the locker room and throw your skates away with wrath. Jungkook seems unbothered while he mimics you and calmly takes his gloves off.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" You yell at him "Why would you even do that?!"
"Oh come on, it was a simple pun and you know it" He tries to down play
"Maybe I know it, but Taehyung doesn't! But it doesn't change the fact that it was mean"
"You act way meaner with me, sunshine" Jungkook states with a frown, suddenly more serious
"Stop with the nickname!" You say while you don't calm down "And, just for your information, I won't ever try to belittle you in front of someone you're interested in"
"Oh really? You're interested in him?" Jungkook teases you as he steps dangerously closer and pokes his inner cheek with his tongue "Let me tell you that you are delusional if you think that Kim Taehyung cares about you"
You are taken aback his harsh words but even more by his harsh tone. You have always witnessed Jungkook speaking with an obnoxious playful tone, even when he is saying mean things. But it's the first time he is speaking to you like he was mad. Real mad.
"We went on a date..." You manage to say lowly, almost like you were trying to defend yourself because you have done something wrong
"A date?"
Jungkook bursts into laugh, a laugh that clearly states that he is mocking you. Someway, it hurts.
"You are living in a fantasy, Y/N. Taehyung won't ever take you on a date"
"And why not?" You snap back, quite offended
"Because this Taehyung guy doesn't know how to deal with a woman like you. You're too much for him" He replies with a raspy voice that makes you shiver
"I'm too much for you" You play tit-for-tat
"Hum... I don't think so"
Jungkook takes a step closer. You can clearly see the mold on his nose and the one under his lips. And those lips... They suddenly seem so appealing. And the two rings shining catch your eyes, making you stare at his mouth more than you should. Jungkook is surely handsome, even with his little scar on his cheek that you haven't noticed until now. His black doe eyes are harsher than usual but his frown and his clenched jaws are hot. You have never been this close to him and the atmosphere is so dense.
It would only take you to move a few inches further to press your mouth onto his. However, you don't have to do it because Jungkook does.
His kiss is rough, full of the hate and all the despise you feel for each other. You both growl into each other's mouth. Your hands go up to tug on his hair and his hands harshly squeeze your ass. None of your gestures is sweet. A surprising wave of arousal fills your body. Even though you hate Jungkook, his touch on you feels good. So fucking good.
The messy kiss doesn't stop, even when Jungkook pushes you against the door. The hardness of the material makes you moan, especially when Jungkook abandons your swollen lips for your neck. His wet kisses are nothing like gent but you don't want him to be. You didn't know you liked being kiss like that until now and the thought panics you but you easily put it aside because only Jungkook's lips on the thin skin of your throat count.
You tug harder on his black hair, making him growl against you, when his sneaky hand reaches your crotch. You are so deep in the fog of pleasure that you can't think straight. Your pussy grows impossibly wet when Jungkook starts drawing circles on your covered clit. Your usual practice black leggings certainly help to feel his finger on you.
"Oh fuck..." You groan but immediately bite your lower lip because there is no way you'll let Jungkook know that you love what he is doing to you
"I would have kissed you sooner if I knew you'll shut the fuck up" He teases you with his sexy deep voice
You wish you could reply at that but your mouth falls wide open because Jungkook's hand find its way underneath your leggings and panties. You gasp at the coldness of his digits against your burning and wet pussy. His touch is magical and your legs don't support you anymore. You have to grab his shoulders but you can't feel his strong muscles because of the hockey outfit — which you curse against in your mind.
He presses hard against your clit while drawing delightful circles. It's so fucking good but it's not enough, which your clenching pussy makes you know. You start grinding on his hand and you hate yourself for having so little control over your body. You're pathetic, you know it. Yet, you want to stop.
Jungkook drifts his tattooed hand lower, which allows his rough palm to press against your sensitive bud. However, it's worth it when his long digits trace the outline of your dripping hole. Fuck, it's so... You don't even have the words. The delicacy of his touch drives you insane and you just want him to fill you with his fingers. Surely, Jungkook must take pleasure at seeing you so desperate.
You whine and buckle up your hips at the faint hope to slide his digits inside you, but Jungkook is having none of it. He lands a kiss on your burning throat and whispers into your ear:
"Tell me what you want, sunshine"
Suddenly, the nickname doesn't irate you. Quite the opposite actually because you feel your walls tightening around nothing — which is driving you insane.
"Fuck me" You answer with a shaky and weak voice
You don't even recognize yourself but you don't have time to realize it because Jungkook takes a fat lap from the base of your neck to your earlobe, at the exact same moment two of his fingers enter you.
"Oh my god!" You moan as your head rolls back and hits the door
Your walls are swallowing and welcoming him. It's perfect. The stretch is just perfect. And the pleasure is the most perfect one. The contrast between your hot pussy and his cold digit only increases your arousal.
Jungkook starts his pumping slowly but deeply. You have no doubt he can feel how you love it. The whole scene is scandalous and you have never been this audacious about sex — you are getting fingered in the fucking locker room for God's sake! Yet, you don't care.
When Jungkook enhances his pace, your poor cunt throbs around his fingers, urging him for more.
"Your pussy is so tight" He growls against your cheek but he pecks you rather sweetly — a strange contrast with his fingers into you
His free hand wraps around your neck and your walls tighten.
"Fuck, you love that, don't you?" He awes at you "You love being fucked like that, uh?"
His dirty mouth... His smirk is as exasperating as sexy. You won't give him the satisfaction to answer — honestly, you don't have to considering the wetness between your legs. You rather grab his black hair and put him into a kiss so he shuts up.
You feel yourself getting there. Jungkook's fingers pumping you and curling to hit your sweet spot are doing wonders. Jeon Jungkook is fucking you with his digits in the locker room. The exact same Jeon Jungkook you hate.
The realization makes you panic and you suddenly push him.
"Stop!" You yell
Jungkook immediately halts his movements and pulls his hand out of your panties. You feel disgusted of yourself at the arousal noticeable on his fingers.
"Did I hurt you?" He asks with worry
You hide your face into your hands with shame but Jungkook starts to panic, really thinking he went too harsh on you and your poor little cunt.
"Shit, I'm sorry" He tries to soothe you with a gentle voice but he actually makes things worse
When you look up at him, he gulps. You're not hurt, you're furious. Against you, against him. The only remaining of your — fucking hot — sexual interaction is your burning cheeks and the wetness between your legs.
"This—" You speak as you mention between you and him "—never happened. If you tell anyone, I'll kill you"
You run to the bathroom and lock up yourself. The cold water you splash on your face definitely helps for your cheeks but not for your dignity. You feel horrible. You can't believe you have let Jungkook finger you.
Christmas is getting closer and closer. However, you are not in the mood this year. You usually love this season. It reminds you of the very first time you've put some skates on because they were your Christmas gift when you were four. You are usually so excited. Not this year. Because you have let Jungkook touch your most intimate part.
You have done your best to avoid him, even when he has tried to talk to you. You just couldn't stop replaying the scene over and over again in your head, cringing at it every single time. Why did you do it? You hate Jungkook. Then why? Were you so angry that you were ready to ease the tension by all means? Or were you simply attracted to— No way! As you said, you hate Jungkook, you are not attracted to him. Never.
However, it has been getting hard to believe when you were on another date with Taehyung and all you could think about was the stupid hockey captain. And it made you feel so guilty. So many women would kill to talk to Taehyung — fuck, you were one of them don't so long ago. It makes you hate Jungkook even more, because he is changing you and, you're not going to lie, you're scared.
All this thinking is a little too much for you, that's why you have decided to skip practice today, hoping that Jimin won't resent you. Your absence at the ice rink explains why you have absolutely no idea what is going on at the very same time.
For Jungkook, it is quite a usual day — despite his eyes looking for you every two minutes. Ever since your... moment in the locker room, he hasn't been able to put his head in the game. And his teammates have noticed it too. He lied, saying that the upcoming championship was stressing him but the truth is that he just can't stop thinking about you.
He used to find you annoying, a smartass who thinks she is better than anyone else. To be honest, Jungkook knows you're smart but he has to say, you have a shitty temper. He loved making fun of you or pushing your buttons. That's until he saw how serious and rigorous you were with practice — something he can rely to. Until that, Jungkook thought that figure skating was easy, a kind of game. But he saw you and your club. Saw the technic and the art. And he found you so beautiful, even if you were still fucking annoying.
When he kissed you, he wanted to punish you for not looking at him the way he was looking at you. As egoistical as it might sound, he just wanted you want him. Because he surely wants you — even though he is not really about the reason. He understood it when you mentioned Taehyung. Jungkook was used to think no woman deserved him but now, he is afraid he doesn't deserve you.
All the frustration makes him growl and he has no choice but to take a break. He needs to get some air. He doesn't take off his hockey equipment completely but abandons his skates, his gloves and his helmet. The cold hits him when he steps outside. Today is colder than the other days and if Jungkook believed in signs, he would think that it's an echo of how he is feeling inside.
Lost in his deep thoughts, he hasn't noticed the person a few feet away from him, until he hears the mention of your name. His head tilts up and he discovers, with annoyance, Taehyung speaking on the phone. The actor hasn't seen him yet and keeps up with his conversation.
The feeling of jealousy Jungkook is experiencing quietly turns into something else. Anger.
"No, I don't really care about her" Taehyung says, a cocky smile on his handsome face "I'm just having fun. Come on, this girl is completely whipped for me, I could ask her everything. A little scandal is always good for the promotion of new projects. I was thinking about fucking Y/N and make a sextape"
The airy laugh that follows is enough for Jungkook to head toward Taehyung. He doesn't think twice, his steps completely guided by a boiling wrath. The actor doesn't even have time to realize what is happening: he is grabbed by the collar of his coat, turned around and he receives a harsh punch right on his face.
A growl of pain espaces his mouth and his nose instantly starts bleeding, which only adds to the pain.
"What the fuck, man?!" His yell is fainted by the hand he has put on his nose in a vain attempt to stop the blood
Jungkook's eyes are even darker than usual and Taehyung can see a willing of murder in them. The jaws of the hockey player are as clenched as his fists, certainly ready to punch him again.
"You're a fucking asshole" Jungkook replies with gritted teeth "If I see you around Y/N again, I'll make sure no one recognize your face" He threatens
He turns around, leaving Taehyung in pain and flabbergasted by what just happens. If Jungkook doesn't leave, he might keep his new promise just now. It's not until he is back in the locker room that the pain in his hand reaches his brain. He hisses when he notices the bruised knuckles but the anger is deeper than the pain right now.
Just like every year, Seoul University has organized a small party with all the athletes. The goal is to keep them motivated — but mostly put some pressure on them so they're cost-effective for their scholarship. Until this year, you have managed to escape it but since you're surely take the lead of the Figure Skating Club next year, you have to be there. It's not that horrible: you get to wear a nice dress and have access to free food and drink. You'll just have to smile a little bit to the Head of the University, thank him for his trust and then, you'll be back home.
The 'annual athletes party' is kind of a pride for your college because all the young people attended it are great in their disciple. One of the best of the whole country. And you do feel proud too when you think about that, you are just not so fond of showing and celebrating it like this.
The mansion of the Head of Seoul University — where the party takes place — is beautifully decorated with Christmas colors. Green, red and white are everywhere to see and a huge Christmas tree — that would certainly make Santa Claus jealous — stands in the middle of the reception room. You have to say that you like the Christmas spirit coming from the party. And you are surely not the only one since pretty much everyone is well-dressed, a lot of them covered in green or red even though the majority of men is wearing black suits. You too have shown your Christmas colors with a emerald green turtleneck and ankle long dress. It's truly elegant with the bright red lipstick on your mouth.
You greet some of friends from the Volley Ball Club, appreciating having time to catch up since your schedules are completely different. You congratulate Roseanne for the gold metal her team has won last month and she assures you that you'll have the same soon, after the Asian University Figure Skating Cup. Her kindness warms your heart but you suddenly tense when you spot one particular person.
You gulp and your cheeks take a red shade in no time. To be honest, you've never seen Jungkook wearing a suit before but he looks so damn confident in it — and so damn hot too. His long black hair is slightly pushed back, offering a great view on his perfect face. He looks really good, like a star. You wouldn't be surprised if someone from an agency appeared right now and offered him to join a k-pop group as visual.
When your eyes lock, you feel the usual wave of panic you have been experiencing since the thing — the fingering — in the locker room. However, you feel the need to talk to him. You have to because you won't survive the next weeks at sharing the ice rink if this tension between Jungkook and you doesn't fade away.
Jungkook seems to understand your inner reflection and your unsure steps are thankfully stopped because he comes to you.
"Hi" He says and his neutral tone is not helping
Your voice is raspy because of your stress. You triturate your fingers, which doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook who sighs.
"Can we talk?" You ask, even though you know the answer
Jungkook nods and you two walk towards a calmer spot, close to the stairs. After a few seconds of silence, Jungkook speaks.
"Look, I'm sorry" He says, more gently "I shouldn't have... done this"
"It takes two people to do this" You reply and your words surprise him
Jungkook honestly thought you'd yell at him, saying he is stupid and annoying and inconsiderate as usual. He didn't think you'd take your fair share of responsibility — even though he doesn't resent you because he was the one who kissed you first.
"I think we let this thing get out of control" He tells you with a faint blush on his cheeks that makes you think he is ashamed of it
"Jungkook" You start and saying his name without annoyance feels weird because, for the first time, you realize that it's a beautiful name "What is done is done. I was there with you, I didn't push you away when..." You feel your cheeks burning and you lower your voice, almost murmuring "you kissed me"
You spot a strange look in Jungkook's black eyes but you are quick to look away. You clear your throat and continue:
"Let's just forget. We both have a lot of things going on and we know that we need to focus, for the sake of our teams"
The silence you are facing is quite embarrassing, especially because you absolutely don't know what Jungkook thinks. You surely have spoken wisely but you also know that the hockey captain is not the definition of wise...
"You're right, we should forget about it"
You lift up your eyes. The tone he used... It was way too light, even for Jungkook. He is surely hiding something. And you know you are right when you notice the tiniest smirk on his pieced lips. He casually puts his hands in his pockets. He looks like the usual idiot he is, except that you now find him hot.
Here it comes.
You knew he had something going on. You wonder what idiocy he is going to say. You are feeling a mix of scare and eagerness — the latest one is definitely new when it's about Jungkook.
"There are things we can't forget about. Like tradition"
A playful grin paints his face but you wonder what he means by that, until he lifts his head up and invites you to look at the ceiling and fuck. You cannot believe a fucking mistletoe is hanging right above you. You certainly haven't seen it before, otherwise you would not have chosen this spot — or would have you?
You gulp and send an unsure eye to Jungkook who only stares at you with his stupid smile. Is he serious? He can't be. He must be playing with you. But he slightly scoots closer and lowers his head. You can smell his cologne and gosh, it messes with your brain. Another organ is affected by Jungkook's flirt: your weak and treacherous heart. It begins to do all kinds of funny things in your chest.
You look straight into Jungkook's eyes, trying to see if he is mocking you but he looks dead serious and you can only gulp, again. He gets closer again and your bodies almost touch. He is close enough for you to feel his warmth. Your inner battle continues unabated. It's not a good idea to kiss him, especially after what happened.
Yet, you want it bad. Real fucking bad. You know how his lips feel on you, you know how he kisses, you know you'll like it, love it even. And it's almost Christmas, isn't it the right time to do things you love?
This last thought sells you on your decision. Your hands go up to settle on his large shoulders that you finally get to feel underneath your fingertips. You stand on your tiptoe and you bring him closer to you. His breath is warm on your lips and you just can't wait to kiss him. Who would have thought that you would die to kiss Jeon Jungkook? Certainly not you.
Right before you can fulfill your wish, Jungkook is getting snatched out of you. You stand there, completely speechless as two policemen handcuff him in the back. You don't understand what's going and the hockey captain doesn't seem to know better. Everyone is looking at him and at you but you can't care because it must be a sick joke, or a nightmare.
"Jeon Jungkook, you are arrested for assault" One of the police officers states before reading Jungkook's rights
What the hell?!
They are heading to the front door and you force your feet to move, running after them.
"Wait!" You exclaim "It must be a mistake!"
"It's not ma'm and your friend knows it, right boy?"
You look at Jungkook, full of hope that he'll tell you that you are right and they are wrong. Jungkook is stupid, arrogant, even mean sometimes but he is not violent. You wouldn't have let him kiss you otherwise. However, Jungkook sends you an apologetic eye and he lets the policemen taking him away from you.
What just happened?
This is what you wonder the entire hour following Jungkook's arrest. Even the word makes you shiver. Obviously, the whole hockey team has driven to the police station, trying to know what happened and how they could help their captain. You wanted to go too — the reason being indeterminate — but Jimin convinced you it was a bad idea. It's just that, with your temper, you would have probably end up insulting a policeman and get arrested too.
A whole day has passed. You have been waiting for practice all day long. You even rushed to the ice rink after your last class, but only to find the place empty. It was impossible for you to concentrate of your routine so you gave up and waited for the hockey team to arrive.
You almost don't notice them because there are no shoutings and cheering announcing their arrival as usual. They are silent and — you can't believe you're saying that but — you hate it. You don't like that they are not in a good mood because it means it's bad for Jungkook.
You run to Mingyu, a hockey player and a great friend of Jungkook. He is the one who must know the most of things. You don't waste time on greetings and directly ask about the captain. The first reaction you earn from Mingyu is a desperate sigh and your heart squeezes.
"It's not good" He starts to explain "He has been accused of punching a guy and breaking his nose. Jungkook said it's true"
"Is he going to get out soon then?" You question with hope
"Yeah, in a hour or so. But he'll have to wait for trial. The other guy wants an apology to find an agreement and drop the charges, and of fucking course Jungkook refused" Mingyu growls with frustration
"Why Jungkook doesn't want to?"
"I don't know, he is stubborn" Mingyu sighs, his annoyance clearly noticeable in his voice
You understand Mingyu. You can't believe Jungkook is refusing to say sorry! It's stupid! He was the one who punched someone, he should apologize no matter what. He is ready to go to trial just not to hurt his pride! It's ridiculous!
"Who is the guy he's punched?" You ask
Mingyu looks at you with eyes widened by surprise.
"You don't know?"
You shake your head to say no. How would you know that?
"Kim Taehyung"
Furious. It's what you are feeling after your conversation with Mingyu. You knew that Jungkook wasn't fond of Taehyung, that he didn't really appreciate you hanging out with the actor — even though it was none of Jungkook's business. But you didn't think that he would punch him! For what? Jealousy? It must be that because you have never seen them talking. There is nothing else Jungkook could be upset about.
But yeah, even though you are furious towards Jungkook, it doesn't mean you want him to go to prison. You have done a little search last night because you couldn't sleep, way too worried about a certain hockey player. He could go to prison for a year. Even if his sentence is softer, he would still lose all his chances at turning pro. Everywhere he'd apply for a job, it would be noted, clear as day, that he has been convicted.
You don't really know why you are so affected by Jungkook's doom. One month ago, you would have done everything you could to avoid him and now... you are ready to what? Fight for him? It is ridiculous, you hate him. But the more you say that to yourself, the more it feels like a lie.
Maybe that's why you have met with Taehyung, trying to make him drop the charges. Are you ready to drop your ego and apologize to someone for something you didn't do just because of Jungkook? It seems like it. You aren't pleased to do it but it is nothing compared to the way your heart clenches at the thought of him going to prison.
You are a little but shocked when you see Taehyung. He looks... ugly to you. Well, you still can spot his handsome features, even though half of his face is covered by the large white medical patch he has on his nose. It's not even that that makes him ugly to you, it's his eyes. They are harsh and cold, reminding you of a snake.
"How are you?" You ask gently, trying to push away the unpleasant feeling of his coldness
"How do you think I am?!" He snaps back at you "Look at my face! He broke my fucking nose! Do you know how much money I'm loosing right now?"
You tense at that. Is money more important than someone's future? Jungkook is risking it all. Taehyung, on the hand, might be losing money but you know damn well he has enough of it for a few years, a few decades even. And even though you are feeling a dull anger building up inside you, you focus on the reason of this meeting.
"I'm sorry Jungkook punched yo" You say, a little less soft than before
You only earn a scoff from the actor, making you nervous to ask for a favor.
"I know it was wrong, I really do" You start carefully "But could you forgive him and drop the charges? I know Jungkook must feel bad about hurting you, I swear he is not violent"
"Are you serious, Y/N?"
You gulp. Taehyung hisses like a snake.
"I want a fucking apology. On his fucking knees. Don't you think that I at least deserve it?"
You understand that the apology is necessary. You would want one if you were in Taehyung's shoe.
"I'll talk to him. If he apologizes, you'll drop the charges, right?" You ask with a weak but hopeful voice
"Yeah, sure" He answers with a distant tone
Getting arrested and spending twenty-four hours in custody is definitely not an experience Jungkook would recommande. He is tired and he wants to be alone now that he is free. Well, not so free because, as the police officers told him, there is a high chance he is going to prison for a few months.
His parents wanted him to go back home but, to be honest, Jungkook didn't want to face his dad's disappointment and his mom's hopelessness. He rather stays at his dorm and thinks about what he is going to do. Surely, no pro teams would recrute him. What will he do? What kind of jobs accept ex-con? Certainly not the ones he was aiming.
You lift up your head when you hear steps echoing the hallway. Jungkook didn't except to meet you in front of his dorm door. Normally, he would have teased you and would have made a bad joke about you were desperate for his dick if you were ready to wait at his dorm, but he has no energy for that.
"What are you doing here?" He asks with a sigh
It's painful to witness his exhausted face. It's even more painful not to see his usual stupid playfulness in his eyes. You used to hate it but now you miss it.
"Jungkook, you need to apologize to Taehyung" You notice how he tenses at the name "I talked to him, he will drop the charges if you say you're sorry"
Frustration grows in Jungkook while he opens his door. Does he have to repeat himself once again?
"Well, I won't apologize"
"Don't be ridiculous!" You scold him as you follow him inside his room
It's just as you've imagined it: full of trophies and photos with friends. Not so neat but not dirty at all. Just some mess here and there. It's a nice bedroom though: enough place for his desk, closet, bed of course and also a little couch. You easily can imagine Jungkook and the hockey team hanging out here with pizzas. Jungkook's dorm being the most recent one on the campus, he is lucky enough to have his private bathroom with toilets and shower — something you are jealous about.
"Listen, I'm tired and I want to be alone" Jungkook cuts you off, running his hands in his messy hair as he sits on his bed
"Are you seriously willing to give up your life, your future, everything for your pride?!" You yell at him, frustration exploding inside you
"This is not about pride, Y/N!" He yells back "I was right to punch him and I would do it again if I had to. I am not apologizing"
"You are stupid then" You state with your arms crossed on your chest
"Fucking leave then" He snaps back with a harsh tone
You stay silent for a while, quite hurt by his words even though you could understand that he was not the most patient person right now. It was just normal after being arrested.
"Do you really want me to leave?" You ask with a weak and gentle voice
Jungkook looks at you, noticing some hurt in your eyes, and then sighs.
"No, I'm sorry"
"It's okay" You assure him while you are sitting next to him on his bed "I'm sorry too. I just don't want to you to go to prison" You explain and wrap your arm around his large shoulders, which is not easy to do
Jungkook grabs your comforting hand on his shoulder and squeezes it lightly. The coldness of his fingers are somewhat heartbreaking. Was he cold when he was in custody? Was he treated good?
The question is simple, yet the answer isn't. Why are you so worried about him? There is a simple explanation but you are just not ready to confess it. Not to him, not to you.
"You're my friend" You simply answer
You both know it's not true. Jungkook and you are not friends. Ennemis would be more accurate. Or was more accurate. What are you now?
Jungkook scoffs at your words. The proximity between your two bodies is dangerous. His dark eyes are too intense, his face is too close and he is just too appealing. You gulp and scoot away.
"Why are you suddenly nice to me?" Jungkook asks but it sounds like a reproach
"What do you mean?" You frown
"You always treat me like an idiot and now, you care about me? Why?" He presses, suspicion well noticeable in his voice and it takes you aback "Because of Taehyung?"
You are as surprised by assumptions as by your absence of thoughts about Taehyung. The actor hasn't crossed your mind once. How can it be possible when your brain is filled by Jungkook himself?
"Come on! You have been all over him ever since he has stepped foot here! You think I haven't heard you talking about him with your friends during practice?" He says harshly, clearly blaming you as if you had betrayed him
"Taehyung has nothing to do with that!" You defend yourself but for Jungkook, it sounds like you are defending Taehyung
Once again, he scoffs and stands up, which you mimic. Jungkook is mad, that's for sure. For what? That, you don't know. But it irritates you that he is pushing you away while all you want to do is help him.
"Of course!" He chuckles with sarcasm "You just want him to be out of trouble, right? That's why you want this whole story to stay quiet!"
"You are talking non-sense! You are the one acting like a dumb-ass just because you don't want to apologize!"
You are starting to get angry. Jungkook is back to his usual stupid self and it drives you mad, not because he irritates you but because his life is at stake.
"And I won't apologize!" Jungkook points out, crossing his arms against his chest just like he was daring you to make him change his mind
Your growl with frustration.
"Why don't you understand that I'm not doing this for Taehyung?!" You yell
"Because you fucking came all the way here to ask me to fucking apologize! Why would you do that if it's not for Taehyung, uh?"
He won't understand. He won't believe you, not matter what you say. You get that now. You are so furious — at him for not believing you and at you for not finding the right words — that your eyes get watery. There is only one thing you can do to make him understand.
You grab the back of his neck and pull him down to press your lips on his. Jungkook tenses at first but when your tongue asks the access of his mouth, his body relaxes and his hands find their way on your hips. You scoot closer, holding him tight because he was so roughly taken from you yesterday. You are now afraid that someone snatches him again and you won't allow that.
You tug on his hair and Jungkook squeezes your ass as your kiss gets heated. It's messy but full of emotions — which ones being unsure to you. Jungkook guides you towards his bed but you resist a little, just to take off his sweater and t-shirt underneath.
Fuck, he is too hot. As an athlete, you knew he had a great body but seeing it... It brings all kind of butterflies in your belly because Jeon Jungkook is definitely a hottie. His shoulders are large, his biceps are huge and his abs... they look so delicious that you want to lick them. He is even sexier with his tattoos.
However, you don't have time to admire him because Jungkook wants to see your body too. He helps you slide your coat off, and your pullover. Your bra joins the slack of clothes in no time. You moan when Jungkook cups your boobs and you shiver because his hands are cold. You arche your back, inviting him to wrap his mouth around your nipples. He doesn't go softly. He is rough but you like it. You feel like a pool of arousal in your panties, it's almost embarrassing.
Once again, Jungkook's hands find their way to your ass, squeezing it to the point it hurts. You replicate by pulling on his hair and you both growl in each other's mouth. When he tilts his head so he can suck on your neck, your hands travel South, not forgetting to caress his brawn torso, to reach his pants and unbutton his jeans. You know don't when or how he got to change his clothes but it doesn't matter because they will be gone soon.
You pull on his pants, urging Jungkook to get naked. As he is taking care of his clothes, you clumsily throw your UGGs away before ridding off of your leggings. Jungkook and you are only covered by your underwear and fuck, he is a sight... His bulge is clearly noticeable and oh my god, he seems huge.
"Take that off" He says with a raspy and sexy voice and you execute
If you think that Jungkook is a fine piece, the hockey player is completely whipped right now. You are so beautiful, all naked in front of him. He doesn't even know where to look because you are perfect everywhere.
He steps closer, caging you so you have no choice but to step on his bed while he is still standing in front of you. His plump and pinkish lips are great but you want to taste more of him. You get on all fours to be at the same level as his dick. When Jungkook understands what you are willing to do, he curses and bites his lower lip. He watches you sliding your hand in his brief and reach for his hard length. It's your turn to curse when you free his cock and finally witness how big he is. It's intimidating but you are one to accept challenges.
That is why you waste no time and wrap your warm mouth around his tip. A salty dry of pre cum lands on your tongue and you hums in delight. Your right hand rests at his base so you can take more of him easily. You love how your mouth feels wide opened for Jungkook. You love it so much that you quickly push your gag reflex. His tip hits the back of your throat, yet you can't take him entirely in your mouth — that's how huge Jungkook's cock is.
He is looking at you with fire in his eyes. You are so fucking hot like that, especially when you look up at him with those innocent eyes while his cock in your mouth. The saliva coating your lips are a sin and Jungkook's hips move automatically, pushing deeper in your throat.
"Fuck, you are so good" He praises "A good fucking slut, right?"
You nod as you can't speak with his dick stuffing your mouth, completely lost in your pleasure. You have no self-control on your body right now and your juices drop down your inner thighs. You want to touch yourself because of how turned on you are. Jungkook too look at your whole body and his eyes land on your ass. Perfect, tempting — especially when your arche your back to suck him off. A loud slap falls on your asscheek, provoking a long moan from you around Jungkook's dick. His tattooed hand rests on your butt and pats it before harshly grabbing it.
"Please fuck me" You beg when your pool of arousal is too much to take
Jungkook pushes his cock back in your mouth, so deep that you choke on it, and slightly bends to slide one finger in your pussy. It feels so fucking good. His middle finger is pumping you at a fast pace, making you lose your last remains of reason. Your walls tighten around his digit like they want to have more, to be more stretched. And Jungkook might understands because he provides a harsh dick stroke to your mouth — hot and naughty gagging sounds fill his room — and pushes a second finger in your cunt.
Drool escapes your lips, coating your chin and Jungkook's balls, the exact same way your arousal drops from your throbbing pussy.
"You look like a fucking whore" Jungkook says but it looks like a compliment with his raspy voice My good whore, right?"
You don't see his face but you have no difficulty to imagine his cocky smirk. You want to bite back to him, arguing that you're not his whore but actually, you are... You are sucking his cock like a maniac because Jungkook surely and slyly makes you want to please him. You don't know how but despite your — former — hate toward him, you have this need to be close to him and let him access everything of you. Maybe because you also want to access everything of him.
You let go of his wet and large dick to take big cups of oxygen but it doesn't mean that Jungkook slows down his pace into your pussy. He even goes faster. You moan loudly before gripping his sheets with your fists and pressing your face down into the mattress. You strategically keep your ass up for him to finger you as much as he wants. Your cunt tightens, and it's worse when Jungkook uses his free hand to slap your asscheek. You gasp and clench around him.
"Are you going to cum for me?" He teases you, an arrogant pride so noticeable in his voice that you would like to deny your building orgasm just to prove him wrong but you can't
"Faster!" You ask
The hockey player grants your request, shaking your whole body through your poor little pussy. He goes so fast and so hard that you are not sure you'll ever be able to walk again. You can feel in your stomach that you are close. Your fists tighten around the cotton fabric of the sheets and you mutter your groan by burring your face.
"Cum, go on, be a good girl and cum"
Fuck, he is good with his words — and with his fingers. As he is pounding into your pussy, you can feel the knot in your stomach growing bigger and bigger until you explode, moaning something that looks like Jungkook's name. Your whole body shakes and your toes curl because Jungkook doesn't seem to want to stop. He prolongs your orgasm as long as he can, making it last for some long seconds until you can't take it anymore.
Your body jolts forward on its own to escape the overstimulation, earning a laugh from the hockey player. You are panting and trying to reach down to Earth. While you are in the fog of your sexual high, Jungkook takes his brief off completely and lays down on his bed. He gently pats your ass — on which he can notice slight red marks due to his spanking — and smirks. You are used to intense physical efforts and yet, you look completely drained.
"Are you going to survive?" Jungkook mocks and you throw a death stare at him
You have your strength back and you are not willing to let Jungkook makes fun of you. He looks so arrogant, laying on his bed with his arms crossed behind his head — you try to ignore how his posture accentuates his biceps and his abs. We'll see who laughs last laughs longest.
You straddle him, resting your knees on both sides of his hips. Your boldness makes Jungkook's smile lightly shakes. He is so cocky sometimes but he is not the only one who knows how to fuck. It's your turn to smirk and you do what you wanted to earlier: you lean down and take a big lap of his abs. You gloat when you feel his muscles flex under your tongue. When you reach his pecs, you suck on his skin and paint it with a purplish mark. You kiss it to soothe the pain away but you are sure that Jungkook didn't hurt too much because you clearly felt his dick throb between your legs during the hickey process.
"Did you lose your tongue?" You tease but you are answered by slap on your ass
An embarrassing loud moan escapes your mouth. You won't tolerate that. That's why to strongly grab Jungkook's cock at its base, squeezing it a little bit too much which causes a growl from the tattooed man, and sink on it. You breathe deeply and you slowly sit down. He definitely feels big. Both Jungkook and you have lost your smirk because you didn't except so much pleasure.
"Oh my god" You whisper
At the same time, Jungkook curses 'You are so fucking tight'. You support yourself on his torso, not moving yet because fuck, he is so big. It even cuts your breath. You try to regain your senses but you don't have time for that: Jungkook presses his feet on the mattress and uses his strong thighs to push his hips up. He gives you rough dick strokes, at a quick pace. Your moans are covered by the sinful sounds of your clapping skins.
"Fuck, Jungkook" You groan, falling on his torso
Jungkook's arms wrap around your frame, making sure you don't jolt too much because of his poundings, and he fucks you hard and deep. His cock slides perfectly into your cunt, coated with your arousal, and his balls slap your ass. It's perfect, that's for sure and your walls clench.
"Shit, don't do that" He scolds you but it's not like you can control your body's reactions to pleasure so you clenche even more "You little slut"
"You fuck me so good" You confess and you don't know why but your words spur Jungkook to give you a gentle kiss on the top of your head
You are surprised by the tender of his gesture while his cock bumps your pussy so harshly. You lift up your head, look at him. He is cute with his cheeks all blushed because of his efforts. You press your lips on his, wrapping your arms around his neck. You want to melt into him and Jungkook seems to want the same thing because his embrace tightens and he slows down his pace. His dick slides deep inside you, with passion, just like he was making love to you.
At that thought, you panic a little and you straighten up. You place your hands flat on his stomach and jump on his length. You have to take things under control — both the pace of your fucking and your emotions that are going wild. Your ass hits his lap every time you let yourself down until you take all of him inside you. Your head rolls back under the pleasure. You have never felt so full before. You fasten your pace, your tits bounce and your lungs burn due to your insane riding.
"Fuck, you are taking me so good" Jungkook praises and you hate how much your cunt clenches because you like it "You are a good girl for me, right sunshine?"
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
You have never loved the nickname this much. Your eyes fall on his face. His doe eyes are slightly opened, like he was stoned. Your heart beats faster in your chest and you know damn well it's not your physical efforts that cause it. Especially when Jungkook's fingertips softly caress your cheek. You are so glad that he can't say you blush like crazy because your face is already red.
"Kook, I—"
You stop talking when his free filthy and tattooed hand pinches your nipple. You are surprised and so pleased. You whine and alter your riding which gives a great opportunity to Jungkook to take control again.
"You are going to cum"
It's as much a promise as it's an order. You knew he was dominant but you didn't know that you would like it in bed. Your moans leave your lips a little shaken because of the harshness of Jungkook's poundings. Your cunt grabs his dick so tightly.
You don't know how it's possible but he quickens his pace. You don't know if you can survive it. It's just too fucking good. Jungkook grabs and squeezed your asscheeks, spreading them to fuck you deeper. His finger are too deep in your flesh that you'll have bruises for sure.
Your pussy throbs and you know that you are close. You shut your eyes close and whisper how good he feels. The way his length sketches your walls and the way it slides into you to hit that sweet spot, it's perfect. And the fact it's Jungkook among all the other men on Earth...
You can't support yourself anymore and fall on his torso, burying your face in the crook of his neck. The thin layer of sweat coating his skin only adds to the hotness of the scene.
"Make me cum" You urge him and he provides
He uses his remain strength to give you some deep and harsh poundings, spurred by some rough spanks on your ass.
"Fucking cum for me, sunshine"
You do. You cum on his huge cock and your juices drip down your inner thighs and his dick. You are so high, definitely on cloud nine. You bite Jungkook's neck to mutter your moans but it only pushes him to fuck you harder. It's a lot to take, the overstimulation is not far.
"Kook, cum" You weakly ask
"Fuck, baby" He growls and pulls off just in time to release his seeds on your ass
It was something. The best sex of your life. Jungkook can be arrogant because he fucks real nice.
You roll on the side, panting. You want to take a shower to get rid off of your sweat and of both your and Jungkook's cum but the hockey captain has other plans: he presses you against his side to cuddle. The sweet gesture reminds you why you were there in the first place. But your throat is dry — surely because you have screamed a lot, but maybe also because you are afraid to stop this little magic moment.
"Jungkook" You start softly "Please, don't go to prison"
You didn't know that words could be so painful. You feel it by the way your throat tightens.
The tattooed man sighs, not angrily like earlier but with resignation. That's when you get that Jungkook has made up his mind and he won't change it.
"Y/N, I won't apologize. Taehyung deserved this punch, trust me. And I won't forget myself if I apologize for something that is right to me" He tells you with a voice so sweet that you want to cry — or maybe it's because you know you will be separated soon
"But it's so unfair!" You whine, your heart squeezed in your chest
"Maybe, or maybe not. I have no regrets because I know I did the right thing and it was my choice so don't be sad, sunshine" He conforts you, caressing your back and pecking your head as you rest your cheek on his chest
You know that you will cry a lot. You also know that, whatever the sentence is, you will wait for him.
You are waiting, your heart beating loud and fast in your ears. Today, for the first time in two months, you haven't thought about Jungkook. It's been two months since you last saw him, at the trial. He kept his promise and refused to apologize to Taehyung. You have been feeling like dying ever since he was sentenced to one year imprisonment. It was so unfair. You were ready to punch the actor in the face too. And you were mad at Jungkook because it looked like he was simply accepting his fate. You weren't accepting it.
You cried a lot and poured your soul into work and practice for the competition. And today is the big day. The Asian Universities Figure Skating Cup. You have done your best, you have done a very technical figure which surely brought you a lot of points from the jury. But mostly, you haven't thought about Jungkook. For the first day since the trial, you haven't been totally miserable.
And now, you are waiting for the result, the usual tension and stress of the competitions filling your body and your mind. You accept it with thankfulness today. You close your eyes and pray every gods. You want to win. You really, really want it. You are competitive, that's for sure. But you also want to win for Jimin and the whole Figure Skating Club. And mainly, you want to win for Jungkook because he won't ever be able to participate to a competition.
The loud buzzing in your ears doesn't allow you to hear your name when the first place is announced. You stay still until Jimin hugs you tight and whispers 'You have won!'. You still don't believe it when you look around you and your friends congratulate you. It's like a dream.
Did you really win the first place of an international competition? Yes, you did.
A bright smile paints your face and you join the podium next to the ice rink with weak and shaking legs. The gold medal is being put around your neck. You hear the crowd cheering, which is amazing. It's a very strong and emotional moment, maybe the most important one in your life so far. Your club, your university even, will be celebrated in whole South Korea. It's amazing and perfect and everything you have ever dreamt of. You have spent your whole life working and scarifying many things for that, this moment. You have spent days wondering how it could feel to be the winner of such a prestigious competition.
Never you have imagined that you wouldn't be happy.
You are proud, you feel loved, admired but you are sad. Now that the competition is done, Jungkook fills your brain and you are worrying about him. You feel alone while you are saddened by so many people. You wonder if he is okay, if he is beaten up by other prisoners. The tears roll down your cheeks, interpreted as happy tears from everyone else. They are not.
A huge bouquet of flowers is brought to you. It's so big that you can't even see the person giving it to you but it's the most beautiful bouquet you have ever seen. When you take it in your hands, ready to automatically and politely thank the person in charge of that mission, your heart stops and the bouquet escapes your fingers.
Are you dreaming? What is he doing here? Are you officially going insane? Maybe the adrenaline rush is messing with your brain. However, even if it's just a mirage, you jump into his arms. You are not scared to harshly hit the floor if you have imagined him.
But you never hit the floor. Jungkook's strong arms are securely wrapped around your frame and he hugs you tightly yet tenderly. You cry with your face buried in his neck. You missed him, so fucking much. You would have laughed five months ago, if someone told you that you would miss the hockey team captain so much. And here you are.
"Are you okay? What are you doing here? Are you hurt? Were you treated well? What about prison? Are you free? How?" You throw thousands of questions in a few seconds
"I missed you" He simply replies, like it is explaining everything
When Jungkook cups your face, you finally get to see him. He looks tired but he doesn't look wounded. He is beautiful. So, so beautiful that your heart misses a beat.
You waste no time and press your lips on his. They are cold but you don't care because your whole body warms up. Just like you were stuck into an ice cube during the last two months and you are finally free. You circle his waist with your arms, afraid he'll disappear.
"Don't leave me ever again" You order but your voice is weak and your eyes are still watery
"I won't, I promise" He whispers with so much gentleness that you are not sure you're awake "I'm free and I'll explain everything to you later. Now, enjoy your victory, sunshine"
Sunshine. You hated so much this pet name before because you thought Jungkook was making fun of you. Now, looking into his black and shining eyes, you know that he is not. He truly sees you like his sun. You can see he has fallen in love with you and he is not lying when he is saying that he'll wait for you. You don't even care why or how he went out of jail, he is free and it's all that matters.
Jungkook loves you and...
"I love you" You tell him after kissing him one last time before shaking hands with the jury and the organizers of the Asian Universities Figure Skating Cup, a bright and genuine smile on your lips
Taglist @chimmisbae
Guys, I'm so so sorry for the wait. I've got problems with Tumblr but I'm back 🩷
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annwrites · 24 days
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—on thin ice
well, i hear the music. close my eyes, feel the rhythm. wrap around, take a hold of my heart. — hockeyplayer!cregan x iceskater!reader ; ₊˚。⋆❆⋆。˚
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Cregan glances across the rink, leaning against a support beam while he takes a short break, watching you.
You glide across the ice—earbuds shoved in your ears as you listen to upbeat pop music—dancing, wiggling your hips, shaking your arms, and the smile on his face only grows wider at the adorable sight of you.
You begin jumping across the ice—sticking every one of your landings, before raising your arms upwards. Your body turns into naught more than a blur as you spin impossibly fast before settling again. You glide, jump, crouch down and spin again, then gradually grow like a flower reaching for the sun as you arch your back and splay your arms out from either side of you.
Once you're fully upright once more, you open your eyes—your imaginary crowd, which throws bouquets and soft stuffed animals onto the ice fading away as you realize you're being watched in actuality.
You stutter, nearly falling on your bottom as you rip your headphones from your ears, blushing madly.
You skate a bit closer, mortified.
"Were... Were you watching me?"
He grins, nodding, removing his gloves.
"I was. Sorry. I wasn't trying to uh—" He gestures toward the other end of the rink which you'd just previously occupied—where you'd put on quite the performance for none other than him.
Even if you'd been wholly unaware of his presence...
"I wasn't trying to spy or be nosy," he finishes. "You're really good. Do you compete?"
You blanch. "Oh, no. Nothing like that. It's just... Just for fun. A hobby."
He nods. "You looked like a pro to me."
You smile, trying to tamper down just how happy that makes you feel to hear. You don't want him to see just how starved you are for approval. For compliments. Especially ones that pertain to your skating.
Your eyes trail along his hockey stick. "Do you? Play professionally, I mean. Well, on a team."
He nods. "The Direwolves? Our team at school?"
You flush. "Oh, right."
"You don't recognize me, do you?" He asks, looking at you from under his lashes.
"No, I do. We have history together."
You pause. "Cregan, right?"
He smiles, nodding, glad to hear that you know his name. "Had a lot of classes together since middle school."
You remain silent, merely nodding in agreement.
You raise your brows in interest. "Hm?"
"No, I was just—that's your name. I wanted you to know that I know yours, too."
You smile, still nodding.
He shifts on his skates, nervously scratching the back of his head. "Well, I'll let you get back to it. It was nice talking to you."
"You too!" You reply cheerily, quickly skating away.
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No matter how hard you turn the key, the ignition barely cranks. Instead, it merely gives you a death rattle.
You slam your hands against the wheel. "Not now! Just get me home, and then you can die! But not really. Please?"
You jolt when you hear a quiet tapping against your window. You quickly roll it down and Cregan leans in toward you. "You need a jump?"
You nod, getting out, hoping he hadn't witnessed you talking to your car. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd really appreciate it."
"No trouble," he replies, walking over to his truck.
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Cregan grimaces once he's popped your hood.
You study him warily. "That bad?"
"Your battery is corroded," he states, hooking up the cables.
"I'll get it to start, and that will get you home, but you need to replace it, or this is going to keep happening."
You cross your arms, frowning. "How much will that cost?"
He shrugs a shoulder. "Maybe a hundred, give or take."
You throw your head back, groaning loudly in irritation. "Great."
He smirks, heading back over to his truck, turning it over.
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Once your vehicular situation is resolved—for the evening, that is—Cregan holds your driver-side door open for you, lying his forearms atop it while you stand on the opposite side.
"Hey, if you want," he starts, and you look at him after tossing your water bottle into the passenger seat. "I could start giving you rides to and from school. Take you to the rink after. Since I'll be headed that way, anyway."
You tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. "I wouldn't want to put you out. I can take the school bus, it's fine."
He jerks his head toward the rec center. "What about the rink?"
You shrug, not replying.
"It's not an issue. It's on my way."
You raise a brow. "You don't know where I live."
He grows quiet for a moment, and then a grin spreads across his lips. "So I'll make it a part of my way."
You shake your head with a smile, sighing. "Only if you're sure."
"I am."
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You and Cregan Stark have been classmates since your first day of middle school, but not necessarily friends.
The two of you are alike in that you're loners, which funnily enough serves to later bring you together as friends as you bond, initially, over a mutual love of skating, and cold weather in your small, northern town.
But you also come from two different worlds.
Cregan, from a large, wholesome family, and a good support system, and you from a struggling, broken home, with not a single person to lean on.
Ice-skating serves as the only escape from the nightmare you live, until a second house opens its door to you, and you, for the first time since your grandpa passed—the same man who purchased for you your first pair of skates—find a place to call home.
And thus, two worlds merge into one.
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rafeyscurtainbangs · 1 month
The Sweetest Thing - Rafe Cameron
+18 Minor DNI
CollegeHockey!Rafe x gf!reader
⭐ republished ⭐
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+18 Minor DNI
ask: sex with hockeyplayer!rafe after he won an important match
Thank you so much for your ask 🌺
🪄 hockey!rafe, bf!rafe, swearing, name-calling, Rafe & reader’s POV, hockey violence, pet names (daddy, doll, baby, babygirl etc, degradation, Rafe talks about the reader in an explicit fashion to her ex without her there, rough oral, throat fucking, cum play, creampie, semipublic sex, unprotected p in v, jealous!rafe, ownership kink, squirting, lots of dirty talk from him
📖 CollegeHockey!Rafe can’t wait to get his hands on you after winning the Frozen Four Championship game, especially after playing against your ex.
✨ He meets your eyes, his guide shifting as you pinch the bottom of his jersey you’re wearing. “Keep it on, princess. Just for a bit,” he smiles as he looks down at you at his feet, wanting to see his last name on your shoulders as you suck him off.✨
2.3 K lightly edited (<- mostly smut)
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NCAA Men’s Frozen Four Championship Game…
30 seconds remaining in the 3rd Period 1-0:
Rafe’s POV:
The ref’s whistle screams through the arena. The puck drops again. I skirt and push as I look for an opening, waiting for my pass. I charge past the student section, catching her eye as I always do. My number one fan. My girl. Mine.
Easton Lawrence is a bitch. He has been since juniors; y/n’s ex-boyfriend no less. He and I usually both end up ejected from the game without fail. Not today. I promised her I’d play as nice as I could. ‘He’s not worth it. He’s a dick. He’s just trying to get under your skin, baby.’ That’s my girl’s pep talk. But Jesus fuckin’ Christ, three periods of this shit-talkin’ from him has me wanting to toss all that out the window. He loves to fuck with me. And he always has—every damn game.
Easton bumps his stick against the glass, giving her a smile that she doesn’t return. Good girl. We meet at the line, getting ready for puck drop. His silver chain hangs out of his jersey. Of course, I stalked her IG before we dated; I know that pendant was a gift from her. #6 shines in the bright rink lights, making my blood boil.
“Y/n looks good, Cameron. Sweetest fucking pussy I ever had.” He chirps, taking a jab as he has, each one getting more infuriating than the last as he inches closer and closer to my soft spot. Her. He just had to do it.
“Say her name again. Do it, bitch,” I warn.
“I miss her sayin’ mine, that’s for sure,” he sneers as he tightens his stick in his mitts.
“You startin’ shit ‘cause you’re losin’, asshole? This game is almost over. Give it up.” The whistle blows, a false start, leaving him plenty more time to run his mouth. My turn. “Good? Nah, buddy. My girl looks perfect. And I’m man enough to agree with you, perfect fuckin’ pussy. Too bad you weren’t man enough to make her cum. Huh?”
Easton laughs wickedly and shakes his head. “Gonna fucking kill you when I find you in the parkin’ lot, Cameron. I swear to Christ.”
“No, you ain’t. ‘Cause I’m gonna take that sweet pussy to the first locker room I find and rail what’s mine. Gonna make her forget that any man’s name’s ever passed her lips but Rafe Cameron.”
The whistle blasts, and the puck drops. I get an elbow to the gut immediately, Easton prodding and taunting me instantly. There are so many bodies in front of the net, but I catch my opening. The puck hits my stick, a little backhand flick. I watch as she trickles past the goal line.
The siren sounds, and the crowd cheers loudly as the music blares. I skate toward him, getting in his face before my teammates can reach me to celebrate, making the refs rush around us, anticipating a brawl. “Gettin’ her and the win, pussy. Have fun beatin’ your own dick, bitch,” I dig. Easton shoves me hard, and I shove him back, slapping his chest and ripping that cheap-ass Zale’s chain off his chest before hurling it over the glass.
"Break it up!” The refs scream, blowing their whistles again.
My co-captain bumps me with his stick, giving me a broad smile. That was the winning goal. A few boys drag me in for a celebratory hug before skating back to the bench. There are only a few seconds left, and the crowd’s goin’ crazy aleady. Y/n can barely contain her excitement. I give her a wink, and she smiles back, giving me a little finger wave that has me even more eager for the final buzzer.
Sure, they’ll be press after this. A quick interview with ESPNU, maybe a few words from the coaches; a quick speech from us captains. But when I’m done with all that shit, I’m fuckin’ my girl just like I said I would.
My coach smiles at me proudly, not wanting to jinx the next 30 seconds of play. The only thing that would be better is if the puck passed the white ice before the clock hit 0.0.
But I don’t wanna get greedy now, do I? I’ll save that for her.
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Reader’s POV:
“Congratulations, captain…” Your lips meet his neck, a soft kiss, feeling his heartbeat under your lips. You palm his cock, rolling your fingers gently over the fabric. Rafe moans deeply, vibrations buzzing against your lips. You work a little lower, kissing and tracing his strong chest and abs, working to the locker room floor.
Your fingers run softly against the deep indentations of his v-lines, making his muscles flex. You smile up at him from your knees, catching your fingers under the band of his boxers, pulling them to his feet, watching as his aching cock springs free, Rafe letting out a sigh of relief.
He meets your eyes, his guide shifting as you pinch the bottom of his jersey you’re wearing. “Keep it on, princess. Just for a bit,” he smiles as he looks down at you at his feet, wanting to see his last name on your shoulders as you suck him off.
“I love your cock, baby,” you laud as you take him in your hands.
“Yeah?” He groans, watching you near his tip; a bead of precum gathers on his head, rolling slowly before it falls to the concrete. “Don’t go wastin’ it now,” he teases as you run your tongue along your bottom lip; mouth water, wanting the weight and taste of him on your tongue.
“If I was at the hotel, I’d lick it off the floor. I swear,” you smile as Rafe looks down at you in awe.
“Just a filthy little slut for me. Aren’t you, baby?”
“Mmm… Mhmm.” You hum, preening him up with your tongue. Rafe closes his eyes, tilting his head back to the ceiling. He cradles your head in his hands as you swirl slowly.
“This mouth, baby,” he mumbles.
Rafe’s eyes open, watching as you kiss him sloppily, teasing him with the thought of your lips wrapped around him fully, the warmth of your mouth swathing him. “Shit,” he pants, sexual tension painted all over his handsome face. You smile wickedly, lips parting slightly as he watches you take him into your mouth. “Fuckkk,” he moans, drawing out the word with a deep breath. You bob back and forth, choking on his big dick each time. He holds your head a little tighter in his hands as you increase your pace.
Rafe starts to trill on your tongue, mumbling praise as you add your hands. He tugs your hair, causing you to moan around his cock. Rafe takes control, gliding slower, taking a different grip entirely, holding your cheeks in his large hands. The fat tip of his cock kisses the back of your throat, spit seeping from the corners of your mouth.
“This mouth is mine. All fucking mine,” he grunts. “And you’re gonna swallow it all. Yeah?” Rafe asks raspily, stroking your full cheeks with his thumbs. “‘Course you are. Can’t answer with this pretty little mouth full of dick. Can you?”
Rafe thrusts deeply a few more times before giving you back the reins. You draw off him fully, a gasp for air releases from your open lips, drool connecting from the tip of his cock to your kiss-swollen lips. You spit on his dick, getting messy just like he likes, stroking him with your fist. "I’m all yours, Rafe.”
He shakes his head and smiles. “Mhmm… That’s right, princess.” You wrap your lips around his tip, creating a suction that makes him moan your name. Your hands wrap around, gripping his ass, as you start to stroke him with your mouth again. Lewd noises fill the locker room; Rafe, panting and like a dog; you, slurping and squelching with each bob of your head. Tears leak down your cheeks, eyes locked on him, watching as he starts to near his finish. Rafe’s cock swells on your tongue; his muscular thighs trembling as you squeeze. ”So good, baby… I’m gonna - Fuck.“ Warm, white ropes hit the back of your throat as you take his big load, swallowing it all.
You bind your fingers a little tighter, milking out his last bits of pleasure, skimming your tongue along his tip, catching what little remains, flattening your tongue to show him yourself. “My girl,” he smiles, hooking a finger under your chin, leading you to your feet. Rafe spits in your open mouth one moment, kissing you deeply the next, slipping his tongue inside. Your tongues swirl together, Rafe holding onto you tight.
"I need you, baby,” you plead against his lips, and he smiles on yours.
“Yeah? You need this dick, princess?”
“I need it,” you whisper, taking his bottom lips between your teeth.
“She needs it… I wanna fill up this sweet pussy,” he mumbles. “Nobody else gets you but me. No one else knows this cunt like I do. Do they?” He asks, all low and husky against your neck. You respond with a needy uh huh, making him chuckle as you melt into him more, feeling your arousal pool in your panties. “I’m gonna be drippin’ out of you all night.”
“I’m counting on it, Rafe,” you breathe. He strips you out of his jersey quick; your pants already tossed to the side, leaving you in your black lacy bra and panties. Rafe unclasps your bra as he kisses down your neck, holding your breasts in his ringed hands. He reels and flicks his tongue across your sensitive bud, pinching the other between his rough digits. You scratch your fingers into his damp hair, guiding him lower and lower.
“Babygirl,” he chuckles as he snaps your panties at the hip, seeing his #2 embroidered into the fabric. “I fuckin’ love you. You know that.”
“You like it?”
“You know I would. I love ‘em.” He kisses your skin, then the number, working lower and lower, hitching your leg over his shoulder to get better access to your sopping core. Rafe licks the fabric, tasting you, groaning against your clothed cunt at the taste. “M’gonna leave these on… Get ‘em all messy. When we get back to the hotel after the bar, you can take ‘em off. Deal?”
“Deal,” you smile as you brush back his bangs to see his pretty baby blues.
“‘N by you I mean me,” he smiles playfully. “I’m already thinkin’ about later, baby. Got me fuckin’ pussy whipped,” Rafe laughs as he lifts you into his strong arms.
“I’m addicted to you, Cameron. I guess we’re even,” you whisper against his lips as you hook your ankles around his waist, driving your body closer as he presses your back into the cool brick wall. ”Fuck me?“ You whine, desperation laced in your tone. ”Please.“
“I love when you beg for my cock. Think you could get nice and loud for me, princess?” You bite your lip and nod in reply. “Beautiful.”
Rafe pushes your panties to the side; you tilt your forehead against his, the two of you watching as his long cock nears your warmth. ”Shit,“ you whine as he circles your sensitive clit with his velvety head, making him smirk. Rafe moves a little lower, gliding through your folds, teasing your entrance with his pink, swollen tip. You both moan in unison as he fucks up into you.
You gasp and fuss, feeling him split you in two. Your boyfriend wasting no time stroking, hitting that special spot. He pins you to the wall, leaning in, rutting quickly. His thrusts are merciless, absolutely intense as you cling to his shoulders. You cry out in pleasure as his toned body claps against your clit, his ruddy head repeatedly striking your g-spot.
“Atta girl. Keep screamin’ like that.”
”Rafe… Oh my god. I’m gonna cum,“ you moan as stars dance in your eyes, white-hot pleasure overtaking you entirely as you cum all over his cock. Rafe works you even quicker, fucking you through your orgasms as your nails dig into his shoulder blades.
“Got this pussy creamin’ for me. Think I could make her cry,” he taunts through mumbled words, sucking and biting your skin, marking you up.
Rafe pulls you off the wall, leaving you gasping, his dick still buried deep as he carries you to the bench. He sits down, letting you straddle his lap as you kiss. Rafe adjusts slightly, leaning back into the wall, enjoying the view, catching a different angle, making you suck in some air. You lift your body, rising fully before spreading your thighs wide again. Rafe grips your ass in his hands, following you as you move. ”It’s too much,“ you whine, bottom lip wobbling, as he stretches you out.
“You’re lyin’,” he laughs breathily between jagged breaths. “My baby can take it.”
You throw your head back as you bounce, nailing the perfect spot, feeling every curve and ridge of Rafe’s dick as your thighs start to burn. Rafe’s thumb presses against your throbbing clit rubbing circles on top. ”Say my name when you cum, princess. Scream my fuckin’ name.“
”Sh-Shit,” you stutter, cock-drunk, thighs quivering uncontrollably, making you lose your rhythm. “M’gonna cum.”
“Cum on my cock, baby. Let me have it.”
Your orgasm rips through your body, pleasure hitting you harder than your first release, toes curling as you’re sent into ecstasy. Before you can come down, he picks you up, pushing you onto the cold bench, thrusting into you suddenly. The sounds of his skin clapping against yours echoes through the locker room. You let out a loud cry, making him smile wildly before your eyes pinch shut, gripping the metal edge, making your knuckles turn white.
“Look at me, princess. Eyes on me. M’almost there. You’re doin’ so good, f’me.” He lifts his hand, pressing two fingers between your lips before bringing them down to your clit, playing with your pussy.
”Yes! Just - Just like that. Fuck. Rafe,“ you squeal. ”Oh shit-“ Your orgasm spills over, soaking his cock, wetting your panties and his thighs. Rafe’s hips snap into you, filling you with his warmth. He topples down on top of you, burying himself in your neck, mumbling soft “I love you’s” as he rocks through your shared release. Rafe kisses your cheeks, then your lips, lingering close as you both come down from your bliss.
“Sweetest fuckin’ pussy I’ve ever had.”
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sh4wty18 · 2 months
I was wondering if you could do like hockey player! Chris sturniolo x figure skater!reader i don't care what about just PLZZ
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girl of your dreams - chapter one.
one. | two. | three.
pairing: hockeyplayer!chris x figureskater!reader
summary: you find out you're going to have to share your rink with chris's hockey team during your final college figure skating season.
cw: rivals to lovers, angst, first person POV, language
word count: 1.4k + edited
tags: @kokes73 @joeshiestyslover @chrissbluehat @h3arts4harry (if you want to be tagged, comment!)
dividers from @plutism
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Y/n’s POV
“So, as you all know, you’ve been called here for an emergency team meeting. You’re probably not expecting to see the other team here too,” Coach Beck chuckles, but her smile doesn’t meet her eyes. 
The entire University Figure Skating team is gathered in our rink for a supposed “emergency meeting”. I knew something was up as soon as I sat down on the bleachers and saw the University Ice Hockey team already waiting for us. Coach Beck is our figure skating coach, and she’s great. Beck is kind, smart, funny, and strict, but she makes practices fun. She’s so encouraging during our competitions against other universities, that even if we don’t win, she’s still proud of us. Not to make it seem like I don’t win. Of course, I win every competition I’m in. Figure skating is my passion, it always has been. I wanted to go pro after I graduate, but I doubt that will happen. That’s why I work my ass off to get straight As and put hundreds of hospital volunteer hours in each semester– I’m pre-med. If I can’t become a famous skater, I might as well get a job in a field I’m good at. 
Next to Coach Beck stands Coach Carter. He is the University Ice Hockey team’s coach. From what I’ve seen, he’s way more serious and scary than Beck. In the few times the men have had to use our rink for practice, he’s always screaming. He crosses his arms and glares down his nose at each and every one of us.
“Well, Coach Carter and I wanted to let both teams know that the Men’s Ice Hockey rink is being rented out to the local community this semester for K-12 hockey lessons and practices. That being said…”
“You’re going to be sharing the rink this season,” Coach Carter finishes.
A few of my teammates gasp, and I hear some of the men on the ice hockey side of the bleachers groan. I raise my hand patiently, waiting for Beck to see me.
“Yes, Y/n,” she points at me.
“Yes, hi. Um, so how will we be doing this? Because I know I’m not the only person thinking it, but the men need the entire rink to practice scoring and stuff, right? So where will we be?”
“Always worrying about yourself, huh, Y/n/LN?” I snap my head around and shoot Chris a deadly glare, which only makes him laugh under his breath. 
Chris Sturniolo. He’s been my biggest rival since we were freshmen, and both brand new to college level athletics. Now he’s the king of the hockey team and the president of the Alpha Delta Phi chapter at our university. Everyone on campus knows him, either for being the guy who led the hockey team to victory in the U.S. Collegiate Championship three years in a row, or the guy who throws the best parties out of all the frats and sororities at our school combined. Everyone loves him, but not me. I know him as the guy who’s had it out for me since day one. He’s pre-med too. I don’t know how, to be quite honest. He’s a chronic lecture-skipper, and has shown up to Saturday practices hungover so many times it’s hard to keep track. Not that I’m keeping tabs on him, he makes it known. He’s always bragging about how great his parties are and how wasted he got. He’s been trying to get me to come to one of his parties since sophomore year, when I let it slip that I’d never been drunk. We’ve had so many classes together since freshman year, and we’re always on opposite ends of class debates. Sometimes I think he does it on purpose, just to piss me off. Despite all his bad behavior outside the classroom, he still manages to maintain a decent GPA, he has to. It’s a requirement to be involved in athletics. All athletes must maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher to participate in their sport. That’s another reason he makes me angry, he barely tries, and still manages to get good grades, and the professors like him. He’s so charming and smooth-talking he can win over even the strictest of professors. It’s infuriating. 
But the most infuriating thing about him is how attractive he is. He has shaggy brown hair and blue eyes. His limbs are long and slender, yet toned. But not too buff. And he’s tall, well, taller than me. He has good style and he’s confident, which makes him even hotter. It’s so hard to hate him when he constantly looks like that. I mean, I guess I don’t hate him. He’s just my rival, and I don’t like that– having a rival, I mean. I like to be the best all the time. In academics, in my sport, even in my hobbies (thankfully, I don’t think Chris has an interest in crocheting, so we won’t be rivals in that field any time soon). Chris likes to be the best too, and that’s why we don’t get along.
Now, our senior season is just about to start. Chris and I are both captains of our respective sports teams, we’re both captains in the Model UN (often leading to some very heated debates that leave the other club members silent), and we’re in the same senior seminar for our Biology major. On top of all that, we’re now expected to share a rink? I call bullshit.
Coach Carter speaks up before Coach Beck can respond to my question, “We’re just going to divide the rink in half and practice in a smaller space. We’re trying to be as fair as possible here. We’re also going to get the full rink on Saturday mornings, and the figure skating team will no longer have Saturday practice.” 
“What?!” I shout, “How is that fair?! Coach Beck, we need Saturday!” This earns another smartass laugh from Chris and I scowl at him again.
“Clearly she agreed to it, Y/n. I’m sure you can book extra individual hours after we’re done practicing. We all know you love to work overtime,” Chris says with an eye roll, and a few of his teammates snicker. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I ask, and Chris just shrugs in my direction with a grin. God, he is insufferable.
“Okayyy,” Coach Beck says in an attempt to diffuse the obvious tension between me and Chris, “Y/n, unfortunately, this is just the way it has to be.”
“But it’s not fair. This is a lot of our senior seasons. I’m sure all of us seniors want this season to be our best.” 
“We can miss out on Saturday practice this year, and share the rink, and still have the best season of your four years,” Coach Beck says. She’s trying to be encouraging, but I can tell she’s a little pissed off too.
“Life isn’t fair sweetheart,” Coach Carter adds. I blush in embarrassment and lower my gaze. 
Later that night, after our first shared practice, I’m collecting my things to make the trek back to my apartment when I see Chris approaching next to me. 
He taps me on the shoulder and I turn to face him. “Hey,” he says.
“I just came to see how you were feeling. You know, now that we’re gonna see each other multiple times a day, almost every day. Class, Model UN, and now sharing the rink with me? You must be thrilled!” He quips, and I just want to wipe that smug grin off his face.
“Yup. I’m ecstatic!” I say, rolling my eyes. “Just more time to show everyone how easily I can wipe the floor with you.” 
“Wipe the floor with me?” he asks, “How will you be able to do that here? We’re on different teams. Maybe seeing me in action will finally show you that I’m just as talented as you are.”
I stay quiet, not really knowing how to respond. He’s right, but there’s no way in hell I’m about to admit it to him. It doesn’t matter that I don’t say anything though, because he sees right through me. He always has.
“Aw, Y/n,” he smiles, “Life isn’t fair, remember?” He slowly backs up, giving me a two-finger salute before walking away. When I turn back around, I’m alone in the rink.
chapter one in the books. i lowkey love it ngl. i can't wait to write more. let me know what you think!
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elliesmainhoe · 2 years
Ellie Williams Headcanons:
HockeyPlayer!Ellie X Cheerleader!Reader
My Masterlist
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Okay okay okay this is so cute
You go watch her practice and vice versa, sitting down and watching eachother with heart eyes.
Massive simp.
Shows you off to everyone, wrapping her arm around your waist, glaring at any other player that even dares to look your way.
Thinks that your cheer uniform is so hot and 9/10 her admiring you in it turns into a pre match work out in the changing rooms iykyk 😏.
Calls you 'Baby, Princess, sweet girl, cutie'
Kisses for good luck before every game.
Has punched one of her teammates at a after match party for getting too close to you.
Always laces up your skates for you.
Shit. You were late again.
Your hair was messily done up in your usual ponytail, uniform hastily put on and skates in hand as you rushed into the rink.
"Y/L/N where the hell have you been?!" A deep male voice yelled at you as soon you came into his vision.
"Sorry coach"
"Five minutes until you have to be on the ice. Skates on. Now."
"Yes coach" you mumbled, rushing towards a bench and sitting down, fumbling to put on your skates.
"I feel betrayed" Ellie said, making your head shoot up in surprise. "Hey Ells" you replied, a beaming smile shooting across your face.
"Nah-ah, don't smile at me traitor" she laughed, crouching down and taking the skates laces out of your hands.
"This is my job. In my girlfriend contract, it states very clearly that doing up your skates is my job." She joked, tying the shoes onto your feet securely.
"Now go, show 'em who's boss cutie." She whispered kissing your cheek and gesturing towards your awaiting squad.
Does up your hair and she's so good at it too. Her favorite style is to braid it into a pony tail ❤️
Let's assume that when you do your makeup before you go on the ice glitter is involved.
Ellie finds glitter everywhere.
Her gym bag? Yes. Her clothes? Absolutely. Her bed? Of course
Wears one of your scrunchies on her wrist like a badge of honor.
And never ever ever takes it off. (Except to shower obvs)
She loves scoring, simply because when she looks towards you in the crowd, your jumping up and down, clapping your hands and cheering before blowing her a kiss and winking.
When she finally gets off the ice after winning a game, she grabs you and lifts you up, arm resting over your short skirt so that you don't flash anyone and kisses you so passionately.
This request was so cute 🥰.
Taglist: @aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @strawberrysmoochesxo @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 6 months
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Pairing: HockeyPlayer!Mike x reader
Summary: Mike thought it would be a good idea to teach you how to skate. It wasn't — so he has to come up with a different plan.
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, p-in-v sex, oral (f receiving), unprotected (at least condomless) sex, creampie, and a very needy, desperate, slightly pushy and arrogant Mikey.
Bingo: "Is that my shirt?" (you can find the bingo masterlist here)
A/N: As always, we blame @geralts-yenn for putting the idea of Mike as a hockey player in my brain. Not the field kind, the cold and violent kind. Of course.
It's also the third entry for my @henrycavillbingo card! I know I didn't exactly use the phrase of the prompt — although I did imply it — but a jersey is sort of a shirt, I guess, so it counts :")
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@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @ellethespaceunicorn @sillyrabbit81 @littlefreya @mayloma @summersong69 @livisss @winter2112rose @changenameno @wa-ni (still not allowed to tag you, sorry :( )
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“Don’t let go of me!” Who knew ice was slippery? You. You knew. Everyone knew. Yet here you were...
“I won’t let go,” Mike answered with a smile. He was the one who had assured you it would be fine. ‘Skating is fun, Sweetcheeks’ your freezing ass...
“Mike! You just almost dropped me!”
“I didn’t,” he snorted. “You almost fell, that’s not the same thing. Ow! Would you let go of my arm, before it falls off?”
You reluctantly relaxed your grip, panicking when he moved your hands from his upper arms to just below his elbow.
“What, no!” You scrambled to get closer to him.
“Babe, you won’t be able to move like that. Come on. Nothing’s gonna happen!”
“Are you sure you’re okay going backwards?” you asked. Of course, you were hoping he’d say ‘no’ and you could go back inside.
“Sweetcheeks, I’ve been doing this at least twice a week since I was six. If there was a way to skate sideways, I’d be okay doing that.” So, there was really no way around this, then? He really wasn’t going to let you off the hook?
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“You said you wouldn’t let me fall!” you said, shoving Mike’s shoulder and pouting up at him. “That hurt!”
“Yeah, tell me about it,” Mike mumbled. “Are you okay?”
You rubbed your elbow and nodded. “I’ll live. But I’m fucking cold.”
“Yeah, when you do it right, this is exercise...” Mike said with a grin. “Sweetcheeks, that was just a joke! Come here, please?” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.
“I’m sorry I’m so bad at this,” you muttered. “I know you love it, I just...”
“Babe, babe, babe, stop.” He put a hand over your mouth. “It’s okay! I thought this would be fun but... I’m clearly not a very good teacher.”
“That’s not true! I’ve seen you coach the little ones! You’re great with them!” You trailed your fingers over his cheek. He didn’t wince at the cool wetness of your glove. “That said, I really don’t think this is my scene.”
“Alright, let’s get you off the ice and in front of the fireplace,” he said, laughing. “Don’t move.”
You stayed still while he got up, and then he pulled you off the freezing surface you were still sitting on.
“My leggings are soaked,” you noted, shivering as Mike pulled you along to the edge of the lake.
“I really didn’t expect you to fall this much, babe,” he chuckled.
“We can’t all be hockey superstars, jerk,” you retorted.
“No, but most people can at least stand upright on skates!”
“I’ll stand upright in the shower, thanks,” you grumbled, “and you are not invited.” Of course, that would have had more impact if you hadn’t encountered the edge of the lake at that precise moment, causing you to lose balance and tumble face-first into the snow.
“Sorry Sweetcheeks,” Mike said, in between fits of hysterical laughter, “but that was... You looked...” He pressed his hands to his side — a well-deserved side stitch if you ever saw one! He didn’t lose his balance for a second. Jackass.
You furiously pulled the laces on the skates but they wouldn’t come off. Why wouldn’t they come off? A cry of frustration escaped you before you could help it, and... Was that a tear? Great.
“Sweetcheeks, are you cr—”
“Only out of frustration,” you snapped before he could ask. “Nothing to do with you.”
Mike helped you up and helped you walk to the rock he’d cleaned off for you when you had arrived. It wasn’t as wet as the pile of snow he’d plucked you out of, but it certainly wasn’t any warmer.
You stayed still while he took your skates off, successfully avoiding any accidents, and watched impatiently while he traded his own skates for his shoes again.
“Can you at least try to hurry?” you said, no longer able to keep your teeth from chattering.
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The hot water of the shower was an absolute godsend. You’d stuck to your threat to not invite Mike. He’d have to think of another way to keep you warm — and he would. You already knew what you’d be walking into; you could already feel his hands on your hips, his face buried in your neck, exploring every inch of your skin, eager hands scrambling to grab as much boob as he could manage — arguably not your favorite part but he was cute, so you’d forgive him — and then finally...
You forced yourself out of the shower before you got to the kind of stuff you’d rather have Mike do, and dried off. As you looked around the room, you noticed a jersey hanging from the back of his desk chair. After a quick inspection — it smelled mostly clean — you put it on before making your way downstairs.
A nice fire was waiting for you there, complete with a content-looking, shirtless Mike — admittedly your favorite flavor of Mikey — lounging in front of the fireplace. “Hey, come here, it’s nice and wa—” He stopped talking mid-sentence when he finally looked up at you. “Is that my... Baaaaaaabe... You took my jersey!”
“I did,” you said. “Want it back?”
You watched him shake his head, while he dug deep to find the ability to speak. He still hadn’t managed by the time he rolled over, scrambled to his knees and crawled over to you, grasping the hem of the jersey and pressing his lips to the inside of your knee. And then, finally: “Hot. So fucking hot.” It cost him to speak, even those four little words.
His lips moved up the inside of your leg at a glacial pace — atypical for Mike, to say the least. When he made it about halfway, he seemed suddenly plagued by an epiphany: “You’re not wearing anything else, are you?”
Blue puppy eyes widened even further when you slowly shook your head, and Mike sucked his bottom lip into his mouth, biting down with force. A strangled moan stumbled out of his mouth, and you knew what you’d find if you could see the front of his sweatpants right now.
Then, he was up, slinging you over his shoulder in less than one second, and at least somewhat carefully putting you down again in the nest of blankets and pillows in front of the fireplace. His lips found your neck — and so did his tongue and his teeth, his sloppy kiss causing you to arch your back off the ground, arms desperate to grab as much of him as possible. He had other plans, though.
He sat up on his knees between your legs and looked down on you as he planned his next move. Except Mike couldn’t plan. Like, at all... So you let your knees fall to the side and pulled the jersey up so it wasn’t covering you. It was enough to throw him off his game.
He shrugged in a ‘yeah, I could eat’ kind of way and dove face-first between your legs, wasting no time whatsoever. No teasing, no slow start, nothing. Just his eager mouth on your pussy, tongue flat against your clit — just the way you liked it — settling into an easy rhythm that would definitely get you where you needed to be.
A focused, goal-oriented Mikey was a rare sight to behold. In fact, you’d go as far as to say there were two possible scenarios in which he came out to play; on the ice, and between your legs doing exactly what he was doing now. The discussion of the subject had gone about as Mikey-esque as possible. According to him, if he lost focus in these situations, someone would get hurt — you personally felt there was some kind of a difference between a cramped jaw and a shattered kneecap or other serious injuries, but he didn’t see it that way. Not that you were going to complain about it, because focused, goal-oriented Mike got the job done. Quickly.
He moaned — a sexy, sweet little sound — when you grabbed his head, weaving your fingers into his dark curls before clenching them into a tight fist. It wasn’t that he needed the guidance as much as you needed something to hold on to...
“Fuck, Mikey...” He had you on the edge already, but you knew better than to tell him you were close. Any time you’d tried that, it had fried something in his brain and all consistency in his technique had disappeared like snow in July. Not good. So, you’d learned to keep your mouth shut so he could keep that gentle, diligent rhythm intact, until... “Oh god, yes!”
Every muscle in your body tensed and you screwed your eyes shut as he pushed you over the edge. You barely noticed the satisfied little hum that came from him — standard procedure, and nothing compared to the other signs of his elevated sense of self-importance. In other words; the least unbearable part of the cocky attitude that bubbled up whenever you came on his tongue.
You groaned when he threw himself on top of you, probably sort of accidentally crushing you with his full weight, but you forgave him when he kissed you silly, giving you plenty of opportunity to taste yourself on his tongue before he moved on to delivering sloppy kisses to your neck.
“Get on your knees,” he demanded, grabbing your wrists as you reached for the hem of the jersey. “That stays on. Get on your knees and turn around.”
“Do you have—”
“No, I don’t. I need to feel you,” he whined — you almost felt bad for him.
“Mikey...” you warned. If you went there with him, there was no way you were ever turning back.
“Baaaaabe,” he whined again. God, those eyes were killing you. “You know you’re it for me, right? Fuck, you’re wearing my name, my number... You had to know that would drive me at least a little nuts, right? Please, please, please, pretty, pretty please, let me... Just... Please?” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, grinding his hips against you.
You’d seen him needy and desperate — of course you had! If you kissed this man’s neck twice at a party and whispered a single even remotely sexual thing in his ear, he’d already be begging to let him take you home. This, however, was next level...
His mouth stopped begging, but his eyes definitely didn’t, and the brutally possessive grasp on your hips didn’t relax either. He wasn’t going to quit until he got what he wanted, that much was obvious. That left only one question: were you going to give it to him?
“Sweetcheeks, I’m not kidding,” he muttered after a few moments. “Come on... Face down, ass up—” You clamped a hand over his mouth before he could finish that sentence, and as you did so, you realized something.
“You don’t seriously want me from behind because you can look at... Oh my god, that’s why you don’t want me to take this damn jersey off, isn’t it?” ‘Vaguely indignant’ would be an accurate description of your tone. Maybe more than ‘vaguely’.
“Ehhhh...” The sound of a man who had been well and truly fucking busted. “Okay so, out of all the times I’ve looked at you and thought ‘woohoo, she’s mine!’, right now you’re so, so, so the mine-est... My name. My number. My sweet, perfect, wet little pussy. Okay? Mine.” He dragged you down to the floor, where he latched his mouth onto your neck again, this time with so much tongue that you begged him to stop. “Only if you let me fuck my pretty girl from behind!”
“That’s blackmail!” You couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yup! Now surrender!” He grabbed your boob with one hand and tickled your side with the other before reaching between your legs. “Come on, you’re soaking wet and I know you need me as much as I need you, so... Let me bone you already!”
“I have one demand!” you said, wiping the tears off your cheeks as you tried to catch your breath. No one could make you laugh like your professional idiot.
“Hey, we’re negotiating! That’s progress!” he teased, pinching your nipple through the fabric of the jersey.
“I get to be on top, first,” you said, glancing over your shoulder at Mike, who didn’t see, because he had his face buried in your neck.
“Deal!” He snapped his head up, almost head-butting you in the nose. “Sorry! But yeah, deal, deal, deal! Fucking deal!” He scrambled to his knees and got comfortable in front of the couch, leaning his back against it and reaching his arms out towards you. “Here! Get over here, now!”
You crawled towards him, slowly, giving him your best fuck-me eyes as you let your hands slide up his legs — agonizingly slowly, of course — and hooked his fingers into the waistband of his sweatpants. “You want me, baby?”
The sweetest whimpers escaped him when you wrapped your fingers around his cock, but they turned into pitiful whines when you leaned forward. “No, I don’t want you to suck my cock!” Words you thought you’d never hear from this guy... “I need you to turn around and fucking sit. On. It.”
“Beg for it one more time, baby, please?” you asked sweetly. “You’re so cute when you beg for my pussy.”
“My pussy,” he teased. “Please, please, please, please, please come here and ride me.”
You paused for a moment, locking eyes with him, taunting him as you decided whether or not that was good enough, and quickly coming to the conclusion that he hadn’t been wrong when he said you needed him, too. So, you turned around, revelling in the sounds of eager anticipation from Mike as you moved to where he wanted you. Seconds later, you felt his tip at your entrance, and you knew the time for teasing was over.
“Fuck,” he said, twice, three times... You lost count, what with being a little too busy relishing the feeling of his skin on yours for the first time since you’d met him.
“Good?” Stupid question...
“You’re killing me, Sweetcheeks,” he moaned, clenching his fists tightly around the bunched up fabric of the jersey at your hips.
You moved slowly, knowing he would go absolutely crazy over it, and it wasn’t long before he was begging you for more. As far as you were concerned, he could forget about that, but he had other plans. He pushed you forward and quickly wormed his way out from under you, getting on his knees behind you, hurrying to get back inside.
“Can’t do this, Sweetcheeks,” he huffed, adorably out of breath. “Show up like this and then tease me. It’s not fair. Bad girl!” He playfully smacked your ass.
“Don’t act like you hate it,” you said as you reached for a pillow — playtime was over, and you were going to need one to scream in.
Lo and behold, he didn’t even pretend to hold back on the first thrust, much less any of the ones that followed, and you were left crying and moaning into that pillow as he railed you into the next century. You could tell from his breathing and his soft swearing that he wasn’t going to last much longer.
“Babe, can I— oh fuck...” This idiot. The answer would have been ‘yes’, but still... “Please tell me I’m not gonna be a dad...”
“I figured it would be better to see if you’d grow up first,” you laughed as he pulled out and lay down next to you with a hopelessly adorable concerned look on his face. Slowly, a smile broke through as you assured him it was okay.
You snuggled into his side, and he pulled a blanket over the both of you. “Hey, Sweetcheeks,” he whispered, pressing his lips to your temple. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you sighed.
He pulled on the jersey to get you as close to him as possible. “And you’re so totally wearing this to my next game.”
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blossominghunnie · 5 months
𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
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Pairing: hockeyplayer!Jiho x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff, love at first sight trope
Summary: A hockey player and an ice skater. Kinda cliché, right?
Warning: None
Notes: There’s literally no Ampers&One imagines on this app and I’m starting to stan them so, here’s an imagine of my cute bias. 😚
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“Why are we here so early?” Brian complained while yawning. It was Saturday at 8:30 am, pretty early for someone that wakes up past 11 am. The whole team of Ampers&One, which was the town’s local hockey team, was at the skating rink where they normally train on weekdays at 5 pm.
“Remember that coach cancelled training last week because of his allergies? Well, the only day available to reschedule was today, at 9 am.” The team’s captain, Jiho, responded while walking out of the locker room with his ice skates in hand.
“Stupid allergies, I could be sleeping right now.” The youngest of the group, Seungmo, complained as well. It wasn’t a secret that him and Brian loved to sleep all day on weekends.
“Quit complaining, it could be worse.” Mackiah spoke.
They kept walking and stopped at the bench that was in front of the ice rink.
They sat down and started putting on their skates.
Jiho decided to take a look at the ice to see who was training.
To his surprise, there was a pretty girl wearing leggings and a zip up jacket. She was doing spins and jumps, landing perfectly.
Standing a few feet away from her was a woman, who he assumed was her coach.
“Wah, she’s so pretty.” Kyrell spoke.
“Who’s she?” The blonde asked.
“Why are you asking?” Kamden questioned beside him. “You like her?”
“N-no.” The boy stuttered.
“I bet he thinks she’s cute.” Kyrell teased him.
When he didn’t respond, the two boys, plus the maknaes that were eavesdropping, began to make “oooh” noises.
“Her name’s Y/n, she’s a pretty well known ice skater.” Siyun informed the team.
“And how do you know that?” Brian asked raised an eyebrow.
The browned haired shrugged his shoulders. “I’m an ice skating enthusiast.”
“I’ve never seen her before.” Mackiah commented.
“Maybe she trains on weekends.” Seungmo guessed.
“Maybe.” Jiho kept looking at her, his eyes trained on her every move. She was so hypnotizing.
“I guess Jiho DOES have a crush, just look at him.” Kyrell “whispered”, his forte wasn’t really being quiet so everyone could hear him.
Kamden nodded. “He’s so astounded that he didn’t even hear what you said, and you suck at whispering.”
Everyone agreed.
And in a flash, it was time for their practice. Their coach arrived 5 minutes before the assigned time.
As they were preparing to enter the ice, the girl exited the rink with her coach. They bowed politely to the group of boys and walked towards the locker room.
Y/n felt a lingering stare so she looked back, surprised to see that the blonde guy kept looking at her. When he realized he quickly turned around, blushing. The girl blushed and giggled, thinking he was cute.
And with that, their first meeting ended. Without knowing that that was the start of something new.
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bighitbabie · 4 months
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Chill Out! - Matt Sturniolo x Reader
A Smutty One Shot by @bighitbabie
A/N: Please don’t take this too serious- I wrote it in one sitting after rewatching the hockey vlog and getting all sorts of worked up 😳 The hockeyplayer!au is almost completely irrelevant in this, but I was just eager to write and post something because it seemed like a lot of people were down for hockeyplayer!Matt and I wanted to share the love 😙 This wasn’t planned or edited AT ALL, so I’m sorry that it’s almost definitely rushed and choppy, but let me know what you think, and if you’d be interested in reading more like this!
(18+ content, please be mindful and make good choices!)
As much as you loved Matt, there were times when you wanted to grab his shoulders and shake him until his whole entire brain was emptied and rebooted. His anxiety for this game had been building up for weeks, and it had become all he ever wanted to talk about. It made sense, of course. His team, the Boston Bruins, hadn’t made it to the Stanley cup finals in five years, and they hadn’t won in thirteen. You knew it was a lot of pressure, but you also knew you didn’t want to listen to him ranting the whole night. He hadn’t fucked you in three weeks, and you were starting to feel like you might as well take up the position of a nun in a catholic church if you had to go any longer without him. You were zoned out now, chewing on your bottom lip and thinking about how bad you needed his cock as he went on and on about everything his team needed to work on before their next game.
“Matt!” you cut him off suddenly, exasperated. He was pacing the room, having left you on the couch alone what felt like hours ago.
“Hmm?” He hummed, starting to chew on one of the only nails he had yet to destroy.
“Will you please come sit down, baby?” You whined, looking up at him with what was no doubt a pitifully desperate expression.
“Y/N…” He started, and you knew he was getting ready to explain to you that he didn’t have time to sit and relax when there was so much to consider and work out before the game.
“No, Matt! I’m so tired of this! I feel like my fucking hymen’s grown back, it’s been so long since you’ve fucked me!” You declared.
“I-“ He stuttered, clearing his throat. You could see his cheeks getting red, and you felt sorta bad for being so ridiculously blunt. “I’m sorry, baby. I’ve just been really stressed.”
“I get it, babe, but can you please just try to forget the worries tonight? For me?” You asked, but before he could reply, you added, “Why don’t you sit back and let me suck you off, hmm?” It wasn’t quite as good as getting fucked, but any interaction with Matt’s dick would surely be enough to hold you over for a while.
Matt inhaled sharply, choking on his spit and coughing a few times. It always made you laugh, the way he was so shy about anything sexual. That was only until you got him calmed down and horny, though. Once he was in the right mindset, his mouth was so dirty that you were the one blushing.
“Y-yeah. Yeah, okay…” He said, sitting in the recliner near the couch. You smirked, standing up sauntering over before dropping to your knees in front of him. “Fuck baby, you’re so sexy, you know that?” He praises, unzipping and pulling his pants down to his ankles before kicking them off entirely. “I can’t think about anything else when you’re looking up at me like the little slut you are.” He says, starting to loosen up.
“That’s the whole point, baby.” You half-joked, pulling your hair up and using the tie around your wrist to secure it. “You need to stop thinking about this game for a little while and let me distract you. You deserve to lay back and be worshipped, not be pacing back and forth all stressed out.”
He groaned, closing his eyes and throwing his head back as you ran your hands over his thighs. Usually you would tease him, but by now your mouth was already watering, so you yanked down his boxers and licked your lips before stroking him a few times and putting the tip of his still hardening cock in your mouth.
He gasped again, gripping the arms of the recliner. With him still in your mouth, you moved one of his hands to the back of your head, encouraging him to push you down. You looked up at him through your lashes, taking in the sight of his blissed out expression, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. You were so proud of yourself for how quickly you were able to get him mentally calmed down, and so physically worked up. It was easy to see that with every bob of your head up and down his length, he was slowly getting into the sexy dominant headspace you absolutely lived for.
“Fuck.” He moaned, opening his eyes and looking down at you. “You’re such a good fucking girl.” He grabbed your head, pushing it down and pulling it back in a rhythm that he fully determined. You had gone almost completely limp, letting him fuck your throat however he wanted. “I love you. You’re the only one who can ever calm me down, baby.”
You smirked, pulling off of him for a breath and a quick tease- “This is you ‘calmed down’, Daddy? I’d sure hate to see you worked up…”
Matt chuckled a bit, but roughly grabbed your head and pushed you down onto him again. “Yeah, yeah. Very funny. Why don’t you just shut up and let me use that mouth of yours for what it’s really good for?” It was a rhetorical question, seeing as he was already gagging you around him. He lifted his hips up the slightest bit at the same time he pushed your head down, and your eyes started watering.
“So fucking pretty.” He praised blissfully, bringing his other hand down to your face and wiping a tear with his thumb. “Can I cum down your throat, baby?”
It warmed your heart that even after being together as long as you had, he still always asked for your consent for everything. You tightened your lips, silently giving him the go-ahead, and he pushed your head down hard on him one last time as his cock throbbed and shot his cum down your throat. He kept you held down for a moment longer, then finally released you and tried to catch his breath. “Thank you, baby. I needed that.”
“I know, Daddy.” You told him, the tears on your face drying as you wiped the mixture of spit and cum off your lips with the back of your hand. “I always know.”
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Hihi! I was wondering if you do a Jake Jensen x reader since he doesn't get enough love!! Something like, readers pretty hypersexual and all over Jake. He adores reader to the ends of the earth, but is a bit hesitant bc he doesn't think he'd be good enough for them. Jake has no idea how into him reader really is until they get it on!
If not that's totally fine! Have an awesome day!!! >O<
You make nerd sexy... (college!hockeyplayer!Jake Jensen)
Warnings: 18+ readers only, swearing, slut shaming, horny reader, oblivious!Jake Jensen, mentions of seeing Ari's package, violence, mean!Ransom Drysdale, self-doubting, college guys being jerks
"Thanks again for the help, Jakey." You smiled sweetly at him before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Jake smiled back, hoping the blush on his face wasn't visible to you or his hockey teammates as they watched your interaction from the sofas with knowing smirks.
"Uh, no problem, Y/n. You know I'm always here to help." He answered as he opened the frat house door for you.
"Well, I best be going-"
"DON'T FORGET TO INVITE HER!" Bucky shouted over his shoulder.
Your brow furrowed in confusion as you looked at Jake.
His eyes widened momentarily before he sent a glare towards Bucky. He cleared his throat and ran his hand up the back of his neck. "Oh, right, I almost forgot," He chuckled nervously. "We're uh, having a victory party here Saturday night, after the game. You wanna come?" He smiled at you.
Your lips stretched into a grin. "I'd love to, Jakey... Although, arranging a victory party before you've even played is very assumptious of you." You raised your eyebrow at him playfully.
He shook his head with a sigh. "It's their idea." He nodded towards the others as they watched you instead of the slutty music video that was playing on the TV.
You giggled, "Figures."
Steve gasped dramatically. "You don't think we'll win, Doll?"
"I just think it's bad luck to assume, that's all." You smiled and looked at Jake.
He nodded, "That's what I said." He rolled his eyes making you giggle. "Will, uh, you be at the game?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Of course she'll be at the game, Jakey... Y/n's, your personal cheerleader, ain't ya', Doll." Bucky winked at you.
You nodded. "Of course I will." You smiled at Jake before looking down at your watch. "Shoot. Gotta go, Jakey... Meeting, Nat and Wanda." You leaned up and gave him one last kiss on the cheek before running out the door waving goodbye to the rest as you did.
Jake closed the door with a sigh before turning around as he ran his hand over the back of his neck.
"Pathetic." Steve muttered stopping Jake in his tracks.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard." Steve shook his head as he sat back in his seat, his attention returning to the TV.
"Leave him alone." Sam said as he stood up from the couch stretching and turned to face Jake. "But he's right."
Jake frowned at him. "About what?"
Bucky rolled his eyes with a huff. "About the sexy little kitten that practically humps your leg any time she's near you."
Jake's brow furrowed, "Who?"
"Y/N!" All the guys shouted.
"You telling me you don't see it?" Ari asked Jake with a bewildered look.
Jake shook his head and shrugged. "See what?"
"How much she's into you." Ari said. "Because she's really into you, dude."
Jake scoffed, "Don't be ridiculous. Y/n's just friendly... She's just my friend." Jake said, thinking about you.
"That you and every other guy wants to fuck." Ari smirked as he rubbed his hand over his crotch.
"I wouldn't mind getting some of that snatch." Lloyd smirked and high fived Bucky.
Jake rolled his eyes, used to the guys constantly talking about how much they'd like to fuck you. If he was being honest, he hated it but you were his friend. What could he do?
"Jake," Sam stood in front of him and put his hand on his shoulder. "That girl wants you and you need to do something about it before someone else beats you to it."
Jake shook his head. "You're being ridiculous." He pushed Sam's hand off him. "Y/n doesn't want to be with me."
"RIGHT!" Steve jumped up from the couch startling Jake. "I'm going to fuck her then."
"What?" Jake's eyes widened as he began panicking. He really didn't want Steve to do that.
"I'll see you fuckers, later." Steve winked at Jake as he walked past him and headed for the door.
"Hold up." Bucky quickly followed. "I want to fuck her too..."
"Me too." Lloyd said as he too followed Steve out of the door.
"And me." Ari grinned as he patted Jake on the shoulder.
Sam chuckled. "Told ya." He gave Jake one more pat before jogging off out the door behind the others that followed Steve.
"Where are you going?" Jake asked him.
Sam held his hands up. "I kinda want to fuck her too, man. Sorry."
Jake silently cursed himself as he closed the door, standing in the quiet frat house. He really didn't like the idea of any of his friends trying to get with you. "Damn it." He huffed and pulled the door open. "WAIT!"
"Relax, would you, you look cute." Nat smiled at you as the two of you stood at the bar with Wanda.
You looked down at your outfit and smiled.
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"I do, don't I?" Your brow furrowed. "So why hasn't, Jake, made a move?"
"Because he's a stupid hockey playing boy." Wanda answered making you and Nat laugh.
"Listen, if Jake's too stupid to do anything, even after all your not so subtle hints, then pick one of the other stupid hockey playing boys to fuck." Nat smiled.
You groaned. "But I don't wanna just fuck, Jake. I like him."
Wanda's brow furrowed as she rubbed your arm. "I know, sweetie, but Jake's stupid. And a girl has needs."
"Needs that any of those hockey players would be happy to fill." Nat wiggled her eyebrows making you and Wanda laugh.
"Who knows, maybe Jake would finally do something if you were to sleep with one of them." Wanda said.
You hummed. "I dunno... Who would you pick?" You asked her.
Wanda thought about it for a second. "Steve's cute I guess... And Sam..."
You nodded and looked at Nat.
She screwed her face up in disgust. "Ew, you know I prefer the cheerleaders." She winked.
You rolled your eyes with a smirk. You looked down at your drink as you thought, "... Ari."
"Ari?" Both Nat and Wanda asked shocked.
You nodded. "Ari."
"He's the complete opposite of, Jake." Wanda said.
"Exactly... And, I have it on good authority he's packing." You smirked to yourself as you played with your glass.
Nat squinted, "How do you know if Ari Levinson is packing in his pants?"
You giggled, "A few weeks ago, I was at the frat house studying with Jake, and went to use the bathroom. As I opened the door, Ari was getting out of the shower... He be packing." You smirked at her as you held your hands up to show just how big Ari was.
Wanda's mouth fell open. "God damn." She smacked the bar. "Why are you so fixed on hooking up with, Jake, then?"
"Because he's sweet and kind." You smiled, "... and as much as Ari is nice and has a big dick, he's a terrible boyfriend. Much rather put his dick in everything than commit to one pussy." You huffed.
Nat nodded and out her arm around your shoulders. "Girl, maybe you need to just let Ari do what he does, to you for a while and forget about Jake."
You nodded. "Maybe..." You sighed, "Excuse me. I need the little girls room." You said before leaving the bar.
Nat and Wanda looked after you with a sigh.
"You really think, Ari's, that big?" Wanda asked looking back at Nat.
Nat shrugged and looked towards the door. She nodded towards it, "Ask him."
You opened the restroom door with a sigh and walked back into the bar to stop when your path was blocked by one of you regrets. "Move, Drysdale."
Ransom shook his head with a chuckle. "C'mon, babygirl, don't be like that." He stepped closer and looked down the top of your dress. "Remember how good I used to make you feel?"
It's true, Ransom Drysdale, knows how to fuck. But you'd already been there and weren't interested in going back any time soon.
"Yes, and I also manage to feel the exact same with my dildo." You smiled at him as his friends laughed before pushing by. "Let go, Ransom!" You pulled your arm, trying to get out of his grip.
"You're being a brat." Ransom hissed.
"Not, intrested." You smacked his shoulder with your fist.
"Everything okay here?"
You gasped, looking over your shoulder at Ari, smiling thankful at him.
"This doesn't concern you, Levinson, back off." Ransom spat at him.
Ari glared at him, puffing his chest out and using his bulking figure to tower easily over Ransom. "It involved me the moment you started hassling this little lady, Drysdale."
Ransom started laughing. "Little lady? Dude, she's a whore."
You gasped and snatched the beer out of Ari's hand, throwing it in Ransom's face before you brought your knee up into his groin. "Fuck you, mommy kink!"
Usually you weren't one to kink shame (you had plenty yourself) but the little bitch deserved it. It was no secret you enjoyed sex (a lot), but you didn't go around sleeping with everyone you ran into. Yes, you were a whore but only for whomever you were with at the time.
Ari slipped his arm around your shoulders with a smirk and guided you away from Ransom and back to where the guys and your friends had moved to. "You owe me, Princess." He teased making you smile.
He shook his head with a chuckle, "Don't worry... I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me." He winked at you making you blush.
Jake frowned as he watched you laugh with Ari. Why did it have to be him?
For the rest of the night you sat beside Ari, the two of you slowly getting drunk as you chatted and laughed with one another. At some point Ari slipped his arm around your shoulders as you rested your hand in his thigh.
"So, have you told dumbass over there about you sneaking a peak at my dick?" He asked referring to Jake, smirking as you gasped and playfully tapped his chest before giggling.
"I wasn't 'sneaking a peak', Ari." You rolled your eyes at him. "And no, I haven't."
Ari hummed. "Why not? You don't want him to know how much you drooled?" He teased.
Your eyes widened as your mouth fell open. "I did not drool!" Okay, so maybe you did a little.
Ari's head fell back with a laugh. "You so did..." He winked at you as you blushed. "Don't worry, little lady, I'm sure if dumbass over there knew, he would finally make a move."
You looked up at him with a furrowed brow and a pout. "I doubt it. It seems like everyone else can see, except him." You frowned.
Ari hummed. "I don't know how he can't see..." Ari looked down at you and began smirking. "Y'know what might make him see?"
You shook your head as you looked up at him. "What?"
Ari's smirk widened. He reached up with his free hand and pinched your chin with his thumb and index finger. He leaned in close and pressed his lips against yours, slipping his tongue in between your lips as you opened your mouth willingly. You ignored the hoots and hollars from your friends as you let yourself get lost in the kiss.
He pulled back from you with a deep breath, smirking proudly as you chased his lips. "Fancy pretending we're getting outta here and having some fun?"
You bit your lip and glanced over at Jake. He was sat glaring at the two of you.
Ari leaned in and kissed your neck. "It'll really piss him off... Might even bust the door down as I make you cum." He said with a shit eating grin.
You let out a soft laugh and slipped out of the booth, holding your hand out to him. Wanda was right, you did have needs and if Jake wasn't going to make a move then you might as well let Ari do his thing. "How far are you willing to go, Mr Levinson?"
Ari grinned and took your hand. "As far as I'm needed to, to help a friend out." He winked at you. He slipped his arm around your shoulders and the two of you began to leave the bar walking by Jake as you did. "Bye, Jakey." He winked at him.
The moment you left the bar the cold night air hit your warm skin, quickly sobering you up.
"How long you reckon before dumbass comes out here?" Ari asked as you walked down the street.
You shrugged.
Ari looked over his shoulder back into the bar and smirked as he saw Jake walking towards the door. "Trust me?" He asked you.
You laughed. "No."
Ari chuckled and pushed you into the opening of a alley nearby. He crashed his lips against yours as he held your waist. He slowly moved his left hand down your hip and to your thigh, hiking your leg over his hip as he devoured your mouth.
"Can you stop." Jake spoke from behind Ari.
You broke apart and looked towards him, Ari chuckling as he did.
"And why would I do that, Jakey? Someone's gotta look after her snatch." Ari said as he looked back at you. 'Trust me', he mouthed.
Your mouth fell open. "Jerk." You pushed on his shoulder.
Ari laughed again. "What? You know that's all this is, Princess. Your an easy fuck, everyone knows it."
"Hey!" Jake pulled on Ari's shoulder. He pushed him away from you, "Don't speak to her like that, Ari."
Ari laughed again. "C'mon, man. You didn't want her so she's far game."
"You know that's not true." Jake glared at him.
Ari scoffed. "Let a real man fuck her if you're too chicken shit."
You let out a startled gasp as Jake's fist collided with Ari's face. "JAKE!" You called out.
"Touch her again and I'll fucking kill you!" Jake turned to face you and grabbed your hand pulling you out of the alley before you could check if Ari was okay.
Jake was silent as he marched you all the way back to the frat house. "Upstairs. Now." He ordered you as he headed into the kitchen. You opened your mouth to argue as he opened the freezer and grabbed some ice. "NOW!"
You quickly ran upstairs to his room and sat on his bed, unsure what to do. You'd never seen Jake like that. He was usually so calm and collected. Even on the ice he never lost it, that's why he was such a good goalie. He focused and ready to strike at all times.
Jake walked into his bedroom, softly closing the door behind him, barely able to look you in the eye as he sat down at his desk. Silence settled between you as he held ice to his hand.
"Are you hur-"
"We're you really going to sleep with him?" Jake cut you off.
You rolled your eyes. "Of course not."
"So why leave with him?"
You huffed. "Why not? No one else was going take me home." You folded your arms across your chest. "Why do you care?"
Jake shook his head as he kept his focus on his hand.
You drew in a deep breath and stood up. "I'm tired, Jake."
Jake nodded, "I can get you an Uber or-"
"Not like that, Jake!" You huffed. "I meant with you. For months I've tried to let you know how I feel but you just brush it off. I don't know if you're too shy or just don't see or, you don't care, but I like you Jake. I really like you. But I'm tired of waiting for you to do something." You stared at Jake, waiting in silence for him to do something.
He just stared at his hand not speaking a word to you.
You closed your eyes to stop yourself crying, already feeling humiliated enough. "Fine then." You turned around to grab your bag from his bed. "I'll see you around."
"I love you."
Your mouth hung open slightly as you turned to face Jake with your eyes wide. "What?"
He groaned and dropped his head onto his desk. Shit. "I mean... I," He sat h nched over fir a few seconds as he tried to collect his nerves before he sat up and turned to look at you. "I like you too... A lot... But, I'm no good for you. I can't be with you. You're way too beautiful and smart and sexy... For a guy like me, who's a nerd and a dumb hockey player... I'm just not good enough for you, Y/n... I mean, you were going to sleep with Ari, and you were dating that Drysdale kids. I'm nothing like them."
Your brow furrowed, "Oh, Jakey," You sighed softly and walked over to him. You carefully sat in his lap taking Jake by surprise. You wrapped your arm around his neck as you smiled at him. "I know you're nothing like, Ari or Ransom, and that's why I like you. You're smart and funny, and you don't see me as a hole to fill... You've never judged me for, having a healthy appetite for sex."
Jake blushed making you smile.
"Jake," You cupped his cheek and turned his face towards you. "You're not a dumb hockey player. You're nothing like the other guys. And you're not a nerd," Jake gave you a pointed look making you giggle. "Okay, so you are a nerd, but you make it sexy." You smiled sweetly at him, making him blush even more. "And I wasn't going to sleep with, Ari. He was just... helping us out." You smiled at him. "You owe him an apology by the way."
Jake nodded. "I know." He looked down as he placed his hand on your knee.
"Jake," You whispered and lifted his gaze to meet yours. "I really like you."
Jake began grinning at you. "M'sorry I've been so dumb."
You laughed at him. "Just kiss me, Jake."
He nodded. His eyes fell your lips as he licked his lips before he closed the gap between you and pressed his soft lips against yours. His large hands gently kneaded your thigh making you moan against his mouth.
A startled shriek left you as the rest of the team barged into Jake's room, blowing party whistles. Sam pulled you off Jake's knee as some of the guys jumped up onto his bed whilst blowing their whistles. The others grabbed Jake and hauled him up off his chair. Steve, Bucky, Lloyd and Ari each grabbed a limb and began to throw him in the air like they do to each other after a victory.
"PUT ME DOWN!" Jake called out mid air looking a little green.
"This is what you get for punching me, you dick." Ari laughed.
You rolled your eyes and folded your arms across your chest. "Can you boys hurry up. I kinda wanted to suck his dick."
Tags: @hawkeyes-queen @boringandbored @lewisroscoelove @fangirlfree @am-i-rite-ladies @calimoi @wintasssoldier @gh0stgurl @chrisevanseagletattoo @hcaldwell016 @coffeebooksandfandom @tenaciousperfectionunknown @talesofadragon @sebsgirl71479 @summersong69 @montycantsin-blog @moonlover-tobefree @mm677 @hereforthemarvelidiots @samyess @mischiefmanaged21 @yiiiikesmish @marigoldreamer @rediscoverd1-23-blog @like45 @shoegal73 @gmintchoco @hufflepufftruffle @buckybarnessimpp @ihavemyhusbandfandoms @imaginelover88 @innersublimefurry @mjey12 @thorinsmistress13 @fuckyouwithkindness @angelmather1 @aprilspage @g-c-e @multifandomgirl2018 @shamalamadingdong @stillthatbetch @coochieslut @evieshifts777 @ndover425 @dontbescaredtosingalong
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ohheyjudesummers · 1 year
Pride Aside - Gojo Satoru fanfic
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Generally, this story is Minors DNI. 18+ PLEASE (but this first part doesn’t rightly need a warning since its set in the past while they’re young with nothing inappropriate)
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen (As regular humans for the most part with little to no/nonexistent cursed energy or sorcerer ability. Some supernatural abilities are present).
Character: Gojo Satoru (As he is currently in JJK221 as of right now. Meaning some spoilers as far as his *New appearance* but not regarding the office JJK plot line story and character outcomes/circumstances)
Summary: It’s always come natural for you to look out for your little brother (by a couple of short years) and even his best friend, Gojo-or at least it used to come naturally when you guys were kids. Now as Adults, Gojo is womanizing, flippant, cocky, and tends to play agitator; and while you still care about him, sometimes it isn’t the easiest being around him.
Even so, you still care about Gojo. You’ve seen vulnerable sides of him that he’s never shared with anyone and provide a listening ear to him when he needed. You wouldn’t of quite described him as a second brother, but you did feel an attachment and appreciation toward him; and you imagined he felt the same.
So, for the life of you, you can’t figure out why his behavior has shifted toward you. His smile towards you always seems to have a hidden cruelness in it, his stare, if hes not busy overlooking you, feels as if tis piercing through you when no one is looking. And when-IF-he talks to you? its feels damn near condescending. It’s as if hes trying to make you annoyed on purpose to get a rise out of you…or maybe it’s something much more personal that he’s been harboring over the years.
General author’s note: If you've read any of my previous stories or even my original works, you'll know that I typically write stories with girls of my culture in mind (even if it’s X reader) so by default, my stories are black!coded /implied. While I can’t control who reads my work and I do write for the women in my culture to be represented and be included! Not necessarily to exclude anyone.
 I’m not typically against anyone reading my stories with respect . I believe people are capable of reading and enjoying interactive literature or general writings, even if the coded/implied “Y/N" or character doesn’t look like them (Especially since girls of my own culture have had to silently use their imaginations to feel included in stories coded for lighter audiences or readers) However, I will still continue to use and include black and POC fem tags to make it easier for my people to find stories. 
Also, my fanfiction stories can be found on both Wattpad and Archive of Our Own, as well as on Tumblr (all linked on my page). Thanks so much for reading!
Also like my other fan fictions, I’m not sure if there will be a second part to this one. it depends on both my imagination and the genuine responses/interactions towards it.
As of this moment (I’m writing this 4/20/2023* this is important cause as we know, Gege could add more info to the JJK universe) we don’t really know about Gojo’s family life in depth at this moment. but even so, the info written about his backstory in this fan fiction is crafted by me *along with some other info* and is no way associated with his actual official story.
Some notables in this chapter: Black!reader, Hockeyplayer!Gojo, Jock!Gojo, slight age gap as well. Slow burn, and a bit of fluff. Think of this chapter as building a foundation for the next installment. <3
*Some time ago*
Even the gloomy gray skies outside your window couldn't keep you from smiling as you admired your masterpiece in front of you.
“Finally got it right! Drew is going to love this!” You gushed, slowly spinning the revolving cake stand.
It wasn't just years and passion that made you such a dedicated and aspiring baker, but the circumstances: it was your little brother's birthday tomorrow. Even though you loved your brother to death, you knew he could be a picky eater. While he's never complained about your baking, you didn't want to give him any reason to start. 
Before he left a few days ago to be with your father and his smother, he kept dropping hints at how much he wanted to try homemade Tres Leches cake topped with fruit. Most would have been annoyed with their younger sibling ‘pushing’ at them to work on their days off, you were silently grateful. Drew, as annoying as he could be, was actually quite considerate when it came to you. He had given you something to keep you occupied while he was away. Sure, you had your part-time job, but you were on break from classes and had more time to think about your late mother than usual this time of year.
Your step mother, Drew’s mom, was a nice lady and always open to you as a daughter, but she wasn’t your mom-not that you were looking for a replacement. You always found yourself apprehensive about family life as a whole. But at the same time wanting it. Because of this, you always got an array of conflicting feelings. Mainly, they consisted with being both content with being along in your apartment after Drew finished his stay (for however long he decided) and lonely when he went back home.
 Even though your dad wasn’t keen on the idea of you moving out so early when you just turned 18, he navigated through this as best as he could. He was always proactive in making sure you knew he was there and that Drew was allowed to stay over at your spacious apartment usually whenever. However, Drew’s schedule has become more rigid this holiday due to hockey practice. But now, he had some time spare and asked for a specially made cake- the perfect motivation for you to zone out  and kick you in gear.
The size you made in front of you wasn't overtly large compared to the other you had sitting in the fridge, which is fine considering this was a tester. You wanted to test the aesthetics Outside, it looked good; the perfect amount of  cream topping was added, and it didn't appear soggy. The only thing that made a frown twitch at the corner of your lips was the fruit topping, a cherry. It wasn't as if it weren't aesthetically pleasing. You actually liked the idea of adding fruit to the top; you just knew Drew didn't like cherries; he was more of a strawberry guy. 
“No worries, I’ll use the last few I have for the official cake in the fridge.” You say, lifting your spirits back up. “For now, it won't hurt to have some of this for myself." 
Just as you're about to pick up a nearby fork, a ripple of knocks comes at your front door. Your brows furrow as you take a glance at the clock: 7:30 p.m. Not inordinately late for someone to stop by, but one look outside the window would leave one to believe that not even delivery would feel inclined to go out in the sudden downpour.
More knocks come at the door, just as light but more rapidas the ones before. 
“Y/n? Are you home? It's me."
You recognize the voice.
Stepping away from the counter, you take the disposable mesh net off your head of curls, tossing it in the trash. Once you untie your waist apron and drape it on a chair, you step across your apartment's threshold to the front door. When you swing it open, you're met with a pair of piercing ocean blue eyes staring up at you.
Gojo. Drew’s best friend, and teammate on his hockey team. Drew did ask earlier this week if his friend could stay over for a bit. Even if, as a younger teen his independence was peculiar to you,  it wasn’t an anomaly for him to stay at your place shortly before Drew came by. Or to just sleep over entirely when he was here. You didn’t know exactly where Gojo’s family stayed but you  imagined it didn’t much matter since Drew did live a bit further than both of you. Because of this it was easier for Gojo to use your spot as a meeting place for himself. so, he tended to come over whenever he pleased.
On one end you didn’t mind this. But on another, Gojo’s free ability to roam wherever, was interesting from a certain perspective; a paternal one. From what you gathered, Gojo himself and his family weren’t really normal. You never bother to push on the subject. This was only because you didn’t notice any real red flags in his overall condition. His bottomless appetite *for sweets especially* you learned, was not out of malnourishment but more so gluttony (You’ve seen the size of his school lunches before. And he was always clothed and cleaned-even though he had this annoying habit of preferring to using the bath at your place. You didn’t know why at first, until you realized your favorite shea butter, honey scented body wash was depleting faster than normal. Initially you had suspected Drew but then you remembered his preference in scent was something more ‘manly’ as he put it.  
Be this as it may, He hardly seemed eager in elaborating on his mannerisms and family life. Maybe it didn’t matter much.
He always seemed in high spirits and overall fine. Much like now.
 A wide, Cheshire grin appears across his face—a typical greeting of him. 
“You’re here a bit early this time, Gojo. Drew doesn’t come back till tomorrow." You say as you observe his face. That’s when you pause. Wisps of his damp, snow white hair stick to his forehead, and his clothes are splotched with droplets. “Boy, d-did you walk here in the rain? Are you crazy? You'll get sick!"
Without a second thought, you grab his slender wrist and pull him into the apartment. You wait until you close the door behind him to turn your scolding gaze back in his direction.
“Why would your family let you walk in this weather? at this time especially? Could they not drive you?" 
“My family doesn’t care about what I do as long as I don’t skip on my studies.” Gojo chuckles, letting his backpack slide off his shoulder. 
A question edges itself at the tip of your tongue hearing him say this, but something stops you. Specifically, the sound of a soft ‘thud’ when his bag hits the floor. Actually, now that your eyes zero in on it, his bag looks rather full for more than a day or two stay like Drew had informed you it’d be.
“Why is your bag so heavy? What did you pack- Hey, what exactly are you doing?”  By the time you pull your eyes from the backpack, Gojo is no longer standing in your living room, but in the kitchen. Particularly near the counter where the Tres leches cake sits. 
Oh, you knew from previous events what he was thinking. Past experience had taught you that Gojo, like your brother, enjoyed your baking. However, unlike your brother, Gojo wasn't picky when it came to his food. Because of this, you *usually* enjoyed giving him the results of any recipes you were experimenting with, and he gladly inhaled accepted them. But sometimes it felt like feeding him had no end. That in itself could be exhausting for someone even if they liked to cook.  
“Do not touch that cake.”
“Huh? why not? It's just sitting here. Wait, is this…for me? Can I have it now?"
“Gojo, I like you, really, I do. But your sense of self-importance is beyond what I can comprehend sometimes.” you tell him, approaching his side. “You really think when I make sweets and Drew is not here that its always for you?”
Gojo's produces a ponderous, audible grunt with the tilt of his head. His gaze is fixed on the cake, and his fingers grip the stand as he slowly begins to rotate it. After a moment, he breaks from his awe-struck trance and looks over to you, “Well, not always. But this time, can I?” 
There’s  no real harm in allowing him to eat it. But you wanted it. How exactly could you explain that without sounding immature? Never mind that you two were still teenagers-you were still a little older. 
He’ll be fine this time around. it’s not like he absolutely needs it.
Even with your rationality, a thin slice of guilt swipes past you. You couldn't help it; you'd inherited a portion of your mother's nurturing mannerisms. 
At the same time, you couldn't see why Gojo couldn't just go out and buy one or have someone make it for him in his own family. This didn't apply to Drew; his predicament was different since no one in your father's household was a decent cook. You'd experienced more than one family dinner before coming to this conclusion yourself. Gojo, on the other hand, while he didn't speak forthrightly about his family dynamic, you could tell he was well-off enough to have someone buy him a cake made by the best pastry chefs in town
But you're not convinced he'd do something like that.
You'd grown to know Gojo as a confident young man since Drew introduced him to both street and ice hockey, and this was a fair assessment.
Gojo appears to be a talented young athlete, based on what you've seen so far. But that was the extent of his boasting—what he could offer in terms of physical ability. His usefulness when he was present. Not his finances . Money, could be replaced. But people—specifically, their abilities? Not so quickly. And Gojo was unquestionably of that nature.
Money, even if he hardly mentioned it, you knew it wasn't a concern for him. He always seemed to have more than he considered necessary, and his clothes were nice.
Aside from the water droplets on his clothes, his pale orange hoodie and loose black track pants appeared brand new and of high quality without even seeing the label. His demeanor was also relaxed, as if he didn't have a care in the world.
You clear your throat, pushing past the unsettling tenseness in your chest that usually accompanied with having to be firm. "No, you can't have this one. Not this time."
You expected Gojo to react with a joke or something witty. Instead, your gaze is drawn to his collapsing shoulders. And then he turns to look at you, his face a mix of uncertainty and hurt.
“But why? Drew said you usually make cakes for birthdays. Doesn't that mean I can eat this now?"
“Well, yeah. But it was a test for Drew's birthday. And I kind of wanted to eat it myself," You smile sheepishly. 
This discipline lesson was becoming far more trouble than it was worth, and his somber expression wasn't helping matters. You were on the verge of giving in and letting him have it. But Gojo shocks you with a terse head nod and a feeble smile.
 “Ok then. I'm gonna go wash up before bed. I know we have to set up for Drew's birthday tomorrow morning." Is all he says before going back into the living room to grab his bag and bolting down the hallway. 
You didn't realize the tension you'd been holding on your shoulders until you felt them sag at the sound of the bathroom door closing. 
Well, great. I feel like shit. 
Your sweet tooth had suddenly vanished, so you began cleaning up the small mess you had made in the kitchen area while cooking. But something catches your eye—a notification on your phone on the counter not far away.
Picking it up, you shuffle through some of them until your gaze is drawn to notifications from Drew that you missed earlier this morning.
I really need to be more prompt with these things. 
You sigh as you unlock your phone and read his messages.
Thnks for Gojo stay over! But do you think you can do me a huge favor? (ಠ_ಠ)
 I know it's last minute, but I'll pay you back and do dishes for the next two weeks!   before he swings l8ter today, do you think you could bake a small cake for him? When I was texting him earlier about how you make special cakes for my birthday, can you believe he asked me why? (⚆_⚆)
I thought he was joking around, but he told me he'd never done something like that in his family. something about how they acknowledge it as a hallmark in their family's history—whatever that means. But it’s not an actual moment they celebrate with or for him—they don't even give him a cake. 
I want to be there for it, but we're still driving back. Plus, today is the official day, and I want him to have something for himself. So please do me this solid! thanks! 〵(^ o ^)〴
You placed your phone on the counter before clenching the area of your shirt where your heart was beating. In that moment, if it could sink, it would end up at the earth's core.
“Wait, is this for me?” His small voice of innocent curiosity-- It'd been genuine. Not out of self-centeredness, like you initially assumed. 
You wanted to give yourself some comfort by not believing someone would be so cold toward a child as to not give them a birthday celebration for the 14-going on 15- years they've been alive. You didn't want to believe someone who could literally be so sure of himself around his peers, and his abilities, was robbed of something so basic as human contact by his own family for that special day. 
But as you thought more about the matter, you realized you had to be realistic with yourself. With Gojo's mannerisms, and what little you know about his family, Drew's words about him didn't seem so farfetched. Not in the slightest.
You'd been blessed with some logical adults in your life; they'd taught you that multiple things can, on occasion, be true at once about an individual, whether they make sense to you or not. 
Gojo emerges from the bathroom now wearing his pajamas after taking a much-needed hot bath. There was another special reason he felt better, in addition to the simple fact that his skin felt warm, fresh, and spotless. A small smile appears across his mouth as he breathes deeply while aiming his face at his shoulder. He presses his nose much more firmly against the softness of his shirt, to his shoulder. The scent of your body wash hits him; the aroma of flowers, sweet citrus fruit, and Honey—His new favorite scent since his visits at your house started—was delicate as well as prevalent.
It's almost like... She's hugging me. Honey.
The thought emits a dull ache in Gojo's chest. It's a strange reaction, along with the floating, warm feeling he gets whenever he's close to you. But it's not a new sensation; rather, it's been with him since the first time he saw you on the sidelines at one of Drew's street hockey games—before he knew either of you officially.
But Gojo never gave much thought into the feeling other than him appreciating your company to the point where he wanted to be around you more. Thankfully you allowed it without much question. yet, still, Gojo silently couldn’t help but feel it was a luxury he could never seem to be able to afford. Gojo loved Drew like a brother he’d never had, truly he did. But whenever he thought about Drew’s relationship with you for long, he could feel envy grip its cruel green fist around what felt like his heart. The tightness would increase Moreso when he thought about how Drew could have access to your time whenever.
Despite having more money than he knew what to do with, being applauded and acknowledged as a possible prodigy of hockey; He felt inadequate to his best friend simply because he had you. Not as an older sister, but as someone who was concerned and…loved him. But Gojo would do his best to hide this ugly side of him; always brushing it off as best he could and having a good time. Like now
Except for one difference.
For the first time since entering the corridor, Gojo noticed how quiet it was. In the past, even when it had just been the two of you hanging out, he would at least be able to hear you moving around the house.
“Y/n?” He calls for you, but gets no answer. puzzled, he steps further down the hall, just nearing the corner to round leading toward the kitchen archway-only to be stunned at the sight. 
“Happy Birthday!”
You beamed, holding a rectangular glass cake pan angled toward him. Gojo freezes at the sight in front of him. His blue eyes blink rapidly before locking back on toward the cake. It's similar to the one you told him he couldn't eat, with the whipped topping evenly spread out. Aside from being bigger, this one was thoughtfully topped with fresh strawberries along the frame of the cake. And in the middle, in red, carefully pipped lettering, were the words, "Happy birthday, Gojo!"
Even after seeing his name on the surface, Gojo, as self-assured as he depicted himself to be, began feeling unsure at the display. "I get to have a cake?”
“It's December 7th, isn't it?” You tease. “Of course, you should have a cake; today's a special occasion." Your smile widens as you set the cake down on the kitchen island. You motion for him to sit on the stool in front of the cake as you round the opposite side of the island, which he does.
Even though Gojo took long baths, you felt that the amount of prep time you had to make things to your liking was nonexistent. Granted, you already had this cake made with the intention of giving it to Drew tomorrow, so that cut time down by a bunch. But decoration wise? You wanted it to be a little more presentable with something besides a clean application of whipped topping. So, in your haste to finish the last-minute cake, you decorated it with strawberries and practiced piping a few fonts before writing on the cake itself. Everything was at least acceptable to you, but you could only find one box with a single red and white striped candle.
It'll do for now. 
You think, as you remove the candle from the box and gently insert it into the cake's surface. Gojo watches attentively as you grab a nearby lighter and angle it over the candle wick.
“You know, it's tradition to blow the candle out, but you have to make a wish first. You can ask for anything you'd like." 
“A wish...?” he repeats slowly, wrinkling his nose. “Why would I wish for something when I can just go and get it myself?"
Your lids lower.
Why am I not surprised that he would say something like that?
You fight the urge to  follow up his remark with something witty; that would be immature given the situation.
“Not everything is easy to get—that's why.”
“It doesn't need to be.” He shrugs lightly. “ I'll have it if I really want it.” 
It's so annoyingly amazing how this boy can be so innocent but at the same time so sure of himself. 
“Fine, Mr. Confident." You chuckle, lowering the lighter. “If you're so undoubtably confident that you don't need even an inkling of help from a wish to afford every luxury this world has to offer, then we don't have to—"
“Wait!” His hand clasps around your wrist suddenly. "I mean, we can still do it. For fun, I mean.”
Your brow furrows at the sudden change of heart. You're almost tempted to question him about it, but you quickly dismiss the idea. It didn't matter right now. 
The vivid orange flame peaks from the lighter with a soft 'click' and ignites the wick.
"If you need a second to think of your just-for-fun wish, you can give yourself a little time."
“I don't have to say it out loud either, do I?”
“You don't," you confirm with a kind smile. “Just close your eyes, think really hard about what you really want, and then blow out the candle.”
Even with your genuine patience, you can't help but notice the way his eyes fidget back and forth between you and the flame on the candle. Regardless of whether it's a harmless superstition that he claims he doesn't believe in, his body language towards this part puzzles you. Then, a faint pink rose to his cheeks. It's almost as if he feels embarrassed or protective of his superstitious beliefs being reveled to you.
Maybe he actually does have something unobtainable that he wants, but can’t admit it —boys are so stubborn. 
You think humorously. 
It wasn’t so hard to believe. you distinctly remember overhearing him and Drew once talking about some rare hockey trading cards weeks ago. 
But you weren't going to poke fun at him about it-even if it was a silly superstition, this was a moment—a hallmark for him...
His long, snow-white lashes flutter close as he leans forward slightly. His chest inflates slightly as he takes a breath, and he expels the flame in one whisk of breath. 
…cause in that innocent instant, neither of you knew how much of a hallmark that moment was and how it set off a butterfly effect promised to intertwine your lives for the long haul. 
End note from the author:  I enjoy and appreciate comments, likes, reblogs (on Tumblr), and kudos (on AO3). I don't always have the spare time to respond back or properly view in a timely manner, but please know that I appreciate the interaction purely because I love sharing my imagination with people who enjoy the escape from reality <3 also, heres a pic of the vision I had of the budding hockey start Gojo
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©JUDESUMMERS. Please do not copy, Translate, Plagiarize, or repost (sharing via link is excluded). This story is only uploaded on Tumblr, Wattpad and AO3. Anywhere else under any other name besides JUDESUMMERS is prohibited
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atlafan · 4 years
The Tutor - Part Three
a/n: alright, I think I have these two out of my system now. hope you enjoy! feedback is always appreciated, as well as reblogs! 
Part One Part Two
Warnings: fluff, SMUT, slight angst, slight spitting, partying, alcohol consumption.
Words: 18.6K
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After spending like what felt a week in bed together, the spring semester officially began. Y/N was in a stage of just feeling giddy from how good Harry made her feel. Now that they had been together for a few months, she felt totally comfortable with him. She would often sleep naked, or lounge around in just her underwear she knew they would be alone for a while. Harry didn’t mind one bit. He liked how cute and sweet Y/N was, and he loved being loved on by her.
When she walks into their Art of Film class she scoffs when she sees him sitting in the second row. She walks right up to him and rolls her eyes.
“We are not sitting this close up.” She shakes her head.
“I like sitting closer, Y/N.”
“But if we’re going to be watching movies, then we should sit in the back.”
“This isn’t even a stadium style classroom, so that doesn’t make any sense. If you wanna sit in the back then be my guest, but this is where I like to sit.”
Y/N sighs heavily and sits down next to him. She didn’t like sitting up front in class, it just meant she would be called on more and she didn’t much feel like participating to the extreme in just a gen ed. She liked to save her energy for her major courses.
“You’re a little too studious sometimes, you know that?”
“Y/N.” He hums warningly and side eyes her. “Are you going to be able to handle sitting next to me? Or is this going to be an issue?”
“Golly gee, professor, I don’t know, maybe I should come to your office hours later to discuss it.” She smirks at him and he rolls his eyes.
“Don’t be mean.” He pouts. “I have a tough time concentrating in the back sometimes, so sitting up front is better for me. We’re in the second row at least.”
“I suppose that’s true.” She sighs.
Other students fill in. Billy from senate is in the class as well, and sits behind Harry. Y/N gives him a smile as well. The professor walks in, and sets his bag down on the desk. He gets his computer hooked up to the tech station so he can use the projector.
“God, please don’t tell me we’re going to watch Fight Club and Pulp Fiction.” Y/N groans.
“I didn’t see those on the syllabus.” Harry says, taking a few papers out. “Actually, a lot of the films we’re going to watch were directed by women, or have strong female casts.”
“You…already printed the syllabus?”
“Yeah, it’s what I did after I sent you home last night. I did it for all of my classes.”
“Good morning everyone, I’m Professor Robinson, feel free to call me Eric.” He smiles. “I’m really excited about this course, it’s one of my favorites to teach. We’re going to watch some great films, and learn about what goes into making them. I hope you all will get the book needed for class. It’s a little dense, but I promise I’ll be able to explain it in ways for you to understand.” He starts to go over the syllabus a bit. “One of the first films we’re going to be watching is Baby Face, it came out in 1933, and is considered a drama and a noir. This came out right at the beginning of when the Hays Code was being introduced, so we’ll be comparing this to Double Indemnity, which came out in 1944, another Barbara Stanwyck film. You’ll be able to see how differently the films were made, and even the difference in how female characters were treated. We’ll go over the Hays Code as well, but these two films will be great starting points. Now, you may have noticed that Wednesday evenings were put on your schedules from 7-9PM. These are optional meeting times. I will be showing the films here during this time, or you can watch them on your own. Whatever’s easier.” He smiles and continues on.
Y/N was captivated. She wasn’t sure what to expect from the course, and even though they would be watching a few black and white films in the beginning, the subject matter actually interested her.
“Alright, now, I hate doing the normal ice breakers where we all state our names, our majors, and a fun fact, and I know you all have made claim to your seats, so, turn to the person next to you, introduce yourself and talk about what you look for in a film when you go to the theater.”
Harry and Y/N look at each other and smile. Harry extends his hand out to her and she giggles as he shakes it.
“You’re so silly! Okay, when I go to the movies, like, if I’m going to pay to see a movie, I want to know that I’m going to laugh and not be bored. Like, I know it’s a good movie if I don’t check my phone the entire time. I like when the beginning is easy to follow along so I’m not confused.”
“Same here. I sort of like being sucked into another world, like, escape for a little bit. I feel like when I go to the movies, it’s one of the few times I don’t need to think too much about anything. It’s when I feel my least anxious.”
“Okay!” Eric says. “Glad you all could get to know each other a bit. I think we can end class a little early. Please make sure to check out the moodle page, there is a forum post do before Wednesday, and make sure you have Baby Face watched by next Monday. Thanks everyone!”
“This is going to be a fun class.” Y/N says to Harry as they walk out together.
“I think so too.” He kisses her cheek. “Where are you headed next? I have stats.”
“I’m heading to my Macroeconomics class, and then I have Organizational Communication, then I’m done for the day.”
“Alright, and then I’ll assume you have lifting?”
“Mhm.” She grins at him and pulls him aside.
“Your birthday is this Friday.”
“Is it?” He pretends. “Had no idea.”
“Well, I hope you know I have a lot planned.”
“Is that so?”
“Yup, you’re going to be spoiled rotten, babe.” She gets on her tip toes to kiss him. “I gotta go, I’ll see you later.”
“Bye.” He chuckles as he heads upstairs to his stats class.
Y/N and Harry decide to be good sports Wednesday night and go to the formal viewing of Baby Face for their class. Most of the class actually showed up, so it made it more fun to watch. There was a scene where a man put his hand on Barbara’s knee, and she poured hot coffee on him without skipping a beat. Y/N loved her. She climbed her way up to the top by manipulating men, just as the men her life when she was younger had tried to manipulate her.
“I loved that movie!” Y/N exclaims as they leave the academic building. “She was so badass, taking no one’s shit.”
“Yeah, I really liked it too.” He yawns. “Christ, I’m tired.” He leads her in the direction of her apartment.
“Did I tell you me, Gina, Amanda, and Becca all signed a lease for an off campus place next year? We’re really excited.”
“That’s great! We’re all staying in the same apartment, which I’m happy about. It’s the perfect spot.” Harry walks Y/N up to her door and she looks confused when he stays outside. “M’gonna go back to my place, it’s late and I have an 8AM tomorrow…”
“Oh…alright.” She wraps her arms around his neck, and his go around her waist. “Thanks for walking me home.”
“Anytime, baby.”
They stand outside kissing for a while before he detaches himself from her. They both giggle and say goodnight before she goes inside. Louis and Niall were in the living room when Harry gets back, and he flops down onto the couch with them.
“Hey, mate, how was the movie?” Louis asks.
“Not too bad, actually. We both enjoyed it. I don’t think I’ll have the energy to go every Wednesday night, though. I’m pooped.”
“Did you go to the gym this morning?” Niall asks.
“Yeah, went for my usual run. Forgot how tiring going to classes all day were. Sort of miss just working in the law office.”
“I’m surprised Y/N isn’t with you.” Louis says.
“Nah, I walked her home and told her I wanted to come back here. I can’t get into the habit of having a lot of sleepovers during the week.” He hoists himself to his feet. “Well, I’m off to bed, goodnight.”
“Night, mate.” Niall and Louis say.
Harry gets cozy in bed, and then groans to himself when his boxers become uncomfortably tight. He rolls his eyes at himself. Did he have to press up against Y/N while they were making out earlier? Of course he was fucking did, and now he was too riled up to fall asleep. He wondered if the same thing ever happened to her.
Harry: can’t sleep
Y/N: thought you were exhausted
Harry: I was, but now I can’t stop thinking about you
Y/N: me or my parts, lmao
Harry: YOU
Y/N: not much I can do to help you from all the way over here…
Harry: picture???
Y/N: Harry!
Harry: you sent a ton over break!
Y/N: that was different
Harry: please??
Y/N: fine, I’ll send you a snap, gimme a minute
Y/N rips her blankets off her body, unsure of what sort of picture he was hoping for. She gets up and strips herself of her bed-shirt, and takes a mirror selfie, careful to hide most of her face, just in case, and sends it to him on snapchat. Harry was already stroking himself in anticipation. He grins ear to ear when he sees the notification pop up on his phone, and opens it immediately.
“Oh, fuck me.” He groans when he sees her naked body on display for him. She had squeezed one of her breasts, and he could just make out her biting her bottom lip. He knew she didn’t really like receiving nudes, even if it was from him, so he sends her back a pouty selfie telling her how fucking beautiful she was.
Y/N: you did this to yourself, you could have come up
Harry: I was trying to be good
Y/N: look at you now, giving yourself a hand job
Harry: don’t be mean…would you send another?
Y/N: yeah, hold on
She sends him a snap of her breasts pushed together, and that does it for him. He bites down on his knuckle while come gets on his other fist and lower belly. He gives himself a minute before cleaning himself up and laying back in bed.
Harry: thank you baby
Y/N: you realize you owe me
Harry: I’ll give you anything you want, you know that
Y/N: love you, goodnight
Harry: love you too, sweet dreams
He sighs happily as his eyes flutter closed. Y/N rolls her eyes and smirks to herself. Sometimes these moments were gentle reminders that even though Harry was a little more “woke” than most guys, he was still your average college guy. He wanted nudes from his girlfriend, and he wanted to sext even though he easily could have just come inside. She wasn’t annoyed her anything, and she didn’t want to be with his birthday so close. However, now she was left there, aroused at the idea of him simply getting off to a couple of pictures of her. She figures if he could do that, then she could do the same. She told him about most of her winter break, but what she hadn’t told him was about her new little friend. The girls had all gone to a sex shop, and she bought a little bullet vibrator. Y/N gets up and goes into her closet to use it. If he didn’t want to come in to satisfy her, she had other ways of getting around it.
Thursdays were days Y/N could meet up with Harry for lunch, so she happily goes to see him at the dining hall. She smiles and sits down with her food. He had his laptop out, typing away at something.
“How could you possibly already have something so important to do?” She sighs.
“Student senate stuff.” He says and then closes his laptop. “Thanks for your help last night.” He smirks and then kisses her cheek.
“You’re welcome.” She sips on his drink.
“Are you excited for your game tonight?”
“Are you upset with me?”
“No, why would I be?”
“You seem a little annoyed with me…”
“Not at all, Har.” She shrugs. “I just think that if you wanted to fuck me, you could have come inside.”
“I didn’t feel like spending the night.”
“I’ve told you before that you don’t need to.”
“You say that, but then you give me this look, and then I feel guilty…so I just don’t come in at all. It’s easier.”
“Mm, and then you get to conveniently rub one out.”
“Are you upset that I asked you to send me pictures?”
“No, I suppose it’s flattering. I just think I make things a little too easy for you sometimes. It’s not exactly easy for me to get off on my own, you know?”
“Aw, did I leave you hanging?” He genuinely felt bad.
“Nope, took care of it myself. Don’t exactly need you, do I?” She grins. “Made my back arch off the bed all by myself, no help from you whatsoever.” She bites into her sandwich, and looks innocently as his grimacing face. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re being mean. What are you saying, I don’t make you feel good anymore?”
“No, you make me feel plenty good. But I know a thing or two now, so don’t you worry about not wanting to come up and fuck me because I can handle it all on my own. In fact, let’s be like an old married couple who have sex nights and just do it once a week. That could be fun.”
“You are annoyed with me.”
“I’m not.” She leans closer to him so no one around can hear. “I just don’t want to be your personal porn star when you can’t fall asleep at night.”
“That’s not what I…” He sucks his teeth. “Okay.”
“Yeah, you’re right. It was a little selfish, I’m sorry.” He pouts at her and hides his face in her neck. “Love you so much.” He kisses on her neck slowly, and she sighs.
“It’s okay.” She rubs his back. She really couldn’t stay upset with him when he was like this. He was just too cute. “I love you too.”
He sits up straight and pecks her lips before eating more of his food.
“I can hang out tonight if you want, no Friday classes this semester.”
“Me neither! Although, I’ll still have practice tomorrow morning. I’ll think about it. Maybe you could come to dinner after the game?”
“I’d love to.”
The girls ended up losing, so there was no community dinner down town, and Y/N was in too sour of a mood to have alone time with Harry, which he understood. Tomorrow was his birthday, so she’d rather start fresh with him when she was in a better mood.
Harry’s eyes flutter open around nine. He usually never sleeps this “late”, but his alarm didn’t go off for some reason. His eyes snap open when he sees, Y/N, Niall, and Louis all creeping into his room. They were holding balloons and streamers and confetti.
“Happy birthday!” They all scream and dog pile on Harry. He laughs hysterically.
“Okay, okay!” He yelps. “Can’t breathe!”
The boys both get off the bed, but Y/N stays straddling him.
“Right, well, we’ll be whipping up some brekkie downstairs.” Louis says with a wink as he and Niall leave the room.
Y/N gets up quickly to lock the door and then she gets right back on top of Harry. His hands grip her hips tightly.
“What a nice surprise.” He smiles up at her. “Do you mind if I go brush my teeth and all that? Just woke up, you know.”
“You know what’s funny? With all of the excitement this morning, I forgot to take a shower.” Harry’s eyes grow wide at her. “What do you say, Har?” She says lowly.
“They’re home…”
“They’ll be busy making what I asked them to, and they’ve been told not to come upstairs. They just want you to have a good birthday, and so do I.”
“Do you even have anything with you?”
“Yeah, my bag’s right over there.” She points to it. “So…”
“Alright, yeah, let’s go take a shower.” He says excitedly.
Harry brushes his teeth while Y/N gets her hair up in a bun so it won’t get wet.
“Did you shower after practice?”
“I rinsed very quickly, not the same thing.” She takes her clothes off and presses her body against Harry’s. “This is much better.”
“I agree.”
He pulls the curtain back and helps her in. They both giggle as the water hits his back, and she wraps her arms around his neck. His hands slide down to her ass and he squeezes her. He licks into her mouth, and she happily glides her tongue along his. She bites his bottom lip and steps back, grabbing at his body wash.
“Which scrubbie is yours?”
“Oh, I just use these.” He holds up two gloves that are made from exfoliating rags. “They work much better and they’re more sanitary.”
“Learn something new about you every day, Har.” She grabs the gloves and puts them on, and squeezes the body wash onto them. “Turn around, gonna getcha all clean.”
“Wow, I’m really being spoiled today.”
He turns around and nearly purrs at the feeling of her scrubbing his back. She turns him around so she can do the same to his front and arms. She peels the gloves off and rinses them out.
“Thanks, baby.” He smiles as the soap rinses off him.
“Want me to wash your hair too?” She asks shyly. “Grew my nails out for you.” She holds them up to show him and he his mouth forms in an “O”.
“Yes, please.”
She giggles and get his shampoo lathered into her hands, and he bends down a bit so she can properly scrub at his head. He moans softly as her nails scratch at his head. She massages his scalp a bit as well before helping him rinse it out. Once he’s all clean, she gets on her knees in front of him, and starts stroking him up and down.
“Is this what you wanted the other night?”
“Yes.” He grunts. “Are you sure you feel like doing this right now?”
“Mhm.” She hums before swirling her tongue around his tip.
Harry mindlessly grips at the tile on the wall while she bobs her head up and down on him. She swallows around him and plays with his balls, doing everything she knows he really likes.
“Baby, please, let me touch you.”
She looks up at him and he nearly loses it. He helps her stand up and he pushes her up against the wall, and she gasps with surprise at his abrupt forcefulness. His lips sponge at her neck and across her chest. One of his hands slides between her legs and her head rolls back against the tile.
“We’re wasting water.” She groans. “Let’s get out, and then we can play a little more.”
“You’re not just teasing?”
“No, babe.”
They both get out, and get wrapped in towels. Harry smells the food from downstairs, and his stomach growls, but he soon forgets he’s hungry when he sees Y/N drop her towel and shake out her hair.
“Come and get me, birthday boy.”
He drops his towel and nearly tackles her onto his bed. He nips at her lips and works his way down her body, biting and sucking where he pleases. He just wanted his head between her legs. He spreads her apart, and licks a flat stripe up her center.
“Jesus.” She shivers from that alone, and slots her fingers through his hair.
He sucks harshly on her clit, and swirls his tongue around it, nibbling a little before sucking on it again. She moans out a little too loudly and she covers her mouth with her hand. She didn’t exactly want to put on a show for the boys downstairs. That all goes to hell when he licks into her. She props herself up on her elbows to watch him. He looks up at her while he fucks her with his tongue, and the eye contact is too much for the both of them, but they continue through any embarrassment they may feel.
“Oh my god.” She pants as her head rolls back. His mouth moves back to her clit, and two of his fingers slide inside her, twisting around as he pumps them in and out. “Harry, fuck, oh my god.”
He curls his fingers up as he gets in knuckle deep, and rubs them against her g-spot, as he continues to suck on her clit. He groans against her when he feels her tighten around him.
“Gonna come?”
“Yes, oh my fucking god, shit!” She cries out as she pulses and vibrates around him. He takes his fingers out and laps away at her as she comes down from her high.
“Ready for my cock?”
“Please.” She breathes and nods.
He gets up and grabs a condom to roll on. He gets back on the bed, but she pins him down, pinning his hands on either side of his head.
“Let me take care of it, baby, just want you to feel good and relax.”
She lines herself up and sinks down on him. He moans out at the tight feeling. She brings her hands back down to his and intertwines their fingers as she keeps them pinned on his pillow. She rocks back and forth on him slowly, just getting adjusted, and then she starts to get a good pace going, moving up and down on him.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He grits his teeth and squeezes her hands. “You feel so good.” He was panting, watching her above him like this was really doing something to him, and he sort of speaks before he thinks. “Would you spit in my mouth?”
Y/N kept moving on him, but she looked down at him deeply concerned.
“You want me to what?!”
“Never mind!”
“No, I’ll do it!”
“Forget I said anything! I don’t even know why I-“
“Harry, you want me to spit? I’ll spit!”
“It’s weird, it’s too weird, I went too far!”
“Open your mouth!”
Harry’s mouth falls open, his tongue peeking out. Y/N wells up some spit in her mouth and leans down so her mouth was close to Harry’s. She didn’t want to spit harshly. She sort of just wanted her saliva to drip from her tongue to his. Maybe that could be sensual? So she does just that. She opens her mouth and lets the spit in her mouth roll from her tongue to his. She was moving on him in slow circles as she did this. He swallows it and looks up at her. He uses the power from his legs to thrust up into her since his hands were busy squeezing hers.
“Do it again.” He breathes.
She happily obliges and does it again for him. It was his birthday, she’d do anything he wanted…within reason of course. She supposed it wasn’t the weirdest thing he could have asked for. His tongue had been so far up her cunt, swapping spit was probably the least odd bodily fluid they could have shared.
She stays close to him, sucking on his tongue while they move in sync with each other. She starts squeezing and tightening around him. She was rubbing up against him in the perfect way, and he was about ready to lose it himself.
“M’gonna come, Y/N.” He groans.
“Me too, fuck, me too.”
She sits up straight and her back arches as she comes, and his release wasn’t too far behind. He feels like he explodes inside of the condom. She lets go of his hands slowly and he helps her off of him. He runs a hand through his hair as he watches her wobble around to get some pants and a t-shirt on.
“Just gonna go pee.” She kisses his cheek and slips out of his room.
He disposes of the condom, and puts his boxers and sweatpants on, not much feeling like a shirt at the moment. He was sitting on his bed, twiddling his thumbs, when she came back into the room. She sits down next to him and smiles.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah…I just, um, was that weird?”
“When I asked you to spit in my mouth?”
“Um…” She blushes. “It took me a little off guard, but it’s really not that weird.”
“I don’t even know why I wanted you to do that, it just sort of slipped out.”
“It’s really not that different from kissing, I mean, we technically spit on each other all the time.”
“Guess that’s true.” He smirks and grabs his glasses. “It’s been quite the morning.”
“It’s not over yet.” She stands up and reached for his hand. “Come on.”
They both come downstairs, and Harry gasps.
“Yorkshire pudding?!”
“Got the recipe of Delia Smith’s website.” Louis laughs. “Hope it tasted good. We made eggs, beans, and bacon too.”
“Thanks guys.”
It was a nice breakfast for the four of them. Y/N hangs out with Harry all day. They paint each other’s nails, watch a movie, cuddle, and just enjoy each other’s company. He had gotten a little sleepy, so he was peacefully napping with his head resting in her chest. Y/N noticed that Harry was a stomach sleeper, but he liked having something to hold on to. It was really cute. She was playing with his hair while reading on her phone. It was a really nice lazy day, and a perfect way to make sure everything was getting set up for his surprise party at Ashley’s. She hears his phone start to buzz and sees it a FaceTime request from Gemma.
“Babe, it’s your sister.”
“Okay.” He mumbles and sits up. “Hello!”
“Happy birthday!” Gemma and Anne say together.
“Harry, are you still in bed?” Anne asks.
“Was taking a nap, Mum. It’s my birthday, I’m allowed to catch up on some sleep.”
“Are you doing anything fun?”
“Y/N and the guys made me breakfast, and then we watched a movie, and I think we’re going out tonight.”
“Is she with you now?” Gemma asks.
“Yeah.” He flips the camera.
“Hi, Y/N!” Gemma says.
“Hello.” She says shyly and waves. Harry flips the camera back to himself.
“I love you both, but m’all groggy.”
“Alright, honey, I sent you a nice package so hopefully you’ll get it soon. We love you!”
“Thanks!” He tosses his phone elsewhere, and pushes Y/N back down so he can put his head back on her chest. “So comfy.”
“We should probably get up soon…”
“Why? What else you got planned?”
“Just dinner with friends. We should be there around seven.”
“S’only four now, plenty of time to keep chilling out. I never get to do this, it’s nice.”
“Okay, babe.” She goes back to playing with his hair and reading on her phone.
When it was time to get ready, Y/N put on some black tights that had a pattern on them, her black mini pencil skirt, and a long sleeve red crop top. Harry had a long sleeve blue button up on paired with his black jeans. He was putting his boots one when he watched Y/N zip up her own boots.
“You look so fucking sexy.” He says as he gets up and wraps his arms around her. “Are you sure we have somewhere to be, and I can’t just take this all off you?”
“Sorry.” Y/N giggles. “But dinner’s waiting.”
“But I’m only hungry for one thing.” He pecks at her lips.
“Didn’t you have enough of that earlier?”
“Never enough, babe.”
“Oh, Harry.” She swats a hand at his chest. “Come on.”
They both get their coats on and head out. She loops her arm around his, and leads the way. He realizes they’re headed towards Ashley’s apartment, but he doesn’t question it. She opens the door and everyone yells surprise. Harry laughs and walks in. They put their coats away and he’s amazed at the spread of appetizers there was.
“Thank you all so much, this is great.” He smiles.
All of his friends from senate were there, Louis, Niall, some other people from the soccer team, and other friends. And of course the entire women’s hockey team, but that was a given. A cake is brought out and everyone sings happy birthday to him. After settling down from the food, all of the drinks come out. Everyone takes shots of tequila, and then Y/N makes Harry a vodka cranberry, his favorite. That’s what he stuck with all night. He didn’t want to throw up from mixing drinks.
Y/N was off talking to her friends, but when the music starts to get good, Harry finds her, and yanks her towards him. She wraps her arms around his neck as they start to slow grind.
“Can’t believe you put all of this together for me.”
“Well, it wasn’t all me, the guys helped.”
“Doesn’t matter.” He presses his forehead to hers. “Love you so much.”
“Love you too.”
Harry was really drunk, like, more drunk than Y/N had ever seen him, so she was taking it easy on her own drinks. He stayed attached to her while they danced for the rest of the night. She indulged in making out with him, but there was no way they were having sex again when they got back to his place. Louis and Niall had to help walk him back because there was no way she could carry him. They help him up the stairs in and into his room.
“I’ve got it from here, boys, thanks.”
“Night, Y/N.” Niall says as he and Louis leave.
“Okay, let’s…Harry…” She giggles as he sloppily kisses her neck. “Come on, I wanna get you into bed.”
“Mm, me too. Let’s get you into bed.”
“No, baby, for sleep. Gotta get you out of these clothes for sleep.” He bites down on her neck and squeezes her ass and she groans for a moment before pushing him off. She puts her hands on her hips and looks at him. “We can do that in the morning, you’re really drunk.”
She steps forward and unbuttons his shirt, and gets his pants off. She sits him down on the bed while she gets her own clothes off. She throws on one of his t-shirts and flips the lights off. She climbs into bed with him, and he spoons her, pressing his bulge against her ass.
“M’so hard.” He whines.
“I know, but there’s nothing I can do about that right now.”
“You gave me such a nice birthday.” He holds her closer and nestles into her hair.
“I’m glad you had a nice day, babe.” She chuckles.
“It was the best.” He yawns, and not too long after…he’s out.
Y/N was grateful he didn’t get sick. She didn’t do well with throw up. She drifts off slowly after him. She wakes up a couple of hours later to the sound of his door opening and closing. She sits up immediately, hoping he wasn’t getting up because he was sick. He comes back moment later chugging water from his water bottle.
“Oh, thank god.” She breathes.
“Need some?”
“Yeah.” She smiles and takes the bottle from him.
“Sorry I woke you. I was fucking parched.” He crawls back into bed and takes the bottle from her. “Think I’m still a little drunk.”
“Wouldn’t be surprised, I let you drink too much.” She runs a hand through his hair.
“Oh, but I had so much fun. I’ll just sleep it off.” He gives her a few pecks before settling back down. She rests her head on his chest and he holds her close. This was the life.
The team made it to the first round of playoffs, but nothing further, so their season ended at the end of February. It was sad for the seniors on the team, but mostly everyone was happy for their break. No more early morning practices. They just needed to keep up with lifts in the late afternoons. This also meant that Y/N could stay out later most nights. Ashley and Megan had people over almost every night to drink. They weren’t raging, but Y/N was loving not having to worry about getting up at the crack of dawn. Harry didn’t always go with her, which was fine. He had 8AM’s on Tuesdays and Thursdays, after all.
There was one Tuesday night Harry was already asleep in bed when his phone started ringing. He saw Y/N’s name, and swiped to take the call.
“Baby?” He says groggily.
“Hey sunshine!”
“Amanda?” He sits up. “Why do you have Y/N’s phone?”
“Well, her head’s in the toilet at the moment. She really wants to go home, but it would look bad if one of us carried her. UPD would question us for sure.”
“She’s sick?” He sighs, already pulling some sweats on.
“Yeah, so is Gina. It’s no Bueno.”
“What the hell happened? Where are you?”
“At Ashley’s…we did shots, and then played slap the bag. Not a great mix.”
“Okay, I’ll be there soon.”
He rubs his eyes, grabs his glasses and heads out. He walks right into Ashley’s. Her apartment was filled with smoke and people. Harry partied like anyone else, but not so much on a Tuesday night. He walks to where he knows the bathroom is and doesn’t see anyone.
“Harry!” Amanda says. “She’s over here.” She tugs him over to the living room where Y/N was basically passed out on the couch.
“Christ, where’s Gina?”
“She’s crashing in Megan’s room. Come on, Y/N, Harry’s here.” She nudges her.
“Hm?” Her eyes open slightly and then they grow wide. “No! I don’t want him to see me like this!” She hides her face in her hands.
“It’s okay, babe, let’s get you home.” Harry says, lifting her up bridal styles. “I can’t carry her likes across campus, we’ll get stopped. Help me get her on my back, that’s less weird looking.”
Amanda nods and helps Y/N get situated so Harry could give her a piggy back ride. She was complete dead weight.
“She’s gonna kill me for calling you, but she didn’t want to stay…I’m sorry, I know you were sleeping.”
“It’s alright, Amanda. I’d rather her be safe. You guys have been going a little nuts lately, yeah?”
“We can’t help it. We’re not allowed to get crazy during the week during the season. Things will settle down soon. Spring break is coming up, you know? Last year we all went home and detoxed essentially.”
Amanda gets the apartment door open, and lets Harry take Y/N upstairs.
“Are you gonna spew again?”
“No.” She mumbles.
“Alright, well, I’m gonna put this bucket here.” He brings her barrel over. “Let’s get you out of these clothes, yeah?”
“Go home, you need to sleep.”
“I’m gonna take care of you.”
“No, you’re gonna be mad at me in the morning.”
“I won’t be.”
“Yes you will.” She pouts and her eyes start to tear up.
“Nope, none of that, come on.”
“I can take my own clothes off.”
“Okay, I’ll get your pj’s then.” He goes into her dresses and she lunges towards him, tackling him down. “Y/N! What the fuck?!”
“Don’t go in there! I have things in there you can’t see!”
“You could have just said that! You’re not on the fucking ice!” He gets them both up. “What’s in there that I can’t see?”
“Personal things.”
“Babe.” He pinches the bridge of her nose. “Get your clothes off, now, and I will get your pj’s.”
He goes back into where he knows she keeps her larger t-shirts.
“Harry!” His eyes grow wide after grabbing a shirt off the top. There were two different vibrators and a dildo. “I’ve only ever used the little one…”
“Put this on.” He hands her the t-shirt and closes the drawer.
She strips out of her clothes and he looks the other way to give her some privacy. She gets stuck when she tries to get her shirt on and he helps her.
“Fuck, I have to pee so bad.” She says, sprinting out of the room. He sits down on her bed and waits for her. She brushes her teeth while she’s in the bathroom too. “You’re still here?” She asks, shocked.
“Where the fuck am I going? I’m not leaving you like this.”
“But…you saw the things.”
“We can talk about it tomorrow, or never, I don’t really care.” She sits on his thighs, straddling his lap. “Y/N.” He sighs.
“I just…I don’t want you to think…I mean…I got them over winter break, and-“
“I don’t care, you don’t need to tell me, okay? Can we go to sleep?”
“You’re gonna stay?”
“I just said I was going to! Come on.”
“You’re angry.”
“I’m a little cranky, yeah. Your friend called me drunk to tell me your head was in a toilet while I was sleeping. At least tomorrow we don’t have class until 10:30, so I’ll have to get back and grab my shit beforehand. Now, lay down on the edge so you’re closer to the bucket.” He rids himself of his sweats, leaving himself in his boxers, and gets in with her. She turns to face him while he’s facing her. “You need to turn over.”
“But you’re so pretty.” She whispers and it makes him crack a smile as she pokes his dimple. “I’m sorry she called you.”
“I’m not, I’d come get you any time. I’ll carry you home whenever you need.” He strokes the side of her face. “You’ve done the same for me, it’s fine. Just lay on your stomach for me, okay? I’ll rub your back how you like.”
“Okay.” She smiles and does as he says. She falls asleep with him softly petting on her and it feels amazing.
His alarm goes off at 8AM and she groans.
“Up, let’s go.” He says, rummaging through her closet for her spare towels. “We’re showering quickly and then going to my place, and then we’re getting greasy breakfast sandwiches so you’re not hungover for class.”
“Eric won’t care, he likes me.” Y/N mumbles.
“A little too much if you ask me.”
“Oh stop. I could say the same about that freshman you’re tutoring.”
“How about neither of us play the jealous game?”
“Deal.” She stands and nearly vomits. “Ugh, I feel like shit.”
“You’ll feel better soon.”
“You came to my rescue last night?”
“Yup, that’s me, prince charming.” He rolls his eyes and tugs her out of her room.
She puts her hair up and they both get into the shower. Harry gets them both clean, and dressed. He makes sure she has everything for class, and then they head to his place. Once he has all of his things, and has new sweats on, they head to the coffee shop on campus for breakfast sandwiches.
“Harry…you’re wearing sweatpants to class.”
“I’m aware.”
“But you never wear sweatpants to class.”
“I’m a little fucking tired, Y/N, is that alright?”
“Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not…” He sighs and looks at her. “I just…I’m feeling anxious from things happening so abruptly. My entire routine got messed up and-“ He could feel his breathing quickening so he takes a deep breath. “It’s fine, I’m fine, we’re fine, let’s just go eat.”
They both get coffees and breakfast sandwiches and grab a table to sit. They had about thirty minutes before class, so they could take their time eating.
“Fuck, this was a good idea.” She moans as she eats.
“Yeah.” He agrees as he bites into his own. “Can you do me a favor?”
“Maybe go a little less hard at the parties during the week?”
“You got it. I hate throwing up, I’m not dealing with that again, nor am I going to do that to you again.”
“I wouldn’t care…it’s just…it was a school night is all.”
Y/N nods her head and continues eating her breakfast sandwich. Once they’re done, they head to class and sit down. Eric was there a little earlier than usual.
“Ah, Y/N, I’m glad you’re here. I wanna talk to you about your paper on your Bond comparative essay.”
“Oh…okay.” Y/N walks up to him and he takes her paper out. Harry can’t help but watch the conversation as other students come into class. “I know I’m not a very good writer…”
“No! You’re brilliant, actually. This is one of the better papers I’ve seen. You made a lot of incredible points. You got an A, see?” He shows her and her eyes grow wide. “I was wondering if I could if I could hang onto this and scan it to save as a copy. Students are always asking me for example papers, and I think this is a great paper to use.”
“Are you serious? Yeah, that’s fine with me.”
“Great, thanks.” He smiles. “Well done.”
“Thank you…” She blinks and sits back down. She looks at Harry in shock. “He wants to keep my paper to use as an example.”
“That’s great! You worked really hard on that one, Y/N, you deserve a little praise.”
Eric passes out the rest of the papers, and gives Y/N hers so she could look at any notes he may have made. Harry also got an A, not that Y/N was surprised, but she was happy for him nonetheless.
“H, what did you get?” Billy whispers from behind him. Harry turns to look at him.
“An A, what about you?”
“B+, not too bad.”
“Alright everyone, today, as a treat, we’re going to watch Austin Powers since we’ve just finished our Bond unit. Since we’ve watched a few films, you’ll see that this movie takes a lot from Gold Finger and Golden Eye.” He says as he starts the movie and turns the lights.
“Ugh, thank god. If there was ever a day to just chill in class, it’s today.” Y/N whispers to Harry.
“Agreed.” He whispers.
Eric clears his throat to get their attention, and they both sit back in their seats. There were plenty of laughs throughout class as the movie continued. Y/N stretches as she stands once class ends, revealing a little bit of her stomach. Harry catches Eric looking briefly, and puts his arm around her shoulders.
“Have a good stats class.” She puckers lips and kisses him.
“Thanks, have a good rest of your day. I won’t be able to meet up tonight, I’m doing a group tutoring session, and then I have an 8AM tomorrow…”
“Okay, well…thanks again for last night. I really owe you.”
“No you don’t.” He smiles and gives her a lingering kiss before they part ways.
Spring break was definitely the detox Y/N needed from all of the drinking she had been doing with the hockey team, although, she really didn’t want to go home. Harry would be staying on campus with any other students who couldn’t go home. He had projects he needed to work on, but he also thought it would be a nice time break to spend with Y/N. She couldn’t stay on campus, though, because she needed to work at the bar. She also needed to bring up going to Italy this summer to her mom.
“Great work tonight, honey.” Angie says to her as they wipe down the tables.
“Thanks…um…can I talk to you about something?”
“Of course!” She stops what she’s doing to look at her daughter. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine, I just…well, I’ve been invited somewhere this summer, and I’d really like to go.”
“Alright, where have you been invited to?”
“Italy.” She mumbles.
“Come again?”
“Italy.” She says a little louder. “See, Harry-“
“Oh, here we go.” Angie rolls her eyes.
“Mum, please, let me just explain.”
“Okay.” She crosses her arms and sits down.
“He and his friends spend three weeks in Italy every summer, one of their dad’s has a house by the water or something. They go end of July through early August, so it’s not like I’d be missing the holiday rush…I’d like to go the whole time, but I’d be willing to compromise, and I’ll pay my own way.”
“You expect me to let you take an international flight alone? What if you get abducted?”
“Three weeks alone with your boyfriend is a long time…”
“Well, we won’t be alone, his friends will be there.”
“You know what I mean.” She sighs. “I really hate this whole you being an adult thing. I can’t really say no, you’re almost twenty years old, and it will be summer so you should take advantage and travel…” She takes a moment and looks at Y/N. “Could you go for two weeks instead of three? I think that’s plenty of time to spend together.”
“Yeah! I can definitely do that.” She smiles.
“And I’ll pay for half the ticket, that’ll be your birthday present. Your passport should still be good from high school.”
“Mum!” She squeals and hugs Angie. “Thank you so much, Harry’s going to be so excited!” She kisses her cheek. “I’m excited too, of course.”
“Well, I should hope so.” She chuckles, and they continue to close down the bar.
Y/N convinced Angie to drive her back to campus on Friday instead of Sunday. She dropped off all her things, and walked to Harry’s. She knocks on the door, and he opens it confused, but happy to see her.
“Hey!” He wraps his arms around her. “You’re back early.”
“Wanted to surprise you, can I come in?”
“Of course! Yeah, come on in.”
“Are you busy?”
“I was just working on a paper, but I can definitely take a break.” Hey both go up to his room, and he moves his things away from the bed so they can both sit. “Got a lot done this week, I’m feeling good.”
“That’s great! Okay, so, I have really good news that I’ve been keeping to myself because I wanted to tell you in person.”
“Oh? Please, do tell.” He grins.
“My mom said I could come to Italy this summer! Only for two weeks instead of three, but still.”
“That’s great!” He cups her jaw and pulls her in for a kiss. “We’re gonna have so much fun. I can show you what website to go on for the plane ticket, there’s this site that sells them for really cheap. I use it when I go home and stuff.”
“Sounds good, thanks. I think two weeks will be plenty, don’t you?”
“I mean, sure.” He shrugs.
“I wouldn’t want us getting on each other’s nerves being together 24/7.”
“We’ll be too busy to get on each other’s nerves, trust me. I can’t wait to tell my friends you’re coming, they’re dying to meet you.”
“Aw, that’s sweet. What are their names?”
“Well, Lou and Niall will be there, they came last year and are coming again. They go right from there to here for soccer. Then there’s my friend Adam, his dad is the one who owns the house, and Mike, Ben, and Clark.”
“Are any of them seeing someone?”
“Um, Adam brought a guy with him last summer, but they’re not dating anymore, so he may be going stag.” He shrugs. “When we were in high school we used to bring a lot of girls with us because we thought we were cool.” He laughs. “But Ben might bring someone, I’m not sure exactly. Sometimes we would just meet people in Italy to hang out with.”
“Hang out with.” She rolls her eyes. “Any Italian chicks I need to worry about.”
“Not that I can think of.” He taps his chin playfully. “You know me, I’m a real sexual deviant.” He says sarcastically and she nudges him. “Come here.”
He pulls her down to lay with him, and they both sigh. He rubs her back and she lays her leg over both of his, pressing into the bulge that’s growing in his pants. He tilts her chin up to look at him and she removes his glasses. He presses his lips to hers and she moves the rest of the way on top of him. He licks at her bottom lip, and she opens up for him. He has one arm wrapped around her back, and the other one around her ass, keeping her nice and close. Her fingers slot through his soft hair and she moans softly when she rolls hips her hips slowly on his.
“Missed you.” He says against her lips, taking her bottom lip between his teeth.
“Missed you too.” She whimpers as he presses his hips harder up towards hers.
Things started to get a little more heated from there, Y/N could feel her lips getting swollen from how hard her and Harry were kissing each other, and she was about ready to lose it in her pants from the way they were grinding on each other.
“Harry.” She groans. “Please.”
“Please what?” He moves her hair away from her neck and starts sucking on her soft skin.
“Can we please fuck?”
He flips them over so she’s on her back, and he yanks her leggings and panties off in one swoop. She gets her shirt and bra off while he gets naked himself. He climbs back onto the bed and he wraps her legs around his waist. She slides her hands up and down his torso and chest.
“Have I ever told you how much I love your tattoos? Because I do, they’re so cool.” Her hands trace over the ferns on his hips.
“Thanks baby.” His hands knead her breasts.
Harry slides his hard dick over her folds and against her clit, causing her hips to buck up. He dips his head down to kiss on her neck and her hand wrap around his back, nails digging in.
“Do you wanna…put it in?”
She feels him nod his head yes, and before she knows it he’s pushing inside her. Her gasp turns into a moan. She bites down on his shoulder as he rocks in and out of her. He sucks on one of her nipples as he thrusts in and out.
“Feels so fucking good.” Her head rolls back into the pillows.
He pulls out and grins at her. She raises an eyebrow at him, and then he flips her over, pulls her up to her knees. She looks back at him as he slides in again. He gets an even pace going, and then he tugs her back to him, his chest flush with her back. He’s got one arm snaked around her, and the other rubbing slow circles on her clit.
“Fuck, oh my god.” Her head rolls back to his shoulder and she looks up at him. He slots his mouth over hers, and the both moan into each other.
“This why you wanted to come back early? Just really needed my cock?” He says into her ear and it has her pushing her ass against him.
“Thought about you every night.” She groans.
“Yeah? Did you bring home your little toys to help you out?”
“H-Harry, don’t-“
“Maybe I should use one on you sometime, would you like that?”
She was dripping all around his cock, she loved when he would just say whatever he wanted into her ear.
“Only wanna feel you.” She admits. It was true, she didn’t like having to use her vibrator, as good as it felt. She really just preferred Harry’s hands on her.
She feels him smile into her neck, knowing that was exactly what he wanted to hear. He picks up the pace on the way he’s rubbing her clit and he feels her squeeze around him. She hooks an arm up around his head to tug at his hair.
“Shit, Harry!” She cries out as she comes to her release.
He gently lets go of her so she can press her front to the mattress. He keeps his hands on her hips as he drives into her hard and fast. He had her panting, and he was panting too. He pulls out and comes on her ass and back before collapsing next to her.
“Fuck.” He breathes and then looks at her. “You have the most perfect ass I’ve ever fucking seen.”
“Shut up.” She giggles.
“Let me clean you up.” He kisses her forehead and then gets up to grab a rag to wipe her clean.
“Thank you.”
He gets back onto the bed and pulls her close to him. They lay there naked for a bit, just enjoying the time skin to skin.
“Do you feel like having a little date night tonight since you’re here? We could go downtown for dinner and then come back to watch a movie in the living room.”
“I’d like that. I’d just wanna go home and change first.”
“Oh cute, then I can come pick you up.”
“Always the romantic.” She kisses his cheek and gets up to grab her clothes. “Give me, like, an hour to get ready, yeah?”
“Sounds good to me, see you soon.” He smiles and kisses her as she leaves his room.
Harry was really happy that Y/N came back a couple of days early. He was trying to play it a little more cool, but she was such a source of comfort for him. He had incorporated her into his routine, so when she wasn’t around he would get a little anxious, which he knew wasn’t healthy, but there wasn’t much he could do about it right now.
He puts on a green sweater with the black jeans he knows she likes, and puts his contacts in. He runs his hand through his hair a few times, getting his curls to sit just right. He knew he needed a haircut, but he also liked when Y/N would really tug on his hair. His logic was the longer his hair the better the grip she could get on him. He left the bit of scruff he had grown out and put on some cologne. He heads down the stairs to put his boots on and goes into the living room.
“Going on a date with my girl, mind if we have the living room when we get back? We’re gonna watch a movie. You can join if you want-“
“And watch the two of you make out?” Louis scoffs. “I’ll pass, mate.”
“Same here.” Niall chuckles. “But we can definitely clear out of here.”
“Thanks, I just get sick of watching stuff on my little laptop screen. Are you guys doing anything tonight?”
“Might go see some of the girls from the other international house. I don’t see myself staying out too late, I went a little too hard last night.” Louis says.
“Yeah, I spewed in the bushes, so I won’t be drinking tonight.” Niall says.
“Alright.” Harry chuckles. “Well, see you later.”
Harry makes the walk to Y/N’s apartment, and he knocks on the door when he gets there. His cheeks immediately blush when he sees her. She had a dark blue thing sweater dress on, showing off all her curves. She paired with some black boots and black tights, looking cuter than ever.
“You look so pretty.” He pouts at her and takes her hand.
“Thanks, thought I’d dress up a little It’s rare that we get to go on a real date.”
“I know! I’m really glad you came back a couple days early. Meant it when I said I missed you.”
“I meant it too.” She loops her arm through his so she can cling to him a little tighter.
The end up at the local bistro, even though Y/N told Harry it would be too expensive, but he assured her it was fine. She talks about her week working at the bar, and he talks about what he might do for work this summer.
“I could always go back to the bakery, but I really want to take the rest of the semester to figure out what I actually want to do. I might go see my advisor next week. I literally have zero idea what I want to do with my life.” He sighs and pops a fry into his mouth.
“Does anyone?” She laughs.
“Well, you sort of do. You’ve got a job lined up right away after graduation.”
“Yeah, working for my mom until she decides to retire really sounds great.” She rolls her eyes. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I wanna take over the bar, but I wanna do it more in a way where like I could open up multiple locations, you know? I could oversee multiple businesses across the country.”
“Wow…that would be really cool.”
“It’s just an idea, I don’t know if it’ll ever happen. People like small town bars with good food, and that’s what my mom has, I think opening up multiple locations could work, it would just take a lot of marketing and PR. I may pick up a PR minor, the classes double count in my major and I think that may be what I’m a little more interested in these days.”
Harry loved listening to Y/N talk about her aspirations. She really was smart, and he didn’t think she gave herself enough credit.
“Are you not interested in the law stuff anymore?”
“I don’t know…” He sighs. “It’s just such a big commitment, you know? It’s more school, and then you basically have to study and pass the bar where you want to live, and I have no idea where I want to live. I don’t know if I wanna stay in the U.K. forever. I’ve barely been able to explore America while I’ve been here, and there are parts of Europe I’d like to go to. I don’t know, maybe I’ll become a travel blogger or something.” He jokes.
“You laugh, but you’d hit it big.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well…” She blushes. “You’re insanely hot, Harry, so you have that going for you. People would follow you on a superficial level, and then there’s the fact that you’re smart and nice. You could talk about the country or town you’re in and say what you really liked and what you discovered.”
“Not a very sustainable job though.”
“Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher? You’re really good at explaining things. You never once made me feel stupid last semester.”
“I think I’m better one on one. I feel like whenever I have to give a presentation I just word vomit. I’m also not on an education track, so again, more school. I ‘d need my master’s, and you need to take whatever tests there are in the state you want to work in, and that’s if I wanna stay in America. I don’t even know what I’d want to teach…”
“You could find a job like in a tutoring office like we have here. It takes someone really important to run those types of offices and-“
“Um…do you mind if we change the subject a little?” His leg wouldn’t stop bouncing. “I know this stuff is important to talk through and figure out, but it’s making me anxious.”
“Oh!” She reaches across the table and puts her hand over his. “I’m so sorry, of course we can talk about something else, anything else.” She smiles. “What movie do you feel like watching later?”
They settled on The Devil Wears Prada. It was something they had both seen, so it didn’t matter if they paid attention or not.  His arm was around her and they were lounging comfortably.
“I really like this dress you’re wearing.”
“Yeah? Thought you preferred me in sweats.” She raises an eyebrow at him.
“You could wear a paper sack and I’d like it on you.” This makes her burst out laughing and he smiles down at her.
They both adjust so they can lay down, and he pulls her body on top of his. She sucks on his bottom lip, and his hands slide down to her ass. His tongue drags of hers and she moans into his mouth.
“You’ll stay tonight?” He whispers. “Missed having you to hold onto at night.”
“Of course I’ll stay.” She stays. “No one else I’d rather have cuddles with.” She kisses on his jaw and moves to his neck.
“Leave a good one on me babe, mark me up.”
Y/N bites down decently hard on Harry’s neck and it makes him grit his teeth and squeeze at her harder, but god did it feel good. Truth be told one of his regular tutees flirted with him a lot, and even though he had mentioned Y/N over and over, she would still flirt with him. A nice new hickey may help her get the picture. Also, Harry just really liked getting them. He liked giving them too, but they just felt so fucking good.
“Did you have a nice break, Harry?”
“Yeah, Bri, thanks, did you?”
“Mhm, I got caught up on some things, but I’m definitely still struggling with Intro to Gen Psych…”
“Alright, well, let’s look at your notes from class.”
She reaches into her bag, and when she gets everything out, she notices Harry taking his jacket and scarf off. Her eyes bug out when she sees the giant welt on Harry’s neck. Now, normally he would want to be more professional, but at the end of the day, he was twenty and didn’t give a fuck.
“Everything alright?”
“Um…y-yeah, everything’s fine? Did you, um, go out over the weekend?”
“I did, yeah. Went to a party with some friends Saturday night. My girlfriend came back a couple days early too, that was nice.” He smiles and grabs her notes. “See, I think if you highlighted within your notes, like we’ve talked about, you would have an easier time finding things.”
“Right, um, sorry, Harry.”
“Don’t apologize to me.” He furrows his brows at her. “I already passed this class, it’s you who still needs to finish it. Tutoring can help a lot, but if you don’t take what we do here and apply it elsewhere, you’re not going to see any improvements.”
He was close to her, showing her what she should highlight, and it made her nervous, but in the best possible way. All of a sudden they hear some giggling, and it was a giggle Harry knew all too well. They both look up and see a good chunk of the hockey team. Many of the girls still got together to study like they would during the season.
“Oh, shit, is that Harry?!” Megan says. “Ow ow! Look at him on the clock.” She teases.
“Leave him alone.” Y/N swats a hand at her, and looks over to Harry, mouthing I’m sorry. He waves at them and gives them a half smile.
“Damn, Y//N, I would have tried to fuck my tutor too if it were him.” Another girl teases her and they all start laughing.
“Hey, uh,” Harry turns around in his chair and smirks, “we’re in a library, ladies.”
“Is that so?” Y/N struts over to him and looks at Bri. “Careful with him, he’s a little too good at his job.” She kisses Harry’s cheek and then goes off with the girls to the back of the library.
“Sorry about that, Bri.” Harry chuckles.
“So…that was your girlfriend?”
“Mhm.” He smiles proudly. “Now then,” he clears his throat, “let’s talk more about your note taking, shall we?”
It was hard enough saying goodbye to Ashley, Megan, and some of the other seniors on the team, but it was just about move out day, and Y/N cried every time she thought about not being able to just walk down a couple of streets to see Harry.
“We’ll see each other before you know it, and when we do we’ll have two weeks of perfect weather in Italy together.” He says as he holds her close to him in bed.
“I know, I’m just really sad.” She cries into his chest and he tries his best to soothe her.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N, you’re killing me.”
“I’m sorry.” She sniffles. “I don’t mean to be like this. The time difference just sucks, Harry.”
“I know.” He sighs.
“And you won’t even get to see me for my birthday.” It was in a couple of weeks.
“But we already sort of celebrated, remember the big party we had here last weekend?”
“How could I forget? You made me margaritas all night, and then fucked my brains out.” She chuckles and so does he. “Couldn’t walk right for two days.”
“Cause I know you like it like that.” He kisses the top of her head. “Look, I’m gonna miss you too. It’s not easy being away from your favorite person, but we’ll make it work. It’ll just make things better when we see each other again. I do have one favor, though?”
“What?” She looks up at him.
“You’ll have to leave lots of marks on me, really good ones, so that they’ll just barely have faded by the time I see you. The only thing is, my mum will be pissed if she sees my neck like that, you’ll have to be creative about where you put them.”
“Challenge accepted.” She gives him a devious smile and sinks down under his covers. Thank god Harry had an a/c in his room.
“What are you…oh!” He starts laughing when he feels her suck on his inner thigh, like he would normally do to her. “Why did you tell me this tickled so much?!” He rips the blanket away to look down at her.
“It doesn’t tickle when you do it to me.” She pouts up at him. She moves to kiss on his hip and then things feel less funny.
“Yeah, I like it when you do it there.”
She kisses up his chest and sucks a nice, dark mark on one of his pecs and then smiles up at him. Her eyes start to water again and she hides her face in his neck.
“What happened?”
“We’re not going to be able to do this whenever we want soon, and it just…” She cries into him again.
“Baby.” He coos. “Let’s just enjoy right now, yeah?” He rubs her back. “Want me to make love to you? Be all sweet and slow?”
“Mhm.” She says, muffled from the way she’s pressing further into him.
“Alright.” He rolls them both over and runs his fingers over her folds. Yes, they were both already naked.
He slides his middle finger inside her slowly, working his way in and out, sucking on her nipple as he does so. This helps her to calm down just like he was hoping. He sucks his finger into his mouth when he’s done and then rubs his hard dick against her clit. She groans and then he slips inside. He hides his face in her neck so he can kiss on her while he rocks in and out. They both just wanted to be as close as possible right now.
“Yeah?” He moves to look at her and she puts her hands on his shoulders.
“When you get close, will you please come inside me?” She looks so innocent right now.
“If I say yes will you promise to tell me when you get your period?”
“Okay, baby, I’ll come inside you when the time comes.”
She pulls his face down to hers to kiss him. Things are slow and sloppy and just perfect. He rubs her clit to help her along and she cries out as she comes. She nearly comes again when she feels him fill her up. It was the first time he had ever come inside her without a condom, and it felt so fucking good.
“I love you so much.” He says to her as he pulls out.
“I love you too.” She clamps her legs together to try not to make a mess on his bed, and she stands up. She throws on one of his shirts before heading to the bathroom.
They snuggle all night, and most of the morning. Harry helps her pack up her apartment, and he waits with her for Angie to come pick her up. It was a really difficult goodbye, but Harry tried to stay strong for the both of them. Of course the second the car pulled away he started crying. He calmed himself down, though. They would call, text, and FaceTime. Thank god she was coming to Italy.
“Shit.” Y/N says to herself.
“What?” Julie asks coming into her room.
“According to my pills, I’m going to have my period when I’m in Italy.” She groans.
“So?! I’m gonna be swimming and stuff.”
“Just use a tampon.”
“I’m going to be with mostly boys, and I have zero idea if it’s a fancy boat with a bathroom on it. I’ll only have it a few days, but still. Fuck, and I’ll probably have it right when I first see Harry.”
“Do you guys not…do it when you have your period?”
“Don’t be gross.”
“It’s a valid question!”
“We did, like, once in the shower, but it sort of hurts, so it I didn’t like it and we didn’t do it again.” She sighs. “I miss him so much, I don’t think I’ll care when I finally see him.”
“Show me the new bathing suits you got.”
“Hey.” Cooper comes into the room as well and just stands there, munching on some chips.
“What?” Y/N asks.
“Wanna look at my new bathing suits?”
“Alright, yeah.”
“You have WhatsApp?”
“Already downloaded.”
“And you’ll text me updates, and you will take a picture of you and Harry together so I know you’re really with him?”
“Yes, mum! Please, I need to go get through security. I love you, and I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.”
“I love you too, have a great time.”
Y/N gets through security, and texts Harry and her mom updates. She had the window seat so she was able to get comfortable for her long flight. She wanted to look cute and refreshed, so she gets up to change in the bathroom of the plane. She puts on a pair of high-waist jean shorts, and a black crop top. Her hair is down, but she ties a bandana he had given to her in it, and touched up her makeup. She was feeling really good, despite being in the middle of her period. At least it would end in a day or so.
The flight lands on time, and Y/N texts Harry and her mom that she’s landed. She gets her backpack on, and manages to follow the signs to baggage. Luckily there were a lot of signs in English. Harry had “tutored” her a bit in Italian this summer, so she wasn’t totally lost. As she approaches baggage she squints when she sees three guys who look very familiar.
“Oi! There she is!” Louis says and Harry turns around, beaming at Y/N.
She runs towards him and jumps into his arms, wrapping all of her limbs around him. He looked so fucking good in his little shorts and t-shirt and tanned skin. Their lips collide and they almost forget their in the airport.
“I hate to break this up, but which bags are yours, pet?” Niall asks.
“Oh! The floral ones!” She points to them as they come off the belt. Harry sets her down and he grabs her bags. She gives Niall and Louis a hug as well. “Now, if we let you two sit in the back of the car together, do you promise to hold off on the groping?” He teases them as they walk out to the parked cars.
“Think I can behave myself for a bit, yeah, Y/N?”
“I’ll do my best.” She giggles. “How far away are we form the house?”
“Bout an hour, not too far.” Harry says. “We’re having dinner on the boat tonight, you’ll love it. Fresh steamers, you like those, right?”
“Love ‘em.” She smiles.
He puts his arm around her and keeps her close as Louis drives back to the house. She switches her gaze from Harry to out the window, unsure of what she preferred to soak up in the moment. Harry had a lovely tan, his hair was a tad shorter, but not by much, and he had definitely been trying to grow out his scruff. He was handsome as ever.
“You look really cute.” He whispers in her ear and it sends a shiver up her spine. “Is that the bandana I gave you?”
“Mhm.” She smiles up at him. “I wear it all the time at work.”
“Good, it suits you.”
They pull up to the house in what feels like no time at all, and Y/N’s jaw drops as she gets out of the car. It was beautiful, and private. There was a path to a private dock where the boat was, and there were a couple of other guys outside.
“I’m just gonna show Y/N to our room, and then we’ll come down for dinner.” Harry tells Niall and Louis as they make their way to the boat.
“Our room, huh?” Y/N smirks up at Harry as he carries her bags in. He stops short and looks at her.
“Shit, uh, did…fuck, did you not want to stay with me? I think we can-“
“Harry!” She laughs. “Jesus, I was kidding, why would I come all this way and not sleep in a bed with you?”
“I…don’t do that.” He side eyes her as they both go inside. She shakes her head at.
“Wow…even more beautiful on the inside.” She looks around.
He hums his response and gestures to follow him upstairs. There were a lot of bedrooms, both on the main level and second level of the home. Harry was the only one to bring a date this summer, so his friends granted him the privilege of the bedroom with the en suite bath.
“Here we are, love.” He puts her bags down and closes the door behind them. He lets her look around for a moment. She peeps her head into the bathroom and then she smiles at him.
“This is amazing. I can’t believe I’m really here.
“Me neither.” He cups her jaw and kisses her. She wraps her arms around his waist as he licks into her mouth. “Missed you, baby.”
“Missed you too.” He bites down on her bottom lip, and his hands start to slide farther south, but she stops him. “We can’t.”
“Dinner can wait.”
“No, I mean…I need two more days.”
“I have my period, but it should be done soon. I’m sorry…”
“It’s alright.” He sighs. “Better to have it now than later when we’re camping, right?”
“Mhm.” She smiles and kisses him again.
“Besides, we’ve got that nice big shower.” He winks at her, and then leads her out of the bedroom.
He keeps his hand on the small of her back as they walk down the dock to the boat. She could already smell the seafood.
“Shit!” She stops short. “We have to take a selfie to send to my mom, she wanted proof I wasn’t kidnapped.”
“Alright.” He chuckles. She takes her phone out to snap the quick photo, and then they continue onto the boat. “Oi! Can I get everyone’s attention, thank you.” All of the boys look at Harry and Y/N. “Clark, Adam, Ben, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
“Hi.” She says shyly.
“Don’t look like a hockey player to me.” Ben says, jokingly. “Nice to meet you, finally.” He extends his hand and she shakes it.
“Don’t be fooled, she can really pack a punch.” Harry says, sitting down.
“It’s great to meet you, Y/N.” Adam says, giving her a hug. “Hope you don’t mind being with a bunch of guys for the next couple of weeks.”
“It’s not a problem.” She smiles.
“Harry’s told us a lot about you.” Clark says, shaking her hand. “Nice to actually see you in person. Harry’s always sending us pictures of you.”
Y/N turns to look at Harry, giving him a face.
“All tasteful, I promise. Come here.” He pulls her to sit on his lap. “How’s dinner coming along?”
“The steamers have just about popped.” Adam says. “We’ve also got crab legs. Do you like all that, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I love seafood, thank you.”
“Alright, now that we don’t need to drive anywhere else,” Niall starts. “can we get to drinking?”
“Read my mind.” Ben says, getting up to pull the cooler of beer over. “Do you like beer, Y/N? We have other drinks if you don’t.”
“Beer’s great, thanks.” She smiles and leans forward to grab one for her and Harry. “I guess this is my first legal drink, that’s sorta cool.”
“That’s right! You don’t have to second guess a thing here.” Harry says, cracking his beer open. They all clink their cans together and take a sip.
Adam brings the pig pot of steamers up from below deck, and Clark brings out the crab legs and butter. Louis helps with the cocktail sauce and plates. Everyone takes what they want and dig in.
“Mm, these are delicious.” Y/N says. “Thanks so much for making all this.”
“We thought your arrival would be the perfect night to do this, so thank you.” Adam says.
“So, you three have known Harry since high school?”
“Well, we call it secondary school.” Ben says. “But yeah, think you and Adam have known each other the longest though.” Harry nods his head. “We became pretty good mates after a school camping trip.”
“I think we started coming here when we were sixteen?” Clark looks at Adam.
“I’d say so, yeah. My dad’s had this house a while. I think sixteen is when he trusted us enough to come here a lone. Lotta good summers here.”
“How did you two meet again? You had a class together?” Ben asks.
“Nope, she needed a tutor.” Harry says.
“Mhm, and lucky me, I got paired up with the most studious one of them all.”
“H really is a bit serious, isn’t he?” Clark teases.
“Gotta be serious to get good grades.”
“So, how did Harry get all these tattoos, I’m not seeing many on you.” She says to three of them.
“That would be me, love.” Louis says. “You didn’t get them all with me, but I feel like freshman year we were constantly driving out to the tattoo shop.”
“Once I got one I couldn’t stop.” Harry says. “I went with these guys to get a few more, the ones on my arms. My mum was pissed.”
“Didn’t you say she nearly fainted when she saw the butterfly?” Clark asks with a laugh.
“Yeah, that’s why I got so many on my stomach in the first place so she wouldn’t see, but it was inevitable.” He shrugs. “Think I’m due for a new one while we’re here, I’d say.” He looks at his right arm. “Not sure where though.” He laughs.
“You should get a mate for your mermaid.” Niall jokes.
“She’s an independent woman, she’s all set.”
Everyone laughs and continues to enjoy their food. They all help clean up and enjoy more drinks by the fire pit after the sun goes down fully. Y/N was having difficulty staying awake. She was up early, had that long flight, and she really just wanted to shower and go to bed.
“Would you care if I went in?” She says to him. “Think I’m ready to for a shower, and I wanna unpack a bit.”
“Sure! Yeah, I’ll head in with you in a minute.”
“Okay.” She stands up. “Night everyone, thanks for a great first say.” She smiles and then heads inside.
“She’s really nice, H.” Adam says. “I like her a lot already.”
“Thanks.” Harry smiles. “I like her a lot too.” He stands up and heads up to their shared bedroom.
“You could have stayed outside if you wanted, I’m just getting my things settled.”
“I know…I thought you might need help with the shower.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“I probably could have figure it out.” She smirks at him.
“Well, maybe I need a shower too. Been outside all day, after all.” He steps closer to her and she can feel her cheeks heating up.
“Harry…I…I want to, but…” She bites her bottom lip. “Last time we tried to do it on my period it really hurt, and I didn’t like it as much as I may have led on.”
“You didn’t fake it did you?”
“No! I came, but…it just wasn’t super comfortable. I really wanna be close with you, I just need a couple more days, and then you can pound me into the mattress for all I care.” Harry chuckles at her statement and he nods.
“Well, can we still shower together without the funny business? I just really missed you.”
“Yeah, just give me a minute in there alone, you know the drill.”
He nods and watches her walk into the en suite with her toiletry bag. She gets the water going, and steps in, opting to get her hair wet to give it a good wash. She calls for him once she feels secure enough, and he comes in right away. They look at each other for a moment, and then he crashes his mouth to hers, pushing her against the wall. Her hands fly to his hair and she moans into his mouth at the feeling of his hard dick pressed against her hip. His tongue glides against her as he gropes her breast with one hand and her ass with the other. He detaches his lips from hers to get some air, and immediately starts sucking on her neck.
“Th-thought you said no funny business.” She manages to get out.
“I don’t find any of this funny, do you?” He says lowly into her ear.
“No.” She breathes and he continues his attack on her neck.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna do anything you don’t wanna do.” He pulls away from her slightly. “I just couldn’t help myself when I walked in here, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” She pulls him back, pressing their fronts together. “I really missed you too.”
After some more passionate kisses, they clean themselves up and get out of the shower. Harry leaves her so she has some privacy putting her underwear on. She runs the blow dryer through her quickly so it’s not sopping wet before coming to bed. She throws on a large t-shirt, and Harry can’t help but smile as he watches his cute girlfriend crawl into the large bed with him.
“So, are you not able to swim? We were hoping to take the boat out tomorrow.”
“Does the boat have a bathroom?”
“It does! It’s small, but functional.”
“Then I can definitely go swimming.” She smiles and cozies up to him. She sighs happily. “I really missed this.”
“Me too.” He looks down at her. “I think I sleep better when you’re next to me.”
She pouts up at him and slots her mouth over his. It felt so good to just be able to kiss and touch how they pleased. FaceTiming was great and all, but always left them with a sense of wanting and yearning. The physical touch was something they both craved from the other.
The morning sun creeps into the bedroom, causing Y/N’s eyes to flutter open. She feels like she’s in a dream, but things become real when she feels Harry’s arms around her and his pelvis pressing into her ass. She thinks to maybe take care of him, offer up a hand job or something, but before she can he’s peppering kisses to the back of her neck and then getting out of bed.
“Ready to start the day?” He yawns. “We gotta pack up everything we wanna eat for the day. There’s a mini kitchen below deck, which is nice. I stalked up on some things I know you like from the store.”
“Thank you.” She smiles as he walks into the bathroom. Y/N gets up and stretches a bit. She scowls when she feels a cramp roll through her lower body. She grabs her pills and swallows. She was on the first week of her new pack. “One more day and you’re gone.” She says to herself.
“Are you talking to your period?” Harry chuckles as he comes out of the bathroom.
“Maybe.” She raises an eyebrow at him. “Just started my new pack of pills, should definitely be over by tomorrow.”
“No worries.” He kisses her cheek and goes into the drawer for his swim trunks and a white t-shirt.
“Should I pack other clothes to change into?”
“Nah, we’ll come back here and get cleaned up. I think we’re gonnna go to a bar tonight, should be fun.”
Y/N nods and searches for one of her new bathing suits. She snatches and goes into the bathroom. She hated using tampons, especially this late in her period because things just felt uncomfortably dry, but it wasn’t like she could wear a pad with her bottoms, so this is what she needs to do. Once that’s all situated, she puts her hair up into a messy bun, and slides her bottoms on. They were navy blue, not super high waist, but not super low cut either, mid-rise. She grabs her top, and struggles with getting the back tied. It was a really cute floral string top that matched perfectly with the bottoms.
“Har?” She calls from the bathroom.
“Yeah?” He peeps his head in carefully.
“Could you tie the back of this for me please?”
“Um…sure.” He swallows as he steps closer to her and ties the back of the top. “Is that good?”
She looks in the mirror and adjusts her breasts.
“Yeah, should be alright, thank you.”
“That’s a really nice bathing suit.”
“Thanks.” She smiles. “I just got it, I wanted to have some cute ones for the trip.” Her breasts giggle as she lets them go, and he can’t help but watch.
“Thought you might wear a one piece or something.” He says as he follows her out of the bathroom.
“I can’t really wear those, my torso is long, and they make them way too high cut, it’s not cute on me.” She puts on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top over her bathing suit and smiles at him. “You’ve got sunscreen and all that?”
Harry knew he didn’t need to worry about Louis, Niall, or Adam really looking at Y/N. It was Ben and Clark. As good of friends as they were, and they were just as respectful as Harry was, he knew they would still look and gawk at her. He had zero control over it, and that’s the part he hated.
The kitchen smells like fresh coffee, and Harry can hear Y/N giggling as Ben pours her a cup and gives her some creamer. Here we go, Harry thinks to himself.
“Here, Harry.” Louis says, handing him a cup of black coffee.
“Thanks.” He smiles and takes it from him.
“Sleep well, Y/N?” Clark asks.
“Better than I have in weeks, yeah.” She looks at Harry and he looks at her.
“Alrighty then.” Adam says. “Well, I’ve got most of the coolers packed, got all the sunscreen we could need. I figure we could grill on the boat for lunch later. Sound good with everyone?” Everyone hums in agreement. “Perfect, let’s head out.”
Y/N puts her sunglasses on and goes outside with everyone. She sits down on the boat and watches all the boys while they work to get going. It was quite a sight to see Harry maneuvering the different ropes. Adam drives the boat out, and Harry plops down next to Y/N.
“He’s gonna take us out to this sand bar where other boats anchor. It’s a lot of fun, just swimming around, doing nothing. You can lay out on the other end too, work on your tan.”
“Is that what you’ve been doing?”
“Mhm.” He smiles. “I love sitting out in the sun.”
“Me too. It’s been great working at the bar because I can go to the beach during the day with my friends and stuff, and then just go in at night.”
“How’s the gang doing?”
“Oh, they’re great. Max has a girlfriend, and she’s really nice. She came to visit for a weekend to meet all of us.”
Harry felt slightly relieved knowing that Max was seeing someone. He never brought his uneasiness about him to Y/N, and right now he was especially glad he didn’t.
“That’s nice.” He kisses her cheek.
Once the boat is anchored at the sandbar, Y/N takes her cover up off along with the boys. Having basically grown up in a locker room, Y/N wasn’t really nervous to be so exposed around friends. If they hadn’t seen a boob or a butt cheek by now then that was on them. She takes a few photos on her phone. The view was incredible, and she felt so lucky to be there. Harry comes up from behind her and gives her a squeeze.
“Would you help me with the sunscreen?” He asks.
“Of course!” She sprays it all over him and rubs it in on his back and shoulders. “Do me?”
He nods and does the same for her, making sure to get under her straps so she wouldn’t be splotchy. They hear a few splashes. Louis, Niall, and Clark all jumping in.
“The water’s so warm!” Niall shouts to everyone still aboard.
“I’m not quite ready to go in yet.” Y/N whispers to Harry.
“You don’t have to…here.” He grabs a towel from a bag. “Lay out on this, I’m just gonna go in for a quick dip and then I’ll join you.” He smiles and kisses the tip of her nose.
“M’surprised she’s not right in here with you.” Louis says as Harry swims over to them.
“She…uh…well, she’s got her period.” He whispers. “So I think she’s trying to hold off on going in for a bit.”
“Ah, say no more.” Louis says.
“That’s gotta be so annoying.” Niall says. “Did it just start?”
“No, she said it should end tomorrow, so she just needs to tough it out today.”
“We should have gone to the shops then…” Louis says.
“It’s alright, she can still swim, she just doesn’t want to have to deal with, uh, changing yet I think.”
“Changing what?” Clark asks.
“Her…you know.” Harry says, blushing. “Ugh, can we not talk about this actually?”
“Talk about what?” Ben asks as he swims towards them.
“Nothing.” Harry, Niall, and Louis all say at the same time.
They all hear Y/N laughing from the boat. Adam is sitting next to her on the deck.
“Look, Adam has someone to have girl talk with, this’ll be perfect.” Ben says.
“Oi.” Harry splashes him. “Don’t say shit like that. Just because he’s gay doesn’t mean he’s girly. We all paint our nails and wear jewelry for Christ’s sake, we’re not all exactly following gender norms here.”
“Okay, okay, fuck.” Ben laughs and splashes Harry back.
After his quick dip, Harry joins Y/N on the deck to lay out. She looked perfect to him. Laying on her stomach, he could see the cute curve of her bum. He lays down on a towel next to her, and boops her nose as she turns to look at him.
“How was the water?”
“Nice and warm, ready whenever you are.”
“Sun feels good.” She yawns.
“Good.” He smiles at her. “I’m so happy you’re here.”
“Me too.”
Y/N ends up falling asleep for a bit, which Harry thinks is the cutest thing in the world. He nudges her awake, though, and hands her a bottle of water. She shits up and happily takes it.
“Think I’m ready to go in now, I’m hot.”
He leads her down to where the latter is, and helps her in by giving her a piggy back ride. She warned him that she wasn’t the strongest swimmer before the trip. Luckily, she could easily stand about belly button deep.
“Y/N, catch!” Niall tosses her a tennis ball, and she catches it.
Adam was hanging out on a float nearby with Ben, and Clark was talking with Louis about some soccer player. Y/N, Harry, and Niall get into a game of catch with the tennis ball. Once noon hits, someone has the brilliant idea to start drinking. Y/N goes up on deck with Harry and she pulls him aside.
“Would you come to the bathroom with me?” She whispers as she grabs her beach bag.
He leads her below deck and shows her the bathroom. She asks him to just wait outside and guard the door while she’s in there. He hears her grunt painfully before hearing the sink. She comes out with sigh.
“Yeah…it just…ugh, it’s just annoying. It’s fine.” She takes a moment to look around. “It’s like a little apartment down here, it’s nice.”
“Yeah, the couch turns into a pull out, it’s pretty cool. We’ve all slept out on the boat before. One summer when there was a lot of us someone just used it as a spare room.”
“Who wants vodka?” Adam asks.
“Me!” Y/N says as her and Harry come back up. “Any soda or anything to go with it?”
“Cranberry juice.” Harry says with a grin and Y/N smiles wider.
Ben fires up the grill while everyone starts to drink. It was a delicious lunch that Y/N was grateful for. Everyone was getting a little tipsy, which resulted in Harry (and others) doing a backflip off the deck and into the water. Y/N had no idea Harry would even do that. He must really be letting loose.
Once everyone sobered up a bit, Adam drives the boat back to the house. It was the perfect day in the sun, but Y/N couldn’t wait to shower off all the sunscreen.
“Do you guys wanna, like, chill for a little while? I could use a nap, honestly.” Clark says. “We won’t be heading to the club until midnight so I’d rather sleep and then have a late dinner.”
“Agreed.” Niall says. “I’m exhausted.”
“Midnight?” Y/N says to Harry as they go up to their room.
“Yeah, things are open later here so we go out later. We’ll pregame and stuff like normal, but it’s sort of lame to be the first ones at a club.”
“Right.” She chuckles. “Well, I am in desperate need of a shower.”
“Alright, I suppose I’ll be a gentleman and let you go first.” He rolls his eyes playfully.
“You can come in with me.”
“If I do that I’m gonna need to fuck you, Y/N.”
“You’ve looked so sexy all day.” He plays with the strap on the top of her bathing suit. “Don’t have much self-control left.”
“I’ll just, um, go in alone then.” She swallows.
She really wanted to have sex with Harry, but it just wasn’t time yet. She takes a quick shower, and he follows in shortly after her. She didn’t seem to be bleeding anymore, but she put a pad on anyways and a large t-shirt. She sinks into the pillows on the bed and waits for Harry.
“Think I need a nap too.” He yawns. “Swimming and day drinking really tires you out.”
“Yeah.” She laughs and opens her arms for him. He rests his head on her chest and gets comfy.
“This is the best.”
“Absolutely.” She plays with his damp hair and he feels like he’s going to melt into her.
“Oh!” He sits up abruptly and looks at her. “I had an epiphany the other night with the guys.”
“About what?”
“What I might like to do after graduation. We were sitting smoking and it just came to me.”
“I’m sorry, did you just say you were smoking?” She sits up with a surprised look on her face.
“I don’t do it during the school year because sometimes I wig out, but I was fine the other night. Anyways, do you wanna hear what I wanna do?”
“Of course, lay it on me.”
“Human Resources.”
“What about it?”
“That’s what I want to do, Y/N! I all of these ethics classes would really prepare me for that field, and I could literally work anywhere. I’d probably have to start out doing some customer service work and then slowly work my way up, but I think I could be good at it.”
“You wanna deal with sexual harassment stuff?”
“That’s not the only thing that HR reps do, there’s payroll, workplace compliance with dress code and safety. I’d be like Toby from The Office, only cool.”
Y/N smiles and giggle for a moment.
“Well, you’re clearly excited about it, so I think it’s great. Course, I think you’d be good at anything you set your mind to.”
“Thanks, babe. I know it sounds like a boring job, but I don’t think it has to be. Plus, you can make a fuck ton of money.”
“Is that the most important thing to you?”
“No, I suppose being happy is, but a decent salary would be nice too.”
“You’d probably have to wear a suit every day.” She bites her bottom lip.
“Mhm, probably.”
“Sexiest HR rep in the history of HR reps.”
He smiles as he leans in to kiss her. She pulls him on top of her, but keeps her legs closed. After a quick make out session, they decide just to cuddle and snooze for a bit. Harry wakes up to a lack of warmth. He sits up when he doesn’t feel Y/N next to him. She comes out of the bathroom and looks at him.
“What time is it?” He knuckles at his eyes.
“A little after six. What do you think we’re doing for dinner?”
“Ben said he’d make fresh pasta.” Harry yawns and stretches. “It’s his turn to cook.” He gives her a kiss on the cheek before looking for some clothes.
“What should I wear tonight? I have this cute red dress…” She pulls it out of the closet and his eyes grow wide. He puts his glasses on so he can see better.
“That’s…wow, yeah, that’ll look great on you.”
“I really like the cut out on the front. I’ll just put some shorts and a t-shirt on for now. No use in getting ready yet.”
Harry just throws on a pair of shorts and looks at her.
“Must be nice to just walk around shirtless all the time. Wish I could do the same.”
“Well, you could, but I wouldn’t feel terribly comfortable with all of the guys ogling you.” He smirks and she nudges him out of the room.
“Something smells good!” She says as she sees Ben over the stove. “You really made fresh pasta?”
“Yup, and meatballs. Mum’s recipe.”
Y/N was amazed at seeing so many guys just being domestic. Her freshman year of college she had made friends with a few guys on the men’s hockey team and their apartment was always gross. They never did their laundry and always ordered takeout. This was one of the things Y/N really liked about Harry. He was clean and respectful, and it was nice to see he surrounded himself with similar people.
“Oh my fucking god.” She moans as she takes a bit of the food. “That’s delicious.”
“Thanks.” Ben beams. “Hear that, mate, she likes my cooking.”
“Don’t get too cocky, she likes mine plenty, right?” Harry says to her.
“Of course, babe.”
“Babe.” Adam and Clark say together lovingly.
“Enough teasing.” Harry points his knife at them. “Get enough of it from these two at school.”
“Please, we hardly tease you.” Louis scoffs.
“You did when we first started going out, it was so annoying.” Harry rolls his eyes.
“You teased him?” Y/N looks at Louis and Niall. “Not very nice boys.” She shakes her head as she takes another bite.
“It was all in good fun.” Niall says.
After cleaning up dinner, the drinks come back out and everyone does shots of tequila. This was what Y/N had been missing. Just hanging out with people her own age without any parents around.
“Wait, so I need to ask.” Clark starts. “Why hockey?”
“I was too aggressive for soccer and lacrosse. No padding.” She takes another shot and sucks on a lime.
“Jesus.” Adam says. “Why were you so aggressive?”
“I had a lot of, um, pent up anger from my parent’s split…we had to see, um, well it was suggested to me that I try hockey. I already knew how to skate, so it wasn’t difficult for me to pick up.”
“She’s brilliant on the ice.” Harry says, putting an arm around her. “I bet you’ll be captain senior year.”
“Do you have siblings, do they play sports?” Ben asks.
“My younger sister does theater, she’s going to this school…um…AMDA in New York this fall, I’m really excited for her, she’s very talented. My little brother plays hockey too…for the same reasons. At least the boys get to hit each other.” She scoffs. “If there had been a female football league I think I would have done that, but it didn’t exist so hockey it was. Besides, I really do just love it. My mom was able to send me to hockey camp a couple times, and I got to meet some nice people that I still stay in touch with. It’s just a great sport.”
Pregaming was good, but it was getting to be time to change. Y/N takes her hair out of its bun and shakes it out. She had some nice beach waves from earlier. She touches up her makeup, and slips into her dress. It was tight, red, and had a cutout just below her breasts. It wasn’t something she wore often, but she thought a club in Italy would be a perfect occasion. She slips her white tennis shoes on, ever the practical person. Harry feels the wind get knocked out of him when she steps out of the bathroom.
He didn’t look too shabby himself. A white, silk short-sleeve shirt with the first few buttons undone, and a pair of black shorts. He looks her up and down after putting his contacts in.
“Isn’t it cute?” She spins around for him.
“Very.” He puts his hands on her hips. “Do we need to leave?”
“Harry.” She giggles. “We can get frisky when we get back.”
“Does that mean-“
“Mhm.” She winks at him.
The boys were all dressed and ready, and a few paid some compliments to Y/N. Harry keeps his arm around her as they walk to the downtown area. They’re able to get into the club with ease, and they all go up to the bar. The bartender gives Y/N’s hers on the house and she smiles.
The music was good, they all dance as a group, but Harry dances behind Y/N with his hands on her hips, which she didn’t mind one bit. His friends had seen him dance with plenty of girls, it wasn’t awkward or anything. They all drank a fuck ton as the night went on. Y/N was loving having her dance partner back. Her head was rolled back onto Harry’s chest while they grind together. He turns her around and pulls her close so he can kiss her, tongue immediately going into her mouth. She wraps her arms around his neck and tugs him as close as they could possibly be. This kiss is hot and forceful. Her fingers lace through his hair.
“Fuck.” He breathes. “Need to get you out of here.” He nearly growls. Y/N nods her head, too frazzled to speak.
Harry finds Adam and lets him know they’re leaving. They both walk quickly, hand in hand, out of the club. The walk back to the house felt like any other time they left a party to go get busy. They giggle and stop to steal kisses until they get to where they need to be. He gets her inside and lifts her over his shoulder.
“Harry!” She squeals.
“Shh, some of the boys could have brought people back.” He gives her bum a little smack as he carries her up the stairs. She laughs, but does as he says to try to stay quiet.
He gets them both on the bed, and she straddles him immediately, her hair falling into her face as she sucks on his bottom lip. He helps move it out of the way, and this his hand slide down her body to grope and squeeze at her ass. She rocks her lips against his, and at this point it just feels torturous for them both. He grabs her hips and gets her on her back.
“You’re really all good?”
He lifts the hem of her dress and bunches it up by her hips. His mouth falls open when he sees the red thong she had paired with the dress.
“You’re the devil.” He says, kissing her lips as he pets over her. “You’re good, you’re okay with this?”
“Yes, so okay with it, please.” She nearly whines.
He moves the thin material to the side, and slides two of his fingers inside her. They swallow each other’s moans. He uses his other hand to yank her breasts out of the top of her dress, something she wasn’t expecting, and then he sucks on one of her nipples while he fingers her. Her back arches when his fingers curl up against her g-spot.
“There we are.” He smirks. “Like that, baby girl?”
“Yeah, just like that, Harry.” Her head rolls back into the pillow. “Oh my god, oh my fucking god.” She moans.
“That’s it, let it all out for me.”
He was knuckle deep, and she couldn’t control any of the noises leaving her mouth. She cries out when she comes to her release. He gives her moment before pulling his fingers out. She looks up at him.
“Get your clothes off, now.” She demands.
“Yes ma’am.” He says, saluting her and getting up.
She helps him get his shirt off, attaching her lips to his stomach and sucking on his special spots. His hips buck forward. He tugs her dress off, and his pants drop to the ground at the same time. She wiggles out of her thong, and Harry rids himself of his boxers.
“Really wanna feel you, can we do that?” She pouts at him.
She pins him down and straddles him, lining herself up with him and sinking down. They both let out throaty moans at the contact.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He groans as he rocks her back and forth on him.
“Been too long without you.” She starts bouncing up and down on him slowly, and he rubs her clit. “Fuck, Harry.” She squeezes around him.
“Come as many times as you want, don’t hold back.” He says, rubbing her faster.
Her body falls on his and she cries out into his neck. He helps her move back and forth on him as she comes to. She knew she was overly sensitive from having not been touched by him in two months. He looks at her and opens his mouth. Her eyebrows raise, but then she remembers what he wants her to do. She wells up some spit and lets it drip slowly from her tongue to his. He swallows it and smiles up at her. A hand goes to the back of her head, and he yanks her face down to his so he can kiss her. Their tongue move around each other as he thrusts up into her.
“Need it from behind.” He says against her mouth.
She gets off him and gets in position for him. He gives her a gentle smack before sliding back in. His hands grip at her hips as he thrusts in and out.
“Gonna fuck you every day for the next two weeks, as many times as you want. You just say the word, and it’ll be just like this.”
“Fuck, Harry.” His words alone were going to make her lose it again.
“Don’t care where we are, if you want my cock, my mouth, my fingers, you’ve got it.”
She moans out as she comes again, and he loves the way she tightens around him, but he’s trying to hold on a little longer. He hadn’t fucked her in so long, and even though he knew they could do it again, he just wanted to enjoy the initial moment a little longer. He pulls out of her and gets her on her back, and in he goes once against. He takes her hands and pins them on either side of her head. He kisses her as he rocks in and out.
“I love you.”
“Oh, baby, I love you too.” He kisses her.
Things had turned from rushed and frantic to loving and sweet. She rocks her hips along with his, and it feels amazing. He slows down the pace to really just take her all in.
“Love you so much.” He whispers in her ear. He picks up the pace a little, and he can feel himself getting closer.
“Please, come inside me, Harry.” She whimpers. “Wanna feel all of you.”
He bites down on her neck while he comes and she moans out at the feeling of him filling her up. He kisses her cheeks and nips at her lips before slowly pulling out. She gasps at the loss of him at first. She gets up to use the bathroom quickly, and then gets into bed with him. He tugs her to lay fully on top of him. She nuzzles into his chest, leaving kisses every few moments. He rubs her back and moves some hair away from her face so she’ll look up at him. He opens his mouth to say something, but he feels good about the comfortable silence. He opts to just kiss her forehead instead. They both sigh with happiness.
As they fell asleep in each other’s arms, neither had a care in the world. They both knew this was the only time in their lives that they could be so carefree, and they weren’t going to waste it or worry. They wanted to be with each other right now, and that was good enough for the both of them.
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winchester-girl67 · 3 years
One Shots
Dean Winchester 
Designated Driver (Dean x reader) After a quick salt and burn with Charlie, you stop at a local bar for a few drinks. Sam and Dean come to pick you two up and you don't take well to Dean's new nickname for you.
Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice (AU!Dean x reader) The reader meets Dean in a grocery store on her birthday. He convinces her to let him take her out and they meet up for his sister's party on the weekend. On their first anniversary, she tries to spook Dean once and for all and he has a special surprise in store for her.
The Grinch Wears Flannel (Dean x reader) Dean sprouts green fur after the reader calls him a Grinch.
Cross-check to the Heart (Ex-HockeyPlayer!Dean x reader) Dean cares for the reader when she bumps her head on the ice on Christmas Eve. 
Kiss Me At Midnight (Dean Smith x reader) The reader finds herself stuck in an elevator with her boss, Dean Smith, on New Year’s Eve.
Cock-A-Doodle-Doo (Dean x Wiccan!reader) The reader has an earache and takes matters into her own hands when the boys leave her behind on a hunt. Things take a wild turn when they return to the bunker and Dean tries to comfort her when the pain becomes too much. - Sequel to Bubble, Bubble, Bath & Trouble
Bubble, Bubble, Bath & Trouble (Dean x Wiccan!reader) The reader tries to get Dean to relax with a magical bubble bath mixture, but things don't go to plan when a bath toy comes to life. - Prequel to Cock-A-Doodle-Doo
Christmas On Parole (Ex-Con!Dean x reader) Just when the reader thought she would never see Dean Winchester again, he comes strolling back into town stirring up all sorts of old feelings. But will that be enough to get him a second chance with her or will she hang onto the anger she’s had for the past ten years.
Stupid Cupid (Dean x reader) Dean's upset when a Cupid marks him with an arrow but not his soulmate, or so he thinks. As he struggles to come to terms, he calls her everything other than her actual name, though maybe that's just a part of getting struck by true love.
Spin Cycle (Dean x reader) Dean and the reader stop at a laundromat in the middle of the night after a hunt gets a little extra messy.
Meet The Parents (Dean x reader) The reader takes Dean home for a traditional Irish dinner on St. Paddy's day, but the food doesn't sit well with him.
The Dinner Guest (AU!Dean x Daughter!reader) Dean gets angry with his daughter, the reader, when she gets home past curfew and misses dinner with her grandfather.
Under The Weather (Dean x reader) Sam takes care of his big brother when Dean comes down with something nasty on their way to see Y/N, a fellow hunter. When she gets wind of the situation with Dean, she arrives just in time to take care of both boys.
Diary Of A Hunter (Dean x Sister!reader) During your down time from hunting, you like to write Teen Wolf fan-fiction, but what happens when your brothers stumble onto your notebook. Meanwhile, Dean gets jealous when he discovers that Sam is teaching you to drive and tries to buy your love back after teasing you relentlessly about what he thinks is your diary.
Sensory Overload (Dean x Autistic!reader) The reader tells Dean that she's on the spectrum after he finds her hiding out in his room after a hunt.
Happy Hour (AU!Dean x reader) The reader returns home after a night at the club realizing she's taken something that she shouldn't have. Her neighbour, Dean, notices when she's practically locked out of her house and spends the night with her.
♡ Happy Hour (Part 2) - Happy Ending (Neighbour!Dean x reader) A few weeks into dating Dean and things finally heat up with the first snowfall of the season.
Cravings (Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader, Baker!Dean x Pregnant!reader) The reader gets some intense pregnancy cravings when she smells the alpha next door cooking. She grabs a plate and knocks on his front door.
Craving (Part 2) - (Alpha!Dean x Omega!reader, Baker!Dean x Pregnant!reader) Post-claim, Dean and the reader enjoy a lazy day at her place when she tells him that she wants to bite him back. 
♡ Love Deliciously (Dean x reader) After an incident on a hunt, the reader tries to boost the boys' morale with a homemade feast and a little Christmas decorating. But Sam leaves for his own romantic endeavours and she catches Dean with himself after months of feeling touch starved for his affection. Something he hasn't given freely lately as his own guilt weighs on him. Nothing a little mistletoe can't fix though.
My Father's Daughter (Dean x Nephilim!reader) Y/N gets nervous when her anti-possession tattoo heals overnight. On her second attempt to make it stick she meets a boy that she might have more in common with then she thinks. 
♡ Raven Eyes (Dean x Nephalem!reader) Half-Demon and half-angel, the reader struggles to control her outbursts of anger. Until she meets someone who makes her blood boil in a whole other way. She searches for her half-sister, Claire, with the help of the Winchester brothers and finds that, maybe, being human isn't all bad.
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