exodusmc · 2 years
Golden, like the snitch
Genre: Hogwarts au, fluff, some angst
Words: 3092
Paring:  slytherin  Sehun x  hufflepuff reader
Warning!: Injury, bad relationship with parents
a/n: This ones a part in my hogwarts series, I’m solwly working one the other guys as well. But schools hard man, but maybe it will clam down a little now and I’ll get some motivation back! I will try to update Insider more and I hope everyones well!
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Gif is not mine 
You were always sitting by the window facing whomping willow, a book in your hands that flipped pages with a soft sound. Sehun would lean his head against one of the many book shelves, eyes closed as he just listened. The title could be about animals or herbs, even the universe was in your rotations of books. But it was your time to relax, his too, and he really needed it right now. There was a quidditch match right around the corner, looming over his shoulders like his bloodline. 
Sehun was a pureblood and he remembered the day he got sorted to slytherin, the happiness and relief he felt made him almost feel like he was drowning. But that was a long time ago, he was young back then, believing in blood and pride. Things were different now when he was sitting on the floor just breathing. The wish for everything to always be like this was growing like weed in his soul. 
Cheering echoed like a white noise in his head. Chanyeol swished around in his red clothing with grins on his lips. Sure, they were friends with each other but he was competitive and Sehun knew he actually had to try, if he wanted to avoid the disappointment of his father. 
Sweat dropped down his forehead as the Quaffel was thrown up. 
“Game on” someone screamed as Sehun focused everything on the snitch. He had to get it.
Wind ripped around him as he flew towards the golden ball, seeing the other seeker in the corner of his eye. Sehun barely managed to avoid the gryffindor coming at him.
Diving down, he slipped between wooden poles, only accompanied by the drumming of his heart. He was lean which meant he could move fast and it made him a great seeker, but he was also foolish. 
Coming up from the tunnel like graves around the arena, he was so focused on the snitch he missed the other seeker.  Swirling around and around, pain shot up his side. Sehun could feel his vision blurr but he had to ignore it and all the gasps from the public. He couldn't even hear what the announcer said, only try to steer his broom right. 
“Shit shit…”his mumble was lost to the wind, adrenaline making the pain forgettable. The snitch was so close now, he could almost feel it with his fingers tips. Cheering broke out around him and Sehun exhaled one last time. 
Lifting his gaze from the golden ball, time stopped, because there was another golden thing right before him. His obsidian eyes met yours as you were standing with the other hufflepuffs, right in the direction he was flying towards. It was you and only you, until there was nothing. 
Gaps broke through the crowd and you put your hands over your mouth. Someone was screaming at the slytherin beaters but you could only stare at the green and black pile on the ground. Both bludgers had hit him in the side. 
Teachers rushed towards him, Hagrid lifting the limp body and ignoring Mcgonagall's warnings to wait for a gurney.    
You hadn't spoken much with Sehun but you knew about the Oh family since they had an interesting history but rumors spread like wildfires in Hogwarts so you knew more than just history too. Searching through the crowd, you found the man who had similar features to Sehun but he didn't even look concerned. No, he only stood up and left the stand. 
“Did he die?” someone to your right asked but you could only hope it was not the case, besides Madame Pomfrey was excellent with what she was doing, the best. You knew since you had studied a little under her and she was almost a miracle worker. 
Sehun groaned as he seemingly came back to life, the grogginess and headache making him turn to the side and hope for a bucket or something to catch his last lunch. But nothing came up, only liquid since he hadn't eaten for five days. 
Coughing, he managed to focus on the tall windows. It wasn't something new, being in the hospital wing, but the figure standing to his right, holding a bucket, was something new.
You looked concerned at his pale face, even if you had watched it turn green, blue and red. He had some nasty bruises still but they had started to fade, all thanks to…
“Madame Pomfrey, he’s awake!” you called for the peculiar woman, watching as she came out from her room.
She had a tendency to not like when the wing was crowded but ever since you expressed interest in healing magic, had she helped you and taken a liking to you. Madame Pomfrey would smile at you and say that she felt safe leaving her wing to you when her time had come. It made you feel both warm and weird, how could she not be in the hospital wing? Folding sheets or making sure that all the supplies were stocked?
“Now now mister Oh, please stay down..” she pushed Sehun down gently, making him still as she checked to see how he had healed. 
You remember coming later the same day he had fallen, just before curfew. The scary bandages and hollowness of his eyes. It got worse when Madame Pomfrey told you about the broken ribs and arm and dislocated shoulder and twisted ankle and…yeah, you were surprised he was as whole as he was.
“Everything seems to be healing right but I want you to rest for this day…”the Madame stood up, mumbling to herself a little as she thought about what she had to write down, you guessed.”I’ll get you some food…and Y/n, please don't stay too long, our patient needs his sleep..”
She said everything with a smile but you knew she meant it too, besides why were you here? You didn't know Sehun..maybe you should tell his friends instead. 
Madame Pomfrey left with the closing of the privacy screens and you were alone with Sehun. It got awkward fast, you wondered why you were still there and he thought about how you had seen him take fall from the sky and throw up. He was so cool..yeah right, all he had to do now was say something stupid. 
“How..how are you feeling?” the question hung in the air, your voice soft like the turning of pages. 
Sehun closed his eyes, floating back to all the times in the library, the peace and calm. He hadn't realised until now but you were a safe space just as much as the window nook. 
“I’m sore but that’s about it…have a little bit of a headache, maybe..”your smile was too pretty, almost unfair. He knew why you belonged to hufflepuff. 
“That’s good…since you took quite a fall..”his slightly reddening cheeks made you giggle. Gazing at him up close was so different from seeing him in the corridors, the boy was not as scary as you thought. 
The ruffle of fabric made the both of you tense as Madame Pomfrey arrived with food, her blue eyes having something knowing in them. 
“Here you go mister Oh…eat carefully now so it stays down..”she left as soon as she came but you knew it was time for you to go as well. 
“Well I should leave you now…”it actually made him disappointed, seeing you stand up from the chair. It felt empty now. “By the way…you caught it, the snitch..”
“Dude! You can't scare us like that!” Chanyeol’s loud voice made Madame Pomfrey almost throw her tray, glaring at the giant who pulled the privacy screens with one goal in mind. Junmeyon had the decency to look embarrassed and apologetic at the older woman before he to piled into the almost room.”I really thought you were dead!”
Sehun smiled a little, the feeling of warmness spreading through his cold chest when he watched Junmyeon, Chanyeol and Baekhyun standing before him. The others would be here too if it weren't for school and Madame Pomfrey. But they were family and the best thing that could have ever happened to him. They were what made him take the right way, his own way. 
“Yea! I mean, we couldn't have let you go in that way! It would have been too embarrassing for you!” Baekhyun teased but Junmyeon would later tell him that the other slytherin boy had cried for days and been red eyed due to it. Chaewon had told them about how scared he was, even after it was declared that Sehun would survive. 
“How did you miss the bludgers!?”Chanyeol leaned forward, staring his friend down. Sehun was usually one of the best players and missing those goddamn iron balls was one hell of a rookie mistake, especially since it was so they were coming towards him.
Something clicked in Baekhyun's brain and he got that grin on his face, accompanied with that look that only meant hell was about to go down. Junmyeon swallowed because he also knew why and it was spelt hufflepuff. 
“Maybe he was looking for something else..just as gold as the snitch..”the smirk widened, his tone crawling over Sehun’s skin. Baekhyun leaned forward, excitement in his brown eyes.”A little bird whispered that she had been here everyday since the fall…hmm, you wouldn't know, would ya?”
Sehun’s cheeks reddened and that was that, his crush confirmed for his loud mouthed friend. Chanyeol’s eyes widened as realisation hit him like the Hogwarts express.
“Is it her you have been going to all this time? When you just disappear?” Chanyeol’s question made Sehun even hotter in the face and Baekhyun made some delighted noise. 
“My my..have our little Sehunnie fallen in love? I never thought I would see the day!” Baekhyun could tease anyone to death but he was quickly remiended with his own pining after Chaewon and actually kept his mouth shut after that. 
“Well..I’m happy you’re fine..”Junmyeon smiled, his hair perfectly laid.”Rest some more now..”
With that was Sehun left alone again and Chanyeol hurried out when he felt the daggers Madame Pomfrey's eyes threw after him.
You didn't dare come back for three days after Sehun had woken up, too embarrassed and filled with butterflies. But the Madame asked for your help so one morning, when the double doors closed, were you standing in the room and alone with the black haired slytherin again. 
“Good morning.”Sehun had started to love the sounds of your voice, carving to hear the tones.
“Morning..”it became quiet again, you two just studying each other.” Why are you here?”
Maybe it sounded rude, he hoped it didn't, but he sure knew what he wished you would say. 
“I’m helping Madame Pomfrey…and she shows me some…stuff.”
“Oh…”disappointing but not surprising, stupid of him to hope you came to see him. 
Quiet again, so heavy that it felt like something pressed down on his chest. Sehun’s hair shone in morning light filtering through half opened white curtains. It looked soft when it had no gel in, like you wanted to pull your fingers through it. Some colour had returned to his face as well but the tone was still contracting to those were dark eyes. Green sure fit him but this not so perfect look made him less hard. 
“How’s everything going? Are you well now?” you kept your distance, watching like you always did. He was pure blood and you were half, it would never be okay or even an option.
“I’m okay now, getting out tomorrow..”
“Oh…”you wanted to say more, wanted to ask about him..the real him, but nothing left your lips, nothing left his.”That’s great to hear…”
Sehun didn't have a chance to say something more, he could only watch as you slipped into Madame Pomfrey’s room.
Sehun watched you from afar, gaze following as he guessed you were picking out a book to read at your nook…One week had passed since he left the hospital wing and he felt like the two of you were catching each other's eyes more but you would look away, every time. And Baekhyun noticed, he noticed it too much. 
“You know..ogling at her won't make her come talk to you…” Sehun glared at his house mate, hating the heat he felt covering his cheeks.
“You forced Chanyeol to come when you wanted to talk to Chaewon…about dragons too..”Kyungsoo didn't look up from his book when he spoke, missing the offended look Baekhyun had. 
“Yeah…and you were pale because you were so stressed.”Chanyeol smiled but Sehun had noticed that his giant of a friend was looking for someone and that he had been a little off since he ran into that ravenclaw. 
“Maybe I can get Chaewon to talk to her!..”Baekhyun’s voice was loud again, earning glares from a table filled with students.”...but I don't really know if they are friends…”
Sehun stopped listening because you were gone and it took most of his willpower to not go after you or at least where he thought you went.
Autumn had turned to winter and Sehun started to dread the holiday break, even if there were weeks left. He hadn't heard from his father since he fell and it probably meant he was mad. It clouded his mind and Chanyeol was worried for his friend, seeing him fall deeper and deeper in that dark void. 
“Hey..are you staying over the holidays?” Sehun looked at the giant, scarf covering most of his lower face but letting his ears point out.”I was thinking about it anyway…”
Sehun sighed. He knew that Chanyeol really wanted to go home, see his family and the creature he called a dog. 
“No…I’m going home…” but it wasn't home, not like Hogwarts.”I think you should too.”
Chanyeol smiled sadly, throwing his arm over his friend's shoulders. 
“Well then, we better celebrate before everyone leaves!” yea, before everyone leaves…” Butterbeers on me!”
Sehun laughed lightly, nodding his head, black hair laid perfectly just like his uniform.  He would miss his friends but he couldn't keep them here, not when they already did so much for him. However, there was one more place he had to go to before leaving, one more person to see. 
The bookshelves were the same, spines in all colours and with all titles. Sehun walked quietly, following his usual path towards the window. But you weren't there, no he was just staring out the glass at a grey world which would probably soon be covered in white snow. The whomping willow bare and almost lonely. 
“Oh…uhm…”he turned fast as lightning, wide eyed and blushing. You stood there, book in hand and robes falling over your form.”Sorry…are using this…uhm place?”
Sehun just stared. There you were, busting him. Shit. 
“No no…eh..”Sehun scratched his neck, wondering what he should say. You had already seen him and it would be weird if he just ran away.”You can…read here, if you want..”
But he didn't move, glancing up and down from your book to your eyes. You too felt like disappearing. No one had ever come close the million times you had been here and now was Oh Sehun standing there, looking dumbfounded. 
“O..okay..?”Shit, he should really leave, like now but he didn't want to. The next time he could be in forever and anything could happen. 
“Maybe we can…use it together?” Sehun grabbed a random book from the shelf, smiling slightly. It made his face completely different, soft and with arched brows instead of straight.
“Sure…but I didn't know you were interested in the frog choir…” Sehun looked down at the book he had taken, hearing you giggle softly under your breath. He blushed, putting it back before actually looking at the titles.
You kept laughing as quietly as you could, hopping up to sit by the window you always sat, back pressed against the wooden frame. It was actually spaceus up there and had a nice view of the outside, something which made you calm, for the most part. But now, now was a slytherin distracting you. 
Sehun looked and looked, taking a book called “History of frogs and the magic world” and putting it back. It made you laugh again, the clueless look he had as he searched for something bearable to read. He didn't know that this was the “frog corner” and that you had chosen it because almost no one came back here.
“You won't find anything here…If you don't want to read about frogs…”your smile was wide as Sehun turned to look at you, this weird feeling floating through him. Most of the time, he was hiding behind one of the shelfs but was now right before you.
“Ah…Yeah not really..”
“Do..Do you want me to read for you?” you lifted the book in your hands, heat slowly creeping up your face.” I’m a couple pages in but maybe that’s okay?”
Sehun nodded, swallowing a little too hard. It was everything he had dreamed of for a long time but it felt..not scary but not okay either. Like this could break a fragile picture of something he cherished. 
He hopped onto the window sill, leaning against the cool glass as you started to read. It was pleasant to listen to, made his heart beat calmly. Your voice was really like the turning of pages, soft and full in a sense that only emotions made vowles. 
With closed eyes, he let the whole world be only you and your voice. There was nothing more, no problem and no need. Only you and him. Everything made you hope a little, glancing at the slytherin boy with polished hair and no part of his uniform tilted. Maybe one day, you’ll read for him but those words will be your own and said to him as a promise of forever…hopefully he’ll have his own too. 
“Shhhhh…”Baekhyun waved his hand up and down, a camera pointing towards a window. He was leaning as much as he could around the bookshelf, holding his tongue between his teeth. 
You and Sehun were blissfully unaware of the jokester, who was Sehun’s housemate. But he was too unaware of the gryffindor taking his own picture. Those two pictures would later become your favorite when your Hogwarts years were done. Sehun would blush but secretly feel the same
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chankai-ist · 2 years
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Slytherin X KAI in KLoor 🐍
Gif Moodboard!
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itstheoneshots · 1 year
Fic Recommendations
-> Exo
-> Harry Potter
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jazzaiko · 2 years
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Falling For You (4k words)
Pairing: Sehun/Chen, Chanyeol/Kai Rating: Teen Tags: Harry Potter / Hogwarts AU, Christmas, first dance, mutual pining, Slytherin!Sehun, Hufflepuff!Jongdae
Written for Hailchen
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chu-diaries · 4 months
100 days of mental healthcare: day 40/100
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I can’t believe it’s already day 40 of this challenge! My life has changed so much since I started this. I’m proud of my progress and I hope to keep improving until day 100 🥰
Today was such a productive day! I'm happy to have a routine again. even though I didn't wake up to my 6 am alarm, I managed to go out for a quick walk in the morning and the sky was so beautiful. I worked until lunchtime listening to my favorite Sasusaku playlist and then did some laundry. I had an inspiration for a new story (Hogwarts Legacy based) and organized my ideas for about an hour or so... it’s so good to feel my creativity flowing through the screen again! After that I studied some myths about Ogum for an hour, played with my cat and talked to my best friend. In the evening I had a yoga class and I read a little before bedtime.
💥: day 14/28
💧: 2 L (it’s easier to drink the right amount of water in this heat)
🏃🏻‍♀️: morning walk (30 min)
🧘🏻‍♀️: yoga class (1h)
📝: planning my fanfic (1h) + Yoruba mythology studies (1h)
🎧: lazy - exo cbx
📚: hp and the order of the phoenix
📺: 🚫
🎮: 🚫
🛑: 11 days pick-free
💊: took all my vitamins
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earth4angels · 2 months
meet the illusion !
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she bought the stars back to life.
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hola, my name is 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐞. 20+. latina, 𝐬𝐡𝐞/𝐡𝐞𝐫, and was born in the beginning of 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫, making me a 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, with a 𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠. i’m a 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭, i love painting, and working with ceramics! please never hesitate to hit my inbox to chat, i love making friends. my hogwarts house is 𝐡𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐟𝐟, and im a dedicated 𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫.
i’m a 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 however most of my writings will be dedicated to 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐞. i’m mostly a 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 girly, also robert pattinson but listen, that’s another story.
the hunger games, harry potter, twilight, gilmore girls, the batman, any a24 film, aot, coraline, spider-man, and shameless.
laufey, exo, aespa, declan mackenna, matt maltese, the marias, beach house, suki waterhouse, pierce the veil, fka twigs, kali uchis, mazzy star, lana del rey, wave to earth, the drivers era.
—- if i’m not online, im doing art, or doing makeup professionally, playing zelda or you’ll find me reading by a cafe, beach or the hollywood park.
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arthenaa · 9 months
house of arthena — masterlist, introductory, and rules
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writer: athen/ayen | 20 | he/him | sapphic | INFP-T
occupation: freelance artist, college student, writer
birthday: 10/04/2003
nationality: 🇵🇭
kins (can be best compared to irl): mizu, caelus, ominis, ren amamiya, sun jing (physical wise), geto suguru
media — blue-eyed samurai, jujutsu kaisen, shingeki no kyojin, chainsaw man, detroit become human, red dead redemption, hogwarts legacy, persona 5 royal, valorant, honkai star rail, genshin impact
artists — nct (all units but prefers dream), riize, lesserafim, newjeans, bada lee, lee youngji, laufey, kiss of life, exo
will write for the following — mizu, gojo satoru, geto suguru, ieri shoko, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, kugisaki nobara, zenin maki, okkotsu yuuta, eren jaeger, pieck finger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, annie leonhart, makima, quanxi, power, aki hayakawa, denji, connor (all rk series), john marston, arthur morgan, sebastian sallow, ominis gaunt, imelda reyes, ren amamiya, akechi goro, jett, cypher, sage, reyna, neon, fade, iso, gekko, chamber, yoru, sova, jingyuan, danheng, blade, kafka, seele, albedo, xiao, kaeya, raiden ei, yae miko, alhaitham, childe, knave, nct dream, bada lee, hong seunghan, park wonbin, lee sohee, huh yunjin, kim chaewon, byun baekhyun, do kyungsoo
read more to check rules and list of works!
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rules (for requesting)
— writer has the right to refuse request
— writer is a full-time college student and a part-time freelance artist doing commissions, there is no set time that he will upload and post said requests
— only refer to the list above when requesting (if your character despite in the same media listed above is not included, you may dm the writer if he is willing to write the request or simply state it in the request ask linked on his bio)
— writer prefers writing in gender-neutral terms or she/her pronouns, he will use this unless stated otherwise so make sure to include it in your requests
— nsfw is okay but always keep in mind rule 1
— writer appreciates reactions such as comments or reposts with messages a lot! <3 it just makes writing fun and enjoyable to know that his readers are enjoying his works :)
— writer will only do oneshots or 2-3 chapter works, (oneshots with multiple parts under the same theme eg. modern!au mizu or nocturne(interlude)!mizu are counted as oneshots under the same theme. they can be read as solo or just under the same category) longer chapter series will be done through commissions.
— if reader wishes to commission, refer to pinned.
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Blue-Eyed Samurai
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nocturne (interlude) (p1)
my love mine all mine (p2)
blurred lines (roommate!mizu)
mizu as your roommate (pre-blurred lines)
creative team lead!mizu x concept artist!reader
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Jujutsu Kaisen
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can't think right, too tongue tied, it must be love
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Hogwarts Legacy
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Masterlist here
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Honkai Star Rail
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Feelings with Kafka 18+
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mizu x oc! blurred lines
nier x sebastian hogwarts legacy
seb x mc commission
nier and nora (ocs hl)
stelle x asta
ominis x mc x seb
tbotb concept art hl series
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If you have any concerns or questions you'd like to ask, click the question mark emoji on my blog bio! or if you want to support me as an artist hehe listed below is my kofi. tysm!
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hydroyaksha · 2 years
Soleil’s fic recs
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Yixing- king! “The Lotus king and his jade” @sweetjekyll
Kyungsoo- hogwarts! “Spellbound” @whimsical-ness
Sehun- X-EXO! “GREED” @/quokkacore
Sehun -(X-EXO) “LIBERALITY” @quokkacore
Baekhyun - idols! “The rumors were true” @eomayas
Kyungsoo - yandere! “I love you, I love you, I love you.” (Made by me!)
STRAYKIDS - [separate link]
Chan/ Felix - polyamory! Hogwarts! “Detention” @dreamescapeswriting
Felix - demon slayer! “If you tell me about myself” @skazoo
Felix - enemies to lovers! “Strawberry kisses” @softsan
Felix - dick joke centered! CEO! “Penis heart” @staysuki
Felix - Agent! Scientist! “A normal Thursday” @abiaswreck
Hyunjin - mafia! “Ice” @healinghyunjin
Hyunjin - mafia! “Not a stranger” @straywrds
OT8 - ABO! “No control” @cherryeol04
Hyunjin - Hanahaki! (With a good ending) “forget me not” @hhjs
Bangchan - Indian performer! Idol! “Butterfly wings” @straykidshoe
Lee know - siren! “Call of the siren” @tasteleeknow
Lee know - hogwarts! “Green flames” @streetlight11
Jeongin - android! “Alive” @rainy-bangbeom
Felix - royalty! Best friends! “Fairy flowers” @hyunsvngs
Felix - bodyguard! “Your bodyguard, Felix” @skzdarlings
Jisung - ghostface! “It’s a scream baby!” @tyunphoria
Felix - dating show! “TOO HOT TO HANDLE” @seospicybin
Felix - prince! “Forgive me for what I haven’t done” @rachalixie
OT23 - yandere! Cult! “Connect” @mymoodwriting
OT7 - yandere! “Awaken” @/mymoodwriting
TEN - vampire!Hunter! “Blood wars” @things-we-cant-say
LUCAS - hybrid! “Please don’t bite me” @/quokkacore
NCT127 - yandere! Aliens! “Who is sticker?” @/mymoodwriting
Taeyong/ Yuta - Angels! Devils! Yandere! “Watching over you” @whiteteadreams
Jaehyun - Dog hybrid! “Competitive spirit” @flowerboykun
OT9 - vampires! Witches! “Black magic” @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l
Jaehyun - hogwarts! “Head over brooms” @sehunniepotwrites
Mark - supernatural! “grit your f*ckin’ teeth” @irtza
Haechan - yandere! “Inseparable” @mint-yoongi
Jaemin - athlete! “on the rebound” @lunena
Jaemin - “Crazy in love” @mayaflowerxs
Renjun - classmates! “Blondes are done with fun” @rrxnjun
00’ line + Mark - arcana! “Arcane” @neonacity
Haechan - hockey player! “Ice ice baby” @cozyjae
Haechan - uni! “Learning languages” @tonicandjins
Sungchan - superhero! “Through the webs” @yutafrita
ENHYPHEN - scenario! “How they’re protective over you” @foresdxw
NI-KI - scenario! Idols! “Cookies - shattered glass” @ilovehimyourhonor
JAY - bad boy! Good girl! Dancer! “Opposites attract” @dazed-hee
NI-KI spiderman! “Spider-Man loves you” @misoxhappy
Beomgyu- hybrid! “Until it hurts a little less” @horanghoe
Beomgyu - fae! “Dasies” @thru-the-grapevine
Soobin - AI! “Artificial love” @bb-eilish
Beomgyu- Spider-Man! “Not your average boyfriend” @slytherinshua
Yeonjun- fox hybrid! “Silly fox baby” @seowhorebin
Taehyung - Android! “A human touch” @snackhobi
KEY - A/B/O! “Out of love” @mymoodwriting
OT11 - android! “The boyz become human” @tbznewberry
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gingerlegacy07 · 2 months
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Thank you @morelikeravenbore for the tag! I love answering these kind of questions and I loved reading through your answers!
I know I'm hardly known here on Tumblr, but that's fine. For those of my followers who are interested and because I find it fun to do, here are my answers to the following questions!
How many works do you have on AO3? I have 21 works. Most of them are oneshots or oneshot collections, but I also have a trilogy and a currently ongoing chaptered story.
What's your total AO3 word count? Uhh.. *checks* 429.608. Most of them are from the trilogy.
What fandoms do you write for? On AO3 I only write for the Hogwarts Legacy fandom. A long time ago I wrote for the f(x)/EXO/SHINee fandom on Asianfanfics, but I have deleted that account.
Top five fics by kudos? Oh, I'll have to look that up.. hm, alright:
1. In the Shadow of Sixth year (97)
2. In the Shadow of Seventh year (68)
3. A Naughty Collection - Hogwarts Legacy (48)
4. Sense of Touch (44)
5. In the Shadow of Summer (43)
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to respond to every comment, but I must admit sometimes I'm not able to respond right away and I might forget to, but I think I have responded to nearly every comment on AO3. I live for comments and am always happy when someone took their time to write one.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't like angsty endings, but "Happier" does have an angsty/unhappy ending. Together with "You look Happier". Both are oneshots I wrote to the song "Happier" by Olivia Rodrigo and "Happier" by Ed Sheeran respectively.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hm.. considering all that happens in my trilogy, I'd say "In the Shadow of Seventh year", which is the final part, ends the happiest.
Do you get hate on fics? Not really. Only on one, but I still think that must've been a troll. They hated Poppy, yet commented on a oneshot that was Poppy centric (literally her and Ominis were the only characters in it). Other than that, no. Not that I am aware of at least.
Do you write smut? Yes. Though I don't write it in my chaptered stories. At most I'll have it heavily implied or some non-explicit foreplay. For my trilogy I made two seperate oneshots to write the smut. That way I leave the choice to the reader if they want to read that or not. It's not needed for the plot anyway.
Craziest crossover? None.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know. It's despicable some people actually do that.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Not for this fandom, but back in the day on Asianfanfics a couple of my oneshots were translated in Vietnamese and Tagalog.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but if someone would want to, I'd be open for it.
All time favorite ship? Ominis x Poppy or Poppinis. When I first heard Poppy tell us about her family my immediate thought was like: I wonder what Ominis would think of that? And somehow that got me into shipping them and now I'm obsessed in love with them as a couple. And fun fact: it was my shipping them that got me into writing again after not having done so in over 8 years.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a lot of ideas, but only few of those I have started on. I tend to delete WIP's that I don't want to finish and the ones I do want to finish, I'll make sure to finish lol.
What are your writing strengths? Good question! But I think I'm good with writing certain emotions/feelings to the point the reader gains empathy for the character... other than that I really don't know. I try to be consistent with updates, do my research (to an extent) and try not to make any continuation errors.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I am totally fine with that (though I probably will never write it myself), as long as the correct phrasing is used and that the reader understands (or at least gets an idea) of what is being said.
But I do think it reads easier when the writer uses Italics to underline when a character speaks another language.
First fandom you wrote in? F(x) (Kpop group) back in 2012.
Favorite fic you've written? Definitely my trilogy "Shadows of Love" that consists of Part 1 "In the Shadows of Sixth year", Part 2 "In the Shadows of Summer" and Part 3 "In the Shadows of Seventh year".
The first part was my very first chaptered fic and the fact that I didn't only finish it, but wrote two more parts (25 chapters for the 1st part, 7 chapters for the 2nd and 45 chapters for the 3rd) and two smut oneshots accompanying it has been a major achievement for me and it really is my baby.
Special shoutout for my friends on Discord who supported and inspired me to continue! As well as all the readers (silent or not) who made me want to keep powering through! I love all of you!
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Thank you for whoever it was that made up these questions! I had a great time thinking about them and answering! As well as look through the stats of my works haha.
Np tags for @writingannyred @mspegasus17 @sallowslove and @zetadraconis11
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alexiososp · 2 months
Author Session with Haqiyin Part 1
I am Alexio Sospranio, and you're listening to the kaisoo fic podcast.
For new listeners, the kaisoo fic podcast is a space where we discuss literature found in the kaisoo world. Where we have authors on the show to give them a platform to talk about their writings and journey as an author in the fandom. 
Dear kaisoo listener, do get ready for a ride because it’s a special episode with a long qna with our author of the day. Just a brief rundown of what will happen in this episode. This episode is a two part episode. First part is today, dated the 12th, second part will be on the 14th. Special kaisoo dates!
Today on the 12th is the first part where we will discuss the defining fics from the author of the day, followed by questions to get to know the author a bit more in terms of her writer's journey. The second part, on the 14th we will be going through the three ‘i’s. What are the 3 ‘i’s? The 3 ‘i’s are Inspiration, Influence and Impact. Author’s inspiration for ideas, having others as influence for their direction and the author’s impact on the kaisoo fic community.
If you, dear listener, have been up to date with the podcast episodes, you will find that there will be similar questions to other author’s sessions. Each author brings in their own different perspectives and experiences. By asking similar questions, we get to see how diverse yet united kaisoo fic writers are. 
Joining me to do all that is author and artist haqiyin.
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Haqiyin has been in this fandom since 2013 Growl era, that's about 11 years. The pull factor that got her into this fandom was Chanyeol & Chen in EXO Showtime when she was 14 and in Secondary School. Haqiyin is currently into kaisoo and Hogwarts Legacy, the video game. Started writing kaisoo in April 2022 after reading kaisoo fanfics and sns aus on twitter earlier that year. Her works on ao3 amount to 39 fics and counting, and 29 for EXO.
Defining Fic 
Hello there haqiyin! 
Could you maybe start us off, what is that one or two fics that are completely yours and something that holds great significance to you? 
My Dear is a classic of mine that I loved writing. So is Noise, which is where I pour all of my Kaisoo fantasies into it. What makes it lovable for me is that it's a Female pairing! And another one is Swap because I’ve been told by a few of my readers that fic was what defined me as one of the new Kaisoo smut-writers at the time. 
I see, so ‘my dear’ is a classic of yours, ‘noise’ is something that you could dive into your fantasies and ‘swap’ is an acclaimed fic by your readers.
We’ll have an episode just for ‘my dear’ by itself because I think that fic is very important to you, so we need to give the fic its due recognition. So for this segment for today’s episode, we will look at ‘noise’ and ‘swap’.
So we have two fics, let’s talk about ‘noise’ first.
Could you give us a sense of what ‘noise’ is for those who are not familiar?
Noise is basically a F/F relationship that is based on roommates to lovers, college romance, mixed in with a few kinks and sexual plot such as exhibitionism. 
The premise of ‘noise’ is uncommon, but not unheard of. But do share with us how it came about?
I just wanted to write an exhibitionism plot but I was also thinking of a F/F pairing for some reason. It turned out to be a “and they were roommates” plot with a little sprinkle of exhibitionism in it. I wanted it to be a one-shot, smutty and dirty plot but I got caught up with emotions writing about roommates to lovers, thus Noise was created. It was supposed to be dirty like my fic ‘No Reason’, but it wrote it fluffy sweet and spicy romantic instead. 
No Reason… yea the biggest part of that fic is the exhibitionism. Actually the thing that No Reason taught me was what exhibitionism is all about? And like being in a relationship where you are free to explore and indulge in your kinks in a safe way, without scarring anyone.
Yea but for noise as well… Kyungsoo did not at all shy away at the exhibitionism part where they were in Jongin’s home.
A question: why do you consider this fic to be one of the two fics you were emotionally attached to?
It was my first time ever writing a F/F pairing. It was experimental to me in the sense that I’m writing about their relationship and how they interact. I loved writing about their emotions because by then I was mostly writing smut and oneshots, with not much depth about relationship development, so it was a first dive for me when I was writing this fic. And also! There’s a lack of Kaisoo F/F fics out there so I thought it’d be good for me to contribute to the community. 
Contributing to the community you are indeed! And you did a great job in the dynamics between clingy Jongin and horny Kyungsoo.
And recently in mid March you did a 20 day calendar of fem!kaisoo oneshot series, covering things like tribbing and more. I'm too shy to say aloud, but I thank you for that, one for the girlies I see.
So that was haqiyin’s ‘noise’, one of two of her fics she was emotionally attached to. The other fic ‘my dear’, we will have a special episode for that fic, because I believe it deserves its own episode. So the next fic for this segment will be looking at ‘swap’ an acclaimed fic by your readers. Swap is part of the X-EXO series.
Could you give us a sense of what ‘swap’ is for those who are not familiar?
Swap is basically a smut fic that plays with X-EXO concept, that being X-EXO Kaisoo swapped partner with Earthling Kaisoo, it’s a 3 part oneshot, part 1 is X-EXO Kai with Kyungsoo, part 2 X-EXO D.O with Jongin and lastly part 3 is Kyungsoo and Jongin. 
The premise of ‘swap’ is very interesting. It involves clones and that is actually quite genius of you in doing that. Could you give us a bit of background of what inspired you from real life exo to have this x-exo au?
I was obsessed with EXO’s Obsession comeback and album, it was mostly inspired from Kai’s X-EXO photoshoot. I just needed to write one fic with him featured in, and that’s how Swap was created. Photoshoots and concepts really play a big part in my inspiration because I refer to pictures and events and content to be able to write and be inspired. 
Like as you mentioned, we do have x-exo that was explored with the obsession promotions back in 2019. And in a way it is canon? The most admirable thing for me here is how you use what you are given as a fan and develop it further in your own craft. Pity we don’t have a proper x-exo version of D.O. but hey at least we have Monster D.O. back in 2016! but wow that was a long time ago… and oh myyy taking about photoshoots and concept pictures… the x-exo posters were definitely intriguing, and it helps us visualise the description of X-KAI and Monster D.O.
How did your creative energy come about to conjure up this AU? 
My creative energy when coming up with such AUs mostly comes from my need to read the premise. Like, I really wanted to see a fic that holds this X-EXO clones smut with humans Kaisoo and I have searched a few, I can’t remember if I ever found one but I decided to write one instead, because I wanted a specific scene/outcome from that AU. 
And what were those specific scenes?
Guilty pleasure / forbidden lust towards another version of their partner. 
“I bet Jongin was gentle with you, huh? Never felt such roughness like this.” 
“You’re begging? That’s a first.” 
“My mate never begs first. I always have to make him beg.” 
You decided to write forbidden lust towards another version of their partner because you wanted to see a specific scene/outcome from this clones AU. That is quite motivational. How you saw a gap in the kaisoo literature and you took that opportunity to write what you wanted to see. And it’s been received very well by readers!
I'm curious as to what about this fic stands out to you?
Personally, speaking as a smut writer, it's the sex part of course. So I was mainly motivated to write how X-EXO Kai would talk to human Kyungsoo in comparison to how human Jongin would. 
X-EXO Kai is quite rough with human Kyungsoo. And for those who enjoy reading mild BDSM would enjoy this and others fics of yours for example No Reason or Leash even. 
Readers who have read both ‘noise’ and ‘swap’ will find that you, haqiyin, really have a knack for fresh perspectives. Just by looking at the premise, it is definitely very eye catching because we get to explore kaisoo through a different lens. With ‘noise’ we have fem!kaisoo, so kaisoo as females. And then we have ‘swap’, where we explore kaisoo with their clones. 
We have reached the end of our very first segment for this very long episode. 
Getting to know Haqiyin 
The second segment we have today is getting to know the author of the day. 
Now, haqiyin, I’ve always been so curious about this: on twitter, we all know you as a writer. But what do you tell the people who know you in real life? Do you tell them that you are a writer? How supportive are they and do you ever feel like you have to hide or be sneaky about it, especially if you are already in the zone of writing? 
Oh I don’t tell anyone anything in my personal life. They do know I draw and sketch as a side hobby/income and work as a designer at a company, they know I am very fluent in English because I read novels and books (Harry Potter, Vampire books) and they are very well aware that I am good with writing (thesis, reports, documentations) but they don’t know that I write fanfictions. 
I don’t want them to know actually because I’m very private, I don’t talk about my skills to them, I show them. Those with sharp eyes may connect the dots and see how I can be a fanfic writer but so far no one has said anything to me. I like to have my writing and fandom community to be separate from my real life/community, because I want to have options that I can escape to.
That is a very modest and admirable way of doing things. You don’t talk about your skills, you show them. 
So a designer at a company, I see. So you’re more on the visual arts scene then? 
My background is very artsy. I draw, sketch, paint, write, and design. I am very much a creative person in real life. 
How young were you when you realised you liked to surround yourself with visual creativity? 
Very young! Since I was in kindergarten I suppose. I would always doodle whenever I could and I remember bringing pencils and papers everywhere with me. My parents told me it’s a family trait, because I have two aunts and uncles on each side of the family that are known to draw and paint. Even my oldest brother is good at drawing, but he didn’t have passion for it so he didn’t pursue it. 
Aw, i can imagine a small little haqiyin bringing around here pencils and papers around to functions and finding a small little corner to do her drawings. So cute!
I note that at a young age is when everyone starts, but it is just a matter of if that hobby sticks with you long enough, and if you dive deep into it to hone your craft in the way where you carefully develop it over a long period of time.
How does engaging in drawing and writing complement each other? 
It goes hand in hand to me, I have liked drawing since I was a child and reading fantasy Vampire novels certainly helped my desire to write. I’ve always been good at drawing in real life and people know that of me, but I wanted to show my writing skills as well. But I can’t show my fanfic writings to people that know me, I’ll die hahaha, so I turn to the KPOP community to gain support and show my skills in writing. 
Haha, of course, I understand. It’s like a dirty little secret. Your writings and some of your drawings are not meant for everyone. Those who engage in fanfiction in any way, be it reading or writing or beta-ing or even for me, podcasting, from the nature of it, not everyone should know about it. 
The thing is that it is a very niche community. Not everyone can resonate with the KPOP sentiment. And even more so the EXO-L fanbase, there is EXO-L vs other group fanbases and EXO-L vs EXO-L. So that by itself is very polarising. And to go even further, as we all here for, ladies and gays, is the shipping. Some people push for it, some people are really adverse to it. And even with shipping there are different relationships people like to play with.  So with each element of the general entertainment you consume, the community actually gets smaller. 
Are there some other communities that you engage in? You mentioned Hogwarts Legacy Video Game, how is the community there like?
There’s a lot, but I’m only a writer for Kaisoo (EXO), Ontae (SHINee) and Sebinis (Hogwarts Legacy), the rest is either I’m just a casual fanartist or a fanfic reader. Fandoms I’ve been in were Drarry (HP), Evak (SKAM), Reddie (IT), HaoGu (MOCD) Taiwanese BL, Wilmon (Young Royals) and DeanPharm (UWMA) Thai BL. I’ve drawn quite a lot on my instagram @ taeeeman, you can check all the pairings I’ve drawn there.
Hogwarts Legacy Video Game was a fixation that completely blew me away because I didn’t expect to love the game so much and even the characters, and the community there is hella talented, so many great fanartists, god-like even, pasta-sensei i love you. Anyways, the community is warm and I enjoy the fandom and the game with my IRL friends. I’m inactive now over there and even have a fic of Sebinis that I didn’t finish, but I’m sure I’ll get back into them once Avalanche makes the exclusive horror quest available on all devices. 
Aww, so sweet that you are able to enjoy something different, and with your real life friends as well! 
But maybe let me rephrase my previous question a bit? I’m trying to see how drawing and writing work together. For instance you spend more of your work life being visually creative, how does that help or guide your writing in any way? Or how does writing help you to be visually creative? How does that relationship work?
In terms of looking for ideas, I’d say it works for both. When I see something I like online and read a little about it, I would either find a way to draw it or write about it. It entirely depends on the content and what it is for me to feel strongly to write it or draw it. Both have a hand in helping me in some ways but I’d say I’m more to visualising something in my head before going forth with creating anything. But it is intertwined in some ways, I can’t explain it perfectly haha.
But okay, let's go back to the questions! We were talking about how haqiyin shows her skills, how she finds drawing and writing complementing each other. 
My next question is: How long have you been writing? Have you always been writing and how did you come out of the hiccups along the way?
Actually I’ve been writing since I was senior in high school, so like 2016? I wrote for a SHINee pairing, Onew and Taemin. At the time I was very much into JongKey and OnTae, so I tried writing about OnTae. I posted on AsianFanFiction, and it didn’t go well. I then created a new identity (@taeeeman) on that site, and started posting regularly starting 2019 I think. I had a good following and readers from SHINee and OnTae fans, they were super supportive. I made so many memories at the time interacting with them. 
When the pandemic hit, I went into a depressive state, I said my goodbyes and deleted my fics on AFF. I wasn’t really thinking back then, it was the pandemic. Unfortunately I didn’t save my fics and it is all gone now, I tried looking for it in my files and stuff but I really deleted all of it.
At the end of 2021 I wanted to bounce back as a writer, but I felt guilty for abandoning OnTae ship. So I turned to EXO, which is another group beside SHINee that I loved since school days. Kaisoo had always been a thing since I read OnTae, JongKeys and ChanBaek fics, so I decided to give their fics a go. I binged and read their fics on AO3 and was hooked from then on. 
Oh myyy, and we mourn for the loss of taeeeman’s fics. The pandemic was really a bad time for everyone huh… but WOW, writing since high school, 2016… 8 years of writing… and writing during your adolescence… writing must have been very cathartic for you. Seeing how you engaged in it from your teens to your early/mid 20s. 
As someone who has written for ontae, do you see any similarities in them with kaisoo in terms of your own plot and style?
I’ve written for Ontae similarly in the beginning like my earlier Kaisoo fics. ‘Our Dandelion’ is my first ever Kaisoo fic that I’ve written and I can say the style and pacing is similar to what I’ve written for Ontae before. 
I’ve written a lot for Ontae previously and honestly, most of them are smut. Just like Kaisoo, but I can say for sure that the style is different because I’ve changed the way I write after certain changes and maturity (going from diploma to degree) and even the topics or plot are different. For example, I didn’t write much of a dramatic plot or gut-wrenching scenes for Kaisoo but I’ve written those for Ontae. 
Of course, with your years of experience, you are bound to always be improving. 
How much have you grown since writing on AFF to ao3?
I would say there’s a difference to my writing style in AFF to AO3, mainly because of the audience and how receptive the readers are on each platform. In AFF I’d say that I write because I love the reader’s reaction and are more catered to their requests, etc. But on AO3, I mostly write on stuff that I like and want to read. I am more structured and organised when I’m on AO3, because it’s easy with the taggings and such. I entertain requests and prompts on a few occasions and most of them are written for a fic fest or oneshot compilation. I’m more mature in terms of plot-writing on AO3 too, I join writing fest and challenges, engage with the community. I can’t say the same when I was on AFF. 
With all those years, how do you balance between having a social life, a busy work schedule and still being able to make time to research and write captivating stories? Still able to make time to sketch and draw beautiful compositions of kaisoo. What keeps you going as a writer and an artist? I mean everyone is given 24 hours a day, so how do you delegate time for research and writing and drawing amidst everything else?
It’s a bit different then and now. I was a full-time student from 2017 until 2022, so I had ample time to write and explore ideas with writings and engage within the fandom. I read and enjoyed Kaisoo contents more leisurely when I was a student. My schedule would be very flexible and I’ll write and post whenever I feel like it and when the passion for writing comes. 
In 2023 I started my internship and then developed into a full-time employee, so I had less time than usual to write and engage with fandoms. I continue to write even with my limited time as a working adult because I simply liked writing it. 
How I divide my time now is; I’d find inspiration/au from observing social media (tiktok/twitter/ig) during the day, writing it on my notes app and at night when I usually write. On weekdays, I’ll write before 12-1am. On weekends, I’ll write until I finish. 
As for drawing, I don’t take much time doing it so I’ll usually draw whenever I have the time and post it immediately afterwards.
That’s very diligent of you, identifying what you want to see in your work, then taking notes, then parking it. Then when you have the time you use that time to write and draw. Like you have a whole catalogue of ideas. You must really like what you do, because that whole process really shows that you take pride and ownership of your work. I’d imagine in doing all these, it boosts your self confidence because you are able to explore a lot of things and refine your skills at both writing and drawing. 
We have come to the end of ‘getting to know’ haqiyin a bit more. We see that haqiyin is a private person, who has been writing and drawing for a very long time and happily finds that drawing and writing comes hand in hand, complementing each other. Haqiyin diligently takes notes before writing or drawing out her ideas.
So this is the end of the first of two part episode. Second part will be uploaded on the 14th! 
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exodusmc · 1 year
Insider 08
Genre: Power au, war au, rebel au
Words: 2022
Paring: Light manipulator Baekhyun  x  Reader
Side character/s: Exo, Bts
Warning!: Hinting forced birth, mention of death
a/n: I’m sorry for being gone again but I’m currently working on a royal Jimin fic, which is around 10 k already and I’m looking for ideas to write the next part in my hogwarts series. I was supposed to post a little earlier but then the news about Moonbin came out. I’m seending my condolences and wish everyone the best. Please now that there will awalys be someone who loves you and that you are enought!
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Gif is not mine 
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About two four months had passed, months filled with training. Minseok and Jongdae worked with you almost every day, giving you everything they had. It was hard but one on one was nothing. You didn't see Namjoon or Seokjin around much, only Jungkook and Hoseok. They were skilled in combat, their smiles bright. 
Jungkook was better in close contact, brown hair pulled back as dark eyes turned sinister, while Hoseok usually worked with long-range weaponry. He had locks close to red on his head, a gaze sharp like an eagle. The two of them built a team, just like Minseok and Jongdae, something you learned from the many late nights. 
The rebels were one team but they valued never being alone, which led to a system of two people making sure the other was safe. It was their way of keeping the majority alive. But apparently wasn't it something healers had, as long as they didn't go out in combat. Jongdae told you almost everything, how their lives had been built and what rules there were. They thought of you as one of them, a part of their mindset...Maybe you had accepted them, never smiling but you spoke more, retoring sarcastic words which made Jongdae howl with laughter and occasionally huff in annoyance. 
You felt at home with the two special men, their ever different stands on life which seemed to keep them close to one another. Even Jungkook and Hoseok made you a little less of a feather floating in the wind. But there was still one thing you couldn't talk about and that was your parents, the mere thought of them made the walls too close. Maybe there was some sort of repressed memory, something your child brain thought was too scary.
“Y/n?”your eyes snapped from staring at the wall, finding the leader smiling down at you. Namjoon stood tall above your sittig form, no one else around.”Is everything okay?”
You snuck away to be alone for just a second, finding a small room where you sat. Sure, you did like the others but going from not working with many people and being a lieutenant weren't easy, the constant work with keeping their feelings in mind and trying to understand somethings they did.
“Yes, sir.”
“You don't have to call me sir.”Namjoon sighed, sitting down by your side. He had a new scar by his mouth, small enough to be invisible for untrained eyes.” I have some questions I would like to ask you, they would probably be great help in what we are about to start..”
His words were ominous, surely hinting to a war you weren't sure anyone was ready for. Every since you arrived at the rebels, you didn't know anything that in the republic but it didn't mean you were clueless. They wanted the rebels gone and over time had you started to understand people a little more, making the higher ups far from human. 
“It’s about the republic and what you know..”you weren't surprised, eyes staying on your fingers. There was invisible blood on them, blood you tried to scrub away but it was still there.”Tell me anything you feel comfortable with..”
“They tried searching for you in the sky when I last heard about strategies but I don't think they will do it for a long time…”your gaze rose to the wall, a fan swishing over your head. Everyone was so young and yet they had to lead a revolution for rights you didn't think about before. Suddenly did you remember the book you wrote, hoped that it was destroyed when the hospital exploded.
“They have already stopped…”Namjoon, you learned, was only 20, so much responsibility laying on his shoulders at the tender age. It didn't make sense to you but if no one stepped up, would nothing change..”A base was bombed, most of the people in it died..I think around 80 made it..”
You didn't like the feelings in your body, cold and nauseous, hot and clawing. They were dead and you could have been the one killing them. 
“Junmyeon has been asking about you and how you’re doing..”Namjoon saw the color start draining from your face so he changed the subject.”I’ve told him that you’re doing really well and seems to like Jongdae and Minseok..But maybe you can call him so he calms down a little?”
“Okay..but I-I want to tell you something…”your head felt like mush, heart picking up its pace. Stress never faced you in battle, it didn't matter if Minseok tried to impale you with ice, you didn't care, but the second you started to think about everything, were you shaking. Guilt, you guessed you felt guilt.”..They have hidden buildings where they birth children for the armies..”
Namjoon stared at you, his orbs darkening to a thunder night sky. No one knew about it and you had only seen a sip bit of a video, the dying  body which would never survive the birth. You weren't supposed to care so you didn't, brain forcing the images to burn.  
“I don't know where but I know where they keep the videos..”he stood up, towering with broad shoulders. Namjoon was beyond rage at your confession. 
“Come with me, we need to speak with Junmyeon..”
Baekhyun ate quietly, thoughts turning in his head. You weren't back and Yixing was always busy, even after he returned..The light bender had no clue what he was doing, only that the doctor ran around and smiled anytime he saw Baekhyun. They didn't share a room anymore..well maybe they did but Yixing never slept there so Baekhyun wasn't sure what to believe. 
At least, he wasn't alone. Chanyeol and Sehun were always there. Goofed around and laughed, even when they were training. The two of them were close and made Baekhyun smile with little effort. It was weird how fast things could change, only short of half a year had passed and he felt like he belonged somewhere. 
Everytime Baekhyun looked in the mirror could he see muscles on his arms and a fuller face due to the fact that he got to eat. His skin wasn’t dull and it had a slightly darker tone to it now, made him more alive to the eyes of bystanders. He was appealing to look at, Chanyeol would often tease him because of the multiple females and males sending him long gazes, but he couldn't find one he actually felt something for. It was something he couldn't tell anyone, since it was a lie. He couldn't find anyone here but he would often think about someone somewhere else. 
Baekhyun coughs slightly, breaking his gaze from the table just for it to get stuck on the chair before him. You circled his mind whenever he got a moment for himself. He wasn't sure what feeling you brought him but he knew that no one else occupied his brain as much as you did. Your eyes were empty but you cried and now when he felt safe in himself, was he remembering the shimmer in them, the depths of a well with high walls built on lies. People never knew anything more about you than that you were a lieutenant, that it was your choice to kill for them, but Baekhyun knew more, just like Yixing and probably Junmyeon. You were just human like everyone else. Human with a buried heart, guarded by thorns and locked behind mirror orbs.
“Sup Baek!”Chanyeol broke him from his trans, the clatter of tupperware brought him back to the canteen. 
Sehun sat to his right while a boy named Kyungsoo sat to Chanyeol’s life. Kyungsoo had come and gone over the course of three months, his eyes dark but easily flammable. Baekhyun still felt the ache from training the first time with Kyungsoo who was completely ruthless, seeding stone after stone right at his face. 
It had been extremely tiring for Baekhyun since he had to use copious amounts of energy to destroy the blocks but in the end did he manage...it was not like passing out and had to be pushed aside by Sehun’s wind or anything. Kyungsoo was a little nicer the times after but still didn't stop until everyone in the room was panting. 
“Still not gonna give Soha a chance?”Baekhyun cringed at the name, remembering the teleporting girl and how she turned up while he just finished showering. 
“Please..can we forget that?”Chanyeol snickered before shrugging his shoulders. 
Everyone started eating, the rustle around them fading into a slight buzz, but Baekhyun suddenly saw Junmyeon making his way over them, his stepps fast. 
Sehun noticed the slight confusion in his friend's face, fork stopping just for his mouth. 
“Kyungsoo can you come with me?”four pairs of eyes rested on the eldest torne face. Junmyeon had aged due to his position and his past, everything the still young man had seen.”It’s urgent…”
“Is something wrong?” Chanyeol was ready to leave and fight in a second, arms tense as he almost stood up from the chair.
Baekhyun learned over time that the power one possessed was growing from your personality in some way, but he didn't tell anyone this, even as Chanyeol with fire in his heart held his head high, or when Sehun moved through space quietly, observing everything with a fleeting touch. 
“I need to talk with Kyungsoo and it’s important but right now it is not dangerous..”with that,  both of them walked away. 
Watching them, hair moving with every step, Baekhyun had a feeling that he would be seeing the one he thought about sooner than later. 
Soft sounds of beeping and turning paper floated in Yixing’s head, fingers gracing over every file he had as the room was peaceful. He spent most of his time by his bed, flipping through the documents he mangade to steal. Your parents were among them but the words were nothing of help, only small bits of useless information since the republic didn't know who they were. 
Sighing, Yixing pressed his fingers against his drumming temples, the slowly rising headache making him irritated. After the explosion and his injury had the headaches been more regular, creeping up his spine to hammer at his skull. But it’s whatever, he’s fine even when feeling in his right leg starts to fade. 
Suddenly there was a small sound of sheets moving and his dark gaze found honey eyes on a honey boy who had paled slightly. 
“How come we get to use the tunnels now?”your question made Minseok send you a side glance, his packing movements stopping for a millisecond. 
You had changed, maybe not as much as Baekhyun according to what Junmyeon said, but there was something hiding in your gaze. There was a fire in your movements, another force he couldn't feel in the beginning. 
Minseok never knew you parents but it was your mother who found him and…, she found all of them and saved them. You had her lips when they weren't pulled into a deep frown, he wondered if you knew..that you still had a connection to them even though you really had no clue who they were. 
“Because they trust you more now?”Jongdae grinned, his hand coming to rustle your hair even if he wasn't that much taller than you.”You’re on our side now so I’ll let you in on all our secret tunnels..”
Jongdae laughed, leaning closer to your ear so Minseok could hear what he was about to say.
“Even the ones they don't know about..”his smirk was playful, eyes shimmering like they always did.”Hanhee won't tell..”
Minseok turned to stare at them both, the sheepish look on Jongdae and your indifferent face. He sighed, having slept too bad to scold Jongdae.
“Come on, they will be here soon..”
So after four months would you return to the place you woke up in, you would meet them all again...and everything would begin.
Tags: @shesdreaminginoverdose
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itstheoneshots · 1 year
Exo Fic Recommendations
🧠 = All time favourites 🍡 = Fluff ❗ = Mature
*Updated on 19/09/2023
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🍡 Friends to lovers by guardians-of-exo
How To Kiss A Boy by gyudior
Inquiring minds by papermatisse
Work can wait for other days by doiefics
First Bliss by dreamylittlesugarcube
🧠🍡 I’ll Cover You by lana-writes
🍡❗ Mean by baekhyuns-abs
White Noise by guardians-of-exo
Kyungsoo (D.O)
🧠❗ Borrowed T-Shirt by soobadnoonecanstopher
Clickbait by dreamylittlesugarcube
I Hate You For Hating Me by whimsical-ness
Making a Splash by dreamylittlesugarcube
🍡Spellbound by whimsical-ness
Steam by dreamylittlesugarcube
The Heart Sees by soobadnoonecanstopher
Undressing by kpoptrashlord-007
Minseok (Xiumin)
Behind The Mask by lana-writes
Snowy wonderland by cxsmicmyeon
🧠 ❗ Trending Topic by brokeandjetlagged
Formidable by prettywordsyouleft
Golden, like the snitch by exodusmc
🍡Hogwarts AU by def-initely-soul
Spellbound by navellera
🧠🍡You Drive Me Insane by whimsical-ness
Yixing (Lay)
Hurt Me, Heal Me by brokeandjetlagged
🧠🍡Kiss him, Wake him? by whimsical-ness
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galoresficrecs · 11 months
[EXO] Kyungsoo
LAST UPDATED ON: Dec 2nd, 2022
newly added ✦ || personal faves ✪ || ongoing ✑
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not rated || general || teen and up || mature || explicit🔞
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kyungsoo x baekhyun x jongdae
kyungsoo x chanyeol
kyungsoo x jongin
❧ kyungsoo x reader ☙
[part of The Cartel] Artifex by def-initely-soul [5,3k words] f!reader, 1970s!au, set in florida, crimes & criminals!au, federal agent!kyungsoo || mature
Disqualified by yehet-me-up [5,9k words] f!reader, scavenger hunt, friends to lovers || teen and up
Spellbound by whimsical-ness [6,7k words] f!reader, hogwarts!au || not rated
[part of Welcome to the Exodus Mall] The Problem With Wanting by yehet-me-up [16,1k words] f!reader, 1990s!au, mall!au, set in seattle, coworkers to lovers || mature
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heartshapedgoggles · 1 year
Which Kpop Bands HP Characters Would Stan
Okay yes, I know Rowling sucks and Harry Potter is anathema now but like, it was a large part of my fandom experience for years so it's already in my brain and then I saw a tiktok talking about this but the person had different opinions than me and I wanted to not throw my weird headcanons all over their post so I'm making my own. But like, Trans Lives Matter, don't give JKR any more money, etc.
I'm going to move forward pretending that kpop is like quidditch in the hp world: pretty much everyone has an opinion on it, and have grown up forming those opinions over time. All present day (2023) bands exist, but I'm a kpop old so I'm definitely going to skew that way a little.
Harry: Probably a BTS stan. He was thrown into this world with no knowledge and very little time to deep-dive, so he just kind of listens to the popular stuff that's around, and BTS is pretty much everywhere. When they start seeming tired before their hiatus he understands it on a deeply personal level. Jungkook bias, the image of a golden boy who has to be good at everything speaks to him. Later he discovers Xdinary Heroes and finds their song Happy Death Day hilarious post-battle of Hogwarts and so starts stanning them.
Ron: H.O.T. for the longest time, because they were an older group and the merch was cheap, and then later Forestella, because they're kind of niche and weird and don't have a big following. This is the man who supports the Chudley Cannons. He also likes BlackPink, but is embarassed about it and could never afford one of their concerts anyway, so he's more of a fan than a stan.
Hermione: This girl did research. She went looking for the most technically perfect artists, and landed on EXO and IU first, but then later (post year 3) found both Mamamoo and Brown Eyed Girls and was charmed by the vocals and the sass. When Harry learns how bookish RM from BTS is, he tells Hermione and she starts stanning him specifically as well.
Draco: Outwardly a Big Bang stan, he secretly also loves both Twice and his mother's old Shinhwa records. He has told no one.
Fred & George: They love the chaos pipeline of Block B, 2NE1, and Psy, and have recently added Xikers to their collection.
Ginny: She stans BlackPink and ITZY for their girl power vibes, and is a fan of 2NE1, which she listens to with Fred and George. In public she plays into her love of Stray Kids, because she hates being seen as girly.
Luna: Orange Caramel, Crayon Pop, Gugudan, and Dreamcatcher. Fun, weird, and occasionally dark.
Neville: BTOB and NCT Dream, but also GFriend because of that one Me Gustas Tu performance.
Sirius: Listened to actual JYP back in the day because all his family hated the guy for looking weird. Now JYP is The Man though, so Sirius sticks it to him by listening to Got7 after they broke away from JYP Entertainment. He also likes Ateez for the way they break norms by using such serious (eeeyyyyy) faces when they perform.
Lavender Brown: is a huge Sistar stan and had a screaming argument with Hermione about how exploitative songs like Shake It and Touch My Body are, where she actually made some great points about how pretty much /every/ kpop group uses exploitative marketing in some way, Sistar just don't dress it up as anything but. Ron agreed with her and that really pissed off Hermione.
Hagrid: Listens to Monsta X purely because of the name
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chu-diaries · 3 months
100 days of mental healthcare: day 44/100
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I didn’t have much free time today and my morning kind of sucked because my appointment with my endocrinologist was canceled and no one told me. When I got home I folded some clean laundry, did dishes and had a quesadilla and banana cake for breakfast. My best friend borrowed me a book about the digestive system and I read a few pages while I ate.
After lunch I met her at our favorite coffee shop and we talked a lot about mental health, motherhood and nutrition. We also took a walk in the nature and I showed her my favorite trail. She loved this flower wall! We had a great time together.
🥀: day 18/28
💧: 1 L
🏃🏻‍♀️: walking (6 km)
🏋🏻‍♀️: 🚫
📝: writing (30 min) + digestive system studies (30 min)
🎮: hogwarts legacy
📺: Hamimommy’s channel on YouTube
📚: breaking the vicious cycle - Denise de Carvalho
🎧: lazy - exo cbx
🛑: had an episode earlier. I’m now 1h pick-free
💊: took all my vitamins
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2023 To Write List
The following are projects I’d like to write over the coming year. If there are any that you’re interested in, feel free to request them so that I can make them more of a priority. The list will be constantly changing and evolving as projects get finished, become actual WIPs, or I think of more. Published fics will stay on the list for a few days before being removed. 
Ateez NSFW Headcanons (By request only) Hongjoong Seonghwa Yunho Yeosang San Mingi Wooyoung Jongho
Yeosang- Fluff Imagine
Ateez as Fae- Individual stories. 
Big Bang:
Big Bang as Fae
BTS as Fae
Young K- Starving Artists pt2 (WIP)
Day6 as Fae
Lay- Snow Crossed pt3
Got7 as Fae
Monsta X:
Hyungwon- Hogwarts AU (WIP)
MX as Fae
Johnny- Rich Kid AU (WIP)
Mark- The One That Got Away (WIP)
Poly Seoksoo- Fae AU (WIP)
Dino- Fae AU (WIP)
Joshua- Fluff Imagine
Without A Word Series (TBD)
Stray Kids: 
Changbin- Fae AU (WIP)
Jisung- Morgue AU 
Stray Kids as Fae
TXT as Fae
Solo Artists: 
Nothing Yet
This list will be changing all the time, so please check back for updates on anything you’re interested in. Don’t forget, my requests are open. 
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