#hold onnnnnnnn
murphycooper · 3 months
"this is what i need to do to keep you safe!"
"the only time i feel safe is when i'm with you"
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rosicheeks · 1 year
you’d be VERY cute on your knees hehehehe oh my gosh you’re literally so cute, the way you type stuff out when you’re horny is fucking adorable i just want to pet your head and praise you and let you worship me like a good girl~ 🥰 and wow, you’re very good at begging, expect your present soon <3
I want praises pls 🥺
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aimixx · 1 year
trust in eula at 3.8 for the summer skin
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dnpsuck · 2 years
thomas sanders
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doctorwhoisadhd · 3 months
once again i am thinking about how palm of your hand by ezra williams is literally THE most owen/tosh song of all time.
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yisschamp · 2 years
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randaccidents · 3 months
I'm tossing this character reference under a read more AND a trigger warning because it is pretty rough. Dead dove do not eat rough.
TW: suicide mention, self harm, graphic injury (I drew it pretty close to what it actually should look like)
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[FOR UPDATE] Soul pre-ROE / Penitence Post-Apathy (you're here!) / Penitence post-recovery
Babygirl I'm sorry but I yeeted your fashion sense and colour scheme out the WINDOW. Similar to Mind/Perseverance, hold up the two refs side by side he's changed SO MUCH in vibe it is insane.
Unlike Perseverance (who got peeled), Penitence covers up instead.
Pain fact! Because calling it a fun fact is still demented! Despite a clear preference for short-sleeves, Penitence stops wearing short sleeves entirely. He thinks that if he keeps his self-harm wounds out of sight it might burden Perseverance less. It doesn't particularly matter, because Perseverance is the one to bandage him up every time.
Follow up pain fact, but his arms do become shaky and weak over time from blood loss and injury. But its just his arms. He does not attack his legs (yet? deciding on that, but atm he only attacks his arms), and post-recovery they do regain most of their strength!
(Also artist pain fact! But don't search up hanging wounds! I almost vomited in my mouth looking at those but I wanted the scars around his neck to be more accurate. They are, in fact, that red and raw irl, especially because his suicide attempt happens on day 10 post-Apathy so it literally just happened in this character ref.) -> his neck wound WILL scar over in time btw, its raw here because his suicide attempt was literally that day
...he's only wearing the skirt because I realized that I ENTIRELY stripped him of the colour red. But also let him keep his gnc clothes come onnnnnnnn. Give him skirt rights blease.
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lizardinkart · 8 months
Watching Castlevania: Nocturne and Olrox is about to give me a stroke— unstructured rant incoming (spoilers I guess for up to episode 4)
Brother why have they stuck you in a suit. Why is your name Olrox. In what world does this even sound like Nahuatl (if we were doing that shouldn’t the X be pronounced like an sh??). Yes I know they took it from the games but come onnnnnnnn
Like I appreciate the amount of detail in Anette’s connection to the Orisha, which I also know is imperfect. But idk, I’m holding out hope that this Quetzalcoatl mf will get some more time to shine. I want him to go crazy go stupid on any Spaniard he sees (Fuck Cortés!). I did like his line about gods and demons and how gods still hold power even if the church doesn’t call them that, but I also have to squint at it because the neopaganism is poppin’ recently and you gotta watch out.
Praying that this isn’t just Black Panther 2 all over again where Mesoamerican religious identity is just pancaked into a mush of “lol what’s the difference between Maya and Aztec?? What do you mean there’s other people in Central America???” They get some points for not making him like, Huitzilopochtli tho, but I would argue that if you wanna be specifically Aztec and not go for that Pan-Mesoamerican soup he probably would have been a better choice because the Mexica that would go on to become the aztecs did care about Huitzilopochtli a lot more than everyone else did. Quetzalcoatl is a good representative if you wanna just embody postcolonial Mesoamerican rage, but I will sit here and stew about it because man we really get nothing that even tries a little and I am worried about him.
Anyway I’m gonna tinker with his character design because this besuitted twunk is getting on my nerves. I want to see notes from whoever designed him. What was that room like I just wanna know
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decaydanceredacted · 6 months
oh boy i have stuff to say about girl out boy patrick
girlies boobies would at least be dds like come onnnnnnnn the recoil is insane
all pretty and puffy and she lets me hold them as i fall asleep i am burying my face in her chest god Damn she is so SOFT!!!!!!! i wanna kiss on her boobies and play with them soooo bad… like she is everything i want fat boobies and squishy fucking belly plus thighs like oh my LORDDDDD i would treat her like a princess AAARRRGGGHH i’d be so annoying about it too like coming up behind her in public and going ‘honk :3c” while i squeeze her tits she’d get soooo flustered
also girl pete has pierced as and does not wear bras, girl joe has cs, girl andy has perky bs
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stylinsoncity · 3 months
one thing i always think about caya is how when harry wakes up in barbados, he misses louis’s arm wrapped around his waist. i loveee how affectionate louis is with him during/after sex it’s like he can’t resist and doesn’t know how once he gives in the sliiightest bit… anyways when i first read it i remember being slightly surprised that they fell asleep like that (but of course they did) and im so curious who initiated it. did harry ask or did louis just do it or did he do it while he thought harry was sleeping was he nervous what was going onnnnnnnn
yes! i feel like there are a few lines that touch on louis' relationship w physical affection especially as it relates to h. i think it's important to note that harry is very physically affectionate in caya and that plays a huge part in louis being able to tap into that too. in overwhelmingly you, there's a bit where louis reflects on how surprising all the touching was to him initially. and how that wasn't a feature of his previous relationships. to the point where he thought he wasn't a physically affectionate person. but then you see these interactions with harry where if louis allows himself, all of the holding and kissing etc comes very naturally to him and he enjoys it.
caya harry is the type to ask for a cuddle or he'll just go in for one. in that scene in barbados, i think it's 100% fair to assume harry pulled louis' arm across his waist and louis just went along w it and indulged in it for a while.
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wulfhalls · 4 months
bro did you see the source this comes from danielrpk who has actually info and scoops 😭 like you think i'm gonna send you some rando?? i know better! also we already knew frank was gonna be in it this isn't even that big of news.
oh shit no I didn't realise sorry I just saw the everything of the account and was like. hold onnnnnnnn. but now I'm all like hold onnnnnn for a whole different host of reasons. we might in actuality be back fr
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
Valentines Special
Whumping the Whumpers - Part Twenty-Seven
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“Hey, Eeeeeeeeeeeethan~?” 
Ethan’s eyes flicked up to the ceiling - barely not needing to actively ‘stifle’ the groan. “What.”
Nate sat on the back of the couch, tipping backwards over it to lie upside-down with his feet dangling over the back. He turned a grin up to Ethan. “It’s Valentines Day~!”
Ethan frowned, picking up his phone to check the date. Hm. Guess it is. He set it back down on the couch - other side now. Away from the blond freak. “Exciting.” Deadpan. Attention back on the TV now. 
“You wanna be my valentine?” Still grinning. How was he always grinning? Didn’t his face hurt or something? Maybe he just paid a couple million for perfect teeth and puts up with the pain for the shot at showing them off.
Nate pouted. “Why not? You got someone else?” Puppy dog eyes.
Ethan sighed, grabbing the remote to turn up the volume.
Nate just talked louder. “That Wasn’t An Answer!”
Ethan kicked one foot up onto the coffee table. “Not interested, dude.”
“Oh come on - neither of us have dates. We can at least take advantage of the Valentines Day special stuff. We can fake it.”
Ethan glared at the TV. “I’m good here, thanks.”
Nate’s pouting intensified. “Mannnnn I really wanted to wreck some bitches in laser tag…”
Ethan’s eyes stopped following the movement on the screen. “..they have Valentines Day laser tag?” Skeptical.
Nate swiveled up to sitting. “You bet. Comes with pizza - really fucking good pizza, too. It’s a bundle thing.”
Ethan pursed his lips. Actually….considering this.
“Come onnnnnnnn~ Don’t you wanna go shoot some people? Get that blood pumping? Not like we have anyone else to fuck with right now~”
Ethan set his jaw, flicking his glare over to Nate. “..when.”
G R I N. “Right now!!”
Ethan begrudgingly jammed the button for the remote, clicking the TV off. He stood, stretching a little.
 Nate bounced up to his feet. “Fuck yea! Come on, Valentine~!” He grabbed for Ethan’s hand only to be instantly smacked away.
“Not your valentine, I just like laser tag.” 
“Yeah yeah yeah yeah yea, let’s go-” Nate snatched Ethan’s hoodie strings, pulling on them rather than his hand to lead them from the house.
Ethan grumbled a million curses as the fabric pulled shut around his face, blindly smacking at Nate as he followed. 
Laser tag.
This couldn’t be that bad, right?
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(tags: @prisonerwhump, @whumpawinkk, @mabledonut, @heathenwhump, @paleassprince, @happy-little-sadist, @wormwriting, @distinctlywhumpthing, @whump-cafe @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @azayta @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @there-will-always-be-blood @siren-of-agony @whumpworld @bandages-andobsessions @deltaxxk @whumpasaurus101 @michaeltalks @pickywhumpreader @whumpberry-cookie @morning-star-whump @shelfsdesires @throwawaywhumper @the-mourning-stars @d-cs @pigeonwhumps @hold-back-on-the-comfort @suspicious-whumping-egg)
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nana1000night · 2 years
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A little request for future(write whenever you want)
Reader gives this to Bucky and asks her to wear it as a dare while the avengers gang is gathered for weekly gathering
Ps-Reader and Bucky are already in an established relationship in this and everyone is alive and healthy and happy…
Love you Nana💖
Have a🍆
a/n: @elle14-blog1 I... changed a little and I’m sorry if I don’t write the whole of them... just wish you could like this. 
And Happy Moon Festival!!
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"Doll, please...it's too ridiculous. I..."
"No, Buck. A dare is a dare. You know why human have hands?"
"...To pet Alpine and hug you, giving you the pleasures that no one could give it to you."
"What...!? Buck!!"
He huffed while wear a cap with the sign said 'I HAVE A.D.D. A DILICIOUS DICK'
"Poor puppy, I'll make up to you when we back, alright? I gave you the chance but you still lose the paper, scissors, stone. The goddess made her decision, Buck."
He chewed his lips, then his sights on the box which on the corner
"So that means..." His hands ghost around your waist under the shirt, rubbing circle on your belly. Bucky smirk when your body jolted.
"You'll wear the sweater and let me taste your sweet pussy, right honeybee."
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He put your earlobe between his lips and sucked it gently. Your body trembling from this seductive invitation.
"And don't worry, I bought the seven colors for them, you could wear them this whole week."
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When Tony see the cap on Bucky's head. He just lifted up his glasses
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"Wow, are you lost a dare to wear this...wow."
"Tony." Steve gives him a warn stare and holds his smile before Bucky blows up
"Yeah, whatever you say. Just laugh.”
“Don’t be so grumpy to me, it’s not me who made you wear this.”
Bucky growled at Tony, you give each of them a paper bag
“Tomorrow is The Moon Festival, so I bring you a  box of mooncakes.”
“You made them yourself?”
“Yes, and I put a small surprise for you, Bucky.”
Bucky raised his eyebrows, he looked more confused when he opened the bag and the iron box.
There’s a photo on the top; Two wolves' pups with a line
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—Happy Moon Festival, Papa wolf :D
Bucky snapped his eyes back to you then down your belly. His hands was shaking
“Are, are you...?”
You smiled at him and nodded
"How long?”
“14 weeks.”
The rest of the members stain silence, then everyone looked at you two
"Oh shit that’s so awful...and great! Jarvis, find some music is good to the baby. And we are all banned for alcohol FROM NOW ONNNNNNNN!!”
“Yes sir.”
Wanda and Natasha came to your sides, and they all stared at your belly.
“Did you feel any um...I don’t know, uncomfortable?”
“OMG, and it’s twins. I could hear that.”
Bucky perked his ears and murmured
“Twins? I have twin daughters?”
“Nah, it’s too early to say they are daughters, Buck.”
You pat his shoulder; he caught your hands and kissed the wedding band on your finger
Your other hand stroked his hair softly, the hand which was caught guided him to touch your tummy.
“When the next Spring comes, maybe our babies could have the same born month as their father.”
“We’re going to have a new family, Bucky.”
Thor and Loki came to you and their faces are serious
“Can we teach your daughters to become Valkyrja, Sister y/n?”
“Or I could teach them how to use the magic, it’s from Queen Frigga herself.”
Bucky answered before you could say anything, he gritted his teeth to the two gods
“Don’t you dare to think about that.”
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un-pearable · 2 years
season 7: the thoughts continue
i feel like the quantity and quality of brief stupid & irrelevant team exchanges went up and i am SO here for it. jay has redeemed his poor choices from last season purely by virtue of being part of 50 to 75% of these, for the record. this has been so extremely enjoyable i dont even know where to begin.
the concept of the "hands of time" being twins with symmetrical time powers is honestly. so cool and even if the execution was mid i am still so Extremely glad this exists. because its very cool. i do wish they had better designs though usually the ninjago designs are. well most of the time theyre not spectacular but they're generally fine. these guys are ugly tho.
the snake dudes / one dudette whose names escape me at the moment annoyed me. i dont like them. also why is it that 1) they gave the snake girl titties. real question. i dont think she needs tits made of snakes. stop it and 2) there was only 1 (one) girl. where are my useless female grunts !!!!!
so many time puns. too many time puns. infinite time puns. you can watch my sanity wear away in real time. NO WAIT I SAID TIME DAMMI
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^ responding to a message unrelated to ninjago
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anyways yeah no i am very very disappointed. three pairs. Three of them. and not a single foil in sight. like man why'd you even bother. its like they wanted to do something with them all being siblings but couldnt think of anything past them all being siblings. yknow. its like "ohh wow kai and naya are fighting those time guys !! oh huh what? you mean we should have some thematic or narrative reason for this? ah screw that they're both sibling pairs thats good enough" NO ITS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. ITS NOT
regarding kai and naya it also annoys me because we didnt really get much of them bonding as siblings because 80% of it was about their parents, who i am ALSO supremely disappointed in, even if im not particularly surprised. like . ok . ok ok. head in hands. they just Left kai and naya because time brother #1 (whose name again escapes me), who, notably does not have any more elemental powers, said "haha im gonna kill them" despite the fact that BOTH of them were there and definitely could've taken him out, and instead decided to go help him build weapons for him to take over ninjago with. for real. really. Really . like MAN at least if they were evil that woudlve been INTERESTING. come ONNNNNNNN. come on. come onnnnnn screw that. and then all kai and naya got this season was "oh wow epic our parents are still here. ok well since the writers arent going to do anything interesting with that we're all gonna be buddy buddy now. tee hee"
really annoyed with wu this season btw. take this discord screenshot that encapsulates my thoughts pretty well
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like okay i dont hold him not telling anybody anything at the beginning of the season against him too much because like thats the beginning of the next tacked on season that the authors had not originally had plans for and whats a ninjago season if it doesnt start with wu saying "there's something i havent told you yet" + usually they're stories that he could've reasonably thought wouldn't have become relevant again, but this is just unacceptable. bro get a grip if their master dies out of nowhere when they weren't expecting it then methinks it will distract them. just a little bit.
also this
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the ninjago timeline is honestly a joke. its like . MAN it doesnt even begin to make sense its like wu and garmadon's dad is a sort of demigod who created the whole world but also they're only 80 years old and apparently ancient ninjago was 40 years ago and lloyd fits into this picture. somehow. (????????????????????????????) because to say it is terribly unclear when garmadon went full deranged is. well. an understatement of the century. and . yknow what why am i even bothering, honestly. whatever. who cares (me i do)
i didnt like. dislike the season but this one really suffered from a lack of a coherent vision. most of the season kind of felt like they did nothing and WAIT I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT THE DAY OF THE DEAD SPECIAL. IM SO MAD I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA DO SOMETHING ABOUT COLE BEING A GHOST NOW. AND THEN THEY DIDNT. NOT AT ALL. NOT EVEN LIKE A PROPER IDENTITY CRISIS OR ANYTHIGN. THEY FIXED IT IN A SPECIAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A SPECIAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay that aside. im glad pixal has something to do now instead of just being inside zane's brain. good for her good for her.
im also SO glad they didnt just undo the whole arc with the reversing time blade. thank the lord above i was half expecting them to despite the fact that they literally just did that Last Season. also also i LOVE jay's mom she showed up for .4 minutes, was terribly annoying, and i love it. i love her. i want more annoying women in media please and thank you you can really tell she's jay's mom. i want them to meet so bad.
btw lloyd deserves such a break. he needs it. he should go on vacation or something let everybody else figure it out. they'll probably die without him but idk he needs it. actually speaking of, this was my takeaway from this season
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also question about the reversing time blade. theoretically if you punch a recently deceased corpse with it could you bring them back to life?
and, on a final note, take this
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the goofiness the ninja deserve. if the show isn't at least 45% silly character interactions by runtime it isn't even ninjago anymore.
they are!!! they are such a great concept. execution mixed and yeah the designs are. lacking. but once again they knock it out of the park with the show's concepts. notwithstanding the snitties.
i see my pun riddled future. i live in excited fear of it. you are also the funniest person on the planet adksfjds
mhm. mhhhm. what i wouldn't give for this show to figure out what they're doing with the character foiling bc half the time its got a good start but fumbles bc time/medium constraints but 99% of the show's good potential foiling?? is completely squandered??? their reliance on the secret parent reveals over time only gets more frustrating as it continues but for a show that's so oriented on familial bonds BOY do they constantly ignore any and all actual meaning they could explore about them. comparing nya and kai w/ everyone else could be fascinating but that means confronting character traits and we've been. heh. watering down kai ever since he stopped being the main character so that's not allowed.
there is sooooo much to be said about their parents and while there is solace in it does get addressed a little. it is very much in ninjago's special way where they pretend nothing happened for multiple seasons. so that's fun. also now i want kai and nya to have to bond with lloyd over evil parents that'd be funny as hell.
glad you got your cardboard cutout parental figures guys. go ignore your potentially complex emotions about this experience over with jay in the lobby. it'll be your turn to be important again in 2-5 seasons and by then half the world will be retconned again <3
ahh yes. wu. tbh while i get its incredibly frustrating and purely a plot device i do think he's funny as hell for never telling them shit. 100% this guy never actually figured out what being a mentor was beyond how his god-dad treated him and his god-dad was omniscient and ominous about it so. yeah i get it. but any situation where misako can give you valid criticism is a bad one.
the infamous ninjago timeline... in one of the comics it fucks it up so bad that cole is born after lloyd. this place is a dumpster fire of time discrepancies this is what happens when you make time a manipulatable element. what the hell FSM. they have fuckin FOSSILS and also ancient history that the grandpa down the street lived through. either these legos have fuckin long ass lifespans or im just gonna keep blaming it on the fact that TIME IS AN ELEMENT. gravity is a fucking element. speed is a fucjin element. what's next is inertia an element. can their newest villain stop their spinjitzu in its tracks by sending them flying off in a single direction forever. mr self styled god what the fuck were you doing
everything about cole is a tragedy. and also confusing. obligatory return to the status quo i hate you.
I haven't even watched the entire season yet but oooooh jay's mom lives in my brain. she got her grubby little electricity master fingers on my synapses and i can't stop imagining melodramatic fic about her and her confusing as hell life. smthn smthn the lightning rod versus the storm that strikes it. miss child abandonment two, electric boogaloo, i would give you my house for an inch of your life story
the only takes on the ninja's braincell capacity I respect. people putting nya at the top of the list are missing out on her chaotic girl swag and the fact that she has recommended some of the stupidest shit imaginable. queen shit girl but cmon
yes. yes i believe it should and someone should go grab morros abandoned body to test it. this is a universally bad idea
lastly, tragically, i take back my earlier statement, zero offense meant but you have been dethroned as the funniest person on the planet
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somasean · 2 years
Spark - Dan & Phil
content: none! just fluff.
an: only keeping these up to look back at to see if I've ever improved. so weird to think about the space i was in when first writing these vs where i am now. depressing!
Dan's POV:
"Dan! Hurry up!" I heard my boyfriend call to me. We were going to some place for our anniversary. Five years we've been together, and boy has it been the best five years of my life. I love him so much. He's saved me from doing anything stupid, and he knows that.
"Baaaabe!" I heard his voice get closer. I snapped from my thoughts and fixed my tie. "Come onnnnnnnn!" Chuckling, I opened the door and placed a quick kiss to his cheek.
"I'm ready babe." His eyes scanned me from head to toe, a small smile forming.
"You look handsome." He said, beaming.
"Same for you Philly." He giggled and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards and out the door of our flat, locking it behind him.
"I'm sure you'll love where we're going." With that, he grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers and tugged me towards the sidewalk. There was a light dusting of snow falling down, and a blanket covering the London streets. It was Christmas Eve, and everyone was out doing couple things.
Phil, instead of taking me to his car, waited on the sidewalk until a carriage pulled up. "Philly, what is this?" His smiled widened, his grip tightened, and he pulled me up into the carriage before whispering something to driver.
"Why, it's all part of the surprise love." My heart fluttered and what he said. Love. We love each other. I love him so much. Even when I'm feeling down, he's there. He's always there. Whenever I'm having an episode, he's there to comfort me, and I love him for it.
After a thirty mintue ride, we stopped at a restaurant. Only it wasn't. There were fairy lights strung about everywhere, a Christmas tree sat in the middle, and there were people, waiters and waitresses I assume, walking around a smile plastered across their faces. It was perfect. The smell of cookies swarmed my senses, and I looked over at Phil who had a look of worry and hope in his features. "Well...do you like it?" He spoke quietly. I beamed, and nodded.
"Of course I do. It's amazing." Kissing him quickly, he led us over to a table near the back of the place.
"I love you Daniel."
"I love you more Phillip." He made a face and pouted at that name sticking out his bottom lip.
"You know I don't like Phillip." I couldn't help but smile at how cute he was being and booped his nose.
"And you know I don't like Daniel."
"Good point." This night was nothing but perfect. "But really...I love you."
"I know you do."
"No...like a lot..." Phil muttered and looked down at our intertwined fingers. "And I just...you've been there for me for as long as I can remember. Whenever I would feel useless, which I am don't even try to argue Daniel, you would always be there looking at me with concern filling your chocolate brown eyes. The way your voice would be raspy whenever you were holding back tears when I told you how much the world wouldn't miss me.
"You've been there for me. You helped me through my depression, through highschool, through life, everything. I can't imagine or bear the thought of being away from you. I know that some of our fans have forced our relationship down our throats and we keep denying it, but I can't help but feel that it's not fair to them if we keep this a secret. We've been dating for what seems like a million years.
"So, maybe when we get home we can record a video and then do a stream? I want everyone to see the raw footage of how much I love you." His words hit me like a ton of bricks. Everything he just said made my heart pound and stomach fill with butterflies.
"Philly, you are not useless. You mean more to me than everything." It hurt my heart seeing him that way. He was perfect. I placed a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away looking into his icy blue eyes, sparkling. "And of course we can baby." His face lighted up with a smile and he threw his arms around my neck engulfing me in a hug that nearly knocked me out the chair.
"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" His British accented voice sounded like the most beautiful sound. "Oh, and one more thing..." He pulled away and smirked at me before getting on one of his knees.
"Philly, what are you...?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the odd action. He can't be doing what I think he's doing, is he? Oh my god, he can't be...
He puckered his lips and whistled. Oh my god, he is! "Come here boy!" He called out in a babyish voice. I saw a blur of what looked like a small ball of fur out of the corner of my before Phil was knocked back on his butt, laughing.
"Oh my god! You got a Shiba Inu!" I exclaimed, jumping from my seat and running over to where he was laying down, the small meme licking away at his face. "What should we name him?" I asked, reaching out and petting the animal's fur. He turned his attention to me, tail wagging faster than, well, the Flash, and ran around me barking and jumping on my lap.
"Hmm...how about J-" He started but I silence him with another kiss, holding the shiba inu to my chest.
"Whatever it is, it'll be perfect."
"Just like you, Danny."
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suenitos · 17 days
ok u hate me
HOLD ONNNNNNNN i also need to pay attention to my children here
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