#i love this multiplicity of religious coexistence
lizardinkart · 11 months
Watching Castlevania: Nocturne and Olrox is about to give me a stroke— unstructured rant incoming (spoilers I guess for up to episode 4)
Brother why have they stuck you in a suit. Why is your name Olrox. In what world does this even sound like Nahuatl (if we were doing that shouldn’t the X be pronounced like an sh??). Yes I know they took it from the games but come onnnnnnnn
Like I appreciate the amount of detail in Anette’s connection to the Orisha, which I also know is imperfect. But idk, I’m holding out hope that this Quetzalcoatl mf will get some more time to shine. I want him to go crazy go stupid on any Spaniard he sees (Fuck Cortés!). I did like his line about gods and demons and how gods still hold power even if the church doesn’t call them that, but I also have to squint at it because the neopaganism is poppin’ recently and you gotta watch out.
Praying that this isn’t just Black Panther 2 all over again where Mesoamerican religious identity is just pancaked into a mush of “lol what’s the difference between Maya and Aztec?? What do you mean there’s other people in Central America???” They get some points for not making him like, Huitzilopochtli tho, but I would argue that if you wanna be specifically Aztec and not go for that Pan-Mesoamerican soup he probably would have been a better choice because the Mexica that would go on to become the aztecs did care about Huitzilopochtli a lot more than everyone else did. Quetzalcoatl is a good representative if you wanna just embody postcolonial Mesoamerican rage, but I will sit here and stew about it because man we really get nothing that even tries a little and I am worried about him.
Anyway I’m gonna tinker with his character design because this besuitted twunk is getting on my nerves. I want to see notes from whoever designed him. What was that room like I just wanna know
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evanpetersmybf · 7 months
Scary Love
Kit Walker x female!reader
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Summary: A future nun with trust issues and a falsely accused gentleman.
Genre: Fluff and some angst.
Word count: 1,381
Warnings: Catholic reader and mention of some religious items (not really sure if this counts as a warning, but okay)
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...And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
You crossed yourself, still kneeling down in front of the crucifix, hands holding a Holy Mary medal.
The chapel was quiet and peaceful, a big difference in comparison to the rest of the asylum, which was always filled with screams and many other disturbing stuff. How did you end up in this hellhole? That’s the question you ask yourself every night before going to sleep. Ah yes, you were the one who took this decision. No one forced you.
You returned to the main room; a jukebox eternally playing Dominique non-stop while all the patients coexisted in the common hall.
And there he was. The one and only Kit Walker. Probably the most sane person in the habitation right now, besides you of course.
The handsome man saw you and a sweet smile appeared on his face, cute dimples along the lovely grin. Seeing him made you feel multiple things at the same time. Things you didn’t allow yourself to feel. With a heavy sigh of remorse, you avoided his gaze and kept walking around, finding an excuse to get away from him.
Kit’s brows furrowed, not getting what was happening. Why were you avoiding him? He thought you two were good friends now. In reality, you were one of the few people in the psychiatric who actually treated him as a human being and not as a crazy murderer -which he clearly wasn’t, tho- and that melted his heart.
He followed you from behind, but you kept escaping.
“Sista’!” He pleaded, until was finally able to catch up and grabbed your hand, making you turn around to face him. “Sista’ Y/N, what's goin’ on?” His dark doe eyes tried to meet yours, as an attempt to find an answer.
Kit scoffed, making early assumptions due to your lack of reaction. “So do ya’ really believe in that bullshit, huh? Ya’ really think I killed my wife?” Annoyed, the man let go of your hand, but deep down he hoped you didn’t think of him that way.
“No, wait!” You replied, looking down at the floor while fidgeting with a cross necklace hanging around your neck. “Is not like that, Kit…”
“Then what is it, sista’? Are ya’ scared of me?”
“I actually am.” You took a deep breath and stared at his eyes after hesitating for a while. “I’m afraid you are the temptation, Kit.”
The brunet raised an eyebrow, having more questions than answers. “Whatcha’ mean, sista’? Da’ temptation?”
“The temptation I always pray to God to keep far from me.” Your gaze drifted to his forearms; thick veins and big hands. Oh Lord.
Kit realized you were staring down. He tried to discover what were you looking at, until he noticed your eyes and a subtle blush on your cheeks.
He smirked and crossed his arms in front of him. That cheeky smile. The one who made you head over heels.
“Oh, so now I’m da’ devil, hm?”
You didn’t say anything else. You ran away from him and locked yourself in your room.
Kit was always on your mind. No matter what you did, he was always there. Even when you attempted to pray, you heard his voice. Maybe you need to be the patient and not a novice.
After a long sleepless night, you found yourself in the kitchen early in the morning, just to find Kit kneading dough and mumbling some things to himself.
“Mornin’, sista’” Voice soft like honey, yet it showed some concern because of what happened yesterday between you two. “Ya’ ‘kay?”
“Mhm…” Of course not. You weren’t okay. You felt conflicted.
“If I may ask… Why did ya’ become a nun?”
“I’m not a nun yet. I haven’t made my vows. I’m here tryin’ to find out if this truly is my vocation or not.”
“And? Have you made up your mind?”
You shook your head no, hugging yourself and looking at his arms, again. “You’re the reason why I don’t know if I belong here.”
Kit let out a chuckle, feeling amused by your shyness and obvious fixation on his limbs.
“Why do ya’ always stare at my hands, sista’? Do ya’ like ‘em?”
Your face went red, eyes slightly widened. Damn. He noticed it.
“I’m not supposed to like those sinful things.”
“Ya’ a human too, Y/N”
“But I wasn’t made for this. For affection or lust.”
Kit was curious about what you meant by that. You explained everything to him, saying you felt out of place because when you were growing up not a single boy flirted with you. Besides, you said you had many awful love experiences and, after a serious heartbreak, you began to wonder if possibly your destiny was staying single and dedicating the rest of your life to God. Furthermore, you mentioned your fear of physical touch, and how you still desired it. It was complicated.
The man listened to you, looking at how you fidgeted with a chain while you nervously told your story, taking note of how your soothing voice cracked from time to time.
Everything about you was so alluring to him. He couldn’t believe no one treated you right. And, as the gentleman he was, he wanted to change that.
“Well, sista’... To me, you’re one of da’ most beautiful women alive. I mean it.” Kit took a few steps closer to you, but kept a fair distance in order to not make you uncomfortable.
He cracked a smile, in love with those charming eyes of yours.
“If I’m that beautiful, why haven't I been loved, Kit? Tell me why–”
Kit was now some inches away from your face contemplating your lips. He placed a hand over your mouth, not letting you finish your sentence.
You tried to speak, but it was nonsense; his palm muffling your words.
“Y/N, ‘m not like those assholes. Not at all. Trust me, please.”
He let you speak again, now intertwining his fingers with yours. His body was warm, his touch was gentle and comforting, the type of connection you’ve been craving for too long. Walker was so good-looking; you could look at him forever… And he could look at you for the rest of eternity, too.
“Can I, gorgeous?” His thumb brushed your lips and part of your cheek, sending electric waves to your spine.
Was this even for real? You doubt it. You thought he was messing around, but he wasn’t.
Fearfully, you agreed.
Finally, Kit leaned in and pressed his chapped lips against your velvety ones. The kiss was tender, full of endearment. His heart was beating fast, so was yours. Pupils dilated and breathing deep.
He cupped the side of your face, rubbing the flesh with his digit while you melted under his touch.
This was the very first time that someone held you the way he did. Embracing you as if you were the most precious gem, or as if you were made of delicate porcelain.
Eventually, he pulled away and grinned, both of you feeling like dorky teens after having their first kiss, even if that wasn’t the case. “Ya’ so divine…” Kit mumbled and then, his lips were dancing with yours.
He stepped back from time to time exclusively to flatter you, saying corny compliments between the kisses.
His hands were roaming all over your body, caressing every right spot to make you feel in heaven.
He was so good at this.
But… Did this have a future?
Kit was here in Briarcliff, falsely accused of committing a murder. Not only that, you were a novice. This love couldn’t be.
Your mind overwhelmed you with those thoughts, making you abruptly get away from him.
“No, Kit, I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” Or perhaps you could. You felt like losing your mind. Love was making you crazy. However, you couldn’t allow yourself to feel, nor risk his safety for this. Maybe you were scared of his love. Of how much he was caring for you. You didn’t understand.
Without further ado, you left the cold kitchen, once filled with sweetness and adoration.
Kit remained there, a single tear drop falling from his eye, wondering if he could ever be happy again.
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A/N: English isn't my first language. Sorry if this has grammatical mistakes. Also, I tried to be respectful with the religion, I'm catholic myself and I'm so sorry if this offends someone. Hope you enjoy it! ^^
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mimymomo · 10 months
It’s truly astounding how the people belittling Fearne’s feelings and growth the most are Fearne fans themselves.
Fearne/Ashley made it explicitly clear that she didn’t want the shard. She stated that it multiple times and went even further to explain that it scared her and TOLD ASHTON that she believed they should take it. They willingly went along with Ashton’s plan because she believed it was the right thing to do but as time went on, she grew more and more concerned but still believed in Ashton who kept telling her it it would be okay, downplayed the consequences (saying his death would be a funny story to tell and that’s all as if them dying wouldn’t be horrible and affect Fearne/the others because they genuinely can’t believe that his life is worth that pain) and said that she promised him.
Fearne said multiple times that Ashton didn’t manipulate her. Ashton wasn’t hiding their intentions from her — he told her the plan, they knew (some of) the risks and Fearne said she went along with it because she thought it was the right move. You’d think Ashton had a gun to her head by the way the fandom is talking about the whole thing!
Yes Ashton was pushing and they never should have kept Fearne from telling the group the truth but she made her choice and it was a bad one out of love and care (and no Ashton did not manipulate her feelings/attraction to them to convince her: Ashton did not and still does not know the full extent of what Fearne felt towards them and when he kissed her, she had already agreed to the ritual and the kiss only made her really second guess).
Now am I saying that she’s equally culpable as Ashton? NO!
Am I saying she owes Ashton an apology? GOD NO! And thank god Ashton told her she didn’t owe them anything, he put her in such a bad situation and that was 95% on them. THEY FUCKED UP BAD AND DESERVED ALL THE TONGUE LASHINGS THEY GOT!
But the way the fandom presents the issue is as if Ashton was this maniacal, evil manipulator who preyed on Fearne solely because she was too good to say no instead of viewing the whole situation as it really is: a man who is fucked up asking someone they trust to join in on their stupidity without fully realizing how much danger, trauma and suffering he is going to put her through.
We can acknowledge that Fearne made a mistake by being complicit and used Ashton plans with the shard to justify (run from) her not having to take it due to her own personal beliefs and fears and use that acknowledgment to further show her growth as a person who will never let herself get thrusted back into that position again. That she can’t blindly trust and follow someone’s self destructive path if it’s gonna lead to her being hurt. This is a good thing! Let Fearne learn and grow from this! That’s what the whole Chetney discussion is about: no one’s blaming her, Ashley’s not dodging anything or protecting Taliesin/Ashton — this is Fearne being honest, taking agency, calling out her actions and growing.
Fearne messed up and was complicit in going along with the plan AND she has every right to be upset with Ashton for what they did and she deserved her apology are two statements that can (and should) coexist!
I’m so tired of people vilifying Ashton and making him come off as this terrible and evil individual when that’s not what this was. They aren’t. And then saying that he was throwing a pity party when in reality they’re coming to the realization that his behavior is his own fault and they can’t keep running and blaming others for the actions he takes and then apologizing and taking responsibility and ownership for what happened and saying they want to be better in the future.
The same fandom that worships the ground Percy steps on despite all the bs he put VM through, actually tried to argue that Essek — a character who due to his own hubris stole a priceless and ancient artifact that was essential to his country’s religious identity and nearly started a whole ass war — wasn’t a war criminal because the Geneva Conventions didn’t exist in Exandria (yes this actually happened to me at one point), seems to be unable to handle Ashton without any sort of empathy or understanding. A character who has been mentioned to be broken (physically mentally and emotionally) with crippling self worth issues who needs to be better in not only how they show they care, but in loving and caring for himself.
These past 2 episodes were so good but gosh some of the reactions have been aggravating
(Maybe I would accept people saying Ashton was manipulative more if they weren’t demonizing him in the same breath and acting as if they’re only only questionable bad egg in Bells Hells…)
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captain-astors · 11 months
Moments or characters in Tokyo Ghoul you found funny in a dark and or ironic way? Kaiko, surprisingly, is very funny to me in an unhinged, petty old man way, like when he stunts on Take, Takeomi, Yusa, etc and speaks on his resentment towards Kishou and Kuzen. I also like how Ishida makes his smiling audible (?); like when he's doing it, there's little sound effect captions that read "smirk/smile". I feel bad for Takeomi when he got shoulder stabbed, but couldn't help but laugh a little when Kaiko asked him right after "What's the matter 😈? Shoulder acting up 😈😈? Hm 😈😈😈?".
Is it wrong if I say the entirety of it. I absolutely agree with everything you've said here about Kaiko, but throughout my reading I just found pretty much every instance of Kaneki's monologues amusing, probably because it was pretty much my first proper angst-ish manga and I wasn't used to that sort of internal lament, but come on. There's a reason people will buy "I am tragedy" as an actual line at a surface level. HOWEVER the ultimate moment for me? Chapter 144. Opens up strong, titled "The Death Of Kaneki",
Speech bubbles presumably narrated by Furuta declare the matchup like a sport, the actual space around them is drawn a distorted stadium, Juuzou (and Hanbee) vs. Ken Kaneki. The strongest fighters of their respective sides, powerhouses who both have everything to lose if they can't win this fight, caricatures of Kaneki's allies cheer him on with their usual, unquestioning loyalty and religious-like love. He announces he won't hold back against his former friend.
On Suzuya's side?
No one is cheering for him in this warped image. He is not particularly driven or enthusiastic. He's neutral, exhausted, his panel is small. "I have something to protect too, Hai- I mean, Kaneki."
A much larger panel is dedicated to Touka, hands folded like a prayer, begging Kaneki to win.
The readers, the characters, everyone has been anticipating this fight between the two strongest currently alive characters for multiple chapters, if not since Juuzou first stole Kaneki's wallet and he was introduced in the first place.
Return to Kaneki.
Kaneki says, "Touka, everyone, this is the only way for our species to coexist... I will not lose!"
Next page?
Then the Kenference argues for a while until they miss their wife and bite off a child's face to become a worm. Fucking Legendary.
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kintatsujo · 1 year
yknow what heres a ramble since you're cool. every time poly marriage comes up people get all hand-wringy about it "ohh but but polygamy has so much history as religious abuse" yeah, and monogamy *doesn't???* "a man keeping multiple wives is-" first of all that's POLYGYNY second of all why should you get a say in what gender my partners are. "how would that even work taxwise" perfect excuse to fix our stupid overcomplicated tax system, my dude. and it's so tiring. gay marriage had to focus so hard on the love and 'just like you' angle to sway public opinion because "right to visit my wife in the hospital" just wasn't enough for people i guess. and with everyone fighting tooth and nail for the right to Exist In Public it's gonna be so long before this topic can even come up. i'm completely willing to focus on trans and gay rights right now and make sure people are safe to be in public again, it just sucks so much that i have to make that choice in the first place. we were doing so well for a while, it's extremely frustrating to watch it all slide back and know i'll be waiting Even Fucking Longer while we rehash this fight.
Firstly sending hugs.
Secondly no like seriously everything humans do has had some human abuse it, unfortunately?
Like, historically, abusive polygamy has usually coexisted with abusive monogamy. The problem here has always been when one member of a marriage is seen as being Naturally In Charge of it.
And like... Maybe individuals know better than some nebulous government or some faceless organization who they WANT to see them in the damn hospital.
Maybe you should be allowed to marry whoever and as many people want to marry you too
Maybe I should be allowed, as an adult, to declare people my nebulous legal family regardless of marital status
Maybe maybe maybe maybe
And tbh I wish I was surprised that this backlash is happening right now but I still remember the 90s, that was what I grew up with, and I hate to say that even this is better than that harrowed silence and murders in the dark but.
I think things can get better than this. They did once already.
But by my soul it's hard, I'm not going to say otherwise.
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wcnderfulthings · 2 months
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Was that [SOFIA CARSON]? No, that was just [KAY “KALEIDOSCOPE” CHALLIS]. They are a [CANON CHARACTER] that was pulled out of [DC’S DOOM PATROL]. How weird is that? At this time, they are [SEVENTY FOUR APPEARS TWENTY SIX] years old, and use [SHE/THEY]. Hopefully they learn to love it here on Naporia!
What point of canon were they brought here from? Season 4, Episode 12 of DC's Doom Patrol; After being thrown into the Timestream, she, along with the team, travel to different places in time to try to regain their longevity. While in 1996, she reunites with Niles who inspires her to reconcile with Kay and the other personalities, recognizing that they are all one. She completes the complex puzzle she was working on then all personalities left the destroyed The Underground to ascend to a new world, merging together with her, becoming Kaleidoscope. Returning to the present, they regain their longevity and eventually disband the Doom Patrol after losing their team leader. Kaleidoscope makes the decision to move out of Doom Manor and rent an apartment where they can paint, find their new purpose and peace. As they search for an apartment, they reunite with Casey, a previously fictional space traveling superhero who was brought to life, who tells them about her plan to take a trip to space in Niles' space ship. Kaleidoscope asks if they can accompany her and they take off on their trip through space. They spend their time on the ship painting, Casey adopts a black kitten and the two begin a love relationship.
How long has it been since they arrived? Just arrived. (August 5th, 2024)
Will they be working at any of the island’s establishments? I imagine they'll open up their own stand at Grand Naporia Mall where they'll sell their paintings. I imagine they will also get some of their work displayed in Naporia Arts And Culture Museum.
Anything else that you think is useful: Kay Challis was born in 1950 and grew up very religious with an abusive, in all ways, father. Eventually, Kay's mind fractured from all the abuse, developing multiple personalities to cope with her lost innocence. The personalities, distinct from one another and inhabiting a construct within Kay's mind called "The Underground", vowed to defend Kay - the original personality and the body they inhabited - by any means necessary. When Kay was a teenager, her pious Christian mother, struggling to understand the psychological damage that had been done to her daughter, interpreted the multiple personalities as a demon inhabiting her daughter and held an exorcism for Kay at the local church. To avoid the scorn and hatred of the ritual being thrown her way, Kay retreated into The Underground, this time for good, assigning a new "primary" personality. But even with the new primary's assistance, she still couldn't escape her father's abuse. Eventually, she ran away and grew up on the streets. When she was nineteen, she was taken to a mental institution, but escaped on multiple occasions, only to be recaptured each time. She was in and out of institutions for seven years until one day, while at the institution, she was experimented on by a scientist, Niles Caulder, which resulted in her having longevity and each of her personalities developing meta-human abilities. She moved into Doom Manor with Niles and the Doom Patrol. After a rough start and constant leaving and returning, she found a home and a family within her team. Kay had been in a constant battle with herself and her sixty four personalities for decades until recently when recognizes that they are all one and they learn to coexist, renaming themselves Kaleidoscope... Kay for short. Some of their powers include immortality, telekinesis, enhanced sense of smell, mind control, teleportation, superhuman strength, sound manipulation, electrokinesis, enhanced intellect, energy construct creation (can create solid, sharp and moldable silver words and objects), size alteration, psychic link, adhesion and multilingualism. They are advanced in hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. They like to dance and sing but their true love is painting and they can interact psychically with their paintings.
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baz4you · 5 months
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"Humans seek vengeance in pursuit of peace and justice. What do peace and justice really mean? Are we unaware, or are we simply unable to coexist due to our foolishness? We kill one person in order to save another—why do we really need to resort to killing? To achieve peace or save people? I have seen infants dying of hunger, women aborting their children, humans smoking drugs laced with corpses' bones, humans eating corpses, humans cheating, betraying, lying, showing off, and committing gruesome acts against each other, fighting over land with their own blood, fighting over money, and many more. What I have been witnessing makes me wonder: are human beings always trying to be noble? We pretend we care about others, we pretend we love one another, we pretend whatever we're doing is in your benefit. I have been seeing humans as just egocentric, including myself.
Humanity is just potential. Humans are busy discovering how to plant on Mars while we are cutting down millions of trees on Earth. We are not smart; we are just a bunch of morons. We waste food, yet we don't offer it to needy people. 24,000 people die of hunger each day, approximately one million in a year. This world is cruel, not because of God, but because of us. Just look around, and you will soon realize it. There's not much more to say; I hope you all understand my point. Let's take a look at the chaos occurring in the 21st century caused by humans.
1. Syrian Civil War (2011-present): The conflict in Syria has resulted in over 500,000 deaths. It began with anti-government protests during the Arab Spring, leading to a brutal crackdown by the government and the rise of various armed groups and foreign interventions.
2. Yemeni Civil War (2015-present): The civil war in Yemen has led to tens of thousands of deaths. It escalated when Houthi rebels, backed by Iran, seized control of the capital, Sanaa, leading to a Saudi-led military intervention to restore the government.
3. Iraqi Civil War (2003-present): The Iraq War, primarily occurring in the 21st century, resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, including military personnel and civilians. It began with the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and subsequent insurgency and sectarian violence.
4. Afghan War (2001-present): The ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, which intensified after the U.S.-led invasion in 2001, has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths. It involves the Taliban insurgency, Afghan government forces, and international military forces.
5. Darfur Conflict (2003-present): The conflict in Darfur, Sudan, has resulted in an estimated death toll of over 300,000 people. It began when ethnic minority groups rebelled against the Arab-dominated government, leading to a brutal counterinsurgency campaign.
6. Second Congo War (1998-2003): The Second Congo War resulted in an estimated death toll ranging from 2.5 to 5.4 million people. It was fueled by political instability, ethnic tensions, and competition over Congo's vast mineral wealth, involving multiple armed groups and neighboring countries.
7. Sudanese Civil Wars (1983-2005): The Sudanese Civil Wars, particularly the Second Sudanese Civil War (1983-2005), resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. The conflict was rooted in political and economic marginalization of Southern Sudanese by the central government, as well as religious and ethnic tensions.
8. Colombian Conflict (1964-present): The conflict in Colombia has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths. It involves government forces, leftist guerrillas, right-wing paramilitary groups, and drug cartels, with root causes including political, social, and economic grievances.
These conflicts have caused immense suffering and loss of life, with complex root causes including political, ethnic, religious, and economic factors."
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prabhatjairam · 8 months
Indian Culture
It is well known that India is made up of multiple states where people of various religious backgrounds coexist. It is the birthplace of billions of individuals who embrace cultural variety among various cultures, languages, customs, geographical locations, and socioeconomic classes. But, regardless of caste, religion, or gender, there is something about Indian culture that binds people together with love, respect, and care.
In this blog post, we will cover the fascinating cultures of India that make the nation diverse and unique, along with their meaning and significance.
What is Indian culture?
India is one of the world's most spiritually and ethnically diverse countries, with strongly religious civilizations and cultures. It is a secular country, consisting of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians. Its citizens' lives are fundamentally shaped by their relationship with religion. However, India's culture is a conglomeration of smaller, distinctive civilizations, which include food, music, dancing, festivals, architecture, dialects, and other cultural aspects.
The significance of Indian culture
Due to the variety of Indian music, art, dance, language, food, costumes, philosophy, and literature, its culture is well-known around the world. It has several significant aspects, including civilized communication, beliefs, values, manners, and customs. Let’s summarize the following points that depict the significance of Indian culture.
It teaches people to coexist peacefully and without excessive aggression.
Many nations have acknowledged Indian cultural values to better their lives.
It makes it possible for people to treat one another with decency and respect.
Additionally, Indian wisdom enables people of all races to enrich their lives.
Individuals from other countries are beginning to appreciate the value of Indian heritage and are adopting positive aspects of Indian culture, such as the practice of yoga and meditation, the sages' wisdom and teachings, etc.
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Different cultures of India
Below are a few of the popular Indian civilizations that portray Indian culture.
Namaste: A salutation
One of the most widely used Indian rituals is namaste, also known as "namaskar." It is the greatest and most reverent form of greeting that can be found throughout the world. Namaste means "I bow to the divinity in you" in Sanskrit. When greeting someone with Namaste, one recognizes the other person's fellow spirit as being spiritually one with their own.
However, Barack Obama has been spotted doing it on numerous occasions, and on the first International Yoga Day in New York City, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon greeted everyone with a namaste in Times Square.
Joint families
India is a country where people follow traditions and rituals wholeheartedly. There is a concept of a joint family that stays together and eats together. However, the Indian joint family is composed of three to four living generations, including parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, nephews, and nieces. These individuals reside in the same home, share a kitchen, and frequently contribute to a shared fund.
There is unquestionably always a festive season in India. The nation is home to many different religions and cultural traditions; therefore, thrilling festivals are always present. Everybody wishes each other well on every celebration, including Eid, Diwali, Christmas, Pongal, Gurpurab, Makar Sankranti, and others. Moreover, these days are designated as holidays by the Indian government.
As India is the second-most populated country in the world (behind China), it acts as the home to a wide variety of tongues. There are 15 regional languages recognized under the constitution, but Hindi and English are the only two that are acknowledged as official. Besides that, India has over 400 languages and dialects that are still undiscovered.
Religious symbols
There are several signs and symbols with varied meanings throughout Indian traditions and texts. The Aum or Om is the most prominent religious symbol for Hindus; the crescent and star are well-known representations of Islam; whereas, the Sikhism belief is symbolized by the Khanda, a sword with two edges.
Indian Dances
According to Hindu mythology, dance was initially created by the gods. It has always been a vital component of Indian religion and culture. Eight traditional dances symbolize a distinct culture from a distinct origin.
Bharatnatyam from Tamil Nadu
Kathak from North, West, and Central India
Kuchipudi is from Andhra Pradesh.
Manipuri from Manipur
Kathakali from Kerela
Mohiniyattam from Kerela
Oddisi from Odhisa
Sattriya from Assam
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Traditional dresses
Saris worn with choli tops, the lehenga or chaniya skirt worn with a choli and a dupatta scarf to make the ensemble known as a "ghagra choli," and pattu langa are all examples of traditional Indian apparel for women across the nation.
Historical monuments
The nation has a wide range of historical monuments. Tourists come to see these monuments from all over the world. The most well-known example of Indian architecture is the Taj Mahal. It is a white marble mausoleum in Agra, Uttar Pradesh that was constructed by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan as a memorial to his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, and as a sign of his love for her. Qutub Minar, Jama Masjid, Charminar, Ajanta Caves, and Gol Gumbaz are more examples of Indian historical sites.
The Epilogue
We sincerely hope you enjoyed reading this post because it was filled with interesting facts about Indian culture. No doubt, Indians come from a diverse spectrum of social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds, but they all coexist peacefully and pass on the same values to the younger generation. The only goal of Indian culture is to treat everyone with respect and the same level of dignity. The country takes pride in showing others respect and affection.
One of the most well-known quotes in India is "Athithi Devo Bhava," which means that people are equal to god. This indicates that Indians do not practice prejudice or inequality. As a result, India is a country where visitors are treated equally as fellow citizens.
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aoawarfare · 1 year
A Brief History of Central Asia
The Samanids-7th to 10th Century
In her book, Russia and Central Asia: Coexistence, Conquest, Convergence, Shoshana Keller wrote that “if you look at a map, Central Asia is at the center of everything but is itself nowhere.” I think that’s a pretty useful way of thinking about this region. It is surrounded by Russia, China, Iran, and India and so is easy to dismiss, but was also the wealthy center of the Silk Road, the center Islamic intellectual and religious life, and home to the great conquerors such as Chinggis Khan and Timur.
When thinking about Central Asia, I’ve seen their history divided into six different time blocks: the pre-Islamic , the Arab period, the Mongol period, the Timurid period, the Uzbek period, and the Russian period.
Between the 7th and 10th century, which can be thought of as the pre-Islamic age, Central Asia was home to mostly nomadic Iranian steppe peoples, known as Scythians. Historians love to create a deep divide between nomads and settled people, but in Central Asia it’s almost impossible to do that because you had nomads who would settle for periods and then move again or what historians call semi-settled nomads, farmers who settled until it was no longer profitable to do so. At this time, the region was mostly Iranian nomads, but there was a growing Chinese and Tibet presence as well.
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[Image Description: A hand drawn and inked picture of a man in a white turban writing on a white scroll. The man has a black beard and mustache. He is wearing a yellow dress shirt and a blue robe with white flowers. He is sitting on a tan floor. He is holding a brown stylus. On his left there is a brown pot with a brown stylus inside. He is framed within an oval border of blue and white peacock feathers]
The Arabs invaded in the 8th century CE, defeating the Chinese army at the battle of Taraz in 751, ending the Chinese presence in Central Asia for a millennium and enfolding Central Asia into the Abbasid empire. The Arabs brought Islam with and encouraged conversions, while leaving political power to local forces. Eventually, the Samanids grew to prominence and became an autonomous power. During the Samanids reign, Bukhara became a center of Muslim learning and home to many famous Islamic scholars such as Avicenna and Abu Rayahn al-Biruni.
At the same time, there was a massive migration of Turkic peoples into Central Asia creating multiple dynasties such as the Qarakhanids, the first Turkic-Muslim dynasty in Central Asia, the Ghaznavids the dynasty centered in Ghazna (modern day Afghanistan), founded by a Samanid military commander, and the Saljuqids, a Turkic dynasty the would rule over much of Western Asia during the 11th and 12th century. The Samanids would fight with the Qarakhanids, but also recruited Turks into their armies since they were considered to be superior fighters. This enabled them to rise to prominence and take over the region by the end of the 10th century Many converted to Islam, the most famous being the conversion of the Qarakhanid ruler, Satuq Bughra Khan.
The three Turkic dynasties divided the Samanid Empire amongst themselves with the Saljuqs (soul-jook) gaining control by the late 1080s, creating a new dynasty of kings in Khorezm (cor-riz-em) Eventually the Turks would be worked into the Muslim narrative by making them the descendants of Yafith (also known as Japheth, one of Noah’s three sons.)
Chinggis Khan and Timur-1200-1500s
By the 1200s, Central Asia was facing a new foe: Chinggis Khan and the Mongols. While Chinggis’ main foe was China, he quickly realized that Central Asia was too powerful to leave alone. So, in 1219, he led an invasion and eventually conquered the region When Chinggis Khan died, he divided his territory amongst his sons with Chaghatay, Chinggis’ second oldest son, receiving the steppe lands to the north of sedentary Central Asia. Chaghatay’s son would expand their reach to most of Transoxiana, which includes parts of modern day Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, southern Kyrgyzstan, and southwest Kazakhstan. Mongol rule would see Islam spread throughout Central Asia and the rise of the Sufis, who would remain powerful after the Mongols were long gone.
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Chinggis Khan
[Image Description: A hand painted picture of a older man with Mongolian features. He has wide black eyes, a small nose, a grey mustache, and a long grey, wispy beard. He is wearing a white hat and white robe.]
The Mongol Empire shattered after three generations and the remaining fragments formed their own independent dynasties. Within Central Asia, they would build their khanates around key cities such as Bukhara, Khiva, and Kokand. One such powerful Turkic lord was Timur.
Timur’s family seems to have taken part in the Mongol’s invasion of Central Asia and solidified their power in the city Kish, south of Samarkand. By 1370, Timur became the most powerful man in Central Asia, but since rulers required Chinggisid lineage, he employed a puppet on the throne. Timur also married into the Mongol royal family and established Samarkand as his capital. Timur will always be known for his conquests and military campaigns, but Central Asia will remember the increased trade, the beautification of Samarkand, and the explosion of architecture.
When Timur died, his dynasty ruled Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Persia. His descendants known as the Timurids became dedicated patrons of the arts and sciences, (also known as the Timurid Renaissance), the profound rise of the Sufis, and establishing a model of governance that inspired governments in Uzbek Central Asia, Mughal India, Safavid Iran, and the Ottoman Empire. The Timurid state would last until the 16th century when a new race of people migrated to Central Asia: the Uzbeks.
The Uzbeks – the 1500-1700s
The Uzbek migration, the last great nomadic invasion, even though the region would continue to see mass migrations, occurred in the 1500s and created three famous khanates: Khiva, Bukhara, and Kokand.
Khiva was created when the old Khwarazm Empire (a native dynasty) was taken over by the Uzbek family the Arabshanids. The Arabshanids moved the capital to Khiva in the 1500s and established control over most of what is modern day Turkmenistan. Khiva would flourish until the 1540 and 1593 Bukharan invasions. They served as a Bukharan vassal state until the Nadir Shah invasion in the 1700s. They regained their independence under the Kongrat Dynasty in 1804 but would struggle with a Turkmen rebellion from 1855-67 when two to three Khans were killed.
The Bukharan Khanate was created when a group of Uzbeks, led by Muhammad Shibani Khan pushed Zahir al-Din Muhammad Babur out of his family’s home in Samarkand and into Afghanistan where he would invade India and create the Mughal Empire. The Shibani Khanate would rule from 1500-1599 before being taken over from the inside out by Toqay Timurids.
The Shibanids utilized the appanage system to govern: the appanage system relied on the senior member of the ruling family as the greatest amongst equals and divided the territory amongst other family members. Bukhara became the khanate’s capital, but they also ruled important cities such as Tashkent, Samarkand, and Balkh.
The Uzbeks were Sunni Muslims and that put them in conflict with the Shia Muslims the Safavid dynasty in Persia. This conflict expressed itself via a struggle over the Khurasan region. Shibani Khan himself would die in battle against the Safavids. As can be guessed, the appanage system was unstable and the Shibanids would undergo civil wars every time a ruler died. The Khanate also had to contend with conflicts with Kazakh warriors, the Safavids, and neighbor khanates such as Khiva.
In 1681, the Khivans invaded the Bukharan territory, took Bukhara itself and forced the Khan to step down. The Khan’s brother ascended the throne but struggled with rebellious amirs, who were slowly consolidating power into their hands. They assassinated several khans worsening internal crises while the region suffered several invasions from neighbors such as the Jungar Mongol invasion in 1723. This would spark what is known as the Barefoot Flight, a mass migration of Kazakh people into Bukharan territory.
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Nader Shah
[Image Description: A painted picture of a man in a large, golden and red felt grown. He has brown skin, a long mustache and beard, and a strong nose. he is wearing a red robe and a golden necklace. Behind him is a green sky, mountain, and lake.]
Things were made worst in 1736 when the Shibanid’s old enemies, the Safavids were defeated in Persia and replaced by Nadir Shah. While invading India, Nadir Shah forced Khiva and Bukhara to submit to his authority. When Nadir Shah died in 1747, Muhammad Rahim Bey, the man Nadir sent to Bukhara to keep order, killed the last Shibanid khan and took control himself, ending the Shibanid/Toqay-Timurid dynasty.
The Kokand Khanate was a creation of the Shibanid dynasty and originated in the Ferghana valley. The ruler Narbuta Bey negotiated trade deals with the Qing dynasty in China, and created a dynamic system of government that his sons Alim and Umar would take advantage of and create a golden age for Kokand.
The Kokand khanate established their legitimacy by modeling their government and society on Timurid society and even tried to trace their linage to the Timur family. While they were more centralized than the Bukharan Khanate, they were in no way a modern central state. Their system worked best when they could balance and play the needs of all their constituents against each other. Naturally, the Khanate began to fail when the khans could no longer manipulate their constituents effectively.
The Russians 1700-1900s
While internal divisions hurt Khanate rule, it was the Russians and Chinese who were tolling the death bells. It started in 1758 when China invaded Xinjiang, shocking Central Asian Muslims. The Kokand Khanate responded by agreeing to be a subordinate to the Qing dynasty, but no one seemed to define what that meant and that make their relationship rocky from the start. The Russians made several excursions into Central Asia, eying the Kazakh and Kyrgyz Steppes, and reaching out to various Khanates for alliances and vassalages.
The Central Asians, at first, saw more opportunities than dangers. They increased trade with China and Russia and thought they could play their neighbors against their rival khanates. In 1715, Khiva considered allying with Russia to defeat their neighboring Turkmen tribes, but Khiva executed the Russian diplomats instead. Russian established a militarized border known as the Orenburg line by the mid-eighteenth century. The Russian and Chinese invasions, combined with the Persian invasion in the 1700s, left Central Asia off-kilter and many people seems to turn to Sufis and ulama for guidance.
The Russian expansion was inspired by need for land and resources as much as it was inspired by British interference. What we now called the Great Game took place in Central Asia during the 18th and 19th century and trapped the Central Asians between two colonial powers. The Khanates tried to navigate the difficult times as best they could, but could not prevent Russia from taking all of Turkestan (most of modern day Central Asia) by 1895, leaving the Emirates of Khiva and Bukhara as loosely independent entities whose loyalty was to Russia.
For Prophet and Tsar: Islam and Empire in Russia and Central Asia by Robert D. Crews Published by Harvard University Press, 2006
The Rise and Fall of Khoqand: Central Asia in the Global Age 1709-1876 by Scott C. Levi Published by the University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017
The Bukharan Crisis: a Connected History of 18th Century Central Asia by Scott C. Levi Published by University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020
Tatar Empire: Kazan’s Muslims and the Making of Imperial Russia by Danielle Ross Published by Indiana University Press, 2020
Russia and Central Asia: Coexistence, Conquest, Coexistence by Shoshana Keller Published by University of Toronto Press, 2019
Russia’s Protectorates in Central Asia: Bukhara and Khiva, 1865-1924 by Seymour Becker, Published by RoutledgeCurzon, 2004
Tournament of Shadows: the Great Game and the Race for Empire in Central Asia by Karl E. Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac Published by Basic Books, 1999
Russian Rule in Samarkand, 1868-1910: a Comparison with British India by Alexander Morrison, Published by OUP Oxford, 2008
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mystical-imagine · 2 years
Match-up if you please: bi poly lady, long unnaturally dyed hair, tattoos and piercings, pretty much only wear black and sparkly jewelry. I run a bookstore (thus my earlier ask about favorite books). I mostly read horror, surrealism, dark fantasy, a lot of comics, books on occultism, witchcraft, anarchism, and social justice. My favorite media is decadent and dark. I'm an aesthete, a nature-worshiping witch, a pessimist, and an escapist nerd. I cross-stitch, play TTRPGs, and meditate (1/2)
I miss going out bars-hoping, dancing, and to concerts. I'm argumentative, passionate, and despite my continuing efforts to the contrary never seem to shut the fuck up. I value curiosity, boldness, imagination, playfulness, and self-assurance. I need people to respect my boundaries, privacy, and independence. A dry sense of humor is delightful. I do not associate with right-wingers. I do not tolerate possessiveness, jealousy, or boorishness. I dunno, you've see my blog, you know my shit. (2/2)
lol, im so sorry for the long wait. like multiple years wait, its here now though and thank you so much for being so patient with me <3
id pair you with Zen!!
Zen would admire your strong sense of self courage to stick by your style and who you are. He would often have to compromise on his own clothing and style, being an actor and all. the one thing Zen wont compromise on career wise, is his personal life and who he loves. hed stand by you through thick and thin. also he wont mind if you steal his leather jackets.
hed def. sneak by your bookstore whenever he gets the chance, to bring you snacks and to Exchange small updates on how your day is going. and you'd get front row tickets to all Zens performances. Being an actor, Zen loves stories but hes also probably mostly enjoys romance books and contemporary. oh but also fantasy. and im sure you could find some dark fantasy books to buddy read, as long as there's a knight he can project unto, hed be in haha.
also, Zen is a public figure and needs to know about social justice/relevant issues going on so he can help be a part of the positive change in this world. although Zen isnt that religious hed respect your religion and go hiking with you on remote trails hes heard are beautiful. would def. hang your cross stitches around your home. and Zen would benefit from mediating once in awhile. that man overthinks and overworks himself to the bone.
hed absolutely love to let himself be dragged around to different bars/ drag you to exclusive clubs to dance to the best music. altough hed probably need a disguise for small public bars.
Zen is a passion driven person so hed love to share in your passion too. and being able to argue well is such a good skill. (idk who told you to shut up but fuck them, keep voicing your opinions) hed love to hear you talk and argue!
Zen was abused in his childhood and would understand the importance of boundaries and being independent and coexisting rather than being co-dependent. Zen probably does get jealous, but its more of a playful jealousy than a controlling one, jealousy is an insecurity "me problem", never an "us problem".
again, sorry for the long wait and thanks for being so so patient <3
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gay-otlc · 2 years
I've already mentioned this in the general I Kissed Shara Wheeler screaming post but I'm going to talk more about how much I love the execution of Smith's gender identity because everything about it was so well done?
First of all, I was very happy to see some more diverse nonbinary representation! More nonbinary rep is always good to have, and I love Ash's character a lot, but they're a bit of a stereotype. I'd like to reiterate no hate to Ash, I love them, but they are assigned female, short hair, weird earrings, they/them pronouns, on TikTok. Which is fairly standard, though in no way bad.
Smith, though. A genderqueer character who's assigned male at birth, a definite rarity even in queer fiction. Football player, typically masculine build, doesn't use they/them pronouns.
I like how he and Ash coexist in the same book, and they're both nonbinary (or some sort of non-cis), and the book is really just telling us there's no one way to be nonbinary. Fantastic. Shoutout to Casey McQuiston for giving us this.
The scene where we found out Smith maybe wasn't cisgender after all was also fantastic, potentially my favorite scene in the book. The whole experience of "well I feel like that and I'm not queer" and then later realizing your queer is so relatable and an experience I think a lot of queer people share. As someone who has absolutely done that multiple times, Smith experiencing that Oblivious Queer moment made me laugh.
Ash's explanation of how traditionally feminine interests =/= being a girl, and short hair =/= being a boy, was a good and also fairly realistic way of separating gender identity and expression. I don't think most people in real life will use the unicorn thing, but people do talk about hair. It didn't feel forced.
The way Smith described dysphoria was also great. Sometimes it is looking at your body and hating, loathing, it should be the other binary sex, but sometimes it's not- sometimes it's "I wish it was different but I guess I can deal with it." And wearing baggy clothes to try to imagine your body is different? Very relatable.
"You know... if being a guy feels like something you have to do, like it's an obligation or something..." Ash says carefully. "Maybe think about that." This line is probably getting so many readers to question their genders. Honestly, reading something like this would have been my genderqueer awakening if I hadn't been awakened already.
In the burn pile, Smith's multiple attempts at answering the prompt "what is a moment in your life that you felt truly yourself," and the way he struggled with finding a time he felt truly himself, was a painfully common queer experience.
The football response to that prompt was good, but I adored the one about feeling endless, like the Holy Spirit. Queering religion and using it to feel closer with your gender. Very glad McQuiston didn't take the "I'm queer so fuck being religious I guess" route, because that is fairly common, the "I'm queer and religious and they enhance one another" mindset is nowhere near explored enough.
Smith also wears his letterman jacket all the time, even in eighty degree heat, which Chloe puts down to "jock flexing," but reading that scene after finding out Smith wears that jacket to cope with dysphoria makes the reader see this fashion choice of his in a very different way. I see what McQuistion did there.
I didn't expect Smith to end up being genderqueer (though I definitely called the thing with Rory), but I'm so glad he is, because that whole subplot was beautiful and I clearly have a lot of thoughts on that, but I'll shut up now.
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commander-minkowski · 2 years
this may sound a little harsh but honestly I have disdain for anyone who seriously compares/conflates the magnus archives and welcome to night vale beyond a surface level. like ... sure ... they're both speculative audio drama, set in a world that slightly deviates from ours in ways that can be unsettling, have a work-related framing device, are about a queer guy with a strong personality.
but. tma is straight up horror. whether you personally think it's scary or not, its purpose is to be a collection of spooky stories that will creep you out and/or make you think about the nature of fear and why and how certain things scare people, and how both the emotion of fear itself and the ways people capitalizing on other people's fears affect both the characters and the listener. (yes, it has an overarching plot, but even at the end when the plot is at its most important -- during season 5 -- the core of the regular episodes is a self-contained scary story).
welcome to night vale is a very different story. the "horror" elements are always grounded in either comedy or social commentary. tma dips into social commentary occasionally (eg with the lonely symbolizing depression), but, I'd argue, not with a ton of intentionality. and it's absolutely not a comedy. wtnv, regardless of whether you personally think it's funny, is. the comedy comes either from pure absurdity or from the juxtaposition between tone and subject matter (the way cecil almost always delivers dire news in a chipper tone, versus the way he talks about seemingly ordinary things and events, like librarians or valentine's day, in a grim, foreboding way).
wtnv is also chock-full of incisive satire. follow the arc of desert bluffs, as an example -- while it starts out in absurdism ("kill your double"), it then turns to anti-corporate/anti-fascist commentary (the year 2 arc), then pivots to be about xenophobia, specifically the way minority religious and ethnic communities are demonized by the majority for atrocities perpetuated by an elite few at the top (years 3-4 iirc), and eventually ends up in a hopeful place of peaceful coexistence. there's also a ton of other stuff -- the ineffectual, monolithic city council, the sheriff's secret police, the vague yet menacing government agency, angels as people who "don't exist" legally and the implications of that, night vale's hostility toward "interlopers," etc, etc. and, hell, wtnv even has its own poignant exploration of depression ("being stuck in the mud," I wanna say year 4 or 5). sure, it's occasionally creepy or scary, but the main thrust of the series is not to scare you or to explore the nature of fear. it's to explore various social issues through a lens that is absurd -- either in a funny way, or in an unsettling way, or in a way that walks a fine line between.
finally, a slightly tangential point that might also piss people off, but fuck it, I'm including it anyway -- I get annoyed when people compare tma and wtnv in terms of representation/imply that tma is somehow more progressive than wtnv just because it's newer/that wtnv is somehow outdated in its representation. objectively, wtnv has a very strong track record when it comes to being thoughtful about diversity and inclusion, especially in matters of race. for instance, very early in the show's run, when fink and cranor decided to make carlos a much bigger character, they recast his va to be dylan marron, a latino man (it was previously a bit part taken by cranor iirc). they even made up an in-universe explanation for why his voice had changed. since then, they've cast multiple vas of color to play characters of color (tamika, dana, josie, kevin, basimah, michelle, etc) which is far from standard practice both in podcasts and in animation. few other widely loved/well funded podcasts take the care to do this (a few smaller ones, like caravan and desperado, actually do, proving it's not a matter of money/resources but rather one of care and intention). I'm not saying wtnv is perfect in its handling of race and other sensitive topics, nor am I saying that tma is horrible at it (though I have seen some criticism leveled at it that I agree with). I'm just saying that to compare wtnv unfavorably to tma in terms of its handling of sensitive topics is just laughable and smacks of the fallacy that just because a show started airing in 2012, it has to be less progressive than shows coming out later.
anyway. thanks for indulging me if you read this far. stop lumping these two shows together </3
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
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title: catch up now? 
× pairing: Idol!Jungkook x Interviewer!Reader, old friends from highschool kinda stuff, abandoned but maybe rediscovered love on both sides. 
× summary: Three years are a long time. In three years, many things can and will change. But three years hadn’t been quite enough to change how two people feel about each other. 
× warnings: a little teeny bit angsty but it’s nothing, really. Mainly fluff, some flustered, overly eager Gguk and old memories coming up. 
× wordcount: 2k
× a/n: Not gonna lie, this might be one of my favourite pieces I've ever written. I really hope you enjoy this too! it’s somehow inspired by ‘Love Maze’ (BTS) and also ‘50 Proof’ (eaJ). Will probably not have a pt.2
main masterlist | bts masterlist
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When he had read the name of the interview host - or hostess more like - Jungkook had already felt the familiar tingle in the pit of his stomach that he had thought had disappeared over the course of time. Yet, he wasn’t surprised that it was still there.
He had however not dared to hope that it could actually be you, there sure were other people called (Y/N) (Y/L/N), who has pursued their dream of becoming an interviewer, media person, whatnot. He didn’t even know if you had actually graduated uni and made it in the job, hence he hadn’t seen any of you in about four years of him debuting now. He had occasionally checked out your Instagram or Twitter, yet he shied away from following you on any social media platform. You weren’t really public about your work or personal life on both, you mainly retweeted stuff (he found out about your love for Bingsu and Makgeolli ice cream like that) and posted a few selfies or landscapes. He hoped that you had been able to pursue your dream of traveling around for a bit, in South Korea and outside of it. Though again, he didn’t know.
Jimin was seated right in front of him and Jungkook couldn’t help but nervously play with his hyungs honey blond dyed hair. Jimin chuckled surprised yet amused about his open display of nervousness and turned around slowly.
“Everything okay, Jungkook-ah? You seem more nervous than usually.” He remarked, making Namjoon look over to the maknae in wonder. “He does, right? I thought so too. Did something happen?” Jungkook only shook his head.
Not yet, he thought to himself.
The cameras around them started to blink all at once, the light has been set up correctly and the camera and sound team had settled down around them in the dark. Manager and publicists stood somewhere in the back, swallowed up by the dark. The only person that was missing still, was you. Or the person called (Y/N) (Y/L/N), Jungkook tried to tell himself.
Suddenly there was a soft laugh from somewhere off the scenes and his heart tripped over its own beat and finally, finally, you stepped into the light.
You looked pretty as ever, grown into your features entirely, like a lotus flower finally in full bloom. Jungkook had to swallow dry. The light coral red of your lip balm complimented your skin and the subtle almost invisible make up you wore, accentuated your already beautiful features even more. You hadn’t changed your hair much, but it was a bit longer and looked so soft in the bright light. His eyes almost subconsciously darted to your fingers, searching for evidence of a possible relationship. He was almost ashamed how quickly he ended up thinking about this, his own boldness making him even more flustered. (There was no formal looking ring on your ringfinger though, to his relief.)
There was a warm smile on your lips as you bowed deeply to them all, greeting them respectfully. The boys returned your greeting immediately and a bunch of annyeong haseyo-s sounded through the studio. Jungkook felt Namjoon look over at him again, a piercing gaze Jungkook knew he wouldn’t be able to withstand if he met it. So he just kept looking at everything but Namjoon...not that this was hard to do when you were right in front of him.
“Thank you so much for being here with us.” You said with a smile, looking at everyone with the same look of respect and polite distance. Like you were supposed to, at work, as a professional. Like you didn't know them personally. Everyone, including Jungkook.
He felt his heart drop to his stomach. Could it be that you...forgot about him? It couldn’t really be, right? How would you actually be able to, you really...in this moment your eyes crossed again and something flickered in your eyes, a facade crumbled for a few seconds only. It was an amused twinkle, like a cheeky wink and a minimal curl of your lips. 
And Jungkook’s heart did multiple flips, breath caught in his throat and eyes widened.
You had started with the questions, keeping the conversation light and flowing. The vibe in the room was comfortable and built up on mutual respect - yet Jungkook felt as if he was sitting on red-hot needles. He wanted to talk to you, ask about how you had been, what you were doing (if you had a boyfriend) if you were happy, if you got a cat, how your mother’s little business was going (he’d anonymously purchased countless items, to support your family), if your favourite colour still was cyan blue and your still religiously bought Pajeon and Makgeolli on rainy days, if you ever spent a second of your day thinking of him (because he did).
Him, your somewhat ex-best friend from highschool, him, the one you spent hours talking to in the ungodly hours of the morning, him who you had lost your first kiss to (though lost wasn’t the right word: you gave it to him more like). Him who you had poked fun of when the first girl approached him in his Rookie days and he’d been flustered to no end.
Him, who had promised to you that he wouldn’t abandon your friendship and yet the two of you drifted apart anyways.
Not for the lack of trying on either side though. Jungkook’s schedule had just become even fuller, his nights shorter, training longer and fans more obsessive. And you had seen each other less often, greetings were shorter and late night talks turned into good night wishes over text quicker.
You on your part weren’t mad, a little disappointed maybe. Sad for sure, but not mad. After all, you had expected it to turn out like that. So had the rest of your little circle, Haneul, Hwang, Kyong and Myunghee. Whilst the five of you had supported Jungkook on his journey with all you’ve got, you all tried to overcome the obvious pain of him drifting off.
Some (mainly Hwan and Kyong) with working harder in school for example. You did that too, but sometimes you also partied a little harder, were awake at three AM a little more often, missed him a lot more. It hurt letting someone you love go.
Jungkook and you had always been a bit...closer. Why you didn’t know, how you couldn’t possibly explain. But you were and him rising into the heights and new dimensions of being an idol destroyed this almost completely. This strange world of fame, those walls of flashing cameras, the flow of expensive goods and seas of screaming people, that was his world. He was a star, figuratively and somewhat literally. He shone more radiant, higher, longer, prettier and too bright for an innocent, young love to coexist.
So you stayed behind, soon having lost his number due to him having to change it, his contact information soon had less to say than what you could find on the internet.
His new hair colour? Well, you could google it. Height? Current weight? Several fan sights knew the answer. Achievements? The internet again.
 It was strange, ridiculous to some extent. And it hurt. But you couldn’t blame him, so you never did.
When you had heard that you would be interviewing BTS last week you could help but feel scared. You hadn’t seen him face to face for three or so years, three years with no FaceTime, texting, three years of not seeing his bunny smile, smiled just for you.
And when you had seen him again, laid eyes on him for the first time in thirty-five months, you realised that nothing you ever felt for him had faded away. It was all the same again, your heart still jumped in your chest and your stomach still fluttered whenever he did as much as breathing. The only thing that had changed was his height and him having had the biggest glow up you had witnessed in your life, yours included – though this Jungkook would disagree vehemently. 
This Jungkook who got pulled out of his thoughts and memories almost violently, as you directed a first question at him only.
“I…” he started, gulping hardly, having forgotten the question already halfway.
“Sorry I can’t – how have you been?” you stopped shortly, stunned and a tad confused at first. You hadn’t expected him to be so bold. Or clumsy, for that matter. Yet you couldn’t help but giggle, and all the unsaid words and ignored truths between the two of you disappeared into smoke, taking all tension with them. Just like that.
“I’ve been fine, Gukie. Busy. Long-time no see, hm. How about you?” somewhere behind the cameras someone dropped a pen and there were multiple gasps being heard. The rest of the bangtan boys didn’t look any better; Jimin had his mouth open, Taehyung was looking back and forth between the two of you, Yoongi just froze, Jin and Hoseok had clasped their hands in front of their mouths and Namjoon just looked like someone poured a bucket of ice water over his head.
But Jungkook? Jungkook was smiling widely, his bunny smile, smiled just for you. 
“Busy too. Yes, very long time no see.” He replied sheepishly, a small laugh escaping his lips as he looked around the dead silent studio. “Why…how do you know each other?” Yoongi finally asked, eyes snapping back and forth between the two of you.
“Well I guess we have to tell them now. We know each other from back in Highschool. We were pretty close friends back then.” You explained softly, giving him a small smile. Jungkook nodded quickly. “My apologies. I didn’t wanted to completely ruin the interview but…I haven’t seen you in three or so years. Sorry.” You waved it off. “It’s okay, Jungkook. We will catch up later, alright?” Jungkook nodded, making the mistake of looking over to Namjoon, who looked like he finally understood everything. “Is that why you were so…never mind.” He ended in a mumble and Jungkook was glad he did.
The second the interview was officially finished and all the cameras shut off, Jungkook was on his feet and approaching you. He didn’t even care about formalities anymore as he just wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a tight hug.
The first thing he noticed was that he couldn’t nestle his face in the crook of your neck as easy as he had been able to do in high-school. The second thing was that you had changed your perfume into something more flowery and fresh. The third thing he noticed was how much he liked having you in his arms again, especially because he could now rest his head on top of yours.
The first thing you noticed was how broad your Kookie had become. Broad and tall and firm everywhere. The second thing you noticed was how he smelled more expensive, faintly musky but still very much like Jungkook. A scent you could pick out from a thousand, unique and everything you loved. The third thing you noticed was how familiar and how looked after you felt in his arms, how protected from every harm. You had missed this feeling.
“Aigoo, Junkookie!” Jin yelled from behind, causing you to chuckle embarrassed and trying to break the hug. But Jungkook simply tightened his arms around you, having no intentions of letting you go any time soon.
“Just ignore them. They’ll leave, eventually.” His voice was muffled by the skin on your neck, since he had now buried his face there, taking deep breaths.
“And we?” you asked with a small laugh, not moving either. “We stay. We catch up. Got a lot of that to do.” Sounded good enough to you…just that you had expected them to make a bee-line for the exit after the cameras cut due to their busy schedule.
“Catch up now?” you asked after a few seconds of him still having his arms around you, unmoving. The young man shook his head.
“No…not right now.” He took a deep breath, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, mumbling against your skin and the fabric of your blouse. 
“In five minutes. Let me just hold you for a little while, you…you have no idea how much I missed you.” 
If he only knew.
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— ✩ thank u for reading ✩ —
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dysphxtric · 3 years
Mental Illness - My Mental Health Story
TW: Depression, Anxiety, Self harm, Suicide, Sexual Harassment
“You should smile more.”
“It could be worse.”
“Just don’t think about it.”
These were the phrases I heard throughout all of my elementary and high school years. There was never a time when my peers and teachers, would not mention some bizarre, ignorant statement revolving around mental health. Not to mention, my family also contributed heavily to the stigmatization of mental health issues. Essentially, my family approached the subject of mental health with extreme hesitation, they refused to talk about how it affects people of all age, gender, ethical background (etc.) Every time I would say “I’m feeling lost” my family would automatically dismiss my frantic worries and it was not any different when I went to school. My peers would continuously remind me that my pain was not valid and that I need to stop being so sensitive. My primary parental figures, my mother and brother did not have the adequate knowledge or tools to be able to hold space for me. I would frequently hear my mom say, “I could understand someone suffering from PTSD feeling upset or sad but you’re so young and healthy honey, you have nothing to worry about” or the old classic “Someone else has it worse than you”. Whether I was at home or at school, I heard the same ignorant statements spewing out from what felt like everyone. And I could never comprehend what was the point of these falsely “encouraging” statements and why profusely use them? These kinds of statements do not uplift, nor do they empower those struggling with mental health issues, if anything it makes it extremely debilitating when your emotions are not acknowledged nor validated. One cannot expect to simply brush away another person’s emotion, thought or feeling as though it means nothing.
With that being said, growing up, I lived in a dysfunctional household alongside my mother, my older brother, and my grandmother. My mother would always be juggling work, schooling, and her dating life. My brother was very reluctant about staying home so he would always vanish after school, hang out with friends, party hard and engage with various street substances. Now my grandmother? It was not long after she immigrated that she began to immerse herself within the Jehovah’s Witnesses ideology and “religiously” strayed away from us as my mother likes to say. My mother was never fond of religious practices that were not “orthodox”. My grandmother wanted to indoctrinate my mom, brother, and I into joining her religious little club but failed which resulted in countless fights, yelling matches, and multiple dents left in our walls. The back and forth with the yelling was what scared me most in my childhood even if it was over something as small as not closing the cabinet door. I think it was around this time period I experienced violence/ trauma at home and truth be told I was extremely stressed and anxious all the time as a kid. My mother would cover the punched indents by taking magazines and sticking pages onto the indent. Often times my stomach would turn as I looked at the pages covering the area where my brother punched the wall with brutal force. Moreover, I felt impending sadness because all I ever wanted was for everyone in my family to be able coexist and not argue. I was trying to keep the peace between everyone, yet I was always the one that got caught in the middle of everything whether I liked it or not. I would get blamed a lot for trying to mend things for everyone. Even though all I wanted was the best for all my family members.
Fast forward to my pre-teen/ teenage years. By this point, my brother and grandmother were no longer living under the same roof as my mother and I. My brother was living with his ex-girlfriend while working as a security guard meanwhile my grandmother was living in her own little subsidized apartment preaching the word of Jehovah. At that particular time, my mother and I lived in a marvellous urban semi-detached house in a peaceful neighbourhood. My mother’s boyfriend had moved in with us and for the most part I was really happy because at least it was not just me and her.
My mother’s boyfriend lived with us while I was going to school. He was a really nice, caring and warm-hearted individual although I could never understand why my mother argued with him so much. I once told him “You should propose to her, I can see you two together forever” to which he replied with a welcoming smile.
But eventually just like with all good things, there comes an end. The inevitable breakup my mom went through was very bitter and I had to be there for her. Afterall, I was technically the only child that was around to emotionally comfort her. Ironically, the breakup occurred during the time I was being bullied in school. And it was difficult to be fully present for my mother while dealing with a lot of negativity at school. I had been experiencing cyber bullying on MSN by a bunch of peers calling me “weird”, “ugly” and “different”. To make matters worse, the group of kids that bullied me online ended up following me everywhere I went for recess which posed as a big obstacle for my well being. I had to eat inside the portables when teachers weren’t around or inside the girl’s bathroom stall just to avoid being teased. I never felt like I had a safe space to myself where I could be vulnerable and open up. Not to mention, it was a difficult time and there was practically no one I could confide in. I didn’t have a social circle of supportive friends, after all I was an antisocial person. Fear washed over me as I worried about disclosing my unpleasant experience to my mother because she was already dealing with so much, the heartbreak, the bills, work problems (etc.), it was then and there that I decided to lie instead of telling the truth. Ultimately, lying became my cooping mechanism to deal with the ongoing pain.
I kept up the lying for a long time in order to make it seem like everything was okay. I lied to everyone from family members to school peers to the teaching staff to principals to counselors.
For the longest time, lying sheltered me from all sorts of unnecessary questions. No one could really tell whether I was truthful or disloyal because I was able to make it sound believable. When I was a teenager, I continued to go down the same destructive path by being dishonest with myself and others. Many times, the thought of suicide crossed my mind and when I started to think about it and plan/coordinate the intricate details it did not hit me that something was very wrong, and I needed urgent help. A big part of the problem was that I was so used to downplaying my pain, given my family circumstance and stigmatization I experienced growing up with. There is no denying that I would engage in negative self talk convincing myself that I deserved the pain and suffering for not being likeable enough or for not being smart enough.
Sometimes I think that is the thing… people do not understand that I lied because that was what I was required to do in order to survive my childhood. I, myself do not tolerate lying and I think it is a form of betrayal and if I were to be completely honest, I would have NEVER lied to my mom had it been safe for me to express myself authentically in my household.
I did not live in a household where it was safe to speak my mind freely and disagree with my mother. Disagreeing was always the last thing I wanted to do, disagreeing meant I got the belt, my devices would get confiscated or that I was going to get grounded. They say, “Honesty is the best policy” and I do not disagree however, it is not as black and white as one may think. In my situation, lying was not only an adaptive coping mechanism but it became a survival mechanism to keep me safe from harm/threat.
I did not have very much individuality growing up. I felt as though having an opinion of my own was bad. In order to perpetuate this fixated mindset that I had, my mother constantly deemed certain attributed behaviours or thoughts as “good” or “bad”. So, say you were upset about a recent breakup with your partner, my mother would scoff and say, “You know life isn’t just about love right?” and play it like it means nothing to the person affected by the situation.
The first time I ever felt depressed was when I was 13. At that age I did not understand why I was feeling what I was feeling. All I knew was that there was something wrong with me. It did not help when I was being picked on by my classmates telling me “Go die”, “You belong in a ditch ugly bitch.”
The moment when things started getting out of hand was when I was first started my Art and Family Studies class in the same semester. In both classes I was placed into groups amongst other students. In Family Studies I had to be in a collaborative group that would divide responsibilities and tasks accordingly. When it came to cooking, my group consisted of four snobby, rich yet immature peers who were unwilling to help and contribute in any shape or form, I had to become the bigger person and sure enough I took all the responsibilities on myself. Though, it was not a smart move. But I was super shy and felt anxious to do anything different least to say speak up and advocate for myself, so I did what I had to do which was prepare meals, clean, and wash the dishes. At the end of the day, none of my peers thanked me, the only thank you I got was getting groped while washing the dishes and getting laughed at.
After what happened I ran to my best friend in tears to tell her what happened just to find her say “It’s not that bad, you’ll be fine” I felt like my blood was going to boil and I was about to start fuming. I stood thinking “Huh, that is so weird, is this how you comfort a person after being sexually harassed?”
Not to sound all grim but that experience showed me that no one really cared about me. No one cared that I got groped or how I felt in that moment. Let alone not even my “best friend” who was supposed to fulfill her role and be there for me. All I wanted was comfort and to be heard out. I could not even tell my mother about this experience until I turned 21 because of how ashamed I felt carrying around that experience and not having the ability to open up and mourn what happened that day and to be able to heal that damaged part of myself. I carried that incident with me for 7 years in silence because I was scared of being honest.
That specific experience was very detrimental to my mental health. Everything began to spiral out of control, I sprawled into a dark depressive state. I began to have intense panic attacks, insomnia, forgetfulness (etc.) After a certain duration of time, I had thoughts of suicide lingering at the back of my head. I questioned my worth, my identity, my culture, my everything.
The bullying and name calling persisted and became so intense that I ended up missing weeks of school time. Some of the boys in my Art class found it funny to make fun of my last name and call me “Prostitute”.
One day in the early springtime, my Art teacher noticed the marks on my wrists as I was painting and had not said anything until I made it to my last period class. I was called down to the guidance counselors office and was interrogated with questions.
“It has come to our concern that one of the staff members noticed cuts on your arms.”
I sat in silence trying hard to contain my anxiety.
“Are you struggling with depression or low mood? Is everything okay at home?”
It came to the point when I got so tired of lying about my pain that I admitted “Yes, I am struggling, I need help”. I dived into the bullying occurrences, the cat calling, my low grades, my self-esteem, the groping, my home situation (etc). After that, I was told that my mother would have to be called down to the school for “safety” reasons even though my counselor promised not to disclose any personal information to my mother. My greatest fear was that I did not want my mom to know that something was wrong.
Of course, my mom came to my school. She was told everything that had happened. I met her at the counselor’s office just to find her wailing in distress “You are such an embarrassment” and “Your counselor told me what you did, how could you do this?”. When the counselor gave us resources for help, my mother grabbed the papers and shoved them into the trash, got up and yanked me out the office.
The next three days that followed, my mother withdrew into her room not saying a word to me. I felt really uneasy and upset. She had her right to be alone but locking herself away from me and avoiding communication altogether? Didn’t make much sense.
I felt extremely guilty for not opening up to my mother sooner. But instead of choosing to be compassionate and caring she chose to resort to anger. She furiously blamed me for being “quiet” and “not trustful” which all landed on my shoulders again. It was “my” fault I thought.
Bottling this up resulted in a full-blown mental breakdown. I could not focus or concentrate because of everything building up. It came to the point where my mom had to choose between living in a toxic community or starting fresh elsewhere.
And even though my mother kept subjecting me to her harmful stigmatizations, the transition from my old school to my new one helped me greatly. When we moved away, I gradually started to feel better emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Very quickly, I ended up adapting to my new high school where I finally made friends.
One thing I cannot deny is that there definitely was a silver lining to all of this. Although I went through severe bullying and torment at school and home, I managed to reclaim my power and through that I discovered my inner peace after being extracted from my toxic high school. The new school that I ended up attending completely changed me and inspired me to become a more authentic version of myself. It was almost as though I did a complete 180°
My new peers and teachers were enthusiastic, open-minded and caring. The new community I was surrounding myself in was a very positive one that broke down stigmas and encouraged deep understanding and acceptance. My mind was blown when I found that it was easier to conversate with girls and guys at my new school, I was gradually becoming confident and more vocal, and I liked the feeling of not hiding myself away from the world. It felt rejuvenating to finally be heard and seen by others.
Slowly but surely, I began to partake in various activities at my school. I joined the Poetry Club which I would have never considered joining had I stayed back in my old school due to fear of how I was perceived. Ultimately, I started caring and nurturing myself more. My new friends supported me, and teachers began to openly listen to my stories and encouraged me to write. When I started writing, I realized that I could use this medium to cope with my depression and anxiety. The acknowledgment made a major difference in my life like never before.
If it were not for the transition from my old high school, I would have not made progress in developing into the woman I am today. I know that I am not my pain, I am not my mistakes.
Do I still struggle and have bad days? Yes, of course. Just like any human being I have my days when I am not feeling the greatest however, I am more open to learning about how to engage with my mind, body and soul in order to soothe myself during turbulent times. I still have that inner critic however, I have been engaging with activities such as bike riding, painting, drawing, and reading to help occupy my mind which as a result has reduced the time that I spend ruminating. Occupying myself has worked magic, I am now able to reduce and control how much time I spend self-loathing, criticizing, and judging myself. Rather than judging every thought, I’ve learned to slow down and observe.
If you stuck along until the end of my story, I want to thank you for reading through my experience. My hope is that my story can shed some light on the myths and stigmas surrounding mental health, especially within the Eastern European community. I want you all to know that you are ALL valid and I wanted to be able to share my story so that my readers know that they are not alone.
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stealing-jasons-job · 4 years
Fic updates & timeline 🥰
Here is my current prompt list and potential timeline. 
I’m currently participating in the @t100fic-for-blm initiative, and I am working through those prompts in the order I’ve received them. I appreciate all of you guys being patient (especially with my WIPs that have taken a backseat for the initiative), and I’m excited for what’s coming down the pipeline! At the moment, I am not accepting new prompts until I can work through this list. <3 
The rest is under the cut, but here is an up-to-date look at my fic list: 
Current ongoing projects
Upcoming fics 
WIPS I swear I haven’t abandoned 
Current ongoing projects
Wreck Jroth Club Fic Collab 
Would you choose the end of war and suffering in your own lifetime if it meant the end of every other universe, too—including ones where you, your friends, and your family are happy and at peace?
Or, the S7 finale rewrite where Clarke experiences some of these other lifetimes and makes the ultimate choice of whether or not the end of suffering in her own reality is worth sacrificing infinite others where things might have gone differently.
An angsty fic collab where different writers from the Bellarke fandom write different chapters as part of an overarching story. Each intro is written by me, as well as the first chapter, last chapter, and a few sprinkled in the middle. Follow @wreck-jroth-club for updates! 
Bellarke Big Bang - Find me in the light 
While I can’t unveil the premise just yet, I am a writer, creator, and mod alongside @animmortalist for Bellarke Big Bang 2021! First chapter will publish in June, but I’ll be working on this fic in my spare time between now and then.  Y’all, get ready for some ANGST. I haven’t been this excited about a fic in a long time. 
Upcoming fics 
Linctavia prompt — official title TBD
Prompted by @1munequita
Linctavia as sexually frustrated parents whose daughter continually interrupts them. 
Cross my heart - official title TBD 
Prompted by @thecspenciskillingme
Gallagher Girls AU! 
Normal 18-year-old girls graduate high school and then go off to college with their friends. Maybe they join a sorority. Hell, maybe they get a boyfriend or girlfriend and fall in love. They sleep in and skip class and stay up late with their equally normal friends.
But Clarke Griffin has never been normal.
It comes with the territory of being the daughter of two renowned spies for the CIA. Clarke had been raised to speak seven languages and be able to change her entire appearance with nothing but a pair of nail clippers and some shoe polish. She wasn't built for normal.
Angsty. Spy shit. Multi-chapter. 
I see a monster’s eyes in the mirror - official title TBD 
Prompted by @constellationbellamy 
S6/7 AU — Bellamy got nightblood in S6 when Josie took him prisoner, and Bellamy is who Slim Sheidy "takes over" in S7. Fulfilling all of our void!Bellamy dreams without the religious indoctrination ala Steve and Etherea. Also, there will finally be a reason why no one killed Slim Sheidy as soon as they realized he was back. 
Is this potentially the angstiest idea I’ve ever had? 120% But don’t worry, it’ll have a happy ending. My name is not Jason. 
Criminal Minds AU - official title TBD
Prompted by @constellationbellamy​ 
A Bellarke Criminal Minds AU. 
Song prompt: Let You Down by NF
Prompted by @edgelessness
Everyone thinks Clarke has the perfect life, including her best friend's older brother Bellamy. But that's far from the truth.
Angsty AF.
Bear Grylls AU - official title TBD 
Prompted by @slyth-princess 
A collab between myself and @writetheniteaway for Beardcave. 
Don’t expect me to fall in love with her, too - official title TBD
Prompted by @writetheniteaway
Against all odds, Steve Doucette fell in love with Bellamy Blake. And Bellamy fell for him, too. But once they start rebuilding back on Earth after the "the last war” and transcendence turns out to be a myth, Steve starts to realize exactly what Bellamy meant in the cave when he said Octavia and Clarke were the most important people in his life.
As he gets to know the blonde, he can see the deep connection that exists between her and Bellamy. They are part of each other’s souls, and Steve can’t help but admire the way they are together. He’s not going to stand in the way of their relationship, whatever it is — after all, he was raised believing you could love more than one person equally. He knows Bell loves him, and he’s okay with the knowledge that Bellamy loves Clarke, too. But just because he understands why his boyfriend loves her doesn’t mean he has plans to fall in love with her himself.
Then again, you know what they say about well-laid plans.
Angsty. Sappy. <3 The OT3 we deserve. Multi-chapter.
Two sides of a coin — official title TBD
Prompted by @sparklyfairymira
Bellarke/Jeresa crossfic for all you QotS fans! Teresa and James are trying to establish themselves in the Dallas market, but DEA agents Clarke and Bellamy are determined to not make it easy. Throughout the fic, both sides will start to understand the other a little more and learn how to coexist without sacrificing their livelihoods or their integrity.
Angsty AF. Multi-chapter.
WIPs I swear I haven’t abandoned 
Since joining the BLM initiative, my focus has shifted away from WIP updates and toward completing prompts as they come in. To be honest, I was not expecting to receive as many prompts as I have (which is amazing on so many levels), so I apologize for how long it’s been since some of my fics have been updated. 
I appreciate you all being patient, but here are the WIPs I swear I haven’t abandoned! If anyone wants to prompt chapter updates for the BLM initiative, that will help get these on the prios list sooner. But otherwise, these bad boys will still get done. Albeit more slowly.  
I'm gonna get myself back home to you 
S4/5 AU where Bellarke gets together before he goes to the Ring, and he never believes she’s really dead. Told from multiple POVs before, during, and after the Ring. 
Next update: Ch. 6 — March 2021 
Intertwining Your Soul 
Arranged marriage grounder fic. 
Next update: Ch. 12 - March 2021
Amor vincit onmia 
S7 rewrite to spite Jason. 
Next update: Ch. 2 — March 2021 
There are some things written in the stars
Timeless AU
Next update: Ch. 4 - April 2021
Choices We Make 
Greys Anatomy AU. 
Next update: Ch. 9 - April 2021 
If you’ve made it to the end of this long-ass update post, I commend you. lol But hopefully for those of you wondering when certain things will be published or what upcoming fics you can expect from me, this provides some clarity! 
You may have noticed I took off the expected publish dates. I’m trying like hell to stick to a schedule, but I can’t make any promises and I hated letting anyone down if something didn’t get published on the expected date. 
Shoutout to my BAHSA babes for keeping me sane, thebellarkes Discord for enabling my angsty-ass fic ideas (and for prompting me for BLM to write a ton of said ideas). Forever grateful for a community of people who support my writing! 
Come hang out with me on AO3 @stealing-jasons-job or Twitter @stealjasonsjob! 
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blueskymovies · 3 years
The Tomorrow War (2021) FUL^MOVIES Online.EnglisH [HD]
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A film, also called a movie, motion picture or moving picture, is a work of visual art used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere through the use of moving images. These images are generally accompanied by sound, and more rarely, other sensory stimulations.[1] The word """"cinema"""", short for cinematography, is often used to refer to filmmaking and the film industry, and to the art form that is the result of it.
❏ Movies Online ❏
Its and Jeremy Camp (K.J. Apa) is a youthful and hopeful performer who might want just to respect his God through the intensity of music. Leaving his Indiana home for the hotter atmosphere of California and a school or college training, Jeremy before long comes Bookmark this site across one Melissa Heing (Britt Robertson), an individual college understudy that he takes sees in the crowd at a nearby show. Bookmark this site Falling for cupid’s bolt promptly, he acquaints himself with her and rapidly finds that she really is pulled in to him as well. Notwithstanding, Melissa keeps away from shaping a sprouting relationship as she fears it’ll make an abnormal circumstance among Jeremy and their common companion, Jean-Luc (Nathan Parson), an individual artist and who additionally offers feeling for Melissa. In any case, Jeremy is persevering as he continued looking for her until they in the long run cut off up in a caring dating association. In any case, their energetic romance Bookmark this sitewith the other individual includes a stop when life-threating updates on Melissa having malignant growth becomes the dominant focal point. The determination never really discourage Jeremey’s affection for her and the couple inevitably weds presently. Howsoever, they before long wind up strolling a brilliant line between a coexistence and enduring by her Bookmark this siteillness; with Jeremy scrutinizing his confidence in music, himself, and with God himself.
A television program that shows food introduction in a kitchen TV studio. During the time of this program, the show’s host, who is regularly a big name gourmet expert, plans at least one dishes during the time of the scene. The gourmet expert takes the review crowd through the food’s motivation, readiness, and phases of cooking. likewise called “cel (short for celluloid) movement”, this is among the most established liveliness subgenres. Essentially, it is a method of energizing an animation by drawing and painting envisions yourself. Each drawing or painting is an alternate edge of activity, so when they are flipped or placed in arrangement at the correct speed, they give the fantasy of development. Models are Beauty and the Beast and Spirited Away. A story with respect to a beast, animal or freak that threatens individuals. Generally, it fits in to the repulsiveness kind, for instance, Mary Shelley’s epic Frankenstein. Shelley’s Frankenstein is ordinarily additionally considered the main sci-fi story (organic science reviving the dead), yet it presents an immense “animal”. Other clear Monster stories are of the animals of legends and tale: the Vampire, the Ghoul, the Werewolf, the Zombie, and so on Creatures, for example, that portrayed in Karloff’s The Mummy would likewise qualify.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time.[1][2][3][4][5] The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself.[6][7][8] A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States.
Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders.[citation needed][9][10][11][12] These rights frequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.[13]
Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent.[14]
Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities[5] to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration.
It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This argument has been supported
by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc.[15]
As referenced, I Still Believe is coordinated by the Erwin Brothers (Andrew and Jon), whose past executive works incorporate such Movies like Moms’ PARTICULAR DATE, Woodlawn, and I COULD Only Imagine. Given their partiality fascination strict based Christian films, the Erwin Brothers appear to be much the same as an appropriate decision in presenting to Jeremy Camp’s story to a realistic portrayal; moving toward the material with a specific sort of gentBookmark this siteleness and truthfulness to the procedures. Much like I COULD Only Imagine, the Erwin Brothers shape the component around the life of a well known Christian artist; introducing his humble begiings and the entirety of the hardships that he should look en route, while melodic tunes/performaBookmark this sitence mulling over significance of the film’s account story movement. Saying this doesn’t imply that that the film isn’t without its heavier minutes, with the Erwin, who (once more) know about strict hints topics inside their undertakings, outline I Still Believe convincing messages of adoration, misfortune, and recovery, which (as usual) are very crucial to watch and experience throBookmark this siteugh misfortune.
This even addresses the film’s content, which was peed by Erwin siblings playing twofold obligation on the undertaking, which has a lot of sincere emotional minutes that may surely pull on the heartstrings of certain watchers out there along with give to be a significant drawing in story of going directly through misfortune and difficulty and finding a reclamation circular segment to get away from it. That is particularly made bounteously clear when working with a deadly ailment that is like what Melissa goes through in the film, which is pretty all inclusive and intelligent in everybody’s reality, with the Erwin Brothers painting the agonizing excursion that Melissa brings with Jeremy close by, who must sort out some way to adapt to agony of a friend or family member. There is a “twofold edge” blade to the film’s content, yet I’ll specify that underneath. Get the job done to express, the film settles rapidly in to the recognizable example of a strict religious component that, while not actually cleaned or unique, could be the “comfort food” to a few; anticipating a healthy message of confidence, expectation, and love. By and by, I didn’t know about Jeremy Camp and the account of he and Melissa Heing, so it was a significant impactful excursion that was contributed unfurling through the whole film’s procedures. As a side-note, the film is a lttle bit a “tragedy”, so for people who inclined to crying during these emotional ardent motion pictures… .get your tissues out."
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