#holi indian restaurant
restaurantholialmere · 3 months
If you are planning to visit Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, then must visit Holi Almere Restaurant for experience good Indian Restaurant. Holi Almere Restaurant, Best Indian Food Restaurant in Havenzicht, Amsterdam. A selection of appetizers, curries, and side dishes are available on the tasting menu, or you can order individual dishes. Try their Lamb Biryani and Chicken Tikka Masala to get a flavor of North India's culinary history. Book your table now and prepare to embark on a culinary journey through the vibrant tastes of India.
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stayathome-ts · 1 year
Oh FUCK mango lassis are good-
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getoswhore · 2 years
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gyanshilakitchen · 1 year
Suji Ke Ladoo | Suji ke Laddu | Rava Ke Ladoo | Rava Ke Laddu | Gyanshila Kitchen
1 cup semolina (suji)
3/4 cup sugar
5-6 TBSP ghee
Chopped nuts (almonds, cashews, Kishmish)
1/2 tsp cardamom powder
1/4 Cup Milk
Heat a pan on medium heat and add the semolina to it. Roast the semolina for 5-7 minutes or until it turns golden brown in color. Keep stirring the semolina constantly to avoid burning it.
Once the semolina is roasted, transfer it to a bowl and set it aside.
In the same pan, add ghee and let it melt.
Add chopped nuts to the ghee and sauté them for 1-2 minutes.
Add the roasted semolina to the pan and mix well with the nuts and ghee.
Cook the semolina mixture for 5-7 minutes or until it becomes fragrant and turns a deeper golden color.
Add sugar to the pan and mix well. Cook the mixture for another 2-3 minutes.
Add cardamom powder and mix well.
Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool down for 5-10 minutes.
Once the mixture has cooled down, add water to it and mix well. The water helps to bind the mixture together.
Take small portions of the mixture and roll them into balls to form laddus. You can make the laddus as small or as big as you like.
Repeat the process until all the mixture is used up.
Let the laddus cool down completely before serving or storing them in an airtight container.
There you have it, a simple and delicious recipe for Suji Laddu that you can easily make at home. This sweet is perfect for any occasion and is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. So, give it a try and let us know how it turns out! Thank you for watching
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aeqghrwen · 2 years
Up to 10% Offer Order Now Holy cow Indian Cuisine
Order Indian food Takeaway & Delivery from Holy Cow Indian Cuisine Restaurant
Sanctuary Point Menu, NSW. Get up to 10% OFF Use Code: OZ05.
Order Now – https://www.ozfoodhunter.com.au/holy-cow-indian-cuisine
Download the OzFoodHunter App:  https://bit.ly/3aOUKdp 
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writeplace-wrongtime · 10 months
The Bet
*cracks knuckles* fine, I'll do it myself.
Okay but seriously, I've only binge watched the first 6 seasons of criminal minds, so I'm probably a bit off with character personalities.
This turned into mostly the team finding out, so if anyone wants a part 2 with more scenes pre-reveal I'd love to write it!
masterlist coming soon
Word Count: 3k
CW// brief mention of kidnapping case, use of y/n (i'm sorry), not beta'd
‘When was the last time you saw Hotch leave before the rest of us?’
The most recent case had been a relatively short one, allowing the team to get back to Quantico reasonably early. A young man caught kidnapping local women, caught easily when he appeared on CCTV taking his latest victim. Three women, three days. All had minor injuries, but all were alive. It had been the ideal end to the case and no loss of life meant the paperwork was minimal.
Emily’s voice caught the attention of Derek, who followed her gaze to the elevator, where the Unit Chief stood waiting. He raised his eyebrows, trying to think back on the last few months of late nights, week-long cases and multiple middle of the night calls.
‘Not since before his divorce,’ Spencer piped up helpfully from behind his desk, packing away the days half-finished reports and case notes before he too looked up. ‘Hey, has anyone seen y/l/n? They mentioned going for food on the jet, and I know this really nice Indian restaurant not far from here, I was going to suggest we all go.’
Now that Emily thought about it, she hadn’t seen you after you’d gone to Hotch’s office to drop off your report. Barely five minutes later, Hotch had made a beeline for the elevator, leaving unusually early compared to normal, and then you too had disappeared.
‘Holy shit.’ The dots were connecting in her head. ‘They’re totally hooking up!’
This gathered the full attention of everyone in the room.
‘Who’s hooking up?’ Penelope had her bag in hand as she peeked in the door, drawn to the gossip like a moth to a flame.
‘Y/l/n and Hotch!’
‘Oh my god!’ Penelope was quick to rush over to the group now huddled around Emily’s desk.
‘No way,’ Derek was shaking his head, arms crossed over his chest. They’d been working as a team for years, there’s no way you and Hotch were in a secret relationship, and no one had noticed. ‘Come on, you really think they could have hidden something like that from us?’
Spencer shrugged, joining the conversation fully. ‘Hotch hid the fact that Emily was alive from all of us for months, so a secret relationship wouldn’t be that hard for him.’ Emily grimaced at the comparison, searching for any hint of bitterness in his tone, though found none. He had been hurt that they hadn’t trusted him to know the secret, but that hurt had faded over the couple years since Emily had returned. He offered her an apologetic smile, as if only realising what he’d said.
‘Want to make this more interesting?’ Quick to bring the conversation back to inane office gossip, Emily reached into her bag to pull out her purse. ‘100 dollars they’re doing it.’
‘Oh, you’re on. 100 they’re not.’ Derek placed two fifties on top of Emily’s two. Another two went down, and they both looked up to see Spencer sheepishly tucking his wallet back into his pocket.
‘I think they’ve been dating for a couple weeks now, I assumed everyone else had noticed.’
Quickly, Penelope had joined, and much to everyone’s surprise, so did Rossi. Penelope thought they’d just started dating, and Rossi thought it had been at least six months. JJ scooped up the cash, promising to be a neutral party to assure the winner got the whole lot. Plus, when this inevitably went wrong, she did not want to be involved in the fallout.
‘Okay, but how do we get them to admit-‘
‘Or not admit,’ Derek cut in.
‘Or not admit, what’s going on?’ Emily mused. Everyone’s eyes instantly went to Penelope.
‘Oh no, no, no-‘
Penelope’s office felt quite cramped with some many people in it, the space only meant to house one technical analyst, not one technical analyst and five nosey special agents. Five nosey agents who were all huddled around Penelope to peer at the screen over her shoulders.
‘Oh it does not feel right tracking their phones like this,’ Penelope’s fingers danced across the keys as she brought up both locations, ‘My powers should only be used for good, not- not snooping on our friends personal lives!’ Still, she let the trace run its course, displaying the address for the others to see.
‘That’s Hotch’s apartment.’ Spencer recognised the address immediately. Two little dots blinked on the screen, Hotch’s address hovering above them.
‘So they’re together, that doesn’t mean they’re hooking up.’ Derek knew his argument was weak, but hell he had 100 dollars riding on it.
‘Oh come on, they sneak out and go to Hotch’s apartment and you think they’re what, making cookies?’
‘Kids, stop fighting,’ Dave put a hand on both Derek and Emily’s shoulders. ‘Why don’t you just phone y/l/n, invite them for food, see what happens.’
‘You think they’d lie to us?’ Spencer asked, as Penelope pulled out her phone and dialled your number.
‘They’ve been lying to us about this for weeks, if you’re bet is right anyway,’ Emily nudged him with her elbow. He nudged her back.
‘Technically it’s an omission not a lie, since none of us directly asked if they’re-‘
‘Shhh its ringing!’ The room fell to silence as Penelope put her phone to her ear.
Even though it had been a short case, you had been looking forward to getting back. And by how quickly Aaron had offered up his apartment for a movie night, he had been too. It was important to keep a clear line between boss and boyfriend while in the field, and it was only professional to stay in separate rooms during cases, so it felt good to have Aaron back in boyfriend mode, with comforting touches and quality time away from the office, away from the titles and roles that accompanied your positions at the BAU.
You had finished your report in record time. It was pure luck that everyone was too caught up in their own work to notice you slipping away. After dropping your report on Aaron’s desk, you had made a quick exit, waiting by Aaron’s car until he joined you in the car park. It had become routine to leave short gaps between your arrivals and exits, allowing the illusion that you had travelled separately, from different apartments, in different cars. It was a short ride back to his apartment.
You had only just settled back against Aaron’s side, a bowl of popcorn perched between your thighs when your phone buzzed.
‘Hey beautiful, where’d you run off to?’ Penelope’s sweet voice rang out from the other end of the line, ‘We’re going for food, you coming with?’
You glanced sideways at Aaron, who kept his eyes on the TV, though you knew he was listening in by the way his arm tensed around you. You gently squeezed the arm closest to you, relaxing further into his hold so he knew you weren’t planning on leaving.
‘Sorry Pen, not tonight, I’m, uh, not feeling great after today’s case…’ You trailed off, hoping she’d accept the excuse and you’d be home free. You should’ve known it wouldn’t be as simple as that. There was pause, and you could’ve sworn you could hear hushed conversation. Must’ve been the rest of the team packing up to leave. You felt almost guilty that they were still at the office, when you’d left as soon as your own report was done.
‘Oh honey!’ Her voice was laced with sympathy, ‘That’s it, we’ll bring the food to you! Nothing like good food and company to cheer up the soul!’ Your head fell back against Aaron’s chest with more force than necessary. Curse her and her kindness.
‘No, no it’s okay, really-‘ You tried to prevent your voice from giving away your panic, ‘No need to go out of your way! Tell the guys I said enjoy!’
‘Its not out of our way at all! See you in twenty, gorgeous.’ The line went dead before you had a chance to respond. You could feel the vibrations of Aaron’s quiet laugh behind you, tilting your head back to look up at him.
‘You think this funny?’ Your words were pointed, but the smile on your lips gave away your hidden amusement. In lieu of an answer, he leaned down to pepper kisses along your shoulder, the side of your neck, anywhere he could reach. You savoured the warmth of his lips against your skin, a soft moan escaping your parted lips as the kisses became more heated. Tilting your head back to give him easier access, you let out a disappointed whine when he instead detached from you, gently pushing you up until you were sitting straight.
‘They’re going to be at your apartment soon,’ He reminded you, giving your arm a squeeze before moving to stand. Your cheeks were flushed red, taking a few steadying breaths as he took the popcorn from your lap, placing it on the coffee table, before holding his hands out to you. Shooting him a mock glare, you resigned yourself to getting off the comfortable couch and getting your shoes on. As much as you loved your co-workers, so much that they were practically family, you really did not want to spend the evening with them, not when you could be curled up on the couch with Aaron, pretending the outside world didn’t exist.
‘Shit,’ You nearly tripped over your untied laces in your hurry to turn, ‘My car’s still at the office, Aaron I don’t have time to get back there, get my car AND-‘ Your words were halted by the soft press of his lips on yours. Clearly, you weren’t the only one wishing you could stay. Melting against him, your hands found purchase on the solid expanse of his shoulders, fingers digging into the soft material of his t-shirt. He pulled back, just far enough so he could press his forehead against yours.
‘I’ll drive,’ His voice was quiet in the minimal space between you, ‘Tell them your car broke down and I offered you a lift home.’ You just hummed your agreement, too caught up in his closeness to really be paying full attention. Overwhelming warmth encompassed you as you breathed in the faint smell of his cologne, trying to catalogue the feeling in your mind as your panic disappeared with the gentlest of touches.
‘Or,’ You offered mildly, blinking up at him through your lashes, ‘We could just turn our phones off, lock the door, and deal with all of this tomorrow?’ Soft open-mouthed kisses were pressed to the column of his throat in between your words, hands climbing to wrap around the back of his neck. Your fingertips teased the baby hairs at the base of his skull. You knew he wouldn’t take you up on the offer, even when his hands gripped at your waist, pulling you flush against him as he once again claimed your lips with his.
 It had been a tough decision, keeping the relationship from your team, but you had both ultimately decided that it was for the best, at least while things were still new. Then, six weeks had turned into six months, and six months into nearly a year. It was becoming harder and harder to keep a secret, and you nearly wanted the team to catch on. You’d met Jessica, and had a proper introduction to Jack, even going so far as to have gone to a few of his soccer practices at Jack’s insistence. You had been slowly moving your stuff into his room, small things like toiletries, pyjamas and a few spare work outfits. You spent more time at Aaron’s apartment than your own. You loved it. What you didn’t love, was having to hide it all from your friends.
‘We really should go,’ Aaron murmured against your lips, ‘At least you’ll get free food out of this.’
You laughed softly at that, pressing one last kiss to his lips before pulling back, cheeks dusted pink. ‘I’d rather have you.’ A rare boyish grin was your only response, before he turned to grab his keys and you quickly tied your laces. You were soon on the familiar road home.
They didn’t wait around to see if you were rushing from Hotch’s apartment, instead piling into the back of Derek’s car haphazardly. All but JJ, who had familial responsibilities, and Rossi who just wanted to go home, managed to fit into one SUV.  If Rossi had been with them to take some of the blame, Derek might’ve even thrown on the sirens and lights. Instead, he skipped through a few orange lights, and just barely stuck to the speed limits. When they arrived at the Indian restaurant, Spencer was sent to pick up the order, being deemed least likely to do something stupid like flash his badge for quicker service. Emily followed him inside to help carry it all back to the car. Even without the badge, they managed to make it in and out in under ten minutes. Luck was on their side, getting them to your apartment just 25 minutes after Penelope had hung up on you.
When they came to a stop outside your apartment complex, your car wasn’t parked in its normal spot, and they had a moment of celebration before Spencer realised the light was on inside. A light that meant you had beat them.
They all had to hide their disappointment when you greeted them at the door, not showing any sign of having rushed from one apartment to the other. Being one of the closer apartments to the office, yours was often used as a base for nights out, girl’s nights, and team movie-nights. It was the team’s apartment more than it had ever been just yours. Moving seamlessly through your kitchen grabbing plates, cutlery and glasses, Emily and Penelope set to organising the food, while Spencer and Derek moved your coffee table to the centre of the room so everyone could sit around it. It warmed you to know they felt at home here.
‘I’ll have to get someone to look at it tomorrow,’ You sounded morose enough that Emily almost believed your “car trouble” story. She just hummed her commiserations before stealing some chicken from your Jalfrezi. As much as she’d hoped to catch you and Hotch in your lie – or omission as Spencer would remind her – she enjoyed spending time with you, and this had been the perfect excuse for a team night.
‘Hotch didn’t stick around after dropping you off?’ Emily asked casually, scooping up a mouthful of curry with the edge of a poppadom. If you noticed the groups sudden interest in your conversation you didn’t show it. You shook your head, pushing the thought of his hands on your waist and his lips on your skin, out of your mind.
‘He was just being nice, he probably has better things to be doing after a case than hanging out here.’
Derek had to hide his laugh with a cough. You frowned at him, but before you could question it, Emily dragged you back into a conversation about Sergio and how he stole her bagel the other day. She glared at Derek when you weren’t looking. Conversation flowed easily after that, and it wasn’t long before everyone was on their second helping of food and the booze cupboard had been ransacked.
‘Hey babygirl, you seeing what I’m seeing?’ Derek had just sat back down with his second full plate when he spotted it; the start of your downfall. He nudged Penelope, nodding his head toward you. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before rising nearly to her hairline. A sharp “oh my god” left her lips, before she covered her mouth. Just beneath the edge of your oversized t-shirt, a small red mark was blooming on your skin. It looked suspiciously like a hickey. A very, very new one at that. Penelope’s little outburst was quickly noted by Emily, who paused mid-conversation to notice what they had. Her shit-eating grin matched Derek’s perfectly.   
‘What?’ You frowned at her, quickly glancing at Spencer opposite you. He shrugged, offering no help.
‘Maybe Hotch stuck around for a little while after all?’ There was a teasing lilt to her tone as she reached out to tug your collar a little lower. You could feel heat rising up your neck into your cheeks, a beautiful shade of crimson. Covering the offending mark with your hand, you tried to come up with an excuse. Nothing came. Opening your mouth and then closing it a few times, you tried to look anywhere but at your friends. You were caught and you knew it. They knew it too.
‘Is there any point in me saying I burnt myself?’ You tried for a smile, but it turned out more like a grimace.
‘Nope.’ Emily said, popping the “p”.
‘Aaron and I, we, uh…’ You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, your blush darkening, as Penelope mouthed “Aaron!” at Emily, who practically giggled. You were going to have to restock your alcohol cupboard before they came round again. You took a breath, glancing around the room. All eyes were on you.
 ‘We’re dating.’
There was an immediate outburst of “oh my god!”s and “I knew it!”s. You had expected to feel awful when your secret was finally out in the open, but all you could feel was relief. Well, and a tinge of embarrassment. Warmth bubbled in your chest, looking around the room at your team, your family, knowing you didn’t have to hide it from them anymore.
‘What ya thinking about over there?’ Emily nudged your arm, a small tendril of guilt creeping through her. You’d obviously wanted to spend your evening with Hotch, and instead they’d dragged you away in a hurry, all just to invade your privacy. A small grin broke through your façade.
‘I’m thinking, seeing as it’s not a secret anymore, I can leave you losers and go back to spending the night with my boyfriend.’ A chorus of cheers followed your words, and someone (you suspected Emily) shouted “Go get some, girl!”.
Spencer wrinkled his nose at that. ‘Gross, remember that’s Hotch we’re taking about, he’s pretty much our work dad.’ His words caused a laugh to bubble in your chest, and you leaned over Emily to plant a big kiss on his cheek.
‘Guess that makes me your new work-mom!’ He made a big show of wiping your kiss from his cheek, but the small smile that followed gave away his charade.
‘What are you waiting for beautiful? Your man is waiting for you!’ Your wide grin echoed Penelope’s as she ushered you up and out of the living room. Your overnight gear was already at Aaron’s, so all you needed was your shoes and phone. You felt almost giddy as you threw the spare key to Spencer.
‘Don’t stay up too late kiddos!’
‘Hey, hold on a second,’ You glanced at Derek, who had started stacking plates to take to the kitchen, ‘How long has this been going on?’
‘Oh… Y’know, only about 11… months.’ You shot them an abashed smile, before darting for the door as all hell broke loose.
‘You didn’t win the bet either!’ Emily and Derek’s argument floated out the door with you, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Of course they had bet on it. You didn’t have it in you to care, instead shutting the door with a sound click. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you dialled Aaron’s number.
‘Hey handsome,’ You couldn’t help the smile that carried through in your words, ‘You want to finish that movie?’
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broken-mandolin0357 · 24 days
BTS and their Indian! S/O
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BTS - 방탄소년단
✣ They happen to have a Indian S/O and so they finally experience some Indian shenanigans || Crack, Headcanons, Fluff|| boyfriend! bts x reader| Fem!Reader|
✣ this is my first post, hope you all enjoy it! This is no insult to anyone in particular, all is in good hearted manner, apologies for any mistakes, tell me if there is anything offensive, I will remove it, but this is not meant to marginalize anyone, just something I wanted to write out. Not to offend anyone or put hate on anyone or anything. Also Hindu! Reader.
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Kim Seokjin - 김석진
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☍ Seokjin with an Indian! S/O is a match made in heaven; you both come from big and divine cultures where you have a lot of amazing food and very pretty people! Seokjin is going to be so happy seeing his Indian! S/O, who is not afraid to show off their culture too other people.
☍ If there is one thing Seokjin loves about India, it's India's food, doesn't matter if it's street food or high class restaurant food, he enjoys street food more often though, enjoying Pani-puri, dahi puri, chaat, dabeli, vada pav, pav bhaji, omelets, etc. Does not care what it is, he is not afraid to try new things!
☍ He wants to see you in all the ethnic dresses of India!!! And now he realizes, how many sarees an Indian woman can have, some of which dates back to eight generations and how expensive they actually are, gets mental break down seeing how many sarees and clothing you have.
☍ Also he no longer does any maths, he asks you to do it and you do in your mind wayyy quickly than anyone else, cause you know Indian's love for maths and anger reach everybody...
☍ He was so shocked to see how less of meat consumption there is in India, literally all the food is vegetarian and so amazing! He packs up bags of foods from family events, weddings, hotels, restaurants and what not to bring to the members so they could try it....
☍ Literally always the victim of aunties bullying how call him, "Gorahae...." and maybe "girlish" always having emotional damage form your family, but all the aunties also fawn over him, feeding him, caring for him oh so gently, while treating you like shit....
☍ He also just I N H A L E S Indian sweets or pani puri, does not matter, he also loves the soda sold on streets, like the tingly feeling on his tongue...He sees how underdeveloped the country is but how caring, traditional, respectful and beautiful it is, nothing like how the Western movies perceive it to be!!!!
☍ Also, you know how women make their husbands pick out of so many beautiful choodees, some made of glass, some of china, some of metal, yeah he wants to buy all, not for you sometimes though, no for himself so he looks pretty just like you!
☍ Oh! He sees how often Indians wear gold, like pure gold is worn by children, who have no sense of money and just put it in their mouths, but every single person he sees has at-least something made of gold on them, might be fake but the amount of gold there is, it's scares him....
☍ Please take him to a mela (Indian amusement parks) he is going to be so happy, it's like seeing a child who has never been to an amusement park, you both will definitely go on the dragon swing ride or something like that.
☍ He will be smug and then you both will be screaming your heads off, because he is scary and when it ends he is rapping about you scaring him and forcing him to go there while his legs are shaking....
☍ Loves to watch romantic Bollywood movies, he claims that he is the embodiment of 'the flirty hero' in the Bollywood movie, so sweet and caring, loves to help you cook and respectful of all the elders and everyone, even if he doesn't know them!!!
☍ He finds the similarities between your cultures to be very nice, how you both are very caring of your elders, the amazing food, and the importance of education, divine cultures and so much more!!!
☍ He is definitely gonna rap at someone for playing Holi wrongly, and then someone will put permanent colour in his face, the silver one which is very hard to get out, so put on oil all over him and if it doesn’t work, well I guess more shower time with you, no?
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Min Yoongi - 민윤기
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✥ Yoongi, first and foremost love your culture, how it is very similar to his, how developed it is in many aspects as compared to many other countries in matter of behavior, culture, mannerism, festivals, relationships and much more.
✥ Yoongi very much loves Hindi songs, he finds them to be very catchy and amazing! He sees so many Indian singers and finds all their voices so unique and pretty.
✥ He also learnt about that one musician whose singing could make it rain or blow off a candle, he also started learning Indian classical music just so he could sing for you and ARMYs better!
✥ He finds Indian movies amazing as well, how musical they are, how many good points they serve and their story lines as of whole, he has watched so many with you.
✥ He has maybe learnt Indian curse words and would often angrily scream them at the boys whenever he gets mad and it scares them because it's like a different language to them and they feel he will curse them in some or the other way...
✥ He loves to see you dressed up in a traditional outfit with some jewelry, he doesn't care if it's a event or not, he loves to see you in in, reminds him of his own roots and reminds him how your country is important in your upbringing.
✥ Yoongi also loves Indian food, might be a tad bit too flavourful for him at times, but still enjoys it very much! He especially the non-vegetarian options of foods, reminds him of home with the spiciness and flavours, also treat him to momos, he's going to be so happy, mainly because you would remind him how his mother called him a boiled dumpling. <33333
✥ Take him to clothing markets of India, they remind him of the similar looking ones in Korea, except the ones in India are way crowded making him a bit scared but it's fine, he enjoys seeing so many clothing shops, food shops, jewellery shops, and you bargaining with the shop owner and buying things for 100 which were originally being sold for 700...
✥ One guilty pleasure of his is sneaking into the kitchen at night and making himself a packet of maggi and eating fridge cold rasgullas, he likes the chewy feeling when they're cold as compared to when they're at room temperature....He doesn't know why...
✥ He likes studying about India's past, he especially loves the superstitions because everything has some logic behind it for people following it, he also developed the habit of flipping flippers if he sees them upside-down.
✥ One more thing is take him to prepare for a wedding in your family, he sees how everyone no matter if you know them or not, if they're relatives, they all visit and help, women in the decorations and getting the bride and groom ready while the men do in the food, photography and others, everyone is needed to help and he has much more than happy to help your family.
✥ He always participates in prayers at Diwali, though gets a bit scared of blowing fircrackers, he refuses to ignite them in the beginning, but after a little bit of convincing, he agrees only if you go with him!
✥ Oh! Your cousins tie him rakhi, btw. Rakhi is a festival celebrated on love between brothers and sisters, does not matter if they're sibling or cousins, its where sisters tie rakhi on their brother's wrist and then brothers give them gifts in return, he gives every-single future sister-in-law and brother-in-law an envelope filled of 2000 ruppees ...Guess it's good being rich...
✥Oh, you know Yoongi will definitely say he is not going to play Holi and then will throw water balloons, use pichkari to spray water on you and put both pink and silver permanent colour on you and your teeth, luckily you’re prepared for his betrayal since the morning, so you lathered yourself in oil, and if you didn’t, well good luck….
✥ Also, he is gonna make so many rang-golis with you and others, he isn’t sure how to pick up the powdered colour and what to do if a colour is finished, but he’s got the most amazing spirit, and please teach him how to colour like he’s a kid, it’s gonna be so fun!!
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Jung Hoseok - 정호석
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♮ One word, he loves to see classical dances of India, there are so many classical dances of India and each require a set of knowledge of music and rhythm which can easily be learnt by anyone, he has tried to learn a dance and convinced boys to try out Kathhak and Bharatnatyam it ends up with them bruising their feet as you and the instructor laugh and have fun watching them.
♮ He also likes to watch South Indian movies with their amazing dance and songs also he is in love with KGF series and Pushpa, also RRR. He really likes songs of Indian movies though, he sees how they're perfect for dancing to and he practices Hindi songs with you.
♮ Also, him giving you the confidence to wear a traditional outfit in front of him or at an event to show how pretty you are... It's one thing because why not, you slay every Indian traditional outfit you wear! People are honestly so sensitive and so when he tries on a outfit, he makes sure you're in the pic with him to show that he's not a rude tourist and that it was your idea and so antis get no thought to hate on him and they go back to insulting how he has a lover....!! He'll save you from hate, no worried.
♮ Also, take him to eat food at chowpatis, especially baraf ka gola (ice stick) basically, shaved ice which is shaped and dipped into flavours and yogurts. I personally think he’d enjoy momos and dahi puri. Also maybe shikanji. He likes the sodas.....find them fun but also scary cause he fast he has to drink after the man places the powder in..
♮ He likes watching Indian movies, he finds them interesting and enjoys the songs in between them, he likes the storyline and the difference between a Korean drama and your movies. He will learn the dance for fun and practice and he will sing the songs too!!
♮ He loves to play Holi, but please put oil on his skin and hair because keep in mind, you will be putting permanent colour on him, also even if it’s not permanent, the colour does stain and he dyes his hair regularly, so it might be better for him to have darker hair.
♮ He likes Anupama btw, he loves to watch Indian serials, where there is drama between the mother-in-law, sister-in-law and female lead! He will then spread this to the boys and then whenever you’re watching the tv, when it’s the time for the show to come on the channel, they’re all pushing you out the frame to watch it and the tea is always hot and spicy to hear out!
♮ Jhope will be loved by your families, he is loved by the aunties, the uncles, the dadas, the dadis, the fufajis, the mausajis, the mausis, the mamas, the mamijis, the buas, basically everyone and you get the point, even the toughest nuts of the family like him!
♮ Your family will be a bit doubtful because well you’re Indian he’s Korean, so what if something goes wrong, they don’t want you to be in pain, but maybe let them chill out with Hobi for a bit and they’ll be asking to ask for a faster wedding date. Also, question by your parents, they asked me to ask you, Ahem! “WHEN ARE YOU GIVING US GRANDKIDS?!” Thank you!
♮ Whenever there is an event and there is music, he’s the first to dance at the event and he makes everyone feel confident enough to go crazy and he invited everyone to dance, teach him the dholak dance between the women of the family, you know the ones where you repeat the same steps while going around in a circle but it’s very fun? Yeah, those ones, he’s very good at them as you’ve seen!
♮ Every single cousin and sibling wants to tie a rakhi to him, especially your sisters are excited because he’s their future jiju after all~~ Okay and he gives everyone a handmade gift with some money, like he makes cards, gets dresses, and makes them a lot of bracelets! He makes the rakhi you tie on your brothers himself as well!
♮ Whenever you take him to a mela, prepare to be tired out because in his opinion, it’s so fun! He goes on E V E R Y  S I N G L E ride, He cannot handle himself and he pays for everyone! He buys every lady in the family the nice cheap jewellery which is sold in the fair, he buys you some as well until you stop him..
♮ He will always go with you and the elder people of the family to check your cousin or siblings or whoevers arranged fiancée or lover it. He wants to make sure your cousins and family is in good hands.
♮ His sister will absolutely be decorated by your family, she’s so fricking pretty and when she wears a lehenga, it may seem a bit too heavy on her, but she feels beautiful and she looks so pretty like her brother as well!!! She’s prettier than you as well!!!
♮ Hobi and the boys will join you for an Indian movie night, he and the boys will sing their hearts out whenever the music comes on and you and Hobi will dance together. And then he and boys will learn the whole choreography and dance it and maybe cope some of them steps for their next music video.
♮ Also, he looks SO HANDSOME in a kurta, please, do not try to convince me otherwise, you and him will wear matching clothes!!! He will also try to match accessories and then the boys will match as well and now you’re all matching!!!!
♮ He will always have fun during Diwali, he will learn about why cow dung is so important and reason behind everything you do during your festivals and then he will join you as well!! All the ladies will also gossip with him!! Some things he finds a bit weird, but pretty open to cultures...
♮ Is shocked how many ARMYs are there in India, and how less he hears from them when SO many things are also done here. He is happy to meet them and promises Indian ARMYs for a concert in India!
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Kim Namjoon - 김남준
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✤ Now, if there is one thing we all know is that Namjoon always loves to learn things. And he is the most invested in your culture! He finds the story so interesting and he is always ready to listen to something you say and he asks ‘What’s the reason behind it?’, even if it didn’t exist in India…
✤ Namjoon is also very much interested in Indian classical music and classical dances, especially KathaKali and Kathak, he is so intrigued to see how a person can produce such facial expression with such a strong eye movements and how it’s so interesting!!  Also how a drama can be shown through dance, he finds it very sweet and amazing!!
✤ Namjoon LOVES Indian curries, now he is surprised at how less of meat consumption there is of meat and even if somebody eats meat, Pork or Beef is off-grounds, mainly cause Pig is considered a impure animal and it’s meat is taboo and cows give us milk and it is our god’s favourite animal and it’s considered a family member and so eating it’s meat is said to be wrong...
✤ Look at me and tell me he won’t look handsome in a kurta…… I DARE YOU. He looks so pretty!!! He looks so pretty and his smile and his body and his thighs and and- Okay, sorry for the break-down, but let’s be honest here! He is looking phenomenal! Of-course your sisters will tease you, but it’s all in good fun, he looks like a prince, not our fault!
✤ Namjoon is always the one whom your family loves a lot, he’s THE standard of the cousin, all your cousins including you are being compared to him, and it only affects your cousins though, because you know GOD IS FAIR. They come to you asking how you got such a boyfriend and you explain how he doesn’t know how to drive or cook and they try to laugh it off but realize how they’re still gonna be compared to him….
✤ Namjoon is always so eager to learn and he will sit down with your grandparents who are watching those mythological shows, and then he will ask you to translate or explain it to him and if you don’t, he will ask your grandparents and then you will translate whatever they explain to him and he’s so excited to bond with them, your grandparents will love him so much!! I just know it deep in my veins!
✤ Namjoon very much likes Indian treats, especially sweets, more specifically rasmalai, or mango-rasmalai, he loves it, so delicate and sweet, and sugary and pillowy!! He is very generous at times, but he definitely doesn’t share it! Maybe after a lot of convincing by either the boys or you, he will give you a few bites…
✤ You know one thing, he is obsessed with Laila-Majnu love story, it is very similar to Romeo and Juliet, and he tries to understand everything, how Laila was a noble and Majnu was a commoner and thus they couldn’t be together and how when one of them was hurt the other would also sustain the injury because of how strong their love was. Also how even after Laila’s marriage and execution of Majnu they managed to be together in after life, he loves it, he cried a bit ngl….
✤ Namjoon is much obsessed with Diwali, he is surprised how easily Indians handle cow dung, he could never…But he finds everything to be very fascinating and fun, he definitely spends time with the kids who can’t handle sitting still while their parents do the rituals...Then you and him will burn crackers for as long as you all can!! Of-course you have to stop him and the kids, cause they don’t realize they’re using crackers meant for the next day and you have to tell them to stop otherwise there won’t be any crackers left to burn the next day
✤ Namjoon likes celebrating Holi as well, finds it to be fun and nice and gets to eat good food and spend time with you and family….Especially when the playful people of the family life his shirt to put permanent colour and find his abs and stop and freeze in the moment….
✤ Ooh, he will watch ‘bhabhiji ghar par hai’ maybe?? Idk…I’m not sure, but I do get the vibes that he will enjoy it, despite it being kind of stupid, but then again he will also enjoy some Hindi literature and devolve himself in it for a while!!
✤ Namjoon also very much enjoys the celebration of a wedding, especially how a family is heavily involved in everything related to the wedding, the designs, the venue, the outfits, the dances, haldi, the theme, the food, the video, the photos and everything else, he is always ready to involve himself and maybe the boys will help around as well, though they may be a bit ignored for they’re foreigners, but they’re happy to help around wherever they can!! But I guess we try to put our differences aside, but Indians have TOO MANY RELATIVES and so no everybody knows them, so introduce the boys as your friends and Namjoon as your fiancée and then get roasted a bit and asked whens your wedding date…
✤ OMG! HE IS SO SURPRISED AT HOW MANY BTS FANS OR K-POP FANS IN GENERAL ARE THERE IN INDIA?! He is always ready to put on concerts for his fans, and after the interview with Sakshma Srivastav, he wanted to meet more fans and he did and he is surprised at how many people are excited to see them, he's happy for such a new found group of people he didn't knew existed, but he likes it either wayyy!!
✤ Oh, please if there's a wedding or something where you're putting on mahendi/henna on your hands, please put some on his hands too!! His hands look very pretty and he likes the time to be spoiled like a the pretty baby he is..He finds the smell to be very 'naturey', you don't know what it means and neither do i...
✤ He will invite your cousins, friends or siblings to his studio so they could ask if he did good on his songs, only you're very favorite people come and yes they all agree with the tunes that they're nice...gorahae boi...
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Park Jimin - 박지민
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✿ Mr. Park Jimin is probably obsessed with rom coms from your country and also the amazing songs and soap dramas, he will sit with you before you go to bed and he will ramble about how tulsi got another husband after just divorcing her ex-husband and how turns out tulsi’s first child belongs to her second husband??? Yeah, no I don’t understand either, but my mom does this…Anyone else? Anyways, yeah, you go to sleep thinking how hot and steaming the spicy gossip tea is…it’s all fictional…
✿ Jimin would always be happy to go out with you and eat at chowpatis, he is always hoping you don’t have to cook and he goes there with the boys often to the point where when he enters the chowpati with you, the shopkeepers greet him saying “Gora ladke, heyyyyy!!!” While waving their hands and some usual customers remember him as well, cause well he's sorta famous and he comes very often, the food is good and cheap…not his fault, nice experience and these things are something he only gets to experience and you get to see his mocha cheeks, win win!!! Of-course be careful about food bacteria..
✿ Jimin is very much in love with colouring rangolis, if you know how to, please make one for him and if you don’t…cry…then try your best to make one, then once you’re back is hurting and you’re tired, he will kiss you sit down like a princess getting ready to be kind and start colouring prettily, you teach him if you know how to, if you don’t...Kind of sad, but it’s fun trying new things out for both of you!!!
✿ Oh don’t ask why, but I think he will like anklets, on himself and on you, cause it is a social construct and yeah, eh will put them on in the house and walk around, his anklets jingling as he moves his feet or when he’s on a dance practice, he anklets jingling, the boys teasing him as he dances and then they all get distracted and now you have seven boys stealing payals from you if you have some, if you don’t they’re gonna order online or ask your parents for some…please restock, they’re gonna break…
✿ You know, I heard some someone that Mochi is Korea’s rasgullas and rasgullas are Indian mochis, and this haven’t left my head, so our mochi boi likes the pearly, pillowy sweet rasgullas as he squeezes the sugar syrup out to make sure nothing drips out and then he will feed some to you, it’s a sweet moments for you both!!
✿ He will dress you up and himself up for Diwali and Navratri and do graba with you, teach him some steps, he will dance and join you and if you go to those huge places where people learn how to dance for days and then one the final days they have colour coded dresses and then winners and all that things are done, he will come with you there and ready to dance and spend a night in ethnic outfits!!
✿ He is very much ready for Holi, he is gonna fight with colours, completely wet, with water balloons, permanent pink and silver colour, with huge water-guns, and buckets filled with colours and water in it, get ready, he is not gonna go down without a fight…
✿ He is ready to fight anyone who says Indian does not have good Ethnic outfits, he’s ready to fight and he will do so while wearing a sari/lahenga/kurti, just to show he a man can look pretty in it as well...It popped in my head, forgive me…
✿ He adores shopping with you, especially for jewellery, he is gonna be beside you while you bargain or someone else whom you brought with you bargains and get the thing for price three times less than it was originally for!! He is gonna try on things and you tell him which looks the prettiest on him, they will surely look good on you as well, you’re a couple after all!! And then once home, you will wear it and send photos and when he comes home, he will wear the jewellery and then you will have a mini photoshoot!
✿ He is gonna dance the kathak, teach some steps or look up on youtube, please, he will find ghungroo online, buy them and wear ghungroo and maybe he will whine because the thread is too tight and it hurts (like I used to..), but you explain it needs to be tight as to make sure it doesn’t open…you know he will fall if it does happen…and he tries to understand but I guess it doesn’t work, he still will tie them a bit loosely, also he gets to learn that Bharatnatyam and Kathak both have different types of ghungroo
✿ When you introduce him to your family, they will poke his cheeks and call him cute and sweet, your cousins will like him, and the ladies are FAN of him, like how could they not be?? Then men are a bit skeptic, but they get over it mainly cause he’s nice and like a fairy roaming around..
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kim taehyung - 김태형
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▨ Okay first, let's get the obvious out of the way, he's just as crazy as a Desi family, he's gonna fit right in, perfect boy! He's already loved by family, more than you or anyone else cause look at his achievements and look at you, reading this! Of-course he's your family's favourite!
▨ He loves to go out in chowpattis to eat, sometimes when he doesn't want to eat rotis, he will idk, go find some random cow or dog and give it to them cause he saw some old lady do it...I used to do that to escape yelling from my parents, but yeah, it's what he does. But he loves your cooking, worry not!!
▨ If you call him a Korean nickname "Jagi", he will call you a Desi nickname "Jaanu", it's no-negotiable, you can't be saying anything, unless you want him to call you something, then he will.
▨ You and him will be watching Indian soap dramas, especially "bhabji ghar pe hai?!", it's his fav genre, comedy and idiocy, if you can put on some subtitles, do that. He would love to watch movies as well, he finds them amazing, kind of upset, he can't understand hindi because when you both watch comedy he sometimes doesn't understand and you have to explain it and it ruins the fun?
▨ He wants his hands done first for henna, because he loves it, and he is obsessed with it as well!! He also helps you around if your feet and hands both have mehendi/henna on it, he will help you around unless he is also occupied, one of the boys will, and if they are occupied, then who knows who will help?
▨ He looks SO GODDAMN HANDSOME IN A KURTA!! I once saw a edited photo of it, and he looked like a goddess!! You both can match in Kurta and lehenga or saree or something and you both can be attractive and steal attention at family event's.
▨ Oh, the parent's wishes on having grand-kids will increase twice-fold cause well he wants kids, your parents show him photos he shows his photos, they fan-girls and now they're constantly thinking what your child will look like..
▨ Loves to dance with you on Indian songs, loves Bollywood films and songs and dances with you and watches a lot of films with you when he gets the time! Sometimes Tannie is also dancing and watching with you, if you have a dog, good and even great if your dog and Yeontan got close, you're a cute family!!
▨ Loves to fire crackers on Diwali, honestly always waiting for the day to end so he can get started on playing crackers at night, one the forth day when he sees and learns the uses of cow dung, he is a teensy bit grossed out, but will stay open-minded, though will stay away from it like I used to, unless they ask him to help and he doesn't want to feel bad and the boys laugh until they also get roped in it then they all wash their hands like three to four times just in case cause in the end it is still poop, no matter how useful, but find it a bit fascinating how useful it actually is.
▨ Will loved by cousins and kids of the family and others in general due to how playful he is, when he gets the time, he will helping cooking and even wake up early and bath so he can help the grandparents in bathing gods, dress them up, put the cool sunglasses on them, etc. I used to do it as a child where I would wake up early to bath so I can help bath god's idol we have, you all have that??
▨ Language barrier, but you're the translator, they don't understand songs or anything, but they're happy for the fame he receives, you and him will definitely go famous for being sch a gorgeous couple, an Indian and a Korean!? DAMN! Anyways, you're all gorgeous, Indian or not!
▨ He is another one who is shocked about the insane amount of ARMYs in India, he never knew there were so many ARMYs in Asian countries other than Korea, Japan, China, etc. But he's happy and is also keen on performing for Indian ARMYs when he can!
▨ Loves to colour in rangolis, finds it a bit hard to stay within the lines, but always happy to colour, make a separate rangoli for him,he will happily colour in it when he can. Also, loves the amazing gifts he gets sometimes from your family members as a honorary future family-in-law member, so he also gets gifts for everyone.
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Jeon Jungkook/Jeongguk - 전정국
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☁ Now, another cutie who loves to go to chowpati. Anyways, it's easy convenient, etc. He enjoys Indian food a lot, it reminds me of the video where they first ate paneer. He has loved to try some dishes made from paneer after that, the sodas sold on streets, the food, maybe his stomach will handle it, maybe not! But, he is definitely happy with all the food
☁ He is also loved by your mama, he's so cute, so respectful and so caring. And he's good at everything and he helps her cook, plays with the little kids (if you have some) in your family, with the help of you being the translator, he sits and watches TV shows or helps fix things or simply sits like a pretty boy on the side.
☁ He will absolutely dance with you on Hindi songs when he can, maybe with Hoseok, the maknae line when he can. It's so fun, making them dance on the most random songs.
☁ He loves to spend time colouring in rangolis, it's fun, he is great it for some reason and after one or two lessons, he's also able to make rangolis, using the dot pattern though. Would love to help you make some if you want, always searching up ideas for you and him to do when he's bored.
☁ Sits with your grandparents with you as a translator to listen to stories from their childhood, he likes it and finds it fascinating and it makes him curious to see what types of stories people of other cultures grew up with, it's pretty fun for you and a good bonding time!
☁ Makes his angry face every time he something good and you get confused if he actually likes it or something for a moment, it's funny, cause it confuses everyone who doesn't know that the angry face means the food i good!
☁ Whenever there is a wedding in your family, he will be the one to help the dancers in the family teach others and you both will absolutely have a dance together, he will be pretty and will capture everyone’s attention and then he will award himself with a good amount of food from the wedding!!
☁ Loves to burst crackers on diwali, and eating the many types of sweets, he doesn't know one culture can have THIS many sweets, absolutely devours them and they finish pretty quickly, sometimes brings some Korean sweets for your family too! He loves some exchange of cultures!!
☁ Oh my god the sight of his tattooed forearms in the rolled sleeves of kurta, my god!! He looks so hot and he eats everyone up at the event! Slaying bitches and Saving bitches, truly, he's made for some hot Indian films!!
☁ Your parents might get him a ring or a pair of earrings of pure-gold and diamonds or maybe his birthstone instead of diamond after he's been welcomed in the family as your unofficial husband and he looks pretty in them, I can imagine.
☁ Called you "jigar ka tukda" once and laughed himself to half-death when you told him it meant or translated somewhat to "piece of your chest" or "piece of your liver", but he calls you "babu" or "jaanu", it's cringe, but he pulls it off as always, so?
☁ APPALLED AT HOW MANY ARMYS ARE IN INDIA and how come he's never met them or gotten into any contact with them, sorta upset, and will demand that there be a few affordable concerts in India, he's trying!!
☁ Would love to go around with you, loves pani-puri, the culture, and jewellery and overall such a loving cutie!! Whenever he visits, he brings gifts for some close family members and the kids, whatever they would like, just remember to tell him not to mention chicken or anything if you're veg.
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© writing belongs to broken-mandolin0357, Aurelia, Moon, Cerine, Kiara. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for ready and if you like this check out my blog!
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simsinlowspace · 2 years
Shop Local Part I - 48 Business Signs
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Hi everyone! I apologize that I've basically been AWOL this week, and also that this project has taken so long, but I finally have some business signs to share! Swatches, (lots of) info and download below!
@gold33 requested some business signs a couple of weeks ago, and it's something I've been wanting to do for awhile anyway, so I was happy to pick up the project. @basic-fictional-simmer made an additional request when I posted my WIP for these, so those are included as well! I also added in some designs I wanted for myself, which is partly why this took so long -- I kept getting new ideas while I was working.
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Here's a breakdown of everything you get (business name | tagline/additional info):
Tea House Moon | Serving Organic Herbal Teas
Deja Brew
The Daily Grind
Florists/Flower Shops
Botanica | Floral Arrangements & Houseplants
Vickie's Garden | The Magic of Flowers (because TS2 garden fairy @tvickiesims needs a flower shop in all my towns!)
Floral Escapes
Hint of Spring Florist
Royal Roses | Elegant Florals for Every Occasion
Clothesline Laundromat
Cotton & Lace | Laundromat & Cleaners
Suds For Your Duds | Wash and Wait Laundromat
Pearls & Feathers | Lingerie and Sleepwear
Alchemy Boutique | Transform Your Style
A Find Vintage | Designer Thrift Shop
Wildflower Boutique
The Perfume Garden (this one ended up at the bottom of the second swatch because I was half-asleep while saving textures last night and I messed up the file order. Derp)
Jewelry Stores
Barenziah's Jewelry Box | Unusual Gems and Other Vintage Treasures
Now & Forever | Since 1912
Stardust | Jewelry Repairs Cleaning
Corner Markets/Quick Shops
Magnolia Market | Everything Fresh Everything Fast
Sul Sul! Dag Dag! | A One Stop Quick Shop
Sunshine Bodega | Cigarettes Lotto Snacks ATM
Grocery Stores
NatureFresh | Organic Grocery
Early Bird Grocery | Early Bird Specials Low Prices All Day!
Avant Gourd | Fresh Produce at Fair Prices
Japanese Food
Bashō's Lunchbox | Sushi Sashimi Tempura Hibachi
Just Roll With It! Hand Rolled Fresh Ingredients 11 - 8 Daily
Nori & Nigiri
Caribbean Jerk
Inna di Morrows | Caribbean Jerk Eat In Takeout
Caribbean Tide | Authentic Caribbean Jerk
Korean Food
Simchi Korean Restaurant
Boseong Tea Garden
Thai Food
The Sky Lantern Thai Restaurant
Dancing Thaiger | Traditional Thai Food With a Modern Stripe
Chinese Food
Shang Simla House | Fresh & Fast Authentic Chinese Takeout
Bamboo Blossom Noodles
Red Dragon | Sichuan-Style Chinese Food
Indian Food
Three Spoons Curry & More
Tandoori Palace | Indian Cuisine All Halal
Bombay Mahal Thali | Dine-In Takeout Open 7 Days a Week
Aztec Eatery | Traditional Mexican Cuisine
Mi Queso Es Su Queso | Tex-Mex Takeout & Dine-In
Holy Guacamole Mexican Grille
Crab Royale Seafood Shack
Oh My Cod! | Fresh Seafood Caught Daily
Oasis Hookah Lounge
The Higher Path | Medical Marijuana Dispensary
Hollyweed | You Know You 'Juana Organic THC & CBD
What I have not finished yet are the "service" signs -- police, hospitals, banks, etc -- because I have some different meshes in mind for those (I love this mesh but it's definitely got a strip mall/shopping plaza kind of feel, and that seems a little sketchy for a hospital lol). They will be coming in part two!
These are on MogHughson's Illuminated Shop Sign mesh, which is BG compatible and is not included. You will need to pick up the mesh from the above link (I'll also link it near the download below). It is six tiles wide, but in case you want something smaller, I'm also working on a hanging sign add-on. Here's a peek:
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Probably should have zoomed in, but I wanted to show how it looks with the big sign, and then I got distracted by my little courtyard. XD
Icons are by Freepik, piksart, Luvdat, NT Sookruay, Vitaly Gorbachev, JunGSa, Smashicons, surang, justicon, ultimatearm, paulalee, iconriver, YI-PIN, smalllikeart, smashingstocks, Agung Rama, Futeur and monkik. Huge thanks for all their fabulous resources!
Numbered versions of the swatches are included so you can keep just what you like.
Whew! Okay! I'm going to work on the last set of hobby posters tonight, although I'm not sure if I'll have them done in time for tomorrow. D;
DOWNLOAD (SFS) | Recolors are ~1 MB! 🚨 Mesh is not included! Get it -> here. 🚨
Lots of love, Spacey
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commonguttersnipe · 2 months
Fanfic request:
Monty Python time travel AU where the Pythons accidentally time travel to the future from the 1960s/1970s BUT, instead hearing about the young Six Idiots fans talking about how the Six Idiots are "this generation's Monty Python", they INSTEAD hear about some young Monty Python fans (who are called Georgie and Shreyan respectively, and who are totally not based on us hehehe.......yeah) talking about the new (in universe of the fanfic ofc) biopic that's currently filming that day (in the present day), which is coincidentally also the day that the OG/Young Pythons end up on (in the present day). Btw uhh, the cast for fictional 2nd biopic is based on your fancast from a few months ago, which is this:
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Also also, the fictional 2nd biopic is being directed by a somewhat annoyingly ambitious but with somewhat good intentions (if a little extreme in portraying said intentions) director who has Ollie Plimsolls-like vibes + who's a massive Python fanboy, or as he calls himself a "Pythonist" (who's funnily enough also played by Reece Shearsmith, idk it kinda fits imo) called uhh "Smithee J. Allense" but who was technically nearly nominated for a BAFTA for his avante garde surreal comedy drama short film about fish people. Nearly.
The Pythons (except John who's a bit salty about hearing the new biopic) are at first surprised about hearing that there's a new biopic about them but then quickly get interested in the concept (though the OG Young Pythons aren't aware of/don't know about the previous biopic "Holy Flying Circus" (2011), which becomes a sorta running gag in the fanfic for comedic effect as other people try telling them that but they get cut off from explaining further or one of the Pythons ignores them just as they were explaining HFC to them).
The catch is that, in order to not bring too much attention to themselves and causing massive hysteria or something, the fans Georgie and Shreyan help the Pythons get into disguise as "regular people"-looking Agents with "regular people"-sounding names/alias of the modern day Old Pythons in the present day, so that the film crew of the biopic knows that they're kinda important but not too much, and that (the Pythons in disguise that is) they're there to check on how filming is going and all that jazz.
So the Pythons in disguise are:
Graham - becomes "Tommy"
John - becomes "Julian"
Eric - becomes "Derek"
Jonesy - becomes "Russell"
Terry - becomes "Jerry"
Michael - becomes "Mickey"
So the gang (in disguise) go to where the biopic is currently filming rn, which is being filmed at the BBC unsurprisingly. In fact, the scene they're currently filming is a studio set reconstruction of when the Pythons met up at and started throwing ideas at each other for their future sketch show MPFC at the Indian restaurant (which was called the "Light of Kashmir Tandoori" restaurant) in 1969.
The Pythons (in disguise) are at first nervous in case they might get caught in the act, but they thankfully easily evade getting exposed by using the fake ID cards that Georgie and Shreyan made for them back at their house (just incase).
After Smithee excitedly greets them (not knowing that they're actually fr the real Pythons, albeit the Young versions), the Pythons as the Agents of the Old Pythons get to see/watch what the scene where the Pythons (played by the biopic actors, or as John-as-Julian sarcastically calls them "the Sexified Pythons", since well...they're played by sexy actors, although Eric-as-Derek does really appreciate that he's played by Dan Stevens) meet for the first-but-not-really-first-more-like-a-proper-second-introduction-of-the-whole-troupe-but-it's-called-the-first-for-the-sake-of-plot-of-the-biopic time, the Pythons politely step in/interrupt to add their thoughts on it so far.
Whilst some of the Pythons-in-disguise, like Eric, Terry & Michael, appreciate what the actors are bringing to the table (not literally ofc) in terms of the actors acting as the Pythons, the others, like Jonesy and Graham (though Graham does like some aspects of Taron's energy to the role) (and deffo not John, though John tries to deny it but the others doubt that) feel that the performance is sorta lacking in a way, and that they need to really get into the spirit of each respective Python. So to help, each of the Pythons go with each biopic actor and help them REALLY REALLY get into the spirit of themselves, (like for example, Graham helping Taron get Gray's character, Jonesy helping Tom, John begrudgingly helping Henry though overtime John does take a liking to Henry, etc) to which we do get to see these side plots unfold as they are. Also the other Pythons jokingly tease John that Henry Shields looks so much like him that he might as well be his long lost son lol 😆.
After that happens, they'll all ready to go and get the scene done proper. And everyone had a clap, even the Pythons. Then, as everyone's having a bit of a celebration, Michael goes to where the lunch/breakroom is, in which Young Michael bumps into Old Michael, who's just so happen to be there as he supposed to record his lines for the biopic as "The Narrator". Young Michael is a bit shocked when he sees Old Michael but tries to act normal as "Mickey" but doesn't mention that's he's Old Michael's agent so that he'll try not to blow his cover (btw young Mike is wearing a fake mustache w/glasses). He and Old Michael have a lovely chat together.
Then, suddenly, Young Michael accidentally rubs off his fake mustache due to there being biscuit crumbs on there. Old Michael is shocked from this, and so faints and falls to the ground. Young Michael is shocked and nervous. He calls the others and tells them hurriedly that old Michael has fainted. An ambulance is called. Young Michael feels really guilty about this. To be continued.....
Any thoughts?? I wanna know what your favourite part is!!!
This needs to be a film, holy flying circus!!
It’s like a mix of all our ideas!!
We need to write this!!
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likeadevils · 9 months
2012 Lover Diaries Transcripts
Feb 2012
Holy Ground Lyrics
Mar 2, 2012- Perth, Australia
So here we are in Perth. It’s a beach town on the Indian Ocean and it’s beautiful. It’s 85º and sunny and yesterday I went to Cottesloe Beach – I’ve never seen water that crystal blue before. And white sand. There was this art festival going on, so there were all these sculptures set up on the beach. We laid our towels out and got tans and frolicked in the water. After our beach afternoon, we went to this restaurant right on the beach called Indiana. It was built in 1910 and looked like an old fancy hotel. It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve been, with old world arches and moldings, antique tables and big french doors opening out to views of azure blue ocean. We sat there for hours drinking strawberry mojitos and eating calamari until I was so tired, I went back to my fluffy hotel bed and slept. I’ve been thinking a lot about getting older and relevancy and how all my heroes have ended up alone. I wrote a song on the plane ride from Sydney to Perth on the appalachian dulcimer I bought the day of my flight. I bought it because Joni played on most of her blue record. I taught myself to play ‘A Case of You.’ Anyway, I wrote a song on it called “Nothin New” and it’s about being scared of aging and things changing and losing what you have. It says “I’m getting older and less sure of what you like about me anyway.” And in the chorus it says “How can a person know everything at 18, and nothing at 22? And will you still want me … when I’m nothing new.” It’s a really vulnerable song, but I think it’s important to say.
Jun 10, 2012- Los Angeles, CA
I’ve been in the studio non stop. This week I was in with Max Martin and Johan Shellback, the guys I wrote ‘Getting Back Together’ with. The first day, I had to do this corporate performance for an arena full of managers. I played Love Story and Mean, solo acoustic and Justin Timberlake was MCing so he introduced me. Hilarious sense of humor. He was making the whole arena laugh. When I finished there, I got on the plane and this idea came to me “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22.” I wrote the entire chorus on the plane ride to LA. When I landed, I went straight to the studio and played it for Max and Johan. They loved it. I was so excited. I wrote 22 about how much fun I’ve been having this summer and this year in general. It’s so carefree and sounds like a summer anthem. I was floating on a cloud after we wrote it. The next day I brought them a chorus called 'Trouble’ that’s about how I should’ve known what I was getting into. We came back to 'Trouble’ and it turned out to be absolutely amazing. It’s so edgy and unexpected. It’s almost dub step. My friends love that one the most. I love writing so much. It’s the only thing that makes total sense to me. If I missed a day in the studio, I’d be so mad at myself. God I’ve been having such a beautiful life lately. I can’t believe it. It’s like there’s magic in the air. Friday was my day off. I woke up and went hiking. Then went home and showered. painted my nails, daydreamed about our trip for 4th of July. Taylor
Oct 17, 2012- Los Angeles, CA
This Love lyrics
(2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 & 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 & 2017)
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amsterdamvegdine · 3 months
Indian Restaurants In Amsterdam To Spice Up Your Life | Holi Indian Restaurant
Experience the exquisite flavors of authentic Indian cuisine at Holi Indian Restaurant in Amsterdam. From traditional curries to tantalizing tandoori dishes, our menu is a celebration of India's rich culinary heritage. Discover Good Indian Food Restaurant in Amsterdam with the perfect blend of spices and ingredients, served in a welcoming atmosphere that transports you to the streets of India. Join us at Holi Indian Restaurant, which is conveniently located in Amsterdam, for a delicious journey through the diverse cuisines of India.
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pastafossa · 1 year
pasta, me starting to read the new chapter, see the word “naan” reading further AND SEEING JANE ACTUALLY USES HER HANDS TO EAT if it’s not obvious im ethnically *south* Indian so even tho most of the times indian food ends up being stuff from northern india, im still happy for any representation if that makes any sense- that being said, what’s your favorite dish? Also did you know that South Indian foods are primarily vegetarian and there’s lots of tasty as fuck shit you won’t find on a northern indian menu????
Aaaaah I'm so happy you enjoyed that! Eating with your hands and the naan bread was how I was taught to eat it the first time a friend introduced me to Indian food, so I was hoping that was accurate! 😅 And I totally get being excited to see a piece of that in a fic! In a place like NYC, one of the lovely things about it is you can get anything there since the city's so diverse. It's a massive melting pot and I try to show that in the food everyone's eating in the fic and i'm now living it since i've moved to a big city and can try EVERYTHING.
I did NOT it was primarily vegetarian but this makes SO much sense cause I've definitely spotted the difference between the menus! And as a vegetarian I'm always happy to not get a 'uuuh we have... a leaf we found outside? Vegetarians eat leaves right? You're an herbivore, we'll get you some leaves, TEDDY GO OUT AND SHAKE THE TREE AND GET SOME LEAVES.' And now I'm finally in a big city again that actually has both Northern and Southern Indian restaurants, including a south style like 2 mins away (old town had none, and closest town only had 2 northern Indian places, so I mostly only got southern when I was traveling). Favorite might be paneer chettinad, I could eat that all day, oh my god. 😩 OR MASALA DOSAS, holy SHIT those are good. Tried those at a street festival while traveling and I swear I ascended, turned my ass back around and ordered a second round, I need more. Still hunting for some here but I'm optimistic! I'm also happy to hear any recommendations if you have favorites. I'm slowly working through all the local southern places and their menus and there is so gd much to choose from now that I can access it. 😂
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definitelynotshouting · 6 months
Do not apologise at all for responding late!! Holiday burnout is so real, theres sm to organise so I understand completely 😅. I hope youre getting some rest between xmas and the new year, or that at least whatever you have planned isnt too hard on you :)
I am 100% willing to believe you blessed my flight lmao, hopefully it works on the way back as well :D
Is it weird to say i dont think ive ever had a blackberry before?? Idk i might have had one when i was a kid but when you mentioned the blackberry jam I completely blanked. So um. Hope it was good?
Oh no your cat!! D: Hope he's all better now
YES I WOULD LOVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT MALAYSIAN FOOD!! I would show u pics but um 🧍->🏃‍♂️💨. Ur gonna have to google it king LOL. The first day back my dad and I went out to a mamak stall (basically just a restaurant for malay-chinese-indian food), and I had roti canai (a type of flatbread with curry) and teh tarik, which I have missed dearly. I dont typically like normal english breakfast tea so getting to have authentic teh tarik was SO GOOD. Teh tarik (translating to "pulled tea") is made with condensed milk and gets its name from how after the drink is mixed it gets continuously poured over and over from one container to another until it gets super frothy.
I've also been getting reacquainted with my favourite fruits 🥰 that you cant get in Australia like mangosteen and jambu air (ai-yer). Mangos and dragon fruit you can get in australia but. um. Theyre bad. They just taste like sweet water. Also unfortunately for me rambutan i havent been able to find rambutan 😔😔. Those look similar to lychee but they taste pretty different, less tangy and sweeter.
Ive gone out with a friend to have cendol (c promounced as a "ch") which is a cold desert with coconut milk and rice jelly, along with other toppings should you choose it. Im also in the process of convincing my bff to do a 3h road trip with me specifically for food in a city called Ipoh 😭 wish me luck.
AND, im getting one of my relatives to teach me how to make rendang and char kway teow. The rendang specifically because the one she makes i prefer over what's usually made in restuarants. I think it's a state difference in recipes or smtg? So the ones you'll find in restuarants are KL/Selangor rendang and she makes from Kedah. Thats just a theory tho im not actually sure.
🧍 i realise this ask has become like 70% about food so i apologise. But. In my defense you asked >:) /j
ANYWAY. I hope youve gotten a break from the holiday work or at least have one coming up <33 Take care of yourself; indulge in your cheeses :D
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SUN ANON HELLOOOOOO im so excited to hear you got those desserts, those sound AMAZING...... also i looked up all the foods you mentioned and MAN THESE LOOK GOOD.... im a shrimp lover im gazing so hard at the char kway teow...... 👀👀👀👀👀 also holy shit these fruits look so cool???? Thats WILD ive literally never heard of these before and im having a lot of fun looking them up online and reading about their flavours and stuff!!!! Incredibly curious about mangosteen, i was not expecting it to be white inside when i looked it up and just like, the contrast of the purplish rind vs the white insides is SO neat to look at, like that feels really good on my eyeballs if that makes sense JSDBEKDNMDD also also teh tarik sounds and looks amazing i want to try that SO bad now omg
Its so funny you say that about blackberries bc where i live we have them literally growing everywhere on the side of the road AKDNWKDNKWDN in the summer when they start putting out fruit one of my roommates will sometimes go out and just pick a bunch for the whole household, and they always taste SOOOOO much better than the store-bought ones. Im genuinely not sure how to describe the taste of blackberry other than like. Its very sweet but also very tart (i go for the slightly less ripe ones tbh bc i prefer tart things to super sweet) at the same time, and sorta pops in your mouth a little bit when you chew it. Honestly its one of my favorite fruits i would highly recommend them if you can find em anywhere!!!!
My resolution this year is a bit silly but i wanted to go for a very fun easy one, so its to use every sticker i own this year :] ive already started by putting a few on the creeper minifridge that my roomie got me for xmas 😂😂😂😂😂😂 and i have some scrapbook ideas as well to use my fancier ones that my friends have gotten me!!!! Also you are so valid about the writing-- tbh if you wrote more than expected then it sounds like you succeeded instead of failed, so thats awesome!!! :DDD
I hope you're doing well on your travels, sun anon!! And when the time comes may your flight back to Australia be as peaceful and pleasant as the one you experienced when you left it :]
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momo-de-avis · 2 years
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Here’s a hilarious fact one of my clients taught me today. Apparently, this bollywood movie from 2017 filmed partly in Lisbon was such a success,. it singlehandedly increased tourism in Lisbon and brought thousands of indian people into the country. The movie features a scene with a pretty well known fado singer (Cuca Roseta) in a restaurant singing fado, and that restaurant alone has seen so many new clients because of this scene alone. There are travel agencies in India that arrange tours entirely around this movie.
This movie alone brought such an insane fucking increase in tourism to Lisbon, the director was awared by the portuguese government 😂
What’s so funny is that my client told me this because he and his friends had reservations for a fado restaurant, and it’s the restaurant featured in this movie... and not only did the director actually picked a really fucking good restaurant, he chose a fantastic singer. Like holy shit this is so goddamn funny like LOOK AT THAT POSTER AT NOTICE THE NUMBER 7 PERFECTLY FRAMED WITH THE SCOOTER AND THE FLAG, HOW DID YOU GUYS HIT THE NAIL SO HARD ON THE HEAD LMAO
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tsunflowers · 1 year
something crazy is going on downtown bc I saw a fire truck, an ambulance, three dte trucks, a mobile command unit, two backhoes digging up the street, and a tow truck towing another fire truck, and it stinks like smoke
holy shit an Indian restaurant I’ve been to a couple times burned down
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grymmdark · 8 months
holy shit the indian restaurant near me has a brunch buffet lets fucking goooooooooo!!!!!!
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