#holy hell this is refreshing
quatari · 2 years
i think i might have caught a mania stage fixated on work. holy hell am i lucky. life is good. being mental is great. i am so productive im going to fucking idk. earn money I guess. and be my best self
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queer-reader-07 · 10 months
you know what i think is interesting? the way that some people have just flat out decided that aziraphale being in hell during the body swap wasn't even a little bit traumatic.
we obviously know it fucked with crowley (see: the telling jim to jump out a window scene)
but what about aziraphale? sure we have no concrete proof it messed with him, but we also don't have proof to the contrary
"oh but he was just laughing about asking for a rubber duck". when has aziraphale ever actually been upfront about his feelings? he consistently outwardly acts like things are fine even when they very much aren't. i don't know about you but me personally? i wouldn't put it past him to be jokey about it when really it messed him up inside.
sure the holy water isn't painful to HIM. but he's down there knowing full well that it was supposed to be crowley in that bath. it was supposed to be the love of his life melting and dying in that bath. and it was to be put on display for all of hell to watch. in the same way that crowley was up in heaven knowing that gabriel told aziraphale to shut his stupid mouth and die already. the same way crowley knew they were reveling in ending aziraphale's life.
like, idk. i just think that maybe aziraphale also has a lot of trauma to work through and him working through it and his shitty coping mechanisms is part of the growth he needs to undergo in season 3.
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 5 months
Yes, of course I have a thing for the rich lady that sets up elaborate games to hunt and eat people for sport. She’s British she’s posh she’s old she’s commanding and she’s morally revolting. How the hell am I supposed not to have a thing for her
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weirdassstarbits · 2 years
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jinkies! (in official lesbian)
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magnusbae · 4 months
Hello my dears, New day, new horrendous Chrome UI update. 🎉🎉🎉
Fear not, even while they removed the flags from the settings which permitted to disable it in previous waves, and really want you to use their new UI, and really do act like a bully who just doesn't accept the word 'no'— there's still a way to disable it :)
thanks reddit user diegounion 🤍
Basically you right click the icon of the chrome wherever you usually use it, this guide will be for taskbar, under the cut other locations if you need :)
1.CLOSE ALL CHROME WINDOWS!! 2.Right click the chrome icon on the taskbar:
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2.right click the chrome line again and click "properties"
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3.inside the tab "shortcut" on the target/destination line, you must add the disabling of the new update in the following manner:
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You will see this written: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" you will need to add, with a space, this: --disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel It'll end up like this: "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-features=CustomizeChromeSidePanel 4.Apply and it's fixed, cheers :)
copy pasted from reddit for the other chrome shortcut locations:
If you have Chrome pinned to the start menu, open Windows Explorer and navigate here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs When you find the Chrome icon, repeat the six steps. If you have Chrome on your desktop, you do the same, repeat the six steps.
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
as a deep Jyn Erso lover I do also wonder if part of the reason she’s kind of.. written as she is in the movie and expanded materials is due to the Disney reticence at actually unpacking the base structures of having a main point pov character who’s both child soldier and a freed prisoner/death camp survivor. that stuff is there, it’s in the text of the movie, but it’s also not something that would be overly lunch-box Strong Female Character cartoon appropriate to dig into more, which is probably... kind of why they didn’t 
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reikunrei · 2 years
fuck im so sorry but i’ve really got my brain hooked on mike/will sam/frodo parallels and it will not let go
thinking of the samewise the brave/the tales that really mattered speech and like..... makes me think of the possibility of getting a mike monologue aimed at will like how we got a will monologue in the van.......
and just.... im foaming at the mouth over like. maybe will is super exhausted or hurt or losing hope or something, and he turns to mike for comfort, or mike sees that will needs help, and he pours his heart out to him
will said that mike makes him feel like he isn’t a mistake. mike is the one that gives will the strength to be himself, because he’s allowed to be himself around mike. along with his mom and brother never forcing him to conform, his best friend makes him feel safe enough to be as open as he can, to be unabashed in his desires (even if that desire is simply to play a game of dnd). mike doesn’t judge will for who he is, and will knows that
and i think that finally in s5, mike will understand that will makes him feel the exact same way, and he’ll think he’s so stupid for having tried to ever be someone else, to conform to the image of Cool Mike he’s crafted in his mind, when will has loved him all this time for exactly who he is. he’ll look at will, being so willing to be himself with all of his flaws and secrets, even if they’re scary, and all because mike never judged him for being different. and mike rekindles that hope in will because, just like how mike makes will strong, will makes mike strong. and he can try to be strong for will all over again
the world is dark, they’re in danger and haven’t been out of danger for 3+ years, and it looks like there might not even be a happy ending. but they can’t turn back now, because there’s some good, some love, in this world that’s worth fighting for
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Familiar Faces
Summary: How would Adam and Lute react to seeing a Fallen Angel back in Heaven?
A/N: I know we technically already saw this when Charlie and Vaggie came up to Heaven but this time I want to do it with someone who may have meant a bit more to the both of them.
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When Charlie first told you she wanted you to come to Heaven with her you outright laughed in her face. You, a known Fallen Angel, go to Heaven? The idea was just as laughable as it was dumb.
Then Charlie actually took you to Heaven. In the few seconds you thought it was wise to laugh at Vaggie's dismay of being pushed into the weird swirly portal, a tight hand had wrapped itself around your upper arm. With a harsh tug, you were suffering the same fate as Vaggie.
Just like you had many years ago, you were faced with the bright colours of Heaven.
Fortunately, you weren't left alone with Charlie and Vaggie for long as two of the Seraphims came to join you, leading you around Heaven. Of course, in these moments Charlie could hardly contain herself, ready to rush off to explore or point out something that you and Vaggie had seen countless times.
All in all, it was rather peaceful being back in Heaven. Seeing some of the old buildings or community areas that you had spent so many years in was almost refreshing; given the harsh contrast that Hell was compared to all this. You didn't outwardly express any of this though. Keeping your arms crossed or firmly placed on your hips.
But with Heaven's dwindled population, it wasn't hard to run into people you knew. So when the familiar colour pallet of gold, white, grey and black showed up in the corner of your vision, you couldn't help but try and nestle your way in between Charlie and Vaggie to try and slip past their vision.
Alas, your efforts were for nothing.
With a booming voice, Adam yelled to get your attention as well as everyone around you. What you would've done to be in Vaggie's place and simply ignored with nothing but else but a shifty side glance.
"If it isn't my favourite ex-angel!"
Even though all the attention was on you, you couldn't help but try and slip away from the limelight. With a quick hand though, you were pulled into Adam's side in a tight sidehug.
It would only be when you're tightly tapped at Adam's side, his nails digging into your arm while Lute flocked to your other side, staring over at you with a carefully blank expression that Adam would hiss into your ear. "Who let you back in here?"
"Wait, you two know each other?" Charlie would exclaim, her eyes widening slightly with a glimmer of hope residing in them as a plan to get Adam and Lute on the Hazbin Hotel's side came to mind.
It was only when she noticed your deadpan stare, the way Adam's hand may have been gripped a little too tightly around your arm and how Lute seemed to be itching to get closer that perhaps she might have misjudged the relationship you had with the two prior to your fall.
Sera would have to cast Adam a raised brow for the guy to release you, no amount of struggling or shoving on your part goading him to release you.
That wouldn't be the end of it though. Like any good 'friends' seeing someone who had been cast out of Heaven in favour of rotting in Hell, Adam and Lute decide that there is no better way to spend their afternoon other than to follow you, Vaggie and the Princess of Hell around as you attend to business.
On numerous occasions, Adam would try to tug you in one direction or the other, prepared to run off with you whenever everyone's back was either turned on you or was preoccupied with something for the moment.
Each time ended in small little scruffles as you tried to push yourself away from Adam, not above trying to fight the First Man on Holy ground even if it meant being shot out of the sky again.
If he wasn't trying to steal you away from the group, Adam was making loud jokes, sometimes making you the butt of the joke while other times it was someone else. Normally it would be Vaggie but it was more likely you who he was laughing at. Recapping your graceful fall from Heaven or any other blunders he could think of.
Lute wasn't much better on her part.
Unlike Adam, whenever one of the Seraphins looked back to check on what was happening or Charalie and Vaggie got ready to jump in, she would be stood patiently waiting for the tour to continue once Adam's antics were dealt with.
—Except that one time she was caught cheering Adam on as he tried smoothing your head into the ground.
It didn’t even matter if the Seraphins or your friends were looking, Lute decided to make your trip to Heaven just as bad as you’d thought it would be by walking too close for comfort, making comments about previous exterminations that you had taken part in, trying to reminisce on activities you had taken up when in Heaven to try and kill boredom.
That was something that Hell was surprisingly better than Heaven at. There was never a dull day. Even if there was it would only take you a short commute from your hotel room to find either Angel Dust or Alastor for your boredom to be banished, the both of them entertaining enough in their own ways.
By the end of the little tour Heaven was providing Charlie, you were prepared to scream.
Vaggie did nothing but spare you a pitiful glance. At some point further down the line than you, she had been in the same boat, though now she was just glad it wasn’t her that had to deal with the antics of Adam and Lute.
So putting on a brace face, you reminded yourself it was only for the day, maybe only a few more hours. Before you knew it you would be back at the hotel and hiding away in your room, reading to stay there for the rest of the day and only crawl out when an essential was needed.
When that time finally came you pushed past any of the sinners who tried to greet you with a flash of your middle finger as you vanished from their sights, all of them turning to Charlie and Vaggie to find out what had happened.
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thorias · 7 days
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s2g, we're all gonna get fat as hell with how much Gail Simone is feeding us.
Holy gods, it is refreshing to finally have a writer who actually likes Romy together, doesn't write them as dysfunctional or treating each other like shit, etc. They actually get to be a happy, loving, affectionate married couple now. See how easy that is, Tom Brevoort? lol
Inject this issue into my veins, Gail. You're doing the lord's work.
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lxvvie · 1 year
Pls more knitting circle Simon! It’s so cute and adorable!
You have asked and I shall answer. Hopefully lmao.
When Simon first walked into the room, it was like time had stopped. Everyone's eyes were on him. Everyone. He should've just followed his gut instinct and hauled ass when he was outside the building.
His introduction was awkward as all hell but all they needed to know was that his name was Simon. And that he's in the military. Sure. Yeah. The ladies, though skeptical at first, were so welcoming that he couldn't find it in his heart to correct them and tell them that his name was most definitely not Silas.
The first few meetings were a little frustrating, admittedly. Simon figures he doesn't have the hands for knitting—they're too big—but the adorable meemaws don't give up on him. They're patient enough to guide him through the process and he's ambling along.
Simon has officially been babygurl'd. The group's maternal instincts come out in full force. "Poppet, you look like you haven't slept in ages!", "Why is such a handsome face like yours frowning?", and/or "Have you been eating good, dearie?" They make sure to bake extra goods for him. "Come back next week looking refreshed or you're in big trouble, Poppet!" All he can do is mumble yes ma'am.
Apparently, he really favors one of the member's grandsons minus the... scars and, uh, frown. Er... Simon didn't believe it until she brought a picture of him and what the fuck—
Simon is also such a good listener that these lovely meemaws have no trouble telling their life stories or revealing rather... shocking secrets. One kind gran was so taken with his sleeve tattoo that she cheekily told him about the ones she's got in places that "her parents would roll over in their graves if they knew" (this is punctuated with a grin and wink) and Simon wonders how the fuck he managed to keep a straight face the entire time.
When you arrive on the scene it's like a breath of fresh air because oh look, more youths are joining! Simon is somewhat relieved... until they start pairing you two together. Sure, you're nice and all, but, uh... you two just met?
That doesn't stop them from trying, though. You two get to know each other over time and as best as you can with your conflicting schedules. And then one adorable member comes along, her filter non-existent, and asks you in front of Simon, "What are your intentions with our Poppet, dearie?" and Simon just wants to spontaneously combust so fucking bad because holy fucking shit—
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lunajay33 · 1 month
Just a Taste🖤
Summary: Reader knew lusting after him was wrong, him being her gym teacher and all but when she comes across him again when the world ends she can’t resist
Pairing: Negan Smith x f!reader
Warning: Age Gap, 18+
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I know it’s wrong but god I want him so badly, sure he’s my gym teacher but a girl knows how to appreciate an attractive man, the way he’d smirk when I’d sass him back or the way he’d help me with warm up stretches, pushing his body so close to mine I’ve become addicted to his cologne , but what could I do he’s my gym teacher, sure I’m 18 but a girl can dream
The day of my graduation I finally found the courage to approach Negan, walking right up to him behind the bleachers as it was an outside celebration, a cigarette lit as he huffed out a cloud of smoke, I never was one for the smell but being around him I couldn’t get enough now
“Hey angel, shouldn’t you be celebrating with the others?” He smirked as I stood next to him
“Hmmm I’d rather be here with you Mr.Smith” I said batting my lashes seeing his smirk widen making my knees weak
“Is that so baby girl? I’m sure you don’t wanna waste your time with an old man like me, what the guys your age don’t satisfy ya?” He asks as he blows smoke in my face
“Mmm no one makes me feel the things you do”
“Holy shit darling you’re one hell of a minx, never seen this side of ya before but god is it refreshing” I took the cigarette from his hand taking a slow drag feeling the smoke envelope my lungs
“Maybe you deserve a little graduation gift don’t you think Angel?” His lips mere inches from mine as he sucked in the smoke I breathed out
“I think I do, I’ve been so good” right as our lips were about to touch screams and chaos erupted all around us
Pulling apart I notice blood all around people ripping the flesh of my fellow classmates and some people that were still lingering around from the graduation, I felt a tight grip around my waist pushing me in the opposite direction of all this mayhem
“What is happening Mr.Smith?” I asked running with him right next to me
“Don’t know sweetheart but we gotta get the hell outta here”
We got close to his truck when a group of walkers got in our way splitting us up, having to run in separate directions, I tried getting back to him but neither of us could risk it with the amount of chompers around
“STAY ALIVE! ILL FIND YA SUNSHINE” he screamed as we got pushed further and further apart
I ran and just kept running until I got back home, my family was gone they didn’t even wait for me, the realization dawned on me that I had to do this alone, so I gathered a bag and filled it with clothes, the food that was left over in the pantry and getting anything that could be used as a weapon in the garage
I changed into some more appropriate clothes for this crazy situation that this town has found itself in god knows where else
“Okay you’ve got this, all you’ve got to do is survive just survive somehow” I tried encouraging myself as I slung my bag over my back and drove off out of town having no clue where I was heading
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Gas ran out quick leaving me to wonder on foot through the Georgia woods thinking it would be safer than the roads, after 2 months of wandering having to fend for myself, running scarce of food and killing and walkers that came near leaving me exhausted and covered in blood
Finally I came to a break in the trees leading to an open field with a farm house in the middle, not a walker in sight, I sighed in relief feeling like I’ve finally found a break even just for a little while, I got to the house noticing tents set up, still early in the morning the people set up here must still be sleeping
“Who the hell are ya?” I heard a gruff voice behind me, I turned frightened noticing a man with a cross bow pointed at me, he had scruffy hair and a scowl
“Oh umm I’m sorry I’ve just been walking and I came across this place I just wanted a break, I was gonna ask…..I just need rest even just for today please” he looked me up and down before lowering his bow, his expression softening
“Come on I’ll show ya around”
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Thankfully that day it wasn’t a one day rest and the group embraced me as one of their own, Daryl became like an older brother teaching me how to hunt, always watching over me, Maggie always went out of her way to check up on me and she’s become like a sister, I got along with everyone else as well but Daryl and Maggie meant the most to me
When the farm fell Daryl saved me from being torn apart, the 9 months on the road after that looking for a new home they always made sure I got a bit of extra food
Finally we found the prison and we had a while of peace, sitting on the railing of the watch tower looking out over the yard when Daryl came and sat next to me
“Ya okay?”
“Yeah just thinking about stuff”
“Like what?”
“The day everything happened it was my graduation day, it felt like my life was just starting and I had my whole life ahead of me, I even had a guy I finally got the courage to confess to in a way, I was so excited and god I had wanted him for so long and just like that it was ripped away from me, I still hear the last words he said to me before we were pulled apart, he said he’d find me” I sighed feeling the weight of what could have been weighing down on me, I still think of Negan all the time, the way he’d wear a black top showing off his tattoos that always had me clenching my legs in class, how his arms would flex when he’d help me stretch, or when the smell of cigarette would come my way I remember taking his and feeling his lips brush against mine
“Don’t give up peach, he might still be out there, I’ll make sure ya have a future”
“Thanks Daryl”
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When the prison fell I was lucky to escape with Tyrese and Judith and the two little girls until we came across Carol, with carols help we saved the group from the cannibals, reuniting with my new family, the we were on the road again until we got saved yet again and found a new home in Alexandria, everything was going well, Maggie was pregnant, we had a home that was safe with food, I always wanted to help the group with what ever problem arises but Maggie and Daryl kept me out of it, always saying I should stay in Alexandria and help things run smoothly
So when the group came back bloodied and empty of emotion I was confused
“What happened where Daryl? Where’s Maggie is she okay?” I asked Michonne as she seemed to be the most put together of the group
“We shouldn’t have left you in the dark, we’ve been up against another group they cornered us they….they killed Abraham and Glenn, they took Daryl, Maggie is at hilltop hiding out and getting the help she needs with the baby” my world felt like it was crashing down
“What? No this can’t be true, we need to get Daryl back”
“There’s nothing we can do”
A few days went by when that group that took some of my family away arrived in the streets and Alexandria
I ran out of the house seeing Daryl in ratty clothes standing at the gates, I looked next to him and it was him…..Negan was talking to Rick my heart started pumping fast and I gasped catching the attention of him, his smirk he had dropped as the attention of everyone around was now on us, he dropped his bat to the ground and before I knew it I was running to him jumping in his arms feeling his strong arms wrap around me and squeeze me tight
“I told you I’d find you sunshine” he stated he still smelled of cigarette and that cologne that had me want him to finally take me right here right now
He set me down back on the ground squeezing my waist as I ran my hand along his cheek
“I’ve been looking for you, ever since that day, god I’ve craved your lips, your touch, I ain’t letting you go again Angel”
“Y/n? What are you doing?” I heard Rick ask from behind me
“Oh she’s mine done Ricky, been waiting to have her, should’ve never let you go that day”
“Y/n he killed Glenn and Abraham he’s the one that imprisoned Daryl” it dawned on me that this was the leader of the group that took people away from my family
I looked over at Daryl seeing how hurt he was
“Negan can I talk to you in private please” he placed his hand on my lower back and led me away from the clashing groups
“What is it baby?”
“This is my family, they’ve done so much for me, Daryl has saved me and protected me more times than I can count, if it wasn’t for him I would be long dead, and I wanna be with you, god do I wanna be with you but I need you to let him go, please I mean you still have to give me my graduation gift” I said smirking as I looped my fingers in the waist band of his jeans hearing him groan
“Fuck Angel I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’ll do it for you, he can go but you’re coming back with me, I’ve needed to feel you for too long, go say your goodbyes” he smirked as he slapped my ass as I walked back towards the entrance
“Daryl I’m so sorry I didn’t know, he’s going to let you go” he finally looked at me and pulled me into his arms
“Ain’t yer fault ya knew none of this, I can’t say I’m happy about this being the guy that ya told me about, but ya gotta do what makes ya happy, I’ll talk to the others” he said as he pushed me off back towards Negan
“I’ll see you soon Daryl”
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Getting back to the sanctuary Negan showed me around until we got back to his own room, it was nice, the nicest room I’ve seen since before everything happened
“I can’t wait anymore Negan, I need you, please. I need you to fuck me” I whined as I felt him close behind me his hands brushing down my hips
“Whatever you want baby” he groaned into my ear as he started unbuttoning my jeans pulling them down as I was quick to rip off my shirt leaving me in my black lace panties and bra
“Damn look at that body” he said pushing be back down onto the bed, quick to rid himself of his own clothes, even more tattoos on his chest that had me desperate for more
“Like what ya see baby”
“God yes, please just touch me” he smirked as he started leaving sloppy hickeys down my neck to my chest, licking down my stomach to my panties, my heart was pounding, my head was buzzing
He pulled my panties down so slowly I whined my pussy aching from need
“Look at how wet you are baby and all for me, just a little taste first” he said before he licked up my pussy slowly at first before he started eating me out like he was a starved man, running my hand through his salt and pepper hair screaming his name as that pressure started building
“Fuck fuck I’m so close don’t stop” pulling away as I felt that pressure fade
“No please let me cum”
“Oh you’ll be coming angel, all night long” he laughed as he ran his cock up and down my slit jumping when he’d smack my sensitive clit
“Fuck I don’t think you’re gonna fit” he was huge, thick and long it had my mouth watering
“Oh it’ll fit and I’m gonna fuck this pretty little pussy raw” he said as he slowly pushed in feeling him stretch and fill me up to the brim it was overwhelming but god was it everything I’ve fantasized about
Hovering over me he was biting his lip his face scrunched in pleasure
“So tight, so know how long I’ve wanted this little pussy baby, to bend you over those bleachers and just fuck the attitude out of you” he said as he started thrusting getting faster and faster hitting all the right spots, quickly circling my clit
“Oh fuck I’ve wanted you for so long, god you fuck me so good” his cologne enveloping my senses, hearing him groan into my ear, feeling his cool rings run across my burning skin, everything I’ve dreamed of finally happening feeling that pressure build and build
“Fuck Negan I’m gonna cum please let me cum”
“Cum baby, cum on my cock, be a good girl come on” he said slapping my clit again pushing me over the edge
“OH FUCK” I screamed every nerve burning with desire, my sight clouded with stars, feeling his hot cum shoot inside me
“That’s it sunshine, let it go” his thrusts slowing until he finally pulled out making whine at the empty feeling
“Wow that was……mind blowing”
“We ain’t done yet baby, I’ve got years of fantasies to play out”
This was gonna be a long night
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Taglist: @pretty-circa006 @somethingabouttheft @elliesr1fle @gigi0190 @livlaughlove03 @sst4r-g1rll @trishpish-blog @bewitchedbymadness
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leah-lover · 6 months
Closed for maintenance. Leah williamson × reader.
This is part 2. I took a gamble on the ending. If you don't like it tell me so that I can change it.
PS: thank you for all the support ❤️❤️.
I woke up the next day with a painful headache. The light painfully affected my eyes as soon as I opened them. At first I didn't take in my surroundings, all I thought about was the pain. Then suddenly it all came back, the party, the drinks, Leah, the kiss. Holy shit Leah I kissed Leah. “Oh no why do I do this why the hell do I always do this. Fuck.” I cursed at myself. Then I jolted up. This is not my room, it's probably Leah's. I quickly inspected the room, no longer feeling the pain in my head as I was preoccupied with the trouble I got into. I then noticed a note that said “ good morning beautiful, come join me in the kitchen.” 
I got up to refresh my hair. I was still in yesterday's clothes, so I just tidied myself and went out to join her.
I was met with the cutest sight in the world. Leah blasting ABBA, dancing and cooking what looks like eggs. With the biggest smile on my face I said “ good morning cap.”. She embarrassed turned down the music and replied “ good morning to you sleepy head, you were drunk last night so I brought you home I am not sure if you remember “
“ I do remember everything despite the earth shaking headache I am experiencing right now.” I added, which made her nervous. 
“ Leah the pan it's burning.” I pointed out. “Shit. Oh god. What are we gonna do?” she said while putting the pan in the sink.
“ Well I guess the girls are having brunch, maybe we should join them.” I suggested, afraid of the outcome of us being alone.
“ Good Idea I am gonna go get ready you tell the girls we are coming together, I mean yeah…., not together like in the same car I guess.” She blurred out while going up the stairs.
On our way to the restaurant Leah seemed nervous, she kept fidgeting with the console not knowing what to do. I just ignored the tension and stared at the window.
Once we arrived we were greeted by Katie. “ Look who just showed up in yesterday's clothes late.” She said,
“ Katie fuck off please and thank you.”She replied, ushering me to an empty seat and pushing the chair out for me. “Such a gentleman “ said Katie, which earned her a stern look from Leah.
The conversation flew rather quickly, and the girls grew tired and started to leave one by one. After a while I was left with Leah alone.
“ We need to talk about what happened yesterday, it is eating at me.” She started, “ it , you, have been eating at me since you joined. You are one of if not the most beautiful human beings I know. You are kind, sweet, and confident. You are a leader and a good friend. I ….” She added before I stopped her when I put a finger on her mouth. 
“ I need you to listen to me Leah. I can't let this go far. I have been in a relationship with my teammate. It has ruined my career. I left Chelsea because of my relationship with Niamh. I lost friends because they were hers first. I was left alone. I like the family here at arsenal. I don't want to lose that. Plus my heart is closed. I don't want a relationship. I can't handle a relationship right now.” I said with tears falling down my cheek.
“hey it's okay. It's not gonna be like that. Here at Arsenal what is mine is theirs. We have formed a group with Katie, Caitlain, Lia, Alessia,and Steph. What is mine is theirs and vice versa. That fact is known within the team. They won't only be my friends they will be your family. You won't be isolated. If god forbid something happened. Do you understand me?” She said, nervousness was apparent  on her face.
I stayed quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say or what to do. “ If you are not up to it that's okay.” She said, worry in her face. “ I don't know what to think. Maybe I just need to understand more.” I replied.
“ Let's go to  Katie's house, there you will understand.” She added, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the restaurant.
And right then and there a new chapter in my life began.
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tevanbuckley · 5 months
what do you think is the sweetest and most well written part of Buck and Tommy's relationship? When they kissed in the first episode they had any kind of meaningful interaction or when Tommy ditched Buck on the curb after their first date and Buck somehow ended up feeling like the asshole about it. If that's a sweet and well written relationship Eddie and Marisol are When Harry Met Sally.
Oh no! They kissed after one episode! How could I forget the only way to write a good on screen romance is to spend at least half a season having them dance around their feelings with enough space for the holy ghost?
And yeah tommy left buck (a grown man in his 30s btw) outside the restaurant, because rather than just not mention they were on a date, buck made up a very weird and uncomfortable lie. bffr that's a "yeah sorry, I just got a text my grandma died," level red flag. I'd have clocked out at the ally comment, and tommy managed to turn that around into flirting!
But anyway thanks for the opportunity to list some sweet bucktommy details so far:
just buck's entire face when he talks to/about tommy, that man is smitten! ((x) if you need visual proof). he has the world's biggest crush on his boyfriend and i want him to be insufferable about it!
tommy's little "so that was okay?" after their kiss kills me every time, it's gentle but also confident and forward (which i think compliments buck's personality very well)
I mean tommy felt so bad about being the cause of problems between buck and eddie, he went to buck's house in person to apologise.
speaking of gentle. Evan. I need, need someone to pick tim minear's brain about the decision to have tommy consistently call him evan, the implications are driving me insane.
the way their relationship is tied up with, imo, one of the most interesting coming out arcs i've seen on tv in years. bi buck is very special to me and like it or not tommy is a part of that.
I love the detail of buck getting tommy's order wrong, they could've easily gone the "omg, you got my order right the first time, we're meant to be!" route, but imo there's something refreshing about showing love as this thing you have to work to build vs something that magically happens to you.
and the invisible string/full circle symbolism potential is insane. The fact chimney saved tommy's life, the parallel of tommy needing to leave the 118 to find himself which in turn left a spot in the exact place buck needed to do the same. The way buck is the reason that chimney meets maddie and then years later chim (potentially) returns the favour. They've stumbled into a writing goldmine here and i think they'd be fools to waste it.
look i'll readily admit i've no clue where they might be taking bucktommy, tbh i don't think tim minear knows, but they've sure as hell crammed a lot of potential into those 2 + a bit episodes. That's what people are responding to.
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hanlimz · 1 year
midnight thoughts: [heeseung + drunk words]
synopsis: real sweet, but you wish he was sober (alternatively, you take such good care of heeseung while he's drunk that he decides to tell you how he really feels). pairing: heeseung x gn!reader genre/warnings: hurt/comfort (?), f2l (ambiguous but still cute i promise) / EMETOPHOBIA TW (nothing happens but throwing up is mentioned, be cautious <3)!!!, drunk heeseung lol, tiny skz mention (my worlds colliding), um alcohol consumption (?), sunghoon is the dd don't worry there is no drunk driving! wc: 1.4k (el oh el)a/n: inspired by model student heeseung in the first couple en-o'clocks who is unreasonably attractive but also ? a dork . that is all. (love u hee stans this one's for u hope u're doing okay lately w ur man acting the way he is.)
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[1:16AM] six shots of tequila and a raspberry smirnoff ice deep, and lee heeseung is gone. strong surges of heat rush to his cheeks to create a dizzying push and pull effect, rivulets of sweat are beginning to drip from his temples, and he's trying his best not to vomit up the fried chicken jake and sunghoon made him eat earlier. heeseung finds solace on the cool tiles of the kitchen floor; he clutches the crisp fabric of his white button down and attempts to will away the waves of nausea that are crashing against the walls of his stomach. breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth, heeseung's thoughts begin to drift back to a familiar place. he can almost feel the phantom sensation of your fingers carding through his hair; the tips of your fingers are refreshing and imbue him with a tranquility that he isn't often privy to.
"holy shit, dude—did we really let you get this fucked up?" heeseung vaguely registers jake's voice as two warm fingers reach under his jaw to check his pulse. inwardly, heeseung chuckles—leave it to biomedical engineering major, pre-anesthesiology track jake sim to presume death over everything else. glancing up, heeseung watches the genuine concern that flashes in the younger boy's gaze. "c'mon heeseung, we gotta get you home, bro. good god—[y/n] is actually gonna murder us …”
heeseung curls in on himself at the sound of your name, hiding away from the prodding of jake’s fingers into his upper arms. he wants to press his face into the crook of your neck, he aches to feel your hands cascading up and down the length of his spine, he yearns so desperately for a chance to indulge in a tender moment of unity with you. heeseung closes his eyes to relish in the way the memories seem to envelop him in a ghostly embrace, and he swears he only blinks once. the bass-boosted music and headache inducing strobe lights become mere background accompaniment to the movie playing behind his eyelids.
he swears he only blinks once, but the familiar aroma of your perfume begins to permeate his senses—bergamot and vanilla, his favorite. voices come into focus, his head starts to pound, and the reality of being splayed all over the backseat of sunghoon’s benz is setting in at the speed of falling molasses. "what the hell did you let him get into?" there's a certain venom in the question that bites at his jugular. he recognizes the cadence of your voice and the way you suck a sharp breath through your teeth with ease. "sigma kappa zeta is so out of hee's league—you couldn't have taken him to alpha tau zeta or tau chi tau or someplace that bang chan doesn't run?"
"he said he could handle it!" sunghoon counters.
you let an incredulous scoff escape your mouth as you berate the two boys in a hushed whisper, "and, you believed him? he obviously wanted to impress you idiots. god, i'm starting to think jongseong is the only one of you with a functioning brain ... "
"[y/n]!" jake exclaims, "so not chill."
"no—what's really not chill is tweedledumb and tweedledumber letting heeseung get wasted at his first frat party." you scold, voice cold as ice while jabbing an accusatory finger in their faces. jake and sunghoon hang their heads like dogs being told off for chewing up furniture; in any other situation, you might have had the inclination to chuckle, but you don't. "now, help him up to my couch and leave before i get even meaner."
everything is blurry as heeseung stumbles his way up the stairs to your apartment; sunghoon and jake are bickering with one another while supporting each side of his body—who is tweedledumb and who is tweedledumber, who let heeseung drink this much booze, who will have to recount tonight's escapades to jay, and who will have to give pity laughs to his impending dad jokes? they curse at one another until you mention the possibility of a noise complaint, and all the incessant chatter stops. in the midst of a spring night, only cricket song remains. heeseung focuses on the quiet chirping until the cool leather of your couch cushions begins to soothe the molten liquid that seems to course through his veins. goodbyes are exchanged and a door is closed somewhere far away, but heeseung's head is too heavy to lift.
he blinks again and opens his eyes to the rough fibers of an old washcloth running over the peaks and valleys of his face. the fabric brushes along the deep circles carved beneath his bloodshot eyes; concentration knits your forehead into a multitude of different creases, and heeseung can't help the pitiful chuckle that tumbles from his mouth. an airy sensation overtakes his being as he realizes that he's right where he had wanted to be all evening—with you. embarrassment still settles like an indestructible boulder in the pit of his stomach, however; shame's spindly talons sink into heeseung's flesh as he realizes just how much of a fool he's made out of himself.
"just—just wan'ed to be cool, [y/n]," heeseung slurs out, voice plagued with exhaustion. bringing his knees to his chest, heeseung attempts to keep his tears at bay. "just wan'ed to show you that i c'n be cool 'nd awesome 'nd sexy! but, now 'm just looking stupid on your couch ..."
placing the washcloth on the arm of the sofa, you move to rest heeseung's head in your lap. he gladly accepts the comforting gesture, cuddling into the soft cotton of sweatpants he realizes are his. combing your fingers through his roots and scratching at his scalp, you whisper, "for the record—i already think you're cool and awesome."
heeseung glances up at you, face swollen and eyes puffy. "really?" he asks, "so, you don't think i'm a stupid, un-sexy idiot that can't hold his liquor?"
"well, you can't hold your liquor," you muse with a hint of laughter in your voice, caressing the supple skin of his cheekbone, "but, no. i don't think you're a stupid, un-sexy idiot."
basking in the reality he was just confronted with, heeseung's drunken mind can only focus on one thing. his desperate need for clarification tempts him; desire's forked tongue beckons him towards the truth. the question repeats over and over again in his brain until it spills out—an unwilling victim of an inebriated perpetrator. "so ..." he drawls, attempting to wink but closing both eyes instead, "you think i'm sexy?"
and, you laugh. it's a euphoric sound—a beautiful melody reminiscent of spring picnics, gingham blankets, and the fragrant scent of blooming tulips. for a moment, heeseung loses himself in it; coherent thought escapes his grasp as he is overtaken by you. your touch, your warmth, the bleary image of your smile as it comes in and out of focus. you wash over heeseung in waves, an ocean of calm in a world that only seeks to burn; alluring siren song floods his mind as you call out to him over the sound of the blood pumping his ears. the cool tips of your fingers are beginning the quell the heat beneath heeseung's skin as consciousness begins to slip away from him, and a dopey grin is woven onto his lips.
"heeseung," you murmur, the ghost of a bout of giggles hiding behind your words. "hee, baby, you should really let me get up to grab you some advil."
the term tumbles from your mouth before you can help it, and you freeze. having revealed yourself, you're overcome by the desperate urge to run—but, heeseung has given you nowhere to go. his weight traps you, holding tight and pressing harder by the second. half of you wants to hear him say it back, while the other hopes for the couch cushions to swallow you whole. heeseung—though not a man of many surprises with his perfect grades, perfect attendance, perfect everything—manages to stun you tonight.
"wan' you t'call me that again, [y/n]," heeseung mumbles through sleep, "please."
"you want—" your voice catches in your throat, "you want me to call you baby?"
there's a beat of silence so long that you're almost sure heeseung has fallen victim to the salivating jaws of sleep, but he groans. the utterance is low and deep—dripping with what seems to be a concoction of mild annoyance, exasperation, and endearment. "'s all i've ever wanted, [y/n]," he replies, eyes closed and nose buried into your sweater, "you're all i've ever wanted."
another pause.
"okay," you say, meandering through the quiet for a moment, letting yourself wade towards him in this new sea of possibilities, "baby."
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greenboyfriend · 6 months
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choose a fantastic green thing (tarot reading)
"what do you need to know?" image 1: ahh, a classic. woman with fish. iridescent fish, no less. image 2: women want him, men want to be him. whether you love him or hate him, you can't deny... he is a bug. image 3: the bowl. image source not everything may resonate with you, and that's ok! take what does & leave the rest. don't force it.
hello friends. what a nice pull! you may be giving or receiving a gift as an act of charity or kindness. it seems like you’re unaware of something, but it’s not a bad thing. consider it blissful ignorance. it may be wise to stay in this state, shunning negativity/corruption. also, some of you may be dealing with children/ a child? maybe someone is having a baby?!
nevertheless, you’re trusting your intuition at this time, and it’s serving you. however, you may be a bit apprehensive about a change/transition you’re going through. know that it’ll happen no matter what you do! you’ll have to eliminate excess one way or another, cutting down to the bare essentials. it’s scary to go through change where you’re unsure what will happen, but you’ve got to do it at some point.
and anyway, you’ve got your intuition at your side. tune in with yourself however you know best, whether that be taking a walk outside, listening to your favorite song, etc, it will help you to regroup.
being sympathetic and loving towards others will also work in your favor. try to open up, and give others what you would like to receive yourself. “forgiving and forgetting” may also be relevant for some of you.
(6 of cups, death reversed, ace of cups)
holy FUCK, you need to pump the brakes. holy FUCK, whatever it is, SLOW THE HELL DOWN!!! four of swords literally came flying out of the deck before i even got the chance to shuffle. take this as the universe/your future self urging you, begging you, pleading on hands and knees, to CHILL OUT!
yes, we all know you are very determined and forthright. yes, we all know it, and we all know that has turned out very well for you in other situations. however. at this point, you’re gambling whether things will go your way, and you can tell. loosen your grip on those reigns! resting ain’t so bad!! not every moment needs to be jam packed with activities.
i feel like you know that, but you don’t want to accept that it’s true, or can’t. despite this, you’re feeling the effects. the 10 of swords spells exhaustion & burn out– finding yourself depleted, full of swords, and on the ground (in vain); all the while, the call for action has not even arrived yet. 
consider yourself. if you need to have a goal, think of it this way: how can you most effectively relax? what activities (or lackthereof) will make you feel the most refreshed when the time comes to get moving again? in a sense, take all the anxious energy you’re feeling, and put it to use by taking care of yourself. you’re not going to be able to succeed in the way you want to if you’re completely exhausted from ignoring your own needs.
so relax! if you’re not sure how, beg the universe for help. that’s what i did, and now, i have a cat. 
(the chariot reversed, 4 of swords, knight of swords, 2 of wands, 10 of wands)
your cards strike me as very sweet, my bowl lovers… after going through a trauma in your past, you’re working towards healing by opening up to those around you. now is a great time to be intimate, and not just in the romance way! maybe you’re interested in moving forwards with this, but you aren’t sure which path (which person/people, perhaps) to take. not to fear, however!! page of cups is here! let your heart/intuition lead you, and don’t be afraid to have some fun with it.
consider your emotions exactly as they are: does this person make you feel happy? secure? take your knee jerk reactions and mix them with your observations. after that, the choice should be clear.
six of swords is not always the most fun of cards (typically denoting healing, sloughing through the slop, ect) but trust that where you’re going certainly is… a blast, that is!! it may be a celebration you’re heading towards, but more than anything, it seems like you’ll gain a new sense of freedom. with the page of cups and six of swords present, this is likely how you approach your feelings & relationships, and how they’ve been impacted by your past. expect to shed some light on these patterns, and even overcome them entirely!*
these last two cards cement this message. if you go after what you want, you’re certain to meet success! it can be scary, and it might take a while, but keep trying! you can do this!!!
*for the time being, anyway. progress is not linear! sometimes it's 2 steps forwards to go 1 step back and that's ok!!!
(4 of wands reversed, page of cups, 6 of swords, 7 of cups reversed)
(pulled later: 6 of wands reversed, page of pentacles)
Ws all around my friends
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fallenhunnyapple · 2 months
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So the Poll said you guys were interested in the Human Priest!Adam AU which was a bit of a surprise honestly. But I'm very happy to talk about it~
I shared this art before for the AU. I gave a very basic description at the time, so let me get more detailed about it!
It hasn't gone unnoticed that Adam has gotten... Rather vice-ful in Heaven. One might even say sinful. And as such a public figure, that's no good. So they come up with a plan. Reincarnate Adam as a Human and let him live out a life and Prove that he's worthy of his place in Heaven. Of course, they'll take his memories and put him in a religious setting so he'll follow the proper path and prove himself.
He's sent to earth as a younger version of himself, old enough to take care of himself but still rather young, with the excuse of having been in an accident for why he has no memories (it removes the hassle of having to fabricate memories) and gets taken in by the church. He becomes the priest for this small town church. He's rather popular, his attitude, though not typical of a priest, being refreshing after their previous priest. He's made a bit uncomfortable about how adamantly homophobic some of his parish is as a closeted gay man, but he plays it off and over all he's doing well enough for himself at his church. Kinda lonely since its his Parish and not real companionship, he doesn't have any other friends or family. Not to mention he's actually been Good about not being sinful or acting on vices. Life is kinda hard.
Lucifer heard about this whole experiment. It doesn't really matter how, but since he knows, of course he needs to interfere. He... Hasn't actually gone to Earth before. He's sort of Shackled to Hell, its part of his punishment. But he finds some sort of Loop hole, using an Asmodean Crystal and some of his own cunning, he manages to make it there. Of course, he finds he still has his limits, he can't really interfere with most Humans, but Adam is a special case because while he is very much Human, he's still holy beyond any other human currently on Earth, and that gives him the chance to get close. His plan is honestly just to get him to Sin, enough to damn his soul so that Heaven would lose him when he died. He wasn't really planning on getting too Directly involved, but more nudging him in viceful and sinful directions.
And then Lucifer entered the church to meet him. Hallowed ground doesn't Actually affect him, he was an Angel once, he still has Angelic Powers and Abilities. The worst would be a vague tingling.
(take rp snippets. I'm Lucifer and Adam is @fallenguitarhero)
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The AU as a whole, though it's definitely full of sexual tension and smut, because of course it is, it's also... Weirdly wholesome?
Adam didn't really have a Chance to make real friends or feel like anyone truly cared about him, he lost his 'childhood' and then was raised by the church and no one from his past ever tried to reenter his life. Aside from the setting though, he doesn't have the long hard life he lived in his memories, so he's basically like Eden Adam all over again, childish in a more playful way, not as bitter or vindictive, not as cruel. And Lucifer is there trying to gain his trust, and having this Adam act so much like the one he befriended back in the Garden, well. Lucifer sees him as sort of a friend too. And its the first time Adam's really felt companionship like that in this life. Sure, Lucifer is the Devil, but he acts like he cares more about him on a personal level than anyone else ever has.
Does that make him more susceptible to falling to Sin? Sure. But he doesn't find himself minding when the Devil makes him Feel Things, from romantic and sexual attraction to true fondness and friendship.
And for Lucifer's part, he's decided he no longer wants to tempt Adam to Sin just to fuck with Heaven. No, he wants Adam to join him in Hell because he was Adam To Join Him In Hell.
⚠️🔞 And since I mentioned the sexual tension and smut-
Essentially, as soon as Lucifer noticed that Adam was showing interest in him from their first meeting, he knew he had to have him Carnally. It wouldn't be enough to simply convince him to sin in other ways, no. He wanted to fuck him because there's no quicker way to Damnation than having sex with the Devil himself, right? Especially as a closeted gay priest. And Lucifer has the very specific goal in mind of getting Adam to let him fuck him in the confessional.
Lucifer doesn't start out pushing sex or anything. He wants to build trust with Adam first. But it's really not that hard to get under Adam's skin, he hardly has to do anything! Adam is a sexually frustrated man who has an inexplicable draw to the Devil and it doesn't take him long to start getting off to the very thought of him, of what Lucifer would do to him. And of course, Lucifer knows. And it only takes a little more poking and prodding and nudging before he can get Adam to agree to indulge in his fantasies and make them real!
And then there's just a fun scenario in my head about them being nasty in the confessional (like Lucifer wanted) and someone entering the other side and so Adam has to do his Job while Lucifer has him fully hilted and seated on his lap with a prehensile tentacle dick that's moving around on its own while Adam has to try Really Hard to not let himself make any suspicious sounds while taking confession-
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