#honestly all entries were awesome
manonamora-if · 5 months
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hahaha thanks 😅
I took the lyrics of the song almost word by word for the story. Did not go the subtle route with this one. On the other hand, I ranked 9th on the overall game goodness... There is only so much winging it you can do 😅
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jesi555 · 9 months
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𝐖𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒. | © jesi555 — kinktober 2023
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warnings. | wlw sex yessir, fem reader, recording, twt vids [im compensating for the fact that im shit at writing smut], camgirl, hints at vivi x nami, cunnilingus, scissoring, making out yum. im not super proud of this :( lmk if i miss anything.
tags : @aizensgf, @wolflover384, @bun-parade, @3v37773, @guccilaw, @immindingmyown @ruledbyproblematique
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Nami loves her followers. After all, they rain money on her. Her tip menu is pricey, but her followers were down bad and As her no 1 fan, so were you. Sometimes Nami thought you were some pervy old man based on your tip, But money is money, and Nami loves money.
Nami felt generous recently, so she announced a competition. 131: one lucky winner, three entries max, one video of both of us, Her community post read. It was a tempting risk, so you mindlessly entered the competition.
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At around 9:30 on a Thursday night, you silently studied at your university's library, a few other students doing the same. You were in the zone until a silent vibrating buzz broke your focus. Irritated, you checked your notifications, your eyes bulging out as you saw the email from @namimi. A soft squeal left your lips as you read over the contents of the email.
Congratulations ___! You have won the 131 competition. Your proof of winning is in this email. Please take a screenshot of this email along with the attached verification number and send it to me on Instagram as soon as possible! love, Nami!
You leaned back in your chair, your chest heaving. After a silent scream, you hurriedly headed back to your dorm. After screaming into your pillow and thoroughly contemplating the reward, you finally texted Nami.
___: hii! I received an email saying I won the 131 competition! here’s a screenshot!
You awaited her response for a few minutes, but as it turned into an hour and another, you slowly lost hope. You honestly felt disappointed. Your fave just flaked out on you!
Before you could wallow in sadness anymore, a buzz got you running towards the device.
namimi: omg hi! I'm so sry for the late response! I was getting my hair done. I see you're the lucky winner!
Before you could reply, a small notification popped up, '@namimi followed you'. You quickly accepted the request and waited.
namimi: hold on, you're a girl?! thank god. I was not looking forward to having sex with a middle-aged Discord mod.
you laughed and messaged her back,
___: haha no I'm very much a girl. so do you need any information from me?
namimi: just general stuff, I'd prefer it to be face-to-face though, is that okay with you?
___: Absolutely!
namimi: cool! I'll text you the location soon!
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You bit your lip nervously. Nami was coming to meet you. The Nami. Your leg bounced up and down, waiting for her arrival. A few minutes pass as you see a head of orange hair enter the cafe. She looked around for a second before she saw your smiley face.
"Damn, you're even hotter in person." she chuckled, "do you wanna make the video today? I'm free tonight. You look good as it is."
Your mouth slightly fell open as a small 'huh' voice out of your throat. "I mean Yes!" you quickly said.
"Awesome, let's go back to my place then."
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Her home was nice. It smelt like tangerines.
"You're okay being recorded right?" she asked. Nodding in agreement, you looked over her room.
"Alright, the camera's set up. do you want a dom or sub role?"
"girl do anything to me," you spoke without thinking, processing what you said. she laughed out and asked you if you were ready.
"good. then strip"
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A new notification spelled out 'namimi is live', and soon hundreds and thousands of followers joined the livestream. To many of them, the stream was pure heaven. 2 hot girls making the fuck out? Yes, please!
namiismymommy sent 10$: holy fuck namisslut sent 2$: wait is that @princessvivi? ilovevivi sent 4$: Nah bro that's the lucky winner namisslut sent 5$: I'm so jealous
"Are you reading the comments?" Nami whispered in your ear, both of you, skin to skin.
namiismymommy sent 20$: eat her out.
"My lovely followers are asking us a favor" she moaned, "let's give them what they want baby."
You dropped down in front of her cunt, giving her lips soft kitten licks until she pushed you into her pussy. Nami getting eaten out by an equally hotter chick was a God-sent gift.
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This was probably Nami's best video yet. Not to mention, the scissoring was a highlight.
As the live stream ended, the two girls looked at the comment section.
ilovevivi sent 50$: Vivi, Nami and lucky winner threesome when?
It seems like you'll frequent her channel soon.
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꩜ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐢𝟓𝟓𝟓 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐫. 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧�� 𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠!! 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 !!
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backsideattackkkk · 2 days
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john ladue's journal entry from 7/24/13 (first journal entry). translating as much phrases as I can:
"how shameful I was. it wasn't even shameful goddamn it, it was FUCKING PATHETIC!! how I used to live on this hellhole. that was before I realized the truth. life has no meaning. it's this game we play. the only thing that separates me from them is that I know that. I don't care who you are, if you disagree with me on that then you are a damn fool. nobody exists to do anything. I wish life were never created. I wish me and everything was fucking dead. all we do is cause problems, and even if there were problems without life nobody would care about them. death is the best way to go. everyone sees death as scary. i see it as bliss. a place where no one worries, no one is sad, no fucking problems...death is nothing. just something about it makes me want to kill myself now. but not yet, I must do something before I go. I have been planning it for a while and I have started buying items for it, i'm gonna kill and kill and kill. not for fame. I don't give a shit if I get in the news or not. I am doing it out of HATE. hate for all the fucking assholes everywhere. fucking living monstrosities are what they are. I shudder to think that I am the same species of them. but I am a step higher than them. I know I am gonna die when I do this, but I [illegible] that. I will not give up to the SWAT or cops. they will kill me or I will kill myself. it will be the best day of my life. my plan is to kill my family, generate a huge fire in a field for distraction, drive [illegible], put [illegible] shit top of bombs in the cafeteria during lunch, and then go to the library. if I am still alive when I am done with the [illegible], I will go back to the cafeteria and finish off [everyone? surveillance? overall: illegible]. I'm gonna get a job to buy a 12 gauge and a rifle/handgun from one of my friends(?). I'm gonna [illegible] off the gauge and [illegible] back. if I get a rifle I DO NOT want something like an AR-15 or WASR-10. I wanna show that you.."
note: ladue made the mention in his interrogation that he did not want to use any semi-automatic guns to show that you could "still get the job done" (referring to his attack) without them.
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entry from his journal without known date, translation:
"if I would want to live in it. because, honestly, I just want to GTFO of this place. I guess I just don't care for being alive. and my situation isn't too bad. I have a good school, a good town, I don't think I have ever been actually bullied even though I said I was in that one entry, yet I really wasn't, and I don't have abusive parents. yet, my motives are for fun, because you guys are fucking annoying, and because my idol, reb did this. seriously that guy was so fucking awesome. sucks ass that he's dead. oh by the way, my school was not on alert at all. it was talked for about 5 mins and that was the end of it. no extra cops or anything. which makes me glad. so, my to do list consists new of - *steal shotgun + saw off + add pump & grip and new pump. *buy 2 pcs and make the devices with them. *if needed, buy some more nails for shrapnel *buy pipe, same size as the others with end caps *buy lantern fuel, also sight in SKS sight *get storage locker *kill everybody. <- not a skrillex(?) reference (i'm not writing the last part out. he quotes harris from hitmen from hire. why? i don't know.)"
ladue said he had an 180 page notebook, in his bedroom, detailing his plans for explosives, firearms and ammunition. he journaled his thoughts, to-do lists, supply lists, successes and failures with experimentation with different explosives and learned through trial and error. he listed what changes to make to the bombs, he had labels regarding the school's security and sprinkle system at the school. his first journal entry was in july 24, 2013 and his last one at april 27, 2014.
taken from court file:
in his journal, he made references to other school shootings, such as columbine, virginia tech, and sandy hook. ladue idolized harris and made several references to both harris and klebold, the perpetrators involved in the columbine school shooting. he critiqued what harris and klebold did right and wrong during the columbine school shooting. over the nine month time span in the journal, ladue never changed his plan of first killing his family members, starting a fire in rural waseca county to lure away and occupy first responders, detonating bombs, near the cafeteria during second lunch hour, to injure/kill students that would lure school liaison officer chrz, kill chrz, then kill as many students as he could. ladue did make changes to his plans as to the exact components and chemicals to use to manufacture the explosive devices he planned to use...
a grand majority of his journal is about the bombs, taken from court file:
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excerpts from journal according to the free press:
"I don't care if you are my best friend or my family. I'm not gonna hesitate to pull the trigger on your dumbass. Well, I might taunt you a bit before I shoot you but I'm definitely not letting you off the hook" "I just fucking hate everyone." - he wrote frequently "A.B.K." - in his journal, which stands for "always be killing."
around august of 2014 ladue's journal itself was sealed after a 10 minute hearing and has not yet been unsealed. the full 180 pages will probably never be released to the public.
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fairytale-poll · 7 months
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*Includes the original 1950 animated film, the 2002 sequel Cinderella II: Dreams Come True, and the 2007 sequel Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.
**Cinderella Romance, Romeo and Cinderella, and Cendrillon were all songs which were submitted. I condensed all Hatsune Miku songs into one entry.
Propaganda Under the Cut:
Disney Animated:
she is very iconic, she is super kind and has a beautiful dress
Submitting specifically because Cinderella III: A Twist in Time has lived rent-free in my head ever since I was a small child.
This Cinderella is most young (western) peoples introduction to this very story. Cinderella is so hopeful and by getting one small magical adventure, her whole life changes for the better. She is skilled and inspires such loyalty with her kindness that it’s hard to dislike her for any reason she gives. I’ve always been jealous of her ball hairdo too.
Walt Disney put all he had into this movie. And his favorite animation was the dress transformation scene. There’s a reason she is often front and center on the Princess group promotions.
she is the original. to me. probably the first exposure to cinderella for a solid chunk of people alive & on tumblr today. she is just a perfect encapsulation of everything that cinderella is, even if she's become warped in the public consciousness. also i'm pretty sure she's the reason why the glass slippers are so predominant in more recent retellings bc she is simply so iconic. 100/10 no notes 💜
She's maybe not the OG OG but she was one of the first animated Disney princesses and strangely enough it doesn't stop her from having an amazing personality. She's literally a slave but keeps being a nice person, forgiving and always doing her best. And the sequels absolutely didn't ruin her character. She's a sweet girl who tries to fit in but who's loyal to the person she is and who tries to change things always in a cute and sweet way to show people it's not that hard. She literally forgave Anastasia and tried to help her after all she did to her (the scene where the step-sisters destroy her dress still is terrifying to me)... she's awesome and deserves more recognition honestly...
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) No she is not the same as the original Cinderella of 1950. This girl’s biggest chance was unfairly snatched away from her. When the Prince was brainwashed she was enough to get him to double take. She was so Right that their connection over powered magic. And she had to be rescued from a ship. And was almost crushed within a pumpkin! And finally had to expose another imposter, who turned out to be just another victim of Lady Trameine. This Cinderella fought harder for her love because she knew what True Love was like and she still was able to forgive those who asked for it.
(Mod's note: the following submitted specifically for Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, but I condensed the animated movies into one entry.) Listen yes it's the same Cinderella from 1950 but she has an arc in this one! It's Disney's greatest film!!
Listen I love them both but the animated Cinderella definitly shine in every single movie she has. And she has 3.
Hatsune Miku:
(General) NUMBER 1 WORLD PRINCESS!!! Miku miku oo ee oo :) also she is portrayed as Cinderella in a lot of songs.
(Cinderella Romance) [No Propaganda]
(Romeo and Cinderella) is hatsune miku. invented existing. references several other fairy tales.
(Cendrillon) Miku Miku Miku Miku Miku.
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ur-not-real · 21 days
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I finished dragon quest v (on dragon quest day no less😁)
Spoilers ahead! (And if you plan on playing this game i wouldn't read any further lol)
Usually im quite the contrarion but honestly i can agree with anyone who says that 5 is the best game in the series, its the most emotional, has the highest stakes, definitely the most fun, etc.
While the game took me almost 63 hours to finish it sure as hell didnt feel like 63 hours (except for my massive casino grinds they felt and were long but thats my own fault)
The story of this game is so gripping, I barely knew anything going in except for pankraz dying and and i only knew that he died but no context... and him laying there and being killed just to save his son was hard to watch. Spending the rest of the game being reminded of pankraz every now and again was touching and everyone telling you that you need to save your mother only to have her be killed in front of you after you meet her once and barely get to speak to her was so chilling... Ladja and nimzo are 2 of the if not the most gruesome and heartless villians in dragon quest.
One moment i really want to mention is my entry to gotha, i knew that thats where i was headed but the in-game time was that sorta early morning moment where everything sorta has this dim blue light to it and it was really touching to me... the dawn of a new day and the rise of a new king of gotha
It sorta shocked me in the end that the player wasnt the legendary hero... but it was his son. You find that out when you cant wield the zenithian sword but it left me asking if the player was the hero but was too young to wear/use the zenithian gear and all i wanted was to use the zenithian gear like in 4 and 6... but no, your son is the hero. Which was cool to say the least! It was different to not be the hero and cool i think
Keeping nimzo a secret until the end and then his transformation and hard boss fight was awesome and i think it was one of my favourite final boss fights
And this is all thanks to my loving wife @sarahmacbitch who bought me a copy of dqv for my birthday. If you are reading this i love you hunny♥️
...still never recruited that damn metal slime though...
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crepe-of-wrath · 11 months
I've Actually Been Sticking to a Writing Task! (Or, the Half-Year Shouta Saturday Retrospective)
So I know this is really not a big deal for most people, but as someone who has a ton of unfinished fics, three or four original novels that are 85% completed or more, and even a few incomplete nonfiction projects, having consistently put something out, even if it was short or even if it was rushed, every Saturday for 26 weeks is actually something I'm kind of proud of.
Readership is not the only thing that keeps me writing--to my eternal shame (because I'm letting people down), some of my unfinished fics have had a lot of support and people who still ask me if I will finish them--but it certainly helps, so I first want to express my appreciation to every single person who has read any of these.
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Thanks also to Horikoshi and all the awesome Aizawa fan writers and artists out there for helping me discover my muse, hahaha.
So, what are the most popular Shouta Saturday fics? Which ones are my personal favorites? Which ones didn't please and sparkle quite as much as the rest? Find out below the cut!
The Top 5 Shouta Saturday Fics (by # of notes):
Aizawa gives Reader her first real orgasm
Vigorous sex with Aizawa
Aizawa ties Reader to the bedpost
Betten Court-inspired AU I
Vigilante AU I
I think the Vox Populi has pretty good taste and discernment: these are definitely some of the best mixes of smut, heart, and a (tiny) dash of plot that I have produced since starting this.
The Bottom 5 Shouta Saturday Fics (by # of notes): (fics must be at least a month old)
5. Sensual Light Bondage 4. Aizawa indulgently comforting Reader 3. Short Older Aizawa x Older Reader 2. Courtly Love AU I 1. Hero Patrol Soft Yandere I
Again, I think the Vox Populi are pretty fair here. #5-3 were all honestly pieces I wrote under the gun because I was having writer's block or because I was in a very specific mood (#4) and they don't have the development of the more popular entries in the series. Courtly Love AU I is all set up and I haven't posted any updates to it because I'm not going to post more of the story until it is ALL done. Hero Patrol Soft Yandere I is one I actually quite like though... 😭😭😭 Speaking of that...
Crepe's Favorite Shouta Saturday Fics (aka, the list where I tell on my kinks/preferences)
Yandere Aizawa x Stockholm Syndrome Reader
Sensual Bathing with Aizawa
Hero Patrol Soft Yandere II
Betten Court-inspired AU I
Undercover AU II
Crepe's Favorite Specific Shouta Saturday Moments (not in any particular order)
Aizawa insouciantly batting away the sex toy because he's here now and so Reader doesn't need it any longer, from Betten Court-inspired AU II
Reader shivering on the rooftop as she is tightly bound in Aizawa's scarf on the rooftop, from Hero Patrol Soft Yandere I
Aizawa putting on Reader's collar and then softly running his hands down her back, from Yandere Aizawa x Stockholm Syndrome Reader
Aizawa fondling Reader's wet body in the natural bathing pool, from Aizawa takes Reader to the Beach
Aizawa pinning Reader to the wall, from Vigilante AU I
All 26 Shouta Saturday Fics so far (by # of notes as of mid-July '23) (a * indicates the fic is less than a month old as of this post)
Aizawa gives Reader her first real orgasm
Vigorous sex with Aizawa
Aizawa ties Reader to the bedpost
Betten Court-inspired AU I
Vigilante AU I
Dom Daddyzawa with (slightly) bratty Sub Reader
The First One
Hero Patrol Soft Yandere II
Very Shy Shouta
Sensual Bathing with Aizawa
Reader takes care of exhausted Aizawa
Yandere Aizawa x Stockholm Syndrome Reader
Vigilante AU II
Undercover AU I
The Really Short One
Undercover AU II
Aizawa takes care (wink wink) of Reader
Betten Court-inspired AU II *
Sensual Light Bondage
Aizawa indulgently comforting Reader
Aizawa takes Reader to the Beach *
Short Older Aizawa x Older Reader
Courtly Love AU I
Hero Patrol Soft Yandere I
Reader's HS crush on Aizawa *
Domestic Aizawa *
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Again, thank you all!
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earlgreytea68 · 6 months
I have been trying to read more, and recently read "Checkout 19," which was one of those books that shows up on "Top 10 Books This Year" lists.
It was terrible. Don't read it. I thought it was really awful. There were dozens and dozens of pages that were just lists of books the narrator had read; books the narrator had not read; things the narrator could buy at a grocery store; things in the narrator's kitchen, etc., etc. I just did not enjoy it at all and I was like, "This is supposed to be great fiction?????" It felt very Emperor's new clothes to me, like, everyone thought it was awesome because they'd been told it was and no one wanted to admit that it read like someone's random LJ entries about whatever.
But then I read "Either/Or," and honestly, it's the same random-LJ-entry style, really just like reading this girl's diary, and she's got a couple of lists, too, but it was MUCH better, really great, I loved it. Basically this girl just had a better LJ, one of those LJs you stopped to actually read the entries of when it showed up on your f-list. It felt very real to me and I laughed out loud a bunch. I thought it got somewhat weaker toward the end but still really good. Oh, and I literally JUST found out that it was a sequel, oops, hahaha, I'm the worst.
Anyway, I wanted to say that one of the things that both of these protagonists had in common was they would write down sentences from things they were reading that had really inspired them. And then the protagonist would discuss why that sentence from that book had inspired them. Both of these books really were in some ways just like, "I read The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James and here's what I liked and didn't like about it." (Hence why they felt like LJ entries strung together.) But I was really struck by this shared conceit that the protagonists were carrying around a notebook to write down striking sentences. I have never carried around a notebook for this purpose, nor have I ever actually written down a striking sentence. Both of these books are supposed to be about aspiring writers as they're growing up and this made me feel like I didn't do the aspiring-writer thing fully properly lol
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yurisorcerer · 3 months
What are your top five dragons?
I've thought long and hard about this, and I've come up with a list that I think is pretty good.
Spoilers for, honestly, like, a couple things below the cut. I've tagged the post accordingly.
5. Raijin, my Dragonite from Pokemon Violet
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(Obviously this isn't specifically a picture of Raijin, my Switch is sadly batterydead at the moment, but this is about what she looks like in my head. Anyway!)
Somehow or another, Dragonite ended up being the very last Gen I Pokemon I'd never caught or trained in any way. I'd caught all of the others in SOME playthrough of SOME pokemon game over the years, even the ones people generally don't love or tend to forget about. (I will be a Lickitung apologist until the day I die.) I'm not sure why I avoided the Dratini line for so long. Some general subconscious backlash? I can't really say for sure. Anyway, I caught Raijin off the coast of Paldea in Violet and she quickly became essentially the ace of my team. As it turns out, Rain Dance + Thunder with an Electric terra type is a pretty good combination.
4. Black Hole Dragons, from a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew sourcebook
I looked and looked and to my IMMENSE frustration, could not find a copy of the old-school D&D homebrew sourcebook that these things are from, but please trust me and hear me out here.
Black hole dragons as depicted in this book, a truly ridiculous bestiary of appropriate foes for Epic-level adventurers, were bizarre snaking collages of geometry that could grow to be larger than the size of the visible universe and erase people from existence by breathing on them. After encountering these when reading these sourcebooks at the impressionable age of uh....like, 23, vanilla D&D's usual array of chromatics and metallics don't do a ton for me anymore.
3. Nicol Bolas, from Magic: The Gathering
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This guy.
This fucking guy. This is how you do an impossibly powerful doomsday villain right.
Nicol Bolas is a dragon who's also a dimension-hopping wizard. As part of what is by my estimation one of Magic's last good sets, he also kills a bunch of faux-Egyptian deities and takes their place as the divine ruler of an entire dimension. This guy fucking rules and every single card that's ever had his name on it is awesome and if you disagree, well, that's good for you, because WoTC killed him right around the time they decided to make Magic boring forever.
2. Falin Touden, from Dungeon Meshi
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No, she counts. Get back here.
If I stopped to count all of the ways I thought Falin was an amazing character we'd be here all day, but very briefly I find her arc and her interesting liminal role in Dungeon Meshi's narrative super compelling, and I find her characterization very, very relatable, and not entirely in a way that reflects well on me.
But as a *dragon.*
Falin is still one of the best to ever do it. The original Red Dragon is a very cool and pivotal part of Dungeon Meshi, and I love that too, but when Falin is fused with it by Thistle we get what is just honestly one of the most memorably bitchin character designs of all time, a ludicrously hot capital MG Monster Girl, and a huge driving force for the rest of the story. Not to mention Ryoko Kui clearly put a ton of thought into how she would work, since a key flaw in her design (so to speak) is what eventually leads to her being saved. I love her to pieces, and the form Falin finally gets at the very end of the story is honestly super cool-looking too! Although it's less dragonny than this one.
The Dragon, from "Dragon"
headspace-hotel's "Dragon" is one of my favorite poems of all time. It's easily the best tumblr post, and while I don't read a ton anymore, it's definitely one of my favorite overall pieces of literature.
I realize that being so brief in the top entry makes this a little anticlimactic, but I can't bring myself to rob the poem of its impact. I linked it there, so please go read it. More than anything else on this list, it's made me think. Beyond simply thinking it's an absolutely great piece of work (which it is), it's very meaningful to me. A reminder that the danger is still present in our time.
Some honorable mentions: the rest of the Dungeon Meshi dragons, every dragon from the Souls series and from Elden Ring, Paarthurnax from Skyrim, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Godzilla, Beast Machines Megatron, and Odious, the Green Dragon who turns into a giant d20 that I bought from Hasbro Pulse a year or so ago.
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theliterarywolf · 3 months
Oh my God it happened! I had my first ever Karen parent encounter today. Wolfy! *kicks door open* Holy FUCK!
Story Time.
It's spring break so we're doing room by room detailing (Custodian Guard!), not quite the deep scrub of Summer where it all smells new at the end but more like doing a solid once over with a vacuum and a pleather touch-up
I have the fire doors at the end of the hall closed since the school technically is open but they're not supposed to go beyond the office without a chaperone. I hear this ungodly banging. Like someone is trying to actually break through a union rated fire door. I was shown the mess of where one of the SpecEd kids had a sensory over load and wigged. Ended up running body first into the door and then puking all over it from the pain of...something or other. I heard collar bone and also dislocation and also head trauma. I DIGRESS! Bang, bang, bang. At the door Wolfy! I go see WTF and poke my head out. This 5 foot something of a pants suit wearing business woman with a fucked up hawk cut (looked kind of like that ugly fug from the Lorax) rips the door from my hand and barges past. THIS FUCKING BITCH ignores me as I keep pace demanding to know what in the world she thinks she's doing. She stops at a locker, points, and tells me to open it. I said No. And oh NO, uh oh, round the fucking merry go round we go! This bitch explodes! "This is my child's locker and if it's my child's locker its my locker now open it!" Or some such. Honestly she was pitching into my tinnitus and I just started tuning her out. Shrills of property rights, and police, and I let her wear her self out when the door opens again and there's my HoF, El Jefe. It's spring break, the HBIC up behind the big desk put him in charge. He already looks like he's ready to take his crock off and knock her block off LA CHANKLA style.
No, he's a true working class gentlemen. Friendly, but authoritative; assertive, but even handed. Asks her how she got in, what she was doing, why she was doing it. Would not let her talk over him. She accused me of cursing. I said check the cameras. We go and see the display in the security office and since our cams capture sound as well everyone got to see an awesome rendition of Cotton Candy complete with booty dance (I'm doing my job I don't give a fuck), before we find out she had tried the office, they denied her entry, so she just went looking for an unlocked door and barged her way past a delivery that was in progress, made her way to my hall, and began knocking, pounding, then attempting to break her way through the fire door and her entire tirade is caught on persistent media device. Nobody clapped because this bitch is throwing insults at everyone. Then I found out WHY she was so upset. I said I was going to explain that I couldn't open anything without my bosses approval, but she launched into a fit and that's when El Jefe showed up. So we call the HBIC and she's pissed because she's using actual vacation hours to ensure a spring break for her kids and tells us to take security and open the locker. Kid was vaping. Cart box fell out soon as I opened the locker. Peaches n Cream cool hit single cart. 10 year old kid. Fuck. I know I did nothing wrong but I told her I understand her shock and empathized any ways. Knowing that your kid is doing nicotine and god knows what else from these prepackaged crap packets. Security takes pictures, emails are sent, CC'd, forwarded, in duplicate, witness statements, police were called but no charges pressed she was just walked off the premises with little coaxing. I think she was just processing at that point. Found out later through the break-room telephone that the kid ended up in a local Psych hospital...I honestly feel worse for the kid knowing that. The places we have in this town are just...fucking scams.
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See, you got the 'fun' unhinged Karen, I always got the 'how dare that teacher say something not perfectly squeaky clean to my precious baby! I demand to be let on campus so I can beat her ass at ONCE!' Karens.
Even though the 'not perfectly squeaky clean' comments were:
High School - *in response to a kid shouting 'I like my bitches silent' across the classroom several times during class'* "You probably shouldn't call someone else a bitch when you're acting like a bitch yourself, now get out.'
Middle School - *in response to a kid being disrespectful and saying that they don't even want to be in school* "You know, back when I taught high school, sometimes the best advice I could give to people with your point of view was 'maybe you should just drop out'."
*in response to the class refusing to settle down after utilizing literally all of the school's call-to-actions and calls-for-silence* "Okay, I want it as silent as a corpse in here, thank you..."
But, I have to say, I was laughing at your Cotton Candy booty-shaking antics... Then I got sad near the end.
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neengareadynaaready · 8 months
Jawan (2023) Spoiler Review
I urge anyone and everyone to watch it because it is so much fun from beginning to end. Also, SRK is just ugggghhh so damn hot.
Spoilers from here on out.
Alright, let me get this out of the way first: the movie was very massy and I loved it. That said, I wasn't completely blown away by the story and delivery because I'm up to my eyeballs in south Indian mass movies.
Now, there are people who look down on very massy action films. They think it's inferior or not nuanced enough. Some like only certain mass films and think that the ones they like are the superior kind of mass movies. If you're that kind of person, we're gonna have problems.
One, Jawan isn't a mindblowing film BUT it is undeniably a fun film with lots of exciting action, a good and tight storyline, and good songs.
SRK is SRK. There's a reason fans call him King Khan. His charisma is off the charts. He is great as Azad and absolutely breathtaking and unforgettable as Vikram Rathore. I am serious about the unforgettable part. I fear that his next characters, especially if they're older guys, will be compared to the legend Vikram Rathore. I almost wish Atlee would make a sequel because I want to see Vikram again, in his silver fox era, going on missions with his team (and his son somewhere there).
I wasn't really surprised with the DILF in this movie because I do think Atlee has some daddy issues. If you've seen his older movies like Mersal and Bigil, you might have noticed that the dad characters are given banger bgms and better entry scenes (Vetrimaaran and Rayappan, respectively). Vijay's title card in Mersal was Vetrimaaran's theme, while the title card in Bigil has Rayappan's theme/BGM. But Atlee killed them off in those two movies, so he subverted his own tropes in Jawan (THANK GOD BECAUSE WE WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN VIKRAM RATHORE OTHERWISE - sorry, I will not shut up about Vikram okay).
The Girls. Who doesn't love the women of Jawan? Seriously. They absolutely made me giddy with excitement. One, because they were awesome, and we so their backstories and how loyal they were to Azad, and how Azad loved them and was loyal to them, too. Also, that time they called him because he was in the biggest fight of his life (WEDDING NIGHT)! That was honestly the cutest shit ever. If you saw Bigil, Atlee was gunning for that, too, but Bigil is more tamed seeing as it is a sports movie.
Nayanthara and Deepika as they love interests are really good. I was so sad when I learned Aishwarya's fate (shoutout to Atlee who *also* named the mom here Aishwarya -- they're both strong, amazing women). Nayanthara is so damn good and so damn cool (but I am biased towards Jayam Ravi/Nayanthara pairing lmao).
That Sanjay Dutt cameo! Oh, man, I laughed and clapped! I had such a ball of a time. And the revelation that they were friends and he had been helping him all along! Aaaaaah, so satisfying to see honestly. Atlee, why don't you make this a series? I wanna see more of all of them.
Now, on to some things that didn't feel so satisfying to me:
I have seen Vijay Sethupathi play the villain role several times. His performance as Bhavani in Master and Vedha in Vikram Vedha (2017) are tough to beat. It's also really difficult not to compare his performance in Jawan to his performance in those two films because I had such high expectations (yes, I know, my fault a little bit). I feel like his charisma that he usually brings to the table was only seen in small parts, bits and pieces. So, that felt a little bit underwhelming.
Okay, so I like the songs! Anirudh has shown how versatile he is in producing different song genres (but currently movies and fans expect hero-elevation music from him, and that is completely understandable). But I couldn't pinpoint Vikram or Azad's main theme or main bgm. I'm recalling all the Bollywood movies I've watched over the years, and perhaps this isn't a thing in Bollywood films? (Again, if you think having specific bgm for the hero's entry or badass moment is corny, this review isn't for you, sorry, I'm into that shit, I grew up on anime). I know there's a bgm for Azad's entry at the jail and there's literally a song called Vikram Rathore but they just didn't stand out much. You can, of course, argue that SRK doesn't need bgms to elevate him to god-like status. That's true. This is just a me thing, as someone who looks forward to such bgms in mass movies from the south.
OK, I didn't think my review would be this long. I just had many thoughts while watching Jawan. Anyway, like I said, this one is a total banger of a movie. SRK is an absolute joy to watch! What an amazing performer and actor!
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i-didnt-hate-it · 3 months
I didn't hate Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire, honestly it was awesome!
I just got done watching it so I'm still digesting it, but here are my initial thoughts. Any potential spoilers will go under a break.
I went into GxK that it would be similar to GvK and the other Monsterverse films: big monkey hit big lizard, big lizard breathe laser, big monkey block laser with big axe, and so on. And don't get me wrong, it definitely was all that, all pro wrestling but with big monsters, but in a cooler way than what I thought. I'm still trying to figure out what all made GxK more than what I was expecting, but I think this is the main bit.
In today's media, there seems to basically be two options. Either you make a show on streaming, which means your seasons are too short so you have to sacrifice character to plot. Or you make a two to three hour long movie, which uses a big budget to explain either characters or concept, hopefully with something of a plot to tie it together.
But GxK is a secret third thing. Worldbuilding. Adding to lore. Letting the landscapes they paint and the creatures that inhabit them speak for themselves. There were long stretches of screentime where the titans weren't necessarily fighting, they were just doing their thing, exploring their worlds.
Now obviously we need some humans to A, be able to connect to the story some, and B, know what is actually going on. Because while I would love a completely dialogue kaiju movie, the concepts and gimmicks of the Monsterverse just get too convoluted to figure out without Exposition Lady.
I can confirm that Legendary realized that the less human characters they have the better. The cast was relatively small, and while character development was minimal, they did make me feel some feelings toward some of the humans. But they made the right call not giving them too much of the story. What is this, Godzilla Minus One?
It's not, and if you can go into it knowing that it isn't even close to being the same movie as Minus One, and just watch it as a fun Monsterverse entry, I think you'll love it. The music is great too, better than GvK, imo. VFX were awesome too.
Okay, now for some spoilers, just random extra thoughts:
Godzilla really did the OMG MOTHRA!!! thing from that one meme! And I did too tbh, our Queen is back and beautiful as ever!
I love how it wasn't an instant father/son connection between Kong and Mini-Kong (I don't remember his name). Kong tried to help him out a couple times, but then gave up after MINI KONG TRIED TO KILL HIM LIKE MULTIPLE TIMES! Like come on, this little guy is just chaotic. But like they actually had growth in their trust and relationship, it wasn't just like "me big, you little, I dad now".
Scar King was actually a lot cooler than I was expecting. Shimo/Shimu whatever her name is did not have as big a role as I was expecting, but I'm glad she's okay.
Shout out to Mothra for stopping her boyfriend from killing Kong, helping them in Hollow Earth, and then just chilling when they all went to Rio. She said, "you guys got this, right?"
When I saw there was another hollow earth inside Hollow Earth, I'll admit I had a bit of an eye roll. But they explained it away pretty well.
SCOTTISH GUY THAT SAID SHIT IN STAR WARS. Alex Ferns is literally the same character he was in Andor.
I love how they imply that they basically imply that the Iwi had something to do with building the pyramids in Egypt by having the portal thing open RIGHT NEXT TO THEM. Made a cool setting for the fight, too.
At this point, I have no idea how big the Coliseum actually is.
Last thing, for now. For having top billing, Godzilla wasn't in it as much as I thought he might be. I think Legendary is realizing that if you have a character like Godzilla who can just level up his powers instantly to take on anything, and just kinda does his own thing, you've gotta limit that screen time. Since Kong is kinda humanoid, it's easier to empathize with him and thus add character development. Godzilla can only convey so much emotion that most humans can relate to (obviously Shin and Minus convey a lot of emotions, but anyway). Godzilla is in the movie, but Kong is more of the star. Honestly the world of the Hollow Earth and the Iwi people and their history are almost as much of the focus.
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kigozula · 7 months
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By Your Side: Sokkla Saturdays 2023
Day 3: Fall
AO3 & FF.Net
As some of you may have noticed, this year I am posting every two weeks, since I have written fewer stories in contrast to the last years. Which means this is my second to last entry. I decided to make a difference this time. While writing today's story, I went with a flow of my feelings without planning it through. It was one of these stories that motivated me to write in the evening without a "final goal" in mind. I thought it would need a continuation most likely. In the end it turned out I was right. Personally, I like stories that shape the form of happenings while writing when a sudden feeling arises, inspiring me to put it into words. So, in two weeks you will be able to read the continuation of today's story! 
Lovers liked asking questions they knew the answers to. Only to hear their loved one say it out loud.
Life was not easy. It was full of tests. Everybody struggled in different ways, with different things.
Her test was her family. To make hard choices. It was cruel for being forced to stay away from the one man who gave her the most wonderful things she ever had. That man who made her feel awesome things.
She would like to stay with him forever. It felt wrong to be away from Sokka. An inner desire, a strong feeling almost stronger than her loyalty to her family.
Yet here she was, entering the seas of the Southern Water Tribe, without permission from the Chief. Without thinking it through.
“Princess, your father wanted you to deliver the message with your royal hawk from Kyoshi Island.” the Captain of her guards said.
Azula’s gaze was lost in the horizon. Her back was turned to the him on deck of her ship.
“I know that very well Captain.” she said.
“Chief Hakoda has the right to take us hostages the moment we enter their seas.“
“I know that as well Captain.” she said coldly.
The Captain sighed, “Princess, I respect your feelings and decisions, but…”
“Captain!” she snapped turning around to face him, „Chief Hakoda won’t touch you or my other guards, you have my word. We both know he isn’t some heartless man. If there are consequences, it’ll be on me.”
“I care about your safety and protection Princess.”
“I appreciate that Captain.”
Both of them and the whole crew on the ship knew that Hakoda would never hurt them as long as they meant no harm, which they didn’t of course. Even if their nations weren’t on best terms, years of communication and allying for certain situations made many of them unspoken friends.
Azula would meet Chief Hakoda, deliver her father’s message and that would be it.
Maybe, … maybe she could also see him one more time. Look at him one more time.
The man who made her fall in love…
Oh she was playing a dangerous game wasn‘t she? Her father was likely to get mad at her. So be it. She was tired of all of this.
The arrival went as expected. The Southern Water Tribe had rules. No outsider could lay a foot on their grounds without taking permission first. Hakoda and Kya kept said consequences for Princess Azula and her Guards harmless. The Guards were given food while Azula was in the “Royal Igloo” as Sokka sometimes called it to mock her.
“Princess, as Chief, I can’t let you get away without any consequences. Your ship will be searched through. I believe you meant no harm, but we all have a task.” Hakoda told her.
“I apologize for the inconvenience.” Azula said honestly.
Kya smiled and put a hand on her arm.
“Please make yourself comfortable Azula. Sokka should be back soon, he went hunting this morning.”
Azula smiled at her too.
When Kya left the igloo, Azula couldn’t help but enter Sokka’s room.
It felt like him, smelled of him. The familiar feeling warmed her aching heart. She sat on his bed and her eye caught his necklace. He normally didn’t take it off leisurely. It was one of his most prized possessions. She froze when she saw a carving on one spot. A name.
Her name. Carved into his necklace he valued so much.
His test was his deep love for her. His Azula. Without her, every breathe he took felt like it hurt. Everything was her. She was in his thoughts constantly.
When he saw her ship, he literally sprinted on snow, forgetting his task. He recognized her guards sitting in front of his igloo and gave them a nod, almost bumping into his father in the process.
“Father! Where is Azula?” Sokka asked.
“Inside.” Hakoda answered with a look that told him many things.
He looked at his son hopelessly, trying to convey a message. Many times he talked with both Azula and his son, that unpleasant things would happen if they acted on their feelings. Their nations would not welcome a union gladly at the moment. But at this point, it seemed like nothing could hold them back.
Sokka kept held gaze for a moment, wordlessly telling him that he wouldn't stay away from Azula. Not out of rebell to his Tribe, but out of true love, which his father out of many people knew and understood very well. With that he entered the igloo.
Sokka’s feet carried him to his room and Azula stood up abruptly from his bed still holding his necklaced in her hand.
Time appeared to stand still. Desperation in their eyes conveying many words. And all of them meant the same thing:
I love you. Never leave my side!
Azula held her hand with the necklace up only lightly.
“My name?” she asked softly, “You carved my name in your necklace?”
“I carved your name into my heart not just there.” He said not a doubt in his voice.
Azula was already on the verge of tears. She was a second away from running to him. His words only intensified all her feelings.
„Why?” she asked desperately.
Lovers liked asking questions they knew the answers to. Only to hear their loved one say it out loud.
„For the same reason that made you come all the way here even though you knew you weren't allowed to? Why?“
She was silent for a moment.
“To deliver the time and place for the meeting of our fathers.” she said finally.
“Couldn’t you have sent a hawk? They way you did to me when you left last fall?”
She winced at his harsh words, sensing his anger and sorrow. And Sokka regretted what he said immediately. He was an idiot. The last thing he wanted was seeing her hurt, be it by him or someone else.
His face softened up and he walked towards her. Azula closed her eyes when she felt his breath on her ear, his nose touching her hair nuzzling it and inhaling her scent. His hands were balled into fists.
“Why did you leave like that Azula?” his voice shook, his emotions coming out more with every word, “I know you had to go to your family. I never held it against you. But it hurt so much. It broke me apart when you left without a word.”
Azula breathed through her mouth. She turned her head slightly, so that their noses touched.
“It hurt me as much as it did you. You know, if I had looked into your eyes, I could not have gone.”
Sokka’s hands went to her waist, holding her tightly.
“I don’t want to leave you Sokka.” she said.
“Don’t leave me Azula. Don’t ever go please.”
With that, the dam broke. Kisses, tears, hands touched the other’s tightly pressed bodies, as if the other would vanish when they let go. No word could describe how they felt. Embraced tightly they basked in each other’s presence.
Night arrived and Hakoda looked that Azula and her guards could stay. The Guards weren given a guest igloo while their Princess was prepared Sokka's room.
Even though it wasn’t allowed, when night arrived, Sokka sneaked next to Azula in bed. She welcomed him. Wrapped around each other with clothes on, they shared a calmed sleep. Not caring what troubles tomorrow would bring…
To Be Continued…
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knifearo · 9 days
The picking-a-crush thing is something I did too! My two longest-lasting "crushes" were pretty much me pointing at whichever guy friend I was closest to at the time and going "Guess I'm in love with him now." (In hindsight one of those was probably more of a squish.)
In 4th grade I also realized I was crush-less and randomly picked a guy who was in my biology class. I don't know if I ever actually spoke to him. I found out another one of my classmates might have had a crush on him and I was not jealous at all.
My funniest crush is from around 1st or 2nd grade because I picked a kid that I met literally only one time. His name was Robert and he could do a handstand and I thought that was cool, which apparently meant romantic attraction in my tiny aro child mind.
Happy pride :D
so real!!! the "oh that was probably a squish in hindsight..." is so real. i think that all like. two. of my memorable childhood "crushes" were almost definitely gender envy too haha
bitches will literally pick a random guy from class and go "yeah i like him! :)" and not think that there should be like. reasons for it. kgfjhs. i really distinctly remember walking into my first math class in sixth grade and looking around the room to select a suitable candidate to have a crush on for the year. picked a guy named gabriel cause he looked cute enough. did not know his name at that point and actually severely disliked him once i got to know him. but i walked out of class that day going "guys i have a crush on someone in our math class!! doesn't that sound like something that they say in movies? y'know. i have a crush on a guy in my math class :D" and getting Crickets sdfkjgh. one of them looked at me and told me straight out that they had no idea what i was talking about. so 😭. either the media was lying to me or i was the only one paying attention... honestly if you think about it the aro bitches are the ones really putting in the effort here. imagine how much time we've all collectively spent analyzing how romance works just to not actually get it at all 😭
my fourth grade "crush" sat across from me at my table at one point (i also like. never spoke to him. genuinely don't think i ever had a conversation with that guy. just didn't feel the need to.) and my friends at the time told him that i had a crush on him at some point. i was appropriately giddy about it (cause obviously like. you get giddy and nervous when someone tells your crush you like them. why? idk. that's just what you do.) and there's an entry in my diary from that time going "amanda told niko i like him and asked if he liked me back and he said 'i guess' which basically means yeah :)" which is SO fucking funny cause not only is that not what that means and she absolutely made that boy really uncomfortable. it totally did not occur to me that something was supposed to Happen when your crush liked you back. i went "cool!" and just went on with my life. my crush likes me back? awesome! anyway what did you guys get for this math problem
you know what shout out to robert though that's real as hell. i may not understand sexual or romantic attraction but if somebody did a handstand i would think they were cool as fuck. shout out tiny aro children i think we had our priorities right haha :)
happy pride :D
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peterlorrefanpage · 1 year
Decided to do an adjacent post to the Peter Lorre Five Weeks in a Balloon so as to spare everyone seeing the wall of pics again.
Instead, you get a wall of text!
First, I wanted to say a giant YES to @angelamontoo's tags, which I thought were completely awesome. This also ties in with the meta post wondering what people do who never look beyond the very surface level of anything, including Peter Lorre.
#honestly the was unrecognised for just how much depth he brought to his roles really bums me out sometimes#it would be one thing if he was more widely recognised for the extent of his talent after his death and to some extent he was ofc#but idk sometimes i see relatively contemporary references to him in pop culture or posts about him online#and i feel like a lot of people still look at him like some hackey clown who was only a big pair of eyes and a funny voice#sure when people randomly post 'YOU EEDEEOT!'#or#'I KEEL YOU!'#or worst of all 'YEEES MASTER'#on a random unrelated post about peter lorre they arent being malicious towards him or anything. I assume its all meant affectionately#but its still an unpleasant sign to me that the image forced apon him by hollywood#(an image that comes with antisemitic and ableist implications that im starting to get pretty frustrated by people not acknowledging btw)#is something that people still refuse to look past when peter had so much more to offer
'Cause that "big pair of eyes and a funny voice" seems to be the breadth and depth of a lot of caricatures and impressions of Peter. And I do get that people aren't doing it meanly, necessarily...but I still wonder about those who don't take advantage of how easy it is to find things out. Nor are we born knowing all the things, and much of what we are is due to environment and the people around us.
Still. Is there a point where ignorance is no excuse for perpetuating anti-Semitism and ableism, just to name two?
And per @peterlorres21stcentury - if I watch it, you may be the first to know! I have no desire to, though "Mr. Adorable" seems to have had worthy moments (maybe).
The second line in the wiki entry for "Monster a Go-Go" is stunning.
Peter may have had the same sentiments for "The Patsy," another film I am not going to watch ever.
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mi6-cafe · 1 year
End of the Year Survey Summary
Thank you all for all of you who left feedback this year! We’ve had the chance to look through your comments and, with the help of our new volunteer team, have distilled them into some actionable items. Now a community survey is nothing without the community, so here we’ll provide a summary of some responses, hint at some plans for the future, and share your best moments!
Full details under the cut, but in short: One new rec list focused event, many returning events, and look out for a quarterly theme coming near the end of the year.
007 Fest and WIP Wednesday are always at the top of the favorite events list, but it was nice to see some newer events were in the top five as well, like Remix and our Halloween commenting challenge. Both of which we plan on doing again this year.
There wasn’t really a huge consensus on whether you all prefer themes or prompts, so that won’t be changing much. We will keep sprinkling in specific prompt lists throughout the year, but some months will just have a broader theme for you to draw inspiration from.
A few people suggested doing more to encourage rec lists, and we are trialing a new event: Weekend Wonders. Once a month we will give a theme/trope/character and ask that you suggest one fanwork in which it features. We will then do a round-up post of all the recommendations at the end of the weekend. You can see the January one here.
It’s been some time since we had writing workshops and there’s been some requests for these again. We are working on trying to develop something with a simpler format so that it’s easier to host. If you want to help with this, please reach out and let us know!
There’s also some interest in creating a zine, but your mods know nothing of this. If any of you do and would be willing to create a community document of what it involves, please do and share it with us!
Saturday Cafes have been much quieter lately, but we now have a set of prompt questions pinned to the writer’s corner slack channel for anyone to answer and hopefully spark some more discussion with whoever else is around and writing.
We tried doing a year-long theme of Characters of Bond last year and it... well, middling success. You seemed to like the idea even though we sometimes forgot to promote it and many of you were busy. Someone suggested quarterly themes and we really like this idea. We likely won’t start until the end year, but we loved the idea!
You all said you do enjoy our creatively named months even if there’s not a specific prompt to go with it. Which is good, cause we enjoy coming up with silly alliterations. Those won’t be going anywhere.
And finally,
Do you have a fun fandom moment/highlight from this year to share? 
Definitely Mac making her entry in the 00Q fandom! I’m not an avid fic reader but her work is always so on point I have a hard time not seeing 00Q through her lens anymore.
i'm obsessed with WIP Wednesdays. I adore seeing snippets of new works
Getting kidnapped during Fest was pretty cool!Honestly the slack in general has been fun. It's hard to have a place to feel safe in fandom these days.
I absolutely loved Remix! It was such a fun challenge and I loved seeing how my own work was remixed.
During Fest, Team 00 had a spreadsheet for contributions (like lyrics to be inspired by, photos, etc). The absolute chaos as we discovered only two of us knew how to use a spreadsheet was AMAZING (and hilarious).
I loved interacting with the authors and getting to know them through their writing and ongoing works and prompts.
Fest was awesome.
This year was a blast. I worked on 4 longish 00q fics (two of which were based on MI6 Cafe themes). My collaboration with Anya for Harry Potter and the Fucking Audacity was possibly the most fun (and also stressful because it was unplanned and I had other things to work on), but I also enjoyed writing my crossover AU and my NTTD fix it. Basically, toward the end of last year I was worried that I was running out of stories in this fandom, and the themes MI6 Cafe supplied definitely spurred new ideas that kept me excited and creative... even if I only used one or two of them in the year, they kept me busy much of the year. And Fest is always fun, but I particularly enjoyed this year. Seriously love you guys! I feel so fortunate that you maintain this wonderful fandom community and space that feels safe and I can contribute to, but that will survive without me when I get too busy with RL (or FTH) to participate much. Thank you!
I’ve enjoyed the fandom since joining, thanks for the work you do and spaces you keep!
Fest is usually a delight
I very much enjoyed the 007 fun Fest and being able to participate in the smaller, less time consuming challenges. It was the first time I had done something like this and my personal highlight was being able to come up with my very own 4 line poem in a bid to rescue the fic author from the villains team :D
For me it was just joining the fandom. I joined around the start of summer this year and it has been a blast so far. I don't engage in fandom spaces often and to join one that is so supportive and chill in its own way is definitely a highlight.
appreciate everything mods have done! This was a fun year.
Oh goodness: Fest. It was amazing! LOVE all the creativity! And it seems like it created a momentum throughout the year.
There have been so many moments for me, as a new member of the fandom, to be bowled over by the sheer talent and incredible camaraderie. Thank you, thank you, for the welcome and the amazing creative community!
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wrecking-sequels · 5 months
[Brand New Wheels]
The store had closed its doors since five minutes but there was still no sign of Baroness Boogerface at the station, so the wrecker waited patiently on a bench with Zangief. It was from him he would learn more about the much-talked-about arcade's new entry, which was apparently called Speedstorm.
According to the bearded 'villain' who had visited day-one, it was a new racing game, with impressive tracks and a ridiculously diverse roster of characters. While intrigued at the prospective to see new faces, the colossus was more excited for Vanellope, she used to whine often on how much the place 'needed' new motors.
When said cutie finally exited her game, she seemed lightly beat down in the spirit. It was something so subtle no one could notice except Ralph. "Kid, what's with that face?" Asked the big guy, getting up as soon as he saw her. "We only played three tournaments today, three!" The girl roared in response. "Uhh okay, you didn't get a lot of players today, big deal." He shrugged, causing her to groan in frustration.
"It's not normal.. My game always makes tons of coins. We hardly ever get a break." At that, Wreck-It simply smirked. "Ah shush, it is normal. Latest additions always take the spotlight for a bit. Speaking of which.. get a load of this, it's aaa new racing game!" Dude expected leaps of joy but ended up receiving only a horrified stare.
"It's another racing game?!" Her reaction puzzled the giant to say the least. "Isn't that positive? Thought you were dying to get to this day." She just ignored him. "I knew it.. i knew it! I could feel it in my guts!" Ralph frowned and shifted his gaze to the new arrival. Wow, even the snobbish mushrooms from Mario Bros were going in to peek.
"Name's catchy, don't you think?" Needless to say, Van did not appreciate his comment. "It's lame." Yeah, 'someone' was truly bitter, and that honestly amused Ralphie. "Oh come on now, a President needs to be more mature than this." The child just gave him a face. "Like you don't know being competitive is in my code, Ugh."
It was then a peculiar group of three came out of the new system to head towards Frogger. One of them had a weird suit of armor, its chest piece was so large Ralph couldn't help thinking he looked like a walking can of Cola. Next to him strolled a woman with raven hair and almond shaped eyes, laughing with some kind of mouse sporting white gloves.
So far that was the oddest bunch of newcomers Game Central Station had ever seen. If it wasn't for the textures on their suits, no one in their right mind would tell they were from the same game. "Whaat the heck..? People is seriously spending their money to play with them??" Yes, yes they were, lots of money.
"Well, that's mean. Not everyone can be designed an adorable candy child." Inquired her bud. "Ohh now I gotta know what their karts look like!" With that she sprinted off, fueled by her hope to discover a disappointing little world, and alleviate her anxiety. Too bad upon entering, something entirely opposite welcomed them instead.
That view was stellar. On one side you had a literal frozen kingdom, in the middle a futuristic zone, and on the other side some exotic island, volcano-equipped even. For joysticks' sake it was awesome! Her smile turned upside down at the speed of light.
Wreck-It himself was seriously impressed already but hid it for the small friend. "It's.. something." Well, at least until he spotted a track in the sky, between golden clouds. "Woah! Look at that!!" Fighting her own awe, Van faked a unimpressed shrug and teleported on his shoulder. "Just move those feet Jumbo.. Don't wanna be here all day."
It wouldn't take long to find what she was looking for. One large purplish veichel awaited them at the first area. It had wheels bigger than Ralph's feet. The child was in love now and she hated herself for that. "Son of a biscuit... this is a monster..!" Obviously those toddlers at heart begun touching the car everywhere. "Shiny!"
For a while it looked like no one was around to scold them, until an odd character with dot eyes glided over using his long ears like an helicopter, confirming further just how crazy folks here looked. "Hey hey! What do you think you're doing?!? Hands off!"
Both raised incredulous eyebrows at his sight. "Is that a flying bunny?" Asked the big man. "They are soo running out of ideas." Vanellope shook her head. "It's rabbit!" Corrected the creature just before touching the ground. "Okay Mr. Rabbit, easy. We're not Kart thieves or anything." Good first impressions..
The guy already had hands on his hips. "Name's Oswald, Oswald The Lucky Rabbit. And who might you be?" He sure knew how to make you feel welcome... "Oh, I'm Wreck-It Ralph from Fix-It Felix Jr, and this here is Vanellope, ruler of Sugar Rush!" She raised a greeting hand quietly, not loving the way he introduced her like a proud father.
"Wait, Sugar Rush? That Karts game where everything is made of sweets?" Now the racer in blue was curious. "Affirmative." Confirmed the kiddo with no hesitation, only to see Oswald wear a mischievious grin. "Ahh, keepin' tabs on the competition uh?" She instinctively glitched in emberassment for a split second. This was getting interesting.
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