#honestly i think that could be a pretty powerful story lmao
sage-nebula · 1 month
When The Owl House first came out, there was a lot of discussion surrounding how King could potentially be Bill, with the most common theory being that Bill had somehow been reincarnated into King by the Axolotl. After all, not only does Alex Hirsch voice both of them, but the voice he uses for King is very similar to the voice he uses for Bill. (Very similar, but not the exact same; apart from not having the voice distortion, King's voice is higher pitched. King's voice is basically Bill's voice before Bill hit puberty, lmao.) Apart from that, both King and Bill are demons; King had an obsession with ruling, power, and conquest; King has yellow sclera; and, well, people were desperate for connections between Gravity Falls and The Owl House, to the point where I actually did end up pretty annoyed for awhile that people weren't letting The Owl House stand on its own two feet and were instead treating it like a sequel show. (Though there are actual, canonical connections between them now, the most notable being that Eda married Stan for less than 24 hours in Vegas so that she could rob him blind, lmao. He still thinks fondly of her to this day, as he should.)
I bring this up because I never really subscribed to this theory, or thought very much of it . . . until now. It's not that I think the theory is more plausible now, but more that I think that the idea holds a sort of poetic beauty to it now, if it was true. (Which again, I don't think it necessarily is, but more that it's a nice "what if" to think about.) And the reason for that comes from information that we gained from The Book of Bill, along with additional information that we've now gained from the website, along with how King's story arc developed and played out in The Owl House. (So, spoilers for that show, the new book, and the website if you haven't kept up with any of that.)
It's been heavily implied for years now (to the point where, in my personal opinion, it was known, but to be safe I'm saying heavily implied) that Bill destroyed his home dimension. In the show, Bill says that he "liberated" his home dimension, and when he brings it up, there is fiery imagery around him that is similar to the rift that opens in the sky to link Gravity Falls to the Nightmare Realm during Weirdmageddon. Then, in one of the spinoff books, when Dipper asks the Axolotl about Bill, the Axolotl says, "Saw his own dimension burn [. . .] blame the arson for the fire." Considering that Bill said that he "liberated" his dimension with fire imagery, and the Axolotl says that he saw his dimension burn (and blames the arson, rather than the arsonist for the fire) . . . the conclusion can easily be drawn that Bill's "liberation" was actually "destruction." Which makes sense, when you remember what he wanted to do to Earth during Weirdmageddon.
Nonetheless, we have had that confirmed now thanks to The Book of Bill and the website. We know that when Bill tries to recant what happened to his dimension, there is a loud ringing in his ears and he blacks out; we know that he looks "more distant than [Ford] had ever seen him" when he tries to recount the story to Ford (implying dissociation; we know that he told his henchmaniacs the "liberation" story and that he freaks out when Time Baby tries to speak openly about what actually happened and who actually caused it; and we know that, during his therapy sessions in the Theraprism, when the therapist tries to turn the discussion to his parents, he shuts down discussion altogether. (And also only draws red and blue triangles during his art sessions, implying that may be what his parents looked like.)
So we know that: Bill destroyed his own dimension, that he's the sole survivor of the massacre, that he was severely traumatized by this (because he didn't intend to massacre his entire people, he honestly was trying to help them see what he could see -- the third dimension) and that he just handled his trauma in the worst possible way, particularly since he did not have anyone left to give him a support system. A billion years without a proper support system or any form of healing, sinking further and further into denial, rationalization, and detachment (outlined on Bill's page on morality as his tools of the trade), lying until his lies were no longer lies to himself, made Bill into the monster he is today.
But then the Pines family defeated him (thanks to Stan), he invoked the name of the Axolotl, and got sent to the Theraprism. He hates it there, and he is so deeply entrenched in the lies-he-no-longer-recognizes-as-lies that he is not making any progress. As Alex said at one of the Barnes & Noble Q&As, what Bill really needs is to actually be honest with himself, but it's unknown if he will ever be able to do that. Until he can do that, the hope of him actually making progress at the Theraprism is nil.
But here is the thing about the Theraprism. Well, here are the two things about the Theraprism:
The first is that we are told that the Theraprism is a place specifically devoted to reincarnation. The reason why the "King is reincarnated Bill" theory was popular before was mostly due to the reasons I mentioned above, but also because of another line in the Axolotl's poem: "A different form, a different time." People understood this to mean reincarnation, and it's easy to see why. But for me personally, I always found it a bit strange that the Axolotl would simply let Bill reincarnate simply by calling out for help. Would that really be all it took for the Axolotl? True, the Axolotl is the god of this universe, and Jesus (from how I understand it) is all about "accept me as your savior and you're immediately absolved of all sins," but I also felt that was just too easy of a Get Out of Death Free card for Bill. It was a very clean getaway, considering everything.
But The Book of Bill makes it evident that isn't the case. As it is described by the Theraprism employee in the book:
"Here at the Theraprism, we believe death can be the beginning of a new life. With good behavior, former wizards, world-eating titans, and even Mr. Cipher have many exciting options for reincarnation -- perhaps as a newt, shrimp, or a cloud of fungal spores!"
The Axolotl also made this clear to Bill (though Bill misunderstood entirely:
"You cannot regrow through denial. You'll have to face my hardest trial. See my program to the end, then you may yet live again. You're getting what you need the most; one way to absolve your crimes, to change your form will take some time."
Now, many of you are probably thinking: a baby titan from the Boiling Isles is a huge leap from newts, shrimp, and fungal spores. I would agree with you; it seems that the Theraprism does tend to pick very lowly life forms for the big bads they rehabilitate to reincarnate into. But here are the reasons why I think it would be poetic if it were King, and therefore why I like to think that it would be nice if this were the case:
Like Bill, King is the last of his kind. Unlike Bill, this is through no fault of King's own; the other titans were wiped out before King even hatched, and King's father had to hastily inscribe runes to protect him from the titan hunters (or archivists?) so that they couldn't find and kill him as well by destroying his egg. Nonetheless, King is the sole survivor of a genocide and this is something that weighs heavily on him and influences his character arc in a big way in the second half of the show. The fact that he doesn't know what he is lends struggle to him trying to discover who he is. Yes, he's in a family of misfits, but Eda and Luz know what they are and who they come from. King doesn't have that. King has no basis for what he is, or why he was abandoned -- none of it. And then when he does finally start to get answers, it's to learn that his people were massacred in a genocide; that there are people still out there who want to kill him; that he is going to grow to be a deity-like figure, that he'll outlive those he loves . . . King is a child of about eight-years-old, but he has so, so much weighing on him already.
But where Bill accidentally destroyed his dimension and killed everyone in it, and then was crushed under the weight of that trauma because he was left alone and covered in blood, King did have that family of misfits to support and love him through it all. He was still burdened by the fact that he didn't know what he was or where he came from, but Eda, Hooty, Luz, and eventually Lilith gave him unconditional love and a home and support to figure all of that out, to the point where it was King's idea to be formally adopted by Eda and change his name to King Clawthorne. And while he will eventually outlive them all, he made a friend in The Collector who is also immortal, so he'll never be truly alone.
Essentially, what I'm getting at here is: there are parallels in Bill's and King's story, now that we know Bill's backstory. They aren't the exact same, especially since King was not responsible for what happened to the other titans. But there are still parallels that can be made. But whereas things ended as badly as they could possibly end up for Bill, King's story had a much better ending. So if we imagine that Bill was reincarnated as King, then it is almost like he got a do-over. Like he was put in a similar situation, but this time he was found by a new adoptive mother who raised him with love and care, and got an adoptive big sister, and owl tube house mate, and aunt, as well as a ton of friends. He suffered trauma, but this time he didn't have to suffer it alone, and was able to handle it in a much better, much healthier way. Yes, he's an all-powerful demon (or at least, he will be someday, when he grows into an adult). But this time he isn't going to be causing any apocalypses, or delighting in any mortal suffering. This time, things are going to be different for him, because his soul completed the Axolotl's program in the Theraprism and he was able to reincarnate for that second chance.
(And if you're thinking, "But The Owl House doesn't take place that long after Gravity Falls, so how is that possible?" Well, the Theraprism exists outside of time and space, so it doesn't matter how many millennia it takes for Bill to complete the program. He literally has all the time in the multiverse.)
So I'm on board with this theory now. Again, I do not think it's canon. But it's a nice idea, and one that I think has a poetic sweetness to it. No one has to agree, of course, but that's just my take on it.
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genericpuff · 17 days
I’m gonna have to disagree with you that Kaos is any better than LO. It’s all the same bull crap.
Kaos just seems like live-action LO, both having a boring storyline with bad or fetishized characterizations of the Greek Gods and figures, and both looking artistically beautiful and some cool concepts, but badly executed. The only difference is that Kaos has more LGBTQIA+ themes than LO, has a tiny bit more Greek references, and gets much darker. That’s pretty much it.
As a Greek who studies our myths and stories extensively, I’m tired of the west trying to take and rearrange our stories and retell them ‘with a modern, western lense’. It’s exhausting and infuriating.
It’s time the west gets over its fascination with us and move on.
Fair opinion! Honestly, the initial post I made about it was after only watching the first couple episodes. Now that I've finished it, I can definitely see actual glaring issues with it, both in their characterizations as well as in how they kind of lose the intrigue after a few episodes of the setting and elements of them being gods. Which are all issues that LO have as well.
Though I will say, LO has those issues far more than Kaos does, but what really separates LO from Kaos, in my opinion - the creators of Kaos aren't pretending that Kaos is more than it is. To me, Kaos isn't in any way a singular Greek myth retelling, more so a fun "Greek epic" style story featuring the gods in a modern setting, the way LO could have been if Rachel hadn't tried to make it into something bigger than it was (and if she didn't put herself on a pedestal as a "self proclaimed folklorist"). I can watch Kaos and appreciate it as a fun Greek myth inspired piece of media because that's pretty much all it's trying to be. Meanwhile LO gives us middle-school-level writing with very little real Greek myth influence (aside from what it benefits Rachel to do so) that even goes so far as to outright disrespect the myths that they were based on... all the while people praise it as the greatest Greek myth retelling ever.
I think Kaos is miles better than LO because it at least tells a more coherent story than LO ever could have, with a lot more attention paid to the stylization of a Greek epic (compared to LO which tried and failed to implement those same things, such as the Fates, self-fulfilling prophecies, and witty narration as to retell a story that's already happened).
Granted, that story still takes a lot of liberties with the source material (some that I enjoyed, others not so much), but in that regard, I refer to the above - Kaos isn't trying to be an actual retelling like LO did, so I view it the same way I do as something like Hercules or Hades, where the people who made it clearly love Greek myth and wanted to do some Greek myth-inspired story with their own twists on the narratives, and it paid off in a story that, in spite of their flaws, still feels intentional and thought out.
LO, by comparison, is just a mess of ripped off half-baked ideas thrown at a wall and filled in with self-fulfilling power fantasy garbage written by someone who claims to have deeper knowledge of the myths but clearly doesn't. It's hard to enjoy LO in spite of its flaws because it's all flaws and they're so deeply-rooted in the context of Rachel's own biases and sexual preferences that you really can't separate it from that once you know if it.
I do have some criticisms of Kaos and some of its more creative choices - Hera cheating on Zeus with Poseidon (literally wtf lmao), Persephone still being the "I went down there willingly!" archetype (though at least she's not 19 in this, the casting for her and Hades was great), as well as the fact that things weren't wrapped up by the end of the first season which really bums me out because now it's up to the mercy of Netflix to give it that second season - but ultimately, from a story-writing perspective, Kaos absolutely did accomplish having an actual narrative with themes and goal-driven writing that LO failed in having. That comparison doesn't make Kaos a 100% perfect show without flaw, but I made the comparison initially anyways because much of what I enjoyed in Kaos was what I expected from LO (and ultimately didn't get).
That's just my own two cents though! And I need to make it clear - I am not a Greek person! I have no say or merit within the discussion regarding Greek myth and how it's been appropriated!! - so ultimately... my opinion of these things really aren't as valuable as someone who actually is Greek or studied heavily in it.
So that said, I can completely see the merit in your own arguments that a lot of these "modern retellings" tend to miss the point of the stories they're trying to retell (esp with the criticisms I outlined above) and are often chewed up through a Western lens. The lesser of two evils is still evil. But if we're purely talking Kaos vs. Lore Olympus here as modern entertainment that are both attempting similar things... I'd be way more likely to rewatch and recommend one over the other. Plus there are a lot of adaptions out there made by Westerners / non-Greeks that are incredible and are, at the very least, amazing stepping stones into the world of Greek myth for those who want to learn more about it. Out of the pool of ongoing modern Greek myth retellings/inspired works - Blood of Zeus, Hades/Hades 2, Kaos, Epic: The Musical, Hadestown, Hercules, Percy Jackson & The Olympians, and Lore Olympus - it's not hard to guess which one I'd be the least likely to recommend as gateways into Greek mythology. If those titles were organized in a list of best to worst, Kaos isn't at the top of that list, but it's sure as shit higher than LO 💀😆
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lookingforhappy · 2 months
TUA: Young Blood Review??
yeah idk what to call this but I wanna talk about this book so bad so here's my thoughts
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General (Spoiler Free) Review
It's pretty good! solidly between Okay and Good on my rankings which is honestly a really good outcome for me as I was worried it was going to be much worse.
There's some continuity errors with the lore the show has established (I will go over this later), but they're not glaring, just vaguely annoying because there's some pretty easy ways to fix them (I'll also explain later). But there's also some more fun additions to the lore that's in keeping with the show and the characters.
(there were also quite a few typos that were missed but it wasn't overwhelming, just noticeable enough that they probably should have caught them before they were published - at least one sentence is missing a word and several words are spelt wrong including in one instance the name of one of the OCs)
I could list all the aspects of it that are "okay" but I think u get the picture. in all honesty it's fairly unobtrusive which again, for me, is glowing praise lmao.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book despite all of the issues (that I will pull apart beneath the read more). In fanfiction terms I think it's best described as "fluff" as not much really happens but it's an interesting exploration of the Umbrella's, their powers, and their attitudes in the months before Ben's death.
major spoilers review under the cut ↓
and now, we shall tear this bitch apart lol
Continuity Errors
There's only one big issue that I have and that is the Umbrella's knowing that there were other children born on 1st October 1989. which they repeatedly refer to as october 1st children in the book.
The Hargreeves don't know that there's others, outside of the 7 of them, born with powers to mothers who weren't pregnant. They believe, and were likely told or manipulated by Reginald into believing, that he adopted all of the special children.
as is said in 2x10:
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Lila is the first of the other 43 (+?) kids that they meet and is the one to reveal that there were others born with powers like them.
In the book, the Hargreeves' all know that there were other children born with powers (ch23 pg 164). and it's not a throw away line as a big part of the plot is that they meet Ryan, another of the 43.
which... kind of annoying and easily fixable. here's how I would've worked around this issue while still preserving the plot:
Ryan's powers are the ability to determine and gift powers to others. He is unable to gift himself powers and unable to gift new powers, change powers, or remove the powers of the 43. His powers also require a fair amount of effort on his part, as well as his physical touch to bestow them. When he uses his powers, and when those he's gifted with powers use them, earthquakes occur in that persons vicinity and toxic (flammable) dust appears in the air.
note the dust, the dust is the crux of my fix:
Instead of the Umbrella's realising that Ryan is one of the 43 due to prior knowledge, have them blame the powers on the dust making them hallucinate. Once the firefighters arrive and begin evacuating and putting out the fires after Ryan is dealt with, have them blame the hallucinations vanishing on the dissipating of the dust.
Or, have Reginald pose this to the Umbrella's and manipulate them into believing his story rather than their own eyes.
To prevent the universally disliked "it was all a dream" trope have Ryan's existence as a member of the 43 be confirmed to the reader through another POV, such as a third party, Reginald, Pogo or Grace.
Other/Minor Continuity Errors
The siblings consistently refer to Reginald as "Hargreeves" when in the show they almost always call him "Dad"
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Diego says he painted his room black because he likes the colour black, but in the show his room is white/greenish with blue and brown wooden accents
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Diego also says he hates the Umbrella Academy uniform and that he thinks it's too "cute" and that they should wear black uniforms instead... but in the show, the uniform changed styles between 2002 and 2006 to be a black spandex/leather thing
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and Luther continues to wear a version of this outfit into his young adulthood
Since this book is set in 2006, the year that Ben dies, that doesn't give the Umbrella's much time to change (and for this to be one of the outfits that Allison remembers well enough to recall with Claire).
Ben is also a strange case in this book as his powers are more readily described, yet his powerset/style is more consistent with Sparrow Ben or with the new trailer than the actual Umbrella Ben.
The first issue is that Umbrella Ben's powers are only seen 2 - 3 times, but he uses them in a specific way each time:
he lifts/opens his shirt
the horror only comes out through his stomach
he seems to have little or no control over the tentacles themselves
he seems to be in pain or to be struggling each time
he doesn't seem able to move once he summons the tentacles
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so it seems that this is the most effective way that Ben is able to use his powers,
however, Sparrow Ben's powers are a lot more controlled:
he is able to control indivdual tentacles with finesse
he doesn't need to lift his shirt but instead summons the portal over the top of his clothes
is not in visible pain or discomfort while summoning them
he is not stuck to one position while using his powers but instead uses them to traverse his environment
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and in the s4 trailer his powers seem to have changed even more:
his tentacles are now emerging from his back, not his stomach
he is fully suspended in the air, his weight only supported by the tentacles
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now, the Ben in this book has:
tentacles that emerge from his back
is suspended mid air by said tentacles at least twice
has the finesse to use his tentacles to pull a fighting Luther and Diego apart with injuring them.
He also rips his shirt everytime he summons the tentacles and has openings sewn into his uniform by mom to allow them to exit.
obviously this is a strange merging of all three Bens so far which ends in the continuity issue of Umbrella Ben's powers being more refined in this book, set months or weeks before his death, than they ever were while he was that bit older, and dead.
The book also makes a big deal about them not being able to wear anything other than the uniform, but Allison has a lot of clothes in her room as a kid and is seen wearing casual clothes in multiple magazines and posters
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aside from Five, it's implied that all the others have casual clothes and are allowed to wear what they want during their free time.
Other Gripes
these aren't particularly big issues but they are choices that I don't personally agree with. If you enjoy/ed these choices then fair play.
I'm not personally fond of the use of the name Viktor and he/him pronouns in a prequel setting, as I'd prefer realism rather than pretending he's always been Viktor. plus I feel like we all know that he's Viktor. But he doesn't yet, and neither does anyone else. So to have Viktor consider why he dislikes the name "Viktor" and wants to change it is a little strange and not very well articulated when the name they're talking about is "Vanya".
I respect that Elliott Page prefers this attitude towards his identity pre-transition but in the context of fiction, and of Viktor specifically, I find it a little unneccesary and overly complicated.
Ben also "dies" temporarily on this mission and the medical inaccuracy continues to bug me.
s1 was so good at showing that they're still human and prone to injury. Diego ends up in a sling because of a bullet nick and Five is caught in an explosion he set off. But in the book Ben falls maybe 4 stories and is unresponsive, so Allison begins CPR without checking for a pulse or breathing. Ben is resuscitated almost immediately and has almost no complications from literally being dead after falling from that height.
It's not only completely disregarding the themes season 1 set, but also a really quite tacky fake-out.
The kids also drive to the party but forget the car and walk back in less time than it took to drive, and without shoes in Allison's case.
Grace is treated as though she is non-sentient. after all of the work and love and care that season 1 poured into showing that Grace did develop sentience, and the ability to love, to see her treated by every member of the academy (Diego isn't innocent either, though he is the nicest) as a machine is saddening.
in s1 she is trapped behind programming and unable to voice her opinions because of that. not because she wasn't sentient. her sentience and love for her children does peek through until she is eventually set free by Diego and Pogo.
her hint to Luther and Allison that she dissapproved of Reginald
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her expressing her feelings of longing and loneliness through the painting she imitates
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and then her immediately escaping the house with Diego to get out from under Pogo's watch and to confess her part in Reginald's plan
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she is so much more than a robot that doesn't understand jokes, movie references, glitches when asked a question she doesn't know the answer to, and throws away clothes that her kids might want.
Ryan himself felt very underdeveloped. We know his powers, and that he's a very good manipulater/public speaker. We also know that he likes Bach and beer, but not modern music. He's lonely and trying to surround himself with friends and those loyal to him by gifting everyone powers.
but all we know of his origins is that he's from a small town called Dobbsville just upstate from the Academy. He dislikes his "friends" from there as they treated him like the only one without powers, and has a bad enough relationship with his family/guardians that he ran away to the City and gifted enough people powers that they let him live in their college dorm (probably illegally and) for free.
We don't know his last name, his family situation, the reason he ran away from home and towards the Academy when he feels fightened and threatened by them. etc etc.
He feels so open and undefined... it's so strange.
Good Things
because I did actually enjoy this book and maybe let's end on some compliments instead
Diego discovered his powers aged 2 & a half by throwing a knife and perfectly shattering a glass - and Reginald being pleased about it
Reginald told Viktor when he was 12 to take a pill anytime he felt uncomfortable - explaining why Viktor takes his pills after emotional upset rather than at a specific time in s1
The scene where they got dressed for the party was fun, I loved the rationale for their outfits and that Allison and Luther were dressed according to the old movies they'd watched rather than anything people would usually wear to parties.
Reginald manipulating them into going to the party just to neutralise Ryan. despite the continuity errors I loved that Reginald knew all along. I was about to be disappointed that they'd gone the route of making him oblivious but I loved this twist.
The Academy becoming unpopular due to Five's disappearance - he seems to be thought of as dead by the public which made them realise that they're not a "cute" organisation and then the support waned considerably until there's barelyanyone left who cares.
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sparky-is-spiders · 28 days
Jonelias Week Day 1 (Which is definitely today I swear), for the prompt "No Powers AU"
This one... maybe got away from me. This is actually only the first half of what I've written so far, and probably the first third overall! I do plan to post this to Ao3 at some point (although I suspect I'll need to do a lengthy round of editing first lmao). It's some very self-indulgent nonsense, which is a lot of what I write, but now it's getting put in the main tags of a ship during said ship's event week. So. It may also be a little bit "aromantic dude tries to figure out what having a crush is supposed to be like." Also a lot of "dude who took Principals of Accounting once pretending it knows what office work is like." Anyway, quick warning before we begin, and the rest will be under the read-more:
Stalking (played for laughs) for most of the fic.
Just. A weird amount of obsession.
Ok that should be it I think. Fic under the cut.
Jon's new boss was, quite possibly, the most boring man in the world. He wore the same outfit every day (pale dress shirt with dark unpatterned tie and gray slacks and matching suit jacket). The only personal effect in his entire office was a potted plant on the windowsill (some sort of succulent, and definitely fake). He always arrived to work exactly half an hour early and left exactly half an hour late. The only hobby he appeared to show any interest in was scheduling, which he seemed to find both deeply engaging and remarkably irritating. In fact, he was apparently so opposed to the idea of mixing his work with his personal life that he might as well not have existed beyond the walls of their office. Jon had never been more fascinated by anyone else in his entire life.
It stared with the transfer to the accounting department. Elias had met with him personally to get him acclimated to his new role. He had been blandly polite, and blandly handsome, and Jon had stopped listening to him about five minutes into their conversation. It was probably bad form, really. The software Elias was droning on and on about sounded like it was about to become a central feature of his days. He really should've been paying attention to it. Instead, he pretended to make eye contact while zeroing in on the top of Bouchard's forehead (a very useful trick, really) and became inordinately focused on the small lock of hair that had fallen across it. It was terribly distracting, and Jon had wondered how he hadn't noticed it. And then he wondered how it had come to be there. And then he had built up an entire story involving a murder, an illicit affair with the assistant director of marketing, and the potted succulent. And then he had noticed Bouchard eying him with what could've been suspicion or amusement or irritation or nothing whatsoever, and had been forced to rapidly pretend to care about their company's bad debt expense policy. Bouchard had indulged him, and had spoken with the calm authority of someone who knew what they were talking about, and had even managed to avoid being overtly condescending (a feat forever out of Jon's reach). At the end he had shaken Jon's hand (with a nice, firm grip), and had told him "I'm looking forward to working with you, I'm sure you'll make a wonderful member of our team." Jon had left that meeting with a mind shrouded in a fog of boredom and a faint sensation of warmth which he decided was best attributed to curiosity and left otherwise unexamined. Over the next few weeks, Jon had tried to subtly inquire into Bouchard's life. At the time, he had been naively under the impression that surely he must have let slip something about his life; some odd quirk or funny story or harmless bit of information which could justify Jon's blooming curiosity. Unfortunately; "He lives in Chelsea, I'm pretty sure?" (Sasha) "He's currently in a meeting. Honestly Jon, you'll be better off just sending an email. Now can I please get back to work?" (Rosie, probably lying about the meeting) "He actually lives here in the office. Set up a cozy little home away from home in one of the storage closets and sneaks out at night to raid the canteen. And he's having an affair with the assistant director of marketing." (Tim, definitely lying (but maybe a mind reader? Also, full of brilliant ideas for places Jon could maybe set up a cot whenever he needs to stay overnight)) Clearly, Jon would have to take matters into his own hands if he wanted answers. That was fine. It could be his own private little research project.
Jon liked to think that the entire thing had actually been quite reasonable, and that he had acted within the bounds of their pre-established relationship as employee and supervisor. Surely any rational person had to realize that nobody could possibly be that uninteresting. Anyone would be curious as to what dark secrets Bouchard his behind his well-tailored suits and polite, professional demeanor. … perhaps most rational persons would not meticulously record the movements, behavior, and daily appearance of their colleague in a discreet notebook (with annotations, color-coding, and graphs where appropriate), but Jon had always prided himself on his dedication to research and understanding. So far Jon had collected frustratingly little data. If Bouchard was hiding anything, it wasn't apparent from his schedule (see pages 8-13, figure 2.b), his eating habits (see page 22), or his lone plant (see page five, figure 1.c). His breaks did seem specially timed to avoid other people (and he appeared not to engage in many social behaviors generally), but he never acted irritated or otherwise unhappy to encounter one of his subordinates, so Jon wasn't entirely sure if it was deliberate avoidance or simple coincidence. Really, the only truly odd thing about him was his inexplicable interest in Jon. That very morning, for example, Bouchard had stopped by his cubicle for a fifteen minute discussion on the upcoming Annual Team Luncheon, an event Jon had never attended before (due to an annual migraine which coincidentally always happened to occur on the exact date of the luncheon), which Jon did not plan to attend, and which honestly sounded like some sort of violation of the Geneva Convention. The topic itself was not especially odd (small talk was an archaic tradition which had stubbornly clung on in every workplace Jon had ever set foot in), but Bouchard's low propensity for inter-office socialization combined with the fact that he had both chosen Jon specifically as his conversational partner was… highly suspicious. Most people who encountered Jon inevitably concluded that he was more effort than he was worth (an attitude Jon mostly appreciated).
And of course, there had also been their interaction two days ago, when Elias had paused briefly to inquire as to whether Jon would be staying late, and what he was working on, and if he might perhaps consider heading home soon because there was only so much overtime they could pay him. Or on Friday, when he had managed to hold two separate conversations with Jon where very little was said. Honestly, Jon somewhat suspected that Elias had spoken to him more in the past few weeks than he had spoken to any of their colleagues for the entire time Jon had been there to observe him. Most of Jon's notes were now dedicated to their interactions. From his cot in the unused storage room (which was indeed a good place to stay overnight, thank you Tim), he could jot down everything he recalled about their interaction; it had begun at 8:32 and had concluded at 8:47; the weather was warm and slightly humid, although the office interior remained at a comfortable 21 °C. Bouchard's shirt had been a nice, cool gray, which complemented the silver of his eyes. Jon (who had been busy digging for his favorite pen (the ink was a lovely deep green color, and it was usually kept on the left side of the top desk drawer, and Jon had no idea where else it could have possibly gone)) had settled on "irritation" as his tone, which Bouchard either had not noticed or had not cared enough to acknowledge. He had easily dominated the conversation, and Jon could admit in the sanctity of his research journal that his voice had been soothing enough to cool away some of Jon's annoyance. He wrote his conclusion: Subject behaved near-identically in tone, posture, body language, and apparent mood as he has in all previous communications. Subject displayed no strong thoughts or opinions on subject of discussion nor conversational partner. Interaction was pleasant but slightly dull, no new information discovered. It was almost exactly the same as every previous conclusion. Jon had to admit, so many months with so little progress was… discouraging. He shifted on the narrow mattress and winced when his movements aggravated his backache (which was surely unrelated to his frequent occupancy of the cot). It was becoming more and more apparent that the only possible solution was to do some actual, direct investigation. His first idea (break into Bouchard's office) seemed a tad far (also, he didn't know how to pick locks). His second idea (follow him home) seemed a stretch further than the previous one, and was perhaps best saved as a last resort. His third idea (something something computers? (perhaps "idea" was a bit generous)) would almost certainly require Sasha, who would have questions Jon couldn't answer. He flipped idly through his notes, half-skimming, half-thinking. It was only when his gaze landed on figure 2.b, Weekly Schedule of E. Bouchard, that he actually came up with something reasonable. Something actionable.
#wish there was a way to search for all italicized text in a wordpad document... cause tumblr de-italicized it all lol#anyway jon manages to be an eye-aligned Freak even when the eye doesn't exist#worried this is ooc tbh but fuck it we ball ig.#anyway hope you enjoyed.#i am. i am so unbelievably nervous about posting this in a way that invites the scrutiny of people beyond my trusted mutuals.#anyway i'm personally deeply entertained by the idea of elias trying to be the most boring version of himself possible.#like just for fun. he's having a great time and nobody else is sure that he has a personality. idk it just speaks to me#also i made them accountants because that's my destiny. there are spreadsheets in my future. the stars have spoken.#but that's ok because i like them. they're kinda soothing honestly.#i really enjoyed principals of accounting tbh.#i barely know what i'm typing at this point i'm super tired lmao.#but this isn't about me this is about Them.#jon saw elias (barely talks to anyone. has never mentioned a personal life. primarily focused on Work.) and went 'wow. freakish.#i've never seen this behavior in anyone before. anyway i'm going to avoid speaking w/ my coworkers whenever possible#and move into a storage closet so i can stay late whenever i want.'#elias 100% knows about that btw. i imagine its the sort of thing that would be difficult to hide. he's not gonna say anything tho <3#anyway sorting tags#jonelias#joneliasweek#joneliasweek2024#sparkwrites#anyway time for sims4 i think.
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ourmondobongo · 7 months
JJK 251 delivered one of the most intense fights till now, and honestly, I can't wait to see it animated! (if I'm still alive 10 years from now, that is lol).
That said, I need to write a little about this chapter because it has been eating me out since Thursday, and the HQ scan release is MAGNIFICENT. So let’s go!
Yuta used Cleave on Sukuna!
But, alas, he wasn’t the one to eat Sukuna’s finger. It was prolly Rika.
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I don’t think anyone would think it makes sense that Yuta - second only to Gojo, the strongest modern sorcerer  - could be the one to eat the King of Curse’s finger. While he IS powerful, it is still so risky to think he could ingest a piece of Sukuna’s soul and keep it inside himself for God knows how long.
Also, if a human had eaten one of his fingers, it seems a bit unlikely Sukuna wouldn’t have noticed somehow, as the cursed object holds a part of his very soul.
On the other hand, Rika hasn’t fully manifested. It seems an odd thing since this battle is even more dangerous and important than all previous battles Yuta had since his 2vs1 with Geto. Which may be just a wild speculation, but that has me thinking that maybe - just maybe - he hasn’t allowed her to fully manifest because she ate the finger. Like with the finger bearers at the beginning of the manga, Sukuna would know it is there, and he could target Rika more fiercely. Perhaps get to even retrieve it.
But this is speculation only - and I hope we will be sure of it in the next chapters.
It’s good to remember tho that it was Rika who ate Uro’s arm, not Yuta. And I doubt Yuta himself could have also eaten Hana’s and Inumaki’s arms…
Yuta was right in thinking that Sukuna would be surprised at being hit by his own technique.
However, something pretty nice happening here is that Sukuna looks pleased at tasting his own technique.
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You know, we are well aware by now that Sukuna is a hedonist to the fullest. So I’m actually pleased that, rather than being really pissed off for getting a taste of his own medicine, he really experienced this little moment in a way that couldn’t show better how a being can be more self centered lol
I mean, his smile as he says ‘I see. Quite the meal.’ or "Oh, I get it. You ate it." feels like he is amused at tasting some of the power his own technique holds. I can hear Suwabe-san making it sound like he is having a foodgasm. And Yuta’s face turning worried is a sign that he oughta move to his next attack against the King of Hedonism ASAP.
Yuji and Yuta’s hand-to-hand-fight with Sukuna is beautiful, my god.
Sukuna is a good +4m tall muscle-built four-armed TITAN GIANT. Yuta and mostly Yuji are making him bend, making him bleed, making him blind by spitting blood on his cursed eyes, and FUCK - THIS FIGHT IS GOLD!!
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Details I gotta highlight:
This is the second time Yuji survives Cleave at point blank, showing how much his endurance is up in such a crucial moment.
It was so smart of him to spit blood on Sukuna’s face. Reminds a little how his lil brother Kechizu spat his cursed blood on him back in s01 times.
Yuji’s determination to save defeat Sukuna and save Megumi with ‘heal up, heal up, HEAL UP’ makes me wanna chomp on wood T_T (C’mon baby, you can do it!)
Count on Sukuna to keep looking amused as he is being wrecked to the bones lmao. But also, this means he is thinking, analyzing, plotting, and soon preparing to counterattack.
The way Rika grabs him by the leg and throws him at Yuji’s soul shaking kick IS PERFECT.
The beating is so well delivered that, in fact, Sukuna is pushed to a deadly gamble.
I love when Sukuna gambles. He does it so many times throughout the story that I don’t think anyone can actually be surprised to see him doing this again in this chapter.
And I really mean it, cause not even our MCs are surprised. They had a solid plan of what to do once they had pushed Sukuna to the point they wanted: aka, releasing the HWC to try using Space Dismantle while tanking Jacob’s Ladder.
In less than a blink, Sukuna is 3/4 immobilized.
Rika, half manifested, gets his upper arms while Yuji goes for the lower right.
Yuta, though, goes straight to his guts, and bravely shoves his hand inside his belly mouth while Sukuna's only free arm goes straight to his head.
The cost for such a risky attack? A Cleave delivered directly on his bloody head.
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But Yuta’s RCT doesn’t fail him. And he also still gets to rip out the Cursed Tongue - leaving Sukuna to have only one way to chant curses now. Confirming their suspicions that the King needs to use hand signs and chants or both to use “Space Dismantle”, which is an opening they can take an important advantage of to both use the domain's sure hit and reach Megumi.
This page made me scream!
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The sight of Sukuna’s cheek exploding is bloody horrible.
Yuta tanking another slash attack shook me.
But Yuta coming up at the fucking King of Curses absolutely confident he can face him off FEARLESSLY is even more gobsmacking. I love my son!
Also, the fact that Sukuna’s output is low to that point is both a sign that 1) his deadly efficiency is truly getting compromised by the biggest jjk team jump this manga had to this day,  2) Yuta and Yuji really leveled up to an impressive stage!
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I don’t think we have ever seen Sukuna getting so overwhelmed and shocked.
Yuta’s next sword attack happens simultaneously with Yuji’s blood manipulation attack, and Sukuna loses his free hand while he realizes Yuji in fact just used his spitted blood to blow half his face off, rendering unable to speak.
A little thought I want to share though is that, while it has been long hinted that Yuji is able to use Blood Manipulation in any form after eating his brothers and training with both Choso and Noritoshi, I still have a little doubt whether the piercing blood attack in chapter 247 really comes from Yuji or not.
From the pov in 247, PB comes from somewhere really high and far from where Sukuna is. And in chapter 244, we see Mei Mei and Momo observing the battle from a tall building not too far away. I could see Choso being taken somewhere safe up to and despite being heavily wounded, still trying to help his lil brother. But also, I can picture Yuji rushing up some of the destroyed buildings to locate Sukuna and Higuruma, and desperately PB Sukuna to buy some time until he gets there. 
I mean, if it had been really Yuji, I half expected Sukuna to have a lil flashback not only of the moment Yuji spat on him, but also from when he was attacked back in 247. That would solidify the fact he shockingly realized Yuji is using BM. So I will wait for a clear confirmation...
This talk is pretty interesting and important.
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We discovered through Yuki’s search that: 
Even when souls mix to some degree, they don’t become one single soul.
Choso can’t feel the OG soul of the human whose (his) body belongs to, and that’s why he asks if Yuji and Sukuna aren’t a special case. A fair question that made me think Choso could actually give back his body to the guy if he knew the poor man was trapped inside.
Yuji explains that CE plays an important role in the case of cursed objects and non-sorcerers then. Yet, no matter how deep a living soul may sink, it won’t merge or disappear in such cases.
Choso proposes another special case: since Yuji said, “in general level things are unmergeable”,  what if Megumi and Sukuna are different tho? What if that could happen to them?
Yuji proceeds to say he added the “general” thing cause he had dealt with Mahito. Also, uniting souls transform them into other separate being. So as long as a soul CT like Mahito’s is NOT at play, then the merging of souls can’t happen.
And trusting fully in Yuki’s search, Yuji promises he will shake Megumi’s soul awake.
And after learning all of this, I wished for real that Yuki had not died so prematurely. The fact she was a former Star Plasma Vessel, that she could hear the voices of the souls Tengen had absorbed throughout the millennium, and that she had now Maki, Yuji/Sukuna, Choso and Mahito to deepen her research on souls and find a “scientific way” for how to break free from CE, BUT she never could do it… is a PAIN. We can’t undo what GG did, tho, so let's move on to the next topic.
Angel’s technique is special.
But it has a well defined role in the story: one that is NOT what some ppl think.
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In an incarnated body, there is the mix of one’s technique + the personality + cursed object. So, since Angel’s CT can eradicate CTs, they can erase Sukuna. As they all want to save Megumi, tho, they will need to do the same thing Hana tried back in chapter 213: using the attack to FIRST weaken the connection between Sukuna and Megumi so Megumi’s chances of surviving the brain damage are better, and THEN move on to finish off the King of Curses.
And here I want to point out how absurd it is for anyone to expect a MINOR side character to end the history of the final MAIN antagonist of this series. Because, truly, unless you are being really disingenuous or purposefully kidding yourself just to hate and badmouth JJK, one cannot be serious over Hana EVER standing a chance against Sukuna. Even more with one of her arms torn off by the King himself.
And that’s why Yuta - the one second only to Gojo - is the one side-handling this freaking final battle. 
Sukuna is damn right roughen and wrecked.
Yuji has one of his arms, Rika has two arms + a bite on his shoulder, his free arm is handless, his main mouth is half blown, and his belly mouth is tongueless and dripping blood.
There is a seriousness to his features that is different though. I mean he is the king of smiles, but he is deadly serious right here...
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He KNOWS what is coming. He has chosen to gamble his endurance power against Yutangel’s Max Jacob’s ladder. So he is definitely mentally preparing to receive one of the hardest blows on his unstable (connected to Megumi) form.
And then Sukuna takes it.
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His reaction is highly different from last time though, and it’s kinda obvious why. In chapter 213,  he had just barely taken over Megumi’s body as well as he was at 15 fingers. Here he is in his incarnated true form, 19 fingers + his very mummified head in.
That said, the way he only growls/grunts/gasps tanking a DE’s sure hit from someone with a CE around the same as his own is impressive. Not only that, but also another crystal clear hint that he is the fucking King of JJK for a reason. You can’t break him easily. You can’t beat him conventionally. You can’t kill him until his last drop of CE is gone, until his brain is incapacitated, until his self-serving wish to keep existing - even if meaninglessly - is obliterated together with his cursed soul. As long as he holds the overwhelming power to exist, he will keep existing.
Knowing the enemy is NOT down yet, Rika chomps her mouth on Sukuna’s shoulder again as she holds his arms again while Yuta butchers his lower right arm in half, buying the time Yuji needs to fuel the special punch that he hopes will shake Megumi’s soul awake from the depths of this nearly unkillable monster. And if my eyes are not deceiving me, I think that -  by the shape of Sukuna’s tattoo - Yuji hits him in the middle of his chest. Right over his heart.
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Megumi’s breakdown deserves an analysis of its own.
But, yeah, IT HURTS.
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As Yuji is shaken by Megumi’s state, though, the inevitable happens.
Sukuna, following his gamble of tanking and surviving JL to throw the WCD, does exactly that. The chants come on the page on a background a little similar to how his DE first appeared in animation. It’s eerie, cursed, and we know shit will happen on the next page…
Using what seems to be the arm Yuta had slashed in half (or is it the hand Rika was holding before), Sukuna strikes ALL his enemies with a seemingly WCD. 
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Way too close to him, Yuta takes the bruntest of it - the slash rips/slants his abdomen (letting we peek what is probably his liver), his back and his ring fingered hand (strongest way of connection with Rika) is severed from his wrist. Rika is slashed all over her face, the lower jaw which had bitten onto Sukuna’s shoulder is cut off and falling, her monstrous hands all cut and bloodied when they release Sukuna. Yuji is slashed on his forehead, across his face, and by the blood trajectory, from his collarbone down to abdomen. 
There is NO WAY THO that Yuji is dying like that, though.
So before we find out how Yuji - and prolly Yuta too - will survive this attack, it is important to notice here that Sukuna does not say “Dismantle” when he unleashes this attack on them. And, YES, chants ARE important in JJK. (I know a lot of ppl will complain about this, especially since “Gojo died with this attack!”, but I’m just saying what is drawn in the manga.)
Sukuna is back to his menacingly smiling aura as Yuta’s domain starts crumbling on top of him.
But while he is RCTing his injuries and tasting what seems to finally be the end of this cursed battle day, he is struck by the sneakiest signature attack of the modern era.
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Maki Zenin, the demon with zero cursed energy, pierces his heart - and soul - with her Split Soul katana.
If I said I haven't screamed at this whole sequence, I would be a liar. This was absolutely INCREDIBLE!
Now I hope GG won't switch the pov back to Hakari x Uraume, but I feel like he might as well do again T_T
Anyway, I just had to write all this to say how PERFECT Gege is weaving Gojo's pupils battle against the greatest King of Curses!!
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simplyreveries · 8 months
Hey ! Can I ask for a Alastor like!male!reader please ? The reader have the same personality and power as him and is in Diasomnia or Heartslabyul. With Idia, Lilia and Ruggie pls ? Maybe Grim platonic (He need a dad and I volunteer for that role-)
Ignore it if you don't want to write it !!
Don't forget to drink, and have a good day/night.
i havent watched an episode of hazbin hotel (everything i know about that show is against my will /lh) but the songs have been stuck in my head for the past WEEK.
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idia shroud
okay I'm being honest idia was slightly weird and found your behavior initially strange when he had met you, but brushed it off because well, he's at nrc. you always seemed so charismatic and held only good intentions for yourself and others. he didn't get how someone could be so happy all the time as well. he may or may not have thought you were some suck up until he caught glimpse of your underlying nature. (he can respect that though lmao).
he seemed to stray away and almost ignore you at first, especially after seeing more and more of your own behavior. the time when he felt fine around you was when you, being unpredictable appeared and helped him get back at some bothersome student online because you thought it'd be entertaining. and both you and idia are pretty spiteful anyway, with those mischievous toothy grins on your faces.
idia can at least admit he finds your retorts and comments funny, he finds himself snickering to himself when he happens to witness one of these instances when you're basically coming at some poor student that made some snarky remark to you during fitness with vargas. but you always seem to point that out and he hates it.
lilia vanrouge
I feel like you two get along quite well, he finds your demeanor to be interesting and considerably old-fashioned ways is something he relates to. you two are quite the old souls at nrc i feel like haha. But anyone seeing just the two of you together, even smiling and chatting with each other can be pretty intimidating to the eyes of others… your constant toothy smile can be unnerving.
whereas one of your talents and interests is cooking,, lilia does enjoy it as well but pretends to be so weepy and sad when you told him "oh....! its utterly awful! ha-ha-ha” you two get quite competitive during the master chef competitions and challenge the school holds during that time or during beanfest when you two were on opposing teams.... so, you guys definitely get into friendly? rivalries with one another all the time, usually end up being completely chaotic and blown way out of proportion for what they are. the whole dorm knows when you two happen to be in one.
you two have most likely at some point shown each other's magic and abilities off to each other trying to one up one another unknowingly causing some trouble around you as you are so caught up.
ruggie bucchi
ruggie sort of becomes your little gossip buddy, because he doesn't seem to really care and has a lot of dirt on various students and stories he's heard and seen. you just happen to be a sucker for the drama and are able to easily repay him in some way with your magic if you really need to anyways.
he sometimes does find himself a little... confused and taken aback with your smiley and always grinning with some sort of delight even during the worst possible moments (*cough* overblots) as you don't seem to barley bat an eye. but then again as others would assume, its nrc and ruggie has met a lot of strange people. even if you're definitely one of the more... stranger ones.
before he had really known he, he had has attempted to be his usual, cunning self and deceive you at times as a way to try and getting something from you. he easily learned his lesson when you're so able to see right through him and twist it back on him- it ended up turning into some sort of game. he thinks its honestly impressive though. he almost wants to know if you learned that or if that was genuinely just you, he is leaning towards the last part haha.
you are definitely not a force to be reckoned with when angry or even upset. He’s certainly had his moments where he's like “WOAH”. despite the fact that he may butt heads with you often with your condescending and teasing towards him– you’re still quite protective over your little friend. you swiftly manage to pull him out of trouble by swiftly teleporting him right in your hand and he hates that, he always grumbles when you're chuckling “now now, violence is not an answer, grim” even though he's seen your worst moments haha. you're literally way more aggressive than him, he'll retort and remind you of when some rough savanclaw student ALMOST scuffed your uniform.
lowkey he wouldn't outright admit it to you, but I feel like grim does look up to your power and abilities in a way, plus being your unbothered, confident, straightforward self- he wants that aura around himself too…! he wants people to fear him like they do with you all the time. during halloween you practically “shine” as you enjoy playing around and scaring the daylights out of people visiting your dorm and go back to grinning.
not gonna lie, I think that you have this stupid rivalry between you and azul. being you, azul would find you one of the most difficult people to make a deal with. (not to mention you can pretty much manifest anything you want) you were able to easily manage and deal with the events that went down in chapter 3 because you're easily as manipulative and cunning. you literally are a dealmaker yourself. grim always watches you and his interactions in sheer confusion and concern.
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Red Hood:
she’s red riding hood but CYBERPUNK. and she’s part of the REBELLION. she’s can hack MILITARY tech in a matter of moments. she uses her WOLF VIRUS to hack into CROWN VEHICLES and RIDE THEM INTO BATTLE. she REPURPOSED a GOVERNMENT VIRUS into a weapon to HURT THEM. her GRANDMOTHER was killed by the corrupt government virus that she has since TAMED and uses it AGAINST them. her fiction (this is canon!): https://themechanisms.com/fiction/what-big-eyes/
mechs fans need a win methinks. my mutual told me to go submit red but i also have very strong opinions on her because this entire album makes me insane. red started as a young 12 year old hacker who eventually put her skills to the test when a government-made computer virus (called the wolf virus) went rogue and unplugged her grandmother from life support. (the wolf virus was initially intended to figure out what wasn’t necessary for the war and divert power to weapons instead. it went rogue and started going after people who would never be able to help the war [ie disabled and elderly]). so red FOUGHT IT OFF ON HER OWN and TAMED IT. so then she essentially had a weapon designed to take down crown weapons and vehicles. so she joined the war effort and fought for brutal 30 years. it’s unclear whether she survived the final battle, but i think she deserves to take the win. also. she’s in space. she’s cyberpunk. she’s part of a retold fairytale cast BUT IN A COSMIC WAR. it’s like if star wars was actually good.
Cerise Hood:
She’s the child of the red riding hood and the big bad wolf. Don’t question it to okay. Also she was the first character I thought of when I saw this!
She’s the daughter of red riding hood and the big bad wolf! She’s a werewolf!
Love her design very much. She gets a lot of great outfits. Also, another version of Red Riding Hood that incorporates both the girl and the wolf together.
1: ever after high was iconic and amazing and so well written and i'm really bitter that it was cancelled so i think cerise deserves this win (i do too) 2: her design is really good. like no one else could EVER if you ask me 3: wolf girl. do i NEED to say more. ...honestly, my brain cannot bring out any more words so fingers crossed someone else submits her and she gets some ACTUAL GOOD propaganda (sorry cerise forgive me)
She’s a badass red riding hood with a secret (her dad is the big bad wolf)
She's the daughter of Red Riding Hood and the Wolf, so she has wolf ears and is really strong. She's supposed to be the next Red Riding Hood so she should count.
She's the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf making her a daughter of forbidden love and thus a double representation of Little Red Riding Hood's age-old story of maturity and adolescence.
She's really cool! She was born from a forbidden romance between the wolf (don't worry he turns into a human lmao) and Little Red Riding Hood and has to hide her heritage from other people which I think is really interesting. Also her hood is really pretty.
She's the daughter of red riding hood and is meant to take over that role when it's her time
she slays so hard!! while technically shes not THE little red riding hood, she is her daughter and the FUTURE little red riding hood. shes also half wolf, which is really cool!! and yea. she slays.
idk she’s just cool & definitely gay
She’s meant to be the next Red Riding Hood but her whole bit is that not only is her mom Red Riding Hood, her father is the Big Bad Wolf and she needs to keep it a secret. The best of both worlds. The tween girls went crazy for the wolf thing. Had a pretty doll and cool outfits. Has an older sister who’s meant to be the next Big Bad Wolf (Ramona Badwolf) who she comes into conflict with. Identity crisis! She was everything to eleven year old me
She’s half wolf, she has cool white streaks in her hair, she’s a jock with super speed and I like her a lot.
she turned me lesbian.
Fan favourite, my first lesbian crush on a character
She is a daughter of previous Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf, how cool is that
She’s a furry yeuwu
she’s the daughter of red riding hood and the big bad wolf. she’s a wolf girl. i love her
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aleksanderscult · 9 months
I loved your analysis! Can you analyse the (barely there, not enough) Darklina scenes from the KOS duology? I could not rationalize some of what was going on there.
First of all, I'm so sorry for taking that long to reply, anon! (Hasn't it been over two weeks since you send this or what??😭😭)
Second, thank you so much for your kind words! 💗💗
Third, you and I both friend 🤝🤝
'Cause honestly I didn't know what the fuck was happening in that interaction too 😭
I'll actually analyze the only Darklina scene we got in RoW. But if you want another one too, just send me an ask!
So! Let's dive in and analyze that hot mess, shall we?
(note: I had to go back and read this scene very carefully in order to understand what the actual fuck they were saying💀)
⚠️TW!: PTSD, trauma⚠️
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The way he's so obedient with her even in this life 😭
If somebody else had ordered him to do that, he wouldn't obey. But Alina? Alina is a different story and this is the first time he hears her voice since his death in R&R.
'Any little victory'
You made him wipe his feet. I'm.... impressed??
(confusion levels 📉)
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I always believed that the dynamic between Aleksander and Alina involves lots of teasing. But not in the fun sense. But in the sense of "I'm getting under your skin. My words to you sting".
And that's what the Darkling does here too. He's a prisoner. Their prisoner. So he tries to gain the upper hand by using his wits, his past with Alina and the latter's trauma against her to get even.
Pretty clever, huh?
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See what I mean?
He tries to weaken her confidence and it's interesting that back in Keramzin he also tried to get even (and he did) by killing her mother figure.
Aleksander: "Wanna fuck with me? Wanna mess with me? How about that time when I burnt that orphanage and killed your "mother"?"
*Alina's sure confidence is gone and now the Darkling has the upper hand in her feelings*
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Excuse me, Misha? Who the Hell gave you the permission to interrupt or talk at all??
Also, do you really expect from the Darkling to remember a little boy while he was too busy trying to rule a nation, win a war and persuade Alina to join him?
And if you also expect him to remember you from that time when Baghra went out to confront her son while you escorted her, then you're also wrong. 'Cause he was too busy being furious that his mother sided and helped the opposite side and too busy being distraught because he was watching her fall to her death.
You're not important, son.
Sit down.
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Misha you're still an infant. Please shut up.
I honestly liked him in the Grisha Trilogy (I found him a cutie) but now I want to slap him and everyone else in this duology except Aleksander
The Darkling has survived numerous murdering attempts against him. He was finally killed by Alina not because of some grand display of her powers but because the former was so heartbroken by Alina's fate (and his own because he would be alone) that he just gave up on his life. Basically he committed suicide.
Misha, you wouldn't be able to kill him even now that he's powerless and in chains. Probably you would stumble and fall in the effort or smth.
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Uhh actually no, Mal.
Threating him only makes you sound like idiots, honestly.
Also, since when did Mal gained ✨wisdom✨?
Wasn't he the hot-tempered one in the trilogy who always got angry with the mere mention of the Darkling? And the one who wanted to kill him as well?
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Alina, you know damn well what his name is.
Honestly, I think she didn't say it because she wanted to respect the fact that he trusted her to keep it.
And I agree that Yuri is a horrible name for him. Makes him seem like a fisherman 😭
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Meanwhile Alina in S&B:
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So either Bardugo kinda forgot these scenes or we're led to believe that these scenes weren't her being happy, but we thought she was happy.
(me casually ignoring that theory because I choose to believe only the things that MAKE SENSE)
The fact that Bardugo made Alina believe that she was unhappy when she was whole with her powers and surrounded by people like her but totally happy now that she has no powers (a part of her soul actually) and living with a man that slut-shamed her in a toxic, childhood place is umm... yeah. Not good.
So basically:
Aleksander: "You look different. You look like shit. What the fuck did they do to you? This is not you"
Alina: "No bro I'm happy now that I live in toxic conditions where the teachers mock me, Mal takes me out for a walk to forget my psychological traumas and I raise some Grisha children that will fade because they don't use their powers and some others that I probably am in no condition to raise. At least that's what the author said is happiness, bro."
Aleksander: "......."
Alina: "......"
The readers: "........."
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"In peace"
Yeah, having PTSD certainly is peaceful. And knowing that you abandoned your country and left its fate to chance certainly makes you sleep like a baby at night.
"We chose the life we wanted"
Alina, you didn't CHOOSE to lose your powers. And before that you didn't even know what you wanted to do with your life. It was a last minute decision for you.
"I fell pray to the same greed that drove you"
Girl, are we the only ones who did our homework??
In his POV in RoW he confirmed that he tampered with merzost in the past because he wanted to stop Ravka's wars. So as far as we know he never used power exclusively for himself.
"I paid the price for tampering with merzost"
Now hold a second. I thought that the reason Alina lost her powers is because Morozova wanted that said power to be shared by any otkazat'sya around. It wasn't that much of a punishment as much as a need for Morozova to share that power.
Unless it was..... both?
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I just want a guy that will believe in me and my abilities the way Aleksander does with Alina, man 😭
He strongly believes that she could become a Queen even without her powers. And he's actually so right when he says to her that her wounds won't heal. Because no matter how much you try to convince yourself that you are alright. No matter how hard you try to persuade your mind that you're not broken, reality will always hit you. Some wounds never heal and Alina's certainly will not. She didn't lose a toy, she lost a part of her soul and witnessed many die. How the hell does she think she's suitable to raise children, when she herself is NOT okay psychologically?
"In the wake of your wars"
Excuse me. Why is the Fjerdan and Shu wars always the Darkling's fault??
"And maybe when our country is free, then that wound will close"
She sounds so brainwashed bye--
And just like I said, wounds like that never close unfortunately. It can only become more bearable with time. But not forgetable.
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Ah yes. Bardugo makes us watch how cute their relationship is.
Am I supposed to take off my camera and snap pictures of them whispering with tears in my eyes: "They look so adorable"?
'Cause I won't.
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The way Bardugo has made Mal unfazed by the Darkling's comments. A thing that completely contrasts his nature in the Grisha trilogy.
He also made him have "sassy" lines because we've got to like him somehow, right? 🤗
Still hate him
Basically, dear anon, the author has made Mal more "likeable", immune to the Darkling's insults, patient and witty in order for us to change our mind about him and finally like him.
(mission failed btw)
He is literally nothing like his trilogy counterpart and, if possible, she made him more annoying.
(how the hell she managed to do that, I don't know)
I just feel sorry for Aleksander who has to deal with all these jerks. If I were there, I would have helped him kill them and bury their bodies.
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Because you let your heart and feelings get the better of you, Aleksander. Because you proved to be the most human of all these characters here. You let her come close. And that's what killed you.
(also, shut up Misha)
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Alina, you could have said "no" to that invitation. So stop acting like they dragged you from the hair here.
"Do you think you could manage it?"
Do you, Alina? 'Cause really, what did YOU do to make the lives of Grisha better? At least he built a palace for them.
"It's not like you didn't get a fair try before. Hundreds of tries"
Yeah, and half of them failed because you got in the way. You refused to listen to him and, even if you didn't like the way he dealt with the persecution, you chose to run away (again) instead of deciding to stay and do better.
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Zoya, the very fact that he mentioned you should feel like a badge of honor.
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And yet Ravka is in its worst condition ever.
Sorry Alina but I don't see shit from them.
The fact that the Darkling keeps mentioning that he's eternal is to remind them that he has seen everything and done everything. He has more experience than they will ever have. Not to gloat about it. And yet Alina takes it as the latter.
And it's funny that Alina turns him down for the job saying he has no powers when Alina herself suffers from the same condition 😀
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Finally someone with self-reflection.
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When you have the "villain" exposing the true problem in the story, the flaws and failures while having the heroes screaming "EVERYTHING IS FINE. YOU'RE WRONG!" then you know that something is wrong.
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How the Hell are they gonna provide eternal peace in Ravka and to the Grisha when:
They have no experience
They are too busy criticizing the villain instead of looking at their own flaws
They doubt themselves
(you can add to the list, guys)
And he's not shaken because he's talking with a Saint, Zoya. He's shaken because he's talking to Alina. She always had a way in getting under his skin. He said it.
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"Fine. Make me your villain" fits here 'cause he never perceived himself as the bad guy but he knew that this is what others thought of him.
I think it still stung to him to know that others saw his every action in a negative light but he still kept going. And sometimes he even used it (at the end of R&R).
Alina still wants to believe that there's something redeemable inside him. Her POVs were always the "kindest" in the way they painted the Darkling.
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What about his mother, huh??
Who, despite the abuse he suffered from her, he still cared about??
Alina?? Oh boy, he was in love with her, obsessed and gave her so many chances. Something that he almost never does unless he's desperate.
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Meanwhile the Darkling in R&R, chapter 11:
"I have regretted many of the things I’ve had to do in this war."
So either Bardugo forgot that or Alina did or Aleksander changed his mind.
Or (my theory) Bardugo changed his perception in order for us to feel less sympathetic towards him.
Nevertheless, at least he has a spine and knows where he stands.
And Alina wanted the Darkling to say it not for him but for her. So she can feel okay. Unless Zoya is talking bullshit.
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He tries so hard to persuade her that the reality she lives in will not pay off anything. First off, this is not who she is or what she was meant to become and second, why does she teaches children stories that are lies? Feeding them false hope, repeating a circle that others had also been doing.
"Do you *really* believe..."
He wants to make sure that she stands by that. He just can't believe that this is her opinion. Her choice.
He just wants her to shine people!! 😭😍
"Those stories tell us the only people who matter are Kings and Queens. They're wrong"
Now tell me, Alina, which stories do YOU tell them? What do you teach them? That the world is as rosy as the orphanage they live in, where they only eat sugar and play the piano? Do you imagine what kind of reality check will those children get once they live in the real world?
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And here, ladies and gentlemen, we see the Darkling having reached his limits and saying "Fuck this shit I'm out"
Congratulations, Aleksander! You survived that meeting with these buffoons and their groundless arguments!! 👏👏
Here, have this! 🏅
He saw his chance (Alina holding Mal's hand) and seized it. But I think he really meant all those questions he asked to Alina.
So, dear anon, what we have here is the villain making his effort (again) to be heard and understood. He tries to make them see his own point of view: Ravka is in serious danger and Zoya and Nikolai are in no position to protect it. He, on the other hand, can since he has more experience and balls to deal with these issues. The Darkling is no pussy. He truly makes hard decisions when he must, something that essentially all rulers must do when the situation calls for it.
But! We have the good guys silencing him and threating him (even having a little child to do the last one) in order for the reader to understand what he has left in his wake. How much pain he has caused.
Mal has gotten ✨magically✨ wiser and calmer and has actual wits to repel the Darkling's insults in order for us to get to like Mal and see how much he has changed.
Alina sounds like a brainwashed woman who is convinced that her lifestyle is great! That wanting something more (idk. a throne and changing the world maybe) is sinful and unfitting of her.
Aleksander is the only one who thinks otherwise for her, though. Thank God, I mean!
He sought Alina out both to reclaim his powers and because he just wanted to see her.
Personally, in this scene only the Darkling makes sense. The others either want to feel good about themselves by threating him or want to convince him that "Hey, we're the good ones here. We know what we're doing, okay?" and his own ways are shit.
Dear anon, if you have any other questions or want me to analyze any other Darklina scene from this book or duology that I didn't include, then just say so!
And please any others who want to add something about this scene, feel free to criticise in the comments! 💛💛
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its-no-biggie · 9 months
thinking about. yoohankim body swap......
mild novel spoilers ahead but no big story moments or anything just. brief mentions of skills they get later and such
okay so weve got 2 options here, right (well technically theres 6 ways to arrange 3 objects but. if we assume each of them swaps into someone else. theres 2). first one. kdj -> yjh, yjh -> hsy, hsy -> kdj. right off the bat - extremely funny. kdj in yjhs body having the time of his life (i am the protagonist!!), but also adjusts fairly quickly bc like. hes done this before. hsy in kdjs body is a menace. immediately rummaging through his pockets. everyone is unsettled by unreadable normalguy kdj making hsys evil little gremlin expressions. and yjh in hsys body is like. immediately getting bullied because his menacing aura does not work at all in hsys 5 foot frame. kdj-as-yjh is picking him up by the scruff of the neck and all he can do is glare murderously
second arrangement. kdj -> hsy, hsy -> yjh, yjh -> kdj. i think i like this one less but lets see. yjh as kdj is pretty good, i think yjh would be disgruntled no matter who he swaps bodies with but since the 2 of them are on such even footing in the narrative, i think actually spending time in kdjs weak pathetic body would make him lose some respect for him lmfao. like "what have you been doing all this time that your body is in such poor shape. pathetic." hsy as yjh is extremely salty about how op he is. muttering about cliches under her breath. definitely uses her new power to relentlessly bully kdj (omg wait that means hsys body is getting harassed by yjhs body in both scenarios..... what can i say. shes the perfect size to be bothered. the only reason she isnt bothered more in canon is because of her sharp teeth - i stand by this). kdj as hsy is. unremarkable i think. loudly complains about how much shorter he is now just to piss her off. finds an unholy amount of candy in her pockets and publicly shames her about it until she points yjhs sword at him and he shuts up real quick.
honestly i think both of these scenarios have great potential for physical comedy though. they all have such different mannerisms and such different appearances that reshuffling them is always gonna be striking. i need to draw it.....
okay lets talk logistics. do they keep all their skills or do the skills stay with the body? they probably keep them, although it might be more interesting to have like. physical skills like swordfighting and whatnot stay with the body. so if they get stuck like that for a while and end up fighting in each others bodies they kinda have to adapt to the bodies skills and fighting style. could be fun! hmmm that kinda leaves whoevers in kdjs body in the lurch though, since all his skills are mental..... and then kdj has a massive advantage, because surely the bookmark skill gets a boost if hes literally in the body of the person hes copying. so perhaps they keep all their skills - hsys avatar skill in yjhs protagonist body would be pretty op. and yjh has so many skills that he could make anything work - he might end up ripping kdjs body to shreds though lmfao. also im not sure if we get much of kdj using hsy as a bookmark in the novel? i actually dont remember an instance of it, although i can see him wanting to steal predictive plagiarism so it may have happened and i just forgot. but anyway kdj as hsy using bookmark + avatar, and then hsy as yjh also using avatar is an INSANE combo. two man army. and then theres kdjs body there like *struggling to hold up a sword* "i am yoo joonghyuk......" *passes out* LMAO sorry kdj i know youre not that pathetic its just so funny to imagine the protagonists sheer power literally destroying your fragile salaryman body from the inside out.
omg also. if the swap lasts more than a few minutes theyre DEFINITELY getting their weapons and coats back from their bodies. black coat hsy...... wait omg. okay i know kdjs coat is like a high grade magic item that changes size with him. not sure if yjhs is the same but allow me for a moment - yjh-as-hsy trying to look menacing (already failing) but his coat is way too big. its dragging on the floor. the sleeves cover his hands. 😭😭😭😭 its so ridiculous...... other notable combos - white coat hsy (head in hands). hsy-as-yjh gets yjhs coat stolen from her which means the protagonist physique is on full display - she makes a comment about how WoS should have made more use of this kind of fanservice and now she and kdj are arguing. black coat kdj..... i am yoo joonghyuk......
okay i think thats all i got for now. i hope its in character because i really havent read orv in a while..... anyway i think this has a lot of potential so i wanna try drawing it - maybe ill have more thoughts on specific character interactions once i can like,, put personalities to faces lmao
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kosmicdream · 4 months
im confident enough to post FFAK, which has anal prolapse, but i dont post the true drama....... my opinions about manga. *dramatic music* sometimes i kinda want to do some reviews.. its mostly me complaining.. it makes me sound so bitter like "do you like anything kosmic!" and..yes ! i do!!! okay!! i like a lot of things. once in a while, i dip my toes into a popular series to try to see if we are a good fit. Series like: Beastars, Dorohedoro, Dungeon meshi,ect.. and i kind. well. I dont like any of them LMAO. I mean, Ok, i actually really was into Beastars for a time, but after the fight with the bear guy (its been a few years sorry) and that story arc concluded.. it just spiraled to laughable levels and did not recover. I was genuinely laughing at it at times bc it kind of felt like a desperate scramble with the like. loopholes and power upgrades.. But I was invested for a time, it had a charm to me! I also loved the art and im curious about the authors next series about santa (partly because i too, am writing a story about santa). Dorohedoro has a great visual style, fun characters, i enjoyed reading but it also kinda didnt ...land for me beyond that, which is a shame. I feel like it is a series that "should" have clicked with me. And its like, not offensive to me but.. I'll forget that ive read the whole thing. I like STUFF in it. but thats not enough for me anymore. If i had read it when i was younger tho, it might have been a diff story. idk. My most unpopular opinion of all is that... I hated Dungeon Meshi.. Sure its ..pretty! cute designs. but i found it SO painfully boring and it actually was a struggle to finish. in the end, it felt like a waste of time.. SHOCKING take i know. That is the darling of everyones heart and i like, understand WHY its popular. .. but for me, i was not fed by anything. i am unfed and starved and going to eat elsewhere oh, and i.. as a person who has read a lot of fighting mangas.. I have tried to read chainsaw man, but i dont know if I can. I did finish Fire Punch. I'm surprised to say: i kinda liked it but it took a long time to force myself to read thru it. I honestly hated many aspects of Fujimoto's storytelling/character acting that i didn't think my opinion on it would change, but I'm a little more open to it now. I dont think i could ever super be into it or whatever, but i did find genuine enjoyment in aspects of fire punch. I did not really like look back. I haven't read his other one shot(s)? Where am i going with all this..I guess im giving some unrequested reviews after all...oops... a lot of this is spurred by how houseki no kuni is one of my most fav series, not only visually/characters/story/ect.. but i cant lie.... the ending... was kind of a flop for me... gorgeous and poetic ig sure but.. AUGH! it isnt what i wanted. maybe it'll be one of those "it'll grow on me" endings but thats mostly me having to go thru the 5 stages of personal grief and gaslight myself into it, but as the like actual honest first-reaction feeling it kinda lost me. I think it did not work when i felt the confrontation btwn phos/cinnabar wasn't the one i wanted to see. i will say tho, while im dissapointed, its not like a DEEP one or anything. I know its a miracle to even get to an ending.. i guess my take away feeling from it was like "everything fit together too well, too planned" but didnt feel planned, emotionally. I wasn't sold on it. Anyway, im here to speak my truth and my hot takes which, i honestly dont even want to have that one about HnK but its the real feeling i have for it.. Once again Utena's ending just has made all these other issues i have with various stories more obvious LOL
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hi-there-buddies · 3 months
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I finished my Starscream designs for my Steven Universe inspired Transformers Au :D (Tap image for better resolution)
So I wanted Starscream to take the place (loosely) of Peridot in the AU, which you could probably tell if you noticed the poses I used (they are poses of Peridot from the beginning and end of the series)
These honestly were so fun tho, because for the second design I used an actual Lamborghini reference to map out Starscream’s robot mode. The first was kinda hard tho because I didn’t want it to look like he had an Earth Alt Mode, but I think it ended up pretty much looking like that lol
But if you’re wondering why I designed this Starscream with two different Alt Modes: In this Au, Starscream accidentally lost his wings after being captured by the Autobots (to mimic Peridot losing her limb enhancers) and to combat this (later on when he officially became an Autobot), he decided to become a grounder, because without wings his seeker alt mode was pretty much useless (I did this to mimic Peridot having metal powers).
This is a very simple explanation for it, and there will be a LOT more heartbreak when I actually get to that point in the story, but I felt like I had to get the plot out of my mind! Especially since I’m only on the second chapter of my fic and still have a long way until Starscream even shows up lmao
BUT HERE HE IS. AU STARSCREAM WOO. Ignore the visible hand on the Right Starscream. I got annoyed and ended up just leaving it super simplified lmao
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Hello! It's me again. I was wondering if you can do Blade with reader is an entity who have God-Slayer ability. So the story is Blade somehow find an ancient book about an entity that have a power to kill immortal and how to summon them. So bladie do the ritual Blah Blah Blah and the reader appeared. Blade asked the reader to kill him (you know? Cuz' he can't die or even be killed), but the reader said that they don't do that anymore and disappeared. Then Blade proseed to summoning the reader again and again until the reader just like "you know what? Lets hangout" and they begin to talked about each other days
-Kiddessia Anon
A/N: Hello again! I really love the idea and it's pretty funny to think about, so thank you for the request!<33
Content: Unserious, reader being an entity, fluff, platonic relationships, angst if you squint, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Blade was at his wits end, when he found this mysterious, ancient book about a legendary God-slaying entity, that was able to kill even immortal beings. He saw it as a sign and a mercy from the heaven's that could finally set him free from his depressing, painful existence and decided to summon it.
The ritual was fairly easy and soon enough, you materialised in front of him with a confused look on your face. It's been a while since anyone bothered summoning you, so you were certainly curious about what this random guy wanted from you.
Once Blade introduced himself and explained to you his situation, you deadpanned and told him that you retired from doing that a long time ago, before just disappearing. Blade sat there in deafening silence, before preparing to summon you once more. He wasn't giving up so easily.
And so, he practically summoned you every day, until you finally had enough of him doing so. You felt bad for him and wondered, if he really was that lonely and miserable. He probably was, if he was so desperate on getting killed by you.
Which is why you one day just stopped him and declared, that you'd become his friend from now on and that you should just hang out. You were an immortal being yourself anyways, so surely you'd get along. And you also just wanted him to stop annoying you, because retirement was supposed to be relaxing and peaceful.
This led to him reluctantly agreeing to you after some persuasion and summoning you every day just to talk about his day and how annoying his co-workers were. You listened to all his troubles and he listened to yours, which made you two great friends and Blade less lonely. Friendship really does fix everything.
A/N: This is honestly not very serious, but after the influx of angst lately, I needed this lmao. Thank you again for the request!<33
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skyfallscotland · 3 months
Ok last Kingdom of Ash update and so, last Throne of Glass update ever! The relief is immeasurable. Let's do this!
Asterin 😭 I feel like that scene would have been so powerful if I didn’t know it was coming, but I had it spoiled for me a while ago
I did cry when Manon begged for Abraxos though 😭
Chaol and Dorian, Dorian crying 🥹🥹 the husbands are reunited!
I hate that there’s so much depression and suicidal ideation in this book but it’s never really addressed?
Aelin brought her husband with her, Chaol brought his 🥹🫡
RHYSAND hiiiiii! 👋🏼
I…kind of hate it when the woman has to give up her power to save the day, but it’s an SJM special I guess
“He adored his friend’s wife already. Likely would have married her, too, if he’d had the chance.” Look, you still can buddy, it seems like you want them both well enough 🤷🏼‍♀️
I’ll never understand the fascination SJM has with having her MC’s fucking in war tents surrounded by soldiers, honestly
She’s riding the staaaag 😭 honestly she is very thranduil coded I must say
Gavriel?! 😭 noooooo, not uncle kitty cat!
“Lorcan glanced at the castle, where he knew Elide was watching and said a silent farewell” oop, this is about to get awkward because she is sooo not being safe lmao
Elide getting stabby is very cute
Aww Dorian + Yrene getting murdery together, the throuple is thriving
What year did this come out? Because I feel like SJM might have watched Avengers: Endgame while writing the final scenes 😂
Sorry, when did they supposedly draw those? They were fighting on horseback??? I'm???
Lorcan and Elide are the cutest tbh and I’ve just realised I blanked right over the “and Lorcan did” 💀😂 I was clearly very engaged
“I hope it will wash off.” 💀
Poor Yrene, her mother in law’s asking to move in already 😂
“You could just marry each other, it would make it easier for you both, so you don’t need to pretend.” Oh yes, I do so love Yrene 😂
Look, I just feel...tired? Relieved? Let down? I don't know. I definitely think this would have been a more impactful ending had I not had the (arguably) few most major things spoiled for me. But I also feel like by 1/3 from the end I was just slogging it, waiting for it to be over. It felt like so much happened, but not much at all and I feel like having two 'big bads' kind of split the attention and made the end blow just so unsatisfying? Yay, happily ever after, but...I don't know.
I like the characters, don't get me wrong. Well, most of them (lol) but maybe that's why it's so disappointing? Because I do really like them. I think it was a bit of a case of doing so little with so much. There are so many stories being told that none of them really get the attention they could have, so many side characters that are so compelling but you don't hear much about. I don't know, it can be hard to bring all those threads together, so I think she did an ok job, it's just that in hindsight it's easy to say perhaps there were too many threads.
I also don't think she ever gives the space necessary to trauma and mental health. Like it's there, but it's never touched upon in the raw way it probably needs to be.
I don't know, I feel like I enjoyed the last couple of books more, but I'm still leaving the series feeling pretty meh about it, which is how I've felt pretty much the whole way through. Not terrible, but in no way lived up to the hype for me, personally.
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astridthevalkyrie · 7 months
U want lds thoughts? I gotchu 🫡
I really like all 3 boys, but I'm leaning Zayne bc he's just so husband coded. He's the only one I could see a long-term relationship w. I love Xavier and Rafayel, but I just can't picture them as husbands or dads (at least w my MC/myself). I also desperately need them to interact in game and in the main story, there's just sm potential for chaos and funnies.
I honestly dk what will happen next. Obviously, MC is gonna want to investigate Onichynus and her heart, but idk how that story will unfold or how they'll tie in the stories w each li and their separate myths/reincarnation bit. (Also, the fact that the myths happen in the future doesn't make sense to me yet, so I hope they plan to really flesh that out and not give us questionable writing like most mobile otomes do). Idk how I feel abt Sylus (and possibly Caleb) becoming lis, ig I'll have to see what they're like and if they appeal to me at all, bc so far we haven't had enough Caleb content for me to actually get attached (I was also convinced he was MCs brother so idt I'll ever be able to see him romantically 😭).
I hope we'll get to see more of the side characters and what MCs life is like outside of just the three guys, but I honestly doubt it lmao (more for me to hc abt ig lol).
I have more but this is already rambly and idk how to be coherent rn. This game is giving me brainworms and I'm def thinking abt it too hard. Oh, well. I don't consume media, media consumes me.
i'm telling you it's xavier boyfriend zayne husband and rafayel sneaky link. that's exactly the look and vibe they give off.
i think as of right now zayne is the most popular, at least on ao3 him/mc is the most popular ship. which is just to be expected when you have a levi ackerman coded character LOL. like you said, he's a husband. he just is. he's a doctor and he's successful and he cares for the mc so deeply it just makes sense. i started the game for him because. i mean he looks like THAT. he acts like THAT. he has ice powers and you get to melt the ice in his heart and make him love you i adore that shit see my pinned post for the kind of romance i write you could make a zayne x reader set in the aot universe and it would be my fic. and dooooooon't get me started on dawnbreaker zayne. DON'T GET ME STARTED i gasped during the anecdote when the truth about the kid comes out. he dreams about his past life what the fuck bro what the fuck.
surprisingly, though, while i do love him, he's probably the one i've had the least amount of thoughts about (that's still clearly a lot of thoughts so that's not saying much). i think it's partly because my gacha favors xavier and rafayel a lot more and right now i pretty much am just heavily thinking about whichever guy i consumed the content for last.
xavier and rafayel have me obsessed. i thought xavier would be completely meh because zen from mysme was meh for me. but um. he was not meh. my levi hawks pattern has told me that i love a man who was forced into fighting because of the stupid goodness in his heart and manipulative outside forces. and even though that's not exactly what's going on with xav, he does have that vibe. his is the only myth i've watched in full and i'm just. they should have been able to go to uluru together. the scene where they're both lying on the ground i have watched it so many times. i love love love the royalty x captain of the guards trope so much. the fact that they both serve in both roles is insane. i've read the anecdote about her first life on philos too there's a fucking part in there that talks about how he shares his EARBUDS with you?????? end me.
and rafayel is beautiful. like he's actually beautiful. his english voice actor makes him sound so fucking bisexual + the bi wife energy whenever you're with him is just. UGH. the game is hilarious whenever he's on screen and obviously with the way the main story has ended for now he's the most intriguing. and while you can feel the pining energy from all three of them, his is just. lowkey the most pathetic. and i eat it up. bro started TEACHING AT HER COLLEGE just for the chance to see her. i like that he's not possessive per se but he is very whiny and attention seeking the sassy man syndrome is real. i need to unlock his myth but i'm not patient so i may very likely just watch it on youtube. i need to see hunter rafayel. i need to see him right now.
the main story is genuinely fascinating. i was a little bit bored up until the explosion happened and it really kicked in. bc suddenly it's not just 3 guys and you doing your best, but you actively investigating and them helping you. like i said i don't have raf's myth and i haven't finished zayne's yet (need more fucking upgrades to his card) so i don't have the full story but at least what i'm getting right now is okay. they're all from the past or future. they all remember?? xavier and rafayel definitely do. zayne knows something about grandma who seems kinda shady to me. i've seen the caleb=sylus or at least caleb lives theories. i saw someone say the man at the end isn't sylus though? and his english va is the same as caleb's but in other languages it's someone else. idk.
idk about the others but xavier's myth being in the future makes sense. i'm pretty sure the timeline goes: in our current timeline, earth is about to go bye-bye and become inhabitable bc of wanderers -> survivors go to philos -> xavier and a new mc are both born -> she dies bc of something in her heart and is reborn bc she's the only one who's truly immortal (everyone else on philos lives forever naturally but can still be killed i think??) -> new lightseeker mc and xavier are meant to become guard and prince respectively but philos is dying -> to save mc from being sacrificed again and again xavier decides to go back in time to find another way where he after at least like 200 years meets current timeline mc
i know what you mean about not being able to see caleb as a love interest. the first time i saw him i genuinely thought they had no need to make my brother this hot what the fuck. and then i realized he was just her childhood friend and i went
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and then he blew up 😭
i neeeeeed to see the love interests interact. i mean mc barely thinks about the others whenever she's with one but i really hope in the next arc we actually see them meeting each other. beefing or working together or whatever, i need to know (i may also have already started a fic about what's gonna happen next bc i'm mentally ill). xavier has a tracker on her so he should be able to find her and zayne kinda disappeared off the face of the earth but i want them all back. i want interaction. i want it so bad.
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sleeplesssmoll · 8 months
Theory time!
Narrator guy and the one who is causing the storm are vertin's parents.
Now this theory was already circulating for a while but I have some extra things to say.
Now let's get the easy one out of the way, vertin mother being the one who causes the storm, this theory does hold some degree of sense, as we know vertin's mother was a strong arcanist (she might not be but for my theory we will assume so) as she was pretty famous among foundation's higher ups and you won't get that kind of fame without some heavy power.
There is also the fact of vertin's immunity to the storm, we know vertin's immunity comes naturally to her as even the foundation didn't know about it, we also know that arcane skills can be passed down through family lineage, so that would explain vertin's immunity.
Now if we move onto the narrator, why do we think he is vertin's father?...idk he sounds like a 50 year old alcoholic dad I guess? At least that's where most people came from, but I can provide some evidence for it
Firstly why does a random ass guy (we know he isn't vertin's imagination as he said "we will meet") goes to vertin's head and talk and lore expo to her? There must be some connection between the two that vertin doesn't know, and the way he talks to her is just like a old dad who absolutely doesn't wanna deal with their children, at least that's the impression he give to me
Then who is vertin's father/narrator? I think he was...an old foundation member. Might even be a higher up, ok your confused but let me cook.
I don't think the guy is omniscient yet he knows so much especially about the foundation, he knows how the foundation handles things and knows many of the higher ups, he knows about the family who works with the foundation
So I think vertin's father was a foundation member (might even be a higher up) who got swept by the storm when it first hit, when the foundation lost many of its staff and higher ups.
Now unto my biggest evidence why I think this is true...vertin is special (no shit Sherlock) she is special with the way she was taken to the SPDM, from what we saw SPDM takes children around the age of 4-* as too young and they wouldn't able raise them quickly, too old and they can't brainwash them
But vertin was different, by headmaster himself, vertin was taken when she was only a month old so she must have a special condition that forced SPDM to take her in, like maybe idk being the daughter of one of the higher ups of the foundation, or being the daughter of the person who is causing the storm.
(I had some other things in my mind but I kinda forgot, but yeah there is much evidence that could support this theory.)
Narrator guy is one of the games biggest mysteries for real. If he really was Vertin's dad, that would be fricken hilarious honestly. I agree with the 50year alcoholic description but he always struck me as a drunk uncle type lmao. Although, like you mentioned he knows way too much to be sidelined as an offbeat character.
I also agree that Vertin's parents had something to do with the Foundation considering Constantine knew her mother. The fact she was taken in at just a month old also implies the Foundation already knew she existed and didn't have to hunt her down like the others. She has a connection to the Foundation through her mother or to the person who enrolled her to SPDM.
Sometimes, I wonder if it's possible for Vertin to have other family like aunts, cousins, etc. Hell, she could have a secret older sibling we don't know about who came before her. This is all wild stuff that would change the trajectory of the game, but it's not impossible. It's just food for thought for now but next update is story update! Can't wait to make more theories again!
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saibugslegacy · 15 days
Odysseus Ask Game
my fabulous mutual @rypnami posted an ask game for characters and I decided to fill it out for Odysseus to try and force myself to devlope him more lmao
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1) if your mc was an animagus, what would their form be? if they are, what is their form?
His patronus is a black mamba but if he was an animagus I think they’d be a dog, specifically a really big pitbull, we’re talking great dane sized pitbull
2) if they could choose what animagus form they would take, would it be the same? or would they want to have a different animal form?
Honestly he’d probably want to be a snake just for a point, but he’d also be okay with the pitbull
3) does your mc have a favourite colour? why is it their favourite?
His favorite color is actually periwinkle, he likes it because it’s softer and different than all the things he’s “supposed” to like. He’s not supposed to like pretty things but he does
4) in a modern au, would your mc use social media? what would their preferred platform be? why is if their preferred one?
Good news I have a modern au in development so ive actually thought about this question. Odysseus would be on twitter mainly and have two accounts, one his verified account (in my modern au his mother is the vice president of the us) and a private one where he mainly talks shit about all the people and htings he has to deal with during the day and is gay about his boyfriends (this includes in a certain au i have with a certain mutual of mine)
5) did you consult wand lore when choosing their wand? if so, why did you pick what you did? if not, would you ever change wand details to match your mc?
I did indeed. Odysseus’ wand is cedar wood and unicorn hair. I chose a cedar wand because it’s noted as choosing shrewd and incredibly loyal wizards, but what really sold it was that the users of cedar wands are often underestimated but incredibly powerful, especially when harm is done to their loved ones. I picked unicorn hair because it’s a very consistent core and he just really needs a steady consistency, if his wand was moody he’d burn down Hogwarts
6) what is your mc’s diet? are they vegan, vegetarian, do they eat whatever? Why?
Not a limited diet but does tend to err more towards “fancier” foods only because that’s what he’s used to. But “simple” foods are comforting to him
7) what is your mc’s backstory as to why they didn’t join hogwarts until 5th year? or did you retcon that part of the story when creating them?
Odysseus didn’t go to Hogwarts because he was a squib. He had ancient magic but couldnt use it until him and his siblings stumbled on an ancient magic hotspot and activated it. Suddenly he could do magic and less than a week later Fig showed up to Carrow manor with a Hogwarts letter for him
8) what house is your mc in? why are they in that house? 
Odysseus is a Hufflepuff because underneath all of the…everything, his core traits are his loyalty to his family and his hard work in order to make his family proud
9) were you inspired by characters from other media when making your mc? if so, which characters? and how did they influence your mc? 
The idea of the Owl came very vaguely from Batman and Spiderman but that was it
10) does your mc have any special abilities? (legilimens, parsletongue, metamorphagus, etc) how do they choose to use these powers? did you give them powers for fun, or does it relate to their backstory/plot?
Odysseus is a born Legilimens! He uses the powers mainly unwillingly, he cant really turn them off. But he can focus them and does so either to communicate with people or for interrogation on his family’s behalf. The powers and the backstory kind came at the same time. I knew I wanted to make a Hufflepuff that subverted expectations but wasn’t sure how to incorporate that. I thought of an MC who “should” be a Slytherin but ended up in Hufflepuff, then why would they be trying so hard, maybe they dont have magic but then how does the ancient magic present itself, and i’d already wanted to make a legilimens
11) what is your mc’s blood status? how does it affect their time at hogwarts? how does it affect their home life?
Odysseus is a pureblood, one of the sacred twenty-eight families. His family are definitely blood purists and from hearing their thoughts about it constantly his own thoughts ended up mirroring theirs because that was how he was “supposed” to think. He had a LOT to unpack once he got to Hogwarts
12) did your mc open the repository? why or why not? 
I’m not sure honestly, I haven’t gotten that far in the story yet. I think he might take some of it and then contain the rest, but im not married to that yet
13) if your mc opened the repository, how did absorbing all that power affect them, if it did at all?
It would basically just make it so they have more of a core since they don’t have a natural magic core of his own and using magic exhausts him
14) what does your mc think of the keepers? do they trust them? why or why not?
Odysseus HATES the Keepers and does not trust them at all, he thinks the whole thing is stupid and he hates how they care so much about the trials over just answering his questions and letting him do the job they want him to do so he can get it over with
15) how does your mc’s story continue after 5th year? how do they cope with everything that happened with ranrok, sebastian, etc?
Sebastian is going to need a major redemption arc with Odysseus, but Ody’s story in 6th year is mainly trying to figure out how to escape his family then deciding no, he needs to take down his uncle and save his family
16) did your mc learn the unforgivables? why or why not?
He did because to him the Unforgivables are just powerful spells, he doesn’t think different until later but by then he already knows them
17) did your mc turn in sebastian? why or why not?
He did not because he did not care about Sebastian killing his uncle, it was the other stuff he had a problem with. Plus, he couldn’t do that to Ominis
18) what is your mc’s family like? do they have siblings? do they still have parents?
cracks knuckles alright buckle up buttercup. His father, Fabian, died when odyssesus was young because he was an auror and their house got attacked by dark wizards. Odysseus’s uncle Magnus became the head of the family until Ody’s brother Theodore could come of age who at the time of the game is only. Magnus already hated Ody because he was a squib, then he came out and Magnus hated him more because Odysseus being treated as a man would put Magnus’ position as head of family in danger even sooner. Ody’s mother’s name is Yvaine, she was a Lestrange before marrying into the Carrows. Ody also has three sisters, an older sister names Ambrosia who marries Professor Black’s son Cygnus, and despite being an arranged marriage they are grossly in love. Then there’s Vivian, who is 14 and a Slytherin, and little Marianna who is 9 
19) does your mc have a love interest? who is it? why did your mc fall for that character, if they do have a love interest?
At this point ody has about 734638 love interests but his main one is phillip ( @rypnami ) or maybe Poppy
20) does your mc have a favourite spell? if so, what is it and why do they like it the most?
I dont think he really has one honestly, if he did it would probably be diffindo, it’s brutal and efficeient
21) if you could change anything that the mc does in the game, what would it be? why would you change it? how would you change it? (ie; a line they say, an event of a quest, things of that nature)
MC is WAY too nice and empathetic to be Odysseus honestly but other than that not much
22) does your mc have any pets? if so, why do they have the pets they have? and for fun, what are their pets’ names?
He has a rosy boa snake named Persephone who is a massive diva and has a rivalry with Ominis over Odysseus’ attention, and a horned owl named Merlin who does not want to be here and just wants to do his job
23) when designing your mc, why did you choose the appearance you did? has it changed at all since you first made them? would you change anything now?
I wish his eyes could be a brighter purple but otherwise I like him as is. I kinda just followed my heart and clicked things till i made a pretty boy
24) where is your mc from? where is their family from?
Carrow manor is in Ireland and partially from india while his mother’s side of the family is from france
25) what is your mc’s favourite season? why is it their favourite?
Odysseus likes winter because everyone stays inside so he can go outside and get some peace and quiet
26) how about your mc’s favourite holiday? what makes it special to them?
He likes christmas because when he was a kid it was the only time he got to see Ominis and they could actually spend time together, unlike the social events they were dragged to where they had to mingle and such
27) if your mc wasn’t in their current house, where would they have been sorted? why do you think they’d be there?
He still wouldn’t be a Slytherin unfortunately for him, he would be a Ravenclaw. He learned so much about things like potions, herbology, and magic theory so he wouldnt be as much of an embarrassment and that takes a lot of cleverness
28) does your mc have a favourite childhood toy? if so, what was it? do they still have it with them?
Before he came out he had a little music box from his mother. His uncle threatened to take it but Odysseus buried it where the ancient magic hotspot was 
29) what kind of music would your mc like? is there a reason?
Classical. He will never admit this because he has a hard enough time being taken seriously as a man but he adores dancing, mainly ballet and ballroom dancing, so thats why he likes classical. He’s particularly fond of the violin
30) last but not least, just tell us something you love about your mc! 
I fucking love his eyes I wish I could make them look right in game. I will attach a picture below
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