#honestly i was annoyed by everyone in the anime back when i was a kid except
toadslug · 2 days
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I FINISHED IT!! Here are my silly opinions for the silly dragon series 🥰 Character names, explanations, and template below the cut:
★ Favorite character: Clay
Clay has been my favorite character since I read his book!! I think his character goes a lot deeper than how some of the fandom treats him (his character arc is amazing), and he's also just a really nice guy.
★ Liked by everyone but me: Queen Ruby
I have no idea why I don't like her 😭 I think the way she treated Peril just kind of pissed me off when I was a kid, and I've never been able to shake the grudge. It's not her, it's me. I almost put Bumblebee here instead (I can't fault her for acting her age, but her screaming can get tiresome).
★ Didn't like at first: Fatespeaker
I considered putting Glory here, but I only started to hate her when that was the popular thing to do (I'm back to liking her now). I immediately didn't like Fatespeaker... Probably because I was rooting for Sunny x Starflight at the time 😬 I PROMISE I'm not like that anymore omg, I was, like, nine. I've come to value Fatespeaker a lot more; her character is surprisingly interesting to pick apart.
★ Would like to know more about: Hailstorm
There's so many characters I want to know more about!! Gill!! Tau!! Riptide!! Moray!! Osprey!! Sora!! Literally any MudWing character!!! But I went with Hailstorm. I adore the cool, supportive big brother energy he radiates, and seeing him trying to fit back into IceWing society (and maybe go through a teensy identity crisis) would be interesting.
★ Least favorite character: Sky
Honestly, I don't really have a least favorite character...? There's Whirlpool, of course, but that's too easy. I ended up choosing Sky 🤷‍♀️ I liked him enough in Dragonslayer, but he annoyed me in The Flames of Hope. I feel like he became a lot louder and more brash.
★ Like the design, dislike the character: Vulture
His dragon skull tattoos and the gimmick for them is so sick?? Why is this grandpa more stylish than me and everyone I know??? His design is great, but everything to do with him and his crime ring felt a little out of nowhere to me. It's been a while since I've read Darkness of Dragons, so maybe I'm just not remembering everything? But yeah. I wish he was introduced better.
★ Like the character, dislike the design: Luna
I like Luna!! And I like how she looks on her book cover, too (the rendering on her is drop-dead GORGEOUS). But the rest of her appearances in canon art... ehh.
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These shades of green are making me feel things. And the spots on her wings look kind of awkward to me.
★ Favorite ship: Jambu x Pineapple
I was really close to putting Clay x Peril here because of how OBSESSED I was with them as a kid (shout-out to the Demons Peril PMV by Echosplash Animations that saved my life); however, Jambu x Pineapple is the only ship in the series that got me kicking my feet. The flashback to them cuddling in the hammock melted my heart 💖 Luna x Swordtail, Tamarin x Anemone, and Mangrove x Orchid are also my beloved. Honestly, though, I'm not that involved with shipping anymore.
★ Would never befriend IRL: Sundew
I like Sundew as a fictional character, but I would be slightly scared of her if she was real. She probably wouldn't like me.
★ Would befriend IRL: Umber
He just seems chill. I don't think he'd prod me to do stuff or talk, and I like people like that... People who can just let you exist. I feel like he'd tolerate my cringey humor, too.
★ Similar personality: Clearsight
I am NOWHERE near as girlboss as her, but I can relate to constantly worrying about future situations that may or may not happen 😁😁
★ Least favorite ship: Burn x Scarlet
Sorry toxic yuri ☹️ I just don't ship Burn with anyone.
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*This template wasn't my idea; I took the original template and modified it to my liking.
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quiveringdeer · 1 year
Kikyo for character bingo!
AYYYE! A different fandom, thank you hon!
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okay so I used to actively dislike Kikyo back in the day, now I just think it's cause I feel like she coulda been more :/ I like her in fics especially when she's allowed to be way more spiteful or vengeful tbh I like her in toxic ships with Naruku cause I'm a toxic girlypop at heart
I super appreciate you sending this in!! 🧡🧡🧡
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ozzgin · 1 year
Can I request a headcanon where baki has a very cute s/o and pickle just so happens to escape the arena and runs into the cute s/o and everyone scared they'll be eaten pickle is nice and cute with the s/o and the scientists says they're looking at eachother like how kids look at puppies and s/o teaches pickle tricks making yujiro mad he's no longer fighting
Let’s just hope Pickle doesn’t experience cute aggression and has the urge to bite into your face or something.
Baki Headcanons: Pickle meets Baki’s significant other
Featuring Pickle, Baki and his cute partner that builds a strange relationship with the Jurassic man.
[Baki Masterlist] [Part II]
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You’re dangling your legs back and forth over the wooden bench that faces away from the large arena building. The nerve of Baki to postpone your date night! You pout to yourself, mildly annoyed that whatever currently stands in the underground ring is more important than you. Who on Earth could it be this time? Baki has already fought most of the big shots.
You don’t have the time to think too hard about it as your seat topples over and you roll on the grass, wildly confused. You quickly lift yourself up and look around, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. At the same time, Pickle scans the area for the obstacle that caused him to trip this badly. He spots the bench, now torn from its bolts, and his gaze then stops on you. Another human. Somehow, this one reminds him of a small animal, like the kind of wild pup he’d chase around when he was younger.
You can now hear the multiple footsteps approaching your location and glance over. There’s a couple of armed men, old man Tokugawa, and behind them Baki is panting in panic. “(Y/N), get the hell back! Fuck, I won’t make it in time” he grunts to himself. Aha! You return to Pickle. So this was the irresistible opponent that had you wait alone next to a parking lot. “The homewrecker!” you exclaim, amused. The large prehistoric man doesn’t register your words but seems to be pleased with your smile.
He lowers himself to your level and inspects your scent. You find his wide, curious eyes and puzzled expression rather cute. Without much consideration you extend your hand and ruffle his hair. Baki gasps at your unhinged act and is about to shove his way through before Tokugawa gently stops him. “I don’t think you need to worry”, he whispers with a finger against his lips. And, true to his word, Pickle is now kneeling before you with a wide grin. One can almost notice a wagging tail behind his giant frame.
Well, you’re certainly cheaper than tranquilizer guns. The research team can’t complain as long as you get Pickle to behave. Baki, on the other hand, isn’t as excited about having his s/o giggling around with a Jurassic man at least twice the size. Now it’s his turn to pout, sitting against the fence and occasionally barking at Pickle that you’re his mate in case he gets funny ideas.
Though the one most annoyed by the situation is probably Yuujirou. He feels like he just got robbed and left empty handed on the side of the highway. No matter how often he parades the ring with a puffed up chest, Pickle seems to be more entranced by your shitty games. Honestly, he’d just get rid of you, but fighting an enraged Pickle and Baki simultaneously could be a stretch even for the Ogre himself.
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evilminji · 6 months
My WIP fairy hates me. But like... in that homoerotic Nemesis sorta way, I swear.
Cease an desist, woman! (I scream into the void, knowing damn well she, being my own brain, SHAN'T.)
Cause NOW? Now I CAN NOT stop Pondering, with a Capitol P, the life of a Sentient Quirk. The trials and tribulations. The indignities and sufferings. Countless micro-aggression and out right dismissal of sentience. The reduction to the EXTENSION of another.
You are not a person.
You are JUST a Quirk.
An organ that "thinks" itself separate, in the way knees spasm when struck just so. The child you are attached to just needs to get better CONTROL of you. Your words and actions are actually THEIRS. You are simultaneously an unruly animal and strange adult, not allowed near other peoples children.
Why are you trying to follow this four year old into their school? Why are you SITTING out side a pre-school? Are you stalking that child?
You are a grown adult. Connected to a random Japanese child.
The child is expected to "control" you.
Punished if they do not.
No one is listen to EITHER of you, as you try to explain the situation. The child is upset, scared, and does not have the emotional maturity to understand why you are not to blame. All they can understand is that you appeared and everything became stressful and "bad". They started getting punished. Have to share their room now.
Do you even have rights? If you get hurt, get MAIMED, what will happen to you? Can you hold a job? Own land? Open a bank account? Fuck it! Can you have a RELATIONSHIP?
If you went out RIGHT NOW and punched a purse thief, would the FOUR YEAR OLD be arrested?
If the kid grows up, becomes a hero, and you do secretarial work... does his license cover you? If YOU wanted to become a Hero, would he be your hero partner? Could he technically sit in a corner and let you work?
If no one could TELL, over an internet connection, then surely that should prove SOMETHING? Right?
And! The question NO ONE ever seems to ask!
Could..... could you LEAVE? Do people have the right to force you back? If you don't WANT to be some kid's Quirk? You're sentient. If, unlike Dark Shadow, you are not PHYSICALLY connected, but tethered by distance?
Could. You. Leave?
Just "Allright, I'm out. The way you're all treating me is unacceptable. See ya never." And walk out the door? You'd be able to gain distance as the kid grew older. As long as you hid? You be homeless, without papers, but free.
A sentient Quirk means free will. Means you don't HAVE to do shit. It's like being born with a twin, not a slave. And that Twin does NOT have to put up with your bullshit. YOU are the one asking THEM to work with you, after all.
This? Of course, ALSO just ABSOLUTELY BEGS the question? What if that four year old grew up to be a BASTARD? Just... NO self reflection or empathy. Everything is everyone else's fault, always. And they want a NEW Quirk. One that won't question them.
So they sell theirs, buy a new one. Probably die off screen trying to throw it around.
What happens to you THEN? Pain, obviously. Like... massive, massive amounts of pain. You ARE a Quirk. You're being ripped out by your metaphorical roots. By the NERVE ENDINGS. But? Do you... for lack of a better word, "reset"?
Are you back infront of "your" person? Or do you stay, safely, where you are? Both would be fascinating, honestly. Because I imagine All for One? Does NOT get sentient quirks often. If at all.
They'd sooner kill themselves.
After all, if your choice is "kill yourself and your beloved twin" or "be ripped apart and watch them die horribly, then be used to go against everything you both stood for"? You weep and promise to make it fast.
Then you make it fast.
It's... really annoying, I'd imagine, for All for One. It's not necessarily that he WANTS a sentient Quirk. But they are INTERESTING. And he likes interesting.
He also likes owning things that can't leave. Ever.
So of course he'll poke and prod at the Quirk. It will inevitably be a nightmare, either way. Because EVERY Sentient Quirk has some degree of communication aspect to it. Just because the original holder never figured it out, doesn't mean HE can't.
And while your range may now be much, MUCH bigger? Because the fucker is strong as hell? How useful is that... if he can talk to you when ever HE feels like it? Day or night. 24/7.
And that's assuming you don't reset. God help you if you reset. Because THEN your STANDING infront of, most likely, pre-face-smash All for One. Who's looking at you like he just won a Mildly Interesting Prize and you would PREFER HE NOT. But what are you gonna do?
Walk out again?
You think THAT'S an option here?!
I mean... you can and do TRY. But, obviously not. So like? Fuck ™.
THEN the question becomes? Would YOU go to Tarturaus. Are you a hostage? Or an accomplice? You have the same level of power and authority as a cat, deliberately knocking pages of tables and cups to the floor, but... like? Oooooh~ oh yeah! THATS gonna slow him down! His empire crumbles beneath the sheer MIGHT of your petty inconveniences!
*trips the doctor again*
Fffffuck you.
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luffyvace · 7 months
Saiki k x Reader headcanons
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This is on my anime’s I write for list and I haven’t written for it yet so I wanted to show what I can do! 😉
Enjoy!! I Love Saiki, Aren and Aiura 💗💜💛
Okay let’s face it
your regular.
literally. (probably) like you are irl
doesn’t it feel good to have reader be accurate to how you are for once?
and that your fav would genuinely be into that and you know it?!
like you don’t have to pretend or imagine to be this cool, physically strong person your not for once?? Just me?
idk but it sure is refreshing
especially since it’s canon with saiki after he practically stalked that one dude
anyway onto the headcanons
I wanna start off by saying Saiki’s love languages are gift giving and quality time
the best part about gift giving is he could just leave it on your desk or night stand and watch your reaction from afar
they’re always very thoughtful since he can read your mind :) which is a plus!
and as for quality time he finds it quite peaceful to be around someone who’s not such a weirdo for once
and even if you are one, for some reason he can tolerate your strange behavior way better than he can your friends 😂
it’s always fun to play that one video game he has together
and it’s practically a requirement that every saiki k hcs have—you two will eat coffee jelly together
he would at least want you to try it and if you don’t like it’s that’s fine more for him
He’ll just get you whatever sweet, savory or spicy food you like so you can both enjoy something (and someone 💋) you love together!~
his mother absolutely adores you and is always pestering Saiki about when you’ll be back again
his dad thinks your a “good kid” (🗿) (like every dad says 😭)
Saiki loves to go on walks together
What he doesn’t like is when something chaotic happens to ruin it
but that’s besides the point—he loves to walk to school together!
nothing like getting up every day and seeing your lover. Going on a romantic walk too?*chefs kiss* 💋👩‍🍳
will try to indulge in your interests and hobbies to keep you happy
you may or may not be a introvert like him
if you aren’t he’ll go out and hang out with friends even if that’s outside of his comfort zone for you
but do remember to cut him some slack if he doesn’t want to or wants to go home early <3
and if your an introvert? Wonderful!
99.99% of dates are spent at either of your rooms (not just houses cuz parents are annoying)
or at that one shop that sells the coffee jelly he likes
only if you agree of course
if you prefer something even more private that’s just fine with him!
he only ever wants some peace anyway
and you simply never disturb that, to which he very much appreciates
if your a touchy-feely typa peep, please keep it to a minimum? Especially in public??
he’s already not really a physical touch person the way a perceive it
not that he hates it or anything
he just is more comfy without it when unnecessary
at least in public
he already will probably want to keep your relationship a secret/private for as long as possible
(he knows it’ll get out eventually by some misfortune event 🤦‍♀️)
but since they find out anyway here’s they’re reactions!
Honestly Nendo probably won’t realize your dating until you explicitly say so
either that or he’ll be the first one to know and just be like ‘oh, i thought everyone knew that’
Aren really doesn’t mind and thinks your relationship is sweet
Hairo supports wholeheartedly- maybe a little too much 😅💗
Chiyo is lowkey jealous you both got into a relationship before her but she’s happy
Torisuka is MAD jealous of Saiki but deep inside he’s still happy for you two
Kaido is also a tad jealous because he knows he would practically never find a girl his mom would accept but otherwise he pretty much supports 😭💕
Mera just uses your dates to get some free food (JOKING) she thinks you guys are cute
Saiko (Teruhashi’s brother) would be happy Saiki finally stopped desperately chasing his sister and learned his place (it’s the other way around bro 😑)
Uryoku (the magician dude) would be like ‘oh you dating someone master? Great! Now I need help for my upcoming show-“
Aiura immediately tests to see if you two are compatible and how long you’ll be together
turns out you are!! And you two stay together ♡
she thinks that’s adorable and will do anything for your relationship
will tear anyone who tries to split you apart a new one (they were just trying to say hi)
Aiura is the most supportive of your relationship
btw here we’re going with Saiki is her platonic soulmate instead (she prob already is)
Kusuke (Saiki’s brother) is very much so interested in the person his brother has fallen in love with
he will observe you and ask you lots of questions once he meets you
which I’m telling you Saiki tried so hard to make sure you never would.
what happened?
his mom happened.
”Kusuo! He’s your brother! He should get to meet your partner!”
now Teruhashi I had to save for last..
her reaction depends
if she still loves Saiki she tries to befriend you while turning on the charm with Saiki
her plan is to befriend you and basically make you go ‘oh! You like Saiki? Well I guess I’ll back off then since were friends”
and finally have Saiki go ‘oh wow’ and fall in love with her
otherwise if she doesn’t love him, moves on or whatever the case may be..
she probably doesn’t care much for your relationship unless your friends
i mean she’s kinda like that to anyone she isn’t friends with right?
In other news
Your friends def mess up your dates unintentionally
poor Saiki- since he’s usually the one to plan them
nothing too extravagant- usually just out for food..BUT STILL!
They always tag along and become 3rd, 4th and sometimes 5th wheels or more! 😀
on the bright side-
at some point in the relationship you get to call him Kusuo and it’s a big step for you two! 💖
”well, I guess we’ve been dating long enough right? You can just call me Kusuo..”
I wanna write for the disastrous life of Saiki k (mob psycho 100 and black butler as well) more in the future! So send in requests!
Truly hope you enjoyed loves~
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i-have-a-lot-of-ocs · 3 months
Tempted to write a replaced au twst fic where Yuu (or alternatively, I'll use my Yuu, Riyuu, who is basically who I'm writing this for) used to be the cutest girl around, the cheery one who's always around everyone, the one you can't seem to dislike even if your crush falls for her because she earnestly says sorry (even though it's not her fault) and will always help you out if you need her back in her old school. But one day, a new girl comes around and her whole reputation got destroyed. She helps the new girl adjust, tells her all the rumours and introduces her to all the popular kids. But the girl ends up backstabbing her, telling the popular girls rumours about how she intentionally plays up the act to steal their crushes to her, and lies to the boys, telling them she's just playing with their hearts and that she's a horrible person.
Yuu ends up alone and excluded, being seen as "annoying" and only having a few close friends who doesn't really interact with her in public in fear of their reputation being ruined. She ends up miserable at school, and wishes to not go anymore. But one day comes a saving grace, she gets whisked by a mysterious black carriage into Twisted Wonderland, or more specifically, Night Raven College. She doesn't mind working if it meant she doesn't have to deal with her old school, there was still 1 and a half years left of school and she doesn't want to deal with all ghe group projects to be assigned that will inevitably end with everyone not wanting to team up with her. Plus, as annoying Grim is, he's like the animal friend all of the anime and storybook protagonists she knows has, and she doesn't mind him too much.
Some things did change after she and Grim got officially enrolled, but she had no problem adapting to the social expectations of the world, part time jobs with Sam -- and occasionally the canteen -- paid enough to get her tools for cooking basic but delicious food, and new friends without the weight of her past helped her get settled comfortably.
The existence of Overblots stunned her for a bit, but a peek into Riddle and Leona's memories helped her understand the concept, even if just a little. However, things began to change eerily simlarly to her old school when a new girl comes, also in a similar position to her, getting transported to a new, unfamilliar world, and seemingly hailing from a similar world to the Earth she knows. She warmly welcomes her, eager to finally befriend another girl, but it seems that the girl does not share the same enthusiasm.
The girl only barely responds to Yuu's attempts at forming a friendship, and always seems to talk her in a condescending way, and often dismisses her, and especially so whenever there are any boys around.
Yuu will not deny any statements claiming she's an attention seeker or that she plays up her sweet innocent girl act, but she knows to never, ever sacrifice a bystander for it. But if someone insists on war with her... well that's another, different story. She's learnt her lesson of being overly optimistic, and she will not make the same mistake twice. She will not let her make her life a living hell more than it already is with Crowley's irresponsibleness.
Aaand thus begins the story. Or well, however you wanna continue it. I'm honestly in favour of most Housewardens (Kalim, Vil, and Idia in particular. I'll put my reasoning in a few paragraphs down) Adeuce, Tweels, and Ortho for team Yuu. Why?
Well, first of all, Adeuce. This is mostly because the duo is like. with Yuu since Day 1, as much of a bitch as Ace is, I think those two are the most likely to trust and know Yuu well enough to not believe the lies R (< Replacer) tells. Especially Deuce, he doesn't want to betray a friend he knew for quite a while, that would not be very honor student-like of him!! And she helped him out in a lot of situations too! He doesn't want to hurt you after all the trouble you go through to help him, and also knowing how horrible your living conditions are. Ace would most likely give in to peer pressure if the student body is overwhelmingly in favour of R, but as of now, he maybe enjoys your company just a bit more than R. Just a bit, promise.
Tweels I feel like is self-explanatory. Those two are perceptive as fuck istg it scares me. Jade especially. I feel like the two would just toy with R for a bit despite her facade and lies before dropping her after she bothers them for attention and favours one too many times.
(Ortho ties in with Idia so I'll explain him in Idia's paragraph)
Kalim is actually very emotionally intelligent. He can come off annoying and stupid, but from all the scenes I see of him, he's actually really good at dealing with people. Have you seen how he deals with the Scarabia residents after Jamil's OB??? The way he phrases his sentences?? He didn't force or even plead with them to forgive Jamil, he simply asks them to wait before making permanent judgements, and I think he's gonna be uncomfy with how condescendingly R talks to Yuu, and even if he's used to people going after him for money, I feel like R mostly eyeing him for money and how she "secretly" sighs in annoyance everytime she goes out of the party for a "bathroom break" will only solidify his dislike/discomfort, even if he doesn't show it.
Vil is also kind of self-explanatory if you read into his character and not just the shell the official English localization makes for him. (I could rant for hours about how the official tl portrays his character istg. He's hardworking and he actually didn't attempt to poison Neige out of pure jealousy, he did it because he felt like all his efforts to be beautiful will never be able to surpass Neige, who, in his eyes, always seemed to be innocent and naturally beautiful. He feels like the villain in Neige's story. He feels like he is reduced to what he often plays as, a snobbish, overconfident villain obsessed with overthrowing the hero. And because of it, it became a twisted self-fulfilling prophecy, pushing him to, in a fit of despair, be that same villain everyone sees him as.) I really don't think he will take well to R's condescension to Yuu, who genuinely wants to befriend R. (I actually have a whole thing in my head where Yuu and Vil occasionally have sleepovers where they do skincare together after the whole VDC thing happened. I feel like this is also a "vent sesh" of sorts for the both of them, just to air out their grievances without much seriousness, and I think Yuu would admit to wanting a fellow girl in the school that she could befriend, since no matter what, being the only girl can be exhausting.) Ik Vil's not a girl but he is such a girls' girl istg.
Idia... this mostly ties into Ortho and The STYX Incident, but like,, I think we can all agree on this one,, Idia is smart and capital V Very pessimistic. Would you rather trust the girl you've known for a while, who saw your memories, who helped you in awkward social situations when she can and is besties with your brother or some random new girl who trash talks said girl behind her back? The former, right? Plus, even if Yuu did only hang out with him and his brother because she likes to secretly laugh at him behind his back, there's mo guarantee R wouldn't do the same, given his experience. And he would rather have someone who actively helps him and his brother out than someone who wouldn't.
I didn't put Malleus in because of how canon him actually treats Yuu. I feel like the fandom kind of put on rose-tinted glasses on with his character, and kind of ignored some things like, idk... him just leaving them to fend for themselves homeless during Octavinelle... maybe he thought Crowley would offer them a place to stay but like... I'm still bothered by how didn't atleast offer a spare room in Diasomnia. He's a housewarden goddamnit. He's not as distant or scary as the rumours say but like. still rubbed me the wrong way.
Anyways I don't think my attention span will let me write it to completion so if anyone likes this and wants to write it feel free. Pls tag me if you do tho. I would love to read it :3
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Being Apart of The Sk8 Crew„
Just rewatched Sk8 the infinity and now I wish I had friends so ! Gn reader
Joe | “I wanna marry your abs!”
Y’all would meet your first time at S
Obviously you’d be amazed by his skating and even if u don’t like men he’s hot as hell bro don’t lie
One of two things happens
You A. Run up to him and ask abt his skating techniques and such
Or B. He actually walks up to you to talk about your skating(only if ur good ofc💀)
He’s such a dad
If you’re younger than him he’s constantly trying to sound smart/give you wisdom
Sometimes it’s solid advice the other times it’s pure nonsense
If you like to cook/want to learn he’ll happily teach you
If not he’ll settle for a new taste tester
He would def make jokes all the time
Some genuinely funny
He expects you to laugh at all of them even if it wasn’t funny
He’d appreciate it if you didn’t cock block him like everyone else
Despite being quick to take off his shirt he’s very fashionable and takes pride in his looks obviously
If you ever needed fashion advice best go to him!
He’s a pretty laid back guy so you wouldn’t get into arguments often
Would love to skate everywhere but he’s like…got a job and responsibilities so..
Still a great dad friend to have
Honestly would care and worry over you if you got into some dumb shit so don’t do anything stupid and he won’t worry
Joe for the win🗣️‼️
Cherry/Kaoru | A.I. Advancement
You’d meet when he paid a visit to Joe’s restaurant
Ofc you knew of him bc he’s popular but you never MET Kaoru
You def walked in on their date arguing
It was so awkward u were jus like:🧍‍♂️
“Is this a bad time time to visit you?”
“Hey! Kaoru this is [ ], the kid I was talking about.”
“What a peculiar child to willingly hang around you.”
“Whatever you say, Pinky.”
He’s kinda weird with his whole AI stuff but other than that a great friend
Makes snarky comments with you
Unless ur too nice to make snide remarks
Constantly complains abt the angle of your turns
Unironically would show up at your parent teacher conferences(if you’re still in the lower schooling ofc)
Would never admit it but he loves each of his friends and would be genuinely concerned if anything happened
Shadow | Petty Clown
Oh when y’all met you wanted to throw hands
I imagine something similar to his introduction with Reki
Bro straight up threw an explosive in your face???(smoke bomb maybe but still)
He may be petty but you’re pettier(is that even a word?💀)
You found out he worked at a flower shop bc lets be FR he doesn’t look much different outside of S
Lil arguments here lil threats there and you leave with a nice assortment of flowers
Bro side eyes you EVERYTIME y’all cross paths at S😭
After the whole gang is assembled y’all no longer act this way towards one another
Bros the only responsible adult of this group
He def did your makeup once and you broke out the next day💀
“Are you sure you know what you’re doin’?”
“Trust me, kid.”
“I don’t know why but I don’t.”
You try and help him with his relationship endeavors but it never works out😭
He’ll go to the gym with you if you don’t wanna go alone
Gym bros‼️🗣️
Miya | Catty Child
This fucker
Y’all are quite the duo
Annoying ass mfs whenever and wherever you go
If you have any sort of pet it’s his pet now
Bros the animal whisperer
He’d have to be interested in your skating for y’all to become friends
So pretend ur decent or even amazing; however big ur delusion allows itself to be🫡
He’s smart but would invite you somewhere under the premise of studying just to goof around
If he needs a second player for his game bro is gonna drag your ass so y’all can play
Goes shopping with you just to complain about how everything is ugly in the stores
“That’s not cute, who thought selling this was a good idea?”
“Bitch—if you’re going to be negative the whole time go home‼️”
Reki | Redheaded Menace
If you thought you + Miya was a devious duo just imagine you and Reki
Y’all would prob meet second after you and Joe met
Bc he works at a skate shop
And you need skating stuff(you can tell I’m not a skater💀)
If you’re just a good skater and don’t know actual science and shit behind it he’s constantly telling you about it like you care
You guys cruise around together for fun
He made your current board and you’ll never get another one that’s not from him
You teach him any and all tricks/skills you know
Probably took you to his house to give you your current board bc he was working on it in his house and you met all of his family
His mom is just happy he’s got some friends
You become besties with his mom
She gossips abt news and celebrities with you
Claims ur like her other child(forget the rest of them👺)
Makes you lunch bc she’s nice like that
You let him ramble abt stuff he’s interested in even if you aren’t listening fully
Would silently beg you to stay back with him during the hot spring scavenge bc he’s scared
Forces you to watch horror movies with him bc he gets scared and needs someone else with him
Bro would be elated the whole day if you called him cool
Snow/Langa | Canadian Curiosity
Omg he’s Canadian?😦 Seize him!
Obviously being involved with S you would’ve heard of Snow but Reki would’ve introduced y’all before the big news
Bro would shove him in your face as if he’s a shiny trophy(at the beginning ofc)
“This is Langa! New guy from my class apparently he’s interested in skating.”
“Sick—he’s so pale.”
“He’s from Canada.”
Bro is so oblivious it’s crazy
You gotta like SPELL IT OUT for him if you’re ever alluding to smth
Langa stays hungry and would go out to eat with you anytime
You and Reki would def help him decorate his room bc it’s…bland
It’s not bad but there’s no personality
He tells you abt his favourite dishes back in Canada and y’all try and locate any places in Japan that might sell smth similar
If not you guys attempt to make it yourselves at his house
His mom walks in on y’all ruining the kitchen💀
“Langa I’m…home.”
“Hey, Mom.”
“Hey Langa’s Mom!”
Bro is a skating addict and will skate whenever and wherever
Wants to race you like at least twice every week
Loser pays for dinner
You help him with his reading and writing and if you didn’t already know he’d teach you English
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Ghost!Roger Au is so good, I wonder if other ghosts have decided to talk with Perona as well? Will Rouge also give a shovel talk too?
If Luffy and his crew comes over, will Ace come out and start talking about Luffy in his classic fashion? So many ideas could happen
Perona absolutely talks to many spirits, some kinder than others, and when she learns Buggy can see and talk to them easily, she is absolutely vibrating beyond the physical plane.
Rouge absolutely gives her own shovel talks. Somehow hers is scarier that Roger's. Perona wants to be like granny Rouge one day.
I genuinely believe Perona got Zoro to do a board session with her over the two years, so he knows she has it and can talk to spirits ((and they send letters bc they're siblings send tweet)), so when they all meet up, Buggy is trying - in vain - to escape a rubbery tangled death trap that is supposed to be a hug, and Zoro is staring his not-dad and not-sister with the protective fury of a thousand suns.
It only gets complicated when, between one moment and the next Buggy goes stock still. Perona tilts her head with a hum. The clown just falls over and Luffy is giggling his head off while Mihawk and Crocodile straighten up. The strawhats are watching on warily.
Buggy, still smothered, just goes "Pero-chan, be a dear and pull our your board please. Grandpa is being annoying again."
"Okay mama Bug!"
She proceeds to lay out a comically large board, sets a piece of wood down and nobody even touches the planchet before it's zooming across the board
"Oh my gods"
It's a hot mess honestly and many people are Suspicious of Foul Play, especially because Ace is such a sore spot for Luffy even now, but Lu's smarter than he lets on. He asks for proof that Ace is there.
Luffy bursts into tears. The crews are about to explode. Buggy's still being used as a stuffed animal by a teenage boy.
Luffy babbles about how it IS Ace and yeah Gramps DID kill Kevin and how is this happening and he's sorry and-
"You jerk!!!"
Roger and Rouge get to formally meet Luffy then, and Ace introduces Roger as his 'not as shitty old man', which is high praise.
Hours later, Luffy rests his head against Buggy's shoulder and asks how he knew to ask Pinkie for the board.
"My Haki's not built like everyone else," he says haltingly. "I see.... stuff that isn't really supposed to be seen."
"Magic eyes?"
"Cool.... does.... does Shanks know?"
"About the magic eyes or about Roger?"
"Then yeah. He does. Old Fucker haunts us both"
There's silence for a bit.
Buggy's not sure why he wants to break it, why he wants to say anything. He still does
"Firefist spends a lot of time away from here. He checks on his crewmates, he's said. But he checks on you, too. Came back one time raving mad about some 'blond twink ass' having the audacity to be alive, for some reason. But he watches over you the most, I think."
"Shishishi... yeah. Sabo died when we were kids. But he didn't die! Just got amnesia. He's better now."
"Blond twink"
"Ah. Well. Kid, your life is a fucking drama."
"Yep! It's fun, huh? Thanks, uncle Buggy"
"Don't call me that"
"I'm gonna do it anyway."
Roger and Rouge are watching on warmly. ((Ace would be too if he wasn't currently playing with the bonfire and making Chopper laugh))
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ele-sme · 1 year
What if...
What if Mo'at adopted Spider
Mo'at was wondering around new hometree, walking next to her people, that always brought her serenity even after her home was burned down, she and the clan had gone on, fact of she was very pride.
When she arrived at the center of the hometree she spotted her youngest grandkid, which it wasn't difficult to see since he was walking on his hands with his legs up, next to him his brother and sister and another much shorter pink child.
What is a sky person doing here?
As she walked over to the kids she could figure out some more features of the child, his hair were blonde and in locks that remembered her of Jake hair.
As soon that her little girl saw her, the game that Lo'ak was performing finished.
"Grandma, grandma!" Kiri yelled coming over the older woman who easily picked the four year old in her arms.
The other kids followed behind, although the pink child (who seemed to be a boy) seemed to be cautious.
"Grandma, he is Spider" Neteyam said presenting the sky child.
"He is almost six!" Lo'ak said, his tone sounding like being six was the most amazing thing in the world.
"He is veryyyyyy nice" Kiri added giggling in her grandmother arms.
"Is a pleasure to meet you Spider" Mo'at said putting Kiri back on the ground.
The boy made a shy smile at the woman "hi"
As she and the boy exchanged looks, which were strangely comfortable at least for Mo'at, an avatar came to them.
"Mo'at" Norm greated the woman, who made a surprised gasp before standing on her full height to great the younger man.
"It is already time?" Spider asked with his tiny voice.
His voice is adorable
"Yes Spider, you can't stay out this much. It is dangerous" Norme explained picking up the child in his arms, and he rolled his eyes when all the presents children made an annoyed sound.
"Bye bye" Spider said meanwhile in the avatar arms who was raking him away, although he was saying it to everyone he looked at Mo'at eyes, which warmed her heart.
He seems to be such an adorable child.
Later on that day, when Alpha Centauri was on the end of his path Mo'at finded herself at the tree of souls.
As she connected to the tree, she was surprised to be surrounded by the green forest, Eywa not often made her have an encounter with someone, and when she saw her mate, Eytukan she couldn't do anything but smile at him, coming closer to him, to stand at his side.
He was watching as they're childern were playing in the nearby trees.
"How are you" he asked to his old mate, who made a sight.
"Honestly? Really tired. There is this big ceremony coming for the memorial day since it will be five years since it all happened, me and Jake are trying to do something perfect but it is so difficult" she explained quickly, lying her head on the other shoulder.
He maded an unsympathetic sound.
"Things can not be perfect, nothing is perfect" he reminder the woman, who stayed silent watching the little girls play.
"You met someone today haven't you?" Eytukan asked after a while.
"How do you know?"
"Resting with Eywa have is benefits" he responded.
"He is a human child," Mo'at started "he have this long sun hair, and the most adorable voice my ears ever listen to"
"Maybe you should try to talk with him more, since his voice is so adorable" Eytukan said with a mocking tone and Mo'at nudged him lightly.
"Is there a reason I was allowed to see you today?"
"Find it out yourself darling" he have her a kiss on the forehead side.
Then her eyes were open again, her ikran at some meters waiting patiently.
As she got to him, she explained the strange chat with her deceased mate, and as she connected the animal suggested to not go home immediately.
They flew for a few kilometres arriving at the place called hell gates, usually she would go there monthly to met Grace avatar, but this time she asked to be met with the child.
As they tell her the path she needed to do a few questions were raised.
"Why do you want to meet the child?"
"Have him done something stupid?"
"Do we need to put him in time out?"
"Do i need to spank him"
The last one maded shiver her, but ignoring all the questions she simply got to where the child was supposed to be.
As she entered what seemed to be an area of food, she founded the boy to be sit on a chair, drawing.
"It is you!" He said happily.
"It is me!" She responded picking the boy in her arms when he got to her.
Their embrace for some seconds, and as she breathed his smell she was pleased to see that his smell was nice unlike the others of his species.
As he got down her arms, he showed her all of the drawings he was making, and with the most impressed looks she watched each of them.
Her routine became the one of visiting the boy everyday, till the night before his six birthday.
When she came into his small room, she founded a child who had no idea of how to put the shirt of his pajamas on himself.
"Maybe is best if you sleep without" suggested
"But if I catch a cold?"
"Spider, it is mid August, i doubt you will catch one" her reasoning was that good that the boy undressed all of himself leaving only the underwear.
Mo'at carefully placed him in his bed, listening to what he had to say about the day he met and the day he was about to met.
"Would you like to come live with me?" She asked him without even realizing, those words came out of her mouth like it was the most normal thing she could ask a sky person.
"Yes yes yes" His eyes light up in excitement, putting his arms around Mo'at body, who soon hugged back too.
The very next day, she was in the Pod of her daughter, watching as the kids were playing on the ground with their toys.
Spider came in, and when he saw Mo'at he practically runned to her for an hug, which she reciprocated.
"Last night, you were seriously?" He asks her still in her arms.
"Yes, yes i was. Happy birthday sunny boy, now go play with the others" she said giving him a big kiss on the head.
Neytiri and Jake were confused next to her, looked at her for a few seconds before Neytiri could say "emh...Mother, what was that?"
"From December till now, i speded at least every evening with this child, we grown affection for eachother and i decided that he will come and live with me" she responded, her eyes on the kids, who were playing now all together.
"What?! But he is a demon!"
"He is a child. No child is a demon, not in Eywa eyes or mines" she darted back to Neytiri.
"You are trying to replace Sly with him? Don't you?!"
A slap was then spread across Neytiri face, causing all children to stop playing and Mo'at got up.
"Don't you ever say something like that again"
And with that she picked Spider in her arms and got away.
Sorry for eventuals errors, i did it half asleep.
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despazito · 2 years
I have conflicting feelings about so called "therapy talk" in animated shows nowadays.
I'm not sure if I like the term in general because i think it's dismissive of the concept as a whole, which I feel throws the baby out with the bathwater. Like to me at least the definition of therapy talk means being extremely emotionally mature, being able to successfully identify and communicate your feelings, and using empathy to do the same with others' feelings. which I think are all good qualities to have in a person, but detrimental to a fictional story if this trait is shared equally amongst the WHOLE cast and that's what bothers me about its overusage now.
People just don't have interpersonal conflict this way!! especially amongst kids or teens. Or at least it's extremely uncommon to have these types of kindcore interactions with others outside of a moderated clinical setting.
Emotional intelligence like that isn't a switch you can flick, characters may repress things or drop a facade to deliver some truths or philosophy to the protagonist but it has to dovetail in with the rest of their character. A character who showed no previous capacity for such maturity just feels unnatural to suddenly act very wise for a scene if it's played completely straight.
For instance, Patrick Star is great at playing this for comedy. His sudden rare bursts of extreme mature clarity are so opposite to the rest of his character that it loops all the way back into the comedic. But then imagine a character like Scrappy Doo busting out a lecture on externalizing his unresolved anger from past experiences without a shred of irony. Or Jesse Pinkman breaking his character of a wannabe gangster drug dealer to deliver a carefully worded clapback to walt about toxicity and gaslighting explaining the deepest mechanics of his personality. It would kind of suck, right? Which is why when Aaron Paul's character in Bojack gets a scene like that as Todd, it's very introspective but still delivered in Todd's voice because the writers know Todd and know the boundaries of what he can articulate.
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Characters can gain introspection and learn to understand themselves over the course of a narrative, but it has to feel natural and have some precedent. It's a bit annoying when all the characters resolve emotional conflict like they've taken a class in anger management before.
And i think a lot of it is the writer idealizing relationships and interactions between their characters and a weird obsession with morality in fiction now. We need to be spoonfed why this character is bad or what is currently occurring in a lecture from another character lest someone get the wrong impression from the text, in many ways it comes across as unconfident writing.
In a perfect (or dystopian to some) world everyone can communicate impeccably with everyone’s feelings in mind and people will come away with the exact reading of a text the author implied. and sure it can be good escapism if that’s what you crave. but it just doesn’t make for very interesting stories!!
Some writers will try to hide therapy talk under several layers of meta irony, but honestly those can feel even lamer to me and dare I say lazier in execution. It's quite literally telling instead of showing the audience exactly how a character feels by having them sarcastically voice their internal feelings in the format of a mindfulness diary prompt instead of feeling confident enough in your audience to pick up on those themes themselves through subtler acting cues or interactions. It's the internal conflict equivalent of loudly breaking the fourth wall to shout that motorcycle slide was from Akira, instead of having faith in the viewer to catch a reference on their own.
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This kind of self aware speaking about emotions definitely has its place, most notably in preschool programming because many of those shows are about teaching kids emotional intelligence and conflict resolution. But I am getting tired of this trope in other genres for older audiences, let things be messy and ambiguous! Your characters don't have to be perfect people! Let them have misunderstandings and make mistakes in relationships instead of speaking like licensed counselors!!
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homestuckconfession · 6 months
As a Jake liker who isn’t super interested in Dirk or DirkJake, this cannibalism stuff is starting to get really annoying. Like I get it if you just like it, and I respect alternative interpretations, but canon Jake wouldn’t eat people. Like full stop he just wouldn’t. Why the hell are people seriously factoring this into their analysis of him? The only things that support it as a headcanon are extremely subjective and could also be used to justify things like basic relationship anxiety and whatever what have you. And that’s fine!!!! But I’ll admit, going to my favorite characters tag and seeing it become full of untagged gore of some other guy is grounds for annoyance.
I saw people say that you shouldn’t criticize it as the interpretation is based on an acearo reading of affection/their relationship or whatever, but honestly as an acearo person I don’t see it and I don’t think that’s a valid justification for as to why your headcanon should be exempt from people getting annoyed with it. It’s like the new Davekat in the sense that people who are mischaracterizing the relationship feel entitled to be able to have their fun in a public space and not suffer any type of scrutiny. I’m sorry but you can’t love gore and think it’s super hot and sexy, and then become immediately uncomfortable whenever people detached from you see it and voice grievances with having to see/interact with it. You’re literally posting it public for all to see, and as such the public is allowed to go back to their own corner of the internet and post their opinions of that publicly. You don’t get to police that just because it makes you upset that people don’t think that Jake having attachment issues constitutes people eating.
Jade has more overt “cannibalism” themes with her grimbark form and her intense desire to feel a connection, Davesprite is portrayed as a prey animal in comparison to her. Kanaya literally eats people actually in canon due to being a rainbow drinker. But no, DirkJake, the DaveKat of fandom intellectual types, is the true cannibalism ship. Because everything alpha kid related always has to loop back to everybody’s favorite white boy. And please don’t analyze or think critically about that phenomenon, because it might introduce others to alternate perspectives which is practically violence on tumblr or something.
Anyway tldr; I’m usually just mildly annoyed that I can’t consume content of one of my favorite characters without having to sift through the most ooc torture porn of the guy he’s most commonly shipped with, but now I’m pissed off that they’re pulling a “you can't handle messy queer art that's nuanced and explores dark subject matter” when they’re literally talking about self indulgent DirkJake yaoi. At this point I’m asking you to please get over yourself and accept the fact that not everyone has to agree with you.
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ayoitspatricia · 2 years
Hi do you still write for disney's descendants? if so can you do headcanons of being siblings with the VKs? and if possible the siblings came with them to the school. sorry for my bad english
Being siblings with each VK + going to Auradon with them would include :
IM BAAAAACK!! It has been a while since I have posted so I am currently working through requests :)
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Mal :
Homie would be overprotective af
This lady ain’t having any Auradon dweebs getting you on her watch
Always encouraging you to be the best version of yourself
Or in Maleficent’s case the worst
Y’all are not that big on boys, girls etc before Mal meets Ben
Mix and matching leather jackets
Being the biggest chaos causes wherever you guys go
Finding it hard to be positive about school when Mal wants you to be miserable about it all
Her helping you to control your powers which are cool im gonna be honest
Sharing differences and similarities with Mal
She just wants to keep you safe from bad people in the world
Ironic for a VK right?
Especially from rats in Auradon
Feeling pressured by your mom when she wants you to steal the magic wand
Liking Ben and not finding it difficult to adjust to being good
Evie :
Now this one encourages you to interact with others
She wants to get you as far out of your shell as possible
Cause poor girl ain’t got a clue what will happen if you all get caught stealing the wand
Wanting you to get a partner
But asking them lots of intimidating kind questions if you do
Doing group sewing + art!
Always trying on each other’s clothing
Having matching magic mirrors
Creating a Chad hate club
Evie being the favourite child but always defending you
Going on shopping sprees when you arrive at Auradon
Trying hard to empress everyone
But then realising that it is really impossible
Evie wanting to dye your hair
Her chasing you around with the hair dye
Actually secretly wanting to be good from the beginning
Carlos :
Always being super close to each other
Thing 1 = you / Thing 2 = Carlos
Actually quite liking dogs
Lol your brother did not like that one
Until you got Dude obviously (you was his fav)
Always having super fluffy jumpers or cardigans
Enjoying sweet treats with him at midnight
Literally menaces to the cooking club
Softest member of the VK’s
Collecting stuffed animals to annoy Carlos
Then proceeding to throw them at each other
Fairy Godmother actually really liking you
You going into Remedial Goodness 101 early so you both can have a chat
Honestly loving the Auradon vibe
Cheering Carlos on when he plays Tourney
+ shipping him with Jane!!
Literally acting like kids the whole time
Wanting to open an animal club in Auradon
Tbh you was already sliding to the side of good as soon as you arrived
Jay :
My mans is on a whole other level of protective
Like you thought Mal was bad
Whether your on the isle or in Auradon this boy has your back
Him always glaring at the boys whenever they look at you for too long
Even at poor Carlos, who has no clue what is going on
Teaching you how to steal
Reminding your father of Jasmine
You + Evie + Mal are the perfect trio
Doing laps around the museum to try and find any lamps
Not your proudest moment ngl
You plus Lonnie equals BESTIES!!
Jay making you always watch him play sports
Stealing his beanies all the time
Hiding in spots around Auradon so he has to try and find you
You best hope that none of them princes disrespect you
Cause they gon get an ass whoopin
Honestly not caring about whether you’re good or not
As long as you have your brother and your friends
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eldaryasharbinger · 4 months
MCL New Gen Ep 4 Review
I played the episode on early access so now it's review time! Like last time, I'll give a more generic and spoiler free opinion and leave all the spoilers below the cut!
First thing I want to say is that this might be my favorite episode so far, I've gasped in surprise A LOT while playing it, due to all the information we get to know about all the other characters, like there's a lot to unpack from this episode... I can't wait to hear what others will think of it when it's avaible to everyone!
The episode costed me exactly 1716 APs, uncle Archibald included! (I also finally found him and got the right answer! I forgot to look for him in ep 2 and 3 and missed taki's costumes :( )
So far I've only seen Jason's, Amanda's and Devon's illustrations so I'm really curious about the others. Amanda's is very very pretty and the special scene was soo good,, Devon's is pretty cute as well, I liked the idea and I wonder what the interaction was like!
Jason's kind of let me down, I didn't have much expectations and I'm not saying that it's bad, I just wish it was a little bit... more? Still the special scene was so good it fit the way I see Petronilla's personality/way of thinking if that makes sense?? Also I really enjoyed the story so me being low-key disappointed by illu is probably a me-only problem because it was perfect for the context
I'd say more but idk what others might consider spoilers or not so I'm playing safe and leaving all the other details below the cut, spoilers ahead! From the future: It's super long I really had so much to say, so if you're stopping here, remember to come back after playing the episode!
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OKAY BUT THE GASP I GASPED WHEN I SAW LYNN?? Absolutely loved seeing her animated, or yk, seeing her in general! I wasn't really expecting it but I loved the surprise!
Also lmao not Thomas just telling Lynn that he loved her as a kid I WAS SHOCKED but simply because the possibility never crossed my mind... Consider my flabbers, gasted...
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Like when I said we'd be learning a LOT about the others, I MEANT IT!! I didn't know how we'd even end up in the situation to talk about love and relationship with our coworkers in the first place (which was the premise of the episode) but it basically started after Thomas randomly revealed he loved Lynn as a kid, Elenda teasing him and him revealing (kind of) that she had a childhood crush on someone as well which is, well, DEVON!! It was so much because at that point anything could've happened... I was already so surprised and impressed by what was going on... BUT THEN !!
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I love how everyone was going crazy about Roy and Brune being in a relationship when these two have been together for two weeks, never kissed, slept together or anything
And we just have to watch these two having a the realization and simply breaking up like it was nothing...
To be honest I didn't even find it strange or weird although the other characters were kind of annoying about it, and that just because they were so chill with it?? Like, not every break up has to be screams and tears idk, maybe I didn't find it strange because I've only had good breakups? (lots of heartbreaks from relationships that never even started too ofc) Like, once two people both agree that the love is gone/was never there or anything like that I think it's only normal for it to go ok? idk I found it very icky how literally no other character said anything like this, they were all shocked because of the lack of drama? Honestly, Brune is a queen for saying "go watch a soap opera if you want drama" lmao, I love her (unpopular opinion?)
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Yeah you guessed it, I gasped AGAIN when Jason arrived at the café!
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AND I GASPED AGAIN WHEN THOMAS SAID THIS??????? HELLOOOOOOO??????? LMAO IDEK WHAT TO SAY I'm on cloud nine y'all with how the story with Jason is going, I'm THRIVING, my brain is getting back into brainrot, like everything I could've wanted, like this kind of silly fanfic trope, I'm loving it
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Okay Brune, ouch, but I still love you, you can call me anything lol
AND ELENDAAA!! SAME AS THOMAS !!! Yes keep saying these things as if we're teenagers/pos it's so so funny to me it gets me giggling and kicking my feet,, Like oooo he has a crush on you hehehehe hohohoho,, yeah I think it's the worms writing rn, they got control of my brain ;w;,
Okay so next, after we all saw Jason, we stayed on theme and Thomas started talking about how he follows him on insta in secret and how he's seen him with A LOT of women but never twice with the same one... then...
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I kind of felt bad for him because seriously, they not only started talking about his private life, they were also saying bad things about him and were so judgemental, and I get not liking the guy but at the same time it felt uncalled? all he did was go to cozy bear cafe at the same time as us and he didn't even approach us,, come on y'all no one taught you how to behave?? There's this saying that basically says "don't speak about those who are not here to listen" or something like that and I believe in that, if I'm with people who start doing this I either stay shut or remind them that they're being mean, they're supposed to be adults but some of them really think in a rather "twisted" way, like Thomas for instance, he said that since Jason uploaded those pictures himself, it was public (therefore they were allowed to talk sh*t) and man... that's such a scary way to think (I'm not calling him a creep, I get why he might htink that way), I've already stated before that I'm very paranoid and knowing that some people actually think this way (with evil intentions) is the reason why I feel so scared to post anything online, I want my life to remain private,, (these are just my experience with the situation, I'm not trying to make it sound like a big deal it just made me uncomfortable because of my personal beliefs)
Imagine "poor" Jason going for a coffee and then finding your rivals gossiping about your love life etc, and honestly the fact that I like Jason so much isn't even important because I swear I would've felt compassion for him even if I hated him with all my guts... BTW I'm not complaining about the writing, the story was very intresting and I wouldnt've wanted for it to go any diffrent!! "But Kaf! How can you say you liked it if it made you uncomfortable?" you see, I'm a weirdo and got questionable taste, I love me a pityful, loser and not really evil character, this is only making me root for Jason more, as well as making me want to put him in my mouth (means nothing I say this about all things I like so much that I just feel like I have to eat them,,)
Now get ready because next up we have the answer to Candy's question "why do we hate Jason?"
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They werent even friends to begin with, Jason was just this random guy who worked there, probably done with his job he saw Devon's file and decided to Plagiarise and try to get a chance at a better job, got caught, fired and decided that he was now enemies with this other random guy as if he didn't literally steal from him because HE IS A SORE LOSER!!!!!!!! He's unsufferable on purpose, probably very very sad inside and he kind of showed that when he caught them talking sh*t because he looked very serioius, no smile or anything
today is a great day for me, because I've now decided that I'm 100% right and this is how the story goes for Petronilla's story, even if in the future we might a diffrent story, this is how it is in my mind :D!
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I love how she's like "i'm just investigating the rival! I'm totally not zooming in on each and every picture!" she's so real this is 100% 'Nilla behaviour (me too)
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This is Jason's illustration and now you can understand what I meant with "I wish it were more"
More than a picture of a picture on my phone!! It's still accurate so I can't really complain about it too much, in the end I think it's good to have different perspectives (Also how pretty is he... wow...)
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Girl you're cooked
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yeah well, in my head I've already estabilished that Jason saw that and that he'll be overthinking it so much or he'll be like "ha ha, of course she liked this picture of me on purpose to send me a sign, she wants me, but of course cause she can't resist my charm! no one can!" and then feel so confident etc (a loser)
Now let's fast forward to sharing a taxi ride with our beautiful Amanda!
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do you want to kiss already or
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I don't even know why I thought that but with how things were going... the atmosphere yk... And yeah, I gasped about this too
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;A;, (yes, that's all the commentary I have left)
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The illu is so cute and I loved the outfit, just like last time I ended up buying the illustration becase the outfit was different for Jason... Although I think that this one is pefert for Petronilla! (I unlocked it in the shop with 150 hearts at the end of the episode)
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aaand this for last! to back up one of my recent reblogs talking about how Amanda isn't that bad and had her reason to be upset (in case you had the party at your house, I didn't)
That's all and wow, it's a lot
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corroded-hellfire · 2 years
Somewhere Between Edward and Dracula - Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Modern!AU. Vampire!Eddie. With Halloween coming up, a group of friends decide to see if the old Creel house is really haunted. It is, but not by ghosts like they assumed. 
Notes: I honestly just made this modern because I needed to make Twilight jokes. But it works, since Eddie says he’s been a teenager since the 80′s. Just wanted to write a Halloween-ish story and I love me some vampire!eddie.
Warnings: language, general vampire-ness, i think that’s it?
Words: 3.2k
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Eddie can hear the gang coming for miles. There are five of them in total. Two guys and three girls, if he can tell by the pitch of their voices. There’s one guy and one girl who are the loudest. They’re bickering back and forth with one another, but it’s in a friendly manner.
           “Admit you’re scared,” the guy is saying.
           “I’m not scared,” the girl answers. “I’m just saying what if we get caught?”
           “Robin!” the guy answers with a groan. “Loosen up. Even Jonathan isn’t worried about that.”
           “Hey!” There’s a sound of protest, from Jonathan presumably.
           Teenagers. Like himself, Eddie thinks. Except, not quite anymore.
           The group gets closer to the old house and Eddie sighs and rests his head on the wooden beam behind him. He’d been held up in the attic since he first heard them approaching. Kids and teenagers alike were no strangers to daring each other to spend time in the supposedly haunted house. The house is haunted, just not by ghosts like everyone seems to think. Eddie would deal with the annoying giggles and screams as friends tried to scare one another. Some would just dare one another to touch the house. The braver, and mostly the older, would come into the house itself to try and get a proper scare.
Once in a while was whatever; Eddie sometimes even had a good laugh about how scared some people got from nothing. But October always brought more people, almost on a nightly basis. They’d bundle up in their sweaters and jackets, which was Eddie’s only reminder that it was cold outside. Not like he could tell. He hardly ever bothered to mess with anyone who came to the house. There was no need, they always freaked themselves out. The most he would usually do is move about quickly and quietly if the group decided to make its way to the attic, where Eddie spent most of his time. If he made a floorboard creak or a doorknob rattle here and there to keep up the haunted rumors, so what?
The Creel House had been abandoned for decades, which made it the perfect haunt for Eddie. No pun intended. He remembers hearing rumors about the old home when he was a child, and a real, alive teenager. Eddie never held any stock in those rumors and proved to himself that they were in fact false when he moved in after becoming undead.
           The five teens were close enough now that Eddie could hear their footsteps. In a few hundred more yards he’d be able to hear their heartbeats. That didn’t bother him, like most people thought it would. One of the perks of living in a house that had no upkeep was that all sorts of animals would crawl into the underbrush or even find their way into the house. They were more than enough to supplement his “appetite.”
           “It doesn’t look so scary,” one of the girls says.
           “You go in first, then,” the guy who is not Jonathan answers.
           Eddie hears the girl’s soft footfalls as she walks up the porch steps. The old wooden front door swings open on squeaky hinges. The steps become slower as she finally enters the threshold. Her friends are all still out on the sidewalk, Eddie can tell from the sound of their breathing. One of them is breathing shallower than the others. The girl who was nervous about getting caught. Robin, Eddie recalls.
           The brave girl walks through the first floor, moving from room to room. Her heartbeat is only slightly faster than it was on the walk here. She really isn’t that scared. Sometimes, if it was a young guy who was being cocky and trying to show off that he wasn’t afraid, Eddie would mess with them by using his speed and stealth to yank a piece of their hair or clothing without notice. It took the cockiness out of their tone every time.
           Edde had never encountered a girl who was cocky about her braveness. Even if he did, he didn’t think he’d mess with them. His gentlemanly upbringing wouldn’t allow it.
           When the girl finishes moving through all the rooms on the first floor, she walks back to the front door.
           “Are you all coming or not?” she calls to her friends.
           Footsteps and floorboards bending tell Eddie that the whole group follows her inside. He can’t tell their footsteps apart by sound, but the slowest heartbeat continues to be the girl who first entered. She’s also the first one to walk up the stairs.
           “Where are you going?” The girl, Robin, whisper-yells to her, as if she doesn’t want to upset any ghosts.
           “Upstairs. I’ve seen everything down here,” the brave girl says.
           “By yourself?” the third girl asks.
           “You can come if you want, Nance.”
           “Nance” makes no response, and the girl’s steps continue up the stairs alone. Eddie has to admit to himself, he’s intrigued. That’s hardly ever happened during his time at The Creel House. Sometimes one member of the party would claim to not be scared and start to roam on their own, but their heartbeat would give their fear away to Eddie. This girl really wasn’t afraid.
           “Stupid,” Eddie mutters to himself. “She should be.”
           That isn’t true, though. Eddie knows he’d never hurt her, or anyone. He is getting curiouser by the second, though. It wouldn’t be hard to take a peek at the girl. She would never know.
           He hears the girl cough on the floor below him and wonders what piece of dusty furniture caused it. Eddie wonders if he’d clean the dust if it bothered him. But not having to breathe meant he didn’t care what dirt and dust accumulated.
           The door that reveals the stairs to the attic opens and Eddie finally stands from the cobwebbed floor below him. There were no shortage of places to hide, but Eddie was trying to decide which one would let him have the best view of this brave, or possibly stupid, girl. He decides to leap on the beam above him, nestling himself into a dark corner of the attic. Not that the dark meant anything to him, but it would help shield him from her human vision.
           Her footsteps get slower the closer they get to the top of the stairs and Eddie smiles to himself. Now she was starting to get nervous. He licks his lips and cocks his head to the side as he waits for her to get to the door.
           The door creaks open and if Eddie had the ability to have breath, it would have caught in his chest. He stares and blinks his eyes a few times, sure his sight is playing a trick on him. No one could be that beautiful. But his better-than-perfect vision was always right, and there she was. It figures, right? His dream girl walks into his life after it’s already over.
           The girl lets out another cough as she takes her first few steps into the attic. Eddie’s eyes don’t miss a thing. The way she reaches up to push some hair behind her ear. How she sweeps her flashlight back and forth across the attic, eyes searching hungrily. What she was looking for, Eddie couldn’t guess.
           She walks into the middle of the attic and spins in place, taking in all the angles around her. A smile appears on her lips and Eddie’s sure he’s never seen anything so pretty. While alive or dead. It confuses him though, her sudden happiness here in the dark and dirty attic.
           “I know you’re here.”
           Eddie startles. He can’t remember the last time someone’s managed to startle him. She’s talking too quietly to be meant for her friends, whose steps and heartbeats let him know were still on the first floor. He leans in towards the girl, stretching himself to be closer to her. This close, he can feel the heat radiating from her body.
           “Don’t ask me how I know, because I don’t even know,” she says. “But I know someone is here. Not a person.”
           “But not a ghost,” Eddie answers.
           She spins around suddenly, flashlight searching all the dark corner for where the sound came from. Eddie smiles and rests back against the sloped ceiling. She’s looking nowhere close to where he actually is.
           “I never said a ghost,” she says. Her heartbeat is now the fastest it’s been all night, but it’s still not as fast as her friends’. Eddie would wager it’s more from excitement than fear.
           “Then what do you think I am?” Eddie asks.
           The girl swallows and Eddie can see the veins in her neck throbbing, causing him to sink his fangs into his own bottom lip.
           “Right now? Just a voice.”
           Eddie can’t help but laugh at her answer. She smiles at his laugh, and it makes the grin on his own face grow. When’s the last time he’s actually spoken with anyone?
           “You’re braver than your friends,” Eddie says.
           “Always have been,” she says. Her eyes are still roaming all around the attic, eyes even scanning over the dark corner he’s hiding in without seeing him.
           “That doesn’t surprise me,” he says.
           “Where are you?”
           Eddie debates with himself. Sure, she’s not afraid right now. But what if he shows himself and it terrifies her? Something tells Eddie that won’t happen, but he isn’t sure his dead heart can take the risk.
           “Hiding,” he says. “You’ve looked right past me a few times now.”
           She chuckles and shrugs her shoulders. “You wouldn’t be the first person to tell me I should get my eyes checked.”
           The grin on Eddie’s face makes his cheeks ache. He hardly ever smiles, let alone has this euphoric grin spread across his lips.
           “You could get them checked all you like; you’ll never have vision like mine.”
           “Are you invisible?” she asks, and it makes him snort a laugh.
           “No,” he says. “Just hiding from you.”
           “Why?” she asks.
           “I don’t want to scare you,” he says, honestly.
           She frowns and ceases looking around the room. Eddie’s instinct is to make it better. To say something that will wipe away the frown and put the smile back on her pretty face.
           “You said I was brave. Now you’re afraid I’ll be scared?” she asks.
           “Even the bravest people have things that scare them,” Eddie says.
           “What scares you?” she asks, surprising Eddie yet again.
           His brow furrows as he thinks about it. He never thought about being afraid of anything anymore. It didn’t seem like he had to, held up here in the same house for years.
           “I don’t know,” he answers honestly.
           “You’re afraid of scaring me,” she points out. “That’s a silly fear.”
           “Is it?” Eddie asks, eyebrows raising. “You know, there’s a fine line between bravery and stupidity.”
           “You wouldn’t be the first person to tell me I’m stupid either,” she says with a shrug.
           “You don’t seem stupid to me. Stubborn? Yes. Brave? Definitely. Maybe too much so. But not dumb or stupid.”
           “Can I see you? Please?”
           Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and bites his lip. He wants nothing more than to give in to her request. He feels like he’d give her anything she wanted. But he’s enjoying this conversation, and he doesn’t want it to end if he scares her off.
           “I don’t think you know what you’re asking,” Eddie says.
           “I’m asking to see you. At this point, you can’t look worse than what I’m imagining.”
           “I’m intrigued,” Eddie says. He adjusts himself so he’s sitting down on the beam, and he leans forward, elbows resting on his knees.
           “I’m imagining scales and horns and warts. Or blue skin with all black eyes and eight arms.”
           “I’m not a spider,” Eddie answers with a laugh.
           “Well, I wouldn’t know that, would I?”
           “You’re really not afraid,” Eddie says to himself, more than her.
           Eddie lets out a sigh, an expression of frustration rather than an outtake of breath. He slides off the beam, landing silently on his feet. His jeans have holes, and his black t-shirt is covered in dirt. He tries to wipe some of the dirt off without much success.
           “To your right,” Eddie says.
           She turns, flashlight bouncing in and out of the dark corners. Eddie steps forward out of the shadows, and into the beam of her light.
           Her eyes widen as she stares at him, and Eddie metaphorically holds his breath. She takes a few steps closer, and Eddie pays special attention to her heartbeat. It ticked up a little, but it didn’t spike. He watches as she takes in his hair, her eyes following individual curls falling down his forehead. She takes in the clothes, only slightly dustier than her own. Her eyes scan his face and her pulse beats quicker.
           “You’re…” She trails off, a million endings to that thought flashing through Eddie’s head. Terrifying? Dead? Evil? Pale as fuck? “Beautiful,” she finishes. Pink floods her cheeks as she stares at him, and Eddie mentally tells himself not to think about the blood rushing to her face.
           “Well, damn, Sweetheart,” Eddie says. He sticks his hands in his jean pockets and takes a few steps closer to her. “First time I’ve ever been called that.”
           “I highly doubt that,” she replies instantly.
           He grins, careful not to show teeth, and shakes his head at her. “You’re something else.”
           “So I’ve been told,” she says with a shy smile.
           “Hey!” A male voice shouts up the stairs. The girl jumps and Eddie laughs at that being what scared her. “You okay up there?”
           “Fine, Steve,” she shouts back down the stairs.
           “Steve your boyfriend?” Eddie asks, head nodding towards the stairs.
           She lets out a snort and shakes her head. “No, definitely not.”
           “What about the other guy? Or one of the girls?” Eddie asks. He tells himself he should shut up. Why is he even asking you this? It can’t matter to him. But it does.
           “Nope,” she answers him. “All on my own.”
           “No, I’m all on my own,” Eddie says with a laugh. “You’re just single.”
           “Why are you alone?” she asks, her brow pinching in concern.
           “I don’t really fit in with…everyone else,” he says.
           She takes a few steps closer to him, so they’re arm’s length apart. With the hand that’s not holding the flashlight, she reaches forward and holds her hand out to Eddie, palm upwards and open. He stares down at her soft, warm skin and wants nothing more than to slide his cold, hard fingers into hers.
           “I can’t,” he says. His voice came out rougher than he intended, and the way she frowns tells him that she heard the sadness in his voice.
           “You ask a lot of questions, you know,” Eddie says with a smirk.
           “How else am I supposed to learn about you?”
           Eddie swears his heart flutters in his chest, knowing that it’s physically impossible.
           “Why do you want to learn about me?” he asks.
           “Now who’s asking questions?” Her smirk makes Eddie laugh, and he realizes too late that he lets his teeth show. She’s as observant as he expected.
There’s no fear in the question. No anger, no malice, just pure curiosity. Her eyes are wide as she looks at him, open and awaiting his answer. Eddie can’t believe she asked so casually and calmly. This was truly the surprise of his lifetime. Alive or undead.
“You’re smart,” Eddie says. He has trouble meeting her eyes, but she moves her head around to catch his gaze.
“Hey, look at me.”
Eddie steels his spine and looks her in the eye. She’s smiling and it’s the first time Eddie’s ever truly revolted against the idea that he wasn’t fully alive.
“So, are you more like Edward or Dracula?”
The question makes Eddie burst out in laughter. It makes the girl’s grin widen and it’s the first time Eddie really relaxes around her.
“Somewhere in between,” Eddie answers while still laughing. “I don’t sparkle or burn.”
“So, you’ve read Twilight,” she remarks.
“Do you think I have a whole lot to do in this place?” Eddie asks with a shrug. “I’ve always been a fantasy nerd so of course I’ve kept up with the books these days.”
“These days, huh?” she asks, tilting her head. “How old are you?”
“Am I supposed to say seventeen? And that I’ve been seventeen a while?” He smirks at her, and the blush returns to her cheeks.
“Team Edward, are we?” she asks.
“Well, duh. Like I’m going to pick the werewolf over the vampire,” he says. He looks at her face for a few moments before answering her question. “Nineteen. Been nineteen for around thirty years now.”
“Hmm, 80’s,” she hums. “The clothes make more sense now.”
Eddie scoffs and looks down at his jeans and t-shirt. “What’s wrong with them? You’re wearing jeans, too. And a t-shirt!”
“Yeah, but mine aren’t acid wash,” she says through a laugh.
Eddie narrows his eyes at her, which makes her laugh even harder. She goes to reach for his hand, as if out of instinct, and Eddie is surprised when he allows himself to stay still so she can. Her hand only jumps slightly at the cool temperature. She looks down at their joined hands as she threads their fingers together.
“So, you don’t burn?” she asks as she holds onto his hand, as if it was the most casual and comfortable thing in the world.
“No more than you do. Just feels like a bad sunburn, only I don’t turn red,” he says.
“Y/n?” a voice calls up the stairs.
Eddie repeats the name to himself and smiles. Suddenly, it’s the prettiest word he’s ever heard.
“Yeah?” she calls back.
“Robin’s freaked. We’re leaving!”
“Be right there, Nancy!”
She frowns and holds on to Eddie’s hand tighter.
“Y/n?” Eddie says. “I like it. A lot. I’m Eddie.”
She bursts into giggles, and he raises an eyebrow at her.
“Eddie?” she asks.
“Yeah. What?”
“Is your full name Edward?” She looks like she’s going to combust from laughter and Eddie rolls his eyes.
“Jesus Christ. Yeah, that’s my full name. You’re allowed three Twilight jokes ever, then that’s it.”
“Ever?” she asks with a smirk. “Does that mean I’m allowed to come back and see you?”
The hopeful lilt of her voice sparks a joy through Eddie that he didn’t know possible.
“I really hope you do,” Eddie tells her sincerely.
“I will.” The resolute tone of her voice makes Eddie smile, and he swears he’d blush if he could.
           “I look forward to it.” Eddie bends down and presses his cold lips to the back of her hand. He feels her pulse jump beneath his lips and as strong as the urge for blood is that comes over him, the urge to keep her safe is infinitely stronger.
           “Your lips are softer than I thought.”
           Eddie smirks and her face burns bright red. She clearly hadn’t let the words filter through her mind before they came out. But Eddie didn’t care. The fact that she was thinking of his lips at all made him the happiest undead guy in Hawkins.
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miss-tc-nova · 1 year
Behind That Smile - Ruggie Bucchi x Reader
I like animal facts. Definitely recommend checking out the vet!yuu tag by blackopals-world.
Premise: Hyenas can bite through bone
Words: 1,537
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, Halloween event spoilers
               “Ruggie, if you don’t slow down, you’re gonna be sick.”
               Those cloudy-sky eyes manage to tear away from his plate long enough to peer up at me. It’s impressive he doesn’t choke as he swallows all the food in his mouth.
               “Are you kidding? I’m just getting started!” He catches sight of Epel walking by with a plate of meat and he awes. “Oh I haven’t tried that yet! I gotta go get some!”
               In a bolt, he’s out of his chair, already filling another plate. I shake my head with a sigh; however, at my side, the Diasomnian vice-housewarden chuckles.
               “Isn’t his appetite simply astounding?”
               “It’s impressive alright,” I hum. “I just wish he’d slow down before he chokes.”
               “But he still has so much to go through if he hopes to sample everything here,” Lilia says.
               He is right about that. Malleus, Lilia, Grim, and I had set out to help the ghosts enjoy the Halloween party that they missed. We had a beautiful venue, Malleus had the music covered, and we had the rest of Night Raven College on a scavenger hunt for mirror shards to fix our atmospheric lighting. However, one of the most astonishing features of the night were the tables absolutely stacked with food from all over Twisted Wonderland—courtesy of the ghosts themselves.
               And Ruggie is having the time of his life.
               Said hyena returns with various meat piled on his plate, but at the bottom sits a hunk of beef still clinging to the bone. It’s comically large and I honestly thought food like that only existed in cartoons. Yet Ruggie isn’t perturbed in the slightest as he chomps through everything he brought.
               I have a small chat with Lilia while Ruggie eats. It comes to a stop though when the hyena cleans the ridiculously large bone.
               “Finished already?” Lilia asks.
               “Not even.” He holds up the large bone in his hand. “This is the best part.”
               Without hesitation, Ruggie puts the skeletal matter into his mouth and bites.
               The crunching sound that follows shocks me to my core; it echoes in my ears. The sight of the splintered bone infests my brain and intrusive thoughts force me to imagine that as my arm. It’s mind blowing to think that this kid I’ve been hanging out with nearly every day could chomp through something so solid with such little effort.
               “My, that’s quite a bite you’ve got there,” Lilia remarks.
               Ruggie gives him a glance between getting at the marrow of the bone. “Yeah, I get told that often but it’s pretty normal in my family. My grammy used to give them to me when I was little.” He laughs. “She said it kept me quiet when I was annoying her.”
               “I’ll have to make note of that,” Lilia laughs. “I suppose that means there really isn’t much you won’t eat.”
               A shiver flies down my spine as he crunches the bone like candy. “Hey, if it’s edible, it’s worth trying at least once.”
               Throughout the rest of the night, I can’t get the image of Ruggie breaking bones out of my head. Again, the intrusive thoughts don’t help.
               The night ends and Malleus returns everyone safely to Night Raven College. There’s seems to be a lot of relief that Halloween has finally ended, but everyone agrees that it’s time to get some sleep.
               “So you had a hand in this entire mess.”
               My heart skips as Ruggie catches up to me and Grim on our way back to Ramshackle.
               “I guess you could say that.”
               “Heck yeah we did!” Grim climbs my costume to stand on my shoulder. “And we planned the best party ever!”
               “Yeah you did. The food was great.” Immediately, I divert my eyes away from Ruggie’s grin. I’m not sure I can ever look at that smile the same again.
               Though the conversation stays light, I keep my gaze occupied on the way back to my shabby little dorm. I would look at anything—the castle overhead, the rising sun, the rusted gate, the drowsy cat in my arms—as long as it wasn’t Ruggie.
               I tuck the blanket around my magic partner who quickly crashed on our way back. With a soft smile, I place his hat on the nightstand and stroke his head. The feline mumbles something about “awesome dance moves” as he rolls over to continue his dream.
               “Man, I thought he’d be up for hours with how wired he was,” Ruggie says as I close the door behind me.
               I glance down the hall, trying to put on a light-hearted air. “I think he just finally hit that sugar crash.”
               “Hey, are you okay?”
               “Yeah, I’m fine.”
               “Then why won’t you look at me?”
               Embarrassment simmers in my ears. This whole thing is stupid.
               “It’s nothing. I’m just being silly.” Raising my head, I look him in the eye and put on a smile. “I’m fine.” Immediately after those words leave my mouth, I can’t help glancing at his lips and my gaze instantly averts.
               “Yeah right. You’re avoiding me.” Ruggie ducks down, trying to look me in the eyes, but I just can’t. “Aw, c’mon. You mad at me or somethin’?”
               “N-No.” I avoid him again.
               “Then what?”
               The intrusive thoughts themselves aren’t really anything to be ashamed of. “Look, I just…I’m trying to block out the intrusive thoughts, okay?”
               There’s a pause. “What kind of intrusive thoughts?”
               But the contents of those thoughts kind of are.
               “Ruggie…” I groan.
               “Just tell me, will ya. You know I’m not gonna leave you alone ‘til you do.”
               He’s right—I know he won’t. It takes me a few moments filled with deep breaths and expectant stares to finally get the words out.
               “I’m just having a hard time getting the image of you crunching through that bone out of my head, okay? Can we just drop it now?”
               “The bone?” Glancing to him, I can see the gears turning in his head. “You’re not tellin’ me you’re scared of my bite now, are ya?”
               I pinch the bridge of my nose. “It’s less that I’m afraid and more that I can’t stop imaging you biting through things.”
               “You mean like this?”
               My stomach flips when the hyena grabs my arm. In a swift motion, he draws my sleeve back and brings the limb to his mouth, those massive, gleaming teeth resting against my skin. The image of that snapping bone fills my head. I shut my eyes and brace for the core-rattling snapping sound and the inevitable pain to follow.
               Instead I hear a soft chuckle. Warm, gentle lips meet my skin, instantly drawing my gaze back. Embers smolder behind his eyes as he trails soft kisses down to the back of my hand. A last reverent press of his lips meets my knuckles before his fingers intertwine with mine.
               “You gotta know I could never hurt you.” Even his voice is infested with the heat quickly enflaming my own bashfulness. This smooth criminal then leans in, lips brushing against my cheek causing the air to hitch in my chest. “Not even if my life depended on it.”              
               Then, Ruggie retreats, that ever-lovable simper warped into something warm and gentle. Meanwhile, with my skin on fire, I press against the wall in an attempt to keep myself from collapsing. I’m positive his ears—even hidden beneath that marauder’s hat—can hear the pounding in my chest. And if he didn’t hear that, the shuddering exhale from my mouth is probably thoroughly satisfying.
               “What’s wrong, sugar?” he asks, absolutely full of himself right now.
                My free hand presses to my face in a shoddy attempt to calm my nerves. “What a cruel criminal you are to toy with my feelings like this.”
               “All in a days work for a scurvy pirate—stealin’ such precious treasures as hearts, shyehehe.” There’s that smooth tongue. “But who said I was playin’?”
               The grip on my hand tightens and I swear he’s squeezing my heart.
               “Didn’t even need to trick-or-treat to get me the best prize.” Some of his mischief returns. “Man, a full feast and I get the cutest kid on campus? I really did make off like a pirate with all the treasure this year.”
               It seems my legs are stable enough to hold their own weight again. “I don’t know about that.”
               “Oh I do. I could just eat you up.” He laughs in the face of my glare. “Too soon?”
               “I’m going to bed now.”
               My announcement doesn’t seem to deter Ruggie from pestering me, chattering about random things. Yet I’m not entirely inclined to send him off. Instead, he sheds his coat and boots and flops onto the bed beside me—his hand finding mine like the greedy man he is. It doesn’t take long after that for the conversation to lull and consciousness to drift.
               Those intrusive thoughts return frequently from then on out. Ruggie always had the potential to seriously hurt me. But every time he smiles, I’m reminded of that pirate in Ramshackle on Halloween night. I remember just how gentle that mouth can be—and how quickly it can sink those fangs into my heart.
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sweetlittlenamjoon · 2 years
✨how stray kids would react to finding out about your regression✨
SFW interaction only please!!!
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Chan 🐺🎧
finds out by accident
he’s just checking in on everyone and when he knocks on your door he gets no response
he gets worried and decides to just peek his head in
you’re sleeping with your paci hanging loosely out of you mouth
he thinks it’s really cute and doesn’t really question it much
he asks about it later in private
he immediately does so much research
wants to be your cg right away
dad cg vibes
likes to carry you around
just everywhere
he just goes about his day with you on his hip
“big hugs? big hugs.”
calls you baby girl/boy or kiddo
does voices for your stuffies :)
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Lee Know  🐰🐱
finds out by walking in on you with a paci
just goes 😳, apologizes, and leaves
you explain later and he’s like “oh thank god I thought I walked in on something private”
he’s totally fine with it and even hangs out with you sometimes
its takes him and minute to get comfy actually taking care of you when regressed
makes you snacks
“eat up so you have lots of energy later!”
likes to have you in his lap so he can pet your head
picks the ugliest outfits for you he can bc he thinks its funny
plays pretend but he has to be the queen
or the bad guy
“oh noooo. i’ve been defeated.” *flop*
super protective???
if any of the other boys are playing too rough he’ll just scoop you up and threaten them with tissue mouth
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Changbin  🐷🐰
why do i feel like binnie would just sixth sense that you’re a regressor
like you tell him about and he’s like “oh, was i not supposed to know?”
supportive big bro/cool older cousin vibes
he loves to pick you up and just hold you
bench press the baby
does that airplane thing where they pick you up with their feet
does his cutesy voice when talking to you
“who’s binnie’s little angel?”
lets you do his hair and makeup
drags whoever he can to co-care
mostly so you can both annoy whoever’s closest
talent shows!!!
he WILL tickle you
no escape
lots of stimmy dances and noises back and forth
adventures to the park
he will underdog you on the swings he don’t care about the rules 😎
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Hyunjin  🦙🌲
finds out bc you come to cuddle him one night while regressed
you’re all babbly and squirmy and he’s like “well maybe they’re just sleepy???”
but you just smile up at him and go “hyunjinnie, I wuv you.”
and he just gives you a big hug and goes “I’m not sure what's goin’ on but love you too.”
in the morning you apologize and explain everything
he’s honestly a little confused but he’s trying his best
real awkward but he’s like that with actual kids so
he warms up quick tho
just says random noises
vocal stimmies back and forth
draws you little pictures to colour in
cuts up fruit for you :)
definitely a co-care kinda guy
usually with felix or changbin
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Han  🐹🍓
finds out bc chan convinced you he’d really love to help out
as expected he’s so excited
“so i can just baby you and carry you around and play pretend and it wont be weird?!”
big bro/babysitter cg
you will be watching animal documentaries sorry
he says its bc theyre educational
loves when you’re extra small so he can peekaboo with you
does silly voices when reading to you
lee know has to remind him to not get too into it or somebody will get hurt lol
really helpful with impure regression
breathing techniques
“wanna put on a silly cat video for a distraction, sweetheart?”
makes sure your toys get snacks too
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Felix  🐣☀️
finds out bc you confide in him early on
he’s the first person you actually tell about your regression
super duper supportive
for a while you sneak into his room whenever you feel yourself start to regress
you watch anime on his phone and cuddle
he keeps a paci in his bedside table and an extra stuffie on his bed for you
once you’ve told everyone else he’s so proud
bakes for you all the time
you get to measure the chocolate chips and lick the spoon >:)
bath time!
he lights candles and gives you lots of bubbles
comfy naps and snuggles
pillow forts!
no hyungs allowed!!!
ok i guess lee know can come in he has snacks
does his high pitched voice bc it makes you laugh :)
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Seungmin  🐶🐾
finds out bc you involuntarily regress in front of him and try very hard to explain while baby brained
very confused bc you’re mumbling a lot
he just gets ‘i’m a babey sometime an is ok because i copin’
good enough of a reason as any
so he just asks what you want him to do and follows along
he gets a better explanation later
still vibin
likes to chill best when you’re toddler-middle regressed
he doesn’t know what to do with nonverbal cues lol
thank god for AAC
would do pretty much anything for you
the others pick on him for being so nice to you when regressed when he’s usually such a brat
calls you the maknae
I.N. complains but he doesn’t mind when you’re little
he WILL just tackle you out of nowhere tho
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I.N. 🦊🌸
finds out by accident
finds a rattle and some other toys while tidying your room
brings your rattle out to you in the living room and is like “do you have a niece or nephew???”
you get flustered but decide to just tell him the truth
and he just goes “oh ok!” and goes back to cleaning
doesn’t help out much at first
helps with getting you snacks and blankets
sits next to you while doing his own thing
but one day he just pulls you into his lap and continues his game
once he warms up he loves to bug the other members with you
rascals, the lot of you
pretty much never uses his baby voice unless you do something REALLY cute
loves to brush you hair
forehead kisses like “mwah!”
puts you in his big shoes
he takes so many pics
and shows every member
chill with you braggy with all the boys
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(requests are open! send me an ask https://at.tumblr.com/sweetlittlenamjoon/i-dont-know-if-you-guys-are-actually-aware-of-this/6t8739ocrw7r)
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