#honestly if I want to stretch this a bit more my personal hc is that they did meet makomo just before she left for the final selection
mikuyuuss · 30 days
Even though it's canon that Makomo never actually met Sabito and Giyuu while she was still alive, I love how many people (including me) still pretend that they are a trio regardless. The vibes are just too strong.
But it makes me think though, if Gotouge may have originally intended for them to be a trio, but maybe scrapped the idea when they realize there's no hint of Makomo in Giyuu's design, except just having a slightly similar hairstyle.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
What its like hugging the creepypasta characters
jeff and ben and toby are the only ones written as strictly platonic but the others can be seen either or! kind of wanted to do something easy for creepypasta characters (+ masky and hoodie) since i missed writing for these bozos </3 that said requests for creepypasta are open so crp fans go ham! return to this blogs roots! rah! written more as a rating as well as how it actually feels to hug them and not really a scenario that leads to you guys hugging yk?
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very tall and skinny, maybe even boney. im still trying to decide if slenderman/slenderbeings have internal organs/bones/ect... though i can say that slenderman is fairly cold. hes not ICE cold, but hes noticeably cooler than your average person. can adjust his height to better suit his needs, so you dont have to worry about literally climbing him like a tree if you want to give him some affection... likes wrapping some of his tentacles around you during an embrace. not bone crushing, but not... well now its hard to explain, he seems odd with affection, not too sure how long or how tight to hold you... but hes learning! 7/10 love him, my tall wife
very similar to slenderman in the regard that hes also very skinny and tall, though i do think hes just a teeeeeeny tiiiiiiny warmer than his brother! not by much but its a noticeable difference! loves lightly swinging you around before tugging you close to his chest, sometimes sways a little while holding you! holds you a little tighter than slenderman does. perhaps even nests his head on top of yours when you guys hug. honestly i can see him having a habit of just picking you up and carrying you around, platonic or romantic it doesnt matter, hes going to do it unless you express that you dont like it... 8/10 due to him being a little less cold (emotionally and physically)
now this ones ice cold, like youre going to need to bundle up if you want to cuddle up next to him since hes going to just snatch the heat out of you in a few minutes. admin personally hcs him to be on the shorter and thicker side, so theres that at least! very soft! generally not the type to seek out affection, though, so youre going to need to step up and initiate a lot of that stuff. not that he doesnt want it, he just doesnt really think about it all that much + he may or may not fear taking a bite out of you. shrugs... though i like to think that despite that, he can give some solid hugs! 6/10
very warm, always seeking attention and affection from you so hugs are not in short supply. sometimes purrs when you guys hug, and similar to splendorman hes going to swing you around a bit.. though sometimes he gets too into it or too excited and it comes off more as thrashing you around. probably when hes feeling a little sillier than usual he pokes his cone nose into your cheek (gently). wraps his arms around you, like. totally around you since his arms can stretch and they dont really have.... bones... you know? probably sometimes hugs you from behind, typically after sneaking up behind you/poofing behind you from his smoke thing 8/10, would say 10/10 but i think he might accidentally crush you to death
not... very.. good at hugs. at most youre going to get one of those side hugs from him, at least when hes awake. sometimes when you two cuddle and he falls asleep, hes wrapping his arms around you and locking you in to his chest. normal body heat, maybe a little above average, but nothing too insane since hes still a human... hmm... doesnt really give those two armed hugs unless hes sleeping or you were just in danger. adrenaline and fear can do a lot to someone, you know... 6.5/10 masky gets a higher score than EJ since hes warmer
as for tim, hes a little more open to giving you affection, i think! while masky only really does it when you ask, i like to think that tim might be more likely to do it unprompted! likes resting his head/chin/jaw on your shoulder or head, depends on the height difference! 7/10
i think in general i tend to type hoodie as a touch more open/social than masky.. masky tends to be a little... eh... he expresses stuff less than hoodie, at least in my take. shrugs. i do think hoodie likes to hug you from behind when youre doing something. very tall, personally hc him to be roughly 6 feet tall. neither buff nor skinny, have some pudge. generally very comfy, plus his hoodie is sometimes nice and soft, sometimes warm if you've managed to get him to wash it! likes swaying you a little while he looks over your shoulder to see what youre doing, only occasionally letting go to sign something to you.. 8/10
brian is more or less the same, but hes verbal so his hands are staying put on you. i also think hes a little bolder and more willing to just hold you whenever, let that man be affectionate with the reader! if this is romantic he likely puts his hands on your hips.. also 8/10
very affection starved, i think, but he also doesnt really initiate anything due to a deep rooted fear of rejection. so youre going to need to take the lead here! skin and bones, very cold since skinny people tend to be colder (at least in my experience with hugging!). when you guys do hug he does tend to hold you a little too tight. he doesnt mean anything malicious by it, its just that hes truly not used to hugging people and also subconsciously he doesnt want the hug to end, you know? 7/10 me thinks
very short very cold and... damp? i personally headcannon that the most of the time hes in a digital device, but on the rare chance hes in the real world... hes very cold and as previously mentioned damp. might also have a general electric buzz about him, too. kind of like holding a cold soggy plushie straight from a washing machine. not at all pleasant but he cant help it :( 4/10 the ghost boy does not make a good hugger there isnt much else to be said
very lanky, admin also headcannons him to be very tall. like 6'2. lanky fucker. probably a "where's my hug" person but not in the gross neckbeard way and more so mocking those kinds of people because the look you give him makes him lose his shit and cackle. his jacket kind of smells, youre going to have to get him to go wash it. it doesnt smell putrid or anything but it definitely needs a wash. what being a dude on the run after committing homicide does to a mf 5/10 only because he has a weird aura
VERY lanky and VERY cold, kind of rigid thanks to his weird puppet joints. kind of like hugging a wooden puppet. i dont think thats a pleasant thing.... hm... is usually slightly levitating off of the ground so its even harder to get a hold of him, given that hes also already really tall as is... you have to make him stop hunching over so you can actually get in there. absolutely basks in the fact that youre giving your time and energy to him, kind of gets annoying with it sometimes but thats just him being an ass. 6/10 but only because i fuck with him sometimes when i remember him
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fatuismooches · 9 months
My previous asks about biting is just because i have cute aggression and your works are so cute (usually, one time i wanted to test out how dramatic my mascara was so i read some of your angst, cried) but now that i really think about it? my number one competitor is Il Dottore himself
It's my personal headcanon dottore has really bad cute aggression, sure it's mainly under control now because he's been alive for fuckinf Centuries (for all childhood friends works where the reader is male would it count as old man yaoi- *gets shot*) but with his lover? absolutely out of control
Maybe they're cuddling and his lover's hand gets close to his mouth? eated, chomped
childhood friends reader who has scars on their arms because of how hard dottore has bitten them
it gets so bad that the reader has to give him a taste of his own medicine, he bit them a few minutes ago and now he has his hand by their mouth? EATED (he gets so confused and then Realizes, unbeknownst to you, you started an all out war.)
Make sure to wear turtlenecks during the chomping war because if you walk past him wearing like, a tee-shirt he'll just move the collar of the shirt (or even stretch it, bastard) just to bite your shoulder and then act like nothing happened
after about the first week, you both look like you were mauled by a small cat.
Eventually, a truce is made, so it's not as bad, but you two still bite each other like feral cats.. It's just more provoked rather than "i have to get them back IMMEDIATELY"
So there's not as many bite marks everywhere, mainly on each other's arm and hands now because, what else are you supposed to do if your lover's hand is by your mouth? kiss it? fucking casual. Bite his cheek and watch him go absolutely insane though
some other harbingers who i think have cute aggression but not as bad
The second place is pantalone, he isnt bitey, but he will grab, squish, and tug at your cheeks aggressively if you say or do something cute whole cooing about the cuteness of what you just did
columbina will just, hug and squeeze you really REALLY tight if you do something cute, its hard to breathe but thats ok
the last and (funnily enough) least aggressive when it comes it cuteness, is childe, he'll hug you tightly (not as tight as columbina) and squish your cheeks, but only for a few seconds (unlike pantalone, who will literally make your face numb) he is lime a healthy mix of both of those two, he will get bitey however. - 🎈 pspsp smooches cmere i promise i wont bite you (lying)
🎈 ANON?? HELP IM SORRY FOR MESSING UP YOUR MASCARA I DIDNT MEAN TO 😭 (or did I?) But omg, I honestly didn't know what cute aggression was until now, thank you for informing me of this AND I'M GONNA BE STEALING YOUR HCS BC THATS TOO CUTE 🤲❤️❤️😭
I'm just. EXPLODING 💥 Bro doesn't know how to control his biting strength too so he ends up drawing blood sometimes 😔 (But it's okay since it's Dottore) I bet people assume the scars you have are from something cool like battles but nope... you got BIT by a human, multiple times at that. The first time it happened you probably let out a little scream because he's literally nomming on you unprompted and... you've never met anyone who does that 😨 I wonder if he even has an explanation for it or he just... does it? He just wants to bite you and he will, you can't stop him😭🙏
I mean, you get used to the random bitings, but if there's one thing about you, is that you will put him in his place if need be! If Dottore thinks he can just go on ranting about his research after fatally biting you, he's wrong 😒 He starts waving his hands around in excitement and you know what. Bitten. Nom-nom. Congrats. This is one of the very few times Dottore's rendered speechless. (Worst mistake of your life.) You know how regular couples give each other good morning/night kisses? Well Zandik does something like that... he just bites you unprovoked instead. It's the absolute worst during the Akademiya because you're sweating so hard trying to cover all of your skin but also trying to avoid getting nipped on the neck by that irritating deadly scholar 🫠 He is so nonchalant about it too 😒 But you're not. As soon as you land a bite you're grinning so hard and he's just like 😐 Ehehe... pretending to kiss his cheek and then nibbling on it and giving it a lil bite... I'm evaporating... i love the little love bites <3
THE PANTALONE ONE IS SOOO TRUEEE AWWW 😭🥺🥺🥺 I see him as very touchy so omggg him squishing your cheeks is so cute 😭 You would just be talking and saying something unintentionally adorable to him and all of a sudden he's cupping and then squishing your cheeks all while going on about how cute his darling is, and your words are now getting all garbled up 😔 it's A NEED. (Then he'll kiss your cheeks so gently if you get pouty cuz he pulled too hard :(( <3)
100% agreed on Bina she is. A MONSTER. when it comes to those hugs, you may faint if you don't build up some resistance to it. You can try to do it back to her but for some reason, she isn't really affected by it even if you muster up all your strength, but she still adores the notion! And Childe... RAHHH THESE ARE SO GOOD!! It's funny for him to be the least aggressive but his co-workers are something else I guess 😭 We love a king who's so affectionate but also won't kill you with it 🤭 I imagine if you return it he would be so flattered...especially if you're strong enough to actually keep him from leaving your hug. Now that's the good stuff.
🎈 anon 😳 you can bite me if you want, I don't mind 😌🫶
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contraspem--spero · 6 months
ok im curious what do you think about mizuki akiyama, the character who is heavily implied if not canonically transfeminine/trans female?
not a malicious question
Hi anon! I'm grateful you seem to ask in good faith, so I'll answer even though I don't normally entertain fandom stuff on my blog.
I'll also be using they/them for Mizuki going forward even though I personally don't agree with that but I assume you would be more comfortable this way.
My short answer: I don't really care about them. I like Mizuki's design, some of their cards/focus songs slap, I liked the rooftop friendship storyline, Mizuki&An interactions and their character overall, but I have no personal stake in the The Big Secret storyline. I don't have to morally agree with every media I consume. I can (and do) enjoy things with non-binary or trans characters in them; that fact doesn't make me doubt gender critical or radical feminist ideas.
As of right now, it's only implied* they're transfem; for as long as it's not outright stated in canon I will keep hc-ing Mizuki as a gnc guy who faces isolation and bullying because of it, as did I for dressing in "men's clothing" and not wearing make up. Which might also be canon just as well in the future.
Mizuki never answers the question of why they dress the way they do with anything other than "Because I like it", which actually aligns the gender critical idea of clothes and make-up and nail polish etc having no gender and how both men and women can both dress however they want (whilst simultaneously being aware that some of traditionally female/feminine clothes are purposefully impractical, financially draining, or outright harmful to your body and it's no coincidence; the gc idea of people having the freedom to do whatever doesn't necessarily go against the feminist idea that patriarchy is the reason those roles and practices exist in the first place and are actively harmful to women and girls as a class), and honestly? I like the way that is written.
Maybe the message proseka writers intended to send wasn't "Mizuki is trans because they dress like a girl and being forced into male roles makes them depressed and transphobia is bad", maybe it was "Mizuki is simply a boy who likes pink and dresses and cute things and maybe we should stop bulling people for being different that the rest". Or maybe I'm dead wrong and they will be confirmed as transgender later down the line. Who knows. It makes very little difference to me anyway because they're not one of my favourite characters and that's that.
*whilst they're being referred as they/them in the official English translation, we should be very, very aware that English translation is oftentimes inaccurate and occasionally even harmful/blatantly wrong and is prone to buying into popular fandom headcanons (e.g: calling Nagi An's Aunt officially whereas in canon their relationship get no label and are much more complicated than that; unnecessary Tsukasa Angst in Saki's even where he most likely refers to Saki being lonely and not himself; the whole Spojoy Kanade honorifics blunder, while understandably untranslatable, was handled very poorly). Plus it's the only way to make the entire storyline to work in English as Japanese language has no pronouns and we can't judge based off that. Leaving out the pronoun issue we're left to judge based of... Clothes and song lyrics. *Shrugs*
**I also feel like Mizuki's storyline was done very dirty in general by proseka event format because it feels so. painfully. stretched out over three years. It seriously lacks the pacing, but that's my issue with N25 in general; they're moving a little bit too slow for my taste save for Ena.
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okarinageneticlab · 2 years
AU of first meeting + arranged accidental marriage idea, because I love an idea that HC can play it cool with his highness only by his sheer luck. He is no better at handling his embarrassment than XL in canon.
The idea tho:
HC, having an extremely severe case of “what-if-we-are-not-meant-to-be-with-dianxia-ever-and-I-never-find-him” crisis, decides to gamble with his own fate and privately decides that next time somebody puts a bride/groom on stake in his Den, he will accept it. And not just to put them somewhere to work and earn their keep as he usually does, but marry them for real.
Here is the deal. If he lifts a veil and it’s Dianxia (1!!!1!1) for some fat non-existing chance, then they are meant to be and happy ending, and he will have diaxia and what more to want. If it’s not, then he will stop thinking about it and will remain only a devoted follower never again hoping for something else and accept that person as his wife/husband. Not he will ever touch them that way though.
So next time in Den there is a person’s marriage on stake and he doesn’t dodge the bid into something better, but closes his eyes and explicitly accepts it. (Ghost residents are thrilled by the idea their Lord settling for family life)
It’s the bride offered by some desperate father though. HC is not a chicken to back off from deal even if it’s only private. He accepts the girl nonetheless, even if he thinks that ofc what was he thinking, gambling on his highness marriage, like he has any right, and why on earth his luck is enough to get the whole Danxia for himself? His highness probably has better things to do.
HC is devastated in advance waiting for the girl to arrive from some no name village at her farther’s command. Probably he nonstop prays to his god for mercy and already mourns his sinking dream relationship with XL, but still doesn’t back up from his ‘fate gamble’. He is very tempted when he sees the red dressed woman in veil tho
And since we have happy Hualian here, ofc it’s XL when HC lifts the veil.
He was just passing by when he hears the sob story of the girl and her father that was so desperate that he bid her hand and heart to fearsome ghost king. Obv he’s feeling “I will go and have a serious conversation with that ghost that no one can trick desperate people into marriage” first. Than he thinks again and decides that it’s not his business and honestly no one forced a hand of said father to gamble.
Here his luck is ended, because the girl is crafty and armed with full plate of fresh dumplings and crystal shiny tears in young eyes and tru story that she very loves another. So she persuades XL to help and go instead of her. They provide the dress, the snack and the carriage. And even some dowry to make things proper in eyes of gods and ghosts.
And XL at this point finds himself agreeing and blankly thinking “why not”, because honestly being someone’s husband shouldn’t be so bad. He will have a home and whole person for himself. Mb even a good person. He is so lonely that even a ghost king that gambles brides looks like an option. And mb that ghost king is lonely too, if he agreed to unknown girl that he never met. Anyway what’s of his honor left? So he privately decides “f@ck that, mb even damn be my cultivation, I’m gonna check this option”. After all, times when he never run away were long gone. He totally can run away any time he doesn’t like the situation. And if they do marry he will have a brand new excuse why he can’t date someone apart from his powerlessness. He would be married after all…
So he agrees to the whole thing, and comes to Ghost city, and HC lifts the veil, and here he is instead of a pretty bride.
Pause stretches a bit too long. Stress peaks. XL panics that ofc he ruined everything again and anxiously asks, “so… will you marry me?” He probably doesn’t even realize what syllables he produces with his tongue. Just panics. And then panics more.
HC meanwhile totally mentally skyrocketed into his dream space of Danxia simping at the sight of XL and doesn’t think straight at all. In his head Danxia asked “will you marry me” and ofc dream HC will pick up all his bride skirts and run to the altar that very second. So he breathes “yes” first, does the whole ceremony prepared for them, all bows, and then he realizes what he had done. And that was all real.
XL is just as flustered. He also made his bows in a haze of embarrassment and “oh gods I really said that to living ghost king dressed in red, being in red dress myself, and omfg help”
Ghost residents cheer them loudly, startling them into senses. So HC scrambles himself and XL and takes them both to the paradise manor. There he drops XL in peace of his own rooms and strategically retreats to god knows where. Corridor probably. Just behind the door likely. Because he’s that much of an panicking idiot… Leaving his fresh accidental dream god of a husband alone and go panic himself. After some while he realizes the mistake and rushes back, apologizing and embarrassingly spilling all the beans to dianxia.
Seeing that hot panicking mess vaguely resembling fearsome ghost king husband of his, XL stops anxiously worrying that he somehow displeased his new spouse and angered him and just calms them both down. He’s already charmed by his married life, if it’s with this guy. And it’s only gets better, bc HC immediately gifts the ring and sincerely vowes to do only what diaxia likes like he means it. XL dares even to admit that his husband is very handsome. HC melts on the spot.
It takes them several hours to finally agree that no one is angry or unhappy with how it turned on. They talk it out and agree that yes let’s try this whole venture. XL stays in HC’s rooms. HC has to lay down a bit just to process that.
Who would have thought that his luck was that unbelievably good.
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genderqueer-karma · 2 years
so, i got to thinking about my life + the headcanons i have about the vk family. i have one i'd like to share with you (safe)
let me preface this by saying that i'm not physically disabled, but i have had issues with my legs for as long as i've been able to walk (so basically my entire life) which has led me to limp when i walk. more recently, i've experienced pain in my legs more frequently than i used to, and it got me thinking that i might need some type of mobility aid in the future. of course, i don't necessarily want that to happen, but if it does, i won't cry over it (probably).
anyway, that got me thinking.
a lot of people believe that manfred began to use his cane after some injury, or they believe that he just has it for vanity's sake. i personally don't see either of those making sense (though if you do, that's totally cool! i'm not the authority on any characters, especially not him).
personally, i feel as though if he had the cane as a walking stick purely to show off his wealth, he would've gone for something a bit more... ornate? it's not as though my guy's a minimalist by any stretch of the imagination; if he does something, it's big and dramatic, which is all well and good. cheers.
as for the injury headcanon, i honestly can't say i personally see it. it does make a lot of sense, but i feel like canon somewhat restricts this from being possible? since he never took vacation days besides after dl-6 (and probably rarely took days off for injury or illness. the only times i imagine he took days off were the births of his children, and legally he basically would have had to with leave and all that).
getting injured, especially the most common way i see people hc that he would've gotten injured, from an accident while riding horseback, would definitely be something that doesn't particularly fit with his characterization, imo, considering that he would most likely take as many safety precautions as humanly possible to avoid getting hurt. (in my mind, he's actually quite anxious and just a generally neurotic person and as a result tends to consistently think worst-case scenario, leading to him over-preparing for just about everything.)
so what exactly is my headcanon?
i believe his cane usage was the product of hereditary chronic pain.
in my mind, the vks all kind of have this chronic hip and leg pain that starts manifesting as young as 20 or so and really kicks in around the mid 30s to early 40s. ultimately, this pain requires the use of mobility aids or (worst-case scenario) surgeries that may not actually be effective. of course, i don't actually know much about surgeries, so i am taking a small liberty with this aspect, but nevertheless:
in manfred's case, i think the chronic pain kicks in when he's about 38, and it absolutely wrecks him for the the first six months or so. he rarely goes anywhere other than work (sometimes church, which i also have other hcs about. maybe i'll post about those one day.) and home. he spends a lot of time sitting and debating with himself on whether or not he wants surgery, ultimately to decide that he doesn't because the success rate is too low for his tastes (perfectionism) and recovery time is awful.
because he has to use the cane for the rest of his life, he experiences a lot of internalized ableism. this leads him to do many things that were unsafe for him, and generally caused more angst than anything he might've thought it "solved".
for example (and i'm aware this is a movie specific thing), after being caught for his crimes in dl-6 and after his meltdown, instead of using his cane to walk out of the courtroom, which probably would have been more comfortable and more safe, he walks without it, opting instead to carry it: "maintaining his dignity", so to speak.
of course, with this problem being genetic and passed down from generation, his biological kids (for the most part) are affected by it. since only franziska is named in the series, i'll focus primarily on how this affects her. (i debated making this section a separate post, but honestly, fuck it)
as we know, franziska basically disappears from the aa series after aa3/aai2. (capcom please let her out of the basement... that's my daughter and i miss her) this plays perfectly into my headcanon, actually. since we get no information about her whereabouts beyond a very basic "she works with interpol and stuff", i can't help but feel that explanation is incomplete.
so, that also made me think: what if she was affected a bit earlier than most? earlier in this post i mentioned that the chronic pain can manifest as young as 20 years old... which happens to be around the age she is when she all but vanishes from the narrative. basically, i think that the pain, which she inherited from her father, caught up to her.
now, there are other implications to this. after deliberating with a mutual and friend of mine, @bucket-of-hyperfixations i concluded that she would most likely want/prefer to use traditional crutches. (i did also consider that she might use a wheelchair, but then i thought about how wheelchair users are treated and thought hard about how that'd be a no-go)
this is what i ultimately landed on mostly because considering her character and the distance she wants to create from her father (using a cane would probably remind her as well as other people of him, which was a huge thing that she railed against, especially in the third game), as well as the fact that she would most likely want to maintain the freedom to use her arms so she could use her whip, which forearm crutches, another option i considered for her, wouldn't provide.
of course, there's a lot more i could add to this, but i think that this is enough for now. i personally like talking about the vk family and making up headcanons about them, considering how little information we actually get in canon. that being said, i accept criticisms of my headcanon and don't think that other interpretations of what we are presented with are inherently wrong, even if i sometimes disagree with them.
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haruchyio · 3 years
hihii<3 could i request some hcs with hanma, draken and shinichiro with a s/o that loves physical touch (so like hugs, holding hands, arm around her waist/shoulders etc) but at first she’s a bit hesitant since she don’t know if the boys like this stuff?
tysm if you’ll take this rq !! i love your works a lot <3 pls stay safe~
ps: also i’m sorry if you don’t write for some of these characters, if u don’t feel comfy just ignore me <3
s/o is hesitant but loves physical touch hcs
— characters. hanma shuji, ryuguji ken, sano shinichiro x reader (separate)
— themes. fluff
— note. i'm still getting used to hanma's personality so i apologize if he might be a bit ooc? :')
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# hanma shuji.
honestly, i don't think he'll notice that you won't initiate anything intimate with him until you're both alone in a room for a good few minutes
after —say, five to ten minutes? and you're just sitting there beside him, stiff like a board, it's then that he'll finally notice lmao
has never been more confused in his life because he thought you're scared of him
to test the waters, he will smoothly not really stretch his limbs high up before draping it down on the your shoulders
won't admit it but he was nervous to see how you would react, but when your shoulders relaxed and leaned on him more, he'll be relieved
he will pull you towards him until you're leaning on his chest, chuckling when he sees you smiling widely while looping an arm around his waist
"if you wanted to hug me so bad, you don't need my permission, you know~"
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# ryuguji ken.
draken himself isn't one to actively seek for physical touch with his significant other, but he doesn't mind it if they are the one who will initiate it.
when you both got together, he never really minded the fact that you would hesitate to touch him the way lovers do
honestly, he thought you were hesitant because you were still uncomfortable with him and this new relationship you both had going so he completely understands
he's very patient with you, and wouldn't want to force you to do something that doesn't make you comfortable
overtime though, he begins to notice how you would keep glancing at his hand as if debating whether to hold it or not
or how you would longingly eye couples who just so happened to be passing by, holding hands and all that
draken is a smart man so he'll piece things together
"do you wanna hold hands?" he'll whisper, glancing at your hand that was swinging back and forth beside his
he was relieved when your eyes lit up like you've been waiting for him to ask that question for years, "of course!"
draken will then hold your hand whenever he gets the chance <3
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# sano shinichiro.
shinichiro's love language is physical touch !! but he's a bit shy about it so he never voices out this fact about him
as the respectful man that he is, he wouldn't initiate anything physical with you until he knows you're comfortable with him doing so
even if it means he has to wait for a little while before he gets to hold your hand or hug you real tight
just like draken, he'll be very patient with you because he thinks that you're still trying to get used to his presence
he looks at you and waits for your next words, watching you play with the hem of your shirt cutely
"c-can i hug you?"
he will smile so wide and open his arms so you can hug him when you're ready
and when you finally do, he's afraid he might not let you lmao
"you don't have to ask! hug me whenever you like!"
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© sen (haruchyio). all rights reserved. no work may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without my permission.
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catcze · 3 years
hello! may I please request for some sfw and nsfw hcs for lisa and a fem reader? im just thirsty for this woman..
NSFW!! 18+ ONLY !!
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
!!⠀Feat : Lisa x Fem Reader
!!⠀## : Smut, Fluff
!!⠀CWs : Sweet relationship happiness <3 Dominant Lisa, improper use of visions 👀, electricity play ??
You sure can, sweets 💞 Sorry it took so long, but I hope you like it!
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mmM tall pretty witch lady with big booba 🥰
With Lisa as your partner, it’s almost guaranteed that a lot of the time you two spend together will be leisurely.
Mid-afternoon naps, lunch break dates, stolen kisses in the Knights’ library–– there’s gonna be a lot of that.
Hands down, she calls you so many pet names. It’s like she never runs out, either. She calls you the basics, like ‘sweetie,’ ‘princess,’ ‘darling,’ ‘baby girl,’ etc. but sometimes she’ll also change things up with ‘my rose’ or ‘starlight.’
One of the ways she shows affection is with books! Some days, she’ll gift you some of her favorite novels, and tells you that you can borrow them for as long as you’d like. It’s very cute, because written in the margins are some cute notes by Lisa, such as ‘We should go on a date like this sometime’ or ‘Her clothing sounds very beautiful. Where do you suppose we can find something similar?’ and stuff like that.
Some days, she’ll recite poetic passages in romance novels and tuck a rose behind your ear with the most flirtatious coo. It leaves your knees weak and your heart racing. 
She also has regular tea breaks with you!! Lisa always makes sure to brew the tea you like the most, and prepare the best confections for you two to dine on.
During your get-togethers, she’ll hold one of your hands over the table as she asks you about anything interesting that’s happened recently. While you talk, Lisa doesn’t yawn or grow sleepy even the slightest, and her eyes are always trained on you.
[[Okaay, so here’s a bit of trivia abt Lisa for context. This info was taken from an interview with a game director (i think) for GI. In the interview, the person said that when she was younger, Lisa touched a book hat cursed her. This book + curse is the reason why she has such strong powers, but it comes at the price of her lifespan being cut in half, so her days are limited. Not sure if this will ever be mentioned outside of an interview and in the game itself, but i found it interesting.]]
Lisa tells you about her... predicament when your relationship is fairly established, and honestly, you feel such incredible sadness for her. it takes you some time to process that she could die soon, but Lisa helps you come to terms with it.
You two don’t go out and do anything extraordinary or whatever after it happens–– going on a random adventure for the sake of it just wan’t Lisa’s style, and if she so wanted to travel the world before her death, then she could have done it on her own before she met you.
No, instead, the realization that your time with her is limited is a driving factor that encourages you to spend time with her–– not so much that you breathe over her shoulder, but enough that you can say that you didn’t take your time with her for granted.
After the reveal, there are many more afternoons spent cuddling with your legs entangled, sometimes your head resting on her soft chest, sometimes her own head resting on your own. 
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MMMM lets get to the good shit
Lisa’s kisses are usually sweet, but not lacking for passion. She’s mischievous whenever your lips lock, licking your lips and pulling you closer until your chests touch if you’ll let her. 
Honestly, Lisa gives me big service dom energy, though she’s willing to sub for you if you ask her.
Lisa strikes me as both an ass and tits kind of girl? Like, no matter how big or how small either of them are, I can see her being all over them.
I firmly believe that Lisa has long, pretty fingers that are perfectly manicured and perfectly stretch you out when you ask her. 
She’s a tall woman, so I can totally see her with her front pressed against your back, on of her hands moving down to stroke and dip into your pussy, perfectly manicured nails growing wet as they slipped in and out.
Her other hand wrapped around your middle, keeping you firmly anchored against her no matter how much you squirmed from the teasing pleasure.
“Lisa,” you gasped, cheeks flushed and eyes hazy. “Make me cum, make me cum, please, please I need it––”
“You have to be a bit more specific than that, princess,” Lisa giggled, nipping at your ear. Then, in her most sultry voice, she whispered, “What do you want, baby? You have to tell me, or I can’t make it happen.”
With the arm around your waist she sends an electro current into your skin–– nothing too strong or too painful, just enough to jolt you in her grip and have the whines tear from your throat with newfound fervor.
Coherency was a difficult thing to grasp when you were in this haze with Lisa, and had it not been for your sheer desperation, you doubted that anything other than mindless pleads would have left you. You grabbed her wrist with one hand, whimpering as you tried to press her fingers deeper, harder into your cunt.
“Inside,” you gasped, “Put your fingers inside, please, please, make me feel good.”
She chuckled, but acquiesced, pushing two fingers into your tight heat and eliciting a happy moan from you. You ground on her hand when her knuckles brushed your clit, savoring the sparks that flared at the contact. 
Your eyes were cloudy and your body trembling, but there was a steady flow of “Thank you, thank you, love you,” that passed your lips.
Lisa was high off the pleasure she had given you, her own arousal sparking at the bliss on your face. She pressed a kiss to your cheek and began moving her fingers the way she knew you liked, stretching you and feeling around for that one spot that always had you seeing sparks by the end of the night. Your high-pitched cry and the squirming of your hips let her knew she found it, and the librarian let her gaze fall on your trembling mess of a visage.
“There, sweetheart. Now, was that so hard to ask for?” 
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thunderbottle · 3 years
Thunder's DSMP Disability Headcanons
disclaimer!!! i am sticking to physical disabilities bc honestly delving into the complexity of mental stuff is stressful and physical disabilities easier to apply to characters that like,, already exist yknow
Oh you KNOW this boy has messed up hearing. In my head his right ear is worse (as in he can barely hear anything with it) from the festival execution bc he turned his head away from the fireworks. The various l'manberg explosions also contributed.
I subscribe to the headcanon that being around schlatt sorta 'infected' tubbo with goat traits so bam i'm giving him joint problems in his legs from them changing so fast to be more goat-like. It makes him a bit slower than before and the snowchester cold makes them achey.
Chronic pain both before and after revival. It's different after he comes back to life, though. It's not any worse or better, just... different. It bothers him more than he lets on. He can't even find comfort in the familiar pain. sadge.
same deal as tubbo with being a bit HOH. the repeated explosions during exile would not have treated him kindly.
also related to exile: on the way to techno's house and living in a hole in the middle of the tundra, i feel like he's missing a few fingers and one of his feet from frostbite (y'know how he lost a shoe? yeah.) He makes his own prosthetic while staying with techno but doesn't use it all the time bc it's painful. he's got a fancy crutch that sam made for him which is a lot more comfortable most of the time.
another exile one bc i feel like that whole experience (being hurt often, no real access to first aide, lack of a steady food source, etc etc) would be Not Great for a person's health. Dream dislocated one of his shoulders 'on accident' and it hasn't quite healed correctly, often re-dislocating when he's carrying heavy things or stretching it the wrong way.
my ranboo design has wacky kangaroo rat legs that aren't super suited to,, working correctly so he wears braces on the ankles and knees to keep them bending correctly. he also uses those coon forearm crutches like in that one fanart i did of him forever ago.
okay this isn't a hc but can i just say i'm so happy that c!ranboo is like,, canonically disabled. like ik it's bc he's enderboy but Still i love it sm. thank you mr. beloved
he was born partially blind and relies a lot on sound. his redstone machine have a lot of essential parts that intentionally make extra noise so he knows they're working correctly and with the right timing.
he wears the gasmask half as a fashion statement and half bc he's got asthma and the redstone dust that typically doesn't bother other people can be dangerous to work with for him and trigger asthma attacks, especially at the quantities he works with.
caneza!!! he has trouble keeping his balance with his wings out of commission so he weathers the increased old-man-shaming in favor of being able to walk lmao
making this one short bc thinking abt c!wilbur makes me sad
chronic fatigue syndrome!! get some rest tall child!! like i know it doesn't really help but still!!! *wraps alivebur up in blankets like a feral, injured cat* i care you!!!!
okay i know that the herobrine eyes are bc she's related to herobrine somehow but i'm making her blind anyways. herobrine is blind too. you can't stop me.
guide ferrets... (context: eret's chat is a hoard of ferrets that follows him around it's very good)
he makes all his own buildings so that he has the floorplan memorized before even moving in. how do they turn out so pretty when he can't see them? well, he's more powerful than you could ever know and can do anything he puts his mind to so jot that down
this pig has ARTHRITIS
technocane!!!!! i love him
If you want me to expand on any of these send me an ask or in the reblogs of this post! Feel free to add on your own hcs within the wheelhouse I'd love to hear them <3
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luvyanfei · 3 years
with a short & insecure s/o (hcs)
ft. xiao, kaeya, zhongli, & xingqiu requested by anon
this,,, this is me
he’s appalled when he finds out people actually tease you for your height. xiao has always known how terrible humans can be, but to think they would attempt to tear someone down, specifically his lover, just because they’re considered small irate him to no end. you might want to hold on to him tightly before he can storm off and declare war on the bullies who dared to torment you in any way. 
he honestly doesn’t care if you’re short or tall, ugly or pretty - your appearance isn’t what’s important here. he fell in love with you for what’s inside of you, don’t forget that, okay? xiao may not outright say all that because he’s embarrassed of showing his soft side to you, but if your insecurity gets the better of you, he’ll at least lend an ear to you as you rant to him while stargazing together. 
however, what xiao despises more than others treating you poorly is you belittling yourself. he has zero tolerance for that kind of attitude and will react quite aggressively, gripping you by the shoulders and shaking you. he can’t help himself. it hurts him deeply, dare he say more than a stab to his heart, seeing you wallowing in self-hatred. he’s harsh, but he means well. xiao would much rather see a content smile on your face than having you look disconsolate. 
“have you finally stopped your wailing yet?” xiao peers at your face drenched in tears in disinterest, but really, he’s pretty concerned on the inside. your sobs have been reduced to quiet sniffles, but your body won’t stop trembling. he looks away for a minute, sighs heavily, and pulls you into his arms, a blush coating his cheeks. 
he stays silent the whole time, too nervous to do anything really, as your palms press against his chest lightly and will yourself to calm down. xiao clears his throat and brings a finger down to brush away the glistening tears from your eyes. 
“look, just because you’re short, it doesn’t mean i don’t like you any less,” he whispers only for you to hear, and presses his lips to your forehead, letting it linger there for a few seconds. “even if you, or anybody else, don’t think you’re worthy enough, i at lease still care about you, so don’t let others’ opinions get to you.”
not to be blunt or anything, but kaeya being, well kaeya, he’s probably going to relentlessly tease you. he doesn’t do it because he harbors any ill-intent towards you. it’s just, kaeya is very fond of your flustered expression. if you happen to end up crying from his words, he’ll immediately stop and apologize guiltily. the last thing he needs is for you to abandon him too because of a fault on his end. 
kaeya really does love you a lot, despite your flaws and silently admires you for your empathy and altruism. one good thing about being shorter than your boyfriend is that you can wear his clothing on and he’ll be a gushing mess in no time. he’ll purposefully place his jacket somewhere for you to find in hopes you’ll put it on. he may be doing this just for the purpose of having fun, but he likes knowing that it means you're comfortable and accepting in your relationship with him. 
he likes patting you on the head when you pass by each other at random times, his lips curling in a knowing smirk. if you ever need help obtaining items that are out of your reach, kaeya will conveniently be there to lend a hand. it fuels his confidence how you always go to him for help instead of seeking support from someone who might be more reliable. it goes to show that your trust in him is deep. 
“having difficulties, [name]?” kaeya hollers to gain your attention as you look down from the ladder to glance at the knight, your hand outreached to grab at the material you need with failed attempts. “allow me to be of service~” 
he gestures for you to climb down and gets up the ladder himself, easily grasping the object in his fingers. once his feet has touched the ground, he lowers his hand to give it to you, but before your fingertips can make contact with it, he pulls it away from you. "ah ah ah~ shouldn’t i get some kind of a compensation for helping my dearest?” you stare at him in confusion before an idea plants itself in your head. ah. so that’s what he wants. with a roll of your eyes, you stride up the ladder till your eyes meet and kisses him on the lips. 
as you push your body away from him, he gives a closed-eye grin and nods in satisfaction. “that wasn’t too bad, now was it?” kaeya finally hands you the item, but he grips your free hand in his and guides it to press against his warm cheek. “you should realize by now what you’re capable of doing, stealing my heart like this. you’re so cruel [name], but perhaps that’s why i’ve grown to love you.” 
zhongli is an honest and good-natured man. he’ll immediately tell you that he doesn’t think to care about your height, so there’s no reason for you to worry about it either. he’s not an idiot though. he’s aware that your self-deprecating thoughts won’t disappear so easily with his consoling words alone. actions speak louder than words, after all. 
if anyone ends up insulting you for your size, zhongli won’t hesitate to politely stand up for you. although, if they stubbornly persist in demeaning you, it’ll push him to the brink of indignation, but he’ll still attempt to keep up a courteous manner for your sake as he calmly tells them to back off. like kaeya, he loves it when you wear his clothing! he’s lived for a long time to see many things, but witnessing you cuddling him while his jacket is draped snugly over your body has got to be the cutest thing he’s seen yet. 
ever the supportive individual, zhongli will help you come out of your shell and build up on your self-esteem. he’s there with you every step of the day, so if you ever slip and feel like you’re about to fall into an abyss of despair, he’ll take your out-stretched hands in his and guide you back into the light. 
“[name], is something the matter? you look as if you’re bothered by something.” zhongli questions innocently, studying your face carefully. your eyes droop slightly, but you reassure him that you were pondering how it would feel like if you were as tall as him. he nods in understanding and brings a hand up to his chin in thought. 
before you know it, he’s turned his back towards you and kneeled down. perplexed, you stare at him, unsure of what he’s doing. “you said you desired to know what it’s like to be around my height, so this is the only thing i can think of.” hesitantly, you place your hands on his shoulder blades to balance yourself and he makes sure to hold onto you tightly as he stands up slowly. you smile in appreciation at zhongli’s consideration over your feelings and presses your body closer to his. 
he beams back at you, sealing a kiss to your lips. “if you ever feel down, remember that there’s at least one person in the world that loves you - one of them being me, of course.” 
he also reacts similar to kaeya, although his teasing is slightly toned down and less vocal. like, if you wanted to give him a kiss on the cheek, he might lean away from you and probably use a stool to make himself taller, but he’ll stop after a bit of fun and laughter. it’s not funny unless both of you are smiling, right?
he finds your short stature to be one of your charm points and will compliment you for that, calling you adorable and such. it’s kind of perfect for him because he likes being the big spoon, embracing you from behind and nuzzling his face against the back of your neck. if you’re around the same age as him, it’s alright! there’s still time for you to grow. he’s sure the both of you will be tall soon. there’s no judgement when you’re with him, so don’t be afraid of being yourself around xingqiu, alright? 
if he finds out your confidence is still lacking, he’ll scribble down a list of all the things he loves about you for you to read to lift your spirits up! although, that might prove to be a challenge considering his handwriting is infamously known for being illegible. 
“hmm... isn’t that the picture we took at liyue harbor together?” xingqiu observes the photo in your hand, reminiscing the fond memories. his honey irises flicker to you. “hey, what’s with the frown?” 
you shake your head and tries to change the subject, but he presses on to persuade you into explaining. when you finally do, he bursts into a fit of laughter, wiping away the tears pricking the edge of his eyes. “i apologize for my behavior, but [name], you shouldn’t have to concern yourself with such a trivial matter.” he tucks away a stray strand of your hair behind your ear, his index finger ghosting over your lips. 
“have i ever told you that you’re cute?” xingqiu murmurs, a sense of genuine compassion laced in his tone. “don’t stare at me like that, please. i’m quite serious, so there’s no need to compare yourself with me. no matter the height difference, i’ll always love you - if you’ll allow me too. 
tagging. @liliisacutieowo, @scarymoosh
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kenmaskitten10 · 3 years
Dilf Deku Headcanons
Midoriya Izuku x GN!Reader
warnings: swearing, NSFW themes (nothing graphic just briefly mentioned),brief mention of bullying/scars, idk this is pretty tame nothing is really described... if u don't like dilfs then don't read this :)
a/n: okay! this is my first time writing/publishing anything on Tumblr so please go easy on me haha... I've had ridiculous Deku brain rot lately and I decided I had to jot a few thoughts down. I'm playing with the idea of turning this into a writing blog, but I am undecided! If anyone wants to thirst for one Izuku Midoriya please come talk to me please anyway without further ado here are some Dilf!Deku hcs.... I'm playing around with doing a NSFW version after this so if you would like to see that let me know!
w/c: 1,498
Okay everyone today I want to talk about Dilf!Izuku
This may be controversial but I personally believe that he has the most Dilf potential out of any of the class 1A boys and no I will not be taking criticism at this time
Sorry but even when he’s younger he has Dilf energy - he’s caring, considerate, takes your feelings into account like a dad he just wants to take care of his baby
oh fuck this man no no no
And listen, here me out on this one….. he has more dilf potential than Bakugo and allow me to tell you why
We can all agree that Bakugo has been confident his entire life, so of course he’s going to be confident when he’s older?? duh
But IZUKU is a different story altogether, he’s never felt confident in his life
His whole childhood he was looked down on for being quirkless, and bullied by someone he thought was his friend kachaan
THEN he got a quirk but oh every time he uses it it breaks all his fucking bones and leaves him with all these scars, and he appreciates them because of what they represent but also he’s young when he gets them, he’s already prone to insecurity and when he’s younger ESPECIALLY i think they just remind him of previous failures
He only started to gain a little bit of confidence in his UA days, but it takes time to rebuild yourself after you’ve been torn down for so long, so I honestly imagine he doesn’t even feel an inkling of confidence until his third year or later and even then, it’s new, it’s unfamiliar, he doesn’t totally know how to act
Because yes, by his third year, he’s starting to realize, oh wow okay, I have an incredible quirk and all these new abilities that I can control better, and wow people are paying attention for good reasons , because he’s tall and attractive, probably cuts his hair undercut Izuku supremacy and he’s made some solid friends who help boost his confidence too
But despite all this, deep down he still feels like that quirkless little kid who has to work three times as hard as anyone else and still doesn’t get the recognition he deserves
DILF IZUKU??? This man is dripping with confidence
he’s older now. he’s overcome a lot. he’s gone to therapy, and worked his way through the pro hero ranks until he earned his number one spot fair and square, that’s something no one can take away from him
He’s loaded now (see below because I go on a whole tangent), he has nice tasteful style that can only come with age and experience
He knows he’s hot now, because its simply no longer something that can be denied, anyone with eyes can see how attractive he is
If he catches you staring at him, he doesn’t shy away. His cheeks might tint slightly, but he stares right back with the biggest smirk on his face. “See something you like, angel?”
Probably finds reasons to show off slightly but he’s Dilf!Izuku so it’s subtle, it’s meant just for you and god does it drive you crazy
The way he’ll reach for and grab at things when he’s around you because he knows you like his hands (he wants to hold your bags and please let him he just wants to feel needed)
They way he stands behind you while you cook, or work, or read…. He sees you sitting or standing so peacefully and he’ll come up behind you to check out what it is you’re doing. He’ll lean down slowly, quietly, stopping when his breath is on your neck and your nose is filled with his scent, and take a quick peek at whatever it is you’re working on. It takes you a moment to turn around, your heart starting to beat faster in your chest due to his looming presence behind you (I DON’T KNOW WHY THIS IS HOT TO ME IT JUST IS OKAY). When you finally turn to face him, his face breaks into a small smile of victory as his strong hand catches your jaw in a gentle grip and he places an achingly soft kiss to your lips before saying “You look so cute when you’re concentrating,”. As you’re about to go in for another, he lets you go and stands up again, his eyes twinkling. “No no, you’re working so hard baby, don’t let me distract you,” WHEN ALL HE WANTED WAS TO DISTRACT YOU and he succeeded and now you’re all hot and bothered, with no hope of resuming what you were doing
Dilf Deku is a tease I know he is but it’s okay he’ll make it up to you later ;)
He’s got shorter, slightly more cropped hair with grey mixed in with the green, his face more lean and angular… not to mention years of pro hero work have toned his body into an absolute work of art I’m gonna pass out just thinking about it
Freckles splashed across his skin like hundreds of little constellations, accented by scars and marks from old wounds (which he’s come to appreciate - they show how hard he’s worked, how much he’s sacrificed to get to where he is now) he’s muscular but I don’t think he’s quite as big as All Might (his fighting style is a lot different so of course he would build muscle in different places) so this means LEGS LEGS LEGS
And holy shit his back muscles too WHEW sometimes in the morning when he gets up before you, you watch him sit on the edge of the bed and flex his shoulders and arms to stretch out in the hazy morning light and Jesus Christ
Dilf Deku is older now, he’s spent his entire life working himself too hard and he missed out on a lot of the fun, impulsive, chaotic things young people do, so I think he wants to let loose a little in his older age, have some fun for once
And what’s more perfect than sweet, youthful, tantalizing little you to indulge in ?
He’s so doting, just wants to make you feel special and cared for
And on that note, if you will indulge me for a moment
he’s fucking RICH like
He’s the number one pro hero, he has brand deals on brand deals on brand deals
And I don’t mean to slander All Might and Endeavor, but in terms of a hot, fuckable number one pro hero, Deku has them beat by a landslide so I imagine he has a wider range of brand deals too, because he can sell the sex appeal angle
I mean can you imagine him in interviews? Interacting with fans? Confident yes, but still soft spoken and kind, almost gentle but anyone can tell he’s completely in control, of himself, of the interview, of the audience, this man has the entire country world wrapped around his little finger
All this to say he’s DRIPPING WITH MONEY
he’s like the guy that overtips an OBSCENE amount like if the waiter is really nice he’ll tip like $300 dollars and won’t even blink (I know they don’t tip at restaurants in Japan but this is more for vibes yk)
sugar daddy deku isn’t a stretch it’s a REALITY
Y’all can be officially together or not, either way Deku loves to spoil his precious little y/n
All you have to do is smile sweetly and ask, and he’s absolute putty in your hands
Complies with even the most egregious of your demands, because hey, he has the money to spare, and how could he say no when you look so cute asking so politely?
GOOD TASTE too like he has a lot of money but he knows how to spend it 😏
Additionally he’s, ya know, him, so he’s insanely charitable and donates to charities, go fund me, personal Venmo accounts of fans that need it
if a fan has like a go fund me for some reason that catches his eye, he’s going to donate and he’s going to donate a lot (A LOT)
he doesn’t even do it for the press, he does it bc he’s a good person but my GOD the press eats it up and so do the fans
These hc’s are so self indulgent but all this to say
Dilf!Deku gets what he wants when he wants it and no one is standing in his way
So when he decides it’s you he wants? Well then it’s you he’s going to get!
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
How would the brothers and undatables react to MC getting appendicitis? (Bonus points if the symptoms start shortly after eating Solomon’s cooking, so they don’t immediately realize how serious it is until the next day when everyone else is recovered but MC has only gotten worse)
Alright I’ve done my research on this, I think I can do it well and if not… enjoy the HC’s of the brothers taking care of a sick MC 🤣
Brothers + Dateables Reaction to MC Getting Appendicitis
WARNING: Mentions of Vomit
You’d mentioned you had stomach pains after you ate Solomon’s food beforehand so he didn’t think much of your pain since they were all in a lot of pain after eating it too
But after your symptoms didn’t stop and you continued to have dizzy spells and bad nausea, he knew something was wrong
He knew a few human illnesses so he checked you over, examining your stomach only to hear you cry out in pain when your appendix area was touched
Immediately knew what was wrong and went out to get you medication, deciding against going to the hospital and instead treating you with some of his special treating potions
Took care of you while you were ill, getting you whatever you needed and making sure you were comfortable
You got lots of affection from his soft side during this time and Solomon got a nasty scolding
He already knew about your stomach pains since he was having them pretty bad too
But after a few days, yours didn’t stop, you continuously threw up and clutched your stomach and even he knew something was wrong
Went to Lucifer for help, clinging to you like you were on deaths door as you keeled over in pain
While you were recovering, he was the sole person who took care of you, feeding you your meds and making sure not to touch your stomach. He knew not to now as last time he did, you almost cried out in pain and he’s honestly traumatised
To say he was cuddly would be an understatement, he held your hand constantly and rarely slept just in case you woke up in agony
Was very overprotective even after you recovered, especially around food that Solomon made
When you came into his room and told him you had a stomach ache after eating Solomon’s food, he couldn’t stay serious as he was real thankful it wasn’t him who ate it
But after a while and you were still curled up on his floor, writhing in pain, he began to panic and ran to your side so fast
He did his research and proceeded to prod a few areas of your stomach until he hits your appendix and you cry out and he immediately knew that this could be more serious than a stomach ache
After taking you to the hospital to get medication, he took care of you in his room all by himself. He didn’t care about the events he was missing on his games as long as you would be ok
Gave you gentle little hugs throughout the day and reminded you to take your meds; attempting to calm you down when the pain got too intense
Scolds you to be more careful next time because he doesn’t wanna lose you and definitely goes to have a word with Solomon after
He understood how you felt when you told him you had stomach pains as his was pretty bad too
But after observing you and the pain just didn’t stop and you started to throw up and cry out in pain when you do so much as breathe, he got very worried
He researched what could be wrong and then took you to the hospital for you to be examined, taking home your meds so he could take care of you
He supported you during your time of illness, making sure you were comfy in his bed and that you felt as little pain as possible since he hated seeing you in pain so much
He helped you take your medicine and even brought you to the toilet if you felt pretty nauseous, cuddling and shushing you afterwards to comfort you while reading you a book
He absolutely will never let you near any of Solomon’s food again and now has a habit of poking your appendix to make sure you were still ok
He heard off Satan that Solomon came round with his cooking so wasn’t too surprised when you came in to his room clutching your stomach and telling him about the pain
He didn’t think much of it until a few hours later and you begin to gag and fall to your knees in agony, rushing to your side to check you were alright and then guiding you to the bathroom
Decides to confide in Lucifer about your issues and the two of them take you to the hospital to help and pick up some medication
He coddles you while you get better, taking full care of you so you can recover and get back to normal
Though he’s not too keen of the smell of your vomit, he takes you wherever you need and cleans you up completely, giving you lots of hugs and affection to cheer you up
So glad after you finish recovering and he can get back to his normal routine, but not after telling off Solomon for making you poorly
He’s not gonna lie, he has stomach pains too so the two of you just look after each other for the day
But when your pains didn’t go away, and you couldn’t eat without feeling immense pain and sickness, he got majorly worried for you
Went to Lucifer for help and decided to take you to the hospital, his hand holding yours the entire way there to comfort you whilst he grabbed your medication
Proceeded to take good care of you while you were sick by helping you take your meds and bringing up food when your appetite finally came back
Gave you lots of hugs, making sure not to touch your stomach and making sure you were comfortable and in no pain while in his embrace
So happy when you begin to recover fully, immediately wrapping his arms around you and squeezing you tight and obviously dragging you far away from Solomon’s food offers
You woke him up to tell him your stomach hurt and he wasn’t too surprised since Beel came in earlier to tell him the same thing
He decided cuddling would help and held you to his chest, gradually drifting off with you in his arms, his hands placed on your stomach to attempt to soothe the pain
He was awoken by your cries of pain, his arms wrapped around your appendix area tightly. He let go and checked you over frantically, inspecting the area that hurt until he slowly figured out what was wrong
Took you to the hospital to examine you further and grabbed some meds to fix you
Spent the next few days looking after you in the attic, feeding you medicine and pieces of food throughout the day and holding you gently in his arms
Wouldn’t let you leave until he could successfully wrap his arms around your stomach without you whining in pain and thoroughly scolded Solomon the next day
He heard about the incident with Solomon’s cooking and decided to come over and take care of you since the brothers were slightly busy and needed some assistance
He made sure not to touch you in places that may hurt and followed the rules provided by Lucifer in order to properly take care of you
He completely just coddled you the entire week and treated you like royalty, taking you to the bathroom when you needed it and held your hand softly
Gave you medicine when you needed it and made sure you were comfy, hugs were given when asked for too
Brought over some of Barbatos’ best cakes to cheer you up and so you could forget about the horrors of Solomon’s food
Ended up forcing Solomon to take a baking lesson with Barbatos
He ended up changing his entire schedule so he could take care of you when he found out you were ill
He did extra research on how to help or soothe any pain you may be feeling and even brought heating pads with him that he gently placed on your stomach
Gave you medicine when you needed it and never let you forget it, also taking you to the bathroom or on walks to stretch your legs when you asked him to
When you felt up to it, he fed you some of his best cakes and shared some hot tea with you, holding you calmly in his arms
He wasn’t much for revealing his soft side but he didn’t hesitate to show how much he cared for you during the week he looked after you by giving you lots of affirmation and cheek caresses
No doubt gave Solomon a telling off and a few lessons on how to cook correctly
When you told him about your stomach pains after eating his food, he honestly felt quite guilty and promised he’d make it up to you somehow
But after a few hours and you were still in agony, he got particularly worried and decide to examine you slightly, moving his hands over your stomach until he reached your appendix and you breathed out a pained yelp
Decided to treat you himself since he had a pretty good idea on what was wrong and immediately got to making potions to soothe your pain and treat your condition
While you were recovering, he helped keep your mood high by giving you words of affirmation and making sure you were comfortable in bed. He also found out making you laugh hurt you quite a bit so he tried to refrain from that
Held you in his arms for a while, apologising for the trouble he’s caused you
Never really offered you food after that unless it was cleared as edible by Beelzebub
Simeon + Luke
The two of them came over to look after you because Luke was practically freaking out as soon as he heard you were sick and was desperate to help you get better, no matter what it took
Simeon brought some of his best sandwiches from his cafe to make up for the awful sandwiches Solomon gave you earlier
Luke made sure you took your medicine after being put in charge of that duty from Simeon
Simeon reassured you that you’d be ok in his care throughout the week and caressed your cheek and arms multiple times a day
When Luke wasn’t in the room, he’d climb into bed with you and cuddle up to your side, resting your head on his shoulder and comforting you the best he could
The two of them took you on walks in the nearby garden when you asked them to and supported you if you felt you needed to throw up, thought Luke didn’t want to watch you while that happened
Luke was practically yelling at Solomon for making you ill, Simeon holding him back when Solomon ended up making jokes about how much of a chihuahua he was being
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kirishoshego · 3 years
Angels like you//Bakugou
!!!MINORS DNI!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
Summary: Basically Bakugou seeing you as an Angel that needs to be protected at all costs, so he does the only thing he can: Cut off all of your friends for you and be dependent on him. You decide to play a little prank on him that ends up in a punishment :)
TW: nswf: yandere, manipulation, corruption, Stockholm syndrome (in a way), rough sex, unprotected, spanking, choking, spitting, overstimulation, use of the word Daddy, degrading, praise, anal, nipple clamps, use of vibrator, him video taping you and taking pictures of you while doing it 
Bakugou and you have been dating for a few month now and you couldn’t be happier, really. At the beginning it was a bit hard for you to handle his mood swings but you figured him out pretty fast, knowing all he needed was a simple hug or just you holding his hand, pulling back to reality and calming him down.  He treated you so loving and caring, always protective but never possessive. That was until the villain attacked the area you lived in. From then on Bakugou wouldn’t let you out of his eye sight. At first he said he would feel saver if you stayed with him for just a few days, days turned into weeks. He sat you down, explaining to you that he would love for the two of you to move in together, so you always wake up next to each other and see each other more. Hero work kept him busy from time to time and that made it hard to see each other every day. You thought about it for a while, but Bakugou convinced you at the end. You loved him, so of course you would move in with him. It was going so well.  Then you wanted to go out with your friends but Bakugou was so clingy and told you he had an awful day and really needed you, so of course you stayed. Once, twice, four times, eight times.  Then your best friends birthday arrived and you wanted to have a girls only party and Bakugou of course let you go, you stayed home so long for him. He just had to fuck you before, filling you up with his cum, having it run down your leg when you were out with your girls. What a coincidence that Kirishima, Sero, Kaminari and him just happen to end up at the same bar you were at with your girls at the end of the night. And of course at that bar a guy just had to try his luck with you. It took all three men to hold Bakugou back. “What a fucking asshole! I will rip of his fucking head! Shitty hair, let me go, he disrespected my girl and me!” he yelled, his hands crackling dangerously.  So you went home with him, calming him down and letting him mark you in every possible way, reassuring him that he was the only one who could fuck you like he did. Your friends kept flacking on you when you invited them to your place and Bakugou whispered all those doubts into your ears you decided it was best to cut ties with your so called friends. “I mean, if they really cared they would at least try you know?” “They haven’t checked up on you in a long time, that’s weird isn’t it? Shitty friends, too busy for my baby,” “Honestly to me it feels like they only ever hit you up when they need something from you,” “I’m sorry they didn’t invite you to the party baby, that’s really mean,” For a while you didn’t believe him, went against it and telling him that it was like that, you don’t talk every day and that always used to be okay. But they kept on doing things without you and you noticed just how happy they were- without you.  You finally cut ties with them when your best friend decided to text Bakugou, telling him he wasn’t good for you and to let you go.  He was there when you were in a car crash, they weren’t. He was there when you were sad, they weren’t. He was there when you celebrated your birthday, they weren’t.  So it was obvious who was good for you and who wasn’t. He made sure of that, texting them in your name and telling them you don’t feel like going out or didn’t want them to come. He felt a bit awful at the beginning, but he knew he did the right thing! They would make you go out, make you do dangerous things, putting your life at risk! They couldn’t protect you, not they way he could. They couldn’t understand just how precious you are. He had to do it, it was the best for you to lose people that wanted you dead.
Bakugou told you it was fine, he can handle your friends not liking him and that he doesn’t want you to choose between him and them. He would never do that to you! He wants you to be happy and to be free and do what you want. “But your friends on the other side don’t let you choose” he told you, playing with your hair while you were wrapped around him. They told you to drop him, the love of your life  Someone who really cared for you wouldn’t make you choose between them and the person you love. So you let them go. You only needed Bakugou. 
Bakugou made enough money for the both of you, you didn’t need to work anymore. It was tiring you anyways. You didn’t like your job and were always so sad and drained when you came back. He offered you to stay at home, do what you want, maybe find a new place a bit outside of the busy city. You always wanted a big house and big garden, right? Maybe with a cat? Or a dog? Whatever made his baby happy. The busy streets wouldn’t be so good for such a sweet animal, they need fresh air and a big space to run around.  He had enough money to buy the place you choose, of course he did. And the villain attacks got so bad, so many weird accidents happening around you, you were so much saver in the house. The house was a save space for you, your garden was so big and beautiful and you got all the flowers you wanted and a little kitten to keep you company when Bakugou wasn’t around. Your big dream coming true, thanks to Bakugou's love for you. A cat didn’t need much of your attention, not like Bakugou did. And when he put locks on every door you were happy he cared for your safety so much. And when your mail man turned up dead in the woods he would tell you how awful those villains can be, that he doesn’t want you to go outside anymore. Because the world was so dangerous.  And when you asked him to let you go grocery shopping with him he would tell you he planned on going right after work, you shouldn’t worry your pretty little head about stuff like that or carry heavy things. What if something happens? He cared about you so much. You were home alone with your cat in your lap when you heard the keys rattling outside your entrance door. Then another one and another one. “Baby, I’m home,” he yelled from downstairs and your cat jumped up, stretched its body, ready to go out for a while.  You decided to play a prank on Bakugou, hiding in the closet and waiting for him to find you. You heard him talk to your cat, letting it pass by him before he locked the door again. “Baby?” he yelled again, this time a bit louder.  Usually you waited for him already, running into his arms and listening about how his day was, him listening about what you did and then cooking together.  “Baby? Where are you?” he came upstairs, his pants getting unbuckled when he's in the bedroom, taking the grey sweatpants from the chair in front of your make up stand.  “Y/N, this isn’t funny, come out,” he was smiling you could see that but the smile turned into a frown. He walked into every room, calling out your name but you were gone, as if the earth swallowed you up.  He came back into the bed room and you could see how pissed the blond looked before he opened your closet door. You immediately regretted your actions. “Kats-” before you could say anything he grabbed you by your (y/hc) hair, pulling you up. You tried pushing him off but his grip only tightened. “Please stop, it hurts,” you winced, looking up at him. “I don’t give a fuck! Do you know how worried I was? Do you think that was funny? Yeah think it’s funny if the LOV snatched you up hm? I don’t think so, don’t pull that shit with me again,” “Katsuki, I’m sorry, please, I didn’t think-” “You never think when you pull shit like this!” he yelled, grabbing your face in his other hand and starring into your eyes, making you look anywhere but him. “Look me in the eyes when I’m talking to you,” Katsuki ordered, his hands tightening even more, making you uneasy and try to move your head. “Don’t push my buttons, you’re in trouble already you don’t want it to get worse do you?”  You shook your head and stayed still, looking into his red, angry eyes. “I’m sorry Daddy, I didn’t mean to get you so worried,” you grabbed his wrist that was near your face and looked at him with big eyes, knowing that name will please him. He let go of your hair and placed both of his hands on your cheeks, rubbing them gently. “I know baby, I do. Thank you for apologizing, but you know the rules, bad girls get punished,” he sighed and looked at you with pity in his eyes. “I’m saving you from all evil that’s outside and you still find your ways to scare me like that. You know I’m doing this for you! For us! You see what’s happening outside and I give you this save place and you still disrespect me. Baby... I thought I taught you better than that?” he raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer,  shaking his head in disappointment. “Yes Daddy,” you twirled your thumbs, looking down. “Come on princess, let’s go,” 
You got undressed, leaving you only in your underwear, your hair open, framing your face like a halo does to an angel. He patted the chair in front of you, making you sit down in front of him. He brushed through your hair and pulled up into a tight ponytail. Bakugou pulled a bit harder than you would have liked, causing you to push his hand away. He clicked his tongue and you knew you fucked up. Your hair was wrapped around his wrist in a second and he pulled you up by it, dragging you to the bed and making you kneel down. Ass up in the air you waited in anticipation about his next move. Without warning he landed his first spank, the leather slapping against your bare skin echoing in the room. You yelled out a few curse words, more surprised than in pain. He knew you could take quite a lot but you didn’t expect him to just go for it, especially not with the belt. He preferred to use his hands, but this time he wanted to see you bruised, wrecked and in tears.  “Count for me baby, can you do that for me?” “Yes Daddy- FUCK- Two,” you grabbed the bed sheet, trying to focus on something else. “I’m sorry, you know there will be consequences for disobeying me, we’ve been here before,” he was right, you were. You would never admit it to him but this is exactly what you were hoping for. You planned this two days now. He didn’t had enough time for you the last couple of days, so tired from his hero work. But you were so fucking horny, you needed him, buried deep inside you, wrecking your cunt, filling you up, stretching you out. He pulled your head back by your pony tail, his belt in his other hand. Two angry red eyes stared into your soul and you smiled at him defiantly. “What’s wrong daddy?” you fluttered with your lashes, watching his eyes darken. “Where’s my little whore’s head at? I told you to fucking count,” after his question each word came with a slap to your ass with the belt, causing tears to form into your eyes at the end. “Nothing important,” you answered him, your hand traveling up to his hard dick. He grabbed your wrists and held them down with his hand, spanking you again. “You don’t get to touch me unless I say so,” he warned you. You stood up as good as you could, pressing your ass against him. “I want you to fuck me daddy, please? I’m sorry I was such a bad girl, you should punish me harder,” you told him, feeling his dick twitch at the crack of your exposed ass. He took in a deep breath, before letting go of your completely.  “You want this dick, hm?” Katsuki asked you, pulling down his sweatpants, his thick dick hitting his abdomen. Your mouth watered at the view. He was always so clean, you loved it, nobody knew about this, but his dick tasted sweet, almost like caramel. You turned around and went down on your knees, ready to take him in but he stopped you, slapping you across the face with it. “You want me to punish you harder, then that’s what you’re going to get. Your little machine will wreck that ass of yours and Daddy will take care of himself, how does that sound? Watching me touch myself and all you’re going to get is that little toy,” he pulled out your sex machine he could control with a remote along with a vibrator and lube.  “Maybe some nipple clams too? How does that sound?” “Please don’t. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that! I’m sorry please let me make it up to you, please I want you to fuck me, not those toys, I’m sorry,” you begged him, watching in horror as he prepared the whole scene in front of you, the chair right in front of the bed.  “You can beg all you want darling, you dug yourself that grave,” he kissed you gently, pulling you up. “Maybe if you take your punishment like the good girl you usually are I will think about fucking your sweet little pussy,” he pulled your underwear down, licking along the folds one time, a moan leaving both of you. “So wet already? I barely touched you,” he derided, giving your clit a smack just to make you jump. He put the clamps on your nipples, pulling on them a few times before letting go. He sat you on top of the machine, making sure it was angled the way he wanted it, putting the vibrator on your clit. He sat down in front of you, everything standing completely still. “If you let the toy slip out or get off of it on purpose you won’t get fucked for the next week, understood?” he held both remotes in one hand, stroking his hard dick slowly. You whimpered, watching his hand move up and down, collecting his pre cum. He stood up again, pushing his thumb into your mouth and you licked it clean, thanking him. He sat down again, watching you squirm against the toys and decided to put the vibrator on the highest setting, while the dildo moved agonizing slow. He almost felt pity for you when he saw you come undone within a minute, knowing damn well how sensitive your clit is after getting your ass spanked. He turned the dildo up a notch, the mirror on your closet giving him a perfect view of your ass and the way it clenches around the toy, surrounded by bruises that already turned blue and purple. You moaned and when he pulled on the string that was attached to the nipple clamps you came a second time. Yelling out his name you pulled on his hand, taking his digit finger into your mouth and sucking on it, licking it the way he licked it. Bakugou let you have some fun before he took his finger out of your mouth, grabbing your throat. “You’re such a filthy little slut, always ready to get fucked. So needy. Your body is for me to use and abuse wouldn’t you agree?” he asked you, seeing the way your eyes water and some wispy veins burst underneath your eyes. He let go for you to answer, watching the way you come undone another time, barely able to catch a breath before he patted your cheek for you to look at him. “Yes Dynamight, only for you,” you moaned out and your eyes rolled into the back of your head, the over stimulation slowly working you up.  He made the dildo stop and set the vibrator down to let you catch your breath. He wanted to see you fucked and where would the fun be if it happens within a few minutes? “You still with me?” he asked you and you nodded your head, eyes hazy. He took a few sips of water for himself before grabbing your chin and signaling you to open your mouth. He opened his mouth and let a mixture of drool and water drip into your mouth, closing it and making sure you swallow completely before sitting down again and starting his torture all over again, this time setting the dildo on an higher setting. He stroked his dick lazily, watching the way you arched your back, your eyes rolling in the back of your head. Sweat started to form on your body, making it glistering in the soft, red light of the bedroom. He took his phone out of the sweatpants laying next to him and hitting the record button, filming the way you were shaking when you came for the fifth time. The sounds slipping on your lips were his favorite, so filthy and pitiful, your whines and please falling to deaf ears and he could come right then and there but he wanted to put you into the mating press, filling you up with his cum, watching it spill out of your sloppy pussy while twitched and panted.  “Come on now baby you know what I want to see, put on a show for me,” your eyes were barely open anymore and you were moaning mess, holding yourself up with the little bit of strength you still had left in you. “I can’t, I can’t, please stop, it’s so embarrassing,” you cried, wanting to hop off of that fucking toy and have Bakugou buried deep inside of you. “I told you to take it like a good girl, come on, I’ll even help you a little bit,” he licked his middle and ring finger, leaving them wet and ready to play with your tight cunt. He was still recording you, wanting to remember the way he got you so worked up and fucked.  He plunged his finger into your hole, camera angled at your crotch while he looked into your eyes. Bakugou could feel you clench around his finger while he curled them up, hitting the right spot every time, pulling out a string of moans and slurry curses. “Let go for me baby, be a good girl, come on, you got it, it’s okay, you can make a mess, be messy for me baby,” he told you, looking into the mirror and then down on his fingers. “Shit,” you yelled out and he stopped fingering you, stepping back to film your whole body while you came a seventh time, squirting all over the bedsheet, yelling his name and gripping the bedsheet around you, collapsing onto the mattress while the toys were still fucking into you, causing you to sob into the wet blanket. He stopped the toys and pulled you off and into his arms, kissing your forehead and stroking your cheek. “It’s okay, we’re almost done, I’m sorry baby but I have to teach you a lesson. If only you listened to me I wouldn’t have to embarrass you like that,” he explained to you, watching the way your eyes grew wide as the mention of ‘almost done’.  “No more, fuck, please,” you looked up at him through hazy eyes, tears rolling down your cheek.  You were a shaking mess and wherever Bakugou touched you, you jumped, your whole body sensitive.  “No more? I thought you wanted my dick inside that sloppy little hole? That’s very selfish of you princess. You get to come so many times and daddy not even once, do you think that’s fair?” it was a rhetorical question. He will fuck you no matter what you say. You’ve been here more than once and knew the current state you were in was his favorite.  “That’s what I thought, now,” he pulled away the drenched blankets, revealing almost dry sheets underneath. “Lay down and let me fuck you my nasty little slut,” you did as you were told, too worn out to disobey in any sort, only thinking about Bakugou's thick cock rubbing against your dripping walls, making you cum around him and filling you up. He climbed on top of you, lips locking with yours while his hands went up and down your body, landing on the string between your nipple clamps and tugging on it, loving the way you moan into his mouth and buckle your hips up, begging for his dick inside you. “You did very well, now it’s time for your reward,” he whispered into your ear, sucking on your earlobe and kissing down to your collar bone.  Bakugou big hands wrapped around your legs, pulling them over his shoulder and looking down where his dick was laying between your folds, rubbing up and down to collect your wetness. He didn’t need extra wetness, your cunt was dripping wet, but he loved the whimpers that left your lips while he did so. Taking his cock into his hand he tapped the tip on your overly sensitive clit, making you grab his muscular biceps and dig your nails into it, the soft pain pulling out a deep groan from his throat.  Katsuki teased you, only pushing in the tip a few times before you whined out his name, making him slam into you and scream his name in both pleasure and pain. He was pounding into you, loving the wet smacks your pussy made whenever he pulled out almost completely and slamming back in again. The way you gripped his arms, scratching him in the progress made him even hornier for you, some of his thrusts harder than others. “Look at you, fucking whore. All you want is my cock, that’s all you can think about all day. The way I’m going to pound into this sloppy pussy. All your tiny stupid brain can think about it having daddy’s cock somewhere inside you, isn’t that right?” you can only moan as response, causing a low chuckle to tumble from his lips. “I fucked you stupid didn’t I? A cute little bimbo, that’s what you are. A fuck toy only for me to dump my cum in, you like it when I fuck you like this? Like it when Daddy makes use off all of your holes? The way that toy was fucking your cute ass almost made me jealous. Next time I might use that hole, you would love that, right my little whore?” his middle and ring finger first circled around your clit but made their way to your ass where he buried them deep inside you, feeling his cock go in and out of you.  You covered your mouth, screaming into it, moans filling the room, with the sound of skin slapping on skin. “That’s my good girl, you came for me didn’t you? Want me to fill you up now, I know and I’m so very close,” he grunted into your ear, pulling his fingers out and pulling and twisting your nipples after he took of the clamps, wanting to play with them himself.  You clenched down on his dick every time he pulled or flicked them, making him moan with you and stopping slowly, twitching inside your cunt and letting strings of cum fill you. He waited for a moment, making sure he gave you all and pulled out. Once he caught his breath he stood up and took a view pictures of you and the way his cum leaked out of your abused hole, running down your ass.  You were shaking, not able to move at all and he smiled down at you, pulling you into his arms again.  “I love you my angel, you mean the world to me, only me. All I need is you, you know that, right? And I’m all that you need, forever,” he whispered into your ear, stroking your back before carrying you into the bathroom, ready to take care of you and remind you just how happy you are together, your little family, what more do you need?
©Kirishoshego//do not repost on any plattform
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elysianslove · 3 years
hi eli bby !! its me vio again shhshf
i loved ur vball player crush hcs w miya twins && suna and can i have that too w sakusa, semi && shirabu ? MY UNDERRATED BOYS CRIES SM <//3 thank u sm <33
hiiiii my love!!! tysm for requesting these boys i love them so much. i hope you like this lysm <3
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sakusa kiyoomi 
considering what i’ve seen in the anime, and some manga panels, i really don’t think omi’s a peoples person. so even in school, i doubt he was very involved with other students, and probably kept to himself 
he’s also hyper-aware of his surroundings constantly, including the people around him, so the fact that he noticed you wasn’t a shock
it’s that he noticed you, and then he couldn’t stop thinking about you
probably had some dream about you that same night that cursed him with a crush on you yk the dreams i’m talking about right? 
he still continues to keep to himself, and whenever he spots you from his peripheral vision he just dashes out of there. he realizes that forcing himself to act normally around you might actually improve his situation and help him get over whatever this stupid crush was but he was not taking any chances
he also knew nothing about you, just your last name! 
so anyways both the boys and girls vbc’s are heading the same school, so they got one bus for the both of you and combined them. 
because his general dislike for crowds, omi usually sits out in the front, especially because the door to the bus is right next to him. idk he just seems like the kind to map out an escape plan for every room/vehicle he enters i don’t have a reason why i think so
the game was happening on a weekend, really early, like way too early, so it wasn’t a surprise that you were tired. it’s an unspoken rule that those who sit in the back make a lotta noise and all that, so you opted for the front seats instead to at least try and rest a bit before the game
you don’t sit directly next to him, but there’s only an aisle separating the two of you
because, yk, manners, you give him a small smile before saying, “good morning!” and settling in your seat, your bag between your legs
omi on god freezes up lmfao
he doesn’t mean to sound so rude but it just comes out that way! he says something along the lines of “what are you doing here?” and immediately regrets it after it leaves his lips. he visibly cringes 
but instead of being thrown off, you just laugh, and sakusa curses everything behind his mask because holy shit were you gorgeous and wow was his stomach just somersaulting 
not a nice feeling 
you explain to him briefly that you’re on the vbc and you were heading to play the girls of the same school he was gonna play against and all that, and he just hums and nods and tries to ignore the thump thump thump of his heart 
you don’t really interact during the bus ride going to, it’s coming back that you do 
you tell him that you managed to glimpse the last bit of his game, where he was landing a spike, and you complimented his skills and pointed out his freakish wrist move 
he noted that he didn’t get to see you play and your brain went opportunity! 
you go “well maybe you should come to one of my dates” like the absolute smooth talker you are 
omi just hums and goes “i’ll see” 
absolutely is there lol
the development into a relationship is more implicit than explicit. the two of you don’t announce to the world, but honestly, neither do you do it to yourselves. like you’d been on a coffee date with him at some point and your parent or sibling texted something you found funny and mentioned him as your boyfriend and you showed it to him and he was like
am i your boyfriend 
like idk am i your girlfriend 
he said yeah obviously 
i love this boy so fucking much pleaseeeee
but yes just as your development into a couple is subtle, so is your overall relationship. and honestly? you wouldn’t have it any other way
semi eita
omg pretty setter semi eeee
so yk how shiratorizawa students live in dorms? there’s no way semi hasn’t noticed you before, even if it’s separate dorms for different genders. like you two probably come across each other every once in a while at a vending machine or something, and exchange a word or two 
it’s not until when semi starts to look forward to seeing you, or when he gets disappointed every time you don’t make an appearance, that he realizes, you know, he’s kinda developed a liking to you
he doesn’t really know much about you, aside your name and your favorite go-to snack from the vending machine, so he’s left a little frustrated at the lack of interactions you two have. like he’s just living off that small laugh of acknowledgment and the hi, hope you sleep well! you know? like he wants more from you. he wants to get to know you
he can’t seem to ever see you in school either, because the stars hate him that much and don’t wanna align for the two of you, not even a little to share one class with him. just one
it’s just his luck, though, when a busy weekend for all the sports teams comes along, and each sport is sectioned off to a bus. volleyball boys and girls in one bus, swimming boys and girls in one bus, etc. 
he really doesn’t expect it when you get on the bus, because what the fuck you play volleyball??? and then he really doesn’t expect it when you recognize him, gasp and grin, and wave at him, and go over to sit by him
his brain’s short-circuiting 
you immediately start conversation as you’re setting your bag down like “i didn’t know you played volleyball!”
and he laughs and nods like “i didn’t know you did either” 
it’s honestly a really cute and satisfying moment like okay maybe the stars were just taking their time aligning thank you universe 
the two of you click immediately. like annoyingly so. you have so much in common, and you spend the entire ride chatting excitedly about everything and semi’s wishing he’d just asked you to hang out way sooner, like as early as the first time you’d met at that vending machine 
the girls’ games finish a lot later than the boys, so he comes and watches you play, and is enamored by you, completely. in his head he’s just ‘this girl just keeps growing more perfect.’
he walks back with you to the bus, and sits next to you as well. when you arrive back at the school, you don’t immediately go to your dorms, and he suggests grabbing a refreshing drink from somewhere nearby
it’s incredible how you still have so much to talk about 
the time passes really quick with him
it’s while you’re having that drink with him, probably iced tea or boba or something, he tells you about his small passion for music, and you make him promise to play you something at some point. he loops his pinky with yours :)
he also confides in you about having been replaced on his last year, and how he tries not to let it affect him but he really can’t help him. from then on, after each of your practices, you invite him in your gym, and have him set to you, just so you both have an excuse to spend time with each other, and so that he gets to practice and play the way he really wants to, without any restrictions placed upon him and no one waiting to take his place
i think as a couple you’d probably really bring out the best in each other, and you’re constantly always, always there for each other. really, really reliant and supportive as partners, you know? 
you go to all his games, and whenever he’s pitched in, you scream his name the loudest and cheer him on so much. one look at your face, and he’s reminded of who he is and why he does what he does, and he’s immediately grounded aw <3
shirabu kenjirō
omg shirabu with a crush 🥺🤲🏼 i love it when characters seem so cold and standoffish but as soon as they’re around the people they care about they do a 180. that’s shirabu 100%
he really, really, really liked you. like it was embarrassing at this point. he totally denied it every time anyone even thought it, and he really tried his hardest not to be obvious around you
i like to think he saw you around school and that’s how it developed a little, but maybe you were friends with some of the vbc boys because of your shared interest in the sport, and you come to play with them sometimes after practice, he’d just never be there
but one time you walked in and he was like guess im not leaving 
he was a little starstruck at the fact that you played volleyball. he honestly wouldn’t care, but it sorta felt nice that there really was something that you two had in common
and you were good. at everything. you received semi and ushijima’s serves, and goshiki’s and ōhira’s spikes, perfectly, and reacted to tendō’s blocks so well, and hit his tosses just right. you were incredible. maybe your skills were magnified from his specific lens, but there really was no denying you were skilled 
damn this. all this. 
especially any time you’d spike his toss and give him a really wide smile and say, “nice toss!” like seriously the way his heart’s spasming cannot be healthy what the fuck 
and then he finds out the girls are sharing a bus with them, and then you walk in
and then you walk towards him
obviously, outwardly he looks unimpressed and unfazed but trust, his palms are sweaty as fuck 
before the bus moves, you stand by his seat and make small talk with him about volleyball, before you realize the bus is moving and you have to sit down, but you’re still in the middle of a conversation with him, so you just sit next to him and continue like nothing happened
he just. allows it. 
the school you’d been going to had a really big court where both the girls and boys were playing in the same gymnasium on opposite sides of the court, so when you arrived and changed and all, you were like “wanna warm up together” couple goals <3
pls semi, taichi and tendō would probably tease the fuck out of him lmfao. he’d just glare at them but he has such a big blush on his cheeks as he stretches and warms up with you that the glare is completely ineffective 
you go to sit next to him on the bus ride home, but the day’s exhaustion catches up to you, plus the bus’s movements are lulling you, so you end up falling asleep on his shoulder, and when shirabu first notices that you’d actually fallen asleep, he looks down at you with such a dreamy and awestruck face. goshiki took a picture and likes to torment him with it. shirabu has it as his lockscreen now lol 
as your boyfriend, he’s the exact same. very standoffish to everyone outwardly but to you? it’s a different story. 
nonetheless it’s not very obvious. so yes, he will have a scowl on his face as he tells you off, but his lips are slightly upturned and there’s a little pink shade on his cheeks that show just how endearing he thinks you are 
really loves to practice with you because he loves seeing you in your zone like that. also you look hot
anyways yes he’s such a cutie i will not take criticism 
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hi i just stumbled upon your blog and i wanna just say that i love your writing!!!!!! you’re really talented! if you want to, could i request a fluffy getting together fic/drabble/hc (whatever you want lol) osamu x a nonbinary and asexual reader? if not that’s okay too anyways i love you and i hope you have an amazing day🥺💖
Pairing: Osamu x non-binary & asexual reader Content warning: fluffy, slight angst in the beginning, friends to lovers, mentions of bullying, prejudice against gender identity, and sexual orientation. A/N: My only regret is not getting this out to you faster! You’re honestly the sweetest person and I hope this fic brightens your day the way your request really brightened mine! There wasn’t a whole lot of direction other than you wanted Osamu and the reader to get together, so I hope the tone and pacing sit right with you 🥰I love you too! Enjoy! 💖
He didn’t think he was ever going to hear from you again, so when Osamu Miya received your call unexpectedly last weekend… needless to say he was shocked. “Osamu, it’s me.” He almost dropped his mug of coffee over the sink at the sound of your voice. You still had his number? He blinked a few several times, making sure he was entirely awake and this isn’t some weird fever dream. “Y/n?” He couldn’t remember the last time you two had actually seen each other. His mind goes back to high school, where times had perhaps been simpler, for him at least. Osamu realized life for you had been more challenging in high school, you were one of the only openly queer kids at Inarizaki High and though he thought that made you brave, he realized it had to be challenging for you as well. Being open made you a target for bullying, something that never seemed to phase you. Osamu realized it did, more than you ever wanted others to realize. He regretted never making himself more available. Never sticking up for you in times of need. His own inaction disappointed him, and he was convinced you wouldn’t want to spend time with someone who wouldn’t come to their defense anyways. “How’s it going?” You laugh at his informality, even when he’s surprised he still manages to make you laugh as he did in high school. You two catch up, and you tell him about how you traveled abroad for college and got a job in the same city as your university. For someone who didn’t bother to move out of his hometown, he couldn’t help but be impressed by your adventurous spirit. “So I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for coffee and catch up? I’m coming back home.” “Oh, how come?” “Well don’t act so excited,” you tease. “I asked to be transferred and my work agreed. I miss my friends and family.” “Coffee sounds good.” “Great, I’ll text you later. You better have a good coffee spot in mind.” After the call, you two texted back and forth for days leading up to your meeting. Instead of coffee, Osamu invited you to his restaurant. Asamu was right when he chastised his brother about the decision. It was a bit of a flex, he wanted to show off his business, but it wasn’t just shameless self-promotion. He wanted to cook for you. Good food made by his hands. Osamu wasn’t necessarily open with his feelings a lot of the time, but he had always cooked for girls he dated in the past, and he felt there was some intimacy in watching someone eat a meal you prepared for them. So when the night came, and you arrived at the front of Onigiri Miya, the closed sign hanging on the door. You couldn’t help but marvel at the business your old high school crush managed to make for himself. Good for him, you thought to yourself with a smile. You tapped on the wooden doorframe and took a pensive step back, and when that sliding door opened, you both smiled at each other. It was nice to see how some things didn’t change. Osamu was still built like a brick house, broad-shouldered with bulging biceps stretching the fabric of the t-shirt he wore repping his business. His natural hair color was still cropped in a familiar hairstyle that he wore back in high school. He was a full-grown man now, and warmth radiated through your chest when you realized this was your first time seeing each other as full-fledged adults. “Hey, ‘Samu,” you crack a smile as he invites you in. “What’s on the menu tonight?” The onigiri shop has a bar counter where patrons can sit, along with a couple of tables and chairs, ten or twelve patrons can be seated comfortably. “It’s a surprise,” he told you, usually a little more straightforward than this, at least from what you remembered of the boy in high school. “You’ll have to trust me.” “Okay,” you say with a smile and nod. You’re willing to trust him. So he leads you to the counter, asks what you’d like to drink and you settle on some green tea, to help with your digestion, but to also help keep you alert. He fixes you a cup with practiced ease, and you two end up making small talk about how long he’s been in the restaurant business. He reaches into
the back window that leads into his kitchen and pulls out a pristine-looking white rectangular plate, with four large onigiris spaced out. “You get points for presentation already,” you say with a smile, taking a sip of your tea. “Hold off on giving me a final score until you’ve tasted them at least,” he tells you with a small smile. “You’re not going to eat with me?” “I made them for you.” “Yeah, but these are huge!” You gesture to the plate with your free hand. “I’m not going to be able to eat all four by myself. Rice expands in the stomach anyway.” He cracked a soft smile. “Guess your right, fine. We’ll share.” “Thank you.” You grab one with a thick strip of seaweed wrapped around it and begin to chow down, pleasantly surprised by the salmon mayo filling inside. “Ooof!!” Your voice is muffled with a mouth full of food, but Osamu chuckles at your surprise. He watches you eat with heavy-lidded eyes, eating whatever you end up not finishing. It’s enough to fill you both up. Just something about good food brings people together. “We should do this again sometime,” you say with a smile, looking both pleased with his company and stuffed from the meal. He looks down between your hands resting on the counter, smiling when you’re slender fingers brush between the empty spaces of his own. “We should,” he agrees, letting you lace your fingers with his. A warm feeling enters the pit of his stomach, and he’s sure it’s not from the meal you two shared.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Zhongli: Dating HCs
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Aww, I’m glad you like it. Honestly, it was probably one of my favourite hcs to write aha. Ah yes Zhongli, the man who I refuse to believe has money and is constantly broke 24/7. An accurate reflection of me when I spend all my primogems on Childe and have nothing for Zhongli. 
This is my first time writing for Zhongli so I might have went a bit overboard? When you were gonna write a couple HCs and ended up writing 1k+ words. Whoops? Maybe I should put a read more on this.
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@hanniejji​​​ @mikeysbike​​​ @unionwitch​​​ @musekala​​​ @twistedsunnshiii​​ @stanzastic​​
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Zhongli: Dating HCs
When you first met Zhongli, your first impressions on him was that he was a very intelligent and well-culture man on Liyue’s traditions and history. That was until you got acquainted with his money and negotiation habits. It gave you a bit of whiplash at how, almost naïve, Zhongli was but it was also endearing? It made him feel a lot more approachable and make you feel like less of an idiot when he started spouting off about things that most Liyue citizen’s wouldn’t know.
Your inner consciousness was screaming at you to help him out. You didn’t want to see him get his entire wallet scammed because he didn’t know how to handle mora. That’s how you basically became his accountant. You didn’t know where he was getting his money but if he was throwing it away so easily, it wouldn’t last long.
After a while, you developed a business-friend type relationship with the man. You would attempt to handle his negotiations and try and fix his bad habit of forgetting his wallet and in return, he’d tell you stories and odd bits of trivia that only someone like him would know. It was kind of interesting hearing him ramble on about different plants and machines. Though he did have a really nice voice too which probably added to the appeal. He mentioned once that if you were to ever pass away, he would see to it personally that your send off would be perfect. You told him he really did not need to worry about that.
Overtime, you found yourself beside Zhongli on simple outings. No need to worry about work or wondering where the actual hell Zhongli got his funds from, just friendly chatter. If you both happened to meet on the Liyue street with no work to complete, he’d ask for your company. Through one of your conversation you told him you were originally from Sumeru so he’d take you to special spots in Liyue, offering small bits of history.
One day, Zhongli had invited you out to dinner saying it was his treat for helping him out so much. You weren’t going to say no to his company and a potential free meal so you agreed. It was an overall good time until Zhongli reached into his pocket to hand you a gift, a case to carry your vision. You had mentioned once when you first met that your vision had been accidently eaten by a pyro slime when you were traveling from Sumeru to Liyue, so the casing was burnt around the edges. It was a shock to you that not only did he remember, since you only said it once in a brief comment, but the casing was actually really beautiful. Zhongli gently reached over to take your hands to put your vision into the new case, his fingertips slowly lingering. Then the gears in your head slowly began turning as the evening lamps reflected on the vision case.
“Wait, have you’ve been...asking me out on dates?” you asked, eyes blinking wide at him as he tilted his head to the side. He didn’t appear mad or annoyed, just genuinely confused by your question.
“Yes? I was under the impression you were aware I was courting you.”
You quickly run through the last couple of weeks with Zhongli trying to see if there was anything that stood out. You suppose he was smiling a bit more, going to more romantic areas in Liyue, and he did just give you a new case for your vision...
You wanted to die right there in your seat as your entire face flushed red. You didn’t even realize. So much for calling Zhongli the naïve one. Zhongli slightly frowned as he took your silence as a silent rejection and slowly slipped his hands out of yours before you quickly curled your fingers around his to keep them in place.
“Sorry, hang on. Please just -give me a second to collect my thoughts.” you quickly stutter out as you unconsciously squeezed his hand tighter as you bite your lip nervously.  
“Okay, take as long as you need,” Zhongli nods. If you weren’t gripping his hand like a lifeline he’s tempted to ease the pressure on your lip so the skin wouldn’t break.
You did really like Zhongli, you wouldn’t have stopped him from pulling away if you didn’t. But going from your casual friendship to something more?
“Um...would it be alright if we could take it slow? I don’t mean anything bad by that nor am I rejecting you. We could see how things go? Whatever happens happens?” you began to ramble before Zhongli cut you off. He slowly loosens the vice like grip you had on him and moves his hand to gently cup your cheek, to trace along the indent you left on your lower lip.
“Yes, I would like that very much. Thank you,” he smiles softly at you as his amber eyes seemed to glow in the dark. On second thought, you might not be able to take it slow, this one look is enough to kill you.
At first, Zhongli would give you material possessions and while it was very nice and his sense of style wasn’t that bad, you couldn’t help but worry that he might have spent his entire life savings. You have to gently remind him that you don’t need these things to win you over. Just to be himself and let things happen naturally. He nods along and actually begins taking notes, as if you’ve told him the meaning of life. It’s a bit embarrassing but at least it show’s that he’s serious.
Zhongli is earnest in everything he does and sometimes a bit too blunt. He’s still incredibly respectful of your personal boundaries and space but if you catch him staring at you he’ll be honest in his reasons why. Sometimes he’ll keep going and that embarrasses you too much to the point you have to reach over and stop him before your face overheats.
Likewise, his affection is similar. He isn’t incredibly affectionate but sometimes he seems to pop out of nowhere or you’ll be mid-sentence and he’ll sneak a small kiss. He isn’t trying to fluster you on purpose which makes you a bit more shy that he can do these acts with such ease.
Whenever he mentions that he may bore you with his information on odd historical and cultural aspect of Liyue, even calling it a  "bourgeois parasite" you quickly shut it down. He should have more confidence, not everyone in Liyue knows what he knows and he should be proud. It’s because of him that traditions are alive, even if it’s just him that remembers them. He wraps his arms around you and embraces you tightly as he thanks you so sincerely, it almost stuns you in place.
If you do happen to fall asleep he doesn’t take it personally. He enjoys the fact that you feel so comfortable in his presence to rest. But he does end up sitting the the same position until you wake up even though you tell him that sitting in the same position, at night, in the cold, for 6 hours straight is not something he needs to do.
You absolutely do not trust Childe anywhere near Zhongli but you’re weak whenever he gives you that small smile. He thinks of Childe as...a friend? Companion? A walking talking bank account? You doubt it’s the last one considering how respectful Zhongli is but you can’t help but worry. But if Zhongli considers Childe a friend then you’ll silently accept him. It slightly helps you get through the day, until you see Childe already sitting at a table waving to you both innocently. I hope you don’t mind that I invited Childe, he says. A part of you wonders if he actually knows what a date is or if the first times were flukes.
When Zhongli is there you’re both respectful with each other, slipping underhanded comments disguised as friendly jest’s. But as soon as he leaves, you’re ripping into Childe. Zhongli comments that he’s glad you and Childe get along so well as you both stare at him as if he’s grown two heads.
Sometime you get so frustrated that you have to sit him down and just clasp your palms on his cheeks as he stares up at you confused. You want to knock some sense into him that while Childe may own a bank, he in fact does not, and he should really stop digging himself into deeper debt with that Fatui. But he gives you that same tilt of the head, a small smile stretching over his mouth, and his amber eyes soften just a tad that it knocks the wind out of you on just how cute Zhongli can be sometimes.
You both never end up formally putting a label on what you both are, which felt a bit unusually to Zhongli who is so rooted in tradition. But as he watches you pout at him that he isn’t filtering anything you’re saying as you pay the merchant, he can’t help but wonder what the customs of Sumeru are in terms of marriage.
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