#honestly its just like being back in middle school when i didn't have any Good Friends. just people who wanted me to do things for them
southislandwren · 1 year
am i crazy for being a little pissed off at my friend. she asked me to come water her plants while she's out of town for a week. she lives with TWO other people and i live 15 minutes away in a different fucking town, and i work another 15 minutes in the opposite direction (hint: it is extraordinarily out of my way and a pain in the ass to water her plants). Also they're plants?? 1 week without water isn't going to kill them???? just water them heavily right before leaving and again as soon as you get back. argh im just feeling like a piece of meat thats available to her to use for any stupid purpose
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AITA for calling out my friend's husband's shitty attitude about money?
For context: I (28) have been friends with this woman, R (29 f), since middle school. I met her husband twice before the wedding and wasn't impressed but didn't see any red flags.
Oh how the flags have reddened.
R and her husband regularly host game nights that feature mostly video games. He always has a controller and most of the time wins every game. And he is a very sore winner about it. It is also very obvious that only his male friends are prioritized during these game nights and the women and women-presenting among us are just bodies in the room to entertain them and grab them drinks. I was uncomfortable with this but didn't realize others in the group felt the same way until very recently.
The gals and non binary pals in the group have started having monthly dinner dates without the guys there. These have been an absolute highlight, letting us get to know each other and reconnect with high school friends without being drowned out by the guys.
And as the gals have been talking, its become more obvious that R's husband is not a great guy. He's made suggestive comments towards most of the women in the group (things along the line of "I would date you if I wasn't married" and "if I were to have a threesome with my wife, I'd choose you") and again, favors the men in the group always. He'll make big mansplaining speeches about abortion rights and leftist politics while whining about being told he shouldn't support JKR and treating me like a stripper for performing in drag. (His super religious x-ian friend was more excited and impressed by my Gerard Way Halloween outfit than mr. Left wing 😵). Frankly, my best friend refuses to go to his house anymore and is convinced he's trying to cheat on his wife, but that's just speculation.
This past weekend was a double feature, game night one day and girl's night the next evening. Game night was incredibly awkward because 3 people showed up and I had to deal with R and her husband alone for like an hour. This was when he made the comment about drag shows being like a strip club and that he *wanted* to support my passion but it just made him so *uncomfortable*. I really wouldn't push the issue if he said he didn't want to go, but he has to look like the good guy always and won't say his homophobia with his whole chest unless challenged. Whatever.
So at game name, R's husband randomly brought up that she "owes" him money for a credit card bill he paid. They aren't my finances so I don't care how they share money, but it was really rude of him to bring it up in front of her friends. We all just kept our mouths shut (because he talks about money a lot) and went on with the party.
The next night was girl's night. And a lot more people showed up. Another friend I've known since middle school, L (29 f), has a rich lawyer husband. During dinner the topic of a sugar daddy came up and L started joking about how she can live off her husband's salary and what's his is hers and what's hers is hers. R started to agree like that was how it is with her husband. So I pointed out that he was asking her to pay him back in front of everyone. She deflected saying that he was joking and I responded that it wasn't a very funny joke.
It wasn't until after dinner that I realized my comments about R's husband probably came off as aggressive and rude. I just genuinely don't understand why he would make a joke out of hounding his wife for money if they're actually sharing finances. On top of his other shitty qualities and tone deaf remarks, I honestly don't think he was joking and she's covering up for his rude behavior to pretend like their marriage is as harmonious and peaceful as everyone is told its supposed to be. Was I the asshole for calling it out? Does he deserve to be called out to his face next time? Or should I shut my mouth next time?
What are these acronyms?
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raaorqtpbpdy · 5 months
A Little Chat
Jazz gets the chance to talk to the ghost boy before she knows he's her brother. When she talks to him after discovering the truth, their first conversation is still ringing in her mind.
For the prompts: What if Jazz had a conversation with Phantom before learning he was Danny? What does their next conversation look like when Jazz knows but Danny doesn't know she knows? [from atropos], and "What do you mean this isn't safe, I'm already dead" [from @princessfanonanona]
Read also on AO3
[Warnings for mentions of violence and death]
Casper High was all abuzz about the upcoming school dance, but Jazz couldn't care less. Dancing had never been her thing, much less at school where all her peers could watch her embarrass herself. That didn't stop her from getting asked, by Dash Baxter when she was tutoring him, by her lab partner in the middle of chemistry class (gag), by Danny's friend Tucker, who was asking out every girl in school and getting turned down every time.
Jazz was honestly more preoccupied by her ongoing existential crisis about ghosts being real, and her annoyance at how insufferable her parents had been since the revelation. She was nothing if not curious and determined, though.
Her parents said a lot of things about ghosts with very little research or evidence to back their claims, but Jazz wasn't going to just hop on the bandwagon and believe everything they said. If she could, she was going to get a first-hand source on this ghost situation.
Unfortunately, not intending to go to the dance didn't exempt her from the teen-girl bonding nightmare that was helping her friends shop for their dresses. She knew she was only a part of their little group because she tutored them, and she had very little in common with any of them. But she also knew that it was good and healthy for her to socialize with people her own age, and even if she couldn't really relate to them, at least they were nice, and always tried to include her.
That didn't stop them from gently ribbing her about how unhelpful she was being when she said they looked fantastic in every dress they tried on.
Shopping got a lot more exciting, however, when a dragon showed up. Jazz went to check it out, claiming she had to go to the bathroom so the girls wouldn't try to stop her. They were too busy changing to notice the commotion outside the store.
Jazz ran to the second floor railing to get a good look at the ghost boy fighting some glowing blue dragon with a huge amulet around its neck. Jazz watched and waited for the immediate Danger to be over before calling out to him.
"Hey!" she shouted. "Ghost boy!"
The ghost swiveled around in mid-air until he saw her. She waved him over. He shook his head and gestured over his shoulder like he needed to be somewhere.
"Come on, I'll be quick!" she shouted, waving him over more insistently.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, the ghost boy floated over to her.
"Can I help you, citizen?" he asked awkwardly
"Actually, yeah," she said. "I'm Jazz Fenton, you probably know of my parents. They have some very uh... opinionated views about ghosts, and I'm looking to learn more about ghosts from a first hand source. Could I trouble you for a moment of your time?"
"I uh... I don't know how much help I'd be," the boy replied. "To be honest, I'm kind of new to the whole 'being a ghost' thing."
"That's alright," she insisted. "If you don't mind, I still think I could learn a lot from talking to you."
"Uh... alright," he agreed, and settled himself cross-legged in the air just on the other side of the second-floor railing Jazz was still standing at.
This area of the mall had pretty much been cleared out when the dragon showed up, so the two of them were alone, even in the middle of a public place.
"Shoot," he said.
"Okay." Jazz considered for a moment what her first question should be before asking, "Do ghosts have obsessions that motivate all their actions, yea or nay?"
He hummed thoughtfully. "Sort of? Maybe? I don't really know. From what I've been able to get, it seems like ghosts have more of a tendency to be obsessive than humans do, but even ghosts with obsessions aren't motivated one hundred percent solely by those obsessions."
"So would you say that ghosts have free will?" Jazz asked.
"Yes, absolutely we do." There was no hesitation in that answer, no hint of doubt.
"I think I can guess the answer, but do you think ghosts are inherently evil?"
To her surprise, the ghost boy paused before answering, titling his head from side to side like he wasn't really sure what to say.
"Well... I'm not," he answered cautiously. "I haven't met too many friendly ghosts so far, but we're definitely not inherently evil."
"Why do you fight other ghosts?" Jazz asked. "Not that I'm not grateful, but... ever since you showed up, I've been curious about that."
"Why?" he repeated. 
He looked perplexed, although Jazz couldn't tell if it was because he didn't know the answer, or because he didn't know why she was even asking because it seemed so obvious to him.
"Well who else is gonna do it?" he asked. That answer did nothing to clear up Jazz's uncertainty. "I can't very well let them just cause chaos around here. They could seriously hurt people."
"What about you?" Jazz asked.
"What about me?"
"I just mean, couldn't they hurt you, too?" she asked. "I saw how you got tossed around by that dragon, and the lunch lady a little while ago. This whole situation, you fighting off ghosts ten times your size to protect humans you barely know... this just doesn't seem safe."
The ghost boy huffed a soft laugh. "What do you mean this isn't safe?" he asked. "I'm already dead, what else can they do to me?"
Jazz frowned, her brows furrowing.
"You still bleed," she said. "I've seen it. You bleed green, but you still bleed."
"So what, I bleed," the ghost boy shrugged, though his expression took on a melancholy tone. "So do you. You're telling me if you saw someone in danger, even if you didn't know them, you wouldn't try to help?"
Jazz didn't really know. Her self-preservation was strong, but so was her compassion. She would have to make that decision in the moment, not standing in a mall across from a boy her brother's age... who had died. 
Her brother had almost died, too, once, not that long ago. If she had been there... if she'd had the chance to save him from the pain of that accident at the cost of her own safety, would she have?
"Do you help others because no one helped you when you were dying?" she asked. 
Even as it left her mouth she could hear how rude and personal the question sounded, but it was out there now... and she wanted to know.
The ghost boy shook his head. "No one could have helped me," he said. "Even if they were there, even if they wanted to. There was no saving me. It would have just ended with two ghosts instead of one." 
She opened her mouth to ask a follow up question, but was interrupted when one of her friends appeared.
"Jazz! There you are!" Marci called out. "Oh my gosh, if you needed a break from dress-shopping, you could have just said so. You didn't have to disappear on a bathroom break for twenty minutes."
"Yeah, we were actually starting to get worried about you," Jenna added. "We heard there was some kinda ghost dragon somewhere in the mall a little bit ago. We thought you might've gotten hurt."
"I'm fine, I promise," Jazz told them. "I actually left to get a closer look, but I made sure to stay a safe distance away. I've just been talking to—" Jazz cut herself off when she turned and saw that the ghost boy was gone.
"Talking to who?" Marci asked, looking at the empty air.
"To whom," Jazz corrected absently. She shook her head. "Never mind. Did you girls pick out dresses you liked?"
"Marci did," Jenna said. "So far, I haven't found anything that speaks to me, ya know? I think I've decided on the color though, I want a pretty sunset orange, like a pink-ish, dark-ish color, maybe with glitter, you know?"
"That's a bold choice," Jazz commented. She didn't know much about fashion, but she did know she didn't see a lot of people walking around in orange most of the time.
"I'm a bold girl," Jenna agreed with a laugh. "I found one orange dress, but the shape made me look like a traffic cone, it was awful!"
Jazz snickered at that mental image and Jenna and Marci laughed with her.
"Come on, there's a couple more stores we can check out to see if they have something you like," Marci suggested. "And obviously we gotta stop at the bookstore, too. We can't leave our main girl Jazz without her lit fix."
Jazz laughed again and followed them toward the next store.
Ever since Jazz found out the ghost boy was her brother, she couldn't stop thinking about it. She'd decided immediately to wait until he was ready to tell her before bringing it up, but that didn't stop it from being on her mind all the time. She wanted to protect him but there weren't a lot of ways she could do that.
She nearly freaked out on him when they started doing ghost drills at school, and couldn't exactly explain why without taking away his chance to tell her his secret on his own. Luckily, she managed to change the subject and get away without giving herself away, but it was a close call.
She didn't expect to ever get the chance to talk to Danny as the ghost boy again before he told her it was him, because frankly, he did his best to avoid humans as much as possible in his ghost form, most of all his family.
A lot happened. Danny had a million dollar bounty on his head, everyone at school got sick with ghost flu, then a bunch of teenagers had to save all the adults in town (and, embarrassingly, Jazz) when they got kidnapped by ghosts using hypnotic music.
Then the town was sucked into the Ghost Zone, and the only thing protecting them all from a tyrannical ghost king was Fenton Works' ghost shield. And Danny planned to go fight the king himself. He hadn't said it yet, but she could tell by the grim look on his face when he went outside. Jazz followed subtly, but the time she got outside he was already in ghost form, staring up at the green sky.
"Hey, ghost boy, long time, no see," she said.
"Uh... what?" he said. "I don't... oh... right, yeah. Guess it has... been a while."
"You're gonna try to fight the ghost king, aren't you?" she guessed. "Please don't. Amity Park needs you, and if you go fight him... he could destroy you. I know you think you're invincible but this isn't safe."
Danny huffed out a bitter chuckle. "What do you mean its not safe? I'm already dead," he responded, just the same way as he had the last time she told him that.
But this time she knew it wasn't true, not completely.
She remembered the last time she spoke to him as the ghost boy, how he told her that no one could have saved him when he died. She remembered hearing him screaming in the basement from all the way up on the second floor and wondered if it was true. Sam and Tucker had been with him, and she knew they would have helped if they could have.
"You're right about one thing, though," he said after a moment. "Amity Park needs me. I can't flake out on them now."
With that, he flew off to god knew where, to fight the ghost king, or his skeleton army, or the Fright Knight. She just hoped he'd be okay. He was her baby brother, and she didn't think she could handle losing him for good.
He didn't deserve any of this.
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reyggtv · 4 months
There's only so much I can say on Twitter to truly express my feelings about the show Hilda, and how much of an impact it has left on me to make me the kind of person I am today, so I'm taking to Tumblr to write all about it.
If you don't know who I am already, hi, I am ReyGGTV, though you can just call me Rey. I like to make YouTube videos, memes, talk with other Hilda fans, and make occasionally make art. You may already know me from the Hilda Crack videos I made since several years ago, as well as some more recent big videos of mine like my comparison video between Aster and Hilda. I am 20 years old, and have been a diehard fan of the franchise ever since I was just 14.
Firstly, let's discuss how I actually managed to discover Hilda in the first place. It was 2018, freshman year of high school had just started, during this time, I was still big fan of another animated TV show at the time called Star vs. The Forces of Evil. I was a fan of that show ever since its premiere in January of 2015 when I was only 11 years old. Honestly even if I don't look at it nearly as fondly as I do now, to its credit, the show did most certainly help me get interested into animation as a whole more than any other show I saw at the time.
Not even like 2 months after I got in though, I was kicked out. Not because I did anything wrong, but because for a while, my parents had me enrolled in a school district that I didn't even live anywhere near in at the time, so once they found out that I actually lived much farther from them, that's when they decided to let me go. This was devastating to me, all the friends I made in middle school, were suddenly going to go away, and it was only at the very last minute, at the principal's office that I received this news. I was upset, literally everything was going great and they just wanted to throw everything away for me, in favor for me going to a school that was so bad, it caused my family to move to an entirely new city with a better school by the time Sophomore year came around.
But anyways, about 2 weeks before all this happened, I was in a cartoon Discord server, where someone recommended me to watch this show called... you guessed it, Hilda. I took a lot at the promotional material for a while, and put it at the back of my head, not knowing that I would soon revisit it not long later. Fast forward to when I was out of school, I had like 2 weeks in the beginning of October to just cope with everything. It wasn't long that I just became bored, and wanted to do something better, so I pulled up Netflix wanting to find something new to watch. The suggestion from someone about Hilda just so happened to come up on my mind, so I was like "Eh, sure, why not?". I put it on, and the rest was history. I knew from the very moment I finished watching the intro for the very first time, that this was about to be the show of a lifetime for me.
Despite that however, I did not anticipate just how much impact Hilda would leave on the work that I am now doing nearly 6 years after that very faithful day.
I guess the biggest reason why the show left such a massive impact on me right from the beginning is because of its main title character, Hilda. Look, I may be no blue-haired adventurer from the wilderness that likes to munch on cucumber sandwiches all the time, but Hilda at the time for me, was the most relatable character and the character I found the most comfort in when watching it for the first time. Just like me, Hilda too, was also forced to move away from the place and friends she was always happy to be with, despite all her efforts, all it took was one giant, to come and crush it all, leaving her forced to live a new life in a new environment she was not familiar with at all. But, she moved on. She knew that while this was not the ideal way for things go out, life always comes with surprises. But maybe, just maybe, this could be something that could work out in her favor. This whole becoming friends with other humans and living in the big dirty ol' city, could be the best decision she has ever made. And I think it goes without saying that as the series continued, it was.
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This was a message that I desperately needed to hear as I was going through overwhelming times at such a young age, and one that I was so happy to hear and watch once I finally finished the first two episodes of this amazing damn show. It showed me that if an 11-year-old girl from the wilderness can be brave enough to move into the big city, be okay and make the best out of it, maybe I too, will be okay with belonging to a new school, finding new friends, and creating new passions for me to follow for years to come. Hilda inspired me to look towards a bigger and brighter future, rather than doubt the bad that comes with the present. For that, I am forever grateful for the creative and writing team of this show, for helping me go through such a difficult time in my life, and convincing me that even despite all that has happened, there will always be something better to look forward to.
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I would be lying if I said that this was the only reason as to why I ended up becoming such a huge fan of the show for the next 5 years. Asides from the writing being so good it literally cured my depression. The animation, worldbuilding, and characters were just unlike anything I have ever seen with my own two eyes. It was simple, yet jaw dropping at the same time. Just a silly kid either helping a Raven jog back his memory, try and fight nightmare spirits or ghosts, or help Jellybean out of a scary situation in which everyone wrongfully accuses him of being a big scary black hound. Even if certain episodes of season 1 didn't always turn out perfect, I would always rewatch every single one of them all day for several hours and for several weeks. I had even skipped multiple days of school especially when it was raining, just so I can head to the living room, cuddle up in some warm blankets, with the heater on during the winter season, and just binge the crap out of it for multiple hours a day. This was just the show that I can always count on to bring back the happiness inside of me. Even when I wasn't necessarily having a bad day, I would still continue to watch it for hours because it just kept on getting better and better with every watch I could get possible, it was almost like an addiction almost, haha.
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Hilda was the show for me, and I had no intention of trying to watch anything else.
It was also around this time that I started to also get myself more involved with the show's fandom as well, back when it was a lot more populated and not as niche as it is now. While I'm not gonna say that my reputation in it has always been 100% perfect, at the end of the day, I'm just forever grateful I was able to meet some of the most wonderful people and hundreds of fans like myself because of it like @hkthatgffan, @helgafolk618, and many more I can't list here 'cause most of them are not on Tumblr. So much so that I now have the pleasure of creating hundreds, if not thousands of people who are fans/supporters of ME all across all my social media pages. All because I like to talk about Hilda, literally all the time. And to those reading this who has ever left a nice comment on one of my posts, said hi to me on my Discord server, worked with me on a commission, even went as far as to make fan-art of me or just tuned into any of my content whatsoever, thank you. Your support has left a massive impact on me and what I'm continuing to do now. Because at the end of the day, it's not about any popularity points you get from just talking about a TV show consistently for 6 years, for me at least, it has always been about making thousands, sometimes, even millions, happy with my love for it that is the reason that I'm doing any of this in the first place. I love Hilda, always have, and I want to make people happy the same way Hilda did for me, all those years ago.
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Surprisingly enough, even though I was already as big of a fan as I could possibly be by the time November of 2018 rolled around, I still wasn't really a guy interested in getting my hands on Hilda merchandise. I knew that the graphic novels by Luke existed, but the only thing I even managed to get for myself at the time was this old T-shirt I bought from the now defunct official Zazzle store they had up for like a few months lol
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I guess that all changed when I got my first ever Hilda plush though when I was 15. While it has now certainly showed its age after nearly 5 years, I loved this thing so much lol. It wasn't official because official Hilda plushies didn't exist at the time. I bought it off an Etsy store from AngelinaLily, and I would literally take this thing out with me everyday to everywhere I went to and take photos of it, especially in the wilderness. It was my favorite pastime. My little Hilda, in the palm of my hand 😆. Hey, when you have to wait more than 2 whole years for a brand-new season, what else are you gonna do to entertain yourself during the hiatus?
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I had gotten this in the mail right when I had just exited out the mental hospital because I was actively wanting to h*rt myself and potentially putting myself in danger of committing s*icide. Because while Hilda did definitely help me cope with a lot that I was going through at the time, there was still a lot of overwhelming issues I was experiencing, and my mental health was the lowest that it had ever been. This plush effectively, was a way to help me cope with those thoughts I had, which turned out to be a great thing because I literally couldn't be happier with it.
After that, I just decided that "You know what? What if I just got... ALL of the Hilda merchandise?" Thus... that now leading to my massive hoard of Hilda stuff, that I now have everywhere in my room lol
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These photos aren't even all the ones I have!
At 16, I decided to write Luke Pearson an e-mail, thanking him for his work and how much it has inspired me to become the person I am now, explaining everything that I just mentioned in this Tumblr post, and at the end of the day, just wanting him to know, that his creations mean a grave big deal to me, and that I will always appreciate just how much of a positive impact it has left me. I didn't really expect anything to come out of it, but about several weeks later, he said this to me lol
"I just wanted to say thank you for writing and relaying your experience to me. I'm sorry to hear that you've been through such difficult times, but I'm glad that you're able to look back on those times and find yourself in a better place. And if Hilda has played any small part in that, which it seems like it has, then I'm extremely pleased about that and it warms me to hear it. It can be hard to know exactly what good a cartoon can actually do for the world (beyond being a few hours of amusement) which is strange when so many people devote so much of their time and creative energy into making it happen. But hearing something like this goes a long way to making it feel like something genuinely worthwhile. I hope things continue to look up for you and hope you're taking care in these trying times." - All the best, Luke
When I tell you I cried like a baby when I first received this e-mail from him, I really did, lol. Hearing this, from the man who made it all possible, was truly the most inspirational thing I could have ever heard. And I was happy, that he was happy, that I was truly able to tell him for the first time, just how much his creation has meant to not just me, but to soooo many fans just like myself. It was truly something to never forget.
Now I'm 20 years old, still talking about the same ol' dang kids show I fell in love with all those years ago. What's happening now? Well now, I am an aspiring film director and video editor who has been taking film classes in community college for the past like 2 years now, I should've graduated already by now but turns out, college is pretty fricking expensive, and I don't even know if I have the funds to try and even graduate by next year. Asides from that though, I am actually in the works of creating my first ever feature-length Hilda fan-film called The Ultimate Hilda Iceberg. It will basically be one of those iceberg explanation videos you see on YouTube, but with the original source of the iceberg being about Hilda, specifically a version someone made on the r/HildaTheSeries subreddit. I've had the idea for this Iceberg video/fan-film as far back as January 2021, with the current script having started work as far back as nearly 9 months ago. And it's still not even finished! Me, as well as tens of dozens of other Hilda fans like myself, are actively working on it to have it be ready by the time fall of this year comes around, right now as we speak! If you want to support and/or follow this massive project as more updates come around you can either follow the official accounts on Twitter/X (@/HildaIceberg) or on Instagram (@/theultimatehildaiceberg).
Asides from that, the biggest passion project I have for my career moving forward, is directing my own big-budget Hilda movie. Specifically, a live-action Hilda movie. Now now, BEFORE you try and cancel me and tell me that this is the stupidest idea of all time and could taint Hilda's image forever. Let me cook. I am a huge movie bluff, I know which live action remakes are genuinely amazing, and which ones just really suck. My vision for a live-action Hilda movie is to make it sorta like how Who Framed Roger Rabbit was. All of the human characters and outside settings are done with real people and practical assets, whilst creatures like Trolls, Elves, or stuff that would normally be done with CGI, be actually turned into 2D-animation, ideally in the same style as that of the Netflix show. Ideally, I also want it to remain as faithful to at least how the show was as possible in terms of story. Look, if there's gonna be anyone else who knows their Hilda best asides from people like Luke or Andy Coyle, it's gonna be me, just sayin.
In conclusion, I just want to wrap this up by giving a huge shout out to people like @littledigits and literally ANYONE who has ever done any time making this fantastic and wonderful show (I couldn't think of anyone else to tag so I only tagged you Meg so sorry if that bothers you 😅). As this post has indicated several times, this show, has really made the best kind of impact in my life and I'm forever grateful to the creator Luke, the directors Andy Coyle, Megan, etc, the voice actors, artists, editors, composers, everyone who has ever had a part in making this amazing show just, please let me hug you. While I may not have been as enthusiastic with the show's third season overall as I wanted to in my opinion, Hilda will always have a soft spot in my heart, for years and years to come, for just how much it truly inspired me, to not just not only being able to have the luxury to do the things I love to do now, but do so in a way that has made, and hopefully will continue to make thousands, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people happy, because of the love that I will continue to have for this very show. Just because a show is small, doesn't mean it can't leave big enough impacts on people for the better ❤️
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toxicsludgeyaoi · 1 year
Toxic Sludge Yaoi Tournament: Ivantill (Alien Stage) Vs Drake (The Music Freaks)
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(Vote for whichever ship you like more.)
Propaganda under cut. Note: spoilers for these medias may be below.
Ivantill propaganda
"SO BLAAAACK BLACK AS IT CAN BEEEEE.... anyways. These two are so.... <333. They're stuck in a music competition where if you lose you die. Ivan doesn't show much emotion but truly comes alive when he's around or talking about Till. Till is rebellious and is often beat by the aliens holding them hostage. Till is also in love with a girl named Mizi. Who is in a relationship. Yeah.... Ivan tried to escape with Till, and they almost made it out, but Till went back for Mizi and now they're stuck. Till and Ivan are going against each other in the next round of the competition and I'm so scared guys"
Drake propaganda
"There is literally a 0.1% chance they'll get in because it's a random YouTube gacha life series but I swear ITS GOOD!! It has good voice acting and good animation (especially once it gets to ep5 and onward), it has really good characters and writing (albeit very cliche)I swear!!. Oh well. A delusional demonic soul can hope
Also, Jake is the protagonist, so we know a lot more about him than we do about Drew, which means his actions might seem more "justified" because we're more aware of his background. And also, he just has more background in general so it's a bit easier to summarize his story. But there are multiple sides to this bond
So basically, Jake and drew are both complicated characters with their own issues. They were both best friends who weren't fully honest with each other and who recently "broke up" in the finale. They both did good and bad and bad-but+understandable things that ruined their relationship.
I am honestly kind of tired, because I have summarized the plot of TMF more times than I could count on my fingers, but I suppose I'll have to work up he strength, otherwise literally no one will even bother voting them. (If it gets into the bracket in the first place)
So basically, Jake got bullied in middle school for his passion for singing. Afterwards he got really insecure of himself, since the bullying was most definitely heavy. He didn't have any friends, until drew came into his life. Drew didn't know about Jake's passion for music, but out of fear for being made fun of again, Jake decided not to share that part of him. Drew was also one of those bullies who made fun of the schools music club, and called them freaks, though he never knew JAKE liked music, so. Jake basically was desperate for a friend and would sacrifice his real identity to simply please drew, especially since Jake KNEW drew bullied music lovers, while Drew never knew about Jake's passion and continued to obliviously make fun of the Music club, HOWEVER. later on in the show we realize that Jake faking his personality around drew would inevitably ruin their relationship. Howevereuif
Drew himself most likely has a form of separation anxiety and attachment issues, and he canonically has control issues evident by many of his actions. We don't know why yet, we can make theories, and it's probably gonna get revealed in season 2, but many people theorize his parents are neglectful so he seeks attention from others, as well as has underlying anxiety related to others leaving him. It's just a theory though, however it makes sense. In the show, we see him making fun of the music club, and Jake making fun of the music club with him too, because Jake is scared that drew will leave him if Jake is revealed to be one of those music freaks. This is toxic because Jake simply can't be himself around drew. But there's more reasons why they're toxic. Jake lied to Drew about who he was, which most definitely hurt Drew because he felt lied to and he felt manipulated, but st the same time drew was ALSO manipulative and possessive over Jake, and he was the one to make Jake feel like he can't be himself in the first place, so it's toxic both ways (but it's a little kore toxic coming from Drew's side). 
Now why is this a ship? I'll also have to explain this (before summarizing more of the plot hehe) basically Drew's possessiveness and clinginess could be perceived as him being romantically attracted to Jake, as well as the fact that he blushed when the topic of him being jelous of Jakes new friends came up, and he didn't even deny it, he just said "shut up!" Ok gay plum. It's also a ship bc of his attached they are though they're definitely toxic. It's not canon, and Drew's feelings are probably never going to be officialized, however, a demonic soul can hope.
Now onto further plot summary (what I summarized before was just the some of the backstory summarization, nothing else, were barely getting started): at one point, Jake joins the music club. Bc of his girl crush. OK YES Jake has a canon girl crush, which kinda ruins this ship it though this ship is prolly one sided anyway lmao. But doesn't matter. Basically Jake is crushing on his girl daisy, and at one point when a band competition is announced, Jake really feels appelled to sign up for their schools music club, however because of DREW, he felt like he COULDNT. so instead he sang an emo song on the rooftop, and then got caught by daisy. Daisy told him that he shouldn't let hid talent to go to wastel and that he should join the music club, and Jake impulsively tells her hell join the club. However he regrets it bc he feels like DREW, someone who's supposed to be his BEST FRIEND, is going to make fun of him for it. This is not healthy bruh. But anyhow - he still decides to join the club, and then he tells drew about it, but says that he joined the band JUST so he could perform at the competition and "win daisy over" because he's been meaning to ask her out. He has to use excuses in order to feel safe performing his passions, wow. Jake still feels the need to hide his passions, and he tells drew that he's just doing it for daisy, and after the competition hell simply leave the club. However all of that is simply lying. Jake lied to much, because of his insecurities, which caused further damage in his and Drew's bond. Jake actually WANTED to be a part of the Music club, the exact one drew would make fun of, Jake actually felt like family there. However obviously he couldn't open up about it to drew. So as time goes on in the show, drew starts feeling more and more obviously jealous. He also gets more and more progressively depressed and distant, because of the jealousy. Jake starts spending more time with the music club, while drew doesn't WANT him to be at the club, drew wants Jake ti be right by his side. And gets quite annoyed with the lack of attention he's received from him. Angsty jelly bf. Jake however never tells him that he's pursuing his passion and drew should be proud of him!!. Bit uhshhdidodd
More time passes, the competition is nearing, and drew is getting really really tired and jelous of Jakes lack of attendance in his life. Drew then proceeds to try and manipulate Jake into getting out of the music club, and got him to say a bunch of hurtful things about the club as well, so drew tried to convince both Jake AND himself that the music club is actually the one manipulating Jake into staying eitt them and spending less time with drew. Oh also I forgot to mention - they were all at Drew's house, by "all of them" I mean drew and Jakes other friends I'll call the jomies (Jake x homies). So basically one of the jomies decided to record the bunch of hurtful things Jake said about the club, y'know that drew pressured Jake into saying. Drew didn't record nor did he know about one of the jomies recording Jake but yeah. Drew still wanted to manipulate Jake into leaving the club anyway.
So long story short, one of the jomies proceed to send the recording to the music club, so the music club felt understandably upset at Jake especially since they've all been bullied in the past and had their trust broken, and so basically drew indirectly broke Jake and the music club up. Though this worked in Drew's favour because he WANTED the rift between them to happen. But also remember drew never knew about Jake's passion. For singing. 
Later on stuff happen, yada yada, Jake apologizes to the music club VERY, VERY publicly (the whole school heard them), and drew gets annoyed yet again, because like I said, drew is a jelly bf, he wants jakey all to himself, he is tired of Jake constantly talking about the music club, he feels like Jake cares more about the club than he does about HIM. which sucks because drew is very hungry for attention dye to his possible crappy home life. After Jakes apology, when the music club decided to forgive them, drew decided to get into an "argument" with Hailey, one of the music club members (by argument I mean drew literally just started yelling at her lmao). Then Jake decided to break up the fight. I also forgot to mention that Jake cares boh about the jomies AND the music club. He wants to be friends with both of them. But jomies and TMC don't. So then drew and Jake start arguing and yada yada I'm EXTREMELY tired my head hurts I don't think I can continue blabbering.... but UHM. Basically drew felt manipulated and betrayed. Jake was manipulated. They were both manipulative due to their own issues, and they both struggle deeply in this toxic bond. What is more toxic yaoi than that?"
So much angsty love breakup songs fit them, it hurts /pos
Never thought I'd write this much about a random gacha life series dam (pls watch it even though i practically spoiled everything)
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thealphashitter · 4 months
A Bit of Tidying Up | Five X Male Reader | Chapter
So here's the second chapter, I hope you like it
Well wasn't that an interesting interaction, Y/N thought to himself. That kid, Five, was quite rude, but it's okay since he was definitely considered eye candy.
Y/N laid his head back down to fall asleep before he heard a voice coming from the door. “Wake up sleepyhead! I don't need to stay at this place overtime because you decided to take a nap here.” The teacher said, rather annoyed. Y/N sighed. He quickly lifted his backpack off the ground and hauled it over his shoulder as he walked out the door, flipping the teacher off in the process.
Y/N made his way outside of the school, taking in the cool breeze before looking up to see something fall and disappear off the roof. Huh, wonder what that was. Y/N shrugged it off before heading down toward the bus. He’s still kind of surprised that the bus waits around for so long but he doesn't mind.
He boards the bus and takes his usual seat next to his friend Marcy, A short queer Hispanic girl with the cutest curls. Y/N shook around his own short curly H/C hair.
“You're lucky nobody took your spot, it was very close to being taken by another kid.” Marcy said, tilting her head toward Y/N to get a better look at his face.
“Yeah, I know. I had a weird interaction with some new kid. His name was Five?” Y/N said with minor confusion.
“Like the number? Or the Umbrella Academy kid that went missing all those years ago?” Marcy asked, matching his confusion.
“Like the number or so he said, also what?” He asked, even more confused than before. “The Umbrella Academy, that group of child superheroes controlled by that one rich billionaire down the street, Reginald Hargreaves. He passed away around a year ago, all of the children having moved out as adults while one disappeared and the other died.” Marcy told him as if she had explained it to him a hundred times before, which was probably true but he didn't care. “Oh, well that's weird.” Was all Y/N said. Honestly he was a little curious but didn't want to ask any further.
“Anyways, Five was kinda cute, and he ignored me so he's definitely my type.” Y/N said, switching the topic to a lighter subject.
“Of course, just like that little crush you had on Skyler” Marcy reminded him.
“Uh, excuse me but it's ‘have’, I still low-key have a crush on him.” Y/N corrected
“Oh my goodness Y/N-”
“What? It's true, besides have you seen him dance before? I mean I'm sure you have but come on, it is amazing.” Y/N defended. Skyler was one of his crushes from the middle of the last school year. They met when they were freshmen and Y/N fell hard but Skyler didn't feel the same so it never went anywhere. They still talk but it's not the same.
“Whatever dude, just be careful.” Marcy warned. She was just looking out for Y/N and he knew that. He knew what he was doing though. “I will, don't worry about me” Y/N said, turning to Marcy with a smile on his face.
The bus soon started up and they were heading downtown. On the way to Y/N’s house they passed by the same mansion they always did. He never really paid attention to it but now he did. There was a sign of an umbrella above the door and the words “Umbrella Academy” with the umbrella in between the two words. He would've liked to take it in some more but it soon came out of sight as they drove by.
They arrived at his house and he waved goodbye to Marcy as he left. Y/N watched as the bus drove past down the street and took a turn to the left. He sighed, dreading the moment he'd walk in there. He took a big sigh and walked up to the door, knocking before entering.
The place was its usual messy state, boxes lining the walls, dirty laundry and dog hair everywhere, beer bottles scattered around the living room to his left. Cracks and holes scattered around the wall.
Y/N quietly made his way up the stairs toward his room. He set his backpack down and slid into his rolling chair. Everything had its place and everything was in its place. There wasn't much but Y/N was okay with that. Lots of posters and random pictures from magazines scattered the wall. A little desk with its own computer setup that he saved up for. A bed with its comforter nicely tucked in on the side. As one can tell, it's a lot cleaner than the rest of the house.
Y/N stood up. He had work to do. He left his room and went down the stairs. Walked past the living room and to the kitchen. It was about as messy as the living room with bottles scattered, the sink full of dishes and cleaning rags and mysterious stains everywhere. He opened the cabinet under the sink and grabbed a thick disposal bag and closed the door.
Y/N made his way around the kitchen and living room, picking up the bottles and whatever trash was laying around and placing it in the bag. He grabbed a laundry basket and gathered up the clothes scattered across the floor. He looked to the empty spot on the couch. Y/N wondered where she was. He shrugged it off. It was better for him not to know. He finished it all off by sweeping the floor and cleaning the counters.
Y/N took a look at his work before sighing in content. Maybe he'd go out and grab something to eat. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. He made his way up the stairs to his room and changed clothes.
Y/N liked to get dressed up when he went out. So he changed out of his sweatpants and hoodie. He grabbed some baggy jeans and a band tee. He grabbed a leather jacket and put on a pair of earrings, a necklace, some rings, and his pair of circle wire sunglasses. Then he put on one of his pants chains and a pair of sneakers and ran down the stairs and out the door.
Y/N made his way down the street, crossing in the middle of traffic despite the angry honks of his fellow new yorkers. He started to turn a corner when he ran straight into somebody. The two fall to the ground and Y/N rubs his head. He opens his eyes and vaguely takes in the person in front of him and quickly blurts out “Oh my God, I am so, so sorry are you okay?”
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rosethreeart · 11 months
School of Punk Au fic :}
In which Arthur tries to make a really shitty decision and his eldest brother has to talk him out of it.
Angst :)
“Arthur, where the bloody fucking hell do you think you’re going?!” Alasdair shouted.
Arthur winced as came to a halt when he heard the sound of his eldest brother’s voice. He felt frozen in place, fear and guilt consuming his entire being. The only thing that got him to move was the harsh pull of his brother’s hand on his shoulder to make him face the other. His body, despite its stiffness, didn't fight against his forced movement.
“Arthur.” His brother said sternly.
The front porch needed to be swept, he thought to himself.
He should have worn his thick winter jacket instead of his go-to leather one. The cold breeze of winter stung his eyes. He refused to believe or acknowledge any other reason for why his eye’s were watering.
“What the hell are you thinking?” Alasdair's words felt sharp despite his soft tone. 
Arthur’s throat was tight and his hands began to shake. This wasn’t how it was supposed to play out. He wasn't supposed to get caught. He was supposed to get away, live his life in denial, and pretend he wasn’t the worst person in the world until he died old and lonely. 
Alasdair held up his shitty letter filled with even shittier excuses, “I mean, are you bloody fucking serious? You’re just going to leave? Just like that? In the middle of night no less,” He let out a sharp and bitter bark, “Honestly, I don’t know why I expected differently from you…”
“I don’t know why I— you did either…” Arthur replied in a defeated manner, ignoring that Freudian slip of the tongue. 
“What changed?” His brother asked him tiredly. 
For the first time in what felt like several days, Arthur met his brother’s eyes, “Have you seen the way she looks at me?” he let out a laugh that was much more reminiscent of a sob, “She looks at me like—like I’m everything to her…”
“Arthur, You are everything to her!” 
“That’s the bloody fucking problem!” Arthur said in hysterics, “I mean look at me! I can’t— I’m not—”
“You’re not what, Arthur?” Alasdair said exasperated.
“Good enough!” He placed his head in his hands and drew a shaky breath, before pulling them apart to frame his face, “Abigail deserves someone better than me. I mean, what the hell kind of parent could I possibly be? I’m terrified…I’m terrified of—”
“Terrified of being like our father?” Alasdair said, finishing his younger brother’s statement.
Arthur just sobbed and nodded in confirmation, “I mean, wouldn’t our lives, especially yours, be so much better if he had left? What if she ends up feeling and thinking the same thing?”
“Arthur, you're not him. You aren’t going to be like him. I can see the way you look at her. You’re right, she does look at you like you’re her everything, but you look at her the exact same way.”
Arthur’s eyes widened,”I—”
“Yeah, you can be a shithead, and prick, and an absolute idiot,” Alasdair began not bothering to hide a small smirk on his face at his youngest brother’s displeasure,”But, I know you have a good head on your shoulders. It’s selfish, but it’s good. Don’t go.”
“I don’t know what to do, Alasdair...” Arthur admitted.
For the first time in years, Alasdair had seen a look of vulnerability and fear on the younger man’s face. All of a sudden, it was like Arthur was a small child again afraid of the passing thunder storm. 
“You’ll figure something out, Arthur; you always do.” The eldest said, “but for now let’s get you back inside, you’ll catch a cold standing out there.”
Arthur nodded letting his head drop as he was shepherded back into the warmth of the house. 
A light from down the hall turned on catching both men’s attention. Another figure appeared. It was his second eldest brother, Patrick, who seemed to be holding the source of all of Arthur’s grief, stress, and joy: Abigail. 
Patrick stumbled into the living room, “What the fuckin’ hell are you arses doing?”
Before Arthur could finish an embarrassing amount of stuttered and half finished sentences, Alasdair replied nonchalantly, “Having a small chat, nothing too big of a deal.”
Arthur hid the surprise he felt, he was sure his brother would have ratted him out at a moment's notice. He also didn’t fail to notice the sound of paper crumpling from behind the older man. 
“Can’t you shitheads wait till morning?” Patrick asked, rubbing his eyes with his freehand.
Arthur lost interest and focus on the conversation that his two siblings began to hold. Instead, he looked at the small little figure resting peacefully in his brother’s arms. He didn’t bother to try to hide or prevent the silent tears that ran down his face as he reached out for the little one. Wrapping his arms around her, he brought her to the crook of his neck and held her tightly.
‘His brother was right,’ Arthur thought to himself, ‘he was an idiot’. The realization that he almost walked away from her, made him loudly sob and collapse to the floor.
 He didn’t register the fact that he was being led to the couch. He didn’t register the comforting and soothing gestures and words coming from his siblings. He didn’t register the fact that he had awoken his other brother who had come down stairs to see what the noise was about. Nor did he register the soft blanket being draped over him or the scent of tea from the cup that was placed on the coffee table in front of him. The only thing he could focus on and feel was the warmth of his daughter who, despite the commotion, continued to sleep peacefully in his shaking arms. 
An idiot he was indeed...
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fixfoxnox · 2 years
"Please ask me more about Jackson I love him sm"
I, for one, would love to hear more about Jackson (and Gaz).
I will always drop more information about Jackson and Gaz, they honestly deserve all of the love they're both so underrated
Gaz, unlike Jackson, comes from a small family. He's an only child, his parents are divorced
He has a good relationship with his parents and his parents get along pretty well still despite being divorced so they usually did like 1 Christmas together, 1 birthday, 1 new year, etc.
Realized he was queer in middle school, had his first boyfriend in highschool, hasn't really dated much since joining the military
Gaz latched onto Price within like two days of knowing him. He liked that Price didn't underestimate him, but still took the time to walk him through different things to help better him
Gaz was lowkey scared of Roach when he first met him. He hid it super well but he definitely talked to Soap about it
"His name is Roach, he managed to out cryptid Ghost, he was shot and was back up and around within like two weeks, his accent? I'm telling you he has to be a demon"
Was still somehow the first person that Roach befriended on the team. Like fully believed Roach was the devil in disguise and was still within two days like "new bff alert :)"
His love language is gift giving
Primarily he gives food, as can be seen when Roach is injured.
This is from his grandmother who used to stuff him with food when he was sick as a child. He picked it up from her
But usually he'll also pick up knick-knacks for the teams while on missions. When he Ghost, and Soap were on their mission with the bombs in Russia, he bought some cigars for Price to try from the local town and picked Roach up a little roach shaped stress ball
Sometimes he'll come back from missions with rocks to give the team because they "reminded me of you guys"
Price keeps all of the knick-knacks Gaz gets him around his office for everyone to see. Ghost has a little box he keeps his in. Soap's are usually placed on a shelf for display. Roach keeps his spread around everywhere. Some are on display others are actively being used (stress ball)
When he, Soap, and Ghost came into the cafeteria while Jackson was visiting he literally stopped right in the doorway to the cafeteria after seeing Jackson
Soap literally ran into him and he nearly face planted because he was so shook
Heart eyes on Jackson the entire night. Price is the only one who really noticed.
Jackson, hid his reaction to Gaz like a billion times better
But in his head it was essentially: "mouth falls open, eyes bulge, tongue out of mouth, panting, awooga noise"
Was flirting with Gaz all night at the bar, dropping just the worst pickup lines all night, each of which he thought was incredible
"So, Gaz, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?"
"I'm in the military??? You didn't realize?"
"Do you have a band aid? I scraped my knee falling for you?"
"I can go ask the bar tender if he has any"
"I would never play hide and seek with you, cause someone like you is hard to find"
"I am really good at hide and seek"
Gaz was literally so oblivious all night. Jackson was crying out of desperation for one of his lines to stick. Price was embarrassed for Gaz.
Gaz is just a tiny bit of a himbo sometimes, mainly when it comes to pretty guys which is exactly what Jackson is.
Its mostly okay? Because Jackson is also a himbo when it comes to pretty guys, which Gaz is
So they're just both very dumb together at all times
However when they finally to get set up on a date/work things out, they're like the cutest fuckers ever
Jackson brings/sends Gaz flowers like once a week
They're both sports guys so they Watch American/European Football together. Gaz has no idea what is going on in American football, likewise Jackson has no idea what is happening in European football. They are still both super supportive.
Jackson, after he gets his prosthetic leg, immediately swings Gaz over his shoulder to prove that he could do it
Gaz is both surprised and turned on by his boyfriends strength
Jackson was not joking to Roach when he said he would move to England for Gaz. He gets attached fast so when the team get moved to a more permanent home base in England, Jackson follows them and sets up a new gym location there.
Soap and Ghost don't realize Gaz and Jackson are dating at first so they keep seeing Jackson on base and talking to Roach. They're both jealous
They only find out when they inevitably walk in on Jackson having Gaz pressed up against any available surface kissing the hell out of him because Gaz did something adorable (so literally anything in Jackson's eyes)
Jackson gets the shovel talk from Price
Gym boyfriends
Like these two go to the gym together and flirt over the exercise equipment.
They fully take advantage of the fact that Jackson owns a gym and do private workouts together (where they actually work out don't worry)
Gaz joins one of Jackson's yoga classes at one point to "try something different"
Jackson literally has to cut class short that day cause he's so distracted and from that point on him and Gaz do private sessions together
Definitely call each other "dude" and "bro" cause they think its hilarious to call each other that then kiss
"Dude, sick rep"
"Thanks for the spot bro"
*immediately kisses the other*
Do it a lot in front of Roach because it literally makes him want to pull his hair out
"Your ass looks great today bro"
"Thanks bro"
"I literally hate both of you"
Just the cutest like most in love boyfriends on the planet (outside of the ghostroachsoap trio)
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presidentroarie · 1 year
your birthday hcs are so correct. anyways pls share your reasoning
Hey anon!! Thank you!! So, here's my reasoning:
Sophie: September 6th. Age in school gets weird when you're born just before the deadline for schools (between September and December of the current year) Even from a young age she was great at school, and so her birthday should be around the time school starts. Also, it makes some pretty good angst when she feels inadequate in Elven schooling (reassurance from Fitz pre-Sophitz/ Platonic! Sophitz)
Fitz: January 17th!! I feel like Fitz is a winter guy, and he gives me January vibes more than December or February. And the 17th is because of the Taylor Swift song I'd Lie because that song is perfect for Sophitz.
Biana: April 14th. Biana has soft springy vibes, but April also can have torrential downpour or snowy blizzards. Its a beautiful month, but it can be dangerous as well. I originally had her pegged for Valentines Day birthday, but she doesn't have February vibes in my opinion. It kinda sucks that it's not for February 14th though because I had a very specific headcannon that Sophie mentions Biana's birthday is Valentine's day and explains what it is and then Biana gloats about it.
Dex: October 30th. He's a fall boy, he has the complexion and hair and he would love going trick or treating with the gang and the triplets. Born close to Spooky Season, just on the edge of when it starts getting chilly.
Keefe: December 26th. He's cannonically 11 months younger than Fitz, so December works. Plus, Keefe gives me those December-y vibes. It just feels right.
Amy: December 23rd. I forgot Amy was younger than Sophie at first but then I decided "Screw it, I'm not following cannon to begin with, what's one more thing?" and I figured Amy being 3 days older than Keefe would be funny and then they're inseparable once they meet because they adore the other one and they have sibling energy fight me.
Maruca: March 12th. Just has them March vibes. Green, clovers, grass, sun, all very Maruca.
Stina: January 29th. I wanted her to be older than Biana and she also gives me late January/early February vibes but I was more sold on January.
Jensi: May 24th. Marlee's precious cinnamon roll sits in a field full of flowers smelling them all and petting bumblebees fIgHt Me.
Wylie: August 16th. He's got beachy vibes. Harsh sun, cool waves, brightness and sharpness.
Tam and Linh: July 18th. Very hot, night gets dark, bonfires are cool (they totally don't remind Linh of Marella, no, not at all that's ridiculous)
Marella: April 5th. I just have a vision of Marella walking in the room during Nightfall in a badass outfit and saying "April showers bring May flowers, bitches," and blowing a finger gun at Linh. (If I have a crush on any of the KotLC characters, it's Fitz and Marella)
Rayni: November 15th. From fannon, she gives me vibes of chilly air, not so much leaves changing colors anymore, they're already all on the ground, and the tree is hibernating for the long winter ahead. Harsh cold stiffled by hot chocolate and apple cider and blankets shared by friends. A little glimmer (Glimmer? Get it?) of light and warmth and love, reminiscent of little mice in their burrows. Shades of brown and tan.
Rex, Lex, and Bex: June 2nd. My chaotic little monsters. Love the water, and they love causing trouble. June is the end of the school year and it's when they get to go back to terrorizing their parents 24/7.
Honestly, I didn't have all the dates planned out except that Fitz I knew I wanted to be January 17th for reasons mentioned above and that each of the characters gave me a vibe that fit with a certain month and whether they were born early, late, or in the middle of the month their vibes fit. O didn't want to the dates to be super similar so I just picked random dates and adjusted them so they weren't all born on the 11th of their months because that's weird and is super unlikely.
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agaypanic · 1 year
okok idk how unpopular these opinions are gonna be tbh
Malcolm in the Middle: i lowkey hate craig, i think he's creepy ESPECIALLY in earlier seasons. you'd think that after your MARRIED coworker tells you that she doesn't like you back and there's no way in hell that she'd ever be with you, YOUD TAKE A FUCKING HINT. also while it's on my mind, i remember writing a reese x reader where readers is basically allison in that episode where craig gives her and reese a ride to the concert but he ends up ruining their date, but anon asked for them all to have a good time together and it was SO hard to write! bc if i had paid for concert tickets (most likely really expensive) for me and my bf and my ride purposefully made me miss the concert because he had a "better" plan for "our" date, i would've blown up the car
Malcolm in the Middle: i honestly didn't like the series finale. the only endings i really agreed with were malcolm's and francis' (malcolm was totally meant to go to harvard by any means necessary, even if it meant working a million jobs between classes to cover that tuition. and although he's probably still a bit of a menace, i love that francis got his act together and got a steady job). i think reese deserved a better ending, i think he could've had a really good culinary career instead of being the janitor at his high school. and i know it was probably for a gag/twist ending but i don't like that they made lois pregnant again. GIVE THE WOMAN A BREAK!!
The Naturals: i've made tiktoks about this (which yall don't know about bc you dont know me outside of this platform teehee) but i hate the way lia treats cassie. sure she got kinda better at the VERY end of the SERIES (4 books). but imagine your mom has been missing and presumed murdered for YEARS and (spoliers for books 3-4 teehee) finally the police find her body but it's not actually her and then you find out your mom is actually alive and a captive/prophet for this murder cult AND THAT YOU HAVE A SISTER THAT WAS CONCEIVED INSIDE THAT CULT. NOW imagine that while you're going through all these events, some bitch keeps telling you to keep that shit to yourself bc other people in the group are having more pressing issues and that the group is at problem capacity. BITCH ALL OF YOU HAVE ISSUES, INSTEAD OF WORKING FOR THE FBI YOU SHOULD GO TO THERAPY
Charlie's Angels: im a really big fan of the 2000's charlies angels movies but was a bit disappointed when i watched the 2019 one. dont get me wrong, its good. i just kinda wished there was some more callbacks to the 2000s movies. like imagine my disappointment when the new charlie wasn't revealed to be dylan (which would've given her character a good ending bc dylan couldn't imagine herself leaving the angels, it would make SO much sense if she ended up heading the agency. even making her a bosley would've been good)
That 70s Show: this isn't really that unpopular but the last season honestly sucked. drew gooden made a pretty good video talking about it (i love drew gooden ugh). imo, moving to africa and then breaking up with donna made no sense for eric's character. especially after donna dropped out of college to stay in point place with him! hyde and jackie breaking up? horrible. jackie and fez getting together? why???? (also the timeline for that 70s show makes no sense at all. theres this channel that did a kinda indepth vid on it and tried pinpointing when the show actually would've ended based on the episodes (mainly the holiday episodes, i think making the holiday specials really screwed over the overall timeline))
i cant think of any more opinions teehee
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johannestevans · 1 year
Do you have any experiences you feel comfortable sharing around realizing through self dx and/or prof diagnosis being adhd and/or autistic? i have a strong suspicion i have both or one, but the symptoms make it hard to actually do some substantial research to come to an actual conclusion.
Honestly, I've know since as long as i remember that something was 'up' but my kid logic was just like 'ohhhhh if i watch enough people, ill do it just like they do, i wouldn't be different anymore :))' but whoop who would have guessed you cant logic your way out of feelings, or symptoms or disability. like i kinda stalled facing the fact by just saying; 'oh im neurodivergent but ill be undiagnosed out of respect that's good enough for me'.
But finally finishing school and talking to peers outside of school made me realize that what's 'up' with me hasn't been alleviated or fixed. that all the stress of being different hasn't faded. that i just learned to manage it to survive. that maybe an even more uncomfortable fact, that i wasn't even managing it WELL and the people around me knew the teachers knew but i was black and a 'girl' so they'd just treat me like i was lazy or didn't want to learn or i just wasn't intelligent enough to learn. did i have a difficult home life? was there a reason i wouldn't finish assignments? why id act out? why i'd always avoid eye contact? nope this kid didn't finish the assignment/is fidgeting/is RUDE, and they'd send me to the hallway and id try not to breakdown. wash rinse repeat until the end of the year and suddenly the teach was so warm and so happy to have taught you!
Nothing changes i made it though elementary, middle and high school and i didn't get a badge or pat on the back just the worst burnout at 18. i held out so much hope that oh ill work it all out and school will someday be a breeze. id just been holding onto a pipe dream for 12 years.
so when i type in "tips for keeping a tidy room"...."for adhd" or "are binders uncomfortable for people with sensory issues?" or "binder for sensory issues" and these all come up with answers that actually speak to me, i kind of start reeling! Dude this shop from singapore i ordered from sent me a binder no sensory issues, perfect fit! after trying multiple bras cuz 'binding is uncomfortable' but this binder man no chest dysphoria, all the comfort that people would signal to me whenever id say "ugh bras are uncomfortable right?"
the cold authority figures i had as a kid don't deal with the fallout of 12 years of shame and discomfort with next to no explanation. but you cant really pin it on someone. its all the culmination of systemic '-isms'. THAT's hard to make peace with.
so ill finally admit that "ill just be undiagnosed out of respect :)" is just internalized ableism. that a lot of what i thought about myself was just internalized ableism. ill give every other person the benefit of the doubt regardless of professional diagnosis status, why don't i afford myself that same compassion the answer is obviously internalized ableism now that i write it out. but I've got to heal everybody does.
But damn if healing isn't bitter! medicine that can only be sweetened up with artificial strawberry, lest it loses its potency. so ill take the first step and round back to the beginning of what i was saying;
hey! pursuing a professional diagnosis as a black, young,trans person in the us south is daunting. do you have any autism and/or adhd self dx resources, neurodivergency resources or have any anecdotes about living with both that are fun i never hear about enough fun ppl have! anything would be helpful!
Hey there!
My experiences were pretty wild, honestly, I wasn't diagnosed through school and university even though I was a pretty classic case, and then I did pursue my Dx as an adult a few years ago.
It was pretty expensive, and because I'm self-employed and set my own hours that are quite intuitive and based off of my own needs and limits, I actually found that the medication I was prescribed made my workload harder to handle.
It's not that the medications for ADHD are bad - if I ever go back to university or enter more traditional employment again, I do want to keep meds in mind as an option - but that they're really intended to get you focused and adjusted for a 9 to 5 or other traditional job structure, and that's just not what my life looks like.
I will say that like...
It's not that a diagnosis is bad, but I actually do have some concerns about it in terms of receiving medical care - some bigoted doctors use ADHD and autism diagnoses as a reason to withhold medical care or otherwise to deny healthcare and assistance; some countries actually stipulate in their immigration policies that a condition like autism will negatively impact your ability to immigrate there.
If you want to try medication and you feel like you need it, official diagnosis might be a good route for you, but if you don't want medication, official diagnosis might be a hindrance as much as it could be a help.
There's nothing wrong or bad about having a diagnosis, what I'm saying is more that like... If you have ADHD or autism, then you have it whether a doctor agrees or not. You only need that doctor's piece of paper if you want to seek out medical treatment - lots of people seek out other resources while being self-diagnosed, especially because seeking out clinical diagnosis can be so expensive, and you can avail of any online resources without being "officially" ADHD or autistic, you know?
I don't have a huge amount of resources, but a few recs I have are:
ADHD Alien's comics - Pina's comics are very cute and I find a lot of them very relatable, but they almost always also have resources linked in the replies by Pina themselves or somebody else, specifically for the issue addressed in each comic.
HowToADHD - Jessica's videos are really comprehensive and go through a lot of ADHD experiences from different angles, especially looking at the day-to-day issues of the workplace or the domestic sphere with lots of little tips!
I was on Jeremy Sachs and Katherine Cox's podcast this month with my friend Ashleigh Wilder, and we talked about the impact of autism and trauma, which might be helpful. Ashleigh is an actor and poet, but he's got a background in psych, and they post a lot of resources around autism and other neurodivergence like OCD.
Healing sucks big time, and it takes a lot of time to unpack a lot of that internalised pain and fear - and also just like... recognising the things in you which might be to do with neurodivergent traits, and realising you can seek out resources or things to make your life easier.
It's a long journey for any of us, but I wish you luck, and I hope some of these resources make it easier to seek out more!
In general, I would absolutely remind you to always tack on "for adults" when searching for a lot of resources, simply because so many of them assume ADHD is a kid's condition and a kid's concern.
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sillybabybear · 9 months
🍓 tw // eensie weensie slight death mention
💐 ChuckleTrio // tagged with 🥪༘ ChuckleWriting
🍧 reader details // gn minor reader, child of 🥪!Ted
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You were the child of the once infamous Ted Nivison, and despite his violent reputation, you had no qualms with this. Your father and mother treated you well and gave you a good life. Your childhood was fairly normal and honestly idyllic. You knew of your father's past being a dark one which he didn't discuss, and that was fine by you. All you knew was that once he was bad, but now? He was a fantasic father. And you loved him all the same. As far back as your memory would allow, though, you'd never been alone. In dreams and in daily life, an unfamiliar face would show itself, seemingly accompanying you constantly. Your father, at your young age, wrote this off as an imaginary friend.
"Why, kids your age have imaginary friends all the time, kiddo! It's nothing to worry about! Does he have a name?" Your response, sounding more lighthearted now that you'd been assured of your normalcy, was "Charlie! He says his name is Charlie!!"
The familiar name sent a subtle shiver down Ted's spine, but he hid it from you. That night, he texted Schlatt, who was on a similar, reformed path.
"Hey Schlatt..?" he quickly typed, requesting to call, slightly frantic. He'd been keeping this down all day, yet he had a sneaking suspicion there was more to this. Schlatt disagreed, reassuring him, "Ted, it's nothin'. Yer just paranoid. Charlie's been gone for years now. 's a common name, yeah? Its not like he's hauntin' yer kid or somethin'!" Ted heard this comforting rationalization and agreed, and the two mostly never spoke of the ordeal beyond a passing mention as an in-joke.
Charlie, though? He had other plans. All of a sudden, the imaginary friend went from primary school, to elementary. Then, Middle. And...high school. You were also painfully aware of how unusual such a thing was. And so you never mentioned it to you parents, or friends, or...anybody.
"Y/N!" Charlie exclaimed, turning to face you. The light of your laptop was bright against his face. Your eyes shifted from the heavy textbook in front of you to look and see what had him calling for you, and you questioned if he had found anything useful. Hey, this may be odd, but he helped you with homework, so you're not complaining!
"Yeah, check it out." He said, highlighting a specific paragraph. You thanked him and took notes, marking the website for future reference. "No problem, kid! What can I say, im the best in the business."
"Sweetie, Dinner's ready!" Called a blissfully unaware Ted from the kitchen, prompting you to stand up.
"Sorry Charlie, I gotta go." you said, and he responded with a begrudging sigh. "Okay, okay...I'll see you in a bit, then."
"See you, Charles!" And with that, you were off to Dinner, leaving Charlie to think over his current dilemma which he always found his mind wandering to when he was left unattended.
Would he ever be able to pass on..?
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Hey, if you read this far, thanks bunches! I dont really write on tumblr, this is my first time! I hope it turned out okay, and sorry for the length, i dunno how to do them fancy cut off things i see other folks doin!! If you have any (polite) tips on writing or formatting, please let me know!! have a nice day/night, ya'll! (also i may do a sequel if i feel the need/its requested)
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
It's honestly so weird seeing people insisting Mark somehow ruined TSatS, because I kind of had the exact opposite experience? The Tartarus flashback (which apparently was written predominantly by Mark, which I called) shot my expectations for the parts of the story after they got there into the stratosphere! It felt dark and real and dangerous, Tartarus really gave off the sense of a place that (as of TSatS) only four people in all of human history has ever survived, Nemesis's unasked for assistance feels like she actually has been keeping an eye on Nico for reasons as-of-yet unknown (and actually fits into the established lore because they remembered to say that Nico did have some pomegranate seeds already as established in HoO, every moment of consistent lore in the Riordanverse is a gift to be treasured), Nico's mounting dehydration as he drags himself through Tartarus until he's finally desperate enough to drink from the Phlegethon feels genuinely urgent, the meeting with Nyx and Hypnos is deeply intimidating (while still maintaining its moments of levity without killing the mood or turning any characters who are supposed to be huge threats into jokes! The bit where they solicit Nico's opinion on Ephialtes's nickname despite him being their captive actually did get a laugh out of me, but the switch back to serious with the Mansion of Night didn't feel forced or accidentally jarring!), everything is set up so well to lead into some grander plan... and then when we meet Nyx again in the main story she doesn't match up and the plan that was built up so well in the flashback is just kinda dumb. It might actually have been a mistake letting Mark take point for the flashback but not the main Tartarus section, because going back to Rick's jokier style (which isn't a bad style for a middle school author but maybe isn't the best fit for Tartarus) is a huge letdown. ...I mean, I'm well aware that I'm not the target audience for this book and it's possible that Rick's style resonates better with the actual target audience than Mark's does. But hey, the people bitching about Mark "ruining" it aren't the target audience either.
I wonder if part of it is that Mark writes YA as well as middle grade novels? Rick consistently shies away from the darker elements of the Greek myths (which to be clear isn't a bad thing, very important to remember that 20-somethings are not the target audience so me finding it frustrating that he keeps almost getting into the good dark shit says nothing about the quality of his books as middle grade novels); it makes sense that a YA author would be more willing to lean into that.
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
I know you asked about the favorite fic question a while ago. But we shall call this fashionably late!
I’ve always got a sweet spot for the Octavinelle bunch! I was the one who requested the wind up toy one and Azul’s first words.
My favorite pieces are Octavinelle 3 and Savanaclaw, Scarabia, and Pomefiore 1. Honestly I couldn’t tell you how much I read them over the span of a couple of months. It was like a nightly ritual. I’m not sure what it was about those but I’d give them a quick read before bed and be immensely satisfied.
And a new favorite addition is the windup toy one. I love how you described Floyd more as observant in that one. And every time you described one of em punching the frog I imagined a peacock mantis shrimp punches. I can so vividly see the sand being scuffled about.
I’d have to say you’re like the famous last bite of a meal. Or a tart pastry! You don’t over sugar your stuff and I love ya for it! In fact you’ve become the only way I’ve been reading fluff nowadays and am eager to see more constantly! Which is so weird cause I’m an angst reader/writer 100%.
I really admire your short formatting of writing. At first I’ll admit I always wanted more but then I thought to myself what else could there possibly be to add? Thus I discovered your talent for endings! As you can tell from this long message, I always write a bunch so seeing impactful short stuff “by my standards”, will help with that issue I hope.
And lastly I really like how the caretaker can either be their own character or a self insert! I’d never go on any trips with Vargas yet here I am giving a pat on the back to caretaker and telling em good luck! Or how while I’m not the most avid Silver or Kalim enjoyer sometimes I’m like ok caretaker gimme the wheel again I think I’m starting to “L word” them a little more. Also nicknaming the Octavinelle bunch “little shits” is always super homey to me and it feels so right!
This is just a long winded thank you for what you’ve written thus far! I really enjoy everything you put out. And I can’t wait to breach into your oc blog. If you love angst I’m a great supplier in requests!- Signed yours truly Frosty!~
No need to worry, there isn't a due date to any of it and I'm always welcoming to such essays spouting what your favorites might be! It cheers me up no matter how late they may be.
I certainly do love messing around with the Octavinelle group as one of my family members actually used to take care of fish. I loved feeding them and just watching them swim from one end of the tank to the other. While, by all means, they're not your standard fish, it's still fun to sneak in a little fun fact about aquatic life when I can.
Actually, back in the middle of my high school years, I used to write rather long winded myself, as a result of all the old novels I would read that would have such a writing style.
Example from one of my oooooold pieces of writing down below, regarding a Church Grim.
It didn't make any noise whatsoever. It didn't leave footprints in the soft grass, or even a lingering stench on the tree's bark to indicate it might be something of this living world. But, there was nothing to remember it by, beside those angry red eyes that would shift into sight from under its smoking plume of black. It would take a glance at you, and you would stare back into it. Then it would be gone by letting its form be embraced by the shadows created from leafy tree branches. You can see it again through the lush trees blanketed by the cloudy purple night. You watched it float through the flower garden without a purpose, much like a piece of paper in the wind, shifting from one place to another in an effortless glide.
Well, actually I can still write like this, but it's not a writing style tailored for my decaying attention span. I have to be in a certain mood to really get into it. But yeah, I preserve this style specifically for horror writing and professional novel writing.
And yes the self insert certainly has a personality that it won't match your actions word for word, as the reader insert is a character, a part of the narrative, so they must have some amount of agency to keep the story going less they become replaceable with a lampshade or camera.
So, instead of going down the route of keeping the reader insert as blank as possible, might as well give them a personality that people will remember. Every time I write about the Caretaker, I feel like a little unseen ghost looking over their shoulder, just wondering what they'll do next.
Thank you Frosty for taking the time to write all that to me. It really cheers me up while I'm laying in bed, under mountains of blankets.
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6, 11, and 12 for the book ask game? also hii cath hope you're doing well <33
6. what books have you read in the last month?
Oooh! Okay, I read and LOVED the two books that are out so far of the Supernatural Investigations (Amari) series. It was SUCH a fun middle grade fantasy, and honestly reminded me of KotLC in all the best ways, but with all of its own fun too. Highly recommend!!
I also finished the Newpointe 911 series, which is like... Christian murder mysteries? And I generally liked those, but sometimes they're. mmm.. a bit conservative evangelical for my taste.
And then I read a couple of books I picked up at the library because they looked interesting! The first was The Troubled Girls of Dragomir Academy, which I ended up loving; another middle grade fantasy with some really neat characters. It was a little slow at times, but the themes paid off. My only real complaint about it is, sadly, there are no dragons, and the title made me think there would be dragons. :( And the second was Promposal, which has a GORGEOUS design, but ended up not super being my thing. I'm not that into like. modern teen romances, and I also didn't think it was brilliantly written. But it was still fun!
11. what non-fiction books do you like if any?
It's not what I gravitate towards, but I've definitely loved some nonfiction. My favorites are story-like, like The Hiding Place and What Is a Girl Worth?, which are both SO incredibly good. I also love Stephen King's On Writing; I have a quote from it saved in my notes app, that goes:
I have never hesitated to ask myself, either before starting the second draft of a book or while stuck for an idea in the first draft, just what it is I'm writing about, why I'm spending the time when I could be playing my guitar or riding my motorcycle, what got my nose down to the grindstone in the first place and then kept it there. The answer doesn't always come right away, but there usually is one, and it's usually not too hard to find, either.
12. did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings?
Honestly, not a lot? because even if I did like a book, it was kind of overshadowed by the required fast pace of reading it and all. But there are a couple I remember liking in middle school, including the above mentioned The Hiding Place, as well as Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice (though, that one is hard for me to grapple with these days because of the antisemitism). And actually, if we go all the way back to elementary school, I remember reading The Giver (I think in sixth grade) and The Witch of Blackbird Pond (I think in fifth grade) and liking both.
ask game; my ask box
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just-the-cool-page · 1 year
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pen15 - Any introductory description will be... awkward and insufficient. It is awkward, the show, I mean. Watching it is awkward. Telling someone that you've watched it is awkward. Trying to explain why the show is worthwhile, despite the unavoidable and completely appropriate misgivings... awkward. It must be awkward no matter what age or gender you are. Every article seems to use the show's conceit as a way to avoid talking about the problems of carrying through with that conceit. I don't even know if I want to get into it, now that I've decided to talk about this show, but the two main (13 year old) characters are played by its creators, actors who are in their early 30s. Their friends are played by young teenagers, mostly from about 13-17. The difficult part is that their love interests are mostly teenagers as well. Kissing scenes are few, but significant. Viewers have probably had mixed feelings, discomfort, and worry over these scenes. Are... those women kissing... adolescents? As if they're both adolescents? Then in comes the research. The kissing scenes all used adult doubles, or the love interest was over 18. Ok, we still don't feel totally cool. And the "love scene" in the final episode? OK, adult actors. Who are very convincingly playing a thirteen year old girl and a fifteen (or sixteen?) year old boy. The sketchy age play does add to the overall, relentless feelings of "Oh no, this isn't okay."
Technically, nothing illegal happened on set, of course. Within the story, are there any crimes committed? Egging someone's house (not exactly, but you'll see. Please do see that part) might be the only crime. There are no assaults. But so much of it does feel wrong. And I can't say that feeling could have been accomplished any other way. Sure, we know, our at least say, that good art will make us uncomfortable. Great art will also comfort us. "But that's not- - what's going on with the audience isn't really the same thing as what's going on with the characters. It's different." True. Exactly. That's the "hidden" conceit. And it's one you'll find in a lot of great art, such as immersive installations. There's no way for an image or thousands of images (such as in a film) to make us feel the same complex feelings that are portrayed or captured on screen. Our feelings about something aren't the same as what's happening within that that thing, that work were being shown. But if we're pushed or drawn into parallel with it, one tension is replaced by a much more difficult one. But more effective. Possibly. Probably. Maybe, I dunno. What do you think?
No, I'm probably not covering new ground, but like being 13, we've got to sort out the very difficult things ourselves. What age is it okay to do certain things? How do I figure out how to do something I can't talk to anybody about? Are my body parts normal? Will anybody ever love any part of me for real? Now consider how many of those questions either come back again or never really go away.
"When will I be able to just run away, grow up, and not feel like this anymore?"
Aren't parts of ourselves still in middle school in some way or another? Often, this is honestly due to various levels of trauma. In 7th grade, my (only) best friend left school due to mental illness severe enough to put him into residential care. And I say "my only best friend" because I can't think of anyone I've known since then who would call me that. I didn't kiss anyone during middle school, or high school for that matter. So a part of me will probably always feel that level of alone. Middle school was decades ago. I guess, seeing best friends who are that committed to each other is bittersweet. If I spend all day with anyone now, I'll get sick to hell of them. But what if that kind of connection isn't actually impossible? This is where the more positive, and even comforting, aspects of the show come in. "Another show about friendship" wouldn't have gone far, or anywhere really, without taking us into the depths of these characters' weird, yet ordinary lives.
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