#honesty or lack of honesty hmm
raayllum · 7 months
like the thing about callum is that like he can be ruthless / impatient / brutal but part of his intensity means he's going to be way better at successfully threatening someone than actually manipulating them, y'know?
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carpbread0 · 6 months
NPC Life is the best
(Genshin Impact x gn reader - sagau)
(second person pov)
part5 —> part6
The light from the morning sun trickles between the cracks of the drawn curtains, waking you from your deep slumber. That was probably the best sleep you’ve gotten in ages! Must’ve been from all the walking you did the day prior. Glancing over at the well made bed stand, you remember that you were currently in the hospitality of Mr. Diluc himself. Slipping out of bed, you go into the restroom to start your day.
After cleaning yourself and dressing into your now clean clothing that Adeline had magically made shiny, you stretch with a satisfied smile as your appearance was put together one more.
you grab your magical bag and slip on your shoes before heading out the door. When you finally reach the first floor, you can tell that there is a presence lacking inside the manor. Turning around you see Adeline and another maid talking amongst themselves. Curious, you approach them.
“is somthing wrong?” You ask Adeline curiously.
“no no, everything is fine. Master Diluc is out on a short trip to Springvale so if you’d like to talk to him in person you’ll have to wait for a bit” Adeline kindly informs you. “Do you need to speak with him?”
shaking your head you sheepishly reply “not really, I just wanted to thank him again for allowing me to stay at dawn winery. But seeing as though he’s busy right now, I’ll just leave him a thank you note.”
Adeline smiles in agreement before going over to the small desk placed on the left wing of the manor. Returning, she hands you a piece of paper, a quill, and a small bottle of ink.
thanking Adeline quietly, you bring your supplies to the dinner table at the center of the living room. After a bit of thinking you finally finish drafting up your short thank you note.
dear Diluc,
thank you for your hospitality and kindness. I know it won’t be everyday that I get treated so nicely, so I’m happy to say that yesterday was great! Please remember to take care of yourself, and don’t forget to get lots of sleep.
from Y/n.
smiling with pride , you leave your amazingly written note with Adeline who promises to get it to Diluc as soon as he is home. after thanking Adeline for her hospitality, you step out of the manor to the crisp air of grapes and nature. Hmm where to next?
if you want to follow the story it would be, Mondstadt to Liyue, Liyue to Inazuma, Inazuma to Sumeru, and Sumeru to Fontaine. Tapping your bag lightly, you decide to just follow the traveler’s path since you’ll at least know your way through that.
the sun has risen but it is still early in the morning which means you might get to wangshu inn before nightfall. Might. Though you are an adult, your fear of the dark has never really gone away. Before hand, you were in the lit city of Mondstadt and after that you were in the protection of the Darknight Hero. So in all honesty, you’ve never truly walked alone at night in this world before.
shivering slightly at the thought, you push those thoughts at the back of your mind as you begin walking down the path to Stone Gate.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
After a calm walk you spot the towering mountains and find yourself finally at stone gate! Smiling with new found energy, you make your way down to the wooden platform housing a small tea stall and other such things. Your eyes graze over the tea menu as you make your way down the wooden steps and back onto the gravely path. Although you know that the small tea stall was made for travelers to rest at, it was quite hard to forget your tight time schedule.
the sun had slightly shifted its position to one that seems to resemble a little over mid day and that was enough of a reason for you to quicken your steps. There could be slimes blocking the path or treasure hunters lurking the area to steal anyone’s goods.. that uncertainty made it your quickening steps all the more reasonable.
You find yourself drawn to the scenery of things but quickly remind yourself of the important task at hand. Your speedy feet manage to get you to dihua marsh quite quickly and you decide to give it a quick stop to admire the statue of the seven. Wiping away a little sweat that had accumulated on your forehead, you step up the aged stone steps to come face to face with the statue of Liyue’s beloved deity. Well, former deity but you get the point. It’s a wonder to you how people don’t see the striking resemblance between Zhongli and the human statue of Rex Lapis.
The stone of the statue looked so smooth and the features of Rex Lapis and um his rock hard abs were very captivating. What would happen if you touched a statue of the seven? Would you get powers like the traveler or would you alert the archon about you presence.. those 50/50 odds were not one you wanted to test so you decided to keep your hands from grazing the smooth stone.
Stepping back onto path you can’t help but feel a pair of watching eyes staring at you. Looking around you find nothing but the sound of chirping birds and playful slimes that for some reason aren’t bothered by your presence. maybe it was just your paranoia.
warily turning back to the path you find your steps to be more careful than they were before. The little voice in your head tells you that there is someone there, someone watching. But you tell yourself to be unbothered by the invisible gaze as you continue down the path.
another hour has passed and it seems that your fretting was for naught as the sun still looms in the sky when you approach the magnificent Wangshu Inn! You didn’t think it be such a game changer to see the tree building in person but seeing it as it is now is surly something to put on a bucket list. You finally let loose as the bustling sounds of people wandering about brings you the relaxing thought that you are no longer alone.
Stepping onto the wooden deck at the foot of Wangshu inn, you look around to see many tables, crates, and small stalls dotting the area. The smell of Liyue cuisine brought a smile to your face and a low groan from your belly. Right.. you hadn’t eaten since yesterday and now with the delicious smells wafting in the air you would understand your stomach’s impatience.
plopping down at a bamboo table set up for guests and diners, you look at the menu with wonder. Shrimp sounds good.. ooo but so does bamboo shoot soup.. mmm and crab sounds delicious.. too many to choose!
you continue looking at the menu before deciding to order the stir fry shrimp and almond tofu. After your waiter jots down your order you find yourself able to look around at the scenery. Calming waters, pretty trees, yellow plains, and green mountains drew the scenery. You never thought you’d be able to see a thing like this, but here you are.
as you stay lost in thought looking at the peaceful scenery, a graceful figure quietly approaches you.
“May I sit here?”
_____________________________ taglist thingy
@eliciana @kbar1013 @vianitry @iruiji @theunderneath @avalordream @juuuuuj101010
school 😔
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k2padfoot · 8 months
Eddie Munson x Y/n
summary: when your mind is plagued by bad thoughts Eddie wants nothing more than to comfort and reassure you just how perfect you really are. best friends to lovers.
warnings: TW. body shaming, mentions of anorexia, smoking, self loathing, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff. SMUT!! (unprotected sex).
A/N: this fic is based on my own experience of skinny shaming. i don’t think a lot of people realize how hurtful it really is to be shamed in any way about your body. please be understanding and kind, all bodies are beautiful! also this is my first time writing smut so i hope y’all like it!!
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“She’s so skinny it’s gross.”
“Look at her chicken legs.”
“Does she even eat anything?”
“She looks anorexic.”
“Isn’t she eighteen? She literally looks twelve.”
When your ears caught echo of the painful words from the girls behind you, you abandoned your lunch tray, it’s contents untouched on the table. A rush of emotion had you swiftly leaving the cafeteria, seeking solace beyond its walls.
It's not as if the whispers were unfamiliar to you. They’ve been a haunting refrain since childhood, but with the passing of time their intensity swelled, casting a darker shadow over you.
You harbored a self-loathing, a visual disdain to your own reflection, fueled by the relentless comparison to every other girl in school. Your legs seemed too slender, arms too skinny, lacking in curves, and a chest that barley made its presence known.
You found yourself walking into the woods and taking a seat at the aging picnic table nestled in the clearing. As you settled onto its weathered surface you allowed your head to fall into your hands while the tears began to flow.
The cascade of tears persisted, blurring your perception of the world around you, but the subtle sound of someone settling into the seat across from you reached your ears.
Aware that it was none other than your best friend, Eddie Munson, you didn’t have the courage to lift your gaze and meet his eyes.
You felt his comforting touch on your wrist as he delicately withdrew your trembling hands from your face, his voice laced with genuine concern, “What’s wrong sweetheart?”
Your gaze barley rose to meet his, and the tears that welled in your eyes tugged at the strings of Eddie’s heart.
A fractured sigh escaped your lips, “You know just the perfect little cheerleaders spitting insults at me like usual.” You remarked with a scoff, a touch of bitterness in your voice.
A wave of distress swept over Eddie, unsettled by your words. “I’m sorry sweetheart. They’re just a bunch of preppy assholes, I know how shitty it feels to be the focal point of their laughs but you don’t deserve that. How can I help?”
In the quiet recess of your mind you considered a little temporary solution. “Hmm, you got a joint on you by any chance?”
A sly grin splayed on his lips, “Of course I do.” He quickly reached into his backpack pulling one out and sparking the end, “Don’t go anywhere without one.” Your eyes were glued to his lips as he took the joint into his mouth and slowly exhaled the smoke.
You finally broke the unyielding hold of your gaze when Eddie passed you the joint, taking it in between your lips and drawing in the smoke, Eddie couldn’t help but stare at the way it left your lips.
After the joint was passed back and forth until it was no longer burning you began to gather your things.
“You going home?” Eddie asked as he started to get up from the table.
“Yeah, don’t really feel up to going back to class.” You said, following his actions standing up and swinging your bag over your shoulder.
“Okay, I’ll join you.”
A rough sigh left your lips, “No Eddie, you have to go back to class if you want to graduate this year. I’ll be fine, seriously don’t worry about it.”
Eddie was hesitant to leave, in all honesty he just wants to take you home and tell you how beautiful you are, but he knows he can’t. “If you’re sure.” He said.
“I am Eddie, I’ll see you later tonight okay? Now get back to class.” You teased and he nodded before turning around, reluctance lingering in his every step away from you.
Eddie Munson found himself entangled in an enchantment with you, a feeling reciprocated by your own infatuation of him. However, the unspoken truth hung in the air, an uncharted territory where vulnerability loomed, both fearing to confess thinking the other might not feel the same.
Eddie hurried out of Hellfire in anticipation to get to your house. It was a movie night just like every Friday night, and in the wake of todays events, Eddie felt an undeniable urge to make this night special for you. To get your mind off of the harsh realities of the day. So he stopped at the general store grabbing all of your favorite snacks and picked up one of your favorite horror films from family video, A Nightmare on Elm Street.
When Eddie pulled into your driveway he was confused to see no lights on, he knew your parents were out of town but not even your bedroom light was on. Eddie jumped out of the van and hurried to the door, he knew you were home because your car was in the driveway so with his hands full of snacks he knocked a few times.
After the fourth unanswered knock, he hesitated briefly before cautiously turning the doorknob, and to his surprise it was unlocked.
Venturing into the dimly lit living area, he called out your name, the echoes of his voice fading into an unsettling silence. He continued on through the house making his way upstairs to your bedroom. As he reached your bedroom, Eddie’s worry intensified at the absence of your presence.
In that moment a delicate murmur of hushed sniffles reached his ears coming from the direction of your bathroom.
As he got closer he could hear the sobs racking through your body resonating through the closed door like a haunted melody.
Slowly as to not startle you he eased the door open revealing a sight that sent a shiver through him. There you were, a fragile silhouette against the wall, your form cradled by the floor. Knees drawn close, hands entwined in strands of your hair, and your face pressed against the haven of your legs. 
“Y-Y/n?” Eddie's voice, a gentle whisper, faltered as he knelt before you. "Sweetheart, I'm here.” He uttered, his warm hands finding solace on the curve of your knees.
At the sudden awareness of his presence, your head snapped upward, revealing your puffy red-rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks. Your words struggled to escape, “Shit, I-I forgot you were coming over, I’m sorry.” A wave of guilt and embarrassment draped over you as you let your head fall back to your knees and your fingers grip into your hair.
“Princess, please stop pulling at that beautiful hair of yours.” Eddie’s gentle touch eased your hands from your head. “Can you look at me?” He whispered, delicately lifting your chin, his eyes searching the depths of your own.
“Talk to me sweetheart, tell me what’s bothering you.” His soft voice accompanied the feather-light dance of his thumb along the curve of your cheek.
A pause hung in the air as more tears fell from your eyes. “I-I hate my body. I hate the way I’m so fucking skinny compared to all the beautiful girls at school. I wish that I didn’t look like this, it’s disgusting!”
A heavy ache settled in his chest as he looked at you with sad eyes. “Don’t say that, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen Y/n.” His words softly spilled.
He smiled gently, fingers softly sweeping to push aside a stray hair from your face, his touch lingering there for a moment. “Yeah, to me your perfect.”
Once more, you lowered your head, “Eddie—
“Stop, just listen to me for a second.” Again, he tenderly lifted your chin coaxing your eyes to meet his. “The first time I saw you, you took my breath away. Everything about you is so captivating, every facet of your being mesmerized me. From your striking eyes, to your infectious smile, the tiny little freckles like constellations on your skin. To the curves of your hips, and the shape of your thighs like a dance of contours, God you are just so beautiful Y/n.”
In that instant, your eyes welled up with tears stirred by his unexpected honesty. Caught in the shock of the moment, you instinctively surged forward bridging the gap as your lips met his in a tender, unexpected embrace.
Initially catching Eddie off guard, the awareness finally dawned on him that your lips had found his, instantly melting into the kiss. His hands ascended, gently cradling your face, while you fervently grasped at his soft locks. You both felt a whirlwind of sensations as neither of you had the intention to stop, yet the necessity for a breath of air became an undeniable plea.
As you reluctantly pulled away, a glistening thread of your mixed saliva separated your entwined lips. In that lingering moment you exchanged an intense gaze full of unspoken emotions.
“W-Wow, I’ve been waiting forever to do that.” He admitted, a warm smile splayed across his lips that was woven with threads of love.
You couldn’t help the flutter of butterflies in your stomach, and the undeniable love swelling within your chest. “Me too.”
“Good, I’ve always liked you I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship incase you didn’t feel the same way about me.” He told you.
You let out a light hearted giggle, “Well that’s ridiculous isn’t it, because I’ve had feelings for you for years now.”
A curious frown etched across his brow, “So you’re saying you could’ve been mine all along?”
“Yes, because I’ve always been yours Eddie. I think we’ve wasted some serious time tiptoeing around our feelings for each other.” You let out a playful laugh.
“Well we don’t have to waste time anymore, do we?” Eddie said, his lips turning into a cunning grin.
You had to squeeze your thighs together when your eyes caught the bulge forming in his jeans. “Well, I-I guess you’re right.”
He roughly planted his lips on yours in a needy manner, swiftly pulling you to your feet and tugging you flush against his chest. His hands were exploring all over your body as he gently guided you towards your bedroom.
He softly tossed you onto the bed before reconnecting your lips in a desperate manner. “So beautiful.” Eddie muttered between kisses before his lips trailed to your neck and then to your ear. When he placed a gentle bite to your ear a hushed moan escaped your lips.
After placing a few more marks on your neck he drew himself back, his hands reaching for the hem of your t-shirt.
“W-wait!” you hastily rose your voice.
Eddie’s eyes went wide with fear, “I-I’m sorry, did I do something wrong? Is this too much?”
“No! No, it’s just— I don’t want you to be disappointed.” A sad frown cast upon your face as you looked down to your hands.
“Disappointed? Baby I could never be disappointed by you. Please, let me show you how truly beautiful I think you are.” Eddie pleaded with you, his hands gliding softly up your arms until they reached your cheeks, gently cradling your face to meet his gaze.
You hesitated for a moment but you trust Eddie, and his earlier words echoed in the chambers of your mind reassuring your decision to trust him. “O-Okay, you can take it off.”
Gently Eddie pulled off your shirt and you instinctively wrapped your arms around your chest as to conceal yourself.
“Hey, don’t do that sweetheart, I want to see all of your beauty.” His gentle words resonated as he reached for your arms, slowly encouraging them away from the protective fortress of your chest.
“See, you’re gorgeous baby. Is it okay if I take this off?” He gestured to your lacy pink bra and you tentatively nodded.
The clasp of your bra broke free and Eddie took this chance to take the rest of it off, “Fuck.” He let out a hushed breath as he took in the sight of your bare chest. “So fucking perfect.” He muttered through sloppy kisses down your neck until he reached your breast. Without warning he took your nipple into his mouth and began swirling his tongue around it, earning a loud moan from you.
“Mmm, you sound so pretty baby.” Eddie groaned against your tits.
Through muffled moans you pushed Eddie off of your chest, “Eds, c-can you take your shirt off? I wanna see you too.” You practically begged.
Eddie grinned at your anticipation before throwing his shirt over his head and onto the floor. Your fingers ran across his exposed skin stopping to trace the tattoos adorning his chest. “You’re so pretty Eds.”
Immediately he closed the gap between you engulfing your lips into his with a hungry intent. Swiftly his hand slid into your shorts and found your clothed heat, he didn’t waste a minute before rubbing soft circles on your clit causing you to moan even more. “Eddie, please.” you plead against his lips.
“Shh princess, I wanna show you how pretty you are.” Before you could grasp any thoughts they were quickly swept away when he yanked down your shorts along with your panties earning a sultry gasp from your lips.
“Shit. You’re fucking unreal.” Eddie kneeled in front of you staring at you like a piece of art. He bent down planting tender kisses across the landscape of your stomach, continuing with equal devotion down to the curve of your hips. Delicate kisses lingered in the warmth between each thigh, “So, so beautiful.” He whispered with an unwavering devotion
You could feel your heat dripping in anticipation. In any other situation you would’ve halted any advance to get your shirt off, let alone your pants, but this was Eddie. Eddie, who was currently worshiping you as if you were a divine being.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good princess.” He uttered just before engulfing his face into your pussy. “Ahh, fuck Eddie!” you cried out between breathless moans, his tongue lapping at your clit like a starved animal.
“That feel good baby?” Eddie struggled to say with his mouth on your cunt.
“Fuck yes baby, keep going!” you shouted out in bliss.
A wave of confidence swept through him at the passionate sounds he was eliciting from you, compelling him to slip a finger into your entrance while he worked at your clit with his tongue.
Intense waves of pleasure began to consume your body as his fingers plunged in and out of your hole, finding yourself having no control you gripped onto Eddie’s hair, “I-I’m gonna, fuck I’m—
“Let go sweetheart, I’ve got you.” His words were enough to have your orgasm rushing through you as loud moans and Eddie’s name repeated like a mantra from your lips.
He quickly lapped up your juices, gazing at you with blown eyes before gently caressing his hands up and down the length of your legs. “Jesus, I love these gorgeous legs.” He uttered softly before trailing his hands up to your hips, delicately tracing them with the grace of his fingertips. “And these sexy hips.”
Before you knew it his hands were gliding up your stomach, ascending to your chest, only to stop with a gentle touch to your face. “Beautiful girl.” He whispered, allowing his thumb to tenderly stroke your cheek.
His sweet words stirred a spring of tears in your eyes, an irresistible surge of emotion that had you crashing your lips into his. Your lips worked in sync, tongues dancing in a fervent rhythm, creating a mess of wet kisses and the occasional collision of teeth.
“Eddie?” You pulled away from the kiss, “I want to feel you.”
Eddie could feel his cock angry against his jeans and he wanted nothing more than to give it to you and only you. He quickly jumped up, pulling his pants down along with his boxers before he reclaimed his position, settling once again atop you. In a breathy whisper, he spoke softly, his lips grazing yours, “You don’t have to tell me twice sweetheart.”
He took his cock in his hands and swiped it through your glistening folds a few times before slapping it against your clit. “Oohh, Eddie please.” You begged.
A content smile traced its way across his lips as he hovered above your entrance, leaning down to kiss you before sinking into your pussy. An audible gasp could be heard from your lips as his cock filled you up, “Fuck you’re so tight.” Eddie practically moaned into your mouth.
He was taking it slow, indulging in the warmth of your walls, but you reached a point where you couldn’t take it any longer. “Eddie fuck me, fuck me faster!” You practically yelled after parting your lips from his, and your legs wrapped around his back, a deliberate gesture to have him deeper inside of you.
Eddie reached his limit, unable to resit your desperate pleas for him, unable to resit the way your walls sucked him in. “Yeah? You want more?” He said, words laced with desire. You watched as he began to relentlessly thrust into you, the way his cock slid in out of your wet hole so easily had your head spinning, and his hands trailing all over your body earned more sinful moans from your mouth.
“Mmm, that’s it. You’re so fucking gorgeous Y/n.” He uttered before seizing your hips with a firm grip to draw you closer as he settled onto his knees, a new angle that had your eyes rolling into the back of your head.
With each rough thrust he skillfully targeted that sensitive spot you craved the most, you were seconds away from unraveling, that familiar euphoric wave rendering your brain with bliss and leaving you breathless. Your walls began clenching around him and he knew you were coming undone, “Cum for me baby, cum all over my cock.”
As your orgasm washed over you, you were a moaning mess unable to stop yourself from the cries and disarray of words leaving your lips. “Ahhh! Fuck, oh fuck Eddie I love you!”
Eddie’s thrust we’re starting to get sloppy as his own orgasm was approaching, “Say that again.” He muttered, grabbing your chin with a gentle but firm touch ensuring you were looking at him.
“I love you Eddie.” You repeated for him, and Eddie’s hips rutted into yours roughly.
“Ohhh fuck Y/n, I love you so much!” He practically cried out, his lips latching onto yours as his cock twitched inside of you, his warm release spilling into your pussy.
Through breathless pants and sloppy kisses, Eddie laid you back down on the bed and slowly eased out of you. “Let me go get something to clean you up.” He told you before darting to your the bathroom.
When he came back, a fresh towel in hand, he couldn’t help but smile at the way you looked so fucked out against the pillows.
“I’m just gonna clean you up quick.” He said and in response you mindlessly nodded as he gently wiped away your mixtures of cum.
After tossing the towel into the hamper, he leaned down to grab his discarded clothes when you protested. “No don’t, lay with me?”
The warm smile upon his lips illuminated the room as he gracefully joined you in bed. You gently raised your head, resting it upon his chest, as he nestled below you. His arms instinctively wrapping around you, legs entwined, a profound sense of comfort and familiarity enveloped you both, as if this was the missing piece, the way you were always meant to be.
Eddie’s fingers gently threaded through you hair, almost sending you into a soothing slumber when his voice gently interrupted your sleepy state.
“Can I ask you something?”
You blinked your tired eyes glancing upward at him,“Hmm? Yeah sure.”
Eddie’s voice carried a delicate hesitation, “Did you really mean that? You know when you said—
“When I said I love you? Yeah, I meant it.” You interrupted before he could finish.
Emotion quietly unfolded in the depths of his gaze, a softness reflecting in his eyes at your words. “Good, because I did too.”
A broad smile crept across your cheeks as you leaned in sealing the connection with a kiss, a kiss filled with not only passion but the language of love.
As Eddie gently withdrew, his gaze lingered in a tender lock with your eyes, “One more question, can I be your boyfriend?”
A fluttering storm of butterflies danced within the confines of your stomach as a delightful giggle escaped you, “Yes. Yes, yes, 1000x yes!” The sheer excitement had you throwing yourself into his arms as he embraced you with an even firmer grip.
You knew with Eddie by your side, the shadows of doubt would never cast themselves upon you again.
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
I think the whole Tim doesn’t know self care thing is shit bc he is great at it!!!!!
the parts where we show Tim struggling with self care is when everyone in his life that mattered were dying one after another and he was going half manic with grief.
but when he is not actively drowning in grief he is great at the whole self care thing in most comics
Hmm... I'm not sure if you're referencing a specific post/AU of mine or just the fandom idea in general.
I do find it strange that somehow Tim is often seen in fanon spaces as highly competent, independent, and efficient, while, at the same time, not being able to do basic care tasks (like cooking, eating properly, laundry, etc).
On the other hand, his Red Robin comics are some of his more popular ones (at least in being referenced in fanon material). That's the baseline a lot of people base him off of. That, or they exaggerate the Drakes' abuse for Tim.
In all honesty, I could see that, after Red Robin, he may become worse at taking care of himself if he never receives proper support for all of his grief and hardships. Similar to a severe depression, it wouldn't be too speculative to fantasize that (after all the bullshit of RR), he let's his self care tasks fall to the wayside. It could be a cool fic to see him getting frustrated at not being able to do all of the shit he used to do because he's so godsdamned tired.
There are some other cool fics out there that do highlight Tim being on top of his game with disinfecting, taking his medicine, and getting himself on the proper diet after his splenectomy.
I wonder if you have an issue with the common tag, "Tim Drake has the survival skills of a wet paper bag."
I personally get a little bit unnerved when a fic backs Tim into being parented against his will. Just the lack of choices, the disrespect of him having and still being able to make decisions for himself, and the feeling of being trapped are not a good combo for me.
These are just personal preferences, though.
For the Tim being good at self care bit, perhaps fanon writers could use his ability to take care of himself in the moment as a subtle indication of his mental state? For instance, Tim, at the beginning of the fic, has a relatively clean apartment, showers regularly, eats decently, and gets a decent amount of sleep. As he falls further into the plot (maybe chasing a horrifying case, falling out with the Bats, losing a loved one, etc.), his self-care falls to the wayside. As the story is wrapping up (if it's a good ending), the writer could indicate that Tim invites his family over for dinner (to showcase a clean apartment and ability to cook again).
This would be a background but mental health accurate indicator of how Tim is feeling throughout the plot
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nnight-dances · 2 years
pairings: mark lee x f!reader genre: fluff, angst, heated moments tropes: close friends to lovers?, mark avoids u because he's stupid, taeyong as your perfect ex who's still in love w u, u kiss mark's face to shut him up. warnings: mint ice-cream slander, mark is some guy, skinship, college frat party, not proofread.
author's note: haha guess who's in their mark phase hhhhh... sorry he's just such an interesting guy i could write him all day long. either way!!! more mark appreciation, less depression <3
at the end of the day, mark really was just some guy.
that’s what he thought to himself everytime he sat down to really consider the reality of all things. he doesn’t mean to get all self-deprecating and emo like that, but it was just a neutral truth thing that kinda hurts the first time you realize it but then it’s just the obvious thing in your daily life. but of course, if he ever did tell someone that he always felt like some guy among a bunch of cool guys, regardless of their gender, he would have to sit through one of those ultimately useless and pitiful speeches about how talented he really was.
— “you know what? you’re right!”
mark’s thoughts zap off their route when he hears you agree with his remark a few seconds ago. honestly, he hadn’t been completely sure if you’d heard him because of the lack of reaction you’d given him. but when you suddenly chuckle and agree with him, mark chokes over the stream of dr pepper in his throat.
he coughs desperately, “wait, what?”
your smile widens, “you’re just some guy. that’s like the perfect description of you.”
under normal circumstances, mark thinnks he would’ve been offended by how certain you sound. but the way you say it? it’s not like you’re trying to be mean or condescending… more like you’re just saying the truth. the neutral truth thing…
“i can’t believe you,” mark mutters, face splitting in a laugh, “i can’t believe you’re agreeing with me!” you look slightly confused but continue, “don’t tell me you’re hurt? you were the one who brought it up!”
mark shakes his head, controlling his laughter, still slightly losing his mind. “you’re really something, bro. i just didn’t expect you to actually be honest.” he laughs again, taking a sip of his drink again, becoming aware that he was being too loud for a bookstore. thankfully though, on a brief glance around, nobody seemed to care.
you fiddle with the zipper of your pencil pouch in thought. then, a shrug as you look back at mark, “hmm, isn’t that funny. i’m some thing, you’re some guy.”
mark falls into another fit of laughter before he knows it, disbelieving more than anything over your badly disguised shamelessness. you hold in a laugh as you land the last punch to his gut, “the perfect pair, isn’t it?” — the punch that sends him right into an oblivion of a world where nothing except you makes sense.
(ok perhaps, mark was being a tad dramatic. you know what he means though: he’s smitten.)
if someone were to kidnap you for the purposes of interrogating your honesty behind your claims that you thought mark was some guy, you’d probably get shot in the head instead, because there was no way you were letting anyone in on the information that you did not actually consider mark some guy.
maybe, a little, yes, but at this point, the phrase ‘some guy’ needs some more definiton. some guy as in boring and bland and dry and overdone? absolutely not. if that was what mark was, you wouldn’t have been committing every last one of your wednesday evenings, aka the only free evenings you ever get, to sitting in a crowded bookstore to pretend to do homework with him. you never did homework with mark around.
mark was the kind of some guy that was just being himself. yeah, that’s all you got. mark was mark. good explanation.
“bro? y/n, you good?”
you blink, finding mark swaying in front of you. you were currently sat on a bench near the building where your next class was.
“uhh, sorry,” you take off your headphones to look up at mark, “what are you doing on this part of campus?”
mark shrugs with a playful smile, “why can’t i be here?”
“because you literally don’t take any classes in the econ department?”
he shrugs again, “what if i’ve changed my ways? we’re still young and free, y/n, think a little outside the box, won’t you?”
“you’re taking econ? how- how did you-?”
“oh, look at that,” mark cuts you off, holding up his phone in front of your face. the time reads 11:05 am. “it’s time for our class. let’s go.” you’re busy processing his words (our class???) when he pulls you by the arm and toward the hall behind you.
and that’s the story of how you go from knowing absolutely nobody in your econ class, to sitting next mark in the extremely damp and cramped chairs of your econ class which means your arm is constantly touching his which you, for some reason, don’t hate. probably because the chilly fall wind coming through the window next to mark always makes you glad for the warmth.
mark, on the other hand, smiles a small smile whenever you shuffle closer because even though, the guy (doyoung is his name?) in front of him is always asking him to close the window, he would rather not.
“you’re kidding? ice-cream? in this fucking weather?” you question mark, coughing a fake cough to make your point.
“what are you, a coward?”
when you give mark an unimpressed look, he breaks a laugh, grabbing hold of you by your elbow. cheekily, he says, “please. for me?”
you frown, feeling your resolve crumble under his stupid gaze, “i hate you,” you say but let mark pull you after him into the tiny corner shop.
the two of you huddle over the menu of the ice-cream shop, and you exclaim quietly, “oh! i’ve been wanting to try their raspberry choco flavor for a while!” mark looks between you and menu, “ah, really? that sounds kinda good.”
then, he shifts to look at the girl behind the counter, “uhh, we’ll have one mint chocolate and one raspberry choco, please.” you gasp at mark’s choice, “m-mint chocolate?! mark. i think i might break up with you.”
mark is too busy reddening at your joke that hits too close to home to notice the worker chuckling at you. she processes your orders and mark has time to recover.
when he looks back at you, you’re still grimacing. “i didn’t think you could get any worse.”
“are you sure you should be saying that to someone who’s treating you to icecream?”
“huh?” your eyes widen and then you smile, “ahhh, i see. i wasn’t aware you were bribing me into have a favorable opinion of you.” before mark can retort though, you continue with a smirk, “i’m not complaining though.”
your smirk both flusters and scares mark because it’s evidence you’re upto no good in your head but before he can air his suspicion, you’re reaching out for the two cones of icecream that the girl is handing out.
“you guys are really cute together,” the worker remarks shyly, giving you a thumbs up of approval.
mark chokes on the first bite of his mint choco icecream. you look at mark and he expects you to shut down the worker swiftly, but then you reach for his hand, pulling him closer with a bashful smile and say, “thanks, that’s really sweet of you.”
“uh-?” you cut mark’s question off by pulling him out of the store after you.
when you’re outside, you burst into laughter at the perplexed look on mark’s look, looking absolutely adorable next to his already melting green blob of an abomination.
the next morning, mark is still suffering through it, unable to come to terms with your actions yesterday. they were honestly not out of character for you. you were always one to do shit just because you knew it would get a reaction out of someone else. like, that time you didn’t tell mark he had spinach in his teeth the whole time he was speaking in econ and only told him at the end. yeah, sure, but surely that was different from you pretending that you and mark were together. right?
mark’s pulled out of his thoughts when his phone buzzes next to his pillow. he stirs to his side, opening his phone only to find a text from you.
y/n: fuck u
mark’s heart skips a beat, no matter the fact that you’re swearing at him the first thing in the morning.
mark: what did i do now…
y/n: it’s ur fault
mark: ???
y/n: i’m fuckin sick
“oh, fuck,” mark swears, sitting up with a frown, fingers quickly shooting a flurry of concerned texts back.
mark: oh shit really?
mark: im so sorry
mark: how bad is it?
y/n: it’s just a cold, dw not that bad
mark: what does that mean?
you, however, don’t bother to elaborate any more on your condition, going silent.
he groans, guilt settling in the slouch of his shoulder as he stares at his screen for a solid 10 minutes before giving up on your response. as he gets ready for the day, at the top of mark’s to do list is to visit your dorm room with medicine and snacks.
but by the time 3 pm rolls around, mark finds himself constantly distracted by classes and homeowork. he looks at the time and sighs. you hadn’t managed to get back to him. but considering how he hadn’t seen you in econ or lunch, your cold was more than ‘not bad’.
sitting outside the library to collect his thoughts, he spots chaewon, your roommate. the two of you had run into mark on a grocery shopping errand and mark had had a decent enough conversation to make him run up to chaewon.
“oh!” chaewon is surprised at first when mark blocks her way with a quick hey. “oh hey, mark!”
“um,” mark looks at the take-out box in her hands, “um, is that for y/n?”
“oh, yeah. did you hear? she woke up this morning with a fever.”
“a fever?”
“yeah, it was pretty high too. i had to force her to stay in bed or i think she would’ve just gone to class like the dumbass she is.”
mark frowns, “oh, no. has she eaten all day?”
chaewon hums in thought, “she told me she was fine for breakfast. i’m not sure if she had lunch though so i was just going to take some pizza and salad in case she’s been starving.”
mark’s frown deepens as she adds, “oh i better hurry though! i have to get back here in time for my dance practice.”
“ah…” he scratches his head, “uhh, if you’re busy, i wouldn’t mind dropping it off to y/n.”
chaewon raises an eyebrow, “wait, really? you’d do that?”
“um, yeah. it’s my fault she got sick anyway. i made her eat icecream last night.”
she laughs, “a little icecream wouldn’t have done that. but sure! it’d be a great help, if you did that. thanks, mark.”
mark hadn’t thought this through, he realizes when he reaches the door that reads y/n on the door, right next to chaewon. he takes a deep breath, clearing his throat, before knocking on the door. “y/n?” his voice breaks mid-sentence and he wants to hide in a hole somewhere, but you’re quick to throw your door open.
your hair is up in a bun which bobs in rhythm with your head, when you find mark outside your room, “mark? what the fuck are you doing here?”
“you weren’t responding to my texts,” he mumbles, and then holds up chaewon’s takeout box in one hand and in the other, the bag of medicine and snacks he’d packed. “i come bearing gifts though.”
you cough hoarsely into your elbow, pulling at the hem of your green hoodie as you consider mark in front of you. “you could’ve told me you were coming,” you sound… shy? mark thinks as he follows into your room after you gesture him to enter.
he looks at your bed and chuckles at the mess that is your bed. then, he smiles as he looks at the eccentric yet coherent collage of pictures and letters on your wall. “this is so you,” he comments and places the food and medicine on your table.
you pout, “a room that looks like all hell broke lose… is me? wow, thanks, mark.”
mark wants to refute your comment, he does, but then he gets distracted by how the way you say his name in your hoarse inside voice and he coughs a little. “i got you medicine though?” he sounds squeaky to his own ears.
you smile though at that, looking inside the bag he’s kept. “ahhh, ramen! i knew i could count on you, mark lee.”
mark almost wants to beg you to stop saying his name so much. but instead he shoots you a thumbs up, “how are you holding up?”
you nod in thought, still unpacking everything mark bought, “hmm, i’m alive. you should’ve seen me in the morning though i felt like something was trying to crawl out my skin.”
you laugh at the imagery, pausing when you catch the guilty look on mark. you already know he’s about to apologize when he opens his mouth. you hold up a finger threateningly, “i know i said that in the morning, but it’s not actually your fault. i always get sick like this every time fall rolls around.”
“no, for real though, i did force you to come eat icecream with me, didn’t i? i’m sorry.”
“ugh, mark, trust me, i wouldn’t have eaten the icecream if i really didn’t want to,” you say, too kindly for your usual snarkiness as if you can sense how genuine mark’s apology was, “for real, my body’s just weird like that.”
when mark remains silent for another minute, you groan, “i know! you can repay me. stay and we can watch a movie or something. all the sleeping’s making me feel gross. plus, i couldn’t eat all this food myself.”
and that’s how mark finds himself settled next to you on your bed, blanket covering half his body, watching gilmore girls (your fall preference of entertainment, it seems). the first half hour went by fine, with one of you commenting ocassionally at something the characters did, but then you shifted closer to mark with a cough.
he was shocked at first but then he wonders if the medicine you’d taken before were starting to take effect. (he’d questioned how wise it was for you to be taking them before watching something, but he also didn’t want to make your condition worse.)
“you good, y/n?” he mumbles under his breath when he feels your head come to rest against his shoulder. he sounds surprisingly calm for the turmoil that is bursting within his veins at the contact.
you hum in acknowledgement, sniffing a little, “yeah, just a little sleepy.”
“oh, you should probably rest then,” mark reaches for the spacebar to pause the episode but your cold hand pulls his finger away. except you don’t let go of his finger, instead seeming to crave warmth, you’re suddenly holding his hand, icy fingertips coming to rest against the back of his palm.
mark’s hearbeat is in his ears by now but he lets you hold his hand as you protest, “mm, don’t wanna sleep. just keep watching.”
you don’t sound promising but he doesn’t argue, letting you having the final say in this situation.
five minutes later though, you stir against mark’s side, arm now in his lap and… yeah, you’re falling asleep.
mark freezes at the realization when he sees your eyelashes fluttering shut. oh god. oh no… this wasn’t good for his well-being. or his obsession with you. or anything.
he clears his throat, hating himself, “um, y/n?”
you don’t respond except for a short grunt that indicates you don’t intend to wake up. he doesn’t have the heart to move you but also, this wasn’t right, was it?
there wasn’t anything wrong with it per se, except of course the fact that it did not help mark’s big fat ugly crush on you or the fact that he spent the whole day thinking about how you were sick and it was his fault.
you move slightly in your sleep, suddenly seeming to come to. your eyes open a little, “mark?” your voice is dangerously low.
“yeah?” mark can hear the nerves in his voice.
you’re pulling him now, without a warning, onto your bed. “you’re warm. stay.”
mark’s eyes widen when you turn to hug him around the waist.
fuck. fuck. fuck. FUCK. this was… THIS IS…. UTREJKLSGIURKEJU?????YGSAELRIAY
mark brain malfunctions for a good minute before he remembers how to think. first, he thinks he has to leave or you’ll hate him forever. but when he tries to budge, you groan an annoyed groan making him scared to leave..
??? what is one supposed to do in these circumstances?
he stills, deciding it was better if he let you doze off comfortably. he slowly places an arm around your shoulder, patting a reassuring back rub into your skin. you nuzzle closer into him, clueless of the way mark is short-circuiting.
before he knows it though, mark finds himself dozing off, chin pressed up against the bone of your shoulder. the sleep isn’t chaotic like his thoughts usually are, but it’s a peaceful sleep, the kind that you only get when you share a bed with someone.
ever since that eventful… nap, mark has found himself growing closer to you, in all senses of the phrase. you’d seemed to start trusting mark more, your bookstore evenings turning into whole days spent in each other’s company. sometimes you’d be at each other’s room, more often yours, but otherwise, you’d end up in some new corner of campus, giggling over half-completed essays and collectively complaining about econ.
you’d also grown closer… physically. something about spending a sick evening in someone’s arms, you’d like to say. whatever the reason was, one way or another, you’d find a way to be next to each other.
you’d made a habit of holding mark’s hand, especially on colder days when your fingers lost all feeling till you pressed them into the knuckles of mark’s warm ones. other times, mark’s hand would be on your shoulder or back, casually doodling into your skin, a lazy smile on his face while you dramatically narrate some event from your life.
mark could tell something was different, though he dared not investigate what it was, too afraid to mess up what he had right now.
but then, he does the stupid thing of asking you the question.
it’s on a late night hangout in your room when chaewon’s out for the weekend to visit home, and y’all are sprawled on your bed, exhausted from a movie marathon.
something about the dim lights and the way you lean against his shoulder, makes him speak. “do you like someone right now?”
for a good while, mark thinks he mustn’t have asked the question out loud because of how quiet you are. but then, “what about you?”
“not fair! i asked you first,” mark complains with a chuckle. you shrug, “not telling if you don’t.”
he rolls his eyes, “two can play this game, y’know. i’m not giving.”
“ugh, fine. i’ll tell you about my ex for now.”
mark’s ear perks up at the mention and he waits for you to continue.
“ah, this is so embarassing to talk about. but.. last semester i was with taeyong.”
“wait. lee taeyong?”
“mhm-hm. you know him? he was a good guy, but i don’t know, something felt off. we broke up right before new year’s eve so that was fun.”
mark falls silent as he recalls everything he can about lee taeyong. so far he has: perfect face and killer charm. oh yeah, wasn’t he a student athlete?
“you dated an athelete?” mark can’t help but ask.
“see! i know you’d make fun,” you whine, hiding your face in your hands.
“no- no, i’m not making fun. that’s insane. taeyong is, like, famous.”
you groan, “and you’re listing all the reasons i broke up with him.”
mark isn’t sure what he can do with this information so he releases a strained chuckle, suddenly ready to head back to his room. he can’t be too obvious though, so he waits a bit.
“what about you?” you ask him, poking his arm. “any embarassing boyfriends?”
mark laughs despite it all, “i wish. i was in a silly little relationship but it was so long ago that i hardly remember.” with that, he sits up, a little abruptly.
you frown as he clears his throat, “um, anyway, i should get back soon. i’ve got to sleep.”
“the fuck?” you question, “it’s like 11 pm?”
“well, yeah, i have an early morning tomorrow.”
“on a sunday?”
“yeah, uhm, i forgot to tell you about this new job i have. anyways, i should really sleep soon. i’ll see you later, yeah?”
and just like that, mark leaves your room, with you gaping at how fast he’d made his exit, not even bothering to make real excuses. new job? halfway through the semester? yeah, sure. you feel your mood dampening at mark’s sudden cold shoulder, wondering if you’d upset him. but no matter how many times you thought about it, you weren’t sure what had made him act like that.
mark, on the other hand, can’t get the conversation out of his head, even as he walks to the library at 8 am on a sunday, ready to finish all traces of homework in existence. it doesn’t matter though because sitting in the silence of the study room, his mind repeats your words.
he was a good guy, but i don’t know, something felt off.
boy, did mark feel stupid as shit. for everything? for thinking you were into him. somewhere along the way, your hands on his had him confused. for a minute there, he had stopped thinking about how he was actually just some guy. some guy who you chose to hang out with now and then, some guy who was your friend. mark was nowhere close to being taeyong, and even taeyong didn’t cut it for you. really, though, he couldn’t blame you. you really did deserve the best anyone could imagine.
a text from you interrupts his self-loathing spiralling.
y/n: heyoo!! u alive?
y/n: u left kinda abruptly last night. is everything ok?
mark clenches his fist as if to obliterate the hopeful smile that threatens his face. he thinks of how he might respond: sorry cant talk i’ve to make sure i’m not in love with u before i see u again or maybe: sorry i’m just trying not to cry in broad daylight bc i love u too much hjbykyvkvyf
“fuck! sorry!” a voice pulls mark back from his head. he looks up to see who’s broken into his study room… only to see lee taeyong standing there in confusion. of course this happens to mark.
“uhh, can i help you?” mark barely controls the snap that tries to escape him at the sight of taeyong.
“um, sorry,” taeyong looks down at his phone then back at mark, “i could’ve sworn i booked this room for the next hour…”
mark frowns, certain he’d booked this room for the next two hours. usually, he would’ve just told taeyong he’s booked it wrong, but instead he just says, “oh? i guess you can take this room then. i’ll go somewhere else.”
mark starts packing up but the other boy protests quickly, “no, no! it’s okay. i- um, i’d feel bad if you did that. what if… what if we shared? it’ll be nice to have someone else in the room, no?” taeyong smiles brightly at mark and the latter wants his eyes to stop working already.
call it the law of inertia, but something in mark doesn’t let him just leave the room, almost intrigued by how this might turn out. “alright, then.”
taeyong, as much as mark hates to admit it, is really nice. he hadn’t ever heard anything to refute that, but sitting silently in a room with someone really tells you all you need to know about someone. either way, the study sessions somehow seems to provide mark some sense of peace.
or so he thinks.
what he doesn’t expect is that two hours later, as the two of them are packing up to empty the room for the next occupant, for the next occupant to be… you. yes, of course, that’s gonna happen in this story.
for a moment, mark doesn’t find it particularly shocking to see you but when he notices the stiff look you share with taeyong, he realizes what’s happening.
you’d just entered the room with a knock when you’d noticed who was inside. your eyes travel between mark and taeyong, your mind unable to make sense of this.
your first thought is… is this why mark was weird last night? because he was close to taeyong and got offended by your remarks?
that would be the easy alternate, wouldn’t it? but even you can tell there’s a dryness in the way mark looks at the two of you, a look that unsettles you. of course, the sight of taeyong also unsettles you.
he speaks up before you, “y/n?”
you awkwardly wave at the two of them, “hi mark. hey taeyong. didn’t expect to see the two of you together.”
you look at mark pointedly but he’s not giving you much to work with. he just laughs as taeyong rushes to explain, “ah, i made a mistake in booking this room at the same time as mark, and he was kind enough to let me stay.”
marks want to leave right now. because of the way taeyong’s eyes are sparkling at the sight of you, hands nervously fidgeting. but he decides against it, when he sees you uneasy you seem, tight grip around the strap of your tote bag.
“what are you doing here?” mark asks and a part of you is relieved that he’s talking to you.
“um, homework. i didn’t really know what else to do ever since my friend started ghosting me.”
mark flinches at your attack, but persists in looking as indifferent as he can. “sorry about that, i got caught up finishing this essay.”
taeyong awkwardly coughs, “um, i should probably leave now. i have practice to get to.”
mark is quick to follow after taeyong, scared to death of being alone in a room with you. he doesn’t know what to do with himself around you anymore. “uhh, yeah, i’ll leave you to do homework, then! see ya!”
and just like that, it’s a repeat of last night. mark’s back receding except this time you watch him wave at you with a half-hearted smile as he leaves. you barely manage to close the door behind you before you feel yourself tear up.
this is stupid, you realize through tears, to be crying over something like this. but something like this? it meant a lot to you. you sit where mark sat minutes ago, the same disappointment in your eyes and a similar weight in your heart.
mark is not having the time of his life either though, as he walks out the library with taeyong, who starts asking questions about you as soon as he can.
“so you’re friends with y/n?” mark simply nods at that, having seen this coming.
“that’s cool. she’s really cool, isn’t she?”
“yeah, i suppose. she’s fun.”
“how close are you to her?”
mark laughs dismissively, “haha, i feel like i’ve done something wrong. calm down, bro.”
taeyong flushes at that, rubbing his neck, “oh, sorry. i didn’t mean to interrogate you like that. it’s just… you probably know about us, right?”
that words leaves taeyong’s mouth and buries itself deep into mark’s heart. us.
taeyong continues, “it’s just that i really miss her, man. i don’t think i’ve had as much fun with anyone else since her. or maybe, it’s just because i’m always comparing everyone to her.”
mark really doesn’t know what to say, feeling himself stuck in a similar situation. “hmm, it’ll get better.”
“i hope you’re right,” taeyong says, cheerfully patting mark’s back, “well, i have to go that way. see you around, bro. take care of her.”
take care of her? marks smiles remorsefully as he watches taeyong leave. and he wonders what was going on in your mind when you broke up with someone that perfect? what went on in your head when you befriended mark, just some guy?
on saturday, it’s been a whole week since you’ve talked to mark. you’d actually stayed up all night yesterday hoping he’d have a change of heart on friday night, and he’d text you with a can we talk? or come knocking on your door with an apologetic smile with some silly excuse. and you would’ve accepted it all because you were not familar with a mark-less existence. the past week was.. not good for you.
but on saturday night, you decide it’s enough. or rather, chaewon decides it’s enough when she sees you ready to spend the night in bed.
“y/n, i’m sorry but i can’t respect your stupid decisions anymore,” she bursts into the room with a concerned look.
you frown, “ouch? you just called me stupid.”
“because that’s what you’re being. i don’t care if you’re going through it, i’m not letting you woe over some guy on the weekend.”
you grimace at the phrase some guy, remembering your conversation with mark. “hey! i’m talking to you, miss,” chaewon’s hands pull off your bed. “let’s go out tonight. i don’t care.”
“chaewon…” you complain, voice low.
“y/n, my dear friend, stop giving up on life because mark lee is ghosting you. if i know anything about the two of you, y’all will be back to cuddling each other next week.”
you want to say you’re afraid that’s not gonna happen but chaewon is moving too fast for you. she throws a dress at you and then, a coat. “wear those and come to yunjin’s room. we’re pre-gaming.”
an hour later, you’re not feeling so bad after all. you’d forgotten how fun getting wasted really was. you giggle hopelessly when yunjin cracks another “slayyy~” at chaewon’s empty glass. as sakura pours her another shot, you nudge her with your own empty cup.
your roommate frowns a little, “you sure you’re not going too fast?”
you roll your eyes, “chaewon! you’re the one who wanted to slut me out tonight. how am i gonna do that sober?” that makes everyone double up in laughter and you down the vodka with a triumphant sigh.
another hour later, you’re really feeling yourself. the pre-game finally ended with all of you walking to the frat that was throwing tonight. the first step you take into the crowded room has you regretting your decision, but your worries go to waste once you’re hearing the music blast through your veins.
you stay within chaewon’s group for most of the night. the girls are fun, yunjin being one of the best people you’ve partied with. it’s halfway through a doja cat song when you feel your bladder getting full from all the beer. you groan at all the effort it’s gonna take to go upstairs to where the bathroom was, but you could use a break.
you quickly tell chaewon you’ll be back, pointing in the direction of the bathroom and reassure her you’re fine when she asks to come with. the world is definitely spinning as you go up the stairs but you do make it to the top without falling over.
but as soon as you reach for the door of the bathroom, you lose balance as the person inside emerges. “fuck,” you groan, falling over into the person ahead, “’m sorry,” you mumble, supporting yourself against the sink.
you’re ready to push whoever it is out of the bathroom when you heard a familar voice. “y/n?”
you look up and actually gasp when you see mark in front of you. “mark?!” you sound incredulous but honestly, you’re just ecstatic. “i miss you,” you say your thoughts shamelessly.
mark reddens or so your vision tells you. “y/n, are you drunk?”
you frown and shake your head, about to explain yourself when a loud voice outside tells you to hurry up with your business, the door still open. mark shouts a, “find somewhere else, buddy!” and shuts the door, locking it behind him.
your drunk brain isn’t doing well with the concept of you in a locked room with mark. “are you drunk, mark?”
mark laughs at your question, “a little, yeah.”
“okay, good, then can you just-” you lose your balance again and mark steadies you instantly, warm hand on your elbow. you lose your train of thoughts at the feel of him, looking into his eyes wordlessly.
you think you stay there for a minute like that, the two of you just catching up on all the looks you’ve missed out on in the last week.
“why are you mad at me?” you ask the question that’s been bugging you for ages. wanting mark to understand how hurt you’ve been, you pull at the sleeve of shirt, “i’ve been so sad. why are you avoiding me?”
mark takes your hand in his, “no! it’s not like that. i’m… not mad at you.”
“really?” you question him through a pout, “really?”
he doesn’t know what to do when pinned with that gaze of yours in that moment. and then his eyes land up on your lips, your little pout.
he knew the alcohol was a bad idea because now he can’t think straight, knowing he has to explain everything to you or he might lose it all. but somehow, instead of words, he feels another ugre crawl up his skin.
just as you open your mouth to speak, you feel mark’s lips on yours, stealing the breath from your lungs. you gasp into his mouth, and he pulls away just as soon as he leaned in. he drops your hand, falling to his knees.
it takes you a moment to re-orient yourself after the taste of mark in your mouth, but you hear mark sniffle and instantly join him on the ground, hands on his face.
“are you crying?”
mark tries to stop himself but he can’t. “i’m sorry, y/n. i’m so sorry.”
“hey,” you find yourself sobering up. how could you not when mark lee is in front of you, tears staining his ever-smiling face? “hey, mark, look at me.” he wipes at his face shakily, looking up at you through a fresh flood of tears.
“i’m sorry,” his voice breaks, “i’ve been acting so selfish with you. i shouldn’t have avoided you. i shouldn’t have kissed you. i’m.. it’s all because…” he trails off conveniently at the part of his sentence you most need to hear.
your fingers trail down to his chin, bringing his face back up, “it’s all because of what, mark? talk to me, baby.”
something in mark uncoils when you coo at him lovingly like that, his name as breathy as the nickname you suddenly throw at him. his lip quivers but his words are clear as day, “fuck, i’m into you, y/n. i know i’m just some guy really but i think i like you. i- like romantically, i’m dying to be with you.” he sighs when you don’t say anything, stunned into silence.
your hand stays put on his face though which mark thinks of as a good sign. gingerly, he takes your hand, gaze pointed at your interlocked fingers. “i know it’s awkward because you’re not into me like that. it’s all good, i understand.”
“mark, you’re drunk,” you finally mumble out, hand twitching in disbelief. “you’re just saying things.”
mark stiffens, “w-what? no! i’m serious, y/n. i’m not even that drunk anymore. how could i be, when you’re right here?” but then, he stirs, hands leaving yours, “oh, but if you’d rather forget that this happened—”
it’s a replay of five minutes ago, except this time your lips come crashing into mark’s, with so much force that you topple him over. he takes you with him, hand finding purchase at your waist as he pulls you on top of him, his back hitting the door of the bathroom.
your kiss is fierce, almost angry because you did not deserve to be kept in the dark about mark’s feelings. you push closer to him, making him groan into your lips at the intensity. you pull away then, hand at mark’s chest, “i hate you for avoiding me like that, mark. i can’t believe you.”
mark tries to explain himself but you’re kissing him again, swallowing his words whole, unforgiving in the way your hands grip his arms. again, you pull away, “what did you think? that i’d stop talking to you because you like me? you’re so stupid sometimes, mark.”
“i don’t—”
“no, you don’t understand. do you see me right now?” mark nods, eyes trailing at your disheveled state. mark couldn’t forget this sight if he wanted to: your hair wet with sweat, panting in between mark’s legs, lips a breath away.
“do i look like i hate you?”
“i mean, you do look annoyed,” mark remarks and you slap his arm with a snarl.
“that’s because you’re being unfair. what about my feelings for you, huh?” you challenge with a glare. “what about how much i suffered just because you decided to not show up to the bookstore? all because you came to some stupid conclusion by yourself?”
“wait,” mark starts, but you’re not letting him talk.
“no, listen, if i could, i’d seriously slap you. because i’m that down bad for you, mark! i’ve been thinking about doing this with you ever since you fell asleep in my bed that day. so fuck you, for hurting me like that.”
you’re breathless, eyes still trained on mark with that look of betrayal mixed with desire. you can’t help yourself though, mark looks absolutely breath-taking in front of you, mouth ajar in shock, lips red from your relentless kisses.
mark takes too long to process your words just then, long enough that you’re coming down from your high, embarassment flooding your veins. you go cold, standing up with a grunt. “i’m just gonna go back,” you mutter in disappointment, leaving before you can see mark’s response.
he’s coming back to his senses now, realizing that maybe you were right about how stupid he’d been. “fuck,” he breathes out, regaining his footing as he chases after you.
this chase proves to be difficult, given that the party only seems to have gotten more crowded since mark left. he struggles through the throngs of people, shouldering through, when he spots a silhouette of you in his peripheral vision. you were outside, apparently talking to another taller figure.
mark follows your shadow to the door, quickly making his way out. his breath hitches when he finds taeyong next to you. his arm is around your shoulder and you’re speaking to him in a low voice.
“y/n,” mark calls out, not hesitating to break taeyong’s hold on you, replacing it with his own embrace. he pulls you close. your eyes are teary and you sniff when you see mark, “what-”
“i’m sorry, can we talk?” he mumbles into your side, still aware of taeyong’s presence.
“oh, hey, mark. i was just,” taeyong moves to stand in front of the two of you, “taking care of y/n. she looked sick.”
“i’m fine, taeyong,” you reassure him, pressing yourself into mark’s side. “i’ll let mark walk me home. good night.” mark is impressed at how easily you dismiss taeyong, pulling mark after you.
“what do you want?”
mark stops you from walking, pulling you into a hug instead. “you’re right, i’m really stupid. let me ask you this instead: would you let me be your boyfriend?”
you release a soft laugh against his neck at his question, arms still for a moment for dramatic effect. then, you wrap yourself around him, kissing your answer into his ear, “of course, you idiot.”
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~Lost and Found~ (Larissa Weems x Student!Reader)
The reader is 19 in this fic!!! The show makes it clear they have students well above the age of consent.
My undying love for this woman and her actress mixed with the honesty concerning lack of fics for her character has finally compelled me to publish something. This fic is completely self indulgent and probably not worth your time but if you for some reason feel compelled to read on, thank you and enjoy!
Chapter one (1k words)
Be warned this is very shitty angst and do not expect it to get better as I continue on. If anything expect it to get worse. Nothing for this chapter but please be warned moving forward this fic will discuss some triggering topics which will be made clear at the start of each chapter they appear. Also eventual smut you have been warned...or teased?
Finally thank you to my friend who edited this because it's the only reason it is semi-readable, they're the best <3
The rain drops raced down the cold slabs of glass, through which I watched the students running late to their classes. They sprint across the courtyard with books above their heads, sacrificing their notes for the sake of keeping themselves dry.
I hear a faint ringing. Noises blurring into high pitched radio waves as I tune back in, slowly coming to the right frequency to hear the disgruntled voice of my teacher calling my name. I say nothing in return.
Dragging my attention to the front of the class, where my teacher is writing something on the board pertaining to- werewolf procreation? Vampire sex ed? I can't keep up with the 50 different (and equally boring) lectures this man gives.
Once again I find my mind wandering off to far away places. Anywhere but this grey box, which traps me within its walls like a glass traps a spider. I have given up on any hopes of understanding today's topic of useless information, so instead I retrieve my book from my school bag and begin to read. The Outsider by Albert Camus, ironic and meaningless when you're in a school for outcasts.
I am half way through the chapter when my teacher's grating voice once again bursts any sense of joy I am experiencing in his class. This time I just can't be bothered listening to the lecture on the importance of whatever the fuck he's teaching so I get up and walk out. He continues to get louder the further I get out the door, so I flip him off for good measure. Come on, seriously! How are you that bad at your job I can't figure out the topic of today's lesson even when I put the effort in to try? If I require this much to even figure out what to put as the title of notes then your teaching certainly isn't important enough, and you aren't good enough at your job to keep me in that room any longer.
I slowly make my way through the empty halls of the academy, continuing to read as I venture back to my dorm. Thankfully, I don't have to share a room. If I had a roommate, they'd probably be dead within the week. Probably not on purpose, but you never know - I could have just been having a really bad day, and thought a light spot of murder would cheer me up.
I bang into something large, falling over my feet onto the cold stone ground. I reach to pick up my book, but before I can reach it, it’s plucked from the ground by a hand, which my eyes follow up to a very disapproving Principal’s face. Oops? What am I meant to say, sorry? It was an empty corridor, she could have easily walked around me.
She's always needlessly difficult for no reason.
"Y/N..." Weems says seething, scowl firmly fixed on her face. God, the annoyance is really seeping into her tone and body language today. Normally she at least keeps the plastic smile up, while passive aggressively giving you a lecture on how you've disappointed her, harmed the school community and destroyed its image. Hmm... the board must have cut her budget for the semester.
I meet her eyes, nearly breaking my neck in the process since she's over a foot taller than me. I smirk as I address her. "Headmistress...I didn't see you there, out for a morning stroll?" She scrunches her nose briefly at my coy attitude before replying, her words like venom.
"No Mx/Mr/Miss L/N, I'm actually coming to find you because once again you've managed to piss off the teaching staff, and I have to deal with the repercussions of them complaining about you."
Honestly, I only processed one thing she said, and that was Weems swearing. She's never done that before. Hot... definitely hot.
I chuckle with a reply. "Well looks like I've out done myself this time. I've got you in such a state that the perfect facade has fallen and you're even swearing, that's not very school appropri-"
I am interrupted part way through my gloating by a sudden sharp pain in my back. I come to realise I have been slammed against the rough wall of the corridor, causing the air to leave my lungs and leaving me helplessly gasping for air.
She leans in close with an almost deadly expression as she whispers, "This is my final warning. Make light of this situation again and I'll have you in detention with me every lunch, free, and evening for the week on top of whatever I am going to have to arrange for your other grievances.
“Skipping class and disrespecting the teaching staff - not to mention, myself - with your snarky comments and nonchalant attitude when it comes to your studies. You refuse tutoring despite being seriously behind on control of your powers - do you even know if you have any? You certainly haven't displayed any thus far throughout the two years you've been at this school.
“Sometimes, I seriously question why you chose to transfer to this school, and why I even accepted your application. It had nothing Nevermore looks for in a student and you've clearly shown you don't intend to work on that."
Listening to her words as they become increasingly more personally, tears prick the corners of my eyes but I do not allow them to fall. I refuse to show weakness towards this woman who knows nothing about me. My brief sorrow turns to anger, as I respond with possibly my last words whilst I'm alive, "Go. Fuck. Your. Self."
I desperately try to escape her grip, but just like a fly in a spider-web, it is hopeless. She is a foot taller than me and twice my weight. Her arm presses harder against my chest, air struggling to get in and out as the carbon dioxide begins to drown me. Blurred darkness slowly eclipses my view of her.
I mean, there's worse things to see in your dying moments.
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kourtniwritesagain · 1 year
Make Your Move (Updated 07/18/2023)
A/N: I wrote this a million years ago, but it’s probably the most reblogged/liked story I ever wrote. The blog I wrote it on (thatkourtnichik) has been deactivated for a while. I’ve tweaked a few things in this story and corrected some previous errors. 
“You sure you’re feeling alright?” Will Solace asked Nico di Angelo for the hundredth time.
“Yes.” Nico replied with an eye roll.
He just finished up his prison sentence third day in the infirmary and was currently trying to be alone with his thoughts outside. Of course, Will and his ‘sparkling’ personality had to invade his time alone (and his thoughts and his dreams…).
“Maybe another day—”
“You said three days, Solace,” Nico interrupted, pointing a finger at the blonde-haired blue-eyed boy. “I did my time.”
Will snorted. “You make it sound like a prison sentence.”
“Your words.”
“Hey, believe it or not, I actually know what I’m talking about.” Will replied, nudging Nico with his shoulder. “You know, since I’m ‘special’ and what not.”
Now it was Nico’s turn to snort. “Is that what we’re calling it now? No more half-blood’s, we’re all just special?”
Will chuckled. “It’s less of a mouthful.” 
Nico rolled his eyes and ducked his head to hide his grin.
“Well…look at that, the son of Hades knows how to smile.”
Nico looked up to scoff at the older boy, but he found himself lost in the brilliant sunny smile that was on Will’s face. Nico swallowed slowly and felt heat rise to his face.
“And blushes too…hmm…interesting.” Will’s sunny smile quickly turned smug. Nico pushed at his shoulder, making Will laugh.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re annoying?” Nico asked.
“A few times,” answered Will. “But mostly I get stunning and talented.”
“What about stubborn, aggravating, insufferable, irritating—”
“That’s a lot of adjectives.”
Nico stopped mid-rant and, this time, couldn’t stop the smile on his face. Will Solace had a way of making Nico think differently…to feel differently as well. The son of Hades had been so focused on Percy and what he thought were true feelings for the other boy that he hadn’t been able to see that there were other possibilities for companionship…for love.
Not that he loved Will.
Because he didn’t.
Not at all.
“There’s that smile again! You should do that more often you know,” said Will. “You’re whole face is like…brightening.”
“Yeah well…don’t get used to it.” Nico replied. “I can’t stay out of my brooding cloud for too long. It gets lonely.”
Will laughed at that, and Nico thought that it was a very nice sound.
“I’m sure it’ll survive without you.” Will told him.
“I dunno…everyone’s got their thing and the brooding cloud is apparently mine. I mean, where would we be without Percy’s sass? Or Annabeth’s lack of tact? Or without your pigheadedness—oof!”
Will tackled Nico to the ground and had him pinned on his back. Nico looked incredulously up at the boy and felt his jaw open slightly, shocked at how easily he was taken down.
“You know, some people don’t like to be insulted di Angelo.” Will said, grinning mischievously at him.
“Is that so?” Nico asked, feigning arrogance. “Well, maybe some people just don’t appreciate honesty?”
Will narrowed his eyes adorably (Nico so did not just think that). “You think you’re funny, don’t you?”
Nico shrugged, tugging lightly at his hands, which were pinned underneath Will’s knees. “A little funny, yeah.”
“I’ll give you something to laugh at,” said Will as he brought his hands up and settled them over Nico’s ribs. “Tell me, oh powerful and dark and brooding son of Hades, are you…ticklish?”
Nico gasped and then squirmed slightly as Will started drumming his fingers lightly against his rib cage. “What?”
“Are you ticklish? It’s a common trait among humans, and half-bloods. too, as far as I know. You know, being a ‘doctor’ and all I know which spots to avoid…or torture ruthlessly.”
Nico glared up at him. “Don’t even think about it, Solace.”
Will smirked and dug into Nico’s rib cage, making the other boy bark out a laugh. Of course, Nico di Angelo was stubborn and soon clamped his mouth shut, trying to keep himself from laughing.
“Oh don’t think I’m going to be going easy on you!” Will laughed, wiggling his fingers in between Nico’s rib cage.
Nico tried desperately not to laugh. He hadn’t been tickled in years. The last person to even try had been his sister. Ever since he arrived at Camp, there hadn’t exactly been any time for rest and relaxation. Plus, no one really liked him anyways…well, Will insisted people wanted to befriend him, but Nico had been used to isolating himself and never really got too close to anyone. Plus, he enjoyed his personal space.
Not that Will cared…obviously.
“D-Dohohon’t!” Nico giggled. Ugh. Giggled. How embarrassing!
“You know, if you tell me your worst spot, this’ll be over a lot quicker.” Will told him, moving his hands up Nico’s rib cage and digging into his under arms.
“No! Nonono!” Nico shouted, tugging desperately at his arms to free them. Unfortunately, he had no luck and his strength was being sapped from all the effort he was putting into not laughing.
“Underarms? That’s a hot spot for a lot of people, but I’m guessing this isn’t the spot, am I right?” Will asked, grinning like a fool as he clawed his hands, vibrating them quickly and sending ticklish jolts all throughout Nico’s body. Small huffs of laughter were starting to spill from Nico’s lips, which of course only encouraged Will.
"I wanna hear some good ol’ fashioned belly laughter!” Will stated and decided to move his hands to Nico’s stomach.
And that’s when the dam broke.
“Jackpot!” Will crowed and then proceeded to wreak absolute havoc on Nico’s sensitive tummy.
Nico cackled like a mad man as his stomach was poked, prodded, tweaked, and tortured. Apparently, his stomach was his weak spot, and Will hadn’t been kidding when he said he knew how to torture ruthlessly. Nico’s thin shirt offered very little protection, not that it mattered because the blonde menace was currently pulling it up to get at his sensitive skin.
“WIHIHIHILL! STAHAHAP!” Nico begged, a helpless grin on his face and tears of mirth gathering in the corners of his eyes. Will was making nonsensical patterns all over his stomach, stroking softly and slowly, making Nico shiver.
“You have a very nice laugh. You should laugh more often, ya know?”
“PleHEHEHEASE! I-I can’t TAHAHAHAKE IT!” Nico tried to convince him.
“Oh, you��re taking it just fine!” Will replied cheerfully.
“Meh, zombies aren’t that scary. Besides, hearing you laugh and seeing you smile is more than worth it.” Will replied with a wink.
Nico was thankful that his face was already beet red from laughing so that Will couldn’t tell just how hard he was blushing.
“You know, I’ve heard raspberries are like, the worst feeling for people who are super ticklish on their stomachs.”
“NOHOHO!” Nico protested, but then Will was leaning his head down and there was no stopping him. Nico shrieked and dissolved into deep laughter as Will blew a wet and messy and ticklish raspberry on his belly.
“WIHIHIHIHILL! PLEHEHEHEASE!” Nico begged as Will continued to deliver raspberry after raspberry.
Nico was drumming his heels into the dirt before he finally gave up and went limp, head thrown back and eyes closed as he gave in to the ticklish sensations.
That is until he felt a pair of lips press against his own.
Nico’s eyes went wide just as Will pulled back and beamed down at him.
“You have a very nice laugh.” Will said softly.
“So you’ve said…” Nico replied breathlessly, both from the tickling attack and the shock at having just been kissed.
“C’mon, dinner is almost ready.” Will got off of him and offered him a hand.
“What was—” Nico cut himself off and blushed furiously as he allowed himself to be pulled to his feet.
“The kiss?” Will asked, and Nico nodded. “Well, you just looked so adorable, and I couldn’t help myself. I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable…”
“No.” Nico replied softly.
“No, what?”
“No, it didn't make me uncomfortable.”
Will grinned. “So, I can do it again?”
Nico nodded and smiled back but then quickly scowled. “But if you tickle me again, I will end you, Solace.”
Will laughed. “Duly noted, di Angelo.”
Will grabbed Nico’s hand, and Nico had never felt so happy in all of his life.
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kittwix · 16 days
hi there! i hope you're having a nice day :) if you're up for it, could you write headcanons for joseph joestar being in a relationship with a reader who has very low energy (ie, can't do a ton of physical exertion (*cough* hamon training *cough*), so they're usually his cheerleader?) thank you <3
i had to rush this a bit, a quick little headcanon as i am currently moving in my dorms right now! classes start next week and i am not excited but wish me luck, hope you enjoy <3
Joseph Joestar w/ Low Energy! Reader
word count: 452
tags: sfw, joseph is a cocky bastard, cavity inducing sweetness, reader is gender neutral
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He needs someone to really balance him from his usual chaotic and impulsive personality. At times, he doesn't really think things through, only when you least expect it. His unpredictable nature makes it hard to really follow him and yet, you have him wrapped around your finger.
During his hamon training, you're by the sidelines as Lisa Lisa puts both Joseph and Ceasar into strenuous work while you were more so quizzed on the matter. You weren't really one to excel in the physical aspect of hamon but you were happy enough to cheer for your friends.
In all honesty, he comes to appreciate your minimal enthusiasm and effort to support him. He teases you about it
Behind closed doors, he's willing be quiet as well, once he's done yapping your ear off you've noticed that he'd tired himself off and just lay across your lap.
Your bored eyes stared into his chiseled physique, his boyish smile and his green eyes stared back. It was hard not to laugh, it was like having a staring contest with him and its always him that cracks up first while you sit there with a dazed smile.
"Wipe that look off your face or I'll kiss you." He threatened, well he said it like it was a threat but honestly you weren't one to complain. You still had your arms crossed, the corners of your lips just barely curving up.
"You should go back to your training, hercules." You commented, out of the corner of your eye you could feel Caesar and Lisa Lisa's eyes burning holes to the back of Joseph's head.
"Hmm... Should I? Where's the fun in doing all that when you're not there?" He asked with a tilted head. "I work hard, y'know? These bad boys are going owhere and I don't have a babe by my side to appreciate them." He flexed his arms, prompting for you to snort as you cover your mouth. You weren't one to really match the same energy with whoever you talked with, including your boyfriend Joseph and yet that never seemed to stop him from his attempts to make you smile at least. "Fine, but don't expect me to put on some kind of show for you." You hummed, following the tall man with your arms behind your back.
As long as you drown him with compliments and praises here and there, he could care less for your lack of enthusiasm. No matter how much he may tease you for being "super flat", your opinions and values mean a lot to him.
He tends to like the quiet and unamused ones anyways, something about these individuals are so mysterious and he likes the chase.
back to the masterlist!
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mommalosthermind · 1 year
So this happened:
Me: “I feel like I wrote Lisa kinda snotty in this passage, d’you think she could pull off snotty?”
Him: “Not really? If you want bitchy then you need Yae Miko, Lisa’s kinda normal unless you’re late with a book.”
Me: “…Lisa’s vaguely condescending though.”
Him: “Yeah, I can see that. Miko can be straight up mean but Lisa would be like, ‘Careful cutie, keep that up and I might forget your safeword,”
Which I can fucking hear, and it is thus completely not my fault that this immediately popped into my head:
(Lisa/Jean/Kaeya under the cut)
Teatime is meant to be sacred, you know. It’s a darling little ritual to break up the day. Peaceful, harmonious. If, lately, it’s also come with a delightful side of spending time with Jean, and occasionally Kaeya, well, that’s just two more reasons for teatime to be important, don’t you think?
Sometimes, though, not even the fear of Lisa’s wrath can keep Jean’s underlings from interrupting.
Lisa’s fingertips rub circles into her temples. In all honesty, she tuned out whatever crisis this is ages ago. Her tea’s lone gone. The other two cups, so carefully brewed, are cold. No one’s touched the assortment of sliced fruits, nor the biscuits.
It might be selfish of her, to be sad over such a silly thing, but really, is it? Jean works so hard. Lisa all but bullied her into routinely meeting up like this, and Kaeya’s no better. Yes, she’s sad about the loss of their quiet rest, the lack of time together, but at the heart of it, Lisa’s upset at how the rest of the world is intent on working them both into an early grave.
Varka’s in for an earful when he returns.
Half an hour. That’s all she’s trying to give them. Half an hour to breathe.
Instead, Kaeya paces the length of the rug, voice rising and falling in its most persuasive tones. Jean stands behind her chair, one hand curled over the back. Bruises are beginning to darken under her eyes. How much more lovely would she look, if she was simply allowed a full night’s sleep? How broad would those shoulders really be, if they weren’t coiled so tight with tension? For that matter, Lisa’s willing to bet Kaeya’s lip would swell so much sweeter if the teeth sinking into it weren’t so rife with worry.
Irritation spikes in Jean’s voice, calling Lisa back to the present. She purrs, “Careful cutie, keep that up and I might forget your safeword.”
They freeze. They always do. It’s adorable, really, how easy it is to trip them up like this.
Jean’s flush is a thing of beauty, much darker than Lisa can usually pull out with a single line.
Lisa tilts her head, and blinks.
Neither of them have moved. They’re simply… staring at one another.
Her brows bunch together. Hmm. Perhaps she’s overstepped.
All at once, Kaeya animates, a too-loud laugh filling the space between them all. He waves an extravagant hand in the air, ambling back to Jean’s side. “Be careful yourself,” he says, glancing from Jean’s red face to Lisa. “Lines that like are liable to lose you the soft domme reputation you’ve so pointedly cultivated.”
Lisa smiles, making sure to allow it to bloom slowly. She watches a lovely shiver work its way up Jean’s spine.
“What I’m hearing is you think I’d make a good domme,” she says, and allows her smile to curl into sultry as the edge of Kaeya’s lip tucks between his teeth.
Jean’s inhale is sharp.
Like the blustery thing he is, he opens his mouth as soon as he catches her looking. “Is that so? Do good dommes often ‘forget’ safewords?”
“Only with permission, darling. After all, it would be my job to take care of you, wouldn’t it? That includes giving you the punishments you want.”
Kaeya’s eye is blown wide enough to lose its star shape.
“Although, I do find myself far more interested in giving out praise over punishments. And I wouldn’t need to punish the two of you, now would I?”
“I feel,” Jean squeaks, stopping to clear her throat. “Oh my goodness,” her hands come up to pat at her still-burning cheeks.
Kaeya attempts what Lisa assumes is meant to be a laugh, but it comes out more like a rough breath.
“This is maybe not a work appropriate conversation,” Jean says, still squeaky, still red, still staring at Lisa like she’s never seen her before.
Lisa stands, and watches how they swallow in unison.
And then the door bangs open, Amber rushing in with another fistful of papers.
“You will not believe the amount of nonsense,” Amber exclaims, only to stop dead and stare at the three of them. “Um. Is everything okay here? Is this a bad time?”
Jean shakes herself, once, twice, and when she pulls her gorgeous eyes off Lisa for the first time in ages, Lisa finds that she’s had quite enough of that, thank you very much.
“It is, yes,” she says before Jean can dive right back into whatever inane thing needs her attention now. “Go ahead and drop that anywhere, and we’ll get back to you later, okay?”
Amber’s already nodding, her eyebrows pressed tightly together. “Yeah, yeah, okay, and I’ll tell Wyatt not to let anyone else in for now.”
The girl’s gone in the same rush she arrived, door thunking closed behind her. As an added precaution, Lisa activates her personal wards, watching both doors glow a faint purple.
“Did I know you could do that?” Kaeya asks mildly.
Jean’s already moving to collect the papers Amber left behind.
Lisa tuts. “Jeanie, sit.”
Jean sits.
Jean sits, and then an absolutely baffled expression takes over her pretty face. That flush is back in full force.
“Good girl,” Lisa says, leaning one hip on the table across from her.
That flush goes so dark Lisa’s a little worried the poor thing’s gone dizzy.
Goodness, if this keeps up, Lisa is going to be the dizzy one.
“And I believe that’s my cue,” Kaeya chirps, easing around where Jean’s still gaping up at Lisa. “Mind undoing the door long enough to let me out?”
“I’m afraid I do mind. Your turn, sweetie. Sit down for me.”
“Aha,” Kaeya says, but his feet stop moving.
“Jeanie baby?”
Jean slings one arm out, tugging Kaeya in until he sits across her lap, held in place with her arms around his hips.
That one blue eye slides from Jean to Lisa and back again, as though he can’t decide where he should be looking.
“So good for me,” Lisa says again, delighting in the way the two of them melt into each other. “Aren’t you two just the prettiest little kittens I’ve ever seen.”
She sits back down, leaves them to press into each other, lets them keep their eyes on her as she starts preparing them all new cups of tea. When she looks up, Kaeya’s slouched down to cuddle into Jean’s shoulder, his arms wrapped around her middle. All three of those gorgeous eyes are fixed on her, exactly where she likes them best.
“Now then. I think we have some new things to discuss, and you two darlings have some safewords to pick out.” She winks, and relishes the way two sets of teeth sink into lower lips. “Don’t worry. I won’t forget them unless you want me to.”
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razorblade180 · 7 months
Ignited 5: Hidden Attack
Ch 4 <-
With no major distractions and vigor to spare, Yujin continued running through the Forever Fall, occasionally coming across pits with future peers trapped inside. She knew better than to completely tank her time but that didn’t stop her from snapping tree limbs and tossing it one at an angle.
“Climb it and then pay the favor forward!” She yelled as she ran. There was a high chance the others would follow the example. Maybe not for righteous reasons, but for the fact that they were all being recorded. No way they would pass if they were caught being too incompetent to escape a deep hole and ignoring others.
Jael kept watching the performance but in all honesty, it wasn’t much. Yujin hardly came across anything worthy of displaying real combat skills. Nevertheless, she watched. Several other contestants had made their way back to the beginning, including the boy in the fox mask. She was only familiar with the boy under it from last year’s departure. Why he was wearing a mask, she didn’t know. Wasn’t keen on asking why either. That was until he approached her to watch as well.
“Sup.” Tenzen said casually. “We really haven’t been properly introduced. My family knows your family and all that jazz. I’m Tenzen. Currently being called-”
“TZ.” Her gaze shifted to him slightly. “What’s with the mask?”
“Oh this old thing? Hehe, I’m a street performer that’s decently sized online.”
Jael vaguely remembers hearing that alias before. Her mind hasn’t been on many other hobbies or interests for awhile now. “That doesn’t make much sense. A group of people called your name earlier, so the mask isn’t hiding much.”
“Oh you misunderstand. People know me for my mask. Not my face. I came here pretty conspicuously but with all the eyes Yujin and her family drew, I went ahead and took some of the heat off.”
“Hmm.” Jael went back to focusing on the screens. “Lucky for her she has so many in her corner.”
Her tone was rather dry and lacking any enthusiasm. Even so, Tenzin got a weird vibe. He only really knew what Yujin told him about Jael. The girl definitely didn’t get out. Lack of communication was to be expected? “Looking for someone in particular? A friend maybe?”
“They already made it through after you. Watching your competition pays off.”
Okay, maybe her social skills were fine? He just wasn’t expecting her to be the super serious type. “That’s true. If you ask me though, nothing is more important than keeping yourself loose until the final moments. All rigid things snap under tension.”
“Or become compacted. Then they become the pressure others bear. But yes…your words have merit.”
“Yeah…” he trailed off, walking away to leave the girl to her own devices. “See ya around.”
“Probably.” Jael barely gave him the time of day. Although, he was pretty keen on the uptick. She made no effort to hide who exactly she was looking at on the monitor. It was a real shame she couldn’t see his face though.
Lilith watched the entire interaction from afar with Canary. She looked at her future teacher to see a level of scrutiny in her gaze. “Something the matter?”
“That girl rubs me the wrong way. It’s common for some people to be calm during examination, but unbothered? I can understand boredom; I definitely was. This though…”
“Maybe it’s your natural biases? Worried she has a grudge against half your family tree?”
“Pfft, depends on the half.” She crossed her arms. “Are you really telling me you don’t feel anything? I’ve been told you have quite the intuition.”
“It’s nothing worth bragging about.” Canary wasn’t wrong to feel tension though. From the looks of it, their esteemed guests were all operating on a different level of tension. “I’m not privy to the ins and outs of every single detail, but there’s definitely something in the air that’s dying to rear its face.”
“So you agree? Regardless, we can handle it. That I’m certain of.”
“Should we though?” Lilith raised a brow. She put her hands behind her back and cocked her head to the side.
“What does that mean?”
“I’ve noticed that despite this being your first time in a while being on this side of Remnant, you would rather speak to me more than the family you have several feet away. And when you do, it’s rather…peckish.”
“Umm, y-you’re point?” Canary wasn’t expecting Lilith to become suddenly off putting.
“You clearly have your own tension you could probably confront now, but like most clever people, you want to do it unimpeded. Correct?”
“I’m also working right now. This is sorta on the job training.”
“And this Jael girl is taking a test. I’m sure whenever she chooses to act, it’ll be on her terms. We could become hurdles much like this course, but there’s only a way around.”
“No offense, but it sounds like you’re content with watching.”
Lilith gave a full grin. “Isn’t that the job? Don’t forget, I’m still a student at the end of the day. Drama among peers is interesting; but don’t worry. Count on me to make sure nothing gets to the point of being irreversible.”
Her words didn’t exactly inspire confidence, but Canary couldn’t say she wasn’t interested. To think so many people around her had something more than meets the eye.
“I’d believe her words if I were you.” Glynda said, maintaining her gaze on the students and the paper she grades them on. “Lilith has an annoying way of being correct more often than not.”
The girl couldn’t help but giggle to herself as she placed her hands on her hips. “Why does it have to be an annoyance exactly?”
Canary could see why her cousin had a soft spot for Lilith. The girl had an odd but attractive personality about her. “Birds of a feather.” She mumbled, turning back towards the screens.
“Alley oop!” Yujin cried out, flinging a straggling beowulf into an incredibly thick wall. She had seen the obstacle back at the other wall, but now that she was up close she could tell an incredible punch would be pretty mediocre against it. Not to mention it was smoother than the last one.
“C’mon. We have a brain for a reason.” She looked both ways to see it stretch out forever. If there was an end, which there had to be, it would eat up too much time to get around it.
A few people she helped had immediately started to climb or even warp short distances up. It would’ve been nice if her kindness was returned in this moment, but Yujin knew it really is a matter of circumstance if anyone could help her. The more she thought out about the singular reality made her ponder if this test was also meant to give a pretty brutal insight of their shortcoming. “I’m in deep water now.” She groaned.
Years of not designing firearms into her weapon suddenly felt like a dumb idea. Tenzen probably rocket jumped! Oh well. No use crying over spilt milk. She had to think of something soon. That’s when a different problem arrived….
“HEEEELLLP!” Cried a girl that was no older than her. She came running out of the thicket and would’ve hit the wall if Yujin didn’t grab her.
“Wow wow wow! Why are you shaking!? The girl’s eyes were shaking with fear and her clothes were covered in mud.
“I- I can feel it! It keeps stalking me! Always getting closer! Eating the grimm!”
Yujin couldn’t believe her ears. A chill went down her back. “Eating?”
The girl nodded furiously. “We need everyone to leave! I’m not cut out for this! I’m only alive because I can feel it!” She tried getting out of Yujin’s grip but she wasn’t going anywhere. “Let go! It’s still stalking!”
“Slow down! What type of grimm!?”
“I don’t know! But it’s huge! The vibrations, I feel them! It’s my semblance!” The girl felt like she could die on the spot, eyes flooding with tears. “It’s getting closer!”
A semblance that involved vibrations. Yujin has been vigilant and she doubted the faculty would leave a grimm in the area too dangerous for a novice to kill. That only left one terrifying thought; Yujin looked down at the dirt. A second later, the minerals trembled more than the frightened girl.
“Shit.” Yujin tossed the girl sky high in the direction of the wall and onlooking participants. She was glad she acted when she did, because now the ground at her feet was gone; shattered to pieces as a massive Death Stalker came lunging out.
“YUJIN!!” Yang yelled as she watched the screen in immediate horror.
Raven immediately grabbed her hilt but a golden portal opened with Lilith already dashing through it before Raven could draw the blade.
Lilith came sliding out with her auburn bow and drew the golden string back, ready to fire at the beast; her eyes widened in shock to see that while Yujin was in the right pincer, she wasn’t exactly in danger. “Wow…”
Yujin held both sides of the crackling claw open with pure strength. Lilac eyes glared into the many golden eyes of the monster as it tried clipping her with the left claw. Yujin was fortunately still quicker than it, hoisting herself out of its hold and jumping over the second attack. It’s tail flicked rapidly, prompting her to cross both her arms before taking a stab. However, as it struck, a blinding gleam of light flashed by them, severing the stinger. Yujin landed safely and turned her head left as she heard a tree thud. Standing on a branch was Jael sheathing her sword.
The young swordsman looked at the girl with indifference. “Shouldn’t you move now?”
“Uh right!” Yujin grabbed the huge stinger and jumped back. The Death Stalker tried to charge at her but immediately howled in agony as a barrage of arrows blinded several eyes.
It raised both claws to dig down again, yet found no dirt as it struck a glyph. Canary came diving out of the portal with Harbinger crashing down, cutting off a pincer before changing to scythe mode and raking through several legs. The beast only screamed louder until it was silenced, choked by a stinger that was beamed right into its mouth. Canary looked back to see Yujin still in a spear chucking stance. “Nice throw.”
The girl's eyes went back to blue as she took a breath and shrugged. “Yeah? Well y’know?”
Lilith saw the Grimm begin to fade so she turned her gaze to her future peers who looked from the wall, spotting the worried girl who was thrown. Looks like she was physically safe. “I trust all of you are physically well? Please continue and take this moment to understand where you are trying to get accepted into. With all that said…I apologize for this disruption.”
It was the first time today that Lilith actually sounded somber. It wasn’t her fault a Grimm this dangerous was hiding underground. Still, Canary doubts that fact would make her feel better. Instead she put attention on Jael. “Hey? While I appreciate a quick call to actions and am grateful you aided my family, I have to ask you to refrain from doing anything reckless. As talented as you might be, you’re not even a student.”
“Yet.” Jael added confidently. “The portal was opened right next to me. It only made sense to move in.”
Yujin smiled cheerfully. “Can’t argue with that. Not that I needed the save, but I appreciated it all the same! Thank you!”
“It’s nothing worth mentioning.”
Jael jumped down from the tree and made her way back to the portal. Yujin really didn’t think much of it. Jacquelyn did say that Jael needs her focus. Although with skills like hers, Yujin couldn’t imagine why. She didn’t even see the blade, only Jael putting it away. Definitely Adam’s kid.
“Soooo…” Yujin batted her eyes at the two people in charge. “Do I get to walk through the portal? I handled this situation pretty well after all.”
“Tah!” Canary scoffed, “So now you want special treatment. From what I heard, you didn’t even have to take this test since you got a recommendation letter! Sorry squirt, handle the wall!”
“Hehe… worth a shot. No big deal though. I have my ways.”
Canary and Lilith were planning to head back but watched curiously as Yujin made her way towards the wall with a fist raised to the sky!
“Lil? What’s the likelihood she’s about to break her hand on that wall?”
“You tell me. She’s your cousin. Also, Lil?” We’re onto nicknames already?”
Yujin took a deep breath before swinging downward. Not at the wall, but the ground right next to it and under her feet. The single blow was enough to rattle the ground, reducing the spot into rubble and making a crater. Yujin looked straight ahead and sure enough, it was nothing but more dirt ready to be obliterated.
More sounds of tremendous force shook the rock at Lilith’s and Canary’s feet. The former couldn’t help but laugh.
“Hahaha! Well that’s one way to do it! Points for creativity.” Lilith starts walking to the portal.
Canary followed her with a smile on her face. “You make it sound like she needs those points.”
They both returned to the starting area and Canary looked at her family to see that calm expressions returned to them. “I am amazed that no one else ran through the portal with the way you screamed.”
Yang’s face went completely red. “Well…you two missed the part where she caught the claw. After that I may have realized I may have shouted a little too loudly…” She kicked a rock.
Jaune was perfectly calm the entire time. “I knew she could handle it. I’ve caught her in the rain fighting bears before.”
“You mean…the Ursa’s on Patch?” Ruby asked, only to see her father, Jaune, and aunt sigh heavily.
“No.” They said in unison while Tenzen tried to keep it together. He may have a few ridiculous videos to share later.
Not long after, The girl of the hour came walking through the proper portal. Her gloves were covered in soil and she smelled like nature, but she was here.
“Wait…” she blinked twice, realizing where she was. “That was the last obstacle!? It just loops back here!?”
Glynda handed her a green slip of paper. “Congratulations on passing. You will move on to the final portion.”
“I would hope so after what happened! It feels like involuntary extra credit!”
“Welcome to Beacon.” Glynda smirked and walked away. Lilith gave a silent nod to Yujin that basically said, “yeah pretty much.”
With the stragglers arriving and the second portion coming to a close, Glynda gathered in front of the screens as the second group was soaring into view “Alright everyone, well done to those who have made it this far. You will be flown to the next and final destination where you will have a proper chance to recover, eat, and prepare for the next challenge.”
“Is that another lie?” Marcus asked, his voice drained of energy.
“A well deserved question, but an unnecessary one. I’m not in the mindset of deceptive word play, unlike certain people.” She looked at the two culprits. They didn’t even look guilty.
Yujin leaned closer to Tenzen. “I don’t think it was that deceptive.”
“Oh, yeah you missed the funny part. Apparently the people who chose to prepare in town didn’t fail. They’re on their way now.” He pointed to the distant airship.
The girl fell silent, blinking twice as she realized she hasn’t the foggiest clue about how they are being graded if the second group is about to run a used obstacle course. “Elite schools are insane.” Yujin raised her hand. “Headmaster?”
“Yes? Is something the matter?”
“I trust your words, but can we have a show of good faith? What is our final challenge exactly?”
Glynda raised a brow. “ It’s the same as it is every year. For confirmation of that, look no further to the alumni.”
The aspiring heroes turned to the adults. Ruby and Jaune casually took a step away from everyone. “Don’t look at us. We got in on special terms.”
“Tah! Special terms you say.” Glynda scoffed, specifically at Jaune. “Ms. Rose did indeed stop a crime. What was yours, Mr. Arc?” Her eyes narrowed, knowing exactly what he did.
Fortunately Nora was there to pull everyone’s attention. She raised her arm up and chanted, “Hahaha! Aptitude Sparring!”
Those like Yujin, Tenzen, and even Jael were actually aware of this, but it was clear many others found themselves caught off guard. Though the confirmation was reassuring to Yujin. In the grand scheme of events, this exam checked knowledge, practical environmental skills, and combat.
Glynda continued explaining to the crowd. “In this line of work, battles never stop at Grimm unfortunately. It only makes sense to see how you all go against people. I recommend you all take this seriously. You may find this challenge to be the hardest one yet. That is all.”
This is it. At last, this is it! A golden opportunity to face Yujin. Jael could barely contain her enthusiasm, which became increasingly evident with the way her hand gripped the hilt of her blade. Jacquelyn noticed this and couldn’t stand idly by.
“Jael…remember why you’re here.”
“I know exactly why I’m here.” She said immediately. “I would’ve come last year if I didn’t know why I personally chose to wait, and you know that too.”
“There’s a dozen reasons why last year’s plans fell through. A vendetta wasn’t one of them for me. If it was then I wouldn’t have trained you.”
“What’s with the virtuous act all of a sudden?” Jael faced her mother and looked her right in the eyes. “Why are you acting like you aren’t upset, or like you have no clue what my motivations are? I’ve made no effort to truly hide them; unlike my name.” The venom in her voice leaked through in those final words. “I’ve been nothing but patient and obedient. Are you saying it’s been for nothing?”
“I’m saying don’t let it be for nothing! You don’t even know if you’re facing her so stop getting worked up and don’t do something you’ll come to regret. I have no right to tell you to hold in your rage, but understand I will always fundamentally disagree with you if you choose to direct that anger harmfully. Don’t waste your future by being your father’s past.”
Jael’s eyes widened, her heart murmuring from the accusation. “I thought you would have more faith in your daughter. This isn’t anything like he’s done. I thought you of all people would understand remotely just what type of anger I have. However, unlike you, I won’t erase a bloodline.”
Jael walks off without looking back.”I’ll settle with the death of a dream.”
A quiet tension remained in the air. Jacquelyn didn’t even find the opportunity to bring the girl’s blade. She had unsheathed it for the sake of dealing with the grimm but something about it felt…unnatural. Almost as if she was rushing to put it away. The entire thing left Jacquelyn feeling more uneasy. For a moment, the carefully crafted mask Jacquelyn displayed began to slip as her eyes flickered. She took a deep breath, concealing the internal storm. Although now she wondered if the mask was of any use? It clearly wasn’t fooling her youngest. As for the oldest…
Jacquelyn let the air in her lungs escape mournfully. “Stay strong…”
It was a silent prayer but a prayer nonetheless that was meant for the girl who quietly sat in a hidden hospital room with her tear stained face resting on the bed; her soft eyes keeping their gaze on the man so still that you could mistake him for a corpse. Her stomach remained empty all day, and her strength only appeared to hold the man’s thin, frail fingers.
Her voice was dry and quiet, the same as it was countless years ago; back in that dark, dark place. “Dad, please…” once again, tears greeted her face and her vibrant white tiger ears fell. “Please…wake up.”
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medusa12346 · 2 years
Pick a Cardi B-Future wedding (The shortest PAC I’ve ever done)
HEYY! PS. If you don’t wanna legally marry then I’m afraid that this isn’t for you 😕
This describes the wedding day not the marriage dynamics :)
Enjoy! I’m sorry for the lack of versatility. I didn't think it was ‘right’ to add another pile today :(
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Pile 1
Hmm, I see you being very happy and healthy on your wedding day.There will be overflowing of love and abundance as well as food (lmao-) V might be signicfanct for you. This might be an outdoor wedding and it might be done near Christmas. The bride may wear a unique headpiece made of flowers, yeah this is an outdoor wedding. The bride is rather modern, she won’t be doing much of the traditional stuff. The bride will have 2-3 bridesmaids? (so much random stuff lmao) BUT The bride and groom will be united that day. They will not let anything break them down or eat them up. They will be so in love and completely infatuated by each other, especially the bride will go crazy over the groom’s looks.The bride may have short hair or legs and 'unusual’ looks but she will be proud of herself that day.Romance will be in the air!
Any Major obstacles?
I think some exes might be involved here and it might cause friction but it’s okay. The people may have thought that this was a fling or short term relationship but it turned out to be complexity wrong. Okay someone might be worried here, there might be a toxic family involved that will try to bring the person’s s/o down and it may cause a big heated argument between the families. The toxic family person gives me feminine vibes this may be from the daughters side.
Initials: T, S, V, N,J, H, Y.
Indicators:Cuddles, love bites, hugs, names starting with L, little mix, blackpink, Headphones, Toronto, view, rose, press, charge, take charge, love, live to love, tarot cards, spirituality, magnetic, magnficiant, kiddish, Saturn in 7th or in retrograde, TV
Pile 2
This wedding will be a very successful one from day one and everyone will know that it is. You may have kids before the wedding and they will particpate. Very balanced wedding, not too much of anything. A wedding that everyone will love. This might be an LGTBQ pile! You may have it between two areas?? Or your future spouse may be born from a different country than yours.You might have this outside too, but there might be two weddings tbh. This will be an emotionally satisfying wedding. This is your soulmate/twinflame, whoever youre meant to be with! This is a very happy day for you both! Dancing and music! White floral dresses (maybe the groom will wear something too, maybe he knows the bride likes him in some colour and will do it for her 🥺💞 Unconventional wedding.
Any major obstacles?
There might be an older masculine figure that tries to ruin the wedding or persuade someone to leave the wedding. But no other major ones!
Intials-V, J, H, N, I K, L,M
Indicators: Truth, honesty, intuition, love, romance, cute, cuddly bear, Martha, Lmao, babies, integrity, class, travel, love (again) pies, cutie pies, 'dad’, 'mom🥺’, family, love (again) cameraman, BTS, Jungkook
Reblog and share if it reosnated! Thank you <3
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lxmelle · 10 days
hi xmllex!! I've been curious, are you japanese or just speak japanese? :-o
cuz your analyses often mentions the meanings of japanese names/words and such... it adds another layer which makes them so interesting and unique in my opinion !
if it's the latter, where or how did you learn? u don't have to answer tho !
while I'm here, do you have any drawing requests? I would love to draw something for u ! ^__^
Haha, thanks for being curious!! I’m happy to answer anything within reason, although my answer is likely going to be long and may not be particularly interesting! 🤪
Ah, I am hardly fluent in Japanese, nor am I Japanese! I try my best to be careful with how I interpret phrases and words, but I think there is a lot that I miss because of the loss of cultural understanding/context 😔 sorry if I’ve misled in any way.
Some people have a natural talent when it comes to languages and - alas, I am not one of them 🤣
I took some Japanese language lessons back when I was a teenager, did some self study (with manga, magazines, novels, cds, dictionaries & workbooks), and when I entered university, I did two years of Japanese as part of my electives.
Nothing since!
This was actually kind of quite some time ago. Until I stumbled upon the jjk fandom, I hadn’t practiced any Japanese. I’m rusty 🥲 kanji is difficult to learn. It is infinitely easier with new tech these days, but in all honesty it makes me lazy so I don’t think I progress/improve much.
So now… I get by through passively reading the language, use google translate liberally, but don’t tend to speak it because I lack the confidence to do so.
Especially when it comes to interacting with people who speak it online, I’m not confident when it comes to polite Japanese anyway, and it’s a bit of a minefield trying to grasp the online etiquette of the Japanese 😵‍💫 so I tend to avoid conversing in it, unless it’d be rude not to attempt.
I’m like this with other secondary languages too. I’m really only fluent in English 😓
As for a drawing request…...
What - Really!!? 🤩
Ooh - would you be so kind as to draw something for me? 🥹😍😃 ahhh!! I’ve been thinking about a few scenarios for the longest time, but they’ve definitely beyond my scope to produce 😂
I’m excited! Shall I give you options?? I don’t want to request something too much… 🥲 although I’m greedy and excited
Hmm, I’m in brainrot heaven/hell with satosugu, so i hope that’s okay with you!
You can choose whichever inspires you... Or please don’t hesitate to ask for another suggestion!!
So, maybe…
1. Little Mermaid/Prince Eric? 🤭
2. Blushing Gojo? 😃
3. Blushing satosugu??
4. Hanging out on the dorms’ rooftop in the middle of the night!
5. Geto tucking his fringe behind his ear 🥰
6. I like teacher AU too!!!
7. Someone styling the other person’s hair!
I hope one of those ideas tickles your fancy 💕
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{Am I…a God? Neat!}
-Chapter Three: The Stars Align Once More-
A simple meditation was all Aether wanted. A quiet moment to gather himself after the events of the Dvalin confrontation that went array. That abyss mage's whinny voice was still ringing in his ears like a faint bell but that wasn't the main thing he was worried about. The static like noise that rung out in his head a few moments ago when he was at the Adventure's Camp near Dragonspine was his main concern. It sounded so familiar and the aura that came with it was unmistakable.
Aether opened his golden eyes to glace over to Paimon as she floated near him devouring a chicken-mushroom skewer. Even she'd heard and felt the sensation, so Aether knew he wasn't losing it. To think that just maybe his guardian was alive after all these years provided the young man some comfort. Because if they were here, they'd know where Lumine is and who the Unknown God was that attacked the two. He released a sigh as he slightly hardened his face into a frown.
'Why Dragonspine of all places Cosmi...?' He thought to himself. The mountain was unforgiving and he with all honesty hated traversing it. From the sheer cold feeling too much like the day Cosmi died to the near constant stream of enemies that all but always used the environment to their advantage.
Paimon sent a worried look over towards her blonde-haired companion. While she was used to him being semi-mute the silence was normally comfortable, but this silence was nerve racking. She still can't comprehend there being a god this old and strong being connected to Teyvat let alone having created it. Though to be fair before Aether went silent, he commented a bit on what the feeling meant and reassured her that everything was fine.
"Paimon thinks we should head to the peak as soon as possible...Did you hear Iris mentioning seeing the Fatui pulling out of the area and adventures cheering about a lack of monsters as well? This may be our only chance to get there was very little resistance..And besides we shouldn't keep them waiting this tugging sensation is getting stronger...."
All she got in response was a nod the blonde still seemed to be not talking seemingly lost in thought. She decided to take this time to fill the tense air with her chatter and question to hopefully make Aether relax a little or at least get some more answers from him. "So, Aether what are they like?" He paused his movements for a moment scanning the snowy area for a bit before humming," Cosmi was....is the most understanding yet unfeeling being I've known...They seem distant but there's a fondness and closeness that always told me I was loved...when my sister and I would travel the world's they created they'd always give us this knowing smile and some items that would help us on our journey in that world..."
Paimon nodded her head processing the information," Hmm they sound pretty great--Wait what is that?!" Her gray eyes caught sight of a weird creature that was floating near them. It was mainly a mint green with blue. It looked similar to a seelie and slime mixed together. It had what appeared to be two large bulbous arms that weren't connected to it but moved in tandem with it. The creature floated closer slightly closer raising one arm like a covering one's eyes from the sun before releasing a sharp chirp like sound and all but charging in their direction.
The white-haired child released a squeak as she zipped behind Aether who took a protective stance pulling out his sword. The creature then stopped a few feet in front of them. Close enough that They would clearly see it but not close enough for Aether to swing his sword and attack. It waved its arms in an excited motion twirling happily and overall appeared to be dancing. "What the heck is that?!?!"
"I'm not sure, but at least it appears friendly...?" Aether said quietly. He wasn't too sure of his claim but was at least semi confident he could take it out if it came down to a fight. The creature then released a soft jingle as it floated around Aether seemingly trying to communicate. The blonde's face held a mild smile as he tried to hide his confusion and concern though his eyes betrayed him. Paimon's face suddenly lit up and her small halo gained a soft golden glow as the stars turned white.
As the lights dimmed bit Paimon seemed to gain a smug smile to her face as the creature then began to give a series of jingles and she began to nod her little head. She then placed a hand on her chin eyes closed in apparent contemplation before she smirked a little as she spoke," He said his name is Polaris and he can help us get to the peak...he says someone named (Y/n) tasked him with gathering all the creatures of the mountain to the peak as well..."
"Wait isn't that the all-creator? What do they want with hillichurls and slimes?" Paimon asked curiously. The creature now known as Polaris, released another set of jingles causing the floating child nod again as she spoke," Yeah that makes sense...He said that the (Y/n) wanted to personally introduce themselves to the inhabitants of Dragonspine and also get a head count of every being that lives on the mountain..."
Aether's expression suddenly dropped hearing this," So I will have to wait to speak with them then..." He was a bit miffed at the thought of having to wait to see his parent again especially since he knows where they are, and he has no clue if they really know of Lumine's disappearance or not. The boy decided it would be best to focus on something else, so he began to speak, "Well how are you going to help us reach the peak? It's blocked off by a barrier of pure cryo energy..."
At his question Polaris waved his gelatinous arms in apparent glee before wrapping them around both Paimon and Aether as it glowed a soft golden color. "Hey, wait what are you?!" Paimon attempted to screech as the golden light blurred their vision before fading showing a large exit of a cavern with a waypoint statue nearby. There was an unprecedented number of enemies from slimes and whooper flowers to the cryo hypostasis and lawachurls. To say it was unsettling to be around such strong creatures and so many at that would be putting it lightly.
Polaris then let go of the two as it then shot into the air towards a figure that was floating above the ruins. Its soft jingles could be heard though faintly, Aether looked over at Paimon for a possible explanation as to what it was saying but the girl just gave her own unsure shrug turning her attention back towards the creatures that were all now definitely staring at them.
Aether nervously stopped himself from grabbing his sword before his thoughts were drawn towards a figure that was casually approaching the two. His eyes slowly adjusted to spot the unmistakable figure of arguably the most important being in his life next to his sister, standing (Well relatively speaking they were still floating a bit off the ground) in front of him that same calm and gentle smile on their face. Though looking at their eyes he knew they were exhausted.
The young man wordless charged towards them as they opened their arms embracing their son. "Oh, Aethereal it has been many a nova since we last saw each other hasn't it...I've missed you as well..." It was at this point Paimon decided to cut in, "Oh wow so you're the all-creator? It's nice to meet you! Paimon has been taking good care of Aether while you were away! Does Paimon get a reward?"
(Y/n) did their best to hold back a chuckle at the small child's words. Rubbing their son's back as the young man was still clinging onto them, they spoke," Just a moment Paimon...Though I thank you for giving my dearest starlight a reliable companion in such a difficult time in his life..." While they meant what they'd said they soon regretted speaking it out as Paimon all but seemed to glow from the praise.
At seeing the little fairy puff up in pride (Y/n) turned their attention back to their son," Aether dear I'm not going anywhere you can let me go..." Though they tried to pry the blonde's arms from them it did little to stop Aether from hugging tighter as he began to shake. The tears he was shedding having barely settled. This drew a sigh from the older being as they gave him a tired smile softly pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head.
"You were always the more sensitive one of you two...Oh how this reminds me of when you were little..." At the start of the sentence Aether moved his head a bit trying to hide his embarrassment releasing a small whine of protest. "Oh, it's nothing to be embarrassed about Aethereal~" They teased as the boy then moved a bit letting go of the hug but still clinging onto the sleeves of (Y/n)'s shirt.
(Y/n) took the silence that grew over everything as an opportunity to speak freely," I know where Luminous is, but it will be difficult getting to her as I am now...I'm sorry there isn't more I can do...being dormant for so long as drained much of my power for regeneration..." Aether seemed to shake his head a bit before softly speaking fearing his voice would betray him, "Cosmi...It's fine as long as you know where she is I-...I'll be okay.." Taking a moment to wipe the young man's tears (Y/n) gave another soft smile.
"Now Paimon about that reward of yours...hmmm" The ancient being closed their eyes for a spilt second before sticking a hand towards Paimon in a giving motion. For a moment nothing happened until the halo upon the floating child's head glowed a soft gold once more before the light faded," There that should be adequate enough..." The white-haired child tilted her head confused," But Paimon doesn't feel any different...?"
Her reaction caused (Y/n) to release a small chuckle," Try thinking of something you want most little one" They said as they held an amused look. Paimon seemed to think for a moment," Paimon could go for some sticky honey roast right about now..." At the child's words her halo glowed the same soft gold as before as a plate suddenly appeared floating in front of her. On it a plate of sticky honey roast sat as if it were pulled fresh from the oven.
The floating child's eyes seemed to pop out of her small head as she didn't know how to react to the dish's sudden appearance. "Oh, and one more thing little one...use this little gift wisely while it may be tempting to use all the time too much and you'll tire yourself out..." Paimon nodded her little head so fast Aether was sure it would fly off before she dug into the roast that was oddly still warm despite the chill of the mountain.
"Back to more important matters now...Aethereal you'll have to introduce me to your new friends I'm quite interested in meeting them. And as far as the issue with Dvalin goes I will assist in curing him..." Aether's mood seemed to greatly increase at that, "Of course Cosmi...and I'm glad you're back..." The old god smiled as they spoke, "Me too little star...me too"
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yourgoodbuck · 7 months
69 72 followers writing piece
CW For uhhhh dubcon/noncon, size kink, inconsistent size kink and pregnancy mentions. I think that’s everything? Idk those are the big ones
“Let me go!”
Given that both of her arms fit into one of his hands, she was unable to free herself. He looked unimpressed.
“You’re not going anywhere, human. You are my prize, and I intend to make good use of you.” He lifted her up, examining her while she continued to struggle in the air. “Hmm…a little thin, but we can fix that.”
She took the opportunity to spit on him. “Go to hell.”
With his free hand, he wiped his face clean and sighed. “I was going to be gentle. I was willing to go slow with you, let you become accommodated to how your new life was going to be. Evidently I’m going to have to be a little bit stricter with you.”
He let go of her, letting her fall to the floor. She grunted as she fell to her hands and knees on the cool marble floor in front of his throne.
“Forgive me if my sympathies seem lacking.”
He snapped his fingers. Instantly she felt something wrap itself around her neck and settle there. 
She reached up to her neck, feeling around. “What did you do?”
“It’s a binding charm. In your case, it looks like a collar. It helps remind the others who you belong to. And, in certain cases, it allows me to do this.” He slowly squeezed his hand around the air.
The pressure on her throat tightened and she gasped for air, struggling in vain to pull it off. “Help—please—”
He let her wheeze and gasp for a few more seconds before relaxing his hold. She coughed several times, doing her best to catch her breath.
“Surely I don’t need to place more restrictions on you.” He raised an eyebrow. “Unless you’d like me to, of course.”
She slowly shook her head.
“Good girl.” He beckoned her over with his hand. With great and obvious trepidation, she approached his throne.
She did so, her head bowed.
He leaned forward, putting one large hand under her chin and forcing her face up. “Look at me.”
Her eyes flicked toward his face, and his eyes locked with hers.
“You are mine, now and always. You will always be mine, and as mine, I am to do with you whatever I want. Now,” he said, his free hand shifting and vanishing his clothes, “stand up, open that smart mouth of yours, and show me that you understand.”
She swallowed hard, her eyes darting down to look between his legs, her eyes widening at the rapidly hardening cock in front of her as she stood. “It—it’s too big,” she stammered. “I’ll break my jaw.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes. She thought he might choke her again and tensed up, but instead she felt a warmth along her jawline and throat.
“I forget how fragile you humans are sometimes. Now then, if there are no more objections.” He let go of her chin and gestured to his cock.
She nodded, slowly leaning forward and pressing her tongue against the head, dragging it over and around. He was cool to the touch and she felt a shiver run down her spine as she continued to lick.
He groaned softly, one giant hand resting in her hair. “Good pet, just like that,” he murmured.
She thought about telling him to piss off with the ‘pet’ comment, then decided against it. Instead she opened her mouth—far more than what she thought she was capable of, in all honesty—and took the head in her mouth, gently sucking.
“Fuck,” he hissed, his grip on her head tightening. “Need more…”
Without any more of a warning than that, he pushed her head down deeper. She gagged, tears springing to her eyes and rolling down her cheeks.
“Mm, now that is a wonderful look on you,” he said between heavy breaths. Being that her mouth and back of her throat were full of his cock, she was unable to respond, save for a desperate whine.
“Oh, right, you need to breathe, don’t you?” He held her there for a couple moments longer before allowing her to come up.
She coughed violently, spit and drool connecting her lips to his dick. “I can’t—I can’t take it all. It’s still too big.”
“How is that my problem?” he scoffed. “And I don’t remember saying that you were allowed to talk.”
Once more he began to squeeze the air and her eyes widened as she scrambled for the collar. Gasps and whimpers came from her, each quieter than the last as her air supply ran out. Just when she thought she was going to black out, the pressure lifted and she fell forward on her hands between his legs, wheezing.
He sighed, and she felt another surge of warmth flush against her throat. “Another complaint out of you and I promise that you won’t be speaking for quite some time. Do I make myself clear?”
She nodded, a hand reaching for his cock but stopping short.
He gestured at her with one hand, the other going to rest in her hair again. “Get on with it. I’ll tell you if I need you to stop.”
His message received, she grasped his cock in her hand, leaning forward to take the tip into her mouth and sucking.
“Eyes up here, darling,” he said, his massive thumb stroking her cheek. “I want to see those beautiful blue eyes water when you’re taking in all of me.”
She groaned, reluctantly keeping her eyes open and looking upward.
He smirked down at her. “Good girl. See, I knew you could be obedient. You like pleasing me, don’t you? That’s right, no shame in admitting it.”
She tried to shake her head; in response, he pushed her down further, causing her to gag and choke around his cock.
“Oh, were you saying something?” He snickered, firmly holding her in place. “Relax your throat or we’re going to be here all day. Not that I would mind, but I did have other plans. There, just like that. You catch on quick.”
She moaned, unable to do much else. His cock was partially sheathed in her throat, but even through the tears she could see that there were still several inches to go.
He hummed thoughtfully, looking down at her. “You really do look quite nice like this. Maybe I’ll keep you here, chained to my cock in such a way that you have to have me inside of your throat at all times.”
A whimper escaped, along with a thin line of drool.
“Oh? Do you like the sound of that, pet?” He ruffled her hair. “Well, I’d still like to try out your other holes before making such a big decision, but I promise to take your opinion into account.”
Tears rolled down her cheeks and he slowly moved his hips back and forth, each thrust seeming to go deeper than the one before it. “Mmh, fuck, so warm and tight,” he groaned, finally pulling her down to the base of his cock, her nose flush against his skin.
“Fuck…such a good look for my cock sleeve,” he said between heavy breaths. He held her there for several agonizing seconds, finally releasing her when the red on her cheeks began to fade. He let her slide up almost all the way, keeping the tip between her lips.
She gasped, gulping down air.
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, it wasn't that bad. Again.”
The hand on the back of her head began to push, and she put up no resistance when his cock pressed against the entrance to her throat.
“What a pretty slut,” he said with a chuckle, pushing her head down further. “So much for your earlier bravado.”
She glared at him and growled, the muscles of her throat rippling around him and making him groan.
“Fuck,” was all he managed to get out before thrusting his hips into her face. “That's right, make all the noises you want. No one's going to rescue you.”
With a sudden burst of bravery, she pulled a Hail Mary: she tried to bite him.
Tried, because the instant the pressure increased he yanked her up by her hair, making her cry out in pain.
“That's not very nice, pet.” He stroked her cheek with his free hand, her eyes wide with fear. “I'm afraid that means I'm not going to be nice, either.”
Still holding her, he moved his other hand from her cheek to between her legs. With a quick hand movement, her clothes vanished, reappearing in a pile on the floor. He let out a pleased hum as he looked her over.
“Like a little doll.” He pressed his palm to her groin and smirked. “I had a feeling you were enjoying this as well.”
He began to rub his open hand against her skin, causing her to squeak when he brushed against her clit.
“Oh, right.” He lowered her to the ground, then moved his hand down around her waist and lifted her up again.
“Pretty doll,” he crooned, resuming his rubbing of her outer lips and clit. Her face was screwed up as she tried to remain quiet, her hips shaking.
“Now, now, no holding back. I want to hear every wonderful noise.” The hand between her legs moved to squish her cheeks. “My patience is wearing thin, darling. I'd rather not make you submit by force.”
His hand left her face, and she responded with a low whine, weakly kicking her feet.
“Goodness, you are fussy.” He lifted her so she was poised over his lap, teasing his other hand between her legs to pry them apart. “That’s it, let me see how wet you are.”
The answer was “very,” with slick visible on her inner thighs. All she could do was moan at his cool touch.
Without any warning, he pushed a finger inside of her. She cried out, tilting her head back as her hips jerked.
“So warm,” he marveled. “And I thought your mouth felt heavenly.”
He began to slowly piston his finger in and out, drawing out groans and whimpers. When those seemed to be dying down, he added a second finger, curling them upward. Her noises returned in full force, her breathing becoming ragged.
“That’s it, let it all out. Let everyone know whose pet you are.” His fingers worked faster. “Call me your King.”
She gasped, unable to move much more than her hips in response to him. “My King, my King.” It had an almost musical quality to it.
“Yes, cum for your King,” he said, shifting his hand so his thumb could rub against her clit while still fingering her.
That was what undid her. With a cry (possibly of pain, more likely of overwhelm) she tensed up, her whole body shuddering as it rode out the orgasm he wrought from her, gently coaxing her walls to loosen for him.
At last she went limp, held up only by him. He slowed his fingers but did not stop them just yet. “Mm, still so tight, and gods, so warm,” he breathed, his cool breath along her skin making her shiver.
Her eyes half-opened, and to her (admittedly quiet) alarm, she could see that his cock was still at attention. In fact…did it get even bigger?
He followed her gaze and grinned. “Excited, are we? I won’t keep you waiting, pet.” He pulled out his fingers, eliciting a quiet groan from her.
“Patience, patience. I intend to keep you around for a very long time; I don’t want to go ahead and break you right now.” He positioned her over his cock, one hand holding out one leg to the side, the other still holding her by the waist.
He rubbed the head of his cock against her outer pussy lips, coating it in her cum. “Fuck,” he muttered, and after a little more rubbing, began to press against her entrance.
She moaned, weakly shaking her head. “It’s too big,” she pleaded.
“Nonsense. I believed it for your throat, but I’m going to make you take all of me,” he said with a grunt, pushing one last time and letting out a sigh as the head caught, while she barely held back a scream.
“Ooh, yes, this is going to be a tight fit. Not to worry, we’ve got plenty of time to mold you.” He smiled and pulled her down by her leg and waist. Immediately she felt her walls spreading, widening for his cock and she let out a choked-back sob.
“There we go,” he crooned, “you’re being such a good sport about this. Just relax, I’m doing all the work.” He continued to agonizingly pull her down bit by bit. Somehow, her cervix didn’t stop him; she could feel him moving past her walls and almost passed out from everything she was feeling.
At long last, he let go of her leg, which swung back to hang by its twin, both now dangling there. “See?” he said, panting softly. “Go ahead and look.”
Against her better judgment, she opened her eyes. Her womb was distended, her flesh leaving little to the imagination with his cock pulsing inside of her.
“You look so beautiful like this,” he told her, rubbing a thumb over the shape of his member. “I can’t wait to fill you with my seed.”
A look of panic crossed her face. “What — no, you can’t —”
He squeezed her midsection, causing her to cry out. “I can do whatever I’d like with my new toy. And what I’d like is to watch her belly swell from how I fill her needy womb and cunt.”
She whimpered, her legs trembling. This did not go unnoticed.
“Oh? You must really like the sound of that; I can feel your walls twitching.” Still holding her by her waist, he began to move her up and down, unabashedly moaning and thrusting his hips up into her on occasion.
“Mm, it’s like you were made for me,” he panted between heavy breaths. “I might just wear you around the palace, keep you strapped around my cock all day. Would you like that, pet? To be on display for everyone as my little whore?”
In response she whined loudly, her hips jerking violently. 
He grinned down at her. “Looks like you’re learning to be honest with yourself.”
He continued to slide her up and down his cock, suddenly speeding up with a groan. “Mm, fuck, going to fill you up —”
He slammed her down to the base with a guttural cry. His cock began to swell and pulse, and she was helpless to stop him as he filled her with his cum. This triggered her own orgasm, and she writhed as it overcame her, her head becoming light headed to the point of momentarily passing out.
She wasn’t sure how long she was out, but his cock was still hard inside of her when she came to.
He rubbed her swollen stomach, a reminder of what had just happened, leaving her whimpering in protest. “You did so well,” he murmured. “I’m going to enjoy watching you grow over the next year. That is, assuming this takes on the first try. It might be a while before you actually get pregnant.”
He rolled his hips, grinding against her. “In fact, who knows if you can carry my child? It’d be a shame if you couldn’t, but I’d still get plenty of use out of you.” He chuckled, pausing. “I know for a fact that I have an Asgardian ally who’d be more than happy to take part in your…gifts.”
A strangled sort of noise came from her as she felt her clit twitch and her walls begin to ache. “P-please, no —”
“It’s a little late for you to remember your manners,” he chided her, shaking his head. “You’re going to have to convince me as to why I shouldn’t share you among others.”
He shifted his position so she was held down against him by gravity instead of his hand. “Go on. Speak, pet.”
Her cheeks were flushed with shame and arousal. “M-my King,” and she had to pause to catch her breath as her legs clenched up, “what if, what if someone doesn’t want to give me back?”
He scoffed. “My word is law in this land. Besides…I might be amenable to some sort of schedule, or at the very least, getting the opportunity to watch them fuck you.”
Her breath caught in her throat and he smirked. “Gods, you are sensitive. Shall I make you cum by just telling you what I want to do to you?”
She weakly shook her head. “Can’t, can’t take another,” she pleaded. “P-please, no more. I can’t hold any more of you inside of me.”
“I suppose that’s true,” he mused. “And as I said earlier, I do need to get other things done today. Very well.”
He began to slowly pull her up, pausing at the halfway mark. “Although…it’s such a shame to leave your holes empty. Luckily, I have a solution.”
He pulled her up the rest of the way, and as soon as the tip of his cock pulled out, she felt something rush in to take its place, some sort of invisible presence that she could feel holding her open.
“Mine,” he murmured, moving so he could lay her against his chest. “Rest, my pet. You’re going to need it.”
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lemongingerart · 1 year
Hi Peb, responding to your 'get help'!
(((I made a separate post for several reasons. Lately, if I reblog something with extra content, it's just ignored. Also, this content has dirt on it. Lemons. NSFW. I wanted you to choose whether or not you want to be associated with it and how you want to get the tags right 😅))))
Ah, I'm sorry to hear that you're going through tough times! How is it that bad things always seem to happen simultaneously? I certainly feel you on the first topic though, right now I'm under a pile of blankets with covid as well. Tough mf.
We all sometimes need a pat on the back (or a bottle of red wine to share 🥲) so I do like this idea and dug through my Hux x OC fic for something shareable (because in all honesty that's the only content I have 🙃)
So… have this partially unfinished and unreviewed smutty chapter, that I won't be publishing this year anyway, because it’s so far up my fic no one will remember I shared this today 😅
(Oh stars, I think this is the first time I'm putting smut out in the open, and it's not even romantic, it's pure horny filth mainly for the ginger general's pleasure … but I'm too exhausted from corona to care 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ )
Tagging the moots, in case they're horny for Hux: @liminalpebble, @mylifeisactuallyamess , @morby - let me know if you want in
Wourd count: about 2 500
Tags/warnings: Hux POV, in universe but kind of AU if you read this separately, established relationship, Hux x female!OC (called Miko), hints of dom/sub relationship, boobs, dry humping maybe?, oral (m!receiving), a shoe.
Let me know what I forgot, because I most certainly did forget something (hence, corona)
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'H, we got an issue on the eastbound production line' Miko said, barging into his office and suddenly standing next to his desk.
Armitage skeptically looked up from his datapad, not amused by her lack of discipline. Still… he thought he would never have to admit it, but he was getting slightly used to it. The annoyance towards her unprofessional behavior had dwindled, now only a minor hindrance and thus making him able to focus on the reason she stumbled inside his office in the first place.
"Lieutenant, at ease." He said, although it wasn’t like she was standing straight up anyway. "Please explain. Slowly. "
Miko nodded, but the way she pulled up her eyebrow made it clear she wasn't having any of it. Stars, each time she was besting his authority she was encouraging him to find ways to fuck her and he wondered if she was doing it on purpose or even by reflex.
She swiftly provided him with an overview of various calculations, clearly visualized on her datapad, while she was elaborating on the numbers with her usual passionate style.
Hux didn't hear what she was saying though. Although he was watching her lip movements closely. And the way her chest heaved when she took a breath in between her rambling. Hmm, he'd love to free up some time in his busy schedule to open the clasps of that uniform and feel how warm and pliable her breasts feel today.
Miko stopped her exposition. "You aren't listening, are you." She stated, setting up a pouting face and her right hand on her hip. He knew her enough to assume that the disappointment was at least exaggerated, at best staged. He also knew how to turn that disappointment into something much more pleasant.
"You’re distracting me, Lieutenant. " Miko turned a quarter when she laid down the datapad before him. She switched hands, planting her knuckles on her other hip. She frowned. "Distracting you? This is kind of urgent, otherwise I wouldn't barge into your office and disturb your heavily stuffed planning like this." He could swear she was mocking him now.
She sighed, waving her free hand towards the datapad on the table and ticking on the graphs. While doing so, she leaned on his desk and he could smell the champoo on her hair - of course she wasn't using the regulated one - and a hint of the tea they shared this morning.
"Still, you know what your lack of manners and disrespect do to me." He hissed, turning his desk chair and sliding her way. Miko looked back to him in bewilderment. Did she really not expect him to make a remark like this? She frowned for a second.
"Apologies, sir, for speaking before my time. " she then quietly said, blushing and turning her gaze towards the ground. He didn’t miss the flicker in her eyes, though, signaling Hux she was more than happy to play along. Stars, he never was sure if she did these things on purpose in the first place.
He did want to get that uniform open now, just a little bit to feel if he could make her moan with one hand in, kneading her tits and making her nipples get stiff between his fingers.
Outstretching his right leg, he locked his foot behind the back of Miko’s knee, coercing her to come closer. Hux hips had sunken more towards the end of the chairs seating now, making him lay back a bit. She followed his unspoken directions with baby steps, the closer she got the more blush apparent on her cheeks.
As she was standing in between his legs now, he raked his long fingers over the side of her figure. He could spot how she pulled in her lower lip, biting it as if it could stop her from breathing heavily, betraying she needed his touch.
He chuckled, he deeply appreciated the way she played her part right now. It was still a mystery to him how she could just… be who she was to him.
"I'm not sure if I can just accept those apologies. But I am in a good mood. Can your eastbound issue wait for another 15 minutes?" Miko only nodded. "Good. Because I'm going to solve another problem first." He whispered, pulling her closer by the neck clasp of the uniform. She had to bend her knees forward and he made sure her upper legs reached the chair, right before the center of his pants. The next friction created by her leg moving was no coincidence though, it made it clear to him she was aware of the boner in his pants and how she was more than willing to do something about it.
But first, he wanted to open up that uniform just enough to see her nipples come out and give them some of his treatment, while still some of the skin remained locked in fabric.
He pulled her closer even more, planting a kiss on her lips, the kind of kiss that is making her want more by the way she tries to pull on his lips. But he wasn’t going to give her those yet. He still had a firm grip on the collar, making sure she couldn’t steal away any extra kisses. The soft but needy complaining sound that escaped her lips, made him chuckle.
His other hand found a way to the clips of the uniform, expertly opening it up from under the collar to right under her breasts. Keen on reaching his target, he slipped his hand inside, pulling up the tank top she was wearing underneath. Still holding her by the collar and enjoying the way she looked bothered and desperate for another kiss, he cupped her left breast, fingers sliding between the fabric of her bra and her warm skin. The way they moved made him knead them a single time, before pulling down the bra and exposing her skin to the cold air.
Seeing her facial expression change to something even more needy, almost animal like, was his new favorite thing. While he was most certainly doing this for himself, pleasing her always gave him that extra rush to the head. Lately, in the afterglow, it made him realize that he would do anything to keep her by his side.
He repeated the process on the right side, this time taking in how both tits looked out in the open and if it was matching his recent visualization. Gods, he loved the sight of how tense they stood, all restrained through the fabric and the cold air. Matching the pout on her face.
He pulled her closer by the collar again, contemplating if he should kiss that cute pout from her face or not. Her feigned disapproval had proven to give him more inspiration before.
"H., s-sir… we really do have an issue in the eastbound.." she breathed into his ear, stopping mid-sentence due to the soft pinch he performed on her nipples. While he should probably credit her for not leaving out a sound, he relished in how he could control her like that.
He pushed her back, letting her neck go, making her stand up so he could appreciate the sight. The minute he saw realisation dawn on her features, she became to blush even more. "Lieutenant, how come that you always have such a lood mouth, but somehow this is the only way I can make you feel-"
BLIEP, the comm on the desk did, making Hux snap out of it and Miko have the strangest reflex he ever saw in a human: she dived right onto the floor, hiding from the visual receptors of the holocomm device. Hux sighed, turned his chair towards his desk and pressed the accept button to answer the call. He had made it clear he only wanted to be interrupted for urgent matters only, so he could not ignore the call.
"Better be something important, Captain." He started with a snide. He could hear Miko giggle from beside him and he almost rolled his eyes.
The problem with captain Gavin is that he thinks every gossip that happened in his department was of utmost importance. Another problem is that Hux, while higher in ranks, could not simply replace him yet. Drawbacks of running a mid-sized business compared to a complete fleet.
He sighed, annoyance apparent on his face, but still having a hard dick under the desk and a Lieutenant on all fours, tits out, next to him.
He subtly rolled his desk chair to Miko’s side, sliding his foot towards her and halting it right in front of her. He then moved his toes upwards twice, the leather of the boot making a scratching sound, to signal her to come closer. He saw her nodding in the crook of his sight, eyes wide, expressing she got the message. On hands and knees, she silently started crawling towards his foot. While Hux feigned interest in Gavin, he reached further and lower with his leg, the calf of his foot first touching her right boob, then making her crawl closer even more until he could settle his foot in between her legs.
Making sure her head remained under the line of sight from the desk, he turned back in forward position so she slided on his foot, under the desk. "Captain, explain to me why you're not wasting my time.", he asked the holo. Said captain resumed his reasoning while Hux tried to remain as boring looking as ever, while stars he could feel her grind on his shoe right now.
If there was something he really wanted to see, it was the sight of his favorite Lieutenant (the only Lieutenant he favored), half naked but still in uniform, riding his shoe and enjoying it very much. Sadly, he couldn't afford looking down right now, so he just had to imagine her boobs bouncing, her pants getting soaked and the leather of his shoe getting stained. He'll wear the mark throughout the remainder of the day with pride, something his old self would forsake him for.
Gah, he needed some depressurising for himself, and resume with what he had in mind before he got the holocall.
He subtly brought his hand down, fingers stretching and probing for contact with the only person he could trust down there. Almost immediately, he found her hair and pulled it closer in between his legs. That was enough for her to interpret the silent order correctly and get to work on his belt, all the while Gavin rattled about modulators and wrong versions and disgraces and what not.
Hux wasn't sure his face remained stoic the moment she slowly licked the head of his dick, making sure no precum got spilled. What he was sure of though, is that his right leg bumped the underside of the durasteel desk as if it was hit by lightning. That would sting later.
She had pleased him with blowjobs before, so the sensation itself wasn't new, although each time it felt as heavenly as before. That's why he knew she was taking whatever she would get, the wretched woman loved to turn him inside out whenever she could.
But this setting, with Miko under a table and he himself having to concentrate on acting like he was interested in captain chippy? That was completely new and more of a challenge than he had anticipated.
When he felt her make little circles with her tongue, obviously having fun and trying extra hard to make sure he won't forget this particular session, he automatically clenched his fists. He pulled her hair, and she took the action as encouragement, taking him in her mouth completely and slowly sinking down towards the base. Fearing this would be too much to handle all the while making the holocall, he brought his free hand up before his mouth, trying to hide the scowl that was forming. When she reached her limit, she started to go up again, sucking with all might and making him see stars. As soon as he felt the turn in her movement on his cock, he commenced curling his fingers and pressing his fist against his lips, to make sure he wouldn't start panting in front of the camera.
Soon, she started pumping his dick, following the rhythm she knew he enjoyed all too well, and he had to stop his hips from tensing and stretching. By a thousand suns, why was she so good at this?
"General, I'm sorry to disturb you, but have you seen Lieutenant Ylena? We have an issue in the eastbound sector and she wanted to be informed of the process." Sergeant K interrupted captain Gavin during his boring plea. Hux had to focus on the conversation again, now that two of his subordinates were in view of the holo. A daunting task considering how much underpressure she was putting on his cock right now - he could imagine the dimples in her cheek. Oh frack, he needed to answer now, so he pulled her still with the grip he still had on her scalp. Miko immediately stopped, but didn't let him go though, applying the littlest of pressure and letting him know that this game works both ways.
Hux sighed and answered the men in the holo: "I've just heard her, she's on her way up to me for some other matter. I'll send her over once I'm done with her."
Shit, she was definitely chuckling on his dick now. Then, she started doing little short sucking motions on the head of his cock, sending him to new heights. This conversation had to come to an end now.
"Captain, sergeant, I propose we end this debate right now and I will see to it that Lieutenant Ylena will be at your department as soon as she can," he blurted out, way too fast for his doing but he just needed to close the communication line and stop her from using her mouth and driving him to his peak so soon. In the meanwhile, he had come up with other plans.
He pressed a button and the holo disappeared. Now that he could move more freely, he brought his other hand down and stroked her filled mouth: "Shush, I still want you on the desk my little Lieutenant." He said with a crooked smile while pulling her back from his cock at her hair. "Get up while I lock the door. This time I will not be disturbed while I make you feel exactly how hard you made it for me. "
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 months
DS9 5x07 Let He Who Is Without Sin thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!) [14 Sept ‘23]
Odo and Sisko ribbing Jadzia about her sex life XD
It's so cute that Worf still calls her "Commander" around others.
Hmmm, I was firmly against Worf last time - and I still don't like his whole thing against Boday - but also Jadzia is pretty disrespectful to what he wants, immediately telling people after Worf says it's a private matter.
"Have you ever noticed all the stars look the same?" I love Leeta so much, I can't wait to see more of her when she and Rom pick up.
"What's jamaharon?" "I'll show you later." XD that look!
Their "casual" outfits! Oh, 90s fashion crimes... I miss you
"Aren't you uncomfortable in your uniform?" I mean uniforms and not having to decide what to wear are The Best. (And also I am very much on the autistic Worf headcanon and can imagine uniform gives him a sense of comfort in a very uncomfortable environment.)
Worf! That was Very Romantic! I did not expect you to compare Jadzia to a nebula, ngl.
As much as I think Jadzia should be allowed to reconnect with a friend without Worf's jealousy, she's also not very considerate of his feelings. Blagh.
I actually kind of like this episode more now that I'm not just anti-Worf? I do wish Jadzia was allowed to just be the single, flirtatious woman - or polyamorous, flirtatious woman - she was meant to be, though.
Worf's scowl upon finding his "bathing suit" is Very Justified.
Worf's dumbfoundment at Leeta not being with Dr Bashir is hilarious. I do still like messing with his sense of what is "right" and "wrong".
Ugh, this man wants to paint himself as a "victim", doesn't he... "I can only imagine what you must think of me." Yeah, no, it's not that people hate you because you know some secret "truth" they don't want to hear, but because you're an awful, paternalistic, condescending killjoy.
"I may be wrong, but didn't he just insult us?" I love Julian.
Boy, do I want Jadzia or Julian to stand up and speak about their experiences with the Klingons or Dominion that he couldn't begin to understand.
"You two dishonour each other with your actions!" "You mean... We didn't tell you why we came here." Actually hilarious, Julian, how?
"I hope we proved our point." You wouldn't have if Worf hadn't stopped Jadzia attacking back, you'd be on the ground.
"I did not say you were doing anything wrong. It's just that some of your behaviour-" Aghhhh, I actually hate understanding Worf because this speech is awful but also it's coming out wrong. What he *wants* to say is he's feeling hurt by her disregard for his feelings but he can't put it like that.
And what he actually says IS awful - "At times, your are too impulsive. You act without thinking. You have no self-control." - because HE'S just as impulsive as her, and in ways that have actually hurt him and Starfleet - look back to his trial!! His fight with the Jem-Hadar when working together on the Defiant! He cannot stay himself when it is his Klingon pride at stake.
And Jadzia is rightfully hurt by these words, and how Worf has generally been acting, because if he meant it the way it sounds it would really not be great of him! I hated him the last timei watched this, and I really wasn't expecting that to change!
"Jadzia you are my par'machai... and everything you do reflects on me." That was not how that sentence was supposed to end 😅
I hate it but I'm actually liking this episode quite a bit - it's the classic miscommunication trope, but genuinely not from lack of trying on Worf's part, simply from lack of ability.
Leeta's so vicious in smashing the dish!
Quark is so hopeful with Leeta's revelation that he might see some of those "fireworks" he was taking about... xD
Hmm, not so sure even the Bajoran ceremony quite makes one ready for that sort of honesty, quite so soon, Leeta...
Worf calling her "Dax" as he spots her with Arandis. Seeing her as the symbiont and Curzon, not Jadzia.
Ugh, "you're too much work". Why did you have to say that? Though I guess if the situation was reversed and it was Jadzia saying it, I'd just take it as good natured teasing...
"What I want is Worf." "Why?!" "Because he has the courage of a beserker cat and he has the heart of a poet." "And the brain of a pigheaded idiot." "Yeah, sometimes." She says that last sometimes so fondly though... maybe if she loves him that bad she does jut need to put more effort in... (Also loving 'beserker cat' rather than simply 'beserker' or 'beserker warrior' XD)
"Maybe we have forgotten how to deal with adversity." Maybe the point of having a civilization where adversity is rare is making the most of happiness? And maybe those who do face adversity - like the Starfleet staff - deserve a fucking vacation? Most people on Risa are on holiday - they have jobs and other life stresses, even in automated space communism utopia. I think Fullerton is probably the one who needs a little experience of *true* adversity. -_-
Last time Worf's story made me go "booo, a little not of tragedy doesn't mean you're allowed to be a massive misogynist." But actually, Jadzia is right, it does explain a lot. And I do give most of the other characters some slack in the misogyny area given they were written in the 90s...
"Or at least get out of this room." "... Very well." Fullerton actually sounds disappointed to be asked to leave the room that's about to collapse. Oh god, he wants to be a martyr, doesn't he? 🙃
"I will do as I please." *throws him across the room* FRICKING IMPULSE RESTRAINT WHAT, WORF?
"I am on holiday." I'm glad that amused you, Jadzia, but what?!
"I better go find Bashir. He brought a horga'hn down to breakfast and that's the last I saw of him." Quark looking out for Julian is not something I realised was a thing? But that definitely sounded a little like concern. (Unless it's a hope he can join in, I guess... 😅) (Was not expecting to get on the Quark/Julian train either but if there was a time when it was going to happen...)
Huh, the worst thing this time was actually not Worf, but Julian and Quark objectifying Jadzia... and at least on Julian's part, I think it was in jest, given I don't think she was being her best self at that time?
Alright, well - for all that people hate that episode, which had included me… I enjoyed that, genuinely! Surprises never cease...
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