#honey's rambles
lalunearts · 2 months
You guys should give me a list of shows to watch <3
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canisalbus · 7 months
hello! i've written a short little machete fic, and i wanted to share it with you as thanks for all the incredible art and generous question-answering you've been doing these last few months. i hope that if you give it a look, you enjoy it. <3 keep up all your amazing work! archiveofourown [.] org / works / 50945128
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✦ A Voi ✦
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daenerys-targaryen · 7 months
so much has happened since this moment
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frownyalfred · 3 months
not to make everything about a/b/o (again) but I was thinking about the typical Martha and Thomas death scenes, and the one in BVS would be so much sadder if you added the lens of a/b/o to it?
some thoughts:
Chill shot Thomas first not just because he got in front of them, but because shooting an omega/pup would send an alpha into a rage so violent Chill would never have survived intact
Shooting Thomas wouldn’t have kept him down fully, but wounding Martha (his omega) would have split his attention, badly
Bruce’s last scent of his father is the acrid smell of pain and alpha aggression
Martha died trying to touch Bruce and Thomas, covered in blood. Did she manage to brush her fingers against Bruce? If she scented him, she left her dying scent on him. Literally trailing death down Bruce’s cheek or neck.
Bruce’s pup instincts would encourage him to curl up close with them and hide until the threat was gone. And that’s how the cops found him — they thought he was dead too, covered in blood and the scent of death.
Alfred lost two pack bonds in one night. As pack beta, it must have nearly driven him insane. No pack alpha, no omega. Just a shivering pup and him.
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xhoneygirlxx · 5 months
this is gonna sound dumb but I just know Eddie would be so lovesick over you that he’d do anything just to make you like him.
let’s say you two are best friends, have been for the past seven years, but Eddie wants more than that. the only issue is the metalhead doesn’t think you’d ever go for someone like him.
that doesn’t stop him from doing any and everything to make you look at him. for example you said one time you like guys who take care of their hands, so he went to the nail salon and got his nails cut and filed topped with a pretty black color because let’s face it, his chipped polish and bitten nails didn’t cut it.
you had mentioned that having a good skin care routine was a green flag so he spent hours on tik tok, not to mention he spend a butt load of money on products, in the hopes you’d notice his newly stocked bathroom.
there were so many things you talked about that he did just in case it could help his chances with you - so far it hasn’t worked. now that the two of you are older, even though you’re only in your mid twenties, your it seems your taste has changed just a smidge.
it was one night of beer and pizza, the two of you talking about any and everything, when a small secret passed your pretty glossed lips.
“Honestly, I’d fuck Hop.”
you said it so nonchalantly, like you didn’t just say you’d fuck the sheriff of Hawkins and the father of El. Eddie sat flabbergasted, truly in disbelief at your admission.
“It’s the get up, ya know? Love me a man in uniform.”
your voice was dreamy, sweet and innocent, the complete opposite of the statement. and despite the want to make fun of your little crush, Eddie took that information and stored it for later.
that’s when two months later you found him in his room, all sweaty in a grey Hawkins PD Academy tee shirt and blue gym shorts, doing push ups. he tried to brush it off like it was no big deal, saying it was because he wanted a new chapter in his life, but in reality Eddie put himself through training just because you said you liked the thought of it.
although it took you many years, maybe too many, to realize this fool was completely and utterly in love with you. you do end up rewarding him anyway by climbing on his lap and riding the absolute shit out of him.
someone write this for me so I can yearn going into the new year
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lesbiantahani · 11 months
rewatching matilda 1996 is like...you are never forced to empathise with mrs wormwood at the end of it all when matilda begs to stay with miss honey, and yet so many people walk away from this scene thinking "oh she really did love matilda, she doesnt want to let her go" and to that i say i think you are missing the message being conveyed here. she doesnt say "i love you, matilda, i couldnt stand to lose you" she says "youre the only daughter ive ever had." to mrs wormwood her love for matilda is shaped by possession, by not fully seeing matilda as anything BUT her daughter. where as miss honey sees matilda as everything; as brave and funny and smart and kind and true. the film says to you: a mothers love can be awful and mean and dismissive and cruel, something loud and altogether absent. and then it says: you can sit on a swing set in the sun, maybe even on a picnic blanket, and it can be life saving and warm and soft and quiet and completely unconditional, something you can touch, something safe. even if she still harbored maternal feelings for matilda, mrs wormwood was never the mother she deserved or ever needed. miss honey is. and when mrs wormwood is faced with the harsh reality of completely losing her daughter, she does the one single, truly loving parental act in the whole movie, and allows miss honey to adopt her. the film doesnt want you feeling bad for matildas birth mother, its saying: empathise with the little girl who is saved, and think of the little girl inside of you who deserved the same.
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desmorotu · 2 months
more redacted headcanons!!!
some might be angsty? most of them?
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
- i saw a hc where milo isn’t necessarily short, but the other guys are just unbelievably tall. in my head milo is 5’11, ash is 6’5, and david is 6’9. tank is the only one who looks deceiving bc they’re like 5’10 in my head but their wolf is as big as david’s. ppl from the outside make the joke that shaw security is secretly a tall person club
- guy was a music major before he switched to writing. i mentioned it in his playlist post but i get those vibes HARD. he also writes honey poetry because he knows they secretly like it
- i like the idea that darlin and angel came from a rough family upbringing because 1. it’s relatable to a lot of ppl and 2. it would explain why tank shoves themselves into harms way and why angel is so outgoing now. it shows different responses to trauma imo.
- babe sometimes has crippling panic attacks on the thought of angel being a latent empowered and leaving them alone as the unempowered person of the group, but in my mind babe is the latent one and they’re a fire elemental.
- sweetheart feels guilty sometimes for being empowered while the other mates aren’t. they know it has absolutely nothing to do with them and that they can’t do anything about it, but sometimes they feel a pang in their heart at the fact that the other two won’t feel their core swell and warm up when looking at their mates.
- starlight has night terrors about the time they fell down—both times. they also think about when avior fell and they can’t help but intrusively picture what he looked like when he finally landed. it makes them physically ill. avior has to be extra careful when talking back about their experiences sometimes.
- lovely is still goes to therapy every week to work through the trauma of adam, dying, and now they’ve added the summit on top of that. they’re withering away into a husk of themselves. they’re so exhausted with dealing with all of this pressure, but they’d do anything for vincent (and i think that’s going to be their downfall).
- gavin has been brought to tears on multiple occasions at the thought that freelancer loves him for him and not just because he’s an incubus. he’s had to muffle his sobs because he genuinely does not know how he deserved someone so loving. he hasn’t brought it up to them yet.
- i think that freelancer is on the ace spectrum (greysexual maybe?) and that gavin was the only person they’ve ever really had sex with, or wanted to have sex with. they trusted him enough to “show them the ropes” and he built their confidence to where it is now. gavin helped build their relationship with sex and while they’re still on the spectrum, they’re more positive about it and they enjoy that kind of intimacy with him.
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
that’s all that i can squeeze out of my brain rn >:( i haven’t been on tumblr that much and UGH it’s just bc my real life is more interesting than my redacted life (which is a very good thing, but still it makes me sad) and i have no motivation to post 💔 but here are some hcs that have been on my mind lately :3 i hope they make sense
k byeee 💟
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honeysbunchesofoats · 2 months
love that my cats have pvp enabled, but only between 11 pm and 7 am
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obstinaterixatrix · 3 months
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here are all the recs I posted for femslash february 2024...! each individual rec post can be found in my femslash feb recs tag. I actually thought I wasn't going to be able to do this because work got super chaotic, but in the end I couldn't bear to skip out on a leap year. that's a whole extra day for yuri.
last year I focused on official releases, so this year I wanted to focus on series that aren't technically officially available (plus a french-japanese film). fan translations are always a dicey for artists/translators/publishers/etc because obviously they need to get paid... but yuri's already such an overlooked genre that—in an official capacity—we end up with a couple drops from what's already a pretty small pool. I read hana to hoshi about a decade ago, and I keep submitting it to the seven seas survey for licensure! and yet!! no dice. and even when there are official releases, sometimes they just... disappear!? wish you were gone was licensed and then taken down, so for a while the only way to read it (if you missed out on buying it) was the fan translation. I think it's important to support artists and official releases, and also, to appreciate the thankless endeavor(/crime) of scanlation.
hope yall find something you like!
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hihello-idraw · 3 months
TW! Talk of guns
,,,thinking about cc!Wels having multiple tweets on gun safety on his twitter account and this led to the idea of c!Wels being very proficient with guns and now i wanna Draw
imagine that's how Wels and Scar and Iskall bonded in kingdomcraft, over their knowledge with guns (Scar from his earliest vids and his walking dead series and Iskall from my headcanon of him being a former assassin)
he walks in on Ren fumbling around with a gun for the sake of a bit and Ren gets a lengthy talk about gun safety and how to correctly handle one
Mumbo a couple of months after joining sheepishly asks Wels about how to use them bcs he wants to know how to use it properly if the time came
Xisuma brings up the topic during a meeting and Wels ends up infodumping about it for a while, which is how the hermit populace became aware of his knowledge
also Wels knows how to use guns and a multitude of other weapons bcs he's a vessel for the god of war
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lalunearts · 4 months
my friends are traitors (voting jevil over cicero)
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scuderiahoney · 2 months
should i buy the Lego McLaren car
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annimoose · 28 days
JOHN: Do it..
ARTHUR: No. No..
JOHN: Do it, Kayne.
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flymmsy · 5 months
When Durge and Gortash first start sleeping together, Gortash is not used to giving up control and just letting himself go. So when he finally has a partner he trusts, this man sings.
Durge at his neck - kissing, sucking, licking, biting - it drives Gortash insane. He presses his lips together to try to keep his composure, but a rumble escapes him. Then he’s all shaky breaths - first strained with his best efforts to steady himself - and then progressively faster and deeper until he’s slightly lightheaded. He cannot help but grind into them with desperate need.
At first, he fights the vulnerability in the way he knows best. He rambles, he runs his mouth through a million dirty promises - but they are increasingly a jumble of nonsense. He tells Durge he’s going to fuck them, and he feels their smirk against his skin.
Durge taking him in their hands. Gortash gasps like a whore, mouth lulling open. That’s when the moans truly start - Gortash no longer smothering them in his throat. Durge works him to overstimulation but refuses release - drawing the sweetest whimpers from him as they twist their hand around his tip just so.
And when Durge finally lets him climax? His brows furrow as he chokes, gasps, groans. As his orgasm builds, he pants desperately before exploding into wanton moans and growls at his release.
Gortash is simply an expressive man with a lot to say.
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xhoneygirlxx · 9 months
no but listen okay!! imagine you and eddie have been dating for quite a while but neither of you have said the "L" word yet.
the two of you are in his apartment, chilling out on the couch. your hair is slightly wet and your skin is still dewy from just taking a shower. you're outstretched, laying back with your legs laying across his lap. eddie on the other hand is leaning back, one arm on the back of the couch and the other slowly rubbing up and down on your calf.
it was the weekend and for once the two of you decided to skip out on the group's night out, opting for some relaxing alone time. so there you sit, in an oversized shirt that eddie bought you from the thrift store and a pair of shorts, glasses perched on your nose, and a book in hand.
eddie decided to put on the tv, flicking through different channels before landing on an episode of family guy. the show is left unwatched though, just background noise for eddie while he looks at you.
your lip is in between your teeth, eyebrows furrowed, and your eyes flit across the pages. you look so beautiful like this, you look beautiful all the time if you ask him, but something about you like this makes his heart pound harder.
and just like that it hits him. he's so goddamn in love with you it's not even funny. never in his life has anyone ever made him feel the way you do. when he looks at you all he can see is spending the rest of his life with you.
he wants to grow old with you, get a cat and maybe have some kids. he wants to do the dishes and cook with you, fold the laundry and build furniture (even if the instructions are hard to read) with you.
you're the person he wants to lay next to at night and wake up with in the morning. he wants to make you breakfast and dinner, drive you around to whatever store you need to go to. he wants to hold your hand until both of you are nothing but soft skin and wrinkles.
it's like a freight train of emotions, happiness and joy, love and adoration. you're the love of his life, the person he wants to take his final breathes with. he'd jump in front of a speeding car if it meant you'd be safe, he wants to protect you and hide you from all the bad things in the world.
he'd work until his fingers were nothing but bones if that meant you were happy. he loves you, god, he's so in love with you. you're his person, his peace, and his heart.
it scares eddie. he isn't going to run away this time though, no. he's going to tell you how he feels, even if it ends with a broken heart. he needs you to know that he'd not only die for you but he'd live for you, and that's even harder to do.
"i'm so fucking in love with you." it comes out like a whisper, like he meant to say it in his head instead.
you hear him though, dropping your book the moment the words hit your ears.
"yeah?" the face you make is so cute, he might die from it.
"yeah." there's no hesitation to his answer and you notice. smiling brightly back at him, your eyes sparkle like the thousands of stars in the sky.
"i'm so fucking in love with you, it makes me crazy." and like music to his ears, his heart burns bright with your admission.
there you sit in the comfort of his living room, the small world that the two of you built for no one else to see. in that moment the two of you signed your hearts away to each other, the deal being sealed by the touching of your lips.
yeah, eddie was in love with you and he was going to be in love with you until his last day.
is this too much to ask for??? i guess so lmaoaooo
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rockrosethistle · 5 months
I understand that Linda Monroe is a bad person. I understand that the way she treats people is unacceptable.
But I also understand that she just wanted Roman to be proud of her. For once in her life, she wanted her father to see her as something other than a barn animal; a pig. Because that's all she was to him. A little piggy. She wanted his approval. She wanted to impress him. And at every chance, he took that, and turned it into an opportunity to degrade her. Make fun of her for trying. Disregard what she has to say.
At the end of Honey Queen, Linda sees that Roman is proud of her for the first time in her life, and she starts crying. She can't help it. It's all she's worked for. She is finally more than a pig to him--she's a queen. The sweetest woman in town. The way all fathers should view their daughters. For a single, happy moment, she gets what she's always dreamed of.
Only for him to betray her. To reveal that she will meet a terrible fate, a vessel for a dark lord. He is not happy for her, he's happy to give her up for something he's decided is better. More worthy. Linda is murdered by the man who should have protected her from the beginning.
And that's the tragedy of Honey Queen. Let the starving woman be picked apart, used for all she is worth, and finally discarded while her father watches and smiles.
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