#hooded crow avian
tcmecho · 2 years
✨✨AU TIME!!✨✨
The LLSMP members have created a medieval + avian AU for our characters RARARARARA /pos
Considering c!Echo already had wings- their AU wings are fancy! Fancy bird bard boi!! (Their wing patterns are based on African Harrier-Hawks!)
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Little AU lore crumbs:
- Echo’s father and brother are hooded crow avians, their mother is a great blue heron avian (same as in canon)
- They’re genetically a hooded crow avian as well, but they shapeshift their wings to be in this form
- They have many crow avian mannerisms, and grew up worshipping the deities of night and death - as corvid avians tend to do
- Yes, the deity of death is Mumza
Also where are my fellow LLSMP members at?? 🧐 Am I the only one who uses tumblr lmaooo
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fishcrow · 2 months
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A pointless argument
The broken knee won. Sketch reward for JusticeBurrito!
Posted using PostyBirb
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fabrizio-art · 1 year
Death Stare- Dino Doodles
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I think crow-like beady eyes on dinosaurs are criminally underused.
Also hooded crows are underappreciated.
This was supposed to be a "scary feathered dinosaurs" piece but turned out cute.
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harkthorn · 4 months
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Sketch of Briste ("broken", pronounced Bris-cheh), the main hooded crow that visits my window sill for water and the occasional bit of dog food. He's easy to tell apart because 1) huge 2) the other crows defer to him 3) the broken toe on the back right foot
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willtheweaver · 1 month
OC asks: Character design tag
Thanks for the tag @whatwewrotepodcast
As I am currently editing A Feather in the Forest, I’ll be doing Fen for this:
-Face and features-
Glance- at first glance, what stands out most about your OC’s appearance? What’s their distinguishing feature?
Well, the first thing is that Fen is not human. He is in fact a crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos to be specific). As such, there are features that the most casual bird watcher would recognize: black feathers, a long straight beak, and a fan shaped tail. What is unusual is Fen’s size, as he is nearly as large as a raven. He also has noticeable fingers at the end of each wing.
Face- describe your OC’s face. What’s their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
Amidst the mass of dark feathers and a large straight beak, Fen’s eyes stand out; a deep blue somewhere between lapis and the depths of the sea. His eyes are usually the only thing seen as he conceals his avian appearance beneath a mask whenever he goes outside.
Stature- What is your OC’s body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try and mask it?
Middle of the road. Robust, but not overly muscular. Fen is around 33 in. tall, which is unusually big for a crow. As he does not want anyone to know who is really is, his choice of clothing is designed to conceal as much of him as possible.
Motion-How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Fen moves deliberately and with subtlety. He does not like drawing attention to himself. His choice of clothing not only allows him to conceal himself, it also allows him free range of movement.
Stillness-How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or ticks? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
When he is calm, Fen stays almost motionless. Of course, he does have some small ticks, such as turning his head, or brushing the sewn ears of his hood. He carries the weight of clothing well, and his apparel does not affect him.
Canvas- Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them all up?
Fen has no scars of tattoos. Even if he did, they would be concealed and hidden.
-Cut and clothing-
Night- What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of pajamas, or are they more the birthday suit type?
Fen doesn’t wear anything when sleeping.
Day- What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to these clothes? Do they wear similar things or do they change it up?
Normal everyday wear consists of a long tunic or robe, arm and leg wraps, a hood with sewn ears, and a mask. His clothing is all very similar in cut, color, and decoration.
Formal- What’s your OC’s formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have a different look for different occasions?
The only real difference between Fen’s formal attire and his everyday look is that his formal raiment is more ostentatiously adorned with embroidery.
Informal- What’s your OC’s lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when wilding down?
Fen’s lazy day look is much like his everyday look. Only when at home does he lose up, opting for a light mantle.
Outerwear- What’s your OC’s outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
A long cloak is sufficient for dealing with the weather. The weather can be unpredictable, with summer thunderstorms and winter blizzards as common as clear skies.
Footwear- what does your OC wear on their feet?
Road- What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
Fen wears his everyday apparel, opting for his most durable clothing. Apart from that, he carries a small satchel containing medical herbs and bandage cloth, a small pouch filled with sling stones, and a bag containing spare clothing, a blanket, fire starting kit, and bedroll.
Armor- What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
No armor…at least not yet. In my notes on the planned sequels is a line that wouldn’t work in AFitF, but was too good not to use eventually. Intrigued? You’ll just have to wait, I’m sorry to say.
Arms- Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when not fighting?
Fen’s main weapon is a sling. He always has a bag full of shot on hand (mostly river rocks, but he also has some lead slugs). When not in use, he wraps it around his right leg. He also carries a knife kept on a belt.
Roots- Is your OC’s look inspired by any kind specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/ or inspiration for their look?
I’d have to say that the aesthetics of Fen, and all the characters of the story more or less, are pretty generic fantasy/ D&D (I.e. Medieval/ Renaissance Europe centric) …but I add some flair to it by mixing in influences from the ancient Celts, First Nations, and even Indo-Persian and Japanese.
Texture- Does your OC favor any kind of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can’t wear or don’t like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
Fen does not really have a favorite type of fabric or texture. He is more concerned about durability. That being said, he does like the feel of hemp cloth.
Wardrobe-how big is your character’s wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending or repairing their own clothing?
Fen has a modest wardrobe. All the basics are there. As for how long Fen keeps clothing, he wears them until they are beyond repair. He has skill at repairing and mending tears and holes, and he can even sew his own clothing in a pitch.
-Accessories and accents-
Bling- What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
Hair- How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
N/A , for obvious reasons.
Makeup- Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup and do they like it?
Fen does not wear any makeup.
Favorite- Dose your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What’s the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
A favorite? Well, the closest thing Fen has are the wraps, hood, and mask that were made for him by Sorrel (his adoptive mother). They are important to him, being the only connection he has left to Sorrel. Being an important part of his wardrobe, he wears them every day, taking great care to insure they are well maintained.
Change- Has your OC drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about change?
Fen has not changed his appearance drastically. As for how he feels about change, he believes that it is a natural part of the world, and everyone and everything changes at their own pace.
Alternate- What would your OC’s alternate universe look like? If they’re a fantasy character, what’s their modern look? If it’s sci-fi, what’s their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themselves? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Hmmmm…. I think what would be interesting would be a post-apocalyptic AU, something like Mad Max or Fallout. It would be interesting to see Fen wandering around the wasteland, wearing a mishmash of scavenged clothing and armor.
Tagging @theverumproject @corinneglass @eccaiia @creative-author @drchenquill @frostedlemonwriter
@cherrybombfangirlwrites @honeybewrites @winterandwords @lychhiker-writes @somethingclevermahogony
@rickie-the-storyteller @indecentpause @revenantlore and open tag
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fredlyfatchet-art · 7 months
Furry (Avian) Joon-Gi Han
So, my second page of my "Assigned Fursona at Birth" project skipped over Joon-Gi Han. That's because I wanted to address all Joon-Gi Hans, and some logistics.
After a bunch of fussing over making things as close to the canon as possible, I reasoned that the easiest animals to pull this off with was some sort of avian.
So! Onto the good stuff!
Tumblr likes corvids, right?
The Real Joon-Gi Han:
[ The Real Joon-Gi Han ]
He was:
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[Above: 3 images, all photographs of Oriental Magpies - black birds with white breasts and shoulders. The top two images both show the bird facing left at 2 angles that make the wings visible. The third, bottom-most image shows a bird mid-flight.]
An Oriental magpie.
Yakuza 5 Joon-Gi Han:
[ Yakuza 5: Jingweon Mafia Leader ]
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[Above: 3 images , all photographs of Eurasian magpies - black birds with white breasts and shoulders. The topmost image shows a bird facing right with its iridescent wing feathers perfectly visible in the sunlight. The 2 bottommost images each show a bird in flight with 2 slightly different angles. They also show the bird's iridescence, though less obvious.]
A Eurasian magpie.
Huh? What's that you say?
You say you barely see a difference? Why not?
These are clearly all distinct birds.
(That's sarcasm, if you can't tell, you are not alone if you're calling bullshit. I still don't think I truly grasp all the tells.)
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[Above: an image with 4 photographs, each of a different bird. Their resemblances are uncanny, but they are of 4 separate variation of magpie, each with some subtle variation the author itself can't actually determine. Top to bottom, left to right: Eurasian magpie, Black-billed magpie, Oriental magpie, and Black-rumped magpie.]
Notable differences in phenotype (Oriental vs. Eurasian):
Eurasian magpies have blue, green, and blue-green iridescence on their wing and tail feathers; Oriental magpies have a gradient of blue, indigo, and purple in the same area (with little to no green.)
Both species have a white breast and belly with a ring of the same color connecting their shoulders. However, Eurasian magpies may have a small number of white feathers preceding their tails.
Oriental magpies have smaller tails and longer wings than their Eurasian cousins.
Small size and build differences; Wikipedia is saying that the Oriental Magpie is stockier, but I s2g I'm seeing the opposite.
Now, as you can tell: these are trends and generalizations - there can be any amount of variation between those traits that could even make you confuse one for the other. In some cases, you would have to have a Eurasian magpie and Oriental magpie right by each other to even hope to give a definitive answer (unless you're some kind of very specific expert.)
I don't think TERFs would think twice about that statement, so I'll abstain from any further comments. The strikethrough means it doesn't count, it's the law.
Yakuza 7 / Like a Dragon Joon-Gi Han:
[ Yakuza 7/LaD: Geomijul assassin and second-in-command ]
Either of these:
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[Above: 2 images of hooded crows, a variant of the carrion crow. Instead of being solid black, they have a significantly lighter, ashen body from behind the head to the underbelly. Their wings are also black, like their heads, breasts, and tail-feathers.]
A hooded Crow,
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[Above: 2 images of Daurian Jackdaws. Jackdaws are a somewhat lesser-known corvid with beaks that look a lot like crows', only smaller. Their bodies are white on the underbelly and back, from the back of the head to just short of the tailfeathers. Other parts (the wings, tail, the head, and breast) are a stark black.]
A Daurian Jackdaw.
That's right, not even a magpie!
I could've made him a different magpie, but...the Joon-Gi Han of this game has been established by canon that he had a drastic change to become a double - one needing surgery. I wanted to keep that aspect. Both these species of corvid don't quite have the same beak as a magpie, so it would need to be "corrected" to make a better resemblance.
You'll also notice that neither of these birds have the right wing or tail feathers to resemble a magpie. Well, that also needed surgery to correct.
Feather imping [article] [video] is a surgery performed on birds (usually falconry birds) that have damaged feathers. The damaged feathers are essentially cut at some point down the shaft and adhered to in-tact, donor flight feathers. It doesn't hurt the bird, and it's only temporary. Once the bird molts, the imped feathers fall off and new, healthy feathers grow in.
Though Joon-Gi didn't have broken feathers, his feathers were broken and imped, "replaced" by magpie feathers. And he has to do this every time he molts to maintain his appearance. (Thankfully, molting happens regularly about twice a year, varying from species to species.)
He also maintains the illusion by applying black coloration (ink?) in relevant spots around the neck. Though he needs help getting to the proper areas, the process is much less involved.
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seaglassandeelgrass · 2 years
alright this is an utterly random question, but since you like birds and sharpe hopefully it'll amuse you (and if it doesn't, feel free to ignore it lol):
what bird would you say best represents any characters from the sharpe series?
I have now devoted probably more serious thought to this than it merits, and been repeatedly distracted by all the myriad Neat Birds in this world, but I had fun so here is an inexhaustive list of avian counterparts; some of which based on actual shared traits, some more on vibes, and some 'cus it's funny...
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Sharpe- Red kite; bird of prey, is commonly seen scavenging together with crows, thief, threatening reputation [alt. Iberian green woodpecker; found in spain, shy, green, tenacious, yells when nervous, ...look up the latin taxonomic]
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Theresa- Kestrel; keen-eyed hunter that ambushes prey with with dangerous precision, patient
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Harper- Hooded crow; sociable, clever, problem-solving (and causing) bird
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Harris- Myna; intelligent, voluble and opinionated, cheeky, picks up languages (can imitate human speech)
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Hagman- Brown thrasher; at home in wood and field, usually an elusive bird, keen eye for insect prey, large song repertoire and ability to mimic other songs
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Perkins- Titipounamu/Rifleman; teeniest, tiniest, only slightly larger than a ping-pong ball rifleman (alternately so-called 'cus they're green and have a rapid-fire pip-pip-pip-pip call)
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Harry Price- Bohemian waxwing; bit of a wastrel, pretty, crest of feathers like a flop of hair, waxwings have been known to get drunk on fermented fruit
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Hogan- Common firecrest; adaptable, constructs elaborately engineered nests, held in folklore to be a canny, crafty bird
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kiwi245 · 1 year
I haven’t decided yet wether male or female CloudWings are bigger, because in the avian kingdom it’s kind of all over the place, but I think overall in the dragon world, with is matriarchal, it makes the most sense for females to bd bigger.
BUT: Male CloudWings tend to have bigger crests, higher likely hood of having “ornamental” feathers, and overall brighter colors.
So- if a CloudWing is based off of a certain bird, the feather pattern is going to correspond with the gender of the bird the dragon is based off of. Of course, in the avian kingdom, this isn’t always so and thus exceptions can be made to CloudWings.
So a male CloudWing based off of a mallard duck would have the bright green feathers, the wing patch, and overall the pattern of a male mallard duck, plus the larger crest, but a female CloudWing would have the mallard duck hen pattern.
Overall CloudWing patterns as well as habits tie in closely to the bird they are based off of. I think it would be cool if CloudWings of different “species” tended to stick to their own species, like flocks didn’t mix often, but there are special cases like the Nests. Vultures rebellion is comprised of mostly corvid dragons, ravens, crows, jays, magpies and stuff.
Parrot CloudWings in the rainforest, coexisting with RainWings. Seabird CloudWings migrating between continents. :>
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that-guy-jin · 18 days
(Extra Credit) Day Eight: Hunt
(TW: Blood, Gore, Cursing, Violence)
The trail led them into a clearing from the hingan forests, an expanse that painted a beautiful scene of alpine terrain, the morning sun finally peeking over the mountain range in the distance. The blanket of snow had slowly melted over the past few days, though the crunch under their boots denoted not all had faded away. The two had come to a stop just at the lining of trees, taking a moment to truly soak in the view.
"It's so picturesque…have you seen a lot of views like this over the years?", Suki's soft voice only added onto the tranquil atmosphere around them, her eyes practically gleaming with awe as she posed the question. She hadn't seen much outside of the village she was born and raised in - that is, until Jin took her into his care many years ago.
"You could say that, though, I was usually too focused on the task at hand to take a moment and enjoy my surroundings more deeply." Jin turned his gaze to her, a ragged but warm smile crept up the corner of his lip, "That said…it wouldn't hurt to learn how to slow down and take a moment to enjoy it."
The raen looked up to him, a warmth gathering at her cheeks as she returned his soft smile with a bashful one of her own. She had been thankful to him for so many things, and this peaceful moment had been another to tally onto the list.
After lingering a few moments more, they'd continue on the trail of their quarry and inevitably come to a stop along a creek that stretched from one side of the tree line to the other. Taking a knee, the viara examined a cluster of obsidian feathers.
"Matching color. Some of them show signs of burns.", he twirled one of the large feathers between his fingers.
Suki, who had been keeping her eyes fixed around them for any movement or evidence of the mark, "Not to mention the unmistakable scale of them. Do you think it'll attack out in the open like this?"
"It wouldn't surprise me. Most are born from bold, arrogant souls. Lessers would likely be even more careless." he replied; standing as he brought down the hood of his cloak, salted strands draped along his shoulders.
As if proving his words true, a piercing shriek echoed through the mountain pass, faint gusts of wind picking up as obsidian wings waved in the air, a horrid amalgamation of carrion and man closing the distance between them. Jin drew the katana that was sheathed at his back - Suki herself had kept to Jin's hip at the initial sight of the foe, tail coiled along his leg as she drew her staff. The wood twined near the top, tightly housing a spherical gem that emitted a deep indigo glow as her aether coursed through it.
"I'll keep it occupied, aim for the wings with your flames where you can.", he noted, intending to ground the yokai permanently. Suki gave a confirming nod before breaking away.
The kotengu's bloodshot eyes narrowed in on Suki, wasting no time diving towards her the moment she broke away from the viara. Jin was quick on the uptake, a fending slash as he stepped between the two. The hunt thoroughly on, he grounded his footing, bringing the blade back across in an upward diagonal slash and catching on of its legs, causing the avian to recoil.
"C'mon, you piece of shit!", the taunt was enough to garner the ire of the aerial foe, another curdling screech bellowed as it attempted to rend and maim Jin. Sparks flew as he took a step back with each parry, creating distance between them and his ward. "You're one to talk, cretin- I'll make certain you hang from your own entrails!", the yokai crowed back, swooping up before crashing back down, managing to find purchase on Jin's forearm.
The distraction gave Suki enough time for her initial invocation, flames kindling in the orb of her staff before trailing towards her free palm. Arm extended, scorching spheres shot one after the other towards the kotengu's wings [Ember]. Amidst the initial fray, a few managed to find their mark, combusting against the feathered appendages, causing the foe to flutter wildly in an attempt to snuff the flame.
It's gaze snapped to her, dropping its grip on Jin and darting towards the young au ra. The forceful gust that slung it from one person to the other left Jin rolling onto his back, though quickly catching his footing in the same motion. Before she could properly react, her airways constricted as a hand was wrung itself around her throat. She found a vice grip along the tengu's arm, panic setting in as she began her attempts to kick it off of her, her feet losing solid ground as they ascended into the air.
"Suki!", Jin's tone desperate, both body and mind scrambling to act.
Quick was his footing, gradually gaining speed to close the distance before they reached deadly heights. His breathing centered, the cold breath that permeated from his mouth turning into smoldering steam. The pressure built, a keening sound filling the air like that of burning kettles or a soaring firework just before detonation was brought forth, the smoke trailing at his lips turning to flame, the same licked down the length of his blade. The hue of his golden gaze had a piercing glow as he took one last step, the ground trembled slightly as he leaped.
Flames streaked the morning scene as he closed the distance, blade sinking into the base of one wing and into the chest cavity. This stopped the tengu dead in its tracks, the three of them hurdling back to the earth below. Separating mid-air, Jin barely managed to take hold of Suki, crashing onto his back as they made a harsh reunion with the ground. The air was taken out of him, puffs of smoke rising as he practically choked on the fumes.
Suki's panic turned to him, clambering to put him in her lap, "Shit, shit, I'm so sorry - Jin, are you okay?!"
"My gunblade…", his tone strained as he turned over. Suki's expression furrowed in confusion, "Wh-What?" The kotengu had gone into a frenzy, blood spilling across its body, bits of flame spotting the torso, though it was making a beeline for the two of them.
"Hun!", he ordered, her focus snapping back in as she realized. She slipped the heavy weaponry from its strap along his back, holding it with both hands as she took aim, firing a cartridge just as the creature was mere fulms away.
The blast rung out, and in the blink of an eye, the tengu's head burst into a cloud of red mist, as did the upper right half of its body. The momentum it had caused the carcass to tumble past them, coming to an abrupt stop.
Hands and body trembling from the close call, Suki dropped the weapon, returning her attention to Jin. She took one of the vials that hung from her pack and popped the cork, feeding the contents into Jin's mouth before tossing it aside, resting a hand along his chest. A soft radiant glow appeared as she began to mend his body. Even if there was no severe external damage, she knew the fall had to hurt, as well as having her weight added on top of it all.
"Jin, please, I'm so sorry, I didn't-" Her words trailed off as she felt his hand at her arm, "You did perfectly well. Okay? I promise. These things call for quick thinking, and you did just that." He attempted a smile, chuckling weakly, "Even if I had to give a little nudge."
She tried to laugh with him, holding back tears, taking his words to heart. She hadn't said anything, only giving a trembling smile as she focused on mending him.
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guiltycrunch · 1 year
Hii oc ask game. 11 & 12?
sorry it took me a few days to answer this! since you didnt specify a character i'll answer this for a few of my favorites :D (adding a readmore too bc this got a bit long)
11 - What are they? Are they human? What is their species?
buddy: they're a spiderperson (literal, not a superhero)! they may be like 12 years old but theyre almost 8 feet tall for funny number reasons
kim: avian woman. shes got big wings and the shoulders to match those. also earwings bc theyre very cute and fun. shes meant to be based off the hooded crow but her wings are purple instead of gray bc it fits her general color scheme better
charles: this ones just a guy he just cant die
blazegirl: fucked up practically a demigod catgirl who eats people for funsies. oldest oc i still have my belovedest
most of my other ocs are just human (hibiki, ayano, saaya, and their associates) or have significance to a project i want to work on someday that i dont want to post about them online too much at this point in time (pilli, sei, gam, and their associates)!
12 - What are they pt 2! Are they a protagonist in the story? A villian? A hero?
buddy, kim, charles: all of them are actually RP characters so they dont really have these qualities of hero vs villain or protagonist! they just do what they think is right, which has not always been the right thing (gestures at like. everything about kim before the story reboot)
blazegirl: oh this girl is the hero of her own story and a villain of her victims' ones. she just kills and maims and has like zero remorse about it, and because she has literal plot armor she cant be held accountable for any of it. she could mellow out a bit and go on a more normal diet with less human on it if she hung out more with normal people like hibiki and ayano
hibiki & ayano: hibikis always had a more central role in their story so i guess hes the Main protagonist while ayanos the side protagonist. their story has gotten far less intense over the years and went from Dramatic Crime Thriller to like. a casual romance manga. with some crime undertones. think the way of the househusband
unnamed tenant: this person is a protagonist and i guess a hero of their own story that i came up with after talking to a friend about how annoyed i was about a current tumblr trend. still working on their story but i am already very invested and might actually try to make it into a game someday
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skidar · 4 years
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I'm practicing digital painting and beefing my backgrounds up. The first attempt is a sweet drawing of Greyson and Rakash! Before they became dorky sweet dads and were instead, dorky sweet boyfriends sneaking small moments of affection in Rakash's temple or the Galette manor. I'm actually really happy with how it came out! There's still some things I want to improve on in general (I need to give these guys some better outfits! x.x) but otherwise I think it was a successful practice run and hopefully next time I can bring in a splash of color ;) Greyson and Rakash are rogue and cleric (respectively) DnD NPCs from our Humblewood game <3
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harkthorn · 2 months
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Sketch of Briste, one of my crow visitors. They rarely come now, so they must be done for another year. It was great while it lasted (even if they did regularly throw off the water container from the window sill)
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sunstar121 · 3 years
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[I.D: drawings of all of the members of Origins SMP. the drawings are grouped as follows; Ranboo and Tubbo, Tommy, Sneeg, and Charlie, Jack and Fundy, Phil and Techno, Wilbur and Niki, and Scott. more detailed I.D under the cut. end I.D]
[I.D: Ranboo is an Enderian with dark purple skin, red and green eyes, no mouth, short black hair, long ears, and a tail.  he has many piercings, and a wears a wedding ring.  he has a white streak in his hair, and wears a crown made of purple shards.  he wears a puffy purple cloak and blouse, black gloves, heeled boots, and many belts and straps. Tubbo is a pale bee hybrid with large wings, antennae, shaggy brown hair, and black stripes.  he has yellow fluff around his neck and ankles.  he wears a yellow and black jacket, black pants, goggles and a brown belt with many bags attached to it.
Tommy is a pale Avian with feathered ears, wings, tail feathers, and chicken legs.  He has bright blue eyes, short blonde hair, and red marks around his eyes and forearms.  he wears a bright red cloak fastened with a heart clasp, a widebrimmed sunhat, beige shorts, and bracelets and rings around his talons. Charlie is a slime hybrid with green skin and hair.  he wears a white shirt, blue jeans, red runners, red glasses, and a layered green belt. He's drawn in a more chibi-like style. Sneeg is a tiny inching with white skin, patterned blue wings, blue eyes, antennae, and a blue tail. He wears a hooded dark blue cloak, blue pants and shoes, and a buttonup shirt.
Jack is a blazeborn. His limbs are separated and float independently, and are chained together by black rings and chains. He is surrounded by smoke, and wears 3D glasses. Fundy is a fox hybrid with four tails and brown eyes.  he wears a black hat, red bandanna, multicoloured shawls, cargo pants with many pockets, and a large bag.
Philza is an elytrian with blue eyes, high cheekbones, shaggy blonde hair, short antlers, and large black wings and tail feathers.  he wears a white and green bucket hat, black tanktop, layered white and green jacket, gray pants, and red bracers on his crow legs. Technoblade is a bulky white man with reddish-brown eyes, pink braided hair, and a short beard.  a pig skull mask covers his face. He wears a blue sunhat, white poets blouse, work gloves, blue pants, tall boots, and a large bag on his back.
Wilbur is a phantom with gray skin and hair, glowing green eyes, a scaled tail and wings, and glowing blue markings. he wears a black sunhat with a dark blue veil, blue cloak, yellow sweater, black gloves, black pants, and thigh-high boots. Niki is a merfolk with pink eyes, flowing pink hair, pink stripes, finned ears, a pink mermaid tail, and large fangs. She wears a golden crown, and kelp wraps around her chest, waist, and parts of her tail.
Scott is a starborn with pale skin, purple eyes, and a tail. His hair, ears, feet, forearms, tail, wings, and top half of his face look like the night sky. He wears a purple tanktop, a flowy blue coat splattered with stars, black pants, and sun and moon belts. end I.D]
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- Birding in the Backyard -
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Quite literally.
We get quite a variety of birds in the backyard, and it can be really rather nice to spend a little time under the canopy, watching the avian wildlife do its thing. This morning alone we had hummingbirds, tons of sparrows, the far more rare (for our area) hooded oriole (seen below), and a red tailed hawk (being constantly harassed by crows).
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Now I said this is a hooded oriole, and I believe it to be so because the Connell Labs app tells me it is so, but that app has steered me wrong in the past, so if you know it to be something different, please feel free to let me know.
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And as for the red tailed, well we get a lot of birds of prey in our area. I've seen these red tails, Coopers hawks, sharp shined hawks, and the occasional owl (but only at night).
Sometimes you need only go out your back door to do a little exploring, even if you live in the city like we do. So what are you waiting for?
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nighttimetrinkets · 3 years
Wrong Turn on the Way to Narnia
Crow hoped her corvid friends knew how much she went through for their sake, and she hoped they appreciated it. Especially after she followed one of them through a very ominous looking portal. She couldn’t just let them go in their alone, after all. And when the portal was closing behind her she couldn’t just leave them behind. Not in a world full of nightmare creatures that didn’t seem to act any friendlier than they looked.
So she stayed, found her raven friend and then- well, she had tried to re-open the portal with the glove that had opened it in the first place. But nothing happened- and she had tried for many, many hours.
That was days ago, when Crow still had rations for both her and her raven friend. When she had been able to survive just skirting close enough to the creature village that she could grab at whatever trinket looked helpful (or, admittedly, just interesting in general). She needed them for defenses, from traps to gadgets. But now she needed food, and as one might suspect there wasn’t a lot of produce growing in a cave. So she resigned herself to going directly into the village and seeing what she could nab. Hopefully these creatures ate food she would recognize.
Unless I recognize that food as people, she worried morbidly to herself.
No, no- that was foolish to worry about. Sure, they looked and also sounded scary but that didn’t mean they were literally boogiemen from childhood stories. Yet... she still didn’t want to risk seeing how they would react to a human. So she buried her small form in her jacket, hood almost enveloping her whole head so one couldn’t see her face clearly unless they got a very close look. And there was just enough room in the hood for her avian friend to fit snuggly inside. Sometimes being very small had its benefits, as demonstrated with how easily Crow sunk into her jacket, able to hide her appearance. Hopefully nobody would be the wiser- and she really wished she had more than hope to go into this with. But when had safety ever been a guarantee for her, really? So she trudged on, keeping hunched over her cane so as to better hide both her face and her bird friend. The village wasn’t very far, so hopefully she would be in and out fairly quickly. Unfortunately, unbenownst to her word had already spread of a human being sighted in the area. Along with talk of things disappearing at an alarming rate.
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ssseriema · 2 years
I once learned a bit about hooded crows - their wings and feathered tails.
Now I'm on vacation in Ireland
And there's hooded crows?? Needless to say I was in shock but I am happy here :]
- avian anon
OOHHH they look neat :000 glad you could see em!! enjoy your vacation!!!
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