#hooky packs
jo5ha · 1 year
ೀ ׅ ۫ . ㅇ marionetta icons ㅇ . ۫ ೀ ׅ ۫
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franticvampirereads · 11 months
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Somehow I have completely forgotten to post my TBR for November 😅. It’s been a very busy few days. So here’s what I’ve got planned for the month:
Pack Of Lies -currently reading
Damaged -currently reading
Rivals Of Casper Road
Red Hood and The Outlaws vol 5
The Circle of Magic 1&2
Heart, Haunt, Havoc
Captive Prince
And it’s back to work for me! 😊
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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thank you, rio, for coming home during this ✨trying time✨
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playinhooky · 7 months
we are 99.99% packed and at this point I'm just shoving things into a box and calling it good because we pick up the uhaul truck tomorrow morning bright and early!
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 3 months
The Scallion (The Surprise, Part 16)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: explicit language, pregnancy times, vague mentions of sex, very vague mentions of past trauma (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 2.3k
Summary: You're almost at the third trimester, and Emily decides to take you on a surprise babymoon. The catch: she absolutely will not reveal where you're going. Road trip fluff ensues.
Week 26: The Scallion
You floated somewhere in between sleeping and waking, reluctant to move, relishing the weight of Emily’s arms around you, the warm solidity of her body pressed into your back. It wasn’t often these last few weeks that you woke up with her next to you. She was early to work and late coming back. You knew she was just trying to get everything in order, so that when she went on parental leave, her team would be okay. But you’d missed this, you’d missed her.
You blinked your eyes open, fighting off a stretch so as not to disturb Emily, but jerked up, throwing the covers off when you saw the time. Emily grabbed your arm instinctively, protectively, bleary with sleep.
“What!?” she called, blinking into the sun that streamed through the curtains. “What is it!?”
“It’s 10:30!” you yelled, waddling as fast as you could toward the closet and fumbling as you pulled on a pair of shorts. “I’m supposed to be at work! You’re supposed to be at work!” You poked your head out of a t-shirt, staring at Emily with a mix of frustration and panic. “Why aren’t you at work!? You always get up first. I know because I get up when you get up.”
“Sweetheart, calm down.” Emily chuckled, standing to squeeze your hands in hers and plant a kiss on your forehead. “I’m not going to work today.”
Your annoyance gave way to a flood of concern.
“Are you sick?” you asked, looking at her a bit more closely and placing the back of your hand on her forehead.
“No,” she said, leading you to the bed, even as you were fidgeting to get to your home office and log on to Slack. “You’re not going to work today either.”
“Oh, but I am,” you argued, trying and failing not to get drawn in by her lips tracing down your neck. “I’ve got important stuff to do. Not, you know, catching-serial-killers important, but a little important. It’s kind of hard to play hooky when you work from home. My boss will kill me.”
“What if I told you I already talked to him?” Emily teased, and you pulled back, taking her face in her hands to see if she was being serious.
“You talked to my boss?” You were incredulous. Emily had only met your boss a handful of times, at the company holiday dinner, where they flew you in and put you up at a hotel.
“I did.” Emily placed a warm kiss on the corner of your mouth and stood, leaving you confused and honestly a little worked up. She disappeared down the hallway, her voice trailing back to you. “And you’re not going to work today. Or tomorrow. Or next week.”
She reemerged, rolling two suitcases behind her, presenting them to you with an expression of such self-satisfaction, such unbridled joy and devotion, that you would have acted thrilled even if she’d said she was taking you on a trip to the laundromat.
“Emily Prentiss,” you exclaimed, standing and tucking her hair behind her ear. “Are you taking me on a surprise vacation?!”
“I’m taking you on a surprise babymoon,” she clarified, wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing you.
Emily refused to tell you where you were going, not then, not even as you dug into a box of Cheez-Its she’d packed for the road and watched her merge onto I-95 South.
“South?” you commented, handing her a few Cheez-Its as she held out her hand. She nodded, then shrugged.
“Not too far South, I hope,” you said, staring out the window. “I know you didn’t grow up in the South like me, but I meant it when I said Florida’s not safe for us.”
“I’m not taking you to Florida, Y/N,” she scoffed. “I wouldn’t take you somewhere you didn’t feel safe.”
After a few minutes, she continued. “Also, you know I’ll always keep you safe, no matter where we are. I mean, fuck, I’m packing!”
“You are?” you said suggestively, twirling a finger through the hair at Emily’s nape.
She blushed. “Not that kind of packing. A gun!”
You leaned over the center console to kiss her cheek, massaging her shoulders. “Yes, Emily, love of my life, I know you’ll keep me safe, even in Florida.”
You drove in silence for a while when a horrible thought struck you. “You did bring the stuff for the other kind of packing, right?”
“What is this, amateur hour?” Emily replied. “Of course I did.”
You loved road trips. You were a passenger princess down to your very core. You loved choosing the podcasts and the music and handling the snacks and holding Emily’s hand as she drove. But you weren’t used to being six months pregnant on a road trip. You had a hard time getting comfortable, shifting and squirming in your seat. And you had to pee all the time.
You’d already stopped for lunch and a bathroom break once, but you were starting to feel the pressure yet again. You were passing through Norfolk, Virginia, and the further South you got, the more conscious you were of cities. You’d stopped at enough rural Southern gas stations to know that sometimes it was hard to find ones that felt safe. You knew that’d be doubly true now, as a visibly-queer, pregnant couple. Emily alone could pass as straight, except around other queer people, who clocked her almost immediately. You, on the other hand, looked queer. It was dangerous enough for you in the South, depending on where you were. Pregnant? And with a wife? You knew it’d be worse.
“How much longer?” you asked.
“What are you, six?” Emily teased.
You huffed, pouting. “No, I’m six months pregnant with your baby, and I have to pee all the time and my back is killing me.”
You immediately regretted snapping as you watched Emily’s face fall. “I’m sorry, honey,” you said, rubbing the back of her hand. “I’m so sorry. You’re doing something so nice for us, and all I can think about is my next pee break.”
She cracked a smile and lifted your hand to her lips, planting a kiss on your knuckles. “It’s okay,” she assured you. “I forget the little rapscallion is taking up all your bladder space. We’ve got about two hours left. I’ll find somewhere for us to stop.”
You gasped and pointed out the window to an exit sign. “Emily, look, look, look! Cracker Barrel!”
She gaped at you. “That’s where you feel safe peeing?!”
“They’re LGBTQ-friendly,” you protested. “And they’ve got those candy sticks like Little House on the Prairie.”
As you pulled into the parking lot, she looked apprehensively at the rocking chairs, the old, straight couples making their way in, the several lifted trucks.
You clambered happily out of the passenger seat, Emily trailing behind you, hand lightly grazing her concealed carry holster. She felt nearly assaulted by kitschy Southern goods upon walking in, making sure you’d made it to the bathroom before looking around. So much stuff. All with dumb sayings like, “Bless your biscuits and gravy,” or “All I need is Jesus and coffee.”
It was moments like this that Emily realized just how different your upbringing had been than hers. Of course, Emily’s childhood was anything but normal, but her home environment had been–she thought–rather generically American. But you! You’d expanded her ideas of the South as a racist, bigoted, ignorant monolith because you were none of those things. You were one of the smartest people she knew, the kindest and least judgmental. She hated when people made assumptions about you based on where you were from or on the fact that you said “y’all.” She hated even more that, a decade ago, she would have made those exact same assumptions.
“Hey,” you said, startling her. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” Emily breathed, conscious and a little sad to notice how you stopped yourself from looping your arm with hers, from using pet names, from doing anything to suggest that you were more than friends. “Did you get your prairie snacks or whatever?”
“Yep!” You grinned and held up a fistful of colorful, striped candy sticks.
Another hour in the car and you were dutifully sucking on a strawberry lemon candy stick, bouncing your head in time with Salt-N-Pepa’s “Whatta Man.”
“This song makes me think of you,” you observed out of the blue.
Emily cackled. “What!? Why!?”
You grinned. “Because you’re crazy and you make me laugh and I do want to have your baby!”
She laughed, and it made your heart soar. She was so pretty when she laughed, really laughed. It was something not a whole lot of people got to see.
“So I’m the man in this scenario?”
“No!” you argued. “Sometimes I’m Whatta Man. Just depends on how I’m feeling. That’s what’s great about being gay.”
“Mm, I don’t know, I can think of a few better things about being gay,” Emily said, squeezing your thigh.
As the car approached a bridge and a big, blue expanse of water, you sat up straight and craned your neck.
“Water!” you exclaimed, looking for signs to identify it. “The Currituck Sound?” Your heart leapt and your stomach did somersaults.
You turned to Emily, nearly falling on her to lean over the console. “Are we going to the Outer Banks!?” you squealed.
Emily nodded, smiling big.
You were nearly bursting with excitement. “That’s where my family always went! Before…” Well, before your family hadn’t been able to go anymore.
“I know it is,” Emily said, holding your hand. “I got us a little beachfront house with a balcony and a hot tub right down the street from where your family used to stay in Nags Head.”
“How did you know where it was?!” you asked, breathless, bringing Emily’s hand to your lips and kissing it again and again.
“I called your mom,” she smirked.
“God, I love you so much.” You rolled down the window and hung your head out like a dog, much to Emily’s amusement, smelling the salty, briny air that was so familiar and so nostalgic to you.
Half an hour later, you were pulling down a sandy drive on a street that was synonymous with childhood happiness. Your mom had grown up here, and you’d spent your summers as a young child tramping about the marshes, boogie boarding, identifying shells, and building sand castles. You remembered fish fries on the back porch, how you always hid from your grandfather as he cleaned the fresh-caught flounder and red drum. You remembered ice cream cones dripping down your fingers, washing them off in the surf. The fresh, almost sandpapered feeling of emerging from a shower after a day spent outside. The way your body still rocked with the waves when you crawled into bed at night.
You were beyond thrilled to share it with Emily. It was as if you were inviting Emily back in time, to a place you had felt so deeply yourself. You couldn’t wait to be there with her. To show her all the shell shapes and watch the sunrise and tell her about the dunes and how important they are. You couldn’t wait to fall asleep rocked by Emily and by the memory of the waves.
As you stepped out of the car and followed Emily up the stairs and into the house, you both stopped and stared at the wall of sliding glass doors. The perfect ocean, mellowed in the late afternoon light. The sound of the waves crashing was music to your ears. You wrapped your arm around Emily’s and took her hand, planting a kiss on her shoulder and leaning into her. You didn’t know how it’d be possible to be happier.
And then it hit you–you could come back with the baby. You could come back again and again, just like you had when you were little.
“Em,” you said quietly.
“Yeah, baby?” She moved to wrap her arms around you from behind, resting her palms over your baby bump.
“Can we come back here? With the baby?”
You could feel Emily’s breath on your neck.”I booked this week in June for the next three years.”
And the fact that she’d brought you here, that she’d known this is where you’d want to be, where you’d want all of you to be–it brought tears to your eyes. She was starting a tradition. No, she was restarting a tradition, in a new way, that would fit your new family. It was perfect. She was perfect.
“Hey, now,” she said as you sniffled, wiping your eyes. “No tears.” She kissed you softly, lovingly, running her thumbs back and forth along your cheekbones.
When she pulled away, you were smiling, eyes twinkling and mischievous.
“You want to go put your toes in the water, don’t you?” Emily grinned.
You nodded, and grabbed her hand, pulling her after you. Out the back door, across the boardwalk that protected the dunes, running as fast as your little pregnant body could take you until you hit the water. It was cool and salty and strong and you felt happier than perhaps you’d ever been–especially as Emily joined you.
And as she watched you kick around in the water, hair blowing in the salt air, cheeks red with heat and excitement, she knew she’d done good. She’d done good with it all. With the beach house. The Outer Banks. With deciding to have a child with you. With choosing you. You were just right. You were perfect. She could watch you forever, content to bask in your joy. As if you were the sun. And, to Emily, you were.
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beefrobeefcal · 2 months
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The Mouse Turned Little Bird feat. Frankie Morales, Ezra & f!reader
Summary: The lead up to dinner was stressful - but are you ready to take it further? Part 3 of There are Other Fish in the Sea
Pairing: Frankie, Ezra & Mouse | Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI) | Word Count: 2,052
Content Warnings: Kissing, mentions of food, overcooked salmon, unseasoned quinoa, wine, playing hooky from work, deep thoughts, deep feelings, Ezra being a patient wonderful human being, Ezra also has two arms (sorry for not mentioning that previously)
Author's Notes: Mouse is trying, y'all... she really wants to move on and get better, but as we all know, healing isn't linear.
Thank you to @strang3lov3 and @noxturnalpascal for brainstorming this with me, and to @bitchesuntitled, @mothandpidgeon and @neverwheremoonchildfor their eyes and love.
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You couldn’t sleep. 
Despite the initial joy you got from rebuffing Frankie and getting a yes from Ezra, you weren’t able to settle. The day’s events, while not enough to move mountains, had moved you a little farther on your path to…
You had no idea where this path was leading you or if there even was a path. Maybe you were lumbering through dense forest towards a chasm, or wandering aimlessly through a desert. Or maybe there was a path, but it was the wrong one and you were trudging to certain doom and not self discovery. 
The room was so quiet as you laid back and blinked in the dark, thoughts and worries swirling in your head as your heartbeat thrummed loudly in your ears. You felt guilty on top of the uncertainty. The guilt gnawed at you; Benny had opened up his home and put the relationship with his brother and his best friends below you and you felt that there was nothing you could do to repay him or even let him know how much you appreciated it. 
But there was something else, under that guilt, picking away the last bit of shrunken-in-the-night confidence you had left - regret.
Regret for denying Frankie the chance to show you he was a better man now and regret for perhaps moving on to Ezra too soon. What if Frankie was truly sorry? What if Ezra was no better? What if you still loved Frankie and you could never love Ezra?
Why the fuck am I thinking about loving Ezra? I wonder how big his dick is.
Your face skewed in shock at yourself. 
“I didn’t mean that.”, you hissed out in urgency, as if that would atone for the alleged sin of thinking about Ezra’s manhood. You paused, waiting to see if someone would answer then you furrowed your brow.
“Who the fuck am I talking to?”
You’d taken a sick day since you got so little sleep, opting to stay in bed and mull over the irony of a sick day while you had a work-from-home job. After texting Benny to let him know, you tossed your phone down and rolled over.
There was a knock at your door, then it opened and cats came in, wailing their morning song, followed by Benny carrying two cups of coffee.
“So you’re moping.”
“M’not moping.”, you groaned into your pillow.
“Hey, man - I am all for taking advantage of sick days, but you’re not sick. You’re moping.”
Benny places the coffee cups on your bedside table and sat on the end of the bed, then laid back, his head on your blanketed calf.
You shifted your leg in irritation and huffed, and he in turn grabbed your ankle from under the blanket and tugged gently.
“Tell me again why I should go away and abandon you for a weekend?”
“Benny…”, you sighed.
“Just say the word, Mouse. I’ll stay.”
You said nothing because you knew your silence was enough of an answer.
You both laid there quietly for a period of time, the cats both joining you on the bed, and you were just about to lull off to the sound of Bagels purring as he rolled up in the crook of your neck when Benny spoke, the shit eating grin on his face apparent in his tone. 
“You’ve got a fuckin’ date tonight.”
Benny left for work, taking his packed bag with him and said he would see you Sunday night, and you spent the day tidying up the apartment. Grocery shopping 2.0 was far more successful and you got the items you needed for making dinner.
You knew Ezra was not a vegan or vegetarian - based on his declared love of trying exotic meats on his travels, and you knew he did not like mashed potatoes, given the face he made when another patron at the bistro mentioned them and he responded with, “Solanum tuberosum was meant for roasting and nothing else, friend, Saying otherwise is an affront to nature herself.”
The memory made you smile, recalling how Ezra smirked and winked at you after you googled what a slolanim toobera som was and mouthed Potato? at him.
You buzzed Ezra up to the apartment and nervously fixed your dress. You heard his footsteps in the hallway and preemptively opened the door. His hand was up, ready to knock, and his eyebrows were raised. You both look at each other, nervous excitement charged between you.
“You are an eager host, little bird.”
Even though you forgot the salt in the quinoa and the salmon was over cooked, Ezra never let on that there was anything wrong. He talked at length about him and his life, and repeatedly gave you the chance to step in and share, which you did albeit cautiously. His eyes never carried judgment - just curiosity, like the kind you might find in the eyes of someone trying to solve a riddle. And he didn’t prod too deeply, but  rewarded you with his smile when you did share.
“Any more family beyond Benny?”, he queried as he took a bite of very well done salmon.
“Benny has a brother, but he and I are… we’re not close.”
Ezra nods. “I, too, have family that I find associating with beyond my mother’s annual yule note to be grating.” He took a sip of wine. “Which is why I firmly believe in the family you make.”
You nodded and watched him. You wanted to know why he took such an interest with you. You’d wondered aloud to Benny once, asking if certain people were drawn to broken things and if so, was it because they wanted to take advantage of someone in a vulnerable state. Benny had smiled and responded with, “Some people are just tinkerers and want to help fix broken things.”
Benny’s words had reminded you of Frankie and his innate need to pull apart engines and electronics and rebuild them in a way he thought was better - like he wanted to control the make-up of the things around him and make them work better for him. Maybe even you fell under that banner.
Ezra didn’t seem like that. Less concerned with control, he was more of a poet: he watched and observed and made commentary. He seemed to be more along the lines of ‘let the pieces fall where they may’ and that is what drew you to him. But what was it about you?
“How long have you lived with Ben - “
“What’s the catch?”
He raised his brows at you and put his wine glass down, huffing a chuckle. “Catch?”
You nodded, grinning slightly and leaning in. “You said yes to coming for dinner after I left you in a panic. I’m just curious.”
He sucked his teeth a bit and sat back, crossing his arms. 
“You looked lost when you darkened my doorway the first time.” Looking you over, he seemed to be contemplating how to answer. “You seemed to find yourself a little more each time you sat across the bartop from me. And the more I saw of that little bird, the more I wanted to know why she could not fly.”
Your question was answered.
After the table was cleared, you stood in front of the kitchen sink, rinsing the dishes before loading them into the dishwasher.
“Mouse.”, he murmured softly.
You looked up at him, but he wasn’t looking at you. He was looking at a picture on the fridge - the one that was torn in half, its partner probably thrown out or burned. It was you and Benny from a few years ago, both wearing shirts with your names crudely spray painted across them. The other side of the picture that held Will, Santi, Hannah and Frankie was left behind in your old home.
Ezra kept his eyes trained on you in the photo, leaning in, and his index finger gently grazed the torn, ragged edge. You swallowed, wondering if his mind was trying to imagine what the missing piece held that rendered it unwanted, and solve another riddle you had set out for him. The longer he stayed quiet, the more fidgety and anxious you felt.
“I assumed Mouse was a pet name reserved only for those in your inner circle.”, he mused softly, taking one last look at the photo before turning to you with a lopsided smile. “You prefer Mouse or…”
You let go of the breath you were holding with a nod, relief washing over you. You moved toward him in a few small, slow steps. “Uh - Mouse was a nickname from when I was a kid that stuck. I- uh, didn’t really have a say. I… I kinda like Little Bird - but you can call me Mouse. Whatever you want.”
The nervous, forced titter of a laugh that you ended with made his eyes soften. Ezra nodded, turning his body towards you. He grinned, giving you a flash of his gold tooth. “Then I dub thee Little Bird.”
“... and I made Benny swear that he’d go to his grave with it, but I’m sure my mom knew something was up - how could she not?”
Ezra’s eyes creased as he laughed. “You are as devious as you are beautiful.”
As you sat on the couch, turned towards one another, both nursing a second glass of red wine. God, you wanted to kiss him. That freckle on his neck, the dimple on his cheek… you imagined kissing him and running your tongue over the golden tooth in his mouth. His fingers played the sleeve of your shirt and his eyes softened and darted to your lips and back up.  His jaw ticked as if he were weighing his options and deciding on his next move, seemingly thinking the same thing as you were.
“A conundrum you are, Little Bird.” His voice was so soft, yet it held so much power. “Sublime, soft, sweet, vexxed - but wounded.”
Your face heated up and you looked down at your glass of wine, clutched in your hand. You mulled over how much to share with him; you didn’t want to scare Ezra away, but you felt he deserved to know at least something about where you had come from.
“The last guy I was with… He and I had- well, we ended things at a low point… badly.”
He shook his head, hushing you. “You don’t have to tell me if you’re - “
“He had issues and I couldn’t- didn’t help. Communication was not his strong suit and eventually, it felt like I didn’t know him anymore. And… he hurt- we hurt each other. A lot. And he cheated on me.”
Raising your gaze, you looked at him, cautiously, waiting for the fallout. Instead you met with Ezra leaning in, taking your wine glass and putting it aside, and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He lingered there for a moment. As he moved to pull away your hand came up to his face, silently begging him to not stop. He pushed in further, running his tongue along your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth. It was nothing like you imagined; for the last six years, you’d only ever kissed Frankie and his kiss was dominant and forceful, like a freight train. Ezra though - his unfolded like a slow, enchanting dance. There was nothing rushed and you felt as though you were falling hard for him.
It was too soon. Too fast. You barely knew him outside of the almost two months you’d spent sitting at the bar and tonight’s dinner. Your mind began to panic, racing with the thought of Frankie’s crestfallen face as you rejected him and now you were kissing another man so soon after.
You parted from him, clenching your eyes and you rested your forehead against his. His large hand held your jaw, his thumb soothing over your cheek and murmured, “Little Bird…”
Sitting back, you felt foolish and vulnerable, but you forced yourself to speak.
"I... I don't think I'm ready. Ezra, I - I'm sorry." He took your hand in his and rubbed his thumb along the grooves in your palm. 
"You'll take flight again, Little Bird. And when you're ready, I'll be there to help open your cage."
Oh fuck me. 
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jasmineoolongtea · 2 months
Hiii i hope u're doing good and i have a req pls? Could you do smth like gojo just hanging out with student reader like father and kid? Just one random day (or some other scenario) gojo just yoinks reader and goes 'let's do something together' thxxxx :D
a/n: hiii anon, hope you're doing good as well !!! of course i can do your request so hope you enjoy this short drabble (^▽^) also sorry it took a while for me to get back to you since i've been away from my computer for the past few days :((
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to say that gojo satoru is an eccentric teacher might possibly be one of the biggest understatements of the century. even if you were to put it nicely,
it's been a few days since you've stepped foot into the classroom on account of being put out of commission for a bit after a particularly nasty encounter with a semi-grade 2 curse on what was supposed to be a relatively easy mission. it would have been nice if the higher-ups could have mentioned that the curse had a tendency to travel in packs of 3 or 4 but in the world of jujutsu, you knew that's already expecting too much of them.
the first sight you're greeted with is your teacher, the strongest himself gojo satoru, leaning back in his desk chair with his feet up on the desk as if he had little to no care about anything in the world. if the higher-ups were to walk past and see this, they would definitely screech at the top of their lungs and die from shock or maybe it would finally be their bodies finally giving up on them in old age. you don't think you would be that sad to see them go.
"nice of you to finally show up to class. even if it's on the wrong day." your teacher huffs from his seat. there's a slight sting at his words but you choose to grit your teeth instead of replying.
albeit, you don't necessarily blame your teacher for his off-handed comment because, from his and everyone else's point of view, it just seemed like you were simply just taking the chance to play hooky and skip a few classes here and there even if it was far from the truth.
you made shoko promise not to say anything to anyone when she was patching you up, even if she gave you one of those looks that silently asked you if you really wanted that. it wasn't a matter of pride per say because having your classmates know that you got ganged up on by a couple of curses was honestly the least of your problems.
rather, it was because you didn't want to bother anyone more than you had to or even worse, be on the end of some surface-level sympathy from some people who could care less if you lived or died. to you, this was simply how the jujutsu world worked so what point was there sitting around and lingering on all of its problems when it would do you no good?
"...i've had a rough week. can i just get the work that i've missed out on and i'll be out of your hair." you mutter while avoiding eye contact with the taller man, deciding that all of a sudden the wooden panels of the floor were more interesting.
there's an instant switch in his relaxed demeanour as his voice is laced with strong hints of concern when he asks, "you wanna talk about it?"
you open your mouth to speak, to make a half-hearted attempt to brush off his concern and maybe even throw in a snarky quip to really cement the act that everything was fine but for some reason, you decide against that and so you end up saying nothing back in response.
it's quiet for a minute, the both of you unmoving, before your teacher suddenly stands up from his seat and strides towards you which takes you by surprise.
"alright, new plan then." gojo claps his hands, the sound reverberating slightly off the classroom walls as his typical attitude makes a return. "me and you are going on, let's call it, a class trip to the arcade!"
you roll your eyes, arms still crossed over your chest as you look at him, unamused. "i'm pretty sure that this isn't part of the class curriculum."
"when have i ever been a stickler for the rules, kid?" and without further ado (and a seeming shortage of verbal complaints from your side), you find yourself whisked off to a nearby arcade and being ushered into the doors of said establishment by your teacher.
so much for your original plan of retreating back to hide under your blanket for the rest of the day, you think to yourself.
as you step inside, memories of after-school hangouts with megumi, nobara and yuji as you guys make it your mission to burn through your monthly allowances on the various games and machines flood your mind and you can't help but smile whilst reminiscing, though it fades quickly when you realise that it feels like forever since any of you guys have had the chance to relax with each other like this considering how time has become more and more scarce and more like a luxury that one had to earn rather than anything else.
there's the sound of coin swishing around in a bucket coming from your right and when you turn to face the sound, you see your teacher making his way towards you hugging a comically large amount of coins in an insanely large bucket in his arms. if it were any bigger, you might have been obligated to call it a chest instead of a bucket. you do a double-take at the sight in front of you.
"are you planning to buy out the whole arcade with those coins?" you remark, a bewildered expression clearly painted on your face as you try to calculate in your head the amount of money he must have spent on that stash.
he looks down at the bucket of coins in his arms which were almost on the verge of overflowing and shrugs. "eh, this is nothing." he replies with an air of nonchalance.
you're ready to contest that statement of his but then you remember gojo satoru, aside from being a teacher with interesting teaching methods, to say the least, is also one of the richest sorcerers in the entire country of japan as well so whatever he did spend on those arcade tokens is probably nothing more than a drop in the vast ocean that is his bank account.
in the blink of an eye, gojo sprints off to the brightest and flashiest machine in the arcade and you can't help but question if he might be a child trapped in the body of an adult. begrudgingly, you trail behind him and watch as he slots in the appropriate amounts of tokens and boots up the game. while waiting, he starts absent-mindedly button-mashing the controls in a vain attempt to make it load faster.
you sigh to yourself as you watch from over his shoulder. "is this day more for me or you?" you ask, your eyes still trained on the screen in front of you. "because from what i'm seeing, it looks like you're enjoying this waay more than me."
gojo laughs softly to himself, not even pausing the game before turning to you with a smirk on his lips. "that's because you're spending more time complaining rather than having fun."
to be fair, you couldn't really argue with that so you quietly concede (though very unwillingly) to him as you take an unoccupied chair from another game booth and return to where he was playing. before you know it, you find yourself deeply immersed in the game as well and you start reacting to his gameplay like cheering when he makes it past a level or groaning in frustration when there's a roadblock standing in his way.
for a split second, you notice that there's a faraway look in his eyes which looks eerily similar to the one you probably had when you stepped into the arcade and began to think about happier times but before you can even spit out a question, it's gone and you're left wondering if it was nothing more than just a trick of the light.
the game is over quickly soon enough when the words 'you win' begin flashing in white on the screen with gojo's high score written underneath the text. you then scramble to take his place in the seat when he stands up to stretch, very much intent on beating his score and a competitive glint in your eyes as you stare at the machine with laser focus. behind you, he smiles to himself and watches on proudly, letting out a cheer that's probably too loud and earns you two a few weird stares from the other passersby whenever you progress on to the next level.
the rest of the afternoon flies by like this as you and gojo constantly bounce from one game to another, challenging and throwing some light-hearted taunts at each other as you attempt to beat the other's score. this does rapidly deplete his coin stash but by the time you're down to the bottom of the bucket, you two have already beaten all of the available games in the arcade with some of them being beaten more than twice as well.
gojo takes the bucket from your hands and heads over to the counter to exchange the remaining ones for money before returning to you and pointing to the door, signalling that it's time to head back. you do a quick look back at the place behind you, feeling much lighter inside than compared to when you entered, and walk out with your teacher
while walking down the street, you feel a nudge against your shoulder and turn to face him. he gestures towards a small pastel stand on the side of the both of you. "hey, check out that crepe stand over there. they have some of the best ice cream crepes in the area." your teacher states.
you look at him, unconvinced. "i'm not sure i can really trust your taste buds considering how much sugar you consume on a daily basis."
"come oon, i'll even pay for yours if you get one." he offers, a bit too eager as he tries and fails to hide his own craving for it. you feel the corner of your lips curl upwards slightly and it seems that your stomach agrees with him as it growls quietly in an attempt to signal its hunger.
"well if you were paying, why didn't you say that earlier."
you order the first thing on their must-try section since it was your first time there, which appears to be a vanilla ice cream crepe with cherries and whipped cream, and gojo decides to go with a custom order of a matcha-flavoured crepe base, three scoops of strawberry ice cream piled on top of each other, a mountain of whipped cream with fresh strawberries placed inside but not forgetting the finishing touch of matcha powder sprinkled on top.
you would feel bad for the poor employee tasked with creating that monstrosity when they give him a knowing look, implying that this was not their first time dealing with him and his strange orders. you wait for a bit before receiving your order with him having to try extra hard to make sure nothing would slip off his order and find a seat on a nearby bench.
you two sit in silence, side by side, and eat your crepes, taking this as a chance to unwind. as you take your first bite, the soft cream simply melts in your mouth and the crepe is just the right amount of sweetness with the cherries giving you a good burst of flavour and you secretly commend your teacher for his recommendation.
taking another bite of your crepe, you look at the sky and admire the way the clouds drift lazily across the blue canvas behind them. "hey, thanks for this gojo sensei. it's been a while since i've been able to...relax." you admit, an element of vulnerability hiding behind your words.
he turns and looks at you with a soft smile. "anytime, kid."
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adorkastock · 5 months
It's time to vote on which themed poll pack should be released next! Polls are open to everyone but are on Patreon. You can vote even if you're not a current Patron! Your choices are:
🪽 High Perspective Wing Pack - 65 refs of a thin, white, female model wearing large feathered wings shot from a high perspective 🫴🏻 V Highlights - 50 images of my nonbinary model V with various themes 🗡️ Male Small Blade Pack - 42 pose references of a fit, white, male model with various small bladed weapons including small swords, ax, sai, and some hooky blade things idk what they are called 🪜 Stairs Pack - 52 low angle pose references of me on the stairs
Becoming a Patron helps me make more of these packs with more props, more models, and more of everything. Join today for as little as $1!
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petalruesimblr · 5 months
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The Roadhouse
Download Link: Sim File Share |
Welcome to The Roadhouse – where the drinks are cold, the food is hot and the fun never stops! Whether you're a seasoned local or just passing through town, everyone is welcome at The Roadhouse – yes, even vampires! Despite the Winchesters owning the bar, we don't discriminate against creatures of the night anymore, as the brothers have retired from hunting. Let your competitive spirit soar as you challenge anyone to a variety of games and as the night heats up, let loose with your best moves on the dance floor! For a price, you can also indulge in a little late-night R&R or maybe even play hooky for the day in our upstairs rooms – we won't tell! So come on down and join us for a night of fun, laughter and maybe even a little mischief!
Price: 88,128 Lot Size: 20x30 Lot Type: Local Watering Hole Version: 1.42 Store Content: None CC Used: None Packs Needed: The Sims 3, Late Night (Wallpaper, Counter, Door, Bar Dive, Lot type), World Adventures, Ambitions , Generations (Window)
Hello! This is one of my earlier builds - a beloved bar that has become a mainstay in my gameplay. It's been a hotspot for countless bachelor and bachelorette parties, witnessing its fair share of wild antics and unforgettable moments.
Click on the ’Keep Reading’ below for more information and pictures on this lot.
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Named after one of my favorite shows, Supernatural, this bar draws inspiration from the iconic Roadhouse. However it does not mirror the original blueprint of the bar and I've given it a different look to better suit the worlds I typically play in.
Featuring four bedrooms upstairs, perfect for tired Sims or those seeking a bit of privacy (wink, wink), each room offers something different: two singles, one standard and even a vampire exclusive room.
It has decent parking at the back, a variety of games for added fun, a professional bar, lively music and plenty of seating.
📣Please note that the Late Night expansion pack is required for the Local Watering Hole lot to show up and work in your game, along with a selection of bar-related decors.
This lot has been play-tested and I’ve used it in a few of my saved games. Let me know if you experience any problems on your end.
1st Floor:
Professional bar, tables and chairs, Public Sounds Stereo
Foosball table
Classic Master Darter
Bull’s-Eye ElectroPro 900 Dartboard
2nd Floor:
Two single rooms - bed, dresser and own bathroom
One standard room - double bed, Retro-tastic TV, dresser, small dining area and own bathroom
Vampire room - Vampiric Sanctum, small living area with Retro-tastic TV, dresser, own bathroom
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didhewinkback · 1 year
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a something old blurb to celebrate the impeccable street style
You tilted your head towards the sky, basking in the early June sunshine, the sounds of the busy London streets far away, that horrible eight am meeting nothing more than a distant memory. You can feel his heartbeat from where your back is pressed against his chest and you close your eyes, feeling a bit dazed at his ability to make everything better, the stress of your morning instantly melting away when you saw his surprise “Got sandwiches. Lunch break’s at one?” text.
 A wide grin on his face when he met you outside your office, explaining that he “was on a walk in the area, figured I should stop by” before he took your hand and headed to a secluded spot in the park, laying out the blanket he packed alongside the lunch he brought, a proud smile on his face.
Lasting all of five minutes before he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into him, settling against the nearby tree with you sitting between his thighs. And that’s where you stayed, eating lunch and laughing together, conversation dwindling to companionable silence, your fingers drawing mindless patterns against the grooves on his shorts. 
“Have to go back soon,” you say regretfully, and you can feel his grumble as much as you hear it. 
“Y’ should play hooky.” 
“Yeah? You reckon?” you say with a laugh. 
“‘M being serious,” he says, nudging his nose against your neck before planting a line of kisses against the skin. “Play hooky with me, baby. Call out sick for the rest of the day.”
“H, they all saw me leave for lunch break. They’ll know I’m lying out of my arse.”
“Don’t know, love. Pollen’s really bad this year.” he says, laughing when you do.
“C’mon, we can go for a walk…” he says, pressing a lingering kiss to your shoulder. “Can get some drinks by the water…can take y’ home and have my way with you…”
“Mmm. It is hump day after all,” you say, giggling when he honks out a delighted laugh. You turn to face him, his legs sliding down to hold you in his lap, his hands immediately sliding up under your shirt, fingers drawing up and down your spine. 
“Please?” he says, before licking his lips, his eyes grazing across your features. “Just wan’ to spend time with you.”
“Gonna be with you for the whole summer. You’re not gonna get sick of me?” you ask, mostly as a joke, heart clenching when he shakes his head immediately, looking at you with such open affection it makes your breath catch in your throat.
“Not possible.” he says softly, his hand coming up to hold your cheek. “Come here.” 
He pulls you towards him, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. He kisses you softly, gently, his thumb brushing against your cheek as he drags his lips against yours. You could stay here forever, slowly melting into him as he pulls you closer, taking you apart kiss by kiss.
“Have to -” you say breathlessly as he starts to kiss a line down your face, mouth resting against your collarbone as you both catch your breath. “Have to text my boss. Tell her I’m not making it back today.”
“Get innn,” he says, pumping his fist, looking up at you with mischief twinkling in his eyes. 
“You are a terrible influence.”
“And proud of it, love.”
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franticvampirereads · 10 months
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November has been an absolute whirlwind of busy days. Between moving, the holidays coming up, and a bunch of other stuff, I haven’t read nearly as much as usual. So here’s what I did manage to read:
Damaged 4⭐️ {review}
Pack Of Lies 4⭐️ {review}
Hooky DNF @ 15%
The Rivals of Casper Road -currently reading
My favorite book this month was Pack Of Lies. I loved the murder mystery mixed with paranormal romance!
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Hi hi it’s your favorite sleepy fic advisor/Kurapika stan!!! I’m playing hooky to go to the lake today fuck a minimum wage job in a capitalistic hell world heehoo
What do you think Kurapika’s love language(s) is/are? He’s a thoughtful dude, so I feel like gift giving is his time to shine, but at the same time acts of service when you’re overworking yourself- ugh he’s such a sweetheart lich rally the perfect man 😫💗
My own bf just snagged me a record player at a garage sale yesterday after years of having his own record collection and begging me to start one as well. The first thing I did was order Hozier’s new album. I could see Kurapika doing something similar, especially with how they both share an mbti type :’) cozy nights spent listening to vinyl music. He gets a gift that you’d love, not expect, and could enjoy for a long time together. He checks off the Perfect Gift Trifecta every time.
I’m all over the place here, it’s earlier than I normally wake up and my ADHD meds haven’t quite kicked in yet I apologize. Brainstorming with you and helping on Fixer Upper has been the highlight of my summer, seeing ideas we collaborate on come to life in real time is just *chefs kiss*
I gotta pack my bags now before I go but just thought I’d drop in here, pet the cats for me and hang in there, the weather will cool down soon enough!
How Kurapika shows his love:
Acts of service
Kurapika hasn’t always been there for you when you really needed him, meaning now that he is, he would do next to anything for you. He’ll run to the store to grab your favorite snacks when you aren’t feeling well, gently massages all your sore spots, accompanies you on shopping trips.
He wants to do things for you, even if it’s as simple as opening a jar of pickles, he feels so in love when he’s able to do little things that are of service to you.
Gift Giving
Kurapika is a gift giver, through and through. He has trouble holding himself back from buying every little thing that reminds him of you. That keychain with your favorite character on it, those shoes that would go nice with your favorite dress, and flowers of all kinds.
He also enjoys making you gifts, mostly consisting of clothing. He’s really good at sewing, and you taught him to knit, so he’s always making you new dresses that fit you perfectly. He’s weak for a good sundress, and when you’re wearing something he made you it’s hard for him to keep his hands to himself.
Words of Affirmation
Kurapika wants you to know how much he adores you, so compliments and little words of adoration are commonplace in your shared home.
It’s like he can’t go one second without telling you how amazing you are, and how in love with you he is. You’re his angel, his princess, the love of his life. He’ll plant kisses on your neck as he coos about how beautiful you are.
What he wants from his partner:
Physical Touch
As I’ve said before, Kurapika is TOUCH STARVED!! Before you, he hadn’t been held by another person since he was a child, so once he gets a taste of your touch he craves it.
His favorite thing is to lay his head in your lap, face buried in your tummy as you run your fingers through his hair. Kurapika could stay like this forever if you let him.
When he gets you pregnant, all he wants is to nuzzle against your baby bump, leaving kisses against your skin. He loves you so much!
He also enjoys just being held in your arms, with you rubbing soothing circles into his back. Kurapika can be a bit of a clinger once he gets comfortable around you, so he prepared!
Quality Time
Once Kurapika comes around to his feelings for you, all he wants is to spend more and more time with you. He needs you to hold him, to want to do fun things with HIM!
His favorite thing is when you have him sit at the kitchen table while you bake, feeding him bits of frosting or jam. He also likes cuddling up with you on the couch, watching some random movie. He enjoys accompanying anywhere you wish to go, as long as he gets to spend time with you he’s happy!
Words of Affirmation
It may not seem like it, but Kurapika is actually pretty insecure about his body. He struggles with believing you’re attracted to him, even if you’re always heating up when he’s around you.
Praise him, tell him how pretty and handsome he is. He needs to know you find him attractive. There are many other men in your life that he thinks look way better than him, so reassure him that he’s the only one for you. It makes him swoon!
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wudlund · 1 year
* ˚ ✦
| by wudlund
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i wanted to create a legacy challenge that focusses on the parent-child relationship and how that impacts their adult life. (i know growing together would be the perfect pack for this challenge, but i can't afford it rip)
-> this has not been playtested so pls let me know if anything is too difficult or doesn't work :)
-> included packs: get to work, outdoor retreat/jungle adventure, city living, get together, seasons, cats & dogs, discover university, high school years, parenthood, strangerville, island living, paranormal stuff, snowy escape, cottage living, nifty knitting, eco lifestyle (if you don't have a pack, just exclude that part of the challenge)
-> for each generation, they should complete their aspiration, master any skill(s) i've outlined, complete a collection and master their career (if relevant) the recommended world is only my opinion, you do not have to live there :)
-> whenever 'parent' is mentioned, i mean the founder/heir before as some generations do not specify a spouse (they are secondary characters here, babes)
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GEN 1: The Parental Scriptures
You grew up hopping between various foster parents and children’s homes. You vowed to adopt as many children as you could handle as an adult and make them feel as loved and welcome as possible. Incorporating your passion for writing, you write novels about each of them throughout their lives.
Traits; Family Oriented, Childish & Good
Aspiration; Big Happy Family
Career; Writer
Collection; Postcards (recieved from grown up children living in different locations/worlds)
Max Skills: Parenting & Writing
Recommended World; Henford-on-Bagley
Start as a Young Adult
Have an 8 sim household (can be a single parent for ‘hard mode’ or married), adopting 6/7 children
Write 6/7 books (corresponding with however many children you have)
Name each book after the child that it's about
Hire a nanny to help with the children
Celebrate every holiday fully (e.g. decorate to the max)
Help children with homework and interact with them as much as possible
Take lots of pictures of each child at each life stage (e.g. toddler, child) and decorate your house with them
Go on holiday to a vacation world every summer with all your children
Buy all grandchildren a toy for their first birthday (aging up into an infant)
Don’t die before becoming an elder (this will be important later !)
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GEN 2: The Malevolent Amalgam
Growing up, you despised your parent. They were so overbearing and involved in your life, something burned inside you. You channelled your rage into criminal activity and found a love for experimental dishes. You hatched a nefarious plan to get revenge on the parent that you hated so much.
Traits; Evil, Mean, Hates Children
Aspiration; Public Enemy
Career; Criminal
Max Skill; Mischief
Collection; Experimental Food Photos (inspiration for murderous plan)
Recommended World; San Myshuno
Have 2 best friends in childhood who you pull pranks with
Skip school/play hooky regularly
Have a child by accident with someone who is similar to your parent (at least 2 of the same traits)
Have one child who you are very distant from
Have other parent of child die by cowplant or denizens pond ("accidental")
Never celebrate holidays (cancel them when they start or remove from the calendar -> however you may want to keep them for future generations)
Instead, go on vacation to any vacation lot without your child or partner
Learn Pufferfish Nigiri
Kill parent with dish
When your child moves out, give them 1200 simoleons
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GEN 3: The Questioned Innocence
Throughout your childhood, you were very close to your grandparent, who died under very mysterious circumstances. Once you were old enough, you dedicated your life to investigating the death of your grandparent, finally finding out the truth. You begin to wish you’d never started investigating.
Traits; Genius, Loyal, Paranoid
Aspiration; Strangerville Mystery
Career; Detective
Collection; Fossils (clues about grandparent's death)
Max Skill ; Logic & Medium
Recommended World; Strangerville
Start with 1200 simoleons (after purchasing lot)
Keep the toy/soft toy from your grandparent for the rest of your life
Have 3 children
Buy them all a newer version of your favourite toy (different swatch)
Live on a remote lot (to avoiding your investigation being detected)
Complete the Strangerville Mystery
Confront and fight your parent in adulthood and have max negative relationship when they die
Contact your grandparent from beyond the grave and have them move into the household as a ghost
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GEN 4: The Sidelined Affinity
Your parent loved you but never had much time for you, being so absorbed by their work. You maintained a positive relationship with them, but decided to take your life in a different direction. Beginning freelance work at the start of your adult life, you quickly realised animals had your heart.
Traits; Cat Lover, Dog Lover, Clumsy
Aspiration; Friend of the Animals
Max Skills; Veterinarian & Dog Training
Collection; Feathers (mementos of your pets)
Recommended World; Brindleton Bay
Meet someone as a child and date through your teen years until the start of young adulthood
Regularly get boba tea with your pets
Always have one cat and one dog in the household
Work in any freelance branch you choose through young adulthood
Have one child by accident in young adulthood
Buy a vet clinic on your birthday into adulthood (cheat for money - it's a gift from your parent)
Adopt another child later
Marry a spellcaster as an elder and become a spellcaster yourself
Take in your grandchildren after their parent dies
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GEN 5: The Regimented Defense
You grew up seeing how unattached and careless your parent was. You hated it. Life is meant to be structured. There are rules. You always knew you were destined for bigger, better and more organised things.
Traits; Hot-Headed, Perfectionist and Proper
Aspiration; Bodybuilder
Max Skills; Fishing (only peaceful time in your life)
Career; Military
Collection; Fish
Recommended World; Oasis Springs
Join the Scouts as a child and get all trophies
Marry childhood sweetheart in early young adulthood
Have 2 children, use strict parenting methods
Sign both children up for after-school clubs
Both children must earn Good Manners trait from childhood
Set an early curfew for both children
Mount one of each fish you catch
Your spouse has an affair in adulthood and elopes with their partner
Have the workaholic lifestyle
Die in adulthood (you can cheat this to be any death - like dying on duty)
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GEN 6: The Detached Secrecy
You learned early in life how unpredictable and fleeting life is and how futile attachments are. You decided to never allow yourself to get tied down and live life as meaningfully and freely as possible. Any commitment scared you, leading to you exploring all corners of life and finding out what it truly means to live.
Traits; Adventurous, Noncommittal, Loves Outdoors
Aspiration; Serial Romantic /Live Fast
Collection; Frogs (exception to the rule of 'no attachments')
Career; Secret Agent
Max Skill; Rock Climbing
Recommended World; Mt. Komorebi
Do not complete your aspiration as a child (can be any aspiration)
Complete the Live Fast aspiration as a teen
Drop out of High School early and move out of your grandparent's house
Never marry, date different people sporadically (never for longer than a week)
Have triplets - you will probably have to cheat this :)
Give them names beginning with the same letter or names that are very similar
When one child demonstrates an interest in fame, actively discourage them
Have a frog that you are a little bit too attached to
Retire and move worlds (must be a different climate to one you were living in - e.g. mt. komorebi to sulani)
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GEN 7: The Unsatisfied Luxury
You actually might have had the most average, normal childhood ever. One of three children, you didn't even have individuality to your name. Nothing spectacularly out of the ordinary. Although, you never did find out what your parent’s career was… probably something normal, right? You set your sights on something a little less ordinary. You wanted to be rich.
Traits; Materialistic, Self-Absorbed, Ambitious
Aspiration; Fabulously Wealthy/Admired Icon
Max Skills; Charisma & Dancing
Career; Retail Store Owner
Collection; Crystals (imagine they are rare jewels etc.)
Recommended World; Del Sol Valley
Have lots of friends as a child/teen
Be Prom Queen
Work on the Admired Icon aspiration as a teen
Own a retail store, selling very expensive items
Become famous (at least Rank 4)
Have 4 children with a big celebrity
Own a fancy dog (e.g. poodle, bichon frise, pomeranian)
Have a messy divorce from the parent of your children, fighting regularly
Lose relationships with children
When you die, have no strong relationships (no more than acquaintances with anyone)
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GEN 8: The Inspired Modesty
You got to see first hand what a life of money and fame does to a person. You knew you wanted something more modest, finding your purpose in life through painting. You had a turbulent family life growing up, so you channelled those feelings into paintings.
Traits; Art Lover, Gloomy, Lactose Intolerant
Aspiration; Master Painter
Max Skills; Painting & Cross Stitching
Career; Painter
Collection; Seashells (you find beauty in everything, no matter how small)
Recommended World; Sulani
Buy most of your clothes via thrifting
Join the cheer team but move to the football team later in high school
Live on a 20x15 lot
Dumpster dive for furniture etc.
Use the recycler for trash
Sell your work on Plopsy
Find your soulmate at work (also a painter)
Have 2 science babies
Have close relationship with only your first child
Paint portraits of your spouse and children
Make cross-stitched hoops as gifts for your children's birthdays
Have spouse die just after second baby is born
Never remarry
Heir must be the second child
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GEN 9: The Broken Machinery
After your parent's death, you detached yourself completely from your family, swore off relationships and delved into your studies. Your remaining parent tried to connect with you but you felt incomplete, missing someone you never knew.
Traits; Genius, Geek, Socially Awkward
Aspiration; Computer Whiz/Whiz Kid
Collection; Voidcritters (as a child)
Max Skills; Rocket Science & Robotics
Career; Engineer
Recommended World; Britechester
Complete the Whiz Kid aspiration as a child
Join the Chess Club in High School
Have one best friend growing up (never speak again after school ends)
Attain Distinguished Physics Degree from Foxbury Institute
Meet another friend at university
Get a cat after leaving university
Be friends for at least 2 months before starting romantic relationship (fearful to lose them like you lost your parent)
Have a child together in late adulthood
Your partner must be revealed to be an alien after you become romantically involved
Build rocket ship
Travel to sixam with your partner
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GEN 10: The Last Hurrah
You admired your parent for being so skilled and intelligent but you just weren’t up for that. To be honest, you didn’t have the energy for it. You never aspired to much but you were happy.
Traits; Lazy, Cheerful, Unflirty
Aspirations; Party Animal/Joke Star
Max Skills; Charisma & Comedy
Collection; Gardening (have a little herb garden)
Career; Odd Jobs
Recommended World; Henford-on-Bagley
Go to prom with your best friend
Have a games room in your house
Never marry but have multiple long term relationships
Have no children
Have a big dog
Have lots of close friends and party with them regularly
Create and maintain a club
Attend the Henford-on-Bagley village fairs (you do not have to compete, just engage with it)
Visit every bar and have a drink in every world at least once (like a pub crawl)
Have the people person lifestyle
Live on the same lot the founder lived on (the house may be different)
if you play this, pls use the #growing up legacy challenge tag so i can see your posts <3 - essie xo
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readyforthegarden · 7 months
Pulling from both prompt lists cause I’m greedy 🤭
"your morning voice is so hot." [laughs] "what?"
kisses. on. the. tip. of. the. nose.
With Sammy baby, naturally 🥰 kthanksloveyouu
Crystal you are allowed and I would want nothing less from you!!! (this is not even remotely as good as what you wrote for me i am sorry you blew the prompts out of the water but i hope you still like this!!!)
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You and Sam were creatures of habit, that was one thing about the both of you to be true. Most mornings when you both were home, it was the same routine. You’d get up for work, let Rose out into the yard while you made your coffee. Then you would join her for a few moments of quiet serenity in the garden Sam had grown over the past few years. Flowers and vegetables and various herbs all around.
After a little bit, you’d rally her back inside, feed her breakfast, and start about your own day. Sam would be waking up, his body missing your warmth in the bed, and come find you in the bathroom after your shower, watching you brush your teeth, do your skincare. Sometimes you would chat with one another, sometimes it would just be silent, taking in the other’s presence for a few more moments.
Once you were done he’d go off to the kitchen and make breakfast while you dressed. Often Sam would pack you a lunch, a quick sandwich or leftovers from dinner the night before, leaving a sweet note in the bag for you. Meeting in the kitchen, you’d share a quick breakfast before leaving for work.
But today was a special day. You’d decided to take a personal day, unbeknownst to Sam, and stay in with him. Making sure Rose didn’t suffer from the schedule change, you still got up at your usual time, let her out and fed her, but instead of going to the bathroom to start showering, you giddily skipped down the hall back to the bedroom.
Sam was curled up in the blankets, trying to regain warmth in your absence. He had scooted closer to your pillow, no doubt chasing your lingering perfume once you had left the spot.
Starting your journey, you crawled slowly up onto the bed, gently pressing down as to not disturb him. His breathing was still even as you got close to his face, his lips slightly open and plump from the lip mask you swiped onto them before he went to bed, during your night routine.
"Pssst," you whispered softly, settling next to him on your belly. "Sam, it's time to get up," a small groan rumbled from the back of his throat, his eyebrows cinched together, and he clutched the comforter tighter to his body. "Come on, honey."
Sam stayed asleep, and you leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to the tip of his nose.
"Sammy," you murmured as you pulled away slightly. "I took the day off so I could spend all day with you. You're not gonna make me wait to get started, are you?" If Sam was awake, he was doing a very good job at hiding it. Taking a deep breath you began smattering his face with kisses, to the point he started to giggle underneath your lips.
"Okay, okay," Sam's voice was low and quiet, a slight gravelly tone to it. "I'm awake," he squinted up at you as you grinned down at him. "You're playing hookie today?"
"I needed a mental health break, and no one makes me feel more at peace than you." you sighed, adjusting your legs as Sam shifted beneath you to lay flat on his back. His hands came up to your thighs, gently rubbing them as he closed his eyes again. "I thought we could spend some time in the garden, go for a walk with Rose, and then maybe lay around and read or something?"
"Mmm," Sam hummed contentedly. His hands traveled up your waist and to your shoulders, then down to your forearms, where he used his strength to tug you back down into a laying position. Kicking around the blankets, he got you covered with them again, tucking you into his chest.
"Sam!" you giggled as he groaned loudly to drown out your protest.
"Shh, more sleep." his voice rumbled against you. "You need rest."
"You're right," you gave in all too easily, snuggling into his body, entangling your legs with his. "Although I could listen to you talk to me all morning with that tone."
"Hm?" Sam's sleepy hum was confused.
"Sam, your morning voice is so hot." you giggled.
"What?" feeling Sam laugh against you was one of the better parts of being in bed with him. Your head was being jostled slightly by the movement. Raising it up, you pressed kisses to the very tip of his nose again.
"Sam, you have this deep raspy voice in the mornings, it's incredibly sexy. You could read the phone book and I'd hang on every word you said." Sam's eyes were open now, albeit hooded as he gazed down at you. Suddenly his lips were on yours and he had you rolled onto your back as he hovered over you.
"How about I tell you everything I'm about to do to you to make sure you really, really feel relaxed, would you like that?" your breath being taken from you, you just nodded, pressing one more kiss to his nose. "Good, let's start with getting you out of those pajamas."
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writerwithbrainrot · 7 months
How do I tell someone I love them?
A story for the ever lovely @trippygalaxy go check them out. Valentines Day special!
I had fun with this-
Warnings: Kissing, wholesome fluff!
"You should buy her an animal." Twilight said, sitting with his legs open on the Cafe bar stool, his hat and accent telling everyone in the vicinity that he was clearly not from Hyrule city. "Ladies love a cute thing they can hold."
Sky frowned, looking at the hot chocolate in his hands, shaking his head. "No, Sun is more of a bird person. She owned a Remlit when we were 8, but it scared her. So she prefers birds." he said
Wild, who's long hair was in a loose ponytail, took a sip of his Caramel frappe, and hummed. Twilight turned to the man next to him, as did the others. "Well. . . I'd ask Mipha or Urbosa. . . but Mipha is in physical therapy for the next hour and a half and Urbosa is visiting family."
"I'd get her some nice, big roses." Hyrule said, smiling next to sky, his fluffy brown hair falling infront of his eyes a bit, still wearing his brown Jacket. "You know, the red ones at Magda's floral shop are great! I got some orange ones for Aurora myself!" Legend turned up his nose at the name, his beenie still covered in the outside snow as he sipped his mocha black coffee.
"Oh heck no. She is scary and those roses are too expensive, especially since Valentines Day is tomorrow."
Sky slammed his head on the counter, groaning. The boys looked concerned at him as he raised his head. "I should just ask Wars. . . he is good with women, right?"
"No." the others all said at the same time. Wind walked up to sky, holding a shoe box decorated as a pirate ship, school bag on his back. "I'd get her some cards and lollipops!" he said, shaking his box, and hearing candy rattle within. "Or some peeps!"
"Those are just cavity causers." Legend said, scowling. "And shouldn't you be in class?"
Wind frowned "Well, I was going to give you some candy, but never mind."
Hyrule brightened. "Ooh, may I?" Wind grinned maliciously and held out the box to Hyrule, who shot his hand in, and screamed as a rubber skulleta spider shot out. Wild and Legend laughed as Twilight sighed, shaking his head as Wind cackled. "Already, you scallywag." he said, standing up, "we've played hookie long enough, let's go." he said, and Wind let out a sound of complaint but followed Teilight out, both saying goodbye to the group.
"Maybe I should ask Four?" Wild said, taking Twilight's seat. Sky shook his head. "No, don't. I don't wanna bother him. He's out of town with his girlfriend."
Hyrule patted Sky's back as Legend stood. "Welp, I gotta head out before Ravio starts blowing my phone up." He said, and Hyrule and Wild waved goodbye as Sky looked defeated.
»»————- ★ ————-««
The grocery store was packed, and Sky was biting his lip, ears down as he looked around the candy isle, tapping his foot impatiently. He was frustrated, the others and been no help to him whatsoever.
He couldn't just by a rose for Sun, he'd have to by 10,000 and even then that wouldn't show her how beautiful she was to him. He couldn't just by candy, he would have to fly to the best chocolatiers in the world just to make her the best chocolates she'd like, but would that tell her how sweet she was to him? And he couldn't just get any card, he'd need to bring Leinardo de Vinci back to life to paint her a beautiful portrait! But would any of it be enough?
"You look troubled." A familiar, fatherly voice said and Sky jumped. He turned to see Time, a spirited man with the heart of a child. He was older than all of the guy's, and wad related to Twilight, yet they still didn't know his age.
"Time!" Sky said "I . . . it's nothing." he said, looking back at the shelved items, moving a back a bit as a teenage girl reached for a bag of candy, standing on her toes, apologizing to him as she did. Time smiled and grabbed the bag for her and handed it to the girl, who smiled and thanked him before rushing off.
"Rupee for your thoughts?" he asked with a kind smile. Sky huffed.
"Sun . . . I love her with my entire soul, I've known her since before we were born. How do I tell someone I love them?" he asked, looking back at Time. "I want to get her the best things, I want to show her how much I live her, but I don't know how. You're married to Malon, what should I do?"
Time hummed, thinking his words before speaking. "Well, what do you like about Sun and why?"
Sky smiled, that unmistakable love struck smile that made his ears perk back up. "Well. . . She has always put her all into everything. Back in school, when she sewed a sail cloth for the ceremony for the church's event back in high school. . . She's so kind to everyone she meets and never afraid to be social or put her foot down. . . she's got this flare to her that makes everyone take another look, and she always takes time to help those in need." He listed. Time smiled at this.
"What have you two done together?" He asked "What kind of events have you both attended. What are the most memorable moments with her that you remember?"
Sky thought about it, starting to play with his red earing. "Gee . . . Well, when we were 10, she held my hand in the ice cream parlor near our elementary school when Groose knocked my ice cream down and shared hers. And then we got lost in a haunted maze during Halloween in freshman year and we fell into a bush together." he started, his smile growing brighter and face became more red. "I remember confessing to her in the city park under that one tree that was said to once bear the fruit that cured all diseases. And our first date was to the zoo. We got lost in the reptile exhibit trying to find where all the butterflies were."
Time patted Sky's back, pulling him out of a trance. "Use those as inspiration." he said. "Let them fuel your fire. It doesn't have to be a fancy gift, whatever you do for Sun should be meaningful. It should remind her of why you two love one another."
Sky gasped and started to bounce. "I've got it! Time thank you so much but I've got a date to plan!" he said, rushing off as Time watched him run off, sprinting down an isle as Malon appeared, looking confused. "What's going on? Dear?"
"Oh-" Time said, looking lovingly at his wife. "It's nothing, darling."
»»————- ★ ————-««
"Still no text?" Flora asked Sun, frowning. The girls had decide to have a sleepover, just to relax and spend time together. Sun sadly nodded, looking at her phone on Dusk's back with her cheek in her hand. Aurora gave a kind smile.
"I'm sure he's just sleeping in, you know he doesn't wake up no matter what." Lullaby nodded. Sun sighed again, clearly upset.
"It's Valentines day!" Sun said "I expected at least a 'good morning, happy Valentines day!' you know?!", her long golden hair in a braid nearly walking Flora in the face.
Dusk entered, a smile on her face. The girls turned. "I found something on my door step. It's for you, Sun."
In a second, Sun was rushing to the front door of Dusk's apartment, the girls following behind excited as they went to the front door. Sun opened it and on the door step was a letter and a small bundle of daffodils. Fable and Dot giggled and squealed seeing the flowers, Sun looking a bit confused but smiled seeing her name in Sky's familiar shaky cursive on the letter.
"oooh!" Dot squealed, bouncing up and down as Sun closed the door. "What's it say?! What's it say!?"
Sun smiled and quickly opened it. She started to read aloud, holding the daffodils in her hand. "Dear Sun, I have known you since before we were born, and even when we were playing other for the first time, I knew that you and I would never be apart. This is to our first time together." Sun pulled off a photo, and smiled. "This is the first photo our mothers took of us together." Su. said, eyes filled with familiarity ad she showed the girls. they all fawned at the cuteness.
"Daffodils mean birth and new beginnings." Flora said, gently examining the Daffodils.
"There's another thing." Sun said "Go to Piper's ice cream parlor. Order the first ice cream we had together at 11 o'clock."
"It's a scavenger hunt!" Fable exclaimed. "He set up a scavenger hunt!"
In what felt like seconds, the girls were dressed and rushed out to catch the metro, all rushing and giggling in excitement. On the metro, Fable got a text and she gushed about how Legend wanted to talk to her, and she left after a few stops to meet him.
On the way to the ice cream parlor, Lullaby also got a text, and she gave a knowing smile to Dusk. "Oh, Malon wants help to make a pie for Time, and wants Dusk and I to help. We have to go."
"Strange." Flora said, Watching to two scurry away, giggling.
»»————- ★ ————-««
"Could I get one scoop of chocolate and a scoop of vanilla?" Sun asked Piper, who looked so happy to see Sun. "With some extra sprinkles?"
"Comeing right up!" Piper said, and she went to make her the ice cream. Sun stood there, rocking back and forth on her heels. Dot, Flora, Aurora, and Artemis (Who had bumped into them (randomly)) stood behind her as Piper handed Sun a bowl of chocolate and vanilla ice cream with wrinkles, a note, and a yellow rose.
Sun took them and rushed to a table, past a small group with books and some with glassed and one wearing a blue scarf and to a small table to sit, the girls following them. Flora took the rose as Sun opened the letter. "A yellow rose is symbolic for friendship." she said instinctively, and proceeded to get shaken by an Excited Aurora.
"Dear Sun, Remember when I lost my treat, ans you shared yours. I think that is when I realized how sweet you were, and I wanted that sweetness forever. Your kindness knows no bounds. At 12 o'clock, Go to the maze that hosts those awesome Halloween events and look for the scarecrow with a bucket hat."
"We gotta go!" Aurora said, Dot having gone missing, grabbing Sun and Flora and rushing out.
»»————- ★ ————-««
One by one, they collected more notes and flowers, Sun reminded of the best moments with her and Sky, even if the girls were suddenly dissapearing. Soon, now in the park as the sun was setting, she was alone, holding daffodils, yellow roses, pink carnations, daisies, larkspur, marigolds and chrysanthemums. Her feet aches, and she was hoping this wasn't just some wild goose chase when she saw him.
Sky stood under the tree of life, dressed in some nice clothes, in front of a picnic with lit candles and nice food. Sky's face lit up as she rushed to him and hugged him tight. "You know, I nearly had to fight a penguin for one of these." she said, and Sky smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry about that." he said, taking her hands and helping her sit down. "But did you have fun?" He asked
Sun nodded, abd placed her flowers next to her. "Oh, but I had to do the last bit of it alone. All the girls ran out, and I haven't a clue why!"
Sky's ears dropped a bit, "Oh? Strange." he said, before he helped her fill her plate.
It was wonderful, both talking about their day and Sun just gushing over everything Sky had done for her before he cleared his throat, turning a heavy shade of red. "Um ... we've known one another since. .. . well since birth. And I'm. . . just so greatful that through everything we've stuck together. I don't have a memory without you in it." he said, helping Sun stand up. "And. . . I want you to be with me forever. I want to look back in the future and see you and I together in white."
Sun's eyes widened, and she gasped realizing where this was going. "Link-"
Sky got down on one knee. "Zelda, I wnat to grow old with you. I want to start a family with you, I want to be by your side as you make all your dreams become a reality. Zelda. . ." He pulled out a box as Sun shook. Opening it, a ring stood in a slot. "Will you marry me?"
Sun burst into tears and Sky began to panic "Oh goddess! I'm sorry, are you okay?! Did you not want-"
Sun kissed Sky and he became tomato red ad he kissed back. Sun pulled away, smiling through tears. "Yes! As many times as I have to say it, Yes!"
Sky's eyes filled with tears as he shakily put the ring on her finger and kissed her again. The sounds of confetti cannons going off and cheers erupted from around them as the chain and girls celebrated, the sound of Hyrule yelling in joy and Dot and Aurora crying was heard, Wind loligaging with Tetra, and other sounds of excitement were heard.
When Sun and Sky pulled away, the boys patted Sky's back, cheering for him. The girls swarmed Sun, all going on about wedding plans and such, the excitement so contagious that if anyone else had gone by, they been smiling too.
Sky looked at Sun, and both knew that this would be the best memory and Valentines day gift they'd ever received. . .
Hahah! at 1 am it's done! Do tell what you think!
I went just a little over board I believe, but who cares I'm a hopeless romantic and @trppygalaxy deserves comfort and love. So bamb! Toothrotting fluff!
Have a wonderful day/night!
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katyawriteswhump · 20 days
the freak in the penthouse part 9
E-rated (for sexual content), accidental millionaire eddie/sex-worker steve. Sorry I haven't updated this here in forever...
On tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.1 Part 3.2 Part 4.1 Part 4.2 Part 5.1 Part 5.2 Part 6.1 Part 6.2 Part 7 Part 8 or search #thefreakinthepenthouse :)
On AO3
Preview: “Stevie?” spluttered Eddie, mildly winded.  “Eddie-babes!” Steve hung with his arms looped around Eddie’s neck. He was in full-on hooker mode—hot-pants, mesh vest, eyeliner wonky, and mascara everywhere. There was a faint pinkish bruise across his left cheekbone, and his breath reeked of booze. “What the heck happened?” asked Eddie. “Nothing bad… good… whatever. Oh man! You’re really bailing on me, huh?” Peeping over Eddie’s shoulder, Steve had noticed the packed cases and bulging garbage sacks. His dopey lopsided smirk was ridiculously cute, though it didn’t reach his glazed eyes. “Okay. One for the road. Fuck meeeeeeee.”
Chapter 9: promotion (trigger warnings for past abuse, trauma.)
“You shifty punk-ass son-of-a-bitch.” Kline blocked Steve’s path along the narrow backstairs corridor. “I knew you were playing me.”
Steve queued his answer behind a yawn. “Yeah, my breakfast shift was a bust. I’m sorry, and yeah, you’re not gonna pay me for today, but… Jesus, I wasn’t playing hooky for no reason. You wanted me to puke all over the waffles?”
Steve had, in fact, been slinking off somewhere quiet to get over the general yuck of being unwell. He should’ve tried harder to avoid Kline. He was simply too through with it all to think that far ahead, let alone conjure any ninja skills.
It grew obvious Kline wasn’t gonna let him pass without a shoving match.
“You want something else?” 
“Let me think,” drawled Kline. “That’ll be a big fat YES.” Steve couldn’t stopper his groan. Godchester had wasted little time putting his ‘order’ in. “A word in your shell-like ear?”
“Say wha—"
Kline grabbed Steve’s arm. Steve was still so shaky that he let himself be dragged into a walk-in cleaner’s closet. Kline kicked the door shut, releasing Steve with a shove.
“You dirty little hustler.” Kline switched on a buzzing strip-light. “One call to the police precinct and I can have your ass tossed in jail.”
Yeah, it’s always the ass. I guess the rest of me goes straight in the dumpster.
“So, I’m fired?” Steve balled his fists. His limbs felt as liquidy as a Robin Buckley fondue disaster, but if this douchebag was gonna try something… “Say it! I’m fired, right?”
“Hell, no. You keep your lousy job—I mean, who are we trying to fool here? You’re the most popular bellhop we ever had. Let’s call this a promotion, Casanova.” Kline beamed, flicked his dumb floppy fringe. “You got a date tonight. 8pm. I’ll confirm the room number later.”
“Oh.” The dull inevitability of it all trickled through Steve. He addressed a mop. “How much you getting for me?”
“That’s for me to know, and you to peddle your sweet butt for.”
Steve forced his chin up and glared with everything he’d got left. He knew roughly what he’d been ‘worth’—up to five hundred dollars a night. Perhaps more. Kline would’ve demanded top whack out of Godchester.
“If it’s a promotion, don’t I get a pay-rise? A cut?”
“Hah! Not likely. I know you’ve been whoring for that freak in the penthouse.” He jabbed Steve’s chest with his forefinger. “You owe me a cut, son.”
“Or what? Jesus, I… I…” Steve swatted Kline’s hand away, his glare fading and his panic ratcheting up. Kline was breaking the law, too, pimping Steve out like this. He broke the law regularly, sending Deirdre’s girls up on room service. Still, it would be Steve’s word again his, and Steve’s voice would be as lost as a fart in a tornado…
…but this wasn’t Eddie that he was expected to spread his legs for. It wasn’t even some unknown John.
It was Godchester.
Steve swallowed fresh bile. “Go to hell. I’m not doing it.”
“You playing hardball, Harrington? I mean, it’s a cute look, but–”
“I said NO.” Kline grinned harder than ever, teeth gleaming yellow. Then he struck Steve. “Ow! Jesus!”
It’d been a wet-fish slap, but it stung, and the shock of it set Steve reeling. Kline grabbed him by the collar, slammed him back against the shelves. If he hadn’t felt so goddamn peaky, Steve would’ve handed the slick sucker his ass. Today, Steve’s dizziness alone started robbing him of his breath.
Oh God, oh God.
“See my aforesaid statement about throwing your ass in jail.” Kline’s breath stank of Irish coffee and something really gross. “Pretty boy like you—that’s gonna be a jolly few months. Oh, and I don’t think the sob stories about your wretched asthma are gonna wash there. Like with me, they just won’t care.” 
Steve curled his lip. ONE TIME he’d shown this lowlife his inhaler, claiming he’d lost it, and only to cover for why he was really outside Eddie’s suite. Other than that, he’d never spun Kline, or anybody, a sob story.
“That sicko Brit wants you in uniform,” Kline was saying. “Fancies you as some poncy, overgrown schoolboy. Oh, and…”
He whipped out a pair of handcuffs and dangled them so close that Steve’s eyes crossed. They sure weren’t the furry ‘fun’ kind. In fact, they resembled proper police ones. The sort that bruised when you struggled.
Like I didn’t already know how tonight was gonna go down.
“One of Deirdre’s girls left them.” Kline hooked them in Steve’s pocket. “Gotta get one of the receptionists to source a wicker cane for your hot date, too. Lordy, the things I do in the line of duty.”
He released Steve’s shirt and was gone.
Steve bumped down the shelves onto his haunches. The strip-light hummed through his veins, and it felt like something sharp caught in his throat. His brain refused to have a coherent thought, let alone make any kind of decision. Eventually, he thudded the side of his fist to his thigh. The cuffs fell out of his pocket with a clatter, as did his inhaler.
He stared down at them both.
Eddie. He’d planned to go and see Eddie. What if Eddie was really through with him? 
God, I can’t… I won’t… I can’t think about it right now. But I can’t go to jail. I can’t… I won’t… I can’t.
He used his inhaler, pocketed it with the handcuffs. Feeling calmer, he slowly got up and brushed his crumpled uniform down. Then he went back to the restroom to rinse the chalky taste of his overused meds from his mouth.
After that, he kept doing… stuff. He simply couldn’t keep his scattered mind on what any of it was.
Eddie paced around the penthouse, pep-talking himself to the verge of frenzy. “You can do this. C’mon, Munson. Grow a pair already.”
1pm passed. 2pm passed.
He had to be out by 4 o’clock. Another guest wanted to check in that evening. At this point, he was randomly dumping his stuff into garbage sacks. There was no way he was fitting all his hoarded crap into his sticker-covered suitcases.
He wasted twenty minutes searching for Jimi Hendrix’s probably-fake guitar case, which he randomly located beneath the baby grand. Then he sat down on the stool. He dumped his arms then his face onto the keys with a truly un-metal plink.
Joke was, he really did hate this dump. 
Everything he’d said to Steve about it was true—it stood for all the ex-frat-boy-corporate-forced-conformity he despised. Henderson was sending a ride over to whisk him straight to the apartment he shared with Suzie in Pasadena. Eddie wanted out.
He still had no clue how he was gonna get to that ride.
It involved walking through a busy hotel lobby, trying not to go completely cuckoo, stepping into the street, and…
…oh God, Steve! He owed Steve at least six-hundred dollars, and he’d no longer gotten a dime to his name. Steve needed that cash for meds. To goddamn live. Eddie got that. For that reason alone, he would’ve forgiven Steve even if he had faked everything between them.
Yet, deep down, he honestly couldn’t accept that Steve didn’t feel… Heck, at least some the goddamn feels which were currently gouging Eddie’s heart out with a spoon. The thought of everything ending in such a car-wreck fashion, let alone of never seeing Steve again?
It hurt so bad that a keening sound leaked from Eddie’s clenched teeth.
He had to find him.
Eddie sniffled, de-hunched his back, and then his jaw dropped . On top of the piano, he spied some rolling papers and some Gamja.
“Obi-waccy-baccy kenobi,” he said to the plastic pouch, “yoooooou are my only hope.”
He’d gotten the reefer between his lips and the lighter poised in his hands, when he hesitated. Memories gushed back of Steve sitting at the piano, serenading him:
“I don't have much money, but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live—"
Oh, the kickass irony. Eddie might’ve pulled that one off, before he’d pissed his fortune away. And Steve had been a goddamn revolution for Eddie. When he arrived, Eddie couldn’t even listen to music he loved without ripping his hair out. Last night, thanks to Steve, Eddie had teetered on the brink of packing his trunks and leaving this dump on his own terms. It’d been Steve who’d been triggered by that Queen song, something to do with his parents, and then…
Eddie placed his joint down on his lap.
Okay, Munson. Showtime. Do what you were gonna do before Henderson blasted you with a double six. You blaze out into that hotel, clear-headed, and you find him. No need to be a hero. Baby steps. Just tell him… tell him…
Tell him what exactly?
Eddie heard a distant banging. In an adjoining part of the suite, somebody thudded on the main doors.
Eddie jumped up. His joint unravelled and his weed scattered everywhere. While he’d resolved not to smoke the damn thing, he sobbed a little. Plus, it was still only 2.23 pm, and surely hotels this snazzy didn’t send bailiffs? Besides, Dustin had settled the bill.
The bashing got louder. “Eddieeeee!”
Eddie’s every trouble—even his terror of the big bad world—was briefly forgotten. He sprinted to the doors, yanked them wide. Steve’s fist was raised for another thump, and he tumbled forward into Eddie with a thud.
“Stevie?” spluttered Eddie, mildly winded. 
“Eddie-babes!” Steve hung with his arms looped around Eddie’s neck. He was in full-on hooker mode—hot-pants, mesh vest, eyeliner wonky, and mascara everywhere. There was a faint pinkish bruise across his left cheekbone, and his breath reeked of booze.
“What the heck happened?” asked Eddie.
“Nothing bad… good… whatever. Oh man! You’re really bailing on me, huh?” Peeping over Eddie’s shoulder, Steve had noticed the packed cases and bulging garbage sacks. His dopey lopsided smirk was ridiculously cute, though it didn’t reach his glazed eyes. “Okay. One for the road. Fuck meeeeeeee.”
“Tempting. Let’s put that on a backburner.” Eddie awkwardly manoeuvred Steve farther into the suite, grunting at the effort. Steve giggled. “I wanna grovel a bit, honey.”
“What the fuuuuuck for?” Steve unwound himself from Eddie, flinging his arms about dramatically. “I lied to you, Eddie, and I’m NOT SORRY. I’m a bad, baaaaaad boy.” He pirouetted about then crashed to his bare knees, landing among Eddie’s sketches. Which Eddie had still not tidied away. Fortunately, the chambermaid had picked up the broken pieces of vase—doubtless, it had been added to Dustin’s list of charges.
“Hey, this is new.” Steve picked up one of Eddie’s flesh-eating plant monsters. “Blood and violence? You dig that, huh? You wanna punish me? Bring it on, oh Skeletor Dungeon Lord!”
“Oh God! Yesterday, I was being an idiot, okay? You know I’m not into nasty shit.” Eddie offered Steve a hand to help him up. Steve ignored it and levered himself up unsteadily.  “Look, it was a crit hit when I found you in the restroom like that, a lot to take in. I don’t want us to take a break. I still wanna help you, if you’ll let me, but I gotta ’fess up—”
“Oh, that’s how it is, is it?” announced Steve. He didn’t seem to have listened to a word of Eddie’s attempts to make nice. He had, however, spied an overturned trash can. And the half-dozen scrunched-up approximations of himself, one of which he now grabbed and pitched furiously across the room. “You’re throwing me away? Screw you. SCREW YOU!”
“Honestly. I’m not. It was a shitty likeness, that’s all, and… Christ, you’re totally wasted. Please calm down. Please?”
As Eddie tented his hands in prayer, Steve hurled another curveball. He looped his arms around the fake marble pillar and cuffed his wrists together with what looked like true-blue police-issue handcuffs.
“Gimme your worst!” screamed Steve. “Blood and violence, huh? I can take it. Hurt me, big boy, come on. Fuck me raw. Hurt me… hurt me… hurt me.”
“Stevie, I—” Very gently, he placed his hand on Steve’s shoulder. Steve twitched him off then started whispering again:
“Don’t… D-don’t touch me… Don’t. Go away… go away. Please… please… please.”
“I will never hurt you. I promise.” Eddie hurried around the pillar. Steve stared straight through him like he wasn’t there, his breaths shuddering unevenly. Eddie didn’t think he was having an asthma attack. It seemed more like some kind of panic attack. Jesus, Eddie knew about those, though right now, he was dead set on keeping his head together. He still had no clue what to do. He couldn’t even comfort Steve through fear of triggering something worse.
“Uuuuuh, where’s the keys to the handcuffs?”
No response. Not a flicker.
“Steve? Just to be super-safe. Where’s your inhaler?” Tears trickled from Steve’s unseeing eyes. The last remaining color syphoned from his cheeks. Eddie clawed his hair: “Inhaler, Steve. Did you bring it? Do you need it?”
Steve’s knees buckled and he slithered floorward, still loosely hugging the pillar.
“Holy shit! Okay, try and look at me. Steve?” Eddie crouched in front of Steve, waved his hand near Steve’s nose. “I don’t like this, Stevie. Do you need a doctor? I’ll pay, you don’t need to worry about a thing, okay? I’ll take care of everything.”
I’ll pay with the strips Henderson’s gonna tear off my ass.
When somebody else knocked loudly on the doors, Eddie jumped to his feet. Steve didn’t blink.
“Steve? STEVE!” yelled a female voice from outside. Then, “Let me in, you loaded bastard! I got a rolling pin here, and I swear to God—I’m gonna batter this door in and your face is gonna be next.”
Part 10 on AO3 (tumblr link coming soon)
Thank you for reading. Likes, reblogs and comments much appreciated and will feed the bunnies🐰💕🐰💕🐰💕🐰💕
On tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3.1 Part 3.2 Part 4.1 Part 4.2 Part 5.1 Part 5.2 Part 6.1 Part 6.2 Part 7 or search #thefreakinthepenthouse :)
On AO3 All my ST stuff on AO3
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