#hope i will continue to have this energy 💪💪💪
iiping · 2 years
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my xiaoaether compilation! ☀️
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
Hi! I was just wondering, could you write a oneshot of reader feeling really tired/kinda depressed, like too tired to get up of the bed to get a drink, too tired to even talk and skz just helping them through it and taking care of them? It could be 9th member or just the groupd friend. It's ok if you don't want to or don't feel comfortable with it. Thank you! Lots of love!
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stray kids x best friend!reader
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: mental exhaustion
word count: 1.3k
summary: your best friends notice you've been acting different recently, and help you through your mental rut.
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy this one. And if anyone is ever feeling this way, you can always message me, or reach out for help :)
Asks are shut, but if you want to be added to my taglist, let me know! And reblog and like if you enjoyed! <3
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Love, can you open the door?" Changbin's soft voice called out quietly, yet you made no effort to move. You knew he could just as easily open your door and walk in, but he was waiting to see if you had the energy to do it yourself.
"I'll take that as a no," and he walked away from the door, probably back into the kitchen to inform the boys that their latest attempt didn't work.
It wasn't that you didn't want to see them. It was more that your social battery was drained. Not even a good night's sleep was helping you gain energy because, well, although you weren't having sleepless nights, there was still a lot of things weighing on your mind that was stopping you from wanting to do anything.
Oh. They were spamming the group chat again.
kangaroo🖤: remember to have something to eat!
bokkie🐲: pls eat smthn sweaty 💞
prince🖌️: lixie you did not jst call her sweaty that isn't gnna help 😭
mongmong🎤: ignore them sweetie just pls eat smthn if you have the energy yh?
cheese toastie🦊: our minnie is so sweet
quokka boy🥊: careful or he will chnge his mind 👀
kitty boy😼: i'm cooking u dinner rn
dwaekki💪: pls come out and see us love :(
And so the guilt set in once more. You could tell they were doing their best but for the past couple of days you didn't want to do anything at all. And whilst they had asked you, you shut them down every time and waved them off.
The next day, you were due to go into work, something your best friends were well aware of as they had checked your shared calender to see if there was anything upcoming that was overwhelming you.
When you rang into work to call in for a sick day, that was the first time the boys heard your voice in like 48 hours. Croaky. Dry. Exhausted.
Which is what prompted your next visit.
"Hey, Y/Nnie, I've brought you some water. You don't have to talk to us if you don't want to... but, yeah," Felix brought in a bottle filled with ice water and you could tell he didn't know what exactly to do in the situation without you responding to him.
You couldn't help but feel the gratitude within you after he awkwardly smiled at you, and so, you spoke up from your nest in bed.
"Thank you, Lixie."
Within a flash he turned around and grinned warmly at you, excited at just this simple interaction, because him and the boys had been worried sick the past few days. They knew everyone had their moments, but they had never seen you like this before.
After he left, you sipped at your water and continued to mindlessly scroll through your social media feed on your phone. There was still a numbness there. You recognised videos that would normally make you laugh yet no emotion filled you.
And that's what made you feel weirder.
You thought about other times people went into some sort of slump and they'd normally be sad, upset for some reason. But no, not you.
You felt emotionless. The loneliness wasn't what sucked you in yet it was like a part of your brain felt like it had shut off. And that lasted for the next few hours until the members caught you out of bed looking for something in the cupboard to eat.
"Oh, Y/N!" Han jumped back with a hand on his heart, yet you carried on in your sluggish efforts to make something to eat.
"You're out of bed?" Jeongin was shocked until he winced from the small slap on the back of his head from Changbin.
"Don't eat that, it's not good for you, here, heat this up," Lee Know took away the instant noodles from your grasp and instead pulled out a container with a portion of dinner he had made last night. He seemed to be taking control yet he wanted to see you do something for yourself. He hoped it was motivating and that the simplest thing of heating up your own food would lead you towards an upward trajectory of going back to your usual self.
You slowly padded across the kitchen to the microwave and shoved the food in, a gentle hand tapping you on the shoulder as you shut the machine's door.
"Let's talk, Y/N," Chan guided you to the sofa in the lounge connected to the kitchen, the rest of your friends following through. There was no choice in the matter, yet the eldest remained calm which reassured you slightly.
"We've been worried about you," Hyunjin spoke for everyone when he said that.
"Sorry," you whisper, picking at the threads of your baggy jumper sleeve.
"No, don't apologise. We just want to know what's going on in that head of yours," Seungmin leans forward as he speaks quietly.
You simply shrug.
"Y/Nnie?" Chan further prompted.
"I don't know," you shrugged again, not even knowing how to explain what was going on.
"You don't know?" Felix looked around at the other members, confused.
Just then, the microwave dinged, and you stood up to go and get your food, but Lee Know's hands on your shoulders stopped you.
"Don't worry about that now. Just talk to us, anything," his thumbs rubbed soothing circles before he moved away.
"I-I don't know what you want me to say," you brought your legs up to your chest.
"We know you had work today," Changbin mentioned.
"It's ok, I called in sick," you mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
"Do you have a temperature?" Han frowned, feeling your forehead but that answered his question.
"I just didn't feel like it... but not in like a lazy way but I just couldn't... mentally do it?" your answer came out as a rushed question, not even sure yourself but it made sense to the rest of the boys.
"Ah, sweetie, you should have said," Hyunjin pouted, feeling bad that you were struggling.
"Not that easy though, is it?" you looked up and saw Chan crouched down in front of you.
"It's not, we know that, but we want you to always know that you've got us to fall back on, no matter what, ok?" he grabbed your hands as he said this, squeezing them so that you knew he was physically there.
"Y/Nnie... you know you don't have to always have energy, right? It's ok to have your down days," Han said seriously, which even caused Chan to look at him surprisingly as he moved away from in front of you.
"I feel like..." you began, but trailed off shaking your head.
"Tell us, talk to us love," Changbin insisted.
"I feel like I have to keep telling myself I can do it, but I know I'm lying to myself, I guess?" you sighed, leaning further back into the sofa.
"You can do it, we all know you can," Jeongin encouraged you sweetly.
"But if you can't right now, that's also fine," Seungmin added on.
And there was no need for you to verbally respond, because these safety oozing from them was wrapping you in a nice comfy blanket.
Oh, and Felix was also wrapping you in a blanket, that could have been why you felt the sudden warmth.
"Right, now you can eat," Lee Know nodded, satisfied with how the conversation had played out.
"Me too, hyung!" Han and Hyunjin both dashed after Lee Know, begging him for food too, and with that you smiled.
"There you are," Changbin titled your head up as you smiled, his face mirroring yours.
"If all it took was for Han and Hyunjin to be whiny and complain, we could have had this conversation a lot sooner," Seungmin rolled his eyes fondly, thinking of the two 00 liners who were bickering earlier that day.
"Don't ruin the moment Seungmin," Chan tutted jokingly.
But it didn't ruin the moment. Seeing them act normally around you again after they had cleared up what was going on made you feel better.
You felt, once again.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z
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sapphire-heart-tippy · 6 months
I'm doing okay 💪 it's just that making comics is hard and very draining... This comic has been in production for a few years, but I had to restart 3 times because my art style kept changing. Plus I needed to update some stuff, add things, and rewrite bits and pieces.
I really want the pilot to come out sometime this year, but I don't want to rush anything. I have a majority of season 1 already written (just 10 episodes in total before season 2 happens), so it should be less difficult to draw the rest up and finish them. It'll probably take a few years for season 1 to be complete though. At the very least, I want to get the first episode out there.
I'll take breaks and participate in events and selfship stuff still 🩵💙💜 I'll also draw more of my selfship stuff during those breaks.
I also have to close commissions for a while because I don't have the energy for them at the moment...
Right now, I'm going to respond to messages and a few asks, then I'm gonna take a little break before I continue working on my comic 💙
I hope you're all doing well 🩵💙💜
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psychics4unet · 8 days
Hello, I'm M. C. My sun sign is virgo.
Can I please get a free reading? If they are still available.
I want to ask if I'll ever be able achieve my dream career and if yes, then when? . I have tried multiple times but still there are no positive results , no signs . Despite putting efforts and seeing no results slowly my hopes are dying. It would be a lot of help if you could just tell what messages my angels have for me regarding this.
Thank you for your time and energy.
Hi M.C. 😊✨ I can feel your frustration, and I’m here to help shed some light on your situation. Let’s connect with your angels and spirit guides to understand what’s happening with your dream career and where things are headed. 🌟
First, your angels want you to know that you are not alone in this journey. Even though it feels like you’ve been putting in so much effort without results, they are urging you to stay patient and trust the process. 🌿💫 Virgo energy is all about dedication and hard work, and you have been embodying that perfectly. But sometimes, the universe works on a timeline that we can’t always see.
There’s a sense that you’re being tested right now, not just in your career path but also in your ability to trust that what’s meant for you will come. Your guides are saying that you may be closer than you think. 🌈 The timing of your dream career might not align with your current expectations, but it is on its way. You’re being asked to keep faith alive a little longer.
In terms of timing, your angels are guiding you to focus less on “when” and more on how you can remain resilient. Opportunities may start to open up within the next year, but it will depend on how you align your mindset and energy with the idea that success is inevitable. The message is clear: don’t give up yet. 💪✨
It’s also important to take care of yourself along the way. Your angels are encouraging you to step back occasionally, reflect, and recharge your energy. When you feel like your hopes are fading, take that as a sign to nurture your inner self. Self-care is crucial, especially when the journey gets tough.
In summary, your angels are saying that yes, you will achieve your dream career, but it requires continued perseverance and faith. Stay open, keep going, and the signs will begin to appear when the time is right. 🌟💖
Got more questions or need further insight? I’m here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
In case anyone else here on tumblr would like a free psychic reading (message from the angels), click the link and follow the instructions (I answer only to those who follow the instructions, thank you):
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aria-ashryver · 1 year
🌟...aaaaand it's over, no more chemo!🌟
(at least I very much hope so 🤞)
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And Caesar, well...
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How are you feeling, Aria? When are you getting new scans? Should the side effects go away soon? If they schedule a surgery, when will it happen?
(Also, this is how I picture you getting ready to hear the results of said scans)
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HELLO sweet lovely!!
Thoughts under the cut bc I'm getting a little bleak and edgy for a sec here lmao, but out here, lemme just say:
I meet with my oncologist next week, so I won't know much more until then (he'll hopefully be telling me I can make an appointment with the surgery team to talk surgery plans!!), but whatever the news is, bring it on. I've got this.
y'know, these last 3 months have really felt like...
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but you know what? I'm still here. Still standing. Still got my foot on Caesar's throat.
These past couple days I've been... ugh. I want to keep matching the celebratory energy, I really do. But I am standing on a bloodied battlefield, gasping for air, my darling.
Shortly before noon, May 30th, 2023, I was told my cancer was metastatic.
Stage 4.
I've been carrying that knowledge for a few months now. About 114,000 minutes, actually. And I've been cutting down the intrusive thoughts that whole time. The terror. The doubt. The sheer, stark loneliness that is existing in a body with something insidious that's trying to kill you. I cannot tell you how truly claustrophobic cancer is.
I've won this battle, yes. I made it through my chemotherapy. But I'm going to be sword in hand for the rest of my life. I don't get to rest. And you know what? That's okay. In a lot of ways, I've been fighting for years.
The irony isn't lost on me that I fought tooth and nail to claw my way through depression and suicidal ideation, and now that I finally, wholeheartedly want to live, I get handed a death sentence. One I can beat back, yes (see: bloodied battlefield, foot on Caesar's throat, et cetera), but one that I'll have to continue fighting forever.
I'll be honest, I have more flavours of trauma than a goddamn ice cream parlour, I was wholeheartedly fucked up even before the cancer diagnosis lmao. But NOTHING has broken me yet.
The world has been trying to kill me for decades and I haven't let it.
Caesar is just one more enemy to laugh at.
This battlefield may be bloodied and barren, but it is mine.
I may be standing on a field of broken bones and corpses, but I am standing.
So, here's to the next fight. I'm ready 🖤
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also, just as a random parting thought, I was having a massive cry yesterday (again 114,000 minutes!! of being forced to confront my own mortality, and this was only Breakdown #5 (yes, I'm counting), so like... I think I'm doing real good haha). Anyway, I stumbled on a YT short that was so bleakly hilarious to me in the context of having cancer that I laughed so hard it snapped me right the fuck out of it and i stopped being sad and resumed being awesome
the tl;dr is hell yeah chemo is over (hopefully), and I am literally unkillable and feeling very cool and rad about it 💅
also now I want a sword.
oh my god i totally need to buy myself a sword when they declare my body cancer free don't i?
...oh my god im gonna do it
kitty you genius
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chirpq · 5 months
70 Best New Job Wishes for Brother & Congratulation Message
New job wishes for my brother in English.
All the best on your fresh job and a new way forward!🎉 Good wishes for the new job, dear, you will be the best!💪 I am happy that you will be in it, and I know you will do great things.🥳 You've got this! Cheers to a pleasing and rewarding career start.🍀 I'm so happy that your efforts are finally paying off. I've got so many more great things to come your way.🥰 Your new job is fortunate to have you, and you continue to shine bright as always.🌟 Hearing you will do wonderfully from the sidelines, I'm sure you will succeed in your new job.🙌 I can't wait to see what's coming your way in the next chapter of your life. May your new job be the start of a life full of success and happiness.📚
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I hope the new role works out well for you. You are doing great!🤞 Also Read: 120+ New Job Wishes for Husband & Congratulations Messages I wish you all the best in the new job. I am sure your talent will get you far.🎊
New job blessings for brother
I hope your new job offers you a fulfilling experience and allows your potential to soar 😊 Best wishes for your new job. I want this moment to bring about development, education and a wealthier existence. May your efforts pay off, and recognize your effort💰. May God bless you with great colleagues and superiors who will look after you 👥 As you start this new journey, happiness, triumph, and all the best come your way 😇 May your skills and contributions add significant value to the company 💪 Also Read: 120+ New Job Wishes for Husband & Congratulations Messages I would want your road toward professional Success to go upward and prosperous 📈 Congratulations! Here's to the new role which you're most capable of! May your new job be everything you've hoped for and more!🎉 I sincerely pray that you find peace and joy in your work 😊 God will escort you as you progress in this new way.
Congratulations to Brother on his Success
Dude, I'm so proud of you and all you've done. Keep killing it! All the struggle and lost sleep paid off.Congrats! Way to go, bro! I knew you could do it; you are fantastic! Wearing Success will be great. Well done! All this late at night and early in the morning will pay off. You deserve this win. Your commitment inspired me. Thank you, and you're the person that changed my life. Congratulations on your promotion. Your support was like a congratulations message during my toughest times.
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For more future successes always, especially as you take on this exciting new role. You've earned it. And so you always knew you'd succeed if you gave your best. Well, you deserved it, bro! Your passion and the energy in you brought you here! Keep charging ahead! Also Read: 120+ New Job Wishes for Husband & Congratulations Messages Bravo to you for all your successes! Cheers to the coming story.
Good luck wishes for your brother.
I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors. You've got this! May the positive vibes find their way to you, and I hope Lady Luck is on your side. You will do a superb job facing new challenges! Life will bring you much Success and good fortune. Get them, bro! Sending luck your way. You've done well. Therefore, let them know how much you can be. May you have the luck like the Irish/whatever ethnicity you are. You can handle it because you have all of the support you need. Sending all your positive energy and good luck. You've got this handled! Also Read: 120+ New Job Wishes for Husband & Congratulations Messages Word of encouragement and hope for the best. Yeah, no doubt, you're the boss here! Sending you all the good vibes and, above all, best of luck!Crush it, bro! With all my heart, I wish you every possible good and fulfilment. You're capable of this. I am sending you my positivity and best wishes for your new job. You're ready. It's time to show them what you can do.
Best New Job Wishes for Brother with Quotes
"Hoping you succeed a great deal in your new position, bro. You have got what it takes." "Congratulations on the new role. Be sure to grasp this opportunity with both hands. You will shine!" "I'm so proud of you and can't wait to see your future in this next chapter! You accomplished everything- now is not the time to dim your lights." "I wish you all the luck and satisfaction you deserve in your new career pursuit. I am just a call away when you need it. Keep pushing till you get there!"
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"You're a perfect fit for this position by far. Your passion and talent will surely help you out along the way. Savor this journey and celebrate your achievement." "Here, raise your glass to new adventures, experiences and achievements. Congrats on your new job". "Remember: this job is made for you. Be your best in this new venture, and I will remain your quiet supporter. You can do this!!" "Hope you enter your new job with all the very best. 'The best is yet to come'- stay great." "Your sweat has been worth your while now; this is your moment. Welcome and keep your head high on this next journey." "So proud of you and what you achieved. This is just the beginning. Your new job will be lucky to have you. Shine bright!"
Best Wishes to Brother for a New Job
I wish you much Success in your new position. You've got this! All the best for your new job, my man! I know you'll make yourself proud. May this new job bring you the success you've always wished for. I am so proud of you for this and excited to see what you can do in this new period of your life. Off you go, my friend, you're doing great! Now, the time has come, and all the efforts you put into this are being rewarded. Get them, tiger! Best of luck in your new job! Also Read: 120+ New Job Wishes for Husband & Congratulations Messages Keep positive vibes and good wishes with you, and send your successful start to this new and exciting journey. Congratulations on your new job! You've got this! Congratulations on the new position! I'm behind you all the way. You are going to own it totally in this new opportunity. I wish you Success and outstanding achievements in your new position. I know that you will hone those skills to greatness.
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Many congrats on your new job! I'm only a call away if you need me anytime. Congratulations, you are already a winner by taking this new step. May your new job bring you great joy and fulfillment. Congratulations & here's to years of progress and happiness! You're going to kill it, ft. Your potential is limitless. Congratulations, and I wish you all Success in your new role!
Congrats, Brother, for the New Job Quotes
"I am very proud of you, mate! You've worked so hard, and that's why the opportunity is in front of you. Congratulations on the new job - I'm sure you will amaze everyone with your skills." "You made it, little brother! "Sometimes I could tell you could do a great job. It is just the beginning - more wonderful days will come. It's celebration time, so let's gear up for the journey." "Brother, you did it! After all your work, your persistence and skill make you a winner. I would like a beautiful first step in this job. Wishing you all the luck in your new endeavor! Wishing you all the luck in your new endeavor! Trust your training and go out there to smash it! "Congratulations on the new job, big brother! I'm cheering for you from the sidelines. You have come far - enjoy this victory and rest assured that we, as your whole family, are always behind you." Dude! So happy for you! Being hard working and driven to succeed as you have always been. Congratulations, this is what you have earned. Best wishes for the fulfillment and success of this new chapter. Also Read: 120+ New Job Wishes for Husband & Congratulations Messages "Way to go, bro! You knew it was only a matter of time before people would realize your talent and personality. I am so glad to have you as my brother. There's too big to come for the new job! "Bro, obtaining employment is the greatest. Your passion and talents will not lead you astray. I look forward to continuing your journey and discovering where it leads you. Good luck on your beginning a new and wonderful path! "You did it, bro! The sacrifices of the sleepless nights and work were worth it. So excited for your new chance. Keep going - you've got this. Best wishes for your new job. Much love and congratulations!" "Brother, I'm excited for you and this next phase of your career. You work so hard. - you deserve this. Hope the best for you as you proceed to this new and exciting step."
How do you congratulate your brother on a new job?
Here are some suggestions for how to congratulate your brother on his new job: Write him a note or text him, "Congrats on the new job, bro! I knew you would get some amazing offer". Be natural but meaningful. If you see him in person, give him a high five or a brief hug and tell him: "Keep up the good work! I am proud of you." Keep physical contact brief and appropriate. Add something on social media like "Great start for my brother to his new role. You've earned it; it's your time to shine." Try to make any social media update inspiring and uplifting.
How do I wish my brother success?
Here are some sincere ways you can wish your brother success: Please give him a touching note stating that you believe in his capabilities and dedication. Include a heartfelt congratulations message on his new job. Tell him about his past struggle, which he overcame through hard work. Suppose you realise he will pursue his current goals with the same force and determination. Give him concrete plans on how you will assist, for instance, proofreading the resumes, practising for the interview, and taking care of other things so he can devote the whole time to attaining his goals. Little acts of assistance can do an entire world of good. Talk about the same people who inspire you both, for example, about people who were able to succeed because of persistence. It could be talking about your brave relatives and your family's strength. Sharing strengths among each other lifts the confidence of many. Try coming up with good, worthy questions about his plans and vision. It could be as simple as listening and remembering the details, showing how much you love what drives him. Customize your support for his own version of Success as he gets a new job. May this new chapter bring endless opportunities.
How do you wish good luck for a new job?
Here are some common ways to wish someone good luck on a new job: "All the best with your new job! I believe that you will make a significant impact in your new role. Congratulations on getting this opportunity. Congratulations on your new job! "Best wishes for you in your new job. Your abilities and commitment will be a great asset." The new job message  and your talents and work ethic are the latest opportunities. "Wishing you Success as you start your new role. I have full confidence in your ability to excel. Feel free to ask me for anything as you settle in." "New jobs may be an adventure, but here is hoping that it brings you fulfillment and new growth opportunities. Indeed, you are capable!" Keep sight of the essence of a career change as you embark on this exciting new journey.
How can I wish my brother well?
Here are some suggestions for wishing your brother well: Send him a touching congratulatory message or letter with a sweet wish that he remains healthy, happy and prosperous in life. Share how vital he is in your life. If you plan to see him soon, why don't you make a card with a personal note so that you can tell him that all the good things await him? Handwriting notes will make it essential to you. Share a funny take from your childhood as you step into this exciting new journey in your career. You both will be happy to recall it any time later while illustrating how he has been a part of your life from day one. Laughter and nostalgia can make hearts light, and spirits soar. Provide detailed congratulations, for example, on a recent job, a hobby, a relationship, or a health goal he has. Your trust in him will have positive effects on his self-esteem. Keep it as short, simple, and accurate as you can. Making it from the heart will act as an extension of your feelings, no matter the distance, especially as you embark on this new venture. Finish with expressions of care and your willingness to stand by and help him whenever he needs anything or wants to talk. Sway him that your brotherhood is still intact no matter what. Read the full article
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matthewsepicwriting · 9 months
Victor grantz gets shot in the head and dies?!?!?!?! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱💪💪💪💯💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 (on a serious note this is so fucking edgy)
Victor pants as he jogs with his loyal companion, wick.  As he's jogging lucky runs next to him.
"Saving energy for the rest of the race?"
"Yeah, the other survivors are probably going to be tired by near the end, but if we save up energy by jogging now, we'll have loads of energy left later!"
Victor smiles softly and gives him a thumbs up. Lucky grins back and nods "that's my plan too!"
Just then Fiona starts to pass them and says in between pants "you know we all have endless stamina in this race, right? Your just putting yourselves behind, and we still don't know the cost for the loser of the race!"
The two boys snap there heads away from the woman to and look at each other in panic. They both start dashing as fast as they can, hoping that they can still catch up to the others.
The chaotic race continues as people get knocked down, and accidentally crashes and trip over the obstacles, trying not to come in last place.
This race wasn't just about winning, there was an unknown consequence for the loser of the race. Nobody knew what it was or how extreme it would be, but they didn't want to have to find out.
Most reach the finish line, the first to be there, is William, of course. William, followed by naib, then Tracy, who is riding on top of her bot. One by one all the other survivors are relieved to pass the finish line.
Lucky passes the finish line, leaving victor as last...
Victor barely jogging finally passes the finish line and drops on the ground tired and panting.
He finally gets up and looks around, realizing he has finished last, no one has come behind him.
He glances over and there is a hunter holding a pistol. It dawns on him. That's what happens to the loser...The boy feels a deep pit of sadness in his gut.
Tears start forming in the sides of his eyes. Wick looks at him and tilts his head.
The hunter aims the pistol. Victor picks up his dog and puts wick in the arms of andrew, who is confused at why his love is crying.
Victor sniffles and whispers "I love you andrew, take care of wick for me...."
Andrew looks at him in slightly panic and says "v-victor...? What's going on?"
Victor just lets the tears flow and finally places a final kiss on his lovers lips. Then backs away.
The others watch as the pistol is aimed at his head...then shoots.
Everyone stands there in shock, some start crying, other just covering their mouths out of terror.
Andrew dashes to his lovers dead body, still warm...still smiling. He falls to knees and cries out violently. He sobs as he holds the body of the one person that meant the world to him...now gone.
"No, no, no, victor please...." He presses his forehead to victors and cries out. Wick barks at victor, confused on what's going on with his owner. The one person that meant the most to him. Gone. The one ray of light in Andrews life just faded, burned out before his eyes.
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ziahealthytips · 2 years
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💚💚WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU FEEL STRESSED?? 😳😳 . 💥 Stress is something we unfortunately cannot avoid completely... We all have those days. But the bad thing is the more we allow ourselves to be under stress without any release ? The more energy we take from from our bodies…. Low energy in the body means less motivation, more tired, and eventually we start to neglect ourselves…. We don’t neglect ourselves because we are “lazy” or “lack motivation”… We do it because we lack energy in the body that #helps us MOVE! . 💥 For me in order to continue staying productive in my life and do all the things I want to fo I have to make sure to Minimize the things that rob my body off energy… So if I can avoid stressful things in my life then I DO! If I can not avoid it? I try to find a solution! If I can not find a solution then I try to find all the ways to help myself release stress… WHAT I NEVER allow is the stress to pile and pile which then leads to neglect.. it’s harder to come back when you are already in the neglect stage. 😔😔 . 💥 My go to when I feel stressed is go for walks, go hiking in the nature, exercise, or juts put in happy music and dance as much as I can. 😊 . 💥 Complete each of these side booty (because we can not change the structure of our bodies) exercises 15 repetitions 2-3 times. . ✅here’s the secret…for (weight lose) Stop focusing on losing 100 pounds. Start focusing on losing 1 pound. Set SMALL goals because when you hit them you’ll feel success and feeling repeated over and over again is going to build your confidence! To the point that you will actually start to believe the big goal is possible for you. Plus small goals will make the time go by much faster. You got this! If you want to Lose Weight & Get Stronger and achieve your GOALS!👇 🙋If you don't know how to start Smoothie diet properly or do you want to lose possibly 5-12 Ibs in the first week alone with Smoothie ?💪 Join our 21-Days Smoothie Challenge NOW to start a successful weight-loss journey and enjoy a new lifestyle! 👉visit my website @ziahealthyt We hope this is helpful! If it did, feel free to LIKE 🖤 SAVE 📌 SHARE 👫🏻 CRUSH it @angoswede #weightlose https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4AmjFy3Sd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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robogart · 2 years
Hi! It's ok if you're not comfortable awnsering- but I was wondering how much you make a month from art on average? I'm going into my second year of art school and I'm getting worried about how lucrative online independent work would be. You seem to have a system that I could see myself enjoying, specially compared to the usual instagram and youtube artists you see thriving from online work. And if you don't want to give out numbers: Does it make a living or do you need/work a second job? Ty <3
Hey! This is a great question and I’m going to apologize in advance because it’s going to be a LONG answer! Mostly because I think this is a great way to shed some light on just more “regular” type circumstances for art jobs things! But I hope I can answer this question sufficiently!! 🙏💖
Okay - so I don’t feel comfortable saying how much I make (I’m superstitious that if I share it in a public space it will be dashed IMMEDIATELY) but I can definitely talk about logistics!
So to preface everything with the simple answer: I DO make enough now to have a living! It’s a SMALL living, but I’m able to focus just on my artwork for now! Which is honestly still wild to me and I AM waiting for the rug to be pulled out from underneath me at any given moment (I am throwing some salt over my shoulder as we speak, just in case)
Now I just want to talk about some general insight points about my current situation/how I got to this current situation:
I have only JUST been able to move out (I’m 28 now)
I live in a shared apartment with my friend (fate was SO on our side and this has been a whirlwind 2.5 months omg)
I have student loans to pay off ($400/month! Gross!) on top of rent/life payments. If you’re in this boat, always keep it in mind!
For 7 years after college, I was working on art (commissions, personal, etc) and also working “part time” (30+ hr work weeks so lmao not really but for employer-benefit reasons 🙄) This is for 7 years after school! It took a bit to get here!
I only had to pay a small rent when I was living at home so while it took 7 years (underpaid, family circumstances, physical/mental health woo!) I WAS able to save enough to move out
most days I can still hardly believe I’m here @ w @;; and it’s a constant working process to figure out how to stay here as well! I work 8-10 hour days, 6 days a week. 
And if you’re like me, I don’t come from money, so my parents aren’t in a position to help and I have student loan debt. This has informed a lot of my adult life!
That said, I have been lucky to be in a family with a steady lower-middle class income AND ALSO in a pretty stable/functional family situation so that I was able to move back home for a while to save a bit of money. Not everyone has those circumstances to plan financially! But if you come from a more secure/affluent financial background, some of this might not apply to you - which is fine too.
My advice would be to first and foremost make a budget list for yourself (love my google sheets! I have MULTIPLE budget lists lmao) 
Make a budget list that covers what you would NEED to earn each month. And then from there, make a sheet that shows what you DO earn each month from art!
Try to track that income for at least 3-4 months of steady work!
If those numbers continue to meet up, then I would say that’s a green light!
If they don’t meet up - maybe look into some part time stuff! Which, like I said before, can be REALLY solid. And it’s always solid at least for a steady line of income, which is great! 💪✨
And remember to treat your job like a JOB! Clock in and clock out! It’s just a job! Not your life! Keep doing you! 💖 Too many times have I given 100% on jobs when it really should be like 80%! Save your energy for yourself too!
And if you are able, think about moving back home. Saving money is ALWAYS a solid choice. Give yourself some time to figure shit out and get your ducks in a row. 
I’m only able to do what I can now because I lived at home for 7 years and worked pretty non stop! (working in the morning to afternoon at my first job, coming home doing chores, and then working from 8-11 on art) 
BUT, always know, that we are NOT the same person!! You’re going to have a different path from me and so will many others! But in case you wanted a general picture of my circumstance, I’m hope this helped!
And as always, do NOT feel pressured by my advice here! 
Advice is just to help INFORM your OWN decisions! Never to make them for you! 💖
I feel like I both talked about A LOT and I’m ABSOLUTELY missing something from here! 🤔 So I apologize for such a novel! 
But if you or anyone else reading this thinks of a question about this type of stuff, let me know! I try to be pretty transparent about this since I feel like I’ve only seen a lot of advice from people not with students debt so it’s always been a little frustrating 😔💦
This work IS possible, but it was a lot of work to get myself here! And it’s still a constant dance of figuring out new things (which is equally exciting and a bit stressful) ^ w ^;;; 👏💖💖💖
But thank you for reading this far omg! I hope it was a little helpful at least! ; w ; 🙏💕
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allieebobo · 2 years
Just had a stressful test and the first thing I did was re read CT:OS :) I need to see rayyan and tobin for comfort :') (also I love your writing so much Allie it never fails to cheer me up :D)
Can I ask, how comfortable are the ROs with PDA? Nothing weird just holding hands, lil smooch in public, etc. (Perhaps a lil kiss on court after a match 👀)
(Also, I dont understand how jacks manage their time and energy being in pre med and tennis, like I dont even have any extracurriculars and pre med already makes me want to cry everyday :')) )
Aww anon first of all I'm so sorry for the delayed response, I hope your test went well :) it makes me so happy to know that the writing cheers you up a little :) also, all the best with pre-med, you got this!! 💪💪
As for the question: hehe, I think there are many possible answers but I'm going to assume this is early in a relationship!
MC and RO are at lunch in a restaurant as a group - during a quiet moment, MC silently slips a hand into RO's for no reason at all, and it's so subtle that no one else notices.
G smirks and doesn't turn their head to look, just continues making their goddamn insufferably smart argument, to nods and "oh dang that's true"s from the rest. But there's a small amused twitch of their lips and they give MC's hand a little squeeze until they're done responding. Then, when the group's attention has shifted elsewhere, they lean in, very close to the MC, and meet their gaze with twinkling, mischievous eyes. "God, I want to kiss you," They whisper, low and smokey.
Tobin immediately brightens, a wide-mouthed, generous smile breaking across their face. It lights up the entire room, the way Tobin's happiness usually does - infectious and outward-radiating. And yet, when they meet MC's gaze, it's a look meant only for them - still warm, but sparkling with a crackling, unmistakeable heat. Later, when the meal is done, the rest head out but Tobin hangs back and tugs MC back as well, giving them a full kiss to the lips, open-mouthed and smiling with just a hint of hunger.
Rayyan blinks. Then, very slowly, they turn to MC, a warm pink color dusted on the tips of their cheekbones and ears. Rayyan tries their best to hide how MC's touch pulls out a low tug at their gut, and instead furrows their brow and arches an eyebrow at MC. But when MC snorts and starts to move their hand away, Rayyan pulls their entwined hands a little closer into their lap, flashing a small, imperceptible smile.
Sam pauses mid-sentence, immediately losing their train of thought, entire body going quiet and still. The look that they give MC is slow, complicated, and almost heartrendingly genuine - emotions dance across their expressive features as they put their other hand on top of MC's, squeezing tight. They lean in close to MC, breathing in their familiar scent, and smile. "What were you saying?" MC prompts, biting back their own smile. Sam shrugs, laughing. "Dunno, but now - I just wanna tell you how nice this feels."
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pjisskullourful · 3 years
•≫── Ʀ𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 Ƭ𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 ──≪•
💪Ethan X reader
NSFW🔥 filthy degrading rude relentlessly kinky& explicit feral fuckfest- all of the sweet little strawberries were destroyed in the making of this fic🍓😬
° Ethan Torchio & female reader insert
° when it started- you were just Ethan's workout buddy, but soon you are thinking of new ways to challenge him, using tactics that have him calling you a brat
wordcount:: 6,223
° anonrequest: Okay hear me out. I'm a fit woman and I can't stop thinking about the stoic brat-tamer Ethan fucking the attitude out of me but also giving him trouble handling me cause this bitch is strong and will push him to the limits of his patience just for the fun of it to unleash the beast yesssssssss please. [thanks for such a fun(& wellworded) request💋] [ask& it shall be given- requests are open!] viva la resistance!
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It had started with the prank of messing with his workout playlist - you and Ethan had been flirting for more than a year before then, but your misbehaving had finally gotten his attention in the way you had been secretly yearning for. It had caused a different spark in his eyes, especially when you continued to tease him long after he'd stopped laughing. 
As the power ballad had completely ruined the mood set by his high-energy favourites, you saw the frustration bubbling in him. He was unimpressed by Celine Dion's voice and her heartfelt promises that her heart would go on disrupting his motivation for working out.
It was a side of him that you hadn't seen before. Despite all of the hours you had spent in the close quarters of the gym, developing inside jokes and learning his coffee order - it seemed you didn't know him as well as you thought.
You had instantly liked this different energy from him, the intensity making him seem more intimidating than you were used to. You laughed at how his flow had been so easily interrupted, making fun of how his momentum had left him and now he was pausing a lot more. You saw his nostrils flare when you remarked that this was simply a demonstration of how you had superior strength. He hadn't taken part in your usual light-hearted competition, not providing any of his trademark sassy comebacks.
But you had been prepared to take it all back. This was how you typically had to play it with guys - backtracking when their fragile masculinity took your jokes to heart, ego too bruised to enjoy your company any longer. You hadn't wanted this to happen with Ethan. He was the best gym buddy you had ever had, he had just enough of a competitive edge to keep you motivated and his body always gave you plenty to stare at when the pain came in, making you want to quit for the day. You were unwilling to lose this friendship - despite your disappointment that he didn't fully get your sense of humour in this instance.
At the end of the workout, the two of you had retired to the sauna, as you always did. Wrapped in a towel, in the steam-filled room, you had been ready to take him seriously and even apologise if the mood should demand it.
But he had surprised you, doing something you had been hoping for but never anticipating would truly come to be.
He had come at you, kissing you with a passion you had never experienced before. It was the kind of kiss that blocked everything else out. It was the kind of kiss that didn't leave any room for questions. It was the kind of kiss that made you go weak at the knees as you were overwhelmed by how brazen it was. It was the kind of kiss that the movies always failed to capture.
He paused, looking you over as you had struggled to get your breath back. You gave him the only answer he needed by putting your mouth back to his.
And after that, there had been no more pausing. It was like a dam had burst and you were drowning in his lust, floored by his power. His hands were everywhere at once and his mouth was stealing all the air from your lungs. You had been reminded of all the times that you would race him on the exercise bikes, each of you wanting to be the first to reach six miles. It all moved so fast, so exciting as the endorphins rushed you and you simply let your body lead the way.
His body was even more exceptional than you had first perceived, every flex of his muscles thrilling you and making you want more. You were in a wonderland of pleasures - not knowing what to grab first. You wanted to discover it all, to experience and play with every last inch of him.
Your sweat became his sweat and by the time he climbed on top of you, his weight pinning your body against the bench of the sauna seat, you could no longer keep track of where his body ended and your own began. He straddled you, one hand on the side of your face so that he could control and keep your lips where he needed them. You listened to the sounds that fell from his lips - forgetting yourself and not caring if another patron of the gym spotted you.
The passion was so blinding, unlike anything you had ever experienced before. The connection that you had spent almost two years building took over the reins, telling you to invest your trust, telling you it was safe to surrender.
You would later come to regret giving him all of the control - later, when you discovered that his intention wasn't to get you off. His body seemed to be driving you to that point - the powerful thrusts and the unyielding friction making it feel like an inevitability. But he had stopped - after his own climax, and after asking you if you were close. You confirmed emphatically that you were. You had gone all-in, giving him all of the dirty talk that you could think of. You had said things you had never shared with another, stressing on how much you wanted to come on his dick, sounding like a needy weakling.
And yet, he had still stopped. He had pulled out, leaving you feeling a case of whiplash and there was no relief on the horizon. He grabbed your chin, roughly directing you to look into his dark eyes. Your mouth gaped open, moving over silent pleads and questions.
“It’s pretty frustrating when your flow gets interrupted, isn’t it?” He had asked, the words quiet but his tone far from gentle. “That’ll teach you to mess with my playlist again, naughty girl.”
You had vocalised nonsensically, wanting an explanation of what exactly was going on. But he had given you no further information - getting up, wrapping the towel back around his waist and leaving the sauna. 
You had folded forward over yourself - wrapped in a state of complete disbelief. If you weren’t so incapacitated by your arousal, if you weren’t so wrecked by his dick, you would have followed after him. Avoiding confrontation had never been your style and you were willing to let the irritation get the better of you. But all of the curse words that you thought fitting for the situation, had remained inside of your head. Because all that you could do was struggle for breath, comprehension evading you.
His text message had come through later that night, let’s do that again soon? You felt amazing. Let me know when you want some more payback.
This had instantly stood out from the previous messages that made up your digital conversation. Everything before that had been light-hearted - sharing memes, checking what time one another would be getting to the gym that day, sharing recipes, coming up with new secret nicknames for the other patrons of the gym, offering to buy each other a smoothie.
This was a clear deviation and you had dived in - wanting more, which he probably knew. You had rushed to respond, less payback, more letting me cum. It wasn’t a request but he had treated it as such, opening his next message with a winking emoji, we’ll see.
In the following three months, he had not teased you to that same degree. He was great at fulfilling your needs, making your toes curl, driving you close to blacking out from the most generous orgasms you had ever experienced. It seemed that first time had been a one-off, a fluke of catching him in a predatory mood.
But you wanted it again, wanted to be a victim to his power. 
You wanted to do what it took to have him call you a naughty girl again. You wanted the rush of misbehaving. You wanted to challenge him, to unleash that relentless and rare side he was always trying to keep hidden.
The two of you had plans to meet up that night - a private moment to explore more of this not-quite-a-relationship. You had been thinking of him all day, managing the staff of your piercing shop hardly gave you the same surge of excitement. Your employees called you a hard-ass (sometimes affectionately, sometimes not), but your strict regime made it so that the shop could function as a well-oiled machine and on the good days, you could just have fun piercing people, not having to concentrate on all the little tasks that made working in retail so tedious.
Today was one of those days, but there weren't enough appointments to fill your time. Sipping your coffee, your thoughts wandered to Ethan and all of the things he could do to you if he stopped holding back. You thought of the many ways he could dominate you, all the while knowing there was the untapped potential of his own fantasies.
Your day wrapped up before his - rockstars didn't keep regular business hours, after all. The band was working on new music - mastering of tracks was bloating, taking longer than had originally been set aside. But this gave you more time to think, more time to scheme.
Your method of mischief came in the form of teasing him with nude photos. You stood in front of your bathroom mirror, completely naked and your phone in hand. You started with close-ups - your bare shoulder and neck, your hip shot in a way that showed off your lack of panties. Then it was the classic full-body shot, your crotch covered by the bathroom counter and your tits maintaining some modesty with an arm held across your chest.
The lack of response from him told you that he was preoccupied, being good at his job and giving his friends his undivided attention. And you couldn't help but want to derail this.
You sent him a video that captured you face-on, still playing at decency with your arm held in place to cover your nipples. But you had angled yourself with your back to the mirror and you adjusted how you held your phone, revealing your bare ass to him in the reflection. You winked to the camera before taking your finger off the record button.
You added a caption before sending the video to him, to join the queue of the other titillating messages awaiting his attention. Hurry up. Don't make me start without you.
You were already very pleased with yourself, feeling irresistibly naughty, even after you had dressed in your bathrobe.
You sat on the couch, just trying to fill the time before his response came through. You needed to organise the roster for the upcoming month of shifts at your store, you worked through the spreadsheet, not feeling the need to be constantly checking your phone. Not at first.
Then the notifications started to pop up, he was finally replying to you.
You are not allowed to start without me.
You were smiling to yourself as you sent something back. That's so weird, I definitely don't remember asking your permission.
You aren't allowed to get me all riled up and in the mood, then not let me pound you cos you already fucked your pussy. It wasn't the tone he usually took when texting you. I thought I'd already taught you that naughty girls don't get to cum.
Taught me? I guess the lesson didn't sink in…
Do I need to teach it again? Do I need to teach you that cheeky teasing girls shouldn't misbehave if they wanna get off?
Misbehaving? You asked, trying to picture his face as he was reading all of this. I just wanted to show you how much I miss you baby.
You wanted to tease me. And I do not like being teased.
Too bad for you then, cos I do what I want and sometimes that includes showing off my body. You felt so bold, you wondered if you would be feeling this courageously defiant if this conversation was taking place face-to-face.
What if I broke you? What if I got some of that attitude out of you? And then you can really learn your lesson and you can see how it should be- with me in charge.
I'd like to see you try. You goaded him.
You will see… no more unsolicited nudes.
Heehee, you're so cute.
Put some clothes on and try to behave. I should be finished here soon.
You didn't add any clothes to cover yourself with beyond the thin bathrobe, but you did refrain from sending through any other images of your body.
It was less than an hour later that he was knocking at your door, interrupting your process of making a cup of tea.
“Hey baby.” You said chipperly, standing aside to let him in and locking the door again once he was inside. “You look sexy…”
You could feel him behind you (even before physical contact was made), you didn’t have to turn around to look at him, you could sense the disapproving scowl on his face.
He traced a single finger up your spine. “And you look like a brat.”
You smiled - he had come to play, he wasn’t threatened by your attitude and you were emboldened to keep going. You spun around to face him, advancing on him quicker than he would have time to react. Taking advantage of his surprise, you powered into him until you could get his back pressed to the wall. You placed your chest against his, tilting your chin back so that you could look directly into his eyes.
“So what does that make you, fragolina- the brat tamer?” You licked your lips as your eyes dropped to his mouth.
Before you could kiss him (which you had very much been looking forward to), you were forced out of your stance - twisted and shoved against the wall. For a moment you were speechless, just staring up to where his eyes were narrowed and where you could see his jaw clenching.
“Damn straight.” He said, his voice huskier than you were used to. “And I’m not afraid to put you back in your place.”
You slipped your arms around him, running one hand up his back, the other exploring the taut muscles in the arm that he currently held above your head, bracing himself with a single hand on the wall. “Oh really, and where is my place?”
“Beneath me.” He was leaning more of his body weight into you, making your heart race, even as you were making plans of what to do next. “A brat needs not only someone to tame them, that’s just one part of it…” His face moved closer to your own and you held his arm a little tighter as he whispered into your ear. “What they really need is someone to own them.”
You heard him sharply inhale and then his hot breath was so present on your neck. You felt his arm relax a little, his intensity dialled back slightly and it was clear that he was counting himself as the victor.
Before his lips could make contact with your throat, you placed both hands onto his arm and yanked it down. You moved quick enough that he didn’t have a chance to tense, allowing you to mould him. He was thrown off balance and you took this opportunity to step forward, pushing him off of you. 
You maintained this momentum, stepping into his personal space and redirecting him. You put your hands to his broad chest and shoved him over, his back forced against the wall again. You held him there with one hand, the other going to his throat.
"I don't know if you could own me." You said, bearing your teeth and squeezing your hand a bit.
His stare into your eyes remained steady. "Oh, I could do it…"
"Maybe you should prove it. Maybe you should try to make me forget that I'm just as strong as you." You nudged your nose against his, moving in closer to his open mouth. Your eyes fluttered shut as your lips captured his.
You kissed him deeply, immediately granted access to his mouth. Your tongue raked along the roof of his mouth, drawing his taste into your mouth. You massaged his tongue with yours, feeling his jaw grow slacker as you did so. He tilted his head to the right and you put your hand to his cheek, diving into this new angle.
Then his hands were on your body, warming your bare skin. You felt him running his hands down your back, beginning to grip as they travelled over your hips. One hand firmly held your hip while his other hand went down, over your ass to grab the back of your thigh.
You felt his muscles flex and your feet were tugged up from the floor. You allowed him to lift you off of the ground, readjusting your arms around his shoulders and picking your leg up. He instantly had you wrapped up in his embrace, carrying you forward and away from the entryway.
Even though this wasn’t the first time he had carried you around like this, you still couldn’t help but feel giddy, he was the only man who had ever carried you around, the only man to literally sweep you off your feet. Once you had reached a certain level of strength (specifically when it had become visible) men had started treating you differently - they either assumed you were on your way to becoming a lesbian, or else your strength equalled masculinity and therefore you didn’t want to be romanced in the traditional way. A lot of them hadn’t even known how to romance you, instead treating you like a utility item.
But then there was Ethan. He treated you like a girl. He picked you up, he bought you flowers because they were pretty in a way that reminded him of you, he kissed you softly in the mornings, he tucked your hair behind your ear, he didn’t instantly expect you to be on top every time. 
He didn’t try to make you smaller, simply treating you how he would treat any other woman, no matter her body shape. He didn’t try to overemphasize his own masculinity, it wasn’t ever a serious competition of who was stronger. This was merely foreplay - the teasing, the courtship that made sense only because it was with him.
At the end of the day, you just wanted to play and he wasn’t afraid to rise up to meet you on every occasion, taking part in every horny whim.
Did he really think you were a brat? It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he was willing to put the effort into this fantasy because he thought you were worth trying to tame.
He didn’t have to pause and look around, he knew his way through your apartment, into the bedroom without having to open his eyes once. You didn’t want to ever stop kissing him, this rhythm was so intoxicating, one perfect movement following another.
He dropped you onto the bed, your back colliding with the mattress for less than a second before you were springing back up. You sat up onto your knees, eagerly watching as he removed his shirt. You could feel your heart pounding, wondering what you could push him to, what you could bring out of him tonight.
He was undoing his pants, his dark eyes upon your face. You reached out to grab a condom from the close-by draw, unwrapping it. He planted one knee onto the bed, leaning in, to put his hand on the side of your face. 
He pointed to a patch of discolouration on his chest. "Do you see what you left on me? Marking me up, like I'm your little slut."
You smirked to yourself, eyes dropping to where you were easing down his green briefs. "You make a good slut."
"What was that, do you wanna say that again?" He grabbed your chin, redirecting your face so that you were looking up at him. "Hm? You wanna say that again- look at me and say it."
You felt a flutter in your tightening chest, not fear but intimidation, and it moved the arousal through your veins even faster. "You're a good slut."
He made a low growl before shoving your shoulder, employing enough force to send you back, laid upon the bed. He climbed on top of you, holding himself up and away with his strong arms, but his hair was close enough to grab - you were transfixed by the idea of tugging on the long locks, wrapping them around your hand and pulling until he was wincing.
"You wanna see who the slut really is, hm?" 
You knew that he didn't actually view you this way. This was Ethan - the man who would rush around the car to open the passenger side door every single time. When you went to get coffees he would say your order first and he would always tut-tut your attempts to pay.
But to be fucked like a slut, to be used, to be controlled, to be conquered - you didn't scrutinise its logic. You just knew that you needed it, needed to feel his full force.
You raised your knee, digging it against his gut and using this to push him back. You added your hands to his chest and you were able to get him onto his back. You didn't question the urge to challenge him more because you needed him to forget any manners, to forget any etiquette of how to treat a lady. You needed to charge his frustrations until he couldn't control himself.
You mounted him, pressing him down into the mattress. "Pretty boy, did you like my photos?" You lowered yourself, speaking into his ear. "Did they get you all hard and horny and thinking of all the things I could do to you, when you were supposed to be professional and concentrating on your job?"
"They were very nice and they definitely did get my attention." He said, arms wrapping around you as he lifted himself up, pushing his weight into you. This allowed him to put himself on top again. "But you're wrong about what it got me to thinking of- all that I could think of was what I had to do to you."
You ran your hand up the side of his neck, letting your nails drag over his taut skin. "Is that supposed to intimidate me?" You caressed his cheek. "Is that supposed to make me wanna behave? Is this the part when I regret my earlier actions and promise to be good?" You pouted your bottom lip out, twirling a strand of his hair around your finger.
Then you twisted his hair around your knuckles and yanked on it. "'Cause I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna promise to be good. You'll have to make me."
"Just you fuckin' wait…" He grabbed your hand away from his hair and relocated it up to above your head. He overlapped one of your wrists with the other, holding both hands in place with a tight squeeze. "Do you want me to remind you who the slut is, hm? I'll put you in your place once and for all."
You rolled your eyes, even as you arched your back to get closer to him. "I'm still waiting for you to do that. So far, you're all talk…"
He growled under his breath again and you felt him holding your wrists tighter. He inched closer and your lips parted, ready to be kissed again.
But then he moved down lower, his lips going to your neck, covering your flesh in hungry kisses. He didn't settle on one section for long, instead marking you with saliva as he sucked and nipped at the skin. Your eyes fluttered shut, maybe you would complain about the love bites later, but for now, you loved this thorough attention you were receiving from him.
You hissed at the feeling of your skin snagged between his teeth, held too tight and for too long, pulled as if he was going to rip it off. But then he released his bite, his nose brushing against your skin as he moved lower. 
His tongue dragged over your collarbone as his weight on top of you shifted. He was forced to release your hands, they were out of his grasp as he moved his focus to your chest. 
The heat of his mouth engulfed your stiffened nipple and you writhed beneath him, your hands moving to his hair. His lips secured around the sensitive peak and you were soon feeling his tongue moving across the nipple, bringing twinges of arousal through your body, beyond where his hands or mouth could reach.
Your hands curled into desperate fists in his hair when he applied his teeth to the nipple. It was a sharp sting that robbed you of your breath. You were stunned into stillness, willing to let him do anything his desires dictated.
His teeth released you again and he was pushing further down your body. He bit, licked and sucked on the skin he found on his way down, all without a pattern or a method, keeping you surprised, keeping your heart racing.
He completely ignored your pussy, instead latching his teeth onto the inside of your thigh. You made an impatient huff, the tension that this teasing was bringing was starting to feel painful.
He looked up at you. “Did you say something, dolcezza?”
You clenched your jaw. “Nope.”
“Are you sure? ‘Cause you know that you can just give me a nice, sincere beg and then you can have anything you want- you do know that, right? It doesn’t even have to be a long rambling beg, you don’t have to take back all of your bratty comments, just enough for me to see that you mean it. And then I can take care of you, treat you real nice and make you feel so good.”
You had already been treated nicely by him so many times. You shook your head, thinking about how glorious it would be when he earnt your obedience. “I didn’t say anything.”
“Silly, rude, naughty little brat.” 
He quickly had you turned around, your chest now pressed to the mattress, the air knocked from your lungs in the process. Your face buried into the sheets, you let his strength overwhelm your own. He grabbed your wrists, bringing your arms behind your back and pinning your hands to the small of your back.
"You want me to prove it?" He asked, striking his hand against your butt. "Is that what you want, hm?" Another spank and your throat had begun to clench. "Do you want me to prove that I own you and that you're just a naughty girl- a naughty girl that would be lucky to be tamed by me?"
Your breathing was ragged and you had to concentrate to keep the waver out of your voice as you spoke. "You haven't proven anything yet, fragolina."
He placed his hands onto your hips and lifted them up, pulling until your butt was flush to his lap. You could feel his hard dick, so close to your wet cunt. His fingers were digging into your skin and you could feel the strain in your muscles.
"Such a naughty slut, you're gonna take all of it." He growled. 
Your hands went to grip the sheets as he began to fill you. You arched your back, a whining gasp falling from your lips. Your walls shuddered around him and you could feel him throbbing within you, keen to hit into your deepest spots. 
He tested at thrusting into you, not trying to find an immediate rhythm. Instead he was stretching you, slow and measured strokes of his cock, relearning how to work your body over after the pause since the last night the two of you had shared.
“Uuh, fuck…” You moaned as you pushed back, letting his balls hit against your ass.
He wrapped an arm around your middle, holding you closer. “Are you gonna take all of it?”
“Yes. Yes, I want it all.” You sobbed out through your tight throat.
“Are you gonna ask me nicely?”
You flipped yourself up, rocking your body back into his. “You fuckin’ wish.”
He huffed heavily. "If you're not gonna ask nicely…" His hand went to your chest, immediately giving your nipple a hard pinch, bringing a startling sting straight through your body. "Then I'm not gonna fuck you nicely."
"Good." You sank more of your weight into him.
You were barely bracing yourself with your knees on the bed, but it was enough to swing yourself into him, meeting and intensifying each of his thrusts. You picked up the heavenly momentum, encouraging him to go faster as he was rutted deeper-and-deeper into your pussy. 
He held securely to your chest, not missing a single roll of his hips and it seemed perfection was guaranteed. The friction was building, every single movement heightened by the way he worked his fingers across your most sensitive areas, knowing exactly how to play and push you right up to that edge. Your bodies working together, you could feel yourself getting closer to falling apart.
You squeezed your eyes shut, seeing fireworks blooming there. It was all happening so fast, too fast for you to comprehend as your mind was throttled from one awe-inspiring sensation to the next. You gripped his thigh, holding tightly as the strengthening shudders wreaked havoc through your nervous system.
“Are you gonna come for me?” He asked, punctuating this sentence by biting into your shoulder, hard enough to make you cry out.
“Yes.” You grabbed his wrist with your empty hand, you were so aware of how much your energy wanted to burst out of you in one final celebratory jolt. “Yes, unf, I’m so close…”
That was the wrong thing to say, but you realised too late. He slowed himself down, torturing you with a lethargic speed, making you feel like you were freefalling from a great height.
“You don’t get to come ‘til I say.” He said, the huskiness in his voice sounded a little dangerous.
But you didn’t let that scare your frustration away. “Whatever.”
Your desire to get off filled you with a new zest, a new boldness and you gathered your strength to move off of him. You turned to him, seeing the strands of hair stuck to the sweat on his face. You placed yourself on to his lap and he didn’t stop you as you lined yourself up, sinking your wet pussy down onto him again. It was easier to brace yourself with your hands on his shoulders and it was easier to imagine what it would be like to fall apart now that his eyes were piercing into your soul.
“If you come before I say…” He had to pause, eyelids momentarily fluttering as he was surprised by the tightness of your cunt with your first slow roll into him. “Then you aren’t allowed to stop coming.”
Thrilled by this new control, you found the best angle for him to stroke against your quivering walls. “I’m terrified.”
There was lightning flashing in his eyes as he put a hand to your throat. “How hard do I have to go ‘til that attitude is fucked out of you?”
You held his gaze. “Harder.”
He increased the pacing, his hand steady on your throat as he took you away from the smooth, fluid movements you had been sinking into. It had been a poetic incline but now he was bucking into you without any grace. The desperation of a point needing to be made had turned each thrust into something erratic, jerky, reminding you of a jackhammer. 
The hand at your neck clenched, not enough to block your breathing, but there was the threat of pain there - he didn’t want you to forget that he was stronger than you. You leant back, further from him in an effort to increase the speed with which you could hit into him. He still held your neck, even as his breath failed him over-and-over.
“Harder.” You ordered, your hips stuttering recklessly.
You slumped back further, your voice growing louder and the convulsions began to consume you. He was finally deep enough, his dick stroking through your aching cunt, each time more glorious than the thrust that came before it.
“Hu- uh, harder, yes, yes, harder, unh.”
Your walls spasmed and contracted wildly around him, entirely beyond your control as you felt the climax dawning on you. Moving faster, you began to bring your own conclusion forward, hips snapping into his with complete abandon.
“Naughty, little…” His voice was thick with lust.
But you were moaning too loud, every other sound drowned out, just as every other sensation was drowned out by your powerful orgasm. “Yes, oh God, ye- yes, yesss.”
You became detached from your body for a few seconds, not registering any of your limbs as you simply rode out these unbelievable tingles. You were floating, made purely of bliss.
But you were hurtled back to reality when your back hit the bed, his body overpowering yours. He had placed himself on top, pummelling into you with an incredible amount of energy. You felt yourself being rubbed raw, the friction was enough to drive you crazy as you were taken to a higher state of sensitivity, what you would have before thought to be impossible.
“Fuckin’ brat.” He hissed at you as you uselessly writhed beneath him. “I’m gonna break you. I’m gonna make you come so many times that you forget what it’s like to not have me inside of you.”
“Mm-hmm…” There was no more resisting, you felt too spectacular to care about being disobedient any longer.
His breathing was so heavy, so loud - louder than the sound of his wet skin slapping against your own. His rhythm was merciless and you stopped noticing how disjointed it had become.
You could feel yourself falling apart again, so entirely overwhelmed by him and unable to hold your moans back. There was a burst of white light behind your eyelids as you clenched then released around his engorged cock for a second time.
He stalled, but this was only a brief break, a false sign of his impending orgasm. He returned to that frantic effort, while you could do nothing more than receive him. He was heavier upon you, his noises getting louder, more curse words filling the room.
“You keep getting tighter, fu- fuckin’ Hell. This sensitive little pussy, can she even take more?” 
“Yes…” You whispered, your already sore chest was expanding again, and it felt like every joint in your body was now made only of jelly. “Yes.”
“Greedy… little…” He timed his next series of thrusts to match the words as he said them. “... brat. Rude… naughty… girl…”
You wanted to let go again, the jittering of your leg muscles was beginning to grow alarming. “Oh g- God!”
“You wan- ah, hu-... fuck…” You could feel how much he was trembling and you held tightly to his shoulders, recognising the signs of him about to surrender to the climax. “You want my cum, hm?” You didn’t have the ability to answer. “You want me to spill myself into this tight little brat pussy?”
“Mm… mm-hmm, yes.”
“Ah, oh.” His head fell down to rest in the curve of your neck while the rest of his body curled around you, holding you tight as he worked through the tremors.
There was one final deep thrust and then he was dissolving, collapsing into a sweaty heap on top of you. Your walls fluttered around him, the nerves in your body continuing to dance as you fell victim to the powerful aftershocks.
You felt like the whole room was moving around you, your breaths so shallow. Your hands were trembling and all that you could do was hold onto him, listening to him, knowing you would be able to go on so long as he was there. 
You waited out this feeling of your desires dominating you, waiting to be able to think about something other than his body for the first time in what felt like days.
He moved off of you, but you instantly followed him, like a pathetic co-dependent puppy. You laid your head onto the pillow next to his, curling up next to him, your arms around him.
"You know how you were calling me a slut, like a lot…"
He sighed. "Yeah, sorry- did you not… was that not okay?"
"It was fine." You said. "I just wanted to say- it takes one to know one."
"Still such a brat." He said with a little chuckle that brought a smile to your face.
"I know, I guess the lesson didn't sink in… maybe next time you could try to teach it in a way that will actually stick."
--- --- ---
If you like my writing, feel free to tip me. I am open to both commissions & requests, commissions get priority & the most input
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hi!! can i get a romantic encanto matchup? <3
im miriama, bisexual, i dont have a preference, im an enfp and im a minor!! i have black-brown shoulder length long hair! the front is a bit shorter than the back as it gradually goes longer as u go down LOL i have pretty dark brown eyes and im pale!! mixed tho 💪💪 i have curly-wavy hair sort of inbetween and i have freckles that arent very evident if u look close!!
im a naturally happy and upbeat person! im really shy at first but i slowly open up. im easy to sway and im a sucker for cheesy romance!! i bond with humor and its really easy for me to read people! im not the best with words so its kinda hard for me to have a good flowing conversation, but i can really get into it!! i contain my emotions and im sort of detached from them, i only really ever show my happy side </3 i dont like ranting to most people and i dont like making them uncomfortable!! for some friends i can easily strike hard conversations whilst others i have a completely different friendship with. i can maintain various crowds easily and i blend in well!!!
any forms of art!! i love art and classical music! i have sort of a basic taste when it comes to my interests, but i love them!! i do enjoy having a couple laughs but after awhile having a serious conversation about anything is deeply enjoyed. i love being humorous and im very witty. my love languages are quality time and physical touch!! expressing my emotions thru words is hard so i expect my partner to understand me thru my body language.
im not the best with communication but i try!! i love going out and being social but it gets extremely tiring sometimes. i need a really long break and something to do or someone close to hang with </3
thank u!!! i hope thats enough HAHA take ur time and have fun!!!! <<<<<33
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congrats on being my first matchup! hope you enjoy <3
you’ve been matched with: camilo!
-you two have got chemistry, baby!!! he’d easily be able to return your upbeat energy, instantly connecting over your shared love of humor.
-hard to open up? don’t worry, he’ll let you take your time but also wouldn’t be afraid to encourage you out of your shell.
-camilo would easily take advantage of your liking for cheesiness. you want cute dates? done. almost unbearable but very cute nicknames? way ahead of you. personal space? what’s that lmao
-he would appreciate any side of you just as much as your happy one. i don’t think he’d force you to say anything but any chance you open up would be completely good with him.
-something tells me he might not have the most knowledge on classical music and art, but he’d be happy to have you teach him!!
-joking around is always a must with you two, and those serious conversations you mentioned will always be in the mix. he seems like a constant goof but there’s a good chance you two would end up talking about your true desires.
-as said before, personal space between you two doesn’t have to be a thing with him if you say so! you both would probably be better at conveying your feelings through touch, so hugs and kisses it is :)
-if you’re ever ready to get out of a crowd and go home, he’s got your back. if you want him to come back with you, he’d be more than glad to tell everyone that you’ll be leaving for the night, walking out hand in hand with you.
-would probably be with you for the rest of the night, telling you funny stories or listening to whatever you’ve got to say. or even nothing, just hanging out is good with him too.
-if you’re going on your own, that’s cool as well! he’ll continue entertaining everyone after giving you a kiss goodbye.
-thinks youre gorgeous????? as he should wtf ??????
-would ask to play with your hair (please say yes)
-if he’s really close to your physically he’d probably notice your freckles and point them out, calling them cute.
-in general, a slightly chaotic but also down to earth relationship :)
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r-ene · 3 years
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- day 48/100 days of productivity
today's class was cut short due to our professor having to take care of something urgent, I hope it wasn't because of illness/the flood due to the typhoon.
after fixing some stuff I took a nap before doing any academic tasks so I could have more energy and focus more (and ofc I watched a study vlog or two for motivation)
and then since yesterday our professor for microbiology, medical terminology and cardiorespiratory anatomy and physiology sent several tasks for us to accomplish (helpful in raising grades and review for next week's pre-finals exams, that's what I've been thinking instead of stressing out so much). Yesterday he sent 2 long quizzes (1 for med term, and 2nd for microbio due on sunday) and earlier he sent 2 short quizzes for us to accomplish until the end of the week.
So, here's today !!
completed short quiz on epidemiology
completed short quiz on host-microbe interactions
passed first long quiz
continuing second long quiz
med term (none, already done with everything!!)
cardiorespi anaphy
notes for lesson on diffusion of pulmonary gases (yeah, been on my list for awhile but it's just today I've gotten done with the whole thing 🤪)
studied for tomorrow's quiz
currently advance reading on pulmonary function measurement
that's it, I guess. Then tomorrow would be dedicated to writing down notes for other subjects I haven't made notes on yet and having our group start with making our report for Friday.
also hello from me, my wrinkled shirt, sleepy Bob and paint splattered + dusty dresser mirror, hahaha
Everyday's a new day to be productive and a new day for learning !! Let's continue to power through the week 💪🤍
🎶 Rose - D.O.
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psychics4unet · 11 days
Hi! Idk if this is possible, but can you do direct messages you pick up from my future husband pls? - AD Virgo 🫶🏾
Free Psychic Reading – Message From The Angels! 💫👼
I’d love to help with messages from your future husband! The angels are guiding me to tune into the energy and intentions of your future partner.
Here’s what I’m picking up: Your future husband wants you to know that he’s incredibly excited about meeting you and cherishes the thought of building a future together 💖. He’s expressing a deep sense of commitment and readiness to support you in your dreams and goals 🌟. There’s a warm, loving energy surrounding him, and he’s reassuring you that he will be a source of strength and understanding in your life 💪💞.
He may not be in your life just yet, but he’s sending you positive vibes and encouragement to continue on your path with confidence and hope 🌈✨.
Got questions or need some insight into your life? I'm here to help with personal psychic readings! For just $7, you can get answers to up to 7 questions! More info at:
In case anyone else here on tumblr would like a free psychic reading (message from the angels), Click the link and follow the instructions (I answer only to those who follow the instructions, thank you):
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silkepan · 3 years
Petit entraînement de musculation du samedi... avec mon plus grand supporter 😅🐕 On dit souvent que la force, c'est d'abord dans la tête. D'une certaine manière ce n'est pas faux mais si on ne la fait pas circuler jusqu'au bout de ses bras, notre corps ne va pas se soulever tout seul 😜 S'entraîner, répéter, transpirer, ça faisait partie de ma vie d'athlète et maintenant on continue. Avec la même énergie mais sous un nouvel aspect 💪 Je vous souhaite un excellent week-end ! ------- Saturday strength training... with my biggest supporter 🐕 😄 It's often said that strength is in the head first. To a certain extent it's true but if you don't get this energy flowing deep into your body, it isn't going to be lifted by itself 😉 Training, rehearsing, sweating, it was part of my athletic life. And now I'm continuing with the same energy but with new movements 🤜 I hope you have a great weekend! #fitnessgirl #motivazione #entraînement #crossfitgirls #ropeclimb #force #gymnasticstraining (à Aigle, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU0N8QvI5RQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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