#hope that this is an entertaining read for you whenever you next pop back on here :)
jhoneybees · 8 months
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Okay, I HAD to write this. It's just too cute and I love Winnie the Pooh so much, I just couldn't wait 😫😣🫣🥹
Characters: Late 60s/70s Elvis X little!reader
Warning/triggers: I'd say nothing, it's flippin adorable I'm gonna combust :(
When Elvis comes back from tour, every time he’d have a gift for you. Rewarding you for being a good girl for him, leaving you at home to find ways to entertain yourself does make Elvis feel guilty and sad which is why he’d always come home with something. Of course he always makes sure there was someone you both trust to look over you, he would tell them to play with you whenever you wanted even if they had to pretend that they enjoy it just to keep you happy but that doesn’t stop him from feeling like he’s a bad caregiver, just leaving you while he goes off having a blast.
The gift he got you this time, he’s quite proud of and he was so excited when he sat you down on the living room couch and placed the wrapped up gift on your lap to open it. Your eyes lit up and a small gasp escaped your mouth, he got you a new book collection of children’s books. Not just any children’s books though, he got you your favourite ‘Winnie the Pooh’ picture books. Oh you couldn’t hold in your excitement when you saw the covers, manoeuvring them onto the couch for your legs to scatter up under you, giving Elvis a big hug as you happily squealed “I love them!”
Elvis was so glad you loved the books but when you started reading them, he noticed that he wasn’t getting your attention anymore. Although at first he didn’t mind it, he started feeling a little neglected. Without his baby’s hugs and kisses and now he’s determined to get your attention back.
Looking through every room in the house, he doesn’t find you in any of them until he peeks his head into his bedroom. Seeing you reading quietly, right in the middle of the bed with your legs folded under and little sooties wiggling. The sight makes him smile before he walks in and closes the doors behind him.
Keeping his eyes on his mission, he makes his way over to the bed, lifting a leg as he sits down and waits to see if you notice in which disappointedly you are so immersed in your new picture books that you don’t bat an eye. It makes him feel a ping of sadness if he had to be honest. His baby is too distracted to give him, your daddy, some affection.
With a small pout on his face, he reaches a hand to tap your hip gently “Darlin?” and that got your attention “mm?” turning your head around “Oh! Hi daddy” he snickers “Hi baby” but before he could say anything else, your head turns back at the book in your lap. His eyes saddening, he calls for you again “Little?” earning absolute silence. He clicks his tongue and shuffles closer behind you. Elvis slithers his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder “yittle?” he calls again in a softer tone.
Your eyebrows rise just barely and a hum emits, still keeping your eyes on the book.
Tightening his grip around you “Daddy’s missin’ ya” he drawls, you answer back with soft hum. Not really paying attention to him because you want to know what happens to Piglet.
Almost pains him that you don't seem to acknowledge him. Yes, you said hello, to him though that wasn't enough. Nuzzling his nose against your jaw a little and pecking your cheek, he mumbles “Baby” in a ‘notice me’ kind of tone but it doesn't phase you.
He groans slightly and sighs, starting to lose hope until an idea pops up. A small grin grows on his face and his hands retract a little to your sides. This would have to work, Elvis begins tickling you and watches your face. His grin falls when he hears you whine and push his hands away.
Oh what is he gonna do?
He mutters an “Alright…” and lets you have your space by lying on his side next to you, his head propped up with his hand, facing you as his feet slide under his pillow. He pouts again as he watches you suck your thumb, Elvis reaches up and pulls your hand away from your mouth, secretly hoping that would grab your attention but it only just makes you move your hand to rest on the book. Your eyes stayed glued to the story.
He sighs again and rolls onto his back. “Yittle” extending the word with a bored voice, earning another hum from you “hm?” running his fingers through his hair “Can ya stop reading for a moment? Daddy's wanting a hug..” he asks, you hum again “Mhm…just wait Daddy” you say with a lifted finger. He groans again and decides to just wait til you're finished which seems like you're finishing up anyways.
The moment you close the book and look at Elvis, his face lights up “Ya done readin’?” and when you nod. He throws himself onto you making you lay flat on the bed and Elvis wraps his arms around you tightly as you giggle and squeal and kick your feet. “Daddy!” playfully munching on your neck, mumbling against your skin.
“I regret buying ya those books, they takin’ my baby away f’om me”
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ya9amicide · 1 year
Redamancy [BTS]
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chapter one
♡ info ♡ k-pop masterlist ♡ next chapter ♡
summary: Hybrids were accepted in society to a certain degree. To some, they are for entertainment. Used as sex and money tools. To lock up and abuse whenever and however they please. Something to have control over. To others, they are companions. Just like regular animals are used for therapy or simply companionship, hybrids are too.
To the rest, they are just like everyone else. Someone with their own life who deserves the same freedoms as your everyday John or Jane Doe. Wren is one of these people. She hates the idea of owning a hybrid. She has nothing against those who own them for medical or companionship reasons. Just the rest.
But, when a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
pairing(s): ot7 x ot7, ot7 x oc
warnings: none
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Most hybrids come from Asian countries because of the ethereal beauty they possess. For most, that is the only asset that keeps them alive. The way most of these hybrids end up in other countries is if they are sold to someone and brought there. Now, the entire world has hybrids mixed into its population.
Being a writer, I always get asked why I haven't written anything about hybrids. For a fantasy writer, it's like the jackpot of writing material considering they actually exist and all the information I would need is right at my fingertips if I want it to be.
It's just something that never sat right with me. I don't know everything and the only way to know everything is to speak to one myself. I don't own a hybrid. I won't own a hybrid. I have nothing against people who own them as long as they are treating them with care. But, I just don't feel comfortable interrogating someone for the purpose of a story.
Hybrids have very unique, very personal aspects to their lives that other people don't have. It would be like asking the deepest most personal questions about someone's life. It's unfathomably uncomfortable.
Luckily, I can escape the demands for hybrid content when I'm teaching. Teaching Greek mythology to college students has its perks in that regard. Which, leads me to where I am now, wrapping up my lecture for the day.
"Alright everyone, don't forget your homework for the weekend." Some students groan at the back of the room. I stand from behind my desk, walking around to the front where I lean against it with my hip. "Yes, yes, I know. Just be thankful you get a whole weekend for it, your other professors probably wouldn't be so nice. Now, any questions?"
Two hands raise in the air and I call on the first one to come up. "How many sources did we need to cite again?"
"At least three," I say. "You can use more if you'd like, I have no issue with that. However, I hope I don't need to remind you which types of websites aren't credible sources?"
Everyone shakes their heads and I nod, calling on the next person. "Will there be any time to come in to ask questions about our papers before Monday?"
"To come in, no. Unfortunately not. However, if you'd like you can email me with any questions you have or just send me a draft and I can read it for you and give you feedback that way. I will try to get back to you asap if I can. Just please do not email me Monday morning or late Sunday night as I will be asleep and it will be too late for you."
When I finish speaking everyone shuffles in their seats. "Any more questions?" When nobody else speaks up, I lean upright from my position in front of my desk. "If that's all then you are all free to go. Have a good weekend." I receive goodbyes from almost every student as they leave. Once the last one does, I shuffle all of my belongings together and leave the room, locking the door.
On my way home, it starts to rain. It's been in the forecast all week but it was only supposed to be a slight drizzle. This, however, is a torrential downpour. Pulling into my driveway and parking, I brace myself to make a run for it. There's no way I won't get drenched.
Walking inside, I toe off my shoes and drop my things by the door before going upstairs to change into warm and comfy clothes for the evening. Walking into the kitchen for food, I pass the large, sliding glass doors that lead to my backyard and the woods behind my house.
Cereal for dinner sounds good. With a bowl of dry cereal in one hand and a glass of milk in the other, I make my way to the living room. On the way, I pass by the glass door again. Lighting strikes, lighting up the yard and the woods in the distance. In the treeline, I almost swear I can see an animal. It's not super big, but it's not small either. Surprisingly, even with the woods bordering my house, not many animals make their way out. so, seeing one now is slightly odd.
I set my food down on the coffee table and move back to the kitchen, making a plate of food for...whatever is out there. If it's in the woods in a storm like this, it must be hungry. Sliding open the glass door, I set the plate down on the porch under the awning and move back inside where I sit on the couch with my own food and the tv playing in front of me.
I'm around two episodes into the show I was watching when I hear footsteps on the back porch. They're small but loud enough for me to hear through the rain which has settled down into a soft drizzle. Standing, I make my way to the door, trying to keep my steps light and my posture open so whatever is out there doesn't feel threatened by me.
When I'm close enough to see what it is, I find a German Shepherd right before it shifts and a man is left in its place. My hand reaches out for the door handle when he sees me. His eyes widen and he scrambles to pocket all of the food and make a run for the woods.
I quickly open the door trying to stop him. "Wait, please! You don't have to go." He freezes in his steps, halfway off the porch. "I- I can give you more food if that isn't enough. And some water too if you want?" He's thin and pale and shaking like a leaf where he stands. "Please?" My voice is soft, I'm afraid if I speak too loud he'll run away. "I just want to help."
It feels like we stare at each other for hours before he nods his head, barely enough for me to see but it's still a nod. "Okay, okay that's good," I say and lead him inside. "Let me get you a towel so you can dry off, you must be cold." I don't wait for him to respond before I rush off to get it. When I come back, he's in the same spot I left him.
"Here," I hand him the towel and watch as he wraps it around himself. Slowly, his shivering starts to calm down. "Do you have any preferences?"
He looks at me strangely, head tilting to the side. The ears on the top of his head flop to the side softly, the fur wet. "To eat? Is there anything in particular you want? Anything I should avoid?" He seems to take a minute to process what I asked him before he slowly shakes his head. "Okay. You can um...you can come wait in the kitchen while I get you something if you want."
He timidly walks in behind me and watches everything I do. I decided on soup. Hopefully, the warmth from the food would make him feel better. "Is it just you?" I ask timidly.
"No," he says softly after some hesitation.
"Are- are they close? Whoever you're with?"
I pause what I'm doing. Maybe I should make more soup..."How many of you are there?" How much food am I going to need to make?
He shifts uncomfortably. "Seven. Including me."
"Do they want to come in? You can invite them if you want." I avoid looking at him, continuing to make more food.
"What?" He sounds surprised and wary.
"Only if you want. I mean," I stop and chuckle slightly, "seven versus one? If I were to try anything, which I won't, I think you all have the advantage. Don't you think?"
He waited for a few minutes, probably trying to see if I was pulling his leg. "Okay." He slowly makes his way to the sliding door, I can feel his eyes on me, keeping me in his sight. Leaving the door open, he shifts back into a German Shepherd and lets out a loud howl towards the forest. Anything else beyond that, I don't hear because of the volume of the storm raging outside. It was around 15 minutes before he came back inside, several pairs of footsteps shuffling in behind him.
I freeze, gently putting down what was in my hands before slowly turning to face the group of hybrids in my home.
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keiththecat · 1 year
Admissible (Part Ten)
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Female Reader (You)
Summary: You've always hunted alone. That is, until Bobby sends you on a hunt near the Winchester brothers. How will things change when they come to help?
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: 18+, series typical violence and monsters, weapons, cursing, groping/ almost sexual assault, self-doubt/ self-esteem issues, character death, injuries, hurt/comfort
Author's Note: Warning: injuries, torture in here, tread lightly. Hello all!! Here's the next part! I have a few extra shifts at work this coming week, so I'm hoping to get the next chapter out next week like normal but I can't guarantee it'll be on time. Thank you all for continuing to read! I hope you continue to enjoy it!! Y/N is your name, and feedback is always welcome. Thanks for reading and thanks for all the love so far! <3
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, or any of the related characters. The Supernatural series is created by Eric Kripke and owned by The CW Network. This work of fan fiction is for entertainment only. I am not making a profit of any kind from this story. All rights of the original Supernatural series belong to The CW Network.
Part One
AO3 link here
Two weeks.
Two weeks of no contact from The Night. 
You had started off staying near the bunker, driving around near the abandoned buildings around Lebanon that Crowley had pointed you toward. No threats, no phone calls, no feelings of being watched. After a few days of radio silence, you had called Sam to have him ask Crowley if he was sure The Night would still be after you. The only answer he gave was that they would be, but there was no way to know when. Sam had wanted you to come back to the bunker, revisit the idea of you working with the Winchesters and Castiel to find the Night. You were stubborn, arguing that they would not come after you if you were with them, and you needed to get rid of them before you could feel safe enough to return. You argued that you were trying to keep them safe, while he argued that the three of them would gladly risk injury if it meant you were safe. The phone call ended with this fight, and you had not spoken directly to him since, instead taking it upon yourself to start driving farther away, just a little farther every day. You can feel yourself becoming more desperate to end this. You kept telling yourself that the demons would come for you if you were more isolated.
Unfortunately, you were right.
Day fourteen finds you driving into Maine and breaking into a cabin in Weld for the night, leaving the lights off to stay relatively hidden.
Day fourteen, Cass. Daily update time. I’m still doing okay. I’m in Maine now, outskirts of Weld. Stumbled my way into a cabin. Don’t ask. You make yourself as comfy as you can on the cabin’s couch, keeping your eyes and ears open. The four of us should take a road trip this way whenever I come back. Nice little vacation spot, I think. You sigh. I miss you guys. Tell Sam I miss him, please. Goodnight, Cass. Stay safe. Keep them safe.
You settle further into the couch until you hear a creak coming from the direction of the cabin’s front door. You can feel a presence inching closer behind you.
I’ve found them, Cass.
You stand, turning to face them and drawing your angel blade, thankful for the moonlight seeping in through the windows. There are two intruders, both women of around your height and build, one brunette and one blonde. “Cristo,” you challenge. Their eyes flash black and they flinch. You quickly lunge toward the closer demon, the blonde, dodging a punch of hers and managing to sink your blade into the center of her chest. A bright light emits from within her and her body falls limp to the floor. The brunette grabs your right arm that holds the knife, twisting it behind you and forcing you to drop the blade. You hear a sickening pop and feel a flash of pain as she dislocates your shoulder. She leaves that arm hanging by your side and grabs the back of your neck to lead you toward the door, “nice try. You’re coming with me.”
After a blindfolded drive with every little bump or turn in the road jolting your shoulder and sending a wave of pain through you, you’re led into a building and roughly thrown onto a chair. The blindfold is ripped off of your head, and you blink a few times to adjust your eyes. You find yourself inside a large open wooden barn that has definitely seen better days. There are holes in the walls and the roof, allowing the moonlight to cast shadows throughout the room. Glancing around yourself, you count thirteen demons around you, all watching you with varying degrees of interest and disgust. Show time, Y/N. 
“I’m guessing you didn’t bring me here for a slumber party,” you say.
The demon in front of you steps forward and smacks your left cheek hard enough to send your head flying to the side. Your cheek burns and you immediately taste blood, feeling a split on the inside of your cheek with your tongue. You turn back to face the demon. The meatsuit he is using was a man in his late 50s, of average height and build, and completely bald. “You see,” he says, “we know the most effective way to get to the Winchesters is through someone close to them. They’ll sacrifice themselves without blinking an eye, but damn do they both have quite the hero complex.”
You spit blood on the floor toward him, “so you don’t want to tell each other stories and braid each other’s hair?”
He sarcastically smiles then responds by hitting your other cheek, this time with a closed fist. One of his knuckles caught your eye, and you can feel it start to swell immediately. You do your best to breathe through the pain, turning back to face him again.
He leans down, getting in your face, “ready to talk about the Winchesters yet? Or do you want to keep taunting and see what happens?”
You pretend to consider it for a moment, then you spit blood in his face. He wipes his face, then draws a knife and plunges it deep into your left thigh until the hilt touches. He grabs your dislocated shoulder and presses his thumb into it, causing you groan in pain. He uses his grip on your shoulder to pull you out of the chair and throw you onto the ground. You barely manage to catch yourself on your good hand, keeping yourself from landing on top of the bomb inside your jacket. He kicks your back, and you can feel several ribs on your left side break with the contact. 
“See, we can do this the hard way. It’s really no issue for us. If anything, that’s even more enjoyable.” He starts to circle you, as you lay on the ground, being careful of your limp arm and the knife still sticking out of your thigh. “I suppose we could wait a bit, see if those boys show up to save you. Take turns having our fun with you.” You manage to slip your hand inside your jacket, wrapping your fingers around the demon bomb. As he circles back behind you, he lands another kick on your back, breaking even more ribs on your left side. “They already go above and beyond for total strangers, and we all know you mean much, much more to them than that, don’t we?” 
You cough up some blood and try to catch your breath, keeping your hand on the bomb but still hidden inside your jacket. “Is the pillow fight next? I love a good dogpile.” 
Unknowingly taking the bait, he nods to the other demons and they all start toward you. As they close in, you sit up and throw the bomb onto the ground, turning your head away from it and bracing yourself as best you can. The explosion ripples out, throwing all of the demons away from you. Sparks ignite on each of them, burning them up and leaving only black shadows of their shapes on the walls. You look around, making sure all of the demons are gone. 
Holy shit, it worked. It’s over, you think as you take stock of your injuries. Cass, I did it. We did it. I could really use some help now though. 
You lay down as slowly and gently as you can, being careful of your dislocated shoulder, broken ribs, and the knife still lodged in your thigh. You can feel tears of pride forming in your eyes, glad that your plan worked and they’re gone.
After laying for a few moments with no sign of Castiel, you pull out your phone and try calling him. It rings and rings with no answer, instead going to voicemail. You hang up instead of leaving him a message, and you try Sam instead. He answers on the second ring, “Y/N?”
Your heart feels so much peace at the first sound of his voice. “Sam, we did it. They’re dead. We really did it.”
“Are you okay? Where are you?” he frantically asks. You can hear the sounds of a car engine in the background.
“In Maine. Your other question is a little complicated though. Any chance you can ask Cass to come help me?” You pull your phone away from your head, putting Sam on speaker and sending him your location. You set your phone down and use your good hand to slowly push yourself upright to a sitting position.
“I don’t know where Cass is. I haven’t seen him in over a week and the most I’ve heard from him is him texting me periodic updates on where you’ve been. I’ve honestly been trailing you a little bit. Looks like I’m still about an hour out from where you are now, though.”
“An hour? Shit.” As carefully and gently as you can, you start to take off your jacket, knowing you’ll need to use it as a sling for your right arm after dealing with your shoulder.
“What’s wrong? Talk to me, Y/N,” Sam insists, and you can hear him giving the car more gas to speed up.
“Only if you promise you’re driving safely. I need you to get here in one piece, Sam.” After he agrees, you talk him through your injuries. He agrees that your shoulder should be set as soon as possible, he agrees that you should leave the knife in your leg, at least until he’s there to help, and he agrees that you can’t do much about the broken ribs. With his voice through the phone helping to distract your mind from the pain, you manage to link your hands around your propped up knee and lean back to reduce your shoulder dislocation. You fashion your jacket into a sling as best you can and gently place your right arm in it. You manage to cut away part of your shirt and tie it around your leg to stave off some of the bleeding around the knife. You drag yourself over to a wall, leaning yourself against it and resting your eyes, finding comfort in Sam’s voice through the phone and the promise that he will reach you soon.
Part Eleven
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another-sonic-blog · 1 year
The Fanfictioner Ch.8: Story
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The Fanfictioner Ch.8: Story
"It's me! Hello! I am the problem it's I!
At coffee time everybody agrees!
I look directly at the moon but never in the mirror, it most be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero!"
Shadow is eating his daily coffee beans as he softly sings his favorite song. He is not one to listen to gossip news but he just had to whenever Tyler Sweet drops a new album. He just hopes she succeeds in the music charts. Shadow has secretly been following him since she started uploading her songs on MusicCloud and he is glad she has finally had her breakthrough.
The actor recognizes Omega's robotic voice as he enters the kitchen.
"Hey Omega, did you sleep well?" Shadow asks as he looks inside one of his kitchen cabinets. There he finds car oil. For Omega of course. Omega doesn't need sleep. However, Tails took the liberty to program a 'sleep' software on the robot. And he seems to have enjoyed it."
"Yes. I am 'rested."
After a few seconds, Omega makes a pause and Shadow looks at him.
"I have two notices," Omega says. "Rouge says she will come to visit soon."
"Alright, gonna have to break a leg so she doesn't force me to go shopping with her," Shadow puts a few coffee beans in his mouth and chews them. "What is the other news?"
"... Your ShadAmy Comic has gotten over 100k reads on Weebtun"
Shadow's phone has not stopped ringing with notifications. Comments, likes, and shares. He had spent many days drawing that comic and even thought his art was not good enough to get praised.
As much as he wants to get excited, he knows he can't. Especially when he is a famous actor and he can't risk being exposed as a crazy fanfic fanatic in real life.
He quietly rubs and puts pressure on the middle of his palm to alleviate his anxiety. Shadow was definitely not expecting that many people to read his comic and somehow that's making him sweat.
Shadow snaps and completely forget that he is on set.
"Your lines? We don't have all day."
But Shadow stays quiet. Looking side to side, confused.
"Nevermind. Let's all take five. Shadow, either learn your lines or improvise!"
He sighs heavily and goes to his black chair. Next time there is a table with coffee beans as snacks. But right now he is not interested in that. Shadow sits and pulls out his phone. He should be studying his lines but he knows them already. He needs a different kind of support.
TheFanfictioner#0619: "I am starting to think I suck at my job."
Shadow texts his online best friend and eats some of the coffee beans. He had muted his notifications from Weebtun but he can't help and constantly check the app. The reads are growing and so is his anxiety.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: "You have a job? I thought you were too busy being a fanfic fanatic to have one."
TheFanfictioner#0619: "If that was my job, I wouldn't complain. But sadly, I entertain people for a living and I hate people most of the time."
From afar he sees Sonic Team gathering together and talking. While they are distracted Shadow looks around him and next to his chair finds his backpack. He usually brings things with him, a charger, laptop, sketchbook and pencils so he doesn't have to go back to his dressing room.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: "Do you hate me?"
TheFanfictioner#0619: "I tolerate you. Consider yourself lucky."
Shadow takes out his sketchbook and a pencil he looks at Amy from afar and starts sketching her. It might be strange but he needs to have as many references as possible. He can probably get pictures of her online but nothing is better than having the real person in front of you.
His phone rings, and he responds.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: "Oh, I am happy I am not on your naughty list."
TheFanfictioner#0619: "Only because you write my favorite fanfic."
He goes back to sketching and looks at Amy who has picked up her phone and is typing.
Not even a second passes and Shadow's phone rings.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: "Fair. But tell me what is bothering you?"
TheFanfictioner#0619: "The fan-comic I did for you fic ... It's getting too many reads and I was not expecting that. It's giving me anxiety for some reason."
He puts his phone aside on the table and sketches Amy again who is on her phone again. Typing.
Then his phone rings again.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: "You know, if it's too much to handle, you can always delete it. I won't mind."
TheFanfictioner#0619: "I don't know. I do enjoy the nice comments and it's motivating me to draw more but I am not used to so much attention."
The actor is able to draw Amy's eyes. She is moving a bit too much, smiling and giggling with Sonic and her friends. Then she takes out her phone again and types.
And then his phone rings again.
Interesting. But whatever.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: "You said you were an entertainer? Are you not used to people giving you attention?"
And before he could respond, the director speaks up.
"Alright change of plans! We are recording the last scene of the last episode for this season."
Amy Rose feels shivers run down her spine because she knows what that means. Heck, she was the one who wrote the ending for this season. Still, she is not mentally prepared to do this. But the time has come and she can't run away.
They were recording in the forest and they need to hurry up before sunset.
"Let's just record the kiss as the sun goes down and let's call it a day," Mr. Johnson says and he picks up a camera. He is going to be the one to record the kiss.
Shadow and Amy get on the scene and Shadow places Amy against a tree trunk. Just like in the script.
"Now Shadow, I need emotion," Mr. Johnson starts to record and gets extremely close to their faces. "Remember your character desires Amy but secretly feels that he has some genuine feelings for her. To prove that, you need to kiss her ... Slowly. First-"
"Please, just keep quiet and let me do my job," Shadow interrupts him and at that, the director just sighs and nods.
"Ok .. Lights, camera ... Action!"
As Shadow gets into character, Amy's knees go weak. She looks him in the eyes. Vermillion and beautiful. He caresses her cheeks and pulls a string of her hair on the back of her ear.
Shadow slowly closes his eyes and gets closer and closer to her and
Amy pushes him away.
Completely red and shaking, she looks at everyone in the room. Flabbergasted and speechless. Except for Sonic who is smiling.
She doesn't know what to say. Should she apologize to Shadow who is looking at her in disbelief? At everyone for wasting their time and money?
She could only look at the director.
"Please just give me two days to prepare!"
Continue reading on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23815324/chapters/116371165
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/229947691-the-fanfictioner
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naha-division · 1 year
Though the day of his birth was technically over, the leader of the Naha Division still was receiving gifts for his birthday. As he stepped out onto his doorstep in the morning prepared to head to his master's dojo, Ryūnosuke looked as a large and tall white box was placed in front of his porch. Blinking, he figured it was for him and dragged the heavy box inside of his house. After about five minutes of getting the box open, he looked as it revealed a basketball hoop for him to play with. The karate assistant's eyes grew wide as he looked at. He wondered who had sent it. Lucky for him, a note was attached on the outside of the box that the hoop came in with, which read:
"Dear Ryūnosuke,
A fine happy birthday to you, my friend. Sorry I couldn't be in Naha to wish you this myself, but I got slammed at my bar last night, and I only had time this morning to drop off your gift. I hope you enjoy it. Next time I'm free, I'll see if I can drop by and we can shoot some hoops together. Again, hope your birthday was a good one. And feel free to stop by Eagle's Nest sometime. We'd love to have you.
Rashaad Young"
“Sweet! I got my own basketball game! I gotta try this” he widely smiles with happiness and a bit of excitement of the gift he got from his bar colleague-friend, Rashaad now that he has an indoor basketball game
After looking at the mesmerizing display in a short time, Ryuunosuke wanted to entertain himself of playing basketball for a while…maybe 30 minutes? he had a lot of fun shooting the ball continuesly then successfully the ball went onto the hoop while some it bounced back. Though as he was very occupied with the game that he didn’t even realize the time has passed more than 20 minutes— instead he’s been playing for 2 hours straight so he stopped.
“Phew! I’m beat with all that shooting. This is the funnest gift I’ve had……but sometimes playing by yourself is boring so maybe I can invite Kyō to come here and I’m pretty sure Naoki isn’t into sports saying “it could ruin his nails~ or something~” I wont force him though” and also maybe he will show to some of his students to play basketball hoop with him, letting them to play during break. “If I did, pops will probably scold me to bring a “distracting” game in the class haha……”
But before he went on a break, he pulls out his smartphone and sending a text message to Rashaad that both share contacts before
The text message to Rashaad says:
Hey Rashaad! I already received your gift and I had fun playing it for 2 hours straight lmao. Thanks btw
Yeah you should come over to my place whenever you have time. You and me can settle who shoots the most points will be the winner. Fun right? if you want, you can bring along your team with you
Thanks again for the gift, Rashaad and I won’t lose to you. I also hope you were doing well!
P.S. if I win which I definitely will, you owe me a free pass drink when I bring my fellas to your bar, ok? 👌
Clicks the send button and start grinning in looking forward to play indoor basketball with Rashaad soon
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jowritesfanfiction · 1 year
Fandom: Back to the Future
Ships: Doc Brown & Clara Clayton, Doc Brown & Marty McFly
Rating: General
Additional Tags: QPRs and this is basically Found Family
Summary: Einstein has had a good life with the Brown unit.
You can read the fic here!
CW: the dog dies :(
Einstein was the dog to see all 30 years of Emmett’s labor completed into the time machine Emmett had always hoped to create. 
After all the work Emmett had gone through to put the time machine together, he could finally see the progression of mankind—oh, the adventures they’d go on!
Now the adventures Emmett and Einstein did embark on were nothing Emmett had imagined. He’d always planned on going to the future or anywhere his curiosities drew him, but like most things in life, it did not go according to plan. 
Emmett wasn’t unhappy about his life. He had a new family with his great friends Clara, Einstein, and two boys they met along their travels: Jules and Verne. And, of course, there was Marty McFly who would visit from time to time.
For the time being, the Brown unit was settled just outside of Hill Valley. Emmett suggested to unanimous agreement that they should settle in 1985 to avoid any further messing with the space-time continuum. Clara agreed because the ’80s gave her more options in what she could do with her life. Jules and Verne enjoyed all the entertainment the late 20th century had to offer. Einstein, of course, didn’t mind where he lived so long as he was surrounded by his people (and had canned dog food). For several years the Brown unit lived happily in their home.
It was a comfortable sight. Clara and Emmett watched the boys playing some game with Einstein. 
“Does Einstein seem… sick to you?” Clara wondered, choosing her words carefully as the boys were within earshot.
“He looks tired.” 
“Maybe it’s time he has a break.”
Sure enough, Einstein came heaving his way back toward Emmett and Clara. He plopped himself right on the porch, then whined in pain.
“Awe but we just started playing!” Verne whined. 
“You can still play with me, Verne,” offered Jules.
“I don’t want to play with you. You’re boring.” Verne huffed and followed Einstein. “C’mon, Einie. Come play.”
Einstein yawned. Clara took him inside the house.
“We just started playing with him,” Verne repeated. “Why can’t we keep playing with him?”
“You know why,” Emmett began, “Einstein needs to take breaks in order to keep up with you two.”
“I don’t need any breaks.” 
“Well, yes, that’s because you’re young,” Emmett explained. “Einstein’s older, so he has significantly less energy than you.”
“You always say that.” Verne planted himself on the steps of the porch.
“I do say that. You don’t have as much energy for playing when you get older.”
“You mean I’m gonna be as boring as Jules?” Horror spread across the young boy’s face. Jules, who was distracting himself by picking up weeds, scowled at Verne.
Emmett calculated his next words carefully. “Uh, no. That’s different. Jules has energy, he just chooses to burn that energy off in different activities than you.” He continued his explanation: “For Einstein, his body just doesn’t have the capacity to exert as much physically.”
“Oh.” Verne sighed and rested his head in his hands. “Being old sucks! Adults suck!”
“No they don’t.” Jules popped up, hanging onto one of the porch’s posts.
“Yes they do. They’re tired all the time!” 
“That doesn’t mean they’re not fun.” 
Emmett interrupted the two. “Jules, stop hanging on the post.”
“What’s one fun adult then?” Verne demanded.
Jules opened his mouth to say something, but all that came out was the carbon dioxide his huff produced.
“See? None of them. There’s none.”
“Clara and Emmett are fun.”
“They don’t count.”
Jules squinted his eyes. “What about Martin?”
“Oh, yeah! Marty!” Verne lit up. “When’s he coming to visit us?”
Emmett answered. “Whenever he likes. He should be on summer break by now.”
“Can’t you call him to come visit?”
“Well, he’s most likely visiting his family and Jennifer.”
“You said he was our family.”
“He’s part of our family, but he also has his parents and siblings to see.”
“I want him to visit us.”
Jules rolled his eyes and went inside.
“Maybe you should head inside, too.”
Once inside, the two boys disappeared to their rooms. Clara had curled herself into a book in the kitchen. Emmett went to find Einstein who had retired himself in the living room. 
“Hey, Einie.” 
Einstein’s ears perked up and his tail thumped against the wall. Emmett sat down beside Einstein and gently patted him. Einstein panted and wagged his tail more. 
“You’re a good boy, Einstein.” Emmett sat in silence with his friend. 
Emmett began rubbing Einstein a bit more roughly and Einstein promptly puked on the floor.
“Clara, do we still have those old towels?” Emmett called.
“I think so.” Clara got up and looked for the towels. “Why?”
Emmett entered the kitchen. “Just an accident with Einstein is all.”
“Let me see.” 
“I’ll look for the towels.” 
After finding the towels, Emmett joined Clara in the living room and the two began to clean up the mess. Emmett glanced at Clara. She was examining her towel.
Emmett spoke first. “Perhaps he was just dehydrated.”
Clara nodded. “He’ll be alright.”
“Can I take Einstein for a walk?” Jules popped up, perching his elbows on the armrest.
Emmett set down his book. “What is he doing right now?”
“Does he seem like he wants to do anything?”
“No…” muttered Jules. “Can we give him a bath though? He stinks.”
“Of course he’s going to stink, you’ve been taking him outside where he’s susceptible to dirt and sweating.”
“No, he smells real weird.” Jules’s face was of the utmost seriousness. 
Emmett squinted his eyes. “How?”
Jules led Emmett to where Einstein was lying. Upon getting closer to his friend, Emmett couldn’t detect any bad smell. After a few more seconds, it became apparent that Einstein did smell. Not in a pungent and rancid way, but, for lack of a better word, off. 
“Oh, he’s not dirty, Jules,” Emmett assured the young boy.
“Then why does he smell like that?”
“Hormones and sweat do that to your body. It’s very normal when you get older.”
Jules seemed to be processing the information and manually storing it in his brain.
“He’s been old for a while. How come only now he’s smelling like that?”
“That’s a great question.” Emmett started. He wasn’t sure what he should say. Jules had a right to know what was really happening. Surely he was old enough to understand it all. Emmett took a breath. “It’s because Einie’s going to die soon.”
Jules furrowed his eyebrows, then they softened. “Can we help him?”
“We can certainly be more gentle with him.”
Jules stared at his feet.
“Do you have any other questions?”
“No. I think I’m going to go be by myself.” 
“Alright.” Emmett gave him a soft smile. 
Emmett looked over at Einstein. His old friend was like a shell of his former self. On good days Jules could get him to walk to the mailbox and back, other times it was only to the porch and back. The pain in his body made it difficult to move. 
Einstein used to join the Brown unit in the dining room to eat his dinner, but lately Einstein had avoided the dining room. Clara suggested they move his water and food bowl to the living room by Einstein’s bed. 
“Einie…” Emmett lamented. He stared at his companion. 
“Dinner’s almost ready—” Clara interrupted, “—Are you alright?”
“Just thinking.” Emmett sighed, joining Clara in the kitchen. “I told Jules.”
There was a pause before Clara spoke. “Is he okay?”
“He understood what I meant. He’s just going to spend time by himself for a bit.”
“I’ll put his serving in the refrigerator.” 
“We should tell Verne, too.”
“Tell me what?” Verne appeared in the doorway. His hands were covered by a fine layer of dirt. Why he had dirt on his hands was beyond question at this point. 
“Wash your hands for dinner.” Clara replied. She gave Emmett a look. 
The three Browns settled together around the table.
“What were you guys talking about?” Verne wondered aloud.
“We were talking about Einstein,” Clara said plainly.
“Like how he’s got old?”
“A little about how he’s gotten old.”
“Like what?”
It was Emmett’s turn to answer. “Einstein’s dying.”
“That’s just what happens to living organisms when they reach a certain age.”
“He’ll come back,” Verne assured the other two.
“No, Verne,” Clara said softly, “he won’t come back. Once he’s dead, he’s gone.”
“But when I die in Mario, I still get to play.”
“Real life’s different from video games. It doesn’t work like that, I’m afraid,” Clara tried to explain.
“Then what’ll happen to him if he doesn’t come back?”
“He’ll be in a much better place.”
The sky was a navy color and the air stood still. Emmett was out on the porch, unable to sleep. 
What if one of the boys sees Einstein dead first? How do I tell Marty? When do I tell Marty? How long do we have?
Emmett heard the soft padding of footsteps. Emmett turned around to see who had accompanied him.
“What are you doing up so late?” came Clara’s voice.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“Do you need something?”
“I’m fine, thank you.” Emmett sighed. “You can go back to bed.”
“Are you alright?”
“Fine, fine. Just thinking.”
Clara walked over by Emmett. “Me too.”
“About what?”
“The same thing you are, I suspect.”
“Yes, the night air is much cooler out here, don’t you think?”
Clara gave Emmett a look. “You know that’s not what we’re thinking about.”
Emmett sighed. “Do you want to talk about it?” he offered.
“Only if you want to.”
“I don’t have anything to say,” he admitted.
“That’s alright. We don’t have to say anything.” Clara sat on the porch stairs. Emmett joined her.
The two sat in silence. Clara looked out at the sky, looking for the different stars. The sky wasn’t clear like it was in 1885, but out in the open, she could still see all her stars.
“A little bit ago there was a supernova,” Clara said.
Emmett didn’t say anything. She didn’t expect him to.
“Supposedly, it had the power of a hundred suns. I hope they got pictures of it.”
“Then you can show me.”
“I’d love to.” Clara smiled. 
There was more silence.
“Did you know that Johannes Kepler was probably the first person to see a supernova?”
“I didn’t. Fascinating.”
“It really is. It’s even named after him.”
Emmett mumbled. “My father gave me this book about different scientists. He’d have me read about one and I’d write down my favorites. Kepler was one of them. That’s how I named my first dog.”
“What was the book?”
“I don’t recall. It probably was burnt in the house fire.”
“I could look for another one like it.”
“That’s alright. I think it’s better in my memory than being replaced,” Emmett replied.
There was silence again.
“There’s still remnants of Kepler’s Supernova out in space. I just find that beautiful. This star that died four hundred years ago is still around and remembered, even if no one can see it.”
Clara stood up and patted Emmett’s head. 
“I’m going back to bed. Don’t stay up too late, okay?” She opened the door. 
Emmett waited for Clara to have fallen asleep before he went back inside. He pushed an armchair near Einstein and sat down on the floor with his back against the chair.
“Hey, Einie,” he whispered.
Einstein twitched in his sleep, then he whined. 
“How are you?”
Einstein stirred in his sleep, then rose his head to look at Emmett. 
“I’m sorry to wake you up,” Emmett apologized. “You can go back to bed, everything’s fine, boy.”
Einstein lazily wagged his tail and rested his front paws and head on Emmett’s lap. Emmett affectionately rubbed Einstein’s head. 
“I remember when I found you in the shelter. If I recall, you were about half the height of my lower leg. Now look at you. You can hardly fit in my lap. Don’t roll your eyes at me. It makes you a good pillow for Verne.” Emmett’s mind began to wander.
“You’ve been a good friend to all of us here. I hope you know that.”
Emmett thought of the letter he’d sent to Marty when he was stuck in 1885. 
And please take care of Einstein for me. I know you will give him a good home. Remember to walk him twice a day and that he only likes canned dog food.
How could he have ever considered giving up Einstein? Sure, he was stuck in 1885 and didn’t want to risk any further disruption of the space-time continuum, but after everything Einstein had been through with him? 
Einstein’s breaths were shaky and irregular. Emmett tried to focus on that and not on the past or the future. Just the present.
“Sometimes I wish I had made that mind reading machine. Maybe I’d be able to understand what it felt like to be the world’s first time traveler,” Emmett smirked at his friend. “World’s First Time Traveler…that’s quite the title for you.”
Einstein weakly wagged his tail and attempted to lick Emmett’s cheek.
“No, you lay down and save your energy.” Emmett wiped his eyes. “You’ve meant a great deal to me all these years. And you’ve done so much for me— for all of us. I just wish there was a way I could relay my gratitude to you in a way you’d understand.”
Einstein whined. It was a whine that was produced only out of habit, but caused more pain, like when you have to swallow, but your throat is swollen. 
“I know…” Emmett managed, “I know it’s time for you to leave. It’s alright. You can go now, Einie.”
Quiet filled the house. Nothing moved. 
Emmett softly counted. He got to a minute; a minute where Einstein remained still.
Emmett tried to say something, but all he did was choke on his words. He bent over and hugged his friend. He remained in the living room into the early morning.
“Emmett?” a drowsy Jules yawned. 
“Hello, Jules.” Emmett replied shakily.
“I couldn’t sleep.” Jules carefully made his way by Emmett and sat down. “I was thinking about Einstein.”
Both of them noticed the tear stains that ran down the other’s face. Jules’s eyebrows turned upwards and his lip began quivering. Emmett got on his knees and hugged the boy. He could feel Jules shake. 
They walked to the kitchen. 
“It’s okay.” Emmett handed over a glass of water. “I’m sad, too.”
Jules gulped. “I wish I had been nicer to him and not made him play all the time.”
“Jules, there’s no need to apologize. Einstein loved playing with you two. I’m certain of that.”
“He wanted to play with us?”
The stairs whined. Jules and Emmett peered into the hallway from where they were in the kitchen. Clara appeared in the doorway. Her eyes grew wide and then softened. She hugged both of them. The house stayed silent except for the occasional sniffle. 
The last one up was Verne. He scanned the kitchen in confusion. Jules clutched his cup tightly.
“Why’s everybody so quiet?” Verne asked.
“Einstein’s dead…” Clara explained.
Verne looked at everyone again. He saw their saddened faces and began to sob. Clara handed him a glass of water and helped to calm him down. Jules’s eyes swelled up and he held out his cup for more water. Emmett filled the cup and rubbed Jules’s shoulder. 
Emmett disappeared into the hallway and dialed the phone. He was thankful for his muscle memory as his vision became clouded and blurred.
“H’lo?” the other end answered.
“Sorry to wake you so early, Marty, but I’m afraid I have some terrible news.” Emmett kept going, afraid that if he stopped, he wouldn’t be able to say anything. “Einstein’s…he’s…he’s dead.”
There was a pause. “This is heavy.” 
“I know. I wish I could have told you at a more opportune time, but…” 
“No. It’s fine. I’ll be over as fast as I can.”
The whole group assembled outside around the little grave they dug for Einstein. They all looked at each other, searching for what to do.
“Should we sing?” Clara asked.
“We can.”
“Does everyone know Amazing Grace?”
“I forgot the words,” Verne admitted.
“We’ll hum it then.”
The group hummed one verse of the song before Verne started crying again.
“I could recite a poem,” Marty suggested. 
“That’s a great idea,” Emmett agreed.
Somberly, Marty recited a poem. He was shaky throughout, but no one paid any attention to it. 
“Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower; 
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf,
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay.”
“That was beautiful, Marty,” Clara breathed. “Did you write that?”
“No. It’s a Robert Frost poem.”
“Would anyone else like to say something?” Emmett asked.
“Godspeed, Einstein,” Verne said. The rest of the procession echoed him.
“Let’s all head inside and I’ll make some lemonade,” Clara suggested.
“I’ll be there in a minute.” Emmett stared at the little mound of dirt as he heard Clara, Jules, and Verne head back to the house.
Marty shuffled up next to Emmett, also staring at the mound. “I’m sorry, Doc.” He patted Emmett’s arm.
“I’m sorry, too.” Emmett wrapped an arm around Marty. Marty did the same. 
“You think Einstein knew we loved him?” Marty murmured.
“I know for a fact he did.”
The two best friends looked at each other and smiled a melancholic smile. Marty gave Emmett a quick hug and headed inside. 
Emmett began to follow, but stopped. He turned back around and glanced once more at his partner of so many years.
“It’s been a pleasure to have you around, Einstein.”
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kissdatbam · 1 year
[TRANS] Entertainment News Room with Tukky
translated by kissdatbam
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How Adorable! Exclusive interview with “BamBam Kunpimook”
MC: Hello everyone, this is “Hong-Kao-Bun-Therng” (meaning Entertainment News Room). Our news today is super exclusive – I’m excited, along with a goosebump and super completed! I believe that IGOT7s must really look forward to this! Please welcome this guy, an artist who have so many talents be it singing, dancing - all so amazing! “BAMBAM”!! BB: Sawasdee krub MC: Many thanks for giving us a chance to meet with you BB: Thank you too krub MC: We are so happy! With your return this time, where have you been visiting (in Thailand) [Q1]? BB: I did not have a chance to go anywhere krub. I just arrived yesterday and stayed in my hotel. I also had my dinner and a drink at the hotel. MC: With so much happiness… BB: and then went to bed krub. (laughing) [NOTE: “555” shown in the video means “laughing”. In Thai language “5” is pronounced as “Ha” so 555 is just like HaHaHa (laughing)]
MC: Next question – your concert! Your concert “Area 52” – is this your first world tour [Q2]? BB: As a soloist – yes krub. MC: What’s the concept? BB: Let’s be an alien krub – not me krub, but everyone! MC: Wowwwwwww BB: LOL…Area 52 is about the universe, UFO krub. So I will be like an astronaut bringing everyone to visit the new land.
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MC: So, this is your 1st world tour as a soloist, are you ready for this? At what scale will you rate your readiness [Q3]? BB: Am I ready? I am krub. So far, the preparation process is almost finished, not many things are left to do. Once I go back to Korea, there might be some little things to do, and we will be ready krub. We can go full throttle!
MC: For this upcoming space traveling tour you gonna take IGOT7s to, will there be an interval break? Or this is non-stop [Q4]? [NOTE: the pop-up question on screen read “how do you prepare for fun/entertaining performance for this concert?] BB: To give you some spoilers about my concert, there will be nothing like this (hand gesturing up and down), it will be like this (hand gesturing speedily forward) until the end krub. MC: Ooh! If it’s like this – IGOT7s, you’d better sleep early and tight, and be prepared ka, right? BB: Of course. MC: Can you give us some more hints about this (hand gesturing speedily forward) – at what level this will be? BB: Ummmm, there will be no emotional/sentimental moment krub – I don’t want that krub. So, it will be [dancing] till the end krub. MC: Guys, you’d better prepare your legs and feet – it will be dancing only! BB: Yes krub.
MC: BamBam is one of the celebrities, who if visit a mall – the mall will be blasted [since fans will be gathered to wait and cheer for him], if go to an airport – the airport will be blasted, do you have anything to tell those [fans] who gather to welcome and cheer for you [Q5]? BB: I would like to thank you all of them krub. I felt a warmth whenever I visit Thailand, it’s almost like one of the things that made we always feel really good. Even though I felt exhausted from a long flight, that exhaustiveness just gone immediately when I see them. MC: It’s a healing power to your heart… BB: Yes krub MC: though you have to dance extremely hard, you won’t get tired? BB: Yes MC: though you have to dance like this! This! This! (hand gesturing the ultimate level up for dancing) – you won’t get tired? BB: I won’t get tired.
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MC: Another important question – there’s another show of WORKPOINT [NOTE: WORKPOINT is a media channel in Thailand which this show also aired on] which one of the mountaineer / hill tribe people appeared on… BB: I saw that one too krub MC: [seems so shocked] !!! and you also shared that! BB: Yes krub – I saw he painted my portrait MC: do you have anything to tell him? BB: Like what I said in my IG story, I would like to thank him to see me as his inspiration. When I heard what he said…that’s also inspired me too krub. MC: This is so adorable! Hope you [the mountaineer] listened to this ka. Our talk today is so natural. I don’t feel tense at all. BB: Yes krub – just chilling and relaxing. MC: Can I be even more relaxing BB: LOL…yes krub!
MC: I have a game for us to play! BB: Oh! Is there? This is a result of not reading the script krub! (LOL) MC: You can do everything we tell you? BB: Yes krub. MC: Let’s start our game! I have 5 picture of the delicious dishes which people usually order whenever they came [to Thailand]. The 1st is “Somtam” (spicy Thai style papaya salad), the 2nd is “Kor-Moo-Yang” (grilled pork neck), the 3rd is “Rod-Duan” (fried bamboo worms), the 4th is “Kao-Kra-Prao-Kai-Dao” (stir fried spicy minced-pork with basils on rice, with fried egg) and the 5th is “Kao-Mun-Gai” (steamed chicken with rice – pretty similar to “Hainanese chicken rice”) – do you like these foods?
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BB: I do krub. Actually, this morning I just had #4 (Kao-Kra-Prao) MC: I also heard that you had “Yum-Som-O” x 2 (doubled plates)? BB: OH! How did you know krub!? MC: the cook and I are from the same province/region ka. BB: Oh really! MC: [speaking in North-Eastern dialect imitating the cook’s story] “Khun Tukky (the MC’s name), Khun BamBam ate that twice” LOL – see, exclusive right? LOL BB: LOL – very exclusive krub (smiling) MC: Ok! Please guess, among these five dishes, which one do you think I like the best? If you guess correctly, I will buy a lotto at your age! BB: #3 krub MC: OK! [Revealing the real game] Actually, behind the picture there’re questions and missions for you to do. It will be either three questions, or two missions. BamBam will need to choose 3 of your favorite dishes and do what it told behind those pictures. BB: Ok krub – then I will choose from what I want to eat now – I choose #3 krub. MC: It’s mission “BamBam, please speak “I love you” in 3 different languages”, and then doing 3 sexy poses. BB: Oooooh….Ok, let’s start with Thai language krub. “Hey, “Rak Na”” [Hey, Love you]…MC, can I retake this krub? ((LOL)) MC: LOL BB: I’m not good at things like this krub…ok, then…let’s imagine that the girl is sweetly requested this, I may not want to say it out loud, so I’ll be like (BB in acting mode) “Rak Na”. MC: Ok, then next language. BB: I’ll say it in Korean language krub. Oh…there’s a lot of Korean here (referred to Abyss team that were with him during the shooting)…”[KOREAN language]” – is this ok? MC: Ok ok! I’m really excited!! Ok ka – what about the last one? BB: Spanish then. “Te Amo” – I’m really not good at this. MC: It’s ok, no worry. Then, next one. BB: I chose #5 krub – I didn’t have it for so long. MC: BamBam, please ask IGOT7s to come to your concert in BamBam’s style BB: “Please krub, please come to see me” (and BB also “Wai”) MC: Oh! This one is easy – BamBam just one should be fine ka. Next one…you may choose the one that you did not like ka. BB: Then, I choose #2 krub MC: If there will have an activity arranged by fans in this concert, what activity would you like the fans to do? Please also provide the reason. BB: I think…1:1 photo session is the best one! If I can do, I want to have a lucky draw on stage to choose the lucky fans, regardless of their seat prices – I will choose 5 lucky fans to meet at the back stage for photo session. MC: will this be possible? BB: It’s possible – I almost acting like a president now (LOL) MC: Oh! like a president now? LOL ok – please do ka BB: I’ll try to make it happens krub MC: Then, I’d like to thank you on behalf of the fans – since every one of them purchases the ticket with their hearts and you recognized that and give an importance to everyone equally BB: Thank you krub MC: The most adorable! Would you like to hear the rest? [picking #1] oh! This one is nice too! For this concert, what is a dress code/ how would you like the fans to be dressed? BB: I want to see them painted in green like the alien krub. MC: OMG! Some will look like the alien, while some might look like a fly (a pest bug) BB: LOL MC: #5 – if BamBam must cook for the fans, what would you like to make? Please list 3 dishes BB: Somtam krub – I will also add the msg (laughing) like 2 bags – after eat it – you will get bald immediately LOL MC: LOL BB: the second dish will be “Su-Yuk”, and the last one………..I just want to have a coffee with them krub.
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MC: ok! The game is completed, and you also answered every question. Lastly, please talk about your current activity and this upcoming concert/world tour. BB: For Area 52 – it will be something new krub. I have never seen any concert in Thailand in this style before. It will be something special to you and for me as well. I hope that you will join me in creating a history – it will be one day only krub. MC: Thank you BamBam from our heart to join us today. BB: Thank you krub. MC: He is so natural, he can be everything and doing it his own way. Hopefully, we will have a chance to see each other again. Thank you ka. BB: Thank you krub. MC: We’ll go now – see you, bye bye. BB: Bye Bye.
PDF version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WiPlKuSk4JcQXJpL8JdqTMcJl6ZSZYuK/view Original source: Youtube WorkpointNews23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHXBmbUGRCU Photo source: instagram @tukky66 Translated by kissdatbam may contain slight inaccuracies
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swanqiu · 5 years
----a parallel dimension travel, slow burn, gnawing-at-my-mind-plot-bunny appreciation gift for @fallenmulciber
the first time she finds herself in his universe, she tells him that she’ll be out of his hair as soon as she figures out how to leave, promise.
...so the second time, now, that she’s ended up back in his world, he realizes that maybe her promises aren’t worth very much.
(even so, he lets himself believe her this next time.)
It’s a Friday night when it first happens.
To Mulciber, Friday nights are for smoke-filled bars and throat burns by firewhiskey and just the occasional hope-- when he’s had enough to drink-- that somebody gets shitfaced enough to start a fight with him. He thrives on the taste of blood in his mouth, on the cracking of bone beneath his fist.
Friday nights are for brooding and boozing.
Friday nights are most certainly not for confused, wide-eyed babes and twenty fucking questions. (Not enough weekends exist in the year, as it stands, for him to get his fill of anarchy, of evenings where he can just let himself be.)
So when the girl with the long, dark hair and the lips-that-frown-too-much comes out of nowhere and demands answers about where she is (something about not being where she’s supposed to be), single-handedly throwing all of his Friday night plans into oblivion? A sure warning sign to stay the fuck away, if he’s ever seen one.
He doesn’t run into her again after that night, and that’s fine, he thinks, because the less mind-dizzying and intrusive women he has around to fuck up his lifelong pursuits of misery, the better. Mulciber knows he should stay away.
The trouble is, she’s the one who keeps coming back.
The first time she finds herself in his universe, she tells him that she’ll be out of his hair as soon as she figures out how to leave, promise.
He believes her. With a smart girl like her-- probably always good to her word, undoubtedly gifted in the way that all swots are-- he doesn’t doubt that she’ll be gone before he can even save to memory the surprising number of faint freckles dotting the bridge of her nose.
...so the second time, now, that she’s ended up back in his world, he realizes that maybe her promises aren’t worth very much.
Her eyes, when they focus, are dark and wide and clouded with what Mulciber immediately recognizes to be fear. His grin stretches, gleams, almost tauntingly.
“Good morning. Never took you for the breaking-into-strangers’-houses sort of girl.”
She scrambles to situate herself into a sitting position, and her gaze darts around the room, taking in her not at all familiar surroundings as Mulciber straightens to his full height. “Where-- but I was back already-- how am I--”
Spluttering is, unquestionably, not a look that suits her.
Mulciber shrugs and grabs his leather jacket from the coat rack. “I don’t know why you’re here, doll,” he remarks, standing in the doorway to look at her, “or how you even got in.” He eyes his still-bolted padlock and frowns. “But you really meant what you said last time, huh? About being... not where you’re supposed to be.”
He watches her close her eyes; watches her inhale, exhale, repeat, before she leans over and holds her head in her hands.
“I’m... I’ll be out of here soon,” she mutters determinedly to the floor, her words still carrying the last fleeting bits of sleep. “I just... I just have to figure out what happened, and I’ll be gone for good.”
Even so, he lets himself believe her this next time.
She-- Cho, he commits to memory; her name is Cho-- finds a way back to where she’s supposed to be, soon and sure enough. Finding one’s way out of a parallel universe is, apparently, quite easy to do. Something about a precisely timed complex spell, a modified Portkey, and a sure determination to not be here.
(No offense, she’d added quickly with a tight and barely-meant smile, at the far end of his couch, with her knees drawn up to her chest.
None taken, he’d replied with a shrug, from the other end, with his feet crossed at the ankles and propped up on his coffee table.)
Anyway, once more left to his own, he goes out for a drink that night; some shitfaced guy does end up picking a fight with him, and Mulciber wins easily-- of course he does; he always wins-- but he only fights out of defense this time, and not because he particularly enjoys it. Over the last few weeks, he’s started finding routine and fistfights and predictability boring. He's started craving something different. Starts craving a challenge, kind of like puzzles or the Daily Prophet’s weekly riddle or some shit. Or like an alternate universe’s sad-eyed woman who really shouldn’t even be possible, whom he still can’t be fully convinced even exists, but she does, and Mulciber’s already worked his brain ten times over trying to understand where she even fits into all of this.
He finds himself requesting a butterbeer at the end of his tab, after he’s cleaned up, and he grimaces, first, at how predictably cloying it is. He didn’t think she’d be the type of girl to like shit this sweet.
But he can’t deny, though, the soothing warmth that lingers in the back of his throat and to his core, even hours after, when he’s wide awake. When his bandaged knuckles throb from their bruises, and the wall by his bed radiates a comforting coolness, and he realizes, as he turns onto his back and stares, that his thoughts haven’t been in the habit of making space for anyone other than himself in a long time.
His white ceiling is the perfect canvas for projecting thoughts of a face that knows how to turn pink all too quickly.
Twelve days later, Mulciber wakes up to a fervent pounding on his front door, and that something warm takes residence in his chest, in his stomach, in the tips of his fingers, when he peers through the peephole and sees that look of anxiously knitted brows and pursed lips that he’s come to recognize well.
"I think I know,” Cho prefaces, one Sunday down the road-- her second visit in a month and her sixth one overall.
She has this theory that she rifts-- rifts; that’s what she calls it, like it’s fucking diagnosed-- because she’s upset. “I show up here when I’m more, well, sad back in my world, is the thing. Easiest way to put it.”
He stares at her. Frowns. “So, what, I’m your therapist or something?”
Cho huffs, obviously distressed. “No, no; I mean, I don’t know why here of all places, or you of all people, or why this even happens.” She frowns back. “I was just pointing out the common thread between all of my unexpected visits so far.”
So she has stuff to figure out in her life. She’s not special; so does he.
“And what?” Mulciber asks, running a hand through his hair. “What’s stopping you from casting a spell, making a potion, ending up back home?”
Like the first few times. Like it’s always that simple.
The crease between her brows returns. “Sometimes I manage to get back on my own. Sometimes it just happens, just as suddenly as me getting here. But no matter how I end up going back,” she stresses, “it’s not permanent. I always end up back here, is the other thing. I thought it would stop after a while, but it’s... it’s just kept happening, and it doesn’t make for functioning in my real life any easier with everything going on--”
Cho has a tendency to ramble. It’s something he’s noticed with being her occasional host.
Mulciber cuts her off. “Sorry this isn’t your real life,” he reiterates, not quite sure where this sting in his chest comes from, at those delicate words, “but if you’re here for life advice? For me to somehow make whatever problems you have over there not so difficult?” He scoffs. Uncrosses his ankles. “I’m not that guy.”
She blinks, not having expected his sudden retort, and a blooming pink-- a trademark of hers-- rises to her cheeks. “I never asked you to be,” she finally says, slowly. “I never wanted any of this. I never chose to end up in your world, in case you’ve forgotten.”
Right. His world.
It’s a little unfair, he thinks, that she makes it sound as if he wants this any more than she does. He hasn’t asked for this either; he doesn’t want to play Healer to a girl who comes along every blue moon in search of some pick-me-up for when her life goes to shit.
He didn’t choose her to come along and fuck up what had been an otherwise passable everyday life, a life where he hadn’t had to concern himself with thinking about stupid stuff-- like if she might hate him more if she knew about his past, or if he should invest in a spare set of house keys for when parallel dimension women stay over.
Both of them opt for silence that their respective pride doesn’t dare break first, but he sees the tense setting of her jaw and the look in her eye; it’s not hurt. Or at least, he doesn’t think it’s hurt. No way-- Cho Chang doesn’t reveal her cards so easily, and especially not where he’s concerned.
This isn’t real to her, after all.
(And he still doesn’t know why that works him up more than it should.)
She gives up trying to explain her theory-- rifting, where the fuck does she come up with this shit-- and Mulciber stares at her for a bit, wondering if she might give a retort or something, to let him know what she’s thinking. Remind him again that she certainly doesn’t want this, doesn’t need him. But she doesn’t.
Bloody fine, then.
He gets up and pulls on his leather jacket, stepping out for a bit to be by himself. He’s good at doing that. He’s the fucking king of Lonely Men.
By the time he returns and calls out from the entryway, his flat remains silent.
Mulciber tries to smother the royal tendrils of what feels suspiciously like disappointment creeping into his cold, hard heart.
A month passes, and he figures she's finally done it.
She must have finally figured out how to keep her ass where it belongs.
Maybe he'd made her up this whole time, imagined her into existence on a particularly good (bad?) trip.
He comes home buzzed one night and thinks about how he shouldn't smoke right now, but he’s been good at keeping off and thinks he deserves it this one time, but he's been smoking the same strain and wants to change things up, so maybe he should try to pull a few strings with Avery first--
His thoughts quiet and he sobers up the moment he spots her sitting outside of his apartment complex.
“Look, it’s fine for you to take the bed from now on; I don't mind the sofa,” he calls out to her. “Unless,” he adds aloud with a smirk, “you want to share a space with me. I’m fine with close quarters.”
When she doesn’t reply, Mulciber frowns and pads down the hall, mentally kicking himself. “I’m just joking. But look, if you want to wash up, washroom's available,” he offers instead, reaching the living room.
He stands awkwardly in the doorway, one hand jammed into the pocket of his jeans and the other hand thumbing over his shoulder to the other end of the hallway.
Cho looks up at him, and the redness around her glistening eyes are enough of a hint. Immediately, he clams up.
Ezra Mulciber is not the comforting type.
“Oh,” she murmurs, voice thick, quickly moving to wipe away her tears with her sleeves. He almost doesn’t recognize the pursed-lip, steel-eyed woman from earlier. “Thanks,” she adds, rising to her feet, and as she walks by him she ducks her head, dark hair shadowing her face.
He’s not the comforting type, but he’s not completely insensitive.
“Whoa, uh, you good?” Mulciber inquires gruffly, reaching out to take hold of her shoulder. She bristles at his touch and turns toward him, visibly not good, but also caught off guard by his gesture. He retracts his hand and rubs the back of his neck. “If you... if you need to get it out of your system, whatever it is,” Mulciber continues lamely, hoping he at least looks sincere because his words are probably failing his expression of sympathy-- which he’s clearly not used to giving, ever, “uh... or if there’s anything I can do, just... just let me know, yeah?”
Cho blinks. The tears that had pooled at the bottom of her eyes glint as they fall, one after the other, to the floor.
His head hurts.
“And um... it’s okay if you wanna crash here whenever you end up here and need to wait to get back,” he continues rambling, suddenly hyper aware of how long she’s been staring at him. “Like, it’s no problem at all, but listen-- I don’t have any of that...” Mulciber motions broadly with his hand, toward her abdomen and pelvis area “... any of that time of month stuff if you'd ever need it, so...”
He trails off, not really sure what else to say (because, like, he really doesn’t have any of that stuff and wouldn’t know where to get it, anyway).
She blinks again, and he half expects her to just quietly nod or sigh or scoff, like she always does. Or just walk right past him, which also seems pretty on brand.
But here’s the thing-- she laughs. It’s not a full laugh, not like one that she would probably have if she were back in her other world and not stuck here, but it’s soft and unexpected and somewhat strangled, caught by the lump in her throat, and it makes Mulciber feel... good.
“Thank you,” Cho breathes as she winds down from her laugh, eyes still wet, and she offers a halfway smile. He doesn’t know what she’s thanking him for, but nevertheless, it makes him feel really good. He’ll take it.
She slips back into the living room after her shower, and when she settles into her seat on the couch, opposite end of Mulciber, he doesn't show his surprise. Just moves his legs some so that she has space to bring up her legs and stretch out and face him. Which, also surprisingly, she does.
Cho doesn't bring up any of what they exchanged last time (he hadn't expected her to), but she does comment on a new scar he has, and he grins, telling her all about one of the many idiots that tried to fight him. She tells him about one of her scars, from when she first started riding a broom, and he's taken by the way her eyes light up. (If he were his younger self, he might have been more drawn to her porcelain sadness. Might have wondered what it would take for her to break, and if he might be the one to do it. But given who he is now, and that small light he sees catching in her eyes? That’s what fucking spurs him to intoxication.)
She tells him about stuff from her past, and how all of that still weighs heavily on her, and how she has her confusions about where she’s going or what she feels. He tells her simply that he admittedly doesn’t know a lot about her, but what he does know is that she’s fierce and brilliant and has a lot to be proud about, and that any world would be better off having her. 
She deflects by commenting on the smell of butterbeer on his breath, and he splutters, trying to fucking justify himself and how no, he hasn't gone soft, he just likes to change things up every once in a while, thanks, and she just smirks. It's infuriating. He counters that she probably still can't hold her firewhiskey.
He hesitates, but he tells her up front that she’s better off hanging around people who aren’t him; she just scoffs. Listens patiently and quietly when he tells her just a few of the many, many things that still haunt him. Cho unflinchingly considers all of this, takes it all in, and she still doesn’t leave.
By 4am, she's talking about new charms and potions she's working on, and he tells her she's a downright nerd, a fucking swot-- in the best way-- and she grins, blushing like crazy. His head still hurts.
He's never liked small spaces and being close to other people, but--
With her, he conveniently forgets his own rules.
It turns out they both fall asleep on his sofa, after hours of back-and-forth talking and rare glimpses into the other's past and friendly insults, and around 6am, Mulciber thinks he feels the weight next to him on the couch suddenly lessen, thinks the warmth of her head by his feet suddenly disappears, and when he stirs awake a few hours later, she’s gone.
And this time, when he finds his flat empty, Mulciber feels something different that springs up in the root of his chest; he doesn’t dare call it hope, because only chumps hope. Hope only leads to expectations that let him down, always.
He doesn’t hope that she comes back, but he, restless by nature and often prone to impulse, actually waits-- patiently on some days and maybe a little impatiently on others-- for her to come back (as if she has a say on whenever that happens, he scoffs to himself). But he doesn't just wait; he expects that she’ll be back, even, because broken people know broken people best.
A year passes.
Mulciber almost forgets what she looks like, and what she sounds like, and how she has a tendency to look troubled and questioning, even in sleep. But butterbeer still makes him think of bowed lips and an off-limits warmth, and doe eyes still cross his mind on the rare occasion.
At the end of the first few months of her longest absence yet, he thinks it’s great that she's stopped being so hung up in her feelings, really (that must be why she doesn’t rift anymore). And when several more months pass and he still isn’t blessed with her signature look of wary hesitation (always, with him), Mulciber thinks it’s fan-fucking-tastic that she’s got her shit sorted out.
He keeps busy with actually filling out his bookshelf and reading urban novels. Learns to cook (kind of) a very basic starter meal. Starts doing some small time vigilante-type stuff, like beating up punks who harass witches outside of the bar or casting semi-permanent graffiti figures on his evil landlord’s front door. He even starts keeping plants on his windowsill, a few succulents and prickly cacti, because he’s read they don’t require too much effort to maintain. An older witch he often meets on the street tells him that he reminds her of her nice nephew.
By the thirteenth month mark, he almost forgets about her.
Because it’s an April evening when the weather throws the nastiest spring downpour in recent history, and he’s not very well dressed for it, is he, because the days leading up until had been solidly sunny and cloudless, so of course he hadn’t thought that he’d need to bring either a jacket or an umbrella today, but--
He’s shivering and soaked and miserable, as he catches himself seeking refuge under a flimsy shopfront canopy, and the owner behind the display window scowls at him and motions to the NO LOITERING sign in big, bold letters.
“I’m freezing my ass off here!” he shouts through the glass, droplets flinging from his beard as he rounds, and he’s about to motion something rude until a shadow covers him and his clothes suddenly start drying.
Mulciber peers up. Above him, a bright yellow umbrella replaces the dark red of the store’s canopy. To his right, a dark-haired woman with an arched brow and a tightly drawn raincoat gives him this look, pitying and somewhat entertained and just a bit smug, and then--
“Never took you for the purposefully-looking-to-contract-pneumonia sort of bloke.”
He tells himself that it’s the Hot-Air Charm she’s casting on his clothes that warms his insides, too.
She’s... different, this time around. The blunt ends of her hair just barely graze sharp collar bones. The lines around her mouth are less marked by uncertainty, less pronounced by perpetual frowns. They’re more faint. Her eyes hold that light he’d noticed before.
Once the rain becomes little more than a manageable drizzle, they set off down the street, quietly hunched beneath the shelter of her umbrella. That is, until Mulciber’s had enough of her damn goblin height and wordlessly plucks the handle from her grip, raising her umbrella higher above the both of them so that he doesn’t have to slouch to keep dry.
(He happens to forget that he has magic, of all things, that would allow him to fashion a cover of his own.)
Cho turns to him in surprise, and he focuses in front of him, on the droplets dripping steadily from the point of the umbrella’s frame. Her now-empty hands drop to her sides, and she’s first to speak since the shopfront.
“Been a while, hasn’t it?”
Footsteps on wet cement are louder than he'd realized.
He bows his head, a curt nod, free hand shoved into the pocket of his jeans. It’s not like he’s been keeping track. But he knows he’s had quite a few introspective evenings with a glass of firewhiskey since he’d last seen her, had quite a few changes to his life since then. He’s picked up a habit of falling asleep in his living room, in her absence.
No correlation, though, he tells himself. Mulciber screws up his face and pretends to think about her icebreaker. “Not long enough, if you ask me--” he finally says, breaking into a grin when he hears her scoff at his audacity “--but, if you’d missed me, you could have just said so.”
She doesn’t say anything-- just huffs, bites the inside of her cheek, and lightly punches his arm.
He dodges-- or tries to, anyway-- and his laugh, in return, is deep and endearing and new.
This time, her stay surpasses the usual day.
In fact, she’s here for a whole week before he finally brings it up.
Cho sets down the book she’d found on his desk and shrugs, tucking long bangs behind her ear. “I... found my own way back this time,” she admits, almost casually, but he sees the tips of her ears tinge red.
“So, what, did you run out of charming otherworldly men to bother?”
He’s got his arms crossed at one end of the couch and she’s at the other end with her knees drawn up, like good old times. But this time, she’s curled up less from hesitation or fear and more from a shyness he hasn't recognized on her before.
Cho rolls her eyes and fights a smile, resting her head on the curve of the sofa backs. “I wasn’t aware I’d met any charming men on any of my universe travels.”
Mulciber grins into his drink, flirting with the rim of his glass. “Might be time you get your vision checked, doll. There’s one right in front of you.”
Another scoff. A shake of her head. And then an exhale he interprets as contentment.
He finally clears his throat again, after a moment. Sets down his glass. “But shouldn’t you be getting back to your... you know... your real life?”
Cho blinks. Lifts her head. Gives him that fucking smile, the one that squeezes his chest a little too tightly. “This... this is real.”
She says it without question, with a confident sureness that can’t be restrained by the softness of her answer. She looks at him and it sort of stuns him, because she looks determined. Looks decided. She’s blushing.
"I want this, Ezra. To stay, that is.”
His turn to blink.
Fucking ohhh.
He can’t remember the last time he was anyone’s choice or even a considerable option. He can’t even remember the last time anyone looked at him like he’s not scum. Like he isn’t such a bad guy with a shitty past he hasn’t completely gotten over.
Cho Chang knows this, and still, she chooses this. Here. Him.
“You know... after my last visit, that space you gave me to just... process... I learned to control how to come and go.”
“Rifting, you mean?”
She beams at his use of her word.
Cho Chang looks at him like he’s complex and interesting and valuable. She looks at him like he’s worth a damn, like he’s Quidditch or the lake from her childhood or how it feels to fly on the exhilarating pull of a broomstick. Like he’s the successful golden glow from a new spell she’s made or the warmth of butterbeer on a cold day or the familiar comfort of a couch that feels the way home should feel.
A year ago, she might have been doubtful of him, and suspecting, and sad-eyed, and still looking for the next available way out. But here she is, rendering him wordless, because she happily chooses to stay here. He didn’t even need an Imperio.
She looks at him and she tilts her head, still smiling, waiting--
When Mulciber grins in return and pulls her in, breathing in her sweet citrus smell, taking in her laughter and shaky exhales and undeniable softness in his arms, he can’t help but think that she fits there, in the middle of his living room. 
In his world.
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penmansparadise · 2 years
Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington ~ Three’s a Party
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18 + Content
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, language and a threesome.
a/n: This was requested from my Wattpad.  I have never written anything like this before, and goodness do I hope that it isn't trash lol.  Anyway, I read a comment that someone had mentioned "Still of the Night" by Whitesnake being their song to save them from Vecna.  Well, since I like to stay true to the timeline of Stranger Things, Whitesnake is going on their final world tour, and that song didn't come out until 1987; I decided to mention some of their older stuff.  I mentioned the song "Slow an' Easy," which is off their album titled "Slide it In."  The album is really good and deserves a listen.  As always, that you for the continued support, and I hope you all enjoy this rather dirty imagine lol.  My next post will be a Fred imagine, so be ready for that!
You slid on one last line of lipstick before popping your lips at yourself in the mirror. You stepped back and took in your outfit. It wasn’t anything special. A pair of tight high-waisted jean shorts and a black crop top. But it was enough to show off all the curves of your body and some skin. After a final examination in the mirror, you snatched your car keys from your desk and hustled out the door. When you started your car, “Slow an’ Easy” by Whitesnake began playing on the radio. A small smirk spread across your lips at the sound because you couldn’t help but be reminded of two people who had been trying to lay you down in their beds for months – Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington.
For months the two of them had been pining after you. Day after day, they would try their hand at getting with you, but you never gave in. Instead, you would entertain them and then let them down every time. It was fun. In fact, you kind of enjoyed toying with them. They were complete opposites in their approach to getting with you. Steve was quiet and sweet. He would give you compliments and let his eyes linger on you a beat too long. That was his version of flirting. Billy, on the other hand, was much more forward. He would catcall you from across the lunchroom and let his hands find your waist whenever he had the chance. You didn’t mind either of them, though. It was entertaining watching them get all wound up when you came around. But you decided that enough was enough. Things were going to change, and you were going to relieve the sexual tension that had steadily been building between the three of you. You knew they would be at Tina’s party, which is why you were going in the first place. Had they had other plans tonight, you would be cozied up in your bed with a nice book. But that wasn’t the case. So, you were on your way to Tina’s house to see how interesting the night would get.
By the time you arrived at Tina’s house, the party was already in full swing. You could see drunk teenagers stumbling in and out of the front door and hear the muffled sound of the music. You found a spot on the side of the road to park, then got out. A little way down the road, you could make out what looked like Steve’s car, and perched in the driveway was Billy’s blue Camaro. You took a deep breath, then crossed the street toward the house.
When the front door opened, you were welcomed by a cloud of marijuana and cigarette smoke. You sauntered in, hips swaying with each step. As you walked deeper into the hazy house, you could see people ogling your figure as you passed them. You finally pushed your way into the kitchen, where Tina was pouring cups of her jungle juice. You grabbed a cup, took a swig, found a spot against the wall, and started surveying the room. Your eyes searched until you spotted at least one of the people you were looking for out back. Billy was doing a keg stand and was surrounded by several onlookers cheering him on. You stepped away from the wall and looked into the living room when you finally saw Steve. He was dancing to whatever song was blasting from the speakers. Neither had noticed you yet, and that’s how you wanted to keep it until you had enough liquid courage to go through with your plan. So, you stepped back to the counter and downed another cup of jungle juice.
After four cups of Tina’s weird concoction, you were feeling the effects of the alcohol. Your vision was a little blurry, and you felt like you were floating whenever you walked. Your whole body was on high alert, every nerve ending zinging from the buzz you were feeling. You were just vibing to the music when a pair of hands landed on your waist. At first, you tensed up, but then the familiar scent of pine filled your nose, and you relaxed. Even though you were tipsy, you knew that smell anywhere. And when the pair of hands slid over the bare flesh of your midriff, you knew exactly who it was. You twisted in his grip, allowing his hands to find your ass, and you smiled.
“Hi, Billy.”
His eyes were a little glossy, telling you that he had been hitting the keg pretty hard. Billy gave your ass a little squeeze as a wide grin spread across his lips.
“So, you just show up and don’t even say ‘hello’ to me?”
You chuckled and ran your finger down the center of his chest until you reached the top of his jeans.
“Didn’t I just say ‘hi’?” You asked, tilting your head to the side.
You could feel his chest vibrate under your finger and couldn’t help the way your core tingled at the feeling.
“So,” Billy said, his thumb rubbing small circles over your rear pocket, “that’s how you’re gonna be tonight. Okay.”
You bit your bottom lip, already melting at his touch, until you looked just to the side of him and noticed Steve staring. If you wanted your plan to work, you had to play both boys. You couldn’t just focus on one. So, you gently grabbed Billy’s hands and removed them from your body, earning a pout from him.
“I have to go,” you said, giving his chest a little pat, “It was nice to see you, babe.”
And with that, you pushed past him and entered the living room. Your eyes were glued on Steve, and he never dropped your stare as you navigated through the crowd of people. Steve was standing against the wall next to a side table, and when you finally reached him, you leaned into him so he could hear you over the loud music.
“I saw you staring,” you said low in his ear. “I thought I’d come over and see what I did to capture your attention.”
You could feel Steve let out a puff of air before he turned his head until his lips were just grazing over your ear and said, “Existing. That’s what you did.”
You pulled back and looked at the side table where a candy bowl sat full of an array of sweet treats. You reached down and grabbed a lollipop. Steve watched your fingers unwrap it, then slowly bring the round candy to your mouth. You dragged your tongue over the hard treat a couple times before your lips folded around it.
“Is that so?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at Steve.
Steve’s eyes never left the lollipop as you pulled it to and from your mouth several times. Your eyes dropped, and you could see the bulge forming in his jeans, and the corners of your lips began to lift. But before you had the chance to act on anything, Billy’s voice came from behind you, causing you to turn around.
“Why are you talking to this loser?” He asked, moving to stand beside you.
Billy wasn’t even looking at you. No, his eyes were trained on Steve. Steve pushed off the wall, squaring up to Billy.
“Is there a problem?”
“I don’t know, Harrington, is there?” Billy asked, taking a step closer. “You’re the one talking to my girl.”
Steve barked out a laugh.
“You’re girl? Last time I checked, she rejected your ass. And pretty publicly, I might add.”
The two of them were nearly chest to chest, and people were starting to stare. At parties like these, people would do anything to see a fight. But that’s not why you were there. So, you stepped in between Steve and Billy, placing a hand on each of their chests.
“Boys,” you said, gaining their attention, “calm down, okay? We’re all here to have a good time. And I think I have a good idea on how to make that happen.”
You didn’t wait for either of them to object or question your motives. Instead, you just took each of their hands and started up the stairs away from the crowd. Down one of the many halls in Tina’s house, you found a rather large empty bathroom and dragged the two of them inside. You locked the door and leaned against the cool wood. On any normal day, you wouldn’t be doing this. But you had too much to drink, and you were ready to act on the sexual tension that was damn near palpable in the air. The lollipop stick jiggled against your lips as you chewed on it.
“There’s no reason to always be fighting over me,” you said, voice coming out huskier than you thought possible. You stepped away from the door and approached both boys.
“There’s plenty to go around.”
Billy reached out and carefully pulled the lollipop from your mouth, causing your lips to make a pop, before tossing it in the waste bin next to the counter.
“If there’s plenty of you to go around,” he began, closing the distance between you and him, “why don’t you stop toying with us?” He asked before dipping down and attaching his lips to your neck.
His blonde curls brushed against your cheek, and you closed your eyes and rolled your head to the side, giving him access to even more exposed skin. Billy’s hands crept around your waist until they were on your ass again, and he squeezed. Your hands found his chest, and you could feel his heavily beating heart that only quickened when one hand slid down. You started to rub against his growing erection earning a slow moan. Your eyes opened just slightly to see Steve watching the two of you intently. Even with Billy’s lips attacking your neck, you could see that Steve was getting hard just watching. You locked eyes with him.
“Do you want to join?” You asked a little breathlessly.
Without hesitation, Steve nodded, so you pushed Billy off you and walked over to Steve. You didn’t give him a chance to make a move before your lips were on his. You could hear Billy grumble behind you, but you didn’t care. You were too focused on the way Steve’s soft mouth felt against yours. It didn’t take long for Steve to start kissing you back. He grabbed the back of your head and walked you back until you were pressed up against the wall. You let your hand travel down the length of his chest until you were rubbing over his hard bulge. Steve moaned quietly and then a little louder when you kept going. Your thighs clenched together at the sound. You could feel your panties progressively getting wetter with each sound that came from him.
You stopped rubbing over his jeans just long enough to rip his shirt over his head, and your eyes nearly bugged out when you saw his bare chest. A little bit of hair littered his pecks, and his torso was toned. You had no idea he was hiding such a fit body underneath his clothes.
“Fuck me, Steve,” you said in awe.
He just chuckled.
“Gladly,” he retorted before reattaching his lips to yours.
His bare chest against your body was enough to send your mind reeling, but when you felt another set of lips start nibbling on your neck, you almost lost it. You opened your eyes to see Billy had lost his clothes and was stroking himself as he sucked on your soft skin. With each stroke he gave himself, his hand bumped into you, sending shivers down your spine. Billy was grunting quietly in your ear, and you could hear Steve letting out little moans with each press his lips made against yours. Your core was tightening, and you knew that you needed to feel both of their bare bodies against yours. So, you started to undo Steve’s jeans, but before you could pull them all the way off, he stepped away. You watched as he peeled his jeans off his body, exposing himself to you. Your eyes flicked back and forth from Steve’s to Billy’s naked bodies, and your mouth started to water. You could feel your heart racing as tingles jolted throughout your whole body. Both boys were completely nude, and you knew it was your turn.
You moved around them until your back was to the counter, and you were facing Steve and Billy. Your hands floated over your body as you pulled your shirt over your head and unclasped your bra, letting your breasts bounce free. Your nipples hardened at the sudden cool air, and you could see both boys’ eyes widen. You trailed your forefinger between your breasts, down your stomach, and to your shorts button. Once your shorts were undone, you slid them down your legs until you were standing before Steve and Billy in your red thong. Both boys were breathing heavily as they watched your every move. You hooked a finger on either side of your hips and started playing with the thin fabric. Even you were getting turned on just by the way they both devoured you with their eyes. You could feel how wet you were getting. You tugged on your thong a little more before very deliberately sliding it down your legs until you were fully naked.
“You boys like the view?” You asked as you pushed yourself onto the countertop.
You brought your hands to your neck and slowly started moving them down. They went over your breasts, and you gave each a little squeeze before continuing down over your torso. When your hands reached your thighs, you pushed your legs open wide, exposing your pussy to them.
“You wanna see how wet I am for you boys?”
Billy and Steve eagerly nodded. Both started stroking themselves slow and easy as they watched you. One of your hands traveled down to your pussy, and you slid a finger in, letting out a moan in the process. You slid it in and out a few times, the sound of your wetness echoing through the bathroom. Your eyes never left the boys as you pulled your finger completely out, showing them exactly how badly you wanted them. Your finger was glistening, and they both let out a low groan at the sight. You leaned back, never shutting your legs, and asked, “Why don’t you boys come have a taste?”
Neither of them wasted any time. Billy dropped to his knees between your legs and immediately went to work. You let out a gasp that was swallowed by Steve’s mouth against yours. Steve didn’t stay there long, though. His lips traveled down your collar bone until they found your breast. He started sucking, his tongue running circles around your nipple. You threw your head back and moaned. Billy’s tongue flicked your bud before suckling it over and over again. The sensations they were giving you were otherworldly. You could feel your orgasm building in your stomach as both boys used their mouths to pleasure you.
“Oh, fuck, Billy,” you whined, “I’m getting so close.”
But before you could release, Billy stopped. Your head snapped back up, and you watched him stand up.
“Why don’t we let Harrington get a taste? Sharing is caring after all.”
Before you could say anything in return, Steve had dropped between your legs and started lapping at your entrance. He didn’t do that for very long before he started sucking on your clit. He hummed against it, and the feeling sent you spiraling. Billy started licking the nipple that Steve didn’t get to before he wrapped his mouth fully around your breast. Your head fell back against the mirror as you brought a hand up to your other breast and began playing with the little pink bud that Steve had left wet from his mouth. You fondled yourself while Billy suckled your breast, and Steve licked your pussy up and down. The sounds coming out of you were animalistic. You couldn’t fathom the amount of pleasure they were giving you.
Billy never stopped working your breast when he found your free hand and brought it down to his erection. You took ahold of him and started stroking him. His moans mixed with yours as you both started to unfold. Your whole body was shaking as your orgasm started to build again.
“Oh, Steve,” you whined, “I’m gonna cum. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”
Steve kept going, sucking your clit with a fervor you didn’t know existed until you were a trembling mess all over his face. You rode out your high then watched Steve stand up, wiping your juices off his face with the back of his hand. Billy stepped in front of you.
“Okay,” he said, scooping you off the counter, “now it’s our turn.”
He used his head to motion for Steve to take your place by the counter before he set you back down. He turned you, so you were facing the mirror. Steve placed a finger under your chin and lifted your head to look at him.
“Are you gonna be a good girl?”
You nodded, then he placed a hand behind your head and guided you down to his pulsing erection. You licked his dick from the base to the tip a couple of times, earning a long low groan from Steve. You lapped at the tip a little, looking up at him through your lashes before fully taking him into your mouth. Steve’s hand held the back of your head as you bobbed up and down on his cock. Your cheeks hollowed as your hand went to his base and began stroking.
“Holy fuck, Y/N. That’s it right there. Good girl,” he said, dragging out the last two words.
You hummed as you continued sucking. And just as you started getting into a rhythm, you felt Billy’s hand on your waist, then the tip of his dick touched your opening right before he guided himself into you. He didn’t give you a second to adjust to his size. Instead, both hands grabbed hold of your waist, and he started making slow and measured thrusts into you. You gasped at the fullness you felt and stopped stroking Steve. He gripped the back of your neck, and you looked up at him. His pupils were so blown out it looked like his eyes were completely black. You could feel his fingers digging into your skin, and you knew there would probably be a mark there when this was all over.
“Don’t stop, Y/N,” he said, voice straining. “Be my good girl, okay?”
Your mouth was being forced to move with every stroke Billy pushed into you. So, you started sucking and stroking Steve again. Your brain was on sensory overload. There was so much going on, but you didn’t want it to stop. Billy’s fingers dug into your hips, and occasionally he would slap your ass, sending a sharp sting into the mix of sensations you were already feeling. The tip of Steve’s dick continued to tap the back of your throat with each downward movement you made. Your eyes were watering. Then you felt Billy’s fingers start rubbing circles on your clit. You arched your back and started bobbing faster on Steve’s cock, hollowing your cheeks and sucking even harder than before. The sounds of Steve’s loud moans blended with Billy’s guttural grunts, and it sounded like the best symphony of bliss you had ever heard. You kept up the pace, and soon Steve’s dick was twitching in your mouth.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned, “keep going. I’m so close.”
It only took another two strokes, and Steve was busting inside your mouth, shooting his load into the back of your throat. You swallowed and removed your mouth from his cock while Billy’s thrust got sloppier and sloppier. You pushed your ass back into him, allowing him to go deeper than before, and that was all he needed to send him over the edge. He pulled out and stroked himself a few times before cumming onto your back. When he was done riding out his high, he moved to clean himself up while Steve used some tissues to wipe off your back. Once everyone was cleaned up, you started to pick up your garments that were strewn across the bathroom floor. When you finished getting dressed, you looked at the boys. They both looked like they had just run a marathon. Both rosy-cheeked and out of breath. You nodded at them.
“Well,” you said, running your hands over your clothes to try and get all the wrinkles out, “I’m glad we all had a good time.” You unlocked the door, threw it open, and before you walked out, you turned back to them, shot them a wink, and said, “See you later, boys.” Then with that, you exited the bathroom leaving Steve and Billy behind. You knew that this little soiree wouldn’t end their game of trying to bag you, but at least it satisfied their need to get you in bed. For now, anyway.
Tag List: @violetrainbow412-blog @pastel-abyss-x​ @lilliandanelle 
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
You and I - Henry Cavill smut
The one where Henry comes over to fix your computer
Warnings: reader is a henry fan, pandemic theme, lockdown and quarentine-ing, little bit of second-hand embarrassment?, heatwave, henry is feeling deprived in this one, oral sex (f), masturbation (f), dirty talk, brief hairpulling, the name of God in vain, Henry’s monster dick,  laughing and teasing while fucking, hand over throat but no actual choking, orgasm control, p in v, unprotected sex
Word count: over 3k, ‘cause I got no chill
A/N: this was inspired by a tik tok someone requested me to write a fic about it. Obviously I took it in a different direction because can I ever follow guidelines? No. I do love this fic, though. Thank you to @lokiscollar​ for giving this a read for me!
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Y/N’s P.O.V
Driving to a secluded location to spend lockdown in felt like a wonderful idea. There was a working wi-fi connection, so I could work remotely from the seashore cabin without any problem whatsoever, and the view was obviously to die for.
I did not expect someone else to have the same idea as me. The cabin next door had been occupied on the same day that I arrived, and much to my surprise, I recognized my new neighbor as someone I never expected I’d come to meet in my entire life: an actor. An actor I actually had a crush on.
Thankfully, the situation didn’t exactly call for mingling. I ran off to hide inside my cottage as soon as I realized who he was, occupying myself with fixing everything for the next day instead of daydreaming about the man next-door.
There would be time for that later, once I got in bed. But weirdly enough, that was the only time I really thought about him during those first weeks of quarantine. Every once in a while I’d get the random wave of curiosity about what he was doing - what did Henry Cavill get up to while spending lockdown by himself? But that was pretty much it.
I woke up every day, had breakfast, worked and then went to bed. Sometimes I’d sit by the balcony and watch the birds fly, taking in the scenery and breathing in the salty water. Even as a kid, I’d always loved the sea. It was comforting, so it made sense for me to turn to it in such a stressful time.
Sometimes I’d hear a bark or two, reminding me of the man who was staying in the other cabin, and it made me smile. I always did like his dog, whenever I saw pictures of him.
I hoped they were alright and that the absence of any human contact wasn’t getting to them, even though it was getting to me. I could feel my own social abilities - which weren’t exactly stellar before - slowly becoming decrepit, and I was scared to think of what my first human interaction would be like once lockdown was over.
I just hadn’t anticipated it would be come so soon.
The morning began as it usually would. I took my shower, I had my breakfast, and I sat in front of the computer with my coffee in hands, ready to start working for the day.
Only the computer wasn’t ready for it, too.
“What?” I talked to myself - something that had become more usual the longer lockdown went on. “Oh, no, no, no…” The situation was looking drearier the longer I stared at my lifeless screen.
Looking up at the clock, I considered my options. Even supposing I could get someone to come to this middle of nowhere to fix it, there was no way I’d be able to get it done before work started.
Sighing, I pushed away from my designated desk to call my boss. Thankfully, he understood and I was left to repair the damn thing and come up with a solution for the next day.
My heart ached at the prospect of having to abandon my refuge because of an electronic malfunction. And that is, if there even was anyone willing to fix the damn thing, considering the pandemic and the rules of social distancing. That’s when suddenly, an idea popped up.
I remembered all the fuss a few months back over a video of Henry assembling a computer all by himself. There was no way someone with that much hardware prowess couldn’t at least know enough to fix this simple laptop.
With that thought in mind, I gathered all of my courage to leave my little shack and make my way to the neighboring cabin. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door, and after a few seconds of silence - he was probably surprised and certainly not expecting anyone - a voice sounded from within.
“Who is it?” Now, I had thought this through. If this man came as far as I had come to this damn forgotten town, it was because 1) he wanted peace and quiet and 2) he was as terrified of the virus as I was. So I knew what I needed to say - what I would like to hear if the roles were reversed.
“It’s your neighbor. My name’s Y/N. I’m so sorry to disturb, but my computer broke and I need it to work and you’re the only person I’m 100% sure has been socially distancing for long enough not to put my life in risk.” After all, I would have seen if someone had come to visit him. I didn’t need to say this because both of us knew it. “Would you pretty pretty please come and check it out?”
Silence followed my question and I sighed, rubbing my sweaty forehead as I knew this was a long-shot. “I understand if you’re unable or uncomfortable doing so, I just figured I’d ask. Thanks anyway!”
I had already turned my back to his front door when I heard it swinging open, the pitter patter of paws following close behind. My eyes took in the man in front of me for only a second before looking down at the dog at his feet, head tilted in interest as he analyzed me.
Immediately, my eyes lit up. “Kal!” I exclaimed, kneeling down to let the animal sniff me so I could pet it. My heart stopped working for a second when I realized what I’d done, though.
“Sorry!” I looked up at him from my kneeling position, trying to ignore how awkward it was, considering what I was close to. “I-I do know who you are, I’m not gonna lie about that.”
I straightened up as he kept looking at me in a way I couldn’t quite define. Neither could I determine how it made me feel, just that it made me avert my gaze so I’d stare at my feet.
“So… Are you gonna help me?” He chuckled at my question, closing the door behind him and taking a step in my direction, making me fumble as I instinctively stepped back.
“Sure.” It was the first thing he spoke to me, but we walked back to my own place in silence. He had his hands in his pockets as Kal followed us closely, his tongue hanging outside his mouth as he happily explored the outside for this little while. “Come on in.”
The way the cottage was set up left little space for him to wonder where he should be helping me. The desk in which I had prepared my set-up stood right by the wall to our left, and there he went without me having to point it out.
I watched a drop of sweat roll down the nape of his neck and fall under his tank top, distracting me as I licked my lips at the sight of it. Then his head turned to look at me and I realized that he was waiting for an answer to a question I hadn’t heard.
“Yeah, huh?” He chuckled again, making my face feel warm - an not (only) because of the overwhelming heat.
“Is it okay if I disconnect the wi-fi?” I wave my hand dismissively, shrugging.
“As long as you’re able to fix this, you can do whatever the hell you want.” I got the impression that I amused him, but he didn’t say anything else as he got to work on my (seemingly) dead computer.
Minutes went by of complete silence, safe from the sounds of typing and metal as Henry worked on the machine and I tried not to bite my nails. Finally, he pulled away from the screen and put his hands on his hips as if assuming some sort of decided stance - but if it was a good or bad thing, I couldn’t tell.
“Tell me, doctor.” I asked, pushing myself away from the sofa to approach him. The smell of a man’s sweat really had no right to be this arousing. “Is it life or death?” Henry turned to stare at me with a quirked eyebrow, and in the seconds it took for him to answer, I was once again distracted by just how hot he was.
“Sorry, what?” I asked when he became silent and I realized he’d asked me something I hadn’t heard once more. His smile said he was annoyed and entertained at the same time. “Sorry, you’re hot, it’s hot, and I can’t think straight,” I sighed, brushing the hair away from my eyes as I pressed my palms against them, trying to pull myself together.
“I swear to God, I’m not crazy.” I tried to look him directly as I said that, but was surprised at what I saw when our gazes met. There was a peculiar sense of yearning that he exuded, something I couldn’t quite place but that took my breath away all the same, especially when he took my silence as an invitation to invade my personal space.
“If you want me so badly, all you have to do is ask.” Silence fell heavily and I was out of breath just from his words - not a good sign. My throat felt dry, too dry, so I swiped my tongue over my bottom lip as I struggled to say something.
“W-why, though?” He tilted his head to the side, eyes inscrutable while he judged my question, trying to understand where it came from just like I was trying to understand his interest in me, when he suddenly smiled.
“I figured it’s a nice way for you to pay me back.” It took me a second to understand what he was referring to, and then my eyes darted from the computer to him, my mouth falling open in offense until he started chuckling. “I’m joking!” But even so, the question remained…
“Sweetheart…” He spoke, voice low and velvety as two strong hands suddenly enveloped my hips. “You’re seriously underestimating how hot you are.” I didn’t know what to say, so I had to make sure I’d hear him right.
“M-me?” A predatory smirk took over his face, slowly. I gulped under its intensity, feeling much like prey as he started to back me against the couch. I fell on top of it with a gasp, and another one escaped me when he used my ankles to pull me closer.
“I wanna eat you out.” It was all I got as an answer, but I can’t say that I minded it. As he dropped to his knees before me, pulling down my underwear before spreading my legs for his eyes to take in, it felt like I got a response from the gesture in itself.
“Do you know how long it’s been since I ate pussy?” The unexpected question made me choke on my own saliva, as he chuckled darkly in amusement at my bashfulness. I could only breathe through my mouth when he leaned down to run his tongue on the edge of my lips, slowly acquainting himself with my taste, making me moan softly.
“I-I definitely and decidedly don’t.” He seemed to like this answer, understand that it delimited exactly the type of fan that I was: the kind that knew what he was and what he liked - his dog, his computer - but not someone who was obsessed with his entire dating history, eager to know his every secret.
The longer Henry ate me out, the clearer it became just how long it’d been since he’d done this. It was obviously something he liked - the way he buried his face against my cunt and engulfed it entirely with his open mouth showed so. And the fact that he licked me and sucked me like he was a starved man? This was a man denied of a pleasure he genuinely enjoyed, that much I was certain of.
“Do you like this?” He asked once he inserted one of his thick fingers inside of me, already stretching me beyond what I could do with my own hand.
“How could I not?” I managed to moan a response, making him chuckle.
“Show me how to find it,” he instructed, eyes sparkling with determination. “I want to find your sweet spot.” I’d never had someone I was with so interested in giving me pleasure before.
Hypnotized, my fingers circled his wrist as best as I could, slowly moving him to run his digits over the top of my channel. He knew when he found it because I cried out for him, closing my eyes momentarily.
“Cum for me,” he ordered, and how could I deny him that, especially when he was looking at me with those darkened eyes? He milked my orgasm until my pussy had stopped clenching around him, but the second that it was done, he growled, getting up to his knees. “Gonna fuck you now.”
He pulled me by my hair, making me moan out loud as he slowly inserted his monster cock inside of me. “Oh, God!” His groan had me panting, cunt clenching around his thickness. I couldn’t understand how I was able to take it, but I was glad that was the case. “So… tight…”
Through his grip on my hair, he pulled me to deposit quick kisses down my jaw. “You take me so well, darling.” It was a compliment I was proud to receive, even though I wasn’t too sure how I managed to earn it in the first place.
“I honestly don’t know how,” I admitted, gasping when he slowly dragged his cock out to slam it in me, but I instinctively pulled my hips away, earning an amused chuckle from him.
“Come back here,” he ordered, already pulling me back to spear me with his painfully hard length. I’d have to be inhuman not to cry out at the feeling of his bulbous head bumping against my cervix. “Are you scared?” He joked as I bit on my bottom lip not to give in and laugh. “You think I’m too big?”
“You’re more than enough, I’ll tell you that.” Now, that had his own laugh escaping his chest, making my body tremble underneath his, inadvertently getting some friction between the both of us. It earned me a moaned out, “Yes…” that got his attention back to where I hoped it would be, and as his eyes settled on me, I briefly wondered if I was prepared for what was to come.
“But now that you got all of me inside of you, do you really want to go?” The whispered question made me shiver. I never expected him to be the type to talk dirty, but then again, I never expected I’d be fucked by him, either.
“No.” It was all the permission he needed.
“Then let me fuck you hard.” And hard he did fuck me. He was hard inside of me, it probably would have been painful for him if he wasn’t so desperately trying to alleviate it by frantically fucking me against the couch.
It was the most deliciously torturous experience I’d ever gone through. I had to bite my lip while I held onto his shoulders for dear life, trying to stop my moans from escaping because I was sure that for once, I’d become a screamer.
Unfortunately, it seemed like Henry didn’t appreciate my efforts to keep his ears from deafening. “What’s wrong?” He questioned, fingers tightening on my hips. “I thought you wanted this.”
Confused, all I could think to say was, “I-I do.”
“Then let me hear you,” he insisted. “You know you can scream all you want. We’re all alone up here on the coast.” Well, he wasn’t wrong. And with that reassurance, I allowed my head to fall back and my mouth to fall open, my moans flowing freely from my body as Henry kept fucking me.
“This is so much better than touching myself in search of a release,” he mumbled at some point, like he was talking to himself. “I was so damn lonely and you have such a tight little pussy.”
Being fucked by him felt like a religious experience. Henry somehow knew the map to my pleasure, easily bringing me to the brink of bliss before I had even managed to wrap my head around this turn of events.
My moans grew louder as I climbed higher and higher, but before I could fully tip over his hand curled around my throat, not constricting any air, just calling my attention.
“Ask for permission, baby.” Just the order had me clenching around him, prompting him to release a moan of his own. All the while, I was groaning in frustration, trying to control myself or say what he wanted me to say, but all that came out of me was, “Goddamn! You can’t say stuff like that.” Henry’s laughter flowed freely once more, making my heart skip a beat. “Why not?”
“Because you’re a fucking movie star and I am not up to fall in love with you.” That had his eyebrows raising in surprise, the smile disappearing from his face before it came back as a teasing smirk.
“Oh, so this is a one-time thing.” The taunting manner in which he said it surprised me in turn, so I hesitated before nodding. I mean, of course it was, right? He didn’t even know me. This was strictly sexual and physical, I would not be fooled by my own hormones. “My cock is not enough for you to want to get to know me some is that it?” … Was he testing me?
“Yes.” His smirk only grew at the word. “This is a one-time thing.”
“We’ll see about that.” His fingers ran down my body to graze over my clit. I sucked in a breath, trying to keep it in, knowing I was going to lose. Eventually, as my thighs began to tremble, I gave in altogether.
“Please, let me cum, please.” His eyes softened at my broken and desperate plea, hand gripping my cheeks as he finally nodded.
“Keep staring at me as you cum,” he commanded, still just as bossy. “Show me how pretty you look when you cream all over my dick.” That was all I needed to succumb to the pleasure he was subjecting me to.
I felt his cock, still hard as it pumped rope after rope of cum inside of me, and by the time I was able to open my eyes again, he was panting over me, sweat dripping from his forehead onto my face.
I didn’t have the time to think about what I should do - push him away, try to pretend this didn’t happen - because the second I began to adjust on the couch, he pulled me to rest against his chest.
“Let’s stay here for a little while,” he quietly asked me. “Then we’ll figure out if there’s enough room for me to take you in your bed.”
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euphoricfilter · 3 years
To Build A Home (Drabble)
Just the two of us || Seokjin
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Pairing: Ot7 x nine tailed fox
Fox Hybrid! Jin, Human! Namjoon, Human! Yoongi, Wolf Hybrid! Hoseok, Cat Hybrid! Jimin, Wolf Hybrid! Taehyung, Fox Hybrid! Jungkook
Genre: Hybrid AU || Fluff || Angst || Smut/ implied smut || Strangers to lovers AU || Best friends to lovers AU
Summary: Jin finally had a day off work. (Takes place before chapter one of To Build A Home)
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: i think i said shit once, implied smut, fluff? i guess, nothing else since this is pretty tame; they kinda just spend the day together.
Notes: depending on how well this goes then i’ll be open to write more drabbles for both of my series :D so please tell me what you think of this.
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my masterlist
Golden sunlight peeked through the blinds, a slice of light shone over the end of the bed, warming your cold feet.
Jin doesn’t open his eyes, although he had been awake for a while now. Long enough that those few moments where your brain is just starting to whir to life, was passing.
He smiles as you wiggle around under the blanket, your tails drooping above the comforter to lay in the early morning sun. Your hybrid ears twitching against his chin a tell tale sign you were finally waking up.
Jin eases you back into consciousness, his hands raking through the fur of your tails. You shiver at that, Jin smiling as you yawn. Almost punching him in the face as you stretch your arms about your head, muscles popping.
“Good morning” Jin whispers, hands still working their way to unknot the fur of your tails.
You peek one eye open, tilting your head up to look at the fox’s face. You smile, closing your eyes as you fall back onto his chest. No plans of getting up anytime soon.
It was one of those rare days where Jin finally had time off work. You’d spent the entire week planning out this day for the two of you.
You’d make sure it was perfect. Everything had to be perfect. There weren’t many ways you could thank Jin, no amount of pretty words feeling enough, no material item good enough. Because Jin deserved the world and unfortunately you couldn’t give that to him. So a well planned, fun, rejuvenating day together was the best you could think of.
He’d reassured you that he would love anything you had planned for him, because at least he got to spend the day with you. You’d given him a deadpan look before ushering him into the bathroom where you’d prepared him the perfect bath, with candles and snacks and that book he had told you he wanted to read a few weeks back, which you ordered online the next day hoping it would arrive in time for his day off.
You’d washed his hair, massaging his scalp thoroughly. Like the brat he was, he’d tugged you into the bath (your clothes were still on too!), where he told you, you’d worked so hard on preparing the bath you should enjoy it with him.
“what’s on the agenda today?” Jin’s thumb brushes along your cheek as you start to chew on the collar of his shirt.
“Surprise” is your simply reply as you pull him impossibly closer, “made sure we can stay in bed for a while”
Jin hums at that, closing his eyes as he takes a moment to appreciate all of this. The warm bed, you, a day finally for the two of you.
He often wonders if you get lonely, home alone for hours each day. Whenever he’d ask you, you’d laugh it off, telling him he shouldn’t worry about trivial things like that. Plus, you had things to keep you entertained throughout the day. Or you’d make up some excuse about being a fox, and needing your alone time.
First on the agenda was breakfast. And although you’d offered to cook, Jin had steered you away from the stove by the shoulders. Worried as you poked around the gas cooker.
He didn’t mind cooking. He found it calming, he was never an arty person but cooking felt like an art form. The process was similar, you start with a blank canvas (the plate) and you use different media to reach an end goal. Something that evokes emotions, makes you feel and makes you think. Each ingredient bringing something new to the dish. Food was also essential to human life, so why should it be bland and boring?
“here you can crack the eggs” jin brings the bowl to the kitchen table where you were sulking after being told you weren’t allowed to cook.
You smile mischievously at him, carefully taking one egg in each hand as Jin pushed the bowl to your side of the table.
He watches you as you hit the eggs against the table a little too hard, shell slipping into the bowl. He cringes at that but says nothing, you looked like you were having fun.
(he doesn’t tell you but he fingers the shell out as you measure out the flour, your tongue poking out slightly as you try and the exact amount he told you to)
“You should open a restaurant” you tell him as the both of you eat.
You watch his features quirk into something before they return back to an easy smile.
You huff, falling back into your chair. You knew that was his dream, you weren’t stupid. You’d seen his search history (your laptop was broken you weren’t snooping or anything of the sorts!)
You’d considered renting him a small place on the outskirts of Seoul where he could open a restaurant, the commute would be a hassle
but it was all you could afford with your slowly dwindling savings.
It was only after reading an article about hybrid restaurants and how penalised people were for opening them, humans even coming and attempting to burn the buildings with hybrids still inside that you decided maybe it wasn’t such a good idea.
You knew it was wishful thinking, but you hoped in your lifetime that there would be a mutual understanding among hybrids and humans. That way you’d be able to rent Jin a small shop and his dream really could come true, instead of the shitty office job he currently had that he hated.
Activity two on the agenda was to fill up the small pool in the garden.
Pool was a stretch. It was actually a kiddy pool that you had collecting dust in the back of the garage for years.
The weather was decent, and Jin had said he wanted to sunbathe before the autumn came so filling up the paddling pool in the garden seemed like a good idea.
You’d locked him in the bedroom as you prepared the best lunch he would ever have. Sandwiches cut into hearts, with sweet strawberry milk that you had learnt how to make from Youtube earlier that week with a side of bunny shaped apples.
“This is lame” you slouch against the blown up border of the paddling pool.
It wasn’t as fun as you had remembered it to be. The last time the both of you had sat in the paddling pool, Jin was half his current size, not having to bend his legs so they didn’t stretch the edge of the pool. And your tails hadn’t been so bushy back then, now taking up most of the space, even when they’d been submerged into the water. You’re pretty sure they soaked up half of the water when the two of you first sat in the pool.
“I swear the bath is bigger than this” you say and Jin laughs.
“But the tub isn’t outside” he pushes his sunglasses to rest on his head as he smiles over at you. Beckoning for you to come and sit closer, which seemed impossible since you were practically already sitting on him.
You lay you head on his shoulder, his wet hands coming to fiddle with the strings that held your bathing suit together at the back.
“Thank you”
“For what?” you tilt your head to look up at him, feeling his legs flex underneath you.
“For all of this”
“For sitting you in tiny paddling pool and getting you to cook?” you frown.
Jin pokes the corner of your mouth, a soft smile on his face.
“I told you I don’t care as long as I get to spend the day with you”
“This was meant to be perfect” you sigh.
“It is perfect” he argues, and you narrow your eyes at him.
“You told me lying was bad” yoy point out, shaking your head at the blatant hypocrisy happening in your kiddy pool!!
“That’s why I’m not lying” he closes his eyes, resting his head on the edge of the pool as he places his sunglasses back on his nose.
You push yourself up to kiss him on the cheek, a silent apology. You watch as a smile stretched onto his face.
He peeks one eyes open, hand going to hold your cheek as he leans in for another kiss.
“This reminds me of when we first kissed” Jin smiles, watching your nose scrunch up at the memory.
“that was in this pool as well” you cringe, shoulders shuddering at the memory.
“I’m pretty sure we almost had sex in this pool too” he sniggers and you cry out, hands holding his cheeks as you try and peer into his eyes through the tinted glass of his sunglasses.
“please don’t remind me” you shake your head, “it was so embarrassing” your cheeks burning the same shade as your strawberry milk.
“I thought you were cute” he leans forward for another kiss, you move your head back, pursing your lips.
Jin just frowns, apologising as he leans forward to pillow your lips with his own, your hands trailing down his bare chest. You don’t miss the sly smile on his face either as he pulls you closer by the neck.
The day ended how it had started, although now it was the sliver of silver moonlight that was cast across the bedroom.
Neither you nor Jin had bothered to close the curtains, the soft duvet calling out to the both of you as soon as you stepped into the room.
Jin watches you lay beside him, book long forgotten on the night stand as his fingers card through your hair.
Your fingers clasp tightly onto the pants of his pyjamas like a lifeline as you sleep.
Jin’s tail wraps itself around your arm, you own tails swaying slightly under the blanket.
He leans down, pressing a firm kiss on your temple, your hybrid ears twitching before they settle back against your scalp.
Laying here beside you, Jin realises that it really is just the two of you.
His reason to live, laying here peacefully in his lap where you belong.
And he thinks he’s okay now, not having a third person in his life. Because you’re enough (although we all know that changes later on in the story), the both of you have a love so pure that he thinks it okay. With you by his side, everything is okay.
Even if you didn’t think it was. Jin thought today was perfect.
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lilxberry · 3 years
Hardly Burglar Material - Bilbo Baggins
Requested by: @donniethescienceguy​
Helloooooooo! Can I have a Bilbo x hobbit wife reader where after Thorin insults him (in the beginning when he arrives) she defends him and Thorins like: are you sure it’s the male Baggins we want?
I mean, I still did as what was requested but man, did I not know where tf this was going lmao
I followed quite a bit of the manuscript of the film, the only alteration is when reader confronts Thorin
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Warnings: Nothing really. Asshole Thorin. Terrible writing lmao. 
Words: 1,796
Pairings: Bilbo Baggins x Reader (female reader) (wife!reader)
You hadn’t expected your quiet evening meal with your husband to be interrupted but when a dwarf, a big, burly, tattooed, balding, towering one at that knocks your door, there certainly isn’t much you can do.
After the dwarf, who introduced himself as Dwalin, had entered your home and devoured your husbands fish dinner, to which you offered Bilbo your own meal, more and more knocks sounded at the door, each one miffing your husband further and further until he had finally had enough.
“There’s nobody home!” he shouted as another sound came from the front door, arms holding up the abundance of weapons the two brothers’, Fíli and Kíli, loaded on to him.
You felt terrible, watching as your husband becomes frustrated, not knowing what to do other than spectate in concern.
He tossed the items down out of his arms as he stormed towards the door, shouting at whoever was on the other side. “Go away and bother somebody else! There are far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is.”
Bilbo closes in on the door. “I-I-If this is some plotheads idea of a joke,” he laughed in disbelief before grasping the door handle in his hand. “I can only say, it is in very poor taste.”
With that, he pulled the door open and in comes tumbling through the doorway a cluster of dwarves, all grumbling and whining at the other to get off of them. Bilbo and yourself, who stood a few steps behind, looked down at the mess of moving bodies on the floor before his feet, dumbfounded expressions on both of your faces.
Movement behind the pile up caught both yours and Bilbos’ attention, and once the tall figure bent down ever so slightly to reveal himself, your face twisted into that of utter confusion as your husband sighs in exasperation.
Although you were concerned for your husband, you couldn’t help but find the whole situation quite amusing. You found some of the dwarven folk that had invaded your shared home to be quite a fun, entertaining bunch.
Of course, you were concerned about the possessions within your home, hoping that the dwarves leave your home relatively untouched and that your husband wouldn’t have some sort of mental breakdown.
Your uninvited guests had pillaged the pantry of its food. The race of dwarves certainly did have quite an appetite. Even Gandalf had nibbled on quite a bit of food.
The rowdiness of the dwarves had calmed slightly, if only for moment when they downed whatever drink they had. Even the ridiculous and frankly disgusting belching afterwards was calmer than their initial arrival.
Yet that was quickly replaced with plates, platers, knives, forks, and spoons were tossed from one dwarf to another as they sang a merry tune. Bilbo was quick with demanding caution and for things to be put down. Even you were slightly worried for your kitchen utensils.
The dwarves released hearty laughter when you and Bilbo peered into the kitchen and had seen that everything was clean and stacked, Gandalf chuckling along with them as both you and Bilbo simultaneously release sighs of relief.
Then, the atmosphere became tense as three, loud knocks sound at your front door for a final time that night.
The laughter died out instantly and Gandalf spoke quite ominously. “He’s here.”
You couldn’t really pinpoint what exactly was unsettled you so much when it came to the dark-haired dwarf who sat at the head of the table. Maybe his stature. Possibly his stoic expression.
Most likely the look behind his eyes.
Well, you certainly didn’t like him all that much whenever he addressed your husband.
Most of the conversation between the dwarves and Gandalf became muffled when reaching your ears, certainly seeing no point in listening in on their talk. The second your husbands voice rang out through the room though had piqued your interest and your attention was brought to the conversation.
They spoke of The Lonely Mountain, the dragon Smaug, how they were on a quest to reclaim their home. Gandalf had produced not only a map of some forts but a key, a key the dwarves seemed to become quite excited about.
You also happened to admire the young dwarfs’ courage. Ori.
Then, the topic of a burglar arrived.
“That’s why we need a burglar,” Ori spoke.
“Hmm, and a good one too. An expert I’d imagine.” Bilbo moves back from peering down at the map, holding on to his suspenders.
“And are you?”
Bilbo glances around to behind him before looking towards the dwarves once more. “Am I what?”
“He said he’s an expert!” Oin spoke cheerily. Of course, the dwarf with the horn to aid his hearing would say as such.
“Me? No, no, no, no, no,” your husband started, eyes darting to each dwarf, hoping his point would get across. “I’m not a burglar. I’ve never stolen a thing in my life.”
You nodded your head in agreement. As much as you love your husband, he is quite the stickler for following rules.
“I’m afraid I have to agree with Mister Baggins,” Balin was next to speak. “He’s hardly burglar material.”
You supressed a chuckle as Bilbo, although relieved that someone agreed, looked the tiniest bit offended.
The group of dwarves began to chatter and raise in volume, no words could actually be comprehended by yourself, it all a jumble of noises. Then Gandalf raised out of the seat slightly, his voice booming over the racket the dwarves created.
“ENOUGH! IF I SAY BILBO BAGGINS IS A BURGLAR,” he lowered his voice with each following word. “Then a burglar he is.” Bilbo looked as if he wanted to protest but no words left his mouth.
“Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet,” he continued. “In fact, they can pass by unseen by most if they chose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of a Hobbit is all but unknown to them which gives us an distinct advantage.”
The whole discussion about your husband was unnerving for you. You disliked how your husband was talked of like a ploy in some silly game.
“This quest is no place for gentlefolk.” Thorins’ tone was as if the words left a vile taste in his mouth, clearly showing his disgust for your husband. “He probably wouldn’t last 5 miles away from his precious little home. Look at him, Gandalf! He isn’t made for such things, it’s as clear as day. His big feet and rounded belly would slow us down. Your little Hobbit would cry out for home within a day.”
Your blood boiled with each word he spoke, an anger rising in you which you desperately tried to keep down. Your nails dug into the palms of your hands and your jaw was clenched tightly shut, but enough was enough.
Your outburst caught the attention of every soul in the dining room around the table. Their eyes settled on your figure that stepped closer and closer to them up to the point where you stood glaring down at Thorin right beside his seat. Even Bilbos’ eyes were wide and looked almost ready to pop right out of their sockets.
“My husband may not be a fighter like you…you BRASS DWARVES! But he deserves no less respect. I will not stand for someone speaking down on my Bilbo in such a manner, even if they are some king,” you all but spat out.
Some of the dwarves looked offended that you spoke to their leader in such a way, others looked thoroughly shocked, surprised that a small thing as yourself had such a fire in you. Gandalf smirked as Bilbo looked like he genuinely feared for your safety. He had witnessed outbursts from you that scared him before, which were quite rare, you barely losing your temper, but for once, he was terrified of the consequences seeing as it wasn’t at him nor a fellow Hobbit.
But it was Thorins’ reaction that had you confused. He seemed…impressed?
Thorin turned towards Gandalf, a smirk of his own forming on his face. “Are you sure it was Mister Baggins you had wanted to join our quest?”
Gandalf chuckled and looked towards you and your husband, you now joined your side, who was silently scolding you with his eyes but nonetheless remaining the concerned, dotting husband. “I was certain on Mister Baggins being the 14th member of your company, but I would highly recommend you take a 15th as I believe Misses Baggins certainly has something of her own to bring to the quest.”
“They both have a great deal more to offer than any of you know, including themselves. You must trust me on this,” Gandalf finished.
Thorin looked at Gandalf and Gandalf at he for a moment, Thorin evidently mulling it over within his head before finally, he spoke. “Very well. We’ll do it your way. Give them the contract.”
Both yourself and Bilbo began to protest as Balin produced the document. He handed it over to Bilbo who unravelled the parchment and began to scan over the words, your eyes peering over his shoulder to read it for yourself.
As Bilbo and you busied yourselves with reading over the document, Thorin had leant over towards Gandalf to whisper within his ear. “I cannot guarantee their safety.”
“Understood,” Gandalf hummed in acknowledgement.
“You’ll be left responsible for their fate.”
Bilbo began to read aloud the text, brow furrowed out of concentration, your own face screwed up slightly, straining to peer at the words.
“Terms; cash on delivery up to but not exceeding 1 14th for total profit, if any. Seems fair, uhh-“
“Shouldn’t it be changed to 1 15th if I were to join?” you questioned aimlessly.
Bilbo nodded his head in agreement before continuing. “Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by or sustained as a government, thereof including but not limited to; lacerations. Evisceration?” He unfolds a piece further, reading before looking towards the group with a look of disbelief. “Incineration?!”
“Oh, aye. It’d melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye,” Bofur quipped with ease.
Many more ‘encouraging and reassuring’ words were spoken by Bofur, unnerving both yourself and Bilbo, though you hid it extremely well. The moment your husband passed out, was when Bofur seemed to finally relent.
“Oh dear.” You looked towards your husband laying on the floor unconscious with concern before turning towards the others with a worried expression.
Valar forbid you allow him to go with those dwarves and that conniving wizard alone.
I mean, I don’t really have anything to say sooooo
If you want to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
LOTR / The Hobbit taglist:
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Cookie Cutter Boyfriends
The bakery wasn't new to the area but Jaskier was constantly surprised by the variety of people who came and went. There were a couple of regulars but fewer than he'd anticipated. Some people he wished would come back, others he was glad to see go. However, the two beefcakes that just walked in, Jaskier prayed to any listening deity that they would be back repeatedly.
"What can I get you gents?" Jaskier asked with his most winning smile.
Eyes like molten honey scanned the selection and Jaskier wanted to tuck the strands of white hair behind the man's ear to see his face better.
"Cookies. The personalised ones."
"A fine choice," Jaskier trilled and pulled the tray out. "I can put any name or message on there for you. Even a phone number, if you want to give it to a special someone."
So maybe Jaskier was flirting and hoping for a number from the man for himself. But it seemed to fall on deaf ears.
"Write Eskel on one," the man said, carefully spelling out the name while the other smiled at him indulgently. It had Jaskier's heart fluttering at the sweetness.
"And what shall I put on yours?"
"You should put a heart on either side of Geralt's name," Eskel piped up with a snicker. He got an elbow in the ribs for it but didn't seem to mind.
Obliging, Jaskier did as told, curling the most perfect hearts he could onto the cookie. Done, he popped them in a box and put them on the counter by the till. "Anything else I can do for you today? Does your, uh, friend want anything?"
Geralt's eyes widened before saying, "He's my boyfriend."
Of course he was, the two looked beautiful together and Jaskier sighed internally. However, he couldn't help but note the look horror on Eskel's face. Hopefully he hadn't accidentally helped Geralt out himself and his boyfriend when they were trying to keep things a secret.
"Well, good for you both!" Jaskier mustered up a smile and nodded at the small rainbow flags by the till. "I sometimes do flag cookies if the mood strikes. Usually on a Friday."
The transaction was processed in silence and at speeds. Jaskier could only watch as the two bundled out of his bakery and, as soon as the door closed behind them, Eskel was asking Geralt something, face torn between despair and entertainment. If Jaskier could trust his lip reading, he could have sworn Geralt had said something along the lines of "I panicked, okay?".
Somehow, Geralt and Eskel became semi-regulars. They didn't pop in on a specific day each week but they were bound to appear either independently or with each other. Each time they did, Jaskier watched them with heart eyes. Eskel was broad, almost apologetically large but kind and gentle. He was quite the sight to behold but Jaskier had an even softer spot for Geralt who really looked like he needed to relax. So, whenever he came by alone, Jaskier slipped an extra cookie in his bag or asked him to be a taster for a newer cupcake flavour.
It was all going well until Geralt came into the bakery with someone new. Another well-built, handsome man but with a sharp edge to his energy. He made a beeline for the display case by the till.
"Please don't knock on the glass, it scares the muffins," Jaskier said by way of greeting and got a bark of a laugh.
"I'll be careful, don't you worry. It's Geralt you need to keep an eye on."
Which Jaskier diligently was. Well, he was checking out Geralt's backside. Tearing his gaze away, he cleared his throat.
"I'm glad Geralt has brought a friend along today."
"Friend?" The man stood up straight with a hand over his heart. "Geralt, what have you been telling people? I'm his boyfriend!"
Which just didn't compute. Geralt had called Eskel his boyfriend. The mild panic of figuring it out was interrupted by a low growl of "Lambert" that was both a threat and fond exasperation.
"What might people think?" Lambert cried out dramatically. "Are you ashamed of our love?"
A hand clamped on the back of Lambert's neck and Geralt stood next to him, not letting go. "Jaskier, a couple of dark chocolate and ginger cookies please and a tray of lemon muffins."
Hastily putting everything in boxes, Jaskier tried not to let his imagination go too wild. Maybe Eskel was Geralt's boyfriend but so was Lambert. It wasn't unheard of really. It gave hope to Jaskier that they might take a liking to him and invite him home for a wild night. He could only watch as they walked out and the first thing Geralt did was cuff Lambert on the back of the head.
Things only got more weird. The next time Geralt was in, he was trailed by another man. Lithe, seemingly on the edge of bursting out giggling and he made a beeline for the counter.
"You're Jaskier, right?" The man held a hand out. "I've heard so much about you! I'm Aiden, Geralt's boyfriend."
Face schooled into something carefully blank, Jaskier nodded. "A pleasure to meet you."
"I think the pleasure is all mine." The wink was followed by a blatant once over and a low whistle. In the background Geralt closed his eyes, jaw twitching as he visibly counted backwards from ten. This time Aiden was the one who asked for a dozen cookies with an array of pride flags on them, two of each, pan, bi, ace, nonbinary, trans and demi. Oddly, the polyamory one Jaskier had started making since meeting Geralt and his boyfriends was left unrequested. The two left and Jaskier rubbed at his temple, trying to figure out just how four incredibly attractive men had found happiness with each other.
Only a week later Jaskier was waiting for a customer to make up his mind. He was the most silently intense man Jaskier had ever encountered and he really wished he'd hurry up and leave. Alas, he was taking so long, looking over everything in the display cases like the choice was of the utmost importance.
"I'll take two cherry and almond slices."
Cutting said cake, Jaskier was relieved and hoped that once the man had gone, he'd not be back again. The sound of the bell above the door had him looking up and Geralt stood there, alone for once. However, he eyed the man by the counter with a closed off expression which remained as the man took his slices and walked past Geralt, shoulders brushing.
It was awkward and Jaskier tried not to pry. But curiosity won out. "Another boyfriend."
From the door Cahir laughed. "He wishes."
For a moment Geralt stared at the ground before squaring his shoulders. "They're not my boyfriend. They're dating Eskel."
Immediately Jaskier adjusted his internal monologue to reflect the new pronouns. Though what Geralt just said made no difference.
"Are they a paramour to your polycule?"
"No." Geralt shook his head firmly. "Cahir and Eskel are a couple. So are Lambert and Aiden."
Not understanding, Jaskier wet his lips and cast a glance around. His eyes landed on a familiar group on the sidewalk outside the shop, making no attempt to disguise the fact they were all watching. Cahir and Eskel were leaning shoulder to shoulder as they munched on their cake. Meanwhile Lambert leered and Aiden sent him a thumbs up.
"I'm not sure I understand," Jaskier said. "I thought you said they were all your boyfriends."
Feet shuffling on the spot, Geralt cleared his throat. "Lambert and Eskel are my brothers." Which made even less sense and Jaaskier hummed, desperately trying to understand without asking whether Geralt really just admit to being in an incestuous relationship.
"I'm not dating any of them."
But you said-"
"I panicked." Geralt was watching Jaskier intently. "You were cute, flirty and I panicked. I wanted to ask you out."
A giggle bubbled out of Jaskier. He couldn't quite wrap his head around it but that wasn't a problem in the moment.
"Well then, how about a personalised cookie, on the house?" He grabbed Geralt's favourite and, with a flourish, wrote his own name and number on it, dotting the 'i' with a heart. Handing it over, he smiled. "I told you these cookies were great for phone numbers."
Outside a cheer went up as Geralt's family decided that the outing had been a success.
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realcube · 4 years
how they use their quirk during sex
navi | masterlist | taglist 
thank you to anon for this request 
characters ♡ bakugo, kirishima, kaminari, dabi & tamaki
content warning ♡ slapping, electrostimulation, fire play, masturbation, mentions of voyeur, choking, oral (giving + receiving), blood kink, mention of knife play, unconventional organism eating & vagina-having reader - minors dni
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katsuki bakugo 
♡ he likes to ensure that his slaps leave a mark
♡ just so everyone knows that you’re his
♡ just seeing you all marked up from his explosions and hand just gets him so hard tbh
♡ also, he loves squeezing you - it makes him feel powerful and dominant - so sometimes he just grabs a handful of your tit, squeezes it then proceeds to make you yelp by setting off a lil’ explosion in his hand 
♡ he’s no villain, but he definitely wants to hear you scream in pain or pleasure - either or both works 
♡ so whenever he is hitting it from behind and you feel a zing through your body after he spanks your thigh, mentally prepare yourself for trouble in regards to sitting down - for the next week or so 
♡ it’s a hard thing to do though because he needs to be 100% that he won’t seriously burn you or harm you, or else he literally wouldn’t be able to look himself in the mirror for the rest of...his life 
♡ so yeah, if he’s not completely confident in the fact he’ll be able to smack you without burning you, he just won’t do it 
♡ also, the little crackles and pops from miniature, involuntary explosions going off as he approaches his climax not only entertain you, but they also drown out his moans 
♡ not that he’s ashamed of the sounds he makes - he’s loud and proud - it’s just that the explosions help balance out the noise so it’s not just his grunts echoing throughout the room
♡  plus, they add ambience 
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eijiro kirishima
♡ he hardens his back to avoid getting scratches on it lol
♡ it’s not that he doesn’t like getting marked up by you or anything, it’s just a hero instinct tbh
♡ but honestly, you like the feeling of your nails digging into his back then suddenly, the skin becomes sniffer around your fingers
♡ sometimes he accidentally employs his quirk while he is choking you because he gets so into it 
♡ or just as he is about to slap your thigh/ass
♡ he also has a bad habit of hardening when you are trying to give him hickeys
♡ so yeah, you’ll probably be left with bruises, hand prints and bite mark scattered across your inner thigh and torso after sex with kirishima and he leaves unscathed 
♡ also, idk if this is apart of his quirk but his pointy-ass teeth definitely come in handy - especially if you have a blood/biting kink
♡ kiri is willing to go full vampire for you <3
♡ also, you don’t need knives to do knife play with kiri - he is the knife (well, his teeth are) 
♡ he says sternly that he doesn’t enjoy knife/blood play but then he gets oddly aroused when drawing blood from your thigh or nibbling at your slit while he eats you out 
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denki kaminari 
♡ i am so sorry but i can’t stop thinking about kami playfully zapping you during sex AAAA
♡ like if you are into electrostimulation- kaminari is basically your sex soulmate 
♡ also if you aren’t like super into electrostim but you give consent for him to lightly zap you from time to time, he will take advantage of that
♡ like just as you’re approaching your orgasm, he’ll shock you slightly so your moans are even louder and your pleasure is escalated 
♡ or sometimes during the foreplay, when he is just fondling with your breasts, he’ll give it a lil’ zap so you perk up and whine for him 
♡ he just loves seeing the way your whole body juts in reactions and how your nipples erect at the shock
♡ whenever he slaps your thigh/ass, it’ll always send somewhat of a current through your body, which arouses you even more 
♡ tickles your clit with electric sometimes just to add some flare 
♡ he might make you beg for his touch if you’re needy enough, then simply run his charged hand over your body teasingly
♡ but if you’re into full-on electrostimulation, he’s extreme picky about the times he is able to utilise his quirk bc now he’ll have to send larger currents (instead of just lil zaps which i assume are easily to control) so ofc he needs to be in the right headspace or he could potentially harm you and obviously, that’s the last him he wants to do
♡ so yeah, he probably trains his quirk extra to ensure that he can produce exactly the right amount of electricity for you
♡ omg and he is probably into mutual masturbation/voyeur !! bc you are like his goddess so ofc he gets off to seeing you touch yourself even if he isn’t the one providing the pleasure. also it really brings out his inner perv 
♡ so if you like to use toys when you masturbate, literally do not worry about any of them running out of charge/battery while you’re pleasuring yourself, kaminari has you covered bb 💅 
♡ also, outside of sex he probably playfully zaps you all the time - like if he is standing behind you, he’ll tap your shoulder followed by a little electric shock. which makes you jump and turn around to see him standing, whistling and averting his gaze unsuspectingly
♡ ‘what, kami? and ouch.’
♡ his eyes widened as he inhaled sharply with an offended look on his face, ‘eh, what?! i didn’t do anything!’
♡ you blinked rapidly, ‘who else has an electricity quirk nearby?’
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♡ he mostly uses his quirk during the actual act of peneration
♡ he rarely uses it during foreplay 
♡ maybe just to set the mood by using his finger to light the candles on his bedside table or sumn 
♡ or, if you’re into fire play, he’ll drag his glowing finger across your chest to trace your curves while leaving a pale marks behind, shooting an erotic burning sensation through your body 
♡ or LORD he (lightly) burns his name into your skin !! so everyone knows you are his >:)
♡ i believe that - unlike the other boys - dabi is able to control his quirk pretty well all throughout sex, no matter what mood he is in
♡ so angry make-up sex with added fireplay isn’t completely out of the question
♡ though, he is a bit cruel so if he’s got your ass in his hands while he’s approaching his orgasm, he will purposefully burn marks into your skin
♡ however, everything comes with a price
♡ so although he can control his quirk at almost all times, he does not know how to deal with the aftermath pffft
♡ he’ll look at your bright red ass and how you are struggling to sit down and be like ‘put some aloe vera on it idfk 🤷‍♂️’ 
♡ anyway, just expect there to be burn marks on every part of your body that dabi touched
♡ the most painful ones are probably the ones he leave on your hips, while he holds your pretty figure in place and drills into you from behind
♡ or perhaps the ones he makes on the back of your head as he forces you take more of his cock into your mouth 
♡ then again, the burns on your neck once he has finished roughly choking you like a slut while pounding into your cunt, were also problematic  
♡ but the handprints he leaves on your torso as he feels around the bulge his massive cock makes in your stomach also hurt quite bad 
♡ god knows, but you’re just generally in pain after sex with dabi tbh
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tamaki amajiki
♡ suneater more like pussyeater amarite
♡ this might be a lil bestiality-esque bc he is like a human who develops features of an animal but like..he is still a human, after all, so he can consent 
♡ but anyway, tw for anyone who doesn’t want to read anything of the sort !!
♡ ok, so, let’s get this out of the way first - tentacles 😍 KJVDKFVZDI
♡ he uses them exactly how you imagine he would; he simultaneous holds you down, massages your breast, covers your mouth, chokes you, slithers one up your cunt and one up your ass - just..everything...
♡ like if the tentacles are out, you know you are getting overstimulated that night
♡ also sometimes - if he’s feeling especially bold - he’ll slip one of his tentacles under your skirt while in public then just watch as you desperately try to stifle moans from how good he feels squirming inside you  
♡ you both like it a little more than you’d like to admit tbh
♡ also, one time he ate goose just so he could manifest wings and try fuck you mid-air lmao 
♡ that would’ve brought a whole new meaning to ‘flying fuck’
♡ unfortunately, it didn’t work as well as he had hoped as his wings couldn’t support both of your weight so it was more like him hovering over the bed while drilling into you from above 
♡ it was definitely a new angle though, so you couldn’t complain
♡ he’ll pinch your clit and squeeze your tits with his lobster claws but that’s about it - he generally doesn’t tend to manifest those during sex
♡ one of his dirtiest secrets is that one time, he paid crazy money for a dish with elephant meat in it, in hopes that he’d get a monster cock
♡ (no, the thought never occurred to him that perhaps horse would be a better, cheaper alternative)
♡ bc he highkey has a size kink but you’ve already kinda gotten use to his size so he needed to amp it up...
♡ but no- all he got was a trunk 😭
♡ however, it wasn’t all bad bc at least he made good use of that trunk- 
♡ (he shoved it so far up you, he hoped to see it come out your mouth 🥰)
♡ anyway, rapid-fire round:
♡ he once ate rabbit so he could develop bunny ears and a tail so he could be your cute lil’ bunny boy 🥺 while you peg him 
♡ buffalo wings get him riled up tbh - only top energy after he has buffalo wings 
♡ honestly, the beak he manifests after eating chicken lowkey destroys your cunt- 
♡ the leathery skin he gets after eating crocodile makes him feel badass
♡ oh! and the sharp teeth too- like kirishima, he will go full-vampire if you want him too
♡ his quirk is so versatile, just let your imagination run wild lmao ✨  
♡ plus, he is pretty whipped for you so he's basically down to try anything
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
The Royal Ball
The Royal Ball
Loki laufeyson x Fem!reader
Summary: There is an Asgard ball being hosted in the palace, Y/N is yet to find a date to accompany her. She’s disappointed when a certain God doesn’t ask her, however, what happens when he sees someone else getting a little too close for comfort throughout the night?
Warnings: lil bit angsty, self doubt, JEALOUS LOKI, fluffy ending
Word Count: 3.3k
Message/ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
Requests are open loves <3
Y/F/N - Your Friend’s Name
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It was a beautiful autumn’s day, crisp brown leaves were falling off of the large trees in the courtyard and scattering the cobbled ground. Loki and I had been wandering around for some time now, discussing everything from the books we’ve been reading to the dreams that have come to us in our sleep.
“And then this huge ghost thing was chasing me around the halls! and if that wasn’t weird enough, you popped up-”
“Ah, seeing me in your dreams are we, darling?”  Loki chuckled, taking great pleasure at the fact that he had made an appearance in my subconscious, completely ignoring my distress at being chased by a supernatural being.
“Funny you should say that, right after seeing you, I woke up. The sight must’ve given me quite the scare.” I scoffed, a smile unable to stop itself from making its way onto my face, eyes meeting his, face etched with shock. With a hand to his chest, he spoke again in disbelief.
“You have truly offended me, love. I never knew you had this side to you.”
“What can I say? I’m a woman of many talents.” I winked, nudging his side slightly with my elbow.
“Really? Can you produce illusions?”
“Look inside other people’s heads?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Turn yourself into a snake to scare your eight year old brother?”
“I still can’t believe you did that”
“My greatest achievement yet.” He smirked, the memory never failing to amuse him.
His stories always had me in awe of his capabilities, even if it was to give his brother a long-term fear, it was still an incredible talent. Whenever he tells me of his latest adventures or tricks, I always think of how well his title fits him. God of Mischief. Maybe that’s why I liked him much more than what a best friend should, not that I'd ever admit it. Not to him anyway.
We soon found ourselves standing next to one of the windows of the hallway, the crystal clear glass giving a beautiful view of the city of Asgard. From here, you could see the Queen’s gardens, full of flowers in all different colours and types, grass cut to perfection. You could see the families in the town, walking around the different buildings, children playing. It was lovely to watch, seeing everyone enjoy the seasonal weather and the light bounce off of the windows, it was ethereal.
“I never get tired of this.” I sighed, voice only slightly above a whisper
“Tired of what, love?”
“Just, this. This view, this kingdom, it’s incredible.” I looked up at Loki, trying to see if he was seeing the same beauty that I did. He was already looking at me when I met his eyes and upon seeing the way they sparkled, I assumed he did.
“Actually, speaking of the Kingdom, I have something to tell you. There’s-”
Abruptly stopping him from continuing his sentence, voices were heard from the other end of the hallway, though we couldn’t make out the words until they came closer. We gave each other a quick look of confusion before turning to see where the commotion was coming from, hearing the quick and heavy footsteps before being able to put names to the faces.
“Loki! Y/N!” A deep voice bellowed. Was that Thor making all of that noise?
Before I could process any more information, a blur of a pastel pink dress was in my face and hands were placed on my shoulders. I smiled down at the slightly out of breath figure using me as a support stand, it was Y/F/N.
“Wow, Y/F/N, you sound much different than when I spoke to you yesterday, did you drink something funny?” I chuckled, receiving a glare from my friend and a quiet laugh from the God beside me. Thor soon appeared next to Y/F/N, hands on his hips and head thrown back as he tried to compose himself.
“My God, Y/F/N, you run fast.” He pants.
“Care to tell us why you’re both running like madmen through the palace?” Loki speaks, one eyebrow raised in curiosity and what looked a little like concern.
“We..had to..tell you..there’s a ball..next week.” Y/F/N spoke, a bit more stable now, but still in between breaths.
I felt my eyes widen, a ball? I didn’t know Asgard held balls.
“Father is opening up the palace next week to neighbouring kingdoms, in hopes to be closer with them, open Asgard up to more trade opportunities, build relationships and whatnot.” Thor explained, emitting a loud sigh to come from Loki.
“I was just about to tell her, brother. Thank you for interrupting.” He rolled his eyes, half joking, half serious. I reached up and patted his shoulder gently, a small smile on my face.
“Maybe next time Lok” He nodded in response, I didn’t get a chance to comfort him much more before I was being pulled away by Y/F/N. With a small huff of surprise, I gave Loki a glance, silently apologising for our conversation being cut short, receiving a shake of his head in reply, affirming me to not worry about it.
“So.” she begins. “We need to find you a date and a dress. I’m thinking blue. I’m wearing purple so it’s probably best to avoid that one. Hmm. let’s see..oh! I know! we could- Y/N? You listening?” I snapped my head around, not missing the sly smile that was plastered all over my friend’s face.
“Y/F/N, don’t-”
“Loki! He has to be your date. You could wear green and match! If he’s even going to wear green, I'm sure I can get Thor to find out, I assume they’ll get ready together. And black accessories! I have so many ideas.” She clapped her hands, over-excited about the opportunity to plan this evening for us. Except for one minor detail.
“That sounds great, Y/F/N, it sounds wonderful, you’re just missing something.”
“Missing something? Oh, if you mean our hair then i’ve already-”
“No, not our hair. Loki hasn’t asked me, and I doubt he will.” I spoke, the second half coming out more as a whisper, my heart dropping a little at the thought. He’d never really expressed having those kinds of feelings for me and I'd always seen him be close with different girls around the palace, he’ll probably ask one of them.
“He might ask you, you never know what’s around the corner.”
“I guess so, we’ll have to wait and see.”
And that was the last we spoke of it before she went into full planner mode again, while I continued to ponder over all of the thoughts running through my head. I mean, he could ask me, right?
He didn’t.
After talking about it with Y/F/N, I had a glimmer of hope that maybe I was wrong, maybe I hadn’t noticed something that she had, that Loki would approach me and ask me to be his company for the evening.
I spent the next couple of days with him, hoping he would ask me, everytime a pause would appear in conversation, maybe he was finally going to do it. And everytime, a little bit of the hope I had, had fizzled out.
I’d even considered other reasons as to why he hadn’t asked, maybe the King didn’t want him and Thor to have dates so that they could mingle with members of the other kingdoms. Of course that theory had flown right out one of the Palace’s windows when Y/F/N told me that Thor was going to be her date. I was right then, he wasn’t wanting to go with me.
I guess I understood, I’m the best friend, we’d always been that. I think a part of me just thought that maybe he, like me, wanted something a little more. Clearly, I was mistaken.
Y/F/N and I had been getting ready for a while now, our hair was styled to perfection, our dresses were on and both of us were fully accessorized. We were looking at ourselves in the mirror, doing spins and curtseys and gushing over how good the other looked.
“You look amazing tonight, Y/N, really. Loki is missing out.”
“Thank you, and I'm sure his date is beautiful.” I spoke, fidgeting with the fabric of my dress, trying to avoid the subject and the twisting knot in my stomach at the thought of him with someone else all night. “You look incredible! You were right to pick purple, it’s definitely your colour.”
“Y/N’s right, you look gorgeous.” Thor declared, leaning against the doorway sporting a black suit and a dark purple tie, the perfect match with his date’s dress. I could feel my eyes light up when seeing how happy the simple, yet effective comment had made Y/F/N. Rushing over, she engulfed Thor in a hug before leaning up slightly and giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Ah and can’t forget, Y/N, you look stunning tonight.” He gestured to me, arm almost scanning me up and down.
“Stop, you’ll make me blush.” I laughed. “You both head off, I’ll catch up.”
“Are you sure? We don’t mind waiting?” Y/F/N questioned.
“Don’t be silly. You guys go on ahead, I'll meet you there.”
With a nod and a wave, they were off. They really did look like a perfect match tonight. I continued to look at myself in the mirror, fixing any stray hairs, flattening any kinks in my dress. Realistically, I was probably trying to prolong leaving for as long as I could. I was excited, but I was turning up on my own while everyone else had someone, it was a bit nerve-wracking. I still wanted to look my best though.
“Stop trying to convince yourself that you look good, you could literally blow an army of men away by looks alone.” A voice spoke, I spun to see who was speaking, the flash of green was enough to decipher who it was.
“You look lovely tonight, darling.” He grinned, the pet name had set off butterflies in my stomach.
“Thank you. As do you.”
“Well, I did put in an effort, nice to know it’s appreciated.” He joked, a breathy laugh left my lips, entertained by his words.
“Yes, well, I'm sure plenty of others will too.”
“The eyes will never leave me, I'm sure. Unless they’re on you, then I'd be surprised if I get even so much as a glimpse in my direction. Someone is a very lucky guy tonight, that’s for sure.”
“Why do you say that?” I asked, confused by his statement.
“Well, they get to be beside you all evening, it’s a beautiful view.” He winked.
It could’ve been you, I thought. I knew he was joking, however that didn’t stop the fire in me from igniting.
“I could say the same for you, someone is a very lucky girl.”
“I’ll be sure to let her know if she ever thinks otherwise.” Joking, again.
So he had asked someone. Albeit disappointed, I'm happy he’s happy. Though I still wish I was the girl in question, I couldn't stop him if he was interested in someone else. That wasn’t fair.
Giving him a brief nod and a tight lipped smile, I picked up the front of my dress a little bit and made my way out of the room and downstairs to the ball. I could still enjoy myself, the night is young, I've got this.
“It was crazy! And let me tell you, my dad was so angry with me. He didn’t let me serve Turkey again after that year.” Charlie, a guy that I had met an hour or so ago, finished his story of the Christmas horror he had, allowing me to relax for the first time that evening. Up until now, it had felt like all I’d seen was either happy couples, or stares from across the room. Usually the second and usually Loki. The same Loki who had a girl’s arm linked with his and was looking at him like he held the world in his grasp. I broke the gaze, finding it difficult to look at the pair for any longer, as I turned back to Charlie so he could have my attention again, a lazy smile was present as he took a sip of his wine.
“I don’t blame him, really, it sounds like you started a riot!” I exclaimed, sending us both into a full on belly laugh, thinking back to the story. This continued for another five or so minutes, laughter turning into a low chuckle, as if we were about to be told off for how loud we were being. Just as my hand had reached his arm to help hold me up, saving me from laughing myself into the ground, Loki and his date had made their way over.
“Enjoying ourselves, I hope?” He beamed, taking one look at me before giving his full attention to Charlie.
“Yes, yes we are, thank you. How about the two of you?”
“It’s been fine, yeah, good. So, what’s your name then?” Loki interrupted, his date having no choice but to leave him to respond instead.
“I’m Charlie Fernsby.” He held his hand out, greeting Loki. A gesture that was very awkwardly not reciprocated as he let his hand fall back to his side before Loki spoke up again.
“Charlie..Charlie, now, isn’t that a girl’s name?”
“Loki!” I scolded, giving him an evil side glance, what was he doing?
“No, no it’s okay. Yeah, it can be used for girls too, but it's common for boys to have the name Charlie.” Polite as ever, he responded. A mischievous look made its way onto the God’s face. Oh no.
“So, I take it your parents wanted a girl?”
“I- I’m sorry?”
“I assume your parents wanted a girl, considering they’ve given you a girl’s name?” I rolled my eyes, this teasing was unnecessary.
“Charlie, let’s go and get a drink.” I tried to tug him away, only to be halted by another sentence leaving my best friend’s mouth.
“It was only a question, I'm sure he doesn’t mind answering, do you Carl?”
“That’s what I said.”
“You said-” I tried to interject, but he was quick to stop me
“I know what I said, Y/N, but I'm speaking to him. Let him answer the question.”
Loki’s date was long gone by now, she’d left to speak to another group of people, presumably another few couples, leaving us three to have this discussion, thing, whatever you would think to call it.
“I’m just saying, maybe they would’ve preferred a daughter, seeing as they’ve very obviously made that clear.” He beamed, expecting me to join in and agree with him, I don’t find this funny. At all.
“Can you excuse us, Charlie? Loki, A word.” I pointed to the door, giving him a look implying for him not to test me.
“I’m in trouble. Wish me luck Carlos.”
“I know, that’s what I said.”
I pushed him all the way out the door, into the hallway and round the corner so as not to disturb everyone else’s evening. When I’d made sure there was no one else around, I looked up at the Asgardian, my arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed, I wasn’t impressed anymore.
“So, are we out here for some hide or seek, or?”
“What the hell was that in there?!” I raised my voice slightly, his need to always make everything a joke wasn’t working this time. He had his night, his date, he didn’t need to come over and insult mine.
“What was what, darling? I was making conversation.”
“You were making fun of him.”
“No, I showed some concern about his parents choices, that’s all. Friendly advice if anything.” He looked a bit more frustrated with me now, as though he was stating the obvious and it was going over my head. I wasn’t having it this time.
“No, Loki. You weren’t and you know you weren’t. You had your date, she was fine, you were fine-”
“Let me finish. Everything was fine. Until you caught sight of me having a friendly conversation with another guy who wasn’t you. But guess what Lok, I’m allowed to do that! I’m an adult, I can speak with whoever I like!” My arms were all over the place now, my frustration was starting to show itself, it seems I had a bit pent up.
I saw his lips move, I heard something, but it was so quiet I couldn't make it out.
“Speak up, Loki. I can’t hear you.”
“I said, if you think he was just being friendly, you’re clearly out of your mind.”
Is he serious?
“Are you- Loki, you have no right to make a judgement on who and how and why I interact with other people. Not that it should matter to you anyway, you’ve spoken to other women before and I've never said a word or tried to stop you. Why does this matter so much?”
“No, please, go on, tell me, enlighten me as to why this bothered you so much tonight, because trust me, I'm dying to know, truly.” I was shouting now, I just wanted answers for his behaviour, I didn’t think it would be this difficult.
His hands had made his way into his trouser pockets, eyes looking everywhere before settling on mine. He looked conflicted, I wanted to drop it when I saw his troubled gaze, but I couldn’t go back in there without an explanation.
“I like you, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear, love? That I was so uncomfortable seeing some you get close with some guy that I had to embarrass him in front of you? Something I'm sure my father won’t be so impressed to hear, but there, you’ve got your confession.” His voice had gone much louder than mine, taking me by surprise, so much so that it took me a minute to process what he had said. He liked me?
He turned to leave, I assume because I hadn't said anything for a matter of minutes, but I gently grabbed his arm, tugging him back towards me. I looked up into his eyes again. I was so close that you could see the specs of different colours spotted in them, they were flawless. This view beats the Asgard view anyday.
“Why didn’t you mention this before?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know. Worried I guess. We’d never spoken of moving past friendship and I didn’t think you’d be interested.”
“I’m more than interested, Loki.” I grinned, my smile meeting my eyes, never leaving his.
“Not Chelsey?”
“For the love, it’s Ch-”
I couldn’t say his name, a certain pair of lips had stopped me from doing so. As they molded against mine, my hands went up to tangle themselves in his hair, his hands falling to my waist and pulling me closer, I didn’t even think that could be possible. We pulled away when we needed to catch a breath, foreheads falling against each other, smiles painted on both of our faces.
“I bet I'll be in your dreams again tonight.” He whispered.
“I bet I'll be in yours.”
“Always are, Darling. Always are.”
taglist: @horrorxweasley
571 notes · View notes
memxntomxri · 3 years
𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟮 | 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲
𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 - bisexual!hinata shouyou x gn!reader, hinata shouyou x miya atsumu
𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 - angst, break up
𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤 - hinata shouyou is trustworthy - with everything except for your heart
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 - 2.4k words
𝘵𝘸 - slightly descriptive nsfw?, cheating (i'm sorry to be doing my children hinata and atsumu dirty this way but this got stuck in my head 😭), major angst, break-up, no happy ending, lots and lots of crying, lots and lots of reader's internal thoughts, atsumu is an asshole
𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴 - this is the result of brainrot i had stuck in my head after reading chapter 18 of SabbyWrites' A Study in Depravity. HAIKYUU BOYS ARE NOT CHEATERS - I REPEAT, HAIKYUU BOYS ARE NOT CHEATERS. BISEXUAL PEOPLE ARE ALSO NOT CHEATERS. i just couldn't resist writing this lmao
also, i'm doing my best to make this a gender-neutral reader, but it might lean more towards AFAB/non-binary readers since i'm both ashelkgjkdlkjf male-identifying readers i'm sorry
thanks @meiansmistress, lou (LouEve_094 on ao3), lena, and emmy (Noisy_Emmy on ao3) for betaing! your feedback helped me a lot
𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙙𝙣𝙞 - there are some descriptive scenes of smut in here 👀 shoo, shoo
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
You know this.
It's the reason you met, after all.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
The summer you moved to Miyagi, following your father's dream of teaching in a little town similar to the one he lived in as a child, you were unhappy. Who could blame you, after all? You had a comfortable life back in Osaka, and unlike your father, you were a city dweller at heart. It was also the middle of your first year of high school—who wanted to transfer schools, let alone across prefectures, in the middle of a school year?
It was hot in Miyagi, and when the moving truck broke down on the side of the road, the entire family piled out and sat on the curb. Just your father (who you were still mad at), your mother, and you. That was what it had always been. Sure, you had friends, but somehow the friendships never got too deep. You were willing to bet that within a month, there would be no texts other than the occasional New Year's greeting or "happy birthday" from your so-called friends back in Osaka.
And don't even get you started on romantic relationships. It wasn't that you weren't attractive, or that you weren't easy to get along with—it was just that there was never anybody. Yes, you had liked people before, but nothing had ever come of it.
Your mother piped up, saving you from your dark thoughts about the state of your relationships with other people. "Y/n, love, can you go back down the hill again? I think we saw a konbini a bit that way, please buy some cool drinks." she says, depositing coins in your outstretched hand. Oh well, something to do, you supposed.
You strolled casually down the road, sweating buckets. When you pushed open the doors of the konbini—Sakanoshita Store, you noted, it definitely didn’t look like a konbini—opened, you basked in the cold air of the air conditioner for a bit. As you stood there, looking a bit dumb with your arms outstretched, you felt a weight barrel into you from behind.
With a bang, you fell forward, the weight landing on your back. "Ow!" you cried, rubbing your right wrist, which had unceremoniously made contact with the ground, pain shooting up the limb. You twisted around to glare at whatever had so unceremoniously bowled you over. You were met with the sight of wide, brown eyes and flushed cheeks. "Sorry!" the boy squeaked, getting off of you quickly. "So sorry!" You frowned and got up.
"Watch where you’re going, okay?" You were a few centimeters taller than him, you noted.
He started blabbering, talking about how he needed to get the first-aid kit because a "Stingyshima" had "accidentally" ran into "Bakageyama" and this "Bakageyama" now had a bleeding knee and that he was the fastest runner in their volleyball club (he was strangely emphatic about this point). By the time he was finished rambling, you were chuckling slightly. It was obvious that he hadn't meant anything by running into you, and it was actually kind of endearing how earnestly he was trying to explain himself.
You held up a hand, stopping him from continuing to ramble. "Y-you aren't mad, right?" he asked anxiously. You smiled and shook your head slightly. "It seems your team trusts you to help take care of your friend, so why don't you grab the first-aid kit and go help him?" You suggested gently.
He nodded quickly and darted behind the counter, grabbing a white box. As he jogged away, he seemed to remember something and turned around to holler at you. "My name's Hinata Shouyou! I'm a first year!" he introduced himself in a bright voice.
Just inside the konbini, a small smile slipped across your face.
Hinata Shouyou, huh. He seemed nice.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's the reason you fell in love with him.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
The first day of school, you meet Hinata Shouyou again. And again. And again. He somehow seems to pop up everywhere you go—not that you're complaining, he's entertaining and nice—and soon, you think you can count yourself as his friend.
You go to his game against Aoba Johsai, then Shiratorizawa, then you're hugging him as he jumps up and down, celebrating their win. That’s the first time your heart jumps when you look at him, haloed by the lights of the gym.
Slowly, you feel yourself falling in love with him. Not just falling for him, no, because Hinata Shouyou will not let anyone do anything in halves, especially not falling in love. Shouyou, to you, (because by then you were on first-name basis) is someone you can rely on, someone that is always there, like the sun, trustworthy.
And because he is always there, it's also easy to confess to him in your second year. You know him well enough by now to know that even if he doesn't feel the same, nothing would change about your friendship except for the addition of unspoken words. And you think that he might love you back, if the lingering glances and brighter smiles are any indication.
Your guess is right, and by New Year's break, the two of you are a happy couple.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's why you let him go, if only for a little bit.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
When Shouyou left for Brazil, you took a break from each other. To be honest, it was your idea.
It wasn't that you didn't think that you couldn't trust him ten thousand kilometers away—it was that you knew you would hold him back. He was going to Brazil to chase his dream, and having a tether to his hometown would only slow him down. It hurt, having to say goodbye at the airport, but somehow the two of you got through it.
You still talked—a little more than "just friends" should—but you were careful not to let him think that you were together.
Shouyou was meant for greater things, and back then, as an insecure, just-barely-adult going into medical school, you weren't sure if you fit into the picture.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's the reason why you let him back in.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
When Shouyou returns from Brazil, the first person he visits is you. You, all the way out in Osaka, pushing yourself to your limits as you study for med school. When you open your door and see him standing there, smiling as bright as ever, you fall into his arms—both literally and metaphorically. It turns out, even two years later, you trust him to catch you.
It was all too natural for you and Shouyou to get back together, and by a stroke of luck, he joins the MSBY Black Jackals, right there in Osaka. You move in together, his slightly larger salary allowing the two of you to rent a bigger apartment.
Yes, it's hard work being in a relationship again, but you like having Shouyou to return to every night after your shift is over. You wake up early every morning to make the two of you breakfast and lunch, and Shouyou always has dinner waiting for you when you step back in the door, often also staying up so that you can talk.
You're content.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's the reason why you think nothing of his closeness with his teammates.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Shouyou has always been a people-magnet. Even back in high school, everyone loved him. Shouyou is bisexual. You know this. He’s always had more than enough love to give back, too, and his bisexuality had never impacted your relationship. Why should it, when you’re every bit as queer as him? Your relationship was strong, and you believed in it. That's why, at every team dinner that he takes you to, when someone else inevitably takes the seats next to him instead of you and you're relegated to a corner, you don't worry about it. Shouyou loves you, and it doesn't matter where you sit for a couple of hours.
Yes, Miya Atsumu is a bit aggressive whenever Shouyou compliments him, throwing a smirk over his shoulder at you triumphantly, but you chalk it to them being good friends and Miya-san wanting to get to know you better by having a little friendly competition, and that's okay.
Yes, Shouyou starts going out with his team more and more, but they're his team. He's supposed to be close with them.
Yes, you start to feel a little neglected, but it wasn't as if you were the most attentive back when you were still struggling through med school.
And anyways, Shouyou always makes time for the two of you on Saturdays, your designated date nights. You have trust in your relationship, in its rock-tight foundation built upon years of knowing each other.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Hinata Shouyou is trustworthy.
It's why you believe his words.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
One Friday, after an especially busy shift at the hospital that got cut short for you when a coworker unexpectedly came in to fill in for you, you decide to head home early and get some rest, maybe cuddle with Shouyou while watching those romcoms you both enjoy.
You had told him that you'd be home late that night, and you hoped that you could surprise him with some dinner. So, you swung by his favorite yakitori place and ordered dinner, driving home as fast as you safely could.
As you open the door to your apartment, you hear the distinctive sounds of sex, skin slapping on skin, grunts and moans, high keens. You frown. Maybe Shouyou was watching porn? He sometimes liked to get himself ready (the two of you enjoyed the occasional pegging) before you got home. You drop the food on the kitchen table and put your jacket on the hook.
"Love, I'm home!" you call out softly. No response.
Frowning deeper now, you move towards the bedroom door. Just as you're about to open it, you hear something that stops you cold.
"A-ah, Atsumu!" It's distinctively Shouyou's voice, and suddenly, you can't move anymore.
Shouyou, who told you you could make it through med school.
Shouyou, who made you yakisoba and miso soup whenever you were stuck studying.
Shouyou, who whispered sweet nothings in your ear every morning as the two of you made breakfast.
Shouyou, who is currently in bed with Miya fucking Atsumu.
You want to get up, you want to slam open the door, you want to demand answers, but somehow, you can't get your legs to budge from the spot in the ground they've rooted themselves to.
"Who do you love, Sho?" Atsumu growls.
Your heart skips a beat.
You pray to all the gods you know that what's about to pass Shouyou's lips will miraculously stay trapped in his throat, but it seems like the gods don't feel kind today.
"Y-you, Atsumu, you!" you hear Shouyou cry.
Your heart shatters into a million little kaleidoscopic pieces. Tears start running down your face, hot, involuntary, painful, because they represent the six years of a beautiful relationship down the drain, because nothing will ever be the same, because Shouyou is cheating on you.
Finally, your legs decide to move again. It seems like someone else is controlling your body as you walk towards the door, opening it with a shaking hand.
Shouyou is pinned down by Miya-san on the bed, legs thrown over his shoulder, as he slams into him.
The door bangs against the wall.
Shouyou looks up, and when he sees you, his face floods with guilt.
You don't say anything. You just stand there, tears flooding down your face, betrayal evident in your expression.
"Y-y/n!" he says. "I-I- I swear, this isn't-" he begins.
You cut him off. "I don't want to hear it, Shouyou." you spit.
Miya-san chuckles. "Who are we kidding, this is exactly what they think it is. What, did you think that you would be enough to satisfy Sho? You, with your infinitely busy schedule? You, who has no clue about volleyball?" he says, cutting into you.
"Atsumu, stop!" Shouyou says, frantic. He can tell that he's going to lose you, but he's not going to go down without a fight. "Babe, I love you, please-" he says, getting out of Miya-san's embrace and moving towards you. You sidestep him, holding a duffel bag with a change of clothes.
You stand there, looking at the scene, chuckling darkly inside your head. Just a scorned lover, a man, and his side-piece. You take a deep breath.
"You know, Shouyou, if you fell in love with someone else, you should've just told me. I trust you to be honest. I'm leaving—because even though you might love me, you're in love with Miya-san." you said.
Shouyou looks stricken with guilt, but you know it's from lying, not because he loves you anymore. Your laugh is broken and rough on the ears. "You think I didn't hear you? Oh, Shouyou, I heard more than enough. Have a nice life, and I hope that you remember how you broke me. I hope it fucking haunts you to the day of your death," you hurl at him.
Because even though at that moment you're screaming at him, you know that you still love him, that you’ll always will love him, and that you will carry this scar for the rest of your life. And even though you love him enough to leave now, to let him be with the person he loves—you still have enough love for yourself to hope that he bears some of the weight of this horrible, messy end too.
And with that, you walk out the door.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
But you're wrong.
Hinata Shouyou might love Miya Atsumu, but he still loves you more.
Years later, looking back, he comprehends that he didn't just break you. As he stares at his empty apartment, devoid of a lover—because what you said was true, he still carries the guilt, the memory of your tear-stained face, the recollections of your golden time together that ruined any relationship he might have had before it started, the echo of your absolute trust in him,
—Hinata Shouyou realizes he ruined himself too.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
© ʙᴇᴛʜᴇʏᴅᴏᴄʀɪᴍᴇᴡʀɪᴛᴇꜱ 2021 - ᴘʟᴇᴀꜱᴇ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏᴘʏ ᴏʀ ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ
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