#hope this was worth the wait heehee
our-reality · 2 years
give me a rundown on your silly guys when you feel up 2 it ?
omg yaur ofc .... i've already talked about their personalities in the past (which i can link you to if you want me to!!) so this time i'll expand a bit on their actual roles/tropes in the story and how they factor into the theme :)
ruby - the main character, along with java. originally she was solely the main character, but as time went on and the more i developed the two's relationship the more obvious it became that they should be co-leads. anyways ruby plays into the "sunshine" character trope very heavily and she's easily the most cheerful and optimistic out of all the 7 main characters.
however, she represents overarching theme of the story that "you can't get better on your own, you have to let others help you" in a way unique to her. long story short, she was the one who needed to get better in her youth, but because she had so many different support systems in her life, she was able to then extend the kindness she received to others, being the primary person to do so throughout the entire story. imo she probably embodies the theme the best, which is good cuz she's my favorite xoxo
java - like i said, co-lead to ruby and foil in a lot of ways, often opposing ruby's willingness to stick her head out for others by being more cautious and apprehensive. definitely follows the "brooding" archetype (making her and ruby's relationship a brooding x sunshine kinda deal).
what's interesting about java with the theme, though, is that while she's older than ruby, she's still heavily on the road to recovery from her teenage years. she sort of represents the journey there, not being fully healed to the same extent ruby is (though ruby is FAR from being healed herself), but is absolutely on her way to being there (see: how she treats requiem in comparison to swift treats them. ough. but i'll get to that later)
ALSO SMTH THAT I JUST THOUGHT OF java has the most amount of connections between the seven main characters while ruby most strongly embodies the central theme which makes both og them the heart of the story in different ways that's neat........
python - oh good lord okay. uhm. it's a sort of mentor figure to the two main characters but he's definitely on the reluctant side. uh it for suresies plays into the whole antihero trope with how he looks and behaves, and he also has by far the most connection to the main villain so there's something. uhm but hey in terms of the theme.
the consistent motif throughout his life is like. needing help but not having anyone around to help him with. it was definitely the worst when it was a god (looked down upon by the other gods and largely lived in swift's shadow), and it didn't really get much better when he became human, which was why it felt so betrayed by vysel that it killed him :)!!! on that note though i think after that moment he stops sort of "playing by the rules", accepting all of the constant rejection it's received, and resorting to violence more often because, from its perspective, it's the only thing that's worked so far.
it embodies an end of the spectrum of what happens if you don't/can't let others help you heal, and he spends a lot of season 1 climbing out of the habits it fell into after vysel's death. he does get better though dw
swift - also a mentor to the main characters like python is, but unlike python who can manage being a decent mentor (all things considered) and a good friend, sky's a soaring mentor but not the greatest person to be around. they have a lot of that "all work no play" kind of energy and doesn't really understand the concept of breaks because she never gets one haha what.
aside from that yk that spectrum of what happens when you don't let others help you heal i mentioned with python. she's equal but the polar opposite. sky had piles of people to help them after python's dissappearance but sky shut all of them out because none of them were what she "wanted". in skies mind, python was the only person who could make things better and they refused to think otherwise. which to her credit the other gods are kinda assholes so it's not an incorrect assumption but shshsh. so they isolated herself, selling skies soul to their work and the prophecy (aka the narrative), because in their perception it would only make it harder if she had to juggle the two hardest jobs in the universe AND be other peoples' friends because, other than python, she only saw friends as boxes to check, as just more people they had to hold up appearances to.
they get better too thankfully but essentially python was wrecked by having no one to help and used their overwhelming passion to hurt both himself and others, while swift was wrecked and tried to get rid of skies passions altogether so that she wouldn't be able to hurt themself or others. funny how that works huh
shocker! no. once the second half kicks off it's like. abundantly obvious that there's a lot more to his character than what he first shows. he actually has a lot of different combined traits from the other characters (mentioned the growing up too fast thing already, but there's also there's a parallel to python with the delving into a "false" persona thing, and a parallel to swift with the selling his soul to work thing), which i swear wasn't me being lazy it's just how it worked out
c+ - uh. the comic relief LMAO. for the first half of season 1 he serves as a comedic foil to java and to round out the "humans who had to grow up too fast" trio (with ruby and java). basically his character in the first half is meant to disarm you, like at least there's one character that doesn't have a despressing underside to him right? right???
i wrote out some other stuff regarding his character a lil bit ago which i can also link you too but yeah!! my funny guy :)
vysel - the villain. that's it we're done here BWJSKDKSJFKLS no but fr i hesitate to call him an antagonist because that sort of implies he's a direct opposition to the protagonist and he really?? isn't??? well. okay it's complicated. he has a very direct connection to python but other than that. he himself has no connection to swift but the spirits absolutely do so that kinda works but he doesn't know ruby or java pretty much at all. yeah he's one of java's favorite artists but that's kind of a one sided thing. but PLOT TWIST THAT WAS INTENTIONAL THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
in a bunch of like. esp old "chosen one" stories the villains often don't have super strong connections to the chosen hero, which isn't especially an issue in most cases. but the reason i bring this up is because, in addition to the main theme, vysel's also a major prop for the theme of the narrative. cuz well. he kind of is just a prop, isn't he? like yeah he personally wronged python and he develops beef with the other main cast as time goes on, but he's not the first or last to harm python AND they couldve just as easily formed beef with a different person. if it wasn't him brought back and it was someone else? it wouldn't make that big a difference to the main characters, or anyone, really. he's assimilated into the narrative from the start, and that fact only becomes more and more apparent to the audience (and eventually him as well) as the story goes on. and i could say even more but that would be off topic n his section is long as hell already lmao
uh anyways i'm gonna keep the rest brief but in terms of the main theme he respresents like. yes you have to let others help you but sometimes others can be toxic and you have to be able to recognize when people's help and love for you is conditional. and this is pretty much restricted to python but if i talk about vysel anymore i'll lose my mind sorry
requiem - FINALLY REQUIEM and they were supposed to be the main character as they're the literal chosen one before they forced themself out of the narrative (but not really because you can never truly escape your fate lol). basically the "refusal of the call" stage of the hero's journey taken to the extreme. anyways yk that whole black and white motif they have. yeah that's no coincidence that's just like. visual language. every inch of their existence is connected to their chosen one status . its fun
and this is something i've never extensively talked about ever so NEW LORE!! their parents neglect the fuck out of them. FUN RIGHT thorne write a character with two loving and living parents challenge (impossible). but uh yeah yk those jokes that're like "wow how are all the parents of these heros just fine to let their child walk around all by themselves with no supervision". yeah that. their parents aren't physically or emotionally abusive in any way and they do care about requiem to an extent but they also are. not good at being parents. so when requiem ends up running away from home with the gang they. don't care for a while. oops.
and reqs not a paticularly good or bad student either so they're really not used to an adult giving them attention, let alone 4 at the exact same time so yeah when the gang shows up on their doorstep and say "hey do you want to go on a trip around the entire world with us" the adjustment period ends up being pretty rough for them ! but when they do finally start to open up it's very obvious that they need so much help . in terms of the theme yk how i said python and swift were different ends of the "what happens when no one helps you" spectrum? well requiem isn't quite on their level but they're well on their way to being just as bad as them, if not worse. so the other four kind of have to work at them and unearth all of the things they've repressed, basically trying to stop them from spiraling into the same unhealthy coping mechanisms that python and swift and especially java (who i haven't mentioned in relation to reqs until now but they are Extremely similar characters. reqs is like a younger java brought forward in time except somehow even more emo). and yeah that's how they relate to the theme heehee
i hope you realize why i can't go on long winded rants about their characters cuz there is even more to be said about them beyond all of this . i was trying to be brief when writing these . uh anyways if you want me to elaborate on these more i will but HOUH
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daily-odile · 7 months
this may be too similar to the judo flipping loop but
odile punching someone. that woman needs to get her feelings out
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Rock α V
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xbalayage · 1 year
"Did you lie to me?" - with any suitor ;3c
Thank you for the ask. <3 I decided on Gilbert because I've seen the fanart of him with your OC. It's my first attempt at him, so I hope he's not too cliche.
WC: 509
Oh how you hated this cat and mouse game he'd love to play, yet he found it utterly riveting. Toying with you like you were a delicious meal to be devoured on a silver plate for his own pleasure and amusement. Every ounce of a reaction you bestowed for his all seeing eye made the chase all the more thrilling for him. He moved like the shadows, leaving an eerie echo of a cane hitting the floor in his wake. He never allowed you to see the cards he had in play. Gilbert would always be five steps ahead. That's why even when you ran, he didn't chase. There was no need, for you see, he had eyes everywhere. You were in his domain. Eventually, you'd run yourself ragged at a dead end or a secluded corner of the palace. But where your racing mind left you was the perfect little trap for the little rabbit. The library; one way in, no way out. Sometimes the waiting game was worth the wait. The stalking predator narrowed his deep hued eye. A feast with the unrelenting patience to feed; prey always tasted better with the fear of adrenaline rushing through their veins moments before their heart reached its end. He found you frozen in place, dumbstruck written on your features. Once your frantic gaze noticed the tiger, you sought out an escape route, his carefree smile grew; his body sheltering the only exit with the presence of his domineering form. "Found you little rabbit. Heehee, thought you could get away from me so easily?" The door shuts behind him, the locking of it lingered in your mind; you're trapped in here, with him. The realization hit you like a train as he stalked towards you agonizingly slow. The sound of your heart wildly thumping out of your chest, reverberating in your ears and you almost swear that he could hear it too by the easy, intimidating look from his stare. He enjoys this. The music of danger decided to crescendo, the tapping of that damn cane; the stillness of the room begins to pan in, his approaching body seemed to have the shadows follow as the room grew as grim, cold and dark as the night. The only remaining light, the soft flicker of a dying flame of a candle caresses his features. Was it the fear messing with your mind? His eye almost seemed to glow. And now, he had you pinned against a desk, gloved hands slammed themselves passed your hips onto the furniture behind, stationing you into place. He leaned in, his hot breath grazed the shell of your ear. You were a deer in headlights; you couldn't react or respond. "When I hear the sound of your heart--your life so close, I can hardly bare it. Hmm? Did you lie to me? Your eyes don't sing the same tune your heart is. I hope you've learned a thing or two about me; I despise liars. Yet, your body is so honest. Heehee, surrender yourself to me."
taglist; @nightghoul381, @yvelk, @drachonia
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rawmeknockout · 8 months
Not a request! I just need you to know that the soindwave taking in that cassette knocked me the fuck out I love that shit so much??? If I could I would shower you in confetti and give you an award.
HEEHEE!!! i’m glad it’s getting so much love! it was so fun to write and i love exploring situations like that i hope i can do more in the future
i’m glad that request was worth the wait ; v ;
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7th Dimension (Chapter 7.9)
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7TH DIMENSION WATTPAD VERSION (LINK)  (I am entirely ahead on this site now. 7th Dimension on Wattpad has now accumulated more than 10 chapters even before I published this one tonight. There are minimal scenes back in the previous chapters which has been altered there, so sorry about to those who only read my updates through Tumblr because there might be some differences in Satoru’s characteristics which has been changed on Wattpad already, yet y'all are bound to read the altercations in further chapters. Heehee.)
Characters: Gojo Satoru x Small!Naive!Fem!Foreign!Reader | THIS IS A MULTI-CHAPTER FIC. THIS IS AN X READER FANFIC WHO HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO THE DIMENSION OF JUJUTSU KAISEN | (Trust me, you'll live. I hope?)
Summary: (End of Chapter 7. Part 10) Mind Training with Gojo Satoru had been beneficial to the both of you. You were given a mission to bake him sweets and in return of earning a 10/10 rating from the Great Teacher Gojo would result for a Shopping Spree treat from the Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer alive. Additional Summary for this chapter: All good things come to an end. Yet, the days hereafter might hold something more for both. One which consisted of utter perplexity, interest and mirth rather than today. 
Warnings: Somehow kinda soft Satoru? I mean, you'll understand why. Tiny-Chan is being sweet through words? It's subtle though. This ain't fully candy-sweet yet and I'm terribly waiting for the moment they would be. (T_T) Just the word Damn? | Just imagine the bandage scene gifs included here are the ones he currently has. Not the ones he had via JJK0, alright? Basically, the black ones that he has right now is what he really have with Tiny-chan.
7th Dimension Taglist: @dailystsg (Send me an ask or message if you want to be added or removed, bb’s!)
Words: 5k+
Disclaimer: PNG's or pictures used in edits, also those posted are not mine especially the GIF's. (I dunno how to make GIFs 😭) I only own the plot of 7th Dimension. But, not Jujutsu Kaisen's storyline and the characters themselves. OG characters are created by me and will be stated during my brief author's notes. I apologize for the typos or grammatical errors by the way! English isn't my first language so I'm so sorry in advance! Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be for the sake of the story. Please do not post/copy any of my writings/works anywhere.
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THE SUNBEAM OF THE AFTERNOON SCINTILLATED THROUGH YOUR SKINS; the warm heat of the sun looming over you and Satoru, at odds with the brisk breeze as you crossed the threshold within the boundaries of Tokyo Jujutsu High.
It was a maunder through the pavements, mosey on up back to where you were guaranteed to be headed. Back at Satoru's sleeping quarters heisted for the meantime. This seemed like a thorough dawdle with the white-haired Jujutsu Sorcerer. Worth to be painted a word picture of a leisure walk as if you weren't aware that Satoru was not entirely damned late enough for whatever meeting or assembly he had.
Needless to say, the latter did not give a damn or two on it at all; the negligence he had with time involve. You've eventually adhered to the necessity of his wanted presence, considering the idea that he was of paramount importance with the denomination he had been gloating, one worth to be printed as a front page headline of the newspaper like Spiderman has finally revealed his face to the world.
The Strongest. Two words. Twelve letters. It wasn't difficult to comprehend yet the description felt like the panjandrum of the century. Was he really the only one in his world? Did he not have a partner for help then or rather another person who was worth to be entitled as the second?
Satoru was ensured to be chastised that his dilatory punctuality had involved to be taken by an irrelevant woman in their world who'd just needed to be chaperoned out for shopping.
Everything had been equanimous walking through the borderline hills towards the institute; the quietude for Satoru's congenial company unusual to his incessant badinages sent here and there. This chop and change regarding with his behavior making you chew-over that he was reflecting over his own thoughts for whatever concerns or matters he was dwelling about. 
You knew you were on the sly upon giving him inquisitive ganders, sneaking glimpses walking alongside of him. Your face partially hidden behind the top portion of your Neko soft toy, over-scrutinizing this whole comforting tranquility that has been settled between you both when in fact, Satoru has been experiencing that zany, homely atmosphere again. The restful lull enwreath with amenity when he has held you in his arms back at that time during the Hatagaya incident for which always has him in a woolly thinking.
"Got somethin' to say, Tiny-Chan?" Satoru divulged to your incessant, sly glimpses. He spouted upon a question out of the blue, nipping in the bud of the silence that was starting to grow familiar as the clock ticked by. An over free sense that he'd ruminated for a time being; for a cordial tranquility he had not asked for; a sensibility that always leaves him feeling strange. 
"Huh? What do you mean, Satoru?" you've blurted out of the blue, partially lost in your own faraway land for a second or two, dubious that he was actually and entirely aware that you were sneaking in glimpses when he wasn't even looking at all.
"You seem like you have somethin' in mind, though." he bluntly put it that way, shrugging to himself before he pressed on with his candidness, "---unless, you're keepin' them to yourself? You do know you're bound to spit those secrecy of yours when I'm with you until you're aggravated enough to pull all of my hairs out. I'm not one to heap praise on any lie when it comes to you," pause. "---To put it simply, you're actually just beginning to stare a lot. Heh."
The white-haired sorcerer fiddled along the contents of his pockets. One hand aimlessly shoved inside as he gave a minimal smile that you've briefly laid your eyes upon. The other grasping along the handles of all your tremendous amount of paper bags that he surprisingly held for you. His focal point just straight ahead. 
With a scratch to the head, caught in an disoriented phase that came with a stutter from his frank mouth, "Ah---Eh---Hm, was I? Uh---" Peering up at him from the sides, the glint in your eyes irreproachable. A school of thought that calls into question for how their abilities functioned at all. The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer hummed in return to acknowledge you. His subtle genial smile relentless as he was anticipating your intriguing questions about Jujutsu every now and then during the day spent with him. 
To be honest, Satoru subtly hoped it wasn't one he'd experienced prior to when he felt strangely awkward. A weird fortuity he'd never been familiarized in because he was Satoru Gojo. He was a man; a shameless one to be exact. Yet, you have made him feel rather fiddly not long ago.
"---If you could actually teleport by the way, then why didn't we just---well, since you're late to whatever it is you're needed to go to..." You've consciously trailed off, thoughts going nowhere and not knowing if you were making sense, testing the waters upon a subject that has been outlandish when it would be engaged in a conversation back in your rightful dimension. One ought for humanity to interpret as if you were of cuckoo. 
To Satoru's world, it was simply a conventional, homespun scenario. 
"Ah, Spatial Manipulation, you say?" Gojo uttered as a matter of fact. The pitter-patters of his footfall appeasing to the rhythmic thrums of your heartbeat once you've apathetically responded. Pitch all wordly-wise for him to smirk on to.
"I've said what I said. Teleporting. It kinda' has the same function."
"To your sporadic brain and non-sorcerer perspective, it might be called teleporting. But, to us, Jujutsu Sorcerer's, it's Spatial Manipulation." his tone was jovial as he stood corrected, dancing along his words to your mullish prudence.
"Whatever you say then."
The latter gave a second through his brief deliberation, not wanting you to see that the question has caught him off guard. Your query being asked also to himself, yet he kept his cynicisms to his own, "Hm, First off, you wanted to take the train." he vaguely and quickly responded without any second thoughts. Before you could've opened your mouth to speak, he raced you off to your canny objections, "---Well, I assumed you were."
"But, you could've saved time?" Hugging the stuff toy closer to you. A knot upon your brows formed with your lower lip jutted out in a pout, mulling over the thought.
"Yet, isn't that what you wanted? To take the train?"
Satoru lightheartedly pressed on, repeating his latter sentence. It was giving off the impression that he was obstinate over his own opinions and was telling himself that and not to you. Thus, which held the furrow along your brows rather much tighter. Gojo appeared to be stressing on the idea or was probably just playing with you that he had to think you could also be one to blame for his intentional irresponsibility that he has welcomed to his harum-scarum ways.
You've reached a hand to scratch your nape, wondering why he was keeping the notion as a close-minded opinion, "I didn't actually say that---you know what? You're having a habit on putting words in my mouth. You just assumed I was because I haven't been to Japan. Ever."
"Ah, really now?" he sounded ingenuine as he asked, seeming to be feigning the skepticism and satirical sense of humor dancing through his words, "---weren't you actually skipping and mentally screeching like a child once you've seen the train?"
He's very much aware of his surroundings. Too mindful. Your mouth was kept shut as the words echoed in your brain. The subtle scrunch of your nose overflowing with aggravation for being culpable to Satoru's insane insights of his surroundings. Definitely, an ability you were starting to be suspicious of unless he was just utterly sensitive to the happenings that encompassed around him. All images were being reminisced to that particular moment where you were rooted to the spot from the Pokemon characters painted and printed along the interior layers of the train you've boarded in with him. 
"They've designed Jigglypuff, Skitty and Togepi well." you murmured rather softly, an admittance that wasn't meant to be heard as your mouth and words were muffled. 
Satoru couldn't help the smirtle that has been drawn to his face. All the while, his pitch was astute when he voiced out a quip, "Ah. That was an expected line from you. You're fond of another fluffy little thing." he'd began to pull on your leg, repossessing the prevalent jocularity he was having with you prior to the day rather than the easement that leaves him otherwordly unsettled. 
"---Let me raise you a fact, Tiny-Chan. Digimon's so much better." 
You've blinked to yourself upon hearing that come from him, slipping on a hop to your own place when you've taken a pause, delaying alongside Satoru who'd expressed his resonating curiosities, figuring out that the tiny, foreign woman he's with has briefly bounced on the soles of her feet, enfolding the Neko Stuff toy closer to you like you were starting to engage in a battle, "Excuse me---Is this another debate, you want?" 
Satoru blinked behind his Stygian sunglasses, pausing midway upon his drift away; his satirizing beams faltering before it grew into a wide, toothy grin that you've grown accustomed during the time being, "Hehe. Ting! Ting! Ting!" he pointed his fingers up above in steady counts to eulogize through your anticipations for his behaviors you've started to verse in, "---You got that correct! Hate to break this to ya' but I'm not backing down on this one. You're in for a verbal debate with the strongest!"
You've given him a grimace that has been purely frolicsome to begin with for his jocose altercations which always ends up in prolix piffles, "Eh! But, you never really do back down on our verbal debates anyway nor do you accept defeat! It's always an endless round!"
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Tokyo Jujutsu High's ambiance was as hushed as it ever was. Satoru was roaring with laughter at his own childish witticisms that ensued to your own flounders. It was an interminable hooey that contradicted to your contretemps as you've both wandered further deep into Tokyo Jujutsu High. Footsteps going pit-a-pat as it lightly tapped along the nicely bricked built pavements. 
The cluster of your planned malarkeys were set to a stop. Your attentiveness stowed upon Satoru's fingers that kept tinkering inside his pocket as he was dragging on with his balderdash, not having the faintest that you were letting him win on this one. Well, he always insisted and have been stubborn to withhold his verbal triumphs. 
Once you were both situated under a tall, big, Japanese maple tree---being shut out by the heat of sunlight. Satoru had dug out his blindfolds from his pocket. The soft, Stygian fabric wafting through the borial breath of wind that drifted in definite directions, sheltered by the shade cloaking you from its shadows as you were both only a few meters away from the center of the wide-ranging institute. 
It was finally time-out.
"Satoru?~" you've accepted the paper bags in his hand when he'd outreached them out for you to take and finally give them all, lately fathoming how it was a plethora of his gratuity being given until they were all handled. Unbeknownst to you, the timbre lulling along the mere call of his name sounded utterly pulpous and benevolent. Unreasonably benign for Satoru to even give chaff to. All of a sudden, the flurry of air have been thawed for no reason; a reason that Satoru have been depriving himself upon perception. 
The white-haired Jujutsu Sorcerer felt the warm gust swallow him whole, kept inside the arcane notation he was having. An intonation he somehow found...saccharine. He haven't realized that he'd match up with your own pitch and eventually used the one that also made your toes sweaty and soles jittery, reciprocating what was being given as you've also felt the same way. 
"Yes, Tiny-Chan?~"
"You're putting the blindfolds back on now?" Thoroughly filled with artless curiosity, you've cocked your head to the sides, still wondering why the Sensei have been switching them from time to time and not having an ounce of knowledge regarding about the reason behind it; when he wears it or when he doesn't and why he wears it as well. 
This day had not been enough to read him through. Satoru Gojo is still an enigma; a paradox you've got yet to discover, a riddle you've needed to cudgel your brains out for this one. His background history entirely a closed-book needed to find the key to somewhere stowed away out there for you to hunt for.
Little did you know, it was also the same for you as for Satoru's perspective over the whole thing because your existence was one of the most difficult conundrums for the strongest. 
You were standing before him, utmost intrigued. Your childlike curiosity, a guileless flicker and dazzle within your eyes that surrounded you when you were gazing upon his face. Satoru knew you were engrossed over his presence. Though, he was oblivious to that heart beating within you. It skipped tethering, deafening beats when he'd sweep his sunglasses off his face in a slipshod manner. 
He'd blinded you with his beauty, rendering sightless for your surroundings and only to him, alone. Being immersed by the firmament he'd provided. The welkin you've started to traipse upon when you've fully had another chance of seeing the entirety of his face, without anything hindering Satoru's sight. 
It always leaves you in a magical reverie. How one can look utterly heavenly for a person to exist. He probably wasn't real. No man could be of paradise. You've rapidly blinked, packing up the daydream he has been pig-ignorant of---or he knew how the sum of his unhindered face alone could affect you in every way when you've gotten a gist of his wide, grin when you were distracted by appreciating Gojo Satoru in the flesh as he continued to yap. His hand holding onto his sunglasses while the other was his blindfolds. 
"Yep! I'm meeting with Principal Yaga and that old man anyways," he extolled with a shortened pause, perceiving a figure meters away without even bothering to turn his head to. It was beyond one for a normal person to know anyway who'd not been gifted by the six-eyes. Hence, this figure was Megumi Fushiguro, his first-year student based from his extrasensory perceptions. Satoru was having the best standpoint because there was no blockades over his sight now. "---I doubt they'll be asking about you yet because I made your presence utterly discrete for them to notice. Aren't I the best?" he yammered on, his succeeding sentences fading away in a whispered self-thought, "---Unless, Ijichi began to fink out in just a matter of hours..."
"Your eyes---," you've started off, mind in a state of stupefaction but also conscious of the veridicality that was guaranteed to slip through the tip of your tongue, the euphoria of your day fueling your heart into spouting reckless honesty that pledges to the confidence being consumed. 
Satoru was sharp-witted to cut you off with his witty, pompous remark. His grin growing wider like a Cheshire cat, "---are pretty. I know. There's no need for you to say it out loud. You should at least, humble me a little."
You've blinked another, shunning off to his haughtiness with absolute innocence that enveloped around you. A guileless spirit that girdled the emanations of this abrupt personality or response he'd created out of you from his unanticipated parade of his heavenly bare face.
"I wouldn't call it that way. It's pretty-basic. Hm. They're...a pair of spellbinding paradise, Satoru." A moment of pause. You've taken a calming breath out of your nose, smiling the brightest as you've dragged on. The end of your sentence being hummed while you've mused, thinking of better terms to get what was needed to be uttered out of nowhere, definitions that was certainly taken out of the dictionary to create a better meaning of the word 'beautiful'. 
"---Definitely too good to be true. If I could honestly assess them,"
Thus, the verity over your words---how you've run your mouth off for him, your reckless and impulsive honesty was a curse he would want to eradicate.
This felt more of a special grade malison or hoodoo than all those he had ever fought. 
"---I'm claiming it to be of stellar."
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Blithesome whispered in the breeze. Satoru's white, luscious locks rippling through the zephyrs. His reticence imbibing the mellowness of the atmosphere; his taciturnity tumultuous for you to analyze on. A stifled smile forming the ends of your lips as you've went on with your candor. 
All words were put to a stop from your staggering speech with Satoru placing his sunglasses back inside his pockets. His own Sable blindfolds halting mid-way across his vision when you had to peek to the side, admiring how he was entirely a beauty created by the heavens. The genuineness unconfined from the glint in your eyes that the strongest had given a glimpse to, gaping through it all as if he was at a loss for words for the first time in forever. 
I know. It's the prettiest; basically the most beautiful out of all anyways. His dormant thoughts filled the empty ravines, ringing in nothing but hushed echoes that couldn't be uttered out of his boisterous mouth. 
That was what he wanted to say; that was what Satoru Gojo needed and supposed to proclaim out loud and not this shushed state he was currently in. 
Satoru couldn't get a grip on what he wanted to say as if his tongue has been cut-off all of a sudden. He couldn't believe it nor did he wanted to acknowledge or accept it that he couldn't retaliate from the words that left your mouth for the first time in his life; for the first damned moment in his life did he become soft---bashful over a cracker-barrel wisdom commented by a mere woman. This unidentified non-sorcerer who'd existed out of the blue during the heaps of calamity through the issues of the Jujutsu Society. 
A woman; one that was bound to experience such demise if she was not protected. 
Satoru blinked before you, caught in the wrong foot for hearing your sheer frankness that has possessed you in such a surprising time. His blindfolds already halfway through when he'd suddenly felt a rush of warmth spread across his face, one that comported himself into expressing a gape as he was concentrated over the fabric that drifted and went along with the breeze of the atmosphere out in Tokyo Jujutsu High. An annoying warmth that he wanted to slap himself on the face because it left him in a fit of pique, breaking from his tough masquerade and unveiling the empathetic sensitivity that begun to froth.
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Damn it.
"Just wanna be frank this once since it'll serve as my gracious payment for today. An eye for an eye. Or must I say..." you've begun to trail off, getting a glimpse of the strongest appearing to be taken aback. Such an unforeseen position you've recognized him to be in. The utmost opposite of his usual demeanor that you had the opportunity to see; a remarkable occasion that nobody---no one had ever seen which emanated a warm beam that has spread across your face, summery than the sun can ever be.
"---An honest feedback for an honest feedback. Heehee! Enjoy those Ice Cream Mochis I made just for you, Satoru!" 
A stifled giggle went straight passed your lips with Satoru stopping on his tracks and actions. Gathering all the paper bags on one hand with your giant Neko stuff toy in the other, you've taken one bounce in place, exerting effort and a succeeding audible huff before turning upon the heels of your feet, evacuating from Satoru's presence when the cognizance of your own actions begun to thwack you in the face. 
"---Bye-bye!" you immediately exclaimed your regards, knowing well now where his dormitory was and what building it is within the institute. Though, the locations you were only habituated of had been his room, the kitchen and what particular classroom does he teaches with his students. Other than that, the institute was still a whole mystery for how far-reaching it felt like it was. 
All your hands were full and it was hilarious for anyone to see. You've hugged all the gifts and prizes to yourself, briskly walking away with a suppressing giggle when you haven't heard a word from Satoru nor did he have the short time to respond. Before you could actually say knife, you had already turned your heels in the midst of darting away from the whammy he was in. 
Much to both of your stupefied predicaments, Satoru kept track upon your sprint. Mouth still bizarrely zipped. His stellar eyes stuck on you alone. A gesture that have been an essential nature he'd hardly regarded until this exact moment where the heat felt too palpable to restrain from, a harrowing concern that leaves him overwrought, "---Oh, take care and be safe! Thank you so much for today!"
Take care. Be safe. Thank you so much.
Satoru Gojo felt the heat rise to his face, further and further through chasmic gaps. Free-flowing towards chasms he never expected to. Parts of his face that weren't meant to take a tour. Last time he'd checked as he bore in mind, the Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer hadn't remembered a time nor a split second where he had heard such compassion, genuine care and appreciation which fostered him during a day as if he was meant to be treasured, someone who was human and not as some weapon or armament to be used to.
The man never did remember. He tried to summoned up all moments but ended up reminiscing on nothing other than the care he'd accumulated from both of his closest friends who knew him better from the bottom of his heart. 
Because being the strongest meant he had everything worked out; being the invincible meant that he was to be regardful of everything to the point of nursing for himself, mindful that no matter how many allies you've got, if a Jujutsu Sorcerer dies then he or she dies alone. It was an inevitable chore from the day he was born to his world to claim the supremacy of what his real abilities hold for him. How his birth played a vital role in the evolution of the Jujutsu Society. 
Hence, hearing the tenderhearted words chanted out of your mouth in the most genuine timbre he'd heard has set him off in an unfamiliar demeanor he never expected. 
"Eh? T-Tiny-Chan! Come back! I still have something to say!" 
Satoru heard himself well and clear. Did he just stammer a little over your sudden flowery truth? Those paltry adulations that has been unlooked for, igniting a prompting speech impediment over him when it wasn't meant to happen anyways. 
"Your chatters are endless! There's never a time you've got nothing to say!"
That's not true. He'd heard his innermost thoughts reiterated for himself, taking all the exuberance you were offering and the existent portrait you were welcoming him with. He'd become aware and caught sight over that faint wave of your hand that settled around Neko-San, apparently its giant size were burdensome enough to flaunt the simplest gestures because of the plethora of gifts equipped within the bundle of your arms. 
"---Stop being lazy and go where ever it is you're needed to be. Bye!"
As expected, Fushiguro was in repose as he divagated within the expanse of the institution. The inheritor of the Ten Shadows Technique had an apathetic expression on his face when you've passed by him, eyeing everything what you were holding to yourself. He hadn't been given the opportunity to see your face nor did he see that you were peeking through the arm of your soft toy when you acknowledged his presence.
"Sea-Urchin!---I mean, Hi, Megumi!" 
Megumi scrutinized your form through his thick eyelashes, giving a second of incertitude before he responded with a stolic tonality of his voice, giving you a slight bow of recognition once he ceased from his deliberate wanders. Even through a distance, he was aware that you were with Gojo. Obviously. The black-haired Jujutsu Sorcerer witnessing those melodious giggle he subtly heard from a distance. The tiny hops with every step you've taken as you've drifted away from his Sensei who hollered out loud for you to come back, making the first-year student critically assess what was happening. 
"Eigo-San." Fushiguro apathetically regarded, continuously straight-faced. 
Once you were far enough, your figure miniscule to be detected from the position that they were in. He'd approached Gojo, assessing through the glance he'd given to his Sensei who was aimlessly fondling with his Stygian blindfold grazing around the tips of his fingers, not knowing what his expressions was as it was apathetic nor indistinguishable. The teacher's countenance inscrutable, giving little away. 
Satoru knew Megumi was around the corner and had to at least grab a hold of himself after that abrupt honesty you have given him. 
"Gojo-Sensei," Fushiguro acknowledged the teacher. Satoru's bare face par for the course of Megumi's anticipations because the first year knew already how he looked like with or without the blindfolds on unlike the previous first years---who were now second years---had no idea prior to that particular day on how Gojo appeared to look like without it when he managed to blow the gaff over the eyes he masked. 
"Oh, Megumi!" Satoru stated with a smile plastered on his face, warm and cordial for his student. He'd veiled his previous pneuma deftly. He cloaked in the frontage he usually had with his students. He'd begun to tie his blindfolds back, wringing a hand through the fluff of his locks with the spaces of his fingers, going over his forehead and through his hair being arranged in barbs with the undercut shown against the nape of his neck as he did so.
"Did you enjoy the day with Eigo-San?"
The lids of Gojo's eyes began to nictate through the fabric that concealed his eyes. Megumi's precipitated query making him wonder why he was being asked by a question that was obviously out of the box to begin with from the juvenile who was always outwardly stoic and calculating. 
"Huh? What's with the sudden question?" he blinked another through the clothing that covered his eyes. Megumi avoided his gaze and also had been like he dwelled from the abrupt question he had given, wondering why he even had to ask. The first- year probably regretted it as well when Gojo abruptly began to poke borak over a mere question that should've been out of his concerns. He grinned from ear to ear, instantly stepping a foot forward to clung an arm around the student's shoulders with a grin.
"---Had you missed me then?!"
"I knew I shouldn't have asked. It's a personal question anyway. Tch." Fushiguro deadpanned and grumbled, scowling to himself and wondering why Gojo ignored the subject, looking as though he was desisting from a simple inquiry that was answerable by a yes or no. At the same time, his first-year student was pulling out all the stops for the tight, lanky arm that clutched around his shoulders, "Oi, Megumi-Kun!" Satoru tauntingly chided, chuckling here and there before his student's lackadaisical honesty made him inquisitive about what he really wanted to say for the second time around.
"I already know the answer, Sensei. That's good to hear. Y-You need to stop wrestling me around now." 
Fushiguro elucidated out of nowhere, huffing out an exasperated breath when Gojo began to tussle him over like a kid and dragged him to anywhere he wanted. Obviously, the black-haired student was opposed to the confining space that his Sensei was giving him. Megumi's face unexpressive nor could he know what he was thinking from his own analytics other than a deepened grimace that Satoru habitually sees every day. 
"The answer to what? I didn't even said anything! Huh?" Gojo ceased the scuffles he was giving to Megumi. The first year peeved to the bones when he'd taken a hand to stressfully scratch along the back of his head, a deep frown of annoyance as he sighed out an audible breath of exasperation once he was out of the Sensei's hold. 
Little did Gojo know, his ears and cheeks had a tint. It emancipated hues of crimson that were a perpetual undertone which he was unheeded for when you've taken your flight before Megumi could even put one's oar to whatever it is you were having with the Special Grade Jujutsu Sorcerer. Those tinge of warmth that enveloped in mantled shadows no matter how Gojo endeavored the guise he tried to play. 
That particular eccentric, warmth throwing him off, unrecognizable for the emotions he ignored once Megumi have been on sight. He had never been aware of it nor did he perceive that he was experiencing one. Yet, his first year student found it utterly peculiar for such an odd image of his Sensei seeming to be in a flustered state that had to be too good to be true and difficult to process for those who were accustomed to the usual spirits that Satoru provided for them. 
If Megumi was an idiot, he would've blamed the sun that has probably given Gojo that strange flush over his face, the scarlet hues that gathered in trails over his own skin. 
But, he believed he wasn't a halfwit or a simpleton as he claimed how his two friends were. Let alone, including the Sensei's ignorance through it all. 
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Hey, it's Tata! We can talk if ya' want or be added in the 7th Dimension taglist~ Just send an ask if ya' want to! Stay hydrated all the time and I hope you're having a great day ahead!
Much love,
Tata XoXo
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only-lonely-lovers · 8 months
Bird is あ / Avvy is
つ:begins… thinking about yugis showering together
あ:yeahhh. actually since i was writing small boys stuff. there's a part where i was like gasp. bath together
あ:[thinks about it]
つ:it feels like. one of those things once amane is healthy it's like WAAAIT
あ:yes like ah ah ah!!!!!!! we have to…
つ:with a heart condition something like a hot bath would be really dangerous… i'm sure it had to be very controlled and at best lukewarm situations and highly parents driven…
あ:highly supervised, no fun
つ:extremely monitored, etc…
あ:as much as you lost just having sleepy times togever
つ:tsukasa just like KFLSDJ;GKL;GJKLKF GRABS ARMFUL OF BATH TOYS [in the tub] I FORGOT [RUNS NAKED THRU HOUSE WETLY GETTING SOME HE FORGOT] amane in the tub alone a minute: stupid…
あ:just kind of watching him like. sigh
あ:now it's a party
つ:they knock it back and forth on top of the water dimly sortof braindead fills a hollow plastic dinosaur with water and makes it barf the water back out
あ:[clapping] ah tsukasa's little pea vibrates , as if he must provide amane bath time entertainment the entire time and amane's like. i mean it's fun. but we can also just have a bath [lazily paws you with my feets]
つ:plip plap pap
tsukasa is like remembering every little thing he does with each toy….. like wait. and this one…. you can do this cuz it floats but i like to think no amane bath time is like sits in water blank eyed as mom helps bathe
あ:in reality yeah it hasn't been so fun tsukasa probably not enjoying swimming or nothing without amane….
it makes me so emo amane is looking forward to pool time like … really has desoirs
つ:SWIMMING really has to have been so incredibly contraband….
あ:such a no no...
つ:i imagine its so. swims around in circles together heeheehee
あ:paddle paddle
つ:time to be sharks. gators. heehee
あ:dives under and grabs your ankle
あ:water makes you wily. its just so fun to be bouyant and not having to worry abt ur whole body fun for newly healthy boy
つ:HOW DOES NOBODY THINK ABOUT HOW GOOD THE REUNION MUST HAVE BEEN!!! we haven't seen it bc they are saving this pocket of time
あ:i have to imagine amane was truly just like manic about stuff for a sec combine this + the glee of having tsukasa back i think it was just epic for a sec
just so excited liek TSUKASA!! momgh said [mouth full of food] werre goingtoda BEAHC
つ:you hope it was so amazing. that whatever awfl things happen later. tsukasa still feels it was worth it
あ:trying to make a big cool kaiju out of sand or, using sand castle molds and then pretending to be a big stupid godzilla stomping on the buildings
つ:we're compressing the joy into a few short years
あ:tsukasa tasked with making a bunch of these
つ:yeaaahhhs baby oh tsukasa just fuckin havin to funnel all the sand around
つ:he is just like hai being given any assignment
あ:I think Amane really could just command him. MAKE me a city. and its like hai. becomes diligent
つ:amane just like puts flags on top and sticks a seashell here or there
あ:sits around frootily
つ:as he does. sigh stares for a minute looking… upon your splendor on the sand…. in the open air… the sun…. upon skin….
あ:[swirling my finger in the wet sand]
あ:Moments like these, they happen
つ:snaps fingers to make him continue the work
あ:Hey cmon i wanna do this and then swim to get all the sand off of me what excites tsukasa more, amane popping up under him in water to carry him, or him getting to carry amane in some way (edited)
つ:amane carrying him would make him [no expression] simply [little shapes floating around]
あ:brother is being whimsical
つ:calculating, except calculating nothing
つ:its like somewhere in the deep recesses of tsukasa's brain is like a bridal carry image he saw once but he's not cognizant of this its more like a little brain itch feeling
あ:amane is just excited to do something like this. ahh my blood is pumping. runs around, feels self panting, but it feels good
つ:guy loves to be athletic it feels good
あ:he's laughing
つ:he's like wow its easy to carry people in water…. i had no idea bounces tsukasa around hup hup takes a minute to be like (he's become so quiet……) but tsukasa is just like that…
あ:its like ah…. [pauses] …. tanoshii…? you having fun? [kind of wry tone like lol]
あ:hehe. [spins in a circle…] after enough time itll be like lol. my turn ok. you do me next entertain your prince
つ:amane behaves as if he is on a throne about it i'm sure. I think tsukasa is more outwardly like heehee grin heehee SPINS YOU VERY FAST MAKES US BOTH DIZZY
あ:really gets all, like, comfy on you, like you're a chair, i cross my legs. i rudely lean my elbows on you ohh i can barely feel it tsukasa you're going to have to go faster than that…
つ:becomes serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh god catching SHRIMP!!!! EBIIII
あ:every day it is catching the shrimp for our dear little tsukasa
つ:really works self into a panting mess doing a ballet show with amane
あ:[finally claps] i bestow that upon you
つ:FEELS VERY VERY ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!! oh i think tsukasa is the sickest person of all having grown up with amane… nene you need to weep for him sometimes its a lot to…. deal with…. isn't it… wtf
あ:It's bad unfiltered amane 24/7…
つ:this is a guy who as it is can feel so 'i know i am your favorite'
あ:i knowww you like me exploits if there was EVER an exploitative mfer
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demonsofdevildom · 1 year
Having some help from his twin and Satan due to nearly falling asleep in the cake batter when trying to make something for someone, though the result was wonderful due to the fact it had a big teddy bear on it along with a small creature the resembled a ferret with them too.
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"Worth the trouble I think, mrmm... I do have meats for the ferret friend of his too. Hrmm... so tired, I hope that he comes soon..." blinking at the cake before thumping his head on the table after having completed his long mission of a birthday gift for his teddy bear, "Soft... sleep cuddles... mmm... heehee..." mumbling something in his sleep while having drifted off when waiting but at least no one was bothering Belphie right now despite the fun cake that he was guarding.
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ryonello · 3 years
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i used to fear many things , but that man is gone .
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arttuff · 2 years
Okay, so I've wanted to get top surgery for years, but I have no idea how to get it started? Do you just like, call up your doctor and be like "hey can you cut off my tits thx?" How did you get started? (And how much did it cost...) Hope this isn't too personal, thanks.
this is gonna be real informal cuz im just some dude im not a professional
here’s a super basic overview of how I went about it :) let me know if you have any questions anon! I’ll be happy to take a stab at answering
disclaimer is i live in australia so this is probably very specific to australia but if it helps, medicare (our public healthcare) didnt cover much except a couple hundred off the anaesthetist’s fee (but i wont include that in my estimate ily americans)
also this is just how i did it im sure everyone goes about it differently
but my first step was hrt (you dont need to go on hrt for top surgery but if you do it's recommended 6 months on testosterone before you get the surgery so you can get pecs goin beforehand and have more natural looking results. my pecs were juicy as hell by the time i got top surgery, so much so that my mum was surprised lol truly living up to my artstyle)
to do that i had to get a letter from my psychiatrist (this was covered by medicare) saying that i have a documented history of gender dysphoria and am mentally sane enough to seek treatment for it (this is just because of my medical history im pretty sure that not everyone has to do that plus you can look into informed consent)
with that letter of gender confirmation in your hot little hand you can then google around to find who it is you want to be doing your top surgery! i am so insanely lucky that i live in the biggest city in my country, meaning i had some good options. i settled on an award winning plastic/cosmetic surgeon that specialises in gender reassignment-- i love his results, and im so glad i went with him everything looks better than i expected it's so worth it!!!!
anyway once you choose a doctor you ring up and ask for a consultation-- this is not bulk billed but medicare can rebate a bit i think
thanks to covid all of the openings for consultations were full so i rang back once a week for 6 months (oh my god that's obsessive as fuck now that i put it together) until they had an opening
at the consultation you pretty much talk to your doc to let them know what you want, your identity, etc. im a nonbinary butch lesbian and i wanted some pecs but no nipple reconstruction (no nips no worries mate xx) and he made sure i was certain that's what i wanted and that i know the risks associated
the doc gives you an estimation and you decide whether you want to go through the public system (i think this is australia specific) and get put on a waiting list for 3+ years depending on demand, or do it privately (medicare, which everyone has, plust any private healthcare-- i have none)
i decided to go private because i do not think i could handle that wait, and ended up just being able to make it through with overtime at work heehee :) but good lord my wallet is starving
the cost is split up 3 ways between the doctor’s fees, the anaesthetist’s fees, and the hospital fees. there’s more expenses if you stay overnight at the hospital, so it’s better if you have someone to take you home and look after you
so all up i saved money in 2 places: the surgery itself was shorter because there was no nipple reconstruction, and i didn’t stay overnight so i didn’t have to pay that massive amount
all up my cost of surgery was around $11 000 aud (which is around usd $7 600) and the estimate he gave me was $14 000 aud ($9 600 usd) 
that’s a vague and rambly overview! let me know if there’s anything you’re confused about anon! or if there’s any questions you have about top surgery recovery etc :) remember i can only give my perspective from how it’s done in australia I’m sure it’s way different elsewhere in the world
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eternalegohell · 2 years
cupping your face in their hands and them telling you, “you. you are the one i love.” heehee Actor Mark beloved <3
SORRY!!! A lot of you lovely folks sent in a bunch of wonderful asks, and as soon as I was finna work on 'em depression
But uhh--- I got this one done for ya cheif!!!
Sorry in advance, it ended up as angst instead of fluff :')
Also this story kinda sorta doesn't make any fucking sense, but i had fun writing it, so I hope you have fun reading it!!!

Out Of Character (Actor Mark x Reader)
Summary: Actor Mark tries to persuade to join him in his endeavors, and be his loving partner.
Word Count: 1149
His arms open wide, gesturing towards the sky of the void in gandure, smiling, soaking up the attention from his imaginary spotlight.
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“I can offer you anything you want! All the luxury and riches you could ever ask for!!!”
The Actor.
The manipulator of stories, of characters. Always keeping your gaze directed towards him at all times, stealing limelight from those he didn’t deem worthy…
“You can be the beloved hero, the protagonist of every story ever written… You, you can go down in history, adored by all… If you, my dear (y/n), would do me the honor… of being mine,” he says, his reptilian eyes emitting a yellow glow in the dark.
You reel back a bit at his proposal, the words of his offer not settling quite right with you.
“If you would do me the honor of being mine,” he says, as if, if you choose to go along with his plan, you somehow will belong to him…
It feels like a trap… 
As if he’s enticing you with worldly possessions in order to better manipulate you…
…But you won’t let yourself slip into his grasp.
“...No,” you state, simple and firm.
The silence that follows is deafening, so much so, it even causes your ears to start ringing. An agonizing crescendo of a monotonous buzz, which is finally broken, shattered by a slightly taken aback… “What…?” which echoes throughout the darkness.
“I said no,” you reiterate, standing your ground with more confidence than the last statement.
The Actor simply looked baffled, shooting puzzled glances into the void, as if there were an audience present to side with his confusion.
The glow in his eyes dim as he clears his throat and looks off to the side whilst he fiddles with the sleeve of his robe “This… is not how it was supposed to go,” he says, a twinge of awkwardness in his voice.
You deadpan, and turn around, beginning to trek in the opposite direction.
“Um— Wait- where are you going?” he questions, his confusion echoing throughout the void.
“Away from you.”
“You… do realize this is a dimension of my own design? You can’t just walk awa— wait- come back here!!!” he says, running after you, his footsteps echoing throughout the emptiness as they clash against the darkness.
“You do realize what you’ll be missing out on…? The fame…! The glitz…! The glory…!!!” he says, his enthusiasm increasing in volume with each word.
“I do…” you say, continuing along your way as the Actor follows behind you.
“Then… why don’t you join me…? You and I together…? We’d be unstoppable…!” 
“I’m sure we would be…” you say “But that’s not what I want.”
“Wh-...Well what do you want…?”
“What does it matter…?” You question “It’s not about what I want.”
The Actor’s expression twists into that of anger, clearly growing impatient with your defiance.
“God DAMMIT, (y/n) WHAT DO YOU WANT?! I can give you the WORLD! I’m TRYING to give you the world!!!” he says, his frustration quickly making its way into his words.
Agitated by his persistence, you stop in your tracks, turning around to bite back at him.
“You couldn’t offer me a world worth living in!”
The Actor’s face turns bright red as he attempts to bite back his growing frustrations. He sputters as he tries to come up with a witty retort, but each failed attempt at words just increases his anger more and more, until his words boil over into a lamenting groan before he yells, an angry growl present in his voice—
Taken off guard, you reel back a bit, frowning at the man before you.
Stunned by his own words, tears begin to form in the man’s eyes as he covers his mouth.
A cracking sound is heard as tears of light rip through the void like shattering glass, before—
It all falls apart.
The void shatters, you lose your footing as you find yourself in a new location, an extravagant house whose floors shook violently as if caught in an earthquake. Quickly, you grab onto a banister as to not fall over, as the man before you is brought to his knees, finally swallowed by his own despair.
An aura of darkness surrounds him, blurring your vision as your ears ring so loudly, you feel as if they might bleed… Tears fill your eyes, and your body feels heavy with the weight of an unknown force, though it feels suffocating… It feels like denial… It feels like frustration…like desperation, like helplessness…
It feels…
Like grief…
. . .
This is… his pain…
Though you struggle, through the tears you project your voice, piercing through the darkness emanating off him and ask “WHAT DO YOU WANT, MARK?!”
The ringing peaks, as the house attempts to throw you against the adjacent wall, before suddenly— everything halts.
. . . 
“What do I want…?” he asks, his voice meek, barely breaking through the silence.
He struggles to his feet before stumbling his way towards you…
He looks at you, tears streaming down his face as he gently cups his hands around your cheek, his touch as cold as ice…
“...You… I want you… You, are the one I love…” he says… “I-...” he stammers, “I just want to feel loved again…” his voice trails off, growing softer as the anguish catches up to him once more “I-...” he chokes on his words, “I just want to feel warm…”
His legs collapse from under him as he holds you in his embrace, and he falls to his knees, dragging you down with him.
You cuss as your knees harshly slam against the hard floor.
The Actor’s eyes widen before he begins to fret over you “O- Oh god, I’m sorry—,” he says, panicked “I didn’t mean to— with the earthquake and the— I-I can fix it, I promise!! Just please—” he says, desperately grasping onto your hand with both of his, his eyes squeezed shut in a saddened frenzy “Let me do this… let me make you happy…”
His hands tremble, as does the rest of his body, waiting anxiously for your response…
Having felt the weight of the turmoil swirling inside of him… you can now see the sincerity, and quite frankly, desperation behind his offer to make you the happiest person alive…
He genuinely wants to… not only to better your life, but to prove to himself that… he can make somebody happy.
…You lean down, and gently plant a kiss upon his forehead.
He opens his eyes in shock, blush coating his cheeks as his snake-like tongue flicks out of mouth in surprise.
“Get me an ice pack, and we’ll talk about it…”
“R-Right…!” he says, perking up and running to get you an ice pack.
You smile to yourself as you realize…
The villainous Actor finally broke character.
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mathmusic8 · 3 years
Book of Boba Fett Episode 3 Reaction
Spoilers under the cut
Oh hey, it’s the spider dude from the trailer!
(Aaaand nothing happens. It's just a setting-placement shot. Nice.)
“Well now I am insulted” XD
Hmmmm. Are these water thieves the same gang that we saw in the flashbacks? Or is this merchant dude playing a double deal to get rid of some competition or something? I dunno, just smells fishy.
…oh, okay, they really are just punk kids (pardon the pun lol—the steampunk vibes are strong with these ones)
Ah, but they do have a reason, according to them
“Then you will work for me.”
Oh, I LIKE that! We’ll see how the kids take it, but I say smart move on Boba’s part
Hmmm. Making some friends is good. But also making enemies can be not good.
We’ll see how this plays out.
Always a bigger fish/bird/toad haha, nice callback
Oooh goodie, flashback time
Pffft poor Boba’s missed a lot heehee, there ain’t no Empire round these parts no more
Ah, so Boba’s gonna single-handedly take out an entire gang. Lovely.
Wow, Banthas have long tails
Smoke? Somber music? This better not be—
(where’s the boss lady? Does that mean there might have been survivors?? PLEASE??)
Ahh, bottle up those feelings of rage until the next flashback, then
Oh. Hello Wookie. What a face to wake up to in the morning.
How did he get in?
Oh goodie, the new kids get to play too
Aww, he lets the Gamorrean use the bacta tank. That was kind of him
Hmm, so they gonna keep the Wookie as a replacement for the rancor or what?
Pfffft that’s so much food
Shand is enjoying it at least XD
Hm, so they’re meeting with the Hutts outside the palace. That’s probably smart. Make everyone sweat a bit more.
Oh. A pet rancor.
How… considerate.
And he gets the Wookie thrown in, too.
Okay, he’s building up his crowd. That’s good.
jk, he frees the Wookie. Even better.
Oh, it’s a depressed rancor.
Lovely XD
Also this trainer guy’s got a top grade chain smoker voice haha
“It is said that the Witches of Dathomir even rode them through the forest and fens”
“I want to learn to ride this one.”
“…you what.”
Oh buddy—
That is a face of Instant Regret XD
And Boba baby talking a rancor wasn’t something I knew I was longing to hear, but apparently it was XD
[Boba walks up to the mayor’s office followed by the kids on their brightly color-coded bikes]
Okay, I’m sorry, I just can’t take these kids seriously—they look like they walked straight out of a cartoon about moody cyborg teenagers XD
Haha, this major domo guy is starting to learn that Boba means nothing but trouble for him XD
…why chase the major domo? The mayor’s not with him
…why does this speed chase feel like it isn't very speedy?
…wow major domo, you’re causing like thousands of credits of damage. Hope it’s worth it to you
PFFFT yup, that was Jabba with Boba standing there in the background, and Bib's there, too
Who in town commissioned that, I wonder? XD
Nice jetpack entrance, Boba :D
The Pykes again, huh?
I wonder how things settled up when Boba dealt with them the first time. Guess we'll find out.
Is that the Star Wars version of a phone booth? XD
Aaand that’s the end
I’m still severely upset about the Tusken village.
And the Pykes are always bad news in this franchise, so I’m seeing the beginnings of a plot, too. I guess I’m getting invested.
Well done, folks
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dilf-iwaizumi-stan · 3 years
i just saw your reply to the matchup heehee am glad you liked it so much!!
Omgg ahh hi ilysm you're amazinggg. Also, I saw one of your posts where you were kind of overwhelmed with the matchups and I just wanted to let you know please take your time. You take so much care to deliver the best so it only makes the wait worth it :) You're amazing bestie I hope you know :,,)
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withcreamandsugar · 4 years
🌺🌸haseul group project in college au🌸🌺
HI IM NOT DEAD school has been kicking my ass HAHA i promise i’ll try to be more active!! enjoy this lil au i’ve been working on since literally my last post!!
“Alright class, start grouping up for the project presentation next week! Don’t procrastinate, this is worth 30% of your grade!”
You were halfway through processing what the professor had said until you realized the classrooms cliques had already started forming. Those seemingly without a group were you, a couple tongue deep in each other, and a pretty girl writing down notes while humming to herself with an airpod in her ear.
You gulped as you walked over to her, making sure not to trip over the occupied couple next to her.
“Hey, I’m y/n. Sorry to bother you but-“
You got through half your sentence before realizing she was still humming along to the song on her phone.
You tap her shoulder, and in response her eyes shoot open, meet yours and a blush begins to form.
“S-sorry! I didn’t realize you were talking to me. What did you need?”
“Haha, no worries. I just wanted to know if.. you wanted to be in a group for Prof’s project next week?”
“Wait, p-project?? Oh gosh, zoned out once I realized those two lovebirds started to go to town right next to me. I’m Haseul, and they’re my friends, Jiwoo and Sooyoung. Well, you’re welcome to join us, but I hope you don’t mind the distraction, heehee.”
You exchanged details, mentally first pumping at the idea of getting a girl like her’s number, and decided to work on the project during the upcoming weekend.
You jumped in your chair at Haseul’s scream, and felt the gaze of the entire library glaring at your table. After a mass of hushes and sighs, you quietly inquired Haseul about what had happened.
“Those two idiots decided to take the weekend off in Busan! IN BUSAN!”
After yet another mass of hushes, you desperately tried to get Haseul to calm down.
“Okay, it’s okay. Uhh, so let’s see... We only have 3 days until the presentation, so if we pull an all nighter we can probably get... 90% of the work done by the end of the weekend.”
You heard her audibly gulp. “Did you say... all nighter?” She looked up at you with puppy dog eyes and a pout, then collapsed face first into the library table.
“I’ll buy us coffees.” She groaned, still face down on the table. “Make that two coffees. And a cookie.” patting her on the head as you headed to the cafe.
“Good thing my head was down,” Haseul thought, as her face had instantly started blushing.
~~two coffees and a cookie later~~
The two of you worked hours on end on the presentation, nitpicking every meticulous detail fueled by the burst of caffeine. You notice Haseul’s tip-taps on her laptop keyboard grow progressively louder, culminating in a frustrated groan/growl.
“Everything alright Haseul?” you asked
“I can’t get this stupid image to compile!” She started smacking the laptop screen between every word - “If only this old jank piece of shi-“
“Hey, hey!” You grasped her smacking arm without thinking and held it for a short moment, leading to both of you awkwardly pulling back and looking away. “I-I think now would be a great time for a break.”
“But if we stop working we won’t be able to finish by Mon-“
“So I’ll keep working. You need to rest. Come over on my side of the bench and take a nap, you can lay on my backpack.”
Haseul let out a long sigh. “That doesn’t sound very comfortable.” Haseul remarked snarkily with a smirk.
“You’d be surprised at how comfortable a Psych 114 textbook is. Great lumbar support,” you jabbed back.
“Har har. I’ll take your word for it.” Haseul sauntered over and took up your offer.
Not even an hour into your work grind you get bored and look over to see Haseul splayed out on the bench, already deep in sleep. You thought this would be a perfect photo op for later, so you sneak over and hover your phone over the sleeping beauty’s not so beautiful drooling face. You snap a few pics, giggling at the idea of showing them to her later.
However, you suddenly lose your grip on the phone and to avoid dropping it on her face, you quickly swipe it away to the side. The jerk in movement causes you to fall out of balance and stumble on top of Haseul on all fours.
The two of you look at each other in utter disbelief, eyes wide open at the situation you find yourselves in. You look at each other for a very long time, the library’s silence deafening more than ever. Your heart races as you question what to do before beginning to push yourself off of her.
All of a sudden, Haseul grabs your arm much like you did hers prior. “Now or never,” the two of you simultaneously thought. You lean in slowly, eyes closed, every second feeling like a millenia. The two of you are hairs apart when you hear,
Your phone blares, echoing throughout the silent library. You jump up instinctively and rush over to answer, hearing a familiar voice.
“Heeeeeeey good morning y/n!! I hope you and Haseul didn’tmiss us too much, heehee! It turns out, Sooyoung and I missed our train to Busan last night, so we can work on the project after all. See you at the library in 5? Later!!”
Ears ringing you shut the phone, laughing to yourself at the irony of the situation. You remember the situation you were in a minute ago and turn your vision back to Haseul.
Haseul sheepishly looks down, avoiding eye contact. “S-so about the project! I can continue working on-“
Haseul got through half her sentence before you placed a fleeting peck on her lips, leaving her astounded. She covered her face with her hands, her cheeks almost matching her red nail polish. “W-why? Not that I minded or anything!”
“I just thought I needed to get that through before you kill me,” as you showed her your phone screen, slowly swiping through the multitude of her sleeping photos taken at numerous unflattering angles, before starting to run away in fear and/or joy.
“Ya! Delete those!” She ran after you, throwing the contents of your comfy backpack at you as the two of you started a wild goose chase around the empty library. “I can’t believe I ever thought about liking you!”
You thought to yourself mid sprint and out of breath, “I found her.”
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Witcher of the Night (Chapter 20.1)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Sometimes other people's stories were actually not just a tale of fantasies when the protagonist in the story can't even give you an answer to soothe your insecurity, curiosity and fear over being alone in a dimension you didn't belong in.
Warnings: Soft, touchy and caring Geralt. Insecure and anxious reader. Brooding witcher. Baths with the witcher? Mention of Yennefer. Nudity. Angst. Geralt being too blunt and saying...things. Heh. Don't hate him later please? 😥😘 Mention of Parallel Universe. Doppelganger. Ingrith is just a character I made up, alright? she ain't a part of Yennefer's story in the games, books or show. 
Words: 7.6k
A/N: So, Yeap. I wanted to leave ya with all these angst. Hehehe. COMMENTS ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED! MWAH! *waits for comments about people cursing Geralt lmao 😂😂* @casualfansoul​​ You’ve been such a sweetheart! BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEETIE! I hope you’ll love this chapter dedicated to you! Mwah! 
TAGLIST IS STILL OPEN FOR THIS ONE! Heehee! Don’t forget to REBLOG, COMMENT OR GIVE FEEDBACK IF YOU DID LOVE THIS CHAPTER! IT’LL MAKE ME SMILE! Sorry for the grammatical errors and such because English isn’t my mother tongue! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK AFTER READING, BB! This is kinda a rough draft. I apologize for many errors.
Disclaimer: PNG’s and pictures used in edits are not mine even the GIF’s too. However, the edits and this fanfic is definitely from moi. Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be.(Credits to those who made the GIF’s. Some don’t have their watermarks included. I don’t remember where I’ve saved the others from)
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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"Will you tell me why you are utterly cranky all of a sudden?"
Face to face with the rim of the wooden bath, you've had your knotted brows in a twist. Pout oh-so-long that Geralt knew as he sat behind you, seeking answers for your upset state. He'd gotten you out of your clothes; forcefully must you say. Earning a glare from him as he was peeling your clothes away like he was caring for his sick, pouty child.
No complaints were accepted as he'd given you the idea to care for your wounds in the tub. Downright secretive about wanting to feel the comfort of your nudity grazing against his without any monkey business going on.
The witcher has received constant grumbles and whines of protests as he poured the potent medicine that evaporated through the fresh wounds; painful enough for you to shriek while his arm surrounding your waist tightened with every whimper of your sobbing self; shushing your cries with a soft coo of his endearment on your ear and the feathery nuzzle of his nose against that tiny spot behind your ear while he soothes your pains.
They've fully had injured your back with more than just wallops. He'd knew by the looks of the lesions, the people in the castle has even burnt your skin with metal; scorching metal that has given you scars that would forever haunt oneself. The mere thought tormenting him by their brutal punishments; keeping him all in wonder when he has never received any violent retorts and schemes from you as they did everything in their willpower to strike a hand. Your submission making the witcher glower behind as Geralt caught sight of such deep wounds whilst taking off the gauze; seeing blood seeping out of the healing skin as it was a sign that he really and badly needed to treat your body.
Sobs were emitted while he watched your wounds dry from the potion he'd mix, receiving kisses on the cold, sweating nape of yours every now and then. A gesture that Geralt started doing when you were shrieking in the midst of being poured by such elixir while you felt his breath on your skin. Sweetly kissing through your pain and lowly humming that you were going to be okay and you've been good.
It felt like all the energy downed on you after he'd stop and was done pouring the elixir everywhere around your body. The warm water lining on your chest turned colder when you've slowly leaned your back on Geralt, hissing from the soreness but actually ending up loving the warmth that he could only give while he kept his burly arm around you, your lips still in a pout while staring at the bed from the far corner of the room; basking in the witcher's silence before he asked.
His question gotten you unready for an honest answer as he bluntly shot the query out, planning to resolve the problem with you in the best way that he thought. Being forthright.
"Hmm." you hummed back in displeasure, sounding exactly the same like how he does.
The corner of his lips lifted in a small smirk, his voice vibrating at the back of your head and against his chest. The buzz keeping you calm and at ease rather than being alone in the castle when he haven't arrived yet. Your anxiety giving you such trauma that made you want to sob again.
But, Geralt's distraction to stifle your cries has technically been useful when he felt you sigh again, watching your face from above and behind to see a frown etching to grow. He heedlessly fetched a cup of water with the palm of his hand, delicately pouring your cheek with water as he gruffly quipped.
"That's my line. Not yours, Midget."
Geralt repeated his gestures with you, lightly damping your hair with water as he gently brushed your tousled wet hair with the spaces of his fingers, keeping them light and comforting which made you lean back a lot more, accepting his gentleness after being physically whacked in harsh moments prior before he came around---your purpose of being upset has now been forgotten by his unfamiliar gestures that was tickling your spine with ants racing on your skin because of how his actions was giving you cavity. A sweet tooth.
Just being held so softly felt good in real life---you didn't know how comforting it feels even back in earth, but right now was just the right time to feel how you would yearn for it when Geralt wouldn't be around.
"I told you, before I even realized that you were important to me was after you've made a wish to the Djinn."
Your swollen cheek fell on the skin of his biceps; sighing while you stared out of nowhere and finally held onto his arm surrounding your waist, keeping you still and steady in his arms. His nudity becoming not much of a problem for you now because it was an experience that you could never forget; eventually having the privilege in familiarizing his body just like how a lover does while he did the same to you.
Though, his imperfect beauty could still get you blushing nevertheless as he liked seeing yours no matter how insecure you get---but he seemed to admire your nakedness a lot which he received with a 'men versus boobs' explanation that his kind of gender would always love the idea of breasts no matter how big or small as the same goes for a vagina.
You'd received a pleased hum after that and also some horny witcher begging and trying his best to get your clothes off in his sneaky techniques.
"I know. I'm sorry I was cranky, Geralt."
The white wet-haired witcher pursed his lips, looking down at your face as you've felt his gaze heavy while he calmly spoke.
"It's...alright. But, must it be for Eanraig to see and hear?"
You've given him another sincere, sweet and soft apology. Caressing your thumb over the top of his scarred hand which was under the waters and he'd let you graze over the tiniest marks on his fingers and palms, swaying under the bath water. Breathing calm and collected while he stayed in bath with you; cherishing such moment again that could get his chest feeling the lightest out of all the times he lived in the continent; more freeing to than the one he had with a particular sorceress whom he had also been connected with; via Djinn.
His free hand lifted away from leaning onto the edge of the tub, reaching down to sweep your hair to the side. Clearing the space on your neck and such wounds from the shoulder blades, others being a scar from his potent medicine that he has poured.
"I remembered your skin clearly in the back of my head. Thoroughly silk like a bairn's bum,"
He paused, prolonging the silence as he gently danced his fingers on the skin of your shoulders; too tender that it began to lick your spine, igniting the tiniest shiver when you've felt the soft, warm feathery feeling of his lips giving your painted shoulder a peck of his specific comfort that he only gives to people who have turned his world a much better place than how much of a hell it has been.
"Now, you are scarred." Geralt grumbled against your skin, giving one last kiss and making everything all worth while as he was still around. Continuously denouncing what they've done to his family---even beating Jaskier to pulp.
"---They've...turned you like me,"
You've slightly turned your head to see his amber eyes withdrawn from reality. Thoughts probably plaguing his mind while he scowled. A simple purse of your lips, suggesting to receive a small, quick buss has Geralt dipping his head down to sweetly smack your lips to his, letting him feel that you were there; finally there with him physically and he didn't need to worry.
Thus, it was just like that. Geralt and his presence, including such soft gestures that you rarely receive nor see that he does for anyone and a soundly kiss has let the upset feelings go away, simply just like that.
Even though, he has never confessed any love yet---this was forging you both to understand what connection you have for each other. Though, clearly unspecific and undistinguished. Or was this his type of love? a love never needed to be told for it can be felt?
The question here, does he even love you? was this love?
Partially turning around in his arms to see him gazing back at you, Geralt seemed to be nonplussed and introverted with his thoughts. Keeping words to himself while he was giving you a solemn frown of his face, examining your swollen eye that you tried pulling him out of his regret and blames with a quirky tone of your voice; sounding like nothing has happened to you nor have you been battered to bruising limbs.
"When are you going to leave?"
"After I take care of you, midget." he deeply murmured, watching you like a hawk with golden eyes as the candle light was making his eyes glow prettier than usual. You grabbed a handful amount of water with your palms, arms sore as you reached up to pour water on his face that surely gotten a deep, complain of his humming when it made him close his eyes from the uninvited rainfalls of liquid.
The fading colored grime has been softly scrubbed off by the pad of your damp thumbs over the apples of his cheeks. His gaze was utmost heavy, shooting you a warm, loving sensation on your chest; surrounding the fading Cicatrix that somehow turned insipid after the nights before with the witcher.
You couldn't help but notice his grouching and grumpy self as he scanned your face with an affectionate flicker in his amber that made you tut. The gentleness you were giving was a thorough unfamiliar feeling he always received from you despite of your negative characteristics---though, he doesn't mind it at all---sometimes, he does but that was beyond the point when he felt comfort from you and aspire to give it back despite of not knowing what and how comfort is to a witcher.
"Stop being such a wild cat---Let me guess, you haven't gotten to have your nap again?"
Geralt huffed out a breath of complaint. A short, low growl that made you giggle quickly when you wiped his face with your fingers; playfully glaring at how you were bathing him.
"When did I ever?"
"It seems like you haven't had it last night again---Stop scowling like you want to strangle me," you lightly poked the dimples of his nose that got him deeply growling his protests. His expressions completely emotionless as he turned his face to avoid your play-time; considering on biting your fingers off to stop annoying the heck out of him.
Howbeit, Geralt went on in silently letting you touch his face. Mesmerized by how his scars really never affected his beauty and probably added perfection over his gorgeousness. The witcher mutely let you trace the bridge of his nose and the scars on his face whilst intently staring at your face in return.
"---Until you came along," he surprisingly continued the topic, never breaking his gaze as he'd seen you lean closer to his face. The tangy scent he was familiar in recognizing from you, mixing with the medicine on your skin. Yet, it didn't stop him to wait for what you had in mind. Your bruised, healing lips brushing against his that made both of your chests tingly for over such sweet intimacy that you've both eventually become accustomed with.
Geralt pursed his lips for your thirsts to calm down; such desperate feeling that both parties yearned for. A twee, syrupy connection of your lips on his---a kiss that made warmth spread through you like an angel's halo trying to make you holy and worth for his affections.
Men in your world will certainly not impress you anymore. Geralt of Rivia has raised the bars of what men should be---he'd ruined the normality of what you expected from such gender because you believed that they may not reach the level of what you've felt for him.
Love as you may see now.
But, it can be quite blurry of a picture for a future that you do not hold or knew how it'll be for the both of you because you've teleported as a miracle that nobody expected to receive.
"If I---If I die---" your pessimist self started to run your mouth over Geralt. Yet, he was quick to cut you off with a sullen chide and an avoidance of your gaze with a grumpy sigh.
"Stop. Don't." he groused with the mouth ends pulled down, "---You're not going to die,"
"What if I do?"
His eyes turned penetrating as if he wanted to tell how much you are wrong about that argument. Those cat-eyes of his; sharp and making a stand for the idea he didn't want to accept.
"I will never let that happen. They can have me hunt down whatever they want, even slice a throat of a nobleman or a monster but I will never let anything happen to you,"
The witcher gently scooped water with a palm of his hand, pouring them over your face. Coming forth with a scrub of it as he shoved his large palm that made you shriek against his hold while he lightly scoured your face as a gesture to clean you more inside the bath; avoiding your healing bruises.
"---I don't want to hear that again while I give you a bath,"
Darkness suddenly turned into seeing Geralt's stony stare after being suffocated by his hand that was suddenly shoved on your face, "I'm sorry," you immediately tried to woo over his vexation, your face wet from the bath water he tried to rinse you in, an involuntary response of your arms slipping around his bare waist shocked your consciousness because of how touchy-feely you've become around him.
The latter welcomed your apology and touches, humming in appeasement for your quick sorry; knowing your way with him and reading that he could not tolerate such physical-contact from you without liking the feel of your skin, you've leaned your body more to him---your naked chests flushed together that got him curling his lips in a small smile whilst feeling your forehead fall on the side of his neck, nuzzling with an apology.
"I-I didn't mean to upset you,"
Quietude embraced you both. Sitting in a tub. Entirely bare for each other to see but it was so wholesome for the betterment of your relationship with him; nurturing what understanding you both have for each other, not entirely specific nor knowing what it is. As a matter of fact, you do know what you felt for him, but not the other way around.
"She..She isn't a queen in my world,"
Bamboozle screamed inside his eyes for your statement, his fingers gliding along the small of your back under the waters as he hummed in curiosity.
You've remember the time that the queen has visited your cell. Retched between the hatch of the door came in view was your kind boss who wore the finest set of golden, silk, long gown with rich trimmings. She stopped by to check on your victimized state with a glaze of ignorance in her eyes. She didn't care for your condition because if so, she wouldn't have left the slammer with a quiet scoff.
Out of all the people who could turn out evil was a queen in Geralt's world and a boss you've highly given respect to.
Nonetheless, in this world; it seemed to be like the opposite personalities of how people had been in your world.
"Your queen. Queen Makeda. She's named Angela Cincinnati. The boss of mine who also works in the pizza parlor that I'm in,"
Geralt has leaned back on the edge of the tub in a relaxed posture, lifting his other hand every now and then to pour water on your hair that tickled your insides because of how cold the water has been already. His warmth being your therapy while thinking such hypothetical answers for what mysteries that the continent has been giving you. Jotting down possibilities that a typical earthling could try to guess like they were watching a very interesting movie.
"Does this mean I have someone who looks like me in this world too?" pause. "---Does she have a better life than me?"
Your witcher cocked his head to the side as he was in deep thought over the woman who looked like you. His mouth opening and closing for whatever shit he wanted to say because Savia has been the person who ruined your future by creating such crimes being pointed at you because you looked like her twin.
"Worse. I can say that you had a better life than her and also complicated yours at the same time," he gravely informed.
"My doppelganger then? have you already seen her?"
"Will you try to find her if I say yes?"
"No. I...don't wanna scare her with this drama movie I'm in."
You've leaned away from Geralt and his consoling cuddles, trying hard to rip your body away from him when all you wanted was to bask in his own embrace. Splashing your face with more bath water, he'd given you a curious glint of his eyes. Fixating his gaze on your bare form, subtly sliding his focus on the depths of your neck and wanting nothing more than to give more sweet busses of care. Geralt ignored the modern reference you've muttered about being in a movie and found it more interesting to appreciate the nudity you've freely have been giving him.
It's not like you were naked all the time. The witcher snickered to himself; appreciating the best view of you that he can ever get.
"The water's cold now. Are we done?" you softly whispered, the thought of your doppelganger out there; like a twin from another mother and dimension that you didn't expect to have. It was interesting to know, but frightening to actually see the real her because people like your doppelganger who lived in the medieval era might not be a great sight for the woman.
Geralt grabbed onto the end of the tub, whisking a thin, Ivory robe that was made of silk as he deeply grumbled, "Stand."
You've stood on your feet, hopping off the tub entirely dripping wet from the bath water; feeling eyes heavy on your body and raking over your nudity from behind. The heat started to rise up your face again, making you clear your throat when you've turned your body to grab onto the robe that Geralt has reached out for you. His keen peepers grabbing the chance to shamelessly rake your body in silence.
He'd received no refusal or a loud scolding after thinking it through that he had the liberty of doing so; also, the idea being a gift after trying to protect you from any harm and sacrificing over an endless hunt just for the Kaedwenians to cease their punishments.
"Hmm. A movie. I missed watching one. Though, It's not like if I ask you to go on a date with me again, Geralt---A movie date this time---watching a movie with you will never happen," you turned your head at your front, slipping your arms inside the short sleeves while tightening the knot around your waist; frowning when the witcher couldn't see your face. The truth beginning to bother you when problems began to rise and for such abrupt topic that lingered along your consciousness.
"---Because you and I both live in different worlds, it's like they collide."
Geralt kept his mouth hushed. The loud splash of water echoing around the room when he left the wooden tub; strolling behind to promenade past you. His stark-naked self never bothering him after the night you both had each other. Basking in more of his nudity especially when he slept; knowing that he was mentally complaining over how reserved he needed to be while you slept beside him, his clothes very uncomfortable because of the heat he was feeling.
Basically, he did not know the meaning of clothes after the night of ravish; constantly taking his slumbers in the nude as he covertly tried to wrench them off you as well with his witcher needs.
His bare back and derriere was displayed before you, the distinct foramen of his brawny back giving you a loud greeting as he grabbed onto his trousers on the end of the bed, lending his ear and slipping on his leather pants that was bursting through the seams because of his thick thunder thighs and curvacious derriere.
"My world and yours, they sound like a parallel universe that I completely don't understand even back in earth, it's too complicated to know---too scientific for my thriving brain,"
Quick panic-stricken questions were sent to the witcher; the motion of the words hasty and apprehensive because of such negative ideas forming inside your head; skyrocketing like a plague in your mind while Geralt wore his breeches, not trying to take cover in front of you.
You couldn't help but shift your eyes constantly at Geralt and the queen sized bed, his gigantic biceps straining along his movements while buttoning his pants; lowly grunting from each pull of the hem to fit his curvaceous, muscled arse that you couldn't help but clear your throat, forgetting what you needed to say for a second and being distracted over your trembling anxiety.
You eyes took heed of the opened windows where the brisk wind was slipping in a breeze, seeing how you could see the pale moon from afar. A guess telling you that the room was in a high place. In a few short strides, you've looked out of the window, peering up the Tartarean night sky to meet the moon in its full glory, finding no flaw that you were in a different planet and not yours.
Confusing and complicated to understand in your human perspective because nothing human was basically being shown as you lived in their world.
"This...This is your earth. Your continent. While my earth out there also exists without any one of you knowing. What if I have a count down while I stay in your world---what will happen to me---would I get to stay alive forever in this world when I have been too dependent over you?"
Heavy strides alarmed you for Geralt's presence who loomed behind your back. His mouth curled down when he has heard your questions; feeling no trust in between you both, hesitance scrambling your way and filling your heart when it hasn't been there before you even came to the castle. It was baffling him for your curiosity and determined self to seek answers when he has no answer to it at all.
The sorceress has probably told stuff to you, he silently thought as he brushed a hand over your arm and clothed shoulder. The roughness of his palm colliding against your bruised ones as he tries his best to provide what you needed; not knowing what because of how he does not understand this kind of relationship with women because it has always been typically greed, lust or a needed release to calm his overly mutations.
Except for you, Yennefer or Renfri because he actually really cares.
"Do you not want me to protect you?" he gravely mumbled behind, seeming to be slightly taking umbrage after hearing the queries.
"You're only doing this because you have no other choice just like how you've told the king that I was your betrothed when it isn't true at all,"
How sure were you to say that it wasn't true?
Reflecting and debating his thoughts over your judgement, Geralt marred an agonized frown that creased his forehead. He rarely does claim such label but he didn't regret the action after hearing how it made the king lessen the punishments for you; excluding all planned damnation. The witcher had no explanations about the moment he had called you his betrothed nor did he want whatever you were thinking about his actions.
Hence, it instantly made him cantankerous when he hasn't been feeling it before you opened that mouth of yours again.
"You think I have done it with a purpose I don't understand," he incoherently rumbled in his baritone timbre. Slightly pulling away from his own touch on yours to turn around and walk through the end of the bed to wear and grab onto his armor and under shirt, half naked with a straining back; all rigid and stressing under the skin.
"With the mishaps of my world and yours, if I ask you to stay; will you leave your kingdom?"
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He'd turn his foot around to see him slip the under tunic over his head, the scowl prominent making him appear stony; dour and solemn. His eyes eager while it reflects the candle light on the side of the bed. Reading through the golden hues lay a pining greed that the witcher never knew he craves for; such hungering he does not know that he wanted to find and receive when it was his own faults over not having it because when he feels a deeper connection with someone, the white wolf suddenly becomes disfunctional; pushing her away because of not spitting the truth about his feelings.
He was capable of it; having feelings over another. Love as people may describe but he was in denial and can be reflective, the processing quite slower than usual because he had never received love through out his lifetime; not even a mother who actually cared.
No one.
You didn't understand him; what he really wanted to say or do because his words were spoken on a race track, passing through the chuckholes that could get you knowing what his true feelings were.
Was he letting you stay out of love or out of pity that you were lost, vulnerable and needed adoption?
"Do you believe in love, Geralt?" you've countered back, feeling the warmth spread around your chest for skipping around bushes over the real meaning behind your words; sounding like a confession if he was smart enough. The warmth spreading through like wildfire, scathing your skin as it felt like it was burning from the reality you were seeing.
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"---Or are you only doing this because of the Djinn incident? you're only feeling this way for me because I came around while Yennefer isn't?"
The latter gave a grim frown upon the mention of her name. Just like how he always does when Jaskier says her name when it shouldn't been uttered. Now, it was your turn to give a grouch. Your feigned smile joyless when Geralt was unblinking from your unexpected argument.
Was this true love you have with him? Did he even feel the same way when he can't even say the word at all? or will you both hate each other until it grows into spite?
Will you eventually be killed by the hands of a man you love as said by Eanraig's understanding over the curse set between?
"I've heard from the sorceress that you have been finding Yennefer from her a month before I came along and that this connection I had with you also had been the same with that Vengerberg. What if she comes back around? what will happen to me?"
Ingrith has said more information than you can bear. You weren't just physically pained but also mentally as well for whatever bullcrap she wanted to address. Palms over your ears were the only solution to shut the truth off as it echoed around the dungeon. She'd smirked when you've whimpered from the stones, the back of your sweater drenched in blood for using hardened sticks which had pointy twigs; never believing what they were doing to you as they also tried to throughly kick your stomach.
The men who were ordered to do so had no idea why they've been commanded to batter your torso, but you knew it had something to be involved with the cunning sorceress because of how she'd given another dagger of her gaze lingering on your middle like you would magically grow a baby inside of it when it was impossible from the start because of Geralt's infertility.
The witcher was like a bomb about to detonate. Though, the explosion never came other than a tight clench of his jaw. Geralt was wearing a lour like a bad omen over being interrogated; debating over answering the confusing truth that left him debating over himself as well. He has never remembered the sorceress until you've mentioned her; remembering that he'd taken full measures to even try finding Yennefer's long lost cousin for a plan to get back with her and earning nothing in return.
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"You're blathering complete nonsense, Midget. You've also been listening to Ingrith when I told you not to. She's cunning and will do anything to ruin you---kill you,"
Your mouth turned upside down; tighter and pensive for being swerved again, "You didn't answer my question." an exasperated huff was let out, "---she was once important to you. I've heard from your bard; you had adventures with her, shared powerful moments that are exactly the opposite of what we are having---she's the first woman you've loved. A powerful, independent lady that you will never regret having in your life because she can defend everyone---and I'm...just me,"
You didn't know what has gotten to you. The insecurities lighting up the sky, constantly reminding you that his existence can be a mere catch of your dreams because he was too good to be true---or jealousy infecting your blood into thinking that he would leave you alone when he never had yet?
Perhaps, it may be how proud Jaskier has told you that she was powerful that it has intimidated you. Her name seems to be beautiful and there was no doubt she was when he has been avoiding of hearing her name.
He had probably been devoted of Yennefer when a tight frown couldn't be erased upon the lips you have been kissing---thoughtlessly thinking that it was genuine or had any meaning to it.
"Really, what am I to you? "
"My home. Also equally important."
"More important than her? Do you dream of her?"
"You know I don't---not anymore."
Not anymore, he said. So, he does dream of her before.
Crossing your arms over your chest, your fingers went straight to the sleeves, anxiously rubbing over the silk against each other for the dreading beats of your heart, your eyes turning to look away as you quietly spoke; highly aware of an expected rejection.
"If I tell you what I really feel about you, will you give me an answer?" you softly spoke to the chilly air embracing your fidgety form.
"---Because then, you will know my answer about staying in this world you're in."
You've turned your head to see him wearing a permanent pucker of his brows, veiled with furrows of indifference and a look of betrayal. Your bluntness being a detriment because of giving an indefinite answer as well, avoiding his question and misunderstanding the sour expression on your face a while ago.
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"Is it hate? Disgust?" he gruffly gnarled. His attitude turning colder like an executioner's ax, unaware of the slight wince on your face because of how glazed he appeared to be.
"---because I am highly aware of what people see of me. I am at loss for what Ingrith must've told; lies or what may result that I am seeing you look at me like I've cast the Djinn's curse on you when you have never looked at me like that at all,"
He spat those words with a sardonic drip of his tongue. The frown darkening his expression more than it ever was.
"Don't blame me on this one, Geralt. Don't shift my words like I think so lowly of you when you and I both don't know the real deal between us with the Djinn incident,"
Geralt loudly exhaled his breath through his nose, marching towards you with the face of an angry ape. Disbelieving what he was comprehending from you, saying that what you shared was beyond reality; like he has been told by it the second time. Your words inconspicuous of loudly saying that maybe what you were both feeling was magic after all; having the presence of the Djinn around  for another relationship that he was having.
"You don't want to stay," he ceased his footsteps, looming before you. His irritation suddenly intimidating like a bulldozer when you realized he was bigger than he could get if he was mad at whatever you've done; or probably it was just your point of view because you were feeling small over his blaring anger.
"---Isn't that what you wanted to say?" Geralt emphasized much clearer this time, drawling his words with a hopeful hint that he just misunderstood you and he was right.
"What---? I didn't even said that! Give me a reason to stay then! I am in shambles for your way of thinking right now!"
He had a wide-legged stance; leaning onto more of your personal space while his Aureate eyes deeply stared into yours. Volatile and blazing as it looked like a fixed glare, baring his teeth as it curled---his fangs slipping through as he bluntly spoke.
"You aren't being entirely forthright,"
You couldn't help but cross your arms tighter against your chest, shuffling on your feet as you mentally gasp from his retort. Defensive as his attitude was beginning to irritate you too.
"Well, you aren't being forthright too!"
Geralt huffed before you. Momentarily scoping out the ceilings before peering down and staring right back with blazing peepers. Though, the witcher has never raised his voice on you when you've did. But, you knew he was fuming; seething deep inside, "I don't know what's wrong with you." he gravely mumbled to himself, steaming up from your sudden, churlish attitude.
"---you're a cherub for a while then acting hostile the next. Is this your pathetic insecurity talking or you just hate me all of a sudden?"
Your eyes instantly went wide open and jaw falling slack at how he'd open his mouth. Raising a finger to his chest as you slightly backed away.
"You're calling my insecurity pathetic?" you uttered in disbelief, swallowing hard for having to hear him be this way---though, you knew he was capable of being such because of how blunt he was. But, he was never mean to you as much as calling your insecurity pathetic. Tight lips were given to the witcher who had his chest puffed out for his own frustrations and repulse.
"---Also, aren't you the one who said that maybe this whole thing is actually just the Djinn effects before you've even---! Even---!?" put his pickle in a jar. Wreck the punani. Ravished you in bed. Shared Netflix and Chill despite having no Netflix in their world.
You shook your head for stammering, quietly growling for the annoyance he'd given after basically taking care of you---expecting that it was done out of love, just like how you've first initially thought of staying forever by his side when he has asked you to stay in their world regardless of the consequences and disadvantages.
"What's next then? My anxiety is childish for you too? nonsense?" pause. "---You don't even know what I mean---and even have no idea about what feelings I was talking about. You can't even tell me what happened between you and Yennefer without disregarding my question or avoiding the topic---or even cut Jaskier off!"
Standing akimbo, you've narrowed your eyes, tilting your chin to the fullest because of his skyscraper height. The displeasure shown from how your nose was twisted and from how you couldn't control your mouth from taking a marathon.
"If I shut up and never question you about things anymore then it just means that I don't care for you at all when I do so badly. Do you know what this means to me? Nobody has plagued my mind so hard---no other man has filled my mind with crazed thoughts. In my world, this means that I---"
Geralt immediately cut you off. His teeth bared and jaw set as he interrupted you out of the blue, catching you off guard.
"It must be for the better then," he rasped, clearly disgruntled for what he should respond to the quick blatter of your brain. His mind gripping so hard like wires being tightened.
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"---It must be for the better that you tighten that mouth of yours because you don't know when to shut up sometimes,"
Geralt had a cloudy countenance from his sudden bark. Suddenly forgetting how to respond after hearing every word inside his head. He shouldn't have cut you off especially when you were about to say your secret---the one you've been delibitating over countless of times inside your head; making everything sure before saying those heartfelt words because it was three words that meant the world to you as it will be the first.
Yet, the witcher had to fuck everything up with his petulant mood.
Your clenched fists turned slack. Expression stolid with your throat tightly swallowing the bane sipping through your esophagus like it was being punished for even hoarding all your confidence over confessing what you've felt for the white wolf. You've rapidly blinked your hazy, cloudy eyes; your chest tightening because it was reading 'rejection' because of how Geralt wanted you to shut up.
Maybe, he didn't need to hear the confession at all.
Eyes cast downward; feeling the medicines he'd given you seep through your skin and making everything numb. You didn't expect the concoction to also numb your fragile heart, experiencing your first heart break. Your palms turned clammy over tightening them over. Passing beside Geralt and avoiding those eyes that was thoroughly regretting what has been said, the bed may seem to be a better place to faint on and cry yourself through the night rather than his comforting arms that you wouldn't get to reject if he'd say his apologies, trying to stop you from crying.
Hurriedly hiding your face away from him, you've sat on the bed with your back away from him. Your face like rain experiencing in the middle of thunder, utterly gloomy and despair for reading the signs in the opposite of what you didn't expect. Forgetting that love shouldn't be filled with expectations so disappointments may be less.
Your toes were scuffing against the carpet with a voice turning smaller, shaky as the tears were threatening to fall and it would be when Geralt decides to talk.
"I hope you didn't say that but...but considering my profound hearing tonight and how angry you made me feel, I suggest that you take care of that monster hunting of yours. I sincerely hope you find that witch. You can throw me away soon so you couldn't hear anything from me again, Geralt. You want me to zip it? I'll zip it, then. Don't bother talking to me if you genuinely don't want to,"
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Everything would be perfect. This would've been a utopian scenery when your leading man decides to wrap his arms around you, comforting you from the verge of crying your heart out for his mistakes or for both of yours. But, Geralt was no leading man or a prince that he was highly opposing of. He was beyond repair or a man whom you needed to understand more than any normal one should because of how he was raised and created.
Geralt of Rivia was a witcher you couldn't understand. Hence, he was more human than he could ever get as he decided to be unresponsive. Silent and basking in his own regret. Just like a new potion he'd recently encountered, trying to decipher how it worked---knowing the ingredients to get you simmering down in no time.
It was a wrong word to say. Geralt was sure of it. He was beginning to argue with himself, grinding his own teeth together when he has seen your posture slouch. Your fingers fiddling with the sheets of the mattress, tightly holding them in your hands as you looked outside of the window from the side of the bed, avoiding his eyes.
Then, he heard familiar padded footsteps coming forth outside the doors of your chambers.
Eanraig. He was being requested to be seen for his upcoming hunt in a few hours.
Geralt was dreading to leave you in a state like this because he knew you were mad.
He heard loud taps against the locked door which has subtly make you turn your head towards the doorway without wholly turning your body. A frustrated growl reverberated around the four corners of the room---it was Geralt.
The latter tightly closed his fists on his sides, shooting daggers on your back who avoided giving him attention after his fuming episode, hearing the word 'fuck' slipping through his lips in such an exasperated bark to himself while he padded through the room and grabbed onto his belongings; his weapons and his resentment for such an argument that you blocked him in after receiving a petty, personal attack.
You've heard the lock sliding out of its hook. Swiftly turning on your bed, Geralt was already paving his way out of the door, heavily marching and begrudging. He'd open the door to reveal Eanraig raising an arm to knock a little more louder.
"The king requests for you, Geralt---"
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The witcher gave a displeased, unmannerly grumble of his chest. A hum that surely given the druid an understanding that he was not in the best mood to talk, passing through Eanraig as he went straight out of the door with the nastiest scowl he has seen since the moment he arrived.
Lovers Quarrel. He mindlessly thought to himself, watching the witcher strut away and along the stoned hallways like he was bringing all the storm with him. Nobody would notice he was aggravated if they knew him better.
Eanraig quietly shut the door behind him, his eyes meeting your bleary ones that complimented the pouty frown growing more and more when you've realized Geralt left you all mad, never even intending to comfort you, ask what 'feelings' you meant or even bother to tell you that he didn't mean you were pathetic.
In a flash, you've gotten a queasy feeling inside of your stomach which made you grab onto your mouth, your face flinching as you suddenly stood up on your feet, "Little woman," the druid sauntered to where you've strolled---before the open windows as you shot your head out of it, retching after a little while before he was beside you, calmly patting your back to make you feel better.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Just...nauseous. Thank you, Eanraig." wiping your mouth with the back of your palm, you've heaved exhausted breaths while the druid ushered you to sit on the bed. Talking in the midst of it, assuring him that it was nothing but just a stomach bug and feeling weary over it, "---Probably because they've beaten me to pulp,"
The Druid earnestly stared upon your pale face. Hands shaky as you grab onto the soft sheets, softly grazing them beneath the pad of your fingers, caressing with such feeble strength. Eanraig scrutinized your condition as you turned your head away with a face falling over your current fight with the witcher.
The latter languidly sat beside you, a genuine smile turning his eyes into crescent shapes that tells he was intrigued and amused over what signs was receiving from you especially the warm, tender aura radiating off you; more than what you can offer like you came in two's.
"Will you wholeheartedly accept the responsibility of being the mother of your witcher's child, little one?"
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I hope you loved the double update, bb’s! FEEDBACKS ARE SO APPRECIATED!
Taglist for WOTN: (Strikethrough means you couldn’t be tagged, Bb. Please check your settings) @alyxkbrl​​​​ @himarisolace​​​​ @barkingbullfrog​​​​ @ayamenimthiriel​​​​ @hellodevilslittlesister​ @turkish276​​​​ @spookypeachx @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us​​​​ @nympeth​​​​ @amirahiddleston​​​​ @gabethelobster​​​​ @dreaming-about-fanfictions​​​ @uncoolcloudyhead​​​​ @melaninstylezz​​​​ @psychosupernaturalhero​​​​ @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​​​ @marvelousell​​​​ @kingniazx​​​​ @angelias134​​​​ @tapismyforte​​​​ @chook007​​​​ @covid-donotenter​​​​ @deadlydemon​​​​ @cheesecakeisapie​​​​ @angelofthor​​​​ @carrieannewaywardson, @plantingmum @stuckupstucky​​​​, @shesthelastjedi​​​​, @a–1–1–3, @gutfucks​​​​, @britty443​​​​,  @suhke3​​​​, @shadowclawstudio88​​​​  @ruthoakenshield​​​
Overall witcher taglist: @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza​​​​, @crazybutconfidentaf​​​​​
General taglist for Henry Cavill: @agniavateira​​​​​, @iloveyouyen​​​​​, @rahdaleigh​​​​​, @silverkitten547​​​​ @henrythickcavill​​​​ @kaatelyyynn​​​  @madelinelina​​​, @summersong69​​​, @raynosaurus-rex​
210 notes · View notes
Oneshot #1 | Kokichi Oma
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𝐊𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
About ;; Kitsune Kokichi meets a new wisher and woah becomes their friend? — Mod Chiaki
— Warnings ;; Not proof read
— Character ;; Kokichi Oma
— Fandom ;; Danganronpa
— Ship ;; Koichi x FReader
— Notes ;; I’m like so dead right now but I whipped this up real quick so sorry for bad whatever uh writing in this! This is also a Kitsune AU and I’m also sorry if I get him out of character and or having bad information about Kitsune I’m just going with the flow.
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Kitsunes are known for their mischievous and sly personalitys, but they were also known for making wishes.. for a price of course! The price itself depends on what the wisher wishes for really, the most that they can do is take their souls so after they wisher dies the Kitsunes can do whatever they want with them.
Kokichi was a well known kitsune around a small village, usaully waiting for a poor unexpected soul to walk into his shrine. Kokichi tends to play harmless pranks with the villagers not meaning to harm them physically well, unless you make a certain wish but that’s another topic
It was a normal glistening humid day and Kokichi was waiting for something to happening, anything really, hell he might go and start teasing Kaito if it keeps up. But soon hearing footsteps coming towards him, he soon sees a girl with h/c coming towards his shrine. Normally he’d prank them and then run off to find another victim but something told him that they were here to make a wish, and he ain’t missing a wishing opportunity.
Watching you closely he’d watch see you go towards his shrine and ring the bell. Now he can pick to appear or not depending on his mood, finally with a cheeky grin a black smoke appeared in front of the girl and as soon as she blinked a figure with 9 fox tails and perky ears was upon her.
“Hellloooo” Kokichi exclaimed as he waved his hand around your face. Snapping out of the trance you backed up instinctively which cause Kokichi to walk up to you more “Hey hey aren’t you gonna make a wish?” You tilted your hand a little which only caused Kokichi to pout “I-I thought you w-were! I came all t-this way to appear in front o-of you just so you c-can tilt your head at me?!— You’re so MeANNnnNnN” a loud cry erupted from the petite kitsune as he waved his arms around like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
You held your breathe as you went towards the purple gremlin that was on the ground “A-ah sorry I just thought you meant something else.. but yeah I’m here to make a wish” suddenly Kokichi jumped onto his feet and seemingly summoned a clipboard and pen “Okay what do you wish for? Anything you want I can do but it'll—” “I want a friend” “So don’t be too— wait what” now it was Kokichis turn to look confused “you literally could have anything and you want a friend?” You just nodded “Geezzz aren’t you boring.. but sure” soon the clipboard vanished along with the Kokichi himself. Soon a leaf fell onto your h/c head, plucking it off it had a message which said “Go back home. You’ll meet your new friend soon.” Suddenly a gust of chilling wind came from the north and made the leaf that held said message fly away which only leaved you with your thoughts.
Turning around you wondered what’s gonna happen, was it really worth wishing for a friend? What kind of person would be that pathetic to wish for a friend over anything else in the world? “me..” she’d mumble to herself as you carried yourself over the wooden oak fence that was blocking your home from the outside world. Feeling the slight sting when you grabbed for the metal knob you felt 2 eyes watching you, shaking off then feeling you opened the door “welcome back” a voice echoed across the whole cold and empty house all the way towards your ears, a cold shiver went through the core of her body as she put the item that she was holding down on the floor “hello?—”
Her sentence was suddenly cut by a familiar warmth of a petite purple haired figure jumping towards you “K-kokichi!?—” “Don’t worry I didn’t break any windows!~” very very confused you looked at him with your e/c eyes “Welllll I decided since I was bored and stuffff that I’ll be your new friend! Be grateful” he’d exclaimed as he jumped on your sofa “Uh okay?—” not really knowing what to do you’d just close the door and scrambled your way to the sofa as well.
Kokichi seemingly eyed you as you made your way towards him “Sooo wanna play a game?” He asked, sitting down on the plump sofa you noticed his eyes were glistening with something, probably mischievous but at this point ride or die. She’d nodded warily as Kokichi smiled, soon boardgames suddenly appeared around you two “Great answer! Let’s play of these before dawn!” Oh god.
You didn’t really remember anything really, all you knew was you blacked out when you started to play clue for the 5th time in a row. Groaning slightly you felt another warmth beside her, similar to a fireplace really. Slowly opening your eyes you were met with purple hair and the scent of grape panta “huh..” your voice felt slightly horsed, remembering that you two kinda had a yell off “hope the neighbors don’t get mad” she thought as you tried to move only to realize your right arm was being held by something or someone.
Turning her head around she realized that Kokichi was clinging onto her arm, “he really looks innocent in his sleep” you’d mumble softly as you try to pry away only for Kokichi to tighten his grasp even more, sighing she’d use her free arm and gently shook him “Kokichi let go of my arm..” but a small groan was the only answer you got. Sighing you shook him harder but that didn’t work either “Oma..” suddenly he shot his eyes open and looked at you, for a millisecond he looked like a lost child that just remembered his name but soon he only smirked as he let go of your arm “Geez I never knew you were so clingy Y/n~” “Kokichi you were literally the one who wouldn’t let go of my arm”.
With a deep sigh she’d walk towards the kitchen counter and started to make breakfast “Personally I don’t eat breakfast but those games made me hungry..” watching Kokichi sit down on the counter chair or whatever you call it he smiled as he watched you cook in the kitchen, “Hey what happened after I blacked out anyways?” Seemingly snapping out of his trance Kokichi spoke “Well first off I thought you were fake sleeping cause you were salty but then you didn’t wake up so naturally I used markers on your face—” “Wait what—” “That was a lie nishishishi” she rolled her eyes “I cleaned up everything cause I’m mature and stuff, I actually was gonna put you on your bed but then you grabbed my arm and you know started being all fluffy with me~” a red hue blossomed around your cheeks “A-ah sorry I didn’t know heh..” “Nee-heehee don’t worry about it I know you want a piece of me—” he was cut off by a oven glove thrown at his face.
Prying it off he’d look at you with a look that said “Bring it on” and that’s how a kitchen war started in the morning. Laughter was filled all over the now warm and lively house, you took some batter you made the night before and threw it at Kokichi who only dodged in response, he’d grab a plastic bowl and threw it at you.
The same thing happened all through out the morning until you both collapsed on the kitchen ground giggling like crazy people “Kokichi I wanted to say thanks by the way” Kokichi looked into your e/c eyes “For you know granting my wish and junk, and well you know.. being my first ever person I’d call a friend” she’d smile softly at the kitsune, and as if on cue a bright light of sun came through the window and onto her. For some reason Kokichi felt like the world slowed down, he gulped and let a breath out “Well duhhh that wouldn’t be very good business would it now?” He’d chuckle back trying to ignore the feeling.
Getting up from the kitchen floor you wiped dust off your clothing as she offered a hand to Kokichi, and as expected he denied it as he got up himself but you seemed to catch him say something but you couldn’t quite catch the sentence, Kokichi seemed to notice you staring at him, smiling he’d grab your hand and led you towards the door
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❝I’m happy you’re my friend too..❞
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83 notes · View notes
ainti-pretty · 3 years
What do you think about Iorveth in realationship? And can you write differences (if you think they will be), if his "love" is human or elf.
yeah! i can!
as a multishipper (heehee) ill just write for all of them bc i imagine each take place during VERY different times in his life. it also describes the relationship and that dynamic so yea. i hope this is what u wanted. oops
its also a bit long!! so there is a cut
tw: (all are mentioned and its not too in deth but be careful) death, trauma, drinking
first, id like to start of with iorveth as a youngster:
-he was probably rlly fucking hot as teen/young adult before he really got involved in the scoia'tael and got the scar and probably. slept around a lot. he probably wasnt big on commitment as he was young and maybe was in a few long(ish) term relationships but he mostly just chilled until his parents were killed by humans and he got his scar
next, onto beginnings of scoia'tael years/cedric:
-i think that iorveth and cedric joined together as friends but gradually grew closer
-but, after he got the scar i think it fucked up his self esteem so he was a lot less open with his affections
-the trauma of losing his parents and being there was. in short. not good.
-i feel like he definately got incredibly invested in the scoia'tael during this time because it and cedric were all he had
-and he dearly loved cedric, and although he had lost a ton of his self esteem, he found strength in cedric and they were a power couple for a few decades. the slept together, they cuddled, they held hands whenever they had the chance, and they truly truly loved each other very much
-until cedrics health/mental health got worse and they broke up (which broke both their hearts), and iorveth blamed himself when cedric left the scoia'tael.
moving onto ciaran:
-ciaran (as per my previous hc on him) lost his parents as a teen and was wandering around trying to get revenge on humans whenever he could for years before iorveth met him.
-naturally, iorveth fell hard.
-but, after cedric left he decided to bottle it up and ignore bc he didnt want to ""ruin"" anyone else again by being too invested in the scoia'tael.
-unfortunately for iorveth, ciaran also fell in love with him, and after years of waiting when hes second in command, ciaran confessed
-iorveth flipped the fuck out because he was like. no. that cant be possible! im unlovable and i hurt people and im just going to ruin him!
-this is partially because of what happened with cedric, and partially because ciaran (although CERTAINLY an adult), is definately younger, and iorveth thinks he deserves better than him
-he knows what hes done for the scoia'tael and knows hes not a good person, and hopes that he can scare ciaran into leaving.
-it doesnt work. and they both end up crying.
-once they are together though, there is a definate change in their relationship vibe from iorveth and cedrics. they certainly sleep together and cuddle and do all the relationship things that cedric and iorveth did, but iorveth is clearly holding something back
-they decide that while they both love each other dearly, they cannot be in a health/stable relationship with just each other because its clear that iorveth is in no way able to properly be in a relationship at that moment
-they decide to open up the relationship and thats where vernon roche comes in
yeah. vernon roche. this is where iorveth sorta has a. oh fuck its a human moment.
-as you all know, roche was the leader of the scoia'tael in flotsams greatest enemy, the blue stripes, a special forces commando designed to stop the scoia'tael.
-after having a WHOLE enemies to lovers situation, they find themselves in a situation.
-they both love each other. and they are both two war criminals who FINALLY end on the same side after years of fighting (lets just say iorveth joined for the kaer morhen fight against the wild hunt) and it seems like everything is fine
-its not.
-first of all, they both have lots and lots of issues other than that they are both war criminals:
1. iorveth has never dated a human before, let alone a man he nearly killed and has nearly killed him on many occasions.
2. iorveth feels like hes betraying the ideals of the scoia'tael along with his parents for dating a human, and this feeling hits even moreso bc its roche.
3. iorveth has loads and loads of attachment issues, and even though he and ciaran still have their thing going on (that roche is aware of and understands), he still really hasnt been in any recent relationships that havent ended in someone leaving
4. iorveth really doesnt quite understand human customs other than what he can tell from spying. he spends lots of time in the woods and knows far more about trade routes to and from flotsam than he really knows of human culture. its almost embarassing.
5. iorveth sometimes gets worried its all a ploy to get roche to kill him and that theres plans to hurt the former scoia'tael due to anti-elf racism
moving onto roches issues, which while there are less of, they dont help:
1. as a child of a sex worker and single mother, roche found himself also getting involved in sex work, which gave him consent issues bc he really did have a choice in the matter bc it was do the job or starve.
2. hes a half elf but right before he was drafted into the army he cut the tips of his ears off to make him look more human. this makes it hard for him to connect w iorveth bc he really doesnt know elf customs, but doing human customs just never felt right
3. he also has some issues from his previous relationship w foltest, which was Not Even slightly healthy, and is still trying to cope w the realization that it was worse than he thought
all of this results in a lot of miscommunication, especially because iorveth (for a long time DURING the relationship) didnt know roche was half-elf and wanted to do all the elven traditions he hadnt been able to join. they dont know what the other wants, and they dont know what the other needs because once again. issues galore. iorveth also probably would be more able to get into fights than any other relationships (because unlike ciaran or cedric, roche is abrasive) which means that there would be a lot of hurt at the beginning of it.
HOWEVER, after they actually talk, and roche is like. hey im half elf, and more than willing to do things the traditional elven way (which iorveth is far more familiar and comfortable with), they sorta get into a routine of things.
and it begins to be a secure and steady and healthy relationship.
tdlr: iorveth has shitty self worth, trust issues and struggles with communication sometimes so things get muddled but when he falls, he falls hard. but the relationships hes in are very different depending on who it is. hes more comfortable with other nonhumans, but even before knowing roche is half-elf, he would give his life for them.
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