#hope you guys enjoy it fire emoji i have a lot planned
timmy-bee · 11 months
Title: Melodies flowing from all our memories Warnings: n/a Relationships: Mumbo & Scar + Mumbo/Grian (Heavily spoken about) Chapter(s): 1/2 Summary:
"Whatcha thinkin’ about?" Scar asks suddenly, startling Mumbo who was even starting to forget that Scar was there in the first place. "Ah- Y'know, stuff," Mumbo replies nonchalantly. Scar raises an eyebrow at him. "Is that stuff Grian?" Scar asks, the smallest tinge of concern lingers in his voice as he asks. Mumbo sighs and nods.
aka ; mumbo reminisces to scar about his memories of grian.
FIRST FIC !! i was debating on sharing this here but i have decided to anyway! :3 chapter 2 is gonna be coming soon hopefully so keep an eye out for that! This is the start of the stars we chase au <3  ( also ty to @gaydeathberries for editing for me !!!)
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Girl on Fire
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Hi guys!
Here we are for one with Lia, I didn't write for her since ages. It's from that sweet request, and I hope it will please you :)
Please enjoy ♥
TW : Mention of firefighter job, Alcohol, Men (the creepy ones).
The other chapter of the serie "Lia & The Firefighter" is here.
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Lia is the sweetest person you ever met. When people learn that you both are dating, they always look so surprised that you found it almost offensive at first. But then you decided that you in fact love the way Lia seeks protection towards you and how she feels in security with you.
You are a firefighter, and you are more than ten centimeters higher than Lia. Because of you work you have to train a lot and you’ve developed a pretty impressive musculature over the years. You have several tattoos spread on different parts of your body and you laughed your heart out when one of Lia’s friends told you that she claimed not to be a fan of tattoo before. You know that Lia loves your tattoos.
You are part of the London Fire Brigade, and you are very proud of it. You aren’t the chief of one of the Brigade, but your place in the team is perfect for you. You sometimes have trouble because you are what your supervisor like to call a hothead, which makes you roll your eyes every time. For you, you are here to save lives and you have to take all the risks for it.
Very early in your relationship with Lia, you found the deal not to tell her which interventions you are working on. She knows when you are working, obviously, but you both realize very quickly that telling her everything is very anxiety-proving, and you obviously don’t want that for her.
You are not living together, but you like finding her at home when your work is finished. She’s your safe place, she doesn’t have to say or do anything special to make you feel good. You just have to be with her, or when she’s away hearing her voice is enough to help you calm down.
You both work great together and you knew really soon in your relationship that you will fall hard for that girl. You were right and here you are, two years, going to her house in St-Albans after your shift. You know that Lia won’t be at home, she went out with some of her teammates in the neighborhood to have fun. But you plan of getting a shower and wait her looking at TV.
You first grab something to eat however, smiling softly at the love note Lia putted on your plate. She putted leftovers in it for you and when you see that it’s one of your favorite meals, you fell in love with her again.
From You Thank you for the leftover Cookie, it was amazing ❤️
From Lia 🧸 With pleasure :) are you waiting for me?
From You I will, but don’t you dare coming home early for me. Enjoy your night, party girl 🔥 I’m going to take a shower anyway
From Lia 🧸 Tease :(
You roll your eyes and send her a kiss emoji before going to the bathroom. Your clothes are respectively around each other’s house, so you put your uniform in the laundry bin without thinking further. The hot water is very welcome to help you wash the day and help your muscles to relax. It was a long day, with stressful interventions. You would have loved to have Lia’s cuddles right now, but she has the right to enjoy her night with her friends.
Another thing you love about Lia, is the way she choses to sleep in oversize t-shirt, who are so big for her that they come down to her knees. She was doing it before you met so you know that she didn’t wear them on purpose, but at least you are able to steal some of her clothes. That’s what you do today, stealing a beige t-shirt that smell like her and will make the job until she comes home.
Before going to the living room to watch TV, you stop in the kitchen to grab a Red Bull that Lia stocks on the fridge for you, even if “It’s an awful drink for your health”. You drink a lot of them, a bad habit maybe, but you hate coffee and that helps you to be focused all day. When you explained that to Lia, she grumbles something in Swiss German but stopped since that day to try to make you stop drinking it.
You watch some stupid TV show while drinking your thing, happy to be able to relax a little bit. You were doing it for twenty minutes when your phone rings and you don’t check the screen because it’s the ringtone reserved for Lia. Which is strange, she’s supposed to come home with Leah.
“Hello?” you frown.
“Am I waking you up?”
You can hear almost immediately that something is wrong, her voice is a little shaky and you stand up instantly without thinking.
“What’s wrong?”
“I… It’s stupid, but there is some creepy guy who tried to hit on Less all night, and he gets drunker every second. She’s safe with us and didn’t want me to call you, but it looks like he’s waiting for her with some of his friends and –“
“I’ll be there in five minutes. Don’t move from where you are, ok?” you cut her.
“Yeah. Ok.”
You met Alessia several times and you like that girl. Not the way you like Lia obviously (you love her in case you haven’t understood), but she’s a friend of your lover. And there is no place in the world where you want your girlfriend not to feel safe, with or without you.
You put a jean and a black hoodie on, before grabbing your keys to jump on your car. Lia shared her location or her phone with you months ago, so you are able to find her very quickly. The club they chose is rather good noted, you have trouble to get inside at first because of your clothes. But when you insist and explain that it was only to get your girlfriend and some of your friends out, they finally let you in. You explained too what was happening and they promised to talk with one of their colleagues to have a better look of the situation.
When you enter, your eyes are like drags like magnets on Lia and you let them get up and down on her, methodically searching for any injuries. But there is nothing and you just have to look at her friends to know that they aren’t hurt either. They just seem uneasy.
Lia must have felt your eyes on her, because she suddenly raises her head in your direction while you are walking to their booth. She gets up and you hug her as soon as you reach her position.
“You alright?” you frown.
The top of her head is at the height of your chin and she has to tilt her head to look at you.
“I’m fine” she nods before turning on the others direction.
There is Alessia obviously, Kyra, Leah and Victoria. The first feels a little bit more uneasy, in purpose. You don’t know how much you impressed Lia’s friends, even when you smile at her like you are doing now.
“Alright Alessia?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry you have to come here, I tried to call my brother, but he didn’t answer.”
“No worries. Should we go?”
They all agree, and you share a look with Lia before putting what you hopped will feel like a recomforting hand between Alessia’s shoulders. When Leah proposed to go to her home, they all agree too.
“Will you come too?” Lia pouts, walking next to you and Alessia.
“If you want to” you answer softly, never able to refuse her anything.
She smiles at you, and you lose yourself several seconds in her beautiful eyes, before feeling Alessia tense next to you.
“It’s them” she mumbles.
You look at the direction she shows you with her eyes, just to see four men in their thirties, more average and boring than ever. They look so smug; it makes you want to go knock them. But you don’t, you know Lia hate this kind of behavior. Plus, you are a firefighter, you are supposed to help people. Even if, in your opinion, put something in their head would help them but that’s another story.
You tense when they whistle Leah, but she shows them her middle finger without any thought and you can’t help but smirk. She was walking in front of you with Kyra and Victoria. But when you pass next to them with Lia and Alessia, one of them walk to stop in front of you.
“Well, Alessia Honey? I thought you will come home with me tonight?”
“She’s not going anywhere with you” you answer before Alessia can even react. “Can you push your damn ass away from here so we can leave please?”
Your ton is cold but still polite. You keep your poker face while the man looks at you with a mixture of haughtiness and surprise. You are a little higher than him, only one or two centimeters maybe. But he seems to finally decide that he might be superior or something.
You groan when he tries to grab Alessia’s arm, passing a protective arm in front of her, making her take two steps backward.
“Don’t fucking touch her” you warn, approaching your face of his.
“Oh yeah? And who’s gonna stop me? You?”
He snorts with arrogance, and you take all you have not to punch him. But then he tries to push you, not making you move a little bit. You are smirking when you talk again.
“Watch me.”
Just when you were arming your fist to punch him, someone grab it. You want to extricate your hand from the surprise grip, but you only need half a second to realize that it’s Lia. At the same time, the man who was at the entry and another security guy came to you. Without ceremony, they take Alessia’s creep to make him leave.
“I’m sorry Ma’am” the guy says. “You can enjoy your night now.”
“We were leaving actually. Can you make sur that he’s not waiting for her at the entry?”
“I will, promise. Just give me some minutes yeah?”
You nod and watch him go outside, before turning in Alessia’s direction while your arm itself wraps around Lia’s waist, without you really thinking about it.
“You alright?” you ask her for the second time of the night.
“Yes. Damn I really thought you’ll kill him.”
You are content to smile at her with complicity without saying anything. You would probably have wreck him, to be honest. But Lia is still next to you, and you know how much she hates violence. Even if it’s to protect one of her friends.
When the man comes back to tell you that you can go, you find the three other girls in the street to go to Leah. You learn in the car that Caitlin and Katie will come too, but it doesn’t change anything for you. You like both of them too.
“How did that guy know her name?” you frown towards Alessia when you are walking to Leah’s house.
“I was stupid. I told him, he was really nice at first. I didn’t know things will turn that way” she mumbles, cheeks red.
“It’s not stupid, you don’t have to defend yourself I was just curious. Plus, you couldn’t know he was a psychopath” you pat her shoulder affectionally.
She smiles softly at you and go straight for a drink in Leah’s kitchen. In the living room, Kyra is relating what happened in the nightclub, exaggerating without any embarrassment most of the details of the story. You roll your eyes and just go sit next to Lia, who smiles at you.
“Here is my little terror” Lia coos.
“Stop” you smile shyly, hiding your face in her neck.
Lia laughs and passes her arms around your body. She’s warm and soft, and you are really tired. You melt against her, enjoying happily her stroking on your back. You were almost dozing off when you hear Katie’s voice.
“Can’t believe that teddybear is turning in Hulk outside of Wally’s arms”
“She was scary honestly” Kyra says.
“Fuck you” you grumble in Lia’s neck.
“Someone’s already working on it darling”
You can hear Katie’s smile in her voice, and you just take slightly your face away of Lia’s neck. You just have to look at her with one eye to see that you were right, the playful smile on the Irish girl being present.
You know it’s only a friendly teasing though, you learned to know Lia’s teammates during the last months, and you like them all. With her temper, Katie is maybe the one who is the closest to your character. Except when you’re with Lia, once again.
“Don’t wake the beast again Katie” Kyra laughs.
You throw a pillow at Katie, making her laugh, before turning in Lia’s direction. She’s already looking at you and you put a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“You are beautiful tonight” you said softly, even if the attention of the others isn’t on you anymore.
You let your eyes appreciating her outfit and Lia blushes slightly but kiss your cheek anyway.
“Aren’t you tired?” she asks soon after.
You look at her two seconds, hesitating to lie to her before choosing the truth. You shrug anyway, trying to dismiss how much tired you are.
“I am. But I’ll stay, I want to stay with you”
“No, let’s go home, come on.”
Lia stands up without hesitation. You say your goodbyes to anyone, following Lia who you hold her hand, not letting her go until you have to start your car.
“Thanks for coming tonight” Lia says after some minutes.
“Of course. Like I would leave you alone like this” you yawn.
“Was it a long day?”
You throw a quick look at her, just to see her looking at you once again. Sometimes, you know that she would like to know what you have done during the day. But like you said before, it’s not a good idea.
“Yeah. A long day” you mumble.
You don’t say anything else. Car accidents, fire, you never say anything. Even when you come back home with slight injuries. Your thoughts are quickly turned back in reality when Lia kisses your fingers, putting you away of the memories of your day.
You let Lia go take a shower while you change your clothes again and let yourself fall on your stomach on the bed. You must have fall asleep, because what looks several seconds after, a fresh showered Lia is slipping under the sheets beside you. You roll on your side to snuggle against her, closing your eyes almost soon after.
“Love you” you mumble against the skin of her shoulder.
“Love you too, Pookie. Sleep tight.”
You mumble something back, but you are already almost asleep, and you are pretty sure that Lia was not able to understand the slightest word. It doesn’t matter. She has you, you have her and it’s perfect that way.
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reinerispretty · 4 years
little moments. zuko x f!reader rotations bonus
HI UM!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K!!!!! i love each and every one of u with my WHOLE HEART!!!! 
i was trying to think of something special to do that everyone would enjoy, so why not a good callback to the reason why most of us are here hehehe
when i wrote rotations, there were lots of avenues that i thought of taking after the fall of ba sing se! in the fic, (y/n) is arrested, and i posted a bonus already of how it would have ended if she had escaped with sokka and the rest of the gaang. HOWEVER, i did think of her taking azula up on her offer of going back to the fire nation and being there with zuko (insert side eye emoji) 
so that’s what this is! a little rotations bonus to say thank you so much for sticking with me!!
She had contemplated it as she was in her room on the ship. Of running away and finding Sokka, Katara, and Toph. She would tell them that she couldn’t do it. She wasn’t strong enough.
But as she lie awake that night, she thought of everything Aang had sacrificed in order to ensure that they would have a better life. If he was truly gone, it would a disservice to their entire cause if she couldn’t risk something the way her beloved friend had.
The weight of what she had done settled into her stomach as soon as (Y/N) opened her eyes. She stared up at the ceiling of one of the guest bedrooms in the Earth King’s palace, needles dancing behind her eyes. For the first time in months, she was completely alone. 
Azula had offered her immunity if she chose to join her. All would be forgiven if (Y/N) would just join them and return to her home, her real home. The mainland of the Fire Nation and the inner workings of palace life. It would be like nothing had changed. And (Y/N) had said yes. 
It wasn’t as if she wanted to betray her friends. It was something that Sokka had discussed with her, in the event that she was captured. 
A knock sounded against the heavy green door. (Y/N) sat up against the fluffy green pillows and called whoever it was in. Servants filtered in, carrying bundles of clothing, brushes, soaps, and dishes of water. One stopped at the foot of her bed. “The Princess has asked that you ready yourself to see her in the throne room.” 
(Y/N) nodded silently and slipped out of the bed. The servants guided her to a chair in front of a vanity where they worked at her appearance.
Looking in the mirror was difficult. (Y/N) couldn’t bring herself to do it. Instead, as she was dressed in the traditional clothing of her nation, she kept her eyes cast downward and remained silent as the servants scrubbed the dirt from her nails and face and brushed the knots from her hair. It was as if, little by little, evidence of her time with Aang, Katara, Toph, and Sokka was being erased. 
Sokka. She thought back to their conversation on the floor of their house in Ba Sing Se, shrouded in darkness as they whispered to each other. “Do what you can to keep yourself safe,” He had said quietly. “Pretend that you like them or something. When you can, meet back up with us and tell us about the Fire Lord’s plan.”
“I’m not leaving you guys,” She had scoffed, hoping that Sokka’s request of her was fake. Did he really expect her to leave her friends? The people who had become her family?
Sokka had turned over on his stomach to look at her. “You’re our best chance at gathering intel about the Fire Nation. They know you there, they trust you.” 
“Not anymore,” She pointed out. Sokka shrugged. 
“They have a soft spot for you. You’re one of our advantages, (Y/N). If given the opportunity, I need you to take it.” 
She had turned over, staring straight into his sky blue eyes. She rested her chin on her palm. She wasn’t taking Sokka seriously, so she had humored him. “Fine,” She agreed. “If Azula wanders up to me and asks me to go back, I’ll play spy.” 
Sokka’s face remained serious despite her joking tone. “I don’t want you to do this either,” He had told her. “If you get into any serious danger, just come back to m--us.” 
(Y/N) had laughed. “Danger? In the Fire Nation? No way.” 
In the present, (Y/N) dared to look at herself in the mirror. Her hair was done in the traditional Fire Nation topknot, flowing freely down her back. She looked as she had over a year ago. Beloved daughter of the Fire Nation with a miserable glint in her eye. Was this who she had always been? She swallowed thickly to press down the tears. 
She had learned to trust Sokka’s judgment overtime. It was a good plan. She was the only one that could do it. But it hadn’t been a day and she already couldn’t wait to be reunited with her friends. In the meantime, she would have to do her best to pretend that this was the life she wanted. One of cruelty and submission. 
She had sat in the palace the night before, as Zuko and Azula fought Katara and Aang in the caverns below the city. She had watched Appa fly away, with no knowledge of how her friends had fared during the fight. 
Once she was done getting ready, (Y/N) dismissed the servants. She walked quietly to the throne room, her head down. When she entered, Azula was sat in the Earth King’s throne, still wearing her Earth Kingdom disguise. Mai and Ty Lee were seated at the steps beneath her. The one person she was expecting to see was absent. 
Ty Lee’s face lit up when she saw (Y/N), and as soon as she finished her bow, the young acrobat cartwheeled over to her and gave her a hug. (Y/N’s) first instinct was to stiffen, but she fought it and squeezed Ty Lee as hard as she could. 
“It’s so good to have you back!” Ty Lee exclaimed, clasping (Y/N’s) cheeks between her hands. “I’ve never seen your aura look better!” 
“That’s...great?” (Y/N) questioned, furrowing her brows. Her eyes drifted over to Mai, who picked her nails with the blades of her darts. 
“Hey.” Was all she said. Well, that was alright. Mai and (Y/N) had never been very close. 
“Good morning,” Azula drawled, a smile curling on her lips. (Y/N) was unsure if it was genuine or menacing. Both were to be expected when dealing with Azula. “I’ve talked to Father. He’s willing to fully pardon you for your crimes.” 
“That’s--” (Y/N) swallowed. “That’s very generous of the Fire Lord.” 
“Yes. I told him all about the poison the Avatar and his friends put into your head. Without guidance from me, you were easily influenced.” Azula adjusted her position in the throne, tucking her legs beneath herself. She looked like she belonged there. “Father and I both agreed that it would be best if I kept you close. You need support from your real friends.” 
(Y/N) knew what this was, and Azula did too. It was not something from the kindness of the young princess’s heart. It was a way to control (Y/N), to make sure that she wouldn’t stray. A single misstep and it was likely that she would be six feet under. It was even more likely that Azula would put her there herself. 
(Y/N) tried as hard as she could to smile gratefully. “Thank you, Azula. Please give your father my thanks.” The doors to the throne room opened then, revealing Zuko. He was dressed in a royal Fire Nation robe, but his green Earth Kingdom clothes still poked out from beneath the red fabric. (Y/N) liked to think that she had become very vigilant in her time running from the Fire Nation, so she noticed the way Mai’s face lit up just slightly at his appearance. 
He looked over at (Y/N), his eyes widening in surprise. He opened his mouth to speak, then immediately shut it. She stared back at him, her eyes boring into his. While it may appear that she and Zuko were on the same side, she had no intention of forgiving him for turning on Iroh. For throwing away all the progress he had made in his time away from the Fire Nation. He was so close to becoming the version of himself that she always believed he could be and he had thrown it all away for trivial acceptance. 
Zuko was the first to turn away and (Y/N) looked back to Ty Lee. 
“Can you tell me about the boy you were traveling with?” Ty Lee questioned. “The one with the ponytail?” 
“Yes, (Y/N),” Azula said. “Do tell us all about your time with the Avatar and his friends. I’d like to know what they’re planning.” 
“His name is Sokka,” (Y/N) told Ty Lee, trying her hardest to not show any amount of affection in her voice. “And I don’t know what they’re planning. They never trusted me enough to share.” She stared straight into Azula’s golden eyes. Azula was a skilled liar, but (Y/N) had grown up with her. She had a lot more tricks up her sleeve than the princess would anticipate. 
Azula narrowed her fine eyebrows. “That’s quite alright. I suppose we don’t have much to worry about, considering Zuko killed the Avatar.” 
(Y/N) had to hold in her gasp or else she would be jeopardizing everything she was here for. There was no way Aang could be gone. He was the connection between the Spirit World and the Human World. Wouldn’t they be able to feel it? 
She curled her hands into fists, her nails pressing crescent shaped marks into her skin. “You should be thanking him,” Said Azula. (Y/N’s) eyes slid across the room to Zuko. He stared at his sister, his own brow furrowed in confusion. “Go on. Say thank you.” 
“Thank you,” (Y/N) said quietly to Zuko. She hated how silent he was being. If Aang was gone, then Zuko would now be dead to her. He had done something unforgivable. If he didn’t understand the weight of his actions now, then he never would. 
“Our ship leaves tonight,” Azula announced, standing up and stretching her body. “We should be back home by morning. (Y/N), you’ll be staying in the palace with Zuzu and I, since your parents failed to protect you from the Avatar.” 
“Thank you,” (Y/N) repeated, perhaps because her brain couldn’t think of anything else. 
“Father also wants to have an audience with you,” Azula said as she skipped down the steps. She strode over to (Y/N), the same mischievous glint in her eye. “Something about loyalty.” Azula’s smile was menacing. 
(Y/N) swallowed. She was in way over her head. 
Their ship docked in the royal port, just below the palace. Guards escorted (Y/N) off of the ship, which was horribly embarrassing. Truly they couldn’t think of her as that big of a threat to require guards? Perhaps they had thought she might try to escape. She had contemplated it as she was in her room on the ship. Of running away and finding Sokka, Katara, and Toph. She would tell them that she couldn’t do it. She wasn’t strong enough. 
But as she lie awake that night, she thought of everything Aang had sacrificed in order to ensure that they would have a better life. If he was truly gone, it would a disservice to their entire cause if she couldn’t risk something the way her beloved friend had. It was intimidating, being surrounded by those she had fought for so long, but (Y/N) was different now. She wasn’t the girl that they thought they knew. Her time with her friends had changed her for the better. 
So, (Y/N) stepped off the ship and back onto the Fire Nation mainland with her chin held high, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. If she were to be believable, she had to exude confidence, even if she was scared out of her mind. Her confidence began to falter as the guards walked her past Zuko and Azula, past Mai and Ty Lee, and to the room that she remembered to be the Fire Lord’s throne room. 
She had not set foot into this room since she was nine, when she had exhibited her firebending skills for Fire Lord Azulon. So much had changed since then. If she had thought Azulon was intimidating then, Ozai was something to be feared. 
He sat on his throne, red flames shooting up in columns on either side. As soon as she was before him, the guards left, and (Y/N) fell into a bow. She absolutely despised groveling, but she knew it was what needed to be done in order to survive beneath the Fire Lord’s nose. 
She tried her best to bring back all the information of Fire Nation etiquette that had gathered dust at the back of her mind. After a few moments of silence, she rose and sat on her knees, hands folded in her lap as she stared forward at Ozai. Her eyes were downcast, avoiding her gaze. (Y/N) tried her best to come across as shameful. 
“You have grown since the last time you were in these halls,” The Fire Lord spoke. His voice was calm, too calm for someone who was talking to a traitor. (Y/N) inhaled a deep breath. 
“My lord,” She said, her voice shaky from nerves. “I am so, so sorry for betraying our nation. I deserve to be thrown into prison and never let out.” 
“Is that what you want?” Ozai questioned. “To be rotting in a cell?” (Y/N) curled her fingers into her dress and made a rash decision. She looked at the Fire Lord and stared directly into his amber eyes. 
“I want to prove myself to the nation. And to you. I was a foolish girl. After Zuko’s banishment, I was heartbroken. I let my feelings get the better of me.” There was some truth to her lies. She wasn’t foolish, nor did she want to prove herself, but Zuko’s banishment had only been a catalyst for how she felt about the Fire Nation. 
“I don’t give second chances.” (Y/N) felt a tugging at her heart. She couldn’t report to her friends from jail. Or if she was dead. “But perhaps you can redeem yourself after your punishment.” (Y/N’s) eyebrow quirked up curiously. 
Ozai plucked a metal rod from his side and stood, walking down to meet her. (Y/N) knew what it was. Their words for ‘traitor’ were cast into iron at the end of the rod, which was already heating up from Ozai’s touch. The brand was given to those who had betrayed the nation, so that all would know of their treachery. They considered it to be a better option that rotting in jail or being executed. 
(Y/N) gulped. She had never seen a branding performed, but she had heard the screams as Ursa had ushered her, Azula, and Zuko away from the palace when they were young. It was a practice that not even Azulon had instituted. It was purely of Ozai’s crafting. 
“Your arm,” Ozai said, gesturing to her right arm. (Y/N) pulled up her sleeve. She could feel her body getting hot, the fight or flight instincts kicking in and begging her to run. As a native to the Fire Nation and a firebender, she was able to withstand a great amount of heat. Which meant that the poker needed to be thousands of degrees hotter than the average in order to brand her skin. “This is a punishment for your own actions,” Ozai sneered. “You brought this upon yourself.” 
The hot poker pressed into the skin of her forearm and (Y/N) had to bite down as hard as she possibly could on her bottom lip to keep herself from shouting, but it was no use. The pain was unbearable, shooting up her arm and reverberating on every nerve within her body. She couldn’t control her shrill screams as they echoed in the massive hall. Hot tears streamed down her face as she watched what Ozai was doing to her. She should have escaped when she had the chance, should have told Sokka no, she couldn’t return to the Fire Nation. She had been a child then, she wouldn’t be safe from the horrors that Ozai inflicted on others. 
He removed the iron from her skin and (Y/N) collapsed in on herself, her body shaking with sobs. She knew that showing weakness was even more dangerous now than ever before, but this was a treatment that was reserved for seasoned war criminals, not fifteen year old girls. She looked up at Ozai through cloudy eyes, barely able to see through her tears. “Thank you, my lord,” She said, her voice shaky and small because her throat was clouded with sobs. 
“You are dismissed,” He said as he returned to his position on his throne, not bothering to look back at her. (Y/N) stood on wobbly legs and bowed once more before walking slowly out of the throne room. As soon as she was beyond its doors, she started running. She couldn’t even see where she was going, but her feet carried her to the only place she knew would help. 
She sobbed heavily as she reached the turtle duck pond, dropping to her knees and shoving her arm into the cool water. The turtle ducks quacked and flapped away from her, but (Y/N) couldn’t care. She wanted Katara, whose healing powers would ease the burning pain shooting up and down her arm. She wanted to be held, to be reassured that everything would be alright. She cried, her tears dripping into the pond water. It probably wasn’t the most sanitary situation, but the coolness of the water helped ease her pain just slightly. 
“(Y/N)?” Zuko’s voice sounded far away in her ears. “What happened?” 
(Y/N) couldn’t bring herself to look any farther up than his boots. She felt so tired, but she couldn’t afford to pass out. She couldn’t let her guard down once while in this place. “Just go away,” She said meekly, the fingers on her other hand clawing into the soft grass. 
“Father gave her her punishment,” Azula said from the other side of (Y/N). Having the both of them here was the absolute last thing she wanted. Azula pulled her arm from the pond and wrapped cool towels around her burn. (Y/N) hissed in pain, but she had to admit that it was better than the pond water. “If it makes you feel any better,” continued Azula nonchalantly. “You passed his test.” 
“You knew about this?” Zuko demanded, his eyes wild with anger. Azula scoffed. 
“Relax, Zuzu. It’s just a little burn.” Delirious, (Y/N) laughed bitterly. Her ragged breathing was starting to even out. 
Zuko bent down at her side, placing a hand on her shoulder. (Y/N) shrugged it off and stood, refusing to look at him. She wiped the tears from her eyes and removed the towels from her arm. ‘Traitor’ was beginning to blister on her skin. It would be something that remained with her for the rest of her life. 
She looked up at Azula. “Can you take me to my room?” 
“You should probably go to the infirmary,” Zuko suggested. 
“Zuko, I heard that Mai was looking for you,” Azula’s voice was laced with spite that stung both Zuko and (Y/N). Azula linked her arm with (Y/N’s) good one and led her back into the palace. 
“Father said it was necessary for you to understand the damage you’ve done,” Azula said lowly to (Y/N). “You weren’t only a nuisance to me, you know. The whole Fire Nation was ashamed of you.” Azula giggled. She had a way of making jokes out of insults, but once she saw (Y/N’s) face, her own softened. “It will heal.” 
“Will there be more tests to prove my willingness?” (Y/N) questioned. “If they’re worse than this, I don’t know if I’ll survive.” 
“That’s all Father had planned for you.” (Y/N) noticed how Azula failed to mention if she had any tests for her. With a deep sigh, (Y/N) hoped that her friends were better off than she was. 
A nurse had visited (Y/N’s) room to tend to her wound. The expression on her face had been a mixture of disgust and pity. (Y/N) hadn’t had the energy to leave her bed for a few days, which she recognized was putting her mission in jeopardy. She was supposed to be gathering information, not wallowing beneath the blankets. 
After the nurse had dressed her bandages, (Y/N) decided it was best to finally roam about the palace. There was still a stinging sensation on her skin whenever it rubbed against the fabric of her dress, but she tried her best to ignore it as she walked through the halls of the Royal Palace, as well as memory lane. The place had become considerably more focused on Ozai rather than the greatness of the Fire Nation. Servants scampered about in fear, careful not to cross her path. She didn’t recognize anyone that she saw. (Y/N) used to know everyone by name. She guessed that they had either fled the palace or had been fired. Or worse. 
Being there felt like being out of place in your own home. Thinking back on her past felt like looking into someone else’s life. 
She paused at the tapestries of the Fire Lords, staring up at Ozai’s looming figure. He looked the most menacing, and perhaps that was because he was the most dangerous. There was only a month until the Day of the Black Sun, but that seemed like such a short amount of time to figure out how to defeat Ozai. 
“It’s different,” Zuko said at her side, and (Y/N) jumped in surprise, clutching a hand to her heart. “Being back here after so long,” He elaborated. 
(Y/N) hummed. If she were being honest, she avoided Zuko as much as she could. She felt as though she couldn’t stand to be around him. If she were alone with him for too long, she might end up beating him senseless. 
“Why did you come back?” Zuko questioned. “I thought you were happy with them.” 
“I guess we both don’t know each other as well as we thought,” (Y/N) said, keeping her voice as level as possible. She looked at Zuko, her face devoid of emotion. “I’m not here for you.” 
Zuko frowned. “I didn’t think you were.” 
“Good.” She turned to walk away, but Zuko grabbed her by the sleeve of her robes. 
“If you’re here, why are you mad at me? You’ve forgiven everyone else.” 
“You killed my friend,” She said quietly. “How could I ever forgive you for doing that?” 
“That wasn’t--” Zuko huffed, lowering his voice. “I didn’t kill Aang. Azula used her lightning on him.” 
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?” 
“You would trust Azula over me?” 
“You of all people should know that you can’t trust anyone here.” She crossed her arms over one another, wincing at the contact of her wound. “Why would Azula lie?” 
“Azula always lies,” Zuko said, repeating the mantra they had created when they were kids. “Why would it matter to you what happened in the underground city? You left them. You betrayed them.” (Y/N) flinched. 
“And you feel so confident after abandoning your uncle?” Zuko’s eyes sparked with anger. After all this time, at least she knew exactly what buttons to push. “I cared about them,” She said, choosing her words very carefully. “I spent months with them, it was impossible not to. If they had killed you, I would be feeling the same way.” (Y/N) swallowed. “But they wouldn’t have. They’re different from you and me.” 
She left him then, her heart pounding against her chest. Part of her wished that she could reach out to Zuko, to make him see all the wrong that their nation was causing the world, but she knew it would be too dangerous. Zuko’s loyalties lay with his family and Mai now. He might have been (Y/N’s) once, but he was no longer. 
“Are you really going to stay under that umbrella the whole time?” Ty Lee pouted, grabbing (Y/N) by the arm. “The whole point of going to the beach is to get some sun!” 
(Y/N) poked her feet from beneath the umbrella, wiggling her toes in the warm sand. She pointed at them. “They’re getting sun.” Ty Lee sighed, retreating back to her towel on the beach, where dozens of boys were already waiting for her. (Y/N) adjusted on her own beach chair, wrapping her shawl tightly around her shoulders. The words etched into her arm would be a dead giveaway to the children of Fire Nation aristocracy that littered Ember Island. It would cause more trouble than it was worth. 
“I’m surprised you’re not running into the water,” Mai said in her monotonous voice. “I thought you loved to swim.” 
“Yeah, I’d just rather not draw attention to the ugly branding on my arm,” (Y/N) said offhandedly, digging into her beach bag for a pack of fire flakes. She offered some to Mai, who took a few and shook them into her palm. The girls ate together quietly. 
“It’s better than getting sent to Boiling Rock,” Mai said and (Y/N) snorted. 
“That’s what I keep telling myself, but it didn’t feel like it in the moment.” Mai’s dark eyes glanced at (Y/N’s) arm, ‘traitor’ slightly visible beneath the sheerness of her shawl. 
“I didn’t think they were actually going to do it,” Mai admitted. “Azula begged her dad not to execute you.” 
(Y/N) coughed from surprise and also from the heat of the fire flakes. “Well, I’m glad to hear I was saved from a worse fate.” Zuko returned then, taking a seat between Mai and (Y/N). He handed his girlfriend ice cream, which promptly fell on her lap. 
She hadn’t been on Ember Island for many summers, but things rarely changed on the tourist destination. Her family used to have a house on the opposite side of the island. She wondered who occupied it now. 
Azula squatted at (Y/N’s) other side. “We’ve been invited to a party,” She announced, a triumphant smile on her face. (Y/N) sighed. 
“I don’t really think I’m up for a party,” She said, and Azula’s fingers wrapped around her arm, pressing into the healing skin. 
���Please? You have to come!” Azula demanded, but her smile seemed genuine. (Y/N) coughed. 
“Azula? My arm.” Azula lifted her hands immediately, giving her a look that was almost apologetic. 
“You have to come,” Azula repeated. “I already told them to expect the five of us.” 
So (Y/N) was forced to attend a Fire Nation party. If the children of these diplomats had annoyed her as kids, she couldn’t stand them as teenagers. (Y/N) kept to the wall, preferring to people watch and nibble on the stacked plate she had snagged from the food table. She had traded her shawl for a long-sleeved shirt that had been buried in the back of Lo and Li’s closet. It was definitely old fashioned, but (Y/N) didn’t really care. 
As she watched, (Y/N) thought of how she had never actually been to a party. Growing up, there were certain obligations and expectations that she needed to uphold. Being betrothed to Zuko meant taking lessons and maintaining appearances. She had gone to an all girl’s school for a short amount of time before being pulled out of her lessons to be tutored at the palace. Really, her entire childhood had consisted of Zuko, Azula, and other adults. 
“Hey, how’s it going?” One boy asked, walking up to her and leaning against the wall. (Y/N) jumped in surprise, nearly spilling her food. When did she get so jumpy? Perhaps it was a side effect of constantly being on edge. 
“Uh, hi,” She said, unsure why this boy was talking to her. Is this what happened at parties? People just walked up to other people without formal introductions? She felt so lame. 
“I’m Lee,” He said, and (Y/N) snorted, because the Fire Nation had a million Lee’s and Zuko had been one of them. Her eyes cut over to the prince, who stood brooding in a corner as he watched his girlfriend. 
“Sorry,” (Y/N) apologized, turning back to the boy. “I have so many friends named Lee. I’m (Y/N).” She took a bite of a carrot to punctuate her sentence. 
“Is this your first time on the island?” Lee asked, resting his back against the wall as she had. His eyes were a nice light brown, his hair black and shoulder-length and tied half up in the back. He was likely a whole foot taller than (Y/N). 
She shook her head. “I used to come here all the time when I was a kid. But y’know, life gets in the way so I haven’t been back in a few years.” 
“So where are you from?” He had a lot of questions. 
“The mainland,” (Y/N) answered. She wanted to be honest, as keeping up lies tended to be difficult, but she didn’t want to tell him that she was currently living at the palace. “And you?” 
“I’m from a smaller island off the coast of the mainland. My dad’s the mayor there.” 
“Oh, that’s nice.” (Y/N) realized she had a hard time talking to boys that she didn’t know almost everything about. She set her empty plate in the trash can and extended her hand to him, watching carefully so that her sleeves would not roll up. “Do you want to dance?” 
“Dance?” He questioned. (Y/N) smiled. 
“There’s music and an empty floor. That implies dancing.” 
“I don’t think--” She grabbed him by the hand anyway, leading him to the middle of the floor. 
“My grandfather taught me this one,” She told him, and she started dancing. It was another lie. Aang had taught her the traditional Fire Nation dances from his childhood, one night while their group was camped by a river bank and feeling incredibly bored. She had had no idea that her culture had once had a history of anything other than war, but learning the dance moves had excited her. 
“Like this?” Lee asked, repeating her movements. (Y/N) nodded her head excitedly. 
“Exactly!” She looked around the room and locked eyes with Ty Lee, who was always willing to have a fun time. She gestured for her to join her and once Ty Lee ran to the middle, other boys started flocking to the center to dance with them. 
For a while, (Y/N) forgot about her mission and the friends she had left behind. Later, this would make her sad. But for right now, she felt like a regular girl in the Fire Nation. 
Lee had pulled her close and spun her around so fast that she had been practically thrown from the crowd of dancers, spinning around the room until she eventually bumped into someone. (Y/N) laughed out an apology as the person gripped her forearms to steady her balance. When she looked up, she stared straight at Zuko. 
She had allowed herself to stare, for a few seconds. The last time they had been this close, he had been preparing for his Agni Kai. The pink and red skin of his scar might have been off-putting to some, but (Y/N) thought he looked as lovely as the first day she had met him. She wanted to reach her hand up and touch him, to feel the contrast between soft cheek and rough scar tissue, but as soon as she had that thought, she pushed it away. 
“Sorry,” She repeated as she separated herself from Zuko. The mood was ruined. She remembered everything that he had done, everything that she had left behind, and soon she went back to her spot on the wall, watching as the others danced happily. 
They had left the party, but really they had been thrown out. Zuko had been jealous of boys talking to Mai, so they had broken up, but then Zuko had started a fight? (Y/N) wasn’t necessarily sure what had happened. One moment she was moving back toward the snack table, the next Azula was pulling her out of the house by her collar. 
They sat on the beach now, surrounding the fire that (Y/N) had started. She remained quiet as they listed their qualms with each other, and with the universe. Her eyes remained focused on the flames as she processed the information and thought of any way that Sokka might be able to use it against them. But then a pit settled in her stomach. These were personal things that they were sharing, and it didn’t seem right to expose them so viciously. 
“You’re just going to be quiet?” Zuko demanded, his voice rough and laced with annoyance. Her eyes snapped toward him, a frown placing itself upon her features. 
“We’re all sharing,” Ty Lee said gently from her right. “Even Azula shared something.” (Y/N’s) eyes cut to Azula, who looked at her expectantly. 
“I think I’m alright.” She didn’t want to risk exposing herself. She wasn’t even sure what was safe to say. These were her childhood friends, but who knew what would happen if she revealed even a fraction of how she really felt. 
“Do you think you’re too good for us?” Zuko questioned, staring down at her. His voice was hard, laced with attitude as it normally was, but he seemed curious. “You spend time with the Avatar and his buddies and now you’re stuck with second rate friends?” 
“I chose to come back,” (Y/N) narrowed her eyes at Zuko. 
“It feels like you picked second best,” Azula said. (Y/N) locked eyes with her from across the fire. “We’re not idiots, we know you enjoyed your time with them. If you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have abandoned the life you had.” 
“You all seem to forget that the life I had wasn’t the life that I wanted,” (Y/N) said, staring at each of the people that surrounded her. “I was sent away from the only home I had ever known, from the only people that I had ever known, to live in an Earth Kingdom colony. My father thought I was a disappointment and my mother hated everything I did, and the people that I thought cared about me left me behind without a second thought.” She paused, turning to Zuko. “Did any of you even think about me? Even bother to consider how I might have felt? You’re all so concerned with your own lives, you always have been. I was alone. I might have made mistakes, but that’s what happens when you’re desperate for someone to care about you.” 
She firebended into the dying flames, causing them to shoot toward the sky. 
“Why come back then?” Mai asked. 
(Y/N) hesitated for a split second, but it was just long enough for Zuko to notice. “People fighting against the Fire Nation aren’t always eager to have someone from the Fire Nation with them.” She shrugged. “I just wanted to belong somewhere.” 
Ty Lee scrambled over to her, wrapping her arms around (Y/N). “You belong with us!” (Y/N) insisted. “We never wanted to fight you. We would always feel so horrible about it after.” 
(Y/N) gave her a light smile. “I would, too.” She risked casting a glance over at Azula, who refused to meet her eyes. (Y/N) couldn’t tell if she had messed everything up or if she was still in the clear. 
They let the fire die eventually, and one by one, each of the teenagers began returning to the house, until (Y/N) was the last one left. She had moved further down the beach where the tide splashed against the sand. It was a warm summer night on Ember Island, and the water was just right. The only light surrounding her was the light of the full moon, which cast a lovely silver glow on everything. 
“Hi, Yue,” She sighed, splashing her fingers into the water. “I wish there was a way that you could tell me they were okay.” 
She heard shuffling from behind her and turned around, surprised to see Zuko walking toward her. She turned back, facing the water once more. “I’ll be back to the house in a few minutes, I just wanted to sit for a while.” 
He sat in the sand, just a foot away from her. (Y/N) held in her sigh. Zuko was the last person she wanted sitting with her right now. She wanted to hate him for everything that he had done, but then she looked at him and all she wanted to do was talk to him. The inner conflict that he gave her was enough to put her in a sour mood for hours. 
“I didn’t know where you were,” Zuko said quietly. (Y/N) turned to him and furrowed her brows. “No one would tell me.” His eyes met hers. “Or else I would have written.” 
“Oh,” (Y/N) said, feeling her cheeks become hot. “It was years ago. It doesn’t really matter anymore.” 
“If it didn’t matter to you, you wouldn’t have said it.” Sometimes it hit (Y/N) that just as she knew the inner workings of Zuko, her knew her as well. “I meant it, when I said that I thought of you every day.” 
“I meant what I said too,” (Y/N) said quietly. “But things are different now. You’re Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, not Lee from the tea shop.” 
“I’m still who I was in Ba Sing Se.” She shook her head. 
“You think that, but we both know what being back here really means.” Being back in the Fire Nation meant Zuko had reverted back to who he once was, someone eager to please his father, no matter the cost. 
Zuko was quiet, as if he didn’t know what to say. She was surprised with how calm he was being. Perhaps the full moon had an odd effect on everyone. 
“Can I ask you something?” (Y/N) questioned, and Zuko nodded. “Was Azula really the one to kill Aang?” 
He hesitated, but then he nodded. “He was in his Avatar State and she struck him with lightning.” 
(Y/N) pushed back the tears that threatened to spill over. Even with Zuko, she couldn’t truly show herself. “Why’d she tell everyone it was you?” 
“To get me in my father’s good graces.” He scoffed. “To save herself in case it didn’t work.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“When Katara and I were trapped in the caves, she told me that she had water from the Spirit World pool in the Northern Water Tribe.” Zuko shook his head. “I-I don’t know what could have happened, but there’s something telling me that no one really knows what happened to Aang.” 
That gave (Y/N) all the hope that she needed. Aang was safe. He was alright.
“So, if Aang is alive and your father thinks you failed...” She did not want to finish her sentence. She met Zuko’s golden eyes once more. “After everything he’s done, why did you come back?” 
“Same reason as you, I guess. I wanted to feel like I belonged somewhere.” 
She had never considered that Zuko had been feeling alone during his time with Iroh. She had been conflicted over her loyalties, but it had only lasted a few moments until she made the choice to join Team Avatar. She was confident that she was doing the right thing, but there was more at stake for Zuko. 
“You didn’t swim today,” he said suddenly. 
(Y/N) shrugged. “I didn’t want anyone to see my arm,” She said simply, but Zuko winced. 
“I...I didn’t know he was going to do that. If I had, I would’ve--” (Y/N) shook her head to stop him. 
“We both know firsthand what he’s capable of. I wouldn’t have wanted you to put yourself in a position like that.” She touched her arm, where beneath the fabric of her sleeve lay the raised marks of the brand that was still healing. “Who knows, maybe I’ll be laughing about it in a few years.” 
Zuko glanced at the water, then back to (Y/N). “Do you want to go swimming?”
(Y/N) opened her mouth to protest, but Zuko didn’t seem to be having it. “You love swimming.” And it was true, she did love to swim. She had spent hours in the water during their trips to this island as children. Her mother had had to practically drag her from the beach. 
(Y/N) stood and removed her top layer of clothes, revealing the bathing suit beneath. Without hesitating, she ran into the warm water, diving beneath the calm waves. When she resurfaced, Zuko was only a few paces away from her, the robe that he had been wearing left in a pile beside her own clothes on the beach. 
“The water’s colder than I remember,” Zuko called out to her, just as she dove beneath the waves once more. 
“It was definitely like this when we were young, we were just stubborn,” (Y/N) laughed. Zuko swam over to her. She stood on her toes as the water came to her shoulders, but it only reached Zuko’s chest. “Your hair is still dry,” She pointed out and Zuko rolled his eyes, plugging his nose and dipping beneath the surface for a few seconds. When he came back up, he was significantly closer to (Y/N) than he had been before. 
“Is that better?” He asked, shaking out his hair so water droplets splashed on her face. She laughed and shoved him backward to get him to stop. 
He staggered backwards and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her under with him. (Y/N) opened her eyes beneath the waves, feeling the familiar stinging sensation that had been a staple of her childhood. Zuko’s eyes were closed as he held his breath. He had never gotten used to opening his eyes underwater, it had seemed. 
(Y/N) pulled them up toward the surface, both inhaling a sharp breath of air. As she went to settle on her feet, she bobbed beneath the waves. They had traveled much farther from the shore than she had expected. 
Zuko reached out for her, wrapping his arm around her middle to keep her above the water. He could still stand, which (Y/N) hated. “The last time we swam here, I was taller than you,” (Y/N) said, staring up at him. He smiled down at her, the corner of his eyes crinkling. The skin of his scar tried to repeat the action of its counterpart, but it couldn’t quite do it. 
(Y/N) couldn’t keep her eyes off of his scar. She knew it wasn’t entirely polite, but she was curious. He had left the Fire Nation before it had healed. When they encountered each other, she was never very close to him. Even at the party, she had only seen it up close for a few seconds. 
“I’ve never seen it this close,” She told him, her voice as soft as the moonlight that surrounded them. Zuko’s cheeks flushed. 
“It’s pretty bad, huh?” His eyes were trained on her, but she wasn’t noticing. She furrowed her brows and shook her head.
“I like it,” She said simply. It was Zuko’s turn to furrow his brows. 
“You can’t be serious.” (Y/N) shrugged, lifting her right hand to touch his cheek like she had wanted to at the party. Zuko stiffened and nearly dropped her into the ocean. Her thumb, light as a feather, traced over the pink and red skin. Some areas felt smooth and silky, while others were rougher. She traced over the brow bone where his eyebrow had once been. 
His eyes fell to her forearm, where his father’s punishment was still healing on her skin. He wrapped his fingers around her arm, lightly tracing the word with his own thumb. 
“For the record,” He said, eyes still focused on her arm. “I don’t think you’re a traitor.” 
A few moments passed before he looked up at her again. Her eyes were soft, sparkling in the reflection of the moonlight that bounced off of the water. The corners of her lips were turned upward in a soft smile. Her hand remained cupping the side of the face and Zuko sighed, leaning into her touch. 
“You’re really beautiful,” She told him, stroking his scar once more. “I don’t think I ever told you that.” Her heart was beating so hard against her chest. This was the stupid power that Zuko had over her. She had been so mad at him just a few hours ago, but if she allowed it, he wormed his way back into her heart. 
Zuko’s eyes widened in surprise at her statement. He parted his lips to say something, but no words would come to mind. She dizzied him, jumbled his thoughts until he was a mess of unspoken words and dumbfounded faces. 
It was slow as it happened, thoughtful. He rested his forehead against hers, their noses just barely touching as he stared at her through half-lidded eyes. He would give her time. If she wanted to pull away, she would. 
She didn’t. Her other hand took its place on his bicep, fingers curling gently into his skin. Her lips parted, her lashes batting upward as she stared into his amber eyes. Zuko was all that she could see and feel. Her heart continued to pound against her chest. If he wanted to do something, he would. 
Zuko’s eyes fluttered shut as he closed the distance between them, capturing her lips in a kiss. They were softer than he had ever imagined. The little gasp she let out made him pull her closer. He didn’t want any space between them. His hand left its place at her arm and traveled up to where she caressed his cheek, wrapping his fingers around her palm. 
(Y/N’s) eyes had remained open for a split second before she closed them, pressing into Zuko as she kissed back. She was completely thoughtless. Everything else in the world was absent as she melted into him, the hand at his arm moving to the back of his neck to pull him toward her even more. She had thought of this moment many times, but nothing could compare to the warmth that encompassed her heart as she kissed Zuko. 
When they pulled apart for air, it was as if (Y/N) had been pulled back into the real world. She stared at Zuko, her eyes wide as she realized what they had just done. 
“Mai,” They said at the same time, horrified looks reaching both of their faces. (Y/N) hated herself. She had gotten caught up in the moment and taken something that didn’t belong to her. (Y/N) scrambled out of Zuko’s arms. 
“We don’t speak of this ever again,” She told him, her voice stern. Zuko nodded silently. “This was a mistake. That’s all it was.” With that, she dove into the waves, swimming as fast as she could back to the shore. 
She avoided Zuko during the rest of their time at Ember Island, and once they had returned to the palace as well. If they ended up in the same corridor, one of them would turn around and walk back from where they had come from. It made (Y/N’s) heart ache, but she knew it was for the best. She felt horrible for doing something like that to Mai. She didn’t know what had become of her, and now she didn’t trust herself to be around Zuko at all. 
So, she focused on her mission. Every little snippet that she heard walking through the hallways would be recorded on a scroll, which would then be kept on her person at all times. She had witnessed on more than one occassion Azula leaving her room and looking particularly pleased with herself. (Y/N) would never leave anything incriminating lying around.
Still, she needed to figure out how to get a message to Sokka. The palace had messenger hawks, but she needed to know where to send one and she had absolutely no idea where her friends were. The Day of the Black Sun was the next day. To (Y/N), it seemed as though her best bet would be to leave the mainland quickly and rendezvous with one of the groups they had recruited for the invasion. If she could steal one of the palace’s boats, she could row herself to one of the islands off the coast and either find someone she knew or find someone who knew how to get a message out. 
Guards were not posted outside of her doors during the day, so (Y/N) made a hasty knapsack from one of her robes and began shoving a few belongings in it. Bread she had sneaked from the kitchens, a piece of parchment and a pen, and a map all fit securely inside. She was packing it once more when her door opened suddenly and she yelped, scrambling to cover her belongings with her bedsheets. 
“I need to tell you something,” Zuko said as he shut the door behind her. (Y/N) felt her face heat up. 
“You can’t be in here!” She hissed, reaching forward to shove Zuko out of her room. The last thing she needed was Azula seeing them alone together. She would undoubtedly tell Mai, which would cause more problems than (Y/N) needed on her last day in the Fire Nation. 
“Just wait a second!” Zuko demanded, keeping his voice low. “I just got out of one of my father’s war meetings. They’re planning to burn down the towns of those who haven’t surrendered yet.” 
(Y/N) halted her movements of trying to get him out of her room. She eyed him warily. “What does that have to do with me?” 
“I know you’ve been working with the Avatar.” (Y/N’s) body stiffened, but she rolled her eyes. 
“This again. Zuko, I already told you--” 
“You don’t have to lie to me anymore. I know that’s the real reason you’re here is to get information for your friends. I can’t let my father or Azula do this. I want to help you.” 
(Y/N) narrowed her eyes. “How do you know?”
“I know you wouldn’t come back unless you had a really good reason. As soon as I heard you say that they were suspicious of you, I knew that was a lie. I saw how you guys were with each other. They care about you.” 
(Y/N) swallowed. In a whisper, she said, “I’m leaving tonight. I can tell them about this before--” 
“The invasion,” Zuko finished. “My father and Azula know about that, too.” 
(Y/N) felt as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Everything that they had been working so hard for would be for nothing. She had to get to her friends and let them know they had been exposed. “I need to leave now.” She moved to go back to her knapsack, but Zuko grabbed her by the arm. 
“They’re suspicious of you, too. If they catch you, it’ll be much worse than a burn.” 
“I can’t just stay here and watch my friends fail!” 
“I have a plan,” Zuko assured her. “You just have to trust me.” 
(Y/N) eyed him. His hand still held her arm. Zuko stared up at her. She had never seen him look so sincere. With a deep breath, she nodded. 
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
stuck with u-- calum hood oneshot
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a/n: hii! so this came outta left field but I went with it. based off of ariana grande’s song with justin bieber. very loosely edited, but yeah, I hope you like it :)
word count: 4,111
warnings: mentions of quarantine, a break up, sweet moments, male receiving oral, female receiving oral, spitting, unprotected sex, funny sexual moments
Feedback is always welcome and enjoy! :)
• • • •
She came over to return his box of things, giving herself a pep talk before she did. It’s a few days before their new album releases and two weeks before touring begins. They always had an expiration date, this she knew, but she hadn’t put into consideration how badly it would sting.
Like any normal couple, they had their ups and downs with minor arguments here and there, but their stubbornness was the same. Neither one of them wanting to give in first left them each brooding in their separate corners until the bell struck for another round of heated words then they’d stalk off to their respective corners again.
It was a cycle that kept cycling until her eyes filled with tears or the steam finally sizzled out from them both. In exchange of heated words were the remaining apologies, words of kindness, and a conclusion to whatever their fight had been about.
She’s at a stoplight, Halsey’s magical voice surrounds her in her car, and she glances to the box in the passenger seat. A small notebook lays on top that holds small poems or songs he wrote for her, about her. It was given to her on her birthday, but she couldn’t keep it now, not when their time is up. Next to the notebook is his green Empathy hoodie she stole awhile ago and on top of that is a small stuffed bear he won at a fair.
A car horn pulls her from her reverie, and she continues the familiar roads to his house. After dropping off his things and getting hers back from him, she was heading back home to spend time with her family so the back part of her car was full of duffel bags and her pillows.
She stares at his house, suddenly it seems so daunting as memories swim in her head. Countless nights of wandering through the front door after a night out or at Michael and Crystal’s for a small party. Mornings of coffee and breakfast created by him filled with whipped cream and syrupy kisses. Her eyes sting with tears and she shakes her head quickly. She promised herself she wouldn’t cry another tear over him.
She checks her phone to see a comforting message from Crystal of good luck and a safe drive home with many heart emojis.
“You can do this; you can do this. In and out and he’s behind you,” she mutters to herself then grabs his box of belongings.
Before she can ring the doorbell, he opens it and Duke is barking at his feet, jumping up on the glass trying to get to her, his fluffy tail wagging joyously at her return. Her heart falls, she’s going to miss Duke a lot. Calum opens the door.
“Hey,” he greets, his voice gruff and scratchy. She hopes he’s not starting to get sick; he needs to rest—
She stops herself short, it’s not her concern anymore.
“Hi,” she says quietly and enters the house. Her shoulder brushes his chest, they both tense and his aftershave invades her nose. The smell of him and him alone brings back more memories of cuddling by the fire, snuggling on the couch, walking up behind him while he’s making dinner and burying her face between his shoulder blades.
Duke continues to vie for her attention as she moves into the kitchen. The news is on with the volume down low, numbers and the word ‘China lockdown’ traveling across the bottom of the screen. She sets the box down on the counter with a thump then squats to her knees to give Duke a proper hello and goodbye.
“I’ll um, go get your stuff. Help yourself to something to drink.”
“I’m gonna miss your cuddles, Dukey,” she whispers to the old dog and kisses his nose. He licks her chin in return.
She stands and waits, not even bothering to get a drink because she doesn’t plan to stay long. Why does he want to prolong their goodbye? She leans against the counter waiting for Calum’s return and she realizes she’s in the same spot from months ago where she tried to prepare him dinner for once.
He was being exceptionally affectionate, lifting her arm so he could press his lips to her wrist then slowly down to her elbow—
“I think I have everything,” his voice startles her from the good memory. “I made sure you didn’t leave any of your books behind.”
“Thanks,” she gives him a grim smile taking the box from his hands. Their fingers brush, his heat always made her forever cold fingers warm. A shock ran through her fingertips.
The pair stare into their boxes respectively, shuffling through memories of their relationship.
“This isn’t mine,” Calum holds up the small notebook of songs and poems. “I gave this to you as a gift, Y/N.”
She stares at the book of words in his hand, words of love and light reserved for her only.
“I can’t keep it, Cal,” she whispers, eyes pooling with tears. She tries to blink them away and on instinct Calum moves forward. She backs up into the corner of the counter. “No, don’t. Please.”
“It’s hard enough, Cal, all right? I know our time was limited,” she crosses her arms over her chest, “but I’m still hurting and I’m probably going to hurt for a while longer.”
“You think I’m not hurting, too? This was—is the hardest breakup. I’m hurting, Y/N, I am.”
She risks a glance up at him to see the wounded look in his eyes. Calum shifts forward, his hands cradling her face gently in his palms, his forehead pressed to hers. She dares not to move, because once she touches him then it’s all over. There’s no way she could recover from that.
“Look at me,” his lips kiss her forehead, another stab at her heart. She shakes her head. “Baby—”
The news anchor’s voice interrupts their moment declaring the state of California has issued a lockdown effective immediately. No one is to leave their homes for any reason, no going to other houses, no contact with anyone. The world shut down and now they’re stuck together.
It’s awkward at first, moving her things from her car into his house. She decided to stay in the guest bedroom, no matter how badly she wanted to crawl into his bed and never leave. He was on the phone with the guys and management discussing what this means for their album release and tour well late into the night while she contacted her family.
She could do two weeks with her ex, nothing tricky about that, right?
She was wrong. The first week was rough, they bounced around each other like meteorites trying not to collide. When he’d walk around the house shirtless she had to force herself not to stare. More memories and the ache to run her fingers over his tattoos was too strong. They ate in separate rooms and tried to remain separate as much as possible.
She watched the live he did with the band for their album release, listening along with them and crying at songs she knew Calum wrote. Small nods to their relationship tugged at her heart.
The second week things were looking up because she would be leaving soon. The smell of him would linger on all of her clothes a lot longer now, but she needed to get out. She needed to get over him and that’s hard to do when you’re stuck under the same roof.
Plans had changed yet again, and she’d be with him a lot longer. Tour has been cancelled and in the process of being rescheduled as much as it can be. Calum has been stressed; she feels it radiating off him one morning while he’s sat at the kitchen table. His coffee cup is still full, his shoulders hunched to his neck from stress.
Without thinking, she moves behind him and rubs at his shoulders. He jumps at her touch but then relaxes into her touch, letting her remove the stress that she can from his muscles.
“D’you want to talk about it?” she asks softly.
“Not really,” he shakes his head then sighs. “There is something I’d like to talk about though…”
“Yeah?” her thumbs rub up his neck into his hairline, his blond hairline that he re-dyed for the wildflower music video that never got filmed.
“Can we talk about us?” he asks. Her hands still their motions in his hair.
“What about us?”
He spins around, her hands falling from his warm skin. He takes her hand in his, fingers linked together like so many times before, his brown eyes captivating her. He swallows harshly.
“We’ve got all this time on our hands, might as well cancel all our plans we had and spend it together,” he says.
“Even if it’s just you and me?” she strokes his cheek with the backs of her fingers.
“I can’t fight it anymore,” he shakes his head. “I thought it was hard before but it’s even harder now with you here. I don’t want to let you go.”
“So…what does this mean exactly?”
“It’s just you and me,” he rises to his feet taking her other hand in his. “It means whatever we want it to.”
“Let’s have a date night, a new start,” she offers.
“That sounds good,” he smiles.
At around six o’clock, they meet in the kitchen wearing comfy clothes. Something they both agreed on to make the night even easier and more comfortable. She had on one of his shirts with shorts and socks that went up to her knees. He had on basketball shorts and a blue t-shirt; he remembers how she likes him in blue.
They were making dinner together, homemade pasta with sauce to match. A bottle of wine was opened, and their glasses were filled with the sweet nectar.
“Remember when we got poured out at the festival with Mike and Crys?” she laughs while stirring the sauce.
“We were so muddy,” he joins in her laughter. “Your hair was sopping but you looked adorable all muddy.”
“You wouldn’t join me in the puddle,” she nudges him.
“Because I didn’t want to get sick and guess who was in bed for four days with a cold?”
“Yeah but you took care of me,” she grins.
Calum takes her hand that doesn’t have the spoon in her hand and lifts it to his lips. With his eyes trained on hers, he kisses her fingers, kisses the center of her palm, then her wrist.
“I’d do it again, you know,” he murmurs on her skin. Goosebumps rise on her neck and all the way down her body. “Take care of you.”
Their eyes lock and the mood changes, the sauce bubbles as they lean in closer, closer, and closer still until—
The timer on the oven buzzes signifying it’s ready for the garlic bread. Calum sighs, gives her wrist one more kiss then returns to his task at hand. She’s left flustered and warm while she stirs the sauce then adds the noodles into the boiling water.
During dinner they had another glass of wine and joked about more memories together, dreams they wanted to do with one another. Unlike the first week she was there, their chairs were pushed as close as they could be at the table. Their plates were empty, and his arm was on the back of her chair.
“We should just rent a small camper and travel along the coast,” he says rubbing her neck with his thumb.
“Maybe we can afterwards,” she chuckles wiping off pasta sauce from his cheek. “When we can leave the house again.”
“Good point. So, since this is a first date, now it’s time to dance.”
She quirks an eyebrow up. “Dance? I’m in a t-shirt and knee-high socks.”
“Perfect dancing outfit come on. Up you get, little lady,” he tickles her neck as he rises from his chair. She giggles at his touch then is pulled from her own chair by his hand.
“There isn’t any music,” she laughs falling into his chest.
“Oh shit, hang on. Hey Alexa, play the Y/N playlist,” he says.
“Playing Y/N playlist on Spotify,” Alexa responds, and Ariana’s voice fills the house.
“You have a playlist for me?”
“Of course,” he grins then dips her down. She squeals from the sudden rush to her head as she’s tipped backwards, but Calum would never let her fall.
He pulls her back up, both of them giggling as they dance in the kitchen. Her fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck, it’s getting longer and shaggier by the day. His curls are coming back, and she’s been itching to play with the soft twists.
“I’ve missed you,” he confesses.
“I missed you, too,” she whispers. Their eyes meet just as Justin Bieber’s voice croons in the speakers.
“My plan when you came over was to try and get back together, you know. Even before all of this happened, I was going to ask if you’d wait for me to come back from tour. I wasn’t going to let my stubbornness push away the best person that’s happened to me.”
She cups his cheek the same time he leans down and presses his lips to hers. An electric surge courses through them as their kiss deepens. He grips her waist then lowers his hands to her ass giving her a hefty squeeze. She gasps at the contact and he slips his tongue in her mouth. Calum spins her around, lifting her up so she’s seated on the counter.
Her legs wrap around his waist, accordingly, pulling him as close to her as possible. The song changes to Lover of Mine just as his hands creep under her shirt. His fingers skim her skin, thumbs brushing over her soft nipples that turn hard upon his touch. He groans, giving her breasts a firm squeeze before lifting the shirt from her body.
Their eyes lock, lips red from their kiss. She traces his lower lip and he’s quick to duck his head down to suck on her neck. She gasps when his hand cups her sex, his thumb rubbing her core through the fabric while his mouth descends to her breasts. She bites her lip, but a small moan escapes her as he sucks on her nipple, his thumb moving in tantric circles.
“Calum…Cal…please…” she begs in a whisper, her fingers tightening in his hair.
Getting her message loud and clear, he lifts her in his arms, lips assaulting hers as he makes his way to his bedroom. He kicks the door shut so Duke doesn’t interrupt then drops her to the bed. She giggles and he laughs along with her yanking his shirt off. She removes her shorts and panties the same time he drops his shorts to the floor.
She’s quick to grasp him in her palm, stroking towards herself, looking up at him. He touches her cheek affectionately; it’s been so long since they’ve had each other this way.
“Love the way you look at me like that,” he mumbles, his thumb rubbing under her eye.
A smile flickers on her lips before she suctions them around his tip. Calum’s eyes close sequentially but he forces them open so he can watch her, another love of his. Her tongue swirls and rolls the only way she knows how to do before taking him further in her mouth.
Calum groans at the warmth of her mouth, he brings his other hand to her cheek, watching her eyes close as she concentrates. Flashes of her like this flood his mind, from their first time, to the time they snuck away at Ashton’s house because he was wearing that suit she loved him in so much she had to have him right then.
When he reaches the back of her throat, he snaps back to the present and moans from the sensation. She takes him that deep again and he holds her face tighter.
“Up, up, up, up,” he orders pulling her off him. As much as he loved getting head from her, he loves returning the favor more. “Lie back, baby, legs up.”
She licks her lips, swiping her thumb over leftover spit which is insanely hot and pushes herself to the center of the bed. He follows her hungrily, pushing her ankles up and to the side so she’s open and pliant for him, only for him.
He keeps his eyes on her as he kisses her thighs, nibbling his teeth every now and then with his thumbs rubbing her ankles softly. She situates the pillows behind her head so she can have a better angle to watch him. She loves to watch as much as he does.
“Ready?” he asks, and she giggles, nodding quickly.
He flashes her a wink before closing his mouth on her clit. She moans on contact while he sucks then transitions to flicking his tongue at the nub, teasing the tip of his tongue in her hole sporadically. He loves pleasuring her with his mouth, he can feel her moans on his tongue as she drips for him. Her hands fly to his hair guiding his mouth to where she needs, and Calum lets her use him.
He pulls away a fraction so he can gather his saliva then spits it on her core, watching it dribble to her entrance before he slurps it back up with her arousal. Her moans are sinful at the action, her hips moving with his motions, moans getting louder and louder until she gasps out his name in one breath. Her legs go rigid in his hold as her orgasm crashes into her.
“That’s my fucking girl,” he grunts, swiping his tongue up and down, up and down until her body relaxes. He looks up already meeting her gaze, chest heaving from the bliss. “Ready for me?”
“Always,” she nods.
They move quickly, situating themselves in the right way. He holds her ankles until he’s hovering above her, then lets go so he can grab hold of his shaft then slaps it against her pussy in a teasing manner. She moans at the contact, her legs falling open wider. Calum rubs her temple with his thumb nearest her head as he nudges himself between her folds.
Her mouth opens like it always does when he inserts himself the first time, he slips right in and they moan together at being connected once more. He rests his other hand on his bed, and she lets out a squeak.
“Ouch! On my hair, move, move, move!”
He lifts his hand spewing out ‘sorry, sorry!’ quickly as she readjusts herself. They’re giggling and he bends down to kiss her, she wraps her arms around his neck. She shifts her hips slightly underneath him in a rocking motion, but he wants more of her lips.
“If I’m going to do all the work, I should have been on top,” she teases jutting her hips up once more.
“Yeah? You want to be sassy right now?” he hums pressing himself into her more, she lets out a choked moan.
“You going to fuck me right now?” she hums in the same tone, smirking against him.
Calum growls then pulls himself out of her only to plunge with force right back in. She screams out his name as he starts a rapid rhythm, hips snapping against hers, the bed shifting with his movements. Her head tilts back as her back arches so she can take him even deeper.
Calum sucks onto her breast, fucking into her swiftly, her wetness has him moving faster and faster until—
“FUCK!” he groans when he slips out of her entirely and thrusts into her thigh. She’s laughing above him, and he curses lowly to himself again. He glances up to see her giggling behind her hand. “Think it’s funny, huh?”
“Am I that wet?” she laughs poking his nose. “That’s your fault you know.”
“I take that as a win, baby,” he sighs teasing her hole once more with his cock. He grins up at her. “No one makes you as wet as I do.”
“Hmm, you’re not wrong,” she smiles then wiggles beneath him.
“You want more?” he teases pressing his tip in slowly, she bites her lip.
“Please,” she whines.
“You have to keep your legs still, so I don’t slip out again,” he breathes then pushes in once more.
He finds his rhythm from before, her body arching the way he loves but he feels her legs shift. He growls then pushes them up to her chest, he plants his knees to the mattress, her ass cheeks resting on his thighs.
“What’d I say?” he pants, and her eyes roll at his tone and the angle he has her body in. he jack hammers into her, his balls slapping her thighs.
She squeezes the pillows next to her head until her knuckles are white, her cries of pleasure are music to his ears as he feels her clench around him. Sweat builds on his brow and his chest and he’s damned to have her orgasm as many times as he can. Her eyes close as her second orgasm hits, she’s pulsing around him in such a good way it makes him ache.
When it’s over, he releases her legs so he can pound into her with his waist. He holds her to his body, face buried in her neck so he can leave marks on her skin. She’s coming once more, chanting his name in his ear and he groans at the sound. She kisses his ear, teeth grazing his lobe as a new orgasm rolls into the next.
Feeling his own release approaching, he shifts again. This time he moves backwards pulling her with him so they’re in a sitting position. He wraps her legs around his waist, her body is heavy against his from the tumultuous pleasure he’s giving her. Calum’s arms snake around her back, it’s sticky with her own sweat and he licks into her mouth the same time he starts thrusting again. Her ankles lock behind his back, she hides her face in his neck at the new angle.
“Look at me, baby, please,” he begs tugging at the hair by her neck. He holds her in place, their eyes meeting, her mouth falling open with their thrusts.
His movements slow to a more tenacious speed, still full of passion but with a layer of love and adoration. Calum moves his hand from her waist so he can anchor himself to the bed, thrusting his hips quicker. She helps as much as she can, her body is nearly spent but she wants to feel him cum inside her, hear his moans and see the bliss in his eyes.
“Come for me, Cal,” she pants, “come for me, baby…”
His hips jerk and he releases his orgasm inside her, his hips move lethargically, milking his climax for as long as he can but their eyes stay locked. When he’s finished, they both let out a long sigh, knocking their foreheads together. Their breath is hot on each other’s faces, sweat beads roll onto each other’s skin, a mixture of him and her.
They stay in the position, legs crisscrossed, arms wrapped around one another, heartbeats slowing from a rapid pace to syncing together. After a few more moments, they disentangle, and Calum has to help her walk to the bathroom. She can already feel the soreness in her lips, but she’s missed the pleasured ache.
They brush their teeth, she uses the toilet, then crawl into bed together. She’s already passed out as soon as her head hits the pillow and Calum draws designs along her back until he falls asleep as well.
The next morning, they wake later than intended but give light kisses in the morning sun.
“I love you, you know,” he tells her caressing her face. His eyes litter over the small marks on her neck and breasts he gave her.
“I love you, too.”
“Are you all right being stuck with me?” he grins pulling her leg over his hip.
“Lock the door and throw out the key,” she grins capturing his lips between hers.
“It’s just you and me.” He moves to roll on top of her, but she pushes on his chest lightly so she’s on top.
“I’m stuck with you,” she whispers, kissing him as she grinds herself on top of him.
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this is so random but can you do a fluff headcanon of seeing his s/o in a kimono for Sakusa, Suna, and Atsumu. And maybe kuroo, komori, and kita too I watch this todomomo CD drama the other day where the two saw each other in festival and they're like so cute frickin' cute todoroki compliment Momo, being kinda open towards her, and Momo just being really soft and cute makes me giggle and smile.
AHHH that is just such a good idea. I'm always so soft when they see each other wearing yukata's or kimono's at festivals. I only wish they had that sorta stuff where I live too 😭🤚💕💕💕✨
And omg yghhhh todomomo is such a cute ship, like I genuinely adore them both so much >:(
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The boys seeing their cute s/o in a kimono
Characters: Atsumu, Kita, Suna, Kuroo, Sakusa
Warnings: none
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Okay so Atsumu would definitely be extremely smooth. like he's internally freaking out and thinking you look so adorable!! but on the outside he's just trying to play it cool so you don't catch on.
His eyes would literally not leave you and he's just taking in how you look the entire time.
“yer ready ta go babe?” with this hot ass smirk on his face.
You're just blushing and you nod and follow him, your geta making sounds beneath you.
When you reach there, you're buying takoyaki, and you ask him if he wants some.
He ends up eating almost everything, like what the heck, man?
Apologizes and buys you more.
Would definitely try to show off and win you stuff at the festival to prove how manly™ he is, and also hopes he impresses you in the process.
“hey babe, watch me win this for you” and he's having a full-fledged war with the kid he's competing with.
He ends up winning and sticking his tongue out at the kid. Because it's basically canon that his mental age drops to 5 when he's competitive about things.
You just ruffle his hair and congratulate him.
Would definitely do the whole yawning and bringing you closer to him thing, when you've decided to take a break and rest.
He's trying to be slick, please don't call him out.
Your friends text you, telling you about the firecracker show and you ask Tsumu if he'd be okay to stay for that.
He practically jumps!! at the chance!! I mean, more time spent with you is always good :]
Asks if he can have your first kiss under the firecrackers. He's a consensual king
After you say yes, he'd just gently cup your face and lean down (WE LIVE FOR MFING HEIGHT DIFFERENCES!!) and kiss your lips gently at first, as the sky is filled with bursts of colour.
Y'all definitely end up making out but that's a different story
Walks you home after everything is over, and tells you how much he liked spending time with you on the way home.
“ya looked beautiful today, y/n-chan” and he has the shyest look on his face.
You kiss his nose and walk inside, leaving him flustered on your doorstep.
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Plans this weeks in advance, after hearing about the festival, and musters up the courage to ask you to go with him.
You jump at the chance. At first you think the whole team is coming along, until a flustered Kita says “i hope it would just be the two of us.”
Your eyes widen and you're both just blushing messes looking at the ground.
You both arrive early, and laugh, seeing how you had the same idea to come a bit earlier.
He looks at you in the kimono and takes a few deep breaths before genuinely complimenting you in the most poetic way possible?
“your beauty is unrivalled, y/n-san. Even the brightest lamp is nothing when compared to the radiance you emit.”
And you're just so Mcfreaking flustered™?????? Like where did he learn how to make your heart go doki doki like that omg
You guys would probably be very rational about making your way around the festival.
Food first, and maybe we'll play some games later?
He definitely pays for everything ugh, such a gentleman, eventho you told him it was okay.
And old lady at one of the stalls flusters the two of you by saying he has such a pretty girlfriend.
And he just smiles, with flushed cheeks. Neither of you disagree.
It starts drizzling and the two of you find shelter under a tree.
You're a bit sad about how your kimono got a bit ruined after slipping in some mud, and he gently helps your roll the area up and wipes it with a tissue.
He also smiles and tries to crack a joke by saying “the clouds thought you were so beautiful, they started crying” as he gestured to the rain.
Although the fireworks show was cancelled, Kita wrapped his arms around you and kept you warm, as you talked so many things, whilst waiting for the rain to stop.
Maybe it was a blessing in disguise :)
He gently holds your hand at some point too, and plays with your fingers, pressing a small kiss to the back of your hand.
The rain finally stops and he walks you home, thanking you for spending time with him.
You take a deep breath and kiss him before entering your house, and he smiles through the kiss.
“i've always wanted to do that” he says softly, after kissing you gently again and waving goodbye.
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Going out with Suna was definitely an impromtu plan of some sort. Like he just randomly texts you, asking if you want to go and you agree.
Definitely sends you a few memes about how he can't wait and begins to get ready.
You guys meet there and both of you are just so shocked at how the other looks.
Suna thinks you look gorgeous, and he tries to tell you in a teasing way. Much like Atsumu, he's trying to play it down when he's actually so flustered.
“hey dork, you don't look too bad”
You're not good at hiding your thoughts though, and you blurt out a rushed “Suna were you always this hot?” gesturing to his Yukata.
Y/n-chan I think you broke Suna.
He's just a flustered mess and he doesn't reply, instead saying he's hungry and buying something to eat. He buys one for you too, and suggests you guys walk and eat at the same time.
Definitely shows you memes and takes videos of you as the night progresses and the two of you loosen up and start doing dumb stuff.
Takes lots of pictures of you so he can document how pretty you look and keep it with him.
You pose for some, whilst some are just totally candid, with absolutely no pretense, your beauty in its natural glory.
Suna is just so whipped, and he knows he'll regret it if he doesn't tell you honestly, so he wipes some sauce off from the side of your lip and kisses you gently.
It's a quick peck, but it took lots of courage.
“i mean to tell you earlier, y/n, but you look beautiful in this kimono”
You smile, and he's just so super happy he got over his nerves.
“thank you Suna. I think you look amazing in your yukata” you say softly, as you run your fingers along the hem of it, feeling the soft material beneath your fingers.
The fireworks are just streaking bursts of colour across the sky, and you're looking into each others' eyes with so much adoration.
“just now's kiss was too short” you murmur softly as you capture him in a passionate kiss.
It gets really late, and you guys go home. He makes sure you're walking back with your friends before heading home himself.
Calls you after he reaches home and tells you he had an amazing night.
He definitely looks over all the pictures he took of you and makes one of them his lockscreen
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I actually mean this if I could date any of the hq boys I would date Kuroo. He's such a sweetheart and I adore him to bits and pieces.
So Kuroo asks you to the festival with a bet. He's like “if Nekoma wins this match, you'll go on a date with me to the festival, kitten.”
And he has the hottest smirk on his face. Like stfu and leave some pretty for other men >:(
You're so flustered but you eventually agree.
No surprise that Nekoma wins both sets and it's mainly because Kuroo didn't let a single ball go past him, he was literally on fire.
So he's smiling and tells you he'll pick you up at 8.00.
I'm pretty sure Kuroo is a total gentlemen, so he meets your parents they totally love him and he's just waiting for you to come down when he sees how lovely you look in a kimono, and he's the literal embodiment of the 😍 emoji.
Like he can't tear his eyes off of you and you're getting so flustered, so you just drag him out of the house and to the festival.
“Such a dom, aren't you kitten?”
When you're at the festival he tries playing a game. He wants to win you something, so he's pretty serious and focused.
He ends up winning and he's all like “so I got reward for you. Do I get a reward from you?” and he's just lowering his face to meet yours.
So you grudgingly kiss his cheek but you definitely loved it, ok?
He definitely buys food and will not eat any of it unless you feed him.
Feeds you too, and takes cute selfies to post on his Instagram.
You guys end up taking a lot of selfies together and trying out all the cute filters. Kuroo's favourite picture is one of you looking at him whilst talking to him, your eyes super bright, and he's just smiling for the camera, but his eyes are on you.
Makes it his phone wallpaper on the spot, to your delight.
Informs you of a fireworks show happening in a little while, and settles down to find an empty place to enjoy it.
Wraps as arm around you because it's apparently "cold" and "your kimono won't keep you warm like his arms will"
You complain but secretly love it.
He then goes full-on nerd more and explains the science behind fireworks, whilst the colours are filling the night sky.
But he soon goes quiet after seeing the colours reflected in your eyes. He's so shy, and he literally can't help himself, he kisses your lips softly.
You guys totally smile into the kiss ugh this is so cute.
Takes you home responsibly and thanks you and your parents before leaving.
Sends you a thank you text before falling asleep, dubbing the night he saw you in a kimono "the best night of his life, to date"
I'm gonna cry Kuroo is so important to me, I love him so much.
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Okay in my opinion, you'll have to be the one asking Sakusa out. He'll be super moody about it, but internally, he's dying to go.
You arrive at his doorstep to pick him up and he's just blushing at how cute you look in the kimono.
Like wow aight thank God I'm wearing a mask because this blush is fresh as heck +_+
Silently passes you a tube of hand sanitizer and you're so confused.
“if you put this on, we'll be able to hold hands.”
You're close to dying, no one has ever been able to touch Sakusa's hands, or hand sanitizer before. So you eagerly put it on, and intertwine your soft hands with his.
He's just so touch starved, so he holds your hand tighter as you guys make your way to the festival.
Sakusa hates it there. He waits for you to buy food before finding a secluded area to get away from the crowds.
You're also kinda glad you'll get to spend some time alone with him, so you aren't complaining.
You guys talk about lots of things, you definitely being the more flirty one in the conversation.
You suddenly muster up the guys to tug his mask down softly, seeing his pink cheeks and soft smile.
“can I kiss you?” you ask gently, eyes fixated on his lips.
“yes” he breathlessly replies, as your lips make your way to his, the sky is lit with fireworks, but the two of you hardly notice.
Your hand is tangled in his soft curly hair, and you're both blushing messes.
He walks you back, this time, and thanks you for spending a wonderful night out with him.
Low-key feels bad that you didn't get to enjoy the festival properly, so he tries to make it up to you by buying you lunch the next day. Very wholesome 10/10
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[Ari's note: AHHHHH This was such a whirlwind to write it actually took me so long so I hope you enjoy this <3]
Taglist: @k-sakusa-old
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Sprung
Enjoy guys!
“Girl where is he at?” Your best friend complains from beside you,”He said ten minutes. I want to smoke already and it’s hot out here.”
“Damn quit complaining.” You laugh as you bump her shoulder with yours,”Look he’s turning right now.” You point out as you take in the famous red candy painted car,”Where’s the cash?” You ask as you hold your hand out for the two 20 dollar bills.
“What I paid last time?” She says perplexed,”I ain’t got any cash on me right now.”
“I paid last time bitch.” You say as you hurriedly search your pockets and purse for any cash,”Fuck. Think he will front me?”
“Girl you know he would. You’re probably the only person he wouldn’t say no to. I see the way he be looking at you, not to mention he delivers and does little sales for you. Who else does he sale a few grams too? That’s chump change for him.”
“Stop.” You groan as you grow embarrassed,”it’s not even like that. He’s just a cool plug.”
“Hm.” She smirks as she waves at the now parked car before retreating backwards,”I’ll be inside. I know I was in a rush to get it but...you take your time now.”
“Shut up.” You laugh softly before dismissing her with a wave of your own. You spin around on your feet and make your way to the car, sliding in the passenger seat after opening the door,”Hey Oscar.” You smile nervously,”So I have a slight problem.”
“And what’s that?” He asks as he turns down the radio and turns side ways to look at you with a raised eyebrow and lazy grin.
“You see, I thought I had cash on me.” You say with pursed lips,”But I’m a idiot and I don’t.”
“Ah, what do you want me to do about that ma?” He asks with a small head nod as he processes this information.
“I was hoping I could give it to you tomorrow?”
“I don’t know, can I trust your word?” He teases,”I already drove down here to deliver it. Now you telling me I got to do it all over again tomorrow?”
“Please Oscar.” You say, batting your eyelashes for extra effect.
“I’m just messing with you girl.” He laughs as he picks up his worn down backpack from the floorboard by your feet,”I know you’re good for it, besides I ain’t gonna say no to seeing your fine ass again tomorrow.”
“That was my plan all along.” You giggle with a playful eye roll.
“I have no doubt about that.” He replies with confidence as he pulls out the zip lock plastic bag that held your purchase,”Here ya go mami. I added a little extra something in there for you.”
“Thanks Oscar.” You reply and place the bag into your purse with out looking, figuring he just meant a extra gram or two,”I can always count on you. The best plug in Freeridge.”
“I better be your only plug.” He retorts amusingly as he tosses his own bag back on to the floor.
“You are.” You laugh and open the door,”I’ll see you tomorrow. Thanks again.” You add and quickly lean over to peck his cheek.
“You the only person I sale too that tells me thank you.” He chuckles
“Sorry, it’s a habit.”
“A good one.” He shrugs as you climb out,”Be safe. Aye same time tomorrow aight?”
“Yeah that’s fine. Bye now.” You smile and shut his door, you don’t hear him speed off until you’re safely inside and making your way to sit at the kitchen island with your friend.
“So?” She questions as she sets her phone down and brings her hands under her chin,”Did you suck his dick?”
“What?” You laugh as you put your purse down in front of you,”I was in the car for like three minutes.”
“A lot can happen in three minutes.” She says smugly,”Did you get the shit?”
“You know it.” You answer as you pull the bag out, only now noticing the yellow rose that was placed in there as well.
“Bitch he didn’t.” She squeals as she snatches the bag from you,”Oh my god Y/N! You got this thug sprung.”
“He’s too much.” You grin as you open the bag and pull it out to admire,”Okay so maybe he does like me a little.”
“You think!?” She exclaims excitedly for you,”After you’re officially his girl, we’re never gonna have to pay for our weed again. Oohh and you can put in a good word for me with Jokers sexy ass.”
“Thinking a bit far ahead aren’t we?” You ask as you pull out your phone when it buzzes.
“No I’m not. You got Spooky mother fucking Diaz all in love with you and you haven’t even done anything.” She explains as she begins to grind down the weed after taking a seat. You just hum in response as you click on the message from Oscar.
Oscar 🏚🔌👻: *Did you like the extra something? *
You: * I was hoping for more weed, but a rose will do 😉😋* You send before adding another emoji to his contact name.
Oscar 🌼🏚🔌👻: * I got you tomorrow if you want more, one condition tho.*
You: * And what would that be?*
Oscar 🌼🏚🔌👻: *You gotta match some with me, sound fair?*
You: *Sounds pretty fair to me, but I need a condition of my own.*
Oscar 🌼🏚🔌👻: *Ill do anything you want ma. *
You can’t help but get butterfly’s in your stomach as you read his latest text, your friend rambling in the background as she works on rolling the blunt.
You: *We gotta get a bite to eat too. I be hungry af after I smoke your shit. *
Oscar 🌼🏚🔌👻: * I’m down with that. My shit do be pretty fire. Munchies like a mf. Aye I got some shit I need to handle right now. I’ll hit you up in a bit. *
Oscar 🌼🏚🔌👻: * You gonna answer me? Or you just finessing my ass for some weed.* He jokes after sending the double text.
You: *Of course I’m gonna answer. I don’t need to finesse anything or anyone lol. Besides you seemed pretty giving to me 😊 TTYL, be safe out there. * You hit send and put your phone into you pocket so you can enjoy this freshly rolled blunt with your bff who was currently questioning you about the little text conversation. You just shrug and keep your lips sealed with a smile, you’re future encounter with the neighborhood bad boy already playing out in your head.
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hale-13 · 3 years
Violation of Order
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 14 - Hair Grabbing
Peter settled earlier than anyone else he knew and he could only attribute it to one person. Since then, he and Zara had a hard time being more than a few feet away from each other - he needed her close to protect her from ever going through that again.
Words: 2151, Chapters: 1/1 (Complete), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Tony Stark
TW: Non-Consensual Touching, Implied Sexual Assault, Panic Attacks
Daemon AU
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
Contrary to what popular scientific and psychological research would imply, Peter settled early.
Zara had always enjoyed shifting, bouncing between fifteen to twenty forms a day to whatever suited her fancy in the moment and taking great pleasure in trying every fantastical creature she and Peter could dream up. Peter was always one of the smallest of his peers so she liked to be big and intimidating compared to those around him.
Well, until his parents died.
After that Zara tended to prefer small and agile creatures, animals that could hide in Peter’s pockets or the hood of his jacket – where they could get skin to skin contact. Snakes that could coil around his arms, birds that could nest in his ratty hair, ferrets that could curl up around his neck and tickle his chin. Peter didn’t mind the extra comfort, he and Zara were always extremely close but they couldn’t stand to be more than a few feet from each other after he came to live with May and Ben.
Skip’s daemon had been a wolf – an odd sight in New York – and had held Zara tight in her jaws to get Peter to comply.
Zara had screamed and cried and shifted and clawed at the other daemon to get away resulting in Skip gripping her tightly in one fist and tossing her into the wall. Peter and Zara had screamed in unison at the unwelcome touch and had been stunned enough for Skip to get what he wanted.
When Zara settled into an opossum later that night they had cried together for their lost childhoods. For growing up too quickly. For knowing that it was probably going to happen again and feeling helpless to stop it. Sen and Lotte, May and Ben’s daemons had cuddled and groomed Zara the next day, trying to offer what comfort they could while May and Ben tried to get through to Peter. It wasn’t until months later that Zara finally spoke up on Peter’s behalf to save them.
Peter’s been through a lot in his life but the only thing that came close to have his soul manhandled was the Bite and Ben’s subsequent death.
At the single Easter Mass May had taken him too in his early years living with his aunt and uncle, the priest had described death as beautiful – the entry into the next life. The dust from the deceased’s daemon a shower of blessings on the ones they loved. The dust from Lotte, a beautiful yellow lab, was the least beautiful thing Peter had ever seen as it mixed with the blood coating the ground and settled into his and Zara’s hair. The sight of it washing off and down the drain later was even worse.
Peter’s main goal as Spider-Man became protecting others from having to experience something similar.
“Peter!” Ned said, pulling Peter out of his wandering and back into the present. His macaw daemon, Veerle, was flaring her scarlet plumage and adjusting her wings to balance better on his best friend’s shoulder and trying to peer into Peter’s hood where Zara had been snoozing through the last of his classes. “Did you hear anything I said?”
“Uh… yeah of course!” Peter cringed at the obvious lie in his voice and glared at Veerle who snickered at him. Ned just rolled his eyes.
“I was saying we should meet up tomorrow afternoon to get a head start on that project from Harrington. I can’t take the stress of procrastinating again,” Ned told him dramatically, elbowing him lightly in the side as they exited the doors to Midtown and started walking in the direction of Ned’s house.
“It’s not due for a month,” Peter pointed out, shivering as Zara shifted in his hood, wrapping her tail around his neck and propping her head up to rest on his shoulder with a yawn.
“That’s what you said last time,” she pointed out and Peter flicked her on the nose with a scoff of betrayal, ignoring his friend’s laughing. “Hey!”
“Whose side are you on here huh?” He asked in mock anger before breaking out in a smile. It had been a while since he and Ned had had the opportunity to hang out as just the four of them – too long in fact. Peter was excited for the weekend that they had planned; a pizza and movie marathon of some classic Sci-if and now, assumingely, some homework. Whatever, they were still going to have a great time. All Peter needed to do was a quick evening patrol and he was done for the weekend.
“Ned,” Zara answered, rubbing her nose dramatically with a paw. Peter rolled his eyes at her as he started scoping for a good alley to change in that was close to Ned’s house, spotting a good one not too far ahead.
“I shouldn’t be more than a couple of hours and then I can get started on my part,” Peter promised Ned as he made his way to the alley. “I promise this time.”
“I’ve heard that before,” Ned said with an eye roll, his face a little pinched but still indulgent. “Try not to get stabbed this time.”
“No promises,” Peter muttered as they parted. Not that he would tell Ned if he did get injured anyway; he kept a pretty decent first aid kit with him at all times and he felt pretty confident that he could hide any injury from his friend until it completely healed. The alley he ducked into was empty except for the couple beaten dumpsters that Peter hid behind to change into his suit, offering his open back for Zara to climb into. Patrolling with her wasn’t always the easiest but they had settled into a rhythm for the most part.
Firing a web, Peter took off into Queens, hoping for a relaxing afternoon.
It was nearing eleven when Ned sent his obligatory ‘I told you so’ text complete with eye roll emoji that Peter left on read just for the principal of the thing. It had been a busy Friday evening and had only just started to slow down enough for Peter and Zara to take a breather – he was thankful May was working tonight so he wouldn’t get caught inevitably breaking his curfew.
“I think we’re done,” Zara told him with a yawn, her head poked out the top of his book bag and looking over his shoulder as Peter leisurely swung from web to web heading, vaguely, toward home.
He hummed. “One more quick scan,” he compromised and Zara grumbled a little but didn’t protest when he said “Got anything for me K?”
“Sure thing Peter,” Karen’s chirpy voice replied. “An emergency call was just placed two blocks away for a possible mugging in progress.”
“Throw it up on the screen for me,” Peter said, hopping off the roof he was perched on and swinging toward the blinking red dot on his HUD as quickly as he could. Zara sighed from his backpack and kept her head poked out to observe. Muggings weren’t (normally) that big of a deal so she didn’t really hide in the bag as much for those – unless it started to get really hairy.
“That’s all I have! I promise I don’t have anything else!” A man’s voice yelled, the timbre trembling and terrified as Peter swung onto the scene. The victim couldn’t have been much older than Peter and he and his robin daemon were pressed as tightly to the dirty brick wall as they could get, trying to stay away from the mugger brandishing a knife and his corgi daemon – growling and snarling between his legs.
“Lovely evening right gentlemen?” Peter quipped as he dropped to the ground in a crouch a few feet away. “Perfect time to get into a little larceny am I right?”
“This doesn’t involve you Spider-Man,” the mugger said, turning to face Peter instead, his daemon showing her teeth. Zara, head still poked out of his backpack, hissed loudly in return and scuttled up to sit on Peter’s shoulder, anchoring herself with her tail around his neck and digging her sharp little claws into his suit.
“You know,” Peter told him conversationally, standing and trying to telepathically communicate to the victim to make his escape out the other end of the alley. “That’s what they all say but I just can’t seem to mind my own business,” he shrugged as if to say ‘oh well’ and took a step closer. The victim had started edging out of the alley so Peter needed to keep up with the distraction until he was safe. “Now how’s about you put the knife away and I’ll web you to the wall and we all leave here friends?”
The mugger scoffed and turned to look at his victim with a ‘can you believe this guy’ expression on his face before it darkened at the sight of his escaping prey.”Hey!” He yelled, turning fully and reaching out to grab the man – knife raising threateningly. Peter, in an act of desperation, jumped in between them causing the man to grab onto Zara by the scruff of the neck instead.
Peter nearly dropped to the ground under the pain of feeling someone grabbing onto his bare soul and Zara screamed and hissed in the man’s grip, finally biting him on the wrist so he dropped her to the ground, some of her course hair still stuck to his palm and flaking off in pieces. Looking horrified and sick himself, the man took off with his corgi daemon whimpering at his heels leaving Peter alone.
Peter let out a sob, his skin still crawling, and curled up into a tight ball. The last time anyone had touched Zara had been Skip when he had… when he…
“Your heart rate has reached unacceptable levels,” Karen’s clear voice cut through. “Mr. Stark is on his way.”
Peter gasped in response (he couldn’t breathe, why couldn’t he breathe?) and reached out blindly for where Zara was curled up and trembling a few feet away, scooping her into his chest and pressing his masked face into the fur of her side.
“Peter Mr. Stark is three minutes out but you need to control your breathing,” Karen told him gently. “Please follow the prompts on the screen – in for four, hold seven, out eight.”
Peter couldn’t even breathe in for one second let alone four but he tried to follow Karen’s directions – having Zara back in his arms where he could run his fingers through her hair and try to get rid of the unwanted touch that he could still feel phantom echos of helped some but not enough. By the time Tony landed with Silon in his arms a few minutes later Peter hadn’t really managed to improve his mental state by much.
“Oh Pete,” Tony said sadly, stepping out of the suit and kneeling down in front of Peter. “I’m so sorry kiddo.” Peter just let out a loud sob in response but didn’t protest Tony pulling his mask carefully over his head and running calloused fingers through his hair. Silon, Tony’s large serval daemon, cautiously curled over Peter to begin nuzzling Zara, his purr sounding comforting but sad.
“He touched her,” Peter forced out, nearly gagging as he said it, fresh tears spilling down his cheeks for Tony to rub away with his thumbs. “He grabbed her.”
“I know buddy, I saw,” Tony confirmed, levering Peter up to sit cross-legged with his back to the wall and Zara coiled in his lap. “I know there’s nothing I can say that will help but I’ve got Happy on the way. We’re going back to the Tower and we’re going to watch Star Wars and you’re going to cuddle with her okay? It’ll help.”
Peter nodded erratically, gripping Zara tighter for a moment and then releasing her when she reached out one of her paws to Silon. He let her climb onto his back and grip onto him with all four limbs and tail, craning his neck back to groom her gently. “The last person to touch her was… it was… I didn’t want…”
“I know Petey,” Tony told him as he pulled him in for a firm hug that Peter was quick to reciprocate, clinging onto his mentor just as tightly as Zara was to Silon. “I know buddy, just let it out.”
There were some things that Tony Stark could fix – Peter could trust him to try to fix just about any problem he was presented with – but Peter knew that this would be one of those things that would be cracked inside of him forever. Something that no one besides Peter and Zara could work on and something that would always haunt them. But, sitting there with his mentor in one of the dirty alleys of Queens, Peter thought he could feel it mending.
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal about Season 13!! 💪💪 (1/4)
Phew, I actually made it to the English release without spoilers! 🤩 I do know general things about little plots for the ninja, hopefully nothing major! Finally, the Cole season we've all been waiting for, with Rock Mom and possibly plenty of our Earth baby development! COLE IN THE SPOTLIGHT AT LAST!! 🖤🖤
Well, I know I'll be shooting rainbows from my eyeballs if I see even one Nexo Knights reference! For the rest I don't really know what will happen, I'm curious! 🤔
It's the 6th of July, and here we go!!
Is it just me or the dialogues sounds better? More built up, funnier, cohesive just like in the earliest seasons of Ninjago? Maybe it's just me but I'm really appreciating 🤷‍♀️
It also doesn't feel that rushed anymore! Which was my biggest problem in Prime Empire really. The episodes seem to me like fragments of a nice movie, not a too long story forced into 11 minutes. I'm very happy with the quality so far, I feel good about this for now! 👍
No matter what season it is, you can count on The Fold to make an AMAZING intro!! Freaking awesome, it was epic and very final battle like 👌👌 I WANT THE FULL VERSION ASAP!!!
I do appreciate we are not forgetting about the adventures we had until now, it feels like from season 11 forward we are building a new backstory of. But they still show stuff from the very first seasons so I'm happy anyway 😍
Pff, Cole plays Prime Empire right after being trapped in it. And Lloyd joins in! YES!! Maybe there is hope for a season without greenie being traumatized! 👍👍
Also he's doing laundry because I DON'T WANNA DO THE DISHES NO MORE~ 😎
The chicken is back 😂 The constant reference to the movie we are all kinda attached to a this point (well I am, LOOK AT THE LITTLE HAT 💕💕)
Is it me being a "I've rewatched this show way too much" type of fan to feel that Nya saying that Jay using Spinjitzu for chores will get Wu mad might be a reference to how the guys had cleaned the very first Destiny Bounty with that? You think that Wu found out and got crazy mad? That would be kinda cool 😂😂
Okay, poor sensei and all, but he's kinda right 😅 I like Wu, I really do, but Aspheera was a problem kinda because of him, they all going to another dangerous realm could have been dealt a lot better if he hadn't been so on edge and in Prime Empire he freaking got kidnapped by NORMAL PEOPLE. Maybe he is getting old 🤷‍♀️
At last, he has returned...
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THE ONE AND ONLY RULER OF NINJAGO, THE POSTMAN!!! 💜💜💜 Was he missing since March of the Oni? I can't remember if he was around for the Aspheera part 🤔
Soooo, not to be that person, but a secret group of royals asking the ninja to meet them in a place that was never open for outsiders before then? Kinda... feels familiar... *SoG flashbacks* 😰
Okay, not the biggest fan of Misako, but her scolding Wu was kinda fun 🤣 Needed to change the animation for her to get a bit of personality apparently 😉
Ah, you left Pixal behind to let her do... chores. Well, if you guys are happy 😒
Ninja babies all excited ❤💚💙🖤🤍💦 Also I'm excited because there is FINALLY a white heart between the emoji! I didn't notice it until now, I just need a gray/maroon heart now 😍
Jay screaming NOT MADE UP cracked me up so much 😂😂 Gosh I love my bluebell
A bit of action scene, nice, nice, also Cole going full buddy mode to save Jay gives me my beautiful Bruise vibes 💙🖤💙🖤
Well hello Brian
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Looking good 💕💕 The designs are rocking in season 12 and 13, I cannot tell it enough! Super super cool
Overall nice episode, seemed more nicely focused than usual, I don't know if it's just me. I'm happy anyway 😁
Ooohhhh, so the sails were ripped off by the bats, and they were flying thanks to the soldier guys with wings. It makes sense, I was confused by the trailer, now there's the answer!
Okay, Vania introduction, I wonder what kind of princess we will get after last ti-
Vania: I'm such a big fan of you, I was the one that insisted at having you here! 🤩
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... besides the fact that she sounds and looks absolutely ADORABLE, I'm kinda with Lloyd about feeling suspicious... because that's exactly how Harumi introduced herself back then 😅 And away it goes, the possibility of Lloyd spending a season without feeling disturbed or traumatized...
Ah, there we go, Cole and Vania. Soft looks, instant attention and... that's it? Idk, Jay and Nya's meeting had that one very awkward color question (💙❤💙❤), Kai literally heard romantic music while looking at Sky (❤🧡❤🧡), Lloyd was being mocked all the way by the guys as he looked at Harumi (💚😰💚😰). This one seems a bit weak? I don't mind it actually, I'm actually a bit curious about how it will develop since it started like this 🤷‍♀️
References to Hiroshi's Labyrinth and the Tournament of Elements, my fangirl heart is happy 😍 Is it too much thinking that the maze was a reference to Shadow of Ronin, since they all went there in the game while in the show only Lloyd was at the Labyrinth? Idk 🤷‍♀️
JAY SAYING COLE IS HIS BEST FRIEND, YES!! YES!! FINALLY, HAVEN'T HEARD IT SINCE SKYBOUND!!! BROTP IS BACK 🖤💙🖤💙 Also Jay confused that Vania is interested in Cole, pff, you clearly don't know the fandom 😂
But it is a bit fishy, does she knows stuff? Now I'm into it...
Lloyd sneaking in, that was creepy 🤣 And ninja like, of course
I kinda like how this is going, Cole straight up saying dude, I just met her, calm down. Like, I do understand green bean and I'm kinda on his side, but still 🤷‍♀️
Cole: I'm not just gonna jump on the lovesick wagon like you weirdos, geez
"It felt like a cloud of warm contentment." I'm gonna use this whenever someone asks me why have I been in my bed all day 😎
I know they all believed Cole was just dreaming the purple guy, but honestly they could have just said "Cole, we had flaming snakes raining on Ninjago a few weeks ago, what are you so worked up about?". But yeah, ROCK MOM FINALLY!!! I wanna know more!! 😍😍😍
Mr Sparkles 😂😂 So cute
Vania is cool for now, she is basically the innocent Harumi without a scarring tragedy from her past changing her into a vengeful villain... yeah 😅
Did Cole notice that she talks a lot and loud, kinda like Jay? Is that why he seemed a bit annoyed? 😂😂
For now they don't seem that annoyingly into each other, they look chill, no major lovesick moment or anything. I like it, I don't know if this ship will be super important or something, but at least I'm happy they are dealing with it in a different way 👍
With all these creatures chained up and a crazy dude making them work, Cole must have one HECK of a flashback from back in Chen's island 😵
Okay, I get the drama, I get the lair which is
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Legit cool, with that nice Underworld vibe, but really? A wood door with ropes behind a lava fall? Security measures who? 😂😂
So Skull dude is the bad guy, and has a mask. People with masks means big reveal at some point. I like dudes with masks 😗
Aaaahhh, figures it was too easy being in a literal mine with the power of Earth. They really can't keep their powers for more than five seconds now can they 😂😂
But this seems interesting, is it connected with the burst thing they said in the trailer? Or even Cole's mom? Is this Skull Sorcerer connected to her? I HAVE QUESTIONS PEOPLE!!!
I am legit enjoying this 👌 They are building up questions and I do hope we'll get a good flashback moment with Rock mom... or even finding out if something else happened to her... EXCITED 🤩🤩
So to be the main ninja of a season lately you have to be either without powers (Kai Fire Chapter) or trapped in an unknown place (Zane Ice Chapter and Jay Prime Empire). Cole got them both 😅
Mm, the king is being weird, what's up with this mountain thing? Does he know who the Skull Sorcerer is? QUESTIONS
So Vania keeps being extremely adorable, I think I really like her character 💕 We'll see what will happen with her, how she will interact with the others, especially Lloyd since he seems very suspicious... can't really blame him 😅
Kai ready to argue with a king because one of his friend is in danger, THAT'S MY FLAME BABE ❤❤❤
Okay, the conflict between the two tribes, I read about this in some plots of the season. Not sure how that will play, but
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I did laughed at this 😂 Sorry Mole
Okay, seriously, have we not learned anything from letting Kai come up with a plan? The notoriously bad planner Kai? The think before talking Kai? The let's follow the sun because yes Kai? I love him to dead but really, it was meant to go bad right away even if the title wasn't that 😅😅😅
AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO GOT EMOTIONAL AT COLE'S NINJA-GO WHILE DOING SPINJITZU?? 😭😭 They don't say it that much anymore before spinning, it kinda hit my tornado shaped heart 🖤🖤
I expected at least a comment about them being similar to the Skulkin, too bad. Not fundamental though, I'm really enjoying this so far 👍
Well, all of the ninja are trapped now 😅 Is Wu going to come for the rescue? Is Vania? I know they will be separated and will all go on separated quests, and I'm kinda more looking forward to it now. Let's see what happens!! 🤩
Considering how big of a fan Vania seems to be of the ninja, I bet she had those figures way before this moment 😂
Wooooo, hearing someone addressing Cole as the leader, does this count as a major throwback to pilots and season 1? I would make it count 😍
Okay here Vania does seem into Cole, we'll see how that plays out 🤷‍♀️
Ooooooooohhhhhh, vengestone! This actually make more sense than the last two times they were left without powers 😅 We never actually saw where that material came from, and here there's an actual mine full of it! Very cool, I like this! Big question is, what does Skull dude need all this vengestone for? 🤔🤔
Okay, the legends fits, sounds good enough but... she? SHE?!? WAS THAT ROCK MOM??? She was clearly a ninja and she did spinjitzu!! I didn't even considered the possibility, I only saw Misako, Doubloon and Aspheera knowing Spinjitzu before!! An actual mom?? THAT WOULD BE EPIC!! 🖤
Pff, these tribes are a bunch of idiots, I actually like them 😂 I like them better than the rats of Prime Empire that's for sure, but maybe that's just me 🤔
Aww, this Mino creature is cure! Cole did pretty good with him, does he remind him of Rocky? ☹
Nice, this I was waiting for! Cole and Lloyd together, leaders collaboration 💚🖤💚🖤 It didn't last much, but I think there will be more of it? I HOPE SO!!!
So the blades must be somewhere hidden, if they really have been taken by the Skull Sorcerer. I mean, even in Prime Empire they thought for sure Unagami was Dyer, so I wouldn't jump on it right away 🤔
There we go, the divided team! I knew about Kai and Zane stuck together, I remember stuff not too promising about Nya having to fight for Jay, but I'm honestly really enjoying the season so far! I like the pace and it doesn't seem as rushed as before! I hope we get to some good plot twists and backstories soon!! 🤩🤩
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apptg554 · 3 years
Friends First Dating App
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Bumble is a dating app that allows you to make new connections, whether you’re looking for a partner, to make new friends, or to expand your professional network. Making the first move on Bumble could change your life! DISCOVER OUR AMAZING FEATURES. Top Filters: Find your right date or next BFF and get an unforgettable first online encounter. Nov 18, 2020 The female-centric Bumble dating app burst onto the scene in 2014. Since then, the founder has launched the buzzy BFF mode as a way for women to meet women simply wanting friends. And though the swipe-happy app is a hit with younger millennials, there are success stories belonging to those born before the early ‘80s.
Friends First Approach To Dating
Is Bumble For Friends Or Dating
Dating is fun and all, but group dates are in again these days, too, especially with all the group dating apps out there. Not only do group dates take away from the pressure of one-on-one dates, but they’re also fun. Several brains are better than one, right? You may think you know all the local hot spots, but once you start a group chat in an app, you’ll soon realize the possibilities are endless. Plus, plenty can be social and not date-y, if that’s more your thing.
And, no two social/group dating apps are quite the same. After all, in general, there seem to be dating apps catered to everyone — adventure-seekers and travelers (like MeetMeOutside), ones where heterosexual women need to make the first move (like Bumble), and even ones for beard-lovers (like Bristlr), to name a few — and such is the case when it comes to group social outings, too.
Some only give you a limited amount of time, like 24 hours, to make plans while others coordinate the date for you — all you need to do is show up. Simple enough, huh? And others even include your first round of drinks. Sign. Me. Up.
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Here are some social/group dating apps you need to try — so you can no longer make excuses that there’s no one around to go out with.
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Check out Bustle's 'Save The Date' and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.
1. Tinder Social
Now, you can go on group dates and outings via Tinder Social. Looking for a fun night out? Just create a group (which looks a lot like a group text) and an activity to do, like hitting up that new bar in Midtown. Even though you can only be in one group at a time, it’s NBD — your group expires at noon the next day anyway.
It’s perfect for making last-minute plans tonight. Plus, you can go back and forth in your settings between being on Tinder solely to date, one-on-one, and Tinder Social. Or, if you’re like me and are already coupled up, you and your bae can go on Tinder just for the social aspect.
2. Squad
With Squad, you pick up to five Facebook friends to be part of your “squad,” which you can switch up anytime. Plus, you can also have multiple squads. You create a group name and tagline, the latter meaning your goal — going to such-and-such bar tonight or a Mets game this weekend. Then, check out other squads and let the swiping left or right begin. Once you match with another squad, you have 24 hours to message and make plans. Oh, and instead of a bio, you describe yourself via three emojis (and you can still write a bio if you so choose) — which is awesome and so 2016.
3. Grouper
With Grouper, you anonymously pick out friends-of-friends to meet IRL. If you mutually match, the app plans a “Grouper” for you — drinks between their friends and your friends. Plus, there is no messaging when you use Grouper. None! The app does all the work for you: time, place, and coordinating with everyone involved. The best part? It’s about friends meeting up with friends. “Dating” does not even have to be part of it, though if you do find you have a love connection with a friend-of-a-friend, it’s pretty great (like having a letter of recommendation, of sorts).
Let’s say you and a couple friends want to meet some new people IRL. Just log onto CLIQ and then you can match with another group of friends. First, you’ll choose some topics you’re interested in. Then, the app will take it from there and send you “Goodies” based on your interests and suggest places for you to check out. Via “Huddle,” you can also chat with members of your CLIQ privately. With the app, CLIQs can also choose not to be private and post status updates, pics, videos, and location posts, so followers can see what you have going on and where.
5. Entourage
First, choose one or two friends and start a group with them. Then, the app suggests nearby groups to you and you can “like” or “pass.” When you and another group match, you can start up a group chat. Then, let the planning-to-meet-IRL begin. The only downside? Currently, Entourage is only available in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco, but let’s be optimistic that it’ll expand to more cities soon enough.
6. Cheers
Cheers, formerly known as Who’s That, is a social app that connects you to people at over 30 Boston-area bars. The company recently rebranded and also formed a partnership with Absolut Elyx, Absolut’s new luxury vodka — and continues to have a partnership with Fireball Whiskey, as well. With the app, you create a group with friends and swipe through other groups going out in your city. When you see people you want to get drinks with, tap “Cheers.” Like other swiping apps, you get a match when there’s mutual interest. Then, “Pick a Place” in the conversation to meet for drinks. Your concierge will make a reservation and you’ll get the first round of drinks free. Yep, free. So easy. (Though I hope it expands to other cities, too.)
Images: Fotolia, Tinder, Squad, Grouper, CLIQ, Entourage, Cheers
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Whether you’re looking for true love or a quick hookup, dating apps have become the go-to for finding what you’re craving. But what about friends? After using Tinder and OKCupid for dating, I was actually more interested in finding new pals and I figured I could keep using the same tools but with a different purpose.
I’m open to love but not looking for it. I’m taking a very chill approach to new relationships these days, preferring to let the right connection come to me rather than chasing it. That said, I’ve always found dating apps really interesting and I love dating, so even though I’m not looking for romance, I still enjoy that aspect of it. Why not keep the parts of dating I enjoy and use the same approach to simply find cool people to hang with?
I’m upfront about it. I state in my profile that I’m looking for friendship so it’s clear to anyone perusing my stats what I’m open to. I also make sure to talk about it explicitly before I meet anyone in person. A dating site isn’t the typical place for people to find platonic connections, so I make sure I’m upfront about it. I have no interest in leading people on.
Friendship is more important to me than partnership. Don’t get me wrong, I love being in a relationship, but the older I get, the more I realize that a solid network of good friends is much more important. I want to have a community of amazing people around me more than I want to find “The One.” I’ve spent way too much time giving up my friendships for the sake of whichever relationship I was in at the time. Now it’s time to start putting friendship first.
An online connection doesn’t mean a real-life romance. Even if I meet someone online who I think could be an incredible partner, you never know until you’ve actually met them. I’ve met a few guys who, on paper and from our messages, seemed like real keepers, only to find there was no chemistry in real life. In those situations, I was open to keeping them as friends rather than scrapping all that potential because the spark of romance wasn’t there.
Friends First Approach To Dating
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Not everyone has the same idea. Unfortunately, some people aren’t into it. Some of those dudes just dropped off the face of the earth when they realized I wasn’t interested romantically. I get it, they were looking for something specific and I just wasn’t on board. To me though, it just seems like a shame to shut off the possibility of platonic connection just because I wasn’t DTF.
It’s hit and miss. Just like searching for real-life romance through a screen doesn’t guarantee a connection, neither does looking for friends. I love dating because it’s an opportunity to meet an entirely new human being and friendship dating is no different. That said, some people just do not fit together and there’s a lot of time spent awkwardly sipping coffee over a forced conversation, calculating how many minutes until I can politely exit the interaction.
I’ve had some weird dates come out of it. Even if I say on my profile that I’m looking for friends, and even if that’s explicitly stated before we meet, there are still some people who equate dating apps with, well, dating. On the one hand, that’s totally fair enough. On the other hand, we’re all adults here and we (hopefully) all understand the concept of consent. When one of us is looking for friendship and the other is only interested in hooking up, nobody wins.
If we can use apps for romance, why not for friendship? We’re living in a world that is steadily becoming more and more digitized and if we can use technology to find our soulmates, why can’t we do the same to find friends? There’s an app for that, right? The social stigma around online dating has pretty much disappeared, but when I tell people I find friends online, I still get some funny looks.
Is Bumble For Friends Or Dating
The tech world is catching on. For a hot minute, Tinder launched a version of the app created for exactly this purpose. Unfortunately, the idea tanked, probably because as a hook-up app, it’s not particularly geared towards meaningful connections. Nevertheless, there are a bunch of other apps that are designed for exactly that market if, like me, you’re not opposed to finding cool people through the power of the internet.
“Sponsored: The best dating/relationships advice on the web. Check out Relationship Hero a site where highly trained relationship coaches get you, get your situation, and help you accomplish what you want. They help you through complicated and difficult love situations like deciphering mixed signals, getting over a breakup, or anything else you’re worried about. You immediately connect with an awesome gecoach o”n text or over the phone in minutes. Just click here…
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Bitten Pt. 2
Summary: Ivy Stark met Peter Parker the day he became Spiderman
Word Count: 2,017
Warnings: None
Part 1
“So, do you live in the tower with all the avengers?”
Ivy nodded in response, having taken a too-big bite of pizza moments before.
“That’s so cool,” He stated “What’s it like? Does your dad let you go on missions and stuff? Oh, were you here when the aliens invaded?”
She laughed and held up a finger, chewing quickly before attempting to respond. In all honesty she usually hated when people asked her about the Avengers. Most of their questions were invasive, and it always felt like she was nothing more than a gateway for inside information. But Peter had seemed so excited just to be in her presence that she couldn’t bring yourself to feel annoyed with him.
“Four years ago I was on a tour of this boarding school in Massachusetts to see if I wanted to attend alter on, so I was away when the house blew up and my dad moved here. I wasn't here when everything went down with the aliens either, I’d moved in with my mom in San Francisco after the whole house thing so I pretty much missed everything interesting.”
“I completely forgot your house blew up. I’m really sorry I shouldn’t have even asked, I-.”
“Don’t be, my dad quite literally asked for it; Unless you fired a missile, then you should definitely be sorry.”
He chuckled at that and took another bite of his pizza.
“How long have you lived in New York?” she asked.
He shrugged, “My whole life.”
“A born and raised New Yorker,” she stated, more to yourself than to him.
“So, do you go on missions?”
“Oh crap, we gotta go the group should be done with the tour in like ten minutes.”
Ivy shoved her bag over her shoulder and grabbed their pizza. Pulling Peter’s arm they hurried out of the pizzeria, shooting a grateful smile toward the staff on your way out. Conversation was stalled as they hurriedly ate the rest of their slices and rushed toward Oscorp.
“Wait,” she held an arm out to Peter to keep him from going in. Pulling out the napkins she’d left in her pocket, she handed some to him and they wiped the grease from their mouths. Now looking clean and very unlike two students who’d abandoned their tour group, they walked inside.
“I’ll text MJ to find out where everyone is.”
“I’ll text Ned.”
MJ responded first. They were heading toward the entrance where Mr. Osborn would lead the class to a demonstration on the control of radioactive rays in the lab. This was new, they’d never offered this on any of your prior visits.
“They’re headed toward us, so let’s just stand off to the side and join them in the back of the group.”
“Ya know you still haven’t answered my question, right?” He asked.
“What question?”
“If you go on missions with the Avengers.”
She winked, “Classified information Parker. So classified that even my dad wouldn’t tell you.”
“But you-“
He was cut off as their guide entered the lobby.
“And here we are, back where we started. I can wait with you until Mr. Osborn gets in and then you’ll witness our demonstration.”
You slipped in beside MJ quietly, giving her shoulder a gentle nudge. She placed a bookmark between the pages and slipped her book into her bag.
“How was pizza?”
You shrugged, “Pretty good, lots of superhero questions.”
“So nothing new,” she nodded “Did you know about the demo?”
“No I think it’s new, what’s it all about?”
“Basically it’s some old machine they used to use in like the 50s to control ‘radioactive rays’ in the lab. Should be interesting enough.”
Ivy nodded, “Cool.”
Peter and Ned moved to stand with the two of you, both boys peppering her with questions once again. Peter wanted to know if she’d ever tried holding Thor’s hammer. Ned wanted to know if she’d ever held Cap’s shield. Peter asked how many suits your father had built, and Ned wanted to know if she got to work closely with Bruce in his lab.
She answered their questions, avoiding any that were a bit too invasive so as to not give too much away. Peter checked in to make sure they weren’t bothering you, and for once she could honestly say the questions didn’t bother her. The look of joy on their faces outweighed any grievances she might have. By the time Mr. Osborn arrived, they’d finally exhausted all the questions they’d thought of on the spot and moved on to regular conversation.
“Hello children,” He smiled “I hope you all enjoyed your tour around my facility. I’m sure you’re all good and bored now so let’s get to the fun part, shall we?”
The group followed Mr. Osborn to the display room where a young intern was waiting, handing each of you goggles. They stood behind a panel of glass so as to distance themselves from the rays as much as possible; though she did take note of the fact that there was a gap between the glass and ceiling. Ivy leaned over toward Mr. Osborn.
“You’re sure this is safe?”
“I’m surprised at you Ms. Stark,” he stated “with all the things your family does I wouldn’t have thought you to be scared of a scientific display.”
“Well Norman, in my experience things never go as planned, so I try to be as safe as possible.” She pointed toward the gap.
He simply waved her off and pulled his goggles on. She was worried, but there wasn’t much she could do about it, so she simply put on her own goggles and moved to stand with her friends.
The contraption before them was like nothing they’d ever seen (mostly because it was absolutely ancient). Two red orbs were held up by by machinery. The body reminded her of a spotlight, a metal rod protruding from the center. The rods connected into the orbs with two little ‘arms’ connecting on either side of the orb and passing through. Each machine was placed opposite the other and they were facing it from the side.
“Everybody got their goggles on?” Mr. Osborn asked. When he received a sufficient answer he gave a thumbs up to one of the men in the room and the display began.
Ivy heard a gasp from a few of her classmates as the machine sparked to life. It shot into gear with a loud whirring sound and the visual was bright to say the least. She was impressed by the sight and made a note to ask Mr. Osborn and her father about this when she got the chance. As the display wound down and the bright light faded, she removed her goggles and looked to the others.
MJ nodded, eyebrows raised and it was she was just as impressed. Ned’s mouth was still hanging open as he moved to say something to Peter who looked distressed. His brows were knotted together as he rubbed his hand, mouthing the word ‘ow’.
“You okay?” She questioned.
“Yea, I’m fine. Just a bug bite or something.” He stated, letting go of his hands and shoving them into his pockets.
“Dude, that was awesome!” Ned exclaimed. This seemed to snap Peter back into the moment and he pulled off his goggles, the pair now speaking animatedly about the demo.
Ivy walked alongside Mj as the class headed back to the main lobby. Mr. Osborn thanked the class for coming and sent you all on your way back to school. Peter and Ned sat across the isle from them now, still speaking among one another.
“That was cool.’ She commented to her friend.
“Cool because the display was awesome? Or cool because you got to skip out on the tour and get pizza?”
“Why not both?” She grinned. MJ rolled her eyes and Ivy stuck out her tongue.
The bus ride home was even louder than the bus ride there. Everyone was freshly energized and discussing in detail the purpose of the machine, and how exactly it worked. Even Mj was up for conversation, tucking her book into her bag to give Ivy her full attention.
When the bus pulled to a stop in front of their school, Mr. Harrington stood up so everyone could see him. He read out the current time and instructed everyone to head to study hall to wait out the end of this period.
“Do we have to go to our next class?” Harry groaned “It’s the last period, we might as well go home.”
“Yes Mr. Osborn, field trips aren’t an excuse to skip class.” Judging by the look Flash shot Harry, they still wouldn’t be attending.
“You guys wanna skip last period?” Ivy asked MJ, Peter, and Ned in a soft whisper.
“Where’re we going?” MJ questioned.
“We could head to my place.” She shrugged.
“I don’t know,” Peter said “they could call our houses and my aunt and uncle would kill me if they found out.”
“Dude,” Ned pulled Peter into a quiet conversation facing away from you. You held back a laugh, looking to MJ. She seemed confused and simply shrugged, unsure of what to say. They boys finally pulled back and Ned frowned.
“I think we’re gonna stay here, sorry.” Peter stated.
“Don’t worry about it.” she shrugged “Give me your phone for a sec?”
“Why?” He questioned, handing it over anyway.
“I’m gonna put my number in just in case you change your mind.”
She typed away, adding an emoji of the iron man mask next to her name for good measure. As she handed him back his phone Mr. Harrington instructed everyone to head inside. The four shuffled down the aisle with the rest of the class and made the short journey to study hall.
On your way there, Ivy sent a text to her dad’s driver to come get herself and MJ in about fifteen minutes. He replied quickly, simply sending a thumbs up, and she put her phone away.
“Hey,” Ned called to Ivy once they’d all sat down “I meant to ask you about the Iron man suits.”
“I can’t tell you much about those, my dad wants to keep most things about them a secret. That way nobody can successfully recreate them.”
“Oh, that makes sense.” He nodded “Is it okay if I ask some basic questions? Like about how long it takes to make them and stuff like that.”
“Fire away.”
When the bell rang Peter and Ned walked Ivy and MJ out to the front of the school.  A sleek black car waited patiently for the pair, and Happy Hogan rolled down his window so they could see it was him.
“Ready?” He asked. She nodded, holding up a finger to tell him they just needed a minute. When Ivy turned back to her friends she could see Ned staring wistfully at the car. Peter, though he was trying his best to hide it, also seemed to be battling with himself over wether to stay or go.
“You sure you guys don’t want to come?” She asked.
Ned looked to Peter who locked eyes with her, lips pressed tightly together. He didn’t say anything for a moment, likely weighing pros and cons in his head. Finally, he shook his head.
“No, I think I’ll stay behind, I’m not feeling that good anyway.” he turned to his friend “If you wanna go Ned, you can.”
“No that’s alright,” He sighed “we had plans after school anyway, I’ll stick with you.”
“Okay, well you’ve got my number if you change your minds.” She started moving toward the awaiting car “See you guys tomorrow.”
Ivy slid into the back seat of the car beside MJ, smiling at Happy.
“Who were they?” He asked as he began driving.
“Peter Parker and Ned Leeds,” MJ responded “they’re on the debate team with me.”
“We met them on the trip today.” Ivy chimed in.
“Huh, alright. So how was the trip?”
“Really boring but Norman showed us this machine from the 50s that was pretty amazing.” Ivy stated excitedly.
“It was awesome!” MJ exclaimed, the pair launching into detail about the demonstration.
@eridanuswave @crumpets-are-better-with-jam @lilithmouse
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tdystmr · 4 years
college student! jackson x sugar daddy! mark // sugar daddy x baby socmed au
b a c k g r o u n d i n f o 🍓
jackson is THE popular kid despite him having his own set of financial problems. he lives with a foster family because his parents died in a car accident when he was 11, but still grew up to be a well-mannered, cheerful boy
mature 21 year old who knows his strenghts and weaknesses. very motivated and hard working, but tends to fall for the bad type rather than good influences. is also too nice and sweet to point out other’s mistakes and flaws so he usually goes along with whatever his friends do. has always wanted to move out because as much as he loves his foster family, he knows that they struggle with their own swt of problems as well and feels like a burden now that college fees are piling up
mark is a millionaire, successful bachelor at the fine age of 29. recognised for his success in starting and building his own business at 22, took him only 7 years to reach his current success of a multi-million enterprise in Seoul trading and exporting goods.
is a very mysterious figure to the press because he is extremely private about his life outside of work. lives alone, has no known dating history, only known family is his family in USA ands seems to be completely disinterested in relationships under than a tight-knit group of friends. the press would love to get some dirt on this successful businessman.
jjp are mark’s close friends and a power couple of Korea ( lgbtq+ rs are supported in korea in this au ) and have always wanted him to look for a partner. yugyeom, mark’s other close friend, also wants him to not be so lonely anymore since he’s pushing 30 already.
meanwhile, youngjae + bambam are jackson’s best friends. youngjae’s fam is jackson’s foster fam while the three of them all attend Seoul University tgt. they’re close friends because they all share an interest in music and just enjoy each other’s company. they’re the same age in this au, so they met at the usual freshmen orientation drinking session and bambam almost puked on jackson’s crotch. ever since then, they’ve been inseparable.
youngbam are also well known in the school - youngjae for performing on stage every year at the annual talent show while bambam is known for his cool style and being the vice president of the dance club.
p l o t 🍓
jackbamjae are joking arnd in their gc abt life after college when jackson finally tells them his plan to move out of his foster home after they finish their second year of college. yj ofc objects because he doesn’t see js as a burden, but respects jackson’s decision because js insists.
bambam suggests a sugar daddy website to get money. ofc, both of the other two question him on how he got to know such a site existed. he tells them that ten ( pres of the dance club ) got to know his bf through this site. bam tells them that it isn’t super shady or wtv and the men aren’t so bad at all
js says wtv and gives it a go, so he signs up with the help of bamjae. he has a basketball friendly match, so he rushes off after that
at the same time, mark’s bday is approaching. jjgyeom are planning a surprise for him and hopefully, it’ll include some sort of a date that mark will agree to go on. yugyeom had also come across the sugar daddy website by simply lurking on the nsfw side of the internet and jjp have learnt not to question him too much on what he does in his free time.
he found js’s profile and knowing mark’s type, immediately suggested the idea to jjp. jb, who’s been mark’s longest friend, says that mark might not completely be opposed to it because he knows that mark has been stressed lately and a way to let out that frustration would be good. jy, on the other hand, cautions that mark might not like the idea because mark is the kind of guy to value genuine relationships over meaningless hookups, not to mention paying someone for sex and whatnot. despite that, the three arrive at mark’s place on the night of his bday to surprise him
yg suggests the idea to mark after they’ve all had some dinner and mark obv gets mad at first. he says exactly what jy had said, but calms down after jjgyeom explain that they’ve all been worried about how he’s coping and don’t want him to be alone and stressed anymore. mark sees that his friends have good intentions and decides to give it a go, starting the convo with jackson over the website that night after all his friends have left
after about a week of weird dms and some actually good interactions over the site, jackson is about to give up because he hasn’t found anyone truly interested in talking and not just sex. then, he gets mark’s dm
the two hit it off immediately and they end up texting till 3am. they exchanged socmed accounts before they went to bed as well, and js decides to tell bamjae in the morning abt it.
they obv know who the hell mark tuan is and are freaking out over this. jackson rmbs that mark had told him not to spread this and realises that’s the reason why. he warns bamjae not to tell anyone, even their other close friends. bamjae suggest for him to keep texting and to even meet mark on the weekend.
they meet and it goes well and stuff, them slowly establishing their own sort of relationship. they’re more platonic than sexual most of the time, but they do look for each other when they’re horny and in need of release
one day, the press captures mark waiting for js after school at seoul uni + js getting into his car. they post an article with a caption insinuating that mark has a secret relationship, which he fires down with an instagram post about invading his privacy and posting false rumours. he does this because he’s scared that js might be affected.
js is affected, because he realises that he doesn’t mind being in a genuine relationship with mark at all. he tells bamjae ofc, and they help him to realise that he might have developed feelings for the older man. he freaks out because that isn’t part of the deal of being a sugar baby but he doesn’t want to cut mark off either
it’ll end happily, definitely, but the angst will come right after this and i hope it’ll be good :<
e x t r a c t f r o m f i r s t c o n v o 🍓
Hey, is this Wangpuppy825?
that’s me! you can call me jackson ☺️
Oh, okay sure. I’m Mark. How old are you again?
i’m 21 this year 🤩 wbu?
I’ve just turned 30
What’s your major in college?
just? when’s your birthday? 🧐
i major in Sports science studies at SNU
4 september
Woah, you sound like a pretty smart kid
oh, belated birthday mark hyung 🥳🥳
i can call you that, right 🥺
also, i’m not that smart hahah i just study hard 😌
Yeah, hyung is fine
Thank you, by the way :)
no prob, hyung ☺️
quick qn though, do you look really old?
do you mind sending a pic 😖
i’m sorry if this sounds weird it’s just i’ve gotten lots of dms from 50 year olds posing as 20-30 year olds and it’s creepy 😳
Okay but you can’t tell anyone about this, okay?
why? is it embarrassing for you 😮
[image attached]
It’s not really about being embarrassed, I guess
you look so hot wtf 🥵
and you look so young????? you look my age 😳😳
god is unfair for making you so pretty 😤
You mean you...
Oh, nothing hahah
I’m just surprised you think I look good because well...
You’re really cute, Jackson :<
wow okay you have no idea how different it feels to hear that from a hot person rather than just my friends hyping me up 😳😳😳
Your friends? Did they persuade you to do this?
Y’know, my friends actually set me up with you as sort of a birthday present
oh? then i guess i should thank them 😳
and yes, my friends did persuade me to do this hhahaha
Thank my friends? What for?
Your friends did a good job with the basketball pictures. I think those were what made my friend Yugyeom choose you
thank them for setting me up with such a hottie 🥵
oh! you play?
Ahh, you’re making me embarrassed... 😳
Yeah, I played when I was in college in USA
omg you used an emoji for the first time 🥰
usa? you’re a foreigner too?
Hahah, I don’t really use emojis because I’m used to texting formally at work 😅
Wow, it feels like we’ve got a lot in common huh
use them more 🥺
it does! you’re probably the most interesting person i’ve met on this site the whole week 😌😌
Then I’m honoured I got your attention first :)
Tell me more about yourself? Unless you’ve got to go to bed already
oh, no no hahah
i usually sleep way past midnight so this is fine 🤩
anyway, who would be crazy enough to turn down a conversation with someone like you 😖😖
Flirtatious, are we?
only because you’re adorable 🥰
t a g s 🍓
sugar daddy x sugar baby au
social media au
possessive mark
switch jackson
dominant mark
sexting / nudes
fluff / angst / smut
college student! jackson
friends with benefits-ish to lovers
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purplesurveys · 4 years
surveys by chasingghosts
Just a boring word association survey inspired by one of my old ones. Say the first thing that comes to your head. Don't overthink it :)
Keyboard: Monitor.
Dog: Dalmatian.
School: Pencils.
Italy: Roman Holiday. Ahh one of my favorite movies; such a classic.
Fire: BTS, heh.
Table: Chairs.
Mask: Face mask. New normal and all.
Blanket: Weighted blankets. I still don’t get how they work and I keep imagining that a 20-lbs blanket would feel too warm...I guess I’m willing to try it for a night, but I dunno if I would want to spend 5,000 bucks on one.
Gun: That curly-haired blonde dumbass from the US who keeps bringing one around.
Soda: Fizzy. Do not like.
Man: Trash.
Beautiful: Beast. Beautiful and the Beast is the knockoff version, hahaha.
Country: Roads.
Dictionary: Thesaurus.
Play: Playgrounds.
Yoga: Mat.
Cross: Country.
Happy: Emojis.
Change: Coins.
Orange: The fruit with the same name. Also, hair dye.
Cereal: Fruity Pebbles and Lucky Charms.
Record: Vinyl records, aka what I would like to invest in eventually.
Jail: The Shawshank Redemption, even though I personally didn’t really like it lmao.
Tank: This made me think of the Elisa Lam case. It’s unfortunate what happened to her but personally, I’ll always be more disturbed by the stories of people who had to drink or bathe in that nasty contaminated water.
Plane: Travel. :(
Machine: Factories.
Empty: Outer space.
Medicine: Nasty taste. Whenever I was sick as a kid my parents/grandma always made me drink Tempra which tastes like shit and it took a lot of effort for me not to throw them back up. I hope kids these days have more better-tasting options for medicine.
Stockings: Uncomfortable. I hate stockings and always dread occasions where I’ll have to put them on. Fortunately I haven’t had to for five years now.
Curry: Spicy and aromatic.
Football: Superbowl. Or is it SuperBowl? Super Bowl? Anyway, that event.
Blonde: Jennifer Aniston, heheh.
Pink: Barbie.
Cart: Online shopping.
Bag: Herschel.
Bourbon: Breaking Bad, though I’m not sure if it was indeed bourbon that Hank/Walt regularly drank. First thing that came to mind, though.
Karaoke: Philippine parties.
Caterpillar: That chemical they release when they’re stepped on.
Wizard: Harry Potter.
Number: Queues, lol.
Tired: Myself.
Baby: Baby videos.
Beach: Moana.
Castle: The first thing I thought of is this big orange castle - that is actually an inn - that I would have to pass by every single morning on my way to school, from kinder to high school. It looked like such a pretty, magical castle as a kid and I, along with probably all of my schoolmates who went the same route, thought a real princess lived in it; it just felt that magical. But as I got older I realized most inns/hotels with outlandish gimmicks are the cheap and tacky ones, so the magic was ruined for me as the years went by, haha.
Rock: Patrick Star from Spongebob, since he lives under one.
Hotel: Top-notch hospitality and service.
Weather: Gloomy.
Beanbag:  Comfort.
Clean: Vacuum cleaners...and my mom.
Angry: Rage.
I was inspired to make this when I saw a similar survey on here. Answer true or false, or simply mark an 'x' for what applies to you.
You love anything Disney related. I mean not anything? I wouldn’t want Disney merch of every single thing that could be turned into merch; but I do love Disney movies and they have always been great at creating songs that make you feel all magical and giddy inside.
You find any excuse to go shopping. False. I haven’t created a hobby out of shopping; at least not yet, I think. But going inside H&M several times for the past month to buy gifts for my friends has definitely helped in making me see the appeal of shopping. For now, though, I’d still rather do my browsing and shopping in non-clothing stores.
You’re younger than most of your friends. False. I have older and younger friends, but most of them are also 1998 babies since most of my friends are the people I went to school with.
You have really long hair, to your waist or longer. False. It has gotten a lot longer over the past year, but it’s still only up to my upper chest.
You’re pretty antisocial. False. I don’t like throwing this term around loosely because it’s a real personality disorder. I have also gotten more comfortable with people in the last few years and I don’t prefer to be alone anymore.
You have a pet dog/cat that sleeps in your bed with you. False. Either are terrible in staying in bed.
You haven’t had your first kiss yet. False. I had it six years ago, and I have shared hundreds and probably thousands of kisses after that.
You’re Asian. We finally got one! Haha.
You’re good at cooking. Yeah, this is the biggest false statement in this category.
You have dreams of working as a chef. I can see how it’s appealing, but it was never a career dream of mine. My dad is a chef, though.
You’re blonde, but not naturally. I currently don’t have plans to dye my hair blonde.  
You always have your fingernails painted. False. I’m the complete opposite of this, but I do want to start having my nails painted professionally as a way to pamper myself from time to time.
You obsess over things easily, to the point of them taking over your life. True, I guess. I get very sensitive and I overthink and overanalyze a lot of actions and situations that aren’t meant to be more than what they actually are. Just last night and this morning I had a bunch of dreams that had to do with a work-related problem I ran into last night. When I feel anxious about something, they would undoubtedly take over my life and it would take a while to break free from them.
You spend a lot of time on the internet. For almost every single minute that I am awake, yes. Sometimes I’ll attempt to disconnect every now and then - which I’ve been better at, to be fair to myself - but it’s always only a matter of time before I will have to look something up on Google.
Your phone may as well be surgically attached to your hand. True. I will occasionally turn it completely off so that no notifications come in, especially during weekends and holidays; but it stays close to me all the same.
You use Snapchat way too much. False. Not anymore, but I definitely used too. I had Snap streaks of varying lengths with a lot of my friends back then. 
You eat a lot of fast food. True and I don’t really feel bad about it, lmao. I love food that tastes good.
You love a bit of gossip. Also true. Not my nicest trait but I do like to keep updated. I mostly receive them though; I never spread or start any myself.
You’re really good at keeping secrets. It’s not my story to tell, so yes, true. I used to share secrets only with Gabie since she was very forgetful, but obviously I don’t have that kind of person anymore.
You’ve never had a boyfriend/girlfriend. False. I’ve had one and we had two stints together.
You work as a receptionist. False, but my mom used to be one. This was before she made the transfer to a more corporate workspace as a secretary.
You eat a lot of food yet you’re still so thin. True. Runs in both sides of the family.
Your siblings are your best friends. My sister and I have a very casual relationship, and while we’re on great terms we don’t do cheesy nor sentimental. I’m not on speaking terms with my brother.
Not many people see your face without makeup. False. Everybody sees me without makeup all the time precisely because I don’t like putting makeup on.
You spend your money carelessly. I can, especially when it comes to spoiling myself or other people. But I am also equally good at saving if I have to.
You dream of living overseas one day. I can confidently tell you that a lot of Filipinos consider this because the situation here hasn’t been stable for the longest time – politically, because we’ve always been led by incompetent heads; economically, because of the Marcoses’ dictatorship and abuse of power and the country’s funds; and socially, because of all the backward, Catholic stances that my country continues to stand for. I would love to live in a place where I wouldn’t be glared at for holding a girl’s hand or where most people are educated enough to vote responsible people into office.
You have a penpal. False. Never had one, never been interested in finding one.
You’re older than most of your friends. False. I vibe the best with people my age so even if I do have some younger friends, my comfort zone are with those who are also 22.
Most of your friends live out of town. An overwhelming majority of them live in Metro Manila, yes. I live just right outside so technically I’m the one who lives ~out of town~
You swear like a sailor. Eh, not anymore. I still let out a number of swear words daily, though. Just not in every sentence.
You have so many nicknames that it’s hard for you to keep track. False. I have a grand total of one nickname, and even that is just reserved for family. Most people just call me Robyn.
You have large feet. False as well. My feet are small and can easily slip into size 5 or 6 shoes.
Most of your friends are of the opposite sex. Can’t say this is true. I can only think of one guy friend, who is Hans. I haven’t been able to keep up with my other friends, like JM and Ed, since most of them are busy with either law or med school, and simply because Covid has kept us from seeing each other.
Romantic relationships make you shy and nervous. Getting into one does. Once settled I’m pretty comfortable, mainly because I enjoy nothing more than looking out for the people I love. I’m not looking for a relationship though; not anytime soon.
You watch reality shows religiously. Eh, I wouldn’t describe it as ‘religiously’ but I do watch my fair share of them from time to time when I just want stupid, too-easy-to-digest content.
Pop music is your favourite. One of my favorites. I used to be shy about liking Top 40 songs but the older I get the more I realized that that’s music snobs’ problem and shouldn’t be mine.
Family is very important to you. Only because I’m Asian and family being ~important comes as a default the moment I was born. I’m not emotionally close with them though and they honestly probably wouldn’t weigh so much if I had to make major decisions, like migrating to the other side of the world or having a civil wedding.
You’re the youngest child in your family. False - complete opposite. I am the eldest.
You call your mother by her first name. False. Save for others who may not have the best relationships with their mothers, why would someone do this? :/
You dream of living in a big city one day. True. Yeah, absolutely. Give me all the construction noises and busy traffic and skyscrapers. I feel like I would be the most alive I’ve ever been once I start to live in a loud and hectic big city.
You’re determined and motivated in all aspects of your life. Not always. That sounds exhausting. I allow myself to take a breather every now and then; and if I want to be unproductive for a while, I don’t ban myself from being so.
You’re much taller than the majority of your friends. Haha, definitely false. I belong to the smaller batch. I had a massive growth spurt from ages 9-10 but then it just kinda stopped there lol.
You go to the gym at least three days a week. Not the gym, but I do work out from home with that frequency.
You care a lot about your appearance. Ehhh I’m gonna say false. Having to stay/work from home does that. I like dressing up when I get to go outside though, since I seldom get to do it.
You’re a social butterfly. Trueish. I do like being around people more and more now, yeah; but of course, it’s still a work in progress for me. One thing I’m sure if is that I’m definitely not as introverted as I used to be and I have no problem opening up in a group.
You party almost every weekend. I’d love to, but can’t do that for the meantime.
You’re very straightforward and never repeat yourself. Ideally, yes. I like to move on quickly from things and settle them as fast as I can.
You love to write and have been told you’re talented. I do like to write, just not fiction stuff. Writing is my main talent and so I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on it over the years.
You consider yourself intelligent. Booksmart, at least.
You’re a bit of a player. Like, when it comes to relationships and flirting? ...Hell no. Again, very straightforward person lmao I’m either in a relationship or not.
You’re in a band. False. Never been and never been interested.
You’re straight-edge. HAH, remember when I claimed to be edge when I was a teenager...I will say that listening to punk throughout high school and being familiar with the straight edge scene gave me a sense of belonging for a time, and it taught me so many important mindsets like positive mental attitude. But I can admit to myself that straight edge was a commitment I failed at, and as the saying goes, “If you’re not now, you never were.” I’ll always be thankful to the movement for helping me keep going during my tough teenage years, though.
You can play two or more instruments. Will it count if I say I know how to play the recorder, maracas, and the triangle? Hahahahaha but in all seriousness, I believe I don’t deserve to bold this.
You’re an uncle/aunt. I’m a godmother, which is pretty much aunt status in the Philippines. My godson is my first cousin though, and him being my cousin takes precedence over the fact that he is my godson.
You love Doctor Who. False. Never got into it.
You’re short for your age and most of your friends tower over you. I’m shorter, thinner, and look younger for my age. Long story short, I look like I’m 16 and I’m the one who gets ID’d the most whenever I enter bars or malls. I always feel triumphant whenever I get to show my driver’s license to judgy bouncers or security guards who look at me all conceitedly, though.
You’ve been cheated on before. False. My ex is heavily against cheating, and I always trusted her.
You have a big family. Any Asian would bold this, let’s be real. My immediate family itself is small with only 5 members; but my entire family – 1st cousins, 2nd cousins, 3rd cousins (and so on), cousins-in-law, cousins of cousins, aunts- and uncles-in-law, great-aunts/uncles and all – would amount to hundreds of relatives.
You have a nap every single day, without fail. Can’t do that as I have a busy 8-hour shift each weekday and I make up for it during weekends by drinking multiple cups of coffee a day.
You’re mostly quiet, but you can be loud when the situation calls for it. Definitely true. Or when I’m with the right mix of people.
You’re really good with computers. False. I know most things a Gen Z-er would know about, like basic spreadsheet formulas, keyboard shortcuts, how to retrieve files that crashed – basically the stuff that would let me survive at work; but to this day, I will still ask my much-techier sister how to download fonts or open ZIPs or compress photos.
You’re shy. At first; but I no longer have a hard time warming up to new people or situations.
You underestimate yourself often. True. While I know this isn’t a very good trait of mine, I find that it’s actually helpful sometimes? Setting my expectations low helps make me proud of myself whenever I succeed or excel at a task. In the long run, I’m okay with this mindset.
You recently moved house. The last time I did this was in 2008. I’m not looking to move out any time soon either as I make far from enough to afford even just renting a place.
You have a German Shepherd. False. The only people I know who own one is Chelsea’s family, but it’s been like five years since I saw that dog.
You wear baggy clothes. False. Not my style.
You almost always wear a beanie. False. I am never seen with a beanie and I only wear one when I’m in places with a much colder climate than Manila, like Baguio.
You have long hair if you’re a boy, and short hair if you’re a girl. Also false. My hair has since gotten a lot longer, and I’m due for another trim.
You recently got out of a really long relationship. True. Not my choice, but true.
You’re in a band. Again, never been.
You’re a really good drawer. You mean an artist? False. At 22, I can only promise you stick figures.
You can’t help but doodle on anything you see. If there’s a pen and scratch paper lying around that are free to use, I will most definitely use up the whole page. Instead of doodling, though – since I can’t draw – I write things, practice my penmanship to make sure it hasn’t gotten all rusty, and whatnot. 
You want a career in art. False. That career path has always been paved for my sister.
You’re basically a personal taxi service for your friends who can’t drive. Hahaha this was essentially me in pre-pandemic days. Driving is such a simple good deed for someone considering the shitty public transportation in my country, and I would’ve been an asshole if I didn’t do anything to help my friends out.
Jeans and band shirts are your favourite thing to wear. Mom jeans and just *t-shirts are overall a great casual combo that never gets dated; but I don’t do band shirts.
You’re always wearing a necklace and lots of wristbands/bracelets. False. I would love more jewelry, though.
You have a lot of piercings on your ears. Also false. I’m not interested in piercings.
Your hair is currently an unnatural colour. False. It’s just black.
Not many people see your loud and boisterous side. I save this for my super super close friends.
You have several friend groups which you move between often. I can think of three off the top of my head.
You always seem to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. This was me for six yearssssss, haha. The image I held for the longest time is that I was off the market and was in a happy, fulfilling, long-term relationship; so these days, it can get kinda fun watching people fumble around, not used to seeing me single again after what feels like a lifetime.
You have a fear of being single. I used to, only because I was taken for a really long time. I didn’t know if singlehood would work out for me, or how I would handle it. It took some getting used to but I’m happy now. I’m not looking to date, much less consider jumping into another romantic relationship.
When you’re not in a relationship, you’re a big flirter. Not at all. The flirting/dating scene is just not for me.
You are really sensitive and sympathetic towards your friends. I mean...like any good friend? Lmao.
Music means a lot to you. It doesn’t keep me alive per se, but sure.
You often overdo it when you drink alcohol. I wouldn’t say so. I like chugging a lot within the first 30 minutes (which helps because I’m low-tolerance and get lit way earlier than others do lol) but because I’ve always had to drive myself home after drinking nights in college, I’ve been conditioned to still be responsible with my alcohol and to start sobering up 2 hours before I have to leave.
You have no shame and love to be silly and have fun. I do like having fun in many ways, but I am probably the most rigid among my friends. I don’t really like doing silly dares or skits or dances in public.
You’re impulsive and this isn’t always a good thing. I’m working on it and have been better at it over the last few months. Now I take more time to think about things and weigh them out before I make a decision.
You have facial hair. False. There’s some light hair above my lip, nothing super thick or recognizable.
You have a baby brother/sister. False. I have younger siblings but I call neither of them my baby sibling because they are 20 and 17, lmao.
You’re madly in love with your significant other. I don’t get to answer this anymore. If you met me at an earlier time I would’ve gladly said yes, though.
You want to get married when you’re young. False. I want to get married when I feel mature enough and financially capable of handling a marriage and the things that can come out of a marriage, like a house and kids.
You’re quite petite. I’m naturally petite, yes. I’ve always been on the skinny side and I’m also shorter than most of my friends.
You dye your hair regularly. False. It has stayed black all my life, but I do want to experiment with green.
It’s almost impossible for you to feel the cold. False. I’m very sensitive to the cold and will shiver easily in an air-conditioned room.
You’re really good at flattering other people. Sure, I like giving compliments and reassurances.
You’re very self-conscious. And very insecure sometimes, yeah.
You find it difficult to make new friends. Sure, but only because I like to control the people that are in my circle. I’m not desperate to have hundreds of friends so this isn’t an issue for me.
People often stereotype you as emo. I have never gotten this before.
You’ve come a long way in the past couple of years. What can I say? Been through a lot, been through hell and back, been discarded and doubted, but I’m still here.
The end.
Who were you most like? Cheyenne. Cute name, too.
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im-not-corrupted · 4 years
Safi, No (a Witchlands Fanfiction) - Chapter Eighteen
Written with @un-empressed, who wrote Safi’s POV for this chapter.
Read the other chapters here: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Summary:
Another revenge plan might occur and Iseult has feelings.
Also on Ao3!
Safi came to the conclusion that whatever she did Iseult would support her. She also came to the conclusion that her friend's support was often mocking.
Iseult told her to be nice to her former nemesis, and Safi was. And then Iseult proceeded to mock her for it. Apparently it was worth an I told you so as well. Iseult wasn't usually like that, but it was different when it was just the two of them. Safi knew her friend loved her and didn't mean the insults that could barely even be called that.
As unfair as their playful arguments were towards her, Safi enjoyed them. She didn't enjoy anybody else mocking her, especially because she was an unrecognised genius.
And being so very clever as she was, Safi came to another idea.
Her first plan failed because of faithful (and one not so faithful) friends. And there was only one person annoying enough to drive absolutely everyone away.
Safi didn't say that about a lot of people. Maybe just Corlant and some girl who border line stalked Iseult last year, whatever her name was. But since she didn't know anything about that girl, Corlant was her new target. It was perfect. She wouldn't even need to bribe and corrupt people into it. There wasn't a single person in the school that even tolerated the guy. And Vivia already started with throwing him off the damn table.
Obviously if Vivia joined so would Stix. Safi didn't know if the two were together yet but they would be eventually. That went for Iseult and Aeduan too. As much as her best friend denied it, Safi knew that there was something between them.
And Merik said he and his friends would help out, too. His answer was probably just as sudden as Safi's question, but he said it and she was certainly going to bother him about it for the rest of eternity.
Now that she thought about it, the only person she'd really need to convince was Vaness. She didn't exactly say that she was going soft when it came to the group, nor did she show it in any way, but Safi knew. Call it intuition, or, if you're Vaness, imagination, but Safi knew.
She sent a message into the group chat. Not saying Corlant deserves to be miserable but that's exactly what I'm saying.
Needless to say, everyone agreed.
Well, not really, but in her head they called her a genius.
Iseult: No
Vivia: He deserves it but we're not going to do it
That was really confusing to Safi. Vivia gave her the idea, with her frustrated attack on the world's most useless religious fanatic. Honestly, how anyone could stand the guy was beyond her. Apparently nobody else could understand it either because nobody tolerated him. It took a long time for people to stop coming up to Vivia, calling her their hero.
Safi found the idea of Vivia not participating ridiculous. But you have to! You started it! Come on, it'll be a fun group activity!
Vivia: Maybe I don't want to have fun with this group
Leopold: Ouch
Vaness: She's right, all of you are immature and insufferable
Lev: You say all of you like you aren't the exhausted older sister in this chaotic family
Vaness: Please, you lot aren't nearly pretty enough to be my siblings
Stix: Ouch
Vaness: Especially you
Safi knew that it wasn't really directed at Stix. If anyone else said that the response would have been the same.
So you're all in?
Safi felt like she would probably get yelled at if she said it out loud. Her friends really were lovely. But since they couldn't yell, they sent passive aggressive messages. It was way more entertaining for Safi to see them try to convey their anger without using emojis. She personally overused them, but all the others thought they were overrated. They had a long discussion about it one day, and Safi came to the conclusion that they were all insane. Who didn't like emojis? There were so many, and there were some very unnecessary ones, and some creepy and bizarre ones as well. It was so fun.
Vaness: I am going to have your head. Of course we're not in. If we were in we would've said so. You're insufferable and irresponsible and I haven't the slightest idea as to why I'm even here
Lev: Is somebody going to tell her there's no word count for threats?
Iseult: The word count is under zero. Safi was just joking
Aeduan: Yeah, didn't you know that no one is allowed to call Safi an idiot? Except when Iseult does it, which is completely right
Iseult: Precisely
Safi was definitely not going to let this go in at least the following ten years. It wasn't like she overly liked Aeduan as a person or enjoyed his company too much but Iseult obviously did and Safi, as a good friend, had to show her how perfect they would be together.
But her pride had been a bit wounded because of the complication that her loved best friend could ever call her an idiot. She sent them the middle finger emoji, which resulted in everyone attacking her.
Caden: Not emojis again!
Vaness: Just when I thought this whole conversation couldn't possibly be any more draining
Safi loved seeing them annoyed. She knew for all of Vaness's fancy words that she probably just groaned out loud. Just for the sake of being even more 'draining', Safi changed the name of the group chat.
Bribery And Corruption ⚔🗂
Vaness: Ignoring my obvious obvious dislike of this atrocious title, what is the folder for?
Safi decided to copy Vaness's pretentious messaging style. Our plans! I'm pleased that you think all this genius comes at once but I plan it out. Or rather ✍🏼 it down
Vivia: Must you?
Safi was having so much fun with this. 👍🏻
Caden: You're horrible
That made her laugh out loud.❤ you too
So what do you say? We can 🔪 Corlant ⚔
Stix: What does that second emoji mean?
They were all so uncultured when it came to emojis. Safi had to fix that. Together!!
Vaness: Isn't there an insane person emoji? Because that's what you'll make me by the end of your insane plans
Does that mean you're in?????!!!!!
Vaness: This is the first and last time I'm ever doing this...👍🏻
Iseult was beginning to wish Safi was joking with the new revenge plan against Corlant, but she knew Safi well enough to know that she wasn't joking about it. Of course she wasn't - she enjoyed the last plan a lot (perhaps too much). Well, she didn't like the apologising part of it, but no one would really make her apologise to Corlant.
She had spent all night watching as more and more notifications came in through the Bribery and Corruption group chat discussing it - Leopold suggesting people push him off more tables, Safi suggesting that simply wasn't enough - and now she was forced to go through it at school, too.
Of course she was. Safi would've begged her to come if she didn't - "We're a whole new team, Iseult!" Safi had said when Iseult had only slightly suggested she wouldn't join in. "You can't just leave now!" Besides, Iseult was curious to see how this larger group worked out - Merik's group and Safi's group was not a thing she had ever imagined together. Mainly because of the revenge plan, to be fair.
Either way, the two groups worked well together. Safi still insulted Merik, but Merik seemed okay with it - in fact, he fired right back at her. Ryber seemed to get along with all of them, and took part in all their conversations and discussions. She was the rational side to the scheming - if a plan wouldn't work, Ryber could tell and would come up with a better one. Vaness still sat there and told them that they were all horrible people, but that was to be expected. Kullen didn't interact as much as she knew Safi hoped he would, but Iseult guessed he was still mad at Stix.
Strangely enough, Stix was no where to be found. Iseult usually noticed her glued to Vivia's side, but not this time. Even Vivia seemed a little down, too - she didn't really participate in any of their group conversations. Iseult was worried about her, but was unsure how to approach her. They didn't talk that much, after all.
Besides, Iseult was a little bit preoccupied with a few other things. Namely, Aeduan. She wasn't sure how he didn't know about Safi and Leopold setting them up - surely it was obvious? Iseult had figured it out in a few minutes!
And she wasn't sure how she felt about Aeduan not knowing, either. He truly believed that Safi and Leopold needed to simply do their own thing, and hadn't left her when they left them. Instead, he had taken her elsewhere - of his own free will. And he didn't have to. He was under no obligation to.
Then again, she was under no obligation to stay when Safi and Leopold's plan had come to light, but she had. Why?
She thought that maybe she enjoyed his company. That was strange, because she didn't enjoy the company of many people. Safi was a given - and that was because Iseult felt like she belonged with Safi, in a way she couldn't quite explain. She tolerated other people's company, and that wasn't quite the same thing.
But she seemed to enjoy Aeduan's. Probably because silence with them wasn't awkward - they both seemed to prefer that to small talk. And Aeduan's stories about Leopold were incredibly amusing, too. Aeduan never made her feel uncomfortable, so that was a plus.
That didn't change the fact that she didn't know what being comfortable around him meant, not really. She wished she did, because feelings were often hard to work through.
Aeduan appeared later that lunch time and sat next to her instantly.
Iseult laughed slightly at his expression that screamed why the hell am I here? "How'd they get you here this time?"
Aeduan waved his phone at her. "Leopold kept sending me messages."
She laughed again. "Poor you."
He sent her a glare. "Don't laugh at me. It's not funny. This was not the reason I gave him my number for!"
"What did you give him your number for, then?" Iseult asked, raising an eyebrow.
That made him pause. "I didn't even mean to."
She snorted. She had heard that story before, yes, but it was still hilarious.
Safi caught her eye and winked at her while gesturing between them. It wasn't even subtle! And when she turned back to Aeduan, she knew he had noticed it.
"Wait," he said. "Is that why she kept looking at us like that? Because she was going to set us up?" Not quite, but it'll do. "Pretty much."
She wasn't sure if that was a good 'oh', and they fell into another silence only disturbed by the Corlant-revenge-plan being discussed around them. Once again, she was struck by how she still felt comfortable with him, even if they weren't saying anything, and wondered if it would be the same as last time if they were alone.
Iseult turned to him suddenly, trying to stop herself from chewing her lip. "Would you like to go somewhere after school?" she asked him. What was the worst that could happen, really?
Aeduan raised an eyebrow. "In what way do you mean?"
"I'm not sure," she admitted.
He seemed to consider for a few seconds, then nodded. "Okay."
She grinned slightly. "Okay."
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bewaretheundead91 · 5 years
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A very Eventful Christmas Part 2: Wine and Tiramisu  
Summary: You are on your way back to Washington D.C. to spend time with your family for Christmas. On your way you run into a man from your past.
Duncan Shepherd X Reader (Y/N)
A/N: Christmas is around the corner? I’m sorry, due to my job I tend to hear Christmas music earlier than most. So I’ve been inspired to start a Christmas series. Subject to be edited and changed.
Warnings: (none)  a slow burn, inspired by cheesy Christmas rom com tropes...a lot of rom com tropes/clichés here...and plot.
Part 1
“Chicago to D.C. is ready for boarding,” A woman calls from over an intercom. “All heading to D.C. from Chicago may board the train now. The train will be departing in 30 minutes.”
After taking a glance up at the wide eye and smiling train attendant, you drop your eyes back down to the phone in hand, still angrily texting Erica, your cousin, about the free coffee you had taken from Duncan Shepherd. If only you were the girl you were 5 years ago, that made men cry when you had the chance. The girl that was brave and said what was on her mind. Fast forward to the present and your raging fire has transitioned into a timid candle flame. Chicago was too cold most days for a social life.
And he remembered my coffee order, you type out, misspelling the word remember a few times, out of typing too fast, my damn coffee order and he thought he could just talk to me. I was trying to hide from the guy and it was obvious. The audacity of it all, Erica responds ending with a eye rolling emoji, Did he say where he was traveling to? You look around your surroundings, there is no gray coat wearing man with soft wavy locks and a scruffy beard. You sigh. He didn’t say anything and of course I was not going to ask you text then shove your phone into the pocket of your coat. You stand up and walk to your train car. Your fingers grasp the ticket and you pull it out so that attendant can scan it.
“Good evening,” The smiley attendant greets. Her makeup is on point and her hair is perfect. “You’re seat is actually not too far from here, just a few rows down and on your left.”
“Thank you.” You reply stepping onto the train and instantly hit the heat on blast from inside of the cart.
You look down at your carry on bag to make sure it was still zipped and continue deeper into the train cart. Quickly you find your seat near a large window with a collapsable trey large enough to fit your computer. The seat looks comfortable enough for the multiple hour travel, being cushioned. You secretly hope that no one has the seat beside you. You sit down and make yourself comfortable. There was an urge to turn your phone off during the ride, but you couldn’t commit to that or the potential pile up of voice mails and missed calls from your editor or family.
“Estimated arrival time to Washington D.C. is…” You block out the rest of the dialogue and glance around the exterior of the train. People were still running to board the train, family and a cute couple walking hand and hand closely. You roll your eyes at the romantic scene before you. Young love around the holidays, good for you guys, I’m sure something will mess it all up, you thought to yourself and cross your arms over your chest, wow that was vile thought. I take it back, all of it.
Your mind wanders to what going back home would be like, your younger sister planning a wedding to be married to a young entrepreneur for a the latest electronic selling out off the shelves. Your mother being delighted to see the couple together and then nagging about how you have been single for years now since you left the D.C. area. That dreaded city, she would say you think to yourself, full of dreadful people, just like your late grandfather. Dreadful people you should even think about dating let along marrying. Washington D.C. has many eligible men for marriage.
The train had been making its way for a few hours and you start falling asleep with the ambiance of the train car along with the subtle hum of the train. Your face falls flat against the window and mashes against the glass, you were tired and finally you have a space to sleep. Your mind drifts off to the couple you earlier, than to  a series of different romantic Christmas comedy movies where young people fall in love and then to the cheesy cookie cutter, over formulaic movies you also equally love that would marathoned on cable. The movies where most of the main characters fall in love by Christmas.
The thoughts transition and you find yourself sitting on a couch sipping hot cocoa wearing a matching flannel pajama set. A series of knocks come at the door near you along with soft singing voices. You get up and answer the door to a group of Christmas carolers singling the chorus of All I Want For Christmas is You. Feeling a cool breeze, you wrap arms around your body and listen to the carolers with am excited smile. The group of singers, break apart a low voice starts to sing along with them. Your eyes meet the bright blue eyes of Duncan Shepherd who was wearing a red sweater with a large fuzzy Christmas tree on it and a big red Santa hat. He looks up at you lovingly holding a poster with large letters that wrote out “To me you are beautiful”…he flips the poster to reveal another one, “Than all the diamonds I could buy, than anything I could ever buy”…he places the poster behind another,“You are priceless, and I love you”. The heart in your chest begins to pound and you feel your face blush.
“Excuse me, Miss,” You hear a voice over the the carolers and Duncan. The carolers do not stop. You look up at the ceiling of the room you were in and frown in confusion. “Miss, I’m sorry to bother you.”
A hand touches your shoulder and you jump in your seat, colliding with the collapsable table. Before you can prevent yourself, you fall back and hit the window, face first clumsily. Finally your eyes open to see a train attendant holding a trey with a glass of red wine.
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” She beams. It was the attendant from earlier. “Are you okay? Did you hit your head hard?”
“I’m fine, but I didn’t order that,” You say sitting up in the seat. You rake your fingers through your hair smoothing the strands out and pat your cheek that made contact with the window. You look over to the glass and see a faint makeup print. “I’m sorry you have the wrong person.”
“The gentlemen in the gray coat sent it over,” She says with a smile. “He thought you might enjoy a nice red blend while you look out the window. He’s so charming.”
“Excuse me what?” You ask tilting your head in confusion.
“The gentlemen a few rows down.” She points out down the isle.
You sit up a bit more and straighten your back to gain height. You look down the isle to see Duncan Shepherd speaking to another train attendant who was handing him a glass full of a brown liquid. A frown scrunches across your face and you slowly slump back down in your seat, fixing your coat.
“Whiskey,” You snarl, looking up at the ceiling. “I can’t take this.”
“You would prefer whiskey?” The attendant asks.
“No,” You say wide eye tilting your head even more. “Just please take this back, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I don’t take drinks from strange men…I mean strangers.”
“But he made it clear that you two knew each other.” She nods.
“Miss,” You look at the name tag on her blue blazer. “Ms. Jessica, he might think he knows me, but I don’t know him. So please just take this back or give it to him. Or how about have a glass of wine on him.”
“Oh,” She nods. “I see.”
“No,” You shake your head. “Whatever you are thinking…he’s an acquaintance and I’m not really in the mood.”
The attendant walks away with the glass of wine and you peek behind the seat in front of you to witness his reaction. The attendant, Jessica, approaches Duncan and shows him the trey with the glass of wine. Duncan was resting his head on his hand casually staring down at his glass of whiskey.
“Mr. Shepherd,” Jessica’s voice changes, it goes lower in pitch, like she is attempting to be seductive. You scrunch your nose. “She does not want the drink, sir.”
“Oh really?” He posture changes and he turns his head to the side glancing at the seat beside him. His wavy hair bounces and you mash your lips together tightly. “Y/N refusing a red blend?”
“Yes, sir,” Jessica responds with a disappointed look.
Duncan shifts his body so he can turn towards your direction. He quickly turns his head and makes eye contact with you. You duck down behind the seat in front you of you embarrassed, feeling your cheeks burning.
Please don’t come over here, you think to yourself, please do not for the love of God come over here.
“Do you have any desserts?” You over hear him ask Jessica. “If I’m going to drink this wine I need something sweet to eat with it.”
“Would you like a menu?” She asks.
“Is tiramisu available?” He asks.
“I believe it is, sir.”
You pull out your phone and send Erica another text, he just tried to send me a drink on the train. He’s on the train with me.
Jessica shortly walks back down toward your direction, this time she has a trey with the glass of wine and piece of tiramisu. Jessica pulls out your trey and places the drink and dessert in front of you.
“Mr. Shepherd was adamant that you enjoy these treats on behalf of himself,” Jessica says then glares at you. “Just take the damn drink and dessert so I can go back to what I’m supposed to be doing, please. I’ve got three cars on this train that I need to check up on.”
“Just leave it then.” You say with a sympathetic look.
“Thank you, Ma’am,” Jessica says. “Try to enjoy them. They are expensive.”
“Of course they are.”
Before you sat a glass of wine from Duncan, another one of your favorites, and a big chunk of tiramisu, also another one of your favorites. The idea of Duncan Shepherd remembering those tiny details about you makes you annoyed. You groan to yourself and an idea pops into your head. To deliver the items back to Duncan yourself and walk away.
You unzip your carry on bag and pull out a compact to check your appearance. Other than your eyes looking tired and your mascara minimal smeared beneath your eyes, you look good for a long train ride. Your hair to your atonement was only mildly messy and starting to look gross. You close the compact and pull out you minty lip balm and coat your lips generously, then grab the drink and plate. Boldly you walk down the isle and approach Duncan’s seat. His head perks up, his piercing eyes meet yours, and a warm smile appears across his full lips. Heat rises up from your chest and to you cheeks.
“Please stop all of this,” You shout, practically throwing the wine and dessert onto his collapsible table. “I know that you think spending money is a personality trait, but it isn’t. If it is, it’s not a great one.”
“Y/N,” He says looking hurt and rubs the tips of his fingers across his lips. You quickly make your way down the isle towards you seat. You hear the squeaking of a chair and boots meet the floor of the train car behind you. A firm hand grabs your bicep. “Is it so wrong that I want to treat an old friend to something sweet?”
“Please, don’t touch me.” You say trying not to gain any attention. Duncan takes a step closer and towers over you. His eyes looking just as tired as yours, sheepish, and looking a bit more scruffier than usual once you get a better look at him. But you admit to yourself that he is still the attractive man that has made many women and men swoon.
“I just thought two of your favorite things could make the trip a bit more comfortable. I did not mean to offend.” His voice was soft, something different from earlier. You look down at his large hand still laced around your arm. He drops it. “Sorry.”
“I’m not offended,” You say taking deep breath. “I’m confused and annoyed. I didn’t expect you to be on this train, but out of course you expected me to be here.”
“I only assumed you were going back to D.C. because of the holidays, where did you assume I’d be off traveling to? Of course I’d want to spend the holidays back at home with my mother.”
“I just didn’t expect you to truly be on a train.” You say licking your lips. You watch as his eye stare down at your mouth.
“We are on a long train ride with nothing to do, perhaps we could talk.” He suggests.
“I was honestly hoping to sleep and relax before having to see my family.” You close your eyes and shake your head. “And I can’t be seen with you. Actually you can’t be seen with me. I don’t want to be affiliated with you.”
“I understand, but tell me,” He begins. “Who’s going to notice? Especially on this train.”
“That’s why I love Chicago, no one really knows me and I want to keep it like that. That is one reason I decided to take a train as well.”
“Is that true?” He laughs. “Do you really not enjoy being the center of attention?”
“Typical Shepherd.” You roll your eyes.
“But also who didn’t enjoy watching you,” He smirks. “You knew what you were doing.”
“You were watching a lot of people.” You say.
“Maybe I was,” He says raising his brows. “But there was one I had a focus on.”
At that moment the train starts to buckle on the tracks, making the individual cars move bumpily around the tracks. Suddenly you lose balance and fall forward colliding with the tall man before you and arms wrap around your body in attempt to soften the impact. Your hands meet the rough fabric of his coat, touching his chest, and you land directly on top of him. A grunt escapes his mouth and you feel his hot breath on your lips. You open your eyes to see your lips mere inches from each other and forehead mere centimeters. His eyes bolt open wide and his lips slightly part. There was whiskey on his breath. His hands slide up your back and you shiver.
“Sorry,” You say attempting to get up, but you fall between his legs in the process and chest meets his harshly. “I’m really sorry, this train, the tracks…”
“Can be bumpy, traveling across the country. It’s okay, are you okay?” He asks sounding genuinely concerned. He sits up onto his backside and runs his finger through his now wild hair. “You didn’t hit your arms or twist an ankle did you?”
“I’m fine,” You say finally getting to your feet. The heat flares in your cheeks again. “I’m the one that fell on you and your arms secured me in place.”
“You’re right,” He laughs. The train car shifts again and you fall forward against Duncan’s chest again. He wraps his arms around you holding you in place. You gaze up at him and shake your head. Honestly the view was not bad from there. Stop it, you internally scold at yourself. “Maybe you should sit down.”
“I was on my way to my seat already.” You say pushing him away. He laughs. You adjust you coat.
You walk back to you seat and sit down. To your surprise Duncan did not follow you. He was certainly a charmer for the kind of man that he was.
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blazerina · 5 years
Road Trip Ready (Ethan x MC)
Road Trip Ready (Ethan x Allie – Open Heart MC)
Word Count: 1638
Summary: Another regular day in the life of Ethan & Allie – Allie begging Ethan for something he doesn’t want to give in to…will she get her way in the end? Read on to find out.
Author’s Note: I did another one of these a while ago just for fun and was so pleasantly surprised by the response I received. This is in response to a prompt request from @mrswalkerwritesagain about Ethan & Allie going on a road trip but I spiced it up a little bit. Hope you enjoy! I love these two. xoxo Also tagging @parkerattano because I know she’d want to see this and she’s my biggest supporter - love you girl!
Allie glanced at her watch and sighed as she looked out the window of the moving train. She yawned and closed her eyes for a few minutes, leaning forward and resting her head on the back of the seat in front of her. Her last shift had turned into a very late night and she had contemplated sleeping at Edenbrook. But instead, she tried to get home to see maybe she’d be able to catch Ethan for a few minutes. She was unsuccessful in her attempt to spend a few moments alone in person with him.
Suddenly, she felt her phone vibrate in the cross-body bag she wore. Through heavy eyelids, she glanced at the text. It was from Ethan:
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Allie smiled and placed her phone back in her bag when she realized this was her stop. Another day was starting. Another day full of people to heal, co-workers to encourage, and another day NOT see her boyfriend. It felt weird calling him that. He had first been her mentor, then her teacher, also her boss and then…it just happened.  He seemed too dignified and too mature to be considered her boyfriend - but that’s what he was.  
She missed him. Being a doctor herself, she knew all too well the realities of their hectic schedules and the very real issues that kept them both apart.  After all they had been through and overcome together as a couple, there was no way they would let a little lack of quality time, drive them apart. They’d been there, done that. 
However, she knew that both of them were in desperate need of time away. They needed a vacation.  Together. And a few moments to relax and unwind from the stress they were each under every single day. She asked him earlier if they could have a little getaway and that text on the train was Ethan’s reply. 
She picked up the pace as she entered the hospital, realizing she was a little later than she thought. Since their only way of really communicating throughout the day was text, she tried her best to keep him up to date on her day and he did the same with her. She always sent long and elaborate messages, his were short and sweet, but he had made comments on more than one occasion about how much he appreciated them, so she knew they made a difference.   Allie stopped at the entrance of the locker room and snapped a pic – immediately sending it on to Ethan:    
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He was always incredibly slow to respond but Allie was especially proud of herself for being so darn punny this early in the morning.
She almost forgot the most important news from her morning and quickly typed out another update for him, this time getting a reply pretty quick:
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Allie laughed out loud and said hello to a few fellow doctors changing clothes, while she made her way out of the locker room in search for her first patient of the day. She checked in at the nurses’ station and was making her way to room 604 when another text came through for her.
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Finding a supply closet to suffice for a brief photo session, Allie replied by sending Ethan this picture:
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Update – decision made. This is what I went with…photo creds - Belinda in pediatric oncology. She says hello.
Still pleased with herself, Allie walked quickly toward her patient’s room as the ache for her partner grew more and more heavy within her.
A few hours had passed since Ethan heard from Allie. The past few days he was living more and more for these texts from her. It felt as though they were in a long distance relationship as of late with both of their commitments at the hospital piling up more and more, keeping them apart longer than either one of them wanted.
“Damn.” He thought to himself as he realized it was his turn to respond to Allie. He had forgotten.
Seeing her dressed in scrubs would forever be his weakness. He had decided that long ago. Smiling as he frantically typed, he loved teasing her and realized with every message, just how far he had fallen for her.
“Saw you for 5 secs in the cafeteria but got called away…filling up the big one again?” He asked, and then followed up with:
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  Ethan sighed as he remembered he had a few dozen case files to review in his office. He had about an hour between appointments and meetings so he rushed to his desk to see how much he could get done. His eyes were burning from the sting of the screen when the familiar hum of his cell phone shifted his focus from one electronic to another.
“hi.” The text from Allie read.
“this is what I look like…in case you forgot…😊”
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“Took this the other day before going out with the girls. Miss you.”
Ethan felt his heart leap within his chest upon the sight of her and he quickly replied once again:
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Shaking his head but not at all surprised by her response, he continued to focus on his work for a few more minutes before being distracted by an idea; a way to surprise her, that she would never see coming.
“Jeanine – could I have a post it note please?” Allie asked, hanging half her body over the front of the nurses station on floor 5.  
Allie wrote on the note for a few seconds before placing it inside the folder that held all the charts on Mr. Flores in 543, one of Ethan’s most difficult patients – one she knew he had been struggling with for a while.  
She caught a glimpse of Dr. Ramsey chatting with another doctor a few moments earlier. Her heart stopped seeing him right in front of her, but she could quickly see just how tired he was and could tell by his posture alone, that he was exhausted.
Being nosy, Jeanine opened the file and read the note:
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“Honey, you two are so sweet. What is it the kids say these days? Couple goals? You’re it.” She patted Allie’s hand and winked at her before Allie said thank you and went about her business.
Later in the day, it was getting close to the end of Ethan’s shift and surprisingly enough, Bryce (who never texted let along communicated at all) sent Allie a message:
“U on floor 4? Get here now its going dwn”
Curious, Allie raced to the 4th floor just in time to see and hear Ethan chewing out a new intern. Even though Allie had experienced it for herself and knew it was for the betterment of the student, his patient and the overall experience for all involved, it was still hard to see Ethan act this way. 
She bit her lip and winced a few times when Ethan made point after point about using your head and thinking through the details, railing the intern about how people’s lives were at stake. When the worst was over, Allie text Ethan again:
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Stealing away in the same supply closet where Belinda took Allie’s scrub picture earlier that morning, Ethan sighed and decided to give in to Allie’s wishes. But today had been longer than he anticipated and he still had so much work to do. He was grateful for her and the ways she helped him focus on what really mattered in his life. He adored Allie’s sense of humor and tried to match her in his response:
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“You’re so full of it.” Allie responded with the eye roll emoji.  
Ethan snickered as he sauntered back to his office, praying he could have some peace and quiet in order to get his work done.
Not even a few minutes into more work on case files, Ethan’s phone was blowing up – message after message pinged, driving him crazy. He suspected a group message but was wrong.
Girl. Everyone knows my man Ethan is (fire emoji) but check this guy out. Yum. (eyes emoji) (drool emoji) He can train me anytime…know what I mean?! (heart eyes emoji)
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Another message:
Shit. Ethan!! That was for Jackie.  And Sienna. Oh God. I AM SO SORRY. Love you? 
Another message:
Ethan replied.
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Pausing to think just a few more minutes, he then typed out his plan and sent it, knowing Allie would be stunned but also happy.
Also, we are going on vacation. Just you and me. Not sure where, but after your shift, come back to pick me up. We’ll swing by the apartment to pack and then we’ll hit the road.
Allie sent back a “happy dance” gif and Ethan knew he had made the right decision. He needed time with her. She needed time with him. They needed time together and far, far away from the hospital.
A few hours later, Allie was in the parking lot of Edenbrook, waiting on Ethan. 
She was beyond excited about spending some time with him. She didn’t know how long they’d have but even just a few hours would feel like an eternity compared to what they’d been given the last month. 
She snapped a selfie in car and captioned it Road Trip Ready!! Jenner’s here too.
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Ethan practically ran out of his office, down the stairs and out to her car, smiling more than Allie had seen in quite some time. 
He threw open the passenger side door, slammed his body into the seat and quickly kissed her, tenderly at first with the kiss turning into one of longing and desire.
“Hey.” Allie whispered, breathless at the sight of him.
“Let’s go.” Ethan responded, holding her hand and kissing the back of it as his fingers laced with hers.
Later that evening, Allie posted this on social media for all the world to see:
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Trapped alone in a car for hours on end with Dr. Ethan Ramsey. Some may say it’s torture but for me -- this is my happy place. Don’t be jealous. #bouttime #roadtrippin #lovehim
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orangeeu · 4 years
Heya! Here’s my essay about why you should stAN TOO’S CHAN!
SO! I recently stanned TOO because of their legendary Rising Sun cover in Road to Kingdom and because of the man, the myth, the legend… CHO CHANHYUK! Yeah, if you watched the performance already you may know who I’m talking about, but in case you don’t or you just didn’t bother to instigate in some intense kpop boy stalking (but why wouldn’t you?), I’ve made a guide for y’all!!
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(Oh, and btw, no, I didn’t just copy and paste this from kprofiles.com - I added some extra facts and actual, CONCRETE reasons as to why you should stan him!!!) 
[BASIC INFO aka boring (but important) stuff lol]
Stage name: Chan 
Birth Name: Cho Chan Hyuk
Position: Main Dancer, Rapper, Producer
Birthday: December 8th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 180 cm (5’11”)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Element: Fire
YAY! BORING STUFF OVER!! Now here’s some insight on some Chan only tingz~~ 
He ranked 2nd place on the survival show that TOO was formed from called, To Be World Klass (DESERVED)
He has an older sister
Introduces himself as being “all-rounded” WHICH IS TOTALLY TRUE! He can rap, dance AND produce!!! 
Motto: “Let’s move smartly”
He is a former SM Entertainment trainee
He dropped out of high school
HE HAS A TATTOO ON HIS LEFT FOREARM AND BACK!! It’s hard to see them but alas! I’ve found a Twitter thread exposing his rad tats!: https://twitter.com/CHANHYUCKlE/status/1264654817261125632 From what I can observe, the one on his forearm is of a whale and flowers, and the one on his back is of flowers?? (He even once said that he hopes to get another tattoo on his waist!! YES PLEASE SIR)
He is left-handed 
He and Chihoon are producers/rappers for the dance group CUROHAKO. They actually have a Youtube channel and Chan is in two of their videos!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uhq2pJA6oQ  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgTT4bBGI78 
His favorite colour is black 
His favorite emoji is the fox emoji 
His favorite food is sushi
His favorite movie is called ‘About Time’
He can freaking guess pizza by its scent!! This was so cute tho, please watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZHi8aNDTuc 
He ripped his pants during a stage but said he was fine with it as long as it’ll get his group views LMAO 
His dancer name is K!ZAROO (but I don’t know if he still goes by it)
His Myers-Briggs personality type is ENTJ (extoverted, intuitive, thinking, judging); natural leaders brimming with confidence and charisma. They’re determined when faced with challenges and thinks strategically in order to achieve their goals. You can read more about his MBTI here!: https://www.16personalities.com/entj-personality 
Part of the self-proclaimed, “sexies” sub-unit consisting of him and Chihoon
He was chosen as the most fashionable member in the group 
He used to have a lip piercing (I don’t know if it’s closed up by now or not)
He hates fluorescent lighting
AYE-- I wish I had more, but that’s all the facts I’ve found about him so far! I’ll update this in the future once TOO ages like fine wine..!
Here are scientific reasons as to why you should stan him!!
IDOL TRAITS (why you should stan him as an IDOL):
His dancing! He’s not the main dancer for nothing! His movements are smooth and natural yet aggressive and passionate..! His strongest point is free styling!  Whenever he free styles, you can tell that he’s simply vibing and embracing his element. It’s obvious that he really loves dancing and that he practices a lot.
People say that he’s similar to NCT’s Taeyong or that he’s “the next Taeyong” but I couldn’t disagree more.. Chan is his own individual with a distinct and unique dancing style. He’s NOT “the next Taeyong”, he’s Cho Chanhyuk! 
Sorry, I just get a bit annoyed when people say things like that.. Anywho, here are some videos of Chan being a dancing legend.
2. RAP
Tough tone that’s got its own colour! Also really good at free styling his rap! 
Chan’s free verse and him bopping with Lil Pump and the bois.
HE.PRODUCES.HIS.OWN.DAMN.SONGS!! It’s actually very difficult to produce music as it takes a lot of patience, knowledge and creativity! Pretty sick beats with more rad raps! Here’s his soundcloud!
Hope he releases the rest of his works!
A born performer! He never fails to give me goosebumps!! Chan is just mesmerizing when performing, he’s like a magnet.. It’s hard to lose sight of him on stage because he stands out so much! He’s an expert with facial expressions and consistently makes sure to fully immerse himself into the performance; it’s his expression of self which makes him shine so brightly on stage. 
PERSONAL TRAITS (why you should stan him as a PERSON:
A visionary and true tireless idealist. For most people, being a perfectionist isn’t an ideal trait, yet I still find myself respecting Chan for being one. He’s critical when it comes to creating the perfect performance and works really hard to achieve results which reaches his (high) standards. I think that’s pretty admirable - the fact that he puts his blood, sweat and tears to put on not only a good show, but one that exceeds standards for our sake, his own sake and the rest of TOO’s sake. 
I think that the thing that I adore about him the most is his passion. As I mentioned before, he absolutely loves dancing. It’s refreshing to visibly see an idol enjoy themselves on stage. Chan doesn’t just perform, he lives. When he’s performing, he loses himself in the thing that he loves doing the most and relishes the moment like there’s no tomorrow.
Even if Chan isn’t the official leader of TOO, his leadership qualities are quite prominent. He’s determined to reach his goals and get through challenges no matter what. Taking initiative, he leads the group in dance and assists others when they are struggling. This can be seen by observing World Klass clips of the boys practicing All You Need Is Love - when Chan noticed that Chihoon was having difficulty with the choreography he called him over and helped him with it. Another example is when they ranked last place in Road to Kingdom and Chan, motivated to do better and prove TOO’s capability of rising up the ranks, thoughtfully assisted in planning their performance and concept and rigorously practiced while leading the others. 
Idea bank! As an artist myself, I marvel at Chan’s creativity. The concepts and choreographies that he comes up with are astounding and prove to have super effective results! He actually came up with the Rising Sun concept in TOO’s Road to King performance. Because they watched the sun set from the rooftop, Chan was inspired to make their concept about them being rookies and rising in the music industry like the sun!! Say it with me: Chan swollen brain, Chan inflamed brain, chAN GINORMOUS BRAIN!!! 
Overall, Chan, despite his appearance of being intimidating, is actually a real sweet guy that smiles and laughs easily. He’s a soft boi (especially for Chihoon) and likes to initiate skin ship. Members actually stated that Chan likes to act cute and even refers to himself as ‘Chanhyukie’!! So please don’t be fooled by his cool guy demeanor, he’s a squish if you take a closer look..! 
Wow, that was a LOT of writing! That aside, here are some random Chan stuff!
Predebut Chan pics: https://twitter.com/c12c8h__177o/status/1265420652011417601
PREDEBUT CHAN IN BOY STORY ASDFGK (if you squint you can find him in the crowd starting from around 2:48. He’s the one with the yellow hair and sunglasses): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klg8niUUjRQ
Cute clip from World Klass of Chan being all cuddly and cute with Kyungho!: https://twitter.com/i/status/1265176511146934273
Absolutely no context: https://twitter.com/CHANPlCS/status/1264522391008481280
E-BOY CHAN: https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6824848435217304837 https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6819342086857313542  https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6817551314097016069  https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6788981280240454918  https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6784186996119145733          https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6769724996559310086              https://www.tiktok.com/@too_offcl/video/6767461954127744262              
Saranghae saranghae saranghae Chan dance tutorial uwu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F4kQoaMljI
Chan humoring some fans: https://twitter.com/i/status/1249025324689453056 (scroll down below the first Tweet)
Chan English king: https://twitter.com/i/status/1251600155578494976
A cutie: https://twitter.com/i/status/1248594397056217088
Chan recommended this song! It’s pretty good so give it a listen!: https://open.spotify.com/track/7iooxPmnLY6wZynSplHUah?si=fBa5ppR0Qd-klOLa9tvnbA 
O-kay! I think that’s all the Chan content I have for now! Once again, I’ll update  this occasionally while on my journey with TOO! Don’t forget to stan Chan and TOO! Hope this has convinced you!! If it did, then please reblog this to spread exposure for Chan and TOO!
Before you go, please go watch their debut song Magnolia, thank you! Have a great day! 
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