#hopscotch day party
house-of-lovin · 1 year
safety net
Tara Carpenter x F!Reader
masterlist | over (1) | love language (2)
Summary: Tara Carpenter loved playing games with you. (inspired by safety net by ariana grande ft. ty dolla sign)
Warnings/Tags: toxic!tara, clueless!tara, mature language, implied sexual themes, mentions of violence and trauma.
Note: as promised THE LAST PART (woohoo😮‍💨) this was seriously a lot of fun and became a bit of a writing exercise using songs as prompts and trying to piece them together into a storyline. Thanks for all the comments, reblogs and feedback. They are so appreciated! Let me know what you guys think! <3
Word Count: 3.4k+
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“You’re staring, again.”
Tara snaps her gaze back to the book on the table, ignoring her friends’ smug smiles. “Why don’t you just go up to her and apologize?”
“She doesn’t want to talk to me, trust me, I’ve tried.” Tara rolls her eyes. 
It’s been two weeks since that night at the party and you have been ignoring Tara. You spent the rest of spring break working at your uncle’s shop, avoiding the friend group, sans Mindy because you couldn’t exactly avoid someone you lived with. Tara attempted to give you space the following days and then reached out to you in hopes that you could talk and sort out the situation. Tara doesn’t want to lose you as a friend. 
“I’m not gonna apologize for something that wasn’t my fault, Mindy. Just because she caught feelings doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. But now she’s ignoring me?” Tara scoffs, “Well, some friend she is.” 
“God Chad’s right. You two are clueless.” Mindy’s nose wrinkled.
“She knows where to find me when she’s done being stubborn.” Crossing her arms, she glances back at you. You were sitting across the quad, on a bench surrounded by your other friends; laughing and talking, unfazed by Tara’s brazen staring. 
How were you not seeing her shameless looks?
She swallowed the pitiful lump in her throat as she continues to observe your carefree nature. 
“Weren’t you begging me to tell her to call you back like a week ago?” Mindy objected causing Anika and Quinn to snicker as they listen in, not bothering to pretend like they weren’t eavesdropping.
“Begging is a stretch,” She mutters weakly, picking at the corner of her book.
“Tara, why can’t you just admit that you want to be with her?” Quinn ponders, genuinely confused as to why you two are playing hopscotch around one another. Everyone could see how madly in love you two are.
It genuinely puzzled the friend group as to why it’s taking this long to get you guys to stop playing games.
They just wanted to see their friends together and happy, definitely not because of the growing bet pool. And not because it was getting increasingly expensive to wager in the bet the longer it ran because you two refused to acknowledge the clear feelings you have for each other. (It was starting to burn a sizeable hole in their wallets)
The brunette shakes her head defiantly, “We’re just hooking up.”
“You’re not acting like you guys are just hooking up.” Anika counters, “actually, you guys act more like a couple than me and Mindy sometimes.”
“No. We don’t,” She frowns.
“Yes you do and it’s gross,” The aforementioned girl interjects. “No one should be cuter than me and my girl.” She wraps an arm around Anika, leaning in to lovingly peck the girl’s cheek. 
“Y/N’s always bringing you coffee when you study with us at the library, even though her class is on the other side of campus.” Anika comments.
“She always loses on purpose when we play card games just so you can win,” Quinn adds.
“She laughs at all your lame jokes and obscure movie references – there’s no way you enjoy Suspiria as much as you say you do,” Mindy stated.
“Dude, she has a Spotify playlist titled with your name and heart beside it.” Mindy throws her hands up, feeling a bit fed up.
“Doesn’t mean anything, we share music all the time!”
“Tara, Y/N literally takes care of your plants when you complain about forgetting,” Quinn objects.
Tara’s still feeling persistent. “That’s not true.” 
Her dying plants have been on the mend these last few weeks and it’s definitely because she’s been paying more attention to them; placing the potted plants in a better area for sunlight and watering them more.
Quinn shoots her roommate a pointed look, “You were over-watering them, Tara. Y/N had to come over and change the soil. Did you even notice?”
No, Tara didn’t even notice. She was shocked at how much went over her head as her friends continue to list all the little things you do that, apparently, she’s been too blind to see. She glances back at you as you’re talking to a girl; smiling, unbothered. She recognizes her from her creative writing class – Tara didn’t know you two were close. Close enough for the girl to wrap a hand around your arm and lean into your ear something that the Carpenter can’t make out from the vast distance.
Tara’s eyes slither into tight fissures as she watches the random girl continue to make herself comfortable on you. Eventually, whatever she felt she had to whisper so close was over, but not before the girl planted a kiss on your cheek unsuspectingly. The Carpenter watches as you slightly jump from the contact, then eventually grant her a shy smile – the same smile you reserved for her. 
Tara feels an unpleasant drop in her chest because, for the first time since moving to New York, she allowed herself to finally feel everything she’s been burying.
It was suffocating, making her want to claw at her throat to get rid of the nasty sensation. Regardless of how much she swallowed in an attempt to get rid of the feeling, it only grew larger as it ached; begging to be acknowledged. Hastily, Tara stands up, gathering her things.
“Where are you going?” Her friends' questions were left unacknowledged as she footed it, not really sure where she was going; all Tara knows is that she had to get away before her friends see her break down. 
In her haste, Tara misses your concerned eyes tracking her disappearing figure.
Tara is choosing to ignore the world and her problems.
After that conversation with her friends, she ran home, plopped into her bed and hid under the covers for the remainder of the afternoon. She put on her favourite horror movies, hoping it would distract her from her thoughts of you. But her efforts proved to be fruitless. You tormented her thoughts regardless of how desperately she tried to drown them out. 
So, she sat there until bright blue skies turned navy and drove herself mad thinking about you.
Trust came sparsely for someone who was violently attacked by a deranged murderer. As much as Tara tried to push through the past and live as if nothing happened, it plagued her in her daily life. It revealed itself when a phone rang too loudly, near kitchen knives, or in dark areas – there were just certain experiences that were tainted by the memory of Ghostface. 
But then you showed up. She remembers opening the door to her apartment and there you were, standing behind Mindy with a $15 bottle of champagne and a poorly-wrapped throw blanket for the old couch to celebrate the Carpenter’s housewarming party (an attempt at some normalcy) with a shy smile and Tara was hooked. 
No matter how much she tried to distance herself, echoing sentiments that it’s a bad idea to get involved with someone so soon.
You lured her in, anyway.
It was in your tenderness that you had Tara wrapped around your finger.
Normally, the Carpenter would be annoyed with someone treating her like she was made of glass, but when it came to you; she knew it wasn’t out of pity. Your gentleness was welcomed with open arms because for once in her life, Tara finally felt like she didn’t have to be so brave all the time, at least, not when she was around you. 
She didn’t have to pretend her life was as put-together as she made it out to be. 
Because for once, someone had finally made her feel like she is worthy enough to stay for, to care for, and maybe to love. And that was terrifying because all anyone in her life had ever done is let her down and leave – Sam, her mom, her dad, Amber. So she kept you on a tight leash; taking control and leading. Never letting you close enough to see how she really feels about you. But there are cracks in the unsturdy walls she tries to put up, she’s not perfect. How can she resist you when you still willingly chased after her regardless of what she’s put you through – and how even through her harshness, you never lose your gentleness with her.
You create real balance and peace within her (not the fake one, she’s desperately fronting) and to someone who’s only known chaos and instability – that’s terrifying. So sue her, for being a little scared.
So, yes. 
Right now, Tara is ignoring everything around her because that realization is too big a burden to deal with.
She has her legs pulled up to her chest, the fuzzy blanket you gifted months ago, wrapped around her shoulders as she watches the TV from the couch; not really paying attention to the film. Her eyes begin to burn the longer she stares at the blue-lit screen causing a painful sting to her pupils. 
A terse knock on the front door startles her making her blink at the sound. 
Everyone was out for the night; Sam at therapy, Quinn at a hookup’s house and her other friends, all off doing their own thing. She wasn’t sure who could be at the door at this time. Cautiously, she stands to silently walk to the door – the pads of her naked feet connecting to the wooden floor litter goosebumps on her skin. Standing on the tips of her toes, Tara looks through the peephole.
She sees you shifting on your feet, glancing over your shoulder – looking unsure if you should even be there. 
Tara feels a pit forming in her stomach, but moves swiftly to unlock the door, opening it. 
“Hey.” She says softly, palm wrapped tight on the doorknob in an attempt to ground herself.
“Hi.” You rub a hand on the back of your neck.
“What–what are you doing here?” Tara sees you flinch, mistaking her tone for malice but you’re answering before she can correct herself.
“Mindy said you needed my help.” You drawl as if confused. 
Tara shares your confusion, brows drawing together. “I… don’t need help?”
You shake your head, clenching your jaw tight, “God dammit… I think she set us up.” 
Rolling your eyes, “Yeah, oh. Look, that’s my bad, I’ll deal with her. You can go back to… doing whatever you were doing.” 
Tara sees you eye her attire glumly; an oversized shirt that covered her bare legs; assuming the worst. Her eyes immediately widened like saucers, grabbing your arm before you could leave. 
“No! That–that’s not–I’m home. Alone.” She clarifies. The word ‘alone’ taking a special raised and rushed tone. 
You scoff, pulling away from her, “good for you.”
“Can we talk?” Tara calls out, she can’t let you leave yet – despite her previous decision to ignore you and ignore her feelings. The longer you stood across from her, the more she realized just how much she’s missed you these last few weeks.
“No.” You continue to walk down the hall.
Tara grows desperate, running after you and grabbing your arm again to stop you from leaving. The concrete floors were rough on the soles of her feet. “Y/N, please.”
You turn, ready to yank your arm away from her grip but her watery eyes halt you; sympathy bubbling lowly in your chest and you curse inwardly at how easy it was for her to lure you back in. 
“Can y’all shut the fuck up? Some people are trying to get some sleep!” A voice interrupted, it was her neighbour, peeking his head a couple of doors down to yell at you two. He pops his whole body out when he sees Tara’s revealing figure, shooting her a lewd smile through his cigarette-tainted teeth,  “Oh hey, there.”
Tara feels you turn in her hold as your face drops – jaw clenching as you glare at her sleazy neighbour (who was at least in his late 40s judging by his greying hair) “Go back inside unless you wanna get fucked up and stop looking at her.” 
He stares back for a few seconds, debating if the challenge was worth his time. You move her behind you with a tug of an arm; blocking his view of her. Tara knows it's the wrong time but she couldn’t help but move closer; inhaling your familiar perfume. “Man, you’re not even worth my time.”
You wait until he shuts the door before facing her again, muttering under your breath. “Creepy motherfucker.” 
“Go back inside before anyone else comes out here begging for a show.” You tell her, lightly pushing her back to her door. But her hold on your arm tightens, “Not until you come inside and talk to me.”
You sigh, looking around the hallway in an attempt to buy yourself some time before you eventually gave in – tugging her inside the apartment.
Only once you were both inside did you pull away from her grip; Tara’s arm falling limply by her side. You look at her expectantly, “Well?”
Tara remains unmoving and silent, She curls into herself, leaning against the back of the couch just staring at you
You grow annoyed at her silence, running a hand on your face, “Tara you begged me to talk…” 
Still nothing from the Carpenter; she isn’t sure why she can’t say anything now that you’re standing in front of her. Maybe it was because she wasn’t ready to confront you and her feelings but as you stood there, about to leave, she knew she couldn’t let that happen. She wasn’t sure when she would see you again, this was the closest you’d been around her in the last few weeks. 
At this point, she was acting on pure impulse and heightened emotions.
“Unbelievable…” You mutter, grabbing the doorknob. She can feel practically feel the sharp snap in your patience as you try to leave, again.
“I don’t get you.” 
That stops you in your tracks, making you turn looking confused. 
Tara begins to shake her head.
“I mean, I don’t get you… Like, why are you still here? Jesus, Y/N, you’ve been ignoring me but you still came here cause you thought I needed help. Even after all the petty shit I’ve been doing with those guys to fuck with you and after the party” She grabs at her hair; roughly tugging on it. “And even after all that, you still chase after me. Why!”
“Because I love you.” 
Tara inhales a sharp breath at your admission and how carelessly easily you said those words. Your brows furrowed like you looked genuinely confused by her question, it has Tara scoffing in disbelief. Unsure how you can still give her genuineness even after everything she’s done, she doesn’t deserve it.
“No, you don’t, you can’t. We’re just hooking up, it was just sex.” She denies, but a fog of tears is beginning to cloud her eyes. Even through the haze, she can see you approaching closer, holding a cautious hand out. 
“Maybe I am just a hook-up to you… but I didn’t just catch feelings for you. I’m not just falling in love with you, I already fell Tara. More like, I dove head-first without a life jacket,” You take the moment to chuckle dryly.
“And yeah, that wasn’t part of the plan but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself I didn’t tell you that there’s someone that wants to wake up and fall asleep beside you every day. Someone that wants to show you that maybe this time you don’t have to be so afraid to let someone in.” You shake your head, looking down for a brief moment of insecurity but you regain the passion in your eyes as you connect gazes.
“So, look me in the eyes and tell me that I’m just a hookup, and if you do. I’ll leave you alone – for good.” She desperately blinked away the tears as she attempts to meet your eyes to tell you that you are just a hookup, it is just sex, she doesn’t love you too. But when she meets your eyes, she sees tenderness again and suddenly her knees are buckling under her.
Her body doesn’t meet the ground like she expects it to. Instead, you grabbed her, wrapping a firm arm around her waist as you held her weight up. She can hear distant mutterings of comfort being whispered in her ear but nothing registers as she realizes that she’s starting to sob uncontrollably. 
“Baby…need you to breathe… ‘gonna make yourself sick.” 
She couldn't hear anything around her until her face is being pressed into soft fabric; clawing at it, in a desperate attempt to self-soothe. She’s having a panic attack. 
“Tara… Please, baby, you have to breathe–” You beg but Tara can’t hear you properly.
Nothing works until she feels you wrap her in a firm hug, still leaving her enough space so as to not feel suffocated. One arm around her waist, the other hand wrapped around her neck, as you rub soothing lines on her clammy skin. 
A few moments of silence pass until Tara feel the pressure in her chest ease as the ringing in her ears subsides. She gasps for air against your chest, coughing as a burning ache in her throat develops. The rubbing of lines on her neck turns into firm pats on the back as Tara continues to cough through her tears.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” You shush her. Eventually, her coughs turn into occasional sniffles and deep breaths as you run fingers back up her hair comfortingly; giving her all patience she required.
“I’m sorry,” Tara says once she pulls her head off your chest, keeping a tight grip on your clothes.
“You have nothing to apologize for,” Your eyes softened as you ran the pads of your thumbs to wipe away at her tear-stained cheeks.
She shakes her head in your grip, “Yes, I do. Even now, you’re still treating me so well. I don’t deserve it.” Her voice turns into a broken whisper as she finally allows herself to be vulnerable.
“Oh Tara,” You said so tenderly, “You deserve the world, baby. You’re amazing.”
“No, I’m not,” She shakes her head, beginning to pull away from you, not wanting to hear your words and how genuinely you believed it. 
You tightened your grip around her waist, preventing her from moving. “Yes, you are, if only you can see yourself the way I see you. Oh, Tara, you don’t even realize it. You amaze me, you make me want to be a better person, that’s what you do to me, that’s what you make me feel. Not the other stuff you’re saying.”
Shaking your head, passion raging in your eyes; eye contact with the smaller girl unwavering, “The way you care for everyone around you, and how you carry yourself despite everything you’ve gone through… Baby, it’s amazing to watch you be yourself. I know, I know… After Amber, it’s hard–” That makes Tara’s eyes widen, unaware you knew about her and her late friend. 
“–to trust people but, if you just gave me a chance and spared me an ounce of trust to let yourself fall… I promise I’ll be under there waiting with a safety net.” 
Tara examines your eyes, there was no ounce of dishonesty in them. But that’s to be expected, you’ve always been genuine with her, always up-front, and calling her out on her shit – with love. It was one of the things that made her fall for you. Where everyone around her treats her like she’s a porcelain doll, letting her get away with whatever she wanted – you stopped her, but always in a way that was more so loving and protective rather than overbearing and smothering.
The thudding in her chest begs for reprieve as her heart craves to be moulded with yours. Her heart wants to know what it was like to beat in tandem with you, to finally allow herself to be caught instead of trying (and failing) to hold herself up all the time. 
As Tara’s body caves in on herself, she pulls you down by the neck, unable to hide the content sigh that leaves her lips when your mouths meet in the middle. The kiss was sweet, passionate and firm; it poured out all love that words could never capture; where the tool of language proved to be invaluable in expressing her feelings. 
“I trust you…” Tara whispers when she pulls away, unable to school the smile breaking across her lips. You giggle, making her smile wider. For once the heaviness in Tara's chest feels bearable with you in her arms. 
No other words were exchanged as you two attempted to meet again for a kiss only to bump noses and miss because you two were beaming so wide.
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happy reading!
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emptyjunior · 4 months
mazey and fig's deep dive into the core of Bard Magic literally literally was so good, I'm foaming at the mouth thinking of it?
Like do you level up your bard powers by levelling up your craft? By becoming an accomplished technical musician or a professional level dancer?
Or is it about the feeling? And your magic gets stronger as you practice simply because there's effort and time being put into this act of creation. It's about your pursuit of excellence in your craft, which only coincidentally happens to express itself as fame and technical perfection.
But it doesn't have to for a lot of people!
Like I think in the magical world of dnd, a proficient and powerful bard can look like anything!
Maybe somebody's great uncle on the bayou, who sits in his rocking chair playing banjo all day every day, is nameless to the world, can't read music, would be an absolutely Deadly bard because he has that compatibility with his music. He has a deep and profound connection with it.
Someone who's the life of the party, spends all their time thinking about stand up material just for the benefit of their friends, is a sparkling conversationalist with incredible comedic timing everytime, for them that Is the top of what they want their craft to be. There is troves of magic being created there, and it's coming from their connection to people and willingness to entertain.
A kid playing hopscotch on the street, coming up with more and more elaborate steps and jumps. A hospice carer who sings lullabies for the elderly, using their songs as pain relief. Two best friends who have paddy cake down to a practiced artform where they can Double their attacks if they do it together.
I just loved them talking about the realities of what Bard Magic would look like in the real world, asking if she should be worried about her rockstar career because that's her craft, but then thinking is my loyalty to some label even the music?! Because surely that's not the music, that's not where the magic is.
Just bard magic existing because people have so much raw emotion and power when we create and entertain, when we Sing and Dance for each other that of course in a magical world there is power to be drawn from that.
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chaosology · 10 months
invisible strings
Sam Kerr x reader
uses this+this request
warnings: underage drinking, gay pining, not proof read so u can call me out on grammar and i wont get my feelings hurt.
September, 2003 - Perth, Australia
"Mum, it's so obvious she doesn't want me there!" You whined. Your mother was haphazardly chucking a soccer ball in a birthday bag, arranging the blue paper around it so it was semi-presentable. Bless her, but you knew Sam wouldn't care for the wrapping.
She had awkwardly handed you a party invitation after school that day as you plucked your bags off the racks.
"My mum said I had to invite a girl to come, sorry. There's good cake, though. It's ice cream."
She ran off almost as fast as she appeared, leaving you outside your Year 4 class alone. Why you? You weren't sporty at all, she could've at least invited one of the netball girls - they were always picking Sam for their teams, too. You were the anti-Sam, spending lunch with a small group of girls playing hopscotch and batting your eyes for the teacher's approval.
Black marker in your hand, you scribbled down a messy "happy birthday, Sammy K" in one of the white spaces on the ball. Your mum had taken you to Big W to choose one after school immediately after, given the late notice. You held it back, admiring your work. Would a heart be appropriate?
You only turn 10 once, right? You added it front and centre on the ball, writing your name in the middle so she knew who it was from (though, she could probably tell a tween boy didn't make such an effort).
The party was, as expected, all boys. Sam's mother had greeted you warmly at the door, ushering you in with a comforting (and almost apologetic smile). Sam ran over excitedly to grab the gift bag off you, grabbing your arm to pull you over to the snacks table. You were introduced to all the other boys there, most of whom you knew from school.
You smiled shyly at all of them, spending most of the time sitting on the folded chairs outside while nibbling on some fairy bread and praying your mum would come get you. Sam ran around with the boys all afternoon, leaving you all alone with your thoughts. As it turned out, you had gotten the wrong type of football for Sam. You felt guilty for rushing at the shops, but Sam had hid the disappointment well, even complimenting your handwriting.
As the day came to an end, you were joined by Isaac. He was a friend of Sam's from an outside sports league, but had forgotten his asthma puffer and had to call it after two hours of straight footy. You talked most of the afternoon, complaining about your random 10 year old problems. You couldn't help noticing the way Sam came to talk to you more when she noticed Isaac there.
She probably just felt bad, you thought.
October, 2007 - Perth, Australia
Things had blossomed with Isaac. You remained friends for a few years, which eventually grew into something more romantic. He was your first boyfriend, and unfortunately your first love.
You were both invited to a party up in the hills. He had begged you to go, having become engrossed in the rumours of cruisers and beers being supplied by who-fucking-care's older brother. You had little interest, but his incessant nagging was beginning to piss you off, so you agreed.
Unfortunately as you both matured, Isaac changed. He was egotistical and big-headed, busy with AFL and making crude comments when he thought you weren't listening. It was hard not to see him in a different light, but sometimes you were offered a small glimpse at the small, sweet boy who sat out of breath next to you at the party.
You tugged on the hem of the sort black dress you were wearing, trying desperately hard to pull it further down your thigh. Isaac suggested "something sexy" for the party, much to your disagreement. You relented, and were now regretting it as you faced the chilly atmosphere of Perth's spring. He showed little interest in you while you sat next to him in on the couch, only passing you a beer and whispering "don't be lame" in your ear. Safe to say, the party kinda sucked.
You considered telling him you were going out front for air, but the way he was basically eye-fucking Karen Davies made you think twice. You wandered outside with teary eyes, Corona bottle in your hand as you breezed through the crowd of sweaty teenagers.
You turned, face to face with... Sam? She was older now, with slightly longer hair down to her shoulders and dressed in an oversized hoodie. Why was she giving you butterflies?
"Hey Sam," your voice came, "Sorry, just getting some air."
"Mind if I join?"
You motioned wordlessly for her to follow, her hand placed lightly on the small of your back as you navigated the halls to the front yard. God, you were so glad she couldn't see the red hot blush that painted your cheeks.
The two of you found yourselves sitting on the curb, legs stretched lazily out into the street.
"So Isaac's a dick now, 'ey?"
It was so nonchalant that it barely seemed hostile, Sam just took another swig from her bottle, grumbling when she noticed it was empty.
"You also don't have to drink the rest of that, you know? Doesn't make you lame or whatever."
You silently passed her the bottle, expecting for her to just chuck in a bin when she passed one next. However, she downed it in one go.
"Dickhead! I thought you were gonna throw it out! What if I wanted that later?" You laughed, playfully attempting to shove her off the curb. She only giggled in response, lightly shoving you back.
"Hey, I never got to say thanks for that soccer ball all those years ago," she started, "I actually play now. Mum 'n dad made me stop AFL, all the guys are bigger than me. But I actually really like soccer, your ball was the one I first used." She looked almost embarrassed confessing it, a small blush spreading across her face.
"Oh god, I remember that. Sorry, I think I scribbled all over it."
"Nah, it's cute- It's cool, sorry. It's cool, I liked it." She stammered, getting what looked like progressively more and more red.
"What are you up to now?" She said, awkwardly trying to change the subject.
"Oh I dunno, not much. Studying a lot, really. Isaac's been so odd lately so it's usually just me... It'd be cool to be a doctor, I think."
She looked up, eyebrows raised.
"No way! I always knew you'd do something like that, you were such a teacher's pet in primary school... The smartest, most nerdiest one there." She was back to her playful teasing now, and you found yourself slightly wishing that she'd flirt like this more.
What about Isaac? Were you a bad person? Why was Sam making you feel like this? Your head was starting to spin aggressively, the alcohol taking it's toll on your slight, 15 year old self. Sam grabbed your arm, rushing to hold back your hair as you crawled over to a bush, puking all over it. You felt too sick to be embarrassed.
Most of what you remember was her putting you in a taxi and slipping her phone number in your pocket. The next morning, you made sure to find the little note and stick it to your wall, staring longingly at the message written on it.
"Let's be friends - Sammy K"
You also broke up with Isaac.
April, 2014 - Perth / New York City
Y/N Y/L/N: haha sorry, is this the right Sam?? :D
Samantha Kerr: no way, yeah! how r u
Y/N Y/L/N: good! i'm so sorry i never messaged u after that party :( my mum never let me get a phone
↳ i wanted facebook to find u
Samantha Kerr: heheh no worries, what time is it for u rn?
Y/N Y/L/N: it's 9pm LOL aren't u here??
Samantha Kerr: nopeee :p i'm in new york
↳ i play soccer here! well for a bit cos i have to go back and forth
Y/N Y/L/N: no way, that's so sick... i'm jelly. stuck studying rn
Samantha Kerr: u haven't changed
Y/N Y/L/N: didn't u call me "teacher's pet" >:)
↳ med is super fun tho... come see me for sport injuries
Samantha Kerr: ...
Samantha Kerr: how's Isaac?
Y/N Y/L/N: omg Isaac haha, long gone... not my type
Samantha Kerr: ur type... not dickheads i'm guessing?
Y/N Y/L/N: *men
Samantha Kerr: LOL hahahaha same
↳ welcome to the better side
Y/N Y/L/N: ^_^
↳ how's things for u???
Samantha Kerr: heh yea good, the team here is super sick. NY is cool, lots of weird stuff... and christmas is so cold. my gf from here tho so she always makes fun of my accent :DDD
Y/N Y/L/N: ohh cool srry didn't know u had a gf... met thru soccer??
Samantha Kerr: yeh, we play for the same team. she's awesome
↳ someone @ home for u?
Y/N Y/L/N: haha no :/ someone but i don't think it'll work out
Samantha Kerr: aw that sucks,,, don't give up tho
↳ we should hang when i'm back next!
Y/N Y/L/N: that would be cool. i'd like that!
December, 2016 - Perth, Australia
She was always on your mind, but could she say the same of you? You and Sam had gotten so much closer over the years, texting 24/7 when either of you had the chance. She was returning back for Christmas and you were on your way to pick her up from the airport, helping to surprise to her family.
You hadn't been able to date properly since that conversation with Sam on the curb. Nobody else made your heart skip a beat like she did, and you found yourself yearning to feel her touch once again, even if it was brief. You didn't care. You comforted her when she went through her first serious break up, and she would stay on call for hours while you broke down about the pressures of med school. It felt like there was something pulling the two of you together, and god, you hoped she felt it too.
Standing at the International Arrivals gate was nerve-racking. Every flurry of passengers sent your nerves flying, eyes anxiously darting from person to person as you picked at your nails in anticipation. You were so nervous, you almost missed her.
She was finally here.
Her short hair was tied back, and the dark rings under her eyes proved how drained she was from the flight. She lugged a large, black suitcase with her, looking around until her eyes met yours.
You both rushed forward. She engulfed you in a warm hug that felt like... home?
No words were shared as you stood there in each other's embrace.
The car ride to Sam's house was comfortably silent, but you couldn't help but notice how Sam's hand had come to rest on your leg as you drove. It felt like it was on fire, but she didn't acknowledge it, sunglasses over her eyes as she looked tiredly out her window.
You were probably just reading into things, Sam admitted once that she's a really touchy person. You didn't want to lead yourself on.
Sam's family had invited you inside for the celebrations, surrounding you with all sorts of questions about schooling and your life. In a quiet moment, it was just you and her mother alone on the couch. Her siblings and dad were outside chatting at the barbecue, with the two of you remaining inside to escape the heat.
"She loves you, you know," her mother said matter-of-factly, "you love her too."
"Excuse me? I swear I-"
"Oh, don't be silly." She replied, leaning to hold your hand.
"That girl looks at you like you hung the stars. I get so many calls of Y/N this... Y/N that... She's besotted."
"I- I don't know what to say," you said, holding back the tears that threatened to spill, "was it that obvious?"
"Oh, no no. Don't worry. Us mother's have a way with things. Don't think yours doesn't see it too."
You laughed, raising your head to meet your eye. She released your hands, patting you on the knee as she walked off at the same time Sam conveniently entered. Nice one, Roxy.
"God... do you remember that birthday party I had?" She laughed, coming to sit next to you. She stretched her arms over the top of the couch, her fingertips only inches from where you were currently resting.
"How could I forget? Hey guys, this is Y/N that doesn't play footy - isn't that how you introduced me?"
She just laughed at your mock offence, small apologies leaving her mouth as she reminisced.
"I mean, it wasn't a lie."
"Oh fuck off, Kerr." You shoved her lightly, watching as her hand came to her chest to feign offence. You both fell quiet, meeting each other's eyes in a once again comfortable silence.
"Why me?"
Sam looked taken aback, her eyes down as she searched for an answer.
"Why not you?" She said, looking up. You could tell the mood had shifted as her eyes met yours, a hint of vulnerability across her face.
"I think... I think I always knew it was you."
"No," she spoke softly, her hand coming to hold yours, "Just let me finish?"
You nodded.
"I can't really explain it, but there's just this pull. It feels like I can't stay away, you know? We always found a way back to each other, even after all these years. It's just- It's just always you"
The tears that were threatening to spill finally did as you pulled her close. You could taste the salty tears that left both your eyes as your lips met hers, a soft kiss that felt like it lasted a lifetime. Her hands came to hold the sides of your face, deepening the kiss until you were gasping for breath. Reluctantly, you pulled away and rested your forehead against hers.
"I think I love you, Y/N."
"I think I love you too, Sam."
July 14th, 2020 - London to Perth
"Have you got your comfy shoes, babe?"
A small "fuck!" echoed from your shared bedroom as your girlfriend scrambled to fish her shoes out from whatever pile she had thrown them in. Standing by the door, you watched as she stumbled forward and pulled her socks on, almost knocking over several pot plants as she did so. At 3am in the morning, she was not exactly a vision of grace and elegance.
The two of you had bounced around countries as Sam switched clubs, settling in the UK as she signed a contact with Chelsea. Your medical degree allowed a job almost anywhere and so you quickly found work at a nearby children's hospital, much to Sam's delight.
At the moment though, you were saying goodbye to your London apartment as you jetted back to your hometown. As far as you knew, there was no specific reason to be returning home, with Sam citing homesickness. You thought it suspicious as she was there only two months ago, but never bothered questioning it. You both missed Australia and eventually planned on moving back, but for now you were happy living a busy life in the UK.
Sam always had a thing about planes, as you came to learn. She was ok when they were completely in the air, always able to distract herself with some form of tv or movie (or sleeping pills), but you could tell by the way her knee was bouncing that this time would be no different.
"Hey, it's alright", you said, palm reaching across to settle her, "we'll be ok, these things are freaky safe now."
"I know. Logically I know it's fine but I just... I can't help it"
You only sighed, kissing her cheek and taking her hand in yours. The safety video played on the screens in front of you as you pulled her head to your shoulder, stroking her hair. Her body relaxed into yours as her breathing steadied, and you could feel her racing heart start finally slowing down.
She was drowsy from the early wake up and easily fell into a peaceful slumber. You prayed for no turbulence, admiring the few freckles and lines that were littered across her perfect face. She needed the rest, having been so anxious about this trip and her upcoming tournaments that the stress had almost permanently darkened under her eyes.
With her hand in yours, you soon followed her in sleep.
July 17th, 2020 - Perth, Australia
"I need to shake off the jetlag, wanna go for a walk?"
You turned suddenly as she called from the bathroom, walking out and drying her hair.
"Mum said they redid the park up the road, good field for soccer... We can practice some more if you'd like?" She asked, almost nervously. You had requested Sam start teaching you more about the game; a role she took very seriously. She was showing you all the tricks she'd learnt, even trying her hardest not to laugh when you fell flat on your ass several times in a row.
The two of you set off just before golden hour, navigating the streets of Fremantle to the park. Sam's hand was in yours the whole time, the other holding the soccer ball close to her hip - she was being so protective other the goddamn thing.
"I'll stand here, we'll just go back and forth until you get your confidence up."
She was taking several steps back away from you, positioning the ball at her feet before kicking it towards you.
"You know this is the one you gave me, right?"
You kicked it back, reciprocating.
"God, you're such a sap... Love you for it, though." She only laughed, winking as she did so. Even after 4 years, she still made you blush like you were 15.
The both of you continued, going though the motions until Sam decided to give it a forceful kick, landing it far behind you.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"Sorry, love. Rules of the game; she who missed must go fetch."
"That's not even- Oh, whatever"
You ran off as Sam followed behind you - why was she moving from her spot? That's when you noticed it.
"Hey dummy, this isn't even the ball I gave you - I used black maker on mine." You jokingly shouted back, picking it up to hold it by your side. "Got some fangirl groupies to replace me, huh? Can't believe you thought I used red marker."
She stood a few metres away from you, a small smirk on her face.
"Why don't you read it then, genius?"
You looked down, confused. What was she playing at?
Marry me?
It was written neatly in red marker, a giant heart below it - just like the one you first gifted Sam at her party all those years ago. You looked up, only to be met with the sight of Sam on one knee in front of you, a small blue box in her hands.
She had tears in her eyes, but her smirk remained.
You were still speechless, the red words echoing in your brain. She wanted you to marry her. She wanted you to be her wife. You sank to your knees to be level with her, gently grabbing her face to pull her in for a kiss.
You could feel her smiling against your lips, sliding the ring on your finger wordlessly as your mouth met hers.
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
I refuse to even consider a world where Kunikida wasn't an absolute menace in college. You think this man was sat minding his own buisness?
He probably got involved in fights that weren't even about him.
Earned the ire of most of his professors because he constantly talked back. Arguing to the point he had to be escorted off the premises.
Because Kunikida doesn't half ass anything, he was ready to die for his ideals. And I highly doubt he wasn't like that back than.
He's never followed a rule he didn't agree with and he's never been silent about what he disagrees with, so why would he start now.
Kunikida probably chained himself up during protests and dared the cops to move him. Definitely punched and or bit people who pissed him off.
He's a leader, he rallied people to causes and fought for what he believed in. He's genuine and he's nice and he found his crowd.
Kunikida was always looking out for the little guys. He got invited to parties and made sure everyone got escorted back to their dorms safely.
I can see him falling in and out of relationships because he doesn't know what he wants. And writing his requirements so he doesn't make the same mistakes again.
Kunikida's not the smartest in his class but he's still up there. He's diligent and can dissappear into the library for days.
Kunikida works himself too hard and tip toes the edge of burn out like he's playing hopscotch. His schedule is meticulous and yet all his assignments get turned in at 3am.
He was seen as the one most likely to be successful and most likely to end up in jail. On paper he's the perfect student but everyone knows better.
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lex9923 · 3 months
Tw// SA
This will be my one and only official statement on this situation, because frankly I’m done with all of this mental hopscotch happening.
I am a sexual assault victim. I was the same age as Caiti is now when it happened, and I was cornered with his hands down my pants touching my vagina and up my shirt touching my boobs, while I tried to get away and make it stop. I still to this day don’t know who my attacker was, but it will follow me for the rest of my life. It’s been five years since then, and my story has not changed once. Not ever. I hadn’t told people for a couple years cause I thought since I didn’t know who my attacker was, I wouldn’t be believed. As well as the fact that I came forward about a sexual harassment I faced at a job and was met with “well, boys will be boys”. Through it all, I am here, and I survived.
Watching the reaction to this situation from both of the main parties involved, those who weren’t there, those who were, and the fans had sent me spiraling. I’ve spent the past two weeks reliving that trauma from five years ago cause I thought I misinterpreted my assault as something else. I had not, and never have. It’s been incredibly invalidating watching the alleged “victim” change the story multiple times, make fake texts, omit important information, all while not even listening to the person she accused of a criminally offensive act.
Caiti is absolutely allowed to feel uncomfortable and regret what happened after the fact, but it is not, and will not ever be assault-unless George actually did touch her boobs, and then that will be a different discussion, but with her credibility disappearing, I’ll only believe it if he admits it himself. I’m trying to extend grace to her being young, sexually inexperienced, and caught up in online culture, but it’s hard the longer this gets dragged out. There are things you do when approaching a situation like this:
1. You absolutely need to provide evidence and proof of your claims. You can’t prove something that never happened, but you can prove something that did. It’s why it’s innocent until proven guilty. Expecting people to blindly believe you is delusional at worst and ignorant at best.
2. You must absolutely have your story 100% correct and factual to how you perceived what happened, before bringing forth any accusations. Using purposefully charged language and then changing the story to match the one you accused is not it. Nor is changing your story yet again when people are catching on to the inconsistencies.
3. Allow the accused person to defend themself. You can’t expect people to listen to all of your claims-most of them blindly doing so-and then get upset when people wait for both sides to say their piece, especially when you present no evidence at your initial statement. Again, you have to prove guilt. If you can’t prove it, the accused are allowed to defend themself.
4. You are in no way obligated to accept apologies, but acknowledging one was made-multiple times in fact- is the bare minimum. Trying to change your story one last time to make it seem even worse than what you both agreed upon, and then hiding behind “I’m not going to address this anymore” is manipulative at worst and cowardly at best.
I hope Caiti gets therapy, cause it’s clear she’s been severely affected by something, though I’m not sure she even knows what it is. I also hope she learns from this, and next time utilizes the “direct message” function every single app has. This could have been a dm, and the way it spiraled has been a shitshow and her intentions are coming off less and less pure the more this gets dragged out. I’m so sorry she was uncomfortable, and regretful, but until she shows any proof whatsoever of any assault happening, it will never be. I hope she heals, and I hope she gets better friends cause they have all failed her.
For George, I’m sorry this got blown so out of proportion and no one even privately talked to him about any uncomfortability being felt. I’m sorry his friends are performative. I’m hopeful that he was made aware of things he wasn’t before, and will do better next time. He is not irredeemable, and I believe growth is possible (the difference in his two responses proves as such). I hope this isn’t the last we see of him or his content, and I hope he can heal from this as well.
To my fellow SA survivors, I’m so incredibly sorry that our trauma has been thrown around like this. Our hurt and pain do not deserve to be mocked in this way, and I wish it would’ve never even happened. You’re stronger than what happened, regardless of how shitty this situation has been for us. And as a 24 year old, I like to consider myself a big sister of sorts, so I love all of you. We got through it then, we’ll do it again.
Speaking woman to woman, I’m sorry this has been so messed up. This will make it harder for us to come forward in the future and that is indescribably frustrating. However, that does not take away from the pain and hurt we went through, and I hope if you do have the strength to come forward, you are believed.
I’m done with this whole situation. It should not have come to this point, and if you stayed this far, I greatly appreciate you reading this. One last time. Caiti, I’m sorry you were so uncomfortable. Get therapy, better friends, and take a break from the internet. George, I hope you learn from this situation, and I’m sorry you were made out to be a criminally offensive person before giving your side or anyone ever speaking to you.
I hope you both heal.
I hope sexual assault victims having to relive trauma, and are affected by this continue to heal.
I love you all.
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vedgie-demynm · 3 months
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So, in this Au, Crafty is the only non-mythical critter, while the other seven are all different kinds of mythical creatures!!!
Here’s each character here!!!
Even if Crafty is a plain ol’ pony in this au, they’re still just as important and loving as the others; in fact, they’re the ✨protagonist✨! They stumbled their way into the Realm of the Myths while taking a stroll as they thought about somewhere they could paint, before they met DogDay and Bobby in the woods. During their three years in the Realm of the Myths, Crafty’s been careful, they’ve been loved, and they’re learning more each day!
DogDay is a Werehound, but instead of every full moon, it’s every Solar Eclipse he turns into a monster, while every Lunar Eclipse, he’s your good ol’ normal sun dog!
His younger sibling, CatNap, is a Sphinx, well, except without the “human face” part, lol… Much like his brother, they, too, can turn into a monster, except it’s more at will, and mostly during waxing crescent moons!
Bobby Bearhug is an Onikuma, although, she did use to be an average critter, like Crafty. She, along with Picky, brings in food for the others every night. She stays close by with CatNap because when she became a demon, he was right there by her side… d’awww!
Kickin’ Chicken is a Cockatrice, and since it doesn’t really specify what kind of dragon the rooster has to be, he’s part leviathan! He’s an expert at surfing, and is basically the “rich, popular kid” trope (except he’s the sweetest to his friends!) He and Bubba were best friends ever since they were toddlers, and Kickin wouldn’t want their flame to extinguish any time soon! He even talks about many different themes whilst baking with his sister, so that he doesn’t get too bored.
Bubba Bubbaphant is a Siren (mainly because none of the mythical elephants didn’t really fit ToT), but instead of singing and testing the limits of his beautiful voice (/j), he infodumps about one’s interests to try reeling them in! The nerd’s a bit meaner in this AU, since ocean sirens are usually that way, but he can tolerate his friends!
Picky Piggy is a Boar; she’s pretty violent, but that doesn’t stop her from having fun with her friends! In fact, she uses her violent tendencies to her advantage whenever she cooks! She’s Crafty’s best friend, and she’s the one who made them their “horn” out of a party hat! Picky’s the (adoptive) older sister of Kickin, and she makes sure he’s healthy, both physically and psychologically! (What a sweet sister… sob…)
And last, but DEFINITELY not the least, Hoppy Hopscotch, the jumping Jackalope! She’s pretty mischievous, in fact, to the point where DogDay made her own Time Out Chair™️! She even steals all of the coffee sometimes, so that she can have more energy than when she’s normally hyperactive; but, she is patient whenever she needs to — in fact, out of all of them, she’s likely the most patient.
BTW!!! You can ship anything in this AU, but I have only 3 simple rules:
Nothing Problematic
Nothing that would be in Alabama
And each ship should be to each character’s romantic interest
For example, on what each critter is (of course, there are all headcanons):
Crafty is Lesbian (they/them)
DogDay is Bigender and Bisexual (he/her)
CatNap is Non-Binary and Bisexual (he/they)
Bobby is Transfem and Pansexual (she/they)
Hoppy is Questioning her Interests as of now (she/they)
Bubba is Bisexual (he/him)
Kickin’ is Transmasc and Gay (he/him)
Picky is Transfem and Lesbian (she/her)
That’s all, Folks! Love y’all!
(platonically, of course—)
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everywishway · 7 months
Headcanons for Junior Year
Cassandra still has Kalina as a familiar. I have two ideas for this
Number one is Kalina was hurting the whole time due to being a literal plague and she was also under the influence of the Nightmare King's power so she's better now. Still standoffish and a trickster but in more of a "tired, goth older sister" way
Number two is that she's a grouchy house cat and is stuck in this tiny body that has a love/hate relationship with the Bad Kids (especially Riz). Like one day she's wrapped around his neck till she claws his nose and runs off. She can't talk either so all that pent-up anger is in a tiny body
I just want more Riz and Kalina pls! They were so good together SY
Garthy Obrien and Aguefort have a nice, long "chat" behind closed doors… It ends up with the both of them deciding how they are going to Co-parent Ayda but Aguefort does end up with a scar in his abdomen.
Ayda substitute teaches a Magical Theory class Adaine and Fig have to take when the teacher leaves for maternity. Hijinx ensue.
Fabian and Aelwyn break up or have already broken up by the time JY starts (i love how most of the fandom doesn't like these two together, lol)
Kristen and Tracker go on break while Tracker is away and Kristen is suffering in silence while Tracker is partying and having a lot of fun (same vibes as Priya and Pete)
All of Fig's Dads (Jawbone, Gilear, and Gorthalax) go get drinks every other month, one-month Sandra-Lynn and Garthy come and drink them all under the table (Sandra-Lynn was banned after that. Garthy still occasionally comes around)
When those nights happen all of the Bad Kids have a giant sleepover and completely take over the first floor of Mordred Manor (Jawbone proceeding to play hopscotch around them to not wake up his spare children)
Nobody actually addresses the Night Yorb during Junior Year and if somebody does Brennan goes in his true New York accent "what Night Yorb?????"
Fabian and Zelda go to both dance classes and kickboxing together, becoming friends around the winter of Sophmore Year
Fabian and Sam do not get along well. Mostly due to the fact, they are both dramatic rich bitches who are fighting over Zelda but also over the fact Sam is mean to Gorgug and Fabian goes "only I am allowed to be a bitch with my friends? Fuck off, Nightingale."
Antiope and Riz shared some sort of stealth elective class and accidentally became good friends? Like, they both watch their gangs of idiots tiredly and corral them up and take them to get ice cream.
On the other hand, Kristen kinda dreads her religious studies course due to Ostentasia being loud and snarky but also kinda appreciates it? Like, you know those class clowns that get on your nerves but they state the obvious when everyone is done with the teacher's shit? Yeah, that's their relationship
She does chill with Yelle tho, like they both smoke weed then go to pet stores and animal shelters and play with animals until they pass out on the floor.
Penny and Adaine are both nerds and Penny is Adaine's tutor when it comes to the history of spells, who made them and why (because Adaine is a practical caster <3)
I have way too many ideas, some of them are on the bingo board :)
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mahiiimahiiii · 5 months
Ok hear me out: once the crew gets to bauldurs gate they have mini funerals ala good place.
(part 1)
I'll give you a taster (+ my beautiful redeemed bhaalspawn):
Gales "funeral" would be at a library. He would pile books together as a makeshift coffin and wear a bright pink night robe with fuzzy slippers and curlers in his hair, as well as a dusty pink eye mask. Everyone would be wearing some sort of robe, his flowers of choice for the event would be lilly of the valley.
"gale died doing what he loved, learning."
"some might say this would be the ultimate fate for gale"
He would interject, eating the cucumber on his eye, "I do not think the best outcome for me would be turning into an ilithid. But I must admit- it is fitting."
Later events would be a wine tasting and going shopping for new books.
I feel like hers would be a moonlight bonfire, lots of ring dancing and setting her old sharran armor on fire.
"I think-" karlach would start up "a lot of us would be dead if we didn't have our cleric. So shadowheart has earned her props.. not only is she reliable- she is resilient, she is strong."
"despite our quarrels, I am glad to fight with you. I have watched you bloom into a magnificent warrior, for what force? We will see soon enough. May your death be glorious." La'zel quipped.
Her flowers of choice would be night orchids. she would then insist on learning how to swim and manage a doggie paddle.
I feel like hers would be on the beach with a fruity drink in hand as she floats around in the water. The fish around her have probably boiled, which is more incentive for a fish fry.
Everyone gets like a back breaking hug. Lots of physical activities party games wise, be drunk and merry. Most likely people get a bit sunburnt and burnt burnt.
There is no speeches as Karlach is too busy expressing her gratitude about everyone else.
She gets withers to do limbo with her
Her choice of flower is sunflowers.
She would like to opt out of this. a simple "thank you la'zel, may you die horribly in battle. May your wounds bleed out and may you suffer immensely" will suffice.
(her choice of flower is snap dragons)
Hers would be a touristy walk of bauldurs gate.
She talks about her life, a sense of oral history to pass onto others. The night ends with root veggies chips and cheese, and a generous donation to animal sanctuaries within the cities from the Harpers.
Her idea of fun is bastardizing the ballads that volo wrote via mad libs. Which immature humor ensues.
The mighty _____ o' noble _____ (noun *x2)
Found ___ and sent them back to ____ and ____ (noun, adj*x2)
She would rest in a fainting couch in a puddle of sun in the wildshape form of a big cat, tail swishing idily as people read off their bastardized poems.
Her choice of flowers are jasmine blooms.
His would be a picnic in the park, as people read their speeches to him in comfortable sun dresses and loose cotton clothing, he would hold a little bouquet of daisies resting on a soft gingham sheet with a crown of flowers.
He would insist of going to his favorite pastry shops in the city. Sweet wine, tarts and small cakes. A day of sweets to remember the sweetest person in the camp.
His whole funeral was about allowing everyone to experience the childhood he knew, which wasn't much, but was something he knew they needed.
The look of pure joy in everyone's faces was enough to sustain him for the rest of his days.
The goals were, teach karlach hopscotch, double dutch with Wynne, climb a tree with astarion, and show la'zel some human dances. The older people in the group were less inclined to indulge, taking the roll of the gossiping parents to the 20 something aged other members in the band.
The night ended with dances and fiddle music.
His choice of flowers are thistle blooms
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valentinbelleyh505 · 3 months
the Pitbull & Clown from the crew! 🐶🤡🧡
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desc: meets the clown and pitbull from the crew, PitClowin! a dog Pitbull who uses their jokes to make people happy and always make a person happy when the person is sad, they also likes to make juggling and magic tricks, also of course they always go to help their friends when needs. he also loves to go on a Adventure and a Journey for more fun!
Scent: Helenium
Pronouns: Them/They/Their/It ⚧️
Inspo/Inspiration: Goofy from Disney, Ronald McDonald's, Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony, Luan Loud from The Loud House, and Scooby-Doo (abit)
DogDay's cousin-figure 🐶
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DogDay — Cousin-Figure!
Catnap — Friends/Neutral.
KickinChicken — Good Friends!
Hoppy Hopscotch — also Good Friends
CraftyCorn — Great Friends
Bubba BubbaPhant — Good Friends
Bobby BearHug — Loving Friends
PickyPiggy — Good Friends/Picky wants their soul-
their birthday and fav day's in april 1th 🤡
their also likes parties
also loves to make Balloons
second Smiling Critter with They/Them pronouns ⚧️
they also wants to be CraftyCorn's Jester
they is the first who knows that their cousin-figure DogDay have a crush on CraftyCorn
Enjoy! 🧡🎈✨
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dollieguts1010 · 4 months
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• She's 12 years old
• Her pronouns are She/Her/Hers
• Her birthday is February 15th
(the day after Valentine's Day)
• Her favorite holiday is Valentine's Day
• On Valentine's Day she goes ALL OUT on gifts for her friends
(and what I mean all out I mean ALL OUT.)
• Her best friends are Craftycorn, Hoppy Hopscotch, and Dogday
• She has a crush on Bubba Bubbaphant and Picky Piggy
• She's had a crush on everyone in the Smiling Critters
(Bubba and Picky are different tho)
• She's pansexual and polyamorous
• "Bobby" is actually a nickname her real name is Roberta but she prefers to be called Bobby instead (her friends freaked out from this fact, cuz they didn't know that Bobby was a nickname)
• Her full name is Roberta Valentina Bearhug
• She's the mama bear of the group, she helps out as much as she can and if someone needs something she already has it for them
• She'll often be the one to treat her friends wounds whenever they get hurt
• Just like Dogday, whenever the Smiling Critters get into some kind of argument, Bobby tends to get easily stressed out and tries her best to fix the problem as soon as possible
• She will do ANYTHING for her friends
• She thinks self love is very important
• She the that love is the most powerful thing in the world and can solve anything
• She likes pop songs and old love songs
• Loves to watch romantic movies
• HATES horror movies (she cries every time she watches them)
• She loves chocolate
• She's fluent in spanish
• She's a total daddy's girl (she gets spoiled rotten by her father and she loves it)
• Bobby and her mother usually spend time baking together, if not they are doing each other's makeup
• Her parents call her "Sweetiecub"
• Her, Crafty, and Kickin often have lots of tea parties together (most of the time Kickin is forced to join these tea parties)
• Her favorite color is reddish pink
• She a fashionista (just like Crafty)
• Who do you need when you're down in a dumps and need a hug? Look no further then Bobby Bearhug! She's the best at giving hugs! Gentle hugs, comforting hugs and hugs so tight she'll make your eyes pop out!
• She's the best at giving emotional, mental, and physical comfort
• She also likes giving small kisses, on the cheek, hands, forehead, etc... No kisses on the lips tho! Those kind of kisses belongs to her partners
• She'll call Crafty and Hoppy her "platonic girlfriends"
• She'll give her friends sweet little pet names like "Love" "Darling" "Sweetheart/Sweetie" "Honey" "Dear" "Sugar" "Doll"
• Ever time the Smiling Critters are having a sleepover she'll always give them a good night kiss before bed
• She has a secret A03 account that she constantly writes wholesome love stories
• Her favorite snack is chocolate strawberries drizzled with honey
• Often gossips with Crafty and Picky while doing arts and crafts together
• She collects perfume (just like Crafty)
• Her favorite flower is classic red roses
• Sometimes she can a little clingy towards her friends
• Loves giving and receiving compliments
• She gives out dating advice to her friends or anybody that needs it
• Is a milkshake lover
• Write fanfiction/draws fanart
• She also ships her friends together
• One time, Hoppy walked in on her while she was writing a Hoppy x Kickin fanfiction.. let's just say the tension between them for the rest of the day was... awkward.
• Her heart necklace was gifted to her by Dogday
• Is a pro at makeup
• She'll test out her makeup makeup on anyone who's willing to volunteer
• When she goes out, she always carries a small bag that has makeup inside of it
• She constantly painting her claws (most of the time she paints her claws pink)
• She also a pro at matchmaking
• Loves hosting sleepovers
• Has a whole collection of purses in her closet
• Loves bushings, braiding, and styling Crafty's hair
• She also likes to put little accessories in Crafty's hair (cute hair clips, flowers, bows etc...)
• Likes to perform ribbon dances with Crafty
• Tries to help Bubba with a difficult math problem (poor thing cannot figure it out for her life)
• She likes playing chess with Bubba (she always loses to him)
• Likes baking with Picky
• Likes playing tag and hide and seek with her friends
• Isn't afraid to sing and dance in front of her friends
• Has a secret diary that she constantly writes about her feelings for Bubba and Picky
• Will talk some sense into you if you're out of line
• Her and Dogday are the group therapist
• She has a mountain of plushies in her room to cuddle when she's sad and alone
• When she's not cuddling her plushies for comfort, she'll be in the corner of her room hugging and rocking herself while quietly saying "They love me just as much as I love them..." "They won't abandon me... right?" "Do they actually care about me?" while tears softly roll down her cheeks
(poor girl just needs to hug)
• She's constantly loving others but never loving herself
• She'll often have nightmares about her friends abandoning her and laughing at her at her lowest point
• Has trauma from her old "friend" group
• She has abandonment issues and separation anxiety
• She has Autophobia (the fear of being abandoned)
• She also has Childopdophobia (the fear of centipedes)
• When she's trying to get her friends attention she'll let a loud roar
• When she's tired she let's a soft roar instead of a yawn
• If you hurt her feelings she'll cry, if you hurt her friends feelings she'll kill you. (probably with her claws and teeth)
That's all for now!
*I will add more later!*
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aardvark-123 · 1 year
The Most Important Dates in Gensokyo's Lively Social Calendar
The first post-Incident party of the year, held at the Hakurei Shrine with free drinks reluctantly offered to all.
The yearly Scarlet Devil Mansion masquerade ball, also known as Remilia's birthday party.
The yearly Scarlet Devil Mansion disco and roller derby tournament, also known as Flandre's birthday party.
The annual hopscotch championships.
Suika's yearly pub crawl in the Human Village.
Suika's yearly week-long nap in the Hakurei Shrine, during which time Reimu uses her as a doorstop.
Summer school for young Incident-Resolvers coincides with Byakuren's yearly campaign against alcohol and delinquency. She hands out "too bodacious for booze" badges to all the young ladies while Miko teaches them how to fly, kickbox, use magic and brew their own sake.
The kappa and yamawaro war games bring chaos to Youkai Mountain for days on end.
Kasen's Transformers fan convention, which attracts dozens of guests who are mainly there for the fruit salad.
Chimata's yearly sacred market
Chimata and Megumu's yearly argument
Alice's dolls' tea party, held on a sunny day in September. Bring your own doll; fine, Kasen, I suppose Arcee and Alita One technically count as dolls, but isn't this just really out of character for you?
Yuuka's puddle-jumping festival, held a rainy day in September. Bring your own puddle and please remember that 'I didn't see it' is NOT an excuse for flattening an innocent flower.
Paris Fashion Week
The Prismriver Sisters' benefit concert for sick walruses.
Skyrim's birthday, celebrated half-jokingly by Sumireko and quite sincerely by Meiling, who has become convinced she's the Last Dragonborn.
The first snowball fight of the year
The first avalanche of the year
Marisa's costumed present-delivery night, which takes place on the thirteenth of December in celebration of Saint Lucia of Syracuse.
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sorcerous-caress · 7 months
Oh I 100% see it for both of them!! It's really cute to think of Astarion & Shadowheart (and only Durge as well since you brought them up) trying their best with their kid, giving them a good life and discovering what they're like when they have so little memory of what they were like as a child themselves.
Being interested in what their child likes, engaging with them, giving the kid opportunities to teach them about the games they play with genuine interest. Obviously Shadowheart and Durge are amnesiacs, and I feel like Astarion's memories are faded by the time and trauma. It's funny to think of Durge sharing their 'hobbies' with their kid (= murder!!!) and then learning how to play hopscotch after lol
But also this had me thinking about Minthara because I'm pretty sure she canonically either wants kids or wouldn't mind having them, though it's a succession thing for her more than anything. She's prepared to be like her mother was, teach her child the harsh ways of the world, expecting that they will be a threat to her, just like she was a threat to her own mother.
But then, with her partner she has known a softer, more selfless sort of love (alurlssrin?), and it's likely that their child is not being raised in Menzo/the Underdark. Just her being hesitant to try to connect with her child and be more than just a cold mentor figure, maybe seeing her partner being doting, and being surprised she wants to do the same.
She'd still give them life lessons most people would find questionable, teach them how to discern poisons, etc- But probably with more genuine care than a typical drow would, let alone nobility like herself.
Man I wrote a lot lol- I think quite a bit about post-game Minthara to be honest, since if you think about it she's never really known a peaceful time? Menzo, then the Absolute, then her crusade with the party...
Man I wrote a lot I'm feeling emotional about this today hi HFDSHFHSC
-Tressym Anon
Yeah for Laezel and Minthara they'd face the most difficulties getting accustomed to the parenting life. They want to be doting and tender but it comes hard at times, i imagine the extend of their affection at the start to he the same as a distance father who if you told him you like something, would get you a box of it the next day but wouldn't know how to comfort you while you cry, an awkward headpat is the best they can do.
And that's at the start, with their first child whilst the awkwardness is still fresh. With time they get more accustomed to it.
Minthara did seem looking forward to having a child! I noticed that too in her cut content. She wasn't visibly excited but all of her dialogue was about the future the child would have and her plans to raise them.
I did talk about drow culture and raising kids in a previous post, how Minthara expects her offspring to grow up to murder her eventually.
I like to think that her kids would be the only people who never are afraid of her, literally all of their friends cower in fear whenever she comes to pick them up from the daycare, even the teachers are intimidated by her, but her kids just run happily and attempt to climb her up, ignoring her threats of murder.
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petersbaby · 1 year
Some EM headcanons for funsies SFW and NSFW
- Screams “you motherfucker” when he loses at an arcade game and kicks it but only hurts his toe
- Gets the zoomies like dogs do, running all over the house over and over until he runs out of energy and falls to the ground
- Never fails to get toothpaste on his shirt in the morning
- Would probably join in if he saw some kids playing jump rope
- Same with hopscotch. He loves to hop.
- Uses tuna salad to try to lure and capture stray neighborhood cats + “here kitty kitty” and kissy noises
- Will still eat food that had ants in it. “Extra protein” he says.
- Microwaved ramen noodles without water bc he forgot and blew up the microwave (more than once)
- If he gets a stain on a couch cushion he’ll just flip the cushion over instead of fixing the stain. “There. Like brand new.”
- Would play “just dance” on the wii in 2008
- He grows talons and only trims his toenails once you tell him they fucking scratch you in bed under the blanket
- Practices his rizz on mannequins at the mall until he gets kicked out
- Has 2 pairs of socks and one pair has a hole
- Can’t cook for shit so prefers takeout
- Likes his hair pulled, whimpers when it is
- “God, oh god” moaning while jerking off to a thought of you
- “Please” and “thank you” in sexual situations
- Starts to cry when he gets teased for too long
- He loves giving head to both boys and girls, he’s a pro at eating pussy and sucking dick
- Folds his pillow in half and fucks it
- Actually probably fucks literally anything he can get his dick in
- Several boners a day, all day
- Plot twist: the handcuffs are for him. He is not a dom. He has to act like he is to match his style and personality, but once you get alone in a room with him he’s putty in your hands.
- “Mommy”
- Cockwarming
- Forgets to take his rings off until they’ve got cum all over them and it’s too late
- Jerks off in bathrooms at parties and also in his van at night
- Piss kink. I know it. I feel it in my bones.
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slashrkiss · 1 month
"Codename: Prismatic!" Smiling Critters College + Magical Girl AU - Masterpost
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"Not all shooting stars grant wishes. Some are scornful." ••••• What happens when a friend group of 8 critters in college get selected by the divines to stop a great evil darkness that's uncovering and slowly spreading across Poppy Creek Heights? Heroic hell, that's what. After the fall of Prototype happened centuries ago, when the universe was created, allegedly. The tale is as old as time and is not believed to be nothing but a myth...but when 8 stars are uncovered one night by exactly 8 critters, things changed. Those very critters have been witnessing oddity that weren't there before and it's slowly getting worse...yet no one in the city believes them cause they all haven't seen it with their own eyes. Someone needs to do something and the stars know exactly who needs to do it: The (self-proclaimed) Prismatic Critters! Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on which of The Prismatic Critters you ask), this mission comes with fighting shadows, arguing amongst who can be trusted, partying, a ton of both magical and college drama and of course, love! Catnap is the primary culprit to that one...but...Catnap is acting strange even outside of that.
‼️⚠️ Content Warnings!! Feel free to block/ignore me if any of this makes you uncomfortable!! ⚠️‼️
- Blood
- Violence
- Strong Language/Swearing
- Sexual themes (no NSFW within the main comic itself, only suggestive themes)
- Alcohol use
- Manipulative behavior/Manipulation
- Relationship/Friendship struggles
IMPORTANT!!! - ALL of the Smiling Critters are over 18 in this AU! In their early 20s to be more specific, this AU isn't based within the canon game at all. With that in mind, you will NOT find toxic/abusive Dogday x Catnap content in this AU.
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Codename: Prismatic!: Act 1
🌈⚔️ • Working on it! • Release Date: pending...
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💫 References! 💫
• Catnap (pending...)
• Dogday
• Craftycorn (pending...)
• Bobby Bearhug (pending...)
• Kickin' Chicken (pending...)
• Hoppy Hopscotch (pending...)
• Bubba Bubbaphant (pending...)
• Picky Piggy (pending...)
🎨 Content outside of the comic!! 🎨
⚔️ Lore heavy art ⚔️
🧸 Silly/One off/Slice of Life art! 🧸
- Spring wear Bearhug!!
- Da-...Dogday! Dogday,,
- The start of me projecting into Catnap :3
💎 Shipper's corner! 💎
Ship key guide:
☀️🌙 = Dogday x Catnap
⚡❤️ = Hoppy Hopscotch x Bobby Bearhug
⭐🎨 = Kickin' Chicken x Craftycorn
As for Bubba Bubbaphant and Picky Piggy, I don't ship them together or with anyone as of now ^^')
- None, for now <3
🔷 Capcut memes/edits/vines 🔷
- None, for now <3
🎶 Playlists!! 🎶
- Locked! Will unlock after the comic is out
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✨ Mini Trivia! ✨
- The lore inspirations to this are the following!: MLP, Sailor Moon, Care Bears Movie 2: A new generation (Vaguely), Winx Club
- For a few days, this AU was originally just called, and I quote: "Smiling Critters but magical girl-ify ray"
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lindszeppelin · 4 months
curiosity- at what point do you accept a PR relationship involves the PR teams of both people? where does austin and his team/kate factor in? you do a lot of talking about kaia and her team being sinister mastermind plotters but seem hesitant to be critical of your stake in it in regards to austin and his team. i can personally see the argument for it being set up for PR, but not in the sense that he’s “trapped” which seems to be the main narrative on here. they’re too much net benefit on his end for that to be the case: the business connections he now has access to through rande, even more so bc rande seems to love him and is probably “grooming” him for casamigos involvement. connections through cindy and kaia such as laura dern, the general privilege of being plus-oned into a million, probably billion dollar dynasty family when while i’m sure he’s well off, he doesn’t come from money. more paparazzi opportunities that give him just as much PR as they do her. and to be a bit crass, a young, thin (not saying to be fatphobic and hoping you know what i mean), pretty model to get him off at the end of the day. he hasn’t exactly gotten nothing but pain out of this deal.
you got pretty close with all the ‘they’s in the part of your post calling *them* hypocritical for how they talk about privacy. but i’m curious for your brutally honest take on austin and his team’s involvement. understandable that you might be wary to upset other fans, but i think being critical of your faves is healthier than constantly falling on the sword for them. 
slow your roll, cowboy. this needs to be addressed and then we move on.
i have never not said that PR relationships DON'T involve both PR teams. It seems like you are maybe new here to my blog. I have said so much over the span of probably a year discussing all of this ad nauseum. i call out her team predominately because her team has done most of the heavy lifting. his team only seems to step in when the record needs to be corrected.
so with that being said, do you hear yourself? what planet are you living on where you truly think rande is grooming austin to take over casamigos? also, a billion dollar dynasty family? what is this, Downton Abbey? sanity has left the chat.
austin has made connections, money, and fantastic career choices without the Gerbers throughout his entire career spanning a decade and he will continue to do so without them. while he was working the field going to auditions and working on critically acclaimed shows, she was playing hopscotch with her friends in a malibu elementary school. he does not need their help, he has done it by himself very well and is managing his new level of fame in his own way.
you wanna talk about grooming? kaia has been groomed since she was little by her own family in the ways of Hollywood and how to move through it via the nepotism she has. you think that they don't give their daughter the hardest hitting PR team in LA? they play this Hollywood game for breakfast. there are two people in this situationship...one comes from humble beginnings living with his divorced parents in their family's garage, and the other one was bred into hollywood culture since birth. we are not even on the same galaxy, let alone the same planet when it comes to these two and how they move through life and their values.
we can be critical, but austin has not done anything to warrant us as fans being critical of him in regards to his PR. he doesn't care about externals like money or the glitz of hollywood. he is clearly not tempted by that shit. yes he didn't come from money, but it's shitty of you to presume that just because he has been with the Gerber's that he is this changed guy who all of a sudden cares about materialistic bullshit.. do you see this guy driving an Escalade drinking boxed water and going out to parties and rubbing elbows with the elites every weekend? no. and do you see this guy calling the paps on himself and enjoying the paps attention? no. are you blind? did you sleep through all of the last Cabo vacation and literally every single time he is papped with her? incredible selective memory.
being with kaia has made him worse off and he has not gained any benefit from this situationship. austin is not this Machiavellian schemer that rubs his hands together and plots "how can i use the gerbers to benefit my career?" like you think he does. and it's sad that you do.
in conclusion, im not here to be well liked and play to people's feelings. i don't give a damn. i am here to support austin and his career, period.
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Morning comes
waiting outside my door
Like hungry dogs
Panting with dripping tongues
I have to open the door
Face fear without a way out
Face the bullets
Already headed my way
The morning is a challenge
I want to hide
As long as possible
But there it is
Right outside my window
The morning makes me tremble
Like a leaf fighting a brutal wind
Clinging to the branch like a bed
The only place that was ever home
The morning can be good
By accident or coincidence
Maybe I feel fine
And that’s fine
For now
The morning settles like sand
I wash in with the tide
Try to figure out
Which beach the ocean
Spit me out on today
The morning can be kind
Happy feelings on repeat one
In a world where fear
Is someone else’s problem
The burden of the girl
I will be tomorrow
The morning is light hearted
Weighing nearly nothing
Pockets stuffed with sunshine
Enough for at least
Two or three days
Of moonlight
The morning is unpredictable
Falling asleep
I pray for a day
Of confetti and childhood birthday parties
The morning waits all night
At the foot of my bed
A statue with moons for eyes
Half of me
Never leaves the bedroom
Half of me is playing hopscotch
On the sidewalk
I tell her be careful
The next chalk box
Could be a black hole
But she doesn’t know what that is
I want to keep it that way
As long as I can
The morning could by
A friend or foe
Either way
I have no choice
But to greet it
With suspicion
And hope.
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