#horror!au deleted scenes
lohstandfound · 10 months
Have I ever talked about the concept I had of the squip being used to basically erase a person and create an entire new identity in that body?
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bluedovee · 1 year
A deleted scene I have for the fic I'm working on Who are we to each other? This is from Ch 1
Dust got halfway through the cup when Horror yanked his arm away and spilled its contents on the bar surface.
Dust pulled back and glared, heatedly arguing back,” what the h***, Horror?”
Horror glared at Grillby. “you don’t touch water, what did you give him?” It was quiet in the bar. Everyone was quiet now. As Dust burned from humiliation. It would have been rude not to drink.
Dust was indignant. “H, I can do what I want.”
“yeah, that’s cause the effects haven’t kicked in yet, ain’t that right, Grillbz?”
It's ok, you can be honest 😊
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rippedlovelines · 2 months
at times, writing is like pulling very stubborn teeth. i am not familiar with the practice, yes, but i’m sure the two share something in similarity: High Difficulty Level. sometimes you have to switch tactics !
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sie-rui · 9 months
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❀ SISTER, SISTER (REWRITE) | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 sano family 💿  female reader, second pov (you/your), angst and fluff, hurt / comfort, family, platonic relationship, implied soulmates, tw: canonical character death, au - canon divergence, timeline: pre-canon (headcanon), timeline: pre-moebius (imagine), headcanon + imagine 📅 july 21, 2021 🎙️ i accidentally deleted this. i had to rewrite… if someone has the original copy, please i beg of you, SEND it to me. i don’t really care if you plagiarized it or something, just give me the copy i beg. I had a breakdown because of this. 🔗 masterlist ,, parts: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
Sano Shinichiro’s best friend isn’t just his platonic soulmate, they’re also his younger sibling’s older sister.
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☆ Sano Shinichiro has a lot of tight-knit relationships (4lifers, some may say), but there is one that everyone unanimously agreed was his closest one.
☆ It was a wonder to some how the two of you become such close companions. To some, after seeing Sano Shinichiro with you, they easily understood.
☆ Meeting in school as his underclassman, it didn’t take long for you to get roped into his gang’s bullshit. It wasn’t that you were an official member but you were definitely someone. Someone to Sano Shinichiro. Someone.
☆ Sano Shinichiro is batshit crazy, especially during his younger years. It just so happened that you were crazy as well.
☆ In high school, you guys were definitely uncontrollable. Whatever Shinichiro did, you tagged along.
☆ As you grew older, the both of you were definitely calmer, outgrowing that childish recklessness the both of you had always shared.
☆ It was love. Not romantically, but it was love. The kind of love that Shinichiro was sure that in some other universe, the two of you were together as well.
☆ When someone tried insinuating that the two of you could start dating each other, the response was instant.
“With this asshole?” “With this bitch?”
☆ Shinichiro wonders if the reason why he’s always getting rejected by girls is because you’re always with him. You scoffed.
“Trust me, it’s not me. They just don’t like you.” “I have a great personality!” “Well your face isn’t that great.”
☆ Once Shin introduced you to his family, it was all over.
☆ Mikey had no reaction to your presence in the house at the start, blatantly ignoring you, giving you dead-eyes. You coddled on him, to his chagrin.
☆ Emma, on the other hand, adored you. To the point that Shinichiro and Manjiro wondered if this was really their sister.
☆ You managed to bribe Mikey with sweets. Not that you needed to because when he saw you picking on Shinichiro, he loved you already.
☆ As much as they want you to be a part of the family officially, they begged you not to marry their brother.
“Honestly, you can do better, Y/n-nee.” “Yeah. Shinichiro isn’t worth it.” “I’m right here?!” “We know.”
☆ Shinichiro thinks that they love you more than they love him. He doesn’t quite mind.
☆ Keisuke is Manjiro’s… friend, if you can even call him that. Mikey beats him up for fun. (In his defense, Baji asks for it.)
☆ It was only when you saw Manjiro literally kick a guy twice his size on the face, knocking them out cold, did you realize that this kid could literally kill you.
“Is Manjiro safe?” “Why are you saying that as if he’s some dog?”
☆ You love the kid, either way.
☆ You’d defend him from whatever happens. But if it’s a fight, you’re dropping out. Fuck no. Mikey can fight for himself. (If anything, you’re the one getting beat up.)
“Y/n-nee, Shinichiro hit me!” “Shin, don’t hit him! That was too hard.” “Why are you taking his side?!” “He brought home snacks for me and you’ve been pissing me off lately.”
☆ It does weird you out how he laughs at horror movies when the four of you watch at home, though. Everyone is screaming. You don’t know if he’s laughing at the gory scene on the television or at everyone’s reaction.
☆ Movie nights with the Sano family start during the afternoon because everyone wants a chance to pick a movie. 
☆ Sometimes, you get suspicious of Shinichiro disappearing randomly. He doesn’t answer your calls, nor his siblings’. When he comes back and you ask him to explain, he just grins at you and ruffles your hair. Asshole.
“It’s a secret.”
☆ It was supposed to be shopping with Emma but three people were tagging along, acting as if it was a coincidence, because they wanted attention from you as well.
☆ It would be a bloodbath. Emma wants to go shopping, Shinichiro wants to go to the arcade, Mikey wants to go home, Keisuke wants to go to a pet shop. 
☆ You want to go to the movies. That’s impossible because you’d never get to pick the movie you want to watch.
☆ When you get home, everyone is knocked out tired. After a whole day of complaining and fighting, you didn’t expect anything else. (You were also half-dead on the couch after all.)
☆ You stay over so much at Sano's house that you’re basically a member of that household. Their grandfather doesn’t quite mind.
☆ Their grandfather appreciates your presence in the house. It seems as if it has been livelier with you around. He doesn’t mind the noise.
☆ He  doesn’t quite understand how you can stand his grandchildren. For one, his eldest, Sano Shinichiro is running around, creating a gang and picking fights and getting his ass handed to him. Manjiro started calling himself some name, is addicted to fights, and refuses to learn anything else because apparently he’s going to take over Tokyo or something. Emma is… Well, that child seems to hate everyone. Then, there’s also Mikey’s friend, Keisuke. He doesn’t even have to say anything about that kid.
☆ He finally understood when he saw you laughing as you watched Keisuke and Manjiro get chased by wild dogs.
“She’s just as insane as them.”
☆ He says all of that but he loves all four of his grandchildren.
☆ Sometimes, it felt like you lived in that house more than your own. Shinichiro’s room is yours. (He did not agree to this. You sleep on his bed anyway.)
☆ Emma loves playing with your hair and styling it. She complains that her brothers’ hairs are too short. (That’s part of the reason why Mikey grew his out.)
☆ She also learned cooking from you. Honestly, you don’t know how they survived this long. The only thing Shinichiro can cook is curry and it’s shit.
“Shinichiro’s cooking sucks.” “You brat! Try starving!” “Instead of eating your food? Gladly.”
☆ Shinichiro annoys you to teach him how to cook better as well. Emma told him to get out of her kitchen.
☆ Mikey has this habit of judging people. He will blackmail you even before he learns the word blackmail. Be careful.
☆ Emma also has a bit of judging people, specifically her brothers. More specifically, Shinichiro’s sense of style and Manjiro’s inability to eat anything that isn’t sweet. She says that’s why he’s so stupid, his brain is filled with sugar.
☆ You can tell that the kids love each other so much though. You just hope that they can show that… properly.
☆ Shinichiro loves taking videos of everything, he uses this camcorder that was gifted to him years ago, on his 7th birthday. He has a shelf of tapes in his room. Later down the row, your videos were in the Sano Family Collection.
☆ It’s always noisy at that house. But it’s expected as it is home to five people.
☆ It only became silent when Shinichiro died.
☆ Everything was different after Shinichiro died. 
☆ On the night he died, that was the one night you chose to laugh at him when he asked if you wanted to stay at the shop with him to help fix up Mikey’s birthday gift for tomorrow.
“Hey, Y/n! You better be there for Mikey’s birthday tomorrow.” “How could I not go to my favorite Sano’s birthday?” “I thought that I was your favorite Sano- Don’t laugh!” “Goodnight, Shin.”
☆ Manjiro called you an hour later; that was your last conversation with Shinichiro.
☆ Of course, it hurt you. How could it not? Almost ten years of your life was spent with him, from high school until adulthood. He was family. He was someone. He was Shinichiro.
☆ Sometimes, it felt like a part of you died with him that night.
☆ But you had to be strong. Mikey and Emma were lost, confused, and they were looking at you. How could you show them that you didn’t feel like yourself anymore?
☆ You put on a smile, hardened yourself, and took care of them. They were your kids as much as they were Shinichiro’s.
☆ You spend the nights crying.
☆ Emma refused to leave your side. She cried when you even tried stepping out of the house’s door.
☆ Mikey never left his room the days that followed Shinichiro’s death. He barely ate, the meals you left outside his door barely eaten. You had to beg him to go out of his room on the day of the funeral. He almost didn’t come.
“Mikey, please. Please. Go see your brother before he has to go. Please, Manjiro.”
☆ You cried outside his door that morning. Begging him.
☆ He came out, eyes red, lips pursed.
☆ The funeral was attended by family, friends, members, people whose lives were changed because of Shinichiro. You find that in funerals, you can see how good of a person the deceased is from the people that visit.
☆ You had no tears left to cry during the funeral, even when people came to pat your shoulder and tell you that he was a good person. You knew that. Shinichiro is a good person. They didn’t have to tell you.
☆ You caught a glance of a boy with light hair standing at the very back. You didn’t recognize him but something was pulling you to him. He left before you could approach him.
☆ The first night after Shinichiro was laid down on his final resting place, you found yourself on the couch in the living room.
☆ That night was the hardest you ever cried for Sano Shinichiro.
☆ The silence was unbearable. 
☆ It took so long to finally stop shedding tears over the dead. When you realized that you stopped crying for him, it made you break down even more.
☆ You couldn’t understand how Mikey and Emma manage to go about their day as if nothing was wrong. How they declined therapy, or seeing someone. 
☆ You never knew that it was because you were right there. They could act as if nothing was wrong because you were still there.
☆ Sometimes, you just want to run away and never look back. To forget about Shinichiro, about Mikey, Emma, their whole bloodline. It was heavy. It was so heavy. But you didn’t.
☆ That was love.
☆ But it was Mikey and Emma who insisted that you take the job offer overseas.
“We’ll be fine here, Y/n-nee.” “Yeah, we’re not babies. We can take care of ourselves just fine.” “Well, I can. Mikey can’t.” “Hey!”
☆ Your eyes were teary when you packed your bags and left, promising them that it would only be for a while, that you’d come back soon.
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“They’re at their little meeting.”
You feel the breeze caress your skin, like an old friend greeting you home. Shibuya never changed in the years that you were gone. From their grandfather’s words, it seemed like the Sano siblings didn’t change as well. Seriously, why is the meeting still at night?
You just came back to Japan and the very first place that you went was, of course, home. The Sano Household. Only to find out that the two kids that you were planning to surprise weren't even there.
Their grandfather had welcomed you warmly like you were his own grandchild, telling you that as usual, they were out having a little meeting. You thanked him, leaving your bags, before finding yourself in the cold once more.
You were unofficially officially tasked to drag them home.
Mikey you can understand, but Emma? Why in the world is she hanging out with her brother? In her brother’s meeting? In her brother’s gang meeting? You wondered if starting or being in gangs was in the bloodline. It’s as if the Sano Siblings were destined to trouble, as if they’d get sick if they aren’t fighting something.
You adjust the plastic bag on your wrist. You bought some ingredients for dorayaki, planning on spending the night to make some with the siblings because you know that Manjiro wouldn’t be able to wait until tomorrow.
God, I love these kids too much.
The silence of the night was peaceful.
The silence of the night was broken by bellowing. 
“Who in the world is screaming in the dead of the night?”
You sighed, starting your trek up the steps of Musashi shrine. It wasn’t until midway did you finally start to recognize that voice. “Manjiro?” What the fuck.
Hurrying to the top, the shrine was crowded by rows of black uniforms, young teens in lines looking up at the shrine where the familiar strands of blond stood. You blink.
For a second, you saw Black Dragon. 
For a second, you saw Sano Shinichiro.
You couldn’t help the gasp that left your lips, unheard in the midst of one Sano Manjiro’s yelling. Last you heard, there were barely 10 guys in the Tokyo Manji Gang. To think that that snotty brat who refused to eat anything that isn’t sweet is leading such a huge group, is succeeding in his once little dream.
Manjiro looked like Shinichiro, you realize, standing at the very back.
You shook yourself out of your stupor. No. You refuse to let yourself walk backwards, to let yourself see things that aren’t there, to remember moments long past.
Emma is standing off to the side with a cute girl beside her. At least she didn’t seem to be a part of the gang, wearing civilian clothes that you hoped was keeping her warm. You don’t want her getting sick. You march forward, ignoring the looks sent your way by the members as they try to stop you.
Without a pause, you start matching Manjiro’s screaming just as Emma starts, “Y/n-nee!-”
“Shut the hell up, Sano Manjiro!”
The silence of the night returns.
Wide obsidian eyes stare into your as you stand at the very front, at the bottom of the stairs where Mikey stood. “It is eleven in the fucking evening. Everyone is asleep. None of your members are talking. So tell me, why the fuck are you screaming?!”
There were murmurs behind you. He doesn’t seem to mind, a grin splitting his face, the cold mask he was wearing breaking as he jumps down, skipping steps. “Y/n-nee!”
“We’re going home!”
You step to the side, letting him land on the space where you once were, knowing that you were going to get tackled if you hadn’t dodge. Mikey is unnerved, simply turning around and jumping on you, arm hitting your throat.
Draken looked exasperated, knowing that the President wasn’t going to go back to whatever he was saying and it was up to him to adjourn for the night.
“You’re back!” He looks at the plastic bag. “ARE THOSE FOR DORAYAKI?!”
“Nuh-uh! Go back up there and finish your little club meeting.”
“But Ken-chin-”
Mikey pouts as he gets pushed off of you. Ken gives you a thankful look as if you were an angel sent by the heavens to rein their spontaneous boss back. “Let’s go, Emma,” you call to the girl already hurrying over.
You turn your back to Mikey, grabbing Emma’s hand as she looks at you with wide eyes, a growing smile on her lips. Seriously, screaming at 11 in the evening at a shrine where no one is talking? You worry for Mikey sometimes. 
“Keisuke, you’re invited as well,” you tell the boy in passing, glancing at the blond beside him. “Bring your pretty friend over as well.”
“Y/n-nee, when did you come back?”
You smile at her. “Just now.”
“And you headed straight here?”
Technically, no. You headed home. “Where else would I go if not to you and Mikey?”
It's just that your home is the Sano Family.
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house of the dragon masterlist
🍓 = fluff themes
❄️ = angst themes
🚧 = smut themes
🤸‍♀️ = slice of life / bish idek what theme this is
🚀 = crack fic themes
🎩 = dark and/or violent themes
🏩 = genre fic, i.e. mystery, horror, fantasy, etc
🍳 = slow burn
🦕 = personal favorite
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back to main masterlist
daemon masterlist | aemond masterlist
story centric masterlists
● the blonde boys club *🍓🤸‍♀️🎩🏩🦕
● stark!reader universe masterlist *🍓❄️🚧🚀🍳🎩🦕
● accidental targ masterlist *🍓🚀🏩
● for your eyes only masterlist *🍓🚧🎩🏩
● oldtown masterlist *🍓❄️🚧🏩🍳🦕
● snow angel *❄️🦕
*fics contain these themes but masterlists are unrated
Some fics here are available in the other masterlists
Want You Dead | ❄️❄️🚧🚧🚧🎩🎩🎩🎩🍳🍳🍳🍳🍳🦕 Daemon Targaryen x Pirate!Reader [+ eventual Aemond Targaryen x Reader] 1 2 3 
I’ll Play The Fool Instead | ❄️🎩🎩🍳 Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Harwin Strong x Reader
Since You Asked So Nicely | 🍓❄️❄️🎩 Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Harwin Strong x Reader
Waiting For A Lifetime | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🎩🏩🏩🍳🍳🍳🍳🦕Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Aegon Targaryen x Reader + Aemond Targaryen x Reader (Modern AU) 1 2 3 4 5 ?
Scale Soother | 🍓🍓🎩🏩🍳🦕 Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Cregan Stark x Reader
Truly, Madly, Deeply | 🍓🍓❄️❄️🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧🚧 Daemon, Viserys, Otto (& Aemma) x Targaryen!Reader
Maniac | 🍓🚧🤸‍♀️🚀🏩 Ex!Aemond Targaryen x Reader + Rebound!Daemon Targaryen x Reader
The Salt In My Blood | ❄️❄️❄️🚧🚧🎩🎩🎩🍳🦕 Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader x Dalton Greyjoy
My Lord | 🚧🚧 Otto Hightower x Reader
Aegon Targaryen
Losing Dogs | ❄️❄️❄️🚧🚧🎩🎩🍳🦕 Aegon Targaryen x Reader
Tear In My Heart | ❄️❄️❄️🎩🏩 Aemond Targaryen x Baratheon!Reader x Aegon Targaryen
Street Rat | ❄️🎩🎩🍳 Aegon Targaryen x Reader
Cregan Stark
Puppy Love | 🍓🍓 Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Cregan Stark x Reader
Heat | 🍓🤸‍♀️Cregan Stark x Martell!Reader
Yeti | 🍓🚧🚧🚧 Cregan Stark x Martell!Reader
Push & Pull | 🤸‍♀️ Jacaerys Velaryon x Lannister!Reader x Cregan Stark
Pelts | 🍓🍓❄️ Cregan Stark x Reader
Poison Berries | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Cregan Stark x Reader
Gwayne Hightower
Hatred & Love | 🍓 Gwayne Hightower x Targaryen!Reader
Stop The Feeling | ❄️ Gwayne Hightower x Cargyll!Reader
Tin Solider | 🍓🚧🚧 Gwayne Hightower x Reader
Seeing Red | 🍓 Gwayne Hightower x Lannister!Reader
Seeing Green | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Gwayne Hightower x Lannister!Reader x Harwin Strong
Flesh & Teeth | 🍓🚧 Gwayne Hightower x Reader
Break Bones? | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Gwayne Hightower x Lannister!Reader x Harwin Strong
Actor Fic
I Can’t Help It | 🍓🍓🚀🚀🚀🦕 Matt Smith x Actress!Reader
I’m Into It | 🍓🚀🚀 Matt Smith x Actress!Reader
Dark Kiss | 🍓🚀🚀 Matt Smith x Reader
A Total Babe | 🍓🍓🚀🚀 Tom Glynn-Carney x Actress!Reader
Choke ‘Em | 🍓🚀 Ewan Mitchell x Actress!Reader
Sloshed | 🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🚀🚀 HotD Cast & Reader
Deleted Scene | 🍓🍓🍓🚀 Tom Glynn-Carney x Actress!Reader
Acting Direction | 🍓🍓🤸‍♀️ Tom Glynn-Carney x Reader
Barbie | 🍓🤸‍♀️ Ewan Mitchell x Reader
Secret Hand Holding | 🍓🤸‍♀️🚀🚀 Ewan Mitchell x Reader
Easy To Be |  🍓🍓🤸‍♀️🚀 Ewan Mitchell x Actress!Reader
Security | 🍓🤸‍♀️🚀 Matt Smith x Reader
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blouisparadise · 6 months
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of bottom Louis fics where either Louis or Harry has amnesia. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Finding Thoughts | Teen & Up | 6,810 words
"Hi, my name is Louis Tomlinson and I suffer from short term memory loss."
2) Our Love Was Made For Movie Screens. | Not Rated | 8,106 words
Harry wakes up and doesn't know anything about anything and Louis is his omega.
3) Cause I’m Really Not Fine At All | Mature | 13,679 words
Louis Tomlinson, one of the famous members of One Direction, is involved in a car accident that caused him to have amnesia, wiping all the last five years of his life from the memory. The interesting part is he may not remember that he has a girlfriend now, yet his mind seems to think that he has been in a relationship with one of the members, Harry Styles. Harry is baffled and shocked at the situation that's thrown in his face. He finds himself learning how to be a good boyfriend for Louis. It has to be easy.. right?
4) Indestructible | Explicit | 24,243 words
“Hi,” Harry murmurs, and Louis hiccups out a sob. “Hi,” he manages, still clutching onto Harry’s shoulders. Harry’s fingers drift across Louis’ cheeks, and there’s something off about Harry’s expression, but Louis can’t figure out what it is. “I’m okay,” Harry says, and Louis is going to say something to that, even if he doesn’t know what, except Harry’s kissing him. Louis freezes.
5) The Way This River Runs | Explicit | 27,417 words
Louis is provided a chance to start over. He takes it.
6) Deleted Scenes | Explicit | 33,623 words
Agent Harry Styles was injured on the job a few months back, and gets roped in one last mission before he can retire prematurely: playing house with Louis, a widower who has amnesia. The assignment seems simple at the beginning, but soon enough Harry's twisted in a web of his own making, and can't get out anymore.
7) Just A Pretty Boy | Explicit | 35,614 words
The alpha in front of him wasn’t only tall, but used every inch of his body to look even more threatening. He looked as shocked as Joseph felt, in his eyes he could clearly see horror and anger mixed into an odd and painful mix. It was as if he just watched a ghost or a monster from a nightmare come to life.  “Louis…” he said with a low voice. It wasn’t a question, he was calling Joseph by that name.  The crease between Joseph’s brows deepened. “Who?” Louis and Harry were married until, one day, Louis passed away in a tragic accident. Years later, he is found alive and with a thousand questions plaguing his mind. The most important ones; was his husband involved in his disappearance? And, how long did it take Harry and his best friend to fall in love after his supposed dead?
8) The Things I’d Do To Wake Up Next To You | Mature | 36,109 words
AU. Harry wakes up to a pregnant Louis Tomlinson and a wedding band on his finger.
9) Strangers In Love | Explicit | 42,207 words
Louis wakes up to find himself in a marriage with the last man he thought he'd ever end up with.
10) Define Me Again | Mature | 54,385 words
He's never felt so frightened in his life before, so fucking terrified for himself. And Louis. He looked down at their hands, which seemed to have been connected throughout the incident. He looked at the ring on Louis' hand, for the nth time that day. His heart hurt so bad now, he was terrified. He wanted to do so many things, he wanted to check on louis, if he- if he- God he couldn't even think about it. "Louis," he tried to whisper, but nothing but air came out from his mouth. "I love you, Harry," whispered a voice. But it was nowhere near him. Visions attacked his mind, rapidly flickering through like one would do the pages of a book. He was terrified. His entire life literally flashed in his mind, vision growing more and more weak and he fought unconsciousness. Memories and the picture of Louis lying unconscious in front of him altered and flickered, so rapidly that he felt dizzy with how fast his mind was whirring. What happens when you die? God he was so, so, so, fucking terrified. All his senses gave out, last thing he felt was Louis' hand in his and then, everything went black.
11) Flash Back To Me | Explicit | 73,068 words | Prequel
Louis narrows his eyes, wanting more than anything to tell Liam to go fuck himself, but he can’t be sure, is the thing. As much as he knows for a fact that he would never date someone like Harry Styles, he has months missing from his memory. And it’s scary to think that, in that time, everything he’s come to know about himself could have changed so drastically.
12) Consequences | Explicit | 78,556 words
Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
13) Invisible String | Explicit | 84,726 words
Louis swears on his life that that man came out of literal nowhere and he thanks each lucky star for having good breaks in his car. This strange alpha also happens to be the most beautiful being Louis has laid his eyes on. For some unknown reason, the omega feels safe around the alpha. It might seem strange, but you can't always explain why or how things are the way they are. All you can really be sure of is that they happen for a reason. There's a higher power (call it what you want) that knows better and definitely knows more than you do.
14) The Dead Of July | Explicit | 117,446 words
Harry is Captain America, and Louis’ been dead for 70 years.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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bubba-luz · 5 hours
Do you have like a summary of petals somewhere? From what i can understand from the comics its a zosan centric infection au and i wanna know more
Hi, thank you for the question.
Petals was an au for a now defunct fic I was writing earlier this year called “petals, a bloodied tongue” . I had published the first chapter and was working on the second chapter, but due to lack of interest from others and not really knowing what I was doing with a big story I wanted, I deleted it. I did make art for it, as you can see, and some notes when I was trying to map out the story.
You got it mostly right, it is an infection au, though I considered it be more Zoro centric, since I planned it to be told majority from his pov. I got the idea from One Piece Movie 6 Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island and a 2008 film called The Ruins. It was a plant-based horror story with some cosmic elements. I mostly wanted to write a story where Zoro couldn’t really protect anyone. Zoro makes it his job to be the strongest and always protect the crew. But this is something beyond his control and he can’t slash his way through it.
The Strawhats end up on a mysterious island after a strange storm the night before. The island looks peaceful and has weird animals and creatures on it, but overall nice temporary vacation spot. Then Chopper goes missing. Then Nami and Robin. They find Robin, but shes sick? Nami is no where to be seen. So they eventually get picked off one by one. I made a numbered list of who goes first:
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And manner of “death”:
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The island itself is alive, it is it’s own being/animal. The souls of those that are consumed are trapped at the heart of the island, and their bodies are essentially fertilizers, some people grow into trees, or flowers, etc. There was a scene I wrote as a test run, of zoro finding a tangerine tree, the tangerines taste metallic like blood, and the juice is a red orange. So their blood also runs through the island.
For humans and the like it tends to infect them, they may cough up blood, sweat, hallucinate. They grow weaker in a matter of hours and lose mobility and the ability to speak, as there are plants growing inside them. Eventually they bloom and are consumed by the island.
Majority of the arts I did were scenes from the story, like Zoro giving the flowers to Sanji, Sanji telling Zoro he’s sick, Frobin having a moment.
This is the full layout notes I did:
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I had some in between stuff planned, like Robin’s group exploring abandoned ruins which is where they are attacked and Robin is infected. Zoro and Robin have a conversation about some groups believing that when they die they become a star in the sky, so, eventually, they’ll see their loved ones again. Zoro digging into the ground hysterically after he realizes Sanji is gone.
The infection hits Sanji the hardest and slowest because of his genes and he’s the last to leave Zoro.
As for why Zoro never gets infected, I had this weird idea that the island recognizes Zoro as an animal like the island is. This would tie back to Sanji telling Zoro that he “doesn’t think Zoro is a mindless wild animal, even if he fights like one sometimes.”
Also I forgot to post this:
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This would be Luffy’s death, but he comes back as the little dancing monkey orchid that Zoro sees when he’s all alone. Zoro believes he has lost it from grief.
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Chopper turned into the little bean guys you keep seeing, he’s the one with the broken leaf. He seems to still remember Zoro.
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Sanji turns into a field of dandelions and daisies. He got infected when he smelled the flowers Zoro gave him. The field seems to protect Zoro from any hostile animals.
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Zoro has these recurring dreams of Sanji running away and leaving him, much to Zoro’s efforts. His final dream Sanji places a hand on Zoro’s heart and smiles and disappears, Zoro wakes up to Sanji gone.
Zoro also sleeps more now, since he sleeps with Sanji. He feels safe with Sanji, so he let’s his guard down.
Here’s chapter one, unfinished two, test run
If you have any specific questions, please send an ask in the inbox.
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aughtpunk · 2 months
Any advise for someone who's trying to write their own COTL AU story but keep getting stuck with the main plot?
Okay I waited till I was less mentally wiggly to answer this.
I'm guessing you have the issue where you've created an entire AU with all the background and world and characters and are now sitting there going 'wait, now what'. This has actually happened to me in the past! It sucks! But you can work your way through it!
First, think about what type of story you want to tell. Don't even think about the AU part. Like, do you want to write a romance? A mystery? Slice-of-Life? What sort of story are you interested in? Because I find that trying to force myself to write something I don't want to never, EVER works.
Now think of one super cool ultra thing you want to happen in the story. It could be something you've read a million times before (oh no, we have to share a bed) or something that's totally off the wall and unique (oh no, our pirate ship grew a mouth and it's trying to eat this island). So many of my fanfics have started from me thinking of one really cool scene and working around it.
Next, you work around that cool scene. What could possibly lead someone to that point in the story? What would immediately happen after that? How did our pirates come across this boat? What dark magic transformed the boat? Then, what do the people who live on the island think about how their coast now has a bite mark in it? I find that working from the inside-out is a good way to develop shaky plots. It causes a domino effect backwards, in a way.
Okay you got a cool idea and some very basic ideas for the events of the story. Now comes the messy part: sticking the characters in. It may seem easy at first, The Lamb is the pirate king, it's Narinder's island, but as you put more and more characters in you may notice they start to...rebel in a way. Suddenly Kallamar is there trying to lecture people on how islands Don't Work That Way. Maybe Pirate Lamb doesn't want to work with Island God Narinder. That OC you made to have a single line is now a major character and is making out with Kallamar how the fuck did that happen.
At this point: DO NOT PANIC.
Character rebellion is perfectly natural and part of the writing process. People aren't so cut and dry, and that goes for fictional people as well. The trick is not to force the characters to act against their nature. You want to lean in with whatever these characters are doing. If The Pirate Lamb doesn't want to bow to Narinder you don't force them to bow because that will make the story seem flat and forced. Instead, go into why the character is acting that way. Then go into the consequence of the character acting that way. Now Narinder is pissed and is calling for the Pirate Lamb's head. You didn't plan it, and it may change what you had outlined, but the story is better for it.
So now you have a cool event, a bunch of characters, and a story fleshed out by the actions of those characters. Now comes the hardest part of all: Writing an absolute shit first draft. Just. Just the worst thing you've ever written. When you read it over you will doubt all your writing abilities and debate deleting everything and burning the computer in which it was written on.
Don't do that. Instead have a snack and go to bed.
Then the next day you fix yourself a snack and a yummy drink and FIX THAT SHIT. Just read it over and over tweaking and adjusting until the story is how you want it. And if you have a beta reader than even better! But hey, if you don't it's not the end of the world. The important thing is after you look over your story two of three times you then slap that baby online before second-guessing yourself. Be sure to use the right tags too!
And that's it. Then you have a story out there featuring Pirate Lamb and Island God Narinder making out sloppy-style as the island sinks in the background. Congrats! You're a writer! Pat yourself on the back and slowly realize with sickening horror that you now have at least two dozen more story ideas.
Don't worry, it happens to the best of us.
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cordeliawhohung · 2 months
one of my favorite things about pet au is that simon doesn't care. does not. give a shit. about bonnie. every time i see you respond to people who "suggest" he becomes softer or gentler, i tear my hair out. are we not reading the same fic? that would be a complete 180. it would only make sense if he hit his head. hard.
oh i'm about to yap under the cut and maybe be a little mean
tldr at the end
ngl i nearly almost gave up writing for pet!au because of shit like that lmao. and like, i get in the beginning the story wasn't really a story at all. and i think that's obvious since it started out with more of like, musings with really quick writing. something i wasn't really putting effort into because at first i was thinking it was just a quick idea or whatever. and so a lot of what i was saying with interactions in my asks and stuff like that were just vague ideas. like at one point i was going to put in a graphic non-con scene with simon and bonnie as a "lesson" to her and decided against it because i wanted to take a different route about how he was going to interact with her and when i announced simon and bonnie were never going to fuck i think that turned a lot of people away from the series lmao (at least, on tumblr anyway).
and honestly, i was kind of glad because i stopped getting the bombarding asks of "what if xyz" and "is simon really never going to like bonnie?" and stuff like that for the most part because that shit was killing. me. oh my god. like if you look back at the asks in my pet!au tag that was all i was fucking getting i swear to god.
and look, i get it. this is the horny site. people are going to be horny. but it's super frustrating when people try to hijack your story (believe it or not, this isn't a group project lmao) and act upset or disappointed when a story isn't going their way. i love those twisted horny fics, too. and so does everyone else that's why there's a fucking trillion of them out there on this site and ao3. hell, i even have some. such as this kidnapping soapgaz fic or this ghoap x reader fic that is basically pet au in another universe lmao.
to put those works out, have them there for people to read, and then to have this fic for a different reason that i have now stated several times and have requested that this stay a horror fic and then have people give backhand comments about how they wish it was xyz is super frustrating as a writer. asking "is xyz ever gonna happen. damn" like you're entitled to answers about the future of the story, or trying to see if it's 'worth your time' to continue reading is just. infuriating beyond polite words.
i had to start deleting and not responding to certain things because it was just getting too frustrating. but i am honestly so endlessly grateful to people who actually try to engage with the story i'm writing and not the one they want me to write. i could literally smooch all of you on the foreheads if i was able to. but like, i had this problem with Leftovers too. i think something that has made fandom honestly extremely difficult to keep enjoying is that people treat you like you're an ai if you're a writer. like you're some bot you can shove a prompt into and then get a response curated for you and you can just keep trying and trying and trying and bugging and bugging and bugging if you don't like it and want it changed. like i'm not a human being.
anyway, if i could boil this all down to one paragraph, i would say:
Learn when a story isn't for you, and find a different one instead of trying to dictate or complain to the author that it's not going how you hoped. If you want to talk about a story to an author, please talk about the story that we have written/are writing, and not the one you wished we would write. And, just maybe, if someone has expressed they really hate certain types of comments about a fic, maybe stop making those comments, even as a joke. Truly, it makes me feel like shit.
anyway, thank you anon. for giving me a platform to rant about something that's been bugging me for a bit. and also for just... getting me. for getting the story and what it's trying to say. horny fics are fun, but this storyline is deeply important to me and how it plays out. i get it's not fun, but there is a deeper meaning behind it all and it's really comforting to hear that someone not only enjoys, but actually understands what i'm trying to say. like, for once i'm not being talked over about my own story lmao.
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Play the Fool - Dottore (Part 3)
Author's Notes: I've finally figured out how many fics it's going to take for me to finish this unplanned series. Just like the previous parts, I listened to "Black Sea" by Natasha Blume while writing this. Reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: Mer-Dottore/ Merman AU/ gender-neutral reader/ I'm not gonna label this as fluff since that doesn't feel quite right, but know that it's NOT angst, yandere, or anything like that
Word Count: 1468
Trigger Warning: Discussion of past crimes including murder (Dottore), Fatui are generally shady
{Part One} {Part Two} {Part Three: You're Here!} {Part Four} {Part Five}
EDIT: Entire series now available on AO3! (link deleted due to glitches)
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My cover job of cleaning Dottore’s tank was slippery work, but I’d managed to get some of the Fatui employees to bring over yet another, curiously identical wheeled tank for me to dump the green gunk that the harbinger had concocted into.
I clambered out of the newly cleaned tank, glancing around and noting that there was no one left in the room save for myself. Which was exactly what I needed, but was also very suspicious.
I couldn’t help but feel that this was all going a little bit too smoothly. But I also didn’t really have a choice but to accept it, at least for now. So I went ahead and flipped a heavy black tarp over the tank’s open lid to help with both the scent and the  generally revolting appearance of the green algae.
If I were lucky or if someone really was behind the scenes, then the rest of the headquarters would be equally barren while I wheeled Dottore out under the guise of the trash that I now pushed in front of me.
I stopped next to Dottore’s tank, tapping it lightly to let him know it was just me before I reached over to shift the tarp. In response a webbed hand appeared on the glass. Dottore himself remained lying sluggishly on the bottom of the tank. The twitching of his blue fins was the only sign of life.
I frowned at the sight of him, pausing in my motions to look worriedly into the tank. He barely moved, but somehow I could feel his gaze shift to me. He made no motions to communicate or rush me. Instead he only pulled his hand back into a more relaxed position and remained laying, the gills in his side fluttering tiredly.
He reminded me of some of the less-than-healthy fish I’d seen in pet stores before when I’d looked into possible ways to care for him when I’d first been given my job. Then, I’d been more fascinated by him, though I’d still maintained a careful distance that made my current actions laughable.
But I’d always been less afraid of him than the scientists and I’d always viewed him as more than just a fish, unlike some of the other Fatui that came and went.
After all, no mere fish could incur quite so much horror in people nor could it kill quite so easily. There was always a cleverness to the merman that was decidedly human in the most malevolent way possible.
I was torn between offering words of reassurance and staying silent. A cold part of me argued that he was a horrible man who’d killed numerous scientists solely in the name of revenge and seemed to take a certain degree of delight in it. While they had betrayed him, two wrongs didn’t make a right, and who knew what all horrors this man had committed in his past scientific tests.
 The other, more sympathetic part of me argued that he was a captive, treated little better than a discarded pet or scientific oddity that was known to be dangerous but also viewed as less than human.
I pursed my lips, my hand remaining on the glass, and the words slipped from my mouth as the more sympathetic side of me won over, “ I know you’re uncomfortable, but hang on just a little bit longer. We’ll be out of here and back at my home soon, and then I’ll at least be able to get the lid off this thing. Maybe then you can recover from whatever that gunk you created has done to you.”
He shifted, almost like he was trying to roll over to better look at me when I spoke. But I didn’t linger to watch his reaction. He needed action more than kind words right now. So instead of continuing to comfort him awkwardly, I stood and hurriedly shifted the tarp over to where he was before moving the algae filled tank off to the side.
Now, at a mere glance, people would hopefully assume it was just his tank and not go near it for fear of his past behavior.
I grasped the handles that stuck off Dottore’s tank and inhaled deeply before taking off down the hallway. Moving at a brisk pace that made it look like I was busy, but not like I was rushing. I couldn’t afford to get stopped by any suspicious Fatui now. 
Something told me pushing a tank holding the former second of the harbingers would be frowned upon and lead to a not so pleasant end for me.
The halls were worryingly but also blessedly empty, making me frown even as I continued on the path of our escape. I was certain now, there was someone else involved in this little escape plan. 
By playing the fool with both Dottore and Pantalone I was no doubt playing exactly into someone’s hands. But I was far enough down this path that I certainly wasn’t going back.
Clever, Dottore had called me. More like stubborn.
And, unsurprisingly at this point, our escape was a success. No one even tried to stop me as I left the Fatui base and turned down the path that went to home. In fact, one of the final guards we’d passed, Makism I believed his name was, had even waved.
I hadn’t paused until I had reached my home which was provided and paid for by Fatui higher-ups and thereby incredibly, but uncomfortably close to their headquarters. Because if nothing else, the Fatui paid their employees well. Even if said employee just took care of the mysterious and revenge-driven merman who served as both a terror, curiosity, and maybe even a warning.
 It was almost distressing to be bringing this man, who could kill me the very second I opened his tank’s lid, into my home. But I did so. Grimly opening my door and pushing the tank into the building and then directly over to the secondary bathroom that I never used.
I yanked the tarp off, letting it flop down to the cold floor in a most condemning fashion as I looked at the locks on the tank’s lid. It was not the first time I’d realized exactly how risky of a plan this entire ordeal was and on what uneven ground me and Dottore were on.
He was far more dangerous than I and, if he so wished, he could easily get rid of me. I was relying on the idea that I was necessary to his survival, but how true that was I didn’t know.
After all, if he did kill me then Fatui would no doubt take one look at the fact that he’d gone missing on the very same day that would coincide with my death and draw one, not entirely wrong conclusion. 
That I’d stolen their merman.
After that it wouldn't be hard to manipulate those scientists, ever eager for some new, grandiose finding, that I’d stolen from him because he knew something. Dottore would ensure that they kept him alive for that much longer by simply killing me. An act that I knew he would have little to no difficulty with.
My hand rested on the first lock as I stared blankly down at the metal. A single shift of my wrist and the lid would open and I would be risking it all by doing exactly what had landed me in this mess in the first place.
But, despite all the risks, the locks clicked open and I pushed the lid off, letting it fall to the floor with thud as I looked down into the water.
Dottore’s tail slid along the bottom of the tank from where he looked up at me like he was ready to spring out at any moment. He still looked weak, but I had no doubt that he could do far more damage than he let on.
And that was exactly why I was surprised when he uncurled and stretched his way up to the top of the tank.
I stepped backwards, my eyes never leaving him as he easily cut through the water’s surface, his fins wrapping around him and before fanning back out as his long, webbed fingers curled over the glass edges of the tank.
“Clever and efficient,” The words slipped from his lips and I found myself going still. I wasn’t, as of yet, used to him talking yet and his sonorous voice still caught me off-guard. Calling to mind old folk stories of merpeople using only their voices to tempt their prey closer and thereby foolishly condemn themselves to a watery death.
“It seems I was right to choose you,” A smile spread across his face and I felt myself, foolishly and despite everything, relax.
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velvetwyrme · 9 months
So OG Sans can play the trombone, Underfell! Sans plays a trumpet according to his creator. Do you think any of the other au skeletons play instruments? Part of me wants Swap! Papyrus to play the drums solely so he can make the ba dum tss sound. Other other half of me wants to give him an electric keyboard that is always set to the silly sound effects setting like duck quacks and dogs barking.
Ooooo that's a good question!!! 👀!!!!!!! I have many many thoughts on this and have settled on exactly 0 of them!! (I have multiple opposing headcanons and simply pick and choose whatever I think is funniest/most interesting for the situation)
ONE of them is "all the Sanses play brass wind instruments, and all the Papyri play percussion or strings" (One of the bits in the Papyrus QnA also reinforced this for me)
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I love love love the idea of Swap!Pap playing drums!! He also strikes me as a guitar guy tbh (*pointedly looks away from the Bard in Flipping Fate*) I feel like he's also the most likely to own a kazoo or a ukelele though. Maybe even an omatone.
... Funny you mention using a keyboard for silly sounds! In a deleted scene from EOVD, Swapfell!Papyrus has a soundboard lmao. I can also see him playing a cello or bass... (or at least, for the way I write him.) Speaking of the way I write him- I've also made reference to him being a trombone player for a one off gag lol. Bwuuu.
In the same vein of "things I've written about/gestured at before", but I don't think classic Pap ever settles on an instrument. He tries out a bunch but never ends up playing one more than any other. So in a way I can see him with any and all instruments lol.
If sticking by the Sans=Brass rule, I feel like Swap!Sans and Swapfell!Sans would have either a saxophone (more like saxobone) or a tuba. Either combination works in my mind. If not sticking by that rule, I could see Swapfell!Sans playing a string instrument maybe? Or a clarinet lol. Swap!Sans also strikes me as a trumpet guy, if you don't mind overlaps.
Underfell!Papyrus ... I like to think he plays piano :] In contrast to the existing discussions about where the piano falls on the scale between percussion and strings; any instrument is a percussion instrument if you hit it hard enough.
Additionally. I think he was taught to play piano by UF!dyne and you can pry this headcanon from my cold dead hands !!!!!!!
Also as a bonus, I think Horror!Pap would play the harp. No particular reason, I just like the visual of it lol. Horror!Sans probably just... stopped playing his trombone, and after getting his head injury either picks it up again or resorts to humming/tapping along instead because fine motor control is harder for him :p
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stealingyourbones · 10 months
Ask the writer ask game! Tagged by @gremlin-bot
1.) how many works do you have on ao3?
2.) what’s your total ao3 word count?
3.) what fandoms do you write for?
Primarily DPxDC but I enjoy writing DC and I greatly enjoy writing D&D campaigns!
4.) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Falling in Love (In the Most Literal Sense)
Short DPxDC Prompts
I've Grown a Mouth So Sharp and Cruel (It's All That I Can Give To You)
What the Hell?! (UP FOR ADOPTION)
Dream of a Peaceful Slumber
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
I’m simply too busy with my tumblr to respond to people on ao3. If I try to focus on more than one website at a time I’ll lose my mind 😅. I promise I Look at each and every one!
6.) what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
There’s a sander sides fic i wrote like 8 years ago that had all of the sides get slowly and very brutally murdered one by one in hella graphic detail. I was trying to experiment with descriptors and visuals at that time. Definitely that one. I don’t think it’s on ao3 but it’s somewhere on my old Wattpad account
7.) what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Definitely Falling In Love (In The Most Literal Sense) or an unpublished eldritch smut horror DeadOnMain fic that’s forever staying in WIP hell. Falling In Love first and foremost has an ending, secondly they get along and it’s cute :)
8.) do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I occasionally get questions or criticism on my tumblr but that’s either advice or someone wanting answers and that isn’t hate.
9.) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have tried my hand at smut before. Mostly smutty scenes with kinda sorta fade to black, solely because I’m terrible at painting a mental picture for the reader so it always flows terribly. I’ve written that eldritch DeadOnMain thing as I said previously, and some of Jason’s matches Malone persona OF ideas.
10.) do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one?
Somewhere in my WIPs there is a homestuck AU DPxDC fic where DP kids are the humans and DC folks (primarily the teen titans) are the trolls. Definitely that one.
11.) have you ever had a fic stolen?
No fics but I’ve been sent asks that are word for word one of my prompts. I just delete those and go on with my day. Idk I don’t have a tiktok and someone’s probably imitating me on there with my prompts so possibly????
12.) have you ever had a fic translated?
13.) have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes!! I’ve Grown A Mouth So Sharp And Cruel (It’s All That I Can Give To You My Dear) (eventually I’ll get around to working on it I have so much stuff going on like preparing to move and finals creeping up aUGH)
14.) what’s your all time fav ship?
Ooooo It’s a solid tie between Kon/Tim and Dave/Karkat. One is my current favorite and the other is one that’s been my favorite ship for the longest time.
15.) what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I have a WIP in my files that’s a DPxDC Dash/Danny fic where Dash is a bomb disposal tech and Danny just moved into Gotham. I have the entire outline written and almost a solid chapter done but I heavily doubt I’ll have the motivation to touch it again.
16.) what are your writing strengths?
I don’t think I have any, (I haven’t written a full length fic in so long I can’t really tell 😅) but I’m very good at setting tone. Idk what do y’all think?
17.) writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. 100% dialogue. It always feels clunky and unconversational whenever I read it back. I swear the second I start writing talking I forget how conversations work.
18.) thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I’d probably throw a simple word here in there of the other language if I’m writing a bilingual speaker or ask a pal to help me with translations because I only know English and I know damn well that friends are better translators than google.
19.) first fandom you wrote for?
Sander Sides! I wrote a solid 500ish prompts for that fandom and like 70k worth of fics. It was what got me into writing and for that I’m so very glad.
20.) Fav fic you’ve ever written?
Definitely my Batman mermaid au. I love it to bits and I’m so proud of the designs and I’m always kinda sad that I’m the only one as enthused about this work as I am. None the less I reread it at least every 3 months and it always makes me smile doing so.
Ooo who to tag… @chromatographic @halfagone @susiron
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corkinavoid · 2 months
*deep breath in*
Hi, I'm Cork, and today I got an eye injury, so I am now, officially, a pirate. Albeit temporarily. Got the eyepatch and all that crap. More on that later.
Info post
about all my writing progress for anyone wondering and for myself to keep track of stuff. Also, some rambling.
Fiance to a Star - ⅘ done with translating second chapter, also doing moodboards and soundtracks for all of the chapters currently because visuals. Gotta find the right library music. Fuck, translating is hard, why did I write it in Russian, I'm so stupid.
Married to Winter - 8.5 chapters written, editing for the second chapter will be done on Thursday, and I'm posting it on Friday. Need to rewrite chapter 9 probably, it's not working the way I want it to. Currently inspired, so maybe will write more chapters for it. Do I want to add soundtracks? I mean, I do, but do I have the brain capacity and mental strength to do so?
Multiverse Police - on hold, out of ideas, nothing is working. Will come back to it later.
Changeling AU - also on hold, but it's mostly done in my opinion, so any additions will be sporadic.
You Should Ask Danny - editing chapters 6 and 7, chapter 8 is written, but I really don't like it. Might put this on hold after posting chapter 7, but I have a whole list of ideas for it. Maybe I should just delete chapter 8 completely and write something else? I mean, why not, but then I feel like the idea is good, I just can't write it the way I want it.
Mercenary Danny - ugh, I want to write the Christmas date so bad, but it requires writing a scene with so many characters! Fenton family is big, and I want Vlad to be there, which is another can of worms because I suck at writing middle-aged men. Can I just write him as a pretentious vampire wannabe and be done with it? But no, that will ruin his characterization.
Haunted Family - done, fuck it, I lost all the motivation for it.
Demon Babysitter - still on hold, but probably also done.
Now, to the unposted wips that are sitting in my googledocs:
One Night Stand Gone Wrong - 10 fucking chapters written and I- fuck I just wanted some simple short DarkHumor (Dick/Dan) one-shot, how did it come to this, honestly. But guess what, I'm writing chapter 11 even if it kills me, I have an idea for Tim/Danny in there. I'll be posting that, um, later. One day. I still need to reread it and maybe rewrite some stuff, it's just a bunch of word vomiting right now.
Road Trip - 4.5 chapters written, and it's going literally nowhere. Is this a pun? Maybe. Should I just post 4 chapters of it and be done with it? The story is done, more or less. Or, I could just fit all 4 chapters into one, make it a one-shot, and call it a day, what a good idea!
Bad GIW - ugh, I can't. 3.5 chapters written and I stopped liking the idea completely. It will never be finished. Should I post works that I don't plan on finishing ever?
Living Weapon Danny - same thing as Bad GIW, I wrote 2 chapters and abandoned it. Fuck I'm bad at writing angst, I just- can't. I want to. But I can't.
Masters Gala - I still love the idea, but damn, writing Vlad is hard. Also, writing galas is hard. Also, writing kids is hard! Maybe I should rethink it and make them not kids but teens? But I still need plot for it, holy fuck, how do you write plot for a gala? Should I just, I dunno, put a heist in there? A haunted mansion horror story? A murder mystery? I'm still debating on whether to put Al Ghul Twins or Dead Serious in there because I can't do both for ethical reasons. I mean, I can, but I bet a lot of people will find it messed up. It's not even incest if they are not related neither biologically nor legally nor by their upbringing. Is it? Fuck, I don't know.
Lastly, about being a pirate. TW: eye injury, a lot of cursing included because I'm m a d
So a fucking mad girl hit me in the eye with one of those wooden stir sticks. Because her coffee was too hot. Bitch you ordered a hot fucking drink what did you expect? Mind you it was not burning hot, I held the cup before she did, it was alright, and okay, I get that people can have different perceptions of temperature and heat tolerance, maybe it was too hot for her but who in their right mind stabs people in the face for their drink being too hot, what the fuck
Anyway, I've got the eye checked out - and it's not covered by insurance which is another reason I'm mad as fuck - and it's okay. Mostly. I can't open my eye because it hurts like hell, and i have to do eyedrops and wear an eyepatch for a while, but it's gonna be alright in a few days, so I'm fine.
Is the fact I can only see with one eye gonna stop me from writing? Fat chance.
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azsazz · 1 year
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Absolute Angst Masterlist:
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The Nature of Things 
The Games We Play (Part 2) [Fluff, Fight, Makeup]
Horrors of Hewn City
Rough Terrain (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) [Enemies to Lovers, Smut]
Come Back [Daddy!Az]
Just Hold On
Walk Away (Part 2) [Breakup, Makeup]
Burning Man [Daddy!Az]
What Lies Ahead (Part 2) (Deleted Scene) (Deleted Scene 2) (Deleted Scene 3) [Enemies to Lovers]
Bitter [Enemies to Lovers]
Aftermath [Angst]
Quisling (Part 2) [Angst]
You Too [Daddy!Az, Daddy!Rhys, Daddy!Cass]
Truth–Teller & Soul–Stealer
Not Me
Run Into Trouble(Part 2) [Longing]
The Truth I Can’t Tell (Yet)[Pining]
Thawing A Frozen Heart [Pining]
Not the Same But Closer Than You Think [Young!Az, Friends]
Concord [Daddy!Az]
Snatched [Daddy!Az]
Goldenrod [Sexual Tension, Exes]
Cupid’s Chokehold (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)[Enemies to Lovers]
Warrior Status [Daddy!Az]
The Safeguard [Daddy!Az]
Nightlight (Part 2) (Part 3 - Coming Soon) [Vanserra!Reader] 
Lips of an Angel (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4 – Coming Soon) [Sad Boy Weekend, AU!Wren]
Can We Just Stay Here? [TW: Mental Health]
All the Words We Cannot Say [MC deaths]
Alone (Part 2) (Part 3 - Coming Soon)
Winter Winds [Daddy!Az]
Bloody Knuckles and the Songs of Death (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5 – Coming Soon)
You Keep Me Sharp and Test My Worth in Blood [Vampire!Azriel]
Whispers in the Wind [Tamlin's Sister!Reader, Angst, Fluff]
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A Fighting Chance
What You Made Me (Part 2)
Shattered Me
Better Men Have Hit Their Knees and Bigger Men Have Died [Smut, Hate-Fucking]
Ace of Hearts [Modern!Cassian]
Tonight I'm So Lonely [Rhysand's Sister!Reader]
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Trying to Forget It
Destination Unknown
Promised to Another [YA!Rhys]
Run Baby Run [Vampire!Rhys]
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Safe Haven (Part 2)
Fire & Water (Part 2) (Part 3)
Better Left Unsaid
You Know I Always Liked Playing with Fire [Smut, TW: slight masochism, slight sadism]
The Autumn Chill
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Live for Tonight
The Other Woman [Longing]
My Happy Ending
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Wrong Side of the Right Coin (Part 2) [Azriel x Eris x Reader, Smut]
The Lady of Fire and Night [Azriel x Eris x Reader, Smut, mxm reader watches]
Dismissed [Azriel x Eris x Reader]
Dead by Dawn (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14 – Coming Soon) [Azriel x Cassian x Reader, Modern Zombie AU, Smut, Slow Burn]
Bloody Hearts (Part 2) (Part 3 – Coming Soon) [Azriel x Cassian x Rhysand x Reader, Modern Mafia AU, Angst, Smut]
Cinders and Smoke [Azriel x Eris x Reader]
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Torrential [Knox x Reader]
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bombcollar · 6 months
I was tagged by @go-go-devil!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 151.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently the most recent fics I wrote have been for Cadence of Hyrule but I've also recently written for Iconoclasts and Pokemon.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Ferris Wheel (Bugsnax, Snorplo) - 248
Gemini (Bugsnax, body horror) - 169
Imitation Beef (Bugsnax, continuation of a canon scene) - 165
Imago (Elden Ring, Miquella wakes up as a big bug) - 154
Field Notes (Bugsnax, AU, cosmic horror) - 148
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always try to, even if it's just to say thanks.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh god probably one of my bugsnax fics... bugsnax really was ripe for angst. Both One Last Dance and Weary end in the implication that everybody has succumbed to the snax. I tend to leave things on more ambiguous notes than angsty, so even if the characters are in a sad or desperate situation it's uncertain what's going to happen to them next.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sleep is Dark Souls III fic that implies the age of dark is actually a good thing and Lorian and Lothric survive to see it after all they've been through. I know I have written other happy things but this one is very hopeful.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a couple shitty comments or ones where I was just like, I have no idea what you're trying to communicate to me, but they're extremely rare and I just delete them if I do get them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I do not write smut. Just not my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Not often, I have a few Fromsoft crossovers but I did write a Bugsnax/Nier Automata fic that never got finished. That's Between My Teeth.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, quite a few. Ao3 user Dashana in particular has translated a number of my Iconoclasts fics to Russian. I will probably never say no to having a fic translated if it helps it reach a larger audience, especially because I tend to pick niche fandoms or subjects.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, with @malicious-fisheeves and with @wheeled-jack as well as some other friends who don't really use tumblr.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I really don't feel that strongly about ships much of the time but I do really like Wally/May from Pokemon RSE/ORAS and Gwyndolin/Darkmoon Knightess from Dark Souls.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh I have this Mochi Mayhem rewrite thing in the works but I just can't seem to make any progress on it. I may put it out there unfinished but the problem is I have a big chunk of the beginning done and then a scene at the very end and nothing in the middle lmao.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm really good at building dread. I personally think I'm good at writing platonic and familial character relationships, and writing characters who might be antagonists but who are complex and sympathetic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have some trouble when it comes to writing incidental side characters that might serve a purpose for one scene but aren't really that important.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I really enjoy writing dialogue, it's one of my favorite parts of the process.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I wrote a Rayman 3 fic about some OCs of mine probably back in 2003 or something. It was about these griffin-like creatures that had the powerups tested on them and it fucked them up because they were flesh and blood rather than made of cloth like the Hoodlum enemies are. They were trying to escape the facility they were kept in. Unfortunately I do not think it's still posted on my old ff.net account so it may be lost media.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'll always be extremely proud of Monarch Sunrise (the bugsnax timeskip cruise fic) for the sheer scale of it (as far as my fics go) and for all the help I had plotting and editing it.
This is a tough question to answer though because I'm really happy with many of them. I'd say my favorite thing I've written lately is Lyre Lyre, my Octavo backstory fic, because I think it does a good job of laying out his situation in a concise and entertaining manner, like he's telling this story to a crowd.
as for tagging folks uhhh how about @wheeled-jack @mumagi @disco-descent
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rolloollor · 1 year
Mallerollo Writing Musings Masterpost
Just to keep all these easily accessible for people.
Current wordcount for the high fantasy AU: 25k (on hold)
Unfinished fanfic writing queue:
Incubus Rollo: 7k
Omegaverse Mallerollo: 4.5k
Upcoming finished fics:
Nyotaika thing (The Show Must Go On): 10k
Jehan one shot (The In Between Place): 1.9k
Horror one shot for a zine (Absolution): ~1.5k
Thoughts about what happens after fanfic endings:
From the Ashes
Sacerdos et Draco More
Dyed Dark as Night
Bound by Briar
We Are Dust and Shadow
Other fanfic stuff:
Abandoned fic draft 1 Part 2 and 3
Deleted scene from Dark Fire
From the Ashes wedding dress
Fic schedule for mid 2024
The Dragon of the North vs Three Drops of Blood
Rollo zine
Malle and/or Rollo discussion:
Why I like mallerollo 2
Various questions people have asked
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