#how does one celebrate follower milestones on tumblr
nerdintheforest · 9 months
Thank You and Happy Holidays to my massive tumblr following of... *checks notes* 100 people!
It's a pleasure knowing you enjoy my arts and crafts posting interspersed with nerdy reblogs.
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scummy-writes · 1 month
Things I've learned about being in fandoms on tumblr
Sometimes when I am navigating fandom, I will have bouts of... depression? negative feelings? regarding it. I think a lot of people go through this, but in the areas of fandom I buzz around in, I don't see many people talking about ways to sort of re-center yourself and take care of yourself in an online space. I thought I would attempt to share some of my habits I try to follow when I hit one of these moods. So here are 14 of them covering various subjects I run into the most. They will not work for everyone, but I do encourage you to think a bit about each point and see if it would work for you.
Feel free to add some of your own, but I am looking for positive advice that is not meant to put down others in a harmful way. I would also like to preface that I've been in fandoms for over seven years, most of them smaller rather than huge, but a lot of this advice is centered around someone just trying to enjoy the space/enjoying it as a fan creator (writing fanfics in my case). The 'you' used in this is a general usage of the word 'you'.
-> It's good to celebrate milestones, whether its how many followers you have, works you've made in a year, or similar.
However... Don't let this become a competition or reasons to compare yourself to others. We're here to have fun and to celebrate us doing so- don't put completely unneeded and unnessacary competition on it. What's the point of that competition other than to make yourself feel bad or to belittle others? This extends further to notes - no number games. none. You can be proud of the numbers you have gotten, but curb all impulses to swing that in a negative way. The second that starts happening, talk to friends. talk to someone IRL. do something that isn't staring at your notifs, immediately. Even if its listening to silly things while washing the dishes- get out of your notifs tab!!! The numbers game isn't a game you have to be a part of, ever.
-> Don't put other bloggers on pedestals.
It's fine to be a fan of someone's work, and to be excited when they post or even talk to you and you're surprised by it. However, we're all just nerds together in a fandom- maybe don't put them up on a pedestal and hold their opinions/words as gospel rather than things you agree with. There's an unhealthy disconnect there for both parties, and can lead to unhealthy habits of a bad comparison game with one party not even knowing you're comparing yourself or others to them. And I promise that no one likes being pitted against others in those.
-> separating my main blog from my fandom blog has done wonders for me.
This one is a lot more of a 'me' thing that MIGHT be helpful towards others, but it's such a nice thing to have a 'normal' space where I don't have to worry too much about fandomisms but want to be online. I want to reblog other things that are not just fandom related and I don't want people from the fandom blog bothering me for. For the longest time I wasn't very upfront with my main blog purely because I wanted that separation, but for others to block me properly I put it up more bluntly.
I also think that this is good when you want to write about some things, but are nervous. In my example, I get nervous writing about my ocs. So what did I do? Made a sideblog for one, briefly mentioned it, and I post untagged drabbles at times when trying to explore her character. It's more practice on not caring about the note amount each post gets for me, and it makes me more at ease with things not getting any notes while exploring different subjects I don't usually write about.
-> Does everyone seem horrible, or are you just not in a good mood?
This is silly and maybe redundant for some, but it's good to keep a track of IRL verses Online. If IRL is weighing you down so much that you use online as an unhealthy habit (self destructive behaviors towards things you worked hard on, lashing out at friends for things out of their control, lashing out on other bloggers for inane things, focusing your bad mood on notes or fake popularity contests...) then try and figure out the big important things: Have you eaten, slept, drank enough water through the day, or are in pain/annoyance with something offline that you're not realizing? Is it one person online making you feel like this? Have you blocked them? Have you taken healthy breaks offline to reground yourself? When i am randomly bitter about the online world, this is typically my frustrations with smth IRL leaking out, and so I do something to help process that or to breathe through it. My personal go to is getting out of the house so I can listen to music, watch silly videos while putting together a simple craft I bought, or doing chores/playing games.
-> Is the fandom full of cliques, or are you witnessing friends just talking to each other?
I get it, it fucking sucks not being involved in a friend group. You know what makes that worse? By looking at other's friend groups bitterly and making up shit in your mind to justify it. The reality is this: people will be friends with a limited number of people, and frequently talk to them because that is who they are comfortable with.
You not being in that friend group does not mean there is anything wrong with you OR them. The honest truth is that it's hard to keep up with a ton of friends at once, and so people may not respond to your messages, or they might mean to but it gets lost in their hectic IRL, or they just don't mesh with you- and all of that is normal!
And... Really... It takes work to build up a friend group. You have to get out of your comfort zone and send the first few messages. You have to embrace the fact that it's possible a friendship won't pan out. It's natural, it's normal, and doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you or the other person. After trying and naturally just talking to people in the fandom, I promise that you will find a friend group of your own.
We are all socially awkward people trying to nervously talk to each other. Yes, even the people you follow that seem like 'everyone' likes them- they are nervous too. we're all just nerds here, remember that.
-> Understand that no one is obligated to do anything.
This ranges from so many things. Here is a list as short as I can manage it to get my point across: No one is obligated to comment, read, like, or reblog any posts. Any posts. No one is obligated to scour for new creatives in the fandom spaces and reblog their work. No one is obligated to tag their posts/creative adventures to your liking. No one is obligated to follow by your DNIs and BYFs. Obligation does not exist. Even your friends are not obligated to do any of this.
It is courtesy to do these things. Blogs will do their best to be supportive by nature, and to try and at least do some of this at any given time, but it's not a requirement. It's NICE to do so and encouraged, but the second you drill it into your head that no one, not even you, are obligated to do this, it's a bit easier to breathe and accept that no, it's a bit insane and difficult to read through 50 fanfics a week and comment a paragraph on all of them while also working on your own things and trying to manage 15 conversations while working 40 hrs a week and and and---
Instead, focus that energy on friends and yourself when you can and accept your own limitations.
-> have other fandoms you enjoy where you DON'T feel pressured to do ANYTHING.
Due to my hard fixation at usually one to two games at a time, I am usually only writing for those at a time- but I need other things to enjoy where I don't feel like I need to make something to post online. I don't feel that pressure from myself, i don't feel the need to try and engage with others. Just a quiet enjoyment for me.
-> If creating is really stressing you out and making you feel worse than better, reflect on the reasons this may be.
Are you hanging out with people who are regurgitating really bad beliefs regarding creation ("shame, you only got twenty notes, that's nothing", "wow fifty notes? that flopped.", "how did this person's shitty work get 30 more notes than me?"). Are you getting anons putting you down? Is your depression convincing you what you've made is worthless? Look at some of the points in this post regarding friends, blocking, and if you're neglecting your body's needs. If that still persists, there may be some self-reflection as to why things get to you so badly. Try to journal out the reasons why until you believe you hit one that is not your depression speaking.
An example: I would freak out about notes because I had friends that would talk around or to me in the examples listed in the previous paragraph. Cutting them off, focusing on friends who focused on the joys of creating, and focusing more on what *I* wanted to write rather than requests... I still get depressed at times but it's been so much more managable now with better support and feeling free creatively. Usually calling myself out at staring at notes helps me shake my head and move on now.
-> Blocking/Filtering is your friend, but maybe don't over do it.
Blocking seems vaguely controversial at times, but I do believe it's needed for a positive fandom experience. Outside of the obvious, the reasons I block people are typically related to how upset I am by something the person has done or said, even if it's related to fancreations. If it's something like them berating others for not believing their headcanon/fanon? Or grossly demonizing some character's mental illness? Or harassing people who dislike some characters and vice/versa? That's all a block for me.
I personally try not to overdo it and make educated decisions based on like, hey, is this just someone misunderstanding and not realizing how they're coming off? Is this someone who I am misreading their tone? Is this just a weird one-off behavior? Ok, then maybe no block button. But if seeing poor takes makes you angry for longer than, say, 20 mins? an hour? It's a week later and you're still all huffy about it and legit pissed? Maybe dig into that while also blocking the person for now.
The Filters aspect of this is similar, but it's a lighter version of blocking for me. Maybe I don't want to block this person but seeing them talk about bugs really stresses me out, so I look at how they tag those posts and filter it out for myself. Maybe I love their fandom blog but they're multi-fandom, so i will filter out a fandom I don't want to see them post about. That's it.
-> Don't be afraid to cut anon off, even if it's for a few weeks at a time.
I feel like those of us who take requests for fan creations are terrified of this a lot, but truly, taking breaks from the anon function should be encouraged. It is indeed a button for shy people, but there are assholes everywhere regardless. When they occupy your time too much or just annoy you, take away their ability to actually say anything to you.
For a creative, sometimes this can feel like the end of the world. But... you Can turn it back on later. I frequently shut it off during major life events, fanfics I am worried I might get weird anons about, when I'm in a randomly bad mood and don't think I can handle it. I Sometimes have it off for months at a time. You can cut it back on. But if anons make you anxious just imagining getting one right now? Flip that off for now. (also please utilize the block function for mean anons!!!)
-> turn those tumblr notifs OFF!!! (mobile) Additional: Turn your status OFF!!!
The only notifications I get on my phone from tumblr is when someone IM's me, and I've had it like this for years. I cannot imagine having my phone constantly going off with random tumblr notifications, I think I would have a bad spike in anxiety having that happen. It would make any negative feelings with notes/followers/number worse for me.
The online status is debatable, some people really don't have an issue with this, but I tend to feel pressured to respond to people asap if they see that my status is online and similar. Those people have not said anything to me regarding it, it's just my personal issue. So..I turn that status off. And it helps me feel better about answering in my own time.
-> Look at who you are communicating with.
Do your friends regularly dunk or mock people on the daily, over shit that is inane and petty? Are you a creative a bit nervous with your work because your friends are pretty rude with how they view other's works? Are you scared to like a character because your friend severely hates them/is attached to them to an unhealthy degree?
There are other subsets to this, but those are ones I find really troubling and try my best to avoid. I dont want to be friends with people who regularly mock others on the legit daily. I don't want to be friends with people who nitpick notes and use notes as a measure on how much worth someone has. I don't want to be friends with people who mock other's creative endeavors.
So... I don't! If I notice things are becoming a salt pit, I try to talk things out at first, but if its clear that's not gonna work, then it's outties for me. It's very true that everyone will salt over something eventually, but it's up to you to decide how severe it is with your friend circle, how it wears you down, and are they really people you want to hang around with if they just make you anxious or stressed all the time?
-> That vaguepost isn't about you.
Friend venting about someone who sounds oddly like you? Does your favorite blog mention something they dislike and you think you fit into that catagory- guess what. It's not about you!!
It's something I struggled with for a while, but eventually I came to terms with it by going "If they truly have an issue with me, they can talk to me one on one. Otherwise, i am assuming that this isn't about me" and gritting my teeth and forcing myself to repeat that until I feel at ease. Truthfully, I also just stopped hanging out with people who do this a ton in a harmful way, so my anxiety about this decreased. If it's an issue, friends should be willing to bring it up to you personally rather than make really meanspirited vagueposts.
-> A personal one I am putting at the end since I believe can easily turn bad, is... Stop looking in the fandom tags if they continiously bum you out.
I will be transparent, I've had bouts of running into a ton of 'why you should love/hate this character' posts over and over, posts that are random but use 50 different character tags, posts about how annoying my fave is, posts from/about bloggers I dislike, etc etc. After a while, I decided to just curate my feed via whoever I was following, and stop looking into tags as often. At most, I do it once every 1-3 months.
Yes, this does limit what all you can see, however... There's only so much information I can take in at once. If I follow people who reblog a ton of fandom content I love and it's different across the board, that's good enough for me and I don't feel negative looking at the tags sometimes.
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chwedout · 12 days
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chwedout has finally reached 1k followers! thank you to everyone who decided to press the follow button, from those who followed me way back in the spiderstingle days to those who only followed me recently, i really appreciate it! to celebrate this milestone, i've decided to do a few things.
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first of all, i've finally started a tracking tag — #chwedoutbox. you can find more about it in this post. i can't wait for you all to use it so i can see and share all the cool things you create.
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secondly, i've decided to open up my ask box to requests! all you need to do is choose one of the following prompts and send a request through my ask box.
seventeen member + music video (e.g. vernon in rock with you)
seventeen member + going seventeen episode (e.g. mingyu in svt's kitchen for two)
this or that (e.g. left & right era wonwoo or 24h era wonwoo/ long haired jeonghan or short haired jeonghan)
there's no limit to how many requests you can send, go wild if you want to. i just ask that you be patient with me as sometimes i do like to go outside to breathe in fresh air and touch some grass. sending requests on anon is okay too! however, i won't be able to tag you when i do eventually post your request.
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now i just want to say a massive thank you to all of my mutuals! being sappy lowkey makes me cringe but i couldn't have reached this milestone without any of you. to my og mutuals (i won't tag you dw) who were here way before i turned into a kpop blog, to my newest mutuals who i probably haven't spoken to, thank you! i hope you all know how much i appreciate you and that you all mean so much to me ♡
first of all my ride or dies- the hhu wives- sarah @vertiny, bec @storyoflight, and alex (idk if you deactivated </3) i literally would not be here without all of you. we've been through so much together and i just want to say that i love all of you so so much! let's all hope that we can one day go to that svt concert together.
j @vcrnons - my dolly in crime and my first ever caratual on tumblr! if i remember correctly, you followed me way back when i hadn't fully committed to being an svt blog yet. thank you so much for being so kind and supportive to me when i first started. i mean it when i say i don't think i'd be here if we didn't become mutuals since your work always inspired me to start creating myself.
ophelia @lee-sanghyeok - another one of my fave vernon stans! thank you for always being a joy to see on the dash! you're so incredibly sweet and i know i can always count on you to send me vernon content when i ask for it.
kashi @jeonsupershy - one of my fave wonwoo stans fr! seeing all of your wonwoo gifs always puts a smile on my face. every time he does something i just know that i'm going to be reblogging one of your stunning gifs later in the day. thank you for always being such an awesome presence on the dash. i'm so grateful to be mutuals with you!
max @scouped - you are so incredibly talented and i really hope you know that! i'm always in awe whenever i see one of your creations on my dash. you definitely inspire me to push the boundaries of my creativity when it comes to making content. i do miss your presence on tumblr but i'm always happy when i see you on the dash from time to time.
tiff @uservernon - my beloved dolly moot! thank you for always being so sweet. you always bring such a fun and bright presence to caratblr and i love seeing you on the dash or in my notifs especially when you're screaming about vernon. the url is still a powermove in my opinion!
maddie @jeonwon-wonwoo - you are genuinely one of the kindest and friendliest people i've met on tumblr. i've had so much fun talking to you about the most random things. i'll never forget our chats about the walking dead and teen wolf. i hope you're doing well!
yena @fairyhaos - my fave joshua stan! i hope you know that every time i see the couch shua pic i think of you lmao. i always love seeing you lose your mind over shua and you never fail to make me laugh with all the tags you leave on posts. thank you for bringing such a positive energy to caratblr! i'm so glad to have you as a mutual.
zaynab @galatariel - another one of my insanely talented mutuals! your gifs are always so gorgeous and always inspire me to go out of my comfort zone and create something new. i always enjoy seeing you make content for the things you love. thank you for being so kind and helpful.
nuri @jjunhui - again, another mutual who is extremely talented! everything you make is just stunning and your svt as text posts gifsets never fail to make me laugh. thank you for being so supportive and kind. i am so grateful to have you as a mutual.
nana @kyeomies - so glad to see that you're back! i've always enjoyed seeing your pretty gifs on my dash and can't wait to see more of your content. i hope you're doing well!
yo @redrcbin - literally one of my most beloved mutuals! i'm still not 100% sure when we became mutuals but i think it's pretty funny if it was because of the c-word game. i always love seeing you on the dash and in my notifs, especially when i see you losing your mind over wonwoo or mingyu. i'm so happy i get to call you a friend.
and to all the mutuals that i haven't talked to or interacted with that much - @jeongtokkie, @kimsmingyu, @wonboos, @leedonghun, and @soonhoonsol - thank you so much for being awesome! i really hope we do get to talk more in the future.
now i'm going to kick myself because tumblr won't let me tag anymore people and i'm pretty sure i've missed out on so many beloved mutuals of mine. i'm extremely sorry if i did, but please know that i appreciate every single one of you so much!
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mrsshabana · 1 year
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Canon!Gyutaro x Modern!Reader
♥ CW: Female reader. Pure fluff!
♥ AN: Thank you again for 300 followers! I am posting this in celebration of this milestone. I wrote this months ago, just for fun. And it has been sitting in my drafts ever since. I think the theme is very fitting. And if you all like it, I wouldn't mind making a part two some day!
♥ WC: 1,117
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I wonder if Mrs.Shabana posted anything new today?
You think to yourself, pulling out your cellphone as you walk down a dank alleyway. Checking tumblr has become a daily ritual for you ever since your obsession began. Gyutaro from Demon Slayer. Something about him just called out to you, he made his way into your mind and never went away. Slowly spreading until the fictional character consumed every one of your thoughts. You just wish that he was real…
With a sigh, you continue walking. Having just gotten off a long shift, you’re excited to get home and go to sleep. Not before reading a fanfic or two first of course.
As you continue down the alley you stop for a moment, “Yes!” Gyusimp just posted a new oneshot. You’re too excited to wait, so you decide to read and walk at the same time.
So distracted by your phone, that you don’t realize something is stalking you. Something that wastes no time in pinning you to the ground, flipping you over so it can slit your neck with its weapon.
Something you thought was impossible.
“Gyutaro?!” You squeal with a mixture of excitement, shock, and fear.
He’s straddling you with his sickle held up to your neck. Hearing his name come out of your mouth, his eyes widen. Stumbling off of you as you take in his appearance with awe. He looks exactly as he does in the anime, handsome and sexy as all hell.
“You… you’re Gyutaro!” you pinch yourself to make sure that you aren’t dreaming. Even though you are sure that your mental state has finally broken and your obsession is warping your perception of reality, you don’t care because Gyutaro Shabana is sitting right in front of you!
Knowing everything that you do, you should be deathly afraid of him. But your corrupted love for the man blinds you. Crawling forward to get a closer look at him.
When he opens his mouth to ask you a question, you have no idea what he’s trying to say. 
He’s speaking in Japanese.
Oh fuck, this isn’t good. You somehow get the opportunity to meet the love of your life and here you are unable to understand each other. At least his name is universal, which is probably the reason why you aren’t dead right now. 
“Um hold on…” you quickly pull out your phone to use a translator. Typing in what you want to say and letting it speak to him.
You type, “Please don’t kill me, I know who you are.”
Gyutaro cocks his head to the side and frowns, asking you another question in an irritated tone.
“I can’t speak Japanese,” your phone relays your message to him. He starts to scratch his skin but his expression softens a bit. You don’t know what you should do with him, if this is really happening then how the hell did he get here? Who knows, but you love this man so you’re gonna do everything you can to help him out.
“Follow me. I will take you to my home where it is safe.”
You hope that he’ll follow you. Not knowing what his current situation is, maybe he already has a safe place to stay? You assume that he doesn’t, as he begins following you.
You aren’t too far from your apartment, looking back every minute or so to make sure Gyutaro is still there. He follows from a distance, unsure if he can even trust you. You could be a demon slayer for all he knows.
You open the door to your apartment, and he hesitantly follows you inside. Once he’s in, you quickly run around to hide all of the Gyutaro merch you have. It’d be so awkward if he saw the body pillow…
Once everything has been shoved into your closet you bring out the translator again. You want to ask him so many questions but how will you even be able to understand his responses? You have an idea. On your translator app there’s an option for it to listen and translate the spoken words. So maybe you could go back and forth that way.
“This device will let us communicate with each other. Speak into it” you speak into your phone, it spits out your statement in Japanese.
Gyutaro opens his mouth to respond, and you hold the phone in front of him to speak into. 
He speaks in Japanese and after a few seconds your phone gives you a translation, “Who are you and how do you know me?”
“My name is Y/N. I know you from a TV show.”
Gyutaro furrows his brows, “I do not understand what it means…”
The translation isn’t perfect, but it gets the point across. So if he doesn’t know what TV is, then does that mean he’s actually from the past? From the exact same universe as demon slayer? You try to say things in a way that he might be able to understand.
“A lot of people here know you. I like you a lot, so I want to help you.”
Your words seem to be making him even more confused, so you decide to just get to the important questions.
“How did you get here? Do you know where you are?”
Gyutaro shakes his head, opening his mouth to respond but then deciding against it. There’s something that he seems like he doesn’t want to tell you, “Do not know…”
“You aren’t in Japan anymore and it’s the future. You need to be careful here,” you respond to him.
“Can not understand. I have to find my sister.”
“Daki?” you say directly to him. Hearing her name come out of your mouth his eyes widen and he nods.
“I can try to help you find her.”
“How is a weak person like you going to help me?”
For a moment you forgot how mean he was in the anime… “I’m from this world, so I know where things are and how things work. You’ll need a place to stay away from the sun too. You can stay here.”
Gyutaro scowls and looks you up and down before responding, “Fine.”
If he was back in his world he would have killed you already. But he doesn’t know this place, it’s strange to him. So far, he hasn’t encountered any of the other demons either. You seem to be the only person that knows him. He still doesn’t quite understand how or why, but he is desperate right now. Desperate to find his sister and go back home. Even though he despises humans, he will keep you alive in hopes that you really can help him.
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lilysims4stories · 3 days
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100 Follower Sim Download
A while back, I reached 100 followers on here. I know it has been a while since I actually hit that milestone, but I didn't know how best to celebrate until now. Thank you so much for your continued support of my content!
Download Info
Not BGC, but can easily be made so. Her aspiration and one of her traits require City Living and Pets, but can easily be substituted for other ones. Her formal wear does require My Wedding Stories, but again, easy fixes.
All the Custom Content needed for Iara is included in the ZIP file.
If you have any issues at all with the download or the sim, please let me know.
Also available on my gallery (EA ID: lilithesciguy). Make sure "Include Custom Content" is toggled on.
Iara Ahmar
Aspiration: City Native
Traits: Dog Lover, Bookworm, Creative
Occupation: Business
All credit for the Custom Content goes to the CC creators!
@aharris00britney @gorillax3-cc @rimings @seoulsoul-sims @imvikai @joliebean @serenity-cc @simandy @simstrouble @crypticsim @vanilasimscc @twisted-cat @ajduckie @jius-sims @caio-cc @dallasgirl79 @madlensims @northernsiberiawinds @lamatisse @sammi-xox
If you end up using Iara in your gameplay don't be afraid to tag me on Tumblr (@lilysims4stories) or on Twitter (@lilysims_4)!
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
say something nice about your favorite mutuals!
there's so many people i want to say something about i am genuinely considering making a whole separate post and pouring all my love and affection for everyone i am mutuals with because THEY DESERVE IT AND I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH :(((
@tiredmamaissy - my issy baby, she was the first writer mutual i had and i remember hyperventilating to my bf when I saw that notification massively because i was such a fan and it meant so much to me. she was also the first person to reach out to me privately when i got my first anon hater and she made me feel so much better about that whole situation, and i will forever me grateful to her for that
@neteluvr - kendra means so so much to me, she has been with me pretty much since the beginning, and she was one of the people that stuck with me and my writing and i love her so much for that. she commented on EVERY illicit affair/the archer chapter and her feedback made my world, i used to wake up at like 5-6 in the morning to see if she has commented because it meant so much to hear what she had to say. she's probably my first tumblr mutual and i've come to love and respect her so so much, to admire her beauty, intelligence and compassion, and my life wouldn't be the same without her, our chats, our mutual love for ts for sure <3
@lanasblood - my baby lana is doing her own thing at the moment, but i hope when she comes back she sees this because i love and miss her so much, our late night conversations mean the world to me and she's just overall such an incredible, beautiful, funny, intelligent girl, and her writing leaves me genuinely starstruck every time with no fail. BABY I MISS YOU COME BACK TO ME RN!!! :(((
@pandoraslxna - Luna is one of the first people I followed on tumblr and she was a celebrity to me for sure hahahaha, i remember sending her a couple of asks when i first started writing bc I was such a fan of her work and the way she carried herself on the platform. When she followed me back and started reblogging my works i literally screamed and cried, i couldn't believe it hahahaha. I love her so much, I consider her a friend and I'm so happy I met her. Her writing inspires me, her kindness and beauty and openness and unwavering support for her fellow creators speak for themselves, but i will just say i love her a lot and i'm grateful to know her <3
@blue-slxt - my baby blue is such a kind, beautiful, kindred spirit. i haven't known her that long but it feels like a lifetime? i feel so close to her and like i know her and want to know her and want to be around her more and more each day. she is so kind and compassionate, so incredible and heroic, i admire the hell out of her for what she does, for helping to save lives, to change lives each day, i am so grateful for her and i can't wait to celebrate more milestones with her <3 ilysm pookie :(((
@fleurriee - my beautiful flower, she brightens my day in a way you wouldn't believe? not only is she a phenomenal writer, and pretty much the only person (alongside lana) who can get me to like fluff hahahaha, but she is a beautiful, incredible, awe-inspiring, light of a human being. i adore her and miss her so much when she's gone, and i genuinely don't know what i must have done right to manage to meet her in the circumstances that i did <3
@jakexneytiri - dani, my beautiful baby, i love her so much? she genuinely radiates such kindness and positivity, she is such a beautiful soul, full of love and light, and she always makes me feel safe and like i can tell her anything and she would listen and not judge? i am so appreciative of her and everything she's done for this fandom, i appreciate how tirelessly she works to make sure this is a healthy, happy community, i love talking and thirsting with her about dilf jake, and i LOVE her creativity and passion she puts in every project :(( ily baby
@neytris - i genuinely ADORE su with all my heart??!?!?! like she is one of the absolute funniest, most beautiful, kindest person i've ever met and I DIE every time i see her posts, and reblogs, her tags, i feel like i want to be su when i grow up and that's that!!!! i love you bb and never stop being you, because you are absolutely the brightest star <3 this barbie is hyperventilating over THE barbie x
@sulieykte - i feel like talking about lys is redundant, because no words or essays or novels can describe what she means to me, i'm literally tearing up just thinking about it. she has genuinely been my rock the past few months and i don't know what i would have done without her? i cannot imagine my life without her anymore, without talking to her daily, without sharing my every thought, woe and achievement with her and knowing that she'll feel it and understand, the same way I do with her. she's my soulmate, my twisted sister, and i love her to the moon and to saturn :((
it's 11pm and i'm writing this half asleep and i promise i'll do a part two in order to appreciate everyone the way they deserve <3 i love you besties xoxoxo
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 9 months
Hi love 🖤
I want to start by congratulating you on reaching 100 followers; you deserve every single one! 🥳
Second of all, I would love to make a request for your celebration, and this one will be for none other than our most wonderful God of Mischief, Loki! 💚
This story can be as either a regular or best friend or partner, whichever you think fits best with this story! But since Loki is of course the God of Mischief, what would a prank war with him look like?
Him and Reader pranking each other in a lot of different ways, all with the goal of making everyone laugh of course, we don't want anyone to intentionally get hurt during this!
I can't wait to see where you're going to take this idea, and once again, congratulations on reaching this wonderful milestone 🖤
Loki x Reader
A/N Firstly, I want to say thanks for your support xoxo. Secondly, thanks for the ask and I was very excited when I first saw it. I hope I write Loki's character right since I love him but have never written for him before. I also decided to make Loki and the reader a couple and I only used he/him pronouns for Loki but I am aware that Loki is genderfluid so next time I write a fic I will make sure to include that. This is a part of my 100 followers celebration and likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Warnings Fluff
Loki was the God of mischief. There was no doubt about that and he even carried his mischievous tendencies into your relationship. That was why there was an unnofficial prank war going on between both of you. 
It all started when Loki set up a flour bomb but used his powers to mask it which made it invisible. 
You were thinking of a way to trick Loki and decided on hiding all his books. 
“Do you know where my books are darling?” Loki asked you.
“No babe,” you responded, trying to stop yourself from smiling.
“Ok,” he replied.
A few minutes later, he walked back into the room, “Are you sure you don’t know where any of my books are my love?” he asked, crossing his arms.
“I told you I don’t know, you must have misplaced them,” you shrugged.
“I can’t have misplaced seven books darling,” he told you with his right eyebrows raised.
He looked around everywhere in the living room and walked back out in search of his ‘misplaced books’.
Once you knew he had gone, you took the books out from under the couch and placed them in a pile on the coffee table.
“My love, where on this god forsaken planet have you put my books,” Loki asked, walking back into the room.
“They’re on the coffee table love,” you said, desperately trying to hold in your laugh.
Loki huffed and looked at the coffee table where his books were.
“I can assure you my love, the books weren’t there earlier,” he stated, crossing his arms again but this time he had a smile on his face.
This made your facade crack and you burst out laughing.
“Do you think this is funny darling?” he questioned, walking over to you on the couch.
He leaned over and started to tickle you, “I won’t stop until you apoligose my love.” 
“I-I’m sorry b-babe,” you weezed out.
Loki stopped tickling you and gave you a chassed kiss.
“It was payback for the flour bomb,” you told him.
“So does that mean you declare a war,” he proposed.
“Yes. I am declaring a prank war,” you said, crossing your arms and sitting up straight.
“You’re going to regret this love. You’re messing with the God of Mischeif,” he said matter-of-factly.
“I can take you,” you declared.
“It’s official then,” Loki announced.
“I think we need to officially seal it though,” you said.
“How do you suppose we do that?” Loki inquired.
“I think we should kiss to seal the deal.” 
“That sound fair.” 
You kissed Loki and then he picked his books up and left the room. 
It had been a few days since you had declared a prank war on Loki and you both haddn’t made a move yet. That was until today.
Loki knew you enjoyed baking on the weekends so he decided to prank you today.
He grabbed the carton of six eggs and took them out of the fridge. He filled a pan with water and put it on the hob he turned on a few minutes prior. Then, he put the eggs in when the water was boiling and waited until he knew they were hard-boiled. 
Although Loki was unskilled in the kitchen due to his upbringing, he was still taught some basic skills and one of them happened to be boiling eggs.
Loki took the eggs out of the pan and waited for them to cool down before putting them back in the carton. 
He cleared his tracks and started to make coffee and pancakes for both of you.
As he was halfway through flipping pancakes, you walked into the kitchen and wrapped your arms around him. 
You kissed his back before saying, “good morning babe.” 
“Good morning love, how did you sleep?” 
“It was alright, and you?” you grabbed your coffee and sat down at the kitchen table.
“I always sleep well when you’re in bed,” his response was a little too kind compared to his usual responses.
Loki wasn’t mean to you -he was far from it- but he usually pulled that line out if he felt particularly cuddly or if you went to sleep mad at each other (which was an infrequent occurrence), making it seem more out of place.
You just shrugged it off and carried on with your morning as usual.
At around 12 o’clock, you turned to Loki on the couch and asked if you had any eggs he responded that you did so you decided to bake a cake for the two of you.
Loki had been acting weird all morning but you couldn’t put your finger on it. You concluded that he wasn’t feeling too good (mentally or physically) so baking would allow you to give him space and make him something he enjoys.
You got all the ingredients out and started to measure them. Once that was done, you mixed the butter and sugar together before reaching over to the eggs. You grabbed the first one and tried to crack it on the side of the bowl. 
You were extremely confused when only the shell cracked. Without thinking, you reached for another egg but the same thing happened. You looked a little closer and peeled the shell off. 
That’s when you realised why Loki had been acting strange all morning.
You walked into the living room with the two eggs and saw Loki reading a book. You strolled over and grabbed the book out of his hand which made Loki smirk. 
“So you found my little surprise my darling.”
“Yeah I did,” you retorted, putting both hands on your hips, “Do we actually have any eggs or have you boiled them all?” 
“Theres a spare carton of eggs hidden behind the cheese and yoghurts.”
“I’m gonna get you back for this,” you assured him.
“Oh, I’m sure you will love,” he almost whispered, to which you responded by putting your middle finger up at him as you walked out the room.
I’m considering doing part two because I have a few different prank ideas, but I don’t want to make this fic too long. Idk about you guys but I have a shit attention span which means I struggle to read longer fics but if that is what you want then comment below and I will make fics longer in the future.
If you want to be tagged whenever I post a fic then click on the link
If you want to see what I repost, my other account is @sebastianstanisahotmf-reblogs
Taglist:@nicoline1998enilocin, @hisredheadedgoddess28, @kandis-mom, @nekoannie-chan
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Help write Midnight Alley!
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To celebrate a few milestones, including hitting 1,000 followers, a year of posting fic on Tumblr, and several fic anniversaries, I wanted to do something fun! And since Simulated got so many requests for part 2, I thought, “give the people what they want.” But…what do you want?
So for the next couple weeks, let’s outline Midnight Alley together!
I whipped up the premise of Midnight Alley on a whim for backstory, but if we’re going to explore more of Dieter and our F!Reader’s relationship on and off camera, I could use some help figuring out exactly what this show is about. That’s where all of you come in!
Send me any and all ideas, suggestions, requests and I’ll create the backstory, and some episode lineups, to continue this story. Examples could be:
Why is it called Midnight Alley?
What’s the theme song?
What kind of police procedural is it? (FBI, specialized department, hometown detectives)
Any big story arcs in past seasons?
Headcanons about Dieter’s character, past and present
Supporting characters - who does he work with? (faceclaims welcome!) How do they get along?
Ideas about how they’ll write our F!Reader character into the plot
Tropes you’d love to see (some examples here, but in a nutshell these are often-done episodes that you see across the genre)
Narrative arcs (or lack thereof)
Scene suggestions
Behind the Camera:
Ideas about their relationship off screen
How does their work come home (and vice versa)
Here is the canon so far:
Midnight Alley is a police procedural tv show that’s been going on for three seasons. Dieter has been a co-star for all three. He’s described as having “questionable character,” and being a “brooding morally gray detective.” The general aesthetic is more serious, but with the sort of quick-witted and sharp writing you see in long-running tv dramas. Think Criminal Minds or CSI (or for newer examples, The Sinner or Mindhunter).
Our F!Reader was brought on for a one night stand in a single episode ending with Dieter leaving the next morning, but he requested for her to become a semi-recurring love interest for his character. The writers for Midnight Alley had been trying to give him a love interest for a while, but he’d nixed all of their suggestions and guest stars until her. 
Her scene with Dieter is her first sex scene, but she’s acted on screen before. It’s not Dieter’s first time, so we can assume he’s had sex scenes in the show before. 
Dieter has offered to take her to dinner, but they have not actually seen each other outside of the show.
After March 15th, I’ll compile the suggestions and start to build the Midnight Alley canon, as well as flesh out some “episodes” for future stories. I’ll also share a special surprise in early April as a thank you to everyone who participated, so stay tuned! 
There may be requests and suggestions that jive with me more than others. If you send in something that isn’t used, or is tweaked to fit the narrative as a whole, please know that I appreciate and love all the creativity you send my way, and I’m aiming to use as much of it as possible to make this fun fandom-sourced show.
Thank you all for inspiring me, for being here for all the crazy little stories I share, and for encouraging me with your comments, reblogs, and follows. You all have given me so much joy, and I am endlessly grateful to you for bringing some extra sunshine into my life.
To many more stories! (and especially to the creation of this new one!)
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lale-txt · 1 year
Hello! I’m a new author here and I just wondered: how long did it take you to gain the number of followers you now have? If the question is uncomfortable for you or if the info is private, just leave this unanswered!
And thank you for the amazing content you create 💜
hey hi! (o゚v゚)ノ
i had to think for a while how to answer this question. i could just be blunt and tell you exact numbers but if i'm being honest i don't see how any of this information could be useful for you as a new writer?
one thing i really like about Tumblr is that you don't see someone's follower count. and i know everyone always likes to pretend that the numbers don't matter but at the end of the day they're still there and you'll inevitably end up comparing them. and i truly hate that. i don't think your follower count is a decent measurement on how good you are in telling a story as a writer.
for me, i've made the decision earlier this year to not share my follower count here publicly anymore because i feel it creates this strange air of competitiveness that just kills all creative energy for me. i'm aware i hosted milestone events in the past and contributed to the problem, but i think that's exactly why i made the decision not to do so anymore (no judgement to anyone who does though, everyone is free to celebrate in their own ways)
do i still look at the numbers? sure. but i'm not as obsessed with them anymore like i used to be and don't feel the need to compare myself with other writers, i can simply celebrate them.
this might not be the answer you were looking for and i apologize for that, but what i'm wishing you is that you find joy in writing and can share it without letting those numbers get in your head! if you're writing with the thought of "what will bring me the most notes and followers" in mind, i can guarantee you that you'll burn out in no time (and it will show in your writing). do your thing and have fun with, celebrate your milestones but don't let them control you. i'm sure you'll do great! good luck!
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
oh my goodness. you guys, I’ve woken up to a (probably in the grand scene of things small but to me, mighty) follower milestone I never in a million years thought I’d get to. which calls for a mushy post as I sit here and wonder how I got so lucky!
I know I whinge and whine and ramble about my life too much and often don’t write as much fic as I want and need to read and reblog more fic and have been fandom hopping BUT this blog really does make me happy because I love writing and it’s done wonders for my confidence and hopefully skill and, most of all, I’ve met the most wonderful people on here. So, special thank you to anyone who has ever messaged me, the people who laugh with me and deal with my typos and my ridiculousness and are willing to chat for hours and hours about anything. You are the most wonderful tumblr friends a girl could ask for.
so, anyway, thank you! I don’t know that I’ll do a celebration anytime soon (I am a bit too busy right now and the last one burned me out massively) but know that I’m so thankful. If you’ve read or liked or reblogged or tagged me on a list or told a friend to read something of mine or sent a request or just said hi, thank you!
come chat anytime, send requests/thoughts/questions/anything at all. I love you, thank you so much!
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
grippingbeskar’s 2k follower night out
let’s go clubbing!
— requests currently: CLOSED
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what’s this?
— recently i hit a major milestone!! (for me at least🤩) having so many people follow this lil account has made me eternally grateful, so i wanted to do something a little bit fun to celebrate!
how do i join?
— send me an emoji corresponding to the list your prompt is on( 💃= fluff, 🥂= smut, 🍟= angst, 🚕= a first) along with the number of the one you want!
— you can pick any prompt from the list, feel free to mix and match and send as many as you’d like! i will try my very best to do all of them, although some may take longer than others if the inspiration strikes!
what are the rules?
— you can send as many requests as you like, as long as you are patient and willing to wait! i am a fast writer, but only when inspired, and i also have a life outside tumblr (unfortunately) and sometimes things get in the way 😢 but i will try my very best!! also i will try (and probably fail) to keep these under 1-2k words each, so hopefully they will come a little faster
— i will tag all these works under #grippingbeskarsnightout and will eventually make a masterlist of any fics i write for this, if there’s enough of them :)
—as always, this celebration and all my works are 18+. i don’t feel comfortable with minors viewing or interacting with my content, so if you are under 18 please do not interact 🖤
what characters can i request?
frank castle
matt murdock
din djarin
obi-wan kenobi
javi pena (narcos)
bucky barnes
loki laufeyson
poe dameron
steven grant
kylo ren/ben solo
any mcu characters
thank you to everyone who has supported me this far, whether it’s been through messages or likes/reblogs, or if you are just seeing this now— it’s wild to me that this little space has become something like this, it means the fucking world to me. i love you all, and i hope you have some fun with this, i know i will!!
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💃: let’s dance! (fluff prompts)
1. ‘can i hold your hand?’
2. ‘i thought you knew you had always been my favourite.’
3. ‘i’m only doing this because you look cute.’
4. ‘the first second i saw you, i could never get over how beautiful you were.’
5. ‘mm. you’re warm.’
6. ‘no—no. it’s alright. come here.’
7. ‘take my jacket.’
8. ‘you make everything a little easier.’
9. ‘i can’t believe i got the first date. let alone a whole year.’
10. ‘shh. you’re safe. i won’t leave.’
11. ‘you are my family.’
12. ‘i trust you. more than anyone else.’
13. ‘there it is. there’s that smile.’
14. ‘keep it. it looks better on you.’
15. ‘your heart is beating so fast right now.’
🥂: wanna drink? (smut prompts)
1. ‘what? does that feel good?’
2. ‘i want to hear you.’
3. ‘you’re really good at that.’
4. ‘how badly do you want me?’
5. ‘shh. there’s people in the other room.’
6. ‘you looked like you were jealous.’
7. ‘we have to make this quick.’
8. ‘i’m not wearing any underwear. thought you’d like to know.’
9. ‘there’s so many things i want to do to you.’
10. ‘i’ll be good. i promise.’
11. ‘you better watch your fucking mouth.’
12. ‘open your mouth for me.’
13. ‘you look so good like this.’
14. ‘do you think you deserve this?’
15. ‘look at what you do to me.’
🍟: drunk mcdonald’s, anyone? (angst prompts)
1. ‘when i say run, you run. don’t look back.’
2. ‘of course i came for you. why wouldn’t i?’
3. ‘can you move?’
4. ‘who did this to you?’
5. ‘it’s not my blood. it’s okay.’
6. ‘how could you say that to me?’
7. ‘you’re a good person. good people deserve to be safe.’
8. ‘it’s alright… it’s okay. i’m here now. i’ve got you.’
9. ‘kill me right now, then. do it.’
10. ‘was i not enough for you?’
11. ‘i can’t even look at you.’
12. ‘don’t you dare.’
13. ‘you mean nothing to me. not anymore.’
14. ‘i was trying to do the right thing!’
15. ‘you should have killed me when you had the chance.’
🚕: taxi, take me home!! (firsts with your fave)
1. first time saying i love you
2. first kiss
3. first fight
4. first ‘time’
5. first date
6. first time switching ‘roles’ in the bedroom
7. first child/pregnancy
8. first anniversary
9. first time meeting their/your family
10. first time you are sick/they are sick around each other
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Feedback: thank you so much for letting me play. I’m so appreciative, because I’ve been trying to learn about the different orbs. But the information is so limited or the websites charge. Everything you said is spot on. I definitely feel like my romantic situation is moving at all. I haven’t had any actual adult romantic relationships. But hearing that the universe is just using this time to teach me lessons that I’ll need for my lifetime partner puts me at ease. Everything you said about my ideal partner is so accurate. It’s like you’re in my brain. I like people who are very open and believe in constant communication to get to know each other better and to make sure that everyone’s feelings are being displayed/heard. I like that he be someone that’s always changing. I think that’s important for growth and can help me grow as well. I also like them being intuitive. It’s good that the person will not fear much, because I constantly fear so much. Which makes it hard for me to make decisions because I fear change and making the wrong choice. I think it’s sweet that this person would possibly help with my dreams. But since I’m so indecisive I don’t even know if I have dreams or goals. I’ll remember to take your advice and chose Devine love and not rush for instant gratification. Also learning how to be masculine and feminine. I feel like people always say the wives have to be serving and submissive because mean aren’t attracted to the opposite. So I worry about not being feminine enough especially because I come from a family dynamic where my mom was the masculine leader of the house. So, I don’t know if I’d naturally mimic that. But at the same time I fear being solely masculine because I seen how my mom having to be the only leader in her relationship has stressed her out and put her in survival mode. She’s hyper independent, and constantly complains about wising that someone could save her instead of her having to save others. But she doesn’t even allow help. So, I definitely need to learn have to have balance, and we both in the relationship are both in equal measure. I’ll remember to show mutual respect and to communicate my feelings and worries. So I won’t grow resentful. Thank you so much !!! You’re so good at this, and are extremely knowledgeable. You’ve taught me so much today. I’m so grateful❤️. Thank you for you time. I look forward to experiencing all of your gifts/talents that your bring to this tumblr community. Congratulations again on your milestone. I know so many more followers are to come. I’m happy to be apart of your asteroid family😊.
of course! we are here learning together; i am glad that i could help you with your specific case during this game!! i do hear you; a lot of the matrix information is in russian - so accessibility is tricky for sure! lmao would you believe this isn't the first time someone has said i am in their head while reading their matrix?? i understand what you mean regarding the fem/masc scenario - my core number is 6, so i have to deal with healthy balance too. i was raised by a single mom so i understand what the model of an independent / strong-will woman does to societal expectations that women should be submissive and meek. i have come to understand that woman can do anything and don't need to rely on men, but no woman is an island - humans were meant to interact with one another. it's okay to need help or want someone to hold your hand as you walk through life together. i have faith you will come to figure out what works best for your 6 too! you're welcome! thank you for helping me celebrate 2k and for being here!
a.d. <3
want a personal astrology reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
want a personal tarot reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
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dweemeister · 2 years
2022 Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song (preliminary round)
Because tumblr still cannot show indented bullets on the dashboard, this is best viewed on my blog via the direct link.
Informal invites go out to @asexual-idiot-ramblings, @biglifehightides, @birdsongvelvet, @blumes, @cinemaocd, @dog-of-ulthar, @exlibrisneh, @ideallaedi, @kataka-taka, @life-traveller, @mehetibel, @memetoilet, @mundi41, @myluckyerror, @shadesofhappy, @sunsetpanic, @phendranaedge/@twosontooter as longtime followers or folks who have participated in previous editions in MOABOS but have been on the inactive side lately. You are all invited to participate in either the prelim and/or just the final round. If you wish to participate in the prelim, please contact me so I can get you sorted into a group ASAP.
INTRODUCTION If you are being tagged on this post, that is because you graciously accepted the invitation to help out with this year's edition of the Movie Odyssey Award for Best Original Song (MOABOS) or were perhaps active in the past. This is the milestone tenth edition of MOABOS (MOABOS X?) and the ninth time with outside help from family, friends, and followers on tumblr. In other words, it's also the tenth year for my classic movie blog that is responsible for this end-of-year tradition! Thank you all for agreeing to participate in this admittedly peculiar tradition that continues to endure despite a pandemic and personal difficulties.
For newcomers (and oh boy there are many of you this year): my classic movie blog traditionally ends the year by honoring some of the best achievements from movies that I saw for the first time this calendar year (the "Movie Odyssey") with an Oscar-like ceremony. It is, for the most part, no democratic process. I choose all the nominees and winners from each category, save one: Best Original Song. It is the only category that does not require you to watch several movies in their entirety. MOABOS is also a sort of cinematic-musical thank-you for your moral support and a way to make the idea of watching older movies more accessible for those who might not seek them out.
An unspecified number of songs have already advanced to the final round. 22 songs will contest this preliminary round in two groups - Group A and Group B. With the pandemic still taking a toll on contemporary filmmaking, many of you will notice right away there are no 2022 entries for this year's MOABOS. And for another year running, very few of this year's entries are from the twenty-first century (although one particular movie from this century has quite a few entries this year). Danny Kaye - who was in last year's winner "Lullaby in Ragtime" from The Five Pennies (1959) - does not return to defend MOABOS this year. But we'll see Kaye again another year. There is no perennial Elvis contender this year either - cue the celebrations from the many Elvis ambivalents among you.
One year after the most multilingual field MOABOS had ever seen, we take a sharp turn. Reflecting how difficult this year has been for me (and I've needed more comfort movies this year), there are zero entries this year from a language other than English. This is a monolingual field, down from last year's record of eight languages represented. No anime films I saw this year had compelling contenders for MOABOS, nor did anything that I saw for Viet Film Fest (VFF). And I didn't see a lick of classic Bollywood this year again (this needs to be rectified).
2019's MOABOS preliminary remains the gold standard for sheer chaos. The miraculous comeback of "I Dug a Ditch" from Thousands Cheer (1943) in the prelim's final hour brought a song that seemed dead as a doorknob back to life. A song about digging a hole got out of its hole, if you will. No group since has ever matched that drama. Might this be a nailbiter of a result?
INSTRUCTIONS Please rank (#1-11) at least seven of your group's songs. Please consider to the best of your ability (these are only suggestions, not strict guidelines):
How musically interesting the song is (incl. and not limited to musical phrasing and orchestration);
Its lyrics;
Context within the film (contextual blurbs provided for every entry for those who haven't seen the films);
Choreography/dance direction (if applicable);
The song's cultural impact and context/sociopolitical context/life outside the film (if applicable, and, in my opinion, least important factor)
Because of the difficulty to find clean recordings of much of this music, imperfections in audio and video quality may not be used against any song.You are encouraged to send in comments and reactions with your rankings - it makes the process more enjoyable for you and myself! The top six songs in each group automatically advance to the final round. Unlike previous years, no songs finishing outside the top six will be considered as an at-large finalist. The deadline for submission is Friday, December 16 at 11 PM Pacific Time. That is 9 PM Hawaii/Aleutian Time. That deadline is also Saturday, December 17 at 1 AM Central Time / 2 AM Eastern Time / 7 AM GMT / 8 AM CET / 9 AM EET. This deadline - as we have seen in the last few years - will be pushed back if there are a large number of people who have not submitted in time. However, I very much do not wish to extend the deadline because the final round is more intensive and usually involves more participants. A small group of longtime MOABOS veterans have been asked to do both groups, if possible (but they are required to complete their assigned group first before moving on). Tabulation details are under the “read more” cutoff.
Please participate in the group you have been sorted into, if you have not yet been sorted into a group and would like to participate, please contact me. You can access most, not all, of your group’s songs in these YouTube playlists: (Group A) / (Group B). Again, please note that not all of your group’s songs may not be in the playlist for various reasons.
GROUP A (playlist)
“Good Morning”, music by Nacio Herb Brown, lyrics by Arthur Freed, Babes in Arms (1939)
Performed by Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney
Early in the first Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney musical of several (the two had previously appeared together in the fourth film of the Andy Hardy series) for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), two vaudeville kids from different families – "Mickey" Moran (Rooney) and Patsy Barton (Garland) – are attempting to sell one of his songs to a musical publishing company. Babes in Arms was released a month after Garland starred in The Wizard of Oz. 
If this song sounds familiar, it's because its most famous use was when it was recycled for Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, and Donald O'Connor during Singin' in the Rain (1952) – a movie that recycled many MGM songs to immaculate results (MGM liked to recycle its songs multiple times for some of its musicals).
“Island in the Sun”, music and lyrics by Harry Belafonte and Irving Burgie, Island in the Sun (1957)
Performed by Harry Belafonte
Played over the opening credits of this romantic drama, complete with aerial footage of the island where the film takes place. Set on a fictional Caribbean island (and shot on location in Barbados and Grenada), Island in the Sun was controversial when it was first released due to its depiction of interracial relationships, adultery, and colonial politics.
Jamaican-American singer and actor Harry Belafonte introduced calypso music to American audiences in the 1950s. The genre, originating in Trinidad and Tobago in the 18th century, is influenced by the storytelling tradition of West African griots and often employs a syncopated 2/4 beat derived from West African musical beats. Calypso is a precursor to ska and reggae.
“The Lady in the Tutti Frutti Hat”, music by Harry Warren, lyrics by Leo Robin, The Gang's All Here (1943)
Performed by Carmen Miranda and chorus
This is Carmen Miranda's signature song. It appears midway in the first half of this musical as part of a dinner show onboard a ship bound for a destination the movie never makes clear. The choreography was by director Busby Berkeley, best known for his mass choreographed song-and-dance numbers that he popularized in the 1930s (but had become out-of-fashion by the '40s).
This song – tame by today's standards – was considered risqué when it was released (see: the lyrics and all of that... citrus). The Gang's All Here was made during a time when the major studios were making certain movies adhering to the U.S. State Department's Good Neighbor Policy, as the studios attempted to show Latin American culture and persons in a positive light to counteract any sympathies with the Axis. Miranda, more popular in the U.S. than in her native Brazil during the height of her career at 20th Century Fox (RIP "Fox"), was typecast in "exotic Latin" roles during this time. Only closer to the end of her career and after her death, was she more venerated by her fellow Brazilians, as a South American who "conquered" American culture for a time.
“Never Look Back”, music and lyrics by Chilton Price, Love Me or Leave Me (1955)
Performed by Doris Day
Ruth Etting (Day) has left the rough-and-tumble Chicago nightclub scene, thanks to her gangster (and now ex-) boyfriend Martin Snyder (James Cagney). At this point, Ruth has made it in the recording industry and is now recording a song for a Hollywood movie she just starred in. A jealous Martin watches on in the recording booth.
“No Love, No Nothin'”, music by Harry Warren, lyrics by Leo Robin, The Gang's All Here (1943)
Performed by Alice Faye
A dinner-and-a-show club is in dress rehearsal for their newest show and, more urgently, a war bond party. Eadie Allen (Alice Faye) is the performer here, with U.S. Army servicemember Andy Mason Jr. (James Ellison; whose character is on a furlough) among the few people permitted to preview the performance. Andy and Eadie had a chance encounter a few years back, with the two clearly interested in each other but nothing transpiring.
In the days of Old Hollywood, key cast and crewmembers were contracted specifically to the major studios. Some of the major studios had their signature musical stars. Among musical actresses? Judy Garland was contracted to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM); Doris Day to Warner Bros; Deanna Durbin for Universal; Ginger Rogers for RKO while partnering with Fred Astaire. Until her being blackballed for a perceived breach of contract, it was Alice Faye who was 20th Century Fox's principal musical actress (she was supplanted by close friend Betty Grable). Faye makes her MOABOS debut, and it won't be the last time we see her.
“Once and For Always”, music by Jimmy Van Heusen, lyrics by Johnny Burke, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1949)
Performed by Bing Crosby and Rhonda Fleming
From a movie based very loosely on Mark Twain's comedic novel of the same name, “Once and For Always” is the signature love song between Hank Martin (Crosby) and Alisande la Carteloise (Fleming). In this film, American mechanic one day wakes up in King Arthur's (Cedric Hardwicke) land of Camelot. And while gracing Camelot with jazz, mid-century machinery knowhow, and "magic" to piss off Merlin (Murvyn Vye) and Morgan le Fay (Virginia Field), he falls for Arthur's niece, Alisande.
“Once Upon a Time in New York City”, music by Barry Mann, lyrics by Howard Ashman, Oliver & Company (1988)
Performed by Huey Lewis
Played over the opening credits of this movie in the Disney Animation Studios canon. Oliver & Company is an adaptation of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist to the streets of New York City. Instead of human street urchins, the characters are mostly sassy talking animals.
Oliver & Company was the last Disney animated movie before the beginning of the so-called "Disney Renaissance" with The Little Mermaid (1989). This film was released on the same day as Don Bluth's The Land Before Time, and was soundly beaten at the box office during a brief, intense period of rivalry between Bluth (a former Disney animator) and a struggling Disney.
“Pass Me By”, music by Cy Coleman, lyrics by Carolyn Leigh, Father Goose (1964)
Originally performed by Digby Wolfe; provided version performed by Cy Coleman
Played over the opening credits of this WWII comedy. Cary Grant plays the slovenly and usually inebriated American beachcomber Walter Eckland, who lives on an otherwise deserted Pacific island, and has an agreement with the Allied forces to report any Japanese warplanes or ships that he sees. His routine is interrupted one day when he encounters Frenchwoman Catherine Freneau (Leslie Caron) and seven young schoolgirls she's been tasked to take care of.
“Pillow Talk”, music and lyrics by Buddy Pepper and Inez James, Pillow Talk (1959)
Performed by Doris Day
This is the title song – played over the opening credits – to this romantic comedy starring Doris Day and Rock Hudson.
This was the first of three groundbreaking romcoms (an informal trilogy) starring Day and Hudson. Tony Randall also starred in all three of these movies in supporting roles. Along with Lover Come Back (1961), Send Me No Flowers (1964), Pillow Talk was considered risqué for the time and helped to contribute to the demise of the Hays Code (a series of self-censorship guidelines for almost all major Hollywood movies released from 1934-1968). For the classic film buffs out there, Pillow Talk is like a pre-Code picture that just happened to show up in the late '50s.
“Someone's Waiting for You”, music by Sammy Fain, lyrics by Carol Connors and Ayn Robbins, The Rescuers (1977)
Performed by Shelby Flint
Six-year-old orphan Penny (Michelle Stacy) has been kidnapped by the greedy Madame Medusa (Geraldine Page). Medusa has imprisoned Penny in a bayou in Louisiana. But the resourceful Penny has sent a message in a bottle that has been received by the Rescue Aid Society, an international mouse organization housed in the U.N. in New York. This song plays non-diegetically as our two mice heroes, Bernard and Ms. Bianca (Bob Newhart and Eva Gabor), arrive.
“When You're Next to Me”, music and lyrics by Eugene Levy, A Mighty Wind (2003)
Performed by Mitch & Mickey (Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara
(soundtrack/end credits version) / (“public broadcast” DVD extra version)
Heard over the end credits of this mockumentary comedy spoofing American folk musicians. A Mighty Wind is about a folk music reunion that sees three acts reunited for a send-off public TV special. The “public broadcast” version provided here is a DVD extra and was not part of the film.
Group A participants include: @addaellis, @emilylime5, @halfwaythruthedark, @maximiliani, @rawberry101, @rosymeraki-blog, @shootingstarvenator, and @theybecomestories​. Sixteen others including myself and my sister will be joining you in this group.
GROUP B (playlist)
“Anyone Can See I Love You”, music and lyrics by Allan Roberts and Lester Lee, Ladies of the Chorus (1948)
Performed by Marilyn Monroe
Early on in this B-picture romantic musical, burlesque showgirl Mae Martin (Adele Jergens) secretly arranges for her daughter, fellow showgirl Peggy (Monroe), to take her place for a special number. It's a hit, and Peggy lands a lead role at the burlesque.
“I’ll Never Stop Loving You”, music by Nicholas Brodszky, lyrics by Sammy Cahn, Love Me or Leave Me (1955)
Performed by Doris Day
(use in film) / (single version)
Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Song
Ruth Etting (Day) has left the rough-and-tumble Chicago nightclub scene, thanks to her gangster boyfriend Martin Snyder (James Cagney). Ruth wants to break into the recording industry and, early on that journey, partakes in this early rehearsal with singing coach Johnny Alderman (Cameron Mitchell; whose character falls for Day's).
“A Journey to a Star”, music by Harry Warren, lyrics by Leo Robin, The Gang's All Here (1943)
Performed by Alice Faye; reprised by film's cast
(initial performance) / (reprise)
Onboard a ship bound a destination to, erm, somewhere, onboard entertainer Eadie Allen (Alice Faye) starts falling with Andy Mason (James Ellison), who is shortly about to report for duty in the South Pacific. The reprise occurs as a film-ending fantasia, complete with Busby Berkeley's oftentimes kaleidoscopic mass choreography, which he popularized in the 1930s (although they were already out-of-fashion by the time he made The Gang's All Here).
In the days of Old Hollywood, key cast and crewmembers were contracted specifically to the major studios. Some of the major studios had their signature musical stars. Among musical actresses? Judy Garland was contracted to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM); Doris Day to Warner Bros; Deanna Durbin for Universal; Ginger Rogers for RKO while partnering with Fred Astaire. Until her being blackballed for a perceived breach of contract, it was Alice Faye who was 20th Century Fox's principal musical actress (she was supplanted by close friend Betty Grable). Faye makes her MOABOS debut, and it won't be the last time we see her.
“Love Survives”, music and lyrics by Al Kasha, Joel Hirschhorn, Mike Curb, and Michael Lloyd, All Dogs Go to Heaven (1989)
Performed by Irene Cara and Freddie Jackson
“Love Survives” appears as the first song in the end credits of this animated musical fantasy directed by Don Bluth (1986's An American Tail, 1988's The Land Before Time). To preempt your questions about the YouTube comments in the provided link, it should be noted that this song was dedicated to voice actress Judith Barsi – who plays the human protagonist, Anne-Marie, in this movie (and Ducky in the original Land Before Time) – after she and her mother were both murdered by her father before this film was released.
“A Mighty Wind”, music and lyrics by Eugene Levy, Christopher Guest, and Michael McKean, A Mighty Wind (2003)
Performed by The Folksmen (Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, and Harry Shearer); Mitch & Mickey (Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara); and The New Main Street Singers (John Michael Higgins, Jane Lynch, Parker Posey, Christopher Moynihan, David Blasucci, Mark Nonisa, Steve Pandis, and Patrick Sauber)
In this mockumentary comedy directed by Christopher Guest, the son (Bob Balaban) of an acclaimed folk music producer tries to put together a memorial concert on public TV to honor his late father, asking the three most famous of his father's acts to participate. After some drama among all three groups, they all come together for the concert, with this number concluding the occasion.
The video provided is from the public television alternative print that was offered as a DVD extra, not how this scene was shot in the movie. I have decided to provide the public TV alternative because the original is not available on YouTube (and also because the public TV version mirrors closely how it was shot in the film). No apologies for that dirty lyric.
“Old Joe's Place”, music and lyrics by Christopher Guest, Harry Shearer, and Michael McKean, A Mighty Wind (2003)
Performed by The Folksmen (Christopher Guest, Michael McKean, and Harry Shearer)
In this mockumentary comedy directed by Christopher Guest, the son (Bob Balaban) of an acclaimed folk music producer tries to put together a memorial concert on public TV to honor his late father, asking the three most famous of his father's acts to participate. In this segment covering the Folksmen, we see some archival footage of one of their performances back at the height of their popularity. Please don't make me explain the punchline in this song.
The sharp-eyed and widely-watched among you will notice that those three men are the same people who comprise the fictional band Spinal Tap from the mockumentary This is Spinal Tap (1984). At the very few concerts that Spinal Tap have given, the Folksmen are usually the opening act.
“Paducah”, music by Harry Warren, lyrics by Leo Robin, The Gang's All Here (1943)
Performed by Benny Goodman and His Orchestra, Carmen Miranda, and Tony DeMarco
Appearing late in The Gang's All Here, “Paducah” – in yet another example of American songwriters taking their song titles from funny-sounding American placenames – is the opening number of the war bond party that wraps up this film's narrative.
See my note for “The Lady in the Tutti Frutti Hat” in Group A.
“Roll Up Sailorman”, music by Eric Ansell, lyrics by Henrik Ege, Big Fella (1937)
Performed by Paul Robeson
(use in film; begins at 21:44, ends at 23:32) / (soundtrack)
In a racially integrated, blue-collar neighborhood in Marseille, dockworker Banjo (Robeson) comes to the local café to enjoy an evening. Earlier in the day, the local police – noting Banjo's good reputation in the hardscrabble community, request him to listen and report back on the local gossip. As he and the café patrons sing together, he is wrestling with his own sense of morals and place among his friends.
“The Sneak Song”, music by Ben Please and Beth Porter, lyrics by Mikey Please, Robin Robin (2021 short)
Performed by Bronte Carmichael, Adeel Akhtar, Amira Macey-Michael, Tom Pegler, Endeavour Clutterbuck, and Megan Harris; reprise also performed by Richard E. Grant
Robin Robin was one of last year's Academy Award nominees for Best Animated Short Film. The film, an Aardman Animations (Wallace and Gromit, Shaun the Sheep, 2000's Chicken Run)  production, stars a Robin (Carmichael) raised by a family of mice. Robin joins the family's attempt to sneak into a "Who-Man's" house and take away some food. The provided video includes the initial performance and reprise.
“Tomorrow is the Song I Sing”, music by Jerry Goldsmith, lyrics by Richard Gillis, The Ballad of Cable Hogue (1970)
Performed by Richard Gillis
In this American Western film's opening minutes, Cable Hogue (Jason Robards) has been abandoned in the desert by his two companions. He wanders the Arizonan desert, speaking in a folksy demeanor to no one but God as if trying to bargain over his desperate situation. The opening credits play during this song and Cable's exhortations to the Lord. For film score fans: this movie was released one month after Patton (which Jerry Goldsmith also scored).
“Why Should I Worry?”, music and lyrics by Dan Hartman and Charlie Midnight, Oliver & Company (1988)
Performed by Billy Joel
(use in film) / (soundtrack version)
Early in this adaptation of Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist (but where almost all the characters are sassy talking animals), the dog version of Billy Joel, Dodger, reneges on a deal with young orphan cat Oliver (Joey Lawrence) to steal hot dogs from a human vendor.
Group B participants include: @idontknowmuchaboutmovies, @introspectivemeltdown, @plus-low-overthrow, @umgeschrieben, @underblackwings, @yellanimal, Sixteen others including myself and my sister are currently slated to be voting in Group B.
Have a question or comment about MOABOS's processes? Maybe you would like to know something more about a song or a movie featured in this year's competition? Well, just ask yours truly! If you are having difficulty accessing any of the songs (especially if region-locked) or if there are any errors in the links above or the playlist, please let me know as soon as possible.
To all of you, my thanks all for your support for the Movie Odyssey, the blog, and for me personally over this last calendar year and beyond. It's a privilege and a pleasure to share all this music and (at least excerpts of) these movies with you. It's my hope you find this entertaining and enlightening about cinema and the music that goes along with it. You will be contacted for the final round regardless of your participation or non-participation in the preliminary. If turnout in one group is lagging behind compared to another, I will ask some of the more senior participants to participate in the other group, too. Do not worry too much about this if you cannot participate, although I will be checking in as the deadlines get close. Happy listening, and I hope you have fun!
TABULATION FOR THE PRELIMINARY ROUND This preliminary round uses a points-based, ranked choice method which has been used since the first time I asked friends, tumblr followers, and family to help out. A respondent’s first choice receives 10 points, the second choice receives 9, the third choice receives 8, etc. The winner is the song that ends up with the most total points. The tabulation method described here for the preliminary round is used only as a tiebreaker in the final round (more on how the final is tabulated when we get there).
The tiebreakers for the preliminary are:
total points earned;
total #1 votes;
song(s) which is/are ranked higher on more ballots than the other(s);
average placement on my and my sister's ballots;
tie declared
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allsassnoclass · 2 years
Hazel’s 2022 Writing Roundup
some of you may be thinking “but hazel, you just did a 2022 writing self-evaluation” well this is DIFFERENT this one is almost completely by the numbers and includes GRAPHS
a summary of my writing this year is under the cut!
Let’s start out easy.  How many fics did I write?  What was the fandom distribution?
11 5sos fics on AO3
2 1d fics on AO3
1 fic for the It movies on AO3
1 fic for Stranger Things on AO3
1 fic for High School Musical: The Musical: The Series on AO3
1 fic for Cobra Kai on AO3
13 ask box prompts right here on tumblr (all for 5sos)
Here’s a handy little pie chart:
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As you can clearly see, 5sos still totally dominated my writing year.  I assume this will continue, although it could possibly even out slightly next year depending on how much cobra kai retains its claws in me and if I expand into any other fandoms.
Total word count: 147,702  wahoo!  That’s more words than Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austin or One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Main pairing distribution (for the 5sos ones)(friendship fics are counted under the overarching pairing, as it focuses on those two (or four) characters)
Cake: 2
Cashton: 5
Lashton: 1
Malum: 2
Mashton: 10
Muke: 2
OT4: 1
Roylum: 1
I think it’s no surprise that mashton is by far my favored pairing, but i’m surprised that cashton had so many fics when malum and lashton did not, as previously I favored those two pairings a lot and I would say cashton is tied for my third or fourth favorite pairing, rather than above either of those.  In fact, the fact that lashton has less than cake (who i historically do not write) is very surprising.  it looks like i should step up my lashton game a bit next year, although I have to confess that I don’t have any strong ideas for them right now (besides unmute, which constantly haunts me).  I also only got 1 lashton prompt request this year  out of the 15 total i received, which definitely impacted how much I wrote them.
Here’s a little pie chart, to fully show just how much mashton dominates my writing:
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For ao3 ratings, I had 15 teen, 1 for general audiences, and 1 mature fic.  All of my ask box prompts are rated teen as a general rule
For my 5sos writings I wrote:
10 fics or ask box prompts that I had the ideas for or received before 2022
10 fics or ask box prompts that I had the ideas for or received during 2022
One of the ones from before 2022 has not been posted, as it’s chapter 6 of an ongoing work.  There is another fic from 2022 that is complete that I’ve been holding on to until the right now.
I started keeping track of all of my ideas and when I got them (or received the prompt for them) this year because I was curious to see how many of my fics were new ideas or not, and I’m honestly surprised that it’s so even!  I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that.  Looking at which specific fics got completed, only one of the 2022 ideas that I posted was an AO3 fic (when i watch the world burn).  The other 9 were ask box prompts from my follower milestone celebration.
I added 30 ideas to my 5sos ideas doc in 2022!
For word count, all of my AO3 fics are somewhere between 1,395 and 50,140.  pas de deux (the 50,140 word fic) is the longest fic I’ve ever written by over 20,000 words!  I will likely not stop talking about it any time soon lol.  It is also my favorite fic of the year, as it includes ballet, minnesota, and hotei within his sack, which are all things that I love dearly.
Looking ahead, what does the future of hazel fic hold?  I have no idea!  We’re playing it completely by ear.  Hopefully, it’s enjoyable for everyone involved.  If you’ve read this far, I am giving you my affection
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keikakudori · 2 years
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
the salty af munday meme
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i feel like there's not a lot of fun in it these days for new people.
like, when i started in on tumblr rp waaaaay back in 2010 ( shut up I know I've been here a long time ), we didn't have great things like Xkit Rewritten or stuff like that, though i do remember i was using Missing E a lot back in the day before that was broken and then we got Xkit which led to NuXkit and then to Xkit Rewritten so i've been through a lot of tumblr changes and i think one of the things i see a lot is a lot of griping over things that aren't really such a big deal. tumblr adapts to the changes that staff throws down.
now, that's not to say i don't understand things; the recent issue with trimming reblogs that was going on a couple months ago was something i was on board with but now i've settled into using the beta editor and have been using it for a while now and it's really not that bad. would it be a pain in the ass to try writing without it? oh yeah, absolutely. it would be a tremendous pain in the ass. i probably wouldn't have bothered until the fix rolled in. but i'm honestly not that bothered by the beta editor so i suppose i'm just used to dealing with how staff will change this website in those ways.
but it does feel like there's this air of exclusivity going on. that if you don't know the right people, you can't really break into the rpc. i always do my best to be welcoming to people returning to the rpc or those who are trying to get into it. you never know what kinds of friends you'll make if you block people out and i'd love to see folks return to having fun and generally goofing around. like, i remember when gif wars were a thing. gif wars. if that doesn't date me as the kind of tumblr user i am, then i don't know what does.
i also feel like one of the most ridiculous things in the rpc these days is Sinday. fuck that, i'm not confining my horny to one day of the week. i'm gonna be horny on main and y'all can deal with it. people are horny! i am going to write spicy things and throw them on the dash! i'm not gong to hide that!
i absolutely miss things like follow forevers/bias lists and celebration of blog milestones. the concept that those were like -- bragging things or whatever is ridiculous. do you know how many new people i got to find to write with thanks to follow forever lists? i think i'm going to make one soon, a follow forever/milestone celebration post, because those were fun. you get to see these gorgeous lists and witness people saying NICE THINGS ABOUT PEOPLE THEY WRITE WITH. let's bring that back. those were always lovely. why can't we have those again? i want to see people gushing about their friends.
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buckets-and-trees · 2 years
Fifty Followers
There are MANY writers out there with so so so so many more followers, but I wanted to take a beat and celebrate a first milestone for me...
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I pushed this little boat out into the water only a few months ago, no fandom friends to speak of, just a desire to get out here and write and connect with people. Mostly for me - but when I say that I mean not to like become fandom famous or tumblr famous or anything. This year I decided I wanted to get back to doing things I want to again. I wanted to write. I wanted to write fanfic. I wanted to connect with people through fandom again because I did that a long time ago in a different fandom, and some of those people became some of my best friends (still have ties, but loooong distance and the seasons of our lives have all changed).
Truthfully I didn't expect to have fifty followers yet, and it's really cool to just get the little votes of confidence that yeah I'm writing what I want to write but that some of you also think hmm yes let's see what she does next! It means something to me.
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So... because I want to really start to have fun and get to know y'all... What if I throw out a ton of questions, and I'll answer up to like 50 of them this week. If you want to ask, drop a note in my askbox with the numbers you want me to answer.
I've got a list with writer-y questions, get-to-know-you questions, media-related questions, and fandom questions, so PICK YOUR POISON!
What was your favorite childhood treat?
Tea or coffee?
EDM or Bollywood?
Fame or money?
Childhood life or adult life?
Move on or Hold on?
Cats or dogs?
What part of your daily schedule is your favorite part of the day?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite song that you hear on a loop?
A crime you would like to be caught for.
Which 2 things do you want after the apocalypse?
Your current favorite song?
First trip after COVID.
Where would you go using the anywhere door?
Last search on internet explorer.
A thing you recently purchased impulsively.
A fictional movie you want to experience IRL.
If I were a celebrity, I would be…?
What instrument do I play?
Which is my favorite season?
What are your top 3 most used apps?
What is my spirit animal?
What am I allergic to?
Would you rather have 10M followers on Instagram or find true love? Why?
Do you want to be famous? If yes, then for what?
What’s your most-used emoji?
What would you do if you won the lottery?
What is your favorite holiday?
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
Does writing energize or exhaust you?
What is your writing Kryptonite?
Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?
What other authors are you reading, and how do they help you become a better writer?
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?
What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?
How many unpublished and half-finished fics do you have?
What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
How many hours a day do you write?
Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction?
What was your hardest scene to write?
What one thing would you give up to become a better writer?
What is your favorite childhood book?
If you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do?
How long on average does it take you to write a story?
Do you believe in writer’s block?
Name a book that you would cherish for a lifetime.
Name a movie sequel you wish for.
Your Favorite Series worth a binge-watch.
What is your favorite Hollywood movie, and why do you like that movie?
Who is your dream girl or dream guy working in film/tv and why?
Your anytime movie.
Who's your go-to band or artist?
What is a movie adaptation you like?
Which actor or actress do you hate to watch in any movie?
Name a celebrity you truly admire and why.
Suggest a list of movies to watch this weekend.
Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
A character you would die for.
A character who could corrupt you.
What book or series would you die to see turned into a movie or tv show?
What was the last book you read?
What moment do you wish you could experience again for the first time from any book/movie/tv show?
What is the first book that made you cry?
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
Is there anything in fandom you used to like but can’t stand now?
Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Most disliked arc? Why?
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Your current OTP.
A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
What fandom was it?
What was your first fandom?
Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
What's a headcanon you have?
What are your favorite male/female ships?
Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
Character you want to be your PLATONIC ride-or-die.
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