#how is Mae holding the base?
moonstruckme · 2 months
A Friendly Proposition
Based on this request: Hi mae!!! Would you be open to writing tasm!peter parker or Remus lupin with best friend reader who hasn’t cum before, and he is outraged when he hears this? And he’s like, why don’t I show you (wink wink) -- Thank you for requesting!! I chose Remus for this but I would love to do some Peter smut in the future if anyone has any ideas :)
cw: smut mdni, fingering, not necessarily inexperienced reader but kind of has that vibe, basically smut no plot
bestfriend!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 2.2k words
“I dunno, I guess overall it was fine.” 
“Fine?” Remus looks up from where he’s lying on his bed, one eyebrow lifted in that way you don’t think he knows he does. You’re sitting on the floor in front of his mirror, attempting to cover up a particularly bad hickey your date from last night had left you as a parting gift. His reflection has a wry twist to its mouth. “I should hope it was more than just fine.” 
You shrug, tilting your head to dab at the makeup on your neck. “Not the best, not horrible. I’d call it thoroughly average.” 
Your friend hisses sympathetically through his teeth. “Not the sort of rave review most guys strive for. If I left someone with a mark like that, I’d hope I made it worth their while.” 
You can’t keep your lips from curving. “I didn’t say it wasn’t worthwhile.” 
“Did he at least make you cum?” 
You cough in surprise. “At least?” You turn around, giving him a disbelieving look. 
Remus’ answering expression is equally incredulous. 
“How common do you think that is?” you ask him. 
The eyebrow lifts higher. “Well, now I’m not sure, but I’ve never had any problems.” 
You scoff, turning back to the mirror. “That’s because you’re a guy.” 
“No,” Remus says, amusement tingling in his tone. “I mean, yes, but I meant I’ve never had any problems making other people cum.” 
“Seriously?” You freeze with your hand upheld awkwardly above your neck. You’re doing your best to make this conversation feel casual, but sometimes having an attractive guy for a best friend can get confusing, and the room is starting to feel a tad warm despite the open windows. “Like, what’s your success rate?” 
“What’s yours?” 
“I asked you first.” 
Remus’ lips twitch, fondness beneath his exasperation. “For women specifically?”
He nods, expression turning pensive. “I can’t be exactly sure. I mean, it’s not like I’m constantly fucking loads of women.” He says it so offhandedly, but just the language makes a tickle of warmth start up in your cheeks. “There were a couple who didn’t, when I was younger, still learning, but since then it’s been fairly high.” 
You swallow. You wonder what the learning had entailed, what Remus had picked up that you and anyone you’ve hooked up with hasn’t. It’s typically not for a lack of trying, though some certainly invest more time into the ambition than others. You can’t say you’ve even tried that hard yourself, not in a while and not since you’ve reckoned with the idea that it may simply not happen for you. It feels like a pointless exercise. 
You break from your reverie when you notice Remus watching you in the mirror. 
“Your turn,” he prompts. 
“You can’t make fun of me.” 
“You know I wouldn’t.” 
You absolutely do not know that, he loves to tease, but he’s right in that you don’t think he would about this. You catch yourself nibbling on your bottom lip, and stop. 
You do your best to affect his unflappable blasé when you say, “Zero, so far.” 
That blasé hardly holds up now. Remus sits straight up. “Never? Not once?” 
You can’t bring yourself to look at him, so you focus on covering the spot on your neck. “Nope.”
“Not even by yourself?” 
“You make it sound like it’s so easy.” There’s some bitterness in your tone as you tilt your head up, inspecting your work in the light. “I haven’t tried in a while, because I was never able to. I got sick of it.” 
“Oh, sweetheart.” 
You try not to melt. Remus will call you that, from time to time, but given the context of your conversation you wish he wouldn’t. Suddenly his room feels a little bit smaller, the atmosphere more private than before.
You look at his reflection, expecting to find teasing in his expression, but it’s thoughtful. Contemplative. 
“You said you wouldn’t make fun,” you remind him. “I feel like that should also include feelings of pity. Let’s not act like it’s some great tragedy to not have cum before.” 
“No, I’m…it’s not that. You’re right, there are worse fates.” One corner of his lips curves slightly, and you mirror him, relieved. “I was just thinking that I could…well, I might be able to help.” 
“What?” A little laugh trips off your tongue. Your face is really feeling warm now. “Do you have some kind of manual or something?”
“Would you want my help?”
“Is there a diagram you’re going to show me? Trust me, I’ve seen those.” 
“Answer the question, love.” 
You set your makeup down, expelling a breath. Meet his eyes in the mirror with a shrug. “Yeah. Sure, I’d be curious.” 
Remus studies you. Analytical hazel eyes and a map of scars you would know blind. “Tell me if this makes you uncomfortable, but I could show you, if you’d like.” 
Your breath seems to stall in your lungs. “On…” you trail off, not wanting to misunderstand him. 
“On you,” he confirms. “Would you want that?” 
You’re nodding before you can think enough to speak. Your head feels slow and fuzzy, like you’re navigating a dream. “Yeah,” you manage. “If you’re alright with that.” 
“Wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t.” Remus spreads his legs open on the bed, patting the space between them. “C’mere, love.” 
“What—like, now?” 
“Do you have another engagement?” He gives you a little smile. It squishes the scar underneath his left eye adorably, but when you hesitate he sobers. “Hey, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” 
You shake your head, and it’s like your body remembers how to move, propelling you up from your seated position. “No, sorry, I’m good with this. I think I’m just a bit nervous.” 
“That’s alright,” he reassures you. “You don’t need to be, though. It’s only me.” 
You see his eyes drop to your mouth, and you let your lip slip from between your teeth a second time. Remus is right. If there’s anyone you should be comfortable learning this with, it’s him. 
When you go to crawl up on the bed, he stops you. “Probably want to lose the pants first,” he suggests. 
Right. You set your fingers to the button, and it seems to fly open of its own regard. You feel Remus’ eyes on you as you slide them over your hips and step out. 
“Underwear too, or…” 
“No, we’ll keep those for now.” Remus holds a hand out for you, and you get up onto the bed, letting him help you settle in between his legs. It’s impossible not to be conscious of the feel of his pants against your bare skin, or how comfortably he wraps a hand around your thigh, pulling it open that much wider. “Do you usually start with everything off?” 
“Yeah,” you say. “Isn’t that sort of the point?”
“Sometimes,” he hums. “Sometimes, though, it helps to work up to it. You need to get warmed up, you know?” 
You murmur an affirmation, though you don’t actually know. There’s never been much warming up when you or anyone else has tried to do this before. But it doesn’t matter, because then Remus starts rubbing the outsides of your thighs with both hands, and any sound dies in your throat. 
“You have to start slow,” he says in a low voice. Scarred, strong hands moving over your skin. “Everyone responds to different things, and it’s about feeling out what works for you.” 
You can’t imagine how this wouldn’t work for anyone. Remus touch starts moving inward, until his long fingers are dragging over your inner thighs, fuelling a familiar warmth at their apex. 
“Are you feeling more relaxed now?” 
You wet your lips. “I think so.” 
“Good. If you’re feeling up to it, you could try touching yourself other places, see what works.” 
Tentatively, you slip one of your hands up your shirt. Your breasts feel more sensitive than usual, and when you squeeze one, combined with Remus’ hands on your thighs, it makes your breath catch. 
“There you go, sweetheart. You’ve got it.” 
Your body starts to slacken against him, but Remus doesn’t seem to mind. He only uses his grip on your thighs to drag you closer, propping you up. You can’t tell which one of you is warmer. 
Without warning, his hand brushes over your mound. You gasp. 
“Is this okay?” Remus asks, his voice closer to your ear than it had been. He gives you another stroke over your panties. 
“Yes,” you breathe out. 
“Alright. Tell me if I do anything you don’t like.” 
One hand continues moving over your thigh while the other drags the fabric of your panties aside, flattening over your cunt. 
“Oh, poor girl,” he coos. “Is all this for me?” 
Your silence must scream mortification, because he chuckles and bumps the side of your head with his affectionately. 
“Sorry, I’m only messing with you. Is it always like this?” 
You lie. “Yeah.” 
Remus hums, dragging two fingers through your folds. You squirm in his lap. Your hand has completely forgotten your breast. 
“I usually start here,” he says, one finger circling your clit. It slips and slides in the mess you’ve already made. “You do the same?” 
You nod fervently. He adds another finger, moving over it gently, and has to tighten his grip on your leg to keep it open. Your breaths start coming faster as he repeats the motion. You can feel him getting hard behind you. 
Just as your pleasure starts to take you under, Remus’ fingers fall away. 
“Your turn,” he says. His voice sounds slightly hoarse. 
When you hesitate, confused and a bit bereaved, he chuckles, taking your hand in his and pressing your fingers to your clit. 
“Show me how you’re gonna do it, sweetheart.” 
Tentatively, you try to copy his movements. Your own fingers feel clumsy and inadequate compared to his, but after all the work Remus has put in they’re still enough. You chase that tightening sensation, hips twitching into your own touch. 
Remus doesn’t leave you on your own for long. His hand finds your cunt again, seeking, it seems, every possible way to drive you to madness. He collects the slick pooling by your entrance, sliding it up and down through your folds, and when his fingers breach your hole you make a soft, surprised sound that sends his lips down onto your shoulder. 
Instantly, you’re aware of how much better this feels. Remus’ mouth is warm and soft, a contrast against the roughness of his stubble. He sucks at you gently, warming you up like he had your cunt, before letting his teeth scrape lightly over your skin. Your date from last night had been so eager to get your neck into his mouth, suctioning onto you like a parasite and rolling your skin between his teeth in a way that hurt more than it helped. Remus is all temperance. He bites you, and then licks it over to make sure you’re soothed. 
The thought occurs to you that maybe you shouldn’t be comparing Remus to someone you actually dated. 
He curls his fingers inside you, and every thought you’ve ever had falls away. All you are is a collection of sensations and wants. 
“You’ve got it, darling, keep going. You’re doing so well.” 
Your fingers and Remus’ working like one mind, until your thighs are shivering and he has to redouble his efforts to keep you still. Your head lolling onto his shoulder, the way his lips transfer to your neck as if it's the most natural thing in the world. His scruff scratching under your jaw, moving as he says your name. 
The myriad of other things he says, sweetheart, baby, good girl, you’re doing so good, growing raspier as the pressure in your core worsens until you worry you’ll shatter if he doesn’t keep ahold of you. 
“Let go,” he instructs, kissing the skin beneath your ear lovingly. “You’re alright, just let go.” 
You choose to trust him, and your body—your being—snaps.
You make sounds you can’t hear, your own fingers stuttering and stopping while Remus works you through the new sensation, murmuring assurances into your skin. Runs his free hand over your trembling thigh. 
Eventually, your mind quiets enough to hear that his breathing is nearly as labored as your own. He slips his fingers out of you. You try to turn around to face him, but your body betrays you, slumping against his front. 
Remus chuckles, smoothing a hand up your side. “Good job, sweetheart. You did beautifully.” He smears a kiss over your cheek. “How was that?” 
You sigh blissfully. Your brain feels pulverized. “Really good.” 
Another soft laugh. “Yeah? Glad to hear it.” 
“Thank you.” You lean your head on his shoulder, trying to look up at him. 
“You’re welcome,” he replies, voice warm with amusement. “Honestly, I should probably be thanking you. I feel quite lucky.” 
You hum bemusedly. Remus’ sex-slicked fingers run lazily over the inside of your thigh. Perhaps your mind is still addled from your orgasm, but this feels incredibly normal to you now. 
“Really? Why?” 
“I just,” he exhales, leaning his head against yours lightly. “I just can’t believe I was the first person to hear you make those sounds.” 
“Oh.” You feel the tickle of embarrassment coming back to you. It draws your shoulders in. “Sorry. Was I very loud?” 
“Don’t apologize, sweetheart.” Remus turns his head, kissing your temple firmly. “You were perfect.” 
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littlenightma · 10 months
Run, Rabbit, Run | Thomas Hewitt x Female!Reader (NSFW)
Author’s Note: *slams post button* Here you go, sluts *evil cackle*
Warning tags: Primal kink, chase kink, breeding kink, lots o’ smut.
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The Texas sun kissed your sweat-soaked skin with a harsh pressure of a thousand blow torches. His heavy breathing and roaring of his chainsaw pushed you forward, to keep going no matter what stood before you, but the persistent throbbing between your legs teased the resilience of your rapidly depleting willpower.
Miles separated you from the farm house and separated you from the rest of civilization. Oceans upon oceans of rocky dirt, dying grass, and the occasional road kill were all that could be seen.
The radiating sun, which had been sitting proudly in the sky to the East, now sat lamely in the West beginning to hide beyond the horizon. The ivory moon would force away its suffocating heat, providing the barest of illumination, increasing your chances at escaping.
A small part of you wished the sun would stay out and light up the world just a little while longer.
“You’re so polite for someone your age. You remind me so much of my boy Thomas.”
“If he’s anything like you, ma’am, he has to be the sweetest boy around.”
He was a six foot tall mountain of muscle and power, running with the determination of a blood hound tracking the scent of a wounded animal. When you thought you had successfully outsmarted him by suddenly changing directions within the tall, golden thickets at the last second, he’d still be barreling after you, unphased, no further than he was before.
There were moments, fleeting as they were, but impressionable nonetheless, where he had been so close to getting a hold of you. So close, the slight breeze from his hand attempting to grab your hair raised your skin, sucking the breath from your chest as you narrowly dodge him.
And that made things even more thrilling.
His grunts of frustration were muffled by his mask and the tight curve of his bottom lip. The lip jutted out awkwardly and looked as if it had been stung by a bee the way it was swollen.
And this deformed man was coming after you.
To him you were an outsider. A pest that needed eradicating. Even though his Mama willingly invited you into their home, he made you feel as if you were trespassing anyway. He wanted to kill you then and you were sure as shit he wanted to now, probably more than ever seeing how you keep escaping him.
She’d had asked him to keep you alive so assuming that he’d follow through with her request, your life would be spared, but for what sick reason? Would death be more lenient than what they had planned for you?
Of all days for your tire to blow out…
“Here he comes now,” said the woman, smiling expectantly as the basement door opened and out from the darkened staircase came Thomas.
The boy, no man, stood protectively behind the older woman. He placed his hands on her shoulders, watching you with narrowed eyes that were partially covered by a curtain of black, curly hair. To you, they looked like snakes ready to strike, and so did he.
His nose and lower half of his face was covered by a worn, leather mask that wrapped around the base of his head with thick straps. It looked uncomfortable to wear as it was was to look at.
He was not pleased to see a stranger sitting in his living room and you wanted to sink deeper into the faded couch and disappear. Maybe if you pushed against the cushions hard enough.
A muffled scream came from the basement. Luda Mae glanced up at her son then back to you. Your back straightened.
“What was that?”
She smiled, yet it didn’t quite reach her eyes, “Nothing, dear.”
Again, the basement door opened, and out came a man in a Sheriff’s uniform. Fresh blood splattered across his chest and arms, trickling down as he sauntered his way into the room.
“Who in the hell is this pretty thing?”
Time slowed down and so did your breathing. All three had you pinned with various stares ranging from curiosity, understanding, and searing contempt. You weren’t going to risk it. You jumped from the couch and hauled ass out the door, leaving a trail of dust behind.
“Son of a bitch,” said Hoyt. “Boy, go get her before she causes us any trouble.”
Luda Mae grabbed Thomas’ hand. “Keep this one alive, baby. She’ll be good one to have around.”
Thomas wanted to argue his Mama’s odd request, but the sweet smile she gave him and the gentle way she held his hand made him reconsider. He didn’t want her, that’s for damn sure, but whatever his Mama wanted, she’d get.
In the midst of your recollection you realized it was ominously quiet behind you. Peering back, he was no longer running after you. I’m fact, he wasn’t there at all.
You spun around, eyes frantically searching the desolate landscape. He didn’t just vanish into thin air, not a man of his size, yet he had. The weeds danced and suddenly parted, revealing him on all fours as he pushed himself off the ground, propelling into you with a gut-wrenching force, knocking you onto your back.
His full body weight had you pinned, flattening the dry brush beneath you. His barrel-chest heaved and his hand wrapped around your neck, squeezing. As frightened as you were, a strange sense of relief washed over and the instinct to raise your hips overtook you.
He tried moving away, but your legs locked him in. You awkwardly shimmied your shorts down and he watched you. His anger dissipated, replaced by hunger the more of your thighs he saw.
You captured his curious gaze, “Look how wet you made me.”
Your hand reached down and massaged your aching pussy through your sodden underwear. You were a mess, physically and mentally, and if you didn’t get fucked soon you were going to go rabid.
“Thomas, please. Don’t make me beg for it. You know what I want.”
Hearing his name revved him up like an engine. He could practically smell you through his mask. Your pussy glistened beneath the moonlight and he was more than willing to comply. With one hand still around your throat, he used the other to hastily unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants.
He roughly pushed your soaked panties aside and thrusted roughly inside you with a loud grunt. It was swift and had you not been as wet as you were you knew it would have hurt more than it did. You gasped and cried out, pounding your fist to the ground. He fucked you like an animal. It was exactly what you’d been yearning for and if felt so fucking good to finally get it.
His hips bucked with a mighty strength, sending you backwards every time. It made it hard for him to keep himself inside you without having to adjust his position. He scooped you up like a rag doll and pinned you against a tree, folding you between it and his body. The change in position was too much as the angle allowed him to reach new depths inside you, hitting spots you never knew you had, sending you over the edge.
Your climax arrived so suddenly that it left you silently shaking and clinging to Thomas. Your pussy clamped down like the jaws of a lion and he growled, spilling his seed inside you from the tightness.
He laid you both down on the ground with your back to him. You took the time to catch your breath and settle down, but Thomas had other plans. He raised your top leg in the air, spreading you wide and began pumping again.
“Slow, Thomas. I’m really sore.”
Not thinking he’d actually do as you asked, you were surprised at the gradual way he eased his thick cock back into your pussy, keeping a close eye on your face. Although you were too spent to cum again, you nestled back against his chest and idly enjoyed his thrusts.
“Just like that, Thomas. Oh…”
His head was right there and the temptation to kiss him was too good to pass up. Soft lips met his through the mask and he jerked back, stopping his movements altogether.
“God, don’t you stop, Thomas. Your cock is too good. Come back here.”
You wrapped an arm around his head and he let you bring him back down. This time he kissed back, licking and sucking your lips like they were made of chocolate. You were in absolute bliss, not thinking clearly, lost in a haze of euphoria.
With his mouth full of you and you full of him, he groaned a guttural sound that didn’t sound quite human. Your pussy took his second load with open arms, milking every last bit of him he had left to offer. You broke the sloppy kiss to watch his cock pulse and his balls twitch, finding it super erotic.
His cock left you open and wide. You clenched your walls and streams of his fresh cum gushed out. You swiped some and brought it to your lips with Thomas watching in clear fascination. You then offered your finger to him.
He titled his head and inspected the leftover fluid. After some time of pondering his tongue tentatively flicked out, considering the taste, then placed your entire finger in his mouth. He sucked until there was nothing left to suck except the saltiness of your skin.
Using the tree as a support, you carefully maneuvered up. Everything was sore, from your head down to your hips and the simple task of bending down seemed impossible. In an oddly sweet gesture, Thomas gathered your shorts and helped you put them back on.
“You know,” you began, eyes twinkling mischievously, “It’s a long way back to the house. Who knows what could happen on the way there.”
Thomas made a sound caught between a chuckle and a scuff. He watched you strut away, eyes glued to your bouncing ass.
His Mama was right. You were worth keeping around.
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blogthebooklover · 5 months
I'll Never See Her Again (Noa)
Author's Note: Here's another one shot based on Disney's Pocahontas. There will be two versions: This one is through Noa's perspective, the other one will be through Mae's. I also included two minor OCs in this one! I took a few liberties with how Noa's village, and elders establish their rules and laws. This is also available on Wattpad.
Noa hung his head in shame, sinking to his knees and burying his face in his hands.  Why did he have to feel this way?  It was his fault that Mae was captured and imprisoned.  Why did he have to care for this human?  For this Echo.  He felt tears run down his cheeks.  He didn’t want this to happen.
He heard footsteps in front of him, and the gentle touch of a hand on the back of his head.  Noa lifted his head and realized it was Soona. “Are you well…Noa?” the female chimp asked him, nudging the young male’s shoulder in concern.  Noa shook his head, he blubbered out, “This is my fault.”  Soona placed her hand on his shoulder, “No, no, no.  The elders…have strict laws…”  “But the laws are wrong.”  Soona lifted both her hands to frame Noa’s face, and placed her forehead against his.  He let out a shuddering gasp at this gesture.
The female chimp pulled back to look in his eyes, “Come, come, come.  I have…an idea.” 
Soona took Noa’s hand into her own, and helped him to stand.  The two walked further into the village to where the elders took Mae.  Two male chimpanzees who were just a bit older than Soona stood guard at the entrance.  “Shell…  Quartz…” the female chimp stuck her hand out in greeting.  The male chimps greeted the female with a brush of knuckles between each other.  “Noa wishes…to look into…the eyes of the Echo,” Soona spoke softly, also using her hands to sign certain words to the two male apes.  
Shell and Quartz exchanged a look with each other.  They signed to each other for a few moments until coming to a conclusion with a nod.  “You can…see the Echo.  But…hurry before…elders come back,” Quartz said, pulling back the woven fabric adorning the door frame.  Noa turned to look at the female chimp beside him.  Soona nodded and gently pushed him into the tent.  
When he was inside the tent, Noa briefly looked around the interior to find Mae.  His golden jade eyes widened in surprise and felt relief when he did.  Mae was kneeling on the ground facing away from him, she was placed inside a small wooden structure, and she was curled up into a ball with her head lowered to her chest.  Like the ape in the cage from the children’s book.  
He walked over slowly and went down onto all fours.  The young ape reached out and brushed his fingers along her shoulder.  The female human turned around quickly in defense, before breathing a sigh of relief when she saw who it was.  Noa had his hand through the bars, hanging limply as he stared at her.
“Noe,” she whispered, her sky blue eyes brimming  with relief, sadness, and concern for her ape companion.  She placed her tiny hand into his, feeling his fingers enclose around it.  
He bit his lower lip, feeling tears stream down his cheeks at the sight of her.  Noa reached his other hand through the bars to take hold of the back of her head.  
The young human leaned forward and pressed her forehead against his.  She heard Noa breathe a sigh of relief at this gesture.  She had witnessed the other apes in Noa’s clan exchange this gesture of affection between each other.  And Noa was sharing this moment with her.
“I am sorry,” the young male breathed against her lips, “I did not wish…for this to happen.  I do not…want to see…you in pain.”  “I have survived harsher conditions beyond your village,” she whispered, trying to sound humorous.  However, even Noa could sense that her words were meaningless in this situation.  The elders were going to decide whether to kill her, or keep her here as a prisoner when the sun rises the next day.
He pulled back slightly to look her in the eyes, still keeping close.  “None of this… should have happened,” he brought the hand that was holding her head to cup her cheek, “this is my fault.”  She lifted her own hand, took a gentle hold of his wrist, and rubbed her thumb against the grain of his fur.  “If I do die, I don’t regret ever meeting you,” Mae whispered, offering the young ape a sad smile, “my friend.”  He inhaled sharply at this statement, he felt more tears well in his eyes.
Soona called out from the door frame, “Noa…we must go.  The elders are returning.”  He exhaled through his nose.  The male ape ran his thumb along the human’s cheek once more.  He let go as he stood up, only to catch her hand and squeeze it gently.  There had to be some way to convince the elders to not sentence her to death.
Noa let go of Mae’s hand, only for her to continue reaching out to him.  He reluctantly turned away in despair.
He could hear her let out loud sobs after the woven fabric closed behind him, and brushed against the fur on his back.  He ground his teeth together, at her broken sounds and to also keep himself from crying again.
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summerslashers · 1 year
Dinner: Thomas Hewitt x Reader
Summary: You have dinner at the Hewitt House. (takes place during tcm the beginning well before the cannibalism)
Warnings: Charlie/Hoyt, Swearing
Author’s Note: This took so long pls forgive me. This is the end of this short series but I will write more small stories that are based off of this series where you live across the street from Tommy :)
You stood on the porch of the Hewitt home with two thick oven mitts protecting your hands and a hot apple pie fresh out of the oven. You just barely had enough time to make a nice dessert without being late, but you didn’t want to show up empty handed after the polite invitation you received. You stood there awkwardly for a moment, trying to figure out how you were going to knock on the door without a free hand to do so. Suddenly, as if someone had read your mind, the door swung open to reveal Thomas.
He was dressed nicely in a button up shirt with a striped tie and a pair of khaki pants. He looked clean, his curly hair soaking wet as if he had just stepped out of a shower. You looked up into his soft blue eyes, a blush warming your cheeks as he gazed at you gently.
“Hi Thomas.” You smiled up at him. “You look really handsome.”
Tommy felt his cheeks grow warm at your sweet compliment, his eyes glancing off to the side and fingers twitching at his sides anxiously. You always made him flustered with your pretty smile and kind words. It was nice.
He stepped aside politely to give you room to come inside, a silent invitation that you gladly accepted. He used a strong arm to hold the door open for you and you joined him in the house, thanking him for the kind gesture.
The inside of Thomas’ home seemed just as big as the outside. It was huge- much bigger than your own small home- with tall ceilings and a large, open foyer. Immediately, there was a delicious, garlicy smell in the air that made your hungry stomach growl, and you could hear the clattering of pots and pans coming from the kitchen in the distance.
“Your house is so nice.” You smiled at Thomas, but before you had the chance to say anything else, an unfamiliar man rounded the corner dressed in a pair of blue jean overalls and a plain baseball cap. He was old- much older than Thomas.
“Well I’ll be fuckin’ damned, Tommy! You didn’t tell me you had a fuckin’ girlfriend!” He grinned, giving Thomas a firm pat on the back. “And she brought dessert too! Shit, I like her already!”
You laughed, and Tommy was sure he had never heard a more beautiful sound in his entire life. Your eyes met his and he swore his heart skipped two beats. It wasn’t a mocking laugh- no. It was a happy, joyful laugh. He couldn’t help but look away again, a cute pink tint to his cheeks that peeked out from behind the black leather mask.
“Oh, mama’s gonna want to meet you.” He smiled, and there was something just a bit off-putting about it. “Mama! Our guest is here!”
“Now I done told you to quit yellin’ in the house, Charlie.” A woman came from what you assumed was the kitchen, scolding the man who simply rolled his eyes in response, muttering a half-hearted apology.
The older woman was dressed modestly, her blonde-gray hair pulled up into a gentle updo and a pair of glasses rested on the bridge of her nose. There were deep wrinkles on her face, her expression stern with furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips. Beads of sweat were forming on her forehead- a result of working in the hot kitchen you were sure. Her expression seemed to soften when she noticed you standing next to Tommy shyly, still holding the hot pie.
“Now aren’t you just the sweetest thing?” She smiled warmly. “You must be y/n.”
“Yes ma’am.” You returned the kind smile. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“You can call me Luda Mae.” She looked down at the pie in your hands. “Come join me in the kitchen and we can set that down.”
You nodded, smiling back at Thomas before following Luda Mae into the kitchen and setting your apple pie down as instructed. You were relieved to finally take the hot oven mitts off of your hands, and you set them off to the side where they wouldn’t get in the way. It was then that you noticed the small vase with the wildflowers you had gifted earlier that day with a soft smile on your lips.
Luda Mae turned away to stir a pot on the stove, adding what looked to be salt and pepper to whatever it was she was making. It still smelled wonderful.
“Not often we get new folk ‘round here,” she spoke as she made her way around the kitchen, working quickly to finish things up. “Almost didn’t believe it when word got out that someone moved into that house-” She chuckled softly before continuing.
“And you’ve been so kind to my boy, Tommy.”
You smiled brightly. “Thomas is wonderful. I was so nervous to introduce myself earlier, but he was really sweet about everything.”
“He’s a real nice boy,” Luda Mae gushed, happy that someone else could appreciate her son just as much as she did. “Been treated poorly his whole life- nothin’ but cruelty and ridicule from folk that don’t take the time to know or understand him. Never did nothin’ to deserve it either. It’s nice to see someone finally treatin’ him the way he ought to be.”
“I could never be mean to Thomas.” You spoke fondly of the man, your brows furrowed sadly at the thought that he had been mistreated. “He’s too kind.”
Luda Mae smiled softly and hummed in agreement, turning off the stove and setting the pot aside on a cold burner where it could cool down a bit. She turned to face you, her eyes wandering down to the apple pie you made. It turned out just shy of perfect. The crust was golden brown and it had a crunchy cinnamon sugar crumble on the top.
“Thank you for providin’ dessert.” She smiled at you warmly. “Nice of you to go through the trouble of doin’ that.”
“I didn’t want to seem rude,” you smiled shyly. “It wouldn’t feel right showing up with nothing after your nice invitation.”
“Well that’s awful’ polite of you.”
You smiled, looking around the messy kitchen for a moment. “Is there anything I can help with?”
“You really are just the sweetest thing,” she said. “How about you help Tommy set the table while I clean this mess in here.”
You nodded in agreement, glad that you could be of some help.
“Thomas Brown Hewitt, get in here and go help set the table,” she said firmly as she set a stack of wide rim soup bowls, silverware, and napkins down on the countertop beside you.
The man lumbered into the room, his eyes meeting yours. You smiled at him softly as he walked over to you, picking up the bowls and silverware that suddenly seemed a lot smaller in his large hands.
“I’ll get these,” you grabbed napkins before turning to face the large man. “Will you show me where the dining room is?”
He nodded, waiting and making sure you were ready before leading the way. He guided you through the house to a large, open room. In the center was a large dining table with an elegant table cloth and white lace table runner. Above the table were high ceilings and a chandelier style light. There were six chairs around the table, and at each spot at the table there was an empty glass. You silently wondered if there were one or two more people you hadn’t met yet.
You moved to stand next to Thomas as he set the bowls and silverware down on the table. You did the same with the napkins. You both reached for the stack of bowls, your fingertips brushing together for a moment. The two of you looked up at one another and retracted your hands slightly, a small laugh escaping your lips as your cheeks grew warm.
“Sorry,” you smiled and awkwardly gestured for him to go first.
You and Thomas spent the next few minutes working together to set the table in comfortable silence, exchanging glances every so often. Each time your eyes would meet you would smile at him warmly, something that made his heart flutter and cheeks turn pink.
As the two of you finished, Luda Mae called for Charlie and another man named Monty, letting them know that dinner was ready before entering the room. She set the large pot of what you could now see was stew onto the table. Neither Thomas nor Luda Mae had taken their seat yet, and you were still waiting for Charlie and Monty, so you stood politely to the side near Thomas to wait for further instruction.
After a short moment, the unfamiliar man, Monty, entered the room. He looked to be close to Luda Mae’s age with lots of deep wrinkles on his face and gray hair peeking out from beneath his baseball cap. His eyes met yours from behind his glasses and you offered a small wave.
“Y/n, this is my brother Monty.” Luda Mae said, noticing your silent interaction.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You offered a polite smile.
“Somethin’ smells damn good, mama!” Charlie announced loudly as he entered the room, standing above what you assumed to be his chair at the head of the table, resting a hand on the polished wood. “Now everyone take your seats and bow your damn heads so we can say grace.”
Luda Mae shot him a disapproving glance and shook her head, but said nothing as everyone began to take their seats. You ended up sitting between Thomas and the empty chair at the end of the table, silently grateful that Thomas had put himself between you and Charlie.
“Now,” Charlie said, still standing tall and proud at the head of the table. “Let us give thanks for this meal which the Lord has provided us. Bow your heads.”
After the short prayer, everyone passed their bowls to the front where Charlie put a generous helping of stew in each one. Soon, everyone had their food and a tall glass of water in front of them, and it was finally time to eat. You were so hungry after a long day of unpacking at home and the stew looked absolutely delicious. It was steaming hot and contained large chunks of meat, plenty of vegetables, and potatoes all sitting in a thick broth. Everyone began eating and as expected, it was delicious.
“Thank you so much for dinner.” You said to Luda Mae, who was sitting across from you. “It’s very good.”
“Why thank you, dear.” She smiled. “It’s a pleasure havin’ you here with us.”
“Thank you.” You smiled back shyly. “It’s really nice being here.”
The two of you continued to make small talk over dinner, the men at the table remaining mostly quiet as they ate their food. The only exception was the occasional comment or question from Charlie who always seemed to have something unpleasant to say. Even then, you were happy with how well everything was going with your new neighbors.
After everyone had finished their meal, you and Luda Mae went to the kitchen where you brought out dessert and plates to serve it on. You gave each person a large piece of your apple pie and everyone seemed happy to indulge. You were given several compliments. Even Monty told you that it was good and he hadn’t said a word for the entire meal. Thomas, on the other hand, didn't need to say anything. You could always see the gratitude in his eyes when he looked at you. It made you smile.
Soon, everyone was done with dessert, and the table was littered with dirty plates, crumpled up napkins, and empty cups. Charlie excused himself from the table, and Monty did the same, both carrying a stack of dirty dishes to the kitchen. It was just you, Luda Mae, and Thomas.
“Would you like me to help you with the dishes, ma’am?” You asked Luda Mae as you placed your own dishes, silverware, and napkins into a neat stack in front of you.
“Don’t you worry about that, dear.” She said appreciatively. “I’ll take care of it.”
“Are you sure?”
“‘Course I’m sure.” She smiled, standing up from her seat. You and Thomas did the same. “Besides, it’s gettin’ late. Tommy, how’s about you walk with her ‘n make sure she gets home safe.”
Thomas nodded his head with sincerity in his eyes and body language. Of course he would keep you safe. He wanted to be by your side, to protect you and care for you.
You smiled up at him. “Thank you, Thomas. That would be really nice.”
You stood in the foyer at the front door with Thomas at your side, and Luda Mae returned your cookie platter, empty pie plate, and oven mitts.
“Thank you so much for everything,” you smiled at the woman. “It was really nice meeting everyone and the meal was wonderful.”
“Thank you, dear. It’s been a pleasure havin’ you here with us.” She looked at Thomas. “You get her home safe now.”
With that, you and Tommy were on your way, walking side by side down the long driveway towards your house. The sun had just gone down, the orange sunset fading away and darkening into the night sky. It was peaceful, the only sound was the gravel crunching beneath your feet and the insects chirping in the distance. You liked being by Thomas. It was nice.
The two of you walked in comfortable silence until you reached the front door of your small house. You turned to look at Tommy with a content smile on your lips.
“Thank you for walking me home- and for having me over. It was really nice.”
Tommy looked at you fondly, with that usual softness in his eyes that brought warmth to your cheeks and butterflies in your stomach. He didn’t need to speak, because you could always understand what he was trying to tell you simply by the way he would look at you.
“I hope I see you again soon.” You smiled, though you were sad that the night had come to an end. “You’re welcome to come over here any time... I really like spending time with you.”
Tommy felt his cheeks grow warm, his hands fidgeting at his sides and his weight shifting just slightly. You were so kind to him and he was sure that he would never get used to your sweetness. It made him feel so warm, so happy inside. There was a twinkle to his eyes as he looked at you, a joyful expression shown only through his eyes and nothing else. That was all you needed.
You stepped inside of your home, not yet closing the door as you looked so fondly at the man on your porch.
“Goodnight, Thomas.”
Tag List: @ostricx @sagis116 @motomamita @dij-ology
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kteezy997 · 9 months
The Candy Man-Part Seven// W.W.
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Info/Warnings: fluff, referring to cum as "cream," male receiving oral sex-kinda graphic
Willy came back into the bedroom later on and spooned you under the covers, "Mae just needed her diaper changed. Mocha is still sleeping soundly." He gave you a tired yet sweet kiss on cheek.
"Thank you for checking on them." you said, taking a hold of his hand that rested at your waist.
"Don't thank me, I love taking care of them. They are my babies, after all. And they are so cute. They look exactly like their Mommy." he nuzzled his nose against your cheek.
"Oh no they don't," you argued, "they are your little clones." you yawned, scooting back further to nestle warmly against him, "I gave birth to mini Willy Wonkas."
"I never want to disagree with you on anything, honey, but you're wrong on this one. They are just like you." he cuddled you tighter, resting his head on you.
He would not let you win this one. You were telling the truth, you thought. Maple and Mocha had green eyes, dark chocolate hair that was starting to curl, and high cheekbones, but he would fight this until the very end.
Luckily, the next morning, you woke before Willy did. It was your turn to get the twins ready for the day, and you were glad to spend the time with them.
They were both awake when you arrived in the nursery, bright green eyes opened. They were happy to see you. You changed their diapers and got them into some cute clothes for the new day.
You carried them downstairs and sat and let them nurse for a little while until they were full. When they were done, you put them each in a baby seat with some toys and they were content. You pumped some extra milk and put it in a little jar in the refrigerator for Willy later.
You got to working on a pancake breakfast for you and Willy. You used some Wonka chocolate chips in them, of course. Before you knew it, you heard his footsteps coming down to the kitchen, looking well rested, but he had messy curls, of course.
"Awe, look at my little family." he cooed, kissing each of the babies on the cheek and making them giggle. "Daddy loves you so much." he sang, smiling at them with such joy. He came over to you, wrapping his arms around you as you flipped pancakes on the stove.
"Good morning, Daddy." you smiled, kissing his lips.
"Mm, good morning. Smells amazing in here, my love." he gave you a little peck on the lips before heading over to the coffee pot to pour himself a mug.
"There's some milk for your coffee in the fridge." you said, plating up some pancakes.
Willy looked at you, wide eyed and in disbelief.
You gave him a little wink.
He was speechless as he opened up the fridge and picked up the small jar with your creamy liquid in it. "Oh honey, thank you." he said, twisting open the jar and pouring the milk into his hot coffee mug. He saved the last little bit to drink directly from the jar, "Ahh, it's so good. No wonder the twins are so happy and healthy when they've got a diet based on your milk. They love it too."
"Well, Mr. Wonka," you began, handing him a plate of fresh, steaming flapjacks, "you might like my milk, but I want your cream at nap time, sir."
Willy's eyes nearly popped out their sockalets, "Oh, of course, my darling." he gulped as he took the plate from your hand.
You sat down and had breakfast together as you watched the babies play.
“Oh, babe, I’ve come up with an idea on how to boost your milk production.” he announced with his signature enthusiasm.
“Oh yeah? How’s that?”
“Well, I’ve read that it’s all about hydration, and coconut water is perfect. I’m going to come up with a drink for you to try. I’ll add strawberries and cream to the coconut water for sweetness.”
“Awe, Willy that’s so sweet. And if it’s good, maybe we can start making it for the shoppe. Along with other flavors!” it made you so happy when he fueled his creativity and imagination, “We could market to breastfeeding mothers, young children, the elderly, anyone that needs extra hydration.”
“That’s exactly what I thought too! An idea worth expanding upon. And speaking of expanding, which you and I have talked about with our business, I think we are going to need a factory. We have simply outgrown the chocolate shoppe. It's what we will need to share my chocolate with the world, y/n.” his eyes had the same ambitious gleam about them as the day you met him, just a young man trying to get the word out about his magnificent candy.
“Oh, wow, a whole factory. I love it, Willy. It sounds amazing.” you were in awe, “but where would we build it?”
“That’s the best part, I’m looking to buy that abandoned castle outside of town. It’s got great bones, y/n!”
“That’s great! And think of all the jobs it will provide to the community! Oh, honey, this is your best idea yet, I’m so happy.” you got up from you seat and hugged your handsome, smiling lover.
Willy kissed you and said, “I think this will be wonderful for our family, darling. If all goes well, Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory will be theirs to run one day.” he looked fondly at your twins. They chewed on their toys and jabbered gleefully back and forth.
“It will, my love. I know that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.”
“We, y/n. We can do anything, the four of us. We will have our very own chocolate empire.”
The twins ate once more, and Willy put them down in their cribs for their nap. You practically dragged him by the collar and into your bedroom.
“It is so sexy seeing you come so alive when you speak of your dreams and ideas.” you said, unbuttoning his pants.
“Why thank you.” he said nonchalantly.
“I told you that I wanted your cream, Mr. Wonka, so you better give it to me.” you kneeled in front of him, taking his thick cock into your mouth.
“Mmm.” he moaned behind closed lips as you sucked him.
You slurped back and forth on his cock, bobbing your head. You loved how he filled your mouth and rutted his hips softly into the back of your throat. It was as if he was so excited that he couldn’t contain himself.
Willy brushed his fingers through your hair, keeping your locks out of your face while you pleasured him.
You let his cock plop out of your mouth, his deep pink tip leaking transparent cum. You slowly stroked his veiny shaft with your hands, and moved down, running your tongue over his balls. He was full, and ready to burst. You gently suckled at them before sliding your tongue along the underside of his cock. You teased his smooth tip with your puckered lips just a minute longer.
“Aww, here it comes. Take my cream, my love. It’s all for you.” Willy panted softly.
You opened your mouth, tongue flat out, ready to catch his stream. And he did not disappoint; his load was thick and plentiful, creamy yet salty. It was exactly what you’d been craving.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @bitchyunknownuser @lixzey @kpopgirlbtssvt
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Midterm Madness
Luke Hughes x OC
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"Babe?" His rough, sleep-filled voice mumbles, rolling over in our bed. "What are you doing up?"
"Oh God, did I wake you?" I answer instead, dulling the screen of my laptop that sits in front of me. "I've been trying so hard to type quietly." Okay, that wasn't the answer Lu was looking for, based on how adorably confused he is right now, curls everywhere.
"It's- two in the morning Baby, why aren't you asleep?" He tries again, pulling the textbook off my lap, "And what is this?"
"I have a midterm in the morning, I was just studying now since I didn't have a chance to today at the hospital and then I got home with barely enough time to make dinner before you and Ja -"
"I wish you would have told me Baby," He interrupts, rolling on top of me and preventing any further studying. "I don't want you to feel like you have to cook for the Jack and I when you spend the night here, especially after a shift or on an exam night."
"But I enjoy it, it's like sitting down to family dinner and I don't get those when I go home," I can't help but remind, because it's the truth. He was there during my parents divorce last year when my sister left for school and made them an empty nester. He knows what was lost, and the Hughes family did their best to fill it in.
"How can I help with..." Are the next words out of his mouth, his strong arms pulling my back into his chest, holding the textbook in his hands as if he were reading. "Biochemical reactions?"
"I appreciate your efforts baby but you have practice tomorrow, and-"
"And nothing. Come on, if you're up, I'm up, and we're going to overnight this like when we were in Michigan," He demands, moving from the bed and taking all of his warmth with him. Throwing on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, he tosses me his hoodie, my favorite one, and holds out his hand, taking my books and computer from me. "We're going to make some tea, settle down at the dining table, and get this shit done, okay?"
"Okay, I can agree to these terms," I can't help but agree, seeing the soft smile he's using on me, pulling his sweatshirt over my head and throwing my hair up. "We've got this."
"Hell yeah we do," Lu assures, leaving me to follow him as he exits his room, sprawling all of my things across the table, only pausing when another male voice interrupts the silence of the room from the couch.
"Moose? Mayday?" Jack's voice is the one to call, his head ducking up over the back of the couch, game controller in hand and brows in the sky. "What are you two doing up?"
"Mae has a midterm in the morning so we're going to study for it," Lu answers, turning to me, "Want to grab the snacks and drinks? You need fuel if we're going to survive this."
"Yes sir," I answer with a mock salute, wandering away with the boys chattering in the back ground. It's on my return that I pause, seeing both boys sitting at the table with their noses in my textbook. "Boys?"
"Can't have my future sister-in-law bombing an exam now can I? Who else is going to patch me up when I get into another fight?" And while it's a joke, you can see in his body language how much he does care.
"What fight? I thought that brawl with Aho wasn't a fight?" I can't help but chirp, his eyes rolling and Luke laughs, pulling me down to sit next to him, his lips meeting my forehead.
"Yeah, you think you're so funny Doc, now tell me, what's the golgi apparatus?"
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reminiscingtonight · 2 years
Half A World Away
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Don’t say y’all didn’t ask for it. Based on “Half A World Away” by Remme and Clara Mae.
[Part Two]
[WOSO Masterlist]
You’ve forgotten how loud the rain can get in Seattle. 
It’s midnight where you’re at, the loud splatter of drops doing nothing to help soothe the storm raging in your head. Though you’ve long gone to bed, the empty apartment and emptier heart making you far more tired than it should, you haven’t been able to fall asleep.
After spending the past couple years in England, you’ve finally decided to come back home to play. Your national team teammates were more than stoked when they found out about the transfer, welcoming you with open arms and tight hugs. 
To be fair, this had been a long time coming. Although you hadn’t planned to return so soon, returning had been in your plans. You just thought that you’d be coming to play out the last year or so of your career with the love of your life by your side.
But sometimes things just don’t turn out the way you want it to. You still had many years left to go, retirement still eons away. And then there’s the issue of the person you’ve spent the last couple years loving. She’s not here next to you, and if you’re being honest, you don’t think she’ll ever be. 
As much as you want Seattle to be home, you know the truth. 
Home will always be back on the other side of the world. 
Waking up to Lucy will always be your favorite thing to do. She’s got her arms wrapped tight around you, as if you’d run away sometime in the middle of the night. 
You press a light kiss against her forehead before extricating yourself from her arms. Lucy’s a deep sleeper, so climbing out of bed isn’t hard to do. What’s harder is trying to cook breakfast without setting fire to the kitchen. There’s a reason Lucy’s always the one cooking whenever you guys find yourselves in need of food. 
Somehow you make it through unscathed, making your way back to your shared room with a tray loaded with homemade waffles and a small fruit salad, some coffee balanced precariously on the edge. To your delight, Lucy’s still fast asleep when you toe open the door.
Setting the tray off to the side, you climb back into bed. Lucy only starts stirring when you start pressing some light kisses against her face. 
Her nose scrunches up first, but it isn’t until she lazily blinks her eyes open that you’re sure she’s awake. Lucy gives you a tired smile. 
“Morning,” you chirp back, leaning back in again, but this time for an actual kiss. 
Lucy rests her hands along the back of your neck, letting you put your full weight on her. You’re smiling when you break apart.
“When do you leave?”
The reminder that your time together is limited makes you frown. City and Arsenal played a game yesterday, hence your ability to spend last night with Lucy. Although you finessed this little getaway, Jordan and Leah were currently enjoying a late brunch with Keira, the two gunners ready to pick you up in a couple hours to head back to London. Though you appreciated the leeway they were giving you, you know you can’t leave them hanging for too long.
“I’ve got a couple hours.”
Whatever Lucy’s about to respond stops when she turns to grab her glasses off the bedside table. She squints when she catches sight of the tray. 
“You made me breakfast in bed?”
“You sound surprised,” you tease.
She looks a little bashful. “I mean… you’re never one to be eager to cook.”
“Keep up this attitude and I might never again.”
Both of you are laughing when Lucy lunges up at you, blowing a raspberry against your cheek before she’s suddenly flipping the two of you over. You gasp, not expecting the action, but Lucy keeps you pinned to the bed.
You’re holding your breath when she ducks down, sucking a mark into the side of your neck. 
“A couple hours you said?”
The words are mumbled out, but you can still feel her smirk. 
When you end up being late to the pick up site, Jordan teases you until you’re bright red in the face.  
Lucy tells you about Barcelona while the two of you are in California. You’re seeing the sights, visiting some of your friends with some of her English teammates when she tells you about her new contract.
“It’s a great opportunity.” 
You don’t say anything else. You wonder if she thinks you’ll stop her from going.
“Let’s just enjoy the rest of our vacation, okay?”
The answer is no, you would never stop her from following her dreams.
What you don’t realize is that Lucy never had you in her plans for Barcelona.
Lucy’s packing, about to leave for camp when she breaks up with you. You have to leave for your own camp soon, but you haven’t left yet, still dressed in one of her sweaters when she utters the words.
Long distance isn’t something she wants to do, she tells you. You know how her relationship with Keira ended, how much the distance killed them before they could really start.
But you thought you guys were different. After all, you made the brief distance between your respective clubs work. 
Lucy’s not meeting your eyes when you try to convince her otherwise. 
In the end it doesn’t matter. 
“Please don’t go,” you whisper, trying to ignore the fact that Jordan told you about a ring months ago. 
“I… I’m sorry. I really am.” Lucy really does look heartbroken when she leaves you sitting alone in her apartment. 
You have to fake being okay when your friends win the Euros. You cheer with Jordan, let the smaller girl drag you to the last couple games. You do everything you can, but you still miss her even though she hasn’t left yet. 
And when the airplane finally takes Lucy away to Barcelona, you feel your heart leave with her. 
Sonnett tries to get you to go biking with her. 
Something she took away from her time in DC was her love for biking. She’s somehow roped Rose into doing it, Rose got Sofia to do it, and now they all have their sights set on you. 
You don’t have the heart to tell them biking only takes you back to England, that it makes you think of the girl who you loved so fully but broke your heart. 
The first time Lucy takes you on a bike ride, it’s 12am and the two of you have just returned from a date night at a bowling alley. You give the defender an affronted look when she drags you towards the bike shop. 
“C’mon, it’ll be fun!” 
“I think we have different definitions of the word ‘fun’,” you tsk. 
You still let her drag you into the store. You’re not really listening when she talks with the clerk, pointing out the bikes she wanted to purchase. 
When she plops a helmet on your head, you give her your best glare. Both of you know there’s no real heat behind it. Lucy tilts your head back and you accept her kiss without a fuss. 
“Love you,” she murmurs.
Your eyes are sparkling with mirth when you pull away. “You already got me to agree to go midnight biking with you. There’s no need to sweet talk me.”
Lucy rolls her eyes, but there’s no hiding her grin. “Alright sweet cheeks, path’s this way.”
Everything’s normal the first couple minutes. You pedal quietly side by side, the path being big enough for the two of you. When Lucy slyly glances at you before winking, you know she’s about to do something stupid. 
You’re proven correct not long after. Lucy throws both of her hands up into the air, letting out a whoop as she somehow keeps her balance.
“You’re literally going to get us into trouble,” you laugh, making sure to keep your own hands on your handle bars.
“With who?” Lucy snorts. She does put her hands back on her bars though. “We’re not in season right now, so it’s just you and me. I won’t tell if you don’t.”
You chuckle. “Babe, I’m not going to lie about how you got hurt when we go to the ER later because you fell off your bike.”
“Oh ye of little faith.”
It’s beautiful, the path she takes you on.
The two of you bike past rivers, through parks, nothing but the sparkling stars and moon lighting your paths. Though the sights you see are beautiful, you know none of it compares to the beauty of your girlfriend. Every time you catch sight of her that night, the flutter in your heart only magnifies.
From there on out, biking becomes sort of a ritual for the two of you. After a particularly hard game or a fight of some sort, the two of you always recouped the same way --- midnight bike rides. The distance of course made biking together a difficult thing, but you always made the most of it when you guys were finally reunited.
But you don’t know how to tell your friends any of that. 
So you don’t.
Still, you can’t help but compare the feel of Sonny’s hands on your waist, her voice echoing loud next to your ears when she hops onto the back of your bike to Lucy’s. You have to scoot a little forward so the blonde doesn’t fall back, but you get flashbacks to when Lucy used to do the same. Sonnett’s yelling something about how you pedal slower than her grandma, Rose giggling somewhere close behind, but everything about this just feels wrong. 
Sonny isn’t Lucy. Seattle isn’t London or Manchester. 
You’re surrounded by some of your best friends, but still you feel alone. 
Something tells you it’s time you get used to this feeling, because the truth is, Lucy’s not coming back. Lucy’s not coming back and you’re not going home. 
England and Lucy will always hold a special part in your heart, but this is your new normal and there’s nothing you can do but get used to it. 
You tried, you really did. 
You play the new season for a couple months, trying to ignore the empty feeling left behind by Lucy’s absence. But it’s hard to find joy in the sport and the city you’re not used to being alone in. 
Whenever the WSL season started, you and Lucy would take turns making the trip out to the other’s city. Even when you weren’t physically next to the other, you’d stay connected through the phone, text messages and facetimes keeping your relationship alive. 
The rational part of you knows it’s stupid. Leaving in the middle of the season? Leaving the place you’ve called home for the past couple years?
There’s also the little voice in your head that won’t stop yelling about the fact that Seattle is further away than London. If Lucy didn’t want a long distance relationship between Barcelona and London, she definitely wouldn’t want one with you in Seattle.
It’s easier to ignore that voice. It’s not like Lucy left the door open for the two of you when she left. Your relationship was over, and you just had to deal with it. 
Apparently your way of “dealing with it” involves hopping on a plane to the other side of the world.
Leah’s the one you tell first. She’s become one of the people you’ve gotten closest to ever since you arrived in England all those years ago. The blonde thinks you’re joking until you ask her if she wants your plant collection.
“Look, I don’t want to be cruel, but don’t you think you’re taking this a little too far? Lucy broke up with you, and I get it, that sucks, but you shouldn’t run away.”
“I’m not running away,” you huff, knowing exactly what Leah’s trying to get at.
“Leaving for a team that hasn’t even started their season yet seems like running away.”
“Lucy left first, so why can’t I?” Though snapped out, your words still come out a little broken.
You look away then, trying to hide your tears before Leah can spot them. 
Leah simply sighs, ignoring the hurt in your voice. Her voice is a little gentler this time around. “I want you to be doing this for yourself, not because of Lucy.”
You’re quiet for a moment, really thinking it through. If you’re being honest, the thought of playing back home has always been a nagging thought. With no one to come home to anymore, it just made the decision all the more easier. “I... I think I’ve been wanting to go home for a while. Lucy ending things just-- it just made it more clear for me.”
Every time you go to camp, you can’t help but feel a little bit left out whenever your friends tell you about all they get up to in the states. They’re always suspended in awe whenever you tell them about your life in England, but leaving your friends is never easy when camp comes to an end. 
It’s always been easier leaving your friends and family behind when you had Lucy waiting to come home to. You’ve had a hard time leaving them these past couple times though. It’s no surprise it’s coincided with your break up. 
“I’m sorry I’m not finishing out the season. I never wanted to leave you guys hanging.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Leah sighs, giving you her best smile. It still looks a little sad, but at least she’s trying. “We’ll definitely miss playing with you over here, but you’re going to kill it in Seattle.”
“I’ll miss you guys too. Don’t think the distance will stop me from being a gooner though.”
“Once a gooner,” she starts, smile growing just a bit sadder. 
You pull the younger girl in for a hug before either of you can start crying. If this is how your talk with Leah is going, you can’t imagine how many tears will be shed when you break the news to the rest of the team tomorrow.
Your time in England will have always given you the love of your life. All the happy moments and the sad, it all began and ended here. It all began and ended with Lucy. What happens from here on out, well that you’ll have to figure out for yourself.
Lucy’s always hated the early morning practices. 
She much rather wake up to your soft breaths puffing against her cheek, arms wrapped loosely around her waist. Her lips slightly curl up at the memory. She never told you, but she’s always loved the feeling of you sprawled on top of her, no matter what time of day it happens.
It feels like a dagger to the heart when she remembers why it’ll no longer be a thing. Why even when the season ends she won’t be able to go home to you.
Lucy heard about your move back to the states through the grapevines. 
When Jordan first told her that you were leaving Arsenal, Lucy couldn’t believe her ears. You were a diehard gooner, elated beyond words when you signed your contract with them. You had stuck by through the ups and downs of your career, even when your national team position was threatened by the mere fact that you weren’t playing in the states. Your love for the game, more specifically the soccer culture in England, made you stay strong in your refusal to leave. It all worked out in the end, but she remembers those nights you stayed awake, training harder to prove yourself from other contenders all those miles away.
Lucy always remembers you mentioning moving back to the states to end out your career, but you didn’t seem anywhere close to hanging up your boots. 
Jordan said something about you leaving before the season ended so you could catch the start of the NWSL, but by then, Lucy wasn’t listening. 
Like always, she finds herself staring down at your contact before practice starts. She always happens to find the abandoned message thread right after lacing up her boots. Just like the first time she pulled it up, there’s nothing typed out. There’s so much she wants to say, but she doesn’t know where to start.
Lucy knows that it’s nighttime in Seattle right now. She wonders if you’re sleeping alone, trying to forget the memory of her as she tries of you every night. The selfish part of her hopes that it also doesn’t work for you. 
She knows she has no right to wonder how you’re doing. She’s the one who broke things off. But late at night, when Lucy’s got nothing but the memories of the two of you to keep her company, she can’t help but imagine what it would be like for you to take her back. If you were to allow her to love you again. 
“Lucy!” Mapi’s voice, somewhere close in the locker room, jolts Lucy out of her thoughts. 
The corner of her lips drop when she notices the time. Quickly closing the messages app, Lucy tosses her phone into her bag. She rubs a tired hand up and down her face before shouting a quick “Coming!”
As she makes her way out of the locker room, there’s only one thing on her mind.
Maybe tomorrow will be different. 
Maybe tomorrow Lucy will finally come up with the nerves to tell you how much she misses you. To tell you how much she wished she didn’t let you go. 
She’s got nothing but her maybes, so until then, she’ll have to deal with her heart being half a world away.
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letstrip13 · 21 days
there's a wide selection here, something for everyone. start by picking the person you'd like to read about: chris or matt
🪞 forever & always -> you were one half of the perfect couple until chris left. what happens when you reunite at a friend's party one month later? [🥧🍂🐈‍⬛️🤎]
💐 stood up -> you got stood up on your first date so your best friend shows you how it should've went. [🥧]
🌲 meant to be -> after doubting your boyfriend's loyalty, he shows you that there's nothing for you to worry about. [🍂🥧🐈‍⬛️🤎]
💄 make up -> you and your boyfriend resolve yet another fight [🍂☕️🐈‍⬛️]
🎱 liar, liar -> you tell your best friend a lie for the sake of your own pleasure. will he fall for it? [☕️🤎]
✈️ mile high -> when you and matt can't hold back from each other on a flight, you end up joining the mile high club [☕️]
🛍 dress -> when your best friend sees you in your new dress, the party you're at gets a lot better [☕️🐈‍⬛️]
📖 bedtime story -> matt wants to make the book you're reading come to life [☕️]
🌫 paris -> you're getting tired of people constantly scrutinizing your relationship so you dream of a peaceful escape with him [🥧🐈‍⬛️]
💌 happy ending -> after a breakup, you finally realize that your best friend was in love with you this whole time [🥧]
🍋 teach me -> in which you're inexperienced and your best friend takes it into his hands to teach you everything you want to know [☕️🤎]
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
୨୧ cramps -> your thoughtful boyfriend makes everything better [🥧]
୨୧ melatonin -> when your roommate is the only one who can help you fall asleep [🥧]
୨୧ face masks -> doing face masks with your boyfriend [🥧]
୨୧ dirty dishes [☕️]
🖇 teacher's pet [☕️]
☁️ everytime [☕️🐈‍⬛️]
🏕 camping [☕️]
+ a few requests as well!
fluff: 🥧
smut: ☕️
angst: 🍂
requested: 🤎
based on a song: 🐈‍⬛️
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hikari-hellspawn · 1 month
The title is what it says on the tin; I'm opening up art commissions, because after my next paycheck I don't know how much I'll be getting after that, or how much, and I'm desperate for work and some kind off income because I am literally in danger of losing a place to live. I need need NEED income if I want to continue to, well, live.
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My Ko-Fi
My deviantART
How do I pay you? I take payments via my Ko-fi or PayPal ([email protected]), half before I start the sketch and the other half on delivery. That is set in stone; I will not accept any kind of cryptocurrency or things like Amazon or Walmart gift cards as payment. None of those can be used to pay rent, and paying rent is exactly what I need.
Do you do NSFW? Not at present; I'm not comfortable drawing NSFW content, though doing shirtless and swimsuits are fine. However I won't draw sex, and I won't draw straight-up full-frontal nudity.
Do you do furries/anthros? I'm not gonna lie, I don't have much experience drawing anthros--THAT BEING SAID, if you want to commission me to draw an anthro character or your fursona, it's definitely on the table and I'll do my danged best--even if it takes a bit longer than non-furry/anthro characters.
Do you draw mecha? I...have zero experience drawing mecha. Do I like mecha anime? Yes (Evangelion my beloved). So this is a soft no on my part, purely because of my own lack of skill with the subject matter.
Do you draw horror and/or gore? Hard no. Not simply because I can't draw said gore (which I can't, same reasons as the mecha explanation above), but because it's another one of those things that I'm not 100% comfortable drawing at the moment.
^HOWEVER, this question comes with a caveat: I will draw eldritch horror. Y'know, eyes where they don't belong, tentacles, pulsating masses, bodies that're just...weird? Those are fun. So, negotiable, but keep in mind that if you want slasher-type stuff that ain't my jam.
Will you send me progress pics? YES. At every stage of the process, I'll both scan the image and take photos to make sure that what I'm working on is the direction you want to go.
What about reference images? If you have references you want to provide, whether they're drawn by you, someone else, google image search, etc, then I'd appreciate it so I have an idea of what your character looks like. Written descriptions are also fine if you don't have any visuals--basically, if you know what your character looks like and you have some way to communicate that to me in a way that puts us both on the same page, we're good.
Can I use your art to train an AI algorithm? NO. AI art is the reason why artists like myself are being pushed out of work; if you're only commissioning me to get hold of some works so that you can train an algorithm to make more based on my style, then you don't actually want to buy art; you're just looking for some excuse to screw yet another artist over.
If I don't have the money right now, can I just pay you the full amount later? While I understand the desire to buy art but not having the funds, the whole reason I'm opening commissions is because I don't have enough money to survive. Paying me half now and half upon completion is non-negotiable, because I can assure you my need to be able to make rent and feed the Fuzzballs (aka the cats, please ask me about them I will go total Maes Hughes on them because they are PERFECT) is as strong as yours to make sure your expenses are covered as well.
Are the prices negotiable? To an extent, though the prices you see in the image above are the minimum; I won't go lower than these.
I want something that isn't listed on here/I have an unusual request, can you do it? That is something we'd have to negotiate, but it's not off the table. I do some weirdo drawings for myself in my free time (I've graced several servers I'm in on discord with the little wonders known as Eyeshrooms, no I will not elaborate here), so I can do other weird stuff too (as long as it's SFW).
Do you have more art examples I can look at? Yes! I have a deviantART page, though due to the company's own exploitative and artist-harming features they've rolled out, I've been working on glazing everything in my gallery there (if you haven't heard of Glaze and Nightshade, they're both really cool and you ought to check them out, seriously I really really really want to start using them both on my art SO BAD but I CAN'T) and migrating to Inkblot and Cara.app. Once I have links to both of those, I'll add them to the post!
You said traditional art...can you do digital? No, unfortunately; I don't have a device powerful enough to run a good art program (not for a lack of trying; attempts at experimenting with Krita have only resulted in it crashing the laptop I've been using, which is bad because it isn't even mine), nor do I have the funds to be able to get one--and I don't know when, or if, that'll happen. This circles back to the initial problem; I don't have the funds to pay for what I need to survive, which means I literally cannot afford to save for a new, more powerful laptop for myself. As it is, I've been borrowing my roommate's laptop for everything I need to do that requires the use of a computer, as mine died back in 2020 and I haven't been able to scrape together enough to even get a bare-bones basic one myself.
If there are any other questions you need me to answer, then please please PLEASE send them to me in a DM here and I'll do my best to answer them! And please, I'm begging you, I'm begging you so much, even if you don't buy something please spread this around I need the income desperately. I'm not lying when I say that my ability to continue living is in danger, I literally do not know if I'll even be able to pay my rent next month. I need every penny I can get, just to be able to have a chance of surviving, and what determines if I can keep a roof over mine and the cats' heads and if we're out on the street with nowhere to go is very much determined by if I can get commission work. So even if you can't buy anything, or only get a headshot or two, please spread the word. Reblog this. Share it in tweets. Post the link to this post on Facebook, link it on Discord, if you have friends who are looking to commission art tell them because I'm desperate and terrified that I might not have a place to live come October. I'm begging, please, I need the help. I need the help more than I can put into words. I don't want to die.
(Also big shoutout to @nomnomroko for putting together the commission sheet, thank you so much!)
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damnflirtyape · 1 month
Forgive me because I'm going to ramble, I've been thinking about parallels and character arcs that echo or mirror one another. And I've been thinking about some of the similarities between Mae in Kingdom and Caesar in War (and I might be completely wrong this is just my own interpretation lol).
They're not exactly mirrors of one another, but they certainly hold similarities. We see both characters dealing with the aftermath of a violent loss, see them battle with the trauma and anger and grief of those losses. They both withdraw from others around them emotionally and we then see their grief and fury explode from them in outbursts.
They're both plunged into dire hostage situations which require patience and strategic negotiation. And neither of them are in the right kind of mental space to navigate them. For Caesar, he's never encountered someone like the Colonel; this man cannot be reasoned with, cannot be intimidated, is as brutal with humans as he is with apes. Even if he could be reasoned with, Caesar is completely consumed by his rage and need for vengeance, he cannot and will not back down. And when the Colonel pushes him, taunting him about the death of his own son, he understandably lashes out.
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With Mae, in her eyes negotiation isn't an option. Mae's been instilled with the belief that her mission is an integral key to potentially saving the human race and that nothing can come between that. We know so little about her and her past, but if a human is knowledgeable about technology and a government that disappeared 300 years ago, one can only suppose this has been deliberately taught to them. Like Caesar, Mae won't back down, because she knows Proximus cannot have the weapons inside the Vault and because her life hangs in the balance. She's the only one left alive to retrieve the decryption key and deliver it (her usefulness to Proximus arguably ends once she reveals a way to enter the Vault). She's also angry and scared and lashes out when he pushes her, reminding her how she's at his mercy.
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Then the parallels of killing in desperation. Caesar arguably doesn't mean to kill Winter, he's blinded by his rage and doesn't seem to even realize he's choking the gorilla... And then he realizes how limp the other ape is, feels him slump lifeless in his arms and we see his horror. He hasn't fully realized how far gone he is yet, though his friends certainly see it. This is a harrowing scene. Unlike with Koba, there is no hesitance and thoughts of Winter do not haunt him after.
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And then Mae's killing of Trevathan... this is a deliberate act but a purely desperate one. This is the moment Mae realizes how far she has to go in order to complete her mission. She doesn't want to kill this man, kill another human, I think it's likely (given her shock after she shoots Lightning later) that Mae has never killed anyone and hadn't thought she would ever need to. She's terrified, from the moment she's desperately trying to negotiate with him to the moment she shakily gets to her hands and knees in the sand next to his corpse.
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Oh and about the parallels.... Caesar causing an explosion to destroy the military base and that explosion causing a devastating avalanche to tear down the mountain and almost wipe out his own apes.
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And Mae causing an explosion to destroy the Vault and prevent human weapons from ending up in Proximus' hands... that also almost wipes out Noa and his clan?
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And finally, the seeking of forgiveness. I genuinely think Mae felt guilt for doing what she did to the clan. I can see that as the only reason she would seek out the Eagle Clan's village, a sense of guilt and concern for their welfare. She should be well on her way to complete her mission, but she follows them. Her learned fear of apes has her hiding a gun behind her back, she's expecting Noa's anger. She's not expecting him to still be open to the idea that perhaps one day humans and apes could live side by side. She won't apologize, she still sees her actions as unavoidable, the 'right' thing. But she feels guilt, and the fact he seems to not hate her is far more than she expects.
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And Caesar, oh Caesar. He's done so much, far far more than any one person should. And he almost lost himself completely, there were moments Maurice barely recognized his old friend. Caesar almost killed them all through his anger and grief, and he saved them all again. He doesn't need to ask for forgiveness, but Maurice offers it still, reassures him and lets him finally rest.
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moonstruckme · 3 months
okay sooo mae i have this idea for emt!marauders! you know how some people have mistaken appendicitis/ruptured appendix for bad period cramps (bc period education is so abysmal). im imagining a reader who thinks they’re having the worst period pain ever and the marauders are trying to help, but once reader describes their symptoms the boys are like ‘uhmmm no babes you literally need an organ removed rn’.
i hope you are having the best day <3 sending you all the good vibes!! <3
Sending good vibes back, thank you lovely <33
cw: stomach pains, mention of hospital/surgery
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 974 words
“Shh, I know, baby.” 
“You don’t,” you moan bitterly, pushing your face harder into Sirius’ lap and clutching your heating pad to your stomach. 
“I—yeah, I guess you’re right. Sorry.” He continues to toy with your hair, fingernails scratching lightly at your scalp in an attempt to soothe you. On the other end of the couch by your feet, James watches you with a sad puppy look. Sirius’ hand brushes across your temple, and he makes a sympathetic whining sound. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re hot.” 
“It hurts,” you whine in earnest. 
“Do you want some brownies?” Remus peeks out of the kitchen. “I’m almost done with these, but you’re welcome to some batter if you can’t wait.” 
You nibble your lip, looking at him apologetically. “I don’t think I feel well enough to eat anything.” 
Remus gives you a compassionate look and disappears back into the kitchen. Another wave of sudden, sharp pain makes you suck in a breath, curling tighter in on yourself. Sirius coos. 
“Fuck, what did I do to deserve this?” You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to breathe through the pain. “It’s never usually this bad.” 
“Does it hurt in your back, too, angel?” James leans forward, rubbing tentatively at the base of your spine. 
“No, not—not this time. It’s so weird.” 
His eyebrows bunch. “Why don’t you at least have some of your tea? That usually helps, doesn’t it?” 
You press your face into Sirius’ stomach. He palms the back of your head protectively, thumb rubbing the skin by your ear. “Honestly, thank you, but I really don’t think I can. 
“You should, dove,” says Remus, coming in from the kitchen to crouch by your head. He takes your tea and presses it into your hands, brushing a kiss against your hairline when you take it. “Sit up and have a few sips before it gets cold.” 
Reluctantly, you do as you’re told, allowing Sirius to help you into a seated position. He pulls you gently into his lap, making sure your heating pad stays situated, and you raise the cup to your lips. James rubs your ankle encouragingly while you drink. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks at your pinched expression. 
You mash your face into Sirius’ shoulder, ashamed. You feel horribly dramatic. You must have the lowest pain threshold in the whole world. “I can’t decide whether to go to the toilet. I feel like I could be sick, but moving makes it hurt worse.” 
Remus takes your cup from you, setting it back on the table. He’s frowning. “Moving makes it worse?” 
You nod miserably. 
He touches his knuckles to your forehead, brows stitching together. “How long have you been feeling nauseous?” 
You make a low, piteous sound. It feels impossible to think clearly with your stomach radiating hurt. “I dunno. I think it’s because of the pain.” 
“Was it the same time that the cramps started?” 
“I think so.” 
“Alright, thanks, sweetheart.” He kisses the space between your brows. “Do you mind if we check on something really quickly?”
You feel your eyebrows furrow. You’re about to ask what he means when James takes your heating pad, pulling it off of your middle. 
“Just for a second,” he promises at your distressed expression. “I’m gonna feel your stomach, okay?” 
You nod, wanting whatever this is over with so you can get your heating pad back, but when James’ fingers push gently into your lower abdomen, the pain triples. You cry out. 
“It’s okay,” Sirius coos, holding you tighter to his chest while James backs up to allow you to fold your knees in again. “It’s okay, baby, he’s done.”
“Jamie,” Remus asks softly, “would you get us a bag ready, please?” 
You blow air out through your mouth, trying to calm yourself as the pain fades back to the way it was. Sirius pets the back of your head, his other arm wrapped firmly around your shoulders. “A bag for what?” you ask weakly. 
Remus looks at you, his face conveying both apology and tenderness. “We’re going to go to the hospital,” he says slowly. 
“Wha—why?” You feel immediately frantic. Tears press at your eyes. “I don’t want to go anywhere.”  
“He’s telling you why, baby, listen.” Sirius kisses your head. 
“You’re not having period cramps,” Remus says patiently. “The good news is, we can fix it. The pain will go away, and you’ll be completely fine. But to do that, we need to go to the hospital so you can have your appendix taken out.” 
As he explains, Sirius is pressing kiss after kiss into your hair, holding you close and rubbing your back when you get upset. You make your dissent known, but Remus is calm and understanding. He answers your questions honestly, tells you about the procedure, promises they’ll be with you for as long as you’re awake. Before long, James has returned with a backpack of supplies for an overnight stay and your pillow under his arm. 
He sets them both down on the coffee table. Slips one arm behind your shoulders, another beneath the crooks of your knees. 
“No sense in walking when you’re poorly, right angel? Sirius, you can carry her things, yeah?”
Sirius groans as he slings the backpack over his shoulder. “Fuck, did you pack all her books?” 
“Just the essentials.” James kisses the bridge of your nose. “Wouldn’t want you getting bored in there. You doing alright?” 
“I don’t see how it can get worse,” you manage. You know you must look awful, eyes red from withheld tears and face creased with pain. James’ brows hook sympathetically. 
“At least you’ll feel better in a few hours, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Remus answers for you. He sets a palm on top of your head as he moves past you both to get the door. “We’ll have you all fixed up soon, dove.” 
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morethansky · 3 months
• Me, seconds before I could hear millions of thirsty voices crying out: Oh my god is a nymph-bathing thing about to happen, is he legitimately about to strip
• Sadly, unlike Osha, I am immune to the Stranger's practically full frontal, but the reveal of his little tied-back hair bits at the same time had me screaming into a pillow, so we all win.
• So the island was definitely meant to evoke Ahch-To, right? This was a very The Last Jedi episode (it even had the same mismatched pacing for the three storylines lmao), and the Kylo Ren theme was the most prominent it's been in the end credits. I think the theories about Qimir being a progenitor of the Ren are spot on. I like this quite a bit; it would be smart to build off of High Republic stuff while cementing Resistance-era lore. This would line up with the Bad Batch building off of the Clone Wars stuff while cementing Resistance-era lore. I also personally find it a bit boring that Bane's lineage is laid out all neatly and am particularly interested in darksiders being outside of it. And it would mean the show is drawing even more from the books and comics, which I'm always in favor of. And fun fact, my second-ever SW fic was based on the Rise of Kylo Ren comics!
• But ALSO, given that they clearly showed the cortosis vein, it also evokes Bal'demnic, the planet where Plagueis kills Tenebrous omg??? Not to be an annoying fanboy, but I adore the Darth Plagueis novel and we're apparently supposed to see two additional Sith Lords before the season ends somehow??? And in the novel, Tenebrous secretly trains multiple apprentices. I could totally see the season ending with Qimir suffering a vague fate and an extremely brief Tenebrous appearance that leaves the door open for a season 2 big bad. That David Harewood casting rumor is too delicious to be fake!
• On that note, since episode 2, I haven't been able to stop thinking about how when we're introduced to Qimir, he's sleeping, and he's awoken by Mae, who is now confirmed to have been his apprentice. Which is notably how Palpatine kills Plagueis. It just feels so much like a neat little allusion to me.
• Did this episode not have such Mend This Old Wound vibes?? Waking up in your enemy's lair, finding out your wounds were tended to by him, realizing he really wants to convert you, discovering he doesn't find you a threat, being surprised by his vulnerability, being surprised by what of his past and his inner self he's willing to divulge. Tbh I hadn't even realized how tropey those elements were until I watched this lmao.
• Sadly, despite my lifelong love for enemies-to-lovers stories, I don't vibe with a lot of M/F ships, bad boy/good girl ones especially. I'm happy for the Oshmir shippers, though, and at least it's happening in a story created by a queer woman, so hopefully it'll be done tastefully. Hmm... Perhaps if I genderbent Qimir I could get behind writing something, and then the seduction to the dark side would be strengthened by the queer metaphor...
• BUT ALSO YOOO OSHA/JECKI CONFIRMED???? And after Dafne Keen confirmed that she played Jecki as having a crush on Osha?? Y'all, Osha was TOTALLY floating the idea of asking Jecki out on a date with that whole "the next time I'm on Coruscant" thing, oh my goddd. The gays continue to be buried, but at least they exist, and I guess at least everyone else is buried, too?
• I love that we got a quiet moment of Sol grieving because finally there was nobody watching and he couldn't hold it together any longer. This is what I was begging for the entire run of the Bad Batch. Wonderfully acted, too. Lee Jung-Jae's expression work is so good, and I love the long, lingering shot and how you see the tears well up gradually.
• I love when actors have to act as characters acting, and Amandla Stenberg was already acting as two different characters that they had to keep distinct from each other, but in this episode, they had to act as one of their characters acting as the other character lmao. Incredible.
• Halfway through this episode I was like, why does it feel like we're getting blueballed for information omfg. We're definitely getting the second Brendok flashback episode next week, and obviously they had to keep it at the forefront of the viewers' minds without giving it away, but I feel like structurally they could've lined this up in a different way that didn't just reveal nothing in order to kick the can down the road lol. I guess this is a pretty classic issue in mysteries.
• I've been deeply confused as to why there's been so much Jedi-good/Jedi-bad discourse lately, but I don't see them as firmly in either court and that to me feels like the entire point of the part they play in the story?? Which is why I always love seeing the tension in the Jedi-Senate relationship and the way the political machinations play out, especially when Palpatine's not involved (at least overtly).
So I really liked Vernestra's conversation with the senator and the line about the Jedi always being transparent so an audit shouldn't be an issue and how the show clearly illustrates that that's not remotely true. Which is also really interesting because we have Sol doing a cover-up, possibly him and the other three Jedi who were Brendok doing a different cover-up, and also Vernestra, who doesn't know about what happened on Brendok or what Sol is hiding, clearly looking uncomfortable at the suggestion that the Jedi are transparent, pointing to other things they (or she specifically) haven't been disclosing.
I'm a sucker for political corruption in stories and when well-meaning people's hands are tied, so I'm eating it up. And of course I love how they're setting up the Jedi's fall from grace and building out context for why and how they would walk into Palpatine's trap.
• Qimir talking about being a Jedi a very long time ago is very intriguing. Upon seeing his scar, my first thought was Force lightning and that he was talking about being abandoned by a Sith master. But with Vernestra's whip making an appearance that doesn't add anything to the story otherwise, the show is clearly presenting it as the cause of the scar?? Which is VERY interesting.
• Mog's suggestion that Sol killed all the Jedi made my jaw drop because why would they even speak this outrageous idea into existence if it doesn't have truth to it in some way??? Like oh shit, that's REALLY fun. Has Sol killed Jedi before? Would he? Are the other Jedi wary of him? Do they feel the same way about the other three Jedi who were on Brendok? Mog specifically notes that Sol is very powerful. We already saw this with him going up against Qimir and surviving, so why this line?
• Sol was already my favorite character from the start just with how warm he was and how full of regret and how much he clearly loved Osha even though he wasn't supposed to, and every episode has drawn the darkness simmering within him closer to the surface, which brings him even closer to the kind of character I'm particularly fond of, so I'm very, very interested in where the show takes him. I don’t know if they could really swing Sith Master Sol, but Lee Jung-Jae sure as hell could act it.
• Can I just say, the writing for this show is definitely wobbly, but I at least appreciate that showrunner Leslye Headland has a refreshing understanding of story mechanics, even if she might love foils a little too much (and this is coming from a total foil whore). What she said about a good plot twist being built up so that the viewer realizes what's about to happen just before it's fulfilled instead of coming out of nowhere and being a total shock literally made me pump my fist because I've been complaining about the internet's poor understanding of this concept for literal years!! And the way she talked about how when you watch Jecki die, you want her to move out of the way so you can see the Stranger's face, and how in thinking that you've betrayed her and in a way become complicit in her death, is SO good.
• It's too bad all live-action Star Wars ever is doomed to have mediocre dialogue. But at least these things make me feel fairly confident in having high hopes for the Brendok reveal. And regardless of what happens, I am so excited to see goddess Mother Aniseya again next episode, omg omg!!!
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whatyadrawin · 10 months
The Fruit After The Flesh 18+ -Chapter 4-
Minors DNI!
Approximately 2,920 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt(HeadCanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings: Mentions of violence sort of, Mild sexually suggestive language.
A/n: I have a big work week ahead of me so I may not be able to get much done in terms of writing and especially in terms of art, but I am excited to write out more chapters. In this chapter there is pretty much just fluff so I wasn't sure of what to write for warnings (I'm so bad at knowing what should be a warning I'm so sorry). Enjoy this chapter and the art, leave a like or a comment, Re-blogs greatly appreciated!
User tags: @fan-goddess
Chapter 4
A month has passed since you moved to Fuller, Texas into a property left to you by a distant relative. You visited the Hewitt family at least two or three times a week and made close friends with Luda Mae; every now and then you would see Tommy, and Luda Mae would try to get him to talk to you but he would just freeze and avoid contact. Eventually he would be able to stay in the same area when you were there but never in the same room, he would just quietly watch from the doorway of the next room or outside. His avoidant and distant behavior did not help your budding feelings for him nor your desire to speak to him.
The other day, you were invited to dinner by Luda Mae and you offer to cook for them so you can bond over some good food. You spent most of the day repairing small bits of damage in the house, and making sure the pipes in the home had proper fittings. You took your time cooking large decadent dishes to impress the Hewitt's, mashed potatoes, fried asparagus, a hefty salad, and some finely glazed roast chicken with grilled corn. This food was the kind to make family out of friends and you were so excited to share it; the chocolate cake you baked the night before was ready to be frosted with your own recipe for vanilla icing.
Once the food was packed away in some bags, you got changed into a black summer dress that had a flower pattern in red, you put on a pair of red flats, some makeup, and a spritz of expensive perfume. The walk to the Hewitt house lasts only about ten minutes but the bags of food started to weigh you down and make you wish you had taken the car. When you reach the driveway, you have to set the bags down and take a rest. As you catch your breath and shake out your arms, you hear heavy foot steps coming towards you, when you look up you see Tommy, he looked different, he looked… good.
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Despite still wearing the dark leather half-mask, you were actually able to see a lot of his face due to his hair being oiled back slick. His heaving chest was pressing against his black T-shirt that hugged his torso and really showed just how thick with muscle he was. He had new looking jean pants that clung to his thighs and a belt buckle that shone in the evening sky. His shoes were especially interesting, he had on a freshly shined pair of black snake skin cowboy boots tucked under his jean cuffs. You could not believe how well this massive recluse cleans up, and while he was still extremely intimidating, his fresh appearance was so overwhelming that you couldn’t speak.
He walks right up to you but doesn’t look you in the eye, he just takes your bags and stands behind you waiting for you to start walking to the door. His height was unlike anything you have ever seen, your head reached the base of his pecs. You were blushing so much, you could feel your cheeks flush with heat, you say to him,
“T-thank you”
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He holds the heavy bags like they were nothing, his hands are huge and rough, his exposed arms were thick with muscle but riddled with scars that made you curious. He doesn’t say a word as you both walk up to the front door where he then opens it for you and waits for you to enter. Luda is already at the entrance wearing a pretty tea length dress in pastel blue, with yellow birds, her hair is in a pinned up-do, she greets you,
“Evenin’! I see Thomas helped you with your things, what a good boy he is”
You smile “Yeah, I’m glad he came to help honestly. I didn’t realize how tough it was going to be walking here with those bags being so heavy, I should have driven down haha”
Luda Mae takes your hand and leads you inside saying “Well come on in! Let’s get this stuff to the table so we can all eat, I’m sure you’re hungry”
You get to the table which is set nicely, the dishes seem to all be bone china with flowery designs along the outer edges, the large table is rustic and humble, but cozy. Luda Mae calls everyone to the table and tells you to sit at the end of the table, Charlie who is wearing a worn dress shirt that is too big for him and a red bowtie, attempts to sit next to you but Luda Mae snaps at him,
Charlie sighs and gets up; he looks at you,
“Oh, I see how it is” he gives you a wink.
Tommy comes in last and stands in the doorway, Luda Mae calls over to him,
“Come Thomas, you take your seat right next to Y/N”
He glances at you from under his brow and goes and sits in the chair next you making sure he is not touching you. He is such a big man that he is still towering over you even while sitting. Luda Mae takes her seat and says,
“Now then, let’s all say grace. Charlie, if you’ll do the honors”
Charlie rolls his eyes and starts “Dear lord, bless this here food, even though it ain’t like what were used to, bless it anyway”
Luda Mae scoffs adding “And bless Y/N for makin’ the effort to make us a lovely dinner tonight. Were eternally grateful for you bringin’ us Tilly, who bought them cows and chickens for us so we may absolve our sinful ways, amen”
You were feeling a bit confused at what she meant by ‘sinful ways’ but they all said amen so you just ignored it. The dinner started and everyone began to dig in to the dishes you prepared. Tommy waited until you took some food for yourself and then he started grabbing some scoops of the food to load onto his plate, Luda Mae sees this and says,
“Thomas is a big boy; he needs a lot of food to keep himself strong. I apologize if he seems greedy” she gave a serious look at Tommy who slowly put the mashed potato spoon down.
You feel a tinge of sadness at Luda Mae scolding Tommy, you reply,
“Oh no please, let’s eat as much as we can tonight so I don’t have to bring so much home. I made more than enough; I think”
Tommy glances at you, Luda Mae says “Well alright then Tommy, go ahead then, just make sure everyone else gets some”
Charlie laughs “Tommy boy eats more than the damn hogs do, I swear there’s nothin’ left when he’s near food, gotta eat quick!”
Luda Mae whacks Charlie’s shoulder for him to shut up but he just laughs, you giggle at the playful nature of this family and you feel comfortable around them, you feel a closeness to people that you hadn’t felt since the last time you saw your best friend. You can’t help but make quick glances at Tommy to be able to drink in his appearance for your memory to retrieve when you need it. You felt the nerves in your stomach tightening causing a slight cramp, you had a massive crush on Tommy and it was time to admit it to yourself. Tommy ate his food at a decent pace, each bite was small enough to fit through the slit in his mask; you still didn’t understand why he wore it but you were too afraid to ask in case it was something he was sensitive about.
Luda Mae see’s you watching Tommy and she smiles,
“We all made sure to look nice for you tonight, it’s a special occasion to have a guest cooking us dinner, right Charlie?”
He just nods and scarfs down the food on his plate, Luda Mae gives him a stern look but he doesn’t react, she continues,
“Thomas doesn’t have many clothes that fit him given that he’s such a big strong boy, but we were able to find some nice clothes in storage. What do you think Y/N? Does he look handsome?”
Tommy widens his eyes and looks over quickly at Luda Mae, trying to avoid eye contact with you.
“I think he looks amazing” you blurted out without even thinking, you felt embarrassed for not saying something less abrupt, -Oh god they probably think I’m desperate or something, why didn’t I just say he looks nice!?- Luda Mae smiled even bigger and Tommy quickly looked back at you in shock that anyone other than his mother would say something positive about him, especially about how he looked. Luda Mae looks at you and gives a cheeky smirk saying,
“I know Thomas thinks you look very beautiful tonight, don’t you Thomas?”
Tommy looked at Luda Mae and then quickly looked back at you, he was so flustered and you noticed the top of his cheeks that weren’t hidden by the mask began to flush with a rosy pink. Luda Mae continued,
“Well Thomas? Don’t be rude to our guest, you tell her she looks nice!”
You felt bad for Tommy who was put on the spot by Luda Mae’s question, you wished so badly to hear the answer but Tommy just looked down at his plate with wide eyes and blushing cheeks. You smiled at the sight of such a large grown man reacting like an embarrassed teen, you could almost hear the squeal of protest ‘Mom! You’re embarrassing me!’. You giggled to yourself, this was the most fun you had had with people in ages, you were so lonely back in Rivers Manitoba that even the rare relationship you got into would fizzle out so quickly from them being abusive or losing interest. You felt safe with the Hewitts, even if the things Dover said to you were true about them, you didn’t care, you wanted to be part of a family, this family.
Eventually dinner finished and the cake was brought out by Luda Mae, she cut some large slices for everyone and when she took the first bite her eyes widened and she said,
“My, you’re an incredible cook Y/N. This is the best darn thing I have ever eaten since my mama’s banana cream pie”
Charlie took a bite and slammed the table, which startled you and made Tommy give him an angry look, he said,
Tommy looked at his slice and took a small piece on his fork and bit into it, his eyes closed and he let out a deep breath through his nose as he leaned his head back allowing you to see just how thick his neck was. There was some stubble peeking through from under his mask and it made your heart flutter, this was a fully-grown, red-blooded man, and you had a flash of an intrusive thought fly through your mind of him leaning his head back from a different kind of pleasure; you shook your head and looked away, trying to suppress a smirk that was trying to creep its way onto your face. Luda Mae looks over at you and asks,
“Are you alright dear?”
You snap back into reality and reply “Yes, sorry I just got… dizzy, must be from all the good food”
Luda Mae is looking a bit concerned,
“Let me get you some more water sweetheart, maybe you are just hot”
You feel a sense of embarrassment at the passing thought you had, it was really unlike you to be so turned on by a man, but Tommy was no ordinary man and he was bringing out feelings in you that you never knew you had. Luda Mae comes back with some ice water and gently places a hand on your shoulder, and pours some water in the glass in front of you. This woman was so motherly to you, the month that went by just reinforced these feelings as every time you met up with her, she was always concerned with how you were doing and trying to get you to rest or talk about deep feelings, she was a large comfort to you.
The night finally concluded after so much laughter and conversation between you, Luda Mae, and Charlie. Tommy had gotten up after cake and left the table before the night was over which made you feel a bit anxious that he was uncomfortable but you had fun despite the anxiety. When you got your things and placed them back in the bags, you said goodnight to Charlie as Luda Mae walked you out saying,
“Don’t let Dover bug you anymore ok hun? He used to make Tilly so upset but eventually he left her alone once she got close with us, I reckon he will do the same with you once he realizes who you’re friendly with. If you feel scared walking back, have Thomas, take you, he is in the barn there”
You thank her and say goodbye, maybe getting Tommy to walk you back would be a good idea so Dover would stop popping out of bushes to tell you how stupid he thinks you are and how badly he wants you to leave. You make your way down to the barn and see Tommy sitting on a bale of hay staring out the open barn doors, the bright shine of the moon casting a silver light on him. You walk up to him and say,
“Hey, Thomas, would you please walk me back to my house? I don’t want to deal with Dover harassing me.”
You see him look over at you and he nods slowly, getting up and moving over to face you, his hand held out to signal you to give him your bags so he could carry them for you. He waited to let you walk in front of him but you didn’t move, you spoke,
“Can…I walk next to you?”
Tommy looked surprised but he nodded and followed next to you out of the barn, you both made your way to the road, he was making sure to keep your pace so he didn’t get ahead of you. The sky had thick dark clouds rolling through it but the moon held its bright glare, coating you both with a cold light, you looked up at Tommy who was remaining silent as he walked next to you, his brows were relaxed and his eyes fixed firmly on the road ahead of him. You felt so safe with him, he was like a large guard dog, keeping watch of your surroundings and staying close to you, ensuring that he keeps his pace in line with yours.
You smile, the fact that you were alone with him was exciting, you wish you were able to say something but you couldn’t find the words. Just as you were giving thought to something to say, he looks down at you and catches you smiling at him. He looks at you confused, why would anyone smile at the likes of him? His whole life he was ridiculed and made fun of for his appearance, a girl never gave him even a glance and the ones he liked screamed when he came near them. You were different, you were beautiful and kind, and you smiled at him, no screaming or running away, he felt good being around you, he felt safe with you, but this was a different kind of safe to the one you felt, this was trust.
You both got to your driveway and he walked you up to the door, setting your bags down, you turned to him and said,
“I really appreciate you walking me to my home Thomas, you’re a really nice man”
Tommy’s eyes met yours and he nodded, you went to pick up your bags but stopped when you saw him pointing at you,
He continues to point at you, you try to look around if there’s a stain or bug but he just goes and reaches for the dress fabric on your shoulder and points at that, you smile and reply,
“Oh, my dress! You never told me if you liked it”
He nods and gives a thumbs up, you laugh and thank him. You grab your bag and make your way inside, turning to give him one last look and say,
“Goodnight Thomas, I hope we get to spend more time together soon”
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You gently shut the door and Tommy turns to leave, his cheeks are warm and his eyes wide; You, a beautiful woman, want to spend time with a monster like him? The things he has done in the past for his family were evil, his past was stained forever with the blood of the many victims taken by his hands. He tried to push down his budding feelings because he knew deep down that an innocent angel like you would never accept his sins. The walk back to his home was full of mixed emotions, he was scared to get closer to you in case you find out about his past and react like the girls from his past would, screaming at him in horror and fear. He couldn’t help but have hope though, you were after all, different.
Next chapter-
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mercurygray · 6 months
First One In
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The 100th's first mission - the submarine pens at Bremen. First for the crews in the air - and the crews on the ground.
**Warning for non-graphic depiction of a civilian air accident.
June 25, 1943
The view from the tower was the best of everything.
Cord took a deep breath and let the wind ruffle her hair, listening to the birds and the soft whine of the weather equipment on the roof. This was the best part of her job - the wind and the quiet, and the green fields, and the view.
Downstairs was a hive of activity - the weather monitors on the floor below, taking their measurements, and the intelligence section below them, the huge blackboards mapping out the whole wing, squadron by squadron and plane by plane, the telex and the typewriters. But up here she was in her element, earth and sky in equal measure. It wasn’t flying - but damn if it wasn’t close.
She was glad they’d been some of the first crew here on base, and that the pilots had come later. It had given them time to settle in and really make the place theirs - and she didn’t mean the pictures Mae and the others had put up in their hut, or the curtains, or the flowers on the windowsills. She’d watched the laborers putting down the new tarmac, and watched the engineers putting in the new huts and barracks, and smelled the paint drying in the enlisted men’s mess halls and the Aero Club. This was her tower now, her radio and her field. She’d bicycled it and driven it and charted its wind patterns and read its weather reports and knew it now just about as well as it was possible to know a place.
But aren’t you scared, Cord? The question had been asked, more than once, before she packed herself off to Iowa for basic training. There’s so much you don’t know.
Well, sure, Cord had allowed. I don’t know heavy bombers, or England, or what to do in an air raid. But I know airfields. I know the Army, as much as they’ll let me know. And I know me, what I can do. I can learn everything else.
A true statement - the truest there was. She’d needed to learn a lot - how to drill and march in formation and shine shoes and salute, but once she’d gotten here, and been shown the tower, and how the radio worked, there wasn’t a thing she needed after that except the airplanes she’d be directing in, and the men to fly them. And the man who was going to lead them through it, of course.
She hadn’t known what she’d find, stepping into his office for the first time. Colonel Harold Huglin was something of an enigma. Had he worked with women before? Would he care? Captain Brennan didn’t know his name, and she’d been in longer than any of them, and Cord could tell, just by watching the older woman, that these were questions they would have to ask, and whether they liked the answers or not they’d have to live with them regardless.
She remembered thinking that his desk was exceptionally neat. It was something to focus on for a moment while she collected herself - the man had a face like a hawk, and as she’d saluted and sat down in the wooden chair opposite his desk she’d had the feeling of being prey. “You have quite the list of credentials, Lieutenant Callaway. There’s any number of things you could be doing - ferrying squadron work, for starters. Why apply for overseas duty?”
It had been a strange way to start an interview. Cord had shifted in her chair and taken a breath. Would it have been better if she’d lied, or worse? No, sir, I’ve never seen an airplane in my life, I don’t hold a pilot’s license, and I’ve never won prize money in an air race. I didn’t grow up on an airfield and I don’t know the first thing about the Army Air Corps. But her father hadn’t raised her to be a liar. “I’ve spent my whole life at Wright-Patterson, sir. I just wanted to do my bit, same as everyone else.” When you’re almost one of the boys and then all the boys start going overseas, it starts to wear a girl down a little.
“And you didn’t think ‘your bit’ was training new pilots? You’ve got more flight hours than some of the men who’ll be coming through here.”
Well, it helps if you start when you’re about fifteen or so and you’re a good student and the flying officers like you. “With respect, sir, I’m not a teacher. But I’m calm, and level-headed, and I know how to handle a plane, and that makes me just the sort of person you’d want on your tower. Flight control is just as important as any other job - and sometimes more. If a guy’s engine is on fire, he’s going to want to hear someone who can talk him out of it, if he needs.”
And then the man had smiled - actually smiled - and leaned back in his chair a little, obviously satisfied with her answer. “You can relax, Lieutenant. This isn’t an interview - you already have the job. A good commanding officer likes to know his crew before he gets started somewhere. And we’ll hope no one needs to be talked out of engine fires.”
But someone always will, sir. That’s the nature of airplanes. How many crashes had she seen at Wright - or even at the air shows? She knew all too well what a burning engine smelled like, a flamed out cowling. She hadn’t said that, of course - she knew when to keep her mouth shut. Witness Lieutenant - what was his name now? Brady, that was him, belly-landing his fort straight in from Greenland because he’d had some electrical failure and his landing gear wouldn’t engage.
They would hope there wouldn’t be any of that today - Lemmons already had something of a sour look after a noisy (and successful) campaign to rename that plane Brady’s Crash Wagon. Pilots thought they were funny, doing things like that, but crew chiefs could be superstitious about names.
Someone cleared her throat next to her. “You thinking of turning into a bird? You’ve got this look on your face like you’d like to launch off the balcony.”
Cord had to laugh. “Just admiring the view, Mae.” A jeep carrying a familiar bi-colored flight jacket came rolling around the corner, its owner whistling loudly. “Well, most of it.”
Mae laughed. “He’s the air exec, Cord. You can’t exactly get rid of him.”
“But I don’t have to be friendly, either.”
Her friend rolled her eyes. “One of these days you’re going to tell me exactly what he did to piss you off so bad.”
Where would I even start? “If it were exactly one thing I’d tell you, Mae. It’s more his entire state of being.”
“Lieutenant, you’re gonna want to come back inside.” Becky Holbrook was outside the glasshouse, binoculars in hand. “It looks like someone’s coming back early.”
Cord and Mae followed the Sergeant back inside the glass-walled observation room, and Cord took the binoculars and her position next to Anita Young on the radio, focusing on the plane on the horizon so she could try to read the numbers and assess condition. “That’s Major Veal’s plane. Looks like he’s on three engines.”
“Green flare,” Mae reported, though everyone with eyes could see it, arcing into the sky. “No need to send out the fire squad or the ambulance.” On the ground below, they saw a jeep peel out from one of the hardstands, three men clinging to their seats. “Looks like Lemmons is already on his way out.”
Another jeep joined them - the one that had only just parked at the tower. “And there goes Major Egan,” Cord said, sourly. “What the hell is he going to do?”
“Anything he can, Lieutenant.”
Cord immediately put down her binoculars and saluted, feeling foolish. “Major Bowman. There’s been nothing on the radio, sir. It looks from here like it’s just engine one that’s out.”
“As it should be,” Bowman said with approval. The intelligence officer wasn’t a physically imposing person, but Cord had spent enough time with him to know that he knew his business, and the slightly fading red hair that had given him his nickname was covering a first-rate brain. “Germans monitor all our radio traffic - Major Veal knows that. It’s different procedure here, compared to an airfield back in the states. They won’t radio in for landing instructions.” Cord looked down at her service shoes, feeling foolish. “But you’ve got a good eye about that engine, Lieutenant,” Bowman added, a gentle compliment to cover up her mistake.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Our first returned plane!” Becky said with a grin, nudging Anita and Mae. “We’re in it now!”
Beside her, she heard Bowman breathe sharply through his teeth. “We’ll get a report from him and the crew about when he turned back, and Egan will need an update on that plane’s operations status,” the intelligence officer stated, hands on his hips as he watched the plane touch down and turn down the taxiway. “Make sure no one stands down - fire teams, ambulances. We’re still waiting on the rest of the group.”
“Of course, sir.”
Bowman paused, turning away from the front of the glasshouse and stepping to the side, motioning for Cord to follow him. “You ever seen an airplane crash, Lieutenant Callaway? Apart from Lieutenant Brady’s ...unorthodox landing the other day?” He pursed his lips. “Colonel Huglin mentioned you grew up near Wright-Patterson. I want to know - if you know what we might be expecting back.”
Cord looked at him, really looked, and realized what he was asking. You mean do I know what’s waiting for the ambulances, sir? Or what a burning plane smells like? I watched a woman pancake on a pylon at Bendix, once. Took the turn too quick. Wasn’t anything to bury afterwards - just a burning wreck. I’ve seen pilots miss landings and I’ve seen gunnery practice go bad. Maybe I haven’t been in the war just yet but I know what a plane can do to a body. “Pretty frequently, sir.”
Bowman nodded. “This one was easy. The rest of it won’t be - you understand me? They may radio in to let you know what’s coming.” Manage the others was the last unspoken command. The rest won’t be pretty.
Cord fixed her eye on his and nodded, feeling the weight of his expectations and his stare. “Yes, sir. Of course, sir.” When the others come back, then we can say we’re in the war. But not before.
“Calm and steady, Callaway.”
“Always, sir.”
“And we’ll be grateful then that Major Egan’s doing everything he can, all right? Because we’re all doing everything we can, always.”
Cord swallowed the knot in her throat, knowing that at the heart of it he was right. Even she couldn’t say that Major Egan didn’t care about his airmen - and he was always doing everything he could, even if it sometimes made him a nuisance. “Right, sir.”
He nodded, and stepped back outside the glasshouse so he could go back downstairs. Cord took a deep breath, and returned to the radio, and the view out the front window. “Make a note of the time, Mae, will you? Captain Brennan will need that for the daily report.”
One plane back - nineteen more to go. She surveyed the airfield, wondering just how it would look in an hour, or two, or how the siren to call out the ambulance would sound behind the glass, and her hands tightened on her binoculars. I know airfields. I know planes. And by the end of today, I’ll know something else, too - something about war.
And aren’t you scared about it? She thought about that burning plane at Bendix again, the sound of the announcer’s voice, the collective gasp from the stands as the plane burst into flames and the flyer behind only just swerved to avoid it.
Well, my father didn’t raise a liar - so I’ll tell you: I’m damn terrified.
Read more of Cord here at her masterlist.
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anchoragehq · 9 days
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our goal is to involve new people in the group as much as possible. there are many open & wanted spaces, especially for roles. at the moment, we are searching for :
MEMBERS OF THE ORDER OF THE SCARLET NIGHTMARE, specifically the recruiter & job positions filled for the single carrot theater
for every new member that joins, you will have the opportunity to be included in the follow-up to this plot drop. this means every new member will have a role in the plot drop.
generally, we have written the plot drop & its injuries / transpirations with what we’ve come to know about the muse(s) who were randomly selected in mind & their previous threads. however, if we ever dictate an action that you deem ill-fitting of your muse, you can ignore it entirely or ask for an amendment you deem most fitting. we want this to be fun & what we write is only meant to be the starting point.
our selection was entirely random for part of the plot drop, but some muses were determined through hand-picked selections. we always use a random team generator to determine who will receive injuries or starter lottery. we have over seventy muses & bars in place to keep some from being picked too many times consecutively. 
major injuries & death, if any, are hand-selected on the basis of the butterfly effect this time, per our notes about the plot progressions, individual & group-centric, of muses. we keep track of these as much as we can & take note of anything significant that could be utilized.
our major plot points this time were hand-selected based on prior plot progressions or discussions. writers selected for major plot points will sit out for the plot drop call for our halloween special.
for fairness, any one muse who has been selected at random three times for a plot drop in a row will sit out the next random selection. there are no triple crown muses at this time.
the first open starter will be our icebreaker. after that, please abide the starter rule ! please only post open starters that pertain to the plot drop at this time & follow the in-game dates provided below !
you may still post exclusives outside of the realm of the plot drop and/or continue older threads.
we ask you refrain from controlling the NPCs themselves other than what is established. 
there’s many possibilities for starters, as those not grouped together or selected can be reacting to these events around town. if you need suggestions, feel free to DM us or ask.
OOC THIS EVENT WILL LAST : until wednesday, october 2nd. after this date, please refrain from more starters pertaining to the plot drop — but of course the plot drop itself will hold affect on all muses exploring the aftermath & moving forward.
a follow-up will be posted regarding all plot drop transpirations a few days after the plot drop ends.
THE IN-GAME DATE IS : september 26th to october 1st. if corresponding to a specific event, we've provided the explicit date it occurred. if unspecified, please select your own.
BEWARE THE FOLLOWING ... body horror tw.
AUTUMN IS IN THE AIR IN ANCHORAGE — as is the consistent fog rolling in from the harbor to cloak the docks and the streets in hours undisturbed by heavy foot traffic. the solemnity has disturbed archaic spirits, if you believe in the supernatural. you know what they say about WALKING UNDER LADDERS. whether or not superstition is to be believed, it came true & caught up to one unlucky customer in criminal records one september midday. as fingers explored the spines of vinyl during a flash sale, a ladder descends from the storage loft above & begins a relentless assault on estelle de chagny. witness to the horror was haerin mae-nava'i, min kim & kyo ha-sun, but they were unable to reel it in on their own. a surgeon, bastien moreau, on the scene was able to identify the fallen damsel as suffering a mild spinal compression fracture ... oh, & you remember what your mother said about STEPPING ON CRACKS IN THE SIDEWALK, right ?? THE FUNK OF FORTY-THOUSAND YEARS HAS BEEN SLOWLY SEEPING FROM THE SEWERS outside of single carrot theatre. the city council has been turning a blind eye to the town's burgeoning sewer system problem. each year, the steady rains of autumn begin to fill up the grates. during an intermission of the opening night for casanova on september 27th, a lone actress ventures for a quick breath of fresh air. careless, angelique jackson perches over the noxious sewer grate. without warning, a blood-curdling scream cuts through the air. she realizes that the vibrato is beneath the soles of her feet & as she bends down to inspect it, a FACE emerges from the water near to its surface & wraps ghastly fingers around the grate. before the eyes of the theatre's star attraction, the face morphs from adisorn tayen's to that of monique jackson, the virago letting out a wail, "HELP ME !!!" in a fit of panic, angelique shoves the head of her twin underneath the water until the spasming & contorting of limbs stops. bubbles froth to the surface, & when she dares to look again, whatever it was has disappeared. i guess she crossed A BLACK CAT IN THE ROAD RECENTLY. A MYSTERIOUS FELINE FORGED OF CHARCOAL & INK SPILLS perches in mei ruan's lap as they reside over the closing discussion of september's book club, two days later. rain pounds against the windows, begging for a front row seat as they all ( blue nataphon maes, bryn ravencroft, sol-ip boo, freya chen & sky chun ) turn their pages to the author's note in the thriller novel. the words have been scribbled over in a crude red. it smells like corn syrup & it's still wet ... each book has the same word : DUCK, DUCK, DUCK, DUCK, DUCK ... a folded-up slip of paper from the front cover of thriller novella order of death slips its way to taeyoung yoon's side of the table at joker's casino, taped to the face of a joker card. AJAX, HOW ABOUT A LITTLE GRUNT WORK TO GET YOU BACK IN THE GROOVE ? RELEASE ALL THE ANIMALS FROM THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH … - SCARLET. on the first evening of october, happy villagers vet clinic is silent except for the distant symphony of restless patients. eliana moschetti is working alone at three in the morning to finish a slew of important paperwork when she hears unidentified objects clattering to the floor ... initially, she thinks it is one of the mannequin models tipping over. as she opens the door to the backroom, the cacophony reaches a fugue as the cats & dogs & miscellaneous small animals erupt from their cubbies, rampaging through the building. knocked over, she sustains minor scratches & fights to get back on her feet. amidst collecting supplies in futile effort to contain the runaway animals, a scalpel pierces through the palm of her hand. vet technicians were befuddled when the offending scalpel in question had disappeared the next morning ...
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evanox · 18 days
Finally went through Valen's 4 heart event after putting it off because I couldn't handle that being the last I see of her until the next update... and of course I took screenshots of almost every line. Anyway here are some ThoughtsTM under the cut bc it's a Little lengthy
SAY LESS!! also now I feel a little bad I didn't let Mae's hair down before the cutscene,,, gotta look her best for her future wife,,
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I mean this would've felt more serious if you had preserved organs or meth down there but sure we can keep your lil pharmacy lab a secret
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Maehwa would've gladly let you vivisect her if you asked; drinking dubious medicine is the least she could do for you
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Sorry the simping was mandatory; here are my actual thoughts--
unfortunately, we did not get strapped to an experiment table.
I had hoped there would be something very wrong with her but it turns out she's pretty chill. Deep down I knew a game as wholesome as FOM wouldn't get that dark, but even if it didn't give me what I was hoping for it still gave me lots to think about!
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Before I got this event, Valen had already brought up coming from a long line of prestigious doctors a few times, which makes me wonder whether she went into medicine because she wanted to or because it was Expected of her to continue the family's legacy. That, along with how she feels like she has to keep her work a secret until it's finished, makes me wonder if she developed some sort of anxiety towards high expectations, even if she doesn't let it show. She doesn't want to give her fellow villagers the hope that she can create the Perfect Medicine only to absolutely let them down.
It's also interesting how, despite her insistence on keeping the basement a secret (and irritation when questioned about it), she casually asks you in the 2-heart event to fetch her the medicine from said basement. Makes me wonder if she, just like Juniper, saw something special in the Farmer and wanted to extend an invitation to help her... only far more subtly than Juniper lol.
Speaking of Juniper, it's such a funny contrast how she sees the villagers as disposable guinea pigs for her experiments, while Valen this whole time has been using herself as the test subject for her experiments. I wonder what adverse effects she had previously suffered since she seemed fully prepared to get sick during this experiment. I just want to hold my baby :((((
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Also when Valen mentioned the word Panacea I thought it was some sort of bacteria genus until I googled it. Apparently, it's "any supposed remedy that is claimed to cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely." That doesn't sound exactly scientific... it sounds more like magic, which makes me wonder if Valen's ancestors were actually familiar with witchcraft.
It would be very ironic since she seems to persistently reject magic and Juniper's methods, just as Juniper rejects Valen's... which is funny because Valen and Juniper seem to be working towards something similar (I assume, since Juniper's using the hot spring waters for a base w/ "restorative powers") but with entirely different approaches and very little success. If my ancestor theory is true then perhaps in future events they'll realize that what they're seeking can only be achieved by putting aside their differences and combining science and magic together... or maybe i'm thinking about this too deeply lmao.
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