#how many fights can he get into before he gets expelled?
ro-bottt · 27 days
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thorfinn highscool au waoh..
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lovetei · 11 months
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Things that the citizens of the Devildom witnessed that will prove that this Human have the characters at their beck and call
Versions: The Brothers, Side characters
Warnings: Gender neutral pronouns for MC, Cussing, Slight yandere themes (Belphegor, Asmodeus)
Links: Masterlist
This demon likes sticking to rules
Running on hallways? Detention
Eating during class? Detention
Not paying attention to class? Detention
No one is safe...
Except for one person.
The cafeteria if filled with loud noises, your voice shouting profanities to another demon specifically.
Everyone listening to the argument feels like they're stomach is about to burst out of nervousness because "What if Lucifer randomly comes in and put all of us is detention because we just stood by and didn't do anything to stop the fight?!"
And he did.
But what surprised them is that he didn't shout or anything, he just stood there for a few second and scanned the crowd looking for one of his brothers.
Spotted Mammon and came close to him before whispering something among themselves.
And then he just stood there
Doing nothing
As if it's just fucking okay to let a human, the exchange student at that, to scream and curse a demon because he won't cooperate into this project.
And when the demon started cursing back at you, the rules are suddenly so strict as if cussing will cause the end of the 8 rings of hell.
The demon is sent to detention, removed from the group, suspended, and many more.
And who knows? Maybe you pulled just a few strings to have that demon expelled.
But what the citizens sure know is that they never saw anyone again after talking to MC like that.
It was cute
Mammon would do anything for you, no matter how big or small it is.
One day, Mammon was spotted running around the halls of RAD.
Looking like he's getting chased by Lucifer, again.
But surprisingly, he's not.
He's just running around the school fetching your fan, notebooks, bag, pens, water or some snacks.
One time, you two were put in a group for this project and were talking about it with your other group mates.
Then you hit him with a "Mammon, I left my notebook on my desk in the potions class, can you fetch it for me?"
With just a blink of an eye, Mammon who was leaning on your shoulder just a few minutes ago is gone.
And with another blink of an eye he's there again with your notebook on his hands then he's back to leaning on your shoulder again as if he didn't just go to the other side of the school for a notebook.
He's introverted
He won't go out his room if it's just for some lame party
I also headcanons for him to be the most unseen brother
Or like him having the smallest amount of photo and information online because he just won't go out.
Yeah, he won't go out if it's just some small, lame party but if Diavolo hosts it, what exactly can he do?
"Do you think the avatar of envy will attend this party?"
"Ha! No way... Lord Leviathan won't attend small parties or gatherings like these unless Lord Diavolo hosts it himself."
"Lord Leviathan really has a high standard when it comes to gatherings..."
And then poof
He's there
Beside you
A happy go lucky sheep beside a gloomy snake
What a match
And if you ask him why he would attend such gatherings when it's totally not even his style he would just go like "MC."
"What can I do? MC really wants to see the fireworks display."
"MC wants me to escort them."
So they got the hint on how to make Levi attend gatherings, either have Diavolo host it or invite MC too.
He's angry
But not angry enough to yell when MC is around
Man's can go from 👹 to ☺️ real quick as soon as he felt MC's prescense
He doesn't know why too, but whenever he yell while you're around he thinks he'll fall out of favor
He'll talk so sweet in front you and then when you turn around you can see some veins popping out of his neck and forehead.
And if he can't really handle it and went berserk in your prescense another scary yet amazing thing you can is to put your hand on his body.
Shoulder, head, neck, wrist, arm, wherever it is.
Just pat him or link your arms with him and he will start to calm down.
People headcanon him to like it when you're obsessed with him but I think he's more obsessed to you.
Like he's down bad
You can do anything and he'll literally fawn all over it
"Look at the way they run their hands through their hair!"
"Look at how they work!"
"The way they hold that fork is so graceful~"
Literally, you're the only person that comes to his mind when someone said pretty
Except for himself of course
But I swear, whenever someone caught him staring at you the atmosphere gets so thick
You don't even know why but the atmosphere is heavy and the air suddenly smells so sweet
And those heart in his eyes, the way his pupils dilate
Yeah, you have this man worshipping you alongside himself
Other than the fact that he's actually willing to share his food with you
He's willing to help you in any physical works
Like lifting up things, carrying your stuffs and sometimes even running errands for you
I mean, he actually doesn't do it a lot because Lucifer actually asks Mammon for this stuff because the things Lucifer needs to be done is a little...
And he doesn't want to taint Beel's innocence.
So now since you're already a part of the student council when Lucifer needs to have something important finished but it requires physical work.
You and Beel will be partnered
And he doesn't have anything against it either
He likes it so much when you command him to do something actually
I mean, he's tall and buff but Lucifer won't ask him to do anything that includes hard labor except taking care of Belphegor
So you actually helping him make use of all those muscles made him feel a tinge of happiness
He feels like he's actually of use :)
This little brat
He would kill for you and he means it
He's not scared to spill blood on broad daylight as long as it's for you
Someone bothered you? Dead
Oh this person annoyed you? Taken care of
Aw~ He told you you're cute and asked you out on a date? That's sweet! Dead.
He's just like that
He won't tolerate anyone who dared disrespect you
And Lucifer won't even put a stop into this
"I mean, Devildom is quite overpopulated and we don't want anyone disrespecting Lord Diavolo's plan on bringing the three realms together now." Is what he reasons everytime.
Oh, he also wakes up on command as long as it's you.
Lucifer and his brothers could be shaking him like he's dead and he won't even bother to open his eyes
But if you just pulled a "Belphie? Good morning..." Oh dear, he's wide awake and clinging to you.
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anantaru · 1 year
— biting them affectionately
including alhaitham, kaveh, scaramouche, heizou, tighnari, albedo, kazuha, cyno x gn! reader
꒰ genre ꒱ — fluff, crack, this is so random
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alhaitham, who will be at loss of words at first— while, keep in mind, it wasn't easy to get the scribe speechless like that, regardless of how he was never bitten in his life. however, he told himself to never question whenever you'd do anything like that, so for one, he'd simply look at you confused and irritated, before asking you with a stern and stoic blush on his cheeks, "why?" it's not like he doesn't know, but for some reason did he find it quite amusing whenever you'd explain yourself over such little, hilarious things. but, when you decide to bite him again, without answering, he'd just ignore you and keep reading his book.
one might think kaveh will act slightly different than alhaitham, but he's equally confused yet the moment you bite him he'd let out a yell, animalistic, one overly dramatic scream of fake pain, channeling his vocal chords to their fullest extent. "what was that for?!" he whines, rubbing the pulsing red spot on his shoulder, "i just love you." you smile and now, again, he finds himself seeing you as the most adorable thing to ever exist. discernibly did you sense your precious chance of biting him many more times, only faintly, but strong enough to have your boyfriend whine and airily laugh before engaging in a playful fight with you.
if you think scaramouche won't bite you back, you're one naive and wide-eyed individual. this man also doesn't hold back, he'll give it his all to win what you have started. don't be upset when he starts biting you heavier than you do, he sees it as a serious showdown now. "don't go running off now." you're not admitting defeat yet, he fears, but you will, he's sure of it. by now, he has you caged in between his arms while a breezing pain in your belly began to expel, from all the sweet and heavy laughing and cheering. whether or not you will win was long since in the back of your head, what counted was seeing kuni engage in something silly for once, and having a great time at that.
heizou's quick and precise thinking skills were deeply needed in the predicament you both found yourself in. one minute you were lazily cuddling and kissing under the silken sheets before you decided to bite him out of nowhere, not hard, but impressionable. specifically against his neck where he was the most sensitive, "augh." he growls before looking at you, somewhat intrigued, "that came out of nowhere." he huffs, and in some strange way was he already beginning to plan his bloody revenge on you, pulling you on your back before dragging your hands over your head, so you're out of commission, so it's him who can decide where to give you a taste of your own medicine.
at the outset, tighnari thought a random bug bit him out of nowhere, he couldn't even fathom that it was you biting him out of the blue. "wait." he stops the work on his desk, tilting his head to the side where you were comfortably seated in, eagerly, awaiting a response, "was that you?" you can feel the sass in his full sentence as it spread through the seconds of silence before your answer goes right through, "nope." someone must give you an award for keeping your laugh in like that, especially when it was burning and bristling inwardly, "a bug." you shrug, "no, it's you." assuming you're playing mind tricks, he catches the smirk on your lips, "dangerous territory." he coos, the bite mark on his shoulder matches your teeth and thanks to closer inspection he confirms his suspicions. well, good luck to you.
it's not out of the ordinary for albedo to question something insignificant and random a little too deep. "how interesting." he rests his chin against his palm, "is this considered normal amongst humans?" a glittering, infectious smile pulls itself around your lips when he quizzes you on it, over and over, and you settle to do it again without responding, shortly gnawing down on his shoulder, "for me it is." while ruffling his hair until it was practically falling out of the small ponytail, "i see." albedo drags you closer, "should i return it?" by the look of things, this might become a daily occurrence now.
"oh?" kazuha brushes over his arm, holding eye contact, "you're strong." and feigns the heavy proudness in his voice. in actuality, he barely felt your teeth dig into his flesh, but he found the noises you made beyond cute, kind of high pitched within its hilarity. all and all, was this just one of the many things he fell in love with when it came to you and his face lights up in delight and interest when he notices the transparent joy on your lips. there's an almost imperceptible happiness across his entire skin, sparking at the outline of his jaw and littering in his eyes, "now." he slants forward, getting his point across, "my turn!"
quite frankly, did your boyfriend cyno get the impression that you were actually mad at him at first, alas why you decided to bite his cheek right after hugging him, that's the hypothesis of the day. turns out you weren't, shocker, but he rubs the squishy flesh before questioning it— with you, naturally responding right away, "it's because i love you." you assure him, "so you can see it as an act of love." and jokingly bite him again, this time slightly lighter and only a bit, emphasizing your point. after carefully thinking about it more upfront, cyno finds himself enjoying it and doesn't mind when you bite him as much as you see fit, as long as you're happy that is.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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girlystories · 6 months
Two sides on the same coin
— pairings: Joseph Descamps x ex-rebellious reader
summary: you get expelled from your all girls school after an incident you get yourself into. cutting all ties with your troublesome friends, your parents send you to voltaire lycée in hopes you change your ways. an annoying prick, though, gets in the way of that, making you constantly on the verge of breaking your promise to your parents.
additional warnings: underage smoking, usage of foul language, mention of boobs ig?
authors note: very creative chapter title, ik. also really sorry for this late update, but i honestly don't haven't any excuse. it's finally here so I hope you enjoy. also i added a character from another movie cuz i can.
words: 3.9k
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Chapter 1: The bastard with the dumb glasses
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[Name] [Last Name] certainly wasn't expecting her first day to occur like this.
She fell down on her knees next to the wounded boy, who held on his left eye. He was whimpering in pain, making it obvious the punch he took to the face was serious.
Placing a hand on his back, she tried to receive any attention from him. She called out his name but didn't get an answer. Blood was dripping from between his fingers and his groaning increased before she was pulled away from him.
Lumière Lycée was nothing but a memory now, all what happened there only for the driven girl to want go remember, whenever she even wanted to. If she wanted to. She couldn't lie to herself and say it was a good time. On the contrary, it was a living hell for her. It wasn't a catholic school, but it was somehow aiming towards it.
She'd gotten in trouble one, two, three, or more times. Times she couldn't even keep track of.
Not that it even mattered now. No one would know of her past, her previous troublesome and somewhat rebellious nature in a place for her old school and only herself. It was a year ago from now, certainly she'd have changed from then. Or, in better words, she wanted to mask it deep inside. She promised it to her parents.
Moving schools meant moving overall, but she was sure she'd get used to the new environment sooner or later. Voltaire Lycée, the only academy daring to take things further and expand into a mixed school containing both boys and girls. Such a big change, things were seemingly passing so fast. It was the only thing the newspapers and radio were discussing about all day long for the past three days.
She was now brushing her hair, styling it while in her bathrobe. She added a small touch of makeup on her lashes, in a effort not to seem as tired from sleeping late the earlier day. Her anxiety forbid her from it. To bring some sort of color to her lips, she applied some chapstick. She didn't want to impress anybody, but didn't want to stand out by appearing like some sort of messy girl. That'd make a horrible impression. She opted to blend in with everybody else, which wasn't as easy since she was expected as one of the other few new girls. She'd stand out either way. How many girls would even attend that school anyway?
Either way, she hoped for a change. From having more than fifty absences, five to nine out of twelve marks, constantly snapping at her other classmates and breaking into fights, to becoming a lady with a future ahead of her.
There was a knock on her bedroom door, "[Name]," a soft voice called from behind it, "are you ready yet? Your father could give you a ride to school."
"No, it's okay," she got up from her chair, giving a last look at herself from her mirror. "I'd lather walk on my first day."
Her mother nodded and left without a word, leaving her to finish in getting ready.
[Name] opened her wardrobe, inspecting her clothes and in the end decided upon a matching set of a top and short skirt that she tried out the day before. Before leaving her room she wore her pair of Mary-Jane's.
She headed to her kitchen, where her parents were already awake, eating their breakfast before work. She took a seat and took a sip of her prepared coffe. "Good morning," she said.
Her father swallowed his own coffe before speaking, "Good morning. How do you feel about your new school?"
"Rather anxious."
"No wonder," her mother said. "A mixed school? It's a much troublesome shift from what we're used too. Wouldn't you agree, dear?"
Her dad finished his coffe, placing his mug down. "Well, we do what we can do. If only you would behave, [Name]."
"[Father name], " her mother glanced at him with knotted brows. "Don't start again."
He ignored her warnings, "Now make sure to get your shit together or else things will be really complicated. I'm saying this from the bottom of my heart."
"I know," [Name] simply said.
Her mother still kept an eye on her husband and sighed, turning her attention at her daughter. "Now you have a nice day, okay? Be home right after school or if you want stop by the bakery."
[Name] finished her butter bread, taking her bag as she got up and went to the front door.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" she got interrupted. Internally groaning, she went back and kissed her parents on the cheek.
"Alright, bye," she finally said and left.
Since it was still early, she stopped at her neighborhood supermarket to buy herself a pack of Gauloises, thanking the owner and lighting one while on her way. Just then she realized she didn't know the way.
Minutes later she regretted not accepting her parents' offer to drive her to school. Cursing under her breath at her possibility of being late on her first day, she kept her fast pase as she took a turn on the street she thought the school was located.
To her utter luck, she was right. When she noticed the front gate inspector closing the door she jogged there yelling for him stop. He rose his head towards her, earning his attention.
He threw his cigarette, chuckling softly. "Lucky for you, it's your first day, miss, otherwise I'd have left you locked outside," he said and opened the gate for her.
"Sorry, it won't happen again..." she breathed out.
"Well, they haven't made their way inside. Mr. Belanger is giving a speech."
"Thanks," she said and walked hurrily where everyone stood.
On top of the building's stairs stood the school staff, the students surprisingly listening from bellow. She shoved herself between the crowd to catch a word he was saying.
"-Gentlemen, I expect you to...to be as polite, respectful, magnanimous and dignified as I know you can...when on your best behavior."
"Who is that?" she asked herself.
"The school's Dean," she wasn't really expecting an answer, yet a guy replied from beside her.
She nodded at him, staying silent for a moment before talking again. "Damn, I don't even know in what class I am."
"Don't worry. They'll call your name anyway."
Just then, a woman walked forward, holding a sheet or paper. "I'll now be calling the first-year's, then proceed the second year's due to the addition of female students."
"Just like that," he smirked and Mr. Bluebeard began reading the paper.
[Name] breathed out a sigh of relief. "Good. Because I was afraid of almost getting detention from being late."
He let out a laugh, "On your first day? There's no way a person could achieve that record. Not even me. I can assure you I've tried. I don't think you get detention from being late."
"No," she said. "I said almost. Wait, what do you mean y-"
The call of her name interrupted her question.
"That's your name, right? Seems like you're in class 1B."
"Oh, yeah," she said looking as some other students walked up the starts when their names were called. "See you."
She took a seat behind two girls, and as she did so smiled at them when they seemed to acknowledged her. Little by little everyone gathered in class, each taking their seats.
The woman that was calling out the students from before walked in. "I am Mrs. Giraud, your homeroom teacher."
Then, a girl with blonde hair entered the class, eyeing the empty seats anxiously. She had her hair styled with a headband that matched her dress which was beautifully complimenting her figure. It was no surprise everyone was looking at her with either admiration or a tint of desire.
She took a seat at a desk in the front, and [Name] felt somehow disappointed she didn't choose to sit next to her instead.
Mrs. Giraud noticed her gesture. "What's your name miss?"
She got up from her seat, holding her hands together politely. "Annick Sabiani."
"Where do you think you are, miss Sabiani?"
She didn't get enough time to respond at her question.
"Do you think it's okay to sit next to a boy?" she asked sternly. "Get your things."
She began doing so, but Mrs. Giraud interrupted her again. "No. You," she pointed towards the boy next to her. He looked at her for a moment and she continued, "Get up. Go sit in the back."
"But I can't see from there."
"Back row, now," she then looked at [Name], realizing she failed in noticing her presence before. "And what's your name, miss?"
She got up, awkwardly looking around the class and trying to ignore the stares. "[Name] [Last name]."
"You sit in the front."
She gathered her bag and did as she was told, still feeling the stares accompanied with whistling sounds and whispers. The boy tried to do the same, but someone put his foot in the way. That made him trip and almost fall, the group of boys laughing and making pig noises. "It's not your day, piggy."
The teacher did nothing about it, only complaining about being interrupted. "Quiet! As I was saying... Mrs. Giraud, with a "D" as in "discipline.""
[Name] wasn't listening what she was saying anymore, glancing at the person who was at fault of tripping the poor guy. He was grinning at his friend beside him, finding it wholehearted hilarious, like it was comedy gold. He fixed his glasses before he pretending he was paying attention to Mrs. Giraud. Instead he wrote a note and showed it next to him, the duo starting cackling quietly.
Next period was Latin, where she was met with Mr. Douillard. She ultimately ended up not having a really good idea about him, earning already a bad impression by him ignoring the girls when they raised their hand. She grew more and more annoyed when he pretended not to noticed her and she just stopped trying. Sabiani did not back down, though. Still, Mr. Douillard picked the only guy that had raised his hand.
"I think she raised her hand," the same guy with the glasses pointed out in a snarky tone. He pressed his lips together to hold himself from laughing.
Much to the teachers dismay of having to pick a girl student, he side-eyed Sabiani. "Indeed. So?"
She pushed her chair back, fixing her dress. "The Romans welcome Horatio with joy and congratulations and escort him to his house."
"The Romans "cheer" Horatio," he corrected, obviously not wanting to lower to the level of ever praising a girl, wanting to dismiss their existence entirely. "Can you conjugate the verb "ovare"?"
As Sabiani was answering, [Name] noticed the guy from before writing something on a paper, giving it to the person next to him and whispering something. The note was passed down until the teacher noticed.
"Give me that," he ordered, interrupting Sabiani.
The poor guy sighed and stood up walking up to the teacher and handing the note. From where [Name] sat she couldn't see anything but by the expression of Mr. Douillard she could tell it wasn't good.
The unlucky person sighed and stood up walking up to the teacher and handing the note. [Name] knew of him. He was Alain Laubrac, a guy who happened to be in the same gang she used to hang out last year. She stopped hanging out with them after her expulsion, when she was grounded all summer, cutting all ties with them thankfully. She hadn't spoke to him since like the rest. From where she sat she couldn't see anything but by the expression of Mr. Douillard she could tell it wasn't good.
"Think this is funny?"
"It wasn't me."
"Who is responsible for this masterpiece?"
No answer. The guy who drew it pretended he didn't know a thing, placing his pen under his bottom lip.
"Your name?"
"It wasn't me," Alain repeated.
"'It wasn't me'," Mr. Douillard sighed, "All culprits have the same name. They must be related. Okay, Mr. 'It wasn't me'...'"
"My name is Laubrac," he corrected.
"Are you the boy from the foster care?"
The whole class chuckled at that.
"Some nobody's son's trying to graduate? How amusing. Didn't anyone teach you discipline in the care system? I won't let a bastard disrupt my class. Get out."
"But he didn't do anything!" a girl with blond pigtails protested.
"Nobody taught you to raise your hand in your girls' school, Miss Magnan? Or maybe you think you have a free pass because your uncle is the Dean," the teacher mocked, hitting the paper on his palm. "Escort your new friend to your uncle's office. He'll give you detention too."
They both left the room with their heads low, the class filled with silence.
[Name] bit the inside of her mouth, raising a hand.
"Yes, miss?" the teacher complained.
"With all due respect, sir, but you're being really unfair," she said. Mr. Douillard was taked aback and she continued before he interrupted. "It was Picasso over there who did it," she eyed the glasses-guy from the back.
The smile he wore dissappeared, now glaring at her and preparing to argue something back.
"You've got a nerve talking to me like that, miss [Last Name]," the teacher said. "Don't think I haven't been informed of your performance in your past school. I'm not afraid to get you expelled here too."
The class suddenly filled with murmurs.
"Unless you want detention as well I advice you to sit back down."
She looked down and without having anything else to say she sat on her chair. Her grip on her pen tightened when she looked back and seeing the guy still stare at her, slowly forming a winning smirk.
Bastard, she thought.
Finally lunch came, and she exhaled a sigh of relief as she stood up from her seat, an instant need to stretch her body overtaking her. She only wanted to smoke as soon as possible, the necessity of nicotine calling out to her from not being present for a while. She closed her notebook and walked out the classroom as soon as there was space for her to walk through the students.
She walked down the big row of starts, avoiding in pushing the boy in front of her, but still having trouble keeping her patience.
Just as she was about to turn a corner she felt her face being hit with a flat surface, being jolted back.
"Woah, what's the rush?" she felt an arm on her shoulder and was met with a silly smile. It was the guy from earlier in the morning.
"Sorry," she said, feeling embarrassed. She allowed herself to groan, feeling free from expressing her feelings. Even in front of this guy she just met. "I just couldn't stay in that room anymore."
"I didn't know class 1B was that far off," he joked.
"You know anyone from there?"
"Certainly. I could name quite a few if you ask me."
"Ugh, then I'm sure you know. Speaking of, in what class did you end up?"
He placed a hand in his pocket. "2B," he smiled. "If my last name was different we could've been in the same class. Maybe then the school year wouldn't be so bad."
"Yeah, talk about luck," she played along his playful attitude. She didn't know where he was getting at, but he was at least tolerable. "Oh, hey, we haven't met properly before."
"You're right," he extended his palm, smiling at her. "Mick Travis."
She replied with her name, shaking his hand. "Mick Travis? Is that French or..."
"I'm originally from Britain, but I've moved here for a while. I don't know for how long but I'll do what I can in the meantime. Second year in this school and I can't wait to get out of here."
"Did something happen last year?"
"It's a long story," he said simply, changing the subject. "So, where are you headed?"
In the end they sat at a bench, under a tree to avoid the bright sun from blinding their eyes and having to constantly squint at each other. Travis sat sideways, his one leg crossed while the other was extended freely, his head resting on his palm, the other holding his cigarette.
[Name] lazily looked up at the tree as the wind moved it's leafs, making her almost fall asleep. "Are they gotta tell us something for not going to eat?"
"Hell no, I'm sure they know how ass the food is anyway. We're just saving our lives at the moment."
She hummed, putting out her finished cigarette.
"So," he adjusted his head, in a way to look at her. "What do you think of this school?"
"I don't know. But I hope this year passes quickly. Last year was the worst year of my life."
This peacked his interest. "How so?"
"Long story," she laughed when she realized he responded the same way before. "Maybe I'll tell you if I skip a class."
Break ended too quickly for [Name] to enjoy and she dragged her feet to class, with Travis having to sometimes push her while she groaned in annoyance.
She walked inside, making eyecontact with Sabiani and giving her a look of "I can't stand being here already." The poor girl only giving her a sympathetic smile in response.
She was about to sleep on her desk, when a commotion made her raise her head to see what was going on. Descamps and his friends – whatever their names were, she didn't even bother to know – were making a fuss over something, and she noticed quickly a bucket filled with water behind the door. Descamps grabbed it and attempted to place it on top of the door, ordering one of his friends to keep watch from outside in the process.
The class did nothing, and so did [Name]. It took her a while to realize that a prank was happening, so whoever were to walk in would get drenched in that dirty bucket water. She rose from her seat, throwing her chair back and scaring Sabiani from beside her. She did promise not to act out, in hopes of not getting unwanted attention from the teachers, but she had enough from that Latin teacher anyway. She wouldn't let anyone stop her now.
She walked up to him, pushing him and making him almost spill the water. He narrowed his eyes at her, before he flashed her a cocky smile. "What's that? Didn't you learn your lesson from getting expelled from your last school? Are you planning on doing the same thing here?"
She clenched her jaw at the nerve he had. He didn't even know of her, yet acted better than her. "I'll get expelled for this? You're the one putting a bucket on top of the damn door."
She felt a hand grabbing her wrist and she turned around. "Don't get involved, just continue sleeping on your desk like you were before," it was one of Descamps friends.
She snatched her hand away, "Don't touch me." Turning her attention back at the vile glasses-wearing guy, she attempted to take the bucket away from him, only for him to raise it over her head, mocking her in the process. She would've been intimidated by his height, but she was already used to scarier guys from last year. Descamps laughed at her unsuccessful attempts, then motioned something to his friend. He got the memo and held back [Name] by restraining her.
"Let me down!" she yelled, but they ignored her, finally Descamps putting the damn bucket where he planned from the beginning. She looked at the rest of the class, everyone doing nothing about the whole thing and staying silent in their seats. She made eyecontact with Laubrac, her eyes seeking for his help. He only looked away, hiding his shame.
The victim of the prank was Magnan, as the water completely covered her from head to toe. Her braids were starting to fall apart from her cute style. Her frozen body left in shock as she looked around the class, everyone watching her without reaction. [Name] felt shame when she realized the water made the fabric on her chest area visible, being stuck on her skin.
Descamps and his friends were the only ones breaking the silence in the room, chuckling to themselves and breaking out laughing, [Name] being no longer being held back.
Suddenly he swallowed hard and composed himself at the sight of Mrs. Couret. He looked at her nervously and placed both his hands in his pockets.
Mrs. Couret was in shock at first, but acted quickly, taking of her jacket and putting it around Magnan. She ordered [Name] and Sabiani to look over the class, but they knew that with both of them combined they couldn't control Descamps and his dumb crew. Moments later, they exited the classroom, headed to the nurses office.
If that wasn't enough, Descamps even drew on the chalkboard, being a picture of who she assumed was Magnan, her chest area being the most prominent. [Name] was about to go off again, but Sabiani grabbed her wrist instead, shaking her head at her to tell her to stop. After a bit of contemplating she backed down. Before she could even sigh in disappointment, a senior barged inside the classroom.
He pushed a guy from his way and swing at one of the guys that indulged in the "prank". Sabiani yelled at them to stop but it escalated even worse. Descamps went to defend him, and this lead to him being hit. In the eye area. Next thing she knew, he was kneeled to the ground. Everything had happened so fast, [Name] was frozen in place.
Without thinking she fell next to him, trying to get a look at his injury. It was pretty hard to do so, as he pressed onto his left eye, his back slouching more and more as he couldn't contain his pain anymore. His groans made him so he couldn't hear the girl from beside him, but the warm touch on his shaking body comforted him even for a bit.
[Name] felt herself suddenly being pushed back, and she calmed herself when she realized it was the Dean.
"Let me see," he said, crouching to Descamps' level.
"My eye...! I can't see..."
"Don't touch it okay? Can you stand up?" when he nodded, he helped him get up. He then ordered Pichon to get the nurse, but she was already there.
"He's got some glass in his eye," Mr. Belanger said softly at his wife, as she placed a hand on his back and led him outside, mentioning something about taking him to the hospital.
"Get back to your class!" he yelled at the students that were watching from outside the door. "Dupin, take your seat. Jean-Pierre, my office. You two, put the chairs back. You wipe that off. And you, clean that now!" he looked at the rest of the class, his piercing look sending shivers down [Name]'s spine. "Everyone else, take your seats!" he ordered and the tone of his voice made everyone do so without question. "Quietly!"
He sighed, "I'll leave you to it, Miss Couret," he said, giving a last look to the teacher that had just arrived before storming off.
The rest of the day seemed to pass way slower that before.
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Trouble: cbf!soap x reader
Johnny always got into trouble, though mostly because he was doing the right thing but in a way that was less conventional.
You’d lost count of how many fights he had gotten into because someone was being picked on or someone had been acting so rude he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He always had a problem with speaking out against injustice whenever he saw it. He just couldn’t help but advocate against it.
He had more detentions on his record than anyone you knew but his high grades kept him from being suspended or expelled.
But besides his willingness to get into altercations when necessary, he also tended to get himself hurt often.
In the eighth grade he had a wonderful idea involving his bike.
“You have to wear a helmet!” You forced it onto his head.
“You’re worse than me mam.” He rolled his eyes but complied. “I don’t need the helmet because I’m not going to crash.”
You shook your head, eyeing the strange set up he had made.
A makeshift ramp to make it over a ditch that was pretty wide and steep. Johnny was your best friend but you had little faith that he would be able to jump across it without either hurting himself or breaking his bike.
You could only think about the million different ways this could end, and he could probably die.
“Johnny, I don’t know about this.”
“Don’t worry, bonnie. I’m an expert.”
Johnny was not an expert.
He ended up with a cast for the rest of the summer, which had put him in a bad mood. Once he got out of the ER, you were right by his side ready to remedy his grumpiness.
“Casts are cool.” You tried but he pouted.
“Cannae do anything with it on.” He grumbled as the two of you got into his mom’s car.
Once you were back home the two of you decided to stay away from any bikes and ramps.
“Can I sign it?”
“Obviously…did I look cool?”
You laughed as you signed his cast, oblivious to the slight blush on his features.
“Very cool.”
Junior year he made a promise.
It was a promise to himself, a wish that you’d always be by his side even when he was gone. He’d hold on to something of yours or maybe he’d send letters, something of you he could have when he was in basic training.
He was at the lake when it happened. It was just after you spoke to him about why he wanted to go and he felt…empty.
The damage of him forgetting you had sunk deep within you, and you basically told him that you expected to happen the moment he went away.
He didn’t want to believe that was true. He’d never forget you, in fact, he was sure you were the only thing that was going to keep him going when he left.
His mind had been too busy, too full of thoughts and he needed to clear them.
He was going to take a dip back in the water one last time before you both left. He dove back in but failed to notice a log and busted his chin against it.
“Jesus, you could’ve drowned.” You scolded him as you frantically grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding.
“I wasn’t gonna drown.” He dismissed you and held the towel firmly against the stinging wound.
Johnny watched the worry on your face and frowned before wincing when pain surged through his face.
He gave you a gentle squeeze on your waist to reassure you and you looked him the eyes.
For a split second he thought about kissing you. He thought about how if he kissed you hard enough you’d understand everything that was going on in his mind. You’d understand he wasn’t trying to push you away, he just needed to get out.
He needed to prove to himself he was worth something. He needed to prove to you he was worth something.
“You might need stitches.” Your words cut off his thoughts and he realized he had been leaning close to you.
“Give it a couple washes and I’ll be fine.” He shrugged and you rolled your eyes. “Get a new scar probably.”
“You and your scars.”
“Makes me look tough!”
“Yeah and this one will show you’ve got a thick skull.”
A/n: back to our regularly scheduled program of angst
Tags: @elysian0612 @cassiecasluciluce
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writing-in-the-impala · 3 months
Secret Smokes (Part 13)
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, smoking, drinking, teacher-student relationship, angst, jealousy, fluff, smut.
Word Count: 2698
A/N: This chapter is unofficially called PERCY STFU. Anyway, updates will happen every two weeks from now on as I'm about to start a new job and work such insane hours that my free time will be limited but don't worry there will be more updates and less Percy.
 | SERIES MASTER LIST (All chapters) |
Previous Chapter, Part 13, Next Chapter
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Remus was sitting at his desk in the classroom, marking papers as he waited for Percy to arrive. A part of him was glad that Percy wouldn't be speaking to Minerva, but he didn't want to encounter Percy either. He was ready to fight for you, lose his job for you, whatever it took, last night just further solidified it. He couldn't concentrate on the words in front of him he just kept thinking about the wolf, your patronus was a wolf just like his. Was it pure coincidence? Did it mean something? He had no idea but the biggest question was if it would be a wolf if you didn't know him? He was lost in his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Percy walked in, head down, the room felt tense immediately. "Percy please don't sit down for your detention you will be cleaning the bookshelf, I want you to dust each book, clean the shelves and sort them back by categories." It was weird to Remus to speak to Molly's son like this, worlds and lines were beginning to blur.
"Professor, how can you give me detention if-"
"I didn't. Professor McGonagall gave you the detention." Remus cut him off.
"Don't you think it's hypocritical of you to punish me when you're the one in the wrong?" He snapped back.
"Listen here boy, you need to understand your place, I am your professor-"
"And as such, should you not understand yours, before you invite students into your bedroom?"
"I do not appreciate these accusations Percy Ignatius Weasley." Lupin was beginning to raise his voice and shout at the boy.
"I saw her come back home in your sweater."
"And did it not come across your mind, that maybe, she fell asleep on the sofa as she had too much to drink and I gave her it so she's not cold travelling home in last night's clothes? Did that not cross your mind before you sent me a letter threatening me? You know that behaviour could get you expelled." Remus was now shouting.
"But she didn't come back to the dorm last night, and she looks at you the way I want her to look at me."
"Percy you've known me since you were a baby. I am a man of my honour. I have helped your parents many times in the past and I'm grateful for their acceptance of my condition, but I do not understand why you are making this narrative up in your head.  Especially in regards to me." Remus wasn't proud of his words but Percy was becoming too aggressive towards his current relationship with Y/N and he needed to stop him.
"I'm sorry professor, I didn't think about it, I just thought-"
"No you didn't think Percy."
"But she spends so much time here, she comes to your office every night."
"It concerns me that you are spying on my office door and on your fellow student. However, you are correct she has been coming to my office often because I am helping her pass her exams by trying to teach her seven years of missed lessons in a few months. I am trying to help her, I don't appreciate my goodwill being thrown back in my face by the son of my friends. Do you understand why I am so upset with you Percy?" Percy looked down at his feet, he knew he messed up.
"Professor I feel I may have misunderstood the situation." Percy began.
"Start with that shelf." Remus said as he left the room and went into his office. As soon as he closed the door he let out a long shaky breath. You were going to be the death of him. He knew you were worth it but the problem was your close proximity to the Weasleys, it meant that his personal, professional and love life were extremely intertwined.
He wished James and Lilly were still around, he would go to their house for a coffee tell them everything and they would laugh about how he was getting so wound up over a girl. James would tell him not to panic and Lilly would give him a warm hug before telling him she'd love to meet her. He'd organise a day where you met them and you would be nervous but he would know they would love you. He'd try to calm you down as you got ready but you would keep telling him your hair isn't right, or you should change while he would calm you down, eventually you'd show up to the Potters. After a few minutes you would get comfortable, you'd warm up to James first as you would get along with the same music taste, but you and Lilly would bond almost immediately after. Within a few months going around to the Potters, would be a weekly activity, Sirius would join too, Remus would feel comfortable leaving you alone with his friends while he went to help in the kitchen, you would feel like part of the Marauders family. He wished for all this, to experience it with you, to speak to his friends but he knew it would never happen. He enjoyed his relationship with you but he craved normality, to hold your hand, to visit friends, to kiss you goodbye. If only he could take you out to dinner, or on a date he would be a happy man. However on the other hand he couldn't offer you much, he wasn't a rich man, he was burdened by his condition for at least a week each month and he felt like he was getting old.
He checked his watch at an hour had passed so he let Percy go. When Percy walked into the common room he didn't even glance in your direction, he walked straight past you and straight upstairs. You didn't hear from Percy for a few days, Remus explained to you what he told Percy and you let him in on you're conversation with McGonagall. Things seemed good, until the next time you spoke to Percy.
You were relaxing in the common room with Fred and George when Percy asked to speak with you. "What's up?" You said as you moved to a more private part of the common room.
"I wanted to apologies for the other day." He began and you nodded. "I was under the impression you and Lupin were hooking up but Lupin explained everything, he told me how you and him are no different to the other students he tutors, it was me who read into it too much."
"It's okay Percy." You said.
"I'm still not comfortable knowing you two have probably fucked but I understand that's normal for him and his tutoring, and it gets results I mean even you have begun to study it all makes sense." He said with a straight face.
"I didn't sleep with him." You said firmly it felt like he was apologising just to get you to admit you have slept with Remus.
"So it's just the Slytherin girl he's sleeping with?" Percy asked.
"What Slytherin girl?" You asked a bit too quickly.
"You know the pretty one, dark hair, super tall, she could almost be a model, I saw them kissing as she entered his office for her tutoring today." He explained and you felt frozen. "Anyway I just wanted to say sorry that's all, I hope we can still be friends." You nodded in confirmation before ending the conversation and going back to sit with Fred and George. You didn't say a word for a while before you excused yourself and left the common room. Your mind wasn't thinking straight you just needed to know if Percy was telling the truth, a part of you knew he may just be trying to upset you but what if he wasn't? Percy didn't usually lie.
You got to Remus's classroom almost immediately, you could barely remember the walk over, you knocked on the door and there was no answer so you opened the door for yourself. The room was empty, you felt relief, and that's when his office door opened. McGonagall and Dumbledore walked out the room followed by Lupin. "Miss L/N, lovely to see you to what do we owe the pleasure?" McGonagall asked as she noticed you, Lupin's face had a puzzled and concerned look.
"Sorry I knocked, but there was no answer I just had a question for Professor Lupin regarding an essay he set." You explained. "But I can come back later."
"Nonsense, I'm sure he can help you." McGonagall said looking over and Remus who was at the bottom of the stairs along with other teachers.
"Yes, how can I help you?" He said clearing his throat.
"I was just stuck on which book I should use for the analysis of Hinkypunk, as I can't find anything useful on the reading list." You explained and he nodded.
"I have one in my office that will be useful follow me." And so you did walking into his office which had a silencing spell on it so you knew you could speak freely. "Why are you here Y/N? I told you I'm busy today." He said looking a bit annoyed.
"Percy said that he saw you kissing a Slytherin girl who was coming into your office for tutoring and it got to my head." You explained looking down at your feet in disappointment.
"so you decided to execute a raid?" His tone was harsh.
"You're angry."
"I'm not angry I'm just disappointed." You looked up at him, he was looking straight at you while he leaned on his desk.
"Disappointed? Oh no that's worse than angry."
"I'm just disappointed I can't stay with you here and take you to my room this instance." He said coming to kiss you. Your heart melted at his words. He understood you. "Just next time my dear, please don't let Percy's words get to your head. You know how I feel about you. Do you really think I would risk it all for someone less special than you?" He asked and you shook your head.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay dear, now take this book." He picked a book off his desk. "I'll see you later today?" He added and you nodded. You left his office first, thanking him and saying goodbye to the other teachers.
Later in the afternoon you returned to Remus's office after checking the Marauders map to see he's alone. You considered yourself an idiot for not checking it originally when Percy lead you into what you believed was a trap, he must've known that Remus was with fellow teachers so he wanted you to storm in there, and in your haze of jealousy and distrust you did just that. When you arrived to his office it smelt like hot chocolate and tea, you were greeted by the usual warmth of Remus. He gave you a soft kiss as soon as you entered his office and gave you a cup of hot chocolate as you both cuddled on the couch, his arm around you as you sat with your legs up snuggled into his side. "I'm sorry about earlier." You said and he looked down at you with a warm forgiving smile. "Don't be darling."
"I should've been smarter, I just let emotions take control."
"I'm glad you care about me so much as to storm down here at a mere rumour. Makes me feel special, but please know I would never do something like that, we may not know what we are but please know I'm committed to you." His words were filled with genuine love.
"I didn't think you'd really do something like that but the way Percy said it, it all went to my head." You began as you sat up.
"I understand."
"Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded in response. "I have this map, I found it with Fred and George, it shows where everyone is at any time." You pulled the Marauders map out of your pocket. "I realised I should've just used it to check, but my brain turned to fog as I rushed down here." He had a small cheeky smile on the edge of his lips that you didn't fully understand.
"Have you ever used it to see where I am?"
"Honestly? Yes. Especially when you've ignored me, I used to check it to see if you're at the bridge or not. Remember that time when you were ignoring me, before Sebastian and I became close, well at first I went to the bridge to wait for you but then I realised I could just check where you are on the map and if you were at the bridge I'd know to go." You admitted and he was almost at the verge of laughing. "Why are you smiling?"
"Many reason my dear. Many reasons." He kissed the top of your head and took the map into his hands.
"Care to share?"
"Well, firstly have you ever questioned the original owners?"
"What the Marauders?" You said before it hit you what you had just set, suddenly in your mind you were sitting on the steps of 12 Grimmauld Place again and Remus was telling you about his Hogwarts days. "The Marauders." You repeated looking at the map that was now in Remus's hands. "Padfoot."
"Sirius." Remus replied.
"Peter." Remus said through his teeth a bit at the painful memory of Peter's actions later in life.
"James." Remus's tone was sad this time.
"And you, my moony." You said and he nodded. "You've been part of my life for a lot longer than I've known Moony." You said with a feeling of warmth and odd excitement.
"It's funny how the world works, love." He kissed the top of your head again as he stood up to take something out of his office drawer.
"I owe you so much, so many pranks." You continued and he laughed.
"That's the biggest compliment me and the boys could ever receive, we always hoped it would fall into the hands of someone like you and the twins." He had some parchment in his hands as he sat back down.
"I can't believe I didn't realise this all before." You were shocked at your own stupidity.
"Well here's another interesting thing. This here is my own version of the Maruders Map, I guess it's just the Moony map as I made it alone when I came to teach here." He opened the parchment to reveal a more upgraded version of the map, it had more information it was colour coded and it was less used. "Now remember the times I wasn't going to the bridge? Well that's because I saw you weren't going, I didn't want to stand there alone like an idiot when I knew you were in your common room. So I stayed and each night I was disappointed you didn't go but I understood it was for the best."
"So we were both-"
"Checking the maps and waiting for the other, yes." He said and you both burst out laughing.
"I blame you." You said laughing. "They're your maps."
"I can't even fight that, oh if I could only tell James, he would love this. Sirius will rip me apart for this one." Remus said with a slight nostalgic voice as he hugged you a bit tighter. You could feel he felt both happy and lonely in those very moment. 
"You're not that stand up citizen you pretend to be in class." You said with a small laugh.
"I thought we established that the first time I laid my eyes on you." He licked his lips.
"I can't believe I've been using your map Moony."
"I can't believe we were both using maps to spy on each other at the same."
"Remus we're both such idiots." You said and he leaned in to kiss you. "The biggest." He said right before he leaned in and kissed you slowly, as he pulled away he bit your lip.
"I remember I promised you a tour of my sleeping quarters?" He stood up reaching an arm out to you, the moment you took it he managed to pick you up and scoop you up into his arms. He carried you through the door that lead to his private quarters.
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NEXT CHAPTER | More stuff I wrote
A/N: Yes Inspector Calls is a nod to David Thewlis being in the BBC adaptation of the play
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
These are the only three flaws I will concede, when it comes to the Jedi during the Prequels.
“They got lax/complacent.”
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Yeah*. If you listen to the director’s commentary, George Lucas states the scene in AOTC with Jocasta Nu is there to indicate how unprepared the Jedi were before the Sith’s plan. They thought they were secure and ready but they were not and it turns out humble restaurant owners like Dex know things they don't.
*HOWEVER: Who wouldn’t be complacent, in times of peace?
The Sith were thought to be extinct and Dooku was once a Jedi, a revered one at that. Nobody could have suspected he’d betray the Order that raised him and loved him.
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Nobody could've suspected that he'd abuse of their trust and delete a system from the Archives using the credentials of his best friend who he'd had assassinated. That's a verrrry specific scenario, and expecting them to be prepared for that is unreasonable.
"They should've sensed something!" Well, by this point in time, everything surrounding the Jedi was tainted by the Dark Side, which clouded everything. So on the one hand, this situation granted Sidious the gift of foresight and allowed them to always be one step ahead, and on the other, it caused the Jedi to be stuck trekking ahead in a fog, unsure of what the next move would be.
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“They were politically-inept.”
Yes**. That’s how the Sith ran circles around the Jedi. They figured “there’s only two of us, if we march into the Temple we’ll get slaughtered, but wait, the Jedi serve the Senate and the Senate is run by politicians… what if we become the politicians? Then we can destroy the Jedi and the principles from the inside!”
**HOWEVER: The Jedi were politically-inept by choice.
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After all, their function isn’t setting policy but carrying it out. They’re not politicians, they’re diplomats and as such they're not allowed to get involved in the political process.
But if they were... they still wouldn't. Because power corrupts, and if you let the space monks (who already have magical powers) have political power too, then that will lead to a very dark place.
The Jedi knew that if they tried to play politics, they’ll lose because they have neither the ruthlessness nor the status to do it well, so they make it a point of never going anywhere near it.
Unfortunately, that leaves them open to situations where the Senate or Palpatine corner them into doing something they really don’t wanna do.
It's how they were forced to expel Ahsoka, how they lost the favor of the citizens and it's how Dooku, then the Emperor, framed them as power-hungry sorcerers with his propaganda.
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“The war made them hypocrites.”
Sure***. The Jedi were meant to be diplomats, not soldiers. By waging war instead of keeping the peace, they’ve compromised on their values.
***HOWEVER: The Jedi know this and they’re not happy about it at all.
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Firstly, because they were forced into this situation by the Senate and Palpatine, who drafted them into service.
Secondly, because they know they’re essentially moving ahead blindly and playing right into the Sith Lord’s hand by fighting this war he orchestrated.
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But finally, it’s that they know that not joining would’ve been worse. Sticking by their principles would’ve resulted in the enslavement and genocide of many populations. Sometimes, the spirit of the rules must be prioritized over the letter. Either do nothing and be true to your principles, or go against them but save lives.
It’s a bad choice to make, but not as bad as not making one.
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It's a bad choice, but it's motivated by a desire to do some good and it did. They saved countless lives (sometimes at the cost of their own) and inspired countless more to form the Rebellion, later on.
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So... three flaws.
But they all come with asterisks. There’s a reasonable (sometimes, even admirable) justification for each of them.
I’m pointing these out because a lot of people seem to conflate “the Jedi were flawed” with “the Jedi were at fault” when talking about their own demise. And the answer to that is:
The Jedi were not at fault. Everybody else was.
The Senate was at fault for growing corrupt and self-serving.
Big Corp for their never ending greed.
The Separatists for being so blind and naive as to think Big Corp would tooootally value their principles and absolutely not commit war crimes every chance they get.
The Sith for being the mass-murdering egotistical assholes who started this whole mess.
And the citizens of the galaxy for not taking up arms in the face of blatant injustice.
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Sometimes bad people win.
That doesn't always mean the good guys are at fault. Sometimes, the bad guys are just… better at the game. Mostly because they see it as a game, and the good guys don't.
Luckily, 20 years later, most of the above faults were rectified by the Rebellion, which was led by the best of the Senate, and composed of Separatist remnants and brave citizens of the galaxy.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Aegon Targaryen*Promise
Pairing: Modern Aegon x reader
TW: Alcoholism, addiction, mentions of abuse but not explicit
Summary: After being expelled and disowned for his drinking problems Aegon and the reader cross paths again as Aegon starts his path to sobriety
Sad vibes dudes but wholesome end
Word count: 3472
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Masterlist Here
Aegon Targaryen’s reputation had not exactly been kind to him. Over the years he had made many high mistakes and drunk decisions causing him to be known around town as an alcoholic man whore. In school he had always shown up either high or drunk or both or on the rare occasion he was sober he was hung over with his head on a desk. His name could only keep him there for so long before one day enough was enough and Aegon was expelled from the Kingslanding University. 
You remember the day everyone found out and how the rumours flew. His family had down their best to keep the damage to a minimum, but students talk. Some said he had shown up to class drunk and tried to fight the teacher. Others were convinced he had been found fucking a teacher in the library. Someone even though he broke into the heads office and stole all his books. It was all getting a bit too extreme as you watched the other Targaryen’s sink into themselves out and pretend, he had never existed. 
You had known Aegon when you first arrived at the school but not very well or for very long. But he had been so kind to you that you were shocked how he turned out. 
You had met him outside the guidance office on your first day of university. He was already sat outside waiting for his appointment when you approached. When he saw you coming, he quickly took his bag off the other chair and gave you what after became a rare smile. "I'm Aegon" were his first words to you as if you couldn't guess from the white hair and lilac eyes.
You told him your name as you sat down and within seconds you had dove into a proper conversation with a stranger. You were almost sad when the guidance counsellor poked his head out and called Aegon inside.
It was one of the few conversations you had with him, but he had been sober, freshly showered, and genuinely interested in hearing your voice. You ran into him occasionally when you went to the guidance office, but you soon realised, he showed up at the same time every week and grew curious. One time when he was leaving, he admitted to you that he was going to therapy but asked you not to tell anyone. His family hadn't known about the appointments, and you could tell from his watery eyes that there was a good reason for it. You'd tried to comfort him, but he shook it off, telling you it was fine. 
However, as he started to drink more, and his reputation grew his appointments began less regular and eventually you only ever saw him in the corridors. You honestly thought you may never see him again when he got expelled. You had grown close with his brother Aemond but even he refused to talk about his elder brother saying he could be dead for all he knew. 
You might have believed him if Aegon had not just walked into your cafe. During the summer you worked in a cafe for the extra cash and suddenly you were faced with a hollow version of Aegon. He was skinner than before, his face appeared grey and even his white hair had dulled. He was wearing a hoodie that had clearly been worn to almost death and was covered in stains and tears. His jeans were just as bad. When he came closer to the register you did your best to ignore the smell coming off of him as your eyes watered. 
He barely even looked up as he dumped out a pile of change on the counter and began to sort it. "What can I get for uh $2.30?" he asked, finally looking up. His lilac eyes hadn't dulled but you could see that they recognised you as his grey cheeks became red at the sight of you. 
"Aegon?" you asked but you already knew who he was. 
"I'm sorry I didn't know you worked here, or I would've gone across the street. I'm just really hungry," he said as his eyes welled up with tears. He had clearly been hungry for a while, and you assumed thirsty by his chapped lips. 
In all honesty all he could really afford was some soup but that clearly wouldn't be enough. Not wanting to embarrass him further you smiled and began to scoop his changeup "Why don't you take a seat and I'll bring you over some of my favourites?" 
He nodded and kept glancing back at you as he started to shuffle away. He didn't say anything, but you knew he saw you dump the change into your tip jar, not even opening the registrar before grabbing a tray and grabbing his food. Your co-worker had come in at this point to take over from you, but you wanted to finish his order. 
You walked over to the boy who was now sat picking at the skin around his already bloody thumbs. You did your best to put on a smile as he looked up at you and he gave a weak one in return. "I just finished my shift. Do you mind if I sit with you? Or I can leave it here if you want?" 
His smile became realer when you said that, and he nodded profusely. You placed the tray on the table and took your place. "You have to try the soup" you said as you sorted the food out "and I couldn't pick one sandwich, so I picked the best ones. Some crisps as well of course and I figured water was best, but you look like a soda guy, so I grabbed some coke as well," 
He hesitantly began to eye up the array in front of him "this is a lot of food for a handful of change,” he said, and you smiled. 
"Don't worry about it. Dig in," you said as you picked up your own sandwich, so he didn't feel out of place.
He was quiet at first, the only noise between you both being him devouring his first sandwich. He began to gulp down his coke can after and you stopped him," If you rush, you'll make yourself sick," 
Aegon nodded and gave you a smile as he began to sip his drink instead. You felt the growing need to know what had happened to turn him into this shell. You cleared your throat and attempted to ask. 
He was reluctant at first but soon the truth came spilling out. He had been expelled for coming to a meeting with the principal and his parents drunk but he had insisted no one had told him about the meeting before showing up at his form to drag him there. His parents kicked him out of the house for it all and he had nowhere to go. He had crashed at his sister Rhaenyra’s house to begin with but with her new young children in the house she hadn't felt comfortable with him always being there. She had tried but the situation just wasn’t what was right for her family. You couldn't blame her though. He admitted he had been an alcoholic in school, and he was thankful he hadn't become addicted to worse though he admitted to trying out drugs. They had made his mind too active though and it was a numbness he had craved. He told you briefly about his parents and why he felt the need to detach from it all in school and you could only assume this was the cause for his therapy when you first met him. He was open and honest at every turn with nothing left to lose from telling you. 
"But I'm sober now," he said as he reached into his pocket looking for something and eventually pulled out a chip, "60 days," he said with a childlike smile on his face, "I never thought I'd even get to 30,"
You took his hand and squeezed it, "I'm so proud of you Aegon," you knew it was a kind thing to say but his eyes began to well up and he was on the verge of crying "what did I do? I'm sorry Aegon how can I-" you started but he cut you off. 
"Thank you," he checked out. "Everyone else. They've gave up on me. I don't blame them, but you've been so kind to me. I can't repay you for the food, but I'll do my best," 
"You can repay me by staying sober. I'm here for you. I promise. I'm far too stubborn to give up on you anyway," you said and this time he laughed. 
He wouldn't tell you where he was staying but you figured from his appearance, he was homeless or at the best couch hopping. You gave him all the tips you had made that day and while he tried to refuse, he accepted them eventually. You told him your shift schedule and every day you worked he would come in after his alcoholic anonymous meetings. He would wait for you to finish work and you would sit and chat over some sandwiches and soup which you never let him pay for. On days you weren't working all you could do was worried about him. 
Once you had been doing this for a couple weeks, he began to walk you home from work and eventually he began coming in for a shower and dinner. You managed to thrift him some new clothes and he finally looked more like his normal self. His skin wasn't grey and his cheeks less hollow. He actually smiled these days. 
Then it came time for you to go back to school. It was your last day in the cafe, and you asked Aegon to take a seat and wait for you when he came in. He seemed confused since he had been doing this for weeks but didn't question you. When you walked over your manager joined you both and sat down. "As you know I'm sure (Y/N) is going back to school next week," your manager started and Aegon nodded confused, "this is gonna leave us a man down at the cafe. So, I was wondering since you're here more than I am," he chuckled and you smiled knowing what he was already gonna ask, "How would you like to come work for me?" 
"Are you serious?" Aegon asked and your manager nodded causing Aegon to stand up and start profusely shaking his hand, "I won't let you down sir I promise. I'll work harder than anyone ever has I promise," 
"It's alright son I believe you. The pays shit and the customers aren't all as nice as you but it's something,” but that didn't matter to Aegon who was true to his word.
Now it was you every day coming to his work to visit him. He kept his meetings going and eventually made enough to move into his own flat. Well, his own room in a flat but his roommates were nice enough and finally he had his life back. Finally, he was Aegon again. 
The day he moved in you came over to celebrate and that's when he kissed you. His lips were far softer than they looked when he first came into your cafe and the kiss left your head feeling dizzy. 
You hadn’t realised you were drifting from your university friends until Aemond had pointed it out. Aegon had almost begged you not to tell his brother about your relationship, knowing he would not be happy to hear from him again, and despite arguing at first you agreed. All your friends knew you had a boyfriend but now Aemond was determined to find out who it was.
“I just don’t get it you’re always busy with this guy and I’ve never even met him,” Aemond protested as you were sat in your dorm, trying to study with your little free time.
“You have met him,” you muttered as you copied down more notes.
“Okay so who is he?”
“Secret,” you said causing Aemond to huff and steal his notes back, “Hey!”
“No more help till you tell me who he is. You’re my best friend I deserve to know who keeps stealing you,” Aemond said, and you sighed.
You had been dating Aegon for around 4 months now and it was tiring not being able to talk about him because he was always on your mind. You knew he would be mad, but Aemond didn’t even know where he lived or his number to confront him, “You can’t be mad,” you started but it only made Aemond’s face contort into confusion, “Its Aegon,”
Aemond was silent for a moment. Like the calm before the storm. Then he opened his mouth, “Please tell me you’re fucking lying?”
“And if I wasn’t?” you asked, not able to meet his eye.
“Are you- Am I- “Aemond stuttered out, “Are you fucking stupid? You are, aren’t you? Is that twat even alive?”
“That twat,” you started with venom dripping off your voice, “Is my boyfriend. And he’s changed. He’s sobered now,”
“Impossible,” Aemond snapped, “that bastard couldn’t be sober for a million bucks,”
“Well, he is,” you snapped right back, “he gets his 6-month chip tomorrow. He goes to meetings all the time. He hasn’t touched drugs since he got expelled and he’s not drank the whole time we’ve been together. He’s got his shit together. He’s trying Aemond,”
“He always tries,” Aemond said, his anger mixed with sadness, “but it never lasts. Do you know how much money my parents spent on rehabs and treatments?”
“Aemond his story isn’t mine to tell but he has changed. I promise. He’s got a job now and his own place,” you said which caused Aemond’s head to snap up. Before he could even ask you stopped him, “That he pays for himself. He’s never accepted money from me. He’s trying Aemond he’s tried really hard, and he has changed,”
Silence fell over the room. You knew while Aegon had been through a lot so had Aemond and his sisters. Aemond sighed. “So, he’s sobered now?” he asked, and you nodded. Aemond cleared his throat. “Then I want to meet him. I need to see him. Can you ask him?”
you had agreed to at least ask Aegon for Aemond but the whole time you were at his apartment you were worried to bring it up. While cuddled up in his bed he paused the movie you had been watching together, “What’s up love? You’ve been acting funny since you got here,” Aegon said and you sighed, “is it something I did?” he asked with puppy eyes, and you realised there was no escaping.
“It’s what I did. I was talking to Aemond today and well basically. He knows,” you said and Aegon’s eyes that had previously were looking at yours turned to focus on the wall, “He kept asking about who I was seeing and I just. I didn’t know what to say. Im sorry,”
“Its okay,” Aegon said but he was now as stiff as a door. “What did he say?”
“He wants to see you,” you said and at that Aegon laughed. “He was being serious.  He wants to know how you are,”
“He wants to see if you lied to him. He wants to see if im sober,”
You sighed but took his hand into yours, “Aegon please. He’s your brother. He misses you,”
The room fell to silence as Aegon stewed it over in his head. “Just him. No one else,”
“Just him,”
The setting up process went easier than you expected but now you were walking Aemond to the café that Aegon was working in. Aegon had finished slightly early and was sitting at a table waiting for you as you walked in together. he hadn’t wanted to meet at the flat encase Aemond had brought their parents along and you couldn’t blame him for worrying.
Aemond froze when you opened the door. You waited for a moment before giving him a nudge. Aegon had looked up at this point and the brothers stared at each other motionlessly. Aemond eventually broke his silence by clearing his throat, “You promise he’s sober?” he asked, and you nodded which made Aemond let out a deep breath.
Finally, you three were sat at a table but the silence continued. ��Would anyone like a drink or anything?” you asked but both boys shook their heads. “So…” you said, trailing off into uncomfortable silence.
“How long have you been,” Aemond started to speak but Aegon cut him off by placing down his latest chip on the table.
Aemond looked at it and finally Aegon spoke, “It turned 6 months last week,” Aemond nodded as he picked up the chip, turning it over in his hand, “It’s not fake,”
“I never said it was,” Aemond snapped before sighing and placing the chip down. “Im not here to attack you,”
“Why are you here?”
“Because I fucking missed you,” Aemond said and you could see the tears welling in his eyes, “You’re my brother man. I didn’t want to lose you, but I didn’t want to see you kill yourself day after day,”
Silence fell upon you all again as Aegon hung his head in shame, “You have no idea how much I regret what I’ve done,” Aegon started, his voice scratched as he tried not to follow his brothers’ watery eyes, “But I promise that I do. I regret every drink. Every shot. Every word I said. I regret it all,”
You sat with the brothers to begin with but moved to go behind the counter after 10 minutes to give them more privacy. Your ex-manager of course didn’t mind and was happy to see the brothers talking. Him and Aegon had grown close over the time he had worked there and Aegon never broke his promise. He worked harder than anyone you knew.
Eventually he brought Aemond over to his apartment which was a large step down from their family home, but Aemond tried his best not to show it on his face. It wasn’t long after that that Heleana began to visit Aegon who was now 8 months sober. She was reluctant to begin with, but the sibling trio did their best to rebuild their trust.
Over time Aegon didn’t have to go to as many meetings but made sure to go at least once every other week and whenever he was struggling you were right by his side to make sure he went to them.
When Aegon was 11 months sober he received a letter from his mother. Aemond had delivered it to him, promising that he had not given her his address. Aegon stayed in his room for almost a full day after he read it. when he eventually came out, he told you what it had said.
She was apologising for everything that had happened, explaining why she had become the way she had. Alicent explained how she took the abuse she had faced from her father and husband and took it out on her children. The day Aegon had left their home she had her own private breakdown and had to be admitted for a week. She apologised over and over again in her letter, promising to do better, saying she understood if he never wanted to see her again. A week went by before Aegon sent a letter back saying he wouldn’t see her till she had left his father.
Aegon was 11 months sober when Alicent left his father. She sent him a copy of the divorce letter she had served him and another letter praying for his forgiveness. He never replied to this. However, when Aegon got his final chip at 12 months sober he decided to have a small dinner party to celebrate in his flat. He invited his mother to that.
For the first time in nearly 2 years Alicent hugged her son. There were so many tears, so many smiles, so many promises made. She hugged you, thanking you for being there for him and helping him along. You told her it was Aegon. Aegon had done it all.
he kept counting the months even after his last chip. It helped his mind stay clear. He was 15 months sober when you moved in together after you graduated university. he was 19 months sober when he had saved up enough money to start his own café. And he was 24 months sober when he proposed. And in all the months and all the years he stayed sober he never broke a single promise he made again.
A/N: If word corrects Aemond to Almond one more time imma give up and rename him
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
parts one two
Lance is feeling remarkably better at dinner. Coran wasn’t sure about the plan, at first, but Lance was very convincing, so he relented. It helped that Coran also is not fond of needless animal murder, which is why he’s Lance’s favourite.
(Well, currently. Usually everyone is tied for his favourite, but no one else had his back today at the meeting, so they’re all currently tied for second-favourite. But they’ll have a chance to redeem themselves after this mission is over.)
He and Coran are the last to arrive to dinner, predictably, so Lance doesn’t waste a second.
“I am now on your side,” he announces as soon as he walks through the door. “You’re all correct, we should get this alliance at all cost, and murder the beast in cold blood. I am completely on board with your plan and happy with all the innocent blood about to be on my hands.”
The team, also predictably, stare at him in shocked silence. Lance sits primly in his chair, accidentally-on-purpose elbowing Mullet in the head, and immediately shoves food goo in his mouth so no one can ask any follow-up questions.
Also predictably, that does not work.
“…There were a lot of contradicting words in that announcement,” Mullet says. (Lance is currently very mad at him and as such he has been demoted from fond nicknames and even his regular name so he will be Mullet until Lance wants to bite him — angrily, angrily, not the way he usually wants to bite him — less.)
“Ooooh, SAT word,” Lance responds, just to be a jackass.
(It works. Keith reaches over to attempt to flick him, but unluckily for him Lance is very used to that reaction to his particular brand of annoying, and so Mullet falls off his chair due to Lance kicking it out from under him before his flick lands).
“So,” Lance says, as Mullet curses at him from the floor, “does anyone else have any comments or concerns?”
There is a very heavy, loaded silence, before Shiro, Allura, and Hunk sigh in tandem.
“Yeah, you’re not going to be leaving my sight,” Hunk says.
“Agreed,” Shiro mutters, head in his hands. “Sorry, buddy, but at the moment I can’t trust you not to go rogue. I was going to let you stay on the castle with Coran, but I no longer think that’s viable. You’ll have to stay with me for the mission.”
“That’s fine,” Lance says, working very hard to shove the smugness out of his voice. He thinks he does a pretty decent job. “You’re all dead to me anyways, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Christ,” Pidge mumbles into her goo.
Allura pinches the bridge of her nose. Lance hears her muttering ‘I signed up for this’ over and over under her breath.
The rest of the meal passes in tense silence. When Lance finishes, he stands up abruptly, tucking his chair back in with enough force that he might as well have thrown it, and washes his dishes with such vigour that he actually has to slow down so they don’t break. He then stalks to the door, pauses, and faces the team (except Coran, who is visibly fighting back a smile and avoiding eye contact — hehe, Lance knew he’d get him fully on board eventually).
“I am going to go to bed, for my final night as a man with a soul,” he says. “I’m sure the rest of you soulless individuals will have no problem going right to sleep tonight, but I will be tossing and turning for the whole time, as I ponder how many of my moral codes I will be breaking tomorrow, so I’m going to get an early start so I can squeeze out as much rest as possible. Have a wonderful rest of your evening.”
He walks calmly out of the room until he’s out of eyesight, then sprints full speed to Coran’s room, resisting the heavy urge to jump on the man’s bed to expel some nervous energy. Instead, he meticulously reorganizes the advisor’s bookshelf. (He gets pretty into it, honestly. Coran has a veritable rainbow of colours decorating the covers of his collection, and Lance loves to go ham with the colour coding. That’s the best part of the ‘tism, he reckons.)
“I had those ordered in a specific way, you know.”
Lance practically jumps to his feet at the teasing remark, turning to face Coran so fast he makes himself a little dizzy.
“Did it work?! Are they suspicious?! Are they ready to velcro me to one of them so I can’t run off?!”
“It did work, you evil mastermind. They’re all convinced you need to be under constant surveillance. They’ve even created shifts so you’re always being watched.”
Lance cheers.
See, his plan is really quite simple. No matter what he says or does, the team is never going to fully trust him with this mission. And understandably so — Lance has made his position quite clear. It would be foolish of them to think that Lance wouldn’t try anything. No matter what, they’re going to be wary of what Lance is doing.
But Lance was counting on that, you see.
He fully expected to be under watch. He also knew that they expected him to fight them, tooth and nail, the whole way. But if he subverted their expectations, just a little — if he said he was on board with the plan while making it very clear that he had no intention of following anyone’s orders — well, now they’re paranoid.
And if there’s one thing paranoia does, it’s make you sloppy.
Tomorrow, they’ll be so focused on watching Lance, so focused on thwarting whatever potential mutiny that they think he has cooked up, that they’ll be forgiving if Lance’s mannerisms are a bit… off. They’ll expect it, even. And they’ll spend so much energy on watching Lance and planning for his acting out that they won’t notice if Coran, up in the castle, isn’t sending a constant barrage of cheery check-ins on the comms.
And, most importantly, they will not be investigating the beast very closely at all.
The actual plan is very simple, with all that information in mind. All Lance has to do tonight is record and set up some of Coran’s regular check-ins to sound off during the day. Then Coran is going to exercise his shapeshifting ability — he’s going to turn into Lance for the day, as shifty and suspicious as possible.
And Lance? Lance is going to sneak out the castle after everyone’s already gone, find the beast before they do, and solve the problem his own damn self.
After all, that’s what the stupid dignitary wanted.
If you wish to sign an alliance, the paladin must handle the problem himself, the dignitary had said. Lance smirks to himself.
That’s not a problem.
Not a problem at all.
part four
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coraniaid · 1 year
Absolutely hate the received wisdom that Buffy Summers is not "book smart" or that she doesn’t care about doing well in high school.  How little attention are you paying to the show if that’s your take on the character?
When she first arrives in Sunnydale, one of the first things Buffy does is make friends with Willow Rosenberg, explicitly because she wants to hang out with somebody smart and get caught up with the classes she’s already behind on.
After seeing her permanent record in her sophomore year, one of Buffy’s teachers (Teacher’s Pet’s Dr. Gregory) tells her that she has “a first rate mind” and that he “know[s] you can excel in this class”.
Buffy had a favorite teacher (Homecoming’s Ms. Moran) whose class she says “changed her life” and whose failure to remember her the next year obviously upsets her a lot.
When she gets the ability to read minds in Earshot, one of the very first things she thinks to use it for is showing off in class to impress her teachers. 
After Buffy comes back to Sunnydale for her final year of high school, one of the terms Principal Snyder insists she meets to be accepted back is a “glowing letter of recommendation from any member of our faculty who is not an English librarian”.  Since she doesn’t get kicked out again, we can presume she got one (even if not from Ms. Moran or the late Dr. Gregory).
In Lovers Walk we find out that Buffy got a 1430 in the SATs. That’s a score which means Buffy probably outperformed at least 95% of people who took the test in 1998 (when the average for college-bound seniors was 1017).
In Choices, Buffy gets accepted into Northwestern, and is clearly heartbroken that she isn’t able to go.
Buffy Summers spends practically all her free time in school hanging out in the library.
Yes, Buffy often struggles in school.  She’s often absent, and doesn’t always have the time to do the homework.  And when she is in class, she’s often late or too tired to concentrate. 
But the reason for this isn’t that Buffy “isn’t smart”, it’s because – spoiler warning, I guess, for those of you that obviously managed to miss it - she’s a vampire slayer.  She effectively has a whole full-time job, a whole secret life that means she doesn’t have time to do homework or prepare for tests; something that keeps her awake all night so she can’t focus on her schoolwork the next day.  When she comes out as a Slayer to her Mom, in Becoming, one of the things she tells her she wishes she were doing rather than having to save the world is explicitly “studying”. 
And she does all the stuff above anyway.  How do you think she’s managing that if she’s not really smart?
Yes, Buffy isn’t quite as academically talented as Willow.  Yes, she often makes self-deprecating jokes about how poorly she’s doing at school (telling her Mom before parents’ night in School Hard that her teachers will be impressed that she always brings a pen to class “ready to absorb the knowledge”; worriedly asking Giles before an English makeup exam in Faith, Hope & Trick whether they “give you credit just for speaking it”).  
But these pretty obviously are jokes.  Buffy’s problem in School Hard is with Principal Snyder, who’s threatening to expel her because he blames her for “starting fights” and is worried she’s going to burn down a building, not with any of her actual teachers.  Not with her academic results.  Buffy passes the English test she was worried about, in fact she passes all her required makeup tests.  She does this even without Willow’s help. 
The only time we see Buffy actually completely fail a test is in Nightmares, which ... isn't anymore real than the conversation she has with her father later that episode. It's one of her nightmares being brought to life; because Buffy does care about doing well in school and is afraid that she won't.
Yes, Buffy finds some classes boring – but so does Willow.  Many high school classes are boring, no matter how smart you are.  Yes, Buffy struggles with some subjects (like French) more than others.  (It’s probably not a coincidence that learning a foreign language takes much more time and practice than many other subjects.)  But nothing in the text of the show suggests that Buffy is not smart and motivated, or that she wouldn’t be doing really well in high school were it nor for the fact she’s a Slayer.
Quite the opposite, in fact.  The show repeatedly tells us that Cordelia Chase is who Buffy was in her old school in LA.  Cordelia’s popular, she’s on the cheerleading team, her parents take her on expensive holidays.  These are all presented to the viewer as things Buffy used to have, and would still have if it weren’t for her Calling.
And Cordelia’s also really smart.  She has teachers who praise her for doing the reading and answering questions in class and who offer to help her with her homework, she looks forward to the SATs because she “do[es] well on standardized tests” (and while we don’t learn her exact score, from Xander’s reaction it’s clearly meant to be impressively high), she boasts in Lovers Walk that she has a lot of experience in covering up how well she’s doing academically.  We learn in Choices that she got offers from Duke and Columbia and USC.
That’s who Buffy is.  That’s what she’d have been doing in high school if she wasn’t the Slayer. 
Literally what show are you watching if you don’t spot that?
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💛💙Protected (Charlotte Katakuri x Female!Reader) Pt. 3💛💙
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted) 
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare unless prompted)
🖤 = Normal 
Tumblr media
Part 3, as promised!~ It all comes to the thrilling conclusion, and I FINALLY get to the scene that started this whole story.~ After about collectively 18.5 k words.~ All I can say in my defense is that...THIS MAN IS TOO FINE!~ If you don't want the ✨spicy✨ part of this story, that's totally fine.~ Just stop reading at the line of star squids.~ Enjoy, dearies.~
Minors, Do Not Interact, Please.~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 <- - Part 3
Although I wished for it, the silence that abruptly replaced the sounds of destruction and fighting startled me, along with the suddenly very loud shouting of Pekoms in my ear. 
“Y/N! It’ll be okay-!” The pink clad mink cut himself off at the abrupt silence. Our heavy breaths were the only thing filling the new quiet. We both slowly detached from each other and looked around us to see the same semi-transparent white shield that I had created earlier. Its opaqueness varied in pulses, so I could see that everything around us had crumbled into rubble except the ground inside the bubble.
“What the fuck?” Pekoms mumbled out, looking around until his gaze fell back onto me who looked equally surprised. This sudden change shocked my panicked mind out of its frenzied state, allowing me to calm myself down. The calmer I became, the more I realized how drained I felt again and leaned against Pekoms once more.
“Is this yours, Y/N?” Looking up at my reflection in Pekoms’ black glasses, I gave a hesitant nod before responding.
“Y-Yeah, I guess it is. . . “ This new power still felt weird to me. More so the after effects of me being fatigued and suddenly so calm. It bothered me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was like the emotions just expelled from my body. Before our conversation could continue on, some movement caught the corner of my eye. A beat up, and barely moving Strawhat had crawled out of a large hole in the ground.
Once again, the bubble popped so suddenly when my heart jumped into my throat in dread. 
Where was Katakuri? 
With the barrier gone, the rubble around us sank into our little hole, but I ignored it and the weariness tugging at my bones, scrambling over the debris. Desperation clawed its way back into my heart and showed in my deep purple antennae as I crested the pile of rubble, searching for my husband. Tears burned my darting eyes, blurring my vision, until they fell onto the large body sprawled out beside the hole. Katakuri. No scarf in sight. My breath hitched, and the tears fell freely as I took in what that entailed. A part of me already knew what the outcome of this fight would be, but it still hurt to be right. This was the last thing I wanted to be right about.
I felt Pekoms come up beside me on the rubble, his reaction being the opposite of mine when he saw Strawhat alive. Before either of us could go to our respective fighters, the sound of those familiar spurs clanked twice through the air as Katakuri struggled to his feet in front of a crawling Strawhat. I was frozen to my spot, watching with bated breaths as he swayed on his feet. Blue light bathed either side of my face as my antennae drooped down.
"Kata. . . " I whispered out, thinking he was going to try and continue fighting. I wish I could grab the bracelet from my hair and know what was going through his heart and mind right now, but I was glued to my spot, unable to even get past the state he was in. There was blood dripping from multiple wounds, the largest being a hole in his side, fresh bruises littering his body, sure to be a nasty color tomorrow, and his entire body shaking with exhaustion.  
At the obstruction, the retreating captain stood up as well, readying himself for a fight that neither of them seemed to be in the shape to continue. Pekoms growled beside me, seemingly unhappy with the fact that Strawhat was still trying to fight with Katakuri.
"That damn brat doesn't know when to quit, huh? Tch, I figured as much." And with that, my travel companion parted from my side and away from the two fighters. I was about to get up myself, to try and convince my injured husband to stop. That dying for his mother's cause wouldn't change a thing. Maybe it was selfish of me to think so, but I just knew I couldn't live without him. I barely know how I lived before him. Before I could force myself to move, my husband's raspy question stopped me. 
"Are you gonna come back. . . to take down Big Mom one day?" 
Huh? Was he asking this boy to. . ?
"Of course I am! Cause I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!"
Then, the most bizarre thing happened.
Katakuri smiled. He smiled at the thought of someone taking down his mother.
"You must be looking far into the future!" He exclaimed as he started swaying more on his feet. Looking like he was about to fall again is what finally spurred me to action. I didn't know what happened in that fight for him to be so open about his feelings with this enemy, but that hardly mattered now. I started sprinting across the ruined floor, tripping and falling over debris as Katakuri began falling. Onto his back, no less. He was on his stomach before.
I knew I couldn't catch him, but I'd been apart from him for too long, and he needed me just as much as I needed him right now. He landed with a resounding thud that hurt my heart. I could see Strawhat standing there in shock as I finally got to my husband's side. My knees cut on the broken floor at his sides, but I hardly cared as I frantically looked over my defeated husband.
"Katakuri! No no no, are you okay? Please don't die! I love you too much to let you die!" I wasn't sure what to do first, he was unresponsive. The first thing I could think of was to stop the bleeding from the big gash on his side. With nothing else to use, I took the skirt of my dress and pressed it into the wound. The fabric of my skirt was too sheer, though, and barely did anything to stop the flowing life force. As I thought about what to do instead, I could feel another person approaching. 
Strawhat Luffy. 
Meeting him face to face like this instead of through his Haki had a different effect. He didn't seem like a dangerous guy, in fact he seemed quite simple. Yet here Katakuri was, flat on his back after their battle. He had big, round black eyes that shone with determination –towards what, I didn't know just yet– and his mouth was set in a fine line. It unnerved me that I couldn’t take any emotions from his blank face. He was worse than when I first met Katakuri. Strawhat looked far more beat up than Katakuri, which I secretly relished, but was at least able to stumble his way towards us. I knew I stood no chance at fighting this guy if he wanted to finish off my husband, but I'd be damned if I didn't do anything.
"Go away! You won! Isn't that enough? He's already down, so just leave, go find your crew!" I splayed myself protectively in front of my husband. I wouldn't be much of a hindrance if this guy really wanted to get rid of me, though I could stall. If only for a few moments. He ignored me and got closer. I was shaking. Shaking in both anger and fear to make a deep magenta as he dared ignore me. When he was a few steps away, I covered half my arm in Haki –that was the most I could use even after 2 years of training– and threw a punch as hard as I could at him. Even in his weakened form, the infamous pirate caught my fist effortlessly. I strained against him, staring heatedly into his thoughtless eyes. 
With the contact, I searched his emotions and intent, if only to predict his line of thought, but what I found was nothing I expected. Through the pain and exhaustion were strong threads of respect and twinges of sorrow. They were towards Katakuri. That caught me off guard, and the loss of concentration made my Haki disappear. Strawhat didn't move against me as he stared blankly into my confused eyes.
"I'm not gonna hurt him." 
And for some reason, I believed him. I kept my eyes on him as I slowly took back my hand, my magenta lightening to a curious yellow. His grip wasn't very tight in the first place. He turned his attention to my still unconscious lover, and I watched as he stepped past me, took the black hat off of his namesake hat and put it over Katakuri's mouth. That surprised me even more. To think that Strawhat respected him enough to cover his biggest insecurity even after he won. Vice versa with Katakuri taking this fight so seriously that he exposed himself in full to this rambunctious teen.
The boy left after that, staggering his way aimlessly down a winding hall of the half destroyed Mirro-World. I'm sure Pekoms would find and help him. This was out of my hands now that Katakuri had been defeated. Returning my attention back to my lover, I let out a tired sigh. I'd never seen my husband look so beat up before. The thought of how much pain he must be in brought the tears back to my eyes. It was over now, his part was done, and everything was coming down. 
"Oh, Kata. Your mother doesn't deserve you." My quiet words came out watery as I pet his dirty magenta hair a little, wishing I could hold him more, but I didn't want to cause him anymore pain. I wouldn't even be able to get serious help for him until Brulee came back, which I'm sure will be a while since Pekoms needed her for Strawhat's escape. I hope she's alright. My hand moved from his head to the black hat Strawhat had put over his mouth, removing it so I could see his full face. He was still the most handsome man ever. With a sad smile, I bent over and kissed his forehead hoping he would feel the love in it even while he was asleep. 
Looking around, I saw my abandoned medical kit lying on the ground a bit of ways away slightly under some rubble. For hopefully one of the last times today, I made myself get up to retrieve it. My tears had slowed, but when I came back and began cleaning up my husband they streaked down my dirty face again. The warm rivulets of tears dripped from my chin and nose onto his chest as I leaned over him. Starting with his face, I used alcohol wipes to wipe away the dirt and gently clean his cuts. This medical kit only had basic things, so I used all the candy design bandages where I could, and the gauze on his big gash. After about half an hour of quietly working, my silent cries had been reduced to the occasional sniffle here and there. 
The appearance of Katakuri had improved, and everything was at least cleaned, though he looked a bit silly with all the cutesy bandages covering his face and torso. With a weary sigh, I turned my attention to the pile of dirty and bloodied wipes with a grimace. As I began stuffing them into the basically empty medical kit, a groan interrupted the deafening background noise of the Mirro-World. My attention immediately snapped to my husband whose face was contorting from peace to pain. His large hand came up to his dirty locks, grasping at his head as he let out another sound of pain. My breath caught in my throat at the sound.
"Kat. . . Katakuri. . !" My throat closed up before I could get anything else out, and let myself fall down onto his free arm. I could feel him freeze as I let out all my pent up emotions. Everything oozed out of me like a toxic slime with each shuddering sob. Pain. Sorrow. Fear. Relief. All the tension I was holding in my chest slowly drained out of me. I was weak in the presence of my protector.
“You’re okay! You’re alive! Everything was rumbling and falling apart, I saw you fall and he came over and I thought he was gonna. . . he was gonna-!” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. I didn’t want to think about it anymore. Not right now at least. Maybe never again. Wave after wave of tears fell in fat blobs down my face, and I couldn’t stop shaking as I held on tight to Katakuri’s arm. I could feel his regret, pain and shame mixing in with my turbulent emotions at the sight of me crying. My antennae settled into a deep cerulean blue that lit up my crying visage. It wasn’t long before I felt his free hand come to my back and rub it gently. That only encouraged my breakdown, enticing me to hug his arm in my hold tighter. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ve put you through too much today. I’m sorry I couldn’t win. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough. I’m sorry-” 
“No! Be-Be quiet!!” I shook my head in a childish manner, not wanting to hear those remorseful words misplaced in his mouth. His voice was shaky and his chest shuddered with every regretful word he pushed out, seemingly on the edge of joining me in tears. Whether that was my doing or his own sorrow showing itself, I didn't know. The sound of him being so defeated brought back the anger I felt earlier towards Strawhat, but this time it was aimed towards the real culprit: Big Mom. 
None of this would’ve happened if she hadn’t taken that blonde cook. He obviously wanted nothing to do with Germa, not that I blame him for disassociating from those monsters. Yes, Katakuri would always protect his family because of his own sense of responsibility and love, but she created and invited this threat, just like every other danger, to the family. I knew he could feel my silent anger, but I didn't dare bring up that topic right now. For the moment being, I was just worried about my husband, and only him.
Lifting my head up, my mouth was downturned in a frown as I subdued my crying and swallowed my indignation to continue talking. I saw the suspected tears in Katakuri’s eyes as he moved his shiny gaze from the ruined ceiling to my indignant face. Oh, how I hated that self-loathing look in his beautiful red eyes.
“None of this is your fault. You did your best, I know you did, Katakuri. Why are you apologizing to me when you took on such a powerful opponent with everything you had? You were lying here in a bloody heap at the end of your battle, all because of that damn Strawhat boy. You are more than enough. More than your mom or I deserve. The only thing you should be apologizing for is making me think you died.” The last part of my rant was whispered quietly, the words being the biggest fear I’ve had all day. I swiped at my face, trying fruitlessly to wipe away some of the wetness coating it. His sharp toothed mouth hung open like a fish out of water. He had nothing to say to my rebuttal, but the swelling of tears slipping down his face said it all. 
The tight feeling of anger was washed away completely by that soft face. The face of a man who’s been given the grace he deserves. Seeing him crying made me smile. He would have never shown this type of emotion to anyone else in his family since he wanted to be seen as an immovable force that protects them, but now that image was shattered. And I'm starting to think it's a good thing he lost. I threw myself down onto his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. A watery laugh escaped me as I buried my face into his strong neck and his large arms enveloped me in their comforting embrace. Even though he lost, he was still my protector. In his arms was still the safest place I felt I could be.
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Muffled voices prodded at my subconscious. I couldn’t discern anything as I pressed my face closer to the warm, squishy thing I lay upon. One of the voices was deeper and closer than the others, the vibration of their words humming through my body. I tried to just ignore it and go back to sleep, but the longer the voices continued the more awake I became. And with my resurfacing consciousness came the pain of my body as I tried moving. The soreness everywhere and sharp pain on my knees made me grimace in regret.
“Shh. . . sleeping. . . don't wake. . .”
“. . . eeping? . . hard as a rock. . . she won’t wake. . .” 
The two other voices that weren't the soothing rumbling began to argue, and until I opened my eyes I wasn't sure where I was, or who was talking. The first thing I saw was pink. Bleariness had my mind as slow as a tortoise as I peeled my face away from the squishy pink thing. Pulling away further, I realized it was a person’s chest. My husband’s chest to be exact. Finally, everything came rushing back and anxiety shot through me like an archer’s arrow. Despite my sore body’s protests, I sat up and looked around wildly. 
I was in Katakuri and my’s room, lying in our bed. Katakuri sat propped up beside me with a lot of large pillows behind him and heavily bandaged. On either side of our bed was Cracker and Brulee, who was the source of the “hushed” bickering. Everyone froze when I popped up like a gopher. I probably looked like a mess right now, and acting so crazy definitely didn't help that rap. Brulee was the first to break the deafening silence. 
“Y/N-nii! You're okay! I was so worried that you weren't gonna wake up just like Katakuri-nii! It was horrible what you two went through! That damn Strawhat, I'll kill him myself!” The large, wispy woman had pounced on me when she started her blubbering, holding onto me tightly by my waist while crying into my stomach. Her tight embrace didn't do my aching body any favors, but the familiar touch made me relax. Her feelings of relief and joy gave me a small boost of energy.
“Sorry to worry you, Brulee. It's okay, I'm fine.” I wheezed out with strained breaths. 
“Get off of her, you witch! You’re really gonna kill her like that!” Cracker came to my rescue in his own little Cracker way. His instigation made the emotional woman let go of me and engage in yet another bickering match, but this one was full volume now that they didn't have to worry about waking me up. I rubbed at my tender muscles while letting out a few amused chuckles. With his siblings’ distraction, I had forgotten to address my husband beside me.
“I'm glad you're awake.” His baritone voice commented quietly. My heart leapt to my throat, and I couldn't turn around fast enough to fully focus on him. There he was, in all his handsome glory. The fact that I could see his whole face caught me off guard. I glanced from him to his two siblings with a silent question before scooting back to his bare side. I decided to voice my obvious question when he said nothing.
“Why aren't you wearing-?”
“I don't need it. At least not with them, and not right now. Mama has decided to continue pursuing Strawhat who is heading to Wano. Some of our siblings are going with her while the rest of us stay to recuperate and rebuild the kingdom.” Despite his serious words, there was a small smile on Katakuri’s face as he talked about his mother going to chase Strawhat Luffy. It made me think about the question he asked that boy. The connection made me giggle. 
Cracker and Brulee stopped their argument at my tinkle of laughter. I couldn't hold it in, and my giggles grew into a full on laughter. Katakuri smiled happily at my joy, soon joining me with a few low chuckles of his own that blossomed into one of his rare laughters as well. We couldn't see it, but Brulee was smiling fondly at our seemingly random laughter with Cracker looking bewildered between all three of us. 
“What the fuck are you both laughin-”
“Come on, let's go check on our other siblings, Cracker.” Brulee grabbed Cracker by a bandaged arm, eliciting a pained cry from him, and dragged him from his seat to our nearby full length mirror. With a hefty push from the tall woman, Cracker was sent into the Mirro-World. Before she went through herself, she spoke to us as we came down from our laughing high.
“You two should rest. I'll tell everyone to let you have your time alone today, wiwiwi.~” And with that, we were alone. I sat there catching my breath as the peace settled in our room. A deep breath quieted my emotions into content, and I could feel the same coming from my paramount husband. My arms snaked around as much of his chest as they could and gave him a tight squeeze which I was sure he barely felt. 
“I'm glad you're happy. Happier. Maybe now. . . you could be more yourself. No more hiding and putting up that omnipotent facade.” Hope for my lover’s possible boost in his self-image bloomed in my chest as I slowly tilted my head up to look at him. He wouldn't look me in the eye, and there was a solemn doubt in his eyes and heart. 
“Perhaps. Though, things of this matter are not so easily changed. Especially not in my family. You know this.” His comment procured a furrow on my brow. Not wanting him to fall off into a dark place again so quickly, I moved into his lap, straddling his waist as my small hands reached up to direct his face to mine. 
“What if you were the one to change that?” That simple question held a few different meanings. Meanings I'm sure the man before me could easily decipher after three years of marriage. He’d never admit it to anyone, but I felt it. I felt his relief when he lost. The joy when Strawhat said he’d come back. The buried hope that Big Mom would fall. Every burden he’s been caused was because of his mother, as is with his siblings. It was a sure bet that Katakuri would be voted the captain of the Big Mom Pirates if his mother fell. Then he could begin to heal his family and himself. 
Katakuri stayed quiet for a good few moments, but I didn't need a verbal answer. I knew the answer of his heart. With my hands on his jaw, and us finally being alone after such a long, draining battle, I couldn't help the beckoning I felt towards him. Even all bandaged up and bed ridden, Katakuri still had my heart and body in a hold. The pain of the cuts on my knees were no match for the yearning burning in me. With deliberate movements, it didn't take long for my lips to slowly mesh into his. The familiar feeling of his sharp teeth prodded at my chin and upper lip, but it just spurred me on. He tasted like donuts, as usual. 
Katakuri seemed to have no qualms with my choice of action since his large hands were soon encompassing my hips. Lithe fingertips danced from his jaw to the back of his neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps along the way. His semi upright position on the bed made it easier for me to lay upon him fully and deepen our sweet kiss. My heart raced faster, and I already knew my antennae were a deep rose pink as they lowered against my head. With flushed cheeks, I minimally pulled away to catch my breath. Upon opening my eyes, my lust filled ones were met with the love littered ones of my husband. The look he gave me, made me a bit shy for being so forthright with my desires. Though, the tent I felt against my butt suggested that it was not unwelcome. 
After a brief spell of bashfulness, I willed myself to continue. It was too late to stop, and I had done enough holding back during the day of the wedding. Not to mention the time I've been asleep. With that thought in mind, I crashed my eager mouth back into Katakuri’s, wrapping my arms around his muscled neck. I could feel him taking in a deep breath through nose but didn't pull away. In fact, he pulled me closer by my hips. Kata was as needy as I was, but still maintained his self-restrictions. His apprehensiveness to indulge himself in me had my clenching insides groaning in exasperation. It wasn't long before I was pushing myself back against his growing sex with apparent longing. 
Our passionate kiss devolved into one of sloppy desire until I wrenched my lips from his to latch onto his neck. With it being covered all the time, it was an easy weakness I could exploit. Just a soft faux bite right below his jaw had him squeezing my hips tighter. A restrained groan hummed against my mouth as Kata let out hot, heavy pants against my shoulder. I continued my soft bites into his warm skin. My teeth sunk into his flesh, tasting mochi, which showed that he allowed me to do this. The feeling of his large muscles straining against me as he still held himself back drew out soft whines from my throat. 
“Kata.~ Please, I need you so bad. I know you want to use me.” My usually modest voice rang with sultry desire as I whispered into my husband’s ear. My teasing yanked another seemingly pained groan from him, making him press his sharp nose to my shoulder. Those sharp teeth were just a hair away from my own neck. The thought of what he could do to me with them made me shiver.
“Don't do this to me, love. I can't. . . I might just. . .” He growled out his labored warning to me. Usually, I would back off and continue to set the pace, but today was different. Today, I wanted to press all the wrong buttons to get the “punishment” I've always been threatened with. For once I wanted my husband to be the one in pure sensual bliss. He deserved it after everything he’s been through. This was my gift to him. If he couldn't unapologetically be himself anywhere else in his life, I wanted him to be completely open with me. Verbally and physically.
Deciding upon this course of action put a tingle in my spine. I could finally do all the teasing I wanted and say all those things that drove him crazy. Katakuri had been preoccupying himself with kneading my bare thighs from under my nightgown and leaving soft kisses along my now exposed shoulder. Soft mumbles of praise from him to me sung into my ears, only making me more excited for what was to come. He was already teetering on a thin edge. 
I continued to roll my hips back and forth against his fully hard bulge. Slowly and deliberately. A soft whimper escaped me each time I rolled just right over my sensitive spot, clinging to him like he was my lifeline. 
“You can't leave me like this. I want it all, I know I can take it. Just fuck me all you want. It'd be so easy and feel so good.~” Yet another growl rumbled against my chest from his as I continued whispering dirty nothings in his ear. 
“Y/N. Stop. Please.” He used my full name. He was serious, but despite his firm tone, I could feel his raging lust banging on the grates of his body. Screaming from the sewers to let it come out to play to its heart content. I was dangling the key so carelessly above the ravenous hands stretching through the gaps. My own lust had already taken over my body. It was in control with the rest of my emotions tied up and left to watch with morbid curiosity how this would end. All I did was smile and run my hands down his chiseled chest. 
I didn't respond to his plea and demand, but instead continued my dangerous game. I detached myself from him and led my lips on a trail from his neck to his waist band. As I looked up at my needy lover, I could see the dangerous glint in his red eyes. Not the one he got when he was fighting, this was different. It felt more animalistic and unkempt. Something I hadn't felt in him before. It was like there was a whole new part of him that had been closed off, and I was the first to experience it this way. My butt swayed restlessly behind me, my lower stomach begging for relief of this infernal itch deep inside me. And there was only one way to get rid of it. Excitement overrode my momentary fear as I held his warning gaze while making quick work of his pants and boxers.
Finally, the thing I pined after stood before me, lighting my body abuzz and cheeks ablaze. Precum had darkened a wet spot on his boxers and showed no signs of stopping as his cock twitched and pulsed in my hands. A giggle bubbled out of me as I pressed my cheek to the shaft and kissed my way up to the soft, wet tip. I hummed in satisfaction when the soft pink head slid into my mouth, my tongue swirling around his sensitive glands. Just with this much, my mouth was half full, but I knew that other parts of me could handle him just fine. I felt like I could handle anything as long as it satisfied him. This progress had Katakuri moaning and gently holding my head. There was no push of his hands or buck of his hips, but I knew he wanted more. Well if he wanted more today, then he’d have to take more. I let go of my tight grip on his head with a pop, licking my lips as I swallowed his stringy fluids. 
“Doesn't my mouth feel good? You know what would feel even better than my little mouth?” I called out once again to Kata, bringing him out of his haze of pleasure. I continued to slowly pump his full length with both hands, but only rubbed his tip along my now wet cheek. 
“Ka-ta-kur-i.~ Why don't you wanna make your wife feel good?~ I'm begging you.~ I promise it will feel great for both of us.~ Please?~” A faux pout puffed my cheeks when he didn't respond, just letting out those deep, restraining growls and grunts. I knew it would take more than a little teasing to get him to let loose. I let go of his cock fully and sat up on my bandaged knees. The adrenaline pumping through my hot body nulled the pain from them as I took the straps of my nightgown and tugged them leisurely down my arms. The thin, flowy fabric of the gown already showed my perked up nipples through it, but I knew he liked seeing the real deal. The small straps fell off my fingers, but bunched up on my hips, unable to completely fall off without some assistance. 
I crawled back on top of my heavily breathing husband, his sharp eyes hooded with lust, hovering my gooey entrance over his weeping tip. The urge to slide down on it, and ride us both to completion was tempting, but kept my eyes on the prize. Or eyes on the punishment, more like. With us face to face again, I could feel the hot breaths emanating from his mouth and fanning against my face. He could feel my awaiting sex so close as well. Those dangerous eyes trailed from my exposed breasts to my still covered lower half leaving me feeling vulnerable under their piercing scrutiny. He was expecting me to continue my undressing and, subsequently, start riding him like usual. All I did was give him a smile.
“Need some help?” He asked lowly and gruffly. There was a gravel to his voice that brought back the urge once again. It was so close. No. I had a plan. I reserved the right to give my husband what he needs. Even if he doesn’t think he needs it. I gave a nod, unable to talk as his hot gaze stayed on my face. Wanting to ignore his commanding stare, I moved closer to his face. I knew something that he fell apart at. My damp lips pressed against the clammy skin of his cheek, adorning his scar with a kiss. I didn't stop at one, and softly placed a kiss all along his left cheek’s scar. The skin was smooth but raised, and I would imagine it was as sensitive as his neck. My assumption was proven right when he sucked in a sharp breath, held it, then let it out shakily. 
I could feel his hands squeeze at the damp skin on my thighs closest to my entrance before languidly sliding up to my silky gown. Suddenly, with what seemed like little to no effort, he grabbed both sides of my clothing and tore it in two along with my panties. The sound of the threads snapping so quickly had my breath catching in my throat. Pulling back from his cheek, his eyebrows were furrowed like he was angry, and he was. Angry at the built up sexual frustration and my teasing. Gradually, he sat up, making me quickly hug onto his neck and press my fully naked body to his chest. It didn't take long for our positions to be switched with me underneath Katakuri, and him huffing above me. His hands were quick to push down his pants more and tug them off of himself fully, but swiftly went back to caging me against the bed. 
“Do you need something, dear?~” I moved to an innocent facade, but I knew he saw right through me. I was excited and the way my legs wrapped around his waist and positioned his head at my awaiting entrance was proof of that. He didn't respond yet, and just moved his right arm above me to hold himself up as his left hand moved underneath my lower back to hold me tight. Not too tight to hurt me, but I couldn't hope to get out of his grip. Not that I wanted to.
“You want to take me whole? Want to make me feel good with your little needy hole? Is that what my pretty little wife wants?” Katakuri hardly ever talked dirty to me. Usually it was just praise and sweet talk as we took it slow, maybe the occasional innuendo. But this was him listening to my wants and his needs obliging. This new side of him had me half scared of the consequences and half begging for the pleasure. The duality wasn’t hard to choose between. He was standing on the wire, and all I had to do was blow him one way or another. This was probably my last chance to turn back.
“I need an answer, love. Tell me to stop.” His soft voice was begging me to tell him no. He was scared of hurting me still, even though he so clearly wanted to fuck me to his heart’s content. I had convinced a part of him to act on his wants for once. The sweet side of him that I was used to was barely holding back the ravenous animal that was clawing its way to the surface. All I could do was smile and put a hand to his clenched jaw as I raised my lips to his ear.
“Do what you want.~” A silent beat. Two. A deep, almost pained, groan erupted from my husband. Soon, my twitchy insides were being stretched to their limits. His impossibly hard cock was already halfway inside of me, bullying its way to my cervix. The suddenness knocked the breath out of me, but a gasping moan fell from my lips. I clenched hard around his member, telling him to continue. My efforts were met with a deeply pleasured moan from the giant man above me. Before now, Katakuri would have told me to stop here to keep me from hurting myself. That worry was nowhere to be seen now as his hips pulled back slowly only to snap forward once again, burying his cock deeper inside of me still. 
“Fuck! Oh my gosh, it's so good! Kata!” My words slurred together as the disarming pleasure rolled through my body like a riptide, sweeping my wits from under me. I never knew sex could feel this wild. My reactions to his movements reassured the part of him still worried about my well being, allowing him to more assuredly continue his pace. A steady rhythm was set, faster than one we’ve had before. His large hand encapsulating my waist moved me back and forth in sync with his hips. I felt like a ragdoll being used for his pleasure. Each deep pound felt like I was being split apart, but I could hardly keep up with every one as my head spun with pleasure. 
Katakuri was in no better state than I was, seemingly drunk on the bliss that fucking me like this brought. His face was buried in the pillow above my head, and I could hear him mumbling to himself. It was hard to pick up every word, but I could tell it was about how good he felt. The satisfaction of hearing him sound so lost in the pleasure only made every snap of his hips feel that much better. I explored his sweaty chest with my hands as my legs clung to his sides. One hand traveled up to his damp, magenta locks, raking their way up and down his scalp. This enticed him to lower his head from the pillow to my face and engage me in a sloppy yet passionate kiss.
I desperately sunk my fingers into his hair, holding him to me as we made out. I craved him, every last part of him I adored and I wanted all of him to be mine. Needy whines and whimpers of mine sounded into our kiss as I departed to talk. 
“Don't stop. Don't stop until you're satisfied. I love you so much, please, feel so good for me. You're so deep in me and I love it!~” The confident attitude I had earlier had dissipated in the face of Katakuri’s raw power, and now I just wanted to please my husband. His whole cock was almost fully sheathed inside of me every time his hips hit my thighs. My insides felt so gooey and stretched out already. I had already cum once, and everything was getting to be too much. We hadn’t gone this long before, and I wasn't used to the power of his full thrusts. 
Katakuri stared down at me, locked onto my blissed out face contorted erotically as I begged for him. That seemed to spur him up again, and I could feel a burst of love and sexual fervor rush from him to me. With renewed energy, he sat up on his knees, taking his member out of me. The emptiness I felt without him made me fuss and shake my hips in dissatisfaction. Without a word, I was flipped over onto my stomach and returned the fullness of my husband’s cock but from behind. His hot tip dragged along all the right places as he slid inside me again. Involuntarily, my eyes rolled back, and a loud groan escaped me. The same hand returned to its spot around my waist to hold me in place as Katakuri restarted his pace in this new position. 
This turn of events knocked the breath of me again, and I was left wheezing as he lay on top of me, pressing me into the bed with his hard chest at my back. Nails gripped the sheets, toes curled, but I couldn't let out a single word. I didn't have to because he began mumbling again, but this time in my ear so I could hear.
“I have such a beautiful wife. I'm so lucky to have you, I'm sorry I'm so selfish. It just feels so good, you feel so good. Thank you for letting me feel so good with you. I can't stop until I make you feel the best. I love you too, Y/N, I love you.” He continued to repeat snippets of that as he got sloppy with his thrusts. Despite the slower pace, each thrust slammed into my butt like a sledgehammer, bringing out my second orgasm. This one was more intense as tears sprouted to my eyes and my walls spasmed hard around his cock. The overstimulation left me a wreck as I blubbered out, “I'm cumming, cummin’, cumminggg!~” deliriously.
That was the last straw for Katakuri as he grunted loudly a few times before quickly pulling out and making a mess of my back with his own cum. Harsh breaths from both of us filled the muggy, sex smelling air of our room. It didn't take long for Katakuri to finish letting everything out, so soon he collapsed beside me on his back. We both took a good amount of time calming down from the heated sex we just had. I was fully satisfied, if not overly so, as I lay there covered in cum and with my orgasm leaking out of me. I could already feel my back hurting from the arch it was forced into by my lover's thrusts and weight, but none of that mattered. 
All that mattered was the dazed look of full satisfaction in Katakuri’s eyes as he came down from his high. He always held himself back when we had sex. This was the last wall he had up in front of me, that deep rooted fear of hurting me keeping him from entirely enjoying himself. I was grateful for the amount of vulnerability I was able to see from my paramount husband on a regular basis, but call me greedy because I wanted every last part of him on display for me. We were two very opposite people when it came to sharing our wants and needs, but as we’ve proved over the past three years, opposites attract.
“Can. . . we do that more?” Asked a meek Katakuri, his deep voice cutting through the silence. My face was buried in the mattress, but I turned it towards him with a lopsided smile. 
“I thought you'd never ask. Though, maybe next time we should use protection so you don't have to pull out.” I winked at him as his already red cheeks darkened. An embarrassed groan escaped him and he quickly got up to head to the bathroom. 
“I'm getting a towel for you and running a bath. Maybe once you're clean you'll stop instigating such dirty actions.” He grumbled, making me pout. I opened my mouth to retort, but he beat me to the punch.
“Don't say that unless you’re ready for the punishment.” 
Damn his future vision. With a huff, I stayed silent and just waited for my towel. For now. As I waited, my gaze drifted over to Katakuri’s nightstand. On it sat that dirty black hat that Strawhat put on his mouth after their battle. My eyes softened at the memento. I'd have to thank Strawhat one day for what he did for Katakuri. 
My antennae turned dusty pink.
And with that, This little unexpected mini series of my favorite mochi man ends.~ This won't be the last of him, but I have other wonderful characters that are calling my name.~ Thank you, dearies, and see you, hopefully, soon.~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 <- - Part 3
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cfcreative · 3 months
Thoughts that struck me today:
Who the BG3 Companions favorite Sailor Scouts would be.
Lae’zel: Luna. Sure, you can tell her that Luna is not a scout, but Lae’zel will point out that Luna’s easily the best strategist, has the most knowledge of their (initial) situation, and trains all of the other incompetents around her. It’s probably best not to argue with her on this point.
Shadowheart: Sailor Saturn. The started-semi-evil scout who needs a reboot to get away from the evil that raised her, AND she’s devoted to purple. Easy choice.
Astarion: Sailor Mars. She’s fashionable and not about to take shit from anyone—even their so-called leader. Also, they both have a bit of a habit of putting on airs.
Wyll: Sailor Venus. They both had superhero careers before hooking up with their current crew. Wyll loves big romantic gestures, and Venus is the Guardian of Love.
Gale: Tuxedo Mask. Originally, I was going to say Mercury because they’re both complete nerds (affectionate). But then it struck me how many times Mamoru tries to do what he thinks is The Right Thing and it blows up in his face. Like a giant hungry orb in his chest.
Karlach: Sailor Jupiter. Taller than her other friends? Expelled from her old school because people thought she was a scary bully? Been on her own forever after losing her parents? Loves flowers and is actually an enormous softie? I rest my case, your honor.
Halsin: Sailor Mercury. I think he would appreciate her connection with water, her steady devotion to trying to become a doctor, and her general quiet and kind nature.
Jaheira: Sailor Pluto. Stuck being the person with all the responsibility for such a long time, but still somewhat apart from those she wishes to protect. Both the Mom That Shows Up for the weird little used-to-be-evil kid.
Minsc: “They fight for love and justice? Minsc and Boo will readily call ANY of them friends!”
Bonus Round:
Dame Aylin: Sailor Moon. Provided it’s later in the story, because she can’t stand Usagi’s whining to start. Basically, Aylin likes shouting along with IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, I WILL PUNISH YOU!
Isobel: Sailor Chibi-Moon. That stubborn streak reminds her of a certain someone…🌙🪽
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southangel · 2 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well ⭐🌟!
Can I get some drama and angst?
How would Stan, Cartman, and Kenny react to their kid getting into fights more and more often in school? They get into more and more violent fights, although they hide that pretty well (the bruises, etc.). Eventually they get caught (how long can you fight in school before they get you or someone rats you out?). The last fight was so brutal that it required both parties to get medical attention. So the school decides to call their dad to inform him about the incident and the fact that his kid will be suspended or even expelled if they don't change their behavior. 
Cartman will probably be annoyed that he has to go to his kid's school to sort this out haha. He has better things to do like for example watching TV
Thank you for your time, and keep up the good work!
(I'm sorry if I'm bothering you with the platonic requests :'o)
Stan, Kenny, Cartman Their Kid in Fights
Warnings: mentions of violence, slight gore
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Notes: Oh my God I’m genuinely so sorry this took so long. I have so many things I need to finish and i’ve just been procrastinating my requests and it’s a really bad habit. I swear i’ll try being more active, also I promise i’m not annoyed with the platonic requests.
Stan Marsh
I feel that Stan would be surprised, but at the same time kind of expecting it?
Stan has warned you ever since you started getting into fights, trying to influence you to stop before this became a habit.
He would really prefer if you didn’t get into fights so often, especially since he just doesn’t want you to get hurt.
Stan tries to get you to stop, but it’s as if something else is influencing you to keep fighting.
You aren’t this violent anywhere else, he’s genuinely concerned about it.
His concern only grows even more once you start coming home with bruises and scabs, the calls from the nurse don’t make it any better.
Having Stan come to your school, pulling him out of work, isn’t ideal for him at all.
Not happy with everything he’s told, who would be?
Stan most likely scolds you badly, going as far to risk getting suspended or expelled was the last thing he expected from you.
He’ll probably ground you for a long time, but will end up feeling bad and talking to you about it later.
Kenny Mccormick
Kenny isn’t happy to hear about your school habits.
Kenny had a feeling this would happen from the beginning, but thought you would grow out of using violence so strongly.
He didn’t intend to raise you like this. Is it that hard to just stay out of trouble, even for just a single day?
He’s surprised you haven’t gotten suspended yet, detention is the worst you’ve gotten.
His disappointment shows more once he notices your bruises in the most random areas, was it necessary to go that far?
You know that Kenny cares about you, he’s trying to be the best dad he can and get you to take your anger out on other ways.
Definitely the most upset, not angry out of the three.
Kenny is just overall disappointed, he mostly just cares about your safety more than anything else.
Seeing you walk around in bandages that practically show more than your own skin does not make anything better.
Will ground you for this, but he wants you to understand that it’s for your own good and mainly brought this upon yourself.
Eric Cartman
Cartman doesn’t really care much about what happens in your school life.
Get into fights as much as you want, he’s done it before.
Cartman underestimated how many fights you get into though, and how far you really take them.
As long as you or the school aren’t bugging him about it, he doesn’t care. The school is always calling..
You definitely take after him, so it doesn’t surprise Cartman that you often come home bruised up or stuck in huge drama.
Once Cartman gets informed about this big fight you had, it’s obvious that he’ll be pissed off.
What does it have to do with him? Just because you’re his kid, doesn’t mean this fight has anything to do with him.
Then again, the other family just seems so aggravating. You’re still his kid, he’s not going to let you take the fall like that.
Cartman ends up getting the other family to get the harsher punishment, you really don’t know how he does it..
He does feel a little bad seeing you medical care for most of your injuries, so he buys you things that you might like and just leaves it in your room.
Cartman doesn’t do much at home discipline, but probably yells at you for causing this whole conflict in the first place.
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phantoms-lair · 2 months
Izuku 1/2 - better name pending -Snip
"You haven't used your quirk." Izuku looked up from the snack he got at the vendors. "The first two events of the Sports Festival are over." Todoroki stated. "You could have handled the obstacle course with ease with your wings, no one would have been able to touch you. Instead you handicapped yourself."
"This is not a criticism I need to hear from someone who's only been using half their quirk the entire year." Izuku pointed out.
"It's not a criticism, I just wanted to know if...if we're doing it for the same reason." There was an edge of desperation in his voice. An almost need that somebody would understand.
"It's not just that I'm not using it." Izuku unscrewed the the cap of his water and pour some on his exposed arm, where it beaded up unnaturally. "I've made it so I can't. There was a time when these water-based transformation quirks were a lot more common, so they developed a type of waterproof soap to prevent accidents." "Why?' Todoroki breathed.
"Because," Izuku seemed to falter for a second before steeling himself. "I love my quirk. I love how useful it can be in being a hero. But I am NOT my quirk. My potential, my capacity to help, to grow, to achieve, those things are me and not a magical transformation. So many people see a hero and their potential as as nothing more than their quirk and they're wrong." Izuku ended his impromptu speech with a snarl.
Todoroki sat down hard. Blood pounded in his ears as Midoriya's words repeated themselves again and again in his ears I am not my quirk.
Because his quirk was all he'd even been. He'd been born for it, his siblings had been born in their attempts to make what would be his quirk. His childhood, his training, everything he'd ever been was because of his quirk, and the bastard that gave him half of it.
I am not my quirk
They're wrong
"Todoroki, are you okay?"
"Do you really believe there's more to me than my quirk?"
Izuku was quiet for a moment. "Todoroki, who do I need to have Sensei beat up?"
Sheer confusion brought him back to his sense for a bit. "What?" "If I beat them up I'm going to get expelled. Sensei, he -he really doesn't care." "He doesn't care about going toe to toe with the number 2 pro hero?" Todoroki asked skeptically. To his surprise, Midoriya grinned. "Well, the last pro hero was a hugely disappointing fight, so this would probably be a treat."
"Who was the last hero?"
"Not gonna name names, but someone who thought me being quirkless meant I should be abused and be thankful for the opportunity to serve my betters."
That was sick. "I hope your Sensei kicked his ass." Izuku grinned. It wasn't a nice grin. "He did." Then his grin faltered. "I was a late bloomer. Eight years old." "Did things get better?" Todoraki asked. "Almost immediately." Izuku said bitterly. "But that was almost worse because, things didn't really change, I just wasn't someone less evolved, so how they treated me was wrong. But...that's not why it was wrong and the next quirkless person or person with an unactivated quirk would be treated just how I was. So I want to change the idea that quirks are what's important. I'm going to do my best to win the sports festival quirkless. I'll show everyone just what the quirkless can do!"
Todoroki's hands gripped his knees. "My father, Endeavor - the number two hero. He bought my mother because he wanted her quirk. He wanted to create a strong enough quirk to unseat All Might. It took him four tries to succeed. He doesn't really care about my siblings, just me - his masterpiece." "And your mother?" Izuku was almost afraid to ask.
"She's been in a mental hospital since I was small."
"Consider his ass kicked." Izuku took a swing of his water. "Todoroki...I completely support you not using your fire today, but you're going to have to use it in hero work eventually. So," Izuku grinned. "How would you feel about using it in a way impossible for Endeavor?"
"Impossible for Endeavor?" Todoroki tilted his head like a confused cat. "For all his faults as a human being, he's a master of the flame."
Izuku snorted. "Master? His abilities are no fire, yes fire, and unreasonable amount of fire. What I'm talking about is being a rescue hero."
Todoroki let out a small laugh at Izuku's description of Endeavor's capabilities. The first Izuku had ever heard him make. "What do you mean a rescue hero? I'm clearly most suited for combat."
"And according to the people growing up the only thing I was suitable for was a training tool for actual quirked people to practice their quirks on, so fuck was people say we're 'suited' for'." Izuku paled. "Please don't tell my Mom I said that. But your quirk would be perfect for rescue work."
"How so?"
"You can make fire at will. You could keep people warm in an avalanche - and your ice could do the opposite in an overheating situation. You could be light in a cave in or night rescue. You could combine your fire and ice to make fresh water, or use your fire to cook. Your ice could act as supports to prevent further collapse, kind of like Rock Lock's quirk. You would be an AMAZING rescue hero. And all of it would be using both sides of your quirk to help and comfort rather than just attack. And that's kinda of what I meant by something Endeavor wasn't capable of. He's sort of a combat monster, for a given value, but that's all he is."
That was...that was a lot of things no one had ever told him before. He was told since his quirk appeared that he was going to be the best hero, and to do that he needed to take down villains. But to Midoriya, he had potential outside of combat. To help those that needed it the most without causing harm. That the fire he hated so much could be used as a gentle warmth.
Midoriya was right. That was impossible for his father.
"A rescue hero. I...I think I like that. Thank you for you guidance."
"We both have something to prove." Midoriya he'd out his water bottle like a toast. "Let's mess with their conceptions."
Todoroki grinned and tapped his own water bottle to Midoriya's. "Let's"
"Your sensei is BATTLE GRANNY!!!!!!!"
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olivexii · 3 months
⁀➷ ┄─ ˑ III . ☆ ──ㅤ Knee Socks
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Joseph Descamps x reader
Chapter 3
Warnings: a lot of writing, swearing.
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
Michèle, Simone and me had planned to meet up at the butchers shop before school. My shoes clanked against the pavement as I walked side by side with my brother.
“What happened yesterday?” He questioned.
“In school, I heard something happened, like a fight.”
“Oh, right. Yeah a fight happened and a boy got really hurt.” I looked over to him but he was just looking off into the distance ahead.
“You didn’t get hurt?”
“No it wasn’t like that, I just watched it.”
“Okay, good.”
Soon we arrived at the butcher’s. Simone was already waiting there, leaning against the side of the building in her long blue coat and white skirt.
“I’m going to walk the rest of the way with my friends.”
My brother turned to look at me, “Okay, just don’t be late. You know I’ll get the blame for it if you’re late.”
“Yes, I know.” I sighed and headed towards Simone as Michael walked away.
“You’re itching your leg a lot.” I stated when she turned around at the sound of my footsteps.
“Y/N! You’re here, finally I don’t have to wait on my own.” She sighed in relief, “Yeah, I fell over this morning, a massive bruise is starting to form on my leg, and we have physical education today!”
“Oh wow, hopefully your shorts will cover it.” I say, leaning against the wall next to her.
“I hope so.” She groaned before turning to look at the door, Michèle’s brother, Jean-Pierre walking out.
“Hello Jean-Pierre.” She greets him, smiling wildly. He doesn’t respond, only looking at the two of us and walking away.
“He’s in a good mood.” I say and Simone turns to look at me with a small laugh.
Michèle is soon to walk out of the door after him.
“What’s that all about?” Simone asks her as we start walking towards the school.
“Jean-Pierre has his disciplinary meeting this afternoon.” She looks down at the ground.
“Oh yeah, how do you think it’s going to go?” I ask her, leaning forward over Simone to look at her.
“I’m not sure, hopefully good otherwise I won’t be able to go to school any longer.”
“Don’t think about it, there’s nothing you can do.” Simone reassured her, “Do you know what else is happening this afternoon? Our first PE class, and guess what? I fell over this morning, and I’ve got a massive bruise coming.” She complains, swinging her arms for exaggeration.
“If you pull your shorts over it now and again, I’m sure no one will notice.” I try and make her feel better.
“That’s the thing, boys notice these sorts of things! One bruise on my leg and all the boys are put off, thinking I’m too clumsy or something.”
Me and Michèle giggle in response as we walk through the school gates.
“Hello Matine, hello Monique!” Simone smiles at a group of girls as we pass them.
“Do you know everyone’s names already?” Michèle questions.
“Not everyone no, just the girls.” She says, still smiling. “I hope we’re not doing endurance stuff! Do either of you sweat much?- Hello Laubrac!”
“Simone how many people do you know?” I laugh at her.
“Why did you say hello to him?” Michèle asks.
“Well why wouldn’t I? People are so strange.” After saying this, we turn to look at two boys glaring at Michèle from across the yard.
“My brother gets expelled-”
“He’s not going to.” Simone states.
“Have you forgotten about Descamps? The guy lost an eye.”
“Descamps lost an eye?” I question, “So does he have to wear a fake one now, or have an eyepatch?”
“I can’t imagine Descamps with an eyepatch, he’d look like a pirate!” Simone exclaims, “Anyway, he’s at home, recovering. So the teachers won’t see him. Who will they see? Jean-Pierre!” she explains with her hands flailing by her chest.
“Your brother,” she carries on, “with his handsome good looks, his good grades, his good manners. They’ll forget all about the one eyed boy.”
We come to a stop at the school stairs, the boys in front of us having turned around and staring at something behind us. The three of us look at each other before turning around curiously.
Descamps was stood at the school gates, bag in hand as he looked around miserably. Part of me was happy he was okay, and that his injury hasn’t effected him that much that he didn’t need to stay off school. But another part of me was worried because of the meeting this afternoon, and how the teachers will be thinking of him instead of Jean-Pierre.
First period was history. Mrs Giraud’s high heels clacked against the wooden floor boards, as I zoned out. We were still in the same seating plan, Michèle and Simone sitting on one desk, me sitting alone on one next to them.
My eyes kept wondering over to Descamps, my mind filled with worry for him. He was just looking down at his paper, or at the board.
A white bandage covered his left eye. As I observed him, I didn’t notice him looking back at me, arms crossed over his chest as he kept a straight face. His gaze looks more dark than yesterday, it was clear the incident had affected him.
Quickly, I looked away, embarrassed, and pretended to be focused on the teacher as she asked a question. I turned slowly to look back at Descamps, curious if he was still looking at me, and he was.
Annick and Felbec both raised their hands quickly, my attention now drawn to them. Mrs Giraud looked at Annick before calling on the boy.
“The 5th to the 12th of September 1914.” He stated as he stood up confidently.
“Mhm, and who were the opposing army?”
At this Annick raised her hand higher, leaning on her desk slightly.
“Miss Sabiani, are you trying to climb onto your desk so I can see you?” Bluebeard started, “Don’t you draw enough attention to yourself?”
Annick looked defeated at this while the class murmured. Poor girl.
“The opposing army?”
“The French and the German.” She responded, hands folded in front of her.
“And the British Force. If you only know half the answer, don’t bother putting your hand up.” Mrs Giraud states cockily as she walks away, “And if you would tie your hair up? We’re not in a barn.”
I feel eyes on me, and turn towards Descamps again. His gaze remained the same, emotionless. He shuffled in his seat slightly when he noticed me looking at him, but he remained eye contact.
“Let’s move on to naming our class leader.” This got most of the class’ attention. I slowly turned my head away from Descamps as he continued to look at me, not wavering his gaze.
Felbec raised his hand again, “In the past, my classmates have always picked me for class leader.” He states proudly, “I’m studious and I get good grades.” The class laughs at this.
"Well, I'm not like your previous teachers. You'll have to earn it." Mrs Giraud smiles.
I grimace, looking a Michèle who has the same reaction. The smile doesn’t suit her.
"Does the Battle of Marathon mean anything to anyone?" Mrs Giraud asks, pacing in front of the class as no one answers.
"Very well. Whoever can give me the date of the Battle of Marathon this afternoon will be named class leader." She tells everyone.
After this I zone out, figuring anything worth listening in on was over now. If I needed to learn anything I could always look at textbooks at home to catch up.
We got sent to get changed for PE after break, in the teachers bathroom. Simone was taking a while, presumably trying to make her shorts sit in a way that covered her bruise.
Me and Michèle stood outside, leaning on a wall waiting for her.
“Are you feeling okay?” I ask.
“Yeah, I’m alright, still just nervous about this afternoon.”
“I’m sure it’ll be okay. You’re brother is a top student, they wouldn’t want to get rid of a top student.”
She nods and smiles at me, grateful for the reassurance.
“Notice how the boys have a whole changing room, and we can only use the teachers toilet?” Simone complains from behind the door.
“My brother hates me.” Michèle sighs, changing the subject.
“He doesn’t.” I turn to look at her.
“I swear even before all this, he kept his distance.”
Simone comes out of the bathroom, trying to pull her shorts down over her leg more.
“A brother can never hate his sister.” She states while shutting the door.
“Because you’re lucky.”
“What? My brother stayed in Algiers with my parents. I doubt I’ll even see him for Christmas.”
As we head outside to class, the two carry on the conversation about Algiers while I walk along side them.
Once we reach the sports hall, Simone starts worrying about her bruise again, trying to cover it up with her blue shorts.
“Don’t try and hide it, you’ll just draw attention to it.” I tell her.
“Now it’s yellow and green with purple spots. It’s horrible!”
“Nobody will see it.” Michèle reassures her, shaking her head as we walk towards the teacher to wait.
“Yeah right, everyone will see it.” She sighs defeatidly as we watch the boys walk in, “Shorts and in blue which will make it worse. I’m gonna turn sideways.” She shuffles her feet and faces a different direction.
As Annick walks in, everyone turned to look at her. Whistles sounded from the boys that echoed around the room.
“Hm, no need to turn sideways after all.” Simone looks at us.
“How does she get her hair so smooth?” Michèle questions.
“No idea. Maybe you should ask her. Start up a conversation so we can be better friends with her.” I turn to the side to look at them both.
“I don’t have the confidence to do that. I’ll be scared incase she judges me.” Michèle replies.
“She won’t, you’re just asking her a question.” I state. The conversation stops once Annick stands by us, and we all give her an awkward smile.
The teacher then hands out balls to some of the boys, telling them to warm up. The four of us just stand off to the side, waiting to be given something to do.
Applebaum passes behind us to put his glasses down. I watch as he walks, noticing how he tries to glance in our direction every now and again.
Just then Descamps and Dupin walk in confidently, and my gaze is drawn to them.
“If you want to stay with us, you can go to the side, okay?” The teacher tells Descamps as he isn’t in PE uniform. He goes to sit on the bleachers, hands in his pockets.
“Gentlemen! Let’s start a game.” The teacher calls loudly, “I want two teams on the court, one facing the other.”
“Sir!” Annick shouts, raising her hand and indicating that the girls need something to do as well.
“Ah. The girls.”
He then made us lay out mats as he brought the rope from the ceiling down.
“They get handball, and we get this?” Simone complains as we all look between each other and the rope.
Annick is the first one to grab the rope. Crossing her legs around it and using her arms to bring herself up.
A loud thwack comes from the side of us, catching my attention. Applebaum is on the floor, rubbing his head as Laubrac stands over him, hand on his shoulder in reassurance.
“Ouch.” I say to the other two girls, making them look over to him.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Descamps smirking at him. As I turn my focus onto him, he looks to me, still smirking. This time I don’t break eye contact as quickly, staring at him for a few seconds before focusing back on Annick.
“She’s even good at gym.” Simone says admiringly as she holds the robe to keep it steady, “She’s like Marilyn Monroe!” Me and Michèle laugh at this, Simone smiling as well.
“We have nothing in common with her.” She carries on, “Have you seen her skin? She’s perfect, that’s Hollywood skin.” Simone focuses behind us, “Think your brother needs you there.”
We all look towards the door, noticing Jean-Pierre standing by the door with panic on his face. The blonde girl runs over there quickly, me and Simone watching them talk.
“Y/N, can you take the rope? I’m going to see if they need help.” Simone questions and hands me the rope before running off to the door.
I turn to look back up at Annick, to make sure she’s doing okay. She’s already halfway up the rope, and she doesn’t look tired.
In front of me I can still see Descamps looking my way. Once he notices I was looking at him, he quickly looks away, focusing on the boy’s game and pretending to be interested in it.
I laugh at this, and turn back to look at the door. Michèle had run off, now leaving Jean-Pierre and Simone to talk. She looked up at him happily while he just looked at her confused.
Running back to me she smiles and takes the rope back.
“Thanks. Oh my gosh she’s so high up!”
“Mhm. What did Jean-Pierre need?” I ask, looking at her.
“His blazer ripped, so he asked Michèle to find him another one.” She replies, looking between me and Annick.
Laubrac runs out of the room, his shirt ripped. Both me and Simone watch him as he runs towards the lockers.
“Michèle didn’t go into the boys locker room, right?” I ask worriedly.
“I’m sure she’ll be fine. It’s Laubrac, he won’t say anything.” She says before looking over my shoulder, “Hey, Descamps is looking at us.”
Quickly I turn my head in his direction, and he doesn’t look away. What’s his problem with staring?
“Do you think he’s mad at us because of what happened with his eye?” Questions Simone.
“Why would he be mad at us?”
“I don’t know. Maybe because we’re friends with Michèle.”
I turn back to her, “No, I don’t think so. I think he’s just a teenage boy, you know what they’re like, always staring.” We both giggle.
We notice that Michèle had ran back to Jean-Pierre now, handing him a blue blazer as he smiles and runs off.
As Michèle runs back towards us, Annick comes down from the rope, trying to steady her breathing.
“I’ll go next.” Michèle says as she grabs hold of the rope.
Me and the two other girls go to sit down on the matt as she begins to climb.
“You always hold yourself so straight.” Simone says to Annick, trying to mimic her posture, “Did your mum teach you that?”
“No.” The blonde girl replies dryly.
“How do you get your hair so nice?” I ask her this time, leaning forward over Simone so I can look at Annick.
“Uhm, conditioner and rollers.” She looks back at me.
I nod, and there’s an awkward silence for a minute or two as we watch the boys play.
“Ever been to Hollywood?” Simone breaks the silence.
Annick just turns to look at her, confused. Simone seems embarrassed by the question when the girl doesn’t answer. She turns to look at me with a sad smile before we all focus back on the boys.
It’s silent until Michèle comes down, then the teacher blows the whistle, indicating the end of the lesson.
After getting changed, we head to sit on a bench for break. I sit in between the two girls, Simone staring at Annick and Michèle zoning out. I look at Descamps and Pichon talking, the shorter boy having to look up quite a bit to look him in the eye. What an odd pair to be having such a calm conversation.
“Why doesn’t she talk to us?” I turn to look at Simone and Annick when she says this, “Must be a film star thing. She said she’s never been to Hollywood, but we don’t know that. Are you listening to me?” She turns to the both of us.
“Uh, yeah.” This catches Michèle’s attention. She looks concerned about her brother, biting her lip and fiddling with her hands.
“Disciplinary hearings take a long time, don’t worry about it!” The short haired girl shrugged her shoulders, as Michèle looks away, thinking about something.
“Have you used the rope a lot?” She turns to look at the both of us.
“I haven’t.” I shrug.
“No. Why do you ask?” Simone smiles.
“No, it’s fine.” Michèle says, flustered.
Pichon comes up behind us, making me jump and turn towards him.
“Annick!” He says, quite quietly as he leans on the back of the bench.
“Why don’t you just go and talk to her?” Simone says as Annick walks over to us.
“What do you want?”
“Uh, can I talk to you?” He looks nervous.
The three of us watch as they walk away.
“Do you think he likes her?” I turn back to the other two.
“Yes.” Simone replied immediately, nodding her head, while Michèle carries on watching them.
“Is he asking for her hand in marriage?” Simone laughs. And we both turn back to look at the curiously.
After a few minutes she turn away, and walks back.
“She looks angry.” I state. She then turns to look at us, and we all quickly look away, pretending to be busy and in conversation.
“So, how are you?” Simone says to us loudly, so Annick thinks we weren’t focused on her.
“I am good.” I nod as we all burst into laughter.
Next class was history, and I was excited to see if Annick or Felbec had the answer.
“So, who has earned the honour of becoming class captain?” Mrs Giraud asks the class as she places her coat over her chair.
Two hands are raised, Felbec and Descamps. I look at Descamps confused. Since when did he participate in class? She calls on Felbec first.
“The 5th century BC.” He states plainly as he stands.
“That is correct.” She nods, and he looks pleased with himself, “But if I asked you to give me the date of the Battle of Verdun, what would you say? The twentieth century?” She humiliates him, and he looks down in embarrassment as he returns to his chair.
“Descamps?” She calls, and he stands up fiddling with his fingers nervously. It’s a weird look for Descamps, not a bad one, just weird.
“Four hundred and ninety BC” He states, waiting for Mrs Giraud to respond. The whole class is surprised by him giving an answer, me included.
“Congratulations, Descamps. Can you tell me where you found that date?” She tilts her head.
“Uhm, in the textbook.”
“Surprising. The Persian Wars aren't part of the curriculum.”
I turn to look at Descamps. Part of me feels sorrow for him, but part of me also feels relieved that he got caught. I had a feeling he cheated.
“In another book then, I don’t really remember.” He says as he shuffles on his feet.
“You’ve forgotten already? If you can’t remember where you got the date, how will you remember anything when you get your diploma?” She says confidently to him.
Pichon pushes his chair back and stands up, causing all heads to turn to him.
“I gave him the date.” He says. That’s why they were talking earlier. “Four hundred and ninety BC. It’s in the book on Ancient Greece. I know that because… I read it in the book.”
I look at Descamps, he seems a mix of upset and mad. I guess he really wanted to be class captain.
“And why did you give Descamps the answer?” Mrs Giraud said sternly.
“I wasn’t sure if I could do it,” He fiddles with his fingers nervously, “Be class captain.”
“Pichon, you are our class captain.” She states, leaning her fingertips on the back of her chair.
Pichon looks down, smiling slightly before sitting back down in his chair. Descamps in the opposite, clenching his jaw and fists as he look over at Pichon.
“Should I iron Laubrac’s jacket before I give it back to him?” Michèle asks as we walk, it was the end of the school day.
“Do you like him?” I question her excitedly.
“N-no! What makes you say that?”
“You do like him!” Simone squeals, “if you want to make a good impression then iron his jacket. That’ll make him like you.”
“You think?” She laughs.
“Definitely.” I nod in agreement, “Oh, I forgot my cardigan.” I say to the two girls when we walked by a window, realising how cold it was outside.
“You two carry on, I’ll go back and get it.” I tell them with a smile, and start walking away.
“We can wait for you if you’d like.” Simone says, Michèle nodding next to her.
“No, no. It’s fine. I have errands to run anyway.” I wave my hands at them.
“Okay! See you tomorrow.” They both say and I nod and smile back before heading to my last lesson.
I knock on the door, the teacher was sat at his desk looking at papers when I walk in.
“Sorry sir, I left my cardigan in here.” I say, shuffling on my feet nervously.
“That’s yours is it? Go ahead.” He doesn’t look up, just reading the papers.
“Thank you.” I walk across the classroom to my desk, before picking up my cream cardigan and walking out, closing the door behind me.
As I walk into the corridor, Descamps and his friends walk past. His head turns to me as he stops.
“Joseph?” His friends question.
“Carry on, I have stuff to do.” He nods to them as they walk away.
“Are you okay? Did you need anything?” I ask him curiously.
“Uhm, no. Just wanted to talk.” He says, looking at me and passing his bag and umbrella to the other hand while he shuffles on his feet.
“Oh, okay. About what?” I look at him as I turn and we begin to walk through the corridor, me putting on my cardigan.
“Yesterday. You know, at lunch.” He stares down at his feet.
“Really? You want to talk about it?”
“Yeah, I feel bad.”
“You feel bad? Joseph Descamps feels bad about his actions?” I laugh.
“Shut up. I do. You didn’t do anything to me and I went at you. You were just defending your friend.” He explains with his hands in his pockets.
“Since when did you get all sappy? Aren’t you supposed to be the big, strong bully?” I mock him.
He smiles and sighs.
“I just wanted to apologise. Just know that if I start on you, I don’t mean it.” He stops and looks at me, me doing the same.
“You don’t mean it?”
He shakes his head.
“What about other people?”
“What do you mean other people?”
“When you argue with Michèle do you mean it?”
“Well yeah, I don’t like her.” He shakes his head and points to the bandage on his face.
“Oh, right.” We turn and start walking again. “In all fairness though it was Jean-Pierre who did that to you.”
He sighs louder this time, and I start to feel sorry for him.
“You didn’t deserve it. Yeah you were mean to Michèle but, you didn’t deserve that.” I say as i point to my own eye. He turns to look at me, a small smile on his face for a second.
“It suits you.” I tell him.
“The bandage?”
“Yeah. The whole one eyed thing. Makes you look cool.”
He laughs in response as we get towards the school doors.
“Fuck.” I mumble, and stop in my tracks once I notice it’s raining.
“The rain, I didn’t bring an umbrella, my mum said the sky was supposed to be clear today.” I tell him as he turns around to look at me.
“Just use mine?”
“Use yours?” He nods at me.
“I don’t mind. Here.” He hands me the black umbrella and I smile at him.
“Thank you.” I open it up and step outside with him, covering him with the umbrella as well as we start to walk.
I have to hold my hand up pretty high for it to reach over his head. He notices this and takes the umbrella for me, covering the both of us as he holds it.
We don’t talk much as we walk in the direction of my house, just small talk and talk about school.
The rain comes down heavier, splashing against the umbrella.
“This is my house.” I turn to him once we get close to the door.
“Already?” He looks down at me.
“Nothing. Just get inside, I don’t want you getting anymore wet.” I nod at him in response.
“Thank you, for walking me home, and the umbrella.” I smile.
“It’s fine, I like your company anyway.”
“You’re a completely different person when you’re on your own Descamps.” I laugh at him while opening my house door.
“Shut up. No I’m not.”
“If you say so. Goodbye.”
“Bye.” He walks away with a stern face, making me laugh.
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
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poptart-productions · 2 years
Crazy In Love
[eren jaeger boyfriend headcanons]
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pairing // eren jaeger x black! reader
content // y/n in their loner arc, some nsfw mostly fluff, stoner! eren, mechanic! eren, streamer/gamer! eren, swearing, spoilers for s4 bc there are some ppl who haven’t watched yet
a/n // been getting back into my aot obsession
applies to both modern and canon eren
this is more of a drabble than a one shot but if you want more of this au. . .shawty all you gotta do is ask
gender isn’t really mentioned but eren’s stream does call you mommy at one point, just ignore it otherwise
streamer! eren is in the works rn tbh
ੈ✩ | so modern/high school eren pre time skip is an absolute menace
ੈ✩ | he behaved for a week and then all that went out the window when jean said something under his breath
ੈ✩ | genuinely has anger issues, adhd, and depression—which he tends to show through unbridled rage
ੈ✩ | you’d be lying if you said he didn’t catch your eye; he was attractive and was in a trio when you ain’t even got one true friend. but he had three, and he didn’t seem to need or even want any more
ੈ✩ | that’s why it is so fucking hard to get close to this nigga; there were times he was such a dick to you for no reason—if it’s any consolation he feels like shit about that and ten times out of ten it never had anything to do with you
ੈ✩ | gremlin eren? gremlin eren
ੈ✩ | this nigga can never shut up, and while mikasa is the number one person who gets him to stop acting up, she gets ACTIVE when he’s in a losing fight
ੈ✩ | eventually he got in trouble so much that his ass got expelled, his father—after trying literally everything else, got him a medical marijuana card—mans said “bet” and never stopped since
ੈ✩ | OKAY NOW MODERN MANBUN EREN—in the time that he was gone, mikasa and armin took you under their wing, becoming your first real friends; and as they made you comfortable, you started coming into your own more
ੈ✩ | you’d heard about eren’s whereabouts, and knew they talked to him about you, but you always refused to talk to him when given the chance because there was a time where you GENUINELY thought he hated you
ੈ✩ | everyone on tumblr says he’s a stoner and i have no choice but to agree—like that’s why he’d be so mellowed out, and with no titans he’d be the coolest mf out there
ੈ✩ | then when mikasa found out you had a thing for him since freshmen year she finally gets the gang back together four years later—she 100% snitched and bro. . .you almost didn’t recognize him as he walked into the karaoke bar
ੈ✩ | he’d grown his hair out—he had just grown in general, shooting from 5’11 to 6’3, and he’s gotten some tattoos as well
ੈ✩ | your jaw went slack as you gaped at mikasa who only gave you knowing glance
ੈ✩ | not only that, but his voice has gotten an unbelievable amount of bass to it—you almost zoned out every-time it was his turn to sing
ੈ✩ | eren knows how short life is—and he goes after what he wants—he always has, but tbh younger eren never had romantic interest and for the longest time he was a closeted aromantic—getting off-topic but that changed as he grew and he asked you out immediately on a count of what i said before
ੈ✩ | guy is still aromantic but does experience love (though mostly platonic) for very few people,
ੈ✩ | because of that, his confession is the most genuine thing you’ve ever heard—“i didn’t realize it then, but i’d always felt different about you”
“you’re so precious, and sweet and kind—and you’re so fucking good to others, and i thought it was a prank or something when you tried to talk to me—but fuck, when mikasa told me you used to like me, i couldn’t miss the opportunity so i gotta ask. . .”
“would you go out with me?”—and coming from the dude you’ve been crushing on for years and being a person who no one has ever expressed romantic interest to over things you can’t control, you did in fact start crying
ੈ✩ | because he’s so hard to get close to, he’s had many pick-me’s try—even in his gremlin arc—thinking they was in a romance webtoon; jumping in while he was beating the shit out of whoever—“eren, look at me! this isn’t you!”
ੈ✩ | fuck your insecurities about that though because eren is literally the sweetest and most affirming person out there once you get to know him
ੈ✩ | surprisingly a hopeless romantic—only for you—he’s your biggest supporter and he simps so hard. your first date is a picnic, he asked jean—after he apologized and they formed a friendship—to help him throw together a little spread for you
ੈ✩ | he’s absolutely in love with you and will do anything for you
ੈ✩ | your race has so little bearing on your relationship but every once in a while he’ll randomly remember he’s got a melanated lover—and what new circumstances that brings
ੈ✩ | like when he’ll just a get a call a from you at three a.m and answers thinking he’s gonna get some ass and you just start crying
“babe i’ve been doing my hair since 10 p.m and it’s not even halfway done—and i’m so fucking tired but if i. . .” you sniffle, “if i go to sleep now i can’t go to class because my hair looks like shit”
“babe, what are you talking about, why is it—?”
he eventually comes over because he’s so confused as to what’s taking so long, but after he offered to help you and he made you cry even more he understood—nigga broke a sweat tryna wrangle that shit
y’all gave up and decided to miss out on class and tackle it in the morning; he helps you wrap it up and you guys—despite saying you were tired for an hour you could go to sleep so just watched coryxkenshin until the sun came up
ੈ✩ | he’s not only white, but he’s white-european he simply does not understand these things
ੈ✩ | but the fact that he makes an effort to understand your culture in the first place will literally make you cry sometimes—like you can visibly see him fighting his adhd so he can listen to you talk about your hair or what a ‘black card’ is and you always reward him with a kiss for listening to you
ੈ✩ | once he gets it though he’s hard chilling. you notice he started to use more aave; and he started paying for you to get your hair done bc he’s a trust fund kid, and he will always respect the amount of effort that goes into it. he’s also like, super into using aave and slang—he uses it more than you, and even knows the uncle ruckus joke despite NEVER watching boondocks in his life; he doesn’t think he’s black but. . .y’know. and it only gets worse when he meets your family
ੈ✩ | your mother LOVES him, and is constantly telling you that she wants him as her son-in-law, he’s repsectful, handsome, strong, and hard-working—she will literally never forgive you if you let him go
ੈ✩ | if it’s his first one he’s super jittery and nervous at first. but eren’s a super chill dude so if you have to leave him alone he’ll be cool with anyone
ੈ✩ | your uncles wanna sit in the driveway and pop a cold one? sign him up. your little cousins/siblings swear they can beat him in mario kart? they fucking wish, your aunts wanna sit and talk shit—he was doing that anyway—he’s a super friendly person and he gets along well with anyone
ੈ✩ | will literally film tiktoks with you at the family cookout despite hating having pictures or videos taken of him—he sees how happy you are so he doesn’t care
ੈ✩ | i feel like eren has a very physical job and streams part time for funsies. so yeah when he tells your family that he’s a mechanic when they ask they literally erupt
ੈ✩ | because he’s so hard-working, your aunts love him—constantly making him plates and taking care of him and such
ੈ✩ | and if you have any messy in-laws that try to talk shit or get with him he will deadass call them out
all those years of playing COD made his trash talk elite. . .shit. . .
“how you gon’ talk about my baby when your edges ain’t laid?”
“get your fucking teeth straight before you talk shit”
ੈ✩ | it’s the fact that he did not stop—like homegirl deadass was on the brink of tears and had to leave; nobody liked her anyway so he was good
ੈ✩ | jacked as fuck so just casually holds you down when he doesn’t want you to leave
ੈ✩ | demands kisses at all times; good morning kiss, goodnight kiss, hello kiss, good bye kiss, or just because you’re looking too damn fine
ੈ✩ | shows you off on stream.
“eren, baby—oh shit, are you streaming? my fault” your heart drops as you see yourself in the viewfinder, and you back out of the room—hiding yourself behind the door
“hang on guys—oh no babe, you’re fine”
you thought you had embarrassed him by pulling up in your pajamas but the chat was in love
you hesitantly inch closer as the chat continues to go wild
‘mommy? sorry, mommy?”
‘oh they fine alright”
“what did you wanna tell me?” he takes off his headset, giving you his undivided attention.
“i was gonna tell you to stop screaming”
“oh damn, you coulda kept that to yourself then” his face stiffened, half-heartedly and he turned back to the game
chuckling, you begin to walk away,
“wait~” he whines, “come here” his voice lowers as you walk toward him, already knowing what he was going to ask
you give him a kiss and pull away very quickly because you know eren too well
“i love you,” his whispers against your lips, “i love you too”
you say goodbye to his viewer and head out to continue your studies
“that’s my lover” you hear him state proudly as you closed the door
ੈ✩ | ngl, i feel like canon! eren pre-timeskip would mostly act the exact same
ੈ✩ | it’d be a little easier to win him over though. since you’re ‘different’ his curiosity draws him to you, and your perseverance and skill is something that’s warrants his respect
ੈ✩ | what’s that belief that life-threatening situations brings people together? that helps too
ੈ✩ | he starts off barely even saying two words to you and now you’ll both protect each other with your lives by the events of season two
ੈ✩ | LIKE JUST IMAGINE THE SCENE WHEN HE DISCOVERS HE HOLDS THE COORDINATE; like you and mikasa are not in good shape so he’s so determined to protect you—and you and mikasa have resigned to your fates but he’s like
“i’ll keep looking after you”
“now and forever, whenever you need me”
ੈ✩ | screaming crying and throwing up
ੈ✩ | or the scene where he takes back the wall in his titan form—and you immediately tackle him as soon as he’s comes staggering out of the nape,
“you did it eren!”
ੈ✩ | most def, especially after that scene from s3—his crush on you is very obvious—like let’s say you pushed mika out of the way and you got your ribs broken instead of her; when you guys make it to that little cabin, he’s literally putting in work to make sure you don’t have to move an inch—chopping firewood, helping make dinner, even volunteering to stand watch or staying up all night in case you need him—but of course you would still come out to check on him
“he’s like a hardworking husband and they’re his doting partner” historia would smile as she watched you two interact
ੈ✩ | eren would spend years pining for you without realizing it until the he almost lost you—be it to the titans or another man
ੈ✩ | he gets the help he needs to confess from the guys who screw him over—not entirely on purpose, but he ends up humiliating himself in front of you; the next day he’s avoiding you like he’s insane until you eventually just blurt out that you like him back
ੈ✩ | i lowkey feel like eren would be way too romantic or so lowkey people have no idea you’re dating—shit not even you knew for like a month
ੈ✩ | deadass, it took this nigga pulling up with a bouquet of flowers claiming it was for your anniversary and you just blinked at him
“are we not dating. . . ?”
ੈ✩ | pre time-skip eren is when he’s the most affectionate but even then he literally only pipes up when you’re in danger
ੈ✩ | you see a different side of him in his titan form—even though he doesn’t have the capacity for speech, his eyes tell you all you need to know.
ੈ✩ | he mellows out a lot because this is the only form he’s in where he feels like nothing can hurt you—he’s untouchable and so are you. so he’s generally a lot softer in this form
ੈ✩ | he’s like a big puppy, responding positively and humming when you scratch his head
ੈ✩ | if you don’t like saliva do NOT do missions with titan! eren. nigga literally just puts you in his mouth for cover when the spot gets too hot
ੈ✩ | and if you EVER get kidnapped for any reason eren is activating his titan form—even if the perpetrators are human he could not give a fuck—he’s already not a cautious person but he really do be wilding when it comes to you, that’s why levi tried to keep you separate before realizing that it only makes it worse.
ੈ✩ | now post time-skip canon! eren. . .bro ima be fr, that nigga is so confusing
ੈ✩ | like let’s say you didn’t know him prior and were just a jaegerist, it was genuinely so difficult to tell if he was just manipulating you or not
ੈ✩ | even when he swore up and down that he loves you—you couldn’t help but wonder if he was just saying that because he knew if you thought he cared about you, you’d be willing to do just about anything for him
ੈ✩ | now is that actually true. . . ?
ੈ✩ | but if you knew him since childhood he’s a lot easier to read, like you were just calling bullshit when he was gaslighting mikasa and armin in that one scene—even if he tried that on you, you were not having it
ੈ✩ | he’d gladly abandon everything for you if you caught the signs quick enough, but even after he already declared war on the marlyeans, he’d still give you many chances to save him
ੈ✩ | he’s the boy who sought freedom, but he finds solace in your presence and knowing you care for him. so if you tell him you love him he will deadass just take your hand and beg you to run away with him
ੈ✩ | if you say yes—which you will—bc c’mon now, he’ll build you two a little cottage up in the mountains and live the rest of his days with you, enjoying the simple life he’d always dreamed of with the person he loves more than anything
ੈ✩ | thinking about cottage au! eren rn AHHH
ੈ✩ | now if you decide to play the anarchy route i’m sure y’all will make a great terrorist power couple
y’all some real
💅 ✨ 💖 sassy shooters 💖✨💅
i don’t actually condone this but go off ig
ੈ✩ | also generally, he’s more a physical kinda guy, so don’t feel awkward about sitting on his lap while he’s meeting with volunteers and fellow jaegerists
ੈ✩ | sometimes, you wake up to him crying quietly beside you and you always scoot over and start spooning him
ੈ✩ | every once in awhile he’ll say things that remind you of the old eren, and it makes you wanna cry every time
ੈ✩ | you still love him though, and are willing to wait for him to come around
ੈ✩ | if you die in the war though, it’s up. he’s gonna keep going forward and won’t stop until he’s dead
ੈ✩ | he loves you so much, good god you’re so heavenly
alright people NSFW time so head out if you’re not interested
ੈ✩ | so modern eren! remember how i said he was a mechanic? somehow whenever he comes home, one of you is always frustrated. like imagine you were already missing him, and he gets home and his shirt is off, his skin is glowing and hes got oil smudges painting random patches of his coveralls
“eren—“ you very loudly gulp; you had just wanted to greet your loving boyfriend with his favorite snack but when you saw him in all his glory you really couldn’t help it
ੈ✩ | eren literally always knows when you want something from him; whether it’s because he’s good at detecting it, or you’re just bad at hiding it is up for debate but he clocks you either way
ੈ✩ | but eren, being the cheeky bastard he is, makes you say it. being shy isn’t very fruitful when it comes to him
ੈ✩ | now if he’s the horny one, it’s on fucking sight yo—and there’s no running away, the longer he’s away from you, the more frustrated he becomes
“ah—! eren,” you���re preparing dinner one minute and being bent over the counter the next “—need you” he whines
ੈ✩ | yeah, mans gets v whiny when he’s desperate for it
ੈ✩ | no if ands or buts about it, eren jaeger is a nasty man—regardless of what universe he’s in
ੈ✩ | into spit, vouyerism, and all the other dirty and nasty ass shit
ੈ✩ | into anal anything—even on himself, like if you sneak down to give him a rim job while giving oral he will become so whiny
ੈ✩ | will let you peg or finger him if you’ve got the guts to dom him
ੈ✩ | his moans are something else bro
ੈ✩ | HE’S SO AFFIRMING; “go ahead baby, you can ride” “don’t be shy look at me—pretty eyes on me, on me” “fuck yes, make yourself feel good on my cock” “fuck, you’re perfect”
“i love you so much”
“fuck, are you okay? yeah? okay, gonna move”
ੈ✩ | fuck, he loves mirror sex
ੈ✩ | he’ll let you ride for as long as you want sweetheart, and when you inevitably get tired he’ll buck his hips into yours, laying you down before shifting so he could thrust up more comfortably
ੈ✩ | you don’t notice, but he pays a lot of attention to what he’s doing during sex and will constantly look up to catch your reactions when he makes a strategic change of angles as he blows your back out
ੈ✩ | so yeah he knows your body like the back of his hand
ੈ✩ | SPEAKING OF WHICH, HIS HANDS BRO OML, HE HAS THE PRETTIEST FUCKING HANDS, like they’re calloused but slender and long with a pink hue dusted over his knuckles
ੈ✩ | he would rock you on his fingers while he’s gaming because you were lonely. and because you were so good he fucks you after
ੈ✩ | so canon! eren. . .bro first of all, whoever called eren’s titan form hot. get out, bc like i’m a closeted monsterfucker but how would it work? homeboy ain’t got no lips, no dick—and even if he did it’d literally kill you.
ੈ✩ | the only thing i could think of is him covering you with his tongue or you rubbing against one of his fingers
ੈ✩ | he lets out a lot of aggression on you; sometimes he’ll even cry against you—mans just gets really emotional when he can see your face
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