#how much they make my laugh and smile that it hurts
uluvjay · 3 days
Please, please, please-L. Norris
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Lando Norris x fem! Reader
In which Lando takes care of you after a night out.
Warnings?: alcohol consumption, drunkenness, kissing, talks of sex, mentions of flashing, prob some errors, not the best ending, got the idea from tik tok so everyone say thank you Alix Earle for breaking my writers block!!!
Lando swore he was only turned around for a second, him and max weren’t talking for long before his best friend was laughing and pointing behind Lando’s shoulder with a shocked expression on his face.
Turning around Lando’s jaw dropped at the sight of you standing on top of the bar, your Louboutin heels stranded on the ground below you as you screamed the lyrics to Sabrina carpenter’s newest song.
With a laugh lando made his way back towards you, “Y/n!”
Your body spins at the sound of his voice, glazed eyes staring down at him as a large smile took over your face right as your favorite part played through the speakers.
“Heartbreak is one thing, my egos another. I beg you don’t embarrass me motherfucker.” You sang as your body swayed, foot pointing at lando as you sang the lyrics.
He couldn’t help but laugh at your shenanigans, his head shaking as you turned around again, your back once again facing Lando.
“Baby! please get down, it’s not safe up there.” He called once again.
“Fineee.” You whined as you turned back to him with a pout going to sit down on the bar in order to get down however the Brit found himself launching forward to stop your movements the second he caught sight of your panties due to your position.
Confusion grew on your face as he gripped your waist and pulled you off the counter himself, your hands shooting out to steady yourself on his shoulders.
“Lando!” You scolded as he placed you on the ground and picked up your heals from the ground along with your clutch.
However your drunken nature proved that to be impossible as you began to whine about your feet hurting leaving the boy no choice but to pick you up bridal style and carry you out of the bar.
“What was that for?” You groaned into his neck as you began to place sloppy kisses on the skin.
“You almost flashed everyone in our section darling.” He breathed.
“Oops” you spoke but the giggled that followed had Lando quickly realizing how far gone you truly were.
You were silent for the rest of the walk to the valet and as lando sat you in your seat before walking over to the drivers side of his Uris, making sure you were both buckled tightly before heading home.
“Can I see your phone?” You asked softly.
“Right in the console”
He laughed at the squeal that escaped you, watching for a second as your hand moved towards the volume nozzle and you turned it up almost as loud as his speakers would allow.
Soon the familiar tune of “Please Please Please” began to play throughout the car, your voice quickly following Sabrina’s as you serenaded your boyfriend.
Lando jumped at the feeling of your hand on his jaw as he rolled to a stop at the light, your hand turning his head towards you as you sang out to him.
“And I have a fun idea babe, maybe just stay inside. I know you’re craving some fresh air But the ceiling fan is so nice.” You sang, finger pointed at him as you leaned closer and placed a sloppy kiss on his lips.
Some people might have found you to be too much when drunk but lando loved it, he adored the way your affection was always on level 100, and how you seemed to giggle at every little thing, how you were unashamedly yourself.
Your small concert continued until Lando pulled into his parking spot in the garage and turned the car off, a cry of annoyance leaving your lips as the song was cut off.
“Sorry baby, time to go to inside.” He smiled softly as he unbuckled both of you and exited the car before helping you out and holding onto you tightly as he walked you into the house.
He walked you into your shared room, placing your heels down before coming behind you to unzip your dress.
“Ohhh, is it sexy time?” You smirked at the feeling of his fingers on your dress.
Lando giggled at the tone of your voice, doing your absolute best to sound seductive despite your slurring.
“Nah not tonight baby, but I promise to take care of you tomorrow if you’re feeling up for it.” He apologized, placing a soft kiss to your shoulder blade before allowing the dress to fall to the floor.
He moved across the room to the dresser to pull out one of his shirts for you to sleep in and by the time he turned back around you had already stripped your bra and had your arms raised in order for him to pull the shirt over your head.
“Are you sure we can’t have sexy time?” You pouted once you were dressed in his shirt, your arms wrapping around his neck as his came to hold your waist.
“I’m very sure, now let’s go take your makeup off and brush our teeth.” He spoke placing a small kiss to your lips before lifting you off of your feet and carrying you towards the bathroom.
Settling you on the counter he pulled out your makeup remover and cotton rounds, dousing two in remover he began to gently rub your skin.
“You looked so handsome tonight.” You spoke up.
“Mhm, love when you wear your shirts like that.” You nodded, lip pulled between your teeth as your eyes ran up and down his body.
“Thought I looked like a slut when I opened them like this?” He laughed, bringing up your joke from before you two headed out for the night.
“Well yeah but you’re my slut.” You shrugged.
He shook his head at your words, his signature giggle bouncing off the walls of your large bathroom.
“And that’s all I ever wanna be darling, all yours.” He cooed, lips connecting with yours once again.
“Good because I’m not letting you leave.” You replied, legs wrapping around his waist and pulling his body closer to yours.
“Nope.” You said popping the p, eyes locking with his, “Your stuck with me forever pretty boy.”
“I can deal with that.” He smirked before giving you a lingering kiss, the taste of your choice of alcohol for the night filling his senses.
“Mm, yep let’s get those teeth brushed, all I can taste is vodka.” He spoke causing both of you to break out in giggles.
Many people didn’t care for nights where they had to take care of their drunken partners but you’d never catch Lando complaining about it, even if you spent fifteen minutes with the same song on repeat as you screamed the lyrics, he’d never trade in moments like those for anything else.
After brushing both of your teeth Lando carried you to bed and tucked you in before stripping his own clothes until he was only in his boxers, your wolf whistle making his body shake with laughter before he joined you in bed.
“Get over here you muppet.” He smiled pulling your body closer to his, sighing contently as you snuggled into his side, leaving a small peck to his chest before he quickly hear your soft breathing fill the room.
He placed one last kiss to your head before allowing sleep to over take his own body.
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moonstruckme · 3 days
Thanks for being patient with me! This is edited on about four hours of sleep so apologies for any errors <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 1.6k words
Water sizzles on the stove. You reach over to turn down the heat, your side heating from its proximity to the boiling water, before spinning back around to keep speed-chopping onion. This is a result of poor planning. 
It’s possible that some of your nerves could be reinterpreted as excitement. Giddiness, even. You’re finally—finally—doing something to try and repay all the kindness James shows you. You’ve felt like such a mooch, eating his cooking and stealing his time with his friends, but last week had been too much for you to take. He’d discovered the stomach bug you were weathering, and James had completely devoted the next two days of his life to making sure you were looked after. 
Your fever had gotten so out of hand he’d very nearly followed through on his favorite threat (going into your phone while you’re sleeping and phoning your mum), and though you’d done your best to downplay it at the time there are admittedly gaps in your memory wherein you think you were simply too out of it to know what was going on. It’s not a very comforting thought when you’re harboring a humiliating crush on your roommate; you may well have been just as talkative as James always is, you don’t know. At least he hasn’t said anything. 
He had, thankfully, managed to avoid catching it. You’re not sure how he managed what no one on your shift at work did, but you assume it has something to do with all that kale he eats. Which is why you’re doing your best to make the thank-you meal you’re making him as healthy as might suit his standards. 
You hear his key in the door, and a little frisson goes up your spine. 
“You’re early,” you accuse as he walks in. 
“Since when do you know when my training ends?” James asks. You sound like you’re sniping at one another, but as usual the joviality in his tone is unmissable. 
The sounds of his entrance are familiar, perhaps more ingrained in your mind than they ought to be. Keys jingling as he hangs them on the hook, shoes toed off and left by the mat, heavy footsteps headed for wherever you are in the apartment. 
When he finds you in the kitchen, you both speak at once. 
“What happened to your shoulder?” 
“You know how to cook?” 
“Hurt it at training,” James answers, shrugging with the shoulder that doesn’t have an ice pack held to it. He’s probably too nice for it to occur to him to withhold his answer until you’ve given yours, as had been your first thought. “What are you making?” 
“How did you hurt it?” Worry pries at your tone. Your hands have stilled on the cutting board. 
“We had a scrimmage, and I got shoulder-barged.” He gives you a smile, a shadow of the real thing, but gentler. Reassuring. “It’s not bad.” 
You frown. “I don’t know what that means.” 
“Didn’t expect you to, love.” 
“Why do you need to ice it if it’s not bad?” 
There’s a look in James’ eyes that’s wavering between smugness and softness. You balk at the sight of it. “I need to be a bit careful with it,” he hedges, “but it’ll be good by morning. Now, you’ve distracted me. Do you mean to tell me you’ve known how to cook this entire time?” 
“Yes,” you concede with a laugh. “I’ve always said I cook for myself when you’re not around.” 
“And here you are, doing it right before my eyes.” James leans on the counter with his good arm. He looks immensely entertained. “I’m honored.” 
“This isn’t just for me,” you say, looking down to resume chopping onion as your face warms slightly. “It’s for—” Another remonstrative hiss from the stove, and you whip around, moving the pot off the hot part entirely. You’re a bit relieved for the excuse to face away from him. “It’s for both of us. Also, I just want to provide a disclaimer right now that I never said I was good at cooking, only that I knew how.” 
James’ laugh rumbles behind you, just as you knew it would. He’s too easy. You can practically feel the force of his smile hitting your back, like the sunshine brought inside. 
“Here,” he says, taking a couple of steps toward you, “let me help.” 
“No!” You whirl again, stopping him before he can actually enter the kitchen. “No way. James, I’m trying to do something nice.” 
“And it is very nice,” he says, earnest. “It just seems like you could use a hand.” 
“I’ve got it,” you insist. Your hands are up to ward him off, but you put them at your sides when you realize how close they’re hovering to his chest. “It doesn't count as doing something for you if you do it yourself. Anyway, you’re incapacitated.” 
“I’m…” James looks confused, but then he glances down to his icing shoulder. “Oh, come on. I’m hardly immobilized.” 
“For all intents and purposes, you are.” You do your best to infuse your voice with conviction. You’ve found that’s usually the way with James. If you show any hesitation, he’ll turn on the charm and have you eating out of his hand before you know what’s happened. You herd him away from the kitchen. “Go sit down. Dinner will be ready soon.” 
You can’t help but be aware of him as you finish up, knowing he has to hear the sizzling when you accidentally spill things onto the stove or the one mumbled curse you’re not quick enough to bite back. All evidence that you’re not nearly as practiced a cook as James. You can practically feel his grin from a room over. Still, when it's done you’re fairly proud of yourself. 
James is beaming as he accepts his bowl. He hikes his knees up so you can pass between the couch and the coffee table, making a show of sniffing the steam rising from the food. 
“Is this risotto?” he asks, waiting for your little nod before his mouth drops open in astonishment. “You are so sneaky! I didn’t know you could cook at all, let alone fancy shit like this.” 
“It’s not that hard to make.” You look down at your fork as you raise it to your lips, blowing. 
“Sure it is! Loads of people have a hard time with it.” 
“Do you?” 
James grins, caught. You feel your own smile tugging at your lips as you take a bite.
He follows suit, forking a bit of the risotto and blowing to cool it before taking it in his mouth. His eyes dip closed, head lolling back, and he moans. 
“Oh my god, this is good. I’m never cooking again, now that I know you can do this.” 
You take another bite to avoid a response. You’re fairly sure the heat from your face could power the apartment for a month. 
James makes a few more over-the-top compliments of your culinary skills, which you deflect as best you can. As always, you eat mostly silently while he chatters, but when you look over your attention gets snagged on his shoulder. 
He’s only using the one hand to eat, bowl resting in his lap while you hold yours up closer to your face. His ice pack sits beside him now that he can’t hold it on anymore. You catch yourself gnawing on the inside of your lip. 
“Does it hurt?” you ask. 
James looks over, following your gaze. “Yeah,” he admits. “Nothing I’m not used to, though.” 
You feel your eyebrows pinch. “You get hurt often?” 
He smiles bemusedly. “It’s rugby, love. Getting a bit roughed up is part of the deal.” 
This doesn’t sit right with you. Though you hadn’t pondered it much before, you realize you’ve sort of been thinking of James, with his muscles and constant smiles and easygoing manner, as somewhat invincible. He seems like such a source of light in the world, it hadn’t occurred to you that anything bad could happen to him. You don’t like the idea of him being hurt. In any capacity. 
You realize this is likely playing out on your face when you notice James watching you. His eyes are soft. “As much as I would love to milk this for attention and maybe a sponge bath,” he says, setting his fork in his bowl, “it’s really not that bad. See?” 
He pulls down the sleeve of his shirt, and the effort to placate you is wasted. You take in a quiet, horrified gasp at the deeply colored bruise on James’ shoulder. One of your hands raises as if to touch it. It hovers in the space between you. 
“That’s not that bad?” you look at James in alarm. “It looks broken.” 
“It’s not,” he laughs. It’s a bit awkward, as close to self-conscious as you’ve ever seen him. “Trust me, I’ve had a couple broken bones in my time. It’s only bruised, and the muscle’s a bit strained.” 
The muscle, you’re noticing now, is quite substantial. Your focus is on the bruise, but the shoulder beneath it is eye-catching as well, hefty and taut-looking, presumably from the strain. That, or James is flexing. 
You raise your gaze quickly to his. Brown eyes tinged with smugness. 
“You’re worried about me.” His lips stretch into a grin. Not your favorite one in his arsenal. “Aw, sweetheart, I love you too.” 
You direct your attention back to your food, face hotter than hot. “I have justification for worry,” you say, the teasing tone you were going for undercut by the unintentional softness of your voice. “You’re voluntarily participating in a sport that seems like it’s trying to kill you.” 
James takes a self-satisfied bite of his risotto. “I don’t know, I was pretty worried when you fainted in my arms last week.” 
You side-eye him suspiciously. “I didn’t actually do that.” 
“Guess you’ll never know.” 
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papaya-twinks · 1 day
Can i get a Lando fluff+smut?
Maybe y/n is like Zak's daughter, and its like a forbidden love trope?
With a lot of teasing, almost getting caught, stolen glances, and Zak is totally not blind??
Love u
Warnings: Smut, 18+, fingering, oral (fem receiving)
Pairing: Lando Norris x ceo!daughter!reader
A/N - I’m gonna do Andrea Stella instead of Zak Brown coz Stella is a sexy ass surname
“So, basically, this is where we paint the car,” your father led you through the factory. You nodded, still bored out your kiln as you stared at everything, relatively uninterested. You weren’t the type of F1 fan who was interested in how the car works, more about the drivers and racing. “We’re gonna go see Lando and Oscar,” Andrea spoke, leading you lit the factory and to the main lobby of the MTC.
You knew them, having met them multiple times round the garage, and you’d much rather find yourself hanging out with them. You weren’t necessarily interested in looking at how they made the driver’s asses comfortable with the seating, so this was a welcome change. “Hey,” you smiled, seeing Lando and Oscar standing by some of the display cars in the MTC. 
“Hey,” Lando said, hands in his pockets as he smiled at you. “Hi,” Oscar said. “I’ll leave you with them,” Andrea said, “I have meetings,”. You nodded, shaking your head as you watched him leave. “Let me guess, he bored you to death with meetings?” Lando asked, as Oscar stood awkwardly beside you. “I’m gonna go to my room, leave you to it,” Oscar said. You did feel bad for doing it, but it was hard to include such an introverted person. 
 You sighed, watching him walk away before turning to Lando again. “Bit of an introvert, isn’t he?” he shrugged, hands still in his pockets. “Guess so,” you nodded, looking down at the car behind you. “Can’t image living with Andrea,” Lando pulled a face, making you snort. “A lot more annoying than he is with you,” you laughed. 
“So,” he raised an eyebrow. It was getting increasingly harder every single time you two spoke to ignore the sexual tension between the two of you, your conversations awkward. “Did well on your race,” you commented, looking down and then back up again. “P5?” he raised an eyebrow, “that’s good?”. You internally groaned - he’d been making it incredibly hard to converse normally with him. 
“I don’t know, Lando,” you groaned, standing up from leaning against the display car and walking. He followed, eyebrow raised. “You didn’t watch my race?” he said, a lock of mock- offence on his face, “I’m wounded,” he clutched his chest. You snorted, rolling your eyes at his words. “I did, just don’t remember,” you said, stating the truth. “Wow, thanks for showing how long little I mean to you,” he teased, poking your sides as you laughed. 
“Oh, you know you mean more,” you walked up the stairs, looking into the small rooms, some for massages, some for other things. “Oh yeah? How much, then?” he raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing on his lips. “Hm?” you hummed absentmindedly, looking into the rooms. “I said, how much do I mean to you?” Lando stopped you, his hand on you waist, pushing you onto the room. 
“I, uh,” you flushed, looking at him, standing against you, your back to the wall, “a bit,”. Lando raised an eyebrow, his face centimetres from yours. “Is that all?” he put on a facade of mock hurt, his hand clutching his chest once more. “Well, more than that,” he said, almost as if he could hear your silent plea to him. ‘Please get rid of the sexual tension and just do it’. He raised an eyebrow at your almost desperate expression, hands coming to your waist. 
“Someone looks needy,” he commented, tugging at your tube top. In terms of appearance, he thought you looked like every pretty rich girl - the classic boss’ daughter. But in terms of personality? Oh you were refreshingly different. Not throwing yourself at him like other girls, but still showing your attraction. “D’you want this?” he asked, silently hoping you’d give him green light to go. 
Your nod was all he needed, his eyes darkening as he kicked the door shut behind him, lifting your tube top off and over your head. “Lando,” you gasped, his lips coming to your collarbone as his large hands pulled at your skirt. “Been wanting this for ages,” Lando mumbled against your warm skin, “wanted to just bend you over the second I saw you,”. His words were filthy, sending a jolt of heat between your legs. 
“Fuck, so pretty,” he muttered, turning on around so your chest was to the wall, his hands culling your breasts. “Lando,” you gasped again, his body rocking your slightly, before he pulled you back to the small massage bed, pushing you onto your knees. “So pretty like that,” Lando grinned, your add pushed against him as he bent you down, your chin resting on your hands. 
You didn’t even try to hold back the moans teasing on your tongue as he pushed a finger to your panties, your wetness spilling through, coating his finger. “You’re soaking, Y/N,” he said, using your name for the first time in ages, the way it rolled off his tongue making your body jolt in surprise. “Like that, d’you?” he asked, leaning down, pushing your panties down. 
“Lando!” you gasped, his tongue teasing your folds as he ran through your wetness, one hand pushing your back down and the other sliding his index finger into your opening. The moan you let out when he pumped you slowly with his finger, pushing another in. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Lando ran his hand down your back, your hips bucking into his nose as he laughed, pulling back. 
“Someone’s needy?” he asked, pulling down his trousers, his cock springing onto your back. “Needy,” Lando said again, his hand pumping his length a few times before he aligned with your opening, pushing just the head in. “Oh fuck, Lando,” you moaned a he bottomed out, his hips stuttering as he twitched inside of you. “Fuck, Y/N, so tight,” he groaned, rocking his hips slowly as you gasped, eyes wide. 
“Feel s’good,” you whined as he quickened his pace, “like heaven,”. He chuckled at your words, his hips slamming into you as you moaned. “How long have you wanted this, hm?” he cooed into your ear. “Since I first saw you,” you mewled, “been wanting you for so long,”. Your words made him smirk slightly, “How much do I mean to you?”. You didn’t even need to think about it, and replied instantly, “so much, Lan, so fucking much,”. The knot in your stomach slowly unravelled as you shrieked, eyes rolling. 
“Shit,” he cursed, “your dad’s done,”. My eyes widened at his words, his orgasm following after. “Fuck, put your stuff back on,” he threw you his clothes, pulling out of you. This wasn’t the ideal way he wanted to finish with you, but he had to, or you’d both be dead. “Go,” he hissed, pushing you out the room. And your dad wasn’t fazed in the slightest, finding you both in the same position he’d left you. 
He didn’t need to know Lando had your panties stuffed in his pocket. 
A/N - my boyfriend told me I fucking MEWL wtf ??? 😀🔫
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021894s · 2 days
— 18 I wish it was easier.. [1.5k w]
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PAIRING: brothers bsf! sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: language, mentions of oral sex
AUTHORS NOTE: it’s looking up for y/n and sunghoon!!
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your heart raced as you quietly slipped back into your room, the sound of your friends' voices drifting up from downstairs. you quickly sent a text to Sunghoon: "You go down first, I’ll leave the shower running so they don’t think anything." almost immediately, you received a simple "ok" in response. you could hear Sunghoon's footsteps as he descended the stairs to greet everyone.
"Hey guys, how was hiking?" Sunghoon's voice carried up to your ears, a mix of casualness and slight nervousness.
Saerom was the first to respond, her tone exasperated. "Horrible. I should’ve stayed home and slept."
Heeseung laughed, "Quit being dramatic! I had a great time."
Niki chimed in with a teasing grin, "Heeseung screamed like a little girl when he saw a snake."
The group burst into laughter, Heeseung trying to defend himself amidst the teasing. Saerom then asked, "Where’s Y/Nnie?"
Sunghoon, a bit nervous, rubbed the back of his neck. "I heard the shower running."
No one seemed to read too much into it. After a few more minutes, you came down the stairs, more giddy than usual, not that you were aware. "Hi guys!!" you greeted, your voice a bit too cheerful.
Sunoo gave you a skeptical look, "Ew, why are you so happy?"
"Oh, um, I just slept really good!" you replied, trying to sound natura.
you glanced over to see Jaemin and Ningning in their own little world, giggling about who knows what. unbeknownst to you , they had hit it off pretty well during their time away from you and sunghoon. not that you cared, jaemin was just a cover up anyway. you realized how messed up that sounded, but it was true.
Everyone went back to their activities. The three youngest settled on the couch to watch a movie, while the guys headed to the kitchen to start preparing lunch. saerom approached you, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you into her room.
"Are you okay?" you tell her, a bit taken aback by her sudden actions
“you dirty whore!” , she blurts out
Confusion clouded your mind "You slept with him, huh?!"
heat rushed to your face, avoiding her gaze "oh my god, you did." saerom gasped, "shh, keep it down... but yes."
Her shock was palpable. "We ran into each other in the kitchen, and things just escalated."
Saerom's face twisted in disgust. "In the kitchen? y/n , they're making our lunch on that counter as we speak..."
"Well, when you put it that way..." you trail off, feeling a bit flustered.
Saerom rolls her eyes and says, "I'll be skipping lunch, thank you very much."
You can't help but roll your eyes in response. Then, Saerom speaks up again, "So, how was it?"
You reply with a small smile, "Somehow even better than the first? Which doesn't even make sense because it was so rushed."
Saerom smirks and says, "First of all, ew. Second of all, it's probably the circumstances under which it happened. I mean, the first time you guys had no prior encounters and you didn't know what to expect. This time around you knew what it felt like and it's like you've been longing for it. It makes sense."
“yeah, i guess so..” you admit then add with a sigh “i didn’t get to finish tho”
saerom dramatically gasps “he didn’t make you cum??? oh girl…”
you let out a laugh at your honesty “no i mean i was blowing him in the shower when we heard the door open” you hear another gasp “oh my god i’m never gonna look at you the same ever again”.
you and saerom snicker when she all of a sudden lets out a “so what now?”.
“in all honesty i’m not sure. we’ll have to talk it out but it’s not like there’s many places it could go, I really don’t want to hurt heeseung” you explain to her the complexity of your newfound feelings.
“well for what it’s worth you guys can talk it out with him? seung is understanding and he loves you both. who’s to say he won’t accept it?”
a sigh leaves your lips “yeah i guess so… but I don’t wanna think about that right now. I just wanna enjoy our last day before going back home”.
saerom smiles at you, getting up from the bed and side hugging you, opening the door to enter the living space once again. you’re met with everyone in pretty much the same positions as you left them but food has started to gather around the table. you didn’t realize how hungry you were until the aroma filled your nostrils. after all sunghoon did distract you from the breakfast you had made yourself earlier.
everyone takes their seats at the table, you're sitting across from sunghoon. the chatter and clinking of utensils fill the air, but all you can focus on is the subtle tension between you two. It's the kind of tension that's almost electric, the kind that nobody else seems to notice but the two of you.
sunghoon glances up from his plate, his eyes meeting yours for a brief moment before he quickly looks away, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. you feel your heart skip a beat and you can't help but smile back, even though you're trying to keep it cool.
you take a bite of your lunch, trying to act natural, but every time you look up, you catch sunghoon's gaze again. It's like a silent conversation, a dance of glances and shy smiles that only the two of you understand.
Across the table, your friends are oblivious, caught up in their own conversations. You steal another glance at Sunghoon, and this time, he holds your gaze a little longer, his eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and something else you can't quite place. You feel a warm flush creep up your cheeks and quickly look down at your plate, hoping nobody else notices.
the moment is filled with laughter and chatter, but for you and sunghoon, it's like you're in your own little world, sharing a secret that nobody else can see.
“ningning and I are leaving early” jaemins voice cuts your little moment short. everyone turns to face the pair. heeseung is the first to speak “like.. together?”.
“well, yeah” ningning answers his question. “what about those two?” jake turns to you and sunghoon, both a little unsure of how to react to the situation. “sunghoon and I aren’t exclusive, neither are y/n and jaemin. we hit it off pretty well this morning so we’d like to see where it leads” everyone is left a little speechless and confused, not that you not sunghoon cared tho.
“aw well good luck guys” you wish them across the table, causing a confused glance from heeseung “you’re ok with this? you guys were all over each other yesterday”.
“well that was yesterday. you guys have fun!.” you answer. “sunghoon?” heeseung directs his attention to him. “i mean ningning is right we aren’t exclusive so”.
“you guys worry me” heeseung states, laughter erupting from the table. who would’ve know your little revenge scheme would end up working in their favor?
the rest of the day is spent enjoying the pool, taking in the final moments of your camping trip before having to go back to your daily routines.
The sun is beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the pool area, everyone else made their way inside, deciding to wash up and call it a night. you and sunghoon are floating lazily on inflatable loungers, the water gently rocking you back and forth. the evening air is warm, and the sky is painted with shades of pink and orange.
sunghoon turns his head to look at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "This is nice, isn't it?"
you nod, feeling completely at ease. "Yeah, it really is."
a comfortable silence falls between you, the only sounds being the gentle lapping of the water and the distant chirping of birds. after a while, sunghoon speaks up again, his voice barely above a whisper.
"tou know, I've been thinking a lot lately," he says, his eyes focused on the sky above. "About us."
you feel your heart skip a beat. "What about us?"
he hesitates for a moment before turning to face you, his expression serious but tender. "I just... I really value our time together. You mean a lot to me."
You can feel the sincerity in his words, and it makes your heart swell with emotion. "You mean a lot to me too, sunghoon."
He reaches out, his hand finding yours in the water. The touch is gentle, but it sends a wave of warmth through you. "I wish it was easier" he says softly.
You squeeze his hand, a smile spreading across your face. “me too”
the sun dips below the horizon, casting the pool in a soft twilight, you and Sunghoon float there, hand in hand. The world around you fades away, leaving just the two of you and the unspoken promise of something more.
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylalyla @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @seokseokjinkim @syzavxy @xrvrqs @soulvrrs @velvetkisscs @ak-aa-li @eneiyri @starlvcieszsq @meowmeowjang @hanhaeji @moonlighthoon @gaylilseokie @seunghancore @heelovesmeknot @nyfwyeonjun @kookify @jayhoonvroom @heesminee3 @charlizefaye @mooniikay @ccrriiied @nikiswifiee @heemilktea @yorukoshii @sumzysworld @glxzillx
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atlasmoonglade · 2 days
Joost Klein x singlemom!reader
I changed it to reader instead of OC
Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3
Warnings: fluff in the beginning, smut, oral (f!receiving), PiV protected, +18 only
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Chapter 4
You wake up to the sound of an alarm clock. You look at your phone. 8:00. Joost groans and reaches towards the nightstand to turn off the alarm.
He lays back down and turns to you noticing you are already awake. "Good morning" his voice is deep, his hair sticking out in every direction.
"Good morning. Why the early alarm?" you ask, pulling up the blanket to your chin.
"I always have it set up to go for a run." he says as he gets comfortable again and puts his arm behind his head. "I don't feel like it today though."
"No, don't let me ruin your routine. I need to get going anyway."
"You are not ruining anything. I don't need it today." he pauses "This is one of the few times that I woke up feeling at ease since I came here." he looks at you with a smile. He does seem well-rested.
"And why is that?" you start to like this game you two are playing.
"I don't know." he says with a teasing note in his voice and he mimics you laying with your blanket up to your chin.
He looks so pretty. Seeing him perform yesterday shifted things. Being mesmerised by his presence on stage, the energy that fills the room when he walks in, wanting to chant his name the way everybody does. But then sleeping in his bed, wearing his t-shirt, which smells like him, made you feel comforted, you have to admit this is also one of the first mornings that you woke with no need to rush. You remember the feeling of his arms around you, the feeling of safety, despite being in a strange to you environment. You want that feeling to last forever. These thoughts scare you, because you can't be with him, he is only staying here to write a song. What happens when he has to leave eventually? It will hurt too much if this progresses any further. But you are afraid it already has.
"What are you thinking about?" he asks.
"I'm trying to guess what your favorite breakfast is." you joke.
"And what are your guesses?"
You squint as you look at him pretending to analyse him. "You look like the type of guy who only needs a cup of coffee."
"I am that type of guy?" he pretends to be offended.
"You do."
"Actually spot on." you both start laughing.
"C'mon, let me show you my favorite breakfast place. Maybe you will be swayed to become a breakfast sandwich type of guy." you get up and he groans.
"Can we stay in bed a little longer?"
"You are the one who had an 8am alarm set up." you bend down to pick up your clothes from the floor where you left them last night. "How do you usually get up that early?" you turn to ask him, his eyes watching your every move. You suddenly feel a blush creeping up your cheeks remembering you are only wearing his t-shirt, which just about covers your underwear. You cover yourself with clothes you are holding.
"I need a second, baby" he says as he shifts to sit on the side of the bed. You quickly turn to face away from him pretending you haven't noticed his bulge.
"I'm gonna, um, shower quickly." you say and hurry off to the bathroom.
He loves the breakfast place you showed him.
"This is the best breakfast sandwich I've had in so long." he says finishing his plate.
"Told you it's good." you smile at him and look at your watch. "This was fun, Joost."
"It was."
"I have some errands I need to run. But you are welcome to come over later. We can watch a movie." you say, "If you want, obviously"
"I would love that." a smile spreads across his face.
It is getting dark by the time you are finished with the tasks you needed to get done. You get a text.
Does your invitation still stand?
I have something to show you.
Oh, intriguing.
He is wearing a simple white shirt and black jeans, sitting on your couch, 20 minutes later. You cleaned your apartment in a rush to atleast make it semi-tidy.
"Do you want anything to drink? I have wine." you ask from the kitchen.
"Want to get me drunk already?" he jokes.
"Just trying to match yesterday's energy."
"Sure, I will never say no to wine."
You bring a bottle, two glasses and a bottle opener. He takes it from your hands, opens the bottle, then pours into the glasses.
"To you Joost, to the new friendship."
"To you Y/N, to the new beginning." he says and you both drink.
"I wanted to show you something." he pulls out his phone. "We finished the rough cut of the song I've been working on." he looks at you. "And I, uh, I haven't showed it to many people. But I want you to hear it. It's in dutch, but I prepared a translation, the best I could in a short time, for you." he looks so excited. You've noticed this some time ago, how proud he is of his music. His enthusiasm reaches your heart.
"I would love to hear it." you give him a bright smile. "Let me get comfortable." you sit further up the couch, your legs tucked under you.
He gives you his phone with the translation open and presses play.
The song starts playing, you are following the translation written on his phone. He is watching you, but you are lost in the melody and the lyrics. You don't say anything, scared to interrupt it or miss a word. The chorus starts, an upbeat melody with sad lyrics, you remember the run you went on together, when he said he finished writing it. A warm feeling spreads across your chest, goosebumps covering your arms. He hasn't stopped looking at you, but you can't look up at him. Not yet. You are not ready to meet his eyes. You can't explain it, but this song feels just like him - fun on the outside with so many deep levels you are yet to uncover, but you want it all. You are sitting so close to him, your knees are touching, the smell of him, cigarettes and cologne, filling your senses while his song continues to play. You think back to his warm comfortable bed, his concert, his name suddenly slipping from your lips.
"Joost" you say just above a whisper. You finally meet his eyes. He tries to read your face. The song stops playing. "It's incredible."
"You like it." he also says quietly.
You keep looking at each other. All you can feel is your knees touching, you want more of him.
"You are so talented. Everyone will love it." you pass him the phone, moving to sit even closer to him. "I can already imagine you performing it."
"Thank you. It's still in the process." he takes the phone from your hands, your fingers touching. "I am not sure when I will release it. But I wanted you to hear it."
There is a silence between you, he reaches to touch your hand, it sliding up your arm, bringing you closer to him.
Your whole body feels hot, you stand up. This is wrong. "I, um, will bring us some snacks for the movie." you go to the kitchen island.
You let out a breath. It feels wrong to want him. He is your friend, you shouldn't be feeling this way.
You hear footsteps, the heat of his body behind you.
"Y/N." he says quietly. "Tell me I'm imagining things." he touches your arms in soothing motion. "Tell me you don't want this." his hands sliding down to your waist, his warm hands against your skin.
Your breathing quickens. You don't say anything, even the slightest touch feels so good.
He turns you around to face him, but you look down at your hands. He takes your chin in between his fingers and lifts your head up to look him in the eyes.
"What happens when you have to leave?" you say.
"Let's not think about it yet." your noses are almost touching. "Let's just have fun for now." Fuck it, you think and close the distance between the two of you. Joost's warm lips are on yours, he pushes you into the counter, it is somehow both everything and nothing that you had expected. Soft and gentle and syrupy slow. His tongue sweeps across your lower lip, and you part your mouth, tilting your head, sliding your tongue against his, a little deeper and more insistent now. You push your fingertips through the hair at the nape of his neck, and you feel the breath catch in his throat, so you do it again, this time letting your fingers press into the muscle of his neck, and he groans against your mouth. Joost's scent of musky cologne and faint cigarette smoke sends you into a daze, a whimper sneaking past your lips as his tongue slides against yours.
You pull away from him to catch your breath. He smiles down at you. "Let's watch that movie, yeah?"
You laugh, "yeah".
He follows you back to the couch. You put on a movie, you try to sit still, but you can feel the heat radiating from his body beside you. You can't focus, thinking back about that kiss. You decide not to overthink it now, maybe he is right, let's just have fun. After 20 minutes of the movie, you put your hand over his. He looks down at it, then at you, his mouth turning into a smirk. His fingers interlock with yours and he turns back to watch the movie a smirk still visible on his face.
"This is my favorite part" he motions towards the TV, a double meaning hidden between his words.
You see what he is doing, he wants you to take matters into your own hands. You put your hand on the side of his face, making him look at you and reach up to kiss him again.
"Hey, I was watching that." he says breaking the kiss, you laugh and it makes him grin. His hands grab your waist and move you to sit on top of him. Your legs on each side of his hips. This time the kiss is wet and fast, your teeth clashing. His hands are spanning the soft skin of your stomach, pushing the fabric of your top up, letting it bunch under your breasts. You feel warm all over as you roll your hips against him, which makes him bolder and his hands drop to your ass, grinding you down harder. His mouth presses against the curve of your jaw, feeling your pulse jump, then slides down the column of your throat.
"Let's go to the bedroom" you say breathlessly.
"You sure?" he asks.
"Yes. Are you?
You’d led him to your bedroom then, sat him on the edge of the bed where he’d watched you with dark eyes as you straddle him. Your fingers moving to work on each button of his shirt purposefully, enjoying each inch of skin that was revealed to you with every passing second. Once you finished the final button, he helped you by shrugging the shirt off his shoulders. He leaned back slightly, and you drank in the sight of him. The tattoos covering his body, the hair on his chest. Seizing the moment, and driven by your own arousal, you grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head in one swift motion. As soon as your top hit the floor, Joost's mouth was on your chest. A heavy moan was ripped from the back of your throat as his tongue dragged across the top of your breast peeking over the bra.
"Shit," you muttered, raking your hands through his hair and holding him in place against your skin.
He made his way up to your neck. He seemed to be everywhere all at once. He suckled gently, and your hips began to rock against the steadily growing bulge in his pants.
"Please don't leave any marks." you say and he nods continuing to kiss your jaw.
You climb off his lap, dropping the bra and immediately leaning forward to unbuckle his belt. He inches closer to you before sitting back up, and you subconsciously hold your arms against your chest. You start to wonder how many women he had seen naked, how many women he had been with. The age difference between you.
"You are so beautiful." he says his gaze fixed on you, he takes your hand and pulls you onto the bed next to him.
You face him, choosing to look into his eyes. Wanting to feel that way you always felt when you saw him. That calmness and connection that seemed impossibly intimate. He traced the lines of your collarbone and down your arm, ending at your fingertips. With one glance up, he could see the change in your demeanor. You were smiling again.
"Is this okay?" he says sliding your pants and underwear down your legs and allowing them to fall to the floor.
"Yes." you say and a groan leaves his lips as he raised one of your legs to rest over his shoulder, "So fuckin pretty" he says kissing your inner thigh with open-mouthed kisses before making his way back down to your aching pussy.
Pressing his tongue flat against your wetness, Joost took a long and greedy lick up your folds, repeating this a couple more times, before putting his finger inside of you.
“Fuck, Joost,” you breathed out. You feel close to your orgasm, you pull at his hair. "Come here. Need you inside of me." He stands up, finds his wallet in the pocket of his pants and takes out a condom. You watch him as he rips the wrapper with his teeth, he takes off his underwear and puts on the condom.
“You're so fuckin perfect” Joost climbs up onto the bed and kisses you, as he sinks his hips into the cradle of your spread legs. You can feel how hard he is.
"You are still sure about this?" he looks at you.
You pull him down to you, brush your lips to his, “Please.” Your voice is a whisper that sends a shiver down his spine. He thrusts again, and you feel his cock notch against your entrance and then push inside. He settles into you, he feels solid, his skin hot, hips slotted perfectly against you. One of his arms brackets your head, his other hand is at your neck, thumb stroking over the ridge of your jaw, palm pressed against your racing pulse. You feel surrounded and wanted and blindsided by the unexpected tenderness of it all.
He grinds into you again and again, swallowing down your whimpers and moans when you pull his mouth to yours. He drops his hand to push your thigh back, holds you there so that each snug roll of his hips hits that spot that makes you squeeze around him. He thinks you’re close, knows that he is.
"Feels so good" your head is thrown back against the pillows.
He tells you how good you are, how he’s so hard, how you’re going to make him come. And you can’t hold back any longer. He feels it, hot and so wet, the tight squeeze on his cock, which is enough to push him over the edge after you.
"Please stay with me tonight." you say to him.
"I will."
Chapter 5 will be the last one.
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norrisleclercf1 · 4 hours
Literally anything with Jenson. I feel like he does not get enough love on here and he is just so hot. I love your blurbs with presenter!wife
A/N: Because Les Mans is coming up, totally doing this based around this
"Do you think your husband could win Les Mans this year?" You sigh thinking over your words, as you were never one to sugar coat it. It was currently FP3 and he was in the car driving, getting some time in. "Honestly, Ferrari and Porsche are showing strong contenders and with what happened to car 12 for Jota, it's going to be hard to figure it out." You answer honestly, walking through the paddock.
"Oooo little harsh," Your cohost answers and you giggle shaking your head, knowing Jenson honored your honesty and how you would be honest with your job. "Maybe, but this is my job, I'm going to be honest with the viewers no matter what, so yeah it may be harsh on my husband, and I'll root for him no matter what, but I'm curious to see who wins," Everyone laughs and you continue on with your segment soon ending it.
Heading to Jenson's private room, you lie down closing your eyes as you were keeping odd hours and trying to get ready for the 24 hours of the race as you would be one of the main people to report for your station. You listen to the soft thrum of all the cars and let it lull you to sleep.
Jenson blinks slowly, tired and eyes hurting, and he's thankful that he's worn his glasses, and smiles and waves at some fans as he makes his way to the private room and opens the door, stopping short as he sees you. He saw what you said and giggled as you two had a bet going on where he would place, him saying 5th and you saying 3rd at best, and it was fun.
Moving, he gently lifts your head and pulls you close, tracing the outlines of your face and hates that your sleeping schedule has also been thrown off. He knows that you hate being so tired, but you loved racing, sometimes more than him and god did it make him love you so much more.
You wince and open your eyes and giggle seeing Jenson in his glasses. "Hey old man," Chuckling he leans down and kisses you softly. "Hey, you married this old man," "Yes, I did," You move sitting up and into his lap, his arms wrapping around you and kissing your neck.
Sighing, you enjoy the warmth he radiates, as it made you feel so safe. "Please be careful," You whisper, arms tightening around his neck and pulling him closer. Les Mans always made you nervous, it was a dangerous track and made your heart stop each time Jenson got in the car.
"I will, I promise, I always come home, don't I?" You don't answer him and Jenson chuckles, pulling you in closer and just holds you, as you two slowly start to fall asleep, lying down Jenson whispers soft words of love, and you remembering every inch of your husband's face, and hands.
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His forever and ever | Bucky Barnes
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(Ex-)Boyfriend!Mob!Bucky Barnes x (Ex-)Girlfriend!Reader
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James Buchanan Barnes, mobster in town and your boyfriend. You feel for his charm, his smile, the way he loves and treats you.
But things change and you feel like that he thinks you’re self-evident around him. Moving on is the only way you see to get out of that situation between pain and love for that man. But moving on also means to leave him behind you, leaving everything what you had together behind you.
So what happens when you really do so and Bucky appears at your work place, is he there because of you or is he just drinking his whiskey there? He would always find you, he is the most powerful man in town, and you know exactly that.
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// Status //
On going
// Wordcount //
31.329 Words
// Authors Note //
I wanna thank @bucks-babe for all the help, encouragement and love. You helped me whenever I stuck with something and brought every chapter to another level. The series wouldn’t be the way it is without you. So thank you so much.🩷🩷
// Taglist //
If you’re not added to my Taglist yet but want to be added here, please let me know!
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This story will include angst, fluff and smut, I will add the warnings in each chapter.
Feel free to leave a comment, reblog or like to support your content creators! Other than that enjoy!
Asks, ideas, small Drabble ideas are appreciated! So feel free to reach out in case you have ideas or questions. You can find everything he in the Masterlist or the tag #his forever and ever.
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Fluff: ❤️ | Angst: 🍂 | Smut: 🔥
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— Prologue
— 4.296 Words | ❤️🍂
Your mobster sees you as self-evident so as much as that hurts you decide to move on — without his broken promises, without him.
— Chapter One
— 4.067 Words | ❤️🍂
Moving on, living with your best friend and working in a part isn’t as easy as you thought but it’s not bad either. Some flirts here and there — you can be whoever you want, right?
— Chapter Two
— 3.389 Words | 🍂
After work you hope that Bucky isn’t in the bar anymore or at least he is just there to have a drink. But what when he is just there because you are, because it’s his opportunity to talk to you and make you come back home into his mansion again?
— Chapter Three
— 3.034 Words | ❤️🍂
Your best friend is always there — even though he has a date, for you he has always time. And even better when his date comes with him and you end up on the couch with two men, chocolate and movies.
— Chapter Four
— 4.325 Words | ❤️🍂
Steve follows you everywhere, making sure that Bucky can’t get too close to you. But when he has an appointment you tell him that you’re fine. During your work shift you get closer to a man, who asks you out and who wouldn’t say yes to such a nice offer.
— Chapter Five
— 4.646 Words | ❤️
Bucky does everything to show you what you really mean to him - also being stuck in a swing as long as you laugh. Plus rooftops are still the best place to make confessions.
— Chapter Six
— 4.204 Words | ❤️🔥
Back home Bucky makes sure you get how much he missed you and just how much he loves you.
— Epilouge
— 3.368 Words | ❤️
Beautiful in white, promises and the perfect day.
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thirdsaltyhunter · 2 days
Lost With You
Dean Winchester x gn!Reader
Summary: getting caught in a storm with your sweet boyfriend
Warning: FLUFF, kissing, swearing probably, gn but use of 'sweetheart'
700ish words
A/N: little gif drabble, not proofread all mistakes are my own
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You had set out for a hunt in Minnesota earlier in the morning. Sam was out of commission due to hurting his leg on the last hunt, so that left you and Dean to deal with the latest pop up of werewolves alone. Even though you hated seeing Sam hurt, you'd be lying if you said you minded the alone time you were getting with your boyfriend. You loved the long drives with Dean; it felt freeing being with him, windows rolled down blasting music.
At this point the sun had long since set and you had been driving most of the day, aside from the occasional food or gas stop. You had hoped to make it to the motel and get some shut eye before scoping out the town in the morning. Driving down a stretch of backroads, everything was going as planned until the sky suddenly decided to unleash the most intense rainstorm you had ever seen. The sky darkend even more and the droplets pelted the windshield so hard you couldn't hear the radio anymore.
"Son of a bitch, the bottom really dropped out didn't it," Dean said clicking on the brights, not that it helped.
After a few minutes of struggling to see the road and losing the reception on the GPS, Dean pulled over onto the side of the road. As good of a driver as he was, he knew when to throw in the towel. Right now he couldn't see more that two feet in front of the car, had no idea where he was going, and he was not willing to put you or his car in danger for the sake of making it to the motel.
"Guess we're stuck here for a while" he turned to you.
"Where even are we?", you asked pulling out you phone to see if you had any reception. To no avail.
"Honestly I have no idea" he said with a humorless laugh "But get comfy, I don't think it's clearing up anytime soon". He turned and reached over the seat, digging into one of the duffel bags and pulling out a few lore books.
Turning back, he tossed one to you before resting his back against the door and started flipping through his book.
After about a half and hour of reading, you started to lose focus. You were tired physically and tired of researching. Your eyes drifted up to your boyfriend, you couldn't help but admire how he looked right now. It was pitch black outside, but the glow of the dashboard lights illuminated the side of his face, bringing out all of the contours of his face, the curve of his lips, the soft freckles on the bridge of his nose. You loved him so much and it was moments like this that made you realize that all the more. Moments like this where you were able to make the best out of the worst situations; together.
You're definitely staring and now he's looking at you. "What?", he asks wondering why you're staring at him with a peaceful smile on your lips.
"What?" you echo softly, sounding dazed and tried.
"You're staring" a teasing smirk graces his face but he can tell you're still lost in thought.
For another moment you look into his eyes, losing all sense of reality and you can't help but reach over and cup his cheek. There's a brief look of confusion the crosses his face before he closes his eyes, leaning into your touch.
"You ok?" he asks eyes still closed before opening them to gauge your reaction.
"Sometimes I love you so much it overwhelms me."
You said it so genuinely that Dean was taken aback. He didn't really know how to respond to that and if he thought about the weight of your words it would probably make him cry. Before he could think about it, he was reaching for you.
"C'mer," he said tossing his book into the floorboard and pulling you to lay between his legs with your head over his heart.
You sighed contentedly, nuzzling you face into the warm flannel lining of his jacket.
"I love you too, sweetheart", he said pulling his spare jacket over you and rubbing his hand up and down your back.
He looked down at you and could see that you were teetering on the edge of falling asleep. "Let's just stay here for tonight", the rain was still coming down heavy and he was pretty sure he was too tired to find his way to the motel.
"Ok," your voice was muffled by how your face was hidden in his shirt.
Dean smiled down at you and felt sleep tugging at him too. He settled back against the door, feet propped up on the bench seat with you laying on him, and thought that, in the grand scheme of it all, there was nowhere else he'd rather be than right here. Lost with you.
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gguk-n · 3 days
Mission- Cheer up Logan
I've just had a sad dream with Logan in it and I told him how much I love him and how important he is after watching all the shit Williams and Vowles have been doing. I need this to heal myself. I hope it heals everyone rooting for Logan too
Summary- Literal Logan fluff.
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Y/N didn't dislike many people and hate would be a strong word in her dictionary but right now James Vowles and the Williams racing team made her hate them with the tirade they had going against her poor boyfriend which was pissing her off; worst of all, it was affecting Logan. Her happy puppy of a boyfriend was lost. He would either be at work or looking lost and depressed at home. They no longer had witty conversations going on or Y/N teasing Logan any and every chance she got. He would barely smile at her at times. So, Y/N took it upon herself to make her Logan happy.
It was one of those days, the weather was bright and sunny, Logan didn't have to go to work and the previous GP may have been bad but it was slightly better. It was around 9 and they were still in bed. Y/N woke up to Logan 'asleep' at least he pretended to be. She knew him like the back of her hand and every time he acted like he was sleeping his eyes would be shut tight. This habit of his made her smile. She looked up at him while resting her palms against his chest.
"Good morning, baby boy" I whispered followed by a kiss on the lip which was followed by a grunt and covering his face with the blanket. "Babe, we need to good shopping, we're out of everything." I emphasised. "You can do that alone" he said, still under the duvet. "Yes but you know I hate shopping alone and I wanna show off my super hot racer boyfriend to the world, come on." I said while pulling the covers off. His big blue eyes met mine and I pouted my lips. "I won't take long, I promise. Pinky promise." I exclaimed while holding out my pinky. "You're hurting my ribs, babe." came a strangled cry only to notice my elbow jabbing his ribs. I giggled while apologising and dragging him to the bathroom. We were dressed in 20 minutes and out the door. As Logan started the car, he looked at me and said, "The only reason you're taking me along is so that I can drive you there, right?" I was appalled at the accusation but replied with a smile, "one of the reasons, babe." I said. He laughed asking, "Couldn't you drive there yourself?" "Why would I do something when I have a pro who can do it for me." Logan shook his head. "I have the hottest formula 1 driver at my beck and call so am not even allowed to show him off; is an atrocity I say." dramatically sighing. Logan let out a big laugh, one I hadn't heard pass his lips in ages. It made my heart flutter and tears spring up in my eyes.
The car ride was filled with singing along to songs playing on the radio which we hadn't done in so long. It felt nice to be able to have my Logan back. The trip to the grocery store was uneventful. Once back, I made quick work of putting every thing away. I went back to Logan sat on the couch in the living room and made myself comfortable on his lap, "darling, what would you like for dinner?" He was pulled back from whatever thought he had as I sat on his lap, "Pizza and Pasta" He said. I looked him in the eyes and asked, "What about we go on a date?" Logan looked at me quizzically. "It could be a home date, like the good old days. We could cook together and then dress up to have dinner together. I even bought a few dresses I didn't get to show you." I elaborated.
Logan's POV
In all honesty I couldn't care what we did. I didn't really wanna go out and getting dressed just to eat at home was such a waste of time. But I couldn't say no, when her face was literally hoping for me to say yes. She kept looking at me expectantly and I didn't wanna let another person down, so I agreed. The way her face lit was better than winning any GP. She leaned in and gave me the sloppiest kiss and pulled me to the kitchen to help her cook. I would never say I could cook when Y/N did all the heavy lifting. "Baby boy, you look lost in thought. Is there another woman that is occupying your thoughts?" she said in a southern accent while placing both her arms around my shoulder and wrapping them around my neck. It made my breathe hitch; the effect this woman had on me even after so many years was shocking to say the least. I placed my hands on her waist and replied in an equally fake southern accent, "Darling, there ain't no woman worth my time when you're standing in front of me." "You better." she said while leaving multiple kissed on my face making me laugh. The cooking ended quiet quickly for two people; where one of them couldn't cook and the other kept violating ever health and safety protocol by kissing and touching the person next to them.
We were almost done with dinner and I asked Logan to go dress up. I would get dressed just before plating the food in the guest room because I didn't want Logan to see the outfit I had planed for him. About 15 minutes later, Logan was back at the table and I left to get dressed. It took me only 20 minutes which was a record. I wore a black lacy mini-dress which barely covered my ass and tits at the same time but it made me look hot and that's all that mattered. I stepped out of the room to an eagerly waiting Logan.
Logan's POV
My mouth was on the floor when I saw what she was wearing. "You don't plan on wearing this out, do you?" I said and then quickly added, "If you did, I don't mind. I can fight but I need this image burnt into my retinas." I ogled. She giggled and walked towards me, "You can take it off, once dinner is over." She whispered in my ear. Dinner was done in record time. We headed to the bedroom so that I could hold her to her words.
While cuddling, Y/N said, "You know, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I cut her off because she was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Y/N shushed me, "Right now, I'm talking and you're gonna listen. I love you Logan Sargeant more than there are words that I can use to express myself. I'm so happy every day to wake up next to you and support you in achieving your dreams and aspirations. I hope you remember how good you are and deserve everything you've worked towards. A couple fuck ups don't undermine the talent and hard work that is Logan Sargeant. No matter what anyone says, you are the most handsome and talented driver that deserves to be in F1. Those assholes are blind to not be able to see your pure raw unfiltered talent. I love you baby boy." She finished her speech. There were tears in my eyes that had started flowing which Y/N wiped away with a kiss. I pulled her closer and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm so lucky to have you. Thank you for sticking with me. I promise I won't let you down or let anyone make me feel like crap again." She smiled while drawing a heart on my back. We fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.
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penny-for-thots · 2 days
massage + suo — nsfw ; not requested ;]
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ⓘ SUO, HANDS TO YOURSELF. f!reader — nsfw but not straight smut. massage/workout (ig im thinking like yoga?), kissing, body worship-ish, (the usual) teasing, grinding, + char. aged up 18+ ; trying to desperately get out of my writer's block, for now rqs r closed.
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it started with something as simple as, "are you okay?"
you groan, rolling your neck and stretching briefly. "work's been ... eugh," you mumble, popping a hand onto your hip, "as much as i appreciate people enjoying my goods, it's stressful."
suo chuckles, watching you whine about work, though he can't exactly blame you. he's seen the shop when it's busy, and it was not fun. "but!" you smile, wrapping your arms around his shoudler, "i have a pretty boyfriend, so that makes it all better ... " suo hums, tilting his head in amusement. his hands rest on the back of your thighs when he cranes his neck to look at you.
"really?" he hums, taking a hand and rubbing it along your arm. he kisses the skin tenderly.
"then—as a good, pretty boyfriend should—how about i help you relax, hm?" his hand rubs back and forth, "after you get off, we can go to my apartment and relax. that sound good?"
your eyes are looked with his and you can see a glint in his eye, that hint of mischief that you both hate and love to see. "are you up to something?" suo smirks, looking at your skeptical expressions.
"and would you ever assume that? i only want to help my pretty girl relieve some stress, is that so bad?"
a hum of acknowledgement leaves you, lips shut for a moment of contemplation before you speak again. " ... okay, i get off at- five. i'll see you then, unless you want to stay here with me? then again, you should go hang out with your friends. i'll be there!"
suo smiles softly at you. "good," he mumbles against your skin before giving your cheek a peck. "i'll come pick you up!"
he did in fact keep his promise, picking you up from work and walking you to his apartment. when he said "help you relax," you thought of multitude of things that could mean, though- surprisingly, you are met with yoga. albeit yoga with his hands touching you continuously.
a groan leaves your lips as you go from downward dog to the child's pose, resting there as suo's hand pushes down on your lower back. you spread your legs a bit and relax, forming an arch.
"stretching does help you relax, i promise."
you hum, "the massage your giving me?"
"its helping isn't it? i saw you're back was hurting, might as well try to relieve you while you stretch."
"hayato ... "
"that's not my back."
"it's your backside, isn't it?" he teases, squeezing the soft flesh of your ass through your shorts.
you snort, "what are you- 75? this is not the 1800s england, love."
"hey, i said what i said."
his hands move from your ass, rubbing along your skin, thumbs massaging the points that you said hurt. his fingers slide beneath your shirt, pushing the shirt up with his hands.
"mm, hayato?"
he let's a breath, hands stilling on your side. "yes?" he whispers against your skin, enjoying the jolt you make at the sudden air. "what are you doing?" you whisper, eyes remaining closed. "nothing~"
his hands stay resting on your hips and there's no other touches until you feel his soft lips press to the nape of your neck. "h-hayato?" you hear a soft 'shh' before his lips slowly venture down your back. they kiss along your spine, occasionally moving to pepper kisses along the mass of your back, like kisses your shoulders and lower back (if you have back dimples, trust he's giving them attention).
"hayato!" you whine, opening your eyes to look back at him, "what are you doing?"
"im helping you relax? you're enjoying this aren't you? or was you wiggling your ass at my kisses an angry gesture?"
he laughs at the frustrated huff you make. he sits up, his hips in line with your butt that's stuck up in the air. his hands squeeze your hips lightly before his connects with yours. a surprised whimper leaves your lips as you feel hin grind his hips into your ass.
"h-hayato?! what- mm, hayato ... " you whimper, subconsciously pushing your hips into his.
suo licks his lips, leaning down to whisper in your ear. "can i help you relax a different way? at least you know this will help," his clothed cock twitches against you, his lips kissing your jaw.
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berryz-writes · 2 days
You're mine, sweetheart
Summary: Theo cheers you up after a shit day
Theodore Nott x reader
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Pansy looked me up and down, hate simmering in her eyes. She scoffed "Don't tell me that's what your wearing. You look like an absolute slag"
After being best friends with her for our first few years and realising how toxic she really was I had tried to keep my distance from her but she didn't get the hint and instead liked to comment on each and every thing I did. Of course the comments hurt me but maybe after the years they just didn't hurt as much. Maybe I was immune now. The dress I had chosen for this nights party was a short green dress, something to celebrate our Quidditch win but of course the dress didn't live up to her expectations. What was really annoying was she wore a similar dress just a few weeks back but according to her I was the one who looked like a slag.
"I think it looks nice Pansy"
I turned to my mirror and applied a light pink lip gloss that was almost finished because of the amount of times I had used it. I couldn't be bothered arguing with her tonight. I wasn't about to let her ruin my mood.
"I bet you tried finding the shortest dress in that store"
I rolled my eyes "What are you on about?" I was getting tired of her stupid, annoying comments.
"You know exactly what I'm on about. Don't think Theo's gonna fuck you after this, honey. Your just like all the other desperate bitches at the party"
I gritted my teeth together and put my lip gloss down trying to appear as unaffected as I could. "Fuck off. Jealousy isn't a good look on you"
I walked past her, tears forming in my eyes. Before I could leave she made sure to mutter "Once a whore, always a whore". I let my feet carry me outside to the warm summer evening where the sun was setting. I walked around the lake trying to blink away the tears so my makeup wouldn't be ruined. Was there any point of going to the party? No, probably not.
I sat down on hill, the freshly mowed grass making a soft carpet for me to relax on. Me and Theo had sat hear many times before whether it was to have a late night snack or to miss lessons. It was a comforting place.
I sat there until the sun set and soon it got darker. Almost too dark. My thoughts had cleared now. My tears no longer trying to make an appearance. Maybe I could join the party. Just because one person was being an ass didn't mean everyone else would be.
As I was contemplating on whether I should stand up or not someone cleared their throat behind me. I raised my wand instantly expecting...well something scary I guess.
It was in fact Theo holding a small golden lantern. I didn't bother standing up and instead waited for him to flop down next to me.
"My favourite person isn't going to congratulate me on my performance today?" He placed the lantern between us so we were both bathed in a warm orange light. I could just about make him out, his features looking almost worried.
"You were good." I said. I didn't have the social battery to talk to him right now even if he had done nothing wrong.
He smiled at me "I know. What's up with you? Your usually dragging me to parties but instead your...well from my point of view it looks like your mourning your rabbit"
I let out a small laugh. Even at times like these he could make me laugh. "I just don't understand. Why is it so hard for some people to be nice?"
Theo shrugged "They're probably insecure. Or jealous."
"Yeah. Probably"
We sat in silence for another few minutes before Theo stood up stretching out his hand to me "Come on, sweetheart. Your the life of the party. It's no fun without you"
I stood up and handed him the lantern instead "You can be the life of the party tonight. I'm tired"
"Don't let someone ruin what you want to do. Y/n you love parties. You've never missed one. Unless you really are tired, I'll respect your decision and walk with you to your room"
I contemplated my options. I could do what I really wanted to do which was go to the party and enjoy life with my friends or I could get cosy in my bed and feel like a coward for the next week. He was right. No one got to influence what I wanted to do.
"Your playing truth or drink with me then"
He grinned at me "Whatever you want, sweetheart"
As we walked back inside the castle from a more hidden entrance Theo made sure to hold my hand because apparently he "didn't want me to trip and get hurt". Whatever the reason was it didn't stop butterflies from forming in my stomach.
I had to blink at the sudden brightness of the corridors, the light finally letting me see Theo clearly. He had dropped my hand and instead was surveying me.
Theo's eyes took their time on inspecting my outfit, hungrily devouring the way the dress emphasised my curves. He finally brought his gaze up to look at me, his eyes slightly darker than usual "You look absolutely divine"
I smiled at the compliment "If you weren't my best friend, I'd say you were flirting with me"
He raised an eyebrow "Maybe I am. It's quite hard not to when my best friend is so fucking gorgeous" My cheeks heated at his words, my dress feeling a little too tight all of a sudden. I think I needed to sit down after that.
He extended his arm so I could wrap my hand around it. "I can't wait to tell everyone we're dating"
I paused. What did he say? "If that's ok with you" He added hastily.
I thought about what he said. Had I always imagined what it would be like if Theo asked me out and we weren't just best friends anymore? Of course I did. Every single second of every single day.
"That's fine with me"
He smiled again, a small dimple appearing in his left cheek "Then it's settled. Your mine, sweetheart. And I'm yours" 
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metranart · 3 days
My one and only wants you, so he’ll have you (Part 3)
ft. Sensei! Gojo Satoru, sensei! Suguru Geto, reader insert.
Gojo Satoru and Suguru Geto happily married, you, their lovely student and the cause of their ragging temptation. The problem: their son, Megumi, your best friend.
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𖦹 Warning tags: Gojo x Reader x Geto, threesome, married couple, Suguru and Gojo happy married couple, polyamory, Teacher-Student Relationship, Under-Desk Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, breeding, obsessive behavior, horny sorcerers, idiots in love, being the willing pet of your senseis, best friend! Megumi, Jealous! Megumi, anal plug, Secret Relationship, Domestic Fluff, falling in love, Pregnancy Kink, Hurt/Comfort, smut, rough sex, shameless smut, creampie, explicit sexual consent, sexual tension, shameless flirting, scratching.
"Hello, I'm home." They heard their adopted son shout from the floor below, both clean up as best they could, pulling a t-shirt over their heads and adjusting their pants so they could go down. "I brought (Y/N) for dinner, I hope you don't mind."
Megumi continued saying to his parents, or as he tagged them, guardians. A little taken aback by their unusually, stunned faces.
"...Is there a problem?" Megumi asked them, airily. The young sorcerer almost looked radiant, besides his usual stoic expression. Yes! There was a fuckin’ problem, even so, they numbly shook their heads until Suguru found his voice again.
"N-No problem, Megumi. You're always welcome, (Y/N)."
You looked just as bewildered as them if not more. The only one unaware of the tense discomfort, Megumi, who actually looked quite satisfied. Both professors just couldn't stop following you with their astonished gazes while their set the table and prepare dinner, growing something beyond confused and why not, jealous… since what was driving them internally crazy was the infuriating fact that from the moment you set foot inside the house and until that moment: Megumi and you were holding hands.
Numbly, Suguru went straight into the kitchen to start doing dinner while you and Megumi followed Gojo to the living room, each hit of the knife against the wood could almost go through the cutting board at how hard Geto was hitting. The black-haired man loved Megumi more than his own life, but right now he felt his blood boiling and it bothered him a lot, it had been years since he had felt the nasty sting of jealousy, like a hormonal teenager, raw and nasty.
“My adorable students,” Gojo huffed, wearing a thin grin full of hidden contempt, “I hope that during your stay in the library this afternoon you also did your homework and not just used the prohibited book aisle to suck face.”
Suguru snickered low at hearing Gojo’s comment in his usual playful tone, but he could easily see beneath the act. The cynicism and annoyance that his cheerful smile actually hid. Gojo was as confused and mad as him, if not more.
“Behave.” Megumi scolded with a deep frown, cheeks dusting red at his tutor's inappropriate comment, “…it's none of your business what we do or don't do in the library—”
Gojo laughed loudly, cheerful and carefree, his playful but annoying personality doing its best to make Megumi uncomfortable enough that he had to leave the room, so he could have a moment alone with you, the white-haired sensei playing nasty since he felt his loins, burning and inflamed to know what was going on between you two.
“Megumi-kun, I'm just joking, there's no need to get defensive, my boy.” Gojo shared between chuckles. “I know what it's like to be young and in love—”
Megumi huffed, irritated, passing a rough hand through his hair to then squeeze your hand in his, the mere act brought him so much comfort he felt his back muscles immediately relax, with a sideway glance noticed the crimson dusting your cheeks as well, and his stomach danced with butterflies at knowing you might be feeling as flustered as he did. 
“Suguru-san.” Megumi called to his other tutor for support. 
“Satoru, knock it off.” His scolding was heard from the kitchen. “—Leave the lovebirds be.” He teased back to Megumi’s dismay, and you giggled adorably, forcing yourself to do it as natural as you could to lower the growing tension. 
You succeeded, since Megumi turn to look at you with a soft, light grin on his face. “So glad that at least you find it funny.” He said in all honesty and to Gojo’s growing despair and frustration, had to witness first-hand how his adoptive son lifted your hooked hands to place a soft, tender smooch in the back of your palm. That lovesick expression in his boy’s face beyond painful to him.
Your cheeks lit up like live fire, and Megumi's follow, and Gojo's as well… but for a totally different reason.
Out of the sudden, Megumi's gaze, full of adoration, felt unbearably heavy on you. You gulped once, and you could almost swear heard Gojo snort, but you couldn’t know for sure since you refused to meet his face, instead you broke eye contact almost as if Megumi’s gaze were burning holes in you.
“H-How rude of me, I'm going to see if Suguru-san needs assistance with dinner-…” 
“Suguru-sensei.” Gojo corrected in a tedious tone, out of habit and ended up clearing his throat awkwardly to quickly change the subject and disguise the slip. 
"A-And why didn't Yuji and Nobara came along, it would have been great, like when you were on first year..."
Gojo start and you hurried to stand up and leave the room. Leaving Megumi and Gojo behind, your shoulders felt less rigid, and oxygen began to flood your system normally again, you entered the kitchen with the hint of a strained smile and were immediately greeted by Suguru Geto in an apron. 
“(Y/N),” he greeted you, “how thoughtful, you didn't have to bother.” 
“It's n-no bother Suguru-san,” you said almost timidly, wearing slow, measured steps to approach him, you were reluctant when suddenly Suguru made room for you to join him in chopping vegetables. 
“Let's see how skilled you are with the knife—” he said loudly so that it could be heard outside and once he noticed that Megumi's attention was totally captured by Satoru’s incessant ramblings, he asked in a conspiratorial whisper. 
"Are you two a couple?" your current lover questioned in a firm, icy whisper.
You shook your head, weakly.
“Don’t lie to me, pup—” This time he sounded close to angry.
“I’m not lying to you,” you assured in an equally firm whisper, “—We….” You made a meaningful pause to collect your thoughts and slowly Suguru’s hands stop chopping, waiting for you to continue. 
“You?” he pushed, and at your lack of speech, grunted. “You...” he stressed to crash with the same frustrating silence, and fed up, gave some choices for you to choose. “Maybe you…. you find it exciting to fuck our adopted son under our own roof while we sleep in the next room?”
Your head turn so fast to him that even your neck creaked. Eyes opening wide at his strong statement, never have you ever seen Suguru Geto mad, not in all these years as his student and fellow sorcerer… and somehow, he was way scarier than Gojo could ever be. Those deep, sharp eyes piercing you like obsidian daggers.
“N-No… I don’t…. this isn’t exciting at all…” you tried to put your ideas in order but were failing miserably, his hard gaze pulverizing your anxious mind, “Suguru-san-”
“What is it, (Y/N)?” 
Out of the blue, Geto flipped your body around rather violent, so your ass ending up pressed against the counter as his thick arms caged you under his massive frame against the same, his face slowly closing the gap. “Tell me, pup. Did you suck his cock after we left you? Does Megumi’s cum tastes better than his daddy’s?” 
You froze. Suguru was awfully intimidating, he was certainly seeing red. Even so, had never treated you like this, so contemptuously, so rude and haughty... and that lit a fuse in you, the same fuse that had given you the strength to seduce your sensei in the first place was now prompting you to defend yourself from his wrong accusations, with the same arrogance. 
“—I don't know what Megumi's cum tastes like, Suguru-san, I haven't sucked him off..." you stated, finding your courage, "...but if he’s something like his parents, who fuck me every second of the day without even asking me anymore" you smashed his misdoings to his face, and the professor’s lip twitched a little, "he's surely going to give me a taste today, whether I wants it or not."
He chuckled dismissively, and stopped himself from turn you around, press you hard against the vegetable chopping table and fuck you stupid like he wanted to—that attitude of yours made you awfully enticing. But in fact, if you wanted to play the self-righteous victim with him, he can play the same card outstandingly well.
“I never heard you complaining when I screwed you on top of the desk of my office after classes,” he recalled rather cynic, his patience thinning second by second. His thick, muscular chest gluing to your front as he sluggishly dug his leg between your thighs, “… I never heard you complaining while you came on my tongue praying my name or my husband's," he reminded you of your own sins and how gladly you committed the crimes that now you threw at his face. You squirmed and trashed under him, and he grinned pleased, slowly beginning to sway his leg, back and forward, to spark alive that sensitive bundle of nerves that drive you feral. It was amusing how Suguru couldn't tell if the blush on your cheeks was from shame or anger, “—or when Satoru buried his long, fat cock deep inside this slutty ass…” his big, powerful hand squeezed your buttcheek until the fat slip between his fingers and you had to bite your lip to contain the needy moan. Suguru Geto chuckled, low and darkly. "...Right now, I don't hear you complaining, on the contrary, you look insurmountably pleased riding my thigh."
You whimpered and nodded, unable to form words when your lips were stuck harshly bitten between your teeth. 
“Yeah, thought so.”
Smirking devilishly at having you so easily at his mercy, his thumb worked its cruel intentions replacing his thigh and circled your clit, outrageously delicious. The pathetic gasp he received in turn made him chuckle. 
“Does my pretty pup want to come on my thumb?" His thumb pressed harder, and your head fell back, eyes tightly shut. “Somehow you don't strike me as the victim in all of this-”
“I’m—” You practically hiccupped through a whine, eyes squeezed shut, readying yourself to burst, you needed it, you wanted it. This was way more enticing that any other occasion, perhaps, was the fact that it was forbidden... not that it wasn't before but now you could see what was a stake, not only your reputation was on the line this time and that simple fact, was immensely trilling. “Ple—Please Suguru-san....”
Geto's assault continued, he wouldn't deny it, he was pumped, having Megumi and Gojo on the other room while he undid you on his fingers against the kitchen counter had him painfully hard. 
"I asked you a question, pup." Pressing his face against your cheek, you felt him grind you harder against the counter, grinning his wicked grin as he brushed up on your clit roughly, it felt unfairly good and you whimpered, like a wounded animal. Your hands crushing the carrots scattered under to resist Geto’s merciless fingering. 
You shook your head, you were stubborn and a headstrong, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction. “No—”
You shook it more vigorously now, and your hands rushed to perch on his strong shoulders for leverage. “No.”
“Yes, pup,” he breathed, laughing. "Such a stubborn pup, we have." He purred, devilishly and you felt like soft, melting butter spread on freshly made bread. “I love Megumi more than I care for my own life—” he stated.
"And I don't care how thrilling it feels," He knew because was experiencing it firsthand, "you're not going to hurt him!" he spat severely and you shook your head, without knowing that he was saying those words to himself, urging himself to behave for his son’s good. "I'll be damn if I let anyone hurt him-"
“I’m not, I love M-Megumi too,” you insisted, eyes wrenching themselves open to look at him. His lips were trembling, out of fury or pleasure you didn’t know. Nevertheless, there was a pinch of wicked amusement in his eye, he couldn´t hide it. Suguru Geto was depravedly amused by the situation he got himself in, guiltily pleased and thrilled, but still remarkably composed for how ruthlessly he was teasing you. “I just–”
He waited; all his attention poured in your next words.
"I just want you and Satoru sensei, so bad-"
He snorted a laugh, and you feared the sound would bring someone upon the spectacle. 
“Seriously?” Geto wondered, fingers coiled around your panties and shoved against your heated flesh. Your sultry pussy, wet and welcomingly, warm to his touch.
You nodded, and he shook his head. 
"Then why Megumi?" He muttered. 
For the first time, though everything up until this point he had felt cruelly driven, your mere presence spring him to action, turning him into this shameless, imitation of a worthy man, who truly only wanted you for himself. He felt his cock twitch, and his mouth water at eye-opening revelation. HIS, you, being his and only his. His pups growing inside your belly, so full of him, branded from the inside out. 
After a couple of contemplative seconds, he hummed in denial of his own desires and force himself to forget what he had just learn about himself to instead ask again. "I asked you a question, (Y/N). Why Megumi?" 
“I-I” you stuttered, face going hot with embarrassment and guilt, "I couldn't-… I couldn't say no." you finally revealed, hiding behind your eyelids as if it would help mitigate the fluster, you were so fucking close, inching that sweet orgasm with each wicked rub of his masterful fingers… and then he stopped.
Suguru Geto sighed, long and deep, craning his neck so his forehead bumped your shoulder, where ended up depositing a chaste kiss before letting go of you, uncaging you from his massive frame, spined on his heels and pass a hand through his disheveled, long hair, burdensomely.
You were left heaving and panting, sweaty and heated cheeks slowly cooling down at the lack of friction. Your breathing slowly growing normal and even, equally placid as frustrating at not having reach the promised glory.
Your body immediately missed him. The cold he left behind felt wrong, not having him nested between your thighs felt wrong, not having him working your clit while wearing your name out felt nefariously wrong, you wanted him back in your arms… so bad.
"So, you choose him over us." The tall sorcerer snorted a cruel chuckle, his broad back to you, making it impossible for him to see you deny your head. "I get it, Megumi's dangerously handsome for such a timid boy—"
"You are not wrong," you replied, acknowledging his previous statement, and he grinned, defeatedly. "Megumi is dangerously handsome…. but I don't want him," your small hands snaked indiscriminately fearless and possessive around his waist, "I want, and I chose you and Gojo." 
His relieved sigh rumbled through his strong back even when the sound never left his mouth. You grinded harder against him and repeated firmer. "You, Gojo and me."
Geto smiled, letting his head fall back and cuddle on the crown of your head. 
"You are not just saying what I want to hear, are you, pup?"
You shook your head, hugging him harder and burying your face deeper against his warm back. "I don't want Megumi...-" you made a meaningful pause and Geto waited with the little patience he had left. "—Nevertheless, he wants me."
Geto's eyebrows furrowed and carefully turning around pushed you in all gentleness by the shoulders to look straight at your blushing face. 
"Did he finally declare his feelings to you?"
You were surprised when the words left his mouth. Your mind unable to processing what you had just heard.
"D-Did you know?"
⭕️ Find in my PATREON NSFW art from this chapter and more NSFW art of the story and lots of content from JJK, exclusive smut fanfiction and more interesting stuff. ;)
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oddballwriter · 2 days
The Sweetest Thing
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Summary: Your hobby of baking causes an issue for the boys. Not because of anything with you, it's a matter of control with themselves.
Warnings: Nothing really.
Author’s Snip: I bake as a hobby and while making brownies earlier I thought this up.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 816
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Taglist: @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction (you can join the taglist, just ask)
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It was a problem. Not for you. You were just acting out your hobby of baking and there was nothing wrong with that at all. The problem was with the boys and the fact that they couldn’t resist eating whatever you baked. Whether it be brownies, cookies, cupcakes, bonbons, pies, anything.
You wouldn’t call yourself a top baker, but the boys always sang your praises and wanted the first taste every time. But you seem to always have something freshly baked and fresh out the oven.
Steven was the least likely to tell you no when you offered him a piece of what you’ve made, always having the subconscious intuition to start baking so that when it was all ready it could be pair with his tea. And it would be nice to have something with his tea. And you always go through the trouble of using a vegan recipe.
“Oh, I really shouldn’t.” Steven says to himself as you offer him a few cookies you just finished, “I can’t be eating so much sugar all the time.” he warns himself. “Just one won’t hurt.” Steven excuses.
But one turns into two, and then an extra third that he didn't realize he was eating until he was just about done with it.
"So much for 'just one'." Steven scolds himself.
"At least I know that they were good," you remark.
"Thank you for letting me try them though, love. They were delicious. But next time I'll just grab one and leave the rest of the container alone." Steven says.
It's worse when Marc just got done working out. Gained some muscle, shed a good amount of calories. But then he walks in and the flat smells like a damn bakery. Out of all of the days and times that you could have baked, you chose the day that Marc goes to the gym and the time he comes home. And you're there smiling at him.
"What's for dessert this time?" Marc asks as he walks over to you and kisses you on the cheek. "You giggle, "Cinnamon rolls, I found an easy-to-follow recipe a few days ago and wanted to give it a try." you explain.
Marc sighs, "Why do you always have to make something to make me regain all the calories I just lost?" he questions. "You don't have to eat them today if you don't want to." you say, "Plus, they aren't done yet. They need to be done baking and I need to make the frosting." you add.
"You can have one once they're complete and cooled down." you offer him. "That's the issue. If you're the one who made them then I'll get up eating more than one." Marc explains.
"Sometimes having a little bit of a little snack pouch is okay as long as you're healthy." you half-joke.
Jake hardly does anything about it though. He couldn't care less if he gained a pound or two if it meant getting to enjoy your baking. Matter of fact he's right there when you bake. Arms wrapped around your body while you measure and mix, but he hardly really helps in your opinion.
"Are you just going to hold me the whole time or are you going to do something?" you question playfully. "I help by licking the spoons and bowls." Jake replies.
You huff in amusement before picking up the teaspoon that you used a second ago, "Then do me a favor and 'clean' this for me." you request as you hand it to him. Jake takes it and gives it one lick before trying to spit in an immediate reaction. "What the hell was that?" Jake exclaims. "I used that for the vanilla extract." you say simply.
"That was mean." Jake says with a fake pout. "You saw me use it a second ago, I don't know how you fell for that." you laugh.
"I just like watching you work, I don't pay attention to what exactly you're putting in. You could poison it right in front of me and I probably won't catch it at first." Jake says before he slightly changes the subject.
"Speaking of watching you bake. I would love to help you open up a little bakery and have a little section where I can watch you make everything." Jake mentions as he holds you closer and kisses your neck. "I don't think I'm that much of a baker that I could have a business." you comment.
"I'd disagree. I think once someone gets a taste of what you make then they'd be flocking for a single piece." Jake says.
"Jake I use recipes I find online and then write down if I like them." you mention.
"Well then maybe it's time that you experiment with making your own." Jake fires back, "I can taste test for you while you try to nail it." he suggests.
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dashofghost · 14 hours
or, an unexpected injury brings you and Dean closer (suggestive)
The past two days have been nothing but a blur of highways, gore, and Dean's shitty rock mix somewhere outside Cleveland. Exhausted, you lean your head against the headrest, eyes fluttering shut.
"Good shit, yeah?" Dean asks, a wolfish smile plastered across his face. There's still blood droplets clinging to his flannel and the soft t-shirt underneath it, brushing his neck and flicking across his jaw. You're not much better, a ripped shirt sleeve covering the gash splitting open your forearm. You crack an eye open, making eye contact with Dean in the review mirror.
"You fired a shotgun next to my ear," you snap, "could have blown out my eardrum, asshole." Dean only laughs, pressing down on the gas pedal. You see Sam reach for the 'oh shit' handle but then think better of it.
"All's fair in love and war, sweetheart." He winks at you and you roll your eyes back at him, the cut on your arm starting to throb.
"Right," you mutter, letting your eyes fall shut again. Sam and Dean's conversation blurs into meaningless murmurs as you doze off.
You wake up to Sam gently shaking your shoulder. You jolt awake, biting down hard on your lip to stifle a whine of pain. You pull yourself out of the car, wrapping your sweater around yourself as the wind whips through the deserted parking lot.
"Where's Dean?" you mumble, leaning against the car door. Sam shoots you a worried look but purses his lips when you glare back at him. He gestures to the doors of the motel in front of you.
"Inside, getting rooms. He said to let you sleep," he explains. There's a look in his eyes you can't quite decipher, so you turn away, watching as Dean's figure emerges from the doorway.
"You're 233," he calls to you, tossing you a set of keys. You reach for them, a snarl of pain tearing itself from your chest as you move your arm. You hiss, watching the keys sail through your fingers and land on the concrete.
"Holy shit," Dean swears, hurrying over to you, "you okay?" He's got an arm wrapped around your shoulder like it's the most natural thing in the world. Your head spins.
"I'm fine," you snap, shrugging his arm off of you and reaching for the keys, "one of the fuckers got my arm. I know how to fix it." Dean tilts his head in disagreement, but like his brother, lets the issue rest. He catches up to you as you head towards the motel.
"You're freezing," he mutters, head bent so he can whisper the words into your ear. You push the doors open, teeth digging into your lip so hard you taste iron. Holy fuck, your arm hurt.
"It's like, negative fuckin' forty out there, Dean!" you retort, matching his whisper as he pushes the button for the elevator. You lean against the wall, catching your breath. When did you loose it?
Dean glances over his shoulder, making sure he's out of Sam's earshot, "I'm worried about you." His tone is molten soft, matching his eyes. His hand twitches, like he wanted to reach out to touch you but thought better of it.
"Don't be," you sigh, but he's shrugging off his beat-up leather jacket, and you know where this is going.
"Don't," his tone is sharp as he pulls his jacket over your shoulders, "let me do this for you. Please."
You open your mouth to argue, but Sam appears behind his brother's shoulder. His eyes flick between you, dwarfed in Dean's jacket, cheeks red from the cold and from arguing, and Dean, his fingers still curled around your wrist. His eyebrows raise, almost disappearing in his hairline.
The elevator dings as the doors slowly slide open.
"Well," Sam mutters, ducking his head and heading into the elevator. With a glare at Dean, you follow him, jacket still stubbornly clinging to your shoulders.
It's late when you knock on Dean's door, his jacket neatly folded over your good arm. You wince as the sound echoes down the hallway, where Sam was probably sleeping.
The seconds drag by, and for one truly mortifying second, you think he's not there, or even worse, asleep. But the door handle turns and creaks open.
You swallow, hard. Dean's in a t-shirt and plaid sweatpants that reveal a sliver of his stomach. You feel like a victorian man catching a glimpse of someone's collarbone for the first time and it's ridiculous, but your breath catches.
Get it together, you chide yourself. You press the folded jacket into his arms insistently.
"Thought you should have this back," you explain. He takes it from you, brow furrowed.
"Thanks," he murmurs, turning to toss it on the bed behind him. You turn to leave, but his fingers tangle with yours and your feet mold to the ground.
"Let me see," he breathes, reaching for the shirt tied roughly around your forearm. You pull your hand away from his, adjusting the makeshift bandage hastily.
"Dean, I told you, it's fine," you start, but he's reaching for your arm again, just as a wave of pain hits you. Your back hits the doorframe as Dean gently unwraps the shirt from around your arm.
The sight of it makes your head spin, it didn't look that bad when you wrapped it up, but under the florescent motel lighting it looks ugly. Six inches long and deeper than you remembered, oozing blood that starts trickling down to your wrist. Dean flips your makeshift bandage over and sees the used side sticky with blood.
Never one to have an argument in a motel hallway, Dean wraps an arm around your shoulders (again, your mind supplies helpfully), and pulls you into his room.
"Are you fucking serious?" He's not yelling, but he's close, and you'd care more if your vision hadn't started to swim. Your arm throbs again, the pain sending sparks down to your fingers.
"Dean," you whimper, "it hurts." You try to take a step towards the bed to sit, but you meet Dean's chest instead. You cling to his t-shirt as he helps you back towards the bed, pulling to his chest once you find it.
"Angel," your heart could break at the word, at the fondness he weaves into it, "why didn't you tell me?" He's fumbling one-handed for his first aid kit, the other arm wrapped around you as he pulls you into his chest. With a sigh, he reaches it, flipping it open on the bed in front of you.
"I can handle myself." You raise your chin, but the tears fall anyway. Dean makes a tiny, heartbroken sound, his callused fingers wiping away the drops running down your cheeks.
"I know you can," his voice is soft as he tucks his head in the hollow of your shoulder, pouring something onto a cotton pad in front of you, "believe me, I know. But I'm not going to think less of you because some demon got a piece of you. Hell, they've gotten a lot of pieces of me over the years. Remember when that psycho priest had to heal me?"
You chuckle through your tears as Dean dabs at your cut with some liquid that stings. You hiss and Dean makes a soft, sympathetic noise into the arch where your neck meets your shoulder.
"Sorry," he mutters, "disinfectant." You go boneless against him as he works in silence, sleep washing over you quickly.
"Hey," he adjusts your bodies so you're sitting up again, "I need you to stay awake through this." You groan dramatically, stretching your back as Dean's fingers nimbly twist a clean bandage over your cut.
"I'm awake," you sigh, watching as Dean ties off the bandage. Instead of getting up, he wraps his body around yours, one arm wrapped around your stomach, his free hand stroking your hair.
It's sickeningly romantic. You love it.
"Does it still hurt, sweetheart?" he murmurs into the skin of your neck. You blush, thanking every god that he can't see it, but nod your head.
"Not too badly," you clarify, "but I'll probably stay awake tonight anyway. I've got some poltergeist reports to look up on in my room." Dean sighs, gently disentangles his body from around yours, propping you up against the pillows.
"You're not going back to your room," he mutters gruffly, "let alone going over reports tonight." You set your jaw, propping yourself up on your elbows.
"Dean, I'm fine-" you reconsider your words when Dean's eyebrows disappear into his hairline, "well, I'm on the mend. Nothing's going to get me in my room." Dean crosses his arms, furrowing his brow.
"First of all, that wound could open up at any time, and with your healing skills, you'd probably bleed out," you open your mouth to argue, but Dean cuts you off, "second of all, we don't know that. Could be a hoard of demons waiting in there."
"So you're going to protect me from the big bad demons?" you snap back. You move to stand up, but think better of it when a jolt of pain shoots through you.
"Yes!" Dean borderline shouts. He inhales deeply, running his hands through his hair. His hands are shaking as tries to gather himself, letting out a breath. You watch, confused, as he crouches before you, taking one of your hands.
"I'm sorry," he starts, "I know you're tough as nails and a damn good hunter. I know. I've seen it before my own eyes. Sammy's seen it, hell, the whole supernatural world has seen it." The lines around his eyes crinkle when he sees a smile steal across your face.
"But you're hurt, angel, and you can take care of yourself, I know, but when you're hurt, I get scared," he voice is raw, raw as you've ever heard it, "I can't loose you, I can't. When you're like this, I just want to protect you, from the whole world, from myself sometimes because sometimes I think-" he cuts himself off, steeling himself with a breath.
"You're more than capable of caring for yourself. But please, just for tonight, let me take care of you." He looks up at you so earnestly it almost makes you second guess what you're about to do.
You're gentle at first, taking his hand and pulling him to his feet. He's confused as you take him in, pushing yourself to your feet, stabilizing yourself. He steadies you, hand on your elbow.
But there is nothing gentle about the way you pull him in by the fabric of his t-shirt and kiss him.
The next second, your mind catches up to you, and you pull away from him, clapping a hand over your mouth in horror. Dean looks dazed before you, his teeth digging into his lip.
"Christ, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," you apologize, face burning red, "I'll, um. I'll go."
Dean leans in and kisses you back.
His kiss is soft, sweet. He kisses you slowly, arms wrapping around your waist as your twine around his neck. One hand reaches up to cup your face ever so gently, cradling your jaw as he kisses and kisses and kisses you.
It doesn't take long for your kisses to turn hungry. He's practically devouring you, both of your chests rising and falling. You run your fingers through his hair and pull ever so gently, smiling when Dean gasps into your mouth.
Dean uses his last shred of control to lower you gently to the bed before crawling on top of you. He's kissing you like he'll die if he doesn't, drinking in your hushed whine when his teeth brush your lower lip. When your head falls back, he uses it as an opportunity to lavish open mouthed kisses down your neck. He's everywhere, his body covering yours as you arc up into him, a moan escaping your lips.
He grins wickedly when he hears it, attacking your neck with kisses. Your hands trail down his chest finding the hem of his t-shirt and pushing it up his chest.
"Off," you gasp, and he's more than happy to oblige, sitting back on his heels to peel his t-shirt off. He drinks in your wide eyes and bitten lip when it falls to the floor.
"Like what you see?" It's unbelievably cheesy, but you pull him back down, hands running over his bare chest. His lips are on yours again, and your body is burning up underneath his. You feel him smirk against your lips, and gasp when you feel his knee slot between your legs. His hand drifts to your hips, pulling them over his thigh and helping you settle onto it.
You have to bite down on his shoulder to stifle your moan when you roll your hips against his thigh. He lets out a pleased groan low in his throat at the sting, throwing his head back. You sit up, wrapping your arms around him-
Your bandage catches on a button on his jeans, and you let out a whine of pain. Dean's head immediately falls forward, eyes wide with concern.
"We, um," he's trying to catch his breath, trying to ignore the pleasurable sting in his shoulder, "we should probably stop." He reaches for your bandaged arm, making sure it was still wrapped tightly.
"Yeah," you grin ruefully, letting him inspect your arm, "uh. Sorry, that was kind of intense-"
"Don't you dare apologize," Dean cuts you off, "I liked it. I loved it." He blushes softly, tangling your fingers with his.
"I should have said this before, um, that," he starts, "but I. I really care about you." You know what he's trying to say, the much stronger word that lurks behind his teeth. You lean into him, pressing a little kiss to his bare shoulder.
"I really care about you, too," you whisper, and you know he knows. He pulls you close, letting the moment settle around you.
"Will you stay?" he murmurs into you hair. You grin up at him from where he's holding you.
"Of course I will."
It's mean to be a soft peck, but Dean kisses so hungry it turns into two, then three, then he's bracing himself above you on his forearms, a hand hitching your thigh up around his waist as he grinds against you-
He breaks away like it's physically painful, gasping. You're also short on breath, looking up at him with dazed eyes. He exhales sharply, cupping his face in his hands and running them through his hair.
"I'm getting some pain medicine from the bathroom," he says curtly. You watch his bare back ripple shamelessly as he leaves, a smile playing across your face. With a sigh, you pull back the covers and settle underneath them, turning off your bedside lamp.
Dean returns with a glass of water and a soft smile when he sees you tucked underneath the covers. He sets the water down on your nightstand, handing you the pain medicine.
"Don't let me kiss you again," he mutters as he climbs into his side of the bed. You swallow your pills, smirking over at him.
"Can't keep your hands off me?" You're teasing, but his head falls back anyway. He switches his lamp off, resting on his side, facing you.
"You're addictive," he whispers, "the second your arm is better, I swear to god..." he trails off, his words echoing around the dark room.
"I'll love you," his voice almost cracks, "I'll worship every inch of your body, I'll kiss you everywhere, bring you heaven, I swear on every god."
You shift towards him, until your bodies are almost touching. Dean's breath catches.
"I love you." You can't keep the words in anymore. Dean's arms wrap around you, and you're vividly reminded that he's still shirtless. He's warm, all soft edges and warm skin.
"I love you," he whispers back. You find his lips easily enough in the dark, and he holds you so gently you feel like glass as you kiss. You can feel him smile against your face when he breaks away.
"I told myself I was going to take it slow, you know," he says with a chuckle, "guess that's out the window." You laugh tiredly, settling against his body as drowsiness washes over you.
"I don't care," you yawn, "I love you. I love you. I love you." You rest your head on his shoulder, your legs tangling together. One of Dean's hands rubs your back soothingly.
"I love you." It's the last thing you hear before you fall asleep.
You wake up to the door to your room slamming open then shut. Instinctively, you cling to Dean, who pulls you even closer.
"Shit," Dean swears softly, "that was Sam." You groan, burying your head in his shoulder.
"What we going to tell him?" you mumble sleepily. Dean sighs, and you feel his chest move underneath you.
"Don't worry about it now, angel," he murmurs, "you need more sleep."
"'M only sleeping if you're sleeping with me." You don't have the wherewithal to wince at your choice of words, but you feel Dean's tired laugh reverberate through his chest.
"Don't worry," he reassures, "I'm not going anywhere without you."
LOGAN THIS IS FOR YOU <33333333333
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spacebaby1 · 3 days
Only if you wanna though no pressure ^•^
I'm so soft for Gojo!! Enjoy!
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Humming your way to the school lab, you got a text from Satoru. "New mission 😝✌🏼". You smiled at his text and immediately texted back, "Where are you? I got something for you before you head out!" He told you the class name where he and Suguru were. You rushed there before they were to leave and caught up to them just as they were leaving, "good luck on the mission, boys!" You told them. "Thanks, Sweetie." Suguru smiled, patting your head. You reached for your pocket and pulled out strawberry flavoured hard candy and handed a few to Suguru, "so that curse taste won't make you sick." And gave Satoru a fist full making him giggle since he got more than Suguru, "ah, they look so cute! Thank you." Satoru hugged you, making you blushing mess and giggling like an idiot. "Take care, you two." You waved at them as they left.
Him being a year above, you meant that your classes and finals weren't together. However, that didn't stop you from showing up for him whenever you could. He had texted you that he will stay back at school to study a bit for the final and won't be able to go new cafe hunting, you told him it's fine and that he shouldn't worry about it. And showed up to the class with a bag of sweets and cakes from the cafe that recently opened, "Why are you here? Oh my God, is that strawberry shortcake cake? Ah, gimmy gimmy!" You laughed, handing him the bag and setting your coffees on the table. He pouted at you then hugged you, "You're literally my favourite, don't tell Suguru I said that." You laughed, "I won't."
He was training in the school playground and rubbing his eyes, unable to focus much because of the sunlight. You noticed him as you were walking by and stopped to watch him train alone but noticed how he wasn't wearing his sunglasses and rubbing his eyes every now and then. Walking towards him, you called out catching his attention, "Hey, Satoru. Don't your eyes hurt with the sunlight? Its kinda burning today?" He chuckled, rubbing his hair, "Yes, I think I misplaced my sunglasses and couldn't find them." You hummed, looking through your skirt pocket, and pulled out a blindfold, "this will help?" You showed it to him, and he happily nodded, lowering himself and closing his eyes. You blinked twice before he spoke, "Can you please put it on?" You nodded, still blushing, his soft hair finding its way between your fingers as you wrapped the blindfold over his eyes. "Thanks, you're always looking out for me." He smiled before walking away to continue his training.
It's been ten years since high school, and you both started to date right after you graduated and decided to come back as a sorcerer in jujutsu high. Today's mission wasn't an easy one, but you and Satoru decided to join the kids; Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara, at the mission since they needed backup in the middle of fighting. In a rush, Satoru forgot to put his blindfold on, and the hours or fighting left him tired and unable to even open his eyes. As he sat on the hotel room couch with the kids fast asleep in the other room from how tired and overworked they were. His arm fell on his eyes as he laid back, shutting the light away from his now slightly red eyes. You came back into the room with an iced towel and slowly moved Satoru's hand off his eyes and placed the towel over his eyes. He let out a sigh of relief. He smiled at you as you laid his head on your lap, taking the seat beside him, rubbing his head, "you okay, love?" You asked in a low voice, and he grabbed your hand, placing a few kisses on it. You're an angel. You always take care of me. I love you, and I owe you so much." You kissed his hand, "I love you more, and you don't owe me because you already do so much for me. Come on, you should sleep." You said, carefully taking the towel off his eyes.
He winched, entering the bedroom, to which you immediately lowered the lights for him as he got on bed, thanking you once again. After shutting the lights completely you got in the bed, he immediately nuzzled into you hiding his face in your chest and letting out a sigh and a hum when you placed your hands on his head softly rubbing his hair causing him to immediately fall asleep in your arms.
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skzdust · 18 hours
Can I request a Han fic where the reader is an idol under JYP who also happens to be Chan's little sister?
I thought I wouldn't have much time to write recently but I LOVED this idea so I worked on it last night and today on my lunch break and I finished it!
This was such a fun one to work on, thanks for the request and I really hope you like it!
Summary: You went to your brother Chan's place crying, but you found his roommate Han Jisung instead.
Pairing: Han Jisung x fem!idol!reader
Word count: 1k
Taglist: @weirdowithaphone, @caught-in-the-afterglow, @palindrome969, @skzstan12345
Includes: fluff, hurt/comfort, pie as a comfort food, cuddles, sharing a bed (sfw)
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
You knocked on the door and stepped back, shuffling your feet on the hallway carpet.
You’d been hoping it’d be your brother Chan who opened the door, but you weren’t so lucky. It was Han Jisung, who’d always been mostly nice but teasing to you. You didn’t need teasing right now.
“Y/n! Are you looking for Chan—oh, what’s wrong?” His voice was colored with worry as he saw the tear tracks on your face.
“Yeah.” You mumbled, pushing past him and walking into the living room to flop face-first on the couch.
“I think he’s in the studio right now.”
“It’s four in the morning.” You mumbled. “Why is he in the studio?”
“Dunno.” You heard one of the chairs in the room squeak slightly as Jisung sat down. “He does that sometimes, especially when he can’t sleep. He goes and works on music.”
“Mph.” You groaned. You could understand that, you did the same, writing songs for your group in the dead of night. You’d been hoping to wake Chan up, though, not miss him entirely.
“Is there… do you want to talk about it?” Jisung asked hesitantly, his voice softer than you’d ever heard it.
You considered for a moment, worried Jisung might make fun of you if you told him the truth.
If he does tease me, I can just leave and text Chan. You reassured yourself.
You tilt your head sideways so you’re not talking into the pillow. “I totally messed up in practice for this music video last night and I’m worried I’ll be dropped or something. We’re about to debut, and we have to be, like… perfect.”
Jisung hummed thoughtfully. “And that was last night? Your debut is set for… less than a month, right?”
“Three weeks and four days.”
“Been thinking about it?”
You sighed. “Yeah.”
“I get it. It’s terrifying.”
You looked up at him over your shoulder. “Not going to poke fun at me?”
Jisung tilted his head, confused. “No? You’re crying. You know, I only do that when I’m joking around. I never mean it genuinely.”
“It still hurts sometimes.” You sat up, hugging the pillow.
“I’m sorry.” Jisung cleared his throat. “I guess… I go too far sometimes.”
You nodded, new tears forming in your eyes. “I appreciate that.”
“Oh, did I say something wrong?” He leaned towards you.
You sniffed. “No, I’m just… emotional, I guess.”
“Here, I have a solution.” Jisung stood up and walked into the kitchen. You watched him go, curious. You heard the fridge open and close, and he walked back in with a plate of pie and a fork.
“Oh, that’s my favorite kind.” You smiled.
“Yeah. I remembered you mentioning it a little bit ago and I thought I’d give it a try.” Jisung shrugged, holding the plate out to you. “It was pretty good, but I got a lot, and I had some extra.”
You took the pie and took a bite. It was delicious, comforting, and exactly what you needed. “Thank you.” You said, your mouth full.
He laughed, and you were suddenly struck by how cute he was when he was genuinely happy.
Although I’ve always kind of found him attractive…
“I’m glad you’re liking it.” He sat back down and held out his hand. “Here, let me have a bite.”
You held out the plate. “Should you… new fork?”
“I don’t care.” He took it. “Do you?”
“No.” You said, your face heating up.
“You’re all red!” Jisung grinned. “You do care!”
“Whatever.” You mumbled, unable to hold back your smile.
He took a bite, then gave the plate to you. You broke off a piece of the pie with the fork, hesitated for a moment, then took the bite. You handed it back to him, and he had another bite, too.
It felt intimate.
When the pie was finished, Jisung set the plate down on the coffee table. “Did that help?”
“Yeah.” You leaned back. “Why are you still up, anyway?”
He pointed to the TV, where a show was paused. “I couldn’t sleep, either.”
“Is something up?”
He didn’t look at you. “No.”
“I told you mine.”
He sighed. “I guess I’m in a similar boat to you. I’m really struggling with some choreography, and I think Minho is annoyed with me at this point.”
“Yeah, I definitely understand that.” You nodded. “But if you want to get good at the choreo, you should probably get some sleep, you’re not gonna be able to dance tomorrow if you’re exhausted.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Says you.”
“I don’t want to go back to my place.” You said softly. “One of my roommates was mad at me about… tonight.”
“Sleep here, then.”
“Nah, it’s fine.” You shook your head. “I don’t like couches, I’ll be brave and go home and lay in bed or something.”
Jisung thought for a moment. “I have an idea, if you’re up for it.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Shoot.”
“We could both sleep in my bed. Maybe having someone else close would help.”
The part of you that had a crush on Jisung went wild.
“Sure, that sounds nice.” You smiled.
“Nice.” He stood up. “C’mon.”
You followed him down the hall and to his room, which you’d never been in before. It was a little messy, but you could tell he was organized. His bed was mussed up, like he’d been tossing and turning. Given what he’d told you, he probably had been.
He pulled back the covers and motioned for you to get in. “Get comfy.”
You did so, getting into the bed and pulling the comforter over yourself. You were suddenly exhausted, and you struggled to keep your eyes open. The bed dipped when Jisung got in.
You got an idea. “Jisung?”
“Can we, um, cuddle? I’m just feeling a bit lonely, and I think it’d be nice, and I… I dunno, we don’t have to.” You rambled.
“‘Course we can.” Jisung opened his arms, and you scooted into them.
He was warm, and solid, and comforting, and safe.
You felt content for the first time since your disastrous practice as you cuddled into his chest.
“Chan might kill me.” He muttered, his embrace tightening a bit.
“No, he won’t.” You closed your eyes. “Chan’ll be fine.”
“Even if he did, it would be worth it.” He said with a soft laugh.
That was the last thing you heard before you fell into sleep.
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