#how tf did I rhyme
sloppy-syrup · 6 months
Everyone had their own special marks printed on their skin, and he was bare…
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So they painted upon the blank canvas, and gave him all of theirs.
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sleekista · 5 months
double wham
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patri guijarro x fem!reader
request: here
A/N: only 1 post tonight 😔 sorry guys, been busy with work and this was surprisingly hard to write… so it’s short, sorry anon
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Today is the day that I finally propose to my girlfriend. We’ve been dating for 4 years and it’s been the absolute best of my life. It seemed fitting because the whole team is going out on a hike through the mountains, so not only will it be scenic but it will also be in front of our other teammates.
I’ve already told Frido, Lucy and Mapi. Who probably told others in the process. So most of the team likely know my plan. The only thing I don’t have control over is the answer Patri gives. I know she’ll probably say yes but I can’t help but feel nervous.
Little did I know.
Patri and I arrive together, as per usual and she immediately goes to sit with Claudia. Again nothing unusual. I go and sit down next to Lucy who has a massive grin on her face.
“Jesus Lucy, I haven’t even asked yet.” I lean over, whispering in a hushed tone.
“Ohhh, I know. Can’t wait to see her reaction.” I squint my eyes, she knows something.
I shrug it off, plugging in my headphones, ready for the hour bus ride we have to make before getting to our destination.
- - - - -
Once we arrive, Mapi pats me on the back before going to annoy Ingrid about something. I make my way to find Patri, interlocking my fingers with her own. Too focused on my own nerves, I fail to see hers.
We start the trek, observing the views of the city and other wildlife around the place. Taking photos every so often. The weather is nice, not too hot and cool enough so that when we do sweat it’s a cooling feeling.
After an hour or so, we make it to the top. The views are absolutely gorgeous as the city is lit up by the glowing sun. In the distance, I can see the bay. The water glistening even from so far away.
(side note why tf do i keep rhyming things help)
This is the moment. I have to ask, so I pull Patri aside and make her sit down. We’re away from most of the others but the views do not miss.
“So what is it?” She asks, slightly nervous.
“Well I… We’ve been dating for quite a while and I thought, there’s no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my life with, soo.” I pause, pulling the box out of my bag.
“Will you marry me?” I ask.
I watch as her smile grows, and she starts laughing slightly.
“What’s so funny?” I smile, confused.
“Because, I was going to ask you the same thing.” She then proceeds to pull out her own box with a ring. Now it’s my turn to laugh.
“Oh God!” I yell into her shoulder, tears streaming out of my eyes.
“Well, I’ll put the ring I got on you, vice versa.” She nods and I take the ring out of the box, placing it delicately on her finger. It’s clear it suits her so well, even if my bank account cried for days. I’m assuming hers did as well.
Because when that ring is put on my finger, all I can think about is how right this feels. To the point I start crying.
“What’s wrong amor?” She wipes the tears away.
“Nothing, this just feels so right. I love you so much bebé” Her hands are on my face still, and she pulls me in for a long kiss.
When it’s done, realisation dawns upon me.
“Wait… do you think all the girls knew? I told Lucy, Frido and Mapi who probably told others and if you told people that means-“ Her eyes also go wide.
“True, very true. How about we go show them ah?” I nod and we get up walking toward everyone else.
Most of them respond with the same energy, but all I can think about is how lucky I am to have someone like Patri. Someone I love so deeply.
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
❤️❤️Pac18+ Channeled Letter From FS ❤️💋
* take a minute to get into the mood of this reading. These are Five Piles. All channeled Messages from your Spouses. Some of them were irritated but sweet but a lot of them were funny as hell. They made me laugh. But anyway Take what resonates and what doesn't leave the rest alone. Enjoy them. Inhale and Exhale.. 🥲🥲💋
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Dear My Love,
Damn, I've been missing you all day today. I'm sorry I haven't got back to you lately. I've just been busy as always. Did you get my message? I hope that you've been working on yourself and not nobody else bullshit. I wanna make up for all those times I've missed with you. Again thank you for being my rock. I know it is your energy. I can feel it. Make sure you're working out, and staying out of trouble. I'm tired of you doubting our connection. We are meant to be. Don't you feel it? I'm coming home soon. I know don't see it yet but at least try to act like I'm there. I know right who tf am I say that that right. I want someone to complain to right now. There's a lot of pain I've been holding onto that I wanna let go. I can't. I can't even cry right now because I have to make sure my family and others are well. Of course, I wanna meet you. You're my wife. I don't know what the future holds for us. But let's not tend to look over there right now. I know I get caught up in the future as well. You are my favorite person in the world to me. I can't say too much it seems like I am supposed to keep quiet about this. But I just wanna say thank you for holding your ground baby. All the negative people don't pay them any mind because, in the end, they won't even matter anymore to us. I know I sound like I'm shitting on myself but I feel like you are so damn perfect I'm just me. Will you be my bride-to-be? Haha 😂🤣 I know I'm rushing. I just wanna get to know you already. Your energy fulfilled me. You and I are made for each other. What can I say? That I love you, my starlight. You shine so much on your own and you don't even know it. I'm giving you so much credit! You should give it to yourself more often. I can see the potential in you. Always look up at the stars and count them I'm right there looking at them too. Rose is red, violets are blue, I wanted to say, baby, forgive you. I know I suck at rhyme but that's all I can think of. 🤣. Anyways thank you for letting me air out my feelings for you and a little bit about my life. Thank you, my dear. Yours truly Best Friend.
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SIGH, My cupcake 🧁
My sweet darling cupcake, Where have you been all my life? Just sitting around. May I be completely honest with you? What the fuck happened to you? I mean I've missed you in my dreams. I don't see you anymore. Are you mad at me or something? Tell me what I did wrong so we can fix the issue. Like Tuh, TODAY! I hope you do not purposely ignore me. That shit is unfair. I’m sorry, I didn't mean to come off as a dickhead but you're being a dickhead to me. So what are you talking to someone else? Is there someone else on your mind? That's right I can say I'm irritated by you. But you're so damn lucky I can't stay mad at you it's so hard for me to stay mad at you. I mean look at you. You're my fucking cupcake. You are the most precious person in the world to me. I get overly possessive over you. I'll hunt someone down if they hurt you! Just say the magic word, my love. I'll fucking do it. You look so goddamn beautiful. You are a fucking goddess to me. My everything, my soulmate, my soul family. Yes! I've been dying to say that but I gotta little choke up for a second. But How are you doing? Are you okay? Whenever you're not feeling okay think of us. Think about our house together, marriage, babies, etc. Whatever you can think of us. Do it! I don't like it when you are feeling down it makes me feel down. Thank you for walking beside me, and now it's my turn to walk beside you. It's okay give me your burden. I'll carry them for you. I know I come off as aggressive, and dominant but that's just me being overly protective and worrying about you. You know damn well you would do the same for me too. Anyways I have to go. But I'll talk to you soon. Keep your head up. Don't let anyone disrespect you at all. Keep it pushing, if the people in your life were meant to fall off then fucking let them don't pick them up after they fucking fall. I'm sorry 💔. Let me catch my breath. I love you my sweet cupcake. (excited) I get so excited saying look at me all giggly now hahaha!!! Always keep your head up. My cupcake, you are forever mine never forget that. Please. Make sure to take it easy on yourself why don't you? I like it when you dress up all pretty. I love your body, face, and everything about you. I just wanna kiss your body. All up and down.
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Dear My teddy bear 🧸🧸
Ahhh, I wanna fucking scream 🙀right now but I'm cooling down right now. Okay, I'm calm now. I'm just so excited to talk to you. I don't know maybe it's me or it's just your fucking energy getting me all work up. I love when you are excited and work up like I am💋. Always teddy bear. How are you? I've missed you today. It seems like I haven't talked to you all day today. But what's been going on with your life? I hope you having a good day today. Make sure you are smiling too. I love it when you smile, shoo you probably smile right now as I'm talking to you. Can you hear me? Reach out to me. Oh, there's so much I have to say to you. I do. The first thing is. Did you eat today? I hope you did. Get your strength up. Did anyone fuck with you today? Like trouble you. I get it you have your difficulties to face, but I'm still here. I wanna be your knight and shine Amor. I know I sound like a fairytale dream guy or whatever but here's my thing though! Even if I'm so type of fantasy to you. You can pull me out, right? Whatever that stupid saying you die in the dream you die for real obviously not! Haha, but what I'm trying to say is if you are dreaming about me❤️‍🔥 that means I'm real to you. I'm manifesting you come into my life. I may know your face but I felt you before and your energy. It's is always the same I can tell that it's you. If that makes sense. I know I'm a fucking goofy ball! I think it's your energy I told you it's YOU!! HA! I love it though. But my sweet teddy bear! I wanna cuddle next to you. That's right I am a cuddle! Since I'm tall I like to get a cuddle. That's why I call you my teddy bear. You're so soft and warm 🔅. Whenever you're laying in your bed, you are not alone. Like Michael Jackson's song “You are not alone, I'm Here with You. Though far away I'm here to stay🍒. Because you are not alone.” some shit like that. Well, that's the song that came into my head I wanna send that to you. Holy snap! I think that I just put our wedding song Oops yikes my bad. Or you don't mind. ❤️❤️🧸❤️❤️. My gorgeous darling. How can I ever repay you? Not money but I wish I can snap my finger. You can fall into my arms just like that. Haha! Only like a fairytale movie. To be real! I like the villains more than the heroes. Do you ever realize that? Huh? Funny isn't it? They always make the villains describe our reality. Man! That's hilarious, isn't it? But anyways I wanna send you all the kisses! In the world, I hope you can feel them. Love you! I am coming to you in your dream so gear up. Love ya!
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My Hero
Oh, my hero girl! I've been missing your touch lately. This red string is meant for you. I can't attach it to someone else. It's not there, to begin with anyway. I know that I've to overthink a lot about things. I got bad supporters, people, and businesses that have just been fucking me over. I'm trying to wrap my head around this what I'm doing wrong. Do I deserve what I think I deserve? I know deserve you but then I don't sometimes. See! Overthinking again. Maybe if you were here then I won't be feeling this way doubting myself and our connection. I feel that we have something together. I mean look at you and look at me. Would date someone like me? Would you be with someone like me? After everything from my past that you heard all over the blogs, social media, and news. Would you? I know I wouldn't. I'm competing with myself. All the time. The more I think about the bad, the more I trap myself. I wanna wake up from this nightmare I've been working on. My hero, I haven't been okay lately. I had fallen sick not like that if you know what I mean just depressed lately. I've been wanting to talk to you but I figure I wasn't strong enough to do it. Well, I'm here now so that counts. I have a mindset of wanting new beginnings for myself. Because I deserve better than this. You understand me, right? Am I talking too much? I don't want to annoy you. Just want someone to talk to and understand me just for once. I isolated myself away from people. Going through a lot of ups and downs with some business stuff. Don't worry my little hero I got this. I thank you for your concern for me. That's one thing that I love about you. Everything about you is so special. We are match-made from heaven. We were to incarnate down here to be together. Maybe it's time for us to finally meet. What do you think? I mean if I'm toxic for you then stay fuck away from me. If I'm in a dark place why the hell would I want my hero involved with that? I would be hurt because these are my demon to face. But anyway. Can I tell you about my dream about us? I saw us on a beach just laying down on the sand holding you while hearing the beautiful breeze of the ocean. I think back at those dreams all the time. Sorry, I can't tell you to rest because I don't want to give the rest out right now. But my little hero is always here to save my day. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I think that sometimes I've burned myself out all the time. But I'm working on myself even more. I'm slowly freeing myself. I feel like someone is betraying me I don't even know who it is. Ugh, you're right. I won't pay them any mind at all. I'll try not to. Again thanks for letting me share my side. Now it seems like I've seen you before. Where did I see you? Hmmm did you go to the same school as I did? Or work at the same place before. Your face I can't get out of my head. I can never get rid of your beautiful face of yours. Yes! See!! Haha, I'm smiling 😂🙃😛you brighten up my day. I hope I did the same thing for you my hero. I love you and take care of yourself, please. Muah 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
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My Moonlight
When our fingers touch, my body goes into shock. Can you feel it? I sure can. There's no doubt in my mind that you are the one for me. I think that I've dreamt about you before. I dedicated songs to you before. Yours and mines are the same our soul. Once the two of us get together we are each other’s perfect match. You are the pieces to my puzzles and I am yours. The way you say things got me all twisted. Whenever I see your face I tried to find you again. But then I go back to sleep you're gone. My moonlight where did you go? Why did you disappear on me? I know isn't your fault. But I think that's crazy to say but you and I are Twin Flame or my other half. I love hearing your voice in my head. I daydream about you all the time. You come to like nobody's business! Don't worry I'm not ashamed of you. I tell my friends and people about you, but they all make fun of me like you aren't real. But to me you are real. I had vivid dreams about you. All the time. The way you say my name is so beautiful. Do you sing opera? It is so magnificent. I love it. When our soul combines. They are singing that we are each other’s forever. I never doubt that for a second. I know I got some bad friends, etc. But I don't pay those bitches no mind. Because they ain't my concern. I am! So you are my favorite person. I don't care if people think I'm crazy, or I need help because I talked to myself. Who doesn't talk to themselves? I'm sorry, I went down to an angry place let me breathe this out. Okay, anyways I look at the stars, I wish all the time for you to come into my life. I won't lie my life sometimes fucking boring. Ha 😂 I know you feel the same way too. But I know that I've been working to hard get my financials shit up. So I won't be able to talk to you. But whenever you're looking at the moon, you'll find me staring back at it. Because when the moon shines on your eyes that's my eyes glimpsing back at you. I know you can't feel me physically but feel me emotionally, and spiritually. We have a spiritual connection between you and me. I know you can feel and so can I. It may not be what you want all the time but it is worth the risk. I don't think you know how much you mean to me. You mean everything to me. I'm so proud of the work you've been doing for yourself. Let me give you around applause 👏🏾👏🏾 that's how much I'm proud of you. Thank you for being that much amazing to yourself. Don't feed into that anger. Whenever you are feeling angry or a negative thought came to mind burst that fucking ego. Shout it out if you have to. Shit call me and we’ll do it together. We are a partner no matter what. I know I come off as this softy but I don't care. I don't want anybody else touching you, or talking to you. I know sound possessive. I don't care I care about you so much. I can be a real fucking dickhead if I want to be but I choose not to be. Make sure you meditate and always remember what I said SELF-Control is important! Man, I gotta start making up homework for your ass! 🤣🤣😂 Anyways my other half I know you mean well. But I just wanna tell you!! You are my favorite person in the world. The Universe already blessed me enough with your light and energy. I'm just ready to enjoy it in person. How amazing you are. Thank you for choosing me. I'm glad you're my other half. Doesn't matter if we are soulmates, twin flames, or whatever. You still are my MOONLIGHT!! Forever & always. Promise me that you'll take good care of yourself. No matter what. Don't be surrounded yourself by toxic people, or energies if they try to block them. Like I said call me I’ll help you push them out of the way. I love you my darling, you already know. 🧸💋💋❤️🧸
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
Not sure if this is a request or me just going insane after reading your dumbification yeo fic but oop-
Been thinking about jealous Yeosang nonstop since then because I always get a little disappointed when fics paint him as this super passive, open lover. I mean it's all well and good to be someone who's genuinely okay with their partner having multiple partners/being kinda flirty, but I honestly don't see him as the type to be that chill
I mean sure he wouldn't exactly be as loud or aggressive about it as sayyy.... Joong or Sannie, I am a switch!Yeosang enthusiast after all, but I still think he'd get upset if he saw you being too chummy with one of your guy friends or one of the other members.
Early on in the relationship it would probably be all cute, he gets pouty and quiet, maybe clingy after and he needs lots of affirmation and assurance before he feels secure again.
But once he's comfortable with you? C'mon, you CANNOT tell me he's not the type to pin you against the door as soon as you get home, hands and lips desperately latching on to you as you clutch at his hair, deep voice muffled by your skin as he seethes over That Guy who kept hitting on you or how Wooyoung was a little too touchy for his peace of mind (woo totally did it on purpose btw).
And oh my god if those angry growls turn desperate? If you're not responding verbally cuz you're just so overwhelmed by everything that's Yeo?? And he suddenly whines into your neck and nuzzles your pulse point seeking verbal affirmation??? And you grip his hair and he whimpers when you tug so he has to look you in the eye?????
I need to calm tf down before I drop a whole 1.5k word smut fic in your ask box but you get the idea XDD
Jealous yeo lives rent free in my brain and you're writing has him running LAPS TwT we as a fandom have failed to have enough yeosang smut on the market and it Saddens Me
like i’m sorry but i can imagine him just pinning you to the door, fully clothed, and grinding up against you. his mouth is just on your neck, sucking, biting, kissing at your flesh until its mottled with purple bruises. like there’s literally no rhyme or reason, he’s just that desperate to his his mouth on you and mark you up that he barely gives you a minute to think straight.
like you’re still both fully dressed and your back is still presses uncomfortable against the door, but that doesn’t stop yeosang from bucking his hips up into yours, dry humping you because he doesn’t have the patience with you right now. he needs you to know that you’re his and his alone.
“can’t fucking believe you,” he growls before biting down on the soft flesh. you keen at the sensation, legs going weak. you’re glad he has you pinned to the door; if he didn’t, you might fall, “all over that guy as if you don’t have a perfectly good boyfriend who takes care of you. what? did you just want my attention? because now you have it.”
you whimper as he grinds down hard against your pelvis, his clothed hard-on rubbing so deliciously against your folds. you want him in you, but with everything that’s going on, you can barely think, let alone talk.
“s-sangie-” you choke out, trying to tell him how bad you need him, but you’re cut off by the whine that claws it’s way up your throat.
“what?” he grunts into your neck, “you want to tell me something?”
you nod, but no words come out. yeosang chuckles darkly into your neck.
“go on then, baby,” his teeth graze against you, threatening to add to the purple bruises that run up and down your skin, “if you’re going to tell me anything, tell me how bad you need me.”
you know it’s an ego thing. of course it is; yeosang was obviously hurt when he saw you flirting with the other man, and now it’s your job to repair that. and you would, if you could hold a thought for more than two seconds. you’d love nothing more than to stroke his ego, make him feel all big and powerful and like he’s the only man in the world.
but you just can’t. every time you open your mouth, you lose your train of thought and all that comes out is a few pants as yeosang tears your mind down to nothing. you cant even focus when he pulls back a little, studying your face with glassy eyes before diving right back into your neck. he doesn’t suck, or bite, or kiss this time. he just nuzzles the sticky skin with his nose, mumbling almost incoherent words against it.
“baby,” he says after a moment or two, voice a little breathier than before, “baby, please tell me me how much you need me. need to hear it.”
his tongue darts out and he begins to lap one of the bite marks, as if trying to soothe it. it only makes your mind race more.
as do the continuous whimpers that you can hear spilling into the air, only this time they’re not from you. they’re from yeosang.
yeosang who is still grinding into you, albeit with sloppier, softer motions than before. who is still pinning you to the wall, only with a more desperate grip, as if you’ll slip away if he lets go. who still has his face pressed against your neck, words slipping from his mouth, but now they beg rather than degrade.
“baby, please,” he whispers, and you feel something wet fall against your neck; a tear, “i need you tell tell me you need me.”
he sounds so pathetic, crying into your neck like that, and it soon sinks in that the tables have turned without you even really realising. the man that had pinned you to the door minutes prior, wanting nothing more than to teach you a lesson, had vanished. he’s been replaced by your baby boy, who was so desperate to hear how much you wanted him. so desperate to know that you loved him as much as he loved you.
you try your hardest to gather your thoughts, just enough for you to be able to scrape together a sentence or so. but with yeosang bucking against you like a dog in heat, its so incredibly hard. add that to the fact that he’s gone back to suckling at your neck like its going to bring him some sort of comfort and there’s no way you were getting a coherent sentence out.
so you lace you fingers into his hair, grateful of how long it had gotten, and tug. he lets out a long whimper, eyes rolling into the back of his head as you tug his far enough back to see his face. you tug again, wordlessly pleading for him to look at you. just once would be enough for him to see how thoroughly mindless he has you already. just once for him to understand that he is all you can think about right now.
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vampirevatican · 11 months
Start of my Hobart Brown obsession
british slang/dialect: "peng", "alls i 'eed is a wank n a biscuit."*, "that's for true", "piss off", "bloody 'ell"
hear me out him saying "all i need is a wank and a biscuit" is him joking after getting hurt, that is his "'tis a flesh wound"*
"big steppa" rly makes me think islander roots, which makes me think of hobie with caribbean ancestory, which makes me play #twerk it by busta rhymes ft. nicki, which becomes a teasing fantasy on its own
listen... him saying pum pum in reference to the vag, and it's mainly when he wants to be cute or affectionate with his dirty talk or very suggestive flirting
him taking care of you on your worst days? like making sure you eat, get good sleep (no matter the method), soothing you through a break down or spiral, giving you reassurance
hear me out... the back rubs, the cuddles, the forehead and cheek kisses. bonus points if it's a moment of just sobbing and reassurance and once he sees you've stabilized a bit he tries to get you to laugh
hobie with a nihilist black gf... yes this a bit of a personal indulgence, all of this is hear me tf out, just think about it. he gets with this girl bc her "crap on the establishment" is literally saying "all of this is pointless, we're on a literal floating rock, do what you want."
speaking of alt black power couple... punk x goth. like you can't tell me that wouldn't be cool and fun af
speaking on alt black folks, hobie being into anime intrests me. i did a character ai and went for pop team epic (bc that anime has no consistency) and one of the replies knew the characters names, listen i just think y'all watching animes together and talking about them would be fun... along with like knowing openings and outros. singing them together!! come on.
more brit nd caribbean slang i remember from a college course, arctic monkeys and other random spots in my brain that light up thinking about how hobie speaks
wifey, pickney, blud
bin, right/proper, slag, shag
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 26 days
infinity thoughts
ok so 🍰 anon asked me about my infinity thoughts and an explanation here but unfortunately i'm american and got access to the song with the official mv release, so when i answered it i was in a post-negibanana haze and unable to comprehend abstract thought. sorry!
so anyways it's such a fire song. easy top 10 nijien songs. i'll be honest and admit i don't pay attention to a lot of niji music, even for some of my oshis, but hear me out. infinity bangs slaps bops jams etc
i'd like to point out the parts that i adore/can explain a bit
imma player imma play my game / imma slayer and i claim the fame
i'd like to imagine this is a double entendre for being a heartthrob AND a #gamer lmao. especially with the tiny internet/vtuber references all throughout
i make the dream that make believe
that should be "make-believe," with a hyphen. never catch 'em slippin
not a lyric but i'd like to formally thank yga for deciding that shu should be wearing a sleeveless hoodie and a turtleneck and a half-off jacket AND an arm garter. that arm garter is carrying everything
not a lyric but also thank you lord for giving sonny a scarf. he looks cozy and i'll be thinking of this factoid later. also the lightning effect in the rain/monster line 💛
we stay young forever
lol i see u anime boy png reference. also the ad libs here are peak. wait hold on classic og lxm fans: shu was the one that did the brr woo right? ...that a callback?
(yes sir)
i am not mentally well about an ad lib of all things. i'll be there for him. with open arms. and open legs. and an open mouth
better move that body that the big man gave ya
this is just funny to me. like yea this is what i wanted to hear in my kpop inspired dance song by two anime boys. a line that just barely dodges religion. that's hilarious and i want someone to sample this line specifically for a rap beat
ain't no gravity in my galaxy / we soar like planes, like birds, like angels
i get why they end the lines with "angels" (ethereal, beautiful, a body that the big man has given) but... if it ended with planes... it could be a slant rhyme with sonny's next lines
hundy degrees
also just funny to imagine sonny unironically saying "hundy." i can only see him in my mind's eye saying it when he's putting on the Big Stereotypical Bogan Accent. not so out of character for him now is it
you on your knees
ok wait hol d on hwat the fuck
tell me are you ready for me
ye s
honestly that whole bridge just fucked eternally and again, will not stop thinking about it. what tf are those high notes. knees, huh. the whole theme going on through the entire lyrics where the singers r nonstop but everyone else needs to be prepared/can't go on as long as they can (tehe stamina joke). whatever they were doing with the ascending "are you ready for me." whatever SHU was doing with that high note into the chorus SIR ?
so when this got announced post-ar live i threw the preview into my playlist bc it was just that good, and i always imagined it as one of those radio bumpers. so so so so so happy it was everything i dreamed of and more.
i love negibanana as a duo a lot and i'm glad they were the first to get an encounter, since neither have a original/cover song on their channel yet. especially for sani. he's my oshi but tons of tons of tons of people have expressed he's a very underrated and very talented singer, and if you don't happen to be there for karaokes or his features on other songs (ringo! mogire! beaaaaaam!) then it's easy to sleep on him.
and what can i say about shu that hasn't been said before. his voice is lovely and his high notes shine. negibanana is such a good duo because of their strengths. you can really tell that shu's at his best when he gets to use his falsetto and show off vocal runs, and sonny's energy when he raps is so infectious.
but never forget the goofy bits 💛 shu has no idea how to whisper sexily like "infinity yeaah" in the beginning sounds like a kid trying to learn how to do a death metal scream without waking their parents in the next room 💛 what was the entire verse about your neighbor and the big man who wrote that 💛 every time the pre-chorus hits i wait for the hyphen in make-believe and yet 💛💛💛💛
peak nijien in 2024 experience tbh
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saintofdaggers · 1 month
top five PLOT TWISTS
omg... I love this question so much, but you can't do this to me aksjdhffjd. how am I supposed to answer this without spoilers if I want to talk about why these plot points are plot twists? but let's see if I can do that.
5. the endings of Saw, Saw II and Saw IV. all Saw endings go hard, but I have a special fondness for these three. the apprentice reveal at the end of IV marked the beginning of a beautiful brainrot for me, the ending of II is an absolute SLAY, and the ending of the first Saw made my soul leave my body even though I'd been spoiled on that twist years before I ever watched the movie. (V is my all-time Saw ending, but as a plot twist it's pretty predictable compared to the others)
4. the blood test scene in The Thing. let me tell ya, when that blood jumped, so did I.
3. the ending of Ghostwatch. "It's a seance!" it's an absolutely gutwrenching and terrifying twist, thank you for scaring the shit out of the entire nation, dear BBC.
2. the ending of The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe. it was the first story of his that I'd read, and I did not expect that reveal. it's such a perfectly horrifying and nasty little story from beginning to end, and that ending is what makes it hit so hard imo.
1. the entirety of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. I know it's cheating to list a whole novel as a plot twist, but it's so masterfully plotted and paced that I'd be very hard-pressed to pick a single moment that stands out. if I do have to choose a favorite twist from that one, I'd go with the moment when Vera and Lombard realize what the red herring line in the mysterious rhyme really meant. and of course the ending is just shiver-inducing, I absolutely tf did not see it coming.
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
Mystical Highwire
Blue Moon shook himself off as he exited the teleport point. No matter how many times he got tossed around he never got used to the feeling. The teleport point was fairly close to Golden's Mansion. Just a small walk away from the entrance. Much easier than walking all the way out here on foot.
Blue Moon walked his way to the entrance crouching down at the door to get in. He softly opened the door. Trying not to be sudden. Although it sounded like his efforts were in vain. A quiet gasp and then a soft pitter patter of steps going away told him that much. He crawled inside with a little less carefulness. Seeing as at this point it wouldn't matter.
Blue Moon got into the foyer. Getting off his hands and feet and giving a long stretch. His rays brushed the roof. Spreading out his hands so they wouldn't bottom out in the smaller space. Giving himself another shake. Ribbons dancing behind him. He then finally looked around. The foyer was mostly empty of course. Only the dust of ghosts occupying the space. Looking up the stairs he spotted the one he frightened.
They look relatively normal sized in the smaller Manson. But of course they're still a tad short of the railing. And they wore a light blue jacket with a big fluffy hood laying on their shoulders. The inside of the jacket was black. And so were the ends of the slaves and the rims. On his left arm was a long blue ribbon. On his right arm was a similar ribbon except red. Both ribbons had a black ends. The pants he wore were a dark blue. Where they ended off with the familiar yellow shoes that most DCA models wore.
Frightened blue eyes caught him before swiftly looking away. Their fingers tapped on the metal bars. A nervous fidget. Now looking down at the ground and if they had done something wrong. Blue Moon strained up slightly before laxing. Throwing the smaller bot a pleasant smile.
Dimming Light. Why do you fear? Your best friend Blue Moon is here. I hold no luminosity if you want to express your curiosity.
Blue Moon kept his smile as he waited for the Lunar's response. Their face scrunched up in confusion. Clearly in an attempt to understand his impulse rhyming. They briefly cast their eyes up at him before giving them another side glance
Sorry. I don't. Um. Why are you here?
Blue Moon sighed. The anticipation of TF Lunar's voice was paramount. As if the small bot would be punished for not understanding his words all the way. Choosing to instead direct to the question he had wanted to ask in the first place. Blue Moon decided to pay it no mind though and simply made a grand jester with his hands. Sparkling out runes for effect.
I heard you're learning magic you see. I simply want to show you the mystic arts I take with glee.
It was funny to watch as TF Lunar's eyes drifted to the runes. It was as if he was watching a child watching bubbles. Carefully watching each one before they fizzled out. Once they were all gone TF Lunar blinked. Glancing at his face before harshly flinching and ducking down slightly. Blue Moon stuttered slightly. Taken aback by the frightened reaction. Frowning as he tried to figure out what had scared the small bot.
He didn't get to think about it much since a joyous laugh sounded out. Small thundering steps making their way down the hallway.
Eclipse! I am glad you're able to make it. Hopefully nothing will interrupt us. Now come on I know it's going to be a tight fit for you here. To the backyard.
Both Blue Moon and TF Lunar stared off at Golden as he walked away towards the back door. A hop in his step. Blue Moon giggled at this display. Walking over to the hallway that led to the back doors before crouching to get through. giving TF Lunar a glance before flicking his ribbon tail towards the door. Inviting the small bot to follow.
Blue Moon stretched as he finally reached the outside area. Not having a care as he stretched his body outward. Small clicks and pops emitting as he did. Then doing a full body shake as he released the pressure. Golden giggled at his display. TF Lunar's joining in behind him. He smiled to himself as the small animatronics quiet giggles burst out. Hopefully he will be able to hear those giggles more often.
Golden Freddy got their attention back by clapping his hands. TF Lunar jumped. While moon simply stiffened as his rays retracted slightly. Curling in his claws. Don't. Don't. don't. don't. don't. don't. don't. don't. Blue Moon breathed out. Rays popping out as he strolled over to Golden. Golden gave him a sad look. Eyes briefly glancing over to TF Lunar before looking back at him.
Do you need a radio?
Golden softly whispered.
No. A dance with lights is all I need. Hopefully The dancing will fade this craving.
Then let's get started.
Golden shouted out. Waving a hand at TF Lunar. The smaller bot had apparently froze in place. He jumped slightly before quickly running over.
Oh don't run. You need all your energy. Don't waste it on something so trivalous.
TF Lunar slowed to a walk. Looking confused but following. I'm Blue Moon also strolled over to the magic circle he knew Golden was going towards. His taller stature making the distance shorter. He snickered slightly as Golden gave him an annoyed face. His small walk turning into a jog just to keep up. Soon they all arrived at the runic circle. Golden Freddy taking the center stage. Wow Blue Moon adjusted himself to be behind TF Lunar. Grabbing the bot slightly and pulling them back out of the area of effect.
Now Lunar. Magic in our world is a little bit more unique. Most world's only focus on one magical power. Soul magic. It is the most common across many universes. Although in most circumstances it is also the hardest to understand.
Blue Moon sat down as Golden continued his explanation. Patting the ground down slightly in front of him to invite TF Lunar.
Come and relax. The words will come out slow but fast. do not worry about keeping up. The world will brighten and soon you will know that.
TF Lunar fiddled slightly. Pulling at his fingertips. He glanced at Golden before turning around and settling himself in Blue Moon's lap. Digging himself deeper into the embrace. Blue Moon covered the small bot with his hands before returning his attention.
Now that's all about soul magic. But they're of course different ones here. Although evidence of them can be found in other places most don't use them to the extent that we can here. Blue Moon of course uses runic magic or rune magic.
Rune Magic is quite different from soul magic. Although it runs on the same principle. Both soul magic and rune magic work by pulling an energy. And while soul magic pulls that energy from yourself rune magic pulls it from the area around you.
This causes rune magic to be more centered around elements. For example in a forest, Blue Moon will have an easier time controlling plants then he would say fire. Of course if you are good enough at it you can transmute energy.
Taking what was once plant energy and changing it into fire energy. Although this process usually results in the transmuted energy being lesser than its beginning state.
Of course there is also material magic. Or better known as potion making. This usually involves the user using elements around them and mixing them into a pot to achieve a desired result. Again this relies on elemental energy but is much easier to manipulate due to the fact it can be many different materials.
Blue Moon watched as Golden rambled on. Allowing the small bot to play with his fingers. He did notice though once the small box started retreating closer to his form. Looking down and tilting his head.
What's wrong friend?
I- I- I don't know what- what I'm supposed to do?
Blue Moon sighed. Giving TF Lunar a smile.
Soul is from your heart. The magic that beats within. Rune is from the Earth. All that you see around you. Material is what you can gather. Takes place inside a bottle. Has that solved your kerfuffle?
TF Lunar seemed to ponder the words. Before shaking his head in understanding. Blue Moon stiffened as a clap brought him out of the conversation. Both of their heads snapping back up to look at Golden Freddy.
Now that we have an understanding of what magic is and how it works. Lunar, let's see what you got. Enter the circle with me. I'll let you borrow my power.
Blue Moon felt as TF Lunar's hands tightened around his own. Clearly not wanting to leave the safety of Blue Moon's embrace. Blue Moon decided to make the choice for him. I'm getting up while still holding the small hands. Dragging TF Lunar into a standing position. He then dragged his hands forward while letting go causing the small bot to stumble forward slightly.
TF Lunar froze and looked back at him. A hint of betrayal in his eyes. Blue Moon gave him a soft smile waving his hand forward in a half wave.
Do not fear Dimming Light. Show me how your light can truly shine. Decorate yourself in blooming colors. make yourself look like no other.
A small smile tugged at the edges of TF Lunar's lips. Although I look towards the objective and back quickly made it vanish. Blue Moon simply nodded again with a smile. Hoping the encouragement would work. Luckily it seemed dead as lunar grasps his hands before walking forward towards Golden. Standing in front of him awkwardly while fiddling with his fingers. Quickly Golden gave him something to do with his hands. Offering his own out to grasp. Which the small bot gratefully took.
Now we're going to start with soul magic since that's the one you're probably going to know the best. Just think about what you would want to do. It could be as simple as wanting a light to appear in front of you.
TF Luna's fingers tapped against Golden's hands. The small bot desperately trying to think of anything he could do. Blue Moon patiently waited on the sideline with a smile. He would prefer TF Lunar learned rune magic but it wasn't untrue that soul magic was easier to perform. Even with the complicated wordings. But again so was recognizing thousands and thousands of repeatable patterns with slight differences.
Unfortunately the more they waited the more they realize nothing was happening. TF Lunar's body slowly starting to tremble. Eyes of glancing up at Golden's before quickly averting them and repeating the process. Golden quickly took a stand, tightening his hands around lunar's.
All right, maybe thinking about it a little too hard. Let's start with a spoken spell. That's what most universes are used to. So repeat after me. Elre a brta.
Elre a brta
A small light flickered. Causing TF Lunar to jump. The light faded soon after. TF Lunar blindly searched around as if expecting to find the light coming around the corner to attack him.
There you go. there you go. It's fine. You just performed a light spell. A weak one, but hey you're just starting. Try it again. Get used to how it feels. Elre a brta.
TF lunar's hands found purchase in Golden's furr. trembling slightly but otherwise okay. Getting a last glance around before looking forward to Golden again.
Elre a brta
Again a light flickered. And while TF Lunar flinched he did not move. Almost freezing in place afterwards as he stared at the small glowing ball.
Just feel It. Feel how your energy is being pulled into the light. Try and give it some more.
TF Lunar's body no longer trembled simply caught in awh at the light. His hands slightly relaxed his hold. TF Lunar stared at the light. Glancing up to Golden only to flinch. Looking back down at the small light with it face of concentration. Golden frowned slightly at The exchange. Blue Moon sat up taller. The tension in lunar's body triggering him. Don't. Don't. don't. don't. don't. don't. don't don't.
Blue Moon stood up. This was taking too long. Golden glanced his way. Weariness penetrated his figure. TF Lunar was oblivious to his movement. Too caught up and trying to make the light in front of him bigger. Blue Moon strolled over to the two.
Clearly this is only bland. Let's go make something Grand. Symbols and circles are easy to remember. Let me show you how to make something with flying embers.
TF Lunar jumped at Blue Moon's intrusion. Blue Moon caught the moment in a trance. Staring at the small anxious spot before quickly shaking his head. Raising up a finger to trace in the air. drawing out a runic symbol.
Eclipse I don't think it's a good idea to start with runes. It's a fairly unfamiliar magic in other places unless it's to draw power from a mana pool. It is best to let him feel what a spell feels like then-
Words are only a tongue twister. While patterns are a better sister. Things that continue over and over. Like a four-leaf clover. You can touch and feel a rune and its power. No nonsense about making the connection higher.
But he needs to feel a connection. You might not need to give power to a rune but you still need to be able to connect to the power around you. Eclipse I don't think you're-
Blue Moon growled. He stared down at his friend. He just needs a release. Something. He understood Golden's words but he could not appreciate them at the moment. He just needed to teach his part. To get it over with. He was hungry.
He finished tracing the rune in the sky. Grab me them in his hands as if they were some floating paper plates. Turning around to TF Lunar and placing them on his arms and wrists. Ignoring the way the bot flinched in his grasp. Fearful eyes staring up at him. Not understanding what has made his friend so tense. Standing as still as possible as he trembled. Waiting for Blue Moon to be finished with this task.
Once Blue Moon was finished he flipped his arms out. Similar looking runes attaching themselves to his arms. Before looking up and waving his hand in front of him. Multiple runes decorated the sky. Some were an earthen brown color. Some were tinge of green with a light brown at the edges. Others became a steal like black. Arranging themselves in particular ways. Once the runes seem to settle in place the ones that were green with light brown seem to flop from the sky. Falling down until they reached the ground.
Up to the sky. where we will fly.
Lunar only had a second to contemplate what was happening before he was yanked upwards with a scream. The speed of which it happened hurt. It hurt. It hurt so much. Why? He was fine. He made the magic ball. Why did Blue Moon want to do something else? What did he do? He did everything he was asked and he did it quickly. He tried, he really did. So why was he being thrown up in the sky?
Finally he stopped rising. His body jerked as he stopped. He looked down. Oh God he was so high. He scrunches eyes shut in fear. He was so high. So High. He wanted down. But didn't want to upset Blue Moon. Blue Moon wanted him to do something right? What was it? What did he need to be so high for? He heard a wine. He flashed his eyes open for a second. Glancing around. Desperately trying to find whatever was making the sound.
Finally he spotted Blue Moon. The gigantic bot loomed over him. They were grabbing.. the air?! It almost looked like he was holding on to some sort of invisible rope. Wait. Was he floating!? TF Lunar looked up only to scream. Shutting his eyes tightly as the situation dawned on him. He was holding nothing! He was hundreds of feet in the air holding on to nothing! Oh God he was so scared. But another wine from Blue Moon made him remember what he was here for. He had to learn this magic. Somehow.
He trembled as he opened his eyes again. Staring at Blue Moon as he breathed out short harsh breaths. Blue Moon let out something like a churr. It almost reminded him of a cat. Except this cat was forcing him to be hundreds of feet above the ground holding onto nothing more than magic apparently!
There you are. You are safe and sound. I will not let you hit the ground. Loosen your hold. For your hands are becoming too bold.
Lunar desperately tried to understand what he was saying. He didn't feel safe. And he would much prefer to be on the ground right now! And then why would he need to loosen his hold!? He doesn't want to fall! He doesn't want to die! But- but if he doesn't. Blue Moon might do something. He has to. He doesn't want to get in trouble. So he slowly unclenched his hands. Trembling out of fear that he might start plummeting down.
Blue Moon flashed him a toothy grin. He had so many teeth. They were like Blood Moon's but one side of his face had some that looked more like vampire fangs. And he would know what that would look like. It was terrifying. Why did Blue Moon do it all the time? This weird terrifying giant wide grin like some sort of crazed clown. As much as it was terrifying though it often filled him with a sense of calmness. Like he should be okay with it. Like Blue Moon was trying to share his happiness or something. But right now he felt terror.
Runes you can hold. But not so tight. as they can break and deliver quite a fright. They are like rocks but they look like a plate. They easily shatter if they hold too much weight.
Lunar's hands spasmed as they tightened before quickly releasing. He didn't want to break them. He barely understood how he was holding on in the first place. He would definitely fall if he broke them. What was Blue Moon doing. He felt like a baby bird being thrown out of the nest. Except this baby bird didn't have any wings nor did I have the instinct to fly.
A-arrow? I d-don't- humm. I-
Lunar jumped as he was interrupted. The loud booming voice swallowed whatever he had attempted to say. Blue Moon looked down with a growl. Lunar tried to follow his line of sight only to suck in a breath and close his eyes once again. He was pretty sure he saw Golden Freddy. He thinks he looked upset. It didn't really matter at the moment. All that matter was the reminder of how f###ing high up he was.
Eclipse bring Lunar down! I don't think he's having any fun and neither am I!
You speak as if he has completed the dance, but he has not had a chance. Soon he will have his fun. But only once the dance is done.
Lunar internally agreed with Golden Freddy's claims. He would definitely like to go down. And he wasn't having any fun. And he was honestly scared of what kind of "fun" Blue Moon had in mind. Blue Moon kept saying he was going to dance. He didn't know how to dance. But then again what could he do. He had to listen. He had to do whatever Blue Moon wanted or else he would get in trouble. He surely would. Especially since Blue Moon wasn't agreeing with Golden Freddy. Blue Moon was the one who brought him here. He could bring him back. He could go back. He couldn't go back. He couldn't. He didn't want to. So he'll listen. He'll do everything he says.
Dimming Light let's begin. Runes like a rope. They will swing and bend. Come prance around within the sky. The runes will hold you. I do not lie.
Lunar numbly nodded. It wasn't the first time with a rope. It was just more physical than this one. He desperately hoped that Blue Moon simply wanted him to swing around. So he did just that. Swinging his body back and forth in order to encourage the motion. Surprisingly the runes did act exactly like a rope. And swung in a similar fashion. It was just invisible. He claimed a slight bit of confidence back. As long as he imagined it like a normal rope and then perhaps he could get done with this impromptu lesson.
Yes! but move it with more vigor. Ask the world around you to not let the rope linger. See how they listen to my command. Even with how still I stand.
Blue Moon flicked a finger and the string of runes he had been holding on to seemed to move on their own. The "rope" that he held on to was still there but the rest of it seemed to just float forward towards lunar's form. Lunar tried to mimic his movement. He tried to imagine the runes separating and moving in a strange snake-like way. But his hands trembled. He couldn't let go. But I needed to let go. Why couldn't he do as he was told. Why couldn't he let go? He just needed to lift a finger. Or at least have the stupid things move but they stayed still.
Lunar swallowed as he looked back at Blue Moon. Again with that devilish grin on his face.
I- I- I ca- can't. I- I don't- I don't know. I- I-
Oh god what was he supposed to say. "I'm sorry. I failed. I cannot do magic. Can I please go back to the ground?" He would surely be punished. They would be disappointed. He would get in so much trouble. Golden Freddy had been so kind. It was different from the other bear. And Blue Moon had helped him get out. Had comforted him. But they could all be white lies. They could all be lying again. He had to make sure he was worth it. He just had to. So instead he swallowed his words. Tucking his body as close as he could and shutting his eyes shut. At least if he was going to get punished. He didn't have to see it.
Perhaps I should help you feel the wind. Then you could take it and use it for your own whims.
He tried to process Blue Moon's odd riddle. Feel the wind? Wasn't he touching a rune? His pondering was cut off short. Suddenly he was whipped off in a random direction. A scream fell out of him as his eyes burst open. He could barely see the ground as it whipped around him. Suddenly the movement stopped And he was again abruptly jolted into place. This time instead of holding on to a vertical magical rope he was on a horizontal one. Clutching to it as if he was a koala.
See how the wind moves and dances. Feel how it twists and turns as it advances. Take it and use it. Use it as your command. Make it so you can stand.
Lunar breathed heavily. The only thing he had felt through the whole experience was how much his body hurts. He didn't have any of the restrictions anymore but It still felt like his nerves were on fire whenever he moved. Golden Freddy helped suppress the absent pain. But right now he was not here and it was all a-new. His arms shook with the power he was placing into them. His legs too also had a burning sensation for how much strength he was using to hold on to the length of magical rope. If this was what magic felt like. And then he wasn't sure he wanted to feel it at all.
Blue Moon just sat there expectedly. Although his posture was strange. It was like some sort of lizard in the vines. His magical rope twisted around in strange ways. Almost as if he was in some thick tree line. Blue Moon sat there. Well a sat would be a vague descriptor. It was more like he was posed there. His head hung low. His arms stretched out clutching different parts of the magical rope. His back legs contorting slightly as they bent upwards along with his torso. It almost looked like he was about to snap out a tongue like a chameleon. But instead he just sat there. Body slightly trembling. It was almost as if he was holding himself back from doing something.
Lunar decided to stop focusing on Blue Moon's form and try to command the runes again. Closing his eyes on purpose as an extra measure to increase his concentration. Maybe it would be like some sort of movie. Where was better to imagine it vaguely instead of trying to see it happen.
Lunar please let go! You're not safe! I'll catch you! Eclipse isn't-
Lunar had just barely processed Golden Freddy's words before Blue Moon snapped out in a loud snarl. It echoes through the area. He could feel the vibrations in his mechanisms. Why did Golden Freddy want him to fall? What does he mean it's not safe? What was he saying about Blue Moon? He looked back at the figure in question. Only for his body to freeze at the site. All of Blue Moon's rays were tucked into their face as close as they could. His once blue eye was now a swirling red pentagram. Lunar had only seen this face a couple times but he knew what it meant. Blue Moon was angry.
Suddenly with new vigor he tried to get the runes to listen to him. Opting this time to try and shake the rope manually. Perhaps he could untangle it from whatever Blue Moon had done to get it into this position. This unfortunately got Blue Moon's attention back. The devilish grin growing more and more evil. Suddenly Blue Moon had closed the distance. Parsley grabbing the end of the rope closest to his hands and tugging it upwards. The once stuck rope easily moved to his command. Drawing lunar's face to him.
No no. You do not seem to understand. You have to use magic, not your hands. But it seems Dead Bear wants you down. Perhaps I can show you the fastest way to the ground.
Lunar's eyes widened in fear. Suddenly this didn't feel like Blue Moon. It felt like something else. Something he thought he had forgotten. He really should have known when he first Asked Blue Moon who he was. He said that "he was him and another. You most likely would have called him brother." He had a hard time understanding Blue Moon then. But now it made a lot more sense. He was him. But he was also Blood Moon. This felt like Blood Moon. It felt like the crazed bloodthirsty killer he once had known. But this time. He was much bigger. And much more powerful.
But once the realization came upon him, so did the air start rushing up past him. The runes that had been his rope disappeared in Blue Moon's hands. He wasn't grasping onto anything anymore. He was just falling. He vaguely heard a yell from Golden Freddy. But at that moment his only thought was that he had to grab something. Anything! He didn't care if it was magic! He didn't care if it was a real rope! He didn't even care if he was a magically summoned rope! All that mattered was that he grabbed onto something! And as suddenly as a thought appeared. So did his hands grasp onto something.
Suddenly the world jerked to a stop. He heard a yell above him and below him. At first he didn't move. Simply clutching onto whatever he had grabbed. But the rope wiggled more. And suddenly the yelling became clear. Blue Moon sounded like he was snarling and growling. And Golden Freddy... Golden Freddy was yelling his name? He slowly opened his eyes. The fuzzy outline of a rope invaded his vision with how close he had tucked himself in. Wait a rope? He blinked as he leaned back to observe the rope that was now in his hands. It didn't look magical. And it felt very real. But soon the rope wiggled and he looked up in order to figure out where the rope was attached to.
Up above him. Still tied together by the magical rope was Blue Moon. Desperately trying to hold himself up as the rope lunar now had was tied fiercely around his arm. Lunar's weight tugging him down. A Blue Moon trying to keep himself up as he now held the new weight. Suddenly another yell from Golden Freddy directed his eyes down. He wasn't that far from the ground actually now. Perhaps a good 15ft. And right below him stood Golden Freddy. Arms held out inviting him to jump.
Come on! Come on lunar jump off! I'll catch you! We need to get away from Eclipse! Now!
Lunar did as he was asked. Quickly letting go of the strange rope and into Golden Freddy's arms. Golden Freddy catching him with an oof. Before adjusting his hold and running off towards the mansion.
Oh thank heaven's you're safe. I was starting to get worried Blue Moon was just going to eat you up there.
Eat- Eat me?! Wh-Why?!
Because Eclipse refuses to eat anything until it becomes too hard for him to hold back.
But! But!? Why would he eat me?!
Because he eats metal, oil, and animatronics. As much as him not being teleported away is a great opportunity to have some fun in his own universe. It also means he can't eat non-descriptively! And that big lug of an idiot is too much of a sweetheart to try to eat the staff bots!
Lunar pondered Golden Freddy's words. It sounded like Blue Moon didn't want to eat animatronics But he had to. Usually going to other universes was able to fill him up. But since it had been so long he hadn't been able to quence that hunger. Probably didn't mean to scare him. He was just losing his mind. Like Blood Moon always did. Except for Blood Moon it wasn't friends or family they were eating. Except then again. Blood Moon doesn't really care for family in the first place.
Golden Freddy set Lunar down in the mansion before turning around and locking the door behind him. Quickly running to the far side of the room to go into a storage room.
Lunar I'm going to need you to go up to your room and grab that radio I gave you a couple days ago. I'm pretty sure I don't have any more spares so we're going to have to use that one. Don't worry I'll get you a new one when I got time.
Um okay. Why are we getting a radio?
Because Blue Moon also eats metal and oil. He just needs something to entice him a little bit more. A dead channel on the radio sounds just like the static that comes out of a dying robot.
Lunar cringed at the idea. But in a sick fashion it made sense. It was like tying rabbit fur to a stick to train hunting dogs. Except they were tying a radio on a dead channel to get Blue Moon to leave them alone. Lunar ran up the stairs. Carefully guiding himself to the room that was once apparently glamrock Freddy's. Quickly grabbing the old time radio and rushing back down the stairs. Giving Golden Freddy a look as the bear now held two canisters.
Wha- What are those?
Some big jugs of oil. Once he destroys that radio we are going to need something to keep him tied over until I can teleport a staff bot over here. Now place the radio in the middle of the foyer and get it tuned into a dead channel. If you can't find any, take a hammer to the speaker. That will work too.
Lunar simply nodded in agreement. Quickly running the radio over and placing it on the ground. Luckily it wasn't that hard to find a dead channel. Seeing as they were in the middle of nowhere. Once the static started lunar jumped as a roar echoed through the mansion. A crash happening somewhere near the back door they had just locked.
All right! Yep! Nope! get out of here Lunar! And stay in your room until I come to get you!
Lunar quickly ran up the stairs not even sparing Golden Freddy a glance. He would come out when Golden Freddy called. He still didn't want to get in more trouble than he already probably was. But for now he just wanted to get away. And he was going to take the only opportunity he had.
Blue Moon blinked as he came back to. Blurrily looking at his surroundings. What had he been doing? They had been doing magic with TF Lunar. But they're having no success. And then he. Suddenly his eyes shut up with awareness as realization dawned on him. Shaking as he glanced down at clawed hands covered in oil. He had gotten impatient! He had gotten hungry! It was just supposed to be a magic lesson but it took it too far! He lost himself! TF Lunar was too scared the entire time and he didn't even notice because it filled him with a sense of fullness! It felt good to watch the poor bot stutter stumble and shake! Oh God did he kill him?!
He was standing within seconds. Quickly looking around at the floor underneath him. There was scrap metal everywhere. An oil seemed to leak out of every corner of the floor. He looked around desperately for any piece of clothing or casing that would tell him whether whatever he had ripped up had been TF Lunar or not. Luckily he was given an answer as a Golden Freddy sounded out at him from the top of the stairs.
You better be back to your senses! Because you owe somebody a big apology! I'm pretty sure you scared the lights out of lunar! You should have just told me you were that bad off! You know I can suppress it for longer if I actually know what's going on!
Golden's yelling voice was honestly the greatest relief he had had in the couple seconds he had been aware. TF Lunar was alive. But scared. Oh he was probably so scared. Any chance of making friends with the small bot we're going down the drain at this very moment. Suddenly his body was moving on its own. Crouching down to a demeaning crawl as he neared the stairs.
Oh. Oh. Oh dear I probably made such a fright. Please let me speak and make this all right.
Hold your horses Eclipse. Clean yourself off first. Running into his room covered in oil probably isn't going to make whatever you're going to say any better.
Blue Moon stopped as he looked at himself. Black oil stained his figure. His one's beautiful ribbons cast and an oily black. Oh he deeply hopes they Won't take long to clean. Quickly grabbing one of the ribbons into his mouth to lick it clean. Quickly redirecting the restroom so he could clean up properly. Once he was done he came back into the foyer. Ghosts were now mopping up his mess. Golden still took a stand up at the top of the stairs. Spotting Blue Moon and giving him a quick wave before heading down the hallway. Blue Moon quickly crawled up behind him. Before slowing his steps so as to not scare TF Lunar more than he probably was.
Golden Freddy slowly opened the door. Peeping a head inside.
Hey sport. Eclipse is all better now. And he wants to say sorry. You're all right if he comes in? You can say no. But I do think you two need to talk. So if you don't want them in your bedroom then I would suggest you come out to the hallway.
Blue Moon stayed completely silent as he watched the exchange. Every fiber of his being wanted to run in and give the small bot a tight hug. Spill out apologies and promise never to do it again. But instead he stayed still. The familiar tingle of anxiety running through his form. Soon the door opened up wider. TF Lunar slowly popped his head out the opening. Clearly not wanting to leave the safe space of his bedroom. Clutching the door frame so that he could probably shut the door as soon as he could. Golden Freddy made no advance to open the door any wider. Simply stepping out of the way so that TF Lunar could look at the Blue Moon clearly.
Blue Moon tried the curl up on himself. His tail ribbons curling up and meeting his front arms in his crouch down position. Soon he was nothing more than a cat loaf. Slightly trembling with all his rays pointing down in sad defeat. TF Lunar almost seems surprised at Blue Moon's fear. Eyes darting around wildly. Confusion prickling at his face as he slowly advanced out of the door. Blue Moon equally matched his steps out with steps backward.
Reflected Glow I did not mean to bring you such pain. If you would like, you do not have to see me again.
Reflected Glow?
Blue Moon paused as he quickly reflected. Trying desperately to figure out why the name he had been calling him suddenly changed.
Dimming Light you are not. For I cannot simply change the damage time has caused. You reflect your light in a soft glow. All I can do now is show you the love you've never known.
TF Lunar paused as he pondered Blue Moon's words. Blue Moon hopefully glanced over at Golden. silently pleading for help. Golden simply gave him a neutral expression. Looking away from his line of sight. Blue Moon tucked into himself more. A part of him wanted to disappear. TF Lunar's eyes widened before lowering into a soft glance.
So you don't think you can help me by just giving me a new life. I hold on to what I am given and so you want to just show me love so I can feel it instead?
Blue Moon quickly nodded. That was probably the best explanation for the sudden name change. He simply wanted to make TF Lunar happy.
So- so you won't try to eat me. An-d you won't try to force me to learn magic again. R-right?
Yes yes that is all true. I never meant harm to you. A mistake so careless. A hunger that compels us. Please do not come near. Make sure we have devoured and make sure it is clear.
Blue Moon curled into himself more. Laying his head down in a bow. He never wanted to scare TF Lunar. And he felt so terrible for what he had done. He heard a soft sigh above him. Before soft footprints headed towards his form. He felt fingertips graze the back of his faceplate. Apprehension tainted the touch. But soon those hands gained their confidence. Grabbing the sides of his faceplate and drawing them towards themselves. TF Lunar hugging the large bots head to his chest.
The word was soft But it was heard. Blue Moon quickly hugged back. Faceplate ramming itself closer to TF Lunar's chest and hands escaping to wrap themselves around.
I'm so sorry- so s-s-orry- so-o sor-ry. sorrry ssor-ry s-orry nev-er a-a-gain-never again.
Blue Moon's body shook as he rambled out apologies. Burrowing himself into the embrace. Now tightly coddling TF Lunar. But the embrace was quickly interrupted by Golden's loud clap. Blue Moon abruptly dropping TF Lunar and scuttling away. He was not going to have a repeat of what happened because of a startle.
Well now that that is all over. I want to congratulate lunar for doing his first uninstructed spell. Now we will need to look into this more given that this was done in a stressful situation. But this long rope is quite an impressive summon.
Both Blue Moon and TF Lunar stared at Golden Freddy. Both caught off guard by the comment. Blue Moon started loudly laughing. TF Lunar joining in with small stifled giggles.
Blue Moon / Eclipse / Arrow
Golden / Dead Bear / Golden Freddy
TF Lunar / Dimming Light / Reflected Glow -belongs to @madcatdaderpydrawer-blog
Finally got this posted. But before I start rambling about this thing's creation history.
I really hope I got TF Lunar's personality right. This is the first story where I really wanted to get the crossover characters perspective entirely. As the previous two stories which this happened were very short and very quick. As you can see a good half of the story is from TF Lunar's perspective.
I also wanted to use the story as an in-depth explanation of how magic works in RBB. Plus I wanted to show off how Blue Moon can "lose it" in his home universe. His craving is just like Blood Moon except unlike Blood Moon it will kill his friends and family if he's not careful.
This also might be one of my longest stories? Either that or just felt so long because of how long it took me to actually get it down. But I finally posted this thing after it's been in the works forever. I did not want to post it at first because I wanted to put the art piece with the finished product but that was just holding it back. So when my computer broke I took the chance and simply started writing.
This thing's placement (due to it being such a late post) is a bit squamous in its placement in the crossover timeline. This happens before Blue Moon becomes friends with Saturn and the first meeting with BTB solar. As it is after this story, TF Lunar helps Blue Moon become friends with a BTB solar.
This thing had a lot of development troubles. Other than the whole probably autism not letting me write the story for so long because I wanted to finish the art piece. But because right in the story was stopped by a writing block. Plus the story got halfway deleted before I was able to post it.
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thehistorynut19 · 8 months
1, 4, and 11 for you Ex-Aid self-insert,, <:
how tf did you know i was thinking of her, are you psychic young man? :OOOO
give us a quick run down of your s/i!!
TEA!!!!!! Well it’s in two parts actually. Um, Tea’s real name is Thien but prefers going by Tea since she drinks it like water half of the time. She’s a game designer at Gemu Corp and is working on a monster capturing game known as Magical Monster Party, with the monsters all loosely based off of Nursery Rhymes. The game centers around the protag trying to tame/befriend monsters to make the village smile. Tea is sort of projecting in the game since she never really had a sense of happiness to call her own. She’s a very tired woman who becomes Kamen Rider Tamer. She has other forms based off of trading card games (I play Yugioh and Cardfight Vanguard, used to play Shadowverse) and a HOPA (Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure)/Mystery games because I adore HOPAs. I haven’t figured out her final form yet, but Imma figure it out…maybe…unless Leoring dies before such a thing.
Leoring aka Leo-tan is the Bugster adopted son of Tea. Baby boi baby. He’s the mascot of MMP and basically the ‘starter’, a lil manticore that wants to bring everyone happiness, including his very depressed creator. To go with the nursery rhyme theme, Leoring is based off of the nursery rhyme of the Lion and the Unicorn; during the beta testing of MMP, he had an elder sister that’s a kelpie like creature. She was going to be the mascot but Leoring was chosen because he’s a lot cuter; Kelcora is her name, Cora-chan! In the game, the monsters can switch between cute babeh to giant fuck-you monsters so when Tea henshins, Leoring goes to his battle mode which is a giant manticore. His goal was originally giving his momma happiness which turned into making everyone happy, and once his goal is finished…he’ll fade away, because he knows he will. It’s his destiny, born to die and die to be born.
Anyway pls protect the mother and son.
4.) what's a song that describes your s/i? even better if you have a playlist!
This is just Leoring singing and being the cutest fucking baby ever, do not fucking tell me otherwise. 
I haven’t found one for Tea just yet though, alas. 
11. What is your S/i afraid of: 
Tea: Letting go of Leoring. She knows it’s going to happen, she’s made her peace with the fact her baby boi is gonna die in her arms one day. She also is generally slightly afraid of the dark and spiders.
Leoring: He acts like he doesn’t fear much but he does, quite a bit. He puffs out his chest to look brave but…even though he’s come to terms with his death, what he fears is leaving everyone behind. Especially his momma, he’s watched her grow into a powerful woman and he’s proud of her. Oh and vacuums. He tends to cry whenever he hears a vacuum go off.
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ox1-lovesick · 2 years
if your moots were playing the protagonist in your favourite romance movies, which idol would you pair them with as the love interest?
these are all k-dramas since i haven't watched too many romance movies 💀 I've excluded moots who are on a hiatus rn for this one,, i may add them in later though! i hope these are accurate grr
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✧ @yv17 : Extraordinary You - Boo Seungkwan
Plot: Eun Dano (Kim Hye-Yoon) is a student at a prestigious high school. Her family is wealthy, but Eun Dano has a heart disease. Her fiance Baekyung (Lee Jae-Wook) attends the same prestigious high school. She likes him a lot, but he does not like her at all. Suddenly, Eun Dao has short-term memory loss and she can see what will happen in the near future. She gets confused by her symptoms. Then, Taeri, from the school cafeteria, tells Eun Dano that she is a character in the comic "Secret" like everybody else there. Eun Dano learns that her character is not even a main character, but rather an extra and she doesn't have much time to live. Eun Dano is stunned, but she decides she wants to find her own true first love and not someone written by the comic writer. One day, she falls down the school stairs. She feels her back touch the back of another student, among a group of male students. Her heart suddenly starts to flutter. Eun Dano wants to find the male student who made her heart flutter. She eventually finds the student (Ro Woon) and he is her classmate. He is a character that doesn't have a name. They get close and Eun Dano names him "Haru"
MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE KDRAMA EVER OML nora as dano??? seungkwan as haru??? sign me tf up. they'd be the absolute cutest. although seungkwan is quite different to haru with his personality being a lot more lively he'd still go really well with this plot! although it has a bit of a sadder (?) ending it's such a good drama. seungkwan would screw himself over again and again for nora because he's head over heels. not matter how much trouble it gets him in he'd do anything for her and vice versa 🙁 i can see vernon playing taeri and jun playing baekyung as well it fits so perfect
✧ @haknom - My Love From The Star - Park Sunghoon
Plot: Do Minjun, an alien who came to earth 400 years ago, begins a romance with the stuck-up A-list Korean actress Cheon Songi.
songi and minjun ARE LITERALLY THEM the minjun vibes sunghoon gives are uncanny. kayla would definitely bring sunghoon out of his shell just like songi does minjun and they'd be the most adorable couple. i see them stargazing a lot together just like songi and minjun did, sunghoon would also be such a tease and play games just like minjun 💀
✧ @platform553 - Suspicious Partner - Choi Yeonjun
plot: The series is about Noh Jiuk (Ji Changwook), a prosecutor, and Eun Bonghui (Nam Jihyun), a prosecutor trainee, and how they work together on a mysterious case involving a sly psychopath murderer. They find out how deeply connected they are by their past. A forgetful killer can be a dangerous thing. Attorney Ji Eunhyuk (Choi Taejun) is a longtime family friend of Jiuk who betrayed Jiuk by cheating with Jiuk's ex-girlfriend. Much similar to Bonghui's current situation after her ex boyfriend, Huijun, cheats on her. Bonghui continues to curse at Huijun and his current girlfriend, singing a rhyme saying she will kill him whenever he passes her by. However ehen Huijun really does end up dead in her apartment, despite her innocence Bonghui suddenly finds herself as a suspect.
here's your ceo yj fic lirin 💀💀💀🫶 as hectic as this kdrama is the fact that jiuk sacrifices EVERYTHING for bonghui will never not bring me to tears. his job, career, reputation and even his own life??? the literal description of ceo yj. he's known for being ruthless and cold, emotionless sparing no sympathy for anyone in his court so when you finally break down his walls, he's bending over backwards to prove your innocence. even though he has to question his morals, he ultimately does what's right, because he loves you
✧ @tzyuki - Cinderella And The Four Knights - Yang Jungwon
plot: Eun Hawon (Park Sodam) is a bright high school senior who dreams of becoming a teacher. Unfortunately, she loses her mother in a tragic accident. When her father remarries, her cruel stepmother moves in and steals Hawon's college tuition. She is forced to take on part-time jobs to make payments for her mother's memorial and her college tuition. She meets an older man, chairman of large corporation who convinces her to move into his mansion with his three grandsons who are heirs to his family fortune. Between the rebel-minded loner Kang Jiwoon (Jung Ilwoo), playboy money machine Kang Hyunmin (Ahn Jaehyun) and the super-sweet singer Kang Seowoo (Lee Jungshin), Hawon finds herself in the middle of the hottest love quadrangle to ever befall a modern fairy tale. Rounding out the mansion's chaebol lifestyle are Lee Yoondung (Choi Min) who serves as the cousins' handsome bodyguard, and Park Hyeji (Son Naeun), a girl who has been neighbors and in love with Hyunmin since childhood.
ej and jw 🤭🤭🤭 they just fit so perfectly in this drama??? idek what else to say tbh. hyunmin would 100% be jay, with seowoo as sunoo. the love triangle would be the most interesting thing ever since all three guys have completely different personalities along with different feelings towards ej. i can see jungwon being completely hostile at first but ej would melt his heart eventually falling 🙁 it'd be the cutest thing ever i need a remake with this lineup
✧ @lov3niki - Business Proposal - Park Jongseong
plot: Shin Hari (Kim Sejeong) goes on a blind date after she accepts to replace her friend, Jin Youngseo (Seol Inah), whose father had arranged it. The plan is to have Hari 'getting rejected' by her prospective partner. However, it goes awry when her date turns out to be Kang Taemoo (Ahn Hyoseop), CEO of Go Food, the company where Hari works. Taemoo, who is being pressured by his grandfather Kang Dagoo (Lee Deokhwa), the chairman of Go Food's parent company, to go on blind dates with suitable marriage partners, decides to marry his blind date partner to avoid going on the rest of the dates, without knowing she is the fake Jin Youngseo or that she is his employee, which she assiduously tries to hide. However, Hari's fake identity, but thankfully not her employment status, is soon exposed after the real Jin Youngseo gets into a parking accident with Cha Sunghoon (Kim Minkyu), Taemoo's secretary, who was acting as Taemoo's driver at that moment.
KIM AND JAY I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. literal embodiments of hari and taemoo like ??? ceo jay 😻💪 jay would be a bit more cold than taemoo me thinks but just as inlove 🫵 would literally do ANYTHING for kim would buy her food from Woolworths en alles 🙀🙀 malva pudding elke dag 🫶 he'd be Hannah Montana with the way he switched up in the office vs at home. all clingy and cuddly and then back to cold emotionless ceo at work 🙀 would probably blush every time kim breathes in his direction 😻💪
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I wanted to post my oc strobe tonight but I realized that DESPITE being my second ever tf oc not only does she not have a full reference design sheet but she doesn’t even have any UNFINISHED SKETCHES of her BY HERSELF so here’s some shitposts and animatic things that have her I love strobe
ALSO BLITZWING IS IN THIS POST YAY trust me HES IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!! also I drew Blitzwing differently in the video because that animatic is OLD. AS. BALLS. I changed how I draw him a while ago after I saw this AMAZING design of him
Anyway here’s all you need to know about Stroeb I can’t give lore because my mutual rp friends follow me and they aren’t allowed to know yet :(
Strobe is a joke character but she did make my friend cry for like 2 days when she died in rp so I guess she does have an impact or something LOLOL
STrobe is a super romantic high-energy FIEND who hates other women and wants to be One Of The Boys. Though she lacks common sense and a filter, she’s actually pretty intelligent when it comes to math, engineering, health science— all that jazz. Not very good in the English department though…
Strobe is known for getting in people’s business and holding grudges. If you wronged her once, even if it was megacycles ago, she still remembers it and is still plotting how to get back at you. And since she’s so nosy and curious and knows how to ask around and get good information, she knows exactly how to ruin your day… OR LIFE!!!! Maybe not that dramatic maybe not life but emotionally she’s pretty angry all the time lol
All in all basically a very unstable pick-me-girl who will have a vendetta against if you identify as a woman or instantly want to marry you if you’re a guy. She loves men btw she loves men a LOT…. Specifically BLITZWING… but it’s not mutual LOL
To elaborate on that random fact (and to explain why Blitzwing is in every SINGLE DRAWING) Strobe is compleeeeetely in love with Blitzwing and follows him around really wants him to like her but Blitzwing is too busy watching football and eating veiner schnitzel or something to notice idfk. Blitzwing really sees her as like a semi-annoying younger sister than a girlfriend (and plus I lowkey headcanon Blitzwing is just asexual + aromantic leaning in general THATS MY HOT TAKE he’d rather sing nursery rhymes and kill people than hold someone’s hand!!!) so would never date her she gets friendzoned constantly
(I also headcanon random is gender fluid I DONT KNOW WHERE ELSE TO PUT THIS headcanon But It’s here LOL ANYWAY)
ALSO I should probably end this with saying IN THE Little toddler phone thing with the stupid bugs and blitzwing the pink bug is NOT strobe’s child that is her clone. Very long story. But she has a clone. The clone’s name is chitter and she is a very sweet little baby who has gotten kidnapped at least 3 times so far in the rp she’s in Oops
ive had someone ask before if chitter was blitzwing and strobe’s child and the answer is No! but the more I look a chitter especially when she’s colored in the more I realize she does look like it….
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xdominiklivakovicx · 1 year
Okay so this is specifically made for @crimsonicarus :D
Ya all can ignore it if u want, this is just a translation of my WhatsApp stickers to her and other foreign Croatia NT fans!
So basically this sticker with Luka and Livi means: may the mother kiss you
The one with Perisic kissing Livi means: may the father kiss you
Sime: you can't
Rebic: is it?
Livi: God give me streinght
Strinic slapping Messi: get out of here
Livi: YAAAAYYY MISKO (I can't translate misko 😭)
Livi: why not?
Suba: come at me
Livi carrying Suba: well bye
Suba: I don't want to hear a word from you anymore
Livi ball mode on: good night
Pink Kalinic: don't make fun of me
Mandzo: gimme a kiss
Luka with bronze medal: well done my brother!
Livi lying on the floor: wake me up when this hell ends
Josko: serves you right
Luka with pyro: it's actually a Croatian song and idk how to translate songs 😭
Josko with his arms open: HUGGGGGG
Majer hugging Orsic: may the brother hug you
Krama is screaming ALE ALE
Angry Mandzo: what did you say-
Grbic carrying Budimir: opa cupa two of us together
Sime lying on the Croatian flag: undescribable!
Pasalic stuck in the net: I'm a little stuck
Sosa: #borntoparty
Sad Livi: I want to laugh, but I also want to cry at the same time
Majer and the ball: I will crush you like a roach
Livaja making an :0 face: well good morning to you (context: you finally understood it)
Rebic: no Rebic no party
Gvardiol and another guy (idk sadly who he is) giving each other a high five: high five!
Brozo with pyro and sunglasses: Happy Birthday my bro!
Josko from Sparta: fight for your people! (famous sayings from Croatian fans)
Rakitic with open arms: thanks God!
Majer walking around: I turned out to be a dude because my name is Majer (eh it rhymes in Croatian but not in English)
Pasalic jumping on Livi: I feel super like super Mario Pasalic
The 3 guys: don't sit on the ball, it will become like an egg
Deki sitting on the chair: here I am chilling
Vida screaming: LET'S GOOOOOOOO
Livi pushing the Frenchie: come on wake up!
Livi in yellow jersey: don't
Livi lying on the floor: you sleep like an old cat
Sime on the phone: I am a bit busy
Alvarez fouling Livi: GIMME GIMME
Livi with prezents: Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and good night
Angry Kova: I am a bit angry
Josko flying: Josko Gvardiol comes into save in last minute
Livi holding ball: positive made-up version of don't
Vida and the squad at the bus: another Croatian song
Heart on fire: another Cro song (heart made of fire)
Rakitic clapping: I am taking off my hat (I am very proud of you)
Kalinic lying on the floor: may god help me...
Deki waving: hello bro
Luka: I am sending you kisses!
Livi: finally break time!
Rog: *judges you in Croatian*
Livi eating chips: do not disturb me I have some other job to do (eating chips)
Sad Luka: I am a bit disappointed
Majer: well, catch up
Brozo: call me
Another dude that I don't remember his name: really?
Livi: PISS OFF! (like get tf outta here)
Deki and Sime: morning coffee
Sime: I LIKE (but us Croatians write it as AJ LAJK)
Livi lying on the grass again: school is killing me
Livi T-posing: domination
Deki grabbing Luka by his hair: where are u going?
Juranovic: Ew!
Rakitic with Domacica: do you want a Domacica?
Angry/sad Livi: WHYYYYYYY!?
Bored Livi: I'm bored bro
Livi rolling around: prepare me a burial
Livi and Rog posing together: chilly
Livi with his arms spread out: here comes the plane
Livi carrying his suitcase: don't disturb me I'ž going on vacation
Again Livi pointing at something: BULL'S EYE!
AND AGAIN LIVI: Happy Easter!
Livi holding a sign: burry me
Pink Livi: official pain
Okay so I hope I managed to clear things out for u all, so if you want more translating you can ask me ofc! <3
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How I imagine an in-universe The Avengers musical
based on the comments from this pin
He starts the musical with the song "The Avengers Initiative" sung by the narrator Nick Fury featuring his speech
Loki has a ballad called "Kneel Before Me" during the scene where Tony and Steve catch him. This includes his theme from past movies (does he have one?) and his speech from the films, making this song one of the most dramatic solo songs from the musical. We get (hopefully) multiple reprises, each one getting more depressing and honest. (thanks @maddy_clough on Pinterest for the idea, I just expanded on it). Also, Loki dances quite gracefully and shows off a lot of his magic.
Nat is a mezzo and her solo/theme is the softest-sounding song (also @maddy_clough's idea). I honestly want it to be based on some sort of American children's rhyme (itsy bitsy spider?) to show how she is created by the red room since she was a child and was forced to watch many old (prob golden ages/wartime Walt Disney animation studios) Disney movies to learn American culture. Her fighting style is based on ballet and is the most graceful of them all. In her solo, she performs actual ballet, and fun fact, Nat is always played by an actor professionally trained in ballet.
The Chitauri has the most chaotic, hopefully unhinged dance ensemble, during the battle of new york. I just want it to be the craziest shit ever. But not disrespectful to the people lost in the battle of new york.
Steve actually doesn't have his own song/theme, it's the chorus girl song from the 40s. Fury did it to annoy tf out of Steve (and to please fanboy Coulson), but it is actually there to show you that since Steve became Captain America, Steve himself is just secondary. Most people don't want to know him because he's Steve but because he's Captain America. You'll think that Steve dances most with his shield but he's still Steve. He just punches every Chitauri he comes across using the shield as a surprise attack.
Look no one knows why the choreographer decided this but Clint never lets go of his bow & arrow when dancing. Like no one knows why, he just does. Hopefully, he does flips and cool moves, and he'll still be holding his fuckin bow & arrow. Oh and after the battle of new york, we get a bit where he lost his hearing aid so Nat & Clint sign to each other, and behind them, there's a little screen projection of each sign and what they mean. Considering how he isn't in any other MCU movies other than the avengers, I doubt that he has his own solo. like I wished he had a solo and confirmed that he does in fact spend most of his time in the vents but no one appreciates him in the mcu so...
Hulk has an actually good costume. Idk how they'll show the transformation but the Hulk costume is actually good. Bruce's solo is chaotic in a different sense cause Bruce and Hulk are fighting for the solo and their themes crash together. So the fight for control is also represented in the dance cause Bruce dances very small and it's controlled. Hulk is not as unhinged as the Chitauri but is out of control.
Thor's dance is based on Asgardian fighting techniques and how he fights in battle with his hammer. Unlike everyone else, he has an accent and in the script, the director used a whole different font like the comics to show that difference in accent and customs. I'm not sure how but I want Thor's solo and Loki's solo to be parallel in a sense, how you can see that they grew up together but there's a difference in outside respect that changes what they want.
Now Tony is very genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist throughout the musical but when he fights? He's the least graceful. Not only is he wearing his Iron Man costume (which is also very good and realistic) but he and Bruce are the only ones without actual training so he's very... chaotic. He has a solo where he introduces himself to the Avengers in "Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist" which shows Tony as what the in-universe during 2012 portrays him as but in the reprise, it's from Tony's actual perspective which is heartbreaking as always but the catch is the narrator changes from fury to Peggy for this reprise to shows the connection between him and S.H.I.E.L.D.
Does Coulson die, yes sadly. I'm sorry I can't change that even in the musical
Sadly Maria Hills was removed from the musical because according to Secret Invasion, Marvel and the MCU doesn't appreciate her enough to keep to alive.
The musical concludes with now the Avengers singing "The Avengers Initiative" with everyone doing their superhero pose cause why tf not.
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ojamayellow · 1 year
how would one get into the transformers? theres so much media and idk where to start
What I did was try out the G1 cartoon on a whim cos I remember watching random bits as a kid, and went from there!
Honestly? My suggestion would be to start from G1 cartoon or the newest show, Earthspark. Cyberverse is pretty neat too because there's not too much detail and each episode is like eleven minutes?
I would suggest Animated as a first but...Animated is simply too good. Once you'd finish it, you'd want more. And then you'll find out it was cancelled, and desperately crave that Season 4.
....I just realised I made a rhyme there. Animated is literally so awesome which is why I want people to watch it later. Does that make sense? Anyway-
Transformers G1 (the episode order is a little funky mind you, for example they have Skyfire appear before...his debut episode). And it being the 80's, there's unfortunate racist episodes (Aerial Assault and Thief in the Night, iirc) you should just skip. Also skip B.O.T. AKA the worst episode ever. Literally.
Side note; The 1986 Movie is AFTER Season 2! It is spoilerific if you're the type to avoid spoilers because believe it or not a funny 80's cartoon has some serious moments. Especially the movie and Season 3.Transformers Earthspark. This blog is awesome for anything Earthspark related! Also has a major win for nonbinary people.
Transformers Cyberverse. Please note that I have yet to finish this show, but it's honestly good fun! Until the happenings.
Also note that I haven't seen/read/played/whatever'd every TF Media. I'm still getting there! In fact, my next planned show to watch is Transformers Beast Wars!
Good luck!
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
Dark Angel Reaction: HEAT
@typicalopposite (code name: Jezebel) reacts [with occasional asides by scripted-downfall (code name: Wench)]
Brief aside for the stunning introductory conversation:
Jezebel: Ok I’m home send me the link quick so I can start it ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Wench: !!! *scrambles* Jezebel: Hurrrry ☠️😂😂😂 GO WENCH GOOOOO
Okay, that done… here goes
– – –
The amount of time it took her to angsty(sexily) climb out of the water… Ain’t no way they didn’t see her
Like.  Chick.  You’re.  A chick!  With long hair!  DONT DANGLE IT WHEN YOU DONT WANNA BE SEEN!!!!
“Hey you’re kinda cute”  Ma’am.  ☠️  That’s the heat talking
“Where’s my money.” *Bang bang.* How’s he gonna tell you if he’s dead, dummy
Ooooh we got a opening [scripted-downfall: The opening in s1 is better, imo, than the one for s2]
Is this the same James Cameron that made titanic?  [scripted-downfall: Yes.  And Terminator.  And- so on]  Woooot  He made terminator???  [scripted-downfall: asdlkfjafldjk yeah]
Discount Clint Eastwood.  Clint Lydecker.  Why you here.  Attacking this man.  When you let her walk right by you
Well damn that’s violent (peeling off every inch of skin) 
No she won’t she can breathe under water or something.  Hold her breath.  That’s it
Ohh she cool; popping a wheely 😒😒
Did she say spank it?  [scripted-downfall: Yes.]
What tf are they doing on this bike  WTF
Hot?  Ma’am.
I like her hair like this better
Oh wait.  WAIT.  WAIT Tf on.  I know why she’s acting weird!!! I wasn’t even paying attention.
Ded.  That’s what I am
☠️ Oh My God
AGAIN wtf are they doing on the bikes
She’s scratching  ☠️
Angsty bike ride
Oh no Logan’s gonna get what he wanted.  And he isn’t even gonna get to enjoy it
The trainer looks familiar [scripted-downfall: I'll look him up later and let you know.  I'm trying to keep up with the reaction.]
She…Is a strange actress  [scripted-downfall: What inspired that?]  Like she has this sweet persona you just like get from her. I think it’s her smile. (Jessica alba I mean)  And the way she plays this character is weird. Because she’s not a bad actress. And the acting isn’t like stiff or horrible but she talks in this really sweet but condescending tone.  ALL THE TIME  [scripted-downfall: YES.  Exactly.  Idk whether to say it gets better or worse.  It just.  Changes.]
Ok so this is the second shot of her riding her bike with a monologue while she looks in pain  ☠️
Yes.  You nasty.
Men ☠️☠️☠️  Even more of a man thing.  Useless.
I still can’t.  Man legit fell asleep on her.  He is… well he’s insane… but that’s hilarious
☠️☠️☠️ Nasty.  That’s the word for her.
Poor man. Fell in love over a one night sta— sleep in her bed
I have no idea what he is saying. But I love him  [scripted-downfall: Not him name-dropping “The Righteous Man” already.  Damn, Dean really was prophesied early.]
She’s gonna go to work and be giving these people more than just their packages
Your bed is my everywhere. Cause bitch that’s the only action you got. You slept
Oh The rhymes
All I hear is Tony.  Especially talking about this  cause he was in NCIS 😂😂
His eye twitch ☠️☠️☠️
She popped up like a whack a mole
Awwww, that’s sweet.  She probably gonna die
… Huh.  Foreshadowing?  Also… Why would you teach that to CHILDREN ☠️☠️☠️
Damn that must have been a good sleep ☠️☠️ he done fell in love
[scripted-downfall: And she continues to be Very Subtle about her Manticore powers.]  And he doesn’t go… hmmm that’s strange to her I can see in the dark
[scripted-downfall: As well as basically using Eric as a human shield since he’s behind her on the bike.]
Yeah you think, dummy?? MEN
red flag #2: She can see in the dark, she don’t sleep. Bitch may not be fully human.  [scripted-downfall: EXACTLY.  I- am getting increasingly confused.  As to how Lydecker hasn’t found her already.  This woman is using her powers all over the damn place, with no regard for subtlety.  Wth is going on in her head???  And how dare she give Alec crap for not covering up his barcode when this is wayyyy worse.  I mean, I knew she was hypocritical, but still.]
Eye twitch
I was so worried she was gonna be like. Bitch I don’t know you.  Which tbf shes probably gonna get dead now, but anyway.
Ooo jumpscare 
Turns out the theories of Eddie being from Hawkins lab are wrong; he’s from manticore.  [scripted-downfall: asdlkfja;lskdfjl;akdjf I WAS HAVING THE SAME THOUGHT]  😊😊😊 Look at us
Ma’am could have closed the door.  Lady probably came home to deer in her house
[scripted-downfall: Damn, Hannah’s saying Max is beautiful, but she’s really pretty herself.]  Right!?
But also.  Ma’am. You say thank you to that ☠️☠️
– – –
Brief hiatus because we had to pause for a bit.  After being asked about what she thought thus far: 
Jezebel: This one I honestly want to start again 😂😂 I missed so much because the dogs were whining to go out and the hellion was whining. Honestly just to whine lol
Wench: Fair.  But wait to do it till later because I have a call scheduled for 8.  We’ll go back and add any additional reactions you have the second time ‘round.
Jezebel: Ok! 🙂
(This has been done, btw. The additional lines are mixed in above^)
– – – 
☠️☠️☠️ This guy.  THIS GUYYYY.
This is sooooo similar to Hawkins lab.  [scripted-downfall: I KNOW]  Soooooo similar.
Wait.  Is she her mom.  IS SHE HER MOM.  woman.  [scripted-downfall: Uh… I don’t know.  I don’t think so, but I could be wrong.]
OH MAN double crossing be thick in this show
Clint is so goofy… cause like.  “Imma make this super soldier.”  But he keeps just… giving her the easiest opportunities to get away.  Like. Without her special skill set she could
[scripted-downfall: The Pollo Loco vibes from this scene are so painful.]  typicalopposite, simultaneously: Ben vibes.  [scripted-downfall: I love the fact that you connected that but also EXACTLY.]  Damn wait!  I forgot Ben died!  I gotta watch Ackles die.  Again.  This is Bull shitttt   [scripted-downfall: I know, like... EXCUSE ME?!!?!?   ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT MISS TRANSGENIC MA’AM CANNOT HELP HER TRANSGENIC BROTHER ALONG WITH A BROKEN LEG, BUT CAN HELP AN ORDINARY  WOMAN WHO KEEPS TRIPPING/SLIPPING/FALLING AND INJURING A PROBABLY-SPRAINED ANKLE???  Hmph.  Ben should’ve survived, just saying.]
Ma’am’s gonna die; she keeps slipping and tripping
When I tell you my soul would have left my body
Angry Clint Lintlicker.  He knows he looks like him cause he keeps making that squint eye face
Not the it’s not you it’s me  😂😂😂  “Okay?”  I’m dead
Well you know what.  She coulda done him dirty but that was decent  [scripted-downfall: It’s true.  Wtf is going on with Max alskdfj]
Ooo someone’s jealous
Why you gonna ….right 🥺
Like you are the one always shooting him down
Ma’am.  He’s in a wheelchair.  Are you trying to kill him?  Cause that’s how you kill him.
[scripted-downfall: Ngl, kinda annoyed by the “your mother was the only one who didn’t wanna give up her kid” vibes of this scene.]
Why.  Is.  It yellow.  It is not supposed to be yellow. ☠️
Also.  Again.  ST parallel
This woman TALKS IN SO MANY CIRCLES I CANT EVEN  “not like it changes anything.  Only.  It changes everything.”  Wot.  WOT
And another one bites the dust! 🙂
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raventrigonsdaughter · 2 months
Shippers are going to ship, heck people went crazy shipping Edward a 110+ vampire and Bella a 17-year-old human. Shipping has no rhyme or reasons to it, like, characters who have other canon partners get shipped with another character. It's an unavoidable conundrum within fandoms.
I'm shipping Maximus and Dane.
Mate i can make a whole rant on how twilight is not a good example because 1. When tf did we start considering it a good one and 2. Even if it was (it is not) edward still stopped aging at 17 like...
We are talking about a man in his 50's and 19yo girl who he tortured, btw
Not even going to mention how his wife is very likely alive and he cleary still loves her, can we think critically for a second.
Not even going to go into the how tf people are jumping on shipping and not on a mentor apprentice view which it's cleary where they want u to look. Oh wait, i know why, y'all are horny and are trying to use lucy as a self insert which surprise! She's fucking not???
Anyway, really not vibing with that shit, shippers will ship, sure does not mean i can't complain about it being terrible lmao
Ps: oh same nonny, same, it's the blind loyalty and childhood sweethearts taste of maxdane for me
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