#how to change yahoo password.
This place looks a bit different
So was anyone going to tell me that tumblr isn't dark blue anymore, or was I just supposed to find out about it like some kinda chump?
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loser-brain · 1 year
So, Google just released a new way to mess with everyone.
Google accounts with inactivity (for 2 years) will be deleted.
This is a positive and a negative honestly.
Positive: Finally, accounts that were just made solely to either have free trials or just to make many accounts to follow your favorite on. Are finally going to disappear. In other words, allowing other people to use that email name.
Negative: I have an old email that is holding information. Because of storage issues. I'm not paying extra for storage. Fuck off with that.
So how can you prevent your Google account from deletions?
Enter to your Gmail once a year (the simplest way to keep it active), use google drive, watch YouTube videos (link with that Gmail), share a (google) photo, use Google searches with that Gmail, read or send emails with that Gmail and finally, use the Google third-party sign-in feature with that Google account.
There are exceptions to this new policy.
"Examples include: a Google Account with YouTube channels, videos or comments; an account that has a gift card with a monetary balance; or an account that has a published application, for example, one that hosts an app on the Google Play store..."
For every single Google account, if your account is eligible for deletion, will be sent a warning email by Google informing you that the account will be deleted on whatever date has been chosen (for now every "inactive account and any content in it will be eligible for deletion from December 1, 2023"). If you have a recovery email, two emails will be sent. One email will be sent to the account that is eligible to be deleted and another to the recovery email.
This is their way of making it easier for you to keep that account active.
"Our priority is to make it as easy as possible for you to keep your account active, if you want to, and we’ll ensure you have adequate notice before any account is impacted by this change. So before an account is deleted, Google will send email notifications to the Google Account and its recovery email (if one has been provided)."
This policy was updated yesterday (July 28, 2023, around 8:01am EST).
My guess is that Dec 1st, 2023 is when the clock starts. But idk and I highly recommend everyone go to your inactive accounts just so they can be deemed safe from the purge. Also, recommend making a recovery email if that Gmail is important to you and needs to be kept alive.
An idea of mine but will not recommend it unless someone can vouch it's a good idea. Make a scheduled email and have that sent to your account like a 'hey future me' kind of thing. As long as the account is active and is sending emails it should be fine right. However, I think Google is more seeing if you are actually checking your Gmail or using your Google account. But hey, it's a good idea, right?
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go-learn-esperanto · 1 year
So, I've been wanting to switch over to Firefox but I haven't because I'm just straight up kinda lazy, but with all this talk of KOSA and with Firefox apparently being one of the KOSA-safe browsers, (I have no way of confirming this, just what I've heard) I wanna switch over just to be safe.
The thing is, how much new stuff to I have to download in order to replace Chrome with Firefox? Ik it's not owned by Google, and I've got stuff like Google-owned apps like Maps on my phone so do I have to make a thousand different changes in order to effectively switch to Firefox? Or just download Firefox, make the switch and I'm good?
Well, Firefox is just a browser. What that means is that if you want you can still use the Google apps on your phone. They aren't connected to chrome so if you remove chrome they won't stop working. You can also, if you really want, delete those apps but sign in on the browser, in your case Firefox, and you'll be able to use your Gmail and Google Maps but on your browser instead of having a specific app for that. You decide what's most convenient to you. I personally still use those apps, but if want to be extra secure and don't want to have Google tracking too much stuff about you you can choose to only use the browser.
Firefox will, by the way, give you the option to migrate all of your passwords from Chrome to Firefox. This means you have way less work. You just need to download Firefox, tell it to migrate your passwords from your Chrome (it means you have login with your Google account if I remember correctly), and it will do that for you, meaning you don't have to go and put your passwords to whatever site you use one by one. It's honestly really easy to migrate.
What do you have to understand: a browser is just an app that allows you to use various search tools. You can still use the Google search on Firefox if you want! I usually have DuckDuckGo as my primary search engine but sometimes I switch to Google (the search engine not the company) because I want to have a specific kind of search that DuckDuckGo isn't really managing to do. DuckDuckGo by the way is the search engine that tracks you less. That's why it's usually preferable if you want to not have all your search history being shared with third parties.
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These are the standard search engines but you can add more if you want. You can use Yahoo or Wikipedia for example.
What Firefox allows you to do that chrome, on the mobile app, doesn't is to have add-ons, more commonly known as browser extensions. The normal Firefox app doesn't have many add-ons available but it has at least some and the ones that are available are very useful.
They're great for adding extra security protection, or just to have a better experience using the browser.
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These are all 17 mobile compatible add-ons. Highly recommended UBlock Origin, Clear URLs and Privacy Badger.
You can technically have more but that will make it so you need to use the Firefox Nightly app instead of the standard Firefox. Firefox Nightly is a developer app and you need a lot of extra hoops if you wanna have extra Add-ons on your phone. To me it's worth it because it means I can have XKit Rewritten, Tumblr's saviour at this point, on my phone which almost makes me want to delete the Tumblr app. However you want to keep things simple so just Firefox will do just fine. No need to complicate things.
In conclusion:
Migrating is easy because you can migrate passwords from a browser to the other, you can still use your Google services on Firefox, add-ons are cool.
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ghoulangerlee · 8 months
most off the wall interaction I had at work today was trying to walk someone through how to change their yahoo email password when they no longer have the number that they had associated with it anymore.
then being rude w/me when I told her that she would have to contact Yahoo because we cannot breach Yahoo's servers to recover her password.
her words were "can you not just get my password from Yahoo??" 😭
ma'am I'm trying to help you to the best of my ability. "Let me speak to a tech" ma'am I'm the only one here who still uses Yahoo and has an intimate knowledge of how to recover your password. I'm sorry you don't have the phone number on your account anymore but this is outta my hands.
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yayroos · 1 year
Hi I'm trying to de google my life as much as possible, please tell me about secure emails, also, no clue if you can help me with this but, I have made every account I own using gmail... is there a way to transfer that information onto a different one, or am I doomed to start over...
Feel free to ignore the second part if you don't know
Ok, so secure email. I'll start with that makes email non secure.
Basically, gmail and most other major mainstream email providers (outlook, yahoo, etc) can (and do) read the contents of your emails, so they can use that information to advertise. Personally I think that's creepy and invasive.
So to have a secure/private email provider, they would need to know as little as possible about the contents of your emails while still being able to deliver them correctly. At first you might think 'ah, so just find a provider that says they don't read your emails!' and that would be a good start, but what then happens if they get bought or their policy changes or their database gets hacked, or they get a request from a government who may or may not be friendly to your ideology?
That's why what you want is a provider that can't, like technologically, mathematically cannot possibly read the contents of your emails. That means even if an attacker got their hands on the entire database they wouldn't have a single word of the content of your emails. To achieve that you need an encrypted email provider. They store your messages encrypted such that only your account can decrypt them.
Obviously if the other recipient of your email is still using google then google can still see it, encrypted mail works better the more people use it, so your move will improve things, and anyone you can bring with you makes it that much better.
In terms of specific providers to use, I have a strong personal preference for Proton, they do a VPN, encrypted email, encrypted calendar, and encrypted cloud storage (like google drive). I can't recommend them enough, and for average personal email use their free tier is well and truly al the functionality you need.
As for the second part of your question: moving your accounts away from your old email will vary for every account you want to move. All you'll need to do on most accounts is open up your profile settings and change the email listed, then probably go through a 'confirm your email' process like you would have when you signed up. Then your account will continue on just as it was, but the associated email will be your new one. Each one will likely take only a few minutes, but if you have 10s or 100s of accounts across the web then it starts to get a little time consuming. What I can recommend is doing the obvious ones first, and then just keeping an eye out in your day to day web surfing for accounts you haven't swapped over yet. Do them when you come across them, and you'll get through all the things you use in an average month in about a month.
(While you're doing that it's a great chance to get all your login details into a password manager and make the passwords strong and unique, if you haven't already done that! I use and recommend bitwarden but there are plenty of decent options out there)
You will find some sites are hard or even impossible to change the email on. There are a lot of reasons for that, most of them related to bad or lazy design choices on the part of the site developers. If it's something you really care about then it might be worth contacting support for the site to see if you can change it over, if not, some things will have to start over, that's unfortunately just how it is.
Hope that helps!
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cuddlingdragons · 1 year
I'm going back in time to launch the Yahoo Mail infrastructure into the fucking sun. I hate How bad of an experience trying to log in is now. "Oh you changed your password? I'm going to say it's wrong anyway and make you change again. this is going to repeat every time you have to log in because you forgot about some important account attached to this address."
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akmundovirtual · 3 months
How to Change Your Yahoo Mail Password: Complete Step-by-Step Guide
Do you still have your Yahoo mail account and don’t want to stop using it, but can’t remember your password? Don’t worry, I’m here to help. In this article, I will teach you how to change your Yahoo password easily and quickly, using a fresh and easy-to-understand language for all audiences. Let’s get started! Did you know that millions of people around the world still use Yahoo Mail? While some…
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toxiccoswynaut · 3 months
iM bAck i hateboth tumblr for their stupid changes and yahoo for making me lose my password all these years and therefore my previous account forever now
idk how to feel being back again sobs.
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tutorialriver · 5 months
How to Change Yahoo Account Password 
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So my older sister has decided to do that thing where you google your own name to see what information about yourself is on the internet up for grabs by information brokers and guess what?
As far as the internet is concerned I don't actually exist as anything beyond being one of my sister's aliases.
Though my sister technically has two entries on this website.
The one under our merged identity (her first name, my middle name, my last name which is also her maiden name), which is also seemingly merged with a random 3rd women who neither of us know. Which also has my birthday listed, but has no known relatives or associates listed (because that person doesn't exist).
Then another under her current name, which changed when she got married. Which fails to list her birthday or phone number, but does have her connected to various other people. Like her husband's family are all listed as relatives, but our mom is just listed as someone she might know.
Though we think there's still some influence of the random 3rd women who's part of the other entry, because she's also listed as knowing or being related to a bunch of people that neither of us know.
Current theory is that the weird jankey amalgam of 3 different women identity profile is actually supposed to be me.
I think me and her (original) online identities got merged when Google bought Youtube.
At e point before the merger, I had let her use my yahoo to sign up for a Youtube account, after she lost the password to her previous account. Even though I already had an account using that same yahoo (which I knew was weird and broken to be able to do that in the first place).
After the merger our two separate Youtube accounts got merged because they were using the same email address. Specifically my account got cannibalized by her account more or less, because I wasn't able to access my original Youtube account at all after that, and attempting to use my log in sent me to the account she'd made using my yahoo as the email.
Which was then furthered by the fact that we would use eachother's emails for stuff pretty frequently.
Like if we wanted a free trial for a streaming service because there was a show on there we wanted to watch, if my sister didn't have a random email that could be used (she has so many email addresses nowadays, I don't know how she keeps track of them) we'll just use mine.
Or using each other's email addresses as recovery emails.
Where this random 3rd women comes in I'm not sure, but it's her email address that's currently listed on this dossier, which would explain why I don't get spam emails at all.
There are various stuff like my old facebook account that I've been locked out of since the early 2010s and the third person could have just stolen.
So the 3rd woman could be an attempted identity thief who got screwed over by the internet thinking I am but already someone else's false identity.
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andtheghost · 8 months
01/30/24 - Your master has betrayed you
Has anyone else noticed technology being all wonky lately?
I went to the library the other day to print a few things. I send my images to myself via e-mail, and I forgot my little password notebook so I couldn’t log into my email. However, I had my iPad with me in case I took a last look before printing and caught something that needed to be fixed, so I figured I could just make a new temporary email and send them with that. Simple fix, no problem.
I try making a Microsoft account. They have a series of “tests” to prove you’re a human. The visual test is a seemingly random string of letters and numbers and a picture of a robot, with absolutely NO instruction as to what you’re supposed to do with them. Is it a code? Am I supposed to drag something somewhere (no, unless the dragging thing wasn’t working in my browser). So there’s an audio test. Which of three audio samples changes instruments half way through? I don’t have my headphones with me, but I’m hidden in the back of the library away from everyone anyway, I figure if I keep it on the lowest setting right up to my ear, it should be fine.
I get through the first test fine. Then it informs me there are three more to go! I don’t hear a single sample that changes instruments in the second test. I listen to it again. A woman comes in and sits at the other end of the table to work on a puzzle. I’m sitting there listening to these stupid audio samples over and over because NONE OF THEM have any instrument changes. Now I feel like an asshole because I’m not alone anymore, listening to music in a library without headphones. RUDE. And I’m getting frustrated because I’ve listened to these samples how many times, and none of them are right. So I start guessing. I make two guesses, fail both, I get to start the tests all over.
Fine, fuck Microsoft anyway.
I can’t use Yahoo, because I’ve tried it for this exact purpose and I think they might have a daily upload limit? I have three fairly large images to upload, so that’s not an option. I try AOL. I didn’t even know AOL was still a thing. Every time I try to check if the email I want is available it tells me there’s an error, try again in a few minutes.
I go to Google, search best free email providers. The first option it gives me isn’t free. The second one says it sent me a validation text. I never got the text, so I press resend, still no text.
I give up at this point. It shouldn’t take more than two minutes to make a new email, if that, and I’ve been through three different options with no success, it SHOULD NOT be this hard. I finally decide to just go home and come back the next day.
And this isn’t even like a one time thing. It’s been happening a lot lately. Very simple things just NOT WORKING. Either technology has specifically singled me out to stop working properly, or there is some kind of universal devolution of technology going on. Too many people using it and it’s starting to malfunction maybe?
Honestly, I’d be okay with that after a while, I think. There would definitely be an extraordinarily bumpy transition period, sure, but I think I would survive just fine. Take us back to the “dark ages” where technology didn’t poison everything it touches.
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y2fear · 8 months
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How To Change or Reset Your Yahoo Account Password?
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smallnetbusiness · 11 months
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 11 months
I have spent approximately the past 60 hours trying to find Srentha's old blog. It had so many silly and fun RPs and a lot of character building stuff!
I THOUGHT I remembered remaking his blog (the one that's a sideblog to this account), renaming the old blog so I could give the New Blog the Same URL, but I couldn't remember Exactly how I'd changed the old blog's url.
I originally thought it was just a sideblog of my old personal account, but I logged in and looked at the sideblog list and nearly panicked when I couldn't find it there. (Apparently I in fact have 3 emlog blogs, though??? Should probably consolidate those someday.)
Then I remembered that, way back then, a full decade ago, I had originally made Dove and Srentha's blogs as their own accounts! So I tried to log in to his!
It took me approximately 24 hours of scrounging around in my memories to remember what I used as "his" email address and password.
(It had been 3 days of Desperately Trying to Find This Blog, so the story gets even longer and even more frustrating.)
Then, when I finally remembered I made HIS OWN EMAIL ADDRESS, and what I THOUGHT I remembered the password (I swear to Azar, I had made it the same format as Dove's password, just altering the number and the name), Tumblr wouldn't let me log in without a verification email.
Problem is, Yahoo also wouldn't let me log in to his email. Even though, 10 years later, I still remember what his ID and password were because they were so Pretty and Poetic and Distinctive that they stuck out in my memory. So I couldn't find the URL by simply logging in to the account.
(Also, I "coded" the Yahoo Security Verification Question Answers for his account. Which was a stupid thing to do because then I had to Play Detective because I forgot how I'd coded them. One of them was "Where did you meet your spouse?" And I was like, that's Dove! That's Azarath, duh! Except that wasn't it. I had invented Seranath by then; maybe that's what I used? But no. It took me approximately 3 hours and several attempts using various capitalization techniques in case it was cAsE sEnSiVe to remember I had simply called it, "home." But then it asked me "What was your first pet's name?" SRENTHA'S BIRD HAS HAD SO MANY NAMES OVER THE YEARS. Fuck if I know which one I used! I tried Janellera, Sheera, and Sieara in case I used Dove's, but then it locked me out. Bleh. I might have used Survivor, which is what his name was meant to mean. But Yahoo wouldn't let me try again.)
So just as I was about to make an act of desperation: attempt reaching out to friends who had RP'd with him to see if they still had access to any posts his old blog may have liked/reblogged and maybe The Notes Section would show me His Current URL, I remembered something crucial.
After this blog/account became my Permanent Residence, I went to check my old blog and couldn't find it. Which was Distressing, don't get me wrong. But I quickly found out Tumblr changes the URLs of blogs on old, inactive accounts (ones that aren't Fully Deleted, just unused for a period of time) by adding "-blog" at the end of the URL.
So, fairly quivering with desperation and hope, I tried that. His regular, default, years-long URL.... with "-blog" at the end.
And it came right up!
It loaded beautifully! It's all there! The old patchwork theme with silly fun pictures and all the RPs I remembered and then some, and headcanons lists I don't even remember filling out! Everything I hoped to find and more!
(If you're curious, it's at @highpriest-in-training-blog. There's a lot of Random Fun and RP Fun to go around there, but I can't log into his account At All, so it won't ever be updated, unfortunately.)
I'm so incredibly relieved, you have No Idea. It really shouldn't have been this frustrating to try logging into something WHEN I KNOW THE EMAIL AND PASSWORD! But it WAS.
But now I'm just so relieved I'm a bit emotionally exhausted. Whew,
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bulkbuyaccounts · 1 year
How to Use AOL For Your Business?
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While AOL (America Online) was once a popular internet service provider and email provider, its usage has significantly declined in recent years. However, if you still wish to use AOL for your business email, you can do so. Here's a basic guide on how to use AOL for your business:
Create an AOL Account: If you don't already have an AOL account, you can visit the AOL website (https://www.aol.com) and click on "Sign Up." Follow the instructions to create an account with a unique username and password.
Set Up Your AOL Email: Once you have an AOL account, you will automatically have access to an AOL email address ([email protected]). If you prefer a custom domain email address (e.g., [email protected]), you may need to use a different email provider that offers custom domain services.
Customize Your AOL Account: Access the settings of your AOL account to customize preferences, such as changing your display name, updating your signature, and managing other account-related options.
Organize Your Inbox with Folders: AOL uses folders to organize your emails. You can create folders for different categories, projects, or clients, allowing you to sort your emails effectively.
Enable Spam and Virus Protection: AOL provides built-in spam and virus protection features. Ensure these settings are enabled to reduce the risk of receiving spam emails or opening potentially harmful attachments.
Set Up Filters: AOL allows you to create filters to automatically sort incoming emails into specific folders based on various criteria. This can help you manage your inbox more efficiently.
Use AOL Calendar (Optional): AOL offers a calendar feature that you can use to schedule and organize your business appointments and events.
Integrate with Other Apps (Optional): AOL provides integrations with other AOL-owned properties and services. However, keep in mind that AOL's ecosystem is not as extensive as other providers like Google Workspace or Microsoft Office 365.
Maintain Security: Ensure your AOL account is protected with a strong password and consider enabling two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.
Regularly Check for Updates: Keep an eye out for AOL updates and new features that may improve your experience using the platform.
It's important to note that while AOL can be used for basic email communication, its features and functionalities may be limited compared to more modern and widely-used email providers like Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo Mail. If you are looking for a more robust and professional email solution for your business, you might want to consider Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, or other email hosting services that offer custom domain support and a broader range of productivity tools.
Additionally, before committing to any email service for your business, review the terms of service and make sure it complies with your organization's needs and any applicable legal requirements.
Buy AOL Accounts from BulkAccountsBuy at https://www.bulkaccountsbuy.com/buy-aol-accounts/
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zombiwombi · 1 year
Does anyone know how to hack in to a Spotify account and change things?
My Ex changed the Email and password to my Spotify then deleted there yahoo email
Please I desperately want my Spotify back 😭
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