#how to make lipton green tea
todaynewsonline · 2 years
Benefits of Green Tea: how to make green tea
Benefits of Green Tea: how to make green tea
The Benefits of Green Tea:- Green tea is a popular beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and is known for its health benefits. In this article, we will explore the benefits of green tea and how it can improve your overall health and well-being. Introduction: Benefits of Green Tea: how to make green tea Green tea has gained…
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
(One more thing about Steve and Robin working at a diner. The other waitresses look out for Steve, small side order of platonic stobin)
Admittedly, the first time Steve comes in for a shift at the diner wearing sunglasses and swaying slightly on his feet, most of the other servers assume he’s hungover.
It’s not necessarily that he’s given the impression of someone who stays out all night partying (or who would drink so much on a Tuesday night that he’d show up still hungover on a Wednesday afternoon), but what other reason could there be for the way he flinches at any loud noise, or the way he squints under the fluorescents of the dining room?
They watch him carefully as he takes an extra few seconds to balance a tray before heading out to his table, but he doesn’t falter after that, so they leave him alone. Whatever’s wrong isn’t affecting his work, so it’s none of their business.
(Naturally, this means they all watch him like hawks for the remainder of his shift. Servers are the nosiest people in the world; they won’t even deny it.)
But then it happens in the middle of a lunch rush; he’d come in just fine, as energetic and ready to complain about unpleasant guests as ever, but somewhere partway through, he starts to flag. He holds himself sort of hunched when he thinks no one is looking, like he’s in pain, and he looks about ready to throw up when the dishwasher slams an entire bin of silverware down on the counter (a noise fit to rattle the eardrums of anyone who isn’t already feeling sick).
When Robin takes her break at the end of the rush, she seeks out Steve, the same as always, and she catches on immediately to the fact that something is wrong. Her eyes narrow in displeasure as she marches up to him, and they have a vehemently whispered discussion in a corner of the server’s line that involves a lot of pointing at the parking lot from Robin and a lot of defensive arm-crossing from Steve.
Evidently, Robin loses the argument, because her lips are pressed into a line of displeasure as she shoves a glass of ice water at Steve, followed by a cup of black tea she’s made from the Lipton tea bags they keep under the counter. She spends the rest of her break making sure he drinks it all.
The other servers are more curious than ever.
It doesn’t happen often. Sometimes Steve will come in looking pale and off, sometimes it will start partway through a shift, sometimes no one will notice anything is wrong at all until the night is over and he lets himself drop, but there doesn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason to it. He calls out of work all of once, and Robin catches a ride with someone else that day and spends her entire shift distracted.
The other servers start to worry. What if he’s sick? What if it’s serious?
Something finally breaks one slow evening when there isn’t much to distract anyone from their own boredom – least of all Steve, who seems to power through those days when he doesn’t feel well by keeping busy. He leans against a counter and stares into space for the better part of fifteen minutes and then has to make a dash for the men’s room after he stands too quickly, nearly loses his balance, and turns an alarming shade of green.
It's Dottie who goes in to check on him (she’s 58, has three sons, five grandsons, and reasons that literally nothing going on behind that door could surprise her at this point), and she finds him bent over the toilet losing whatever he’d managed to eat earlier in the day.
“If you’re sick, you need to go home, sweetie,” Dottie tells him. “No one wants that near their food.”
Steve shakes his head. “Not contagious,” he insists breathlessly, spitting into the toilet and leaning back when it seems like his stomach has settled. “Just a bad headache. Should actually start getting better now.”
Dottie frowns, but she doesn’t force the issue. She trusts that Steve wouldn’t willingly spread a stomach bug around the restaurant, and besides that, she’s seen how carefully he counts his tips at the end of the night. He might still be living up in his parents’ house, but she doubts if they’re footing the bill for much these days.
True to his word, Steve seems better for the rest of his shift, but this doesn’t stop Dottie from sharing what he’d said – and it’s exactly that comment that finally clicks something into place for one of the other servers.
Migraines, Arlene insists; her cousin gets them, says they’re like headaches from hell. Sometimes they’ll put her poor cousin down for as many as two or three days. It only makes sense, Arlene declares.
Migraines. Well, now that they have a word, and they’re reasonably assured their Steve isn’t dying, the other servers go about their business.
They keep an eye on him as best they can (though, by and large, he seems to do alright taking care of himself, or being gently bullied into it by Robin), but aside from helping to pick up the slack a little when he stumbles or pushing a cup of tea at him, there isn’t much they can really help with.
At least until the night one hits with the worst possible timing.
It’s Saturday night. Ten o’ clock. The last showing at the movie theater’s just let out, there are teenagers whiling away the final hours of their last free night of the weekend, couples prolonging their dates, bar-goers stopping in for a bite – the diner is packed, the cooks are slammed, the servers are swamped, and Steve drops a plate.
It’s only a side of pancakes, and the cooks already have another one up in the window, but the other servers all catch the way he reacts to the noise as if a gun had gone off by his ear, flinching like he’s in pain.
But it’s busy, and they can’t afford to slow down. The dishwasher pops out of the kitchen to help clean the mess, so Steve goes back to pulling the rest of his order from the window, but anyone standing close enough can see that his hands are shaking. Hard.
He nearly drops another plate—a burger and fries, this time—before Gina swoops in and stabilizes it.
“I can get this, it’s right next to my table. Why don’t you get the drinks for the one you just got sat with?” she offers.
Steve looks like he wants to argue, but he’s got stubbornness and pragmatism in equal measure, and he’ll yield to the latter if he can see he’s slowing other people down. He nods and ducks out of the way, heading for the soda dispenser instead.
Of course, why Gina had thought he’d do better with glasses than with plates is beyond anyone else. He doesn’t drop anything, but it’s a near thing, and the drinks all wobble alarmingly when he tries to put them on a small beverage tray and run them out. He drops the tray back on the counter with a clatter and shoves the heels of his palms into his eyes in a moment of raw frustration.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, not now,” he hisses.
“Honey,” Arlene tries, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“I can do this, just– I just need a minute,” Steve insists.
“We don’t have a minute,” Gina says, blunt, but not entirely unkind. “Just let us help. If you can pick up again later, great, if not – at least we won’t all be even more in the weeds.”
It seems unlikely he’ll be able to pick up again later, and they all know it – Steve especially, with his face gone red and his gaze trained on the counter.
“Fine,” he practically whispers, almost unintelligible over the noise of the kitchen and the dining room on either side of the line. “Thanks.”
They split Steve’s section between the lot of them, each taking a table or two to share the load. It isn’t great, but the diner isn’t huge, so it isn’t the worst, either.
They all expect Steve to find somewhere quiet to sit and wait the evening out—the back office, maybe—but it seems he’ll be damned before he stops doing something to help. They find him standing at the cook’s window, pulling plates down to load trays up with full orders. He’s using two hands and going slowly, but it’s still faster than having to stand at the window individually and fish for orders in the sea of plates that the cooks shove their way.
For the next hour and a half, Steve is their serving assistant. He pulls orders, loads trays with drinks, hands out condiments, and restocks the counter with anything that isn’t breakable. Robin shoots him looks through window; she can’t afford to step off the line and check on him, but she sends him worried glances that eventually morph into ridiculous faces that put something like a smile back onto his face.
At the end of the night, he refuses to leave without doing his share of the sidework—it’s clear he’d like to leave, he’s still squinting under the harsh lights, but some sense of pride won’t let him—and each of the other servers approaches him by almost unspoken agreement.
Arlene is first, pulling several folded bills from the back of her server book and placing them on the counter in front of him. “From tables six and seven.”
Steve blinks at her. “Uh…”
“Oh, right!” Gina plunges her hand into her apron pocket and pulls out a crumpled wad of money. “From eight and ten.”
Dottie adds to the pile, and Steve stares at all three of them, baffled.
“These are the tips from your tables,” Dottie explains, as if he won’t recognize the numbers that had been in his section.
“But – I wasn’t serving. I didn’t serve these tables,” he says.
“But they were yours.” Arlene shrugs.
Steve shakes his head. “You guys should keep this, I didn’t – I didn’t earn this.”
“Sure you did.” Gina gives his shoulder a gentle shove. “You worked, same as we did. Just take it, kid.”
Steve shakes his head again, but Dottie heads him off. “We want you to have it. You would’ve done the same as us,” she says. “And if you don’t take it, we’re just going to leave it on the counter, and then the dishwasher will probably take it, and then where will we be?”
At that, Steve lets out a little huff of laughter, reaching out with still-unsteady hands to pull the pile of bills closer.
“Thank you,” he says, quiet again.
And if his eyes are a little wet as he trains them on the counter, they can all just blame the migraine.
(Robin, though. Robin has no trouble acknowledging what they’d done, and makes their employee meals without asking for any kind of order ticket for at least the next week. It all evens out.)
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sparklingstudycare · 1 month
wait how to make green tea
You brew green tèa leaves in hot water and then strain them
I use lipton green tea bags. I know tea bags are not good for us so i cut open the bags to get the tea leaves and then make green tea.
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icequeen1371 · 3 months
You can tell people that grew up, or are still middle income, or being taken care of by middle income, parents, or grew up in a house where there’s money. But they didn’t consider themselves rich or are rich. Just saw someone post something supposedly helpful. A list of 13 things people “usually have in their kitchen“ but can’t think of what to make for a meal. Meanwhile, no, not everyone has avocados and green bread or eggs let alone, fruits and vegetables in their fridge. Do you want to talk about making a meal? How about you? Talk about the bread, the ketchup, the mustard, no eggs, pasta, and maybe a can of pasta sauce, and a leftover container of butter in the fridge. Make some pasta, put a little bit of margarine on that to loosen up the noodles, a splash of sauce, couple of cheese slices to melt within the pasta stirred up at salt and pepper a bit of garlic powder some Parsley, because those are all found at the dollar store. And you have yourself a meal. If you do have eggs, you could put those on toast and make a toasted egg sandwich. If you’re lucky enough to have peanut butter in the house call me you can make a toasted peanut butter sandwich. A lot of it depends on bread. If you have no bread, depends on pasta. Pasta is really cheap but the dollar store. There’s not much room in a freezer when you’re low income because you deal with the freezer that you have in the apartment that you’re renting. So bread has to be a weekly thing, make sure you have $10 on top of the fridge or in the cupboard put away specifically to go buy bread every week. Because a lot of times if you don’t have bread, you can’t eat. Bags from the dollar store are a good thing, makes you feel like you actually have something to drink besides water from the tap. Get a bag of sugar and use it sparingly don’t have super sweet tea. Otherwise she’ll run out fast. Milk always runs out. That’s why I always kept a can of carnation milk in the cupboard just in case. You can always water it down for cereal if you’re desperate. If it’s cold, you can’t really tell. Canned vegetables, canned fruit. They can last along time you don’t have to worry about them. Going to waste in the fridge. Ramen noodles, there’s 1 million recipes for those out now. Get all your spices at the dollar store. Eggs and tuna are always great protein but don’t spoil fast. Learn how to love drinking water from the tap. Buy a case and refill the water bottles but don’t forget to clean the lids and the rims at least once a week and if the bottles get cloudy? Throw them out and save for another case. Yes, I said save because some people don’t have a three dollars to spend on a case of water or don’t want to spend the money on non-reusable plastic. You can always pick up some water bottles from the dollar store that are reusable and fill those up in your fridge. Just don’t forget to wash them with the dishes at least once a week. Can’t exactly offer those people when your mouth has been all over them. Lol so always make sure you at least have a couple bottles put away for guests. Get to love no name brand soda. When you have money to treat yourself get namebrand. But not like a case of it or something. And a case is always cheaper in the long run than just one 2 L bottle, so you can afford it ration it out. It’s not actually that bad. Cinnamon sugar on toast, a can of tuna mixed with a Lipton sidekick creamy Parmesan with half a can of peas, mix that up well with a little salt and pepper and you’ve got tuna casserole for two people. Three people if you have a little salad on the side. or you can make garlic bread. Even if you’re using slices of bread. Toast them, then butter them, add a little bit of garlic and herb seasoning to each one with a little handful of cheese, or even just some Parmesan cheese shaken on top. Let that toast, got some real cheap and garlic bread. Pretty tasty if you’re in a pinch. And you’re not bougie like people are now. I’ve had to put ketchup in hot water with half a can of mixed vegetables to make myself some soup before. Cheap eating is a skill.
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abracadav-r · 6 months
went to one of the local japanese places and got green tea. great. love it. no sugar even needed. yet lipton green tea in the bottle tastes like. fucking rancid. how do they manage to make green tea that is so horrible that i, for a moment, actually consider if i even liked green tea in the first place?
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iamamikcals · 8 months
Hi babes 🩷🤭. Hope y'all are doing great, it is past 10pm here in France so I'm doing an update of my day + weight loss!
Today was very good. It is officially on my 3rd day binge free !! SO PROUD OF MYSELF. I HIGHLY recommend you to eat lots of protein it makes you feel sooo full like it's crazyyy. Today I had to see my math teacher for my appointment, we had to talk about what I wanted to do after high school, what should I do to be sure that I will do what I want, my grades, ect... She knows that I'm very struggling with school because I don't feel motivated anymore (because I'm fully focusing on my weight loss but she doesn't know that ofc). She was so comprehensive and all that I love her so so much. She told me that I should at least be active in class and show the teachers that yes I have a lot of difficulties but I'm still trying. Find a math teacher sweeter than mine ??? No you cannot 🙌🏾🙄.
Limit: 660cals
Breakfast: coffee with milk (51cals)
Lunch: shrimps (72cals cause I cooked them w/ olive oil), spinach (20cals)
Diner: Raviolis (93cals), 2 rice cakes (62cals), egg (52cals), tuna (49cals), Lipton green tea (7cals)
Snacks: applesauce (67cals), 1 slice of bread (60 cals), apple (30cals)
Ate : 562 cals
Workouts: walking 11 786 steps (- 445cals), 3 Chloe Ting's workouts (≈-212cals), Gloria Song's yoga workout x2 (≈-30cals)
Burned : 687 cals
Total : -125/660
Day 5 : ✅✅✅
Chloe Ting's workouts that I did:
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Btw if you want something that makes you sweat a LOT I DEFINITELY recommend you the first video. It will make you sweat asf trust me 🫡 got me dizzy and sh!t
Gloria Song's yoga workout that I did twice (morning+night):
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And it is the last day of January and my "intensive back on track" 5 days diet. Tomorrow I will tell you how much I lost in 5 days and I will upload my February diet as soon as possible! I'm proud of myself 🩷. I feel so close to my 1st GW (55kg) I can't wait. Kiss kiss y'all 🩷😚.
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glittter-skeleton · 2 years
Dirk and Tea: headcannons
So as person that doesn’t drink coffee and comes from the world’s second most tea-obsessed country (Russia. For proof of how much we like tea: I’ve done the entire routine of sauna-vodka-black tea multiple times. Tea right after you come out of a 100°c room. That’s a thing). So I’d like to add a more complicated view.
First of all, as any true herbal tea drinker would tell you, tea that comes in a bag is not tea. Dirk is not a true herbal tea drinker
With the way his life has been I think he is very much an anything above Lipton kinda guy, even then only because he is in his 30s. You’d catch 20yo Dirk Gently with 3 bags of Lipton in one cup at one am more times than not. His life would not have been kind to fancy French presses or nice non-bagged herbal blends so he has settled for second-grade tea bags that are nice enough. He also has different preferences for different times of day and modes of being:
Milk and sugar for breakfast, obviously. It’s caffeinated and it even has some nutritional value
Random tea packets with liquid honey for working in the office, chilling after work, any life situation really. Here you get your camomile meadows, spring melodies, tropical marvels and chocolate brownies. He gets then in those gift packs that include like 5 of each one and picks based on his mood. Most of it is just random choices tho. (He has a secret separate pack of Mint Thunder that he re-fills the main pack with because that’s Todd’s favorite even if he won’t admit it. The Melissa Greens also stays un-touched even if he really likes that one because it makes Todd just a tiny bit chiller)
With everyone else’s coffee order it’s either hot chocolate to treat yo self or matcha because that’s like tea but coffee. Love that thing.
For a caffeine boost it’s English Breakfast drank straight or with a tiny bit of sugar and lemon. More than one bag has been banned from the office but he still does it sometimes on his own. It’s not Lipton though, he has at least some self-respect
No idea of American places do this but if they do he’d get nice kettles of tea with lots of sugar and like actual berries in them for the table at cafes.
He’d love sea ​​​​buckthorn tea if he’d ever came to a country that had it. It’s served everywhere, especially around autumn, is bright orange tastes exactly like you’d expect orange to taste. But alas, he is unaware of its existence.
For staying in eventually as his place gets a bit more like home he’ll get a French press gifted to him and start collecting those bags of loose leafs with little pieces of fruit and berries and berry leaves in them. It may take some extra time to cut a slice of orange into it but it’s worth it, it’s always worth it.
For true late nights it’s black tea decaf and sugar. When you just cannot with any flavor and just need that familiarity.
So yeah, this might also all be wrong because I have no concept of how Brits drink tea. Not much more wrong than what we Americans have with the constant coffee runs. Comes from the heart from a person who takes a tea thermos with herself to work just so it’s extra nice))
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waspstar · 1 year
saw bluef00t post this and i just had to get in on it. 5 drinks to get to know me 1. mean bean java monster. by far one of my favorite drinks of all time i literally have cans littering my room rn and a full one waiting for me in the fridge. 2. arizona green tea boy howdy do i suck those down. also littering my room rn 3. water. just water. i drink it like its breathing. i dont even keep track of how much of it i drink. before you ask yes i fucking pee a lot okay 4. lipton brand lemon green tea. this shit is like. WHOOO i rarely get to have it but it is a special occasion when i can. delicious elixir! my my! 5. chocolate milk. the thicker the better. i know this may seem basic but i just love choco milj its so tassy come onnnnnnnnn
honorable mentions: coffee IN GENERAL, i drink it in all forms possible and i love it more than i can even communicate. i drink coffee specifically for the taste im not even in it for the caffeine. my favorite coffees are starbucks vanilla sweet cream cold brews with white mocha, and also the hot coffee i get to make at home. i also like burger king vanilla iced coffee when its not like watered down and gross. speedway iced coffee can be good but i think their hot is better. thats my only honorable metnion this was too long
i tag my besties obviouslyyy @surrender-souls @earthlingplant @excellentflowers @oneweirdtip @carlandthepassions-sotough and of course if you want to do it i tag you too!!!
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aaalanasblog · 6 months
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🌸 DIY Collagen Gummy Recipe 🌸
On my weight loss journey, reprogramming how I eat and think about food has been key to losing 70+ pounds while building muscle and keeping my skin’s elasticity.
I wanted to find ways to make my favorite snacks healthy and ended up making these gummies!
They’re packed with protein and collagen, helping rebuild muscle, hydrate the skin, strengthen the bones, help with signs of aging in the skin, and more. You can easily get 20-40g of protein with this alone!
Eat these whenever you have that “I need something sweet” thought 🤠
You’ll only need the following things and 20-30 minutes (15 of them spent waiting for the trays to cool down):
• 2 cups of your juice of choice (I used Lipton Citrus Green Tea + POM pomegranate juice together)
• Fruit Puree: 1 cup of frozen fruit + 1 tbsp of honey + a squeeze of lemon juice
• (optional) 1.25 scoop of Super Reds Powder (jam-packed with antioxidants and vitamins)
• 16-20 tbsps of Grass-Fed Gelatin (the kind I use is linked here!)
• Mini-Ice Cube Trays (the kind I have is linked. It includes the storage and scoop too!)
• Other tools: a large measuring cup, large pot, spoon, and whisk
1. Put your fruit purée ingredients into a pot on medium heat (add a splash of water or leftover juice if you’d like!)
2. Once cooked down, mash with a spoon (or use an immersion blender if you have one)
3. Add your juice of choice to the pot and mix together
4. (Optional) Add the Super Reds powder and whisk together
5. Slowly whisk in the gelatin powder. Continue to whisk until fully dissolved.
*tip: the warmer the liquid is, the easier it is for the gelatin to dissolve!*
6. Once it’s hot enough to almost simmer, transfer everything back to the large measuring cup
7. Pour into your molds. Be careful to not use too much in each tray!!
8. Pop into the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
Done! 💘
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today3467h · 7 months
Best Time To Drink Lipton Green Tea For Weight Loss
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How To Make Lipton Green Tea For Weight Loss
To make green tea for weight loss with Lipton green tea, you can follow these steps:
Heat water in a saucepan and remove it from the flame as soon as it starts boiling.
Pour the water into a tea infuser or teapot.
Add a Lipton green tea bag to the tea infuser or teapot.
Steep it for 3-5 minutes and squeeze the tea bag.
Add lemon juice or honey if desired.
Drink the green tea while it is hot, or chill it for iced tea.
Repeat 2-3 times a day for optimal results.
Also Read
10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Chicken Is Pita Bread healthy A Comprehensive Guide How To Use Lipton Green Tea For Weight Loss To make green tea for weight loss with Lipton green tea, you can follow these steps:
Boil water and remove from heat as soon as it starts boiling.
Pour the water over a Lipton green tea bag or loose tea leaves in a tea infuser or teapot.
Steep for 3-5 minutes and squeeze the tea bag or remove the tea leaves.
Add lemon juice or honey if desired.
Drink the green tea while it is hot, or chill it for iced tea.
Repeat 2-3 times a day for optimal results.
Lipton green tea contains an antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been shown to have a positive effect on metabolism and fat oxidation.
Drinking 2-4 cups of Lipton green tea every day can help you lose weight. If your daily regimen includes a workout session or going to the gym, drinking a cup of Lipton green tea an hour prior to your workout session can help you burn more calories.
Please note that while Lipton green tea may help with weight loss, it is not a magic solution. A healthy diet and regular exercise are still the most effective ways to lose weight and maintain good health.
If you are looking for other green tea options for weight loss, you may want to try Organic India Tulsi Green Tea Lemon Ginger or Tetley Green Tea with Ginger, Mint, and Lemon.
Read More:-
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(Not a picture of me but Indy Marie is so gorgeous)
I usually think about giving up on this “glow up” journey by week 1-2 I’m head strong in knowing what I need to do but this year feels different I think at this age I realize how many times I have given up where it’s becoming just sad to me. I know I can do it I just need to stop giving up when things become rough this whole time I probably had “one” bad day as I was sick from a medication I took making it hard to stand and cool anything so I resulted to eating chocolate but seeing no loss of progress I kept it pushing and luckily got a majority foods I needed to keep me full longer and are heart healthy like carrots, kimchi, sardines, and I don’t even buy Lipton green tea anymore so far I just drink coffee and tea bags with a cup of water. I will say I do feel a lot better as I never feel uncomfortable in my clothing or deal with dietary reactions like bloating, but I do burp loud now which I might need to stop eating bread because it’s cringe. But I have a few months until I might start seeing more change🌙
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jamespoeartistry · 1 year
How to Make Green Tea with Lipton
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GREEN TEA Benefits For CHOLESTEROL | Does Green Tea Help In Cholesterol ?
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green tea for cholesterol, best green tea for cholesterol, benefits of green tea for cholesterol, best time to drink green tea for cholesterol, black tea or green tea for cholesterol, matcha green tea for cholesterol, lipton green tea for cholesterol
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#greentea #cholesterol #greenteaforcholesterol 
Some of the Health Secrets We Discussed in this video are: 
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have to type all my thoughts out or else i won’t be able to focus on everything else i gotta work on (bad adderall trait is just. hyperfocus on the wrong thing like this. complaining abt it but hey. even this is a form of ? work. of thinking and discussing. of journaling maybe)
1 adderall shortage. i took one today and have two more. i’ll save em for tutoring days/mondays which will give me a grace period of tuesday + wednesday for ? getting tasks done until i can’t rly do anything thursday-sunday/until like what? fucking april? thankfully i have enough clonazepam so i can take half of that at a time at least for anxiety if i need to go out or if my mental health gets bad without adderall (before it was Normal bc i knew it was bad but i just. wasn’t bothered by it. now it’s like i know what being able to function feels like and going without that is horrible. just feeling useless and down bc of it and UGH it’s literally the fucking worst it’s tough to explain
2 i did buy a lot of drinks though for the non adderall days. i have lipton iced tea (watermelon green, green w citrus) and some pink lemonade for non-adderall days, a vanilla latte coffee jug, a caramel ?macchiato? coffee jug, a blonde roast coffee jug, and a small peppermint latte drink (and like an Inch of coffee in another drink leftover lol) plus a bunch of hot cocoa bombs for either kind of day. so at least i’m keeping positive and thinking of this time as coffee drinkie time!!!
3 BUT i feel like i fucking wasted my fucking adderall today BECAUSE yes i had tutoring and adderall means i don’t have a lot of anxiety in the way i did before. not that it cures agoraphobia or anything but i just don’t overthink things. yeah i still have other anxiety but !!! it’s a lot better w all these medications at play. SO YES I FELT I NEEDED TO TAKE IT AND YES I FEEL GOOD RN BUT i was gonna make smashed potatoes for dinner and my mom was like and? and i’m like i literally don’t know i just had the potatoes listed but hey! it’s cooking! it’s a thing to eat! but it’s never fucking good enough bc it’s not a “meal.” she’s always fucking asking “what we have for meals” when i don’t fuckign work like that. i have energy to make potatoes so we’re having fucking potatoes, eggs if u want sure! but i am not going to spend three hrs cooking chicken that she thinks u can throw plain into the oven CHICKEN I WILL NOT EAT I AM NOT SPENDING ALL THIS TIME AND ENERGY, EVEN IF IT’S EASY ADDERALL ENERGY, ON FOOD I WILL NOT EAT
4 plus she offered up wendy’s instead and i’m like. i couldn’t even cook tonight. i had a chicken sandwich that was almost too much chicken and i just. Why was it not good enough for u. even if i wanted to make a three course meal (she’s always asking for sides), how am i expected to do that every day of the week. how am i expected to do that mon-wed on adderall when i have other things i want to do and will have limited appetite bc of the adderall
5 apparently she told my sister she hates my cooking? even tho i’m only taking the sugar out entirely bc she’s diabetic??? and i only do that for pancakes???? i cook fucking melted (fondant) potatoes and smashed potatoes and good pancakes and eggs just like most ppl and baked bread and snacks like ??? fuck OFF
6 so like. i also explained that i’m not having a recent influx of food sensory issues, i’m just being honest w myself and not guilting myself into feeling like i need to eat things i’m disgusted by BC I GOT TOLD BY HER + BY A FAMILY FRIEND THAT ME SWITCHING TO LOWFAT MILK FROM WHOLE MILK IS CAUSING MY SENSORY ISSUES. I LITERALLY GOT “MILK CAUSES AUTISM”ED
7 but apparently she heard none of this, as always, ignoring my history of food sensory issues, ignoring that i’m prioritizing my comfort w food choices, ignoring that i’m prioritizing my own food and cooking preferences in terms of what i cook/focusing on what i’ll eat and not the # of sides, AND I KNOW SHE ALWAYS DOES THIS BUT I FINALLY FEEL LIKE I’M MAKING HEADWAY AND THAT SHE UNDERSTANDS WHAT I’M SAYING BUT SHE NEVER DOES
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cuisinecravings · 2 years
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Okay, storytime.
For those of you don't know or don't remember, it was my birthday today.
Let's flashback. I don't know the exact date. But it was sometime during my Articleship period and before or during the initial COVID lockdown.
I met a girl at my office. I think she is a nerd or geek whatever the word is. What I want to say she is good at academics. Exceptionally. She cleared all exams of CA in the first attempt, I guess. She is CA now. She is younger than me a year or two maybe.  I don't know the exact reasons yet but I felt attracted to her, mentally. I don't know much about her, even still. But eventually, I think I developed a crush. I started feeling something when she used to smile. But, to point out, the amount of time I actually spent around her is astronomically insignificant. Like, she doesn't even know much about me. Like, we didn't even seat next to each other. There is just this undying wish to get to know her, it still remained even after we parted at the office. And, a little wish to tell her how I felt. To tell you about her, she wears glasses, has a somewhat fragile body, not so weak not so strong. Average looks. Is into nature and hiking I guess. But is not obsessed about it as much as me, I guess. Doesn't have any experience with modern culture (movies, songs, anime, memes, etc) Is independent now, financially, I guess. Cause, she is doing a job.
Also, another thing, when I used to go to audit at one of our client's place, there they used to serve Lipton Green Tea, which I fuckin loved.
Okay, now back to the present.
I have been wanting to drink that tea since almost a month or two. But because of some circumstances or my laziness I couldn't. Also, since I have been feeling lonely, for a long time now but anyway, I was feeling like sharing my feelings with her more and more lately. So, I kind of promised myself that I would, if she wishes me on this day. And, as of course, we are not even friends or anything, the possibility of that happening was very very thin. Cause, for first thing, she would have to remember my birthday, second she would need to be at least thinking about me, at some little corner of her mind. And, I for one knowing fully well that it wasn't gonna happen, still was counting on it. As for her, I was just a guy she met at the office for a very brief period who asked her to watch some movies and shows, very persistently.
So what happened on the boundary of my birthday and the day before, subconsciously I decided to finally download and watch my movie list and send a snap of the list to everyone. Just because. Cause, I shit you not, I was not considering that I had given her a list to watch too, cause why would I? I just sent it for no reason and nor for any hidden motif.
So, after I woke up in the afternoon, I had received a chat from her on the snapchat. Only thing, it was not about the birthday, it was about the list. The reason, why I am still counting her reply, is because she replied on that day itself. She had never replied to any of my snaps before. We weren't even in touch. She just used to watch my snaps like my posts, but never reply or message me. But for whatever reasons, she replied on that day. So it counts. It's another story that I couldn't yet bring up what I wanted to tell her, cause even though she replied to that, she didn't stick around long enough to develop a conversation. We'll see what happens.
Another thing, since I was depressed about this, I felt like drinking that tea I was talking about. Cause now the basic conditions has been fulfilled for me to finally make that tea at room. So I ordered the tea (bags) online. As per my knowledge I didn't had any sugar in my possession, still I decided to wing it. Cause, I was thinking that might be the tea bag itself would have sugar in it. I don't know, it was my first time. But I knew enough to have my doubts, but still I didn't take any action on it. As I said I just decided to wing it. So by the time I received tea and made it and tasted it, it was too late for me to go get some sugar from a store. So, while drinking that bitter drink I was just trying to go through my possessions in my mind. To see, if there is anything that I can use to fix this little crisis in my mouth. So, on a hunch, I decided to check my refrigerator, and there I found two little pouches of sugar from the coffee order at least a month older.
Just imagine my happiness.
It was a good day.
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