#how your mother met me
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Stiles: Nothing good happens after 2 a.m. It's a good rule. But every rule has an exception. And for us, that exception was you, Jon. Eli: That's the nicest thing you have ever said to me, dad.
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larry-thesnail · 3 months
Kate: Hey guys!
Colin: Oh, good! There you are. You’ll tell me the truth. Anthony says that you two never fight.
Kate: Huh, I guess that’s true.
Anthony: Told you!
Colin: No way. I love you both, but you are the two most emotionally ill-equipped individuals in the history of relationships. You two must’ve had at least one fight.
Kate: You know what? We did.
Colin: Aha!
Kate: There was one small dispute about which one of us was more awesome. We just called it a tie and had sex.
*Anthony & Kate high five*
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hannahvardit · 3 months
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The exact moment that Plas and Woozy meet.
Context really doesn't change much here. You'd think it would. But it really doesn't.
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aurinkomoukari · 7 days
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Oof 🥴
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hollow-prior · 4 months
Jesper: You know, I've had a pretty serious week. I could stand to do something stupid.
Wylan: I'm something stupid, do me.
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undead-knick-knack · 6 months
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When your mom abandons you to be a lame ass war criminal for other children 😞😡
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editing-tips69 · 3 months
olive theory this olive theory that. we're missing something obvious here. its got nothing to do with the olives. in the same exact video phil literally said he gave up doing dan and phil content because he wanted dan to be happy. he wanted to continue but decided that having dan was more important than having 'dan and phil'. i'm gonna literally yack
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Viserys: How would you handle the boys first heartbreak?
Daemon, thinking:
Daemon: I know this hurts, son, but you’ll love again someday. Because time will heal a broken heart.
Daemon: But not that bitch’s window!
*throws brick and window breaks*
Daemon: Run!
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all-that-jazz-93 · 5 months
Something I've noticed in my many rewatches of season two is how incredibly deliberate they were with colors and patterns. But one that really stands out to me is this scene from 2x03, when Daniel reveals Whitney Frost's true identity. When Peggy remarks that every eye in the country is on Whitney, and yet no one sees her, we're shown this image of Whitney on the cover of a magazine.
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What does the pattern on her dress look like? That's right—camouflage.
Even better, this was not the first time Agent Carter gave us that particular bit of visual symbolism.
This was:
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pureconguevo · 7 months
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swtnrjoji · 2 months
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me core.
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dailytraingirl · 1 month
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undead-moth · 3 months
I'm also just thinking about how people's frustration with The Bear this season in general and not just with SydCarmy is so indicative of how little people understand about story writing.
I got my BA in fiction writing which doesn't make me the world's leading expert or anything but I know enough to know that The Bear is exceptionally well-written and most of the complaints about this season stem from not knowing anything about writing a story.
And on top of this, the same people who don't know anything about writing a story are used to consuming really bad stories because right now, we're in one of the worst eras of television and honestly, writing in general, ever.
Because right now there's no expectation or requirement for a show or book to be well-written before production or publication. There's no requirement for it to actually be good, or for it to even make any sense at the writing level. All that matters is that people will watch it or read it and since people can't tell the difference between good writing and bad writing and largely aren't watching or reading for that reason anyway, who cares?
It's just an endless cycle.
Audiences don't recognize nor want good writing > Producers and publishers don't require nor pursue good writing > Writers that ultimately become successful can't nor need to write well > And the cycle starts over.
And because people are so used to bad writing, and can’t tell the difference between good and bad writing, and don’t want good writing anyway, when a show like The Bear comes around, a show that doesn’t hold their hand and explain everything to them or doesn’t spoon-feed them exactly what they want, a show that isn’t going to sacrifice the narrative through-line just to cut to the romantic chase - people are not only confused but pissed.
And then the most frustrating part of all this is that people then come to the conclusion the writer’s are bad at writing.
It is so bleak to be an aspiring writer right now, I swear.
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(Ice is at a meeting he REALLY didn't want to go to, so Mav calls him with a fake emergency)
Iceman(answering his phone):...Hello?
Maverick(on the other end): Hi there, Sexy.
Iceman: Hello, Aunt Kathy! What's up?
Maverick: Oh nothin'. Just sittin' here, thinkin' about you, Hot Stuff.
Iceman:...An accident? Well, is Uncle Rudy gonna be okay?
Maverick: "Aunt Kathy"'s got an itch that only you can scratch, big boy...
Iceman: OH GOD! Why did he think he could build his own helicopter...?!
Maverick: C'mon baby, break me off a piece 'a that white chocolate...
Iceman:...Well, if he needs a transplant, he could have mine. [fake crying] I'll be right there...!
*Ice fake-sobs as he rushes out of the meeting room*
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enigmaticpink · 2 months
I wonder how my great great great grandma who was born in 1907 and died before even my mom was born would feel to know that in 2024 there's a cat named after her. Like to know that her own great granddaughter who she only ever known as a little girl, would as a 65 year old woman, adopt a cat and think like...'she reminds me of my great grandmother who's been gone longer now than I ever knew her.'
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bardicious · 11 months
"All Those Years Wasted Fighting Each Other, Charles. To Have A Precious Few Of Them Back."
It kills me how beautiful this quote is, said by Erik to Charles. Top married Cherik quotes.
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