#however I do wanna draw some more before carrying on
schlushiii · 1 year
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Welcome to I am now gonna draw moments throughout my Pokémon black 2 playthrough!!!
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improbable-outset · 2 months
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📂 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭.𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞
I don’t think there’s any trigger warnings needed for this. But I just wanna give a heads up that I did not write these in order so there might be some HC that looks rush— I couldn’t elaborate on some, sorry 😢
𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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📄 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji’s past experiences and personality traits shape how he shows affection. Having lived in America for most of his life, his way of showing love blends both American and Japanese elements
In America, people are generally more direct with their affection, and public displays of affection (PDA) are more socially acceptable, or at least not that frowned upon, including hugging, kissing, and hand-holding. While gift giving is important in American culture, it doesn’t carry the same significance as in Japan (cuteeeee).
In contrast, Japanese culture often values subtle and indirect expressions of affection, with intimate gestures usually kept private. Kenji’s approach combines both culture seamlessly
Kenji might express his love in a mix of direct and indirect ways. His approach to PDA might vary depending on his surroundings. As a star baseball player that’s constantly in the public eye, he might save more intimate gestures for private moments. However, he won’t shy away from holding your hand or giving a quick peck on the cheek
Drawing from Japanese culture, Ken will give gifts as a way of showing his love— and given that this man is loaded, they do tend to be pretty extravagant. He might also embrace more grand gestures typical in American culture
Though he appreciates your thoughtful gestures too. Whether it’s leaving small gifts or notes in his duffle bag before a game or making him breakfast, he cherishes these moments with you
Overall, Kenji is grateful that you love all aspect of him, appreciating the different ways he shows his affection and your understanding and acceptance of his unique blend of cultural influences
📄 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I’m glad that there are more people acknowledging the struggles Kenji faced as a Japanese person newly moved to LA. In his first interview with Ami, he stated how he was made fun of for the way he looked and talked, indicating he had a hard time making friends in America. This was a difficult adjustment period for him.
But if you thought that was bad, moving back to Japan presented its own set of challenges. Despite returning to his home country, Ken struggled to fit in with the Japanese crowd. We’ve heard the unwarranted comment from the catcher: “We’re waiting for the Japanese version of this guy,” highlighting his continuing struggle with acceptance.
So it is canon that this man is lonely. Given everything he has been through, you would expect him to have a bitter attitude and be more closed off. However, that’s not the case.
Ken can be sociable when he wants to be. He often masks his internal struggle with his cocky exterior, which might add another difficulty in making friends, but it doesn’t define his character entirely.
Beyond his bravado, Ken has the potential to be a great friend. We’ve seen the way he warms up to Ami later on in the story. He can be fiercely loyal when he wants to be and stand by those he cares about and be there when they need them.
The real question is: will he let you be there for him? How long will it take for him to let you in his psych? This is a complex layer of his character that we’ll explore later on in the alphabet
📄 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Oh, this man definitely needs to be held. At the start of your relationship, Kenji would always be the one holding you close. His arms would wrap around you while you nestled on his chest. He found comfort in the role and didn’t think much about needing to be held himself, until you gently asked him about it
He was reluctant about it at first but eventually he relented, allowing you to hold him close. Feeling your heartbeat near his ear and your arms around him, he quickly grew enamoured and melted into your touch.
It took him a few cuddle sessions for him to adjust to this new dynamic, but once he did, he embraced it fully (all puns intended)
As your relationship deepened, Kenji became more comfortable with initiating cuddle sessions himself. He’s not shy about expressing when he needs to be held
I can see him climbing into bed and nuzzling into your neck, seeking closeness. From being the one who held you, Kenji appreciates the reciprocity of being held by you. Knowing someone cares for him deeply gives him a sense of contentment
📄 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Over time, Kenji’s desire to settle down grows stronger the more he spends time with you. Seeing the stability and fulfilment a settled life can bring, he envisions a secure, private home environment where you both can unwind away from the public eye
Kenji’s cooking skills are basic but heartfelt. He learned to cook out of necessity while living in the America, often preparing meals with his mother as a way of spending quality time together.
He sees cooking together as a way of bonding and creating lasting memories. Despite having an advanced automated delivery system in his home, he often prefers to cook with you, valuing the personal touch. He is open to learning new recipes and techniques, often taking lead in the kitchen
While Kenji prefers to keep his living space organised, he isn’t fond of the labour of cleaning. He relies on his high-tech home and Mina to handle most of the household chores efficiently. He appreciates the comfort and peace that a well-maintained home provides
He utilise the technology in his home to make his life easier, ensuring that everything is kept in order.
📄 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
The way he handles your break up really depends on the situation, but he would always prefer to do it face-to-face for clarity and honesty
If it was you at fault, it might be because he feels like there’s a lack of support from you or because you betrayed his trust.
He may seem resentful on the outside but is shattered on the inside. After you both go your separate ways, you’ll never hear from him again, but you won’t know that he’s holding back from contacting you and forgiving you. However, his pride won’t allow him to.
But if you do something seriously bad, like continuously disrespect him or, worse case-scenario, cheat on him, he’ll be colder towards you. Don’t expect him to give you another chance after that
If he’s the one that’s at fault here, it’ll probably be because he prioritise his career and baseball over your relationship and has unintentionally neglected you. He’ll be upset and pissed off.
He’s not angry at you, but more at himself for not being better. He’s already dealing with his mother’s absence and now he has lost another important person in his life.
But unlike his mothers disappearance, he had control over the situation, and it could’ve been avoided if he changed
In this case, he won’t beg you to stay but rather wish you well for your future and would seek to provide closure
📄 𝐅𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji take’s commitment seriously, especially given everything he has been through while moving the the US and back to Japan, often feeling lonely. Despite his loneliness, he won’t make a move unless he’s fully committed to building a future together, and ensure that you’re both are emotionally ready for the next step
However his career in being in the spotlight and having eyes on him might impact his decision. He has already mastered separating his personal life concealed from the media, but having a partner might spark some unwanted attention and an uproar of press conferences asking about his love life.
Kenji is acutely aware of the intrusive nature of the media. He wants to protect his partner and any future children from unwanted attention. Kenji will find a way to navigate through the chaos and maintain a balance with his career and his personal life
He’ll openly discuss with you how you could balance his career and future together. This includes talking about the timelines for your marriage so it won’t clash with his professional commitment
He values your input when making decisions and wants to ensure that you’re both are on the same page
📄 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji’s gentleness shines through both in action and his protective nature. We’ve seen the way he cradled and soothed Emi at Tokyo Tower after he accidentally fractured her arm, all while trying to keep himself calm after she got tranquillised by the KDF. Despite his strength as Ultraman and his athletic build, he still takes great care not to cause harm.
His physical gentleness extends to his interactions with you. Whether it’s the tender way he holds you or his carefulness during physical activities, Kenji ensures that his doesn’t go overboard with his strength
However, the same can’t be completely said for his emotional gentleness. While he has a good heart, he struggles to find the right words for reassurance. He tries emulating what his mother would say when she comforted him, hoping it would have the same effect on you as it did to him, even as an adult
He draws from his mother’s influence, replicating her warmth and security she provided, hoping it would bring you the same comfort
📄 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Okay, we’ve seen how Kenji was literally running and jumping around with Emi outside of his cabin, you can’t tell me he doesn’t love hugs. After watching that scene, I can definitely see him sweeping you off your feet and spinning you around in his embrace during a moment of celebration or excitement (maybe when he finally wins a championship or when you accept his marriage proposal hehe)
His hugs have a grounding effect, making you feel safe in his arms. Given his athletic build, it’ll be a mixture of firmness and softness. And with his height, his hugs would be a full-body embrace, where you would be completely held
📄 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮.𝐝𝐨𝐜
He’s not shy when it comes to verbally expressing his love to you; however, it was definitely you who said it first before he had the confidence to say it back. As your relationship deepens, he starts to initiate it too and uses other affirmations more freely, especially in private
Phrases like “aishiteru” are used sparingly and are usually reserved for serious committed relationships. He’ll probably use that every once in a while but not always, so he won’t overuse it and it’ll still hold its value
📄 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji doesn’t have a lot of relationship experience. This is the first time he has build an emotional connection with someone (if you don’t count Ami, though I wouldn’t call that a true connection) so if he feels like the relationship is threatened by anyone, it’s only natural for him to feel some jealousy
Not saying that he doesn’t know how to act or handle his emotions— rather, he just doesn’t want to lose you. His relationship with you represents a huge step from his lonesome life, and though he does trust you deeply, there’s still some underlying doubt and insecurities.
Despite his confidence in many areas, when it comes to the matter of heart, he’s still navigating uncharted waters. However, as your relationship strengthens and he becomes more secure with your love, these jealousy moments become less frequent
📄 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
According to the wiki page trivia, Kenji is approximately 6 feet tall (no surprise). So forehead kisses are a given, especially if you are shorter than him. He loves doing it at the most unexpected moments, it’s not too intimate for the public yet still tender.
He adores your kisses too, even if they aren’t as passionate— good luck kisses before his game, before bed, and surprise kisses.
You shared your first kiss at his place, alone together. He appreciated the privacy and having you to himself that night without any watchful eyes. You were the one that held his face and guided him, since he doesn’t do this often, or at least not in this scenario
📄 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Before Emi stumbled upon his life, the thought of having children never really crossed his mind. His initial reluctance and emotional breakdown when he had to take care of Emi shows how unprepared he felt for the role of fatherhood. Despite eventually embracing the role and finding joy in caring for Emi, he still feels a bit iffy about having his own children (biological or adopted)
A human baby is much smaller and more delicate than a kaiju. Human infants are more vulnerable, and this amplifies Ken’s insecurities.
Every new parent will have the typical fear of not being good enough or making mistakes, and I think Ken’s insecurities stem from his past.
Ken’s strained relationship with his father, even though it was eventually resolved, left a lasting impact on him. As a child, he felt abandoned when his father stayed in Japan while he moved to America with his mother.
I feel like the sense of abandonment is a deep-rooted fear he carries into his own potential parenthood. He’s anxious that his double life as a star baseball player and Ultraman might leave his own child to feel the same way he did— confused and abandoned.
However, this might give him determination not to repeat history and ensure his child never feels the same way he did. Furthermore, the thought of his child watching him play, whether through TV or in person, might inspire him to excel in his baseball career.
He hopes that his kid will look up to him with admiration just as Emi did when she watched him practice and supported him
📄 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Unless you’re an early riser, he’s usually up before you, around 5:30-6am. He quietly gets out of bed to avoid disturbing you. His morning starts with either a run or a home workout (That scene of him jump-roping in front of the rising sun will forever be etched in my mind). He probably uses his simulation to replicate the workout scene, just like how he does with the baseball pitch
Once he completes his workout, he showers and changes into his casual clothes. By now, you would definitely be awake. He loves these little moments with you, so he puts effort to make breakfast together instead of relying on Mina to use the automated delivery system— just as he did in the scene when he was trying to feed Emi for the first time
After breakfast, Mina provides his schedule for the day and updates him on any threats, just in case he needs to leave for an unexpected mission. By 8:00 he’ll leave for his baseball training facility
📄 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Every night is not the same when it comes to living with Ultraman. Some nights, Kenji will come home late after another mission, protecting Tokyo. But if he doesn’t need to be out, he’ll be home by 6pm and will greet you with a tired smile
He will take a few minutes to unwind on the couch before he showers and changes to his loungewear. You’re always on your toes, checking for any injuries, and maybe even give him a massage if he needs it
He might rewatch some of his old video with his mom with you and share those special memories. This is significant because you’re one of the important people in his life, and sharing these moments means a lot to him
You’ll have dinner at around 7/8pm, sharing stories about your day. If he did have a good game, be prepared to hear him ramble and boast about it like you didn’t just watch his game on the TV
By 9pm, you both start to wind down, taking it slow and turning off any screens and by 10pm you’ll head to bed, cuddling together
📄 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kenji won’t open up to you immediately, especially regarding his vulnerabilities about his mother and how he doesn’t fit in. At first he’ll come off with his blasé attitude, brushing off or downplaying sensitive topics to make them seem less significant
But with your efforts, you create a safe space for him to express himself and his fears, something he’s still getting used to. You offer him constant reassurance (and trust me, be patient with him), reminding him that he can lean on you
After several sessions of you healing his wounds from a baseball game or another mission and constantly checking if he’s okay, he slowly warms up to you and grows more comfortable in opening up
You’re gonna make him weak on the knees if you keep on doting him like that and encourage him to take care of himself. He’ll have no choice but to spill everything to you because he knows you won’t think of him differently
📄 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Even before you got together, we’ve all seen how he was with Emi, teaching her baseball and her rehabilitation training after she got injured. He never gave up on her, his patience blooming naturally.
He’s never the type to get easily angry unless you really do something that genuinely pisses him off or constantly doing something that you bothers him
After everything you’ve done for him, it’s only fair that Kenji give you the same level of patience as you do with him. The way you treat him inspired him to be better in your relationship
📄 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Having an AI assistant that helps him keep track of his schedule and special dates makes it easier to remember anniversaries and other important events. But beyond that, Kenji is quite sentimental and has a keen eye for the little details about you.
He keeps momentous from your time together similar to how he treasures videos of his mother. These trinkets might include small souvenirs from places you’ve always wanted to visit
He uses his keep memory to choose thoughtful gifts that show how well he knows you. He might surprise you with something that reminds you of a special day you shared
Overall, Kenji’s attention to detail means he remembers and cherishes little things about you, making you feel truly seen
📄 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫.𝐝𝐨𝐜
One of his favourite memories in your relationship is when you came to watch one of his games live. Although he couldn’t see you in the audience, the thought alone of you being there gave him the boost to perform better. He probably flaunted a little just because he knew you were watching and wanted to impress you
Another memory he loves is when you made him his favourite green tea when he was sick. It sounds mundane, but it felt good having you take care of him and knowing you’d be by his side, even at his lowest. Also you tea-making skills is impeccable
📄 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Kanji’s Ultraman duties include protecting the city from any threats. When the baby kaiju egg hatched in his hands, his protective instincts kicked in when the KDF were actively searching for it. He brought it home without thinking about the consequences (fuck around and find out)— so it’s only natural that he’s protective over you too
There are different ways Ken would be protective over you. He would physically shield you by placing himself between you and the threat. I don’t know if he had any special ‘training’ as Ultraman but he is well-versed in combat and because of his athletic physique, he can handle physical threats effectively
He will probably teach you some basic self-defence techniques or emergency protocols, like having Mina track your location, just in case he’s not around
But even with all of this, he still respects your independence and personal space, the last thing he wants is to smother you. He trusts that you can handle situations on your own but always makes it clear that he’s there when you need him. He just wants to make sure you’re safe
📄 𝐓𝐫𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Having never been in a real relationship before, Kenji finds himself making an effort to make every moment special. Because he’s never had a deep connection with anyone like this, he will tend to ensure his partner feels valued and appreciated. Though he will go overboard as his fear of losing you drives him to go above and beyond
For dates and anniversaries, Kenji will plan every detail, from the venue place to the different activities. He booked a rooftop dinner that gave a view of the city for your first anniversary. His gestures can sometimes be grand and extravagant, as he wants to make you happy and create memorable moments
His dedication and efforts partly stems from people-pleasing tendencies that are shaped by his past loneliness and desire for acceptance. There’s a lingering fear of falling short and being left behind because he didn’t do enough which leads to him overextending himself, even if it is with good intentions (poor Ken…)
However, you remind him that he doesn’t need to do all of that to make you happy; you love him for who he is, not for his grand gestures. It’s an added bonus, but not a foundation of your relationship
While Kenji does struggle to maintain a balance of his grand gestures with the simplicity of his affection, his heart will always be in the right place. Your reminder that his love and presence is enough gives him a peace of mind and helps him enjoy your relationship more organically
📄 𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
We all know that at the end of the film, Ken sheds some of his arrogance from the beginning, but that doesn’t mean he’ll be completely free from it immediately. Sometimes his cockiness can get in the way, making him seem dismissive.
It’s not that he’s intentionally doing it, but he’s still learning to break away from his habits, especially if it’s harming your relationship. The last thing he wants is to ruin things because of his old character that he’s trying to fix
Just as mentioned earlier, he has never had this kind of connection with anyone, so he’s also new to being emotionally available. He struggles to communicate his feelings openly since he is used to concealing them, especially from the press and the public.
This might lead to misunderstandings and unaddressed issues. But together, you work through it, and slowly, he warms up to it
📄 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
This man has a whole car collection in his crib so he is definitely loaded. You can’t tell me that he doesn’t spend his money on his outfits, looking the best of the best. Kenji is fully aware of his good looks and he knows how to use them to his full advantage
He takes great pride in his appearance, not only because he’s often in the spotlight as a professional baseball player but also as way of expressing himself and his achievements
We’ve seen his outfits when he was in that interview with Ami— the blazer with the necklace. His confidence shines through in every aspect of his appearance, whether through his sharp outfits, that are perfectly coordinated, to his sleek jewelry collection
In your relationship, you appreciate his confidence and the way he takes care of himself. His vanity and fashion sense become a shared joy, with you sometimes helping him pick out outfits and new accessories. It adds to the charm and closeness to your relationship
All in all, Kenji’s vanity is a blend of his confidence and self-expression— it’s a reflection of his personality and journey.
📄 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Although Kenji does value his independence, and even though he sometimes gets lonely, there are elements in your relationship that make him feel complete and fulfilled. Having a human companionship to come to, rather than just an ai assistant (sorry Mina, still love you), means a lot to him
Your presence provides Kenji the emotional support he craves. After a tough day, he knows you’re always there to listen to him. You both celebrate his victories, whether on the field or in his Ultraman duties. Same goes with challenging times, you both lean on each other for support
Your relationship has contributed to personal growth for both of you. Kenji has learned to be more open and expressive with his feelings. You both encourage each other to be the best version of yourselves
📄 𝐗𝐭𝐫𝐚.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Ken is definitely a foodie. While living in America, he found comfort in food and developed an appreciation for various cuisines. Because he struggled to fit in, he often turned to food as a source of solace.
He particularly loves Hispanic and South Asian food (<<self indulging here, can’t tell me he doesn’t like pani puri) for their rich traditions, even if they differ from the Japanese cuisine
When you’re together, Kenji enjoys replicating these dishes and sharing them with you. They hold a special place in his heart. His love for food isn’t just about the different flavours but the memories they bring
📄 𝐘𝐮𝐜𝐤.𝐝𝐨𝐜
One thing Kenji can’t stand from his partner is someone who always broadcasts everything about their relationship. He would prefer to keep matters like that private, especially when he has an image to maintain. The only reason he shared his mothers message at the end of the film with Ami was because it was a memory he cherished deeply
Speaking of family, after reconciling with his father, Kenji values his relationship with his family immensely. Having a partner who doesn’t respect or get along with his family would be problematic for him
Finally, one of the most important aspects is his passion for baseball and his duties as Ultraman. A partner who belittles or doesn’t support his career or responsibilities would not work out. Ken needs someone who understands and respects his dedication to both his professional and personal missions
📄 𝐙𝐳𝐳.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Okay we all know that it’s canon that Kenji sleeps shirtless :)))) yeah I don’t have to elaborate on that
I feel like he was a heavy sleeper before his Ultraman duties has taken a toll on his sleeping habits, he has to be more alert so he’ll probably become more of a light sleeper
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: @clonedrone @f3r4lfr0gg3r @aise-30 @luneariaa @prettygirleli
@trasshy-artist @beabadobeee @doodlenoodleboi @just-me-and-my-world @mitski9328373
@ilovehobi101 @moonjellyfishie @unhingedsillygod @stfuchaase @myrootsgrowdeep
@mitskicain @graham-mckrackers @coinduck @n4muqr
I was surprised to see how many ppl asked to be tagged in this 🥹🥹 hopefully we have the same energy with the nsfw version
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traveler-at-heart · 24 days
Lessons of Love - Part 4
Nerd!Natasha x Rogers!F R
Summary: As your relationship with Natasha progresses, you find some bumps on the road.
That was no way to start the day. Natasha had looked everywhere for her notebook, and now she was walking to Advanced Calc without any idea where it went.
Truth is, she could remember most of the things she had written down from lessons. What she regretted the most was losing all the little notes or scribbles you’d leave at random places.
“Looking for this?” she heard you say.
There you were, standing outside her classroom. You had her schedule memorised to know what routes to take to your next class and see her as offen as possible.
“Yes, actually” she nodded, taking the notebook from you. You smiled, leaning forward. To anyone else, it seemed like you two were just talking, but you had your hand on her arm, drawing circles.
“It was under my bed…” you explained, blushing at the memory of the make out session that almost became somethig more. You could tell Natasha was thinking the same thing, as her eyes traveled to your lips. You were about to close the distance for a short kiss when someone called for you.
“Hey, mamacita” it was Jessica Jones, who stayed oblivious to the intimate moment you were sharing with Natasha.
“Hey, JJ” you greeted, turning around and standing closer to Nat, hoping she’d put her arm around your shoulders or something. Instead, she excused herself and went inside the room.
You sighed, disappointed.
“We have Spanish together. Wanna walk with me? Podemos practicar en el camino, muy caliente!”
“Oh, wow. Your Duolingo streak must be on fire”
“Au, K, C, Na” Natasha pulled out study cards, placing them in front of you.
“Gold, Potasium, Carbon, Sodium” you listed all the elements.
“Correct” she leaned back against the headboard, chewing on some M&Ms.
“Where’s my prize?” you said in a low voice, getting closer to her. Natasha blushed and watched as you leaned forward… stealing the candy from her.
“Not fair” she complained, although she was laughing along. You offered her a chocolate to appease her, aware that your eyes followed her movements as she let you feed her.
Obviously, the study session was abandoned for other activities. Her lips were on yours and you had kicked the notebooks out of the way to have more space.
Natasha’s tongue explored your mouth expertly -god, she had gotten so good at kissing- while the other circled your waist. You yelped as she lifted you up, placing you on her lap.
“That was incredibly hot” you commented, licking and biting her earlobe.
Natasha responded by squeezing your breasts over your shirt. You didn’t know what had gotten over her, she was usually shy and let you take the lead, but you were definitely not complainig. Before she had time to hesitate, you took your shirt off, nipples hardening at the cold air and the arousal.
Natasha moaned, burying her face in the valley of your breasts.
“Can I…?” she asked for permission, her hand hovering over the clasp of your bra.
“Yes. Please” you nodded, and a second later felt your bra lose around your shoulders. Natasha pulled at it impatiently, her tongue swirling around your nipple. You jolted forward, moaning and feeling her erection against your leg.
With a cloudy mind, you unzipped her pants and palmed her cock through her boxers. Natasha’s hips went up, as her lips stopped working on your breasts, caught off guard by your bold move.
“I’m sorry, I just got carried away”
“Do it again, please” she asked against your lips, kissing you while her hand took over your nipple. Nodding against her, you continued to stroke her over the fabric, feeling the hardness strain against the underwear. You wanted nothing more than to pull the boxers down and suck Natasha off.
The thought made you squeeze a bit harder, Natasha losing her focus for a second, knowing she’d come any minute.
Your brother’s voice boomed across the hallway.
“Captain Rogers is pulling up the driveway. However’s doing something nasty, wrap it up”
You groaned at that, layind down next to Natasha. Your hair was a mess and you were both out of breath.
“My eyes are up here” you joked when she kept staring at your boobs, your chest going up and down as your breathing evened out.
“I know” Natasha nodded, still looking at them. You laughed, pushing her away as you rolled on your back to put your clothes back on.
“Hey, I didn’t overstep, right?” Natasha asked, kissing your shoulder as you looked in the mirror to fix your hair,
“No, my love. It was perfect” you said, looking at her reflection. Once you were satisfied with your appearance, you turned around and put your arms around her neck. “I liked it way too much”
“I did too” she confessed, smiling as you pecked her lips.
“Maybe we can talk about…”
“Yeah. I know… I’ve been thinking about it too”
“Wait. Are we both talking about marriage?” you said, serious. Natasha’s eyes widened and you laughed. “I’m just teasing you”
“Yeah, that’s what you are. A big tease” she said, kissing you softly.
Still thinking about everything that happened the day before, you walked out of Spanish class. It took you a moment to caught up with Jessica, who was talking next to you.
“So, what do you think?”
“About what?”
“I asked you to dinner. Like, a date?”
“Oh” you nodded, and then it clicked. “Oh, JJ, I'm very flattered but the thing is… I have a girlfriend”
“You do? Huh” Jessica said with a smile. “Wait, don’t tell me. It’s Wanda, right? I mean, you guys are together all the time”
“Wanda?” you repeated, confused. It almost felt like you summoned her, because she came out of nowhere, pulling you by the arm.
“Hey, mind if I steal my girl?”
“Wait, that’s not what you think” you tried to correct, but Jessica gave you a thumbs up.
“Happy for you two”
Wanda kept walking down the hallway, her hand firmly grasping yours and you tried to keep up with her.
“Wanda, what’s wrong?”
“Jarvis is coming for the winter break!” she said excitedly.
“Oh, the English lad” you said with your bad accent. The girl rolled her eyes.
“Wait, why is Jessica happy for us?” she stopped suddenly, and you rolled your eyes.
“Don’t worry about it”
Later that day, Wanda came back home with you to tell you all about Jarvis’ upcoming visit.
“I’m happy for you” you said.
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean? Nothing, Wands”
“You didn’t even make the accent since I brought it up again”
You rolled your eyes and threw a cushion her way, making her laugh.
“Is it weird that Natasha and I are still keeping everything private? It’s been three months since we started dating, and we’re not exactly hiding but when someone comes to speak to me she just disappears”
“Have you spoken to her?” Wanda suggested, spinning in your work chair.
“I guess we’re due a talk for more than one reason” you admitted, playing with the hem of your shirt. Wanda caught on to your shift in mood and launched herself to lay next to you.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, yesterday, it felt like we almost… you know”
“Really? Oh my God, how was it?” Wanda squealed and you sushed her, fearing your parents would hear. “What? I wanna know everything. I mean, ew, not everything but… ya know”
“We didn’t do… it. It felt like we were going to, but then Dad was home. Plus, I haven’t even told her how I feel. It’s kind of cheap to do it without saying how much I love her”
“Well, just tell her exactly that. It’s not like she doesn’t love you back”
“I don’t know. Anything is possible” you shrugged your shoulders and Wanda kicked her feet in the air, sighing dramatically.
“You two are impossible lesbians. She’s out there looking at you as if you hung all the stars in the sky and you’re moping because Natasha might not love you back”
“Alright, jeez” you laughed. “Then help me tell her in a creative way”
“What are you thinking? Something she likes?”
“Morse code” you suggested and Wanda made a face. “Alright, non binary language”
“Like saying I love them instead of you”
“No, as in 0 and 1 like computers, genius”
“Ugh, you are a certified nerd” she gagged and you laughed. “What’s wrong with some old fashioned bouquet and chocolate?”
“Going back to the basics… you’re on to something, Maximoff”
Your mom was on board with your plan the minute you shared it. She’d been the one to arrange a bouquet of flowers from the family garden. It had baby’s breath, white carnations, pink camellias and a dash of red yarrow.
So, there you were, standing outside the Romanoff home first thing in the morning. You had plans later that day and you knew Natasha was going out for her run, but you were lucky enough to catch her before she left.
“Hey” she greeted you as she opened the door.
“Hi…” you began, and then she pulled you by the waist, devouring your mouth in that new found hunger that made your knees weak. “Uh… I…”
“It’s nice to see you first thing in the morning” she said, her nose against yours in a sweet gesture.
“Yeah, especially when you kiss me like that”
Natasha smiled, but let go of your waist and finally looked at the flowers.
“Going somewhere?”
“Huh? Oh, no. These are for you” you extended the bouquet and she took it. “I’ve grown all these flowers myself and wanted to give them to you because I…”
“Bless you”
“Thank… achoo!”
Natasha sneezed a few times before you caught up with what was happening.
“Damn it, you’re allergic”
“Nooo… maybe a little” she looked apologetic and you gently removed the bouquet from her hands, placing it behind your back.
“I’m sorry, baby. I had no idea”
“It’s fine. They’re really pretty. It’s the thought that counts” she sneezed one more time and you sighed. “Let me grab my medicine and I’ll be right back”
“No, it’s ok. I’ll come back later, I should take this back home” you held the flowers as if they were radioactive, as far away from her body as possible. “Catch you later for our date?”
“Looking forward to it” she leaned forward to kiss you, but broke apart to sneeze once more.
“Medicine, now” you sighed against her lips.
So, that was a bust. Your mother was ready to take personal offense when you came back with the flowers, until you explained what had happened.
“Well, what’s plan B?”
“A fortune cookie?”
You honestly thought the flowers would work so a backup plan was not even considered.
“We’ll bake cupcakes!” your mother suggested, always a step ahead of you. “Look for ideas while I get the ingredients”
You browsed until you stumbled upon a cute video. With an edible marker, you wrote “I love you” in a piece of sugar paper. Covering it with a food safe acetate and buttercream, you decorated the cupcake as if it was a letter, placing a small red heart on the center.
You prepared a tray with the rest of the cupcakes, making sure to place the one with the note in the middle.
“Good luck, sweetheart” your mother said as she dropped you off later that day on her way to the gallery.
This time, Natasha’s welcome was a bit more measured, since her parents were up and your mom was waving from the car.
“How’s the allergy?”
“It’s all fine now” she promised, leading you by the hand.
“Well, I got you some cupcakes. I’m pretty certain you’re not allergic to those”
“No, especially when you’re the one making them” she admired the work.
“You should eat this one first” you pointed at the one in the middle and she nodded, taking your face in her hands.
“I want something sweeter first” her lips moved against yours and you grabbed her neck to keep her there.
“Right in front of the cupcakes” Yelena complained and you broke apart, eyes still closed as you tried to bring your breathing back to normal.
“Those aren’t for you”
Of course, Yelena chose the one with the note. By the time you noticed, she was done with it.
“Uh… you didn’t taste anything weird in it?” you asked, worried about the acetate. Yelena shrugged her shoulders, and picked up another one until Natasha slapped her hand away.
“Get your own cupcake baking girlfriend”
“Is that all she is to you? A cupcake factory? Natalia, that is so rude. Y/N also has a cute butt, why not mention that”
“You know what I mean. And don’t look at her butt!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine!” you stopped the arguing, sounding a bit hysterical. “Come on, let’s get going, Nat”
You were silent for the entire ride, and Natasha allowed you to take the time you needed.
“We’re here” she announced after parking at the mini golf course.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to do something special for you and I think I’ve been failing all day”
“You haven’t. Everything you do is special for me”
“Really?” you whispered, blushing at her kind words. Natasha nodded, taking your hand and kissing the back of it. You suddenly remembered a thing you wanted to mention. “Our four month anniversary is next Saturday… why don’t we go somewhere nice?”
“I love that” she agreed and you smiled, eager to shout back and I love you
But you wanted it to be special, and what’s another week? You could wait, and maybe, this time your plan would work.
The Science Club was only five people. Peter, Darcy, Shuri, Ned and Natasha, the founding member. It was an improvement from last year, when it was only her and Darcy.
“So, next week we’re getting the guidelines for the Science Bowl, and then we can plan our study sessions” Natasha said, writing down a couple of dates in the whiteboard.
“Are we doing that?” Peter asked, looking around.
“Why wouldn’t we?”
“Well, I thought you would be focused on the Westview Science Fair. Since they have some people from MIT coming each year” Peter explained.
“Well, I’m a sophomore… I’m sure next year I’ll do it”
“Scared I’ll beat you, Romanoff?” Shuri taunted.
Natasha felt like she was under the microscope. Everyone in the club knew how brilliant her mother was, and how ambitious Natasha’s own goals were for her future as a scientist.
“Are you ok? We’ve had the impression that you’ve been a bit distracted” Ned said in a soft tone, as if he was afraid to upset her.
“I’m fine” Natasha lied, turning to Darcy. “See? Lewis is texting someone while we meet. Bet she’s more distracted than me”
“Hey! I’m just talking to Y//N”
“Why are you talking to Y/N?” Natasha snapped. Everyone in the room shared a look.
“Because we’re partnering for a Biology project. And then I’ll ask her out”
“I heard she has a girlfriend” Shuri intervened, saving Natasha from throwing the marker to Darcy’s head. “No idea who she is, though”
“Well, that won’t stop me” Darcy smiled, going back to texting.
“We’ll do the Science Bowl and I’ll work on the Westview Fair, so that’s thqt” Natasha returned to writing on the board.
“Wow. You’re doing both? Isn’t that a lot?” Peter said. Natasha shrugged her shoulders.
For the rest of the afternoon, her thoughts spiraled, filling her with anxiety. She had gotten distracted and lost focus and now her entire future was jeopardized over it.
It wasn’t until later, when she heard a knock on the door that she snapped out of it.
“Go away”
“You sure about that?”
Another thing she had forgotten; you had plans. She felt guilty, and wished she had cancelled before making you come all the way here when she was in a sour mood.
As she opened the door, you leaned forward to kiss her but she turned her face.
“You ok?” you said, confused at her cold demeanor. Walking to her desk, you placed a gift box and sat on the bed, looking at Natasha. She was tense, and avoiding your eyes.
“Fine. Just busy”
“Oh, ok. Well, want me to just wait until you’re less busy? I can go bother Yel”
“It’s gonna take a while. You should go back home. I’ll text you later”
“Nat? What’s wrong?”
“Why were you texting Darcy?” she finally snapped, picking a fight over something she knew meant nothing.
“How did you know?”
“So you didn’t want me to find out”
“I’m texting her because we’re doing a presentation for class. She asked me to be on the same team”
“You could have said no” she said, turning her back to you.
“I don’t have any reason to be a total bitch and say no to a group project, Natasha. If it bothers you so much you could tell her we’re dating. I told my friends, unlike you”
“That’s not the point” Natasha said, looking at the card that came with the gift. It was a simple equation.
“Then what is?”
“I don’t have time for this. You want me to do your homework too?” she threw the card on her desk and looked at you. “I’m behind, I totally forgot about the Science Fair and now I have to come up with a really good project in less than three weeks”
“Why are you making it sound like it’s my fault?”
“Because” Natasha stopped herself from saying it is.
But you knew.
She saw the hurt in your eyes and regretted everything that had just happened.
“Don’t worry. I won’t get in the way of your stuff anymore, Natasha” you stood up, walking towards the door.
“Wait! No, I didn’t mean to…”
“Yes, you did” you went out of her room, Natasha staying rooted to the spot.
She was a coward.
You had avoided Natasha all day. That’s how she finally realised that all those moments where you met and spoke outside of her classroom or in the hallways were because of you, going out of your way to see her.
During English class, you sat at the front, as far away from her as you could, and spend the entire period taking notes. By the time it was over, you were the first person out the door. Natasha tried to catch up with you but wasn’t even sure how to begin to apologize.
Natasha’s texts, as well as her calls went unanswered. Today was a Saturday, and you’d usually spend time together in the evening… she could try going to your place, or to your mother’s gallery. She had to find you and tell you how sorry and wrong she was. You were the best thing that had happened to her, and it was none of your responsibility if Natasha had too much on her plate.
Yelena walked past her in the living room, wearing her cheerleader uniform.
“You don’t have practice today” Natasha turned to her.
“It’s the end of the football season so we’re meeting today and tomorrow. I’m late” Yelena answered without looking at her sister.
“Wait! I’ll drive you”
Yelena rolled her eyes, but waited in the car nonetheless. She spent most of the time looking out the window, until she couldn’t hold her tongue anymore.
“If anyone had spoken to me the way you spoke to Y/N, I would have broken up with them, on the spot”
“Jeez. Thanks?”
“She’s kind. And she’s in love with you. You’re always so caught up in your world of science like mom. It’s great that you’re so smart but you’re so damn stupid sometimes, Tasha” Yelena said and left the car as soon as she arrived.
Natasha sighed, looking for you in the field. You were speaking to Pepper, smiling as she showed you what the next move would be. Your eyes landed on Natasha and your smile faded. Still, the redhead waved at you and you walked towards the bleachers.
“What’s up?” you said in a casual tone that made Natasha’s heart drop.
“I tried calling you”
“I had nothing to say” you shrugged your shoulders. “And you have a lot going on so I figured you could use your time back”
In that moment, Natasha’s phone rang and she ignored the call, without checking who it was.
“I made a mistake. I’m sorry. I was unfair to you because I had a bad day”
“Honestly, Natasha? I’m not sure if it’s just that”
“What do you mean? Damn it” she complained as her phone rang again. The sound was begining to irritate you.
“What I mean is… you’re very smart and I’m just me. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and I’m ok with that, because I’m 16 and feel like I have time. But if you have everything figured out, and you feel like it should be your priority, I won’t hold you back”
“You’re not holding me back” she promised, taking a step forward. “I just don’t know how to balance everything. I lost focus…”
“Because of me?”
“Because I… I’ve never been in a relationship before”
“Well, that sounds like something you should figure out on your own” you cut her off, starting to walk away.
“That’s not fair. You can’t expect me to feel bad because I know what I want? I’m sorry. But being in a relationship won’t get me into MIT”
“I never said that!” you groaned, frustrated as her phone began to rang again. Natasha didn’t ignore the call, and this time the noise made you even more upset as you both kept arguing.  “Pick up the damn phone”
Taking the phone from her hands, you answered the call.
“Hey, Natty. I’m waiting at your house but your mom said you’re out”
You recognized the voice. Jane Foster.
“Don’t worry. We’re done here” you threw the phone at Natasha, turning to walk away.
“Wait, it’s not what you think. Jane was only going to help me with the Science Fair project”
“Today was our fourth month together, I made a reservation and everything. And I kept it with the hope that we could make things right. But go be with Jane, take her out. Forget about me, us. If this relationship is a burden, you’re not in one anymore”
“No, Y/N, wait, please”
“Goodbye, Natasha”
You left her standing alone, as you walked into school. Yelena followed you, glaring as she walked past her sister.
“Nice one, Natasha”
Natasha didn’t know how to fix this mess. You were never alone at school, and she was sure it wasn’t a coincidence.
Pietro or Wanda were consistently by your side, even when their classes were across the school. Bucky glared at Natasha the only time she dared come near you, but you elbowed him and walked away as fast as possible.
You didn’t hate Natasha, nor did you expect anyone else to be mean to her. You were just heartbroken, feeling like everything she had said was confirmation of how unlikely it was for someone as smart as her to love you.
Wednesday seemed like the only chance to actually talk to you, but to Natasha’s bad luck, you skipped Chemistry class.
“No Miss Rogers today?” Fury asked in the middle of practice. Natasha shrugged her shoulders. “This exercise was her idea”
“Borax crystals?” Natasha looked up. The professor shrugged his shoulders, copying Natasha.
“Said she wanted to use the pipe cleaners to do some fun shapes. I’m guessing hearts”
Natasha thought about it for a second, while Fury gave her a knowing look.
“Crystal hearts” Natasha repeated.
“She also showed me an equation to check if it was correct, then wrote in something that looked like a card. Very mysterious”
“Yeah” Natasha nodded, going back to her notes. Feeling someone was looking at her, she raised her eyes and met Wanda’s murderous glare.
“Stop it” Pietro told his sister, while Natasha turned pale. Wanda could be scary.
Fury chuckled and walked back to his desk, hoping whatever was going on could be solved outside of his classroom.
For her part, Natasha wanted to skip the rest of her classes and go home. She was sure the card Fury mentioned was the same you had given her the day she acted like a total ass.
By the time she got home, Natasha went straight to her room. The gift box had been hidden in her closet, because she couldn’t stand seeing it all the time.
“Screw it” she muttered, opening the closet and taking it out. Natasha ripped the paper, trying to figure out what the box had.
Lego flowers.
So you can always have flowers without the allergies, a note inside said.
She didn’t deserve you. Natasha dropped the box in her bed and sat on the floor. How could she know so much about science but not be able to figure out how to fix this?
There was a knock on her door but she didn’t care to answer.
“Sweetheart?” Melina said, opening the door. Her eyes widened when she saw her daughter so defeated. “Tasha, what’s wrong?”
“I’m an idiot” Natasha shook her head, the tears finally rolling down her cheeks. She had tried to avoid it, because Natasha hated crying, hated feeling helpless more than anything.
But right now, she hated the way she had made you feel even more.
“Oh, you’re definitely not an idiot, sweetie. Come here” Melina sat next to her daughter, hugging her. Natasha felt like she was five again, but held on to her mother’s arms. “Is this about Y/N?”
“Yelena told you, huh?”
“No. I just noticed she hasn’t been around and you’ve been hiding in your room. Wanna tell me what happened?”
“I was a jerk. All of the sudden I realised I was gonna have all this extra work from the Science Club and the Westview Fair and blamed it on her, as if she was distracting me on purpose”
“Oh, I see. You’ve never been good with stress, after all”
“I’m not good with people” Natasha shook her head. “She’s better off without me”
“Natasha, darling. You’re so smart. But you put so much pressure on yourself. I sometimes blame myself for it”
“What do you mean?”
“I worked so hard when I first came here because I had to prove myself. Had to be ten times better than anyone else to be seen as more than just the strange girl from Russia. I don’t want that to be your life. Choose a path that makes you happy”
Natasha nodded, wiping away the last tears.
“I don’t know how to fix it” she confessed.
“Say how you feel. Speak from the heart. And be better next time. That’s all you can do” Melina said, squeezing Natasha’s shoulders. “We’ll leave in an hour, the last game of the season is today”
As Melina left her daughter’s room, Natasha gathered the courage to open the card, curious to see if it had the equation that Fury mentioned.
She went over it a couple of times, and then sat, writing it down on her own notebook to solve it.
9x - 7i > 3 (3x - 7u)
9x - 7i > 9x - 21u
- 7i > - 21u
7i < 21u
i <3 u
“I love you” she read, her heart beating out of her chest.
Natasha stood up and tried calling you, but it went to voicemail. You’d probably be at the field, practicing with the rest of the team. It would be nearly impossible to get close to you, and Natasha didn’t want to wait until the end of the game.
She had to speak to you now. Natasha called someone else.
“Peter. I need a favor”
As it was to be expected, the school parking lot was packed. Melina walked with an arm around her daughter’s shoulders.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes” Natasha nodded. “I’ll catch up with you. I have to meet with Peter real quick”
“Alright” the woman said, going to the bleachers to find a spot for them.
Natasha walked to the school library, looking anxiously around the building.
“Hey! I’m here, sorry” Peter said, carrying the mascot suit. “This is a very weird favor to ask, Nat”
“I know, trust me. But I need to get to the field now” Natasha examined the suit, accepting Peter’s help to put it on. Once the body was zipped, Peter placed the lion’s head, making sure Natasha was adjusting it.
“How does it feel?”
“How can you even see in this thing?” Natasha’s voice came out muffled.
“Yeah, I can’t. You’ll get used to it, though. Come on, I’ll walk you to the field”
He took Natasha by the hand (well, paw) and she almost backed out of the plan. It was hot and dark in there and she might pass out.
But then she thought of you and the three words she wanted to tell you, and her resolve strenghtented.
By the time they reached the field, Pepper dragged Natasha out, not even noticing that Peter was by her side, instead of inside the suit.
“We change the routine’s speed so you better catch up”
“Wait, I don’t even know it”
“Stay there” the girl ignored her. Natasha looked around and walked with her arms reached forward.
“So, how are you feeling?” that was Yelena’s voice. Natasha walked towards it, hopeful.
“I’ve had better days” you admitted with a sad smile. “I miss Nat like crazy”
“If it helps she’s been very miserable” Yelena said and you laughed.
“She’ll be fine without me. Though I’ve been trying to avoid her, because I know she wants to break up and I cannot take it, not right now”
What? She never wanted to break up with you. Natasha struggled with the head of the suit, but stumbled against her sister.
“Hey, watch it” Yelena said, but turned as Pepper asked everyone to take their places. “Come on Parker, you know what to do”
“I’m not Parker. Y/N, wait!” Natasha screamed, but between the music and the cheers from the crowd, you didn’t hear her. Natasha stumbled around as the cheerleading squad began their routine. She crashed against some of the girls, and by the time she found a quiet corner to go unnoticed, they were pulling her back to the field, almost carrying her to the center of their circle.
Pepper pushed Natasha towards a trampoline, and the girl jumped a few times on it.
“Go, Lions!” the girls cheered as someone threw a ball to Natasha’s head. She flew in the air, losing her footing and the head of the suit at the same time. The redhead landed on her back, the padding helping a bit with the fall.
“Natasha?” you said, rushing to her side. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Are you ok?”
“I’m fine” Natasha said, breathing heavily and finding comfort in your closeness. She had missed you so much.
“Are you sure? Does anything hurt?” you insisted, checking her head with a gentleness that made Natasha swoon. Without thinking about it, she closed the distance, kissing you softly. You tried to protest, but gave in a moment later, shutting your eyes and pulling her closer.
You missed her so damn much.
People cheered and then it dawned on you that you were putting on a show for the entire school. You looked at the crowd, your cheeks turning pink.
“Maybe we should…”
“I love you” Natasha said, unable to wait any longer.
“You… do?”
“I finally opened the card and the equation… it was a perfect gift and I’m sorry, I was an idiot. I love you so much and I never meant to hurt you. Please, believe me, Y/N. You’re everything to me”
“Well, how can a girl resist a love confession like that?” you laughed, pulling her up. When Natasha stood up, she lifted you in her arms, spinning you around.
“I love you” she said one more time, kissing you softly.
“I love you too” you smiled against her mouth, not caring about the crowd anymore.
Now that you had made up (and made out) in front of most of the school, you and Natasha were inseparable. You walked to classes together, holding hands in the hallway and talking about your day. During break you’d eat together and at the end of the day hung out for a while with Wanda and Pietro, or only the two of you, sharing a few laughs and kisses.
Oh, the kissing.
First thing on Monday, when the school was still buzzing with the gossip of your relationship, Natasha came up the stairs as you entered the school. Her lips met yours, in that hungry way she usually saved for the privacy of your room, and you broke apart, blushing and smiling.
“Good morning”
“Uh-huh. I’ll say” you laughed, taking her hand, aware that some people were staring.
It became a habit. Most times it was innocent, like a kiss on the cheek while saying goodbye before your classes. You’d be talking by your locker and she’d end up leaning you against it, your hands on her waist as you enjoyed being trapped by her body, looking at her lips until the conversation died down and you kissed her, a bit possesively.
It made Professor Harkness warn you about “no funny business during class” and Fury talking about wanting no distractions if you kept working together.
Both of your friends were the most crossed by this, because more often than not, they’d interrupt in the middle of some make out session.
Like today. The Science Club was preparing for the competition, and they met to study at the end of each day. Since it was Friday and you had no classes left, you decided to tease Natasha as she waited for her teammates.
“I’m having trouble with something” you said, sitting in one of the tables.
“With what?” Natasha said, organizing the flash cards and not picking up on your mood.
“I’ll show you”, you asked, pulling her flush against you as she stood between your legs. “I can’t stop thinking about my girlfriend”
Natasha smiled, allowing you to take the lead with the kiss, her hands going to your legs to make them wrap around her waist. She groaned when your tongue darted out.
“If this is how we’re studying today, I’ll pass” Darcy said as soon as she walked in on the room. You broke apart, noticing how Natasha didn’t let go.
Knowing she was jealous of the time you and Darcy were speaking, you placed a small kiss on the corner of her mouth and spoke loud enough for her friend to hear.
“Gotta go. You need to study. I love you, baby”
“I love you too” she smiled, kissing you one last time. You ran into Peter and Ned at the door and Natasha called out for you. “Don’t forget our date tonight. I gotta make it up to you for that dinner we missed”
You blushed as Ned and Peter whistled, nodding and waving goodbye.
All in all, life was good.
Comfortable and cozy. That’s what Natasha said you should wear. You had no idea where you were going, but felt excited.
“You look beautiful” your mom said as you went down the stairs. Your father turned as well.
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know”
“What do you mean you don’t know” he snapped, removing his glasses. “That is not safe. You’re staying here”
“Dad, it’s a surprise” you tried to ease his nerves, hugging him. “Plus, it’s not like you don’t track my phone”
“I…” he turned to glance at your mother, who looked ready to murder him.
“Joseph Rogers, that is an incredible invasion of privacy! Do you track my phone too?”
They were so busy arguing, they never noticed the doorbell. You ran to greet Natasha.
“Hi” she said, kissing your cheek. She pulled something behind her back, handing it to you.
“I’m allergic to flowers so I thought I’d compromise here” she smiled, giving you a cactus.
“Thank you, darling” you smiled.
“I’ll take that. You two have fun” your mother said, inspecting the plant. She was probably planning where to place it.
“Alright, don’t wait up” you winked at your parents, making Natasha blush.
“Young lady, that is not funny!” your father said. You laughed, walking with Natasha to the car, while your mother shushed him, still upset.
“Relax. He knows it’s a joke. Now, take me to this super secret date, huh?”
“We have a different ride today” she pointed at a pick up truck that you had seen on her dad’s garage.
Natasha opened the door for you, and extended her hand, as the climb to the seat was steep.
“It feels like we’re in a carriage” you joked as she turned it on and drove you. Reaching a gated park, a security guard opened the door for you two and you were pretty sure Natasha handed him a twenty dollar bill as you drove past him.
“This looks like the country club”
“That’s because it is. We’re just sneaking around the back” she winked at you.
“Well, we can go through the front, you know we have the membership…”
“Detka, trust me, I know the perfect view is this way” she squeezed your leg, leaving her hand there for the rest of the short ride.
“What does it mean?” you asked and she looked confused. “Come on, I don’t know how to say it. That Russian word”
“Detka? It means baby. Sort of”
You blushed and squeezed the hand that was resting in your lap, hoping Natasha would use it again very soon.
Natasha encouraged you to jump, holding you by the waist until you landed against her. She moved aside to show you what she meant, and you gasped as you saw the lake that was away from the courts and the restaurant.
The ground was usually reserved for parties, but it was luckily empty. As you kept staring at the lights reflecting in the water, Natasha uncovered the back of the truck to reveal it was full of pillows, blakets, food and her laptop.
“Hope you’re hungry” she helped you up, holding your hand while you steadied yourself in the back.
“Starving” you said, finally picking a corner to sit in and making room for her. Natasha sat next to you, her arm around your shoulders. “Nat, this is lovely”
“You deserve it, and more”
“I love you” you kissed her, leaning against her side until you needed to catch your breath.
“Love you too. Now, here” Natasha opened up the picnic basket. “We have lasagna and soda, chocolate cake for dessert, popcorn and gummies in case you want more snacks”
“What movie are we watching?”
“About Time”
“Yes!” you cheered, appreciating her choice. You knew Natasha complained about the time travel inaccuracies, but it was one of your favorites.
As the movie progressed, you came closer to Natasha, seeking her warmth when the air became colder.
“Here” she covered you with a blanket and you came closer, sinking in her arms.
“You make me really happy, Natasha” you looked at her, appreciating how soft she looked under the fading light.
“And you’re the best thing that ever happened to me” she leaned forward, pressing her lips against yours. As your hands went down her arms, you sank further into the pillows, until you landed on your back with a squeal. “Are you ok?”
“Yes” you laughed, pulling Natasha down. Her body was on top of yours, and you appreciated feeling her weight. The kissing became more frantic, with your hands exploring the skin of her back while she bit your lip and then kissed your neck.
“Oh, my” you gasped, as literal fireworks lit up the sky. “Did you do this?”
“I could lie and tell you I did, but I’m guessing there’s a party down at the restaurant”
Enjoying the free show, Natasha hugged you as you looked up.
“Hey” you called, squeezing her hand.
“Hi” Natasha smiled, kissing your temple.
“I know there’s a lot going on right now and it may be too soon… but. You know that thing that almost happened two weeks ago in my room”
“Mhm” Natasha nodded against you.
“Well… I’d love it if you… if my first time could be with you. And like I said, now’s not the time and all, but it’s just a step that I’d take only with you because I trust you and I love you”
Natasha smiled, surprised that you of all people were rambling.
“I would love that too, detka. We’ll know when the time is right, don’t you think?”
“Yes. And please keep calling me that. It’s the best thing in the world” you nudged her side and she laughed against you.
“Anything for you, moya lyubov”
“Oh, come on! That’s not fair” you complained, your heart skipping a beat at those new words. “Keep doing that and I’m losing my virginity right here in the back of this truck”
“Oh” Natasha let out a surprised squeal, turning red. Yeah, that was the Nat you knew.
“I love you, baby” you laughed at her sudden shyness. “And I’m kidding, of course”
“The back seat is probably more comfortable”
“Incorrigible” she mumbled, kissing you softly and laughing with you.
“But you love me”
“Yeah. I really do”
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rivatar · 6 months
“Love Bites”
Pairing: Adult!Neteyam x fem!human!reader
W/c: 1.2k
Warnings/content: MDNI smut!, biting/marking, blood thirsty neteyam, a lil somnophilia but not much, established relationship, fingering, demon Teyam
A/n: this is prompt 6 for Pandora’s Bloody Moon, I’m sorry it’s 2 days late, I was so busy this weekend😩 also I’m sorry if it’s not good, it’s def not my best work but still hope you guys can enjoy :)
“I’ll see you tomorrow, paskalin,” Neteyam sweetly bid you goodbye with a peck on the cheek.
“Okay, Teyam,” you softly smiled in return.
He had walked you back to the lab and as much as you both stalled already, it was time to part ways. The upcoming Blood Moon tonight meant an early goodbye for the day. You two have been dating for months now, and the future Olo’eyktan has made it clear he wants to be mates with you, only when you were ready. However, it is not always easy handling your differences between your two species. Like tonight, for example; all the other Na’vi could participate in the night of the Blood Moon but you couldn’t, you’d be ripped apart and possibly killed. So, Neteyam made sure you were safe and sound back in your room in the lab complex well before nighttime settled in. He couldn’t have his little paskalin get eaten by the wolves.
Neteyam missed you at dinner but he knew it was for the best. He wanted nothing more than to keep you safe. Safe from the others and even himself. He didn’t know what he would be capable of doing to you. He didn’t even wanna be anywhere near his family, so he set off deep into the forest.
It was now eclipse and the Moon made its appearance. The moonlight made his skin tingle and he watched in bewilderment as his skin faded from azure to a milky gray. Though this happens every year, it never fails to bring an unsettling feeling of not having control over the effects. His breaths quickened and he felt strength and power spread through his limbs, creating the urge to break something. His little bioluminescent freckles turned to red speckles, much like the red irises he now possessed. His brain was processing the physical changes to his body as well as the feelings and urges that flooded his mind. His tongue felt his sharper canines and he thirsted for blood. Not just any blood though, your blood. He imagined your human blood would be much sweeter than anything else here. He knew his right mind was slipping away when his body naturally started carrying him in the direction of you.
He forcefully entered the lab and went straight to your room. Opening the door carefully, as to not wake you.
You were peacefully sleeping away, probably having sweet dreams. In the very back of his mind he knew he shouldn’t disturb you— knew he shouldn’t wake you and then watch you be terrified of the way he looked right now. But his instincts consumed him and controlled his thoughts now. He had to have you.
Walking over carefully, he noticed you were wearing a loose tank top, exposing much of your skin. He slowly lifted the cover off of your body and was met with the precious sight of you only wearing panties for bottoms. You were so sweet and small to him, your dainty little night clothes driving him absolutely insane. You were too good to be true in his opinion.
He gently slid his hand over your legs and arms, loving how soft and plush your smooth skin was. You moved some in your sleep, still not noticing him yet. He tried to keep his breathing in control by breathing in his nose and out his mouth quietly.
“So beautiful, yawne,” he whispered admiringly.
He started kneading your flesh, getting extremely aroused by you. He wanted nothing more than to dig his sharp canines into your skin and bite you—hopefully drawing some blood. But he needed you to wake up first so you wouldn’t be scared and flee from him.
He softly shook your form, beckoning you to wake up. You slowly stirred out of your slumber and your eyes blinked open—only to see those red eyes staring back at you. You jumped back at the sight of him and gasped.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay baby, it’s me!” He tried to calm you.
“T-Teyam?” You choked out weakly, “You’re n-not supposed to be here” your mind quickly registered.
“I know, I know, and I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stop myself from coming to see you… you’ll have to forgive me for what I’m going to do”
Your body was stiff and your eyes were full of concern for what he meant and what he might do to you in this state. But you slowly nodded as you relaxed some because it was still your Teyam and you trusted him.
“You look so pretty, baby,” he cooed while stroking your cheek tenderly. You smiled in return, still feeling a bit hesitant.
Then suddenly he leaned back down to your thighs and latched his teeth onto one of them.
“Teyam!!!!” You flew up to sit upright on the bed and looked at him. The pain of his canines impaling your skin combined with the pleasurable feeling of his warm mouth overwhelmed the nerves on your skin.
He only hummed and moaned on your flesh in response. You slightly winced, still staring at him in bewilderment. Then he smoothed his tongue over the wound, licking away the blood from the little pricks he made. He pulled back to admire his work, loving how his bite now marked you as his.
“Don’t think I can’t smell you, sevin. You liked it, didn’t you?” He smirked.
You blushed, still feeling confused at the mix of pain and pleasure and how it really did turn you on. You nodded and got out a weak “yeah..”
This only aroused him more. He wanted to see how you’d look writhing under him as he pleasured your pussy while marking other parts of your body. So he lifted your legs up to your chest and slid your panties to the side to see your glistening little cunt.
“Fuck baby. I might have to bite you more from now on,” he gloated.
He slowly pushed a finger into you and you moaned at the sensation, your head already swirling from the intense pleasure he gave you. He started pumping the digit, stating in awe at the mess you made and the loud squelching sounds.
He hovered over you and positioned himself closer to your face, connecting your lips in a needy kiss. You greedily took the kiss, tongues swirling and your lips getting all puffy. He moved down to your neck and latched onto it, pulling out a guttural moan from you. He hummed in the satisfaction of tasting your sweet blood again and it turned him on more, so he mindlessly dry humped your side and the bed, dying to get some kind of friction for his cock.
His efforts made you cum on his fingers, spewing out whimpers and moans in the process. He was still cleaning your neck wound while you were coming down from the high.
It seemed that having a taste of you only made him want more.
It was going to be a long night.
Taglist: @neteyamssyulang @bambithewriter @professional-yapper @property-of-neteyam @hidden-snow @live-laugh-neteyam @nonamevenus @loakstahni @ikeyniofthetayrangi @sugarsong78 @inolaphoenix @strongheartneteyam
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postmodernbeliever · 6 months
fox mulder nsfw alphabet (for female/feminine readers)
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an a-z of what's it's like to be loved by fox mulder in allllll the ways you wish you could be.
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i’ve never made one of these before so i followed another post’s example! a lot of this is chubby-girl friendly but also works for any body type. also, i got carried away so enjoy how long this is LOL. <3
my ao3 | word count: 3,537
content tags: smut smut smut SO MUCH SMUT, dom fox mulder, soft fox mulder, nsfw alphabet challenge, lots of kinks but i don't wanna spoil you gotta read it :), mentions of period/period blood, cross-posted on ao3
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a: aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
he is sweet. like, really sweet. he loves to be gentle, to tell you how pretty you are and how good you did for him, praising you up and down and giving you lots of slow, adoring kisses. he also tends to get a bit bashful, because even if he just fucked you senseless you still give him butterflies; so often he hides his face in the crook of your neck or lays on your stomach, and talks quietly, like he’s shy. all his guards are down, and he is wholly dependent and doting on you.
actionwise, he cleans you up and helps you into some clean pajamas, but he usually leaves you bottom-less because you tend to be sensitive and the feeling of fabric between your legs can be an overload on your senses. but he covers you however he can, and he combs through your hair, gets you water, helps you get comfortable in bed. he’s so gentle it’s straight-up dreamy. 
b: body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on himself, fox likes his hands. he knows they’re pretty big, considering he’s a bit tall, and he thinks they look strong, but he takes more pride in them also being soft. he has some callouses, but the pads of his fingers are smooth. and when he met you, you told him how nice they looked and felt, and that won him over.
on you, he can’t pick between your love handles/waist and thighs. he loves to squeeze where you have the most skin, and both of those places are where your body curves. he loves your softer edges, and because his hands are big, he can grab a lot more of you. he also loves how you react to him touching you in these places- you’re sensitive there, and you shiver when he drags his fingers across you or grips you hard. your reaction plays a big part in favoriting those spots. (bonus: he loves your hands too, because they’re smaller than his and caress his face softly… and scratch up his back. we'll get to that later.)
c: cum (anything to do with cum)  
you actually tease him about this a lot, because he gets really eager sometimes and can’t hold it in. he’s developed a routine where he takes his time with you and draws your pleasure out as long as he can because he knows the second he starts actually fucking you, he won’t last long; and he is so much more interested in letting you be the one who receives, he gets off on stringing you out. also, it takes you a while to cum, so his pleasure-driven role is that much more important to him, because he will not stop until you do. and he loves when you finally cum way more than when he does. he likes to taste you, and make you taste yourself when he kisses you with coated lips. 
d: dirty secret
the night of the first day he met you, he had an insanely vivid wet dream about you. even having been with you intimately plenty of times now, he gets nervous to bring it up, because when you’re not around, he still draws on that dream to get off to. it's kind of his guilty pleasure. in it, you drag him into his office at work and let him eat you out on his desk, all over his files and papers. you were in a pleated schoolgirl skirt, and you kept it on for him to tug at. one day he’ll tell you (probably) and buy you a skirt, just so he can have the real thing. 
e: experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
the majority of his experience comes from all the porn he’s watched. despite his drive, he was always the one to take it slow with past girlfriends, and either they didn’t stick around long enough to wait for him, or when he did sleep with them, he didn’t have enough practice to make it how they wanted it. but he paid attention to how girls like to be touched and fantasized about being good at those parts. when he met you, you were even more inexperienced than him, so everything he did was like heaven to you, and he only gets better each time. he feels lucky to have you to learn with because you’re patient and you love everything he does, so he doesn’t feel pressure. 
f: favorite position
fox is somewhat old-fashioned. he loves missionary because it’s simple, and he can kiss you more that way, and it’s easy to be gentle or rough depending on what you both want. he also likes standing missionary for the same reason, particularly for times when you want him to be rougher. but the freaky part of him likes these because he wants to watch you surrender, to see all of you beneath him, powerless, as he brings you to climax. he wants to see your eyes haze over, how you struggle to speak while he pins you down. that way, you’re all his.
fox also really loves cowgirl, because he can still see all of you that way, but when you’re feeling particularly eager he likes letting you do the work. you’re still submissive even on top, because he needs to guide your hips and tell you to keep moving. he likes cowgirl even more when you ride him while he’s upright, like against the headboard or in a chair, because you bury your face in his neck as you work, and he loves being so close to you. plus, it took you little to no time to figure out exactly how to ride him right. and because he cums so fast most of the time, you usually ride him through his overstimulation, which puts him out of commission for the night. he can get obsessive about how good that one feels. 
g: goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
he can be, because he’s naturally got a goofy streak. but unless you’re feeling giggly or playful, he just falls into that mode of being soft and dominant, talking dirty, and trying to fluster you. 
h: hair (how well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
he keeps it trim just for hygiene, but you expressed a lack of concern for that, especially since you don’t always keep yourself trim either. it can be tedious to always be clean-shaven (and he doesn’t mind if you’re a little hairy, just like you don’t care if he is.) but, he does not touch his chest hair, because you are vehement that he keeps it. 
i: intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
god, he is so intimate that it can leave you blushing for days after the fact. he does nothing but kiss and nip and lick, mouth and hands always on you; always whispering pretty things in your ears, dirty and gentle about how good you feel and smell and sound, about how pretty you look when he’s inside you. and innocent things, too. he tells you how pretty your tummy is, and your collarbones, every little part of your body gets admired. he tells you about how he loves your laugh and your smile, and how he's so lucky to have you all to himself. he takes every chance to make you feel cherished and important. he tells you how in love he is over and over like a mantra so that by the time he’s got you in the clouds, all you can think is he loves me, he loves me, he loves me… 
j: jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he jacks off fairly often, but only because he’s usually thinking of you. if you’re not around or he’s away on a case, he gets needy and takes matters into his own hands, because he can’t help his dirty mind. he’s done it everywhere- his office, the work bathroom, in just about every room in his house. and, though he’d probably never admit it to you, he likes to hold your clothes sometimes when he does, because the smell of your perfume drives him crazy. he always takes something of yours when he goes away, just in case.
k: kink (one or more of their kinks)
okay, he’s got a few, but mainly because they’re kinks based on how you act or what he wants for you. so we’ll start with the kinks surrounding your pleasure: 
obvious by now, praise. he loooves to praise. he’s crazy about you and how you make him feel, both emotionally and physically; he’s protective and loving, and he prizes you. he would make you cum just with words if he could. he adores pet names and anything he can call you, he will- princess, sweetheart, darling, honey, love, all of it. especially good girl, his personal favorite. he wants you to feel like the most special girl in the world because, to him, you are.
fox loves begging. he likes it for him, he likes to beg you for more, but he prefers when you beg. there’s something about watching you need him, and how your voice gets high-pitched and disgustingly lewd as you tell him what you want him to do. he loves being in control. 
daddy!subspace. there are times when fox gets a little too into it, and you fall into a subspace. he loves this, especially yours, because you mix his name up with daddy, and every freudian instinct in his brain fires like crazy. he loves when you call him daddy, because that opens the praise door nice and wide, and he loves helping you come down after, because you get so flushed and nervous and you’re simply adorable when you need help speaking and asking for what you want. 
now, fox’s personal kinks still have to do with you, but they're out of his own selfishness: 
belly bulges. it’s no surprise because he’s so possessive, but something inside him snaps than when he takes your hand and presses it against the pudge of your tummy, where you can feel his cock poking against your walls. he loves being just big enough to fill you, and he loves how you go cross-eyed every time he does this, too- it’s just as hot for you as it is for him. 
hands. he loves your hands and he wants them on him always, scratching him, marking his body with little red lines. they’re just small enough to make him feel big, and he loves your painted nails, too. he loves it when you pull on his shirt or his belt loops. he loves when you press them all over his face and chest because you don’t know what to do with them. he also loves to use his hands on you, to wrap softly around your neck and wrists, to pin your hips down, to push inside you; he has a penchant for sticking his thumbs in your mouth while he fucks you, too, because you always suck them like it’s your job. but there’s nothing like your hands on him. 
here’s the big one: your period. fox likes making you a pillow princess, but he’s a monster when it comes to your period. you were worried when he said he didn’t mind the blood, but that first time he ate you during your time of the month was otherworldly. he loves the extra sensitivity you have, because it takes little to nothing to get you screaming, and some dark part of him loves to smear your blood all across his mouth and his chin. he loves to kiss you with those lips, leaving bloody prints up your stomach and chest, all over your neck and mouth. he craves the mess, the taboo nature of it all, and he loves how it’s a way of gently defiling you; mixing your blood with his spit, with his cum, it makes you his and him yours. maybe there’s a screw loose on his part, but if cannibalism didn’t mean you’d die, he’d fucking eat you whole. he even likes the taste. like i said, obsessive- but it’s kind of hot, isn't it?
l: location (favorite places to do the do)
honestly, anywhere. just the fact that you want him is good enough. he’s gotten you off in restaurant bathrooms, and at family homes during holidays when you just needed him and couldn’t wait. but he is partial to his couch or his bed because he likes having you all to himself in his own space.
m: motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
acting stupid. he loves when you ask him to explain things to you, even if you understand on your own, because he likes teaching you; he also gets all hot and bothered when you pout or frown, or bat your eyelashes innocently, saying “can you start at the beginning?” or “can you go a little slower for me?”. because he knows you’re smart and the slight frustration of you acting like you’re not mixed with the need to pamper you gets him going like crazy.
saying his name. if you call him fox, or sometimes foxie, he’s just about ready to fall to his knees. nobody calls him fox, so to hear you say it isn’t just intimate and special, but it’s also so sexy. you say it so many ways, but when you want him, he’s never liked the sound of it more. 
his biggest motivation is your neediness. it seems that when you get going, you never want to stop. you want him to keep kissing, keep touching, keep licking, whatever it is you want more, and when you finish you want to start all over again because you get drunk on him- and that could keep fox going until he dies. he wants to give you everything you want, even if you never return the favor. he likes being yours to use. 
n: no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
fox does not like to degrade you, which might be odd for a guy who’s so controlling and protective, but it’s not in his nature. he loves you. he cherishes you. he couldn’t tell you you’re dirty, or you’re a slut, or any of the terms that might get other people off, because he doesn’t believe them. he thinks you’re perfect, an angel, so good, and he only wants to remind you of those. he wants you to feel loved. 
he also won’t hurt you. certain things he’ll do, like he’ll choke you or pin your wrists down, but he won’t be overly rough and he won’t leave bruises or make it hurt. you don’t fight back, so he doesn’t need to be anything other than assertive.
o: oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
he prefers giving 100%. he likes it when you give him head because he likes seeing your pretty eyes look up at him, but he cums too fast to enjoy you doing it- plus, he can’t hear your noises when your mouth is full. he’d much rather just fuck you if he’s going to receive any pleasure. and god, is he good at it. 
p: pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he’s slow until he gets inside you. typically he likes to take his time on you, but when he starts fucking you, it starts to feel so good and you sound so pretty that he loses a little control and starts being rough. that part usually takes the shortest amount of time but it feels fantastic because he goes fast. 
q: quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
if you two are going to have a quickie, it’s going to be because you’re extremely horny in a place where he can’t take his time, and he simply can’t resist relieving you. but he really likes to be alone with you and go slow, draw it out as long as he can, and take good care of you. he wants sex to be special, he doesn’t want you to ever feel like it’s just a means to an end. sex is about love for him, not just a way to get his fix.
r: risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
fox is willing to try anything, but you both are a bit vanilla, in that sense. you only need him to feel good, and he doesn’t want to restrain you from being able to move and moan and touch him. most of the experimenting is verbal- he likes to push how far he can tease, and how much he can say to get you there. the trend seems to be that the dirtier he talks, the more pleasure you feel, and he wants to max you out. 
s: stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
he’s gotten better at lasting, but he can’t draw it out too long. he has a hard time stopping himself. but he can go a few rounds without getting tired or spending it all because of how eager he is to keep touching you, which is nice. that’s why he spends his time on you, because you can last longer, and he doesn’t need much. 
t: toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
fox doesn’t have any toys. he is more than okay with you having them because if he’s not around, he can’t expect you to wait for him if you really need a release, and sometimes your hands aren’t enough. if he’s away on a case, sometimes he’ll call at night and talk you through it over the phone, so he at least has a little part in it. but he likes to be the one and only thing you can get it from when he’s with you, and so do you. 
u: unfair (how much they like to tease)
oh, he loves to tease. he loves to talk and talk and talk, so much that sometimes you have to ask him to shut up and go faster. he wants to see you completely flustered from just his words, and honestly, he can get you halfway there on conversation alone. he knows just what to say, and how to say it, and it can be torturous, but you love it. and physically he teases, too, because he favors stringing you out. it can feel unfair at times, but you like it too much to care.
v: volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
he has two sides. most of the time, he’s quiet, low, gruff; he grunts, he moans, sometimes growls if he’s really feeling possessive. but when he’s close, it turns into the most adorable whining. right in your ear, too. he pants and stammers, and easily gets overwhelmed. it’s not too high-pitched, but it’s needy and uncontrollable, and it sounds so, so pretty. 
w: wild card (random headcanon) 
fox never kisses and tells. he doesn’t have many friends, but if anybody tries to inquire into his sex life, he won’t say a word. he wants to keep it all to himself, and he refuses to let anyone know a thing about you or how you act when you’re intimate with him. he respects your privacy and he doesn’t want anyone else thinking about you in that way. he also knows he has something special with you- sex with you is really emotional and involved for him, and he doesn’t want to just air out his love to other people. 
x: x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)  
(oh myyy, am i blushing.) a bit thick, and give or take maybe six, six and a half inches hard- no, give. he’s big. it’s veiny, especially when he’s overstimulated. and it’s curved up a bit at the tip- which is a pretty shade of pink, by the way. cute, just like him.
y: yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
anytime, any place. he always wants you. he can keep it under control of course- he gets through every day just fine. but he’s always thinking about you, and even when it’s innocent, he yearns to be with you and make you feel good. his dick loves you almost as much as his heart does. 
z: zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
for a guy who can’t sleep, fox gets pretty tired after, but he can stay up way longer than you can. usually, you need some aftercare, and you fall asleep shortly after, and he likes to stay awake to watch you sleep because your blush lasts and your skin is still hot. he loves to admire you for a while when you’re not watching. he also gets hungry after, so he usually stays up to eat something, and then he’ll crawl back into bed and pull your sleepy body in close. 
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this actually put me through hell to write because i want him so bad it’s driving me insane. hope you enjoyed, you little freaks. gonna go think about that period kink now. 
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wosowrites · 1 year
Moose (Jessie Fleming x Reader)
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warnings: none
prompt: in which the reader and jessie play for chelsea and before they leave for the world cup reader makes jessie a crochet moose which becomes the team mascot for canada.
a/n: based off this request here also a super short fic because i’m still broken.
You were not at all a crafty person. Jessie had grown up with a craft room in her house and she liked to paint, draw, and do artsy things to calm herself down like her mother had taught her. When you started dating a year into her contract at Chelsea, her calmness had rubbed off on you. You had always been a stressed out person and moving in with Jessie had made you into a much more relaxed and happy human. You would go on bike rides, hikes, make crafts, paint the house every time you got bored of it and do everything together.
However the only thing you started doing on your own was crocheting. Jessie had tried it but was never big on it, so all the spare yarn in the house went to you. You loved it. You were horrific at it however. Everything turned into little colourful blobs and your creations were constantly either too loose or too messy. That’s why, when you walked into the house one day and pulled out a beautifully crocheted moose with a Canada jersey on, Jessie was baffled.
For the past three weeks, you would escape to a café every day and crochet for about an hour before going back to your girlfriend. Jessie was not a worried person and as madly in love as you both were with each other, spending a small amount of time away from each other every day just made you closer. Some days you would tell her you were grocery shopping, other days it was a meeting with your agent, a hang out with one of your German teammates.
But today, Moose was finally done.
You finished him a week and a half before the departure of the World Cup and you were in Canada with Jessie and her family. It would make it harder to travel all the way back to Germany and then to Australia but you didn’t care. All you wanted was to be girlfriends instead of rivals for as long as possible.
At the dinner table that night, you picked up your glass and straightened up.
"Um, I’m not big on words as you guys have seen by now but I wanna say a couple words," you said.
Jessie’s entire family put down their cutlery and looked up at you. "I’m terrified for this World Cup. Like… horrified. It’s been four years since I’ve played a major tournament so far from you, Jess. The olympics are in one city so we can visit but in Australia… we’re constantly going to be flying around. So… I made Moose," you said.
From under the table, you grabbed a bag and pulled out the knit animal. He had a red and white swear and big old antlers. Jessie’s mouth fell open and a large smile cracked her freckled face. "I’ve been making him for weeks, and he has like… five half knit siblings that went wrong if you want them," Jessie laughed loudly and extended her hand to take the crocheted animal. "Baby… it’s perfect oh my god," she said, smiling down at the animal. "Klara taught me how to make him. That’s why I was always out for an hour or so these past weeks," You said.
Jessie hugged the plushy to her chest and then put it beside her plate. The brunette stood up and walked to behind your chair, wrapping her arms around your neck and squeezing you.
Elysse took a quick picture as Jessie’s parents raved over your new talent.
Over the next couple weeks, Jessie was seen carrying Moose during press, in the bus, around the city, at training, everywhere. She always had Moose. And if she didn’t, she had entrusted Christine Sabrina, or anyone else on the clamer side to take care of the little mascot.
After Canadas 2-1 win over Ireland, Jessie was interviewed and eventually, the subject of Moose came up.
"Is that a moose?" the woman asked, looking down at the plushie tucked under Jessie’s arm. The camera followed the reporters eyes and then went back up to the Canadian. "Yeah it is," she laughed shyly, holding up the mascot. "Is there a story benne that? I mean it’s been showing up everywhere. "There is, yeah. My… uh my girlfriend made it for me. She’s at the world cup and her friend taught her how to make it for me. We won’t be seeing each other for a while depending on how the games go so she said she wanted me to have a piece of her. It’s cute, and I didn’t think she was this artsy so it caught me by surprise for sure," Jessie said, shyly and gently.
The reporter awed over Jessie’s story but the midfielders brain was just full of images of you. She missed you so much.
That night, she called you and the whole Canadian team joined the call behind the vice- captain, thanking you for the mascot.
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8thekat · 2 months
Seventh Soul OC - Ellipsis
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The people have asked and I have now delivered - Do Sans and Papyrus have a mom? Were they created by Gaster? Well here's your answer! It's a little bit of both! Have some more depressing story!
👇More under the cut 👇
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Meet Ellipsis, Seventh Soul's first OC! Her personality is very papyrus-esque. She's a warrior. Very outgoing and lovable. Sans gets most his looks from her while he gets his eyes and personality from Gaster, and Papyrus is the opposite. Papy has his mom's eyes and personality while more resembling Gaster's appearance.
Ellipsis is mute due to an injury she sustained at a young age that nearly took her life, but was saved by Gaster. She speaks mostly using sign language, meaning Gaster knows sign language too (the man who speaks in hands!!).
She had one dream - to become a mother, but knew that dream may not come to fruition with how bleak things were looking for monster kind. She had one final wish for her husband before going off to the battle that would be her last - to carry on her legacy and achieve her dream of making her a mother even if she wasn't there to see it happen anymore. She knew Gaster could do it because he was a genius scientist. Gaster preserved her DNA and eventually used it to create Sans and Papyrus ❤️
Whenever she speaks she just says "..." (ellipsis) and she can't use soul magic. In fact, she can barely do any magic at all! She relies mostly on her physical abilities, to which she's very skilled at! (We see where papyrus gets it from!) Her magic color is lime green, however (as you can see from her ecto body, her tongue is also lime green and her eyes can turn lime green).
Anyway, she was a lot of fun to make! I haven't made an OC in a hot minute and making one for Seventh Soul was even more fun! (Now i wanna draw a family portrait of the whole skelefam TvT)
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their-little-writer · 3 months
Hello! I would like to request some CG!Husk and Baby!Reader. I was thinking maybe Husk helping reader to slip before bed time and just generally comforting and taking care of reader! /nf
Have a good day/night!
(Ofc! Thank you so much for the request) ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧
⊹₊ ⋆ ʚ┊” hey there, little one”┊ ɞ ⊹₊ ⋆
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You and husk have been in a relationship for a while now and honestly, it's been going good. Like really good. He listens to your problems and knows how to comfort you, he remembers the small little details about you such as things you like or why you love the smell of rain, and most important of all he is your caregiver. Not only is he your caregiver but he is also a good one at that. He is always supportive of your regression and tries to encourage you to regress more often. 
Lately, however, you two have been busy with the hotel. Husk has been behind the counter, and making sure that everything is in order, and you have been helping the guest and giving lessons on how to help get redeemed.  
This had taken a toll on your stress to where you were feeling so exhausted and just overwhelmed in general, and husk being the good boyfriend/caregiver that he was started to pick up on that and decided to help you out.  
Once the day had calmed down you and husk were in the kitchen finishing up the dishes. You were washing them, and he was drying them off and putting them away. Honestly, while doing this wasn't fun, it was nice to finally have a quiet moment with your partner.  
“Hey sweetheart” husk said in the same soft tone he always had this time of night. You looked over at him as you handed him the final glass “yea?”  
“Why don't we relax tonight, i know that you have been working hard and you deserve to have a break,” Husk said as he put the glass in a cabinet with the others. You gave him a soft smile as he looked at you “I believe having a little tiny time would be good, what do you think kiddo?”.  Once he said that a smile lit up on your face with a look of pure happiness in your eyes as you gave a small nod “yes please”  
Husk smiled as he walked over to you “ok baby lets go get you all tiny” he said as he gently picked you up as he walked and carried you to the bathroom. He started to draw you a bath after he had sat you down on the counter. He grabbed one of your favorite bubble soaps and started to put it in the bath as he also grabbed your little basket of bath toys and put it beside the tub.  
Husk smiled softly as you had a smile on your face and gently kicking your legs which was one of the signs that you were starting to regress. He walked over to you and helped you get your clothes off as he then carried you to the warm bath water and gently placed you in there “there you go sweetheart... Nice and warm” he said.  
He smiled softly as got the toys from the basket and gently put them in the tub for you, smiling softly as he saw you starting to play with them. As you played with the toys he grabbed the soaps and started to gently wash your hair, using his claws to gently massage your head in the process. 
Once he was done washing your hair he saw how relaxed you were and how your movements started to gently go slower. “Hey there little one... you doin alright?” he asked softly, but all he got in response was a soft babble. He realized you had slipped into your baby headspace and looked at you in awe “Well well well look at who we have here.. Is it.. Papas baby?” he cooed to you. You gave a soft laugh and babble in response as you nodded softly; Husk smiled as he finished giving you a bath and went and gently grabbed a towel and wrapped it around you as he then carried you to your room.  
Husk walked over to your closet and grabbed two outfits and walked over to you “Ok little one do you wanna wear your star onesie or your dino footie onesie” he said as he showed you the options. You thought about it for a minute as you pointed to the dino footie onesie, he smiled and nodded as he grabbed you a diaper and gently prepped it for you as he helped put it on as he also helped put you in the onesie.  
He smiled softly as he went and grabbed you paci and gently put it in your mouth. “There you go little one.. All ready for bed..do you want a bottle?” he asked softly as he gently held you in his arms. You cooed softly as he smiled and nodded “You got it sweetheart” he said as he went and started to make you a bottle; rocking you gently.  
Once the bottle was made he went and fed you the bottle as he gently rocked you while humming a soft song. When he saw your eyes close he put the bottle down and gently put your paci in your mouth as he put you in your crib. He turned the mobile on as he grabbed your blanky as he gently put it over you. “Good night little one.. Papa loves you..”
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amerricanartwork · 9 months
True Love Conquers All (Lilypad Essay cont.)
Ever since I realized the fairytale parallel was one of the main reasons I ship Lilypad, I've wanted to draw this, so here it is! Sig and Moon as Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora!
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Actually, though, besides the drawing I'm also making this because I wanted to expand on that point from my Lilypad essay; there's still more I wanna gush about regarding the fairytale parallel!
I was too nervous to say it before, because it's derived largely from my personal tastes. However, I really wanna just write about my opinions on it now. Much of it's actually the feelings I've had about several ships before in various other fandoms, yet I've never really had the courage to express these feelings openly because I have yet to find even one person in any of these fandoms who feels the same way. However, I started thinking about it again, and I think it's about time I get it out somehow, at the very least to express these feelings in some tangible way so they don't stay bottled up forever. And maybe, just maybe, to find someone who likes these themes as much as I do!
Again, it's definitely very personal, so I don't mind if you completely disagree with all of it. But with that being said, if you want to read an additional 1,846 words on Lilypad fantasies, it's just below the cut!
To elaborate on why I love ships with fairytale parallels so much, it has to do with the poetic feeling stories like Sleeping Beauty seem to carry. I must preface that I don’t know the original fairytale, I’m pretty much entirely going off the 1959 animated Disney film, but even so I still love various themes within it and how they can be applied to other stories. Sleeping Beauty isn’t the only old Disney movie where I interpret these themes, or even the only animated story in general where these themes can be interpreted, but I think it’s overall the most similar to Lilypad specifically because of the whole “fair maiden dies and gets revived by the prince’s love” dynamic.
Something I’ve come to realize, especially upon developing a love for Rain World specifically, is that I adore stories about accepting one’s own nature and learning how to have it coexist with your personal goals rather than conflict with it. Sleeping Beauty has this not only through the eternal bond between Aurora and Phillip (I mean, “Once Upon a Dream” literally seems to be about how the singer will always love the person they fell for even if their love seemed too good to be true), but in the whole curse put on Aurora and the “true love conquers all” message. The conflict is all about how to ensure Aurora’s safety despite the impending doom of Maleficent’s curse on her, which is made more intense by how the curse can’t really be stopped, only lessened in severity. However, the inevitability of true love’s triumph over all obstacles, and really the inevitability of nature as a whole, is just so beautiful to me because it’s something so universal. As much as we may try to hide it, we humans are still animals, and still a part of nature as much as any other animal is, so the idea that forces as powerful and omnipresent as natural phenomenon could just as easily be on your side and working to help you reach your goals instead of trying to hurt you and keep you from them is very comforting specifically because of how powerful and inevitable these forces are. I mean, if forces like those can pose a seemingly impossible challenge when they seem to oppose your goals, what if they could also supply seemingly invincible support if you learned to work with them? Hence, why true love conquers all. It’s basically, “I can’t stop this thing, but maybe I don’t actually need to”. And the fact that both this and the next theme I’ll write about are present in stories which are, by this point, quite old, and can even be interpreted in newer and more recent stories just helps to further support their eternal, everlasting power by adding a sense of real-life timelessness to it all that I just find so beautiful!
Part of my love for stories like this actually comes from a specific natural force I freaking love and have been craving more of ever since I rewatched the old Disney movies and really begun to appreciate the poetic themes of them, and that force is the classic attraction between men and women. I’m not gonna get super into it now because I imagine I’ll have other chances to talk about this (again, Lilypad is far from the first ship I’ve derived this theme from, and I doubt it will be the last), but I’ll provide an intro of sorts to it here. If you’ve seen my full Lilypad essay you already know I’m a BIG fan of “inverses attract” ships, where the characters display opposite sides of the same base trait, conflict, or subject, and when they come together they help balance each other out in ways no one else can by offering each other the benefits unique to the other side of that subject. Well, simply put, if you ask me, what better example of this “inverses attract” dynamic exists in real life than the natural inverses of male and female, where the strong protectiveness and creative nurturing combine to literally create a family, from which all people come? The presence of the inverses attract dynamic is always nice to see in ships regardless of gender, but whether or not it occurs in this way specifically — that being whether or not it showcases the inverse characteristics of men and women and the positive potential when those forces combine as a team — is another major factor that, throughout my fandom experience so far, has determined which pairings I actively ship rather than just mildly smile at from time to time. (And on a side note, now that I have much more skill in art and feel more confident about my art, I figured it’s about time I start acting on that love more openly!)
So what in the WORLD does this all have to do with Lilypad?
Well, even disregarding how this very idea will basically be the major theme of my personal worm-off-the-string AU (I may elaborate on that more later because it’s just SO perfect for these particular characters and can even be interpreted in the base game to some degree), I think Lilypad, at least as I choose to imagine it, is the Rain World ship that best embodies this idea — that nature and instincts can actually help you once you simply stop fighting and accept them — more than any other in the fandom for a variety of reasons.
I’m actually going to start with how Looks to the Moon and No Significant Harassment, as strange as this may sound given who and what these characters are, actually do still display that feminine and masculine energy I love at least when I picture them, especially with Sig being confirmed as a “he” according to the wiki. It’s clear to me that Moon is very feminine (I mean, c’mon, her design in the CGs, how the moon is often associated with femininity and feminine things in real life, how she tries, even after her collapse, to connect with Five Pebbles and nurture their relationship in a very caring way, etc.), but I wanna elaborate on how part of the reason I love Sig as a character and the slag reset keys as a plot point so much is because it perfectly demonstrates that masculine protectiveness that happens in stories like Sleeping Beauty, where a man faces great trials all to rescue the fair maiden. Again, it may not have happened literally because Hunter had to deliver the slag keys, but the sentiment is the same if you ask me! And it’s always so nice to see because, again, he literally brought her back to life! How could it NOT be a sign of deep love and devotion that someone would go through so much trouble just to make sure you’re okay? 
It’s also great because I imagine the local group would have a tendency to not always take Sig seriously because he’s so careless about their purpose, so I’m sure the slag key stunt would also warrant a lot more respect for him from the other iterators. This is another thing I love seeing — both when the character everyone else overlooks finally uses their full power and their peers have to re-evaluate their impression of them, but specifically when men feel inspired to use their full power and skills to help the women they love! I love it because it demonstrates just how powerful and valuable femininity can be, shedding light on a more subtle kind of power, that being power through influence and aura rather than raw strength and stubbornness. Heck, I like to imagine wanting to protect Looks to the Moon and make sure she lasts as long as possible is a major reason why, in my AU, their physical interactions are when Sig and Moon finally begin to act on their love despite it having existed almost since Sig came online. Moon’s collapse would’ve shown both of them directly that she won’t be around forever, and if you ask Sig, someone as beautiful, kind, intelligent, noble, and all-around beloved as Looks to the Moon deserves to at least enjoy her life a little more before she fades (again), even if all the iterators falling apart is inevitable. But, coming back to what I said about nature, the inevitability of the eventual end is what makes the time they have left all the more precious!
And that’s the next part of Sleeping Beauty and fairytale-esque stories I see in Lilypad — there’s also the inevitability of this dynamic, which hits hard with Rain World iterators specifically because their whole purpose is fundamentally opposed to natural phenomena. Solving the Great Problem is, as far as I know, all about trying to escape the natural cycle of life, death, and reincarnation, and likely about escaping all natural cycles as a whole. And the iterators exist specifically to facilitate this rejection on a massive scale. So think about how poetic it would be that even they, seemingly so far detached, so far above these things, STILL fall in love and embrace these forces despite every attempt by the Ancients to prevent them from doing so! It’s made better by the fact that the iterators are machines and, even though they’re very much biomechanical ones (a big example of natural phenomena still manifesting in them despite their attempts to separate from it), one can argue they’re therefore somewhat detached from nature inherently, especially that bond between masculinity and femininity I discussed. So again, the fact it still finds a way to show up in them despite seemingly having much less reason to exist and the iterators themselves likely having much less desire to possess it just re-emphasizes how eternal it is. But once again, are they (and by extent, we the audience) sure that’s such a bad thing? 
Lilypad in an ideal scenario, to me, is of all the Rain World ships the strongest embodiment of “true love conquers all, and that’s not a bad thing after all!”
And it makes me more eager to develop my worm-off-the-string AU because I imagine that’s where their relationship really gets to flourish. Moon and Sig can finally enjoy that physical aspect of romance, and Moon in particular would, by that point, more confidently join him in rejecting the Ancients’ ascensionist philosophy. Not to mention how cute it would be to see them drawing parallels between their relationship and the love the Ancients used to feel for one another long ago, once again supporting true love as a truly timeless phenomenon. And it would branch off to not just embracing their romance that existed for so long but could never fully go anywhere, but learning to enjoy and partake in all the aspects of the world that were denied to them and that they were told to deny for who knows how long! And when it comes to not just for Sig and Moon, but the local group as a whole, what could be more poetic than that?
Man, a HUGE thank you to anyone who made it to the bottom of all this! To know that anyone bothered to at least consider what I have to say in this fandom is always nice, but with this in particular I greatly appreciate anyone who read it all! And again, PLEASE let me know if you agree with any of this, especially the parts about masculine-feminine teamwork. I'd love to know even one other person in one of my fandoms who's into that as well, and maybe even hear possible additions to it!
Regardless, I've gone on about this for so many words already. I hope you enjoyed the ideas, or at least the art! Thanks again for reading!
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eluxcastar · 1 year
First off, the new blog is so ✨️aesthetic✨️ I wanna eat it.
Second (since you're requests are still open)
Hear me out- Fatui Harbingers with a "tsundere" s.o
Or just Arlecchino,sandrone, and Childe with a "tsundere" s.o if that's easier!
Harbingers with a tsundere s/o
── ୨୧:harbingers x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: me and my wavering ability to speak properly going off my head again about reader's absolute tomfoolery
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, probably not actually tsundere reader atp, reader could be touch-starved
୨୧﹑words :: 1k
firstly thank you dear anon I'm still in love with this theme it just hits
ok so maybe this isn't totally tsundere reader (mostly because I find the trope insufferable I'm sorry) but it is kind of tsundere. it's the less explicitly rude type just swimming in egypt and unable to communicate
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Let's go lowest to highest again and start with our favourite ginger Harbinger, Tartare Sauce. Tartaglia would find your antics entertaining, aware of your feelings as he always is but unwilling to give you the easy way out, provoking you, if anything, with little gestures and notes of affection to get your heart racing. Tartaglia treats it like a habit that you don't like to let him know how much you like his touch, though Tartaglia knows you treasure him. You just don't like it when he interrupts your work. That's when he gets a real earful.
Arlecchino thinks of your demeanour as an endearing trait, choosing to smile and go along with it, though both of you know that she knows the truth. Arlecchino will listen to your objections and laugh a little before making a knowing remark like, "Right, I forgot, you have no interest in kisses from me." just to watch you squirm and try to hint at her that you would like some after all. Still, you just can't bring yourself to say it without work, all to earn a kiss on the cheek as your precious reward.
Pantalone is liberal with his love for you despite your denial as he revels in every break of your facade. You are a challenge that he enjoys every encounter with, even when your rejection turns to wrath. It is a special moment of will he or won’t he does when Pantalone is faced with the idea of you tackling him to the couch in a fit over him interrupting your work. Pantalone does not mind if you get feisty and start to fight more than usual, became he laughs it off and carries on to melt that icy heart of yours with a little more warmth.
More than anything, La Signora thinks you are adorable like this. She will let you run around like a mouse chasing a block of cheese, then throw her love in here and there to see you become flustered. You like to deny that you want things from her until she does it, and then, suddenly, you don’t want her to stop. Signora thinks your displays of pouty resistance are endearing and doesn't like to leave you quiet—if you're not mad at her, she wasn't enough. However, she does wish that you are satisfied and often manages to talk you into giving some back.
As for Sandrone, she is a similar case. She doesn't want to admit she secretly wants to cuddle you every night, she just does it, and you better not dare draw attention to it, or you won't receive cuddles for the rest of the night. You have to be a little braver and work your way up to it because hell will freeze over before Sandrone becomes eager to budge. She takes your idea of a request surprisingly well, pushing it to start asking where your nighttime cuddles went, mostly because she stole your habit and asks what happened to her kisses when you’ve been slacking for too long.
Someone like Scaramouche wouldn't just give you what you want if you're going to behave like you won't. You have to work for it, and he won't be taking pity on you until you do. Scara would be willing to deprive you of everything because, secretly, he's a little bit more like you than he'd like to admit, though he's just mean. Scaradouche will have more patience for you as his lover but certainly not pity. He enjoys watching you think about it and consider your options, seeing the deliberation in your head, because he knows you want to, and that gratifies him.
Capitano's whipped nature on your side fr. You say leap he asks how high, so when you make a point to very subtly imply that you would like cuddles, you will be receiving them. You will end up smothered in that big coat of his where it's cozy and warm because he doesn't want you to get cold, even if you want that in public where he will gladly take it entirely off to wrap around you with a kiss on your forehead. It'll get you grumbling, but at least you'll not freeze to death doing it and probably be found wrapped up fast asleep in it later.
Columbina treats it like a funny little voice nagging at her and hardly pays attention to your attitude when she's smothering you. She does not give a shit. She'll find a way to shut you up about it quickly because Columbina knows damn well that you want to be doted on and just don't know how to admit it. She only asks to tease you and watch you get all flustered about it.
Next up, we’ve got Dottore, and by god, guess what, bb? You get to suffer because if you can’t articulate what you want, you’re not gonna get it. He will leave you to wallow in your own inability to admit the things you want from him because he likes it when you get to the point that you realise you have no choice but to initiate things and hope for the best. It depends entirely on his mood whether he draws attention to it or not because one of those means that he’s busy, and the other acknowledges that he can be a bit too cruel with how far he lets it go.
Pierro has absolutely no time for your shit. He may have all the time in the world rn, but he's old and fossilising and not a chance does he want to spend it on the intricacies of your emotional complexes. Sorry, but he’s damn well busy. Pierro doesn’t have time to pick apart whether you do or do not want to be kissed goodbye every morning or pampered for a bit when he gets home. Once you start mumbling out one response, it stays until you switch up and start asking where your goodbye kiss went because until then, you’ll be getting no more than a forehead kiss in your sleep before he leaves that you’re not fully conscious for just so you know he hasn’t forgotten you, maybe even helps you to sleep in a little better.
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rorywritesjunk · 1 month
(Day 19. "Is this for me?" SunnyxBuggy with some ThistlexMarco. This AU I gave Sunny an injury to her hand which ended her apprenticeship early and had her joining Buggy sooner.)
"So, what are you getting him for his birthday?" Thistle asked as she and Sunny watched Buggy carry around little Rayleigh. The little girl decided Uncle Buggy was the absolute greatest person and refused to be held by anyone else currently. The little visit the four of them arranged was nice: head to an island that would be neutral territory for both crews. Buggy still took some issue with his sister being part of and married to a member of Whitebeard's crew but he stopped complaining about it when he was given the baby to hold.
"I ask and he either says he just wants all the treasure..." Sunny began to say before glancing over at Thistle. "Or... He gets very lovey and says that I'm his greatest treasure so... I don't know yet."
"He's such a romantic nowadays, isn't he?" Thistle hummed as she watched her brother with her daughter, how he kept lifting her up to show her some trees, point out birds, little things like that. All Rayleigh wanted to do was grab his nose. "He's grown up so much."
"I really want to get him something special." Sunny sighed as Buggy tried to keep his head away from his niece. She kept reaching for his face. "I just don't know what."
"The only thing I remember him loving more than treasure was some pancake whale stuffy I stole for him when we were first taken in by Roger and Rayleigh." Thistle told her as Buggy finally caved and let the baby grab him. "He chucked it over the side of the ship when he turned 10 after some asshole said he was too old for that sorta thing."
"What?! That's so mean!"
"Eh, not everyone was always nice." Thistle shrugged. "I stole all of that guy's shoelaces after that, however. I didn't like what he said to Buggy."
"Why shoelaces?" Sunny asked.
"So he had to walk everywhere barefoot." Thistle told her. "And sometimes there were sharp rocks and broken glass."
"... Huh, okay."
"Anyway, you'll think of something. I wouldn't worry too much."
Sunny nodded, a look of concentration on her face as she watched her husband. How could someone say that to a child? She looked back at Thistle.
"Could you draw it for me?"
Sunny's birthday came first. Buggy gifted her with pretty fabrics his crew looted from a merchant ship, along with some nice kitchenware. He offered to give her the jewels he found, but it wasn't necessarily her idea of treasure so she let him keep it. He made her dinner, got drunk, told her all night how much he loved her, then crashed on the bed at midnight.
She made sure he was comfortable before she went to clean the kitchen as she thought about what to do for his birthday. She had a small idea but wasn't sure how she'd accomplish it.
Buggy's birthday came faster than she expected but she was ready. She cooked him a tasty dinner and gave him his gifts. Three new cravats she found at a shop, two new bandanas (one cut from the same fabric of a dress she managed to make from his gift to her, the stitching was a little rough in places but Buggy said nothing as he tied it around his hair), and the final gift she almost hesitated to give him. What if he thought it was weird? Would he get mad at Thistle for telling Sunny about it? She didn't want the siblings upset with each other, they only just reconnected after all those years apart.
She hesitated on the last gift, keeping it behind her back while Buggy finished fixing his hair under his new bandana. He spotted the polka dotted wrapping paper and looked up at his wife.
"Is this for me?" He asked, pointing with one hand while the other snuck around to grab it. Sunny tried to take it back from him but he kept it out of her reach. "Ohhh, what didja get me, babe? Hm? What's got you so shy?"
"Oh, maybe sexy lingerie you wanna wear for me?" He grinned at her as he brought the gift back to himself. "Feels... A bit bulkier."
"It's not lingerie, honey." She told him. "But... I don't want you to get upset."
Buggy frowned at his wife before looking back at the parcel in his hands. Glancing back at her, he carefully unwrapped it, wondering what she was going to give him. Divorce papers, maybe? No, she loved him. She told him this morning in bed when she was in his lap, her hands touching him as he held her close, grateful for her to be in his life.
The paper fell to the ground and he held up a mishaped flat whale. The fabric was a dark blue with light blue polka dots. The stuffing was uneven in places and the eyes were stitched on lopsided. Buggy swallowed heavily and looked up at her.
"Thistle told me about this. I... I thought maybe you'd like it." She laughed nervously as she reached for it. He hated it, didn't he? Not only did she likely stir up sad memories from his childhood, the thing looked ridiculous. She struggled to do some of the most simple tasks now that nothing came out right. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
He set it down before standing up. Sunny stood her ground, wondering how he would react, but he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close as he let his cheek rest against the top of her head.
"Buggy?" She wrapped her arms around him and looked up at him. "Honey? Are you okay?"
He pulled back and cleared his throat, wiping at his eyes. "It's perfect, babe. Don't stress, okay? It's-uh, it's a one of a kind thing, y'know? And *I* have the only one!"
"You like it then?" She asked. "I-I went off a drawing your sister did for me. She told me what happened and I felt so bad for you and-and I wanted you to have a good birthday since this is the first one since we got married and-"
Buggy silenced her with a kiss. He didn't want her to doubt the appreciation he had for the gift. He knew she worked hard on it, knew it would have been difficult for her to cut out the pattern, sew everything together, and wrap it. Her hand injury made things difficult for her and the fact she took the time to make it for him told him how much she really loved him.
When he pulled back from the kiss, her eyes were wide and shiny with tears but she was smiling at him.
"I'm glad you like it, Buggy."
"Yea, well, I'll like anything you give me, babe." He grinned as he leaned down to cover her face with kisses. She let out a surprise yelp, trying to wriggle away from him but not making much of an effort. He let one hand venture over to the table, wanting to touch the gift once more.
He couldn't believe she made that just for him.
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googleitlol · 1 year
Now I wanna share more so here’s another blurb from my jttw x reader, thinking of calling it Little Dove but that’s just a placeholder rn
I’ve never rlly written a dynamic that begins so… aggressively before, so it’s been rlly fun writing the beginning bits where Reader straight up despises Sun Wukong. I’ll probably do another post for this fic explaining why Reader (or Dove) hates him so much, so if anyone wants to know more, lmk!
(This takes place just after SWK has been freed)
Dove Masterlist:
This river would be perfect for finding the right materials. Once you can see a suitable clump of reeds by the river, you turn back to begin your harvest. Alone at last, you're finally able to feel a semblance of peace. The moon reflecting over the great body of water, a soft breeze carrying through the air, tonight might prove to be the first calm night in weeks of travel.
The family that let you and your traveling companions stay the night truly seem to be kind people, they were quite considerate when realizing your group are strictly vegetarian. It also felt amazing when you were able to properly bathe yourself again. Not that you aren't used to spending days in the wilderness, but it was certainly a welcome change of pace to have proper shelter for the night.
You start snapping the reeds out of the ground, checking the first one to see if it was the right width for an arrow before continuing your harvest. You carried no extra arrowheads, but you were certain you could worry about that later. For now, these reeds would work as good arrow shafts.
Normally, you would collect your own arrows after a fight. But that just wasn't possible in the midst of the chaos of that demon attack. There were too many of them to kill them all, and with Tripitaka's horse taking off with the monk, all you could do was leave the arrows behind. Luckily, you still have a few left over, but it isn't enough.
After taking a sizeable amount of reeds, you follow the river downstream for some time. It didn't take long for you to find a rock large enough to sit on while you work. Setting the reeds by your feet, you take out your bow to help measure how long to make the arrows. Taking a seat, you take one of the reeds in your hold, drawing the soon-to-be-shaft and taking mental note of the length.
"Do you ever sleep?"
The voice from behind makes you jump out of your skin, though the following snicker quickly helps to ground you.
Turning back, you see Sun Wukong leaning against one of the trees lining the shore of the river. "I mean, you've made it very clear that you're mortal. Rest is important for those of you that can die, right?" One might think his words came from actual concern if not for the smirk on his face stretching from ear to ear. "I wouldn't know, seeing as I'm immortal. But you knew that already, didn't you?"
He has no idea how infuriating he is.
You swiftly turn back to face the river after seeing who's with you. "Done showing off your new garments to your master?"
"Can’t I accompany you? You’re not the only one who can become a bird." His reply was casual, as though he didn't sense your blatant hostility. You know he does, but he acts oblivious to it. Maybe that's the point, a method to aggravate you further. So much for that peaceful alone time.
Now with more annoyance than before, you begin snapping the reeds to the length needed. Silence falls over the two of you as you work, which you might almost be grateful for… if not for the monkey's overbearing presence that had moved to be just over your shoulder.
Taking out your knife, you begin notching the arrows shafts, doing your best to ignore the occasional brush of a tail over your arm. It was easy at first to call them accidental little grazes as his tail never seemed to stop swaying. However, it was starting to grow harder when it kept happening. Tapping your nose was the final straw.
"Can I help you?!" Your head swivels back to face the monkey, the same shit-eating grin resting on his face.
Despite the clear aggression in your tone, a laugh is his first response. "What are you doing?"
The question makes you roll your eyes. His tone is condescending, his smile doing nothing to hide the mock in his voice. "I need arrows, what does it look like I'm doing?" Part of you can’t help but wonder, would his teeth get replaced if you knocked them out? If he's immortal, would they come back or would he remain teeth-less? One could only wish for the latter.
The Monkey King strolls over to face you now, his hands behind his back. "Oh, I know. What I meant to say is, why? Didn’t you hear what I told Master? Don’t you know how powerful I am?” He gestures to himself, getting much too close as he continues to blabber. “You don’t have to worry your pretty little head anymore. Just curse me out from the safety of Master’s shoulder. Your insults will keep me entertained.”
“You pompous—!” You stop yourself before you can go any further, the iron grip on you knife tightening as it points towards the ape. The smug look on his face tells you all you need to know. He wants you to get riled up, like he said. He has to be bored out of his mind, being ‘converted’ and forced to help Tripitaka. So instead of plundering villages or whatever it is that he did before his punishment under the mountain, he’s playing with you.
Closing you eyes, you let out a deep sigh. If that’s how he wants to play it, then so be it. “Why are you here, Sun Wukong?” You ask, your expression returning to its neutral state from before.
The demon raises a playful brow, finally stepping back to allow for some of your personal space back as he hummed in faux thought. “Master seems to like you— I don’t really see why— but when you left, I thought what a shame it’d be if you were snatched or eaten in the middle of the night.” He shrugs absentmindedly before his eyes narrow. “Then again, who knows? It might be fun to watch.”
You let out a dry chuckle at that, inspecting your handiwork as he turns to look out over the water. “Trust me, simian, I am plenty capable of caring for myself.”
“Is that how you ended up under me that day in the Jade Palace?” He snickers, and it takes everything not to snap at the comment.
“You mean how I distracted you long enough for the thunder deities to arrive, and eventually the Buddha himself?” Collecting your arrow shafts, you rise to your feet. “It was never my goal to beat you. I’ve been taught to know the difference between fights I can and cannot win. Your power is the only reason I can stomach you being here.”
Laughter ripples from his chest, the monkey turning to approach you once more. “Aww, what a good little student you are. Is that why you’re so uptight all the time? You’re a teacher’s pet?” Despite his demeanour and mocking tone, you stand tall as he circles to your other side, his back now facing the woods that line the river.
With an uncaring expression, you study the monkey’s face. Brow raised cockily, smile accompanied with teeth that are bared. His body language, arms crossed and posture tall. “You may be immortal, Sun Wukong, but everything is temporary.”
He lets out another huff of amusement. “Is that a threat, Dove?”
“A lesson I’ve been taught again and again.” You raise your brows with an uncaring smile. “You might have eternal life, monkey, but you won’t last on this journey.” You lean closer, voice just a whisper. “So I’ll be there to watch the moment you mess up.”
With a little hmmph, you move past the Monkey King. “And I’ll enjoy it.”
With your final words, you take your materials to work elsewhere, leaving the Monkey King by the water to digest your words. He turns to watch you stalk off into the woods, frowning with a smile. One could only know it was forced if they noticed the twitch at the corner of his mouth.
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I saw this post from @thestrangestthing89 and I was gonna reblog and add my thoughts but then I kinda got carried away and it felt like too much idk so I'm just doing this
A little ramble about when I think byler will get together
Realistically I see them getting together around mid-season. Like Mike and El are essentially done. I think an official breakup scene is very important for both of them, and I think it'll happen pretty early in the season. The love triangle aspect of it all is essentially over. That's what the last shot of the season showed us. El walks past Mike, stepping out of the triangle formation, and she stands alone. Mike chooses to stay with Will. Mike has made his decision. El has made her decision. And we all know where Will's heart is.
It wouldn't make sense to draw the love triangle out any longer than it already has been. El and Mike aren't gonna have time to pretend to love each other. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, El's #1 priority is gonna be Max, and Mike's #1 priority is gonna be Will.
So with the love triangle aspect resolved, there is literally nothing standing between Mike and Will but themselves. And they've been dancing around each other for way too long now. It would not make any sense to keep that going until the end.
They've already agreed to be a team, and they reaffirmed that in the last episode, and "team" is basically stranger things code word for "couple". They crossed the line between friendship and romance a long time ago. I don't think they're gonna ignore it for much longer.
Even though they're not officially together, I can guarantee the boyfriendism is gonna be off the charts from start to finish.
Just like Lucas and Max in s4. They were officially broken up, but I honestly forgot while watching the season because they weren't acting like they were broken up. The love was so present and clear. It didn't matter that they technicaly weren't a couple. That's something I've noticed with ST couples. Relationship status doesn't really mean anything. It's really about the feeling you get from each pairing.
Steve and Nancy were officially a couple, they did not feel like a couple
Mike and El are officially a couple (not for long), they do not feel like a couple (never have felt like one)
Joyce and Bob were officially a couple, but something about it just didn't feel right
Joyce arnd Hopper are only recently an official couple, yet they've felt like a couple since s2, and even at some points in s1.
Jonathan and Nancy weren't a couple until s2e6, but they started to feel like a couple after Nancy went to the UD for like five minutes in s1. (I don't remember what episode that was)
With Lucas and Max, it's what I said earlier. They were officially broken up in s4, yet they still felt like a couple to the audience.
And finally, our beloveds, Mike and Will. Yeah, they aren't officially a couple, but they basically renewed their vows in Dear Billy and they had some of the most beautiful romantic moments in the entire show. So they feel like a couple even though they technicaly aren't one. And that's not gonna change in s5, it's only going to be more obvious until they can't ignore it anymore. And I think they're gonna reach that point pretty quickly, because they're basically already there.
I do think a lot of people choose to believe they won't be official until the end because they don't wanna be disappointed. And that's totally valid. Anyone can temper their expectations however much they deem necessary. But I really do think that everything is pointing to them getting together mid-season but acting like a couple even before that. It's something we've seen before.
This has just been a ramble. I just have a lot of thoughts about it.
In conclusion, I think that the prediction of them getting together at the end is very pessimistic, but I also completely understand that pessimism. I choose to be a bit more optimistic about it, but I also think that the progression of this storyline so far supports my optimism. But who knows? Maybe I'm setting myself up for disappointment. We'll just have to wait and see.
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2x4plank · 1 year
I'm absolutely going out of order going over these episodes but if I don't talk about Season 2 it will kill me.
⚠️This post is very long. It's a commitment to read, so be ready to scroll if you wanna!⚠️
We start with Omid getting shot. I feel like how it played out was pretty realistic. His quiet sneak-in--it made sense. I don't know if I entirely feel bad for Michelle, but I don't feel good about her getting shot neither. And then Christa dies off screen. Maybe not the choice I would've made, but I'ma let it slide--if only because Clementine was trying to be outta there! I love Clementine's lil backpack. I wish she kept it.
I honestly don't dislike Clementine as a protagonist. In fact, I like spending a lot of time with her and letting her have more autonomy in the story. However...it does bring its own set of problems.
The theme of this story seems to be dangerous incompetence--which is a personal pet peeve. There is so much reliance on Clementine and this burden of accountability the adults around her make her take. Like, it was good of Luke and Pete to carry her back. I liked Pete (and then he died real soon after). But then they fumble on locking her in a shed. To die of either illness or the walkers that surround her. And Nick almost shoots her too! It was cool of him to draw the walkers toward him, but like...you're very trigger happy buddy. I never really warmed up to Nick before we turned his head into a salami log. He was on a streak of poor decisions (see: Matthew's murder).
Leaving Clementine to do her own sutures in the cold and rain instead of just having Carlos at the very least fix up the obvious animal bite is really stupid of them. I felt like I was CPS reviewing a case while playing this game, and I'm not even a decade older than Clementine here. So to find out that these adults (with Luke, apparently one of the younger members at 26-27) were okay with leaving her there? That makes me mad! She shouldn't have had to do that.
Then we have Sarah, the tall dork kid, who is willing to help you out because she has more than an ounce of good sense and understands that this is unfair. But then they do her real dirty! She is abused and dies a horrible painful death after being riddled with anxiety and watching her dad get devoured. And then everybody just...forgets about it! Not even a forlorn look at her pair of glasses or whatever remains of her. Wow! That is awful! I completely disagree with those choices. Sarah absolutely deserved better. I mean, I don't really care about Carlos, but Sarah deserved better. Forget Arvo! We need more cute fanart of her.
Then there's Carver. Pretty good and believable antagonist. He has a doctrine that is unfairly and irregularly enforced. Less a ruleset and more of whatever he feels like at the time--which is mostly anger. He does some recon before striking which is also pretty cool. And maybe it would've gone better if Carlos hadn't let two children stay home alone. Ain't that like...Parenting 101? If you're so keen on protecting your daughter, why ya leaving her alone in the apocalypse? Maybe she wouldn't be taking photos if you were there with her. Maybe she would've been better about not opening the door. Don't force children to watch children.
And then Bonnie does the second round of recon, which was really obvious. If I walked around the corner of the lodge and saw some guy looking into the window and acting real surprised to see me...I would probably think they were counting how many people were inside to launch some sort of attack. I knew she wasn't a good person, and that remained true to the very end. Despite her sorry attempts to make amends, she really wasn't nothing. She ruined Christmas! I'm not even religious, but the decorations were so pretty...and she was an agent of its destruction.
Reuniting with Kenny at the Ski Lodge was nice. I felt happy to see him. As I said before, I was absolutely sitting at his table because he is Clementine's secondary dad. As we'll find out later on, he kinda toxic, but I was still loyal to him because...the devil you know, right?! That is literally one of the worst perspectives, don't listen to me, but it's the one I had. And also I felt like he wasn't really going to hurt-hurt the kids, but he did still hurt Clementine emotionally. I felt like he was the best guardian out of the ones presented to us (outside of maybe Rebecca).
The addition of Sarita brought some problems too. They did not flesh her out. She deserved better also, outside of being Kenny's new wife. I know that:
She likes...Christmas.
She found Kenny somewhere.
She thinks his beard got bigger.
She had to listen to Kenny tell his sad backstory before she went to sleep at night.
She got bit on the hand.
Sarita didn't get enough space outside of Kenny--who I still like, for some reason.
Then there's Kenny's other friend, Walter. After watching Breaking Bad, I was not ready to trust this dude. I mean, he mixes peaches and beans for Pete's sake. But he was actually factually nice! Not even taking vengeance on Nick after he shot his bestie--that was a real kindness. And yes, I did tell him. Seems kinda hypocritical considering my position on Ben telling the truth, and maybe it is, but I think he deserved to know and that he'd find out pretty soon otherwise. I felt like it was wrong for Luke to cover for Nick so hard--especially sending Clementine out there to do so, putting her in the line of fire as they so often do. I mean, they're friends...but your friend has a history of going off and killing people with no real reason. I completely forgot where Nick was during the Carver Cult situation, so no more about him. But back to Bill Depot.
We meet some dude named Mike and another one named Jane. They help the crew escape while Kenny absolutely defaces Carver with a crowbar. He deserved it, no question about that. I think it's hilarious how if Clementine just insists, she can stay and watch. "No, you can't watch this guy get massacred. Okay, only if you really want to."
Carver's behavior towards Rebecca is extremely disgusting. This ownership of her is gross and the entitlement towards AJ, regardless of their prior relationship is gross. And while I do not blame Rebecca one bit, it's all Carver's fault, I couldn't help but keep thinking: "If I hadn't got mixed up with this group, this wouldn't have happened to me! I don't even really care about these people!" It was moreover the group's collective incompetence that made me feel that way.
Reggie was pretty funny. One thing this game is never lacking is in humor, and I liked Reggie...kind of. Course, his cavalier attitude towards imprisonment is not good, but he had been left there. I'm still confused as to how his arm was cut off. Was it really a walker bite, or a punishment? I really felt like he was lying to make Bill Depot look like a better place to be, and as we can see with Lee, amputation doesn't typically work. But maybe it's a time thing and something to do with using sterilized tools.
Clementine being the linchpin in their escape is kinda cool, kinda not. She is the smallest and least likely to get noticed. But they let her out in that bright ass jacket. Get 'er in something darker, at the very least! And of course, I was thinking: "Lee wouldn't let her do this. Lee wouldn't make her do any of this." But Lee did let her sneak through the vents, so...? I don't know.
Mike & Jane are pretty cool at first. Mike is funny, seemingly reasonable, and Jane is strong and collected. That definitely changes pretty soon with catching Luke and Jane fooling around and the introduction of Arvo.
I was completely against robbing Arvo and disagreed with Jane escalating things. She did still rob him of his gun, but not his medicine, but that put Arvo in danger on his return so I understand him being mad at HER about that. But the way he treats Cleemntine no matter what and holds the wrong people accountable really soured me on him. He held Clem at gunpoint first, even though she's not even a preteen in a rainbow sweater.
However, the way Kenny beat on him? I didn't agree with that, nor did I agree with leaving him in the cold. Additionally, the xenophobic names Kenny called him were rude and nonsensical. You're calling him a commie but you want to go to Wellington? A supposed COMMUNE?! Aight.
But Kenny's anger is not unjustified. It's not like Arvo didn't lead a crossfire that put everyone, including the kids in danger. If they weren't shot, they could've died of hypothermia. And in Kenny's eyes, being held up might've led to Rebecca turning.
I didn't want Arvo to be tortured regardless. He was young and there really wasn't any point to beating on him. That is, until the very end--but it's not like Kenny knew what was going to happen.
When Kenny is talking to Clementine alone in that truck, my soul was screaming. I know exactly how she feels, what position she's in, and God it is icky. I still like Kenny for the most part, somehow. I still feel like he was there for the kids, kind of. However, this bouncing off of Clem to make serious decisions after snapping at her, telling her she was at fault for Sarita's death (he did apologize at the very least, which is more than I've gotten most of the time). This isolation and weight Clementine felt is awful. Not to mention he was so consumed by anger at Arvo that he let Clementine sit there freezing and wet for longer than she should've had to instead of finding a log or something. Some of the burdening on Clementine is realistic. Children of color especially are often expected to act more adult than they should, but uh, don't ask me why I know what that feels like. On the other end, some of the decisions Clementine has to make are purely done for story reasons.
The betrayal? I thought it was pretty good. I don't think it came out of nowhere and it riled me up. I know Mike seemed like a nice guy, but his connection with Clementine was shallow. People normally have the common decency to protect kids, but it's hard to tell until you gotta. And he'd been talking to Arvo, seeing how Kenny mistreated him, he wanted to get them away from Kenny. But he was content to take away all the food that could've been used for AJ and Clementine. In the cold. In the snow. He thought less about protecting the most vulnerable and more about taking his favorites with him. And then there's Bonnie!
I knew she couldn't be trusted. She clearly didn't know her place after being part of the reason the crew got kidnapped. And then she pulls that stuff, after blaming Clementine for Luke's death. Saddling the pre-preteen with something else. By the way, I didn't feel much at Luke's death. Maybe he should've got some skis from the lodge. The only thing Bonnie did was give her a cool jacket THAT SHE STOLE FROM THE SKI LODGE!!! I hope she didn't make it. Flaky-like-a-pastry-ass-Bonnie.
But then they make you mild with that Lee flashback. Lee is just so concerned with keeping this child safe and comfortable. He really was father of the year.
I'm glad Clementine survived, but then comes another ordeal. Jane v. Kenny. Okay, I was half with Jane. She wasn't completely clean (seriously? you were so willing to give up on Sarah twice), but neither was Kenny. She seemed to want to get Clementine out of a possible volatile environment. But that stunt she pulled? You heard of leaving a baby in a hot car. Now how about LEAVING A BABY IN A COLD CAR TO DIE AT SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURES! I wasn't willing to shoot Kenny because I didn't know what Jane did to AJ. "Just trust me," told me nothing. I was certain he wasn't dead, but I still didn't know if he was in danger. So I let Kenny kill her. Guess I'm going with truck freak--at least he won't leave me in a car.
Now, Kenny did make me uncomfortable. Especially with his steep change in emotions, like saying, "Race ya!" after violently killing someone Clementine was close to. Like, I understand why, but still.
Finally, Wellington. Kenny's last good deed. He does what's best for Clementine and AJ without giving Clementine shit about it. He helped her get there and seemed genuinely happy to make sure they'd be safe. That's one reason...I still kinda like this guy!
But damn, Clementine has to watch another person she trusted and felt like watched over her disappear. That is very bitter, slightly sweet. I hope they have apples at Wellington.
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actual-lea · 5 months
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Believe it or not, this fic is definitely still a thing so read it if you wanna?
AO3 | First chapter | Previous chapter
"You'd better come and see this," is the first thing that Milo, Theresa's nurse, says to Abigail when she walks through the door. He's out of breath from running halfway down the stairs, and the startled look in his eyes is so alarming that Abigail doesn't even pause to step out of her shoes; she just follows him up to Theresa's room without a word.
When she enters, Theresa turns to look at her. To look at her, not through her, and not her five or ten or God knows how many years younger. Abigail approaches the bed cautiously, in case any sudden movement might break the spell.
Theresa smiles. “Good to see you, Abby.”
Abigail laughs at that, because she doesn’t know what else to do. “Supposed to be my line, you know,” she says. Distantly, she notices that Milo has gone, leaving her alone with her sister for however long this lasts.
Theresa’s gaze, still lucid and more focused than it's been in years, drifts around the room, taking in the small space. When she turns back to Abigail, there’s something like realization in her eyes. “What year is it?”
Abigail hesitates. Informing Theresa of the current date has never been a good idea, based on past experiences. But then, she’s never directly asked for it before. “It's 2007."
Instead of panic, those focused eyes light up with something like excitement. “Bring me a pen.”
Abigail has to leave the room to find one, her movements hurried, almost frantic; what if she returns to find Theresa gone again, lost somewhere in the past, if she’s even conscious at all?
But no, Theresa’s right where and when she left her, sitting up in bed with her hands neatly folded over the edge of her blanket. Maybe it’s only Abigail’s imagination, but she looks healthier, less pale than usual, an impression that’s only helped by the way her face lights up again as Abigail hands her the pen. There's a notepad on the table beside the bed, and Theresa leans over to reach it.
"What is it?" Abigail asks as she starts scribbling.
"It's a long story," Theresa says, and her silence spells out the unspoken implication: there isn't enough time to explain. "Is your passport still valid?"
Abigail blinks. It's been years since she thought about her passport at all. She'd gotten it in preparation for a holiday to Australia that never materialized. That was before everything; before their father's cancer diagnosis, before the accident. "I'd have to check, but I think so," she replies. "But, why–"
"I need you to fly to Los Angeles, and give this to Daniel."
Another blink. "Come again?"
"I can tell you exactly where to find him," Theresa says, as if it’s a perfectly reasonable request.
"Are you out of your head?" Abigail says without thinking, and Theresa looks up from the page for the first time. “You want me to make a bloody pilgrimage all the way to the States, just to see Daniel Faraday? Why in God's name would I do that?”
“You want me to get better, don’t you?" Theresa says, unfazed. "This is how I get better. This is how it all starts." She sketches out some sort of diagram while Abigail watches in stunned silence. “On the twentieth of September, this year, you’ll find him at this address.” She flips the paper over and scribbles something down before resuming her drawing on the other side. “He’ll be sitting outside on the north end of the building. He’s carrying a plastic bag and wearing a red plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up.” She pauses and smiles, like she's laughing at a joke only she can hear. “His right shoe is untied.”
Abigail stares at her, bewildered. Theresa's spent years adrift in the past, but she's never predicted the future before.
"I know it sounds strange," Theresa says, as if reading her mind. "But you have to trust me, okay?" She pauses again, looks up, waits for Abigail to nod once, mechanically, before ripping the paper free of the notepad and handing it over.
She blinks at it, more confused than ever. "What...is it?"
"Daniel will know what it means," Theresa says with certainty.
Abigail is quiet for a long moment. This is absurd. Her sister's mind must be lost, again, somewhere different than usual, and yet...
She meets Theresa's steady gaze. There's an almost unsettling clarity there, a firm sense of conviction and purpose that Abigail hasn't seen since...
Well, since before the accident. Before her sister was taken away from her, by the very man that she's being asked to seek out.
"Be nice to him, okay?" Theresa adds, reading her mind again, and Abigail tries not to flinch. "He's going through a lot."
She laughs at that. "Trying to talk me into it?" She looks up at Theresa again. "Honestly, getting to see that bastard miserable isn't the worst incentive I can think of, if–"
But her sister isn’t looking at her anymore. She’s staring down at the blank paper in her hands, thumbnail picking at the side of the pen like she isn’t sure what to do with it anymore.
Abigail’s heart sinks back into the pit it had only just managed to climb out of. “Theresa?” she says gently. “Are you still with me?”
Her sister turns to her, eyes wide and distant. “I had a bad dream,” she says, in a small, childish voice.
“So, what does it mean?”
Daniel shakes his head at Abigail’s question without looking up from the page. Gun to his head, he could never have conjured a mental image of her elegantly scribbled handwriting, but seeing it now in front of him, there's no question that the diagram is definitely Theresa’s handiwork.
Nine neat circles, with labels like Event A, Event B, and so on, all connected within an intricate web of lines, four of them named: real time, space-time, imaginary time, and imaginary space. The rest aren’t labeled at all, but instead denoted by equations, complex formulas with vaguely familiar symbols and constants, concepts that he can’t quite wrap his head around anymore, at least not without a cheat sheet to remind him which letters mean what.
"This is…really advanced stuff,” he says, finally, a laughable understatement. “I mean, this is beyond the scale of anything we ever…”
The most inscrutable pieces of the puzzle are the words scrawled across the top of the page: FISSION CHAIN REACTION. The equations all relate to theoretical physics, not nuclear reactions. How would fission factor into any of it? Unless, somehow, that’s what one of the “events” refers to.
But no, that can’t be right. A fission chain reaction describes an ongoing process; he would never call the day-to-day functions of a nuclear reactor an “event” in space-time. It would have to be a specific instance – some kind of sudden, massive release of energy, something on the scale of Chernobyl, or…
He looks up. “Wait, where are you going?”
Abigail turns back to face him with a sour expression. “I’m going home.”
“But, we–" He gets to his feet with a slight wince. “We’ve gotta figure this out, if Theresa–”
“No, you’ve gotta figure it out,” she corrects. “I did what she asked, and I don’t want anything else to bloody do with you.”
He blinks. “But you– You're not even the least bit curious about-”
He shrinks against the wall when she whirls around to stomp toward him. She stops just short of shoving him, though, like reaching the end of an invisible tether. “I've done what she asked,” she repeats through clenched teeth. “So we're finished.”
And then she storms across the grass to a taxi in the parking lot and disappears without looking back.
The SUV is still parked by the hospital’s entrance, and so is Abaddon, who watches Daniel approach with a faintly amused look on his face.
“I’ll need full access to everything you have,” Daniel says. “Every single piece of intel Widmore has about the island.”
“Of course.” Abaddon opens the door for him.
“I’m not finished.” Daniel settles into the backseat and pauses to catch his breath while Abaddon gets behind the wheel. “There's some additional information that I… Things I can’t research on my own. Secrets that only someone with Widmore’s influence might be able to get their hands on.” He fiddles with the seat belt. “I mean, really secret stuff. Classified military operations, that sort of thing.”
“That can be arranged.” Abaddon’s eyes bore holes into Daniel’s forehead from the rearview mirror. “In the meantime, Mr. Faraday, I’m here to take you anywhere you’d like to go.”
“I gathered that.” Across the grass, the city bus he’d intended to board pulls up to the crowded stop. He could still make a run for it, theoretically, provided that his lung doesn’t give out halfway.
Instead, he digs his journal out of his pack and gingerly folds Theresa’s diagram to place it inside, along with the photographs he’d taken from his mother’s office in the church - more fragments of the bigger picture that refuses to fall into place.
He finds Abaddon’s eyes, still watching him expectantly. “Do you have a phone I can borrow?”
“So, your girlfriend can see the future?” Hurley says.
Daniel scratches his head. “…Yes?” He’s drowned out by a particularly loud truck speeding past on the nearby highway. “Not exactly,” he says instead once the sound fades. How any of the patients milling around the small green space of Santa Rosa can be unfazed by the constant road noise is beyond him.
Hurley waves away a fly from the half-eaten sandwich on his plate and slides his bishop across the chessboard. "Then, how'd she know where you'd be?"
"It's…hard to explain," he says, for what must be the fifth time since the start of their conversation. "Time doesn't move in a straight line for her, it…” His eyes land on the board game boxes stacked on the other end of the picnic table. “It's like a puzzle, with all the pieces switched around. Even though some of the shapes still fit together, the picture doesn't make any sense. But occasionally, a few of the right pieces match up with each other through pure luck, and you get a glimpse of how it's actually supposed to look."
Hurley stares at him blankly. "Uh…"
He shakes his head. "Essentially, a piece of her mind from sometime in the future happened to link up with her mind in the present. That future version of her was coherent enough to realize what was happening, which means that version of her must have gotten better somehow." He taps the sheet of paper on the table. "That's why she gave me this, so that I could set everything in motion to make that future a reality."
Hurley rubs one eye. "I still don't get what any of this has to do with the island."
Daniel stares at an empty square of the board. "I don't…fully understand it, either," he admits before absently making his next move. "But I know that the island can heal her, and that's reason enough to find a way back. I can figure the rest out later."
"Dude, I'm not sure going back is such a good idea," Hurley says with a frown as he captures the last of Daniel’s pawns. "Plus I'm not even sure how you would do it."
"That's…why I'm here, actually." Dan clears his throat. The DHARMA orientation photo from 1977 is still tucked between the pages of his journal, weighing down his pack like a chunk of radioactive metal. There will be no un-opening that can of worms, so he's saving it as a last resort; if all else fails, he can show it to Hurley as proof that the decision has already been made. Instead, he keeps his eyes on the board and picks a piece at random to move. "I think the key to getting back is you, and Jack, and Kate."
Hurley’s frown deepens. "What makes you think that?"
“It's hard to explain.” Daniel shifts awkwardly in his seat. “Uh, it’s your move.”
Hurley moves his queen. “How do you know the island will fix her in the first place?”
“Because… It’s what fixed me.” He clears his throat again in the uncomfortable silence and moves his knight another three spaces to block the queen’s path. "Before the island, I was… I– I had a condition that was…similar, to what Theresa's been living with."
“But, you weren’t in like a coma or whatever before the island, right?” Hurley guesses, to a hesitant nod from Dan. The queen takes the knight. "So, you must've gotten some better without it, right?"
"Yes, but…" He shakes his head and moves his one remaining rook. "It took years, of…specialists, and EM therapy, and–"
"Did you take her to the same specialists?"
He has to stop himself from saying that he could never have taken Theresa anywhere, not without incurring the wrath of her sister. "The process was…prohibitively expensive," he says, grimacing at how pathetic the excuse sounds.
Hurley doesn't seem to notice, or he doesn't care. "I can pay for it."
"I'm not asking you to do that,” Daniel says, shaking his head automatically.
“Why not?” Hurley leans back in his seat. “I don’t know if you keep up with the news, dude, but I’ve kinda got more money than I know what to do with. Even from in here,” he gestures to their surroundings.
Daniel shakes his head harder. “I really can’t ask you to do that. It’s not– This isn’t your responsibility, and besides, if her sister found out it was my idea, she’d never–”
“So don’t tell her,” Hurley says, like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “Look, all I gotta do is talk to my parents, they talk to the finance guy, finance guy talks to the doctor or lawyer or whoever and then boom, everything’s covered.”
“So it’s settled!” Hurley says with a grin, like a gotcha, relief in his voice. “I'm gonna pay for it, and she's gonna get better, and then nobody has to go back to the island.” He looks down at the board, grins even wider, and sweeps his own rook across the board triumphantly. “Check and mate, dude.”
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collar-shocked · 8 months
Axe'ing the hard questions. (THE SINDAY SPECIAL)
Authors note: So. My history on this website, from like.. Age 15 'til now, I've been SFW and lurk-friendly to all audiences. (Only for the most part, in my later years.) This is my first time publishing content with sexual tones, and actively participating in Sinday! Rejoice!! Crossing my fingers I make a good first impression😅
TLDR: Strade can't control his aggression upon finding his fox in distress, threatened by his dime-a-dozen prisoner. Not only is he quick to remind them of that, but Ren is quick to remember who holds his leash.
He's so weak.
Ren, hiding away in his room, stayed curled up with his arms around his stomach in bed, completely under the covers. He hasn't been allowed to eat for the past two days after mindlessly ruining some of Strade's furniture, and then resisting upon a rightful punishment- something he terribly regrets. He was just scared. He doesn't blame him at all. A man does what a man has to do, even if it's hard- the bad must be punished.
And boy, has he gone from bad to terrible.
Filthy guilt plagues him as he begins to think. His stomach pinches in distress, it's too much to bear any longer! He has to find something to eat! Crawling from his bed, he stumbled his light feet to the door, peeking out with his ears pinned against his head. Strade should be busy... He knows his schedule by now.
And also knows he made quick work of someone new.
He tip-toed downstairs, ears flicking against the distant noises picked up in the other room. A bead of sweat rests against his temples knowing the risk he's taking. Quietly, he slipped away into the under-door, creeping down the dark steps. This is something he has become adjusted to when Strade decides to withhold food- and he is none the wiser. The bodies usually have enough damage to be able to scrape from and have it go completely unnoticed. Something to sustain himself until mercy is given..
The silence invites him in. Holding his hands nervously, he began to sniff the air, the scent of blood drawing him in like a cartoonish hand made out of aroma. Before him lies the body of a person, horribly mutilated, with many of Strade's signatures littered throughout their beaten form. It hurt his heart. At least, wherever they've gone, they know that something good has come from their early-parting. He is thankful, and very grateful for their sacrific-
He jumped back in a panic- they're still alive!! Ren felt his joints begin to shake all at once, watching them groggily sit up and moan hopelessly. He shook and shuddered as his eyes began to sting, becoming wet. They stared at each other in mutual confusion.
"...Wh-.. What.. Who are you? What are those?.." They asked, voice coarse and worn.
Ren wasn't sure if he should even respond. However... "..My.. My ears? A-And my tail? ..Yeah, they are real." This was.. Nice. A normal conversation. "I- um.. I can put them away, too. But I'm not really.. Allowed to do that.."
The stranger scanned him curiously. It made him nervous, but they were calm. Quiet. A very nice change of pace. The moment their eyes ran over his legs, it seems like their features had softened, spotting his decorated legs. "..I see. So, what?.. You're like.. An animal?"
"..Kind of. I'm a beastkin.." Ren turned his eyes downward, picking at his cuticles.
"Well.. It's.. Nice to meet you. I'm Bl-" Suddenly, a coughing fit. It made Ren jump and step back, looking on with sympathy. Blood left their lips. "..I'm Blake."
"I-I'm Ren.."
"Hi, Ren.." From this point on, the two carried a very brief, quiet conversation. Ren declined help, but had offered a glass of water. Anything to soothe them in a way that wouldn't get him skinned. He thought it was going well. They were pretty polite, and they talked to him like a friend. Someone who understands.
Suddenly, once it was made aware that Ren can do no more than he's already done, the stranger flicked a finger at him, gesturing to come closer. "I wanna talk to you about something... But you need to come close." The fox followed. In fact, he came close, but was then beckoned even closer. He leaned in to hear- hoping for.. I don't know. An escape plan? A way out?
But then he saw a flash of silver, and felt a hard tear to his skin.
He yelped loudly and jumped back, holding his arm as blood dripped to the floor faster than his tears did. He sniffled and cried, observing his wound, then the captive, then the wound, and back again. His crying only intensified, now stuttering. He's scared. He's so scared. He's so hurt, and betrayed, and scared.
"S-Strade.." He mumbled.
"N-No! Don't you dare!"
"Strade-! STRADE!! STRADE!!" He didn't know what else to do. He's so very frightened! All he wants, all he needs right now is protection- someone to hide behind, to save him. He began howling for his white knight, to Blake's dismay. The louder he yelled, the more he cried.
"No no no! You little shit! Shut up! SHUT UP!!" They shouted back, lunging forward- being stopped only by the restraints.
The sudden launch made Ren stumble back and sob loudly. He would have ran to the stairs if not for the door swinging open, quick-paced and heavy steps coming down. His savior.. "Str- Strade! Help me-!" The bigger man got to the bottom of the stairs, immediately pulling Ren aside to look him over.
"What's-?" He saw the tears. He saw the blood. The air in the room darkened. "You touched my fox?!" He was seeing red. Blinded by possessive rage. Strade stormed across the room, grabbing an axe from the wall.
Seeing his fast approach and look of pure, unfiltered hatred in his eyes made the captive squirm in their place. They panicked, attempting to hide behind the pole they've gotten to know so well- to no avail. They couldn't even get a scream out before the thick metal was lodged into their face, blood working like a fountain as their body slumps over, leaving Ren and Strade alone to take in the soft sound of spewing, and crying. They looked at each other, urging Ren to step away- far away. Making about six feet between them.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry- I'm really sorry!" He immediately went into defensive-mode. Apologizing with the water-works, hoping the other will, for some reason, hold no malice against his bad behavior due to pity. But he knows better than that.
"Stop it!" Strade shouted, the other silencing himself to the best of his abilities. He was going to go into it. Just rip into him about being down here at all, remind him of where he stands in this relationship- but something felt wrong, watching Ren sniffle and whimper while tending to his bloodied wound. He groans. "..Come on. Come here.. I'll fix you.."
His tone seemed safe enough. Ren approached slowly and carefully, allowing Strade to take his hand and lead him upstairs. They went to the bathroom, where Ren took a seat on the toilet, Strade retrieving a clean first aid from the medicine cabinet before finding a spot next to the other. Ren sniffled and offered his arm up to be looked at.
He was washed, sewn up and sanitized, all by the gentle hand of his caretaker. To calm his foxes nerves, he brought a hand over, beginning to pet his ear. "That's it.." Strade cooed, tilting his head as he watched Ren begin to settle. It's so calm in this room. A traumatic experience, a savior and his savee, treating Ren well and taking care of him. He could tell Ren liked it too, the way he leaned into his touch.
But he still misbehaved.
That gentle rub on the beasts ear became a tight grip. Ren yelped, being pulled from the toilet into the corner. He whimpered in fear and squirmed to sit up, raising his hands in defense- not that it helped. Strade gave a swift, hard kick to his ribs, earning a loud, pathetic cry of pain. "What the fuck were you doing down there?!"
Another kick. Ren has been winded.
"What? You're sorry? No you're not! Not yet!"
Tears stream from his eyes as he coughs out a cry, still using his arms to guard his head and face, curling further in the corner to find some kind of solace. He can't even begin to imagine what Strade has in mind for a wrongdoing such as that. Strade then got down and grabbed him, forcibly dragging him over despite his cries and begs. A stitch or two off his arm were snagged and broken in the struggle, causing him to bleed. A sight that was.. Very interesting.
He lifted the smaller up- his feet left the floor for only a moment. Soon after, Ren felt the cold, hard impact of the bathtub, being dropped down into it. He was dazed, and his weakness persists- A hand finding his head to rub away the ringing. Sorrowful, desperate eyes plead into Strade's own, whimpering in his new enclosure. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to upse-et you-"
"Sit up! Now!" He didn't have to say it twice. He watched the fox, wobbly and shaking weak as he sat up in the tub, looking up at him with the same sad, pathetic face he always does. He once again reached, but not with cuddly or violent intent- instead running his thumb along the others chin, then bottom lip- then finally, into his mouth. "You've been so bad lately. What's going on, huh? Why such'a naughty boy?.."
A way out. Ren shuddered beneath the others new mood. Self-perseverance is important. He sadly hummed and, hoping to lead the other along, began to lightly suckle on his finger, a blush of sheer humiliation bridging his features. Strade's eyes lit up with potential.
"..Is that it?" There was a chuckle in his voice. "You just want attention?" His suggestion was met with a shy nod. Strade took his finger back, snickering as he began toying with Ren's ears instead. He almost shied away from his touch, but- they're sensitive. It's so easy to fall for. "Maybe it's my fault.. Maybe I wasn't as present as I should have been.. Is that right?" Ren was hesitant to answer, but even so, he nodded. He's enjoying the attention.
He feels special. Like he's the worlds idol. Examining his keeper, he can hear Strade taking deep, slow breaths, and can see his pants have tightened. His bottom lip slipped under his teeth. "That's.. Right.." Spoken barely above a whisper, scooting up to hover the others hips, his eyes asking. Strade understood, a sharp smiling finding his face.
The hand Strade used to rub Ren's ear moved, gripping his hair instead and pulling his face in- cheek resting against his pants, Ren releasing a brief grunt. It isn't very often he gets to indulge in regular, common, arguably vanilla sex, so it's an occurrence cherished. "Mmmm..." A low hum, watching Ren's hand come up, resting gripped on his belt. "You're hungry, aren't you?" A pleading nod. But that's not good enough. His hair was gripped tighter, head lightly shook. "Aren't you?"
"Mm, sure you are~.." He began to grind against his face, making the foxes mouth drop open- hearty breathing coming from his throat.
"P-Please, please-" The longer Strade is distracted, the longer he is safe. And yet... He can't help but play his own game. This man, with his pretty honey eyes and rough, vile hands has a way of capturing him whole. His thighs are pinched together and rotating, grinding the air as warm, romantic feelings tickle his special-spots. He did this to avoid Strade putting his hands on him- but now, it's all he wants.
"Ooh.. I would love too. But you've been bad, haven't you?" He pulled the beasts face off of him.
He whines loudly. "I'll be good, I'll be good from now on I promise-! Just- Please, Strade, please, please-" Though he says he'll behave, Ren finds himself pulling against Strade's hand in favor of nuzzling back into his trousers, feeling the shapes underneath twitch upon contact. Strade hissed and began unbuckling his belt, making Ren smile wider than he had the whole week. "Th-Thank you-"
---SMUT WARNING !!!---
(Will be safe at next red barrier!!!)
"-Don't start that yet, tod." He spoke in malice. He knows Ren can't control himself, mouth practically watering at the idea of being presented with his shaft. But as he pulled his pants and briefs down- member bobbing- he leaned away from the beastkin. Hearts formed in Ren's eyes, Strade lightly hissed at the cold air. And... Torment. Ren reached and grabbed hold, only to receive a loud slap in response. "I said don't start any of that! You still don't have permission."
Ren began to nod, rubbing his thighs together with short, quiet whimpers slipping from his lips. "Wh-What do I have to do?"
Strade leaned down and removed the others glasses, setting them aside before resting his heavy, warm shaft on his face, lightly dragging it up and down. Ren gasped in delight, squeezing hold on the bathtub. "I want you to admit what you've done wrong. Tell me.. Why were you downstairs?"
"I-I-" Oh god. If he says anything, he could get punished twice as hard later on. But he can't lie! ...He swallowed his fear. "I we-went down to pick at the body, I-I'm so hungry, Strade.."
"You're hungry?"
"I'm hungry.."
He felt Strade continue to rub. He pulled his member lower, bringing a hand to help guide his tip to Ren's mouth. "Then eat.."
Permission. Almost immediately, Ren opened his mouth wide and closed it around his 'caretakers' cock, suckling and whimpering with pleasure. He transitioned between sucking, to pumping, to licking- anything he could think of to consume this delicious, generous treat he's been given. Above, Strade couldn't keep his mouth shut, softly groaning into the air- feeling Ren's soft hands bury into his clothes to cup and massage his testicles. Leaning his hips forward while resting his hands on his hips, he simply stood and enjoyed as Ren worked. "Aahh... Tighter.." His voice was so gentle. Ren began to squeeze down on his balls, rolling his thumbs into them while bobbing his head, humming with nothing but delight.
Ren's mind-fog was quickly cleared after feeling Strade's brute hands find the back of his head. He could hardly get a thought in before his throat was forced open, immediately gagging against the others skin. His full length was dragging in and out of Ren's mouth, uncontrollably moaning and whining in both distress and pleasure. His claws gripped his keepers hips to cope, listening closely to Strade's rough husky grunts and gasps- he's close.
And yet, deprived him of climax.
He pulled out before he could blow, leaving Ren's mouth with a pop. Both of them panting, one much harder than the other, made way for Strade to continue. "Stand up." He ordered, watching Ren and his shaky legs lift himself up. "Turn around." He gestured a spinning motion with his hand, stepping into the tub with him. He shoved the fox against the wall and held him there by the nape of his neck, forcing his shorts down- leaving Ren to sigh lovingly, poking his butt out for attention- attention he got quick. Strade stepped close and forced himself inside, Ren gripping the tiles on the wall, burying a yell into his arm at the rough, burning sensation. It hurt like a bitch, but it also felt so good to be filled.
"Arm down!" An order that didn't have to be spat twice. Ren moved his arm and rolled his neck, beginning to moan and cry into the open air, coating over the sound of skin smacking skin. He was bleeding, but it made for excellent lubricant- only making Strade faster, slamming into him stronger, forcing him still with a hand gripping Ren's hip, his other pulling tight on his tail.
He loved the sound of his helpless howls. The pain mixed with the pleasure- his punishment for misbehaving, and his reward for being honest. They stayed like this for several minutes. The pain had eventually melted away into overwhelming, vibrant enjoyment, Ren grabbing at the wall for some kind of support. Strade, feeling himself about to pop, came closer and dug his nails into Ren's hips, lifting his feet off the ground for a closer position, slamming and railing into his entrance while dry heaving under the others loud moans and pleasure-sobs. Strade let out a deep, coarse growl as he came, filling Ren up enough to leak once he pulled out.
His knees shivered. About to lean for his shorts to finish up, Ren was interrupted- Strade forcibly turning him around- now facing each other. "Take a seat." He gestured to the toilet. Back to square one. Shuffling weakly out of the tub, he plopped down on the toilet lid, looking to the older man for further instructions. He was told to stay. Strade fixed his clothing and exited the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
He is still hungry. And now his body hurts- still shaking off the after-jitters. In a way, he feels disappointed in himself. How easily he caved, welcoming with open arms another way for this man to hurt him. It was almost sad. Almost.
Soon enough, Strade rejoined him, a handheld camera in hand. Ren knows the differences between his personal and "professional" filming equipment- solace coming from knowing this little thing is personal. it was filming, and it was on him. "Touch yourself.. Finish for me.." His breath was laced throughout his words.
Ren shuddered and lightly grabbed his own member, still hard and undone. He whined upon stroking himself, panting softly- wearing the best suitable expression for Strade's pretty movie. His voice became light and pampered, spreading his knees and holding his hips out for the best view, releasing short moans, one for every tight pump. Strade wore a devious grin, hardly watching the camera screen, keeping his eyes locked directly onto Ren instead, infatuated with the ridges along his cock, the pretty, shiny bead of precum resting off his tip. His sounds became more desperate, a hopeless buck of his hips- rolling his head back to rest. Soon enough, his body began to jerk and flinch, voice sounding strained and whiny- and finally, a pop, releasing thick strings of semen onto the floor. Strade breathed deeply as a result. The camera, after getting a shot of the mess on the tiles and Ren's blushing face, was shut off and tucked away.
Strade took extra care in cleaning each of them up, resewing some plucked stitches during the excitement for his fox. Dressed, tired, entirely worn out, and emotionally exhausted, Ren clung to his keeper, being carried to the master bedroom. This is a rare moment of calm. Stillness. He was set down upon the bed, Strade moving back for him to get cozy on his own. It's always such a privilege laying in this specific bed. It smells like him.. He can find loose hair on the pillows, discarded, not-yet-washed laundry in the hamper- despite the crimes that have been committed on this mattress, it still brings him comfort.
Ren was then left alone. Just.. Allowed to sleep in the big bed. Allowed to rest up and recover after such violence, and the trauma of betrayal. Looking at the patched wound on his arm, he can't help but feel his eyes sting, snuggling into the pillow to soothe himself.
Ren was not a person right now. Not to Strade. He was something to enjoy. Like taking your favorite stuffed animal to bed with you, this is exactly what he did- arriving back to the room with a bowl of snacks, making the foxes ears perk up. He nestled into bed next to him, inviting a cuddle- and a pick at the bowl. "Don't be greedy, now. Eat something.."
Snuggling in bed. Watching TV. Running by a 'one for you, two for me' policy on the treats- not that Ren minded, he got to have something in his belly. It was... Nice. It won't last long, he knows it won't- but for the time he has it, a nice Strade, he's going to enjoy it.
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