#however. The boiling blood
ultimate-snek · 1 year
Hebichi, her blood literally boiling, about to stab herself: this’ll hurt you more then it hurts me :))
The guy she’s fighting: D:
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harmione · 3 months
the thing about the gof scene where draco hits hermione and her teeth grow at a rapid rate and snape just says “i see no difference” is that it fills me with uncomparable, unfathomable rage to this day, despite not even being the worst thing snape does to a student. (note: i’m not saying it’s not really bad—it absolutely is—i just think that on the whole his treatment of neville and harry is a lot worse.)
and part of it maybe just comes down to hermione being my favorite character, but i think that in itself is telling, because i think a lot of young girls saw themselves in her when first reading and found themselves horrified when putting themselves in her shoes.
like. she later reveals to have been wanting to get her teeth changed for ages, implying she they’re something she’s insecure about. she tries to defend harry from malfoy’s antics, malfoy is fantasy-racist to her, harry initiates a duel in response. draco’s spell hits hermione and her teeth start growing. she’s immediately described as panic-stricken and trying to conceal them. as a non-canon sidebar, it’s hard for me to imagine that this isn’t extremely uncomfortable if not downright painful. in my experience, virtually anything out of the norm happening to your teeth is going to be on the uncomfortable-to-painful scale, though maybe i’m underestimating the magical buffer that might prevent such things. snape tells goyle, who also got hit, to go to the hospital wing.
and then, after being called over and staring at hermione for a minute, chooses to make fun of her, and she (quite naturally) runs away crying.
what the fuck. what the fuck.
it should go without saying that a teacher making disparaging (or any, really) comments about a student’s physical appearance or body in any way, at any time, in any context is inappropriate and unacceptable. but the fact that snape does so at this moment — when hermione is obviously distressed, panicked, quite possibly in pain — is so fucking unnecessarily cruel. he didn’t even have to say anything particularly kind, literally all he had to do was tell her to go to madam pomfrey, same as he did for goyle.
instead, he took the opportunity to make fun of her.
i think something that also stands out to me a lot too is that there is literally no reason for this. don’t get me wrong, i’m not saying he’s justified in his treatment of neville or harry tbh (quite the opposite, tbh) but i think he thinks he is and there are actual reasons connected to why he treats them that way. he sees neville as weak, incompetent, and liability in the classroom and treats him badly because of it (instead of offering like, any sort of help or support or ways to mitigate those situations. neville’s not there choosing to make his life hard; potions is a required class prior to 6th year. but even if he was an outright troublemaker, snape’s behavior would still cross lines.) harry’s a more complicated case, obviously, as he’s transferred a lot of his loathing for james onto harry and therefore twists anything harry does into another reason to resent him. but i do think he nonetheless sees himself as having good reasons for treating harry poorly. (again: i am not saying i agree. i just think this is what snape thinks.)
but this makes snape’s behavior here especially bizarre and outlandishly cruel because… hermione literally did nothing but get cursed in the crosshairs of a duel. and snape’s response is just cruel for the sake of being cruel. he’s often cruel, but i see him as someone with an internal life of constantly justifying his cruelty. and yet i can’t see what possible justification even he could cook up here.
also, shoutout to harry and ron, who forget to be mad at each other long enough to curse out snape for treating hermione like that together. trio of my heart <333
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latentorogeny · 8 months
unlocking a new emotion I like to call “Dave Rage” in which I get so angry about the way Dave Filoni wrote/ writes Thrawn that i physically cannot stop talking abt it
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theearlgreymage · 7 months
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I may have taken some mental health days this week and spent all of my free time writing.
Worked a lot on May Their Blood Boil -- I have officially finished the first arc of this beast of a fic!! It's sitting just shy of 80k (and now I have to edit it and I do not want to in the slightest.)
And a bunch of silly little one-shots. So I actually have WORDS for everyone today.
6 Sentence Excerpt from Chapter XXII of May Their Blood Boil
It didn’t work last time.  When I took the [redacted] down to the heart of Eldia - nothing happened.  It should have bound him to the palace. Tied him to the land. Let the soil feed off of [redacted] until it was sated.  But it didn’t work. 
6 Paragraph Excerpt from Untitled Reincarnation One-Shot
Things weren’t perfect. Levi still found himself suspended on occasion, mostly for fighting or being disrespectful to his teachers. But he got away with more than he should have as everyone in the school quickly learned that Levi would do anything for Erwin.  Most of his fights were over Erwin.  Smacking someone’s lunch tray out of their hand for calling Erwin a teacher’s pet. Kicking someone in the back of their knees for insinuating that Erwin was a nerd. Pushing someone against the chain link fence behind the school for stealing Erwin’s notebook.  It didn’t take long for Levi to gain a reputation as Erwin’s guard dog.  Erwin, meanwhile, was more discrete in his defense of Levi. Pinning a boy against the stall of the restroom and threatening him with a cold voice for spreading rumors about Levi. Quietly telling a teacher that someone who had tried to steal Levi’s jacket in gym that they were cheating on a test. Tripping someone and sending them flying down the stairs for insulting Levi while being sure to leave no witnesses.  By the end of Levi’s first year at Trost Middle School, the duo had a reputation for being an inseparable pair that shouldn’t be trifled with. 
6 Sentence Excerpt from Untitled PWP One-Shot that I fully blame @ic3-que3n for
Grabbing at the lapels of Erwin’s canvas jacket, Levi’s words are slurred as he tries to find feeling in his mouth. “Don’t talk to me like I’m some kid.”  Erwin spins them suddenly, pinning Levi against the edge of his desk with a tone that’s meant to be playful. “Then don’t act like one, boy.”  The tremble of pleasure that causes catches Levi entirely off guard. Never having thought about, considered even, the prospect of Erwin talking to him in such a way. 
However Many Words I Fucking Feel Like Excerpt from Untitled Client & Secretary One-Shot
My phone vibrates in my pocket. Three concise buzzes that tell me that it’s from the dark little app that I indulge in late at night.  Normally, I wouldn’t check it during the work day.  He’s too much of a distraction. But I need a distraction right now. And I did tell him to tell me about his job interview - which was … today.  No.  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I see the 1 Unread Message from Levi across the top of my screen.  It couldn’t be.  Pressing my thumb on the sensor to unlock my phone, I tap on the message notification.  Levi [3:42PM] : You said you wanted to hear how my interview went. I got the job on the spot.  It’s just a coincidence.   I type out my reply as I walk back to my desk. Not wanting to ignore the man that has captivated my every thought outside of work.  The Commander [3:43PM] : That’s wonderful news!  This could be terrible news.  Grabbing the folder that Hange left for me, I throw it open. Scanning the top of the page for the name of my new secretary.   Levi Ackerman.  Fuck. 
Hello's to all my online friends who I am terrible at staying in contact with below the cut.
And apologies for still being on my AOT bullshit. I swear I have outlines for CO fics. Swear. Promise. I'm just chasing the dopamine and serotonin lately.
@ic3-que3n @shrekgogurt @artsyunderstudy @krisrix @stardustasincocaine @upuntil6am @buffy @raenestee @aristocratic-otter @aroace-genderfluid-snake @bazzybelle @bookish-bogwitch @captain-aralias @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla @ebbpettier @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @foolofabookwyrm-activated @hushed-chorus @ivelovedhimthroughworse @j-nipper-95 @larkral @martsonmars @mostlymaudlin @onepintobean @skeedelvee @stitchyqueer @theimpossibledemon @wellbelesbian @whogaveyoupermission @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @thewholelemon @yellobb
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meimi-haneoka · 4 months
Every time I see the English translation of a certain Clear Card panel with Touyuki appearing on my TL I want to pull my hair because that line was mistranslated so, so badly and people are making speculations and going nuts about it in the tags and it's all based on something that doesn't exists because that's not what Touya says, not at all. Like, not even remotely. It's also so out of character for him to say something like that, I don't know how his fans don't realize something is off in that line.
One day I will compile those translation mistakes in one giant google sheet or something, I need to turn this into a mission because it's honestly so irritating to see how riddled with mistakes this localization is, sometimes to the point of messing with important parts of the plot. I don't see them releasing a decently translated edition in the near future, so it's all I can do to give back some respect to the story. Clamp are aware of the translation mistakes and how they change the perception of the story for the foreign readers, just as they are aware of the posts I've made about them over the years (they talked about this in a Space long time ago, and I still cherish that mention in my heart with pride). But there was basically nothing they could do at the time, if not suggesting the English readers to check the posts mentioning the translation differences. That's great and all, I'm glad I have their blessing but this is also not really how ideally one should read a story. My posts are long and filled with personal comments and maybe that would deter many people from checking out what a certain line actually says, so I need to find a quicker and easier way. Also, I started to do those only from chapter 40 onwards (and in the beginning I was way overzealous, I would need to revise) and this panel I'm mentioning above is part of the butchery they did in the first volumes, which weren't covered by my posts yet.
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coockie8 · 4 months
what do u think u wouldve done getting overcrowded like that?
I'm a No Touch Autistic who has issues with crowds and melts down very easily, 'cause I was diagnosed late in life so I was never properly taught how to regulate my emotions. If it were a crowd I could easily just get up and walk away from, then I would've done that.
But if not... Well... I'm a biter and always have been. Do the math.
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fanfictionroxs · 1 year
The one thing that puts me off watching dramas with hetero romances is the amount of hate female characters receive. Especially the main female character. And god forbid the main male guy has a bromance. Then our girlie will be fucking annihilated by shitty misogynistic fans. They want the man to receive his due respect, but if she gets treated like how a partner deserves to be treated, she's suddenly the homewrecker between the men's bromance.
Where she's called boring, her male counterpart would be called sexy and brooding. Where the guy is a poor little meow meow, she gets hate that he wouldn't get for even committing mass murder. The fact is that she gets hated, only and only because she's a female. That is her main crime.
She comes with her own struggles, but they're always ignored by the fans in favour of the man's trauma. She is always delegated to a prop who's there to be the male lead's therapist, mother, maid whatever. But she's not her own person and this is an attitude that even the creators reflect in the way she is written and portrayed. Reminds me of these lines from Labour: Just an appendage, live to attend him. This is basically what misogynistic fans want and what the creators happily provide and then she keeps getting hate. And I'm so fucking done with that.
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hella1975 · 2 years
loveeeeeeee when my one very spoilt flatmate says some shit about how she treats her mum/how she talks to her mum and me and my other flatmate just look at each other for a silent moment and both just go 'no id be dead'
#like flatmate no.1 is the spoilt one and ive known her as well as flatmate no.2 since not just first year but FRESHERS#like these are my uni 4lifers we've known each other since the first two weeks flatmate no.2 i met on my first DAY#so it's quite funny bc ive SEEN flatmate no.1 change her atittude over time#and i think it's a joint effort of being exposed to different people at uni#and also bc ive just beaten her down every time she says something even remotely ignorant/spoilt#like i normally wouldnt give myself that much credit for a single person's character arc but flatmate no.2 BARELY saw us last year#and me and flatmate no.1 were basically joint at the hip so it was a proximity thing more than me just being super cool and inspiring#so basically what im getting at is that in first year she was sooooo shamelessly spoilt#and it was so clear she just had never hung out with people who WERENT spoilt#and nowadays she's v good at letting herself be the butt of the joke and she still gets iffy about dumb shit#but generally speaking she takes what we give her now whereas she used to ARGUE and that boiled my fucking blood#and it means we can talk more easily about these things and one thing that comes up A LOT is the difference in parenting#like i shit you not this girl uses a baby voice on her parents. it's actually uncomfortable#me however i was raised with a bloody mercenary whose genuine worst insult for us was to call us middle class LMAO#like my mum put tough love into the dictionary her VERBATIM catchphrase is 'fall in or fuck off'#and flatmate no.2 is ESTRANGED from her mum and has a very on-off relationship with her dad that has all round left her very independent#like for her there was no one there to spoil her and for me the person that was there would literally have rather died than have spoilt kid#so flatmate no.1 will say some bratty shit and me and flatmate no.2 are just there like??? are you fucking deranged???#the example that caused this post is that flatmate no.1's mum went into her room#and she was like '.... it smells like weed in here darling....' and my flatmate POINTED AT HER WEED AND WENT 'YEAH THAT'S WHY'#and she was telling us as a haha funny and i was like. THE DISRESPECT?#like my mum would be less angry about the weed than she was about the fact i didnt even respect her enough to hide it if that makes sense#she'd fucking clobber me id be out on the bloody street LMAO#spoilt kids and/or pushover parents just baffle me like i have never won a fight against my mum what are you even doing#'why didn't you do [rebellious thing] as a kid' BITCH I WAS SCARED LMFAO#hella goes to uni
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The reason i post or rb dean crit stuff is bc i enjoy analyzing his character and relationships but sometimes i feel like some of u forget that no ones making u do this :/
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pin3-vin3 · 1 year
"Feral" omegas. Bitch I was just mad
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carcinocommander · 2 years
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columnar-basalt · 2 years
i got benefits from my job now which is great however. what do any of these words mean. the supposedly plain-language booklet they gave me doesnt make any more sense than the website. i have to go to the dentist on monday and i dont know what the process is and the insurance people have the wrong address for me because i was an idiot when i filled out the forms 6 months ago and asancksdvhkvhjvjshvsdknc
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ananke-xiii · 2 months
cas practising (en/forced) exo-/endo-cannibalism will always be important to me.
#that guy has done it all#however I must say that this show truly thinks everybody's just a vessel and I'm not sure how I feel about that#for instance: Cas without grace is still not human to me. no matter how the show wants to tell me otherwise. I ain't buying that.#he's having human experiences sure. but. like. that's it. and I'm totally fine with that. You go eat burritos darling.#and I like my own take better tbh. 'Cause the show doesn't take a stand to the point that eventually even God is *just* transferable power.#meeeeeeeeh.#And this is the result of the post-kripke-seasons'perversion of the original story about sam and demon blood but it's still NOT the same.#cause angels and demons are not humans. even the idea of injecting human blood to turn a demon.#hypothetically: cool. if you think about it: mmmmh a demon is still an entity possessing somebody.#even if that somebody has been dead for centuries. the demon's been colonizing a corpse. he might experience human stuff again#but the demon is still a demon with a human (resurrected? reincarnated? what happens to the the possesed's soul???) body#(i don't really think that angels and demon can resurrect but they can reincarnate. or not? can they die when they are not in a body?)#so does this mean that being human means having human experiences? eeeeeeeehhhh the show seems to say: bleargh#cause apparently humans too are just vessels for the soul#no soul? not sure you're fully human.cause you can't experience stuff anymore.it's quite complicated as the jack's storyline debacle shows#what i mean is that sometimes I've got the feeling that the show uses its characters like recipes#a little bit of that and you're an angel. a little less of this and you're a monster#it's very quantity-oriented#and i'm like: MEEEEEEEEEEEEEH.#SO ANYWAY#Cas eating a little bit of his siblings to become an angel really seems to boil down to: you are what you eat.#spn s9#castiel#character of all time#supernatural
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endawn · 4 months
someone asks pax if he’s able to go out in the sunlight so he takes a glove off and sticks his hand out of the shade. it bursts into flames and he just brings it back - still on fire - and simply goes “no”
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the-smiling-doodler · 4 months
slams my head violently against the wall /neg
#the yapper#sighs.#gonna rant in the tags for a bit. (feel free to respond‚ i dont mind. i just need to get my thoughts out there)#also if you see any ships/characters censored its not because i hate them. its because i dont want them to pop up on the main tags !!#i fucking hate. hate hate HATE it when people shit talk certain design choices and ships and aus in the fandom#well. in any fandom really. but this is my ppt blog so this is what i'm gonna be talking about#but anyways back on track#i dont care if someone doesn't like something. thats the not the problem#the problem is when they don't like something and start being super fucking mean about it#i dont care if you hate d*ynap or p*ppyn*gs or oc x canon or tall c*tnap or skinny d*gday or [x] au or etc. i respect your opinion.#i DO care however‚ when you start being a dick about it. i dont respect you anymore when you call an au bad or shit when it doesnt feature#your favorite ship. i dont respect you anymore when you get mad at/disrespect an artist for drawing a character in a way you dont hc#or when you go under an artist's drawing to say 'cute.... but [x] is better ^_^' (boils my fucking blood. just say its cute or look away.)#or when you get mad at them for not centering their au around the ship you like. all of this includes when you do it behind their back‚ btw#i'm not asking anyone to engage with content they dont like. but good lord.#can you not talk about the stuff you dislike without putting them and the people who enjoy them down?? you sound like a jerk.#hrfhdg idk dude. it just makes me so angry and sad. please do better you guys.#sorry if this came off as too harsh. i'm just really sleepy and upset right now. so sick of this entitlement and these fuckass ship wars#it's so draining#im gonna take a nap and see if it makes it better#i'll also start drawing when i wake up !! sorry for anyone who was waiting in my askbox. my mind's just been occupied lately
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relicsongmel · 6 months
I hate non-reusable TMs I hate non-reusable TMs I hate non-reusable TMs I ha
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