#hp fcs
cescalr · 1 year
Appearances: Harry Potter Ensemble - Pt 1.
So. As someone who writes a lot of fanfic, I don't always decide to borrow directly from the source material for the appearances of the characters. I'll admit that my canon compliance for that can be tangential at best; mostly down to hair and eye colour, whilst everything else is different. This can lead to some confusion in my fics, because my worst sin in this regard that i'm inconsistent in how I portray them. I have multiple fcs and sims of characters, and I sort of just swap between them at whim. So this is a masterpost list of all the different appearances each portrayal of the HP ensemble cast I use. I'll also try and say which fics I pictured as which faces, because why not.
Let's get started, shall we?
Harry Potter. [+ James Potter, because they're meant to be almost identical.]
First, we'll go with documenting the protagonist.
For a canon-compliant Harry, I made this artbreeder a while ago;
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Lord above that's ginormous. Anyway. I'm not, like, 100% happy with this, but here it is.
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As may be a fairly obvious choice, my main fc for Harry is Darren Criss. He does a great job fitting the visual aspect of Harry, and an even better job of him being identical to his father; Darren Criss makes a perfect James Potter. All you need to do is watch AVP to know that one.
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And, as a sidenote; Look at them <3 this is the golden trio, right here!! Sure, Ron's a bit off, not tall enough, nose not long enough, but he works really well for the role, so I don't care.
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But he does a pretty good broody harry, too, so I tend to think Darren Criss when I think Harry James Potter.
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Again; for a slightly more book compliant Harry (aka; a wholly white Harry) there's a young Peter Capaldi. In these pics specifically, lol.
James Potter by Michelle-Winer on DeviantArt <- there's also this depiction of James as the actor for Will Graham from Hannibal, which works pretty damn well for both James and Harry.
Unfortunately, people don't credit as often as they should on Pinterest; (1) Pinterest this is a very good James, and if anyone happens to know who drew it, that's really necessary to know. He looks just like my James sim, fr. Took the image right from my brain.
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He looks a little less like his dad and more like his mum here, which is Incorrect, but I still like these sims.
Ron Weasley.
Next up on the list is Ron.
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I made this artbreeder a while ago. I think this is basically perfect, and looks exactly like how I think of him, except the nose is too short.
The blog is gone, but this art by xia-hainex has always been my favourite Ron fanart.
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I'm very picky about Ron's face. I don't have an actor fc for him.
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But I do have a sim :). You can see the influence, lol.
Hermione Granger.
Hermione has the most fcs out of the Golden Trio. 5 in total. First, her more canon-compliant artbreeder;
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Next; those five fcs.
First up; a duo of fcs - one for her younger years, and one for that version's older years. Ella Eyre + Stevvi Alexander.
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Of course, as shown above, there's always Bonne Gruesen, who played her in AVP. Which, as you can see, was an image that held a lot of mix dominance in the artbreeder (which I did through combining various images of these five women, plus some general tweaks.)
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Nathalie Emmanuel is a version where Hermione kept the buck teeth :D. Would mostly be used in muggle AUs.
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But this ^ really does look like book 7 Hermione during the horcrux hunt, don't you think?
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Grace Byers is a bit glamorous for Hermione, I'll admit. Sometimes I use her for her mother, instead.
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Elarica Johnson is the final fc option for HG, very similar to Nathalie Emmanuel. If I were to give HG a sister, she'd probably end up with Elarica whilst Hermione keeps Nathalie. Also an option for her mother, I suppose.
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Because I should mention this; I often use Hayley Law for Mrs. [heacanon name: Eudora] Granger. I haven't actually got an fc for her dad, but the one consistent thing about him is that he's Jewish, but he can be european or african or middle eastern or whatever, I don't care about that part. (Same, really, for Mrs. Granger. The one prerequisite I suppose is that they not match; my Hermione is biracial, and has the specific complication of passing as (depending on the person guessing) either ethnically White British or solely Ashkenazi Jewish, even if her father is not that. Most people miss the black half of her ancestry if they never meet her parents. And, to note, thanks to the schools she was sent to and the care her family took, Hermione has never experienced explicit racism towards herself, and her first personal exposure to prejudice is the whole Muggleborn mistreatment thing. It hits her pretty hard :(.)
[And, to note; I know that my Hermione's ancestry does not match the ancestry of the FCs, and that the situation regarding... all that doesn't really work with some of them, but I'm also not really happy with any one of these, particularly. Hermione's always been the one I find hardest to cast, because my thoughts are so specific but not... exactly refined.]
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This is my sim of her, which of course matches what's in my head better than any fc ever realistically could. She's also pretty close to the artbreeder, just, you know, better. Because it's not ai generated. (I tend to use artbreeder as a visual aid when creating the base ideas for things, nothing more.)
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Her mum and dad, for reference.
And that's the GT, so. Onto the next part! [For those wondering; I will keep hitting the image limit, doing this, so need to move on once I do.]
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the-sun-is-also-a-star · 10 months
although i am a desi james truther, i know a lot of people like latino james (and its a close second for me i love it) so i have a proposition for a latino james fc...
may i present, Xolo Maridueña
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he's literally so james potter coded
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aemondseyepatch · 1 year
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Manacled | Let Me Follow
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lizbethlupin · 28 days
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seriousbrat · 8 months
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James and Lily, 1978 / first year in the Order from The Darkest Days on Ao3
“You know, Evans, I’m not surprised you ended up with Potter. The pair of you did always enjoy arguing with each other a little too much, if you know what I mean.”
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lothris · 1 year
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elisedonut · 4 months
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Not me using anime face claims because I'm lazy and didn't feel like editing irl images because editing with real people is so much more annoying to me
Lavender FC: Kiryu Tsukasa(im@s) Percy FC: Keito Hasumi(Enstars)
Full Collection
At nearly 14k words I have completed Microfic May 2024!
While completely ignoring the whole microfic part um- anyway~
I had a lot of fun doing this challenge and feel like I've improved a lot because of it! even though it's a bit hard to tell since the order the fics went up and the order they were written in is pretty mixed up.
Thank you very much to the hosts of the challenge!! @microficmay I know its the last year you're hosting this so I'm happy i got the chance to participate!
Individual Links and Fic Summaries and Such Below The Cut!
Also keep an eye out for the five marked with a "🪻" Because that means I consider them my favorites c:
🍎 Day 1: Create
Characters/Ship: Molly Weasley & Percy Weasley
WC: 312
Percy accidentally staying up far too late to make a shirt for his teddy bear Tallyton.
🍐 Day 2: Warmth
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood (Perciver)
WC: 290
Percy brings Oliver home with him and Oliver is confused that something that was always there is suddenly not.
🍎 Day 3: Horizon 
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown
WC: 97
Lavender is dying and she knows it.
🪻Day 4: Decision - Wand for a Kiss?🪻
Characters/Ship: Stan Shunpike/Percy Weasley (Stercy)
WC: 820
Percy was going to miss his soulmate when he had to go back to Hogwarts. So, he chose to stay home while his family went to Egypt. To be able to spend time with him.
🍐 Day 5: Dreams & Reality - Once you decipher it, what will you see?
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Luna Lovegood
WC: 240 
A few weeks before you find your soulmate they'll start haunting your dreams.
🍐 Day 6: Flare
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley
WC: 71
Bill is distracted.
🍎 Day 7: Innocuous - Are you sure he would like that?
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour & Molly Weasley
WC: 248
Fleur and Molly are present shopping for Percy.
🍎 Day 8: Will - I'll bid my farewell to you without saying a word
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 538
Percy had only a single hour to change things, to bring Fred back to his family. Another Percy decides to do something to get Fred back for his family at his own detriment fic.
🍎 Day 9: Agony
Characters/Ship: Colin Creevey & Dennis Creevey
WC: 122
Dennis will return to Hogwarts even if he has to grit his teeth to do it.
🍐Day 10: Rise & Fall
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Fleur Delacour (fleurvender)
WC: 206
Fleur can feel herself being pulled towards her.
🍎 Day 11: Curse
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown
WC: 298
'Her scars don't define her.' Is what they keep telling her but it's difficult to believe it.
🪻Day 12: Vivid - Our path, dyed in blue.🪻
Characters/Ship: Dennis Creevey/Percy Weasley (Denperce)
WC: 736
Until you first kiss your soulmate you will only see colour in the places that they have been, on things that they've touched. Dennis only sees colour for the first time when he enters Diagon Alley.
🍎 Day 13: Talisman - Talismans & Rabbits
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown
WC: 499
Lavender needs to find the right item to use for a new assignment.
🍎 Day 14: Humility
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 74
Percy thinking about something Penny said once.
🍎 Day 15: Nothing & Everything - Spacing Out
Characters/Ship: Dennis Creevey
WC: 216
Sometimes it's easier to just feel nothing.
🍐 Day 16: Squabble - None of Their Concern
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley (Bleur)
WC: 249
Bill and Fleur like inviting others into their bed, some of the Weasleys find that weird.
🍐 Day 17: Worthy - To Be Good Enough
Characters/Ship: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley (Flintley)
WC: 484
Marcus is a fuck up but he's working on it.
🍐 Day 18: Healing - Pamper Me
Characters/Ship: Dennis Creevey/Percy Weasley
WC: 715
Dennis wants to be pampered more. Percy wants to finish his work.
🍐 Day 19: Impatience - Listen To Me
Characters/Ship: Marcus Flint/Percy Weasley (Flintley)
WC: 901
Tutoring Flint was typically an easy affair. When he's more interested in the clock and window then the words coming out of Percy's mouth though, not so much.
🪻Day 20: Push & Pull - Together with the waves, could we become happy?🪻
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley (Lavebleur)
WC: 632
Lavender feels like she barely even knows herself anymore. Acting out in ways that seem to make sense in the moment but feel so cruel later. Luckily, she has someone around who understands what she's going through.
🍎 Day 21: Idle - Everything Changes
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 157
Percy never liked moving.
🍐 Day 22: Precious - Every time we talk, "I like you" just loops in my mind
Characters/Ship: Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil (Pavender)
WC: 268
Lavender loves days when the dorm is empty of everyone but the two of them.
🪻Day 23: Mistake - Gossip Club🪻
Characters/Ship: Angelina Johnson/George Weasley
WC: 970
A normal night in the Weasley-Johnson household. Gossip and cooking just go so well together.
🍐 Day 24: Elation - Doomed From The Start
Characters/Ship: Colin Creevey/Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood
WC: 737
Magic will always want you to meet your soulmate and sometimes to achieve that, rules that are known to be true have to be bent a bit. Oliver and Percy handle finding their third differently to say the least. The right answer isn't always so clear cut though.
🍎 Day 25: Day & Night - No Way of Defying The Waves of Time
Characters/Ship: Percy Weasley
WC: 522
Percy got a great deal on this house, now if only it wasn't haunted.
🍎 Day 26: Vex - Who Do You Think You Are?
Characters/Ship: Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Remus Lupin/Percy Weasley
WC: 804
Fred and George never thought of themselves as protective but learning that your brother's soulmate doesn't seem to want him would make anyone a little angry.
🍎 Day 27: Dandy - He's Not Blind
Characters/Ship: Roger Davies & Percy Weasley
WC: 355
Roger is more observant than people give him credit for.
🍐 Day 28: Fetching - Masked Savior
Characters/Ship: Roger Davies/Percy Weasley
WC: 1,103
Percy has to agree to social events to keep his family off his back, but he accidentally bites off a bit more than he can chew.
🪻Day 29: Thrall - Touching Those Petals And Asking For Their Name🪻
Characters/Ship: Sirius Black/Percy Weasley (percius)
WC: 599
Sirius hates being at Grimmauld Place. Drowning himself in alcohol and avoiding thinking about it too much by roaming around the house.
🍎 Day 30: First & Last - That Time Dudley Almost Let his Daughter Fly Away.
Characters/Ship: Dudley Dursley & Daisy Dursley
WC: 588
Daisy Dursley has had bouts of accidental magic in the past, but flying? Floating? He really thinks she's going to be the death of him one of these days.
🍐 Day 31: Fulfilment - Promise
Characters/Ship: Fleur Delacour/Bill Weasley (Bleur)
WC: 110
Bill is thinking too much again.
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skylessknights · 9 months
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GET TO KNOW ME: ♡ [1/10] female characters: Colette Chapdelaine Paper Confines | by @sainteda
Colette was physically nonpareil beside Nadya, blonde curls rolled to her chin, cheeks flushed with autumn cold or the rouge she'd borrowed from her aunt and never given back. It was uneven across her pale cheeks, but suited her pink peacoat. Even leaning on her good leg, she was at least half a head taller than Amoret in a pair of last year's sling-backs, and her hazel eyes were thinned by a smile.
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acacia-fan-fiction · 5 months
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this is definitely an example of that.
The most wonderful gift from @hwaetwegardena was waiting for me this morning. Art by the incredible Luna999 of Pansy and Antonin. 🖤💚 It is perfect and they are beautiful 🥰
Thank you Hwaet. Seriously, this was a wonderful and very generous gift. I adore it.
(The fic this is based on is The Art of Reputation if anyone is interested, link below)
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unfortunate-arrow · 5 months
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hp next generation | new ships
⤷ nicholas wraxall x frances fersen (@endlessly-cursed)
⤷ jude cozens x noor verma-dhendron (@legilimenace)
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lumosfm · 22 days
fc suggestions for sirius please?
Hi there nonnie, and of course! Some possible face claims that could work for Sirius Black are: Felix Mallard, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Herman Tømmeraas, Thomas Hayes, Deaken Bluman, Maxence Danet-Fauvel, Alex Fitzalan, Joseph Quinn and Joe Keery!
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darabeatha · 9 months
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lizbethlupin · 9 months
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cursed-herbalist · 9 months
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I let the scale tip and feel all of it It’s uncomfortable but right We were born to try To see each other through To know and love ourselves and others well Is the most difficult and meaningful Work we’ll ever do
➔ Nine by Sleeping At Last
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lothris · 1 year
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smilingformoney · 2 years
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incorrect soul of ice quotes (2/?)
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