#hp slash 2023
consistentsquash · 1 year
2023 HP Slash Fic Recs (January to August)
My favorite slash fics written in 2023! Full disclosure everything is Snarry except one fic which is Sirius/Albus + Snape/Albus.
In the Margins of What We Know by Malora (January)
Snarry, 27700 words, epistolary fic
Snarry doesn't really get a lot of epistolary fic. So when I saw this one I was super excited. Love it. Really creative fic with a lot of scope/worldbuilding without a lot of words.
Magic and Botany: The Bamboo Forest of Li Xian (book excerpt) A bamboo forest is unusual compared to other forests in that its growth happens beneath the surface. The Bamboo Forest of Li Xian, in fact, could be considered one organism. There is a single root system for the entire forest. Two shoots of bamboo, seemingly distant, can be connected in ways that are not easily seen.
Check out the rest of the Snarry Adopt A Prompt Fest 2022.
  This Mirrored Perspective by @likelightinglass and zalil (February)
Snape/Harry/Tonks, 8000 words, PWP, Dirty bad hot wrong
Ok this is my OT3 and I don't really take questions. But this is my OT3 because of Likelightinglass writing An auror, a professor and a potioneer walk into a bar. This fic has a totally different vibe! It's intense, psychological, dirtybadhotwrong porn with peak self-indulgence. Definitely NSFW.
That nagging sense that he didn't deserve it.
  Night Skye by @titconao3 (March)
Snarry, 11500 words, OTP comfort food fic
Heartwarming OTP fic! It's the best Snarry comfort food fic I read this year. Good vibes, sexy high chemistry, loving/intimate feels, brilliantly characterized, beautiful settings.
“One day…” He shakes his head and looks up at Harry, his eyes like coal. “Today,” Harry says. “Today, Severus; that’s what matters.” This is how, finally, Harry gets Severus to agree.
  Coda to "Soft Touch" by @perverse-idyll (April)
Snarry, 3,300 words, Soft
Have recced before. Will rec again. Because everybody needs to read it for the soft tender vibes. Not really soft. But compared to the intense angsty fic this is a coda for, I feel like it's optimistic and soft and I just feel so happy for my OTP.
"Can a man not toss off in the privacy of his own room without being accused of sabotaging his bloody health? If you can't trust that I have a vested interest in my own recovery - "
Snape spotted Harry, and a flush raced from his collar up to his hairline, exquisitely pink beneath his unnaturally smooth skin. But although he swallowed his tirade, Snape didn't seem particularly put out by having practically shouted his masturbatory claims to the entire office.
Check out Soft Touch the perfect dysfunctional/dirtybadhotwrong massage fic which inspired this coda!
  Devotion by @danpuff-ao3 (May)
Snarry, 27000 words. Intense/dirty bad/hot/wrong.
Exactly what I want from my Snarry! Honestly Danpuff is bringing the oldschool vibes of Snarry back with a bang in their fics every single time and I am just super spoiled now. Snarry forever :D Also love to see Danpuff going into longer fics this year!
Though the worst crime of all is Potter’s. "Did you want to die?" Also The boy knows — he knows — he can take anything he wants. That bitter surrender is surrender all the same. That the force of Severus’ loathing is fed by his longing.
Pro tip - Read Contempt together with this fic. Check out other fics from Snarry-a-Thon 23
  Much Ado About Asmodeus by @ac1d6urn (June)
Snarry, 18100 words, Fluff
Fluff and crack! Really love the oldschool trope parody vibes of this fic. I actually haven't read something like this in a pretty long time. Going on my rereads! Also going on my holiday season reading list :D Also love to see Acid's insane prolific streak this year. I feel super spoiled as a reader! <3
Harry squinted against the rain and promptly attempted to expunge the phrase "Ventus Vultuosus, swish and flick when in a bind!" from his memory. Ugh. Curse you, Common Weather Weathering Spell #13! That'll be the last time I trust anything Witch Weekly puts out in fine print. (Except maybe that last fruitcake recipe.) Now that he thought about it, Auntie Annabelle's Advice Column on "Ten Ways of Bewitching and Beguiling Your Mr Right" didn't seem so reliable either, especially considering some of those later suggestions, and maybe even those in the middle too. Those were a bit wild.
  Promises, promises... by SerenaEW, @acydpop (July)
Snarry, 5000 words, Fluff
Aww!!! The Snarry Summer Fluff I was totally praying for and really needed! Perfect Snarry Bang opener for my reading <3 Also the art! <3
Severus was looking at him, telling him, with only a glance, to shut up before you say something utterly idiotic. The expression on Jamie's face looked nearly identical.
Check out the other fics from Snarry Bang 2023
  Brillig by eldritcher (August)
Dumbledore saying "You disgust me" to people in his life but also meaning "I disgust myself". The more he sees himself in the other person, the more disgusted he gets. Intense, intense beautiful fic. But also healing because he finally overcomes that.
He disgusts you. Ratty, bony, skulking, pleading, raging, raving, frightened of the shadows and frightened of the fog, frightened of you. "You did not save Lily!" he yells. "You did not save James!" he weeps. "You did not save me!" he whimpers, and huddles into himself and trembles as if the North Sea is in his very veins.
Also the math works out!!! Snape/Dumbledore + Sirius/Dumbledore = Snack by proxy actually.
Check out the rest of the spectacularly beautiful Frabjous which contains some of my all time favorite fics.
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digthewriter · 2 years
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Oliver and Percy for @wood-you-rather-challenge
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cassiopeiasshadow · 10 months
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“Er, hi,” Harry says, feeling a bit stupid. He thrusts the flowers at Draco, hoping that Draco will be distracted by them and maybe not notice how awkward Harry is being. “I got you flowers.”
Draco reaches a shaky hand out and takes them, still looking at Harry with an expression of incredulous disbelief. “Harry.”
“I’m sorry if they’re not the kind you like,” Harry says quickly. “I didn’t - I just saw them while I was out shopping, and I thought you would, er, like them. Maybe.”
Draco’s looking down at the flowers, and he leans forward to smell them, closing his eyes. When he opens them, he sees Harry as if for the first time since he's opened his door, and the expression of astonishment that was on his face previously is quickly tucked away. 
“They’re perfect,” he says gently. “Harry. Thank you,” and he looks at Harry as if he means it. 
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givereadersahug · 1 year
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HoS - Back to Basics (Comment Bingo)
Yay! I was able to complete another card for @houseofsnarry comment bingo! Woooo! Below the cut are the works used for the event. Check them out!<3 Original Dreamwidth Post
Title: Spicy Polaroids Creator: Soltituss Prompt: Artwork Fanwork Type: Fanart Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: Explicit Summary:
Private collection of photographs. Severus really likes to take them during their spicy time.
Title: Muggle London Creator: FairyCucumber Prompt: WIP Fanwork Type: Fanart Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: Explicit Summary:
A bunch of Harry Potter fanarts that I'm drawing inspired by my Muggle AU in which I placed Infraction. Just decided to keep them together in one place (including some spicy pieces) (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Title: [Podfic] The Godfather and the Greasy Git Creator: sisi_rambles Prompt: First Comment Fanwork Type: Podfic Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Sirius Black/Severus Snape Length: 00:01:08 Rating: Teen Summary:
There are some things Harry doesn't need to know. At all.
Title: A Tangled Web Creator: Writcraft Prompt: Favorite Author/Artist Fanwork Type: Fanfiction Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Word Count: 6,080 Rating: Explicit Summary:
Infatuation turns to obsession; he knows it’s unhealthy, but he can’t stop. Written for the Bring Back the Bastard Severus-centric fest on Livejournal.
Title: Also sprach Zarathustra Creator: eldritcher Prompt: A work with less than 100 kudos on AO3 Fanwork Type: Fanfiction Fandom: Barbie (Movie 2023) Pairing: Ken Carson/Barbie Roberts Word Count: 1,398 Rating: General Summary:
Going deep to find the inner Ken.
Title: Unique Armature Creator: bananagege (artist) brightened (author) Prompt: Favorite Trope chosen trope ~ magical tattoos Fanwork Type: Fanart + Fanfiction Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Sirius Black/Severus Snape Word Count: 5,417 Rating: Explicit Summary:
When the Marauders use Levicorpus to flip Snape, they find him covered in tattoos. Sirius becomes obsessed. (Fic with art)
Title:A Matter of (House) Pride Creator: bleedcolor & Likelightinglass Prompt: Re-read Fanwork Type: Fanfiction Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Word Count: 3,044 Rating: Explicit Summary:
LikeLightInGlass: Question, do Severus and Harry award house points when the other one does something good in bed? bleedcolor: Oh My God. YES. THEY SURE AS HELL DO.
Title: Slip Free of My Grasp Creator: lumosed_quill Prompt: New Author Fanwork Type: Fanfiction Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Sirius Black/Harry Potter Word Count: 3,461 Rating: Explicit Summary:
I don't want to be bad for him. I want to do bad things and still be, somehow, inexplicably, good.
Title: A Sea Symphony Creator: Anonymous (still posting period for fest) Prompt: A work inspired by a May fest/prompt challenge Fanwork Type: Fanart Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape Rating: Teen Summary:
Digital Art! Mermaid / Mermen lovers Severus and Harry.
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hpsnooze · 9 months
💤 HP Snooze Fest: Masterlist 💤
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We're at the end of HP Snooze Fest 2023, and we've had a total of 31 sleep-tastic works created! Thank you to everyone who participated. This has been an absolute dream of a fest. TBD about what will happen to this fest in the future, but there's always a possibility for more cat naps ahead!
If you haven't already, make sure to check out all the snooze-erful works in the Collection on AO3 or see the full list below! 😴
Femslash Ships
💤 In the Vault Where Reason Sleeps by @lee-bella 💤 (Bellatrix/Hermione, T, 1.1k)
💤 Only In Dreams Do I Wake by @lumosatnight 💤 (Hermione/Pansy, T, 1.5k)
💤 Merciful Dark by @vannminner 💤 (Hermione/Pansy, T, 1.9k)
💤 A Bit of Serenity by @sliebman10 💤 (Lavender/Parvati, T, 522)
Het Ships
💤 Decibels by AlihotsyTotsy 💤 (Hermione/Severus, G, 250)
💤 Stay by AlihotsyTotsy 💤 (Neville/Pansy, M, 534)
💤 A Dream of Want by LadyUrsa 💤 (Hermione/Draco, E, 5.1k)
💤 Yes, Yes by TatooineTourist 💤 (Hermione/Draco, E, 7.0k)
💤 Your Heart's Against My Chest by @inastarlesssky 💤 (Hermione/Draco, G, 969)
💤 If I Lay Here by @inastarlesssky 💤 (Hermione/Draco, G, 812)
💤 A Much-Kneaded Rest by @ourswordsmeandeath💤 (Hermione/Draco, G, 1.1k)
Slash Ships
💤 Please, don’t wake me (no, don’t shake me) by @onehundredflamingos 💤 (Regulus/James, E, 5.7k)
💤 Meaning of the tattoo by @goddess47 💤 (Harry/Severus, T, 400)
💤 For you, I'd let the world burn by world_on_fire_009 💤 (Draco/Harry, M, 1.6k)
💤 A Very Bad Idea by x_manga_Bleach_x 💤 (Theo/Harry, G, 1.2k)
💤 Sing me to sleep by x_manga_Bleach_x 💤 (Terence/Harry, T, 1.7k)
💤 I Get High on You by x_manga_Bleach_x 💤 (MacNair/Harry, E, 1.0k)
💤 As Good Pets Do by @lumosatnight 💤 (Peter/Percy, E, 500)
💤 The Housesitter by @lumosatnight 💤 (Sirius/Theo, E, 500)
💤 Got lost in it, feels impossible by @laserswordtraining 💤 (Harry/Tom, T, 19.2k)
💤 Sleepwalking Right Into His Arms by Lucigoo89 💤 (Viktor/Percy, T, 1.9k)
💤 See how it shines by @orange-peony 💤 (Draco/Harry, E, 18.7k, WIP)
💤 Left Spellbound by @lumosatnight 💤 (James Sirius/Severus, E, 1.5k)
💤 Catnapping by x_manga_Bleach_x 💤 (Harry/OMC, G, 413)
Poly Ships
💤 try to fix you by @maesterchill 💤 (Hermione/Harry/Ron, M, 2.0k)
💤 The Safe House by @sliebman10 💤 (Sirius/Remus/James, E, 1.3k)
Gen Works
💤 Summer in Surrey by Elvira_Kamgut 💤 (Arabella & Minerva, G, 360)
💤 One Afternoon Nap by Elvira_Kamgut 💤 (Arabella & Minerva, G, 331)
💤 "Spiders cannot thermoregulate. How could I forget that?" by x_manga_Bleach_x 💤 (Theo & Harry, G, 1.2k)
💤 The Best Christmas Ever by x_manga_Bleach_x 💤 (Seamus & Harry, G, 831)
💤 "He climbed into my bed!" by x_manga_Bleach_x 💤 (Harry & Weasley Twins & Slytherins, NR, 538)
See all works in the AO3 Collection!
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hpshipuary · 2 years
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💖 HP Shipuary Prompt List 💖
Here are your HP Shipuary 2023 prompts for each day in the month of February! This year we have TWO ways for you to take on this challenge:
Pick a Ship! We will provide you with a Het, Slash, and Femslash ship for each day. You only need to create works for 1 of the 3 ships listed. (i.e. Hermione/Sirius • Dean/Graham • Bellatrix/Luna)
BYO (Build Your Own) Ship! We will provide one Male and one Female character (canonically) for each day. Create your own ship utilizing at least 1 of that day's characters! (i.e. Percy Weasley • Luna Lovegood)
Remember: you do NOT have to create work for each day! If the listed ship(s) or character(s) aren't for you, feel free to skip them!
We look forward to everything you create! 💕
Rules • FAQ • AO3 Collection • Prompt Spreadsheet
Your 2023 Ships and BYO Ship Character Lists are available below the cut, or you can view the spreadsheet above:
2023 Ships (pick at least one)
01: Ginny/Tom (LV) • Marcus/Percy • Minerva/Lily
02: Cho/Ron • Harry/Sirius • Lavender/Padma
03: Draco/Parvati • Fred/Cedric • Pansy/Luna
04: Cedric/Fleur • James Sr/Lucius • Hermione/Molly
05: George/Pansy • Remus/Barty Jr • Katie/Fleur
06: Kingsley/Minerva • Draco/Bill • Cho/Parvati
07: Oliver/Alicia • Seamus/Gilderoy • Rose/Lavender
08: Harry/Luna • Ron/Severus • Eileen/Euphemia
09: Marrietta/Seamus • Evan/Regulus • Rolanda/Helena
10: Gregory/Susan • Abraxas/Tom (LV) • Hermione/Marietta
11: Hermione/Marcus • Charlie/Rubeus • Nymphadora/Pansy
12: Lucius/Andromeda • Ron/Scorpius • Dorcas/Lily Sr
13: Hermione/Sirius • Dean/Graham • Bellatrix/Luna
15: Bellatrix/James Sr • Lorcan/Hugo • Astoria/Ginny
16: Lily Luna/Blaise • Fenrir/Vincent • Olympe/Minerva
17: Neville/Pansy • Draco/Kingsley • Susan/Penelope
18: Dolores/Firenze • Harry /Neville • Millicent/Parvati
19: Albus/Poppy • George/Colin • Myrtle/Olive
20: Lily Sr/Peter • Arthur/Vernon • Andromeda/Molly
21: Luna/Severus • Lucius/Cygnus • Hannah/Alicia
22: Harry Potter/Astoria • Frank/Severus • Daphne/Hermione
23: Lily Sr/Regulus • Ron/Zacharias • Bellatrix/Petunia
24: Percy/Angelina • Harry/Viktor • Lily Luna/Luna
25: Draco/Rosmerta • Albus/Percy • Alice/Andromeda
26: Lavender/Theo • Teddy/Bill • Ginny/Gwenog
27: Albus Severus/Hermione • Horace/Tom (LV) • Astoria/Narcissa
28: Molly/Remus • Dudley/Piers • Hermione/Lily Sr
2023 BYO Ship Characters (pick at least one)
01: Albus Severus Potter • Alicia Spinnet
02: Bill Weasley • Andromeda Black Tonks
03: Blaise Zabini • Angelina Johnson
04: Cedric Diggory • Astoria Greengrass
05: Draco Malfoy • Bellatrix Black Lestrange
06: Evan Rosier • Cho Chang
07: Fred Weasley • Daphne Greengrass
08: George Weasley • Dorcas Meadowes
09: Gilderoy Lockhart • Fleur Delacour
10: Harry Potter • Gabrielle Delacour
11: James Potter • Ginny Weasley
12: James Sirius Potter • Hermione Granger
13: Lucius Malfoy • Katie Bell
15: Marcus Flint • Lavender Brown
16: Neville Longbottom • Lily Evans Potter
17: Oliver Wood • Lily Luna Potter
18: Percy Weasley • Luna Lovegood
19: Regulus Black • Minerva McGonagall
20: Remus Lupin • Molly Weasley
21: Ron Weasley • Myrtle Warren
22: Scorpius Malfoy • Narcissa Black Malfoy
23: Severus Snape • Nymphadora Tonks
24: Sirius Black • Pomona Sprout
25: Teddy Lupin • Pansy Parkinson
26: Theodore Nott • Petunia Evans Dursley
27: Tom Riddle | Voldemort • Poppy Pomfrey
28: Viktor Krum • Rose Weasley
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Steter Week 2023
Day #2: Mistaken Identities
Stiles was a writer, having obtained a master’s degree in creative writing and literature. For the last two years he had been writing a novel. Now after several months of making sure it was perfect, he took his work to a publisher.
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Stiles was a writer, having obtained a master’s degree in creative writing and literature. For the last two years he had been writing a novel. Now after several months of making sure it was perfect, he took his work to a publisher.
However, he barely got started with his presentation when he was being escorted from the premises by security. The head honchos at the Silver Spring Inc. Publishing Company threatened to sue him for copyright infringement, theft, fraud and many more if he dared to show his face there again. Stiles didn’t fight them on it, feeling completely lost and numb. He didn’t understand how he could be charged with such things when it was his work.
It was when Stiles was walking back to his apartment from the publishing company that he came upon a display at the local bookstore. There, in the front window, sat his book titled, He Ignited My Spark under the pen name, Mischief Managed. Stiles’s eyes welled with tears of frustration. It hurt him deeply to see the name. Mischief had been his mother’s nickname for him and well Stiles also adored Harry Potter. Now, both of those things felt tainted and he hated it.
It was now abundantly clear that Stiles’s book had been stolen and someone was reaping the benefits of his hard work. Not only that, but they used a name that people would believe belonged to Stiles. He hated to think that someone close to him might’ve been the one to do this, might’ve been the one to betray him.
Next, he checked online and found out that the book, his book, had become the number one bestseller in the world and was being displayed in the front windows of over a hundred stores across the world. It even had the top spot on the New York Times Bestseller List which had always been one of Stiles’s dream. That made this all the more heartbreaking for him.
After grabbing the bare necessities from his apartment, Stiles quickly drove home to see his husband, Peter. They lived in a country home but Stiles had been staying in the city apartment the month leading up to his presentation to Silver Spring Inc.
When he pulled into their driveway, Stiles saw that some of his friends had texted him and others had messaged him on social media. His phone was blowing up, each notification another chip against his armor and another slash of pain to his heart. Everyone was congratulating him, thinking he’d chosen a pen name.
Red_Queen: Congratulations Stiles! What do you say to a shopping trip just us two? You’ll have interviews no doubt and it’ll be good to get you looking the part. 💋
Catwoman: Hey Batman! Look at you go! Clever name! I approve! We’re having an HP movie marathon for our next hangout!
Scarf-aholic: Hey man! Nice job on your book! I get an autographed copy right? Did you put your favorite person in it? Aka me?
Thumper: I am never wrong but apparently this time I was. So, congrats on the NYT Bestseller Bambi! We have to celebrate. Drinks are on me okay? 😉
The more Stiles read, the more depressed and hurt he became. He turned off his Jeep and headed inside, not even caring that he ended up soaked by the sudden rain. It just added to his already terrible day.
Peter was in their kitchen when Stiles arrived home. When the wolf went to greet his husband, he noticed right away something was wrong. However, before ye could ask about it Stiles silenced him with a kiss, plastered on a small smile and turned away from the wolf.
Stiles had no energy to speak, not even to his husband. He was hurt and even more so because no one had realized the book wasn’t Stiles. The amber eyed man headed to the bathroom to shower and tried to forget for tonight that his work had been stolen.
Peter was one of the smartest people alive and it didn’t take much to figure out what had happened. What was rage inducing was that he was the only one who had figured it out.
When he realized what had happened, Peter was pissed. His mate had gone to bed without eating supper, had curled into a small ball in the middle of their bed and was wearing Peter’s clothes. The sight was setting off all of Peter’s protective instincts.
With a snarl, Peter paced back and forth in the hallway just outside their bedroom door. His gums were itching and his claws kept repeatedly sheathing and unsheathing.
After a few moments, the wolf halted his movements and his mouth stretched into a malicious smirk. Oh, Peter knew exactly what he was going to do. He kissed his mate’s forehead and scented him. Then he headed to his office and shut the door firmly.
It looked like it was time for the alpha to revisit his little black book and his little red book. No one who made his mate cry deserved to breathe let alone have all the accolades that were rightfully Stiles’s. Oh, yes. Peter would fix this and he would do it now.
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xnarlie-starlightx · 2 years
Hedric (Harry Potter x Cedric Diggory) from Harry Potter
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I’m unsure as for Potterheads’s first same gender ship their self but this already was/is my first fave slash, almost canon, OTP and tragic love story before and after how many ships I’ve got that has some similarity just like this tragically ship itself.
Harry’s terrible timing but unfortunately founds Cedric as his soulmate while they don’t know how it’ll turned out, this ship definitely gives me “I personal don’t care if it’s either canon, almost canon or non canon because I’m allowed view those two fiction characters together all because they deserve better” vibes and how much it foreshadows for me being a sucker for tragic love story ships and how different it could’ve turned out instead actual canon ending itself. Otherwise, I really honestly don’t care much when some most fans mention or comment their preference for notice canon or popular non canon ships because it’s still neutrally fine by me from their own liking; I’m mainly focus finding ships that’s either tried to understand/enjoy paring itself except it’s not for me or made for me afar reacting each parings instead sink into toxicity level.
Speaking of toxicity fan/shipper from this fandom: don’t let Drarry Vs Dramione and Snily Vs Jily or other red flag solution drag you down no matter how afar worst it still goes; it’s better to find rare positive fans while you shall keep them as new friends and avoiding drama as possible. Even myself as a non toxic shipper of two ships, Drarry and Snily, I still don’t comment Severus’s ‘better’ than James unlike how some most Team Snape does because he’s not while myself over here still loves viewing Harry and likable Draco together as a realistic LGBT couple instead love and hate relationship.
Besides how afar this post’s involve, reasons why Hedric’s involve because nothing still can’t change how much I despite her-name-shall-not-be-name from all the damage she cause between Harry and Cedric were almost endgame their self and how many fans she hurt before and after her transphobic comment came along. Some Potterheads mentioned their childhood’s ruined because of her transphobic comment, well.. according as for mine, already’s half ruined because disturbances why Harry and Cedric never got together instead transphobic, homophobic and racism ‘Queen’’s comment. Am I forevermore bitter towards Jo*nne all for preventing Cedric and Harry becoming boyfriends?
Yes, but, Potterheads can’t separate HP book series from her cause she’s still a creator of World Of Harry Potter and all characters she has created. She can make entire excuses all she wants to especially dodging Hedric and other Potterheads’s fave ships, at least HP fandom their self can still make this fandom a better place for all fans while it’s half of something she couldn’t do along doesn’t has to be either mentioned or involve. Yet, Radcliffe and Watson aren’t suppose to respond her transphobic tweet but they did and make Potterheads relief and better instead no longer continuing support her-name-shall-not-be-named.
My apologies this went unfortunately longer between rant and discuss all in one post about her and Hedric, it’s part of reasons why I make this another HP post. If there’s another ship that’s been accurately ruined for you by R*wl*ng after take your time reading this, take care and feel free to leave a comment anytime if I shall make another post.
Almost ending of 2022, let’s hope 2023 could’ve been a better year for all of us
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danpuff-ao3 · 9 months
my year in fic
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Thanks for the tag @wolfpants! I've needed to do a roundup post for the year, and your post was a good reminder to do so! I've accomplished a lot in 2023, but specifically looking at fics...I've written 27(ish) fics this year, and surpassed 100 fics total this year! 182,231 (posted) words. I wrote several fics I've long wanted to write. And 3 fics from this year jumped right up to my Top 10 favorites (if not top 5!) 2023 has been a good year for writing, I think! And I can't wait to see what I accomplish in 2024.
Tagging: anyone who wants in, but please tag me! I'd love to see what everyone did this year!
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Again (and Again)
Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 700. Art by A_Loveunlaced (@a-loveunlaced).
Unspeakable Snape catches Auror Potter snooping around the Department of Mysteries.
White Lies & Silver Bells
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 2,768. Christmas. Secret relationship. Foot fetish. Bottom Snape. Demi Harry. Fluff & angst & smut. Hoggywartyxmas 2022.
Minerva is angry. Harry is smitten. Severus is afraid. Just another Christmas at Hogwarts!
profane, holy
Harry/Severus, Neville/Severus, Draco/Severus, Blaise/Severus, Percy/Severus, Cedric/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 666. Underage. Rape/non-con. Power imbalance. HP Chan Fest 2023.
5 boys Severus seduced, and 1 who seduced him.
Cruel Summer
Harry/Sirius. Rated: E. Words: 5,445. Minor Snarry. Rape/non-con. Grooming. Emotional manipulation. Dysfunctional relationship. Extremely dubious consent. Ambiguous/open ending. Features art by MrVillain (@mrviran).
Sirius rescues Harry. Number Twelve is a different sort of Hell than Number Four.
Valentine's Victor
Harry/Severus. Mentions of Harry/Ginny. Rated: G. Words: 46. Letters. Humor. Poetry.
Severus is the Prince of Petty. I mean Poetry.
Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 300. Pre-slash. Student/teacher. Hogwarts 6th year.
Harry dreams of love.
Killer's Caress
Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 300. Pre-slash. Student/teacher.
Potter’s magic is a killer’s caress.
Kiss and Control
Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 400. Kissing. Erotica.
Part your lips a bit more, I'll swallow your fear.
Washes & Wishes
Harry/Severus. Rated: M. Words: 300. Bathtubs. Domestic fluff. Romance. No smut just nudity.
Harry and Severus take a bath.
Amor Aetnerus
Harry/Severus. Rated: T. Words: 500. MCD. Underage. Student/teacher. Tragedy. True love.
Harry and Snape belong together.
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 1,343. Secret relationship. Ceraunophilia. Thunderstorms. Contempt-verse. Kinkuary 2023.
It’s only Harry and Severus in all the world, or so it seems. OR: It's Valentine's Day, and they're in Germany for a potions conference, but alone in the hotel while a storm rages outside, they might be anyone, anywhere.
Gray Eyes (Tell No Lies)
Draco/Sirius. Rated: E. Words: 3,695. Underage. Size kink. Small penis. First time. Implies Snarry. Kinkuary 2023.
Draco is trapped with Sirius at Number Twelve, the summer between fifth and sixth year. He's a shiny new toy Sirius can't resist.
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 1,166. Rough sex. Love/hate. Implied cheating. Contempt-verse. Kinkuary 2023.
Loathing is the easy part.
The Virgin Bride
Draco/Voldemort. Rated: E. Words: 5,337. Underage. Rape/non-con. Ambiguous age. Rough sex. Violence. Auction. Punishment. Manipulation. Forced prostitution. Minor/implied Snarry. HP Chan Fest 2023.
Lucius pushes Voldemort too far. Voldemort retaliates...and uses Draco to do so.
The Perfect Shade of Purple
Albus/Tom. Rated: E. Words: 1,101. Underage. Cockwarming. Ambiguous age. Kinkuary 2023.
Who's using who?
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 1,973. A/B/O. Heat cycles. Omega Severus.
Never has Harry been able to pin Severus down. Mystery is part of the allure. Sequel to Obscene.
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 25,843. Cheating. Background Hinny. Unhealthy relationships. Self-hatred. Mental health issues. Enemies to lovers. Obsession. POV Severus Snape. Ambiguous/open ending. Contempt-verse. Snarry-a-Thon 2023.
Is there anything more undignified than needing someone so much?
Wisdom in Temptation
Draco/Sirius. Rated: E. Words: 2,581. Drapple. Virginity loss. Secret relationship. HP Fruit Fest.
Draco snacks on fruit. Sirius snacks on Draco. Sequel to Gray Eyes (Tell No Lies)
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 1,939. Background Hinny. Cheating. Secret relationship. Fluff & angst. HP Fruit Fest. Contempt-verse.
There is no room for beauty here. Still, Severus covets.
The Golden Apple
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 3,469. Mpreg. Fluff & angst.
Severus' life is ruined. Can be read as a sequel to Choice but can also be read as a standalone.
The Curse of Anteros
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 53,443. Underage. Student/teacher. Auror/prisoner. Time skips. POV Alternating. Animal transformations. Animagus bestiality. Curses. Background Relationships. Angst with a happy ending. Romance. True love. Magical theory. Magical creatures. Years: 1996-2036. Art by MrVillain (@mrviran). Snarry Bang 2023.
When Harry is cursed, he seeks out Severus Snape. They have a long history behind them, after all, and they've always had so much between them. Who else would he go to?
Hyacinth Wild
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 5,403. Underage. Student/teacher. Sex pollen. Dubious consent. Ambiguous age. Non-linear narrative. Ambiguous/open ending. Kinktober 2023. HP Flowers - Autumn Round 2023.
Neville brings sex pollen to a inter-House party, and Harry wakes up in Professor Snape's bed.
smile with sweet surprise
Harry/Severus. Lily/Severus. Rated: E. WIP. Words: 13,655. Chapters: 3/5. Underage. Stepdad Snape. Infidelity. Virginity loss.
Chapter 3 posted in 2023.
Harry is barely sixteen. Had barely blown out his candle when Severus kissed him.
Wasted for Love
Harry/Severus. Harry/Hermione/Ron. Rated: E. WIP. Words: 9,620. Chapters: 3/25. Polyamory. Closed triad. Established relationship. Temptation. Fidelity issues.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione are living happily ever after 5 years after the war. That is until the Prince returns, and with him all of the turmoil and temptation from the past.
A Taste for You
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. WIP. Words: 5,374. Chapters: 3/?. Sugar Daddy Harry. Bottom Snape. Postwar. Dubious consent. Self-hatred.
Severus Snape has been down on his luck since the war ended. Enter: Harry Potter. With no other causes to occupy his time, he makes Severus an offer he can't refuse; but Severus can't help but wonder: what is it the boy really wants?
War and Heartbreak
Neville/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 880. Background Snarry. Cheating. Heartache. Angst. Unrequited love. Student/teacher. HP No Nut November 2023.
When Harry asked Neville to look after Snape, he probably didn’t mean this.
Sweet Nothing
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 7,080. Underage. OotP. Forced bonding. Virginity loss. Ritual. Sex magic. Voyeurism. HP Deflower December 2023.
It's up to Harry to save the day, as always. This time that means getting married and getting fucked.
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vermilionvector · 1 year
I'm moving to a new sheet since the old one is getting a bit too long. This sheet will focus solely on Base Elsword and KE. To see the archived log, please see here.
Disclaimer: This is only my personal suggestion and is not related to official information.
Change log May 20, 2023:
Double Slash - Added a conditional damage increase effect: If the first strike only lands one hit, the second strike's damage will be increased. (+4000% and +650% for PVE and PVP respectively). "Landing one hit" means that the damage number shows up only one time. If you hit an enemy with multiple hitboxes when using the skill, it will not be counted as "one hit".
Warrior Physique - Levels are deleted to reflect my revamped Skill Tree suggestion. The value is also changed as follows:
- (Previously at Lv. 4) Max HP increased from 20%/4% to 30%/5% (PVE/PVP) and Damage reduction increased from 14%/4% to 20%/5% (PVE/PVP).
Counter Patience - Levels are deleted to reflect my revamped Skill Tree suggestion. Debuff duration reduction is now considered as a part of Counter Patience buff and has a definite duration.
Gigantic Slash: Removed Wind Slicer activation cooldown decreased effect (only cooldown reduction activation cooldown remained).
Awakened Will: Lord Knight - [Knight's Protection]'s tooltip is added: [Knight's Protection] cannot overlap and will be renewed with the latest caster's status. The reason for this change is to prevent feedback loop from the new Persistence effect where if multiple KEs use Iron Body at once the damage shared will just keep being mitigated. By limiting Knight's Protection to be activated by only one person, the damage shared will only be transferred to the latest KE who uses Iron Body. In addition, max HP increase effect is changed from being affected only by Stage 1 - 3 to Stage 1 - 4.
Absolute Judgement - Added effects: [Sword Aura Augmentation] skills' effects will be enhanced by 50%. Additionally, allies do not need to be in the aura created by the passive Awakened Will: Lord Knight to receive [Knight's Resolution].
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consistentsquash · 2 years
HP Fic Recs! Snapecase Sunday!
Check out Snapecase! The fest is still going on. Lots of Snape centric fics/art! I didn't get the time to read everything but I got some recs from my reading. Definitely check out the fest for yourself.
5 fav fics with 5 different vibes.
Candles Lit Against the Dark
Pairing - McGonagall/Grubbly Plank.
Length - 11000 words
Vibe - Feel good with a happy ending. BANTER!!!!
Author's summary - It's been a few months since Minerva's retirement, and she'd promised Wil a dinner out. Before she knows it, friends start turning up on her doorstep and then at the pub, not least among them a certain spy who came in from the cold.
Rec - READ THIS! The longest fic of the fest iirc. But also the best! My favorite fic of 2023 so far!! Don't miss this fic! I love literally everything about it. The prose, the really sharp banter, the characterizations, the dynamics of their relationships. A lot of times we get to see the postwar setting when stuff is really raw or when they sort of got over it. This fic has a really low stakes premise of a retirement party but the undercurrents of their history/war is super present. The writing has this really precise balance where it feels light but it is at the same time dealing with tons and tons of complicated PTSD and messy baggage. ALSO SNARRY! Technically background Snarry but not really. It's right in your face. McGonagall's face I mean! :D :D ALSO THE BANTER! Sorry but not sorry! This is an ALL CAPS SCREAMING fic. Some real Seinfeld moments with the sharp banter.
Vibe quote
Wil wasn't a smirker, but it was a near thing. "Not that our dear old Skunk isn't capable of riding a bucking broom into the nearest cloud all on his own, but I did put the wind up his bristles. The therapeutic effects of working with the herd get raised now and then when we're out on the hillside and Severus is in a receptive mood. Harry being one of our lad's personal Boggarts – not that that's ever been a secret – I thought it worth mentioning his recent distress. Divorce and all. Gave my opinion that somebody ought to nudge the lad into beneficial activity."
Rec note - the fic that made me late for work. No regrets.
Pairing - gen, Phineas POV
Length - 2900 words.
Vibe - Angst with a happy ending. GENDER!!!
Author's Summary - Phineas revisits the question of legacy.
Rec - a solid premise of Found Family with a twist like A Christmas Carol. Phineas thinks his legacy is over because Sirius is dead. But he starts to accept legacy isn't about blood and "adopts" Snape. I mean. Sort of. Technically he saves Snape. I mean. It's complicated! Read it read it read it!!!! OMG!!!! It's a beautiful and eerie fic with lots of unforgivable magic which you forgive anyway because the motive is love. Also lots of gender. Definitely be careful with this fic if you have some gender dysphoria. It has a lot of detach/remove and some really clever techniques to kind of abstract the harder stuff so it doesn't feel dysphoric but these things can be YMMV. Phineas POV! He is super hard to sympathize with because he's pretty much into the purity thing. But you can definitely see where he is coming from and why/how he changes. ALSO SNARRY PRESLASH??
Rec note - So this fic has some serious Giger vibes. Giger designed the chestburster Alien in the Alien franchise. A strange combo of gender imagery.
Vibe Quote
And out came bursting a stick-shaped, sour-shaped man, bawling as only a newborn could, naked as something sprung from the mother, with pigment smearing him in afterbirth.
Some Semblance of Family
Pairing - gen, Eileen POV
Length - 2200 words.
Vibe - Angst with Glass Onion vibes!
Author's Summary - Eileen returns to Prince House on familial business.
Rec - Hardcore Snape fam angst. Really brilliant/sharp Eileen characterization. Love the character study. Also really loved the world building in the fic! Shortfic but does a lot with the word count! It's going to break your heart.
Vibe quote
Eileen realised that her great uncle was right, that she was wrong, that she had allowed hope, as usual, to poison her, and with a bitter, eldritch shriek, she began unburdening herself of her own searing disappointment.
The Watched Pot
Genfic with Snape POV.
Length - 2100 words.
Vibe - Angst!
Author's Summary -In the aftermath, Severus has no plan other than a potion.
Rec - I don't want to spoil the fic because the suspense is a big part of this fic. It's a brilliant Snape POV fic with super sharp characterization of Eileen and her relationship with her son. Heartbreaking. But ofc it's Snape. That's his thing!
Vibe Quote
"It's an old wives' tale, you know," Eileen says. "What is?" "That a watched pot never boils. Eventually, with enough time and heat, everything boils."
It was Magic
Pairing - Tobias/Eileen
Length - 1100 words
Author's Summary -Tobias and Eileen's wedding day is the result of a magical connection.
Rec - OMG! This fic! Tobias and Eileen are big little liars!! Lots of intrigue/mystery/complicated motives. But you also feel for them and also feel really scared for their future/Snape's future. Super sharp writing which keeps you guessing nonstop!
Vibe quote
It's a small wedding because neither Tobias nor Eileen have any family, at least, that's what they've told each other.
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bltngames · 2 years
Browsing demos on Switch, and finding a Half-Life 1 mod remaster?
So I don't know how many of you remember this, but way back in the day, there was this mod called Vampire Slayer, for Half-Life 1. Browsing the demos on the Switch right now, I hit upon a game called "Vampire Slayer: Resurrection" and for a moment I'm obviously like, "No way that's the same game, right?"
As it turns out: Yes! It is! What???
I only ever played this for one night like fifteen years ago, but it left enough of an impression that I can still remember it by name and occasionally think about it. Vampire Slayer was, or I guess is, a team deathmatch mod where one team is the vampires and the other team is the slayers.
It's been forever, but to my memory, the vampires are just vampires. I think they function as a unified team. They're faster and significantly more agile than the slayers, almost being able to fly for how high they can jump and how fast they can run. The rub: they're melee only. Vampires can only attack by slashing with claws (and biting -- more on that in a sec).
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Slayers on the other hand were a little more class-based -- I think you could choose from a four or five different loadouts, and they were mostly about ranged weapons. I remember there specifically being a priest, possibly with a sawed off shotgun and some kind of rosary attack? I remember somebody with a crossbow that launched wooden stakes, too.
The catch, of course, is that vampires can't really die. When a vampire loses all their HP, they appear to fall to the floor, dead. Then, a few seconds later, they... get back up again, just like in the movies. Unless -- and this is the important part -- a slayer can run in and stake the "dead" vampire before they get back up. That kills them for real.
As you can imagine, the character with the crossbow on the slayer side of things was a big deal, because they were the only slayer that more or less auto-staked a vampire instead of just knocking them down. But I also want to say that, much like headshots are important in other shooters, vampires must be staked in the heart in order to kill them, and nowhere else. This lead to interesting scenarios where panicked slayers rushed a downed vampire, missed the heart, and were torn to shreds for botching the stake.
This sounds like the game is balanced very heavily in favor of vampires, and to some degree, it is. I think ideally the balance tried to shake out that vampires were glass cannons and slayers were slow and tanky. I want to say vampires had a low HP cap, something like 75hp, and they didn't wear armor, whereas slayers could armor up like it was Counter-Strike. I also think slayers either had a healing class, healing items, or could find heals out in the map (or all three) whereas vampires could feed to regain health -- the rub being that vampires needed corpses to feed on.
I think a freshly-fed vampire would even get a temporary buff to speed or health, to top it all off. So there was incentive to lure slayers in to a trap where the team could safely feed and then launch a counter offensive once they were all juiced.
Mechanically, you can probably see why it stuck with me after all these years. It's a hell of an interesting idea for a multiplayer game.
I just wonder how much demand there is for it in 2023. I guess I should download that demo.
Honestly, I miss the days of Half-Life mods like this. Vampire Slayer, Zombie Panic, Science & Industry, Pirates Vikings & Knights, The Specialists, The Hidden, Zombie Master... we've lost a lot not having these weird, experimental ideas anymore, even if they weren't enough to support player bases forever. They were often cool as hell in the moment.
Godspeed, Vampire Slayer Resurrection.
Slayers on the other hand were a little more class-based -- I think you could choose from a four or five different loadouts, and they were mostly about ranged weapons. I remember there specifically being a priest, possibly with a sawed off shotgun and some kind of rosary attack? I remember somebody with a crossbow that launched wooden stakes, too.
The catch, of course, is that vampires can't really die. When a vampire loses all their HP, they appear to fall to the floor, dead. Then, a few seconds later, they… get back up again, just like in the movies. Unless -- and this is the important part -- a slayer can run in and stake the "dead" vampire before they get back up. That kills them for real.
As you can imagine, the character with the crossbow on the slayer side of things was a big deal, because they were the only slayer that more or less auto-staked a vampire instead of just knocking them down. But I also want to say that, much like headshots are important in other shooters, vampires must be staked in the heart in order to kill them, and nowhere else. This lead to interesting scenarios where panicked slayers rushed a downed vampire, missed the heart, and were torn to shreds for botching the stake.
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This sounds like the game is balanced very heavily in favor of vampires, and to some degree, it is. I think ideally the balance tried to shake out that vampires were glass cannons and slayers were slow and tanky. I want to say vampires had a low HP cap, something like 75hp, and they didn't wear armor, whereas slayers could armor up like it was Counter-Strike. I also think slayers either had a healing class, healing items, or could find heals out in the map (or all three) whereas vampires could feed to regain health -- the rub being that vampires needed corpses to feed on.
I think a freshly-fed vampire would even get a temporary buff to speed or health, to top it all off. So there was incentive to lure slayers in to a trap where the team could safely feed and then launch a counter offensive once they were all juiced.
Mechanically, you can probably see why it stuck with me after all these years. It's a hell of an interesting idea for a multiplayer game.
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I just wonder how much demand there is for it in 2023. I guess I should download that demo.
Honestly, I miss the days of Half-Life mods like this. Vampire Slayer, Zombie Panic, Science & Industry, Pirates Vikings & Knights, The Specialists, The Hidden, Zombie Master… we've lost a lot not having these weird, experimental ideas anymore, even if they weren't enough to support player bases forever. They were often cool as hell in the moment.
Godspeed, Vampire Slayer: The Resurrection. Or, uh, whatever it is vampires prefer for good luck.
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cassiopeiasshadow · 10 months
I want to hold your hand
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“God, Harry, can’t you… take off your clothes, I want -”
“Maybe.” Harry is too caught up in how good this feels, to hump against Draco like a teenager, both of their cocks trapped in warm, cozy fabric. He feels mindless. It’s so easy. 
“I want to touch you,” Draco says, and it sounds less like he’s begging and more like a prayer. “Harry.”
“Here,” Harry says, keeping his joggers on but taking both of Draco’s hands. He laces their fingers together and pins them on the rug above Draco’s head, Draco’s long, elegant, fingers trapped in his rough grip. “Now we’re touching.”
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linneatanner · 6 months
Book Review Anywhere But Schuylkill Michael Dunn #MikeDoyle #AnywhereButSchuylkill #MollyMaguires #HistoricalFiction #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @MikeDunnAuthor @cathiedunn
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FEATURED AUTHOR: MICHAEL DUNN It is my pleasure to introduce Michael Dunn as the featured author in The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour that is being held between January 31st — Mach 20th, 2024. Michael Dunn is the author of the Historical Fiction novel, Anywhere But Schuylkill (The Great Upheaval Trilogy), released by Historium Press on September 25th, 2023 (301 pages). Below are highlights of Anywhere But Schuylkill, Michael Dunn's author bio, and my review of his gripping story about the beginning of the unionization of coal miners in the 19th century. Tour Schedule Page: https://thecoffeepotbookclub.blogspot.com/2023/12/blog-tour-anywhere-but-schuylkill-by-michael-dunn.html HIGHLIGHTS: ANYWHERE BUT SCHUYLFIL   Anywhere But Schuylkill (The Great Upheaval Trilogy) by Michael Dunn Blurb: In 1877, twenty Irish coal miners hanged for a terrorist conspiracy that never occurred. Anywhere But Schuylkill is the story of one who escaped, Mike Doyle, a teenager trying to keep his family alive during the worst depression the nation has ever faced. Banks and railroads are going under. Children are dying of hunger. The Reading Railroad has slashed wages and hired Pinkerton spies to infiltrate the miners’ union. And there is a sectarian war between rival gangs. But none of this compares with the threat at home. Buy Links: Universal Buy Link: https://books2read.com/u/496Ag0 Historium Press: https://www.thehistoricalfictioncompany.com/hp-authors/michael-dunn AUTHOR BIO: MICHAEL DUNN   Michael Dunn writes Working-Class Fiction from the Not So Gilded Age. Anywhere But Schuylkill is the first in his Great Upheaval trilogy. A lifelong union activist, he has always been drawn to stories of the past, particularly those of regular working people, struggling to make a better life for themselves and their families. Stories most people do not know, or have forgotten, because history is written by the victors, the robber barons and plutocrats, not the workers and immigrants. Yet their stories are among the most compelling in America. They resonate today because they are the stories of our own ancestors, because their passions and desires, struggles and tragedies, were so similar to our own. When Michael Dunn is not writing historical fiction, he teaches high school, and writes about labor history and culture. Author Links: Website: https://michaeldunnauthor.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeDunnAuthor Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Michael.Dunn.Fiction Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaeldunnauthor/ Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Michael-Dunn/author/B0CJXGQYZ8 Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/45063197.Michael_Dunn BOOK REVIEW: ANYWHERE BUT SCHUYLFIL   Anywhere but Schuylkill by Michael Dunn is a historical fiction that depicts the dangers of coal mining and violence that workers faced trying to unionize in Pennsylvania from 1871 to 1875. The story is told through the eyes of Mike Doyle who is a thirteen-year-old breaker boy in the mines of Pennsylvania. After his father tragically dies in a mine explosion, Mike assumes responsibility for supporting his destitute family who must move in with his aunt and her abusive husband. For the next four years, he must endure the hardship and grim reality that he could experience the same fate as his father as he rises in position to a miner. However, it is almost impossible to get ahead when the coal barons block the worker’s attempts to unionize for safer conditions and livable wages. In their efforts to strike, the workers are met with violence from local cops and hired policemen. Rival gangs of Irish, Welsh, and German fight over decreasing pay and benefits. This is a coming-of-age story of a young Irishman who must overcome almost impossible odds to rise above his impoverishment. Author Michael Dunn has written a grim, realistic depiction of the darker side of the Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century. The impeccable, historical details reflect the author’s passion for bringing to light the plight of immigrants working in harsh conditions in the United States. The workplace was unsafe and often led to deadly accidents. For a family to survive, children were often forced to do repetitive work to supplement their family’s income. Mike’s younger brother loses a foot in a painful accident, resulting in devastating consequences to the family who must care for him while working for substandard wages. The vivid, sensory descriptions of the coal mine add to the heart-wrenching scene when Mike frantically searches for his trapped father after the explosion. “The air got warmer, heavier, the deeper they went. Stale, deathly. Difficult to breathe. The odor of scorched, wet wood. Melted iron. Burnt grease.” Each scene is riveting, but I found it difficult at times to connect all of the subplots with the various factions fighting each other. I suggest that you first read the glossary at the end of the book to familiarize yourself with terms and various groups before starting the story. For readers who enjoy delving into the American Industrial Revolution, I recommend reading Anywhere but Schuylkill for its gripping tale of a young Irishman striving for the American dream in the backdrop of the harsh reality of rich barons taking deadly, life-changing advantage of their workers. Instagram Handle: @thecoffeepotbookclub Read the full article
0 notes
vividracing · 8 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-3-best-exhaust-options-for-the-toyota-gr-corolla-2023/
Top 3 Best Exhaust Options for the Toyota GR Corolla 2023+
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1.) AWE Touring and Track Exhaust Suite
After the successful release of the Toyota GR-86 exhaust kit from AWE, these were highly anticipated and long-awaited among the GR Corolla community. The optional Track and Touring conversion kits truly make this an enticing kit to have the ability to quickly convert either your Touring to Track option or vis versa. From the sounds of the video, the Track Edition is ROWDY! It’s very much an opened-up rally car vibe. It’s probably not everyone’s taste, but this might be your best option if you’re in the market for making your GR Corolla every bit of full-tilt. Pair it with a Touring conversion kit, and you will have the best of both worlds! If 4″ tips are big enough in 2024, how about a 4.5″ x 8″ center oval that, quite literally, screams motorsports out the back of your Gazoo Racing hatch. 
    AWE Touring Edition Exhaust Kit
AWE Track Edition Exhaust Kit
AWE Track Conversion Kit for the GR Corolla
AWE Touring Conversion Kit for the GR Corolla
Available as sophisticated Touring Edition or unleashed Track Edition
Three tips, not four. One bespoke 4.5″ x 8″ oval double-walled, slash-cut tip in the center flanked by two 5″ double-walled, slash-cut tips in diamond black
Touring Edition features patented 180 Technology to keep the 3-cylinder’s frequencies in check at highway speeds
Single 3″ to triple 2.5″ catback design
3″ inlet to facilitate 3″ connections with aftermarket downpipes
Dyno-proven max gains of 3 hp and 1 lb-ft of torque at the wheels
Tailored tri-merge design ensures an even flow
Less is more: clean, non-baffled, straight-through design maximizes performance
Handcrafted from 3″ and 2.5″ U.S.-sourced CNC mandrel-bent .065″-wall T304L stainless steel
Proudly engineered, designed, and manufactured in-house, in the USA
Direct bolt-on system for factory-like simplicity
Perfect fitment, guaranteed
No Check Engine Light Guarantee
Featuring the AWE Lifetime Exhaust Warranty
  2.) HKS Legamax Sports Exhaust 4BA-GZEA14H 2023+
Of course, HKS is going to show up for Toyota’s GR Corolla. When I say show up, they made a damn beautiful exhaust kit! In typical HKS fashion, the Japanese legends brought some magical JDM engineering into the conversation. With this kit, you get their “Exhaust Error Canceller,” and what that does is squash any error code that may triggered by not having any active valves. HKS opted for a dual-tip construction instead of the three-tip OEM design. This left room for some styling by adding a branded HKS bracket that is placed just insight of where the OEM center tip would be placed.
Shop the HKS Legamax Sports Exhaust Kit
Valve-less, Dual Tail Tip Layout: This exhaust system features a valve-less design and dual tail tip layout. The large-diameter titanium slash tailpipe creates a commanding rear view, leaving a strong impression compared to the stock exhaust.
Sturdy and Aesthetic Bracket Placement: Brackets connecting the left and right silencers are positioned at the center notch and feature the HKS logo, ensuring both visual appeal and structural integrity.
Includes “EXHAUST ERROR CANCELLER”: HKS provide an “EXHAUST ERROR CANCELLER” to prevent error codes when the valve is not in use, allowing for a worry-free experience.
Smooth and Enjoyable Driving: Experience a comfortable and noise-free ride at low revs. The overall sound quality is robust, delivering a deep bass sound that intensifies as the revs increase, providing a powerful auditory experience.
The tail features a powerful 119 titanium tail with two left and right-hand tailpipes, creating a seamless and bulb-less layout.
A bracket is expertly positioned at the factory center tail section, with the HKS logo laser engraved for added aesthetics. The HKS logo is visible from the bumper notch in the rear view, showcasing the installation of the HKS exhaust.
While the stock exhaust valve opens to reduce exhaust resistance at high RPM, this product is valve-less and incorporates a straight structure inside the silencer, resulting in a 40% reduction in exhaust resistance compared to the stock valve when open.
We’ve achieved precise control of sound volume through meticulous sound engineering. Even without valve-less valves, there is no muffled sound in the mid-range RPM range, providing a comfortable driving experience. Enjoy a sporty sound throughout the entire RPM range, from low to high revs.
To avoid any issues related to valve-less operation, we provide the “EXHAUST ERROR CANCELER” with your purchase. This ensures a stress-free and worry-free driving experience.
  3.) Remark Catback Exhaust Elite Spec Quad Tip
Coming in with the added tip is Remark with their TITANIUM QUAD TIP Elite Spec exhaust kit for the GR Corolla. I’m not sure if there was some extra spice up-stream of this exhaust on their test car, but this exhaust sounds absolutely incredible! Sizing up to 3″ diameter and 4″ tips seems to really open this system up. We can also appreciate this kit utilizing the stock valves from Toyota.
Something to note from Remark – “*You will be using factory donut gasket and spring-bolts where connects to factory OEM piping.”
Shop Remark Titanium Quad-Tip Exhaust Kit
Exhaust Type: Catback Exhaust – Bolt on 2pc design
Piping Diameter: 3inch, GR2 Titanium mandrel bent pipe
Tip Diameter: Outer: 4″ Titanium Tips, Center: Dual 4″ Titanium Tips
Piping Material: GR2 Titanium
Exhaust Tip: Outer: Single Wall tip design Polished Stainless Steel, Center: Burned Titanium Cover tip
Muffler Material: GR2 Titanium
Muffler: 1 Canister Muffler at rear, 1 resonator located on the mid-pipe
Welding: Handcrafted high-quality TIG welding
  All-in-all the three of these exhaust options for the Toyota GR Corolla are all great. They are each unique in their own ways and we truly believe you will be on track to getting your GR to sound the way you want with any of these options! We know some more exciting options are in the pipeline, so we will keep you updated with the latest and greatest for this hot hatch!
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christmas-shenanigans · 9 months
Session 3: Sat 16 Dec 2023
This week's entry is written by Skabb, as I was unable to attend due to family commitments. With deepest thanks for such a detailed write-up!
"We all cobble together a recap for a hero point each! We’ve all been healed to full HP and Valeros has no lasting eye issues, nor is his ego remotely dented by last week’s shenanigans.
Wise Rokmoxa tells us there is a delicacy in the forest, cornered in a mushroom cave. The Gert Squiggler is big enough to feed the whole village. Halbrecht asks about the mushrooms- they are ‘sacred’ -we suspect that the whole village brews tea and gets shitfaceded!
Skabb recalls knowledge about the squiggler and learns that salt will hurt it. She also knows to keep distance as it has spiked radula that do a lot of damage up close.
We decide to salt our weapons and we collect as much salt as we can off of the gobbo villagers, which isn’t v much at all.
Rokmoxa says she’s keeping our halfling to work off her debt. “Can’t be trusted. No help you”. Skabb runs and hugs Zorya and shouts “byeeeeeee” in her ear.
We go to fight the gert beastie…they weren’t lying…He’s big
Initiative. Squiggler rolls 33 and goes first. Disgorged mucous. Hits weejock - 13 damage and covers everyone in the party, except Skabb who is out of range, with mucous: This means 4 persistent splash damage, -5 to movement speed and it will take 1 action to wash the filth off.
Weejocks turn. He uses 1 action to move behind cover, another to wash off mucus and a third to recall knowledge on the gert squiggler. A 24 means he knows that the creature is resistant to acid damage, has no particular weak spot and can squeeze through 5 ft space, which doesn’t slow it down.
Valeros is up. -4 persistent damage. First he heads to cover. Then washes off all of the slime apart from some which makes his hair look great. Then he leans around the cover and looses his shortbow: 29 hits for 5 piercing damage.
Halfbrick is next. “I’m not even gonna wipe” “He’s going in viscous” He heads to cover. Casts Searing Light, which hits (26) for 17 fire damage The Squiggler lets out the equivalent of a roar. He did not like that.
Mialee, who is hiding in the shadows, is up next. She dutifully takes her persistant damage (splash). Then she salts her arrows for one action. Shoots at it and rolls a 26, which hits, she rolls 3 damage plus sneak damage of 7. It takes 15 meaning salt=1.5 x damage She cleans the slime off of herself.
Skabb goes last. She casts elemental betrayal giving an extra two water damage to any subsequent spell. Then she casts hydraulic push which takes her final two actions. 28 is a hit and does 24 bludgeoning damage, making a total of 26 damage.
Girt boy Tramples weejock and Halfbrick. Both do reflex saving throws. Halfbrick gets a crit and takes no damage Weejock isn’t as lucky, he rolls a 20 and takes 23 bludgeoning damage
Weejock’s turn. He goes into a rage…and then attacks with his salty warhammer. 24 would miss but it is flanked by HB so it takes 22 bludgeoning damage. He hits it again but 20 is a miss, so no more damage.
Valeros swaggers into the fray. He sweeps his hair back with the slime, strides over, uses combat climber to climb up the slug with one hand free and then “gets stabby”. The DM asks for an athletics check -31 - he’s on its head holding on to its eye stalks. He stabs it with his Striking Long Sword, 25 is a hit, for 9 Slashing damage. Majestic.
Halbrecht’s turn He takes his persistent damage -4hp. “I’m going to unleash the warhammer” - 22 misses despite it being flanked. Next he casts Spiritual Weapon, which “just hits”, 9 force damage. The DM explains that its a constant spell so it can be sustained for up to a minute with one action each turn. HB just has to roll damage again next time.
Mialee’s up… She makes a diplomacy check to see if all of her arrows are salted after arguing that they were sticky from slime and she salted the quiver… 20 means all her arrows are definitely salty.
She fires an arrow, 20 misses, she tries again…number 2 attack for 19, which also misses. She rerolls with a hero point but again, 16 misses, she disappears back into the shadows.
Skabb’s turn, She uses one action to give grabby 2. Grabby picks up the salt Skabb is carrying, flies above the gert one and sprinkles… the slug takes 5 damage Then she casts Helpful Wood Spirits to distract the slug by crawling all over it - it fails its saving throw and is off guard (although this doesn’t stack with being flanked and achieves bugger all)
Gert uses its nasty radula on Halbrecht, 28 hits and it does 20 slashing damage, but luckily does not disrupt his continuous spell or his ability to sustain it. Next it turns it radula on Weejock, 39 is a crit and deals 20 bludgeoning damage. Now its attention turns to Skabb. It hurls Disgorged Mucous at her. 26 hits. 15 damage and 4 persistent damage from next turn.
Weejock’s up. He takes -4 from mucus as was squished with its nasty foot. The DM asks for a Diplomacy check -16 - the salt on his warhammer lasts for another hit. Warhammer misses at 16. He re rolls with hero point but also misses at 21. “I should just give up”, but he has another go with his warhammer and this time 26 hits for 15 bludgeoning damage.
Valeros’s turn from atop the beastie… He grabs the eye stalk with one hand, takes his Striking Long Sword to its eye, 25 hits and for 13 slashing chops it off. He slides to the ground, eye in hand. Next he combat climbs again (athletics check of 21) and is back up on its head. He attacks with his longsword again, but 21 misses. He uses a hero point to re roll and hits with a 23. It takes 8 slashing damage.
The slug looks poorly.
Halfbrick: “I’m going to begin by getting spiritual on it” - casts Spritual Weapon for 8 damage. (Valeros: “you are a spiritual weapon”) Then, “I will strike it roughly with a warhammer.” 25 hits. 11 bludgeoning damage. In shock “I hit it,I had the words hero point in my mouth” He tries to hit again but 14 misses. A hero point reroll still misses at 10. “My arms tired now!”
Mialee rolls a 28 and hits with her striking shortbow, delivering 4 damage. Howdedoodis!!! “Whumpf, it hits the deck”
Weejock drags the giant corpse back to the village. The Gobbos are delighted and break into song about squiggler jellies. We watch as the flesh is pulverised by teensie little gobbos with their stamps to create squiggler jelly. This delicacy has a very…unique…texture. Skabb, HB, Valeros and weejock all dig in. Skabb takes some squiggler jelly for Zorya (“sister”), she’s currently washing up filthy gobbo pots and pans, but will join us when we see the cailleach.
We are all healed by the tribe. Full HP. But we do not rest so don,t refill our spell slots.
Wise Rokmoxa tells us that Guardians were made by cailleach to keep her safe. They are magical and will reappear after we destroy them. She warns us that they are very beautiful and we may struggle to hurt them for this reason, so we should steel ourselves. She insists that we take hideous Lilly, klip klop and latlu.
Rokmoxa grabs skabb by the ear and informs her that she can seee through yaklee …”I will see if you do well. Go wild daughter….”
The DM confirms that for killing the squiggler each of us will be given a cold iron weapon…they should be ready when we return from the cailleach’s lair…⁃ Weejock and Halbrecht will each get a warhammer ⁃ There will be a sword for Valeros ⁃ Arrows for Mialee and Zorya ⁃ Skabb is going to get a cold iron grill for biting (bite attack). She is beyond excited about this.
We head off to find the cailleach’s cave and to fight the Guardians that stand between us and her…
All roll stealth. Joes kindly lets us do our own. Weejock gets a crit. Others all roll fairly well…we think!?
Skabb crit fails so runs up a tree and readies a level 3 fireball. She gets a hero point for ballsiness.
Mialee readies an attack with her bow.
There are gobbo offerings at the entrance to the cave. Weejock rolls a perception check to see what he makes of the offerings.. he crit fails…he can’t make head nor tails of them.
Valeros swaggers up, whistling a shanty. Before he reaches the mouth of the cave, the snow starts to shake and move. Two, 10-15 ft tall Icey guardians (Golems) appear.
They’re flat footed as emerging… Mialee looses readied attack - Shortbow hits one on left, for 14 damage of which it takes only 9. Skabb casts her readied fireball at the guardian on the right. It deals 20 damage. The guardian rolls its saving throw and takes half damage. The DM asks skabb to roll a further 4d6, for 18 fire damage = 28 fire damage total taken
We all roll initiative
Mialee rolls a 25 with her shortbow. It hits and does 9+3 sneak damage Attack 2, 27 hits, 6+2 damage. Finally she hides. The guardian takes half damage (10 less damage due to resistances).
It’s the ice guardian’s turn. It uses Breath Weapon on Valeros who fails a reflex save and takes 24 cold damage
Valeros is up next. “Let’s see this one physically resist this piece of man-meat”…19 misses…”He resisted” “When in doubt I’d like to climb on its back. Can I mount him?!” (“Valeros has problems with rejection. No means no”) Athletics check of 28 means he’s up.He takes 7 persistent cold damage for as long as he is atop the guardian.
Skabb’s go… She aims for the one Valeros isn’t riding and casts Elemental betrayal, which gives +2 to fire damage. Then she casts fireball again, which does 24 damage, it rolls 29 on its reflex save so takes half damage plus 4d6 (16) takes 30 damage total.
Halbrecht’s next… He uses 1 action to cast guidance on Weejock. Next he makes an arcana check and has a good think about what these things are. Is distracted by a snow pigeon and has no bloody idea what these things are!!
The 2nd guardian tries to bash the Valeros off of its friends back… Valeros “ you have to ask my permission before you bash me off” Valeros takes 17 bludgeoning and 3 cold damage and is knocked off.
The guardian has another go at Valeros, but misses. Phew
Weejock… Wanted to demoralise the guardian, but it Is a little too far. So he runs up to furthest one. Glances at his mate to demoralise. Then hits him with his hammer. The DM asks for an Intimidation check against the guardians will dc. 17 beats 11. Weejock calls him “icicle prick”…It is frightened 1! Weejock hits its mate with a hammer; 32 hits for 16 bludgeoning damage. It takes all 16. (Weejock notes that he has wounded rage- as soon as one of them hits him he will rage)
Mialee’s up… She points out that we should all attack the same one. We decide the frighted one is the weakest right now. She lights arrows off of her torch. 27 to hit with short bow, 12 piercing damage, 4d6 =10, 11 sneak damage. It takes 23 total
Guardian hits Valeros: 29 hits for 18 damage …And again but misses at 20 …aaand once more misses at 19
Valeros… …Is gonna try magic! He lights his torch.p for 1 action. Then he busts out his lynx Africa and flame throwers the guardian. Obviously this gets a hero point and Valeros rolls 4d6 to deal 12 fire damage. For his third action he disengages and runs away behind a rock.
Skabb is up next. She uses 1 action to light her torch. For her 2nd action, she gives Grabby Cat two actions 1. picks up the torch 2 travels towards golem Skabb gives grabby two more actions. 1. Moves up to golem. 2. Drops torch in it eye (all whilst Mialee hums flights of the Valkyrie). 4d6 does 13 fire damage.
Halfbrick Moves for 1 action. Heals Valeros for 13 hps (he was at 9/78 hp) For his last action, HB raises his shield.
The guardian/Golem fella’s up next and uses Breath Weapon. Grabby fails her save but rerolls with a Skabb hero point, gets 26 and takes half damage (13) Weejock critically fails and takes 52 damage (!!) and is in a rage (understandably!
The guardian hits (26) Weejock with its fists and he takes 18 bludgeoning and 4 cold damage. It’s lucky he is weejock the ever living!
Weejocks turn now… He wants to trip a guardian with titan wrestler. The DM asks for an Athletics check against targets dc of 23. Weejock rolls 26. It is prone. Flat footed. Can only crawl or stand. Weejock does the same to its mate, 31 knocks it on its arse. -2 to dc as prone. He then smashes the second one with warhammer (25 hits) for 8 damage and he’s raging so it does 6 additional bludgeoning damage….HOWDEEDODIS…it shatters into tiny pieces.
As it dies it triggers icy demise and explodes shooting ice all over the place. Weejock gets a saving throw, 15 means he takes 11 more damage.
Mialee’s up… She looses her shortbow; 22 hits. It is flat footed so she gets sneak attack plus fire 4d6 damage, so it takes total 21 damage.
Second attack hits (25) and does a total of 33 damage which was exactly his number of remaining hit points…and its dead…this one explodes too - icy demise, but this time Weejock critically succeeds at his saving throw (29) so takes no damage. All the others hear an audible crack of his neck.
Valeros tries to give Weejock a neck rub. He is met with a bite. He is still raging. Valeros finds this charming and hilarious.
Wiseling latlu hands Weejock part of broken finger from remnants. “This is lucky. It will never melt”. Can use to chill things. It’s like a perpetually frozen ice cube.
Halbrecht heals everyone for 18 hit points. Yum.
Latlu takes a rabbit out of her provisions. She opens it up and put as an offering at the mouth of the cave and says “you can all go in…”
As we are about to go in we realise that Zorya has been watching us fight and not helping. She saunters over and joins us to pile into the cave to go and meet the calliaech…
Next session is on Fri 22nd and the uk dwelling folk will be IRL because Christmas!"
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