#huge rp trust fall moment
brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I will have to go with Jo's answer here and say every ship I have has something about it that makes it my OTP, something unique to us and our partner/their muse. And I don't want anyone to feel excluded or unloved or less loved than anyone else. I do think because she was literally created side by side with @morgansmornings that they share a deep bond that is both familial and the deepest sort of friendship. They are family. They are transcendent.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Platonic, familial, and romantic are all on the table with discussion ooc, time, and development. I will do pre-established on the first two but Beth is demisexual/quoiromantic, with a leaning toward sapioromantic. Meaning it takes bonding with someone before she even feels anything 'below the belt' so to speak, and doesn't really understand/distinguish the difference between romantic/platonic feelings, treating them both in the same way, but she does have a very slight preference toward people who can engage her mentally, and seduce her with their awkward intelligence. Toxic ships can be a thing with huge boundaries. The boundary is how comfortable with you as a friend, ooc, regardless of what we are writing. Currently I will be willing to do toxic with: Mischa/Larry { @thebiggestlies }, My Dear Prince and Ionaka {and potentially Na Baron Feyd Rautha @nightmarefuele }, Shades of Ben { @kylo-wrecked }. And I live for the hate-ship of Lorcan and Beth with @macdiari, whose mun is totally one of my bffs which makes it funnier. We can have meetings about the rest. Dubcon/non-con, etc...has to be plotted to within an inch of its life, I don't care what Beth says.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? Age is not a really a thing with Beth when it comes to her significant other as long as they are a little over 'of age' {18-21}. She has literally one ship where this isn't the case and her paramour is 15 and she's 25...and it isn't what many people would assume, both of them are broken hearted. This a unique situation with @macdiari. Beth does have a penchant for older partners. Let the 'daddy issue' jokes commence.
Are you selective when shipping?
I would say yes. I only ship with chemistry. And by that I mean myself and the mun as much as the muses. Shipping requires a delicate balance between interest, trust, compatibility, goals... writing something fictional that isn't just pwp is not unlike building a real-life relationship. I want to get to know the other mun. I want us to have in-jokes, I want for us to be comfortable talking about everything and anything even if we might not always agree. I want us to be friends, first.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I guess I follow the TV guidelines. We can write up to a certain point but once there's body parts that you wouldn't see on network television, it should probably get a tag. I don't care if there's a read more {I will occasionally do that for terminally long posts}, if my partner is more comfortable with one, great. If they prefer it on a different blog, awesome. If you want to write it on discord? Go ahead and add me, fren. I try to faithfully tag certain things because Beth is just...wrong and a lot of her hobbies and interests tend to be really morally questionable at best.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Beth tends to be drawn to people who are neurologically divergent, biologically divergent, other-worldly, empowered, and the like. She is drawn to those who are lonely, othered, or unusual because there is so much in them she sees in herself. And if Beth happens to fall in love, she is neither likely to mention it, nor does she expect for the feeling to be returned. For Beth, love is love. So if you see someone on my dash, unless it's brand new just met you, know that they are cared for, and will always be someone important. As I consider every mutual mun and their muse{s} as some kind of relationship {platonic, familial, romantic, or enemy...I can't really list *every* blog. Sorry.}
Does one have to ask to ship with you?,
I mean it's nice to be asked, so at least I know in broad-strokes what sort of relationship you, the other person, might like but also the fiction can often dictate the course of how things go :)
How often do you like to ship?
I am not gonna lie. I love watching and writing how Beth interacts with people. How she slowly starts to unfold around them and what leads her to becoming involved with other folk.
Are you multiship?
Yes. And multiverse, too. One of the best things is when you have a multi-verse partner and get to see how your ships and theirs change from friends to other things, depending what verse your in, and how everyone can make a community with that information.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
Ship more or less. I love it as much as the next person but that's not the sole purpose of my blog.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I am still waiting for Olivia and Elliot to get married. IYKTYK.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Let me know what you want? Be patient. We'll talk boundaries, desires, needs, and build it/grow it as it goes.
Tagged by: my darling @betwitchingbaker
Tagging: Heave ho, thieves and beggars....
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OK fuck it I'll post it
C!Ranboo and the Tragedy of Belief
Note that I had an hour to write this so it may not be very cohesive.
Full thing under the readmore but tldr: c!ranboo is intwined so closely with the concept of faith and hope that it is impossible in dsmp lore to speak about one without speaking about the other.
Everything is obviously /rp, this is about the CHARACTER on the DSMP
Full disclosure this will be very poorly structured if at all
Ranboo's character is a walking talking example of a slave to faith. He represents hope (and the loss thereof) on the dsmp first and foremost and I think that's why he's such a hard hitting character
Now I do not claim to be a spectacular cranboo understander but I've had this idea boiling in my brain for a while and now I will share it.
We see it from the MOMENT he joins, seeking sanctuary from dream in a literal place of faith, but that exchange was granted mostly comedic so I should get down to brass tacks
Ranboo's centrism, his ideals of people not sides, everything he loves and everything he has, it is all based on faith. Literally all of his actions are based off of blind hope. A central point to his character is trust- in himself, in others, in the world. He admits to robbing George's house (after Tommy took all the blame in court mind you) because he believes it will help, because he has faith that tommy is not selfish, because tommy has given him reason to believe it. He goes along with the butcher army because he believes that tubbo is doing the right thing. He escapes doomsday because techno believes that it wasn't his fault. The panic room, and events within it, are based entirely on belief
We know that the dream voice is not actually dream himself, but rather ranboo's psyche taking his form as a stock "bad person", as someone who ranboo wholeheartedly believes to be The Villain. Trust is a HUGE theme in their conversation, it even all boils down to ranboo realizing he cannot place his endless faith into himself, but he KEEPS HOPING.
Despite everything, despite the horrors and the conflicts and the server falling apart, ranboo NEVER loses hope. He seems hopeless at times, but then he's faithful again- because that's how he survives. He can't believe in himself, so he finds people that he can have faith in instead, and those people can believe in him when he cannot. He survives off of faith, he lives and breathes belief.
And those people who he chooses to believe in... Unless they super duper fuck up, his faith in them is UNSHAKEN.
He puts his faith in tubbo in New L'Manburg and watches as tubbo exiles the man who took the blame for ranboo in a COURT OF LAW. sure, he visits tommy in exile, he KNOWS that was the wrong decision, but he unshakably believes that tubbo did what he thought was best. almost instantaneously afterwards, that faith leads him to assist in detaining philza and hunting technoblade, and even when that ends up biting them all in the ass, does he stop believing in tubbo after doomsday?? NO!
He MARRIES tubbo, someone as transient and listless as tubbo, and he puts his faith in his husband and in their child and in snowchester, even as tubbo compulsively moves to the next project and the next, even as tubbo drowns himself in his work
Emeraldduo put faith in him, allow him to live with them, and he puts his faith in them and in the syndicate and in that mission to prevent governments from rising again, even as he's MARRIED TO THE PRESIDENT. he goes with them to snowchester, guards tubbo's secrets, does everything he can to keep these people he believes in from fighting each other.
Even his refusal to choose sides is a blind, foolish hope - A vain faith in the goodness of his fellow players, that they will all realize that sides are useless, that it should be all of them against dream. And this faith gets spat on and trampled again and again, over and over, and still this noodle-spined coward continues to hope. He puts stock in the goodness of his fellow player even when that faith is betrayed CONSTANTLY
He lets Sam write in his book in big bold letters, "TOMMY'S DEATH IS SAM'S FAULT", and we know he doesn't believe it but he HAS to. He has to believe it to keep going, and keep going he will, because he has a husband and a child to come home to at night and a mansion for them being built that he blindly hopes tubbo will move into, even knowing how tubbo hates to stay in one place
They make the cookie outpost. Tubbo tells him about the green festival and tells him he doesn't trust Quackity. Tubbo sells the cookie outpost. Tubbo then tells him that he now trusts Quackity. Ranboo thought of that fort as something special that he and tubbo made together! Tubbo offhandedly signing it away to someone he told ranboo NOT TO TRUST should be a MASSIVE breach of that faith but does he stop trusting him? No! That's his husband! Of course he trusts tubbo.
Even when Wilbur came around, Wilbur who originally hated ranboo for not taking sides on anything, he decided he'd trust him. Against the history of everyone he cares for, he puts his faith in Wilbur because SOMEONE has to be there when he gets better. SOMEONE has to vouch for his improvement. SOMEONE has to believe in Wilbur when he can't believe in himself.
Someone has to believe in ranboo when he can't believe in himself.
Against the trust he put in Sam, against the words Sam wrote IN HIS BOOK, he's put in jail for conspiring with dream. Put in there because Sam needs leverage against dream. Sam who he trusted. Sam who trusted him. And when the breakout happens, and the leverage DOESN'T WORK, does he stop hoping?
Ranboo hopes to his last breath. He is full of hope as he falls to the ground, as he presses Michael's photo into Technoblade's hand. He trusts technoblade to find his son. He trusts technoblade to care for his family. He dies hoping. He dies faithful.
And on that grass block in the middle of that ocean, he is still hoping. Cowering and despairing but still believing. He has faith that the people he loves will come for him. He has faith that Mexican dream will tell his son how much he loves him. He sits on that grass block and hopes.
He writes in his book, and he hopes.
This turned out a lot more emotional than I intended ngl but those r my thoughts on the matter. Cranboo is all about faith and belief even after it lets him down time after time, and he keeps hoping because it's all he can do. That's it :P
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alabyte · 1 year
Batch twins HORIZON!AU: trivia
Together with @heksahela - guilty in my Horizon brainrot. Tagging @zaana for this trivia! :D
Main RP narrative:
After the explosion of Starkiller Base, the balance of the Force and the space-time continuum were disturbed. Ilum and Starkiller Base have become an anomalous timeless zone that can change unstably and unrecognizably at any time. Anyone from any time period can fall into this anomaly, but it is impossible to return back and fly out of Ilum's orbit.
Crosshair and Tech got to this base a few months ago: Tech - at the moment of falling into the abyss on Eriadu, Crosshair - after another torture on Mount Tantiss. They are the only members of the 99 who have been on the anomalous Starkiller and already understand and accept the rules and anomalies of this reality.
Current anomalies and events:
The anomaly reappears. This time, Ilum has changed beyond recognition: instead of snowy wastelands and ice caves, green lush jungles and endless oceans with sandy beaches, green plains and endlessly high mountains thrive on the surface of the planet. The lifeless ice planet has turned into a tropical resort... However, along with the change of climate, a new, anomalous reality appears, which is discovered by Tech and Crosshair.
Tech discovers a strange hole in the base's hull, into which a raging river flows, and shows his find to Crosshair. Without thinking twice, they change into diving suits and simply jump into this abyss without armor, without equipment, except for flashlights, knives and one harpoon, and swim deep into the abyss to explore... Something. They don't even know what they are researching. The flooded base module turns out not to be part of Starkiller, but literally another part of some mechanized facility that appeared on Ilum due to an anomaly - just like all the inhabitants of the base from different timelines appeared. They find a strange data module and dive deeper, later bumping into a patrol of machine droids they don't know - they turn out to be Burrowers. They realize they have found an anomaly within an anomaly.
With varying success, making their way past the patrol of maschines, they find themselves in a huge flooded hall, in the center of which they see a literally glowing chest with legendary loot (we wrote a comedy professionally mocking the game narrative). But this box was guarded by a huge multi-meter multi-ton machine (Tideripper), which these two dumbass twins of course decide to destroy, having neither armor nor weapons with them. They drain the water from the hall and find the weapon together: Tech finds the Tripcaster and Blast Sling, and while he distracts the Tideripper, Crosshair finds the Sharpshot Bow and climbs onto the ceiling beam, shooting at the maschine while hanging upside down. They destroy it together and search the chest in the center of the hall.
In the chest, they find data modules that Tech will decipher later, a pendant with an unknown green planet with huge oceans, and... Two Hawaiian shirts with a goose pattern. Yup, that sketch was about this episode. Nope, I'm not kidding.
So... They have a huge and very long adventure ahead of them, in which they will learn more about the reality that appeared on Ilum due to an anomaly, understand the value of life and be able to learn to fully trust each other again, as they trusted before Order 66 - like friends and like brothers. The concepts drawn are materials for our further planned episodes, which we will get to later. Perhaps new sketches for this AU are ahead! :)
More to be written!
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iatethepomegranate · 2 years
Matthew Mercer, Will, and Player/Character Needs in C3e34
Now that I've typed out the Will/Orym scene including Matt's narration, I have feelings. Namely, how Matt used this scene to satisfy player and character needs in a situation where there was potential for the two to conflict. I will also probably ramble about Will as a character in another post because he fascinates me more with every piece of info we get about him.
Obviously, spoilers for c3e34 are here.
We're at a stage in the game where no one's stories are really complete. Once the decision is made to resurrect a character and the roll succeeds, it then becomes Matt's job to weave a satisfactory scene for a player/character in a way that allows their story to continue, while respecting the way that character is feeling in the moment.
With Ashley/Fearne, Matt didn't have to give her too much. Fearne is a creature of whim and everyone she loves is alive, as far as we know. Matt did offer a confusing and even a little scary peek of an afterlife for her, which Fearne naturally rejected.
Liam/Orym needed more. Because clearly Liam wanted Orym's story to continue, but Orym died with a heavy sense of failure and defeat. And he was clearly hoping to see Will and Derrig again. He had very valid reasons to throw in the towel.
Orym knew that he needed to go back, but he was so torn between a task he was carrying out for the sake of his loved ones, and between getting to stay with them (Will and Derrig both) after having lost them under horrific, violent circumstances that still haunt him to this day.
So, what did Matt do? He gave Liam the tragic reunion scene, knowing he would eat it right up, but he didn't stop at Will telling Orym to go back.
He had Will choose for him.
In sparing Orym from that heartbreaking decision, Liam is able to continue this story. Would Orym have chosen to go back if he'd had to make the choice himself? Probably, especially if Will was still telling him to.
But Orym has been through a lot, and I imagine Liam and Matt discussed at length the balance between what Orym's narrative needed vs what Orym himself needed as a character. Orym needed to be pushed (i.e. lovingly tossed) by the very person whose death put him on this path to begin with.
As a result, we can already see Orym rallying himself, digging deep to give himself and the Hells fresh motivation and drive to keep pushing onward. He was quite assertive in the remainder of the episode, offering up huge solutions (let's go Kiki!) and even stepping in to threaten Treshi when their designated intimidator fell short.
Is it all sunshine and rainbows for Orym from here? Of course the fuck not. But this decision to have Will take charge in that scene and do what would have shattered Orym to do has not only allowed his story to continue, but to do so in a way that galvanises him.
I also foresee Orym potentially opening up to the rest of the Hells about Will in the not-too-distant future, especially since he's indicating feeling kinship with Imogen over the way she's feeling and acting about Laudna's (hopefully fixable) death.
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mythical-fangirls · 4 years
List of people the Prison could be for
Tommy: Makes sense since Tommy is the biggest thorn in Dream’s side, but also not that much sense when you realize Tommy’s exiled with scarred friendships and ties
Tubbo: Also makes a bit of sense, he has a lot of political power and is in charge of the nation Dream went to war against him for. But it doesn’t make much sense considering how he’s basically becoming the leader of an empty nation
Philza: He only has one life, and thus is the perfect bargaining chip to get a certain someone to comply with Dream’s orders. But he’s really just vibing and making the server a generally cleaner place as an SMP (he, according to some other post, ‘baby-proofed’ the blaze spawner so his kids everyone can get blaze rods safely). He poses no real threat, even what he could provide his kids isn’t really a threat to Dream’s plans unless Phil chooses to involve himself in this chaos
Technoblade: One of the most powerful people on the SMP, someone who has bested Dream in combat. He follows his own rules, not bound by the rules of government or any sort of structure that places power in the hands of the few. He has all three lives still intact, and he’s one to adapt and change tactics so generally killing him won’t work. But he’s also retired, and far away from the heart of the SMP
Quackity: The man’s an irl law suit. He’s the only one who could actually win a verbal argument with c!Dream. He has two of Dream’s (once) closest friends against him. As well as relations with L’manburg, a crumbling nation, and the Badlands, the faction currently suffering from a parasite trying to control two of its own and having taken one of them already. Plus his own faction of El Rapids. But Quackity isn’t a fighter, at least in comparison to Dream. Dream could just as easily kill him and silence him forever, or maybe just take a life as his one and final warning kill. Because the next life taken is forever.
Ghostbur: Since he’s a ghost he really can’t die again. But he’s an amnesiac ghost who only remembers the happy bits. It wouldn’t be that hard for Dream to manipulate Ghostbur into being his friend and trusting him
Dream (my personal belief & favourite): It wouldn’t make sense unless you look at it from the angle that Dream is thrown in there against his plans and will. But this list is about why Dream would throw this person in there. Let’s talk Dreamons. Dream’s Dreamon was never properly exorcised, only remerged with Dream. Dreamons are dangerous, powerful creatures. With only four weaknesses: it’s vessel’s fears, tilled dirt, gold, and love. C!Dream has never been the most consistent when it comes to his characterization. One moment he’s the ex-villain coming in to be a silent aid to our heroes, only to turn around and enable the downward spiral and destructive tendencies of a falling man. One day he’s fine with letting L’manburg be independent, only for the smallest thing to set him off to exiling Tommy the only one stubborn enough to defy him. Maybe the only one stubborn enough to defy a Dreamon. Dream is also the only character with an unknown, maybe even unlimited, amount of lives. He’s also confirmed to not be human, or at least not fully human. What if it’s the Dreamon? What if it’s been the Dreamon far too often and far too long recently and Dream has decided to take action against it? The prison is, physically, for Dream. But it’s actually for his Dreamon. Because Dream can’t take away his own lives because the Dreamon makes it so he can’t truly die in the way Wilbur and Schlatt did. Because the people that do love Dream enough to have saved him have been pushed away by the monster inside. So Dream has taken an extreme and final measure. Make a prison he knows nothing about and lock himself in. Lock himself in so the Dreamon can’t hurt his friends anymore. So he can stop manipulating and hurting Tommy. So Tommy can go home and be with Tubbo. So George and Sapnap can be happy, even if its without him, at least they’re happy.
Others: Ranboo: too new Niki: too passive Fundy: too passive, not as much as Niki but still not enough to be a threat Eret: has pissed everyone off equally so technically she’s neutral Sapnap/George: yeah, no. Big threats in terms of combat ability, but not to the same extent as Technoblade. Plus they’ve posed no real big problem thus far and they were Dream’s friends (/rp) at one point so he has a soft spot for them still Bad: Unlikely, considering Dream and Skeppy have an alliance over Tommy’s discs Sam: the man BUILT the prison, this isn’t some Daedalus. Even if he was, Dream would be locking him up somewhere OTHER than the prison HE built Others: No, they’re not relevant enough to pose a huge threat unless they band together
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Fanfic writers ask game: 7 (apart from the one we both know about lol), 14, 15, 30
Fanfic Writers Ask Game
7. Have you ever re-vamped a story that you had posted previously? What was it and why?
Wait, what’s the one story we both know about?? D: I have like...three different titles popping in my mind and I can’t decide which one you’re referring to x.x
Aside from that...Yes and no? I have the tendency to go back to my old works from time to time, but I’ve never officially brought back a story I have published and left unfinished nor started to post one that I had begun writing ages ago. I don’t trust myself when I go back and tinker with all things, because most of the time I end up dropping it again in the matter of a couple of weeks.
14. Favourite OC character you’ve written?
Oh, damn. This took some thinking. I mostly write canon characters and, when I add OCs in my stories, they usually play very small parts in the plot, so I never really develop them much to start with. Sure, I’ve come up with a dozen of ideas for novels and original worlds too, but they never went anywhere, so I’m not even gonna consider those.
If I must pick one, well...I’m travelling back over 10 years in the past and picking that one demon OC I had created for that one DMC fic (you know which one). I had a lot of fun writing him and he had actually had a huge role in the story, even without ever stealing the protagonists’ role...and I must say I had quite the soft spot for him, to the point that I still remember him so very fondly.
15. Favourite fandom/person to write for?
I don’t have one. Both the characters and the fandoms I favour tend to change depending on my fixation of the moment.
If I had to answer this question in my current mindset, I’d say Rick and Morty and its titular characters. If you had asked me about four months ago, I would have said Gravity Falls and Stan or Bill. Before then, Hellblazer and John Constantine. And so on.
I usually never stick to a favourite fandom / character for more than a few months. A year or two at most, but those are very rare cases.
30. Is there anyone that you would love to collaborate on a story with?
I don’t have many contacts with other writers nowadays, so I can’t think of anyone specifically. Writing a story with someone has always been something I’ve wanted to do (and it’s also one of the reason why I started to RP...but it’s not the same thing).
There are a few fan artists and writers I see here on Tumblr that I’d love to collaborate with, but I’m not even talking to most of them (and I’m way too awkward to even think about trying to start a conversation myself). As for the couple I’ve actually spoken with...Idk. Considering how slow I am, I would never dream about bothering them with this sort of idea. Plus, I’m so not on their level and that would totally give me both anxiety performance and a wee bit of an inferiority complex, so...I’m better off sticking to working on my own.
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koinoyokvn · 4 years
*  /  𝐈 𝐍 𝐓 𝐑 𝐎 𝐃 𝐔 𝐂 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍
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* JOSHUA HONG, CISMALE + HE/HIM  | you know CHANHEE ‘SOUR PATCH’ BAN, right? they’re TWENTY-TWO, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, THIRTEEN YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to OCEAN DRIVE BY DUKE DUMONT like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole glitter stippled onto his cheeks, swinging at the playground at midnight & neon lights at a nightclub thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is july 1st, so they’re a cancer, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
hewwo everyone !! i’m kacchan n i, personally, am a bit of an idiot but !! do not let that distract u from the fact that i hav a few fun muses to write w !! i’ve been out of the rp scene for about a year but i’ve been spurred by rekindled inspiration !! i’m rlly excited to meet everyone n i hope we can get some delicious plots n connections that r chef’s kiss <3 
trigger warnings: death tw, fire tw, alcohol tw
*  /  𝐁 𝐀 𝐒 𝐈 𝐂 𝐒
hair: blackest brown
eyes: chestunut brown
build: slim & active
height: 5′9″ or 177 cm
weight: 127 lbs or 58 kg
distinguishing features: two lobe piercings on each ear, three helix piercings on each ear, an industrial piercing on his right ear, and a small tattoo with the roman numerals “XXIX - MMIX” written on his left wrist
distinguishing style: pastel colours & sparkling pieces make up most of his fashion, very bright jackets and very blushed makeup, designer outfits when he’s told to be on his best behaviour
*  /  𝐇 𝐈 𝐒 𝐓 𝐎𝐑 𝐘
chanhee was born along the coast of north carolina, though not quite irving. he was born to a head butler and head nanny of a wealthy estate on irving. very old money, invested in the surrounding agriculture and lumber of the area. his parents were live-in employees, constantly tending to the estate. chanhee lived on the estate as an infant but, as soon as he was old enough to go to school, he lived with his aunt in the city he was born in and only spent summers on the estate.
his mother was kind and charming, graceful with the way she tended to the children of the wealthy family. she always had stories and was filled with compassion. his father was surly and deadpan, a cynical man that always saw the worst in things. but it’s his cynicism that allowed him to thrive as the butler, as he feared the worst, he prepared for it, and all his father’s plans would turn out seamless. chanhee loved the summers. he loved spending every day with his parents. when he was at school, he told everyone that he would become the head butler of the estate just like his father. the family career, so to speak.
chanhee quickly befriended the children of the estate. when they would go to tutors, he would go to the laundry rooms and the gardens. but whenever it was free time, he was stuck to their side. he would join them on their fishing adventures and beach escapades, but he didn’t know much about irving beyond the estate. he was just a visitor, a tourist, every time he would go downtown. 
he though life would always be like this. going to school and being with his aunt during the winter, and enjoying every moment of the day during the summer. and when he would finish school, he would move to irving and work under his father’s eyes. that was his destiny... only, it wasn’t.
his father loved stage plays. it was the only thing that could make him smile, other than his family. when chanhee was 10, he was having a “sleepover” with the children of the estate while his parents took the night off. they drove to chanhee’s hometown, met with his father’s sister, and they all went to a stage play. but they didn’t come home. the theatre caught on fire and the building was brought down. eight casualties, three of them being chanhee’s mother, father, and aunt. chanhee wasn’t the wiser until the next morning.
chanhee had no grandparents. his aunt was his only immediate family. he had an uncle from his grandmother’s brother in korea. the only extended family he had. chanhee... to go all the way to korea? and if his uncle was contacted and said no, he would be placed into the foster system. this wasn’t supposed to be the way his life panned out. he was supposed to be the head butler of the estate, wasn’t he?
the wealthy wife hadn’t stopped crying since the funeral. and the wealthy husband, holed up in his study and only coming out to get more drinks, muttering how he only trusted chanhee’s father to hand him things. the wealthy family was mourning, too. while chanhee’s custody was in limbo, he was staying with the wealthy family. an act of compassion brought him to hold the wealthy wife and weep with her, telling her that everything would be okay because his parents are still in every inch of the house. they made their life here and that can’t be taken away. very profound words and chanhee was speaking each from the memory of his mother and what she would always say. that was it!
the next weeks were getting the paperwork settled. the uncle from korea was never contacted. instead, the wealthy family adopted chanhee as their own. that way, chanhee would never be far from what he knows and the wealthy family would have always have his parents’ spirit with them. chanhee was now a permanent residence of irving. he was allowed to keep his surname, a request from chanhee himself. 
the transition was a little rocky. chanhee would always drift away from his lessons to help around the estate and get caught by his tutors, disciplined for being tardy or absent. he was critical of food being cooked for him as he learned how to cook quite young and would always help his parents. this transition created a sort of dependency on chanhee’s favourite treats: sour patch kids. he would always have a bag near or around him. when he was upset, some would be brought to him. it got to the point where his newly adopted siblings would call him “sour patch”. eventually, the nickname stuck and never left. he was now sour patch ban, newfound heir. 
he never meant to be unruly. but when his troublemaker sister asked him to join her on a party, he couldn’t let her go alone. he wouldn’t be a very good brother if that were the case. it quickly escalated, however, once he let alcohol into his system. soon, it was him and his sister, sneaking out every weekend to find trouble. high school was spent falling asleep in classes but doing stellar on tests and assignments, many thanks to private tutors. it was spent dreading his extracurriculars, though it helped him learn how to play piano, guitar, and the drums. he was also a talented singer, though he does get a bad case of stage fright if he’s asked to sing in front of a crowd.
now that he’s graduated high school, he’s kind of drifting. not sure where he wants to go or what to do. his parents always assured him that he would be loved and taken care of no matter what he decided to do. so for now, he takes a lax business course at the university, just to say he’s trying. otherwise, he’s out on the town, drinking and smoking and laughing and playing away. sometimes he thinks about making his music career, even joining a band with his friends, and maybe making that his life. but something always gripes about him, how that estate is supposed to be his life. anything beyond it almost seems... inauthentic. is that why he spends so much time drinking? never committing to anything? hm, who knows.
*  /  𝐏 𝐄 𝐑 𝐒 𝐎 𝐍 𝐀 𝐋 𝐈 𝐓 𝐘
sour patch is definitely someone who tries to make everyone around him smile. he’s kind, affable, super sweet, and thoughtful. he makes an effort to remember the small things people tell him. he’s a bit of an over-analyzer this way, trying to figure out what people want. his motif is to always help people.
but that’s not to say he doesn’t have problems of his own. he’s scared of commitment in any regard and he hides his true feelings quite a lot. he doesn’t want to seem a burden or something to invoke pity, so he never lets on how much something hurts him. he’s quite emotional and can cry at the drop of a pin. he just invests a lot of himself into other people and, of course, that never bodes well.
he’s also a huge romantic. now, mix that with his commitment issues and his mask-wearing, it’s not a pretty trait of his. he has a tendency to fall in love with anyone who shows him a remote kindness. he scoops up opportunities to be intimate while he’s partying because they simulate true affection just enough for him to get addicted to it. but, he’s sensitive and noncommittal, so he can fall out of love just as easily.
*  /  𝐂 𝐎 𝐍 𝐍 𝐄 𝐂 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍 𝐒
save your tears — sour patch went all in with his chips with this relationship. he really thought that he could unlearn his life of flimsy whimsical habits. but, that’s not the only thing that’s stopping him from being a good partner. maybe it was the nonstop drinking, the hesitancy to show vulnerability, or his inability to get out of his daydreams. but it fell apart. sour patch never stopped caring about this person, however, and he wants to try and be better for them. but will they let him? ( 0/1 )
banana brain — sour patch isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. although he’s always kind to everyone, he can come off ingenuine. however, he’s determined to be this person’s friend. he feels like he can help them, even though he knows that his presence is unwanted. extravagant gifts, surprise visits, the whole shebang. sour patch is persistent even though it’s a futile mission. ( 0/3 )
i wonder — the current pinnacle of sour patch’s affections. maybe this person is a classmate, or a regular at one of his regular spots too, or just happened to perform a random act of kindness. sour patch is quite the romantic individual and overthinks any minute interaction. this is amped up with this person. be prepared. i would prefer if this is unrequited but we can see how it goes, too! ( 0/1 )
eyes closed — sour patch is using this person to distract himself from something he can’t attain. does this person know that? well, only time can tell. it’s hard to see beyond sour patch’s masks sometimes. maybe it’s mutual and this person is also distracting themself from something else. however, it almost feels real. every touch and whisper. it’s just missing some sort of spark. that inescapable romantic ideal that it’s meant to be. ( 0/1 )
SPECIAL MENTIONS: sour patch adores having friends and is a very social creature, he wants to be close with everyone. sour patch also has his share of one night stands and drunken encounters, and not all of them are good. these connections won’t have limits because i’m a fiend for friends/fwb/rivals. 
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ancatss · 4 years
ososan s3 thoughts bc why not
osomatsu san is a huge comfort series for me so im gonna ramble abt it <33 bc like the title says why not
ok thoughts on chars and things; osomatsu- just kind of basic so far which is funny 2 say when talking abt oso but still djkf idk how to describe it well; i love whatever he has going on with the ais. it really shows alot abt both characters it’s so cool; i hope he gets some nice moments this season after the movie i kind of became an oso fucker
karamatsu- i love him more and more every day, i’m hoping he’ll get some development this season bc im seriously in love w him. we keep getting these snippets of angst for him that hint to greater emotions and although they’re always kind of sugarcoated with this comedic overtone (like a lot of angst in osmt- i feel it’s with kara especially because even characters like totty have gotten serious development and with him it’s always always played off as comic relief, the thing he keeps hinting at wanting to avoid- it was explored a little bit in the movie and i think the movie is canon because things from it were brought up in the szn) i’d like just a bit more
choromatsu- pretty basic so far- the thing w ichi when the ais/riceballs were first introduced is really really interesting. it might have just been nothing but im looking too much into it bc i can- as i talked abt w oso and as im gonna talk abt again, the ais kind of losing each matsu one by one is really compelling to me, and i get the feeling choro is gonna be the next one to go. maybe kara will make some sort of comment like ‘hmph its just u and be bruzzahs’ (*wow i should rp kara /j /hj*) and how did a choromatsu discussion turn into a karamatsu gush sjfklf
ichimatsu- i love his little side plot/development with the origami hehe thats a cute hobby for him; the whole radio show thing going on hes just weird this season jsdkf- but hes also already angsty w the whole things about the riceballs; like i talked abt with choro i really want to see how he reacted to them/why he reacted the way he did expanded upon more. the last episode where he interacted w the riceballs a lot was so good; the choro thing kind of reminds me what i love about this season so far, it has a lot of the brothers just being brothers yk
jyushimatsu- not much from him yet except for also kind of falling off the side of the riceballs- hes been really really cute this season though like when the ais were playing shogi <33 hes just so sweet i wish all jyushi kins and likers a very good evening
todomatsu- GOD THE EPISODE WHERE HE LIKED THE GIRL FROM THE STORE MADE ME CRY i am not joking. well more like tear up but still- it also might have made me cry bc i love kara so much and i was jealous but were gonna ignore that, i LOVE totty being in luv! even if its with a girl who only talked to him out of courtesy lmao im pretty certain theyre not going to do anything w her again but that whole arc was just so ‘classic totty’
totoko/nyaa- THEY ARE LESBIANS!! I’m so so happy we’re getting more development for nyaa bc i love her a lot and im happy we’re getting to see how totoko acts outside of hanging w the matsus/being w her family on her own; the wrestling thing is funny jdkg but i loved the episode where they came up w the idea so much (poor choro) nyaa with a ponytail is something i never knew i needed
the AIs/Riceballs- i still don’t trust them; they had like ONE cute moment but fr they freak me out, they had one moment in an episode that actually creeped me out like it was some dystopian horror anime (/srs) the ignoring oso thing is interesting doe- I was a little skeptical of them adding new main characters when we already have such an established cast of iyami, chibita, etc (although they haven’t been used that much this season sadly, it is still only a few episodes in tho) but i feel like it’s working so far! i should have had confidence the crew could do it jfk
other: the theme song is so so good i rewatch it every day and the ending is so cute (totoko+nyaa lesbians!!), the animation is as great as ever and even slightly improved in some parts?? for the little commercial images (eyecatcher type things) i dont know how i feel about the slightly changed artstyle yet but ill get used to it; the first episode made me laugh so hard the kny ref was perfect and the seiyuus always make me laugh so that bit was great too
I’m loving this season so far aa nobodys reading this but if u r then thanks ig?? why listen to me anyways i love kara bye
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galaxyshine24-7 · 4 years
Feng Min🎮 Before the Fog
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Hey I made a small introduction to Feng Min on her last day in her world for a rp server I’m on and wanted to share it. Her character is so cool but I hear not a lot of people write for her so I wanted to give some love to this gamer girl. I hope you enjoy. 
"Feng, Feng Min, Feng!" Feng jolts up from her chair as the owner of the internet café gives her a concerned look. Feng looks around as her screen shows a large Game Over screen in front of her. 
    "Damnit," Feng brushes her fingers through her hair wiping the stream of drool on her face. The area around her was filled with wrappers and napkins as a blanket rests over her shoulders. 
    "Feng listen you've been here for days." The owner rests a hand on her shoulder. Feng frowns at him rubbing the crust from her eyes. 
    "Maybe go home take a shower and rest a bit. Trust me the games will always be here." He pats her on the back as he goes to help out a customer. Dark brown eyes look over the screen as she leans back in the chair crossing her arms. Her head throbs as she takes a deep breath slowly getting up from the chair. 
    Shit just great, another game over. She thinks to herself as she cleans her station and starts to pack up her things. All the wrappers and empty cups of coffee from the previous days end up in the bin. As she walks to the entrance she makes sure to place a large tip for the owner having to deal with her for the past few days. Her hand opens the door wincing a bit at the light she hasn't seen in what felt like ages. She coughs fishing through her pockets to find a simple black mask. The air quality has never been the best in the heavy parts of the city. People pass by her going about their lives in a sea of blurs. Feng looks straight ahead, her mind focusing on strategies and her next moves. A person bumps into her, but she doesn't notice making the track back to her apartment. 
    The building was placed in the middle of the serval internet cafes and arcades giving her enough access to training when need be, and as of lately the bars have been pretty good too. She squeezes through the bodies trying to move in and out of the complex. 
    "Ms. Feng Min your rent is due soon." The landlord said from the front desk.
    "Can't talk now, I will have it later." She waves her off hopping on the elevator. The doors are about to close until someone places their hand out making them open up again. A woman wearing a bright smile greets her squeezing into the elevator. She steps in seeing the button was already pressed for her floor.
    "Hello good morning." She smiles sweetly. 
    "Hi," Feng lets out a sigh resting her head on the wall. 
    "Rough day?" The woman asks. 
    "Rough Life." Feng blurts out a bit surprised at herself, she must be tried, she's being social. That's a huge red flag. 
    "Aw I'm sorry to hear that. Your name is Feng right?" Her brown eyes narrow at the women. 
    "How did you know that?" She crosses her arms.
    "Oh I live next door to you." She tilts her head. Feng raises a brow. 
    "You know Maryann, I lived by you for three years, I gave you muffins for the holidays." Oh she threw away those muffins. She always waited too long to eat them. However with the way her stomach twists right now she wishes she had eaten them. Her eyes dart to the sparkly ring on the woman's finger. 
    "Married?" Might as well go all the way into this socializing thing, it's not like she does it every day. 
    "Engaged going to be married soon." She smiles looking at the ring with such warmth foreign to Feng. Like she has ever had time for relationships all she wanted to do was win, watching her team deal with them and get distracted didn't do much to convince her they were worthwhile. 
    "Congrats." With a large stretch the elevator opens as they both step out. 
    "Thank you we've made so many plans for a house upstate, with nice schools for kids when they came around. I can't wait, we're already thinking of names."
    Were my parents this happy thinking about kids? It's so hard to imagine how they barely talk now. She wonders what stops them from having more children to cover the mistake that is her.
    They walk for a bit as they reach their rooms. Feng takes out her key, opening up her dark apartment. 
    "Well it was nice talking to you Feng have a nice day." She waves. Feng gives her a small smile stepping into her home closing and locking the door behind her. It was a dark loft apartment with plush furniture and high tech gaming equipment. Posters littered the walls and trophies adorn the shelves picking up dust. She throws her things on the couch pressing the button to open the blinds to a full city skyline. The money she made in tournaments helped her afford all this. Being among the highest to show that she could win. Rain starts to fall along the glass as she peels away from the view to head upstairs to shower. She finds her more comfy clothes heading to the bathroom. 
    Turning on the water she undresses stepping inside welcoming the warm water as it cascades down her hair and back. Her forehead presses against the cool tile as she counts her breaths. It's been six weeks, six agonizing weeks since she was ordered to take a break from the team after her recent mistakes costing tournaments, she even got kicked out of the dorms. She punches the wall as a wave of disappointment passes over her. She can't lose, she can't lose, she has come so far. Only to fall now in her prime would be pathetic and every doubt everyone made about her would be true. She couldn't count the thousands of comments in the fan forums all of them saying she was losing her touch. That she was only a one hit wonder, a smile creeps onto her face. She would show them she would so all of them. Her determination was too strong to give up. 
    "Fuck that." She would rather die than give up a game she knows she can win. The goal was so close she could feel it. She was so close to her purpose. 
 She steps back finishing her shower, now that she's more awake she can realize how dirty she was as stains cover her old shirt and the pits are ripe with sweat. 
    "Gross," She tosses everything in the hamper turning off the water. She looks in the mirror wiping away the fog. Black hair sticks to her pale skin as dark eyes stare back at her. She can't remember the last time she looked at herself. As she grew thinner or as she gained weight. She couldn't even tell anymore. Drying herself off she shakes her head cleaning herself up changing her clothes. After she blows, dries her hair until it untangles and is soft again. When she's done she cracks her knuckles heading back downstairs hoping to get some practice in on her console but her stomach growls loudly. 
    "Shit," her stomach hasn't seen a full meal in days. She could order take out, but she knows she needs to get outside more. With a large yawn and a pop of her back she grabs her bag and keys. Her feet step out into the apartment once more locking the door behind her. Leaving the building a few hours have past since she as been in her apartment getting ready. She thinks about what she wanted to do pulling up her hood and putting her mask back on. Feng fumbles in her bag taking out her earphones to play a soundtrack from her favorite game. The rain falls around her but she doesn't mind welcoming the sensation. She has forgotten how much she missed playing outside. In a time when her parents weren't so disappointed in her and splashed in the puddles at the park. A time the world was so new and she wasn't a black sheep to anyone. A laugh escapes her mouth, maybe there was a time people liked being around her. She didn't really do much out of gaming but anyone could see that fact. The smell of food fills her nose as a restaurant comes into view. It's a place she's been to before and liked what they had there. Authentic Chinese food reminded her of what her family's chefs would make. She opens the door getting a whiff of the food a bit more now. 
    The restaurant was a family run establishment creating a cozy feel as a fire runs in the background. Pictures of past customers all smiling hang on the walls.
    "Would you like a table Ma'am?" A man asks her. 
    "Table for one please." The man takes out one menu sitting Feng down at the bar. She already knows what she wants as she hands back the menu just asking for water to drink. The man smiles nodding his head going to get her order. She looks at the tv listening to the sounds of the chefs cooking in the kitchen. The tv shows a news report talking about the esports tournaments. She rubs her temple, she really doesn't need this right now. 
    "Last month the popular esports team lost the primary rounds, however it wasn't always like this. Since the teams current decline fans have been reminiscing the past wins of the team." She puts her head in her hands as someone asks to turn it up. "One name that always comes up is the player Shining Lion. Otherwise known as Feng Min, a star in the field who won her team the championship cup." They show Feng Min with her team carrying the shining trophy that now sits in her apartment as it lost its luster. Her smile was wide and her eyes filled with joy. She remembers every moment of that day hearing the crowds chant her name and the phone calls she got afterwards for commercial deals and TVs shows, collabs with famous gamers she looked up to, but that day her parents actually told her she did a good job. That was something she never forgot. 
    Her food comes back as she begins to eat and the reporter moves on to other stories. The food was as good as she remembered loving each bite as all her problems seem to melt away. That was until a voice rang in the back of her. 
    "That's Shining Lion, dude she's over there." Her shoulders drop stabbing her chopsticks in her dumplings. She slowly turns around to see a few kids staring at her. One kid shushes the others as he walks over fiddling with his fingers. 
    "Um excuse me Ms. Lion can you please take a picture with us." She looks at her food then at the kid. His eyes looked at her with such adoration. 
    "Sure kid I'll take a picture." She couldn't say no to a face like that.  
    "Awesome, and don't worry my parents owned the restaurant. I can pay you back in dumplings." She snorts at that. Huh, she can't remember the last time she laughed either. They stand in the back as him and his friends take turns posing in pictures with her. 
    "Thank you so much, you were always my favorite in the team, I wanna be just like you some day." The boy said as his friends nod in agreement. 
    "Thanks," She brushes her hair behind her ear. The boy then looks down as the others start to look sad. Feng raises a brow at that tilting her head as one of them speaks up. 
    "We are sorry to hear the news." The one that called out to her before said.
    "Yeah the team is full of a bunch of idiots for getting rid of you." Her stomach sinks to the floor at that. 
    "What?" She was a bit breathless. The boy takes out his phone showing her the team's official website. It rests on the screen in bold letters. Feng Min Known as Shining Lion will hereby be cut from the team for the foreseeable future her space will be filled by a new up and comer. She looks back at the kids then at the phone this message was a few hours ago. 
    "Is everything okay?" The kids look at her concerned as Feng stands up taller now. 
    "Yes, don't worry about it." She walks away, placing down a large bunch of cash as she walks out the restaurant pulling out her phone. She has the team's manager on speed dial as she waits under a street light for her to pick up. 
    "Hello," Feng clutches her phone.
    "Feng uh hey, um listen we need to talk." They say over the phone. 
    "Cut the bullshit, I know, I saw the message. Why the fuck did you cut me, I was on a break I would've been back in gear in a few days." She starts to shake a bit wanting to throw up. 
    "Feng the team and I have been talking and I don't think it's been getting healthy for you to stay." They try to say softly. 
    "What?! And replacing me with someone else without a fucking word was going to make me better!" She shouts, several heads turn towards her as she moves into the alley to sit on a step, her leg jumping up and down.
    "Feng it's not like that, listen the team hasn't been doing well and you have been slipping. As much as you are advantaged you are much more of a liability. Especially with your drunken escapades that you can't seem you remember. It's just...not a good look for us please understand." Feng forms a tight line as she throws her phone to the ground cracking the screen. The rain falls harder as tears fall from her eyes. She leans her head back looking at the sky. The sun starts to set over the city. She stays there for what feels like hours, her soul sinking into a pit. A pit she's trying to crawl out of, enough to where her nails draw blood. Thunder roars overhead as she slowly gets up, grabbing her broken phone and placing it in her pocket as she walks aimlessly throughout the city. So much for her purpose to think all that hard work only to have to do it all over again. She kicks a rock as a neon sign catches her attention. It's a bar having a deal on drinks. 
    "Of course." A sad smile creeps into her face. The comfort she always tries to escape always finds itself in front of her again. What did she have to lose? Boots splash into puddles as she walks up to the bar hearing the drunken cheers of people. Feng walks inside the dim establishment taking a seat in the back ordering a round of beer for herself. She drinks, and drinks, and drinks letting everything in her world drown out. Leaving only thoughts of winning, maybe it's just hopeful thinking but she's going to get out of this pit and rise above it all. She will find her purpose even if it kills her. After a few bottles she pays and leaves the bar walking around the city until she finds a nice trash pile to fall into. The alcohol was getting to her as she looked at the black sky. It's so endless to her you never know what's out there. Whatever the future holds she will find her purpose she will win no matter what. Her eyes grow heavy as her body grows cold. A cloud of fog escapes her lips as it starts to surround her, but before she could react she gets pulled into the embrace of sleep as a spike of determination fills her core. She gets shocked with a wave of electricity as a haunting laugh greets her in the darkness.
And with that Feng was never seen again.
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twoblueheartslocked · 4 years
Seblaine Para- Present Day (Early April/Year 1)
Para: The Warmest Bed I’ve Ever Known
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Seblaine.
Sebastian: @colorsicantsee
Blaine: @twoblueheartslocked
Time: Present Day- Early April. Around a week after Blaine asks Seb for some naughty texts. 
Location: Brooklyn, New York
Info:  Blaine and Sebastian take their physical (and mental) relationship to a new level. 
Warnings: This particular para features Smut and some embarrassment that turns out just fine. This rp mentions past abuse(Physical, mental and sexual), anxiety, depression, self deprecation, negative body image, drug use, alcohol use, cussing, death(parents).
Extra Warnings: (This RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Extra Notes: Under Cut because of length and sensitive content. Work is unedited as usual.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine had spent so much time not being touched, or being touched when he didn’t want to be over the last few years that he was surprised at how easily he folded under Sebastian. Sure, he’d been in love with him for over four years now, but the damage Kurt had done to him, to his mind and body, seemed irreparable to him for so long. He’d closed himself off, flinched anytime someone came too close to him, froze up whenever his own fingers brushed over the back of his neck as he was dressing each day and he’d hardly allowed himself to look past his face in the mirror. Yet here he was, sitting on his couch with a lapful of Sebastian, his new boyfriend, it still felt surreal to call him that, legs straddling his hips and very slightly rocking, down into him in such a sensual way that Blaine wanted to cry with how good it felt. His fingers were gripping tightly against his hips and Blaine wanted nothing more than to slide them up under his shirt just to feel the heated skin that covered the dimples of his back. He was terrified to take what he wanted.
It had been a week since Blaine had the idea to let Seb send him a dirty text, it had been a week since Blaine humped into his hand and pillow while he listened to Sebastian gasp his name into the phone. He had thought he’d feel dirty, or disgusted with himself after but he just wanted more. Wanted to call Seb and beg him to come over and take back the control he’d lost over his life. He’d refrained, afraid that Seb would reject him and even more afraid that Seb would get there and he’d back out, or he’d fuck it up and do it wrong and Seb would leave dissatisified. He’d kept himself from calling the other man for almost a whole week before breaking down and asking him over to dinner. They’d planned to have a meal and cuddle up on the couch to a movie. Blaine loved it when Seb spent the night.
Blaine never got around to cooking anything. After a bit of conversation Seb had sat down on the couch and given him this look, eyes heavy with lust like he was still thinking about their phone call and maybe he was because the next thing he knew Sebastian was showing Blaine his hands and reaching out to him, asking softly he could kiss him, and then asking even softer if he could move to his lap. Seb’s tongue was slding against him so god damn slowly that Blaine wasn’t sure how he was managing to breath because it felt so fucking good. The fingers of Seb’s right hand were pressed lightly against his jaw and the other hand was resting against his shoulder, Seb’s slender fingers curled and Blaine could hardly feel them, but he could feel Seb’s control, and the restraint he was displaying, could feel how his boyfriend was holding back. He wondered how Seb would touch him if Blaine would just give him permission, if he would just let Seb have a little control too.
The voice in his head, the one that told him to just breathe and that he’d be okay was screaming at him to act, screaming at him to let Seb touch him harder, and to let himself take what he wanted, what was clearly being offered to him. Just take it all back, Blaine. This is what you want, what you need. It’s everything.
So with tentative hands he moved from Seb’s hips and let his fingers find Seb’s on his shoulder and very slowly, scared he’d bolt from his nerves and past fears, he pressed Seb’s fingers to the back of his neck. His breath hitched and he closed his eyes as flashes of Kurt’s claws, his tearing nails washed over him, and for a moment all he could think of was dark painful bruises but he forced himself to open his eyes. Forced himself to look up at Seb with his heavy eyes and kiss swollen lips, surprise evident on his features. He looked up at him and let himself trust for the first time- in a long time. This was Sebastian. Sebastian who had been patient, Sebastian who had talked Blaine through everything on their phone call just focused on you and me, B. I’ve got you. Sebastian who he had loved so hard when they were younger and still loved today. Sebastian who he had let go even though he didn’t want to… And finally Blaine let out a breath and nodded, pressing his neck into Seb’s fingers, relearning how to enjoy the touch he once loved so much. He lifted his face to Seb’s, lips slightly parted for another kiss.
“It’s okay, please… I want you to touch me.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian had been a tense ball of lust the past week. He knew that he had to give Blaine time and space but they had both caved in. Seb knew that nothing could happen as his driver whipped through the crowded streets but he also thought that something might, and that thought alone was worth the wait.
He showed up to the apartment and took a deep breath at the sight of Blaine in the doorway. Seb wanted to rush forward and fall into his arms but they made it to the couch and managed to speak a little. Blaine had asked if he wanted any wine and Sebastian said no, that he needed to take a break. The other man, ever graceful and kind, didn’t question him and maybe that was the moment Seb offered his hands up and they began to kiss.
All at once, he was in the other man’s lap and he could feel him, feel that he felt the same way. Sebastian made sure to move slowly and keep his hands where Blaine would notice them. His body naturally rocked into the other man and the only coherent thought that passed through his mind was that he could exist on this couch, in this intoxicating moment, forever.
Sebastian looked down at Blaine as he felt his hands slide up his body, watched as he placed his hand on his neck. His face broke out into a wide smile despite his lust blown pupils and sore lips and hazy brain. His hand was on Blaine’s neck, that was huge. Seb nodded and made sure his hand was light against his skin as he leaned in for another languid kiss.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s breath sped up as Seb leaned back in to kiss him, he slowly let his eyes fall closed even though a part of him was terrified that he’d see Kurt in front of him. He didn’t. An imprint of Sebastian’s pretty face lived behind his eyelids this time, home, where it used to be always and where he should have fought harder to keep it. He kissed back hard, and pressed his neck into Seb’s hand a little bit more, letting the other man feel that he was learning to trust him, that he wanted this. For the first time in such a long time he didn’t seize up, friends had accidentally touched his neck before and he remembered their guilty faces when he’d stop moving and look at them with wide, accusing eyes, even though he didn’t blame them. Not really. Sometimes things happened. He wondered if he’d still have moments with even Seb now, if maybe one day Seb might touch him and he might freeze up. That was okay though, right? Some things took time even if he was brave enough to face it right now, it’s okay to get scared again. His therapist had told him that and he had to believe it.
All he knew was that right now, in this  moment, Sebastian was everything and he wanted nothing more than to put his trust in him. He could feel the silent scream to just let go bouncing around in his brain and he wanted wanted wanted. He let his hand fall away from Seb’s, let Seb’s fingers graze the back of his neck as he moved his to grip at Seb’s hips, helping them in their journey to send Blaine into madness as they rolled down onto him, the friction setting him on fire in a way he’d forgotten he could feel. Their combined lust burned through him and he was suddenly certain that he could do this, he could take back his life and control what was going on around him, he could control what happened to his goddamn body this time. He thought so anyway, and maybe he was wrong, maybe he’d panic and Seb would be forced to pick up his pieces again but Blaine knew that if he didn’t try, if he didn’t reach out and ask he’d regret the night and all that could have happened. It didn’t matter that there might be other times. Losing his parents had taught him that a person wasn’t promised that. He was just a little slow on the uptake.
He pulled back, his fingers gripping a little tighter on Seb’s hips as if they were the tether keeping his man from floating away from him.
“I-I um… I want-” He bit his bottom lip to fight back a groan of either frustration from his stuttering or arousal from Seb’s hips, he couldn’t be sure. “I think that y-you should take me into the bedroom.” His words were a slightly altered echo of the words Seb had said to him all those years ago on the one perfect night where Blaine had gotten to press and move inside of Sebastian, had gotten to completely love his body- the last night of true happiness, just before the waves of despair had come crashing down over him to slowly him. He wanted to take the pain back, he wanted Seb. He needed to pull himself up. Breathe in, breathe out. You’ve got this, Blaine.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian’s body stilled as Blaine spoke. He ran his thumb gently over his Adam’s Apple and watched his face. “Okay, B.” He felt a shiver of anticipation run a teasing finger up his spine as he gently removed himself from the other man’s body. Sebastian stood up and put his hands forward, palms up so that he could pull Blaine up from the couch and so that he could see them and feel at ease. He pulled Blaine towards the bedroom as he walked backward in the tiny space. Seb’s face broke out into a smile and he felt giddy. He couldn’t quite believe that any of this was happening and suddenly the backs of his knees hit the edge of Blaine’s bed. Sebastian lifted his hands so that Blaine knew where they were going and slipped them under his shirt. He felt the trail of hair on his tummy and the defined bones of his hips. The ache of desire swirled around low in his body and he thought that his want had to be bone deep.
Seb slowly removed Blaine’s shirt and slipped his fingers into the band of his sweatpants, “you sure?” his voice was low and gentle and they were standing so close together that he could see the goosebumps the other man had sprinkled over his forearms.
“If you want to, you can take my clothes off first.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine swallowed as Seb’s thumb ghosted over his Adams apple, it had been far too long since anyone had touched him there that gently, that intimately. He let himself be led the short distance into his little cubby hole bedroom, the lack of door making everything easier to get to while at the same time bringing him a little bit of comfort. His nook of a room with it’s queen sized bed against one wall, hardly leaving room for a nightstand, had always made him feel safe. And lately, with Seb here, he’d felt even safer. His breathing was shallow as his parted lips turned up into a smile of awe at Sebastian’s smile. The man was beautiful, his teeth on full display and his eyes crinkling in a way that pulled at Blaine’s heart and almost made him want to cry. He bit his bottom lip to keep himself in check. He needed to stop crying all the time. He was happy.
Goosebumps prickled over his skin as Seb very slowly and gently lifted his shirt over his head, his arms automatically went up to assist and he was surprised by himself, six months ago he’d have never considered letting anyone see him shirtless. He knew he’d lost too much weight over the last few years, and he wondered if Seb had taken note. Still, he felt a small pang of disgust by his own body, and he was certain that his stomach was sticking out a little too much and he instantly wanted to hide himself away. He looked up at Seb, his green eyes wide and his smile still breathtaking and wide over his features. He could do this, wanted to do this.
“Yes, I’m sure.” His voice was hardly there as he placed his hand on top of Seb’s, not sure if he could let him see just yet. “But, I want to see you first…” He swallowed hard and his hands shook as he let his fingers reach just under his shirt to feel the dusting of hair and the slight raise of freckles and moles that made the most perfect constellation across Seb’s skin. He let his fingers trace softly for a moment before lifting Seb’s undershirt and sweat shirt up and over his head. He let them fall from his hands before stepping even closer to his boyfriend, his arms slipping around his torso and pulling their body's flush together, he sighed at the familiar tingle of their skin touching and he wanted so badly to press his lips against every exposed inch.
He licked his lips, his hand sliding slowly up and down Seb’s back, tracing the little dimples just above the waist of his sweats, his fingers relearning the old bits and memorizing the new. He looked up at Seb, his eyes wide as he asked silently if he could keep going, Seb nuzzled his nose into Blaine’s neck and it let Blaine know what he needed. He slid his hands down the  back of Seb’s sweatpants, his fingers cupping the curve of his ass gently and he wasn’t surprised to find that Seb wasn’t wearing underwear, and the knowledge gave Blaine such a thrill. His cock twitched and he wondered if Seb could feel his desire as they stood there pressed together. He took another deep breath and told himself that he was doing okay, that Seb liked his touches and that he was allowed to look at him, he was allowed to enjoy this, before sliding his hands to the band of his boyfriends pants and then pushing them down the expanse of his long, toned legs. Seb was hard and everything about his naked body was just as he remembered, only Seb was a little taller and his hip bones stuck out a little more and Blaine wondered if he ate enough or if it was something else that made him thinner. He made a note to make sure he was okay later.
Slowly, and full of so many fucking nerves, Blaine let his fingers ghost over Seb’s cock trying to remember how to touch another person without fear or resentment, trying refamiliarize himself again- nights of years past flashed through his memory, nights where Blaine had first stroked Seb into orgasm or the time Blaine had gotten to feel him thick and heavy on his tongue, had gotten to taste him and it was the sweetest taste… And he realized he was going to get to do it all again. He could touch and taste and feel… He moaned softly at the thought and licked his lips as he looked back up at Seb. “I’ve missed you so much…” He said it almost passively, mostly to himself as he brought his lips up to meet Seb’s, his tongue begging for entrance and he felt like he’d never get enough.
His breath hitched, and he noticed that he was trembling so hard, like he’d never done this before, nerves and want chasing each other though his body as he let himself coax Seb back onto the foot of the bed and helped scoot him up so his head was against the pillows. He let himself settle in between Seb’s legs and a little gasp left his lips and god he wanted to cry with want. He leaned down and tentatively licked back into Seb’s mouth, kissing him slow and deep for a moment as his hand cupping his face as if it were precious, and he supposed it was before he moved them gently over his body, exploring some more.
Blaine was suddenly and uncomfortably aware that he still hadn’t taken his pants off, afraid to show himself or to accidentally see himself. He knew he needed to get past this. He needed to relax. Seb wasn’t Kurt. He reached for the folded up lap blanket, afraid that Seb might judge him, or roll his eyes… But he knew better.  He always kept the NYU blanket near in case his heat went out during the night as it was wont to do. He opened it before putting it over his shoulders and covering his back up. He wished so hard that he could do it with his pants on, but it was unfair to Seb, Seb deserved so much more than a half assed fuck with clothing still on, but he was so scared to be seen. Why was he still so scared?
“I- could we be under the covers? I-I’m not ready to- I don’ t know, I’m just nervous to be so exposed.” And suddenly he was scared that he was messing up.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian could feel Blaine tremble under his fingertips. He wanted to make the other man comfortable and wanted to make him feel good. Blaine would deny it but he deserved to feel wanted. Seb would move as slow as the other man needed and he hoped his actions made that feeling clear. “We have all night, B.”
He nodded and lifted his arms for Blaine to remove his shirt. Sebastian loved how his boyfriend’s (boyfriend!) calloused fingers felt as they ghosted all over his skin, how strong they felt as they cupped his ass. He never truly knew that being weak in the knees was a real thing until this moment, as he stood in Blaine’s arms full of want and desire he thought he might fall all the way to the ground floor of the crumbling apartment building.
He kissed Blaine slowly and grasped his shoulders, sighed as he felt his fingers gently graze his cock. “I’ve missed you too.” Sebastian’s entire body felt on fire from those whispered words. He let himself fall back onto the bed, let his legs fall open for Blaine. Seb gasped as the other mans settled in between his legs, they were both so fucking hard that he wasn’t sure how long either of them were going to be able to last. Sebastian didn’t even care, he just wanted to feel Blaine inside of him, hear him gasp his name, feel his hot skin and tangle his fingers in his hair. He had been fantasizing about this moment for so long and he wanted everything.
Seb let his hands drift all over Blaine’s body, nuzzled his nose into his neck and kissed him. “You’re so hot, B.”
Blaine looked amazing under the blanket, the outline of his cock pressed against a naked Sebastian through his sweatpants. Sebastian would thrive off of this memory for the rest of his life.
“Yeah, of course. It’s kinda sexy.” He smiled his Blaine only smile and wiggled his hips underneath the other man. “Can I help you get rid of these?” Sebastian noticed that his voice was low and breathy but couldn’t bring himself to care. He gripped the waistband of Blaine’s pants, looped his fingers under the band of his boxers and waited for permission before he began to push them down.
“Let me know where your condoms are.” Sebastian whispered against the warm skin of Blaine’s neck. He kissed Blaine’s lips softly, “the nightstand?”
Blaine’s POV:
Every time Sebastian called him hot, or sexy or any variation of the words Blaine would wonder what exactly he saw when he looked at him. All Blaine saw was a mess and he couldn’t grasp what Seb was seeing, it wasn’t good for him to think that way and he knew that, but he couldn’t help himself. Even so the words sent a shiver up his body and he wanted to believe them. Sebastian certainly looked like he meant them. He was hard against Blaine’s tummy and Blaine was just as hard against him. He gasped, surprised by the wiggle and the sensual way Seb rocked his hips into him. God he was so tightly coiled, so tense and nervous and he wanted so damn badly to just relax, to just let his body take control.
Sebastian was underneath him, beautiful in his naked openness and his legs were spread for him, he was smiling his special smile and playful and understanding and Blaine was so fucking happy and proud of himself for coming this far without incident. He just needed to breathe. He swallowed, fighting a smile because of course Sebastian would find a way to make him feel like his insecurities were okay. Of course he’d say the covering himself up was sexy. And of course he’d want to help him take his pants off. Seb had seen him before, many times when they were together in high school. Blaine had grown comfortable and free with him, confident and sure of himself. But, Kurt had ruined Blaine’s body image, ruined all the accapance of himself and he’d done it dirty. Blaine wanted this though, he wanted to let Seb see him at least a little. He just needed his brain to catch up to his body.
“O-okay.” The word was so soft that he hardly heard himself speak. He shifted his hips so that he could help Seb push his pants and underwear down. He blushed as his cock fell heavy and hard against Seb and bit his lip hard to keep from moaning just from that contact. Seb’s voice was slow and raspy and Blaine loved it when he sounded like that, raw and open just like the both of them were right now and  actually every single time they’d spent time together the last four months. He shivered again at Seb’s words, as he nodded, telling him that yes, he’d put them there just in case. He wanted to tell Sebastian that he hadn’t even had condoms up until the other day, hadn’t needed them or wanted them in his apartment, but their phone call had helped him see that he really, really wanted to be able to be intimate with his boyfriend. Wanted to show him so badly that he was wanted and worth so much more than he had given himself credit for over the last four years. He wanted to show Seb that he was so much more than those other men gave him credit for.
His hands shook as he took the little black and gold wrapper from his boyfriends slender fingers and blushed a deeper shade of red when Seb pressed the lube into his hand. Blaine knew what to do, but it didn't stop him from worrying. Didn’t stop him from thinking that maybe he was being too slow, or too careful. Before he could think too hard about it, he opened the package and managed to slide the condom on himself, scared that if he waited he’d panic and back out, his fingers were clumsy like he’d never done it before but he managed, his cock throbbing from his own touch and god fucking damn it, it had been years. And then his middle and index fingers were coated and slick and he was looking into Seb’s eyes, asking permission before pressing them against his entrance, circling them once, twice before slowly pressing them into Seb’s body. A little noise left his parted lips and a flood of heat rushed to the bottom half of his body. The tight slickness of Seb’s body around his fingers was almost enough to make him see stars. Just this act, the crook of his fingers and the pull and the heat and the lewd wetness made him want to moan like he was already inside of him.
He settled in closer, wanted to be pressed as close as he could and leaned forward and kissed Seb again, this time moving his fingers to the rhythm of their lips, his free hand snaking up to rest against Seb’s sensitive neck and he wondered if Seb ever felt this good with other men, the way Blaine was feeling just from this small act. Wondered if Seb could ever come just from this. And his thought made his breath hitch.
“I-Is this okay?”
Seb was illuminated and gorgeous as he looked shyly down at his upturned face in the dim, magical glow of fairy lights strung up throughout the tiny apartment.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian propped his head up on the plush pillows of Blaine’s bed. He licked his lips as he watched him slip the condom on with shaky fingers. Seb hummed approvingly and hoped that it was encouraging. He knew that Blaine struggled with self image and it made Sebastian’s brain short circuit when he thought about it. To him, Blaine was it and he wanted to show him just that tonight.
He groaned low and made sure to keep his eyes on the other man. Just Blaine’s fingers inside of him felt amazing. Sebastian let his legs fall open a little bit more and sighed as Blaine touched his neck. He turned the kiss a little messy and pulled away with a low moan, “Yeah, B.”
Seb grasped onto Blaine’s shoulders and kissed him deeply, moved his hips in rhythm with Blaine’s movements.
“I’m ready when you are.”  It was basically a moan but he didn’t care if he seemed needy. Sebastian had been dreaming of this moment every time they made out and cuddled in this very bed. Every time he got himself off quietly in Blaine’s shower after a heavy twenty minutes of touching over the clothes and kissing until their lips were sore.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine let himself get caught up in the movement of his fingers and the way Seb’s hips slowly rocked up to meet them. He wished that he could see better and if it weren’t for the damn blanket, meaning his insecurities, he’d be able to watch. The thought of being able to watch his fingers slide back and forth inside of Seb made his cock twitch and he made a promise to himself that next time he’d figure out a way to let himself be more exposed. He wanted to explore every inch of Seb with his eyes and hands and mouth and he knew by setting up boundaries he was hindering himself. He knew it was easier said than done, but right now he had to make himself the promise or he’d go crazy thinking he’d never get the chance. 
He wasn’t sure how long they laid there kissing, and he wasn’t sure when the last time he’d gotten to enjoy anything like it. Every time he got to press close to Sebastian and let him kiss him senseless it did something to him. He’d spent almost four years stunted and used and ridiculed that each press of lips or slide of tongue felt sacred and cherished and sometimes his anxiety slipped in and snickered to him he’d lose it all one day. And those days he’d find himself kissing Sebastian harder, and holding him closer. He could live in their kisses and he’d never want for anything else. It was the best feeling in the world and he was so caught up in this kiss, this moment that his stomach flipped when Seb told him he was ready. He was reminded that he got to have more. That Seb was his.
He nodded, his breathing shallow as he slowly withdrew his fingers and used his hand to prop himself up, hovering just above Seb so that he could focus on his face, so that he could see that it was Seb with him. His body tingled with desire and anxiety and he felt like he might explode at any moment. He used his free hand to line himself up and looked down at Seb for the okay. He got it in the form of a brilliant smile and a hand pressed to the small of his back, guiding him and then he was pressing  inside, could feel the beautiful give and stretch of Seb around his cock and he didn’t stop pushing until his hips were flush against Seb’s body and and everything was warm and tight and Blaine moaned low and long, his voice singing right along with Seb’s little gasps and then Blaine was seeing stars as he came so fucking hard his vision went a little blurry. His moan turned into the pleading word no over and over again and he could have sobbed.
“No, no, no… oh my god, please… I’m so sorry.” His face was hot and his embarrassment ran deep into his gut as he held on tightly to Sebastian’s body with no choice but to ride out his sudden and strong orgasm- bordering somewhere between pure bliss and a harsh bone deep shame. As his pleasure subsided he hid his face tightly in the crook of Sebastian’s neck, willing himself not to cry as he waited for what was sure to be an onslaught of familiar criticism. What the hell was wrong with him? How had he managed to fuck this up so badly… He wanted to disappear, the only thing stopping him from getting up and hiding in his bathroom was the fact that he didn’t want Seb to see him. He deserved so much better than this. Seb deserved better than him.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian bit his bottom lip and watched Blaine’s face as he pressed into him. The other man looked beautiful in his concentration and everything felt better than his best daydream. He stretched around the other man and the ache felt delicious and perfect and they were so close that he swore he could feel Blaine’s heartbeat. Seb had never been treated this well, or rather he hadn’t been since the last time they were together when they were teenagers. The past years were full of quick hook ups and rough hands. His body felt like it wasn’t his and he was usually too fucked up to bring himself to care. Blaine had made him feel so wanted and needed in this moment and every touch and sigh felt intense and perfect.
Suddenly Sebastian felt the pressure of Blaine, felt his hips stutter and his words mingle on a moan.  He could feel the other man’s embarrassment hang in the air and he wished he could swat it away like an annoying gnat. He laid a hand gently on the back of Blaine’s neck and held him close. Sebastian’s lower half of his body still ached but his emotions took over and he knew he needed to comfort his boyfriend.
“B, shh. It’s totally okay. Don’t be sorry, I had fun.” Sebastian pressed a kiss to the side of Blaine’s head. “You treated me so fucking well. And you looked fucking amazing and felt even better.”
Blaine’s POV:
And just like that Blaine’s anxiety over the possibility of Sebastian getting upset with him sort of whooshed out of him. Normally it would have taken ages for him to calm down after something like this, and while he still felt embarrassed and nervous, he didn’t feel scared like he had moments ago. Sebastian had this ability to make him feel better in very few words, he supposed he’d always been able to do that to him. He was sure that there’d be other times when it took more than lovely words and a gentle touch, but right now it was perfectly what he needed. He let Seb’s words fall over him softly and he truly believed them. He had no choice, not really. The other man spoke gently and the murmur of his lips against his skin left Blaine with a tingle of hope, and the sweet way he’d let his fingers rest against his most sensitive spot gave him strength to open his eyes and look down at Seb.
Sebastian had managed to do the complete opposite of what Kurt would have done and it made Blaine love him impossibly more. He sniffled, thankful that he had not started sobbing on top of everything else. He took a deep breath, Seb’s little kiss leaving him with little goosebumps over his neck. He wondered if Seb had ever been so soft with anyone else before, or if he was telling the truth a couple of months ago a dinner when he told him it was all for him. A little pang of guilt brushed over his heart and he had to force it away. Things happened the they happened and he couldn’t change it, all he had was here and now and he needed to show Seb just how incredible he was.
“I forget how sweet you are sometimes, you hide it behind venom so much, but you never could fool me.” He swallowed hard, his cheeks still red and he propped himself up on his elbow over Seb and then eased himself out of his body before pulling off the condom, trying not to draw attention to his heated face as he tossed it in the little bin under his tiny nightstand. He  licked his lips as he turned his attention back to the man under him. He shifted a little so he was more comfortable on top of him, making sure they were still safe under the little cover over their naked bodies, and smiled softly down at him- his fingers toying with the little hairs at the base of Sebastian’s neck.
“I-...” He cleared his throat and forced himself not to look away. “It’s been over three years since I’ve been allowed to, you know… top. I was always made to bottom even when I didn’t really want to and- I-” He swallowed hard, knowing that trauma was still rattling around in his mind and body and he needed to let it loose soon but right now he wanted to make Seb feel good, needed to show him how much he meant to him.  “I guess I got eager. I just wanted to make you feel as good as possible.” He ducked his head and pressed a kiss to Seb’s lips, letting his mouth linger for a moment before speaking again, his free hand cupping his face and cradling him close. “Do you think I could have another chance?” He tried to sound confident, but his nerves were still coursing through his body as he pressed a little kiss to the pulse point in Seb’s neck, his lips pulling into a small smile against the thump of heartbeat there that meant so much to him as if the smile could protect it.
“I-I think I can do better.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian reveled in the feeling of Blaine’s fingers on the back of his neck. Even when they were younger he always played with the little hairs on the back of his neck. It was familiar and intimate and made a thrill run through his veins. Seb ran his own fingers gently over Blaine’s arms and back, tracing an unknown pattern.
“You always could see right through me.” His voice was more gentle than he expected it to be and he felt a thrum of something inside of his stomach that he couldn’t quite describe.
“I understand. For the record, you did make me feel good and you can have all the chances you want.” Seb smiled up at the other man and tilted his chin up for another kiss. He sighed when Blaine pressed a soft kiss to his neck, that had always been his weakness. Sebastian’s body felt full of fire and he could feel himself start to get hard again against B’s tummy. He felt his legs fall open a little bit more.
“Show me.”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine swallowed and nodded down at Sebastian. He couldn’t get over the fact that Seb was being so understanding, it was strange and very new to him, but deep down he knew it shouldn’t be so strange. Memories of their giggles and imperfectly perfect intimate moments from when they were younger linger in his head as he moved slowly to grab a new condom from the bedside table. He remembered times when their teeth would clack, or clothes would get stuck and Seb’s easy smiles and grins were always the first thing to lighten the mood. So, of course Blaine shouldn’t have been surprised that he wasn’t upset or going to take anything out on him.
“I was one of the only people that you let get to know the real you, of course I saw right through you.” He bit his lip and smiled down into green eyes that he missed getting lost in. He dipped his head and pressed another little kiss just as Seb’s legs opened more for him. Blaine’s cock jumped from the movement and he let out a little noise of want knowing that Seb wanted him just as much back. He pulled back enough that he could get use his hands properly and with shanking fingers managed to get a clean condom over his cock, he had gotten hard and ready faster than he thought possible and Seb’s long legs, heavy eyes and soft vulnerable voice were to blame.
“I want to make you feel even better, I want to show you how much I’ve missed you…” He took the lube from the table and slicked his fingers back up, gently letting them probe and slide back in, his cock twitching because Seb was still wet from before, still open even though Blaine had hardly done anything at all. He sighed, his eyes never leaving Seb’s face, he wanted to watch the subtle ways it changed, wanted to see the different things his touch could get a reaction out of. He leaned in, his left hand sliding under Seb’s shoulders and neck to hold him close, his right hand withdrawing from Seb’s body and wrapping round himself so that he could guide. He licked his lips, a soft “You’re sure?” Getting caught in his throat. Seb’s head was back, his neck exposed and his lips parted, Blaine didn’t need any more than the slight head nod and little reassuring smile and he was pressing in again and god it felt even better than before.
His breathing was shaky and his whole body was trembling like he’d never done this before all over again. But this time he’d get it right, this time Sebastian would know how much he meant to him. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting himself lie there and pressed so close to Sebastian for a moment, willing himself to breathe and then he was moving, slowly at first and then his hips were rolling in a little faster before pressing deep and god how had he ever let Seb go. He spread his own legs a little wider, pushing Seb’s open with them, giving himself a better angle. He gathered his boyfriend closer, holding his body tightly to his, his free hand moving to cup his face and then to cradle the back of his neck so he could kiss him hard and sweet. And he fucked into Seb and kissed him so slow and deep and for so long their moans trapped themselves between their lips and Blaine wanted to be selfish and keep them there forever.
He was lost in their passions, had now idea how long they moved together like this, and he’d be fine if they were never found again.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian couldn’t speak much anymore, all he could muster to do was nod as pleasure thrummed through his veins. His hands found their way to tangle in Blaine’s mess of curls as he pressed into him. Little moans fell from his lips as the other man began to move more confidently, the glow from the Christmas lights infiltrated the blanket and swathed them in a soft amber glow. Sebastian could see Blaine’s face and feel his heavy breaths wash over his skin. His thighs ached as the other man spread them a little wider and the action was so simple yet so bold and sexy that it made his own hips stutter and he knew he was close.
Soon heat was flooding through Sebastian as they kissed, a satisfied cry fell onto Blaine’s lips as he came in between their bodies, his toes curled and his fingers scrambled for purchase against his boyfriend’s slick back. It was an intense orgasm and Seb’s body trembled with every press and movement of Blaine. He had never been held so closely, had never been given so much undivided attention. Sebastian didn’t fucking care about Blaine’s neighbors, he hoped the whole building heard him.
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine watched with heavy eyes as Seb fell apart underneath him, he held onto him tighter, making sure his boyfriend knew that he had him and that he wasn’t going to let him crash alone. The cry of pleasure Seb made as he came, low and loud, sent goosebumps all over Blaine’s body and he’d give anything to be able to hear it over and over again. He pressed a kiss to his neck, and then back to his lips. Seb’s fingers were still tangled up in Blaine’s hair and his other hand was sliding freely up and down his back, pulling him closer and normally Blaine might freeze up at that, but Seb’s touches were needy and soft in a way that only Sebastian could make them and he pressed his head and arched his back into them, relishing in the feeling. Everything was building up as he thrust into Seb’s body, his boyfriend was watching him with heavy eyes, encouraging him to keep going and Blaine wanted nothing more than to live in this feeling. But, the pressure was building the slide, the pull the echo of Seb’s pleasure still ringing in his ears and the fact that it was Seb under him, that was everything and before he knew it he was coming hard and fast and he tried to keep his voice down but it was almost as loud as Seb’s and his cheeks were heated as he pressed his face into the crook of Seb’s neck and he tried to breathe evenly as as came down.
Finally, after what could have been hours but what probably was  just minutes, Blaine pulled himself up on shaking arms and looked down at Sebastian. He wanted to hide his face again because he’d done that. And he was a little ashamed at how good it felt, but that was just Kurt ingrained in his mind and he knew, deep down that he didn’t need to feel shame about wanting to feel good anymore. Maybe he’d still have moments,  but right now he felt so fucking good, and all because of Seb, that he felt like he could do anything. He ducked his head down and pressed a kiss to Seb’s lips, letting them linger there for a moment before pulling back and very gently pulling out. He pulled the condom off, this time much less embarrassed, and after disposing of it he eased himself off of Seb so that he could lie on his side next to him. Everything felt perfect, he felt perfect, Seb seemed to feel the same. So why was there a little nagging thing in the back of his head right now? Why was his heart starting to hurt like an ugly bruise?
He furrowed his brow as he looked at Seb, his arm snaking out to wrap around his waist and to pull him a little closer under the little cover he was using as a shield. Everything was perfect, he’d overcome so much in one night, and sure, they had so much to discuss, but that could wait for another day... what could he possibly have to worry about. He was happy and in love, and no, they still hadn't said that yet,  but it was there- still hanging between them after all of these years and-... that was it. The last time Blaine and Seb had been this close Blaine had woken up on top of the world with the intentions of telling Sebastian that he loved him later that night. Only… he’d never gotten the chance. Before he could do it his whole world had been shattered like glass and then two weeks later Blaine had thrown the leftover shards away when he broke up with Seb. That had to be it. Blaine was getting too close to telling Seb how he felt again, and Seb had to leave tomorrow for class and Blaine was going to have to send him away and worry that he’d be next, that he’d lose him for good.
Well, just don’t make plans to tell him that you love him and it’ll all be fine. Seb will make it home and then he’ll make it back to you and you’ll have nothing to worry about.
Blaine knew that was a silly thing to think, and that his therapist had shot down all the stupid ways he’d tried to cope with his parents death by blaming himself and so on in the past. She’d have a hay day with this one. He cleared his throat and let his fingers gently trace over a few peppered freckles on Seb’s chest.
“It’s so silly but…” He swallowed hard, knowing that if they were going to do this, if they were going to be in this relationship, that Blaine needed to share his insecurities with Sebastian in order for it to work. “I’m scared for you to leave tomorrow, Seb. I’m scared something bad will happen to you on the way home. I know that the chances are slim and that you’re not driving, but the last time I was this happy…the next morning-” He shrugged, intentionally leaving out the part about love and feelings, and knowing that any other time he would be nervous but that this was a special case and he was acting extra crazy. “Could you promise me that you’ll call me as soon as you’re safe? Or maybe even talk to me while you ride home? Your driver won’t care, and look- I know it’s needy, but I’ll stress if you don’t. Just this one time and then I promise I’ll stop acting like a psycho.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian placed his hands on either side of Blaine’s face and ran his thumbs over his cheekbones. His body already ached in the most satiated way and he missed the thick feeling of the other man inside of him. He didn’t want to leave a bed other than his own for the first time in years. This was the part where Seb would usually pull himself together and slink out of the front door. The part where the other person would throw the covers off of him and expose him to cold midnight air or ask him when he was leaving or ask him for cab fare. Blaine’s bed, this warm bed with mismatched pillows and too many blankets, this room swathed in Christmas lights, was a perfect place. Sebastian didn’t feel afraid to sleep there, had never felt nervous in this room. Now that he was naked and vulnerable, it still felt comfortable and perfect. 
“It’s not silly. We can talk while I’m in the car. It’s not a problem at all. But hey, maybe stop calling yourself names. I don’t like it.” He understood where Blaine’s sad mind was dwelling because his did the same thing sometimes. Sebastian hadn’t experienced the loss that the other man had and wasn’t in therapy but he knew fear and loneliness and feeling cursed. He knew what it was like to hate yourself and stare at your own reflection with contempt. Sometimes Sebastian wondered if he was a crook, he spent all these words building Blaine up but still treated himself like shit most days. He shook the thoughts away because he felt too good and liquid and comfortable to get distracted by storm clouds.
“He can’t care. I pay him.” Sebastian’s face broke out into a smile and he cuddled into Blaine. His entire body felt spent and his mind trailed back to lovely thoughts. Seb’s eyes kept falling closed as they breathed together in  a soft, pleasant silence. He pressed a few lazy kisses to Blaine’s lips before he wrapped a long leg around the other man and fell asleep, the ambient sounds of New York played on outside of the window as Blaine’s radiator kicked on.
Blaine’s POV:
Sometimes when Sebastian took the time to reassure Blaine with sweet words and soft touches Blaine would notice a look about him, this faraway troubled expression that he’d quickly cover up and move on with before Blaine could ask about it. He wondered if maybe it had something to do with the years Seb had gotten himself into trouble, or if it had something to do with how Seb had turned down alcohol tonight. Either way, Blaine made a note to bring it up. Now that they’d come this far, and Blaine had let himself get so vulnerable and Seb had as well, Blaine knew they had a few things they might need to discuss in the future. But right now Seb was warm and close and he’d made Blaine smile even though he still felt a little crazy about his request so he let it go and just held Seb close. He let his head fall back into his lumpy but soft pillows, Seb’s arms around his torso and his head on his chest, and one long leg wrapped around him and it was careless and intimate and he found himself dozing off to the sounds of Seb’s even breathing and the low clunk of his heat kicking on.
He had been dreaming about sex. Hands and lips and teeth and tongues and at first it was scary and his unwanted lover's eyes were the blue of nightmares and the murmuring in his ear was too high and hissing and Blaine struggled to wake until suddenly there were arms around him and they were kind and gentle and full of love and when Blaine looked at him his lover’s eyes were the green of the sea and swirled with a deep blue and they were warm and he was looking up at Sebastian and Seb’s lips were on his and his tongue and teeth and hands and they were exploring and tasting and touching and Blaine’s hips rocked into his person and it felt so good and he wanted more but when he reached out nothing was there except the dark and he kept reaching until his eyes were opening and he realized he’d been asleep and he was slowly humping into Sebastian’s stomach.
“Oh.” His voice was soft and raspy and his face was hot. How many times was he going to act like an inexperienced teen tonight? He’d managed to roll over sometime in his sleep, his chest was now pressed against Seb’s and Seb’s leg was still hooked over Blaine, sort of pulling him closer and Blaine’s dreaming mind must have thought this was a good angle for sex. Apparently a belly button sufficed…  He shrugged off the first part of the dream, chalking it up to his body’s way of purging out the bad and replacing it with the good, but that was too deep for three in the morning and had he really just tried to dry hump his boyfriend in his sleep?
He shifted, trying to cover his situation and thankful that Sebastian was sleeping, but no matter what he did his body would just not calm down, he was hard and horny and god, he wanted him again… And it didn’t fucking help that they were both naked and his cock was still pressed into Seb’s stomach and he still looked really fucking good sprawled out and naked on his bed with hardly anything covering him up and how was he supposed to get out of this? He sighed softly and tried his best to ease Sebastian’s leg off of him, maybe he could sneak into the bathroom without disturbing him… he rolled onto his back, hoping he could just scoot down towards the bottom of the bed, he didn’t care that it would leave him uncovered- he really just needed to avoid further embarrassment. And when he looked up to check if Seb were still sleeping he found that he was looking up into the same sea green and blue swirled eyes from his dream. Shit.
“I-um… this isn't what it looks like.”
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian was suddenly woken up by the sting of cold air that only the wee hours of the morning brought. The covers had been yanked off of him a bit and his blurry eyes saw Blaine trying to scoot off the bed.
“B?” his voice was raspy with sleep. Sebastian rubbed a hand over his face and sat up. He blinked a few times and noticed that Blaine was hard underneath the blanket and the scene was a little bit comical to his tired brain.
“What is it then?” Seb teased with a wide grin. “Looks good to me. C’mere.” He patted his hand against the pillows. Once Blaine was situated in his normal side of the bed, Seb’s mind began to churn with dirty thoughts. He bit his bottom lip and his cock throbbed, he wanted to feel B again. “What would you say to round three?” Sebastian displayed a hand before letting his long fingers trail slowly over Blane’s stomach. He let his hand ghost over the other man lower, and lower, and lower…
Blaine breathed a low yes and they were kissing hard and fast and Sebastian’s hands were everywhere.
Seb scrambled for the discarded bottle of lube and box of condoms that were lost in the sheets. “I want to try something different. Do you trust me?” He lifted his hands, one with the lube and condom. Sebastian pressed his hands against Blaine’s shoulders and began to sit up.
“Lay back against the pillows.” Seb leaned in and gave Blaine a slow kiss and a small smile before he kneeled in between his legs.
He rubbed his thigh reassuringly, “can I put this on you?”
Sebastian held up the foil packet before expertly putting the condom on the other man with his permission. He made a show of preparing himself (it didn’t take much after the night’s events) and straddled Blaine’s hips before sinking down.
The sound of Blaine’s old, squeaky mattress mingled with Sebastian’s gasps and the honking of horns, the ruthless beat of wind against the old brick building.
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monkeydluffy19920 · 5 years
Sapphire moonlight We danced for hours in the sand Tequila Sunrise Her body fit right in my hands, la-la-la It felt like ooh-la-la-la
- Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello
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Sannami week 2020 day  5 - Dance It’s a little delayed entry but anyway,  here is one last piece of work for @sannamiweek​​‘s event.  Last year’s big summer hit was a huge inspiration for this prompt but unfortunately,  didn’t have time to edit another amv as planned but maybe later the project will go on. Before that, here are some headcanonish thoughts and some GIFs alongside! :)
Land in Miami Baratie The air was hot from summer rain Sweat dripping off me Before I even knew her name, la la la It felt like ooh la la la 
The first verse brings back to the memories from their first meeting in Baratie where Sanji caught his eyes on Nami before they even properly knew each other. They flirted from the very first beginning (she tried to get away from paying and he didn’t mind, he just delegated the bill for the others *laughs*)
Well, we all know Sanji has caught his eye on Nami ever since they met and treated her like a princess from the very beginning. He even declared his love on her numerous times but then there is Nami who hasn’t shown her feelings as openly as him.
This might be because One Piece is a shonen-manga where there romance isn’t in the main focus but it still feels like Oda-sensei has not only developed the main characters but also their nakamaship between them. Water 7 is a great example of it since Luffy and Usopp the best buddies ended up into a huge fight but they fixed it eventualy, just like Nami and Sanji were able to fix what happened in Whole Cake Island.
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Referring to the quoted lyrics in the beginning of the post, I really love the idea of a scenery where the crew has held a banquet and everyone are asleep afer partying. Then for some reason Nami and Sanji find the way to each other (maybe Sanji has a night cigarette and she’d be heading outside for some fresh air). Then they’d have a nice chat and flirt and end up dancing under the moonlight on the deck of Thousald Sunny ;)
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Locked in the hotel There's just some things that never change You say, "We're just friends." But friends don't know the way you taste-la-la-la 'Cause you know it's been a long time comin' Don't you let me fall, oh
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Many of us wouldn’t mind Nami doing secretly a love confession to him in canon as well. However,  I doubt she would do it, at least openly because they are busy finding One Piece and more importantly, she seems to be that kind of person who prefers keeping certain things inside her and romance is problably one of them where she might be guarded. Fellow shipper @namibean wrote great analyzes/headcanons about this topic in her RP blog.
One reason to understand Nami is to look up into her past. Her foster mom was killed in front of her eyes and later, she had to work with the killer in order to save her village. Yes, Arlong offered a roof above her and gave her stuff what she couldn’t afford before but mostly Nami was treated like trash by fishmen.
No wonder she had difficulties to trust Luffy and others when they arrived and offered her help. Just like Sanji did in Whole Cake Island, Nami first tried to fix everything by herself and pushed them away until she hit her breaking point (seeing all her efforts running down to sewer because a corrupted Marine member found her money that was gathered to save the village).
Referring to @chefalier‘s blog, another thing Namibean pointed out  in her ponders that Nami’s behavior might be explained by thinking that this might be her protecting herself from getting hurt. In other words, what if she keeps it all inside because she is afraid of getting rejected by Sanji if she declared her love directly (especially openly in front of everyone)?
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Anyway, even if Oda would never confirm any Strawhats to become officially couples, it’s still interesting to ponder how Sanji and Nami would be if they would start dating.  Not sure if Sanji would tell others about them being officially together (anyway, he would be so happy that one of his dreams would come true) but Nami would deifinitely the one to deny it or trying to keep a lower profile about that for a long(er) while.
Actually me, @chefalier​ , @namibean​/ @konekonami​​ , @koukogakusha-nico-robin​ and @bcczeandgettinglcst​ ) roleplayed our characters/muses for a few time in group so, that  we would be visiting each others’ threads and created different headcanonish scenarios where re referred on SaNami-ship some way (for example in these not in particular order  [x] , [x] , [x], [x] , [x], [x], [x], [x], [x]) In our “multi”-threads, Nami and Sanji would be having some flirting, even dating in secret. Then the other nakamas would be just guessing and for example Luffy who wouldn’t directly  be aware of their romance but always annoyed Nami by giving unintentional “hints” such as “ooh, so yo gave kisses to Sanji” while he really would mean choco treats and poor Nami would end up in flustering situations and Robin’s hints and hearty giggles or Zoro’s sarcastic comments in the background wouldn’t help at all *laughs*)
Oh, when your lips undress me Hooked on your tongue Ooh, love, your kiss is deadly Don't stop
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There are plenty of fanfics, doujins and fan art about how these two would spend their romantic and passionate moments, so let us all unleash our imaginations, fellow shippers! *smirk emoji*
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elegant-etienne · 4 years
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
Roleplaying Related Mun Memes!
I honestly have trouble answering these questions because I always have so much I’d love to talk about! And I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging.
I think one of my favorite ever roleplay/character-building moments was, in retrospect, one with Etienne and Milloux ( @aethersmoke-and-ash) a few years ago. They’d both been deeply disappointed and abandoned by the guys they were dating at Ashen Enclave’s big gala, and Etienne just sat with Milloux, lit her a cigar, and they talked about how much men sucked. It was a tough night for both of our characters, but that bonded them together like never before.
I’m also really gratified by the CR I’ve developed with Cuinn/Jikhaa ( @actualkomodo ) over the years - we essentially rehabilitated an extremely volatile relationship that was defined by their inability and refusal to understand one another. We had a fantastic but insanely long day/night of RP where Etienne got hammered on airag and they had some really raw conversation where Etienne attempted to get to the bottom of their dislike of one another. But all Etienne truly remembers is that Jikhaa made sure they got back to their inn in Kugane safely. Since then, there’s been a strange, unspoken bond of trust between them.
Also, the huge trainwreck that was Etienne admitting they found Vander (@atomicdeke) to be “the only man I get flustered by,” Xiaohu (@thanidiel) deciding to announce this to Vander, Etienne challenging Xiaohu to wrestle (and winning!) in revenge and then celebrating by getting piss drunk and initiating a game of “never have I ever” ... and then saying, “Never have I ever fallen in love,” seeing Vander not drink to that and drunkenly asking, “Would you like to try it?!” ... what a fittingly chaotic start to Etienne and Vander, honestly. I could talk for ages about how far they’ve come.
(As a bonus, Etienne going, “He’s such a troublemaker! He’s annoying! I bet I can make him fall for me! I want to make him fall for me to mess with him! So everyone can see I’m not flustered AT ALL.” And Milloux just being like 
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is just... *chefkiss*)
Thanks for the ask, @ren-roelanberry!
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poetic-sinema · 4 years
Blue Eyed and Babbling*
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A/N: Came about whilst I was scripting a simulation. Inspired by the “I love you, but you still absolutely fucking terrify me” trope. Was supposed to to separate this into two parts, but the aftercare is really just 600 more words.  
Warnings: Angst. Smut. Hatefucking™. Ye don’t have to squint to see the Daddy Kink. Slight RP. Includes aftercare. 
Words:  2690
When she lays eyes on him, she is quick to realise that it isn’t the first time she is encountering the older man. She does a mental scoff, eyes trained directly into his blue ones. They remain as icy and menacing as she last remembered. 
He was one of those asshole clients she handled in her time as an account manager; a little too particular for her liking, lacking even an inkling of trust for the process, and a whole ass piece of passive aggressive work that thought himself to be superior compared to the plebs that worked for him, her included. If he did remember her, he did a great impression of feigning ignorance.
She hands him his coffee. People don’t usually smile in this town, but she doesn’t come from here, and she has a lot more manners than the masses. She musters her best effort to beam up at him - she practiced a lot of restraint in her time in the corporate sector, seems like it has finally paid off. 
He takes his cup with gratitude, a slight brush of hand makes him look up from his phone. He nods and drifts back into the morning crowd. 
“So are you moved out here?” It is almost 7:30 in the evening - the last couple of patrons clearing out before she could cal it a night. He catches her off guard, settling into the bar stool that overlooks the espresso machine she was cleaning. 
Her lips tightened into a thin line, “Yeah.”
The silence that engulfs the space between them makes him uncomfortable. He shifts in his seat. 
“I didn’t know that,” He tries again to engage her, “I moved back out here a couple of years ago too.”
She looks up, giving him a tight smile, and provides a singular nod - her motion mechanical. 
“I remembered you being a lot more of a conversationalist, way back when-”
“That’s because you were a client.” She curtly cuts in. She leaves him in a slight pause as she begins to busy herself with the items in the sink on the other side of the isle.
“Am I not still a client?” He asks, holding up a cup with the name of the restaurant imprinted on it. 
She sighs, throwing the head of the blender back down into the sink. It clanks against the metal, and she quietly thanks the heavens that the last of he customers had called it a night, “What do you want?”
He leans into his fingers, cradling his cheek between his index and his thumb, feigning thought. He bites his bottom lip, “I just wanna talk,” He reasons, “You know, I used to really enjoy our little conversations.”
Her face contorts in confusion.
“No, wait, I’m sorry-“ He prepares to correct himself, “I meant I really enjoyed watching you trying your best to not verbally attack me every single time I questioned your professional decision. They were terrible, I still do stand by that, but the restraint you exhibited - phenomenal.”
Her eyes are seething, and she feels enough of a hot breath on her philtrum to know that she was on edge, “I think it’s time you leave.”
“I haven’t finished my coffee yet,” He gestures to his cup, “I’ll wait for you. I wanna leave with you.”
He grins, “You know, I think what really sets you apart from all of the other people I’ve worked with is that - out of all the times you could have snapped, you still stood there and accepted everything I threw at you. No matter how unreasonable,” He shakes his head, “No matter how insignificant the changes were, you did them anyway.”
“Yeah, because you treated me like a dog.”
“Mmm,” He thinks for a while, “No, see I took a huge guess, but I’m fairly certain that you get off on being told what to do - even more so when it was exuded by a dom. Nobody in their sane minds would have taken it in like you do,” He bites his lip, “But you took it all in, baby, every last inch-“
She would have said how dare you. She would have questioned his intentions, and then questioned his integrity, berating his audacity to step into an establishment she has built out of her own toil only to reduce her to a simple speck he’d encountered in his lustrous career.
Instead she is in his bath, bent over against the sink, his calloused fingers gripping against her scalp to provide an equal amounts of pleasure and pain that makes her pool at her core. In the mirror is their reflection, he has his other arm that moves between gripping her waist, her breasts, and her neck at any given moment. He slaps into her with such violence - raw, and staggered, and aching with need, yet still entirely and painfully in control. He buries himself deep every single time he drives his solid cock into her walls. 
He hears her whimper, and if it wasn’t for the sheer pleasure of having him inside her, he would have been a little concerned. But he takes it as indication to pull her right up against him, exposing her neck so that he could suckle against her bare skin, roughly cupping her breasts and twisting her nipples causing her to moan distinctively as he pushes aggressively into her.
“You’re such a dirty, little girl,” He growls in her ear, nipping at the lobes, “Do you hear yourself mewl against me as I ride into you? I knew you couldn’t wait until you had your cunt drenched around me.”
Her breath hitches in her throat as he forces her back down onto the sink to get a better angle, her nipple grazing against the cool marble that shoots a jolt into her spine. He feels this as her core tightens around him. She takes a mental note of its effects. She looks back up at their reflection; he still is statuesque, with his stupid dirty blonde hair which seem to pale with age - his roots are greying and she finds it attractive that he is embracing it. His features used to be sharper - a cheekbone you could cut glass on, and a wide jaw he used to unconsciously grind. The hollow of his cheeks were more filled out now, it makes him look even more intimidating if anything.
A swift spank on her bottom takes her out of her observation as she yelps. He gives her a dirty wink as their eyes meet.
He chuckles, “Do you love that, baby?”
When she keeps to her silence, he intentionally slows down his pace, scraping his short fingernails against her arched back, “N-no,” She protests, pushing her ass into him forcefully, “Fuck me harder.”
He presses down against her hips to stop her erratic motions, drifts down next to her ear and says in a low rumble, “Then tell me; does baby love being spanked.”
She nods desperately.
“Say it,” He demands, “If you want me to move, say it.”
“I love being spanked,” She huffs.
“Good girl,” He drawls as he relents back into motion, giving her another slap across her bare ass, now all peachy, and red, and swelling from his touch.
His might’ve looked a little different than what she last remembered, but he is still a blatant, incomprehensible narcissist. It gets her wet either way.
“You know,” He continues, as he traces a line down her spine, “If only I knew how well you’d wrap around me, baby,” He howls, “If only I knew how much you would submit to me, just like how you submit to every, little thing I demanded of you when we worked together,” He reminds her, “I would have taken you right there on my desk.”
He pulls an arm down onto her clit, “Does baby wanna come?” He asks, encircling her bundle of nerves with just the right amount of pressure, “Does my baby wanna come with me?”
The pit of her stomach tightens with each throttle forward, hitting her at just the right angle, with the pressure supplementing the fullness he provided by being inside her. She relents with a nod and a sultry, “Yes.”
“Yes what?” He demands.
“Yes daddy,” She cries.
His cock twitches inside her, “Then come for me baby,” He encourages, his voice turning a tone darker, “Come for me, come all over my cock. I want you to come all over my cock and make me wet, baby, come on.”
It is with a final thrust that gets her into a high, her body twitching and trembling as he pulls her back up to his chest, still pumping as hard as iron into her. He doesn’t allow her the luxury to push him back, uncaring that her body is too sensitive to be touched. Instead he holds her still so that he could continue with his own selfish pursuit to achieve the same enlightenment. 
As her walls clamp down, he feels his own seed being wrung, exploding into her in streams. He clenches her in his arms, his once routined motions becoming erratic and unsynchronised, a firm and hard grip on her breasts to ride him into his own orgasm. 
His grunts are greeted by her spent moans, both of them with their streams spilling down their thighs, all intertwined and overlapping and filthy. 
He falls back down into the crook of her neck, her once again leaning against the cool marble sink to assist from falling over. Her legs shiver and she couldn’t help feel her skin tingle as his hand lazily glides up her back and onto her stomach. 
For someone who didn’t enjoy the tenderness, she finds him splaying soft kisses against her shoulders. He takes a moment to be still within her, still enjoying how slick and tight she remained around him. When he eases himself out, his seed drips onto the floor beneath them - he can’t help his cock twitching at the sight of her cunt glistening in his cum, bending over and savouring the last of him before landing a tight smack across her ass. He loves the way her skin jiggles. 
He comes back up, pulls her flush against him, and allows her the luxury of tasting herself on his lips. 
The air is tense as she steps out of the bath. She’d made the mistake of leaving her clothes strewn into a messy pool at the edge of the bed, together with his. He doesn’t bother to pick them up. Instead, he is already in bed, in his joggers and bare chested as he sinks into a book. 
Of course he had to be one of those intellectual assholes, how on brand. 
She is adamant to not meet his eyes as she collects her belongings, dumping them all on the armchair of his oakwood desk. She allows the towel to drop to the floor as she reaches to slip back into her pair of lace underwear. His gaze burns holes through the mirror that reflects them both. As she goes on to clasps her bra, she hears him clear his throat.
“Stay here with me,” His tone is distinctively different as compared to the tryst they’d shared, “Grab a shirt from the closet and come into bed with me.”
As much as he sounded like he was begging, there was still a stern authority in his voice that makes her clench at the core. And she doesn’t know why, but she nods, still unmoving.
Swinging his legs off the bed, he walks past her and reaches for something, anything in his closet that could cover her. He inches back towards her, hands slowly grazing her back as he reaches to undo her bra, pulling it off her. He replaces the fabric with a shirt from university he’d packed as pyjamas, pulling it down so it smooths over her figure. He couldn’t help himself, but he runs a thumb over where her nipples stood erect. He is surprised that despite her iciness, she doesn’t deny his advances. He still has a hold on her. 
He motions for her to get into bed, and he crawls behind her. He scoops her against him, folding her into his chest. His heavy hands stroke her hair as his fingers trace against the blues on her thigh that would become bruises by the morning.
They rest. 
Her head shoots up as the morning light streams into the room, startling him from slumber in the process. She has a tendency to do this.
“Easy,” He soothes his palm against her back, “Easy.”
She finally fully awakens to the sound of his voice, a vivid familiarity in her unfamiliar surroundings. She told him it was a bad idea to get a hotel. She sighs back into his chest, groaning against the morning, suddenly remembering last night’s activity.
“Oh my god,” She drawls, and he knows exactly where her mind is.
“Did I hurt you?” He asks, pushing himself upwards so that he could rest against the headboard. Just like last night, he scoops her into his arms, although now he places her between his legs on top of him.
She shakes her head, burying into his chest, “Only my feelings.” She mumbles.
He laughs, “You told me to use that material.” He argues, “You said you liked it when I was an asshole.”
She scowls, “I did and whose fault is that? Still yours.” She shoots back.
They did meet under the professional capacity when she was still in her corporate position, slaving for a corporation that served to satisfy ungrateful clients like him. And he was, in all of his glory, a grade A asshole when they worked together.  
However, a rash decision and a career switch later, she meets him again under different circumstances.  He seemed to have redeemed himself as he stutters when he speaks to her, all blue eyed and babbling. She quickly finds that the persona he reserves for the corporate office was a role he was forced to undertake, and became exceptionally good at, given the competitive circumstances.
And she knows that he is only like this when he is with her.
He shakes his head, “I’m sorry,” He chuckles, “I love you, baby,” He coos, fingers ghosting over the bruises he’d imprinted on her.
“Do you think I’d still come to bed with you if you had approached me in the way you did last night?” She asks, peering up at him.
They’ve spoken about this before. She doesn’t know either. She was so animalistically attracted to his alpha maleness, completely subdued if he was to turn it on her under their physical circumstance, that she most likely would have relented.
He removes the hair that covers her eyes behind her ears, dipping down to get the first taste of her lips this morning. They are soft, and so is she, and it became a little more difficult to picture a life he had prior to her.
“I think so,” He nods - he knows her well, “If I know anything about you, I know how much you like being dominated.” He smirks, knowing that she feels him twitching in his pants.
“Easy, tiger,” She teases.
“But I think after you’ve fucked me, you’d probably dropkick and dump my body in a ditch somewhere.”
He could vouch for that. As reserved as she was when she was his vendor, knowing her after the fact only led him to get to know parts of her she masked against him. Perhaps for the better. She didn’t allow anyone to give her shit - she was headstrong and unapologetic. After all, it got her to where she was now; an owner of three restaurants littered across the state of New York. Who would’ve thought. He wonders, sometimes, what would have happened if she did snap during her tenure. He could have been dead.  
She laughs heartily, “I’m not that bad.”
“Baby, I love you, and sometimes I wonder how I deserve all of you,” He pauses, “But you still absolutely fucking terrify me."
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of-fire-and-light · 4 years
[RP - bad moment]
[Quick RP log that I wanted on here for keepsake reasons. My Galvatron, raisedbymoogles’ Rodimus. Long post, hurt/comfort, tw hallucinations/meltdown/panic attack, some kissing and making out at the end. Rated... PG13-ish?]
Galvatron: [tensed, shaking all through his frame, dentae bared and optics glazed as though he's not entirely all in one place mentally right now~] [-but not too lost in his own head to recognise his lover] [grabs Rodimus and pulls him close, desperately, bending his head to bury his face against Rodimus's chestplate] Hhh- Prime. [CLING]
Roddy: ::-don't know what's wrong but this is Not Good, oh slag:: ::...arms around him, one hand coming up to protect cover his helm, feeling him shake, knows what he can do to Help right now and not going anywhere:: I'm here, Galvatron. I'm here.
Galvatron: [doesn't know what that was or what broke in his processors to make him experience it, somewhere between a hallucination and a waking nightmare. Lost in a dark place, somewhere cold and lightless and empty, and he'd thought Cyclonus and Scourge were with him but when he reached out to them they were empty too... just soulless dead lights behind their optic glass and hollow armour, and when he'd tried to touch them...!] [shudders and continues to cling to Rodimus, feeling his Prime's familiar sweet warmth wrap around him, grateful even for the blaze of the Matrix scorching against his faceplate because at least he knows that pain is real] [fingers curl, grip into strong bright metal that isn't crumbling under his touch...] 
Nnh. Rodimus. [Yes, I know you, I know you're here...]
Roddy: ::here and staying, as long as Galvatron wants, the galaxy can spin on its own for a while.:: ::he's running hot and trembling-tense, honestly Rodimus would have half expected him to go find something to blow up in this state - not that he'd prefer that to this, his lover clinging to him like a lifeline while reality's taking a hot second to get its act together around him. Galvatron's been his stability more than once. Now it's his turn.::
Galvatron: [for once in his life he's almost afraid to blow anything up right now, what if he falls through the hole and that other reality is underneath-?!?!?!] [but that's what Rodimus is for, he's the half of their dynamic that pulls things back together and keeps them whole. Rodimus is Galvatron's Light, the one who breaks the grip of darkness~] [slow shudder, the whine of charged plasma coils starting to drop away, engines slowly beginning to gear down...]
Roddy: ::...good. Feeling him start to spin down and encouraging it, love/soothing affection and that bright-edged stubborn that's Rodimus's answer to Cyclonus's steadfast, whatever demons took a swipe at him this time will have a Chosen One to contend with if they want a second shot. Got you, not letting go until you're damn good and ready...::
Galvatron: [mmh, that precious bright warmth sinking into his plating...] [shifts his grip and folds their frames together a little less awkwardly, his head still bent against the hollow of Rodimus's shoulder, still nuzzling into him but not quite so blindly now] [...doesn't speak, but the rigid, pain-locked planes of his fields soften, trying to mesh with his lover's.]
Roddy: ::doesn't speak either, then, this silence is Galvatron's to break.:: ::got all the communication they need in their fields anyway, Rodimus's meeting Galvatron's reaching need with love/connection/trust. ...and maybe purring his engine a bit, just to see if it helps.::
Galvatron: [it's the trust that's the most precious of all, that Rodimus can come to him willingly and fearlessly embrace him even when he's like this] [reaches back in a ragged, incoherent pulse of want/need/mine that's... rather more of a question than a statement than is usual for him] [shudders a little at that purr and lets himself nuzzle into it, mmmh]
Roddy: ::...when it comes down to it, it never even occurs to him not to trust.:: ::keeps purring then, if it helps, his body's harmonics settling in with Galvatron's so easily that Galvatron's shudder becomes more of a backbeat, and - yes, yours. Complex pulse of reaching-back and pulling-close that he could have only learned from his Unicronian lovers, yours always...::
Galvatron: [... he does not melt, that is not a thing he does, but you could be forgiven for calling it that as he settles against Rodimus and soaks up that field-pulse like it's exactly what he needed to feel] [fingers curling around Rodimus's flank; his grip no longer tight enough to hurt, softening instead into a caress] [holding-close/claiming/mine-and-precious!]
Roddy: ::...claiming is the thing he is doing. Obviously. <3:: ::yours, respect/trust/adore, and maaaaybe nudging them both over to the nearest bit of furniture to go sit now that Galvatron's knees aren't locked up so tight. Comfort and more cuddles...?::
Galvatron: [has to claim, can't let Rodimus send yours without sending back yes mine no matter how rough he feels at the time! it'd be like not bothering to say I love you too] [allows himself to be coaxed over to the couch, willing to curl up with his Prime and just... yes, that]
Roddy: ::...just. Galvatron. <3:: ::curling up together, then, don't have to do a lot of wiggling to arrange themselves so they're comfortable, they know each other and themselves too well by now:: ::and Rodimus tucks his helm down by Galvatron's, shuts off his optics and just focuses on touch and purring and aura-sense. Love.::
Galvatron: [warmed through with that sweet golden warmth that contrasts so vividly with his own consuming fire, wrapped around and half on top of his lover] [raggedly purrs back for as he tries to reclaim his usual certainty-of-self, engines still hitching a bit] [...love]
Roddy: ::...love. Not a shred of hesitation or self-consciousness about it, loves Galvatron with his whole spark and as much as he wishes Galvatron's own brain module would lay off sometimes he relishes the opportunity to demonstrate it. Love, yours always, and if it would help Galvatron's certainty to feel for himself that Rodimus's faith in him hasn't wobbled one millionth of a degree, then here it is.::
Galvatron: [...it does help. He's trying not to let the backwash of his meltdown vision or whatever it was push him into prickliness as he comes back to himself; he knows his pride will try to show its dentae as soon as it gets its head back above the parapet, but this is Rodimus and he doesn't want to lash out at his Chosen One. It's one thing to shove Cyclonus or Scourge away with a sharp that's enough, or pin them down to reassert who's in command; but for Rodimus, he at least tries to translate his gratitude into something legible-!] 
Hhhh... Rodimus. [tilts his head up to nuzzle Rodimus's cheek and the corner of his mouth, trust/appreciation/love]
Roddy: Mmm. ::love/warmth, letting Galvatron feel how he's shamelessly enjoying the nuzzles:: ...hey, Galvatron.
Galvatron: [reaching up, fingers curl around the side of Rodimus's helm] [optics shade to ember-warm darkness, and there's that particular softness around his mouth that's only ever for Rodimus] [...looks at him for a long moment and then settles a chaste, much-gentler-than-usual kiss upon his lover's mouth. Thank you.]
Roddy: ::....definitely melting, here, Galvatron does this to him every time...:: ::returns the kiss, just as gentle, all the warmth and sweetness he can muster in it...::
Galvatron: [that's better; he genuinely can't acknowledge what just happened out loud right now, but he can certainly show his appreciation with kisses and touches, if Rodimus will accept those. It's a good unspoken code for both let me give you something good now and see, I'm myself again, you fixed it...]
Roddy: ::and it's such a huge relief that Rodimus has to engage in a little creative capacitor use to keep it out of his aura. The last thing Galvatron needs right now is to directly feel how worried Rodimus was.:: ::...and really, it's easy to let those touches and kisses seduce him into killfiling the worry-loops and letting himself relax, responding to Galvatron's whims in a familiar dance for all it's slower than usual. Love, relaxation-pleasure...::
Galvatron: [it's not really a whim as such this time - he sincerely wants to repay all the strength and love that Rodimus just poured into him] [gratitude~] [stroke and kiss, fields finally opening back up into their usual responsive, liquid heat as he wraps them around Rodimus. Want to feel you...]
Roddy: ::right here, all of him here to kiss and stroke and answer his lover's gratitude and want with love/affection/trust/always! and kisses. And Galvatron's aura-heat, perfect, the stinging satisfaction like sliding into a bath that's juuuust on the edge of too-hot...::
Galvatron: [relaxing as he pets his beloved; it's soothing to have Rodimus's bright spark nestled close against his own through the weight of their armour, and the way Rodimus just welcomes him so completely every time they touch does things to him that no language he knows has words for~] [slow kisses, fingers only following the contours of Rodimus's armour for once rather than pressing hard enough to modify them - love.]
Roddy: ::love, want Galvatron in any permutation he's willing to give, and getting his body more or less mapped out by Galvatron's gentle stroking is honestly every bit as good as getting pinned down and half crushed by the warlord's ardor. Purring in response and encouragement, letting him know how good he feels - there's a curl of lust in him, but it's the kind of lust that is content to just be experienced for itself, no need to go chasing off after it.::
Galvatron: [...shreds of nightmare still echoing in his processors, it's one thing to leave his mark on strong, living, self-repairing armour but in his vision they had crumbled to charred metal under his hands... it'll take him a little while to fully trust his own strength again after that, honestly] [but nope not thinking about it and kissing his Prime instead, glossa nudging caressingly between Rodimus's lips, and his senses catch that little twist of lust as it flickers in Rodimus's fields...]
[No need for Rodimus to chase anything, here and now. He need only ask, and Galvatron will gladly do the work of bringing his pleasure to him if Rodimus so desires.]
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bubblelliot · 4 years
Here's my second character! I will also present their teammates a bit since the crew is much more like a family this time! (Might also add pics of the others in following posts and MAYBE of his animals too)
Særos Sandiel and The zookeepers
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(This art is a picrew which I do not have the rights on, here is the link to it: https://picrew.me/image_maker/62745)
The name of the team mostly comes from a joke saying that "Mama Lyræ is our zookeeper and that we are the Zookeepers to a ton of pets. Also, Yarina can shapeshift into beasts sooooooo yeah.
Særos is my very first character played in D&D. We actually started playing on the other game I talked about last time, but we switched to D&D. His character sheet is actually available on DND beyond, but I'm still gonna give details here.
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Those are his attributes. (He actually got an additional point of charisma after I wrote this and was too lazy to take another screenshot sorry x) )
He is recorded as a high Elf, but is actually of two different bloodlines. He is VERY young for an elf, but his exact age is unknown (well yes but know, you'll see). He has 5 wizard and 2 cleric levels, making him currently level 7.
I am NOT gonna go through everything Særos has, cause that would be VERY long. He has a heavy armor, he has a staff of healing and a shortsword, but he mostly uses his magic. He also has, in his spellbook, a collection of dried flowers.
Særos has a TON of pets he acquired through the different quests the party went on. The first one is a frog named Lepiota he found wounded and saved. He then bought an old black cat he named Persephone (even if the cat is a male 😂). Finally, he also bought two ferrets (fluffy noodles ❤️❤️) which he named Elton and Freddy (this one was as a reference to one of our former player who really loves Elton John and Freddy Mercury). He loves them with all his heart and will absolutely kill anyone who tries to hurt his babies.
Særos' main ally is, obviously, his twin, Edran. They are very similar, but Særos is usually pretty well kept with his short hair always brushed and his braids made every morning, whereas Edran is a bit shorter, more immature, usually pretty dirty with blood all over their clothes (which are poofy dressed he hides poison in 😂) and messy hair. There is also Lyræ. She is a paladin coming from far away lands. She is a human with elf ancestors and dragon blood. She has a wife and children and thus, she is pretty much the mom of the group. (The DM literally gave her two custom attacks she can use in RP: the flick of anger that gives 1pt of bludgeoning + 1pt of psychic damage and the disapproving look that gives 2pts of psychic damage everytime she does it + makes the target intimidated). Then, there is Finian, a human assassin. Finian and Særos are pretty neutral about each other, but Edran is in absolute admiration of him, so Særos is grateful that Finian doesn't just shatter his sibling's trust. The last member, who was actually someone that was rescued by the party, is Yarina. She is a very shy aasimar and is pretty much the definition of being pure EXCEPT she is obsessed with daggers (no joke, she has 23 of them). They were recently joined by a rogue elf called Adressin who actually attacked them at first.
This picrew is already pretty accurate. Særos (as well as Edran actually) has blond almost white hair, but it's actually fluffier than on the picture. He has two braids, one in front of each ear, a few freckles and red-pink eyes. He is very pale, quite small and very frail. He looks pretty androgynous and rather young, though he usually passes as a bit older since he is an elf.
Backstory and campaign:
So the campaign isn't really a big story like in Rhodrag's case, so I'll tell the party's story, but not the quests.
The twins' first memory is waking up in a bed, only knowing their name. They meet with the lovely wood elf lady who save them, and learn they were found in the sand by a nearby river. For that reason, they are given the last name "Sandiel".
They live a relatively normal life with her, for around 10 years, until they are attacked by drows. Their adopted mother successfully hides them by using magic and they learn they are wanted because they are part drow and part high-elf, meaning pretty much every every elven races will want to kill them. The woman successfully protects the twins. She is taken out of the house and, to this day, the twins don't know what happened of her, whether she was killed or taken.
They left and reached a nearby city. There, they survived by stealing and being street entertainers (for example, even if he has no rogue level, Særos is proefficient in stealth, sleight of hands, deception, etc. He also is proefficient in performance. He learned to sing, the art of divination and a bit of magic.)
One night though, Særos came back to their hiding place to find his sibling dead. All he could understand was that they died of both malnutrition and hypothermia.
Out of desperation, he tried every spell he knew, but nothing happened. He tried reanimation, but it had been to long. Out of despair, he prayed any god possible to help him, saying he couldn't live in this unfair world without Edran.
A god did answer. He is actually a god from the other game we started the campaign in before switching to DND.
He is called Nuodai the Trickster.
He offered a deal to Særos: he would bring back Edran and even guarantee him power and success, and in exchange, when Særos would be powerful enough, the Trickster would take his elven traits which hold part of his powers, as well as 200 years of his life. Out of desperation, Særos accepted.
He woke up the next morning. His sibling was by his side, clearly not dead, but not entirely alive. They were now a revived.
Things went on, Edran not knowing, and Særos eventually stopped thinking about the deal, only happy to have his twin back. They moved from the city, trying to reach a bigger one, and were, once again, attacked by drows. He used a spell to put his twin in safety and attacked the drows, but was, if course, neutralized.
He was taken and they made him a slave while they tried to capture Edran to kill them together.
Fast forward, Edran is taken into an underdark prison. He meets again with his brother and both if them are beaten up. They successfully defend though and they are thrown in a cell as it is decided they're are to be executed the next day. This is where they meet Lyræ and Finian.
They plan to escape as well as a few other NPCs. They are able to leave the cell and steal a bit of stuff while a vrock attacks the guards. They escape and reach a teleporter. There, Særos successfully brings everyone back to the surface. Newly free, they all start to look for a village. After properly introducing each others, they finally reach a tiny elf village. The twins stay as stealthy as possible but end up being noticed and attacked by guards. They then have a choice: they could be changed into simple would elves or they have to leave. Særos knows it's not gonna work on Edran, and bargains to be able to stay. At first, the headmaster threatens to kill him for that, but he ends up agreeing to let them in the city, guarded, until the night falls.
They then shop and leave the city.
They end up in a forrest Særos realizes is corrupted. There, they were attacked by a HUGE snake touched by the corruption. At first, everyone tries to kill it except Edran and quickly, Særos and Finian join them. Særos finally cuts the tip of it's tail where the corruption was and Edran and Finian calm it.
Lyræ is terrified of it and finally lets them all know that her best friend was killed by a giant snake who ate her alive. (This is freaking terrifying yo.)
In the end, a fight starts and Særos, enraged, leaves everyone and runs towards the center of the corruption. There he is attacked by corrupted elves and tree creatures we happily called Groots. Edran joins him and Særos basically rages (he used they most powerful spell he had and literally exploded them.
Edran, while attacking, starts gaining weird memories.
Fast forward to the end of the quest, Særos is happily searching for animals and flowers when he and Edran hear strange noises coming from a tree. Edran climbs it and a wood elf girl falls from the tree, before Edran jumps on her from the too of the tree.
The team introduced themselves to her and she happily talks to them. So yeah, that's how we met Nayhru.
The team reaches a weird village and after the whole snake incident, leaves the party for a while, promising to find them again soon and assuring she would always be closer than they think.
They reach the village which reveals to be a village of gnomes and there they meet with a gnome (who's player inspired the names of my furrets x) ) and a Goliath travelling together. They all find the village empty before being attacked by a troll and... Metal gnomes?
They kill them, uneager to die, and search the village. They find flowers in the middle of the village and Særos takes one for his collection. Særos and Edran are attacked by an ooze and at some point, the ooze attacks Edran just before being killed by Nayrhu. At that moment, Edran starts turning into a robot as well, with the corruption growing from their arm. Særos tries to cut off the arm, but us unable and the corruption takes Edran's whole body.
They leave the village and are able to find a Druid eager to help them make a cure for Edran and the gnomes, but he needs Elder sage. He describes it and Særos shows his flower to the Druid, who confirms it is Elder sage. They go back to the village to get flowers, cane back and turned Edran back into a flesh being.
And that's when they remembered dying and being brought back to life. Edran and Særos cried in each other's arms and then continued on.
They got in a cavern near the village from where the trolls always came. There, the found a girl, chained, with glowing wings. They freed her and she introduced herself as Yarina. (Fun fact: Yarina's player is my SO, and both Yarina and Særos have the spell suggestion, so when the crew found a the boss hiding something, we just made it run away. Nice. )
The team found a clockwork dragon and helped it. They then left again. Finian had to leave a couple times, and at some point, the team realized that, even if they are young, the twins were actually a lot older than they thought: They assumed Edran's death happened when they were around 13 and that it had been around 6 years, meaning Særos was actually around 19.
They were reunited with Lyræ and began other quests. In one of them, the team encountered a wishing fountain that filled any wish you had under certain conditions. Særos asked to know his whole story, from the lives of his parents up to now. The fountain gave him a magic book that tells his story and updates. It has no name so Særos just calls it The story book.
Some time passed and the team continued on. They were traveling to the capital until one night, Nayrhu and Edran caught a thief about to steal their stuff. They quickly stopped him and realized he was very young. Instead of kicking his butt, they woke up the whole team and decided together to bring him to the capital and help him make money to survive there. And that's how they met Adressin.
The zookeepers reached the capital where they are supposed to find Finian who joined outlaws he met in another quest.
Before finding Finian, they decided to do a few quests to earn money with Adressin.
Everyone through the day kept noticing Særos bring super bold, a lot bolder than he usually is, for example, telling Yarina who was wearing a magic dress that she looked "Incredibly beautiful" as if she was "made if pure light". No one really thought anything of it though and just shoved it away.
One night, they decided a drinking contest was a good idea and everyone joined except Adressin. The next morning, everyone was doing good, maybe a tad nauseous, except for Lyræ and Særos who were absolutely fucked up. They both used spells to heal their hangover, but Særos remained mildly unwell, choosing to go on their quest anyways.
Symptoms were the following:
-A headache that was mostly located to the top front of his head
-His low back itching and hurting a LOT
-His eyes feeling dry
No one really knew what was going on, some didn't even really notice.
As they went on with their first quest, they started noticing weird stuff about Særos' appearance: His hair looked more golden than white, as they used to, there were two bumps appearing on his forehead around the location of his headache, his eyes looked.... Weird...? But no one really saw anything peculiar, his skin, usually also white, now looked kinda pink.
He doesn't really notice the changes and doesn't understand what is happening which utterly FRIGHTENS him, but he hides it. Yarina started understanding what was happening and Edran out all the pieces together and now they know everything.
To be continued...
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purplexiasphinx · 5 years
The list of OC facts no one asked for...
Aya, @big-sis-neko
Very insecure
Has enough trauma to fill a book series if she so wished
Absolutely overprotective
A liiiiittle bit possessive
Touch-starved but hates it when strangers touch her
Trust issues through the ROOF
Might punch you if you ask her to say 'Nya'
Doesn't know how to properly date
Her first name means 'Flower'
Likes to draw
Constantly busy
Mean, but cares.
Very gay, and very angsty.
Somehow, she's a tsundere and a yandere all wrapped up in one cute fuzzy lil' package.
Doesn't like to drink, gets flirty when she's drunk.
Favorite color is purple, acts like it's pink solely to throw people off.
Can honestly genuinely cry at any moment
Gods help you if you grab her without warning
I won't help identify the body if you touch her ass without her permission
Owns a baseball bat, named it Lucille in honor of TWD
Favorite anime is Fairy Tail, because of Erza.
Has a mom voice, is not afraid to use it.
Will help you get your shit together while she's a complete mess
Is a hypocrite, will tell you to be healthy then eat nothing but an apple over the course of three days.
Is a whole mess
Needs someone to take care of her sometimes but refuses help
Has honestly been very disillusioned with life and humanity
Covered in scars, both physical and mental.
Hates all cat-related nicknames, has heard them all and is done.
If she flirts back consider yourself lucky
Can't stand the sight or smell of fish
Has been beaten with a fish
People suck
Average height...
Strong girl
Will fight you
Knows actual fighting techniques
Can and will probably kick your ass
Has a weakness for redheads
Done With Your Shit™
Aki, @your-neko-friend
Is a brony
Hides the fact that he's a brony
Too pure for this world
Sweet baby
Knows how to fight
Is also a pacifist
Very protective
Sadness? What sadness? Nothing but smiles!
Absolutely a joyous ball of trauma and suppressed anxiety
Doesn't know when to just say 'No' or 'Stop'
Very polite
Puts everyone else above himself
Would sacrifice every chance he had at happiness to make other people happy
Does, when he has the chance
Doesn't like being treated like a child
Is a shota
Birthday is December 28th
G a y
Bless his heart
Loves flower crowns
Makes flower crowns for everyone
Smol boi
Almost 18???
Baby boy-
Will make up a nickname for everyone in his contacts list and find an appropriate emoji for them but never show anyone
Wears MLP pyjamas without regret
Is actually just a really careful person
Also has no self preservation instinct
He can handle a knife, but someone keep him away from the windowless van promising candy
Has a HUGE sweet tooth
Loves cuddles
Is a big hugger
Doesn't understand romantic love
Has had a lot of boyfriends, surprisingly???
Mostly because he will NOT let someone kiss him without dating them first
It's a rule
Has never initiated a kiss
Would rather cuddle
Sensitive tail
Pls gentle
High pain tolerance, but he's got so much trauma it doesn't matter he'll fall apart anyways
Hates being called 'kitty'
Can't stand the smell of fish
Has been beaten with a fish before
Hates that he has to rely on people
Secretly a very sad boi
Positivity to the MAX
Always looks for the bright side
Will never leave someone that looks like they need help
Strong boi
Short boi (Under 5')
Very much a sub
Will purr if you pet his ears
Lowkey a Pokèmon fan, but tends to only watch the anime.
NOT a gamer, but will play if you ask or offer.
Bonus! The names in Aki's contact list (Across all RPs, cuz why not? You'll get to know the names of the other OCs he knows~)
Real name: Ash
Aki's contact for him: Ketchum 💕
Real name: Layz
Aki's contact for them: 🥦 (Due to drama and boi's lack of proper coping mechanisms, he'd changed the old name (Boyfriend 🥦) but hadn't taken the time to make a new nickname because he ended up crying every time.)
Real name: Aya
Aki's contact for her: Big Sis Aya 💮
Real name: Joyce
Aki's contact for him: Sweetest 🎶
Real name: Eli
Aki's contact for him: Darling❣
*Someone who USED TO be on Aki's contacts list...
Aki didn't have much time when he was making the contact, so it was simply "Tony❤"
But that number is blocked now.
*Fun fact, Aki has dated/is currently dating everyone on this list besides his sister in some RP or another.
Brie, @miss-brie-phillips
Is the big gay but pretends not to be
Is very religious
Has asthma
Tries to help
Vv easily startled
Has a big crush on her coworker
Works with Aya
Refuses to ask for help
Is gay panic incarnate
Has several siblings
Constantly terrified someone will find out she's gay
Constantly terrified in general
Will cry at the drop of a hat
Not very physically strong
Or mentally
The two people she trusts most in the world are very gay
Very insecure
VERY pretty
Has only dated guys, never kissed anyone yet
Gets nauseous at the thought of being intimate with a guy
How do her parents not know she's gay yet???
Generally unhappy with her life but will pretend everything is fine
Working to afford her own place
Very devoted
Jaime, @nothereforyourbullshit
Incredibly protective
Also Done With Your Shit™
Gay as hell
Possessive of his boyfriends
Not in too big a way, but
Might just hit someone if they flirt with his guy
Plays guitar
Knows where to hide a body
Has a tattoo of a cross on the back of his neck
OCD, but has learned to live with it.
Is a killer bartender AND barista
Came from a very religious family
Very aware that his closeted sister is gay but will never tell anyone, because he loves her and he knows it'll fuck up her life
Also not on the best of terms with his sister but will protect her no matter what
Rest of his family?
They'll get help if they ask, but they never would.
And he knows it
Has awful nightmares
Is a big cuddler
Physical contact is a must
Is a great cook and loves cooking for people
That is exactly why he will never be a chef
Has a LOT of fun making straight dudes question their sexuality
Won't deny it
Will not flirt with someone else if he's in a relationship
Half the time he jumps from guy to guy
His type consists of trouble
Needs someone to help him deal with his shit instead of ignoring when he clearly needs help
Probably will never get that person because he's drawn to the guys that'll fuck up his life
Has never even considered using his guitar skills as a source of income???
Bonus, a few about @maaya-kaori cuz I just realized I have nothing but my community of gays up here
My friendzone bab!
Is a singer (Technically my Vocaloid/UTAUloid OC)
Has a sweetness that would rival Aki's
Doesn't understand flirting
Has accidentally broken so many hearts and has no idea
LOVES singing
Would never hurt anyone ever
Has played Undertale once, pacifist route start to finish, cried multiple times anyways.
Unironically believes Pokèmon is a terrible concept and teaches children to kidnap critters and force them to fight for money
Because one of her friends showed her a meme once, it was her fist time hearing of Pokèmon
Is actually only 16
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