#huh i've never thought abt that ship...
samipekoe · 5 months
How did Laios and Marcille "get together" in your laicille art? It's one of the most fun aspects of the ship to me because it's hard to imagine them making their first steps so people make up so many different scenarios
ooo I've never thought abt that...generally I feel like I draw them together post ending since it makes the most sense to me, they live in the castle together and are now close to each other beyond their mutual love for falin... and in that case I picture it being that they act so casually married without thinking about it until somebody else points it out they are like huh?! no way no no no no well maybe..
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S2 Ep14 of TBB Thoughts!!
oh frick, oh darn, oh heck
I need to stop eating breakfast while I watch these eps, eventually im gonna gasp so hard I'll choke on some food (this is based on me almost choking on my food when HOWZER showed up)
So I knew Echo'd be in this one, but I was actually also a 100% Rex would be there too, so I was a little bummed about that? like why would they release Rex's poster now if he isn't gonna be in the ep? and like ik this is a show about the batch, so they wanna show off Echo and I love that for him bc I love Echo but like,,, Rex🥺 yanno?
that being said, Echo and his team infiltrating that ship, fcking GREGOR?? amazing, loving that shit, eating it up
another suicide? this is getting intense. like this season has given us deeply seeded political issues about clone rights, depictions of blood, brainwashing and two suicides?? like??? things are heating up, the writers are getting more real and I actually kinda,,, love that even though its intense
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clone sipping coffee :)
ye :)
me @ howzer:
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he knows someone, eh? THAT'LL BE MY MANS TECH :DDDD
ofc he snatched the gun, you rlly coulda seen that one coming dipstick
it struck me as really odd that Crosshair didn't shoot the female doctor. like the rest of the batch and most of the clones use stun guns ALL THE TIME whereas Crosshair has always shot to kill. again, "severe and unyielding", meaning he takes intense action, committing all the way all the while being so stubborn he hardly ever backs down. honestly, him sparing her is some serious character development. he recognised she was being kind to him and he decided that that was enough reason not to hurt her. either that, or he wanted to abuse her kindness later on
he never wanted to get out, he just wanted to warn his brothers, which is AGAIN SO DIFFERENT from the Cross we've gotten to know in these last two seasons. I actually don't think that's growth anymore. that's Crosshair standing by a choice that he knew was bad for far too long (SEVERE. AND. UNYIELDING.) and now finally admitting he was wrong and going back to what he always wanted and always knew to be right.
partially rebuilt Pabu :)))
Hunter being questioned abt being more than just a soldier lol
like sir, the answer is "I am dad, actually."
"Up. Up! Up, Omega, pull up!" <- im sorry but Tech's always been just,,, so cool in stressful situations, like almost dying, no biggie. falling out of the sky in a storage box and having a heavy object crush your leg, naaahh we got this. fcking staring a Zillo Beast dead in the eye as it growls at you, easy as pie. omega's flying? panic
"The Tech-Turn? really?" "Now that is not what it is called, but I rather like it. I suggest you proceed before I come to my sen-- AAAAAHHHH."
did Echo only race Omega to torture Tech? yes, why do you ask?
okay listen I love him, but without his kama Echo looks half naked
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hmmm the summit huh??? interesting
Tech sounded so worried when he called Hunter over??? waaaaaahhh
Hemlock? more like Hemcock (yes I've been waiting a while to make that joke leave me alone)
Crosshair being offered his freedom and just stubbornly staring back? Severe and unyielding hero edition. I love him, Hunter go get him pls he needs you.
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help why did this one feel so short
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plantb0t · 5 years
Some ppl I follow are posting actual stuff abt Komaeda for his bday and I just kinda realized that I only know him through the fingers in his ass meme and some random jokes from a youtuber I used to watch
Like I think it only just now hit me that like. he's an actual character??? With story and personality and stuff
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mallowstep · 2 years
1/3 hi! um this is like a whole story but basically I was a huge fan of ur work for abt half a yr before I checked out ur tumblr and after like 2 months of that I came across ur proship posts. My first reaction was like not great. But then I sat with it for a while and I really thought about it for like a few months and I was like huh wow yk I actually really like this point of view. Anyways, after that, I tried to explore what proship actually was more starting with the reblogs and your posts
2/3 on here and then going from there. And it just made me feel so good. Like, there was no more tireless searching for every single possibly problematic thing in the media I consumed or making sure it wasn’t cringe, I kind of just did what I wanted. And I kind of ended up adopting that mentality in my everyday life and my depression has gotten so much better. Like in the end, is it really worth it if some random person on the internet thinks I’m problematic for reading warrior cats. Anyways
3/3 I just wanted to thank you because I never would have changed my mindset and fixed my mental health if it wasn’t for your blog and your clear explanations.
normally i would wait until the morning for this, but...i really wanted to get to it tonight. sigh. this as nothing to do with my inability to sleep at normal hours, no.
i appreciate you sticking around to find out what i'm about! (fwiw, i don't consider myself proship. i tend not to agree with self-described antis, but i've also met plenty an anti who doesn't...conflict with any of my viewpoints? they're...just someone who agrees with me? so.) seriously, i appreciate that a lot.
i think my blog is more a snapshot of what fandom was like back when i started on the internet, which was...well, fandom-wise, was around 2012? oh, the math i struggle thru for y'all. anyway. back then, my opinions were normal, if not leaning conservative. so it's...just really goddamn weird for me to find out my opinion is actually super controversial and heavily debated. i know i tell this story every time, but there was that post about asking if ships were okay and what you ship is between you and god.
but...yeah, that's what i'm all about. i'm about having fun. like...i legitimately worry about most self-described antis. it legitimately reminds me of the way i behaved when i was a bundle of anxiety and trauma responses. it's...not good. there are times when i have had to close a tumblr tab not because someone said something aggressive or anything, but just because...seeing someone question themselves like that was incredibly upsetting.
so i'm really happy you got out of that mindset, because i just...i don't know, it's not healthy behavior. i worked so hard to overcome it, i still work hard to overcome it, and it is fucking...terrifying to me that a community exists that validates people and encourages them to stay in that mindset and get worse. i've said i'm not here to change minds, and i'm not. i think that would destroy me. i've worked so hard to understand that i am not responsible for what other people do with my words. that i am not responsible for any harm that could happen. i don't think letting myself get into discourse beyond the level i'm currently at would be good for me.
but still, that doesn't mean i can't get happy when i did help someone.
so yeah, yeah i'm really happy for you. i hope...god. i don't do this to change minds and i don't think telling people directly that they should change or bad mental health is good. but. i hope people find peace. and i don't think that's...
urgh, okay. i have...learned that there are unanswerable questions. i used to think that all questions had answers. but. your anxiety is insatiable. there will always be something problematic to worry about. the only way to escape is to decide you aren't going to try. (that's some loosely repeated OCD therapy things. there's way more to this but it's late.)
so i'm really, truly glad i helped you. as someone with serious mental health problems that are reflected in how i engage with media...i get it. i get it fully. and i'm really happy things got better for you.
y'know i'm not here to change anyone's mind. i'm just a guy. i'm just a dude, who posts about warrior cats and sometimes rages at the world. but.
idk, i don't go out and expect to change anyone, but if anyone is changed by me, that feels good? and i do...i want people to find peace. i want people to not be wound up tight with insatiable anxiety. i want people to get to have fun and enjoy things.
(ending note:
"cringe" and "problematic" really stop mattering when you have a Cringe and Problematic Disorder. like. idk i have experienced a lot of harm. that's not a secret. i have experienced a lot of different kinds of pain. if you want to tell me that warrior cats is problematic, that i shouldn't engage with something that lets me understand my own goddamn life, or that sharing the way i do that and having people support me, when saying it directly is either something i can't do or something that leaves people speechless, fuck, go for it.
but i'm not going to listen. i have bigger problems. if i was gonna cringe about something, it'd probably be about a younger part talking to people, only i'm not even going to cringe about that. if i was concerned about something problematic about me, it'd probably be the fact that i got in a fist fight with myself, only that's...well okay, it's something i'm working on. but it's not something the internet gets to judge me for.
so like. yeah. idk. the past...six months? have really reframed a lot of things for me. i have really, really, really just stopped fucking caring.)
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I'M BACK!!!!
srry for the inactivity, i was busy with exams + energy crash after exams 🥶🥶 anyways i have a lot to talk abt so srry in advance for the long ask,,,,
SUNGHOON AND REI DATING???? i didn't see it coming but somehow it makes SO MUCH SENSE??????? and they're kinda cute or whatev 👉👈
and the kims interrogating him in police uniforms pls 😭😭😭😭 i can totally imagine tae putting on like pins of chase from paw patrol or smth
also beomgyu 🤬🤬🤬 i mean he TECHNICALLY didn't do anything this time but just his presence near yn is upsetting. GET OUT OF THERE! at least he indirectly caused a heeyn date <3 (also what did mama kim do huh??? i have the police on the phone rn and i'm 99% sure it's not the kims in police uniforms again)
FINALLY. heeseung i see you sulking bc you thought yn was dating someone else. you're not sleek.
and it's over now! i kinda missed this ngl </3
IVE MISSED YOU!!! I hope your exams went well and enjoy the very deserved break u have!!!.
Lol I love a good long ask so let's go 😂.
Sunghoon and Rei being a side ship was my plan from the beginning. I'm glad it makes sense, I was tryna leave breadcrumbs throughout 😂��. I love them, they will cause chaos in coming chapters....
Jin and Jisoo being actors made it very easy for them to get police costumes 😂 but they had to give them back... Whether Tae gave back his costume is a mystery 😂😂.
This will probably be the last we see or hear of Beomgyu... Actually don't quote me on that, I might just have him pop up again for 💫 drama 💫.
I loved writing the Heeyn date. The first idea I had for the escape from restaurant is that Riki is the one who sees YN with Mama Kim and Beomgyu, he immediately goes to the chat. Heeseung offers to come and he sneaks YN out with Riki's help.
Mama Kim has done many things, illegal things maybe but that will be revealed.
At the moment the most you wonderful readers know is that Mama Kim is a pathological liar and cheat. I've eluded to her being neglectful but thats only scratching the surface 😂😂.
If you've watched Boys Over Flowers. Mama Kim is similar to Gu Jun Pyo's mother....
Heeseung is not sleek at all. In the next chapter we FINALLY have Heeseung admit his feelings.
As Shakespeare said the course of true love never did run smooth. (Me flexing I'm an English student with a I'm pretty sure incorrect quote 😂)
Oh and Simp Heeseung is coming soon, once he acknowledges his feelings. It's Simp Town population Lee Heeseung.
Again I've missed you too ❤️❤️.
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telltalebatman · 3 years
idk ur actually taking prompts but if u are! 9 from the most recent list?
let's go w/ my niche overwatch oc/canon ship bc recently i've been playing this allegedly dead game again
9. “You cannot be serious right now.”
(but first, The Lore TM for ppl who do not know shit abt overwatch: overwatch was a paramilitary organization meant to maintain the global peace. Blackwatch was its secret black ops division, lead by Gabriel Reyes, who later went to become the terrorist known as the Reaper. Talon is a terrorist organization Reyes later joined, along with Moira. My OC is a programmer slash hacker maintaining Blackwatch's online secrecy; essentially she crawls the net and scrubs it clean off any potential posts, photos, questions. There must be no trace left. She's also not above straight up disabling all communications in the area where Blackwatch agents are currently running any ops in. The night this is taking place is the night of the PVE event Retribution; Blackwatch agents Reyes, Genji, Moira, and McCree were meant to quietly abduct a certain businessman. The mission failed when Reyes shot him in the face; and all hell broke loose.)
"You absolutely cannot be serious right now," Louie said in an exasperated tone, for a moment taking her hands off the keyboard. "Really? Right now?"
"Yeah," Reyes said on the other side of the connection; she could hear the faint sounds of their vehicle's engines in the background, mixed with what sounded a lot like gunshots. "We're hungry."
Louie sighed, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples with her fingertips.
"Sure," she said finally, her eyes still closed. "I'll order some Taco Bell for you guys."
"Fantastic," he replied, sounding well-pleased. "Reyes out."
"Safehouse Alpha out," she said; the line went off with a quiet beep, and once again Louie was left alone with her own thoughts.
It's been a long, stressful night for her; what was supposed to be a quiet, top-secret Blackwatch op, very quickly turned into an all-out shootout between Blackwatch field agents and the Talon forces. For the past few hours, Louie had been sitting in the middle of the room, surrounded by keyboards and screens, frantically doing her best to remotely manage some semblance of damage control; but it wasn't enough. No matter how fast she worked, people of Venice - awakened in the middle of the night by explosions and gunshots - were faster; and she simply couldn't do anything, as the news of the skirmish spread all throughout the world wide web. She could run blackout protocols all she wanted; something would slip past anyway.
Louie groaned, hiding her face into her hands; the room she was sitting in - her operation center - was small; all the lights were off - but the room was far from being dark. Quite the opposite, actually - it was illuminated nicely by the screens mounted on the walls, lights flickering in computer cases, keyboards, and various necessary devices, like routers and data storages. The floor was covered in tangled up cables and wires; but she never had time to sit down and organize them properly.
There was never any time for leisure at Blackwatch.
"Hey," Reyes said entering the room; it's been few hours since the ground team went radio silent. "I'm starving."
"Really?" Moira - who was walking behind him - asked sarcastically. "What a fascinating statement! We've only heard it around a thousand times so far."
"The food's somewhere over there," Louie said, motioning towards the far end of the room with her hand, her eyes glued to the screen in front of her. "Shit. You're on the news." she breathed out as her heart dropped.
"Huh," Reyes said carelessly, walking past her and brushing the back of her head with his hand. "Well, Morrison's not gonna be happy about it."
"Commander Morrison seems to seldom be pleased with anything in general," Moira said dryly, sitting down on the floor; out of the entire team - somehow, she was the only one who was not covered in blood. "But I agree. We will not hear the end of it."
"You know, I'm surprised he's not yelling at us as we speak," Reyes said, sitting down on the nearest table.
Louie shot him a look over her shoulder.
"I cut the external comms," she said; Reyes nodded with approval, already busy stuffing his face with a chalupa. "Where's the other two?"
"Outside. I gave 'em the parking duty."
"Or, in other words, you really wanted to have all the guac for yourself," Louie said; Reyes let out a quiet snicker. "Glad to see you're all alright though. It's been... Nasty out there."
"We've been through worse," Moira said nonchalantly. "What's a few hundred bloodthirsty terrorists to the magnificent Blackwatch, et al."
Louie nodded silently; none of them said another word, eating in silence instead, as they watched more and more news headlines pop up on the screens around them. Eventually, McCree and Genji came inside as well; the cowboy seemed to be uncharacteristically tense.
Nobody said anything; and Louie kept secretly glancing at Reyes - battered. Bloodied. Smelling of motor oil and ash. He seemed relaxed and calm; but deep inside, she knew something's wrong. During her years in Blackwatch, no operation had ever went as horribly wrong as this one; but even after flawlessly executed mission, Reyes was always critical, always hellbent on improving, always determined to keep everything under the covers.
But that night, he seemed to lose all the care he had. And in the presence of others - she couldn't tell him how relieved she was that, even despite everything that went wrong, she could once again order junk food for him and his agents.
(One day, he might not come home. But until then, we have this.)
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enbies-and-felonies · 3 years
i hope i didn't elaborate and forget abt it bc ok i have thoughts. i'm going to write an essay detailing specific parallels to queer culture and stories and experiences in both the movie and the fairytale bc i've seen both and ace told me to later, but like, The Poetry of it .
apparently hans christian andersen was a queer dude!! like (allegedly idk i still Have Not researched this in depth) he was in love with a straight dude and the little mermaid was the story he wrote abt it. the original story goes (according to the story on geniuslyrics dot com which, huh) that the little mermaid falls in love with this clearly unattainable guy (and what's he a symbol of? for this interpretation he's the dream, queer love, being out of the closet or just loving someone of the same sex), goes through a lot to meet him (in the tale, when she gets her legs from the sea witch it says it feels like she's walking on sharp glass/knives constantly--something something metaphor for being closeted and Different and constantly being reminded of/terrified about it), but then he gets married to a human princess bc he thinks she's the one who saved him. the little mermaid is told by her sisters--who've cut off all their beloved hair and exchanged it for a knife and the sea witch's instructions) that she can come back home if she agrees to murder the prince, but she refuses and in throwing the knife they gave her she instantly turns into seafoam (which as explained in the beginning of the tale is how all mermaids die: they become part of the sea in the end) and becomes a daughter of air, where she will go on to 300 years earning her way into Heaven through good deeds.
some article i read said something about andersen's love story with this guy being very similar, except that he and the guy remained friends throughout their life and presumably andersen never told him--like instead of dying he ended up just walking on knives for the rest of his life. idk metaphors poetry i am exhausted but actually? like actually? the little mermaid by hans christian andersen is a really cool story when u look at it through a queer lens
ok wait i think what i'm thinking abt and am too tired to Poetry is summed up in this: "....dancing began on the deck. The little mermaid was thus involuntarily reminded of what she had seen the first time she rose to the upper world. The spectacle that now presented itself was equally splendid—and she was obliged to join in the dance, hovering lightly as a bird over the ship boards. All applauded her, for never had she danced with more enchanting grace. Her little feet suffered extremely, but she no longer felt the pain; the anguish her heart suffered was much greater. It was the last evening she might see him, for whose sake she had forsaken her home and all her family, had given away her beautiful voice, and suffered daily the most violent pain—all without his having the least suspicion of it. It was the last evening that she might breathe the same atmosphere in which he, the beloved one, lived; the last evening when she might behold the deep blue sea, and the starry heavens—an eternal night, in which she might neither think nor dream, awaited her."
it just. it feels like. so much like something worth writing poetry about
yes it is such a beautiful story??? and just. yes i agree i agree sm
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yomiurinikei · 3 years
shobai for the ask meme! i forget about him a lot
HIIII u guys look it's my platonic spousea here in my inbox!!! the only one spared from my lectures on why it's "syobai". sorrel recognize ur pretty privilege 🙄🙄
anyways!! under the cut for length + tws: . huh. actually, nothing this time
favorite thing about them: ooo he's just fun!! just a fun man! my beloved little plot device i find it so funny linuj is just like "hmmmm information needs to be revealed/a plot point must be mentioned but i've already done a weird nightmare with akane this chapter what do i do now hmmmmmmmm" and then we get syobai time. ALSO i rlly like analyzing the way he interacts with others. as will be seen later on except not well worded bc i did not plan to get that in-depth. anywayssss. he's also fun to play around with in writing/fan portrayal tee hee
least favorite thing about them: ah... victim to linujs inconsistent writing i think...... linuj seems to shift some in how he portrays syobai. it's not sooo bad but if ur actively looking for it then it's there and it bugs me. it feels like linuj can't choose how to portray syobai, the role he should have in the game, and how he wants the viewer to feel abt syobai. and it's rough
favorite line: okay. but this ask meme expects sooooo much of my memory :/// his vv kind and loving and so sweet nicknames r good. he rlly is just the worlds nicest lad isn't he.
brotp: (note: this is considering both non despair/hpa verse, and like. in kg/despair without age twist bc that makes it hard to judge things, i just kinda switch between settings without saying much, aaaand is written w/o talking abt the exception that is romantic relationships) i just think he and the voids r nice.
like i don't have many feelings on him and non void cast bc i feel like he'd just never rlly have natural interactions with them and would always be viewing things as business/smthn he has to stay detached from and which doesn't interest him bc it's simply. not his world. fundamentally different. he's not interested in changing his way of being and the class doesn't care to try and "save" him
then. u have the voids. who, in kg-verse, are doing the exact same as syobai: in order to live and avoid horrible fates, they're doing illegal, immoral shit. it's sympathetic, but we (referring to linuj and the light he writes these characters in) constantly switch up how we perceive and feel about the actions of the voids and syobai. it's okay to acknowledge they're in a gray sort of area, and i think it's esp interesting with syobai knowing what's going on with them, and how he interacts with them knowing that
soooo back to main thing. i think syobai would, even in non despair (as yk... the CoU (i've been saying voids but y'all know which three ive been talking abt) are still implied to be doing morally interesting things to handle utsuros absence) view them. not as equals, but would definitely recognize the similarities in their circumstance and that which they do. so idk maybe he'd chill with them more. even if not (at least originally) as friends, him being less cold, and less detached from them
shit that got long;; i had to cut myself off sm and i thought i was doing well being quiet
otp: i don't rlly do syobai ships?? idk why????? tbh i just don't think i'm huge on shipping in general. hashimaeyomirin and it's variations for @/dirtykagarinkinnie tho <3
notp: mmmmmm don't have them!!! ships listed above r all that i'm rlly interested in/see tho
random headcanon: can actually clean up really well. he just Does Not care abt looking good for the kisa foundation/is cocky abt things with them, cue the. appearance 😭😭
song i associate with them: cigarette ahegao (penelope scott) is the hashimuri song ty and gn. anyways tho! cant find anything very fitting??? maybe mean (penny roox)???? who knows. who knows.
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dykeferatu · 3 years
Julian for the character ask thing..if u already got asked him thennn Dove
i will do both bc ur the only one who asked fhfhdhd
Sexuality Headcanon: so like all the romanceables are playersexual but even so the bisexual energy is PALPABLE. in his portrait he's literally got a dangly earring, choker, crop top, and a fanny pack. tell me he's not trying to flag every gay person in a 5 mile radius
Gender Headcanon: he's giving me nonbinary tboy swag
A ship I have with said character: the world isn't ready for this but i think julian/lettow is untapped potential
A BROTP I have with said character: julian and the courier ofc. i see them as chaotic besties that rag on each other a lot. they also work romantically tho
A NOTP I have with said character: ethically speaking no one should date this man ESPECIALLY the courier, however......
A random headcanon: weird music taste, this tiktok is him: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM86AXU6P/
General Opinion over said character:
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he's my best friend he's my mortal enemy he's a genius he's so fucking stupid he's my everything he's nothing to me he's literally a monster he's just a silly little guy. i want to bite him
Sexuality Headcanon: bi butch <3
Gender Headcanon: i don't think she's ever thought abt her gender before but if she did she'd have a small crisis before being like huh. i don't give a fuck actually and then she doesn't think abt it again. no label just vibes
A ship I have with said character: dove/nos courier 🥺
A BROTP I have with said character: does she even have any friends... dove/her chrysler
A NOTP I have with said character: none bc i've never actually seen her shipped with anyone
A random headcanon: this bitch has a key ring i know she does. they are jingle-jangling from her belt loop whenever she walks i KNOW it
General Opinion over said character: literally my ideal woman: strong, hot, mean. the way she acts all aloof but she actually rlly does care abt what u think.... aauughfhfhfhh marry me
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lyril · 4 years
edward and slinkman for the ask game :)c
ok... i've already gathered that we share a taste in characters, but this is calling me right out and i've only made like 3 camp lazlo posts. unbelievable
sexuality headcanon: i cannot stress this enough, it is very clear to me this 10 year old platypus is gay
gender headcanon: he is... simply a boy :) i'm completely fine with any headcanon, i haven't been here long enough
a ship I have with said character: looks at you... i think that edward/lazlo is just. it's a classic dynamic, y'know. again, i haven't been here long enough. but he's definitely PISSED about it either way
a BROTP I have with said character: i think he needs friends, like, just in general. well, first i think he needs a better state of mind, and THEN we'll work on that later
a NOTP I have with said character: anything gross of course... not sure who else though :) i gotta get to know everyone first
a random headcanon: i am literally just projecting right now, but i think he has some self destructive habits he really needs to shake... aside from the outbursts and stuff. has to stop himself from banging his head against the wall when he fucks literally anything up. squeezes his arms just a bit too hard. generally, he has some issues with perfectionism...
well this is really sad *lets you into my psyche* i am going to spin the wheel again. i think he would keep a diary... at first to get his anger out, probably suggested by mcmuesli, and he absolutely hates it and thinks its dumb. but eventually he starts enjoying writing his thoughts, it's private and somewhere he can just speak his mind without having to let his defenses down by talking to a real person
general opinion over said character: he was my token "ah, this is going to be my favorite character, huh" guy before i even started, and so far that's going great! i love mean characters to death and he is FANTASTIC in every bit i've seen so far. he's very obviously just a kid with issues but it's far too relatable to me personally... like, i watched this one episode, and mcmuesli took him to a place to calm down, right? it was literally like i was back in 4th grade doing that exact thing cus of my outbursts. not to mention the bean bag chairs. it's all about the bean bag chairs
also i can't get over the plankton voice it haunts my every waking moment it's there it's real i can't escape
sexuality headcanon: i want to say gay again... in a way where he thinks he still likes women but he's just a little repressed
gender headcanon: i got nothing special cooking tonight. slug boy slug boy slug boy slug boy sl
a ship I have with said character: that's confidential <3
a BROTP I have with said character: i like him n the jelly bean scouts :) i forgot the name but the early episode abt go-karts and stuff was so cute... he just wants to see them with a cool racecar and spends so much money on them... and then him and jane, gosh i love that
a NOTP I have with said character: i... have not seen enough of him and lumpus to decide yet. i am leaning for no at the moment just from experience. this always happens. and the gross stuff. yadda yadda
a random headcanon: he is very unused to affection. give him a hug. he will 😳 a little bit. just for fun. go on
general opinion: oh my god. i love him... another instant favorite. the gay assistant is character type i can never escape from, it gets me literally everytime. and, like, he's so funny to me? in general. his entire existance. i have heard that he gets meaner and less shy as time goes on which i am SO down for... i just want to see more of him
i really did think he was a camper as well as lumpus's assistant before i started watching, so i was losing my entire mind when eliza told me he was actually an adult. which is very obvious from even the first few episodes but 😭 at least from this i got the amazing typo of "slinkman class pet" instead of "slinkman teacher's pet"
his name is also perfect for me to fuck around with and spell in increasingly outlandish and stupid ways
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jedilukeskywalkers · 4 years
oh my god?? i have never thought about azula/aang/zuko til i saw ur post, but WOW. galaxy brain shit, holy hell. i mean, i've played around with katara/aang/sokka & the myriad complicated, joyful ways it could play out, but the fire sibs, huh... well, aang deserves all the love! do u have any more thoughts abt this ship, or any ships really with him?
Listeeeem the triangle azula/aang/zuko gives me life...like please pleaseee go read forever bound on ao3 so you can truly see the power of the fire sibling winds dynamics. Zuko and Azula power plays involving the actual most powerful being alive is everything
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