#huh. i wonder where he is rn
peculiarbeauty · 8 months
i still won't forget that guy who said i am into s.tockholm s.yndrome because i like b.atb.
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biillys · 2 months
uhhh yo i'm thinkin about. tommy and eddie not Getting each other but Dealing with each other becos of billy. but then somehow without even realising, they actually become pals too. hashtag billy's impact.
then ofc billy + eddie + tommy bestie-ism. becos i want it.
anyway. rewind becos we need to talk about billy + tommy and billy + eddie first before we slap tommy + eddie together
billy initially hating tommy when he first rolled into town, thinking he was kind of pathetic for how he was acting about harrington ditching him, and thinking he was just genuinely like. trying too fucking hard. trying to hard to be liked, to get attention, to get his fucking peers approval. billy already knew. high school didn't fucking matter. other kids approval and opinions didn't mean shit. everyone was fake as fuck. he just had to make it ‘til graduation, then he'd be fucking gone.
but then. he somehow ends up getting roped into joining tommy and his family for dinner one night, becos he's unable to say no to tommy's mom who asked him, and suddenly, he's seeing tommy in a whole new light.
he didn't know that tommy had a fucking baseball teams worth of siblings, and was the 3rd eldest. he watches as tommy cuts up his baby sisters dinner, pulling faces at his little brother next to her the entire time to make him laugh. listens as the entire table actually talks and interacts with each other, how his twin little sisters ask about when carol's coming over next, and how his mom cuts in and asks if carol's appointment went okay the other day and if she was feeling better. watches as him and his older brother clear the table without even being asked, their mom moving to start bath time for the kids under six. can't remember the last time he sat at a dinner table with an entire family and felt warm. like what dinner's look like they feel like in the movies.
after, when he's walking down the hallway to tommy's room, he sees all the pictures of him and harrington. they're all over the the wall, some not even having tommy in them, just steve and other members of the family cheesing at the camera from basically fucking diapers all the way up til last year. that's when he realises. tommy and steve weren't just school friends. steve was fucking family. and he left. over a fucking girl.
suddenly, billy gets it. he fucking Gets it. gets what it's like to have a family member walk out, with little to no explanation or reason, or for the worst fucking reason of all. to have everyone in the world expect you to just be fucking okay with it, like your entire world hasn't just changed, like you aren't eating dinner with one less plate setting now, like birthdays aren't suddenly forevermore gonna be one person short. he fucking gets it.
tommy looks embarrassed, though, when he catches billy eyeing the pictures, the red so obvious on his cheeks, and it feels like this is the first time billy's seen him without the act he puts on at school. billy just gives him a slight nod, then walks past the bathroom and flirts with his mom, feeling good about the way tommy groans behind him.
billy makes more of an effort after that, and tommy stops trying so hard.
maybe one night, after a slightly wild party at some cheerleader's house, him and tommy split to get some food from benny's, walking the whole way cos they're both not in any condition to drive, and tommy ends up spilling the details of what actually happened between him and steve. not just the shit that's been spreading around school, either. the real shit.
billy listens, still slightly drunk and definitely fucking high, and ends up vaguely mentioning his mom. he cuts himself off quickly though, cos even when he's wasted he knows not to expose himself like that. but tommy looks at him, and he nods, and he moves the conversation along.
they get close, after that.
they don't cling to each other at school, with tommy usually floating between anyone and everyone, carol leading the way, and billy only gracing the basketball table with his presence maybe once a week, the other days ditching to his car or hiding out under bleachers becos he’s sick and tired of people, but out of school, they're a bit more attached. 
tommy's mom loves billy, and apparently, so do his siblings. well–the younger ones do, at least. the teens and the two older two seem unfazed by him at best, and wary of him at worst. that's probably fair though, considering his reputation. 
it takes less than a month for billy to clock the fact that tommy doesn’t seem to “get” music. tommy says he considers it something you put on in the background while you do shit, just to have some noise, and billy pulls the car over immediately and gives him a wild look. he pulls out a mixed cd from the glovebox that has a decent chunk of his favourite songs, and when tommy says he's never heard a single one, billy loses his fucking mind for fifteen minutes straight before promising him that before the years out, tommy will understand music. 
tommy just agrees, having learnt early on that billy's gonna billy, and he's expressive and passionate about so fucking little, so seeing him get so worked up about something tommy considers so small is like. kind of fucking adorable. he sits there and listens as billy explains the difference between one band and the next and thinks–he's never actually heard billy sound so genuinely happy to be talking about something before, like his love for it is roots deep.
and then–there's eddie. 
he fucking hates billy on principal alone, at first. heard the talk and rumours about him from day one, his name even being whispered about by hellfire members, and instantly judged and stereotyped the fuck out of him. knows it's pretty pot, kettle–the whole hating each other becos stereotypes etc but like. no way this new california basketball guy isn't gonna tear eddie to shreds. there's no way.
so, he doesn't wait to see how billy treats him, just expects that he's gonna fuck with him the same way all the other assholes do, and writes him off as a waste of time, just like all the other jocks are.
gets the surprise of his life when billy not only acknowledges him publicly at a party, but also knows him by name and talks to him at school. usually, his crowd treats him like his social status is contagious, and keeps any interaction to a quick and private arrangement. except then he's walking down the corridor at school and his name is being yelled across the hall, and suddenly billy hargrove's standing in front of him, a kind of terrifying look on his face.
eddie rolls with it though, figures his buddies will catch him up to speed and explain the rules that keep things flowing around here, and billy'll never speak to him again.
that's not what happens, though. what happens is one of jason's dipshit besties throws an arm over billy's shoulder and laughs, calls eddie a freak like it's the funniest and most original insult to ever exist, and tells billy that they don't actually have to talk to him, that they can get anything they want from samson's older brother who's back from college.
billy shrugs the guy off, "you mean that shit that you were sharing around at patrick's last week? yeah, fuck that. at least munson's shit is good."
eddie watches the scene unfold with slight interest, but writes billy off again when he walks away with the crowd, having gotten the information he needed.
charges him double and a half when billy eventually tracks him down behind the school, and billy gives him a flat look but still hands over the money.
"that the standard price, or you just being a little bitch about it?"
"whatever you wanna tell yourself, short guy."
billy rolls his eyes, but takes the baggie eddie hands him and walks away, flipping him the bird over his shoulder as he goes.
eddie watches him leave and shakes his head. thinks, at least that'll be the last of it.
feels his eyes widen slightly the next week when billy rocks up again, money already in hand.
"price has actually went up this week, sorry man. must've forgot to send you the newsletter," eddie shrugs, walking straight past him and dumping his bag on the table.
"fuckin–seriously? you seriously pulling this shit?"
eddie gets his little tin lunch box out of his bag, not even sparing him a glance.
"supply and demand, gotta make a buck, you know how it is," eddie shrugs again and waits to hear billy's footsteps walk away. that doesn't happen. instead, he hears billy take a deep breath, mutter a fucksake under his breath, then hears his footsteps approach.
"well, how much is it this week, then?"
eddie looks at him over his shoulder, then turns around fully, a slow grin growing on his face. "how much you got?"
watches the flash of anger and frustration cross over billy's face before he seems to reign himself in.
"just–just give me my fucking shit, munson, i swear to god."
eddie just watches him and waits, letting him sweat a bit, before grinning at him, all teeth, then turns back around.
he grabs some things from his little stash then slaps three baggies in billy's hand.
billy clenches his fist around it, before taking another calming breath, then nods.
"how much?"
"same as last week."
billy gives him a look, and eddie snorts.
"supply and demand," he shrugs again, twirling his hair.
billy huffs, slapping the money down on the table.
eddie winks at him.
billy becomes a pretty regular customer after that, even though he looks at eddie like he thinks he’s batshit crazy most days. doesn't stop him from asking for his phone number though, complaining that sneaking notes in lockers is fucking corny. 
next thing eddie knows, billy’s rocking up at his trailer and banging on his door, inviting himself in. eddie would like to pretend to give more of a fuck, but honestly, billy isn't actually that bad. and uncle wayne fucking loves him for some reason.
billy clocks his guitar on his second visit, and sniffs out his fucking heart wide crush on chrissy cunningham on the fourth, and eddie never knows peace affer that. 
it’s a bright as fuck day when billy finally figures out a way to merge his two worlds and get both eddie and tommy into the same place at the same time, and it happens purely by his own intervention.
billy's driving tommy home when eddie’s van mysteriously breaks down, and he calls for a lift. billy eyes his glovebox, where he’s stashed a small but important part of eddies engine, and thinks hell fuckin’ yeah your van’s broke down.
he smirks into his phone as he listens to eddie stress, quickly checking on his passenger as he thinks about the way eddie’s face always screws up whenever he mentions him, and how tommy always looks downright uncomfortable every time he mentions spending time at munson’s trailer. 
but. here's the thing. he doesn't give a fuck. what he does give a fuck about is splitting his time between the two, like a fucking child of divorce, when he could simply just hang out with them both at once, them all chilling together. of course, that involes playing matchmaker. or just like. force them into getting stockholm syndrome about each other or some shit. but whatever. as long as something works. he’s not picky.
he flips his turn signal on and does a u-turn, shrugging when tommy asks where they’re going.
when he pulls up behind eddie’s van, tommy’s face does something complicated, and billy holds back a snort. he gives tommy one last sideway glance before climbing out and going to find eddie.
“what’s the damage?” he calls out, walking up to the front.
“fuck if i know, man. i look after her the best i can, but she’s old as shit and high maintenance, and i’m fucking broke,” eddie says from the front seat where he’s been waiting, looking at billy like maybe he’ll know the answer.
“just leave it. i’ll come back later and have a look. got a passenger though, so. we gotta go,” billy waves his hand dismissively before nodding his head towards his car.
“oh shit, little red’s here?” eddie asks, hopping out and walking alongside him.
billy snorts. “worse.”
eddie opens the back passenger door and ducks down to look before standing straight back up. 
“tell me you’re joking,” he says, sounding fucking pained.
billy laughs. “get in the fucking car, freak.”
it’s the most awkward and uncomfortable drive he’s had since he got his own car, and he spends most of the time trying to make fucking conversation with them both only for them to give him stilted and one word answers back.
“holy fuck,” billy breaks, pulling up in front of tommy’s house. he locks the car doors before anyone can split and turns in his seat. “what’s the big deal between you two? it can’t be that fucking bad. you’re both like–harmless. fucking bitchy, and definitely petty, and both fucking dramatic, but like. harmless. what’s the beef?”
tommy stays silent, making sure to look anywhere but them, while eddie leans forward to look between them. he looks from billy, to tommy, then back to billy.
“just–history,” eddie sighs, giving tommy a look.
billy stares blankly between them both. “history,” he deadpans back.
“well, we have went to school together for most of our lives, even been in most of the same classes in high school,” eddie reasons, sounding offended that billy’s not getting it.
“boo hoo, he stole your lunch money,” billy bitches back, giving eddie a bewildered look, “move past it. you’re like, 20, dude.”
eddie gives him an incredulous look right back, and billy shrugs, unlocking the car doors. tommy bolts.
“christ, man. you don’t get it,” eddie starts after he’s jumped in the front seat and they’ve started to drive away, “you haven't been at the bottom of the food chain.”
billy raises an eyebrow at him, ‘cause like fuck has he never been at the bottom of the food chain, and eddie fucking knows that. billy’s turned up at his trailer enough times now after a run in with his dad for eddie to have put the pieces together.
“that’s fucking different, don’t even try to compare,” eddie shoots back instantly, throwing his arms out.
“yeah, ‘cause one’s fucking high school bullshit, and one’s my fucking homelife. like, dude. come on, seriously? he bullied you? i fucking bully you.”
“yeah but you bully me because you want to fuck me, he bullied me for like–fucking everything. living in a trailer, hellfire club,” he starts listing, “my parents and all that bullshit–my fucking band–”
“yeah, and i tried to fuck your uncle last week,” billy cuts him off, sitting there and giving him a blank look. 
eddie looks scandalised before a smile starts to crack, a slight laugh coming out. “you are such a fucking asshole.”
billy laughs right back, making an illegal turn and flooring it, “fuck you, i’m your hottest fucking customer. now, let’s go fix your fucking van.”
“tommy ain’t that bad,” billy tries again as he puts eddies van back into working condition, pulling the piece he took out earlier from his jacket and putting it back in the engine, eddie none the wiser sitting in the driver's seat.
eddie raises his eyebrows at him when he pops up to look at him over the hood, “uh huh. sure. tommy hagen’s got a heart of gold.”
billy rolls his eyes then bends back over, fixing up the last few things before slamming the hood shut.
“seriously. he’s like, chill, once you get to know him. he pissed me off too when i first met him. then, i actually gave him the time of day, and now–” billy shrugs, wiping his hands and smearing some grease around, then walking around to eddie’s door.
“why the hell do you care so much–what? you want us to all share friendship bracelets? want us to jam together?” eddie questions, looking at billy through his rolled down window.
billy lets out a deep breath. “‘cause. we’re almost graduated, we’re basically fucking adults, and i don't want to spend my fucking summer having to divide my days going between you both because you guys can’t get over shit from middle school. we were all fuckin’ pricks when we were twelve. luckily, you two both grew out of it, but i sure as shit didn't. so, either learn to get along, or i’ll make you fucking get along.”
billy pulls out a pack of smokes, gets one out, gives eddie a salute, then lights up and walks away.
billy’s words bounce around in his head the following days, and when billy tells him to meet him at his car after school three days later and he rocks up to tommy and carol fucking perkins sitting in the back seat, eddie stops for a minute before standing tall, then throws himself into the front passenger seat.
billy smiles his most angelic smile at him, and when eddie turns around, tommy won’t meet his eye. carol smirks at him and pops her bubblegum. “‘sup, eddie.”
eddie didn't even know she knew his name. he lifts his hand in a weird little wave before turning back around and facing the road. “fuck you,” he mutters under his breath, sinking down in his seat.
billy laughs and drops his hand to rest on eddie’s knee, squeezing it. “we’re gonna have fun, baby,” he mumbles back.
after a few blocks, billy pulls up to benny’s diner and cuts the engine.
“you said ‘meet me at my car, it’s important’,” eddie deadpans, looking around the busy carpark in the peak of the after school rush, tommy and carol already getting out.
“yeah,” billy deadpans right back, eyes looking fucking gleeful, “after school milkshakes. most important part of the day.”
“you’re lactose intolerant,” eddie breathes out disbelievingly as they both reach for their car doors.
“i know,” billy grins, pushing his door open and stepping out, then turning around and leaning in, “now let’s go, hot stuff.”
and maybe one day i'll finish this. oops.
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hehe he's so handsome!
#ignore his broken arm lol he got hit by a car#but hey! tiny details!#that's my husband!!!!! my husband! that's him! we're married!!!!!!#yay!!! hehe makes me sooo happy! he's the guy of my dreams honestly#i adore him#thinking about... movie night! he can bring the others too! ofc i bet he and ash are cuddling the whole time#my sister's bestie is over and she's not indian so we're introducing her to some movies since bollywood is a staple of the Indian Kid Exper#ience LMAO#and um. and rn we're watching my favorite movie ever... i wonder if k.yohei would wanna watch with me hehe?#even if i do infodump about all the lore-#sorry my love but you're watching old bollywood movies with me! maybe you shouldve thought about that before you married a punjabi girl-#it's just a nice thought you know? introducing my culture to my husband#ofc i know all the songs and would happily song along- i think he'd like that!#maybe- hopefully-#it just seems so nice! cuddling him as we have a movie marathon#oh and. if youre wondering what my favorite bollywood movie is... don 2! i love the aesthetic and the movie and i kinda sorta know all the#lore and stuff BAHAHA zaraa dil ko thaam#is probably like my favorite bollywood song ever. the scene with the gun? the scene with the handcuffs? yeah that explains why i like the#things i like now huh? hehehe#but yeah. where was i.#right. husband.#pspspsp movie night pspsps! husband cuddles as we watch together. maybe uh... maybe he can 👉👈 kiss my hand every now and then! hehehe#i love my husbanndd!
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snekdood · 10 months
i just think hes neat
#im basically just broly if he was smaller and shorter and whinier with elf ears#so what im saying is im basically broly and kish fused dsfnbvsvdhgfshgdgfhv#kish minus all the weird creepy shit#maybe links in there too. oh oh and beast boy obvs.#idk who else#maybe a hint of goku bc im worried i have the same dumb drive to challenge myself and push my limits or whatever#at least i wont endanger my family............................................................ right? right???#my bf was wondering why i identify w broly bc of him blowing up that one planet or whatever#(never mind the entire galaxy he blew up tho ig) but thats obviously not the reason.#its the whole 'becoming an invincible destructive force of nature that has bouts of wanting to Break Things often and usually bc#of being pushed to that edge by other people' thing#you dont get it u-u i need to go to one of those places where i can SMASH shit u--u. im just that kinda guy u---u.#and sometimes it is fun to imagine smashing ur enemies even though you probably would never do that and in fact imagining it#satisfies you enough kinda deal yaknow#as cheesy and on brand as it is for me rn i just love destroying shit and i always have im sorry im this way blame god ik i have been#maybe he shouldnt have made the sound of rocks crumbling and glass breaking etc sound so good huh? ya ever think of that??#anyways i find when i suppress these emotions it just boils up until i explode which i think only leads to more of a chance of me actually#hurting someone instead. when i pretend to be cute and flowery and people pleasey- it only makes me more resentful. but thats the#only version of me people seem willing to tolerate. and i dont think they realize how much THAT makes me resent them too#im not an innocent frail delicate uwu bean i will literally eat you 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪#idk. its not like i want ppl to fear me either. but sometimes it feels like thats the only way to stop ppl from disrespecting me#maybe if ppl didnt assume me being nice and Not trying to start fights is a sign of being weak maybe i wouldnt feel like its necessary#to intimidate ppl to scare them away from me.#i promise babe you are Not getting away with it- i just know better not to start a scene. especially among other whities like me#yall will be vocally violent about whoever behind their backs over and over and if im the guy who actually confronts you suddenly im#the only one being an asshole. im simply playing YOUR game with you. you wanna be dishonest and hide behind a fake smile then so will i#and ill just sit here and wait until you break. and then everyone can call you crazy and confrontational instead!#i hate white people (yes ik i am a white people... doesn't mean i cant hate the way a lot of white ppl act)#things could be so much easier if you weren't a coward and just spoke your mind about how you distrust me and how quick you were#to find reasons to back up your mistrust. we coulda ended it there and avoided eachother. but now we gotta pretend we like eachother ig.
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fallingforyouforeverr · 2 months
𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐡𝐨𝐭 | 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
summary: lando begins to panic when you don't want to cuddle with him
author's note: it's really hot rn where I live so i just wanted to write a cute little blurb inspired by my own suffering. vote here for who i write my next fic about!
• f1 masterlist • youtubers masterlist •
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Lando was confused. He didn't think he had done anything wrong, and you didn't seem to be upset with him until now, so he couldn't possibly understand why you were refusing to cuddle with him.
It started off as most of your evenings did. After dinner, he washed the dishes while you dried and put them away, then you both moved into the living room to watch some tv before bed. Only, when Lando tried to pull you closer, you pushed his arm off you, moving away and leaving your boyfriend staring at you like a kicked puppy.
You didn't seem to think anything of it, settling back down on the other side of the sofa and pressing play on your favourite show. However, Lando was still frozen, mind reeling from your rejection. He wondered if you were ignoring him because you were mad or if it was just a mistake and you genuinely couldn't feel his eyes on you.
At last, the uncertainty became to much to bear and he decided to speak up. "Um...baby?" He asked tentatively, watching your face closely to see your reaction.
"Yeah?" You answered, glancing away from the screen.
Huh. That's weird. You didn't seem mad at all, and you obviously weren't ignoring him, so what was this about? Maybe you weren't feeling well suddenly?
"You feeling okay, sweetheart?"
Turning your body to face him, your equally as confused expression only eased his worries slightly. "Yeah, I'm alright. Why?"
Deciding it was probably best to be direct, Lando spoke again. "You pushed me away!"
You couldn't help but giggle at the adorable pout on his face, suddenly feeling bad for not explaining your behaviour earlier. "Lan, my love, I'm so sorry! I promise I'm not mad at you or anything, it's just because of the weather."
"The weather?" His expression changed, a slight frown settling into his brow as he waited for you to continue speaking.
"It's too hot," you explained. "It's my first summer in Monaco, I wasn't expecting it to be this warm. I didn't want to cuddle because I knew I would overheat."
Lando mentally slapped himself for not thinking of that as a possibility. He had lived here for a few years so he was used to the unrelenting sunshine by now, but you had only moved in with him recently so of course you weren't. He couldn't help but laugh at how much he was stressing over something so small.
"You idiot, making me panic like that!" The brunette scolded you playfully. You stared up at him innocently, batting your eyelashes with a smile.
Lando suddenly grabbed hold of your waist, and you shrieked loudly. You wriggled helplessly in his grasp, as he tickled you sides, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
"I'll stop if you say sorry."
"Never," you gasped, swatting at his hands. He merely shrugged, tickling you harder.
"You sure?"
"Okay, okay, I-I'm sorry!" You managed between breathless pants.
Lando grinned cheekily at you, allowing you a moment to catch your breath before he leaned in to kiss you softly. You threw your arms around his neck tilting your head slightly to deepen the kiss. When you finally had to pull away for air, he rested his forehead against yours.
"I thought you were too hot," he teased, causing you to groan again and smack his shoulder. Lando pressed another quick kiss to your lips before continuing, "and for the record, I am definitely buying you like 20 fans tomorrow."
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cherienymphe · 1 month
White Lines & White Knights
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Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, pr*stitution, power imbalance, classism, mentions of death, jealousy, humiliation, revenge p*rn, drug dealer!Rafe, drug use, Pogue!reader
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies | ➥ divider by @firefly-graphics
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summary: You and Rafe are using each other until you decide that's not what you want anymore, and the spoiled rich kid will do whatever it takes to have his expensive toy back in his bed.
Your door shut behind you with a resounding click, and once in the comfort of your home, you took the time to decompress. You took advantage of your much needed reprieve, the back of your head grazing the wood as you allowed your eyes to fall closed. Your heart was still beating wildly in your chest, and you wondered if a day would come where it ever wouldn’t. After all, this wasn’t exactly “new” anymore…
It had been five months since you buried your mom, five months since you discovered the mountain of debt she’d done an impressive job of hiding from you, and five months since you thought you’d be homeless on the street in less than one. In two weeks, you’d dealt with a loss you didn’t think you’d have to for at least another forty years or so and took on the kind of responsibility you didn’t think you’d have to for at least another three.
Your mom died 152 days ago…
…and you’d started fucking Rafe Cameron less than a month later.
You liked to pretend to not know why you slept with Kildare’s prime rich boy that fateful Saturday night, but you were far more self aware than you wanted to be. Even if you weren’t, it wasn’t exactly some mysterious string of decisions that lead to being tangled up in the sheets with Sarah’s asshole of an older brother. You didn’t need to pay someone to diagnose you.
You were grieving.
It was really just that simple, and the monetary stress on top of that drove you to find comfort in strange drinks and hard drugs. To this day you still didn’t know if Rafe just happened to be at the right place at the right time or if he heard whispers about John B.’s best friend snorting pills and getting shit faced when her usual crowd was looking the other way, but either way, the stuffy Kook clearly saw an opportunity to kill several birds with one stone.
“First two lines are free,” he’d told you that night, the bass of the music downstairs muffled by the expensive walls of some girl’s house.
You remembered how you’d chuckled, drunkenly shaking your head.
“Well, two lines is all I’m doing, I guess,” you’d murmured, throwing your hands up.
Rafe’s smirk had been cruel, a mocking glint in his blue eyes.
“What?” he’d dragged out, head tilted. “Spent all that life insurance money, already?”
Any other time and Rafe’s insensitivity might’ve upset you, but at the time you’d been drunk out of your mind and looking for more ways to forget the sudden absence in your life.
“I can’t imagine why Sarah hates you,” you’d sarcastically replied, approaching the impressive desk and leaning over to inhale a line.
You wiped your nose as you straightened, lashes fluttering as you ignored the feeling of Rafe’s gaze on you.
“I’ll be lucky if I even have a house to live in next week.”
The words had come out slurred, accompanied by a light chuckle, and deep down you’d felt the flutter of stress that you’d been desperately ignoring for weeks. You’d quickly snorted the other line, closing your eyes for a moment.
“Turns out my mom was skilled at hiding more than just illnesses…”
You remembered the silence—from both you and Rafe—and how in that moment you’d allowed yourself a solid four seconds of lingering on the reality of your predicament. In those four seconds, your eyes had watered and your lips had trembled and your throat had tightened, and after those four seconds, you were turning to Rafe with a haughty smile.
“Guess you won’t be finding a new client in me, huh?” you’d wondered with a shrug, finding a seat on the desk.
Rafe’s blue gaze had been unreadable as he eyed you, sitting in the chair at the desk, legs spread as he ran his eyes over you—slowly and in a way you didn’t hate at the time. You hadn’t been able to tell what he was thinking, although looking back, you wondered how it wasn’t so obvious to you then. Maybe because it was just too cruel of a thought, and while it was no secret Rafe was a spoiled asshole, you had never once thought of him as cruel.
Rafe had merely shrugged.
“There’s plenty of fish in the sea,” he’d slowly said, the corner of his pink lips curving upwards just a tad. “Besides…”
You’d watched him stand, rounding the desk to come and tower over you where you sat.
“I like to think of myself as a pretty ethical kind of guy…”
You’d started to snort at that before his gaze met yours again, and you found yourself swallowing whatever you were about to say. You hadn’t done a thing when Rafe reached up to touch your arm, the feel of his finger so light. You hadn’t wanted to acknowledge the way your heart skipped a beat at both his close proximity and the change in atmosphere. You hadn’t been able to ignore—however—the heat that settled in the pit of your stomach.
“...and I’ve been known to meet people halfway. Accept whatever they can offer…”
You remembered your internal conflict that night.
You’d been drunk and high and sad…not stupid. You knew exactly what Rafe was insinuating to you, and you’d struggled with the idea of really sleeping with Rafe Cameron for more drugs. The man was far from unattractive, sure that if drugs weren’t involved you’d still consider sleeping with him. If you’d believed in any of that, you’d imagine that your mom was turning over in her grave. At the time though, you hadn’t been quite sure as to what you believed in, so when he took your silence for consent, leaning in and touching your nose with his…
You hadn’t stopped him when he closed the distance.
You hadn’t even known whose house you were at, only internally apologizing to them for having sex on their expensive desk. You didn’t know if it was the drugs or the alcohol or simply Rafe Cameron, but it was easily the best sex you’d ever had in your life, and at one point you’d really considered how much better it could possibly be to fuck him without the condom.
You had no idea that you’d eventually find out.
Once dressed, you’d walked home with a small bag of pills and a satisfied grin. You knew that your friends would host some kind of intervention if they ever found out, but all you’d been able to focus on was the simple fact that fucking Rafe Cameron for a little coke and pills wasn’t sounding like the worst idea. Of course, if you’d known that you’d eventually start fucking him for your livelihood, you might’ve made different choices that night.
You pressed your hand to your face and pushed away from the door, eager to start the shower and scrub the stench of him off of you. Per routine, you took the money out of your pocket before getting undressed, eyeing the wad of one hundreds that now sat on your nightstand. Two grand was nothing to someone like him, but to someone like you, it made all the difference in the world.
…and Rafe knew that.
He’d known that when he handed you a thousand dollars one night, the coke in your system just starting to hit. You’d looked up at him from where you sat in confusion, hesitantly wrapping your hand around the money as you alternated between eyeing it and eyeing him. You hadn’t known how to feel about it, especially since it had only been moments ago when he was inside of you…and there he was handing you a grand in hundreds.
“Don’t look like that,” Rafe had chuckled, walking to his dresser in search of a shirt. “You know you need the money.”
He wasn’t wrong…and that was the problem.
Unless you hit a lucky streak in life, you’d always need the money, and that was exactly why you were in the predicament you were in—four months later and putting up with the monster that was Rafe Cameron just to keep a roof over your head. The thought brought tears to your eyes, positive now that your mom could see you and was beyond disappointed in you. 
Her disappointment could only be outdone by your own.
You were in a situation that you couldn’t get out of, on the verge of ending this arrangement so many times before asking yourself what better way could you pay your mom’s debts and survive? It wasn’t easy money by far, but it was fast money, and it was the kind of money that would take months to make at whatever low paying job you’d find around Outer Banks. Someone like you rarely got hired at the country club or working for some rich snob who wiped their ass with the kind of money you needed.
Rafe knew this too.
Tears kissed your eyes as you scrubbed your skin raw, wishing that you could scrub away the nasty bruise right along with the sweat and grime. You winced every time you touched it, cursing the blond and feeling one of those moments where you considered blocking him and moving on from this pathetic era in your life for good.
Fucking Rafe Cameron for drugs didn’t seem like a bad idea at the time, fucking him for money seemed like an even better one…until that entitled attitude started to extend to the woman he was paying good money to have access to. You remembered the first time you opposed something he wanted to do, the way in which he ignored you, the way he merely pressed your face into the pillow to shut you up.
It was the first time you felt truly icky about this whole situation.
Not even just icky.
…but afraid.
“I don’t pay you to tell me what you will and won’t do in bed,” he’d chuckled at you like it was the funniest thing he’d ever heard.
You’d still been trembling and wiping mascara from your cheeks.
“I pay you because I want to fuck you,” he’d slowly whispered to you, leaning in. “...and you let me because you don’t want to be sleeping on the beach.”
He’d held your gaze for what felt like too long, impressing upon you the true dynamic of this arrangement, and you remembered the unease that had festered in your gut that day. Maybe all the drugs and alcohol hadn’t allowed you to fully look at this arrangement for what it was and the power imbalance here, but you had for the first time that day, and you hadn’t liked it.
You liked it even less now, wrapping the towel around you and wondering how you were ever going to get out of this predicament you’d put yourself into.
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“My family’s going out of town for the weekend,” the familiar blond mumbled to you as he inhaled a familiar powdery substance off the back of his hand. “Pack a bag when you get home, and I’ll pick you up tomorrow night.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at that, huffing instead.
“I can’t spend the whole weekend on Figure 8,” you told him. “I have plans.”
Rafe nodded, and you hated the smile that danced across his lips.
“Okay, uh, be ready at 8, I don’t want-.”
“Rafe, I’m serious,” you cut him off, shrugging. “I can’t stay at your house all weekend.”
You watched him watch you, slowly swiping his tongue between his lips as a frown started to take over. His dirty blond hair kissed his brows, and the longer the silence stretched, the more nervous you grew. You watched as Rafe glanced away, seemingly deep in thought before those baby blues of his rested on you, much colder than they were a few seconds ago.
“What the hell am I paying you for?” he whispered.
The question was rhetorical, and you swallowed.
“Rafe…I’ve barely seen my friends in months. I finally made plans to meet up with them for more than five minutes and-.”
“...and whose fault is that?” he shrugged.
You frowned at him.
“Nobody told you to go off on a bender when your mom kicked the bucket…” you blinked at his callousness. “Maybe you should’ve been finding comfort in your friends instead of drugs and vodka…and me.”
He finished his sentence with a soft—and yet cruel—smile.
“I pay you good money—great money even!—to be available when I want you to be, and unless you’ve found some other rich asshole to open your legs for, which I doubt…be ready tomorrow at 8.”
He was standing, now, looking down at you where you sat on the bed. The harsh reminder of your roles here had you looking away, and Rafe turned away when he rightfully took your silence as confirmation. You stared at the wall for a few moments before turning to stare at his back, thinking to yourself that this couldn’t go on much longer. Whether it took 1 or 5 jobs, you couldn’t keep relying on Rafe Cameron forever.
What was once a weekly occurrence had turned into something entirely other, and it hadn’t bothered you so much when your mother’s death was still so fresh and you were seeking solace in the worst coping mechanisms known to man—including isolation. Now, however, you were waking up to the choices you’d made and you hated the feeling of being inebriated and being surrounded by people you barely knew.
You hated being away from your friends.
“I didn’t even know you’d gotten a job,” John B. said to you hours later, looking disappointed but understanding. “JJ’s gonna be real disappointed. He’s been talking all week about having you try some new weed he got.”
You gave a light laugh at that, a pang in your chest at how much you missed doing stupid shit with them.
“Yeah,” you sadly said. “The world—and bills—doesn’t stop just because my mom died.”
The brunette grew quiet at that, worriedly eyeing you now.
“You doing okay…?”
You sighed at that, looking out over the yard of The Chateau, fiddling with your fingers as you thought of a certain blond.
“I’ve been better, but…I’ve been worse too.”
Your answer was honest, and you briefly wondered what John B. would think if he knew just how bad ‘worse’ had been. You didn’t think any of them would hate you if they knew the full extent of just how far you’d fallen, but you knew they’d have a hard time wrapping their head around it. The drugs and alcohol were one thing, but Rafe Cameron was entirely another. The man was the worst example of a Kook if there was one, representing every bad trait attributed to them.
Your friends would not understand you essentially sacrificing your self respect for money and drugs.
Sometimes you didn’t understand it either. 
Most especially when Rafe had his hands around your neck.
He picked you up at 8 on the dot Friday night—a man of his word if nothing else—and less than a hour later you were bent over his father’s desk as he pounded into you. Your head was hanging off of it, fighting hard to not scrape your nails against the dark mahogany. It wasn’t the first time Rafe fucked you on Ward’s desk, and you doubted that it would be the last time. There’d even been a few rare occasions when he fucked you in the older man’s bed, and you didn’t know what complex the blond had that fueled these decisions, but you weren’t a psychologist so you figured it wasn’t anything to concern yourself with.
Despite the tight grip on your throat, a choked moan managed to escape every time Rafe pushed his cock into you. Sweat made his skin glisten, and you were sure you fared no better. His hair wasn’t so neat, now, and you had the stray thought that you preferred it that way. Rafe being so far from ugly definitely made this arrangement easier to swallow down at times, but other times it just made you angry.
How was it fair that someone seemingly had everything, including the big dick to match?
Rafe walked around like he was God’s gift to the world, possessing one of the most rotten personalities you’d ever had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of, and he seemed to be rewarded with it with everything the average person could only dream about. As if any of that wasn’t enough, you practically rewarded him with even more by essentially telling him he could do whatever he wanted so long as the price was right.
It made you disgusted with yourself at times.
When he pressed a hand to your stomach, hips slowing to a pace that made your breath hitch, you squeezed your eyes shut. In the quiet office, the sound of his cock disappearing between your folds was loud, the wet noise telling you that there’d no doubt be a mess left on Ward’s desk when this was all said and done. You heard Rafe curse, and you didn’t have the energy to lift your head from where it hung off the desk.
“...and to think,” he panted from above you. “You were going to pass this up to sit around with those dirty Pogues.”
At this, you did attempt to sit up, a hand against his chest and one on the desk as he thrusted into you.
“Those ‘dirty Pogues’ are my friends,” you forced out, lashes fluttering. “...and clearly you forget that I’m one too.”
Rafe merely chuckled at that, perfect teeth winking at you as he grinned.
“Yeah, but you’re my dirty Pogue so it’s a little different.”
His words had your frown deepening, disgust filling your chest at the way he talked about you while literally fucking you. Completely turned off, you turned your head away, attempting to separate yourself from him. That haughty laugh reached your ears, and to your dismay, he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
“What…?” he lazily drawled. “You don’t like the sound of that?”
“You’re being an asshole, get off of me…”
He jerked his hips against you, making you gasp, and you squirmed in his arms as you fought to get away. Rafe leaned in to harshly nip his teeth at your cheek, his movements growing rough, causing the desk to shake.
“I’ve spent too much money on you to not say whatever the hell I want,” he evenly said. “So, yeah, at this point, I’ll confidently say I practically own you.”
Tears kissed your eyes at the disgusting words, and fed up with your resistance, Rafe merely placed a hand between your breasts before harshly shoving you back down. You winced at the action, but you had no time to fully linger on it as Rafe started to roughly plunge his cock into you, the sound of his skin slapping against yours reaching your ears. He wouldn’t allow you to sit up, both of his hands wrapped around your wrists now as he leaned over you.
This felt too reminiscent of the time he’d pressed your face into the bed, telling you to relax as he pressed the head of his cock just above where your folds were. You recalled the uncomfortable feeling and the tears that stained the pillow as he slowly fucked you in a place no one ever had before. The deja vu of it all had your mind wandering, eyes defocusing as you just waited for it to be over. It seemed like Rafe’s grunts sounded from above you forever, and when he finally came onto your stomach with a low moan, you didn’t move for some time.
You were slow to sit up as he got dressed, trembling as you steaded yourself for what you were about to say.
“I don’t wanna do this anymore.”
The words came out whispered, but in the quiet study, you might as well have yelled them. Rafe didn’t acknowledge you, and you knew it wasn’t because he hadn’t heard you. Frustrated with his refusal to take you seriously, you hopped off of Ward’s desk, angrily grabbing your clothes.
“I’m serious, Rafe. After this weekend…this is done,” you continued, voice firmer, now. “Don’t call me or text me or worry about any more money. I can’t rely on you forever anyway.”
By now, Rafe was actually listening to you, and you avoided his gaze as you got dressed. His silence was loud, and when you were finally decent again, only then did you lift your gaze to glance at him. His visage was unreadable, and after some time, he merely blinked at you.
“If I remember correctly, per your own words, your mom had enough debt ‘to file for bankruptcy’.”
His words made you sharply inhale, and you bit your tongue as he ran his hands through his hair in a poor attempt to tame the damp locks.
“Don’t ruin your life just because you’re pissed at me,” he coldly added.
You crossed your arms over your chest, pulling your lip between your teeth.
“Personal feelings aside, I can’t rely on you forever, Rafe. That’s just the truth. I have to figure something out eventually, and there’s no time like the present,” your voice shook as he fixed you with an unnerving stare. “I miss my friends, and I don’t want to be the sad, damaged girl running to Rafe Cameron just so I don’t feel anything anymore.”
The blond followed your lead, folding his arms over his own chest as he leaned against the wall, staring you down with that annoying crooked smile.
“...and where exactly do you plan to find a job that pays you what I do?”
“There are jobs, Rafe. I’ll find one.”
You didn’t appreciate his tone nor the look he was giving you as he studied you. He was looking down on you, and yes while that wasn’t exactly an unusual occurrence, this time was different. He was looking down his nose like he didn’t believe in you, like he expected you to be crawling back to him in no time, begging him to fuck you again.
After a few moments, that crooked smile curved even more, and you didn’t miss the glint in his eyes.
“Well, I wish you luck…”
His voice didn’t match the words that came out of his mouth, and his gaze most certainly didn’t.
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“I literally called this morning and was told over the phone that you all were hiring...and now I get here, and I’m being told you’re not…?”
You tried to keep the skepticism out of your tone, but your frustration at your predicament was bubbling up and threatening to be unleashed on the lone man before you. The inside of the country club was practically empty—a slow Tuesday—and you briefly glanced around at the two staffers in the whole room. Sure, you could write it off to a slow day that didn’t need a full staff, but something in you told you that it was more than that.
You didn’t believe the man in front of you.
“Look, I don’t know what else to tell you, miss. Whoever you talked to got it wrong. I’m sorry for the miscommunication on our end,” was his only explanation.
You didn’t dare bother to point out that both he and whoever you’d spoken with on the phone sounded damn near identical.
When it became obvious that this conversation was over, you turned away with a small huff, breezing outside to a familiar dark car. Kie was standing by it, arms uncomfortably crossed over her chest, glaringly obvious that she’d rather be anywhere but here despite being from ‘here’.
“Well…?” she wondered as you got closer.
“They’re not hiring,” you mumbled as you slid into the passenger seat.
She joined you inside the vehicle a moment later, a frown on her face.
“...but you called.”
“I know.”
There was a beat of silence before she scoffed, reaching for her door handle.
“If this is because you aren’t some rich snob looking for play money…”
She trailed off when you spoke up.
“No, I don’t…I don’t think it’s that,” you stopped her. “Let’s just go.”
She eyed you for a few moments, frown deepening.
“Are you sure? Y/N, this is like the fourth place you’ve been to today,” she pointed out. “...and I don’t want to add my stress to your stress, but it’s kind of fucked up.”
You didn’t have the heart to tell her that it wasn’t possible for you to be any more stressed than you already were, simply signaling for her to drive. You could feel her eyes periodically landing on you as she did, and you chewed on the inside of your cheek, wondering why the universe had it out for you.
It had been weeks since you’d last seen or talked to Rafe, weeks since you ended your little arrangement, and weeks since you’d had a consistent source of income. It wasn’t a pretty nor respectable way to make money, but you’d been making money nonetheless. However, you couldn’t find it in you to continue sacrificing your self respect to keep sleeping with Rafe Cameron. You’d also been telling the truth when you told him you didn’t want to be this messed up sad thing anymore.
You had long let go of the drugs and cut back on the drinking, and now you’d dropped Rafe too.
You’d had hope…but now it was dwindling.
No one would hire you. In fact, no one had even allowed you far enough to officially apply just to get a foot into an interview. It was always the same. You’d call ahead so you didn’t waste your time, they’d tell you they were looking for people, and then the moment you actually showed up and introduced yourself, it was an entirely different story. It didn’t make any sense to you, and the thought of ever proving Rafe right made you want to be sick.
“How bad is it?” JJ asked you a few days later, the both of you away and isolated in some corner of some guy’s party.
You looked down at the weak drink in your hand, contemplating on whether or not to be honest.
A whopper of a lie.
“...then why don’t I believe you? Come on, Y/N, it’s me. I know your mom wasn’t the best when it came to funds, and when she died…” he scoffed. “You weren’t exactly in any shape to march down to anyone’s job and fight for work just to keep things afloat.”
You looked away at that, throat tight.
“I’m honestly shocked you’ve kept it up for this long.”
If only he knew…
You felt his gaze on you as you wondered just how truthful you should be, but you reminded yourself that this was JJ. If he knew the full extent of everything, he’d be likely to rob a bank. Nevermind the fact that it would just make him ask more questions, like how you’d even managed to keep things afloat all this time. You didn’t think you could lie to him, and you didn’t think you could handle being on the receiving end of whatever look JJ would undoubtedly give you if you told him you’d been sleeping with Rafe to pay your bills.
You didn’t know if it was fortunate or unfortunate that the subject of your thoughts walked through the doors to prevent this conversation from continuing. His presence shouldn’t have shocked you—the party was pretty mixed with people from all sides of the island after all—but it still gave you pause, and JJ noticed.
“This asshole,” you heard the blond murmur, rolling his eyes.
You were inclined to agree, and you shrunk in on yourself with your drink, unable to ignore the knowledge that Rafe was at the same party you were at. In the weeks you’d been free of him, you’d had time to really ponder on your dalliance, and while you’d long accepted your hand in your own life choices, it was now hard to ignore Rafe’s own opportunistic choices in the situation. Sure, yes, you fucked him for money…
…but what did it say about him that he was perfectly happy to enter an arrangement in which he kept you off of the streets so long as you opened your legs for him?
If he was a good guy he’d just…keep you off the streets.
Like JJ would if you ever told him the truth.
You’d just decided to stop hiding in the bathroom when you came face to face with the man himself, heart skipping a beat at his presence. He was leaning against the wall next to the door, and you had the sneaking suspicion he hadn’t been waiting for his turn.
“How’s the job search going?” was how he greeted you, and you hadn’t been able to keep the ire off of your face.
He softly laughed to himself at that, nodding.
“I figured you’d look a little something like that.”
“Fuck you,” you breathed, and Rafe frowned, tilting his head to the side.
“You were, remember? And then you stopped…and that’s how you found yourself back at square one,” he reminded you.
The music traveled from downstairs into the dimly lit hallway, and you looked away from him just as he heaved a tired sigh.
“Do I need to apologize for calling you and your friends dirty Pogues? Is that what this is about?” he lazily wondered.
You didn’t dignify that with a response, and when you lifted your gaze, Rafe was rolling his eyes. He fixed you with a look, reaching up to touch your hair with a tsk.
“Come on, Y/N. You need me…”
He leaned in.
“We both know it, and you’re never going to find a job in this town.”
“You don’t know that,” you fired back, slapping his hand away as you took a step away from him.
Almost instantaneously, Rafe’s entire expression morphed, and you swallowed at the shadow that passed over his features. His pink lips pressed together, and those blue eyes hardened in a way you’d never been on the receiving end of. You watched his nostrils flare.
“Oh, trust me, I know.”
The combination of his tone and his expression and his words gave you pause, and your brows pulled together as you stared at him. For a moment, the music in the house faded into the background as Kie’s words came to your mind. ‘It’s kind of messed up’, she’d said, and while you hadn’t given that much thought to the statement then…you certainly were now.
“What did you do?” you shakily asked the blond, skin growing cold.
Rafe didn’t answer right away, and when he did, it was a lie anyway.
“I don’t know what you mean,” was all he said, one brow raised.
You felt tears kiss your eyes, and you felt silly for not putting the pieces together earlier. You didn’t know how, but somehow, Rafe had a hand in your lack of employment. It seemed exactly like something he’d do, but the only thing you couldn’t understand was why. Why do it? Just to see you fail? Just to feel like he’d won?
“Look, this little rebellious act…it’s cute and amusing and all…” he shrugged off with a small smile. “...but it’s silly. We both know you’re just going to end up right back under me.”
“You’re such an asshole,” you hissed, moving past him.
“Yeah, and you knew that when you let me fuck you for drugs on some guy’s desk,” he threw at you, making you flinch and slow down. 
“I was going through things then, Rafe! I didn’t…” you huffed a sigh, turning to glower at him. “I didn’t care about things I most definitely should have. It’s different now.”
You threw your hands up.
“I’m different, now, and I don’t want to keep sacrificing my dignity and self respect just to keep a roof over my head. I don’t want to sleep with someone who views me and anyone like me as beneath him. It disgusts me, and unlike you, I have no interest in sleeping with people who I claim disgust me.”
You watched Rafe’s lip curl over his teeth.
“Yeah, that’s real respectable and noble and all, but I wonder how noble it’ll feel when you’re being evicted,” he spat at you, moving closer. “You’re not getting a job in this town, that I can promise you, so you keep this up for as long as you want to, but we both know how this ends.”
You leaned away from the finger in your face.
“I fucking own you,” he bit out, roughly grabbing your arm and yanking you close despite your resistance. “You named your price, and I paid it-.”
“For a service! Not a person,” you harshly whispered.
Rafe’s chuckle was cold as he stared you down, perfect teeth winking at you.
“You think you’re the only girl in Outer Banks willing to spread her legs for some money? You think I’d have to pay any of them half of what I paid you?” your stomach dropped at his words. “I’ve been a lot more generous than you realize.”
He roughly let you go, practically shoving you away from him, and you stumbled. He eyed you with an expression filled with promise, and when you turned away to finally find your friends and hopefully leave, you descended the stairs on unsteady legs.
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You pushed against Rafe’s arm and chest as he held your chin in a tight grip. The vehicle you were next to hid you both from view, everyone on the beach none the wiser to what was happening in the parking lot. Your feet tripped over one another as he forced you back, trapping you between him and the metal contraption.
“Is that what you came up with? You think that pathetic Pogue is going to pay your bills? Give you a place to stay when that eviction notice is taped to your door?”
“Get…off…of me,” you snarled, finally shoving him away with difficulty.
Your breathing was heavy as you glared at the blond, lips trembling and heart racing at the downright evil glint in his blue eyes. You glanced over his shoulder for any way to get away from him, your frustration growing as he moved closer.
“Color me curious, but is it somehow more dignified to fuck someone like JJ instead of me?”
The jealousy dripping from his every word threw you for a loop, and you weren’t in the right headspace to even linger on how strange that was.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but we’re not like that,” you drunkenly choked out. “I don’t know why you feel like I need to answer to you about my personal choices.”
It had only been thirty minutes ago that you were dancing with your friends. JJ—ever the flirt—had gotten a bit handsy, but it was nothing unusual. He could get handsy with a tree, and you’d merely smiled at the behavior, ignorant to the heated gaze that was hyper focused on you. You hadn’t even realized he’d been following you when you went to get a drink from Hayward’s truck.
“Butt out of my life already. You’ve already done enough,” you hissed at him, moving to get past him when he stopped you.
“We’re not done talking-.”
His words were interrupted by your hand, the sound of the slap echoing in your ears, and he’d just harshly pushed you against the car at your back when a familiar voice interrupted you both.
“Get off of her!”
Kie was suddenly there, helping you in shoving him away, and she looked at Rafe like he’d lost his mind—like she’d bore witness to an even sinister side to him. The blond didn’t seem all that fazed by her presence, barely sparing her a glance as his jaw clenched, his eyes on you. Clearly he felt that whatever he was contemplating wasn’t worth it, because without another word—but not without a final scoff—he made his way back to the party on the beach.
Kie wrapped her arms around you when you started to cry.
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
What a loaded question, and you realized that the truth was just on the edge of your tongue. Unable to stop yourself, you threw your arms around her, collapsing under the weight of all your choices and what had led you to make them.
“Kie,” you started, voice trembling in her ear. “I have to tell you something.”
If she was horrified by the truth, she didn’t show it much. You could tell she was shocked as the words tumbled from your lips, her brown eyes stricken and face draining of color. You didn’t know what bothered her more—the drugs, the prostitution, or that both involved Rafe Cameron. As it turns out, it was none of those things.
“Why didn’t…why didn’t you let us help you?” she tearfully wondered, looking between your eyes. “We know how hard it’s been for you, and we wanted to be there for you, but you…you just disappeared. You barely came around, and John B. heard things, but he didn’t want to believe them.”
She whispered that last part, and your chest ached at the thought of your friends hearing about your out of character behavior but feeling powerless to stop it, accepting it as part of your grief.
“Rafe’s a demented asshole,” she finally spoke on the elephant in the room. “...and we won’t let him win, okay?”
There was conviction in Kie’s voice, the kind of conviction that made you want to believe her, and so you nodded at her words.
She helped you straighten, wiping your face and taking you back to the party, quietly promising you that she wouldn’t say anything about any of this to the guys. She stuck to you for the rest of the night, and a week later, she made good on her promise, her parents shaking your hand as they welcomed you to their staff.
“We could always use the extra hands,” Mrs. Carrera told you one Friday evening. “It gets crazy busy, especially on the weekends.”
All the noise in the restaurant only validated her statement.
You’d been working at The Wreck for a week, and while it was nothing like what Rafe had been paying you, it was a job. It was a means of earning your own money that didn’t involve lowering yourself to the likes of Rafe Cameron. It was grueling, sure, and you sometimes wondered if it was truly worth the money, but then you’d think of the alternative, and you’d decide that it was worth something and that’s what mattered.
You hadn’t been paying that much attention when you approached your last table for the night, looking up from the apron at your waist and stopping in your tracks.
“Hey, I didn’t know you worked here too,” Topper said, a fairly neutral greeting.
Topper may have been just as much of an asshole as his friends, but he at least played nice for the public. Your gaze traveled around the table, quickly looking away when it connected with a familiar blue.
“It’s…a fairly new gig,” you finally said, getting your notepad ready.
“Hey, if you’re going to use your friends for anything, might as well use them to become a productive member of society,” he told you, his tone now making you frown.
Opting to ignore the comment, you asked them what they wanted. You didn’t make eye contact with Rafe when he gave you his order, hand unsteady as you wrote it down. When you left them to go and get their drinks, you weren’t surprised to hear the scrape of a chair behind you. You were focused on rounding the counter, reaching for some clean glasses.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
You didn’t forget your last encounter with the rich blond, tempted to ignore his presence altogether, but you were unfortunate enough to know how Rafe operated. Pausing in your movements, you turned to look at him, not surprised at all by the unhappy look on his face.
“I’m working, Rafe. What does it look like?”
You eyed the way his jaw ticked, finger gently tapping against the counter as he simply…stared you down. You glanced away, realizing that he didn’t have any power over you anymore. No, you weren’t completely out of the woods, but you had a secured source of income, and you’d happily struggle and scrape over sleeping with Rafe ever again.
“Go find some other struggling girl to take advantage of,” you finally said to him, grabbing their drinks and making your way to their table without a backwards glance.
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Working at The Wreck was hard work, and no matter how many shifts you covered and how many tips you got, it was still long and hard work for half the money Rafe had ever paid you. You knew this when Kie came to you about the job, but on the other side of it, you were so beyond grateful for it. You were still stressed, of course, your monetary problems not going away anytime soon, but it was the normal stress of the average working twenty-something.
It wasn’t the kind of worry that came from a violent and abusive lover.
Rafe had been by the restaurant a few times since that day, and each time was more nerve-wracking than the last. Sometimes you served him, sometimes you didn’t, but it didn’t really matter because his gaze always found its way to you either way. On the days when Kie worked too, she’d ask you if you wanted her to do something about him, but you always declined.
After all, what reason would you have her give to her parents for kicking out the son of Ward Cameron who—to their knowledge—hadn’t done anything to warrant it?
Maybe you should’ve listened to Kie though. While you didn’t know if that would’ve changed things, you at least would have felt better about attempting to do something. Perhaps it was the mere sight of watching you work—watching you earn money independent of him—that made him snap, made him drop all pretenses completely. Barring him from the restaurant while you were there might’ve triggered some out of sight, out of mind response. It might’ve forced him to slowly get over whatever this thing was that he had about you.
It might have…
…and it also might not have done shit. Perhaps nothing would’ve changed, and you still would’ve found yourself tearfully staring at Kie’s mom as you took off your apron for the last time.
It was a normal Saturday when the texts and emails came through. The busiest day of the week, the most packed the restaurant ever would be for the next six days, and you’d been placing some fries down in front of some family’s kid when the noise in the restaurant…changed. You hadn’t been able to pinpoint how it changed, but if you did your best, it was like the chatters went from excitement about their food or whatever happened during the week to something else entirely.
One single thing that everyone was talking about.
You weren’t getting paid to mind your patrons’ business, but you started to think differently about that when the people at the table you were next to started to heavily eye you. The whole restaurant was loud with hushed chatter, so you couldn’t hear what they were saying, but the glances between the phones in their hands and you had you frowning.
You were slowly glancing around—realizing that that table wasn’t the only one—when you were yanked by your arm off the floor.
“What are you doing? What’s going on?” you worriedly wondered the moment Kie had you hidden from view.
The look on her face was hard to read, but her parted lips and wide eyes told you that she was horrified. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, seemingly unable to get the words out before slamming it shut, swallowing. The combination of her expression, her silence, and the lack of silence out there had a ball of dread forming deep in your gut.
“Kie,” you softly said. “What…what’s wrong?”
It took her a moment to speak.
“It’s Rafe,” she softly said.
Your confusion only grew, still not quite understanding. 
“What happened? Is he bothering you? Did…he do something to you?” you hesitantly asked, fearful that your former tormentor had turned his sights onto your friend.
“Not to me.”
That simple sentence started to put the pieces together, and you turned your face towards the front of the restaurant, recalling the stares and whispers and listening to the excited chatter. Your skin grew cold, goosebumps erupting all over you, and that dread was long gone. It was instead replaced by nausea.
“He sent everyone something…”
“No,” you heard yourself whisper.
“...a video.”
You turned to her with wide eyes, shaking your head in disbelief. Glancing down, you caught sight of her phone in her hand, and before Kie could stop you, you’d snatched it out of her grip. You moved out of her reach as she extended her arm, desperately trying to protect you, but it was too late.
You felt like you were weighed down by bricks as you stared at the two familiar faces on the screen.
It had to have been taken months ago, during one of the first few times you’d slept with him. You both were in Ward’s bedroom, and you remembered the day all too well, recalling the feel of his palm striking your skin and his voice in your ear before pulling your head down to his lip. Of course, it was that one and not one of the ones where he’d held you down and forced you to take his thrusts.
Your hand was empty, not even realizing when Kie had taken it back, simply staring into space at the memory of what was on that screen.
“Y/N, when my parents find out—and they’re going to find out—they…”
Her words died in the air at the sound of footsteps behind you, and you flinched when you heard a familiar voice call your name. Mrs. Carerra didn’t sound happy, and her expression fared no better when you turned around. You couldn’t stop your tears from spilling over as she gestured for you to follow her further into the back of the restaurant. You knew what was coming, what Kie was trying to prepare you for.
It was what Rafe wanted, after all…and he’d gotten it.
It was hours later when you were sitting with your back against your door, your phone turned off, overwhelmed by the influx of missed calls and messages from your friends. You’d only gotten a glimpse at them before finding your head bent inside of your toilet. Every single one of them bar Kie were shocked, their horror and confusion clear as day through their words. Only Pope had eventually sent a text that asked if you were okay.
…and the truth was that you weren’t.
You were so far from okay.
Rafe had won, he’d gotten exactly what he wanted, and even though Mrs. Carerra had expressed sympathy for your plight—more angry at the situation than anything else—she’d still had no choice but to let you go. Every other business in town valued the Cameron family way too much, and the only place that had been willing to hire you had been swayed by Rafe too in the worst manner possible.
It was well after midnight when your door shook from harsh knocks. You hadn’t moved in hours, just blankly staring at the wall, and you closed your eyes at the sound, positive it was one of your friends. You didn’t have the strength to face them, to answer questions and either break down or pretend you felt far better than you actually did.
You did, however, have the strength to face Rafe, your gaze lifting when his voice met your ears, demanding that you open the door.
His fist was still in the air when you swung it open, looking at him like he was something you’d find on the bottom of your shoes. He looked as put together as ever, completely unfazed by what he’d done. And why wouldn’t he be? This wouldn’t hurt his reputation and success in this town a bit. If nothing else, the video would have even more girls falling at his feet, but for some reason he didn’t seem to want that.
He preferred to force your hand instead.
“What is wrong with you?” you tearfully asked him, throat tight.
He didn’t respond right away, touching his tongue to his lip as his gaze roamed behind you.
“You gonna let me in?”
Your eyes almost popped out of your sockets, and he gave a haughty laugh.
“It’s not like I’ve left you with much of a choice, now, have I?”
He sounded so…proud of himself, and all you could do was cry as he brushed past you. He closed the door for you, noticing that you were struggling to move, and he kept his hand on the wood, his chest grazing your back as he pressed his face into your hair. You heard him deeply inhale, and you squeezed your eyes shut.
“I told you how this would end,” he whispered. “I gave you a chance to be smart about this.”
You went to move away from him, but his other hand shot out to grip your arm.
“You’re the one who made things way more difficult than they needed to be.” he continued. “We had a good thing going…and then you had to go and get sensitive and sentimental.”
When he forced you to face him, you kept your eyes on the collar of his shirt. The silence stretched as you refused to look at him, and you eventually heard Rafe heave a sigh. He let your arm go, and you watched him reach into his pocket, disappointed but not surprised by the roll of one hundred dollar bills he pulled out. When he straightened, he took your hand and placed the money in your palm, clasping your hands together.
A few more tears escaped when his fingers threaded through yours.
“Do you still feel like fighting this?” he quietly asked. “Let me know, right now, because I have all the time—and money—in the world.”
He slowly pulled you closer.
“You don’t.”
You shakily exhaled, reluctantly lifting your gaze to meet his own. You stared at one another for what felt like too long, and when he leaned in, taking your silence as defeat, you let him kiss you. It was a salty kiss, your own tears mixing in, but Rafe didn’t seem to mind, moving his lips against yours with a growing smile. His arm snaked its way around your waist, and the animalistic noise he let out told you just how excited he was to have you back under his thumb.
The couch seemed sufficient enough for him, bringing you both to it as he peeled your clothes off. You shuddered as the air hit your naked skin, thoughtlessly moving closer to his own body heat, and Rafe pressed a kiss to your shoulder as he laid you down. It felt like ages since you’d last slept with him, but you knew that wasn’t why you were trembling.
You were trembling because you finally realized you were sleeping with a monster. Before, Rafe had just been an opportunistic asshole to you. Rich, spoiled, selfish, the list went on, but now he was so much more than that. He was now someone who’d raped you on more than one occasion, and who had proved that he’d do anything to make you completely reliant on no one but him.
How else could he ensure that you’d never leave him? Never have any other choices but him? You’d eventually have to leave Outer Banks one day, you knew that to be true if you ever wanted a life independent of him, but that video could follow you around for the rest of your life, and very probably would.
When Rafe sheathed himself inside of you, stretching you out in a way that was regularly familiar to you, you gasped. The blond wasted no time in adopting a steady pace, fucking you hard against your couch, his fingers pressing into the arm of it. His grunts were soft in your ears, and despite your combined hatred and fear of him, you weren’t able to swallow down the whimpers that escaped your lips too.
You didn’t know what kind of hard on Rafe had for fucking someone he deemed so far beneath him, even more so to go through so much trouble of forcing you right back into his bed. You didn’t understand it one bit, and part of you never wanted to. You didn’t want to understand a thing that went on inside of his head, didn’t want to understand the thought process behind doing what he’d done to you.
His fingers scraped down your thigh before yanking you forward as he sat up some, looking down to where his cock disappeared into you. He was focused on the sight, lips parting as he panted from above you. He didn’t lean back down until your leg was over his shoulder, preventing you from moving much as he used you to chase his high, hips repeatedly curving against yours and forcing you to grip the couch.
“I missed this pussy so much,” he murmured, lips grazing the corner of your mouth as he spoke. “You drive me crazy, you know that?”
You hadn’t before, but you did, now.
When his hand landed on your throat, it didn’t hurt, but his thumb applied just enough pressure to keep you alert.
“I’ll stop calling your friends dirty Pogues if that makes you feel better,” he whispered, a gentle kiss from his lips to yours. “...but you still belong to me.”
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gelus-ugs · 1 year
Hi !! I don’t know if you’re taking requests rn, sorry in advance if you aren’t ^_^
Could you do hcs of Hashiras if you try to flirt with them, but you’re an awkward, shy type of person? (+they like you back)
When you try to flirt with the Hashira
Shy/Awkward reader
Prompt: You had been crushing on ___ the moment you became a Hashira, the feeling only growing deeper the more you got to know them. A friend you had met through the Demon Slayer Corps caught onto this and encouraged you to say something, giving you countless ideas. You eventually gave in, deciding to go with a pickup line they recommended. Why? Hell if you knew, but it was worth a try..right?
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Gyomei Himejima
“You must be a hell of a thief, because you managed to steal my heart the moment I met you”
Gyomei blinked in utter confusion
Were you flirting with him?
Gyomei turned to you - and although he couldn’t see, he could practically feel the embarrassment and regret coming from you
Gyomei smiled, taking your hand and kissing the back of it
“Well, I have no intentions of giving it back”
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
“I was wondering if you’re an artist because you’re so good at drawing me in”
Sanemi froze, turning to face you in disbelief
There’s no way someone like you was openly flirting
You immediately apologized, quickly turning on your heel and leaving
You got two steps in before Sanemi grabbed your wrist, turning you around and pulling you back
The two of you were suddenly close, Sanemi’s breath fanning over your neck
“Where are you going? I haven’t signed my artwork yet”
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Obanai Iguro
“Do you have a map? I just got lost in your eyes”
Obanai turned to face you with wide eyes
Due to their difference in color, Obanai’s eyes were an insecurity of his
His face began to turn red as he hid behind his hand
“Thank you…your eyes are beautiful, too”
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Mitsuri Kanroji
“When I look in your eyes, I see a very kind soul”
Mitsuri squealed
She knew that it was out of your nature to flirt, and she saw how you were a tad bit uncomfortable, so she found you downright adorable
Mitsuri immediately pulled you into a hug, continuously squealing about how cute you were
You won over her heart
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Kyōjurō Rengoku
“No wonder the sky is gray, all the color is in your eyes”
Rengoku stared at you with wide eyes, surprised that you were openly flirting
Being his usual self - Rengoku began to laugh
You took it the wrong way and immediately began to regret what you said, wishing that the ground would swallow you whole
Rengoku noticed your shift in mood and paused his laughter, placing his hand on your shoulder
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I wasn’t making fun of you, I was laughing because you were so adorable”
Rengoku gently kissed your cheek, pulling away and smiling at you,
“I’m afraid that you’re the one with the color in your eyes”
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Muichiro Tokito
“There must be something wrong with my eyes - I can’t seem to take them off of you”
Muichiro blankly stared at you, trying to process what you had said
You began to fidget with your fingers, feeling as if Muichiro didn’t like what you said
After a moment of silence, Muichiro grabbed your hand and smiled,
“Who says you have to take them off of me?”
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Shinobu Kocho
“Do you happen to have a Band-Aid? I scraped my knees falling for you”
Shinobu automatically began to reach for a band-aid before she paused, realizing that you were flirting with her
She turned to face you, gently smiling
“Well then, looks like we’re going to have to kiss those scrapes better, huh?”
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Tengen Uzui
“So, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?”
Tengen immediately turned to face you, his jaw agape
“Are you flirting with me?!”
Intimidated by his loudness, you slowly nodded as you avoided eye contact
Tengen placed a finger under your chin and tilted your head up,
“I like it, how flashy. And, to answer your question…”
Tengen leaned in closer, his breath tickling your ear,
“It looks like I’m doing you for a living”
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Giyu Tomioka
“Your eyes are like the ocean; I could swim in them all day”
Giyu blinked in confusion as he stared at you for a few minutes
“Were you…flirting with me?”
You began to feel embarrassed as you shyly nodded
“Well, if it were you…”
Giyu paused, kissing your forehead,
“I’d let you swim in my eyes forever”
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love-belle · 1 year
saw ur mom at the grocery store !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which their post break-up era is them hanging out with each other's families.
for when you find out that your second family is actually your ex's family. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // charles leclerc x fem!reader
sequel - well, i'm still in love with you ·˚ ༘
warnings - language
author's note - hello!!!! a short one but i hope u like it <3 thank u sm for reading i love you <3
≡;- ꒰ °twitter ꒱
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≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lorenzotl, carmenmmundt, lilymhe and 797,427 others
yourusername saw ur mom at the grocery store i always knew she really did like me more
username THE CAPTION
username i just gasped omg
lorenzotl please return my mother
-> yourusername shush we're going shopping
username i know charles is shaking rn
-> username bro regrets introducing them 💀💀💀
username love that they're still so close like ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
carla.brocker stay right where you are, i'm on my way
-> yourusername already ordered a frappe for u <3
username bro hurt her so bad she started rhyming
-> yourusername PLEASE
username why r u so pretty
username idk what happened just the fact that charles should be on his knees crying screaming throwing up for her to take him back
username the way pascale is always so "😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘☺️☺️☺️☺️" with her :///
arthur_leclerc pineapple is mad. i repeat pineapple is mad
-> yourusername hoes mad ur honour
username THIS IS SO WHOLESOME (if we ignore the caption)
username should've known it was only a matter of time before y/n said something 💀💀💀💀💀
username queens
-> username icons
-> username girlbosses
username charles is fuming rn i Know it
lilymhe missing u ml
-> yourusername cannot wait to see u bb <3
username no bc why did i think for even a second that they ended on good terms.
username my two absolute girlbosses
charlotte2304 wowwwwwwww. guess my invitation got lost in mail huh?
-> yourusername we're literally going to dinner tonight??????
-> charlotte2304 okay and???????
-> yourusername join us!!!!! we can have a girls' day!!!!! carla is on her way too!!!!!! - pascale
-> charlotte2304 i'm halfway through the door love you!!!
username no bc all jokes aside i wonder how y/n and charles must be feeling with yk, both of them being close to each other's families and friends like
-> username no bc imagine having to stay in the same friend circle after u break up like that's so 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
username the caption punched me in the gut js saying
username she's the favourite child 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by carlossainz55, pierregasly, landonorris and 868,525 others
charles_leclerc vacation with ex in-laws ❤️
username NAH NO WAY
username OH MY GOD
username PLEASE
username charles being a petty bitch we love to see it
arthur_leclerc that's where you had to go "so so so urgently"
-> charles_leclerc yeah !!!
username bro went on a vacation with her family bc she went grocery shopping with his mom 💀💀💀💀💀💀
username no bc he got the grandparents too
-> username HE GOT THE DOG
username y/n bout to move in his childhood home i can feel it
-> username they're both so stubborn and petty so i wouldn't be surprised at all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
username him being close with her family after they split hits me in the heart idek why
lorenzotl maman says you should've told her, she wanted to see them too
-> charles_leclerc i invited them to dinner next week, tell her to not worry
username THIS IS SO
username no bc she went GROCERY SHOPPING with his mom and this mf went on a VACATION
username what'd they even talk about 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
-> username "your daughter is giving me grey hair" "you're not the only one, son"
*liked by charles_leclerc*
-> username PLEASE OMG
username i would do anything to be on this vacation
username kinda need y/n and charles to interact again
landonorris tell (your mom's name) i miss her cooking and her favourite son says hi
-> charles_leclerc she says she's going to the next race so she'll make something for you and no. i'm her favourite son
-> carlossainz55 pretty sure it's me
-> pierregasly no way
-> lewishamilton it's me actually
-> maxverstappen1 shut up it's me
-> danielricciardo it's me lmfao
-> yourmomsusername it's actually mick and roscoe
-> mickschumacher YES
-> username the way everyone is close to y/n's family :///
username y/n's next post "so i moved into my ex's childhood home lol"
-> username the way idk what to expect from her 💀
username alrightttt all jokes aside please get back together with mom ❤️
username no bc if they don't work out then there's no hope for me 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
5K notes · View notes
csainzoperator · 10 months
yummy: LN4 ☆
summary: y/n is a chef in the mclaren hospitality who is famous for her fabulous recipies. everyone is head over heels for her recipies, and a certain someone is most definitely more than head over heels. but not just for the food.
(lando norris x fem!reader)
read more under the cut!
itsmey/n has posted!
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another day at work! for the british gp, their special "sticky toffee pudding" was a success :)
tagged: landonorris and oscarpiastri
liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, lewishamilton and 76,123 others.
landonorris it was so yum (she fed us the so called desert forcefully after giving us a 4 course meal)
- oscarpiastri you're such an ungrateful brat. it was great, bestie itsmey/n
- itsmey/n thank you pastry, and lando...i might leave you to starve to death.
lewishamilton i would kill for a pudding rn! you should drop by merc hospitality y/n!
- mclaren look at you trying to steal our goddamn chef....
f1wagsss oh my god you're so pretty
landonorris has posted!
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P2 AT HOME RACE BABY!! so proud of the team to be finishing at P2 and P4. also special thanks to y/n for feeding us well :)
tagged: oscar piastri and itsmey/n
liked by georgerussell63, carlossainz55, itsmey/n and 872,182,283 others.
landonorizz are we gonn ignore the fact that y/n just made it to a lando post???
itsmey/n its literally my job tho...?
- oscarpiastri some people are bad at their job. he's appreciating you for being good. (lando you fr have no rizz man)
carlaando lando are you trynna make a move GN
(time skip!)
it was the hungarian gp. you were in the mclaren hospitality. the mclaren kitchen was quite big, and your co-workers were extremely sweet. you mainly cooked for the drivers and mechanics, while guiding the others. you were tasting a dish when you feel a presence behind you. you immediately recognise who it is.
"what is it now, lando?" you ask with a knowing smile on your face. he sits down on the counter beside you and watches you as you work. "i was wondering if you would like to, maybe, just maybe, come outside with me and sit down and talk and get some food you know?" he blabbers
"are you asking me out on a date?" you tease him. "well, yeah. only if you want it to be. its okay if you say no" he says with a sad smile on his face. you cup his face with one of your hands and give his cheeks a squeeze. "ofcourse i'll come, dumbass. now shoo, let me work. you're too distracting"
the smug smile he has on his face makes you blush. "so i am distracting huh? what else am i? you can give me details when we go on that date" he winks at you and walks off. you just simply shake your head in amusement.
the date goes well. to be honest, more than well. you both have the most fun ever. lando is everything that you craved. he was the sweetest boy. day by day, meal by meal, both of you started talking more, discovering each other. one fine night, in his apartment in london, where you taught him how to bake his favourite cake, he surprises you by asking you to be his girlfriend. you say yes without hesitation. you knew he wasn't going to play around with your heart.
it was the brazilian gp. lando had placed P2 again! you were the proudest girlfriend to exist, and the happiest. you were just so incredibly proud as he was doing so good this year.
itsmey/n has posted!
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brazil you were brilliiianttt <3 liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren, landonorris and 92,233 others.
oscarpiastri yuck i hate being around the hospitality now.
landonorris 🌟
- leclercvc oh. my. god. guys. i think its lando and y/n.
f1gosssip apparently some people saw looking for his "girlfriend" after the race, and some people even saw him kissing a girl in the mclaren garage! we hope its y/n 😫
landonorris has posted!
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brazil with bae. thank you team for making the P2 happen! more to come.
p.s i don't believe in soft launches. she let me hard launch after 8 races 🖐🏼
tagged: itsmey/n and mclaren
liked by mclaren, itsmey/n, charles_leclerc and 827,123,12 others.
oscarpiastri GAG
carlandooo MAMA Y PAPA
carlossainz55 finally mate! congrats :)
maxverstappen1 lando isn't a kid anymore
f1wags OFFICIALLY OUR FAV WAG (with lily obv)
itsmey/n i love you, baby! super proud <3
- landonorris i love YOU. so much. so much.
the end ♡
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starkeyisthelastname · 2 months
Okay buuut… not to be angsty about it but do pornstar!Rafe or reader ever have a moment where they’re just like “I can’t do this anymore” and they like try to not see each other but obviously that doesn’t work out… or probably last very long… I could see Rafe being emo about it and not being able to get it up for a scene and just walking off directly to your house all like “seriously what the fuck have you done to me!?”
okay so like I see this happening after their little talk, but Rafe is the one who says he can’t do it. 😭
Everything seemed good, the two of you even fucked again after smoking and talking briefly. The both of you left that the night with even stronger feelings which meant Rafe almost needed to step back for a minute. To you, it came out of nowhere and you felt rejected after reading the text he sent a few days after when you asked if he wanted to come over that night. ‘I need to focus on work rn. Agent told me I’m losing fans. Can’t do this anymore.”
It was clear Rafe was scared of something, and wasn’t going to tell you what it was. At least not right now anyway. As soon as you felt rejection, you became closed off. You didn’t even bother replying to his text, wiping the tears away over the fact you would probably be nothing more than a past fling to him. You wanted to hate yourself for falling for a guy, whose only focus was pussy and money.
For the first time when it came to a woman’s feelings, Rafe was feeling very guilty. He continued on with his week the best he could, trying to act like it didn’t bother him that he had called things off. After you left that night, he sat in his thoughts, thinking about if he really wanted to end his career for one girl he didn’t know much about. He knew the answer. He wanted you. Instead he came up with every excuse on why he should continue working, and before he could stop himself, he was sending you that message.
It was the next week when he showed up to set, pissed off at himself really, but taking it out on everyone else. You hadn’t texted him at all and he hadn’t tried to text back because a part of him felt like he had already fucked it up. He was affected by this more than he should be and for the first time, he didn’t want to film at all, not even try and fake it. As he stood trying to get himself hard, getting ready to shoot, he just couldn’t do it, which only pissed him off more. He knew he couldn’t continue his day like this without seeing you again.
You nearly cut yourself with the knife you had been using to chop vegetables when you heard the pounding on the door. You frowned, wiping your hands and quickly going to answer the door. You didn’t get two words in, before Rafe stormed in, wrapping a hand around your throat. “What the fuck are you doing to me? Huh?” He asked, blue eyes dark.
“R-Rafe what the fuck you doing?” You asked, gasping for breath. You hadn’t spoken to him since you left his house a week ago, and hadn’t ever responded to his dick of a text. You couldn’t deny that you had missed his touch, even if it had only been a week, it still felt longer than that. You craved this man, no matter how much you disliked him right now.
Within a second, he was turning you around so that his front was pressed directly against your back. “Can’t even fuckin work, because you and this perfect cunt are on my mind 24/7.” He spat in your ear. Your head spun as he continued to squeeze your throat, his other hand lifting up the little dress you had on. He chuckled to himself as he noticed your lack of panties, making it all the more easier to slam himself into you, after quickly undoing his pants. His dick was now harder than ever, stretching you open for the first time in over a week.
“R-Rafe!” You cried, only to get three thick digits shoved in your mouth.
Rafe was ashamed of himself for even considering turning you away, he didn’t even want to look at you right now, wondering why you had to be so goddamn perfect and why he had to feel this way about some girl he didn’t even know. “Shut up. Don’t wanna hear shit from you now. Just take this fuckin dick like a good whore.” His tone low, dripping like venom in your ear, while you gagged on his hand. He fucked you like he hated you, but the truth was he couldn’t get enough of you. He had found his new addiction.
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incogrio · 3 months
omg I loved your soobin fic btw! I was wondering can you do ot5 txt being jealous/protective of the reader?
ot5 - jealousy, jealousy
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pairing: ot5 x reader (separately)
genre: fluff, bit of smut and angst
synopsis: how the members show jealousy!
warnings: jealousy, possessiveness, smut, anger etc!
a/n: thank you so much for the request!! hope u enjoy!! this isn’t proof read don’t kill me pls!!
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i feel as though yeonjun would show his jealousy in a more whiney manner
like, he wouldn’t outright say anything to you or the person making him jealous in the moment
i imagine you’re also an idol, maybe even in txt and an interviewer makes comments about your appearance and how you’re the most desirable of the group
yeonjun, being ever professional simply smiles and laughs
lingers behind you as you reject the guy once the cameras are off
but after… he’ll come to you like a big baby all like
“he flirted with you right in front of meeeee..!!” he’d whine out with a slight high pitched tone as he tucked his head into your neck
“i rejected him, i only want you jjunie,” you’d reassure
only for him to respond with, “but i was right thereeeee!!! don’t i look boyfriend enough!!!!” and his perfect lips would form a perfect pout and you couldn’t resist but to kiss his sad face away :(
that would most likely lead to him smiling against your lips and the craziest sex ever.. like full on
“bet he has a smaller dick than me, huh? bet he couldn’t make you drool the way i do. he wishes he could see you like this doesn’t he? too bad only i can see you all disheveled.. only me, right baby? just daddy right?”
yes jjunie has a daddy kink argue with the WALL.
as for what made him jealous, i think he’s a little crazy and would be annoyed when someone so much as looks at you for too long
he would never blame you or your outfit, simply the pervs who wish they could have you
thinks it’s funny whenever you’re jealous, doesn’t really see that he’s just as hot as you
also finds it crazy that you’d think he’d want anyone else
just remind him that you only want him and kiss his pouty lips and maybe give him a blowjob and he’ll be fine…
until you do promotions again
sigh… loser soobie doobie.
i feel like soobie would be annoyed by it if anything
also VERY passive aggressive
let’s say you’re in a library, looking at a book that you might want
a rando comes up mansplaining the novel you’re holding and soobin comes up behind you like 😒🤨
yall know that clip of him during that live where he’s looking at the members w that disgusted look? yeah that’s him rn
the guy reaches forward to touch your arm all like “i just think this book might be too complicated for you”
ha. ha ha. soobin pulls you back into his chest before the guy can touch you and looks at him so angrily. “they’re fine. they can pick their own book.” he says it with such an eerily calm tone despite his aggressive gum chewing and fingertips digging slightly into your waist.
mf just gives an awkward smile, raises his hands in surrender and walks away
soobin literally mutters “pussy” under his breath LMFAO
he doesn’t really say much after that, only keeping a hand on you till you get to the car
“bunny, do you think i should read this book or this one first?” you ask, lifting up both books as he pulls out of the parking lot.
he rolls his eyes slightly, driving (hotly) and looking only at the road before saying: “dunno. ask your new book expert boyfriend.”
you literally have to stifle your laugh. for soobie, he’s a sucker for your cuteness
soooo u just pout at him cutely and rest your elbow on the console and your head in your hand
“don’t be mad bunny… only want you :(“
he does that thing where he smiles and pokes his tongue to his cheek in faux annoyance (i’m horny)
just smiles and shakes his head, reaching to you and holding your thigh tightly, you rest your hand on his
he may seem all tough right now, but don’t worry soon you’ll have him tied up and whimpering after making him cum over and over to make sure he knows his worth 💋
tbh seems like the type to bring it up randomly too LMFAOO
beomgyu… hehehe
i imagine this to happen outside of a food truck
he’s waiting w you, probably talking to you about something stupid and you suddenly get a poke on the shoulder
you turn around, and beomgyu looks with you and sees a guy
as you’re rejecting the guy, gyu is literally snickering and giggling to himself
you are so embarrassed by him this mf is literally cackling
you’d think there was a witch behind you
the guy is definitely STILL in earshot as he walks away dejectedly, and beomgyu immediately giggling and smoothly tugging you to be in his arms
“did you see his face???? he thought he had a chance w you???!!! my girl?? yahhhgh!!! he’s soooo stupid!” he says all loudly and dramatically. he has that little smirk on his face as he says this, but has his arms tightly around you as though the guy would come and kidnap you
you see behind the facade, simply reaching up and pressing a kiss to his lips. “only want you,” you mutter, and he hums and smiles against your lips
“ahhh i knowww!! that’s why it’s so funny!”
he’d rather die than admit insecurity in the middle of a goddamn food truck line.
probably doesn’t talk about it until it’s late at night and you’re cuddled in bed
he might even start crying :(
for gyu, i don’t see sex being a good reassurance thing for him
i think he’d prefer to just sit with you, watching a bad movie and making fun of it together
randomly kissing you and every time you know what he wants to hear: “only want you, bear”
if you were to fuck, he’d deffo want to eat you out
“only i can taste this pussy, only your bear,” he’d grumble as you twist his long hair in your fingers, tugging him closer to your sopping cunt
mickey mouse voice: oh boy!
if you think you’re getting any other reaction other than silence, you’re WRONG.
hmmm let’s say you’re at the gym, watching him work out bc wow free show
at one point he walks away to grab weights from the other side of the gym and you wait for him to come back
suddenly, a sweaty yucky man is getting closer to you, and oh wow look he’s staring at you
as taehyun turns around, he sees you talking to him but doesn’t really mind because he knows you’re his
but then he gets closer and hears the guy complimenting your body… he just pauses for a second, making brief eye contact w you and continuing to set up his little work out thing (i don’t work out can u tell)
he knows you’ll tell the guy why you’re actually here
“so… why don’t we go grab protein shakes after you finish working out?” you wanted to scream. you were wearing jeans. WHO WORKS OUT IN JEANS?? you hadn’t touched a single machine and you hate protein shakes. is this guy a dunce.
“oh no thank you, i’m here to watch my boyfriend. he’s right there,” you point at tae, who is now bench pressing over 100 pounds and woah.. hehe
yeah no the guy could not have left faster. tae still doesn’t say anything.
you keep watching him, now sitting on the floor until he gets up from the bench and sits in front of you
before you can ask, he gestures for you to hold his feet and starts doing sit ups
except, after the first one, he starts puckering his lips when he sits up
sit up after sit up, he kisses you as he comes back up
he literally did over one hundred and you were drunk on him by the time he finished
his way of staking his claim i suppose… probably made sure that the guy was watching too
tbh… that’s all the reaction you’re gonna get
after, you ask why he didn’t say anything and he just shrugs and is like, “i know you’re mine. and you know i’m yours. i don’t need to prove anything.”
then you’re like, “so why did you do the sit up thing”
“i was horny.” you literally choke on your smoothie
when you guys get home he definitely fucks you but not super roughly or anything… super romantically actually
his thought process, conscious or not, is: you could go out and fuck someone and they’d do it emotionlessly. he’s going to fuck you like you built the very universe your souls found each other in. (you did)
huening kai:
just a warning… he’s my bias so this might be a little crazy
you’re in a grocery store, he seems like one of those cringy bfs who’s steer the cart but have you in between him and the cart
i want him.
every few moments he’d press a kiss to your hair or simply lean down and have his face near yours until you got the hint
his chest is against your back… his huge broad chest… i’m ill.
okay so you guys stopped to look at the cereal because you wanted to get the one w his face
as you’re looking, hueningie squats down and checks the very bottom shelf
and thus, the worker that goes up to you does not see him
“hey! you need any help over here?” you look over, pointing to yourself in silent question. the guy nods. kai is immediately tuned into the convo as he pretends to look for more cereal
“hm? oh no! we’re good, just looking for a specific cereal,” you remain vague as to not reveal kai’s identity.
lol imagine you’re like “yeah my bf has a cereal w his face on it! yeah my bf who’s a famous idol!” LMFAOO
the guy nods, and you think the convo is over so you keep looking for cereal as you reach down and pet kai’s hair absentmindedly. you don’t know how reassuring it is to him.
“okay well… i just saw you and thought you were so super cute. like.. how do you not have a boyfriend?”
“i do actually,” you respond without evening looking at him. you tug kai’s hair, silently telling him to make himself known. he gets up, all six feet and muscles wearing a fitted top so you could see all of his strength and hard work as an idol.
“they’re not here,” he says plainly, without the usual sweet tone he’d give you. he also doesn’t even look at the worker.
the guy doesn’t even have enough time to apologize before kai’s leading you and the cart elsewhere. he gets quiet, but a different quiet to the other members. a sad one.
the moment you get home, he breaks down
he sobs, barely able to get out the fact that he doesn’t understand why you’re with him, why you wouldn’t want someone w a normal life, someone who’s more attractive (no such thing), someone who could love you publically
oh my baby :(((((
you pull him into a hug, his head ducking to be hidden in your neck, reassuring him quietly.
“huening… i promise you, you are the most attractive man on earth to me.” you say sternly, “the universe, even. it pains me that you can’t see that. i don’t want anyone else, just you, hyuka. and i love you enough to endure the fact that you can’t be public with us.”
he’s just whining now, not responding. he’s holding you so tightly that you’d think you’d turn into thin air.
after a lot of cuddles with his plushies, he’s okay :)
but then his members come home and see the tear stains on his face
they don’t know what happened and call him a baby and make a bunch of maknae jokes
yeah that’s the last straw. he takes you to his room and shoves you onto the bed (makes sure that not only are you comfy, but also that all his plushies are turned away)
he fucks you until you’ve both cum at least 4 times, and he’s borderline shooting blanks.
he’s moaning so loud, hips are shaking as he keeps pumping into you, filling you up
you’re even louder, legs shaking and hands pushing against his stomach in a faux plead for him to stop
every so often, he’d say something like, “not a fucking baby,” oh negative kai i want you.
“could a baby maknae fuck you like this? oh fuck honey, clench me like that. could that guy at the store make you shake like this? hm?
yeah neither of you can walk after that. and the members for SURE heard your moans and are now never calling him a baby ever again
unless he does aegyo bc come ON he’s baby then
probably becomes an inside joke between you guys
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comment, dm, or ask to be added to the taglist!
enjoy my fic and want to make a request? go here! want to check the rules? go here!
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balletfilmss · 6 months
✸ pairing: percy jackson x daughter of hera! reader smau
✸ notes: requested by @aryxchse!! i tried out tweets with this one bc i think they’re SO fun so lmk what you think 😚
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…now playing: you & i — one direction
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itsyn: dear camp jupiter, you can’t keep him, he’s mine 🤍🫶
tagged: itspercy
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itspercy: they couldn’t keep me away from you even if they wanted to
╰┈➤ itsyn: they better not try again bc i have a bow and arrows and ik how to use em
╰┈➤ itspercy: use them next time your mom tries to square up w me
╰┈➤ itsyn: 🤺🤺🤺
wise.girl: HEY I (unfortunately) TOOK THAT SECOND PIC, WHERE’S MY PHOTO CRED???
╰┈➤ itsyn: pic creds to my amazing sweet gorgeous angel spectacular best friend annie 🫶
╰┈➤ wise.girl: thank you 😌
pipermcqueen: third pic is the best photo i’ve ever seen of percy
╰┈➤ wise.girl: because his face is covered?
╰┈➤ pipermcqueen: YES MAAAAAM
sunshinesolace: yall they got matching users, ain’t NOBODY separating them
╰┈➤ itsyn: damn straight 😤
╰┈➤ sunshinesolace: damn HUH?? WHO?? WHERE?? LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER
itspercy: i look fly as hell in that first pic 😮‍💨
╰┈➤ pipermcqueen: someone humble this man rn
╰┈➤itspercy: PIPER LET ME LIVE
praetor.reyna: girl TAKE HIM PLEASE
╰┈➤ itsyn: don’t worry rey, i’ll keep him on a leash or smth and away from you <3
╰┈➤ itspercy: HELLO??
╰┈➤ itsyn: the leash can be blue, now shush
╰┈➤ itspercy: 🫡
…now playing: work song — hozier
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itspercy: sorry future mama-in-law, but you could never make me forget her
tagged: itsyn
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jaygrace: hera throwing a temper tantrum over that caption rn i just know it (i don’t mean it, queen, pls don’t hurt me 😇)
╰┈➤ itspercy: hoes mad 🤷‍♂️ (hoes is obviously jason…just in case anyone was wondering)
╰┈➤ itsyn: shut up rn, both of you
itsyn: im not crying, you’re crying
╰┈➤ itspercy: NO BABY DONT CRY
╰┈➤ itsyn: IT’S TOO LATE TO SAY THAT 😭😭
╰┈➤ itsyn: um, guilty?
╰┈➤ itspercy: hozier is me in disguise bc that song WAS written about my sweet girl yn
gman_: why do you always have THE MOST INTENSE EYE CONTACT W THE CAMERA LIKE???
╰┈➤ itspercy: fabulous genetics, courtesy of the queen (MY mom)
itsyn: i love you water boy ☹️
╰┈➤ itspercy: i love you more angel
╰┈➤ itsyn: IMPOSSIBLE
╰┈➤ itspercy: POSSIBLE
jaygrace: IMAGINE getting all your memories back
╰┈➤ itspercy: it’s okay bro, all you’ve gotta remember is me
frank.zz: if juno comes for your ass over that caption, i am NOT helping this time
╰┈➤ itsyn: haven’t you been observing, frank? if she tries again imma get her, obviously 🙄🤺
╰┈➤ itspercy: problem SOLVED
praetor.reyna: imma get you a shirt that says “if lost return to yn” so we don’t have this problem again
╰┈➤ itspercy: and i will wear it religiously, give
╰┈➤ itspercy: I’LL CRAWL HOME TO HER (you)
╰┈➤ itsyn: 🤭🤍
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572 notes · View notes
yuusishi · 4 months
Could I request headcanons of Ace, Silver, and Lilia being called their partner's whole universe?
. . . universe in my hands
pairings : Ace Trappola , Silver , Lilia Vanrouge
genre : fluff
cws/tws : none
a/n : struggling with extreme fatigue and a possible food poisoning with a side of a lung infection rn but we’re fighting we’re thriving. I also wrote this while dazed as fuck in a mall so if some things sound weird it’s cuz of that 🔥🔥
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oh he’s teasing you for that that’s for sure.
“I’m your whole universe, huh? When did ya get all sappy 🤥” then proceeding to pinch your cheeks.
He’s giggling kicking his feet in his dorm room after he comes back (Deuce snitched), kicked off his shoes and landed face first into a pillow and everything like a loser.
Honestly made him feel so giddy but definitely didn’t show you while you were in front of him.
He wishes he had the shamelessness to declare his love upfront like you do, but he probably needs a couple more months to get the bravery to do that.
But don’t be discouraged! If you think he’s your universe then you’re whatever’s beyond it to him, he just won’t admit it.
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hashtag nonchalant (he was half awake when you told him)
on a serious note, he’d think it’s so cute and say you’re his universe too, even kissing you on the cheek after.
it would probably start a small phase where he would take pictures of the random animals that visit him throughout the day and say that it’s you
“This squirrel looks like you” “how so” “it’s cute”
unexpectedly rizzful (I’m sorry)
he still thinks about it every few hours and gets caught smiling and blushing slightly by the other diasomnia students, causing them to wonder what you did this time for Silver to be so lovesick.
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Contrary to popular belief, he’s probably stunned for a second or two!! He wasn’t big on romance back then and rarely ever got any romantic attention, so this would def surprise him a bit.
(We’re obviously making whatever Maleanor, Lilia, and Revan were an exception)
But once he’s recovered ooo prepare for the flirting of a lifetime, all genuine and coming from the very core of his heart of course.
He knows it’s a line that’s been said for millennia and that you weren’t the first to say it, but the words “you’re my entire universe, Lilia” said lovingly by you gave him butterflies in a way he thought he was too old for.
He’s not a shy person, so don’t expect him to not be dishing out a couple kisses and hugs for saying that.
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cosmiiwrites · 6 months
see u wanted adam requests so here i am!!
i’m utterly obsessed with this man and i barely see any fanfics with him showing his clingy side ( cus we all know he would be clingy as shit ) i was wondering if u could write something about his clingy side, maybe even him opening up about how he’s insecure cus two of his wives left him???? and then reader assured him that they wouldn’t leave him like they did
- 💌 anon
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ clingy
⁺˚⋆。°✩ adam x gn!reader ✩°。⋆˚⁺
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: in which adam shows his clingy side cw: gn!reader, fluff, comfort, cussing a/n: AAA clingy adam canon!! also if you sent in a request im probably working on it rn adam adored you, you knew that. everyone did. and i mean EVERYONE. wherever you went, he was never far behind. he hates having to see you go somewhere without him, how anything could happen to you, and how he wouldnt be able to be there. so when adam is with you, he needs to have his hands on you all the time. whether it be holding your hand, holding your waist, it didnt matter. as long as he was near you. not to mention how he would glare at everyone who tried to start a conversation with you, driving them away and probably making them create a mental note to never talk to you again. safe to say this man was clingy as hell. dont get me wrong, you arent complaining. in fact, you loved how clingy adam was. it was just confirmation that he wasnt going anywhere. however, you had to admit you were a bit curious. but every time you'd try mentioning how he was so clingy, he'd quickly change the topic. huh. unfortunately for adam, you weren't one to give up easily. you'd pry and pry until one day, he finally caved. "ugh, jesus, fine! i'll tell you, just for the sake of you shutting the fuck up.” adam groaned.
“back in eden, that bastard lucifer had stolen both of my wives, not like you don't know the story…” adam’s voice trailed off, but his bravado quickly returned after clearing his throat. “it fucked me up, real bad.” he admitted. your chest ached with guilt, maybe you shouldnt have brought up the subject.
“and everytime you’re not around me, i—i start to worry that maybe, someone like him would take you from me. or heaven forbid, the bastard himself.” adam looked away in embarrassment, large wings hovering in an attempt to cover himself.
oh. you took a second to acknowledge that the arrogant, cocky, egomaniac adam just admitted an insecurity of his.
“oh, adam,” you sat next to him, gently tugging at his wing to reveal his face. “it’s fuckin’ stupid, i know.” the yellow eyes of his mask looked down in shame.
you hated his mask, it hid his face, the face you loved so dearly. when met with no resistance, you removed adam’s mask, your gaze meeting with dark golden eyes.
“i’d never leave you,” you cooed gently, one hand running through his hair, the other cupping his face. adam’s face tilted to where you placed your hand, leaning into your touch. “i wouldn’t even think about it. i love you, adam.” he pulled you into his lap, where you would hug him tightly. adam sighed contentedly, kissing your forehead.
“i love you more.”
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h4m1lt0ns · 1 year
episode one :: SELFISH.
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ pairing ︴max verstappen x singer!y/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ genre ︴social media au / irl snippets
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ summary ﹔five years worth of love thrown away in the trash, all at y/n’s expense.
fc – wonyoung jang (aged up to 28)
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ warnings ﹕cheating, angst.
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[may, 15 2023]
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♡ liked by redbullracing, danielricciardo and 4,294,103 others.
y/n here’s to five years of u being fuckin annoying. i love you maximilian.
maxverstappen1 i love you so so much more
maxverstappen1 wait that’s not my name
→ username LMFAOOOO 😭
→ username PLSSSSS
username this is so cute i will cry
username very normal abt this. very.
username five years is long enough y/n you can come back home now 😍
username how much is her paying her bc HOW
redbullracing our favourite couple 😍💙
username i dont know man i still don’t like him
username parents 🗣
username mama y papa ong
username not my wife posting her man like
username they’re so goals 😩🤌🏻
username i want what u cunts have
username god me when 🧎🏽‍♀️
username a gf like y/n pretty pls 🙏🏻
username i want u so bad y/n it’s not even funny anymore
username praying to whatever fucking god max prayed to
username how did max bag you we’ll never know
username leave him for me bae i can drive and be dutch too 🤞🏽🤞🏽
username GIVE US Y/N BACK MAX 🔫
username y/n come over pls. and don’t bring him.
username five years later and i still don’t think he’s good enough for her
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☆ IMESSAGE with ; honey badger
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honey badger: where are you
y/n: ???
y/n: in the studio rn, do u need anything?
honey badger: huh
honey badger: wait are you not coming?
honey badger: i thought we were doing
karaoke together ☹️
y/n: bro what are u talking about
y/n: come where? i already have plans tonight
honey badger: i’m ??
honey badger: hold on
y/n: …danny? 😀
honey badger: bro why aren’t you here
honey badger: bae we’re all at the usual club
rn and i was wondering why you’re not here 😃
y/n: now who the fuck is we.
honey badger: 😭😭😭😭
honey badger: bro how do u not know
honey badger: didn’t max tell you? we’re supposed
to go out
honey badger: y/n?
y/n: wait
y/n: oh this motherfucker
honey badger: wait what
y/n: is max with you
honey badger: bestie i’m scared what’s going on
yn: we’ve been fighting recently
y/n: him and i are supposed to go out
for our anniversary and to talk things out
why the fuck is he at a fucking club
y/n: and he didn’t even fucking tell me
y/n: this the second year in a row what
the fuck is his fucking problem
honey badger: wOAHHHHHH
honey badger: HOLD ONNNN
honey badger: CALL ME RNNN
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☆ IMESSAGE with ; funeral guest list.
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honey badger removed maximilian!
honey badger: y/n pick up the phone
honey badger: come on please
chal eclair: y/n please answer the call
my baby lando: y/n please
alabono: i’m sorry we couldn’t stop him
chal eclair: ^^^
chili!: y/n come on now
chili!: y/n please answer the call amor
princess george: y/n we know it’s hard but we need to know if you’re okay
PIERRE GASLYYYY: we’re all worried y/n
chal eclair: i see how it is y/n 😐
my baby lando: mom do u not love me anymore
chili!: woooooowwwwww okay y/n
honey badger: all of you shut the fuck up
honey badger: pierre what’s kika saying
alabono: lily and carmen are on their way to you y/n
PIERRE GASLYYYY: she’s crying
PIERRE GASLYYYY: while cussing out max
PIERRE GASLYYYY: but crying hard
chili!: so y/n of her
my baby lando: real
yukino: i will run him over for you 💕
chal eclair: okay relax
chili!: true
my baby lando: yes but not now
honey badger: y/n say something
alabono: lily and carmen are with her now
alabono: she’s not okay guys 😕
yukino: what are they saying
alabono: she’s crying really hard and isn’t breathing well
my baby lando: WHAT ELSE
chal eclair: IS SHE SAFE
chili!: alex i swear to god 😃
alabono: she’s safe and doesn’t need anything rn. lily and carmen are gonna sleep over w her, they won’t leave her alone
princess george: oh okay thank god
my baby lando: i blocked max but someone tell him it’s on fucking sight when i see him
chal eclair: i second that
yukino: count me in
PIERRE GASLYYYY: kika said we’re setting his house on fire
alabono: bringing the gas
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Being Team Japan’s Manager:
The Team Crushes on Their Manager
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Team Japan x GN! reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing
AN: this was due approx. 570 of you ago but nevertheless, here we go 🎉
Where do I even start?
Probably from the beginning because that’s when it ALL started
It was your first day as Team Japan’s new manager
No other job prospects huh Yn?
You were filled with hope and a renewed sense of purpose 🤩
You’d always loved Volleyball whether you played it, watched it or read a very specific manga surrounding it 👀
It was safe to say you were a fan!
The job seemed relatively straightforward
You’d come to work, take care of a bunch of world class athletes, clock out and repeat
Easy right?
You walked into the building on your first day and it started almost immediately
There is no easing into this job YN 😌
“Well hello there gorgeous,” a very untoned blonde who seriously needed his roots retouched whistled
“Umm hi! I was wondering if you could-” you started to say before being unfortunately interrupted 🙄
“You want my autograph don’t ya sweetheart?” The blonde smirked, conveniently pulling out a sharpie that seemed to manifest from thin air
“Oh no, I’m looking for-” you try to say again before again being interrupted
“ATSUMU!” A voice shouted as you saw a rather angry looking man with black spiky hair marching up to you and the blonde, “what did I tell you about harassing guests?”
“I wasn’t harassing ‘em!” The blonde, known as Atsumu shouted back
Meanwhile you are just standing there like 🧍
“If you weren’t harassing them, then why do they look like they wanna run for their lives?” Another tall man with curly black hair replied, approaching from behind you
“SHUT YER TRAP SAKUSA!” Atsumu yelled again as the spiky haired man spoke
“If you both don’t get your asses back into that gym right now!”
Atsumu rolled his eyes before responding, “yes Iwaizumi” and turning to leave
But not before shooting a very unsolicited wink in your direction 🙄
“Stop making people feel so uncomfortable,” Sakusa berated as he and Atsumu argued back to the gym
“I’m so sorry about that. You must be Yn?” Iwaizumi asked turning to you as you smiled back widely
“That’s me!” You giggled as Iwaizumi’s eyes widened and his face turned pink at your sheer adorableness
Iwaizumi is just happy that you seem excited
He’s tired Yn, help him please
Iwaizumi begins showing you around the gym while various, rather large men walk past you
You excitedly ask questions, smiling and laughing
The guys are all like 👀👀👀👀👀
They’d heard about a new prospective manager starting but dang, you were way cuter than they imagined
After the tour you made your way to the gym with Iwaizumi to finally meet the team
As you stood there, adorable and bubbly, they all just stared at you like a bunch of creeps 😅
You remember in Season 2 when Yachi joined Karasuno and Suga had to tell Noya and Tanaka to stop staring…
Yeah that’s exactly what’s happening right now 😂
Iwaizumi is giving everyone his death glare because there is absolutely no way he’s letting anyone ruin this for him!
Iwa rn 👉🏻 🔥 👄🔥
Of course you notice them all looking at you but you simply think it’s because you are new
Delusion is always the solution Yn
“And finally, this is Yn, our new manager. I expect nothing but respect and kindness from you guys!” Coach yells as you smile and wave a greeting
“I’m so excited to work with you all!” You say, smiling bright as your eyes sparkle with excitement
This was the first of many incidents that sealed your fate
Now some of the team members fell hard for you immediately
*cough* ATSUMU, BOKUTO, HINATA *cough*
While others took a while to warm up to you
They all thought you were cute and sweet sure but it was your actions that spoke the loudest
For example…
“Hey Sakusa, I heard you are particular about laundry and hygiene, if you could please tell me the products you prefer so I can accommodate you? Oh and I’d you’d like, I can wear a mask around you to make you more comfortable!” You excitedly spoke, standing 6 feet apart from Sakusa so as to not be right in his space
Sakusa rn 👉🏻👁️👄👁️
“Umm sure I can text you a list and you don’t have to wear a mask if you aren’t comfortable,” he responds, honestly shocked because who are you
You wave your hands and smile, “oh no it’s really ok! I’m very accommodating!”
It was safe to say you’d captured our precious Sakusa’s attention
But it doesn’t stop there
“Hey Suna, I noticed you left your arm guards in on the bench yesterday! I washed them for you last night oh and I recorded a video of Atsumu flubbing a serve and accidently hitting Kageyama. I can send it to you if you’d like?” You laughed as Suna just stared in awe
Who the heck were you and why were you so amazing!
Not only that but you provided help to Aran and Ushijima when it came to taking diligent notes about the teams progress
Made sure Kageyama had plenty to eat and got enough sleep
You measured down to the very millimeter for jump heights, making sure Hoshiumi knew exactly where he stood against the other players
You stayed late to help Komori and Yaku with their receiving practice
You came early to unlock the gym for Atsumu, Bokuto and Hinata because lord knows they can’t be out of the gym for more than 8 hours 🙄
You even made sure the guys all followed Iwaizumi’s strict training regime to ensure they all stayed healthy and in the best shape!
It was easy to see why they all had fallen for you!
Competent, pretty, kind, amazing and funny? A perfect combination!
It had been about 6 months and you’d more than proven your worth as a manager
You’d even spent time outside of practice with all of them both individually as well as in groups
Surprisingly they’d all managed to keep their little crushes on you to a minimum
They respected you and didn’t want to mess up anything
When I say “they” I actually mean “most of them”…
Because, ya know, some people just can’t stop themselves 👀
It was safe to say they all knew each other had a crush on their precious manager
But for the sake of teamwork, most of them kept it to themselves
However, there is some people who can only hold it in so long
“I’m thinking about asking YN out this weekend,” Atsumu boldly and nonchalantly says
And just like that, the entire locker room halts
“Excuse me?” Yaku says, staring at Atsumu like he’s about to commit a felony
“What? YN is such a cutie and so awesome! Is it really a surprise that I’d ask them out?” Atsumu replies
All eyes narrow on the setter as he looks back confused
“And what makes you think YN even likes you?” Suna jokes as the rest of the team nods
“Awe come on! It’s pretty safe to say Yn has a crush on me, look at all the stuff they do for me,” Atsumu continues
“So? YN does that for all of us. Plus, maybe another one of us wants to ask them out?” Sakusa adds as Atsumu narrows his eyes
“Ok then, who wants to ask YN out?”
Literally all hands shoot up as the guys look around at each other, eyes wide as the realization sinks in
Soon the shock wears off and they narrow their eyes at each other like a duel in the Ok corral is about to go down 😑
“Well there’s no way all of us asking out YN would be a good idea. We’d probably scare them away!” Komori mentioned
“Nah, if Atsumu hasn’t scared them yet, pretty sure we’re safe,” Aran remarked as Atsumu looked at his friend, offended by his remarks
“What if we draw lots?” Hyakuzawa questioned
“That’s not really far to YN tho, what if they have a particular interest in a member?” Yaku answered
“First one to ask Yn out then?” Hakuba remarked
“Oh yeah, just a bunch of grown ass men running up to YN screaming ‘YN GO OUT WITH ME!’ That sounds like nightmare fuel!” Hoshiumi replied
“Ok so then we let Yn decide,” Iwa added, coming through the doors having just listened to the conversation, “we do our best to win YN’s affections and we let them decide.”
The team all nodded in agreement, ready for the challenge of winning their precious YN’s heart
The next morning, the gym felt different
You could tell immediately the moment you stepped in
“Good morning YN, I bought you coffee!” Iwaizumi smiled, handing you a cup of your favorite pick me up
“Thanks Hajime! I really needed this!”
“Hey Yn, I thought maybe you’d wanna have lunch with me today? My treat,” Yaku interrupted
“That would be awesome Mori!”
“Here Yn, I know how much you love these flowers so I got up early to go to the market to get some,” Sakusa flushed, pushing the flowers in your direction
“Wow thanks Kiyoomi! They are beautiful!”
Were these boys being weird? Sure
Were you gonna fight it? Absolutely not
Now these shenanigans continued for a few weeks and at first they were innocent
But then bringing you coffee, flowers or the occasional chocolate morphed into full blown outings
“Hey YN, I’m going to the art museum this weekend? You wanna come?” Komori asked as your eyes lit up
You loved art!!
“Hey YN, I’m gonna grab sushi tonight after practice, you wanna come?” Gao would ask as your mouth salivated
You loved sushi!
“Hey YN, I’m planning on going to the dog park with Hirugami tonight, you wanna come?” Hoshiumi would ask
Dogs? Say less!
“Hey YN, there’s a new cat cafe that just opened up, you wanna go with me?” Suna would declare
It took you a while to catch on that there was something strange going on with these guys
While the putting seemed innocent, their motives definitely were not
After a while, you’d finally gotten sick of it all and just asked
It was after practice, the gym was quiet
And there you were
“What is up with you guys taking me on all these dates for?”
… there to ruin it
Their amount of wide-eyed staring and red faces gave them away quicker than a smoking volcano
You sighed, knowing you had to tell them the truth
“Listen guys, I like you all but only as friends and coworkers ok?”
They all collectively sighed, having all been rejected at the same time
You felt bad but at the same time, they needed to know your feelings for them were platonic
“Hey we can still go out and have fun but it’ll only be as friends ok? Plus I have a boyfriend already.”
Their eyes all shot up at you, wondering who exactly it would be
“Wait you had a boyfriend this whole time?” Atsumu questioned
Yep :D
“Like before you even started working with us?” Yaku asked
Yep : D
“Ok then how come we’ve never met him before?” Sakusa demanded as you smiled
“Oh you have, he talks about you guys all the time!” You respond as everyone but Iwaizumi looks confused
“YN you’re not dating him, please YN anyone but him!” Iwa shouts, running up to you and shaking you as your grin devilishly
It seems to finally hit the others as their eyes go from shocked to horrified in a matter of seconds.
Before they can even process his name, they hear a “yoohoo Yn-Chan” radiate throughout the gym
Surprise an Oikawa ending 😅 if you didn’t see it coming, do you even know who I am? I will always work that man into everything possible!
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