#hui dark side
tomoyoo · 2 months
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lets fackin go
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Lost Love
(Small story I thought about doing until I write another request that I got, also be looking out I’m working on 4 request at a time then the rest at once💕)
Cha Hyun su x fem reader
Genre: Just a bit emotional
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It’s been a year since you last saw Hyun su after trying his self into the military to keep the remaining survivors of Green Home safe , so we all would be able to saved and took to a shelter/camp that was meant for any survivors
Since then you lived with the regret of not telling him about the baby , both you and Hyun su moved in together in your first apartment at Green home , since you were a bit more social you made a few friends inside the building , but most of you time was spent with Hyun su
When the apocalypse started. Hyun su started to have serious noise bleeds , times where he would black out or there were even moments you felt like he want your Hyun su
After gathering with the remaining survivors you soon learned that Hyun su was a special case of the monsters that now roamed the city
After a while you found out you were pregnant, deciding it wasn’t the right time as you kept the pregnancy to yourself .. not knowing Hyun su would turn his self in the same night
Now here you were a year later with two beautiful children, a boy and a little girl , even though it’s been just a year they were already at the age of 12
Before giving birth to Cha Hee (son) and Cha Hui (girl) , you escaped from the shelter finding a small abandoned camper , the only joy out it was that it was two small rooms that had a full sized bed in both , a small kitchen and dining area that was in the middle and the driver seat that was locked right when you entered the camper
Your pregnancy was pretty easy we’re surprised you along the way , except that you felt your self changing as you started to hear a voice in your head , you belly barely as it looked like you were just bloated from a good meal or something, but you knew you were pregnant, the hardest part of the whole pregnancy was the birth , since you didn’t have any support, you ended up giving birth to the twins inside the camper in your small room , bring down on a spare dry towel you had to hold in your scrams as you gave birth to both Cha Hee and Ch Hui
After giving birth to the twins you noticed how much you’ve changed, your eyes had I slight hit of green with time making your neon eyes now look unnatural, you half grew a bit longer as you soon realized that you gave in to your desires , now becoming a monster but some how keeping it in control.. maybe it was because you had not one but two people to protect
After a few months after having Cha Hee and Cha Hui you soon realized that they weren’t exactly human either , as Cha Hee was born with bright blue eyes , Cha Hui was born with Green eyes
There was a few differences between the two as Cha Hee, he was a quite child , who could make a person go crazy after a certain amount of days soon resulting in their suicide or the death of everyone around them including them selves if you were lucky enough to stay on his good side he would use his touch to show your most happiest memories
Cha Hui was a bit different she was a cold child , always quietly analyzing others , but even though she seemed cold she was super nice once you got to know her , her touch could either set your ablaze as you scream in pain and agony or you could fall into a deep sleep that no one could wake you out of as you live out your deepest fears over and over again, but like her brother if your were no harm to her mother or Cha Hee she could show you your happiest memories ,you didn’t discover this until it happened in front of your eyes
After that you had Cha Hee and Cha Hui to keep on a special pair of gloves that were handmade by you, it made you feel a bit more safe if no one would discover there powers then any one would assume their normal kids , the only thing that would make any one realize their twins it their dark black hair that resembles Cha Hyun Su’s
As you laid in your bed as you start to realize that it’s been quite for a while now , thinking that the the twins were in bed as you stand to your feet , slowly walking out of your room and you peek into their room that was located on the right of yours
Seeing that the room was empty as you start to become slightly worried , heading for the kitchen finning area to see that they weren’t there either
‘Where are they’ the voice in stead your head says as you frantically search the camper a second time just to make sure , but when you saw they weren’t there you quickly open the doors to the camper heading down the three small steps as you head out the door looking left and right frantically as you run straight heading down the road as you call out both Cha Hee and Cha Hui’s names
Not getting a response from neither of your babies as you start to panic thinking of all the possible things that could have happened to them
What if they ran into humans? Or worse the military? , as your mind starts to cloud with questions that only made you panic more , you soon came to a hault as you heard a few giggles , looking around the area as you notice a small grader dome
Taking a small breathe in and out as you head inside the small dome , eyeing scanning around the flowers that bloomed with life , causing you to feel a bit calm but still worrying for you babies
After a while of walking down the small trail you come to a stop , as you feel your body tense up , confusion shown in your eyes
There was Cha Hee and Cha Hui.. but they weren’t alone , there stood Hyun su with a girl that seemed to be around the age of 14 as she talked to Cha Hui who had a small smile on her face , it took a while before Cha Hyun su noticed your presence , eyes locking with your as Ah-yo turned to see why Hyun su was so quite , eyes slowly following his as they land on you soon catching the attention of the twins
“MOMMY” Cha Hee screams out with joy as he runs toward you wrapping his arms around your waist with a smile
“Mom , look we made a new friend” Cha Hee says as pulls away from the hug grabbing a hold of your hand as he pulls you towards Hyun su , Ah-yi and Cha Hui as Cha Hui soon stand beside you wrapping her arms around you as she looks at Ah-hi and Hyun su
“This is Ah-yi and Hyun su” Cha Hee says as he points to both Ah-yi and Hyun su
“And this is our mom , Reader” Cha Hui says as she tightens her hold eyes still watching Ah-yi and Hyun su who eyes now look at you with pure shock
“M-Mom…” Hyun su says as his head hangs low , Ah- yi noticing the hurt in his voice , after a few seconds his head slowly rises eyes now shining blue as he gives you a cold stare
“ After everything we done for you.. to keep you safe , and you have some assholes child , correction children” Hyun su says eyes staring daggers in to yours as you feel a shiver flow down your spine
“I-It’s not like that” You reply as you look down down your feet not able to look him in the eye
“Wait..you know her” Ah-yo says as she looks between you and Hyun su in confusion
“I do actually in fact she’s our dear girlfriend, well was it seems” Hyun su says eyes now looking both at you , Cha Hee and Cha Hui
“I didn’t cheat okay.. I just..” you say looking back in to Hyun Su’s eyes tears now threading to fall
“I don’t know how to tell you and it was to late.. you let us alone” you managed to choke out as tears start to flow, Shock showing on Hyun Su’s face as he looks between Cha Hee and Cha Hui
“T-Their .. mine” Hyun su says eyes slowing turning to normal as he slowly falls to his knees , tears falsify flowing down his face as he looks at you with a sorry expression
“I-I didn’t mean to .. I-I just wanted to keep you safe..I..” before he could finish his sentence Cha Hee warped his in a warm hug as Cha Hui looks him in his teary eyes
“So .. your our father” Cha Hui says as her green eyes watches Hyu su closely as he slowly nods his head in agreement, slowly walking towards Hyun su as she slowly wraps her arms around him pulling him and Cha Hee in a hug
“I had a weird feeling .. it explains why we were okay with you keeping us company” Cha Hee says with apart smile
After a while of hugging , Hyun su informs you on Ah-yi and how he has been taking care of her since she was pretty much born , listening as Hyun su talks about Ah-yi like a proud father , which he was, he starts to feel guilty about missing his own kids growing up deciding to keep not only Ah-yo but you and both Cha Hee and Cha Hui close and safe
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yingjiaoyue · 5 months
Introducing my lmk oc…
(vs her opponent, Hui Ying from @mysticarts )
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(Competition by: @lmk-oc-competition )
I’ll write down Jiao Yue’s background and abilities! (Warning: May contain spoilers!)
Jiao Yue is a half-human and half-senri. A senri is a chinese mythological leaopard cat spirit who’s capable of turning to a human and consuming human souls.
Her father is pure human and her mother is half-senri (wherein Jiao Yue’s grandmother is a full senri).
Here’s all of her abilities!…
Glamour- She uses her energy to hide her cat ears and two cat tails to blend in with the public crowd.
Advanced Hearing and Sharp Eyesight- Her cat ears enables her to listen to her surroundings that’s within 8 meters in diameter. She also has advanced eyesight, making her see in the dark like a nocturnal and can see through glamour/magic similar to MK’s gold vision.
Enhanced Strength- Without her glamour, she has fangs and claws. She can break bones by biting and break through the door by her claws. But her most strongest part would be her legs. Her muscular strength is at its most when she kicks, and she could practically knock down a whole building by kicking. She can also jump as high as 20-40ft tall.
Speed and Flexibility- She’s 4x faster than her average speed, making her faster than Macaque, but not faster than Nezha. She can also go through very narrow paths and can pass through obstacles in ease (like lazers or sharp pointy things at walls).
Fast Regeneration- She can take damage specially from far-range attacks. Though she can heal herself as fast as 2-3 seconds but has limited use. For instance, in a fight, she can heal her injuries 2 times only and any more than that will require her to rest for hours/days depending on the wound.
The following abilities are spoilers to my current comic!
Dark Energy/Spirit Manipulation- Similar to Lady Bone Demon, Jiao Yue also has her own ability to manipulate the souls she took. The difference may only be that LBD has a light blue hue while Jiao Yue’s purple.
Shapeshifting- Just like Macaque’s & MK’s Kaiju form and Mei’s Dragon form, Jiao Yue has her cat beast form which will be revealed in season 3. (I will make a reference sheet for this soon!)
Illusion- In close-range attacks, she can lock her opponents in an illusion. Imagine Yin & Jin’s calabash and Macaque’s shadow abilities, she can trick people into making them believe in her illusions. Also, one of her good ol’ tricks that her ancestors use is to seduce their prey like Spider Queen & Scorpion Demon.
Puppetry- At season 3, Jiao Yue gets possessed by Lady Bone Demon. She gains the ability to use the souls she’s taken to her own puppets. But she can’t possess other people’s body like Lady Bone Demon, she could still control her puppets just like Macaque’s shadow clones, Lady Bone Demon’s bone ghosts and the scrolls’s ink creations.
Immortality- Yes, she’s immortal. Well, not 5x immortal like Sun Wukong.. but she’s still immortal. She’s half-human so she can still take damage and get severely injured.
That’s all! Hope you learned more about my girl, Jiao Yue! Hope you vote for her hehe :D
(Note: PLEASE DON’T ATTACK MY OPPONENT! This competition is just for fun so if possible, please show support without needing to hate on the other sides! In other words, be respectful please :) Thank you TvT…)
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milkyaa-krystal · 6 months
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Xavier Love and Deepspace
Xavier is a tall young man with grey-blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. He is typically seen wearing a white sweater and dark pants. Despite his youthful physique, his real age is unknown.
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𓆩♡𓆪 Appearance: Xavier is a tall young man with grey-blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. He is typically seen wearing a white sweater and dark pants. Despite his youthful physique, his real age is unknown.
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𓆩♡𓆪 About Him: Age: ??? - Height: 6'1 ft 185 cm - Birthday: October 16th - Sign: Libra - Job: Deepspace Hunter - Evol: Light - Workplace: ???
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𓆩♡𓆪 Name Variations: CN: Shen Xing Hui (沈星回) - JP: Seiya (セイヤ) - KR: Sim Sunghoon (심성훈)
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Word from Milkyaa Krystal
♡ I really like his calm and gentle side. He always reacts gently. A simple personality that I really like, but be careful not to provoke him too much, especially with the Valentine's Day event, he hides his game well (。・//ε//・。)
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mysticarts · 4 months
《 Restaurant Investigation》 LMK OC ONESHOT PT 1
Yujin would be in her extravagant room, sitting in her red velvet chair. She looked at a poster on her desk, showing a picture of a fancy looking restaurant.
Yujin's door slowly opened to reveal her lady in waiting and nice, Hui ying. Hui Ying walked up to Yujin with a expression of concern plastered on her face.
"Auntie Yujin, are you okay?" Hui Ying asked, walking to the side of Yujin and putting her hand on Yujin's shoulder. "The maids said you've been staring at that restaurant poster for a while"
Yujin would snap out of her state, showing Hui Ying a small smile. "Oh, I'm fine Hui, it's just I have an odd feeling about this restaurant..." Yujin explained.
Hui Ying would grad the poster and look at it. "Oh, this restaurant! I'm pretty sure you met the owner of this restaurant before, right? What was his name? .....Dong?"
Due to Yujin being the emepress of Arcadia, she had too meet many people who own companies before those companies open up their products in the city Yujin ruled. Dong was one of those many people.
"You are correct." Yujin replied, pinching Hui Ying's cheek gently. "I just have about feeling about that man. Yet I can't look into it due to all of my paperwork....." Yujin glanced at the neatly stacked piles of paperwork on her desk.
Hui Ying hesitated, thinking for a while before taking Yujin's hands into her own. "Then me, Tai and Shuimu can look into it! If the restaurant just opened, we can all easily walk in there without being noticed."
Yujin seemed suprised before letting out a chuckle. "I'd really appreciate it, dearie. You're the best neice ever" Yujin replied, hugging Hui Ying. "However, if you, Tai and Shuimu are going to a restaurant opening, you're not going to be wearing a tank top and bell bottoms..."
The night sky was brightened by the blue and golden lights radiating off the new and improved restaurant. Many people with fancy dresses and suits where there, waiting for the doors too open.
Amoung the sea of rich like people in the crowd, stood Hui Ying, Shuimu and Tai. Hui Ying was wearing a dark blue dress with ruffles on the end. Tai was wearing a white suite with moon themed jewelry on him and his glasses. Meanwhile, Shuimu was the most flashy, wearing a red suit with dark red wave designs on the pants, along with a Dark blue cape. Not to mention the black sunglasses Shuimu always kept.
"Shuimu, you look stunning, but don't you think I went a little....overboard?" Hui Ying questioned playfully with a small smile as she played with her hair nervously.
"Please, everyday is a runway. And I plan to walk down it with the best outfits" Shuimu answered, putting on her black sunglasses before walking over to Hui Ying and started to braid her hair.
"You did give Shuimu free access to Yujin's wardrobe, what did you expect?" Tai commented, making Hui Ying and Shuimu burst into laughter.
When Shuimu finished putting Hui Ying's hair into a braid, the noise of the crowd enhanced. The doors finally opened, and everyone was rushing inside like a flood. Hui Ying quickly adjusted her glasses before the trio entered the restaurant.
The restaurant looked more like a ballroom, as there was several floors, a chandelier made out of different kinds of crystals, making the whole room filled with different kinds of colors. Many people talked happily at their assigned seats as people played classical music. Some people where even dancing in the center.
Hui Ying's eyes where basically stars when she saw the environment of the restaurant, looking around in wonder. Shuimu and Tai however, had their gaurds up. Which was odd considering how much Shuimu loved shiny things and Tai loving classical music.
"This is place is amazing!" Hui Ying cheered as she spinned around happily. Tai quickly stopped Hui Ying spinning before she could crash into someone.
"Why, I'm glad you like it.." a smooth voice stated, catching Hui Ying, Shuimu and Tai's attention. Tai and Shuimu's heads snapped, looking at the person.
It was a man wearing a black suit, his white hair was tied up in a proper ponytail. However, his eyes seemed filled with bad intent. "I heard you where all sent by Emperess Yujin, I'm Dong. I'm the owner of this restaurant"
"I'm Tai" Tai replied, shaking Dong's hand politely. However Hui Ying could tell his polite tone was definitely forced.
"Shuimu" Shuimu stated, glaring at him through her sunglasses. She didn't even offer her hand out to shake. Shuimu wasn't the girl who hated someone immediately, it was odd to see her this hostile.
Hui Ying picked up her skirt a little and then did a curtsy. "I'm Hui Ying, it's nice to meet you!" Hui Ying greeted with her usual bright smile.
Dong smiled as he looked down at Hui Ying. "It's nice to meet you, Miss Hui Ying" Dong took Hui Ying's hand and kissed it.
Hui Ying's bright look immediately diminished when Dong did that specific gesture. Hui Ying finally noticed how....horrid Dong's Aura was. Dong's arua was seething with cruelty to the point it almost terrified her. Hui Ying quickly removed her hand from Dong's holding it.
Dong's expression darkened a little bit, before it quickly went back to his normal calm persona. "Well, I hope you enjoy the food, my chefs have prepared it very well!" Dong commented before walking away.
Shuimu, Tai and Hui Ying stayed there, with Hui Ying in complete shock. Hui Ying was snapped out of her trance by Tai's hand on her shoulder.
"Your Aura reading kicked in pretty late, huh?" Tai said as Hui Ying looked at him. Aura reading was a ability from Tai and Hui Ying's side of the family where they could possibly see people's intentions.
Hui Ying nodded in reply as Shuimu wrapped her in a comforting hug. "I can smell the cheap disguise off of him, that man is not a human" Shuimu commented.
"You mean you actually sensed demon energy from him?" Tai questioned looking at Shuimu in suprise.
"You'd think I'd lie?" Shuimu retored, causing Hui Ying to laugh a little.
"Well, I say we better head back home, I don't wanna be here much longer..." Hui Ying commented, which Tai and Shuimu agreed. The three then walked out of the restaurant, making their way home.
Tai would be in his room, researching some ancient technology as Shuimu sat in his bean bag chair nearby. Shuimu tended to spend the night at the Yujin's castle, the place Hui Ying and Tai where currently residing in.
"So you said that Dong's aura had a purple like Aura to it?" Shuimu questioned as she ate from another bag of chips.
"Yeah, weird as hell. It felt almost familiar to be honest." Tai answered, taking a break from inventing and sitting down in the bean bag chair besides Shuimu.
"His eyes where sharp, filled with ambition. Kind of like a wolfs....." Tai noted before trailing off, slowly realizing something as he quickly stood up and rushed over to a chest in the corner of his room.
"Whoa there, what are you doing?" Shuimu asked, looking at Tai in confusion.
"Finding information." Tai replied, rummaging through his chest, pulling a variety of random things out.
"About who?" Shuimu shot back.
Tai quickly pulled out a family photo book and pulled out a picture of his and Hui's dad with a man who looked similar to Dong. White hair, and same stair. However, the man was wearing Celestial clothes and had purple eyes.
"Kui Mulang"
Note: Dong belongs to @yingjiaoyue
Feel free to ask any questions!
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writer-zie · 1 year
Hiiiii, can we talk how would Cheong-Shin react when you get hurt? He is 9348490% an over protective cutie
Absolutely, let's do that.
Minor Injuries.
Be it something as small as a scrape on your knee, or a graze on your arm, Cheong-Sin spends precious time patching you up.
He'll clean each wound meticulously, giving you small kisses to try and distract you from the pain from the rubbing alcohol.
Finally, before putting plasters or any sort of covering, he'll kiss each wound, and even with no proper evidence, you both swore that it made them heal faster.
Major Injuries.
(TW: car accident, mentions of murder, broken bones, drunk driving )
A/N: The police number in South Korea is 112, and ambulance/fire dept. is 119
Also potentially unrealistic injuries, I've never been hit by a car so I wouldn't know
Let's be honest here. Cheong-Sin doesn't let you get badly hurt.
When you go out, he's with you.
When you're at home, he's with you.
When you're out with friends, he may not be directly by your side, but he'll be in the area.
However, with the Counters after him now, he had to spend more and more time away, leaving you vulnerable to whatever society had to throw at you. He couldn't even use a proper phone, lest it get tracked and traced back to you.
You, on the other hand, didn't know what was happening to him. He'd be with you for a few days, then disappear for a week, with barely any notice. You couldn't even call to ask where he went, due to the dangerous nature of his job. But sometimes he'd call you with a burner phone, just to check on you.
(You don't know what he actually does, but he's told you he's an agent of some sort, which excuses these absences.)
So, on one of the days he isn't in, you go out to buy groceries. It's weird not having him with you. It feels like you're missing something. Not as large as an arm, nor as painful as a heart. Just a presence. A sense of safety.
But it was fine, right? You'd been okay without him before, you'd be alright now.
You stepped out of your apartment building into the not-so-busy streets of Jungjin. The occasional car streamed down the road. The sky was a pale grey, the sun a light spot against the cloud cover. Not much was going on today. Oh well.
You turned the corner onto the street that led to the grocery store, making sure to step over the ground tile that stuck slightly up as you removed your earphones from your pocket.
What to listen to?
(or replace that with your favourite song)
The tunes swirled around in your mind as you turned up the volume, blocking out the boring environment, blocking out practically anything that could be heard. Which was technically unsafe, but this was a relatively safe city. The street was also empty, except for a few people in cafés, so you'd be fine.
You started to recount your grocery list in your head.
"Milk, eggs, ramyeon, [favourite food], carrots, bread, cere—"
A sharp pain, a sensation of flying, and the world went dark.
It was a shame you couldn't hear what was going on around you, or you would have heard a faint rumbling behind you, and might have been able to jump out of the way of the car that had sped onto the pavement.
Your unconscious body was sprawled out on the ground, head and nose bleeding.
The people in the cafés began to pour out, having seen the car through the glass. Several people called 112, others called 119.
Coincidentally, your phone began to ring. Unknown Number.
In a hotel on the far side of Jungjin, Ji Cheong-Sin typed your number into his burner phone.
"Who you calling?" asked a voice from across the room. He looked up to see Hyang-hui standing there, smiling as always.
"None of your business." he replied, letting the phone ring.
"Aw, who is it? Come on, tell me!"
"I said, it's none of your business."
"Damn, why so cagey? Don't tell me you've got a secret girlfriend or something?"
He put his hand on the bed, as to stand up.
"Damn, ok! I'll leave you alone then!" she said, slipping out of the door.
He sighed and sat back down. You weren't picking up the phone. That was very strange.
Normally you either picked up, or messaged saying you were at work, but no response at all? That was odd.
He called again.
As you were carried into the ambulance, your eyes began to crack open.
You raised your hand to your face, shielding your eyes from the light. Murmurs surrounded you. A face entered your frame of view.
"She's awake." it said, standing up.
A collective sigh of relief filled the vehicle.
"Ma'am, do you feel pain anywhere?" asked another one.
Then the pain did kick in. Your arm shot to your knee, it felt like you'd, well, you didn't know what it felt like, but it hurt.
The care assistants took a quick glance, and it was quite clear to see. Your kneecap was deformed. Fractured.
"Kiyo, I need a splint, Hyun-dae, tell the hospital about the patient." said one of the people.
"Gotcha Jae-dal." replied another.
Cheong-sin was getting worried now. Normally you'd have sent him a message or something, but you just hadn't responded at all.
"Cheong-sin? Is your secret girlfriend not replying?" called Hyang-hui from outside the door. Her footsteps retreated into the other room as Cheong-sin got up. He threw the door open but instead of confronting her, he approached the door out their hotel suite.
"Where are you going?"
"You know the Counters are looking for you, right?"
"Don't care. I'll be back in a few hours."
"Hours?! Where are y—"
Cheong-sin closed the door.
After hailing a taxi, and paying the driver to go faster than was safe, he got off in front of your apartment building. He ran up the stairs, and hastily unlocked the door with the key you had given him.
Now he was really worried. Not picking calls, not in your apartment, where would you be? Was he being obsessive? No, he wasn't.
*buzz* *buzz*
He yanked his phone from his pocket, to see two nerve-clenching messages.
"am in the hopsital"
He could not have run faster.
You lay in your hospital bed after seeing the 4 missed calls from an unknown number. Cheong-sin was definitely worried about you. Well, you were worried about him too, you didn't want him to get hurt in his job as some sort of secret agent.
"Can I go to the place where you go home? My boyfriend's gonna be worried."
"Well we should keep you here for a bit, just to make sure your condition is stable."
"Well, I feel fine. My leg and hand hurt, but we established that in the ambulance. Can I go?" you asked.
"We don't advise it."
"I'll be fine. Is there like a form or something I can sign so I can leave?"
"Alright then. Yes, there is."
After signing, you were provided a pair of crutches, and assisted to the exit.
The next few seconds felt like a lifetime for Cheong-sin. As you came into frame, knee in a cast, and crutches under your shoulders, his heart sank. He rushed forward, eyes almost glassy.
"This is what happens when you form human connections, they're weak. They get hurt. Why not just kill her and save yourself the pain?", whispered the spirit, but Cheong-sin paid no notice. That was the furthest thing from his mind right now.
He pulled you close, burying his head into your shoulder, lifting you off the ground slightly.
You wrapped a feeble arm around him, smiling.
"I'm so, so sorry. If only I had been there I could've—"
"Quiet, aegiya." you said, pressing a hand to his mouth. "If you'd been there, you'd only have gotten hurt yourself."
"But I wouldn't have been." he started, pulling your hand away. "I could have got you out of the way, or stopped the car, or— I'm so sorry." he replied, squeezing your hand tightly.
Cheong-sin carried you in his arms all the way home. No matter how much you said you could walk, he refused to let you. You'd already been hurt enough.
He wouldn't be returning to the hotel tonight. Hyang-hui could wait.
Cheong-sin would try his best to be around for your recovery, but obviously he couldn't, but every chance he got he'd stay by your side, get you food, water, things to do, check on your situation, by phone if he couldn't be there in person. You wouldn't be able to worsen the injury even if you tried, despite what the hospital said. Your leg was immobilised, as was your [non-dominant] hand, so nothing could really happen to you.
The driver who had crashed into you was drunk, and was taken to the police station once the police were called. An accident took place that night.
A drunk driver was broken out of a holding cell in Jungjin police station. There were signs of a struggle, but there was no security footage for about 3 minutes in that police station. Once it came back, both drunk driver and the person who broke him out were gone.
Some people reported hearing screams late in the night, but when the area was examined, nothing was found.
No police officers had any record of this happening.
And Cheong-sin got home slightly later that night, with scarlet eyes.
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bigsoftmarshmallow · 3 months
Okay, I've been working on this one for a bit
Equal Lady is a weaponsmithing prodigy, right? This is why I see her crafting a very powerful & high-quality weapon(s) for him. To gift to him on their wedding night.
Because, remember, she is extremely protective of her family's legacy, so she honors him greatly by gifting him a weapon of such incredible quality & use.
For WW, she'd gift him a Hwībàkta (IRL Hwi or Hui cutlass of Dahomey) with a design that curls back at the tip like a wave & a depiction of a scene from his favorite Gerudàn tale engraved on the blade (specifically, one he’s confessed to her as giving him strength when he needs it most). It is a one-handed weapon, but the blade itself is wide. This, plus a Parrying Dagger to be kept in the robe sleeve of his non-dominant hand in case someone ever comes at him from that side. (She knows that he has an old injury on that side & she hates the idea of it acting up when he needs to defend himself; this way, he merely has to pull the drawstring inside to cause the dagger to slide into his hand. Though, she's careful not to mention the injury itself as she wishes to respect his pride, which he's likely aware of.)
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For OoT, I specifically see her forging & gifting him with a Dātàrrshik (the Konda-type Claymore he uses in Smash Ultimate. Which, keep in mind that she's much smaller than him, yet she's able to lift it fairly easily even if with a bit of effort.) It is designed to utilize his male-endowed physical strength & to channel his magic, thus allowing for dark magic & lightning magic slashes. Its swings are heavy & brutal.
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For TP, she'd forge a pair of Shōtàrren (Shotels) which are closely associated with the moon in Gerudàn culture much the same way that Moonlight Scimitars are. She'd create the blades themselves out of sterling silver (a silver-copper alloy) & steel. She'd then add the Monster Horn & Moonstones by melting them down then folding it into the metal which would keep the sterling silver-steel alloy from separating. Then, she'd add a Moonstone to the guard & use Twilight Lizalfos (Silver Lizalfos with a Twilight element) leather to wrap the handles. Thus, giving them the Twilight (both Light & Shadow) element. My thoughts for the names could be Laashàméda Tàrr (Waxing Crescent) & Laawàltéda Tàrr (Waning Crescent). This allows him to channel Light, Shadow, or Twilight.
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For HW, she gifts him a Gib'balubéïr'jï Kshuraf (Executioner's Blade; inspired by the Ngombe Ngulu blade of Africa) & a Ràsattàr (Head King; inspired by both a Yoruba & an Omozo, made to kill with a single slash). Both are one-handed & are meant to be used together. One deals exorbitant pain & the other puts them out of that misery respectively. Named Qrāsra Sāqsha & Dayraīs Gib (Cruel Life & Merciful Death) respectively.
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For TotK, she forged a Sham'shïr. Which is if a Scimitar were 2-handed. Basically, it's a Dadao in the style of a Moonlight Scimitar. An ancient & long-forgotten Gerudo weapon that she discovered the design for in her exploration of the Gerudo Desert. (In this way, she's somewhat returning a bit of the Gerudo's own culture to them.) She melted down the Monster Horns (Lynel Saber Horn & Fire Gleeok Horn) & Rubies, folding them into Dawasaaq steel (equivalent of Damascus steel) from the Highlands. The handle is wrapped in stripes of Shadow Lizalfos leather (which are basically just Black Lizalfos with a Shadow element that I made up). She then affixed a Black Pearl to the pommel, then engraved “Fa’gáron” in Gerudo (meaning hellfire) & an image of a great dragon upon the blade. By running his fingers along the edge & speaking that word, the sword will be engulfed in black flames fueled by his On’nen or Malice. He names it Fa'gáron'jï Bojaqàr, “Hellfire's Shadow.” It has 176 damage potential.
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Regardless of what she makes, though, she'd melt down the only Golden Lynel Saber Horn that she has & fold it into the blade for each of the Dorfs. Training with him had allowed her to finally manage to take a Golden Lynel down, so she used the first Saber Horn she obtained from one to make a weapon for him as a show of her gratitude.
And no matter what, the weapon(s) is always the perfect size & weight in his hands.
Reaction if that's okay?
Thank you for supplying pictures with the weapon descriptions as well! I was able to visualize them very well thanks to your thoughtfulness.
The Equal Lady’s gesture of gifting Ganondorf a finely crafted weapon, personalized and embedded with significant elements from their culture and her efforts, would deeply affect each iteration of Ganondorf in different but equally profound ways. Here are their reactions:
Wind Waker Ganondorf
Weapon: Hwībàkta Cutlass and Parrying Dagger
Reaction: Wind Waker Ganondorf would be deeply touched by the thoughtfulness and craftsmanship of the weapons. The cutlass, with its wave-like design and the engraved scene from his favorite Gerudàn tale, would remind him of the sea and his heritage. The parrying dagger, designed to accommodate his old injury, would show her deep understanding and respect for his pride.
Ganondorf: "You honor me greatly with these gifts. The craftsmanship is unparalleled, and the thought behind them even more so. I will carry these with pride and think of you with every swing."
Ocarina of Time Ganondorf
Weapon: Dātàrrshik Claymore
Reaction: Ocarina of Time Ganondorf would admire the sheer power and magical capability of the claymore. The fact that it channels dark and lightning magic would appeal to his affinity for powerful sorcery. He would be impressed by her strength and skill in creating such a formidable weapon.
Ganondorf: "This blade is a testament to your skill and our bond. With it, I will carve a new future for us. You have my gratitude and my heart."
Twilight Princess Ganondorf
Weapon: Pair of Shōtàrren (Shotels)
Reaction: Twilight Princess Ganondorf would appreciate the symbolic connection to the moon and the intricate crafting involving precious materials and elements. The dual blades, capable of channeling light, shadow, and twilight, would resonate with his complex nature and the twilight realm.
Ganondorf: "These blades are as beautiful as they are deadly. You have given me a weapon that embodies our connection to the twilight. I will wield them with honor and protect what is ours."
Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf
Weapon: Gib'balubéïr'jï Kshuraf (Executioner's Blade) and Ràsattàr (Head King)
Reaction: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf would be thrilled by the brutality and elegance of the paired weapons. The Executioner’s Blade and Head King would suit his formidable combat style perfectly. He would appreciate the dual nature of inflicting pain and mercy, a reflection of his own complex personality.
Ganondorf: "Cruel Life and Merciful Death, fitting names for these magnificent weapons. Your craftsmanship and thoughtfulness are unmatched. Together, we will dominate all who stand before us."
Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf
Weapon: Sham'shïr
Reaction: Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf would be profoundly moved by the ancient Gerudo weapon, rediscovered and crafted with such powerful materials. The Hellfire's Shadow, with its ability to channel black flames, would symbolize his connection to ancient power and his malice.
Ganondorf: "Fa'gáron'jï Bojaqàr... A blade worthy of a king. You have given me not just a weapon, but a piece of our history. With this, we will reign over Hyrule and restore our legacy."
General Sentiment Across All Iterations:
Across all iterations, Ganondorf would feel a deep sense of connection and appreciation for his Equal Lady. The effort and thought put into each weapon, combined with her mastery in crafting, would strengthen their bond. He would treasure the weapon not just for its combat utility, but as a symbol of her love and support.
Ganondorf (General Sentiment): "You have given me a weapon that is more than metal and magic. It is a symbol of our bond, our shared strength, and our future. With this, I will fight for us, for our people, and for the destiny we will carve together."
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ninjagecko72 · 4 months
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Day 25: Turtlesona (ft. My OCs)
Challenge by @tmaynt
Going from upper left corner there is my Isabella, my main mutant leopard gecko girl, the little lizard sister (or lil liz sis thanks to Mikey), to our main four turtle boys. Right hand corner there’s Velia, the mutant Fancy Rat from the same lab as Isa and even helped her escape from the laboratory. She never knew that Isa would ever get picked up by four turtle toddlers and another mutant rat.
Second row and on the left is Mei-Hui, essentially the Mei Pieh Chi/Venus de Milo of my AU. Idk how she got mutated yet but I do know she was raised by monks in the mountains who would teach her their ways and help her connect to her abilities over Chi/Ki energy.
Big Dino man here is Zephaniah, my Triceraton hybrid OC. He’s the son of Zanramon and supposedly the named “Regent” of the Triceratons. He eventually meets Isa during their adventures in Space in season 2 and learns to no longer avoid Zanramon and finally push back against him. Can’t say anymore because his story is still in development. I’ve been playing around with his design a lot. He’s got maybe two more color variations but overall that’s how he looks. Gotta keep dad’s dark red somewhere in there while having some features from Mother’s side.
Way down there is my very first Turtlesona. I know I’ve been a fan of the Turtles for years and I only recently began interacting with the community more (especially through this challenge), but I’ve never really considered a turtlesona until now. It wasn’t the first thought to come to mind.
Unmasked version down below
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chashmenaaz · 1 year
Be-naam fareha- Jaun Elia
Saari baatein bhool jana fareha Tha wo sab kuch ek fasana fareha
forget all the matters Fareha
it was all just a story Fareha
Haan mohabbat ek dhoka hi to thi Ab kabhi dhoka na khana fareha
yes, love was nothing but a deception
now never be deceived Fareha
Chhed de gar koi mera tazkera Sun ke tanzan muskurana fareha
if someone were to mention me
hear and smile sarcastically Fareha
Meri jo nazmein tumhare naam hain Ab unhein mat gungunana fareha
my poems that are named after you
now do not hum them Fareha
Tha faqat roohon ke naalon ki shikast Wo tarannum, wo taraana fareha
there was only the defeat of the drains of souls
that way of singing, that melody, Fareha
Bahes kya karna bhala halaat se Haarna hai, haar jana fareha
what to argue with the circumstances
have to get defeated, get defeated Fareha
Saaz-o-barg-e-aish ko meri tarah Tum nazar se mat giraana fareha
Do not let the luxurious belongings as i did
fall from your sight Fareha
Hai shaoor-e-gham ki ek qeemat magar Tum ye qeemat mat chukana fareha
there is a price to the awareness of sorrow but
do not pay this price Fareha
Zindagi hai fitratan kuchh bad-mizaaj Zindagi ke naaz uthaana fareha
Life is inherently somewhat unpredictable
bear with the whims of life Fareha
Peshkash mein phool kar lena qubool Ab sitaare mat mangana fareha
accept the offering of flowers
now don't ask for stars, Fareha
Chand weerane tasawwur mein rahein Jab nayi duniya basana fareha
when the deserted wilderness is in imagination
start a new life, Fareha
Jaanib-e-ishrat gah-e-shehar-e-bahaar Ho sake to milke jaana fareha
Towards the abode of joy, the city of spring
If possible, meet and go, Fareha
Sochta hun kis qadar tareek hai Ab mera baqi zamana fareha
I wonder how dark it is
Now, the rest of my time, Fareha
Sunn raha hun manzil-e-ghurbat se door Baj raha hai shadiyana fareha
I am hearing, being far from the destination of solitude
The wedding music is playing, Fareha
Mauj-zan pata hun main ek sail-e-rang Az-qafas-taa-aashiyana fareha
I know how to create waves, like a painter of colors
from the cage to the nest, Fareha
Ho mubarak rasm-e-taqreeb-e-shabaab Bar-murad-e-khusrawana fareha
Congratulations on the ceremony of youthful beauty
May your desires be fulfilled, Fareha
Saj ke wo kaisa laga hoga jo tha Ek khwaab-e-shayerana fareha
how would he have looked adorned, who was
a poetic dream Fareha
Sochta hun main, ke mujh ko chahiye Ye khushi dil se manana fareha
I think that i need to
wholeheartedly embrace this happiness Fareha
Kya hua gar zindagi ki raah mein Hum nahin shana-ba-shana fareha
What happens if on the path of life
we are not side by side Fareha
Waqt shayad aap apna jabr hai Us pe kya tohmat lagana fareha
Perhaps time in itself is tyranny
why accuse it, Fareha
Zindagi ek naqsh-e-be-naqqaash hai Us pe kya ungli uthana fareha
Life is an uncarved design
Why raise a finger at it, Fareha
Kash ek qanun hota jo nahin Zakhm apne kya dikhana fareha
I wish there was a law that didn't exist
Why show your wounds, Fareha
Kash kuch iqdaar hote jo nahin Phir bhala dil kya jalana fareha
I wish there were some choices that don't exist
why burn your heart, Fareha
Sirf ek jalti hui zulmat hai noor Taab-o-tabish par na jana fareha
light is only a burning darkness
dont be fooled by it's heat and fervor Fareha
Ye jo sab kuch hai ye shayad kuch nahin Rog jee ko kya lagana fareha
This everything that exists this might be nothing
why make the heart ill Fareha
Sail hai, bas be-karaan lamhon ka sail Gharq-e-sail-e-be-karaana fareha
It's a journey, just a collection of aimless moments
Drowning in the sea of purposeless journey, Fareha
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How I see "The Outsiders + That Was Then This Is Now" characters
Part 2: that was then this is now + shepards
(note. This how I see them during the outsiders book timeline specifically so they’d be younger than in TWTTIN)
Tim Shepard - Robert Rustle
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• i don’t know he played Tim in the 1990 show so he’s just kinda stuck in my head
• his ass is not related to his siblings
• tan skin
• long ugly white scar on the side of his face either from Dallas or his dad
Curly Shepard - Shaver Ross
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• his head is shaved from reformatory
• really sharp canines like a dog
• one of those people with a really sweet looking kiddish face
Angela Shepard - Erica Gimpel
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• She has longer hair, to her upper back at least
• like curly she has a really innocent looking face
• tall for her age
Cathy Carlson - Tricia Joe
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• I don't care what the movie says. she is not white
• spends at least an hour a day curling her hair
• dark grey colorless eyes
m&m Carlson - Ke Huy Quan
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• a little older maybe
• that’s all though, he’s literally just M&M to me
Bryon Douglas - Cody McMains
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• vitiligo on his face, hands, and arms
• dark brown eyes
• darker almost black brunette hair
Mark Jennings - Corey Heim
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• blond hair and golden eyes
• one tooth capped silver
• the same hair style he has in the movies
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polaroid-sorcery · 18 days
Nachtwacht haunted house !!
Hi, I just saw a post on Instagram about a Plopsaland De Panne's halloween event-thing. So in case you missed the news, this all information I've gathered so far about the halloween event summarised.
it's name is Nachtwacht & Het Huis van Pandora (EN: Night Watch & The House of Pandora)
it is about the Night Watch trying to chase dark creatures out of the house.
it will be a haunted house targeted at a younger demographic than Plopsaland's Halloween Scare Nights the previous years.
the haunted house can be visited from Sunday October 6th to Sunday May 3rd.
during the weekdays of the autumn break the Night Watch will perform too.
the haunted house will be located in the Heidi-section of the park.
My personal theory: (It's not really a theory, but more an observation I guess?)
Night Watch has been known to use figures from Greek mythology in their tv-series, especially in season one. Take for example the siren (ep5), the cyclops(ep6) or the minotaur (ep4). Pandora is yet another famous figure from Greek mythology so it will be interesting to see how they utilize the excisting mythos in the haunted house.
a small tip from personal expierence: if you are going to Plopsaland De Panne to visit Het Huis van Pandora it might be worth it to note that the park's Night Watch attraction, the Nachtwacht flyer, is located on the other side of the park (not in the Heidiland section).
Also, even if you don't want to ride the flyer but you do like Night Watch, I would still recommend visiting the area of the attraction because of the Nachtwacht-theming (even if it's not much, it is nice to see one of my favourite Studio 100 series have their own little spot at the park).
I'll also link an article below so you can read all about Nachtwacht & Het Huis van Pandora on your own xx
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blueberryarchive · 9 months
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hello, anon! right now i'm not reading that many fics because im finishing shangai baby by wei hui.
i can recommend @peachypinkygloss and her other blog @crybabychim (it's jimin heaven, a lot of good dark themes fics)
also if you want something on the fluffier side, @strwb3rrynini writing melts me, also im very excited for her next project which features 1930's ballerina! reader x protecteur!jimin.
if i think of another one i will probably post it on my second blog (it's a recommendations blog) called @jiminscatcafe. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
not sure if this is helpful but thanks for asking!🫐
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 month
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spice :  cinnamon
weather event/natural disaster : rain / tsunami
color : purple
magical power : shape shifting into either different people or animals for a mental health break, or using her mana to heal others.
shoe : slippahs {flip-flops} plant : Plumeria {lei flower}, Pikake {Jasmin}
animal : sharks, cats
weapon : her bone athame, ihe {wood spear laced with shark teeth}, pīkoi {tripping cord/garrote}, her natural claws and teeth.
subject/major : math, history, art. She went to medical school and made it all the way into residency before dropping out and getting her Masters of Science in Nursing. {She could finish her residency and become a Doctor, but she prefers working in emergency rooms, and as a nurse practitioner}
gemstone/mineral : pearls, aquamarines, garnets, emeralds
makeup product : Neen "Side Eye" liner {high pigment/cruelty free/vegan/sustainably sourced}
candy : li ming hui sour patch kids, red vines. Though her actual favourite snack is shredded dried cuttlefish {Ika} or hurricane popcorn.
fear : darkness/abandonment/peanut butter/heights
sport (traditional or extreme) : surfing, American football
method of long–distance travel : boat/ship..or car if she has to be land-based. Beth cannot fly without being medicated.
hour:  sunrise
wood: koa wood
mythological creature : megalodon
three  emojis : 💜 🦈 🤙 {shaka, not 'call me'}
moon phase: Full, waning crescent ~*~
tagged: my darling Jo @bewitchingbaker
tagging: <ties this dash game to railroad tracks and expects YOU to save it>
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mctna timeframe x wihwado retreat
okay so idk if this classifies as a meta post but it focuses on how the historical timeline meshes with that of the show to give up some tentative dates in the first 3-4 episodes. Long post after the cut:
Historically speaking, General Yi Seong-gye’s coup d’etat lasted from 22 May – 3 June 1388. Judging from the scene in mctna when YSG and Nam Jeon are in a fortress looking at the capital (your country vs your child scene) it only took a couple days to mobilise their forces to the capital. I say this cuz mctna shows that the amount of time this mobilisation process took was directly parallel to the time between Seon-ho’s first stab wound and his ruler of darkness speech. 
I mean, one might think it would’ve taken longer in real life than was shown in the series cuz of the sheer size of the army. However, that’s not the case. Here is some fun info and calculations for my fellow overthinkers who think their fic readers will research every miniscule detail you write for historical and scientific accuracy:
As I have already mentioned, a typical horse can walk at a speed of approximately 4 mph (6.5 km/h), trot at about 8 and 12 mph (13.9 – 19.5 km/h), while it can reach at least 25 and 30 mph (40 – 48 km/h) when galloping.
Source: horsey info
Below is just a walkthrough of the calculating process.
So imagine the horses in that army are travelling at 6mph/ 9.66 kmph. The distance between Liaodong (for the sake of this post I’m using modern-day Dalian at the tip of the Peninsula as the starting point) and Gaegyeong (the capital & modern-day Pyongyang) is 359.2 km by land. For non-stop travel, this would take roughly 37.2 hours. Assuming they would start travel an hour after sunrise (aka 6:20 am at that time of year), set up nightly camp a half-hour before sunset (aka 7pm at that time of year) and would need to take at least one hour’s rest during the day for sustenance/bathroom/miscellaneous reasons, they would cover about 112.7kmph per day which is about 12hours of travel per day. If they push a bit on the last day, the army would’ve arrived at the Capital in around 3 days. 
So along with a couple days of strategising before the coup, it can be said that the night Seon-ho was sent to get rid of the advance forces was circa May 17th 1388.
Between the first time skip and this night, we have maybe 2-3 days of seeing the bois on both the main army and advance troop sides. Let’s say the first time skip when we see Hwi at the end of ep 2 brought us to circa May 14th 1388.
Now the time skip itself lasted around 2 months. We can assume that Hwi was dragged to the docks somewhere around March 12th 1388.
If the military exam took place 1 or 2 days before that, let’s say our hearts first broke on on March 10th 1388.
Assuming that the training montage showing the boys getting ready for this lasted about a week as shown by Seon-ho’s different training outfits and the snippets of him treating his sword slash wound every night, the last day of happiness (aka the kite-flying) took place somewhere around March 4th or so. Using this, Hwi went back to the military exam sign-up officer on the day before and earlier on that same day March 3rd is when Seon-ho invited Hwi to the hunt with YSG.
Canonically, the boys first meet Hui-jae (which one can argue starts off the chain of events) 2-3 days earlier. Basically the scene from the pilot of our bois being all young and carefree and practicing swordplay together in the woods happens on March 1st 1388.
So yeah that’s the reverse order timeline of the first few episodes. If you made it all the way to the end, hope this can help you to further research whatever you need in further detail by using these dates as guidelines. 
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Hi! ALoN fic prompt: Zhang Ping x Lan Jue, post canon. Zhang Ping meets Lan Jue's child.
We have no canonical TV portrayals of Lan Hui and therefore, my personal fanon is that Lan Hui looks like Lan Jue as a child with just about the same level of determination.
(may write headcanons about this we shall see)
When Lan Hui finally crosses the threshold into the manor he once knew as home, he starts to pick out the differences between the here and now, and the way these walls used to sit in his memories.
The first is that it smells different.
Sure, it does still smell like the orchids that his father used to cultivate, but it's fainter. And the smell of his mother's perfume is nowhere here. Instead, Lan Hui can smell cooking.
Noodles. Dumplings. Roast. He doesn't remember his father ever being extravagant with his meals, so he doesn't know who this food is for.
But then again, it has been years since he has stepped foot in this manor. Things might have changed.
Perhaps he gained a stepmother? One who delights in cooking?
It wouldn't be out of the ordinary and certainly, Lan Hui knows that even with all the danger that comes with being married to him, many men and enterprising societal mamas would not hesitate to push their daughters and nieces to his father's side.
The second thing that strikes him is the sound of the house itself is different.
He had left home under the guise of darkness, sleep still crusting his eyes, with the mourning clothes on his back the only things he could bring with him. Yet, the most important thing he remembers about that night was how the air of his home clung in such a heavy way in his lungs.
It was an air coloured by the sounds of mourning.
The sound of the monk chanting sutras in the hall, the way the servants quietly bustled through the house preparing for the funeral. In his memories, it was the fluttering of the banners in the nighttime breeze, and the sound of his father's breath against his cheek as he tells him to be good and listen well to the uncle and aunt he was sending him to.
In those dreams he has had since then, it is the sound of the carriage wheels rumbling on the road as it takes him far, far away from everything and everyone he has ever known.
Now, the halls carry a sound of chatter and laughter.
The third, and perhaps most important change, is when he takes a turn with Uncle Xu Dong guiding him, he sees the man seated with his father.
Lan Hui is still too far away to hear what is being said between them, but there is a clear note of amusement trembling in the mid-morning sunlight.
There is a steaming bowl of noodles on the table that his father is taking bites from. It looks... delicious. The man has an apron wrapped around his thin waist, sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and flour on his wrists. Clearly, this bowl was his doing.
Said man has a scholarly bearing and there's a sense that he is laughing about something that only he's seeing, but what arrests Lan Hui's attention is how his father is leaning against him, pale diaphanous robes spilling over the man's, face tilted up to his, eyes soft and fond.
The same sort of softness and fondness that Lan Hui only ever saw when his father was looking at his mother.
"Lan Hui?"
His father's deep voice startles him out of his observations. Coming to a stop, he bows, suddenly quite unable to speak. Emotions churn in his belly as he straightens himself.
Did you think of me? Did you get any of my letters? Have you taken care of yourself? Can I not leave again? Can I stay, please?
None of which he says.
Because before he can shape the words on his tongue, his father has swept him up in a hug. "My son..."
"My apologies for not sending word ahead of our earlier arrival, Daren," Uncle Xu Dong says from over his shoulder. "The Young Master was eager to press on."
Careful hands cup his face, and Lan Hui feels a small spark of warmth grow in his chest when he looks up to see that his father's cheeks are as wet as his own are.
Father's smile is everything. A homecoming. The way a warm room feels after a day in the cold. All the embraces he wished he had every time he felt alone or sad with those thousands of leagues that kept Lan Hui away from him.
It is hopeful, even when his father pulls away, hands running over his shoulders, marvelling about how he has grown.
"Come, Lan Hui, sit with us," He declares after telling Uncle Xu Dong to go get some rest. With one hand on his own, he guides Lan Hui back to where the scholar is gently smiling as he greets him with a nod.
"This is Zhang Ping," Father says, folding himself onto a seat pillow and letting the man pull a set for Lan Hui. "He's..."
They exchange a look with Zhang Ping ducking his head to hide a smile, quickly moving away to the side as two serving girls come with trays of snacks. Father quickly fills his plate, telling him how all these were made by the man net to him, while Zhang Ping works in tandem to pour him a cup of water.
They work like clockwork. As if this is a dance with secret steps that only they both know the movements to.
This leads him, perhaps with a little less tact than he should have in a situation like this, to ask, "Mr Zhang Ping, are you my new stepmother?"
Predictably, Father chokes mid-chew of his noodles, face going a ruddy red as Zhang Ping pats his back with one hand and pressing his cup of tea into his father's with the other.
"Lan Hui...!"
"It's not an incorrect assumption," Zhang Ping admits softly, cheeks tinged pink when he meets Lan Hui's eyes. Casting a quick glance at Father before pouring him another cup of tea and offering him a handkerchief.
Looking between Zhang Ping and Father, Lan Hui sees the careful way Zhang Ping switches out the empty cup for some water, the quiet thanks in Father's eyes when his coughing dies down to a rasp.
Lan Hui also spies the small smile that Father gives Zhang Ping, the moment that lingers between them when their hands brush over the cup.
Picking up the soft bean cake on his plate, he takes a bite. It's sweet without being overpowering. Lan Hui lets the taste linger on his tongue, waiting for Father and Zhang Ping to turn back to him again.
"Lan Hui, Zhang Ping is--"
"My new stepmother, I get that," Lan Hui says, smiling a little. Father gapes at his words, but Zhang Ping is tilting his head, looking a lot like a puppy he once had when it found something interesting.
Lan Hui takes another bite of his cake, gratified to know that his home life from here on out will be nothing less than interesting.
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gizkasparadise · 2 years
Worst second lead syndrome in KDRAMA?
there's a couple of contenders :'D
mr. sunshine: gu dong mae and kim hui seong
when the female lead has 3 love interests and you like 2 of them way more than the one who was endgame 🤡. dong mae/ae sin reminded me so, so much of a more dark version of one of my eternal OTPs, renji/rukia from bleach: childhood connection, woman from a noble class, guy from a rough background, they separate and reconnect years later. although in mr. sunshine the guy turns to organized crime :'| but the pining. the scene where ae sin's dress goes over dong mae's hands will keep me fed for years!
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hui seong on the other hand was just so damn likeable. i have a thing for the Sad Clown character archetype and i think him and ae sin could have really understood each other given some more time, but sadly that doesn't exist for ANY of the couples in this drama.
reply 1994: chil bong yi/"seven shut-outs"
lol the second lead syndrome that got me to drop an entire drama :'D i remember their kiss scene at the party and how it cut to him having to run extra laps during baseball practice but he was smiling the whole time and i was like no i cant watch this guy become a punching bag for 10 more eps :'D
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she was pretty: kim shin hyuk
on the one hand, we got a certified Weirdo who is super into the female lead before her makeover, is supportive of her at work, and looks like the center of one of the biggest kpop groups of all time?
on the other hand, we got a mean boss who used to be a childhood friend, but apparently doesn't recognize her anymore because she's no longer hot
like. this was no contest??
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cheese in the trap: baek in ho
now that i've read the webtoon, i actually like the main couple a little more, but in terms of drama!CITT, it should have been baek in ho all the way. the two had way more chemistry, better scenes, and better development. it says something that i was way sadder about their friendship breakup than hong seol's breakup with her actual boyfriend
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my first first love: seo do hyun
SONG YI LITERALLY SAID HE WAS HER LOVE STORY?! ugh!!!! this one continues to baffle me, because they actually dated in the drama, had great chemistry, and the only reason they drifted apart was because do hyun had family obligations and couldnt just drop everything at any moment the way tae oh could. tae oh + song yi felt shoehorned in together at the end, and their love story fell flat comparatively. tbh i interpret do hyun's present to song yi as a "see you when you're ready for your second husband" beginning and i will not accept other interpretations
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and last but not least:
chicago typewriter: yoo jin oh/shin yul
this one-sided love story totally wrecked me. he mentored her, he betrayed their organization to save her life, she shot him for it. he comes back as a ghost and still loves her ;; like!!! ahhhhhhh. it didn't help that se ju was a dick for the first half of the drama. the scene with seol's shoelaces coming undone and "someone's missing you" will wreck me until the end of my days
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