#humam history
selkies-world · 1 year
OK, history buffs of tumblr, it's time to flex!
I'm writing an article on how we (as humans) have always projected our fears onto others- other groups, other people, etc,.
I need sources for / examples of:
Historic events where Group A existed within their own culture or subculture with little to no issues with the outside world or society, until Group B showed up & persecuted Group A - but to justify it, Group B convinced themselves & Group C that Group A were doing specific terrible things to Group B and Group C, so really Group B We're being the heroes by obliviating Group A. Meanwhile, Group A never did those things, and it was actually Group B doing those exact things to Group A, while claiming they were simultaneously the heroes and the victims.
Times Group 1 were aware that certain crimes were being committed within their society, but they couldn't fathom one of their own doing it, and wouldn't acknowledge that most people in Group 2 were capable of it, so Group 1 invented an urban legend creature to blame the crimes on, but based it entirely on their nightmare version of Group 2.
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anonymitie · 3 months
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ssoupcup · 1 year
hot take but I don't want to be remembered after i die. i want those who knew me to be happy that i was there and remember me, but that's it. i don't want to leave a visible legacy. i don't want my name to be passed down by generations and talked about for years to come. i simply want to rot in the ground and decay naturally, return to nature and have been a mere human whose existence mattered no more or less than another who died the same day as i. i want to achieve a lot in life, and i want my achievements to be recognised and useful whilst i am alive. but after i die, all i want my legacy to be is a smile, a good memory, someone who loved, and to be left in the past. i don't want people to recognise my name in a family tree. i just want to exist now and fade out when it's my time, like centuries of unnamed humans before me.
love me as i live now, and let my name fade out after i die. its okay to forget me, in fact, please do
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blueiskewl · 11 months
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Stunning Greek Mosaics Uncovered in Syria
A rare and stunning mosaic panel depicting Greek scenes has recently been uncovered in the Homs province of Syria. Experts say it dates back to the Roman era.
Syrian state news agency SANA reported that archeologists unearthed the sizeable mosaic panel constructed 1,600 years ago in the city of al-Rastan, adding that “the panel has no parallel in the world”.
The Syrian Directorate of Antiquities noted that it was found in an area previously held by the opposition forces of Syria.
Dr. Humam Saad, director of excavation studies and the archaeological mission in al-Rastan, said that the discovery actually took place in 2018. But the Syrian opposition forces who controlled the Homs province meant that archeologists could not uncover it earlier.
However, with the return of Bashar Assad’s regime forces, archaeologists finally received access. This allowed them to reveal the mosaic, which has a length of 20 meters and a width of 6 meters.
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Archaeologists still believe there is a possibility of finding more remains under the mosaic.
Unearthed Mosaic depicts two main Greek Scenes
The uncovered Mosaic features two main scenes. One depicts soldiers carrying swords with shields seen with the names of Greek leaders who took part in the Trojan War. The war was a legendary conflict between the ancient Greeks and the people of Troy more than 2,000 years ago.
The second is a portrayal of Neptune(Greek Poseidon), the Ancient Roman/Greek god of the sea, and 40 of his mistresses.
Around the 12th century BC when the rift between the ancient Greeks and the people of Troy began, the Trojan prince Paris abducted Helen, wife of king Menelaus of Sparta.
When Menelaus demanded her return, the Trojans refused. In turn, Menelaus persuaded his brother Agamemnon to lead an army against Troy.
The Greeks ravaged Troy’s surrounding cities and countryside for nine years. The city held out nonetheless, being well-fortified and commanded by Hector and other sons of the royal household.
On the 10th and final year of war, the Greeks had the brilliant idea to build a large hollow wooden horse and hide a select force of men inside. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. In this manner, they entered the city of Troy and won the war.
A long-held argument about whether the battle actually took place is still raging. Nevertheless, there is enough evidence indicating its truth. Unfortunately, however, no one has ever found the giant wooden horse.
The reality of the battle now justifies all the stories spread about the war. This includes the tale of Achilles. The great ancient Greek warrior was invulnerable because his mother dipped him in the River Styx while a child. Yet according to ancient Greek mythology, he was left vulnerable at the part of the body by which she held him; his left heel.
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Greek Mosaic in Syria “complete and rarest of its kind”
Dr. Saad said “It is not the oldest of its kind, but it’s the most complete and the rarest,”
“We have no similar mosaic,” referring to the significance and uniqueness of the unearthed mosaic.
He also told the press that “What is in front of us is a discovery that is rare on a global scale.” Furthermore, he stated, the images are “rich in details, and includes scenes from the Trojan War between the Greeks and Trojans”.
In Ancient Greek and Roman mythology, the Greek demigod hero Hercules slayed Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, in one of his 12 labours. That finding apparently connects with history.
Saad further added, “We can’t identify the type of the building, whether it’s a public bathhouse or something else, because we have not finished excavating yet.”
Prior to the armed conflict in Syria, there had not been significant excavation efforts in the city of al-Rastan, despite its historical significance in the country, Saad said.
He added that “Unfortunately, there were armed groups that tried to sell the mosaic at one point in 2017 and listed it on social media platforms.”
By James Ssengendo.
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So Metatron left Muriel in the bookshop. Likely a way to convince Aziraphale to go with him. Metatron called her dim, so he likely sees her as a tool.
But now, she has time to read. To be introduced to new ideas. To learn history through a humam angle. And I'm convinced this will play a role in Metatron's downfall.
I'm ready for Muriel helping Crowley take Heaven down in season 3.
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zephyricd · 10 months
— On humans.
For all intents and purposes, Articuno is.. ambivalent towards humans. It does like most of them, and is more friendly towards them than Zapdos ( that is, less prone to judgemental stares and potential violence ). Much of it has to do with the long-standing history in which humans have chosen to stand by it and even go as far as routinely proving that it shouldn't consider laying humans to waste. Even so, Articuno didn't particularly care at that time what happened to humans, but offered equal protection when the humans that did their best to take care of it needed the help. This symbiosis became the standard over some years of desperate survival for humans, in a land primarily occupied by 'mons who were not picky with their meal for the day.
It remained as impartial as possible in humam conflicts ( and danger would slowly become imminent when it's presence was treated as a weapon—which, articuno was hardly offended, being an aspect of the region's weather meant it was a force unfathomable to primitive technology ). When such conflicts were created due to the existence of what was then primal reversion, the need for some way to suppress this influence arose, and the community that lived near Articuno was the logical choice, as generations of fealty evolved into reverence. Humans were fascinating in this regard, and to say it wasn't humorous would be a bit of a lie. Humans were the first living creatures to look upon the bird in such a light. In the end, Articuno allowed this kind of connection as it was mutually beneficial. In this point of history was the concept of an herald born.
In the modern era, Articuno has learned well of the strange behaviors of humans—not all are what they seem. The events that occurred in Johto are proof of that err in judgment, and although it went into hiding for some years, it still resided in the depths of Violet City or the cold mountains from all humans. Still, with the trials of each generation held strongly in the Yukihane clan, it is well aware that humans are fragile physically, despite the kinds of fortresses are built across hearts and minds. It likes, that, in all truth. The unpredictability in humans is almost the same as the unpredictability in the weather itself. Articuno likes that.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
My complex and dark headcannon of why Harley ended up with the Joker:
▫️One of the questions that I always find in the Batman fandom is how exactally was Harleen placed as the Joker therapist.
▫️The Animated Series answers it with the very unfortunate explanation that Harley's destiny was her fault.
Now don't get me wrong I love TAS implication that Harley would became a villan with or without the Joker, she needs this type of authonomy, to be the one who jumped in the acid and not the one who was pushed into it. My problem is with the implication that Harley only got to her position (best student in the course, a high paying job in Arkham and a famous pacient of her choice) by sex favors. It undermines my girl capacity and inteligence and honestly she could've sleept around and being great.
▫️This problem seems to be acknowledged in modern depictions of Harley. Now days instead of portraying her as a bad professional who got everything by favoritism, the more common portray of Dr. Quinzel is as someone competent but inexperienced. She just got out med school and while she is super smart she does not have the experience to see through Joker.
▫️While I personally like this second incarnation of Dr. Quinzel it oppens the question: why was she dealong with Joker to begin with?
▫️For some reason both this portrays seem working with Joker as some kind of merit, disputed by all doctors in Arkham, - instead of the most likely outcome of the dificult patient no one really wants - the ambitions of being the one to correctly diagnose and cure the Joker surpassing any self-preservation (or medical knowledge as they all talk about a cure and not the most likely outcome in a normal situation of long term treatment). In this sense portray one seems more realistic Harley had to do something drastic to earn such a important patient. Being the better in class just isn't enough anymore.
▫️Here I ofter my headcanon in option C:
- Harley was the best on her class and that plus some recomendation letters from former professors and from Gotham General - where she did her intership/residence - got her the dream job in Arkham.
- She wanted to work with the patients of the Asylum not specifically with Joker. And on the first days she got easier cases like Condiment King, quickly reciving more dangerous patients but who weren't difficult in therapy like Poison Ivvy (who just didn't talked to people), Riddler (who talked too much but never about the topic in question) and Mr.Freeze (who loved to talk about Nora).
- The problem was: Arkham is based on Bedlam. Not only that but Gotham is notably corrupt. So it didn't took long to Harleen to start to notice the misdtreatment of patients and how the funds they recieve didn't add up. She opposed it.
- Afraid she would denounce them to the media (the cops already knew and didn't care and she knew it) and cause them to lose their jobs or worse discover about the humam experimentation (yeah Arkhan sucks this much, no news here) the director of Arkham at the time decided to give her a case that would purposifuly mess her up. Way more experienced doctors had to leave Joker's case because it was inducing violent or suicidal comportaments in them. To an inexperienced doctor with an already secret violent dark side that would be devastating.
- Of course the director just wanted to make Harley quit. He was not expecting what came next.
- Harleen Quinzel became Harley Quinn and the rest is history.
- The worst of it all: Arkham stayed the same. All the progress she did with patients and all the notes and evidence she had to denunce the place were lost. The true villans of Gotham won. One more to the looney bin.
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Thank You both you and snipped anon!!! Honestly seeing Bowser/Koopa Alma reaction to her conterparts was hilarious and nice adding them meeting King Boo Pedro too. I saw someone talking about a Steven Universe/ Encanto AU with Mirabel as a humam/Gem hybrid, I have seen the original series and the movie, and a Mirabel that have the protection from the Diamonds, and I think almost every Gem on the Empire is not one you should target if you value your live, after all if she has Steven(and Rose/Pink) Gem she would be considered the new Pink Diamond(I don't mean It as that she would replace Steven, more like thats the type of Gem she is) everyone reactions about the whole situation would be interesting to see along with their interactions with each other, the post that asked mentioned the Diamonds but the Crystal Gems/Temps reaction to Mirabel becoming a hybrid is something to think about too, they were the ones that helped Greg raise Steven and Now theres a new hybrid with the same gemstone and powers he had, I supose that after they're able to process Steven being gone they would help Mira to learn to use her new powers,( but they did have problems with processing their griev when Rose was gone as well as the many personal problems that they had(could be wrong on something, I haven't rewatched the series in a while)), but picturing Mirabel being taugh about Gem history and her powers and posible bonding with the Gems is really cute, BUT the most likely indentity crisis Mirabel would have is not something she should live(life?), sorry if this is long, but after once seeing a post about similarities between Steven Universe and Encanto(don't remember exactly what, but I think was related to something about the trauma or a comparation of what character of SU somewhat reflexs with an Encanto one) and the idea of a AU or a crossover have being in the back of my mind ever since, I just don't have the skills to write or plan the worldbuilding an AU like this would have
Oh yeah! So I can see that happening, the Diamonds quickly taking Mirabel in. She’s new to this whole thing, and since they’ve dealt with Steven, it would be easier with Mirabel. Like I said before, I don’t really know much on Steven Universe, but most this, I agree with!
I’d say that they guide her most of her life, just so she doesn’t go all crazy like Steven did (I think, I haven’t watched any of the shows or movie). If she gets used to all of the stuff, she’d def help out with town. I also think she’d be proud that she has some form of magic and she doesn’t have to rely on the candle Ike her family does.
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heart-star · 1 year
I personally like gametoons on youtube, i like how every monsters we know from videogames have an history of sadness that teaches us how we're all real and need more humamity. I also like the villains that give anime team rocket's vibes and poppy playtime may be a parallel to other indie games but I like seeing it as an inspiration of #nicktoonsattackofthetoybots and I think we all want to see the Ceo's assistant snap at him like Spongebob did at mr krabs.
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kala-ya-aan · 1 year
MY SPIRITUAL IDENTITY✨️ (I've identified with for most my entire life...) NO BIAS OR CONTENTION.
From now on, forget my annointed path. I declare, I chose to acknowledge their is a higher entity greater than me above and I don't care by what name, means or whose prophets religion it falls under. I just do not chose a particular secular popular religions known ideology. As you already know, I believe in the common good and bond of both nature, elemental forces and a supreme authority figure like entity such as "Gods" in "mythological" folklore like Bathala of the Tagalogs or as understood simply as a mysterious omnipresent almighty "God" between man and his absolute supposed supreme "higher-like self" and its need to facilitate to its demigogical urge or purpose to respond to a cosmic universal order that uniquely protects mankinds humanity for good or for bad. Not like in a modern "new age" agnostic atheism or anything. It's just more like I am an original "spiritual gangsta" (if you know you know 😒😂) who believes in the creation of mankinds expression to which can manifest into anything greater or not limited to even less to our normally preconceived idea of who we may consider as to be "God" in the literal sense of the word but not only rather pathologically created through the psychological internal/exterior of the minds mental but as well as in often most paranormal and supernatural situations with ontological suspicion to be subsumed within reason is anything like the scientific principles and metaphysical transendental sense like "Taoism" or "Sufi mysticim" can only be explained and likely therefore more understood to us humans and our physical eyes vision is considered to be a spirtually ethereal "diety" of sorts or an "entity" or even in odd cases "a delusional extreme conscious state" that whereby this ongoing or foreseeing "vision" only states under to which it reaches in extent to human capacity remains "God" like for lack of a better term in the mystical and fabled magical realms such as "the 7 heavens" or simply a "heaven" and it's spiritual attachment to sometimes the "ego" or the universal spiritual balanced laws of nature and cosmic purpose and actual divinity through an independent faith like "Zoastrionism", "B'ahai", and Rastafari. I do not subscribe or adhere to a heirarchal xenophobic God who does not condone in the ritualistic man made self to self sponsorship of the "soul" like the egotistical slavesmanship of Western Christianity. Although, I do not confess to be no better or more greater or wiser knowing than all great spiritual avatar we may have seen throughout all of history like such as a iconic and most indeed legendary of em all in revolutionary spiritual figures like "Jesus Christ", guru ministers of enlightened eastern mysticism like Muhammad or Buddha and even also often at times including great pioneering people paramount to intellectual thoughts who center their provacitist notions around the "I self" and it's metaphysical thought of self in all its inter-dimensional vibrational greater power in humam and spiritual frequencies and human wellbeing overall like Confucius, Nikola Tesla or even philosophers like Plato. That's it! Bless...🙏🏽
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
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Seriously. Back when i compared Kamen Rider Gaim to Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Gaim fans got so mad. 😮‍💨
It was ridiculous! Both series have the same writer! Every other story by the the same author, in literary history, has been compared for themes and tropes! Are these guys saying Kamen Rider isn't worthy of academic level analysis?!? Blasphemous!!!💢
But seriously, i know why they're touchy. It's because we live in a copyright-indoctrinated culture, that subconsciously teaches everyone that only completely unique things have value (even though, if something were like nothing before, it would be so alien and unrelatable to the human experience). And therefore, Comparison is insult. If anything is even remotely similar to anything before, then it's suddenly bad---Even though sharing similarities is how humans relate to one another thru the shared Humam Experience, and building on previous stories is the natural human activity that creates culture. But instead of recognizing that, we call it "derivative" with negative connotations. Even though each human culture has been building upon previous folklore and adding their own changes to preexisting mythologies, since forever! Ancient Romans took a lot of Greek gods! A lot of Greek myth details have different versions, because different people add their own spin! Guinevere and Lancelot was just a popular Arthurian fanon from olden times! It wasn't in the original Arthurian tales! I myself learned recently that the Posiedon raping Medusa was the addition of a specific ancient Greek poet, and not always part of that myth! Humans build upon previous stories. It's a natural human function of culture. It's only been criminalized in recent times, because everything needs to be about money now. Granted, protecting copyrights is so that people/creators/artists can survive in a world that requires money, and no one's really happy with being stuck in a world that requires money to survive. But don't let this system infect your values into thinking derivative works, comparisons between works, or any similarities are bad.
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dirt-mccracken · 1 year
I'm about halfway through The Dawn of Everything and so far have been really enjoying the way it deconstructs the myth of the "original state" of humamity and putlines the complexity of relations even before recorded history. While it will take a lifetime I really hope this book is indicative of where the general field of prehistoric studies is headed bc honestly one of my biggest issues in undergrad was how prehistory (and prehistoric humans) were often treated as lesser or even perhaps entirely insignificant
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bananabraiined · 2 years
The Runaway "King"
AU drabble by this mun. Read if you can.
The sound of a terrible blast. The deafening explosion. All in which rocked the confined island inhabited by the "leader" of Kongs. The leader? Not the son of Cranky Kong. Flames razed through as the Kremlings set foot on the shore, attacking anything that moves. Wild animals fled in panic. Many kongs took charge and fought to the bitter end. "Bring me the one!" A roar of command. "I will destroy this whole island unless I find and destroy him! NOW!!!" That was the leader of the Kremlings. King K. Rool. What was his purpose for invading DK island? An old spark that spurred him on vengeance? Or something to kong-quer with an iron fist. Meanwhile, Cranky, who saw what has transpired, is on tenterhooks. Where is this "king"? His own grandchild? I knew something like this would happen, he thought. Where could he be? A sudden smash from the door caused the elder Kong to be on guard. Elite Kremling soldiers arrived en masse with the leader on the front. "King K. Rool," he said with a glare. The kommander grinned maliciously. "You know what I want, old man. Hand over the king and I will spare you the defeat." Cranky defied him. "Havs you checked his home? He isn't here." K. Rool took that answer and captured the elder Kong. The island is under siege by the Kremlings. Most Kongs had been defeated or captured as the flame of war flickers. As for the grandson, where could he be?
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"Ugh, why do people invent homework anyway? Couldn't they just give us students classwork and be done with it?" This is him. The "Big Banana'. The "King". Donkey Kong. Son of DK Junior, grandson of Cranky. "Man, I HATE history." While he is doing homework for a school he attends, unbeknownst to him, the destiny to rule the island is calling to him. Yet, he doesn't hear it. "Wish I wasn't sent off by the other Kongs. I would've been lazy all day. Yet, here I am. An apartment complex in a concrete and steel jungle." He sighs as he finished writing his homework. The Kong looked out of the window, staring at the sky as the sun sets. Lights turned on as the metropolis heads toward the night. As he went to bed, DK began having thoughts about living in a city filled with humams. Maybe this won't be so bad, he thought. Even though humans will speak ill to you. No matter what happens, I will find my own path.
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a-chaotic-dumbass · 3 years
2. What is their nighttime routine? What are the last things they do before they fall asleep?
7. What are the last 3 things in their Google search history?
14. What would you have to put under a crate propped up with a stick to catch them?
For any of the reapers <3
spoops bestie ya have the right to slander me for forgettin yo anwser this😭😭
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Albedo Manius🌸
What is their nighttime routine? What are the last things they do before they fall asleep?
does he even sleep at this point😭😭
ig it'd be annoyin amar, bellona and wren? tho he doesnt rlly sleep at night, he just has no need to. reapers dont need as much sleep as humams sleep, tho most just do it outta habbit. he usually just goes out at night, observin mortals roamin the streets, perhaps collectin an unfortunate soul or 2.
Bellona Rossell🌸
What are the last 3 things in their Google search history?
'how to untape someone from the ceiling' that someone bein albedo or wren, cus they're both dumb as rocks and got taped there
'how do i turn in my friends into an animal shelter' definatly she didnt plan to actually do so nope totally not nopety nope
'why are all my friends so dumb' cus you're a moronsexual and morons atract morons
Wren Cherith🌸
What would you have to put under a crate propped up with a stick to catch them?
hmm it'd be a plushy of an animal, preferably a tiger, a pink bow, and some nailpolish! tho a fashion magazine also would work.
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tags under the cut🌸
@rurifangirl @damnfoxx @spoopy-fish-writes @symphonicmetal101 @dopesaladlady @purplet1gerx @nadi-117 @cynical-cemeteries @noriko-kaneshiro-loves-ikemen @daisiesandshakes @audre-falrose @anonymousgeekhere @just-dipshit-thoughts @rottenheartedchild
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maxxies-dead-blog · 3 years
YES. Okay I have been dying at the chance to ask questions about the lore!! How do demons fall from heaven exactly? What makes a demon and angel so different to each other? Are there any important history figures for the two species? And humans! What is the policy on humans? Are humans able to become angels or demons? Do they get to go to heaven or hell, or do they get their own special place? And for the anatomy of angels and demons! What makes them so different from each other? Do they follow the rules of the ten commandments and the seven deadly sins?
Jesums i know thats a lot, please feel free to answer whichever you want! Honestly I just love the concept of the universe you've made
Demons dont fall! They're created in Helitivis. Alfie was created in Hevenise, however, cause he has Lucifers soul (angelic soul) fused into his.
I can't say there is much difference, to be honest, other than how they view their morality. Well, and angels age a bit slower than demons.
Ivan is actually kind of important in angelikal (yes, with a "k") history. He helped ELZBA recover after the angelik wars amongst Michael & Lucifer. Theres also Feliciano, ruler of Helitivis, he betrayed ELZBA after the wars (he was on Michaels side, and felt he lost himself when Michael and Lucifer killed each other.)
Humans are kind of like... Feral? To angels and demons? It's like how humams view cavemen/Neanderthals. They know they're intelligent, but they're just not as advanced as Hevenise or Hellitivis.
Humans can NOT become angels or demons. Their souls are nothing more than exchangable to them. They have a system they go through, where theyre kind of sorted into their correct afterlife. They all coexist.
Angels have lighter bones than humans, and demons have more dense bones that humans. Demons also have about double or triple the wingspan an angel would have. All angels are genderfluid, so they can easily take over vessels without corrupting them, and all demons are technically intersex, because it makes it easier to shapeshift!
They dont follow the commandments or sins, but instead they are assigned sins and virtues. The sins and virtues can be blended into new sins and virtues! Alfred has a blended sin (Greed + Lust + Gluttony)
And thank you! It certainly was quite a bit, hehe, but I love getting questions. 🧡
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lookineedsleep · 4 years
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Jawbone and Gothi Role Swap AU
(I can’t believe this came from me drawing Gothi as a lil birdo Gods help me.)
- In this AU Jawbone takes the role of Gothi and vice versa for Gothi. Jawbone is like and elf/humam/half elf? (Not sure) While Gothi is a tiny bird, ya know, after that one time in episode 14. - The reason why Jawbone wears a mask is because he was attacked by a Shark Doggo which left him with horrific scaring, ones he wasn’t proud to have. - He found Gothi not long after that, her being a sickly little bird with unusual markings on her wings that Jawbone couldn’t help but pity. - It was an unusual feeling for him, but she was grateful for his help. - Most of the time , Gothi can be found sits in the neck fuck of his coat,. At Jawbone found it annoying but soon got used to the feeling and eventually found it a comfort. - Jawbone, Sips and Sneeze all became fast friends due to their similar personality and the fact they could easily pull off multiple crimes together. - However, Jawbone did eventually step up as leader with the simple reason of “Someone has to control y’all’s bullshit.” - When they met Jack, he took an immediate interest to the small bird. When Jack (I think it’s Jack-) got some time to talk to Jawbone, he managed to pry information from him about how Gothi always stayed sickly no matter what things he did to try and help his little bird friend. - Jack explained he could help, however this is about the time that they were of to fight Gresh, so he said for them to do that first then come back and to leave Gothi with him. - Jawbone was reasonably hesitant to go so, of course, but if Jack could really help Gothi despite his skepticism, then it was worth it. - The quote on quote “Greatest Battle of DnD History” happened and, of course, everyone celebrated. This is when Jack told Jawbone that he could help her, and then proceeded to stab the little bird with a power crystal. - But of course Jawbone didn’t know that it was a power crystal and that it would help Gothi, he just saw his best friend get stabbed. - He instantly lashed out, but stopped when he saw Gothing going around flying happily and chirping loudly. Jack explained what he had done, and how Gothi was a mechanical bird, so lifelike that you wouldn’t really guess it. - Jawbone apologized, most;y because he pretty much almost murdered Jack over his bird, but he was eternally grateful for what he had done his bird was happy and healthy. - Jack didn’t ask for anything in return, after all, they’d just murdered a dragon.
- Though asked many times by everyone, mostly Sips and Erena and glared from Sneeze, he never shows what was under the mask, he still felt inexplicably guilty over killing the Shark Dog, and he knew it was dumb, because he’d killed many times since then. - Jawbone never thought he’d be this way, but that the only reason why they lashed out at one another was because they were both scared. The Shark dog was already injured, and Jawbone knew that it could kill him in barely a few seconds is he didn’t hold up a fight. - At the time, Jawbone decided it was kill or be killed, and karma repayed that murder with scars to last a lifetime. - The reveal about what was under the mask would be much less dramatic as what actually happened in cannon, and Jawbone definitely wasn’t in the same shoes as Gothi was in cannon. - Bird Gothi was there though, I’m not too sure to take this from here, but bird Gothi was there, she saw what happened, and she remembers, but can’t say anything, because, she’s, well, a bird, what do you expect.
You can tell I made this in the middle of the night hAh
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