#humanity at its fiercest
cherubfae · 7 months
Red String of Fate || alastor x reader
Alastor never put much faith in things like fate, no matter how much the red string tied around his left ring finger seemed to say otherwise. It hadn't glowed for him like it had for many others. Would it ever start? Perhaps his soulmate died long ago, that would be just his luck.
tags: gn!afab!fallen angel!reader, human to demon Alastor, blood/gore, mentions of death/killing, soulmate au, one shot
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Alastor loathed the idea of soulmates. Someone perfectly aligned for every being on earth. A silly little thing to give one false hope. There were many out there who drove themselves mad, staring at the red rope tied in a neat little bow around their left ring finger, the invisible end of it somewhere in the ether. Hoping and praying that it would emit a bright glow one day and tug them towards their person.
For thirty years, Alastor's string never glowed a single time. He wished it didn't dishearten him at times, absentmindedly stroking at the soft cord. His invisible leash tying him to someone else. Perhaps his person was dead. A depressing thought. But his cord remained red, not the ugly monochrome grey that widows often bore. No, his person was still out there somewhere. Some place he'd never been.
Tracking was a skill Alastor took pride in. It went hand-in-hand with hunting. He was skilled and knowledgeable in almost every aspect of hunting, including miserable human prey. The filthy degenerate he was attempting to bury was one of Earth's worst. The kind of man who preyed on the kindness of women and manipulated them into more depraved acts. Alastor would stand for none of it.
A harsh popping sound reverberated loudly in Alastor's ears. His eyelids drooped closed for a second. Opening them again, he realized he was kneeling in pitch black. Blood soaked his hands and pooled the dark ground surrounding him. It was hard for him to focus. Was this his blood?
In a split second, the ground opened up beneath him. A fiery red opened to swallow him whole, and down he fell into the pits of Hell, straight into the Ring of Pride. Where all Sinners go.
Alastor was quick to make a name for himself, as the Radio Demon, one of Hell's fiercest sinners. He took great joy in broadcasting lesser demon's worthless screams all across his radio signal. It reminded him of the finer days of his life as a human. He truly enjoyed being a radio host.
And the most peculiar thing? His string would glow on occasion, yet every time he tried to find its source, the red light would dim and then extinguish entirely. It renewed in him a hope he didn't realize he had. His soulmate was alive--well, undead, perhaps, and here in Hell. He must find them.
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Centuries passed, Alastor had stopped chasing the glow. A part of him feels hopeless like a dog trying to capture his own tail. Running in circles and always just out of reach. This petulant curiosity and, ugh, longing were not suited to his taste. He'd given up entirely. Maybe you wouldn't want to see him. Have you heard of him? Were you already terrified of him despite never having met yet?
Today, the buzzing static in his brain wouldn't cease. Creating an ever-growing migraine that not even his moderately chilled whiskey could provide relief. Still, the liquor provided a nice burn as it slid down his throat. He downed it in one gulp, sighing at the now empty crystal glass. Empty. Just like him.
A strange buzz tingled in his chest, a tugging. A rippling sensation that electrifies his body to surge forward. Snapping a glance down at his hand to find that the string itself now extended to the floor, leading out beneath the hatch of his radio tower-- and it's glowing a bright fuschia red.
Molting into shadow, Alastor followed it like a wolf scenting blood. Trailing it all the way to the hotel's lobby where he stops dead in his tracks. A woman with great wings folded at her back he had never met before stands before him chatting gently with Charlie. Thankfully, Lucifer was nowhere in sight, but he had a feeling you two were well-acquainted. The string pulled taught and Alastor's no longer beating heart soars at the squeak you emit. The lobby goes silent.
You turn to him with wide, almost owlish eyes. A deep flush coating your cheeks as you rather comically look from your hand to him and back to your hand. The fated rope has considerably shortened, encouraging Alastor to take an experimental step towards you; delighted when you do the same.
Alastor lifts his hand up, a motion you mirror. Your palms meet, fingers lining up against his sharp red claws. His hand greatly shadows yours. The smile you beam up at him is infectious, a soft crease in his eyelids as he returns the gesture with a relaxed gaze. No wonder he couldn't find you. You were angelic-born.
"Hello." You breathe softly. A gentle whisper that makes his mind hum a low tune, gentle static echoing the room, and his smile increased.
Alastor links your fingers together. "Hello, my dear. It's lovely to finally meet you."
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|| please don't repost, reuse, or edit my works in any way! I do not give permission. Tumblr is the only site where I post. All characters belong to their rightful owner and the story belongs to me © CHERUBFAE 2024 ||
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Please help save my family from the Gaza war🙏
Dear humanity🤍
I am Hana from Gaza, from a family of 10 members, my parents and four brothers (one of whom is injured) and their children.
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Today we suffer from a war that is the fiercest in history in our lives, where we miraculously survived the massacre of Karama neighborhood on the date of October 10 after we were evacuated by the ambulance after besieging and completely destroying the area.
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Then we were displaced several times until we reached the south of the sector and we are now suffering from the most difficult conditions of our lives after the loss of our house and everything we have where we live in dilapidated tents that are unliveable.
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Our beautiful home was our only refuge and source of warmth and happiness, full of dear memories, carrying in every corner the story of our childhood and youth. It was destroyed and we lost everything we owned.
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This is my brother's house that he recently built and has only lived in for five months. We were so happy that our family began to expand and realize its dreams. But unfortunately it was destroyed and everything was lost.
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I hope you hear our cry and extend a helping hand to help us meet our daily needs of food, water and security shelter.
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Your kindness, support and sharing our story is our only hope for the survival of the family and the save of our lives 🙏💔
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ro-is-struggling · 1 year
The Ballad of Orpheus and Eurydice || Geralt of Rivia x nymph!reader
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Summary: Life was good when Geralt was by her side. They were in love and happy... Until they weren't and she was left alone once again. After spending so much time under his protection, she had forgotten how dangerous the world was for creatures like her. Sad and heartbroken, she was unable to defend herself when the men came for her. Now locked up far away from her forest, she only hoped that her loved protector would come to her rescue.
Warnings: angst (with happy ending), major character death, reader gets imprisoned by a evil dude (I don't know how to tag this lol but I think it’s important to mention that she’s forced to serve him), fluff (it’s not all sad, I promise), forest nymph!reader, fem!reader, let me know if I missed anything!
English is not my first language
Word count: 12.700 (it's a long one)
Notes: A few things to have in mind while reading: It follows the timeline very loosely, and Geralt and Yen's relationship never got to that solid point in s3 cause it's not real love, just the product of Geralt binding their fates together with that wish
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She never imagined that her story would end like this, locked in a cold and humid dungeon far away from her forest. Nymphs were not immortal beings —something she had come close to verifying several times in her long years on the continent—, so the idea of her inevitable end was something that she had thought about from time to time. It was not something that haunted her obsessively, but every once in a while her mind would wander to the imagining of the end of her days. 
She lived a quiet life, making sure to be cautious around any unwanted people who passed through her forest. She had no enemies, at least not ones powerful enough to present a real danger to her. So she always imagined that she would die a peaceful death, slowly fading away as her birth tree withered away after having completed its cycle on this earth. If not, she imagined she would die a heroic death as she fought the greedy humans to prevent the destruction of her forest. Both scenarios brought her a sense of comfort in a way, because they showed that she had fulfilled her life's mission, the purpose for which she had been placed on the continent.
She never imagined that the end of her days would actually be so dark and torturous, forced to live in captivity away from her home and everything she loved. She never thought she would miss the feel of the wind on her face, or the warmth of the early morning sun, or the sweet scent of flowers in the spring. She had never imagined herself living anywhere but her forest, but that was an option that had been taken away from her the moment King Elian's men set foot in her home. 
She had heard rumors of his infamous reputation from the mouths of other frightened nymphs. His name inspired terror among magical creatures, who chose to call him The Hunter as if the mere mention of his name was a sign of bad omens. He was known for his obsession with magical creatures and what he did with them after capturing them. Despite what his nickname implied, he did not always chase a magical creature to kill it and display some part of its body as a hunting trophy. No. There was a fate far more horrible and obscure than that, and that was to end up as a piece of his collection, just another exhibit, forced to smile in his presence and perform for his entertainment whenever he wanted it. It was the terrible fate that had unfortunately fallen upon her. 
In the past she had not seen King Elian as a threat. His kingdom was on the other side of the continent and while he used to go on hunting trips when he heard rumors of a creature in his vicinity, he had never ventured this far before. Besides, she was under the protection of one of the continent's fiercest witchers, so she knew no one would dare mess with her. No one who knew Geralt of Rivia would dare to challenge him, and the poor bastards who, out of ignorance or arrogance did, usually didn't live to tell the tale. The bond they had was strong, a love unlike any she had ever experienced in her many years of life, so she never thought there would be a day when she would wake up without him by her side.
"The king requires your presence." A guard announced from her cell door, snapping her out of her thoughts. She rose to her feet reluctantly, stepping up to the bars so he could put the handcuffs on her before unlocking her cell. The dimeritium on her wrists was engraved with the same symbols as the bars of the box in which she spent her days. It was a powerful incantation that weakened her magic so that she could not use her powers to escape. It was painful since the metal burned her skin, but she had learned the hard way not to complain.
The guard led her to the throne room, where the king was shouting directions to the group of servants working on decorating the place, changing the curtains and adding chairs and tables to the sides of the room. She had been there long enough to know that the castle was being prepared for a feast, though she did not know what the celebratory occasion was.
She forced herself to bow when the king's eyes fell upon her figure, though her expression showed how little respect she truly had for him. "Your majesty." She murmured as a learned response as she lowered her gaze to the ground.
"I hope you used your time in the dungeon to reflect on your attitude." His voice was firm, almost as if he was still angry with her for refusing to comply with his demands almost a week ago when he had wanted to use her to entertain the king of the neighboring kingdom who had come to visit. "You have to understand that you belong to me. You are here to serve me and the only reason you are not dead already is that I find you useful. But that can change and it depends entirely on how you behave. Do I make myself clear?"
She clenched her jaw, biting her tongue to avoid causing a scene that would undoubtedly send her straight to the dungeon again. "Yes, my king." She wasn't able to look him in the eye as she spoke as she didn't want to see the satisfaction in his expression. 
"As a demonstration of my great generosity and compassion, I have decided to give you a second chance to prove your loyalty. But do not mistake my mercy for stupidity for this will be your last chance to prove your worth to me. If you say or do anything out of place you will know the sharp blade of my sword."
After she submissively assured him that she understood the seriousness of his words, he explained that he needed her to take care of some of the preparations for the feast in honor of his daughter. During the week the entire kingdom had participated in the celebrations for the girl's fifteenth birthday, an event that would culminate with a grand banquet in the evening. She would be in charge of preparing the floral arrangements that would decorate the entire palace as well as being responsible for the main entertainment since there was nothing to match the singing of a nymph. But in addition, the king put her on a special task. He wanted to give his daughter a beautiful garden with different types of flowers —one for each year of her life—, and she was the perfect person for the job. She accepted without question, not so much because she valued her life or feared reprisals if she refused, but rather because after being locked up for so long she missed being in contact with nature. 
"If it's alright with you, my lord, I would like to start with the garden." She said in the most respectful way possible, explaining that with her powers weakened it was the task that would take the most work.
She was escorted by a group of half a dozen guards, who grabbed her roughly by the arms and dragged her through the castle corridors to the garden. Normally she would have complained about their mistreatment, but it all stopped mattering to her when she felt the gentle breeze hit the skin of her face. It was a wonderful feeling smelling the wet dirt in the air and hearing the birds singing after having spent so much time locked up in the deepest part of the castle. It almost felt like freedom.
Working in the garden awakened a bittersweet feeling in her. On the one hand, it was the most comfortable she had been since she arrived at the castle. Walking barefoot on the grass, feeling the earth between her toes and the flowers growing under her hands was as close to home as she had ever been. It was liberating in a way, putting her powers to good use and connecting with the nature she missed so much. But, on the other hand, it was also a reminder of all that she had lost, the life she would never get back. As much as she loved being outside after so many days locked up, she couldn't help but notice that nothing felt like home. The flowers didn't smell the same, the grass under her feet wasn't as soft, and even the birds didn't sing the same. That wasn't her home. This was not her forest. 
As she buried her hands in the ground, she couldn't help but question what she was doing, and more importantly, why she was doing it. Sure, avoiding further punishment for disobeying the king's orders was a valid motivation, but was it really worth it? Why was she trying to preserve her life when the only future she had was to live locked up there forever? Was dying such a terrible fate when the alternative was imprisonment and slavery? A life away from her home, forced to indulge the whims of a power-hungry monster was no life at all, so why was she there obeying the orders of that disgusting man? 
Then she realized that she still held out hope of escaping. Her spirit wasn't completely crushed and her love for Geralt wasn't entirely gone, so even if it was foolish, she still hoped he would show up to rescue her. They hadn't seen each other for over a year, since that sad day when their story had met an abrupt end after he confessed to her that there was another woman in his life, but she still held out hope of seeing him again. She dreamed of seeing his long white hair move in the air as he skillfully knocked down the guards that separated them and freed her from her confinement. How could she not when he had been her savior on more than one occasion? In fact, that was how they had met.
She was frightened and hurt the first time she saw him, trapped in a cage with symbols carved into the bars. It was a powerful spell that weakened her powers just like the shackles of dimeritium around her wrists. The cage was too small for her, a confined space where she could barely stretch her legs or sit up straight if she wanted to. A group of well-trained men had managed to capture her, taking advantage of her distraction and temporary weakness to lock her up and take her back to their master. She was so terrified that when she heard Geralt's sword clash with that of one of her attackers, she curled up in a corner, her body folding in on itself in an attempt to make herself small and invisible to the group of fighting men. 
She recognized immediately that he was a witcher and that brought her no relief. While his kind generally didn't tend to see nymphs as dangerous monsters —as long as they behaved and didn't do anything to end up on their list, of course— she didn't feel completely safe in the presence of a witcher. She tended to hide on the occasions when one passed through her forest, believing it was best to stay away from people like that just in case. After all, they were monster hunters, a concept that, in her experience, meant something different to each individual and there was no way of knowing for sure if she fell into that category or not. So, even though he had overpowered her captors, she still felt fear when he approached.
Geralt felt that fear as soon as he took a step towards her, it was almost as strong as the power and magic that flowed from her being. Her beauty alone was enough to let him know that she was a nymph of the forest. Behind the earth and blood, hidden in a grimace of terror, were the delicate features that the witcher had only seen in the creatures of her kind that he had encountered in the past. The nymphs had a certain look, a special glow that distinguished them from the rest of the magical beings on the continent. They were also one of the gentlest and most peaceful creatures on the continent, focused only on protecting their homes and turning to violence only as a last defense mechanism. That was why Geralt did not sense a drop of evil in her. And that was also why he set out to free her from her confinement.
Even though her captors lay dead on the ground, she still looked terrified, her eyes glassy with tears and her lower lip trembling as she struggled to hold back a sob. When he approached her, the nymph snuggled further into the corner, pulling her knees to her chest in a protective manner. He raised his hands in the air in an attempt to show her that he was not going to hurt her, walking slowly toward the cage so he could release her. It was then that he noticed the symbols on the bars and the dimeritium shackles, which helped him understand how she had ended up there and why she was so scared. She was in a position of extreme vulnerability without her magic and, despite having saved her, he was a complete stranger who could very well cause her more trouble. So the witcher made an effort to appear friendly and non-threatening.
“I’m not here to hurt you.” He told her to try to calm her down, though it wasn't much help. She curled further into the corner of the cage, hugging her legs to her chest and looking up at him with watchful eyes from between her knees.
"I know what you are." She answered him, the fear clear in her voice. "You are a witcher, you kill-"
"Monsters, yes." Geralt spoke for her. "But you are not one of them. You're safe with me." 
At that moment she had no way of knowing what kind of impact those words would have on her life and how genuine they were. She accepted his help because she had no other choice, but time would show her how fortunate she had been to cross paths with Geralt. At first he played hard to get, barely speaking as she nursed his wounds once her powers stabilized. She'd had to resort to using her charms a little to soften that hard exterior of his, but once Geralt began to open up to her, she discovered the man he truly was. 
Geralt tended to lean into rumors about himself and his kind, pretending to be emotionless and not caring about anything or anyone but himself. But that was all an act, a protective shield. In reality he cared. He was capable of feeling emotions as deeply as any other being on the continent. He hated and held grudges, but he also loved and cared for those close to him just as intensely. And once she discovered that, she found it very easy to love him back. 
She was truly safe with him, and in the long years that their love blossomed he did nothing but prove that to her. Geralt was her favorite person in the world. He was her home, her lover, her protector... A love like that was not easily forgotten and no one could blame her for holding out even the slightest hope that he would come for her, that he would somehow sense that she was in danger and rush to her rescue. It had happened in the past, their connection was that strong, so it wasn't an entirely far-fetched idea. It was just... naive of her.
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Geralt had been traveling for days. He usually preferred to use alternative paths hidden behind forests or swamps, they were quieter and better for his business. Not many people used them so he didn't run into anyone that would bother him, and it was easy to run into the occasional monster roaming around, so it was a win-win situation for everyone. What he hated, however, was that most of the time it took him twice as long to get to some town where he could rest with minimal comforts and eat a hot meal. 
Had he taken the main road he would probably already be at his destination, drinking in the dark corner of some dingy bar or locked in the room of some cheap inn, and not wandering the forest in search of an animal big enough to satisfy his appetite. He didn't mind being outdoors or having to hunt for his food on the spot —-in fact he was so used to that he almost preferred it—, but this time he was tired and couldn't wait to be anywhere but there. Perhaps that was why when he came across a king and his hunting party he accepted his offer to return to his camp to eat with him without putting up much of a fight. 
Geralt hated royalty and King Elian was no exception. He was arrogant and self-absorbed, just like the vast majority of kings, but there was something else about him that rubbed the witcher the wrong way. He tried to decline his offer at first, but he was unwilling to take no for an answer.
"I'm afraid I will have to insist. My camp is not far from here and my tent is big and warm. I have more than enough food and I would love to hear some of your stories while we eat." The king insisted, pressing Geralt to accept his offer. "My men don't make for good company and I'm bored. I'm sure a witcher like you has been involved in a good share of adventures that make for fascinating stories."
In any other circumstances, Geralt would have found a way to escape from there. The last thing he wanted was to be used as the personal entertainment of an arrogant king. But this time he decided not to resist too much. He attributed it to his tiredness, he had been traveling for a long time and at least it wouldn't be a sacrifice in vain since he could at least get food in exchange for entertaining him for a while. But perhaps there was something more than that playing a role there. Fate itself had crossed their paths for a reason, even though he didn't know it yet.
"It's not as interesting or glorious as one might think." Geralt said with honesty. 
In his experience there were two types of opinions regarding his people and what they did for a living. There were the people who despised them for what they were and believed they were no different than the monsters they killed and there were those who found them fascinating and longed to go on adventures like the ones they often experienced. To him both opinions were bullshit. He wasn't a monster, he didn't kill for pleasure or for fun as many people believed, but neither was he some kind of hero whose life was worthy of being immortalized in songs and poems. He was just a man who did what he knew best to survive, just like all witchers and all beings on the continent. He and his kind did not deserve hatred, but neither did they deserve to be crowned with laurels. They deserved to be left in peace, nothing more, nothing less.
"I have to say I'm grateful for the work you and your kind does." The king continued speaking without acknowledging Geralt's words. It was as if he was not there, his words were of little value to the king when they did not say exactly what he wanted to hear from him. "These creatures are dangerous and can't be left alone to live amongst us. Although some are fascinating creatures if given proper care and purpose."
Geralt looked at the monarch with a frown, unsure of what he meant by that. He said nothing, however, just remained silent for most of their journey to the camp, while trying to get a better read on the man beyond the typical arrogance of all of his kind. There was something about him that he did not like, something that caused a feeling that other kings and nobles did not. It was something more than his simple unpleasant personality, but he could not figure out what it was.
"You should come to my kingdom sometime." King Elian offered as they finally reached what appeared to be the camp where he and his hunting party had set up their base. "I have a collection of creatures I'm sure you would love to see."
The witcher halted his walk, looking at the king with narrowed eyes. "A collection?"
"Oh yes! I have the biggest collection of magical creatures in the whole continent." He admitted as if it was something to be proud of. "I have some pretty rare ones I'm sure you and your people would love to study. You're more than welcome to come over anytime! After all, we are all on the same side."
Geralt did not like the way the king referred to magical creatures and hated that he equated himself with witchers and the work they did. They didn't lock up monsters to brag about their large collection to strangers. They didn't see them as objects that gave them some kind of prestige. They saw them as living creatures, sometimes dangerous, sometimes misunderstood. Witchers did not enslave or kill monsters for fun as he seemed to do and Geralt was disgusted that he would even try to imply such a thing.
However, before he could voice his opinion, the king shoved him into his luxurious tent and the servants set a plate of food in front of him. It was filled with meat and potatoes and vegetables so colorful that they must have been freshly picked. It might have been the hunger talking, but it was the most appetizing food he had tasted in a long time. It was indeed fit for a king and Geralt thought it was definitely worth chatting with his host for a while in exchange for a share, especially after tasting the wine.
"It's good, isn't it?" the king asked him, studying his reaction as he lifted the wine glass to his mouth. "I have someone special that takes care of all the plants in the castle so I only eat the best of the best. It's actually one of my creatures. You can meet her, if you want."
Geralt let go of the piece of meat between his fingers and looked at the king with a frown. There was a subtle change in the air that made him instinctively tense, wondering what his host was up to. The king gave him a small smile before gesturing to one of his men, who left the tent without saying a word. The monarch's menacing aura put the witcher on alert, carefully watching his every move while he ate as if trying to predict what he would do next. His attitude had changed in a matter of seconds. Geralt couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, but there was something about the way he looked back at him that put him on edge. It was almost as if he was waiting for something to happen —as if he knew something was going to happen—, the glow of anticipation clear in his eyes. 
He didn't understand his attitude, at least not until the guard returned to the tent. Only he wasn't alone, but was carrying a girl on his arm who was shuffling her bare feet across the ground hesitantly, as if she really didn't want to be there. Her eyes were downcast and her long hair was tangled over her face, so that Geralt could not see her features. Her dress, which seemed to have been a beautiful piece of art at one time, was now dirty and worn, with the fabric torn to shreds on some sides. Her hands were bound together at her wrists, trapped by shackles of dimeritium that marked her condition of slavery. It was a sad sight that became horrifying when Geralt smelled the scent of flowers in the air.
His heart stopped as his nostrils were assaulted with the sweet smell of cherry blossom that he knew and had come to love. The world around him stopped as he was struck with the horrible realization of what was happening. He did not need to see the face of the captured young woman to know it was her. It was enough to feel her energy in the tent as he breathed in her characteristic sweet scent. 
Geralt jumped to his feet, hand gripping his sword as he entered a state of desperation. He wasn't thinking, he couldn't, he had been reduced to his most primitive instincts by seeing her there in that condition. She was weak and injured in a way that Geralt had never seen, her glow and warm, positive energy almost completely extinguished after being tortured for who knows how long. However, when her eyes met his, he noticed a slight glimmer of joy and hope. That only further increased his desire to protect her, the murderous urge growing inside him and urging him to crush anyone who stood between them.
"Let her go!" Geralt demanded firmly, turning his eyes away from his former lover to look the king in the eyes. 
He was furious and desperate, it was evident in his voice and in the hard expression on his face. Anyone would have given in to his demands if he looked at them with those murderous eyes, but King Elian did not flinch. He didn't seem to care that Geralt was pointing his sword at him or that he looked ready to take on an army on his own, he continued to eat as if nothing was happening while the tent filled with guards ready to defend him.
"Please, sit down. You barely touched your food." The monarch spoke in a calm, casual tone. But Geralt did not move, he stood his ground, sword held high and hate-filled eyes fixed on him. "Fate is its a curious thing, don't you agree? This invisible force pushing us to the right path so we might fulfill our destiny, making every little interaction, every little decision, integral... Take this as an example. This morning when I woke up I didn't think that I was going to cross paths with you and yet here we are."
"Let. Her. Go." Geralt interrupted the king's unimportant ramblings, pausing slightly at each word to emphasize his anger. He didn't care what the man had to say, he would slice him through with his sword right there if it weren't for the fact that his sweet nymph was bound and surrounded by guards who wouldn't hesitate to hurt her before he could get to her. "I won't ask again. Next time it will be my sword doing the talking."
"I don't want to fight you, Geralt. If anything, I want to thank you for helping me fulfill my destiny, my purpose of becoming the biggest collector of magical creatures in the continent... You see, if it weren't for you, I could never have captured a forest nymph as powerful as her. I admit that you ruined my plans the first time when you attacked my men, but in the end it was thanks to you that I was able to get my hands on her."
"What are you talking about?" the witcher asked, confused. It could be the adrenaline coursing through his veins and drowning out his thoughts —or the fact that his heart was beating so fast that it was pounding in his ears muffling all other sounds—, but the king wasn't making much sense to him. They had never crossed paths before, and if they had, he would never have helped him in something so horrible.
"I could never have caught her while she was under your protection. But when you left... well, let's just say she was withering away little by little, weakening day by day until she got to the point where she couldn't defend herself when my men came for her."
Geralt froze in place as the king's words echoed in his head. It was a lot of information to process and he was in no condition to do so. If he wasn't so devastated he might have reacted to the implication that the king had been watching them, waiting for the right moment to strike after he had saved her from his men the day they had met. But at that moment he could only concentrate on the feelings of guilt and regret that came over him. 
When he left, he never thought about the consequences his decision might have. He never thought about how his departure would affect her or if she would be okay. He knew she would be sad and hurt, just as it hurt him to have to leave her, but he also knew it was the right thing to do. So he focused on moving on, hoping she would too, without stopping to consider the consequences. He thought about her a lot in the time they spent apart —when he lay awake at night, admiring the stars and the nocturnal sounds of the woods; or as he dressed quietly after spending a night with Yennefer—, but in his mind he always pictured her happy. She was strong and had lived many years alone on the continent before their paths crossed, so he was sure that their breakup would not destroy her. He was sure that she would find a way to get back on her feet and that it would be better for the both of them to stay apart. 
Now he realized that was just an excuse. He was being selfish, protecting himself and running away from reality so as not to face it because it hurted him. It hurted to know that he was hurting her. It hurted that he fell in love with another woman behind her back. It hurted to have to leave her after all they had been through together, the love they shared, the moments of vulnerability and intimacy that had brought them together. It hurted because he had failed her, because he couldn't keep his promise to be with her forever. So he completely disappeared from her life, making excuses to justify his behavior and convince himself that he was doing the right thing even though he knew deep down that he wasn't. He ran away like a coward and she ended up paying the price for it.
The witcher's eyes searched the nymph's, hoping to find in them the answers to the questions he had not asked, some indication that the king was not lying. She escaped his gaze, feeling embarrassed and extremely vulnerable. But eventually their gazes met and Geralt knew the mistake he had made. He should have been there for her. He should have helped her when they came for her. He should have searched for her all over the continent once he noticed her disappearance. He should have protected her, just as he always had. He had failed her twice, but he would not let there be a third.
Geralt carried out his threat without hesitation, lashing out at the nearest soldiers in an effort to reach her. The clinking sound of clashing swords and the groans of his opponents were all that echoed in his mind, focusing on his enemy to keep his head cool and ensure victory. They were no threat to him. They were well trained and knew how to move around very well, but he was a witcher with decades of experience and unmatched reflexes and skills. He had defeated them once in the past and he would do it again now without breaking a sweat.
At least that's what he thought before he heard the voice of the young nymph in the distance calling out for him.
“Geralt!” She exclaimed his name for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Her sweet voice traveled through the air, piercing through the sound of metal and the grunts of pain until it reached his ears. She managed to get his attention immediately as he recognized the hint of fear in it. As he buried his sword in his opponent, his eyes snapped up to her, searching for her in the crowd following the sound of her voice. 
When he finally found her, Geralt's heart sank as he discovered the reason for the fear in her voice. The king had his hands around her, holding her tightly against his body. His left hand was wrapped around her torso, restricting her movement, while his right hand wielded a silver dagger against her neck. The metal gleamed in the dim light, revealing the sharp edge that burned the girl's skin. Desperate, Geralt tried to lunge at the monarch, but he stopped him with a click of his tongue.
"One more step and she dies." He assured, firmly. Geralt noticed the honesty in his voice, so he stayed in place and slowly lowered his sword —though he did not drop it—, a desperate attempt to buy time to think of a plan to get out of there with her by his side.
"You don't have to do this." Geralt tried to reason with him even though he knew it was in vain. He didn't see her as more than an object, just another piece in his long collection of creatures, so it was safe to assume he didn't value her life very much. But still, Geralt didn't have much choice so he tried anyway.
"She has been nothing but trouble since the moment she arrived at the castle, isn't that right, darling?" The king grumbled, lowering his head just slightly so he could mutter the last question against the young nymph's ear. "Crying all day, disobeying my orders, upsetting the other creatures... and now your friend over here kills half my men after I feed him and show him my generosity."
"If we present so much trouble to you, why don't you let us go? I'll take her with me and I promise you won't hear from us ever again."
"You are ungrateful brats." The king continued speaking, completely ignoring Geralt's words. "You think you are special, important, and therefore above it all... but you are not. Your actions have consequences and I am the one who decides what they are... You do not deserve my generosity or my mercy."
Geralt didn't have time to think about the hypocrisy in the monarch's words because before he could process them his eyes watched in horror as he slid the blade of the dagger across his beloved's neck. Blood began to gush violently from the wound, the thick, sticky liquid sliding down the young woman's delicate skin, turning everything red. He screamed her name, his sword slipping from his fingers and crashing to the floor with a muffled sound. He ran towards her, completely forgetting the guards he was fighting moments before. He only cared about her.
Suddenly, he felt as if he was moving in slow motion, as if his feet were twice as heavy and dragging them along the ground was more difficult than usual. Everyone around him seemed to slow down, the men around him, the gentle breeze of the wind... everything but her. He watched her collapse to the ground, blood covering her chest as she struggled to keep breathing. But he couldn't reach her. All he wanted to do was hold her in his arms one more time, but it was as if an abyss was keeping them apart. It felt as if fate was mocking him, punishing him for his mistakes by allowing him to be there with her, but not letting him do anything to save her. 
He tried to stop the bleeding as he knelt beside her —placing his hands on her neck and feeling the blood gushing from the wound—, but it was too late. She was pale and weak, all the magic in the world could not have saved her at that moment. There were tears in her eyes, in those beautiful green orbs that were fading with each passing second. She was scared, Geralt could see it in her expression. She didn't want to go, but she knew there was nothing else to do now.
"I'm here, I'm here." Geralt whispered in the calmest, most comforting tone he was capable of uttering at that moment. He swallowed his anger and pain, holding back tears so he could give her some peace. He cradled her face in his hands, fingers caressing the skin of her cheeks delicately as if he were afraid of breaking it. "It's going to be okay... you're going to be okay. I will fix this."
She opened her mouth in an attempt to speak, but instead of sound only blood came out. Geralt caressed her gently, feeling the tears rolling down her cheeks. She clutched her hand around his arm, looking up at him with pleading eyes. She was begging him to understand her, to read in her eyes her thoughts as he had done so many times in the past. It took Geralt a few seconds to understand her, although in hindsight it should have been obvious to him. She wanted to tell him that she loved him, to assure him that none of it was his fault and that no matter what had happened between them, he would own her heart forever. 
"I love you. I always will."
Geralt saw the reassurance in her face as the warmth of love enveloped her in her last moments. She gave him the faintest of smiles, an almost invisible sign of the peace his words had brought her. And then her grip on his arm weakened, her hand dropping to the floor as life left her body. Suddenly, that subtle smile, now permanently carved into her expression, was all he had left of her, of her life and the love they shared. 
Geralt did not fight when the soldiers dragged him and tied him to a tree to leave him there to die while they escaped, he did not have the strength to do so. He was numb to the world around him, consumed by grief. The sound of the king and his men preparing to leave sounded muffled and distant, as if they were far away from him. And in a way they were, for his mind was not one with his body, but far away. He was focused on the slowly withering body of his beloved, on the fear as she called his name and the terror in her eyes as the edge of the dagger sealed her fate. He could only think of her and all the time they had lost and could never get back, feeling the guilt slowly consuming him as her body transformed into a pile of pink petals.
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Geralt admired her face in the dim glow of the candlelight, thinking about how beautiful she looked tangled in the sheets beside him. Her hair spread across the pillow like a halo around her head and her smooth skin was covered with a light layer of sweat that gave her an almost ethereal glow. It felt like an illusion, a trick of his mind. He found it hard to believe he had someone like her lying next to him, looking at him with love in her eyes. 
It wasn't just her beauty. No. It was the peace her mere presence awakened in him and the void he felt in his chest when they were apart. It was the way he dreamed of her and her caresses every night he went to bed alone and how his longing disappeared when he felt her warmth against him as their bodies melted into one. It was the way her kisses made him feel like he was home, safe and away from the complications of the world outside the little paradise that was her forest. It was much more than physical attraction, more than the effects of her nymph charm, as he had initially thought. It was love. Pure, honest love, like he had never felt before. He was in love with her, and while he hadn't put it into words yet, he wasn't afraid to admit it.
Her fingers aroused a warm tingle as they caressed his cheek. Geralt leaned into it, closing his eyes for a second to appreciate the magic of the moment. It was amazing how such a subtle act, such a light touch, was able bring out so many emotions in him. It was something only she could do, a clear demonstration of how deep his feelings for her were.
However, when Geralt opened his eyes again, he didn't find the special glow he usually saw in them at intimate moments like this. She was looking straight at him, but it was as if she was looking right through him, as if her mind was lost in her thoughts. Something was bothering her, that much was clear in the green tint of her eyes. Her mouth would open slightly, almost in an imperceptible movement, only to close seconds later, as if there was something she wanted to tell him but couldn't quite bring herself to say. So he decided to ask her about it. 
"What's wrong?" Geralt voice was low and raspy with sleep, looking at her with a slight frown in confusion. There was a moment of silence before she answered. Her eyes never left his, but her hand slowly slid from his cheek to rest on his bare chest.
"I'm afraid of losing you." She eventually said, her voice almost a whisper. "You travel across the continent, meet all kinds of people... I'm afraid one day you will get bored of me... find someone better and leave me forever."
Geralt could not believe his ears. It was ridiculous to him that she could have such a fear of abandonment when he felt the way he did. If only she knew how happy being with her made him... If only he could somehow transfer his emotions to her so that she could feel his heart race when they kissed, or experience the peace that filled him inside every night when he lay down next to her... If only she knew, she wouldn't be having those kinds of thoughts. So, he took her hand in his and pressed it against the left side of his chest, right over where his heart was beating with love for her. She needed to know that she was the only one who had a permanent place there. She was the only one he loved and he doubted that would ever change.
"Believe me when I tell you that there is no force on this continent that can keep me away from you." He spoke in a soft voice and watched as her eyes lit up full of illusion. "I love you, forever and always."
He sealed his promise with a kiss, showing her with his lips how serious he was about it. He loved her and there was nothing he wanted to do more than to be with her for the rest of his life, sharing intimate moments like this one and protecting her from any evil that might come her way. He felt complete with her and could not imagine how miserable his life would be without her by his side.
Geralt allowed himself to get lost in the passion of the moment, fingers tracing trails over his beloved's bare skin as he melted into the kiss. It was different this time, more intimate and charged with all the emotions that were left unsaid —it was their special way of communicating, one kiss and they knew what was going through each other's minds. The comforting warmth of love filled his heart, leaving him in a state of total bliss as she whispered sweet nothings against his lips. He was happy in a way he could not remember ever being before, in a way he knew he could only be with her. 
But suddenly that comforting warmth that flooded his insides was replaced by a paralyzing cold, an emptiness that pressed against his chest and took his breath away. Geralt could no longer feel his beloved's lips against his. He could no longer smell the flowery scent her soft skin radiated or feel the warmth of her body. He was trapped in a black void, in emptiness itself, all alone. And in the distance he could hear his name being called.
It was a cry for help, the voice of terror of someone who had been confronted with their own mortality. The voice trembled with fear, certain of the fatal fate that awaited them. Geralt could not escape its shrieks, no matter how hard he tried. It was his own personal hell, a void where he was forced to confront his pain, his guilt, and to listen again and again to his beloved's voice filled with terror as she spoke his name for the last time.
Geralt woke up tangled in the sheets, covered in a thin layer of cold sweat and breathing fast due to his nightmare. He lay in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling as he tried to pull himself together. His beloved's voice was still ringing in his ears, only that with every waking second it became more and more distant until it became an almost unintelligible whisper. Anguish and guilt weighed heavy on his chest, but he was used to that by now. The emptiness inside him had accompanied him every moment of his life since that unfortunate day. He could not escape the pain and regret he felt, it haunted him even when he closed his eyes at night. He could not even enjoy the peaceful ignorance in the mornings, when one's mind is too sleepy to process life's tragedies, because his nightmares would remind him of every painful detail of that day so that he could not rest.
At a time like this, when life had become so overwhelming that he was unable to sleep, he usually reached out to her. With her gentle touch and sweet voice she was always able to calm his tormented self, wash away the anger and frustration and replace it with love and calmness. But now she was gone and he didn't know how to go on. He missed her more than he thought it was possible to miss anyone. He missed the melodious sound of her laughter and the light in her eyes when she was happy. He missed waking up next to her in the mornings, feeling the warmth of her body enveloping him as she whispered good morning to him, her voice hoarse from sleep. He wished he could once again feel the soft caress of her lips on his and hear her say she loved him one more time. 
There was nothing Geralt wasn't willing to do to have her back with him, to be able to tell her how much he loved her and how he regretted leaving her. He had been an idiot to have given in to his desires for Yennefer. He should never have gotten involved with her, he should have let her own greed and obsession destroy her that day. He should have saved Jaskier and moved on with his life, after all Yennefer's problems were of no concern to him. But he could not resist his need to intervene, acting like a knight in shining armor instead of what he really was: a witcher. He made an impulsive decision, binding their destinies with magic and unknowingly triggering the death of his beloved. For if only he had been with her, if only he had stayed by her side to protect her as he had promised, he was sure things would be very different. She would still be alive and he would not be so miserable.
But Geralt was determined to make things right. He refused to let her die because of his mistakes. And looking at the cherry blossom tree growing outside his window, he knew the time was getting closer.
"I will fix this." He spoke to the tree, stroking the trunk with his hand as he sucked in a long breath of air. It smelled like her, a sweet scent mixed with the aroma of wood and wet earth. It ached and comforted him in equal amounts. "I will bring you back to me and I will keep my promise to you this time."
Geralt knew she was gone, but her essence was still alive in that tree. Born from the pink petals in which her body had withered when she died, it grew stronger with each day, keeping a fragment of her alive. Of course it was not her, but for now he was happy to make promises to the wind that its branches generated, clinging to the sweet scent of its flowers as the only sign that his words were well received by her. It was all he had, all he had left of her, and for now that was enough. He still wasn't sure how he would fulfill his promises or even where to begin. But he was sure of one thing, and that was that his love for her was stronger than fate itself and there was no force on the continent that could stop him from keeping his promise this time.
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The solution to his dilemma presented itself almost by accident. And it came from the place Geralt least expected. He had spent the last few months visiting every library he had access to, reading every book and consulting with every expert he knew in his desperate search to find a way to bring his beloved back to life. But in the end, it was Jaskier who presented him with a solution in the form of a song. 
They were traveling on a back road after a successful job. The bard had offered to accompany him under the excuse that he needed new inspirations, but Geralt knew he was doing it because he didn't want to leave him alone. Jaskier knew the pain he felt and being the good friend he was he wanted to accompany him in mourning. Geralt appreciated him even if he didn't have the strength to say it in words. His light-hearted comments and meaningless ramblings were exactly what he needed to distract his tormented mind. Even his spontaneous singing at the worst possible moment cheered him up instead of irritating him as usual. Anything to help him concentrate on something else was welcomed.
They had been walking for hours, hoping to reach the next town before dark and sleep in a comfortable bed in a warm room and not in the middle of the forest again. They were quiet, only the chirping of birds and the sound of leaves crunching under their feet echoed in the air. They had run out of things to talk about an hour ago and Jaskier was starting to get bored. So he did what he always did when he found himself in that situation, sing. Only this time Geralt didn't recognize the verses as one of his own original songs. It was one he had not heard him sing before, so he paid attention.
It told the story of a young man that had managed to win the heart of a forest nymph with his beautiful singing. The connection they shared was so strong that they married shortly after meeting, in the same place where they first saw each other. Happiness and love filled their days for a few long and joyful months. That was until fate, jealous and bitter, stood in the way of their happiness. So, one morning, after being bitten by a snake, the young nymph died. Her beloved fell into a state of despair when he heard the tragic news. Unable to accept that his wife had been taken from his life without warning, he descended into the depths of the underworld to plead for her soul. The song narrated the difficulties of his journey and the perseverance with which he had faced each difficulty until he reached the lord of the underworld himself, to whom he tearfully begged for the return of his wife. The emotion in his words was such that he managed to move Hades, who gave in to his prayers. Although he imposed a condition: that he would not turn around to see his wife's soul following his steps until he left the underworld.
The story did not end well since the young man had been too eager and had turned to see his beloved before she was completely above ground. But Geralt didn't care about that somber detail. His attention was focused on the young man and his journey to the underworld, not only because he felt somehow connected to the emotions of sadness and despair he felt, but also because he was fairly certain he could recreate his heroic efforts.
"Are you crazy?" was Jaskier's reaction to hearing Geralt's idea, his voice raised in a tone of surprise and concern. "Haven't you heard the end of the song? Things go wrong! He doesn't get his wife back!"
“I know, but I don’t care.”
“Geralt, the story it’s just a myth… a tragic love story that one could say is a cautionary tale! You’re not supposed to follow in his footsteps, you’re supposed to learn to live with the grief, process your emotions and eventually move on… Look, I know this is hard for you. I miss her too… What happened to her wasn’t fair, but it wasn't your fault either. Blindly following the words of a myth is not going to change anything.”
“But it’s not a myth, not all of it at least.” Geralt recognized that the love story of the young man and the forest nymph might be an invention, but he knew of the existence of a door to the underworld. It was hidden and required great power and extensive knowledge of magic to be opened, but it was real. And fortunately for him, he knew one of the most powerful and skilled mages on the continent. Though convincing her to help him would not be an easy task given how things had ended between them.
"Why should I help you?" Yennefer said with annoyance in her voice when he showed up unannounced to ask for her help. It was clear that she did not enjoy the witcher's surprise visit and was not shy about showing it. "And more importantly, why are you asking for my help with something like this? I thought you of all people would know how dangerous opening the doors of the underworld is."
"Why do you care?" Geralt answered her with another question. To be honest, he didn't think the difficulties in getting her help would come from a moral issue. Yennefer was not the type of mage who cared too much about such things. "Are you in this or not?"
"That depends... what's in it for me? I hope you know I'm not going to waste my energy in helping you out of the goodness of my heart, not after all the shit you did." Geralt smiled at her remark, surprised that it had taken her so long to once again blurt out her complaints about him saving her life. She was still angry at him for linking their destinies with the wish to the Djinn and at this point he doubted she would ever get over it. 
"You get the once in a lifetime chance to traverse the underworld and possibly get knowledge beyond anyone's comprehension." He simply stated.
Yennefer was silent for a moment, watching Geralt intently, violet eyes piercing his yellow orbs. It alerted him to strengthen his mental shield to keep her from entering his thoughts. 
"When you live as long as I have, once in a lifetime opportunities start losing power and meaning."
"I'm offering you an opportunity to explore the unexplored and that's your answer? This could have all the answers you've spent years looking for and you're not interested?"
"Oh I'm interested, I just can't understand why Geralt of Rivia, the mighty witcher who prides in his indifference and ability to not intervene, would be interested in opening the gates to the underworld?"
"I have my reasons and they are not of your concern. Are you going to help me or not?"
Yennfer was silent for a moment, considering her options. And then, she smiled at him, and he knew he could count on her help.
Preparing for such an adventure was difficult. It was the first time in his life that Geralt did not know what to expect. He had no idea what he was going to encounter once they crossed the gates to the world of the dead. He didn't know what kind of obstacles he would encounter on the journey or if he would even accomplish his task. But he had to try. Even if it was the last thing he did, he owed it to her. 
It was difficult to prepare for the uncertain, so he tried to imagine all possible scenarios and prepare accordingly. He tried to be as meticulous as possible, but he knew it was impossible to stay on top of everything. What he never imagined, however, was that trouble would come from Yennefer's end. He always saw her as such a powerful and determined individual that he did not take into consideration that her energy could wear out and her magic could be consumed. Geralt had no way of really knowing how demanding the spell to open the gates of the underworld would be. He knew it was not something that just anyone could do, but he thought Yennefer could handle it without much trouble. He had never seen magic like hers. And what she lacked in skill, she made up for in stubbornness, so he thought that with her by his side things would not be so difficult.
However, the moment they took a step into the world of the dead, Yennefer fell weakly into the witcher's arms. She muttered something about having spent her energy and how the nature of the place did not allow her to pull herself together. Geralt suggested that she stay outside, after all, this wasn't her fight and she didn't have to risk so much for him. And at that instant, as if the walls were listening to them, the doors closed, leaving only one possible path.
The place was cold and dark, like a cave hidden deep in a mountain. There was not so much as a ray of sunlight, the little light that illuminated their way came from torches distributed along the stone walls. The air was heavy, stale, and it was hard to breathe. It was clear that this was no place for the living, but Geralt continued on his way despite the difficulties. He took Yennefer by the waist, letting her wrap one arm around his shoulders so she could walk, and followed the straight path that the torches seemed to indicate. At the end of the tunnel he came to a large river, and on the shore rested a boat. Inside it stood a hooded figure, long black robes covered its entire body in a way that Geralt could not see its face when it turned to look at them, only a void lost inside the hood.
"He's been waiting for you." The figure spoke, stepping aside so they could board the boat. Geralt hesitated, thinking back to all the catastrophic scenarios he had imagined in preparation for this moment. Surely that had to be a trap, things couldn't be that simple, could they?
"He wants to speak to you, Geralt of Rivia." The figure spoke again as it noticed the hesitation in the witcher's attitude. "He sent me to find you and ensure your safe passage through these waters." He did not trust it, but Yennefer pushed him into the boat with what little strength she had, so he had no other choice.
The dark figure did not utter another word. It went about its task in complete silence, paddling in the waters of oblivion until it brought them close to shore. It did not help them down once they reached their destination, nor did it open its mouth to give them directions. Just pointed a long, skeletal finger toward the horizon and set off the same way it had come. 
A dark, dead forest loomed before them. Long, thin tree trunks, nearly leafless branches and shabby bushes decorated the path. Everything seemed to be in shades of black and gray, though that was probably due to the lack of sun. In the distance a structure could be seen, a castle whose colors matched the rest of the landscape. Although the neat and polished appearance of its exterior contrasted with the disheveled and dead environment around it. It was clear that that was where they should go, so Geralt took Yennefer in his arms once more and set off on his way. 
There was not much distance separating them from the castle, but the witcher felt as if he had spent an eternity walking. And yet, at the same time, when he reached the large wooden gates, he was amazed to have reached his destination so quickly.  His perception of time was totally altered, affected by the atmosphere of the place.  Time did not flow there in the same way as it did on the surface. It was as if it was both stopped and accelerated all at once, as if each step took hours and at the same time a couple of seconds. It was more than the absence of sunlight confusing his perception. It was the way things worked in that place, a world separate from the one lying on the surface that he was not supposed to access.
The man who appeared in front of them when the doors opened on their own was imposing, but far less frightening than Geralt expected. It was enough to look into his eyes to know that he was the person in charge of the place. Power shone in his eyes in the same way the witcher had seen it in the kings in the world of the living. And yet, there was something unique about them, something that made it clear that he was no mere mortal. Geralt knew better than to challenge him, though he wasn't sure his emotions would allow him to be cautious if things didn't go as he hoped.
"I've been waiting for you, witcher." the god said in a loud, clear voice. "I'm surprised it took you this long to find me."
Geralt was not pleased to learn that he had been waiting for him. He had imagined it might be a possibility, but he thought the god would use that knowledge to stop him. The fact that he welcomed him without trials or difficulties, sending his people to look for him and opening the doors of his home to him without hesitation, made him suspicious.  For all he knew, it could all be a trap.
"Oh don't flatter yourself, witcher! I have far more important things to do than to set you up." The god spoke as if reading his thoughts. 
"You knew I was coming?" Geralt managed to say and the god nodded.
"And most importantly, I know why you are here. I knew you were going to find your way here the second she came in."
The mere mention of his beloved in the conversation had Geralt's heart racing, a gesture of both love and anxiety. He felt Yennefer's eyes on him, watching him with furrowed brows as she tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together. She knew of his former lover, the forest nymph he had abandoned after their destinies were linked, and he had no doubt that she would understand what was happening in just a second, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to have her back.
"So, I'm assuming you know why I'm here."
"I do, yes. And I will not be opposing to your wishes, Geralt of Rivia. I knew from the first moment that this was not her time and I am willing to give her another chance to live out her destiny without surprise interruptions from magic... However, I do have one condition."
"And you say it was not a trap..."
"It is not! It is just a simple... exchange."
"An exchange of what?"
The god paused, taking his moment to answer.
"Souls are complex things, Geralt. Very powerful, very strong... I can't just let one walk out of here."
"Why not? You have plenty here."
"It's a matter of balance, I don't expect you to understand that. But, if you want your dear nymph back, you'll have to give me a soul in return."
Geralt was silent for a moment, carefully analyzing his situation. After all the work it had taken him to get there, he didn't plan to leave empty-handed. But he also didn't want to condemn an innocent soul who had nothing to do with his mistakes. So he knew exactly what he had to do.
"Fine," the witcher agreed. "Take me then. My soul for hers, it's only fair."
Yennefer tugged on his arm, ready to argue with him —thinking he was acting like an idiot by offering his life as if it was nothing—, but was interrupted before she could open her mouth by the laughter of the god in front of them.
"It's a nice gesture, but your soul isn't nearly powerful enough. It's better than an ordinary human’s soul, I'll give you that, but she's a nymph. Do you have any idea how much energy her soul contains?"
"Then name your price." Geralt said. He wasn't necessarily going to give in to his demands, but he figured it didn't hurt to learn what the god's wishes were.
"To be honest, I don't think you can get a soul of such power... however, you do have access to one that is quite close." Geralt didn't like the suggestive tone in the god's voice. And he liked it even less when his eyes fell on Yennefer as he finished the sentence.
"No!" The witcher declared as he understood the intentions behind those words. He had brought Yennefer with him to help him open the portal and nothing else. He refused to sacrifice one more life. No one else had to suffer because of his stupid decisions.
"She wouldn't suffer." The god spoke after glancing at Geralt's thoughts. "She doesn't even have to be dead, she just has to stay here with me."
"I don’t care. We're not doing this."
"Why don't you let her decide?" The god said, resting his eyes on Yennefer's violet ones. "It is a good deal. You get your lover back and she gets-"
"She gets imprisoned here forever." Geralt interrupted and the god looked at him wearily.
"She gets to be the most powerful madge in history, sitting by my side ruling the underworld... isn't that what you always wanted, Yennefer of Vengerberg, to have power beyond imaginable? What's more powerful than deciding between life and death?"
Geralt snorted at such words, finding the god's tricks very ineffective. But when he looked back at Yennefer, she had a look in her eyes that made him doubt. "You're not seriously considering his proposal, aren't you?" he approached her, speaking in a lower tone of voice so as not to be heard by the god.
"If we leave now then we traveled this far for nothing. Don't you want to get her back?"
"No if it means hurting innocent people. You have nothing to do with this."
"Except I do since the moment you made that srupid wish."
"I didn't save your life then just to leave you here now."
"You're not leaving me, I'm choosing to stay."
"You don't have to do this, Yennefer." Geralt's voice became softer. She seemed quite sure of her decision and he knew it would not be easy to persuade her otherwise, but he had to try. He didn't like the idea of leaving her behind, of sacrificing her in favor of his own happiness. 
"Oh, please! I'm not doing this just for you. I usually don't like to waste my time and energy just to end up empty handed. I came here because, as you said, it was an opportunity to find the answers I've been looking for. So why don't you worry about you and let me worry about myself?"
Yennefer rolled her eyes. And while she wasn't lying and really had interests of her own in that place, Geralt really was a big part of the reason she wanted to accept the god's offer. There was something in his eyes, the sparkle of true love, that shone every time he thought of his departed lover. It was something she had never noticed in his eyes when he looked at her. It was clear that what they had was real, it softened her hardened and withering heart, and gave her hope that love was real. Though of course, she would never admit that to Geralt. 
The witcher growled under his breath, clenching his jaw. Even though part of him didn't like the idea of leaving Yennefer behind, he couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved to hear those words. If she wanted to stay there for her own selfish reasons, then accepting the god's proposal was much easier on his conscience. 
"Are you sure about this?" He asked her once more, giving her one last chance to back out. 
Yennefer shrugged. "I lived a long time among the living, had my good share of adventures... maybe it's time to try my luck in the underworld. "
That answer was good enough for Geralt. He accepted the god's proposal, exchanging Yennefer's soul for that of his beloved nymph. She would stay in the underworld with him and in return Geralt would get a second chance with his lover. The god instructed him to return home and assured him that when he arrived, her soul would already be back in her birth tree.
As he made his way back, the thought that the god was tricking him crossed his mind. He realized that he really had nothing to assure him that he would keep his word. For all he knew, this could have been a strange move by the god to get to Yennefer and her powers for some reason he did not know. Perhaps he was being used as a pawn in a larger chess game that he did not know he was part of. Perhaps he had unleashed a terrible evil upon the continent without realizing it.
But then he felt it. 
The sweet scent of flowers assaulted his nostrils the moment he set foot in the forest. It was strong, much stronger than it had been in a long time. He noticed then that everything looked greener and more alive, every flower, bush and plant glowing in the warm sunlight in a way that they didn't when he left. Even the birds seemed to sing louder and more cheerfully. 
Geralt ran to the cherry blossom tree he had been tending for what had felt like an eternity. His heart was racing with every step he took, not from the physical effort, but from the anticipation. The hope of seeing her again was what had kept him sane since that horrible day he had lost her. All this time he had thought it was impossible, an illusion that only served to keep him on his feet until the pain subsided. But now it was a reality, and he had so many emotions swirling inside him that he didn't know exactly what to feel.
Suddenly, his eyes came upon a figure on the horizon. It was partially blocked by the rays of sunlight that kept him from seeing clearly, so he picked up his pace to get closer. Little by little the figure revealed itself in front of him, until it became clear to him that the one who was walking around the forest, picking flowers and petting the animals, was her. 
She looked as beautiful as he remembered her, with her long hair blowing in the wind and a sweet smile on her face. It was as if time had never passed, as if that horrible day and the pain that her death had unleashed had been just a bad dream. It was as if he had never lost her.
Geralt stopped in his tracks as his eyes fell on hers, paralyzed by the emotions coursing through him. All this time he had dreamed of this moment and now that he had her only a few feet away he didn't know how to react. His eyes blurred with tears, but he caught a glimpse of his beloved's figure running to him before he felt the warmth of her body in his arms. He held her tighter than he ever had, pulling her against his chest as a way of both making sure she was real and that she couldn't pull away from him.
"You came for me." She muttered, melting into the embrace. Her memory was somewhat fuzzy, but she remembered clearly the moment when the blade of the dagger had caressed her neck. She remembered how it had felt and the horror in Geralt's eyes as she fell into his arms, taking her last breaths. She remembered his words of comfort and his promise to make things right, as if he actually could. She still didn't understand how she was back there, but she knew it was Geralt she had to thank for her second chance at life. Somehow, he had found a way to bring her back, she was sure of that.
"I'll always come back for you." 
The kiss they shared was unlike any other. It was passionate and desperate, yet soft and tender. It was charged with all the emotions that had been left unsaid between them, sadness, regret, longing, but, above all, love. They felt that spark the moment their lips brushed, just like in the old days. Geralt hadn't realized how much he had missed feeling her soft lips on his until that moment. He allowed himself to get lost in the joy he felt, letting the warmth of her body against his slowly remove the traces of sadness and pain that had haunted him all this time.
They remained in each other's arms for a long time, enjoying the moment they had both been longing for so long. It was just him, her and the chirping of birds in the trees. Breathing in the floral scent of her hair, Geralt knew that the gray days were behind him. Gone were the guilt and the pain, the sleepless nights and the cold mornings without his beloved. She was back by his side, just as she always should have been. And he was more than happy for the new beginning he had with her. A new chance to make things right, to honor his word and keep his promise, just as he should have done from the beginning. He was ashamed that he had had to lose her to realize how big his mistake had been, but now that he had her back he wasn't going to let her go. His love had proven to be stronger than everything, even death itself.
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
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❀  Pairing: Dark!Mermaid!Wanda x Sailor!Reader
❀ Non-con, dubcon, Captivity, restraints, slight experimentation, shapeshifting! Wanda, the ocean, sailing on a boat, a storm, shipwreck, a little bit of violence, virgin!reader (she has never had a sexual encounter, period. So she is very innocent), Wanda doesn’t know human anatomy lol, oral (r receiving), forced orgasm, overstimulation, fingering, (this next part is major whump, so PLEASE heed the warnings) Sewing readers legs together for a punishment, holding reader under the water until they pass out, screaming, lots of screaming, making someone stay unconscious with telekinesis, quick acceptance, soft-ish wanda, some fluff, Stockholm syndrome, (if there is anything else PLEASE let me know!!)
❀ Disclaimer and Authors Note: The pictures only represent aesthetics and themes. There is no certain skin color, body type, ethnicity, or description other than Y/n and “you”. I hope you like this! The pictures go to their rightful owners on Pinterest, and the comic-style picture belongs to the beautiful artist Jenifer Prince. I also have a really big feeling that Mermaids' love language is gift-giving. Because… stuff is all they find lol!
This is for @eloquentreverie 's Dusk Till Dawn writing challenge! I chose the lines “All you are is a liar…” “My love for you is not a lie.”
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Bright rays of sunshine reflect off the water, not one cloud in the sky.  The perfect conditions for sailing. You had been planning this trip for ages, and the perfect time has never been seen before now. Packing your bags was an easy task, all that was left was prepping your boat. Aphrodite is what you call her. The beautiful sailboat your father had left for you.
The sails are off-white, the texture of a canvas. In a way, this boat is its own form of art, and the beautiful name that your father picked fits perfectly. She was small, livable, and durable. It could withstand the fiercest of storms, waves, and monsters. Monsters, that you at least think are real. They were all just myths your mother told you about. 
Mermaids that left trinkets on the helm of each ship they came across, an octopus-like creature pushing the boats in the wrong direction, and even the ocean itself; a lively source of nature that will always lead the way when these malicious creatures have any form of malicious intentions. 
Making your way down to the pier, you are stopped by a villager, an older woman who knew your father very well. “Y/n! Y/n! Come here, I have something for your travels!” You hear from her frail yet powerful voice. She gently grabs your hands and pulls you into her home, making you giggle softly as she sits you on her couch. 
“Now, I knew I would see you today because of the conditions out… there. I have this for you, wishing you safe travels and return.” She puts a dainty necklace in the palms of your hands. “It was a gift from your mother, she had told me to wait until you were older, and I think now would be the perfect time.” She smiles as you look at the beautiful oval-shaped locket. 
“My family and I really love you, Eleanor. Thank you for taking such good care of us.” You smile up at her, closing your fingers around the locket with a picture of both your mother and your father. “Thank you, really, for everything.” 
She shakes her head, “The only thing you owe me is a hug and a proper goodbye.” She says, opening her arms for you. You happily oblige, wrapping your arms around her hunched body. She was like a grandmother to you even when she was just a family friend, but you most definitely loved her as a grandmother. 
“I love you so much, and I will most definitely bring you some trinkets if mermaids ever leave anything for me.” She chuckles in response and waves you off, sending you on your way to uncertainty. 
Entering the deck of your boat was a feeling of freedom that you had longed to feel ever since the death of your parents. It was difficult to make it through the day without breaking down into your most vulnerable form; A sobbing, shaking mess. 
Standing at the helm brought mixed emotions. You were finally here. You were finally able to feel like the woman your mother described you as. “You are a brave, independent, beautiful girl Y/n. You will do amazing things one day. That may be tomorrow or ten years from now. But amazing things they will be.”
Those words stuck with you from the day she died. Those words were what drove you to sail alone after all these years. She told you that you were brave, and that was all it took to motivate you to learn, grow, and persevere in your passion for sailing. 
Now all you had to do was make sure you had enough food, water, and supplies in the cockpit, untie the sails, and mark the coordinates on your map. Once those subjects were taken care of, the last was to untie Aphrodite from the pier and raise the anchor and you are all good to go!
With the small gusts of winds every now and then, it would take about 6 to 7 hours for you to make it to your destination. That is if there is no storm, headwind, or pirates that you have to worry about. Crossing Captain Barnes is on your list of “most feared encounters” and you could not imagine getting stuck with him, let alone see him. Rumors say he lost his arm to the Kraken and used the gold from a found treasure to make a new arm. A much more dangerous one than he already had. 
The thought of seeing him gives you chills in of itself, so you decide to put your mind to something else. You begin to steer the boat in the direction of your destination, your blue navy-themed sailing dress your mother made you flowing in the wind. You smile as the smell of salt and cold water fills your nose, the ocean and wind guiding you in the right direction.
~~~~~~~~ 3 hours later ~~~~~~~~
The clouds had come out of nowhere, casting a large, dark shadow over Aphrodite. The wind was skin-biting and strong, the waves getting unruly as she becomes angry with something. What? You had no idea. You had prepared for this, but the worst thing that could happen happened. 
As you put on your dark blue cloak to keep warm, a large wave crashed over your boat. With much luck, Aphrodite held strong and pulled back up from the water. Raindrops soaked your clothes as well as waves that rolled over the surface of your boat. As you were pulling on the sails, you froze in fear. A colossal wave formed. Bigger than anything you have seen, towering over you. At this point, you knew your fate and you fully accepted it. 
As the wave crashed over your boat, the water engulfed you into a frigid and bitter hug. The sheer force of this wave cracked your beautiful boat in two, ripped the sails a part as if it was cut by scissors, and lastly shredded your near-perfect map to shreds. It was a saddening sight to see to anyone on the outside. 
As your vision fades to black, numbness takes over your system and you are finally at rest. 
Or so you thought. 
“Is she ok? She- Oh she’s breathing! She looks ok, just a little roughed up.” 
“She’s a human! She’s beautiful, she looks so cute in this little dress of hers.”
“Can we keep her?”
A pause…
“Let's bring her inside, but we have to make sure she doesn’t escape. Grab some of the rope from her boat, that will hold her.” 
“She scared? She scared?” The animal squawked. 
“For certain…”
The voices were faded and muffled, and you felt like you were held in a bubble. Everything was quiet. The voices were smooth, siren-like, minus the power. There was something dark in the woman’s voice that hovered over you. There was something in her voice that sounded almost… dark and evil. As if she had malicious intentions with you. 
Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of waves crashing against the sand, but you were not on the beach anymore. You were in a cave, a dark, cold, dreary cave. With a pounding in your head, you moved your hand to your temple. Well, tried to. You look to your left, letting your eyes get used to the darkness and you see rings of rope around your wrist, holding you to a rusty bed frame. Looking to your right you see the same.
Struggling was your first instinct, but you were frozen in place. It was fear taking over your body and you didn’t know what else to do. There wasn’t much you could do in your state. It was so cold, and you couldn’t find a way to get warm. 
“H-hello?” Your voice echoes in the abyss of the dark cave in front of you and you have yet to hear anything other than that. But moments later, other voices fill the cavern's echos. 
“I wonder when she will wake up, oh I sure hope it’s soon.” One voice said. Were they talking about me? You think to yourself. 
“Well, when she does, it will be quite the surprise don’t you think?” That voice, it was the voice that sounded evil… 
In an instant, the dark cave was filled with lowly lit torches. From what you could see was a room full of different trinkets, a makeshift vanity with a sea-glass mirror, shelf portions of the cave filled with sea shells, and lastly her.
A beautiful woman walks into the cave carrying what looks to be wood, sail rope, some canvas sails, and cloth. It took you a moment to realize that these were parts of Aphrodite. Your precious boat. 
“Ah, she’s awake.” The woman says to her accomplice, a parrot on her shoulder. 
“Awake! Awake! Awake! Awake!” The parrot responds, making the woman let out a soft chuckle. 
“Please, let me go!” You plead. 
“No, you are mine now and I get to do what I please,” She gives you a smug smile and sets her trinkets and shells down on her vanity. You watch her carefully, salty tears falling down your cheeks as you pull at the ropes around your wrists. “There is no coming out of those ropes, darling. I know how to tie a good knot” She emphasizes the ’t’, making you jump slightly in response. 
“Such a curious creature humans are. They move around on these water contraptions just to go see another piece of land. Can you imagine that?” She says, chuckling at her own question. “Well of course you can, you were doing just that!” She moves towards the makeshift seaweed and canvas bed and sits on the edge. 
“I have yet to see a real human up close and see what they are really like. How much pain and torture they can take, just like my sisters had to endure.” 
Her intentions scared you, and her smirk told you that she already knew that. “P-please don’t hur-” she cut you off with a laugh and a mockery of your fear. 
“Puh puh puh, please! Oh don’t be so cute, I love hearing screams of fear…” She leans close to your face, her tongue sliding against your cheek and picking up a tear. “Mmmm, tastes so good. I can’t wait to taste the rest of you.” You whimper as her eyes turn bright red and before you know it, the clothes are ripped from your body leaving you nude, cold, and exposed. You flail your feet attempting to kick her, but she quickly pins them down and wraps more rope around them, connecting them to the bed posts at the bottom.
She shakes her head at your action and gently slides her fingers over your now exposed belly, “Nuh uh, none of that. We don’t need anyone else to get hurt, right?” You shiver in response, making her smile grow even bigger. “Oh, so you feel me…” She realizes and she runs her fingers up your belly, and to the valley of your breasts. 
Your reactions are very minimal at first, but then she starts going in other directions. “Hmm, I have little buttons like these too, I wonder what yours do?” She moves and grazes her fingers over your nipple, making you shudder. A new feeling has come to you, and the woman takes note. “Ah, how interesting. This little bud of skin is much more sensitive than the skin over here…” She does the same motion of rolling her fingers but with just a small section of skin from your breast. 
“What if we do both?” She inquires, moving both her hands above your breasts. Taking both nipples in her fingers, she smiles at your reaction of curling in on yourself. The little noises you make are what set her off. “Wow, how amazing,” She whispers, smirking at your reaction. As you whine and shake your body slightly, you try to get her off of you, but she is just pulled towards you again. 
“Someone is a little feisty,” She slaps your breast harshly and you yelp in pain. She chuckles and stands up. “Now let me introduce myself. I am Wanda, and as you can see I take the shape of a human, like you. But I am nothing of the kind. I have morals.” She pauses, and moves between your spread-open legs. “When I got the ability to use my shapeshifting power, I first wanted to try to be human. Just to see what it feels like to walk and run. I liked it at first, but then came this feeling that I can’t describe. It is like a fire was lit right here,” she puts her hand just above your lower regions, goosebumps pebbling at the touch of her skin on yours.
“There was nothing I could do to put it out. So I explored down there… I have a button down there just like up here,” She rolls your nipples in her fingers once again, making you whine in protest. “Oh, my Poseidon… it felt heavenly when I rubbed it just right. I thought the feeling would never end! But then it did… it felt like I exploded. It was like getting caught in a wave, only to fall back down into warm water again.” She smiles down at you from her spot between your legs. 
“I want to see if you feel it too.” She smirks and you whimper as you pull at the restraints around your limbs. Dismissing you, her fingers spread your slick petals and she gently rubs around the top of your pussy. A soft moan emits from your mouth and she gasps. “Oh, I think I found your button too,” Wanda continues to rub your clit, loving every single reaction from your mouth. With curiosity, she pokes at your entrance with her fingers. When she enters her fingers into your wet cunt, the moan from your mouth is beautiful. 
“That was beautiful, I need to see more!” She exclaims and starts to move her fingers in and out of your hole while rubbing your clit. With never feeling these things before, you are like an exposed nerve and are oh, so, sensitive. 
You soon start to feel what she was describing, the fire, the riding up the wave, and after seconds, the falling from that wave and into warm water. As you cum, she smiles at the feeling of your walls clenching around her fingers. “It feels nice, doesn’t it…” she states, not addressing it as a question. You vigorously shake your head, denying her. She smirks, knowing deep down you absolutely love it. 
The ropes burn your limbs and you were tired. But Wanda was far from done. She had so much more planned as she was infatuated with your pussy and how it pulsed around her fingers. “Should we see how many more of these little episodes we can see today?” 
“N-no! No, please no more, I- I want to go home, please,” You beg, knowing deep down you most likely won’t make it out of here. Not without a fight. Already you were scheming how you could possibly escape her, but your thoughts were shut down as Wandas' fingers intruded your hole at a fast rate. Her fingers moved in and out of your cunt, a burning feeling bubbling inside of you once again. 
“Oh, you’re so wet down here, little one. I swear if I go too fast, there may be a tidal wave coming at me.” She smirks at her words, not slowing her pace as she curls her fingers in a ‘come hither’ motion. Your moans were music to her ears, like putting a sea shell to one's ear and hearing the beauty of the ocean on the other side. 
Failing miserably, you try to quiet your moans. But the feelings are just too intense for you to handle. She leans down as she continues to pump her fingers inside of you and smiles as she licks along your red, hot clit. Your legs jolt once a more sensitive wave of pleasure falls over you, her tongue moving expertly over your little bud. Your back arches as much as it can with the bonds keeping you down and you try to enjoy your current state under Wandas' domination. 
In a matter of seconds, you are crumbling at the feel of Wandas' three fingers inside of you as well as her tongue licking your clit over and over again. Cumming a second time was even more of an experience. You saw white as your orgasm came crashing over you once again. Whimpers come out of your mouth as tears are falling down your cheeks. It’s too much, and your cunt feels like it's on fire. 
Finally, Wanda has had enough, and she lets out a sigh as she looks down at your abused petals. “Aw, look how red you are. You must be so sensitive, hm?” She chuckles at your fucked out sounds as she grazes your clit with the back of a finger, your hips pulling away in retaliation. You whimper as she suddenly stands up, her other fingers leaving your hole in an instant. You shudder at the emptiness, letting out a sob as your emotions take control of your body again. 
“Sweetheart, don’t cry, we have just barely begun.” Her smile is malicious and full of evil. There is nothing welcoming about her smile, almost like the waxing gibbous, right before a full moon. Only a sliver of a smile of the night sky, then the werewolves come out. Her teeth were sharp but smooth enough to look human. But she was far from human.
You found out she was a mermaid while she let you roam the beach a little bit. All she gave you for clothing was a paper bag-type dress made out of the canvas of your sails, and a rope around your middle as a belt. She took the chains from the anchor of your boat and kept it around your ankle, the other end under a very heavy bolder that she moved with her powers. 
While you stayed on the beach, chained to the rock that gave you the shade you needed, Wanda was hunting. There was a little bit of forest above the cave you both took shelter in, but she warned you to never go in there. Well, not without her. You were curious as to know if there was danger, or if she just didn’t want you out of her sight. But it was easy to say, she did not want you going anywhere. 
Sitting on the beach was the little bit of freedom that you looked forward to every day. One hundred and eighty-two (182) days of being in Wandas' captivity. You learned on day seven (7) to never run away from her. She will make everything hurt. She will take everything away from you if you try to take yourself away from her. 
On day seven (7), you found a way to rub the chain links together and break the loop off of your foot. Making sure she was in the water, you made a run for it on the wet sand of the beach. Trying to go around the island and then out into the ocean was your goal. Wanda sensed you were gone the second the chain broke. It was no use trying to swim away from a mermaid. 
She caught up with you in a matter of seconds, her webbed tail making her swim much faster than you; A mere human. She grabbed your ankle from underneath the water, dragging you down to the ocean floor. Not too deep as she knows the pressure builds, but deep enough where you would not be able to escape. She smiled as you thrashed against her iron grip, your arms trying desperately to reach the surface, and the last few bubbles exited your mouth as you finally fell unconscious. 
Once you were out, she pulled you to the beach, getting the water from your lungs and making sure you are breathing again. She sent a wave of energy over your body, keeping you in an unconscious state. Picking you up, your head hung over her arm as your legs hung over her other arm. She looked at your sleeping face in slight disappointment as you were doing so good the few days before this. She knew that the time outside was going to be limited as part of the punishment she was going to give you. 
Laying you on the bed, she gathers a few trinkets she has found. Including a sewing kit. She looked over your body and stripped you of your canvas dress. She laced the rope around your arms and fastened them to the rusty bars above your head. Angrily, she stares, thinking of the things she is going to do to you when you wake up. She growls and pounces on top of you, grabbing your legs and putting them together. She takes more rope from your boat and wraps your thighs and ankles, rendering you unable to walk. 
Now comes the painful part; She threads the thread through the eye of the needle and pinches the skin of your thigh. Carefully she puts the needle through your skin, puncturing through the layers mercilessly. As she pulls the thread through the hole in your skin, she meticulously sews your legs together in an intricate zig-zag shape from your left leg to your right leg. Once she gets to just above the rope around your ankles she hums at her work, making sure that you won’t be able to pull the thread out of your legs, even if you tried as hard as you could. 
Waving her hand takes away the power keeping you unconscious, and she makes her way out of the cave, not wanting to hear your screams as you realize what she had done to you. Of course, she loved to hear you scream, but not in pain. It was never meant to be this way. If you had just listened and stayed where you were put, this never would have happened. As she transforms into her mermaid form, she dives into the ocean to cool off as she was much too angry to argue with you, worried she would kill you in the snap of a finger if you said the wrong thing to her. 
You started to come to, becoming more and more aware of your surroundings by the second. Once again, you tried to move, only to be stopped by the ropes around your wrists, but there was much more than what was done to you last time. You looked to the source of the tension of your legs and your panic set in. Screams of pain and horror echoed through the cave, tears and sobs were heard for miles outside of the cave, and Wanda was nowhere near where she could hear them. 
More than a few hours later, your sobs had calmed to nothing more than whimpers. Your legs were screaming in pain, blood dripping from each of the holes Wanda's needle had made, soaking the thread and keeping them together. You closed your eyes, hoping that someone would find you, help you, kill you. But your wishes were only met with more fear.
As Wanda entered the cave, she had a whole net of fish, more shells, and trinkets from the ocean floor, as well as the part of your ship you were going to miss the most: The picture of you, your father, and your mother. It was still in its gold-plated frame, the monotone black and white of the picture still prominent. “I brought you a couple things,” Wanda says, unapologetically. Setting the net down, she places a pink and coral-colored conch shell next to you on the bed, the picture, and what looks like a shell necklace that she put together herself. 
You did not acknowledge her in the slightest. From the moment she walked into the cave, to the moment she begged you to talk to her. She even untied your arms and helped you sit up, but you didn’t say a word. In a fit of rage, she throws your body against the bed, letting you curl against yourself as you try to undo the thread. 
“It's not going to come off. I put a spell on it, and until you talk to me, it will stay that way. Do you understand?” She holds your chin in her hands, her sharp nails digging into your soft, beautiful skin. You whimper in response, tears pooling in your eyes. A few fall, but Wanda is quick to wipe them away as you look up at her. She gives you a soft smile and your brows furrow. This smile is different, it's out of pity, and out of a different type of intent. “Please, say something…” She whispers, tears of her own filling her eyes.
“Wh-why did you do this to me?” You whimper, pulling your hands away from the thread and to your chest to cover yourself. 
“Because you ran away… I told you to stay here, and you disobeyed me. This never would have happened if you just stayed, and enjoyed the sun like I so generously allowed you!”
Her eyes close, and she covers them with her hand. As she removes her hand, she sits down on the bed and her eyes soften as she looks at you. “I never wanted this to happen, love. You are mine, but I never wanted to hurt you.” 
"All you are is a liar..." You respond, with no emotion in your voice, eyes, or heart. Wanda sighs and helps you sit up once again. 
“My love for you is not a lie.” She says, moving to the floor as your legs drape over the side of the bed. She unties your thighs and ankles, her hands glowing a soft red color. Your legs lose feeling for only a moment, and you watch in awe as the thread is removed without pain or discomfort. It floats out of your skin, and the holes where it once was were closed. “Please forgive me, my little human. I won’t do this unless you make me angry. You won’t be punished if you don’t do something punishable. Do you understand me?” 
You nod softly as the feeling returns to your legs. You stand up, as does Wanda. You stumble at first, but you slowly make your way out of the cave and over to the rock where your chain lay. You wrap the chain around your ankle and hold it up for Wanda to seal with her magic. She looks at you, confused. 
“What are you doing?” She asks. 
You sigh and you hold up your foot again. “Im showing you I can be good. That I can keep a promise of being good.” She understands and seals the lock over the two open links. You stand up again, and you make your way to the water. You have already accepted the fact that will rip the dress off of you when you get back inside anyway, so you stand in the sun, bathing in the warmth as you stand nude. You are grateful that the chain grants you the length to reach the water. 
The waves make you sway slightly, and you close your eyes. Your destiny has proven itself, and you were to stay captive with Wanda. 
Soon enough, day three hundred sixty-five (365) hits and you are smiling with Wanda. Happily letting her devour you every night to her heart's desire, as well as shower you with gifts and jewels she finds on her hunting trips. In a form of trust, you both agree to a collar around your neck. One that claims you as well as keeps you on the island when Wanda is away. It was a way for Wanda to make sure you were safe, and a way for you to feel secure in someone's watch. And if any pirates come to the island, it would notify Wanda if you were in danger. 
She loved to see you in the sun, the jewels around your neck shimmering in the bright sunlight above you. A bright ruby right at the center of your neck, represents the love that Wanda has gifted upon you. Every morning when you woke up in her arms, you felt safe and sound, and no longer in danger of her. Of course, you were never going to make it home to Eleanore, so you threw a bottle with a letter in it into the ocean hoping that it finds her well. 
Yours and Wandas' routine grew every day, her even letting you go for a swim. She would transform into her mermaid form, and you would hold onto her shoulders as she sped through the water at speeds you have never felt before. On other days, she would take you to the edge of the forest above her cave. She told you stories of the cannibals that lived among the trees but willingly agreed to keep on their side of the island and never venture past the river about a mile into the grove of trees. 
You would tell stories of when you sailed with your father and cooked with your mother. Wanda loved to hear about humans and the hobbies or skills you can acquire with the right supplies and practice. She was infatuated with humans just as she was with you. 
One of your favorite things to do with Wanda was lay out on the sand at night, a soft seaweed blanket underneath you both, the water reflecting the moon, and the stars shimmering above you. For every shooting star there was, you would point to it and give Wanda a soft kiss on her cheek, making her smile and return the kiss. That was a nightly ritual you both had and when the both of you had soaked up the moonlight for the perfect amount of time, she would take you inside and make love to you. She would worship you, and care for you. She gave you meaning in a world where you had no one else to be there for. 
She loved you.
Your keeper loves you, yet you love her too.
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Hello! I don't really know how this works, but I'm asking about a reverse Owl Song, like say Jason is older, and when the Court is destroyed he escapes, and finds a recently orphaned Dick who is hellbent on revenge. Jason adopts him, desperate for connection after years of being a Talon, and Dick kinda imprints on him because he's never really been alone before. And eventually, Bruce finds not only the boy he wanted to adopt, Dick, but also the missing Talon he'd been looking for
Awe yeah, they find each other and help each other. And while Jay is older than Dick and much more cynical than Talon!Dick ever was, it’s recently-orphaned-Dick’s rage and sadness but still undeniable kindness that draws him in.
And while Talon!Dick was protective but still so very unsure of himself, Talon!Jason would be the fiercest guardian ever right away because he’s never had as much of a moral dilemma. He doesn’t feel nearly as much guilt about killing as Talon!Dick does. It’s just a part of his life, and now that he’s not with the Court anymore he’s allowed to strictly kill only the bad guys. Which is a comfort in its own way. Meanwhile Dick isn’t very happy about this weird owl(?) dude that seems hellbent on bundling him in blankets and heaping dead mice on him???? But hey, anything’s better than foster home. And the guy’s showing him some awesome moves with those knives.
Dick tracks down Zucco with Talon!Jason’s help within a couple weeks tops, but when it comes down to it Jason refuses to let Dick kill him and does it in his stead. Dick is kind of furious with him for a bit but Jason is wholly unapologetic. He may not have a problem with killing, but he knows that tiny humans shouldn’t do that and it’s wrong. (And he was afraid that doing so would have killed the light in his eyes the way it did to Jason).
They’re off to a bumpy start but in the end they manage. Dick teaches Jason how to be human again and Dick learns how to fight and protect himself (and others).
Also, Dick teaches Jason about cuddles. Jason doesn’t know what this warm kind of semi-smothering is supposed to be but he really likes the warmth of it and promptly starts throwing together his very first nest (it’s what the owls do when they have young and want to keep them under their wings, so humans must do this too, right? Right????)
(Dick is confused but he’s not complaining because the strange pile of pillows and blankets is really damn soft and warm and Jason’s starting to get real good at cuddling.)
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oppropro · 3 months
Chapter 3
This is the conclusion to my fanfic. This was really fun and I hope all y'all enjoy it. Maybe I'll write some more stuff later on. Something shorter and more lighthearted.
Once again, All credit to @jttw-monkeybusiness for her AU story.
CHAPTER 3- Hired
            The only sound Sophie could focus on was that of her heavy footsteps drumming on the forest floor in tandem with her racing heart. Her mad sprint had tempered into a steady pace as she continued to run as straight as the terrain would allow her. Her legs ached and her chest felt like it was on fire. No matter how heavy she breathed, she never seemed to get enough air. Still, she had to keep running. At that moment, it did not matter to her where she was going; anywhere but there.
            She tripped over a tree root but did not lose her balance. What the fuck had just happened to her? How the hell did she wind up in a forest? That woman in the shop. Was this her fault? Was she a witch? A mare? More likely, she drugged that cup of tea, and this is all a hallucination, a bad trip. A nightmare.
            She should have fallen onto the wet pavement of her hometown. A street bustling with vehicles and foot traffic. The smell of concrete, rubber, unemptied garbage bins; all overpowered by the sweet perfume of flowering tree blossoms. Someone should have helped her up to her feet and brushed away the dirt from her scratched up face. A human; not a pig-man. And what was that thing she fell on? Some grotesque talking monkey monster? It looked like it wanted to tear her apart with its fangs. Jesus Christ! It talked. He talked. The monkey monster and the pig-man talked. None of this could be real.
            When she thought she had put enough space between her and her would-be assailant, and when she finally ran out of breath, Sophie stopped and leaned her back against the trunk of a mossy tree. The air was cool and humid, making her sweat stick to her body rather than evaporating. Now her legs hurt, her head throbbed, her chest burned, and she was shivering. With her eyes closed, Sophie managed to regain control of her breathing and rummaged through her pocket for her cell phone. She pulled it out of her sweater and opened her eyes so she could unlock it.
            Sophie dialed 112 and waited for the call to connect. Nothing. There was no signal. No data. No Wi-Fi. No matter how many times she tried, her calls were not going through.
            Unable to hold back whimpers anymore, Sophie held her phone in front of her with both hands wishing she had the strength to snap the useless piece of junk in half. All out of options, she cried out to the heavens.
            “Help! Somebody please help me!”
            To her dismay, the heavens answered.
            “Yeah, I can help you girly.”
            Sophie turned to her right to see the monkey monster standing no less than five meters away. Her heart sank.
            Was it fair to think that all humans were stupid, or was it this woman in particular? To be fair, Wukong acknowledged that he held a personal bias, what with this woman crashing onto him and then running off without so much as an apology for her insolence. Tracking her down was not hard, it was actually quite funny to watch her run herself to exhaustion. The distance was impressive, for a human, and he doubted that his master could do any better than her.
            Wukong observed the woman as he stalked her from the canopy above. She obviously posed no real threat. There was nothing demonic about her, though her foreign attire made her suspect. She could be a part of a demon plot; a patsy to be used as bait to lure him and his master. If she was smart, she would answer his questions and return with him to his master; then the monk will see that Sun Wukong, the great sage equal to heaven, is the fastest, smartest, fiercest, bravest, patient, loyal, and most merciful of all on heaven and earth.
            The woman below Wukong began crying for help. The chase had gone on long enough. It was time to get some answers.
            “Yeah, I can help you girly.”
            The woman looked up at him and froze. She was like a frail little deer staring down a tiger.
            “Of course, you’re gonna have to answer some questions of mine. First off, who are you and whose dumb ass idea was it for you to assault me and my master? I’m pretty sure you’re too stupid to sabotage the monk’s mission on your own, so start naming names and I promise I won’t hurt you.”
            She stood, still frozen in place, her lips quivering. Her eyes darting between him and a clearing in the forest floor, the remnants of some old animal trail. There was no way she would be stupid enough to run again.
            “Just answer my questions,” Wukong was no longer asking, he was ordering.
            The woman stared him down, regaining the slightest semblance of composure. Then, she ran off again into the forest.
            Why? WHY! Why was she making this harder than it needed to be? He was tired of playing cat and mouse. He barely had to walk briskly to catch sight of her again. This time he was going to make sure she stayed put. He extended his jingu bang out before her. He could have hit her with it, but he didn’t. She ran right into it on her own. Wukong grinned cheek to cheek as he watched the woman tumble over the staff and face plant into dirt. He laughed aloud as he made his way to her feet. His staff rested on her back in case she tried to run again.
            “I guess you are a stupid as you look, but I am in a forgiving mood so answer my questions and I will make sure you don’t hurt yourself any more than you have already.”
            The woman on the ground grabbed a fist full of dirt and debris, then with impressive precision managed to throw the filth in Wukong’s face, hitting him in the eye with a rather sharp pebble. She squirmed under the weight of his staff but could not free herself.
            “GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DISGUSTING CREATURE!” Her voice conveyed all the fear and malice Wukong knew to expect from every god and mortal alike that crossed his path.
            This was the end of his patience. He was the one who was accosted. He was the one showing mercy. He was not the perpetrator in this attack. He did nothing wrong. And yet this insolent little mortal woman thinks she can attack and insult the great Sun Wukong? He was going to get the answers he wanted from the woman and then drag her ass back to his master. But first, he was going to teach her a lesson she would never forget.
            “You think I’m a disgusting creature? You think I’m a monster? You’re the one who attacked me. But that just makes what I’m about to do you all the more justified.”
            His fur stood up on end. the knuckles in his right hand cracked. The woman beneath him cowered as he readied his strike.
            Sophie braced for whatever blow that monster was about release unto her. Huddled on the damp forest floor trembling in a fetal position, her eye clenched shut; she prayed for this nightmare to end. But no strike came.
            She opened her eyes to see that her prayer was only halfway answered: she was still in this strange forest, but the monster that was attacking her was now seemingly incapacitated. He was doubled over on himself, clenching the golden band around his head. He looked to be in agony. Behind the monster was the pig-man and the human who were with her when she fell.
            Sophie hardly registered the man back then. Now, riding on a white horse, with elegant robes, he looked like a prince out of a far away fairy tale. He was in deep concentration; muttering words Sophie could hardly hear. Pig-man looked on at Sophie and the monster with a seeming sense of shock. A third man was with them. A large blue man, with a not-unfriendly appearance. Sophie couldn’t remember if he was there all along or not. It didn’t matter. They were here now, and whatever that meant, their presence kept the monster at bay.
            Blue-man walked to her side and helped her up slowly. “Please, little sister, accept this apology for the behaviour of my brother.” Sophie found his baritone voice to be assuring. “We do not mean you any harm. Our master, the monk Tripitaka, simply wants to know how it came to be that you have happened upon our company.”
            Sophie looked to the man on the horse, this Tripitaka monk, and then back to the monster still reeling in pain. If she had any chance of surviving, it was with the monk. Guided by blue-man’s gentle hand, she began to follow the strangers through the forest.
            Pig-man held her backpack in front of himself, “Little sister, you dropped this when you fell. I will carry it for you until we are back at our camp.” Sophie could tell he was trying to cheer her up, make her feel better. She simply nodded in silence and continued to stare blankly ahead, hoping the second half of her prayer would come true and she could leave this wretched place.
            Hours had passed and Sophie was warming herself by a fire prepared by pig-man. Bajie, she had come to learn, or Pigsy as his friends called him. She held in her hand a cup of tea prepared by Wujing, who told her to call him Sandy. The cup was warm in her hands and the tea was bitter and earthy. Sophie would take sips and let the tea sit in her mouth awhile before swallowing. To her it seemed it was the only part of her existence she had any control over. She had finally stopped crying, but every now and then tears would well up and pour down her cheeks.
            Once they had arrived at camp, Sophie had told Tripitaka all about the events of her day leading up to her being shoved out a store front door and onto the monkey monster, Sun Wukong. Wukong had more titles to his name, but Sophie didn’t care to learn them. Once Sophie and the monk had gone back and forth trying to puzzle out her story, he excused himself from her presence to sit in quiet contemplation.  Sophie sat alone staring into the flames of the campfire.
            Wukong sat at the outskirts of their camp. Sulking, arms crossed, and staring daggers at Sophie. She could sense him from the periphery of her vision but refused to make eye contact.
She didn’t know if she was more afraid of him than she was angry. She was angry at him and knew he was angry at her, which made her more afraid. When Pigsy assured her that Tripitaka had ways to make sure Wukong would behave himself, that seemed to make the monkey even angrier at her. No matter what, she could not allow herself to be alone with that monkey demon.
            The sounds of Pigsy and Sandy setting up camp and preparing a meal, melded with the sounds of the forest: distant birds, chirping insects, and wind through the tree leaves. All the sounds blended together into a silence Sophie was able to ignore. She was tired of thinking, tired of existing; she wished for no more than to slip into nothingness. The only thing that seemed to keep her tethered to the reality was the crackling of the fire and the cup in her hand.
            Finally, the silence was shattered by Tripitaka’s voice. “I have come to a decision.” The pilgrims halted whatever task they were performing to look at their master. Sophie slowly turned to meet his gaze as well.
            “It seems to me that it is the wish of Buddha, as well as the wish of the Bodhisattva, that Sophie accompanies this party on our holy mission. Therefore, she shall act as my servant and assist us on our journey.”
            The monk’s declaration was met with mixed reviews. Sandy accepted the news at face value, Pigsy seemed happy. Wukong was taken aback. Sophie shook her head in denial of the monk’s words.
            “No. I don’t want to do this. I can’t do this.”
            “Master, I beg you to reconsider,” Wukong interjected. “Our journey is hard enough already. If we take her on, she is just going to be another liability.”
            Despite the protests of Sophie and Wukong, Tripitaka stuck to his conviction. “Sophie was offered a job by Guanyin to act as my assistant. I had told Wukong that whatever challenges should befall us, we must face; and you just so happened to fall upon Wukong. I don’t think it could be any clearer that you have been brought here to help keep my disciple in line, though how you might achieve that is a mystery to me.”
            Sophie looked across at Wukong, who again stared back at her. If he was angry at her before, heaven knows what he was feeling now.
            “My disciples shall assist you in your chores, until you find your own footing in this world. And then, you shall be able to carry your own weight on this journey so that you are not a burden or a liability.” The monk stared down Wukong as he finished his sentence.
            “Tripitaka, please, I just want to go home,” Sophie pleaded to the monk.
            “If it was in my ability to send you home I would do so in a heartbeat dear Sophie. Alas, the only one I know of who could perform such a miracle is Buddha and he is not here. As it were, we are on our journey to reach Buddha ourselves, if you wish to ask him to send you home you are more than welcome to accompany us.”
            Tripitaka gave Sophie a sad smile. He was trying to make the best of her sorry situation. There was no denying the truth in his words, however. If she ever wanted to get back to her home, to her mother, she was going to have to accompany the monk on his journey to the west.
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mav3nrick · 2 years
Let’s burn the world down together | Namor X NonHuman!Reader
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                           Namor the Submariner x nonhuman!Reader
Context : Talokan and Wakanda are on the edge of waging a war on. They are not the only hidden realms ( before Wakanda reveals itself to the world). Your realm has been hidden as well, scattered across the world. Centuries ago, the most powerful nations decimated your kind, only for you and your people to hide underground. Your people grew tired of hiding, angry for revenge. Maybe, the sake of the princess will gladly lead you to join the war. Will your hunger for revenge be stronger than one of the most powerful forces this world has borne ?
Counts : 5 444 words
Warning : Black Panther 2 spoilers, self-hatred, overthinking, smut, soulmates, english isn’t my mother tongue, so there must have some syntaxes or spelling mistakes i apologize for it,,
Your people are quite some sort of spies. You were always hiding from the surface world as you called them. They took you everything : your lands, your home, your trees, your ressources, your everything. For centuries you have lived underground waiting for the moment you will reveal yourself again. For centuries, the surface world has believed your people were only legends but now with all these superheroes crossing the whole world and coming from the universe, things dramatically changed. Your time has come.
Night visions to see through your realm galleries and pointed ears to hear far away. Your people might be one of the fiercest Mother Nature has borne. You were nightmares on your own. Dangerous fighters you were. You were fearsome of your own. Pretty lullabies about your kind when you could kill for fun, only to see the humans suffer as you have suffered for centuries.
Your people’s name has been rumored all over the world in fantasy books. But one must know you were real. This is mostly one of the reasons she came to you. You thought you had been careful when you came to the surface world but unfortunately for you, she had found you too easily for your people’s sake. You only can be mad at yourself for that terrible mistake. You should be more precocious. You have always known that. Your head advisor would remind you that everyone knew this kind of mistake would have happened and you’d have just rolled your piercing eyes again and again. You had heard those words too much for your own good. You were reckless and couldn’t care less. No one could stop you when you had a goal to score. This thought mostly made you smirking.
Your new goal was to discover more lands than you had done in the last five centuries. This is why you were on that aircraft. This thing from hell made you quite sick. Well, this was your first time and your pride self couldn’t allow anyone to notice it. To be honest, your friends knew what was going on and you could see her face being crossed by that mocking smile. They were holding their laughs. You were about to break the bench as your hands held it too strongly for its own good. Your eyes were sending gentle dead threats to your friends. You hated that fucking plane.
“ We have arrived, Princess. “
You hear the pilot talking to one of your friends. Shuri seemed relieved to finally land on her motherland soil. Your eyes were shocked by the magnificentness of the place. Stars crossing your sage green eyes. This was way beyond what you could ever have imagined. It is far away from the old and dirty galleries you lived in. You knew some of this world's inventions when you walked incognito on the surface world. You had already come into these places they called libraries. You read books about everything that could be useful for your people to know. It was mostly about weapons, technologies and wars. This is what your people live now. Even if you were hiding for centuries, waiting for your time to come. You had never been at peace since that day. You may have barely known your former realm but from what the elders say it was beyond everything the world has seen. Golden trees, magic in its purest form living through every being, harmony and peace all over your realm until the humans’ population grew too much. They were your enemies the moment they crossed your realm’s borders. War destroyed everything as it has happened in Wakanda.
Shuri had explained to you the whole situation with that Namor guy. You were on her side as she came to reach you first. To be true to yourself, you understood Namor’s point of view about the surface world. No doubt you would burn the world down too. Will you let someone else take your biggest dream or will you join him ? No one knows. You wanted to know what she wants from you. It is certain she didn’t know everything about you and your people. The curse people. From magnificent elves to dark elves you fall deep down into obscurity. Literally and figuratively. It was funny to you to see the pure princess coming for darkness to invade her darkening heart. You knew you were drawn to her. You knew you could do something incredible with her. You had waited too long to use the entirety of your power.
“ We don’t have enough time. Riri, this is [ Y/N ]. The one I told you about. “
Shuri introduced you to a younger black woman. Your head moved to greet her. No word leaving your mouth. You had never been a great talker.
“ So she’s the one they want ?  “
You asked, finally breaking your own silence. Riri seems to be happy that you know about her work. To be true, you had heard about her machine being able to find vibranium. As awful as it could sound, you were glad that the surface world had all their eyes focused on vibranium rather than one of your people’s precious metals. Galleries are maybe a good opportunity to lose your enemies and to hide but the moment they will surround your realm, you will be dead. Your people may be one of the fiercest fighters, you could not win over enemies that know all of your hidden doors. You would be doomed.
“ Apparently, yes I am “
The genius inventor said, embarrassed by the whole situation she pulled Wakanda in. She may have the best intentions in the world, she needs to be more careful. You scoffed at this thought that reminds you of someone you knew the most : yourself.
“ When are we going to fight ? “
You asked eager to cross your swords with Talokan’s weapons. You had heard they were one of the most powerful weapons. The ones you couldn’t break. It would be lies to say you didn’t want to try them.
“ We are going to attack first. This way we will have the advantage. We will be in the middle of the ocean. He would not touch Wakanda again. “
Shuri spoke like the true queen she was. She had taken the throne days ago after Namor killed her mother. It wasn’t her who told you this but one of her spies. Nakia if you remembered her name well and your memory was really good. You could remember almost everything from your long life. This was your salvation but mostly your curse. As said, everyone gathered to go to this war. Each soldier from each tribe walks to the battleship. And now, set sail. May the show begin.
While the fight was occurring on the ship, you helped Shuri to capture the Feathered Serpent God. She didn’t need any help at that point. Her hatred for the man who had killed her mother took control over her body. The winged man was trying to destroy the aircraft he was imprisoned in. She made him mad as hell. So did he. Another smile crossed your face as you watched the two of them. Maybe you just should stay to watch them fighting. It was a delicious spectacle to watch.
What you couldn’t say was that your eyes were only watching the submariner man. He had piqued your curiosity. Something in you wanted to know much more about him. He must have feel the weight of your eyesight on him as he was now watching you. His eyes were full of anger but you seemed to have caught him off guard. A smirk on your face, you were enjoying this. 
As things went worse on the ship and mostly because you did nothing useful on the aircraft, Shuri asked you to go back on the said ship. Her voice was full of anger. Your darkness enjoyed it a bit too much. You said nothing but agreed and went there. You didn’t like what was going on but you couldn’t say anything. Your powers only grew stronger each time you were close to all of these people who let their hatred and rage took over their bodies. War has always been something you fed from. It was your little secret. 
As you land on the infamous ship, the aircraft flies to the closest continent. Talokan fought really hard. So does Wakanda. You wish your people could be part of it. Things would have been way too easy.
Soon enough, the fight was over. Namor submitted it to Shuri. Talokan lost. Wakanda wins. Both returning to their lands, healing their soldiers and rebuilding their towns. Celebrating for some, plotting for the others. You were quite frustrated. You thought Shuri would fall deeper into darkness but her will and morality were too strong for you to win. Maybe it was better this way than the other. You have to be realistic. If it wasn’t her, then you would find someone else. You already knew who this person would be.
After some goodbyes to your new friends, wishing them the best, you left Wakanda for another secret place. Only if they knew, they wouldn’t be so happy and eager to meet you again. You could feel Okoye’s suspicious look on your back. The one you had felt during your journey with them.
You follow Nakia’s indications about the cave’s location. You had overheard her when she was explaining to Okoye where she found the princess, now queen of Wakanda. Due to this, you were now at the edge of a very small village on the Yucatan peninsula between the forest and the sea. In no time, you had found the infamous cave. You weren’t a quite good swimmer. You
“ The Moon will always respond to the Ocean’s call. You know this more than anyone else. ”
You said to the Ocean King, in your dark military outfits while he was in his golden ornaments robe. Only the moonlight that crossed the cave’s walls was reflecting through your elvish gold sword. She never left you on any occasion. She was the last thing you had from your past civilization.
“ You were on Wakanda's side. And now you are here before me, trying to get an alliance. “
The mutant responded, with wrath controlling his voice tone. His jaw was tense. You were quite amused by this even if you really deserved it. Your eyes couldn’t leave the man’s face. There was something mesmerizing about him. Something appealing. Something you couldn’t resist.
“ Maybe if you had come first, I'd be by your side now. “
You confessed nonchalantly. You had always been attracted by the most interesting offers people can propose to you. Your allies' choices were never fixed exceptionally in this kind of situation where both reasons were to listen and discuss. Listening to people’s darkness made you choose your camp. His politics were relatable to you. You could do the same things for your own people.
“ What do you want from my people ? You came here without us inviting you. “ “ I mean have overheard your location, sorry not sorry. You already hated the surface people too much. So do I. “
You cut him off. A playful smirk was seen above your face making his face tensing up. You could see a tint of curiosity crossing his eyes. He was suspicious about you and he must be.
The meeting was quite interesting. You had the chance to learn more about his people. He explained this to you as a sort of a warning. He wanted to be sure you knew where you had fallen as he had done it with Shuri weeks ago. He wanted you to know how powerful he was. You had seen him and his people fighting against Wakanda forces. You know what they are made of. You knew how great warriors they were and you showed him how you respect his people. More you listened to him, the more you grew curious about the king and his realm. As a mark of mutual trust - as little it was - you told him about your people and what you’ve been through. Both of you understood quickly how similar you were at some points.
You didn’t know how long your conversation lasted but it felt like none of you wanted it to end. He had offered you to visit his realm and to lend you a submarine suit they had stolen from that american team who started this whole war between the two vibranium possessor nations. With a little laugh, you had shown him how useful your control over darkness could be used to. You had seen the mesmerizing look in his eyes. Something had shifted. Something was wrong. You couldn’t find any word to put on. You were attracted to this man. It was too much to bear it alone. Your shoulders would break faster than those last centuries have tried to. You could feel his body heat crossing yours as he was so close to you. Chest against chest. Your hands on his muscular chest. His hands holding your hips. His lips brushing against your. You deeply wanted him to press them against yours and you wanted to slap yourself for this thought. You wouldn't think about anything else as his dark piercing eyes were locked into yours. He wasn’t going better than you. Both tensed and attracted to each other. You were rising something that was buried deep inside him, in a place he thought unable to unlock. Not like he wanted to.
Finally, his lips took possession of yours. Both dancing with roughness and an unknown passion. Both fighting for dominance. Both being made for each other. You didn’t want this to end, nor will he. His hands were desperately all over your body. Your fingers were pulling his black hair. Pleasure was running through your veins. You couldn’t fight against and you didn’t want to. You were too needy for him so he was for you. You wanted him to take away this unpleasant feeling while your body was burning. Heatwaves broke on your inner core. You needed him to do something. You could feel his neediness against your lower abdomen. Soon, the black leather corset above your jetblack long sleeve shirt and the latest will leave you too quickly for your taste. His gold ornament robe left his body too quickly for his own taste. Both of you were already panting without knowing why.
As things were becoming hotter every second that passed, you finally used your powers to be sure no one would interrupt or hear you. Like Wanda’s hex, your own barrier made with darkness will isolate the both of you from his realm. A devilish smile on his face, he seems to approve.
Soon enough, his lips were all over your body. They were giving hot kisses on your neck and your shoulders. Love bites against your hot skin. You were moaning softly his name. It wasn’t enough for him. He needed more. Still kissing your neck and playing with your hardening nipples, he led you to his bed. You let yourself fall on it when your knees tripped over the mattress. In your fall, you took him with you. He was above your whole body. You love this feeling a bit too much. Your legs encircled his waist, making your lower self thrusting against his hardening self. You snatched a deep moan from him. His eyes full of lust met yours once again. Oh yes, you will burn the world down for him.  
“ Please do something …”
You needily whispered to his ears making him shivered. Without wasting more time, he took off your training pants and boots, throwing them somewhere else in the little room. Both of you couldn’t care less at this very moment.
“ Anything my queen wants. “
He said using his deep voice, full of lust and neediness. As said, he continued his kissing trails down to your inner core. You started being a moaning mess and he hasn’t touched you yet. A powerful shiver stroke your body at the thought of him doing whatever he wants with his sinful mouth. His tongue against your sensitive core was one of the most skillful things you have ever met. You couldn’t think but only moaning his name again and again. Your eyes were closed and tense. He could enjoy the show as he lifted his own eyes to watch over you. His tongue was still eating you out. His fingers were playing with your burning inside. Oh yeah, he was proud of the effects he was creating in you. Soon or later, he will be too addicted to it. It will be fatal for him as it will for you. He must protect you.
As he felt your orgasm coming, he decided to stop everything, making you moaning in complain. He laughed at your reaction. You will soon be served what you want. He couldn’t wait to bury his hardening self deep inside your burning core. His body was all above yours. His hands were from both sides of your head as he placed himself between your shaking legs.
A part of you was surprised to see how gentle and careful he was with you, as if he could break you in one move. He was reckless, eager for revenge. He could put the whole world in fire and ashes. He could kill without hesitation just to be sure his people were out of danger. You were just like him. Maybe this was what drew you to him and him to you.
Your drowning thoughts were cut as he entered your inner core. A concerned look was on his face as you came back to your body, moaning. His own moaning joining yours. He let you adjust to his size and when it was done, his rough thrusts started. They threw you to the stars in a few seconds. Your nails were dug into his muscular back. His hand next to your head held him still above you while the other one was running one your body before meeting your burning nerves ball. You were a moaning mess.
Pleasure in its purest and strongest form. None of you lasted so long. Soon enough, both of you reached your powerful orgasms, him filling you deep inside. Your body will be full of bruises and love bites as his body will be full of scratches.
Now, both of you were panting next to each other, a happy and relieved smile on both your faces as your eyes were locked into his. You were over the edge from what he gifted you. You were over the edge to be the unique person able to see this side of him. He was over the edge to be the unique person able to see this side of you.
Now, he had to go back to his duties and so do you. His cold and cruel attitude was back on his face. The God ruler of Talokan gave you a last kiss on your forehead before dressing himself again and leaving to accomplish his royal duties. The barrier you created formerly was lifted. Darkness coming back to your body and to wherever you stole them. It could be from people, places, animals or vegetables. You didn’t care. You only needed them to be powerful. You laid there a quite long time, your mind playing with you again.
After your encounter with Namor, you came back to your realm. You didn’t want to leave at first. You knew he didn’t want to. His eyes spoke for him as he let you go back to the cave’s waters. A goodbye kiss was the only thing you could give him. His hands were holding your cheeks. His thumbs sweetly cherished your skin. He was too sweet to be real. You were drowning into the sadness of his eyes. Something inside you was breaking. You didn’t know what but could only imagine what. 
You would do anything to meet him again. It was really strange for you who had never listened to your heart’s whispers. They were too strong. He raised things you had never known possible and hidden deep inside your being. Two of the strongest rulers of the world are weak for each other. It was quite funny as you thought of it. If it was to be known by your enemies, they will use it against both of you. They will raise an inhuman rage that no one has ever known yet. You felt what Namor could do to this world. His darkness spoke to you, telling you his deepest and darkest desires. You wanted to do anything to make them come true.
One of his people talked to him in a tongue you didn’t know. His face changed when he saw the warriors and by the name he said, you knew it was Namora. You kinda like this woman. She was fierce and ruthless. Then, he told you it was time for you to leave. His voice was cold. He didn’t want you to leave nor did you do. Both had to act as nothing was going on. 
As soon as you left the undersea cave that leads to his temple, you found a bus that was going to the closest airport to get a plane to go back to [ Your Continent ] undergrounds where your people are hiding. Sadly for you, your people weren’t located near the sea. Mountains have been the best place you could have found. When cities became too huge for you to stay underground, most of your kind moved to the countryside. Galleries were built throughout mountains.
The truth was that you tried to comeback home. He would never know. You were sure of that. Things went really wrong the very moment your feet landed on the airport soil as a surprise was waiting for you there. Something you had thought about. The Americans were on your back. They were waiting for you. How could you be surprised when they had almost all the superheroes under control at some point. You didn’t fight when they arrested you. There is always something else at the back of your mind. Your actions were always too calculated for your own good. Evil must always be prepared. Let them believe they got you. Your people's hatred will only be bigger as days pass with you being imprisoned at the Raft. A prison on the sea when Darkness is the Ocean’s most beloved person.
As much as you wish to hope, you couldn’t count on someone you had barely met. You were too old to trust people based on the first impression they gave you. Whatever happens between the both of you, you couldn’t. A part of you wishes too. Maybe you should have kept that seashell. You hated yourself for not stealing it. Now, you will stay there for how long the Old Gods know. Your wicked game will cost you everything. You will have all your time to think about a revenge plan. When you won’t be hating yourself for your stupidity and your humans’ worlds ignorance. You were sure : you hated them more than anything else. The surface world must be burned down.
You were locked for four months into that damn glass cell on that damn Raft. You were alone there. An army of skillful soldiers were guarding you. An army of the Earth enemies were backing you. Oh you could use their inner darkness to break free from this ugly place. Only if they hadn’t some sort of bracelet blocking your powers. The moment they put them on your wrist, you felt empty. An emptiness that could break the whole universe. Hatred filled your arching heart.
There was something else that made you unable to attack. A little gift Namor has granted you before leaving. You had been feeling sick a few days after you arrived there. You knew at that very moment. Something had changed deep inside you. From this moment, you were much more on your guard. You needed to be sure no one knows but the scientists there were on the lookout for every change. You knew they were testing whatever they created in that laboratory on the prisoners. You prayed everyday they wouldn’t come for you. You could lose that little gift. You needed to escape. You needed to go back to Namor. It wasn’t time to panic. Your hormones were making a mess of your emotions and you already hated it.
You were laying on your back on your miserable bed. Your hands were resting on your red shirt with its white sleeves. You were zoning out. You were sent deep inside your thoughts. You were your own darkness prisoner. Once again. Eyes looking at the gray and white ceiling until the Raft’s sirens were ringing throughout the prison. It seemed there was an attack here, you thought. You had no energy to move. Your curiosity couldn’t make you move. Screams were heard all over the prison. Laughs were heard too. You knew from who they were - the other prisoners. They seemed to enjoy the attack too much. A part of you wanted to know what was going on and especially who was attacking the most famous impenetrable prison. A part of you was hoping Namor would come to save you but how could he know ? Finding this prison on the sea was the easiest part of the game for the ocean’s ruler. His people had barely escorted you to the surface when you had left the cave. They were all over the ocean, maybe some had seen something. Maybe you had too much hope. You had barely created an alliance with the Feathered Serpent God.
As screams became louder and louder, you knew they were close to your cell. You couldn’t know how close exactly they were and now you were afraid they would come for your child. Your protective hands were holding your belly that was barely showing. You finally decided to move from your bed and stand up. Your cell was bigger than anyone in a real prison could see. You had to walk for almost three meters to reach the translucent glass that nothing could break.
One of your hands left your belly to hold you against the glass. You tried your best to stretch out yourself to see what was going on. Lights were shut down. Only the red one was going on and off. Bodies were scattered across the corridor. You flinched and gasped when something hit your cell’s glass. Then a face you hadn’t seen in months was presented to you. Rage could be seen on that face before they could see how shocked your face was. A worried look was on that face. It didn’t stop the shock from crossing your body. You couldn’t feel such intense emotion. You were too scared that something could happen. Tears rushes down your face. You couldn’t control them. How could you at that very moment ?
Then, the tall man asked you to shift your place for a safer one - it wasn’t that easy due to the tiniest cell you were in - and he tried to break the glass with his superstrength. He was in a hurry. He has to save you from this place. He has to be quick. He won’t leave with you and both of you know this. As it didn’t work, he tried to break the
“ Tell me you are safe and sound. Please tell me this. “
His voice betrayed his cold and angered face. The only thing you could do was running your hands all over his cheeks. You need to feel him close to you. You needed to be sure he really was there. You needed to be sure it wasn’t a dream or one of your darkness’ games. Some weight was lifted from your shoulders. It wasn’t the time for this kind of sweet reunion. Time was urging you to leave as soon as you could. Backups would come soon. If it wasn’t one of these superheroes the surface world has. Even if usually you were curious to meet them, today there wasn’t any time for this.
“ [ Y / N ]... We must leave this place now. I’ll protect you. There’s no fear to have. Now come with me.. “
You didn��t respond but followed him as he took your hand into his wet and rough hand. You tried to follow his footsteps but with your condition - he still didn’t know about - and your powers stolen from you, you couldn’t be as quick as he was. Your stamina - that traitor - had already left you to be hidden somewhere else.
You did your best. His people were fighting harder and harder against the Raft’s soldiers. When you reached the edge of the prison, he placed a respiratory mask on your face. You knew what would happen next. With a concerned look on his face, he asked you if you were ready to go. Deep inside him, he knew something had happened for you to react this way. You looked at your back and saw his people coming back to the waters. It was time for both of you to leave. They wouldn’t go before their king and his lover were safe in the ocean. So, without any hesitation, you gave a little pressure on his hand that hasn't left you. He took you into his arms and plunged into the cold water. You wish you had your powers to protect you from this intense coldness. You wouldn’t last long enough in the cold sea. Your eyesight started to see darkness before your eyes were shut down. Now, you were panting unconscious into Namor’s arms. You were too far away to hear his war threats to the surface world. He finally might have seen the powers blocker bracelets.
You remembered nothing. You didn’t know how long you had slept. It wasn’t a peaceful sleep. Nightmares have taken control over your sleep. Sometimes - when you were sleeping - you could feel a soft pressure on one of your hands. At some moment, you finally emerged from your sleep. Fear was the first thing that crossed your mind as your hands automatically held your belly. A chuckle was heard near you. You should have looked around in the first place.
“ You are safe. You're okay and so they are, my dear. “
  As surprise came across your face, you turned to look at the voice. It was at that moment that you realized you were in Namor’s temple on the ground. The said man was sitting next to you, laying onto his own bed, in his golden ornaments and robe. He was shining something you had really seen but in the moonlight. This made you sighed in relief. It was finally over. Everything was over. You were safe. Both of you were.
“ I am glad both of you are safe. Attuma has checked on both of you. “ “ How did you know where I was ? “ “ I… “
For the first time, the submarine mutant was hesitating. This hesitation was quickly replaced by a small smirk as he ran a hand into his dry hair.
“ I have ears all over the whole coast. It took me time but I finally came to you. I was right to do so. I was right to listen to my instinct only. And here you are in full flesh. “
As the King was looking at you, he placed one of his hands on your belly. When his healer had told him about your condition, he was at the same time worried, happy and angered. His hatred for the surface world was behind comprehension. It was reinforced by what they had done to you. Soon you had learned that Namora, who was skeptical about your comeback among them at first, was willing to drown the world. You were caring for their king’s heir. A half-blood child. Looking at both your powers, they will rule the surface world one day. All of his people were sure of that as the rumors broke all over his realm.
“ Let’s burn the world down together when our child will be born “ Now you needed a way to bring your people there. You couldn’t stay too long from them. You couldn’t abandon them. Both your realm together,the more powerful you will be. The surface world wasn’t going to be ready. But for now, there are better things for you to think about like enjoy the rest of your pregnancy with your submarine king.
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neill-san · 10 months
Diavolo x Male!Reader
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TAGS: Male Main Character (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Intercrural Sex, Thighs, Frottage - kind of, Submissive Top Diavolo (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Mentioned Barbatos (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), thigh fucking, Explicit Sexual Content
Not proofread
-18+ content under the cut-
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Diavolo was the fiercest demon in the whole of the Devildom, he wouldn't be the prince otherwise. As the only present royal of the kingdom, all responsibilities of ruling it fell to him, but he wasn't alone in his duties. His future steward Barbatos was always there to lend a hand and speaking of hands, he had his right-hand man Lucifer, working hard at his side.
Diavolo, due to growing up as a royal, was deprived of many aspects of childhood that the common people experienced. He yearned for that easy freedom, outside the palace walls. The restrictiveness of royal life was suffocating, but that's where the exchange student came in. Diavolo's newest obsession.
The exchange program had been to improve relations between the three realms, but it had also been to satiate his obsession with humans. It accomplished... the opposite, with his obsession focusing on the human that now roamed the Devildom. This very peculiar mortal that tamed the seven lords of hell and captured the heart of the future king of hell, himself.
The day had started off normally enough, considering you lived in quite a rambunctious house, even early in the mornings. you had gone to school, chatted with your classmates and passing schoolmates, and then you'd gone home. Home to the House Of Lamentation, not the castle much to Diavolo's chagrin. It was later in the evening that you'd been abruptly invited to the castle. The sudden message disrupted your time spent with the brothers, but you weren't upset. The same couldn't be said for the brothers whose time with their object of affection was being cut short.
"Ya could go the castle tomorrow!" Cried Mammon, clearly upset, "It's late, ain't no reason ya should go out there at this hour!"
Levi nodded, face crestfallen at hearing that you were going to leave them to go to the castle. "You should stay here, whatever it is, isn't important enough to risk your safety by going out right now."
"Yeah! If it's so important then Lucifer can take care of it! No need for you to go!" Mammon whined, clinging to your waist from where you sat on the couch in the living room.
Beezlebub had a sad little frown on his face, and crumbs littered his rosy lips making them look all the more endearing. He didn't want you to go either, but he wouldn't stop you if you wanted to spend time in the castle. They got to see you every day after all.
"You guys get to see me every day. It's only fair to spend time with the others as well." you deadpanned, pealing off Mammon's hands, "We can hang out tomorrow, there are no classes."
Beel brightened up at the prospect of spending the weekend together. Levi grumbled but remained quiet, and Mammon huffed, clearly still upset but settled at the offer. You took a look at your boys and shook your head, an exasperated but fond smile spreading on your lips. With a final hug to the pouting demons, You got up and left for your room to change. You sent Lucifer a quick message that you were headed off to the castle on your way out of the house. The walk to the royal castle was uneventful, but you enjoyed the quiet, a rare occurrence. The moon shone high in the sky, and the whole of the Devildom shone dimly in its embrace.
You walked into the castle as though you lived there, with an easy familiarity that had Diavolo's heart clenching in yearning. The prince stood at the top of the staircase, quickly making his way down to greet his honored guest, having already received their message of acceptance.
"Dia, how are you?" you smiled, letting the prince pull you into his embrace.
"I'm quite alright, and- Erm.." Diavolo hesitated, "I apologize for the abrupt invitation. I half-expected you to decline."
you smiled teasingly, mirth visible in your features, "And why's that?"
You knew exactly why.
Diavolo buried his face in the crook of your neck to hide the rosy hue that dusted his cheeks, "I still have a bit of work left to do, but I was bored and... I wanted to see you."
"I can join you in your office, I don't mind," you offered, pulling away from his warmth to look him in the eyes, quite bold for a human.
Diavolo smiled and nodded, placing one of his large hands against your lower back as you both walked.
"When you said you would wait for me in my office, this wasn't what I had imagined," Diavolo admitted, his grip on his fountain pen harsher than necessary.
You smiled from where you were seated on the prince's lap. Your skimpy little shorts covered almost nothing, and your plush ass was pressed firmly against the prince's groin.
"Think of it as an extra incentive to get your work done," you teased, "I'm all yours to do with as you please once you're done."
Diavolo squirmed, his throbbing cock pressed against your voluptuous rear. You smirked, fully aware of the prince's pent-up need and using it to your full advantage. Diavolo felt more distracted than he'd like to admit, desperate to free his weeping cock from its tight confines and bury himself in your warmth. A wicked idea crossed Your mind, and you reached over to grab one of the cookies on the plate Barbatos had left you two with, an elegant tea set situated next to the plate. You popped the sweet into your mouth and took a sip of your tea, a fragrant blend that soothed the tastebuds. Putting your idea into action, You turned slightly to unzip the prince's pants, his red coat having been unbuttoned a while ago. The redhead jolted, his cheeks matching the color of his fiery hair.
"M-MC, what-" He began, cutting himself off halfway with a gasp. your hand grabbed Diavolo's impressive length, one hand being insufficient to wrap around the whole thing. You sat back down, the hot throbbing cock placed in between your thighs.
"Don't get distracted Dia, you still have a handful of documents to look over," You drawled, your tone was as though you were discussing the weather and nothing was amiss.
Diavolo's cock twitched at the sudden arousal that filled him at his beloved's bold actions. The redhead did his best to focus on his paperwork, such a valiant effort. You ignored him in favor of teasing his cock, leaning down to spit onto the leaking tip. your hands wrapped around the fat pudgy head, spreading it's fluids all around the large length, using the new slickness to coat your thighs in preparation. Diavolo threw his head back with a groan and you chuckled, tightening your thighs around the prince's cock and lifting them up to let them drop back down.
"Dia~, you're getting distracted. At this pace, you'll never finish," You smiled, setting a brutally slow pace with your thighs.
Diavolo's hips hitched forward, and desperation mounted in him. A desperate wish to use the pocket you made between your thighs. Your plush thighs encased his fat cock, the slick friction almost had Diavolo in tears. This was cruel and Diavolo adored it. How could he focus on his paperwork when you fucked his cock with your thighs so sweetly? Your hands coming down to tease the blunt weeping head. All pretense of finishing his work was abandoned, and Diavolo leaned down to press his forehead against your shoulder, panting and moaning against your upper back. His large hands came to grip MC's hips to steady them as he began to thrust forward in earnest. You ignored your own throbbing length in favor of servicing your royal lover, your grip tight on the prince's cock, moving both of you in tandem with his thrusts. Diavolo pressed little kisses on your clothed shoulder, his grip tightening on your hips as his climax neared. His thrusts were erratic, frenzied in his need to cum.
The demon prince bit down on his beloved's clothed shoulder as he came. Hot seed spurted from his cock, covering your hands and coating your thighs. You brought your hands up to your face, licking off the excess cum off your hands, the sheer amount was obscene, and Diavolo groaned watching you. The prince's cock was still hard despite having just climaxed.
You looked down at Diavolo's desk with a frown, and shook your head,
"Dia, you still have work to do."
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Hope you all enjoyed! :3
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dotster001 · 2 years
"Can’t you just see it, his little wife?" ❤️with Sebek
(so I also have a non event Malleus post going out today, and I'm low key debating on whipping up something for Lilia real quick, so I can complete the crew. Anyone, this one gave me the giggles while I was writing it, so I hope you enjoy)
23.  Can't you just see it, his little wife?
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Sebek, Silver, Lilia, and Malleus had returned to the Valley of Thorns for summer break, while you had remained at NRC with Grim. Sebek insisted he call you everyday, to ensure that you were safe and staying out of trouble, of course, not because he missed you.
He was in the middle of one of those calls. Malleus always insisted that since the entire crew was your friend, Sebek should have it on speaker phone. 
"Alright, I gotta go guys, see ya soon Sebek!"
"Good bye, human, I love you." And then he hung up like any other day. Everyone, including you, noticed it at the same time. The entire room held its breath as Sebek's phone lit up with your profile picture, and he slowly pressed the decline button.
He tried to subtly put it back in his pocket, when he noticed Silver staring at him with wide eyes.
"Did you just…"
"Fufufu, I never thought I'd see the day! Our little Sebek is in love!" Lilia said as he happily floated through the air, kicking his feet in glee.
"I'm not…"
"I very much approve of your chosen mate," Malleus boomed with a smile. "You have done well choosing my precious child of man."
"Thanks," Sebek said with a blush. "Wait, we aren't…"
"Can't you just see it?" Lilia sobbed against Silver's shoulder, "His little human spouse!"
"I'm not in love with Y/N!" He shouted. "Now I'm going to the hallway, not because Y/N has been trying to call me for the past five minutes, but for a different reason that I will tell you about later."
You'd given up trying to call by the time he made it to the hallway, but you'd left a message.  He nervously opened it up, and brought his phone to ear, listening to your message. 
"I love you too."
It was simple, but it was enough to make Malleus' fiercest knight melt into a puddle of happiness.
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leia-doodles · 3 months
Monster high G3 rant
Watching the TV series and I’m kind of disappointed.
This will be my second watch of season 1, I’m rewatching after the current season 2 episodes.
the show feels very flat in my opinion. They’ve given the characters a lot of cool traits, but they’re used for like one episode and then never brought up, or they only use one specific trait 24/7. Like Frankie in this generation, they have the ability to electrocute, extend their body parts, and they get visions from the people they’re made out of. Specifically they get visions from this one recurring doctor/ scientist. The idea is cool, but the vision literally is there to give exposition about something conveniently. Like when they are trying to solve the puzzle of clawdeens mom, Frankie’s vision just conveniently tells them what to do and how to do it.
In that same episode, we see manny taur. A Minotaur character. And right away we are just told that he’s good at puzzle solving, and so is draculaura! They’re rivals! But this is the first time I’ve ever seen or heard about draculaura being into puzzles, let alone her one sided rivalry with manny. And as the episode ends, she’s like “well you can be the rightful puzzle master” but it feels so flat. There has been no build up to this moment.
Another example is lagoona. In her designated episode, she is rooting for torelai to win the fear-leading captain over draculaura (another thing that has no build up as to why it’s important to her) lagoona explains that torelai is holding a secret over her head, and if it gets out she will lose her status as the fiercest monster in school. But this is the first time we have heard this!! In previous episodes there’s no mention of her being scary or fierce. Or even her super fast swimming skills. It’s just brought up and glosses over with a “be who you are, it’s okay to like what you want! We all have secrets 🥹” but there’s no real character development.
My last example will be the way draculaura is presented in this series. From what she tells us, she has high standards to live up to as a vampire. She needs to look good for her day so she studies endlessly and is striving for perfection. But she also has a love for witchcraft, which is banned in monster high due to its connections to humans. This can be a cute premise, but they NEVER show draculaura compared to any other vampire to show how she’s supposed to act. They never give us episodes where she blows off her friend’s shenanigans because it makes her look bad, and they never really show her dad being so overbearing. They don’t show us WHY humans are hated. And even though witchcraft is banned, whenever anyone finds out about it they’re just cool with it? No push back or anything. The only character to challenge draculaura was torelai.
This all may be very nitpicky, but MH is a character driven franchise. Character relationships with each other and their surroundings are very important to me. I want to feel the so called pressure these characters are being put under. It doesn’t have to be ultra serious 24/7, but issues get resolved within one episode and then rehashed a few episodes later with no further development. Especially with characters like Cleo and lagoona. They have been benched as side characters in this show, and side characters get much worse treatment.
‘The general episode progression is like this - introduce an issue, introduce a high stakes situation that involves the school, have all or one of the main 3 engage in a sequence of fights against this issue(or rapid solving of said issue through convince) - issue is resolved and lesson is told to viewers-characters reset for the next episode.
I know this is a children’s show, but that doesn’t mean it needs to have bad writing, not all kids are high off cocomelon. Kids deserve good writing in their media!
My next rant will be about clawdeen and her story this generation
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princessleechan · 8 months
“Choi Seungcheol must die” Chapter 30 + [BONUS 18+ WRITTEN SCENE]
📌chapter tags: MDNI, SMAU, inspired by “John tucker must die”, John tucker!seungcheol, college au, revenge fic, written scene under cute (2.6k w.c.) smut tags under cut off, lost friends, mystery mornings, and heart been broke so many times i....
Thank you @highvern for helping me out a bit!
taglist: @silvsie @christinewithluv @stayinhellevator @aiforyuu @2youngsworld @justcruisingalonguntilbamkpop @asyre @simpxxstan @anzellll @hipsdofangirl @plskillme22 @lirtha97 @lixiel0ver @notevenheretbh1 @leah-rose03 @woozarts @expensive-idiot @doveblackboat @the-boy-meets-evil @tamakis-bbyy @freshdetectivenight @mrsdacherry @smilechannie @alltheshineofthestars-blog @ocyeanicc @horanghaezone @wonuqrtz @leewonkyeom @horangboosadan @kkooongie @myghobi @wonunuwoo @wonwootakemyheart @shuasunshine @dinonuguaegi @ckline35 @miriamxsworld @itsokaytobedumb00 @seokgyuu @nishloves @bmkgemz @conwunder @kawaiimusiccollection @humankimbap @huening-kawaii @writingbarnes @strawberryya
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Warning: Virgin sex, awkward sex, fingering, banter
Although things go according to plan, nothing prepared you for the events that would transpire the rest of that night.
You don't expect to find comfort in the person you've been bickering with for the better half of the last few months, and you can say the same about finding him drowning in his heartbroken sobs. His typical snarky demeanor decidedly gives way to a gentler, more subdued tone. It speaks volumes, underscoring that beneath even the fiercest of faces lies a simple, human vulnerability.
"Sorry, this is the first place I could think of. I just wanted to get out there."
Chan's apartment is cozy; fit for two people–barely–and has everything you could possibly need. The bare essentials like dish soap and nothing more.
Heading straight for the kitchen sink, Chan lets the faucet run, capturing the cold stream in his cupped hands. His damp palms collide against his face, washing away the evidence of his anguish. His fingers rip through his hair, locks clumping together in damp ropes; heartache radiating through the quiet space.
"It's alright. I wouldn't have been able to provide somewhere good either. Head's kind of all over the place," you respond, softly chuckling.
He turns towards you, cheekbones glistening under the play of water and fluorescent lighting. His lips curve into a subtle smile, a sight that retains its beauty amid the unfolding turn of events. "I get the feeling."
"It's funny," You muse, absentmindedly surveying the intricate details of his residence, each corner telling a story of his history living here. "We hardly see each other in person, having only ever texted, and now I'm in your apartment."
"Yeah? I guess it's kind of funny. Funnier than the shit we saw today."
The image briefly flashes in your mind before you dismiss it, shaking your head like an etch-a-sketch. "I’m surprised you saw that. Yeah, um, that could've gone better. Things got a bit theatrical because of it."
"I liked it," Chan shrugs, crossing his arms and leaning against the kitchen counter, "He got what he deserved and I stand by that."
"You would," you jest, slowly approaching him. "Haru must really have a hold on you."
He reveals a bittersweet smile. "Yeah, she does."
"Damn, things are really messed up," you express in disbelief. "What’ll happen now? We return to our normal lives and pretend this didn’t happen while Seungcheol’s in shambles?"
"Well," he responds, pushing off from the marble surface and shuffling into the living room. "I always figure Haru will eventually see the truth that he was just some guy not cut out for her. Show her that the guy meant for her is closer than you think, you know? Me."
"And then Jun…"
His chin jerks as you approach him. "It's never been me. No matter how many times I’ve tried convincing her. And I was so sure it’d turn around this time."
"I thought Jun and I would have something," you fiddle with your fingers, "I didn't know how off I was. Like I never even had a chance."
Chan shakes his head in disbelief. "How did things end up like this? Feels like we're stuck in some bad romantic comedy where everyone's paired up with the wrong person."
You shrug, "I wish I knew."
"To think that we were the ones who could have benefited the most from this, only for it to fail, huh?"
"We're a pathetic pair, aren't we?" You laugh bitterly.
He echoes your laughter. "Yeah…"
At that moment, your eyes exchange a blend of empathy, a silent understanding of the disappointment you both are consumed by in that moment; an unspoken acknowledgment of how awry your lives have become.
"It's crazy that he met someone like you," he admits, avoiding your eyes.
"Why do you say that?"
"Well, you're beautiful," he looks up, his gaze sincere. "Even before all the scheming. It's surprising Jun didn't try to approach you first."
Heat creeps against your cheeks, flustered by his honesty. "Maybe that would've changed things, hmm?"
"Maybe," he smiles. "I'm sorry things didn't go as planned… and I'm sorry that I blew up on you before."
You shake your head, a mixture of understanding and regret in your expression. "You didn't mean it. We were both hurt and devastated… I suppose I projected that onto Seungcheol when I had the chance."
"And it's amazing, the best expression I see on his face. He looked human for once," he adds with a light-hearted chuckle.
"Still, I feel a little bad. Maybe I was kind of harsh. I was just so…"
"Frustrated? That everything you worked towards didn’t go exactly how you want?"
"Yeah. I admit that my feelings right now are a little jumbled up, but I still really like him.."
"Maybe this was a sign for both of us to move different paths. Do something we otherwise wouldn’t do to…get over this?"
You tilt your head curiously. "Do you think we can actually do that?"
“I think you can.” He shrugs, crossing his arms. "I, on the other hand, might take some time."
You extend an open palm toward him. "Shake on it? That we’ll move forward from this."
Chuckling at the ridiculous offer, he reaches out and accepts your hand, fingers curling around yours with a gentle, reassuring grip. The warmth of your hand melds seamlessly with his own, sending a subtle shiver down your spine. You notice how his palm envelops your slightly smaller one, a natural alignment that feels surprisingly right.
When you look up, a subconscious voice prods you with questions threatening the gravity of this premature pact. And all of a sudden, things escalate from there in the blink of an eye. You could never explain how your mouth ends up on his; too lost in the softness of his lips to wonder how it can feel so natural.
For a fleeting moment, Chan snaps out of his trance, distancing himself with his hands planted on your shoulders. His eyes search for answers, blinking frantically as if committing sin for the first time. "W-What are you doing?"
"I-I don't know. I thought maybe this is what you had meant?"
"No, not exactly, but—"
"Do you not want to? Did I make it weird?"
"No, I–,” he pauses to think, lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. “I've never had someone kiss me like that before. I'm not really sure how to process it."
"Well, you can reject me, and I can move on?" you tease, tension thick in the atmosphere.
He shakes his head with parted lips, rapidly closing the space between you with sudden determination. “Instead…”
His mouth meets yours cautiously before chasing after your pace; hands finding your body eagerly, cataloging your figure for the first time. The coolness of your exposed skin registers beneath his fingertips, palms gliding across your soft curves.
You lean into him, softly moaning as your lips part open, and you taste his experimentation. When your hand finds the wet tips of his hair, you comb through from behind, deepening your union before stumbling backward into the single sofa.
Before you could clumsily fall backward, Chan claims your hip to pull you out of the way, only to clutch you like a personal vice. You're startled, releasing from him momentarily to read his intentions, and instead finding him dazed and disoriented.
“Wait, what are we doing?” You ask sincerely, catching your breath.
Chan ponders your question slowly and a metaphorical lightbulb flashes above his head before he blurts out, “I’m a virgin!”
Your eyes slightly widen, taken back by the words coming from his lips. “I didn’t mean—I mean me too, but you probably figured that out.”
His eyes grow as big as saucers. “I don’t know why I said that, that’s not probably what this was—“
“It can be,” you look down, batting your eyes, “If that’s what you wanted?”
“Is that what you wanted?”
You look back up, gulping down a lump in your throat. “I wouldn’t mind it.”
“Are you sure? Swapping virginities?”
You groan. “Swapping—god, what are you in? High school?”
“It’s a serious question,” he answers defensively, “I don’t wanna be—I don’t wanna put you in a position that makes you uncomfortable. It should be something we both want.”
You nod gingerly, “I want to.”
He squints at you. “You haven’t been drinking—“
“No I haven’t,” you interject, irritation simmering beneath your reply from all the questions.
“So we’re really doing this? And you don’t think you’ll back down?”
His shirt wrinkles in your hold, forcing him to meet your eyes as you assert, “We deserve this more than anyone.”
You feel like a pair of sloppy sexually deprived teenagers.
Everything feels new the moment you enter his bedroom, glued to one another like flies in a sugar trap. Clumsily, Chan manages to tug off his shirt and press his bare, taut torso against you; every inch of his skin blistering against your own.
You gasp as he crowds you onto the bed with the simple maneuvering of his lips, urging you to lower yourself into the comfort of his worn-in scent in his sheets. He crawls over you, arms bracketing your figure and backing you up against the bed frame before he escapes your liplock. You finally look at him; sweat kissing his forehead, pink heat covering his entire body, and his erection almost bursting at the seams of his jeans.
You’ve never seen one so close before, unable to look away from its bold presence. Chan instinctively lowers his hands, blocking your view. The pink travels up to his ears and cheeks, lips quivering as he warns, “You’re staring.”
You swallow your nerves, “Well, you know. I’m…taking it all in.”
Chan snorts with amused laughter.
You roll your eyes, “Stop it.”
“You walked into that all on your own.”
“Just do the damn thing already.”
Chan’s moments of shock continue to expand. “You want it already? You don’t want, like, foreplay or anything?”
“I don’t know! I’ve never done this before.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s just make sure you’re wet enough. So uh, do I have permission to undress you?”
You feign a semblance of confidence, hoping to mask the underlying apprehension. “Y-yeah, whatever.”
He leans in to reach for the zipper on the back of your top, gradually sliding it down. The cool touch of the metal ghosts along your spine, sending shivers cascading through your entire body. Holding on to your gaze, you watch as he finishes laying you bare and tosses the articles of clothing aside. Chan takes his time marveling, noting every blemish and curve, retaining it to his memory bank and he grins. “You really are beautiful.”
“Shut up,” you huff before kicking him gently.
He laughs into your lips before moving on to your bottoms and slipping the fabric down past your legs. You can tell his gaze shifts facing you only in your underwear, like crossing foreign territory, Chan seems hesitant to tread lines. “You’ll tell me if somethings wrong, right?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Okay, I’m going in now.”
His hand lingers to the height of his chest. “Here I go, with my fingers—oh do you give me consent—“
“Yes! I give you consent. Just please hurry up.” You wince. “I’m nervous enough as is, but I trust you.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Finally, his hands make it underneath your underwear, finding your wet fold immediately.
You quietly gasp, “Oh, well that’s really new.”
He looks back up at you curiously. “If I fuck up—“
“I’ll tell you,” you reassure.
“Right. Okay.” Chan says more to himself than you.
He presses two fingers against your slit, letting them sink in soak in your arousal. His gaze fills with anticipation as he watches your reaction each pass of his fingers discovering more and more. His digits move deeper inside, softly stroking you and massaging fluttering walls, earning a small squeak you attempt to silence with your fist.
“Did that hurt?”
You shake your head furiously.
“Then it felt good?”
A nod.
He gives a relieved smile. “Good.”
His thumb strokes above your heat, somehow finding the thing so many people joke about being impossible to locate, and Chan did. Out of all men.
The back of your head knocks against his bed frame, suppressing your moans behind closed lips.
“You like that too?” He asks, circling around the raised flesh.
You nod again more gingerly. “Yes…”
“Am I moving slow enough?”
“You can move faster…”
It takes some time before Chan finds a comfortable pace, but once he reaches it, you grow limp under his touch. Your eyes flutter in response, small gasps leaving you. You continue to shyly guide him. Faster, harder, deeper. And finally—
“Oh gosh,” you twist the sheets underneath you, “that’s so good, keep going.”
He does as you ask, moving at your desired tempo. You writhe uncontrollably, hips bucking to chase his fingers. Nothing could stop the expressions between your lips, calling his name without meaning to while heat festered all over your body. Pride blooms within him and he's determined to see you through.
His efforts are rewarded when he feels you clench around his fingers. As excitement fuels him, he lets his last thrusts penetrate the deepest they’ve gone, and he hears what a climax sounds like for the first time in person.
You distance yourself with an empty kick, taking in the overwhelming sensations before you letting yourself continue. “Chan, oh my god…”
“Was that…did I—“
“Yes, you idiot,” You move quickly, grabbing him by the back of his neck to reconnect, and dress down until there's nothing between you.
Your bodies become a singular system, forging an invisible bond.
His hand wraps around his exposed cock, generously stroking himself to grow bigger, harder, thick enough to assure your satisfaction. Bigger is always better, right?
“That hurts a little bit…” you resound honestly.
The tip of Chan’s cock hardly makes himself known at your entrance, adjusting to your untouched heat stretched around his size. He gently pulls out, rubbing the condom-covered tip against your dripping slit.
“It’s a good pain,” You clarify, “Just take it slow.”
Gradually, Chan divulges deeper with your permission, hearing the bliss of your moans as you part way and give in to his length. You clutch his arm, steadying yourself with short breaths, counting the beat of your heart.
“It hurts?” He asks, eyes brimming with concern.
“I want it to move inside me.”
Chan swallows, forcing his attention back on the task at hand, stretching you out as he rolls his hips. He moans at your walls clenching around him, absorbed in the embrace that made him longingly ache for more.
You softly whimper, rolling your head back and accepting him, tensing up your lower body. “Mmh-hmm, so that’s what it feels like…”
“It’s good?”
“It’s the start of good.”
He scoffs, not too impressed by half-compliment. “Thanks?”
“W-we’re getting there. Are you ok?” You chuckle, feeling his length wedge deeper in your walls.
“I’m nervous, honestly,” He says, writhing. “But you feel really good.”
“So do you.”
Lowering down, he connects your lips with his smile, moving languidly as he rocks inside you. Your legs border his sides, claiming his shoulders and pressing yourself closer to him. Sighs slip between kisses with each desperate grind against his hips, pushing him deeper. The curve of your back harshens, fitting into his figure and taking every snap of his hips. The pad of your fingers digs into his flesh as you buck into him, his soft words of praise whispering into every liplock.
The end is blurred between shattered expectations and unspoken mourning. Between the sheets of his bed you connect again and again in hope to chase away the pain.
Navigating the realm of intimacy for the first time was expected to be awkward, and, in some ways, it was. However, with Chan, someone you find more like-minded than originally anticipated, a sense of comfort that alleviated the untamed anxious thoughts. You realize it’s what you needed these past couple of months.
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by Ruthie Blum
Following the strike on Saturday in Gaza that eliminated 19 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, international media outlets promptly published the lie told to them by residents of the Strip about the number and identity of the casualties. Nothing novel about that.
Since the start of the war on Oct. 7, the press has cited Gaza Health Ministry figures—and the global bodies that gleefully buy them—to bolster false accusations of crimes committed by the Israel Defense Forces against civilians in the Hamas-run enclave. Nor has factual evidence caused the claims to dissipate.
This is partly the fault of the IDF, which is often very late in refuting the rumors. Worse, its spokesman’s unit rarely seems to prepare in advance for the anti-Israel propaganda onslaught that always comes on the heels of military moves that provide photos of rubble—whether or not the images even depict the areas under discussion. Indeed, sometimes, the pictures are taken from other countries and conflicts.
What makes this failure of preemption especially disturbing is that IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari is always quick to announce the launch of investigations relating to the potentially inappropriate behavior of soldiers in and beyond the battlefield. The phenomenon is part of Israel’s obsession with having the “most moral,” rather than fiercest, army in the world.
Since Israel’s ethics are intact, it shouldn’t be necessary to prove it at every juncture, especially not to those who wish it ill or never give it the benefit of the doubt. Still, playing catch-up with sensationalist reports is both exhausting and ultimately pointless.
After all, once a piece of juicy slander is out there, it’s hard to reverse its damage. The current deception is a perfect case in point.
Take CNN’s headline on the incident, for example, which reads: “Israeli strike on mosque and school in Gaza kills scores, sparking international outrage.”
Then there’s the post on X by chief European Union Israel-basher Josep Borrell, who hastened to write: “Horrified by images from a sheltering school in Gaza hit by an Israeli strike, w/ reportedly dozens of Palestinian victims. At least 10 schools were targeted in the last weeks. There’s no justification for these massacres.”
The predictable list goes on.
But here’s what actually happened. The IDF and Israel Security Agency carried out a pinpoint attack on a Hamas command-and-control center that was embedded in a mosque inside a school compound. As Hagari’s office explained, albeit with customary tardiness, “The strike was carried out using three precise munitions, which … cannot cause the amount of damage that is being reported by the Hamas-run Government Information Office in Gaza.”
Furthermore, it added, “no severe damage was caused to the compound where the terrorists were situated. Prior to the strike, numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including the use of a small warhead, aerial surveillance and intelligence.”
That’s not all. It turns out that men, women and children were located on different floors of the building in question, and Israel’s security forces targeted and hit only the level on which the terrorists were located. It’s the kind of feat for which the IDF continues to arouse awe among urban-combat experts.
By now, anyone who denies that Hamas purposely ensconces its warriors in schools, mosques and hospitals, using the people it controls as human shields, is either sympathetic to the terrorists’ goal of annihilating the Jewish state or serves as a fellow traveler on that pernicious journey.
All other arguments about what’s going on in Gaza constitute ill-intentioned background noise that should be ignored.
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hayateart · 1 year
Now I have a Mermaid Moshang Au going around in my head.
So, let's say, Airplane still wrote a book, but it was about mermaids, and the main protagonist, Luo Binghe was half merman, half human. With the exception that mermaids are the obvious good guys, so the sects and cultivarors are the mermaids, and the demons are humans, with demon lords being researchers.
Rest is under the cut, because what I wrote could be a fic on its own.
Airplane dies and becomes a merman Qinghua. He saves young teenage Mobei Jun, Little Mermaid style, and falls in love instantly. However, he knows they cannot be around each other, so he leaves Mobei safe on shore.
Years later, Mobei becomes a scientist researching oceanic life, all in search for a merman he is not sure is even real. Maybe he has only dreamt about him.
Since he is so accomplished and clearly inclined to believe in the existence of aquatic mythological creatures, he gets a job in secret research facility where they already research real life mermaid.
And this is where my angst love popped in.
Mermaids cannot speak human language. They communicate in chirps and screeches like dolphins. Their teeth are sharp, their eyes alien. They are treated at best as objects, at worst as potential threat that needs to be researched, studied, cut open to see how it works and how best to kill it.
Mobei cannot let others know he has sympathy for these creatures or else he would be banned from research. He finds a kindred spirit in one of the research leads, Shen Qinqiu, who appears to be the most ruthless person he ever met but is surprisingly gentle with the creatures they handle, and proposes that maybe, just maybe they are not malicious at all. No more than people, at least.
[I needed Cucumber to be human for this one, for better BingQiu purposed. In the original novel that Airplane wrote, Shen Qingqiu was the most heartless of the scientists, doing research on a captured, teenage protagonist. His abuse caused the young merman's ancient powers to awaken. He learned how to control water Aquaman-style, how to speak the human language and thanks to his ancient magic - his father was half water-dragon - how to change shape to appear human. But that is all irrelevant, because Shen Yuan does not want to capture and operate on Binghe at all.]
However, as it happens, the plot must make its appearance.
Shang Qinghua was careful. Was very, very careful, He never had OOC function to unlock because he has always been Shang Qinhua. So he thought, he can avoid original Shang Qinghua's fate which was being captured by humans, implanted with a tracking, which led the humans to his colony, and to Binghe. He as so careful! But the system tricked him, and Qinghua gets captured anyway.
He is panicking. This is the worst! He will be experimented on, forced to out his kin, or, if he is lucky enough, just killed. What sort of world he wrote?! What sort of fate he created for himself!
He deserves it, of course. He wrote mermaids to be peaceful, hunted, tortured and killed. Of course, he deserves it for condemning an entire race. At least, he gets to see his favourite creation one last time. Because, Mobei Jun is here.
In the original story, Mobei blamed mermaids for the sinking of the ship, from which Qinghua saved him in this storyline. He did not become a researcher but a whale hunter with a penchant for mermaids. Only meeting Luo Binghe changed him, and he became the fiercest fighter for mermaid cause afterwards.
Qinghua is sure Mobei is there for revenge. Mobei recognizes Qinghua but he needs to keep up appearances. However, Shen Qingqiu recognizes the character of Shang Qinghua as well. He knows how the story goes. Qinghua is 'researched' and then let go with a tracked. He cannot let that happen but the other scientist would be suspicious if he was kind to a merman. Instead he proposed to kill him, and research the body - in his mind, it would be a mercy killing, after all.
Mobei keeps his cool, but underneath, he is boiling with rage. On one hand, he sees the kindness in Shen QingQiu's decision. He sees the mermaids in their tanks every day. How sick they are, how empty and unhappy. It would be a mercy killing. On the other, that us the marman that saved him all these years ago. In a small tank, terrified and crying, and shaking, and begging them with his eyes only to please, please, don't hurt him. Just let him go, please.
Mobei suggests waiting with the decision to the next day. Clearly, they caught only a runt, a shrimp. it is weak and won't do much for research but maybe it is more valuable alive. They should consider their options. In reality, he plans to free Qinghua over night, when nobody is watching.
He is not the only one with the same idea. Cucumber gets to Qinghua first. Under the assumption that mermaid cannot understand human language - they could not in the book - he breaks Qinghua out cursing all the while - at stupid plots, at stupid authors and at pointless characters who turn out to be so much bother!
Except, Qinghua understands him. Of course he does! He is the author. He gets Cucumber's attentions, drawing characters with water on his coat. Cucumber at first thinks nothing of it, until he notices the pattern. It is the title of the novel!
Cucumber immediately understands that Qinghua is a transmigrator, just like himself! He gets him paper and pen and they communicate.
And then Mobei Jun steps in. Qinghua and Qingqiu are caught red handed. Qinghua is panicked at his sight. In a desperate attempt to save himself, he grabs the pen and Cucumber, and holds him as a hostage, pressing the pointy end of the pen to the other's neck.
It would be terrifying if it weren't so sad. Qinghua cannot hold himself up out of the water very well. He is shaking from fear and his hold is lose - if Qingqiu wanted to break out, he could with no problem. It is clear that Qingqiu is shielding the merman.
There isn't much that Mobei can do except lift his hands in a peaceful manner and promise:
"I want to help. Please, let me."
TBC? Maybe?
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
Paradox PokeDex Redux: The Scarlet Book
So, since the Scarlet and Violet PokeDex entries for the Paradox Pokemon are a bit…underwhelming from what I’ve seen, I’ve decided to go ahead and make a bunch of fake PokeDex entries for each of the Paradox Pokemon that give them a bit more value than just “hey this is a Pokemon from the past, and also it’s been mentioned in an occult magazine, crazy!”
We’re starting off with the Scarlet-exclusive Paradox Pokemon, since those are the ones that interest me, and are from the game I actually got. You’re welcome.
Violet Book entries found here
Great Tusk
“An ancient ancestor of Donphan, this Pokémon rushes headlong at opponents with its full weight. It is believed this method of combat eventually evolved into Donphan’s signature ability to curl up and roll into its foes.”
“This ancient ancestor of Donphan lacks the capability to curl its body into a ball—rather, it relies on its superior hide and unwieldy tusks to combat would-be predators.”
Brute Bonnet
“An expert ambush hunter, this ancient ancestor of Amoongus can effortlessly blend in with the forest foliage of its home. Once hidden, it lures in unwitting prey with the its swaying arms.”
“Lacking the toxic spores of its descendant Amoongus, this Pokémon appears to have been far more aggressive and actively hunted prey by ambushing them from the shadows.”
Sandy Shocks
“Ferromagnetic dust clings to its body, grounding it and giving it an aggressive demeanor. It does not appear to have the control of its magnetic properties that its descendant Magneton possesses.”
“Scientists theorize that the incorporation of the metal dust that clings to this Pokémon’s form is what gave its descendant Magneton its hardy nature and ability to freely float.”
Scream Tail
“Rather than lulling would-be opponents to sleep with a song, this ancient ancestor of Jigglypuff instead wards off predators with a deafening scream that can cause permanent hearing loss to anything within fifty feet.”
“Scientists believe that when intimidation wasn’t enough, this Pokémon began attempting to lull its opponents to sleep—the descendants that did so became Jigglypuff.”
Flutter Mane
“The flapping of its flowing locks mimics the sounds of a giant flying Pokémon, striking fear into the hearts of its victims. Like its distant descendant Misdreavus, it seems to do so for its own amusement.”
“A vindictive Pokémon, it appears that it lost its flowing mane and instead began to wail in the night to better terrorize humans as its descendant Misdreavus.”
Slither Wing
“An ancient ancestor of Volcorona, this Pokémon appears to have used its wings as a sail to absorb energy from the sun, regulating its body temperature and giving it the strength to challenge even the fiercest of foes.”
“Its wings are designed to soak in sunlight to store as energy. Scientists believe this stored energy was eventually repurposed by its descendant Volcorona to be its own sun.”
Roaring Moon
“The ancient ancestor of Salamence, this Pokémon was a truly ferocious creature in ancient times. Modern Salamence can only ever brush against its ferocity through a strange phenomenon from another region.”
“Due to its feathered features, agile body, and ferocious reputation, some speculate this ancestor of Salamence was the inspiration behind Flutter Mane’s mannerisms.”
“An ancient ancestor of Cyclizar, this Pokémon has been referred to as the Winged King. This is in reference to its feathered plumage, a mark of pride and power—the larger the plumage, the stronger the Koraidon.”
“It has been hypothesized that as humans succeeded in taming Pokemon, the more aggressive features of Koraidon were bred out, until the domesticated Cyclizar was born.”
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emojellyace08 · 11 months
Hi!! Loved your work of demon reader. But what about vampire reader?? Yk?? Or what about siren reader?? Like lookism characters just take a break for the day and just decided to go to the beach. They just explore the beach until they come to secluded part of the beach they decide to go back but than...they hear singing? So they go investigate who in the world is singing...than they saw it..someone sitting on a rock singing beautifully..than they noticed a tail..omg a siren. Yeah I know its very silly. Its alright if u don't want to write this anyways have a nice day/evening or night!!♡♡
♡ "Lookism Men x Siren/Memaid! Female Reader🐚🌊💀" ♡
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Hello fellow human! (and Daniel simp lol). This is a very cool idea! (I want to go on the beach so bad yet I don't have free time because of school). Genre: fluff? (Kind of inspired and based on The Little Mermaid, just edgier) Note (quick fact!): Sirens are different from mermaids. Sirens are half birds with a face of a human (female mostly) to lure men/sailors and wreck their ships with the use of their voice and singing while mermaids usually keep their distance away from humanity, wanting to live peacefully (at least in most versions). Now I don't know what to call this "evil mermaid" creature that I made up on my mind and it's really tricky to write since sailors get killed by sirens when they are lured by the song so I kind of made it a mix of a siren and mermaid😭(pls bear with me lmao😀👍). Another note!: (D/n) stands for dog's name
꧁ ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ ꧂
He is a strong, sturdy, and focused sailor whose duty is to operate the ship and vessels and maintaining a safe work environment, him being admired by every women and envied by men. And everybody knows that he's not here to make friends or companions. And you're a living-sea creature whose business in life is to wreck ships with your strong-level of power and with the great advantage of your luring singing voice and your different level of speed in swimming. You don't know why you were acting like this. Is it because of that mentality when you believed that humans are disgusting creatures who take advantage of mother nature or you being hostile is just part of your natural instincts.
Well, he made your heart pounding though when he helped you carry out the anchor that has been stuck on your tail when you're minding your own business on your cave even though you're already hissing at him almost telling him to back off if you were able to speak the "human-way". It was very unusual for him to be generously kind to other people, let alone a sea-creature. So it's different (almost weird) for his co-sailors to see that side of him. Now you're the one who won't leave him alone when he's out to do his work, you swimming with your full speed to catch up to the big ship even when it's moving at a decent speed. Making him sigh and giving you a glare, almost not giving you attention because of you following him with that puppy-eyes even if you have the fiercest orbs ever.
*Sigh* it's weird for him, but he does find you cute (and threatening) in some ways.
Johan Seong/Samuel Seo/James Lee (DG)/Gun Park/Jichang Kwak/Hudson Ahn/Mandeok/Xiaoleoung/Taesoo Ma/Cheon Taejin/Magami Kenta/Seokdu Wang/Gapryong Kim
꧁ ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ ꧂
He is not only a dreamy and eye-catching prince but also a compassionate, helpful, and kind lad not only to humans but also to animals. He is well-respected by his fellow sailors when they're out riding his ship on the middle of the ocean, either fishing for food or him just wanting to explore the outside world of his lonely castle. Him admiring the sapphire-like color of the water as he often gets curious if mythical creatures like mermaids, even the predatory ones like sirens exist. But he never expected to meet a mixture of both.
Unexpectedly, a raging storm interrupted their ride as everybody recruited on their boats "D/N!" He knows it's one of his weakness. He's too caring for others even on the smallest things that can be "replaced" but he knows that the memories won't fade forever. So as risky as it sounds, he went back on the now sinking ship and giving the animal to his body guard before he was quickly swept by the harsh water waves, slowly drowning and loosing his breath. But a miracle happened.
He woke up on the seashore. Clothes wet and some parts ripped. Good thing that he is safe despite getting mild bruises. He was lost in his own thoughts when his assistant screamed for his name to get his attention and asking him if he's alright. Before that, he remembered when he was opening his eyes, he saw a striking face of a female with the familiar color of that specific scales and ear fins before it went away at that moment. He smiled as a warm blush covered his cheeks as he remembered that time when he was younger, he explained that he helped a mermaid-looking creature yet an attitude aggressive like a siren when it's injured yet his servants laughed at him. Now you're the one who rescued him when he needed help. It's unlike in your predatory nature but you've been curious about what he's being doing lately as he's curious about your well being. You often get excited when you see his ship, following the smell of the young man as you watch on the distance, wanting to know things about him. If you weren't so different of worlds, would you make it work out? If you only had legs...
Daniel Park/Jay Hong/Zack Lee/Vasco (Lee Eun Tae)/Yuseong/Jake Kim/Eli Jang
꧁ ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ ꧂
He's literally the definition of a struggling yet determined and hard-working man. Not only he has to provide his daily necessities, but he also helps out his family too. Poor guy needs a rest. The dark circles that is ringing on his gloomy eyes have gotten deeper because of the lack of his sleep with the mixture of sea sickness that is starting to make his stomach grumble. He needs something to eat.
Stopping by the land, he went in the caves as he wanted to spend his free time before going on duty again as his stupid co-sailors wasted their time by chugging off the strong scent of alcohol that is stinging his sensitive sense of smell. Despite the place being a bit dark, good thing he brought his lantern with a box of matches for safety measures, a pocket knife, a small bag of biscuits and a jug of water. He sat down on a rock, sighing as he gets lost on his own thought thinking about his future especially for his loved ones who relies on him. He just wants to experience living of the life of luxury, eating everything he craves for and sleep every time he wants with his family, not wanting to leave them out. He wants to feel peacefulness even just for once in his life but he knows that he needs to focus on his work if he doesn't want to starve for a whole week, a month rather than smelling the stench of the fish that he catches every time he went out for fishing .
He was overthinking again before he noticed a movement on the small body of water that he is near to. "Eh- Who's there!?" He asked as he sticks up his lamp up to see if there are any near predators in the place. He could be in danger. He was surprised to see a tail move upward as the creature swam deeper in the water. He was about to get out when you suddenly grab his legs making him yelp. Your hand is slimy and soft yet the way you grab him was gentle. But he wouldn't risk getting drowned so he got up, ran away while wailing his hands up and screaming. You're just curious about the young man, he looks like a nice guy. Yet you scared him off. How do you properly approach humans anyways? (lol).
Zack Lee/ Vasco (Lee Eun Tae)/Warren Chae/Eli Jang/Jerry Kwon/Duke Pyeon/Brad Lee/Jason Yoon/Jihan & Jibeom Kwak/Sinu Han/Jiho Park
꧁ ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ ꧂
Well nobody knows if he really is a professional marine biologist or if he's just a smart amateur. But everybody knows that he's one hell of a smart fellow for their era. He's intelligent and logical, yet idealistic and curious about the things around him. He has worked on big projects like mechanicals in big marine transportations that has been successful over the years for his age. Now he wants to explore what lies beneath the ocean.
He got curious when he read about a book related to hybrids of marine animals and humans, basically the mer-folk. He usually doesn't believe in fairy tales (often thinking it's dumb at times in realistic situations). But in terms of creating writing and his curious thinking getting in the way again, he can't help but to consider the possibility that the fish-people even sirens may exist. The past few cases of sunk ships have been very interesting for him nowadays.
He and his crew decided to have a short trip on the seas for him to have a break while secretly working on his research and investigation. Every island and shores have been discovered and dug to find artifacts yet none of it are a provable evidence of its' existence. He was about to give up when a singing voice is heard from the distance. He knew it was dangerous based on the novels that he had checked out, yet the sailors with their stupidity followed the sound and decided to catch whatever is moving under the water. He thought he was going to die when you approached the ship, but instead his weirdness got the best of him again as he ordered the fishermen to release you. It may be the dumb decision to let you go, but it's for the best for your and everybody's safety. He got a valuable evidence of your blood on the fishing hook that was used though.
Jace Park/Yoojin/Goo Kim/Baek Hangyul/Jinyoung Park/Tom Lee/Manager Kim/Gapryong Kim
꧁ ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ ꧂
He is just a normal person, a person looking for thrills in his boring life. He causes chaos in his place, almost getting caught by the soldiers when he's doing dumb shit again. *Sigh* well, he thought he's not an ordinary person if he keeps risking his life for pranking other people though. But this behavior crosses the lines when he decided to sneak in the castle to see the beautiful ocean that he's been dreaming to visit. But for some unexplainable reasons the king decided to shut down the access of the place. Was it because of the irresponsibility of the people who dumps their trash and dirt into the ethereal place? Or was it because of the missing fishermen that has not yet found for almost a year now? Nobody knows the real reason if the higher ups won't open up about the issue.
Yet here he is now, feet feeling the warmness of the earthy-brown color of the sand as he admires the view of the horizon. It is beautiful, almost breath taking as if he is in paradise. But his moment was cut off when the guards noticed his presence on the abandoned place. "OI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Shit, he's been caught again. He knows that it's probably the time he face the consequences of his actions. But that feeling of adrenaline is getting him excited, again and again as it repeats the cycle of the feeling of a masochistic happiness that he can't explain. He can't let that happen. To be beheaded in front of the pathetic people around him. No, he will run. As fast as he could.
Running away with his swift speed, he managed to escape (once again) the higher ups as he hides on the unfamiliar cave. Laughing to himself yet keeping quiet to not have the guards' attention. He once again admired the beauty of the rocks yet keeping his guard up. He knows that it's dangerous because of what ever is lurking in the dark. And it seems that he is somehow right. He noticed a shadow of, a human-like form with a tail on the water? He can't be serious right now. That living-creature doesn't exist, right? You slowly rise on the water, eyes like snake keeping your attention to the unfamiliar man as he pleaded for his life. "Oi, I don't know what the hell you want but, I"M HERE TO STAY FOR A WHILE SO PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" He winced as he has his eyes closed ready to be attacked. But as you got up and sat down on the rocky ground, you just kept your attention to him. Your pupils unusually dilating as you got curious about his presence which once again is unusual in your instincts as you attack other people. He heard on the gossip that mermaid-like creatures kills humans. Yet you just sat there, admiring his beauty as he did the same. If he isn't "normal", then he probably found someone like him too. Probably a new friend?
Goo Kim/Olly Wang/Jiho Park/Kuroda Ryuhei/Vin Jin
꧁ ♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡ ꧂
Feedbacks would be appreciated!
A/N: What if I make a vampire! lookism men x reader 🌚
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moonlightazriel · 2 years
Son of the Darkness /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: Hidden for so long The court of shadows thrived, and things were great until the high lord's death, now the next in line should assume the crown of high lord of shadows, will he accept his duties?
Warnings: None for this chapter
Word Count: 2K
Notes: Welcome to the first chapter of this literal dream hahaha I really hope you guys can enjoy this fic.
Son of the darkness masterlist
Main Masterlist
The female rushed through the dark hallways, the soft rustle of her nightgown and the sound of her bare feet on the marble floor echoing on the walls, the light peeking from under Loralen’s door, the High Lord of The Court Of Shadows, her hands pushing the double doors open as she entered the room, the weak figure of her Lord laying peacefully in bed, his hazel eyes landing on the young general, one of the few people he trusted.
“Sweet Y/N, I don’t think I will be able to stay in this life much longer.” The old fae held Y/N’s hand, she sat by his side, her eyes filled with tears as she watched how his chest barely moved when he breathed, more than a High Lord, he was like a father to her, have taken care of her when her mother, the previous general, and war advisor, died in battle. “You need to go and find my grandson, my daughter Eletha ran away from home many centuries ago, and with her death, the crown will be his.”
“But where do I find him?” She knew that the High Lord’s daughter had disappeared even before she was born, and in the 450 years she’d been alive, no one had a clue of where she might be.
“I’ve been sending spies to try and locate them, I didn’t tell you because I knew you would try to take matters into your own hands and look for them yourself, but now you’re the only one who can find him, we can’t leave this court without its ruler. The last thing they were able to find is that Eletha died and left a son, he lives somewhere in the continent of Prythian, I know you never left our home, but you’re the only one I trust to do this.”
Y/N nodded, she was loyal to her court and her home, if the High Lord thought that she was the only capable of doing this mission, she would go, he gave a few more details, about what the boy might look like and where he might be, Y/N was going to follow rumors and she hoped that they were true, for the sake of her court.
On the next day, she was ready to leave, her horse was straddled with her bags, and she had the royal seal on her chest, indicating that this was an official mission, she was wearing her black pants with high boots, a leathery long-sleeved shirt with a corset and her holsters, where her dagger rested peacefully on her tight, on her back, two long swords and a heavy cloak covering her body, her long silky black hair braided behind her back.
Midnight puff with her nose, the black mare ready to leave as Y/N jumped on top of her, her big hooves pounding against the floor as the two started their journey. It was a five-day journey until she reached the border, once there, she would have to travel by ship until she got to Prythian’s border, on what’s known to be the Autumn Court, there she would have to go all the way up to the Night Court and pray to the Mother that she’s lucky enough to find the boy.
The Shadows territory was the biggest one, in the war for human freedom, the Nightfall army was almost erased, being among the fiercest defenders of mortal liberty, all the enemies turned their weapons their way, after the war, Loralen had so much work to do in rebuilding their strength and defending his people, so with the help of the great Sephiran coven, the seven witches made a spell, covering the territory in darkness, those who didn’t know would think that nothing exists, but as the years passed, they rose again, the Nightfall army was bigger than it has ever been and people were protected. Hiding wasn’t a weak move as some may think, hiding was necessary, and the High Lord wouldn’t allow his people to suffer from hunger and sickness ever again.
Every place she went, people were more than happy to receive her, the respected General and High Lord’s protege, she was kind to the people but ruthless on the battlefield, Y/N stayed with some families along the way, they gave her more food to continue her journey, and as she noticed, she was almost in Prythian. The ship would shake her stomach in every direction, making her feel a little restless as she admired the view, even if she traveled all the Court’s territory, she had never been this far away from her home.
“Be careful, some say that these forests are cursed and they devour those who don’t belong here.” The captain of the ship warned her two days later as she grabbed Midnight’s reins and walked out of the ship, she had a map with her, to guide her around, she took a look at it before she motioned for the mare to start to walk, as the pair entered the forest, she felt a weird sensation creeping in the back of her mind like something was watching her, she lifted the hood of her cloak, hiding her face and then grabbing her dagger.
As the day gave space to the night, she decided to stop, making a fire and taking some of the food, she sat, watching the fire pit, the flames dancing from one side to another, that same feeling of being observed now stronger as the flames grew, she quickly got up, stepping away from them, the heat so strong that almost burned her skin, she reached for one of her swords, whatever it was, should be easy to deal with.
“What are you doing here?” A male voice sounded from the darkness in front of her, she focused her gaze in the direction that the sound came from, and as the darkness seemed to dissipate she was able to spot the figure standing in the dark, the male was tall and slim, something told her that it was him messing with her fire, she moved her arm, seeing his shape perfectly leaning on a tree, she threw it, the blade pinning him in place while she extended one of her hands, the mist of shadows started to appear in her palm, like a river, they flowed until they reached him, she was feeling really good today, so she only took away his vision.
“WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?” The male growled angrily as she approached him, his face moving in each direction trying to see something.
“If you’ll be a good male and give me the information I need, I might give your vision back.” She stood close to him, removing her dagger and dragging the male closer to the fire, he had white skin and bright red hair, unlike the majority of her people that had different shades of black hair, it was so beautiful.
“Why would I help you, stranger?” He sarcastically laughed, he was confident even when he didn’t have the upper hand.
“Because I can make this permanent, and you’ll be wandering around, blind for eternity.” She taunted and he stiffed, he was starting to take her words very seriously. “I need to go to the Night Court, do you know any quick way to get there?” The male’s face contorted into an angry expression once more.
“Of course, you would be a Night Court freak, my father will enjoy knowing that Rhysand is allowing his pets to run freely in other courts.” The disgust was evident in the redheaded male and Y/N wondered what might have happened between them for such hatred towards the unknown male.
“Watch your mouth or I could take that away from you too.” She warned. “The sooner you help me, the sooner you’ll be free and I’ll be out of your way.” She paced around him, leaving him confused, her location a mystery to him.
“There are some hidden spaces between the folds of space and time that can take you there, I know one that is close to here, I can take you there. But give me back my vision.” He demanded, Y/N looked at the desperate male, the way his eyes flickered in every direction, and then the mist Around him was gone, his eyes focused on her.
“Don’t try anything funny or I’m killing you.” She simply said, her expression blank as she moved to get her things. “And we're going now. So get up.”
“So bossy. Are you like this in bed too?” The male asked, a cocky smirk on his lips as she rolled her eyes, long ago she had discovered that her silence was more powerful to mess with male ego than snapping back, so she kept quiet, her things ready to leave. “I’m Eris, do I get to know your name?”
“Knowing my name will make you walk faster?” His smirk grew as he looked at her up and down, and he nodded slowly. “I’m Daera. Now walk!” Eris did as he was told, afraid that she would take away any more of his senses, they weren’t that far away from the portal, only thirty minutes walking and they would be there.
She kept a close eye on him as they walked, he was holding a bright flame in his hand, illuminating the way, she could walk perfectly fine in the dark, one of the few abilities she inherited from her people, they were able to see a little bit better in the dark than other people, and this was always a vantage for her. Eris stopped in front of nothing and she rose an eyebrow.
“It’s here, if you walk a little further you will find it.”
“Then go ahead.” She pointed her dagger to him and Eris held his hand up in defeat.
“I can’t simply go in another court territory like you, and I’m not in the mood to bring problems to my father. So I can only go this far, and have fun on the other side.” Eris finished, already turning his back to her, winnowing away as he did so, leaving the scent of burned wood behind. She sighed, walking to where he pointed, at first she didn’t see anything, but as she walked she saw a path, she climbed Midnight’s back, hitting her belly softly with her feet, the animal sprinting along the way. She didn’t know how long the two walked but she finally came to an end, reaching an open field, the night sky almost gone as a new day began.
She had no idea of where she was, and as she walked, the only thing she could see was green prairies on every side, she huffed annoyed, stopping at a lake to drink water and eat something, the mare drank water and Y/N fed her with apples.
“Ugh, I think we’re lost, I should’ve asked for Evanore’s help with some kind of locating spell.” Midnight looked at her and she closed her eyes, feeling her shoulders heavy with tiredness. Evanore was the youngest of the seven from the Sephiran coven, and Y/N’s best friend for as long she can remember, but there was some information that she couldn’t share even with her, she wished she could have brought her friend with her.
Eva was kind, and a really powerful witch, her healing powers were the strongest she has ever seen, her sisters kept her hidden from those who wanted to use her for evil, her powers were able to bring people back from death, and if this kind of power fell in the wrong hands, the consequences could be devastating. Y/N reached for the protection pendant that Eva gave her, the blue stone calming her restless mind and bringing her some comfort as she got walking again, it was like her best friend was there with her.
Y/N and Midnight walked for days until they found something, or better yet, something found her, she was resting, heating her hands in a makeshift fireplace, it was night, the Night Court sky was really beautiful, the stars shone bright, and each one unique, she counted three shooting stars as she observed the sky, her eyes feeling heavy as she drifted slowly to sleep, too tired to pay attention to her surroundings, if she paid enough attention, she would’ve seen the two figures looming in the dark.
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