#humans are canadian
jpitha · 1 year
The story grew in the telling.
After humanity made contact with the K'laxi and the other sapients in the galaxy, humans sought to find their place. Their world was harsher, heavier, more dangerous than most everyone else's but that doesn't mean that the humans were. Most humans the other sapients met were kind, understanding, helpful people, ready to lend a hand and defend their friends.
And there was Gord.
He said his name was Gord Beaverbrook, captain of the Medicine Hat, and he came from Manyberries Alberta, Canada, Earth. If that was his real name or real place of birth, nobody knew. After he came with his wares, nobody really cared to follow up.
Humanity was in space for a long time before they met the other sapients in the galaxy. As far as anyone could tell the Hat was there nearly from the beginning. A small, dense ship, the Hat had a massive flywheel in the center to help orient it while coasting through space. Lightly armed and over engined, the Hat was a ship from another era. Covered in patches, makeshift repairs, and painted a vermillion red it was easy to recognize.
You see, when Gord learned that the other sapients of the galaxy had a hard time with most human foods, he dug deeper and learned that glucose and it's relatives - sugar - is fine for most of them. Above all that, what they craved the most was flavor. Being from a country on Earth known for making a particular glucose suspension made from the reduced circulatory fluid of some kinds of Earth flora, Gord saw an opportunity.
Gord and the Medicine Hat became Mapleleggers.
They'd link into a system through their suspiciously overpowered wormhole generator - they never used the warp gates other folks used - land quietly, offload liters and liters of "Montreal Molasses" take payment in cash, or kind (Gord always offered a discount for hockey memorabilia) and would take off and scoot to orbit and out of the system before customs could catch them. Sometimes, the hat would have to drop a cloud of oily blue smoke to throw customs off their trail, but they always got away, laughing.
As more folks learned about Gord and the Hat, the tale grew in the telling.
Some said that the Medicine Hat demanded Cheezies and Timbits long after anyone in space knew what they were. Gord would tell folks not to worry, he'd pick up some when he was "back in Lethbridge."
Some said that the crew of the Medicine Hat wore plaid flannel that was color coded to their role, though nobody ever saw anyone other than Gord.
Some even said that the Hat had a cigarette vending machine onboard.
You tell me that this whole story is nothing but a human tall tale. You tell me that Gord never existed and the Hat is nothing but a legend.
I ask you: Just what is it you're putting on those pancakes there? eh?
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the-eyespy · 4 months
🇵🇸🇨🇦 The vandalism of a landmark Palestinian flag street art in Montreal by Zionists is a despicable act. However, the resilience of Palestinian youth, who are restoring it to its former glory, is inspiring. This reaffirms the unwavering commitment to the cause of a Free Palestine.
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As Palestinians in Gaza seeking to escape the Israel-Hamas war begin applying to come here through a special immigration program, immigration lawyers say Ottawa is asking for an unprecedented level of personal information from prospective migrants. "It's strikingly different than what is ordinarily required for a visitor visa application," said immigration lawyer Pantea Jafari. "[The federal government] is asking for significantly more information than any of those applications, and even more than any permanent resident's application." This week, the federal government launched a new program to permit up to 1,000 Palestinians who are extended family members of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to apply to come to Canada and stay for three years if their families can support them financially.
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liminalweirdo · 8 months
In today's update of Canada Loves Eugenics, 10,064 people died in 2021 through medically assisted death in Canada, and while MAID supposedly exists to allow people with severe, incurable illnesses to die with dignity on their own terms, MAID is generally used because disabled and mentally ill people cannot access governmental assistance and are living in poverty.
The Canadian government is actively pushing poor, disabled people to death.
oh and by the way, Canada performs more organ transplants from MAID donors than any other country in the world.
"Six disability rights and religious advocates told Reuters that the pace of the planned changes to the assisted death framework in Canada brings additional risks of people opting for MAID because they are unable to access social services - the lack of which could exacerbate their suffering." - source
Anyway, it's basically like this: the USA has the Americans with Disabilities Act and Canada has MAID
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andrumedus · 1 year
Truth is, I want you to be safe, want you to sleep so I can sleep.
Sam Cheuk, Postscripts from a City Burning; “11/06/19 (2)”
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trilliath · 3 months
It's a lot, sometimes. When you finish a story, a show or book or fic or whatever, that is one of those ones in your heart that's like. Real. Real, not in a "i'm out of touch with reality and can't separate it from fiction" sort of way but in a "it doesn't really matter that the material is fictional, I was subsumed enough in it that I felt deeply - and my emotions, my love for these characters, my experience and memory of these events in their story, are still real regardless" sort of way.
And like. The tragedy of it is that in the end, you are alone in it, in the grief of the story itself, or the ending of it, because they're not real. The people you shared the experience of the story with are not real, and so you have nobody to feel that with but your own mind.
Hell of a thing.
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enbycrip · 1 year
Another enormous and ongoing factor in “Canada is not a human rights paradise”; MAiD.
Canada legalised “medically assisted death” and what literally every disability rights group said would happen immediately proceeded to happen; they started offering it instead of care to disabled people.
Far from being limited to terminally ill people in intense pain, which is what they spoke about when pushing the policy, it’s now routinely offered to disabled and chronically ill people who are suffering *because they are living in poverty* and *unable to access the pretty basic care and assistance that would be needed for a decent quality of life.” They are currently expanding the programme to include mentally ill people because of course they are.
I know disabled and chronically ill Canadians who are living in tremendous poverty - like, crowdfunding food and heating in *Canadian winters* poverty - who speak continuously about the fact that every time they seek any form of government or public assistance, all they get is offered “assisted suicide.”
There is literally no way this is anything other than eugenicist genocide of disabled people. And no one seems to give a shit other than disabled people, because abled people *continuously* seem to believe that death is preferable to disability. They continuously and massively overestimate the suffering involved in, say, incontinence.
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year
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JENSON BUTTON Canadian GP 2023
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Carlos Sainz sleep with one eye open
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jpitha · 1 year
Hidden Depths
Deep inside the maintenance tunnels and forgotten alcoves of the joint Human/K'laxi starbase someone skulks.
People often forget that the Starbase was made up of a K'laxi research station, the Starjumper Picaresque and more than a century of ad hoc additions, relocations and changes.
In all that time, something was bound to be forgotten about.
The person walks nonchalantly, whistling a tune long forgotten by most sapient beings. They aren't in a hurry. Strolling down an empty corridor, someone watching could see an overlay flashing orange in their eyes if you knew where to look. They're searching for something.
The air is still and old. There's enough oxygen for the time being, but even if there isn't, or the gas mixture changes, it doesn't really matter.
Right down this hall, then left down what looks like it used to be a main corridor, but on it's side, they look up. A Pressure Door is in the ceiling. Originally it was a wall based on where the panel to open it is. Sighing heavily, they look around for a way up.
There, to the left, those vents look sturdy enough. They use them like a makeshift ladder and climb to the ceiling. If they stretch, they can just slap a small box on the panel. It clicks and whirrs for a second and then with no fanfare at all, the pressure door opens.
Now what?
In one fluid motion, they let go of the vent, then use gravity to help load their legs and they spring towards the open door. Grasping the seals with their hands they hang for just a moment, meters over the corridor.
With surprising strength, they haul themselves through the door, and slap the close button behind them. If someone else was listening carefully, they might have heard a whine of servos when they hauled themselves up. Maybe not though.
The door slides shut silently. and they stand on the door, now the floor of the next room.
It's pitch black. They turn on a light that is built into the red hat on their head and a sharp beam of white light illuminates the room.
it's on it's side. The being is standing on what used to be the walls. But, in the middle of the wall opposite them, what used the be the floor is a chair.
It's a command chair from a Starjumper. The Picaresque's command chair.
Walking along the wall, they approach the chair and examine it. It seems to be in good shape. Dusty, but not damp or damaged or burnt. They whistle a low note of surprise.
They touch the headset on their ears.
"Yeah. I found it...No, it's all here...What do you mean "How do I know?" It's a chair! It's not missing parts or pieces and it hasn't been touched in more than a century...is it connected to the grid? Of course not. Nobody has been out this way since Picaresque was broken down."
As if to prove the point Gord touches the panel on the right armrest of the command chair and immediately it lights up.
"Shit! Okay, maybe it is connected. FINE...Stop Hat, you know I can't understand you when you get excited. Yes, it might be connected, but it can't be doing anything."
There was a trilling in his headset. Gord froze.
The trilling continued. Someone was calling him.
He took a deep breath, held it for a beat and let it out, and touched his headset again.
"You got Gord! What can I do ya for?"
A voice talked to Gord for only a minute. Gord said nothing.
Slowly, Gord reached up and with shaking hands, ended the call on his headset. He took it off, and sat down heavily on the wall/floor.
Thundering footsteps were heard on the other side of the pressure door in the wall/floor of the room he was in. Voices shouted in the empty
"The Sapient who currently goes by Gordon Beaverbroook! Where are you? Starbase has narrowed your location to this area. Show yourself and you shall be allowed to leave freely! If we have to find you, you will be remanded into custody."
Gord looked down at the pressure door. It would be so easy. Open the door, drop down, affect a disarming smile, get taken into custody, yada yada what are you doing, you're banned from this Starbase, and the horse you rode in on. Gretzky knows he's been though that plenty of times. Usually he only has to avoid the place for 50 years before everyone who cares has retired or died.
He was asked very pointedly to get something.
And just now, someone else has made him another offer.
And they used his original name.
Part 2
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That is some straight up fuckin' DEVILRY right there.
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Mrs. Desmond was fined for defrauding the Federal Government of one cent, the difference in the Amusement tax on an upstairs ticket of two cents and a downstairs ticket of three cents.
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The daughter of a woman whose remains police believe are buried at a Winnipeg-area landfill has filed two human-rights complaints, including one against Manitoba's Progressive Conservative Party over ads opposing a landfill search that she says amount to discrimination. "[To] see your mom being used for a political game to score points and votes was distressing," Cambria Harris, whose mother Morgan Harris's remains are believed to be at Prairie Green landfill north of the city, told CBC on Monday. "It's distressing to know that someone would be so open and brazen about making those kinds of discriminatory comments to the point where they're willing to spend funds on those billboards and not put resources towards the vulnerable people their system is actively failing."
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canadachronicles · 8 months
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Thank you for everything, Sincy!
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cough-noise · 6 months
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mathematical :)
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angelmush · 6 months
i got a goose tattooed on the inside of my forearm today and it was a flash piece but it's my favorite tattoo already it means everything to me i could sob
#i love geese so much and so deeply i named my dog after them#goose is my black dragon dog and my loyal faithful companion and my entire world#i just love these birds#they are so misunderstood as aggressive and scary when really they just are sensitive to spatial pressure#and they need a wider diameter than humans are often willing to give#but they are so beautiful i love their long graceful necks and how i can recognize their sounds anywhere#and that no matter where i live i see their little v's in the sky#and of course wild geese by mary oliver is one of the first poems i fell in love with#my english teacher deborah read it aloud to us in high school and it made me want to go outside and to stay alive#and when my gf and i first started dating i knew i loved her for lots of reasons but one of them was that she also loved geese#she told me she had a shared folder with her family members titled “geese i've seen” that she would put her goose photos in#so her entire family could witness them with her#i remember when i was sick with anorexia a few weeks before i was hospitalized a v of canadian geese flew over me on my way into work#and these big fluffy snowflakes were falling down and i could hear them calling#and it made my eyes well up#and i hoped they would get somewhere warm enough for winter#whether or not people have respect for them is a wonderful metric for gauging somebody's character#at the grocery store i worked at when i was 18 the only coworker i grew close to had a similar affinity for geese#she had a necklace of one#a little silver glinting goose in flight :'')#personal
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