#hurricane lilly
demonsandpieohmy · 10 months
There’s a tropical storm downpour outside and I’m listening to the new hozier album, it’s a perfect day
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forecast-rain · 2 years
oh yeah I had a dream today and I remembered it before but I forgor. It was super consistent tho
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reportwire · 2 years
Hurricane Ian shakes SW Florida's faith but can't destroy it
Hurricane Ian shakes SW Florida’s faith but can’t destroy it
FORT MYERS, Fla. — In darkness and despair, there were flickers of light and hope, even for Jane Compton who lost her home and possessions to Hurricane Ian’s wrath. As the storm approached last week, she and her husband found sanctuary at their Baptist church, huddling with fellow parishioners through wind, rain and worry. They prayed for the gusts to subside and for God to keep them from harm as…
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joheunsaram · 2 years
pretty hallucinations (jjk)
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summary: Drunk words are sober thoughts, and now Jungkook knows all of yours — even the ones about him. And you know what they say, once a secret’s out, it’s hard to take it back.
word count- 3.9k 
pairing- best friend!Jungkook x Reader
rating- PG 15
genre- f2l, idiots in love, fluff, slight angst, slight crack
warnings- reader is wasted, jungkook is a softie, SO MUCH PINING, mention of bondage and spreader bars lmfao
a.n- a birthday fic to celebrate my favourite bunny! happy birthday jk! this fic came to me after I read a scene in ten trends to seduce your best friend that had me cackling. read that book if you enjoyed this, that ones a real f2l slow burn hehe
special s/o to @daechwitatamic for beta reading, helping with the summary, and leaving the most hilarious comments on my doc haha I will cherish them forever💕
As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask! 💌
The room was spinning. A kaleidoscope of colours twirling in the air and you couldn’t help the bitterness rising through you. This used to be your favourite place, a library you had created after years of collecting your favourite words. Systematically organized, it seemed now that a hurricane had passed through.
Well, after ten drinks, you were nothing less than a hurricane. Books with their once perfect spines laid dog-eared and haphazard. You couldn’t find it. Couldn’t find the perfect words for the moment. There was always supposed to be something for every emotion in your collection.
Some may think losing yourself in fictional words was cowardice, but to you it was a reprieve. Reality was boring. In the real world you were just a nerdy overgrown virgin who would never confess your feelings to a man — to the man. In reality, you would always be the girl who talked big about sex and hid behind bravado instead of ever opening yourself up to the vulnerability that came with it. The real you was a phony.
Stumbling with your fingers wrapped around the bottle of whiskey, you meandered to the opposite wall, pulling romance novels off the shelves. They would have answers for your predicament. Wasn’t that the purpose of them? To show how the characters overcame their fears?
The words blurred but you lost yourself. You were Catherine sharing your love but having it misconstrued, leaving you to misery, a death of a life never fully lived. As you read Heathcliff’s grief, daring you to haunt him, he transformed from the Englishman to someone too familiar, his proper attire morphing to the comfortable baggy black shirts and giant stomping boots. His dark eyebrow manifested a silver barbell, his eyes widening into a doe-eyed stare. Ebony tendrils grew from his fingertips, running up his right arm until they formed shapes as intimate as your breaths. Tiger lillies and eclipses and snakes and clocks and words so dear they played as a melody on your lips.
And then Jungkook’s words transformed from the enraged howling of ghosts to silence, his lips parted in shock as his eyes looked at you with pity. The memory was visceral and it forced your hand to tip the bottle against your lips, your tongue coating in the warm bite of liquor. Yet, it permeated through, the single moment of bravery you had been saving your whole life coming back to haunt you.
He had a friendly arm around you, the two of you laughing at the television screen as the characters finally confessed and Jungkook shook his head, chastising them for not coming clean sooner and saving him the trouble. The innocuous words gave you the courage to share a secret ten years in the making.
A simple I like you.
But unlike the characters who were living their happily ever after, Jungkook sputtered, moving away with an awkward laugh, shattering your heart into a million pieces. The distance was a chasm growing wide with his questions and the lifetime of bravery fizzled much quicker than you anticipated.
“I should’ve never opened my stupid mouth,” you lamented, tossing back another searing gulp, books digging into your back as you stared at nothing. Nothing that spurred into a familiar shadow making you cackle at your imagination. It really was better than reality.
Because in your imagination, Jungkook crouched in front of you smelling like fresh laundry that made you hazy. His fingers caressed your face, moving the curls that had spilled from their usual tight bun atop your head to frame your face. But even an imaginary Jungkook wouldn’t give you your happy ending.
Moving your hair away, he smiled, helping you up. His voice was gravelly when he spoke, a novel rasp that you wanted to pluck from the air and store it next to your array of books.
“Your mouth is not stupid,” he chuckled, an arm around your waist as he moved you from the library to the kitchen. You refused to look at this hallucination, instead focusing on the tiles that you had handpicked for the kitchen. Small white ones. They had a pattern in the middle, cobalt outlines of squares interwoven together to form stars of the skies.
He deposited you on the stool next to the breakfast nook and placed a glass in front of you. Condensation trickled down the glass to the island and before your clumsy hands could do any damage, your figment picked the glass and placed it on a coaster. Of course he knew what to do, imaginary men were perfect.
“I’m not imaginary, Trix,” Jungkook answered your inner monologue, amusement lacing his tone. But his mirth did not placate you, there was no way Jungkook would seek you out after he stomped on your heart. Your best friend was not that cruel. Not intentionally at least.
“Trix are for kids! Don’t call me that,” you whined, your words mumbled by the glass that he held to your lips. With the coldest glare you could manage, you stared at him as you finished the drink, refusing to acknowledge how soothing the cool water felt trickling down your throat.
“But they’re your favourite, Trix,” he retorted, bemused before running a hand over your head. You wanted to chastise your heart for skipping a beat at the platonic touch as he mussed your hair but you couldn’t help it. This always happened. You hated that he used that nickname, an inside joke that did nothing other than give you false hope. It was cute when he started. It made you flush to your toes and stutter over your words, but it was unfair how he could easily give you a pet name when your boyfriends had trouble coming up with anything that didn’t make you wince.
“What are you doing here, Jungkook?” Your voice wobbled as did you when he helped you up, moving you towards your bedroom. Tears still streaked down your face, stuffing your sinuses with regret as you leaned against his infuriatingly hard body.
“I’m taking care of you. I always take care of you,” he answered. “Watch your step.”
His answer made you fume. Why couldn’t you feel this way for Jimin? He was supposed to be your type, flirty and loud and unafraid to go after what he wanted. In comparison, Jungkook was just a shy, awkward teenager who showed more emotions when he lost a game of League. Sure, what if the way Jimin called you sugar was a little cringey, it was better than babe or doll!
“Those are all terrible pet names, Trix,” Jungkook commented, his grin audible even when you refused to look at him. All you could do was weakly punch his arm, missing wildly while he steadied you on your never-ending path to your bedroom.
You missed your bed. Your mattress was the most expensive thing you owned. Jungkook had given you a lot of shit for spending a pretty penny on it, but it was like sleeping on a cloud, so soft and plush that you could just sink in and forget about everything.
And you really needed to forget the humiliation of Jungkook’s rejection.
“I didn’t reject you. You were drunk, Trix. You didn’t mean it,” Jungkook answered your thoughts once again. “Also your bed is very comfy so I promise not to annoy you about wasting money again.”
He was laughing at you and you couldn’t help but grunt, turning around and placing a clumsy hand on his chest as you steadied yourself. Your eyes met his and you hated how you melted a little at their sparkle. He always had the prettiest eyes, round with expressive mocha irises that burned your heart. Even his lashes were pretty, long and curved like he was a newborn fawn made to be fawned at. Gathering your drunken thoughts, you came to a single conclusion.
Honesty. Best case scenario, this Jungkook was just imaginary and would disappear soon. Worst case scenario, he was real and since you had already humiliated yourself, you couldn’t dig a deeper hole.
“I did mean it! I love you, you dumb idiot,” you announced, your words surprisingly clear. Yet Jungkook still laughed, rolling his eyes as he settled you into bed, telling you again that you were drunk. But he didn’t understand and he had to understand.
“I’ve been in love with you since I saw you play in that dumb ultimate frisbee match when you were a freshman. When you lost your cool at that concert when a guy tried copping a feel. When you gave me a hug when my mom was in the hospital and everything seemed okay for a little while. I love you, Jeon Jungkook. I’ve always been insanely in love with your stupid, dumb face,” you ranted. Kneeling in front of you, Jungkook’s smile wavered into a concentrated frown, brows bunching together before he was smiling again and shaking his head.
“You love me, but you don’t love love me, Y/N,” he countered, making you groan in exasperation, hand coming to his mouth to silence him. Sometimes you hated him.
“You don’t get it, Jungkook! How do I even–” you sighed loudly, grabbing his shoulders to make him understand. But if your words wouldn’t work, maybe someone else’s would. “It is at moments after I have dreamed of the rare entertainment of your eyes, when (being fool to fancy) I have deemed with your peculiar mouth my heart made wise,” you quoted your favourite poet, eyes stuck on his. “Do you get it now?”
Jungkook stared at you for a moment, awestruck in a way that made you want to lean in and kiss him, but kissing without consent was bad, especially if he was looking for a way to reject you again. You still had at least some of your pride. And then he was laying you back and tucking you in, crushing your heart in his palm till it was dust that pricked your eyes, making them dry and watery all at once.
“We’ll talk about this in the morning, Trix. We shouldn’t when you’re not sober,” said softly, fingers running on your scalp before tracing away your tears. With all the alcohol in your system, your filter was off and all you had was misery.
“Can you at least just stay before you reject me? I need a hug,” you whispered, heartbeat accelerating when he climbed in next to you, engulfing you in his arms. He was so warm. Like your favourite blanket shielding you from the cold in the middle of winter. He needed to know the effect he had on you and even though you were feeling the drowsiness from all that whiskey, you wanted to let him in. He had to understand.
“I know you think I love you platonically. I don’t. I really don’t.”
Jungkook exhaled loudly, moving away so only his forearm acted as a pillow for you. Lying on his side he looked at you, eyes tracing your features as you tried your best to keep yours open.
“You’re drunk. We’ll talk about it in the morning,” he said finally. With mere inches between you, you felt your face heat, your thoughts pouring over your tongue without your consent.
“Jungkook, do you know what a spreader bar is?” you asked, staring at him as his eyes widened. He blinked slowly a few times before landing on his back, looking straight at the ceiling.
“Jesus… yes, Trix. I know what that is.”
“I want you to use it on me,” you continued, loose-lipped and hazy. There was no chance you’d remember this in the morning so why not just go all out and let him in on your fantasies. “Tie me up and bend me over. Fuck me so hard I forget my name. God, I wanna be pinned under you so bad.”
“Stop. Fuck… stop, please,” he whispered, his teeth worrying the inside of his cheek in a way you only saw when he was angry. Was he angry? Is that why even in the dim light of the room you could see his ears slowly turning red?
“Still think I like you platonically?” you asked, tone much more mischievous than you had planned. “Would you choke me? Make me lose my breath as you kiss me or will you be nice and gently hold my jaw when you kiss me? I think about that a lot, you know.”
He groaned, his free arm coming to rest over his eyes. He seemed resigned and somehow that made you grin, especially when he sighed loudly before speaking. “Fucking hell Y/N… please just go to sleep.”
“I wanna feel your tongue between my thighs and—“ Before you could finish, he turned, a hand coming to rest gently over your lips.
“Sleep! You need to go to sleep!” he exclaimed in a panic that made your nerves tingle and your stomach warm.
“Why?” you mumbled against his fingers before he removed them.
“Cause you’re making me hard and I need you to be sober when I tell you I love you too,” he replied in a whine that was equal parts adorable as it was surprising. Did he say he loved you too? What a ridiculous concept! You were positive you were imagining him now.
“Wow, you really are a hallucination,” you giggled. This was a nice dream. You liked how all the edges of light were soft in it, how it seemed as if you were floating in bliss. Dream Jungkook was amazing. He felt so real. You wished you never woke up. Especially when exasperated by your chuckles, his arm wound around you and pulled you close, plastering you to his body.
“Does that feel like a hallucination to you?” he rasped, his exhale hitting on your forehead. His comment diverted your attention to the weight poking against your stomach. You wanted to rub up against him but your body felt heavy, powerless against the haze around you.
“Go to sleep now,” he ordered softly and you couldn’t help how your eyelids fluttered shut at his words. Drowning in his scent of fresh lavender laundry, you felt safe and coddled and finally sleepy.
“You’ll be here when I wake up?” you asked, needing the confirmation that the comfort of his arms wouldn’t disappear, even when you sure he was just a figment of your imagination.
“I’ll be here, Trix. Go to sleep.”
“I love you. I really do, you know,” you assured him, getting a giggle in response.
“I’m starting to believe you do, yes.” You felt his lips land on your forehead, so soft and warm that it felt as if falling into slumber was the easiest thing to do. You wrapped your arms around him, snuggling in closer, enjoying the steady beat of his heart as he whispered once again.
“Good night, Y/N.”
Your head was pounding when you woke up. A drummer having its solo, double bass and all. With a groan you opened your eyes to an unmade bed and curtains wide open to the infuriating morning sun. Needles prickling your throat, you say up only to be interrupted by the smell of bacon, the heavenly grease so inviting that your dry mouth watered instantly.
Why was someone making bacon at your home? Last you checked you lived alone.
Slow as molasses, you got out of bed, your eyes zoning onto the glass of water and a few painkillers sat on your bedside table. Without further ado, you drowned the glass, the relief near instant.
And with the relief came the memories. Whiskey. Wuthering Heights. Jungkook. Confessions. Spreader bars. And Jungkook’s words that were no longer so innocent in the morning light.
“Cause you’re making me hard and I need you to be sober when I tell you I love you too.”
Holy. Fuck. Was that real? Did Jungkook really just confess to you? Did you really feel him when he pulled you close last night?
All semblance of a hangover dissolved in the sudden adrenaline rushing through you, pumping your heart into a frenzy that propelled your legs to carry you to the kitchen. Jungkook stood at the stove, frying bacon as he hummed something under his breath. You stared at him as he worked undisturbed, frying bacon, before snapping his fingers and rushing to the plastic bag at the end of your breakfast nook.
You had decided to watch him quietly but as soon as he pulled out the red box, laughter bubbled through you, effervescent and fizzling. He stared at you, joining you with his own giggles as he walked over waving the box of cereal.
“Trix for my Trix,” he said with a grin that scrunched his nose and made his eyes disappear. So cute that your heart skipped a beat and your filter disappeared.
“So I made you hard?” you asked, immediately slapping a hand over your mouth. Perhaps you were still drunk. Jungkook on the other hand just chuckled, bowing his head and running his hand over the nape of his neck. His dark hair fell into his face, covering the blush you loved so much.
“Yeah. Yeah you did,” he confirmed sheepishly.
The silence between you was a little stunted; awkward and too long for people who were meant to be best friends. Before long, Jungkook was distracted by the task of making breakfast, his attention on the pan as he cooked scrambled eggs and bacon, plating them for the two of you. The silence continued as you ate, but you weren’t one to hold your tongue for too long, wanting to just rip the bandaid off and address the very giant elephant in the room.
“Can you please reject me already? This is too embarrassing,” you bemoaned, trying to drown the prickly heat that climbed up your neck with orange juice. Jungkook’s fork paused on the way to his mouth, his eyes large and alert. He swallowed loudly, placed the fork back on his plate and then cleared his throat.
“I… I’m not gonna reject you,” he said softly, his tone so gentle it made you curl your hands into fists to brace yourself for the opposite. “I just… I still can’t believe you love me too…”
You always read about how time slows when you are having a stroke. But you were also meant to smell burnt toast and right now other than the smell of the delicious breakfast in front of you, there was nothing suspicious. Yet, your heart was racing, your palms were sweating and you could feel your legs quivering even when you were sitting down.
“Too?” you asked in disbelief and he nodded, smiling but infuriatingly quiet. Slamming your fist on the table, much to Jungkook’s amusement, you glared at him. “Please spell it out like I spelled it out for you,” you seethed.
“Yes, Trix. I love you. Ever since you walked into my dorm room two days after we met, pulled the plug on my PC, made me lose my ranked game and demanded I go outside and make new friends,” he teased with an eye roll.
“Are you fucking serious?”
“Yes. If you stayed last night instead of running back here and reenacting Doctor Sleep, we could’ve talked it out,” he grumbled, the smile still ever present. With a shake of his head, he stood up, making his way over to you and pulling you up from your seat. Eyes blinking and hands shaking, you looked up at him, your skin burning where it touched you – one hand on the small of your back and the other at the nape of your neck. His thumb caressed your jaw as his eyes traced over your face.
You felt light headed, your breaths too quick to catch, each nerve ending sparking relentlessly. You bit your lip in an anticipation that only made Jungkook move slower, leaning closer and closer till his nose was brushing against yours lightly. His lips barely touched yours and you were frozen, relishing his breath on your skin, fingers curling into the material of his shirt on his chest.
“Kiss me,” you requested, earning a giggle from your tease of a best friend.
“Okay,” he whispered, finally sealing your lips. It wasn’t the rough kiss of your fantasies, nor  gentle innocence of your daydreams. It was searing, tilting your world on its axis. It felt like he was breathing fire into you, yet your whole body was erupting into goosebumps. It felt like colours bursting in the wind.
It was life changing and you wanted more.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you stood on your toes to deepen the kiss and he easily acquiesced, his arms fitting perfectly around your waist. His lips moved against yours, the tip of his nose grazing ever so lightly against your cheek. When you moaned against him, too overwhelmed to see anything but stars, he picked you up and placed you on the table, easily fitting between your legs. With a hand on your neck, his thumb gently pulled at your chin till his tongue met yours, making you shiver so violently that he broke away with a laugh, his forehead resting on yours as he caught his breath.
“More,” you asked and his lips met yours once again. This was better than anything you could've ever imagined. You didn’t know how long you kissed, but all you knew was that you never wanted to stop. Especially when he nipped your lower lip in a way that sent a current zapping all the way down to your toes. And then his lips slowed until he was pecking at you, once, twice, three times, his hands cradling your jaw.
Dazed, all you could say was, “Are you going to fuck me on this table?” and Jungkook laughed, loud and boisterous, hugging you to his chest. And what a great chest it was.
“But don’t I need to go get a spreader bar and some bondage tape for that?” he asked with a grin, kissing your forehead, once, twice, three times.
“I mean… we could do that next time?”
“If you think after years of being in love with you, I’m going to let you have your first time on the kitchen table, you are sorely mistaken, Trix,” he replied, a finger coming up to boop your nose.
“Virginity is a social construct!” you protested, but Jungkook just shook his head, kissing away your complaints.
“You fell in love with a romantic, so let me romance you,” he whispered, hands tangled with yours, his words sending a warmth through you.
You never thought you would be someone who would enjoy being romanced. But when Jungkook drove you to the park for your first date with a picnic he had packed from his early morning grocery run, he proved you wrong. Sitting on the grass with Jungkook’s arm around you, you thought about all the books in your collection, and how with their endless words they still couldn’t capture the glow of your love fulfilled.
Perhaps reality was better than pretty hallucinations after all.
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
The Cait Corrain situation is entirely Cait's fault, but I can't help but think about how it indicates how uneducated some writers are about the realities of publishing and what is "good" versus what is "bad".
Cait, based on screenshots compiled of what she said and screenshots she gave of what "Lilly" (the person Cait made up and was pretending to be to take blame off herself) was insecure about her advance and the marketing of her book. She clearly thought she was at some kind of disadvantage, which--along with plain old jealousy and cruelty--led her to review bomb other books (like, to a delusional extent imo--giving Thea Guanzon's The Hurricane Wars wasn't going to stop that well-marketed book with a big built-in fandom thanks to the extremely popular fic it was adapted from, from being successful; she also review-bombed Ali Hazelwood, one of the most popular contemporary romance authors right now, who again writes contemporaries that didn't have much crossover appeal with Cait's books anyway).
Things in Cait's advantage that many, many other authors don't have:
A) Cait is a white woman, which according to publishing trends and also, I don't know, reality, is automatically an advantage.
B) Cait had a $75K advance. I don't know much about Cait's series plans, I don't know her deal, this could've been anticipated to stretch over multiple books. But advances, especially right now, are not FABULOUS for most authors. This, based on what I've seen, was pretty solid coming from the imprint publishing Cait's book, for an adult fantasy with some romance (perhaps enough to market as "romantasy", whatever that is). Which, by the way, is having a bit of a moment, so that was in her favor too. $75K, meant to stretch over a year or more, most likely, is not exactly "quit your day job" money. But the typical author doesn't quit their day job, especially not early. I can think of some authors a lot of people would consider pretty successful who still maintain part or full time jobs, often coming from dual income households.
C) Cait was known (positively) by the reylos, who've had a good bit of success in making books sell.
D) Cait was friends with successful authors like, again, Thea Guanzon, who blurbed her book and met her in person. Having a successful author invested in your work matters, especially when they share your genre space. See: Ali Hazelwood blurbing reylo books. It can help a lot and made it even clearer that this book could potentially appeal to reylos at least.
The reality is that marketing issues with trad books stem to the publisher, almost always. I don't know why some trad books are pushed more than others; I can speculate, but I don't think a lot of authors know the exact formula either. Marketing books is hard. But Goodreads rankings aren't going to make or break your book. Tbh, as much as GR and Amazon are connected these days, Amazon probably has a larger effect on your book making it or breaking it than GR (and it's harder to review bomb on Amazon, especially when the book hasn't come out yet).
It's just... so ugly and so stupid.
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sodascherrycola · 1 month
Instagram Intros (Mitch Marner's Kids)
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Lucas William Marner (@lucasmarner)
DOB: August 29th 2016 Age: 32 years old Hometown: Toronto, Ontario Nicknames: Luke, Luka, Lukey S/O: Ashlyn Morris Kids: Nolan, Joshua, and Braley Best Friend(s): Eliot Nylander Aesthetic: Lucas, like his father and step-father, was a hockey player. His father had convinced his mother to put him into pee-wee hockey when he was around 4 years old and he had been playing ever since. He was an exceptional player from the beginning, already having experience tagging along to family skate and the Leafs games growing up. Luke adored his dad in every way shape and form. So when his parents split up and Olivia started dating Jack, it was hard on him to say the least. He was used to being around the Leafs family, and now being so called "stuck" in New Jersey with Jack's actual family ruined him. He was as open to Jack as his younger siblings were. Luke was being constantly berated by his mom for acting rudely towards his step-father. Jack understood to an extent, but it didn't hurt him any less. Mitch wasn't any help either though, disliking this quick relationship with his ex, talking trash and fighting Jack any time he could. When Olivia and Mitch had their one-night stand while her and Jack were on a break, and she ending up pregnant with her first daughter, Lucas thought this was finally his parents time to get back together. Olivia, however, made it clear that her and Mitch were not going to be together again. This bother Luke, but it got him to truly understand the reality of it all. His parents still tried to get along with each other, and he still visited Toronto every winter and for playoffs. Him and Jack started to bond over hockey, though Mitch was the only one he would practice with other than his brothers. When he was 18, Lucas was the first overall draft for the Toronto Maple Leafs and became a legacy player. He brought the Leafs to the Stanley Cup in 2037, 10 years after his father did so.
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Myles Thomas Marner (@mylestmarner)
DOB: May 10th 2020 Age: 28 years old Hometown: Toronto, Ontario Nicknames: Mile, Miley S/O: Lilly Dunn Kids: Callie and Athena Best Friend(s): Jeremiah Wagner, Matteo Aguilar, and Braydon Pham Aesthetic: Myles, unlike his older brother, was obsessed with Jack. He was only 3 when he and Olivia started dating, but he already knew he was the coolest person he had ever met. Of course he loved his dad and wanted him to win at all times, but Jack just seemed so chill. Liv watched her son follow Jack around the rink and the house all day, she couldn't believe one of her sons was actually okay with her new boyfriend. Myles used to yell at his older brother whenever he gave Jack attitude. Jack thought this was the funniest thing ever. He loved having someone on his team rooting for him. When Henry was born, Myles was ready to get him on the ice right away, but Olivia and Jack had to help him take a step back, considering Harry couldn't even hold his head up just yet. You can bet though that Myles was the first to teach him anything when he could. In fact Henry's nickname, Haz or Hazzy, was given to him by his older half-brother. The nickname stuck well into his NHL career too. Miley was the 4th overall pick for the Carolina Hurricanes and he was pretty damn good.
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Lincoln Daniel Marner (@linc_m12)
DOB: July 21st 2023 Age: 25 years old Hometown: Hobokken, New Jersey Nicknames: Linc, Linny, Lake S/O: Reece Mercer Kids: None Best Friend(s): Jonah Matthews and Zachery Brandt Aesthetic: Lincoln grew up in New Jersey, which makes him a Devils fan. He wasn't all that big into hockey like his brothers though. In fact, in a house full of hockey players, he sort of felt left out. He and his mom were very close, big mama's boy. She knew how he felt and tried to explain to him that it was all good if he didn't want to play the majority sport. Lincoln still played with his brother and dads when he could, but honestly wished he could just cuddle up with Liv on the bench. Mitch saw how bent out of shape Linc was and knew immediately what was wrong. He never wanted to force this life on his kids, if they liked it (like Luke and Myles) great! If not, that was okay too. Mitch, having gone through it with his dad too, didn't want to do that to his son also. Jack on the other hand, wasn't aware of this and encouraged Lincoln whenever he could to get on the ice. He thought he was helping, believing that Lincoln was just insecure about his skating or something, but to Mitch it looked like peer pressure. Whilst visiting Toronto during the winter, the whole group joined the Leafs at family skate, including Jack. Once Mitch saw Jack "bothering" Linc to get on the ice with every, shit hit the fan. Mitch started beating Jack black and blue, only stopping when JT pulled him off him. Lincoln had ran away to the locker rooms, hiding in the corner. Olivia was too busy yelling at Mitch and helping Jack with his injuries to notice Auston skating away from the rink. He had stopped by in the locker room on his hunt for the missing boy, and saw Lincoln curled up in a ball near his dad's gear. Auston pulled Lincoln into his arms and soothed the little boy. They had a long talk, and this is when Auston found out that Linc was into baseball and had been wanting to play for a while but was just too scared too say anything. Auston brought this up to Liv and had set up a schedule for him to help practice with her son. He ended up being drafted for the New York Mets when he was 18 along with Auston's son Jonah, and has been playing there since. Jack had apologised to the kid and had been at every single baseball game Lincoln ever played.
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Madison Jay Marner (@maddiemarner)
DOB: February 13th 2029 Age: 19 years old Hometown: Hobokken, New Jersey Nicknames: Mads, Maddie, Sonny S/O: Spencer Reynolds Kids: None Best Friend(s): Arthur Hughes Aesthetic: Madison's story is a complicated one. Jack and Olivia had been on a break for about 2 months at the time her mother had gotten pregnant with her. Mitch and Olivia had a one night stand and it ended in Madison's conception. The competition between Jack and Mitch was now at all time high. When Olivia had told Mitch about it, he was excited, thinking that maybe he could get her back because of this, but she had the plans to abort Maddie, scared that she had completely messed up her family with Jack. She had already had two little boys with him, she knew he was a good father, she just didn't know how he would react to her being pregnant with her ex baby daddy's kid. Jack freaked out for a minute, staying at his mom's house for a week, before Ellen had talked some sense into him and he went back. He understood that they had been on a break and that he can't really be mad. Jack had continued to support Liv throughout this pregnancy, though he was weary having Mitch around now more than usual. Mitch had been making a point that this baby was his and that Jack shouldn't be included in this, refusing to let Jack in at appointments, not allowing him to be a part of baby showers and what not. Olivia had hated seeing Jack so excluded, knowing that Jack was going to be the one mainly around for the kid. When she had found out the gender she was so excited! Finally a girl to be on her side! Mitch had been now bragging about how he gave Olivia, not only her first kid, but now her first daughter too. Jack found this insufferable, and he was sad a little bit too. Liv had promised to include Jack in everything and now he couldn't even enjoy the thought of having a daughter because Mitch had made it his mission to remind him that this little girl wasn't his. When Madison was born however, Mitch was out of town, leaving Jack to be there in the delivery room when she made her entrance into this world. She was a big daddy's girl too…with Jack. She didn't really care for Mitch, funny considering he was so entitled to her before. Jack was wrapped around her finger the minute she was born, and sobbed when he got to hold her and when he saw that she was named after him. As Maddie grew up, Jack and Mitch's relationship got better, for the sake of her. She hated that her dads didn't get along, wanted them to love each other as much as she did them. No, that didn't exactly happen, but they did tolerate each other for her well-being.
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miss-celestia13 · 1 year
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She Stings Like She Means It
JakexOFMC Smut One Shot
Words: 3.82k
After some bad news, Manon is ready to hunt down and kill the MWAF. Lost in fury, no one can get through to her… except Jake. There is only one way he can make her listen and see sense. Lucky for her, it ends very well for both of them.
A standalone story! There is some scene setting at the start to make it work as such. Typically, I don’t do trigger warnings, as I tag everything to death. But just to let you know, it’s angry and rough fucking. Emotions are boiling over, she wants to kill, and he wants her to live. He knows how to convince her, and she pretends to fight it but wants it all. Spoilers for the game, but I assume most have played it by now.
Manon stormed through the house in a cloud of black anger, the furious beat of her heart accenting every step, and she clutched a dagger in each hand. Richy’s screams rang like a death knell in her head, and she was done. Fucking done playing and waiting for this prick to make a mistake. She had to end this before anyone else got hurt. Richy being taken hadn’t been part of the plan, that was her mistake and she would right it now. She hit the ground floor just as Dan rolled into the hallway, freezing with a handful of chips halfway to his open mouth when he spied her. Jake followed behind her, and Jessy, Lilly, and Cleo soon appeared behind Dan.
“What’s going on?” Jessy demanded.
“What the fuck!” Cleo yelled.
“Who the hell are you?!” Lilly blurted, eyeing what Manon was wearing, the guns strapped to her body and the daggers in her hands.
It was Dan who snapped her out of it, stalling the rage bubbling under her skin, turning her blood molten, and threatening to consume her.
“Why the fuck is she carrying so many knives?!” He exclaimed, dramatically throwing his hands in the air, and they watched as a cascade of potato chips fell through the air like salty snow.
Manon stopped before them and felt Jake’s tentative hand slide over her shoulder.
“I’m going to end this now. I can’t keep playing this his way; it’s time to en this.”
As one, their jaws dropped, and Jakes hand tightened; she tried to shrug it off, but he only gripped her harder, pulling her against him. Any other time she would have relished it, but not now. Manon leaned back against him as though giving in, and his fingers loosened slightly. She waited while the others watched her warily, and jakes other hand landed on her hip; she smiled slightly. Manon sighed as though tired, melting into him until his grip slackened enough she could jerk free in a fluid motion. Shoving away hard enough that he stumbled back. She bolted out the front door before anyone else could stop her. She’d pay for that later, but she couldn’t keep hoping the slow and steady way would win this race. She bounded down the porch stairs, taking them in twos as she aimed for the car. Gravel crunched behind her, and she growled before whirling, lifting her hands so her blades were positioned to swipe at whoever had come after her. Her heart stopped when she saw a panicked Jake cautiously approaching, utter desolation in his beautiful eyes as he held his hands up as though he was attempting to calm a feral beast. A slight tremor ran through her hands as her body stiffened, her bleeding woman’s heart cutting through the roasting fire of her killing calm.
“I won’t stop you if you really want to go, Manon.” He pleaded, and she lowered her hands slightly, “But please, let’s plan this first. You don’t have to do it alone; I’d really prefer it if you didn’t. It’s not just you that would be hurt.”
It took Manon a moment to realize what he meant by that, so focused on the hurricane of emotion swirling within her iron chest that she hadn’t thought how he’d feel if she didn’t come back. Gods, she was an awful person, and she didn’t deserve him. But still, she couldn’t risk them getting hurt. She opened her mouth, the action feeling like she had to snap her jaw she’d grit her teeth so hard.
“And what makes any of you think you’re qualified to go toe to toe with this bastard? I won’t get hurt, you all would, and I can’t fight five battles at once.”
Her voice was harsh with tightly leashed anger that she barely recognized; it didn’t sound like she and Jake heard it too. The desperation in his gaze shifted to the one she could never refuse, his love for her. Manon tasted blood in her mouth, like her heart was leaking into her throat.
“Teach me, I’ll come with you, but you have to show me what to do; I can fight, but not like this.”
Manon gave an indignant snort and dropped her hands, still palming the daggers just in case.
“Oh sure, I’ll teach you in five hours what took me a lifetime to learn.”
Jake scowled; a cold fire raged in those singular eyes, and something deep inside her sat up at that anger. Something that enjoyed being hunted as much as it loved doing the hunting. Adrenaline was an intoxicating thing in her blood, sharpening her senses and twisting her fury into something primal and hungry. She broke their silent stare off to look over at the house. The door was closed, and she saw no sign of her friends watching them. As though he had read her mind, Jake replied to that thought.
“I told them to make themselves busy, figured you wouldn’t want an audience.” Jake smiled grimly and nodded; Manon’s heart lurched at how well he knew her already.
“Why? Why should I risk you when I can do it myself and walk away?” There was a thread of hopelessness in her voice. No, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t risk him. It had to be her.
“Why should you take the burden of it all? What sins are you trying to atone for?”
Manon snarled, “I could say the same of you. Or do you want to pretend you weren’t planning the same fucking thing?”
Jake smiled slowly, confusing her but not as much as the lust simmering under the icy rage in his eyes, sending a spear of heat through her core. Oh, was this foreplay? She wasn’t sure if that made them both mad.
“I know. But not alone. Let me help you.” He came closer, still out of reach of her knives but close enough that the wind carried his scent to her. The familiar warmth of it stoked the embers low in her stomach to a soft burning fire. She shifted on her feet as he appraised her body, wrapped in skin-tight black. Every curve and hollow was on display. When he again met her gaze, the hunger in his had liquid heat pooling between her thighs. Oh, they were twisted, and Manon loved it. Jake licked at his bottom lip, and Manon followed the action, ardor fighting with the madness, neither winning and only heightening the other. If this was a distraction technique, it was working.
“You still haven’t told me why I should risk you, Jake.” She managed to get out, her voice nothing more than a wisp of smoke.
Jake stepped into her personal space, overwhelming her already confused emotions. He didn’t touch her, but he didn’t have to; she felt him all the same.
“Because you’re too important to lose. You can’t just go and get yourself killed.”
“I’m not that important. I’m here to solve this, and that’s what I’ll do.” She kept her voice steady, but she was wavering. Her body craved the pleasure it knew he could give her, but her mind wanted revenge. Manon knew that when they did give in to the lust, it would be explosive; it would change them. Jake lifted his hand, deceivingly gentle fingers trailed down her cheek, and she fought to keep her eyes open, tried not to lean into it. He saw her struggle and smiled wickedly, making her want to slap him and herself for being so easily convinced.
“You’re too important to me, Manon. I can’t let you go.”
Truth. It was pure truth and tore down the last brick in her long-held defenses. Shattering them like he had all the others, and Manon wanted to scream. Her righteous fury bled into her heady lust and addled her overtaxed mind.
“You mean too much to me; I can’t fight if I know you could be in trouble.” Still, she tried to make him see, even as his fingers trailed down the column of her neck, settling over her rapid pulse and staying there. The wetness between her thighs turned to a flood, and the ache of pure need began a low, steady beat as the blood rushed to her cunt. She raised her eyes and bravely looked him in the eye, almost floored by the intensity of the want in his gaze.
“I’ll be fine; we can talk it over later.” He said softly but not weakly.
Manon raised a brow, “why not now?” His hand wrapped around her throat and tilted her head back, pushing her back against the car, hiding them from the view of those in the house. Her mouth opened with a gasp as he slid a muscular thigh between hers, and she felt his hard length against her hip. Oh, he was just as fucked up as she was; it turned her on to dangerous levels. Distantly she heard the clang of steel against gravel as she dropped the daggers. Jake nodded, whispering.
“Good girl, I’d rather fuck than fight, Manon.”
Manon bit back a whimper, wetting her lips as her mouth went dry and she focused on the feel of that hand around her throat. His fingers flexed, tightening slightly before going loose again. She swallowed hard; his other arm came up beside her head, caging her in and exciting her further. Somehow she’d lost all control, given in to the need coursing through her body, and submitted to him without a thought. He bent his head to bring his mouth in line with hers, stopping a hair’s breadth away, and Manon tensed in anticipation.
“Tell me to stop, and I will,” Jake said, voice so rough with restrained hunger it was unrecognizable. The vibration of it against her chest sent a lick of flame down her torso, and the ache became an irritant, a hollowness desperate to be filled. Her empty hands slowly lifted, one going around his neck, the other sliding around his hips to palm at his lovely ass. Manon brushed her lips against his once in affirmation, wanting him to take control since her body was warring with itself.
All that emotion and adrenaline had to be released somewhere if he wouldn’t let her do what she planned; she knew he could take it and give it back, the thought turning her knees to jelly as he rocked that thigh between her legs. The friction zinged through her and turned the fire inside into an inferno. Jake growled, sensing what she needed from him, and crushed his mouth to hers.
It wasn’t graceful or pretty; it was a fight. Manon battled him as he forced her mouth open and slid his tongue against hers, her hand pulling at his hair, demanding more. She tasted everything he felt, the love and exasperation, the want and desperation. It drove her wild; she arched and slid herself along his thigh, seeking more, more, more. Needing him to touch her soon, or she’d combust. He dominated her mouth, stealing her air for his own and snapping at her lips when she fought back. The hand around her throat tensed and relaxed; she whimpered each time her breathing was restricted. Jake drank each one down, both rocking their hips into the other. Both of them turned on to the point of pain now. Manon’s impatient hands fell to the waistband of his jeans, blindly flicking the fly open and delving inside, smiling against his mouth as she wrapped a hand around his cock.
Jake groaned and increased the pressure of his bruising kiss, his beard scraping her skin raw. She moved her hand over his hard length, enjoying the weight of him and increasing the pressure slightly before swiping her thumb across the fat head and stealing the drop of moisture she found there. She was riding his thigh, spiraling higher, and knew her pants would be soaked through, she snarled in impatience, and Jake chuckled. The hand beside her head dropped and tugged her trousers down, the tight fabric sticking to her overheated skin, but it came loose with his determined pulls, and black excitement took her over. She renewed her efforts then, twisting her wrist before sliding back down to the base, the velvet-soft skin tantalizing her. Jake impatiently pulled her trousers over her ass and bared her to him, she had no underwear on, and he whispered more praise when he realized. Manon lost all sense and focus on her task when he dipped his fingers into her folds, so wet now she could feel it dripping down her inner thighs.
“This is all mine, isn't it?” He purred, and Manon threw her head back, surprised she didn’t shatter the car window.
“Yes.” She managed when he grazed her clit, toying with her and soaking his fingers in her essence.
“Touch me, Manon, or I’ll stop.” Manon opened her eyes at his order, the ache inside her taking over every thought, and the idea of him stopping was a sweet torture she couldn't endure. Somehow she moved her hand again, stroking him how she knew he liked, and was rewarded with a low moan. He delved into her folds again, and she closed her eyes, his thumb circling but not touching her clit, driving her insane as her hips bucked. He kept teasing her, a fingertip dancing around her entrance but not diving inside, and she felt unhinged; her eyes flew open when he did it again. Her annoyance was evident on her flushed face when she found him watching her with a satisfied smirk; he was playing with her and knew exactly how to take her apart. Make her plead.
“Will you please stop teasing?!” She bit out, her own hand pausing its movements as she watched his handsome face. His knuckles brushed against her clit, making her jolt and give a weak hiss.
“I will when I think you’ve learned your lesson.”
Manon stiffened, her predictable temper igniting at the authoritative tone, and she let go of him. Still, she didn’t remove her hand from inside his jeans. The hand between her legs stopped moving, and she wanted to sob, so turned on it was almost painful.
“What lesson is that?” She spat at him, her voice trembling, ruining the effect as she panted and writhed, the car at her back the only thing keeping her up. He’d barely touched her, and she was a mess.
“Where you go, I go. We are together, Manon. Does that mean the same to you as it does to me?” He slid two fingers inside her so abruptly that her knees threatened to buckle; as it was, she let out a choked moan. Every nerve, every thought focused on those fingers and how incredible they felt as he taunted her.
“Of course it does, but I still can’t lose you” Her voice was a broken thing as he pushed back inside her, thumb circling her clit again, and she rolled her hips to seek more friction.
“I can’t lose you either. Do you understand?” another finger stretched her, and her inner walls tightened around them. Her mouth was slack, and all she could see, taste, smell, and feel was Jake; he was everywhere. She could only nod; Jake hummed in approval before taking a deep draw from her mouth, the fingers inside her moving in tandem with his tongue. She was so close, the ache not satisfied by his hand. Manon whined into his mouth, impatience making her want to beg, and she never begged.
“As long as you understand, I’ll give you what you want. I need to hear the words, Manon.” He crooked his fingers and hit that spot deep inside her; a torrent of wetness drenched his hand at both his words and his talented fingers. She was out of her mind now, a creature of lust and feeling, nothing more. Somehow she found her voice.
“I understand, Jake. Fuck me now, or I’ll stab you; I can’t take anymore.”
He laughed darkly, the sound so arousing she was surprised she was still standing and not simply a 5 foot 1 pile of ash.
“That’s all you had to say; it wasn’t so hard, was it?” He had the nerve to tease her; she sneered and snapped her teeth at him, trapping that plush bottom lip and sucking it into her mouth before sliding her tongue into his mouth. Her hand wrapped around him again and gave two quick tugs, and it was as though she’d grabbed an animal by its tail. He snapped, the leash he’d had on himself gone in an instant, and he was gone. His hand slipped free of her cunt, and before she could protest, she was on the ground. The gravel biting into her ass as he pulled her trousers down her legs, leaving them trapped around her ankles. He crawled between her legs until he loomed over her, settling them around his hips, a hand braced at the side of her head, the other positioning him at her center.
Manon arched, her hands trailing down her abdomen to her cunt, her fingers slipping through her saturated folds before swirling around her clit. Jake watched her with blackened eyes, enthralled as she pleasured herself and gave a soft moan, seeming to forget what he was doing. She had to get him on the same edge she was balancing on, feeling crazed and completely untethered. Her fingers glanced over that bundle of nerves again, a moan crawling up her throat, and his eyes flashed back to hers; she smiled savagely. Manon reluctantly removed her hand, lifting her soaked fingers to his open mouth, watching through heavy-lidded eyes as he sucked them clean and swallowed her down, looking like he liked her taste. It was his undoing and her victory.
Jake buried himself inside her, and she wanted to laugh, the pleasure and sting of being taken so harshly quickly forced the urge aside. Her bare ass scraped against the concrete floor, only adding to the frenzy of lust in her body. He filled her so thoroughly she thought she might burst. The size of him always a shock and delight; she moved her hips to meet his thrusts. He was punishing her; that was clear, each vicious lunge of his hips hitting so deep inside her that she could only stare at him open-mouthed. His hands slid under her and lifted her onto his thighs so she was straddling him. He moved her as though she weighed nothing, the angle so deep and intense, turning her very vocal.
Strangled sounds escaped her throat, she had never heard them come from her before, and Jake loved it. Every time she moaned or whined, he plunged harder, she was soaked, and he had no trouble hitting that spot; only he knew how to find it. It made her feel frantic and delirious; she arched shamelessly in his arms, circling her hips and tightening her walls around him to draw a rich moan from him. Smiling as his mouth landed on her neck and sucked the delicate skin there, teeth grazing her pulse, and she jolted in his arms, felt his answering smile against her skin. Her hands turned to claws and searched for bare skin, slipping under the neck of his T-shirt to find it. She dug in her nails and scratched him, earning her a teeth-rattling thrust that made her howl. Release shimmered so close, the warning pulse making her flutter around his cock, the earlier anger making it so intense she almost couldn’t withstand it. Jake felt it and growled before turning his head to capture her mouth, silencing the insane noises she was making.
It was so fucking good. It always surprised her how well their bodies worked together, how they’d known what to do from the start, and the pleasure they could pull from the other. She was on fire, her cunt like a vice around his cock and refusing to let go, Jake cursing under his breath every time she tightened around him.
“Manon, I’m not going to last long; you feel too good; I need you to come for me.”
Manon shuddered in his arms, every movement within her so intense, too damn good she feared she would disintegrate as she flew to that edge, release waiting for her there. Her eyes flew open and found him staring at her, the love she found there, and the hand she used to rub her clit, igniting the orgasm he desperately needed from her. Two sweeps, and she was gone, nails clawing into his back as her body tensed, bowing at the force of it as it knocked the air from her lungs. She screamed, actually screamed his name. Jake fucked her brutally through it, chasing his own release. Her cunt tightened like a vice to hold him inside her as he came, her name a broken call from his lips as red and white light obscured her vision before she slammed her eyes shut.
She was trembling in his arms as she returned to herself, her body aching and boneless, held up only by the shaking arms he’d wound around her. Both were breathing hard, Manon desperately tried to piece herself back together and Jake buried his face in her sweaty neck, breathing deeply. They didn’t move for a long while, he seemed content to hold her, and she wouldn’t complain. It had grown dark as they’d fucked their frustrations out, the forest around them seeming sinister as their shadows stretched monstrously, and she shivered when the breeze ghosted over her exposed flesh. Manon rested her head on his shoulder, so grateful he’d stopped her from running into a trap. Jake hummed, shifting her weight and pressing a delicate kiss into her hair.
There was so much she wanted to say, but her tongue felt leaden, and her brain had gone to mush. Overwhelmed and exhausted by all that had happened that day, she couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so tired. Jake managed to pull himself together and say what she couldn't.
"It'll be okay. I don't know how. I don't know when. But it will be. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. I love you."
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. ❤️
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myriadxofxmuses · 6 months
Johanna Mason
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tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stifled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / laboured breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries.
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / seacucumbers / peppermint.
tagged by: @conscriptur (tysm)
tagging: @lostxones (Molly), @lunarruled, @waveofstars (Chey), @scinglives (Sarah), @fangsandmagic, @uncxntrxllable (Bailey, Lakota, or Charlie), @summerxmelodies, @heartxshaped-bruises (Zelda & Rachel), @huntrcssqueen (Theo), @blindspct (Miley)
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solarisgod · 6 months
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BOLD   -    applies ┊ italic   -   sometimes   applies   ┊ blank   -   never   applies
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tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stifled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / labored breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries.
filled notebooks / dog-eared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / seacucumbers / peppermint.
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9 notes · View notes
frederickchill · 6 months
CHARACTER AESTHETIC — Frederick Chilton.
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BOLD / ITALICIZE what applies.
tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stifled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / laboured breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries.
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / seacucumbers / peppermint.
tagged by : @joshosis ♥
tagging : @will-iam-graham @holymollygraham @omniishambles @n1atruc @hvbris @kurjaks @musesofhororr
12 notes · View notes
demonsandpieohmy · 10 months
Me, a Midwestern transplant to Southern California, watching everyone else freak out about a few inches of rain
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cartelheir · 6 months
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tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stifled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / laboured breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries.
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / seacucumbers / peppermint.
tagged by : @proofwhisky thank u ❤️ tagging : @newyorksrose / @flmed / @lcvnderhazed / @parieur / @wellfell / @doomedfist / @clownfile / @thieved / just go ahead and steal this if i forgot to tag you!!
7 notes · View notes
65ths · 6 months
𝚂𝙾𝚄𝙽𝙳𝚂. tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stifled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / laboured breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries.
𝚅𝙸𝚂𝚄𝙰𝙻𝚂. filled notebooks/ dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
𝚂𝙲𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚂. burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandalwood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / seacucumbers / peppermint.
tagged by @mcmorare (ty love!) tagging: @sangbleue @70th @gamehaunt @mehrcedita
8 notes · View notes
joshosis · 6 months
CHARACTER AESTHETIC — Josh Washington. BOLD / ITALICIZE what applies.
tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stifled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / laboured breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries.
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / seacucumbers / peppermint.
tagged by : @proofwhisky ♥
tagging : @frvckles @mieleimpuro @frederickchill @vulpineobedience @mctives @lcvnderhazed @manufactoredxbyxdesign @gcverncr @heircurse
7 notes · View notes
oakthcrn · 6 months
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 — Lark Oakthorn. BOLD / ITALICIZE what applies
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tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stifled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / laboured breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries.
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / seacucumbers / peppermint.
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tagged by: @leighiche & @proofwhisky tagging: @nightmdic @conscriptur ( nikolai ) @luminescenc1e ( aleksander ) @aercnaut @wcrriorhearts ( violet ) @soulwaned (inej) @forgedinfernal @penddraig @luposcainus
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8 notes · View notes
proofwhisky · 6 months
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tinkling of piano keys / the click of a lock / an engine starting, stalling / sinful whispers / stifled sobbing / the rattle of death / alarm blaring / a siren call / spanish guitar strumming / loud laughter at midnight / banshee screeching / drunk hiccuping / the giggle of a child / rolling thunder / disdainful chuckling / bones creaking / carefree whistling / singing off key / flesh hitting concrete / white noise / a mirror cracking / laboured breathing / a groan of pain / waves lapping at the shore / the roar of a lion / pages turning / swords clashing / deep humming / birds chirping / dial tone / tongue popping / fingers tapping a surface / crystals breaking / music turned up to the limit / raindrops on a roof / angry yelling / yawning at noon / horns going off / ravens talking / bubblegum bursting / splashing water / teakettle squeal / militia drums / wolves howling / slow, sarcastic clapping / soprano notes / whispering pleas / gregorian chants / mournful cries.
filled notebooks / dogeared books / clean shaves / empty stares / sleeping at a desk / the witching hour / driving all night / restless tides / broken windows / coffee any time / freshly baked goods / bonfires / lounging felines / circles under your eyes / bedhead / tangling in the sheets / leather jackets / paint stains / music sheets / too many tabs to find the music / weary brows / card games / messy ponytails / strained smiles / unsent texts / heart on your sleeve / slow dancing in the rain / star gazing / torn jeans / piles of clothes / filled bookshelves / hurricanes / chapped lips / cliff diving / the lights in venice / stolen kisses / poet shirts / half melted candles / empty coffee mugs / hot tea / unlaced boots / shameless flirting / too young to be so old / laced fingers / eyes in the trees / bloody knuckles / french letters / neon lights / ivy covered balconies
burnt leaves / turkish coffee / spiced rum / moss / vanilla beans / freshly cut grass / decay / sea salt / strawberries and cream / cinnamon / honey / copper / pineapple / wet dog / pine needles / wood shavings / rainsoaked bark / something sharp, indefinable / Russian tea / dandelions / squeezed limes / Italian wine / freshly laundered clothes / coming rain / hardtack and gruel / roasting flesh / something cloying in the chest / ichor / lillies in spring / pollen / damp clothes / meatpies / greasy coins / curdled milk / leather / bone marrow / wet cement / ricecakes / open paint cans / cocoa leaves / tar / apples / sandlewood cologne / orchids / molded onions / cheap perfume / mistletoe / rubber on fire / grave dirt / old books / new books / melting plastic / roses / poison oak / seacucumbers / peppermint.
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tagged by : @playedbetter ( ty.. ily... <3 ) tagging : @fuckingbiblical @timerevolt @leighiche @cartelheir @joshosis @depictedmorada @felinoir @am4zon @medicbled @oakthcrn @clochanam
12 notes · View notes