#i PROMISE i won't do that to mike. that's just going too far.
ladyseidr · 6 months
makes both michael and william car guys ( to varying extents ) -> has to research cars
#☽—— ⸢ ooc ⸥#f n a f /#.tbd.#do i LOOK like i know anything abt cars <- person whose dad was a car guy and YET#anyway yeah this is abt the fic i supposedly didn't wanna write#so yeah i guess the car william passed down to mike was a 1983 el camino because it had to be flashy (william) but not TOO flashy (mike)#and also couldn't be made in 1987 which was SHOCKINGLY difficult to find like you'd be surprised#i wanted it to be p new tho and yeah i know haha 1983 but mike didn't get it THAT year#like we can make jokes abt 1983 1985 AND 1987 let's move on (i'm kidding i'm making the jokes too)#i had a v specific image of the style of the car in my head which def narrowed down options#now i have to deal with the fact that the damn el camino had a BED and not a TRUNK#which honestly william probably loved but why am i making michael tie shit down to essentially a truck bed#also i'm going to be blunt there's no backseat makeout session now HOWEVER. i do like truck beds. car beds? whatever.#am i going to have to write the words 'car bed' in this fic. will i have to describe that this car has a bed???? fucking HELP ME#william and his stupid ass taste and also the fact that michael loves this goddamn car#michael making them go in the most inconvenient fucking vehicle VS jeremy's perfectly fine functional (less cool) car#anyway on another note when i was looking up what the interior looked like for reference#i saw one with a purple interior and laughed out loud#i PROMISE i won't do that to mike. that's just going too far.#i'm already making him strap shit to the back of a car bed i promise he doesn't have to have a purple interior OR exterior#btw yes the whole tying shit down IS going to be a joke in the fic i assure you
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slxsherwriter · 5 months
Love is a Labor
Fandom: Joy Ride
Pairings: Rusty Nail x Single Mother reader
Word count: 2,127
Warnings: None
Author's note: This is for @umnitsa who had asked for a second part of A Chance at New Beginnings and have it be fluff (sorry I couldn't expand on the further part of that request this was where my brain went). Have some soft, domestic Rusty.
Tagging: @tinalbion
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“Are you really sure about this?” The question came for what had to be the fifteenth time in the last hour. It was coming from a place of good intentions, that much was well known. But after so many times, that raw nerve of irritation was starting to flare. 
“Yes. The answer isn't going to change. It hasn't yet, and it won't.” Your friend sighed beside you, still not convinced that this was anything other than a bad idea. A fact that had also been aired out several times over the last two days. Ever since you announced the plans to meet up with Rusty. This time with Michael in tow. 
“I just…I got a bad feeling about this guy. You've met him once, talked to him, what? Three times? And now you are going to meet him with your kid?” All good and valid points. You were thankful for the concern and the worry. It meant that she cared. What she didn't know? You had been talking with Rusty almost nightly for the past month. Yeah, you had only met with him once up until now. Maybe it was a little silly, but his presence had made you feel safe, far safer than anyone else in your life had ever managed. He had already proven himself good with Michael. So why not? Did it feel a little like a rebound after what you had gone through with your ex? Slightly. But that wasn't the point. Rusty was kind, patient, and caring. You considered him a good friend. The attraction that you had to the man that had seemingly ignited out of nowhere was just a side point. 
“I get you're worried, and I appreciate it. I really do. But there isn't anything to be worried about, okay? It's not like I'm going to meet up with him at some motel. We are meeting in a public place. You know where I'll be, and there are going to be plenty of other people around.”
“I'm not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?" It wasn't defeat in her voice but awful close to it.
“Not a chance.” You leaned in and gave your friend a hug. “Everything's going to be just fine, okay? I know it.” The huff that came from her told you all that you needed to know; she didn't believe a word that you had said and was still going to panic over the entire thing. If it wasn't, well, she would get to say I told you so. Michael appeared in the doorway, wearing a grin and tucking his truck into the little backpack he carried everywhere. 
“Come on, mom.” There hadn't been this sort of impatience about him before. It was endearing and solidified your choice in this whole thing. “If we're late, we might miss him.”
“We aren't going to miss him, I promise.” You scooped your son up into your arms and smiled. “Got everything?” He nodded.
“You two be careful, okay?”.
“We will be. Let's get going then.” You got Michael's shoes on and tucked him up in his jacket before heading out the door and to the agreed meeting spot. Location services on your phone turned on as per the request of your friend and current roommate. 
Okay, so the meeting spot wasn't exactly largely full of people. You had opted for a park. Still a little dangerous, yes, but you truly weren't worried. Besides, it gave Michael open space to play and be away from the man if he did feel uncomfortable. He was four after all, being cramped into a coffee shop, or something of the like wasn't fair. The weather was nice enough, just on the right side of chilly and clouds provided just enough cover where the sun wasn't constantly beaming down into eyes. You had settled on a bench, letting Mike play with the trucks that he brought in the sand not too far off. 
“Excuse me, that seat taken?” The low, gravelly voice was one you could recognize in your sleep by now. 
“Well, I was saving it for someone,” you offered back, looking up at the towering figure with a grin. You couldn't entirely see his face from how he was standing, hat keeping half of his face shielded. “But, I guess I could offer it. You seem like a nice man.”
“Very kind of you.” Rusty moved to settle on the bench beside you. Not close enough that he was pressed against your side but enough that you could feel the heat radiating from the man. A pleasant feeling. “How are you doing today, darling?”
“I'm good. How are you?” He looked tired. Had he come right from the road here? You wouldn't have been surprised. From your understanding, he lived further south on a nice quiet piece of land. It sounded like a little slice of heaven, if you could be honest. That felt like too much to say to the man, though, so it was a thought you kept to yourself. His eyes found you before flicking briefly to Michael. 
“Got nothing to complain about.” Michael looked up and saw the man sitting beside you, and all else was immediately forgotten about, trucks abandoned in the sand to run over to you both. 
“Are you Rusty?” Rusty leaned forward just a little bit, elbows resting against his knees. 
“I am. You must be Michael.” Your son beamed at the recognition, lightly bouncing on his feet.
“Do you really drive a big truck?” Rusty chuckled softly at the eager question that came. Thankfully, he didn't seem bothered that Michael had launched right into the questioning. Others may have been. 
“I do. Even drove it here. If your ma says it's, we can go look at it.” Michael's eyes widened almost impossibly large before his head whipped to you. 
“Can we mom? Please?” He had never been in a real truck before. You could hear your friends voice screaming in your head about how terrible an idea it was, but at the same time, you truly felt no danger from the man and trusted that everything would be safe. There was also a worry that if you denied his request, the poor boy might just have spontaneous combust. There was a risk of that happening, too, with you agreeing. But it was a far better risk. 
“Of course, but you have to listen to everything he says, okay? I don't want you getting hurt because you are so excited.”
“I promise.” 
“No better time than now. Whatcha think, big man?” Michael was ecstatic, and the yes that came was both enthusiastic and loud. “Go get your stuff, and we'll go look at my truck.” If it had been a cartoon, there would have been burn marks trailing behind him. You couldn't help the small laugh and fond shake of your head. Your son was something else. 
“I think you might have made his year.” He was leaning back, and before you knew it, his arm was around your shoulders. Heavy but fully pleasant. A sensation that you could get used to quickly. 
“Now I just need to find out how to make yours.” The flirting tease had heat rising to your cheeks. There wasn't a quick response to that, and the floundering surely had to be clear to him. His warm breath ghosted over your cheek as his lips briefly pressed to the skin. “That blush is mighty cute, darling.” Yeah, he absolutely had you there. However, Michael came running back over and cut off anything else that might have been said. Standing up, you took the tiny hand that was held out to you. Though, you didn't move since Michael hesitated just a second before reaching his other out to Rusty. 
Your heart melted as he didn't seem to take even a second to think about it. His large hand dwarfed Michael's, more so than your own. Then, the three of you were off to his truck. 
Finding parking for the rig clearly hadn't been easy since it was a bit of a walk to where he had left it. Not that it seemed to matter all that much as your son's excitement filled the silence and the distance.
“You said it was black, right? Why black?” As soon as Rusty would finish answering one, another would come. “Does it have a really loud horn?” And so on it went until you came to the rig. You knew almost nothing about trucks, but the monster of a truck seemed to fit the man with you in an odd way. Rusty knelt down, letting go of Michael's hand. 
“All right. Now, I know you promised your ma that you were going to listen. And we don't lie to ma, right?” Michael nodded, staring intently at the man. “Good. Now, I'm gonna have to pick you up to get in. I don't want you climbing yourself, trying to get in or out. It's a long way up, and you could get hurt if you do fall. I need you to hold on real tight. Can you do that?” Michael glanced at you, wanting the reassurance it seemed. There was a bit of that shy nature coming out. 
“It’s okay, buddy.” Rusty waited patiently, his eyes not leaving Michael this time. “You don't have to if you don't want to, but if you want to see the inside of the truck, Rusty has to carry you up.” 
“It's up to you.” Rusty backed up the fact that no one was forcing him to do anything that he didn't want to do. A few more seconds passed before Michael finally nodded. 
“Okay.” His curiosity and eagerness about the truck had trumped the shyness. 
“All right. Let me go get it unlocked and opened up, okay?” He pushed back up and moved off to his truck after shooting you a smile. You reached out to take the backpack from your son, kneeling down beside him to help soothe any of the nerves that he still had going on. 
“This is exciting! Getting to go into a truck like that.” He nodded, eyes moving from the truck to you and back. “Everything's going to be okay.” Finally, a smile came to his face. That was more what you wanted to see. Rusty came wandering back over. 
“Yeah.” He knelt down so that Michael could come to him, lifting him up only when your son had wrapped his arms around the man's neck. You followed right alongside them, unable to help yourself from grinning as more excitement came forth from Michael. “Why don't you get in from the other side?” He suggested with a smile, one hand holding your son to him securely, the other wrapped around the grab handle. Nodding, you did just as suggested and moved to the other side of his truck, having to climb up a step before even opening the door. 
“Wow…” Rusty was already settled into the driver seat, letting Michael look around at everything. From the wheel to the mirror and beyond. He was behaving well, not touching anything. Rusty shifted him so he was more seated in his lap. 
“Go on, you can take a hold of the wheel, big man.” The gleeful laugh that came from him had the both of you smiling. His hands looked small against the wheel. In that moment, you reached for your phone to snap a picture, not even thinking to ask if the man would mind. It was just a moment that you wanted to capture. 
“This is so cool.” 
“Yeah, I guess it is.” Carefully, once Michael had his fill, Rusty set him to the side and motioned for him to head into the back of the cab, where a little bed was set up. It allowed him to explore the small space. 
“Hope you don't mind me taking a picture…” 
“Not at all, darling. Ya wanna see him get really excited?” Your cheeks actually hurt so much from smiling. It was the most that you had done since leaving the better part of three months ago. “Hey, Michael. You wanna honk the horn?” Michael scrambled back to the front so quickly that he nearly tripped and landed face first into the shifter. Rusty had managed to catch him just in time. 
“Easy there, buddy. Don't need your first ride here to be a trip to the ER.” It was a bit astounding how good he was with your son, but you couldn't have asked for more in that moment. Nothing about this had been a mistake. And it wouldn't be moving forward with whatever happened to come between you and this man. 
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letterlitter · 7 months
Karting around
Lando Norris x reader
•in which one small choice will get you to the Bahrain gp paddock.
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Lando will never forget the day you met. How you tripped on a kart and almost fell on your way to clear the tires off of the circuit the day he went karting with friends during summer break.
The hot summer day and the amount of work you had to do was not a good mixture with sleep deprivation from the final semester of your bachelor's. Picking up summer programs was not a wise choice. "At least it would end sooner" you had thought as you handed in the form. Now you regretted it.
The job in the racing track had been your motivation to keep going. After getting into Formula 1, this was the cheapest and the closest thing you could get to the experience. You started racing karts and landed a job on the same track a couple of months later. Never knowing this small choice would lead to a bigger fate and gravely embarrassing yourself infront of professional drivers of the fastest cars in the world was the price to pay to get to it.
"Be careful are you okay?" Lando reached his hand for you to hold onto to prevent you from falling. He was too far away but you caught yourself just in time.
"Yes." You exhaled sharply in relief, "this guy is begging me to ride him...that sounded so weird sorry." You pointed at the blue and yellow LN go-kart you tripped on. The track's new owner had bough quite a few of them. You even learned how to drive a go-kart on them so you were super excited about the owner visiting, wanting to look good, yet you ruined it, twice.
You looked up at Lando, who was trying not to laugh at your joke. You didn't think the joke itself was funny to him, but the way it sounded dirty was making him giggle. You noticed his eyes wrinkle when he did.
"Wanna give it a go?"
Your raised your head with the suggestion.
"So you could beat the crap out of me?" You immediately wished you lead a more polite life and wouldn't keep making yourself look worse.
But Lando didn't seem to care much. The blue of his eyes kept looking deeper in the shade.
"How about we give you a headstart? The karts are all the same it won't be like F1."
You suspiciously looked back at him, "is this a make a wish situation? Mind you I am not dying yet."
He laughed. "I promise we made this choice ourselves. It'll be fun with one more driver. Your boss told me you have experience. Come on." He gestured you to follow him.
"I sort of wish he didn't."
Five minutes later there you all were, you in your rental helmet and everyone else in their custom designed ones.
Despite your liking, they all agreed to let you start at the front of the pack with them starting a little further from the line.
The flag was waved and off you went. Pushing hard on the gas, trying so hard to beat at least one of the four people racing against you. Three were F1 drivers so you were focused on beating the other man. The only thing your mind was thinking was "don't lose" and you even surprised yourself since not even in go-kart championships, did you push so hard to win.
By the final lap your core muscles were extremely sore and your grip on the wheel felt numb. You had no idea if you had lost yet but you kept on going and you crossed the line with a simple exhale like you had kept all your breaths in the whole race. This was the first time you felt so out of your own body.
A slight tap of the finger on your helmet brought you back on earth,
"You still there?" Lando's voice sounded stuffy through your helmet.
He offered his hand which you took to stand up, taking off your helmet after. 
"Your speed was insane are you alright?" Lando put a hand on your shoulder, bending over a bit to look you in the eye, making sure you're fine.
You nodded yes and started walking towards the building to ask about your lap times.
"Lap time goes: Lando, Alex, .... wow.. y/n, George and Mike."
The "What??" You screamed was the third embarrassment you put yourself through that day. But it was all worth it. You started jumping around making weird noises to your coworker who had just read the names.
Later on George would claim he was trying to be nice and gave you the spot because he wanted to make you look good infront of Lando because he knew you two would end up together.
Lando kept coming back to kart with different groups of people. Different drivers, family members, friends. And you had become a member of their racing bunch throughout summer.
Couple days to the official new formula1 season, while your shift was ending and men with cameras were walking in to take some pictures from Lando and his Quadrant team for publicity, Lando pulled you to the side.
He started out hesitant but you didn't really notice at first.
"Before you go I wanted to ask you this once in a lifetime question."
"That would be the second one this summer then."
He smiled, you had become a little closer, a little friendlier during the summer. You felt like it was okay to try and make him laugh.
"How would you like to be a special guest in the Bahrain gp paddock? I might be able to show you around."
You didn't know what to say. Your hands started to sweat and your heartbeat got fast. Was this part of the dream you were having or was it all real?
"What? Yes of course. Yes yes."
So you exchanged numbers and he told you that your trip will be paid for. After a couple months of dating you realized that was just Lando's way of asking for your number. Offering something big to get something small. Maybe that's how it worked for the rich.
You said your goodbyes and waited a couple days for Lando to send you further information.
And this was only the beginning.
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vegaseatsass · 3 months
My Stand-In Episode 11
AUghhghhhh I can't believe next week is the last week of this series, what am I supposed to do with my life without it? (Meet You At The Blossom, you are my only hyperfixation hope)
I shan't talk about the end of the episode except to say that it feels right that Spiritual Master is the biggest MingJoe antishipper out there. Yes, he's been tirelessly advising this young master on his disastrous love life and its cosmic implications for three years, but that doesn't mean he's rooting for him or thinks the torturous time loop he's trapped everyone in is karmically sound!!!!
I also really can't get over the "every story that's not about a time loop is about a time loop" vibes of the scene too, how it was filmed, the way the master described the cycle they're in, all of it. Good stuff. But beyond that I'm zipping my lips I dare not even speculate on what is coming in episode 12.
What I do want to talk about is the Akarayota family!!
I think it is so brilliant that Ming's dad was kept fully offscreen and out of the picture until episode 10. It made him such an ominous, menacing figure. Like it seems obvious to me now that last episode, when Ing asked about telling his family and Ming said he needed to make sure it was the right time first, he was talking not about emotionally preparing himself or like, winning his family over, but about this blackmail scheme he needed to suck Mike into to "defeat" their father, which he always knew was the only option. Putting aside everything else in the Ming vs. Dad game of family ruthlessness chicken, at the end of this episode, this man was going to get his son killed in a way similar to how Ming got Joe killed: out of stubbornness, out of a refusal to believe long after he was shown that Ming would choose Joe not just over his family but over his own safety, out of a belief that he could control the situation and let Joe perish and lose nothing more than Ming's, like, will to live (but if you keep him locked in the house forever after, that won't matter, right?). You can just really see where Ming gets it from with this guy. I also have to wonder what the FUCK was going on in that household during Ming's childhood that a. the siblings are all so codependent b. Ming has learned to throw up on command c. Ming throwing up on command is something Mike has seen him do and treats as an old familiar trick.
So let's talk about the siblings! Ahhhh!!! My heart!!! When Mike first mentioned a promise, I was sure it was going to be a tit-for-tat trade where Mike owed Ming some kinda life debt (a la May saving Ming from drowning and getting pneumonia) that Ming was cashing in on. My guess was Ming had done some kind of monumental favor for Mike in their youth and Mike Owed him. But no no no! Mike's promise was made in the past three years and as far as we can see was simply borne of not wanting to see his brother in pain. I promise you, Ming, if Joe ever returns I'll do anything to help you be together, so please, for now, move on with your life. How fucking much does he love and prioritize Ming if that's a cash-in-on-able vow he'll break the law and fight their father over? How much of Mike's life is already spent cleaning up after Ming and shielding him? Again, what the fuck was going on in that household in his childhood that the oldest son in the family splits his time between business, Buddhism, and keeping his baby brother out of the line of fire? I had the thought that Ming could go to Mike for money to avoid their father, but Mike telling the loan shark "WE cannot get $500 million to you by tonight" without Ming even needing to ask him kind of said it all. Lowkey wondering if Ming is THE heir and Mike is a half-brother or illegitimate son of some kind since it does seem like the family wealth is concentrated in May and especially Ming's hands, even though Mike does nothing but work for this family lol. And May <3 I have a lot I'm mulling over in her relationship with Tong but the fact that she showed up just to shut down the line of familial manipulation that hinged on her womb was so badass. There's also something about Tong using "you chose your brother over me" as a DIVORCE JUSTIFICATION that makes me wonder if that was an ongoing conversation and threat in their relationship, that she had to prove again and again that she saw Tong as family as much as she did her beloved little brother... I do hope we see a little bit before the very end of Ming reciprocating his siblings' immense devotion to him (in ways other than "fled the country to hide that I was obsessed with your boyfriend's posterior", or tbh even gifting his perfect secretary to the brother who has always wanted him lol). But I am very compelled by what we've seen so far, that the Akarayota siblings consistently choose each other and shield each other from their powerful, terrible parents.
Last but not least, mama Akarayota! Love her writing! I love that the scene where she's accepting Joe and Mingjoe's love comes packaged with "oh yeah I was the one who destroyed your relationship with your mom teehee oops", and she doesn't even seem very sorry about it, she's just sooo happy that Joe passed her little test and loves her son and is making Ming happy and alive, and who really cares what happens to Joe's life or family. I love that she felt the urgency of Ming going to meet with the loan sharks in ways her husband didn't, but instead of working with her son or finding a way to pay the money her son-in-law owed, she just did the impulsive thoughtless rich person move of calling the cops, which escalated literally everything and missed getting Ming killed by a Joe-shaped hair. Why pay $500 million baht to criminals when you can rely on your power and the state? It's just such an automatic, instinctive, realistic choice for her to make and I love love love the consequences it came with. Basically I love that even though Ming's mother has the classic QL parent arc of moving from pressuring her son to marry women to warmly accepting that he loves a man, she does it with so much rich person violence and collateral damage along the way. There's a complexity and realism there I don't often see.
I also wanted to talk a little bit about Sol and how moving I found it that he uses "I can't get over you" as a way of connecting with Joe, empathizing with and accepting how obviously Joe is never going to get over Ming, and actually, finally letting him go. About how JOE FUCKING DYING AGAIN does in fact justify his frantic in-denial attempts to block Mingjoe a few episodes ago lol, but how beautiful it is that he was ready to let Joe go and make his own choices in this episode. About how much I wish Ming had!!! TURNED TO SOL!!!! FOR MONEY!!!! TO SAVE THE LIFE OF THE MAN THEY BOTH LOVED!!!! but that would I guess be even more of a drastic character change than Tong suddenly caring about his wife and unborn child lmao.
But I have to rewatch the episode with Laura now so we can both suffer so I will end the post here. Augh I love this series, I want it to be next Friday already I want to know what's going to happen but I also don't want it to end, augh augh augh
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thepladinsheart · 5 months
betty (byler's version)
"Okay, okay, everyone settle down!" Mike laughed into his mic as everyone was still cheering at the last song they played. "We have a new one for you and guess what?" Mike asked as he quietly strummed his guitar. "It's a new one!" Mike dragged out the last "e" in his sing-songy voice.
As everyone cheered, he looked over to very far left of the stage to see his boyfriend, Will, in the very front row, as close as he could get to the stage. Just like he promised he would be.
Mike waved and looked back to the center of the crowd where a bright stage light was waiting to blind him.
"This one is called betty." Mike smiled and looked back to Will who smiled up at his boyfriend and started cheering again.
Mike looked behind him to make sure everyone was ready to play before he started singing.
"Honey, I won't make assumptions about why you switched your homeroom. But I think it's 'cause of me." Mike began then stepped away from for the mic to shoot another glace at Will, who was already staring at Mike in awe. He smiled and stepped back up to the mic, singing.
"Honey, one time I was riding on my skateboard when I passed your old house. It's like I couldn't breathe." Mike looked back, this time holding his eyes on Will like he was the only one there.
"You heard the rumors for El and you can't believe a word she says most time, but this time it was true." El? Will thought.
"The worst thing that I ever said, was what I said to you." As soon as Will heard this line sung in Mike's sweet voice, he somehow was back in Mike's driveway and somehow, it's summer of '85 and it's pouring down raining and Mike just said, "it's not my fault you don't like girls" right to Will's face. But wait, this song is about him.
"But if I just showed up at your party, would you have me? Would you want me? Would you tell me to go fuck myself? Or lead me to the garden?" Mike sang looking back to the center of the crowd, deciding that he was staring at Will for too long.
"in the garden, would you trust me if I told you, it was just a summer thing? I'm only seventeen. I don't know anything, but I know I miss you."
Oh, Mike and Will's first fight as an actual couple. It wasn't a "real" fight. They weren't mad at each other it was just a lot of miscommunication and angst. There might've been some yelling but there were definitely a lot of tears. Mike didn't know what to do he threw himself on his bed and Will's following him.
"I feel like I don't know anything anymore." Mike cries as he can feel Will's weight sink in the bed next to him. "We're only fifteen, we both don't know anything." Will says sweetly as he reaches out to touch Mike. "I know that I love you." Mike whispers, quiet and crushing. "I love you too. And that's all we need to know right now." Will scoops up Mike as he starts to cry into Will's chest.
Will was so deep into that though he feels like he gets thrown back to the place he been in all along as Mike sings. "Honey, I know where it all went wrong, your favorite song was playing from the far side of the gym." Mike looks back at Will and jokingly rolls his eyes.
Will knows why. He laughs because he knows how insufferable he was when they were both little, listening to "Should I Stay, or Should I go? By The Clash on repeat until he couldn't anymore.
"I was nowhere to be found, you hate the crowds, you know that, plus I saw you dance with him." Will laughed again, remembering all those times Lucas would pull him off the couch at the parties he would throw after winning his basketball game. "Wow, Lucas, lookin' good." Mike said in his sarcastic tone and acts like his jealous.
Mike sang the chorus again, sounding sweeter and sweeter to Will the more he sung. but everything in the room went quiet as Mike began the bridge and the music started to get faster.
"I was walking home on broken cobblestones, just thinking of you when she pulled up like a figment of my worst intentions. She said "James, get it in. Let's drive." Those days turned into night. Sat and talked to her but, I dreamt of you all summer long."
Will knew he was talking about everyone's favorite, Max. never calling Mike by his middle name because "James just fits him better" as she put it.
Mike ripped the mic off his stand and walked downstage to the very front of the stage all the way to the right.
He sings as he looks down at the people that were in the very front row, almost pushed up against the stage. "Baby, I'm here on your doorstep and I planned it out for weeks now but, it's finally sinking in."
He slowly makes his way back to the right center of the stage. Will's laughs because he walks around the stage singing like he's performing standup comedy.
"Baby, right now is the last time I can dream about what happens when you see my face again." Mike sings and looks up again, locking eyes with Will and inching closer to stage left.
Mike keeps his eyes on Will, not caring that anyone else in the room with them. "The only thing I wanna do is make it up to you."
"So, I showed up at your party." Mike stopped as he reached stage left, stopping in front of Will. She sat down on the end of the stage, right in front of Will.
"Yeah, I showed up at your party." Mike reached a hand out and took Will's. He looked away from Will and back to the crowd.
Mike gave Will a look that basically said, "can I pull you on stage?" Will nodded aggressively, excited.
As the tempo of the song changed again, Mike dragged Will up on stage and started singing again and both of them reached center stage, right where Mike left his mic stand.
"Yeah, I showed up at your party, will you have me? will you love me? Will you kiss me on the porch, in front of all our stupid friends?" Mike laughed as Will smiled at him, beaming.
"If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it? Will it patch your broken wings? I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything, but I know I miss you." Mike continued dragging Will around. This time, down center stage.
“Standin’ in your cardigan. Kissin’ in my car again.” Mike continued as he sat in the middle of center stage, pulling Will down with him.
Will sat down next to Mike, he decided to lay in Will’s lap. “Stopped at a street light, you know I missed you.” Mike finally finished.
Only looking at Will, who smiled down at Mike as he heard everyone cheer for his boyfriend.
“Well, everyone, this is my boyfriend, Will.” Mike said, holding the mic up to Will’s mouth. “Hi!” He spoke into it. 
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mooseyspooky · 4 days
Why do you think Morrissey has been acting like this lately? Is it because Marr turn down a reunion? I don't think he only wanted the reunion for the money. I also feel like Morrissey feels irrelevant and forgotten and thought that maybe a reunion might give a new life to his career
Darren asked me about this yesterday, and I wrote a whole essay about it. I think just copying it here will be a good answer to this.
Darren: How are we feeling about the moz and Johnny news
Me: Pretty indifferent. Same shit another day. I mean they survived the court case and banged all the way through the early to mid 2000s to 2009
Moz having a tantrum is nothing new
I was very sad to hear Johnny said no to a reunion
But it's not like I don't get it
Andy passed last year
Johnny wanted Moz back in 2008 and Moz ghosted him after promising he was totally on board
Moz didn't show up for the 2006 fundraiser concert for Andy's dad's cancer
Which is pretty ruthless
Moz clearly hasnt opened a single email Johnny sent him since 2018 when Johnny filed the trademark and tried to get him to cosign
Which is insane because Johnny did it specifically to stop Mike Joyce (the Classically Smiths venture that he tried roping Andy into, though Andy backed out at the last minute. Some say because of his cancer, but I'm sure Johnny being so pissed off about it he got lawyers involved was also a part of it)
Which is literally something Moz should be gagging to do at all times 24/7
And meanwhile nothing
And then Johnny continued to try, even sending the paperwork again this year in January and nothing
So i mean why would Johnny want a reunion
Moz wants it to happen a year after Andy is buried, it's too late
Does it hurt I don't get to see them together on stage ever, yes, but I'm not like
If I was Johnny I'd be so fucking tired
Like beyond exhausted
Sharing a stage with him?
Putting up with him on tour?
Moz canceled over 50% of shows last year
No explanation, sometimes on the _day of_
Just wouldn't do them
I mean Johnny won't cancel a show if his grandma dies
Moz just
Cancels cause it's a slightly breezy day out and that offends him
Yes I love Moz, I am his ride or die, I will go to my grave obsessed with him and everything about him
But I am aware and understanding he is extremely fickle and can be very stupid
This is all happened, literally all of it, cause Johnny made very light fun of him on Twitter
Like barely a joke
Johnny saw some popular girl on Twitter who is a super fan
Saw she mentioned a reunion
Didn't tag him
And Johnny posted a picture of a far right dude in England that Moz protested the treatment of in prison one time like- i don't know. 7 years ago
They put the guy in a prison where he was at high risk, and Moz made a slight offhanded comment saying it was cruel
So now here we are, with Johnny posting a picture of a guy
To a Smiths super fan
Who didn't tag him
Who mentioned a reunion
Because she saw Oasis get back together
And Moz got _so upset_
He decided to throw an absolute shit fit
And now Johnny has to be like literally can you calm down
And in some ways I understand both sides
Moz just
His sort of...recurring thing
Is that he really really hates when Johnny won't stick up for him
Or when Johnny is quiet when people are dog piling on him
Johnny did that a lot in the 90s
During the NME smear campaign, for instance, and the court case
And it really broke Moz up
Like, and I can imagine it did hurt
To be so close and so in love and meanwhile Johnny won't do anything. Just sit there and refuse to say anything
That's probably heartbreaking
Especially with Moz being so. Like. Blindly in belief that Johnny is forever innocent, forever perfect ("the always innocent young cabin boy")
There is no flaw
But Johnny is a human being, too, who has a lot going on
And to then see Johnny, here in 2024, once again. After 30 years not stand up for him
But instead making teasing posts on Twitter
Even if they're not cruel
I could see it causing Moz to have a meltdown
Should he be? At 65? No. He should be over it
But he's not
He still wants Johnny to love him, to defend him
And so yes he did have a total split from sanity for a bit but at the end of the day. I think the underlining thing is is that it stems from Moz being so deeply infatuated with his first love that he can't stand even the slightest notion Johnny isn't still as infatuated with him
Johnny was able to move on, to continue to keep his marriage, he was able to maintain friendships and have a lot of normal stuff that Moz couldn't because autism
Undiagnosed unrecognized autism but all the same
Moz is still, in his mind, deeply entrenched in the belief that Johnny is perfect and slight diversions from that cause major malfunctions
Moz clearly doesn't give a shit about the trademark thing. He's ignored it since 2018. Moz has talked about loathing albums being repackaged (Paint a Vulgar Picture), so clearly the greatest hits thing doesn't really bother him
Moz wanting a reunion, sure. Okay. Maybe that stung but my god he had to expect it
So what does Moz care about?
That's it. Period.
He wants Johnny to love him and be obsessed with him forever, and that's the long and the short of it so.
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OKAY I’M A GNC VIRGIN SO NATURALLY… I can confess my little (not so little) corruption kink to you 😁 I always think about how Saul would absolutely 10000000000% hire someone especially after finding out they’re still pure through his Saul-style background checks. He’d fetishize the fuck out of them for it and absolutely do the honors while talking really extremely about it, I just feel it in my bones. After all he wants new blood :3 Just imagining the things he’d say… I AM A WHORE!!!!
combining w/ this
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warning: very mild transphobia (saul is a gross chaser and he's learning)
anatomical terms: boobs, vagina/pussy, dick/cock
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Saul Goodman always asked his private investigator to get information on people he worked with. Be they long term clients or his own staff, he wanted to know who he was associating with, inside and out. He wasn't going to get caught with his pants down by dealing with someone he couldn't trust. And after you joined his team as his paralegal, you were subject to the same treatment. He honestly wasn't expecting Mike to find much dirt on you, and he didn't. Almost nothing, in fact, but what he did find was far more intriguing than Saul could have ever imagined. He almost didn't believe what Mike told him.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay. Let me see if I'm understanding you correctly. Kid's never been in a relationship before. Total virgin. I get that. But you're saying he was born a chick, and wanted to be a dude, so he took some hormones and got his boobs chopped off? Are you for real? You can do that?" Saul had asked.
"That's what his medical records say." Mike had answered. "He's been filling a testosterone prescription for 2 years now, and his 'chest masculinization surgery' was last year. Got a copy of the newspaper publication for his name change, too."
"Did he, uh..." Saul bit his lip and tried to think of a non-creepy way to ask his probably-very-creepy question, "Did he get the downstairs touched up, or is he still rocking the original hardware?"
Mike rolled his eyes. "Doesn't look like he had any other surgeries. Guessing that means he hasn't changed it. Now, you know I'm not one to question your motives, but why is it that you care so much about your paralegal's genitalia?"
"Hey, I'm just trying to get the full story here," Saul had said as a quick excuse, "The world's changing! If men can have vaginas, I say let 'em! I'm always an advocate for self-determination."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Mike had packed up his things and headed for the door. "Just promise me you won't antagonize him over this. He's a good kid. I'd hate for you to scare him off."
"I promise."
That's what he had said, but Saul could barely hide the excitement on his face when you walked in on Monday morning.
"Well, well, well! Look who it is!" Saul laughed and held his arms out for a hug. "Bring it in champ!"
You shrugged and took him up on it, not knowing that he was looking for an excuse to feel your body pressed against his. "Alright, sure!" You said before subjecting yourself to his tight embrace. "What's got you in such a good mood today?"
Saul's hands started to wander down your back and around your sides to your hips. He hadn't noticed how curvy you were before, but now it was all he could think about. "Well, I, uh... I figured you're not all that used to physical intimacy. Thought I'd show you some of what you're missing."
It took a second for his words to register in your brain. “Wait, what?" You pulled yourself out of his arms. "What are you talking about?"
Saul couldn't hide the satisfaction he was feeling. He wore it plainly on his face, and his voice dripped with it. "Your background check came back clean. Very clean. Pure, I should say."
You could tell he was fucking with you, but you had no clue why or what you were supposed to say to that. "Uh... Okay? Is that a good thing, or-?"
Saul needed a new skincare routine, one that stopped smugness from oozing out his pores. "Depends! You saving yourself for marriage? Cause then I guess you're on the right track."
You gulped. So that’s what he was talking about. “N-No, I’m not. I just… haven’t found the right person.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” Saul pursed his lips and went back over to his desk. “Well, I imagine it’s difficult with your setup and all. Probably hard to find someone so understanding.”
“My… setup?” You asked, wondering just how meticulous his background check process was. Must've been pretty damn meticulous if he found out the details of your lifeless sex life. “What, uh… what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, you know what I mean.” Saul kicked his feet up on his desk, grabbed a pen, and pointed it at you. “Man from the waist-up, woman from the waist-down? I bet that freaks people out, huh?” He chuckled as he set the pen down and took a sip of his coffee. “Not me, though. I’m pretty open-minded. Gotta say, it actually sounds pretty hot.”
"Oh... uh... tha-... thank you...?" Workplace harassment had never seemed so flattering. You wanted to be disgusted. You wanted to throw that coffee in his face, call him a pig, and storm out of his office demanding your last paycheck in the mail. But you didn’t. It was the first time anyone had considered you a sexual being, let alone an attractive sexual being. Rationale and dignity be damned, you wanted more of his attention, but you didn’t want to seem desperate. “So, uh… where do we go from here?”
“We don’t have to go anywhere. Why, did you want it to go somewhere? ‘Cause if you do..." Saul got up from his desk again and strode over to you, brushing some of your hair behind your ear. "...I'd be happy to lead the way." He pressed a tender kiss to your lips, and you, not expecting it whatsoever, tensed up immediately. Saul noticed and pulled back. "Oh, baby boy, have you never even been kissed?"
You shook your head, embarrassed by your own innocence. "N-No..."
Saul didn't even try to hide his excitement. He couldn't believe his luck. He reacted with condescending sympathy. "Ohhh, you poor thing! Whatever am I gonna do with you?"
The answer to that, you'd come to find, was apparently 'strip you half-naked and sit you on his desk.'
"Now, you just lay back and enjoy yourself, okay, baby? I'm gonna help you get ready. I promise, you're gonna love this." He said as he rubbed your bare thighs, gradually lowering his face between them.
"Okay..." You sighed, staring up at the ceiling, not a clue what to expect. There's only so many options when someone puts their face up to your junk, but you had no idea what it was gonna feel like.
Saul spread your lips apart to inspect your virgin anatomy, the first one to explore new, uncharted territory. He'd been through this countless times before, though never with anyone like you, and he liked what made you special. "Aw, how cute! You got yourself a tiny little dick, huh? Is that from the hormones?" Saul chuckled and pressed down on it with his thumb.
Your breath caught in your throat and your body jumped upon contact. "Ah... y-yeah, uh... the testoster-oh! F-Fuck!"
While you were talking, Saul used your distraction as a chance to shove his face into your pussy, swirling his tongue under your foreskin and sucking your mini-cock into his mouth. He even slipped his tongue into your hole and pumped it in and out, probably to give you a preview of what was next. You grabbed his hair and whined, holding on to keep yourself somewhat in the moment with him. You briefly glanced down at him; your eyes met; and he fucking winked.
You threw your head back against the desk and looked up at the ceiling again. Your head was swirling in a way it never had before. It just felt so good. So sloppy, so wet, so electrifying.
By the time Saul pulled his face up, his mouth was literally dripping, and he was gasping for air. He looked unhinged. "Jesus Christ... Are you sure you're a virgin? You're soaking wet."
"I... wha...?" You blushed and hid your face in your hands. "Oh, god... s-sorry..."
"Aw, honey, no, don't apologize for that!" Saul got up off his knees and stood up. He pried your hands away from your face and interlocked his fingers with yours. "It just means you're excited! You must want it really bad, huh?"
You did, but the uncertainty of it all was still so scary. "Mhm... it's, uh... it's not gonna hurt, right?"
"Nope! It shouldn't 'cause I ate you out first. That's what I meant by getting you ready. And you were quite the tasty treat, buddy." He booped your nose to get you to smile, and it worked. You felt calmer instantly. "You good to go?"
You took a deep breath, the air whistling on your exhale. "Y-Yeah, I think so."
Saul worked on pulling himself out of his pants. He lined up his fat cock with your virgin hole and poked it, testing your reaction. You seemed okay, so he slowly, ever so slowly, slid inside and stretched you out. The both of you let out low, deep groans, savoring the new, deep connection you shared with each other.
"Phew..." Saul sighed as he bottomed out in you. "God, that's good, kid. You're the tightest little thing I've ever had my cock inside." He pulled back, nearly all the way out, and then snapped his hips forward. You squeaked, and he did it again. "So... fucking... good..."
So fucking good was an understatement. You wrapped your arms around his back and clung to him, moaning softly and timidly as your sleazy boss took your virginity. You'd always imagined your first time would be romantic and sweet, and on a bed, not hasty, nasty fucking on the desk where your paychecks were signed. Oh well, either way, it felt fucking fantastic.
As was the case with everything else in his life, Saul had lots to say. "Yeahhh, that's it, baby boy, that's it. Take it. I ne- I never... Mmm, never would've thought you had a pussy like this. So wet for me... so warm... so fucking tight... And I get to be the one to break it in... Making me believe in God again, kid... Cause you... you're a fucking angel..."
Hearing his affectionate praise, feeling his firm strokes inside you. The way he talked to you, touched you, kissed you, tasted you. This may have been your first time with anyone, but you could tell it wouldn't be your last with him.
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blackstarchanx3new · 1 year
Creations AU, But I obnoxiously over explain it PT 3
Pages 61-90
Back at it again with Mike and his silly little adventures in Freddy's.
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What'd you see.
Stop being vague.
Who are these creepy masked people???
The bullies from FNAF four
Damn if only there was an entire side comic FNAF 4 cough cough I made about them that will explain that lol. We'll get to the side comics I promise. ;)
Whatever he saw, he's terrified to re-live.
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Someone got hurt-
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What the hell are you apologizing for exactly?
What'd you do?
None of those people in the masks were you...
We can tell cause they actually had a skin tone lmfao.
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Oh that could use some cream.
So that's why "the bite" kept making Mike uncomfortable...
This kid got his head munched on.
And it wasn't ACTION but LACK of action he's cowering in fear from a child over.
Side note this panel out of context is hilarious and I won't pretend it's not.
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Hi Bonnie! :D
He is the best.
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Damn okay.
What's reality?
Ominous poster of the yellow Freddy for sure isn't important.
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Haha Mike ya have episodes like this often? Often enough he composes himself afterwards.
He's utterly bamboozled Bonnie apparently SAW the kid he was chasing so...maybe.
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That smirk is unsettling.
So this part of the building used to be "Fredbear's" the place Michael's favorite animatronic "Spring Bonnie" is from and mentioned earlier. Fredbear is clearly the one who bit the child.
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I'd be scared too Bonnie thousand yard stares are concerning.
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That's hysterical coming from the clearly possessed giant rabbit but go off I guess-
He's obviously trying to make Mike feel better which is nice of him. UwU
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Aww. Hug how sweet.
So now we know a bit more about Mike. Let's review:
This nameless kid Mike saw die was obviously Michael's brother Cody Afton from all the context clues we've been given:
Mike's reaction to Micheal bringing up Fredbears, due to it being a traumatic event.
Cody being "Bit"
Mike doesn't seem TOO sure they're the same person but we know it is.
Mike blames himself for not doing anything at the time to stop Cody's head from getting crunched.
Mike's grasp on reality is...Flimsy. Self admittedly he thinks it's flimsy and he knows when he needs to go home when it's too much.
Mike is desperate for comfort over his trauma with Freddy's and Bonnie's a cool dude who'll give it.
You'd think Bonnie would be a bully from his intro but he's actually a super caring guy, he just can't stand people who purposely cause problems.
Bro comes in clutch with the hugs.
You can see why Freddy would run to this guy to solve issues haha.
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So from those first panels we know 1 thing:
He had no clue Ennard was in the room with them. So add stalking to the list of creepy things that clown robot has done so far.
My god it's an old man-
He's Micheal's dad! :D William Afton!
Alright I'm gonna stop being goofy and vague for a moment:
It's obvious he's evil as fuck and for the people who like to bitch he has a personality in this comic or ANY media where people give William a personality: Stop making excuses as to why you write him one note you cowards, you can give him a personality without condoning what he does lmfao. Only a bad writer would say you HAVE to make him one note for him to work. Fucking morons actually you are stupid if you believe that.
If you wanna make him cartoonishly evil with NO redeeming qualities: Cool. Whatever. Just shut the fuck up don't act like yours is "Better" because you can't think of ways to make him anymore interesting.
Everyone's William caters to their tastes. Nobody's is PERFECT. I only judge stupid vapid bitches who complain about other interpretations while blowing smoke up their own asses. Because an ego isn't pretty on anyone lmfao.
The idea giving William a personality makes you a terrible writer/person needs to die I'm sorry that's such a stupid as fuck idea idk who came up with it but kindly stop writing and stop giving writing advice. UwU With love~ From me!~
Anyways I've spoiled William is a bad person who does a bad thing, Won't say what yet but all the death in the building can give ya some ideas. And apparently because William is bad guy there's "Rules" on how to write him. From a bunch of 12 year olds who dunno how to write but I digress.
I detest the idea of that. Because let's be real all FNAF characters are blank slates and the idea of squashing creativity is dumb. Literally go wild with your FNAF AUs.
Rant aside: William seems to be a bit of...An ass.
Just slightly manipulative and rude language towards his only living child it's fine-
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Ah yes. He also demands physical affection.
We get Michael's age, he's 23 aka still a damn baby.
Also, William and Michael are British.
Since we're on voices:
Mike Schmidt would sound like Legoshi from Beastars lmfao. I imagine Bonnie with a new York accent. Freddy sounds like a lady.
We finally get to see what Ennard and Michael interact like together...
Michael doesn't seem to put up with him.
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Ennard's kind of a prick.
Also apparently they have a HISTORY.
One that involves Michael talking shit about his father...
For people who know shit about the games: Yes Ennard is possessed by the same person from the games.
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Hah Michael tricked him.
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Okay so everyone in Michael's life is manipulative towards him.
Also Ennard is a raging hypocrite.
Also conformation William is an owner not just a robot maker. (Can't remember if this was brought up earlier again some of these pages are 2 years old lmfao)
Also this comic assumes you got SOME Fnaf knowledge. I'd hope it's still interesting for those of you who are here for my other stuff! XD
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Like ouch Ennard ya don't gotta be such a jerk.
Also Mike is cute.
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This panel unironically is one of my favorites because this man doesn't scream in terror at any of the terrifying robots:
It's the gay guy he's trying to befriend he screams like a little girl at.
Another help wanted joke about the Faz token under the cupcake in the office.
Michael just wants to hang out with Mike obviously.
Despite all the shit he's clearly going through dude puts on a very pointy smile.
This man is built like a cat.
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Lol they made pizza together. How cute.
Hah bro is apologizing for something he didn't even do nor has control over-
Is it obvious Michael is abused yet?
Going real unsubtle here: Everything about Michael shows off he has been abused in some way shape or form.
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Michael wants to think he's being friendly for reals despite clearly having second thoughts due to Ennard.
Bro is desperate for a connection with someone.
Mike c'mon Bonnie's so sweet how could you- X'D
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Few things: William doesn't "Let" Michael do things.
If it wasn't apparent he was controlling as hell before it sure is now.
Also Michael is embarrassed of his interests.
Also the locker:
Again we see an instance of Michael going by "Mike" as his locker literally just has a piece of paper tapped over it adding the rest of his name lmao.
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Michael is used to being toyed around with that is sad.
Bonnie continues to be a sweetheart even when he's off screen. X'D
Mike attempts to relate to Michael's interests once again.
Also another instance of Bonnie lying his ass off about how close Michael and him are:
He knows Michael's locker combination and puts gifts in there lmao.
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Mike clearly likes that plush a lot. Maybe he likes Chica a lot lmao. Who knows.
One thing to note:
If Michael's working day shifts and night shifts...when does he sleep?
Grant it, it isn't ALL THE TIME but still bro's sleep schedule must be OBLITERATED.
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Oh hi giant floating head in the hallway you're stalking Michael too huh?
This is just two sides of someone's brain arguing with itself that the entire positive interaction they just had was terrible AND the other party hates them.
And that comparison only makes more sense down the road.
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Yeah Michael you tell him. You don't need to take that from him.
Jeremy's a cool dude.
Also the fact the kids pay no mind to this argument is funny.
Also Ennard taking genuine offense to Jeremy being a better friend lmao. Anyone can be a better friend than Ennard. X'D
We hit the image limit but oh boy. So much joy in this update.
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poethebeloved · 1 year
anyway, here are my qsmp election thoughts:
-I think q!Cellbit/Forever are the most qualified in terms of adequate game knowledge, desire to drive forward the lore, community support, and passion for the position. HOWEVER as a viewer it is the most boring choice. I enjoy qsmp for the serious lore AND the goofy funny stuff, and I think that insaneduo are a little too serious for it to be an interesting outcome. I also think that while being president might motivate their charcters in an interesting way, the aftermath of losing the presidency might be even more interesting and could start a q!Forever villain arc which I personally would enjoy a lot
-q!Baghera would be a good choice for her heart and passion, and it would be a good move for her character, but I think she fundamentally lacks the presence needed to convince people to vote for her. If she was able to take more control over the debates and presented her points with more confidence she would be a more formidable opponent
-q!Etoiles would be an extremely good pick due to his knowledge of the land itself and the mods. He is also extremely charismatic and everyone seems to love him, despite him not being overly interactive with the others on the island. But, like q!Baghera, he lacks a presence necessary to be president, and because he is generally more comfortable on the sidelines I don't see him pulling the necessary votes
-q!Mike, q!Felps, and q!BBH would be good choices if not for the other candidates who are such powerhouses. These three simply fall into the background. I think they work more as counsel members/those in the presidential cabinet because they work well as sources of knowledge/power/etc., just not as leaders themselves
-ElQuackity would be the choice that I think presents the most narrative opportunity, but I think it is something that has been seen before (the bad intentioned candidate wins, usually by unfair means, leaving the rest of the characters in a state of despair but motivating them to fight back against a common enemy). Further, he hasn't presented much in the debates other than defending himself (though I feel this is mostly because the federation is using him as a pawn and they have programmed him with as little information as necessary, leaving his presidential promises vague). If the story is going as people expect, he will win no matter what, but I would also love to see q!Quackity somehow come back/regain control and stop things before it all goes to hell (because it will 100% go to hell if ElQuackity is elected)
-Gegg is by far (and I do not say this lightly) the best choice for president. I know it sounds wild, but Gegg is the candidate that presented the most level-headed and dogmatically coherent arguments in the debate, all of which actually would help the island from a lore prespective. His based views with his slimy goopy exterior makes him the best choice that is a perfect balance of serious lore potential and silliness. Of course he won't win because he is fucking Gegg (unless we get a full Geggolution and he can speak bc there is no way they are electing a president who has to write on signs), but I think he genuinely has the votes and the overall love by those on the island
-Now we come to q!Foolish. I know he seems like the purely silly candidate, and most of how he has approached the election has been from a strictly comedic relief standpoint, BUT I think he is the best candidate to win with a real chance of doing so. I think narratively it presents a perfect opportunity for q!Foolish to go full villain if he wanted, or to generally develop as a character as he takes on responsibility. He is on the server a ton, everyone loves him, and he has one of the strongest members as his partner. Not only that, he is generally knowledgeable about the game and the land, he knows about and is involved in the lore, and he is first and foremost creatively wired. He will offer the silliness that the qsmp needs while having those closest to him (like q!BBH and q!Cellbit) who are very lore-focused and can push him in certain directions to make lore decisions. The only fault I find is that q!Foolish is an english speaker, and I would love if another culture/language was represented in such a position, but it isn't a deal breaker for me. Truly I think electing q!Foolish would be the most narratively interesting choice while also allowing for the qsmp to stay silly, which is one of the largest appeals and what many creators who are more lore-focused come to the server for
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shinewonder · 1 year
Whats ur interpretation of fnafs lore
All of it? Well, i'm no good theorist, so most of the things here might be wrong and are just opinions, really! Won't even go over the steel wool games because ruin is about to come out...
>Bite of 83 happens first (Why: It gives William a motive to kill; Gives a reason for Henry to make the security puppet; "Don't you remember what you saw?" doesn't mean it was a murder that he saw per se, this could relate to "What's seen in shadows is easily misunderstood in the mind of a child", what was misunderstood might've been an employee putting on the fredbear suit; "Not until i undo what he has done and heal this wound. A wound that was first inflicted on me" doesn't necessarily imply that this "wound" is the very first thing to happen in the story, just that Charlie was William's first victim, the Crying child's death could be left out of that speech since that wasn't something William did; Midnight motorist's name in the game code is "Later that night", what night? The night Charlie is murdered, maybe. Her death is also a minigame in pizza sim, so it works as an allusion to it and in Midnight motorist we play as William driving around, he steps out of his car to kill her as seen in "Take cake to the children". This minigame, however, shows some things that make me believe CC is already dead and is golden freddy, which i'll mention later) >Crying child was always in agony, this amplified his remnant and gave the Fredbear plush sentience (Why: Fredbear plush's presence in fnaf world [Which is canon! Not the gameplay part, obviously Freddy Fazbear and his gang aren't throwing giant pizzas at Rainbows, but the hidden lore in it] relates to his "I'll put you back together" promise; The color change in text. Why would William show up to see his son in the hospital and refer to himself as the fredbear plush? It's not him anymore) >CC possesses golden freddy and haunts Michael (Why: Midnight motorist's person watching tv is far too understanding to be Mike, considering the things he does in fnaf 4's minigames; The place that makes the most sense for the son to go is the grave, why else would it be there if it wasn't important?, but Mrs Afton is never really mentioned anywhere, what would be the purpose of making her be dead and never even show that that's the case?; The bigger footprints aren't human, this can't be an animatronic or a springlock suit - it's raining, golden freddy has far more supernatural abilities, he teleports to the office and jumpscares you with his head flying towards you; Fredbear plush uses the same words on fnaf world's clock ending as he does on CC's death and on fnaf world we are seen making the fnaf 3 minigames which lead to the happiest day, implying that the kid with the golden freddy mask and that possesses him is CC, recieving the birthday he never got to have; Why can't the son go to "that place?" If it's CC's grave and he's coming back to taunt him, maybe Mike's going there to check his grave, and William who doesn't believe his son's soul is tormenting his brother is angry he just won't stop going there no matter how many times he's told him not to; "It's me") >William becomes an alcoholic and kills Charlie in a drunken rage
>Discovers Mike might've been right about fredbear showing up to haunt him and deduces that's his son through seeing the puppet being possessed and decides to put him back together >The MCI happens >Charlie uses CC's remnant to give life to the MCI kids (Why: Give gifts, Give life's last kid, golden freddy's kid, never is given any masks by the puppet, he already has one; When CC dies we can see the main 4's plushies disappear one by one; "Why would the tiny toy chica be missing her beak" because the crying child's memories had an effect on the souls; Why do we only have to put CC back together? Maybe "you're broken" refers to his remnant being taken away from him; this one's a stretch, but maybe the "was it me?"s and "1987"s on fnaf 4's teasers relate to cc's memory of how he died having an influence on the bite of 87 happening) >Jeremy Fitzgerald suffers the bite of 87, with Mangle being the one to do it >(This one's more of a headcanon, really, but) William convinces Mike to help him collect remnant without telling him what it really is. remorseful over what he did to CC, he agrees and becomes Fritz smith and later Mike Schmidt (Why: "It was right where you said it would be" and "I'm going to find you" mean William was still around and in touch with Mike before sl, which places that game after fnaf 1, since the minigames that have William getting springlocked show that the animatronics he dismantled were the originals. Considering that, the popular notion that Michael was working as Mike S and Fritz to find his dad doesn't really work. The logbook shows sketches of fnaf 1 and 2 animatronics so he was around by then, but what were his motivations? What does tampering with the animatronics entail in-universe? My best guess is since he went along with what his dad said in sl, couldn't he have done it before? While his dad was killing on the dayshift, he was helping him by night, analysing the animatronics and extracting remnant from them, and when he ultimately got fired in 1, his dad went back to get the remnant Mike couldn't and got springlocked. i don't think Michael would approve of helping the murders, if we consider him Fnaf 3 and pizza sim's protags. plus i don't think the tone he uses regarding his father on that cutscene was particularly fond, though it was kind of vague. so if this is the case, then he had to have accepted due to not understanding the reality of the substance they were getting, believing he was atoning for what he did to CC and putting his family back together, only realizing what really was going on on sl)
>The funtimes are made and Elizabeth dies (Why: this one has to be placed later for the progression to make sense - killing with the suit -> robots that kill for you) >Fnaf 1 happens, William becomes springtrap >Sister Location happens and Mike turns on his dad >Mike lives due to Elizabeth believing he's her dad (Why: "You won't die" = remnant transfusion; "They thought i was you"; Baby's desire to make her father proud) >The box had Fnaf World in it, Michael plays it so he can put his brother back together and give him his happiest day as Fredbear plush guides him during fnaf 3 (Why: "What's in the box? It's the pieces put back together" -> Fnaf world is about putting CC back together - Clocks = memories, "i will put you back together", relation to happiest day, map looks like a brain; Open box on fnaf world's files; Mike's Fnaf 3's protag [considering the logbook's drawings] + Fnaf 3's minigames = Mike's fnaf world's protag) >Pizza sim happens >UCN follows Mike being held in purgatory by CC (TOYSNHK) while the other kid that forms Golden freddy torments William (Why: "The one you should not have killed" Why shouldn't you have killed this one in particular? If it's Michael who we play as, CC would fit as he's the only one Mike's killed; The roster - Why would william be haunted by the nightmares or the mediocre melodies if he didn't have any connection with them?; The character that approaches Old Man Consequences in Ucn has the same sprite as fnaf world's protag character; "Leave the demon to his demons" as William screams on the background; Old Man Consequences is an alligator, Andrew wore an alligator mask in "the man in room 1280", but this character does not seem to have any issues with the player, Mike didn't kill him)
Another thing that i believe, but doesn't really change anything is that CC is Cassidy (Why: SenshiOfSadness on reddit found that the logbook's foxy grid's answer is "is springtrap"; Faded : "The party was for you", Altered text: "It was for me" = the altered text's writer's name isn't decided by the foxy grid, William afton isn't ever celebrating his birthday after all, so the other name that was found on the logbook, Cassidy, is the Altered text writer's; It makes very little sense, narratively, to introduce one character that's heavily associated with his birthday [Dying on his birthday, Fnaf world + happiest day connection] and just have some other kid also have a party be for them; The altered text knows far too much about CC's life; To me, Afton family reunion works better as a story than William and Mike are having a conversation and Cassidy just likes to gossip. I still do believe in golden duo though, it's just that Cassidy is the Afton and the other one has no name yet, maybe it's Andrew?)
Wow this got long...
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lighthouseas · 1 year
He shouldn't be up. Mike steals a glance at the clock on his nightstand -- the red numbers read 1:30 AM. He's clutching a book, his eyes burning open from the little slivers of light his lamp provides against the darker than usual night.
He supposes evil alternate dimensions did that sort of thing. Made everything...darker.
But even so, Holly shouldn't really be up, either. In fact, it's even worse that Holly is up. If his mom finds out, she'll kill him.
Mike rubs his eyes, the action causing him to see spots. He blinks them away, eyes adjusting to the darkness. Holly is standing at his door, white nightgown illuminated against the blackness of the hallway.
"Hol, go back to bed."
Holly shuffles, bunny slippers digging into the soft carpet. She clutches her aged stuffed dinosaur -- Growly (Mike has a matching one named Rory) -- and stares at the ground.
"I can't," she murmurs.
Mike forces himself to sit up. His back aches with the effort; the slouching position hadn't been good for him.
"Why not?"
Holly's lip trembles, and Mike prays that she doesn't start wailing and wake their mom up.
"I'm-- I'm scared. I had a nightmare."
At this, Mike feels his heart break. He hadn't considered this; that Holly has no idea what's going on, that as far as she knows, this "earthquake" is consuming everything-- including her small, six year old world that she's barely had time to adapt to.
He blinks, dry eyes suddenly moistened.
"And you--" he swallows, "came here?"
Holly nods. She shuffles again. "Can you read me a story?"
"Read you a--" Mike glances at the time again, which now reads 1:33 AM. "Hol, you need to be in bed right now. It's way too late."
"Then why are you awake?"
Okay. She's got him there.
"That's different." It isn't, really. Mike has been having nightmares almost every night, now, which are only satiated with the occasional hot milk that he has the rare privilege of indulging in (given the supply shortages). Tonight is one of the nights where sleep didn't want to come, so he just decided to read instead.
"No it's not," Holly says, because she knows when Mike is lying even despite her age.
Mike cracks a small smile. "Is too."
"Is not."
Mike giggles quietly, missing the familiarity of sibling banter, and pats the spot next to him on his bed. This isn't the first time he's read to Holly: since fall 1985, it'd become a common occurrence. Their mother used to do it, but had stopped after the weekly fights with their dad had turned into almost daily fights. Now, all their mom seemed to want at night was "time to herself" and since the first night where she'd coerced Mike into reading to Holly before bed with a promise of five dollars, it'd since become a free tradition. 
Honestly, Mike didn't mind. He took pleasure in reading in voices and listening to Holly's comments on the story so far (positive and negative). She was very observant, and oftentimes predicted elements of the plot before they happened. And, now that she'd started kindergarten, she'd sometimes ask to read some of the book "for" Mike. And he'd let her, because she actually wasn't a bad reader. In fact, she was the best in her class-- but no one else seemed to know this fact except Mike.
Holly hops up next to Mike. He notices the slight bags under her eyes reflected in the lamplight, but decides not to comment on them. She rests her head on his shoulder, burrowing under the covers and huddling close for warmth.
"What's the book?" Holly pokes the page Mike is on.
Mike side eyes her, and sighs. "The Hobbit. I dunno if Mom will want me reading it to you--" The age rating isn't quite right for Holly, and he really doesn't want to get yelled at on top of...everything.
"No. Read it. I won't tell."
Holly is many things, but she isn't a snitch. Mike has to make sure, though.
Holly nods. "Promise."
Just for fun, Mike bends down and pokes the stuffed dinosaur that Holly is currently holding against her chest.
"Growly too? You know how he gets..." Mike shakes his head in mock disappointment.
Holly scowls, evidently having taken the comment seriously. "Yes, Growly too. He'd never tell."
Mike throws his hands up in defense. "Just making sure, considering--"
"Mike. The story."
"Okay, okay. Let's see..."
Only ten minutes later, Holly has stopped making whispered comments on the story; she breathes softly against Mike's shoulder, having fallen fast asleep. Growly sags out of her arms, which have gone limp with sleep. Mike looks at the clock.
1:45 AM
Gently, Mike lays Holly down, tucking the covers over her. She doesn't stir (she's a heavy sleeper), and snores lightly. Mike giggles, and then yawns.
He's tired.
He looks out of the window, and red lightning illuminates the sky.
Then, he looks at Holly, asleep in the wrong room, but still appearing somewhat peaceful.
And before he can register it, Mike falls asleep, too.
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Alright, I'm rewatching st 04×02 and I'm going to write stuff while it happens so I don't forget anything.
I'm going to dissect the episode by scenes, so it's going to be pretty long, but whatever.
1) Max and the boys
Nothing much to say here, but I like that it's pretty clear who Lucas and Dustin listen to the most in the serious kinds of situations. (Lucas looking at Mike after Max asked him what they were talking about, Mike shaking his head and Lucas not even hesitating to turn Max off.)
(Also, Mike being the one to stay with Will, and he probably asked Lucas to bring the others outside)
2) Joyce and Will(+ the MF)
There's so much r@pe analogy in there I don't even know where to start, and I don't think I'm going to go too far on this subject anyway because oh boy, does that make me uncomfortable.
I know people who have been r@ped before, and the way Will talks about what he feels during his episodes are so similar to how they talk about their assault. Also, the flashbacks are cristal clear about these implications. Moreover, Will feels guilty of letting the MF get to him.
(here's a direct copy-paste of the subtitles)
Will: And I tried.
I tried to make it go away.
But it got me, Mom.
Joyce: But what does that mean?
Will: [crying] I felt it... everywhere.
I-- I still feel it.
[sobbing] I just want this to be over.
Joyce: It's okay. It's okay. Hey.
Listen. Look, look at me.
Will: [sniffles]
Joyce: I will never, ever let anything bad happen to you ever again.
Whatever's going on in you, we're gonna fix it. I will fix it.
I promise. I'm here.
Alright. Now let's get out of the MF/possession situation, and just read this.
To anyone who's seen/read anything that relates to r@pe victims guilt, does that seems familiar? It does, right?
I won't go further about this for now, but think about it.
I like that Joyce is trying her best to be supportive of Will without making him feel ignored or like he's overeating. It's nice to see. :)
3) Eleven and Hopper
Alright, that scene was a perfect example and definition "what to not do when my kid put themselves in danger by not following the rules I gave them to protect them because I let them place expectations in me that I knew I wouldn't be able to reach before they loose their mind."
Because, seriously Hopper? You really expected that kid to not go out after almost a year without seeing anyone but a grumpy old man? Wow, really smart of you.
I'll be honest here: I don't like Hopper, and the only thing that makes me not hate him is his relationship with El. Most of the time. Not this one.
Eleven was in the wrong here, she put herself in danger by breaking the rules. Alright. But you know who was the wrong by even putting these rules in the first place? Hopper. Now, I know this was for her safety, but I'm sure they could've find something much more efficient than completely isolate her from anyone, and with only company a fucking TV.
In my opinion, the worst thing about this argument is Hopper insinuating that he was going to send Eleven back to the lab. I'm really fucking mad at him for that. Because of course, the logical thing to do when a traumatized teenager does something wrong for the first time in more than 300 days is to menace her to send her back the incredibly abusive hellish place she's been living in her whole childhood! Of course, what a wonderful reaction!
And about the TV thing, of course you should cut the rebellious teenager of their only distraction from the fact that they're literally forbidden from having any fucking life! That was such an amazing thing to do! Good job Jim, how smart and logical of you!!
I can't believe this man is an adult. Urgh.
My poor girl El was probably send straight back into a flashback too.
Alright I'll stop taking about this now, next scene.
4) Jonathan (+ Will being fucking possessed HELP--)
Jonathan my boy I love you <33
5) The Wheelers
Love Mike and Nancy asking Holly things <33
6) Nancy and Jonathan
Nancy: You don't have to do this, you know.
Jonathan: Stop saying that.
[both nods]
I love them :3
7) Joyce and Will
Joyce calling the police and never getting Hopper to aweser is getting kinda old tbh--
Anyway, this isn't about them
My son Will is getting possessed and I'm excited sad about it.
8) Dustin (+Dart)
Nothing much to say here, but aww. Dustin's taking care of his murderous little friend. :)
9) The boys and Max
Okay, first of all, ew.
Now, second of all, your crush is showing so bad Dustin it's crazy lol--
And then, last but not least, I like how the boys just assumed that Mike know if/when Will is coming. It makes me happy. :3
10) Will (+Mr.Cleark's speech about fear) and Joyce
Holy shit, I forgot how fast the possession went.
11) Hopper (+ Eleven)
Ok, fuck you Hopper, this is not how you deal with teenagers. Learn to be the biggest person and apologize you dumbass adult.
Also, "for my sake, please, deal with her! (Florence to Jim about Joyce)" lmao--
12) Steve (+Billy and Tommy)
Well damn, more reason to hate those two assholes that I forgot about.
13) Jonathan and Nancy
Love how creepy that whole scene is. :)
14) Will, Joyce, Hopper
Holy cow. My poor boy's going though it.
Also, this is the part were I realized why this episode is called "Will the Wise": While Will was explaining how he felt about the "now-memories" of the vines, Joyce looked at a drawing of Will the Wise looking at a Cristal Ball, impling that he's seeing something supernatural that most people don't know about.
15) The party (+Max)
Rip Max, I promise they have nothing against you my girl!
Still love how it's clear that they trust Mike's judgement almost without hesitation. They really act as a team, and they all have their own roles. They trust and listen to each other, and I think that's beautiful. :)
16) Eleven
I like that even if she's frustrated (and has every right to be!!), she's not putting herself in danger and is actually listening to Hopper.
Also, she found the document!!
17) Nancy and Jonathan at the Lab
"you guys 'been together for long?" Lmao--
Still can't believe that the Russians were brought up already! These guys are everywhere!
18) Will's drawings
Hopper: Vines. He's drawing vines.
Wow, good job Hopper. First actually smart thing you've said today.
Sorry sorry, let's be serious for a bit.
These drawings are actually really cool. And also pretty disturbing, but that was a given.
I'm really impressed at how fast Will draws too, tbh--
19) Max and Lucas
Now that's kinda sad.
They signed NDAs Max, they can't tell you wear, sorry 😔
20) Max and Billy (+Lucas)
Urgh, here comes the racism.
My girl Max deserves a hug, and Billy should shut his crap and die already.
21) Hopper
I forgot what he's gonna do with those pumpkins ._.
22) Eleven
Noooooo, El my baby :(
23) Mike and Joyce
Joyce at this point you should know that you son tell Mike everything. Including the shadow monster shit. Stop trying to deny him.
24) Nancy and Jonathan
I love how Nancy's being a total badass, and Jonathan's like "yep, okay, that's hot-"
25) Dustin (+Dart)
I trusted you Dart :((
Anyway, on a more serious note, how the fuck did Dustin hide those big-ass blood stains from his mom??
26) Hopper
Holy shit, that hole's big as fuck. Every kid's dream beach hole. (Sorry, sorry)
Alright, he's underground, Jesus fucking Christ, I forgot about that.
— End note
Can we talk about how amazing Noah and Millie's acting skills are?? I got chills from Will's overfocused looks and really bad for him while he was crying. Millie made me feel so bad fol El istg I wanna hug her. :(
Obviously the same goes with everyone else, but these two are the ones who made me feel the most things during this episode!
Alright, I'm done with this episode! I might start with the next one soon. :)
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hello! there has been a bit of bullying against bylers in the byler vs kataang poll. per your rules, you said you'd block the offending parties, end the vote early, and restart. would you consider doing that?
people are being homophobic ("i want to obliterate those twinks") and calling bylers racist just for trying to increase engagement to the poll when they didn't do anything racist.
Hi anon, I'm sorry to hear that. To be honest, that particular poll broke containment and it's a bit difficult to keep up with all the notes throughout the day as I do work full time. Unfortunately, I don't have the full context, but as far as I can tell, the incident in question was a Byler fan tagging a bunch of fellow Byler fans in the poll and then some opposing blogs being mean in reblogs.
I want to be clear: this kind of "get out the vote" tactic is entirely okay and encouraged, as long as the blogs you are tagging are friends/mutuals and you're sure they won't mind being tagged. It's fun when fandoms organize around silly things like this! It's kind of a bummer to see people dog pile on it.
At the same time, it's disingenuous to say that I promised to block anyone, end votes early, or restart. I made no such claim in the rules post. The Will & Mike vs. Katara & Aang poll has 4.5k+ votes and 800+ notes. I guarantee you a solid 90% of those people did not check the blog to read the competition rules. (You know how I know? Maaaany of you are under the impression that this is a ship poll, when I clearly stated it is not.)
If I restarted the poll every time someone was nasty in the notes, the poll would never end, especially as it's often difficult to tell when something steps over the line of joking hyperbole. Moreover, the result would probably be the same. There are a ton of Byler fans! It was the tumblr ship of the year! You've more than convinced me that they deserve to be in the bracket with your awesome color analysis posts! But there are also quite a lot of Stranger Things critics and Kataang fans on this site, and the results are the results. Unless there's legitimate evidence of botting, I'm not going to restart the poll.
If someone comes into your own ask box to harass you, I encourage you to block them. Hell, tell me, and I'll block them too. But otherwise, there's not much I can do besides ask everyone to take a moment, step back, and realize it is really not that serious. They are just silly little cartoons and TV show boys.
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the party is in the upside down, but they got separated. will and mike are sticking together, though.
they had been "ambushed" by a lone demo bat, and although will shot it, it had given mike a nasty bite, and he had fallen to the ground.
will, somewhat panicked : mike! are you- are you okay ?
mike, trying to get up, but wincing at the pain : y-yeah i'm- i'll be alright.
will, helping mike up : we need- we need to get you out of here, now.
mike, shaking his head : no will, we cant. we haven't gotten the all-clear from nancy-
will, cutting him off and looking into his eyes : mike. you're hurt. nancy said that if anyone gets hurt, especially if we get separated, leave, whether we're done or not.
mike sighs. will's right, he's hurt, and nancy did say that.
mike : alright, let's go. what's the closest gate ?
will, still holding mike up, looking around : uh... i think the nearest gate would be... that way
he points towards the road, and mike nods.
will, looking at mike : hey, you okay ?
mike looks at will, and tries to smile, but he's in pain. his knees give out, he's been in here for a over 24 hours now, he can't take it anymore.
tears start to stream form mike's eyes.
mike, voice breaking : will... i don't want to die here, i'm not-
will, interrupting him : mike you're not gonna die, i'm gonna get you out of here-
mike, interrupting will, sobbing now : will. look at me. i-i can barely walk, it's hard to breathe and-and i'm losing blood. there's no way i'm making it out of here al-alive.
will, also crying : mike you're not going to die ! i won't let you.
will reaches into the backpack, and fumbles for the walkie.
will, into the walkie, voice breaking : code red, mike's hurt, i-i repeat code r-red-
nancy, through the walkie : get him out, over
will : i-i'm trying, but he's losing so much blood and he can't walk properly
nancy, cutting in : will where are you? we can't be too far apart, i'll try and get to you guys, over
will : we're near the road where fred died, over
nancy : we're on our way, over and out.
will puts the walkie down and turns back to mike. he looks really pale.
will, to mike : don't worry mike, nance is coming, we'll get you out of here, i promise.
mike : will.. i need to tell you something.
will, holding mike up : wh-what?
mike, reaching up to cup will's face in his hands : will, i- i love you.
will, in shock : you-you love me ?
mike nods. he pulls will odwn towards him and presses their lips together. when they pull apart, will talk first.
will : i -i love you too, mike.
the moment is cut short by nancy, robin, steve and jonathan running in their direction.
nancy, yelling : get him up ! we're leaving !
will puts the backpack back on and get under mike's arms to hold him up (i don't know how to describe it, but mike's arm is around will's shoulder, and will is supporting him kinda thing). they wait as the group comes running over.
nancy gets on mike's other side, and they all hobble along as fast as they can to get to the gate.
eventually they reach the gate. mike had blacked out, but he was still alive.
they get through the gate, where they have a nearby shelter with supplies, and they start to clean mike's wound and patch it up as best they can.
nancy, still bandaging mike's wound, talking to will : will, you and mike are staying here with jonathan, and if you're going to go anywhere, it's back to hop's cabin, no where else.
jonathan : wait, what- but what about you-
nancy looks at him, and he shuts up.
they stay there for hours before going to hop's cabin, where mike get's put on a couch to rest.
will refuses to leave mike's side, even when jonathan tells him he can take a break. he's not leaving him.
mike comes to a full recovery within a couple weeks, and will almost never leaves his side.
mike : hey, will ?
will : yeah ? something wrong, or-
mike, tripping over his words : what ? no, no, i just- do you want to be my boyfriend ?
will, smiling : y-yes !
they kiss and...
i suffer from some more writers block
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bumblevoid · 2 years
so,, fnm won the poll and i've already actually been working on some materials sO
the promised ramble! (not including any drawings, sadly)
so. Five Night's Monsters is a fun little monster of the week campaign based in the world of fnaf, yeah? it also draws inspiration from batim and the matrix (coming from someone who has seen part of the matrix but like. not all of it). I'm not going to touch too much on that stuff, cause i don't wanna spoil my big twists for the hunters, but one of them already knows what i mean :D
the campaign takes place in hurricane, utah, to no one's surprise. I'm using this funky timeline that's like. half pre-prepared, half made up on the spot. it is taking place in 2018, and starts on the day of the fnaf 3 fire- set by henry and helpy. three of our hunters were meeting up after a while of not seeing each other, the fourth joined in to give them a ride getting henry safe, and the fifth will be joining in soon. this brings us to our dear hunters! i won't say too much, as they each have their own characters and backstories, but I'll touch on how they're connected, and basic ideas of backstory. first we've got @clemmieinnit's hunter, Bonnie Jeremiah. he's like, a band teacher, and honestly connects most of the hunters? like, one is a college friend, the other two are former students. he's also the bonnie mask bully. clem's playing the Wronged playbook next, there's @starlightandroses's hunter, Syren Vanheri. they're the local conspiracy theorist of sorts, an expert on freddy's without the inside info. lani's playing the Expert playbook the next hunters don't have tumblr,, we've got Toren Ageri, former night guard. he's got a really fun and interesting backstory that's mostly kept under locks haha. toren is the Crooked. and there's Ren Spurling. their mother was a night guard, but wasn't as lucky as toren to live. ren is the Mundane. and of course, making an entrance literally as I'm typing this, is Melanie Kyla Jensen! she's a very fun character who I've been working with the player on, and boy am i excited for her. her aunt is our good good ghost friend cassidy. melanie is the Spooky!
okay. so there's the hunters. so, I'm not entirely sure what they're expecting the final end-goal to be right now, but they're probably thinking defeating wafton? then again, i have let it slip there's several potential bbegs so who knows. but basically, it's just sort of a motw fnaf thingybading. they've been fighting the phantom animatronics lately, as they haven't actually encountered too much of this hunt's monster. and what they have encountered is easy to blame the phantoms for (which is funny cause there was a 20% chance they'd show up and then i rolled a 1 on the d100) so far, they've met up, found helpy, helped henry, fixed helpy, and are stuck in a power-outage that they're just kinda. doing a bunch of things figuring out what's going on. right now, we've got the "he's immortal???" plotline, and the "jeremy is, in fact, also the vr jeremy" plotline going on. also the "melanie explores freddy's" plot.
some fun things i'm doing here are. not really how motw works but i couldn't care less it's interesting- but some of the npcs are recruitable, and have playbooks themselves. these npcs are jeremy, henry, sammy, and michael (not that. mike is there yet.) one is the wronged, one is the spooky, one is the monstrous, and one is the chosen. sammy is our local favorite npc! he's both the hunters' favorite, and mine... yeah you can probably guess how that's turned out haha.
might post some of the npc files (hunter's edition) once i get some more drawings going of these little dudes
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rana-sentimental · 2 years
the cure- just like heaven (1987)
Another song i'm manifesting for s5 in any way. We know st took inspiration from The last of us in some points (El&Hopper found family story arc, the spores of tlou paralels the dust of UD, an entity/virus who preys on conquering the mind and using its victims etc)
but one many have highlighted is the Ellie and Riley moment / Mike and Will s2
"we can just be all poetic and shit, lose our minds together" and "if we go crazy, we'll go crazy together. Yeah, crazy together"
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what makes the Ellie/Riley scene so beautiful is that in the hbo series, used Just like heaven music box , gave it a lot more meaning, love and innocence
Much people tend to agree the song in general gives the vibes of being close to someone so perfect, and yet it seems to lure a sense of lost , a washing away of this person, the entire song is like a dream (for Ellie and Riley story the lyrics told us their sort of tragic yet almost poetic ending that could't be). I possibly see this song being used too, specially if we got a scene with mike/will too (maybe a Vecna'd scene)
Thou in reality according to Smith, "The song is about hyperventilating–kissing and fainting to the floor." The lyrics were inspired by a trip with his then-girlfriend (and later wife ("Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick") refers to his childhood memories of mastering magic tricks".
Show me how you do it And I promise you, I promise that I'll run away with you I'll run away with you
Many songs in Mike's Bassment beats reference running away in the night with someone, staying and fight (Will's and Mike's playlist are the only ones left and the songs have been added againt on september 26 again)
Spinning on that dizzy edge Kissed her face and kissed her head Dreamed of all the different ways I had to make her glow
bliss moment people
"Why are you so far away?", she said "Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you That I'm in love with you?"
Pure hurt , mostly this resonates with Will (already Boy's don't cry have been refereced in the show , the whole van scene right there )
I opened up my eyes And found myself alone, alone Alone above a raging sea That stole the only girl I loved And drowned her deep inside of me
You Lost and lonely
And then it all fades away, reminds me of Max scene in s5 , snow ball this is her happiest memory, the night she and Lucas had their first dance and kiss, and yet vecna gets to her there.
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