#i actually end up being ok with whatever results as long as i have a good time :)
lolexjpg · 7 months
above all, i want to be entertained. and boy was i entertained
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ithebookhoarder · 24 days
Special Delivery (Spencer Reid x F!Reader)
Description: Something's different about Reid and no-one knows what. However, a surprise delivery to the BAU may just have the answer...
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Warnings: Food references, mentions of mental health, mentions of medical procedures, references to smutty behaviour, Spencer being adorable
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“Ok. Am I the only one who’s noticed something’s different with Reid lately?” Morgan remarked, watching as the said boy-genuis made his way across the bullpen and over to his desk. 
“Yeah,” Emily hummed, watching the young agent over the rim of coffee cup. She had to admit it - as much as it annoyed her - Morgan was right; Spencer has definitely been acting different. If anything, she was surprised it had taken them all this long to say anything. 
Normally, they were all over each other the moment they noticed anything even remotely different about each other. Hell, she’d barely taken a step off the elevator, after getting an extra few inches cut off at her latest haircut, before the team were quizzing her about possible life changes and whether or not they needed to be worried about her. 
It was a hazard of working with profilers for a living; it was almost impossible to keep anything a secret. No wonder they were all intrigued and slightly confused by the fact that none of them had been able to pinpoint what was going on with their friend. 
The most notable difference was the gradual disappearance of the dark circles under his eyes. Reid also seemed happier in general, less quiet and reserved when talking to others, and it was starting to make agents talk. 
Morgan and Emily stood up straighter as JJ walked over to join the unofficial gossip session. She took one look at the pair and knew immediately what they were whispering about. 
“Are you talking about Reid?”
“Oh yeah,” Morgan grinned, “my money’s on him having finally found someone.”
Emily choked, seemingly as a result of inhaling her coffee at the grand statement. “What?”
“Oh, come on, Miss ‘super spy’. Just look at him,” he teased. “He’s been distracted. He’s all goo-goo eyed and he’s been leaving this place at a normal hour. Like… tell me that doesn’t scream ‘I got a date’.”
“What? It could be loads of things. It doesn’t have to be a date, right JJ?”
“He’s probably just happy. We’ve all been getting more sleep lately and our paperwork is non-existent at the moment,” JJ murmured, reaching past the pair of them to grab for the coffee pot. She was clearly doing her best to try and put this line of questioning to rest. She’d always been the first to protect the younger agent she now saw as a little brother. “Besides, we all know he’s not interested in dating, he hasn’t been since…. Well, you know.”
Morgan groaned. “But what about the secret texts, JJ!” he protested, ignoring the look Emily shot him in return. “He’s been glued to that phone of his and keeps giggling like a school kid. Then there’s the lunches! I know he’s always been organised and likes things a certain way, but damn. His lunches have been like next level - and actually healthy? And I swear he’s had jello like every day.���
JJ rolled her eyes. “You’re basing your profile on jello? Is that it?” 
“Well, no I mean… did you not hear the part about the texting and the taking secret calls and the fact he didn’t come out for drinks last night-”
“-Can’t we just be glad for him? Whatever is going on, it’s good for him. Let’s just drop it, ok? He’ll tell us when he’s ready if there’s anything to share.”
“JJ’s right,” Emily echoed. “Reid’s just … happy. End of.”
By the way Morgan frowned it looked like it definitely was not the end of this conversation, but he never got the chance to argue. In fact, he was interrupted as the main doors opened next to them and a rather lost looking receptionist hurried through. 
Normally, this wouldn’t have been worth noticing but all three of them spun around at the sound of him calling out the name, “Agent Reid? uh… Is Agent Reid here?”
“Oh, uh, here!” Spencer shouted, soundly vaguely like he was taking roll call. It didn’t help that he shot his arm up in the air too, almost falling off his desk chair as he lurched to his feet and hurried over. “That’s… that’s me - and it’s Dr Reid, but it doesn’t matter. How can I help?”
“Oh, uh, there’s a Y/N at reception for you,” the unfortunate messenger managed, gesturing back the way they’d came. “I told them to wait whilst I came to check with you as they’re not on your visitor list-”
Spencer didn’t even let the poor man finish. He was already racing for the door before the man had even made it to the end of the sentence. Needless to say, the others were quick to follow, with Morgan smugly boasting “told you soooo” as he went. 
There was no way on earth they were missing this and considering Hotch and Rossi hadn’t arrived yet it wasn’t like they were about to get their asses handed to them for missing their briefing either. 
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Despite the amount Spencer had told you about the BAU, you were still surprised by how different the FBI offices were to what you’d imagined. 
The offices were larger and the sheer number of people walking about in suits and carrying a side arm made you feel even more nervous, and that was already a problem considering you were stood there wearing neon blue scrubs, embroidered with jungle animals on the pocket. 
You were like a walking, flashing sign, screaming ‘outsider - does not work here’.  Thankfully, you weren’t going to be there long. You were only swinging by on your way to work, hoping to catch your utterly perfect - and utterly forgetful - boyfriend, before the start of your shift. 
Speaking of Spencer, you had only been standing there for possibly five minutes when you saw him barreling through the doors towards you. 
“Hey, Spence-“
“Y/N? Honey? What’s going on?” he gushed, hurrying over and taking your face in his hands. You could see his wide eyes frantically scanning every inch of you, looking for some kind of problem or sign that you were not ok. “Is everything alright? What are you doing here?”
You felt your cheeks warm at the sudden display of concern, very much aware of the scene your wonderful boyfriend was making. Spencer wasn’t normally the most affectionate in public, preferring to save those rare moments for when the two of you were alone. The fact he was so worried about what might have brought you to the FBI on a Tuesday morning was touching and made your heart swell. 
“I’m fine, Spence. Don’t worry-” 
“Then what are you doing here?” 
“You forgot something,” you soothed, pulling back and reaching into your satchel. It was impossible to miss the way his face reddened as you pulled out a neatly labeled Dr Who Tupperware by way of explanation. “I’m here because you were in such a rush this morning that you forgot your lunch.”
“Yes, ‘oh’,” you teased. “I couldn’t exactly let you go hungry so I thought I’d drop it off on my way to work. I don’t start till later as I’m covering Amelia’s shift as she’s visiting her sister in Boston, so I thought I’d swing by.”
Sure, Spencer was an adult and you could have let him just buy something from the cafeteria or order something in for lunch, but considering how much effort he had gone to to cook with you the day before you felt bad letting it go to waste. 
He’d been so proud of the way the recipe had turned out, following the instructions and your guidance with extreme precision and care. The result had been a rather tasty looking dish - and it had the added benefit of being healthy too. You were always worried that Spencer seemed to think fast food, like Pizza, was a food group. Then again, he had been forced to be an adult pretty fast and had been in college so young that it wasn’t a surprise that no-one had been there to teach him about cooking and eating right. He had been too focused on his studies to even think about anything else.  
It was something he had been working on since you’d got together and now cooking had become one of your favourite date night activities. It didn’t hurt that you often ended up spilling food all over yourselves and needing to shower together - it was just a lovely bonus. In fact, your screensaver was now a picture of you and Spencer, covered in flour, and beaming ear to ear. 
“Thank you, that… that’s so nice,” Spencer stammered, “but I feel bad. You didn’t need to go out of your way and bring it to me.”
“As I say, it’s on my way to work. It’s no trouble.”
“Well, still-“
“Hey, pretty boy!” 
Spencer froze. 
“You gonna introduce us to your friend, or what?”
Spencer opened his mouth but instantly closed it again. You knew by the way he rolled his eyes and began muttering under his breath that whoever had shouted that had definitely been talking to him. 
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Pretty boy, huh?” 
“Don’t ask,” he whined, taking a deep breath as you looked over his shoulder and saw a small group of people now making their way towards you. “I should probably mention that I wasn’t sure how comfortable you were with me mentioning you, so I haven’t told anyone about us yet and those idiots are some of my team and I would say ‘run’ but they’re all faster than me.”
“Ah… I see. So I’m guessing that one is Morgan?” 
“Well, no time like the present,” you cheered, turning and waving at the approaching trio. “Hi. Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N - Spencer’s girlfriend.”
“Wow. A girlfriend?” cooed Morgan, reaching over to pull you into a hug before the other two could stop him. To their credit, they looked slightly embarrassed by the display but they were clearly too interested in your identity to care. “And a doctor to boot? Didn’t know he had it in him. I’m Derek Morgan.”
“Oh, I worked that out. It’s good to finally meet you all.” 
The others were quick to echo the sentiment, with JJ and Emily quickly introducing themselves in tandem. They were also quick to invite you inside the office for some coffee, but thankfully you weren’t lying when you said you had to get to work. 
“You know how it is. People to take care of, medical cases to solve, lives to save - same old, same old. All I’m missing is a snazzy badge and I could be an FBI agent.” 
“Ha ha.” Spencer’s smile was genuine as you stole a kiss before making a dash for your car. However, you could see the nerves in his eyes at being left alone to face the great inquisition that now awaited him following the discovery of your existence. You were pretty sure the entire BAU would know about you before it even hit lunchtime. “I’ll see you later, ok?” 
“Of course. Just let me know if you’re coming home or if you’re off saving the world in another state - otherwise I can’t promise I won’t eat all the leftovers before you get back.” 
He chuckled. “Will do.” 
With that, you bid the others goodbye, making sure to agree when they asked (more like insisted) that you came to their family dinner on Friday night at none other than Rossi’s house. The rest of the team were going to be begging to meet you after this, and they were all bringing their families along too. 
If Spencer wasn’t comfortable with you going you were pretty sure the team would believe it if you said you’d got called into a last minute surgery, but you’d check later when you both returned to the apartment you now called your home. Either way, you were going to have to make something to take with you, just in case. 
As your grandpa had always said, there was no quicker way to someone’s heart than through their stomach. Or, as in Spencer's case, with an unlimited supply of Jello...
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kindledrose · 6 months
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LIFESTUCK ?!?! (pt 2 here!) (pt 3)
i was sick a couple days ago and spent like 12 hours straight doing nothing but classpecting life series characters and then was like Yeah i have to draw this now. so here's some sillies 👍 (super long classpect ramble under cut because i spent far too long on it not to share hfshjf)
quick note: i really really love @/classpect-navelgazing's theories and used them for a lot of the ideas here. go check their blog out it rules :]
ok you guys flower ranchers (scott tango jimmy) are making me so insane for this au specifically because of this idea i had about doom/life players. doom in true canon is related to inevitability, fate, and knowledge of the specific rules that keep the characters trapped within their story, right. and life is sort of related to healing, physically and mentally, within the confines of the game. so within this au, the aspect of life refers to the rules within the game that the players can see and are aware of (last life’s trading lives system + boogeyman, third life’s soulmate mechanic, secret life’s tasks, etc.). life players have some amount of dominion over these elements (depending on their class, of course). doom on the other hand refers to everything surrounding the games (stuff like admin powers, the world barrier, and whatever happens to the players after they die). 
as a mage of doom, scot (his name is so funny to me. like yeah he sure is) has a bunch of intrinsic knowledge about the way the games function on a logistical level. he’s like a guy who read the script a while ago and forgot all the characters’ names but knows the basic plot and how it’s going to end. or who knows all the ins and outs of tech crew and for whom the apparent magic of the show for the audience is lost on, since he knows how it’s being done. the thing is, scot isn't especially able to act on this knowledge during the game. what director wants someone in the audience — or one of the actors — taking all the magic out of the show, spoiling how it works and how it ends? no, it’s best if they keep that knowledge to themselves — and so scot’s narratively unable to affect the stories of those around him, even his close friends who he’d want to help. he’s aware of this, of course, which makes him more than a little depressed, as he can see the futility of it all and can’t even explain to anyone what’s going on and how the game works. (the only story he’s able to affect, of course, is his own. which. depressed doom player + mage martyr complex + guy who Really cares about his friends is not necessarily a good combination.)
the amount of stock i put in the idea of gendered classes is close to zero so tangoe gets to be a maid of life because ohh my goodness. i like the theory (thanks classpect-navelgazing) of life as “the aspect of affluence,” where life players usually enter the game with some kind of material wealth or status that helps their position in some way. i also like the idea that maid players start the game with a surplus of their aspect but often end up feeling as if they’re only seen as a provider of that specific thing as a result of this, and so end up longing for something else instead. this primarily applies to last life tango because that’s the season i’m most familiar with lol, but i thought the way he started out with so many lives there and quickly dwindled as a result of everyone taking from him and only him was Really interesting. mans has all the luck of the game he could need, but only wants friends to actually be able to live with. being a life player also ties into his little gambling games and things (again, dominion over stuff within the overarching game/story, but nothing beyond that).
then we get to jimi (again fantastic name). the basic premise of an heir is that they’re played by their aspect, right and Oh Boy is jimmy played by life in the life series. i don’t personally know much about anything he’s done other than heehoo canary guy but along with the previously stated points it’s So fun to see him as a life player because it allows for some really clearly contrast between the way he interacts with tangoe and scot based on their aspects. i really like the idea of scot being like “you’re a life player jimi. it's in your name. the game is not going to let you die” and jimi like “you really think so? aw thanks man” neither of them knowing that dying as a life player in this game is literally like in the job description. (ok. i kind of feel like i’m letting jimi down by basing his story so far around other people.. but this is just for fun and i can always change it later)
(also i could easily have put tangoe and jimi as doom players too but for the fact that i don’t think they necessarily see through the game as much as scot does (or at all). and so life it is.)
feel free to ask me questions abt them!!! i have so many thoughts about this bro 
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meowufff · 11 months
This is my first actual post on Tumblr ever so pls bear with me. Also, English is not my first language so pls excuse any mistakes I make :)
So, this whole thing here started just as a joke bc I was curious if anyone else was feeling constantly tired all day no matter how long I sleep. But it all somehow escalated a bit and I may have started hyperfixating on it so well, now it actually became a little survey.
I also wanted to mention that I only asked the artist in my little Tumblr bubble, which is mostly tmnt content, so my results are mostly referring to tmnt artists.
In total, I asked 143 people if they could remember the last time they woke up and just felt actually rested for more than half of the day.
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I probably could have been more specific with my question but again, I did not actually planned to let it become so big. Personally, for me being rested means, having a clear head, no headache or foggy mind without consuming any caffeine.
So out of 143 people, 100 answered me and I tried my best to sort all of the answers after the criteria “good-sleep-schedule” and “bad-sleep-schedule” and also noted when exactly they last felt actually rested into either the last days, weeks, months, years or “???” when they couldn’t remember or didn’t mention anything specific.
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And let’s just say… it does not really look good. Out of 100 people, only 18 have an actual good sleep schedule. Out of these 18 people, 13 felt really rested in the last days, 2 in the last weeks, only one person in the last months and 2 in the last years.
Out of the 82 of people who have a bad sleep schedule, 10% lastly felt rested in the last days, 11% in the last weeks, 11% in the last months, 30% in the last years, and 38% couldn’t remember or didn’t specify it.
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While reading all your answers I came to realize being sleep deprived is not just bc any of them thought “Oh it would be really neat to stay up till 4 am!” or smth like that.
A lot of the artists who answered me mentioned that they have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep due to stuff like insomnia, chronic pain, other issues, or children (yeah, ok, there was just one who had a child but still).
While analyzing I mostly referred the situations to my own experience with going to sleep or rather not going to sleep...
I usually don’t have problems falling asleep but trouble actually putting my stuff away and going to bed bc I don’t want to end the day or just don’t want to go to sleep (don’t ask why, I have no idea why I am like this). While having these “episodes” I often doodle smth, binge reading some fanfics, or watch whatever I can find on the internet until I’m just falling asleep or can convince myself that it is 3 am and I really should go to bed now.
So, my personal theory about why sleep deprivation is so common among Tumblr artists is not bc they do art all night. My theory is that a lot of people who have trouble falling asleep due to insomnia, pain, or other issues are filling the time until they hopefully fall asleep with their art, doodles, writings, or whatever their creative minds can bring up, to help the time pass.
In total that would mean that not all artists are sleep deprived but more that a lot of people who have trouble falling asleep do a lot of art or creative stuff in general.
Something I could also imagine is, that if they start doing art while waiting for sleep, they start to concentrate a lot on creating more and start procrastinating sleep even if they actually get tired bc they wanna do art and fuck up their non-existing sleep schedule even more but that could also just be me projecting here.
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I know that is probably no kind of big revelation but for me it was kind of surprising to see how many people here are as sleep deprived as me and due to what reasons.
I’m not going to preach to any of you to get that problem solved or smth, I have no right to tell you what to do and would be a major hypocrite so instead I really which everyone to get some kind of good sleep schedule one day and the joy of waking up and feeling completely rested at least thrice per week.
I absolutely love all your art and thank you a thousand times for helping me with this spontaneous survey!
I would love to hear your opinions on my theory and conclusion so pls don’t be shy and feel free to point out any mistakes I may have made or tell me your own theories :D
Also, if my question is still sitting in your inbox, feel free to answer! I’m gonna keep ma big ass excel table so I can edit all the results anytime. And maybe, one day, I'm gonna continue this survey and go into more detail but for now I need to leave it like this.
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Ok, that's all I got
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Thanks to all participants
@abbeyofcyn @angelpuns @beannary @bulbabutt @camilieroart @cementgeek @cheesyescapade @cokowiii @easterartist @frosteaart @gemini-forest @happyfoxx-art @heckitall @hellishgayliath @holy-sweetsour-milk @icepopcider @idiot-mushroom @iscreamkitty @kovalitics @laseralligator @lieutenantbiscute @matchstique @mightyanxiety @miiukkaa @mr-doodles @pezhead @probably-not-a-rutabaga @pumpkster @sad-leon @sassatello @sewercrocodileart @sheep-turtles-and-pizza @signanothername @spectra-bear @stephuart @tangledinink @tapakah0 @tasenwiththerobots @tblsomedoodles @thegunnsara @triona-tribblescore @turrondeluxe @valen-timez @vangh17a @wraenata @zinovi768 @debb987 @dianagj-art @goatedgreen @indieyuugure
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fayeforrosie · 1 year
Finding You
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Part 2
Karina x Fem! Reader
Karina does wonders in order to find the girl who has made her heart flutter for the first ever time
Part 2 to The Only One I Want
Word count- 2.7k i think
Warnings- Honestly nothing just Karina being lovesick
It was unfortunate, to say the least. 
Unlike Karina’s wishes of walking out of the museum hand and hand with you, the girl she had recently labeled as the first ever person she romantically fell for, she ended up in the grasp of her fake date instead. 
It was a terrible date, aside from meeting you, because before she met you, she had only been looking to go home and see her members once again, and after meeting you, she had only been looking for your figure.
You were haunting her.
While Karina walked throughout the museum, she pictured every person in her line of vision to have the same outfit and hair as you, and when she made eye contact, she swore she could see your eyes, half closed in a cheesy smile that she could die on the spot by just looking at it. 
She hunted for you, thinking it as a mission, in which if she did not find you by the end of the date, then she would fail and be eliminated from whatever imaginary scheme she created in her conceptual mind. 
But, she failed, because now she was back at her dorm, slumped on the couch as her members surrounded her, a response to Karina's sudden emergency meeting called abruptly as soon as she got back. 
“Ok so... how do you expect to find her?” Karina’s fellow member, Aeri, questioned to her. 
Karina had told everyone about the meeting the two of you had, and how it completely changed her perception of romance. She described the feeling of butterflies roaming her stomach, and how her heart sank to her feet each time your voice made an appearance. 
The members were utterly surprised, as they did not expect their leader to find somebody so promising so quickly, especially since they knew her feelings regarding her love life, and on top of that, the person she was head over heels for was a girl. It was definitely not what the members expected, but they were happy for her in the end. 
“I don’t know!” Karina shouted wistfully, evidently upset at the lack of knowledge she had as a response to the question. 
“I know her name, and I already tried looking it up on Instagram but I couldn’t find anything. I even downloaded Tiktok to see if she was on it but I found nothing.” 
If it was even possible, Karina sunk lower into the couch she sat atop, her hand gripping the sides of her head as she sighed in annoyance. 
“Well you said that she said she goes to the museum at least once a month, maybe you could go a couple times starting next mo-”
“I can’t wait that long! I need to see her as soon as possible!” Karina exclaimed, cutting another one of her friends, Winter, off as she stood up precipitously. 
“Well that is going to be hard Jimin”, another member, Ningning, informed the leader. “She’s not going to just pop up out of nowhere. You need to find her yourself.” 
Karina knew this was true. She knew that she couldn’t just rub her hands together and pray that God would bring you to her as soon as she was to step out of the company building. She had to find you herself.
“So what do you guys suggest I do?”  
At that, the three other members stopped to think over their leader’s questions, attempting to come up with a plan that would ultimately bring you to her, but all their minds went blank. That is until Winter spoke up. 
“Why don’t you go back to the museum and talk to a staff member about her. They probably have some type of background on her since her art is displayed there, don’t you think?” 
Winter couldn’t resist the smile when she realized that this idea was actually a good one, seeing that her three friends turned their heads to her immediately, an aghast expression painted across their faces as a result of the one good idea Winter was to come up with in the past three years. 
Winter was never the one to speak out her ideas, as she wasn’t very good with them, but this time, she was prideful, because when Aeri tackled her onto the floor and shouted how great of an idea it was, Winter could tell the others thought so as well. 
“Winter I’m proud of you, but very surprised nobody else thought of that”, Ninging chuckled. 
“It is a good idea, and exactly what I am going to do!” 
Karina fell asleep that night with her heart beating out of her chest, her anticipation eating her insides up as she imagined another meeting with you. 
Karina thought about how pretty you would look for the second time, and how perfect your smile was going to be when she finally saw it again. Her mind wandered with all the possibilities in which your second interaction could lead too. The girl thought about how life would be with you accompanying her right arm as you both walked through the doors into yet another art museum, because she knew you loved them so much. 
The leader only ended up getting a few hours of rest, and once the light of the sun began to seep through the confines of her dorm room, she instantly bounced out of her bed, antithetical to her members as they groaned to her newfound liveliness in the morning. 
Karina was never a morning person, but thinking of meeting you once again was exactly what woke her right up, no hesitation as she ripped the blankets off of her body and quickly dressed in comfy clothing. 
She had a schedule later on with her group members, with a few meetings to accompany their vocal training today, so it was crucial that she went first thing in the morning to the museum as soon as it opened, giving her enough time to race back to her company building. 
Karina called up one of her drivers to bring her back to the previous destination he had taken her to yesterday, and once he finally got here in the most agonizingly slow manner (he was going as fast as he could, but to Karina, no time can be wasted), Karina suddenly threw her body into the back seat, informing her driver to drive as fast as he could.
It hadn’t taken long for them to get there, the consequence of her driver speeding through yellow lights and going twenty miles over the required limit. Nevertheless, to Karina it was as if the ride was a twelve hour flight from Korea to the states. 
“Perfect just park right here please”, Karina ordered her driver, the leader’s hands glued to her seatbelt, ready at any moment to press down and free herself. Once the car finally came to a stop, the girl raced to open the door, stumbling onto her feet as she swiftly made her way inside. 
She searched for a worker that was close by, noticing the lack of them, until she finally found a middle-aged man wearing the same suit she had recognized from yesterday. 
“Excuse me!” Karina shouted, speedily walking towards him, although it might have been hard for him to hear as her mask was tight around her face, similar to her situation yesterday, an attempt to cover her identity. 
The man turned his head once Karina’s voice registered in his mind, and he gave the girl a toothy grin before allowing her to speak whatever was bothering her. 
“I um”, Karina paused for a second, breathing in and out as she tried to catch her breath, a repercussion of how fast she ran over to his figure. 
“I am wondering if you have any information regarding the artist the created that painting”, Karina pointed over to the piece she admired with you yesterday, her cheeks already warming at the thought of it.
The man followed her gaze onto the artwork, noticing what the girl was mentioning. 
“Y/n Yl/n?” 
“Yes!” Karina cried, almost instantly after the announcement of your beautiful name. God your name was perfect to her. 
“Um...”, he paused, “I don’t exactly know much about her, but my boss does I’m pretty sure. Would you like me to take you to him?” 
Karina smiled politely, trying her best not to allow her excitement to showcase itself in front of the man. 
“That would be amazing, thank you.” 
And with that, the man made his way towards the back of the building, Karina trailing him as if she were a lost puppy following its owner. He stopped in front of a duel set of door, extending his arms out to push himself through, holding it open with a nod as Karina nearly slipped by him. 
“Good morning Mr. Choi”, Karina heard the worker speak from behind her, bowing as he did. 
“Good morning”, he greeted nonchalantly, a coffee in his right hand as the man’s eyes stayed trained on his phone below him.
How rude, Karina thought. 
“We have a guest visitor who requests time to speak with you. I suggest you accept.” 
At that, the boss raised his head just before Karina removed her glasses and rid her face mask. His eyes met the leader’s, and almost immediately sat up straight and brushed the crumbs off of his hideous attire 
“Ah, Yu Jimin, so you’ve come back”, the man nods his head as an indication for her to sit, however Karina stays where she is, not wanting the man to think she would stay for long. She did not want small talk, all she wanted was to get your information and find you as soon as she could. 
“I was wondering if you have any information on the artist who created this piece?” Karina skips over friendly introductions and immediately demands what she is looking for, opening up her phone and displaying the picture of the painting in front of the mans face. 
“Ah”, he pushes his glasses from the tip of his nose, clearing his throat, “yes we do have a document from her. Unfortunately, by law, I cannot disclose any personal information. Is there anything specific about her you wish to know?” 
“Where can I find her?” Karina asks sternly. It is clear to those in the room that she had not come to play around, and expects to leave with the utmost beneficial information. If there was one word to describe the leader at this very moment, it would be determined. 
“Well, I don’t have much on that”, the boss flips through the documents and licks a thin line across his lips, “but, I do know that she is supposedly an art teacher. I don’t believe she is a professor, but rather does it for a company somewhere nearby. It might be her own company, I’m not sure I would have to look more into it.” 
Karina leans closer to the man in attempt to see the papers that were held firmly in his hand, however her attempt failed instantly as he closed the folder back up. 
“Could you possibly find the name of the company she teaches for? It would be a great help for me.” Karina stared into the mans eyes, bending down just a bit as a way to persuade him even further. He was visually discomforted as he restrained his neck from even taking the slightest glance at the girls bust. The boss opened the folder back up, sweat shining overhead his hairline as he flipped through the documents once again. 
“Um... I guess this must be it”, the man spun the papers he held towards Karina and pointed to a specific line printed under your portfolio. 
“Yl/n Studio’s”, he reads aloud, “it’s her own class I believe.” 
Karina gives the boss a sincere smile as she writes the name of your studio down into her phone. 
“You were such a help, thank you Mr. Choi”, she bows in respect before abruptly turning on her heals and out the door before he could respond. 
The leader wasted no time in racing out of the building and hopping into the front seat of her driver’s car, giving him the name of the studio she had recently discovered and requesting he take her there as soon as he could. The driver nodded and began to type the address, all the while Karina looked up the name of your studio on her phone. Much to her dismay, Karina noticed that there were only pictures of the exterior and interior on the internet, and unfortunately no pictures of you. You were too perfect for Safari anyway, Karina thought. 
“We’ve arrived miss.” Karina’s gaze suddenly shot from her phone screen to the outside of the window, forthwith she recognized the design of the building to be the exact one she had seen on the internet. 
“Perfect thank you”, Karina opened the door and began inside, taking in her surroundings to the beautiful, aesthetic arrangement constructed around her. The building was small yet elegant, and as she walked through the glass doors, Karina couldn’t help but allow her feelings to once again get ahead of her. 
She thought about it once more, she was finally going to see you again. After experiencing such a feeling as yesterday whilst she was around you, it was inevitable that she needed to see you once again, and finally it has come. 
Karina made her way into the lobby, taking note of the multiple doors adjacent to each other. 
“Is there something I can help you with?” A voice was heard beside Karina, and she turned her head to be met with the woman who operated the front desk. 
“Ah”, Karina waltzed over to her, a smile never departing the girls mannerisms, “I as wondering if Y/n Yl/n is working at the moment.”
The lady gave Karins a bright smile, “yes of course. You can find her just down that hall, the first door on the right.” 
And so Karina began, following the kind lady’s directions, leading her to the very door ahead of her. A sign that read your name could be seen in her line of vision, and before Karina raised her knuckles to knock on the door, she hesitated. 
She was so nervous when you had first approached her, how could she not be nervous now? You were the ideal definition of perfection, your demeanor sweet and your idiosyncrasy addicting. Karina was sure that the moment she was to see you again, she would instantly fall head over heels, unable to pick herself back up. 
But whatever. It was time Karina faced herself and introduce herself properly to you, so, with the shakiness of her knuckles, Karina raised her hand and knocked thrice on the wooden door, earning a response only a second later. 
“Come in.”
Part 2 yahhh!!! Thank you all for the endless support, i hope you all enjoy this mini series :)
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aingeal98 · 5 months
How do you think Tim and Cass would get along?
Which is the better sibling pair: Tim and Cass or Steph and Jason - WHY?
plz just give me fluffy Tim and Cass working together okay I have read exactly two (2) comics and I have watched SOME young Justice and I have read so many angst fics all I want is for these children to be happy
Sorry it's taken so long to answer this, I got carried away and kept rambling haha.
Tim and Cass in canon is so interesting because it starts out with Tim being Tim, more than a little wary and judgemental because of Cass's past. But he actually owns up to this, apologises for his biases, and asks Cass if they can be friends. And they are! Fresh blood is where they're front and center, and in batgirl volume 2 he's the one most supportive of her, along with being the one in the family to reach out to her after Bruce dies and the one she clearly is closest to in Gates of Gotham. But what really makes Tim and Cass for me are all the little moments in canon where they're Batgirl and Robin and they're not even the main focus of the story, but their sibling twin menace energy is off the charts.
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Just little moments of their teamwork really cemented their bond for me. To me it's like... More than any other batgirl and robin duo these two should be almost creepily in sync. Batman says "Team assemble." and they drop down from their various hideyholes in the roof with perfect timing. They could be having a fight that very day and not a single criminal would know if from the way they bounce off each other in combat.
But as well as that, they've seen each other at some of the lowest points in their lives, and been there for each other. The loss of Steph, Tim's dad, Cass getting brainwashed by Slade, Bruce's death. They never had to be the first priority for each other to still end up on the list of people to take care of and I kind of love that. The reassurance that no matter what happens with all the other important relationships in your life, batgirl and robin will always have each other's backs, in whatever way they can.
For me, they're the better sibling pair to Steph and Jason because Tim and Cass do actually have a solid arc you can trace through comics, even despite editorial having it out for Cass at certain points. There are comics and storylines you can pick up and see them acting like siblings even before Cass was adopted.
Whereas with Steph and Jason it was all about the potential, and still kind of is tbh. It's about Bruce projecting Jason on Steph and Steph dying as a result, it's about both of them being familiar with taking care of an addict parent, it's about both of them knowing how much a loaf of bread costs, it's about how they were let down by people they trusted and how Bruce (thanks to the writers) puts both of them down to uplift Tim, it's about their attitude to killing and to criminals and how death changed both their perspectives permanently but in very different directions.
But the issue is that they started interacting during the new 52 where all of Steph's history had been erased and Jason had been defanged off screen into a batfam member. And then from rebirth onwards they suffer from a similar issue a lot of batfam relationships do, where instead of developing the bond the writers just go yeah this is how they interact now. How did they get close? How come they trust each other? Idk, it just happened.
And this is not unique at all to Jason and Steph nor does it stop me from enjoying their interactions, but it does put Cass and Tim on top for me.
And now, for more fun Cass and Tim panels from Red Robin, featuring Cass vs technology:
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(OK the last one doesn't look fluffy but you gotta understand fake murdering each other is their favourite form of enrichment)
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They're unhinged your honor.
Thanks for the ask!
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youngbloodlisk · 6 months
parade day - enhypen bias x reader, fluff
the bias isn't actually in it all that much, but just like trust me lol
applicable for any enha member, no name stated, though if you feel it's a bit ooc for your member of choice to say certain things feel free to alter it a little in your own mind to make it fit better!
I shiver, feeling like an ice block from the inside out, despite the amount of layers on my body and the hot drink in my gloved hands.
I breathe out air warmer than my surroundings, granting me the appearance of a steam cloud coming from my mouth.
As I take a drink from my paper cup, I can't help but wonder to myself why Thanksgiving has to be in November. And why parades have to be outdoors. And why I had to be here so early in the morning just to stand here for hours.
Then, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Not just a generic vibration, but the custom vibration that he set for himself on my phone. 'So I always know it's him before I even look.'
⁃ how's the crowd
He's such an ass. He's currently inside, waiting for the staff to tell him to go out and board the float. Inside. He's inside. In the heat.
⁃ cold, dick. how's the nice warm heated building 🤩
⁃ lovely, thank you.
⁃ no but fr ur not too cold right? you have jackets on?
⁃ i can send someone to u with my jacket if u need it
⁃ did you get the drink u said u we're gonna get?
⁃ yes yes yes I have jackets I have my drink im fine lmao
He might be kind of an ass but he's so sweet.
⁃ ok good.
⁃ only a few hours!
⁃ after we pass by the main part you can leave baby
⁃ ik you said you were gonna wait around for me but you don't have to
⁃ I don't need you freezing your ass off
⁃ THAT would be tragic. r.i.p. ass
I can't help but roll my eyes.
⁃ you're such a perv
⁃ woah rude!
Instead of responding, I slide my phone back into my pocket. I don't really have anything else to say at the moment. If I tell him straight up that I WILL be waiting until the end of the parade for him, he'll just whine about how I don't have to.
And now I stand. And wait...
And I waited for about 5 hours. We had to be here at 4:30 in the morning, both for him to get where he needed to go with his members and for me to get an absolutely prime spot in the crowd. The parade didn't actually start until about 9:30.
It's not every day that your boyfriend performs in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Longest five hours of my life, but whatever. He better not mess up the choreography after all this shit or I'm gonna be pissed.
Not really, it would actually be pretty funny. But the point is- this is pretty exhausting. Especially since I'm here all by myself.
Other members have partners, but they either couldn't come out for the parade or they don't like me. Not kidding, they seriously just don't like me that much. But that's okay! I don't particularly like them either. Anyways, all that resulted in me being here alone, without anybody to talk to to pass time.
But whatever. Whatever! It's over. The agonizingly boring five hours is over, and the parade is finally starting.
The float I'm really here for is a few floats and balloons back, but the parade feels like it moves quickly, so it doesn't seem to take very long at all.
The big Baby Shark float approaches and I see him already trying to find me in the crowd.
"Excuse me, could my daughter stand in front of you? Just for this performance?" A woman asks from behind me. I look next to her and see a young girl, probably about 10 or 11, holding a picket with my boyfriend's face on it.
She looks like this is the best day of her life. She isn't even looking at me, like she doesn't even care if she has the best view of the group. Just being here and seeing them is enough to fill her with pure joy.
"Of course! Of course she can!"
"Oh, thank you so much." She prompts her daughter to move forward as I scoot back a bit to make room for her. "She loves these boys, she's been talking about it for days. Thank you."
"It's no problem at all." I turn my attention to the young girl. "Is he your favorite?" I point to her picket.
She nods, excitedly.
"He's so pretty."
"He really is. He's my favorite too."
I look up again, seeing that he's still trying to find me. I wave with all my might, willing him to spot me, and soon enough he does. As soon as I have his attention, I frantically point to the girl who is now holding her picket up and waving at him. He leans down a bit to indicate that he's changed his attention to her as he smiles, waves at her, and sends a hand heart in her direction.
She squeals and jumps up and down.
"He saw me!! He saw me!! Mama, he saw me!! He gave me a heart!"
The cute little girl continues to freak out, making me worry slightly that she might just explode, as the float stops and the guys climb down, getting ready to perform.
There was some benefit to getting here so early. The performances are all directly in front of me (and this little girl, who I feel some level of community with at the moment.)
The hosts finish up their introductory stuff about the float, the movie, and the group, and the Baby Shark music begins to play (soon transitioning into the Keep Swimmin' Through tune.)
I watch him intently, full of pride for him and his success with the group.
I know he can't entirely take this seriously. It's a song for a Baby Shark movie. It's not like it's the most serious of performances in the first place. But I also know that deep down he can't believe he's here either. He can't believe he's doing this. He'd probably agree to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star acapella if it meant he got to be in such a big event that few kpop groups have been in.
The group does a great job. Of course they do. None of them mess up the choreography, so I remain not pissed off. (Lol)
After the performance, they simply walk off next to the float, but my boyfriend makes sure to send a quick flying kiss to both me and the little Engene in front of me before leaving the main square.
"He saw me again!!" She squeals.
"That's great, honey!" Her mother says before whispering to me, "Do you know that boy or something? He seemed to know you?"
I laugh a bit.
"Yes, ma'am. He's my boyfriend."
"Oh my! Oh, you must be very proud of him."
"You have no idea."
The rest of the parade is uneventful, just nice entertainment.
When it ends, I say goodbye to the little Engene and her mom, and seek out a heated place as fast as possible. I'm finally able to find a store nearby that is both open and not too busy. I wait in that store until my boyfriend is released from his duties and able to text me where to find him.
When I finally do leave and find him, he hugs me tighter than usual and holds on longer than usual.
"Are you alright?" I ask, slightly concerned.
"So cold. You're so warm."
I laugh, though I understand. I have to pry him off of me, taking a second to kiss his cold lips.
"You guys did great. Was it fun?"
"Yeah, it was. Less fun though and more just... just a really crazy experience."
"I bet. Did you see a lot of Engenes throughout the parade?"
"Yeah! A lot more than I expected. They really showed out. That little girl in front of you was adorable."
"You're her bias, and I think your heart and kiss made her entire day. Month. Life, possibly."
"Well, I wouldn't have seen her and made her entire life if it wasn't for you."
He takes my hands and pulls me close to him, bringing his face near to mine.
"It really is all thanks to me, isn't it? Technically, maybe /I/ made her entire life. You were just the tool."
"Mhm, mhm. Sure..." He trails off, pressing his lips into mine in a much deeper way than the short kiss earlier.
I feel a warmth run through my body, like the warmth of his kiss is being injected into my veins.
He cuts it off suddenly, staying close enough for his lips to still brush against mine. We utter a sentence each before resuming the kiss.
"Thank you for coming and standing out in the cold just for me."
"Baby, I'm so proud of you."
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putellas11 · 2 years
A/N:  I’ve had this in my drafts for ages! Since I really haven’t had anytime to write (and probably won’t for a little while longer) I figured I’d release this hot mess in the meantime. I hope I’ll be able to come back in full force soon! Hope you enjoy!
Revenge is Sweet (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
You wake up to ice-cold water being poured all over you.
“What the fuck!?”
Gasping and shivering from the cold, you glare through blurry vision at the woman towering over you with a bucket in her hand.
She’s the last person you wanted to see, and a sense of impending doom begins to creep in at the inevitable lecture that awaits you.
“Seriously? Again?” Her tone, posture, and expression all reflect a deep sense of disappointment and genuine anger. 
Anyone else would cower under her glare, but not you. Alexia implied it with her words— this is not the first time this has happened, so you know what to expect. She’ll lecture you about responsibility and commitment to the team, and you’ll nod your head pretending to listen, but really, you’ll just be focused on not throwing up all over her shoes.
“Hey, at least I’m not late to training this time,” you argue, slowly lifting yourself from the wet floor, droplets of water splashing down with your every movement. 
“On time but you’re fucking drunk!”
Her voice rings out in your ears and you can’t help but flinch. If you lacked any common sense you’d ask her to quiet down, but you know better.
“I’m hungover, actually. There’s a difference.” You point out, but with little to no conviction in your words.
It’s not just that you have no strength to plead your case, you also don’t care enough to do so. It’s always the same argument with Alexia and it never fails to end the same way, so you don’t see the point in engaging in the usual back and forth. The sooner you can get her to go away, the better.
“I’m so sick and tired of covering for you,” she says, hands on her waist and that annoying look of disapproval in her eyes she has reserved just for you.
“Ok, so stop. It’s not like I ever asked you to anyway.” You’re growing more and more frustrated by the minute, feeling suffocated by the wet clothes sticking to your body.
Alexia may be the captain of the team, but her threats matter very little when you have Jona wrapped around your finger. As long as you keep on producing results on the field, he’ll continue to turn a blind eye to whatever you do off it. Alexia, of course, is not happy with this little agreement you have with the manager.
“I’m being serious! What you’re doing is wrong and it’s setting a horrible example for the others. Por dios, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. This behavior is going to bite you in the ass, and when that happens, I won’t stand in the way.”
You try so hard to not roll your eyes but you’re sick and tired of all the lectures and threats. “Oh, that doesn’t surprise me one bit, babe. Let’s not pretend like you haven’t wanted me off this team from the moment I got here.”
Alexia takes a step back, surprised by what you said. “That’s not true.”
“Bullshit,” you counter, not afraid to call her out. “You’ve done nothing but give me a hard time, and for what? Because I like to go out with my friends? Jona doesn’t care and that’s all that matters. So, with all due respect, reina...,” you draw out the title you know she’s not too fond of, “either take it up with the big man or fuck off and leave me alone.”
If looks could kill, you’d be dead right now.
With her hands in tight fists by her side, Alexia takes a deep breath to regain control of her emotions. “Get changed, eat something, and get your act together before everyone else gets here.”  Spoken through clenched teeth, her words are edged with anger.
“Yeah, yeah” you dismiss her, waving her away as she stomps out of the locker room.
The second Alexia is out of sight, you run to the nearest trash can and throw up all the fun you had last night.
“Fuck me, this is not going to be fun.”
Once you take your second shower of the day— thanks to Alexia, and get something in your stomach, you start to feel somewhat human again. There’s still someone inside your head going crazy with a jackhammer, but you’re confident you can push through it. After all, this isn’t your first rodeo.
Every once in a while, you have trouble saying no to a good party. Sometimes the party just so happens to fall on the night before a training session, and it is what it is.
Life is too short to make it all about football.
Alexia, on the other hand, can’t seem to wrap her head around that. The nagging is never-ending, the lectures make you want to slam your head against the wall, and her ‘better than you’ attitude has you wishing you never signed with Barça in the first place. If it was not for the fact that you’re playing the best football of your career, your agent would already be in contact with another club.
Under the blistering Barcelona sun, the team is huddled up in a circle listening to Jona’s instructions on the training session. Unfortunately, the pounding inside your head has only gotten worse which makes it difficult to pay attention to anything that is being said. All you want to do is crawl into bed and sleep for a week and a few days.
“You look like shit,” Mapi whispers in your ear rather matter-of-factly.
“Really? Because I feel fantastic.” Sarcasm drips from your lips and Mapi has to suppress her laughter in order to not draw any attention to the two of you.
Jona blows the whistle and you can only send a little prayer that he’ll take it easy on you today.
Alexia, however, seems to have other plans. Today of all days, she has decided to train with an unusual intensity. Your prayer clearly not answered as Alexia demands that very same intensity from the rest of her teammates, and especially from you. On the surface, it seems that all she wants is for the team to work hard, but deep down, you know this is nothing but a ploy so she can make you suffer.
Despite your current state, you’re determined to refuse her the satisfaction of seeing you on your knees, defeated. When she screams at you to run faster, you run faster. When she tackles you again and again, you make it a point to not stay down for too long. You do all of this through gritted teeth and a body screaming and begging for it all to stop.
The training session ends with free kick practice and your first attempt goes over the crossbar.
This gives Alexia a brilliant idea.
“For every shot missed, you’ll have to run the length of the pitch and back,” she commands, a smug smile on her lips.
You can feel everyone's eyes on you and this only makes your blood boil. It’s clear that you’re on the verge of passing out but no one dares to go up against Alexia and you can’t exactly blame them. She has the respect of everyone in on the team, coaching staff included, of course no one comes to your aid.
So, you have no choice but to run. Something you have done a million times before is now nearly impossible to accomplish. When you make it back, your vision is blurry and it’s a struggle to catch your breath— factors that only make it all that more difficult to get the ball in the net.
It’s no surprise when you miss.
With your hands on your knees, you shoot daggers at Alexia, hoping to convey with your eyes all the words you can’t say out loud. In return, she challenges you to speak up— her expression daring you to admit defeat so your punishment can come to an end and she can claim her victory.
The desire to prove her wrong outweighs your need for rest. Even with your heart aching in your chest, you manage to touch the goal post on the other end of the pitch but this time, barely manage make it back.
Black dots start to infiltrate your vision and you’re not sure you have any fight left in you. A free kick drill has now become a matter of life and death.
“Come on, you got this!”
Surprisingly, Claudia is the one who dares to speak up but she quickly has to hide behind Patri when Alexia shoots a deadly glare in her direction.
Pina’s interruption earns you a few more seconds and that makes it possible for you to get one good breath in. Her words of encouragement settle in your mind and feed your confidence.
You take three steps back and one to the side— as is your custom. A bead of sweat trickles down your forehead and its path leads dangerously close to your eye but you pay it no mind.
The moment you make contact with the ball you know it’s perfect. It’s the right amount of power and curve, making it drop under the crossbar just in time and into the back of the net.
Everyone seems to breathe out a sigh of relief with Alexia being the only exception. There’s so much you want to say but you know it’s not the right time nor place.
One thing is for certain; your revenge will be sweet.
Alexia leads the team to the locker room but you decide it’s best to stay behind. There’s a rage building up inside of you that needs to be controlled. So, you seek out a little bit of shade and take some time to calm yourself down before you do or say something that will surely get you in a lot of trouble, but you certainly won’t regret.
“You look like shit” Jona’s voice disrupts your thoughts. The young manager kneels by your side and offers you a bottle of water.
“So I’ve been told.”
Aware of your difficult relationship with Alexia, Jona has had to assume the role of peacemaker more than once. While he has often come to your defense when you’ve needed him the most, there have been times he has had to take a step back and allow you to feel the full extent of Alexia’s wrath.
“You deserved it this time, you know,” he says, and you have no strength to argue.
“I deserved to be punished yes, but that little stunt was so much more than that.”
It was one thing for Alexia to punish you for showing up hungover to practice, but it was another thing entirely to intentionally embarrass you in front of the entire team.
All you can think about is revenge.
A few weeks have passed since your altercation with Alexia and since then, the two of you have not said more than two sentences to each other off the pitch.
On the pitch it’s a slightly different matter. Despite what Alexia might think, you know how to be a professional. When the whistle is blown, you’re able to put all your anger to the side and follow your captain's orders without a second thought. Once the 90 minutes are over, however, you don’t bother to give her a second glance.
Since you haven’t been in the greatest of moods lately, the plan was to stay in and have a quiet night in, but your friends don’t really believe in such a thing. All it took was one text for your night to take a very different turn.
📲: Otto Zutz tonight 😈
A favorite among your friends, Otto Zutz never disappoints. You’re no stranger to the club so you feel right at home surrounded by the steel pillars and cement walls.
One drink turns into two and you don’t bother to keep count after five. Under the influence of alcohol and of your mischievous friends, you ordered a bottle of Cristal only to shake it vigorously and spray it down to everyone on the dance floor. The huge roar that reverberated around the club was music to your ears.
The crowd below demands your attention so you make your way to them. The space is clouded with artificial smoke and fog, strobe lights flashing in sync with the music. You mix into the crowd and become one of many the bodies on the dance floor controlled by the onslaught of drumbeats.
It’s all going to perfection— until you spot her in the crowd. All the alcohol you have consumed has blurred your vision and the lighting in the club certainty doesn’t help, but you’re certain it’s her.
“Alexia,” you say to yourself.
You should turn away from her and ensure your night ends on a high, yet, you can’t fight the urge to talk to her. Somehow you manage to get through the sea of bodies in your way but now with her back to you, Alexia doesn’t see you approach her.
“What are you doing here, Putellas?,” your voice slurred, a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.
When she turns around, you have to take a step back.
Definitely not Alexia.
The sisters share a few similarities, but you have always been able to tell them apart. It’s a mistake you can only blame on the alcohol coursing through your veins.
“Well, look who we have here,” Alba, who has clearly had just as much to drink as you, pulls you in for a tight embrace and her hands waste no time settling on your lower back.
Unlike Alexia, Alba has always been particularly fond of you. It was innocent at first with just the occasional DM on Instagram, but it eventually progressed to lingering touches and suggestive whispers behind Alexia’s back. You haven’t dared to take it any further, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t entertained the possibility.
Just the idea of you and Alba getting together would be enough to drive Alexia crazy. If that idea were to ever become a reality…
With a hand on Alba’s waist, you lean in so she can hear you over the music, “dance with me.”
Her nails dig in ever so slightly into your back and her lips brush against your ear, giving you all the confirmation you need.
Revenge is sweet. ______
Spirits are high inside the locker room. The team is feeling extremely confident after a streak of great results, so there’s laughter and a lot of teasing as you get ready for training.
It’s the calm before the storm.
There’s a very notable absence in the locker room. Alexia, who is usually one of the very first to arrive, is nowhere to be seen.
Alba texted you last night to give you a heads up that Alexia had somehow found out about the two of you planning on going out on a date, and according to Alba, Alexia was not at all pleased with the idea. This, of course, didn’t surprise you. In fact, it’s what you wanted all along.
There is no doubt in your mind that going on a date with Alba is a horrible idea. You know it can only bring you trouble, but you still haven’t quite gotten over Alexia’s so called punishment. Not only that, it’s how much she seemed to enjoy watching you run back and forth, fighting for your life. For you, that moment was a declaration of war and as they say, all is fair in love and war. 
The impact of the door crashing against the wall startles everyone in the locker room. The door closes itself with force behind Alexia as she zeros in on you. Her face a ferocious red, eyes burning with rage.
You love it.
Alexia marches in your direction, takes the cleats from your hands and throws them against the wall. “Stay the hell away from Alba!”
Everyone around you is frozen in shock at the scene that’s unfolding before their very eyes. It reminds you of the previous clash with Alexia, but this time, you have the upper hand.
“I don’t think Alba would like that very much,” you say, tilting your head slightly to the side with an arrogant smirk.
“My sister is off limits!”
You scoff at her words. “Alba is allowed to date whoever she wants,” you say, keeping your eyes on Alexia, “isn’t that right, Mapi?”
Mapi, completely taken off guard, immediately puts her hands up in defense, “I’m innocent in all of this.”
The fire in Alexia’s eyes continues to burn bright but you refuse to look away and you refuse to back down.
“Everyone out!”
Like loyal soldiers, everyone in the locker room packs up what they need and practically run out of the locker room. You get a few looks from some of your teammates on their way out, almost as they want to get their last look good look of you alive and breathing before Alexia gets her hands on you.
“I don’t think you understand how pissed off I am right now,” she says, her jaw set.
“Oh, believe me, babe. I understand.”
A wave of recognition crashes over her, and Alexia finally understands that all of this is just your way of getting revenge. “You’re doing this on purpose,” she breathes out, and she almost can’t believe her own words. “You’re seriously using my sister to get back at me?”
A shrug of the shoulders is all you give her as a response.
Alexia runs her fingers through her hair in frustration and begins to pace the room. You watch in amusement as she covers her face with her hands and lets out a muffled groan born out of frustration.
“You know training is about to start, right?”
Alexia stops in her tracks and finally looks at you, “what do I have to do?” she asks.
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, “what the hell are you talking about?”
Alexia takes a step closer and you notice the rage in her eyes has been replaced with icy determination. “Tell me what I have to do for you not to go on that date with Alba,” there’s a slight hesitation before she says, “I’ll do anything.”
“Anything.” Alexia nods once and for a brief moment, her expression falters revealing her fear of you actually taking her up on her offer.
You’re overwhelmed by the possibilities, but one thing is for certain, you want to keep this going for as long as possible.
“Fine,” you say, crossing your arms across your chest. “If I can’t go out with Alba…” you take a pause, building up the anticipation much to Alexia’s displeasure, “...you’ll have to do.”
“You heard me. If I can’t go out with Alba, you’ll have to go out with me instead.”
Alexia’s eyes open wide, her lips parted in disbelief. This is the first time you see her truly vulnerable and you have to fight the grin threatening to spread across your face.
“No, no, y-you can’t be serious,” she stutters, forcing herself to take a step back.
“Oh, I’m very serious,” you say, “but, you can always so no and I can just go out with Alba.”
This is a win-win situation for you and Alexia knows it. There’s no getting out of this one, so it’s all a matter of how far she’s willing to go to ensure you stay away from her sister.
“Ok,” she says, “I’ll do it,” her words spoken so softly you can barely hear her.
“I’m gonna need you to speak up.”
Alexia takes in a deep breath, draws her shoulders back, and looks you dead in the eye. “Fine, I will go out with you,” she finally says, and this time you can hear her just fine. “But, Alba can never know about this.”
You expected her to put up more of a fight, but it seems she’s desperate to make sure you stay as far away as possible from Alba. If it were anybody else you’d be offended, but you don’t care much about Alexia’s opinion of you.
Your smile makes her eye twitch, her jaw clenched so tight that it’s a little concerning. Still, Alexia stands her ground and accepts her fate.
“Well, that’s settled then,” you say, closing the distance Alexia created.
There’s a pause. You scan her features, watching the subtle signs of tension around the corners of her mouth. When her tongue darts out to wet her lips, an unexpected shiver runs down your spine.
“You’re all mine.”
Part 2
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ottoslab · 1 year
(Shakes you) otto you've GOTTA tell me more about the freelance mystery solvers I GOTTA KNOW ABOUT EM WHAT ARE THEY DOIN !!! I love your designs sm btw your SO REAL FOR THIS AHH
HEEHEE ohhh ok cracks my knuckles. Im gonna be writing this right before passing Out for the night so apologies in advance if this isn’t very comprehensible but i will GLADLY explain the funny freelance mystery solvers o7
EDIT HI This got so long im putting it under a readmore KGJFNGKJSGK.
Also! I didn’t draw anything to go with this ask because i told myself id give my hand a break, but I do actually have some recent doodles of Vern and Kitty i was doing in between the lineup so I’ll put them here for a little display ^_^ theyre not in context of anything im about to mention, just some dynamic exploration stuff that are their own whole other rambles
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Ok! Readmore time! Paragraphs of nonsense! For your viewing pleasure!
So!! Vernon and Kitty are both employed by True Psychic Tales independently of each other when theyre older. Vernon is an illustrator/interviewer for the graphic novel division and Kitty works in special effects makeup for the more-recent live action film division! They don’t end up crossing paths for a while until being assigned to work together to research stuff for an up-and-coming TPT film project or smth. They become work buddies after reconnecting (though they choose to mostly ignore the fact that they knew each other as kids due to How They Were back then. They’re both very embarrassed about it for numerous reasons)
It becomes commonplace for them to help each other out with projects, and eventually through their research (fact-checking and digging through old psychonauts mission archives) they start to come across old psychonauts files of unfinished or ‘suspicious’ looking missions, ones that normally didnt get the green light to be told in graphic novel form due to the fact that they were inconclusive and, as a result, don’t make for good stories.
Kitty and Vernon end up sort of… picking up on these old missions in their spare time. It’s not psychonauts work but its also not not psychonauts work, you know? They team up to try and work out what lead to dead ends in missions and cross-referencing possibly related stories with other stories, and go out into the field to try and get answers. I picture it a lot in my brain as an episodic mystery series vis a vis scooby doo. They pick their archived mission log of the week to check out, go out, get some answers, and get a conclusion to bring back to TPT and a new graphic novel is made of the story they were able to uncover! With some more overarching plots where they get a little in over their heads here and there.
Franke’s got a bit less of a fleshed out role in all of this atm, mostly because i havent thought of him as much as the other two? My current vague-idea i have is that she and kitty had a falling out during their teen years, and Franke calls Kitty and Vernon falsely claiming to have a lead on a mystery theyve been working on, in order to try and reconnect with Kitty after she stopped talking to him. He has to come clean when whatever she leads them to actually ends up being a real psychic issue, and she has to explain that she doesn’t know what’s going on because she hadn’t actually called in about anything legit.
Franke does end up being a good help despite technically being the reason they got into deep shit in the first place, and Vernon’s probably the one who asks her to stick around (Kitty isn’t against it, but definitely isn’t really all too welcoming about it either.) They definitely have a whole thing where they all get closer and Kitty and Franke get to mend fences (a character arc along the lines of franke realizing he was kind of a hardass who wanted to make up without actually accepting any faults, and some other super impressive character arcs along the way im sure.) And all three of them continue to go on mystery deep-dives and uncover unfinished psychonauts missions!! Wahoo yahoo!!
Mystery incorporated asses! They’re fun, i enjoy them a lot! Hopefully this is some good tidbits of detail for u thank u for asking about them :]
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
ok but
i came up with what i think is an incredibly cute idea for a mdzs au and i really might add it to my project list cuz it tickles my fancy.
i'm dying thinking about it so let me give as small of a summary as i can here lmao
*the big change here is LWJ. LWJ is essentially a lot less restrictive, but...mainly with WWX! Think of this slightly like a sober-drunk LWJ.
-WWX meets LWJ at Cloud Ressesses, as per usual. he's still strict, but something about him seems softer around WWX than with other people, and others notice it immediately while WWX has no fucking clue. (this doesn't mean he's not aware, this just means it's too early for him to understand there's a difference).
-LWJ intentionally catches WWX every time he does something against the rules, and is secretly the happiest guy ever bc he now gets to sit with WWX every day for hours. this will help it still be a surprise for WWX when LWJ starts opening up to him bc why does strict lan suddenly wanna friend me??
-it does not take long before LWJ is actually seeming to open up even if not in the way WWX expected. (at least a month so after his punishment) as a result, WWX stops doing as much bad things to get LWJ's attention, and simply hangs out with him a ton. (Jc is a bit jealous bc he always wants the two to hang alone. He doesn't think about it too much though cuz wwx is always outgoing so he thinks he's probably overthinking it- not that he thinks they're in a relationship at this point)
-WWX starts behaving a bit, just because he wants to hang around longer, but still ends up punching Jin Zixuan. As a result, LWJ convinces uncle to let him go to Lotus pier as both an escort and to study there since he's already a great lan student! (aka he just wants to stick around WWX) and after a great battle with the of eyes he is allowed to go.
-Thus starts the little adventures of our young couple doing whatever the hell they want for a while.
maybe i'll touch more on this later but
i decided to nickname the au "He's Definitely Sober" for now. if i change it i change it lol
i mean...think about it, just imagine this scene but with a sober lwj. i would literally die. it's like, some of my favorite things. I have always wished there was more of this lmao
scenario for fun-
LWJ: Wei Ying. WWX: Lan Zhan?
LWJ: I love Wei Ying. WWX: You what
LWJ: I want to court you. WWX: YOU WHAT
LWJ: i'll ask uncle in the morning. WWX: ////////???? REWIND.
LWJ: *shoves armful of gentian flowers in his arms* please. WWX, lost, flustered, and who knows what else: o...okay.
...and thus an awkward convo with jc the next day:
WWX, holding his flowers: so...
JC: *squints* WWX: i might have gotten asked about being courted...
JC: ...you're a man! WWX: i said that too but...
JC: but?? WWX: we're both guys so its hard to argue against
JC: *freezes, looking seconds from qi deviation*
somewhere in the Yashi Lan Qiren is also looking pretty similar.
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vivalioo · 1 year
heyy! hope you're having a good day so far! i was wondering if i could have some headcannons of the stardust crusaders reacting to the fem! reader who's stand powers are mostly based on dreams that she had in the past? forgive me if this all is confusing (i've never really thought deep into a made-up stand power before 😅), but basically, whatever happens in a particular dream (ex: a person slips and falls on the floor), as long as the reader can remember certain details or events, when her stand touches a person (doesn't even have to be a punch, the stand could literally poke them for a brief second if it wanted), that person will be affected (as stated in my example: a person slips and falls in the reader's dream? the affected person will also slip and fall). however, the funny catch is that the reader tends to have strange dreams (some range from "ok, well that was weird" to "WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?! DID I ACTUALLY DREAM THAT?!"), so the weirder/intense/funnier the dream, the more powerful the attack is. sometimes there will be moments where a stand user is defeated in the most hilarious way, which always leaves the reader laughing her ass off at the end of the battle LMAO. apologies again if this all sounds confusing! feel free to change some things up if you want to :) ty! <33
This is my first time writing headcanons for characters so I thoroughly enjoyed this, especially because this idea was so fun, thank you for requesting! I hope it's to your liking ^^ I also hope you don't mind me tagging you just to make sure you see this! I know sometimes questions I ask don't give me notifs when people answer lol
No warnings needed I don't think except uhh the reader's gender isn't mentioned because of 2nd person pov, and this is mostly platonic but Polnareff's section has a flirty comment because c'mon it's Polnareff. OH and no Iggy :(
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Jotaro Kujo
-Jotaro is still relatively new to the whole situation regarding stands, and although he had thought he'd seen it all by now boy he couldn't be more wrong!
-I think he'd definitely be skeptical of the nature of your ability at first. You're practically able to change fate itself with a simple touch of your stand, it isn't until he sees it in action does he really start to accept how weird but strong the power can be
-Even if he won't admit it he's definitely curious if you've had any dreams involving him lol. Once he starts to believe your ability he'll grumble out something along the lines of "Keep that damn thing away from me" in fear of getting into an embarrassing accident as a result of the dreams
-If your stand happens to swoop in and save the day with some freak occurrence that rivals the likes of Joseph's most ridiculous plans, he's left in disbelief and tries to hide it by pulling his hat down and saying his most famous catch phrase. Expect to hear "Good grief." Every time your stand helps to incapacitate an enemy.
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Noriaki Kakyoin
-Kakyoin is very polite when approaching the topic of your stand ability
-He's fascinated with the idea of you being able to control someone's fate in such a way, and is one of the ones who sees the most potential in this stand
-He'll try to protect and lead you in battle more often than not, because he also recognizes that this ability is not really suited for combat. Which is very sweet!
-He doesn't pressure you but definitely makes it known that he'd appreciate any heads up for any dreams that involve him. He doesn't really want to make a fool of himself anytime soon
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Jean Pierre Polnareff
-Polnareff is like the second most fascinated with the nature of your stand, he's definitely curious if any of your dreams happen to mention him too. -He'd somehow find a way to make a witty one-liner out of the situation, it's just in his nature. "Ah, so you've been dreaming about me have you?"
-If you decide to tell him of any embarrassing fate that might befall him that day he'll kinda blush a bit and subconsciously shy away from you and your stand's touch while saying "O-oh? Is that so?"
-Please forgive him he's had enough embarrassment on this trip. Mans is traumatized lmfao
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Muhammad Avdol
-Avdol, being a fortune teller himself, is probably the one most fascinated with your stand ability! He'll enthusiastically encourage you to tell him of your dreams every morning, so much so that it becomes routine
-He'll always thoughtfully and politely nod along, strategizing about how your premonitions can be used in battle against enemy stand users
-He gets embarrassed if any of your dreams involve him, especially if it's something silly. He feels like he has to apologize for you seeing such an uncharacteristic display
-He will definitely give a hearty chuckle about anything else you tell him about the crusaders though. You've seen how mischievous he can be at times, if it's something non life threatening he'll even subtly encourage you to touch them with your stand. It's like a little inside joke you both get to be on!
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Joseph Joestar
-If there's even a mention of himself in your dreams you bet your ass he wants to know every detail! If it's something funny/ridiculous he'll sort of scoff and hide his embarrassment, claiming that such a thing would never happen to him!
-Until it does.
-He'll never get used to seeing this ability in action against enemy stand users, like Jotaro he might even be skeptical and teasing/condescending about it at first (because that's just how he is), and has never been humbled so fast than when you cause some sort of terrifyingly hilarious fate to befall someone
-After that he's like a persistent child, constantly inquiring about your dreams and abusing your stand's power to the fullest, especially to help him out of a tough spot
-He'll get a bit ahead of himself, so you'll have to remind him sometimes that your ability works in a specific way, and no you can't make something happen to an enemy naturally because they're kicking yall's ass in battle lol
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virgincels · 4 months
ok ok ok this has been sitting in my head for literally too long and now i’m under an anon to share it w u cs president kennedy my beloved 🤞
imagine if u were like . president! leon’s illegitimate daughter (this is the one for the poc readers who want president kennedy as ur father aka ME cs im projecting) as a result of him sticking his big white kennedy in another lady at a bar or party !!! n id imagine ur like . little younger than ashley and leon’s a little bitch and doesnt want a bastard child along w his actual daughter but ur mom wants to have u !!! so he doesnt wanna be a dick and is like ok . and then gives her money to never ever talk ab it again so its all hush hush
fast forward ummm reader’s in college / uni and made it into the same school ashley goes to woohoo !!! but !!! the school is super expensive (considering ashley is attending) so out of like lowk desperation readers mom contacts leon to like . ask for sooomeee money cs she doesnt wanna go broke sending her baby to school !!! ashley overhears the call or whatever n is like “omg i have a little sister and shes going to school in the area ?!? 🥺” and leon, seeing how happy ashley is, lets reader come live w them while shes at school instead of the dorms provided she pretends shes like . a niece or smth to avoid some scandal (stupid ass leon thinks thats gonna cause an issue cs hes LITERALLY fucking his daughter on the down low. not beating the accusations!!!)
reader moves in and ashley is all over her little sister !!! wants to dress her up like a doll cs she sees the state her secondhand clothes r in and how little she has !!! eventually begs leon to take them shopping so they can have a sister/daddy-daughters date !!!
at first its . tense w leon cs he didnt want another daughter around ! he has ashley ! hes doing this to make ashley happy but reader is sooo desperate for a relationship w daddy :( (think of jingle balls reader tbh i think ???) mopey whenever dad downright refuses to acknowledge her, seeing all the hugs and kisses he gives ashley . n ashley isnt dumb ! mostly ! she sees how sad reader is n is like i have an idea >:)
ashley literally like . makes leon sit in a cuck chair in the corner of her room while she fingers reader n forces her to tell leon how she feels ! and reader is literally like . sobbing and creaming all over her older sister’s fingers ab how close she wants to be w leon like he is w ashley !!! eventually like . leon gives up cs he’s already hard from seeing two girls get it on n joins them n promises to start treating reader better (n he actually does cs i want this to have a happy ending 😭)
- 🖇️ anon
oh my god anon u don’t understand how much I LOVE THIS.. I have ocs in like my original work where the rich scumbag dad kind of pays off a girl he knocked up to just shut up the baby.. and it reminds me of this cuz his other daughter is rich n spoiled like omg :3
and yeah.. he probably got ur mom a boob job and called it a day. has the money to pay her regularly but he’s a fucking disgusting deadbeat so he stops the minute u turn 18 and there’s also the fear that journalists and media will go digging and find out ab this account he’s sending money to :3 and the thing is ashley wouldn’t even care.. she would just be so happy to have another sister his wife wouldn’t even gaf.. like she doesn’t care ab leon she’s a gold digger!!! so he’s being needlessly . cruel LMFAO but he’s just so . focused on ashley just has tunnel vision for her it’s sickening !!
and he would also be pissed off. that you got into the same university as ashley? takes it sort of as a threat like.. he’s mad omg cuz he thinks you’re there to fucking expose him and ur not? ur just!! a smart cookie omg and ashley is so lovely.. she wouldn’t leave ur side whether it be on campus or at home she’s so excited to have a sister like she grew up pretty lonely? even if leon’s first priority is her he’s still a busy guy and he’s not much fun like he’s a gross old man how much fun can she have with him?
she would be so pushy ab it too.. insists that he gives you a kiss when he gives ashley a kiss! tells him to hug you and hold you when he does it to her:.. and leon’s like tweaking omg he’s usually with her as much as possible fucking her openly. sticking his hand in her panties when he wants but yk you’re there and. not exactly exposed to what they do as of now LMFAO
and ur kind of like. u half resent him? bc how could he do that to you and mom? fuck her and knock her up and then just leave her? when he has a daughter here who just gets everything at the drop of a hat and it’s not Ashley’s fault so u don’t blame her at all its just him omg but at the same time u want him so bad.. when ashley insists that he’s affectionate with u too ur like nonono! it’s ok it’s ok but :3 really you do want him to do it bc u want a dad so bad..
and omg.. big sis ashley she’s so.. she’s so pushy towards leon tbh!! like she will get what she wants from him.. OMG just. she won’t let him touch until he swears to be nice to you and he has to touch you so sweetly and get you off and fuck you while your big sister talks you through taking dads cock .. like trust she will whip him into shape
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dangermousie · 1 year
So much of ep 33 to me is about choice and how TTJ chooses who he wants to be, that he fights predestination to be a demon god host. Because this ep makes clear that unlike in the novel, it’s not that TTJ decides to go evil and slowly becomes demon god, TTJ is merely a vessel whose role is basically to be demon god’s meat suit. That to me is even more horrible - his whole life is basically to become a vessel to be possessed by another entity. And he’s suffered his whole life to make him more receptive to be willing to give up anything for a chance to end his suffering and to destroy the world that hurt him (which is why it’s all supposed to be so bad as to want to drive him to suicide; someone who has given up enough and wants sessation of pain that badly would be OK with letting demon god puppet him - as we saw in the very beginning when he, at his lowest, was offering himself.) But also, if he is basically the host (with results best achieved when the host is willing, but even if not willing demon god can work with it), that makes all the “gotta murder him” or “his suffering is deserved” even more wrong and odious.
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Susu here talks about her father but - I don’t want to say the same applies to TTJ because it does not. Di Mian chose to go evil and it’s definitely him who did whatever bad stuff. Demon God that Susu met in ep 1 is not really TTJ, is it? TTJ’s soul is not the driver, it is not it that looks out of demon god’s eyes. I am not really an expert in possession stuff but it’s like blaming someone who’s been possessed for what they did when they weren’t them. 
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I love this so much. SO MUCH!
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He now has something to live for - her, his sect, just generally the fact that he is not in constant suffering. Of course he would fight being taken over. Susu was on the right track though she never truly figured it out since she didn’t know they are separate entities, when she thought if he had kindness he might not become demon god. Who on earth would want to be possessed if they had a better alternative?
And I love that they do talk about it and even though Susu is hiding her demon bone plan, they are honest about his fears and how she sees him.
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The way she unhesitatingly addresses his biggest fear - that she will always see him as demon god and not him. It took Susu a long time to get there but once she did, she is unwavering and I love it, I love that she can tell the difference, I love that she realizes potential is not the same as reality and that he cannot be punished for what the man standing in front of her never became (and that is not even him, since demon god is a separate entity in any meaningful sense.)
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His looking for reassurance - because he insists so hard he is not demon god but he has to have doubts, it’s only human.
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AAAA her answer!!! And also whatever lessons she’s failed to learn, she learned this one, no more repetition of that set of mistakes from past life.
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Yes, thank you. It’s actually such an interesting set-up (if different from the novel) - the host refusing to host the demon because he has his own damn life to live and his own values. It’s kind of body horror but also so fascinating.
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This has got to be such an utter horrifying trip. It’s interesting that all that suffering that was given to him to prep him as a willing host actually prepped him to be tough and deal with all sorts of insanity and thus enables him to fight demon god now.
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Yikes! And knowing he’s terrified of it, we all know what will happen...
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Poor man! Yikes. He can’t even properly enjoy his sect because in the back of his head is the worry he will be exposed and driven out yet again. Talk about being punished for something you have no control over and no fault in.
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wooahaes · 9 days
skz versions PLEASE
while im waiting for pasta sauce to thicken up a lil...
my immediate thought for 'older brothers best friend' is aussie bros being actual (adopted) aussie bros. reader is chris's best friend and felix is in love with them but has 0 idea how to talk abt it. where like... the seokmin-chan dynamic was "i'm worried abt how seokmin will respond :(", the chris-felix dynamic is "chris can never find out because he has so much dirt on me and i'll never live"
i like the idea that reader n chris meet in high school and just click together rly well lol and felix starts crushing on them after reader shows up to a swim meet a few years later while felix is a freshman. reader's cheering on chris and felix because they wanna be supportive and reader hugs felix afterward and he's like omg (flustered). he doesn't act on it for a while because he thinks the crush will go away, esp after reader goes abroad for school, and then they come back and felix's crush comes back in full force. all of his friends (the rest of the 00z + jeongin) know the lore by now and have been sworn to silence. there's just some sort of rekindling of things, both have matured a bit, and its kind of a "im getting to know you again and oops we're falling in love" while reader and felix scramble to keep their relationship hidden from chris (bc reader, like felix, also knows how much dirt chris has on them. neither part of this relationship will get to live with chris around)
i like to imagine that eventually it leads to a big fight because i live for the drama in fiction lol where chris finds out and he's hurt because two of the people he loves most have been hiding this from him and he feels horrible because why wouldnt they trust him??? reader calls things off with felix because they feel guilty for hurting him, felix is upset and feels guilty for hurting chris as well, and the three start to avoid one another fully after the fallout. it 100% takes the rest of their friends to trick them all into the same room and being like 'ok work this shit out because ur depressing us.' they work things out, probs w chris admitting he never wanted them to hide their relationship and he def didn't want them to break up as a result, he just wishes they had talked to him, etc. and they work things out and happy ever after :)
sorry u can tell i was thinking abt this while i was cooking sdkfhdsf
fake dating but the guy needs it instead of the reader... hmm..... god, who is the funniest option for fake dating.... my heart says seungmin if im honest because like. he feels like the type who's like "i would never get myself into that situation"
and then he turns around to reader and hes like "i need you to pretend to date me. don't ask questions." and reader (his friend and coworker) is like. uh. my guy, i kind of have to ask questions rn. and seungmin starts telling this long story about how he saw his ex out in public and they're dating someone new and they were kind of a shitty person when they dated and turns out they're still shitty bc they saw the chance to put seungmin down because ohh ur not dating anyone? of course ur not :) and hes like ACTUALLY I AM (pulls up picture of him and reader when they were hanging out) they're hotter than you :) and now he's invited to some party that he knows his ex will be at and he needs reader to go with him. readers like whats in it for me tho other than showing up ur bitchy ex. and seungmins like idk ill cover one of ur shifts.
thats not enough and he ends up promising to take u out for whatever food afterward and covering one of ur shifts as soon as u need it (barring him having any personal emergencies/being physically unable to cover it). reader is 100% the one who kisses seungmin's cheek while at the party...
and probably also the one who yanks seungmin in to make out with him in a bedroom when they hear seungmin's ex wandering around for him. they absolutely pull away and are fine right after its all over. the two probs keep up the fake dating for a while w the PDA becoming more and more common until seungmin just looks up one day and hes like
holy fuck. we're just like... actually dating now arent we.
they r idiots together <3 mwah mwah
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
Httyd 2 anon here.
Let me talk about the light fury for a minute. I hate her. No, perhaps hate is a strong word, more like I don't care about her. What was the actual purpose of her? Toothless getting laid? I would like her more if she was a completely wild dragon that never saw humans in her life before and as a result she was too difficult to 'tame'. Unlike most of the other dragons that were attacking the village or were geld captive and have seen humans, I don't think she ever did (or I think it would be better if they wrote her like that idk). Remember how much time the first movie dedicated to show us Toothless warming up to Hiccup? Why is that absent with every other dragon? Again, I get it that most dragons were already familiar with humans because they were casually going to the village to steal the sheep but c'mon, that can't be the case with every dragon. I wanted to see more wild dragons in the franchise.
Maybe they could show us Toothless and Light fury spending more time together, bonding and her showing him dragon things and activities he forgot (or never knew about) because he was with the humans for so long. Maybe we could see how being domesticated contradicted their wild nature and Hiccup would see how much happier Toothless was while flying-playing with her and he decided to let him go in the end. Not because he wanted to but like, they would be flying and he would go too far away without realizing, would act too 'wild' or something. Also I don't think they should have left all dragons to the hidden world but that's another topic.
Now, about her design. Wth is that. Why didn't they play more with textures? I'm not saying they should have made her rough (they could) but maybe they could use some other smooth textures to make her less 'naked'. She looks half baked, like it's missing something. Maybe make her scales show more? Add something? I like the smoother idea, night-light parallels but the execution is lacking. Maybe not her design but make her act more 'more'. Use her body and movements more (not in a feminine way but in an animal way). Show more teeth (they could have done something cool and different with her mouth, like it starts off as that Toothless scene but her teeth were way sharper or something). Point is they could have made her better but they didn't.
I like the concept of her, mirroring Toothless but they didn't actually use it and while we could have gotten something really cool we got whatever she was in the canon.
If someone likes the second and third movies that's completely fine but I do think we deserved a little better.
My critisisms come from a place of love, I don't mean to bash the franchise (I still really like the first movie, the second is ok but the third is a little too stupid for me).
To summarize, the main issue with the light fury boils down to how the scriptwriters treated her. It's less about the design and more about how she didn't have an actual role to play and instead she was just a stereotype.
Sorry for the rant, have a great day/night.
Yeah, I think this about sums up the problems everyone has with the Light Fury. Everyone wanted to like her, we could have even forgiven her weird alien design if the story was great in every way, but the weird design plus the wasted potential and sexism plus the crumminess that was the third movie...
I hate that they cut out this beautiful scene where Toothless tries to burn the harness off her head, it causes her scales to heat up, and he literally sees himself in her.
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queen-mabs-revenge · 1 year
well. that was an episode of something alright.
no but truly whatever is happening is so fucking disappointing wrt the emotional journey and catharsis for these characters, and honestly i feel condescended to as an audience member and as a football fan. you can't just slap an isolated didactic speech over a heart tugging score and call it story telling, you can't take an 11th hour 180 turn while ignoring the characters for 10 episodes and call it character development, and you can't take a story of mass working-class fan protests against club owner greed and give it to a rich white lady as her slay girlboss story without it being actually gross.
sorry but this was 63 minutes...of what exactly?? just going through the story lines in some kind of vague order of least to most consequential for sam, keeley, roy, rebecca, and nate and this gets long so under the cut it goes:
sam - what was this supposed to even be? ok so you bring back edwin akufo for the superleague story (which by the way, changing this to the akufo league instead of the story's inspiration the european super league - which was proposed by white european billionaires - is some level of racism i can't even...) to do what? get some laughs in by retreading the grudge? putting sam through the ringer again for...??? what was the end result here? like i'm genuinely asking bc i don't understand what i'm supposed to get from his being all smiley and putting the nigerian national team photo in his locker? he's happy because jamie gave him a shout out and that's good enough for him? what the fuck is this even supposed to mean?
keeley - what was the purpose of any of this genuinely. the amount of time we spent with kjpr and i have no idea what keeley does, if she's good at her job, how she's built her relationships with her silent co-workers. when she was at richmond we got to see her in action and her stories brought out not only her own character but other characters we cared about. keeley has been utterly passive this season - her biggest moment of agency was hiring shandy and that was exploded and scrubbed from the narrative. everything else from jack to the leak to being defunded just happened to her and she cried about it. and now rebecca's swooping in to refund her again and genuinely what is even happening here? the conflict for her character that was set up last year was that she was experiencing success in a completely new way and she was scared she wasn't going to live up to it and the conflict between the work she felt she needed to do to live up to expectations and how that would affect other relationships in her life, especially that with roy. how was that addressed? at all? we've seen her nebulously stressed, we've been told she's working a lot without being allowed to experience what she's doing, we've seen her try and emulate both ted and rebecca without success, and what? what else? a couple of looks between her and roy? her getting picked up and put down by a vc funder both financially and personally? what kind of synthesis has she reached here???
roy - which brings us to roy. we get the 'i'm talking about my football career but actually i'm talking about my relationship with keeley' in the chelsea episode which was great because it set up a conflict for roy this season - the idea that he cuts and runs to put distance between himself and moments of vulnerability to avoid possible failure and as a result never truly engages and enjoys experiences or people in the moment. great brilliant amazing love it -- what the fuck happened. i feel like you can vaguely connect something about how his training jamie is teaching jamie not to do what he did - to actually give his emotional all to his development as a footballer instead of detaching when things were at there most frustrating with zava there. that where roy used his anger and gruffness as a mask, jamie was using his cockiness but both to the same end of detaching from a situation they felt was out of their control. but i feel like i'm carrying a lot of water with all that, and while yes there have been moments of roy being more open this season, he's for a lot of it been relegated to weird comic relief if you can even call it that? (sorry but the rope monologue and the dick string training are both fucked up and weird and went on for way too long). he pulled a ted at the press conference (and told someone else's miscarriage story hmm)? he and keeley have been kept apart for the entirety of this season so like....i don't know? what was this? a fake holiday to wedge in a scene with his sister, phoebe and jamie? an epiphany that he was a mess? that he caused damage? and he writes a letter and now everything's good roykeeley back on track? the fact that they were kept apart for the majority of the season just feels like.......was any of this actually sorted through? did we experience either of these characters interact in any way where they challenged each other in this journey? that lead up to this reconciliation? this culmination feels so unearned.
rebecca - and speaking of unearned, the entire set-up for her arc of getting the fuck over rupert and finding joy in the team without it being about someone else was there. from her rashness in swooping zava from under rupert's nose, to her yelling at ted about winning, the 'him-you-mean-them' conversation, her maniacal behaviour at half-time during the west ham game. but where was the move out of this? she met a guy on a boat? she..........what??? how have we seen her grow out of this moment? what have we seen besides this deus ex machina of....what? remembering a story about rupert's childhood and bing bang boom - oh he was just a child once too? and the end, job's a good'un? fast forwarding through the total football catharsis short-shrifted rebecca, too. if the football is the expository tool to reveal things about our characters, the idea that a strategy that puts a singular thing at the focus to the detriment of everything else is bad for football and it's bad for people is a great narrative device. but...just as we're being told and not shown that it's working on the field, we're getting the same treatment off. rebecca is realising that the community both in and around the club is more fulfilling than a psychic's quote unquote predictions and using the club as a tool for narrow-focused spite -- ok show that??? show her reactions to the fans attending training. show other small moments where she enjoys the game? puts the club above embarrassing rupert at all costs? that moment with higgins talking about possibly firing ted bc of the winless streak could have been a glimpse of that but it was thrown away instead (but to be honest, how much of that is a retreading of her journey in s1?). so what do we get instead - girlbossery with, i'm sorry, a really fucking beyond heavy-handed moment with seeing her young self in the mirror? that does what? tells us that she's able to stand firm in a room full of men? did we...not know that? that she realises she's in it bc she loves the game? does she?? again, by not seeing the moments of total football triumph, we missed out on the opportunity to show her falling in love with the sport and becoming a true fan, not just an owner. if that's even what i'm supposed to be getting from this!!?? not to mention that her big moment of realising passion for the beautiful game was more important than her spite was directly ripped from the headlines but completely twisted. as i mentioned before, in april 2021 a bunch of white european billionaire club owners did indeed try to form a european super league out of a closed group of 12 of the richest european clubs, but clear cash grab wasn't stopped by a rich white lady having a moment of #selflove and altruistic benevolence, it was stopped by a mass protest of working-class fans pointing out the clear capitalist greed of the move:
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nate - and god if all of this isn't just a slap in the face to nate's character arc. again, the set up of the first two seasons was clear and great! nate's struggle with self-worth especially rooted in his inability to live up to his father's expectations; his being bullied and undervalued and then clinging to someone who was giving him the affirmations he was craving, his projecting those unresolved issues onto ted who both couldn't live up to those expectations, and who made his own mistakes as he struggled through his own personal turmoil and mental health issues. the way all of those unresolved issues and referred anger came to a head for the both of them in nate's exposing ted's panic attacks to try and hurt him the way he felt hurt. and then falling into the arms of someone who was ready to exploit nate's talent and insecurity for his own gains. it's so good! it's so fucking good that it's bananas that we barely get to see any of his reconcilation play out! we get the beginning with rupert's emotional manipulation on display...and then what? nate is sidelined for the majority of the season! he's absent in some episodes altogether! HE QUITS HIS JOB OFF SCREEN AND WE GET NONE OF HIS INNER THOUGHTS AS TO WHY EXACTLY AND WE'RE LEFT TO DO THE WORK OF FILLING IN THE BLANKS??? we get that tell-not-show moment with his family with his dad's map, but like then there's no significant interaction between nate and his father until this episode? we get most of nate's personal development through his relationship with jade instead of diving into his relationship with his parents and teasing that out to build up to the emotional cathartic moment in this episode? there's so much untapped complexity in nate's arc! that tension with his parents, how the pressures both his father as an immigrant and himself as first gen are amplified by the pressures of rigid masculinity. how his father felt the need to stifle that creative sweetness in himself to make sure nate succeeded and had the best opportunity because of the combined pressures of race, class, masculinity, and feeling out of his depths when faced with his son's brilliance. nate's conflict between expressing his own softness and creativity v his feelings of the expectations of masculinity and success. so much of that could have been drawn out instead of sidelined and then infodumped and concluded in a few minutes of one episode! look! nate plays the violin aren't you feeling emotions? so many minutes of nate laying in bed and so few of the exploration of his and his father's dynamic that was set up to be the hingepoint of his frustration, insecurity and anger that manifested in his ruptured relationship with ted and richmond! and it's back to the total football -- that jade is part of his development isn't a bad thing! showing nate as becoming fulfilled both familially and romantically is actually good, esp for a character of colour! the idea that a healthy life is a full life with many different elements of one's community playing in tandem and concert to build towards a fulfillment and joy! but like...ok??? do so that???? and not all in one moment with All The Right Words At The Same Time???? what the fuck man this feels so fucking surface level and i just with the sheer amount of minutes given to episodes this season, what the fuck were they spent on if not this???
i'm sorry, but epiphany moments like the four (four!!!) in this episode work in romcom movies because we have 90 minutes with the characters. we accept certain shorthand for character growth because we understand the constraints of the narrative framework. it's bananas and fucking lazy to think that's OK for a serial format, especially one that's ballooned in time over the past season! what the fuck have those minutes been used for except for apparently spinning the fucking wheels on all of these development arcs until the last saccharine moment? aren't you crying with emotions, hmmmm?????
none of this feels earned and i feel genuinely gross at being thrown a few Emotionally Coded scenes and being expected to have my little heartstrings pulled enough that the squandered and self-indulgent mess of this season - that threw all of this character development into the trash - doesn't matter. we've spent years with these characters, the first two seasons carefully set up deep conflicts that should have been given careful and deep resolutions.
instead this episode gives us a naked ass and insists that it's clothed in glorious tie dye.
it's a naked fucking ass. and whatever patchwork loincloth the last two episodes whip up, it can't make up for the wasted potential, laziness and self-indulgent disaster of jason sudeikis's showrunning.
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