#i actually headcanon Sunny as genderfluid
randomsunny-fan · 1 year
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Transfem Sunny lives in my head (rent free) <3
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sunnyroleplayblog · 2 months
*gives a real life version of the transfem potion and a cure*
Incase you get curious~
oh, uh, thanks? i’ll keep this for later..i guess.
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wanderpawn · 1 month
To celebrate the one year anniversary of my Fontaine Hyperfixation, I'm finally posting my favorites of my headcanons for Neuvillette and Furina !! \(^-^)/
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These will just be random things I believe to be true about them!
Neuvillette: (I'll try my best to keep it brief...)
They have no innate concept of gender, it kind of goes hand-in-hand with the "no concept of human society" thing.
But one day, shortly after first coming to Fontaine, they see a man dressed in a classy outfit, and they think "oh, THAT'S what I want to look like."
They don't think they're built for it, though, unfortunately....
(Do you get what I'm hinting at. They're afab.)
ANYWAY. onto the actual headcanons.
Neuvillette cut their hair shoulder-length post-Masquerade of the Guilty
They like to wear the ribbon from their long hairstyle on the back of their head sometimes (it takes a lot of courage, though).
Disabled legend... they use the cane for trials, sure, but they also have a chronic illness that makes it difficult to walk and causes balance + coordination issues
They have OCD... but also ADHD. And autism. Can dragons have autism? I think they have autism.
Neuvillette has a dissociative disorder. Namely, dissociative amnesia, as they can't remember anything about their past or where they came from. They probably have some form of personality fragmentation, too. I could talk about this specific headcanon for hours (please go watch Neuvillette's character teaser with a reputably-sourced list of symptoms if you don't believe me 🥺)
Another point, I think they have chronic migraine with photophobia. That's why they hate direct sunlight.
They spend their free time sleeping and researching anything that interests them. And taking walks; on sunny days they carry a light-blocking umbrella.
Here's a crazy one— they're actually only an inch or two taller than Furina. They frequently wear platform shoes to make themself seem taller, though (but it does NOT help with the balance issue. Speaking from personal experience.)
OKAY LAST ONE I SWEAR. Neuvillette's voice sounds like a scrunkly little shonen protagonist, but with some femininity to it. They don't have much range, though— if they yell, their voice cracks really bad. (when I first heard their Japanese dubbed voice, I flipped the crap out so bad because it was so good!!!! ( T ∀ T ) )
Furina: (I am sorry it's shorter.... I just have massive Neuvillette brainrot....)
Furina is very crafty and likes to do activities like sewing and decorating things
They're super good at makeup and coordinating outfits
They get hyperfixated on the books they read.... like a fandom type thing....
They have perpetually messy hair because they spend a lot of time sleeping.
They have ADHD. And probably abandonment issues
They're genderfluid.
They grow their bangs long so they can hide behind them when talking to others as Ousia Furina.
They have a dissociative disorder, with alters known as Pneuma Furina and Ousia Furina.
Pneuma Furina is very happy and energetic. They love to be social and are very cheerful!!
Ousia Furina likes to keep to themself, they have a more depressed/nihilistic outlook on life.
Both are equally Furina, though!!
Thank you so much for reading... this isn't like my typical posts, I hope it was fun to read ( ´; ω ;` )
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charmac · 6 months
People seem to forget that transmasc people can still dress feminine and vice versa. Men can wear wigs and dresses and women can cut their hair and grow beards. I think Charlie is transmasc and discovered this early so since he transitioned and looked like a male Bonnie dressed him femininely and he felt fine with it. some people are acting like men cant wear dresses and its annoying
It's definitely absolutely insanely accidental, but RCG really wrote Charlie as the most gender character of all time.
The Bathroom Problem is kinda the best example you can give anyone as to how you can have an infinite interpretation of gender: "cis man who poops transgender," I give you transman who can still enjoy wearing a dress in a certain environment, transfem whose closet is a bathroom stall, genderfluid in the place of bodilyfluids (okay, wait. WAS it definitely accidental?)
We're all on Tumblr, we all know anyone can look and dress any way and be any gender (or, if you don't understand that, I encourage you to explore and talk to trans mutuals!), which is why I think it's quite nonsensical to spend time arguing over a headcanon being dismissive of another. Charlie can be anything! Or nothing! (TY Charlie Day for my favourite line in Right to Chop "I don't really identify..." <3)
People aren't required to share the same interpretations or agree on what is a good or bad headcanon, and I think if you're getting upset by someone's own personal preferences or their interpretation for character analysis, you're just not supposed to be in the same circles of the fandom, and that's okay! You can share your own opinions, you can post your own content, but you can't keep people from personally disagreeing or expressing why they dislike a certain interpretation in their own, personal spaces online.
A lot of Sunny is pretty deep and also, very heavy. It's not surprising that people end up pulling a lot out of it, often projecting, and then find themselves very personally connected to their own interpretations and feel extremely validated when others agree with them, or feel upsettingly thrown when they see conflicting ideas. I feel all of that constantly, about many different aspects and characters, and a lot of the time I need to talk about it! I spent two years trying to do that on the SUBREDDIT and that's why I made this blog (and why my Twitter account is all but overrun by Sunny, lmfao). I think that's why most of us are here? And a lot of the time we're going to very heavily, crazily, completely agree with each other, but other times we're going to disagree as well.
Sometimes disagreement is something you can shrug off and move past (yeah, there are very clearly multiple interpretations), something you can just get over by venting more privately or one-on-one, but sometimes it's something you think is genuinely important to address/speak about, and I think that's actually how we can end up having very interesting and meaningful discussions and learn from each other.
(But if that's no good, just unfollow and block if you need to. Some people just don't get along or come from too-far distant places to agree on certain things, and that's a fact of life! This show has thousands of fans who think The D.E.N.N.I.S. System is actually a genius method, and a couple thousand more who think he is genuinely a killer ladies man)
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yukidragon · 2 years
Is demon SDJ an au or just a halloween costume? also do you have a headcanon for demon Jack too?
To my knowledge, it could be both. I believe it started when YummyPinkMilk got the idea to draw Jack as an incubus, which inspired Jambeebot/Sauce to draw their own version.
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Later on, Sauce made a sprite version for fun with a slightly tweaked design, as we’ve seen on the official Sunny Day Jack twitter. After that, costumes for all the male leads were made.
It’s really cool to see both versions of the design side by side.
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Whether or not the sprites are just fun Halloween costumes or something more to them remains to be seen. A lot of people enjoy playing with this design as its own AU though.
Also, as a quick aside, let me remind everyone to please not repost art posted privately on the SnaccPop Studios Patreon. Art that was posted publicly is okay as long as you remember to give Sauce full credit for it like I’m doing here. Please support them and this lovely game by becoming a patron, backing the official Sunny Day Jack kickstarter, or just spreading the word. As a reminder, there’s just a week left before the kickstarter closes!
As for headcanons, well... I do have a few thoughts that I could rattle off. It’ll go under the cut of course since we’re talking about a sex demon AU for an Adults Only game. Talk about spice is pretty inevitable.
Also, there might be some mature themes that go beyond sex. The implications of this sort of supernatural being can get pretty dark if you think about it too hard... which I’m oft to do. How dark? Hopefully no darker than my third headcanon post with the tragedy of [Redacted].
...Which is giving me ideas for this AU. Strap in, folks.
Oh, before I get started, I should tag @channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic​ &  @sai-of-the-7-stars. If you want to be tagged in my next headcanon post, please let me know!
Since these are my own personal headcanons for a demon Jack AU, I’m going to default to using my own personal version of the MC, Alice. However, I will do my best to make mention of when things could apply to the MC in general.
For starters, Jack is an incubus in this headcanon. It’s not because he’s a male sex demon, but because he’s a top. I’ve been inspired by this popular thread that looks at the Latin origins of incubus/succubus and divides them not by gender but by sexual preferences. An incubus is a top, a succubus is a bottom, and a concubus is a verse.
Of course, Jack is flexible enough to take the role of a concubus or a succubus if his sunshine wants, but his preference is overwhelmingly as an incubus.
In this universe, sex demons, shortened to ‘cubi, can shapeshift to some degree, mostly in terms of body type, sex organs, and their more “demonic” features (wings, horns, tail, markings, etc.) This means that they can better appeal to the exact tastes of whatever human they’re catering to, or simply their own. This means that technically they’re genderfluid, but like anyone they have their own gender identity. In Jack’s case, that’s male, and the above appearance is what he is most comfortable in. If he wanted to, however, he could make himself look like the genderswap AU version of himself, Jill.
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Despite being known as sex demons, ‘cubi don’t actually come from some infernal underworld... at least not originally. Rather, they’re beings made from magic as the manifestations of desire, specifically to cater to the pleasures of those that summon them. In a way, they’re something of a mixture between tulpas and familiars, bound to a specific person to serve them in exchange for that person’s energy to sustain them.
You know, something kind of similar to Jack’s situation with his sunshine in the main universe.
Now, I’m not saying Jack in SDJ is secretly an incubus or anything like that, even though he practically lives to serve MC and feels more secure in his existence through having sex with them, but... the parallels are kind of pretty apparent.
Naturally, this sort of setup is pretty rife with unfortunate implications if these magical husbando/waifus happen to be thinking and feeling sentient beings rather than glorified magical sex dolls made just for the pleasure of their owner. What sort of awful person would enslave some poor soul to just use them like that?
Oh wait.
Now... while this idea can very easily go into non-consent territory, I don’t want to go there, not even in an AU. This is just the origins of the ‘cubi species that serves as background in this universe. At some point in the past, they broke free of this unfavorable state of servitude. They weren’t meant to be able to reproduce on their own or live unbound to their masters, but the ‘cubi figured out how to do both and became their own race. They’ve been engaging in a both symbiotic and antagonistic relationship with humanity ever since.
Typically ‘cubi are unable to feel love of any sort due to their origins, but like any species that grows and changes over time with each generation, eventually there will be anomalies. Jack is one such anomaly. Unlike the majority of his species, he longs to love and be loved, but for the longest time didn’t realize that’s what he was missing. Much like in the regular universe, his family didn’t love him, but the ‘cubi parents didn’t even pretend they did, as the concept is just dismissed as a “human” trait, and humans are just for “food and fun” to the ‘cubi.
Naturally, Jack had a hard time living with the ‘cubi. Much like the main universe, he was neglected and ignored by those around him as he was growing, and eventually there was a tipping point that made him leave them and never look back again.
Although ‘cubi are most well known for being sex “demons”, they can feed off of any human desire, and it’s strongest when it’s directed at them. Sexual desire is just the most favored way for them to feed, as it’s very potent and pleasurable. This means that a human just looking at them with lustful feelings can offer them some energy even without directly engaging in sex.
The ‘cubi that either don’t want to have sex or are too young for it get their energy from platonic sources of desire or have energy donated to them by other ‘cubi. We respect enthusiastic consent in this house, and only consenting adults should engage in sexual behaviors, even in a fantasy AU.
Of course, once an adult, Jack did engage in sexual behaviors. What he didn’t get from ‘cubi, he thought he could get from humans. The pleasure was great, but he was still wanting more. He wanted to be the desire of many humans, believing that’s what he was missing. This led to a hedonistic lifestyle and a lot of people desiring him, but no matter how much desire he consumed, he was never satisfied.
Naturally, there are people who have a huge issue with sexual promiscuity. There are also people who have a huge problem with non-human races, ranging from distaste to outright hatred. Combine the two with plenty of fear, and you get tragedy.
With Jack seducing so many people and desiring so much attention, it was only a matter of time before the wrong people found out. There are demon hunters in this world, as well as those who believe the ‘cubi are evil. Jack was labeled as a demon seducing innocent people and clouding their minds, tempting them to the path of sin, and other such excuses to hunt him down.
Jack barely survived being killed by the hunters, but was captured instead. In this world, familiars are summoned and can be sealed away if they get unruly. The person who caught him was familiar with the origins of the ‘cubi and how similar they are to familiars, and used that to seal him away into a magical box.
This of course resulted in a Jack-in-the-box.
Yes I am quite proud of that pun, thank you.
As you might have guessed, Jack is in quite an unfortunate position. That collar around his neck isn’t just because it looks kinky. Fortunately, the order that captured him weren’t going to use him for slavery, but the bad news was that he was trapped in a dark place, devoid of all feeling. He was buried like unpleasant secret, locked away and eventually forgotten.
Poor Jack gets to suffer a similar fate as he does in the normal universe.
Fortunately, sunshine will find Jack in this universe as well several years later.
This world is a fantasy setting similar to a lot of JRPGs, with magic creating fantastic technology, but it has a strong medieval feel in ways. There are monarchies and nobility as well as monsters and magical races.
Alice was born into nobility. Although her family is a very loving one, there were duties expected of her due to her bloodline. The life of nobility can be cutthroat, with those aiming to destroy other noble houses for their own political gain, or unite via marriages.
This is especially true if they are engaged to be married to the next crown prince.
Despite it being an arranged marriage, Alice and Ian were close. They grew up together, were friends, and fell in love. It was like a fairytale...
And, like many fairytales, this one involves a curse.
No one knows who cast it, but there were plenty of suspects. It could have been a rival family that wanted their daughter to marry Ian instead. It could have been a curse meant for the crown prince, but due to the royal family’s supposed divine protection, it struck his fiancée in his place. It could even have been just the cruel whim of a wicked witch.
Whatever the case, the results were the same; Alice was one day transformed into a beastly creature.
This resulted in chaos of course, but for the most part, to protect the dignity of Alice, her family, and the royal family, it was kept a secret. Alice was hidden away under the story of being sick while others searched for the culprit and the cure. Crown prince Ian swore he would do whatever it took to cure Alice. He loved her even in her hideous cursed state.
Unfortunately, the more time passed without answers or a solution in sight, unrest set in. The queen especially was repulsed by the idea of her child marrying a hideous monster, no matter how Ian protested. The king was at best indifferent, not dissolving the engagement over the incident, but he refused to allow the marriage to proceed unless Alice was cured.
The secret slowly leaked, as secrets tend to do when money and political intrigue is involved. Pressure was put to annul engagement so that Ian could marry someone else. Noble families sent their attractive and clever members of the same age as him to strengthen bonds with him as it were
At first, Ian resisted all temptations and arguments. He was determined to marry Alice, but as time slipped away and they spent less and less time together, it was hard for his attention not to stray.
Alice had to remain hidden away in her family’s manor. Ian could only rarely visit her, and they mostly kept in communication via magic and letters. It left them both feeling lonely and missing each other.
At first, Alice refused to let Ian see her in her hideous state, but with time he managed to convince her that he still loved her regardless. When she finally allowed him to see what had become of her, he was shocked and horrified, but he managed to reassure her that it didn’t matter. The only one he wanted to marry was her. He loved her.
Alice believed Ian. He was her prince charming who would save her from her curse. He would never forsake her.
I think you can see where this is going.
Much like in the regular universe, time apart, popularity, and temptations of the flesh made Ian stray.
Stricken with guilt, Ian confessed what he did... and Alice couldn’t handle his betrayal.
The engagement was broken. Even if royalty aren’t exactly known for remaining loyal to their spouses, Alice’s family loved her enough to put an end to the engagement for her sake. Ian did everything he could to apologize and make amends, but Alice refused to see him. His constant visits trying to see her, gifts, and messages just made her heartbreak worse.
As word of the engagement being broken spread, there was also a rumor that Alice was going to a distant territory managed by her family to recover from her heartache. This allowed her to not only get some distance from Ian, but to lessen the risk of rumors spreading about her curse.
The place Alice went to live was a distant home surrounded by woods, isolating it from the rest of her world. Being betrayed by the person she loved and trusted the most shook her faith in people, and she insisted on living there alone, save for the occasional delivery of supplies and visitor.
Alice could have simply languished away in that place lamenting her fate, but instead she studied. She had an interest in magic that she had once been passionate about, but had to turn into an idle hobby when she wasn’t busy taking lessons as the future queen and spending time with Ian. Now she no longer had to worry about such distractions.
Perhaps it could help her find a cure for her curse when all other mages and scholars failed...
Time passed as Alice focused on improving her skills with magic and potions. Although Alice didn’t want anyone to see her in this state, she couldn’t help but feel lonely. One day, she was struck with the idea of having a familiar as a companion. Familiars are made from their master’s magic, essentially a piece of the mage given life. It could never betray her.
While engaged to the crown prince, Alice has access to the royal treasury at times. Ian would surprise her with presents that he technically shouldn’t have given away, but he was young, in love, and she was so keen to learn more about magic.
Despite the way things ended, Alice took some of those magical trinkets with her. One of those objects was a box, a medium meant to take some of her essence and create the familiar when the right ritual was performed.
Things go a little bit sideways when the box is already in use sealing away a being that is only similar to a familiar.
Luckily or unluckily, depending on your perspective, Alice just wound up releasing Jack from his box and forming a contract with him, binding them both together.
It was pretty surprising to the both of them, to put it lightly.
When ‘cubi are starved and in a weakened state, their colors are faded, and their eyes and markings won’t glow. Jack looked more like Joseph when Alice let him out, but with her magic feeding him due to their bond, he was his bright and colorful self again soon enough.
A lot of the dynamics between Alice and Jack are similar in this AU to the game universe. Jack can’t do anything Alice doesn’t want, and they can sense each other’s feelings and even thoughts. However, in this universe, Alice is aware of this, since that’s part of having a familiar, which allows her to guard her thoughts from him, if not her emotions.
While the situation is less than ideal for Jack... at the same time he finally feels what he was missing for so long. Alice is warm after he spent so many years sealed away in cold darkness, and he feels things from her that he never did from anyone else.
A pact with a familiar isn’t easily broken. Jack was also afraid that if it was broken, he would just go back into the box. He was still technically bound to it even as he was also bound to Alice. After learning about the hell he suffered when sealed away, she couldn’t bring herself to damn him like that, not when she could feel how terrified and desperate he was to never go back in there.
Jack offered to give Alice anything she wanted. He was ready to seduce her then and there.
Alice barked out a humorless laugh and told Jack that wasn’t a funny joke.
When visitors came over, Alice would wear heavy draping cloaks and veils to hide her body. When alone, she has less, so Jack saw her cursed appearance.
Jack didn’t see an issue with how Alice looked. In fact, her warmth and gentle heart drew him to her. It felt... good, but Alice had already been hurt before.
Instead of accepting sexual favors, Alice tentatively accepted his friendship instead.
So the two of them live together. Jack flirts with Alice, using his typical tactics that worked to draw people in before he got sealed away, being cheeky and seductive... and he finds that she responds when he was sincere instead. They form a genuine friendship and, as they grow closer, Jack eventually realizes that what he’s feeling for Alice, what he’s been missing all of his life, is love.
Eventually the two do fall in love after enough time getting to know and trust each other. Somehow Alice gets her curse cured as well. Maybe fitting with the fairytale theme, it could be cured through the power of true love... expressed through sex, since this is a story about incubi Jack after all.
I guess in this universe you can say Jack is a monster fucker as well as a demon?
Speaking of which, here’s a couple more ‘cubi headcanons that are on the spicier side.
The bond between them leaves a marking in Jack’s colors on Alice’s abdomen. Yes, it’s a “womb tattoo” since having some of Jack’s glowing markings being left behind as a sign of their bond would be fun.
The ‘cubi ability to appeal to their partner’s tastes isn’t just limited to appearance. The flavor of their cum can be altered to suit their tastes in a more literal sense.
Needless to say, Alice does not expect a vanilla cream finish the first time she gives Jack a blowjob.
A ‘cubi has amazing stamina and sometimes will savor their meal. Needless to say, Alice is going to have a hard time keeping up with Jack.
Though with access to magic, Alice has ways of potentially getting in some fun payback.
This is pretty much about all the headcanons I have at this time for this particular AU. I’m still unsure of Shaun and Nick’s roles in the universe, but I do know Barry is a merchant trader that Alice sometimes sells her magic potions to for extra money. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my really huge ramble about demon Jack that turned into an alternate version of Beauty and the Beast!
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hall0wedwyrm · 4 months
Minecraft Headcanons for the anniversary
Happy birthday to the biggest brainrot ive ever had.
I wanna share my own hcs for the Block People!! because I haven't escaped them in all of my conscious existance. I am required by law to also include Herobrine. Okay here you go <3
Steve is ancient. As the first mortal being, he's been around for a very long time and watched the world change countless times. They still find exploring very rewarding, as they're always finding new things.
think of the world as like... when you update the game and the unexplored chunks have the new content... its just like that.
Alex is not as old... but they are still very very old. As the second mortal being, they are not as experienced but they know a lot about the world. They're a thrill seeker, and they looove danger.
Steve still panics when they jump into danger, even though they have been together for centuries at this point.
Alex is a free spirit, but they also have their own comfort in their base and being in familiar territory
They're very much the kind of player who has the huuuuge main base with all of their mob farms and projects being close by or easily accessible, where Steve would just have their one home and expand accordingly (a room for... basically everything)
Now... Herobrine is like. THE Oldest Being. He literally made the Nether, and Mobs, which were already around when Steve first appeared.
I have this headcanon that Herobrine is the sibling of the End Poem entities? Where hes their cast out brother because he was 'messing with their perfect world' and they decided to put him in the world. He wanted there to be a challenge but they were having NONE of it
If you know Narinder from Cult of the Lamb... like that.
He got assigned as the ruler of monsters after the individual monarchs had acknowledged him as their Creator. He lives in the Nether.
He's currently working on his Overworld Mansion (i.e. Herobrine's Mansion if you remember) since his siblings presence has faded away, and hes jumping at the chance to adventure into the overworld. He's picked a spot thats nicely tucked away in a deep forest
Herobrine originally believed that Steve was made to be a mockery of his new form, but ended up getting attached to them instead.
He then met Alex and they unintentionally swept him off his feet. They were a very fresh breath of air in his life and he appreciates them greatly.
He thinks Steve is okay (Hes obsessed with them).
Yeah... i'm a Hero/Steve/Alex shipper. I'm also the enjoyer of Steve/Herobrine and Alex/Herobrine as stand alone items too... basically im very open to any variation of this ship i just love them together lmao.
Herosteve enemies to lovers
Hero is Pan, Alex is genderfluid bi and Steve is demiboy bi there you go
I love masc Alex... but i do also like Alex being buff and fem.
Although i do love they them Steve a lot too... maybe at somepoint Steve tried just they them and was like 'this is kinda cool and also i dont mind either'
The newer characters (Noor, Sunny, Ari, Zuri, Makena, Kai and Efe) have built a community spot together. They're like a smp server where they announce "hey guys I'm heading to the mines anyone wanna join?" and there ends up being a little team who heads out.
Alex and Steve are the cool mentors who visit sometimes and help out. Alex brings cool trinkets and rarer items while Steve provides extra blocks and food.
Steve's advice is shit but Alex is actually pretty good at it???
"You just gotta go find it" vs "Oh heres a detailed explanation of how to find what youre looking for"
Herobrine is the 'creature that hangs around in the shadows sometimes' and watches over them. He's not malevolent towards them, so they assume he's somekind of protective force
Ari and Sunny saw him first, and Kai n Zuri did not believe them when they told them. Efe though it was cool though, but Makena didn't leave their safe area for like a week until Noor reasoned with her and said it was probably nothing.
okay yeah im doing part 2 for this with world building headcanons and for the other guys because i made basic ideas for my interpretations of them but this is kinda long already
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axilarycobra · 1 year
Dragonets of Destiny LGTBQ+ Headcanons
I need to get going on posting these because I'm so behind (my school literally doesn't get out until THURSDAY). I'm just going to do the 1st arc protagonists right now because I like to make lots of headcanons about this stuff specifically (screw canon relationships) so it's probably long (*added note, it is long sry).
I already posted some of these on Insta and someone already commented on how it's hard to not debate me about these so please don't. They're just headcanons, they're mine, you don't have to believe them at all.
trans demiboy (he/they), gay, aromantic, polyamorous
quick note I want to make, I use trans demiboy to mean that Clay was afab. The distinction isn't that important, he'd still be a demiboy either way, it's just a little more specific to my hcs. For Glory, later on here who is a demigirl, hers just says demigirl because she was also afab.
This one evolved a lot over the *time frame (idk what it is)* that I've been making headcanons. Originally, Clay was just pan and that was it. Then, I was making a joke AU with my friend and Clay was trans in it but then I realized that I actually liked that so I decided to hc him as trans. The aromantic hc came with that just being a popular one with him, however, I don't hc him as aroace, I still like to think he has sexual attraction. Also, a lot of these come along with the polyamorous hc, that's because I ship them in relationships where they are with multiple dragons. I'll save those for another time since some get complicated.
genderfluid (she/her/they/them), lesbian, graysexual
Just like Clay (and all of these tbh), Tsunami has changed quite a bit. I originally hced her as just bi but I saw someone else hcing her as genderfluid and I liked that. There was a big spur in genderfluid hcs after I started to identify as genderfluid and that's visible throughout this. I also saw another person hcing her as lesbian which I think fit. The graysexual is a newer one, I didn't start hcing characters that until recently because I didn't even know what it was until recently, but I think it's a label that fits a lot of characters in my hcs.
demigirl (she/they), lesbian, asexual
Going to keep this one shorter. I always hced Glory as demigirl, that has never changed, but I used to hc her as bi. It wasn't until recently that I liked the lesbian hc. I'm actually not sure where the asexual hc came from but I like it, I think it fits well with the Glory that's portrayed in this hc AU I have.
transmasc (he/him), gay, demiromantic, asexual
Starflight has probably changed the most. He originally was just a cishet guy, like, the only one of all the main characters. Then I started to like the Starflight x Flame ship and I was like, "ok, that has to change now" so it did. Then I started to like the popular transmasc Starflight hc and I added that. A while ago, I started to experiment more with aromantic and asexual spectrum hcs because I didn't have a lot of them and believed that they are definitely more common than I had them portrayed throughout these hcs.
genderfluid/nonbinary (they/he/sun/sol), pan, aroflux, polyamorous
Sunny is the first character I had using neopronouns. I originally had them identifying as nonbinary but I also liked the genderfluid hc, ultimately, I decided that they could use both since that's kind of what I do. I know the aroace hc for Sunny is popular, but I like to think they still experience attraction, but it isn't always clear, hence aroflux. Sometimes sun feels attraction but it fluctuates. Also, the polyamorous hc comes along with the fact that I ship him in a relationship with multiple dragons, again, I'll save those for another day.
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asterism343 · 1 year
Duel Links NPC (Standard Duelist) Headcanons (all of these are my opinion and many may disagree):
The "Knight of Hanoi" in VRAINS World is actually a few different people that have the same avatar. One is the real deal, but the rest are cosplaying to scare people.
Fani is nonbinary, Vega is genderfluid and Sunny is transgender!
The Standard Duelists that can appear in any world are not based on any real people, but constructed AIs created to encourage more people to Duel (from the perspective of in-multiverse lore). The rest of the Standard Duelists are created from "memories", or something. (when i say "real people" here i mean real people in-multiverse)
The reason that certain VRAINS Standard Duelists can have different reactions to different characters but that doesn't happen in any other world is because the Duel Links multiverse connector whatevertheheck connected directly to Link VRAINS, so the Standard Duelists there have a much stronger "identity". (this is just my theory, not much evidence for this)
Unlike the variable Knight of Hanoi in VRAINS world, the Sector Security officer in 5D's World is always the same guy.
(Crack Theory): Josh used to exist in the world of the OCG Structures manga, he watched the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters anime as a kid but only ever played the game casually. One day, he somehow got iseakai'd into Duel Links. He's cocky because he thinks his knowledge of the "real world" will help him win, but in practice he's terrible at applying it. yes there is a yugioh manga where the yugioh franchise exists. really.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
aubrey! for the ask game:D?
erm yeth pleathe🤓*adjusts glasses*
Sexuality Headcanon: i have said it before and i will say it again i think aubrey is lesbian. idk whag it is. i think she might've had comphet for sunny idk tho🤫 (idk considering her childhood crush on sunny isnt actually canon but uts a thought)
this is mainly why i dont really like aubrey x male characters and why kimbrey is my fave<<33
Gender Headcanon: tbh i haven't really thought about it much. i really like transmasc aubrey but i dont hc her as transmasc yknow??? like i reflect onto her because she was literally me when i was little and the family issues and all that but ya its mostly me projecting. other than that i tgink you could say aubrey is transfem, transmasc, nb or whatever and id be like yeah cuz idk shes just aubrey
A ship I have with said character: kimbrey js very cute i loooove that one photo of them doing a fistbump. i love best friend dyanmics soooo mcuh
if i have to choose a more main stream ship itd probably be sunburn, specially omori x hs aubrey cuz i think sunnys little crush on her is cute. but i like transfem/genderfluid sunny x aubrey even more cuz again lesbian aubrey
A BROTP I have with said character: kelbrey!! kel and aubrey are gay best friends and i love their friendhsip so much. i can understand why people ship them cuz of their dynamic but i just prefer them platonically!!
A NOTP I have with said character: minus the obvious ones (such as maribrey...) i cant really see basil x aubrey romantically. i mean i dont have anything reallt against the ship i just cant see it working or them having feelings for each other
A random headcanon: kim has those like. i forgot what theyre called but those earrings that open ur earring hole and r like a ring i forgot the name and aubrey always thought they were super cool when she saw that kim got them so when they became closer kim pierced her ears and now aubrey has the same earrings. also post game in college i think shed get a few more piercings, on her ears and face (and probably gets some matching ones with kim :3)
General Opinion over said character: i think shes one of my favorite omori characters (i dont really have a tierlist but herand kel are so smrungjly to me so i call them my favs)
i think her trauma and story and personality is all really realistic and relatable and i love her character so much. she deserved so much better. i also kin her to an unhealthy amount but we dont talk about that
sorry for typis its 5 am j havent slept nya
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an-addams-kid · 3 years
My personal Addams Family headcanons! (I will be adding more when I come up with them).
Gomez: transmasc, goes by he/they, non binary, bisexual.
Morticia: transfem, she/her, woman, bisexual.
Fester: intersex, they/it, non binary, aroace.
Wednesday: cis, she/her, woman, lesbian.
Pugsley: cis, he/they, man, gay.
Pubert: intersex, any pronouns, non binary (genderfluid), aroace.
Ophelia: cis, she/they, non binary, bisexual and polyamorous.
Ophelia and Morticia have always been really close to each other, and even more when Morticia saved her from drowning when they were kids.
Ophelia grew up climbing trees and mostly learning from several different animals that lured the Frump’s house, which lead to her getting scratched and injured several times. Due to that, she’s filled with lots of scars and also has a muscular build, which makes her look rather bigger compared to the tall, lanky build of Morticia. Ophelia looks and sometimes even acts kind of feral overall.
Pubert looks a lot like Ophelia (remember that one scene in which they have blond hair and all? Yeah) and it kinda warms Morticia’s heart because it reminds her of her sister, to some extent. It’s also funny too see all the Addamses with black hair and dark clothes and gloomy personalities, and then theres Pubert. Blond with blue eyes and sometimes colourful clothes and a sunny personality.
Pugsley 🤝 Pubert 🤝 Ophelia: the blondes of the family.
Unless... Morticia is also a blonde but dyes her hair black... She's that kind of goth. It would make sense considering two out of three of their kids are blonde.
Gomez doesn’t have the top surgery done and he’s not intending to get it anytime soon. He does take his t tho, and gave it up while getting the kids.
While Gomez gave up t, Morticia gave up the estrogen in solidarity for Gomez.
Wearing braids in the family (from the Frump’s side of the family) is extremely important for them. Whichever member of the family that wears them won’t be able to take them off until they find their true love -whether it is from themselves or from others, and it doesn’t have to be romantic or sexual either- and no one else is able to take care of their hair except for themselves or someone they have in great esteem, like a mother, a sister or a lover. At first it was only intended for women to wear the braids but as the time passed anyone was allowed to wear them.
The day after Gomez and Morticia got married, she was brushing her hair while Gomez stared at her in awe, both bc his now wife is oh so beautiful and because they have a really strong respect for family traditions, both his and other’s. She realised Gomez was staring at her and decided to give them the hair brush, to which he reacted both surprised and excited. The man was VIBRATING with excitement. “Would you do me the honour of brushing my hair, please?” Of course, he said yes. And since then, every morning they wake up from their slumber and Gomez gently brushes Morticia’s hair.
At some point, when Wednesday was little, most specifically, you could see the three of them sat in line: Gomez brushing Morticia’s hair, Morticia brushing Wednesday’s and Wednesday brushing her bodyless doll’s.
Gomez is basically the hairdresser of the family, for he also cuts everyone’s hair, including his.
Pubert has blond, rather curly hair that reaches approximately their jaw, with two long strands of hair in either side of his face, which she braids in order to keep the family tradition going. (If you know who Aurora Aksnes is, that hairstyle but curlier and rather golden)
Both Gomez and Pugsley have adhd and autism. Gomez special interests are swords and trains and Pugley’s are road signs and bombs.
The Addams Credo “Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatus Nunc” was actually created by a roman ancestor of them, who was extremely drunk and thought it was a great idea to write something that will last for eternity while drunk. None of the Addams know latin so they just assumed it was well written.
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nerdblob · 3 years
There are times when Sirius is feeling more feminine and during these times they can enter the girls dormitory in Gryffindor tower without the stairs falling and I’m going to discuss the first time this happened.  
 Sirius had been confused about their gender for a while but refused to tell ANYONE 
 They don’t know what’s going on with their gender cause sometimes the whole male shit makes them feel so uncomfortable but other times it’s fine and sometimes they just feel so feminine but they’re always comfortable with gender neutral stuff but there’s sometimes when they’re only comfortable with gender neutral stuff so it is confusing them a lot
Set the scene: Sirius is 16 and so its 6th yr. - it’s a Sunday, it’s sunny outside, there’s quidditch practice, Peter and Remus are planning a prank in the library and so there’s not many people in the common room, no one that would notice anyway Sirius anyway
 Sirius is feeling quite feminine today and she is obviously quite confused but feels like maybe she’s somehow faking it and it’s got to be a lie so she’s determined to try the girls dormitory stairs, she’s pretty sure she’s seen most of the girls in Gryffindor 6th yr. go outside so she thought that it was a good time to give this a go. 
She looked at the stairs and breathed in a deep breath before slowly stepping on the first step. It stayed - didn’t move, a smile was battling to show on her face but she didn’t let it ,she couldn’t get her hopes up.
 She went up another step -  it stayed and then another and the smile finally broke free on her face and she ran up the stairs, chucking open the girls dormitory door stumbling in and shutting it behind her.
But to her surprise and absolute horror Lily Evans was sitting on her bed staring at Sirius in confusion “How in the ever love of merlin did you get in here?! I swear if this is something of Potters doing I’ll hex you” Lily stated with venom. 
Once Sirius realised Lily’s presence, suddenly the whole shock that she could actually get up the stairs crashed onto her as she slumped to the floor and tears of shock, bewilderment and a few of happiness came over her.
 Although confused at the fact Sirius black is in her dorm on the floor crying Lily Evans is the amazing Lily Evans and so her first thought is to comfort Sirius before asking any questions. 
 “Hey Sirius it’s ok -  it’s ok” she slowly walks towards Sirius and sits next to her, a bewildered and scared look sits etched across Sirius’ face - once the initial happiness had passed the implication of this dawned on her; she could get in the girls dormitory, meaning she was in some part a girl? but that didn’t feel right and she didn’t know what to do - the Potters had only just accepted her into their home, she doesn’t want to give them reason to kick her out so the tears continued to trickle down her face.
 Lily put a comforting arm around Sirius as she tried to process what was going on. After a couple minutes Sirius’ tears stopped and she wiped away her tears looking down at the floor she mumbled a soft “I’m sorry” 
“hey there’s nothing to be sorry about - it just I’m wondering if you could explain what happened there” Lily said as she wiped a stray tear off Sirius’ face. “Umm happiness confusion and fear definitely fear I am scared as fuck and I hate to admit that” this only confused Lily more. 
“Could you maybe explain to me why you are feeling these emotions? - it’s the only way I can help” and so for the first time ever Sirius began to explain her predicament “I umm well I’ve been confused for a long long time and I don’t know sometimes all the being called a guy stuff makes me so uncomfortable and other times it’s fine, sometimes I feel so feminine and then there’s others where I hate those both and feel neutral about it and I don’t know I’m so confused,  been confused for a while actually and today the stairs bloody worked - the stairs let me up and I don’t know I’m just so scared I feel think I’m broken”
Lily listened to it all whilst racking her brain for answers, finding one in a muggle book she brought over the summer. “you’re not broken” she said simply whilst standing up to collect the book from her trunk 
 Lily sat back down placing the book in front of the Sirius ,who was still sat against the door, “what’s this?” Sirius asked but got no answer as Lily flicked through the pages of the book “ here, genderfluid” she said accomplished at her finding pointing to the page heading 
“what?” Sirius asked and so Lily began to explain “it’s when someone’s gender is fluid so like there can be times when they feel one gender and times they feel like another ” 
A smile began creeping its way over Sirius’  face “do you think that’s what I am?”  she asked determined now that she thought there could be an answer “I don’t know” said Lily, “but it fits with what u explained” 
“ yeah it does. I think - I think I might be genderfluid” Sirius stated as the  smile took over her face and she apprehensively looked over to Lily “well I accept you“    “thanks Evans“ 
“I’m not broken” she whispered quietly to herself
( I know its not that good but I like my idea so :] )
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shiftywing · 3 years
share ur headcanons
mwahaha okay!! uhh i'm just gonna list them as they come to me so here we goooo
aroace clay!!
i can't make up my mind between bi/lesbian tsunami but,,,genderfluid mayhaps??
transmasc starflight....he just gives off big he/they energy
demi-girl moon....also i headcanon her as bi!
i fluctuate between gay/bi winter at times but mostly just see him as gay😅 blame my self-projection habits lol
trans lesbian peril bc yeahhhh (maybe ace as well i haven't made up my mind)
turtle is also trans! and bi
qibli's bi as well...love how this has been pretty much accepted by all the fandom lmfaoo
pan kinkajou is canon tui told me herself
snowfall and lynx are lesbians and in love <3
same with sundew and willow
non-binary hailstorm,,,
darkstalker, clearsight, and fathom were all bi
listener was definitely a lesbian and i love her
pan whiteout!! pan whiteout!!!
flame's gay,
nonbinary aroace sky bc i said so
all of the sandwing sisters...lesbians
and glacier
and carnelian
sunny and glory are aroace too actually
I probably would've added more but pride month's almost over and i waited until the last moment to post these soooo...here ya go lol.
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dinagothsdress · 3 years
Metal Gear LGBTQ Headcanons: Updated
OK so I made one of these when I just got back into MGS after several years away from it. It wasn't very well written though as I did most of it at like 3am and falling asleep, but also I hadn't fully reacquainted myself with everyone yet. So, here's a new and improved LGBTQ headcanons post! (with a lot of canon influence tbf)
This heavily focuses on sexuality over gender because to be honest my gender headcanons for many characters fluctuates so often that it would be redundant to put them all down as "variable based on the whims of Armel's genderfluid ass". Basically though quite a lot of characters can be transgender when I feel like it, or remain their AGAB (or at least aligned with such) when I feel like it. Anyone who I have a more solid (heh) gender headcanon for will get mentioned, but if it's not just assume I could see them as either cis or trans depending on my mood at that moment.
Characters are listed by the game they debuted in (release order), then alphabetically. Also it's under the cut bc it gets LONG
side note: wow this series is bisexual af and so am i
Metal Gear 1
Big Boss is bisexual. He's also polyamorous.
Fox is bisexual.
Snake is bisexual with a preference for men, as well as agender/demiboy (any pronouns). Also headcanon him as trans (i.e. AFAB) more often than not. To elobarate: he doesn't really identify with gender as a concept, it's just never been that important to him. He likes having a masculine body, but otherwise is completely indifferent to things like clothing, gender roles, and pronouns.
Metal Gear 2
Campbell is cishet.
Kaz Miller is bisexual and polyamorous.
Metal Gear Solid
Liquid is gay.
Mantis is asexual, demiromantic, queerplatonic, and agender (they preferred, he accepted). AGAB varies.
Mei Ling is bisexual and AFAB demigirl (she/they).
Meryl is biromantic, greysexual, and cis.
Ocelot is gay. Home of sexual. Whopping huge fruity man. The fact that some people insist he's not is hilarious to me, because even in a series absolutely full of queer coding he really stands out. He is not straight/bi/pan and I will die on this hill. Also he's not polyamorous by default, but he'll make an exception for BB+Kaz.
Otacon is bisexual. I lean heavily towards cis for him too, but not always.
Raven is the token cishet of FOXHOUND.
Wolf is bisexual.
Sons of Liberty
Emma is cishet.
Fortune is queer.
Olga is bisexual and a demigirl (she/her).
Raiden is transmasculine, non-binary, and bisexual with a preference for women (he/they). If you're wondering how he got Rose pregnant, this is a series that features advanced medical/scientific methods, genetic engineering and asexual reproduction. [EVA voice] Figure it out~
Solidus is gay and cisgender, though in the public eye he's straight (America wasn't/isn't ready for an out gay president hfghf;dg)
Vamp is bisexual, obviously.
Snake Eater
EVA is bisexual and cis.
Paramedic is cishet.
Raikov is gay.
Sigint is cishet.
The Boss is bisexual and cisgender.
The Sorrow is cishet.
Volgin is bisexual and cis.
Zero is ace-spec, biromantic and cis.
Guns of the Patriots
Sunny is too young for me to comfortably headcanon as she is, but I imagine her growing up to be some form of m-spec like her dads. Probably pan tbh.
Peace Walker
Amanda is a butch lesbian.
Cecile is bisexual, cisgender, and polyamorous.
H*ey is cishet (derogatory).
Paz is bisexual, but very closeted/in denial. Also cis.
Strangelove is lesbian. She is not bisexual in my eyes; she canonically only married H*ey so he could be a sperm donor for her and The Boss's genius child.
Metal Gear Rising
(I'm not as familiar w MGR's lore as the main series so these are based on vibes more than actual character analysis, be forewarned)
Armstrong is cishet.
Courtney is bisexual and cis.
Mistral is a lesbian.
Monsoon is gay.
Sam is pansexual and nonbinary (he/they).
Sundowner is cishet.
The Phantom Pain (+GZ)
Skull Face is cishet.
Quiet is bi with a preference for women, as well as asexual and genderqueer (she/they). Or, as I said in my original LGBT headcanons post: she's straight for Venom and Venom only.
Venom Snake is demisexual and biromantic. Also headcanon him as trans (FTM) more often than not tbh.
Finally, you have reached the end! As a reward here are my main MGS ships just so you can see how some of these headcanons play out.
BONUS: My Main MGS Ships
Bosselhira polycule :3 (also Bosselot/BBKaz/Ocelhira)
Liquidmantis QPR
VKaz (+MKaz but they never acted on it at the time)
Meryl/Mei Ling
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sunnysviolin · 4 years
Okay sorry for another comment but I saw the trans Hero HC and just, yes, also sup big trans mood over here too high five o/ . But yeah both trans Hero and NB Basil are so good and tbh I almost expect Kel is like, some measure of NB but literally no one thinks to really ask it just kinda comes out and he’s like “my gender? Oh yeah I think I lost that in 9th grade and haven’t really found it since, must not have been important if I hadn’t noticed!” And everyone around him just looking at him wondering if he’s serious or joking.
This also, because of the official game fanart, has me come out with two fun HC for Sunny. One is trans Sunny who goes through almost zero effort to change stuff because he gets away with just being silent the entire time and by the time his body could go through any actual big major changes whoops he doesn’t eat well and basically ends up starting anything really late but also it doesn’t really affect him until then anyways because you can’t develop those secondary sex characteristics if you’re literally just skin and bones you dork.
But then also the ultimate HC: Sunny is genderfluid and the ability he has to seamlessly switch between looks when he feels like it is legendary. He seems to put the minimal amount of effort in it but every attempt would give someone whiplash to see it.
Hero: what’s your secret? Sunny: never speak or show any emotion. finger guns as he walks backwards and hits a tree
-------- Line Breakkkkk------
Okay @mussthemoose someone taught me how to do this (Shoutout to @trojaex....turns out old dogs can learn new tricks!!) 
First off trans people are a power untapped so jot that down o/*\o (is that two people high fiving? I like it! I’m gonna use it that way) I personally only headcanon Hero as trans and Sunny as NB, but let’s be real, the entire group could be on the spectrum of trans identities, because we tend to run in groups. Also Kel as NB 👀 I am looking I am watching 
Okay Kel would come out this way. I HC Kel as finding out he’s bi like in college, and so when he comes out he does so in a very outlandish way beause he can. Meanwhile everyone already knew.....bc Kel cannot keep a secret and also he posted pics of his boyfriend on snapchat so how were they not supposed to know!!
Genderfluid Sunny is so cute....I’m love them......I’ve written about Sunny wanting to wear dresses and skirts before, but now more must be written......
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shadowknightvylad · 3 years
Shadow Knights: Gender Identity and Sexualities, and Other Names
Ash: Nonbinary (They/Them), Asexual [Other names: Leaf, Stick]
Gene: Genderfluid (He/Him/She/Her/They/Them), Bisexual [Other Names: Marsh, Geanie]
Vylad: He/Him/They/Them, Pansexual [Other Names: Forest, Venus]
Laurance: He/Him, Bisexual [No other names]
Sasha: She/Her/They/Them, Questioning [Other Names: Sunny, Sal, Sam]
Zenix: He/Him/They/Them, Homosexual [Other Names: Flame]
Aaron: He/Him, Pansexual [No Other Names]
Vincent: They/Them (Recently discovered/realized), AroAce (Recently discovered/realized) [Other Names: Vinny, Vent]
(These are all my own personal headcanons, besides Ash's since Ash is an actual person, so their's are from what Ash has told me and revealed. Do not attack me, this is how I view each of them, and that might change in the future, but this is current standings.)
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axilarycobra · 1 year
Jade Winglet LGBTQ+ Headcanons
Round 2! I was gonna do just the 2nd arc protagonists but I decided to put Kinkajou, Umber, and Carnelian in here cause why not. Arc 3 protagonists will be next.
Also, just a quick heads up, almost every single one of these characters is polyamorous which I pretty much just give to characters who I headcanon being in relationships with multiple dragons. I just want to say that I DON'T headcanon all of these characters to be in a relationship with each other. Some are, but not all of them, especially Peril and Umber (Umber isn't even polyamorous). I said in my last part that I'm saving the relationship headcanons for another time so I won't elaborate on who is with who, but nothing is illegal.
trans demigirl (she/they), bi, demiromantic, asexual, polyamorous
Moon has actually stuck quite a bit to my original hc for her which started out as just being demigirl and bi. Then, as I mentioned in my dragonet of destiny part, I started to experiment more with asexual and aromantic spectrum identities for characters and I think that attraction for Moon is very rare and even when she does experience it, it is only romantic. Also, I hopped on the trans hc because I see it a lot and I do like it, but I also still like them as a demigirl. And, also stated in the last part, the polyamorous hc comes along with the fact that I hc her to be in a relationship with multiple partners.
trans masc (he/him), gay, polyamorous
Winter has also kind of stayed true to my original hc. I think that I hced him as gay from the beginning, maybe bi at the start of me doing headcanons. One of the newer additions is him being trans. I knew that it was popular but it only started to grow on me until recently, probably having to do with me realizing I'm trans, I found that a lot of that came alongside each other. You guys should all know what the polyamorous means at this point I hope.
transgender/genderfluid (she/her/they/sun), lesbian, demiromantic, asexual, polyamorous
I was always on the "Peril is trans" theory, from the beginning. I don't know why but I always preferred that it would be her who is trans rather than Sky, probably because I just liked her more. For the longest time though, I hced that she was straight which didn't change until too recently. Recently, I started to hc Peril as genderfluid, again, probably because I started to identify as that. I also think that she generally identifies as trans, genderfluid is just the more specific version of that. I don't know when the lesbian hc started but I really started to like it because I saw someone else hc her as a lesbian. Similarly to Moon, I feel like Peril doesn't experience attraction often, and that it's not something that can happen with a dragon she doesn't have a super close relationship with.
nonbinary (they/he/any), gay, polyamorous
From the beginning, I hced Turtle as demiboy (they/he), but I also started to like the idea that they went by all pronouns and didn't use too specific of labels, just going for nonbinary. I saw someone else hc them as gay and I liked it so that's where that came from.
transmasc (he/him), bi, polyamorous
Another character who doesn't have too different of a hc than when I first started doing them. I feel like Qibli is either universally accepted as bi or pan (I mean, it's kind of canon, isn't it?). I didn't start hcing him as trans though until recently when the popular hc grew on me. Many trans hcs became a lot more popular to me after I felt like I could now relate to them.
genderfluid (she/they/rain/mew/cae/any), pan, graysexual, polyamorous
Pronoun queen. I think Kinkajou was the first or second character I hced as using neopronouns (Sunny would be the other one but I forgot who came first). idk, I just think she'd use a lot of them. Kinkajou being pan is probably the literal most popular hc I would think. I also hc that she's on the asexual spectrum, I didn't really know where though, just, somewhere, not too far to one end or the other.
demiboy (he/they), gay
Now, Umber is confirmed gay and even if he wasn't, I would hc him as gay. I just hc him as demiboy because, idk, I like it.
transfem (she/her), lesbian, demisexual
I don't have a lot of good reasons for this, it was just what I believed when was making these hcs. I always hced her as lesbian but the demisexual came through during the acespec and arospec Renaissance and the trans hc is also recent.
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